20 years ago, with smoking history of 15 pack-years) was referred to our outpatient clinic with NSCLC diagnosis to assess treatment options. The tumour was located in the right lung and spread to the mediastinal and supraclavicular lymph nodes. The lesion was detected in the chest CT (April, 2015) performed due to recurring mild exertional dyspnoea, decrease in exercise tolerance and dry paroxysmal cough. On histopathological examination of mediastinal lymph nodes biopsy obtained at mediastinoscopy and the right supraclavicular lymph nodes from fine-needle biopsy metastatic lung adenocarcinoma (TTF1+,
Napsin A+) was diagnosed (June, 2015). The patient denied any weight loss. His medical history included mild prostatic hyperplasia, past lithotripsy due to urolithiasis, and in his youth hepatitis A. He is a farm worker.\nThe results of
patient continued therapy for 12 months. The rash with no need of treatment persisted.\nIn August 2016 the patient experienced a pathological vertebral fracture with no evidence of lung cancer progression on chest imaging and no evidence of disease progression in the brain MRI. However, a few days later there appeared progressive paraparesis. The spine MRI revealed metastases in vertebral bodies of Th1, Th7 and Th8 with protrusion into the epidural space and spinal cord compression. The patient underwent neurosurgery (posterior decompression and C4-Th11 stabilisation), rehabilitation (physiotherapy and kinesitherapy) and
periapical radiograph of the concerned region revealed an ill-defined and non-corticated relatively low-density area with permeative changes, the adjacent teeth were removed, but the symptoms persisted after 2 weeks even though the bone healing was normal. The periapical radiograph taken after extraction exhibited an increased radiolucency in the area [].\nThe orthopantomograph showed a
revealed an ill-defined and non-corticated relatively low-density area with permeative changes, the adjacent teeth were removed, but the symptoms persisted after 2 weeks
low-density area with permeative changes, the adjacent teeth were removed, but the symptoms persisted after 2 weeks even though the bone healing was normal. The periapical radiograph taken after extraction exhibited an increased radiolucency in the area [].\nThe orthopantomograph showed a 2 cm diameter ill-defined and non-corticated slightly radiolucent osteolytic lesion with permeative changes of the right premolar region extending from the canine area to approximately the mesial aspect of the molar area, the lesion also appeared to be extending from the apical area within the alveolar crest to the
his left renal artery/in situ autotransplantation.\nAn occlusive 2 cm intra-arterial thrombus was removed, and a corresponding 2 cm damaged segment of the renal artery was excised. The kidney was flushed through the renal vein with histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate perfusion solution during the anastomosis of the renal artery. The left kidney was adequately perfused postreconstruction of the left renal artery ().\nDuring the two operations, the patient received a total of 7 units of packed red blood cells, 6 units of fresh frozen plasma, 2 units of cryoprecipitate, and 2 platelet transfusions. The patient was subsequently admitted to the Trauma Intensive Care Unit (TICU) for postoperative care.
His hospital course was significant for worsening azotemia in the setting of decreased kidney function and falling urine output with a
and urinary output increased. He exhibited hypertension 2-3 weeks postrenal artery repair, but his systolic blood pressures eventually stabilized between 110 and 130 mmHg. He recovered in our TICU after multiple episodes of fungemia and bacteremia, was transferred to the trauma floor, and was discharged two months after admission. He is currently being followed in an outpatient clinic. After 18
Chest X-ray showed total haziness in the left lung field and a chest CT showed successful stenting in the aortic arch aneurysm and total ateletasis of the left lung due to external compression of the left main bronchus by hematoma (). Therapeutic bronchoscopy was performed to remove a large amount of blood clots in the left bronchus. The left atelectasis improved on the
chest X-ray taken 5 days after a bronchoscopy procedure (). Follow up CT angiography of the aorta after 7 days showed successful stenting, no endoleak and
with a 7 cm sized aortic arch aneurysm 2 years earlier. He was recommended to undergo an operation for the aneurysm, but refused to do so. He also did not take his medicine and was without a follow up examination over that period.\nAt the time of admission, his blood pressure was 150/100 mmHg, pulse rate was 86 beats/min, respiratory rate was 20 breaths/min and body temperature was 36.5℃.
between visceral aspects of the liver and stomach were evident. After introducing a 32Ch gastric bougie, adhesiolysis was performed, and the gastrocolic and gastrosplenic ligaments were dissected from the greater curvature upstream until the fundus was fully exposed. Under the guidance of the gastric bougie, a pouch was created, similar to a gastric bypass pouch, using an Endo GIA (Medtronic-Covidien, Auto Suture) 60 mm stapler with Lila cartridges.
were evident. After introducing a 32Ch gastric bougie, adhesiolysis was performed, and the gastrocolic and gastrosplenic ligaments were dissected from the greater curvature upstream until the fundus was fully exposed. Under the guidance of the gastric bougie, a
weight reduction surgery, he received an laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) performed in 2005, which was revised in 2008 with a lesser curvature SG performed without a clear reason instead of the greater curvature resection or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) (). Probably technique selection was influenced by the following considerations: adhesions in gastric cardiac area, preserving blood supply in mentioned area and greater experience in esophageal resections than bariatric surgery. No improvement of
strength of both the upper and lower limbs was grade 3 following the Medical Research Council (MRC) grade. He was clinically diagnosed as ICU-acquired weakness because the MRC sum sore consisting of both wrist extension, elbow flexion, shoulder abduction, ankle dorsiflexion, knee extension, and hip flexion was 36 points, which was less than 48 points suggested by the guideline.[ Various types of rehabilitation exercises were carried out in a step-by-step manner
identified on chest radiography and computed tomography (Fig. ). After a month of mechanical ventilation, he was weaned off of the ventilator. However, critical illness and prolonged treatment in the ICU resulted in severe muscle wasting and deterioration of physical function.\nFor a comprehensive rehabilitation treatment, he was referred to the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. During the initial assessment, he needed moderate support for static sitting balance and scored 0 on the Berg Balance Scale and 8 on the Modified Barthel Index. The
tube was continued, and the rehabilitative dysphagia treatment including chin tuck against resistance, thermotactile stimulation and electirical stimulation therapy was performed for 30 minutes daily.\nTwo weeks later, he was able to maintain sitting balance with supervision and static standing balance with moderate support. From this point on, the rehabilitation treatment consisted of standing balance training (step 3) and sit-to-stand training (step 4).\nAfter a total of 4 weeks of treatment,
analysis revealed a Class III skeletal pattern with severe mandibular prognathism and vertical excess (Figures –). Analysis of occlusion evidenced Class III interarch relationship and anterior and posterior crossbite with a negative overjet of 6 mm. Severe tooth compensation of mandibular teeth (lingual inclination of anterior and posterior teeth) and severe mandibular anterior crowding were observed (Figures –). The analysis of initial CBCT images (Figures –) showed very thin buccal and lingual bone plates in the maxillary and especially mandibular incisors. A CBCT exam was acquired before orthodontic treatment, replacing the conventional extraoral radiographs.\nThe combined orthodontic and surgical treatment was planned. The prognosis
was regular considering the magnitude of the skeletal discrepancy and the amount of required buccal movement of mandibular incisors in a thin mandibular symphysis.\nThe therapeutic goals were to give the patient a more balanced face and better esthetic and functional occlusion. For that purpose, the decompensation orthodontics intended to increase the negative overjet to an
with the chief complaint of facial disharmony. Facial analysis revealed a Class III skeletal pattern with severe mandibular prognathism and vertical excess (Figures –). Analysis of occlusion evidenced Class III interarch relationship and anterior and posterior crossbite with a negative overjet of 6 mm. Severe tooth compensation of mandibular teeth (lingual inclination of anterior and posterior teeth) and severe mandibular anterior crowding were observed (Figures –). The analysis
Plasma Reagin test, urine analysis, and chest X-ray). Two months later, a 1-mm-diameter thinned corneal ulcer was observed next to the neovascularization area, with 300 μm of depth (Fig. ). With the new diagnosis of PUK, a multilayer amniotic membrane graft was applied along with an intrastromal injection of antiangiogenic agents
An extensive workup undertaken to exclude an accompanying autoimmune or infectious disease yielded negative results (which included a blood test with complete blood count, C-reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibodies, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, complement, proteinogram, serology for infectious diseases, QuantiFERON, Rapid
corneal neovascularization area of 2 mm with mild stromal inflammation in the inferior part of the left eye. Neither endothelial deposits nor anterior chamber reaction were detected. Intraocular pressure was 19 mm Hg in both eyes, and fundoscopy showed no alterations. The initial diagnosis was bilateral scleritis with an exudative inflammatory keratitis in the neovascularization area in the left eye. Conjunctival exudate samples were taken and resulted negative for bacterial and fungal growth. Treatment included dexamethasone drops every 6 h and moxifloxacin drops every 8 h. The dexamethasone dose was reduced progressively during the next 7 months according to inflammation response.\nAfter the initiation of steroids and antibiotic drops
past medical history of morbid obesity (body mass index (BMI) of 41), osteoarthritis, a remote history of bilateral deep venous thrombosis, and severe chronic venous insufficiency (Clinical-Etiology-Anatomy-Pathophysiology (CEAP) Clinical Classification 6) presented to our clinic with refractory venous stasis ulcers of the bilateral lower extremities over the last 6 years. She was intermittently treated conservatively with PROFORE™ multi-layer compression bandaging system dressings (Smith and Nephew Inc., Andover, MA, USA) for 6-week periods with some improvement of the chronic venous stasis ulcers. A preoperative venous duplex scan demonstrated severe venous insufficiency of the superficial and deep systems of her bilateral lower extremities. Review of the preoperative duplex demonstrates an
ectatic right GSV at its origin; however, a diagnosis of a venous aneurysm was not made at that time based on the images that were available ().\nThe patient was recommended to undergo bilateral lower extremity radiofrequency ablation of the GSVs to facilitate wound healing and to reduce symptoms of her chronic venous insufficiency. Endovenous ablation of the left GSV was attempted; however, a post-procedure duplex scan indicated incomplete ablation of the left
at that time based on the images that were available ().\nThe patient was recommended to undergo bilateral lower extremity radiofrequency ablation of the GSVs to facilitate wound healing and to reduce symptoms of her chronic venous insufficiency. Endovenous ablation of the left GSV was attempted; however, a post-procedure duplex scan indicated incomplete ablation of the left GSV (). Failure of the radiofrequency ablation was attributed to the large size of the GSV (2.2 cm maximal diameter) and severe thickening of the vein from chronic inflammation. The patient was subsequently treated by open surgery with left GSV
Tokyo, Japan). After achieving the patient's stabilization, 30 mm by 150 mm of thoracic stent graft was first deployed at the descending aorta. Then, a 34 mm by 200 mm of the stent graft was deployed at the aortic arch just distally to the left subclavian
mm of thoracic stent graft was first deployed at the descending aorta. Then, a 34 mm by 200 mm of the stent graft was deployed at the aortic
CEA and CA19-9 were within the normal value. A protein C antigen level of the patient was also normal, but the protein S antigen was lower at 44.2% (normal range; 60-150%). Since the size of the patient's aneurysm was very large despite the absence of any symptoms, there might have been a risk of aortic rupture. Therefore, we planned TEVAR for her aneurysm.\nA 300 mg of aspirin and the 600 mg of clopidogrel were administrated orally on the day of the procedure. A Rt. common femoral artery
for maternal IgA nephropathy. The obstetric examination at the time of admission revealed an 11-week gestation and a single live fetus was detected in utero. On the general physical examination, she appeared uncomfortable, but not acutely ill. She tended to keep her eyes closed. She did not have a history of an upper respiratory or gastrointestinal tract infection. She was fully alert with a normal mental status examination. Her eyes had dysconjugate gaze, with markedly restricted abduction of the left eye, and modest restriction of movement
trunk, or face. She had an unremarkable medical history and she had not been hospitalized. Her family history was significant
fetus was detected in utero. On the general physical examination, she appeared uncomfortable, but not acutely ill. She tended to keep her eyes closed. She did not have a history of an upper respiratory or gastrointestinal tract infection. She was fully alert with a normal mental status examination. Her eyes had dysconjugate gaze, with markedly restricted abduction of the left eye, and modest restriction
enlarged abdominal lymph nodes. There was no ascites. The visualized bones were normal with no focal bone lesion. The radiologic chest anatomy was normal (Fig. A–D). Histological examination of renal biopsy specimen was favorable for chemotherapeutic regimens.\nIn consultation with pediatric oncology tumor board, nephron-sparing surgery was deemed in appropriate given the poor long-term survival even in patients without distant metastasis. Our patient was commenced on combination chemotherapy (adriamycin and vincristine) with a palliative intent. The dose of vincristine was 1.5 mg/m2 body surface area administered as intravenous bolus injection and that of Adriamycin was 50 mg/m2 BSA
ureters and urinary bladder were normal. The portal vein, intrahepatic ducts and common bile ducts were normal. The abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava were normal. There were no
child was stable and active (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Functional Status 3). His vitals were within the normal limits. Conjunctivae was pink and Chest was essentially normal on physical examination. The abdomen was distended and had mild generalized tenderness. There was a palpable mass, approximately 7 finger breaths in the right upper quadrant, which was firm, non-tender, and not ballotable and did not cross the midline. The mass was dull to percussion and active bowel sounds appreciated. There were no enlarged peripheral lymph nodes.\nComplete blood count showed mild anemia with a hemoglobin level of 9.5 g/dl, while the other indices were normal. Renal function test and liver
and 6.5 mm on the long side (the left side). Bony interference between the fragments and flaring of the proximal segment on the right side would be anticipated if a BSSRO was performed. Therefore, we planned to use UIVRO on the short side and SSRO on the contralateral side of the mandible.\nDuring the maxillary surgery, a Le Fort I osteotomy was performed to correct the
canting and yawing of the maxilla in a standard fashion based on the intermediate surgical wafer. In the mandible, conventional SSRO was begun on the long side of the mandible (the left side) and then IVRO was performed on the short side (the right side).\nOn the left side a SSRO was
fixation of the condylar and proximal segments on the short side of the IVRO side. Additionally we did genioplasty for vertical reduction and advancement of the chin.()\nIntermaxillary wire fixations were maintained postoperatively for two weeks with the final surgical wafer to stabilize the occlusion and mandibular segments. After release of intermaxillary fixation at two weeks, two elastic bands were used for mouth opening exercises. The wafer was maintained for 6 weeks postoperatively for training and adaptation to
So the tumor was completely removed successfully. Tissue specimens obtained demonstrated monophasic SS with spindle-shaped mesenchymal cells (). Immunohistochemical stains were positive for vimentin, CD99, calponin, and Bcl-2 and negative for α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), muscle-specific actin (MSA), CD34, S-100, myeloperoxidase (MPO), epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), Hector Battifora mesothelial epitope-1, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PCK), and cytokeratin 7 (CK7) (). After the right lateral orbital and right temporal tumor resection, the patient began postoperative chemotherapy with CVADIC (cyclophosphamide [CTX] 500 mg/m2 intravenously; d1, vincristine [VCR] 1.5 mg/m2 intravenously; d1-d5, adriamycin [ADM] 50 mg/m2 intravenously; d1, dacarbazine [DTIC] 200 mg/m2 intravenously; d1-d5, Q21d). She received 5 courses
lateral orbital wall was noted. It was located mainly in the lateral epidural and periorbital fascia with 4 cm × 3 cm × 3 cm in size. The boundary was clear and the blood supply was rich. No metastatic lesion was found.
