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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC)](/catalog/item/53f646a6e4b09d12e0e9bd4c) 3. [SBSC Public Data, Metadata & Software](/catalog/item/5411ed21e4b0fe7e184a8f79) 4. [2015](/catalog/item/5ac7a833e4b0e2c2dd10952b) 5. [Milford Flat Fire—Data](/catalog/folder/554be093e4b082ec54127ee0) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/554be093e4b082ec54127ee0) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/554be093e4b082ec54127ee0) - [JSON](/catalog/item/554be093e4b082ec54127ee0?format=json) ## Dates Release Date2015Start Date2008-07-08End Date2009-03-19Publication Date2017-09-25 ## Citation Duniway, M.C., Palmquist, E. and Miller, M.E., 2015, Evaluating rehabilitation efforts following the Milford Flat Fire—Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary The focus of the study, associated with these data, is a 540-km2 area at the low-elevation northern end of the 1460-km2 Milford Flat Fire in west-central Utah, and includes burned and adjacent unburned areas. Uncontrolled wildfire in arid and semiarid ecosystems has become an increasing concern in recent decades. Active rehabilitation of fire-affected areas is often quickly initiated to minimize long-term ecosystem damage. However, the complex soil-geomorphic-vegetation patterns and low and variable moisture conditions in these regions makes restoration challenging. To further inform these post-fire management decisions, we present results from 5-years of vegetation and sediment flux monitoring following the Milford Flat Fire in west-central \[...\] ## Summary The focus of the study, associated with these data, is a 540-km2 area at the low-elevation northern end of the 1460-km2 Milford Flat Fire in west-central Utah, and includes burned and adjacent unburned areas. Uncontrolled wildfire in arid and semiarid ecosystems has become an increasing concern in recent decades. Active rehabilitation of fire-affected areas is often quickly initiated to minimize long-term ecosystem damage. However, the complex soil-geomorphic-vegetation patterns and low and variable moisture conditions in these regions makes restoration challenging. To further inform these post-fire management decisions, we present results from 5-years of vegetation and sediment flux monitoring following the Milford Flat Fire in west-central Utah, USA. Our sampling design includes monitoring plots in areas not burned, areas burned but where no rehabilitation was attempted, and burned areas where various rehabilitation approaches were implemented. At each of the 25 plots, vegetation cover and composition data were collected annually, and wind-driven sediment flux was measured using passive dust traps. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Michael C Duniway](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=24855) Originator : [Michael C Duniway](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=24855), [Emily C Palmquist](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=59188), [Mark E Miller](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Mark+E+Miller) Metadata Contact : [Terry Arundel](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=332) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey+-+ScienceBase) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) SDC Data Owner : [Southwest Biological Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17423) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/554be093e4b082ec54127ee0?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/554be093e4b082ec54127ee0?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/554be093e4b082ec54127ee0?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | USGS\_2015\_MDuniway\_Milford\_Flat\_Fire\_Metadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 167.46 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | USGS\_2015\_MDuniway\_Evaluating\_rehabilitation\_efforts\_following\_the\_Milford\_Flat\_Fire\_Data.xml | | 1.14 MB | application/xml | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Duniway, M. C., E. Palmquist, and M. E. Miller. 2015. Evaluating rehabilitation efforts following the Milford Flat Fire: successes, failures, and controlling factors. Ecosphere 6(5):80. | []( "") | ## Purpose To evaluate effectiveness of post-fire rehabilitation treatments in establishing desired species and limiting dominance of undesired species. Results suggest the post-fire rehabilitation efforts conducted in the lower elevation regions affected by the Milford Flat Fire were not generally successful. Though dry conditions are likely to blame for the lack of success, the low and variable precipitation characteristic of these regions suggest future post-fire rehabilitation decisions must assume that precipitation is going to be insufficient and plan rehabilitation efforts that are resilient to dry conditions. ## Rights The authors of these data request that data users contact them regarding intended use and to assist with understanding limitations and interpretation. Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/554be093e4b082ec54127ee0) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/554be093e4b082ec54127ee0) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products - USGS Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC) ## Tags Theme - [Brassicaceae](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBrassicaceae "Brassicaceae (Brassicaceae, Theme, None)") - [Bromus tectorum](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBromus+tectorum "Bromus tectorum (Bromus tectorum, Theme, None)") - [Halogeton](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHalogeton "Halogeton (Halogeton, Theme, None)") - [Kochia prostrata](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DKochia+prostrata "Kochia prostrata (Kochia prostrata, Theme, None)") - [Salsola](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSalsola "Salsola (Salsola, Theme, None)") - [dust](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Ddust "dust (dust, Theme, None)") - [rehabilitation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drehabilitation "rehabilitation (rehabilitation, Theme, None)") - [restoration](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drestoration "restoration (restoration, Theme, None)") - [seeding](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dseeding "seeding (seeding, Theme, None)") - [wildfire](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwildfire "wildfire (wildfire, Theme, None)") - [wind erosion](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwind+erosion "wind erosion (wind erosion, Theme, None)") Place - [Fillmore](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DFillmore "Fillmore (Fillmore, Place, None)") - [Milford Flat](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMilford+Flat "Milford Flat (Milford Flat, Place, None)") - [Millard County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMillard+County "Millard County (Millard County, Place, None)") - [Utah](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUtah "Utah (Utah, Place, None)") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F76W984Z | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Michael C. Duniway</origin>\n <origin>Emily Palmquist</origin>\n <origin>Mark E. Miller</origin>\n <pubdate>2015</pubdate>\n <title>Evaluating rehabilitation efforts following the Milford Flat Fire\xe2\x80\x94Data</title>\n <geoform>XML Workbook</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Flagstaff, AZ</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Michael C. Duniway</origin>\n <origin>Emily Palmquist</origin>\n <origin>Mark E. Miller</origin>\n <pubdate>2015</pubdate>\n <title>Evaluating rehabilitation efforts following the Milford Flat Fire: successes, failures, and controlling factors</title>\n <geoform>Journal manuscript</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Ecological Society of America</pubplace>\n <publish>Ecosphere</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>The focus of the study, associated with these data, is a 540-km2 area at the low-elevation northern end of the 1460-km2 Milford Flat Fire in west-central Utah, and includes burned and adjacent unburned areas. Uncontrolled wildfire in arid and semiarid ecosystems has become an increasing concern in recent decades. Active rehabilitation of fire-affected areas is often quickly initiated to minimize long-term ecosystem damage. However, the complex soil-geomorphic-vegetation patterns and low and variable moisture conditions in these regions makes restoration challenging. To further inform these post-fire management decisions, we present results from 5-years of vegetation and sediment flux monitoring following the Milford Flat Fire in west-central Utah, USA. Our sampling design includes monitoring plots in areas not burned, areas burned but where no rehabilitation was attempted, and burned areas where various rehabilitation approaches were implemented. At each of the 25 plots, vegetation cover and composition data were collected annually, and wind-driven sediment flux was measured using passive dust traps.</abstract>\n <purpose>To evaluate effectiveness of post-fire rehabilitation treatments in establishing desired species and limiting dominance of undesired species. Results suggest the post-fire rehabilitation efforts conducted in the lower elevation regions affected by the Milford Flat Fire were not generally successful. Though dry conditions are likely to blame for the lack of success, the low and variable precipitation characteristic of these regions suggest future post-fire rehabilitation decisions must assume that precipitation is going to be insufficient and plan rehabilitation efforts that are resilient to dry conditions.</purpose>\n <supplinf>Data were collected using Garmin Geko 201 or Garmin Geko 301 GPS receivers.</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20080708</begdate>\n <enddate>20090319</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>not planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-112.76584</westbc>\n <eastbc>-112.657221</eastbc>\n <northbc>39.015591</northbc>\n <southbc>38.800535</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>The focus of this study is a 540-km2 area at the low-elevation northern end of the 1460-km2 Milford Flat Fire in west-central Utah.</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>Brassicaceae</themekey>\n <themekey>Bromus tectorum</themekey>\n <themekey>dust</themekey>\n <themekey>Halogeton</themekey>\n <themekey>Kochia prostrata</themekey>\n <themekey>rehabilitation</themekey>\n <themekey>restoration</themekey>\n <themekey>Salsola</themekey>\n <themekey>seeding</themekey>\n <themekey>wildfire</themekey>\n <themekey>wind erosion</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:554be093e4b082ec54127ee0</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Fillmore</placekey>\n <placekey>Milford Flat</placekey>\n <placekey>Millard County</placekey>\n <placekey>Utah</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Michael C. Duniway</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>2290 SW Resource Boulevard</address>\n <city>Moab</city>\n <state>Utah</state>\n <postal>84532</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>(435) 719-2330</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Funding and logistical support for this work were provided by the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Geological Survey Climate and Land Use Program and Ecosystem Mission Area, the National Park Service, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service. Additional cooperation was provided by the State of Utah. Field and lab assistance were provided by Rebecca Mann, Matthew Van Scoyoc, Junran Li, Karl Ford, Harlan Goldstein, Eric Fisher, Jiang Xiao, Lauren Mitchell, and Paige Stewart.</datacred>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Mark E. Miller</origin>\n <origin>Matthew A. Bowker</origin>\n <origin>Richard L. Reynolds</origin>\n <origin>Harland L. Goldstein</origin>\n <pubdate>2012</pubdate>\n <title>Post-fire land treatments and wind erosion \xe2\x80\x93 Lessons from the Milford Flat Fire, UT, USA</title>\n <geoform>Journal manuscript</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>ScienceDirect Online Library</pubplace>\n <publish>Elsevier</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <taxonomy>\n <keywtax>\n <taxonkt>All vascular plants were identified to lowest taxonomic level possible in the field. For analyses, some species were grouped by genera or functional group when species level identification was inconsistent, i.e. sometimes identified to species in the field, but sometimes only identified to genus or functional group due to a lack of key traits.</taxonkt>\n <taxonkey>Plants</taxonkey>\n <taxonkey>Shrubs</taxonkey>\n </keywtax>\n <taxonsys>\n <classsys>\n <classcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>N/A</origin>\n <pubdate>2015</pubdate>\n <title>Integrated Taxonomic Information System</title>\n <geoform>Comma separated values (csv)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>N/A</pubplace>\n <publish>Integrated Taxonomic Information System on-line database, Accessed on 2015/2/23</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </classcit>\n </classsys>\n <idref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Arthur G. Cronquist</origin>\n <pubdate>2005</pubdate>\n <title>Intermountain Flora: Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A</title>\n <geoform>Comma separated values (csv)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Bronx, New York</pubplace>\n <publish>The New York Botanical Garden</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </idref>\n <idref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Mary E. Barkworth</origin>\n <origin>Arthur H. Holmgren,Laurel K Anderton</origin>\n <origin>Noel H. Holmgren,Kathleen M Capels</origin>\n <origin>James L. Reveal,Sandy Long</origin>\n <origin>Patricia K. Holmgren,Michael Piep</origin>\n <pubdate>2007</pubdate>\n <title>Manual of Grasses for North America</title>\n <geoform>Comma separated values (csv)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Logan, Utah</pubplace>\n <publish>Utah State University Press</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </idref>\n <idref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>S.L Welsh</origin>\n <origin>N.D. Atwood</origin>\n <origin>S. Goodrich</origin>\n <origin>L.C. Higgins</origin>\n <pubdate>1993</pubdate>\n <title>A Utah Flora</title>\n <geoform>Comma separated values (csv)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Provo, Utah</pubplace>\n <publish>Brigham Young University</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </idref>\n <ider>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Emily Palmquist</cntper>\n <cntorg>USGS Southwest Biological Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2255 N Gemini Dr.</address>\n <city>Flagstaff</city>\n <state>AZ</state>\n <postal>86001</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>9285567393</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ider>\n <ider>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Mark E Miller</cntper>\n <cntorg>National Park Service</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2282 S. West Resource Blvd.</address>\n <city>Moab</city>\n <state>UT</state>\n <postal>84532</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>4357192130</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ider>\n <taxonpro>expert advice;;identification keys</taxonpro>\n <taxoncom>Plants were identified to species whenever identification was unambiguous to the botanist collecting the data. If species identification was uncertain, the individual was identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible. For analyses, some species were grouped by genera or functional group when species level identification was inconsistent, i.e. sometimes identified to species in the field, but sometimes only identified to genus or functional group due to a lack of key traits. Species, genus, or functional group labels contained in the foliar cover data reflect the lowest taxonomic level that could be applied with the high levels of certainty.</taxoncom>\n </taxonsys>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom,Kingdom,Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae,Plantae,Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom,Subkingdom,Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae,Viridiplantae,Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom,Infrakingdom,Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta,Streptophyta,Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision,Superdivision,Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta,Embryophyta,Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division,Division,Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta,Tracheophyta,Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision,Subdivision,Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina,Spermatophytina,Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class,Class,Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida,Magnoliopsida,Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder,Superorder,Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteranae,Asteranae,Lilianae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order,Order,Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cornales,Ericales,Poales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family,Family,Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Loasaceae,Polemoniaceae,Poaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus,Genus,Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Mentzelia,Gilia,Achnatherum</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species,Species,Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Mentzelia albicaulis,Gilia inconspicua,Achnatherum hymenoides</taxonrv>\n <common>white-stemmed evening-star,shy gily-flower,Indian ricegrass</common>\n <common>whitestem blazingstar,shy gilia</common>\n <common>whitestem stickleaf</common>\n <common>white blazingstar</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lilianae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Agropyron</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Agropyron cristatum</taxonrv>\n <common>crested wheatgrass</common>\n <common>crested wheat grass</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rosanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Brassicales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Brassicaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Alyssum</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Alyssum desertorum</taxonrv>\n <common>desert madwort</common>\n <common>desert alyssum</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteranae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asterales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteraceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Artemisia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Artemisia nova</taxonrv>\n <common>black sagebrush</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lilianae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Aristida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Aristida purpurea</taxonrv>\n <common>purple threeawn</common>\n <common>purple three-awn</common>\n <common>purple 3-awn</common>\n <common>red threeawn</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amaranthaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Atriplex</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Atriplex canescens</taxonrv>\n <common>fourwing saltbush</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amaranthaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Atriplex</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Atriplex confertifolia</taxonrv>\n <common>shadscale</common>\n <common>spiny saltbush</common>\n <common>shadscale saltbush</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amaranthaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Kochia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Kochia americana</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amaranthaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bassia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bassia hyssopifolia</taxonrv>\n <common>fivehook bassia</common>\n <common>smotherweed</common>\n <common>fivehorn smotherweed</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amaranthaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Kochia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Kochia prostrata</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amaranthaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Kochia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Kochia scoparia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subspecies</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Kochia scoparia ssp. scoparia</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lilianae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bromus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bromus tectorum</taxonrv>\n <common>cheatgrass</common>\n <common>cheat grass</common>\n <common>downy brome</common>\n <common>early chess</common>\n <common>military grass</common>\n <common>wild oats</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ranunculanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ranunculales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ranunculaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ranunculus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ranunculus testiculatus</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rosanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Malpighiales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Euphorbiaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Euphorbia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Euphorbia albomarginata</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rosanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Brassicales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Brassicaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chorispora</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chorispora tenella</taxonrv>\n <common>purple mustard</common>\n <common>tenella mustard</common>\n <common>bluemustard</common>\n <common>common blue mustard</common>\n <common>beanpodded mustard</common>\n <common>blue mustard</common>\n <common>crossflower</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteranae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asterales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteraceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chrysothamnus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus</taxonrv>\n <common>yellow rabbitbrush</common>\n <common>Douglas rabbitbrush</common>\n <common>green rabbitbrush</common>\n <common>Douglas</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rosanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Brassicales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Brassicaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Descurainia</taxonrv>\n <common>tansy mustard</common>\n <common>tansymustard</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lilianae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Distichlis</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Distichlis spicata</taxonrv>\n <common>desert saltgrass</common>\n <common>marsh spikegrass</common>\n <common>saltgrass</common>\n <common>inland saltgrass</common>\n <common>seashore saltgrass</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lilianae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Elymus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Elymus elymoides</taxonrv>\n <common>bottlebrush squirreltail</common>\n <common>western bottle-brush grass</common>\n <common>squirreltail</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnetopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnetidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ephedrales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ephedraceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ephedra</taxonrv>\n <common>Mormon tea</common>\n <common>ephedra</common>\n <common>jointfir</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rosanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Geraniales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Geraniaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Erodium</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Erodium cicutarium</taxonrv>\n <common>redstem stork</common>\n <common>alfilaree</common>\n <common>alfilaria</common>\n <common>filaree</common>\n <common>stork</common>\n <common>California filaree</common>\n <common>cutleaf filaree</common>\n <common>redstem filaree</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rosanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Myrtales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Onagraceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Oenothera</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Oenothera pallida</taxonrv>\n <common>pale evening-primrose</common>\n <common>pale eveningprimrose</common>\n <common>pale evening primrose</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Polygonaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Eriogonum</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Eriogonum shockleyi</taxonrv>\n <common>Shockley</common>\n <common>Shockley</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lilianae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pascopyrum</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pascopyrum smithii</taxonrv>\n <common>pale evening-primrose</common>\n <common>pale eveningprimrose</common>\n <common>pale evening primrose</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteranae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asterales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteraceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gutierrezia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gutierrezia sarothrae</taxonrv>\n <common>broom snakeweed</common>\n <common>broomweed</common>\n <common>perennial snakeweed</common>\n <common>stinkweed</common>\n <common>turpentine weed</common>\n <common>yellow top</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amaranthaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Halogeton</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Halogeton glomeratus</taxonrv>\n <common>barilla</common>\n <common>saltlover</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lilianae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Hesperostipa</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Hesperostipa comata</taxonrv>\n <common>Hesperostipa</common>\n <common>needle and thread</common>\n <common>needleandthread</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amaranthaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Krascheninnikovia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Krascheninnikovia lanata</taxonrv>\n <common>winterfat</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteranae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asterales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteraceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lactuca</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lactuca serriola</taxonrv>\n <common>prickly lettuce</common>\n <common>China lettuce</common>\n <common>wild lettuce</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rosanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Brassicales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Brassicaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepidium</taxonrv>\n <common>pepperweed</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteranae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ericales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Polemoniaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Linanthus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Linanthus pungens</taxonrv>\n <common>granite prickly phlox</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteranae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asterales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteraceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dieteria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dieteria canescens</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Variety</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dieteria canescens var. ambigua</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Variety</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dieteria canescens var. aristata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Variety</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dieteria canescens var. canescens</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Variety</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dieteria canescens var. glabra</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Variety</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dieteria canescens var. incana</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Variety</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dieteria canescens var. leucanthemifolia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Variety</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dieteria canescens var. nebraskana</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Variety</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dieteria canescens var. sessiliflora</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Variety</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dieteria canescens var. shastensis</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteranae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asterales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteraceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Picrothamnus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Picrothamnus desertorum</taxonrv>\n <common>bud sagebrush</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lilianae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Hilaria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Hilaria jamesii</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lilianae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Puccinellia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Puccinellia rupestris</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lilianae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Psathyrostachys</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Psathyrostachys juncea</taxonrv>\n <common>Russian-wild rye</common>\n <common>Russian wildrye</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rosanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Fabales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Fabaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Psoralidium</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Psoralidium lanceolatum</taxonrv>\n <common>lemon scurfpea</common>\n <common>wild lemonweed</common>\n <common>dune scurfpea</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amaranthaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Salsola</taxonrv>\n <common>tumbleweed</common>\n <common>Russian thistle</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sarcobataceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sarcobatus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sarcobatus vermiculatus</taxonrv>\n <common>black greasewood</common>\n <common>greasewood</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rosanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Brassicales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Brassicaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sisymbrium</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sisymbrium altissimum</taxonrv>\n <common>tall hedge-mustard</common>\n <common>tumblemustard</common>\n <common>Jim Hill mustard</common>\n <common>tall mustard</common>\n <common>tumble mustard</common>\n <common>tumbleweed mustard</common>\n <common>tall tumblemustard</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rosanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Malvales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Malvaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sphaeralcea</taxonrv>\n <common>globemallow</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteranae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asterales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteraceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Stephanomeria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Stephanomeria exigua</taxonrv>\n <common>small wirelettuce</common>\n <common>wire lettuce</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Stellaria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Stellaria longifolia</taxonrv>\n <common>long-leaf starwort</common>\n <common>longleaf chickweed</common>\n <common>longleaf starwort</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caryophyllales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amaranthaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Suaeda</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Suaeda nigra</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteranae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asterales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteraceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tetradymia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tetradymia glabrata</taxonrv>\n <common>littleleaf horsebrush</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteranae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asterales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteraceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tetradymia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tetradymia nuttallii</taxonrv>\n <common>Nuttall</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteranae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asterales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteraceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tetradymia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tetradymia spinosa</taxonrv>\n <common>shortspine horsebrush</common>\n <common>spiny horsebrush</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lilianae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Thinopyrum</taxonrv>\n <common>wheatgrass</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rosanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Brassicales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Brassicaceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Descurainia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Descurainia pinnata</taxonrv>\n <common>green tansymustard</common>\n <common>tansymustard</common>\n <common>pinnate tansymustard</common>\n <common>pinnate tansy mustard</common>\n <common>western tansymustard</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteranae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asterales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Asteraceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Erigeron</taxonrv>\n <common>fleabane</common>\n <common>vergerettes</common>\n <common>daisy</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxonomy>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details. Data provided are raw or simple plot averages.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Each plot consisted of three 50-m transects and conformed to the "upland spoke design". Vegetation sampling was conducted yearly between late June and early August from 2008 through 2012. Foliar cover, soil surface cover, and plant composition was assessed using the line-point intercept method with a point spacing of 1 m, for a total of 150 points per plot. Vegetation data were entered into the Database for Inventory, Monitoring, and Assessment version 2.4 and basic reports were generated for further data analysis. Horizontal wind-borne sediment fluxes were monitored with a passive sampler installed at the center of each plot with collection boxes mounted at 0.15, 0.5, and 1.0 m above the ground surface (Big Springs Number Eight [BSNE]). Dust samples were collected at approximately 4 month intervals of each year (spring, summer, and fall). Thirty surface soil samples (0 - 10 cm) were collected along transects in August 2008 (one site in September 2009), composited by plot, and analyzed for particle size distribution using a laser-light scattering method (capable of measuring particles between 0.02 and 2000 \xc2\xb5m in diameter; Mastersizer 2000, Malvern Instruments Inc., Westborough MA). Samples were prepared by digesting organic matter using 30% H2O2 and dispersed using a Na-hexametaphosphate solution. Data are reported as volume percent.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2012</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Original vegetation data in all years except 2012 were recorded on paper datasheets and entered annually into EXCEL. Vegetation data in 2012 were entered into the Database for Inventory, Monitoring, and Assessment version 2.4</procdesc>\n <procdate>20121203</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>In 2013 EXCEL data was formatted and imported into DIMA and basic reports were generated for further data analysis.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20130101</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Finalize data for dissemination: Data sent to the Southwest Biological Science Center Data Steward for dissemination and preservation per USGS Interim Memorandum Policies, IM OSQI 2015-01, IM OSQI 2015-02, IM OSQI 2015-03 and IM OSQI 2015-04 (January 2015).</procdesc>\n <procdate>2015</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n <ptvctinf>\n <sdtsterm>\n <sdtstype>Entity point</sdtstype>\n <ptvctcnt>25</ptvctcnt>\n </sdtsterm>\n </ptvctinf>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <mapproj>\n <mapprojn>NAD 1983 UTM Zone 12N</mapprojn>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer>0.9996</sfctrmer>\n <longcm>-111.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>0.0</latprjo>\n <feast>500000.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </transmer>\n </mapproj>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>1.0E-4</absres>\n <ordres>1.0E-4</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>METERS</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>D North American 1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>GRS 1980</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257222101</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Plot_Metadata</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Contains descriptions and data relating to plot location, geomorphology, soils, ownership, treatment history, etc.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Data producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Plot</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Plot Name</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>A unique name for each plot.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PlotCode</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Plot Identifier</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>A unique identifier for each plot.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Ownership</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Land ownership where plot is located</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>BLM</edomv>\n <edomvd>Owned/Managed by the Bureau of Land Management</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>State</edomv>\n <edomvd>Owned/Managed by the State of Utah</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>X</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>UTM easting, NAD83, zone 12N</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>347118</rdommin>\n <rdommax>356095</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Y</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>UTM northing, NAD83, zone 12N</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>4296114</rdommin>\n <rdommax>4319821</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Installed</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date plot established</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>28-Jul-08</rdommin>\n <rdommax>19-Mar-09</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Dates</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Elev_m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Plot elevation from DEM (30m)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1414</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1501</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MAP_mm</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Plot mean annual precipitation (PPT) based on PRISM data</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>248</rdommin>\n <rdommax>290</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Millimeters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BasicTrxGroup</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Treatment groups used in analysis</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1_Unburned</edomv>\n <edomvd>Treatment group 1, plot was unburned</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2_Burned</edomv>\n <edomvd>Treatment group 2, plot was burned</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>3_Treated</edomv>\n <edomvd>Treatment group 3, plot was treated</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DetailedTrxGroup</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Detailed treatment history</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Burned, untreated</edomv>\n <edomvd>Plot was burned and untreated</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Chained</edomv>\n <edomvd>Plot was chained</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Chained then drilled</edomv>\n <edomvd>Plot was chained then drilled</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Drilled twice</edomv>\n <edomvd>Plot was drilled twice</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Previously burned (2006) and drilled</edomv>\n <edomvd>Plot was previously burned in 2006 and drilled</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Sprayed then drilled twice</edomv>\n <edomvd>Plot was sprayed then drilled twice</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Unburned</edomv>\n <edomvd>Plot was unburned</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Unburned, Previously burned but untreated</edomv>\n <edomvd>Plot was unburned but previously burned and untreated</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SurfGeol</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Surficial geology</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Hintze and Davis 2002; Hintze et al. 2003</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>Description of Geologic Units</codesetn>\n <codesets>Utah Geological Survey Map 184 and Utah Geological Survey Map 195</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TreatedUpwind_m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fetch distance upwind that is continuously treated</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined, see Miller et al 2012 for more info.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>20,265</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SurfFineGravel_per</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>0 - 5 mm percent fine gravel</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.00</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9.95</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SurfSand_per</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>0 - 5 mm percent sand</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>9.6</rdommin>\n <rdommax>91.4</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SurfSilt_per</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>0 - 5 mm percent silt</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>6.7</rdommin>\n <rdommax>75.2</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SurfClay_per</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>0 - 5 mm percent clay</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.8</rdommin>\n <rdommax>19.75</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SurfTextureClass</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>0 - 5 mm USDA textural class</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>USDA textural classes</codesetn>\n <codesets>Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SurfCaCO3_per</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>0 - 5 mm percent CaCO3</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>4.2</rdommin>\n <rdommax>29.40</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>FineGravel10cm_per</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>0 - 10 cm percent fine gravel</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.00</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9.35</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sand10cm_per</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>0 - 10 cm percent sand</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>16.41</rdommin>\n <rdommax>90.7</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Silt10cm_per</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>0 - 10 cm percent silt</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>6.9</rdommin>\n <rdommax>64.18</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Clay10cm_per</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>0 - 10 cm percent clay</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2.4</rdommin>\n <rdommax>22.8</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TextureClass10cm</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>0 - 10 cm USDA textural class</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>USDA textural classes</codesetn>\n <codesets>Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CaCO310cm_per</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>0 - 10 cm percent CaCO3</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3.7</rdommin>\n <rdommax>27.73</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Flux Data</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Includes all available wind transported sediment flux as measured with passive dust traps (BSNE) from July 2008 to July 2012. With the exception of Loam 8, which was installed in 2009, data for all plots are complete through July 2011. November 2011 dust samples were lost and never weighed. Data from March 2012 onwards are missing many sites because cattle were reintroduced into the some areas and damaged collectors.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Data producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Plot</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Plot Name</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>A unique name for each plot.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Period</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Index to keep track of collection periods (1 through 12)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>12</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Height</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Relative height above soil surface. Bottom = 15 cm above soil surface, Middle = 50 cm above soil surface, Top = 100 cm above soil surface.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Bottom</edomv>\n <edomvd>15 cm above soil surface</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Middle</edomv>\n <edomvd>50 cm above soil surface</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Top</edomv>\n <edomvd>100 cm above soil surface</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Start date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date sampler reset (previous period collection date)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>7/28/2008</rdommin>\n <rdommax>4/23/2012</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>End date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date sample collected. No data values represent collection dates when sampler was found to be disturbed and no sample was obtained.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>10/30/2008</rdommin>\n <rdommax>7/10/2012</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Flux</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Flux as captured by Big Spring Number Eight (BSNE) passive sediment trap. Flux units (g/m2/d), grams per m2 per day. Passive dust sampler. No data values represent collection dates when sampler was found to be disturbed and no sample was obtained.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.763358778625958</rdommin>\n <rdommax>62912.9914529915</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Fx Group Cover</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Cover by year &amp; combined by plant functional groups (total cover &amp; cover of all perennials, all annuals, &amp; all perennial grass). Fx group cover calculated using the DIMA database and collected using the line point intercept method.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Data producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Plot</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Plot Name</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>A unique name for each plot.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Year</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Year of measurement. Field work done in July - August</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2008</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2012</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Litter</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fraction of hits from the line-point intercept method that had a detatched plant litter hit, averaged across transects.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.866666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Bareground</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fraction of hits from the line-point intercept method that were bare ground (no foliar, litter, or soil surface cover), averaged across transects.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.073333333</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.986666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Foliar</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fraction of hits from the line-point intercept (LPI) method that had a plant foliar hit, averaged across transects.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.693</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Annual</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fraction of hits from the line-point intercept method that had an annual plant foliar hit, averaged across transects.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.68</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Perennial</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fraction of hits from the line-point intercept method that had a perennial plant foliar hit, averaged across transects.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.267</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Perennial_grass</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fraction of hits from the line-point intercept method that had a perennial grass foliar hit, averaged across transects.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.253</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Soil Stab</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Average plot surface soil stability index by year. Soil stability evaluated using a field kit. 18 samples collected per plot, 6 samples per transect.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Data producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Plot</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Plot Name</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>A unique name for each plot.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sample Date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date samples collected and analyzed in the field.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>8/3/2008</rdommin>\n <rdommax>7/11/2012</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Agg Stab</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Average plot surface soil aggregate stability index (18 samples; scale 1-6). Method measures wet soil aggregate stability and is recorded as a stability index going from 1 (very low stability) to 6 (very high stability).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5.94444444444444</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Species Cover</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Individual species cover by year. See Species List sheet for detailed species information. Cover calculated using the DIMA database and collected using the line point intercept method. Foliar cover values: For each value = percent foliar cover divided by the total percent foliar cover for the plot, resulting in a compositional cover value.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Data producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Plot</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Plot Name</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>A unique name for each plot.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Year</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Year of measurment. Field work done in July - August</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2008</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2012</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AAFF</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Annual forb unidentified</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00666666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ACHY</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Achnatherum hymenoides (Indian ricegrass)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.24</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AGCR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Agropyron cristatum(crested wheatgrass)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.213333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ALDE</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Alyssum desertorum (desert madwort)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0266666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ARNO4</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Artemisia nova (black sagebrush)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.18</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ARPU9</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Aristida purpurea (purple threeawn)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00666666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ATCA2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Atriplex canescens (fourwing saltbush)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0133333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ATCO</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Atriplex confertifolia (shadscale saltbush)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.133333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BAAM4</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Bassia americana (green molly)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.12</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BAHY</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Bassia hyssopifolia (fivehorn smotherweed)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00666666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BAPR5</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Bassia prostrata (forage kochia)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.186666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BASC5</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Bassia scoparia (burningbush)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0133333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BRTE</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.566666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CETE5</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Ceratocephala testiculata (curveseed butterwort)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.12</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CHAL11</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Chamaesyce\xc2\xa0albomarginata\xc2\xa0 Small whitemargin sandmat</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00666666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CHTE2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Chorispora tenella (crossflower)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0533333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CHVI8</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus (yellow rabbitbrush)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.12</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DEPI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Descurainia pinnata (western tansymustard)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.486666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DESCU</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Descurainia (tansymustard)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.486666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DISP</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Distichlis spicata (saltgrass)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0133333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ELEL5</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Elymus elymoides (squirreltail)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0133333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>EPHED</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Ephedra spp., includes E. nevadensis and E. viridis</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0333333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ERCI6</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Erodium cicutarium (redstem stork\'s bill)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.04</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ERIGE2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Erigeron (fleabane)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00666666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ERSH</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Eriogonum\xc2\xa0shockleyi (Shockley\'s buckwheat)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00666666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GIIN2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gilia inconspicua (shy gilia)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0133333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GUSA2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gutierrezia sarothrae (broom snakeweed)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0466666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HAGL</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Halogeton glomeratus (saltlover)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.386666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HECO26</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Hesperostipa comata (needle and thread)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0266666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>KRLA2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Krascheninnikovia lanata (winterfat)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00666666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>LASE</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Lactuca serriola (prickly lettuce)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00666666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>LEPID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Lepidium (pepperweed), includes Lepidium densiflorum and Lepidium perfoliatum</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.26</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>LIPU11</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Linanthus pungens (granite prickly phlox)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.04</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MACA2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Machaeranthera canescens (hoary tansyaster)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00666666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MEAL6</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mentzelia albicaulis (whitestem blazingstar)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.113333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NAF</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Rare, low cover native annual forbs, consists of\xc2\xa0Mentzelia albicaulis, Erigeron spp., and Gilia inconpsicua</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.12</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>OEPA</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Oenothera pallida (pale evening primrose)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0266666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PASM</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Pascopyrum smithii (western wheatgrass)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0266666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PIDE4</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Picrothamnus desertorum (bud sagebrush)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0133333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PLJA</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Pleuraphis jamesii (James\' galleta)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0266666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>POSE</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Poa secunda (Sandberg bluegrass)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.02</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PPFF</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Perennial forb unidentified</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00666666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PPGG</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Perennial grass unidentified</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00666666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PSJU3</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Psathyrostachys juncea (Russian wildrye)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.04</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PSLA3</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Psoralidium lanceolatum (lemon scurfpea)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0133333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SALSO</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Salsola spp., includes Salsola tragus and S. paulsenii</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.44</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SAVE4</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Sarcobatus vermiculatus (greasewood)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.12</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SH08</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unidentified shrub</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0133333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SH12</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unidentified shrub</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00666666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SIAL2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Sisymbrium altissimum L. (tall tumblemustard)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.56</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SPHAER</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Sphaeralcea spp., includes S. coccinea and\xc2\xa0S. grossulariifolia</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.02</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>STEX</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Stephanomeria exigua (small wirelettuce)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.06</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>STLO</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Stellaria longifolia (longleaf starwort)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00666666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SUMO</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Suaeda moquinii (Mojave seablite)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0333333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TEGL</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Tetradymia glabrata (littleleaf horsebrush)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.02</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TENU2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Tetradymia nuttallii (Nuttall\'s horsebrush)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00666666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TESP2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Tetradymia spinosa (shortspine horsebrush)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0133333333333333</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>THINO</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Thinopyrum\xc2\xa0spp., includes\xc2\xa0Thinopyrum intermedium and T. ponticum</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0266666666666667</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Species List</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Plant species codes and associated metadata (genus, species, growth form, etc).</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Data producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>USDA code</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Species code, based on the PLANTS database &amp; used in this study</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>PLANTS Database</codesetn>\n <codesets>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Scientific Name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Species and genius (if known)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>PLANTS Database</codesetn>\n <codesets>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Family</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Family name</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>PLANTS Database</codesetn>\n <codesets>USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database (, 18 March 2015). National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA.</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Life Span</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Duration (annual, perennial)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Annual</edomv>\n <edomvd>A plant that performs their entire life cycle from seed to flower to seed within a single growing season.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Perennial</edomv>\n <edomvd>A plant that persist for many growing seasons.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Structure</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Woody vs non-woody</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Non-woody</edomv>\n <edomvd>A plant that does not have a persistent woody stem above ground.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Woody</edomv>\n <edomvd>A plant that produces wood as its structural tissue.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Growth Form</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Graminoid, forb, shrub</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Forb</edomv>\n <edomvd>A herbaceous flowering plant that is not a graminoid (grasses, sedges and rushes).</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Graminoid</edomv>\n <edomvd>A herbaceous plant with narrow leaves growing from the base, often called grasses.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Shrub</edomv>\n <edomvd>A small to medium-sized woody plant.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Native_Non</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Native status</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Introduced</edomv>\n <edomvd>A plant species living outside its native distributional range.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Native</edomv>\n <edomvd>Plants that have developed, occur naturally, or existed for many years in an area.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Unknown</edomv>\n <edomvd>Could not determine the native status of the plant.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Likely Seeded</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Y/N - is this a species that was likely in the seed mix. No data values indicate that it could not be determined if the species was in the seed mix.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>No</edomv>\n <edomvd>Plant species was not likely in the seed mix.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Yes</edomv>\n <edomvd>Plant species was likely in the seed mix.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Data producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Notes</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Notes regarding species classifications.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Data producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Notes regarding species classifications.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>The authors of these data request that data users contact them regarding intended use and to assist with understanding limitations and interpretation. Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <techpreq>This zip file contains data available in Extensible Markup Language (XML) format. The user must have software capable of uncompressing the 7-Zip file and displaying the tabular data.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200827</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Terence Arundel</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>2255 North Gemini Drive</address>\n <city>Flagstaff</city>\n <state>Arizona</state>\n <postal>86001</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>928-556-7174</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n <mettc>local time</mettc>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[PeakFQ version 7.1 specifications file for 2 peak-flow frequency analyses for Elk Creek at Augusta, Montana, based on data through water year 2018.](/catalog/folder/5c76f6e6e4b0fe48cb4c8d48) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5c76f6e6e4b0fe48cb4c8d48) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5c76f6e6e4b0fe48cb4c8d48) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5c76f6e6e4b0fe48cb4c8d48?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2019-08-20Start Date1905End Date2018 ## Citation Sando, S.K., Chase, K.J., and McCarthy, P.M., 2019, Peak-flow frequency analyses for Elk Creek at Augusta, Montana, based on data through water year 2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This file (wymt\_ffa\_2018A.psf) contains specifications to run PeakFQ version 7.1 for 2 peak-flow frequency analyses for Elk Creek at Augusta, Montana, based on data through water year 2018. ## Summary This file (wymt\_ffa\_2018A.psf) contains specifications to run PeakFQ version 7.1 for 2 peak-flow frequency analyses for Elk Creek at Augusta, Montana, based on data through water year 2018. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Katherine J Chase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=1728) Originator : [Katherine J Chase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=1728), [Steven K Sando](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=8996), [Peter M McCarthy](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=6667) Metadata Contact : [Katherine J Chase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=1728) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) SDC Data Owner : [Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17311) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5c76f6e6e4b0fe48cb4c8d48?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5c76f6e6e4b0fe48cb4c8d48?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5c76f6e6e4b0fe48cb4c8d48?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | metadata\_wymt\_ffa\_2018A\_psf.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 9.81 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | wymt\_ffa\_2018A.psf | | 607 Bytes | application/x-font-linux-psf | ## Related External Resources Type: Publication that references this resource | | | | --- | --- | | Sando, S.K., and McCarthy, P.M., 2018, Methods for peak-flow frequency analysis and reporting for streamgages in or near Montana based on data through water year 2015: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5046, 39 p., | []( "") | Type: Citation | | | | --- | --- | | U.S. Geological Survey, 2019, National Water Information System—USGS water data for the Nation: U.S. Geological Survey, accessed January 1, 2019, at | []( "") | ## Purpose This file is used as input to the U.S. Geological Survey PeakFQ computer program used for peak-flow frequency analyses. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5c76f6e6e4b0fe48cb4c8d48) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5c76f6e6e4b0fe48cb4c8d48) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Theme - [peak-flow data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dpeak-flow+data "peak-flow data (peak-flow data, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [streamflow data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dstreamflow+data "streamflow data (streamflow data, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [streamgage measurement](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dstreamgage+measurement "streamgage measurement (streamgage measurement, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Lewis and Clark County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLewis+and+Clark+County "Lewis and Clark County (Lewis and Clark County, Place, GNIS)") - [Montana](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMontana "Montana (Montana, Place, GNIS)") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Katherine Chase</origin>\n <origin>Steven Sando</origin>\n <origin>Peter McCarthy</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>PeakFQ version 7.1 specifications file for 2 peak-flow frequency analyses for Elk Creek at Augusta, Montana, based on data through water year 2018.</title>\n <geoform>text file</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, Virginia</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Steven Sando</origin>\n <origin>Peter McCarthy</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Methods for Peak-Flow Frequency Analysis and Reporting for Streamgages in or near Montana Based on Data through Water Year 2015</title>\n <geoform>U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Scientific Investigations Report</sername>\n <issue>2018-5046</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, Virginia</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This file (wymt_ffa_2018A.psf) contains specifications to run PeakFQ version 7.1 for 2 peak-flow frequency analyses for Elk Creek at Augusta, Montana, based on data through water year 2018.</abstract>\n <purpose>This file is used as input to the U.S. Geological Survey PeakFQ computer program used for peak-flow frequency analyses.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>1905</begdate>\n <enddate>2018</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>In work</progress>\n <update>Unknown</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-112.3875</westbc>\n <eastbc>-112.3875</eastbc>\n <northbc>47.4854</northbc>\n <southbc>47.4854</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>streamflow data</themekey>\n <themekey>peak-flow data</themekey>\n <themekey>streamgage measurement</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5c76f6e6e4b0fe48cb4c8d48</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>GNIS</placekt>\n <placekey>Montana</placekey>\n <placekey>Lewis and Clark County</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Katherine Chase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey WY-MT Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>3162 Bozeman Ave</address>\n <city>Helena</city>\n <state>MT</state>\n <postal>59601</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>406-457-5957</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Montana Department of Natural Resources</datacred>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Veilleux, A.G., Cohn, T.A., Flynn, K.M., Mason, R.R., Jr., and Hummel, P.R.</origin>\n <pubdate>2014</pubdate>\n <title>Estimating magnitude and frequency of floods using the PeakFQ 7.0 program</title>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet</sername>\n <issue>2013-3108</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, Virginia</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>NWISWeb: Peak Streamflow for the Nation</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, Virginia</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>National Water Information System Web Interface: Peak Streamflow for the Nation</title>\n <geoform>online</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, Virginia</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>annual peak-flow data</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>1905</begdate>\n <enddate>2018</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>see dates</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>NWIS</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Peak-flow data obtained from NWIS</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>USGS streamgage numbers obtained from NWIS.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>USGS streamgage number is appended with analysis designation in the format XXXXXXXX.AB where XXXXXXXX is the streamgage identification number, A is the regulation status for the analysis period, and B is the type of peak-flow frequency analysis. Values of A (regulation status) are defined as: A = 0, unregulated; A = 1, regulated by major regulation; and A =2, total; that is, the combined unregulated and regulated peak-flow records for streamgages with peak-flow records before and after the start of regulation. Values of B (type of peak-flow frequency analysis) are defined as: B = 0, at-site peak-flow frequency analysis conducted on recorded data; B = 1, peak-flow frequency analysis conducted on combined recorded and synthesized data; synthesized data from Maintenance of Variance Extension Type III (MOVE.3) record extension procedure; B =2, peak-flow frequency analysis determined from regional regression equations (RREs); and B = 3, at-site peak-flow frequency analysis weighted with results from RREs.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <overview>\n <eaover>PeakFQ User's Manual \nAppendix B.1. (Batch Specifications).</eaover>\n <eadetcit>Flynn, K.M., Kirby, W.H., and Hummel, P.R., 2006, User\xe2\x80\x99s Manual for Program PeakFQ Annual Flood-Frequency Analysis Using Bulletin 17B Guidelines: U.S. Geological Survey, Techniques and Methods Book 4, Chapter B4; 42 pgs.</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <techpreq>Users should be familiar with hydrologic and statistical methods used for calculating, interpreting and applying these data.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200831</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Katherine Chase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S.Geological Survey Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Surface-Water Specialist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>3162 Bozeman Ave</address>\n <city>Helena</city>\n <state>MT</state>\n <postal>59601</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>406-457-5957</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Pb isotope measurements of road dusts and background geologic materials in the Viburnum Trend resource extraction area of southeast Missouri (2011)](/catalog/folder/575b0d6ae4b04f417c2752c4) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/575b0d6ae4b04f417c2752c4) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/575b0d6ae4b04f417c2752c4) - [JSON](/catalog/item/575b0d6ae4b04f417c2752c4?