stringlengths 2
| utterance_pitch_mean
float32 65.7
| utterance_pitch_std
float32 0
| snr
float64 6.6
| c50
float64 3.75
| speaking_rate
float64 0
| phonemes
stringlengths 0
| stoi
float64 0.4
| si-sdr
float64 -17.41
| pesq
float64 1.1
there can be unarmed specimens | 116.622864 | 5.925624 | 39.574177 | 57.716595 | 13.333333 | ðɛɹ kæn bi ʌnɑɹmd spɛsʌmʌnz | 0.971942 | 23.316156 | 2.115708 |
it was then confirmed by the website of the vatican radio | 127.372757 | 17.367901 | 28.325937 | 54.720383 | 15.507096 | ɪt wɑz ðɛn kʌnfɜ˞md baɪ ðʌ wɛbsaɪt ʌv ðʌ vætɪkʌn ɹeɪdioʊ | 0.965378 | 19.5749 | 1.887766 |
behind them lie the corpses of jimi hendrix elvis presley and sid vicious | 122.171135 | 7.664253 | 25.901859 | 59.682453 | 14.458445 | bɪhaɪnd ðɛm laɪ ðʌ kɔɹpsʌz ʌv dʒɪmi hɛndɹɪks ɛlvɪs pɹɛsli ʌnd sɪd vɪʃʌs | 0.979112 | 18.912331 | 2.046985 |
subsequently the thread is held to a textile process | 122.41011 | 25.274147 | 21.798317 | 59.274929 | 14.967545 | sʌbsʌkwʌntli ðʌ θɹɛd ɪz hɛld tu ʌ tɛkstaɪl pɹɑsɛs | 0.986376 | 18.303591 | 2.112167 |
they were lawyers in sofia before they start publishing | 127.802696 | 12.036838 | 39.912811 | 59.803337 | 15.445233 | ðeɪ wɜ˞ lɔjɜ˞z ɪn soʊfiʌ bɪfɔɹ ðeɪ stɑɹt pʌblɪʃɪŋ | 0.972432 | 19.212374 | 1.899671 |
this captivity was the first concentration camp in history | 127.193298 | 11.957287 | 29.895456 | 58.549347 | 14.68371 | ðɪs kæptɪvʌti wɑz ðʌ fɜ˞st kɑnsʌntɹeɪʃʌn kæmp ɪn hɪstɜ˞i | 0.984467 | 15.71736 | 1.974794 |
the band's repertoire came from the traditional music of sussex | 118.76667 | 11.213526 | 55.488937 | 59.887466 | 18.164899 | ðʌ bænd'ɛs ɹɛpɜ˞twɑɹ keɪm fɹʌm ðʌ tɹʌdɪʃʌnʌl mjuzɪk ʌv sʌsɪks | 0.988507 | 24.738411 | 2.533236 |
captain nintendo was drawn completely by hand | 132.529938 | 19.37866 | 28.620647 | 29.039701 | 15.802469 | kæptʌn nɪntɛndoʊ wɑz dɹɔn kʌmplitli baɪ hænd | 0.977471 | 23.118591 | 2.342196 |
it adjoin on the south with roque del faro neighborhood | 121.826286 | 22.282402 | 27.027964 | 48.216251 | 15.867233 | ɪt ʌdʒɔɪn ɑn ðʌ saʊθ wɪð ɹoʊk dɛl fɛɹoʊ neɪbɜ˞hʊd | 0.985708 | 10.128564 | 2.341122 |
they most turned on their relationship with music in composition | 120.311714 | 14.105083 | 22.627369 | 59.576267 | 15.539095 | ðeɪ moʊst tɜ˞nd ɑn ðɛɹ ɹileɪʃʌnʃɪp wɪð mjuzɪk ɪn kɑmpʌzɪʃʌn | 0.967094 | 18.025543 | 1.822815 |
it is distributed in the main ranges of europe | 120.482796 | 10.566356 | 43.167679 | 59.851501 | 17.1925 | ɪt ɪz dɪstɹɪbjʌtʌd ɪn ðʌ meɪn ɹeɪndʒʌz ʌv jʊɹʌp | 0.939378 | 17.010899 | 1.854363 |
this caused severe damage in the tail rotor | 117.271019 | 5.847155 | 17.60421 | 59.821899 | 13.594771 | ðɪs kɑzd sʌvɪɹ dæmʌdʒ ɪn ðʌ teɪl ɹoʊtɜ˞ | 0.937772 | 8.384545 | 1.376184 |
