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MESSAGE: Hi.. My mother is aged around 50 years.She has a keloid on face.she has undergone all types of treatments but all in vain(cryo surgery,surgery,steroid,compression band etc).It is getting bigger and bigger day by day.As it is on face she finds it very difficult to face people and society.So i request you to kindly suggest a remedy for the same..Please . With Regards
What are the latest treatments for facials keloids?
cure for hepatitus B. I am the care taker of a family member with hep B. He is end stage liver failure, but dosn't meet the guidelines for a liver transplant due to a colon cancer diagnosis in 2012. The colon cancer was successfully treated with colon resection. We were told by a previous physician that there is an approved drug which "cures" hep b. He emphasized that the new drug is a cure, not a treatment. I tried to find infoon my own, to no avail. I contacted NIH and was told to call the FDA. I have had no response from the FDA re: messages left in 2013. Their website was futile. Can you assist us. My family member is end stage and if this physician was accurate, this could assist us tremendously. He is taking baracluse and xifacxin as well as lactulose. His primary care physician is alarmingly unknowledgable.
Is there a cure for hepatitis B?
SUBJECT: gelatin MESSAGE: Hi I want to make sure what kind of gelatin is used at vitamin d. Is it from pork? thank you for cooperation.
Is gelatin an inactive ingredient of vitamin D and is it pork-free?
SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: I would like to know if there is a side affect from taking mestinone while tanning in a booth. it seems if have a rash on back and burning on chest and stomach which has never happened before I started taking mestinon. are we more sensitive to sun while on this medication?
What are the side effects of mestinon and tanning?
SUBJECT: Voice MESSAGE: Hi I am wondering if anyone can help me get my voice back. I have ALS in my throat and I don't want to go out on a disability. I want to keep working. Thank you.
What are the treatments for voice disorders caused by ALS?
SUBJECT: treatment for dry mouth caused by necessary medicine MESSAGE: My provider can't help (I asked.) I am intolerant of all the "sugar alcohols" such as maltilol, sorbitol, xylitol, etc. and need something for dry mouth caused by med which I have to take. Biotene products help for only about two minutes.
What are treatments for dry mouth that do not contain sugar alcohols?
Dear Sir and Madame, i´m looking very urgently for help and i really hope you give me an answer. My name is [NAME], from Germany, [LOCATION], 25 years old. A year ago i got sick, Gorlin Goltz syndrome an mutation of the PCH1 Gen. My condition worsened and here in Germany, nobody can help me. Sry for my english, its not the best. Ive heard from Gentechnik, so that defective genes can be exchanged or settled by cells or vitamins. Iam to young and i dont have much power. My doctors here in Germany partly dont know what to do and iam actually a strong person but I stay in an impasse. For me its no travel too far or too long. I fight for a long time but since I get every three weeks basaliomas I lose my zest for life. Im sure it gives an opportunity even if it is a larger intervention that I can be cured. Whatever how much it costs. I have read that they are furthest in the research which relates to cancer. I have a big heart, and no way is to long for me if you help me. PLEASE HELP ME!!! Best wishes [NAME]
What are the latest treatments for Gorlin Goltz syndrome?
Clinical Studies - Hep C Dear Madam / Sir, I am looking for clinical studies on Hep C and I want to know if my mother could participate in any of these studies ,she is 65 years old and she suffers from Hep C in stage between 3 & 4, she has liver cirrhosis and it caused variceal bleeding, so she gets an Endoscopic variceal ligation every 3 months . the new treatment is not available in Egypt yet and we are not sure when it will be or if it will ever be ! it's very risky to wait in my mom's case, and we can't afford the cost of the treatment abroad!! Please let me know if she could join one of your clinical studies, or if you can help us to find other studies according to her case (I can send a full record of her case) I'd be really grateful. I appreciate your concern in advance. Thank you & Best Regards, [NAME]
What clinical trials are available for hepatitis C?
genetic condition passed from mother. I am looking for the name of a genetic condition passed on from the mother. Female children are carriers, but only male children are symptomatic. It is often mistaken for a milk protein allergy, causes excessive spitting up and hiccups, and rounded teeth. Often male children do not make it to their 1st birthday. I have lost two boys, and am about to have a third, i desperately need to find the name of this condition. Please help, my childs life depends on it. My doctors say they do not know what to test for or how to proceed without a name.
What genetic condition causes excessive spitting up, hiccups, and rounded teeth?
SUBJECT: Letrozole MESSAGE: Can u please advise me what year Letrozole was first used in the market. As I was not given this tablet after Breast surgery in 2007 and my tumour grew again. I had gone through the Menopause in 1990 so was not offered Tamoxin.
When was Letrozole approved for use?
