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{"dataset":"Einstellung/CXR_Reports","config":"default","split":"full","features":[{"feature_idx":0,"name":"image","type":{"_type":"Image"}},{"feature_idx":1,"name":"report","type":{"dtype":"string","_type":"Value"}}],"rows":[{"row_idx":0,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Enlarged cardiac silhouette is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and diffuse interstitial edema. Marked cardiomegaly is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and mild to moderate edema. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":1,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Normal heart, lungs, hila, mediastinum and pleural surfaces. AP chest: Normal heart, lungs, hila, mediastinum and pleural surfaces. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":2,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There are limited lung volumes with enlargement of the cardiac silhouette, pulmonary edema, and probable bilateral pleural effusions with compressive basilar atelectasis. There are limited lung volumes with enlargement of the cardiac silhouette, pulmonary edema, and probable bilateral pleural effusions with compressive basilar atelectasis. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":3,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Moderate to severe cardiomegaly following insertion of transvenous right ventricular pacer lead which runs from the left pectoral generator to the floor of the right ventricle and out of view. Cardiomegaly, pacemaker leads and Swan-Ganz catheter terminating in the right upper lobe pulmonary arteries are in position. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":4,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest and chest radiographs: Opacification in the right mid and lower lung zones is moderate, while background interstitial pulmonary edema is mild, strongly suggestive of probably pneumonia. AP chest: Mild peribronchial opacification in the right lower lung could represent pneumonia, but I suspect this is mild pulmonary edema or hemorrhage. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":5,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Severe cardiomegaly is pronounced with small right pleural effusion. AP chest: Severe cardiomegaly.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":6,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: There is extensive, irregular right pleural thickening, with moderate right pleural effusion following insertion of a right basal pleural pigtail catheter. AP chest: Moderate right pleural effusion following placement of a pigtail pleural drainage catheter, which is coiled over the right diaphragmatic region. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":7,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'A right IJ catheter terminating at the mid right atrium and multiple sternal wires and mediastinal clips are in position. A right IJ catheter terminating at the mid right atrium and multiple sternal wires and mediastinal clips are in position.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":8,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'The patient has had median sternotomy, cardiac valve replacement, probably mitral, and transvenous right atrial and ventricular pacer leads are in standard placements.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":9,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Volume of the neoesophagus is within normal range and there is presence of contrast agent. AP chest: There is opacification in the right hemithorax and a well-circumscribed mass-like lesion above the level of the right hilus, some of which could be pleural fluid loculated in the fissure. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":10,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'As denoted by moderate vascular congestion, mild pulmonary edema may account for the extent of heterogeneous consolidation in both the lower lungs, or this could be due to significant pneumonia. AP chest: There is moderate generalized pulmonary edema in all regions except for consolidation in the left lower lobe which could be pneumonia. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":11,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Moderate opacification in the lower lungs and perihilar left lung, accompanied by mild cardiomegaly, suggests pulmonary edema is the explanation for the pulmonary findings. AP chest: There is mild pulmonary edema, partially obscuring areas of likely pneumonia in the right mid and lower lung zones. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":12,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: The patient has had median sternotomy and the lung volumes are low, nevertheless, cardiac silhouette is wide due to moderate cardiomegaly and/or pericardial effusion, and there is moderate widening of the apparent mediastinum at the level of the aortic arch, which could be due to paramediastinal pleural fluid collection or, if the patient has had attempted line placement to mediastinal bleeding. AP chest: There is post-operative widening of the cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":13,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Patchy and linear bibasilar opacities likely reflect atelectasis, but similar appearance can be seen in the setting of acute aspiration and early, developing infectious pneumonia. Blunting of the costophrenic angles is seen, consistent with pleural fluid and some atelectasis at the bases. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":14,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: A severe global pulmonary consolidation, favoring the right lung is seen following intubation. ET tube in standard placement, OG tube ending in the upper stomach. AP chest: Very severe pulmonary consolidation is present throughout both lungs, accompanied by at least moderate right pleural effusion. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":15,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'SMALL RIGHT PNEUMOTHORAX WITH APICAL AND BASAL COMPONENTS, BECAUSE OF THE OVERLYING DEVICES I CANNOT TELL WHETHER IN ADDITION TO THE LARGE BORE RIGHT THORACOSTOMY TUBE THERE IS A RIGHT BASAL PLEURAL DRAIN. AP chest: There is a small right pneumothorax with components at the apex, and at the right base lateral to the pleural drainage tube.