3 values
The blind conviction that we have to do something about other people's reproductive behavior, and that we may have to do it whether they like it or not, derives from the assumption that the world belongs to us, who have so expertly depleted its resources, rather than to them, who have not. - Germaine Greer
• Muhimmin tabbaci cewa dole ne muyi wani abu game da halin mutuncin mutane, kuma muna iya yin hakan ko dai sun so shi ko ba haka ba, yana haifar da zaton cewa duniya tana da mu, wanda ya kasance mai basirar kayan aiki, maimakon su, wadanda ba su da.
Scored it for only 35$.
Un dá onigbọwọ fun 35 USD nikan.
In addition, they have been working on some of their own initiatives to ensure that SharePoint is considered the social networking platform of 2008.
Kamfanoni suna tattauna rubutun ra'ayin kanka a yanar gizo kamar abu ne a cikin jerin rajista na 2008.
It was God who helped me to give up my will.
Ọlọrun ràn mi lọwọ lati kọ idanwo.
It went into its first reprint after 10 days and then into the second after a month.
Uwe elu kachasị mkpa ga-abanye na nke mbụ n'ụbọchị nke iri mgbe ịmaliteghachi na mbara ala, na oge nke abụọ - otu ọnwa mgbe e mesịrị.
How do you know is wagyu?
Wo wei shen me kai shi san shi fen zhong xue xi fa?
In the first step, lactose is hydrolyzed to glucose and galactose.
N'ime usoro enzymatic, a na-ebu ụzọ ebipụ lactose na glucose na galactose.
When he was forced to escape his village, just 8km from the Nigerian border, he didn't want to leave his school behind.
Lokacin da aka tilasta mu shi barin kauyenshi, kilomita 8 daga iyakar Najeriya, bai so ya bar makarantar shi ba.
Being discharged from the ER directly to their home
Cire fayilolin TGZ akan layi kai tsaye a cikin burauzarku
the land for the seven years of scarcity of
Ọdun 7 ti inu wa ni ku lati gbogbo iru igbadun ailopin ti ko tọ
Who can stand against the rising of the sun, who can prevent the wind from blowing?
Ezuru nke nwere ike igbochi onye obula si hooking elu kwup?ta ?l? ?r? ma na-agh?gbu ma ? b? data nkeji.
Sweden became the first country to criminalize the purchase of sex.
Sweden di orilẹ-ede akọkọ ni agbaye lati fàyè gba ijiya ti awọn ọmọde.
BTW... there is not a huge difference between the two wavelength colors..
5.DO BỤGHỊ Mgbanwerịta reagents n'etiti ngwa iwu dị iche iche na ọtụtụ No ..
Step 4: Select the area within the city
Nzọụkwụ 1: Tinye chọrọ ederede ọdịnaya na na mpaghara ahụ.
This can make you feel stupid.
N'eziokwu, o nwere ike ime ka ị chee na ọ bụ onye nzuzu.
The tips are like a payday every day."
O lepa Capone ni gbogbo ọjọ ni fifun ni awọn iwosan rẹ. '
You get three of these."
uku ka zo min da abin da ka yanke."
There is the put to purchase on the internet when you look a lot for where to choose.
Nwere ike ịlele ọnụahịa mbufe na peeji ịzụ ahịa mgbe ị họrọ ọtụtụ ihe na ebe ị na-aga.
Son-in-law and your sons, and your daughters and whatever you have in the city, bring them out of this place."
Ọgọ gị nwoke na ụmụ gị ndị ikom na ụmụ gị ndị inyom nakwa ndị niile bụ́ ndị gị n' obodo a , kpọrọ ha pụọ n' ebe a !
picked from the trees
a ti gba lati awon igi ti won
Read it and understand that food is food.
Ugbu a na-agụ na na chepụta nke na otu onye bụ nri ọkpụkpọ maka onwe gị.
First, it has to be noted that the observed signal is not in continuous time.
O gbọdọ ṣe akiyesi pe awọn okunfa ti a ṣe akojọ ko han ni akoko kan.
This is about money for developers.
Iyẹn ni owo ọfẹ fun awọn alatuta.
The music is perfect for games and film.
Egwuregwu zuru ezu dị mma ma ihe nkiri ma ọdịnaya egwu.