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2016-06-14Start Date2011-06-01End Date2011-11-30 ## Citation Witt, E.C., Pribil, M.J., Hogan, J.P. , and Wronkiewicz, D.J., 2016, Pb isotope measurements of road dusts and background geologic materials in the Viburnum Trend resource extraction area of southeast Missouri (2011): U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Abstract The isotopic composition of Pb in fugitive dust suspended by a vehicle from 13 unsurfaced roads in Missouri was measured to identify the source of Pb within an established long-term mining area. A three end member model using 207Pb/206Pb and concentration as tracers resulted in fugitive dust samples plotting in the mixing field of well characterized heterogeneous end members. End members selected for this investigation include the 207Pb/206Pb for 1) a Pb-mixture representing mine tailings, 2) aerosol Pb impacted soils within close proximity to the Buick secondary recycling smelter, and 3) an average of soils, rock cores and drill cuttings representing the background characteristics. Aqua regia total concentrations and 207Pb/206Pb \[...\] ## Summary Abstract The isotopic composition of Pb in fugitive dust suspended by a vehicle from 13 unsurfaced roads in Missouri was measured to identify the source of Pb within an established long-term mining area. A three end member model using 207Pb/206Pb and concentration as tracers resulted in fugitive dust samples plotting in the mixing field of well characterized heterogeneous end members. End members selected for this investigation include the 207Pb/206Pb for 1) a Pb-mixture representing mine tailings, 2) aerosol Pb impacted soils within close proximity to the Buick secondary recycling smelter, and 3) an average of soils, rock cores and drill cuttings representing the background characteristics. Aqua regia total concentrations and 207Pb/206Pb of mining area dust suggest that 35.4- 84.3% of the source Pb in dust is associated with the mine tailings mixture, 9.1 to 52.7% is associated with the smelter mixture, and 0 to 21.6% is associated with background materials. Isotope ratios varied minimally within the operational phases of sequential extraction suggesting that mixing of all three Pb-mixtures occurs throughout. Labile forms of Pb were attributed to all three end members. The extractable carbonate phase had as much as 96.6% of the total concentration associated with mine tailings, 51.8% associated with smelter deposition, and 34.2% with background. The next most labile geochemical phase (Fe + Mn Oxides) showed similar results with as much as 85.3 % associated with mine tailings, 56.8% associated with smelter deposition, and 4.2% associated with the background soil. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Emitt C Witt](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=11382) Metadata Contact : [Emitt C Witt](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=11382) Originator : [Emitt C Witt](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=11382), [Michael Pribil](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=8284), [John P. Hogan](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=John+P.+Hogan), [David J. Wronkiewicz](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=David+J.+Wronkiewicz) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Core Science Systems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Core+Science+Systems) SDC Data Owner : [National Geospatial Program](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17015) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/575b0d6ae4b04f417c2752c4?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/575b0d6ae4b04f417c2752c4?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/575b0d6ae4b04f417c2752c4?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | IsotopicRatios\_RoadDustMO\_GeologicMaterials.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 13.64 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Figure 1.EP.jpg | ![thumbnail]( | 1.36 MB | image/jpeg | | Table1\_IsotopicRatiosRoadDustMO.csv | | 8.93 KB | text/csv | | Table2\_IsotopicRatiosGeologicMaterials.csv | | 4.01 KB | text/csv | | Table1\_IsotopicRatiosRoadDustMO.pdf | | 229.43 KB | application/pdf | | Table2\_IsotopicRatiosGeologicMaterials.pdf | | 113.11 KB | application/pdf | ## Material Request Instructions Remaining dust samples may be requested from: Dr. Emitt C. Witt III [email protected] ## Purpose Data are Pb isotope measurements of road dusts and background geologic materials collected in the Viburnum Trend resource extraction area of southeast Missouri and selected non-mining locations. These data were collected to build an apportionment model for understanding the sources of lead contained in road dust. ## Rights Intellectual rights to data and article are held by the authors. Article published by Elsevier Ltd. ## Preview Image ![Preview Image]( ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/575b0d6ae4b04f417c2752c4) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/575b0d6ae4b04f417c2752c4) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [Pb apportionment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPb+apportionment "Pb apportionment (Pb apportionment, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [Pb apportionment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPb+apportionment "Pb apportionment (Pb apportionment, Theme, none)") - [Pb isotopic ratios](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPb+isotopic+ratios "Pb isotopic ratios (Pb isotopic ratios, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [Pb isotopic ratios](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPb+isotopic+ratios "Pb isotopic ratios (Pb isotopic ratios, Theme, none)") - [Road Dust](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DRoad+Dust "Road Dust (Road Dust, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [Road Dust](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DRoad+Dust "Road Dust (Road Dust, Theme, none)") - [Sequential extraction](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSequential+extraction "Sequential extraction (Sequential extraction, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [Sequential extraction](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSequential+extraction "Sequential extraction (Sequential extraction, Theme, none)") - [Unsurfaced roads](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnsurfaced+roads "Unsurfaced roads (Unsurfaced roads, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [Unsurfaced roads](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnsurfaced+roads "Unsurfaced roads (Unsurfaced roads, Theme, none)") Place - [Iron, Reynolds, Dent, Washington, and Crawford Counties](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DIron%2C+Reynolds%2C+Dent%2C+Washington%2C+and+Crawford+Counties "Iron, Reynolds, Dent, Washington, and Crawford Counties (Iron, Reynolds, Dent, Washington, and Crawford Counties, Place, FGDC)") - [Iron, Reynolds, Dent, Washington, and Crawford Counties](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DIron%2C+Reynolds%2C+Dent%2C+Washington%2C+and+Crawford+Counties "Iron, Reynolds, Dent, Washington, and Crawford Counties (Iron, Reynolds, Dent, Washington, and Crawford Counties, Place, none)") - [Viburnum Trend Mining District](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DViburnum+Trend+Mining+District "Viburnum Trend Mining District (Viburnum Trend Mining District, Place, FGDC)") - [Viburnum Trend Mining District](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DViburnum+Trend+Mining+District "Viburnum Trend Mining District (Viburnum Trend Mining District, Place, none)") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [OGC WMS Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Service "OGC WMS Service") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7HX19TF | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b"<metadata><idinfo><citation><citeinfo><origin>Emitt C. Witt III</origin><origin>Michael J. Pribil</origin><origin>John P. Hogan</origin><origin>David J. Wronkiewicz</origin><pubdate>20160614</pubdate><title>Pb isotope measurements of road dusts and background geologic materials in the Viburnum Trend resource extraction area of southeast Missouri (2011)</title><geoform>CSV and PDF</geoform><pubinfo><pubplace>Rolla, MO</pubplace><publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish></pubinfo><onlink></onlink><lworkcit><citeinfo><origin>Emitt Witt</origin><origin>Michael Pribil</origin><origin>John Hogan</origin><origin>David Wronkiewicz</origin><pubdate>2016</pubdate><title>Isotopically constrained lead sources in fugitive dust from unsurfaced roads in the southeast Missouri mining district</title><geoform>Data converted from MS Word tables to CSV per USGS requirement.</geoform><onlink></onlink></citeinfo></lworkcit></citeinfo></citation><descript><abstract>Abstract\nThe isotopic composition of Pb in fugitive dust suspended by a vehicle from 13 unsurfaced roads in Missouri was measured to identify the source of Pb within an established long-term mining area. A three end member model using 207Pb/206Pb and concentration as tracers resulted in fugitive dust samples plotting in the mixing field of well characterized heterogeneous end members. End members selected for this investigation include the 207Pb/206Pb for 1) a Pb-mixture representing mine tailings, 2) aerosol Pb impacted soils within close proximity to the Buick secondary recycling smelter, and 3) an average of soils, rock cores and drill cuttings representing the background characteristics. Aqua regia total concentrations and 207Pb/206Pb of mining area dust suggest that 35.4- 84.3% of the source Pb in dust is associated with the mine tailings mixture, 9.1 to 52.7% is associated with the smelter mixture, and 0 to 21.6% is associated with background materials. Isotope ratios varied minimally within the operational phases of sequential extraction suggesting that mixing of all three Pb-mixtures occurs throughout. Labile forms of Pb were attributed to all three end members. The extractable carbonate phase had as much as 96.6% of the total concentration associated with mine tailings, 51.8% associated with smelter deposition, and 34.2% with background. The next most labile geochemical phase (Fe + Mn Oxides) showed similar results with as much as 85.3 % associated with mine tailings, 56.8% associated with smelter deposition, and 4.2% associated with the background soil.</abstract><purpose>Data are Pb isotope measurements of road dusts and background geologic materials collected in the Viburnum Trend resource extraction area of southeast Missouri and selected non-mining locations. These data were collected to build an apportionment model for understanding the sources of lead contained in road dust.</purpose></descript><timeperd><timeinfo><rngdates><begdate>20110601</begdate><enddate>20111130</enddate></rngdates></timeinfo><current>ground condition</current></timeperd><status><progress>Complete</progress><update>As needed</update></status><spdom><bounding><westbc>-91.285400390886</westbc><eastbc>-91.175537109635</eastbc><northbc>37.965509188266</northbc><southbc>37.896185181645</southbc></bounding></spdom><keywords><theme><themekt>none</themekt><themekey>Road Dust</themekey><themekey>Pb isotopic ratios</themekey><themekey>Pb apportionment</themekey><themekey>Unsurfaced roads</themekey><themekey>Sequential extraction</themekey></theme><theme><themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt><themekey>USGS:575b0d6ae4b04f417c2752c4</themekey></theme><place><placekt>none</placekt><placekey>Viburnum Trend Mining District</placekey><placekey>Iron, Reynolds, Dent, Washington, and Crawford Counties</placekey></place></keywords><accconst>none</accconst><useconst>none</useconst><ptcontac><cntinfo><cntperp><cntper>Emitt C. Witt III</cntper><cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg></cntperp><cntaddr><addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype><address>1400 Independence Road</address><city>Rolla</city><state>MO</state><postal>65409</postal><country>USA</country></cntaddr><cntvoice>573-308-3679</cntvoice><cntemail>[email protected]; [email protected]</cntemail></cntinfo></ptcontac><datacred>Missouri University of Science &amp; Technology</datacred></idinfo><dataqual><attracc><attraccr>Accuracy measured during laboratory analysis. Standard deviation of measurement accompanies all data values.</attraccr></attracc><logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic><complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete><posacc><horizpa><horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar></horizpa><vertacc><vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr></vertacc></posacc><lineage><procstep><procdesc>Data entered from Excel into MS Word table function and annotated with descriptive information. MS Word table was subsequently converted to the required CSV file. PDFs of the original MS Word files are attached for user.</procdesc><procdate>20160614</procdate></procstep></lineage></dataqual><spdoinfo><indspref>Road segments were recorded using a GPS during sample collection. These data are available in a GIS.</indspref><direct>Vector</direct></spdoinfo><eainfo><detailed><enttyp><enttypl>Table1_IsotopicRatiosRoad Dust MO</enttypl><enttypd>Pb isotopes results with standard deviations for road dust samples collected in non-mining and mining areas of Missouri</enttypd><enttypds>Authors--Emitt C. Witt (collector) and Michael J. Pribil (analyst)</enttypds></enttyp><attr><attrlabl>Site Number</attrlabl><attrdef>Number that defines the location of sample on Figure 1 in Witt I</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Isotopic ratios of Pb ions for various samples of road dust</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>Road Area</attrlabl><attrdef>Description of the type of area sample was collected. Two choices, 'non-mining' and 'mining'.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Alpha field with two choices for entry.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>Phase</attrlabl><attrdef>Name of the geochemical phase represented by the Bureau of Community Reference (BCR) sequential extraction procedure.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Alpha field with choices: Exchangable plus carbonate phase, Reducible Phase, Oxidizable Phase, Residual Non-silicate bound Phase, and Aqua Regia.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>208Pb/204Pb</attrlabl><attrdef>The ratio of two lead isotopes.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing the unitless ratio of lead isotopes.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>STD</attrlabl><attrdef>Standard deviation of analysis.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing the standard deviation.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>207Pb/204Pb</attrlabl><attrdef>The ratio of two lead isotopes.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing the unitless ratio of two lead isotopes.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>STD</attrlabl><attrdef>The standard deviation of analysis.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing the standard deviation.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>206Pb/204Pb</attrlabl><attrdef>The ratio of two lead isotopes.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing the unitless ratio of two lead isotopes.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>STD</attrlabl><attrdef>The standard deviation of analysis.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing the standard deviation.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>208Pb/206Pb</attrlabl><attrdef>The ratio of two lead isotopes.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing the unitless ratio of tow lead isotopes.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>STD</attrlabl><attrdef>The standard deviation of analysis.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing the standard deviation of two lead isotopes.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>207Pb/206Pb</attrlabl><attrdef>The ratio of two lead isotopes.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing the unitless ratio of two lead isotopes.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>STD</attrlabl><attrdef>The standard deviation of analysis.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing the standard deviation of analysis.</udom></attrdomv></attr></detailed><detailed><enttyp><enttypl>Table2_IsotopeRatiosGeologicMaterials</enttypl><enttypd>Pb isotopes results of background material to include soil, drill cuttings, and rock cores.</enttypd><enttypds>Authors--Emitt C. Witt (collector) and Michael J. Pribil (analyst)</enttypds></enttyp><attr><attrlabl>Sample number</attrlabl><attrdef>Discrete designation for table entries that does not imply location on a map.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Alpha, numeric, and alpha-numeric fields representing a discrete designation.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>208Pb/204Pb</attrlabl><attrdef>The ratio of two lead isotopes.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing a unitless ratio.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>207Pb/204Pb</attrlabl><attrdef>The ratio of two lead isotopes.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing a unitless ratio.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>206Pb/204Pb</attrlabl><attrdef>The ratio of two lead isotopes.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing a unitless ratio.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>208Pb/206Pb</attrlabl><attrdef>The ratio of two lead isotopes.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing a unitless ratio.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>207Pb/206Pb</attrlabl><attrdef>The ratio of two lead isotopes.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing a unitless ratio.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>206Pb/207Pb</attrlabl><attrdef>The ratio of two lead isotopes.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing a unitless ratio.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>208Pb/207Pb</attrlabl><attrdef>The ratio of two lead isotopes.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing a unitless ratio.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>Sample Type</attrlabl><attrdef>Reference to the type of geologic material analysed.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Alpha field representing cores, cuttings, and tailings.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>Sample Conc. (mg/kg)</attrlabl><attrdef>The Pb concentration determined for each sample.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing value in milligrams per kilograms.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>Sample Depth (ft)</attrlabl><attrdef>Dpth below land surface from which sample was acquired.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Numeric field representing depth in feet below land surface.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>Remarks</attrlabl><attrdef>Notes relative to sample.</attrdef><attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Alpha field with descriptive information.</udom></attrdomv></attr></detailed></eainfo><distinfo><distrib><cntinfo><cntorgp><cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg><cntper>ScienceBase Team</cntper></cntorgp><cntaddr><addrtype>mailing</addrtype><address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address><city>Denver</city><state>CO</state><postal>80225</postal><country>US</country></cntaddr><cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice><cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail></cntinfo></distrib><distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab><stdorder><digform><digtinfo><formname>CSV and PDF</formname></digtinfo><digtopt><onlinopt><computer><networka><networkr></networkr></networka></computer></onlinopt></digtopt></digform><fees>None. No fees are applicable for obtaining the data set.</fees></stdorder></distinfo><metainfo><metd>20220801</metd><metc><cntinfo><cntperp><cntper>Emitt C. Witt III</cntper><cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg></cntperp><cntpos>Research Hydrologist</cntpos><cntaddr><addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype><address>1400 Independence Road</address><city>Rolla</city><state>MO</state><postal>65409</postal><country>USA</country></cntaddr><cntvoice>573-308-3679</cntvoice><cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail><cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail></cntinfo></metc><metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn><metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv></metainfo></metadata>"
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Inventory of rock avalanches in western Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska, 1984-2016: a baseline data set for evaluating the impact of climate change on avalanche magnitude, mobility, and frequency](/catalog/folder/57c9ad65e4b0f2f0cec1923b) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/57c9ad65e4b0f2f0cec1923b) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/57c9ad65e4b0f2f0cec1923b) - [JSON](/catalog/item/57c9ad65e4b0f2f0cec1923b?format=json) ## Dates Acquisition1984-06-01Acquisition2016-09-30Publication Date2016-12-02 ## Citation Bessette-Kirton, E.K. and Coe, J.A., 2016, Inventory of rock avalanches in western Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska, 1984-2016: a baseline data set for evaluating the impact of climate change on avalanche magnitude, mobility, and frequency: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary The effects of climate change have the potential to impact slope stability. Negative impacts are expected to be greatest at high northerly latitudes where degradation of permafrost in rock and soil, debuttressing of slopes as a result of glacial retreat, and changes in ocean ice-cover are likely to increase the susceptibility of slopes to landslides. In the United States, the greatest increases in air temperature and precipitation are expected to occur in Alaska. In order to assess the impact that these environmental changes will have on landslide size (magnitude), mobility, and frequency, inventories of historical landslides are needed. These inventories provide baseline data that can be used to identify changes in historical and \[...\] ## Summary The effects of climate change have the potential to impact slope stability. Negative impacts are expected to be greatest at high northerly latitudes where degradation of permafrost in rock and soil, debuttressing of slopes as a result of glacial retreat, and changes in ocean ice-cover are likely to increase the susceptibility of slopes to landslides. In the United States, the greatest increases in air temperature and precipitation are expected to occur in Alaska. In order to assess the impact that these environmental changes will have on landslide size (magnitude), mobility, and frequency, inventories of historical landslides are needed. These inventories provide baseline data that can be used to identify changes in historical and future landslide magnitude, mobility, and frequency. This data release presents GIS and attribute data for an inventory of rock avalanches in a 5000 km2 area of western Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska. We created the inventory from 30 m resolution Landsat imagery acquired from June 1984 to September 2016.  For each calendar year, we visually examined a minimum of one Landsat image obtained between the months of May and October. We examined a total of 104 Landsat images. The contrast between the spectral signatures of freshly exposed rock avalanche source areas and deposits and surrounding undisturbed snow and ice was typically significant enough to detect surficial changes. We identified and mapped rock avalanches by locating areas with 1) high contrast compared to surrounding snow and ice, 2) different spectral signatures between successive Landsat images, and 3) lobate forms typical of rock-avalanche deposits. Using these criteria, we mapped a total of 24 rock avalanches ranging in size from 0.1 to 22 km2. Attribute data for each rock avalanche includes: a date, or range in possible dates, of occurrence; the name of the Landsat image(s) used to identify and map the avalanche; the total area covered by the rock avalanche (including the source area, travel path, and deposit); the maximum travel distance measured along a curvilinear centerline (L); and the maximum change in elevation between the start and end points of the centerline (H). We also include a table containing a list of all the Landsat images examined. We acknowledge that our mapped polygons will be different, and less accurate, than polygons that could be mapped from higher-resolution satellite, aerial, and hand-held imagery. We specifically chose not to use high-resolution imagery because we desired a long-term historical inventory that was unbiased by changes in image resolution. Eventually, new mapping should be done to create an inventory that fully utilizes recently available high-resolution imagery. Data included in this release form the basis of an interpretive paper available in the conference proceedings of the 3rd North American Symposium on Landslides held in Roanoke, Virginia in June, 2017. ## Contacts Originator : [Erin K Bessette-Kirton](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=71381), [Jeffrey A Coe](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=1927) Metadata Contact : [Geologic Hazards Science Center (GHSC) Data Steward](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Geologic+Hazards+Science+Center+%28GHSC%29+Data+Steward) Point of Contact : [Geologic Hazards Science Center (GHSC) Data Steward](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Geologic+Hazards+Science+Center+%28GHSC%29+Data+Steward) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey+-+ScienceBase) USGS Mission Area : [Natural Hazards](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Natural+Hazards) SDC Data Owner : [Landslide Hazards Program](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17175) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/57c9ad65e4b0f2f0cec1923b?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/57c9ad65e4b0f2f0cec1923b?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/57c9ad65e4b0f2f0cec1923b?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Summary\_metadata.xml<br>“Summary metadata”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 26.76 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | LandsatImageryUsed.xlsx<br>“Table of Landsat images used” | | 15.26 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | |<br>“Rock avalanche ArcGIS geodatabase” | | 102.92 KB | application/zip | |<br>“Rock avalanche metadata” | | 26.7 KB | application/zip | | GlacierBayRockAvalanches.xlsx<br>“Table of rock avalanche data” | | 15.34 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | ## Purpose The purpose of this study was to create an inventory of historical rock avalanches in the western part of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska. This inventory serves as a basis for research on the response of slope stability to climate change. The inventory spans a 33-year period from 1984 to 2016 and provides baseline data that can be used to identify changes between historical and future landslide magnitude, mobility, and frequency. GIS map data include the geometry and location of 24 rock avalanches that occurred in the western part of Glacier Bay National Park from June 1984 to September 2016. Attribute data for each mapped rock avalanche include: the date, or range in possible dates, of occurrence; total area of the source and deposit; curvilinear travel distance; and the change in elevation from the avalanche head scarp to toe. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/57c9ad65e4b0f2f0cec1923b) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/57c9ad65e4b0f2f0cec1923b) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Associated Items - _related_ [Slow-moving landslides and subsiding fan deltas mapped from Sentinel-1 InSAR in the Glacier Bay region, Alaska and British Columbia, 2018-2020](/catalog/item/623ca899d34e915b67d39648 "Slow-moving landslides and subsiding fan deltas mapped from Sentinel-1 InSAR in the Glacier Bay region, Alaska and British Columbia, 2018-2020") - _related_ [Rock mass quality and structural geology observations in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska from the summers of 2021 and 2022](/catalog/item/6693fde2d34eab7a881cb610 "Rock mass quality and structural geology observations in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska from the summers of 2021 and 2022") - _related_ [Inventory of rock avalanches in the central Chugach Mountains, northern Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1984-2024](/catalog/item/66a26931d34ec831f2c2ce0c "Inventory of rock avalanches in the central Chugach Mountains, northern Prince William Sound, Alaska, 1984-2024") - [View Associated Items](/catalog/itemLinks?itemId=57c9ad65e4b0f2f0cec1923b) ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Place - [Alaska](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAlaska "Alaska (Alaska, Place, )") - [Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGlacier+Bay+National+Park+and+Preserve "Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve (Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Place, )") Subject - [climate change](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dclimate+change "climate change (climate change, Subject, )") - [frequency](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfrequency "frequency (frequency, Subject, )") - [glaciers](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dglaciers "glaciers (glaciers, Subject, )") - [icefield](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dicefield "icefield (icefield, Subject, )") - [inventory](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dinventory "inventory (inventory, Subject, )") - [landslide](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dlandslide "landslide (landslide, Subject, )") - [magnitude](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmagnitude "magnitude (magnitude, Subject, )") - [mobility](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmobility "mobility (mobility, Subject, )") - [permafrost](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dpermafrost "permafrost (permafrost, Subject, )") - [rock avalanche](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drock+avalanche "rock avalanche (rock avalanche, Subject, )") - [size](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsize "size (size, Subject, )") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Types - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [OGC WMS Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Service "OGC WMS Service") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7C827F8 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Erin K. Bessette-Kirton</origin>\n <origin>Jeffrey A. Coe</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Summary Metadata for Inventory of rock avalanches in western Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska</title>\n <geoform>Vector Digital Data Set (Polygon)</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Erin K. Bessette-Kirton</origin>\n <origin>Jeffrey A. Coe</origin>\n <pubdate>20170604</pubdate>\n <title>Inventory of rock avalanches in western Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska, 1984-2016: a baseline data set for evaluating the impact of climate change on avalanche magnitude, mobility, and frequency</title>\n <geoform>Ongoing Project</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>3rd North American Landslide Symposium</pubplace>\n <publish>Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>The effects of climate change have the potential to impact slope stability. Negative impacts are expected to be greatest at high northerly latitudes where degradation of permafrost in rock and soil, debuttressing of slopes as a result of glacial retreat, and changes in ocean ice-cover are likely to increase the susceptibility of slopes to landslides. In the United States, the greatest increases in air temperature and precipitation are expected to occur in Alaska. In order to assess the impact that these environmental changes will have on landslide size (magnitude), mobility, and frequency, inventories of historical landslides are needed. These inventories provide baseline data that can be used to identify changes between historical and future landslide magnitude, mobility, and frequency. \nThis data release presents GIS and attribute data for an inventory of rock avalanches in a 5000 sq. km area of western Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska. We created the inventory from 30 m resolution Landsat imagery acquired from June 1984 to September 2016. For each calendar year, we visually examined a minimum of one Landsat image obtained between the months of May and October. We examined a total of 104 Landsat images. The contrast between the spectral signatures of freshly exposed rock avalanche source areas and deposits and surrounding, undisturbed snow and ice is typically significant enough to detect surficial changes. We identified and mapped rock avalanches by locating areas with 1) high contrast compared to surrounding snow and ice, 2) different spectral signatures between successive Landsat images, and 3) lobate forms typical of rock-avalanche deposits. Using these criteria, we mapped a total of 24 rock avalanches ranging in size from 0.1 to 22 km2. \nAttribute data for each rock avalanche includes: a date, or range in possible dates, of occurrence; the name of the Landsat image(s) used to identify and map the avalanche; the total area covered by the rock avalanche (including the source area and deposit); the maximum travel distance measured along a curvilinear centerline (L); and the change in elevation between the start and end points of the centerline (H). We also include a table containing a list of all the Landsat images examined. We acknowledge that our mapped polygons will be different, and less accurate, than polygons that could be mapped from higher-resolution satellite, aerial, and hand-held imagery. We specifically chose not to use high resolution imagery because we desired a long-term historical inventory that was unbiased by changes in image resolution. Eventually, new mapping should be done to create an inventory that fully utilizes recently available high-resolution imagery. \nData included in this release form the basis of an interpretive paper available in the conference proceedings of the 3rd North American Symposium on Landslides held in Roanoke, Virginia in June, 2017.</abstract>\n <purpose>The purpose of this study was to create an inventory of historical rock avalanches in the western part of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska. This inventory serves as a basis for research on the response of slope stability to climate change. The inventory spans a 33-year period from 1984 to 2016 and provides baseline data that can be used to identify changes between historical and future landslide magnitude, mobility, and frequency. GIS map data include the geometry and location of 24 rock avalanches that occurred in the western part of Glacier Bay National Park from June 1984 to September 2016. Attribute data for each mapped rock avalanche include: the date, or range in possible dates, of occurrence; total area of the source and deposit; curvilinear travel distance; and the change in elevation from the avalanche head scarp to toe.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19840601</begdate>\n <enddate>20160931</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-137.690917496</westbc>\n <eastbc>-136.83514448</eastbc>\n <northbc>58.98980741</northbc>\n <southbc>58.523578065</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>General</themekt>\n <themekey>rock avalanche</themekey>\n <themekey>climate change</themekey>\n <themekey>glacier</themekey>\n <themekey>Landsat</themekey>\n <themekey>remote sensing</themekey>\n <themekey>landslide inventory</themekey>\n <themekey>false color composite</themekey>\n <themekey>permafrost</themekey>\n <themekey>landslide</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:57c9ad65e4b0f2f0cec1923b</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Location</placekt>\n <placekey>Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve</placekey>\n <placekey>Alaska</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see \'Distribution Info\' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users are advised to read the data set\'s metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>Jeffrey A. Coe</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntpos>Research Geologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop 966, Box 25046</address>\n <address>Denver Federal Center</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-273-8606</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>303-273-8600</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS 10.3.1 (Build 4959) Service Pack N/A (Build N/A)</native>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>A formal accuracy assessment of the horizontal positional information in the data set has not been conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>USGS EROS Earth Explorer</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Landsat 5, Landsat 7, Landsat 8</title>\n <geoform>Raster Digital Data (Aerial Imagery)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>online</pubplace>\n <publish>USGS</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19840601</begdate>\n <enddate>20160930</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>observed</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Landsat</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Source information was used for inventory mapping.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>We exclusively used 30 m Landsat imagery to map rock avalanches in a 5000 sq. km area of western Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, Alaska. We specifically chose to use imagery with a uniform resolution to produce a long-term inventory that is unbiased by recently available high-resolution imagery. The use of both 30 m and high-resolution imagery could have created a biased increase in the frequency of mapped rock avalanches during recent years of our study (e.g., 2010-2016) in comparison to previous years (e.g., 1984-1990). For example, we did not use the 15 m panchromatic band (Band 8) that became available on Landsat 7 and 8 or 0.5 m resolution Digital Globe WorldView imagery for any of our mapping. \nWe used Landsat\xe2\x80\x99s short-wave infrared bands, Band 5 (Landsat 5/7) and Band 6 (Landsat 8), for mapping because these bands are able to penetrate thin clouds and discriminate changes in ground moisture content. We found that the short-wave infrared bands are most effective for identifying rock avalanches on glaciated terrain in the maritime climate of southeast Alaska. Individual short-wave infrared band images and multi-band false color images were used to identify and delineate rock avalanches. Band combinations 453 (Landsat 5/7) and 564 (Landsat 8) were found to be most effective for differentiating between snow/ice and bare ground. These false color combinations show snow/ice in magenta and bare earth in green or orange.\nWe examined a minimum of one image from May through October for each calendar year between 1984 and 2016 to identify preliminary rock avalanche events. We then acquired subsequent imagery to refine the area and date range of each initially identified rock avalanche. We were able to determine the exact dates of three recent events from other sources. In these cases, we note the exact date and source in the Notes column of the attribute table. \nLandsat images acquired from the late spring to early fall, with minimal cloud cover, were most effective for mapping. The percent cloud cover present in each entire Landsat scene, as recorded in the image metadata, is included in the attribute table. A visual approximation of cloud cover specifically over the 5000 sq. km study area is also included in the attribute table since the cloud cover over the area of interest was often significantly less than over the entire scene.\nThe spectral signature of freshly exposed rock avalanche source areas and deposits typically contrasts greatly with the spectral signature of snow and ice. We identified and mapped rock avalanches by locating areas with 1) high contrast compared to surrounding, undisturbed snow and ice, 2) different spectral signatures between successive Landsat images, and 3) lobate forms typical of rock-avalanche deposits. Each rock avalanche was mapped as a polygon. Because of the relatively poor 30 m resolution of Landsat imagery, we could not detect rock avalanches smaller than 0.1 km2. \nThe maximum travel distance (L) for each rock avalanche was measured along the curvilinear centerline of the mapped polygon and avalanche relief (H, which is defined as the change in elevation between the start and end points of the centerline) was measured from a 5 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The centerlines of each rock avalanche are included in this data release as polylines in a separate feature class. The minimum and maximum elevations along each centerline are also included in a point feature class. The DEM was derived from the USGS National Elevation Dataset (NED). The DEM is not included in this data release, but is available from The specific USGS NED products that we used were Original Product Resolution (OPR) AK_IFSAR-GB-337_2012 and OPR AK_IFSAR-GB-338_2012.\nIn several cases (as noted in the attribute table), rock avalanche head scarps were not clearly visible in the examined imagery because of shadowing or a lack of contrast between either ground covered in snow/ice and disturbed bare ground or undisturbed and disturbed bare ground. In these cases, the head scarp location was approximated based on the source area topography and the physical constraints of rock-avalanche behavior. For several of the mapped rock avalanches we identified progressive, downslope movement of all or part of the avalanche extent one or more years immediately following the initial rock avalanche failure. In these cases, we only included the initial rock avalanche in our inventory. \nWe acknowledge that our mapped polygons will be different, and less accurate, than polygons that could be mapped from higher-resolution satellite and aerial imagery, and, in some cases, hand-held imagery acquired from the ground or small aircraft. Eventually, new mapping should be done to create an inventory that fully utilizes recently available high-resolution imagery.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20160901</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Vector</direct>\n <ptvctinf>\n <sdtsterm>\n <sdtstype>G-polygon</sdtstype>\n <ptvctcnt>24</ptvctcnt>\n </sdtsterm>\n </ptvctinf>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <gridsys>\n <gridsysn>Universal Transverse Mercator</gridsysn>\n <utm>\n <utmzone>7</utmzone>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer>0.9996</sfctrmer>\n <longcm>-141.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>0.0</latprjo>\n <feast>500000.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </transmer>\n </utm>\n </gridsys>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>0.6096</absres>\n <ordres>0.6096</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>Meter</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>D_WGS_1984</horizdn>\n <ellips>WGS_1984</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257223563</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Attribute Table</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Table containing attribute information associated with the data set.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Image_Year</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The year that the Landsat image was acquired</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1984</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2016</rdommax>\n <attrunit>year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Julian_Day</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The Julian Day that the Landsat image was acquired.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>54</rdommin>\n <rdommax>251</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Julian Day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Event_Date_Range</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The range in possible dates of occurrence for the rock avalanche.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Date Ranges</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Area_sq_km</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Area in square kilometers of landslide</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.114019900560379</rdommin>\n <rdommax>22.1854515075684</rdommax>\n <attrunit>square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SHAPE_Length_1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>ESRI auto-populated field</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Field not used for analysis</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Image_Band</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The Landsat spectral bands (or band) that were used for mapping</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Image band on Landsat sattelite that was used for mapping</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Stripping</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Indicates whether or not a Landsat image contains stripes (artifacts) caused by the failure of the on-board scan line corrector (SLC).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>\xe2\x80\x9cY\xe2\x80\x9d means striping is present, \xe2\x80\x9cN\xe2\x80\x9d means striping is not present.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Cld_Cvr_Md</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The percentage of cloud cover in the Landsat image indicated by the Metadata file downloaded from the USGS EROS data center.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percentage</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Cld_Cvr_Vs</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The percentage of cloud cover over the study area estimated by visual inspection during inventory mapping.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>&lt;5</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percentage</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Path_Row</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The Worldwide Reference System (WRS) Path and Row of the Landsat image used for inventory mapping.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The Worldwide Reference System (WRS) Path and Row of the Landsat image used for inventory mapping.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>L_H</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Length to height ratio</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.65282702445984</rdommin>\n <rdommax>6.65795564651489</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ratio</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>length_m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Length of centerline</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>616.787048339844</rdommin>\n <rdommax>10404.71875</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Min_Elev_m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Minimum elevation of rock avalanche along the centerline</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>558.000030825977</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1995.12038123378</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Max_Elev_m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Maximum elevation of rock avalanche along the centerline</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1134.46024837095</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3323.20598007111</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Height_m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Height difference between minimum and maximum elevation values along the rock avalanche centerline</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>242.753616333008</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2508.25805664063</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>H_L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Height to length ratio of the rock avalanche</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.150196254253387</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.605023980140686</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ratio</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Notes</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Additional notes for each rock avalanche</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>General notes</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RA_Id</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Rock Avalanch ID</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>ID associated with corresponding rock avalanche</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Headscarp_Lat_Lon</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Location (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds) of the headscarp for each rock avalanche polygon</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>58\xc2\xb033\'40.81"N, 137\xc2\xb0 4\'24.19"W</rdommin>\n <rdommax>58\xc2\xb057\'9.48"N, 137\xc2\xb012\'24.92"W</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees, Minutes, Seconds</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Shape_Length</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>ESRI auto-populated field</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Field not used for analysis</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Shape_Area</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>ESRI auto-populated field</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Field not used for analysis</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Landsat_Satellite</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The Landsat satellite that acquired the Landsat image used for mapping.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Describes which Landsat satellite acquired the image used for interpretation.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <overview>\n <eaover>The entity and attribute information provided here describes the tabular data associated with the data set. Please review the detailed descriptions that are provided (the individual attribute descriptions) for information on the values that appear as fields/table entries of the data set.</eaover>\n <eadetcit>The entity and attribute information was generated by the individual and/or agency identified as the originator of the data set. Please review the rest of the metadata record for additional details and information.</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center</address>\n <address>Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also contains copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner whenever applicable. The data have been approved for release and publication by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although the data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, the data are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from authorized or unauthorized use. Although the data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system, or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The U.S. Geological Survey shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Users of the data are advised to read all metadata and associated documentation thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Vector Digital Data Set (Polygon)</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None. No fees are applicable for obtaining the data set.</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200821</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>GHSC Data Steward</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Geologic Hazards Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Open Data Policy Coordinator</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Physical</addrtype>\n <address>1711 Illinois St.</address>\n <city>Golden</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80401</postal>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-273-8500</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center](/catalog/item/4f4e4771e4b07f02db47e1fc) 3. [Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center Data](/catalog/item/5759e26de4b04f417c264009) 4. [Potential movement paths for male grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) dispersal between the Northern Continental Divide and Greater Yellowstone Ecosystems, 2000-2015](/catalog/item/5911dbe2e4b0e541a03c1bac) 5. [Distribution of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear (2000-2014)](/catalog/folder/5914c0f6e4b0e541a03e9b2d) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5914c0f6e4b0e541a03e9b2d) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5914c0f6e4b0e541a03e9b2d) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5914c0f6e4b0e541a03e9b2d?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2017Start Date2000End Date2014 ## Citation van Manen, F.T., Peck, C.P., Costello, C.M., Haroldson, M.A., Landenburger, L.A., Roberts, L.L., Bjornlie, D.D., and Mace, R.D., 2017, Potential movement paths for male grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) dispersal between the Northern Continental Divide and Greater Yellowstone Ecosystems, 2000-2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary The grizzly bear distribution boundary delineates the estimated geographic extent of occupied range of the Yellowstone grizzly bear population for the period 2000-2014. The distribution boundary was generated to provide reliable estimations of grizzly bear occupancy throughout time and for use as a monitoring tool in grizzly bear management and conservation. The boundary was delineated by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) using an interpolation method based on grizzly bear telemetry and GPS locations as well as verified observations and signs of grizzly bears inside the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem during 2000 to 2014. ## Summary The grizzly bear distribution boundary delineates the estimated geographic extent of occupied range of the Yellowstone grizzly bear population for the period 2000-2014. The distribution boundary was generated to provide reliable estimations of grizzly bear occupancy throughout time and for use as a monitoring tool in grizzly bear management and conservation. The boundary was delineated by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) using an interpolation method based on grizzly bear telemetry and GPS locations as well as verified observations and signs of grizzly bears inside the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem during 2000 to 2014. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Frank T van Manen](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Frank+T+van+Manen) Originator : [Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Interagency+Grizzly+Bear+Study+Team) Metadata Contact : [Lisa Landenburger](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Lisa+Landenburger) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [GS ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=62675) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5914c0f6e4b0e541a03e9b2d?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5914c0f6e4b0e541a03e9b2d?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5914c0f6e4b0e541a03e9b2d?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000-2014.shp.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 22.76 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014.cpg | | 5 Bytes | | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014.dbf | | 405 Bytes | | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014.prj | | 425 Bytes | | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014.sbn | | 132 Bytes | | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014.sbx | | 116 Bytes | | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014.shp | | 8.88 KB | | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014.shx | | 108 Bytes | Shapefile: GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\ ## Related External Resources Type: Online Link | | | | --- | --- | | Bjornlie, D. D., Thompson, D. J., Haroldson, M. A., Schwartz, C. C., Gunther, K. A., Cain, S. L., Tyers, D. B., Frey, K. L. and Aber, B. C. (2014), Methods to estimate distribution and range extent of grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Wildl. Soc. Bull., 38: 182–187. doi:10.1002/wsb.368 | []( "") | ## Purpose The grizzly bear distribution boundary for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem was constructed by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team to provide an accurate estimate of occupied range of grizzly bears for the period 2000-2014. The method for delineating distribution was based on a kriged interpolation technique and was designed to use verified grizzly bear observation and location data from all sources between 2000 and 2014 as well as provide the simplicity and repeatability to be updated on a frequent basis for management and conservation applications. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5914c0f6e4b0e541a03e9b2d) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5914c0f6e4b0e541a03e9b2d) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ScienceBase WFS ## Communities - Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGreater+Yellowstone+Ecosystem "Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Theme, None)") - [Grizzly Bears](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGrizzly+Bears "Grizzly Bears (Grizzly Bears, Theme, USGS Biocomplexity)") - [Ursus arctos](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUrsus+arctos "Ursus arctos (Ursus arctos, Theme, None)") - [bears](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbears "bears (bears, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [biota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiota "biota (biota, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [distribution](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Ddistribution "distribution (distribution, Theme, None)") - [ecology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Decology "ecology (ecology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [grizzly bear](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgrizzly+bear "grizzly bear (grizzly bear, Theme, None)") - [kriging](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dkriging "kriging (kriging, Theme, None)") - [occupied range](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Doccupied+range "occupied range (occupied range, Theme, None)") - [range extent](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drange+extent "range extent (range extent, Theme, None)") Place - [Idaho](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DIdaho "Idaho (Idaho, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Montana](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMontana "Montana (Montana, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Wyoming](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWyoming "Wyoming (Wyoming, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Yellowstone National Park](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DYellowstone+National+Park "Yellowstone National Park (Yellowstone National Park, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") - [Downloadable](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DDownloadable "Downloadable") - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [Shapefile](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DShapefile "Shapefile") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | | ### Shapefile Extension | boundingBox | | minY | 42.47871302139448 | | minX | -112.24419694459188 | | maxY | 45.70075844432213 | | maxX | -108.51880292849168 | | | files | | name | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014.cpg | | contentType | text/plain | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_e8/eb/94/e8eb9466069cf68fbad54ae4cdc217e638c63389 | | imageWidth | 580 | | imageHeight | 435 | | size | 5 | | dateUploaded | Thu May 11 13:53:29 MDT 2017 | | checksum | | value | ae3b3df9970b49b6523e608759bc957d | | type | MD5 | | | name | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014.dbf | | contentType | application/unknown | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_c7/9c/d6/c79cd6fc85779ec4975a3e6f21735e8a001d6631 | | size | 405 | | dateUploaded | Thu May 11 13:53:29 MDT 2017 | | checksum | | value | 9b6d9158587c4d92fd82ae3f06a5af07 | | type | MD5 | | | name | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014.prj | | contentType | text/plain | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_29/eb/15/29eb158c93a6fcee74234cbd6a38a910fc4d72f3 | | imageWidth | 580 | | imageHeight | 435 | | size | 425 | | dateUploaded | Thu May 11 13:53:30 MDT 2017 | | checksum | | value | 5107bb62e2ab8f330d2e58c9a66db212 | | type | MD5 | | | name | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014.sbn | | contentType | x-gis/x-shapefile | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_f0/42/1e/f0421ee37d1c21d0403d25ea0fe74bc7de083496 | | size | 132 | | dateUploaded | Thu May 11 13:53:30 MDT 2017 | | checksum | | value | 05d44d4cc112ee9fdf6b62e4333be0f4 | | type | MD5 | | | name | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014.sbx | | contentType | x-gis/x-shapefile | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_7f/86/89/7f8689b74c7372e5d87157624a462e7ec8957e5b | | size | 116 | | dateUploaded | Thu May 11 13:53:29 MDT 2017 | | checksum | | value | a49e8b28e94a0b8218614b88b6226bbe | | type | MD5 | | | name | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014.shp | | contentType | x-gis/x-shapefile | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_26/3a/17/263a17015aedbfebfe56d587664700efd2534ad4 | | size | 9088 | | dateUploaded | Thu May 11 13:53:30 MDT 2017 | | checksum | | value | 1caff244014725e5601a8b6adffc4446 | | type | MD5 | | | name | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014.shx | | contentType | x-gis/x-shapefile | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_6c/a4/f0/6ca4f0e5a56900a50eafb9504171963fdd6771ac | | size | 108 | | dateUploaded | Thu May 11 13:53:30 MDT 2017 | | checksum | | value | d68dc582d10456d7599ee76a5d4db7c5 | | type | MD5 | | | | geometryType | MultiPolygon | | name | GYE\_GB\_Distribution\_2000\_2014 | | nativeCrs | EPSG:26912 | ... show more ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Distribution of the Yellowstone Grizzly Bear (2000-2014)</title>\n <geoform>Vector Digital Data Set (Polygon)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Daniel D. Bjornlie</origin>\n <origin>Daniel J. Thompson</origin>\n <origin>Mark A. Haroldson</origin>\n <origin>Charles C. Schwartz</origin>\n <origin>Kerry A. Gunther</origin>\n <origin>Steven L. Cain</origin>\n <origin>Daniel B. Tyers</origin>\n <origin>Kevin L. Frey</origin>\n <origin>Bryan C. Aber</origin>\n <pubdate>2014</pubdate>\n <title>Methods to estimate distribution and range extent of grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.</title>\n <edition>1</edition>\n <geoform>Publication (Journal)</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Wildlife Society Bulletin</sername>\n <issue>38(1):182-187</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Unknown</pubplace>\n <publish>Wildlife Society</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>The grizzly bear distribution boundary delineates the estimated geographic extent of occupied range of the Yellowstone grizzly bear population for the period 2000-2014. The distribution boundary was generated to provide reliable estimations of grizzly bear occupancy throughout time and for use as a monitoring tool in grizzly bear management and conservation. The boundary was delineated by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) using an interpolation method based on grizzly bear telemetry and GPS locations as well as verified observations and signs of grizzly bears inside the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem during 2000 to 2014.</abstract>\n <purpose>The grizzly bear distribution boundary for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem was constructed by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team to provide an accurate estimate of occupied range of grizzly bears for the period 2000-2014. The method for delineating distribution was based on a kriged interpolation technique and was designed to use verified grizzly bear observation and location data from all sources between 2000 and 2014 as well as provide the simplicity and repeatability to be updated on a frequent basis for management and conservation applications.</purpose>\n <supplinf>For more information on the methods used to generate the distribution boundary, please refer to: Bjornlie, D. D., D. J. Thompson, M. A. Haroldson, C. C. Schwartz, K. A. Gunther, S. L. Cain, D. B. Tyers, K. L. Frey, and B. Aber. 2014. Methods to estimate distribution and range extent of grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:182\xe2\x80\x93187. ( Available at: )</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>2000</begdate>\n <enddate>2014</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>Ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>As needed</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-112.244196945</westbc>\n <eastbc>-108.518802928</eastbc>\n <northbc>45.700683122</northbc>\n <southbc>42.478713022</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>Spatial extent spans parts of Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho and include all of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks as well as portions of 5 National Forests.</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>distribution</themekey>\n <themekey>kriging</themekey>\n <themekey>range extent</themekey>\n <themekey>occupied range</themekey>\n <themekey>Ursus arctos</themekey>\n <themekey>grizzly bear</themekey>\n <themekey>Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>biota</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>bears</themekey>\n <themekey>ecology</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Biocomplexity</themekt>\n <themekey>Grizzly Bears</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5914c0f6e4b0e541a03e9b2d</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Yellowstone</placekey>\n <placekey>Montana</placekey>\n <placekey>Wyoming</placekey>\n <placekey>Idaho</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>This database has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, the database is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.</accconst>\n <useconst>None</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Frank T van Manen</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2327 University Way</address>\n <city>Bozeman</city>\n <state>MT</state>\n <postal>59715</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>406-994-5043</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>U.S. Geological Survey, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, U.S. Forest Service, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho Tribal Fish and Game Department.</datacred>\n <native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft [Unknown] Version 6.2 (Build 9200) ; Esri ArcGIS 10.4.1 (Build 5696) Service Pack N/A (Build N/A)</native>\n <taxonomy>\n <keywtax>\n <taxonkt>USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus</taxonkt>\n <taxonkey>Mammals</taxonkey>\n </keywtax>\n <taxonsys>\n <classsys>\n <classcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</title>\n <geoform>ONLINE_REFERENCE</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Washington, D.C.</pubplace>\n <publish>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </classcit>\n </classsys>\n <ider>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Frank T van Manen</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2327 University Way</address>\n <city>Bozeman</city>\n <state>MT</state>\n <postal>59715</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>406-994-5043</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ider>\n <taxonpro>Expert advice</taxonpro>\n <taxoncom>Expertise of career biologists</taxoncom>\n </taxonsys>\n <taxongen>Yellowstone Grizzly Bear(Ursus arctos) population</taxongen>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tetrapoda</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Mammalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Theria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Eutheria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Carnivora</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caniformia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ursidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ursus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ursus arctos</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subspecies</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ursus arctos horribilis</taxonrv>\n <common>brown bear</common>\n <common>grizzly bear</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxonomy>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>1. A shapefile of verified grizzly bear location data for the period 2000\xe2\x80\x932014 was compiled by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team and consisted of GPS and very high frequency telemetry locations; locations of observations or tracks reported or verified by experienced agency personnel; locations associated with grizzly bear-human conflicts, mortalities, and scats or hair samples attributed to grizzly bears via DNA analysis.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2015</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>2. We used the Create Fishnet tool in the Data Management/Sampling toolbox to construct a polygon fishnet (grid) comprised of 3-km x 3-km squares for an area containing all verified grizzly bear locations in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE). The grid-cell size of 3-km was based on the mean daily activity radius of 1.5 km for male grizzly bears in the GYE.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2015</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>3. We then overlaid the 2000-2014 location point data on the fishnet grid and used the Select by Location functionality to identify cells containing 1 or more location data points. Cells with at least one location point were assigned a value of 1 and unoccupied cells a value of 0 to denote grizzly bear presence/absence.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2015</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>4. The attributed polygon fishnet was converted to a raster using the Feature to Raster tool in the Conversion/To Raster toolbox. The presence/absence attribute of 1 or 0 were maintained for each 3-km x 3-km raster cell.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2015</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>5. To account for unoccupied cells resulting from missing data within known grizzly bear distribution, we performed zonal analysis by applying the Focal Statistics tool in the Spatial Analyst toolbox to sum, for each input cell, the value of the target cell and all 8 adjacent cells. The resulting zonal raster thus had potential cell values ranging from 0 to 9.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2015</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>6. We then applied the Raster to Point tool in the Conversion/From Raster toolbox on the zonal raster to generate a center-point feature for each 3-km x 3-km cell with the zonal sum attribute maintained for each center-point.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2015</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>7. We then used the Kriging Method in the Geostatistical Wizard (accessed from the Geostatistical Analyst toolbar) in ArcGIS to interpolate a predicted distribution surface from known points of grizzly bear presence. In the Kriging/CoKriging dialog box, the centroid point file was specified as the Source Dataset and the attribute field containing centroid values of 0-9 was entered as the Data Field. In the Kriging step 2 dialog box, we selected \xe2\x80\x9cOrdinary\xe2\x80\x9d for Kriging Type; \xe2\x80\x9cPrediction\xe2\x80\x9d for Output Surface Type; and \xe2\x80\x9cNone\xe2\x80\x9d for Transformation type and Order of trend removal. The resulting kriged layer was reclassified to integer values and exported as a \xe2\x80\x9cFilled Contour\xe2\x80\x9d vector of \xe2\x80\x9cDraft\xe2\x80\x9d contour quality to avoid over-smoothing. Contours were then dissolved into a single polygon feature to represent the grizzly bear distribution boundary feature.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2015</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <method>\n <methtype>Both</methtype>\n <methdesc>We used a geographic information system software package (ArcGIS v. 10.0, ESRI) to construct the grizzly bear distribution boundary for the time period 2000-2014. Boundary delineation was accomplished by overlaying all verified grizzly bear locations from all sources between 2000-2014 on a 3-km x 3-km grid and using zonal analysis and ordinary kriging to develop a predicted surface of occupied grizzly bear range. The following steps outline the process used.</methdesc>\n </method>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Vector</direct>\n <ptvctinf>\n <sdtsterm>\n <sdtstype>G-polygon</sdtstype>\n <ptvctcnt>1</ptvctcnt>\n </sdtsterm>\n </ptvctinf>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <gridsys>\n <gridsysn>Universal Transverse Mercator</gridsysn>\n <utm>\n <utmzone>12</utmzone>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer>0.9996</sfctrmer>\n <longcm>-111.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>0.0</latprjo>\n <feast>500000.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </transmer>\n </utm>\n </gridsys>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>0.5</absres>\n <ordres>0.5</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>Meters</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>D_North_American_1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>GRS_1980</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257222101</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Attribute Table</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Table containing attribute information associated with the data set.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>OBJECTID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unique polygon identifier</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>ESRI defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Unique polygon identifier</edomvd>\n <edomvds>ESRI</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Id</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unique polygon identifier</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>0</edomv>\n <edomvd>Unique polygon identifier</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Boundary</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Descriptive title of boundary feature.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Grizzly bear distribution in the GYE, 2000-2014</edomv>\n <edomvd>Descriptive title of boundary feature.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Acres</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Area of boundary feature measured in acres</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>14409702.6527</edomv>\n <edomvd>Area of boundary feature measured in acres</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SqKm</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Area of boundary feature measured in square kilometers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>58313.9977251</edomv>\n <edomvd>Area of boundary feature measured in square kilometers</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Shape_Leng</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Perimeter length of boundary feature measured in meters</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1388299.11321</edomv>\n <edomvd>Perimeter length of boundary feature measured in meters</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Shape_Area</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Area of boundary feature measured in square meters</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>58313997724.4</edomv>\n <edomvd>Area of boundary feature measured in square meters</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <overview>\n <eaover>The entity and attribute information provided here describes the tabular data associated with the data set. Please review the detailed descriptions that are provided (the individual attribute descriptions) for information on the values that appear as fields/table entries of the data set.</eaover>\n <eadetcit>The entity and attribute information was generated by the individual and/or agency identified as the originator of the data set. Please review the rest of the metadata record for additional details and information.</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>ScienceBase</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>This database has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, the database is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>shapefile</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>No fees are applicable for obtaining the data set.</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200826</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Lisa Landenburger</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Physical Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2327 University Way</address>\n <city>Bozeman</city>\n <state>MT</state>\n <postal>59715</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>406-994-7430</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>406-994-6556</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