SUBJECT: other uses for Phentermine MESSAGE: Hello, My name is [NAME]. I do not usually send comments or questions online. I am only doing this because I am trying to find an answer to a baffling situation I am experiencing. I started taking Phentermine about 3 years ago for weight loss. I lost weight successfully, but also found that the Phentermine substantially relieved my arthritis pain. Now my doctor has taken me off of the Phentermine. He will not prescribe it for pain relief as he does not believe there is any correlation between the Phentermine and relief of my arthritis pain. I have taken many pain relief medications over the years as my arthritis is acute. The Phentermine works the best. Is there any correlation between Phentermine and pain relief? Sincerely, [NAME]
Can Phentermine be used for pain relief?
Customer Service Request. I am looking for recent information and treatment for Ledderhose Disease also know as Plantar Fibromotisis. I would be interested in doctors specializing in this disease.
Where can I find information on Ledderohose disease, including the latest treatments, and how can I find physician(s) who specialize in it?
SUBJECT: HELP TO LOCATE DRUG MESSAGE: Received instructions from the FDA in using this site to find an anti-depressant that DOES NOT contain soy in any ingredient. No product found. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
What anti-depressant fdrugs do not contain soy as an inactive ingredient?
SUBJECT: insomnia MESSAGE: What can I give my [AGE] father to help him sleep? He said he will take whatever. He is not on any medication, not allergic to anything. Fully ambilatory!
What are treatments for insomnia?
SUBJECT: Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) MESSAGE: Hi, my father has lost his hearing in one ear, and ever since he has been suffering with constant buzzing in his ear. Is there treatments that can be recommended to solve this? Kind Regards [NAME]
What are treatments for ringing in the ears?
SUBJECT: My sister was told she has Breast Cancer MESSAGE: Hello My Name is [NAME] My sister has been told that she has breast cancer. And I want to no if she could use Salinomycin to kill the breast cancer. [NAME]
Is Salinomycin a treatment for breast cancer?
SUBJECT: hiatal hernia/exercise MESSAGE: i lost 24 lbs. do you have an exercise i can do to correct me hernia?
What exercises will help hiatal hernia?
SUBJECT: I want to ask a question about botox MESSAGE: I want to know if botox is useful in treating someone who had a stroke and their left arm is crippled up? The man had a cerebral hemmorhage I want to know if this helps or not?
Can botox help arm paralysis?
SUBJECT: canadida of the esophagus MESSAGE: I cannot locate any information on this condition: causes, symptoms, treatment, etc. I have had it in the past and suspect that I have it again. I would like to research this condition, but internet search only comes up with cancer. I realize that my case is not addressed in your reply. I am simply seeking general information.
Where can I find information on candida of the esophagus, including causes, symptoms, and treatment?
MESSAGE: what is the latest news on tennitis, or ringing in the ear, I am 75 years old and have had ringing in the ear since my mid 5os. Thank you.
What is the latest research on tinnitis?
Aortic Valve Replacement surgery. Is Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIAVR, not TAVR) any less effective, or riskier than the Conventional Method where the breast bone is split? Can the surgeon do as good a job if the MIAVR procedure is used?
How does MIAVR compare to TAVR in effectiveness and risk?
SUBJECT: new treatment for lipoma of forearm MESSAGE: I have had two surgeries on my right forearm. The last was 2 years ago. The lipoma has returned. Are there any new treatments or experimental procedures that might help me?
What are the latest treatments for recurrent lipoma of the arm?
SUBJECT: thalamic lacunar strokes MESSAGE: I am interested in anything you have on this condition. I have this stroke and am aiming for knowledge. If at all possible, my thalamic lacunar stroke is yours to study.
Where can I find information on thalamic lacunar strokes?
Trisomy 13. I had a trisomy 13 mosaic infant and now my sister in law has just been diagnosed with a trisomy pregnancy. Is it possible both brothers may carry a translocation?
Is trisomy 13 inherited, and what is the pattern?
SUBJECT: prestigious place in USA for treatment to Common peroneal nerve dysfunction MESSAGE: Hello, I have foot drop for damage to the common peroneal nerve, caused by surgery on knee in November 2012.Please which is the most prestigious institution or place in USA for treatment or surgery of this type of injury. thanks a lot
How can I find physician(s) who specialize in Common peroneal nerve dysfunction?
SUBJECT: ALT in blood MESSAGE: My ALT is 45, AST is 56. What is best way or test to know the reason for these increased values in Blood. And any treatment possible without knowing the reason. I am a [LOCATION] having retired life. I feel 99-100 F most of the time, Age 73, wt 87 kg, no alkohol, no smoking etc.
What are the causes of and treatments for eleveted ALT and AST?
SUBJECT: Leg pain MESSAGE: I am diabetic since last 18 years and present it is 6.6 and morning it varies from 110 to 135 and afternoon and from 125 to 175.I regularly take medicine. swimming, exercise &Yoga for 1.5 Hours in the morning &1.5 Hours in the evening but recently the pain has started in the legs and Dr. has suggested stiloz-50.I also take Kerala juice/Methi seeds &it is water in the morning. Is this due to diabetes or any excess exercise?