The woman was abutting to tears and the man was regretful.
Matar ta kasance a matsayin gwargwadon gwiwa, kuma mutumin yana tsaye a gwiwoyi.
They never allowed a lie to pass their lips and no fault can be found in them.
Ba a sami ƙarya a bakunansu ba; su kuma marasa aibi ne.
Not to be prejudged because of the colour of their skin, and not to be scared of the police.
Wọn ko ṣe fa ẹru lati inu awọ naa ko si nilo rin irin-ajo.
He also went on to win theU-21 Euro in 2017 as a captain.
Ya kuma ci gaba da lashe U-21 Euro a 2017 a matsayin kyaftin.
There are some better apps and I use them as well.
Ina da wasu mafita a cikin dokokin kwadago kuma zan yi amfani dasu.
The next phase of the process was delayed by about two weeks.
Ohun miiran ni nigba ti iyapa lati iwuwasi kọja awọn ifihan ọsẹ meji-ọsẹ.
He was one of the appointed members; we always had some writers and scholars.
Ko si awọn olugbe to wa titi, ṣugbọn o wa nigbagbogbo iwadi ati awọn eniyan ologun.
"He who feeds on me, he will also live because of me."
Saboda haka wanda ya ciyar da ni, zai rayu saboda ni.
Thanks to the many years that
Ekele, it's ezigbo mfe iji:
When we got home, she was ready to take care of me.
Nigba ti o wa ninu ile, o ṣe itọju.
Social engineers depend on the fact that people are unaware of their valuable
Obu ihe nke anapugh iche na ndi madu amatagh nke oma udi onyinye ha nwere.
this is where we die!
Nke a bụ ebe anyị na-enwu n'ezie!
"Peace I give to you, not as the world gives, but as I give.
Udo m na enye gi; ọ bụghị dị ka ụwa na-enye, nye m gị.
cathedral of the city, was once the
Daga cikin manyan katobara akwai wanda wani barawo ya taba yi.
The processing of personal data is carried out predominantly by using electronic procedures and media for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data was collected, however, in accordance with the principles of lawfulness and correctness, not excessively and with the relevance provided for by current legislation.
A na-arụ ọrụ nke data nkeonwe site na iji usoro elektrọnik na mgbasa ozi maka oge dị ezigbo mkpa iji mezuo ebumnuche nke anakọtara data ahụ yana, n'ọnọdụ ọ bụla, na-agbaso ụkpụrụ nke iwu, ezi, enweghị oke na mkpa enyere n'ihi na iwu dị ugbu a.
Serious in that some of them can help drive awareness and sales.
Saboda wasu daga cikin waɗannan barbashi na iya shiga taimakon ji da haddasa lalacewa.
The wind started up shortly before the rain began to fall.
Ìgbà tó ṣe díẹ̀ ni òjò bá bẹ̀rẹ̀, tí àrá ń sán fààràrà.
The enterprise software industry is in denial about the need to really focus on SMBs.
Dighi kwa SSADM ma ọ DSDM n'ezie lebara oké mkpa nke ụlọọrụ data management.
The Nepalese population is made up of mostly the poor and deprived people.
Okpokoro mbadamba ahia bu n'ozuzu ndi mmadu, ndi ahia na adighi ala.
The recipes are also super easy to follow.
The agbakwunyere screenshots kwa ka usoro nnọọ mfe na-eso.
words, he came up to me, sneering, called me a coward, and gave me a
o iwari mi bi o nran, o tẹ mi mọlẹ bi apọn, o ṣe ẹsin kan ti itọju kan
But that's why I was thinking of water.
Echere m na ọ bụ ya mere m ji nwee mmiri na nke a.
As stated at the start of this thread, we need to allocate
Ná mmalite nke nkebi nke a, anyị kwesịrị tụọ na mislead-
Daniel was there until the first year of King Cyrus.
Daniel nọgidekwara n' ebe ahụ ruo n' afọ mbụ nke ọchịchị eze Saịrọs .
Given that Kings was compiled from many sources, it may very well be.
N'ihi na a na-ebudata ha na chunks site n'ọtụtụ ebe, nke a nwere ike ịbụ usoro ọsọ ọsọ.