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":16,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Mild cardiomegaly is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and interstitial edema. Mild cardiomegaly is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and interstitial edema. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":17,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: There is severe widespread pulmonary opacification, particularly in the lower lungs, but the pattern is pulmonary edema. AP chest: Moderately severe and slightly asymmetric perihilar pulmonary opacification is probably a pulmonary edema and with moderate cardiomegaly.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":18,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There is widespread subcutaneous emphysema. AP chest: Severe widespread subcutaneous emphysema throughout the chest wall and neck, and severe pneumomediastinum.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":19,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Diffuse interstitial abnormality predominantly in the upper lung zones, consistent with known sarcoidosis. Diffuse interstitial opacity which could reflect known sarcoidosis, though a component of superimposed edema difficult to exclude. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":20,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Marked cardiomegaly with retrocardiac opacity which could in part reflect an underpenetrated technique, though consolidation and effusion cannot be excluded on the basis of this exam. Severe enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with mild elevation of pulmonary venous pressure and retrocardiac opacification. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":21,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Right jugular line ends at the origin of the SVC, right atrial and two right ventricular pacer defibrillator leads in place. AP single view portable chest x-ray in semi-erect position shows mild vascular congestion. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":22,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: There is severe cardiomegaly and mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema, accompanied by at least small right pleural effusion. There is cardiomegaly and pulmonary edema, with left lower lobe collapse and/or consolidation. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":23,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Extensive relatively homogeneous pulmonary opacification in the setting of moderate cardiomegaly and pulmonary vascular and mediastinal venous engorgement is explained by edema. AP chest: There is severe pulmonary edema accompanied by moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":24,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There has been apparent resection of the right lung mass with chest tube in place and no definite pneumothorax. No evidence of pneumothorax status post bronchoscopic biopsy of large right upper lobe mass. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":25,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Cardiomediastinal contours are widened with pulmonary vascular congestion accompanied by interstitial edema and right pleural effusion. Cardiomegaly is accompanied by significant interstitial pulmonary edema, accompanied by a small right pleural effusion. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":26,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Alternatively, this could be asymmetric pulmonary edema, it could be explained if the patient is in left decubitus position or the very rare circumstance of a large pulmonary embolus occluding circulation to the right lung protecting it from edema on that side. Alternatively, this could be asymmetric pulmonary edema, it could be explained if the patient is in left decubitus position or the very rare circumstance of a large pulmonary embolus occluding circulation to the right lung protecting it from edema on that side. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":27,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'OG tube tip projects in the left lower hemi thorax the tip is likely in the known intrathoracic stomach, the patient has a large hiatal hernia. A feeding tube has been inserted but the tube is not inserted sufficiently D. The tip is above the gastroesophageal junction, that might be deviated by a moderate hiatal hernia. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":28,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Retrocardiac opacities associated with adjacent pleural effusion these could represent atelectasis or aspiration in the appropriate clinical setting Pneumoperitoneum There is no pulmonary vascular congestion. There is mild left pleural effusion and postoperative pneumoperitoneum.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":29,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Left lower lobe atelectasis predominantly posterior basal segment and small left pleural effusion. AP chest: Left lower lobe has partially expanded, reflected in return of the mediastinum to the midline, but there is still atelectasis and small residual left pleural effusion, a common accompaniment to lower lobe atelectasis, particularly in elderly patients. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":30,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Asymmetric right upper lobe subpleural opacity but warrants re-evaluation with well positioned PA, lateral and apical lordotic radiographs. 4 cm rounded opacity right upper chest, may represent pleural or lung mass, infiltrate. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":31,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Enlargment of the cardiac silhouette with pulmonary edema and opacification at the left base is consistent with pleural fluid and volume loss in the left lower lobe. There is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with pulmonary edema and bilateral pleural effusions with compressive atelectasis, more prominent on the left. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":32,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Small right pleural effusion with an elliptical fissural component. AP chest: Small right pleural effusion with an elliptical fissural component. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":33,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Large bilateral pleural effusions. AP chest: Lung volumes are quite a bit low, exaggerating the severity of pulmonary edema which is probably moderate with moderate-to-large bilateral pleural effusion. