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TMAU. Please find a way to research TMAU And how to cure it with gene therapy. I'm tired kg smelling like fish/feces And getting talked about everyday of my life.
What is the latest research on TMAU and treatments for it?
SUBJECT: Questions (see in comment box) on "Vistaril" MESSAGE: I have a few Qs related to "Vistaril": 1. Is "Vistaril" a gluten-free product? 2. If not, is it because some of the raw materials in its ingredients that is gluten related? 3. If yes to Q1, is it a "Certified" gluten-free product and what kind of certification it has? 4. For capsule form, does it contain any kind of starch? If it does, what starch is it? 5. Can you email to me a list of the ingredients in this drug? Thank you very much!
What are the ingredients of vistaril and is it gluten and starch free?
I understand that you cannot provide opinions,nor suggest, any type of therpy. My son (dob-[DATE]), was called back to the hospital four days after birth due to a abnormal PKU, which suggested adrenal hyperplasia. After test the endocrine physians felt he did not have the condition. Several years later he began having severe headaches preceded by violent vomiting epidodes that lasted for hours. When he was admitted to [LOCATION], he was suffering from bleeding esphogal ulcers, and severe dehydration and, malnutrician. His urine (24 hr), blood plasma,& VMA,showed increased values of catacholomines.He also demostrated intermittent hypertension, and tachcardia through out the day (he had been diagnoised with ADHD several years earlier). His MIGB clearly showed bifocal uptake in both adrenal glands. The mri did not show tumors at that time ([DATE]. He has since been diagnoised with antral polys (biosphy's taken were misplaced, and the gastrologist would not redo the test), aberrant right subclavian artery, esphogas pushed to the side, low oxygen intake, high levels of gastrin, cyclic vomiting syndrome, severe sinus attacks that come and go, without infection present. His symptons that I have not already include heat intolerence, pallor, poor appetite with little weight gain, anxiety, tremor of hands, and stomach pain. After his mri, which I was told would take about 45mins, took over 5 hrs. Since then we have been having no luck with finding doctors that will take my son as a patient. Are you able to suggest a hospital that is knowlegable with pheochromocytomas? My son's father is mia, but during our 7 yrs together, he also suffered severe headaches, and intermittent hypertension. He never followed up with a physian. Any help would be appreciated. I do not know what to do, and I do not want my son to end up a statistic. Last night his BB was 180/115, with HR-50, half hour later his BP was 68/44 with HR of 122. I fear he is going to go in shoc
How can I find physician(s) or hospital(s) who specialize in pheochromocytomas?
SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: I do have relative smoker in past diagnose with COPD I would like to see how can I find treatment .76 years old not any other health problem. He is on oxygen now. please Email [CONTACT] thank you
What are the treatments for COPD?
SUBJECT: - General Complaint MESSAGE: I am suffering from demylination sensorimotor neuropathy and need help. I am willing to try anything. Cell# [CONTACT]. [NAME]
What are the treatments for demyelinating sensorimotor neuropathy?
SUBJECT: Kidney Stone MESSAGE: Hello Dr.,In a case of patient with Kidney Stone size of 1.2mm x 2.3mm. What can i do? Pls i need your advice.
What are the treatments for kidney stones?
SUBJECT: seeking help for a loved one MESSAGE: Hello I am seeking help for my partner. He has Meesmann Corneal Dystrophy. He has had this condition since birth but was not diagnosed until he was 28. He has had epithelial debriding and laser keratectomy. He has used many different drops and has also tried contact lenses. Each treatment has been unsuccessful and his symptoms are getting worse. He has excruciating pain during flair ups as well as photosensitivity and compromised vision. We have children and he can not work because of his condition. Any help or information you can give us is greatly appreciated. Thank you [NAME]
Where can I find information on and treatments for meesmann corneal dystrophy?
SUBJECT: hypothyroidism MESSAGE: Can you please send me as much information as possible on "hypothyroidism". I was recently diagnosed with the disease and I am struggling to figure out what it is and how I got it. My name and address is: [NAME] [LOCATION] [CONTACT] Thank you in advance for your help!!!
Where can I find information on hypothyroidism and its causes?
SUBJECT: life expectancy after double lung transplant operation MESSAGE: Hello, My husband has cystic fibrosis and he had the double lung transplant operation 3,5 years ago. He is 53 y.old. What is the life expectancy for people with cystic fibrosis after double lung transplant? Can he has another lung transplant in the future? Thank you, [NAME]
What is the prognosis for cystic fibrosis after double lung transplant?