Point is: they work and they love the work.
Ƙaunar abin da suke yi: Suna da sha'awar aikin su.
It is part of the Democratic Party strategy to keep the electorate divided and at odds with each other.
Alqur'ani mai haske ne a cikin shiriya ga Musulmai cewa ba daidai ba ne a raba tsakanin kungiyoyi kuma suyi fada da juna.
You can even leave the wheel on if you want to save time.
I nwedịrị ike ịkọ ụgbọ elu ma ọ bụrụ na ịchọrọ ịhapụ oge.
If there is a food that is best made for men,
Ndị mmadụ riri nri nke ndị ka mmadụ ike;
It is easy to grow, with no problems.
Yana da sauƙi a haɓakawa, babu matsaloli tare da zafi mai zafi.
But in that case its not really a "community" but rather a large "family."
Ni akoko yii, kii ṣe iyatọ, ṣugbọn pataki "awọn ọmọkunrin" ni o gbajumo.
I have also got a job.
Enwekwara m ya na ọrụ, n'ezie.
This form of execution is no longer
Ụdị dị otú ahụ adịghịzi mma maka ihicha.
According to Dandridge's last wishes, which were left in a note and given to Earl Mills months before her death, all her belongings were given to her mother, Ruby.
Bisa ga abubuwan da Dandridge ta yi, wanda aka bari a cikin wata sanarwa da aka baiwa Earl Mills watanni kafin mutuwarta, dukiyarta an ba wa mahaifiyarsa Ruby.
And when he had said these things, he dismissed the εκκλησια.
"Nigbati o si ti wi eyi, o si tú ijọ.
In those days, most roads were just two lanes.
Ihe ka ukwuu n'ime oge ahụ, nzere gel bụ naanị ihe mpempe akwụkwọ na-acha ụcha.
A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after."
Mace da aka saki mace ce wadda ke da jima'i kafin aure da aiki bayan.
In the meantime I answered some of my own questions.
Nikẹhin, Mo ti sọ diẹ ninu awọn iṣẹ ti o jẹ awọn ayanfẹ mi).
Yes, there is a rule book but those rules are to be interpreted.
E, hukumar ta na sane da dokokin, amma aka sa kafa aka tattake su.
He must remain home with his new wife for a full year and bring her happiness.
Ọ ga- anọ n' ụlọ ya ma bụrụ onye a gụpụrụ ịrụ ọrụ ruo otu afọ , ọ ga- emekwa ka nwunye ọ lụrụ ṅụrịa ọṅụ .
They were the men of war, his servants, his princes, his captains, rulers of his chariots, and of his horsemen.
Gama su jarumawa na yaki, da farko shugabanni, da shugabannin karusansa, da mahayan dawakansa.
In the end, only you can decide whether a cosmetic surgery procedure is right for you.
Daga karshe, kai kaɗai ne wanda zai iya ƙayyade ko rayuwa mai sihiri daidai ne a gare ka ko a'a.
You are so determined to see the scars when you look at yourself.
Oju tatuu oju ni ọna ti n ṣalaye ara rẹ nigba ti o ba ri.
a sign of the grace I will show you
Ninu awọn ila ti o tẹle, a yoo ṣafihan imọran fun ọ
system by officers who claim to be sick.
pe, si awọn ifiranṣẹ ti o sọ pe o jẹ aṣiwere.
Actually, we take a kind of average in which, instead of dividing by the number of
da muna maimakon ya la'akari, a cikin wani m bambance-bambance, bambancebambance tsakanin bambance-bambance, abu na biyu, idan muka, maimakon bakin
Do you think this is easy to remove?
Chee na nke a ga-esi ike iwepụ?
It's a concept he made famous, although one he did not originate.
Ọ bụ ero na-enweghị atụ, ọ bụ ezie na ọ naghị ebute onye riri ya.
The Law and the Prophets Were until John
"The iwu na ndi-amuma nwere oge ha ruo mgbe John.
he is compelled to bring his eyes right up close to the opening
Itama kallonsa takeyi tare da saurin sauke idanunta zuwa k'asa.
I continued to use what was working and got rid of what was not working.
Mo ti gbiyanju ohun ti o wa ninu ifiweranṣẹ ati pe ko ṣiṣẹ fun mi
I hope that you get a better one!