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":34,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Widespread parenchymal consolidations are noted in particular involving the left lower lobe, corresponding to multifocal pneumonia and septic emboli. AP chest: There is bilateral perihilar pulmonary consolidation and significantly pronounced on the left than the right. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":35,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Post-operative widening of the mediastinum is in the region of the arch, but there may be a significant large caliber to the mediastinum along the right heart border and ascending thoracic aorta, findings suggesting hemopericardium, reflected in leftward displacement of the right transjugular Swan-Ganz catheter. Widening mediastinum is significant.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":36,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Severe pulmonary edema and moderate-to-large bilateral pleural effusion are significant. AP chest: Severe pulmonary edema and moderate-to-large bilateral pleural effusion are significant.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":37,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Bibasilar atelectasis and minimal blunting of the right and left costophrenic angles. Bibasilar atelectasis and minimal blunting of the right and left costophrenic angles.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":38,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Small left apical pneumothorax, with right greater than left pleural effusions and left chest tube placement. Small left apical pneumothorax, with right greater than left pleural effusions and left chest tube placement. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":39,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There is left hemidiaphragmatic elevation and moderate left lower lobe atelectasis reflecting respiratory splinting from known left-sided rib fractures. AP chest: Much of the opacification projected over the left lower hemithorax is due to fluid-filled stomach that is either herniated or beneath the chronically elevated left hemidiaphragm, but it obscures what is probably a substantially atelectatic left lower lobe and perhaps some pleural effusion. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":40,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There are low lung volumes and there is pronounced diffuse bilateral parenchymal process favoring moderate pulmonary and interstitial edema rather than pneumonia. There are low lung volumes with diffuse bilateral pulmonary opacifications most likely consistent with widespread pneumonia. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":41,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Right internal jugular line ends in the upper SVC. AP chest: Right internal jugular line ends in the upper SVC.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":42,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'The temporary pacing lead is in place with that lead likely terminating in the right ventricle. Right jugular line ends in the mid to low SVC and transvenous right atrial and ventricular pacer leads are in their respective positions. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":43,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b\"A 2 cm oval shaped opacity in the right mid lung adjacent to surgical chain sutures could potentially represent loculated fluid in the fissure, but should be further evaluated by dedicated PA and lateral chest radiographs when the patient's condition permits to help exclude a pulmonary nodule. A 2 cm oval shaped opacity in the right mid lung adjacent to surgical chain sutures could potentially represent loculated fluid in the fissure, but should be further evaluated by dedicated PA and lateral chest radiographs when the patient's condition permits to help exclude a pulmonary nodule. \""},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":44,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There is widening of the superior mediastinum with substantial enlargement of the cardiac silhouette, pulmonary vascular congestion, and pronounced opacification at the left base which most likely reflects pleural fluid and substantial volume loss in the left lower lobe. Lung volumes are substantially low exaggerating moderate-to-severe pulmonary edema, severe cardiomegaly, and severe left lower lobe atelectasis. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":45,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: The extensive subcutaneous emphysema in the right chest wall and neck could be related to small right pneumothorax despite apical pleural tube. Neither pneumothorax nor pleural effusion is evident in the right chest, with 2 apical thoracostomy tubes in place, despite severe subcutaneous emphysema in the right chest wall. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":46,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: There is left lower lobe collapse and moderate-to-severe left pleural effusion. AP chest: Moderate-to-severe lleft pleural effusion and there is left lower lobe collapse accounting for marked leftward shift of the mediastinum. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":47,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Exaggerated by the size of a large hiatus hernia, there is a large cardiac diameter to the level of at least mild cardiomegaly, accompanied by mediastinal vascular engorgement and small bilateral pleural effusions suggesting mild right heart failure. AP chest: Exaggerated by the size of a large hiatus hernia, there is a large cardiac diameter to level of at least mild cardiomegaly, accompanied by mediastinal vascular engorgement and small bilateral pleural effusions suggesting mild right heart failure.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":48,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Peripheral somewhat indistinct opacification in the left mid lung is markedly extensive. Status post left lung biopsy with left lung postprocedural changes and no pneumothorax.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":49,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: The patient has had median sternotomy and coronary bypass grafting. AP chest: The patient has had median sternotomy and coronary bypass grafting.