abnormalities were detected on systemic examinations, including blood and urine tests, abdominal ultrasound, and chest CT.\nInformed consent was obtained from her parents. The plan was to remove the mass with the help of neurosurgeons followed by the chemotherapy. Intraoperatively, a soft tumor invading
In response to these adverse effect, the CsA concentration was controlled in the range from 75 to 100 ng/ml, which maintained blood pressure within the normal range and a glomerular filtration rate over 50 ml/min. After 7 years, a follow-up MRI was performed and the AChR antibody titer was 5.0 μmol/l. The CsA concentration was kept in the range from 75 to 100 ng/ml, and the tumor was maintained at a size
adverse effect, the CsA concentration was controlled in the range from 75 to 100 ng/ml, which maintained blood pressure within the normal range and a glomerular filtration rate over 50 ml/min. After 7 years, a follow-up MRI was performed and the
of a thymoma detected by routine chest X-ray examination. At the time of the thymoma detection, she had not shown any abnormal neurological symptoms. However, she has been suffering from symptoms such as moderate bilateral ptosis, severe diplopia, and muscle weakness after 10 years of thymoma operation, despite no recurrence of the thymoma. The affected muscles were the bilateral external ocular muscles, pharyngeal musculature, neck extensor muscle, deltoid, biceps, triceps, and iliopsoas. In particular, her left eye movement was limited in all directions. The diplopia developed at approximately the same time as the onset of the ptosis, and the extremity muscle weakness occurred
28 years of age, suffered sudden loss of consciousness in March 2004, when she was 15 years old. When she reached the hospital, she was scored in Glasgow Coma Scale 3; computed tomography (CT) scan showed a large intraparenchymal cerebellar hemorrhage from rupture of an arteriovenous malformation supplied by the posterior circle. The patient underwent surgery to remove the hematoma and malformation. The operation was complicated by
March 2004, when she was 15 years old. When she reached the hospital, she was scored in Glasgow Coma Scale 3; computed tomography (CT) scan showed a large intraparenchymal cerebellar hemorrhage from rupture of an arteriovenous malformation supplied by the posterior circle. The patient
in vegetative state with eyes fixed in central position, showing severe spasticity and repeated generalized epileptic seizures. The extent of the disorder of consciousness (DoC) was confirmed by the scores attributed to the patient through the assessment scales used in Italy in those years: Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning (LCF), Level II, Disability Rating Scale (DRS), Score 25, Glasgow Outcome Scale: vegetative state, Modified Barthel Index (MBI) Score 0/100, Category 1.\nFor about 7 years, she stayed in a
the case of a 53-year-old Japanese male with schizophrenia who had been hospitalized at Takano Hospital from the age of 29. Haloperidol was continuously prescribed, and he was mentally stable before the disaster. His parents died during his hospitalization, and he did not have any social or financial support from other family members, which was one reason for his long-term hospitalization. This type of long-term hospitalization of psychiatric patients is relatively common in Japan []. His right eyesight and hearing were impaired. He had chronic constipation and took purgative medicines, yet no other abnormalities were noted in terms of his physical condition. Although he maintained positive relationships with the hospital staff, few
been hospitalized at Takano Hospital from the age of 29. Haloperidol was continuously prescribed, and he was mentally stable before the disaster. His parents died during his hospitalization, and he did not have any social or financial support from other family members, which was one reason for his
the chaotic postdisaster situation. On March 19, 2011, the number of staff who remained at the hospital dropped to 13, compared to the predisaster baseline of 88. Following the hospital director's decision to evacuate relatively stable patients, the patient in question was transferred to Hospital A (), which specializes in psychiatric care, in Saitama Prefecture, 250 km away from Takano Hospital, together
from diabetes. He had sustained a minor head trauma 3 years prior with no concussion; however, his scan was reported to have shown “scattered areas of bleeding” in his brain. He otherwise maintained a healthy life and never required a hospital visit for any medical issues. His family reported the patient had normal cognitive function, especially as someone who ran his own business.\nThe patient was lethargic upon arrival to the accident and emergency department. Given the apparent risk of airway obstruction, the emergency physician intubated the patient. On general examination, we found no facial phakomas. While the patient was sedated, we found tonic eye deviation with nystagmoid-like eye movement
was reported to have shown “scattered areas of bleeding” in his brain. He otherwise maintained a healthy life and never required a hospital visit for any medical issues. His family reported the patient had normal cognitive function, especially as someone who ran his own business.\nThe patient was lethargic upon arrival to the accident and emergency department. Given the apparent risk of airway obstruction, the emergency physician intubated the
Saudi man with diabetes mellitus was admitted to the Neurology Department with an unremitting headache lasting 5 days, episodic confusion, and visual disturbances. According to his family, the headache started gradually over the left side of his head and then became holocephalic and moderate to severe in intensity. The patient reported feelings of nausea and 2 episodes of vomiting. Moreover, his family stated the patient was often seen “bumping” into surrounding objects while ambulating. The patient reported experiencing some visual disturbance during this period. The patient's family felt he appeared confused at times and
with Sjögren syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus at the Department of Dermatology of our hospital in 2006, and oral treatment with 20mg of prednisolone was initiated. She felt right coxalgia with no inducer in 2007, and was diagnosed with ION of the right femoral head at our department, but the pain was transient and remitted. Periodic follow-up was continued thereafter, but pain in her right hip joint over the gluteal region started upon sitting
systemic lupus erythematosus at the Department of Dermatology of our hospital in 2006, and oral treatment with 20mg of prednisolone was initiated. She felt right coxalgia with no inducer in 2007, and was
change suggesting a cam lesion was not noted in the femoral neck. No irregular joint surface was noted (Figure \n). T1-weighted imaging of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed the band sign, which is the characteristic MRI finding of ION of the femoral head. The MRI findings also demonstrated that the patient had type B of the femoral head according to the Nishii et al. classification and stage 1 of the femoral head according to the Association Research Circulation Osseous classification\n[,]. On MRI T2 short-tau inversion recovery a high intensity was noted in the acetabular
attached to the spinous processes and laminae, and no jolting movement of the SML was elicited by shaking with Kelly clamps. The SML could not be rotated or bent with several kinds of clamps, so the arms of the SML were drilled down with a diamond burr under microscopic vision (). The lower ends of the bilateral limbs of the SML could be pushed out after the drilling.\nHowever, the upper ends that were hooked in the upper L4 laminae could not be extracted manually
of the previous operation site, the paraspinal muscles and fascia were dissected and retracted. The adhesions along the SML were carefully divided and the SMLs were exposed (). It seemed that the SMLs were firmly
SML was elicited by shaking with Kelly clamps. The SML could not be rotated or bent with several kinds of clamps, so the arms of the SML were drilled down with a diamond burr under microscopic vision (). The lower ends of the bilateral limbs of the SML could be pushed out after the drilling.\nHowever, the upper ends that were hooked in the upper L4 laminae could not be extracted manually and
was performed.\nOn opening of the thorax, a bilateral brownish pleural effusion of 300 mL was observed, and clear effusion of 100 mL was present in the pericardial sac. The thyroid gland and all of the four parathyroid glands were found to be normal and not enlarged. Enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes and periaortic lymph nodes were observed,
with conglomeration up to 10 mm. The cut surfaces of the bilateral lungs were found to be heavy, firm, and brittle (). On opening of the peritoneal cavity, accumulated brownish ascites was
the bilateral kidneys was brittle and showed no demonstrable hemorrhage or necrosis. Careful examination of the pelvic and abdominal cavity, including the gastrointestinal tract, found no gross abnormalities.\nHistologically, near complete destruction of the pulmonary architecture caused by calcium deposits (), which were stained using a von-Kossa stain, was observed. Calcification was observed in the alveolar septa, bronchus, bronchioles, and blood vessels. Diffuse calcific deposits, mainly in the glomeruli and interstitial spaces, were observed in the parenchyma of the kidney (). The skin necropsied from the violaceous extremity was characterized by total epidermal necrosis and calcification (calciphylaxis) was observed in small and medium-sized
clinic by the pediatrics department for consultation regarding a suspected upper respiratory tract infection and rhinosinusitis and also to exclude the possibility of a hidden foreign body. History obtained from his mother revealed that he had purulent nasal discharge for about three weeks, with intermittent low grade fever since two weeks. This was associated with an occasional cough and the child had recently started refusing food. His parents consulted the local practitioner who prescribed antibiotics suspecting the condition to be a respiratory tract infection. However, although the fever subsided for the time being, the nasal purulence continued.\nUpon initial examination
in our out-patients’ department, the child was playful, afebrile, with no apparent sign of respiratory distress, although there was copious amount of mucopurulent discharge in the nasal cavity as evident on anterior rhinoscopy. Examination of the oral cavity and oropharynx revealed postnasal drip and slight bulging of the soft palate.\nAfter interrogating the child’s mother it was made known that the child had been observed puting the cap of a small plastic bottle in his mouth about a month back. Immediately thereafter he had difficulty in swallowing and pain
be swallowed. It was only when the sick child was referred by the general practitioner to the pediatrics department of our institute that the clinical presentation mimicking upper airway infection was considered to be caused by a probable hidden foreign body. Leading questions to his parents further strengthened the suspicion. A formal referral to the otolaryngology department was made.\nConsidering the localized nature of the infection and mild bulging of the soft palate, we conjectured that the symptoms were more corroborative of a hidden foreign body that could have possibly been lodged in the nasopharynx. At the same time, we were also
pills on the room floor next to the patient. Furthermore, the family detected the pacemaker and electrode lines outside the window (Fig. ). Therefore, they assumed that the patient had removed the pacemaker and taken drugs to commit suicide. The patient’s medical history indicated that she had a history of coronary heart disease for 16 years and depression for 4 years. She had implanted two stents separately and has a long-term used aspirin, atorvastatin, and metoprolol sustained-release tablets to treat heart disease. She usually took alprazolam and paroxetine for relieving depression.\nTwo months earlier, the patient was admitted to another hospital due to syncope. The echocardiography was
her low blood oxygen saturation. Her other vital signs were stable. Electrocardiogram (ECG) showed sinus rhythm with heart rate at 70 bpm, and the blood pressure (BP) was around 130/70 mmHg. There was a self-inflicted wound on her left upper chest, and two silicone-caps were found in the injury. According to the patient family members, two hours before, they suddenly discovered the patient unconscious on the bedroom floor with severe trauma on her left upper chest (Fig. ). They also found an empty packet of sleeping
the doctor since she was last discharged from the hospital. On the day of admission to our hospital, she cut the pacemaker pocket with a knife, extracted the pacemaker by hand, and then she attempted to kill herself with 80 alprazolam tablets. As the patient and her family members refused to continue treatment in the cardiology department, they immediately left the hospital upon the improvement of the patient’s condition. Considering the particularity of this patient’s
duct or lingual nerve injury as evidenced by the patient's symptoms and post-operative evaluations. Final histopathology was benign sublingual gland ranula on both sides.\nThe transoral resection of the ranula was performed using the da Vinci Si Surgical System. The oral cavity and surgical site were exposed using a self-retaining retractor (Jennings's mouth gag) and a Sweetheart tongue retractor. The robotic arms of the da Vinci Si-System were placed
into position in the patient's mouth, while the surgeon controlled the instruments from the control console within the room. The robotic arm controlled by the surgeon's left hand contained
Head and Neck Center at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge, LA and to the Department of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA to be evaluated for a right floor of mouth swelling (Figure ). The swelling was associated with progressive discomfort in speech. There were no symptoms suggestive of an infective or obstructive process within the submandibular system such as
showed mild improvement with a small mucosal tear. The scope was able to be passed to the stomach and duodenum which were found to be normal mucosa with unremarkable findings.\nAfter the procedure, the patient failed to regain conscious and was intubated for airway protection and kept on mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit. An urgent head computed tomography (CT) showed multiple foci of intraparenchymal air suggestive of air emboli as well as visualization of small infarcts in the left frontal lobe (). Transthoracic echocardiogram was performed, which showed no evidence of patent foramen ovale or atrial
unit. An urgent head computed tomography (CT) showed multiple foci of intraparenchymal air suggestive of air emboli as well as visualization of small infarcts in the left frontal lobe (). Transthoracic echocardiogram was performed, which showed no evidence of patent foramen ovale
medical history of hypertension, previous stroke and Schatzki rings treated with dilation 7 years ago presented with progressive dysphagia to solid food. The patient reported the sensation of food getting stuck in her throat with associated coughing and choking spells. Seven years ago, she had similar symptoms and was treated with endoscopy and esophageal balloon dilation, which was complicated by a stroke resulting in left-sided weakness. No clear cause of the stroke was found at that time. Eventually her weakness improved with physical and occupational therapy.\nDuring this admission, a conventional video-endoscopy was performed
these findings, the composition of the preparation was modified, and a PTS combination of herbal medicines was introduced instead of StPT. Shortly, after introducing PTS and increasing dexamethasone doses, the patient felt an improvement that mainly manifested by a higher mobility of the limbs. The control NMRI from 21 May 2013 (Fig. ) showed a reduction of the tumor from 60 to 50 mm, and the scan from 01 October 2014 showed that the tumor radius was 45 mm (Fig. ). Further
and treatment with corticosteroids was urgently introduced. A daily dose of dexamethasone of 8 mg/day was introduced, and it was quickly raised to 16 mg/day. MRI imaging of 22 February 2013 showed the progression of the tumor, whose radius was 60 mm and which was surrounded by a large perifocal edema that was completely compressing the right lateral cerebral ventricle (Fig. ). Following
6 MW. A therapeutic dose of 46 Gy was administered in 23 fractions, followed by radiation of the tumor base with a therapeutic dose of 8 Gy in 4 fractions. With this, the oncological treatment was completed. In August 2012, the patient’s condition deteriorated. At an emergency MRI imaging on 23 August 2012, the progression
when the MT stopped playing or changed instruments, he also focused on what the MT asked him to do and did himself. He was able to remember as he could repeat his MT’s name and play the instruments; if he could not play a given instrument, he had the capacity to learn. Creative behaviour was observed. For example, if he dropped the drumstick, he continued playing with his hand.\nHis mother said that she had seen a great change in her son A. since he had started going to the Music Therapy
and played the drum, for example, he did not move his legs. Both verbal and non-verbal communication (sounds) increased when he was stimulated through songs and sounds. At the social-emotional level, positive emotions were strongly expressed and he smiled when he played. Cognitively, his attention was focused on each instrument, and
a month the mother refers that he goes to energy-based therapies, like energetic kinesiology which focuses on the energetic processes in the body.\nThis section analyses the calculations related to the variables observed in A.’s seven sessions through the registration template. This was later converted into means and deviations, resulting in the findings shown in Fig. . As can be seen, there is a slight clinical improvement in all the post-evaluation carried out, including physical, communication, social, emotional and cognitive variables.\nThe researcher’s qualitative observations for the physical, communicative, emotional and cognitive dimensions are described below. A.