What are the causes of leg pain?
loss of ear pressure. Is it possible to lose ear pressure more in one ear than another and can it repair itself.
What are the causes of loss of ear pressure and can it heal itself?
Thrush Article. Maybe I over read the article, but I saw nothing about thrush being transferred from one Person to another. Weather it can happen or can't it should be told somewhere in the article. [NAME]
How is thrush transmitted?
SUBJECT: athrtics MESSAGE: My right shoulder is getting pain and my right hand is not moving up and back freely. Doctor explained me that it is pediathratic problem. I have done some pschyotharapi treatment. Mr doctor advised me that there in no medicine and regular exercise required. What is the next stage I want to do. Please explain.
What are the treatments for shoulder pain and loss of hand movements?
MESSAGE: My husband has blood pressure of 247 in one arm and 170 in the other arm. What does that mean?
What are the causes of different blood pressure readings in each arm?
SUBJECT: nocturia MESSAGE: I had my Prostate removed by surgery because of Cancer several years ago. I have discussed this with my doctor and he cannot give me anything that will stop my having to get up 4-6 times during the night to urinate. I have no pain with it and the stream is normal. Your suggestions welcomed. Thank you.
What are the treatments for nocturia?
SUBJECT: Stroke mobility equipment MESSAGE: Husband has had 3 strokes since 1990. He refuses to take anymore maintenance therapy. It is becoming more challenging to help him be mobile. There does not seem to be any source to assist me in learning what equipment, etc. I could or should get to help him and to help me in my role as caregiver. Any help you can give would be much appreciated!
Where can I find information on stroke resources, including mobility equipment and caregiver support groups?
SUBJECT: severe full body weakness MESSAGE: Could you please tell me why the body would be severely weak. And after viral infection body does not return normal still is severely weak
What are the causes of severe body weakness?
SUBJECT: grievance counseling MESSAGE: My father passed away [DATE]. Hospice helped our family with his passing and offered us counseling which at that time our family didn't use. My brother is now interested in counseling services and I'm wondering if I can get some information on this. Thank you.
Where can I get information on grief counseling and support groups?
Does high Thyroid level (31.13) interfere with recovery I just had double knee replacement on 01/15/2014. I take Levothyroxin 137mg dailey for my thyroid condition. I take no other meds on a regular basis except for the normal pain meds prescribed during my recovery. During my recovery, I never felt comfortable and free of pain. I finally asked for a blood test and discovered my TSH level at 31.13. My question is, will a high TSH level interfere with healing and recovery of muscle tissue and bones? I am now taking a higher dose of Levthyroxin, can I expect a longer than normal recovery period due to a high TSH level? Thank You, [NAME]
Can high TSH levels or Levothyroxine impact muscle tissue recovery?
SUBJECT: Central venous catheters - ports MESSAGE: Hello, I was wondering about the Central venous catheters - ports and how they work. My grandma takes dialysis treatments and hers blew a couple days ago. Both of her arms swelled immediately. They were asked to do another one, but said it was ok. After another treatment today both arms turned purple. I want to know, if you can tell me, how dangerous is it if they are using the port and it is blown? Can she bleed out or throw blood clots?
What are the complication of central venous catheters?
SUBJECT: family lineage with three types of genetic disorder MESSAGE: In our family line there are three children with different genetic disorders, i want to know if this is a congenital condition that could affect future offspring in this lineage. One has downs syndrome, one had wolf herschhorn, and one has 46xy, 46xxy and 46xxxy; together referred to as Mosaic. they are all third cousins, there are many other children who will one day possibly have offspring is there a danger, should each have genetic testing
What are the inheritnce patterns of Downs Syndrome, Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome, and 46xy, 46xxy, 46xxxy mosaicism?
SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: for the last 2 years I have suffered with scalp psoriasis have tried every known shampoo for this problem and no I am trying vitamins also! I cannot afford the doctors treatment unless medicare would pay for it, please can u give me some advice. I take blood pressure meds after a triple bypass would that be working against me? I a, alicensed cosmetologist and even embarrassed to have a co worker cut my hair!
What are the treatments for scalp psoriasis?
SUBJECT: gluten free MESSAGE: Can you tell me if this drug is gluten free. Pms-Hydrochlorothiazide thank you [NAME]
What are the ingredients of Pms-Hydrochlorothiazide and it is gluten free?
broken veins in legs. is vein surgery for mostly cosmetic reasons recommended any dangers serious side effects
What are the complications of varicose vein surgery?
SUBJECT: Plaquenil MESSAGE: I was recently diagnosed with lupus. A few months prior I had a terrible reaction to levofloxacin. My doctor wants to give me plaquenil. I am concerned as this is in the quinolone family. Should I be concerned? Is this a quinolone drug?