SUBJECT: assisted suicide MESSAGE: physician assisted suicide legal in any state? what is someone is dying and they really want to die with dignity before the disease ravages their mind?
What states allow physician assisted suicide?
MESSAGE: I have a fractured nose i need it fixed. its been broke for 3 years now
What are delayed treatments for nose fracture?
SUBJECT: Cure for hoe in lung MESSAGE: I certainly would like to request for medical for hoe in the lung Please help all the necessary information on how to cure this hoe in lung, I have be try some medical here they are not help the situation. Please reply immediately with necessary information.
What are the treatments for water in the lung?
SUBJECT: When do you know you should not take Tecfidera? MESSAGE: When do you know you should not take Tecfidera? I took Tecfidera 9 days. Day 1 my legs and feet felt normal for the first time in 5 years. day 2 my legs, thighs, feet, hands, arms, and middle became so swollen I can hardly walk, move, sit or sleep. I got the flushing day 7, foggy vision day 4, and more.
What are the side effects of tecfidera and when to stop taking it?
SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: I have a [AGE] and a [AGE] boys who have been diagnosed with the mecp2 gene mutation and yesterday my neurologist was also commenting on the possibility of ppm-x I am very concerned that no-one in this field can he me. I have been seen durastic changes that have no changes like any of the other characteristics that have been reported.I am desperate to keep them safe and comfortable for the rest of life and could realy use help. [NAME] [CONTACT] please help me with any information it would be appreciated more than you know.
Where can I find information on mecp2 gene mutation and ppm-x syndrome?
11782.txt - Suggestion. I have ostonecrois I need a booklet on it who best doctor to help me I live [LOCATION] I need to see a doctor for necrosis thank you
How can I find physician(s) who specialize in osteonecrosis?
SUBJECT: Amlodipine MESSAGE: I am taking Amlodipine and it has caused my pause rate to be very high. Is there a weaning process when you stop taking Amlodipine and start atenolol? I am taking 5 mg of amlodipine and will be taking 50 mg of atenolol?
How do I switch from Amlodipine to atenolol?
SUBJECT: Janumet XR 50mg/1000mg- 1 daily MESSAGE: Doctor prescribed for type 2 diabetes w/Metformin 500 mg 2 times daily. Pharmacy refused to fill stating overdose of Metformin. Who is right &what is maximum daily dosage of Metformin? Pharmacy is a non-public pharmacy for a major city employer plan provided for employees only.
What is the maximum dosage of metformin?
SUBJECT: Retina MESSAGE: I wonder of new research and testing on macular degeneration and the opportunity to be part of this process. I am 48 years old and have macular degeneration, I'm blind right eye and very sad because my disease is getting worse in the left eye. Cordially ask them your attention
Where can I find clinical trials for macular degeneration?
SUBJECT: Asthma MESSAGE: I have been treated for breast cancer and had chemotherapy and readiation. I am on many drugs but since stopping treatment I have now presented as having asthma. I take Letrozole. 2.5 to block any estrogen in my body as my tumor was estrogen positive. What type of drugs impact asthma symptoms? Please advise
Where can I find information on drug-induced asthma?
Wolff Parkinson White- slow heart rate. Your article is very illuminating but does not refer to the rarer slow rate WPW which my husband has. Where can I find this information?
Where can i find information on Wolff Parkinson White syndrome with bradycardia?
Name: [NAME] Date and Time of Contact: Thu, 1 Jan 2015 16:10:06 GMT Application: myncbi SessionId: CE9069DE4A56A0A1_0093SID MyNCBI UserName: Host: portal205 Snapshot: /projects/MyNCBI/[email protected] Browser's user agent header: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.2) Application Page Generation Time: 2015-01-01T11:03:27-05:00 Page: recentactivity Message Body: We live in [LOCATION] and my husband has been detected an insulinoma.Need further information on the matter as doctors have not seen one here. Greatly appreciate your reply. Happy New Year to you all and many many tahanks for your help.
Where can I find information on insulinoma?
pubic lice. What are some treatments for pubic lice
What are the treatments for pubic lice?
SUBJECT: Treatment for Nodular Goiter MESSAGE: Hi, I'm suffering from nodular goiter. The size of enlarged thyroid gland is visible, but not like a big one. I need treatment for this. Some Doctors have suggested surgery which I don't want to go through. What are the other treatment options. Also let me know the place where I can visit to consult. Thanks, [NAME]
What are the non-surgical treatments for nodular goiter and where can I find a specialist to treat it?