he carried out two shows at the same time with his paints and illustrations | 177.836166 | 41.788681 | 62.821358 | 56.327679 | 15.679493 | hi kæɹid aʊt tu ʃoʊz æt ðʌ seɪm taɪm wɪð hɪz peɪnts ʌnd ɪlʌstɹeɪʃʌnz | 0.981133 | 18.805317 | 2.847363 |
later he played for new chicago where he became the captain | 175.12709 | 11.083287 | 72.163177 | 58.468975 | 16 | leɪtɜ˞ hi pleɪd fɔɹ nu ʃʌkɑɡoʊ wɛɹ hi bɪkeɪm ðʌ kæptʌn | 0.990842 | 24.012571 | 3.098056 |
he is in the united states | 210.039474 | 19.804155 | 54.36005 | 58.948429 | 15.841584 | hi ɪz ɪn ðʌ junaɪtɪd steɪts | 0.954265 | 27.565882 | 2.821095 |
he traveled three times to explore africa | 178.469528 | 31.344833 | 47.955643 | 59.817638 | 15.1131 | hi tɹævʌld θɹi taɪmz tu ɪksplɔɹ æfɹʌkɑ | 0.996951 | 25.667543 | 3.279879 |
chesterton finally finds the plant in the western mountain range of colombia | 176.791489 | 30.567827 | 52.364803 | 53.411934 | 17.993702 | tʃɛstɜ˞tʌn faɪnʌli faɪndz ðʌ plænt ɪn ðʌ wɛstɜ˞n maʊntʌn ɹeɪndʒ ʌv kʌlʌmbiʌ | 0.996314 | 27.891016 | 3.835991 |
he waited for the muslims who were left behind | 172.794373 | 16.14254 | 55.764618 | 50.859467 | 19.172113 | hi weɪtɪd fɔɹ ðʌ mʌzlʌmz hu wɜ˞ lɛft bɪhaɪnd | 0.983802 | 19.595249 | 2.728033 |
they are currently not being used | 160.195328 | 41.926083 | 51.073021 | 59.785942 | 15.912209 | ðeɪ ɑɹ kɜ˞ʌntli nɑt biɪŋ juzd | 0.993559 | 21.293667 | 3.204787 |
the rhythm is set by the drums which are generally played by the singer | 182.361603 | 19.142986 | 54.471489 | 59.847176 | 19.957781 | ðʌ ɹɪðʌm ɪz sɛt baɪ ðʌ dɹʌmz wɪtʃ ɑɹ dʒɛnɜ˞ʌli pleɪd baɪ ðʌ sɪŋɜ˞ | 0.996157 | 28.074984 | 4.037872 |
he collaborates with many magazines such as bohemia and apex | 165.728516 | 33.585068 | 50.499687 | 58.634174 | 13.696715 | hi wɪð mɛni mæɡʌzinz sʌtʃ æz boʊhimiʌ ʌnd eɪpɛks | 0.95328 | 16.757576 | 2.543294 |
on that season the team finally qualifies to participate again in the first league | 176.160797 | 21.676968 | 56.6409 | 59.544468 | 17.65684 | ɑn ðæt sizʌn ðʌ tim faɪnʌli kwɑlʌfaɪz tu pɑɹtɪsʌpeɪt ʌɡɛn ɪn ðʌ fɜ˞st liɡ | 0.992072 | 21.144489 | 3.002964 |
although he was an important poet details about his life are unknown | 169.480438 | 10.116476 | 73.268196 | 59.27243 | 16.634178 | ɔlðoʊ hi wɑz æn ɪmpɔɹtʌnt poʊʌt dɪteɪlz ʌbaʊt hɪz laɪf ɑɹ ʌnnoʊn | 0.956057 | 22.07303 | 3.186543 |
she starred in mary helen and guadalupe in telemundo | 185.354904 | 19.088312 | 55.480293 | 58.629219 | 16.221808 | ʃi stɑɹd ɪn mɛɹi hɛlʌn ʌnd ɡwɑdʌlup ɪn tɛlʌmundoʊ | 0.978133 | 24.621992 | 3.084902 |