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[Phenology pattern data indicating recovery trajectories of ponderosa pine forests after high-severity fires](/catalog/folder/5dce32b6e4b069579760b3e5) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5dce32b6e4b069579760b3e5) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5dce32b6e4b069579760b3e5) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5dce32b6e4b069579760b3e5?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2019-11-22Start Date1984-01-01End Date2017-01-01 ## Citation Walker, J.J., and Soulard, C.E., 2019, Phenology pattern data indicating recovery trajectories of ponderosa pine forests after high-severity fires, U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This tabular, machine-readable CSV file contains annual phenometrics at locations in ponderosa pine ecosystems across Arizona and New Mexico that experienced stand-clearing, high-severity fire. The locations represent areas of vegetative recovery towards pre-fire (coniferous/pine) vegetation communities or towards novel grassland, shrubland, or deciduous replacements. Each sampled area is associated with the point location (latitude/longitude) as well as multiple calendar year phenometrics derived from the time-series of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values in the phenology software package Timesat v3.2. ## Summary This tabular, machine-readable CSV file contains annual phenometrics at locations in ponderosa pine ecosystems across Arizona and New Mexico that experienced stand-clearing, high-severity fire. The locations represent areas of vegetative recovery towards pre-fire (coniferous/pine) vegetation communities or towards novel grassland, shrubland, or deciduous replacements. Each sampled area is associated with the point location (latitude/longitude) as well as multiple calendar year phenometrics derived from the time-series of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values in the phenology software package Timesat v3.2. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Jessica J Walker](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=66916) Originator : [Jessica J Walker](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=66916), [Christopher E Soulard](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9747) Metadata Contact : [Jessica J Walker](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=66916) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Western Geographic Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17458) USGS Mission Area : [Land Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Land+Resources) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5dce32b6e4b069579760b3e5?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5dce32b6e4b069579760b3e5?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5dce32b6e4b069579760b3e5?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Phenology pattern data indicating recovery trajectories of ponderosa pine forests after high-severity fires.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 22.08 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Phenology pattern data indicating recovery trajectories of ponderosa pine forests after high-severity fires.csv | | 215.82 KB | text/csv | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Walker, J.J., and Soulard, C.E., 2019, Phenology Patterns Indicate Recovery Trajectories of Ponderosa Pine Forests After High-Severity Fires: Remote Sensing, v. 11, no. 23, p. 2782, | []( "") | ## Purpose The data were collected to support research into the phenologic characteristics of distinct reburn vegetative trajectories after high-severity fire in ponderosa pine forests in the US Southwest. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5dce32b6e4b069579760b3e5) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5dce32b6e4b069579760b3e5) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [Fire](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DFire "Fire (Fire, Theme, None)") - [Forest](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DForest "Forest (Forest, Theme, None)") - [NDVI](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNDVI "NDVI (NDVI, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Phenometrics](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPhenometrics "Phenometrics (Phenometrics, Theme, None)") - [Pinus ponderosa](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPinus+ponderosa "Pinus ponderosa (Pinus ponderosa, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Ponderosa pine](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPonderosa+pine "Ponderosa pine (Ponderosa pine, Theme, None)") - [biota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiota "biota (biota, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [fire damage](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfire+damage "fire damage (fire damage, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [fires](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfires "fires (fires, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [forest ecosystems](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dforest+ecosystems "forest ecosystems (forest ecosystems, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [forests](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dforests "forests (forests, Theme, Alexandria Digital Library Feature Type Thesaurus)") - [phenology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dphenology "phenology (phenology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Arizona](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DArizona "Arizona (Arizona, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [New Mexico](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNew+Mexico "New Mexico (New Mexico, Place, Common geographic areas)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Ecology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEcology "Ecology (Ecology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Geography](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeography "Geography (Geography, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Remote Sensing](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DRemote+Sensing "Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9Y1Z03F | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jessica J Walker</origin>\n <origin>Christopher E Soulard</origin>\n <pubdate>20191122</pubdate>\n <title>Phenology pattern data indicating recovery trajectories of ponderosa pine forests after high-severity fires</title>\n <geoform>tabular digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jessica J Walker</origin>\n <origin>Christopher E Soulard</origin>\n <pubdate>20191201</pubdate>\n <title>Phenology patterns indicate recovery trajectories of ponderosa pine forests after high-severity fires</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This tabular, machine-readable CSV file contains annual phenometrics at locations in ponderosa pine ecosystems across Arizona and New Mexico that experienced stand-clearing, high-severity fire. The locations represent areas of vegetative recovery towards pre-fire (coniferous/pine) vegetation communities or towards novel grassland, shrubland, or deciduous replacements. Each sampled area is associated with the point location (latitude/longitude) as well as multiple calendar year phenometrics derived from the time-series of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values in the phenology software package Timesat v3.2.</abstract>\n <purpose>The data were collected to support research into the phenologic characteristics of distinct reburn vegetative trajectories after high-severity fire in ponderosa pine forests in the US Southwest.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19840101</begdate>\n <enddate>20170101</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-114.8730</westbc>\n <eastbc>-103.0078</eastbc>\n <northbc>37.0552</northbc>\n <southbc>31.2410</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>Fires in Arizona and New Mexico</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>biota</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>Ponderosa pine</themekey>\n <themekey>Phenometrics</themekey>\n <themekey>Fire</themekey>\n <themekey>Forest</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>phenology</themekey>\n <themekey>fire damage</themekey>\n <themekey>fires</themekey>\n <themekey>forest ecosystems</themekey>\n <themekey>Pinus ponderosa</themekey>\n <themekey>NDVI</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>Alexandria Digital Library Feature Type Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>forests</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5dce32b6e4b069579760b3e5</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Arizona</placekey>\n <placekey>New Mexico</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see \'Distribution Info\' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users are advised to read the dataset\'s metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations. Users may also find additional details on methods and results in the associated journal article referenced in this data release.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jessica J Walker</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, SOUTHWEST REGION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>520 North Park Avenue</address>\n <city>Tucson</city>\n <state>AZ</state>\n <postal>85719</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>520-670-5019</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>520-670-5113</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>The analysis relies on normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived from time series of Landsat imagery in Google Earth Engine. Internal spot checks for select sample sites suggest that NDVI values were within the range of expected values in pre-burn, post-burn, and cloud-filled pixels.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>All NDVI values used to calculate phenometrics for sample sites fall within expected NDVI ranges. No unexpected outlier values were present in the study area. Atmospheric contamination due to clouds or haze was removed as part of the initial data processing in Google Earth Engine.</logic>\n <complete>The associated paper contain more details on the fire characteristics and vegetation tracked in this study. For more details on study methods, please refer to the published journal article (MDPI - Remote Sensing).</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>Greenness (NDVI) is calculated directly from Landsat imagery. Landsat FGDC metadata states that Level-1 systematic products meet the system requirement of 65 meters at a circular error with 90 percent confidence (CE90) horizontal accuracy.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No tests were performed</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Time-series of NDVI images derived from Landsat 4,5,7, and 8 data (1984 to 2017) were sampled through time at the points specified by latitude/longitude coordinates in the file. Points were selected by visually inspecting higher-resolution Google Earth imagery to identify locations that were following diverse vegetative recovery trajectories (grass, shrub, deciduous, or coniferous) in ponderosa pine ecosystems after high-severity fire.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20191001</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jessica J Walker</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, SOUTHWEST REGION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>520 North Park Avenue</address>\n <city>Tucson</city>\n <state>AZ</state>\n <postal>85719</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>520-670-5019</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>520-670-5113</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>A Savitzky-Golay filter was fit to each annual record of NDVI values per point in the Timesat software package to yield phenometrics of peak NDVI, base NDVI, NDVI amplitude, and timing (day of year) of peak NDVI.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20191015</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jessica J Walker</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, SOUTHWEST REGION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>520 North Park Avenue</address>\n <city>Tucson</city>\n <state>AZ</state>\n <postal>85719</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>520-670-5019</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>520-670-5113</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Individual machine-readable CSV files of phenometrics were compiled in R and associated with identifying information such as latitude, longitude, and regrowth trajectory. R scripts can be provided upon request.\n\nFor more details on study methods, please refer to the published journal article (MDPI - Remote Sensing).</procdesc>\n <procdate>20191030</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jessica J Walker</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, SOUTHWEST REGION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>520 North Park Avenue</address>\n <city>Tucson</city>\n <state>AZ</state>\n <postal>85719</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>520-670-5019</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>520-670-5113</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Phenology pattern data indicating recovery trajectories of ponderosa pine forests after high-severity fires.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>base_ndvi</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Base (lowest) NDVI value in a calendar year</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NA</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.088286236</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.665713251</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>peak_ndvi</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Peak (highest) NDVI value in a calendar year</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NA</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.160393611</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.949367762</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>amp_ndvi</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Amplitude (difference between base and peak values) of NDVI in a calendar year</attrdef>\n 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Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200830</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jessica J Walker</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, SOUTHWEST REGION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>520 North Park Avenue</address>\n <city>Tucson</city>\n <state>AZ</state>\n <postal>85719</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>520-670-5019</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>520-670-5113</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
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[Implementation of conservation tillage and cover crops in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, 1985 to 2012](/catalog/folder/5b3bb606e4b040769c18bdc9) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5b3bb606e4b040769c18bdc9) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5b3bb606e4b040769c18bdc9) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5b3bb606e4b040769c18bdc9?format=json) ## Dates Start Date1985End Date2012Publication Date2018-08-21 ## Citation Sekellick A.J., 2018, Implementation of conservation tillage and cover crops in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, 1985 to 2012: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Conservation tillage practices and cover crops are used throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed to reduce soil loss and improve water quality. Implementation of these Best Management Practices (BMPs) were reported to the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) by each state in the watershed (New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, and Virginia). Estimates of acres of implementation per CBP land river modeling segment for the years 1985 through 2014 were provided to the U.S. Geological Survey. These data were distributed to agricultural land use cells in the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) dataset and summed for National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Plus version 1 catchments to provide estimates of implementation at spatial \[...\] ## Summary Conservation tillage practices and cover crops are used throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed to reduce soil loss and improve water quality. Implementation of these Best Management Practices (BMPs) were reported to the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) by each state in the watershed (New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, and Virginia). Estimates of acres of implementation per CBP land river modeling segment for the years 1985 through 2014 were provided to the U.S. Geological Survey. These data were distributed to agricultural land use cells in the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) dataset and summed for National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Plus version 1 catchments to provide estimates of implementation at spatial scales commonly used for modeling purposes for the years 1985, 1992, 2002, and 2012 for conservation tillage, as well as 2002 and 2012 for cover crops. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Andrew J Sekellick](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9294) Metadata Contact : [Andrew J Sekellick](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9294) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17203) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) Originator : [Andrew J Sekellick](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9294) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5b3bb606e4b040769c18bdc9?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5b3bb606e4b040769c18bdc9?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5b3bb606e4b040769c18bdc9?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | contillcovcropmeta.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 16.74 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | contill.csv | | 1.67 MB | text/csv | | covcrop.csv | | 869.14 KB | text/csv | ## Purpose These data were created to estimate the amount conservation tillage and cover crop implementation in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5b3bb606e4b040769c18bdc9) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5b3bb606e4b040769c18bdc9) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ## Communities - USGS Chesapeake Bay - USGS Data Release Products - USGS Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia Water Science Center ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Environmental Health](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEnvironmental+Health "Environmental Health (Environmental Health, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Geography](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeography "Geography (Geography, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Water Quality](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Quality "Water Quality (Water Quality, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") Types - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [OGC WMS Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Service "OGC WMS Service") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | doi | | doi:10.5066/P9SRZS8P | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Andrew Sekellick</origin>\n <pubdate>20180820</pubdate>\n <title>Implementation of conservation tillage and cover crops in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, 1985 to 2012</title>\n <geoform>tabular digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Conservation tillage practices and cover crops are used throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed to reduce soil loss and improve water quality. Implementation of these Best Management Practices (BMPs) were reported to the Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) by each state in the watershed (New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, and Virginia). Estimates of acres of implementation per CBP land river modeling segment for the years 1985 through 2014 were provided to the U.S. Geological Survey. These data were distributed to agricultural land use cells in the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) dataset and summed for National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Plus version 1 catchments to provide estimates of implementation at spatial scales commonly used for modeling purposes for the years 1985, 1992, 2002, and 2012 for conservation tillage, as well as 2002 and 2012 for cover crops.</abstract>\n <purpose>This dataset is intended to support modeling and data analysis of the estimated effect of BMPs on water quality in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Data are a compilation of information used by the CBP as part of the Phase 5.3.2 Watershed model, processed at the NHD Plus version 1 catchment scale.</purpose>\n <supplinf>This dataset uses land river segment scale implementation of conservation tillage and cover crops for the years 1985, 1992, 2002, and 2012. The source data for that information is available at: Land cover data from the National Land Cover Database were downloaded from National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 1 catchment shapefiles for the Chesapeake Bay watershed were downloaded from</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>1985</begdate>\n <enddate>2012</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-82.4414</westbc>\n <eastbc>-72.9492</eastbc>\n <northbc>42.8760</northbc>\n <southbc>36.0313</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>Chesapeake Bay watershed</themekey>\n <themekey>conservation practice</themekey>\n <themekey>Watershed Model</themekey>\n <themekey>Best management practice</themekey>\n <themekey>BMP</themekey>\n <themekey>conservation tillage practice</themekey>\n <themekey>cover crops</themekey>\n <themekey>soil loss</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5b3bb606e4b040769c18bdc9</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>United States</placekey>\n <placekey>USA</placekey>\n <placekey>Delaware</placekey>\n <placekey>District of Columbia</placekey>\n <placekey>Maryland</placekey>\n <placekey>New York</placekey>\n <placekey>Pennsylvania</placekey>\n <placekey>Virginia</placekey>\n <placekey>West Virginia</placekey>\n <placekey>Appomattox River</placekey>\n <placekey>Chesapeake Bay</placekey>\n <placekey>Choptank River</placekey>\n <placekey>James River</placekey>\n <placekey>Mattaponi River</placekey>\n <placekey>Non-RIM Eastern Shore</placekey>\n <placekey>Non-RIM Western Shore</placekey>\n <placekey>Pamunkey River</placekey>\n <placekey>Patuxent River</placekey>\n <placekey>Potomac River</placekey>\n <placekey>Rappahannock River</placekey>\n <placekey>Susquehanna River</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Andrew J Sekellick</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Northeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Physical Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>5522 Research Park Drive</address>\n <city>Baltimore</city>\n <state>MD</state>\n <postal>21228</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>443-498-5564</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Andrew J. Sekellick</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Estimated effect of best management practice implementation in the Chesapeake Bay watershed from 1985 to 2014</title>\n <geoform>dataset</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace></pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>1985</begdate>\n <enddate>2014</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>CBP Phase 5.3.2 BMP Implementation</srccitea>\n <srccontr>BMP values</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Homer, C.; Dewitz, J.; Fry, J.; Coan, M.; Hossain, N.; Larson, C.; Herold, N.; McKerrow, A.; VanDriel, J. N.; Wickham, J</origin>\n <pubdate>2007</pubdate>\n <title>Completion of the 2001 National Land Cover Database for the conterminous United States</title>\n <geoform>raster digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2001</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>NLCD</srccitea>\n <srccontr>cultivated land area</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Environmental Protection Agency</origin>\n <pubdate>20100901</pubdate>\n <title>NHDPlus Version 1 (NHDPlusV1) User Guide</title>\n <geoform>vector digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <srcscale>100000</srcscale>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20071231</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>NHDPlus V1</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Catchments for the Chesapeake Bay watershed</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>A dataset containing implementation of conservation tillage and cover crops at the CBP Phase 5.3.2 Watershed model land river segment scale were downloaded from These data contain the amount of implementation of each practice in acres for each year from 1985 through 2014. Land cover data for the year 2001 were downloaded from National Land cover Database at National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 1 catchment shapefiles for the Chesapeake Bay watershed were downloaded from</procdesc>\n <procdate>20170417</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The total cultivated crop area (value 81) for each land-river segment in the Chesapeake Bay watershed were calculated from NLCD 2001 data.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20170417</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The land-river segment level implementation of conservation tillage and cover crops in acres were divided by the total cultivated crop area by land-river segment to create values for acres of implementation per available crop area for the years 1985, 1992, 2002, and 2012 for conservation tillage, as well as 2002 and 2012 for cover crops. Rasters with these values were created for each year.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20170417</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Rasters with pixels of 900 square meters were created from NLCD 2001 of cultivated crop land area with values set to 900. These rasters were multiplied by the implementation acres per available crop land area rasters for conservation tillage for the years 1985, 1992, 2002, and 2012, as well as 2002 and 2012 for cover crops.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20170417</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The resulting rasters were summarized for each year for each of the Chesapeake Bay watershed catchments in the NHD Plus V1 dataset, resulting in a data table for conservation tillage implementation by catchment for the years 1985, 1992, 2002, and 2012, as well as a data table for cover crop implementation by catchment for 2002 and 2012.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20170417</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>contill.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing conservation tillage data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>U.S. Geological Survey</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>comid</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Common identifier of an NHD Flowline.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Each catchment has a unique identification number. Further information on how the identification numbers are assigned is available here</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>cont1985</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Square kilometers of conservation tillage implementation for the year 1985.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Chesapeake Bay Program</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>15.3178</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>cont1992</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Square kilometers of conservation tillage implementation for the year 1992.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Chesapeake Bay Program</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>14.75</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>cont2002</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Square kilometers of conservation tillage implementation for the year 2002.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Chesapeake Bay Program</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>10.1602</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>cont2012</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Square kilometers of conservation tillage implementation for the year 2012.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Chesapeake Bay Program</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>12.1966</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>covcrop.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing cover crop data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>U.S. Geological Survey</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>comid</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Common identifier of an NHD Flowline.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Each catchment has a unique identification number. Further information on how the identification numbers are assigned is available here</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>covc2002</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Square kilometers of cover crop implementation for the year 2002.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Chesapeake Bay Program</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.7916</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>covc2012</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Square kilometers of cover crop implementation for the year 2012.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Chesapeake Bay Program</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5.5464</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200821</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Andrew J Sekellick</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Northeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Physical Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>5522 Research Park Drive</address>\n <city>Baltimore</city>\n <state>MD</state>\n <postal>21228</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>443-498-5580</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>443-498-5510</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n <metuc>Record created using USGS Metadata Wizard tool. (</metuc>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Hydrogeophysics Branch](/catalog/item/5a0c6527e4b09af898cd1fd7) 3. [HGB Data Releases](/catalog/item/5a1d9878e4b09fc93dd7bf4f) 4. [Transient Electromagnetics, Passive Seismic, and Borehole Electromagnetics, Gamma, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Methods to Characterize Glacial Sediments in East Falmouth, Massachusetts, Near Nantucket Sound](/catalog/item/5c51d813e4b0708288fb1057) 5. [Transient Electromagnetic Data from East Falmouth MA](/catalog/folder/5cb0cbffe4b0c3b006574147) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5cb0cbffe4b0c3b006574147) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5cb0cbffe4b0c3b006574147) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5cb0cbffe4b0c3b006574147?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2019-04-18Start Date2015End Date2018 ## Citation Johnson, C.D., White, E.A., Phillips, S.N., Pappas, K.L., Hull, R.B., LeBlanc, D.R., and Lane Jr, J.W., 2019, Transient Electromagnetics, Passive Seismic, and Borehole Electromagnetics, Gamma, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Methods to Characterize Glacial Sediments in East Falmouth, Massachusetts, Near Nantucket Sound: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary On June 5, 2015, transient electromagnetic (TEM) data were acquired on the baseball field at the East Falmouth, Massachusetts Elementary School approximately 30 m north the well MA-FWS-750. Transient electromagnetic induction (TEM) surveys provide resistivity soundings of the subsurface, which can be related to lithology and hydrogeology. Electrical current is cycled through a wire placed on the land surface in a transmitter loop (Tx), which in turn produces a static magnetic field. When the current is abruptly terminated, an instantaneous current is induced in the earth, and it moves downward and outward as the induced current decays with time. The decay is controlled by the resistivity of the earth. One or more receivers (Rx) at \[...\] ## Summary On June 5, 2015, transient electromagnetic (TEM) data were acquired on the baseball field at the East Falmouth, Massachusetts Elementary School approximately 30 m north the well MA-FWS-750. Transient electromagnetic induction (TEM) surveys provide resistivity soundings of the subsurface, which can be related to lithology and hydrogeology. Electrical current is cycled through a wire placed on the land surface in a transmitter loop (Tx), which in turn produces a static magnetic field. When the current is abruptly terminated, an instantaneous current is induced in the earth, and it moves downward and outward as the induced current decays with time. The decay is controlled by the resistivity of the earth. One or more receivers (Rx) at the center of the Tx loop measure the secondary magnetic field as a function of time (dB/dt). Voltage that is induced in a coil in the receiver is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic field (dB/dt). Decaying voltage measurements at the receiver are converted to apparent resistivity, which can be inverted to recover the depth-dependent resistivity structure of the earth. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Carole D Johnson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5110) Originator : [Carole D Johnson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5110), [Eric A White](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=11167), [Stephanie N Phillips](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=71056), [Katherine L Pappas](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=73379), [Robert B Hull](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=68134), [Denis R LeBlanc](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5967), [John W. Lane, Jr](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=John+W.+Lane%2C+Jr) Metadata Contact : [Carole D Johnson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5110), [WATER: ESPD HGB](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=WATER%3A+ESPD+HGB) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5cb0cbffe4b0c3b006574147?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5cb0cbffe4b0c3b006574147?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5cb0cbffe4b0c3b006574147?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | East\_Falmouth\_MA\_TEM.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 14.15 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | East\_Falmouth\_MA\ | | 1.31 MB | application/zip | | TEM.jpg | ![thumbnail]( | 171.73 KB | image/jpeg | ## Related External Resources Type: browseImage | | | | --- | --- | | Image of the study area | []( "") | Type: webLink | | | | --- | --- | | readme.txt | []( "") | ## Purpose The purpose of this data release is to provide the geophysical data that were collected to improve understanding of the glacial history and hydrogeologic properties of the unconsolidated aquifer in East Falmouth, Massachusetts, near Nantucket Sound. This subfolder contains transient electromagnetic (TEM) data used to determine the subsurface resistivity structure. ## Preview Image ![Preview Image]( ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5cb0cbffe4b0c3b006574147) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5cb0cbffe4b0c3b006574147) ## Communities - USGS Hydrogeophysics Branch ## Tags Theme - [Borehole Logging](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBorehole+Logging "Borehole Logging (Borehole Logging, Theme, none)") - [Electromagnetic](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DElectromagnetic "Electromagnetic (Electromagnetic, Theme, none)") - [Groundwater](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGroundwater "Groundwater (Groundwater, Theme, none)") - [Resistivity](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DResistivity "Resistivity (Resistivity, Theme, none)") - [TEM](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DTEM "TEM (TEM, Theme, none)") - [Time Domain](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DTime+Domain "Time Domain (Time Domain, Theme, none)") - [Transient Electromagnetic](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DTransient+Electromagnetic "Transient Electromagnetic (Transient Electromagnetic, Theme, none)") - [environment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Denvironment "environment (environment, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [geoscientificInformation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DgeoscientificInformation "geoscientificInformation (geoscientificInformation, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") Place - [East Falmouth](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEast+Falmouth "East Falmouth (East Falmouth, Place, GNIS)") - [Massachusetts](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMassachusetts "Massachusetts (Massachusetts, Place, GNIS)") - [Nantucket Sound](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNantucket+Sound "Nantucket Sound (Nantucket Sound, Place, GNIS)") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Carole D. Johnson</origin>\n <origin>Eric A. White</origin>\n <origin>Stephanie N. Phillips</origin>\n <origin>Katherine L. Pappas</origin>\n <origin>Robert B. Hull</origin>\n <origin>Denis R. LeBlanc</origin>\n <origin>John W. Lane, Jr</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Transient Electromagnetics, Passive Seismic, and Borehole Electromagnetics, Gamma, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Methods to Characterize Glacial Sediments in East Falmouth, Massachusetts, Near Nantucket Sound</title>\n <geoform>Zip files with raw instrument (binary) data, text (txt), comma separated (csv) files, Excel (xlsx), and xml files.</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Storrs, CT, USA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>R.B. Hull</origin>\n <origin>C.D. Johnson</origin>\n <origin>B.D.Stone</origin>\n <origin>D.R.LeBlanc</origin>\n <origin>T.D. McCobb</origin>\n <origin>S.N. Phillips</origin>\n <origin>K.L. Pappas</origin>\n <origin>J.W. Lane, Jr.</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Lithostratigraphic, Geophysical, and Hydrogeologic Observations From a Boring Drilled to Bedrock in Glacial Sediments Near Nantucket Sound in East Falmouth, Massachusetts</title>\n <geoform>Publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>USA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S.Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>On June 5, 2015, transient electromagnetic (TEM) data were acquired on the baseball field at the East Falmouth, Massachusetts Elementary School approximately 30 m north the well MA-FWS-750. Transient electromagnetic induction (TEM) surveys provide resistivity soundings of the subsurface, which can be related to lithology and hydrogeology. Electrical current is cycled through a wire placed on the land surface in a transmitter loop (Tx), which in turn produces a static magnetic field. When the current is abruptly terminated, an instantaneous current is induced in the earth, and it moves downward and outward as the induced current decays with time. The decay is controlled by the resistivity of the earth. One or more receivers (Rx) at the center of the Tx loop measure the secondary magnetic field as a function of time (dB/dt). Voltage that is induced in a coil in the receiver is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic field (dB/dt). Decaying voltage measurements at the receiver are converted to apparent resistivity, which can be inverted to recover the depth-dependent resistivity structure of the earth.</abstract>\n <purpose>The geophysical data were collected to improve understanding of the glacial history and hydrologic properties of the Cape Cod aquifer.</purpose>\n <supplinf>Support is provided for correcting errors in the data release and clarification of the study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey. Users are encouraged to review the associated journal article to understand the purpose, collection, and limitations of these data.</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>2015</begdate>\n <enddate>2018</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-70.5614650</westbc>\n <eastbc>-70.5602342</eastbc>\n <northbc>41.5762190</northbc>\n <southbc>41.5752482</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>geoscientificInformation</themekey>\n <themekey>environment</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>none</themekt>\n <themekey>Groundwater</themekey>\n <themekey>Electromagnetic</themekey>\n <themekey>Time Domain</themekey>\n <themekey>Transient Electromagnetic</themekey>\n <themekey>TEM</themekey>\n <themekey>Resistivity</themekey>\n <themekey>Borehole Logging</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5cb0cbffe4b0c3b006574147</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>GNIS</placekt>\n <placekey>Massachusetts</placekey>\n <placekey>Nantucket Sound</placekey>\n <placekey>East Falmouth</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>This data release is in the public domain. Acknowledgement of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from this data release.</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Carole D. Johnson</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>11 Sherman Place, Unit 5015</address>\n <city>Storrs</city>\n <state>CT</state>\n <postal>06269</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>860-487-7402</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <browse>\n <browsen></browsen>\n <browsed>Image of the study area</browsed>\n <browset>jpg</browset>\n </browse>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Results were compared to published results from this area.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record and the associated journal article for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The methods are fully documented in the associated USGS SIR</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Collection:\nTEM data were collected using an ABEM WalkTEM unit (acquisition software Version using a 40-m by 40-m square transmitter loop, two center-loop receivers (0.5 by 0.5 meters squared (m^2) and 10 by 10 m^2 in size), and dual currents of about 2 and 8 amperes (A), which correspond to low and high moments of 240 and 30 Hz, respectively. Measurement cycles were stacked 15 times, and 3 to 5 measurements were taken. In post processing, TEM survey data were filtered, stacked, and averaged for both transmitted currents and measurements at both receivers. The four decay curves (for both currents and both receivers) were inverted together. \n\nThe TEM data were processed with ViewTEM v2.0.2.0 ( to generate an average time-series decay curve with the removal of noisy data points, including removal of early time data prior to the complete termination the current and late-time data that were below the noise floor (or in the background noise). The TEM data were inverted without constraint using both smooth model and layered model approaches using methods described by White and others, 2016. The smooth model had 20 layers, and the layered model had 5 layers. The starting model for both inversion approaches used the average resistivity for the sounding. A depth of investigation analysis was completed for the sounding using methods described by Christiansen and Auken (2012). This data release includes the raw and processed TEM data and inverted soundings showing resistivity (in ohm-meters) with depth.\n\nReferences:\n\nChristiansen, A. V. and Auken, E., 2012 , A global measure for depth of investigation, Geophysics, v 77, no. 4, p. WB171-WB177 7 p. doi: 10.1190/geo2011-0393.1. \n\nWhite, E.A., Lane, J.W., Day-Lewis, F.D., Johnson, C.D., and Werkema D, 2016, Application of frequency- and time-domain electromagnetic surveys to characterize hydrostratigraphy and landfill construction at the Amargosa Desert Research Site, Beatty, Nevada in Proceedings, SAGEEP 2016, March 20-24, 2016, Denver, Colorado: Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS), Denver, Colorado.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20170814</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>None</indspref>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>0.0197749994</latres>\n <longres>0.0236166497</longres>\n <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>D_WGS_1984</horizdn>\n <ellips>WGS_1984</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257223563</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl></enttypl>\n <enttypd>Transient electromagnetic surveys</enttypd>\n <enttypds>U.S. Geological Survey</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n </detailed>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Transient electromagnetic (TEM) sounding data are provided in a compressed file that contains the raw ASCII data files, binary files, and inversion output files. Raw data are provided in space-delimited ASCII format in files (ending and comma-separated files (ending in .csv) with average decaying magnetic field (in V/m^2*A) for time gates arranged in column format. There are 34 time gates. Each line in the xyz file that starts with a \xe2\x80\x9c/\xe2\x80\x9d indicates a comment line with information about that survey. All terms and field names are defined in the TEM_dictionary.csv provided with this data release in Raw data files (ending in gdb) are preserved in their original and unfiltered format, which can be opened using commercially available software including ViewTEM, SPIA, and WorkBench (\n\nInversion output files are provided in space delimited ASCII format in files (ending in with resistivity (in ohm-m) for each layer of the output model. These results are output from ViewTEM (Version.2.0.2) using a smooth 20-layer inversion. Each line that starts with a \xe2\x80\x9c/\xe2\x80\x9d indicates a comment line with information about that survey. In addition, data are provided in comma-separated files (ending in .csv). All terms and field names are defined in the TEM_ data dictionary.csv provided with this data release.\n\nThe file also includes a file showing a plot of the output models in Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf).</eaover>\n <eadetcit>See ReadMe files for details.</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Data: Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. Processed Data: Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS or the U.S. Government shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>readme.txt</formname>\n <formvern>WinZip9.0</formvern>\n <formspec>ASCII text file</formspec>\n <formcont>This ASCII text file describes the data release.</formcont>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200818</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Carole D Johnson</cntper>\n <cntorg>WATER: ESP HGB</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>11 Sherman Place</address>\n <city>Storrs</city>\n <state>CT</state>\n <postal>06279</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>860-487-7402 x17</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [One Meter Topobathymetric Digital Elevation Model for Lake Powell, Arizona-Utah, 1947-2018](/catalog/folder/5c6c1e4be4b0fe48cb3e59e1) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5c6c1e4be4b0fe48cb3e59e1) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5c6c1e4be4b0fe48cb3e59e1) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5c6c1e4be4b0fe48cb3e59e1?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-06-03Start Date1947-01-01End Date2018-04-03 ## Citation Poppenga, S.K., Danielson, J.J., and Tyler, D.J., 2020, One Meter Topobathymetric Digital Elevation Model for Lake Powell, Arizona-Utah, 1947-2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary To support the modeling of the Colorado River water storage area capacity tables by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Utah Water Science Center in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Utah and Arizona, the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center has created an integrated 1-meter topobathymetric digital elevation model (TBDEM) for Lake Powell, the second largest man-made reservoir in the United States. Located in south-central Utah and north-central Arizona, Lake Powell is a reservoir on the Colorado River created by the flooding of a natural canyon by the construction of Glen Canyon Dam. The new Lake Powell TBDEM consists of the best available multi-source topographic and bathymetric elevation data for Lake \[...\] ## Summary To support the modeling of the Colorado River water storage area capacity tables by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Utah Water Science Center in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Utah and Arizona, the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center has created an integrated 1-meter topobathymetric digital elevation model (TBDEM) for Lake Powell, the second largest man-made reservoir in the United States. Located in south-central Utah and north-central Arizona, Lake Powell is a reservoir on the Colorado River created by the flooding of a natural canyon by the construction of Glen Canyon Dam. The new Lake Powell TBDEM consists of the best available multi-source topographic and bathymetric elevation data for Lake Powell onshore and offshore areas. The Lake Powell TBDEM integrates three different data sources including topographic light detection and ranging (lidar) point cloud data, multibeam bathymetric surveys, and historic topographic surveys obtained from the Department of the Interior (DOI) Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) and USGS Woods Hole Coastal Marine Science Center. The topographic, bathymetric, and historic topographic surveys were sorted and prioritized based on survey date, accuracy, spatial distribution, and point density to develop a TBDEM model based on the best available elevation data. The Lake Powell TBDEM spatial resolution is 1-meter with the general location ranging from Glen Canyon Dam northwest of Page, Arizona to White Canyon, Utah with elevations from 948.28 meters to 1440.94 meters referenced to North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), National Geodetic Survey Geoid 12B. The topographic lidar survey was acquired from 4/2/18 to 4/3/18. The bathymetry survey was acquired from 10/8/17 to 11/15/17. The historic topographic surveys ranged from 1947-1959. Some of the nearshore void zone (not covered by lidar or multibeam) was filled with historic topographic surveys digitized from historical maps from 1947-1959 and a kriging interpolation as published by the USGS Coastal National Elevation Database (CoNED) Applications Project at Additional information regarding the CoNED Applications Project is located at ## Contacts Point of Contact : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey), [Jeffrey J Danielson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Jeffrey+J+Danielson) Process Contact : [Jeff Danielson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Jeff+Danielson), [U.S. Geological Survey, Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey%2C+Earth+Resources+Observation+and+Science+%28EROS%29+Center) Originator : [Sandra Poppenga](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=8217), [Jeffrey J Danielson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=2309), [Dean Tyler](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10597), [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Metadata Contact : [USGS](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=USGS), [EROS Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=EROS+Center) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Land Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Land+Resources) SDC Data Owner : [Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17122) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5c6c1e4be4b0fe48cb3e59e1?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5c6c1e4be4b0fe48cb3e59e1?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5c6c1e4be4b0fe48cb3e59e1?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Lake\_Powell\_TBDEM\_FGDC\_Metadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 34.57 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Lake\_Powell\_TBDEM\_Data Management Plan.docx<br>“Lake Powell Data Management Plan” | | 15.89 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document | | Lake\_Powell\_Spatial\_Metadata\_Dictionary.docx<br>“Lake Powell Spatial Metadata Dictionary” | | 104.37 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document | | Lake\_Powell\_TBDEM\_Spatial\<br>“Lake Powell Spatial Metadata” | | 57.53 MB | application/zip | | lake\_powell\<br>“Lake Powell Topobathymetric Digital Elevation Model (TBDEM)” | | 2.5 GB | application/zip | ## Related External Resources Type: Online Link | | | | --- | --- | | Web Link | []( "") | ## Purpose As a collaboration between the USGS and the BOR Upper Colorado Region Water Resource Group, disparate lidar, bathymetry, and historic topographic survey sources were integrated into a common 3D database aligned both vertically and horizontally to a common reference system for water storage modeling. This project uses methods developed by the USGS CoNED Application Project. CoNED Project TBDEMs provide a required seamless elevation product for several science application studies such as shoreline delineation, coastal inundation mapping, sediment-transport, sea-level rise, storm surge models, tsunami impact assessment, and also to analyze the impact of various climate change scenarios on coastal regions. The raster topobathymetric elevation product, the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata, and the spatially referenced metadata are contained in the downloadable bundle. Spatially referenced metadata are contained within an ESRI geodatabase that contains footprints for each of the input source areas. References: Danielson, J.J., Poppenga, S.K., Brock, J.C., Evans, G.A., Tyler, D.J., Gesch, D.B., Thatcher, C.A., and Barras, J.A., 2016, Topobathymetric elevation model development using a new methodology-Coastal National Elevation Database: Journal of Coastal Research, SI no. 76, p. 75-89, at Thatcher, C.A., Brock, J.C., Danielson, J.J., Poppenga, S.K., Gesch, D.B., Palaseanu-Lovejoy, M.E., Barras, J.A., Evans, G.A., and Gibbs, A.E., 2016, Creating a Coastal National Elevation Database (CoNED) for science and conservation applications: Journal of Coastal Research, SI no. 76, p. 64-74, at Andrews, B.D., Baldwin, W.E., Worley, C.R., Baskin, R.L., Denny, J.F., Foster, D.S., Irwin, B.J., Moore, E.M., and Nichols, A.R., 2018, High-resolution geophysical data collected in Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona, U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2017-049-FA: U.S. Geological Survey data release, Parker, J., 2019, Lake Powell Light Detection and Ranging (lidar), Bureau of Reclamation Upper Colorado Water Resources Group, and The Atlantic Group LLC. Root, J.C., Hynek, S.A., DiViesti, D.N., Gushue, T.M., 2019, Digital Elevation Model of Glen Canyon Prior to the Flooding of Lake Powell from Historic Topographic Surveys, Utah and Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5c6c1e4be4b0fe48cb3e59e1) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5c6c1e4be4b0fe48cb3e59e1) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [3D Elevation Program](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3D3D+Elevation+Program "3D Elevation Program (3D Elevation Program, Theme, None)") - [3DEP](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3D3DEP "3DEP (3DEP, Theme, None)") - [Acoustic Sonar](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAcoustic+Sonar "Acoustic Sonar (Acoustic Sonar, Theme, None)") - [Bathymetric](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBathymetric "Bathymetric (Bathymetric, Theme, None)") - [Bathymetry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBathymetry "Bathymetry (Bathymetry, Theme, None)") - [CoNED](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCoNED "CoNED (CoNED, Theme, None)") - [Coastal National Elevation Database](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCoastal+National+Elevation+Database "Coastal National Elevation Database (Coastal National Elevation Database, Theme, None)") - [Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCoastal+and+Marine+Hazards+and+Resources+Program "Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program (Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program, Theme, None)") - [Digital Elevation Model](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDigital+Elevation+Model "Digital Elevation Model (Digital Elevation Model, Theme, None)") - [Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEarth+Resources+Observation+and+Science+%28EROS%29+Center "Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center (Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center, Theme, None)") - [Flood Inundation Modeling](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DFlood+Inundation+Modeling "Flood Inundation Modeling (Flood Inundation Modeling, Theme, None)") - [Historic Contours](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHistoric+Contours "Historic Contours (Historic Contours, Theme, None)") - [Historic Topographic Surveys](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHistoric+Topographic+Surveys "Historic Topographic Surveys (Historic Topographic Surveys, Theme, None)") - [Hydrologic Modeling](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHydrologic+Modeling "Hydrologic Modeling (Hydrologic Modeling, Theme, None)") - [Inland Bathymetry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DInland+Bathymetry "Inland Bathymetry (Inland Bathymetry, Theme, None)") - [Lidar](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLidar "Lidar (Lidar, Theme, None)") - [Light Detection and Ranging](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLight+Detection+and+Ranging "Light Detection and Ranging (Light Detection and Ranging, Theme, None)") - [National Standards for Spatial Digital Accuracy](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNational+Standards+for+Spatial+Digital+Accuracy "National Standards for Spatial Digital Accuracy (National Standards for Spatial Digital Accuracy, Theme, None)") - [Reservoir Storage Capacity](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DReservoir+Storage+Capacity "Reservoir Storage Capacity (Reservoir Storage Capacity, Theme, None)") - [Topobathymetric](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DTopobathymetric "Topobathymetric (Topobathymetric, Theme, None)") - [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DU.S.+Geological+Survey "U.S. Geological Survey (U.S. Geological Survey, Theme, None)") - [USGS](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS "USGS (USGS, Theme, None)") - [elevation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Delevation "elevation (elevation, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [geoscientificInformation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DgeoscientificInformation "geoscientificInformation (geoscientificInformation, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [inlandWaters](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DinlandWaters "inlandWaters (inlandWaters, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") Place - [Arizona](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DArizona "Arizona (Arizona, Place, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States, and associated areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology)") - [Colorado River](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DColorado+River "Colorado River (Colorado River, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [County of Coconino](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCounty+of+Coconino "County of Coconino (County of Coconino, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [County of Garfield](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCounty+of+Garfield "County of Garfield (County of Garfield, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [County of Kane](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCounty+of+Kane "County of Kane (County of Kane, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [County of San Juan](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCounty+of+San+Juan "County of San Juan (County of San Juan, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Escalante River](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEscalante+River "Escalante River (Escalante River, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Glen Canyon Dam](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGlen+Canyon+Dam "Glen Canyon Dam (Glen Canyon Dam, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Glen Canyon National Recreation Area](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGlen+Canyon+National+Recreation+Area "Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Lake Powell](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLake+Powell "Lake Powell (Lake Powell, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [San Juan River](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSan+Juan+River "San Juan River (San Juan River, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [State of Arizona](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DState+of+Arizona "State of Arizona (State of Arizona, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [State of Utah](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DState+of+Utah "State of Utah (State of Utah, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [U.S.](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DU.S. "U.S. (U.S., Place, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, and their principal administrative divisions, Federal Information Processing Standard 10-4,): Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology)") - [US](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUS "US (US, Place, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, and their principal administrative divisions, Federal Information Processing Standard 10-4,): Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology)") - [USA](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSA "USA (USA, Place, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, and their principal administrative divisions, Federal Information Processing Standard 10-4,): Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology)") - [United States](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+States "United States (United States, Place, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, and their principal administrative divisions, Federal Information Processing Standard 10-4,): Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology)") - [Utah](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUtah "Utah (Utah, Place, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States, and associated areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology)") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | doi | | doi:10.5066/P9XX0J1Y | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Poppenga, S.K., USGS EROS</origin>\n <origin>Tyler, D.J., USGS EROS</origin>\n <origin>Danielson, J.J., USGS EROS</origin>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey</origin>\n <pubdate>20200603</pubdate>\n <title>One Meter Topobathymetric Digital Elevation Model for Lake Powell, Arizona-Utah, 1947-2018</title>\n <geoform>raster digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>ScienceBase, Denver, CO</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>Danielson, J.J., Poppenga, S.K., Brock, J.C., Evans, G.A., Tyler, D.J., Gesch, D.B., Thatcher, C.A., and Barras, J.A. , 2016, Topobathymetric elevation model development using a new methodology-Coastal National Elevation Database: Journal of Coastal Research, SI no. 76, p. 75-89, at</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Danielson, Jeffrey J., USGS EROS</origin>\n <origin>Poppenga, Sandra K. USGS EROS</origin>\n <origin>Brock, John C., USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program</origin>\n <origin>Evans, Gayla A., USGS EROS</origin>\n <origin>Tyler, Dean J., USGS EROS</origin>\n <origin>Gesch, Dean B., USGS EROS</origin>\n <origin>Thatcher, Cindy A., USGS NGP</origin>\n <origin>Barras, John A. USGS St. Petersburg Coastal &amp; Marine Science Center-Baton Rouge Colocation Office</origin>\n <pubdate>20161230</pubdate>\n <title>Topobathymetric Elevation Model Development using a New Methodology: Coastal National Elevation Database</title>\n <geoform>Publication (Journal)</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Journal of Coastal Research</sername>\n <issue>Special Issue no. 76</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>5130 NW 54th St., Coconut Creek, FL 33073</pubplace>\n <publish>Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc.</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>To support the modeling of the Colorado River water storage area capacity tables by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Utah Water Science Center in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Utah and Arizona, the USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center has created an integrated 1-meter topobathymetric digital elevation model (TBDEM) for Lake Powell, the second largest man-made reservoir in the United States. Located in south-central Utah and north-central Arizona, Lake Powell is a reservoir on the Colorado River created by the flooding of a natural canyon by the construction of Glen Canyon Dam. The new Lake Powell TBDEM consists of the best available multi-source topographic and bathymetric elevation data for Lake Powell onshore and offshore areas. The Lake Powell TBDEM integrates three different data sources including topographic light detection and ranging (lidar) point cloud data, multibeam bathymetric surveys, and historic topographic surveys obtained from the Department of the Interior (DOI) Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) and USGS Woods Hole Coastal Marine Science Center. The topographic, bathymetric, and historic topographic surveys were sorted and prioritized based on survey date, accuracy, spatial distribution, and point density to develop a TBDEM model based on the best available elevation data. The Lake Powell TBDEM spatial resolution is 1-meter with the general location ranging from Glen Canyon Dam northwest of Page, Arizona to White Canyon, Utah with elevations from 948.28 meters to 1440.94 meters referenced to North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), National Geodetic Survey Geoid 12B. The topographic lidar survey was acquired from 4/2/18 to 4/3/18. The bathymetry survey was acquired from 10/8/17 to 11/15/17. The historic topographic surveys ranged from 1947-1959. Some of the nearshore void zone (not covered by lidar or multibeam) was filled with historic topographic surveys digitized from historical maps from 1947-1959 and a kriging interpolation as published by the USGS Coastal National Elevation Database (CoNED) Applications Project at Additional information regarding the CoNED Applications Project is located at</abstract>\n <purpose>As a collaboration between the USGS and the BOR Upper Colorado Region Water Resource Group, disparate lidar, bathymetry, and historic topographic survey sources were integrated into a common 3D database aligned both vertically and horizontally to a common reference system for water storage modeling. This project uses methods developed by the USGS CoNED Application Project. CoNED Project TBDEMs provide a required seamless elevation product for several science application studies such as shoreline delineation, coastal inundation mapping, sediment-transport, sea-level rise, storm surge models, tsunami impact assessment, and also to analyze the impact of various climate change scenarios on coastal regions. The raster topobathymetric elevation product, the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) metadata, and the spatially referenced metadata are contained in the downloadable bundle. Spatially referenced metadata are contained within an ESRI geodatabase that contains footprints for each of the input source areas. References: Danielson, J.J., Poppenga, S.K., Brock, J.C., Evans, G.A., Tyler, D.J., Gesch, D.B., Thatcher, C.A., and Barras, J.A., 2016, Topobathymetric elevation model development using a new methodology-Coastal National Elevation Database: Journal of Coastal Research, SI no. 76, p. 75-89, at Thatcher, C.A., Brock, J.C., Danielson, J.J., Poppenga, S.K., Gesch, D.B., Palaseanu-Lovejoy, M.E., Barras, J.A., Evans, G.A., and Gibbs, A.E., 2016, Creating a Coastal National Elevation Database (CoNED) for science and conservation applications: Journal of Coastal Research, SI no. 76, p. 64-74, at Andrews, B.D., Baldwin, W.E., Worley, C.R., Baskin, R.L., Denny, J.F., Foster, D.S., Irwin, B.J., Moore, E.M., and Nichols, A.R., 2018, High-resolution geophysical data collected in Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona, U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2017-049-FA: U.S. Geological Survey data release, Parker, J., 2019, Lake Powell Light Detection and Ranging (lidar), Bureau of Reclamation Upper Colorado Water Resources Group, and The Atlantic Group LLC. Root, J.C., Hynek, S.A., DiViesti, D.N., Gushue, T.M., 2019, Digital Elevation Model of Glen Canyon Prior to the Flooding of Lake Powell from Historic Topographic Surveys, Utah and Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey data release,</purpose>\n <supplinf>The data obtained through ScienceBase at are considered to be the "best available" data from the USGS. For questions on distribution, please refer to the Distribution Section, Contact Information. For processing, please refer to the Data Quality Section, Processing Step, Contact Information.</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19470101</begdate>\n <enddate>20180403</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>As needed</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-111.6206</westbc>\n <eastbc>-110.1377</eastbc>\n <northbc>38.0066</northbc>\n <southbc>36.8323</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>elevation</themekey>\n <themekey>geoscientificInformation</themekey>\n <themekey>inlandWaters</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS</themekey>\n <themekey>U.S. Geological Survey</themekey>\n <themekey>Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program</themekey>\n <themekey>Coastal National Elevation Database</themekey>\n <themekey>CoNED</themekey>\n <themekey>3D Elevation Program</themekey>\n <themekey>3DEP</themekey>\n <themekey>Topobathymetric</themekey>\n <themekey>Digital Elevation Model</themekey>\n <themekey>Light Detection and Ranging</themekey>\n <themekey>Lidar</themekey>\n <themekey>Bathymetry</themekey>\n <themekey>Acoustic Sonar</themekey>\n <themekey>Bathymetric</themekey>\n <themekey>Inland Bathymetry</themekey>\n <themekey>Hydrologic Modeling</themekey>\n <themekey>Reservoir Storage Capacity</themekey>\n <themekey>Flood Inundation Modeling</themekey>\n <themekey>National Standards for Spatial Digital Accuracy</themekey>\n <themekey>Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center</themekey>\n <themekey>Historic Topographic Surveys</themekey>\n <themekey>Historic Contours</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5c6c1e4be4b0fe48cb3e59e1</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States, and associated areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology</placekt>\n <placekey>Arizona</placekey>\n <placekey>Utah</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System</placekt>\n <placekey>Lake Powell</placekey>\n <placekey>Colorado River</placekey>\n <placekey>Glen Canyon Dam</placekey>\n <placekey>Glen Canyon National Recreation Area</placekey>\n <placekey>State of Arizona</placekey>\n <placekey>State of Utah</placekey>\n <placekey>Escalante River</placekey>\n <placekey>San Juan River</placekey>\n <placekey>County of Coconino</placekey>\n <placekey>County of Garfield</placekey>\n <placekey>County of Kane</placekey>\n <placekey>County of San Juan</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>U.S. Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, dependencies, areas of special sovereignty, and their principal administrative divisions, Federal Information Processing Standard 10-4,): Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology</placekt>\n <placekey>US</placekey>\n <placekey>U.S.</placekey>\n <placekey>United States</placekey>\n <placekey>USA</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>Any acquisition or use of these data signifies a user\'s agreement to comprehension and compliance of the USGS Standard Disclaimer. Ensure all portions of metadata are read and clearly understood before using these data in order to protect both user and USGS interests.</accconst>\n <useconst>There is no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of the data. Users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since these data were collected and that some parts of these data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. Users should not use these data for critical applications without a full awareness of its limitations. These data should not be used for navigation purposes. Acknowledgement of the originating agencies would be appreciated in products derived from these data. Any user who modifies the data is obligated to describe the types of modifications they perform. User specifically agrees not to misrepresent the data, nor to imply that changes made were approved or endorsed by the USGS. Please refer to for the USGS disclaimer.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>Jeffrey J Danielson</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntpos>Physical Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>47914 252nd Street</address>\n <city>Sioux Falls</city>\n <state>SD</state>\n <postal>57198</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>605-594-6148</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>605-594-6529</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Please refer to the Data Quality Section, Source Citations for original source data information.</datacred>\n <secinfo>\n <secsys>None</secsys>\n <secclass>Unclassified</secclass>\n <sechandl>None</sechandl>\n </secinfo>\n <native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise (2018); Esri ArcGIS 10.6.1</native>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>The Lake Powell TBDEM horizontal accuracy for the integrated topobathymetric digital elevation model was not assessed quantitatively.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>The Lake Powell TBDEM vertical accuracy is based upon the input source data. No quantitative assessment was done on vertical accuracy due to the lack of independent reference control point data.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jed Parker, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Upper Colorado Water Resources Group / Atlantic</origin>\n <origin>Nathan Clifton, P.E. Resources Programs Group, Regional Science Coordinator Bureau of Reclamation | Interior Region 7 | Upper Colorado Basin | Resource Management Division 125 South State Street Room 8100 Salt Lake City, UT 84138-1147, 801-524-3613</origin>\n <pubdate>20200428</pubdate>\n <title>2018 Lake Powell Arizona-Utah light detection and ranging (lidar) bare earth point cloud</title>\n <geoform>vector digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Salt Lake City, Utah</pubplace>\n <publish>DOI Bureau of Reclamation</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>For additional information regarding the lidar point cloud dataset, see Web site updated 4/28/20.</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20180402</begdate>\n <enddate>20180403</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>ground condition</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Bureau of Reclamation Lake Powell Lidar</srccitea>\n <srccontr>During a two-day airborne acquisition survey of Lake Powell by Atlantic in north-central Arizona and south-central Utah on April 2-3, 2018, topographic lidar was acquired in six (6) flight missions using Pacific Aerospace PAC750XL (N750VX) outfitted with a Leica ALS70-HP topographic lidar system during the collection of the project area with a maximum flying height of 3500 m AGL. Airborne GPS and IMU data were collected during the acquisition and supported by Topcon Viper GPS. The 2018 Bureau of Reclamation Lake Powell project encompassed an area of 203,520 acres, 824 sq km (318 sq mi.). Ground Conditions: water at normal levels; no unusual inundation; no snow; leaf off. Class Code:1 Class Item: Undetermined/Unclassified Class Code:2 Class Item: Bare Earth Class Code:7 Class Item: Low Noise Class Code:9 Class Item:Water Class Code:10 Class Item:Rail (Break line buffer) Class Code:17 Class Item:Bridges Class Code:18 Class Item:High Noise. A ground control survey was performed to support the lidar acquisition. The control network involved a total of twenty-eight (28) check points (21 NVA + 7 VVA). The points were a combination of the following ground cover classification: Open Terrain, Urban Terrain, Bare Earth, Brush and High Grass. The source lidar non-vegetated vertical accuracy (NVA) and vegetated vertical accuracy are as follows: Non-vegetated Vertical Accuracy (NVA) and Vegetated Vertical Accuracy (VVA) Broad Land Cover Type # of Points RMSEz 95% Confidence Level 95th Percentile Broad Land Cover Type NVA of Point Cloud; Type # of Points 21; RMSEz 0.048; 95% Confidence Level 0.094 Broad Land Cover Type NVA of Bare Earth; Type # of Points 21; RMSEz 0.051; 95% Confidence Level 0.099 Broad Land Cover Type NVA of DEM; Type # of Points 12; RMSEz 0.068; 95% Confidence Level 0.134 Broad Land Cover Type VVA of Bare Earth; Type # of Points 7; RMSEz 0.061; 95th Percentile 0.092</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey, Andrews, B.D., Baldwin, W.E., Worley, C.R., Baskin, R.L., Denny, J.F., Foster, D.S., Irwin, B.J., Moore, E.M., and Nichols, A.R.</origin>\n <pubdate>20181022</pubdate>\n <title>2017 Lake Powell Arizona-Utah Multibeam Bathymetry</title>\n <geoform>raster digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Denver, CO</pubplace>\n <publish>USGS ScienceBase</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>Andrews, B.D., Baldwin, W.E., Worley, C.R., Baskin, R.L., Denny, J.F., Foster, D.S., Irwin, B.J., Moore, E.M., and Nichols, A.R., 2018, High-resolution geophysical data collected in Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona, U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2017-049-FA: U.S. Geological Survey data release,</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20171008</begdate>\n <enddate>20171115</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>ground condition</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>USGS Lake Powell Bathymetry</srccitea>\n <srccontr>High-resolution geophysical mapping of Lake Powell in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Utah and Arizona was conducted between October 8 and November 15, 2017, using a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder as part of a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Reclamation to provide high-quality data needed to reassess the area-capacity tables for the Lake Powell reservoir. These data are published in ScienceBase located at Vertical accuracy of the raw data based on system specifications may be approximately 1 percent of water depth (ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 meters based on the water depth range of less than 5 meters to approximately 150 meters within the survey area). The Applanix Wavemaster POS MV Attitude and Positioning system, used to correct for vessel roll, pitch, heave, and yaw, has a theoretical vertical accuracy of a few mm. Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) GPS height corrections (from Applanix POSPac smoothed best estimate of trajectory (SBET) files) were used to reference soundings to the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) ellipsoid and remove water depth fluctuations in lake levels during the survey. Fifty-six sound speed profiles acquired with an AML Minos X SVPT sound velocity profiler were used during processing to minimize acoustic refraction artifacts in the bathymetry data. Changes in vessel draft due to water and fuel usage were not considered. Additionally, uncertainty associated with the vertical transformation of the bathymetric grid from WGS 84 (ITRF 2000) to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) using VDatum transformation tool (NOAA) is approximately 7.6 cm as calculated by the VDatum tool (v. 3.8)</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey, Root, J.C., Hynek, S.A., DiViesti, D.N., Gushue, T.M.</origin>\n <pubdate>20190701</pubdate>\n <title>Digital Elevation Model of Glen Canyon Prior to the Flooding of Lake Powell from Historic Topographic Surveys, Utah and Arizona</title>\n <geoform>raster digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Denver, CO</pubplace>\n <publish>USGS ScienceBase</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>Root, J.C., Hynek, S.A., DiViesti, D.N., Gushue, T.M., 2019, Digital Elevation Model of Glen Canyon Prior to the Flooding of Lake Powell from Historic Topographic Surveys, Utah and Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey data release,</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19470101</begdate>\n <enddate>19591231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>ground condition</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>USGS Lake Powell DEM from Historic Topographic Surveys</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Development of a high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) of the pre-Glen Canyon Dam topography in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah and Arizona was initiated to assist the U.S. Geological Survey in its Lake Powell coring program in the fall of 2018. Topographic surveys of Glen Canyon were commissioned by the Bureau of Reclamation during the planning stages for Lake Powell as part of the Colorado River Storage Project. The Colorado River arm was surveyed by Alster and Associates, Inc. at a contour interval of 10-feet from the river surface at the future dam site through where the 3,750-foot contour crosses the channel (above Hite, UT). The San Juan River arm was surveyed by Fairchild Aerial Surveys, Inc. at a contour interval of 20-feet from the confluence between the San Juan and Colorado Rivers through where the 4,100-foot contour crosses the channel (east of Mexican Hat, UT), though this DEM only includes topography up to 3,800 feet. These contour maps were digitized as vector data by the USGS Utah Water Science Center (2018) as well as the National Park Service, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and the Bureau of Reclamation, and Glen Canyon Environmental Studies (1990s). The hydrologically corrected, 2-meter DEM was developed with the Topo to Raster tool in ArcMap (v. 10.6.1).