The implants and the implant prosthesis were removed under local anesthetic using gauze and hemostats. Given the substantial bone loss, multiple grafting procedures were planned and the same was discussed with the patient. The autogenous iliac grafting was performed first. After 9 months of healing, radiographic evaluation was carried out to document the vertical and horizontal bone gain. In the second grafting procedure, a 20 mm × 20 mm titanium mesh was fixed with 6- and 8-mm bone screws on the buccal and lingual sides of the ridge with a 0.5 cc of Geistlich Bio-Oss (Geistlich Pharma, Wolhusen, Switzerland) bovine bone, 0.5 cc Puros cortical particulate allograft (Zimmer
Biomet Dental, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA) and a small amount of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 combined with an absorbable collagen sponge (INFUSE Bone Graft, Medtronic Sofamor Danek, Memphis, TN, USA). After 1 year of healing, radiographic evaluations were done [], and the titanium mesh was surgically removed. At this stage, alginate impressions were obtained for both arches, and a diagnostic wax-up was achieved to evaluate the prosthetic space. The radiographic template was fabricated, and a cone-beam computed tomography scan
grafting procedures were planned and the same was discussed with the patient. The autogenous iliac grafting was performed first. After 9 months of healing, radiographic evaluation was carried out to document the vertical and horizontal bone gain. In the second grafting procedure, a 20 mm × 20 mm titanium mesh was fixed with 6- and 8-mm bone screws on the buccal and lingual sides of the ridge with a 0.5 cc of Geistlich Bio-Oss (Geistlich Pharma, Wolhusen, Switzerland) bovine bone, 0.5 cc Puros cortical particulate allograft (Zimmer Biomet Dental, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA) and a small
right lower abdominal pain. His past history included prostate carcinoma with bone metastasis at 60 years of age, and type 2 diabetes mellitus diagnosed at 62 years of age with poor control of the hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level measuring 8.0%. Family history revealed that his siblings had type 2 diabetes mellitus and his uncle had gastric cancer. He had a personal history of social alcohol drinking of less than
and type 2 diabetes mellitus diagnosed at 62 years of age with poor control of the hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
by abdominal sonography, CT, or magnetic resonance imaging, a diagnosis of ectopic HCC was determined. Additional laboratory tests showed an elevated serum AFP level and PIVKA-II level, and liver biopsy revealed slight inflammatory infiltrates in the portal area with mild to moderate fibrosis and slight fatty change in liver cells.\nThe patient received 400 mg of sorafenib per day for ectopic HCC. Two months later, CT imaging showed a significant increase in the tumor size, and blood tests showed increased levels of serum AFP and
Caucasian male patient aged 34 without an irrelevant past medical history that presented with unexplained weight loss. Imaging studies revealed the presence of a left renal mass of 10 × 12 cm (Fig. ). The patient underwent a left radical nephrectomy and the pathology was consistent with an EAML (Fig. ) with poor prognosis features (size > 7 cm, vascular and renal sinus invasion, necrosis, and severe atypia). Immunohistochemical profile revealed diffuse and intense expression of HMB-45 and Melan A (Fig. ), along with expression of smooth muscle actin and CD68 (KP-1, Ventana), and negativity for CD-31, CEA, CK-pan, desmin, EMA, Ki-67,
myogenin and S-100. After nephrectomy the patient did not receive adjuvant therapy and started follow up in urology clinics. Seven months after primary surgery the patient developed 3 liver metastases (two in segment VIII of 6 cm and 1.5 cm, respectively, and one in segment IV of 2 cm). All these lesions were completely resected through a right partial hepatectomy with extension to segment IV through a split in situ technique. Again,
liver metastasis and the blood were successfully sequenced by NGS, with a mean coverage of 184× and 1643×, respectively, and single nucleotide variants and indels were identified. One TSC2 variant resulting in a premature stop codon (c.2739dup; p.K914*) was found in heterozygosity in the metastasis while it was absent in blood (Fig. ). Sanger sequencing validated this finding, and detected the TSC2 mutation also in the primary tumor (Fig. ). IHC revealed absence of TSC2 expression in the liver metastasis (Fig. ), in agreement with
contouring workstation for TomoTherapy Hi · Art System®. Set up was based on fiducial markers and tattoo aligned with a room laser system before treatment.\nThe gross target volume (GTV) was considered as right gluteal region outlined based on the depth of involvement and the extent of disease. Clinical target volume (CTV) was created adding a margin of 3 mm at GTV. Doses to organs at risk (rectum, bladder, right and left femur, right and left kidney, pubis, bowel) were defined in accordance with dose
(CTV) was created adding a margin of 3 mm at GTV. Doses to organs at risk (rectum, bladder, right and left femur, right and left
for contouring, a new treatment plan was elaborated at 30 Gy according with volumetric reduction of lesion. The time of delivery (around 10 minutes for fractions) were well tolerated by the patients. At the end of the combined radio target therapy, Cetuximab treatment continued for the following 10 months.The patient achieved complete response, confirmed at imaging evaluation, and
male with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus was admitted to a community hospital with sudden onset of pain in his left thigh associated with swelling. His past medical history included stage IV chronic kidney disease, background retinopathy, peripheral vascular disease requiring below the knee amputation of his left lower extremity, severe peripheral neuropathy, uncontrolled hypertension, and a prior history of tobacco use.\nHe denied any trauma or administering insulin injections into his left thigh. He was noted to have an elevated creatine kinase of 1670 U/L (reference range, 32–294) and found to be severely anemic requiring transfusion with 4 units of packed red blood cells (PRBC). CKMB and troponin
levels were 0.31 ng/mL (reference range, 0–5 ng/mL) and 0.02 ng/mL (reference range, 0–012 ng/mL), respectively. EKG demonstrated normal sinus rhythm
male with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus was admitted to a community hospital with sudden onset of pain in his left thigh associated with swelling. His past medical history included stage IV chronic kidney disease, background retinopathy, peripheral vascular disease requiring below the knee amputation of his left lower extremity, severe peripheral neuropathy, uncontrolled hypertension, and a prior history of tobacco use.\nHe denied any trauma or administering insulin injections into his left thigh. He was noted to have an elevated creatine kinase of 1670 U/L (reference range, 32–294) and found to be severely anemic requiring transfusion with 4 units of packed red blood cells (PRBC). CKMB and troponin levels were 0.31 ng/mL (reference range, 0–5 ng/mL) and
the fascia on the left side of the abdomen. The perforator vessel passing through the right rectus sheath, which had been confirmed by color Doppler ultrasound on the day before surgery, was secured and dissected to the right deep inferior epigastric vessels. As the shunt tube was placed on the left side, we prepared the pedicle of the DIEP flap on the right side. Although we could have
on the left side of the abdomen. The perforator vessel passing through the right rectus sheath, which had been confirmed by color Doppler ultrasound on the day before surgery, was secured and
for immediate breast reconstruction. She had a history of subarachnoid hemorrhage and a lumbar peritoneal shunt tube had been implanted in her abdomen to treat hydrocephalus. She had no other obvious sequelae from the subarachnoid hemorrhage and her medical condition was quite stable with the shunt. Her breasts were large and drooping (), and left nipple areola sparing mastectomy was scheduled. A preoperative computed tomography scan showed the shunt tube, which pierced the intervertebral lumbar and traveled through the subcutaneous layer of the left trunk () and entered into the
posterior capsule was removed and the remainder of the anterior rim of the cup was exposed. Tissue samples were sent for frozen section.\nThe top of the fractured femoral stem was then located (). The soft tissues were removed from the area of the greater trochanter and the cement around the posterior shoulder and around the collar of the prosthesis was removed. A carbide punch was used to drive the prosthesis out of the cement mantle. Examination of the cement mantle after removal of the prosthesis showed a small crack proximally which was suspected
tissues were dissected, and the plane beneath the tensor fascia lata was elevated. The sciatic nerve was identified and noted to be in its normal position. The short external rotators were scarred and adhered to the joint capsule. This layer was dissected as a full thickness flap. The quadratus femoris muscle appeared healthy distally. The capsule was then incised, revealing a small amount of serous fluid within the joint. The
in her knee and underwent exchange arthroplasty later that same year. Only the total knee implant had been affected and revised, whereas the total hip implant was unaffected. The patient subsequently underwent successful rehabilitation and had been an independent community ambulator thereafter.\nUpon presentation, the patient denied shortness of breath, chest pain, fevers, chills, night sweats, or recent travel. Five month prior to presentation, the patient had dental work with appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis. The critical event most likely occurred several days prior to presentation when the patient slipped and fell in
transferred to a medical emergency department with marked dyspnoeic symptoms and tachycardia, where an acute coronary syndrome was diagnosed. After laboratory testing and an electrocardiogram a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) was diagnosed. The following coronary angiography (an intervention that was endured by the patient with enormous dread), revealed severe three-vessel disease.\nThe patient was informed of the urgent indication of a bypass operation, which was planned as an emergency intervention on the same day. At the end of the
angiographic intervention, this information caused a severe panic reaction with hyperventilation, tachycardia and the feeling of loss of control, which was successfully treated with benzodiazepines. He described an intensely irrational and unavoidable fear of putting himself in the hands of
years. With regard to childhood and adolescence, he described fear symptoms while knocking on or opening 'foreign' doors. Though the patient showed avoidant personality traits, no personality disorder could be diagnosed.\nThe psychopathological findings at the time of psychiatric exploration were limited to intense fear in relation to the forthcoming surgical procedures and interventions. During the psychiatric exploration, the patient was polite, friendly, and honest. Compulsive symptoms were limited to the repeated checking of electric appliances. As a consequence of his lifelong avoidance strategies he seemed not to feel
proteins 100mg/dl and a white cell count of 10. MRI brain and spine was also done which shows re-demonstration of atrophic left hippocampus with abnormal T2 and Flair hyperintense signals due to mesial temporal sclerosis ( and ). Levels of anti-ganglioside antibodies were: Anti-GD1b 198, Anti-GD1a 175, Anti-GM1 154, Anti-GM2 41 and Anti-GQ1b <30. Reference range for all these antibody is less than 30. Since the antibody tests were strongly positive electrophysiological studies were not
36.9°c. On neurologic examination he had ophthalmoplegia, finger to nose dysmetria, dysdiadochokinesia, abnormal heel to shin test, generalized areflexia and difficulty in standing and needed full support to stand up. The rest of the neurologic examination was unchanged from his baseline examination. The patient underwent a lumbar puncture and a CSF analysis showed
this case because all measures to prevent aspiration were taken including a semi-recumbent position, surveillance of enteric feeding and use of promotility drugs. Diagnosis of VAP was made based on the development of pneumonia that occurred more than 48 hours after he was intubated and mechanically ventilated. He improved clinically so he was extubated. He stayed in ICU for 5 days and then was transferred back to a ward. He again became febrile and hypotensive on the second day
clumsiness. He had wrist drop and was unable to grip with the fingers. He complained of no sensory loss or numbness. His past medical history included long-term oral anticoagulation due to recurrent lower extremity deep vein thrombosis, glaucoma, and a non-significant aortic valve stenosis, with vascular risk factors including a 5-year history of treated hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and a history of non-significant stenosis of the left
anterior descendent coronary artery. On admission, no abnormality could be detected by physical examination, apart from the neurological signs, which included a wrist drop on the left side with decreased grip strength (Fig. ). Pronation and wrist dorsiflection were lost, as
upper extremity were slightly brisk, with not pathological reflexes present and no sensory deficits. Laboratory parameters were without abnormal findings except for a slightly elevated fasting blood glucose level. Cranial CT revealed contrast-enhancing, irregularly shaped lesions with diameters of 7, 10, and 9 mm (in the temporal, parietal, and frontal
bulb and could easily be traversed with a 5.8 mm upper slim scope (Figure ).\nThe patient's clinical condition was tenuous, and it was felt that he would likely not be able to tolerate a major surgical intervention such as a Billroth II reconstruction since he was deemed to be an ASA class 4
ulcer. The perforation was measured at about 1.5 cm in size. An 18 French drain with low active pressure (suction) was left in the abdominal cavity. Postoperatively, there was a persistent leakage of about 1000 mL per day. On the ninth postoperative day, he underwent an upper endoscopy. The perforation was visualized in the duodenal
The abdominal drain was removed 10 days after the stent placement. A subsequent CT scan with oral contrast performed 3 weeks after the stent placement showed no leakage into the abdominal cavity (Figure ). The stent was easily removed after 28 days using gastroscopy with a mild form of anesthesia. The position of the stent was unchanged when it was removed after 4 weeks, which we believe is a sufficient time for the perforation to heal. The patient was discharged from our hospital 2 weeks later with a prescription for oral pantoprazole 20 mg two
blood decreased with rest, but massive hemoptysis occurred on day 16. Despite bronchial artery embolization, a second massive hemoptysis occurred and the patient died on day 21. The final day of voriconazole administration was day 20.\nAt autopsy, the pulmonary bullae were filled with blood. A macroscopic examination showed a hole in the aortic wall into the bullae (). This hole was unlikely to have been a consequence of the autopsy procedure because a microscopic examination of the tissue around the hole showed extensive accumulation of inflammatory cells (a–c). This microscopic examination also revealed small fungal lesions in the pulmonary bullae adjacent to the aortic