there were two pipes and internal one and an external one | 177.909683 | 37.910328 | 39.079857 | 58.923294 | 19.512196 | ðɛɹ wɜ˞ tu paɪps ʌnd ɪntɜ˞nʌl wʌn ʌnd æn ɪkstɜ˞nʌl wʌn | 0.981388 | 19.599861 | 2.20209 |
he is also a member of the disciplinary team of the educational program of his ideal city | 179.003769 | 18.218365 | 49.495323 | 50.291153 | 17.558299 | hi ɪz ɔlsoʊ ʌ mɛmbɜ˞ ʌv ðʌ dɪsʌplʌnɛɹi tim ʌv ðʌ ɛdʒʌkeɪʃʌnʌl pɹoʊɡɹæm ʌv hɪz aɪdil sɪti | 0.974095 | 11.351563 | 2.763634 |
they are usually served cold | 178.318817 | 20.539137 | 60.648949 | 58.717949 | 15.686274 | ðeɪ ɑɹ juʒʌwʌli sɜ˞vd koʊld | 0.90166 | 21.350662 | 1.66319 |
the name was accepted in the british antarctic toponomy | 184.441177 | 19.302202 | 40.1577 | 57.9398 | 14.485597 | ðʌ neɪm wɑz æksɛptɪd ɪn ðʌ bɹɪtɪʃ æntɑɹktɪk | 0.97824 | 22.314892 | 2.631048 |
its territorial area matched the extremadura region | 171.989288 | 27.439486 | 47.432693 | 56.824699 | 13.087935 | ɪts tɛɹɪtɔɹiʌl ɛɹiʌ mætʃt ðʌ ɹidʒʌn | 0.983555 | 15.009349 | 2.715592 |
author of over a dozen books | 130.101227 | 33.639946 | 25.770157 | 59.028633 | 14.673721 | ɔθɜ˞ ʌv oʊvɜ˞ ʌ dʌzʌn bʊks | 0.972501 | 6.499074 | 1.815421 |
al afdal fled on a boat | 160.427719 | 40.587368 | 58.707508 | 45.558281 | 10.666667 | æl flɛd ɑn ʌ boʊt | 0.990684 | 22.062485 | 2.629711 |
the first space voyage trip as many other first voyages had several difficulties which had to be overcome | 162.440445 | 23.234068 | 70.662079 | 59.441254 | 18.011933 | ðʌ fɜ˞st speɪs vɔɪʌdʒ tɹɪp æz mɛni ʌðɜ˞ fɜ˞st vɔɪʌdʒʌz hæd sɛvɹʌl dɪfʌkʌltiz wɪtʃ hæd tu bi oʊvɜ˞kʌm | 0.982055 | 19.364832 | 2.840263 |
its exact position and validity are uncertain and they vary as per each author | 170.930481 | 16.845577 | 65.849976 | 59.875179 | 17.630855 | ɪts ɪɡzækt pʌzɪʃʌn ʌnd vʌlɪdʌti ɑɹ ʌnsɜ˞tʌn ʌnd ðeɪ vɛɹi æz pɜ˞ itʃ ɔθɜ˞ | 0.96333 | 24.434713 | 2.716669 |
the places are chosen for the trajectory of the procession of the virgin | 174.274567 | 15.284286 | 44.098003 | 59.59959 | 21.407795 | ðʌ pleɪsʌz ɑɹ tʃoʊzʌn fɔɹ ðʌ tɹʌdʒɛktɜ˞i ʌv ðʌ pɹʌsɛʃʌn ʌv ðʌ vɜ˞dʒɪn | 0.991274 | 20.194963 | 3.260113 |
if so the function provides said outcome | 183.872162 | 15.497776 | 70.050636 | 59.609165 | 13.78989 | ɪf soʊ ðʌ fʌŋkʃʌn pɹʌvaɪdz sɛd aʊtkʌm | 0.993808 | 23.929426 | 3.220728 |
the goring is strong | 176.723969 | 25.569208 | 35.565182 | 42.193512 | 11.71404 | ðʌ ɡɔɹɪŋ ɪz stɹɔŋ | 0.987612 | 26.486729 | 3.119758 |
his nursery acquired international prestige | 169.199966 | 12.448326 | 57.454502 | 53.968758 | 15.776815 | hɪz nɜ˞sɜ˞i ʌkwaɪɜ˞d ɪntɜ˞næʃʌnʌl pɹɛstiʒ | 0.987093 | 26.098263 | 3.241501 |