</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>TBDEM INTEGRATION: The principal methodology for developing the integrated TBDEM can be organized into four main components (Danielson, et al, 2016). The topography component consists of the land-based elevation data derived from bare earth lidar point cloud data (Jed Parker, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Upper Colorado Water Resources Group / Atlantic, 2019). The bathymetry component consists of raster data derived from a dual-head Reson T20-P multibeam echosounder (Andrews, B.D., et al, 2018). Because part of the water-covered area was inaccessible by boat, there are some gaps between the topographic and bathymetric datasets. These gaps were filled with historic topographic surveys and an interpolated 10-meter raster. Finally, the "integration component" encompasses the assimilation of the topographic, bathymetric, historic topographic surveys, and interpolated data along the near-shore based on a predefined set of priorities. The end product from the topography, bathymetry, and historic topographic survey components is a raster mosaic made from the topography, bathymetry, historic topographic surveys, and an interpolated surface that fill the gaps. An associated spatial metadata polygon featureclass is provided with the raster.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20190214</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>TOPOGRAPHY PROCESSING COMPONENT: For quality control, the vertical and horizontal datums and projection of the input lidar source were verified to be referenced to NAVD88 and NAD83, UTM. The historic topographic survey data were adjusted from National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD29) (feet) to NAVD88 (meters). The flattened water was removed from two northeast areas of the topographic DEM by applying the rivers and streams mask provided by the vendor.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20190214</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>BATHYMETRY PROCESSING COMPONENT: For the Lake Powell TBDEM, we used the bathymetry grids created by Andrews, B.D., et al. We also used the historic topographic surveys, digitized and generated as a grid, created by Root, J.C., et al., to fill in existing voids from neighboring areas. For two areas in the northeast, we used linear interpolation to fill in void areas. The bathymetry rasters were then resampled using bilinear interpolation to 1-meter spatial resolution to match the input lidar data. For quality control, the vertical and horizontal datums and projection of the input bathymetry and historic topographic surveys source data were verified to be referenced to NAVD88 and NAD83, UTM Zone 12.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20190214</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>GAP-FILLER PROCESSING COMPONENT: a) The bathymetry as collected does not always abut the topography. Because there were sizable gaps between the two datasets, the gaps had to be filled to create a continuous surface. This was done by converting elevations on the edges of the input DEMS to points. b) These points were then interpolated at a cell size of 10 meters using the ArcGIS Topo To Raster tool. This methodology was used on only two areas in the northeast part of the Lake Powell extent.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20190214</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>HISTORIC TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY GAP-FILLER PROCESSING COMPONENT. In the upper reaches of the Lake Powell reservoir, it was necessary to use additional data beyond the source lidar DEM, the source bathymetry (multibeam sonar), and the generated TBDEM mosaic dataset because some of the elevations were intermittently under water. If the elevations were under water, lidar returns were not collected. If the elevations were not under water, the boat could not reach these areas to survey multibeam sonar. Therefore, where these negligible gaps existed, we used historic topographic survey data created by Root, et al. as additional source data for a gap-filling component by extracting raster information and merging it into the TBDEM mosaic dataset. The historic topographic survey data were converted from NGVD29 datum to NAVD88 datum using the VDatum software.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20190416</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>MOSAIC DATASET PROCESSING (INTEGRATION) COMPONENT: a) Using Esri ArcGIS, a mosaic dataset was developed to create an integrated seamless TBDEM composite at a 1-meter cell size (Danielson, et al, 2016). The four raster inputs are the 1-meter topographic DEM, the 2-meter bathymetric DEM, the 2-meter historic topographic surveys surface, and the 10-meter interpolated gap-filler surface. This process included generating spatial seamlines with a blending width of 5 meters. The topographic data were given the highest priority, the bathymetry data were assigned the second highest priority, the historic topographic surveys data were assigned the third highest priority and the gap-filler surface had the lowest priority. These priorities were based on cell size. b) Spatially referenced metadata consisting of polygon footprints that represent each TBDEM source input dataset was generated. The spatial metadata contains attributes that describe source data. Among these attributes are resolution, acquisition date, name, organization, contact, project, Web sites, and topographic or bathymetric data type. c) Seamlines were generated to smooth the transition between neighboring raster. The blending zone width was set to 5 meters. d) A GeoTIFF was generated from the mosaic dataset at a cell size of 1 meter. e) A visual quality assurance assessment was performed on the output composite to review the mosaic seams for artifacts.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20190418</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jeff Danielson</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Physical Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>47914 252nd Street</address>\n <city>Sioux Falls</city>\n <state>SD</state>\n <postal>57198-0001</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>605-594-6148</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>605-594-6589</cntfax>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Raster</direct>\n <rastinfo>\n <rasttype>Grid Cell</rasttype>\n <rowcount>129927</rowcount>\n <colcount>130175</colcount>\n <vrtcount>1</vrtcount>\n </rastinfo>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <gridsys>\n <gridsysn>Universal Transverse Mercator</gridsysn>\n <utm>\n <utmzone>12</utmzone>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer>0.9996</sfctrmer>\n <longcm>-111.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>0</latprjo>\n <feast>500000.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0</fnorth>\n </transmer>\n </utm>\n </gridsys>\n <planci>\n <plance>row and column</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>1.0</absres>\n <ordres>1.0</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>meters</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>NAD83 National Spatial Reference System 2011</horizdn>\n <ellips>GRS 1980</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.2572221010042</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n <vertdef>\n <altsys>\n <altdatum>North American Vertical Datum of 1988, National Geodetic Survey Geoid 12B</altdatum>\n <altres>0.001</altres>\n <altunits>meters</altunits>\n <altenc>Implicit coordinate</altenc>\n </altsys>\n </vertdef>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <overview>\n <eaover>This collection of high-resolution topobathymetric digital elevation data is available in a user-friendly Georeferenced Tagged Image File Format (GeoTIFF) at ScienceBase online at The elevation model has floating point numeric values. Areas where data are incomplete due to lack of full image coverage, or NoData, are represented with the numeric value of -3.40282306074e+038.\nSpatially referenced metadata are contained within an Esri geodatabase that contains footprints with accompanying attribute fields for each of the source input areas. A spatial metadata dictionary contains detailed information about each spatial metadata attribute field name.</eaover>\n <eadetcit>Poppenga, S.K., Tyler, D.J., and Danielson, J.J., 2019, One Meter Topobathymetric Digital Elevation Model for Lake Powell, Arizona-Utah, 1947 to 2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release,</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>USGS ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <resdesc>The topobathymetric data are downloadable at ScienceBase online at</resdesc>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n <techpreq>For usablility, Esri ArcGIS 10.6.1 Suite, Photoshop, Global Mapper, Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL), or equivalent GIS processing software and supporting operating systems are suggested for viewing the spatial metadata.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200818</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>USGS</cntorg>\n <cntper>EROS Center</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntpos>Customer Service Representative</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>47914 252nd Street</address>\n <city>Sioux Falls</city>\n <state>SD</state>\n <postal>57198-0001</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-800-252-4547</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>605-594-6589</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n <mettc>local time</mettc>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Data Release for The dependence of hydroclimate projections in snow-dominated regions of the western U.S. on the choice of statistically downscaled climate data](/catalog/folder/5bef0548e4b08f163c301d58) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5bef0548e4b08f163c301d58) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5bef0548e4b08f163c301d58) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5bef0548e4b08f163c301d58?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2019-02-06Start Date1950-01-01End Date2099-12-31 ## Citation Alder, J.R., and Hostetler, S.W., 2019, Data Release for The dependence of hydroclimate projections in snow-dominated regions of the western U.S. on the choice of statistically downscaled climate data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Climate change information simulated by global climate models is downscaled using statistical methods to translate spatially course regional projections to finer resolutions needed by researchers and managers to assess local climate impacts. Several statistical downscaling methods have been developed over the past fifteen years, resulting in multiple datasets derived by different methods. We apply a simple monthly water-balance model (MWBM) to demonstrate how the differences among these datasets result in disparate projections of snow loss and future changes in runoff. We apply the MWBM to six statistically downscaled datasets for 14 general circulation models (GCMs) from the Climate Model Intercomparison Program Phase 5 (CMIP5) for \[...\] ## Summary Climate change information simulated by global climate models is downscaled using statistical methods to translate spatially course regional projections to finer resolutions needed by researchers and managers to assess local climate impacts. Several statistical downscaling methods have been developed over the past fifteen years, resulting in multiple datasets derived by different methods. We apply a simple monthly water-balance model (MWBM) to demonstrate how the differences among these datasets result in disparate projections of snow loss and future changes in runoff. We apply the MWBM to six statistically downscaled datasets for 14 general circulation models (GCMs) from the Climate Model Intercomparison Program Phase 5 (CMIP5) for the RCP 8.5 emission scenario (1950 - 2099). The statistically downscaled datasets are as follows: BCCA: Bias Corrected Constructed Analogs (Reclamation, 2013) BCSD-C: Bias Corrected Spatial Disaggregation (Reclamation, 2013) BCSD-F: Bias Corrected Spatial Disaggregation (Thrasher et al., 2013) LOCA: Localized Constructed Analogs (Pierce et al., 2014) MACA-L: Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (Abatzoglou & Brown, 2012, bias corrected by Livneh et al., 2013) MACA-M: Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (Abatzoglou & Brown, 2012, bias corrected by METDATA, Abatzoglou, 2013) Users interested in the downscaled temperature and precipitation files are referred to the dataset home pages: BCCA, BCSD-C: [\_cmip\_projections/dcpInterface.html]( BCSD-F: []( LOCA: []( MACA-L, MACA-M: []( The GCMs are the following: bcc-csm1-1, CanESM2, CNRM-CM5, CSIRO-Mk3-6-0, GFDL-ESM2G, GFDL-ESM2M, inmcm4, IPSL-CM5A-LR, IPSL-CM5A-MR, MIROC-ESM, MIROC-ESM-CHEM, MIROC5, MRI-CGCM3, NorESM1-M ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Jay R Alder](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=60598) Originator : [Jay R Alder](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=60598), [Steven W Hostetler](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4739) Metadata Contact : [Jay R Alder](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=60598) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Climate and Land Use Research & Development Program](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=64216) USGS Mission Area : [Land Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Land+Resources) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5bef0548e4b08f163c301d58?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5bef0548e4b08f163c301d58?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5bef0548e4b08f163c301d58?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | mwbw\_wrr2018\_data\_release.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 16.98 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | | | 2.49 GB | application/zip | | | | 2.41 GB | application/zip | | | | 204.69 GB | application/zip | | | | 9.53 GB | application/zip | | | | 6.32 GB | application/zip | | | | 12.57 GB | application/zip | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Alder, J.R., and Hostetler, S.W., 2019, The dependence of hydroclimate projections in snow‐dominated regions of the western U.S. on the choice of statistically downscaled climate data: Water Resources Research, v. 54, | []( "") | Type: Service Link | | | | --- | --- | | OpenDAP | [\_mwbm.html]( "") | ## Purpose The dataset contains snow and runoff projections simulated by the monthly water-balance model (MWBM) when driven by temperature and precipitation time series from six commonly used statistically downscaled datasets. Differences in hydroclimate projections highlight uncertainty stemming from both the GCMs and statistically downscaling methods. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5bef0548e4b08f163c301d58) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5bef0548e4b08f163c301d58) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [BCCA](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBCCA "BCCA (BCCA, Theme, None)") - [BCSD](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBCSD "BCSD (BCSD, Theme, None)") - [LOCA](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLOCA "LOCA (LOCA, Theme, None)") - [MACA](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMACA "MACA (MACA, Theme, None)") - [effects of climate change](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Deffects+of+climate+change "effects of climate change (effects of climate change, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [hydrologic processes](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhydrologic+processes "hydrologic processes (hydrologic processes, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [numerical modeling](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dnumerical+modeling "numerical modeling (numerical modeling, Theme, Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB) keywords)") - [runoff](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drunoff "runoff (runoff, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [snow and ice cover](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsnow+and+ice+cover "snow and ice cover (snow and ice cover, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [snow water equivalent](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsnow+water+equivalent "snow water equivalent (snow water equivalent, Theme, None)") Place - [Contiguous United States](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DContiguous+United+States "Contiguous United States (Contiguous United States, Place, None)") - [United States](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+States "United States (United States, Place, Common geographic areas)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Climatology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DClimatology "Climatology (Climatology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Water Resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Resources "Water Resources (Water Resources, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") Types - [NetCDF OPeNDAP Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DNetCDF+OPeNDAP+Service "NetCDF OPeNDAP Service") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9O9EB1C | ### NetCDF OPeNDAP Service Extension | | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jay Alder</origin>\n <origin>Steve Hostetler</origin>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Data Release for The dependence of hydroclimate projections in snow-dominated regions of the western U.S. on the choice of statistically downscaled climate data</title>\n <geoform>NetCDF</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jay R. Alder</origin>\n <origin>Steven W. Hostetler</origin>\n <pubdate>20181227</pubdate>\n <title>The dependence of hydroclimate projections in snow-dominated regions of the western U.S. on the choice of statistically downscaled climate data</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>American Geophysical Union (AGU)</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Climate change information simulated by global climate models is downscaled using statistical methods to translate spatially course regional projections to finer resolutions needed by researchers and managers to assess local climate impacts. Several statistical downscaling methods have been developed over the past fifteen years, resulting in multiple datasets derived by different methods. We apply a simple monthly water-balance model (MWBM) to demonstrate how the differences among these datasets result in disparate projections of snow loss and future changes in runoff. We apply the MWBM to six statistically downscaled datasets for 14 general circulation models (GCMs) from the Climate Model Intercomparison Program Phase 5 (CMIP5) for the RCP 8.5 emission scenario (1950 - 2099). \n\nThe statistically downscaled datasets are as follows:\nBCCA: Bias Corrected Constructed Analogs (Reclamation, 2013)\nBCSD-C: Bias Corrected Spatial Disaggregation (Reclamation, 2013)\nBCSD-F: Bias Corrected Spatial Disaggregation (Thrasher et al., 2013)\nLOCA: Localized Constructed Analogs (Pierce et al., 2014)\nMACA-L: Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (Abatzoglou &amp; Brown, 2012, bias corrected by Livneh et al., 2013)\nMACA-M: Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (Abatzoglou &amp; Brown, 2012, bias corrected by METDATA, Abatzoglou, 2013)\n\nUsers interested in the downscaled temperature and precipitation files are referred to the dataset home pages:\nBCCA, BCSD-C:\nBCSD-F:\nLOCA:\nMACA-L, MACA-M:\n\nThe GCMs are the following:\nbcc-csm1-1, CanESM2, CNRM-CM5, CSIRO-Mk3-6-0, GFDL-ESM2G, GFDL-ESM2M, inmcm4, IPSL-CM5A-LR, IPSL-CM5A-MR, MIROC-ESM, MIROC-ESM-CHEM, MIROC5, MRI-CGCM3, NorESM1-M</abstract>\n <purpose>The dataset contains snow and runoff projections simulated by the monthly water-balance model (MWBM) when driven by temperature and precipitation time series from six commonly used statistically downscaled datasets. Differences in hydroclimate projections highlight uncertainty stemming from both the GCMs and statistically downscaling methods.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19500101</begdate>\n <enddate>20991231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-125.969</westbc>\n <eastbc>-66.0312</eastbc>\n <northbc>53.9688</northbc>\n <southbc>23.4062</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>Contiguous United States</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>BCSD</themekey>\n <themekey>BCCA</themekey>\n <themekey>LOCA</themekey>\n <themekey>MACA</themekey>\n <themekey>snow water equivalent</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>runoff</themekey>\n <themekey>hydrologic processes</themekey>\n <themekey>snow and ice cover</themekey>\n <themekey>effects of climate change</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB) keywords</themekt>\n <themekey>numerical modeling</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5bef0548e4b08f163c301d58</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>United States</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Contiguous United States</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see 'Distribution Info' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users are advised to read the data set's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jay Alder</cntper>\n <cntorg>Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center / U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Physical Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>104 CEOAS Admin Building</address>\n <city>Corvallis</city>\n <state>OR</state>\n <postal>97331</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>541-737-5629</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Bureau of Reclamation</origin>\n <pubdate>20130507</pubdate>\n <title>Downscaled CMIP3 and CMIP5\nClimate Projections</title>\n <geoform>NetCDF</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>NetCDF</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19500101</begdate>\n <enddate>20991231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>BCCA</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Temperature and precipitation input fields</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Bureau of Reclamation</origin>\n <pubdate>20130507</pubdate>\n <title>Downscaled CMIP3 and CMIP5\nClimate Projections</title>\n <geoform>NetCDF</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>NetCDF</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19500101</begdate>\n <enddate>20991231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>BCSD-C</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Temperature and precipitation input fields</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Bridget Thrasher</origin>\n <origin>Jun Xiong</origin>\n <origin>Weile Wang</origin>\n <origin>Forrest Melton</origin>\n <origin>Andrew Michaelis</origin>\n <origin>Ramakrishna Nemani</origin>\n <pubdate>20130910</pubdate>\n <title>Downscaled Climate Projections Suitable for Resource Management</title>\n <geoform>NetCDF</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union</sername>\n <issue>vol. 94, issue 37</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>American Geophysical Union (AGU)</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>ppg. 321-323</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>NetCDF</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19500101</begdate>\n <enddate>20991231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>BCSD-F</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Temperature and precipitation input fields</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>David W. Pierce</origin>\n <origin>Daniel R. Cayan</origin>\n <origin>Bridget L. Thrasher</origin>\n <pubdate>201412</pubdate>\n <title>Statistical Downscaling Using Localized Constructed Analogs (LOCA)</title>\n <geoform>NetCDF</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Journal of Hydrometeorology</sername>\n <issue>vol. 15, issue 6</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>American Meteorological Society</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>ppg. 2558-2585</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>NetCDF</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19500101</begdate>\n <enddate>20991231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>LOCA</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Temperature and precipitation input fields</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>John T. Abatzoglou</origin>\n <origin>Timothy J. Brown</origin>\n <pubdate>20110317</pubdate>\n <title>A comparison of statistical downscaling methods suited for wildfire applications</title>\n <geoform>NetCDF</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>International Journal of Climatology</sername>\n <issue>vol. 32, issue 5</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>Wiley</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>Bias corrected by Livneh et al., 2013.</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>NetCDF</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19500101</begdate>\n <enddate>20991231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>MACA-L</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Temperature and precipitation input fields.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>John T. Abatzoglou</origin>\n <origin>Timothy J. Brown</origin>\n <pubdate>20110317</pubdate>\n <title>A comparison of statistical downscaling methods suited for wildfire applications</title>\n <geoform>NetCDF</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>International Journal of Climatology</sername>\n <issue>vol. 32, issue 5</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>Wiley</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>Bias corrected by METDATA (Abatzoglou, 2013).</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>NetCDF</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19500101</begdate>\n <enddate>20991231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>MACA-M</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Temperature and precipitation input fields.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The monthly water-balance model (MWBM) was driven by temperature and precipitation time series from six commonly used statistically downscaled datasets. We use the r1i1p1 realization from each of the 14 GCMs. The BCCA, MACA and LOCA datasets were developed to downscale daily data, which we aggregated to monthly averages and use as input to the hydrology model. In datasets that include minimum and maximum but not mean temperature, we derived a mean value by averaging the minimum and maximum.\n\nA description of the MWBM and calibration used herein is found in: \n\nHostetler, S. W., &amp; Alder, J. R. (2016). Implementation and evaluation of a monthly water balance model over the US on an 800 m grid. Water Resources Research, 52(12), 9600\xe2\x80\x939620.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20181101</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>To aid in file compression, the original floating-point output was converted to scaled integers. Data fields must be divided by 10 to obtain the correct value.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20181101</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Simulated snow water equivalent (SWE) and runoff gridded time series for the six datasets are 14 GCMs are provided as a collection of NetCDF files. Both the \xe2\x80\x9csnow\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9crunoff\xe2\x80\x9d variables have units of mm multiplied by 10. Data fields must be divided by 10 to obtain the correct value, which should be done automatically by most software that reads and visualizes NetCDF files. The grids have a missing_value of -999 to mask lakes, oceans, or grid cells without simulated snow and runoff fields. Longitude values range from 0 to 360 degrees.</eaover>\n <eadetcit />\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200831</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jay Alder</cntper>\n <cntorg>Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center / U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Physical Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>104 CEOAS Admin Building</address>\n <city>Corvallis</city>\n <state>OR</state>\n <postal>97331</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>541-737-5629</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Audiomagnetotelluric survey to characterize the Sunnyside porphyry copper system in the Patagonia Mountains, Arizona](/catalog/item/5e19164de4b0ecf25c5bf60a) 4. [Station AMT01; Audio-magnetotelluric survey to characterize the Sunnyside porphyry copper system in the Patagonia Mountains, Arizona](/catalog/folder/5f06282682ce21d4c3f8add3) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5f06282682ce21d4c3f8add3) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5f06282682ce21d4c3f8add3) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5f06282682ce21d4c3f8add3?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-07-13Start Date2008-05-04End Date2008-05-04 ## Citation Reitman, J., Rodriguez, B.D., and Brown, P.J., 2020, Audiomagnetotelluric survey to characterize the Sunnyside porphyry copper system in the Patagonia Mountains, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This dataset includes audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) sounding data collected in 2008 in and near the Patagonia Mountains of southern Arizona. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a series of multidisciplinary studies as part of the Assessment Techniques for Concealed Mineral Resources project funded by the USGS Minerals Resources Program in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service. The USGS used AMT data at six sites along a southwest-northeast profile of about 10 kilometers (km) across the northwest-trending Sunnyside porphyry copper system. ## Summary This dataset includes audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) sounding data collected in 2008 in and near the Patagonia Mountains of southern Arizona. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a series of multidisciplinary studies as part of the Assessment Techniques for Concealed Mineral Resources project funded by the USGS Minerals Resources Program in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service. The USGS used AMT data at six sites along a southwest-northeast profile of about 10 kilometers (km) across the northwest-trending Sunnyside porphyry copper system. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey), [Brian D. Rodriguez](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Brian+D.+Rodriguez) Originator : [Reitman, J.](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Reitman%2C+J.), [Rodriguez, B.D.](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Rodriguez%2C+B.D.), [Brown, P.J.](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Brown%2C+P.J.) Metadata Contact : [Philip Brown](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Philip+Brown), [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5f06282682ce21d4c3f8add3?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5f06282682ce21d4c3f8add3?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5f06282682ce21d4c3f8add3?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 66.73 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | amt01.png | ![thumbnail]( | 203.02 KB | image/png | | BF6-9621.RSP | | 815 Bytes | text/plain | | BF6-9624.RSP | | 815 Bytes | text/plain | | BF6-9625.RSP | | 815 Bytes | text/plain | | BF6-9626.RSP | | 815 Bytes | text/plain | | BF6-9628.RSP | | 815 Bytes | text/plain | | EF-9515X.RSP | | 5.74 KB | text/plain | | EF-9515Y.RSP | | 5.74 KB | text/plain | | EF-9608X.RSP | | 5.74 KB | text/plain | | EF-9608Y.RSP | | 5.74 KB | text/plain | | readme.txt | | 808 Bytes | text/plain | | SP01A1.BP1 | | 5.83 KB | text/plain | | SP01A1.FC6 | | 11.87 KB | application/unknown | | SP01A1.FC7 | | 8.25 KB | application/unknown | | SP01A1.FC8 | | 8.35 KB | application/unknown | | SP01A1.FC9 | | 8.25 KB | application/unknown | | SP01A1.SD6 | | 5.35 KB | text/plain | | SP01A1.SD7 | | 3.9 KB | text/plain | | SP01A1.SD8 | | 5.35 KB | text/plain | | SP01A1.SD9 | | 3.9 KB | text/plain | | SP01A1.TS1 | | 41.13 KB | application/unknown | | SP01A2.FC6 | | 49.4 KB | application/unknown | | SP01A2.FC7 | | 33.27 KB | application/unknown | | SP01A2.FC8 | | 28.3 KB | application/unknown | | SP01A2.FC9 | | 33.27 KB | application/unknown | | SP01A2.SD6 | | 27.01 KB | text/plain | | SP01A2.SD7 | | 18.35 KB | text/plain | | SP01A2.SD8 | | 27.01 KB | text/plain | | SP01A2.SD9 | | 18.35 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01.edi | | 58.4 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-BP\_High\_01.txt | | 16.34 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC6\_01.txt | | 15.45 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC6\_02.txt | | 15.47 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC7\_01.txt | | 15.44 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC7\_02.txt | | 15.45 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC8\_01.txt | | 15.46 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC8\_02.txt | | 15.46 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC9\_01.txt | | 15.6 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC9\_02.txt | | 15.46 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD6\_01.txt | | 17.42 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD6\_02.txt | | 17.44 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD7\_01.txt | | 17.41 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD7\_02.txt | | 17.42 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD8\_01.txt | | 17.43 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD8\_02.txt | | 17.43 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD9\_01.txt | | 17.42 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD9\_02.txt | | 17.43 KB | text/plain | | USA-Arizona-Patagonia\_Mtns-Sunnyside\_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-TS\_High\_01.txt | | 19.93 KB | text/plain | ... show more ... (Attached Files) ## Purpose The purpose of this data release is to provide audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) station locations and data to the public. The primary goal of the AMT survey is to map changes in electrical resistivity with depth that are related to differences in rock type. Characterization of the size and resistivity of the mineralized area beneath overburden were of primary importance to be investigated by these variations in rock types. ## Preview Image ![Preview Image]( ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5f06282682ce21d4c3f8add3) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5f06282682ce21d4c3f8add3) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Theme - [AMT](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAMT "AMT (AMT, Theme, None)") - [Assessment Techniques for Concealed Mineral Resources project](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAssessment+Techniques+for+Concealed+Mineral+Resources+project "Assessment Techniques for Concealed Mineral Resources project (Assessment Techniques for Concealed Mineral Resources project, Theme, None)") - [DOI](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDOI "DOI (DOI, Theme, None)") - [Department of the Interior](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDepartment+of+the+Interior "Department of the Interior (Department of the Interior, Theme, None)") - [GGGSC](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGGGSC "GGGSC (GGGSC, Theme, None)") - [GPS measurement](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGPS+measurement "GPS measurement (GPS measurement, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeology%2C+Geophysics%2C+and+Geochemistry+Science+Center "Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center (Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center, Theme, None)") - [MRP](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMRP "MRP (MRP, Theme, None)") - [MT](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMT "MT (MT, Theme, None)") - [Mineral Resources Program](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMineral+Resources+Program "Mineral Resources Program (Mineral Resources Program, Theme, None)") - [Sunnyside porphyry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSunnyside+porphyry "Sunnyside porphyry (Sunnyside porphyry, Theme, None)") - [U.S. Forest Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DU.S.+Forest+Service "U.S. Forest Service (U.S. Forest Service, Theme, None)") - [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DU.S.+Geological+Survey "U.S. Geological Survey (U.S. Geological Survey, Theme, None)") - [USFS](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSFS "USFS (USFS, Theme, None)") - [USGS](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS "USGS (USGS, Theme, None)") - [apparent resistivity](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dapparent+resistivity "apparent resistivity (apparent resistivity, Theme, None)") - [audiomagnetotelluric](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Daudiomagnetotelluric "audiomagnetotelluric (audiomagnetotelluric, Theme, None)") - [copper](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dcopper "copper (copper, Theme, None)") - [economy](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Deconomy "economy (economy, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [electric field (earth)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Delectric+field+%28earth%29 "electric field (earth) (electric field (earth), Theme, None)") - [geophysics](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgeophysics "geophysics (geophysics, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [geoscientificInformation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DgeoscientificInformation "geoscientificInformation (geoscientificInformation, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [impedance](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dimpedance "impedance (impedance, Theme, None)") - [impedance phase](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dimpedance+phase "impedance phase (impedance phase, Theme, None)") - [impedance strike](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dimpedance+strike "impedance strike (impedance strike, Theme, None)") - [magnetic field (earth)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmagnetic+field+%28earth%29 "magnetic field (earth) (magnetic field (earth), Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [magnetotelluric](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmagnetotelluric "magnetotelluric (magnetotelluric, Theme, None)") - [magnetotelluric surveying](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmagnetotelluric+surveying "magnetotelluric surveying (magnetotelluric surveying, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [sounding](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsounding "sounding (sounding, Theme, None)") - [tipper](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dtipper "tipper (tipper, Theme, None)") Place - [Arizona](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DArizona "Arizona (Arizona, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Patagonia Mountains](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPatagonia+Mountains "Patagonia Mountains (Patagonia Mountains, Place, USGS Geographic Names Information System (GNIS),") - [San Rafael Valley](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSan+Rafael+Valley "San Rafael Valley (San Rafael Valley, Place, USGS Geographic Names Information System (GNIS),") - [Santa Cruz County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSanta+Cruz+County "Santa Cruz County (Santa Cruz County, Place, USGS Geographic Names Information System (GNIS),") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Reitman, J.</origin>\n <origin>Rodriguez, B.D.</origin>\n <origin>Brown, P.J.</origin>\n <pubdate>20200713</pubdate>\n <title>Audiomagnetotelluric survey to characterize the Sunnyside porphyry copper system in the Patagonia Mountains, Arizona; Station AMT01</title>\n <edition>1</edition>\n <geoform>ASCII and Binary Digital Data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Denver, CO</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>Additional information about Originators: Reitman, J.,; Rodriguez, B.D.,; Brown, P.J.,</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This dataset includes audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) sounding data collected in 2008 in and near the Patagonia Mountains of southern Arizona. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a series of multidisciplinary studies as part of the Assessment Techniques for Concealed Mineral Resources project funded by the USGS Minerals Resources Program in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service. The USGS used AMT data at six sites along a southwest-northeast profile of about 10 kilometers (km) across the northwest-trending Sunnyside porphyry copper system.</abstract>\n <purpose>The purpose of this data release is to provide audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) station locations and data to the public. The primary goal of the AMT survey is to map changes in electrical resistivity with depth that are related to differences in rock type. Characterization of the size and resistivity of the mineralized area beneath overburden were of primary importance to be investigated by these variations in rock types.</purpose>\n <supplinf>This data product contains MT transfer functions (TFs), which define the frequency-dependent linear relations between components of electromagnetic (EM) field variations measured at a single site. Two sorts of TF are provided for most sites. All TFs provide input data for subsequent MT inversion and interpretation. They are estimated from the raw EM time series by (a) Fourier transforming data in a series of short overlapping time windows, and (b) applying robust regression methods to the resulting sequence of Fourier coefficients. Remote reference stations were not used because manmade noise sources were assumed to be minimal in this remote area. Apparent resistivities and phases, which can be computed from the off-diagonal components of the impedance tensors, are frequently used in 2-dimensional (2D) interpretations. The EMTF data product includes estimates of the TFs for a range of periods (which may vary, depending on instrumentation and deployment time), as well as estimation error covariances.\nFor more information on the EDI data format:\nWight, David E., 1987, MT/EMAP Data Interchange Standard, Revision 1.0: Society of Exploration Geophysicists technical standards committee report, 77 p., ISBN = 9780931830617, \nThis report can be downloaded for free from the Society of Exploration Geophysics (SEG) Technical Standards website, These metadata document the full suite of MT data for this site and includes the files below. Their contents are described in the entity and attribute section of the metadata.\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01.edi\nBF6-9621.RSP\nBF6-9624.RSP\nBF6-9625.RSP\nBF6-9626.RSP\nBF6-9628.RSP\nEF-9515X.RSP\nEF-9515Y.RSP\nEF-9608X.RSP\nEF-9608Y.RSP\nreadme.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-BP_High_01.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC6_01.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC6_02.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC7_01.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC7_02.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC8_01.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC8_02.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC9_01.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC9_02.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD6_01.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD6_02.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD7_01.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD7_02.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD8_01.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD8_02.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD9_01.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD9_02.txt\nUSA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-TS_High_01.txt\nSP01A1.SD6\nSP01A1.SD7\nSP01A1.SD8\nSP01A1.SD9\nSP01A2.SD6\nSP01A2.SD7\nSP01A2.SD8\nSP01A2.SD9\nSP01A1.FC6\nSP01A1.FC7\nSP01A1.FC8\nSP01A1.FC9\nSP01A2.FC6\nSP01A2.FC7\nSP01A2.FC8\nSP01A2.FC9\nSP01A1.TS1\nSP01A1.BP1</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20080504</begdate>\n <enddate>20080504</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Not planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-110.789223</westbc>\n <eastbc>-110.789223</eastbc>\n <northbc>31.442217</northbc>\n <southbc>31.442217</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>geoscientificInformation</themekey>\n <themekey>economy</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>Department of the Interior</themekey>\n <themekey>DOI</themekey>\n <themekey>U.S. Geological Survey</themekey>\n <themekey>USGS</themekey>\n <themekey>U.S. Forest Service</themekey>\n <themekey>USFS</themekey>\n <themekey>Mineral Resources Program</themekey>\n <themekey>MRP</themekey>\n <themekey>Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center</themekey>\n <themekey>GGGSC</themekey>\n <themekey>Assessment Techniques for Concealed Mineral Resources project</themekey>\n <themekey>electric field (earth)</themekey>\n <themekey>impedance</themekey>\n <themekey>tipper</themekey>\n <themekey>apparent resistivity</themekey>\n <themekey>impedance phase</themekey>\n <themekey>impedance strike</themekey>\n <themekey>magnetotelluric</themekey>\n <themekey>MT</themekey>\n <themekey>audiomagnetotelluric</themekey>\n <themekey>AMT</themekey>\n <themekey>sounding</themekey>\n <themekey>Sunnyside porphyry</themekey>\n <themekey>copper</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>magnetic field (earth)</themekey>\n <themekey>geophysics</themekey>\n <themekey>GPS measurement</themekey>\n <themekey>magnetotelluric surveying</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5f06282682ce21d4c3f8add3</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>USGS Geographic Names Information System (GNIS),</placekt>\n <placekey>San Rafael Valley</placekey>\n <placekey>Patagonia Mountains</placekey>\n <placekey>Santa Cruz County</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Arizona</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>Please see 'Distribution Info' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>There is no guarantee concerning the accuracy of the data. Any user who modifies the data is obligated to describe the types of modifications they perform. Data have been checked to ensure the accuracy. If any errors are detected, please notify the originating office. The U.S. Geological Survey strongly recommends that careful attention be paid to the metadata file associated with these data. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data. User specifically agrees not to misrepresent the data, nor to imply that changes made were approved or endorsed by the U.S. Geological Survey. Please refer to for the USGS disclaimer.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>Brian D. Rodriguez</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntpos>Research Geophysicist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25046, MS 973</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225-0046</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-236-1361</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Data collected by Brian D. Rodriguez and Jay A. Sampson of the Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry Science Center. This project was funded by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Minerals Resources Program (MRP).</datacred>\n <native>MS-DOS version 6.22</native>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>The data have been peer reviewed and compared with related ancillary data.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Data were reviewed for consistency and analyses results were checked for validity.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details. All magnetotelluric stations as part of this survey were included in this data release for the region and time period specified in this metadata.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>Spatial locations were determined from hand-held global positioning system (GPS) devices. In general, the GPS units used by field scientists recorded sample locations to within 10 feet (3 meters) of the true location. The locations were verified using a geographic information system (GIS) and digital topographic maps.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>Elevations were determined from The USGS National Map Bulk Point Query Service based on the USGS 3DEP (3D elevation program) 1/3 arc-second layer (10-meter). Vertical accuracy was not assessed for this specific dataset. The overall absolute vertical accuracy of the seamless DEMs within the conterminous United States (2013), expressed as the root mean square error (RMSE) of 25,310 reference points, was 1.55 meters (USGS, 2014 - The vertical accuracy varies across the U.S. as a result of differences in source DEM quality, terrain relief, land cover, and other factors.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Multiple high frequency time series (TS1 file extension), Fourier Coefficient (FC6, FC7, FC8, and FC9 file extensions), and Synchronous Detection Mode spectra cross power blocks (SD6, SD7, SD8, and SD9 file extensions) were each recorded for about 1 minute with an Electromagnetic Instruments (EMI) MT-1 MT data acquisition instrument employing orthogonal horizontal EMI AMT induction magnetic coils and EMI Titanium electrodes, along with a vertical EMI AMT induction magnetic coil. The proprietary, DOS-based, EMI recording software used is MTACQ, version 2.00 (September 17, 2004). The collected time series were stored on a portable field-rugged laptop computer and then converted to intermediate spectra cross power files (BP1 file extension) using fast Fourier transform (FFT) techniques and least-squares, cross-spectral analysis to solve for a tensor transfer function. Remote reference stations were not used because manmade noise sources were assumed to be minimal in this remote area. The time series and spectra cross power files were downloaded from the portable laptop each evening for further processing. The time series files are readable by other third-party software, such as Geosystem's WinGLink, version 2.20.02 (June 5, 2008), but the Fourier Coefficient and cross power files are only known to be readable by the EMI proprietary software.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20080504</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Combine multiple frequency band BP and SD cross power files into a single cross power file (AVG file extension) using EMI's MTACQ, version 2.00, software</procdesc>\n <procdate>20091025</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Convert cross power AVG file to spectra edi file using EMI's MTACQ, version 2.00, software</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200113</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Rotate data to geographic north and convert spectra edi file to a Transfer Function dump file using the proprietary, Windows-based, Geotools' GeotoolsMT, version 7.30 (May 28, 1998), software</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200113</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Use EDITFMD File Conversion Utility, version 6.6 to extract survey and station information and settings from AVG, spectra edi, and dump files to create a Transfer Function edi file</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200310</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Use python tool, SquamataAssemblyAMTv1-15.ipynb, accessed at, to extract survey and station information from AVG, spectra edi, and Transfer Function edi file to FGDC-compliant metadata.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200311</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n <ptvctinf>\n <sdtsterm>\n <sdtstype>Entity point</sdtstype>\n <ptvctcnt>1</ptvctcnt>\n </sdtsterm>\n </ptvctinf>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>0.000001</latres>\n <longres>0.000001</longres>\n <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>D_WGS_1984</horizdn>\n <ellips>WGS_1984</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257223563</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Text File USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01.edi</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Transfer Function EDI File</enttypd>\n <enttypds>U.S. Geological Survey</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HEAD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Header file information containing survey and station collection information.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Header block of information containing survey and station collection content, acquisition date, version, and software used to process.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>INFO</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Descriptive content, or metadata, describing the data collection.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Descriptive content, or metadata, describing the data collection including abstract, data description, instrumentation with equipment identifiers, notes, data collection and processing details including software and other contextual information.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>FREQ</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Data block containing a set of frequencies in hertz (Hz.) It defines the frequency set for succeeding data within that data section which are functions of frequency.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>4.39400005</rdommin>\n <rdommax>23370.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Hertz</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZROT</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Data block containing a set of rotation angles in degrees used for impedances.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZXXR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Real component of impedance ZXX</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-264.678711</rdommin>\n <rdommax>234.27562</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZXXI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Imaginary component of impedance ZXX</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-102.7668</rdommin>\n <rdommax>291.816986</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZXX.VAR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total variance of impedance of ZXX</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3.06537604</rdommin>\n <rdommax>36477.0234</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohms*ohms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZXYR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Real component of impedance ZXY</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-454.116058</rdommin>\n <rdommax>977.548279</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZXYI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Imaginary component of impedance ZXY</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-248.713867</rdommin>\n <rdommax>369.141815</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZXY.VAR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total variance of impedance of ZXY</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>5.40765715</rdommin>\n <rdommax>67107.1875</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohms*ohms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZYXR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Real component of impedance ZYX</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-969.039368</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-6.74724913</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZYXI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Imaginary component of impedance ZYX</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-527.178406</rdommin>\n <rdommax>56.8951416</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZYX.VAR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total variance of impedance of ZYX</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.83875585</rdommin>\n <rdommax>20114.8652</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohms*ohms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZYYR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Real component of impedance ZYY</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-734.581299</rdommin>\n <rdommax>309.817291</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZYYI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Imaginary component of impedance ZYY</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-490.155457</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1578.50476</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZYY.VAR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total variance of impedance of ZYY</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.12834084</rdommin>\n <rdommax>44743.6367</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohms*ohms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TXR.EXP</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Real part of complex tipper component TX</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.171257719</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.269242853</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TXI.EXP</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Imaginary part of complex tipper component TX</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.213836849</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.183313042</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TXVAR.EXP</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total variance of complex tipper component TX</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>5.92731922e-05</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.341390163</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TYR.EXP</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Real part of complex tipper component TY</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.325565815</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.301353544</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TYI.EXP</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Imaginary part of complex tipper component TY</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.305085063</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.21462509</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TYVAR.EXP</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total variance of complex tipper component TY</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.000149674554</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.529095292</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RHOROT</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Data block containing a set of rotation angles in degrees used for apparent resistivities.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RHOXX</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Magnitude of apparent resistivity (ohm-m) computed from Zxx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0500270128</rdommin>\n <rdommax>43.4578362</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohm-m</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RHOXX.ERR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Log10 error bar (in decades) associated with Rhoxx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0411295928</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.92041588</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Log10 ohm-m</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RHOXY</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Magnitude of apparent resistivity (ohm-m) computed from Zxy</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0703041032</rdommin>\n <rdommax>152.088455</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohm-m</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RHOXY.ERR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Log10 error bar (in decades) associated with Rhoxy</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.00732585276</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.964604735</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Log10 ohm-m</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RHOYX</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Magnitude of apparent resistivity (ohm-m) computed from Zyx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.406388879</rdommin>\n <rdommax>21.9076118</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohm-m</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RHOYX.ERR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Log10 error bar (in decades) associated with Rhoyx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.00474359002</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.915041268</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Log10 ohm-m</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RHOYY</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Magnitude of apparent resistivity (ohm-m) computed from Zyy</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0128810359</rdommin>\n <rdommax>22.1451778</rdommax>\n <attrunit>ohm-m</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RHOYY.ERR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Log10 error bar (in decades) associated with Rhoyy</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0663507506</rdommin>\n <rdommax>7.87165594</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Log10 ohm-m</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PHSXX</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phase angle of apparent resistivity (deg) computed from Zxx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-179.326981</rdommin>\n <rdommax>177.459229</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PHSXX.ERR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Error bar (in degrees) associated with Phsxx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2.71316481</rdommin>\n <rdommax>192.648865</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PHSXY</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phase angle of apparent resistivity (deg) computed from Zxy</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-142.002182</rdommin>\n <rdommax>175.905228</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PHSXY.ERR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Error bar (in degrees) associated with Phsxy</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.483259022</rdommin>\n <rdommax>63.6313515</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PHSYX</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phase angle of apparent resistivity (deg) computed from Zyx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-174.28746</rdommin>\n <rdommax>169.69783</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PHSYX.ERR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Error bar (in degrees) associated with Phsyx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.312916815</rdommin>\n <rdommax>60.3618355</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PHSYY</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phase angle of apparent resistivity (deg) computed from Zyy</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-152.506271</rdommin>\n <rdommax>165.803497</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PHSYY.ERR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Error bar (in degrees) associated with Phsyy</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>4.37691021</rdommin>\n <rdommax>519.263611</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TIPMAG</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Magnitude of total tipper</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.125733748</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.462536693</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TIPMAG.ERR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Error bar associated with TIPMAG</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.00000003e+32</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.00000003e+32</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TIPPHS</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phase angle (deg) of total tipper</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-144.858124</rdommin>\n <rdommax>137.83963</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TIPPHS.ERR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Error bar (in degrees) associated with TIPPHS</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.00000003e+32</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.00000003e+32</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZSTRIKE</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Impedance strike angle (deg) computed from the impedance tensor Z</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-19.0754833</rdommin>\n <rdommax>64.1480408</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ZSKEW</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Impedance skew computed from the impedance tensor Z</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0136711663</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.18310833</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TSTRIKE</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Tipper strike angle (deg) computed from the tipper tensor T</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-43.1685524</rdommin>\n <rdommax>132.189621</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>COH MEAS1=1011.001 MEAS2=1015.001</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Ordinary coherency between any two measurements as a function of freq.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.179854408</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.995576799</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>COH MEAS1=1012.001 MEAS2=1014.001</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Ordinary coherency between any two measurements as a function of freq.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0587874427</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.997419596</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>COH MEAS1=1011.001 MEAS2=1014.001</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Ordinary coherency between any two measurements as a function of freq.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.08023002</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.980898678</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>COH MEAS1=1012.001 MEAS2=1015.001</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Ordinary coherency between any two measurements as a function of freq.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0727533996</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.966132164</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>EPREDCOH MEAS1=1011.001 MEAS2=1012.001 EPRED= 1014.001</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Multiple coherency relationship between an E measurement, and a predicted E measurement derived from two H measurements and a tensor impedance Z.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.409786671</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.997649193</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>EPREDCOH MEAS1=1011.001 MEAS2=1012.001 EPRED= 1015.001</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Multiple coherency relationship between an E measurement, and a predicted E measurement derived from two H measurements and a tensor impedance Z.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.317496181</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.996984005</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SIGAMP MEAS=1011</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Signal amplitude (or power) spectra for a measurement as a function of frequency.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.84642086e-05</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00485405</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gammas/SQRT(Hertz)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SIGAMP MEAS=1012</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Signal amplitude (or power) spectra for a measurement as a function of frequency.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.68608422e-05</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00661991676</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gammas/SQRT(Hertz)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SIGAMP MEAS=1013</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Signal amplitude (or power) spectra for a measurement as a function of frequency.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.24394128e-05</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.00264882995</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gammas/SQRT(Hertz)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SIGAMP MEAS=1014</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Signal amplitude (or power) spectra for a measurement as a function of frequency.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0067253178</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.805178881</rdommax>\n <attrunit>mV/Km/SQRT(Hertz)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SIGAMP MEAS=1015</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Signal amplitude (or power) spectra for a measurement as a function of frequency.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.00720770424</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.09072447</rdommax>\n <attrunit>mV/Km/SQRT(Hertz)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SIGNOISE MEAS=1011.001</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Signal-to-noise ratio for a measurement as a function of frequency.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.999999881</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.00000012</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SIGNOISE MEAS=1012.001</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Signal-to-noise ratio for a measurement as a function of frequency.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.999999881</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.00000012</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SIGNOISE MEAS=1013.001</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Signal-to-noise ratio for a measurement as a function of frequency.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0394809023</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.961205304</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SIGNOISE MEAS=1014.001</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Signal-to-noise ratio for a measurement as a function of frequency.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.167925104</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.995302856</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SIGNOISE MEAS=1015.001</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Signal-to-noise ratio for a measurement as a function of frequency.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.100803837</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.993977547</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Text File BF6-9621.RSP</enttypl>\n <enttypd>System Calibration File</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Electromagnetic Instruments (EMI)</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Freq</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Frequency - Hz</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>25000.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Hz</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Amp</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Amplitude - Volts/Gamma</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0019100000000000002</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.16940999999999998</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Volts/Gamma</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Phz</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phase - Degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-19.6</rdommin>\n <rdommax>89.3</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Text File BF6-9624.RSP</enttypl>\n <enttypd>System Calibration File</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Electromagnetic Instruments (EMI)</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Freq</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Frequency - Hz</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>25000.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Hz</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Amp</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Amplitude - Volts/Gamma</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.00183</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.17196</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Volts/Gamma</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Phz</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phase - Degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-20.2</rdommin>\n <rdommax>89.3</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Text File BF6-9625.RSP</enttypl>\n <enttypd>System Calibration File</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Electromagnetic Instruments (EMI)</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Freq</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Frequency - Hz</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>25000.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Hz</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Amp</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Amplitude - Volts/Gamma</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.00185</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.1749</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Volts/Gamma</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Phz</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phase - Degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-22.3</rdommin>\n <rdommax>89.3</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Text File BF6-9626.RSP</enttypl>\n <enttypd>System Calibration File</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Electromagnetic Instruments (EMI)</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Freq</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Frequency - Hz</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>25000.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Hz</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Amp</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Amplitude - Volts/Gamma</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.00195</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.16796</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Volts/Gamma</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Phz</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phase - Degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-19.6</rdommin>\n <rdommax>89.3</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Text File BF6-9628.RSP</enttypl>\n <enttypd>System Calibration File</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Electromagnetic Instruments (EMI)</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Freq</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Frequency - Hz</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>25000.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Hz</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Amp</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Amplitude - Volts/Gamma</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0019399999999999999</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.17731</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Volts/Gamma</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Phz</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phase - Degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-19.4</rdommin>\n <rdommax>89.3</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Text File EF-9515X.RSP</enttypl>\n <enttypd>System Calibration File</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Electromagnetic Instruments (EMI)</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Freq</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Frequency - Hz</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0001</rdommin>\n <rdommax>25000.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Hz</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Amp</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Amplitude - Volts</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.05</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3.29</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Volts</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Phz</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phase - Degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-.3</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9.1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Text File EF-9515Y.RSP</enttypl>\n <enttypd>System Calibration File</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Electromagnetic Instruments (EMI)</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Freq</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Frequency - Hz</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0001</rdommin>\n <rdommax>25000.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Hz</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Amp</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Amplitude - Volts</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.05</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3.43</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Volts</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Phz</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phase - Degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-.3</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9.1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Text File EF-9608X.RSP</enttypl>\n <enttypd>System Calibration File</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Electromagnetic Instruments (EMI)</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Freq</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Frequency - Hz</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0001</rdommin>\n <rdommax>25000.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Hz</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Amp</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Amplitude - Volts</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.05</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3.15</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Volts</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Phz</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phase - Degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-.4</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Text File EF-9608Y.RSP</enttypl>\n <enttypd>System Calibration File</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Electromagnetic Instruments (EMI)</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Freq</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Frequency - Hz</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0001</rdommin>\n <rdommax>25000.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Hz</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Amp</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Amplitude - Volts</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.05</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3.18</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Volts</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Phz</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phase - Degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-.3</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9.1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-BP_High_01.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for raw cross power files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File. USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC6_01.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for binary Fourier coefficient files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File. USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC6_02.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for binary Fourier coefficient files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File. USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC7_01.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for binary Fourier coefficient files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File. USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC7_02.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for binary Fourier coefficient files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File. USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC8_01.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for binary Fourier coefficient files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File. USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC8_02.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for binary Fourier coefficient files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File. USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC9_01.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for binary Fourier coefficient files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File. USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-FC9_02.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for binary Fourier coefficient files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD6_01.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for synchronous detection cross power files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD6_02.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for synchronous detection cross power files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD7_01.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for synchronous detection cross power files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD7_02.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for synchronous detection cross power files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD8_01.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for synchronous detection cross power files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD8_02.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for synchronous detection cross power files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD9_01.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for synchronous detection cross power files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-SD9_02.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for synchronous detection cross power files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, USA-Arizona-Patagonia_Mtns-Sunnyside_Porphyry-2010-AMT01-TS_High_01.txt is a header file in ASCII text format for binary time series files.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, readme.txt, is a Read Me file describing the naming format of the EDI files and that they may need to be renamed to be imported into certain software packages.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Binary File, SP01A1.FC6 is a raw Fourier Coefficient Binary Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Binary File, SP01A1.FC7 is a raw Fourier Coefficient Binary Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Binary File, SP01A1.FC8 is a raw Fourier Coefficient Binary Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Binary File, SP01A1.FC9 is a raw Fourier Coefficient Binary Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Binary File, SP01A2.FC6 is a raw Fourier Coefficient Binary Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Binary File, SP01A2.FC7 is a raw Fourier Coefficient Binary Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Binary File, SP01A2.FC8 is a raw Fourier Coefficient Binary Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Binary File, SP01A2.FC9 is a raw Fourier Coefficient Binary Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Binary File, SP01A1.TS1 is a raw Time Series Binary Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, SP01A1.BP1 is a raw Cross Power Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, SP01A1.SD6 is a raw Cross Power Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, SP01A1.SD7 is a raw Cross Power Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, SP01A1.SD8 is a raw Cross Power Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, SP01A1.SD9 is a raw Cross Power Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, SP01A2.SD6 is a raw Cross Power Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, SP01A2.SD7 is a raw Cross Power Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, SP01A2.SD8 is a raw Cross Power Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Text File, SP01A2.SD9 is a raw Cross Power Data File. The header information for this file contains field notes including survey identifier, personnel, date/time, weather, indication of a remote MT site, additional comments and sensor configuration for the electric and magnetic field channels.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>MT/EMAP Data Interchange Standard, Revision 1.0, Dec 1987, David E. Wight. This standard was never published in Geophysics.</eaover>\n <eadetcit>For more information on the EDI data format: Wight, D.E., 1988, MT/EMAP Data Interchange Standard, Technical standards committee report, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, isbn=9780931830617,</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>ScienceBase</cntorg>\n <cntper>U.S. Geological Survey</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200820</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Philip Brown</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Geophysicist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25046, MS 973</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225-0046</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-236-1310</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n <cntinst>Additional information about metadata creator: Brown, P.J.,</cntinst>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