What are the contraindications for plaquenil?
garcinia Cambodia. In the USA and elsewhere, plenty of Adds promoting the extract of this plant(Garcinia cambodia)to fight obesity. Any reliable information on this claim will be appreciated
Does Garcinia Cambogia help weight loss?
MESSAGE: My Aunt is on the following meds and is having pain not relieved by Tylenol. Could she take Motrin along with these meds. Aggrenox 25-200 Amlodipine 10 mg Simvastatin 20 levothyroxine 50 Mcg Oxybutynin.carb/comevo Sertraline
What drugs can interact with Motrin?
SUBJECT: uncontrollable jerking movements MESSAGE: When I am exercising hard, the left side of my body will start to do strange things. When lifting weights overhead, my left upper lift will jerk up into sort of a sneer. When doing core work, my left arm will start jerking so hard that it's impossible to hold onto anything. The jerking stops after the exercise ends; but my left arm feels worn out. No pain. A few months ago, my left leg completely lost any strength for weeks. It first appeared when I was just trying to do a squat with a plastic pipe in my hand. Eventually was able to work strength back. Again - no pain. Should I be alarmed?
What causes jerking movements during exercise?
SUBJECT: Find a Doctor, a specialist on this problem MESSAGE: who is a certified Opt. in or near the Nashville, TN area who does surgery for strabismus. please help me find a trusted doctor who performs this kind of surgery
How can I find physician(s) who specialize in strabismus surgery near Nashville TN?
SUBJECT: Medical MESSAGE: I have rash on the skin of the scrotum. What would cause it and how do I treat it?
What are the causes of and treatment for scrotal rash?
SUBJECT: Fomepizole Mixing MESSAGE: Hi, Can you tell me if there are any special mixing precautions associated with Fomepizole. I am wondering specifically about any contact precautions or if any protective gear needs to be worn when mixing. Thank you
Are there any precautions for mixing or administering Fomepizole?
Tests for Haemophilia. Hi, I was wondering if blood clotting assays are always positive if one has mild-moderate hemophilia and what the name is of the genetic tests for hemophilia? I have a history of internal spontaneous bleeding into the joints or with eating garlic or onions (in large amounts).I also hemmorhage after injuries (arm injury, head injury hemmorhage, and pregnancy birth hemmorhage--both times). I've had to have blood transfusions and shots to control the bleeding but it's usually possible to control it. I believe I may have passed this on to my son as he was determined by a doctor to be a heavy bleeder at circumcision. While on the [LOCATION]t, I was asked by a [LOCATION] if anyone had done a work-up on me for hemophilia or any clotting disorder and I said not to my knowledge. I asked if they were going to do it and she said to follow up with a primary doctor for it. She also said it could be expensive. This is why I'm asking, if I go to a medical appointment as a private-pay patient, and want to have testing done, which tests would you recommend? [NAME]
How is hemophilia diagnosed, and are there genetic tests for it?
MESSAGE: I have a fungal infection on my two legs which i have treated several month with Lamisil 1o/o cream ,Betamethasone-N cream and sulphur skin ointmentcream. And the drugs-: terbanfine, fuschin,ampiclus beecham vitamin "c" etc. But with all of these,the fungal still remain the same.pls, which strong antifungal drug or injection would you people recomend for me or what advice would you give ? Yours faithfully [NAME]
What are the treatments for severe skin fungal infections resistant to over the counter medications?
Tri-Gem Neuralgia. I had an episode with the tri gem 2 days after i was rear-ended. It was incredible pain that lasted 10 days. In the months following i had 2 decompression surgeries. the 1st one didnt work, was pain free for about 90 days. The second syrgery 6 months later left me with a numb face but no tri gemn pain. Could the tri gem have been brought on from the trauma to the head from the car accident? I had been diagosed prior to the accident, but was not experiencing any symptoms for a long time. Then the accident and 1 1 /2 days later im in a full blown episode. Please let me know what your thoughts are.
Can symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia be exacerbated by head trauma?
MESSAGE: Can u give me more information about physiotherapy for patient with acute stroke treated wiht trombolysis..?
Where can I find information on physical therapy after acute stroke?
SUBJECT: PSEUDOMONA AERUGINOSA - DIABETES MESSAGE: Hello. My name is [NAME], I have a daughter of 11 years with type 1 diabetes and I have a query. The bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been detected in the water tank of my building. I found that I have to take extra care with diabetics. Could advise me about that ?? Thank you. [NAME]
Are there special precautions for diabetes and pseudomonas aeruginosa?
Referral Vacationing in and near [LOCATION] Puerto Rico. How to I find a dentist for toothache?
How can I find dentist(s) to treat toothaches in Puerto Rico?
SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: My 4 months baby has ocular albinism. Can you please help me or suggest any medicine to cure him.
What are the treatments for ocular albinism?
57.txt - Error Found - in a study. Dear all, I am [NAME] from Malaysia. My mother has suffered from MSA and it is be discovered on 2009year. I have a question. From this, it showed that this disease is not to be hereditary. I got a real life example is that my grandpa was suffered with this disease and he had passed away, follow by my uncle that had inheritated this disease. My mother also got the same disease with her father. And this disease is discovered and proven by [LOCATION]. Is that really not hereditary? If my mother suffered from this disease, what is my probability to i will get this disease? I now feel worry about my future. I scared i will got the disease from mother. Could you please reply my message? Looking forward for your precious answer. Thank you. Yours sincerely, [NAME]
Is MSA disease hereditary?
SUBJECT: Positive MRSA by PCR MESSAGE: What does a positive MRSA by PCR mean? Can I still have my surgery? Am I contagious?
What does a positive MRSA by PCR mean, am I contagious, and can I have surgery?
SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: I'm a mother of a 13 year old girl that has been diagnosed with endometrises. I know its not spelled right. The doctor stated it was severe and uncommon for children her age. she was 12 when diagnosed is there anything going on for her age? she has not had any treatments and hurts constantly.
What are the treatments for severe endometriosis in adolescents?
I am interested in learning about treatments for intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN). I'm particularly interested in new treatments, perhaps less invasive surgery or alternative treatments. It would be good to know who is conducting the research in this area and where it is being conducted. Thank you, [NAME] -- [CONTACT]
What is the latest research on and treatments for intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN)?
SUBJECT: Dopa-responsive dystonia- (DYT 5) and retinitis pigmentosa MESSAGE: Hi, Im not sure if you can help, but my wife has Dopa-responsive dystonia- (DYT 5) and retinitis pigmentosa. I was hoping to find out some information if possible. Or to see if you could put me in touch with someone that mey be better suited to this. WE are wanting to start a family and want to know how Dopa-responsive dystonia- (DYT 5) and retinitis pigmentosa may effect the child or my wife during the proccess. She is currently taking levodopa daily and would like to know if this in itself could have an effect on an unborn child. Not sure if ive come through to the right place or not, but just looking for some information or an indication of whom i may speak to,. I really look forward to hearing back from you, Regards,
What are the effects of dopa-responsive dystonia, retinitis pigmentosa and levodopa on pregnancy?
SUBJECT: Letrozole MESSAGE: Since taking Letrozole the last 4.6 months, I now have a 4 cm. csyst in front of my right ovary that must be removed. Why am I prescribed a drug that is also prescribed for young women trying to conceive. I am post menopausal and had early stage breast cancer in 2010. Now, that I am ending my 5 year run with this drug, I have adverse affects with a cysts. Is a cysts an egg that was not fertilized from the Follupian Tubes. I cannot understand this logic of giving me this drug?
What are the uses and side effects of letrozole in postmenopausal women?
SUBJECT: Shortness of breath MESSAGE: Thank you for your tip on being short of breath upon doing simple chores around the house. I have done what you told me, breath through nose then let it out through pursed lips. Works for me, but I'm constantly out of breath my doctor checked my heart and lungs with his stethoscope and says all is fine. However I do suffer from hypertension and high blood pressure, and take medication for it. I'm 71 years old and would like to know if losing a bit of weight and walking would help me further, I need to toughen up my muscles because I tire kind of too easily, makes me feel like I'm lazy which I am not used to, I need to be doing things all the time. I'm a kitty cat caregiver and take in strays and look after them so you can imagine the work required, litter boxes to lift, bowls of water, food bags, vet care and just a lot of running around doing this and that for the kitties. Any suggestion from you would be appreciated.
Can weight loss and exercise help alleviate shortness of breath?
SUBJECT: vaginal rashes after periods that leads to vaginal itching MESSAGE: period rashes proceed to vaginal itching. then it develop fungal infection with thick white discharge. i then take flucanazole (antifungal)which cure it. but m worried of taking allopatic medicines. pls tell me what primitive or traditional methods do i use to avoid it. i also have a sensitive skin.
How can I prevent vaginal skin rashes and fungal infection?
SUBJECT: False positive UA results MESSAGE: I tested positive for amphetamine but do not use drugs? I do have bad allergies and heard several over the counter medications can cause false positives. Is this true and is there a list? Thanks to respond.
What can cause a false positive on an amphetamine drug test?
SUBJECT: Small Intestine Died MESSAGE: My Father-in-law died recently after his Small intestine died. He was apparently in good health and ate dinner on Saturday and had to be rushed to the hospital on Sunday. Early on Tuesday they operated on him after his blood pressure dropped. They removed 70-80% of his small intestine and part of his large intestine (dead). Is this reasonable that they would find this % of his intestine dead -- again he appeared to be OK the day before.
