TELEPHONE one one two one one eight nine oneone three two four two one one two one one eight nine oneone three two four two 1
TELEPHONE oneeight nine four two six threefour twoone 1-894263-42-1 1
TELEPHONE oneeight nine four two six threefour twoone oneeight nine four two six threefour twoone 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eightoneeight nine four two six threefour twonine 978-1-894263-42-9 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eightoneeight nine four two six threefour twonine nine seven eightoneeight nine four two six threefour twonine 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eighto seven six one one five six one six one 978-0761156161 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eighto seven six one one five six one six one nine seven eighto seven six one one five six one six one 1
FRACTION one thousand three hundred fifty two fifty fourths 1352/54 1
FRACTION one thousand three hundred fifty two fifty fourths one thousand three hundred fifty two fifty fourths 1
DATE april twenty second eighteen forty three april 22, 1843 1
DATE april twenty second eighteen forty three april twenty second eighteen forty three 1
TELEPHONE seven eight six twoone seven six o 7862 1760 1
TELEPHONE seven eight six twoone seven six o seven eight six twoone seven six o 1
DATE the first of july seventeen seventy one 1 july 1771 1
DATE the first of july seventeen seventy one the first of july seventeen seventy one 1
TELEPHONE oo nineone eight three o seven fourfive 0 09 183074 5 1
TELEPHONE oo nineone eight three o seven fourfive oo nineone eight three o seven fourfive 1
TELEPHONE o eight five two six one o o five 085261005 1
TELEPHONE o eight five two six one o o five o eight five two six one o o five 1
TELEPHONE threefour eight seveno seven seven three oneo 3-487-07731-0 1
TELEPHONE threefour eight seveno seven seven three oneo threefour eight seveno seven seven three oneo 1
LETTERS p a n g o l i n s pangolins 1
LETTERS p a n g o l i n s p a n g o l i n s 1
ELECTRONIC w h u s dot o r g whus.org 1
ELECTRONIC w h u s dot o r g w h u s dot o r g 1
ELECTRONIC w i l i dot c o m s l a s h f m wili.com/fm 1
ELECTRONIC w i l i dot c o m s l a s h f m w i l i dot c o m s l a s h f m 1
ELECTRONIC n a t t e r dot c o m natter.com 1
ELECTRONIC n a t t e r dot c o m n a t t e r dot c o m 1
DATE saturday the twenty first of december nineteen thirty five saturday, 21 dec 1935 1
DATE saturday the twenty first of december nineteen thirty five saturday the twenty first of december nineteen thirty five 1
DECIMAL seven hundred seventy two billion 772 billion 1
DECIMAL seven hundred seventy two billion seven hundred seventy two billion 1
LETTERS i u m b iumb 1
LETTERS i u m b i u m b 1
ELECTRONIC h t t p c o l o n s l a s h s l a s h h o s t e s s b r a n d s dot c o m d a s h k dot n e t s l a s h c l o s e d http://hostessbrands.com-k.net/closed 1
ELECTRONIC h t t p c o l o n s l a s h s l a s h h o s t e s s b r a n d s dot c o m d a s h k dot n e t s l a s h c l o s e d h t t p c o l o n s l a s h s l a s h h o s t e s s b r a n d s dot c o m d a s h k dot n e t s l a s h c l o s e d 1
DATE the seventh of february eighteen ninety six 7 february 1896 1
DATE the seventh of february eighteen ninety six the seventh of february eighteen ninety six 1
TELEPHONE one eight nine oseven one six (1890)716 1
TELEPHONE one eight nine oseven one six one eight nine oseven one six 1
TELEPHONE one eight nine oone two (1890)12 1
TELEPHONE one eight nine oone two one eight nine oone two 1
LETTERS o p f c opfc 1
LETTERS o p f c o p f c 1
ELECTRONIC k m t h r e e n e w s dot c o m km3news.com 1
ELECTRONIC k m t h r e e n e w s dot c o m k m t h r e e n e w s dot c o m 1
MONEY seven hundred eighty four million euros €784 million 1
MONEY seven hundred eighty four million euros seven hundred eighty four million euros 1
CARDINAL one hundred eighty two thousand four hundred eighty five 182,485 1
CARDINAL one hundred eighty two thousand four hundred eighty five one hundred eighty two thousand four hundred eighty five 1