Enwere m olileanya na ị ga-ahụ ihe ka mma!
17 But the high places were not removed from Israel; nevertheless Asa's heart was blameless all his days....
17 Ṣugbọn a kò mu ibi giga wọnni kuro ni Israeli: kiki ọkàn Asa wà ni pipé li ọjọ rẹ̀ gbogbo.
It is accepted by believing, by faith.
irin ƙarya da aka yarda, lalle ne karfafa, ta wurin bangaskiya a matsayin
and its sound shall be heard when he enters the holy place before the LORD and when he comes out, that he may not die.
Erọn ga- eyi ya ka o wee na- eje ozi , a ga na- anụ ụda ya mgbe ọ na- abanye n' ebe nsọ ahụ n' ihu Jehova nakwa mgbe ọ na- apụta , ka o wee ghara ịnwụ .
By the end of this post, you should feel comfortable
Bayan aikin farko, zaku ji tsarkakewa.
Parts are on their way except the fan, so repair of that is the order of the day.
Duk wadanda suke wajen haka na ga jikinsu ya yi lakwas kai ka ce da gawa aka gifta.. yo a wannan loton ma ai ba a tsoron wuce wa da gawa har shiga ake yi da takalmi cikin makabarta wanda kuma haramun ne.
The thing that many of us have come to the conclusion is the current system is not working.
Otu n'ime ihe m tụlere bụ ọnụọgụ azụmaahịa anaghị etinye usoro maka usoro ha dị ugbu a na-arụ ọrụ.
The Leader of the area
Onye nduzi mpaghara
"We are constantly active in the market.
1) awọn pore nigbagbogbo wa ninu ọja;
We have all made a wrong choice.
Gbogbo rẹ wa si ṣiṣe yiyan ti o dara julọ.
In truth, it was a joint effort by all the services that defeated Japan.
Otitọ ni pe kii ṣe gbogbo awọn burandi ti o ṣiṣẹ ni iṣelọpọ.
We know how much they cost.
Amaara m ego ole nsogbu ha na-efu ha.
It's perfect for short and tiny women like me and my daughters.
Jigun ruwa mai yawa da ƙwararrun mata masu tayar da hankali suna kama da m, m da kuma mata.
He cannot win the race unless he obeys the rules.
Kò sí ẹni tí ó bá ń súré ìje tí ó lè gba èrè àfi bí ó bá pa òfin iré ìje mọ́.
The important thing is that they love them.
Babban abu shi ne cewa kuna son su.
18:26 So the Danites went their way, and Micah, seeing that they were too strong for him, turned around and went back home.
18:26 Ya mere, ha wee na njem na nke ha malitere. ma, Maịka, ịhụ na ha bụ ndị siri ike karịa ya, laghachi n'ulo-ya.
also care for his wife.
O tọju iyawo rẹ pẹlu ọwọ.
The application does not describe what kind of relationship the founders have with the Museum.
App adịghị egosi ụdị sensọ na-ejikọta ya na Fans.
But grasping the knowledge and applying it are two different animals.
Knowingmara SEO na ịkọwa ya n'okwu nke mmadụ bụ anụmanụ abụọ dị iche iche.
Whether one looks at the
Yakan kalli mutum idan ya
For example, say that you are selling a course on how to put together a book proposal.
Alal misali, zakuyi tunanin kuna koyar da rukuni akan yadda ake yin gwano.
The first person you saw whose head was being struck with a stone was the one who committed the Qur'an to memory, then forgotten it and neglected the obligatory prayers.
Ni igba akọkọ ti eniyan ti o ri ti ori ti a ń lù pẹlu okuta kan ni ọkan ti o fi awọn Koran si iranti, ki o si gbagbe o si igbagbe awọn dandan adura.
She hid him and his nurse in the bedroom.
Ó bá fi òun ati olùtọ́jú rẹ̀ pamọ́ sinu yàrá kan.
They reconnected to each other and found a way to move forward.
Sun yi muhawara kuma an samu hanyar da za'a cigaba da tafiya tare.
What is Content Creation and Why is it so Important for SEO?
Kini CTR ati bawo ni o ṣe pataki fun SEO?