wall (a–c). The diameters of these lesions were approximately 4 mm. The fungal hyphae were
our hospital for hemoptysis in July 2011 (day 0). Before admission, pulmonary emphysema and multiple pulmonary bullae were detected on a chest computed tomography (CT) scan, and we also discovered that the patient had hypertension. He had a history of lobectomy of the left lower lobe for lung cancer in 1993, with no recurrence; two episodes of bacterial pneumonia; gastrectomy for gastric cancer in August 2010; right spontaneous pneumothorax that required tube drainage in November 2010; and hospitalization for dyspnea in February 2011, at which time chest radiographs showed left lung opacity and a chest CT scan showed consolidation
cm; weight, 56 kg; body mass index, BMI 23.0). The patient was a clerical worker who complained of working in a sitting position for a long time (6 h) a day, four times a week. The patient was informed that data from the case would be submitted for publication, and she gave her consent for publication of this report.\nThe patient was diagnosed with low back pain (LBP) and sciatica (lumbar disc herniation was not observed on magnetic resonance imaging). The patient experienced moderate dull pain from the right lower back to the hip and severe radiating pain in the right lower extremity of the lateral side for a
week before her visit to the clinic (- day 7). In addition to the two types of pain, the patient also experienced numbness in the lower extremities. The chief complaint was radiating pain and insufficient sleep due to numbness; thus, the patient hoped that the pain would be relieved and she could sleep well. Another
times per week. Furthermore, the patient was instructed to increase physical activity as much as possible to prevent pain catastrophizing and fear-avoidance beliefs by disuse and enhancement of the descending pain inhibitory system [].\nThe results of all assessments are shown in . A remarkable point about the pain was that there was an incongruency between each dimension of pain. By day 15, symptoms of sciatica disappeared according to the orthopedic tests (i.e., SLR test and Bragard test), and the severity of the S–D dimension in the MPQ, and the degree of dull pain, radiating
of the cardiorespiratory and neurological system was also revealed no abnormal finding. Initial blood investigation was done (as shown in Table ). Her white blood cells and C-reactive protein (CRP) were elevated, and there was mild hypoalbuminemia, acute kidney injury, and minimal proteinuria. She was treated as infective acute gastroenteritis with mild degree of acute kidney injury secondary to dehydration and was started on intravenous (IV) ceftriaxone 2 gm once daily. She was also given four pints of IV 0.9% saline over 24 h. In view of the presence of proteinuria, early reactivation of
protein (CRP) were elevated, and there was mild hypoalbuminemia, acute kidney injury, and minimal proteinuria. She was treated as infective acute gastroenteritis with mild degree of acute kidney injury secondary to dehydration and was started on intravenous (IV) ceftriaxone 2 gm once daily. She was also given four pints of IV 0.9% saline over 24 h.
blood investigation was done (as shown in Table ). Her white blood cells and C-reactive protein (CRP) were elevated, and there was mild hypoalbuminemia, acute kidney injury, and minimal proteinuria. She was treated as infective acute gastroenteritis with mild degree of acute kidney injury secondary to dehydration and was started on intravenous (IV) ceftriaxone 2 gm once daily. She was also given four pints of IV 0.9% saline over 24 h. In view of the presence of proteinuria, early reactivation of
internal echo and had a relatively smooth surface, suggesting UT3N1. Neoadjuvant therapy was performed with 25 times of radiotherapy and two courses of capecitabine and oxaliplatin (XELOX) regimen. A review of rectal cavity ultrasound showed that the original lesion size was 2.42 cm × 0.68 cm, suggesting UT3N1. Therefore, laparoscopic radical resection of rectal cancer and transverse colostomy was performed between the navel and xiphoid. Post-operative pathology showed slightly poorly differentiated residual adenocarcinoma in the intestines, which invaded into the deep muscular layer. In the intestinal wall, a large number of foam cells with calcification were present, as well as multinucleated
between the navel and xiphoid. Post-operative pathology showed slightly poorly differentiated residual adenocarcinoma in the intestines, which invaded into the deep muscular layer. In the intestinal wall, a large number of
was performed with 25 times of radiotherapy and two courses of capecitabine and oxaliplatin (XELOX) regimen. A review of rectal cavity ultrasound showed that the original lesion size was 2.42 cm × 0.68 cm, suggesting UT3N1. Therefore, laparoscopic radical resection of rectal cancer and transverse colostomy was performed between the navel and xiphoid. Post-operative pathology showed slightly poorly differentiated residual adenocarcinoma in the intestines, which invaded into the deep muscular layer. In the intestinal wall, a large number of foam cells with calcification were
from the anterior surface of the pubic bone to the medial side of the left thigh. In a sagittal reconstruction CT image, a leakage site of the contrast medium was observed at the lower anterior surface of the bladder. The base of the bladder had descended to the inferior margin of the pubic symphysis. The patient's general condition was very good and no symptoms of infections were found. Urine drainage through a urethral catheter was good. Therefore, we though
that this urinoma was spontaneously discharged through a urethral catheter, and the bladder laceration to extraperitoneum was spontaneously healed. Non-surgical management was selected. CT cystography were performed on day 21. As shown in Fig. , the urinoma had become enlarged. The base of the bladder had descended to lower than the CT on day 4. Surgery was performed.\nA midline incision of the lower abdomen was made and the incision was extended through
cavity extending from the anterior surface of the pubic bone to the left thigh. The wall of the urinoma consisted of membranous tissue with a flat smooth surface. The laceration of the bladder was closed by sutures. The membranous tissue of the urinoma wall was partially resected and the remaining membranous tissue was extensively coagulated. Four suction drains were placed and the urinoma cavity was closed. The retropubic suspension procedure was also performed to prevent postoperative urinary incontinence. Sutures were placed on either side of the bladder neck, taking bites through the paravesical fascia and anterior vaginal wall. The most distal suture is placed at
endoscopy was performed (the whole photography time of capsule endoscopy was 11 h and 30 min). After the capsule endoscopy was swallowed, it was sent to the duodenum under the gastroscope, and entered the colon in 3 h and 27 min. Fortunately, some gains were obtained, at 48 min, there were a lot
photography time of capsule endoscopy was 11 h and 30 min). After the capsule endoscopy was swallowed, it was sent to the duodenum under the gastroscope, and entered the colon in 3 h and 27 min. Fortunately, some gains were obtained, at 48 min, there were a lot
improve, so came to our hospital for further treatment and was hospitalized with gastrointestinal bleeding. Physical examination: T 36.7 °C, P 78/min, R 20/min, BP 99/62 mmHg, moderate anemia (Hb 85 g/L), no other abnormal signs and previous history of other diseases. After admission, through the preliminary examination of abdominal CT scanning, the results showed that hepatic cysts, small calcifications in the left lobe of the liver, and gallbladder inflammation, but no
AAA, 1.5 to 2 cm distal from the left renal artery, with extension to the right common iliac artery (CIA), 3.8 cm in maximal diameter on computed tomography (CT) scan. However the patient was asymptomatic and therefore the aneurysm was observed. The patient had a past medical history of hypertension (diagnosed 2 years ago) and gout (diagnosed 5 years
ago), and both on medications. Two years later, the patient was diagnosed of prostate cancer and underwent robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy. During the work-up for the operation, the aneurysm was detected on CT
the insertion of an inferior vena cava filter and anticoagulation.\nDuring the next 8 months, the maximum diameter of the aorta grew to 4.2 cm and that of the right CIA to 4.3 cm, with the aneurysm extending also to the proximal left common iliac artery (). Because of the large sized, rapid growth of right common iliac artery aneurysm, we decided to perform an EVAR procedure. It was planned and performed in two stages. The first stage was the embolization of the right internal iliac artery using a 16 mm vascular plug and the second stage was an EVAR procedure under general anesthesia using
of painless gross hematuria.\nPhysical examination showed no remarkable findings. Laboratory abnormalities were no pyuria but microscopic hematuria and mild anemia.\nInitial ultrasonography examination (US) revealed a mass, 15 mm in diameter, on the right bladder wall. Subsequent cystoscopic examination detected two papillary tumors in the bladder. This confirmed that the bigger one was same size as that on US on the right upper wall with a peduncle. The second was 9 mm with some micro satellite tumors on the left wall. Both of them were typical papillary tumors morphologically
(Figure A, B).\nAn enhanced computed tomographic (CT) scan of the
We performed a biopsy only in the right side tumor. The histology confirmed it to be a villous adenoma. According to this result, a colonoscopy examination was then performed and no neoplastic lesion was found. TUR was performed after preoperative examinations. Each tumor was resected and diagnosed, respectively.\nHistopathology confirmed that the resected tumor on the right wall was
our department.\nUpon clinical examination of the patient (body height = 163 cm, body weight = 51 kg), there was slight tenderness in the left upper quadrant without a palpable mass. US was repeated and showed a complex, spherical mass of 4.4 cm × 3.6 cm × 4 cm in diameter with partly complex cystic and solid components. The mass was located between the abdominal wall, the medial margin of the spleen, and the anterior
margin of the kidney. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a well encapsulated mass at the tail of the pancreas which presented with partially cystic and partially solid areas with contrast enhancement at
for vimentin und synaptophysin.\nThe postoperative course was uneventful except for a temporary peripancreatic fluid collection managed conservatively. Repeated ultrasound examinations were performed until complete resolution without pseudopancreatic cyst formation was seen 7 months postoperatively.\nSonographic and clinical follow-up examinations, every 3 months during the first year and every 6 months thereafter, were unremarkable. In addition, MRI was performed twice a year in the first 2 postoperative years and at the end of the third year without evidence of a residual tumor or a recurrence. Moreover, body weight, as well as endocrine and exocrine function of the
nerve conduction study failed to show demyelination or axonal loss. Magnetic resonance imaging study of the spine showed hyperintensity of central portion of mid cervical cord from C 2 to C 5 level in T2 weighted and FLAIR images (Figure \n) There was mild swelling of cervical cord without significant change of signal intensity on T1 weighted image (Figure \n).\nBasic investigations were as follows; Na+ 139 mmol/l, K+-4.2 mmol/l, Serum creatinine-62 μmol/l, blood urea 8.7 mmol/l, White
he did not develop a definite sensory level at anytime during the course of his illness.\nA
old previously healthy Sri Lankan male presented with acute onset bilateral leg weakness which was progressive over two days following a brief febrile illness of three days. He did not give any history of trauma nor there was any history of tuberculosis. Initially he did not have urinary retention nor there was any sensory symptoms. He did not complain of shortness of breathing.\nOn examination he was found to have asymmetric flaccid paralysis of bilateral lower limbs with power grade one to two. Reflexes were diminished bilaterally and Babinski sign was equivocal.
no notable travel, hobbies, or animal exposures. Pertinent negatives on review of systems included fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss, hemoptysis, and skin rashes. His physical examination findings were unremarkable; lungs were clear to auscultation bilaterally with no wheezes, crackles, or
animal exposures. Pertinent negatives on review of systems included fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss,
former smoker (1 pack-year history) with no significant medical history began working in the flavoring room and grinding area of a coffee facility that had no respiratory protection requirements or recommendations. He reported mucous membrane irritation, as well as wheezing and chest tightness that worsened with exertion when working in the flavoring room and grinding area beginning in 2010 after several months of employment. Initially, these symptoms resolved after he left those areas of the facility, but his work-related symptoms slowly progressed until there was no discernible work-related pattern. In 2013, he moved to the packaging area but continued to flavor and grind coffee at least 1 full day per
free of lesions. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis revealed normal protein levels with no cells. The presence of oligoclonal bands could not be analyzed
as this facility is unavailable at our institution and was unaffordable to the patient to be done in the private sector. Visual and Brainstem evoked
divisions of the trigeminal nerve conforming to the characteristic onion skin distribution. The corneal reflex on the right side was also absent. All other cranial nerve examination was normal including the adjacent nerves. Opthalmoscopic examination did no reveal optic atrophy or papillitis. There was no limb involvement with normal Corticospinal, Spinothalamic and Posterior column pathway examination including preserved reflexes and there were no demonstrable Cerebellar signs.\nMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the brain and spinal cord was subsequently performed and it revealed multiple, hyperintense (Both T2WI and T2 FLAIR), periventricular lesions in the deep white matter conforming to the characteristic
camrelizumab according to the recommended intravenous dose of 200 mg (once every 3 weeks) for a total of six times from October 20, 2019 to February 11, 2020 ().\nAfter the first administration of camrelizumab, the symptoms of dyspnea were significantly relieved, which boosted our confidence in continuing the treatment. Re-examination of CT after the fifth treatment showed that the pleural effusion, pleural nodules, pulmonary lesions, and lymph nodes were smaller than before. The patient developed cough, expectoration, and dyspnea 1 month after the end of the treatment. However, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak delayed the
11, 2020 ().\nAfter the first administration of camrelizumab, the symptoms of dyspnea were significantly relieved, which boosted our confidence in continuing the treatment. Re-examination of CT after the fifth treatment showed that the pleural effusion, pleural nodules, pulmonary lesions, and lymph nodes were smaller than before.