MESSAGE: Greetings: Iam [NAME], from [LOCATION]. I would like to know some of the Medications to Treat Coronary Artery Blockage. I will be grateful if you could let me know. Best Regards, [NAME]. [LOCATION]. [DATE]
What are the drug treatments for coronary artery blockage?
SUBJECT: Shingles MESSAGE: I am recovering from shingles. I am on antiviral medication. This is my second week with shingles. I have not experience any draining with my sores which are currently on the right side of my face close to my right eyebrow. My question is this: My husband is having surgery tomorrow, Can I go to the hospital with my husband?
When is shingles contagious?
CITROBACTOR FREUNDII. Does ciprofaxin work well? Is there a better drug if so what.
What are the treatments for citrobacter freundii infection?
SUBJECT: ks MESSAGE: hi doctor my name is [NAME] m from [LOCATION] its almost a 2yrs i m not getting pregnant.. i have done few tests of my husband the sperm count is nil and i have done molecular biology karyotyping test and its a klinefelter syndrome. is dere any chance of getting pregnant? is dere any treatment for this ?please kindly help me.....if u need more details i would send u d reports( sir pls help me)
What are the treatments for low sperm count caused by klinefelter syndrome?
erection problems. how to get rid of erections?
What are the treatments for erection problems?
SUBJECT: CURE FOR PNEUMONIA MESSAGE: Dear DR, please i have a friend that has the above illness..I want to find out...since i want to marry it an infectious illness,,and can it be totally cured. And how can i help her to get this cured..Please i really need your reply urgently
What are the treatments for pneumonia?
SUBJECT: DECUBITUS ULCERS MESSAGE: To Whom This May Concern, My name is [NAME], i am a year 12 student at [LOCATION], [LOCATION]. I am doing a subject called research project, it is a compulsory subject. My question is 'What are the biological causations of decubitus ulcers?' I am writing to you as i am in need of primary information from medical professionals. I am requesting that you complete a survey. If you are willing to participate please email me on; [CONTACT] so i will be able to give you the survey and a letter detailing what it is for. Thank You for spending your time reading this email, and i look forward to hearing from you. Yours Sincerely, [NAME], Year 12 student at [LOCATION]
What causes decubitus ulcers?
SUBJECT: Hypotension MESSAGE: I'm looking for books about hypotension/low blood pressure. Can you suggest any that I might be able to purchase?
Where can I find information on hypotension?
W What are the causes of pulmonary artery sling? Is it genetics or what?my 10 month granson is having surery on tuesday at little rock hospital in ar.
What causes pulmonary artery sling?
SUBJECT: pots puffy tumor MESSAGE: what will happen to a 53 year old woman who has been dignoised with pots puffy tumor if she doesnt have the surgery? she has been on antibiotics for akmost a year now but scared to have surgery and it is getting worse thank you for your time [NAME]
What is the prognosis for untreated pott's puffy tumor?
SUBJECT: congenital diaphragmatic hernia MESSAGE: I need to know if CDH can be passed down to future generations. I just learned that this condition most likely caused the death of my first child back in 1971. I was then told it was merely a fluke. I had NO trauma during the full-term pregnancy, and I and my then husband were in very good health. Now my son (from a different husband) and his wife are due to have fraternal twins in [DATE] 2015. Does the term 'congenital' mean that it could be passed down to another generation? I do not want to alarm my son and his wife. I just would like to inform whatever pediatrician is caring for these babies as to my experience. Unfortunately my son and I are estranged. And I do not know who is their pediatrician. My child's CDH was very severe. I know there are far less severe cases that can go undetected &/or undiagnosed unless there is a reason to suspect such a condition. Please respond to my concerns.
What causes congenital diaphragmatic hernia?
SUBJECT: Chlordizepoxide MESSAGE: Hello and respect.. how long is the half life of Chlordizepoxide please?and when is the most effcetive of this drug??..this quastion is very important for my study,,thats why answer to me please as soon as..thanks a lot
What is the half life of Chlordiazepoxide?
SUBJECT: - Question - specific study MESSAGE: Dear Clinical Trials, I am searching for treatment for a disease called Baker, which is related to Neurology Department. I did not get any treatment before for this disease. I need to get treatment by Medical Researches if possible . Note: I will be in New York at May 11.
What are the treatments for baker disease?
SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: My question to you is: what is the reason that there is very little attentions is to Antiphosoholipid Syndrome? To find the causes and possibly some type of cure for us who struggle with this auto-immune blood disorder? I guess that since it is female directed (9-1 female to male) that no one important enough has died from APS? Oh, by the way, I'm a 58 year old man!
What causes antiphospholipid syndrome and what are the treatments for it?