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":50,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Widened caliber of the pulmonary and mediastinal veins, and moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly suggest that peribronchial opacification in the right mid and upper lung zone is asymmetric edema rather than pneumonia. AP chest: There is moderate opacification in the right mid and lower lung zones, while background interstitial pulmonary edema is mild, strongly suggestive of probably pneumonia. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":51,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: There is a small right pneumothorax with components at the apex, and at the right base lateral to the pleural drainage tube. AP chest: There is a small right pneumothorax with components at the apex, and at the right base lateral to the pleural drainage tube. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":52,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Swan-Ganz catheter tip is deep into the right lower lobe segmental subsegmental branches and should be pulled back at least 6 cm. There is an inserted nasogastric tube and left Swan-Ganz catheter, the tip projects over the outflow tract of the pulmonary artery. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":53,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b\"No acute findings on this single supine frontal chest radiograph. Faint opacity at right lung apex is probably due to summation of normal structures, but standard PA and lateral chest radiographs would be helpful for more complete assessment of this region when the patient's condition permits. \""},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":54,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Severe pulmonary consolidation significant in right lower lobe compared to remainder of the lungs and in the apices. There is extensive severe consolidation in the right mid and lower lung zones, probably pneumonia or alternatively pulmonary hemorrhage. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":55,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Orogastric tube may be advanced for more optimal positioning. Orogastric tube may be advanced for more optimal positioning.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":56,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Moderate cardiomegaly and vascular congestion with left basilar opacification consistent with pleural effusion and compressive atelectasis. Moderate cardiomegaly and vascular congestion with left basilar opacification consistent with pleural effusion and compressive atelectasis.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":57,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Left jugular line passes as far as the left brachiocephalic vein where it is obscured by overlying right atrial biventricular pacer defibrillator leads which follow their expected courses, continuous from the left pectoral generator. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is enlarged and the pacer leads are in position.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":58,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Lung volumes are significantly low exaggerating a moderate-to-severe pulmonary edema, severe cardiomegaly, and severe left lower lobe atelectasis. There are low lung volumes with enlargement of the cardiac silhouette, elevation in pulmonary venous pressure, and bilateral pleural effusions, more prominent on the left, with compressive atelectasis at the bases. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":59,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Moderately severe pulmonary edema, moderate cardiomegaly, mediastinal venous engorgement and small bilateral pleural effusions, indicating cardiac decompensation and/or volume overload. Cardiac silhouette is enlarged and there is evidence of pulmonary edema with bibasilar atelectatic changes and probable pleural effusions. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":60,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with pulmonary edema and bilateral pleural effusions with compressive atelectasis, more prominent on the left. There is substantial enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with moderate pulmonary edema and left pleural effusion with compressive atelectasis at the base. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":61,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Although the patient is intubated, lung volumes are significantly low, due in part to significantly small-to-moderate pleural effusions. AP chest: There are small to moderate bilateral pleural effusions and moderately severe bibasilar atelectasis or consolidation and only relatively mild pulmonary vascular engorgement in the upper lungs. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":62,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with the monitoring and support devices in position.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":63,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There is marked low lung volumes, mediastinal venous engorgement and moderate cardiomegaly could be due to cardiac decompensation. Mild pulmonary edema is more significant in the right lung than the left lung. Findings could be due to decrease positive pressure ventilator support. There is pulmonary vascular congestion and the right lung base has minimally reduced aeration.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":64,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Cardiomediastinal silhouette including severe cardiomegaly and widened mediastinum are observed. Cardiomediastinal silhouette including severe cardiomegaly and widened mediastinum are observed.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":65,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Lung volumes are very low and large areas of both lungs are obscured by hemidiaphragm on the right and heart on the left. AP chest: Lung volumes are very low, perhaps in part to severe gaseous distention of the stomach and intestinal tract in the upper abdomen, but there is mild pulmonary edema and dilatation of mediastinal and pulmonary vasculature accompanied by likely small right pleural effusion. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":66,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Evidence of heart failure with enlarged cardiomediastinal silhouette as well as moderate-to-severe pulmonary edema. Moderate to severe pulmonary edema with moderate cardiomegaly and small left pleural effusion.