What causes the small intestine to die and what are the symptoms?
My sister was diagnosed with meningitis 13 years ago and lost her sight. She's had multiple doctors tell her that she's lying about not being able to see or that they do not see why she can't see given that her eyes reacts to light. Fast forward 13 years, I spoke with her today and she was a little overjoyed. She said that "she's been having good days". I asked her to elaborate and she said that sometimes she can see shadows and sometimes she can see light. From my self-knowledge, I thought that this kind of vision loss could not be repaired. I'm writing you all for possible answers or if you could point me in the right direction toward getting them. Thanks in advance.
Can vision loss due to meningitis be restored?
irregular bowl movements. problems in bathroom. is affecting my work/ and or sex life
What are the treatments for irregular bowel movements?
What are the side effects of prolia?
SUBJECT: bowl movements question. MESSAGE: I have been having BM two or three times a day, that is not a problem, it seems natural, but the feeling that I have not finish is there every time. I feel that I have not finish and something is going back in, when I get up. I had back surgery 6 months ago.
What are the treatments for incomplete bowel emptying?
SUBJECT: diaphragmatic hernia in fetus MESSAGE: Hi .in first pregnancy I had a fetus with diaphragmatic hernia and I had to abort him. Now I decide to pregnant , which kind of care I should do that my fetus doesn't involve whith diaphragmatic hernia . Do I need any regime, any supplements? My husband and I did the genetic test and it was normal. Thank you so much I am from iran
What causes fetal diaphragmatic hernia, and what can be done to prevent it?
SUBJECT: Vamousse head lice treatment labe claims MESSAGE: To the best of my knowledge, any head lice treatment that claims to "Kill" lice and/or eggs is considered by FDA to be a drug claim and therefore needs to contain an FDA-registered pediculicide (kills lice) or an FDA-approved ovicide (kills eggs). Otherwise the product is considered to be misbranded and a "new drug" requiring appropriate testing. The "Vamousse" head lice treatment claims "Kills 100% lice and eggs" and does not conform. In addition, the claim "kills 100%" is in violation of FTC rulings which prohibit claiming "100%". This company has also introduced a Head Lice Prevention product which is also in violation of FTC rulings (see FTC vs Lornamead). I think that you should research these issues and publish your findings. Thank you.
Does Vamoose head lice treatment conform to FDA and FTC labeling guidelines?
SUBJECT: Tamsulosin MESSAGE: Is Tamsulosin gluten-free and where is it manufactured? Thank you. [NAME], RN, BA
Is Tamsulosin gluten-free and where is it manufactured?
SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: Dear Team, In 1996, I had an accident on my left eye when a ball smashed it. Retina fallen down, lens damaged. I hadn't been operated at that point only later, in 2003 when the pressure was very high (above 30 mp). This first operation had fixed the retina with endolaser, removed vitreous body filled with silicone oil, replaced the lens with an artificial one and stabilized the pressure to around 15-10 mp. However, the eye got blood, retina got detached and it had to be operated again. This time, the oil replaced with gas. After 2 years, another attempt made with oil and lastly with gas, but the retina fallen again and again. Currently, the retina is still detached, the pressure is low (max 4 mp), has often blood around the iris and it hurts a bit when the air pressure changes. I cannot see anything with it apart from blur lights. The doctor says, this damaged eye is shrinking continuously. My other eye functioning well. I learned to live together with it, however, the doctor says, he strongly recommends enucleation. I dont know if there is any other option to avoid enucleation. I have 2 young children so if there were any option to avoid enucleatio, I would happy travel/pay for that. Kindly let me know if there is any other option. My main priority -if available- would be to live with my own or another organic eye which doesn't look scary even if it is not functional. Second priority is to have usable organic eye- but my doctor told, this is not yet possible. Please confirm. I know you are specialized in Thank you in advance -- Best regards, [CONTACT] [NAME]
What are alternatives to enucleation?
SUBJECT: concussions and long term head trauma from abuse Ii MESSAGE: I was a victim from an abusive relationship, both verbal and physical. During this time I received substantial injuries to my head. Slight concussions led to full-fledged concussions, losing the ability to talk very well, then think very well, and a subdural hematoma, on the left side, bled down inside my head to behind my left eye, which made it unable to move. Along with an intense headache and drinking a lot of coffee, the neurosurgeon didn't have to do brain surgery, as my eye finally moved!Battered Women's told me to get out of the area a stay gone if I wanted to stay alive. So I did! Speech Therapy helped considerably, the story goes on. Anyway, I hear and read a lot about concussions and head trauma for football players, young and old, and wonder if any studies have ever been done for women? A few years ago, I had a partial stroke, but enough to set me back a bit. But this time I know what I need to do to help fix my head, again.
