VERBATIM dot t w o dot o n e f o u r a dot t w o dot o n e f o u r a 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eighteight onenine two nine two o twooseven 978-81-929202-0-7 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eighteight onenine two nine two o twooseven nine seven eighteight onenine two nine two o twooseven 1
TELEPHONE onefive seven o two sevenone five eightfive 1-57027-158-5 1
TELEPHONE onefive seven o two sevenone five eightfive onefive seven o two sevenone five eightfive 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eightonefive seven o two sevenone five eighteight 978-1-57027-158-8 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eightonefive seven o two sevenone five eighteight nine seven eightonefive seven o two sevenone five eighteight 1
DECIMAL one thousand nine hundred twenty two point one 1,922.1 1
DECIMAL one thousand nine hundred twenty two point one one thousand nine hundred twenty two point one 1
ELECTRONIC p i l o t p o o l dot c o m pilotpool.com 1
ELECTRONIC p i l o t p o o l dot c o m p i l o t p o o l dot c o m 1
MONEY sixty thousand eight hundred thirty two dollars $60,832 1
MONEY sixty thousand eight hundred thirty two dollars sixty thousand eight hundred thirty two dollars 1
CARDINAL twenty eight thousand sixty seven 28,067 1
CARDINAL twenty eight thousand sixty seven twenty eight thousand sixty seven 1
ELECTRONIC n e w s dot n e w a m e r i c a m e d i a dot o r g news.newamericamedia.org 1
ELECTRONIC n e w s dot n e w a m e r i c a m e d i a dot o r g n e w s dot n e w a m e r i c a m e d i a dot o r g 1
CARDINAL twenty million one hundred thirty thousand six hundred thirteen 20130613 1
CARDINAL twenty million one hundred thirty thousand six hundred thirteen twenty million one hundred thirty thousand six hundred thirteen 1
TIME seven twenty two p m c d t 7:22 pm cdt 1
TIME seven twenty two p m c d t seven twenty two p m c d t 1
MONEY one hundred fifty nine million pounds 拢159 million 1
MONEY one hundred fifty nine million pounds one hundred fifty nine million pounds 1
CARDINAL thirty six thousand one hundred fifty one 36,151 1
CARDINAL thirty six thousand one hundred fifty one thirty six thousand one hundred fifty one 1
CARDINAL three hundred fifteen thousand three hundred thirty 315,330 1
CARDINAL three hundred fifteen thousand three hundred thirty three hundred fifteen thousand three hundred thirty 1
ELECTRONIC r e c i t a l e s a r g e n t i n a dot c o m dot a r recitalesargentina.com.ar 1
ELECTRONIC r e c i t a l e s a r g e n t i n a dot c o m dot a r r e c i t a l e s a r g e n t i n a dot c o m dot a r 1
DIGIT three seven two nine eight 37298 1
DIGIT three seven two nine eight three seven two nine eight 1
DATE the twelfth of october fifteen seventy five 12 october 1575 1
DATE the twelfth of october fifteen seventy five the twelfth of october fifteen seventy five 1
CARDINAL seventy six thousand sixty five 76,065 1
CARDINAL seventy six thousand sixty five seventy six thousand sixty five 1
ADDRESS a one seven nine one nine six a179196 1
ADDRESS a one seven nine one nine six a one seven nine one nine six 1
TELEPHONE nine nine four fournine nine five o 9944-9950 1
TELEPHONE nine nine four fournine nine five o nine nine four fournine nine five o 1
MONEY two million three hundred fifty one thousand six hundred twenty eight dollars $2,351,628 1
MONEY two million three hundred fifty one thousand six hundred twenty eight dollars two million three hundred fifty one thousand six hundred twenty eight dollars 1
TELEPHONE oseven six two fourthree three five four 0-7624-3354 1
TELEPHONE oseven six two fourthree three five four oseven six two fourthree three five four 1
TELEPHONE oneeight eight seven nine two seveno o 1-887927-00 1
TELEPHONE oneeight eight seven nine two seveno o oneeight eight seven nine two seveno o 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eightoneeight eight seven nine two seveno oo 978-1-887927-00-0 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eightoneeight eight seven nine two seveno oo nine seven eightoneeight eight seven nine two seveno oo 1
CARDINAL one million one hundred twenty nine thousand three hundred forty seven 1,129,347 1
CARDINAL one million one hundred twenty nine thousand three hundred forty seven one million one hundred twenty nine thousand three hundred forty seven 1
CARDINAL twelve million seven hundred ten thousand eight hundred five 12710805 1