21 and EML4-anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) fusion gene mutation was found in genetic testing. Due to economic reasons, the patient first chose gefitinib instead of the ALK inhibitor. Tumor progression was observed after the patient received gefitinib as the targeted therapy for 4 months. However, both lung and liver metastasis were detected by CT scan. During the treatment, the patient’s dyspnea was not alleviated, and the general condition of the patient was exacerbated with a weight loss of 10 kg within 6 months.\nSubsequently, the patient was transferred to our hospital for further treatment. On examination, vital signs of the patient were within normal
intolerance to food intake persisting for 1 week. Upon the development of hyponatremia and hypopotassemia, he was hospitalized and the appropriate supplementation treatment was instituted. Blood, urine, and peritoneal fluid cultures were obtained because of febrile episodes. Intravenous (IV) antibiotherapy with tazobactam-ampicillin was initiated. Growth of Candida spp. in his peritoneal culture necessitated the inclusion of liposomal amphotericin B in his treatment, and the peritoneal dialysis catheter was removed. The patient was anuric and had volume overload, so intermittent hemodialysis
and hypopotassemia, he was hospitalized and the appropriate supplementation treatment was instituted. Blood, urine, and peritoneal fluid cultures were obtained because of febrile episodes. Intravenous (IV) antibiotherapy with tazobactam-ampicillin was initiated. Growth of Candida spp. in his peritoneal culture necessitated the inclusion of liposomal amphotericin B in his treatment, and the peritoneal dialysis catheter was removed. The patient was anuric and had
index: 6.5 L/minute (normal range: 3-5 L/minute), systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI): 338 dynes/second/cm5/m2 (normal range: 1200-2000 dynes/second/cm5/m2), global end-diastolic index (GEDI): 780 mL/m2 (normal range: 680-800 mL/m2), extravascular lung water index (EVLWI): 15 mL/kg (normal: <10 mL/kg), systolic blood pressure (SBP): 67 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure (DBP): 32 mmHg, mean arterial blood pressure (MAP): 46 mmHg, and a pulse rate of 106/minute. Due to the low SVRI, TP was administered as an IV bolus dose of 10 µg/ kg. Since a life-threatening condition
in accordance with the national guidelines on dengue management. Serum magnesium levels were within reference range, with a value of 2.07 mg/dL (1.58-2.55). Serum sodium and potassium values were within reference throughout her stay. Initial serum ionized calcium levels were found to
the national guidelines on dengue management. Serum magnesium levels were within reference range, with a value of 2.07 mg/dL (1.58-2.55). Serum sodium and potassium values were within reference throughout her stay. Initial serum
However the patient suffered heavy per vaginal bleeding which continued. She was observed in a high dependency setting and 8 hours after admission and clinical stabilization, she developed bradycardia, which was confirmed on electrocardiogram (ECG). In addition to sinus bradycardia, the ECG showed T wave inversions from V2- V5 (Figure ). Cardiac insult due to dengue virus infection was suspected, although creatine kinase-MB was normal and Troponin I remained negative. ECG was done serially to monitor the progression
referred to the orthopedic department of the National Social Insurance Hospital in Yaoundé, Cameroon for a surgical site infection of a left big toenail leading to a dry gangrene of the affected toe following surgical treatment for an ingrown toenail 36 h before his current hospital presentation.\nThe patient had been suffering from an ingrown nail of the hallux of the left foot for several months. The pain was aggravated by wearing closed shoes and was unremitting to usual analgesics
such as paracetamol and diclofenac. Persistent pain caused by the ingrown nail prompted the consult of a general practitioner who proposed a surgical treatment for the patient. His preoperative workups included a complete blood count, prothrombine time, partial thromboplastine time, fasting blood glucose and HIV tests which were
time, fasting blood glucose and HIV tests which were all normal. The surgical procedure was performed under local anesthesia containing lidocaine 2% and epinephrine. Intravenous Amoxicilline 1 g and metronidazole 500 mg were administered 30 min before the onset of the surgical procedure. An annular digital block was tied round the necrosed toe. Local
patient was allowed mobilization with axillary crutches after 2 days. Sutures were removed at 2 weeks. Crutches were gradually discarded between 6 and 12 weeks once patient could bear weight on the extremity. Postoperative anteroposterior and lateral radiographs showed good reduction and fixation [Figure and ]. An abduction brace was maintained for 6 weeks to allow the abductors to heal. At 6 and 12 months followup, the radiographs showed sound union with no evidence of avascular necrosis of the head
could bear weight on the extremity. Postoperative anteroposterior and lateral radiographs showed good reduction and fixation [Figure and ]. An abduction brace was maintained for 6 weeks to allow
days following a road traffic accident. The patient was traveling in a sport utility vehicle moving at a high speed when it hit another vehicle coming from opposite side. The vehicle first decelerated and then suddenly turned. The patient was initially treated at a hospital where primary management and stabilization was done. However, because the treating surgeons were not able to formulate a treatment plan for the hip injury, they referred the patient to our hospital.\nOn clinical examination, the patient was unable to bear weight on his right lower limb. The limb was short externally
was attached by a pedicle to the atrial septum and protruded into the left ventricle through the mitral orifice in diastole and returned to the atrium in systole, leading to obstruction of the mitral orifice during diastole. The cardiac atrium was enlarged, and the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was 65%. (Fig. ). A medium echoic mass measuring 14 mm × 14 mm attached to the LV papillary muscle was also demonstrated by TTE. The
mass moved back and forth in the left ventricle. (Fig. ). This was suggestive of LV myxoma with LA myxoma. Additionally, severe tricuspid regurgitation was also found.\nOn July 22, 2020, surgery was performed on the patient which included tumor resection and tricuspid valvuloplasty. During the surgery, pericardium and right atrium were incised longitudinally. Next, part of the atrial septum was opened below
was fully awake. On postoperative day 3, antibiotics were stopped, and cardiotonics and diuretics were given.\nOn postoperative day 6, TTE showed mild atrial enlargement, with a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 59% and a mild regurgitation in mitral valve, which meant the patient's cardiac condition was well. (Fig. ). The patient was told to rest adequately, avoid strenuous exercise and follow-up every six months. Digital Radiography (DR) revealed mild cardiac enlargement (Fig. ).\nOn postoperative day 8, the patient 's incision healed well and there was no abnormality on physical examination. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 8, and no medication was required post-discharge.
female, almost six months old, the first child of unrelated, healthy Caucasian parents. The perinatal history was complicated by gestational diabetes. The girl was delivered on term via spontaneous vaginal labor at 36 weeks of pregnancy due to a premature rupture of membranes. Her birth weight was 2340 g and she received 9 points on the Apgar scale. There were no abnormalities in the healing of the umbilicus. The girl was rehabilitated from the beginning of the third month of life on account of increased muscle tone (hypertonia). Furthermore, she had an episode of acute diarrhea at three months of age, apart from which she did not suffer from
on term via spontaneous vaginal labor at 36 weeks of pregnancy due to a premature rupture of membranes. Her birth
SNP microarray approach revealed approximately 50% of signal reduction in 312 SNPs located at RPSA locus which corresponds to a 337.2 kb deletion covering a fragment at the short arm of chromosome 3 (arr[GRCh37] 3p22.2p22.1(39357060_39694267) × 1), affecting five genes, including the RPSA gene (OMIM #150370) which encodes the SA ribosomal protein (Fig. B). This was the only CNV identified in this patient. None of the parents was a carrier of the same deletion (Additional file : Fig S1B and C). This confirms the diagnosis of Congenital Isolated Asplenia (ICAS, OMIM # 271400) resulting from
of steroids and glycerol, and she was transferred to our department for surgery. The frontal calvaria were irregularly thickened on computed tomography. Gd-enhanced MRI on admission revealed a giant homogeneous enhanced tumor within the frontal calvaria associated with extracranial and intradural extensions []. The superior sagittal sinus (SSS) was invaded but not completely
homogeneous enhanced tumor within the frontal calvaria associated with extracranial and intradural extensions []. The superior
meningioma, and the intracranial tumor lesion had the same features and contained trabecular tissue. MIB-1 staining was negative in the intracranial tumor and extracranial tumor (1% and 2%–3%, respectively). The patient was transferred for rehabilitation. Seven months after tumor resection, rehabilitation was completed and joint cranioplasty with plastic surgery was planned. Due to the extensive skull defect, we decided to use a titanium plate []. The temporal posterior periosteal flap, which was continuous from the bilateral temporal periosteal flap, was lifted and sutured to lie below the skin incision such that the titanium plate was not directly exposed. The surgery
clinic of a university hospital for complaints of palpitation and decreased exercise tolerance of around two years duration. History of past illness revealed that the girl was admitted for chronic cough and pulmonary right lung mass at the age of 5 years. Her family report that a CT scan of her chest showed a right lung mass on that admission. They were told that she will undergo thoracotomy but later were told that medical treatment was sufficient (detailed record not available). On physical examination, She weighed 34 kg and her height was 149 cm. Her blood pressure was 121/53 mmHg and her pulse rate
hospital for complaints of palpitation and decreased exercise tolerance of around two years duration. History of past illness revealed that the girl was admitted for chronic cough and pulmonary right lung mass at the age of 5
the girl was admitted for chronic cough and pulmonary right lung mass at the age of 5 years. Her family report that a CT scan of her chest showed a right lung mass on that admission. They were told that she will undergo thoracotomy but later were told that medical treatment was sufficient (detailed record not available). On physical examination, She weighed 34 kg and her height was 149 cm. Her blood pressure was 121/53 mmHg and her
several weeks later, left pneumonectomy with mediastinal lymph node dissection was done. Final pathohistological analysis noted a tumor size of 100 × 85 × 71 mm, more than 80% of which was necrotic. The pleomorphic tumor cells showed the same immunohistochemical profile as in biopsy specimen. Synovial sarcoma-associated translocation was negative. All surgical margins and dissected mediastinal lymph nodes were tumor free. Based on this, the final diagnosis of undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (grade 3) was made (Fig. ).\nThe patient recovered well from the surgery, and follow-up was planned. At the first follow-up visit 7 weeks after lung surgery, the patient was free of malignant disease as per physical examination and chest x-ray. Three
tumor free. Based on this, the final diagnosis of undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (grade 3) was made (Fig. ).\nThe patient recovered well from the surgery, and follow-up was planned. At the first follow-up visit 7 weeks after lung surgery, the patient was free of malignant disease as
visceral pleura, measuring 74 mm in the largest diameter (Fig. ).\nThere was no evidence of nodal or visceral dissemination at presentation. Bronchoscopy examination with biopsy was performed, and specimen from the LUL bronchus was taken. Histopathological analysis showed an almost completely necrotic tumor with a share of less than 10% viable pleomorphic tumor cells expressing vimentin and CD99 and focal positive desmin. There was no expression of
intensive care unit for suspected anoxic brain injury. There was concern that the patient had experienced a cardiac event that caused a sudden loss of pulse. However, multiple troponins were negative and the admission electrocardiogram did not show ST elevations consistent with a cardiac event. Doppler studies showed an occlusive deep vein thrombosis in the right peroneal vein. A saddle pulmonary embolism was suspected to have caused a syncopal episode and cardiac arrest; the patient was started on heparin. Echocardiogram showed normal left and right
There was concern that the patient had experienced a cardiac event that caused a sudden loss of pulse. However, multiple troponins were negative and the admission electrocardiogram
face. The event was witnessed by one of her daughters. Her daughter reported that on rushing to her assistance she had no pulse and had turned blue. Bystanders performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) while waiting for medical assistance. When emergency medical personnel arrived, the
likely represented carotid dissection. Doppler ultrasound was carried out confirming this finding and also revealed significant vascular disease in both vertebral arteries. A digital subtraction cerebral angiogram was carried out that confirmed severe 3-vessel disease with fibromuscular dysplasia affecting both vertebral arteries and the right internal carotid artery, with a completely occluded left internal carotid artery with no run-off flow seen in the left middle cerebral artery.\nA SPECT study was carried out showing symmetrical
out confirming this finding and also revealed significant vascular disease in both vertebral arteries. A digital subtraction cerebral angiogram was carried out that confirmed severe 3-vessel disease with fibromuscular dysplasia affecting both vertebral arteries and the right internal carotid artery, with a completely occluded left
and A0 presented to our emergency department 2 weeks post-spontaneous vaginal delivery with a history of sudden onset of right arm jerking movement for 2 days lasting 2–3 min each. CT scans with and without contrast were carried out and showed no abnormalities, including no thrombus in the sagittal sinus. The patient had no events during a 12-h observation period in the emergency department and was sent home the next morning.\nFive days later, the patient returned to the emergency department with sudden onset of right hemiplegia of the face, arm and leg with onset at 9:30 a.m. The hemiparesis began while she
nearby public health center with public outdoor exercise equipment on 23 March 2018. She had undergone right total mastectomy due to breast cancer in 2000 and had been active and capable of performing daily living activities before the accident. At the public health center, she tried the inversion table. Hanging on the inversion table upside down, her feet slipped out of her shoes, and she fell and hit her head on the ground. The patient collapsed and immediately experienced a total loss of motor power in whole body; she was found and transferred to the emergency room of a local medical center. Non-enhanced
and hit her head on the ground. The patient collapsed and immediately experienced a total loss of motor power in whole body; she was found and transferred
abdominal binder and took anti-hypotensive medications to treat orthostatic hypotension. She had neuropathic pain in her hands and was prescribed 300 mg of gabapentin three times a day. Follow-up physical examinations showed minimal improvement. The last follow-up assessment before discharge was performed on 21 April 2018, and her neuropathic pain relieved as the numeric pain rating scale (NRS) score decreased from 3 to 1; her motor power grade in the proximal part
days, the patient's renal function slowly returned to normal with preserved diuresis during the whole period. Control bedside abdominal sonography showed the same kidney size and no abnormalities as in the initial one. He was discharged after a total of 12 days of hospitalization on a regimen of furosemide (40 mg every other day) and urapidil (2 × 60 mg daily).\nThe patient was seen in the clinic 2 and 4 months after discharge; he was feeling well. Blood pressure values were slightly elevated, he was without edemas or respiratory symptoms, had gained 5 kg, and had an average diuresis