he collaborated with rigoberto cruz and with víctor tirado lopez | 180.11116 | 30.400986 | 41.189667 | 59.210957 | 13.761629 | hi kʌlæbɜ˞eɪtɪd wɪð kɹuz ʌnd wɪð tɪɹɑdoʊ loʊpɛz | 0.983025 | 18.94973 | 2.230036 |
diagnosis with clinical records and examination | 168.622375 | 14.563832 | 40.75349 | 59.654045 | 18.148148 | daɪʌɡnoʊsʌs wɪð klɪnʌkʌl ɹʌkɔɹdz ʌnd ɪɡzæmʌneɪʃʌn | 0.981952 | 27.670944 | 3.374419 |
the clustering of amoebas generally occurs as convergent flows | 179.481628 | 24.9736 | 48.794979 | 58.817219 | 16.72869 | ðʌ klʌstɜ˞ɪŋ ʌv ʌmibʌz dʒɛnɜ˞ʌli ʌkɜ˞z æz kʌnvɜ˞dʒʌnt floʊz | 0.994068 | 26.1518 | 3.510164 |
the baptismal font originated in the middle ages | 175.238739 | 13.501445 | 58.779362 | 50.385418 | 18.978455 | ðʌ bæptɪzmʌl fɑnt ɜ˞ɪdʒʌneɪtʌd ɪn ðʌ mɪdʌl eɪdʒʌz | 0.902094 | 13.446828 | 1.809556 |
the animal has an olive green color with a white strip over its hip | 186.315277 | 22.706379 | 55.459442 | 47.912151 | 19.858157 | ðʌ ænʌmʌl hæz æn ɑlʌv ɡɹin kʌlɜ˞ wɪð ʌ waɪt stɹɪp oʊvɜ˞ ɪts hɪp | 0.948669 | 20.299177 | 2.171201 |
the last four stop participating | 156.996429 | 36.510422 | 60.119587 | 57.755657 | 16.460905 | ðʌ læst fɔɹ stɑp pɑɹtɪsʌpeɪtɪŋ | 0.984715 | 15.86333 | 3.064724 |
likewise he was considered the founder of the scandinavian legal royalism movement | 175.115219 | 15.211247 | 64.465202 | 54.144737 | 15.355501 | laɪkwaɪz hi wɑz kʌnsɪdɜ˞d ðʌ faʊndɜ˞ ʌv ðʌ skændɪneɪviʌn liɡʌl muvmʌnt | 0.980464 | 21.105499 | 3.292809 |
these last ones matched the area located at the south of the region | 176.224701 | 97.145622 | 53.900921 | 35.534325 | 17.213404 | ðiz læst wʌnz mætʃt ðʌ ɛɹiʌ loʊkeɪtʌd æt ðʌ saʊθ ʌv ðʌ ɹidʒʌn | 0.950059 | 6.581841 | 1.241965 |
the massacre was perpetrated by the armed forces of peru | 163.788834 | 19.54438 | 60.750103 | 59.553726 | 17.486339 | ðʌ mæsʌkɜ˞ wɑz pɜ˞pʌtɹeɪtɪd baɪ ðʌ ɑɹmd fɔɹsɪz ʌv pɜ˞u | 0.995083 | 27.62262 | 3.837027 |
this happened due to a work with the ars vivendi line | 184.536667 | 23.45723 | 62.137169 | 58.347225 | 15.613218 | ðɪs hæpʌnd du tu ʌ wɜ˞k wɪð ðʌ vɪvɛndi laɪn | 0.983753 | 25.963699 | 3.997391 |
he is almost always with a band of six multipurpose and interchangeable musicians | 177.108353 | 33.636375 | 55.675819 | 55.753628 | 17.734522 | hi ɪz ɔlmoʊst ɔlweɪz wɪð ʌ bænd ʌv sɪks mʌltipɜ˞pʌs ʌnd ɪntɜ˞tʃeɪndʒʌbʌl mjuzɪʃʌnz | 0.957443 | 17.689779 | 2.464713 |
each world has at least a mechanism used to solve puzzles and to acquire tickets | 155.615265 | 29.596991 | 32.37561 | 56.908211 | 17.160017 | itʃ wɜ˞ld hæz æt list ʌ mɛkʌnɪzʌm juzd tu sɑlv pʌzʌlz ʌnd tu ʌkwaɪɜ˞ tɪkʌts | 0.98242 | 6.417729 | 1.603368 |
it is part of the anglican diocese of namibia | 168.821701 | 18.848543 | 58.220776 | 52.350338 | 17.737466 | ɪt ɪz pɑɹt ʌv ðʌ æŋɡlʌkʌn daɪʌsiz ʌv nʌmɪbiʌ | 0.952796 | 24.709408 | 2.339731 |