CARDINAL twelve million seven hundred ten thousand eight hundred five twelve million seven hundred ten thousand eight hundred five 1
DATE the fourth of september seventeen ninety nine 4 september 1799 1
DATE the fourth of september seventeen ninety nine the fourth of september seventeen ninety nine 1
TELEPHONE osix seven oeight four five three twonine 0-670-84532-9 1
TELEPHONE osix seven oeight four five three twonine osix seven oeight four five three twonine 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eightoneeight eight four nine six fourthree sixseven 978-1-884964-36-7 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eightoneeight eight four nine six fourthree sixseven nine seven eightoneeight eight four nine six fourthree sixseven 1
ELECTRONIC k i n g b a n a n a dot n e t kingbanana.net 1
ELECTRONIC k i n g b a n a n a dot n e t k i n g b a n a n a dot n e t 1
MONEY one hundred sixty eight thousand nine hundred ninety five dollars $168,995 1
MONEY one hundred sixty eight thousand nine hundred ninety five dollars one hundred sixty eight thousand nine hundred ninety five dollars 1
MONEY one hundred eighty six thousand three hundred fourteen dollars $186,314 1
MONEY one hundred eighty six thousand three hundred fourteen dollars one hundred eighty six thousand three hundred fourteen dollars 1
ELECTRONIC b o x o f f i c e dot m m o j o dot c o m boxoffice.mmojo.com 1
ELECTRONIC b o x o f f i c e dot m m o j o dot c o m b o x o f f i c e dot m m o j o dot c o m 1
LETTERS t v o r o g tvorog 1
LETTERS t v o r o g t v o r o g 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eightotwo two sixeight two three three sixtwo 978-0-226-82336-2 1
TELEPHONE nine seven eightotwo two sixeight two three three sixtwo nine seven eightotwo two sixeight two three three sixtwo 1
TELEPHONE six nine eightseven one onep m i dtwo one o seven four seven two o 698-711 pmid 21074720 1
TELEPHONE six nine eightseven one onep m i dtwo one o seven four seven two o six nine eightseven one onep m i dtwo one o seven four seven two o 1
DATE the thirtieth of may seventeen forty four 30 may 1744 1
DATE the thirtieth of may seventeen forty four the thirtieth of may seventeen forty four 1
LETTERS e k s k l u z i v e ekskluzive 1
LETTERS e k s k l u z i v e e k s k l u z i v e 1
ELECTRONIC h a s h r a m d e v dot t w e n t y s e v e n s #ramdev.27s 1
ELECTRONIC h a s h r a m d e v dot t w e n t y s e v e n s h a s h r a m d e v dot t w e n t y s e v e n s 1
CARDINAL sixty one thousand one hundred ninety three 61193 1
CARDINAL sixty one thousand one hundred ninety three sixty one thousand one hundred ninety three 1
DECIMAL four point nine eight nine 4.989 1
DECIMAL four point nine eight nine four point nine eight nine 1
MEASURE eight hundred eighty four miles 884 mi 1
MEASURE eight hundred eighty four miles eight hundred eighty four miles 1
TIME ten twenty e t 10:20 et 1
TIME ten twenty e t ten twenty e t 1
MEASURE seven thousand three hundred kilometers 7,300 km 1
MEASURE seven thousand three hundred kilometers seven thousand three hundred kilometers 1
MEASURE four thousand five hundred miles 4,500 mi 1
MEASURE four thousand five hundred miles four thousand five hundred miles 1
TELEPHONE o seven o eight nine two three two five nine 0708923259 1
TELEPHONE o seven o eight nine two three two five nine o seven o eight nine two three two five nine 1
CARDINAL nine trillion seven hundred eighty billion seven hundred eight million nine hundred twenty three thousand two hundred fifty two 9780708923252 1
CARDINAL nine trillion seven hundred eighty billion seven hundred eight million nine hundred twenty three thousand two hundred fifty two nine trillion seven hundred eighty billion seven hundred eight million nine hundred twenty three thousand two hundred fifty two 1
ELECTRONIC m y f o x b o s t o n dot c o m myfoxboston.com 1
ELECTRONIC m y f o x b o s t o n dot c o m m y f o x b o s t o n dot c o m 1
ELECTRONIC t o p i c s dot n y t i m e s dot c o m r i c h topics.nytimes.comrich 1
ELECTRONIC t o p i c s dot n y t i m e s dot c o m r i c h t o p i c s dot n y t i m e s dot c o m r i c h 1
TELEPHONE onefive five six seven oone nine ninethree 1-55670-199-3 1
TELEPHONE onefive five six seven oone nine ninethree onefive five six seven oone nine ninethree 1
TELEPHONE twoeight four one seven twoo o fourseven 2-84172-004-7 1