after a total of 12 days of hospitalization on a regimen of furosemide (40 mg every other day) and urapidil (2 × 60 mg daily).\nThe patient was seen in the clinic 2 and 4 months after discharge; he was feeling well. Blood pressure values were slightly elevated, he was without edemas or respiratory symptoms, had gained 5 kg,
hospitalization are showed in Table . Cultures of urine and stool were negative. Chest X-ray showed only mild pulmonary congestion. Urine output was 1,500 mL on the day of admission and 500 mL on the second day. At that time a diagnosis of AKF was made, and the patient began continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration lasting 24 h. Initial bedside abdominal sonography showed kidneys of normal size and no evidence of obstruction or other abnormalities and hyperechogenic liver of
with a chief complaint of multiple masses on his fingers and hands. The first mass was noticed at 26 years of age, and although the patient was diagnosed with gout by his doctor, it was not treated. His first examination in our hospital was at 31 years of age, and drug treatment for hyperuricemia was administered. However, about five years later, he stopped this treatment by himself, and there are no records of consultations since then. At 45 years of age,
complaint of multiple masses on his fingers and hands. The first mass was noticed at 26 years of age, and although the patient was diagnosed with gout by his doctor, it was not treated. His first examination in our hospital was at 31 years of age, and drug treatment for hyperuricemia was administered. However, about five years later, he stopped this treatment by himself, and there are no
of the mass, the extensor indicis muscle tendon was returned to its original position, and the patient was able to extend his index finger. Therefore, it was not necessary to repair the extensor digitorum communis. We also resected the masses in the PIP joints of the index, middle, and little fingers, as well as in the MP joints of the middle and little fingers. Macroscopic findings showed the masses to be like gouty tophi. Pathologically, crystalline masses surrounded by palisades of
tumors than in benign tumors []. Meningioma was also the differential diagnosis because of the tumor location and homogenous enhancement. We planned a curative resection of the tumor and adjuvant therapy was undetermined until we received pathology results.\nAn elective operation was planned and performed without any complications. Bicoronal incision was done and an enlarg-ed middle meningeal artery heading towards the tumor was made visible by opening the frontal lobectomy bone flap. Dura mater was
results.\nAn elective operation was planned and performed without any complications. Bicoronal incision was done and an enlarg-ed middle meningeal artery heading towards the tumor was made visible by opening the
was intact and not been invaded by the tumor. At the deepest portion of tumor, a capsule attached to pial surface and cortical vein was observed (). Intraoperative findings suggested that this cortical vein adhered to the tumor arachnoid capsule might be a focus of bleeding in this case. A frozen biopsy of the main mass turned out to be a meningioma but the histologic subtype was uncertain. The
cultured during that initial debridement procedure. Despite that debridement procedure and prolonged antibiotics there was clinical recurrence of the infection and the patient was subsequently transferred to our center for complex lead extraction.\nTo minimize the risk of vascular disruption and tamponade given the chronic right atrial lead perforation, a combined transvenous and open surgical extraction approach was undertaken. Using a dedicated hybrid operating theatre with
cardiopulmonary bypass support if necessary, midline sternotomy was performed. Dense adhesions were found within the pericardial space consistent with likely prior pericarditis. Given the location of the RA lead, care was taken to leave the right atrial dissection until all other vascular structures were exposed. With uneventful dissection of the right atrium, direct
when applying traction on the lead during laser extraction. Now that the leads have been prepared, transvenous lead extraction with a #14 French laser sheath was attempted. Due to the presence of multiple biding sites, up-sizing to a #16 laser sheath was required along with the use of a less compliant outer sheath (Visi-sheath). All the leads were removed entirely, with
of cytoplasm. Nuclear palisading was also observed in these nests of neoplastic cells. Histopathology examination of the facial lesion confirmed BCC []. The FNAC from the lung lesion showed pleomorphic round to oval cells (basaloid cells) with nuclear palisading at foci, hyperchromatic nucleus, indistinct nucleoli, an anisokaryosis and average amount of cytoplasm consistent with a metastatic basal cell carcinoma (MBCC) []. In view of the cytological features of the lung metastasis consistent with BCC,
cells (basaloid cells) with nuclear palisading at foci, hyperchromatic nucleus, indistinct nucleoli, an anisokaryosis and average amount of cytoplasm consistent with a metastatic basal cell carcinoma (MBCC) []. In view of the
seen involving his right lower eyelid, inferiorly from the infraorbital region to the nasolabial fold, medially to the right side of nose and cephalic border of ala of nose and laterally to the zygomatic region. No regional lymphnodes were palpable in the neck. Upon enquiry, it was found that the patient had undergone surgery for a small lesion adjacent to the nose on the same side. The lesion recurred a year later and he had left it untreated for the last seven years. After convulsion
medically at that time.\nOther past medical histories included uncontrolled hypertension with medications that were adjusted to reach the best numbers. He had chronic kidney disease secondary to ADPKD. His serum creatinine level was stable (baseline 157.5 μmol/L) on follow-up and never required dialysis. He had inguinal herniorrhaphy and surgical intervention for left sided hydrocele and spermatocele. He was a nonsmoker and nondrinker. He was living with his family. Family history was negative for premature coronary artery disease or other common cardiac diseases. His father died of a cerebrovascular stroke.\nOn admission to our hospital, EKG
showed idioventricular rhythm (Figures and ) had replaced the previous sinus rhythm with ventricular rate decreased to
with PTT 50.8 seconds as he was on warfarin for the prosthetic valve. The plan was to start the patient on dopamine infusion with external pacing pads for the complete heart block. Permanent dual chamber pacemaker was planned but the elevated INR needed to be corrected and fresh frozen plasma units and vitamin K were given. Next day during the stay in the ICU, patient started to develop dyspnea with wheezing and oxygen desaturation and the preliminary diagnosis was congestive heart failure
treatment options were explained to the patient:\nRoot canal treatment (RCT) followed by orthodontic extrusion with respect to 12, RCT with respect to 21, RCT followed by post placement with respect to 11, and fixed partial denture (FPD) with respect to 11, 12, 21 Extraction followed by implant placement with respect to 12, RCT with respect to 21, RCT followed by post placement with respect to 11, and FPD with respect to 11, 21 Extraction of 12, RCT with respect to 21, RCT followed by post placement with respect to 11, and FPD with respect
ligament space with respect to tooth #11. Cervical third root fracture was observed in relation to tooth #12 []. Cold testing with Endo-ice (Coltene) elicited no response, which was confirmed with electric pulp testing. Based on clinical and radiographic findings, diagnosis of crown/root fracture (WHO 873.64) with respect to 11, root fracture (WHO 873.63) with respect to 12 [], and crown fracture with pulp exposure (WHO 873.62) with respect to 21 was made.\nThe following
impression of the post space was taken, which acted as a guide for shaping the lateral incisor as a post.[] Fit of the post to the canal was checked intermittently after minor adjustments []. After radiographic evaluation of the satisfactory fit of dentin post, it was again subjected to autoclaving (134°C, 18
intestinal tissue. There was no symptom of nerve conduction from amyloidosis. The melena was not observed at the time of hemodialysis initiation, but occurred 2 years after hemodialysis initiation. In addition, the patient contracted liver cirrhosis and was troubled by ascites. Due to the severe intestinal bleeding and liver cirrhosis, his blood pressure decreased and finally he could not receive hemodialysis. The patient died from multiple organ failure at
patient had melena caused by intestinal bleeding, the etiology of which was amyloidosis, but a diagnosis of AHL was not confirmed in the
matrix area (Fig. b), but only weak DFS staining and scarce positive blue-green birefringence under polarized light microscope was observed (Fig. c). The immunofluorescence analysis showed that IgM and κ chains were clearly deposited on the glomerulus, and mild deposits were found in the mesangial region. No significant deposition of other globulins was observed; we considered this to be a case of monoclonal deposition of IgM-κ chain (Fig. ).\nElectron microscopy showed deposition of fibrillar materials in the subepithelial
spontaneous pain of the left mandibular first molar. At a nearby dental clinic, restorative treatment was performed. However, as the pain continued, the tooth was finally extracted on January 19, 2011. Next day he visited our hospital.\nWhen first examined, he had neither swelling in his cheek nor paresthesia in his lower lip. Postextraction hemorrhage of the mandibular first molar had already arrested. Instead, the clot was absent and the socket made the pale alveolar bone expose (). There was no redness or swelling in
the regional gum and no mobility and percussion pain of the adjacent teeth. Panoramic radiograph showed neither abnormal consolidation nor ill-defined trabecular bone structure around the socket (). The clinical diagnosis was delayed healing of postextraction wound. White blood cell counts (WBC) were in normal range, and C-reactive protein (CRP) level slightly increased
The clinical diagnosis was delayed healing of postextraction wound. White blood cell counts (WBC) were in normal range, and C-reactive protein (CRP) level slightly increased to 1.41 mg/dL. There was poor clinical evidence of acute inflammation (). The information that the patient had been suffering from nonviral liver cirrhosis for 6 years and unremedied was not given at that time. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were also in normal range. Clarithromycin (CAM) was administered for a week, but his spontaneous pain did not diminish. Mobility of the adjacent teeth and necrosis of the gum around
significant side-effects. The treatment was finally stopped at month 34, in the setting of tumor regression, complete recovery of arm mobility and function and complete discontinuation of analgesics (). Control MRI of the shoulder confirmed the very good partial response (). At a follow-up of 42 months (1 year off-therapy), the patient remains tumor and symptoms-free, without any tumor re-growth.\nIn the light of such a dramatic response to imatinib, c-kit exon 10 was fully sequenced from
4 weeks of treatment, the patient noticed an improvement in the abduction of the arm as well as a slight tumor size decrease. The treatment was continued at the same dosing, with consistent improvement in mobility, tumor measurements and analgesics consumption. There was no
a non-operative treatment with a Mayo-Clinic splint and was discharged from the hospital. Radiologic outcome wasunremarkable, though she complained with persistent shoulder pain. Three years later, a painful mass of the shoulder rapidly appeared, impairing shoulder mobility. She was referred to our institution. Clinical examination revealed a hard, bulky mass of the shoulder, with collateral circulation. The tumor involved the whole curving contour of the shoulder, and reached the axilla at its posterior limit. Mobilization of the arm was almost impossible due to both pain and stiffness ().A shoulder MRI revealed a 12 × 6 cm
protraction.\nIn order to correct the anterior crossbite, the treatment plan would include the extraction of lower teeth. So it was decided for the extraction of the lower first molars, as the lower third molars were present while there were no upper third molars, aiming at the correction of the incisors proclination and end the treatment with a Class I molar relationship. The extraction was performed in two steps, first with the extraction of the mesial root of the first molar (Figures and ) followed by the extraction of the distal root after closing the resultant space with a retraction loop. These two steps of extraction were done
first molars, as the lower third molars were present while there were no upper third molars, aiming at the correction of the incisors proclination and end the treatment with a Class I molar relationship. The extraction was performed in two steps, first with the extraction of the mesial root of the first molar (Figures and ) followed by the extraction of the distal root after closing the resultant space with a retraction loop. These two steps of
and lingual tipping of the upper and slight retraction and lingual tipping lower incisors dental compensation for unfavorable skeletal discrepancy the final lateral radiograph analysis (Figures and ) are presented in . An upper removable appliance and a 3-3 lower retainer were used for retention ().\nsummarizes the treatment with Hass expansion appliance that was carried out as 1 turn per day (0.2 mm) during 2 weeks and the appliance was kept in retention for 4 months. Mesial root extraction was performed after 2 months of treatment. The first phase of the space closure occurred at 12 months with retraction
is dose, blood level and cytochrome metabolism dependent [, ]. Therefore we considered the combination of the statin and quinine or the statin alone as the most likely cause of the nocturnal leg cramps.\nBased on these reports we discussed the possible medication interaction with the patient and gave her a resume of the positive effects of the statin. Shared decision making led to an immediate discontinuation of simvastatin and quinine.\nWe reviewed the patient two and three weeks after the discontinuation of her medication. After three weeks she reported to having been “cramp free” for one week
of simvastatin by reducing its first-pass metabolism. One case report documents renal failure, rhabdomyolysis, haemolytic uremic syndrome and disseminated intravascular coagulation after ingestion of quinine along with atorvastatin [].\nCramps qualify as symptomatic myopathy which is associated with statin therapy and
to be stored for analysis on the following day (outpatient, office setting), we could not analyse creatinine kinase (CK) values. Nocturnal leg cramps are most commonly idiopathic in nature []. In this case, past medical history, physical examination and laboratory findings yielded no pathological results. A graphic display is given in the timeline.\nIn preparing the demanded quinine prescription, we conducted a medication interaction analysis. The analysis showed a warning for the combination of quinine and HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. Quinine is a CYP3A4 inhibitor, the very enzyme which is involved in the metabolism of most statins []. Thereby it may increase
The anaerobic bottle was positive at day 2, and a Gram stain showed Gram-positive cocci in chain form. A second set of blood cultures was obtained 1 day after the first set, and thus after the initiation of antibiotic therapy,
in chain form. A second set of blood cultures was obtained 1 day after the first set, and thus after the initiation of antibiotic
treatment with oral 12.5 mg prednisolone daily and supportive transfusion therapy. She was in partial remission for her MM at the time of infection. Due to severe thrombocytopenia and prednisolone treatment the patient had had several prior episodes with minor GI bleedings before the time of the infection. The patient had also previously been examined for infections several times before the time of infection. Sixteen days before the positive blood culture with was drawn, the patient was discharged from the hospital after an admission because of suspected tonsillitis.