it was designed to execute couplings with space stations | 171.476685 | 15.259283 | 50.147285 | 47.334751 | 17.256817 | ɪt wɑz dɪzaɪnd tu ɛksʌkjut kʌplɪŋz wɪð speɪs steɪʃʌnz | 0.991977 | 24.467136 | 3.496452 |
in said mission a first contact with the romulans was established | 212.432114 | 152.14064 | 49.691334 | 54.648838 | 13.845622 | ɪn sɛd mɪʃʌn ʌ fɜ˞st kɑntækt wɪð ðʌ wɑz ɪstæblɪʃt | 0.944073 | 11.577327 | 1.628984 |
adalberto martinez was married three times | 151.703979 | 21.691822 | 34.753471 | 48.712444 | 11.770675 | mɑɹtinɛz wɑz mɛɹid θɹi taɪmz | 0.970857 | 15.492978 | 2.181697 |
the international impact of the news about the publication was huge | 178.68959 | 13.854198 | 55.383675 | 59.37215 | 19.145299 | ðʌ ɪntɜ˞næʃʌnʌl ɪmpækt ʌv ðʌ nuz ʌbaʊt ðʌ pʌblɪkeɪʃʌn wɑz hjudʒ | 0.986911 | 26.430653 | 3.307352 |
he was not arrested but he was forced to leave the country definitively | 173.594345 | 33.091991 | 67.047714 | 56.410755 | 17.083751 | hi wɑz nɑt ɜ˞ɛstɪd bʌt hi wɑz fɔɹst tu liv ðʌ kʌntɹi dɪfɪnɪtɪvli | 0.985402 | 23.110035 | 3.068208 |
in some occasions jam or honey is be added | 209.995178 | 26.991232 | 57.853237 | 49.862076 | 14.354727 | ɪn sʌm ʌkeɪʒʌnz dʒæm ɔɹ hʌni ɪz bi ædʌd | 0.965272 | 17.391867 | 2.838088 |
the family is commercialized as part of the adobe web type pro typeface package | 209.536484 | 36.250961 | 62.362267 | 59.886551 | 19.496553 | ðʌ fæmʌli ɪz kʌmɜ˞ʃʌlaɪzd æz pɑɹt ʌv ðʌ ʌdoʊbi wɛb taɪp pɹoʊ taɪpfeɪs pækʌdʒ | 0.988954 | 14.573442 | 3.435694 |
small stigma capitated | 194.067307 | 41.936844 | 69.050446 | 59.789822 | 6.077873 | smɔl stɪɡmʌ | 0.996311 | 28.175983 | 4.021853 |
an example can be the filter used in cigarettes | 171.185501 | 22.897373 | 35.976112 | 58.912361 | 14.897579 | æn ɪɡzæmpʌl kæn bi ðʌ fɪltɜ˞ juzd ɪn sɪɡɜ˞ɛts | 0.960218 | 14.447211 | 1.619656 |
once there he starts giving guitar lessons in a school of priests | 170.690643 | 25.268913 | 56.065777 | 49.891609 | 16.239316 | wʌns ðɛɹ hi stɑɹts ɡɪvɪŋ ɡɪtɑɹ lɛsʌnz ɪn ʌ skul ʌv pɹists | 0.951281 | 18.804651 | 2.164022 |
then they started doing tours again until this date | 157.396225 | 30.811094 | 37.182278 | 59.66407 | 16.985138 | ðɛn ðeɪ stɑɹtɪd duɪŋ tʊɹz ʌɡɛn ʌntɪl ðɪs deɪt | 0.987594 | 22.922638 | 2.368794 |
the current measure was executed by the puppy brotherhood of sevilla | 166.315109 | 18.109861 | 40.352486 | 59.185192 | 16.700336 | ðʌ kɜ˞ʌnt mɛʒɜ˞ wɑz ɛksʌkjutɪd baɪ ðʌ pʌpi bɹʌðɜ˞hʊd ʌv sɛvɪlʌ | 0.976333 | 18.108961 | 2.950893 |