MONEY sixty five thousand nine hundred thirty four dollars $65,934 1
MONEY sixty five thousand nine hundred thirty four dollars sixty five thousand nine hundred thirty four dollars 1
TELEPHONE othree one threetwo nine two one twofour 0-313-29212-4 1
TELEPHONE othree one threetwo nine two one twofour othree one threetwo nine two one twofour 1
DECIMAL nine hundred fifty four point six 954.6 1
DECIMAL nine hundred fifty four point six nine hundred fifty four point six 1
MONEY four rupees and thirty paise rs 4.30 1
MONEY four rupees and thirty paise four rupees and thirty paise 1
MONEY four hundred twenty six pounds and fifty five pence £426.55 1
MONEY four hundred twenty six pounds and fifty five pence four hundred twenty six pounds and fifty five pence 1
ELECTRONIC g r i n d t v dot c o m grindtv.com 1
ELECTRONIC g r i n d t v dot c o m g r i n d t v dot c o m 1
LETTERS d a d b s r dadbsr 1
LETTERS d a d b s r d a d b s r 1
TELEPHONE oeight two two fivefour nine three one 0-8225-4931 1
TELEPHONE oeight two two fivefour nine three one oeight two two fivefour nine three one 1
TELEPHONE eightfourtwo o o five 8-4 2005 1
TELEPHONE eightfourtwo o o five eightfourtwo o o five 1
MEASURE three hundred twenty four point eight meters 324.8 m 1
MEASURE three hundred twenty four point eight meters three hundred twenty four point eight meters 1
LETTERS a c i t s acits 1
LETTERS a c i t s a c i t s 1
DIGIT four o four eight six 40486- 1
DIGIT four o four eight six four o four eight six 1
MONEY five million forty thousand eight hundred sixty dollars $5,040,860 1
MONEY five million forty thousand eight hundred sixty dollars five million forty thousand eight hundred sixty dollars 1
MONEY eighty six thousand nine hundred fifty nine dollars $86,959 1
MONEY eighty six thousand nine hundred fifty nine dollars eighty six thousand nine hundred fifty nine dollars 1
MONEY six million five hundred eighty five thousand five hundred sixteen dollars $6,585,516 1
MONEY six million five hundred eighty five thousand five hundred sixteen dollars six million five hundred eighty five thousand five hundred sixteen dollars 1
CARDINAL nine trillion seven hundred eighty billion nine hundred ninety million seven hundred eighteen thousand two hundred twenty two 9780990718222 1
CARDINAL nine trillion seven hundred eighty billion nine hundred ninety million seven hundred eighteen thousand two hundred twenty two nine trillion seven hundred eighty billion nine hundred ninety million seven hundred eighteen thousand two hundred twenty two 1
TELEPHONE threefive two seventhree o o five foursix 3-527-30054-6 1
TELEPHONE threefive two seventhree o o five foursix threefive two seventhree o o five foursix 1
DECIMAL two thousand seven hundred sixty two point eight 2,762.8 1
DECIMAL two thousand seven hundred sixty two point eight two thousand seven hundred sixty two point eight 1
MEASURE one thousand sixty six point seven per square kilometers 1,066.7/km² 1
MEASURE one thousand sixty six point seven per square kilometers one thousand sixty six point seven per square kilometers 1
CARDINAL one hundred eighty nine thousand eighteen 189,018 1
CARDINAL one hundred eighty nine thousand eighteen one hundred eighty nine thousand eighteen 1
CARDINAL two hundred thirty two thousand eight hundred fifty seven 232,857 1
CARDINAL two hundred thirty two thousand eight hundred fifty seven two hundred thirty two thousand eight hundred fifty seven 1
MONEY sixty four thousand fifty pounds £64,050 1
MONEY sixty four thousand fifty pounds sixty four thousand fifty pounds 1
ELECTRONIC w w w dot o p i e i g h t dot c o m www.opi8.com 1
ELECTRONIC w w w dot o p i e i g h t dot c o m w w w dot o p i e i g h t dot c o m 1
CARDINAL fifty three million eight hundred seventy seven thousand four hundred ten 53877410 1
CARDINAL fifty three million eight hundred seventy seven thousand four hundred ten fifty three million eight hundred seventy seven thousand four hundred ten 1
LETTERS n u a m nu'am 1