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[Data on annual total nitrogen loads and watershed characteristics used to develop a method to estimate the total nitrogen loads in small streams](/catalog/folder/5787aa92e4b0d27deb375469) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5787aa92e4b0d27deb375469) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5787aa92e4b0d27deb375469) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5787aa92e4b0d27deb375469?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2016-07-26Start Date1997End Date2007 ## Citation Kronholm, S.C., Capel, P.D., and Terziotti, Silvia, 2016, Data on annual total nitrogen loads and watershed characteristics used to develop a method to estimate the total nitrogen loads in small streams: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This USGS Data Release represents the data used to develop multiple linear regression models for estimating the loads of total nitrogen in small streams. Recursive partitioning and random forest regression were used to assess 85 geospatial, environmental, and watershed variables across 636 small (less than 585 square kilometers) watersheds to determine which variables are fundamentally important to the estimation of annual loads of total nitrogen. These data support the following publication: Kronholm, S.C., Capel, P.D., and Terziotti, Silvia, 2016, Statistically extracted fundamental watershed variables for estimating the loads of total nitrogen in small streams: Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 10 p., ## Summary This USGS Data Release represents the data used to develop multiple linear regression models for estimating the loads of total nitrogen in small streams. Recursive partitioning and random forest regression were used to assess 85 geospatial, environmental, and watershed variables across 636 small (less than 585 square kilometers) watersheds to determine which variables are fundamentally important to the estimation of annual loads of total nitrogen. These data support the following publication: Kronholm, S.C., Capel, P.D., and Terziotti, Silvia, 2016, Statistically extracted fundamental watershed variables for estimating the loads of total nitrogen in small streams: Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 10 p., ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Paul D. Capel](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Paul+D.+Capel) Originator : [Scott C. Kronholm](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Scott+C.+Kronholm), [Paul D. Capel](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Paul+D.+Capel), [Silvia Terziotti](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Silvia+Terziotti) Metadata Contact : [Jessica A Hopple](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Jessica+A+Hopple) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=ScienceBase) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) SDC Data Owner : [New Jersey Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17210) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5787aa92e4b0d27deb375469?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5787aa92e4b0d27deb375469?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5787aa92e4b0d27deb375469?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | data\_for\_watershed\_regressions.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 54.76 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | data\_for\_agricultural\_watershed\_regressions.csv<br>“Agricultural table in csv format” | | 41.6 KB | text/csv | | data\_for\_agricultural\_watershed\_regressions.xlsx<br>“Agricultural land use table in Excel format” | | 50.62 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | | data\_for\_developed\_watershed\_regressions.csv<br>“Developed land use table in csv format” | | 30.83 KB | text/csv | | data\_for\_developed\_watershed\_regressions.xlsx<br>“Developed land use table in Excel format” | | 40.84 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | | data\_for\_undeveloped\_watershed\_regressions.csv<br>“Undeveloped land use table in csv format” | | 92.25 KB | text/csv | | data\_for\_undeveloped\_watershed\_regressions.xlsx<br>“Undeveloped land use table in Excel format” | | 104.48 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Kronholm, S.C., Capel, P.D., and Terziotti, Silvia, 2016, Statistically extracted fundamental watershed variables for estimating the loads of total nitrogen in small streams: Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 10 p., | []( "") | ## Purpose Data were compiled so that multiple linear regression equations could be developed to estimate total nitrogen loads in streams. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5787aa92e4b0d27deb375469) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5787aa92e4b0d27deb375469) ## Communities - Integrated Watershed Studies Team - National Water-Quality Assessment Project - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [fundamental variables](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfundamental+variables "fundamental variables (fundamental variables, Theme, None)") - [national model](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dnational+model "national model (national model, Theme, None)") - [nitrogen](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dnitrogen "nitrogen (nitrogen, Theme, None)") - [random forest regression](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drandom+forest+regression "random forest regression (random forest regression, Theme, None)") - [recursive partitioning](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drecursive+partitioning "recursive partitioning (recursive partitioning, Theme, None)") Place - [United states](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+states "United states (United states, Place, None)") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Water Quality](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Quality "Water Quality (Water Quality, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7TX3CGB | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Scott C. Kronholm</origin>\n <origin>Paul D. Capel</origin>\n <origin>Silvia Terziotti</origin>\n <pubdate>20160726</pubdate>\n <title>Data on annual total nitrogen loads and watershed characteristics used to develop a method to estimate the total nitrogen loads in small streams</title>\n <geoform>Tabular digital data and Excel worksheets</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Scott C. Kronholm</origin>\n <origin>Paul D. Capel</origin>\n <origin>Silvia Terziotti</origin>\n <pubdate>20160726</pubdate>\n <title>Statistically extracted fundamental watershed variables for estimating the loads of total nitrogen in small streams</title>\n <geoform>Journal article</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Environmental Modeling and Assessment</pubplace>\n <publish>Springer International Publishing</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This USGS Data Release represents the data used to develop multiple linear regression models for estimating the loads of total nitrogen in small streams. Recursive partitioning and random forest regression were used to assess 85 geospatial, environmental, and watershed variables across 636 small (less than 585 square kilometers) watersheds to determine which variables are fundamentally important to the estimation of annual loads of total nitrogen. These data support the following publication: Kronholm, S.C., Capel, P.D., and Terziotti, Silvia, 2016, Statistically extracted fundamental watershed variables for estimating the loads of total nitrogen in small streams: Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 10 p.,</abstract>\n <purpose>Data were compiled so that multiple linear regression equations could be developed to estimate total nitrogen loads in streams.</purpose>\n <supplinf>Kronholm, S.C., Capel, P.D., and Terziotti, Silvia, 2016, Statistically extracted fundamental watershed variables for estimating the loads of total nitrogen in small streams: Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 10 p.,</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>1997</begdate>\n <enddate>2007</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Not planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-126.29882812355</westbc>\n <eastbc>-66.357421875949</eastbc>\n <northbc>49.752597250338</northbc>\n <southbc>23.925613098963</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>fundamental variables</themekey>\n <themekey>random forest regression</themekey>\n <themekey>recursive partitioning</themekey>\n <themekey>nitrogen</themekey>\n <themekey>national model</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5787aa92e4b0d27deb375469</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>United states</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see \'Distribution Info\' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users are advised to read the data set\'s metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Paul D. Capel</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, WATER</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2270 Woodale Drive</address>\n <city>Mounds View</city>\n <state>MN</state>\n <postal>55112</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>612-625-3082</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Support and funding: USGS National Water Quality Project and University of Minnesota Water Resource Sciences Program</datacred>\n <native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; ESRI ArcCatalog 10.3 (Build 4959) Service Pack [N/A] (Build [N/A])</native>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>A formal accuracy assessment of the horizontal positional information in the data set has not been conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Information about the creation of the input data set is described in: Kronholm, S.C., Capel, P.D., and Terziotti, Silvia, 2016, Statistically extracted fundamental watershed variables for estimating the loads of total nitrogen in small streams: Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 10 p.,</procdesc>\n <procdate>20150801</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>data_for_agricultural_watershed_regressions</enttypl>\n <enttypd>This tabular data set, provided in both CSV and Excel workbook formats, contains the data used in the agricultural land use recursive partitioning and random forest regression analyses.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Staid</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Site ID - The "staid" field must be imported as a text field or the leading zeroes will be removed.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Site ID</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TNLoad</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total nitrogen load, in kilograms of nitrogen per year</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3.7</rdommin>\n <rdommax>6.65</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of kilograms of nitrogen per year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TNYield</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total nitrogen yield, in kilograms of nitrogen per square kilometer per year</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.78</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3.89</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of kilograms of nitrogen per square kilometer per year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TNConc</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Flow-weighted mean nitrogen concentration, in milligrams per liter</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.74</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.49</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HerbRate</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean herbicide application rate to cultivated and pastural agricultural land during 2009, in kilograms per square kilometer</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.24</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.37</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of kilograms per square kilometer</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HerbMass</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean 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</attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>JanPdays</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of days of precipitation in January, in days</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3.3124</rdommin>\n <rdommax>15.7524</rdommax>\n <attrunit>days</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>JulPdays</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean number of days of precipitation in July, in days</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2.202</rdommin>\n <rdommax>14.9999</rdommax>\n <attrunit>days</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NovPdays</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean number of days of precipitation in November, in days</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3.9839</rdommin>\n <rdommax>15.0337</rdommax>\n <attrunit>days</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MaxEcoReg</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Predominant level III nutrient ecoregion category within the watershed</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3</rdommin>\n <rdommax>14</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GWRech</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Groundwater recharge, in millimeters per year</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3.2961</rdommin>\n <rdommax>341.4658</rdommax>\n <attrunit>millimeters per year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Runoff</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean estimated runoff, in millimeters per year</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>31</rdommin>\n <rdommax>734.5022</rdommax>\n <attrunit>millimeters per year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Canopy</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean canopy cover within the watershed, in square kilometers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.6772</rdommin>\n <rdommax>74.2645</rdommax>\n <attrunit>square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DamStor</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total dam storage, in acre-feet</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.017729</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.804654</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of acre-feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TileD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Area of land subject to subsurface drainage within the watershed, in square kilometers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-3.522879</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.550855</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TileDPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Area of land subject to subsurface drainage within the watershed, in percent</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-2</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.92028</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Irrigated</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Irrigated land within the watershed, in square kilometers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.49485</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.271423</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>IrrigatedPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Irrigated land within the watershed, in percent</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.638272</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.752356</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Pop2000</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log 2000 Population density, in people per square kilometer</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.06</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.62</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of people per square kilometer</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDAg</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) agricultural land-use classes 81 and 82, in square kilometers (81 = Pasture/Hay, 82 = Cultivated crops).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.79</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.71</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDAgPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) agricultural land-use classes 81 and 82, in percent of watershed area (81 = Pasture/Hay, 82 = Cultivated crops).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.3</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.22</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDDevBuff</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) developed land-use classes 21, 22, 23, and 24 in the 100-meter buffer, in square kilometers (21 = Open space, 22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.49</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.28</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDDevBuffPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) developed land-use classes 21, 22, 23, and 24, in percent of 100-meter buffer (21 = Open space, 22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.4</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.6</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDAgBuffPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) agricultural land-use classes 81 and 82, in percent of 100-meter buffer (81 = Pasture/Hay, 82 = Cultivated crops).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>4.4</rdommin>\n <rdommax>86.5</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ImpBuff</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean impervious land area within 100-meter buffer, in square kilometers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-2.45</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.74</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ImpBuffPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean impervious land area within 100-meter buffer, in percent</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.12</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PercSilt</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean percent silt in soil within the watershed, in percent</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>4.4569</rdommin>\n <rdommax>71.2789</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>data_for_developed_watershed_regressions</enttypl>\n <enttypd>This tabular data set, provided in both CSV and Excel workbook formats, contains the data used in the developed land use recursive partitioning and random forest regression analyses</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Staid</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Site ID - The "staid" field must be imported as a text field or the leading zeroes will be removed.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Site ID</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TNLoad</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total nitrogen load, in kilograms of nitrogen per year</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3.585</rdommin>\n <rdommax>6.321</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of kilograms of nitrogen per year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TNYield</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total nitrogen yield, in kilograms of nitrogen per square kilometer per year</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.96</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3.931</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of kilograms of nitrogen per square kilometer per year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TNConc</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Flow-weighted mean nitrogen concentration, in milligrams per liter</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.85</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.188</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>H2OYield</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Annual watershed water yield, in cubic meters per square kilometer</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>4.894</rdommin>\n <rdommax>6.279</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log cubic meters per square kilometer</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NMass</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean nitrogen applied to cultivated and pastural agricultural land in 1997, in kilograms</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.074395</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5.606311</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of kilograms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>APdays</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean number of days of days with precipitation per year, in days</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.811968</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.226084</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of days</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MaxEcoReg</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Predominant level III nutrient ecoregion category within the watershed</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>14</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BFI:NHD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Baseflow index: from national hydrology dataset (dimensionless)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>14.9955</rdommin>\n <rdommax>86.7896</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BFI:WAHL</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Baseflow index: from Wahl and Wahl (1995) BFI program (dimensionless)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2.7</rdommin>\n <rdommax>93.2</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SatOF</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean estimated saturation overland flow, in percent of total streamflow</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>7.6291</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CanopyPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean canopy cover within the watershed, in percent of watershed area</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>14.4377</rdommin>\n <rdommax>82.0005</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ArtD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Artificially drained land within the watershed in 1992, in square kilometers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-4</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.751201</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Irrigated</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Irrigated land within the watershed, in square kilometers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.569</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.082</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>IrrigatedPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Irrigated land within the watershed, in percent</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.155</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.464</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TileD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Area of land subject to subsurface drainage within the watershed, in square kilometers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-4</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.751201</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TileDPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Area of land subject to subsurface drainage within the watershed, in percent</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-2</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.440752</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HLR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Predominant hydrologic landscape region (HLR) category</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>16</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDDev</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) developed land-use classes 21, 22, 23, and 24, in square kilometers (21 = Open space, 22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.89176</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.487465</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDDevI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) developed land-use classes 22, 23, and 24, in square kilometers (22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.274</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.42</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDBuff</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Predominant 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) land use in the 100-meter buffer (21 = Open space, 22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity, 41 = Deciduous forest, 42 = Evergreen forest, 43 = Mixed forest, 81 = Pasture/Hay, 82 = Cultivated crops, 90 = Woody wetlands).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>21</rdommin>\n <rdommax>90</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDDevIBuff</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) developed land-use classes 22, 23, and 24 in the 100-meter buffer, in square kilometers (22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.282329</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.200248</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDDevIBuffPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) developed land-use classes 22, 23, and 24, in percent of 100-meter buffer (22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.887</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDDevBuff</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) developed land-use classes 21, 22, 23, and 24 in the 100-meter buffer, in square kilometers (21 = Open space, 22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.893469</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.379271</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ImpBuff</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean impervious land area within 100-meter buffer, in square kilometers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-2.075</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.899</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ImpBuffPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean impervious land area within 100-meter buffer, in percent</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.707309</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AWC</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean soil available water capacity (centimeter per centimeter) within the watershed</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0638</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.1967</rdommax>\n <attrunit>centimeter per centimeter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PercOM</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean percent organic matter in the soil within the watershed</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.66035</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.017768</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Kfactor</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean soil K-factor within the watershed</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.4769</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SRL55</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Percent of soil restrictive layer above 55 cm within the watershed</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.801343</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.907594</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HSGC</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean percent of soil within the watershed as hydrologic soil group HGC</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0713</rdommin>\n <rdommax>75.2791</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>data_for_undeveloped_watershed_regressions</enttypl>\n <enttypd>This tabular data set, provided in both CSV and Excel workbook formats, contains the data used in the undeveloped land use recursive partitioning and random forest regression analyses.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Staid</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Site ID - The "staid" field must be imported as a text field or the leading zeroes will be removed.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Site ID</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TNLoad</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total nitrogen load, in kilograms of nitrogen per year</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2.503</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5.714</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of kilograms of nitrogen per year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TNYield</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total nitrogen yield, in kilograms of nitrogen per square kilometer per year</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.713</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3.101</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of kilograms of nitrogen per square kilometer per year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TNConc</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Flow-weighted mean nitrogen concentration, in milligrams per liter</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.233</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.56</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Area</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total watershed area, in square kilometers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>5.692</rdommin>\n <rdommax>579.359</rdommax>\n <attrunit>square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Streamflow</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean annual streamflow, in cubic meters per second</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.968172</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.360503</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of cubic meters per second</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>H2OVolume</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Annual stream volume, in cubic meters</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>6.530635</rdommin>\n <rdommax>8.85931</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of cubic meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>H2OYield</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Annual watershed water yield, in cubic meters per square kilometer</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>4.070062</rdommin>\n <rdommax>6.634927</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log cubic meters per square kilometer</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MRB</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) major river basin identifier</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>7</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BGTNLoad</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total nitrogen background load, in kilograms per year</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2.201</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5.281</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of kilograms per year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NRate</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean nitrogen application rate to cultivated and pastural agricultural land in 1997, in kilograms per square kilometer</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-2.318953</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.924489</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of kilograms per square kilometer</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NMass</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean nitrogen applied to cultivated and pastural agricultural land in 1997, in kilograms</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5.57143</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of kilograms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MayPdays</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean number of days of precipitation in May, in days</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>6</rdommin>\n <rdommax>14.6173</rdommax>\n <attrunit>days</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SepPdays</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of days of precipitation in September, in days</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>5.113</rdommin>\n <rdommax>13.121</rdommax>\n <attrunit>days</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MaxEcoReg</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Predominant level III nutrient ecoregion category within the watershed</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2</rdommin>\n <rdommax>14</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Irrigated</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Irrigated land within the watershed, in square kilometers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.5376</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.8699</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>IrrigatedPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Irrigated land within the watershed, in percent</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.2518</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.3925</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TileD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Area of land subject to subsurface drainage within the watershed, in square kilometers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-4</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.0458</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TileDPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Area of land subject to subsurface drainage within the watershed, in percent</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-2</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.5185</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DamStor</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total dam storage, in acre-feet</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.455932</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3.182638</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of acre-feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BFI:WAHL</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Baseflow index: from Wahl and Wahl (1995) BFI program (dimensionless)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>5.9</rdommin>\n <rdommax>86.9</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Runoff</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean estimated runoff, in millimeters per year</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>16.2968</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1904.3</rdommax>\n <attrunit>millimeters per year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>InfilOF</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean annual infiltration excess overland flow, in percent of total streamflow</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.348722</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.519703</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Canopy</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean canopy cover within the watershed, in square kilometers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.716003</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.739572</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CanopyPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean canopy cover within the watershed, in percent of watershed area</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.9639</rdommin>\n <rdommax>91.802</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Pop2000</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log 2000 Population density, in people per square kilometer</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.93</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.56</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of people per square kilometer</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HLR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Predominant hydrologic landscape region (HLR) category</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>20</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDDevIPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) developed land-use classes 22, 23, and 24, in percent of watershed area (22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-2.6</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.2</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDDev</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) developed land-use classes 21, 22, 23, and 24, in square kilometers (21 = Open space, 22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.477556</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.960572</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDDevPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) developed land-use classes 21, 22, 23, and 24, in percent of watershed area (21 = Open space, 22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.5</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDAg</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) agricultural land-use classes 81 and 82, in square kilometers (81 = Pasture/Hay, 82 = Cultivated crops).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.815309</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.130102</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDAgPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) agricultural land-use classes 81 and 82, in percent of watershed area (81 = Pasture/Hay, 82 = Cultivated crops).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-2.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.6</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDDevIBuff</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) developed land-use classes 22, 23, and 24 in the 100-meter buffer, in square kilometers (22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-3.045757</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.741986</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDDevIBuffPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) developed land-use classes 22, 23, and 24, in percent of 100-meter buffer (22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-2.09054</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.190268</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDDevBuff</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) developed land-use classes 21, 22, 23, and 24 in the 100-meter buffer, in square kilometers (21 = Open space, 22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-2.004365</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.162684</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDDevBuffPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) developed land-use classes 21, 22, 23, and 24, in percent of 100-meter buffer (21 = Open space, 22 = Low intensity, 23 = Medium intensity, 24 = High intensity).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.988901</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.462966</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NLCDAgBuffPer</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Total area of 2006 national land cover dataset (NLCD) agricultural land-use classes 81 and 82, in percent of 100-meter buffer (81 = Pasture/Hay, 82 = Cultivated crops).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.575188</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ImpBuff</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean impervious land area within 100-meter buffer, in square kilometers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-3.05</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.91</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>WTDepth</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Depth to water table, in meters</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.7217</rdommin>\n <rdommax>6</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PercSilt</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean percent silt in soil within the watershed</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>5.6423</rdommin>\n <rdommax>64.21</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SRL55</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Percent of soil restrictive layer above 55 cm within the watershed</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-2.79588</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.854495</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HSGBD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean percent of soil within the watershed as hydrologic soil group HGBD</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-3.522879</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.775033</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HSGD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>log Mean percent of soil within the watershed as hydrologic soil group HGD</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.545155</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.915932</rdommax>\n <attrunit>log of percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <overview>\n <eaover>The entity and attribute information provided here describes the tabular data associated with the data set. Please review the detailed descriptions that are provided (the individual attribute descriptions) for information on the values that appear as fields/table entries of the data set. Information about the creation of the input data set is described in: Kronholm, S.C., Capel, P.D., and Terziotti, Silvia, 2016, Statistically extracted fundamental watershed variables for estimating the loads of total nitrogen in small streams: Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 10 p.,</eaover>\n <eadetcit>The entity and attribute information was generated by the individual and/or agency identified as the originator of the data set. Please review the rest of the metadata record for additional details and information.</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. Furthermore, the data are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from authorized or unauthorized use. The USGS or the U.S. Government shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Users of the data are advised to read all metadata and associated documentation thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Tabular digital data and Excel worksheets</formname>\n <formvern>None</formvern>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None. No fees are applicable for obtaining the data set.</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20220908</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>gs-wma-impd-mdmf</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Northeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>3450 Princeton Pike, Suite 110</address>\n <city>Lawrenceville</city>\n <state>NJ</state>\n <postal>08648</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>609-771-3950</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>609-771-3915</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Data from debris-flow run-up experiments conducted in June, 1994, and May, 1997, at the USGS Debris-flow Flume, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, Blue River, Oregon](/catalog/folder/57f6cbc5e4b0bc0bec081dfd) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/57f6cbc5e4b0bc0bec081dfd) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/57f6cbc5e4b0bc0bec081dfd) - [JSON](/catalog/item/57f6cbc5e4b0bc0bec081dfd?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2016-11-08Time Period1994-06-21Time Period1994-06-23Time Period1997-05-20Time Period1997-05-22 ## Citation Iverson, R.M., and Logan, Matthew, 2016, Data from debris-flow run-up experiments conducted in June, 1994, and May, 1997, at the USGS Debris-flow Flume, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, Blue River, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary The data files consist of four .csv files, with one file for each of four experiment dates (1994\_06\_21, 1994\_06\_23, 1997\_05\_20, and 1997\_05\_22). Each file contains multiple columns of data, with each column representing either a time measurement or the value of a physical quantity (flow depth, h, flow speed, u, or run-up height, H) measured at that time. Detailed descriptions of column headings are provided below. The .csv files are easily imported into Microsoft Excel as well as a wide variety of other programs. The data are unclassified and no legal restrictions pertain to their use. ## Summary The data files consist of four .csv files, with one file for each of four experiment dates (1994\_06\_21, 1994\_06\_23, 1997\_05\_20, and 1997\_05\_22). Each file contains multiple columns of data, with each column representing either a time measurement or the value of a physical quantity (flow depth, h, flow speed, u, or run-up height, H) measured at that time. Detailed descriptions of column headings are provided below. The .csv files are easily imported into Microsoft Excel as well as a wide variety of other programs. The data are unclassified and no legal restrictions pertain to their use. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Richard M Iverson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4942) Originator : [Richard M Iverson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4942), [Matthew Logan](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=6206) Metadata Contact : [Scott E Graham](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Scott+E+Graham) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey+-+ScienceBase) USGS Mission Area : [Natural Hazards](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Natural+Hazards) SDC Data Owner : [Volcano Hazards Program Office](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17168) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/57f6cbc5e4b0bc0bec081dfd?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/57f6cbc5e4b0bc0bec081dfd?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/57f6cbc5e4b0bc0bec081dfd?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Data\_from\_debris\_flow\_run\_up\_experimentsJune1994\_May1997.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 17.16 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Iverson ds04.1997\_05\_22.CSV | | 98.41 KB | text/csv | | Iverson ds03.1997\_05\_20.CSV | | 29.69 KB | text/csv | | Iverson ds02.1994\_06\_23.CSV | | 14.47 KB | text/csv | | Iverson ds01.1994\_06\_21.CSV | | 15.12 KB | text/csv | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Iverson, R. M., George, D. L., and Logan, M. (2016), Debris flow runup on vertical barriers and adverse slopes, J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf., 121, 2333– 2357, doi:10.1002/2016JF003933. | []( "") | ## Purpose These experimental data were collected as part of a project to assess debris-flow run-up on vertical barriers and adverse slopes. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/57f6cbc5e4b0bc0bec081dfd) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/57f6cbc5e4b0bc0bec081dfd) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [avalanche](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Davalanche "avalanche (avalanche, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [debris flow](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Ddebris+flow "debris flow (debris flow, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [landslide](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dlandslide "landslide (landslide, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [run-up experiments](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drun-up+experiments "run-up experiments (run-up experiments, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Blue River, OR](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBlue+River%2C+OR "Blue River, OR (Blue River, OR, Place, None)") - [Lat 44.2145 deg N., Long 122.254 deg W.](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLat+44.2145+deg+N.%2C+Long+122.254+deg+W. "Lat 44.2145 deg N., Long 122.254 deg W. 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Richard M. Iverson</origin>\n <origin>Matthew Logan</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Data from debris-flow run-up experiments conducted in June, 1994, and May, 1997, at the USGS Debris-flow Flume, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, Blue River, Oregon</title>\n <geoform>four .csv files</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Vancouver, WA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>The data files consist of four .csv files, with one file for each of four experiment dates (1994_06_21, 1994_06_23, 1997_05_20, and 1997_05_22). Each file contains multiple columns of data, with each column representing either a time measurement or the value of a physical quantity (flow depth, h, flow speed, u, or run-up height, H) measured at that time. Detailed descriptions of column headings are provided below. The .csv files are easily imported into Microsoft Excel as well as a wide variety of other programs. \n\nThe data are unclassified and no legal restrictions pertain to their use.</abstract>\n <purpose>These experimental data were collected as part of a project to assess debris-flow run-up on vertical barriers and adverse slopes.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <mdattim>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>19940621</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>19940623</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>19970520</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>19970522</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </mdattim>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Not planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>122.254</westbc>\n <eastbc>122.254</eastbc>\n <northbc>44.2145</northbc>\n <southbc>44.2145</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>debris flow</themekey>\n <themekey>landslide</themekey>\n <themekey>avalanche</themekey>\n <themekey>run-up experiments</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:57f6cbc5e4b0bc0bec081dfd</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>USGS Debris-flow Flume, HJ Andrews Experimental Forest</placekey>\n <placekey>Blue River, OR</placekey>\n <placekey>Lat 44.2145 deg N., Long 122.254 deg W.</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Richard M. Iverson</cntper>\n <cntorg>US Geological Survey, Cascades Volcano Observatory</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1300 SE Cardinal Ct, Bldg 10, Suite 100</address>\n <city>Vancouver</city>\n <state>WA</state>\n <postal>98683</postal>\n <country>U.S.</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>360-993-8920</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>No organizations or personnel other than USGS were involved.</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>As explained in the paper that presents these data, \xe2\x80\x9cDebris-flow run-up on vertical barriers and adverse slopes,\xe2\x80\x9d some measurements of the flow thickness h were made with overhead lasers, and all other data were measured manually on digitized video footage. Measurements performed on the video footage accounted for parallax by utilizing custom-fitted, non-rectangular grids that were anchored to registration points that had known spatial locations and orientations. For example, registration points were obtained from gridlines painted on the run-up obstacles and on the flume run-out pad and sidewalls that had precisely known locations and orientations. Time registration of the measurements was accomplished by using timestamps that were imprinted with a precision of 0.01 s during recording of the videotapes. \n\nOf the data tabulated in the .csv files, only the laser measurements of h required digital processing. This processing involved converting D/A units to physical units by using linear calibration factors (which provided a flow-depth resolution ~ 1 mm), filtering the 500-Hz native data with a 30-Hz digital low-pass filter, and then downsampling the filtered data to 100 Hz.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20160301</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>ds01.1994_06_21.CSV</enttypl>\n <enttypd>The file contains multiple columns of data, with each column representing either a time measurement or the value of a physical quantity (flow speed, u, or run-up height, H) measured at that time</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>time for u (s)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>time at which flow speed u was measured</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>time in seconds</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>u at 87.4 m (m/s)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>flow speed at the 87.4 meter mark downslope from the headgate at the top of the flume</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>flow speed in meters per second</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>time for H (s)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>time at which the runup height H was measured</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>time in seconds</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>runup ht. H (m)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>runup height in meters</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>runup height in meters</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>ds02.1994_06_23.CSV</enttypl>\n <enttypd>The file contains multiple columns of data, with each column representing either a time measurement or the value of a physical quantity (flow depth, h, flow speed, u, or run-up height, H) measured at that time</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>time for h (s)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>time at which thickness h was measured</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>time in seconds</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>h at 87.4 m (m)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>flow thickness at the 87.4 meter mark from downslope from the headgate at the top of the flume</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>thickness in meters</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>time for u (s)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>time at which flow speed u was measured</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>time in seconds</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>u at 87.4 m (m/s)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>flow speed at the 87.4 meter mark downslope from the headgate at the top of the flume</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>flow speed in meters per second</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>time for H (s)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>time at which the runup height H was measured</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>time in seconds</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>runup ht. H (m)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>runup height in meters</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>height in meters</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>ds03.1997_05_20.CSV</enttypl>\n <enttypd>The file contains multiple columns of data, with each column representing either a time measurement or the value of a physical quantity (flow depth, h, flow speed, u, or run-up height, H) measured at that time</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>time for h (s)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>time at which thickness h was measured</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>time in seconds</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>h at 90m (m)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>flow thickness at the 90 meter mark from downslope from the headgate at the top of the flume</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>thickness in meters</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>time for u (s)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>time at which flow speed u was measured</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>time in seconds</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>u at 89.5 m (m/s)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>flow speed at the 89.5 meter mark downslope from the headgate at the top of the flume</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>flow speed in meters per second</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>time for H (s)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>time at which the runup height H was measured</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>time in seconds</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>runup ht. 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Although this dataset has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides these data "as is." \nThe USGS makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of information contained in the data. The USGS further makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, as to any other matter whatsoever, including, and without limitation, the condition of the product or its fitness for any particular purpose. The burden for determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user. Although these data have been processed successfully on computers at the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS regarding the use of these data on any other system, nor does the fact of distribution constitute or imply any such warranty. In no event shall the USGS nor the U.S. Government have any liability whatsoever for payment of any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or tort damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, any loss of profits arising out of use of or reliance on the geographic data or arising out of delivery, installation, operation, or support by USGS. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data. Any use of trade, product or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. The U.S. Geological Survey strongly recommends that careful attention be paid to the metadata file associated with these data. Any derivative products utilizing these datasets shall clearly indicate their source. If users modify the data in any way they are obligated to describe the types of modifications they have performed. User specifically agrees not to misrepresent these datasets, nor to imply that changes they made were approved by the U.S. Geological Survey. Acknowledgement of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>CSV</formname>\n <formvern>none</formvern>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n <techpreq>The .csv files are easily imported into Microsoft Excel as well as a wide variety of other programs.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200827</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Scott Graham</cntper>\n <cntorg>US Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Geologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1300 SE Cardinal Ct, Bldg 10, Suite 100</address>\n <city>Vancouver</city>\n <state>WA</state>\n <postal>98683</postal>\n <country>U.S.</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>360-993-8965</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Data Supporting Generalized models to estimate carbon and nitrogen stocks of organic layers in Interior Alaska](/catalog/folder/5d1a7349e4b0941bde6027cd) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5d1a7349e4b0941bde6027cd) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5d1a7349e4b0941bde6027cd) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5d1a7349e4b0941bde6027cd?format=json) ## Dates Start Date2000-07-07End Date2015-07-29Revision2020-06-02Publication Date2019-07-30 ## Citation Manies, K.L., 2019, Data Supporting Generalized models to estimate carbon and nitrogen stocks of organic layers in Interior Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Boreal ecosystems comprise about one tenth of the world’s land surface and contain over 20 % of the global soil carbon (C) stocks. Boreal soils are unique in that the mineral soil is covered by what can be quite thick layers of organic soil. These organic soil layers, or horizons, can differ in their state of decomposition, source vegetation, and disturbance history. These differences result in varying soil properties (bulk density, C content, and nitrogen (N) content) among soil horizons. These data were used in a manuscript ( where these soil properties, as represented by over 3000 samples from Interior Alaska, were summarized. We also examined how soil drainage and stand age affect these attributes. \[...\] ## Summary Boreal ecosystems comprise about one tenth of the world’s land surface and contain over 20 % of the global soil carbon (C) stocks. Boreal soils are unique in that the mineral soil is covered by what can be quite thick layers of organic soil. These organic soil layers, or horizons, can differ in their state of decomposition, source vegetation, and disturbance history. These differences result in varying soil properties (bulk density, C content, and nitrogen (N) content) among soil horizons. These data were used in a manuscript ( where these soil properties, as represented by over 3000 samples from Interior Alaska, were summarized. We also examined how soil drainage and stand age affect these attributes. The summary values presented in this manuscript can be used to gap-fill large datasets when important soil properties were not measured, provide data to initialize process-based models, and validate model results. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Kristen L Manies](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=6463) Originator : [Kristen L Manies](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=6463) Metadata Contact : [Kristen L Manies](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=6463) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Climate and Land Use Research & Development Program](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=64216) USGS Mission Area : [Land Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Land+Resources) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5d1a7349e4b0941bde6027cd?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5d1a7349e4b0941bde6027cd?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5d1a7349e4b0941bde6027cd?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Generalized\_models\_for\_CandN\_Alaska\_metadata\_v1-1.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 43.13 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Generalized\_models\_for\_CandN\_columns.txt | | 1.7 KB | text/plain | | Site\_GPS\_coordinates\_columns.txt | | 398 Bytes | text/plain | | Table1\_essd-2019-114.txt | | 1.36 KB | text/plain | | Generalized\_models\_for\_CandN\_Alaska\_v1-1.csv | | 804.08 KB | text/csv | | Site\_GPS\_coordinates\_v1-1.csv | | 3.61 KB | text/csv | | Readme.txt | | 956 Bytes | text/plain | ## Purpose These data were collected to characterize the soils of Interior Alaska and determine how fire and permafrost thaw affects carbon and nitrogen storage. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5d1a7349e4b0941bde6027cd) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5d1a7349e4b0941bde6027cd) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products - USGS Soil Biogeochemistry ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") - [Data Release - Revised](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData+Release+-+Revised "Data Release - Revised") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [biogeochemistry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiogeochemistry "biogeochemistry (biogeochemistry, Theme, Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB) keywords)") - [environment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Denvironment "environment (environment, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [soil](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsoil "soil (soil, Theme, soil)") - [soil chemistry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsoil+chemistry "soil chemistry (soil chemistry, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [soil horizons](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsoil+horizons "soil horizons (soil horizons, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [soil moisture](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsoil+moisture "soil moisture (soil moisture, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Alaska](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAlaska "Alaska (Alaska, Place, Alaska)") - [Alaska](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAlaska "Alaska (Alaska, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Interior Alaska](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DInterior+Alaska "Interior Alaska (Interior Alaska, Place, Alaska)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Ecology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEcology "Ecology (Ecology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Soil Sciences](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSoil+Sciences "Soil Sciences (Soil Sciences, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance v1.1 updates: \*Added volume method to Generalized\_models\_for\_CandN\_Alaska.csv \*Added Region Name and Core to Site\_GPS\_coordinates.csv ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P960N1F9 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Kristen L Manies</origin>\n <pubdate>202006</pubdate>\n <title>Data Supporting Generalized models to estimate carbon and nitrogen stocks of organic layers in Interior Alaska</title>\n <geoform>spreadsheet</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Earth Systems Science Data Journal</pubplace>\n <publish>Copernicus Publications</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit></othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Boreal ecosystems comprise about one tenth of the world\xe2\x80\x99s land surface and contain over 20 % of the global soil carbon (C) stocks. Boreal soils are unique in that the mineral soil is covered by what can be quite thick layers of organic soil. These organic soil layers, or horizons, can differ in their state of decomposition, source vegetation, and disturbance history. These differences result in varying soil properties (bulk density, C content, and nitrogen (N) content) among soil horizons. These data were used in a manuscript where these soil properties, as represented by over 3000 samples from Interior Alaska, were summarized. We also examined how soil drainage and stand age affect these attributes. The summary values presented in this manuscript can be used to gap-fill large datasets when important soil properties were not measured, provide data to initialize process-based models, and validate model results.</abstract>\n <purpose>These data were collected to characterize the soils of Interior Alaska and determine how fire and permafrost thaw affects carbon and nitrogen storage.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20000707</begdate>\n <enddate>20150729</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>observed</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-161.0156</westbc>\n <eastbc>-141.5918</eastbc>\n <northbc>67.8424</northbc>\n <southbc>61.6064</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>World</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>environment</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>soil</themekt>\n <themekey>soil</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>soil chemistry</themekey>\n <themekey>soil horizons</themekey>\n <themekey>soil moisture</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB) keywords</themekt>\n <themekey>biogeochemistry</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5d1a7349e4b0941bde6027cd</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Alaska</placekt>\n <placekey>Alaska</placekey>\n <placekey>Interior Alaska</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Alaska</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see 'Distribution Info' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users are advised to read the data set's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Kristen Manies</cntper>\n <cntorg>USGS</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Ecologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>345 Middlefield Rd</address>\n <city>Menlo Park</city>\n <state>CA</state>\n <postal>94025</postal>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>650-329-5010</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Kristen L. Manies</origin>\n <origin>Jennifer W. Harden</origin>\n <origin>Christopher C. Fuller</origin>\n <origin>Xiaomei Xu</origin>\n <origin>John P. McGeehin</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Soil data for a vegetation gradient located at Bonanza Creek Long Term Ecological Research Site, interior Alaska</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Kristen L. Manies</origin>\n <origin>Jennifer W. Harden</origin>\n <origin>Teresa N. Holingsworth</origin>\n <pubdate>2014</pubdate>\n <title>Soils, vegetation, and woody debris data from the 2001 Survey Line fire and a comparable unburned site, Tanana Flats region, Alaska</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jonathan A. O'Donnell</origin>\n <origin>Jennifer W. Harden</origin>\n <origin>Kristen L. Manies</origin>\n <origin>M. Torre Jorgenson</origin>\n <origin>Mikhail Kanevskiy</origin>\n <origin>Xiaomei Xu</origin>\n <pubdate>2013</pubdate>\n <title>Soil data from fire and permafrost-thaw chronosequences in upland Picea mariana stands near Hess Creek and Tok, interior Alaska</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jonathan A. O\xe2\x80\x99Donnell</origin>\n <origin>Jennifer W. Harden</origin>\n <origin>Kristen L. Manies</origin>\n <origin>M. Torre Jorgenson</origin>\n <pubdate>2012</pubdate>\n <title>Soil data for a collapse-scar bog chronosequence in Koyukuk Flats National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 2008</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jonathan A. O'Donnell</origin>\n <origin>Jennifer W. Harden</origin>\n <origin>Kristen L. Manies</origin>\n <pubdate>2011</pubdate>\n <title>Soil physical, chemical and gas-flux characterization from Picea mariana stands near Erickson Creek, Alaska</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>ppg. i-15</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Kristen L. Manies</origin>\n <origin>Jennifer W. Harden</origin>\n <pubdate>2011</pubdate>\n <title>Soil data from different-age Picea mariana stands near Delta Junction, Alaska</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Kristen L. Manies</origin>\n <origin>Jennifer W. Harden</origin>\n <origin>Steven R. Silva</origin>\n <origin>Paul H. Briggs</origin>\n <origin>Brian M. Schmid</origin>\n <pubdate>2004</pubdate>\n <title>Soil data from Picea mariana stands near delta junction, Alaska of different ages and soil drainage type</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>Volumetric water content values were used as a data check for bulk density values. \n\nAll carbon and nitrogen samples were compared to a main working standard, ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA), which has been calibrated to air nitrogen through a set of international standards. The chemical formula for this compound corresponds to a C concentration of 41.09 % and N concentration of 9.59 %. Additional working standards were analyzed as samples in all runs to check consistency and overall precision. Two working standards were included in all runs: a marine sediment (MESS-1), issued by the Chemistry Division of the Canadian National Research Council, and a river sediment (NBS 1645), issued by the National Bureau of Standards, now the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Certified values were obtained from Govindaraju [1989]. These working standards are more representative of mineral soil samples. Over half the runs also included NIST-1547, N certified at 2.94 \xc2\xb1 0.12 % by weight [Becker, 1990]. NIST-1547 peach leaves are more similar to the highly organic surface soils. Many of the Open-File Reports references compare our measured values for these working standards to their certified values.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Minimum and maximum values were examined as a data quality check.