What is the latest research on concussions and head trauma in women?
herbs and nutritional supplements have been associated with kidney injury. I need to know the list of herbs and nutritional supplements have been associated with kidney injury
Are there herbs or supplements that can cause kidney problems?
SUBJECT: Arthritis on elderly MESSAGE: Is there something available, in English or Spanish, about Phisiotherapy specific for ankle arthritis? Just to know something more. There is a case in my Family and it is being followed by both a phisician and a phisiotherapist. My e-mail is [CONTACT]. Thanks. [NAME].
Where can I find information on physical therapy for ankle arthritis?
SUBJECT: enlarge prostate MESSAGE: Hi, I have some questions about enlarge prostate. My bf has that and he tried different pills and now his been on just 1 type of pill which are SANDOZ-ALFUZOSIN...hes been on them for over 2 years i think...but his sex drive has decrease...and so i was wondering if he has surgery will his sex drive increase again or it would there be still a chance of that side effect? He has talked to his dr. but that doesnt seem to help much. So i was wondering if you have any suggestions because i would like for this situation to change if thats at all possible. Please let me know what your opinion are. thank-you
What are the treatments for enlarged prostate, and how do they affect sex drive?
cinca sindrome. where the treatment of cinca sindrome.
What are the tratments for cinca syndrome?
SUBJECT: Whipple's Disease MESSAGE: Your information about Whipple's Disease says that it is fatal if left untreated, but there is no information about HOW LONG a person can have it. I have been sick for 6 years and am having no luck getting a diagnosis, and it would be most helpful in ruling things out if I knew whether or not a particular illness would kill a person within a shorter time period than 6 years. Thank you.
What are the diagnosis of and prognosis for Whipple's Disease?
SUBJECT: Pilot and Lazy Eye MESSAGE: Dear MedlinePus I started to fly at the age of 15 and have been flying for over 3,5 years and has logged over 120 hours in my time as pilot. My dream is to become a Comerical Pilot and recently I undertook a medical class 1 which I failed in [LOCATION] because of my Eye position and Eye movment, hence I have not experienced any problem with my vision in daily life nor when I have been flying.. The problem is that my binocular vision is not good enough and the eye-doctor meant it could be a problem if I sudden developed double vision. Is there any operation that can fix this? The Orthoptics I went to meant there was a problem with one of the eye muscles which where to thight and the other too weak. She said it can be fixed, but this is not "normal" in [LOCATION] because it is not big enough error she meant. Is there anyway to fix this? I appreciate all information! Kind Regards [NAME]
What are the treatments for lazy eye?
Prothesis to assist Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. My 22 yr old grandson has Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. Has weak arm & hands curl inward. He has difficulty picking up a plate or opening doors. Some type of shoulder harness with support for arms could help. Something electrical like limbs for amputees. Is anything being considered in this area?
Are there assistive devices for Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy?
SUBJECT: Cocaine Topical MESSAGE: Hi I wanted to inquire about NDC: 00527172874 Topical Cocaine. And how long the dye in the product lasts on the skin.
For Topical Cocaine NDC: 0527-1728-74, how long does the dye stay on the skin?
What are the diagnosis and treatments for shingles?
SUBJECT: treatment Information Serratia marcescens MESSAGE: Good afternoon, I would like to ask please inform me which treatment or medication should be applied when you have contracted the bacteria Serratia marcescens in a leg wound that does not heal and always with abscesses, inflammation of areas that are filled with pus, has been applied gentamicin and do not see the improvement, in addition to other antibiotics. Thanks [CONTACT]
What drugs/treatments are available for Serratia marcescens wound infections?
SUBJECT: bone marrow transplation MESSAGE: my blood tests showing very low number of blood platelets (16,100). according to the further tests no cancerous cells, no tb, no dengu is found. but the count is drastically decreasing. now my doctors advised me for bone marrow transplant. kindly help me with proper treatment.
What causes low platelet count, and what treatments are available?
SUBJECT: does fluocinonide contain tea tree oil? An allergist determined I am allergic. MESSAGE: Tea tree oil is identified on a product as fragrance and I used this product yesterday and my fingers are broken out significantly and I'd like to know if I am allergic to fluocinonide.
Does tea tree oil contain fluocinonide?
SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: I have a relative that have onset of type 2 diabetes we want to know if there're any natural approach to improve her glucose levels sensitive. All the antidiabetic medicines they have prescribes made sicker. Now they've prescribed her Glipize and cause her feet to be weak and skinny. Please help! Thanks
What natural/alternative therapies are available for type 2 diabetes?
SUBJECT: Skin Itching MESSAGE: At night, I have very bad lower leg skin itching. Is this being caused by any of my prescripions?
What prescription drugs cause itching skin on legs?