came out as thymic carcinoma with the possibility of squamous cell carcinoma.\nFive cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (paclitaxel+cisplatin) were followed. After chemotherapy for three months, the tumor size seemed to have increased, but did not show any other metastasis according to the other test results. Considering the patient and disease status, surgical treatment was planned.\nAfter general anesthesia, a single-lumen endotracheal tube was inserted and the operation proceeded in the supine position. After a median skin incision, the mass invading the chest
three months, the tumor size seemed to have increased, but did not show any other metastasis according to the other test results. Considering
the bilateral ribs and the lower margin with multiple intermittent sutures using 1/0 polypropylene. Finally, the chest wall reconstruction was completed ().\nPostoperative pathological examination confirmed that the tumor was thymic carcinoma (large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma). Despite a normal appearance on intraoperative gross examination, the resection margins of the superior, medial, and lateral areas
of pliers slipped and hit him in the right eye. He reported experiencing complete vision loss in the right eye for several minutes. At time of ophthalmic examination, 8 h from time of injury, patient reported that although his vision had slowly returned and was back to normal in the upper portion of his visual field, the lower portion remained “darker and hazy.”\nExternal examination was significant for pronounced periorbital ecchymosis and edema on the right. Ocular examination revealed a VA of 20/40 on
right eye. He reported experiencing complete vision loss in the right eye for several minutes. At time of ophthalmic examination, 8 h from time of injury, patient reported that although his vision had slowly returned and was back to normal in the upper portion of his visual field, the lower portion
h later revealed a stable hematoma surrounding the optic nerve within the optic nerve sheath with surrounding fat stranding and a superior orbital rim fracture with a fragment displaced into the orbit. Based on clinical and imaging findings, a diagnosis of ONSH secondary to blunt facial trauma was made. Given the minimally decreased VA of the affected eye, stability of serial examinations, location of the hematoma, and risks of potential surgical drainage, the decision was made to defer acute surgical intervention in favor
bearing, she did have a pinching discomfort when ambulating and she used a cane for walking longer distances. Range of motion on examination was 100 degrees of flexion, 30 degrees of external rotation, and 20 degrees of internal rotation, and radiographs at that time showed no further change in implant positioning (Figure ). No restrictions in weight bearing or ROM were maintained at this point. She was happy with her pain-free status and ROM progress, improved function, and gait. Non-operative treatment continued.\nAt nearly one year post-fracture, the patient's pain slowly worsened with more compelling evidence of implant bone collapse on radiographs (Figure ). The patient
and maintained non-weight bearing for a period of six weeks. After the six weeks she had very little pain. Radiographs at that time showed no significant change in hip SRA placement, but mild lower extremity shortening due to initial positional change of the femoral component. Her weight bearing status was then advanced to fifty percent from 6 to 12 weeks following fracture, then full weight bearing 12 weeks post-fracture.\nAfter advancing to full weight
female presented with right hip pain increasing over several years. She reported difficulty putting her socks and shoes on, and could no longer exercise due to her hip pain. The patient had no other significant past medical or past surgical history. She was also a Caucasian and her BMI was 33. Her physical exam demonstrated painful, limited range of motion. Right hip flexion was 85 degrees, internal rotation less than five degrees, and external rotation less than 10 degrees. Severe degenerative changes were observed on radiographs.\nThe patient elected to undergo hip SRA in late 2006. A 46 mm femoral head was used along with a
in the musculoskeletal system can be found within .\nWith the patient’s complaints of mainly right sided lower back pain beginning approximately three months prior, there were multiple diagnoses to consider for this patient. The working hypotheses were a facet joint dysfunction, lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion, and SI joint dysfunction. The hospital visit and his intake forms did not yield any positive red flag findings. The subject was referred to skilled physical therapy to address his LBP with a goal of returning to playing golf. Based on his history, there were concerns about his core stability and endurance as well as general mobility since he is very active and hitting a
multiple diagnoses to consider for this patient. The working hypotheses were a facet joint dysfunction, lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion, and SI joint dysfunction. The hospital visit and his intake forms did not yield any positive red flag findings. The subject was referred to skilled physical therapy to address his LBP with a goal of returning to playing golf. Based on his
back, arm, and leg workouts 2-3 times each week. Overall his past medical history is unremarkable, and he is not currently taking any medications to manage his pain. His goal with physical therapy was to play golf and resistance train without LBP. The patient was informed that the data concerning his case would be submitted for publication. The U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) was discussed and an informed consent was obtained to allow for the use of
as well (). Unilateral hemilaminectomies were extended from C6 level to T2 level. Although the mass was very sticky and a severe adhesion was noted, the tumor could be subtotally removed with minimal damage to the spinal cord. Interaoperative monitoring was performed and it did not show significant changes during surgery. After the second surgery, the patient's postoperative spinal MRI scan showed that most of the enhancing mass was removed and that only a very thin layered enhancing portion remained at
C7 level (). In conclusion, the tumor was subtotally removed. The patient's sense of temperature improved above the thigh level. However, her motor functions and cauda equine syndrome did not improve. Her Karnofsky
She had no important bleeding risk factors, including medical treatment for anticoagulation, and no history of heavy lifting or trauma. In another hospital, she underwent a normal cesarean section under spinal epidural anesthesia and the whole procedure had no specific complications. However, one day after delivery, paraplegia and sensory loss below D7 dermatome did not recover. In addition, she could not feel any sense of defecation and urination. Anal tone was impaired and fecal compaction was discovered. Other symptoms included
collateral ligament was likely jeopardized and the anterior cortex of distal femur had to be significantly notched to be put in the femoral component. Therefore, intra-articular correction of this extra-articular femoral deformity and osteoarthritis of knee would not be successful. Femoral osteotomy and TKA would be necessary.
One-stage operation was performed in August 2012 in order to achieve good relief of knee pain and satisfactory lower limb
was otherwise asymptomatic and resumed his duty as a manual worker.\nHe had his first orthopaedic consultation in 2009 and complained of gradual onset of right knee pain for 4 years. He could manage the knee pain with soft knee brace and analgesic initially. In 2012, his right knee pain worsened and he could walk
limits, at 9.5 ng/mL. In addition, a thyroid function panel was within normal limits. The thyroid panel was obtained, to rule out hyperthyroidism, as this can lead to secondary osteoporosis. The patient was, therefore, started on Vitamin D, given a one-time dose of 50,000U followed by 2000U daily. The patient was placed in a sling, for 1month, following refracture. The patient began physical therapy 3weeks following the refracture. Initial therapy consisted of numerous stretching activities in addition to using resistance bands
for shoulder and elbow range of motion exercises. Throughout the recovery process, he attended therapy 3times a week. The patient had full shoulder and elbow range of motion at 4weeks’post-refracture. At 3months’post-reinjury, the fracture appeared to be healed (). He was cleared for light sporting activities at 3-month post-reinjury. At this time point, the patient began
motion at 4weeks’post-refracture. At 3months’post-reinjury, the fracture appeared to be healed (). He was cleared for light sporting activities at 3-month post-reinjury. At this time point, the patient began throwing exercises at this time with the collegiate baseball athletic trainer. He began performing four sets of 10 throws, from a distance of 60 feet. The intensity of throwing at this time was 50% of full strength. He performed throwing exercises 3days a week. After 2weeks of these throwing exercises, he began six sets of 10 throws with each set
artery. At the time of withdrawal from CPB, we had difficulty in maintaining hemodynamics because of bleeding from the surgical site, which led to hypovolemic shock. Subsequently, his cardiac function deteriorated. Therefore, VA-ECMO was established and the operation was finished.\nAfter the operation, mechanical ventilation and VA-ECMO support were continued in the intensive-care unit. The bleeding from the drains continued. His activated clotting time was
hypovolemic shock. Subsequently, his cardiac function deteriorated. Therefore, VA-ECMO was established and the operation
was not obtained, pulse pressure decreased gradually, and central venous pressure increased gradually. At POD3, an intrathoracic and pericardial hematoma was suspected and evacuation of hematoma was performed for cardiac tamponade.\nThe hematoma in the thoracic cavity and pericardium was removed by operation. However, cardiac function was not ameliorated. As the visualization of the ascending aorta by transesophageal echocardiography was unclear (Fig. a), direct echography in the ascending aorta was performed by the operator to observe the inside of the homograft. The homograft was completely occluded by a thrombus (Fig. b, c, d), which was about 4 cm long and was located at the origin of the ascending aorta; however, as
and total immunoglobulin E was 107 kU/L.\nAn abdomen-pelvis CT demonstrated subcapsular hematoma in the right hepatic lobe (Fig. ). Hemoperitoneum probably caused by multifocal hepatic capsular arterial bleeding was also detected. There was no evidence of bowel perforation. In a previous CT scan taken 1 year before, there had been no evidence of any aneurysm changes in the hepatic vessels. A celiac angiogram demonstrated multiple, various sized hepatic aneurysms in both lobes (Fig. ). The small aneurysms resembled the appearance of a string of beads, characteristically observed in polyarteritis nodosa
also detected. There was no evidence of bowel perforation. In a previous CT scan taken 1 year before, there had been no evidence of any aneurysm changes in the hepatic vessels. A celiac angiogram demonstrated multiple, various sized hepatic aneurysms in both lobes (Fig. ). The small aneurysms resembled the appearance of a string of beads, characteristically observed in
as myalgia and arthralgia. She even experienced dry gangrene in the fingertips of both hands because of arterial thrombosis when her eosinophil count increased up to 6000 cells/µL (Fig. ). Duplex scan for arteries and veins indicated the total occlusion of the right distal ulnar artery and left medial forearm ulnar artery. The study also revealed a total occlusion of both mid-anterior tibial arteries, whereas toes of both feet were intact as other vessels of lower extremities were not involved. Hypercoagulability was thought to be caused either directly or indirectly by hypereosinophilia. We recommended
and ultrasonography investigations revealed a foreign body in the abdominal cavity just below the diaphragm without any other features of obstruction or perforation. Contrast-enhanced computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a linear foreign body forming a fistula communicating with splenic flexure of the colon [].\nThe patient was posted for elective exploratory laparotomy. On laparotomy, an intact ball point pen of size about 11 cm in length was found to be the foreign body
done at a primary health center. When the ulcer did not heal for about 3 months, he was referred to a surgical department of a teaching hospital for further management. The non-healing ulcer in the incision site of left lumbar gradually had increased in size and was associated with passage of air through the ulcer while defecating or straining. There was no history of abdominal distension, vomiting, obstipation, hematemeis, malena, or fever. Physical examination revealed a soft non-tender abdomen.\nRoentgenogram of abdomen
10 days of onset of symptoms of psychosis and mania. He was treated with tablet risperidone up to 4 mg/day. He responded well and even went back to school. After 9 months of regular treatment, he stopped medicines. Two months after stopping of medicines he had relapse of psychotic symptoms including Schniderian first rank symptoms without any mood symptoms. His diagnosis was revised to paranoid schizophrenia. He failed trials of tablet risperidone 8 mg/day, tablet olanzepine 25 mg/day, a course of 10 sittings of electroconvulsive therapy, and injection fluphenazine decanoate depot
a blood transfusion at the outside hospital for hemoglobin of 5.0 g/dL and was transfused again in our facility for hemoglobin of 7.1 g/dL. She received multiple platelet transfusions for thrombocytopenia with a count 63 × 103/mm3 on arrival and a nadir of 16 × 103/mm3 (unit) during her 10-day hospital stay. The differential diagnosis by hematology was autoimmune causes due to her sepsis such as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) versus drug related causes. The patient also had anion gap metabolic acidosis and was managed with fluids, insulin, dextrose, and bicarbonate and took several days to stabilize. Blood cultures eventually grew out Escherichia
multiple platelet transfusions for thrombocytopenia with a count 63 × 103/mm3 on arrival and a nadir of 16 × 103/mm3 (unit) during her 10-day hospital stay. The differential diagnosis by hematology was autoimmune causes due to her sepsis such as idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) versus drug related causes. The patient also had anion gap metabolic
3 months after discharge, the palatal fistula was found to have completely healed. The neck wound had nearly completely healed with a pin point fistula with minimal drainage remaining. The 2 small areas of bony exposure in the symphysis and right posterior mandible had resolved. The left mandibular bony exposure was stable without progression. The patient continued to show progressive improvement on periodic follow-up. At 1 year, the soft palate and neck wounds were completely healed, and the intraoral wound