</logic>\n <complete>Our samples are dominated by soil profiles from somewhat poorly, poorly, and very poorly drainages. Age classes were also not equally distributed, as almost 50 % of our soil profiles were from mature stands. This unbalanced design means that our results may not adequately represent all drainages and age classes, particularly well-drained sites. Deciduous stands are not well represented. In addition, we have few sites from shrub dominated ecosystems. Our data best represents black spruce dominated forests and thermokarst wetlands in Alaska.</complete>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>FIELD METHODOLOGY\nSoil cores were taken using one or more of four different methods (Manies et al., 2017; Manies et al., 2016; Manies et al., 2014; O'Donnell et al., 2013; O'Donnell et al., 2012; Manies et al., 2004). The first method, most often used with surface layers, involved cutting soil blocks to a known volume. Another method often used to sample these soils uses a coring device inserted into a hand drill (4.8 cm diameter; Nalder and Wein, 1998). Wetter sites were sometimes sampled while frozen using a Snow, Ice, and Permafrost Research Establishment (SIPRE) corer (7.6-cm diameter; Rand and Mellor, 1985). Alternatively, if wetter sites were sampled unfrozen we used a \xe2\x80\x98frozen finger\xe2\x80\x99. This coring method uses a thin-walled, hollow tube (~6.5 cm diameter), sealed at one end, which is inserted into the ground until it hits mineral soil. A slurry of dry ice and alcohol is then poured into the corer, freezing the unfrozen material surrounding the corer to the outside. The corer is then removed and the exterior of the core is scraped to remove any large roots or material that stuck to the sample during removal. For some cores, two coring methods were combined to create continuous samples from the surface to the mineral soil.\nCores were subdivided into subsections representing soil horizons based on visual factors such as level of decomposition and root abundance. These horizon samples provided the basis for our analyses and are based on Canadian (Soil Classification Working Group, 1998) and U.S. Department of Agriculture\xe2\x80\x99s Natural Resource Conservation Service (Staff, 1998) soil survey techniques. A description of the horizons and the codes we used to represent them are found below:\n\nLive moss (L): Live moss, which is usually green. This layer generally also contains a small amount of plant litter.\nDead moss (D): Moss that is dead and either undecomposed or slightly decomposed. This horizon would be considered an Oi horizon in the U.S. soil system.\nFibric (F): Fibrous plant material that varies in the degree of decomposition (somewhat intact to very small plant pieces), but there is no amorphous organic material present. Very fine roots often make up a large fraction of this horizon. This horizon would be considered an Oi horizon in the U.S. soil system.\nMesic (M): This horizon is comprised of moderately decomposed material, with few, if any, recognizable plant parts other than roots. There is amorphous present within this layer to varying degrees, but it is not smeary. This horizon is generally considered an Oe horizon (U.S. soil system). \nHumic (H): This organic horizon is highly decomposed. The soil in this horizon smears when rubbed and contains little to no recognizable plant parts. The H horizon is generally considered an Oa horizon (U.S. soil system).\nMineral (Min): Classified as an A, B, or C mineral soil (U.S. soil system), it contains less than 20-volume-percent organic matter, as judged in the field.\n\nLABORATORY METHODS\nWe air-dried soils at room temperature (20 \xc2\xb0C to 30 \xc2\xb0C) to constant mass, then oven-dried the samples for 24-48 hours in a forced-draft oven. Organic soils were oven-dried at 65 \xc2\xb0C to avoid the alteration of organic matter chemistry. Mineral soils were oven-dried at 105 \xc2\xb0C. Samples were then processed in one of two ways, depending on the horizon code. Mineral soil samples were gently crushed using a mortar and pestle, with care to break only aggregates, and then sieved through a 2-mm screen. Soil particles that did not pass through the screen were removed, weighed, and saved separately; soil that passed through the screen was then ground by using a mortar and pestle to pass through a 60-mesh (0.246-mm) screen. The ground material was mixed and placed in a labeled glass sample bottle for subsequent analyses. Organic samples were weighed, and roots wider than 1 cm in diameter were removed, weighed, and saved separately. The remaining sample material was then milled in an Udy Corp. Cyclone Sample Mill to pass through a 0.25-mm screen and placed in a labeled glass vial.\nWe analyzed soil samples for total C and N using a Carlo Erba NA1500 elemental analyzer (Fisons Instruments). In summary, samples were combusted in the presence of excess oxygen. The resulting sample gases were carried by a continuous flow of helium through an oxidation furnace, followed by a reduction furnace, to yield CO2, N2, and water vapor. Water was removed by a chemical trap and CO2 and N2 were chromatographically separated before the quantification of C and N (Pella, 1990a,b).</procdesc>\n <procdate>20190701</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>megaAlaska_v11-2 for ScienceBase.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>sampleID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Sample Identification: the first four characters are based on the region and site. Then there is a space. Next the soil core, followed by a period, and then the basal depth of the soil horizon.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The first four characters are based on the region and site. Then there is a space. Next the soil core, followed by a period, and then the basal depth of the soil horizon.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>depth</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Basal depth of the soil horizon, in cm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>524.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>cm</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Hcode</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Horizon code</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>L = live moss\nD = dead moss\nF = fibric\nM = mesic\nH = humic\nA, B, C, and E are mineral soil horizons\nAsh = ash\nDN = dead lichen\nH2O = water\nICE = ice\nLN= lichen\nLT = litter\nLa = lacustrine\nLW = liverwort\nGR = grass\nSe = sedge\nWD = wood\nX = unknown\n\nA b before the code signifies it was burned or singed.\n\nA f before the code signifies it was frozen when sampled (summer only)\n\nA g before the code signifies that there is gravel in this layer.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>description</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Qualitative description of the soil horizon</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>sample description</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date samples was taken</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>MM/DD/YYYY\nData taken from 2000 - 2015</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>thickness</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Thickness of the soil horizon, in cm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9.50</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BDall</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Bulk density, all soil, g/cm3: Grams of oven-dried soil per cubic centimeter for the entire soil sample with no fractions excluded.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.001</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.95</rdommax>\n <attrunit>g/cm^3</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BDfine</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Bulk density, fines, g/cm3: Grams of oven-dried soil per cubic centimeter. Calculated by subtracting the weight of the soil particles greater than 2 mm and roots greater than 1 cm diameter from the total bulk density. No volume adjustment has been made for the fractions removed.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.001</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.7662</rdommax>\n <attrunit>g/cm^3</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HtAboveMin</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Height above mineral, cm: Height of each basal depth above the mineral-soil boundary; therefore, the bottom organic layer is at zero and all mineral horizons are negative numbers.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-492</rdommin>\n <rdommax>398</rdommax>\n <attrunit>cm</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>carbon</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Organic carbon, %</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>58.01</rdommax>\n <attrunit>%</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>nitrogen</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Nitrogen, %</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3.530</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>13C</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>13C: Per mil (\xe2\x80\xb0) value of 13C relative to Pee Dee Belemnite</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-23.4</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-31.64</rdommax>\n <attrunit>\xe2\x80\xb0</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>14C</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>\xce\x9414C value (\xe2\x80\xb0) for the bulk soil sample. There may be samples with 14C data that do not have that data listed here.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-971</rdommin>\n <rdommax>371</rdommax>\n <attrunit>\xe2\x80\xb0</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>LOI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Loss-on-ignition value of oven-dried sample with material &gt;2 mm or 1 cm diameter removed.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>97.9</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>volume_method</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Method used to obtain a volumetric sample in order to obtain bulk density</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No volumetric sample taken</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>auger</edomv>\n <edomvd>One of various soil auger/corers.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>block</edomv>\n <edomvd>A block of known dimensions was removed using scissors, knives, etc.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>fr_finger</edomv>\n <edomvd>Frozen finger: where a thin-walled, hollow tube (~6.5 cm diameter), sealed at one end, is inserted into the peat and filled with a slurry of dry ice and alcohol, freezing the outside material to the corer.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>H-ring</edomv>\n <edomvd>Ring of a known diameter which is gently pounded into the mineral soil and then excavated</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Makita</edomv>\n <edomvd>A coring device inserted into a hand drill (Nalder and Wein, 1998)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>P-core</edomv>\n <edomvd>A 8.5 cm diameter corer</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>PVC</edomv>\n <edomvd>A sharpened PVC corer with an inner diameter of approximately 10 cm</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>shelby</edomv>\n <edomvd>Shelby Tube sampler</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>SIPRE</edomv>\n <edomvd>Snow, Ice, and Permafrost Research Establishment corer (Rand and Mellor, 1985)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>USFS core</edomv>\n <edomvd>Corer used by our US Forest Service collaborators at this site</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>whomper</edomv>\n <edomvd>Soil Moisture Corporation soil sampler with a driving bore handle and a sampling head</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>region</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Region within Alaska where the site is located</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>EC</edomv>\n <edomvd>Erickson Creek</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>BZ</edomv>\n <edomvd>Bonanza Creek</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>HC</edomv>\n <edomvd>Hess Creek</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>IF</edomv>\n <edomvd>Innoko Flats</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>KF</edomv>\n <edomvd>Koyukuk Flats</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>TH</edomv>\n <edomvd>Tayor Highway</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>CL</edomv>\n <edomvd>Chena Lakes</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>DF</edomv>\n <edomvd>Donnelly Flats</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>site</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Site where soil core was taken</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Site name</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>profile</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>soil profile, or core, number</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>soil profile, or core, number</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>drainage</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>well</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>well</edomv>\n <edomvd>gravel or cobble within the top 100 cm, no permafrost</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>somewhat poorly</edomv>\n <edomvd>Permafrost above 75 cm, no persistent water table</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>poorly</edomv>\n <edomvd>Surface 10-15 cm saturated only when there is seasonal ice</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>moderately well</edomv>\n <edomvd>Permafrost between 75-150 cm and no persistent water table</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>very poorly</edomv>\n <edomvd>Surface 10-15 cm saturated throughout the growing season</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>standage</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Age from last disturbance (fire or thaw)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1322</rdommax>\n <attrunit>years</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ageclass</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>age class: N = newly burned (&lt; 5 yrs), Y= young (5-50 yrs), M = mature (&gt;50 yrs)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>M</edomv>\n <edomvd>mature, &gt; 50 yrs</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N</edomv>\n <edomvd>newly disturbed (&lt; 5 yrs)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Y</edomv>\n <edomvd>young (5 - 50 yrs old)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SurfaceVeg</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>surface vegetation</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Types of vegetation found on the soil surface</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SubbedBD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>If Y this is not a measured value. Instead an average value was used.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N</edomv>\n <edomvd>measured value</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Y</edomv>\n <edomvd>This is not a measured value, but instead a subbed average value</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SubbedC</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>If Y this is not a measured value. Instead an average value was used.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N</edomv>\n <edomvd>measured value</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Y</edomv>\n <edomvd>This is not a measured value, but instead a subbed average value</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SubbedN</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>If Y this is not a measured value. Instead an average value was used.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N</edomv>\n <edomvd>measured value</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Y</edomv>\n <edomvd>This is not a measured value, but instead a subbed average value</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GroupedHcode</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Horizon codes grouped into few categories</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>L</edomv>\n <edomvd>live moss</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>D</edomv>\n <edomvd>dead moss</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>F</edomv>\n <edomvd>fibric</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>M</edomv>\n <edomvd>mesic</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>H</edomv>\n <edomvd>humic</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Min</edomv>\n <edomvd>mineral soil</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>LN</edomv>\n <edomvd>lichen</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>LT</edomv>\n <edomvd>litter</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>bOM</edomv>\n <edomvd>burned organics</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Misc</edomv>\n <edomvd>miscellaneous</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>ASH</edomv>\n <edomvd>ash</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>La</edomv>\n <edomvd>lacustrine</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GroupedVeg</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Surface vegetation grouped into less categories</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>non-Sphag moss</edomv>\n <edomvd>not a Sphagnum nor brown moss</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>lichen</edomv>\n <edomvd>lichen</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>burned OM</edomv>\n <edomvd>burned organics</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Sphagnum</edomv>\n <edomvd>Sphagnum</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>litter</edomv>\n <edomvd>litter</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>sedge</edomv>\n <edomvd>sedge</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>unknown</edomv>\n <edomvd>unknown</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>liverwort</edomv>\n <edomvd>liverwort</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>grass</edomv>\n <edomvd>grass</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Equistum</edomv>\n <edomvd>Equisetum</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>brown moss</edomv>\n <edomvd>brown moss</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>ash</edomv>\n <edomvd>ash</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200831</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Kristen L Manies</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Ecologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>345 Middlefield Road</address>\n <city>Menlo Park</city>\n <state>CA</state>\n <postal>94025</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>650-329-5010</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>650-329-4920</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Nevada Water Science Center](/catalog/item/5d4310c5e4b01d82ce8db00e) 3. [Evapotranspiration units and potential areas of groundwater discharge delineated July 20–24, 2009 in the upper Humboldt River Basin, northeastern Nevada](/catalog/item/590c8e85e4b0e541a038e30e) 4. [Potential areas of groundwater discharge delineated July 20–24, 2009 in the upper Humboldt River Basin, northeastern Nevada.](/catalog/folder/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2017Start Date2008End Date2009 ## Citation Smith, J.L., Welborn, T.L., and Medina, R.L., 2017, Potential areas of groundwater discharge delineated July 20–24, 2009 in the upper Humboldt River Basin, northeastern Nevada.: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This data set contains polygons representing potential areas of groundwater discharge (PAGWD) for the upper Humboldt River Basin, northeastern Nevada. ## Summary This data set contains polygons representing potential areas of groundwater discharge (PAGWD) for the upper Humboldt River Basin, northeastern Nevada. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [U.S. Geological Survey Nevada Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey+Nevada+Water+Science+Center) Originator : [J. LaRue Smith](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=J.+LaRue+Smith), [Toby L. Welborn](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Toby+L.+Welborn), [Rose L. Medina](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Rose+L.+Medina) Metadata Contact : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey+-+ScienceBase) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | SIR2013\_5077\_pagwd\<br>“ESRI 10.3.1 Geodatabase” | | 449.38 KB | application/zip | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | SIR2013\_5077\_pagwd\_p.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 18.03 KB | | SIR2013\_5077\_pagwd\_p.cpg | | 5 Bytes | | SIR2013\_5077\_pagwd\_p.dbf | | 3.82 KB | | SIR2013\_5077\_pagwd\_p.prj | | 403 Bytes | | SIR2013\_5077\_pagwd\_p.sbn | | 1.01 KB | | SIR2013\_5077\_pagwd\_p.sbx | | 196 Bytes | | SIR2013\_5077\_pagwd\_p.shp | | 1.16 MB | | SIR2013\_5077\_pagwd\_p.shx | | 820 Bytes | Shapefile: SIR2013\_5077\_pagwd\ ## Purpose This data set was published as part of a U.S. Geological Survey study, done in cooperation with the Nevada Division of Water Resources, to understand the potential effects of groundwater withdrawals on the Humboldt River. The intended uses of this data set include, but are not limited to, natural resource modeling, mapping, and visualization applications. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ScienceBase WFS ## Communities - USGS Nevada Water Science Center ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [Discharge](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDischarge "Discharge (Discharge, Theme, None)") - [ET](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DET "ET (ET, Theme, None)") - [ET unit](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DET+unit "ET unit (ET unit, Theme, None)") - [Evaporation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEvaporation "Evaporation (Evaporation, Theme, None)") - [Evapotranspiration](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEvapotranspiration "Evapotranspiration (Evapotranspiration, Theme, None)") - [Groundwater](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGroundwater "Groundwater (Groundwater, Theme, None)") - [Groundwater Discharge](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGroundwater+Discharge "Groundwater Discharge (Groundwater Discharge, Theme, None)") - [Phreatophyte](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPhreatophyte "Phreatophyte (Phreatophyte, Theme, None)") - [Transpiration](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DTranspiration "Transpiration (Transpiration, Theme, None)") - [biota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiota "biota (biota, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [carbonate-rock aquifer system](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dcarbonate-rock+aquifer+system "carbonate-rock aquifer system (carbonate-rock aquifer system, Theme, None)") - [climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DclimatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere "climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere (climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [inlandWaters](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DinlandWaters "inlandWaters (inlandWaters, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") Place - [Dixie Creek-Tenmile Creek](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDixie+Creek-Tenmile+Creek "Dixie Creek-Tenmile Creek (Dixie Creek-Tenmile Creek, Place, State of Nevada Division of Water Resources Hydrographic Regions and Basins)") - [Elko Segment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DElko+Segment "Elko Segment (Elko Segment, Place, State of Nevada Division of Water Resources Hydrographic Regions and Basins)") - [Great Basin](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGreat+Basin "Great Basin (Great Basin, Place, None)") - [Humboldt River Basin](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHumboldt+River+Basin "Humboldt River Basin (Humboldt River Basin, Place, None)") - [Humboldt River Region](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHumboldt+River+Region "Humboldt River Region (Humboldt River Region, Place, State of Nevada Division of Water Resources Hydrographic Regions and Basins)") - [Huntington Valley](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHuntington+Valley "Huntington Valley (Huntington Valley, Place, State of Nevada Division of Water Resources Hydrographic Regions and Basins)") - [Lamoille Valley](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLamoille+Valley "Lamoille Valley (Lamoille Valley, Place, State of Nevada Division of Water Resources Hydrographic Regions and Basins)") - [Marys River](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMarys+River "Marys River (Marys River, Place, State of Nevada Division of Water Resources Hydrographic Regions and Basins)") - [Nevada](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNevada "Nevada (Nevada, Place, None)") - [North Fork](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNorth+Fork "North Fork (North Fork, Place, State of Nevada Division of Water Resources Hydrographic Regions and Basins)") - [South Fork](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSouth+Fork "South Fork (South Fork, Place, State of Nevada Division of Water Resources Hydrographic Regions and Basins)") - [Starr Valley](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DStarr+Valley "Starr Valley (Starr Valley, Place, State of Nevada Division of Water Resources Hydrographic Regions and Basins)") Types - [Downloadable](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DDownloadable "Downloadable") - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - 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(Additional Information) ## Item Actions #### Use Item [Process feature with Geo Data Portal](/catalog/gdp/callGdp?item_id=5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8& ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>J. LaRue Smith</origin>\n <origin>Toby L. Welborn</origin>\n <origin>Rose L. Medina</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Potential areas of groundwater discharge delineated July 20\xe2\x80\x9324, 2009 in the upper Humboldt River Basin, northeastern Nevada.</title>\n <geoform>vector digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Russell W. Plume</origin>\n <origin>J. LaRue Smith</origin>\n <pubdate>2013</pubdate>\n <title>Properties of Basin-Fill Deposits, a 1971\xe2\x80\x932000 Water Budget, and Surface-Water-Groundwater Interactions in the Upper Humboldt River Basin, Northeastern Nevada</title>\n <geoform>document</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report</sername>\n <issue>2013-5077</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This data set contains polygons representing potential areas of groundwater discharge (PAGWD) for the upper Humboldt River Basin, northeastern Nevada.</abstract>\n <purpose>This data set was published as part of a U.S. Geological Survey study, done in cooperation with the Nevada Division of Water Resources, to understand the potential effects of groundwater withdrawals on the Humboldt River. The intended uses of this data set include, but are not limited to, natural resource modeling, mapping, and visualization applications.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>2008</begdate>\n <enddate>2009</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-116.191998</westbc>\n <eastbc>-114.809284</eastbc>\n <northbc>41.648595</northbc>\n <southbc>39.974639</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>biota</themekey>\n <themekey>inlandWaters</themekey>\n <themekey>climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>Discharge</themekey>\n <themekey>Groundwater</themekey>\n <themekey>Groundwater Discharge</themekey>\n <themekey>Evapotranspiration</themekey>\n <themekey>Evaporation</themekey>\n <themekey>Transpiration</themekey>\n <themekey>ET</themekey>\n <themekey>ET unit</themekey>\n <themekey>Phreatophyte</themekey>\n <themekey>carbonate-rock aquifer system</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5939a86be4b0764e6c5ec8a8</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Humboldt River Basin</placekey>\n <placekey>Nevada</placekey>\n <placekey>Great Basin</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>State of Nevada Division of Water Resources Hydrographic Regions and Basins</placekt>\n <placekey>Dixie Creek-Tenmile Creek</placekey>\n <placekey>Elko Segment</placekey>\n <placekey>Huntington Valley</placekey>\n <placekey>Lamoille Valley</placekey>\n <placekey>Marys River</placekey>\n <placekey>North Fork</placekey>\n <placekey>South Fork</placekey>\n <placekey>Starr Valley</placekey>\n <placekey>Humboldt River Region</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see \'Distribution Info\' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>Acknowledgement of the U.S. Geological Survey, Elko County, Nevada, and Nevada Division of Water Resources would be appreciated in products derived from these data. Users are advised to read the data set\'s metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations. Although this Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) compliant metadata file is intended to document the data set in nonproprietary form, this metadata file may include some ArcGIS-specific terminology. These data are not intended to be used as a survey product and are for reference only.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey Nevada Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntpos>Public Information</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and physical address</addrtype>\n <address>2730 N. Deer Run Road</address>\n <city>Carson City</city>\n <state>NV</state>\n <postal>89701</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>(775) 887-7600</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Compilation of this data set and the associated metadata was done in cooperation with Elko County, Nevada and the Nevada Division of Water Resources.</datacred>\n <native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; ESRI ArcCatalog</native>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>J. LaRue Smith</origin>\n <origin>Toby L. Welborn</origin>\n <origin>Rose L. Medina</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Evapotranspiration units delineated July 20\xe2\x80\x9324, 2009 in the upper Humboldt River Basin, northeastern Nevada.</title>\n <geoform>vector digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Russell W. Plume</origin>\n <origin>J. LaRue Smith</origin>\n <pubdate>2013</pubdate>\n <title>Properties of Basin-Fill Deposits, a 1971\xe2\x80\x932000 Water Budget, and Surface-Water-Groundwater Interactions in the Upper Humboldt River Basin, Northeastern Nevada</title>\n <geoform>document</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report</sername>\n <issue>2013-5077</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted. Verification was done by interactive on-screen review. Frequency tests were performed on all feature class attributes to check that no features were unlabeled, misspelled, or inconsistent.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>The logical consistency topologically is clean. Polygon topology is present.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the upper Humboldt River Basin, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>A formal accuracy assessment of the horizontal positional information in the data set has not been conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey</origin>\n <pubdate>unknown</pubdate>\n <title>Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper</title>\n <geoform>raster digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>online</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <mdattim>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20080609</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20080711</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20080913</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </mdattim>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>ground condition</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Landsat</srccitea>\n <srccontr>spatial and radiometric information</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey</origin>\n <pubdate>1999</pubdate>\n <title>National Elevation Dataset</title>\n <geoform>raster digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>online</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>unknown</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date of source DEM</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>DEM</srccitea>\n <srccontr>spatial and elevation information</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>USDA-FSA-APFO Aerial Photography Field Office</origin>\n <pubdate>2007</pubdate>\n <title>NAIP Digital Ortho Photo Image</title>\n <geoform>raster digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>online</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2006</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>ground condition</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>NAIP</srccitea>\n <srccontr>spatial information</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Potential areas of groundwater discharge (PAGWD) were iteratively delineated using remote sensing methods and field verification during July 20\xe2\x80\x9324, 2009. A combination of Landsat imagery, high-resolution imagery from the National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP), and a digital-elevation model (DEM) were used to initially identify discharge areas. Field mapping and verification at 59 locations were used to fine tune adjustments of the remote sensing methodology to properly and more accurately identify the discharge areas. Six Landsat scenes were analyzed: (1) Landsat scene identifiers LT50400312008193EDC00 and LT50400322008193EDC00 acquired July 11, 2008; (2) Landsat scene identifiers LT50400312008161EDC00 and LT50400322008161EDC00 acquired June 9, 2008; (3) Landsat scene identifiers LT50400312008257EDC00 and LT50400312008257EDC00 acquired September 13, 2008.\n\nReference:\nPlume, R.W., and Smith, J.L., 2013, Properties of basin-fill deposits, a 1971\xe2\x80\x932000 water budget, and surface-water-groundwater interactions in the upper Humboldt River basin, northeastern Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2013-5077, 38 p.,</procdesc>\n <srcused>Landsat</srcused>\n <srcused>NAIP</srcused>\n <srcused>DEM</srcused>\n <procdate>2009</procdate>\n <srcprod>PAGWD_g</srcprod>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>PAGWD_g was converted from a raster to polygon using the ArcGIS tool RasterToPolygon: \n"RasterToPolygon PAGWD_g PAGWD_p SIMPLIFY VALUE"</procdesc>\n <srcused>PAGWD_g</srcused>\n <procdate>200910</procdate>\n <srcprod>PAGWD_p</srcprod>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>PAGWD_p was projected from NAD 1983 UTM zone 11 to WGS 84 UTM zone 11.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20161116</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Metadata were structured and validated using the U.S. Geological Survey Geospatial Metadata Validation Service, accessed November 16, 2016 at URL</procdesc>\n <procdate>2017508</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Vector</direct>\n <ptvctinf>\n <sdtsterm>\n <sdtstype>GT-polygon composed of chains</sdtstype>\n <ptvctcnt>90</ptvctcnt>\n </sdtsterm>\n </ptvctinf>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <mapproj>\n <mapprojn>WGS 1984 UTM Zone 11N</mapprojn>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer>0.9996</sfctrmer>\n <longcm>-117.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>0.0</latprjo>\n <feast>500000.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </transmer>\n </mapproj>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>0.0001</absres>\n <ordres>0.0001</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>meter</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>D WGS 1984</horizdn>\n <ellips>WGS 1984</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257223563</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>SIR2013_5077_PAGWD_p</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Polygon features representing the potential areas of groundwater discharge for the upper Humboldt River Basin</enttypd>\n <enttypds>user-defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>OBJECTID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Internal feature number.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Esri</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Shape</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Feature geometry.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Esri</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Coordinates defining the features.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PAGWD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Whether polygon is part of the PAGWD</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Esri</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Yes</edomv>\n <edomvd>Polygon is part of the PAGWD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>user-defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Shape_Length</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Length of feature in internal units.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Esri</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Shape_Area</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Area of feature in internal units squared.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Esri</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and physical address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>This database, identified as SIR2013_5077_PAGWD_p, has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, the database is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>WinZipped file geodatabase</formname>\n <formvern>10.3</formvern>\n <formspec>ESRI 10.3 file geodatabase</formspec>\n <formcont>Spatial and attribute information</formcont>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>WinZipped shapefile</formname>\n <formverd>2017</formverd>\n <formspec>ESRI shapefile. Note some information such as field names and relationship classes may be altered or removed from the source data during conversion to ESRI shapefile format.</formspec>\n <formcont>Spatial and attribute information</formcont>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None. This dataset is provided by USGS as a public service.</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200824</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>Rose L. Medina</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntpos>Physical Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and physical address</addrtype>\n <address>2730 N. Deer Run Road</address>\n <city>Carson City</city>\n <state>NV</state>\n <postal>89701</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-775-887-7620</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [High-resolution seismic imaging of the West Napa Fault Zone at Buhman Avenue, Napa, California](/catalog/folder/5e59ddb5e4b01d50924ca238) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5e59ddb5e4b01d50924ca238) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5e59ddb5e4b01d50924ca238) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5e59ddb5e4b01d50924ca238?format=json) ## Dates Acquisition2016-11-10Publication Date2020-03-06 ## Citation Chan, J.H., Catchings, R.D., Nevitt, J.M., Goldman, M.R., Criley, C.J., Sickler, R.R., and Brooks, B.A., 2020, High-resolution seismic imaging of the West Napa Fault Zone at Buhman Avenue, Napa, California: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary In November 2016, the U.S. Geological Survey acquired high-resolution P- and S-wave seismic data across the surface trace of the West Napa Fault zone near Buhman Avenue in Napa, California. We acquired seismic reflection, refraction, and guided-wave data along a 117-m-long profile across the known surface rupture zone of the West Napa Fault zone. To acquire the reflection and refraction data, we co-located shots and geophones, spaced every meter along the profile. We used 118 SercelTM L40A P-wave (40-Hz vertical-component) geophones with a sensitivity of 22.34 volts/meter/second to record 118 P-wave shots. We also used 118 SercelTM L28-LBH S-wave (4.5-Hz horizontal-component) geophones with a sensitivity of 31.3 volts/meter/second \[...\] ## Summary In November 2016, the U.S. Geological Survey acquired high-resolution P- and S-wave seismic data across the surface trace of the West Napa Fault zone near Buhman Avenue in Napa, California. We acquired seismic reflection, refraction, and guided-wave data along a 117-m-long profile across the known surface rupture zone of the West Napa Fault zone.  To acquire the reflection and refraction data, we co-located shots and geophones, spaced every meter along the profile.  We used 118 SercelTM L40A P-wave (40-Hz vertical-component) geophones with a sensitivity of 22.34 volts/meter/second to record 118 P-wave shots.  We also used 118 SercelTM L28-LBH S-wave (4.5-Hz horizontal-component) geophones with a sensitivity of 31.3 volts/meter/second to record 118 S-wave shots. We generated P-wave data using a 2.5-kg sledgehammer and steel plate combination. S-wave sources were generated by horizontally striking an aluminum block with a 2.5-kg sledgehammer. We acquired fault-zone guided-wave data by generating P- and S-wave energy (2.5-kg sledgehammer and steel plate or aluminum block) approximately 44 and 55 m northwest of the P- and S-wave recording arrays. All data were recorded using two 60-channel Geometrics Stratavisor NX-60TM seismographs with a 24-bit analog-to-digital converter (Subcommittee of the SEG Engineering and Groundwater Geophysics Committee, 1990); the seismographs were connected to the P- and S-wave geophones via refraction cables. Each shot was recorded for two seconds, with data recording starting 100 ms before the actual time of the shot.  Data were recorded at a sampling rate of 0.5 ms, or 2000 samples per second. This report provides the metadata needed to utilize the seismic data. **Reference:** Subcommittee of the SEG Engineering and Groundwater Geophysics Committee, Pullan, S. E., Chairman, 1990, Recommended standard for seismic (/radar) data files in the personal computer environment: Geophysics, vol. 55, no. 9, p. 1260-1271. **Acknowledgements:** We thank Keith Galvin, Blathnaid McKevitt, Shuai Zhao, Joey Mason, Carolyn Stieban, Edward Zhang, and Luther Strayer for their assistance in the field. We thank Kristan and Robert Forloine for providing field site access. We also thank Jemile Erdem for metadata review. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Joanne H Chan](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=66894), [Rufus D Catchings](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=1657) Process Contact : [Mark R Goldman](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3759) Originator : [Joanne H Chan](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=66894), [Rufus D Catchings](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=1657), [Mark R Goldman](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3759), [Johanna M Nevitt](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70343), [Coyn J Criley](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=2176), [Robert R Sickler](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9454), [Benjamin A Brooks](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=24489) Metadata Contact : [Joanne H Chan](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=66894), [Mark R Goldman](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3759) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Participant : [Keith Galvin](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Keith+Galvin), [Blathnaid McKevitt](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Blathnaid+McKevitt), [Shuai Zhao](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Shuai+Zhao), [Joey Mason](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Joey+Mason), [Edward Zhang](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Edward+Zhang), [Carolyn Stieban](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Carolyn+Stieban), [Luther Strayer](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Luther+Strayer) SDC Owner : [Earthquake Hazards Program](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17167) Data Owner : [Earthquake Hazards Program](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17167) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Natural Hazards](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Natural+Hazards) SDC Data Owner : [Earthquake Hazards Program](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17167) ... show more ... 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b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Chan, J.H.</origin>\n <origin>Catchings, R.D.</origin>\n <origin>Nevitt, J.M.</origin>\n <origin>Goldman, M.R.</origin>\n <origin>Criley, C.J.</origin>\n <origin>Sickler, R.R.</origin>\n <origin>Brooks, B.A.</origin>\n <pubdate>20200306</pubdate>\n <title>High-resolution seismic imaging of the West Napa Fault Zone at Buhman Avenue, Napa, California</title>\n <geoform>Binary SEG-2 data files and csv files</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Moffett Field, CA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>In November 2016, the U.S. Geological Survey acquired high-resolution P- and S-wave seismic data across the surface trace of the West Napa Fault zone near Buhman Avenue in Napa, California. We acquired seismic reflection, refraction, and guided-wave data along a 117-m-long profile across the known surface rupture zone of the West Napa Fault zone. To acquire the reflection and refraction data, we co-located shots and geophones, spaced every meter along the profile. We used 118 SercelTM L40A P-wave (40-Hz vertical-component) geophones with a sensitivity of 22.34 volts/meter/second to record 118 P-wave shots. We also used 118 SercelTM L28-LBH S-wave (4.5-Hz horizontal-component) geophones with a sensitivity of 31.3 volts/meter/second to record 118 S-wave shots. We generated P-wave data using a 2.5-kg sledgehammer and steel plate combination. S-wave sources were generated by horizontally striking an aluminum block with a 2.5-kg sledgehammer. We acquired fault-zone guided-wave data by generating P- and S-wave energy (2.5-kg sledgehammer and steel plate or aluminum block) approximately 44 and 55 m northwest of the P- and S-wave recording arrays. All data were recorded using two 60-channel Geometrics Stratavisor NX-60TM seismographs with a 24-bit analog-to-digital converter (Subcommittee of the SEG Engineering and Groundwater Geophysics Committee, 1990); the seismographs were connected to the P- and S-wave geophones via refraction cables. Each shot was recorded for two seconds, with data recording starting 100 ms before the actual time of the shot. Data were recorded at a sampling rate of 0.5 ms, or 2000 samples per second. This report provides the metadata needed to utilize the seismic data.</abstract>\n <purpose>The primary goal of the seismic survey was to investigate the subsurface damage from rupturing associated with the 2014 MW 6.0 South Napa earthquake.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20161110</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-122.339796</westbc>\n <eastbc>-122.338406</eastbc>\n <northbc>38.281821</northbc>\n <southbc>38.280793</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>Buhman Avenue is approximately 5 km southwest of downtown Napa, California</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>faulting (geologic)</themekey>\n <themekey>earthquake hazards</themekey>\n <themekey>seismology</themekey>\n <themekey>seismic refraction methods</themekey>\n <themekey>seismic reflection methods</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5e59ddb5e4b01d50924ca238</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System</placekt>\n <placekey>Napa</placekey>\n <placekey>Northern California</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Mark R Goldman</cntper>\n <cntorg>SOUTHWEST REGION: EARTHQUAKE SCIENCE CENTER</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Geophysicist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>350 North Akron Road</address>\n <city>Moffett Field</city>\n <state>CA</state>\n <postal>94035</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>650-439-2496</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>We thank Keith Galvin, Blathnaid McKevitt, Shuai Zhao, Joey Mason, Carolyn Stieban, Edward Zhang, and Luther Strayer for their assistance in the field. We thank Kristan and Robert Forloine for providing field site access. We also thank Jemile Erdem for metadata review.</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>We acquired seismic reflection, refraction, and guided-wave data along a 117-meter-long linear profile, trending southwest to northeast. The profile consisted of 118 stations located every meter along the profile, with each station usually containing both a geophone location and a corresponding shotpoint approximately 0.5 meters from the geophone, perpendicular to the profile's orientation. Only geophone locations were surveyed.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20161110</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>All data were recorded using two 60-channel Geometrics Stratavisor NX-60TM seismographs with a 24-bit analog-to-digital converter (Subcommittee of the SEG Engineering and Groundwater Geophysics Committee, 1990); the seismographs were connected to the P- and S-wave geophones via refraction cables. Each shot was recorded for two seconds, with data recording starting 100 ms before the actual time of the shot. Data were recorded at a sampling rate of 0.5 ms, or 2000 samples per second.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20161110</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Channel and shot numbers were in the same order as station numbers. For instrument 78015, channels 1-60 recorded data from stations 1-60; for instrument 78023, channels 1-60 recorded data from stations 59-118. Channel 59 of instrument 78015 is co-located with channel 01 of instrument 78023; channel 60 of instrument 78015 is co-located with channel 02 of instrument 78023.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20161110</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Mark R Goldman</cntper>\n <cntorg>SOUTHWEST REGION: EARTHQUAKE SCIENCE CENTER</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Geophysicist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>350 North Akron Road</address>\n <city>Moffett Field</city>\n <state>CA</state>\n <postal>94035</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>650-439-2496</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>1.0E-5</latres>\n <longres>1.0E-5</longres>\n <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>WGS 84</horizdn>\n <ellips>WGS 84</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257223563</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Buhman2016_locations.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>station,latitude,longitude,elevation</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Mark R Goldman</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>station</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Numerical value assigned to each geophone location, starting from southwest to northeast</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>118</rdommax>\n <attrunit>NA</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>gw1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Guided-wave shot number 1</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>gw2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Guided-wave shot number 2</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>gw3</edomv>\n <edomvd>Guided-wave shot number 3</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>latitude</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Angular distance north or south of the earth's equator expressed in degree decimal</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>38.28082151</rdommin>\n <rdommax>38.28155346</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degree</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>longitude</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Angular distance east or west of the meridian expressed in decimal degree</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-122.33849972</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-122.33963734</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degree</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>elevation</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Meters above sea level</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>30.59</rdommin>\n <rdommax>42.34</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Buhman2016_shots.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>shot,type,source,station,recording_stations</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Mark R Goldman</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>shot</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Numeric identifier for each shot</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>368</rdommax>\n <attrunit>NA</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>type</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Type of seismic signal generated and recorded at each shot</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>pwave</edomv>\n <edomvd>P-wave or body wave generated and recorded</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>swave</edomv>\n <edomvd>S-wave or surface wave generated and recorded</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>guided</edomv>\n <edomvd>Guided wave generated and recorded</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>source</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Active source type used to generate seismic signal</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>hamr</edomv>\n <edomvd>4.5-kg sledgehammer striking a steel plate placed on ground surface (P-wave) or 4.5-kg sledgehammer horizontally striking an alumninum shear-block (S-wave)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>station</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Numeric identifier of station co-located with each shot</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>118</rdommax>\n <attrunit>NA</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>gw1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Guided-wave shot number 1</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>gw2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Guided-wave shot number 2</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>gw3</edomv>\n <edomvd>Guided-wave shot number 3</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>recording_stations</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The range of stations that recorded each shot</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>118</rdommax>\n <attrunit>NA</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Buhman.78015.tar</enttypl>\n <enttypd>NA</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Mark R Goldman</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NA</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>NA</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Each seismic record is represented by filename seismograph_name.shot_number.dat. For example, m15.001.dat represents shot 1 recorded by seismograph 78015, and 78015.368.dat represents shot 368 recorded by seismograph 78015.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Buhman.78023.tar</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>NA</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Mark R Goldman</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Each seismic record is represented by filename seismograph_name.shot_number.dat. For example, m23.001.dat represents shot 1 recorded by seismograph 78023, and m23.368.dat represents shot 368 recorded by seismograph 78023.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Building, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. Furthermore, any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200818</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Joanne H Chan</cntper>\n <cntorg>SOUTHWEST REGION: EARTHQUAKE SCIENCE CENTER</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Geophysicist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>350 North Akron Road</address>\n <city>Moffett Field</city>\n <state>CA</state>\n <postal>94035</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>650-439-2516</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center](/catalog/item/5a5696bbe4b01e7be2444d85) 3. [Soil and Vegetation](/catalog/item/5c180daae4b006c4f8557d04) 4. [Soil Characteristics](/catalog/item/5c180fb3e4b006c4f8557d0b) 5. [Summary of soil field-saturated hydraulic conductivity, hydrophobicity, and preferential-flow measurements and soil laboratory-testing results collected at three sites on the islands of Maui and Hawaii, Hawaii, July 2016–January 2018](/catalog/folder/5c806258e4b0938824459d57) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5c806258e4b0938824459d57) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5c806258e4b0938824459d57) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5c806258e4b0938824459d57?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2019-03-20Time Period2016-07-15Time Period2017-04-14Time Period2017-07-26Time Period2018-01-24Time Period2018-01-25 ## Citation Kennedy, J.J., Mair, A., Perkins, K.S., Nullet, M.A., Tseng, H., and Miyazawa, Y., 2019, Summary of soil field-saturated hydraulic conductivity, hydrophobicity, and preferential-flow measurements and soil laboratory-testing results collected at three sites on the islands of Maui and Hawaii, Hawaii, July 2016–January 2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary The U.S. Geological Survey Pacific Islands Water Science Center and the University of Hawaii at Manoa Department of Geography, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Interior Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center initiated a field data-collection program as part of a study to quantify the impacts of drought on water resources and the importance of cloud-water interception in mitigating the impacts of drought (see Related External Resources link below). The goal of the data-collection program is to provide information for evaluating the role that cloud-water interception in Hawaii’s rain forests has in providing moisture for plants, reducing wildfire risk within the fog zone, and contributing to groundwater recharge \[...\] ## Summary The U.S. Geological Survey Pacific Islands Water Science Center and the University of Hawaii at Manoa Department of Geography, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Interior Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center initiated a field data-collection program as part of a study to quantify the impacts of drought on water resources and the importance of cloud-water interception in mitigating the impacts of drought (see Related External Resources link below). The goal of the data-collection program is to provide information for evaluating the role that cloud-water interception in Hawaii’s rain forests has in providing moisture for plants, reducing wildfire risk within the fog zone, and contributing to groundwater recharge to aquifers that supply drinking water and persistent groundwater discharge to streams even during dry periods. The overall objective of the study is to provide needed information (1) to estimate changes in soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and groundwater recharge during periods of drought for current and projected climate conditions, and (2) to estimate the combined impact of drought and reduced cloud-water interception on soil moisture, evapotranspiration, and groundwater recharge. This dataset includes a summary of soil particle-size, dry bulk density, porosity, volumetric water content, and gravimetric water content analyses made on soil samples collected at three study sites, one on the island of Maui (Nakula) and two on the island of Hawaii (Laupahoehoe and Nahuku) between July 2016 and July 2017. The dataset also includes a summary of measurements of soil field-saturated hydraulic conductivity, hydrophobicity, and preferential flow collected at the Nakula site during January 2018. Each study site consisted of one plot located in forested land within the cloud zone. In addition, the Nakula study site included a second plot located in grassland adjacent to the forested plot. This data release includes five files: a summary file, three results files, and a metadata file: - The summary file \[Study\_sites\_summary\_file.pdf\] includes tables and maps of the three study sites, oblique areal imagery of the measurement plots at each study site, and a schematic of the measurement location configuration for the Nakula study site. - The dry bulk density, porosity, volumetric water content, and gravimetric water content data file \[Nahuku\_Nakula\_Laupahoehoe\_soil\_core\_data.csv\] contains all laboratory results for a total of 22 soil-core samples collected at the three study sites. - The particle size data file \[Nahuku\_Nakula\_Laupahoehoe\_soil\_particle\_size\_data.csv\] contains all laboratory soil particle-size results for a total of 28 soil samples collected from a subset of individual measurement locations at the three study sites. - The infiltration data file \[Nakula\_infiltration\_data.csv\] contains attributes that describe the study site, dominant vegetation, measurement date, measurement location identification code, and measurement results of soil field-saturated hydraulic conductivity, hydrophobicity, and preferential flow for all 33 individual measurement locations. - The metadata file \[Soil\_moisture\_stress\_data\_release\_metadata.xml\] includes explanation of the contents of the three data files and detailed descriptions of the methods used for each measurement. ... show more ... ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Joseph J Kennedy](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=72643), [Pacific Islands Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17447) Originator : [Joseph J Kennedy](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=72643), [Alan Mair](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Alan+Mair), [Kim S. Perkins](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Kim+S.+Perkins), [Michael A. Nullet](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Michael+A.+Nullet), [Han Tseng](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Han+Tseng), [Yoshiyuki Miyazawa](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Yoshiyuki+Miyazawa) Metadata Contact : [Joseph J Kennedy](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=72643), [Pacific Islands Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17447) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Pacific Islands Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17447) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5c806258e4b0938824459d57?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5c806258e4b0938824459d57?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5c806258e4b0938824459d57?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Soil\_moisture\_stress\_data\_release\_metadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 52 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Study\_sites\_summary\_file.pdf | | 24.22 MB | application/pdf | | Nahuku\_Nakula\_Laupahoehoe\_soil\_core\_data.csv | | 3.28 KB | text/csv | | Nahuku\_Nakula\_Laupahoehoe\_soil\_particle\_size\_data.csv | | 6.39 KB | text/csv | | Nakula\_infiltration\_data.csv | | 4.1 KB | text/csv | ## Related External Resources Type: Online Link | | | | --- | --- | | USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center study webpage | [\_moisture/index.html]( "") | ## Purpose The purpose of this data release is to document the quality-assured results of measurements collected from 55 individual measurement locations and depths from four plots at three study sites on the islands of Maui and Hawaii from July 2016 to January 2018. The data were collected as part of a study to quantify impacts of drought on water resources and the importance of cloud-water interception in mitigating the impacts of drought. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5c806258e4b0938824459d57) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5c806258e4b0938824459d57) ## Communities - National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers - Pacific Islands CASC - USGS Data Release Products - USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [bulk density](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbulk+density "bulk density (bulk density, Theme, National Agricultural Library Thesaurus)") - [gravimetric water content](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgravimetric+water+content "gravimetric water content (gravimetric water content, Theme, National Agricultural Library Thesaurus)") - [hydrophobicity](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhydrophobicity "hydrophobicity (hydrophobicity, Theme, National Agricultural Library Thesaurus)") - [infiltration](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dinfiltration "infiltration (infiltration, Theme, National Agricultural Library Thesaurus)") - [infiltration rate](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dinfiltration+rate "infiltration rate (infiltration rate, Theme, National Agricultural Library Thesaurus)") - [particle size distribution](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dparticle+size+distribution "particle size distribution (particle size distribution, Theme, National Agricultural Library Thesaurus)") - [porosity](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dporosity "porosity (porosity, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [preferential flow](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dpreferential+flow "preferential flow (preferential flow, Theme, National Agricultural Library Thesaurus)") - [saturated hydraulic conductivity](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsaturated+hydraulic+conductivity "saturated hydraulic conductivity (saturated hydraulic conductivity, Theme, National Agricultural Library Thesaurus)") - [soil moisture](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsoil+moisture "soil moisture (soil moisture, Theme, National Agricultural Library Thesaurus)") - [soil porosity](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsoil+porosity "soil porosity (soil porosity, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [soil water content](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsoil+water+content "soil water content (soil water content, Theme, National Agricultural Library Thesaurus)") - [volumetric water content](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dvolumetric+water+content "volumetric water content (volumetric water content, Theme, National Agricultural Library Thesaurus)") Place - [Hawaii](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHawaii "Hawaii (Hawaii, Place, Geographic Names and Information System (GNIS))") - [Maui](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMaui "Maui (Maui, Place, Geographic Names and Information System (GNIS))") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Hydrology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHydrology "Hydrology (Hydrology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Soil Sciences](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSoil+Sciences "Soil Sciences (Soil Sciences, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9J5SESD | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5c806258e4b0938824459d57?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5c806258e4b0938824459d57?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5c806258e4b0938824459d57?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5c806258e4b0938824459d57?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5c806258e4b0938824459d57?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5c806258e4b0938824459d57?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5c806258e4b0938824459d57?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5c806258e4b0938824459d57) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Joseph J. Kennedy</origin>\n <origin>Alan Mair</origin>\n <origin>Kim S. Perkins</origin>\n <origin>Michael A. Nullet</origin>\n <origin>Han Tseng</origin>\n <origin>Yoshiyuki Miyazawa</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Summary of soil field-saturated hydraulic conductivity, hydrophobicity, and preferential-flow measurements and soil laboratory-testing results collected at three sites on the islands of Maui and Hawaii, Hawaii, July 2016\xe2\x80\x93January 2018</title>\n <geoform>Digital and/or hard-copy resources</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This data release contains soil-properties for one site (Nakula) on the Island of Maui and two sites (Nahuku and Lapahoehoe) on the Island of Hawaii. Maps showing the site locations are included in one of this dataset\xe2\x80\x99s files (Study_sites_summary.pdf). The soil properties were compiled into three files, each formatted with comma-separated values. Field-saturated hydraulic conductivity, a hydrophobicity rating, and a preferential-flow rating were determined from soil-moisture measurements at multiple locations within two plots at the site on Maui (see Nakula_infiltration_data.csv). Dry bulk density, porosity, volumetric water content, and gravimetric water content were determined for soil-core samples collected at multiple locations and depths at each of the three sites (see Nahuku_Nakula_Laupahoehoe_soil_core_data.csv). Particle-size distributions were determined for (1) soil-core samples collected at multiple locations and depths at all three sites, and for (2) surface soil samples collected at multiple locations at one site on the Island of Hawaii (see Nahuku_Nakula_Laupahoehoe_soil_particle_size_data.csv).</abstract>\n <purpose>The purpose of this data release is to document the quality-assured results of measurements collected from 55 individual measurement locations and depths from four plots at three study sites on the islands of Maui and Hawaii from July 2016 to January 2018. The data were collected as part of a study to quantify impacts of drought on water resources and the importance of cloud-water interception in mitigating the impacts of drought.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <mdattim>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20160715</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20170414</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20170726</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20180124</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20180125</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </mdattim>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-156.71722478513</westbc>\n <eastbc>-154.76165837896</eastbc>\n <northbc>21.048618247502</northbc>\n <southbc>18.859509009289</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>National Agricultural Library Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>hydrophobicity</themekey>\n <themekey>infiltration</themekey>\n <themekey>infiltration rate</themekey>\n <themekey>preferential flow</themekey>\n <themekey>saturated hydraulic conductivity</themekey>\n <themekey>particle size distribution</themekey>\n <themekey>soil moisture</themekey>\n <themekey>volumetric water content</themekey>\n <themekey>bulk density</themekey>\n <themekey>soil water content</themekey>\n <themekey>gravimetric water content</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>porosity</themekey>\n <themekey>soil porosity</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5c806258e4b0938824459d57</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names and Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>Hawaii</placekey>\n <placekey>Maui</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Joseph J. Kennedy</cntper>\n <cntorg>PACIFIC REGION: PACIFIC ISLANDS WATER SCI CTR</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1845 Wasp Boulevard, Bld 176</address>\n <city>Honolulu</city>\n <state>HI</state>\n <postal>96818</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>808-690-9570</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Stefan H. Doerr</origin>\n <pubdate>1998</pubdate>\n <title>On standardizing the \xe2\x80\x98water drop penetration time\xe2\x80\x99 and the \xe2\x80\x98molarity of an ethanol droplet\xe2\x80\x99 techniques to classify soil hydrophobicity: a case study using medium textured soils</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Online</pubplace>\n <publish>Earth Surface Processes and Landforms</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink>;663::AID-ESP909&gt;3.0.CO;2-6</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Glendon W. Gee</origin>\n <origin>Dani Or</origin>\n <pubdate>2002</pubdate>\n <title>Particle-size analysis in Dane, J.H. and Topp, C.G. (ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 4 Physical Methods, pp. 255-293</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Madison, Wisconsin</pubplace>\n <publish>Soil Science Society of America</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>John R. Nimmo</origin>\n <origin>Kevin M. Schmidt</origin>\n <origin>Kim S. Perkins</origin>\n <origin>Jonathan D. Stock</origin>\n <pubdate>2009</pubdate>\n <title>Rapid measurement of field-saturated hydraulic conductivity for areal characterization</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Madison, Wisconsin</pubplace>\n <publish>Vadose Zone Journal</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Chester K. Wentworth</origin>\n <pubdate>1922</pubdate>\n <title>A scale of grade and class terms for clastic sediments</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Chicago, Illinois</pubplace>\n <publish>Journal of Geology</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>G.R. Blake</origin>\n <origin>K.H. Hartge</origin>\n <pubdate>1986</pubdate>\n <title>Particle Density in Klute, A. (ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis, Part I, Physical and Mineralogical Methods, 2nd edition, pp. 377-381</title>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Agronomy</sername>\n <issue>Number 9 (Part 1)</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Madison, Wisconsin</pubplace>\n <publish>American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>PROCESSING STEP 1: Soil-Moisture Measurement Location and Soil Core Sample Collection \nA set of soil-core samples was collected during the installation of continuous electromagnetic soil-moisture monitoring sensors at each study site. First, a soil test pit was manually excavated at each study site in a manner to expose a vertical sidewall at the upslope edge of the pit. The vertical sidewall of each pit was approximately 1.2 meters long and no more than 1.5 m deep. Next, soil-moisture sensors were inserted horizontally at multiple depths, arranged in two vertical arrays at each end of the sidewall. Each vertical array of soil-moisture sensors was identified as a soil-moisture measurement location, S-1 or S-2. A soil-core sample was then collected at or adjacent to the placement location of each soil-moisture sensor. Soil core samples were collected using an AMS Soil Core Sampler equipped with a sampling cup for holding 5.1-centimeter by 15.2 centimeter (2-inch by 6-inch) stainless-steel liners. The sampling cup was inserted horizontally at each depth by lightly tapping the end of the cup with a small hammer until the cup was completely inserted into the vertical sidewall. The cup was then gently retracted from the sidewall and the liner removed from the sampling cup. Plastic end caps were immediately placed on the ends of each liner and then taped to the liner to ensure no loss of soil sample or moisture. Each sample was labeled with the study site name, soil-moisture measurement location, and sample depth. All samples were then shipped to a USGS laboratory in Menlo Park, California where they were analyzed for dry bulk density, porosity, volumetric water content, and gravimetric water content (processing step 2) and for particle-size distribution (processing step 7).</procdesc>\n <procdate>201707</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>PROCESSING STEP 2: Dry Bulk Density, Porosity, Volumetric Water Content, and Gravimetric Water Content \nSoil-core samples were processed at a USGS laboratory in Menlo Park, California to determine dry bulk density, porosity, volumetric water content, and gravimetric water content. All measurements were recorded in a spreadsheet that calculated the final values. Each sample was processed as follows: \n(1) Total mass of packaged soil-core sample was recorded which included the stainless-steel liner, plastic end caps, and tape. \n(2) The sample was then removed from the stainless-steel liner and placed into a drying pan with a known mass. The combined mass of the stainless-steel liner, packaging tape, and plastic end caps were recorded and subtracted from the total mass in step (1) to determine the total wet soil sample mass. \n(3) The dimensions of each stainless-steel liner were measured to the nearest hundredth of a centimeter and used to calculate total volume of soil sample contained within. \n(4) Soil samples were then placed into a convection oven for 24 hours at a temperature of 110 degrees Celsius. The total mass of the drying pan and dried soil sample was recorded after this step. The dry soil sample mass was calculated by subtracting the drying pan mass from the total mass. The mass of the dried soil sample was subtracted from the total wet soil mass to calculate the water mass removed during the drying process. \n(5) The pycnometer method (Blake and Hartge, 1986) was used to calculate soil particle density and was determined as follows: \nparticle density = density of water * (dry sample mass) / (wet sample mass - dry sample mass) \n(6) Dry bulk density, porosity, volumetric water content, and gravimetric water content were then calculated as follows: \nDry bulk density = dry soil weight / total sample volume; \nPorosity = 1 - (dry bulk density / particle density); \nVolumetric water content = (mass of soil water / density of water) / total soil volume; \nGravimetric water content = mass of soil water / mass of dry soil \n(7) The calculated values were then manually entered into the data summary table (Nahuku_Nakula_Laupahoehoe_soil_core_data.csv).</procdesc>\n <procdate>201709</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>PROCESSING STEP 3: Infiltration-rate Measurement Location Selection and Preparation at the Nakula Study Site \nThe Nakula study site had two plots, each of which contained 15 or 17 individual infiltration-rate measurement locations. The measurement locations were laid out in a concentric arrangement around a central measurement location (see figures 4 and 5 in Study_sites_summary_file.pdf) and marked with a flag that had a measurement location identification code. Each infiltration-rate measurement location was then selected from within a 1-meter radius of the marked test location according to the following criteria: \n(1) relatively level ground within a half-square meter area, \n(2) accessible surface soil that requires minimal soil disturbance, and \n(3) no rocks or other objects that could inhibit the insertion of the infiltrometer ring. Where larger vegetation species occur, the infiltrometers were placed about 30-50 centimeters from the plant stem with any loose litter removed from the soil surface. Vegetation within a 20-cm radius of the selected infiltration-rate measurement location was clipped to the ground surface, when necessary.