his colors are crimson and cream | 165.673615 | 28.295315 | 58.252213 | 59.741577 | 14.939309 | hɪz kʌlɜ˞z ɑɹ kɹɪmzʌn ʌnd kɹim | 0.982935 | 19.00544 | 3.041756 |
faces of people suddenly appeared in the walls | 155.540817 | 18.185328 | 56.163773 | 59.843761 | 15.594542 | feɪsʌz ʌv pipʌl sʌdʌnli ʌpɪɹd ɪn ðʌ wɔlz | 0.961308 | 17.850357 | 2.250245 |
it is located in the dry and sunlit bushes mainly over limestone | 153.44136 | 16.620054 | 63.280567 | 48.507675 | 16.095107 | ɪt ɪz loʊkeɪtʌd ɪn ðʌ dɹaɪ ʌnd sʌnlɪt bʊʃʌz meɪnli oʊvɜ˞ laɪmstoʊn | 0.965026 | 14.862408 | 2.516787 |
reached by our perception | 152.491394 | 26.573318 | 34.472916 | 59.129654 | 15.628816 | ɹitʃt baɪ aʊɜ˞ pɜ˞sɛpʃʌn | 0.916838 | 11.532662 | 1.442654 |
the santa fe aqueduct originated from this purchase | 148.213928 | 32.589329 | 44.874882 | 59.799107 | 17.269841 | ðʌ sæntʌ feɪ ækwʌdʌkt ɜ˞ɪdʒʌneɪtʌd fɹʌm ðɪs pɜ˞tʃʌs | 0.984472 | 15.216105 | 2.563425 |
he would stay with the leopoldo federico orchestra until his death | 162.294052 | 30.150612 | 50.113098 | 59.115574 | 15.634358 | hi wʊd steɪ wɪð ðʌ liʌpoʊldoʊ fɛdɜ˞ikoʊ ɔɹkʌstɹʌ ʌntɪl hɪz dɛθ | 0.990932 | 21.629356 | 3.006847 |
his name is in honor of the chilean patriot manuel rodriguez | 190.391769 | 34.017277 | 52.91851 | 24.483805 | 15.552204 | hɪz neɪm ɪz ɪn ɑnɜ˞ ʌv ðʌ tʃɪliʌn peɪtɹiʌt mɑnwɛl ɹɑdɹiɡɛz | 0.957821 | 21.198452 | 2.072558 |
these appointments were granted after her appointment as the minister of economy and finance | 161.884689 | 31.904276 | 47.95232 | 59.597614 | 18.450685 | ðiz ʌpɔɪntmʌnts wɜ˞ ɡɹæntʌd æftɜ˞ hɜ˞ ʌpɔɪntmʌnt æz ðʌ mɪnʌstɜ˞ ʌv ɪkɑnʌmi ʌnd fʌnæns | 0.987447 | 18.433317 | 2.408592 |
cynthia devino was a part of the band comanche and she stayed with them for twenty four years | 170.615021 | 37.356186 | 28.279379 | 59.508129 | 18.805522 | sɪnθiʌ dɪvinoʊ wɑz ʌ pɑɹt ʌv ðʌ bænd kʌmæntʃi ʌnd ʃi steɪd wɪð ðɛm fɔɹ twɛnti fɔɹ jɪɹz | 0.983891 | 20.541405 | 2.715462 |
it was used particularly for german soldiers for lutheran confessions | 167.195953 | 25.474453 | 37.001438 | 54.001122 | 18.17284 | ɪt wɑz juzd pɑɹtɪkjʌlɜ˞li fɔɹ dʒɜ˞mʌn soʊldʒɜ˞z fɔɹ luθɜ˞ʌn kʌnfɛʃʌnz | 0.948686 | 13.609897 | 2.322143 |
the bullet went through the temporal bone leaving him blind | 171.444702 | 9.441351 | 66.108696 | 58.667377 | 17.882971 | ðʌ bʊlʌt wɛnt θɹu ðʌ tɛmpɜ˞ʌl boʊn livɪŋ hɪm blaɪnd | 0.969647 | 23.779976 | 2.397685 |
later those buildings were occupied by posterior cultures and individuals | 169.978378 | 18.068106 | 54.851753 | 56.082138 | 15.020576 | leɪtɜ˞ ðoʊz bɪldɪŋz wɜ˞ ɑkjʌpaɪd baɪ pɔstɪɹjɜ˞ kʌltʃɜ˞z ʌnd ɪndʌvɪdʒʌwʌlz | 0.950914 | 14.033198 | 1.874551 |