SUBJECT: Body Lice MESSAGE: How do I get rid of these little devils? Me and My mom have tried so many things to get rid of these bugs and they just don't go away were the family that takes 2 showers and now about 3 showers a day we never understood how they could have infected us but I was just wondering is washing our clothes the best bet to get rid of these things, because apparently it hasn't worked for us. So is there any suggestions?
What are the treatments for body lice?
Many of us have a fear of getting an asymptomatic, insideous perforation in the digestive tract -- one that leads to vague complaints or even degenerative conditions but doesn't announce itself in any acute way. Can this ever happen? And if it does, how can a patient detect it? There are stories of people swallowing needles and they don't even know it! One answer I've heard put forward is that foreign objects embedded in tissue become encased in some kind of hard flesh and somehow eliminated from the body. Could this really happen? Is there something I could read about it? What about the people who have found foreign objects still sitting around in their tissues after aeons? I'm one of those internet worry-worts. I go to online forums where people really want to know the worst case scenario for things like this. This particular issue has worried me for years. Thanks for discussing it with me. [NAME]
How to detect asymptomatic swallowed foreign objects in the body and what are the prognosis and treatments for them?
SUBJECT: Swan NDC 0869-0871-43 MESSAGE: I found 4 cases of expired (04/2010) Hydrogen Peroxide. How do I safely dispose of this product? [LOCATION] [LOCATION] [LOCATION] [LOCATION] [CONTACT] [NAME]
How do I dispose of hydrogen peroxide?
SUBJECT: Chronic Dry mouth. MESSAGE: How can I relieve dry mouth.
What are the treatments for dry mouth?
SUBJECT: Purpura MESSAGE: My brother has purpura disease since 2003. kindly gude us with the correct medicine and if you know any good doctor then please let us know. Thank You
What are the treatments for purpura and how can I find physician(s) who specialize in it?
SUBJECT: Questions on albinism MESSAGE: Hello my name is [NAME] and I'm hoping you can help me. When i was born my doctor diagnosed me with albinism. I have color in my hair (brown) and in my eyes (hazel) they do not shake. My skin is fair but my markings are visible. It is not one solid fair white on all of me. I apparently have 3 different levels. most of my body is covered by level 1 pigmentation (the fairest) i have level 2 on some as well and a small patch of my arm of level (3) it basically looks like a huge birthmark that goes from my right side of the body to the left. When I was born the doctors still didn't know much about Albinism and I"m hoping to learn more myself. For instance what type this would fall under... I hope you can help. Sincerely, [NAME]
Where can I find information on albinism?
SUBJECT: treatment required MESSAGE: we need treatment for balance disorder. my father losses his balance while walking or climbing steps so please so please help us in curing the disorder.
What are the treatments for balance disorder?
SUBJECT: permanent cure for Nystagmus MESSAGE: For me from birth shaking of eyes disorder is there & in family nobody is having this kind of issuse. Pls. Tell me if any curable option for this disease.
What are the treatments for nystagmus and can it be cured?
SUBJECT: MS MESSAGE: Hi, my name is [NAME] my brother has MS Im searching for something that can help him. I love my brother and its so upsetting to see him slowing down Can you please let me know if there is something that can help. Many Thanks!
What are the treatments for MS?
SUBJECT: Excessive Eye Water MESSAGE: Thank for your information on my earlier question regarding what is causing skin itching. I have another question on another problem that I'm having. This problem is excessive eye water (tears) occurring all the time and filling my nose up mostly at night and stops using my nose while in bed after a couple of hours. This there any medicine that would reduce all these excessive tears?
What are the treatments for watery eyes?
SUBJECT: PTSD and IBS MESSAGE: I am looking for research on IBS and the link to PTSD. Thank you
What is the latest research on IBS and the link to PTSD?
SUBJECT: claw hand MESSAGE: I have a claw hand and I would like you to mail me information regarding treatments for it. My address is [LOCATION] Thank you.
What are the treatments for claw hand?
SUBJECT: know more about MESSAGE: My Daughter have Distal renal tubular acidosis. we are from Mexico, and we ae woundering if can send to us more infomation. maybe you can reccommend to us a association???? i don?t know
Where can I find information on distal renal tubular acidosis?
KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS. Good morning about 20 years ago I suffered ruptured anterior cruciate ligament and removal of domestic law meniscus, was operated and made me clancy, at present unfortunately my knee is totally affected and I have arthritis and severe pain, according to a dr traumatologo commented me I need a knee prosthesis my question is can you treat me, or turn me can recommend doctors or hospitals to treat in the U.S. [NAME]
How can I find physician(s) or hospital(s) who specialize in knee osteoarthritis?