</procdesc>\n <procdate>201801</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>PROCESSING STEP 4: Hydrophobicity Measurements at the Nakula Study Site \nSoil hydrophobicity measurements were made at each infiltration-rate measurement location using molarity of ethanol droplet tests and rated on an 8-point scale in the manner of Doerr (1998). Solutions of ethanol and deionized water were mixed in the following concentrations: 0, 3, 5, 8.5, 13, 24, and 36 percent by volume. The rating given coincides with a corresponding solution of ethanol that infiltrates the soil surface within 3 seconds of application. A rating of 1 corresponds to the infiltration of the 0 percent solution (100 percent deionized water) infiltrating within 3 seconds of application to the soil surface. A rating of 7 corresponds to the infiltration of the 36 percent solution infiltrating within 3 seconds of application to the soil surface, and therefore a rating of 8 applies to any soil where the 36 percent ethanol solution did not infiltrate within 3 seconds of application. A rating of 1 implies very hydrophilic soils, whereas a rating of 8 implies very extremely hydrophobic soils. Each hydrophobicity test was performed as follows: \n(1) Starting with the 0 percent ethanol solution, one drop of solution was applied to the measurement location \n(2) If the drop remained on the soil surface for longer than 3 seconds, one drop of the 3 percent ethanol solution was applied within the measurement location \n(3) This process was continued using the next higher percentage ethanol solution until the applied drop was absorbed into the soil within 3 seconds \n(4) The percentage ethanol solution (starting from 0 percent and working upward) that first resulted in infiltration within 3 seconds was recorded by hand on the field form. This condition marked the end of the hydrophobicity test at the measurement location. \n(5) These measurements were then manually entered into the data summary table (Nakula_infiltration_data.csv)</procdesc>\n <procdate>201801</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>PROCESSING STEP 5: Field-Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements at the Nakula Study Site \nA portable, falling-head, small-diameter single-ring infiltrometer was used to measure rates of infiltration at each infiltration-rate measurement location. An analytical formula was then applied to these measurements to calculate field-saturated hydraulic conductivity in the manner of Nimmo and others (2009). The method allows for a large number of measurements and takes into account subsurface radial spreading that occurs with a small-diameter infiltrometer. Each infiltrometer test was made as follows: \n(1) The infiltrometer was placed on the same measurement location where the hydrophobicity test was done \n(2) The infiltrometer was then slowly pressed into the soil to a depth of approximately 5 centimeters, while twisting gently and keeping the top edge as horizontal as possible \n(3) Loose soil was packed around the outside of the infiltrometer, as needed, to inhibit the possibility of water leaking out from underneath the edge and along the soil surface \n(4) Four equally spaced height measurements were taken around the inside of the infiltrometer from the top of the soil to the top edge and were noted in the field form and used to calculate average insertion depth \n(5) A small plastic bag or large leaf was placed on the soil surface within the infiltrometer to prevent the pouring of water from disrupting the soil surface \n(6) 1 liter of water was poured into the infiltrometer on top of the plastic bag or leaf as quickly as possible without splashing water out of the infiltrometer and then the plastic bag or leaf was then immediately removed \n(7) A timer was started as soon as the pouring of water into the infiltrometer was completed and the elapsed time was recorded on the field form when all standing water infiltrated into the soil surface \n(8) The pouring and timing of 1 liter of water was repeated 3 more times at each measurement location \n(9) These measurements were manually entered into a spreadsheet that calculated a mean field-saturated hydraulic conductivity \n(10) The mean field-saturated hydraulic conductivity for each measurement location was then manually entered into the data summary table (Nakula_infiltration_data.csv)</procdesc>\n <procdate>201801</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>PROCESSING STEP 6: Preferential-Flow Measurements at the Nakula Study Site \nA preferential-flow measurement was collected at each infiltration-rate measurement location in the manner described in Perkins and others (2012). Perkins and others (2012) used a 4-point scale in which a rating of 0 implied no preferential flow and a rating of 3 implied highly preferential flow. In this study, the approach was modified to include a 6-point scale to account for the variety of conditions encountered during the collection of field measurements. The modified rating scale is described as follows: \n0 \xe2\x80\x93 Unrecognizable flow path due to preexisting wet soil \n1 \xe2\x80\x93 Uniform, symmetric wetted area (no preferential flow) \n2 \xe2\x80\x93 Irregularly shaped wetted area (some preferentiality) \n3 \xe2\x80\x93 One or more isolated wetted areas distinct from a main wetted area (preferential flow) \n4 \xe2\x80\x93 Multiple isolated wetted areas (highly preferential) \n5 \xe2\x80\x93 Horizontal or lateral preferential flow inferred based on root structure and rapid infiltration time \nThe preferential flow assessment was made after the infiltrometer was removed and performed as follows: \n(1) The top layer of soil, 1-4 cm thick depending on soil type and root structure, was removed to determine the extent to which the soil had become saturated beneath the area where the infiltrometer was located. \n(2) The soil was inspected during the removal process and the preferential-flow assessment was recorded on the field form. \n(3) The measurements were then manually entered into the data summary table (Nakula_infiltration_data.csv)</procdesc>\n <procdate>201801</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>PROCESSING STEP 7: Surface Soil Sample Collection and Particle-Size Distribution Measurements \nSurface soil samples for particle-size distribution measurements were collected at the Nakula study site only. The surface soil samples were collected at all measurement locations within both plots immediately after the preferential-flow assessments. These samples were packaged in small plastic bags with the study site name and measurement location identification code written on them. A subset of three samples were then selected from each of the two plots based on the minimum, maximum, and median infiltration-rate measurements within each respective plot. The six samples were shipped to a USGS laboratory in Menlo Park, California where they were processed for particle size distribution measurements. The soil-core samples collected from all three study sites (discussed in processing step 1) were also processed for particle-size distribution measurements after processing step 2 was completed. \n\nA particle-size distribution for each sample was determined by optical diffraction (Gee and Or, 2002) using a Coulter LS 13 320 Particle Size Analyzer with a range of measurement from 0.00004 \xe2\x80\x93 2 millimeters. First, each sample was sieved to remove particles larger than 2 millimeters. However, no particles larger than 2 millimeters were found in the samples. Next, each sample was carefully disaggregated, when necessary, using a mortar and rubber-tipped pestle, then split with a riffle splitter to obtain one representative random sample for analysis. Each small, representative sample was put into suspension (filtered water is routinely used) within a fluid module that was attached to a device containing a light source and detectors. The particles in suspension then passed through the path of a light beam and scattered the light in characteristic, symmetrical patterns which were detected by the device. A pump within the fluid module circulated the particles in suspension through a cell within the optical bench through which a laser beam passed. The pattern of scattered light intensity is a function of scattering angles produced as the light is deflected off of particles of various sizes within a sample. Using this information, a distribution of particle sizes was deduced using a mathematical model based on Fraunhoffer diffraction theory. Each sample was sonicated prior to measurement, run through the device for 90 seconds, and analyzed twice with the average of the two runs recorded. Test results were reported as percentages of the sample\xe2\x80\x99s total volume and initially binned by the particle sizing analyzer into as many as 116 channel diameters. These data were further aggregated into 18 particle-size classes based on Wentworth (1922). The results of the adjusted particle-size distributions were then summarized in a data summary table (Nahuku_Nakula_Laupahoehoe_soil_particle_size_data.csv).</procdesc>\n <procdate>201812</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Nahuku_Nakula_Laupahoehoe_soil_particle_size_data.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Data table containing particle-size distributions of selected samples from each study site</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Kim S. Perkins</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Study site</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Name of study site where soil sample was collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field contains the study site name</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Plot number</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number assigned to a plot in order to distinguish one plot from another within the same study site. This value is not unique to the dataset as a whole and must be paired with the study site name in order to identify a single unique plot.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>This value was assigned to the native vegetation plot within a study site in order to distinguish it from other plots at that study site.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2</edomv>\n <edomvd>This value was assigned to a non-native vegetation plot within a study site in order to distinguish it from other plots within that study site.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Dominant vegetation type</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Description of the dominant type of vegetation found at the study plot.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field describes the dominant type of vegetation found at the study plot as either native or non-native</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Dominant vegetation - common name (scientific name)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Common name and scientific name of the dominant vegetation found at the study plot</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field contains the common name and scientific name of the dominant vegetation found at the study plot</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sample date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date when soil sample was collected. Formatted as M/DD/YYYY, where M is the month (only a single digit is used because no sample dates are in months 10-12), DD is the day of the month, and YYYY is the year.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field contains the date of when the soil sample was collected. Formatted as M/DD/YYYY.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Measurement location identification code</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Identification code created to distinguish one soil measurement location from another within the study plot. This value is not unique to the dataset as a whole and must be paired with the study site name, plot number, and depth in order to identify a single unique soil sample measurement location.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field contains an identification code to distinguish one measurement location from another within the study plot. This value is not unique to the data set as a whole and must be paired with the study site name, plot number, and depth in order to identify a single unique sample measurement location.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Depth below ground surface (cm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Numeric value describing the depth below ground surface in centimeters at which the soil sample was collected.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>134</rdommax>\n <attrunit>centimeters (cm)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Very fine clay, percentage by volume (&lt;0.00050 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter less than 0.00050 millimeters (mm)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Fine clay, percentage by volume (0.00050 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;0.0010 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 0.00050 mm or greater but less than 0.0010 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Medium clay, percentage by volume (0.0010 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;0.0020 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 0.0010 mm or greater but less than 0.0020 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Coarse clay, percentage by volume (0.0020 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;0.0042 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 0.0020 mm or greater but less than 0.0042 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Very fine silt, percentage by volume (0.0042 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;0.0081 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 0.0042 mm or greater but less than 0.0081 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Fine silt, percentage by volume (0.0081 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;0.017 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 0.0081 mm or greater but less than 0.017 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Medium silt, percentage by volume (0.017 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;0.033 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 0.017 mm or greater but less than 0.033 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Coarse silt, percentage by volume (0.033 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;0.063 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 0.033 mm or greater but less than 0.063 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Very fine sand, percentage by volume (0.063 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;0.13 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 0.063 mm or greater but less than 0.13 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Fine sand, percentage by volume (0.13 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;0.26 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 0.13 mm or greater but less than 0.26 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Medium sand, percentage by volume (0.26 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;0.54 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 0.26 mm or greater but less than 0.54 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Coarse sand, percentage by volume (0.54 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;1.0 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 0.54 mm or greater but less than 1.0 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Very coarse sand, percentage by volume (1.0 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;2.0 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 1.0 mm or greater but less than 2.0 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Gravel, percentage by volume (2.0 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;4.0 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 2.0 mm or greater but less than 4.0 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Fine gravel, percentage by volume (4.0 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;8.0 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 4.0 mm or greater but less than 8.0 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Medium gravel, percentage by volume (8.0 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;16 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 8.0 mm or greater but less than 16 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Coarse gravel, percentage by volume (16 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;32 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 16 mm or greater but less than 32 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Very coarse gravel, percentage by volume (32 \xe2\x80\x93 &lt;64 mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage by volume of soil sample determined to have a diameter of 32 mm or greater but less than 64 mm</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Wentworth (1922)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent (%)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Nakula_infiltration_data.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Data table containing measurements of soil field-saturated hydraulic conductivity, hydrophobicity ratings and preferential-flow ratings</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Joseph J. Kennedy and Alan Mair</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Study site</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Name of study site where measurements were made</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field contains the study site name</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Plot number</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number assigned to a plot in order to distinguish one plot from another within the same study site. This value is not unique to the data set as a whole and must be paired with the study site name in order to identify a single unique plot.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>This value was assigned to the native vegetation plot within a study site in order to distinguish it from other plots at that study site.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2</edomv>\n <edomvd>This value was assigned to a non-native vegetation plot within a study site in order to distinguish it from other plots within that study site.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Dominant vegetation type</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Description of the dominant type of vegetation found at the study plot</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field describes the dominant type of vegetation found at the study plot as either native or non-native</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Dominant vegetation - common name (scientific name)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Common name and scientific name of the dominant vegetation found at the study plot</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field contains the common name and scientific name of the dominant vegetation found at the study plot</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Measurement date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date of when measurement was collected. Formatted as M/DD/YYYY, where M is the month (only a single digit is used because no sample dates are in months 10-12), DD is the day of the month, and YYYY is the year.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field contains the date of when the measurement was collected. Formatted as M/DD/YYYY.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Measurement location identification code</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Identification code created to distinguish one measurement location from another within the study plot. This value is not unique to the dataset as a whole and must be paired with the study site name, plot number, and depth in order to identify a single unique measurement location.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field contains an identification code created to distinguish one measurement location from another within the study plot. This value is not unique to the dataset as a whole and must be paired with the study site name, plot number, and depth in order to identify a single unique measurement location.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Depth below ground surface (cm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Numeric value describing the depth below ground surface, in centimeters, at which the measurement was collected.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>30</rdommax>\n <attrunit>centimeters (cm)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Field-saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm/s)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Numeric value describing the soil's hydraulic conductivity at saturation, in centimeters per second, as estimated using a single-ring infiltrometer and the analytical approach by Nimmo and others (2009).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.0E-03</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.3E-01</rdommax>\n <attrunit>centimeters per second (cm/s)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Field-saturated hydraulic conductivity (mm/hr)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Numeric value describing the soil's hydraulic conductivity at saturation, in millimeters per hour (mm/hr), as estimated using a single-ring infiltrometer and the analytical approach by Nimmo and others (2009).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3.7E+01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>4.7E+03</rdommax>\n <attrunit>millimeters per hour (mm/hr)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Hydrophobicity rating (1-8)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>An 8-point rating system using molarity of ethanol droplet tests as developed by Doerr (1998)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Very hydrophilic</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Doerr (1998)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Hydrophilic</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Doerr (1998)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>3</edomv>\n <edomvd>Slightly hydrophobic</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Doerr (1998)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>4</edomv>\n <edomvd>Moderately hydrophobic</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Doerr (1998)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>5</edomv>\n <edomvd>Strongly hydrophobic</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Doerr (1998)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>6</edomv>\n <edomvd>Very strongly hydrophobic</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Doerr (1998)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>7</edomv>\n <edomvd>Extremely hydrophobic</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Doerr (1998)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>8</edomv>\n <edomvd>Very extremely hydrophobic (implied 8th point of the scale based on Doerr (1998) where the 36% ethanol solution does not infiltrate within 3 seconds)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Preferential flow rating (0-5)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>A 6-point scale that provides a qualitative assessment of the preferentiality of downward flow of water through the soil structure.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>0</edomv>\n <edomvd>Unrecognizable flow path due to preexisting wet soil</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Uniform, symmetric wetted area (no preferential flow)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Irregularly shaped wetted area (some preferentiality)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>3</edomv>\n <edomvd>One or more isolated wetted areas distinct from a main wetted area (preferential flow)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>4</edomv>\n <edomvd>Multiple isolated wetted areas (highly preferential)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>5</edomv>\n <edomvd>Horizontal or lateral preferential flow inferred based on root structure and rapid infiltration time</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Nahuku_Nakula_Laupahoehoe_soil_core_data.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Data table containing laboratory measurements of bulk density, porosity, and volumetric water content</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Kim S. Perkins</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Study site</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Name of study site where soil core samples were collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field contains the study site name</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Plot number</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number assigned to a plot in order to distinguish one plot from another within the same study site. This value is not unique to the data set as a whole and must be paired with the study site name in order to identify a single unique plot.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>This value was assigned to the native vegetation plot within a study site in order to distinguish it from other plots at that study site.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Dominant vegetation type</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Description of the dominant type of vegetation found at the study plot</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field describes the dominant type of vegetation found at the study plot as native</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Dominant vegetation - common name (scientific name)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Common name and scientific name of the dominant vegetation found at the study plot</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field contains the common name and scientific name of the dominant vegetation found at the study plot</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sample date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date of when sample was collected. Formatted as M/DD/YYYY, where M is the month (only a single digit is used because no sample dates are in months 10-12), DD is the day of the month, and YYYY is the year.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field contains the date of when the measurement was collected. Formatted as M/DD/YYYY.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Measurement location identification code</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Identification code created to distinguish one measurement location from another within the study plot. This value is not unique to the dataset as a whole and must be paired with the study site name and plot number in order to identify a single unique soil measurement location.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This field contains an identification code to distinguish one measurement location from another within the study plot. This value is not unique to the data set as a whole and must be paired with the study site name, plot number, and depth in order to identify a single unique soil sample measurement location.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Depth below ground surface (cm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Numeric value describing the depth below ground surface, in centimeters, at which the measurement was collected.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>9</rdommin>\n <rdommax>134</rdommax>\n <attrunit>centimeters (cm)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Dry bulk density (g/cm^3)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Dry mass of soil per unit volume of soil</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.20</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.21</rdommax>\n <attrunit>grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm^3)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Porosity</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of soil in a given volume</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.54</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.88</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Volumetric water content (cm^3/cm^3)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Ratio of the volume of water to the total volume of soil in a given volume</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.13</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.84</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Cubic centimeters per cubic centimeter (cm^3/cm^3)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Gravimetric water content (g/g)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Ratio of the mass of soil water to the mass of dry soil in a given volume</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.25</rdommin>\n <rdommax>4.27</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Gram per gram (g/g)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200827</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Joseph J. Kennedy</cntper>\n <cntorg>PACIFIC REGION: PACIFIC ISLANDS WATER SCI CTR</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1845 Wasp Boulevard, Bld 176</address>\n <city>Honolulu</city>\n <state>HI</state>\n <postal>96818</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>808-690-9570</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
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[Interferometric synthetic aperture radar data from 2020 for landslides at Barry Arm Fjord, Alaska](/catalog/folder/5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c?format=json) ## Dates Distribution2020-07-08Publication Date2020-07-07Revision2020-07-27Revision2020-08-21Revision2020-10-22Last Revision2020-11-13 ## Citation Schaefer, L.N., Coe, J.A., Godt, J.W., and Wolken, G.J., 2020, Interferometric synthetic aperture radar data from 2020 for landslides at Barry Arm Fjord, Alaska (ver. 1.4, November 2020): U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Subaerial landslides at the head of Barry Arm Fjord in southern Alaska could generate tsunamis (if they rapidly failed into the Fjord) and are therefore a potential threat to people, marine interests, and infrastructure throughout the Prince William Sound region. Knowledge of ongoing landslide movement is essential to understanding the threat posed by the landslides. Because of the landslides' remote location, field-based ground monitoring is challenging. Alternatively, periodic acquisition and interferometric processing of satellite-based synthetic aperture radar data provide an accurate means to remotely monitor landslide movement. Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) uses two Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) scenes taken \[...\] ## Summary Subaerial landslides at the head of Barry Arm Fjord in southern Alaska could generate tsunamis (if they rapidly failed into the Fjord) and are therefore a potential threat to people, marine interests, and infrastructure throughout the Prince William Sound region. Knowledge of ongoing landslide movement is essential to understanding the threat posed by the landslides. Because of the landslides' remote location, field-based ground monitoring is challenging. Alternatively, periodic acquisition and interferometric processing of satellite-based synthetic aperture radar data provide an accurate means to remotely monitor landslide movement. Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) uses two Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) scenes taken at different times to generate maps of surface deformation in the line of sight of the radar sensor using differences in the phase of returning waves. In addition to ground deformation, changes in phase can occur due to earth curvature, topography, orbital effects, atmospheric conditions, and other noise such as change in ground scattering properties. Removal of phase change contributions other than ground deformation are corrected through InSAR processing, although several limitations exist (e.g. Massonnet and Rabaute, 1993; Gens and Van Genderen, 1996). Phase noise can be estimated using coherence, which is a measure of similarity of the radar path reflection between two SAR images, ranging from 0 (phase is just noise) to 1 (complete absence of phase noise). Interferometric phase as shown in "wrapped" interferograms is the phase of the wave, represented by an angle from 0 to 2π, which returns to 0 after one cycle. Phase unwrapping solves this phase ambiguity by creating a continuous phase, which can be converted to relative displacement in an "unwrapped" interferogram (Yu et al., 2019). The maximum detectable deformation rate is one radar wavelength/2 per pixel. For the RADARSAT-2 satellite data used herein, the SAR wavelength is ~5.6 cm, which means the maximum detectable deformation rate is 2.8 cm within one pixel relative to the next pixel. Here, we present the interferometric results of tasked RADARSAT-2 SAR data. Data were acquired from two ultrafine beam modes, U19 and U15, that are acquired over the landslide every 24-days, beginning on May 26, 2020 and June 2, 2020, respectively. The spatial resolution is 3 m in range and 3 m in azimuth. Each time period listed below will have an associated unwrapped interferograms (units of line-of-sight displacement in centimeters) in geotiff and kmz format, along with a pdf that will highlight ground features and provide scale and satellite look direction information. For each time period, we describe interferogram results for three areas surrounding Barry Glacier: Landslide A, Landslide B, and the Northwest-facing slope (Fig. 1). Detailed methodology is provided in a separate text file. Results will be added to this data release as new scenes are acquired and processed. Artefacts within the scenes (e.g., due to atmospheric conditions or changing topographic conditions) can be identified by using several independent interferograms, and we will continue to monitor and assess the presence of artefacts over time. **26 May 2020-19 June 2020**: This interferogram contains substantial noise, in part due to changes in snow cover over the time period. The very high noise-to-signal ratio results in very few coherent pixels, making interpretation difficult. However, in locations where there are coherent pixels in Landslide A, Landslide B, and the Northwest-facing slope, there is either no landslide movement, or movement is on the millimeter scale. Displacement patterns on the landslide, do not indicate that ground displacements were greater than the upper limit of detection (> 2.8 cm within one pixel relative to the next pixel), which would result in a loss of coherence. **02 June 2020-26 June 2020**: This time period has more coherent pixels than the earlier time period. In Landslide A, coherent pixels indicate very little movement within the landslide (typically <1 cm) in the line of site (downslope direction). Although efforts are made to reduce errors, as described in the methodology, this small amount of movement likely falls within the margin of error. Thus, this interferogram indicates that Landslide A is not moving, or is moving on the millimeter scale. Displacement patterns on the landslide do not indicate that ground displacements were greater than the upper limit of detection (> 2.8 cm within one pixel relative to the next pixel), which would result in a loss of coherence. Landslide B shows ~5-8 cm of displacement in the northeast part of the toe of the slide, but the remainder of the slide shows little to no movement. On the Northwest-facing slope, a relative change in phase near the toe of the glacier may indicate small (1-2 cm) movement, and will be further assessed using future interferograms. **19 June 2020-13 July 2020**: In Landslide A, coherent pixels again indicate that the landslide did not move during this time interval, or is moving on the millimeter scale. Displacement patterns on the landslide do not indicate that ground displacements were greater than the upper limit of detection (> 2.8 cm within one pixel relative to the next pixel), which would result in a loss of coherence. Landslide B shows up to 6 cm of displacement of the northeast toe of the slide, as noted by reference (1) in the PDF attachement '20200619\_20200713.pdf'. Cumulative displacement cannot be determined until further interferograms are processed. The remainder of the slide shows no movement, or movement that is on the millimeter scale. On the Northwest-facing slope, an approximately 0.04 km2 area centered on -148.100, 61.153 indicates up to 2.5 cm movement in the downslope direction, as noted by reference (2) in the PDF attachement '20200619\_20200713.pdf'. This movement will be monitored and further assessed using future interferograms. The remainder of the Northwest-facing slope shows no movement, or movement that is on the millimeter scale. **26 June 2020-20 July 2020**: On Landslide A, there is a relative phase change on the lower half of the slope and toe of the landslide. These changes indicate that the lower half  of Landslide A moved about 1 cm or less, resulting in a slight upward bulge at the toe of about 1.5 cm, as noted by reference (1) in the PDF attachment '20200626\_20200720.pdf'. Landslide B shows up to 7 cm of displacement in the northeast part of the toe of the slide, as noted by reference (2) in the PDF attachement '20200626\_20200720.pdf'. Thus, between 02 June and 20 July, cumulative downslope movement in this area of Landslide B is at most 15 cm. The remainder of the slide shows no movement, or movement that is on the millimeter scale. On the Northwest-facing slope, an area of approximately 0.09 km2 near the toe of the glacier centered at -148.120, 61.142 indicates up to 3 cm of movement in the downslope direction, as noted by reference (3) in the PDF attachement '20200626\_20200720.pdf'. This movement will be monitored and further assessed using future interferograms. The remainder of the Northwest-facing slope either shows no movement, movement on the millimeter scale, or artefacts (e.g. due to changes in snow cover). **13 July 2020-6 August 2020**: In Landslide A, coherent pixels again indicate that the landslide did not move during this time interval, or is moving on the millimeter scale. Landslide B shows ~2-7 cm of displacement of the northeast toe of the slide, as noted by reference (1) in the PDF attachment '20200713\_20200806.pdf'. Thus, between 19 June and 6 August, cumulative downslope movement in this area of Landslide B is ~13 cm in the areas with the largest deformation. On the Northwest-facing slope, an approximately 0.04 km2 area centered on -148.100, 61.153 (WGS84) indicates up to 1.3 cm movement in the downslope direction, as noted by reference (2) in the PDF attachment '20200713\_20200806.pdf'. The remainder of the Northwest-facing slope either shows no movement, movement on the millimeter scale, or artefacts (e.g. due to changes in snow cover). **20 July 2020-13 August 2020**: Due to a large satellite orbital drift between acquisitions (perpendicular baseline = 251.57 m), this interferogram has a decrease in coherence and several artefacts related to our inability to correct phase distortions in steep terrain at this time. On Landslide A, there is deformation on the upper half of the slope, as noted by reference (1) in the PDF attachment '20200720\_20200813.pdf'. This suggests 1.5 cm of movement or less, which may partly be due to orbital drift errors and will be assessed in future interferograms. Reference (2) shows apparent deformation at the toe of the landslide, which is the opposite of the change seen in the previous interferogram of this beam mode (26 June 2020-20 July 2020), and is larger. This is also the case for reference (3) on the Northwest-facing slope and in the area south of the Coxe Glacier. Because of these discrepancies, and the lack of any similar signal in 13 July 2020-6 August 2020 interferogram, which covers a similar time frame but has a much smaller satellite orbital drift (perpendicular baseline = 16.12 m), these apparent movements are likely errors associated with differences in the satellite viewing geometries. These areas will be monitored and further assessed using future interferograms. On Landslide B, where movement was previously identified at the northeast toe of the slide, the interferogram is incoherent, and thus accurate deformation measurements cannot be made in this area from this interferogram. Near the headscarp of Landslide B, there is an area that suggests 2-3 cm of downslope movement as noted by reference (4) in the PDF attachment '20200720\_20200813.pdf'. This area will be monitored and further assessed using future interferograms. **06 August 2020-30 August 2020:** Due to a large satellite orbital drift between acquisitions (perpendicular baseline = 99 m), this interferogram likely has several artefacts related to our inability to correct phase distortions in steep terrain. These apparent movements are noted by references (1) and (2) in the PDF attachment '20200806\_20200830.pdf'. In Landslide A, coherent pixels indicate that the majority of the landslide did not move during this time interval, or is moving on the millimeter scale. The area noted by reference (1) indicates up to 2 cm of movement at the toe of the landslide, but may be an artefact due to differences in satellite viewing geometries. On Landslide B, where movement was previously identified at the northeast toe of the slide, the interferogram is incoherent, and thus accurate deformation measurements cannot be made in this area from this interferogram. There is also apparent movement along the Northwest-facing slope noted by (2) in the PDF attachment '20200806\_20200830.pdf', however this pattern of continuous deformation is only apparent in interferograms with large satellite orbital drift between acquisitions, thus this deformation is likely an artefact due to satellite viewing geometries. Location (3) on the Northwest-facing slope shows up to 3 cm of movement in an area where movement was previously identified, but the magnitude of deformation may be exaggerated due to satellite orbital drift. **13 August 2020-06 September 2020:** In Landslide A, coherent pixels indicate that the majority of the landslide did not move during this time interval, or is moving on the millimeter scale. A new area of movement noted by reference (1) in the PDF attachment '20200813\_20200906.pdf' indicates up to 1.5 cm of deformation in a small area near the northeast toe of the landslide. On Landslide B, where movement was previously identified at the northeast toe of the slide, the interferogram is incoherent, and thus accurate deformation measurements cannot be made in this area from this interferogram. On the Northwest-facing slope, an area of westward movement indicated by (2) in the PDF attachment '20200813\_20200906.pdf' shows up to 1.5 cm of movement in an area where movement was previously identified. Other apparent movement of less than 1 cm indicated by (3) along the entire Northwest-facing slope may be an artefact due to satellite viewing geometry. **30 August 2020-23 September 2020:** Due to a large satellite orbital drift between acquisitions (perpendicular baseline = 200 m), this interferogram has very low coherence, and likely has several artefacts related to our inability to correct phase distortions in steep terrain at this time. Landslide B has very few coherent pixels. Although coherent pixels within Landslide B are pink and red (indicating movement), these also extend outside of the landslide and onto the Barry Arm glacier, which we would not expect to have the same deformation pattern. Therefore, it is difficult to differentiate deformation vs. baseline or unwrapping errors in this timeframe in Landslide B. Apparent movement up to 3 cm on the toe of Landslide A, as noted by reference (1) in the PDF attachment '20200830\_20200923.pdf', and apparent movement up to 6 cm of the Northwest slope, as noted by reference (2) in the PDF attachment '20200830\_20200923.pdf', are both areas that show movements in other interferograms with large perpendicular baselines (e.g., interferogram between 20 July 2020 – 13 August 2020 with a perpendicular baseline of 251.57 m). Thus, these apparent movements are likely related to errors associated with differences in satellite viewing geometries. **6 September 2020-30 September 2020**: This scene has similar features to the previous scene from this beam mode (13 August 2020-06 September 2020). In Landslide A, coherent pixels indicate that the majority of the landslide did not move during this time interval, or is moving on the millimeter scale. An area of movement noted by reference (1) in the PDF attachment '20200906\_20200930.pdf' indicates up to 2 cm of deformation in a small area near the northeast toe of the landslide, for a maximum of 3.5 cm of movement between the 13 August and 30 September. On Landslide B, areas of movement previously identified at the northeast toe of the slide are incoherent, and coherent pixels within the rest of the landslide indicate no movement or millimeter-scale movement. This is also the case on the Northwest-facing slope. **23 September 2020-17 October 2020:** In Landslide A, coherent pixels indicate that there was movement during this time frame. Discontinuous coherent pixels prevents the extraction of data from the entire slide, but several areas of movement are apparent in both the wrapped and unwrapped interferograms shown in the PDF attachment ‘20200923\_20201017.pdf’. During the unwrapping process, discontinuous and irregular ground movement can lead to unwrapping errors that result in a more smoothed characterization of movement than what actually occurred. Therefore, to best characterize movement, both the wrapped and unwrapped interferograms are included for this time period. The wrapped interferogram shows the phase of the synthetic aperture radar wave, where each “fringe”, or one full color cycle (i.e. purple to purple), correlates to 2.8 cm of movement. References (1)-(4) in the PDF attachment ‘20200923\_20201017.pdf’ are the same for both the wrapped and unwrapped interferograms, but the following details refer to the wrapped interferogram. In the central part of the slide, as noted by reference (1), approximately 6 fringes indicate about 17 cm (6 x 2.8 cm) of movement. In the northern part of the slide, as noted by reference (2), fringes are irregular and potentially show several different zones of movement, with about 5 fringes indicating 14 cm of movement in the area nearest to the head scarp. As noted by reference (3), an area near the south end of landslide also experienced movement, with about 1.5 fringes indicating 4.2 cm of movement. Landslide B is largely incoherent, and thus accurate deformation measurements cannot be made in this area. On a small portion of the Northwest slope, as noted by reference (4), one fringe may indicate 2.8 cm of movement. **30 September 2020-24 October 2020:** This scene contains substantial noise, likely from atmospheric conditions and snow fall during the time frame. The very high noise-to-signal ratio yields very few coherent pixels, resulting in insufficient measurements and therefore no viable interpretation of the scene. **Summary of movement during the 2020 monitoring period:** This data release has described the deformation of two landslides and the northwest-facing slope at the Barry Arm Fjord between 26 May and 24 October, 2020. Early (26 May– 19 June) and late (30 September – 24 October) scenes contained substantial noise, likely because of changes in snow cover or other atmospheric conditions, which resulted in very few coherent pixels and thus insufficient measurements. Additionally, we found that using the 5 m Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR) Alaska Digital Terrain Model (DTM) from 2010 to create unwrapped interferograms did not fully remove topographic phase, especially in scenes with large satellite drift between acquisition dates. This problem was likely a result of changes in the landslide topography between 2010 and 2020 (Dai et al., 2020). All movement described is in the line of sight (LOS) of the satellite, where positive values indicate movement away from the satellite and/or subsidence, and negative values indicate movement towards the satellite and/or uplift in the unwrapped interferograms. A small area near the northeast toe of Landslide A had apparent movement of 3.5 cm between 13 August – 30 September. Otherwise, between 2 June – 30 September, the majority of Landslide A either showed no movement or moved on the millimeter scale. Between 30 September – 17 October, the central portion of Landslide A moved about 17 cm downslope. Although the data is discontinuous, there is evidence that several areas throughout the landslide experienced movement. Between 2 June – 6 August, the northernmost part of the toe of Landslide B moved about 15 cm downslope. After 6 August, the parts of the interferograms covering Landslide B were largely incoherent and accurate deformation measurements were not possible. The Northwest-facing slope had two areas of movement over this time frame. An area of approximately 0.04 km2 centered on -148.100, 61.153 (WGS84), moved about 7 cm downslope between 19 June and 6 September. An area of approximately 0.09 km2 near the toe of the glacier centered at -148.120, 61.142 (WGS84) moved about 5 cm downslope between 26 June and 17 October. All cumulative movement mentioned in this paragraph was determined by summing movement from individual scenes. References cited: Dai, C., Higman, B., Lynett, P.J., Jacquemart, M., Howat, I.M., Liljedahl, A.K., Dufresne, A., Freymueller, J.T., Geertsema, M., Ward Jones, M. and Haeussler, P.J., 2020, Detection and assessment of a large and potentially‐tsunamigenic periglacial landslide in Barry Arm, Alaska: Geophysical Research Letters, 47(22), e2020GL089800. []( Gens, R., Van Genderen, J. L., 1996, Review Article SAR interferometry—issues, techniques, applications. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(10), 1803-1835. Massonnet, D. and Rabaute, T., 1993, Radar interferometry: limits and potential. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 31(2), 455-464. Yu, H., Lan, Y., Yuan, Z., Xu, J., & Lee, H., 2019, Phase unwrapping in InSAR: A review. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 7(1), 40-58. 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Data were acquired from two ultrafine beam modes, U19 and U15, that are acquired over the landslide every 24-days, beginning on May 26, 2020 and June 2, 2020, respectively. Each time period will have an associated unwrapped interferogram (units of line-of-sight displacement in centimeters) in geotiff and kmz format, along with a pdf that will highlight ground features and provide scale and satellite look direction information. For each time period, we describe interferogram results for three areas surrounding Barry Glacier: Landslide A, Landslide B, and the Northwest-facing slope. Results will be added to this data release as new scenes are acquired and processed. Artefacts within the scenes (e.g., due to atmospheric conditions or changing topographic conditions) can be identified by using several independent interferograms, and we will continue to monitor and assess the presence of artefacts over time. ## Preview Image ![Annotated photo showing landslide areas]( Annotated photo showing landslide areas ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Associated Items - _related to_ [Interferometric synthetic aperture radar data from 2021 for landslides at Barry Arm Fjord, Alaska](/catalog/item/628f9044d34ef70cdba4089e "Interferometric synthetic aperture radar data from 2021 for landslides at Barry Arm Fjord, Alaska") - _related_ [Select model results from simulations of hypothetical rapid failures of landslides into Barry Arm, Prince William Sound, Alaska](/catalog/item/60ae8648d34e4043c85394d1 "Select model results from simulations of hypothetical rapid failures of landslides into Barry Arm, Prince William Sound, Alaska") - _related_ [Simulated inundation extent and depth at Whittier, Alaska resulting from the hypothetical rapid motion of landslides into Barry Arm Fjord, Prince William Sound, Alaska](/catalog/item/612eaf03d34e40dd9c094949 "Simulated inundation extent and depth at Whittier, Alaska resulting from the hypothetical rapid motion of landslides into Barry Arm Fjord, Prince William Sound, Alaska") - _related_ [Map of landslide structures and kinematic elements at Barry Arm, Alaska in the summer of 2020](/catalog/item/5fff561ed34e592d8671ee85 "InSAR data collected at Barry Arm from May through October, 2020") - _related_ [Rock mass quality and structural geology observations in northwest Prince William Sound, Alaska from the summer of 2021](/catalog/item/623a2e91d34e915b67cdf621 "Rock mass quality and structural geology observations in northwest Prince William Sound, Alaska from the summer of 2021") - _related_ [Simulated inundation extent and depth in Harriman Fjord and Barry Arm, western Prince William Sound, Alaska, resulting from the hypothetical rapid motion of landslides into Barry Arm Fjord, Prince William Sound, Alaska](/catalog/item/628e49a3d34ef70cdba3fe79 "Simulated inundation extent and depth in Harriman Fjord and Barry Arm, western Prince William Sound, Alaska, resulting from the hypothetical rapid motion of landslides into Barry Arm Fjord, Prince William Sound, Alaska") - [View Associated Items](/catalog/itemLinks?itemId=5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c) ## Tags Categories - [Data Release - Revised](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData+Release+-+Revised "Data Release - Revised") Theme - [Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DInterferometric+Synthetic+Aperture+Radar "Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, Theme, )") - [glacier retreat](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dglacier+retreat "glacier retreat (glacier retreat, Theme, )") - [hazard](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhazard "hazard (hazard, Theme, )") - [landslides](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dlandslides "landslides (landslides, Theme, )") - [risk](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drisk "risk (risk, Theme, )") - [tsunami](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dtsunami "tsunami (tsunami, Theme, )") Place - [Barry Glacier](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBarry+Glacier "Barry Glacier (Barry Glacier, Place, )") - [Prince William Sound](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPrince+William+Sound "Prince William Sound (Prince William Sound, Place, )") - [Southern Alaska](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSouthern+Alaska "Southern Alaska (Southern Alaska, Place, )") Subject - [Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DInterferometric+Synthetic+Aperture+Radar+%28InSAR%29 "Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), Subject, )") - [glacier retreat](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dglacier+retreat "glacier retreat (glacier retreat, Subject, )") - [hazard](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhazard "hazard (hazard, Subject, )") - [landslide](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dlandslide "landslide (landslide, Subject, )") - [risk](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drisk "risk (risk, Subject, )") - [tsunami](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dtsunami "tsunami (tsunami, Subject, )") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Types - 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Revision 1.2 on August 21, 2020. Revision 1.3 on October 22, 2020. Revision 1.4 on November 13, 2020. To review the changes that were made, see "VersionHistoryReadme.txt" in the attached files section ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9Z04LNK | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c?format=iso) ### View Item... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Schaefer, Lauren N</origin>\n <origin>Coe, Jeffrey A</origin>\n <origin>Godt, Jonathan W</origin>\n <origin>Wolken, Gabriel J.</origin>\n <pubdate>20200707</pubdate>\n <title>Interferometric synthetic aperture radar data from 2020 for landslides at Barry Arm Fjord, Alaska</title>\n <geoform>PDF, GEOTIFF, KMZ</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Golden, Colorado</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Subaerial landslides at the head of Barry Arm Fjord in southern Alaska could generate tsunamis (if they rapidly failed into the Fjord) and are therefore a potential threat to people, marine interests, and infrastructure throughout the Prince William Sound region. Knowledge of ongoing landslide movement is essential to understanding the threat posed by the landslides. Because of the landslides\xe2\x80\x99 remote location, field-based ground monitoring is challenging. Alternatively, periodic acquisition and interferometric processing of satellite-based synthetic aperture radar data provide an accurate means to remotely monitor landslide movement. Here, we present the interferometric results of tasked RADARSAT-2 satellite synthetic aperture radar data. Data were acquired from two ultrafine beam modes, U19 and U15, that are acquired over the landslide every 24-days, beginning on May 26, 2020 and June 2, 2020, respectively.</abstract>\n <purpose>Data were obtained in order to assess deformation on landslides at the head of the Barry Arm Fjord.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <mdattim>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20200526</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20200602</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20200619</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20200626</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </mdattim>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>In work</progress>\n <update>Monthly</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-148.23303222434</westbc>\n <eastbc>-148.08471679466</eastbc>\n <northbc>61.157601976946</northbc>\n <southbc>61.070033586014</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>hazards</themekey>\n <themekey>IFSAR</themekey>\n <themekey>landslides</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5efa15fd82ced62aaaee1c7c</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Alaska</placekt>\n <placekey>Barry Arm Fjord</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jeffrey A Coe</cntper>\n <cntorg>ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION: GEOLOGIC HAZARDS SC</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Geologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop MS 966, 1711 Illinois St</address>\n <city>Golden</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80401</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-273-8606</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>Phase noise is estimated using coherence, which is a measure of similarity of the radar path reflection between two SAR images, ranging from 0 (phase is just noise) to 1 (complete absence of phase noise).</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>Image coregistration was visually checked.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Interferograms produced from two Radarsat-2 single look complex images were generated using SNAP Sentinel-1 Toolbox workflows. Images were coregistered and visually checked for coregistration quality. An interferogram was created from the coregistered images by cross multiplying the first image (earlier date) with the complex conjugate of the second image (later date), and flat-earth phase was removed. Topographic phase contributions were removed using the 2010 IFSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) 5m-horizontal resolution digital terrain model (DTM). Multilooking and a Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) Goldstein filter (Goldstein and Werner, 1998) was used to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of the image. The interferograms were then unwrapped using SNAPHU (Chen and Zebker, 2002), and the line-of-sight (LOS) phase change in radians was converted to LOS displacement in centimeters. Geometric distortions were corrected using the IFSAR DTM. A linear phase ramp was removed by fitting and subtracting a 1st order polynomial, and areas suspected of deformation were excluded. The value of an assumed stable (i.e. no deformation) reference point outside of the landslide with high coherence was subtracted from the landslide areas. Any pixels in the final unwrapped interferogram with coherence &lt; 0.25 were masked out.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200701</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>0.001</latres>\n <longres>0.001</longres>\n <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84)</horizdn>\n <ellips>WGS_1984</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257223563</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Geotiff</eaover>\n <eadetcit>Sustainability of Digital Formats: Planning for Library of Congress Collections. Revision 1.0 (May 29, 2020),portion%20of%20the%20TIFF%20spec.</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>For kmz data, the user must have GoogleEarth to display the data. For geotiff data, the user must have software capable such as a GIS application package. For pdf data, the user must have software capable of viewing pdfs.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20201113</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Lauren Schaefer</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1711 Illinois St.</address>\n <city>Golden</city>\n <state>Colorado</state>\n <postal>80401</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-273-8606</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center](/catalog/item/57abb0c2e4b05e859be1aef1) 3. [Index-gage Data and Regressions in Support of Estimation of Base Flow on Ungaged, Periodically Measured Streams in Small Watersheds in Western Pennsylvania](/catalog/item/5a2eca27e4b08e6a89d3fbf5) 4. [Estimation Site 03107698; Spreadsheets and Metadata](/catalog/folder/5ba55192e4b08583a5c9d57d) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5ba55192e4b08583a5c9d57d) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5ba55192e4b08583a5c9d57d) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5ba55192e4b08583a5c9d57d?format=json) ## Dates Start Date2014-08-20End Date2017-03-30Publication Date2019-02-20 ## Citation Hittle, E., 2019, Index-gage data and regressions in support of estimation of base flow on ungaged, periodically measured streams in small watersheds in western Pennsylvania: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Streamflow was collected at various streamgages in western Pennsylvania in support of the scientific investigations report "Estimation of Base Flow on Ungaged, Periodically Measured Streams in Small Watersheds in Western Pennsylvania". Data observed at the streamgages for the period of August 1, 2014 through March 31, 2017 are considered. This dataset includes 1) all data used to develop prediction intervals for the titled estimation site based upon the titled index streamgage for the period of May 1, 2015 to March 31, 2017 and 2) evaluation of data observed before May 1, 2015. For prediction interval development, a Move.1 regression was developed between the titled estimation site and titled index streamgage. From this regression \[...\] ## Summary Streamflow was collected at various streamgages in western Pennsylvania in support of the scientific investigations report "Estimation of Base Flow on Ungaged, Periodically Measured Streams in Small Watersheds in Western Pennsylvania". Data observed at the streamgages for the period of August 1, 2014 through March 31, 2017 are considered. This dataset includes 1) all data used to develop prediction intervals for the titled estimation site based upon the titled index streamgage for the period of May 1, 2015 to March 31, 2017 and 2) evaluation of data observed before May 1, 2015. For prediction interval development, a Move.1 regression was developed between the titled estimation site and titled index streamgage. From this regression model, Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) is reported, and the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency value is computed. The prediction interval development is included for the 95% prediction interval for both the nonparametric and parametric methods. For the parametric method, any prediction interval can be developed by changing Student's t critical value. Any data that were observed before May 1, 2015 were evaluated to see if they fell within the 95% nonparametric prediction interval. The data chosen for the regression development and evaluation is streamflow that is not influenced by runoff. Streamflow that occurred the day of precipitation and two days after is considered influenced by runoff and not included in the dataset. Not all streamgages have the same period of record; dates where data were observed both at the titled index streamgage and estimation site are described below in the "Time Period of Data" section. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Elizabeth A Hittle](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4598) Originator : [Elizabeth A Hittle](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4598) Metadata Contact : [Elizabeth A Hittle](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4598) Publisher : [U.S Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5ba55192e4b08583a5c9d57d?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5ba55192e4b08583a5c9d57d?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5ba55192e4b08583a5c9d57d?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Estimation Site 03107698; Spreadsheets and Metadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 23.4 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Index Streamgage 03072890\_daily, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models, | | 8.83 MB | application/zip | | Index Streamgage 03081800, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models, | | 7.35 MB | application/zip | | Index Streamgage 03105927, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models, | | 7.51 MB | application/zip | | Index Streamgage 03108000\_daily, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models, | | 3.26 MB | application/zip | | Index Streamgage 03108010, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models, | | 7.97 MB | application/zip | | Index Streamgage 03110830\_daily, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models, | | 3.25 MB | application/zip | | Index Streamgage 03111200, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models, | | 9.08 MB | application/zip | | Index Streamgage 03111215, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models, | | 9.83 MB | application/zip | | Index Streamgage 03111235, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression | | 8.34 MB | application/zip | | Index Streamgage 03111675, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models, | | 8.67 MB | application/zip | | Index Streamgage 03111705, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models, | | 7.68 MB | application/zip | | Index Streamgage 03111890, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models, | | 7.33 MB | application/zip | | Index Streamgage 03112000\_daily, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models, | | 3.25 MB | application/zip | | Index Streamgage 03114094, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression | | 7.87 MB | application/zip | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Hittle, E., and Risser, D.W., 2019, Estimation of base flow on ungaged, periodically measured streams in small watersheds in western Pennsylvania: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2018–5150, 42 p., | []( "") | ## Purpose The purpose of this child page is to document all data and model development accomplished with various index gages and the titled streamgage used as the estimation site. The regression statistics and prediction interval width are used to document methods of estimating the base-flow of small, ungaged, periodically measured streams in Western Pennsylvania. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5ba55192e4b08583a5c9d57d) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5ba55192e4b08583a5c9d57d) ## Communities - USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [Streamflow Modeling](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DStreamflow+Modeling "Streamflow Modeling (Streamflow Modeling, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Streamflow data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DStreamflow+data "Streamflow data (Streamflow data, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Beaver County, PA](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBeaver+County%2C+PA "Beaver County, PA (Beaver County, PA, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Butler County, PA](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DButler+County%2C+PA "Butler County, PA (Butler County, PA, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Fayette County, PA](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DFayette+County%2C+PA "Fayette County, PA (Fayette County, PA, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Greene County, PA](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGreene+County%2C+PA "Greene County, PA (Greene County, PA, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Washington County, PA](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWashington+County%2C+PA "Washington County, PA (Washington County, PA, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Elizabeth Hittle</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Estimation Site 03107698; Spreadsheets and Metadata</title>\n <geoform>Excel Workbook</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace />\n <publish>U.S Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Hittle, E</origin>\n <origin>Risser, D.W.</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Estimation of Base Flow on Ungaged, Periodically Measured Streams in Small Watersheds in Western Pennsylvania</title>\n <geoform>SIR</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Streamflow was collected at various streamgages in western Pennsylvania in support of the scientific investigations report "Estimation of Base Flow on Ungaged, Periodically Measured Streams in Small Watersheds in Western Pennsylvania". Data observed at the streamgages for the period of August 1, 2014 through March 31, 2017 are considered. This dataset includes 1) all data used to develop prediction intervals for the titled estimation site based upon the titled index streamgage for the period of May 1, 2015 to March 31, 2017 and 2) evaluation of data observed before May 1, 2015. For prediction interval development, a Move.1 regression was developed between the titled estimation site and titled index streamgage. From this regression model, Pearson\'s correlation coefficient (r) is reported, and the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency value is computed. The prediction interval development is included for the 95% prediction interval for both the nonparametric and parametric methods. For the parametric method, any prediction interval can be developed by changing Student\'s t critical value. Any data that were observed before May 1, 2015 were evaluated to see if they fell within the 95% nonparametric prediction interval. The data chosen for the regression development and evaluation is streamflow that is not influenced by runoff. Streamflow that occurred the day of precipitation and two days after is considered influenced by runoff and not included in the dataset. Not all streamgages have the same period of record; dates where data were observed both at the titled index streamgage and estimation site are described below in the "Time Period of Data" section.</abstract>\n <purpose>The purpose of this child page is to document all data and model development accomplished with various index gages and the titled streamgage used as the estimation site. The regression statistics and prediction interval width are used to document methods of estimating the base-flow of small, ungaged, periodically measured streams in Western Pennsylvania.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20140820</begdate>\n <enddate>20170330</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-80.698</westbc>\n <eastbc>-79.407</eastbc>\n <northbc>41.006</northbc>\n <southbc>39.611</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Streamflow data</themekey>\n <themekey>Streamflow Modeling</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5ba55192e4b08583a5c9d57d</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System</placekt>\n <placekey>Greene County, PA</placekey>\n <placekey>Washington County, PA</placekey>\n <placekey>Beaver County, PA</placekey>\n <placekey>Butler County, PA</placekey>\n <placekey>Fayette County, PA</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Elizabeth A Hittle</cntper>\n <cntorg>Northeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>439 Hepburn Street</address>\n <city>Williamsport</city>\n <state>PA</state>\n <postal>17701</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>570-327-3181</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection</datacred>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>D.R Helsel</origin>\n <origin>R.M. Hirsch</origin>\n <pubdate>1992</pubdate>\n <title>Statistical Methods in Water Resources</title>\n <geoform />\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, Virginia, 22092</pubplace>\n <publish>Elsevier</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>S.E. Rantz</origin>\n <pubdate>1982</pubdate>\n <title>Measurement and Computation of Streamflow: U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2175</title>\n <geoform />\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>R Core Team</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>R: A language and environment for statistical computing</title>\n <geoform />\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Vienna, Austria</pubplace>\n <publish>R Foundation for Statistical Computing</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Lorenz, D.L</origin>\n <pubdate>2015</pubdate>\n <title>smwrBase\xe2\x80\x94An R package for managing hydrologic data, version 1.1.1</title>\n <geoform />\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>Field streamflow measurements were made to verify and correct computed streamflows for the observed streamflow record according to methods detailed in Rantz (1982)</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>The data that are used for the regression development do not represent all mutual data for the period of record at the index and estimation site. Data were used for regression development for the dates of 5/1/2015 - 3/31/2017. Within those dates, only data that were not considered affected by runoff (the day of a precipitation event and two days afterwards) were used. Within that data, one point per day was chosen. Each point was assigned a Day Number which is a count of consecutive days starting two days after a precipitation event and continuing until the day before the next precipitation event. Day numbers 1,3,5,7,10,13,16,19,22 were selected and the regression development continued on that data. Evaluation was run on mutual data from 9/1/2014 - 4/30/2015 following the same data scheme as regression development.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Completion of this workbook after review and formatting</procdesc>\n <procdate>201807</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>Index and estimation sites are USGS gaging stations. Information about these streamgages can be found by inputting the station numbers into this website:</indspref>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Index Streamgage 03072890_daily, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models,</enttypl>\n <enttypd>The purpose of this workbook is to document all data and model development used to obtain prediction intervals for the titled estimation site based upon the titled index streamgage. The regression statistics and prediction interval width are used to document methods of estimating the baseflow of small, ungaged, periodically measured streams in Western Pennsylvania</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Produced defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See specific ScienceBase page for details</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Index Streamgage 03081800, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models,</enttypl>\n <enttypd>The purpose of this workbook is to document all data and model development used to obtain prediction intervals for the titled estimation site based upon the titled index streamgage. The regression statistics and prediction interval width are used to document methods of estimating the baseflow of small, ungaged, periodically measured streams in Western Pennsylvania</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Produced defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See specific ScienceBase page for details</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Index Streamgage 03105927, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models,</enttypl>\n <enttypd>The purpose of this workbook is to document all data and model development used to obtain prediction intervals for the titled estimation site based upon the titled index streamgage. The regression statistics and prediction interval width are used to document methods of estimating the baseflow of small, ungaged, periodically measured streams in Western Pennsylvania</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See specific ScienceBase page for details</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Index Streamgage 03108000_daily, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models,</enttypl>\n <enttypd>The purpose of this workbook is to document all data and model development used to obtain prediction intervals for the titled estimation site based upon the titled index streamgage. The regression statistics and prediction interval width are used to document methods of estimating the baseflow of small, ungaged, periodically measured streams in Western Pennsylvania</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See specific ScienceBase page for details</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Index Streamgage 03108010, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models,</enttypl>\n <enttypd>The purpose of this workbook is to document all data and model development used to obtain prediction intervals for the titled estimation site based upon the titled index streamgage. 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The regression statistics and prediction interval width are used to document methods of estimating the baseflow of small, ungaged, periodically measured streams in Western Pennsylvania</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See specific ScienceBase page for details</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Index Streamgage 03111215, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models,</enttypl>\n <enttypd>The purpose of this workbook is to document all data and model development used to obtain prediction intervals for the titled estimation site based upon the titled index streamgage. The regression statistics and prediction interval width are used to document methods of estimating the baseflow of small, ungaged, periodically measured streams in Western Pennsylvania</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Produced defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See specific ScienceBase page for details</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Index Streamgage 03111235, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression</enttypl>\n <enttypd>The purpose of this workbook is to document all data and model development used to obtain prediction intervals for the titled estimation site based upon the titled index streamgage. 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The regression statistics and prediction interval width are used to document methods of estimating the baseflow of small, ungaged, periodically measured streams in Western Pennsylvania</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Produced defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See specific ScienceBase page for details</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Index Streamgage 03112000_daily, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression Models,</enttypl>\n <enttypd>The purpose of this workbook is to document all data and model development used to obtain prediction intervals for the titled estimation site based upon the titled index streamgage. The regression statistics and prediction interval width are used to document methods of estimating the baseflow of small, ungaged, periodically measured streams in Western Pennsylvania</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Produced defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>See specific ScienceBase page for details</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See specific ScienceBase page for details</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Index Streamgage 03114094, Estimation Site 03107698; Data, Regression</enttypl>\n <enttypd>The purpose of this workbook is to document all data and model development used to obtain prediction intervals for the titled estimation site based upon the titled index streamgage. 