it is believed he wrote fasti which is mentioned by macrobio | 150.511795 | 25.939121 | 49.806332 | 59.855579 | 10.117435 | ɪt ɪz bɪlivd hi ɹoʊt wɪtʃ ɪz mɛnʃʌnd baɪ | 0.99639 | 19.922583 | 2.804672 |
this format will continue until the great final of the tournament | 179.046753 | 26.231409 | 41.033394 | 55.103355 | 18.925732 | ðɪs fɔɹmæt wɪl kʌntɪnju ʌntɪl ðʌ ɡɹeɪt faɪnʌl ʌv ðʌ tʊɹnʌmʌnt | 0.963755 | 15.852429 | 1.977614 |
however ben states that jin is alive in the island | 164.828659 | 27.950016 | 70.893211 | 54.411777 | 14.890788 | haʊɛvɜ˞ bɛn steɪts ðæt dʒɪn ɪz ʌlaɪv ɪn ðʌ aɪlʌnd | 0.981743 | 27.369297 | 3.131265 |
the buyer dominates the negotiation and there is a moderate level of interdependence | 156.504288 | 35.564533 | 45.085323 | 56.635414 | 19.587789 | ðʌ baɪɜ˞ dɑmʌneɪts ðʌ nɪɡoʊʃieɪʃʌn ʌnd ðɛɹ ɪz ʌ mɑdɜ˞ʌt lɛvʌl ʌv ɪntɜ˞dʌpɛndʌns | 0.985242 | 21.302109 | 3.120605 |
dad started a party on the ranch | 95.484344 | 14.7647 | 45.922581 | 59.678814 | 15.56811 | dæd stɑɹtɪd ʌ pɑɹti ɑn ðʌ ɹæntʃ | 0.992191 | 27.125443 | 3.615649 |
his first movie was the conrad boys playing the character ben conrad | 100.463638 | 13.937287 | 43.933525 | 59.948406 | 14.698162 | hɪz fɜ˞st muvi wɑz ðʌ kɑnɹæd bɔɪz pleɪɪŋ ðʌ kɛɹɪktɜ˞ bɛn kɑnɹæd | 0.997005 | 25.674358 | 3.329907 |
he currently works as a solo performer | 101.188805 | 15.1507 | 31.28441 | 58.349857 | 17.119341 | hi kɜ˞ʌntli wɜ˞ks æz ʌ soʊloʊ pɜ˞fɔɹmɜ˞ | 0.995059 | 26.988434 | 3.499465 |
the band has not yet been published the second part | 94.318558 | 10.870653 | 43.9244 | 59.798195 | 17.362586 | ðʌ bænd hæz nɑt jɛt bɪn pʌblɪʃt ðʌ sɛkʌnd pɑɹt | 0.996699 | 25.415939 | 3.750488 |
it may progress to the generalized form or subsequently to fast course periodontitis | 96.336594 | 19.90979 | 53.61441 | 59.89904 | 12.39886 | ɪt meɪ pɹɑɡɹɛs tu ðʌ dʒɛnɜ˞ʌlaɪzd fɔɹm ɔɹ sʌbsʌkwʌntli tu fæst kɔɹs | 0.994814 | 21.798914 | 3.518506 |
they reappear as guests linked to its history | 109.453804 | 15.463297 | 46.212105 | 59.956032 | 14.814815 | ðeɪ ɹiʌpɪɹ æz ɡɛsts lɪŋkt tu ɪts hɪstɜ˞i | 0.993073 | 24.120905 | 3.586575 |
guarding the great royal seal is one of the lord chancellor's duties | 100.934166 | 11.450125 | 36.052525 | 58.437576 | 17.663818 | ɡɑɹdɪŋ ðʌ ɡɹeɪt ɹɔɪʌl sil ɪz wʌn ʌv ðʌ lɔɹd tʃænsʌlɜ˞'ɛs dutiz | 0.969265 | 21.92404 | 3.517971 |
he was born in a house near the cathedral of salto | 105.072289 | 16.287062 | 46.081573 | 59.645756 | 15.377403 | hi wɑz bɔɹn ɪn ʌ haʊs nɪɹ ðʌ kʌθidɹʌl ʌv | 0.993695 | 22.369564 | 3.20376 |
the crucifix is not the work of the master himself | 103.556068 | 16.946005 | 32.317123 | 59.789032 | 15.628816 | ðʌ kɹusʌfɪks ɪz nɑt ðʌ wɜ˞k ʌv ðʌ mæstɜ˞ hɪmsɛlf | 0.994043 | 23.432854 | 3.32148 |