In Vitro Fertilization Hi. I am interested to have In vitro Fertilization (Test Tube Baby). May I know the risk and the cost. Thanks
What are the risks of in vitro fertilization and how much does it cost?
SUBJECT: Homeostasis and hypothermia (mainly about hypothermia) MESSAGE: What is Homeostasis? Why is homeostasis so important? What technology do doctors use to cure hypothermia? What is the effectiveness of the technology? How is that technology effective to the economy and environmentally?
What is homeostasis and what are the treatments for hypothermia?
types or kinds of sickle cell. Pls i want to know the possibility of two people who are AS getting a baby who will be AS! AA! OR SS!. And what are the types of sickle cell. E.g. AS
What are the types of sickle cell anemia and how is it inherited?
Colon cancer cure seen on tv. My father has colon cancer and said he saw a commercial on tv about a cure for colon cancer. He cannot remember any details about it. I was wondering if you know anything about something like this. Please let me know. Thank you, [NAME]
What new treatments are available for colon cancer?
SUBJECT: taking oxycodone 5mg MESSAGE: what will happen to me if my doctors just stop my oxycodone 5mg 2 every 4 hours and iv been on it for three ahalf weeks? and how do i have them wean me off slowly?
How do I stop taking oxycodone?
SUBJECT: - Question - specific study MESSAGE: My sister have htlv-1 we are looking information or processing can help. MI hermana es de Colombia ella tiene este virus de htlv-1 pero en Colombia no saben como tratar este virus ya que es muy raro y ella esta buscando un lugar donde puedan ayudar con su problema de salud ella esta dispuesta someterse a pruebas con las células madre adultas.
Where can I find information on htlv-1?
Scleroderma (Systemic Sclerosis). i am 22yrs now and was 18th when i was detected with the disease in [DATE] 2010 after the conduction of Biopsy. there after i had taken PSS- Pulse for Systemic Sclerosis in which i was given Solumedrol for 9 months. and then after a gap of 6 months since the disease activity progressed i was given PSS again -Dexa for 3 months. along with this i am under medication with medicines as follows Depin, HCQS, Antoxid, Cyra, Omnacortil and Folitrax(weekly on saturdays and sundays). currently am under PSS which is done once in Every 6 months. but i am getting bad digital ulcers on my fingure tips on hands and legs both. i seriously need your help for this as to what else treatment can be done to it. please revert back soon
What new treatments are available for systemic sclerosis and scleroderma skin ulcers?
SUBJECT: Suggestion on ILD problem MESSAGE: Dear I am suffering from ILD problem as per my doctor suggestion I am taking the home oxygen on this problem. Can you suggest me the perfect medicine on this problem it is helpful for my day to day activities as well as improve my life style. Please suggest I am waiting for your reply. [NAME]
What are the treatments for ILD?
SUBJECT: Bad Breath MESSAGE: I have very bad breath and at times it can make myself and others sick. I need some advice as to what I need to do.
What are the treatments for bad breath?
SUBJECT: bundle blockage MESSAGE: could you please tell me what a bundle blockage is. what are the symptoms. what is usually done for this? Thank you
Where can I find information on bundle branch block, including symptoms and treatments?
SUBJECT: shingles MESSAGE: I just sent a message about working at the airport with shingles. my dr has me released to go back to work in 3 days. that will be only 11days , Ito recover. I still have random fever and blisters, want to make sure Im not going to expose anyone to this.please answer before 3-13-14
When is shingles contagious?
MESSAGE: can I take Sam e with my blood pressure med and simvastatin? pressure med is metoprolol. im 65 and have panic attacks. I am not on any other meds. I have a physical this week and a blood test. will Sam e interfere with a blood test ? I also have spinal stenosis with numbness and prickly feelings in my body. Im going to talk to my dr about all of this on Friday. Dosage ? Thank you
What are the dosage, side effects, and drug interactions for Sam E?
SUBJECT: Please send me information on the treatement of hypertension and diabetes. MESSAGE: What causes hypertension and diabetes?
What causes hypertension and diabetes and what are the treatments for them?
I am a type 1 diabetic and have been since I was nine months old. I am now 34 and would love to talk to anyone interested in trials on the reversal vaccine that I have read articles about. I currently live in [LOCATION]. I was not sure if any local Endo Doctors are running trials similar, or would be interested in working with a patient that has had t1d for as long as I have. I am very active in my community with JDRF and would love nothing more than to be cured of this terrible disease. Please contact me via email or my cell# [CONTACT], I welcome any information that can be provided. Thank you, [NAME]
Where can I find information on clinical trials for type 1 diabetes reversal vaccines?