SUBJECT: POMEGRANATE MESSAGE: Rosuvastatin (Crestor) Rosuvastatin (Crestor) is broken down by the body in the liver. Drinking pomegranate juice might decrease how quickly the liver breaks down rosuvastatin (Crestor). This might increase the effects and side effects of rosuvastatin (Crestor). My question is what about Lipitor?
Does Lipitor interact with pomegranate juice?
SUBJECT: treatment options versus migraine types MESSAGE: Migraine seems to be a spectrum of conditions rather than only one easily diagnosed affliction. Many innovative migraine treatments are now in use, but it seems that each treatment only addresses a narrow set of conditions; for example, my daughter has tried many different treatment options (QEEG, HEG, TMS, topamax, ...) without success. Has any research been done to characterize which treatment types are effective against which migraine types?
Has any research been done to characterize which treatment types are effective against which migraine types?
SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: Stiff person Syndrome. Please can you tell me what are the early symptoms I have severe cramps in my feet which are twisting into an arc,muscle spasms slowly getting worse and my muscles particularly in my legs are cramping like someone has pushed a knitting needle into them. Started off at night but now happening through the day my back and neck and voice box are also effected and my chest area has now seized to the point of restricting my breathing to very shallow at times I find that I am stretching out involuntarily right through my body and this is becoming more frequent
What are the early symptoms of Stiff person Syndrome?
Melanoma. The doctor wants my father to take interferon Alfa-2b They did the surgery it was on his feet know they want him to take the biological therapy he is very scared I just want some more info please can u get me info ASAP thank u
Where can I find information about interferon alfa-2B therapy for melanoma?
My wife suffers from MS since 1991, where the base is cognitive only. She has no physical signs of MS. I would like to consider more info on the stem cell research, anything you could offer would be appreciated.
Where can I find information about stem cell therapy for multiple sclerosis?
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. I am doing a research project on this genetic disease and I would like to know more about it from a professional. I am researching the mode of inheritance, symptoms, treatments/ support groups, and relative cost to family.
Where can I find information about Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, specifically mode of inheritance, symptoms, treatments/ support groups, and relative cost to family?
MESSAGE: I had the lap band but I just gain the weight back. can I still have the bypass done ?
Can gastric/GI bypass surgery for weight loss be done after failed lap band surgery?
SUBJECT: - Question - specific study MESSAGE: My dear friend [NAME], 52 years, [LOCATION], recently had both legs amputated above knee. Is there any possibilities in making a miracle of giving her real legs again? I just had watched your television program and can't believe I had forgotten about a man I know having half of his jaw removed due to chewing tobacco looks amazing with barely a scar his jaw grew back and it just dawned on me his newline had transformed over the last year to looking very normal, that it was used on him. I have seen him a half dozen times. Wow ! [NAME] has been pretty much completely healed for awhile but has had some trouble with her left one. Phantom feelings are there. Please respond and thank you. [CONTACT]
Is there a treatment to transplant or make amputated legs grow back?
SUBJECT: taking medications options MESSAGE: If my doctor gives prescription for Inderal 40 mg twice a day, pharmacist says take 80mg time release once day. Is it appropriate to follow pharmacists directions rather than doctors prescription 40 mg twice a day. Does 40 MG twice day equal constant 40 mg, or does it build to 80 and maintain 80 mg?
Is Inderal 40 mg twice a day equivalent to 80mg time release once a day?
SUBJECT: taking the berry smothie redi cat 2 MESSAGE: is it normal of the patients stool to be totally deep deep blood red? my husband [NAME] took 1 bottle of the berry smoothie flavor of this barium sulfate suspension before we found out today that the test was cancelled because his blood work showed his kidneys weren't as they should be. He was directed to drink lots of water to wash the barium sulfate from his body, and he's been to the bathroom twice and the toilet is filled with liquid blood red, deep red color when he's finished. Thank you [CONTACT]
What are the side effects of barium sulfate?
SUBJECT: - Question - general information MESSAGE: My daughter was recently diagnosed with a CTNNB1 mutation and there are only 4 published cases. Can you tell me where I may be able to find more information
Where can I find information about CTNNB1 mutation?
SUBJECT: erection problems MESSAGE: I am 32 yrs. old , 5.6 ft. and 68 kg wt., married and have a son of two years. Since last few months , I experience erection related problems during intercourse. When aroused, I get normal erection but it does nt continue for long. I don’t smoke and very rarely drink. I do exercise also. I masturbate 4-5 times a week because my testicles experience pain if I don’t ejaculate after any intimacies or getting very aroused. When pain starts, if I ejaculate by masturbating, It is relieved. I do have night erections which I find generally in the mornings. Out of tension, once I tried Sildenafil tablet also for erection. Please tell me if I am suffering from any erection related problems or any other problems. Is masturbation a cause for these? Kindly guide me. I have not visited any doctor yet.
Can masturbation cause erectile dysfunction?