augmented vector foot (aVF)) and peaked T-waves at the same leads (Figure ), suggestive of transmural ischemia. Her blood pressure was 150/90mmHg. Her pain subsided after continuous infusion of nitroglycerin (4mg/h) was initiated and a 5mg capsule of nifedipine was given to the patient sublingually. The patient was symptomless within 10 minutes. The ECG that was taken 40 minutes afterward showed progressive recovery of ventricular repolarization
and peaked T-waves at the same leads (Figure ), suggestive of transmural ischemia. Her blood pressure was 150/90mmHg. Her pain subsided after continuous infusion of nitroglycerin (4mg/h) was initiated and a 5mg capsule
the same leads (Figure ), suggestive of transmural ischemia. Her blood pressure was 150/90mmHg. Her pain subsided after continuous infusion of nitroglycerin (4mg/h) was initiated and
hip or leg. A computed tomography (CT) scan of her right hip revealed two partly calcified soft tissue masses associated with the right iliopsoas and obturator internus muscles (). A CT-guided fine needle biopsy of the right hip and psoas locules aspirated 100 mL of frank pus notable for a nucleated cell count of 344,000 (98% PMNs) with growth of E. coli. As a result, the patient was transferred to
our institution with concerns for an iliopsoas abscess and a periprosthetic infection.\nOn admission, she was febrile to 102.7 F without any significant distress. Her physical examination was remarkable for a well-healed, right lateral hip incision with no erythema or drainage. She experienced
pressed into the cement. The femur was reamed to size of a large diameter chest tube. A femoral stem and a reinforcing wire were cemented into the chest tube, and once the cement was hardened, the femoral stem encased in a solid cylinder of bone cement was removed from the chest tube and malleted into the proximal femur.\nPostoperatively, the patient did well. She was made weight bearing as tolerated, ambulated with physical therapy and elected to delay placement of permanent components. She
Additionally, multiple disk protrusions were found, especially in the lumbar spine. Thus, the search for a source of meningitis, initiated because of the unexpected pathogen identification, led to diagnosis of previously unrecognized retropharyngeal abscess and cervical spondylodiscitis. In addition to continued meropenem treatment, the patient was immediately subjected to neurosurgery: The abscess was evacuated including polymethylmethacrylate-assisted ventral diskectomy. Intraoperative swabs also yielded the ESBL-producing Escherichia coli.\nInitially, therapy was complicated by morphine withdrawal delirium requiring sedation of the patient. Then, the patient’s condition rapidly improved, and she had fully recovered without any neurological sequelae when meropenem treatment was
subjected to neurosurgery: The abscess was evacuated including polymethylmethacrylate-assisted ventral diskectomy. Intraoperative swabs also yielded the ESBL-producing Escherichia coli.\nInitially,
antimicrobial susceptibility pattern, the patient’s past medical history was negative for urinary tract infection symptoms. Furthermore, chest X-ray, abdominal ultrasound and transesophageal echocardiography conducted at admission and / or during the further hospital stay merely showed degenerative changes in the spine and an early-stage atherosclerosis, but did not reveal a primary focus. Thus, a magnetic resonance tomography of the spine was added in consideration of the patient’s neck pain even though that pain had already been attributed to a herniated cervical disk. However, magnetic resonance tomography showed a large descending retropharyngeal abscess with a cervical
not deemed necessary. The patient underwent a total thyroidectomy and level VI neck dissection. As indicated by imaging, there was extracapsular extension into the strap muscles and involvement of the first two tracheal rings posteriorly. Additionally, the lesion extended into the superior thyroid vein and lateral border of the internal jugular vein, which was excised after suture ligation. Intraoperative nerve monitoring demonstrated the recurrent laryngeal nerves were intact bilaterally.\nPathology revealed a classic variant multifocal
extended into the superior thyroid vein and lateral border of the internal jugular vein, which was excised after suture ligation. Intraoperative nerve monitoring demonstrated the recurrent laryngeal nerves were intact
the pre-operative CT Head and Neck which noted difficult visualization due to beam hardening artifacts from the shoulders. The level VI neck dissection yielded two ipsilateral lymph nodes positive for metastatic PTC, with no regional metastasis on the contralateral side. Ultimately, the thyroid specimen was positive for lymphatic vascular invasion, extrathyroidal extension with invasion of the tracheal cartilage. Therefore the tumor was staged T4aN1aM1. Postoperatively, the patient received radioiodine-131 ablation at a
ileum were removed. Grossly, a total of seven masses measuring from 1x1x0.5 cm3 to 8x4x2cm3 were found in the jejunum and ileum, with one in one segment of the ileum, one in the other segment of the ileum, four in one segment of the jejunum, and one in the other segment of the jejunum, respectively. All the masses were completely sampled to histopathological examination. Microscopic
segment of the ileum, four in one segment of the jejunum, and one in the other segment of
(CT) scan of chest and abdomen revealed a round soft tissue shadows of increased density that was suspected to be located in the small intestine. Additionally, an enlarged lymph node with a maximum diameter of 4.6cm in the right upper mediastinum was suspicious for metastasis. Further small intestine endoscopy suggested a mass about 4 cm in diameter in the small bowel with lumen stenosis. A biopsy was performed and a diagnosis of mesenchymal spindle cell tumor was rendered. A definite diagnosis had not been established due to
at the lateral edge of the left abdominal rectus muscle. Following lysis of the adhesions, the content in the hernia sac was reduced by pulling the contents carefully using forceps. And then an about 8 cm peritoneal incision was made superiorly concerning hernia orifice and the boundaries of
the adhesions, the content in the hernia sac was reduced by pulling the contents carefully using forceps. And then an about 8
recurrence over the six-months telephone follow-up period.\nAlthough the results of EMG and NCV suggested that patients still had left tibial nerve injury, the patient did not have the relevant clinical manifestations of tibial nerve injury. So the authors thought that the evidence of
and timing of cytoreductive nephrectomy. Although the benefits of immunotherapy have been displayed repeatedly by several studies, controversy has existed as to the need for adjunctive nephrectomy in treating metastatic patients. Removal of the malignant kidney may be of palliative benefit in some settings of metastatic renal cell carcinoma []. There have been studies to demonstrate
by several studies, controversy has existed as to the need for adjunctive nephrectomy in treating metastatic patients. Removal of the malignant kidney may be of palliative benefit in some settings of metastatic renal cell carcinoma []. There have been studies
patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma compared to a variety of other options with less toxicity [].\nThere have been case reports in the literature that describe spontaneous regression of metastatic renal cancer [,-].\nBumpus described the first reported case of spontaneous regression of metastatic renal cell carcinoma in 1928 []. Metastatic sites include brain, bone, hilar adenopathy and most commonly pulmonary metastases. The clinical pattern of the improvement is not uncommonly the complete disappearance of disease, and often the regression is long-lasting. Many of these cases are associated with surgical removal of the primary tumor, but regression can also occur in association
was administered in the region of the right anterior superior iliac spine. 100 mL of bone marrow was aspirated using the bone marrow aspiration needle and collected in heparinized tubes. The aspirate was then transferred to the laboratory. In the stem cell laboratory the MNCs were separated by the density gradient method. The cells were sent for CD34+ counts by Fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis with the viability of 98%. The cells were injected intrathecally through an epidural catheter at the level of L4-L5. Number
CD34+ counts by Fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis with the viability of 98%. The cells were injected intrathecally through an
World Medical Associations Helsinki declaration []. An evidence-informed protocol was designed. This protocol was reviewed and approved by Institutional Committee for Stem Cell Research and Therapy (IC-SCRT) in accordance with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) guidelines. After an informed consent we treated the patient with cellular therapy followed by rehabilitation. The aim was to make the patient self-dependent reducing the impairment and improving function. Patient underwent serological, biochemical and hematological blood tests, PET-CT scan of
which allowed for further easier exposure of the spine by carefully retracting both the aorta and inferior vena cava laterally in opposite directions. Through a small window between the aorta and the inferior vena cava, we were able to expose the anterior spine, which was significantly scarred and inflamed. We then proceeded with the identification of the L3-L4 disk space under fluoroscopy. Working between the aorta and the inferior vena cava, the L3-4 and L5-S1 discs were exonerated. Using small curettes and an M8 drill bit, we then performed the L4 and L5 corpectomy (Figure ). The retropulsed fracture fragments of L4-5 were meticulously
dissected away from the dura until the thecal sac was decompressed. Once the endplates above and below our levels were prepared, we carefully placed a Stryker Capri Corpectomy cage (17x22mm) filled with Vivigen (DePuy Sytheses, Warsaw, IN, USA),
spine by carefully retracting both the aorta and inferior vena cava laterally in opposite directions. Through a small window between the aorta and the inferior vena cava, we were able to expose the anterior spine, which was significantly scarred and inflamed. We then proceeded with the identification of the L3-L4 disk space under fluoroscopy. Working between the aorta and the inferior vena cava, the L3-4 and L5-S1 discs were exonerated. Using small curettes and an M8 drill bit, we then performed the L4 and L5 corpectomy (Figure ). The retropulsed fracture fragments of L4-5 were meticulously dissected
bloody urine nor weakness of limbs.\nOn physical examination, her vital signs were within normal limits. She weighed 37 kg, and height 147 cm (surface area of 1.2 m2). There was no pallor, no lymph adenopathy and no sign of malnutrition. External evaluation of the left eye revealed complete blindness with a mydriatic pupil that was non- responsive to light. Gastrointestinal examination revealed a circular scarification mark on the abdomen as well as a huge visible
physical examination, her vital signs were within normal limits. She weighed 37 kg, and
supra-pubic region (Fig. ). The mass was hard with irregular contours, fixed, moderately tender on palpation and extending to the epigastric region. She had no ascites. The liver, spleen and kidneys were non palpable. A non-tender left breast mass was also palpated, while her mouth, teeth and jaws were normal and likewise the rest of the systemic examination.\nA full blood count done revealed lymphocytosis (70%) with normal total white cell count and haemoglobin level
the other hand the roots of the upper left central and lateral incisors were intact and endodontic treatment had been done for the upper left central and lateral incisors ().\nAfter explaining the treatment plan to the patient and obtaining his consent, endodontic treatment with the upper right central and lateral incisors was initiated. The working length was correctly determined and canals were cleaned, shaped using K files in a step-back manner to an apical file size #60. The remainder of the canals were shaped to obtain a uniform taper from apex towards coronal. An interappointment calcium hydroxide dressing was given and the patient was recalled after 7 days.\nOn the second visit, when the swelling
explaining the treatment plan to the patient and obtaining his consent, endodontic treatment with the upper right central and lateral incisors was initiated. The
the dentin. Only the post was luted with the cement. Coating the root canal walls with resin cement was precluded to prevent the flow of excess cement laterally between the root fragments.\nThese fiber posts served as an intraradicular splint, stabilizing the fractured fragments in position. Glass fiber-reinforced posts were used as they exhibit high fatigue strength and high tensile strength and have a modulus of elasticity closer to dentin. Composite cores were built over the posts (). The other two incisors (maxillary left central and lateral incisors) received
with the patient, thrombolysis of the blocked AVF was attempted. Written informed consent was taken after explaining the procedure and the possible benefits and risks involved.\nAn 18G intravenous cannula was placed in the AVF, with the tip of the cannula reaching the thrombus at the anastomotic site []. Flushing was done with 20 ml sterile normal saline to ensure that there was no counter-puncture and resultant extravasation of the thrombolytic agent. Tissue
anastomotic site []. Flushing was done with 20 ml sterile normal saline to ensure
unknown, he was not a diabetic. He reached ESRD in May 2010 and was initiated on hemodialysis. He had no history of coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular accidents, peripheral vascular disease, or any other thrombotic events. He did not smoke. The side to side radio-cephalic AVF on the right side was created in 2010,
had died as a result of heart failure. She reported no neurodegenerative diseases, neuromuscular diseases, or sudden deaths in other family members. She had no history of smoking or alcohol or illicit drug abuse and no known drug allergies.\nOn examination, she did not have any cognitive dysfunction, and the result of her cranial nerve examination was normal. Her motor examination revealed decreased strength in both proximal and distal muscle groups, predominantly in the intrinsic hand muscles with wasting and in the shoulder abductors. Fasciculations were noted in the right upper and lower extremities in various muscle groups. Her deep tendon reflexes were brisk with positive jaw jerk,
Hoffman’s sign on the left, and bilateral ankle clonus. Her plantar reflexes were mute bilaterally. Her sensory system, coordination, and gait were unremarkable. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and the cervical and thoracic spine was unremarkable. The
within 1 minute into induction, she developed pulseless ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. Advanced cardiac life support was initiated with defibrillation, three rounds of epinephrine, and a loading dose of amiodarone prior to return of spontaneous circulation. After some time, she became responsive and started following simple commands, and a decision was made not to use a hypothermia protocol. She was admitted to the cardiac intensive care unit for close monitoring. Her echocardiogram showed that her left ventricular ejection fraction was 70%, and asymmetric hypertrophy of