the dealer is in charge of dealing all the cards to the players | 104.416321 | 18.536407 | 27.853514 | 59.850677 | 16.267247 | ðʌ dilɜ˞ ɪz ɪn tʃɑɹdʒ ʌv dilɪŋ ɔl ðʌ kɑɹdz tu ðʌ pleɪɜ˞z | 0.978817 | 22.691828 | 3.185412 |
wheat and rye beans and potatoes were produced in rainfed lands | 95.510597 | 10.885864 | 53.564098 | 59.811337 | 11.716659 | wit ʌnd ɹaɪ binz ʌnd pʌteɪtoʊz wɜ˞ pɹʌdust ɪn lændz | 0.991208 | 23.995556 | 3.29855 |
its file was donated to stanford university | 115.803833 | 10.663777 | 62.36974 | 59.854649 | 15.228636 | ɪts faɪl wɑz doʊneɪtɪd tu stænfɜ˞d junʌvɜ˞sʌti | 0.995529 | 26.749846 | 3.759178 |
expositions and garden of wooden sculptures found in the sea | 122.751717 | 14.980232 | 64.742523 | 59.83334 | 14.252227 | ɛkspʌzɪʃʌnz ʌnd ɡɑɹdʌn ʌv wʊdʌn skʌlptʃɜ˞z faʊnd ɪn ðʌ si | 0.993641 | 24.88489 | 3.525187 |
none of the company names was given to them either | 110.747833 | 13.803225 | 43.672588 | 59.701145 | 18.390804 | nʌn ʌv ðʌ kʌmpʌni neɪmz wɑz ɡɪvʌn tu ðɛm iðɜ˞ | 0.986845 | 22.563507 | 3.378458 |
thus it is diminutive with reference | 116.319641 | 16.579494 | 72.408867 | 59.879669 | 11.048336 | ðʌs ɪt ɪz dɪmɪnjʌtɪv wɪð ɹɛfɜ˞ʌns | 0.998704 | 30.11396 | 4.069767 |
he did the first studies in his hometown | 108.869537 | 16.426615 | 47.176666 | 59.338543 | 18.923124 | hi dɪd ðʌ fɜ˞st stʌdiz ɪn hɪz hoʊmtaʊn | 0.99341 | 20.214903 | 3.255542 |
he has doubts to decide what to order | 118.882652 | 12.039073 | 63.927734 | 59.60355 | 16.203703 | hi hæz daʊts tu dɪsaɪd wʌt tu ɔɹdɜ˞ | 0.997287 | 27.51046 | 3.859381 |
he is a regular in the greek national team in its lower categories | 120.206673 | 20.063469 | 50.839108 | 59.419827 | 18.188485 | hi ɪz ʌ ɹɛɡjʌlɜ˞ ɪn ðʌ ɡɹik næʃʌnʌl tim ɪn ɪts loʊɜ˞ kætʌɡɔɹiz | 0.993594 | 24.792145 | 3.523155 |
in this second album the successful homonymous theme is included | 115.466209 | 13.407114 | 70.754524 | 59.818798 | 11.900426 | ɪn ðɪs sɛkʌnd ælbʌm ðʌ sʌksɛsfʌl θim ɪz ɪnkludʌd | 0.991961 | 20.437113 | 3.913489 |
it is found from the andaman sea to fiji the ryukyu islands and tonga | 118.616707 | 19.04549 | 58.792469 | 59.840324 | 11.228071 | ɪt ɪz faʊnd fɹʌm ðʌ si tu fidʒi ðʌ aɪlʌndz ʌnd tɑnɡʌ | 0.991443 | 19.439228 | 3.686121 |
he made extensive harvests of flora in central asia | 116.838463 | 10.980425 | 53.083149 | 59.539345 | 15.659182 | hi meɪd ɪkstɛnsɪv hɑɹvʌsts ʌv flɔɹʌ ɪn sɛntɹʌl eɪʒʌ | 0.996697 | 28.750347 | 4.005209 |
it approved by the spanish royal federation of golf | 116.495758 | 20.402451 | 51.379005 | 59.564266 | 15.89075 | ɪt ʌpɹuvd baɪ ðʌ spænɪʃ ɹɔɪʌl fɛdɜ˞eɪʃʌn ʌv ɡɑlf | 0.99724 | 27.076218 | 3.472244 |
Subsets and Splits