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":67,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'A view of the abdomen shows the tip of the nasogastric tube in the lower body of the stomach. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":68,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There is pulmonary edema with triple- lead pacer remaining in place. There is pulmonary edema with triple- lead pacer remaining in place.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":69,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: There is severe pulmonary consolidation in both lungs, more significant in the right lung compared to left lung. AP chest: There is severe pulmonary consolidation in both lungs, more significant in the right lung compared to left lung.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":70,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Patient is intubated, ET tube in standard placement, but there is moderate bilateral perihilar consolidation has improved sufficiently that one can exclude non-cardiogenic edema as the cause of bulk of the abnormality. AP chest: Patient is intubated, ET tube in standard placement, but moderate bilateral perihilar consolidation has improved sufficiently that one can exclude non-cardiogenic edema as the cause of bulk of the abnormality. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":71,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Moderate to severe cardiomegaly, exaggerated by supine positioning, which also shows widened mediastinal venous caliber. Moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly is exaggerated by AP supine positioning. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":72,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'The cardiomediastinal silhouette is observed as well as bilateral pleural effusions with left pleural fluid after placement of the left pigtail catheter. AP chest: There is small-to-moderate bilateral pleural effusions despite pigtail pleural drainage catheter in each hemithorax.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":73,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'ET tube and left subclavian line are in standard placements respectively: Small right pleural effusion, severe left lower lobe atelectasis and left pleural effusion that is at least small. There is left lower lobe collapse and there is at least a small volume of bilateral pleural effusion. ET tube in standard placement. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":74,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Lines, tubes and drains are in place with post-operative changes, including post-operative mediastinal widening and left lower lobe opacification with a pleural effusion. The widening of the postoperative cardiomediastinal silhouette is responsible for rightward displacement of the trachea, so that the endotracheal tube, at the proper height, abuts the left tracheal wall. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":75,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There is moderately severe pulmonary edema, accompanied by severe left lower lobe atelectasis and small to moderate bilateral pleural effusion. AP chest: There is mild generalized edema and great consolidation in the left lower lobe, with some elevation of the left hemidiaphragm and leftward mediastinal shift suggesting a substantial component of atelectasis. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":76,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: The volume and severity of consolidation in the right lung involving lower lobe superior segment and upper lobe are significant, revealing severe bronchiectasis, possible cavitation and some loss of volume in the right upper lobe. AP chest: Although the determination is difficult to make in the setting of severe large bullous emphysema, the right pigtail pleural drainage catheter may have evacuated the large right pneumothorax entirely and there is no right pleural effusion. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":77,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Although the widespread distribution of opacification in both lungs suggest pulmonary edema, lucencies in the right mid lung could be due to cavitation in pneumonia. AP chest: There is moderate right pneumothorax. There is mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":78,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Despite pulmonary hyperinflation suggesting a substantial COPD, pulmonary vasculature is engorged, suggesting that mild interstitial abnormality is edema due to cardiac decompensation. There is enlargement of the cardiac silhouette in a patient with elevated pulmonary venous pressure and right apical thickening as well as substantial chronic pulmonary disease. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":79,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There is pulmonary edema and opacification of right upper lung and left mid lung, concerning for superimposed pneumonia. There is moderate-to-severe pulmonary edema, and in addition to the large right hilar or juxtahilar mass, there is suggestion of consolidation in both the right suprahilar lung and at the left lung base medially. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":80,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Findings consistent with CHF, including extensive interstitial edema and probable small areas of alveolar edema, as well small bilateral effusions. Moderately severe pulmonary edema, moderate cardiomegaly, mediastinal venous engorgement and small bilateral pleural effusions, indicating cardiac decompensation and/or volume overload. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":81,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Right pleural catheters are in place, with very small right apical lateral pneumothorax, and probable additional small loculated hydropneumothoraces at the right lung base adjacent to a small right pleural effusion. Three right-sided chest tubes are in place with loculated basilar hydropneumothoraces and severely reduced aeration at the right base. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":82,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Pneumothorax, if present, is not appreciable, difficult to exclude in this image of the supine patient, particularly with extensive subcutaneous emphysema in the left chest wall, upper abdomen and both sides of the neck. Extensive subcutaneous air might potentially obscure pneumothorax or mediastinal air. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":83,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Cardiomegaly is accompanied by interstitial pulmonary edema and small right pleural effusion. There is pulmonary vascular congestion accompanied by interstitial edema and right pleural effusion. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":84,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There is moderate cardiomegaly, cardiac pacer is seen, moderate right effusion, consolidation at the right base, the marked amount of interstitial edema. There is moderate cardiomegaly, cardiac pacer is seen, moderate right effusion, consolidation at the right base, the marked amount of interstitial edema. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":85,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Supine positioning probably explains apparent mild pulmonary vascular engorgement. AP chest: There is generalized pulmonary vascular engorgement and the heart size is significantly large, within upper normal range. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":86,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There is right pleural effusion, deviation of the cardiomediastinal to the right, position of 2 basal pigtail catheters and a right middle lobe and right lower lobe atelectasis. There is hazy opacification at the right base silhouetting the hemidiaphragm consistent with moderate layering right pleural effusion and compressive basilar atelectasis. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":87,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Patient had mild interstitial pulmonary edema that suggests that a large interstitial abnormality, even though it is predominantly left sided, is due to heart failure. AP chest: Left lung shows vascular congestion and mild interstitial edema. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":88,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Lung volumes are markedly low, but the lungs are clear, heart is normal size and there is no pleural abnormality. AP chest: Lung volumes are low, but lungs are clear and with mild cardiomegaly.'"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":89,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Lines, tubes and drains as described with post-operative changes, including post-operative mediastinal widening and left lower lobe opacification with a pleural effusion. In addition to left lower lobe collapse, the bilateral heterogeneous basal pulmonary opacification could be due to a dependent edema. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":90,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Lung volumes are appreciably low, there is mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly, pulmonary vascular congestion, although there is no pulmonary edema, and there is a small pleural or extrapleural hematoma associated with left upper lateral rib fractures. AP chest: Overall, heart size is normal, but there is a suggestion of substantial left atrial enlargement and not accompanied by appreciable pulmonary vascular plethora, edema, or even pleural effusion. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":91,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: There are large bilateral pleural effusions, layering dependently. AP chest: There are large bilateral pleural effusions, layering dependently. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":92,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Cardiac and mediastinal contours are prominent and there is mild pulmonary and interstitial edema. Mediastinal veins are mildly dilated, and there is cardiomegaly. It could be due to pulmonary edema, but is so evenly distributed I would think instead of infection, including Pneumocystis, or pulmonary drug reaction. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":93,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Generalized opacification reflects, in part, tracheal extubation, but probably pulmonary edema as well, superimposed on the multifocal infection and non cardiac edema in the lungs. There is significantly reduced aeration in the right lung, revealing large areas of consolidation and probably moderate right pleural effusion left lower lobe consolidation, suggesting another focus of widespread pneumonia. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":94,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Despite pulmonary hyperinflation suggesting a substantial COPD, pulmonary vasculature is engorged, suggesting that mild interstitial abnormality is edema due to cardiac decompensation. AP chest: Appearance of the lower lungs suggests either mild interstitial lung disease or mild edema in the setting of emphysema. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":95,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Despite the right basal pleural tube, there are fissural and apical components of multiloculated right pleural effusion, responsible for severe atelectasis in the right lung. AP chest: There is moderate-to-severe right pleural effusion despite the right basal pleural pigtail drain. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":96,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Bibasilar opacities more pronounced on the right, in the setting of seizure, could be due to aspiration or infection. Mild interstitial edema with bibasilar opacities and air bronchograms in the right lower lobe concerning for pneumonia. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":97,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'AP chest: Right upper lung is partially expanded. Tracheostomy tube, right supraclavicular dual channel central venous dialysis catheter in standard placements respectively. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":98,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'There is pulmonary vascular congestion and moderate edema, accompanied by a layering of bilateral pleural effusions. Mild-to-moderate bilateral effusions and edema with satisfactory ET tube position. '"},"truncated_cells":[]},{"row_idx":99,"row":{"image":{"src":"","height":512,"width":512},"report":"b'Postsurgical changes in the right hemi thorax in the form of widening of upper mediastinum, right upper and lower lobe linear atelectasis and a moderate right pleural effusion are seen. The right chest pigtail catheter is in place, with loculated medial right pleural fluid and reduced aeration of the right upper lobe. '"},"truncated_cells":[]}]}