Good day doctor.... My name is [NAME] from Nigeria in West Africa. Please I'll appreciate so much if you will reach me urgently with any advice that can be valuable to a total cure of the diabetes that I came down with since the year 2008... at "[CONTACT]" . I'll be eagerly waiting for your response soonest, please.... Thanks for your anticipated corporation. [NAME]
What are the treatments for diabetes and can it be reversed?
Would appreciate any good info on Lewy Body Dementia, we need to get people aware of this dreadful disease, all they talk about is alzheimers. Thank you
Where can I find information on lewy body dementia?
I would appreciate it if you can send me or email me some exercises for a person who is a stroke victim. I am unable to walk due to a arthritic knee. otherwise I am flexable.. my home address is [CONTACT], My email is [CONTACT] (mailto:[CONTACT]) Thank you, [NAME]
What are good exercises for stroke recovery in people with knee arthritis?
MESSAGE: Hi I have aquestion regarding the chikenpox vaccination. My son is now 9 years old and got his 1st dose of chikenpox vaccine in September 2007 and the second does skipped please guide me if my son could gey the vaccine once again now.
Where can I find information on chickenpox vaccination schedules?
SUBJECT: Homozygout MTHFR A1298C Health Issues and long term prognosis? MESSAGE: What is your position on Homozygout MTHFR A1298C Health Issues and long term prognosis?
What is the prognosis for someone with homozygous MTHFR A1298C?
MESSAGE: Sir .my problem based on nerves sister legs nerves tried each other how i can treat
What are the treatments for leg nerves?
SUBJECT: Request for literature for Chromosome 16 duplication MESSAGE: I have 3 week old who was admitted in our [LOCATION] for being growth retarded. He was delivered term but weighed only 1.44 kg. There was polyhydramnios during pregnancy but the rest of the antenatal scans did not detect any other abnormalities. When the baby was born, we noted some dysmorphysm, namely: small head, low set ears, round face with wide phlitrum, slight hyperteloris, wide spaced nipples, clinodactyly and stubby toes. blood was sent for karyotype and showed 46XY,dup(16)(q13q23). I looked up any information about this condition and could not find any on-line. Can u please forward any literature you may have so as I can better appraise the parents of the prognosis and make a more detailed treatment plan for the patient. Thank you
Where can I find information on chromosome 16 duplication, specifically karyotype 46XY,dup(16)(q13q23)?
i wanted info on anhedonia... your web site is -well, i have never seen a better done website in 20 years!!! -in one word: your Organization reeks *Quality*. [NAME], 73, [LOCATION]
Where can I find information on anhedonia?
printed materials on osteoporosis. Is there any way you can please mail me literature on osteoporosis, I was just diagnosed. Thank you, [NAME] [LOCATION] [LOCATION] [LOCATION] [LOCATION]
Where can I find information on osteoporosis?
SUBJECT: Decreasing Wellbutrin HCL XL MESSAGE: Hello, I'm not sure if this is something you can help me with, but I thought that I would ask, as your organization is affiliated with trusted mental health and general health organizations. I was recently taken off of Wellbutrin HCL XL completely without any tapering. I'm having a difficult time finding out online if this is safe (to "go cold turkey") or if I should have been given the medication in slowly-decreasing doses. Can you please offer some guidance? Thank you. [NAME]
How do I stop taking wellbutrin HCL XL?
SUBJECT: Can I safely take prednisone and levaquin the same day several hours apart? MESSAGE: can I safely take levaquin and prednisone the same day not at the same time several hours apart?
Are there drug interactions between prednisone and levaquin?
SUBJECT: Gastroparesis MESSAGE: I am a current Gastroparesis fighter with a GJ feeding tube. I am also one of the admins for a GP support group and an advocacy group. I have become a volunteer advocater. I would appreciate any info you can share about Gastroparesis, Feeding tubes, and even TPN. Thanks
Where can I find information on Gastroparesis, tube feeding, and TPN?
SUBJECT: Maple Syrup Urine Disease MESSAGE: Gene changes or chromosomal changes of MSUD? What is the technical and simple language of MSUD? Are there any treatments for MSUD?
How is MSUD inherited and what are the treatments for it?
Anorexia Project. Hi! My name is [NAME] and I attend [LOCATION]. I am in eighth grade. I am doing a year-long service project in which I research anorexia nervosa and learn as much as I can about the causes, the effects, and the risks. As part of my project I would like to interview an individual from MedicinePlus to learn more. If you could have someone contact me regarding my interview via email, my email is [CONTACT]. 1)Where in America is anorexia most common? 2)When did anorexia become a problem in the United States? 3)Why is anorexia so prevalent in the United States compared to other countries? 4)What are the earliest signs of someone having anorexia? 5)What are some causes of anorexia?6) About how many people are diagnosed with anorexia each year?(in America) 7)How do you mentally treat someone for anorexia?8) Do anorexia patients know that what they are doing is unhealthy 9)Can anorexia be genetic? If yes, how often is it genetic related? 10)How often do anorexia victims also struggle with other eating disorders? 11)What year was anorexia most common, or does the percentage keep getting higher? 12)Are there certain sports that cause people to become anorexic? 13)Why is anorexia more common in girls than in guys? 14)Who are some individual(s) that have spoken nationally/worldwide about anorexia? 15)What is one(or more) way that ANAD tries to help solve the problem of anorexia?Thank-you so much for your time and effort! ~[NAME]
Where can I find information on anorexia nervosa?
SUBJECT: Periventricular Heterotopia. Scoliosis - possibility of a known link ? MESSAGE: Question in laymen terms: Has any genetic or other correlation ever been made between these two diagnosis? My 59 y.o. sister has a diagnosis of Periventricular Heterotopia. Her 30 y.o. daughter has been suffering with same for last 15 years. Her 37 Y.O. daughter is clinically full-care retarded (since infancy) and has severe idiopathic scoliosis. I have severe idiopathic scoliosis. I use the term "severe" to express debilitating and multiple fusion surgeries. All four of my generation female siblings have a level of scoliosis. FYI: this PH sister died last week, her remains are at the [LOCATION]
Is there a link between periventricular heterotopia and scoliosis?
MESSAGE: I need the information for posterior fossa One of my friends struggling with this disease ..
Where can I find information on posterior fossa disease?
SUBJECT: about thalassemia treatment MESSAGE: sir,my friend is suffering from thalassemia ,in that majorly red blood anemia,white blood anemia and the blood is comming out from mouth when she got cough .her condition is very severe .in her body the red ,white blood cells are abscent .so that blood transfusion is doing for every 16-20days.then in the recent days the blood also comming out from mouth please tell me where can i get the treatment for this disease .we can travel around the world for treatment please reply me as soon as possible. thank you sir.
What are the treatments for thalassemia?
Treatment for optic nerve atrophy. Hello Name's case :[NAME] Sex : Male Date of Birth : 1964 Nationality : [LOCATION] Diagnosis : optic nerve atrophy . i am suffering from optic atrophy, which led to loss of vision and inability to see, I suffer from this case from 1998 saluting suffered a fall on the head, which led to began this case even lost look, and have been performed process surgery in [LOCATION] in 1998-1999 . And then in 2009 cured by reactive optic nerve by Russian Professor . i want know you hospital have treatment for optic nerve atrophy , and what this treatment i need more information about treatment of optic nerve because now 16 years old I can not vision, and I wish could belive hope for treatment of my case. And i want know the cost of treatment . Thank you Regards / [NAME]
What are the treatments for optic nerve atrhrophy and how much do they cost?
My Brother named [NAME] Has Multiple tumors in brain and spine. after gone through 3 major surgeries he can not walk properly as he has 3 tumors still in brain and spine. and after surgery his right eyesight has been lost and he can not hear. Is there any research done by your sight and found medicines which can remove his remaining tumors. Please give me suggestion regarding this matter. I can provide all the necessary medical reports if you need.
What are the treatments for brain tumors and spinal tumors?
SUBJECT: NF2 MESSAGE: Dear Sir/Mam My name is [NAME] from [LOCATION] 28 years old. From my childhood I am suffering from Neurofibromatosis (Type 2). Last 1 year i am consulting with local dermatologist but being it is a genetic neurological disorder they not show any scope. In this situation my family is planning for my marriage. So I am need of suggestion 1) Whether is it prevent my child from cause and effect 2) Can it control by spreading more Please consider and revert back. Regards [NAME] [CONTACT]
How is neurofibromatosis type 2 inherited and what are the treatments for it?
SUBJECT: Strabismus Lazy Eye MESSAGE: I am someone who is out to get information about the developments in strabismus lazy eye correction. I will need information about all of the therapy that is possible involving the adult stem cell research therapy that will make certain the brain will be fully retrained with this after the surgery has been done, & this real important! [CONTACT]
What are the treatments for strabismus, including stem cell therapies?
SUBJECT: EAR LOBE CREASES MESSAGE: Are ear lobe creases always heart disease and 100% heart attack pending? What are other causes? I'm 56 have pierced ears but haven't wore earrings in years. In the last 7 years I rarely eat meat and when I do it's chicken or fish maybe beef every 5 years or so and its maybe a hamburger lean. If you do have arteriosclerosis is there anyway to reverse it?
Are earlobe creases always associated with heart disease / arteriosclerosis and could arteriosclerosis be reversed?
SUBJECT: Rheumatoid arthritis MESSAGE: Dear Sir- my wife is suffering from subject since last couples of years, and recently diagnose that she is effected with subject. therefore i need your kind support for treatment and percussion step. awaiting your kind reply and action. thanks and best Regards
What are the treatments for rheumatoid arthritis?
SUBJECT: Research assignment MESSAGE: Hi, I am a grade 12 student who is doing a research assignment on neurological disorders. Do you believe that there will ever be a bonafide cure for Multiple Sclerosis? If so, what kind of time frame would put on this cure?
Can multiple sclerosis be cured?
SUBJECT: broken the shoulder. MESSAGE: how to provide the treatment of broken shoulder lock problem ?
What are the treatments for broken shoulder?
SUBJECT: how long is the amoxicillin still potent? MESSAGE: I had dental work done last Jan. and I still have many tablets in the bottle ( for more dental work). Is the medicine still good, after 4 or 5 months?
How long does amoxicillin retain its potency?
SUBJECT: faty leaver&high blood presure MESSAGE: Dear sir &mam my blood presur is 140/100 what can i do for normal blood presure..
What are the treatments for high blood pressure?
SUBJECT: Sheehan's Syndrome MESSAGE: I was diagnosed with sheehans syndrome almost 14 years after almost dying after the birth of my daughter. My blood level fell to 1.3 I had a partial hysterectomy following the birth. I recently had my thyroid removed after diagnosis of cancer and was told that I am post menopause, I am only 39 years old. Do you have any information regarding diagnosis and misdiagnosis. What should the medical care have done to identify the syndrome?
How is sheehan's syndrome diagnosed?
SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: I am 52 years old. How current are your studies and findings. I have this problem, my father, my daughter and son and granddaughter also have this mutation. HYPOMATURATION TYPE, IIA2 I have 2 other daughters and a grandson that does not have this... Does this mean they could be carriers of it? [NAME] [LOCATION]
How is hypomaturation type IIA2 inherited?
SUBJECT: Renal Amyloidosis - best treatment for my coustin MESSAGE: This is [NAME] living in [LOCATION] . My Cousin [NAME] biopsy report suggested that he is suffering from "Renal Amyloidosis". He has earlier history of some hereditary diseases. PFA the reports. Please go through these reports and let me know possible best treatment for his treatment.
What are the treatments for renal amyloidosis?
SUBJECT: lymphedema MESSAGE: HelloI was suffering from filariasis before 6 month, then i observed that I started having leg swelling about 6 months ago.It's lymphedema of my left leg. I has seen many doctors for this problem. but nobody help me to cure this.Finally they answer me there is no treatment for this. i have to live with this disease. but i can't spend whole life with this disease. Better then i will comit or prefer sucide and say goodbye to life.So please suggest me treatment if any treatment available.please reply atleast if no solution.
What are the treatments for lymphedema?
SUBJECT: list of questions MESSAGE: I have a list of questions about Tay sachs disease and clubfoot 1. what is TSD/Clubfoot, and how does it effect a baby 2. what causes both? can it be prevented, treated, or cured 3. How common is TSD? how common is Clubfoot 4. How can your "agency" help a women/couple who are concerned about this congenital condition, and is there a cost? If you can answer these few questions I would be thankful, please get back as soon as you can.
Where can I find information on tay sachs disease and clubfoot, including prevalence, causes, prevention, treatments, and tratment costs?
SUBJECT: menstruation MESSAGE: What causes women menses over a month ? And how bad it is interms of their health ?
What causes prolonged periods?
Stiff neck. I have a stiff neck that will not go away.
What are the treatments for stiff neck?
MESSAGE: I just read an article submitted by you that stated your research shows that you've identified the mechanism that causes burning mouth syndrome. Also because of these findings you can find a treatment. I've had this for 15 yrs and am just holding on. When will a good treatment be available?? I belong to a group of over 500 bmsers. We're suffering terribly and were from all over the world. What would the treatment be?
What are the treatments for burning mouth syndrome?