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Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.</distliab>\n <techpreq>This workbook is in EXCEL format and is required to view the data.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200827</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Elizabeth A Hittle</cntper>\n <cntorg>Northeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>439 Hepburn Street</address>\n <city>Williamsport</city>\n <state>PA</state>\n <postal>17701</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>570-327-3181</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Aboveground Mangrove Biomass Data Collected from and Species Dominance Maps of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia](/catalog/folder/5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2019-08-20Start Date2016-03-22End Date2017-09-01 ## Citation Peneva-Reed, E.I., Woltz, V.L., and Zhu, Z., 2019, Aboveground mangrove biomass data collected from and species dominance maps of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Aboveground Biomass Data from Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Plot data includes X and Y location, downed dead wood (DDW) count, mangrove species identification, and site descriptions. Species information was recorded for Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Sonneratia alba, Xylocarpus granatum, Lumnitzera littorea, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora lamarckii, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora stylosa and Ceriops tagal. Mangroves were inventoried for species identification, diameter at breast height (DBH), height, and dead status. ## Summary Aboveground Biomass Data from Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Plot data includes X and Y location, downed dead wood (DDW) count, mangrove species identification, and site descriptions. Species information was recorded for Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Sonneratia alba, Xylocarpus granatum, Lumnitzera littorea, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora lamarckii, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora stylosa and Ceriops tagal. Mangroves were inventoried for species identification, diameter at breast height (DBH), height, and dead status. ## Child Items [(2)](/catalog/items?parentId=5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5) - [View children in Folder](/catalog/folder/5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5) - [Search children](/catalog/items?parentId=5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5) - [Mangrove Species Dominance Map of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia as Modeled by a K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Model](/catalog/item/62bf0f6dd34e82c548ced842 "Mangrove Species Dominance Map of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia as Modeled by a K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Model") - [Mangrove Species Dominance Map of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia as Modeled by a Random Forest (RF) Model](/catalog/item/62bf11ebd34e82c548ced84c "Mangrove Species Dominance Map of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia as Modeled by a Random Forest (RF) Model") ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Elitsa I Peneva-Reed](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=62315) Originator : [Elitsa I Peneva-Reed](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=62315), [Victoria L Woltz](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=76696), [Zhiliang Zhu](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=12955) Metadata Contact : [Elitsa I Peneva-Reed](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=62315) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) SDC Data Owner : [Office of the Associate Director for Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17005) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Pohnpei\_Metadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 33.87 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Plots.csv | | 32.12 KB | text/csv | | Trees.csv | | 695.25 KB | text/csv | | | | 2.68 GB | application/zip | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Woltz, V.L., Peneva-Reed, E.I., Zhu, Z., Bullock, E.L., MacKenzie, R.A., Apwong, M., Krauss, K.W., and Gesch, D.B., 2022, A comprehensive assessment of mangrove species and carbon stock on Pohnpei, Micronesia: PLoS ONE, v. 17, no. 7, art. e0271589, | []( "") | ## Purpose These data were collected to analyze carbon stocks of mangrove forests and to inform conservation and management decisions as well as to provide feedback to a larger mangrove vulnerability assessment. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [Biomass](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBiomass "Biomass (Biomass, Theme, Biocomplexity thesaurus)") - [Carbon Sinks](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCarbon+Sinks "Carbon Sinks (Carbon Sinks, Theme, Biocomplexity thesaurus)") - [Ecosystem Management](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEcosystem+Management "Ecosystem Management (Ecosystem Management, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Field Inventory and Monitoring](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DField+Inventory+and+Monitoring "Field Inventory and Monitoring (Field Inventory and Monitoring, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Mangroves](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMangroves "Mangroves (Mangroves, Theme, NASA Global change master directory)") Place - [Federated States of Micronesia](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DFederated+States+of+Micronesia "Federated States of Micronesia (Federated States of Micronesia, Place, Common Geographic areas)") - [Pohnpei](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPohnpei "Pohnpei (Pohnpei, Place, Common Geographic areas)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Forestry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DForestry "Forestry (Forestry, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Land Use Change](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLand+Use+Change "Land Use Change (Land Use Change, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance Revision by Victoria L Woltz on July 11, 2022. Title updated to "Aboveground Mangrove Biomass Data Collected from and Species Dominance Maps of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia', Victoria L Woltz added a originator, summary content updated, and Mangrove Species Dominance Map of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia as Modeled by a K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Model and Mangrove Species Dominance Map of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia as Modeled by a Random Forest (RF) Model child items added. ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9JAE5JC | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Elitsa Peneva-Reed, Ph.D.</origin>\n <origin>Zhiliang Zhu, Ph.D.</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Aboveground Biomass Data Collected in 2016-17 from Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia</title>\n <geoform>User has the option of downloading two .csv files and/or one zipped geodatabase (.gdb).</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Victoria L. Woltz</origin>\n <origin>Elitsa I. Peneva-Reed</origin>\n <origin>Zhiliang Zhu</origin>\n <origin>Eric L. Bullock</origin>\n <origin>Richard A. MacKenzie</origin>\n <origin>Maybeleen Apwong</origin>\n <origin>Ken W. Krauss</origin>\n <origin>Dean B. Gesch</origin>\n <pubdate>20220721</pubdate>\n <title>A comprehensive assessment of mangrove species and carbon stock on Pohnpei, Micronesia</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>PLOS ONE</sername>\n <issue>vol. 17, issue 7</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>Public Library of Science (PLoS)</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>ppg. e0271589</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Aboveground Biomass Data from Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Plot data includes X and Y location, downed dead wood (DDW) count, mangrove species identification, and site descriptions. Species information was recorded for Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Sonneratia alba, Xylocarpus granatum, Lumnitzera littorea, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora lamarckii, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora stylosa and Ceriops tagal. Mangroves were inventoried for species identification, diameter at breast height (DBH), height, and dead status.</abstract>\n <purpose>These data were collected to analyze carbon stocks of mangrove forests and to inform conservation and management decisions as well as to provide feedback to a larger mangrove vulnerability assessment.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20160322</begdate>\n <enddate>20170901</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <descgeog>Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia</descgeog>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>158.0825</westbc>\n <eastbc>158.4085</eastbc>\n <northbc>7.0319</northbc>\n <southbc>6.7374</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Field Inventory and Monitoring</themekey>\n <themekey>Ecosystem Management</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>NASA Global change master directory</themekt>\n <themekey>Mangroves</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>Biocomplexity thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Carbon Sinks</themekey>\n <themekey>Biomass</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5d51ada5e4b01d82ce8e1ec5</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common Geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Federated States of Micronesia</placekey>\n <placekey>Pohnpei</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <taxonomy>\n <keywtax>\n <taxonkt>USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus</taxonkt>\n <taxonkey>Trees</taxonkey>\n </keywtax>\n <taxonsys>\n <classsys>\n <classcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</title>\n <geoform>OTHER</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Washington, D.C.</pubplace>\n <publish>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </classcit>\n </classsys>\n <ider>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Elitsa Peneva-Reed, Ph.D.</cntper>\n <cntorg>CLIMATE &amp; LAND-USE: OFFC OF ASSOC DIR FOR CLIMATE</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop 516, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-5132 and 703-505-0064</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected] and [email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ider>\n <taxonpro>expert advice</taxonpro>\n <taxoncom>Most mangroves within the plots are identified to the species level, except for some individuals of genus Rhizophora. Any data that was not collected is labeled NR (for not recorded) in the data.</taxoncom>\n </taxonsys>\n <taxongen>All trees were described to species level, except for some trees of genus Rhizophora (which are simply labeled Rhizophora spp. when species was unknown). Species include Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Ceriops tagal, Lumnitzera littorea, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora lamarckii, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora stylosa, Sonneratia alba, and Xylocarpus granatum.</taxongen>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Plantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Viridiplantae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Streptophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Embryophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Division</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tracheophyta</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subdivision</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spermatophytina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Magnoliopsida</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rosanae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Malpighiales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rhizophoraceae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bruguiera</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bruguiera gymnorhiza</taxonrv>\n <common>Burmese mangrove</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxonomy>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Elitsa Peneva-Reed, Ph.D.</cntper>\n <cntorg>CLIMATE &amp; LAND-USE: OFFC OF ASSOC DIR FOR CLIMATE</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop 516, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-5132 and 703-505-0064</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected] and [email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <method>\n <methtype>Field</methtype>\n <methdesc>Field trips were taken to Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia in 2016 and 2017. A total of 273 plots were inventoried for mangrove species. Each plot was composed of 10-m fixed-radius plots as well as 3-m fixed-radius subplots. The large and medium trees (\xe2\x89\xa5 5 cm DBH) were measured in the 10-meter radius circular plots, and saplings (&lt; 5 cm DBH) were measured in the smaller 3-meter circular subplots. Diameter at breast height (DBH) measurements were taken at 1.3 m, or in the case of Rhizophora species, just above the highest stilt root. Height was measured with TruPulse 200X, TruPulse 360R or a tape measurer. Standing dead trees were assigned to one of three classes: Status 1 (recently dead trees without leaves); Status 2 (dead trees without secondary branches); and Status 3 (dead trees without primary and secondary branches; missing part of their main stem). Downed dead wood (DDW) \xe2\x89\xa5 5 cm in diameter were counted in each plot along four 10 m transects extending from plot center outwards in the four cardinal directions. Diameter of the individual DDW pieces were not measured but can be estimated per plot as the average diameter of trees in that plot with diameter \xe2\x89\xa5 5 cm.</methdesc>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Kauffman, J.B., and D.C. Donato</origin>\n <pubdate>2012</pubdate>\n <title>Protocols for the measurement, monitoring and reporting of structure, biomass and carbon stocks in mangrove forests</title>\n <geoform>PDF</geoform>\n <onlink>;rep=rep1&amp;type=pdf</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n </method>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Data was recorded by hand in a notebook while in the field (March 22nd, 2016 through March 29th, 2016; July 12th, 2016 through July 21th, 2016; March 21st, 2017 through March 31th, 2017; and August 9th, 2017 through September 1st, 2017). Field notes were transcribed into excel files shortly after the field trips. In October 2018, data from all three field trips was combined into one excel file and a geodatabase was created to hold all plot locations. Data organization was completed in 2019.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2019</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <gridsys>\n <gridsysn>Universal Transverse Mercator</gridsysn>\n <utm>\n <utmzone>57N</utmzone>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer>0.9996</sfctrmer>\n <longcm>159.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>0.0</latprjo>\n <feast>500000.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </transmer>\n </utm>\n </gridsys>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>0.2187</absres>\n <ordres>0.1344</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>meters</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>D_WGS_1984</horizdn>\n <ellips>Spheroid: WGS_1984</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257223563</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Plots</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Plots is the title of 1) a CSV file and 2) the layer in the zipped .gdb (PohnpeiFieldData) that contain information collected about the plots. The CSV and the layer have the same contents.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Elitsa Peneva-Reed, PhD</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The date that the data was collected in the form DD-three letter month abbreviation-YY.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>22-Mar-16</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1-Sep-17</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Plot</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>This column contains the unique name given to each plot.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Numbers and/or letters used to name the plot.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>X</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The X of plot center in the projected coordinate system WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_57N (WKID: 32657). Data was collected using Garmin and Trimble GPS.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>401898.816000</rdommin>\n <rdommax>429314.000000</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Y</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The Y of plot center in the projected coordinate system WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_57N (WKID: 32657). Data was collected using Garmin and Trimble GPS.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>750029.000000</rdommin>\n <rdommax>774889.976000</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DDW_N</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Downed dead wood (DDW) \xe2\x89\xa5 5 cm in diameter were counted in each plot along four 10-meter sampling lines extending from plot center outwards in the four cardinal directions. Diameter of the individual DDW pieces were not measured, but diameter of the DDW can be estimated per plot as the average diameter of trees in that plot with diameter \xe2\x89\xa5 5 cm. This column contains the count of DDW on the sampling line that extended north. Any cell containing NR means these values were not recorded.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NR</edomv>\n <edomvd>NR means not recorded. DDW were not counted on these transects.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The number of DDW pieces \xe2\x89\xa5 5 cm in diameter that were counted on the north sampling line.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DDW_E</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>This column contains the number of DDW on the sampling line that extended east.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NR</edomv>\n <edomvd>NR means not recorded. DDW were not counted on these transects.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The number of DDW pieces \xe2\x89\xa5 5 cm in diameter that were counted on the east sampling line.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DDW_S</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>This column contains the number of DDW on the sampling line that extended south.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NR</edomv>\n <edomvd>NR means not recorded. DDW were not counted on these transects.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The number of DDW pieces \xe2\x89\xa5 5 cm in diameter that were counted on the south sampling line.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DDW_W</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>This column contains the number of DDW on the sampling line that extended west.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NR</edomv>\n <edomvd>NR means not recorded. DDW were not counted on these transects.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The number of DDW pieces \xe2\x89\xa5 5 cm in diameter that were counted on the west sampling line.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Photos</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>This column indicates whether photos were taken of the plot. Photos are attached to the Plots layer in the geodatabase and can be viewed in the database. To view the attached photo in ArcMap click on the plot with the identity tool. From the identify window you will be able to click on and open the attachment (the paper clip symbol means attachment). The photos are only available in the database but both the .csv and .gdb list if there are photos taken at a plot.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Yes</edomv>\n <edomvd>Photos were taken at the plot.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>No</edomv>\n <edomvd>Photos were not taken at the plot.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SiteDescrip</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>A brief description of the plot.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>A brief description of the plot.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Notes</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Any notes taken while at the plot.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Any notes taken while at the plot. Abbreviations used in this column include Bg for Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Ct for Ceriops tagal, Ll for Lumnitzera littorea, R for Rhizophora, Ra for Rhizophora apiculata, Rl for Rhizophora lamarckii, Rm for Rhizophora mucronata, Rs for Rhizophora stylosa, Sa for Sonneratia alba, and Xg for Xylocarpus granatum.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Trees</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Trees is the title of 1) a CSV file and 2) a layer in the zipped gdb that contain information collected about the trees. Both the CSV and layer contain the same information.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Elitsa Peneva-Reed, PhD</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The date that the data was collected in the form DD-month abbreviation-YY.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>22-Mar-16</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1-Sep-17</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>X</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The X of plot center in the projected coordinate system WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_57N (WKID: 32657). Data was collected using Garmin and Trimble GPS.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>401898.816000</rdommin>\n <rdommax>429314.000000</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Y</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The Y of plot center in the projected coordinate system WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_57N (WKID: 32657). Data was collected using Garmin and Trimble GPS.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>750029.000000</rdommin>\n <rdommax>774889.976000</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Plot</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>This column contains the unique name given to each plot.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Numbers and/or letters used to name the plot.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Subplot</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Nested plots were designed such that the large and medium trees (\xe2\x89\xa5 5 cm DBH) were measured in the 10-meter radius circular plots, and saplings (&lt; 5 cm DBH) were measured in the smaller 3-meter circular subplots.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>3</edomv>\n <edomvd>The 3-meter radius subplots where saplings (&lt; 5 cm DBH) were inventoried.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>10</edomv>\n <edomvd>The 10-meter radius plots where large and medium trees (\xe2\x89\xa5 5 cm DBH) were inventoried.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Species</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Each row contains information about an individual tree.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Bruguiera gymnorhiza</edomv>\n <edomvd>A mangrove species.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Ceriops tagal</edomv>\n <edomvd>A mangrove species.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Lumnitzera littorea</edomv>\n <edomvd>A mangrove species.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Rhizophora apiculata</edomv>\n <edomvd>A mangrove species.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Rhizophora lamarckii</edomv>\n <edomvd>A mangrove species</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Rhizophora mucronata</edomv>\n <edomvd>A mangrove species.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Rhizophora spp.</edomv>\n <edomvd>A mangrove of genus Rhizophora with species unknown.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Rhizophora stylosa</edomv>\n <edomvd>A mangrove species.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Sonneratia alba</edomv>\n <edomvd>A mangrove species.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Xylocarpus granatum</edomv>\n <edomvd>A mangrove species.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DBH_cm</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The diameter in centimeters at breast height (1.3 meters), or right above the highest stilt root in the case of Rhizophora species.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Kauffman, J.B., and D.C. Donato. 2012. Protocols for the measurement, monitoring and reporting of structure, biomass and carbon stocks in mangrove forests In. Working Paper 86, CIFOR.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The diameter in centimeters at breast height (1.3 meters), or right above the highest stilt root in the case of Rhizophora species.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Height_m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The height of the tree in meters as measured by laser range finder TruPulse 200X, TruPulse 360R or a tape measure.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NR</edomv>\n <edomvd>The height was not recorded for that tree.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The height in meters of each tree.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DeadStatus</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The dead status indicates whether the tree was live or dead at the time of the inventory. Dead trees were broken into three classes depending on how much of their biomass had been lost.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Kauffman, J.B., and D.C. Donato. 2012. Protocols for the measurement, monitoring and reporting of structure, biomass and carbon stocks in mangrove forests In. Working Paper 86, CIFOR.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>D0</edomv>\n <edomvd>Live trees.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Kauffman, J.B., and D.C. Donato. 2012. Protocols for the measurement, monitoring and reporting of structure, biomass and carbon stocks in mangrove forests In. Working Paper 86, CIFOR.</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>D1</edomv>\n <edomvd>D1 means dead stage one. These trees died recently and have lost leaves but maintain branches and twigs.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Kauffman, J.B., and D.C. Donato. 2012. Protocols for the measurement, monitoring and reporting of structure, biomass and carbon stocks in mangrove forests In. Working Paper 86, CIFOR.</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>D2</edomv>\n <edomvd>D2 is dead stage two. These trees lost small branches and twigs and portion of their large branches.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Kauffman, J.B., and D.C. Donato. 2012. Protocols for the measurement, monitoring and reporting of structure, biomass and carbon stocks in mangrove forests In. Working Paper 86, CIFOR.</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>D3</edomv>\n <edomvd>D3 is dead stage three. These trees lost most branches and only the main trunk remains, which is often broken.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Kauffman, J.B., and D.C. Donato. 2012. Protocols for the measurement, monitoring and reporting of structure, biomass and carbon stocks in mangrove forests In. Working Paper 86, CIFOR.</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Tag</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Approximately five live large trees were tagged per plot. Tags are numbered and face plot center with the nail exactly at the trees point of measurement of DBH.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>None</edomv>\n <edomvd>This tree was not tagged.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The unique number on the tag nailed into the tree.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Notes</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Any notes taken while at the tree.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Any notes taken while at the tree.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Plots_ATTACH</enttypl>\n <enttypd>This is a table within the geodatabase that contains the photos taken while at the plot.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Elitsa Peneva-Reed, PhD</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ATTACHMENTID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>A unique number for each photo attachment.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>ESRI</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>857</rdommax>\n <attrunit>The number of the photo.</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>REL_OBJECTID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>This column tells the user which plot the photo is attached to. The column contains the unique plot IDs located in the FID column of the Plots table in the geodatabase.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>ESRI</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>273</rdommax>\n <attrunit>The number of the plot.</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CONTENT_TYPE</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The type of attachment (all are photos).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>ESRI</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>image/jpeg</edomv>\n <edomvd>The photo attached is file type .jpeg</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ATT_NAME</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The name of the attached photo.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The name of the photo is in the format: plot name_direction. The photos were taken at plot center facing north (N), south (S), east (E), and west (W).</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DATA_SIZE</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The size of the attachment.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The size of the attachment in units bytes.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DATA</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>All values in this column are blob, which stands for binary large object.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>ESRI</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>blob</edomv>\n <edomvd>This field is where the image is stored. The blob field holds binary information about that make the photo.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>ESRI</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <techpreq>The user has the option of downloading two .csv files and/or one .zip file containing a geodatabase (.gdb). The zipped geodatabase contains all information including photos, the csv contains all information except the photos. The user must be able to download and work with CSV files. If the user downloads the zipped geodatabase they must know how to unzip/uncompress the .zip file and be able to use ArcGIS or other spatial software to open the database.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20220926</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Elitsa Peneva-Reed, Ph.D.</cntper>\n <cntorg>CLIMATE &amp; LAND-USE: OFFC OF ASSOC DIR FOR CLIMATE</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop 516, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-5132 and 703-505-0064</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [Eastern Geographic Science Center](/catalog/item/551325d1e4b02e76d75c093d) 3. [Public\_Approved\_Only](/catalog/item/55133354e4b02e76d75c097b) 4. [whively](/catalog/item/5513353ce4b02e76d75c0993) 5. [Climate, crop rotation, and stream flow data used to run the SWAT model in the Tuckahoe and Greensboro subwatersheds of the Choptank River watersheds, Maryland](/catalog/item/599f17f5e4b0e5eb065e3c95) 6. [Predominant Regional Crop Rotations, Choptank River Watershed, MD, derived from Cropland Data Layer](/catalog/folder/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6) - [JSON](/catalog/item/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2018-01-19Start Date2001End Date2014 ## Citation Lee, Sangchul, Sadeghi, A.M., Yeo, In-Young, McCarty, G.W., and Hively, W.D., 2018, Climate, crop rotation, and stream flow data used to run the SWAT model in the Tuckahoe and Greensboro subwatersheds of the Choptank River watersheds, Maryland: U.S. Geological Survey data release. ## Summary This posting contains the source crop rotation data used to run the SWAT model in the Tuckahoe and Greensboro subwatersheds of the Choptank River watershed, Maryland. The dataset consists of the following items: = Shapefiles of HRU boundaries and crop rotations for Greensboro (GSB) and Tuckahoe (TK) watershed ## Summary This posting contains the source crop rotation data used to run the SWAT model in the Tuckahoe and Greensboro subwatersheds of the Choptank River watershed, Maryland. The dataset consists of the following items: = Shapefiles of HRU boundaries and crop rotations for Greensboro (GSB) and Tuckahoe (TK) watershed ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Wells D Hively](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Wells+D+Hively), [Southeast Region](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Southeast+Region) Originator : [Wells D Hively](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Wells+D+Hively), [Sangchul Lee](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Sangchul+Lee), [Ali M. Sadeghi](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ali+M.+Sadeghi), [In-Young Yeo](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=In-Young+Yeo), [Gregory W. McCarty](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Gregory+W.+McCarty) Metadata Contact : [Wells D Hively](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Wells+D+Hively), [Southeast Region](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Southeast+Region) Publisher : [US Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=US+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | CropRotations\_4.xml<br>“Metadata”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 9.14 KB | application/fgdc+xml | |<br>“Crop rotations for HRUs” | | 952.3 KB | application/zip | ## Purpose To support SWAT modeling in the Choptank River watershed ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6) ## Communities - Eastern Geographic Science Center ## Tags Theme - [agriculture](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dagriculture "agriculture (agriculture, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [water quality](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater+quality "water quality (water quality, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Choptank](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DChoptank "Choptank (Choptank, Place, GNIS)") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7DB80RP | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Wells D Hively</origin>\n <origin>Sangchul Lee</origin>\n <origin>Ali M. Sadeghi</origin>\n <origin>In-Young Yeo</origin>\n <origin>Gregory W. McCarty</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Predominant Regional Crop Rotations, Choptank River Watershed, MD, derived from Cropland Data Layer</title>\n <geoform>..shp shapefiles</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Beltsville. MD</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Wells D Hively</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Assessing the impacts of future climate conditions on the effectiveness of winter cover crops in reducing nitrate loads into the Chesapeake Bay watersheds using SWAT model</title>\n <geoform>posted</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>TASABE</pubplace>\n <publish>TASABE</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This posting contains the source crop rotation data used to run the SWAT model in the Tuckahoe and Greensboro subwatersheds of the Choptank River watershed, Maryland. \n\nThe dataset consists of the following items: \ = Shapefiles of HRU boundaries and crop rotations for Greensboro (GSB) and Tuckahoe (TK) watershed</abstract>\n <purpose>To support SWAT modeling in the Choptank River watershed</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>2001</begdate>\n <enddate>2014</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-75.956726074771</westbc>\n <eastbc>-75.511779785726</eastbc>\n <northbc>39.16806077234</northbc>\n <southbc>38.877864386118</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>water quality</themekey>\n <themekey>agriculture</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:59a03cd4e4b038630d0303e6</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>GNIS</placekt>\n <placekey>Choptank</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Wells D Hively</cntper>\n <cntorg>Southeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>10300 Baltimore Avenue</address>\n <city>Beltsville</city>\n <state>MD</state>\n <postal>20705</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>301-504-9031</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>Accuracy was assessed through quality control comparing the outcome crop rotations with the individual yearly input layers of the National Cropland Data Layer, with annual majority crop type attributed to each field boundary</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Accuracy was assessed through quality control comparing the outcome crop rotations with the individual yearly input layers of the National Cropland Data Layer, with annual majority crop type attributed to each field boundary</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>Positional accuracy of field boundaries was checked through visual overlay with DOQQ ortho quadrangle imagery.\xe2\x80\x9d</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>HRU boundaries and crop rotations were derived as described in: \nLee, Sangchul, In-Young Yeo, Ali M. Sadeghi, Gregory W. McCarty, W. D. Hively, and Megan W. Lang. 2016. Impacts of watershed characteristics and crop rotations on winter cover crop nitrate uptake capacity within agricultural watersheds in the Chesapeake Bay region. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157637.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2014</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>Greensboro (USGS 01491000 CHOPTANK RIVER NEAR GREENSBORO, MD) and Tuckahoe (USGS 01491500 TUCKAHOE CREEK NEAR RUTHSBURG, MD) Gauge Stations</indspref>\n </spdoinfo>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl></enttypl>\n <enttypd>Shapefiles of crop rotations for Tuckahoe (TK) and Greensboro (GSB) watersheds, WGS84 datum</enttypd>\n <enttypds>producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Type</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Crop rotation corresponding to definitions outlined in manuscript</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>AGA1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Rotation AGA1 as defined by yearly crop type</edomvd>\n <edomvds>producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>AGA2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Rotation AGA2 as defined by yearly crop type</edomvd>\n <edomvds>producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>AGAB</edomv>\n <edomvd>Rotation AGAB as defined by yearly crop type</edomvd>\n <edomvds>producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>AGB1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Rotation AGB1 as defined by yearly crop type</edomvd>\n <edomvds>producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>AGB2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Rotation AGB2 as defined by yearly crop type</edomvd>\n <edomvds>producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>AGC1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Rotation AGC1 as defined by yearly crop type</edomvd>\n <edomvds>producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>AGD1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Rotation AGD1 as defined by yearly crop type</edomvd>\n <edomvds>produver defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>AGD2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Rotation AGD2 as defined by yearly crop type</edomvd>\n <edomvds>producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center</address>\n <address>Building 810, MS 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <techpreq>no special techniques required, csv spreadsheet</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200831</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Wells D Hively</cntper>\n <cntorg>Southeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>10300 Baltimore Avenue</address>\n <city>Beltsville</city>\n <state>MD</state>\n <postal>20705</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>301-504-9031</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Estimated Use of Water by Subbasin (HUC8) and Subwatershed (HUC12) in the Delaware River Basin, 2010](/catalog/item/55e86f1fe4b0dacf699e6700) 4. [Estimated Use of Water by Subwatershed (HUC12) in the Delaware River Basin, 2010](/catalog/folder/5762a410e4b07657d19a71cb) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5762a410e4b07657d19a71cb) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5762a410e4b07657d19a71cb) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5762a410e4b07657d19a71cb?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2016Start Date2010-01-01End Date2010-12-31 ## Citation Hutson, S.S., Linsey, K.S., Ludlow, R.A., Reyes, Betzaida, and Shourds, J.L., 2016, Estimated Use of Water by Subbasin (HUC8) and Subwatershed (HUC12) in the Delaware River Basin, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This dataset presents offstream water use estimates from 2010 which are aggregated to the 12-digit (subwatershed) hydrologic unit level for the Delaware River Basin. The data support USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5142. ## Summary This dataset presents offstream water use estimates from 2010 which are aggregated to the 12-digit (subwatershed) hydrologic unit level for the Delaware River Basin. The data support USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5142. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Kristin S. Linsey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Kristin+S.+Linsey) Originator : [Susan S. Hutson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Susan+S.+Hutson), [Kristin S. Linsey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Kristin+S.+Linsey), [Russell A. Ludlow](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Russell+A.+Ludlow), [Betzaida Reyes](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Betzaida+Reyes), [Jennifer L. Shourds](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Jennifer+L.+Shourds) Metadata Contact : [Kristin S. Linsey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Kristin+S.+Linsey) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5762a410e4b07657d19a71cb?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5762a410e4b07657d19a71cb?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5762a410e4b07657d19a71cb?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Estimated\_Use\_of\_Water\_by\_Subwatershed\_HUC12\_in\_the\_Delaware\_River\_Basin\_2010.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 26.49 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | DRB2010wu\_HUC12.jpg<br>“Subwatersheds (HUC12s) in the Delaware River Basin.” | ![thumbnail]( | 309.34 KB | image/jpeg | | DRB2010wu\_HUC12.csv | | 72.68 KB | text/csv | | DRB2010wu\_HUC12.xlsx | | 169.77 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Hutson, S.S., Linsey, K.S., Ludlow, R.A., Reyes, Betzaida, and Shourds, J.L., 2016, Estimated use of water in the Delaware River Basin in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5142, 76 p., | []( "") | ## Purpose The Delaware River Basin (DRB) was selected as a Focus Area Study in 2011 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as part of the USGS National Water Census. The National Water Census is a USGS research program that focuses on national water availability and use and then develops new water accounting tools and assesses water availability at both the regional and national scales. One of the water management needs that the DRB study addressed, and that was identified by stakeholder groups from the DRB, was to improve the integration of state water use and water-supply data and to provide the compiled water use information to basin users. This water use information was also used in the hydrologic modeling and ecological components of the study. ## Preview Image ![Subwatersheds (HUC12s) in the Delaware River Basin.]( Subwatersheds (HUC12s) in the Delaware River Basin. ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [water use](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater+use "water use (water use, Theme, Water Science Field Team Keywords)") - [water withdrawals](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater+withdrawals "water withdrawals (water withdrawals, Theme, Water Science Field Team Keywords)") - [withdrawals](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwithdrawals "withdrawals (withdrawals, Theme, Water Science Field Team Keywords)") Place - [DE](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDE "DE (DE, Place, )") - [Delaware](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDelaware "Delaware (Delaware, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Delaware River](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDelaware+River "Delaware River (Delaware River, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Delaware River Basin](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDelaware+River+Basin "Delaware River Basin (Delaware River Basin, Place, )") - [NJ](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNJ "NJ (NJ, Place, )") - [NY](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNY "NY (NY, Place, )") - [New Jersey](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNew+Jersey "New Jersey (New Jersey, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [New York](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNew+York "New York (New York, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [PA](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPA "PA (PA, Place, )") - [Pennsylvania](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPennsylvania "Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Susan S. Hutson</origin>\n <origin>Kristin S. Linsey</origin>\n <origin>Russell A. Ludlow</origin>\n <origin>Betzaida Reyes</origin>\n <origin>Jennifer L. Shourds</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Estimated Use of Water by Subwatershed (HUC12) in the Delaware River Basin, 2010</title>\n <geoform>tab-delimited text file and Excel file</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Susan S. Hutson</origin>\n <origin>Kristin S. Linsey</origin>\n <origin>Russell A. Ludlow</origin>\n <origin>Betzaida Reyes</origin>\n <origin>Jennifer L. Shourds</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Estimated Use of Water in the Delaware River Basin in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, 2010</title>\n <geoform>USGS Scientific Investigations Report</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This dataset presents offstream water use estimates from 2010 which are aggregated to the 12-digit (subwatershed) hydrologic unit level for the Delaware River Basin. The data support USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5142.</abstract>\n <purpose>The Delaware River Basin (DRB) was selected as a Focus Area Study in 2011 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as part of the USGS National Water Census. The National Water Census is a USGS research program that focuses on national water availability and use and then develops new water accounting tools and assesses water availability at both the regional and national scales. One of the water management needs that the DRB study addressed, and that was identified by stakeholder groups from the DRB, was to improve the integration of state water use and water-supply data and to provide the compiled water use information to basin users. This water use information was also used in the hydrologic modeling and ecological components of the study.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20100101</begdate>\n <enddate>20101231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Not planned</update>\n </status>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>Water Science Field Team Keywords</themekt>\n <themekey>water use</themekey>\n <themekey>water withdrawals</themekey>\n <themekey>withdrawals</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5762a410e4b07657d19a71cb</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System</placekt>\n <placekey>Delaware River</placekey>\n <placekey>Delaware River Basin</placekey>\n <placekey>New York</placekey>\n <placekey>Pennsylvania</placekey>\n <placekey>New Jersey</placekey>\n <placekey>Delaware</placekey>\n <placekey>NY</placekey>\n <placekey>PA</placekey>\n <placekey>NJ</placekey>\n <placekey>DE</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Kristin S. Linsey</cntper>\n <cntorg>USGS New York Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>425 Jordan Road</address>\n <city>Troy</city>\n <state>NY</state>\n <postal>12180</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>(518) 285-5636</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <browse>\n <browsen>TO BE ADDED</browsen>\n <browsed>Thumbnail image of total water withdrawals by subwatershed (HUC12) in the Delaware River Basin, 2010</browsed>\n <browset>JPG</browset>\n </browse>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>DRB2010wu_HUC12.xlsx and DRB2010wu_HUC12.txt</enttypl>\n <enttypd>2010 water use information compiled for the Delaware River Basin at the 12-digit (subwatershed) hydrologic unit level</enttypd>\n <enttypds>U.S. Geological Survey water-use project personnel in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HUC12</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>12-digit (subwatershed) hydrologic unit code</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Watershed Boundary Dataset</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>Hydrologic Unit Codes</codesetn>\n <codesets>Watershed Boundary Dataset</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HUC12_NAME</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>12-digit (subwatershed) hydrologic unit name</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Watershed Boundary Dataset</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>Hydrologic Unit Codes</codesetn>\n <codesets>Watershed Boundary Dataset</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TP-TotPop</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>total population of area, in thousands</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>481.919</rdommax>\n <attrunit>count of people, in thousands</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PS-TOPop</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Public Supply, total population served, in thousands</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>481.789</rdommax>\n <attrunit>count of people, in thousands</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PS-WGWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Public Supply, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>15.17</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PS-WSWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Public Supply, surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>334.42</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PS-WFrTo</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Public Supply, total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>334.42</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PS-Transfers</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Public Supply, water transfers, fresh, in Mgal/d. Water transferred out of the DRB is shown with a negative value; water transferred into the DRB is shown with a positive value.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-334.42</rdommin>\n <rdommax>32.40</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DO-WGWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Domestic, self-supplied groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.35</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DO-WSWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Domestic, self-supplied surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DO-WFrTo</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Domestic, total self-supplied withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.35</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>IT-WGWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Irrigation, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>8.85</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>IT-WSWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Irrigation, surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>8.54</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>IT-WFrTo</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Irrigation, total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>10.50</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>LI-WGWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Livestock, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.22</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>LI-WSWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Livestock, surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.03</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>LI-WFrTo</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Livestock, total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.23</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AQ-WGWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Aquaculture, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9.11</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AQ-WSWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Aquaculture, surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.90</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AQ-WFrTo</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Aquaculture, total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9.11</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>IN-WGWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Industrial, self-supplied groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5.62</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>IN-WSWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Industrial, self-supplied surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>73.90</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>IN-WSWSa</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Industrial, self-supplied surface-water withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>10.58</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>IN-WSWTo</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Industrial, self-supplied surface-water withdrawals, total, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>73.90</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>IN-WFrTo</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Industrial, self-supplied total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>73.92</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>IN-WSaTo</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Industrial, self-supplied total withdrawals, saline, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>10.58</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>IN-Wtotl</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Industrial, self-supplied total withdrawals, total (fresh+saline), in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>73.92</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CO-WGWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Commercial, self-supplied groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.64</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CO-WSWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Commercial, self-supplied surface-water withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.59</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CO-WFrTo</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Commercial, self-supplied total withdrawals, fresh, in Mgal/d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.64</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Mgal/d</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MI-WGWFr</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mining, groundwater withdrawals, fresh, in 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Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute such warranty.</distliab>\n <techpreq>These data are available in both a tab-delimited text file format and as a Microsoft Excel 2010 (.xlsx) file. The user must have software capable of reading the Microsoft Excel 2010 file format to use the .xlsx file.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200825</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Kristin S. Linsey</cntper>\n <cntorg>USGS New York Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>425 Jordan Road</address>\n <city>Troy</city>\n <state>NY</state>\n <postal>12180</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>(518) 285-5636</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC)](/catalog/item/4f4e4773e4b07f02db47e244) 3. [Great Lakes Science Center Published Data](/catalog/item/5409d1eee4b0b2c50ef81428) 4. [Total thiamine concentrations in lake trout Salvelinus namaycush eggs in lakes Huron and Michigan, 1996-2018](/catalog/folder/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-05-01Start Date1996End Date2018 ## Citation Honeyfield, D.C., Riley, S.C., and Tillitt, D.E., 2020, Total thiamine concentrations in lake trout Salvelinus namaycush eggs in lakes Huron and Michigan, 1996-2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Monitoring of vitamin B1 (thiamine) in the eggs of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) collected from lakes Huron and Michigan has been conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey since the mid-1990’s. The results of this monitoring effort have been used by natural resource management agencies and native American tribes within the Great Lakes basin to evaluate the reproductive health of lake trout. The data in this release are the thiamine concentrations measured in lake trout collected from 1996-2018. Results are reported as total thiamine (nmol/g-egg), collection site, lake, year collected, and reference to the analysis methods. ## Summary Monitoring of vitamin B1 (thiamine) in the eggs of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) collected from lakes Huron and Michigan has been conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey since the mid-1990’s. The results of this monitoring effort have been used by natural resource management agencies and native American tribes within the Great Lakes basin to evaluate the reproductive health of lake trout. The data in this release are the thiamine concentrations measured in lake trout collected from 1996-2018. Results are reported as total thiamine (nmol/g-egg), collection site, lake, year collected, and reference to the analysis methods. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Donald E Tillitt](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10416) Originator : [Dale C. Honeyfield](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Dale+C.+Honeyfield), [Stephen Riley](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=8634), [Donald E Tillitt](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10416) Metadata Contact : [CERC Data Manager](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=CERC+Data+Manager) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Great Lakes Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17264) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Total\_thiamine\_concentrations\_in\_lake\_trout\_Salvelinus\_namaycush\_eggs\_in\_lakes\_Huron\_and\_Michigan\_1996-2018\_v3.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 26.25 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Thiamine\_LatLon.csv | | 561 Bytes | text/csv | | ThiamineMonitoring\_LakesHuronMich.csv | | 122.74 KB | text/csv | ## Purpose The purpose of this monitoring was to provide natural resource agencies tasked with management of fish populations in the Great Lakes with thiamine concentrations in the eggs of lake trout. Thiamine is an essential nutrient, and thiamine deficiency can result in reproductive failure due to mortality of eggs, embryos, or emergent fry. The concentrations of thiamine have been historically low over the past three decades in Great Lakes lake trout and other salmonines and has caused reproductive failures. Thiamine concentrations in the eggs of lake trout are used to help predict the potential of reproductive failures when below threshold levels. These data can be used to evaluate long-term trends in thiamine concentrations in lake trout eggs from lakes Huron and Michigan. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75) ## Communities - Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC) - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [EMS](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEMS "EMS (EMS, Theme, None)") - [Early Mortality Syndrome](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEarly+Mortality+Syndrome "Early Mortality Syndrome (Early Mortality Syndrome, Theme, None)") - [Fish](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DFish "Fish (Fish, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Fish Spawning and Larval Aggregation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DFish+Spawning+and+Larval+Aggregation "Fish Spawning and Larval Aggregation (Fish Spawning and Larval Aggregation, Theme, Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard)") - [Salvelinus namaycush](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSalvelinus+namaycush "Salvelinus namaycush (Salvelinus namaycush, Theme, None)") - [TDC](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DTDC "TDC (TDC, Theme, None)") - [Thiamine Deficiency Complex](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DThiamine+Deficiency+Complex "Thiamine Deficiency Complex (Thiamine Deficiency Complex, Theme, None)") - [Vitamin B1](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DVitamin+B1 "Vitamin B1 (Vitamin B1, Theme, None)") - [alewife](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dalewife "alewife (alewife, Theme, None)") - [aquatic biology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Daquatic+biology "aquatic biology (aquatic biology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [aquatic ecosystems](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Daquatic+ecosystems "aquatic ecosystems (aquatic ecosystems, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [biota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiota "biota (biota, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [commercial fishery resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dcommercial+fishery+resources "commercial fishery resources (commercial fishery resources, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [ecosystem monitoring](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Decosystem+monitoring "ecosystem monitoring (ecosystem monitoring, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [environmental assessment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Denvironmental+assessment "environmental assessment (environmental assessment, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [fish](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfish "fish (fish, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [fisheries biology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfisheries+biology "fisheries biology (fisheries biology, Theme, Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB) keywords)") - [fishery management](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfishery+management "fishery management (fishery management, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [freshwater ecosystems](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfreshwater+ecosystems "freshwater ecosystems (freshwater ecosystems, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [hazards](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhazards "hazards (hazards, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [health and disease](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhealth+and+disease "health and disease (health and disease, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [inland fishery resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dinland+fishery+resources "inland fishery resources (inland fishery resources, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [lake trout](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dlake+trout "lake trout (lake trout, Theme, None)") - [long-term ecological monitoring](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dlong-term+ecological+monitoring "long-term ecological monitoring (long-term ecological monitoring, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [population and community ecology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dpopulation+and+community+ecology "population and community ecology (population and community ecology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [recreational fishery resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drecreational+fishery+resources "recreational fishery resources (recreational fishery resources, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [risk assessment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drisk+assessment "risk assessment (risk assessment, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [thiamine](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dthiamine "thiamine (thiamine, Theme, None)") - [thiamine deficiency](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dthiamine+deficiency "thiamine deficiency (thiamine deficiency, Theme, None)") - [vitamin deficiency](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dvitamin+deficiency "vitamin deficiency (vitamin deficiency, Theme, None)") - [wildlife disease](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwildlife+disease "wildlife disease (wildlife disease, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Canada](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCanada "Canada (Canada, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Great Lakes](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGreat+Lakes "Great Lakes (Great Lakes, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Illinois](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DIllinois "Illinois (Illinois, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Indiana](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DIndiana "Indiana (Indiana, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Lake Huron](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLake+Huron "Lake Huron (Lake Huron, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Lake Michigan](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLake+Michigan "Lake Michigan (Lake Michigan, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Laurentian Great Lakes](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLaurentian+Great+Lakes "Laurentian Great Lakes (Laurentian Great Lakes, Place, None)") - [Michigan](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMichigan "Michigan (Michigan, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Ontario](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DOntario "Ontario (Ontario, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [United States](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+States "United States (United States, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Wisconsin](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWisconsin "Wisconsin (Wisconsin, Place, Common geographic areas)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Wildlife Biology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWildlife+Biology "Wildlife Biology (Wildlife Biology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9W3MUTU | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Dale C. Honeyfield</origin>\n <origin>Stephen C. Riley</origin>\n <origin>Donald E. Tillitt</origin>\n <pubdate>20200501</pubdate>\n <title>Total thiamine concentrations in lake trout Salvelinus namaycush eggs in lakes Huron and Michigan, 1996-2018</title>\n <geoform>Text</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Monitoring of vitamin B1 (thiamine) in the eggs of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) collected from lakes Huron and Michigan has been conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey since the mid-1990\xe2\x80\x99s. The results of this monitoring effort have been used by natural resource management agencies and native American tribes within the Great Lakes basin to evaluate the reproductive health of lake trout. The data in this release are the thiamine concentrations measured in lake trout collected from 1996-2018. Results are reported as total thiamine (nmol/g-egg), collection site, lake, year collected, and reference to the analysis methods.</abstract>\n <purpose>The purpose of this monitoring was to provide natural resource agencies tasked with management of fish populations in the Great Lakes with thiamine concentrations in the eggs of lake trout. Thiamine is an essential nutrient, and thiamine deficiency can result in reproductive failure due to mortality of eggs, embryos, or emergent fry. The concentrations of thiamine have been historically low over the past three decades in Great Lakes lake trout and other salmonines and has caused reproductive failures. Thiamine concentrations in the eggs of lake trout are used to help predict the potential of reproductive failures when below threshold levels. These data can be used to evaluate long-term trends in thiamine concentrations in lake trout eggs from lakes Huron and Michigan.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>1996</begdate>\n <enddate>2018</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>observed</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Annually</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-88.374</westbc>\n <eastbc>-79.6509</eastbc>\n <northbc>46.4227</northbc>\n <southbc>41.2282</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>Great Lakes</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>biota</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Fish</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>commercial fishery resources</themekey>\n <themekey>fish</themekey>\n <themekey>fishery management</themekey>\n <themekey>inland fishery resources</themekey>\n <themekey>recreational fishery resources</themekey>\n <themekey>wildlife disease</themekey>\n <themekey>hazards</themekey>\n <themekey>environmental assessment</themekey>\n <themekey>risk assessment</themekey>\n <themekey>ecosystem monitoring</themekey>\n <themekey>long-term ecological monitoring</themekey>\n <themekey>population and community ecology</themekey>\n <themekey>health and disease</themekey>\n <themekey>aquatic biology</themekey>\n <themekey>aquatic ecosystems</themekey>\n <themekey>freshwater ecosystems</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB) keywords</themekt>\n <themekey>fisheries biology</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard</themekt>\n <themekey>Fish Spawning and Larval Aggregation</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>thiamine</themekey>\n <themekey>thiamine deficiency</themekey>\n <themekey>vitamin deficiency</themekey>\n <themekey>Thiamine Deficiency Complex</themekey>\n <themekey>Early Mortality Syndrome</themekey>\n <themekey>TDC</themekey>\n <themekey>EMS</themekey>\n <themekey>lake trout</themekey>\n <themekey>Salvelinus namaycush</themekey>\n <themekey>alewife</themekey>\n <themekey>Vitamin B1</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5dea990ce4b02caea0f06e75</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Laurentian Great Lakes</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Lake Huron</placekey>\n <placekey>Lake Michigan</placekey>\n <placekey>Great Lakes</placekey>\n <placekey>United States</placekey>\n <placekey>Michigan</placekey>\n <placekey>Illinois</placekey>\n <placekey>Indiana</placekey>\n <placekey>Wisconsin</placekey>\n <placekey>Canada</placekey>\n <placekey>Ontario</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see \'Distribution Info\' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users are advised to read the data set\'s metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Donald E Tillitt</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia Environmental Research Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Toxicologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>4200 New Haven Road</address>\n <city>Columbia</city>\n <state>MO</state>\n <postal>65201</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>573-875-5399</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Jacques Rinchard, Department of Environmental Science and Ecology, The College at Brockport - State University of New York, Brockport, NY</datacred>\n <native>Windows operating system</native>\n <taxonomy>\n <keywtax>\n <taxonkt>USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus</taxonkt>\n <taxonkey>Fishes</taxonkey>\n </keywtax>\n <taxonsys>\n <classsys>\n <classcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</title>\n <geoform>ONLINE_REFERENCE</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Washington, D.C.</pubplace>\n <publish>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </classcit>\n </classsys>\n <ider>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Donald E Tillitt</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia Environmental Research Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Toxicologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>4200 New Haven Road</address>\n <city>Columbia</city>\n <state>MO</state>\n <postal>65201</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>573-876-1886</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ider>\n <taxonpro>expert advice</taxonpro>\n <taxoncom>Species were identified by experts</taxoncom>\n </taxonsys>\n <taxongen>All fish were identified to species</taxongen>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Protacanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Salmoniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Salmonidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Salmoninae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Salvelinus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Salvelinus namaycush</taxonrv>\n <common>lake trout</common>\n <common>touladi</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxonomy>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>All samples were analyzed in duplicate or triplicate and thiamine standards (solutions of known thiamine concentration) were routinely run to ensure that the assays produced correct results.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Data entries were double-checked against physical data sheets for consistency.</logic>\n <complete>These data represent thiamine concentrations from lake trout eggs at sampling sites within lakes Huron and Michigan. Because the exact latitude and longitude coordinates of sampling sites were not submitted for most of the samples, they have been grouped into sampling sites. Lake trout eggs were sampled at these sampling sites, which were located within approximately 30 km of the following (latitude, longitude) coordinates found in the LatLon txt associated with this data release.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Field collection of Lake trout eggs: Lake trout eggs were sampled from female lake trout in spawning condition by cooperating agencies, and the specific details of field methods likely differed among sample collections. Ripe female lake trout were captured using gill nets or trap nets. Lake trout were sacrificed and eggs were removed and frozen as soon as possible. Egg samples were shipped on ice to laboratories (at the Northern Appalachian Research Center, the Great Lakes Science Center, SUNY Brockport, or the Columbia Environmental Science Center) and frozen immediately upon receipt.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>HPLC thiamine analysis: Lake trout egg samples were initially (1996-2004) analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (Brown et al. 1998) at the USGS Northern Appalachian Research Center in Wellsboro, PA. Briefly, 0.5 g of eggs were homogenized and extracted in ice cold 2% trichloroacetic acid (TCA), boiled for 10 min., cooled, homogenized again after addition of 10% TCA, centrifuged at 14,000 g, and supernatant washed with 4 volumes ethyl acetate:hexane (3:2 volume:volume ratio). The stabilized extract was combined with NaOH and 0.1% potassium ferricynide to convert thiamine vitamers to thiochrome. Oxidized thiochrome solutions were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a reverse phase column and fluorescence detection. Calibration was against standards for free thiamine, thiamine diphosphate, and thiamine monophosphate.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2004</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>RSPE thiamine analysis: Because the HPLC method is relatively expensive, onerous, and time-consuming, an alternative method (Rapid Solid Phase Extraction Fluorometric method; RSPE) was developed at the USGS CERC in Columbia, MO (Zajicek et al. 2005). The RSPE method was used for all eggs analyzed since 2005. Briefly, , 1.0 g of egg samples were homogenized in ice cold 2% TCA, boiled for 10 min., cooled and centrifuged at 14,000 g for 15 min. The supernatant was applied to a reverse-phase solid phase extraction (SPE) column and eluted with phosphate buffer (PO4, pH 2.0, fraction 1), twice with 10% methanol in PO4 buffer (fraction 2). Both fractions were oxidized with NaOH and 0.1% potassium ferricynide to convert thiamine vitamers to thiochrome. Thiamine vitamers were analyzed by fluorescence at excitation wavelength 360 nm and emission wavelength 460 nm. Calibration was against standards for free thiamine, thiamine diphosphate, and thiamine monophosphate. \nTo compare results from HPLC and RSPE methods, egg samples were analyzed using both methods in 2006 and a linear regression relationship was used to develop a correction factor that was applied to the RSPE values. When applying the correction factor to RSPE values if the resulting thiamine concentration was less than zero, the concentration was given a value of 0 (zero). All thiamine concentrations reported here represent total thiamine, or the sum of the three thiamine vitamers: thiamine, thiamine monophosphate and thiamine pyrophosphate</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <method>\n <methtype>both</methtype>\n <methdesc>USGS began cooperating with natural resource agencies to conduct a monitoring program in lakes Michigan and Huron to assess egg thiamine concentrations in lake trout populations. Partner agencies include the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Indiana DNR, Wisconsin DNR, Michigan DNR, the Little Traverse Bay Band of Ottawa Indians, the Grand Traverse Bay Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, the Illinois Natural History Survey, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority, and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Egg samples were collected by these agencies during fall lake trout spawning assessments and eggs were frozen and shipped to USGS laboratories for analysis. Details regarding analysis are described below.</methdesc>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Zajicek, James L.</origin>\n <origin>Tillitt, Donald E.</origin>\n <origin>Brown, Scott B.</origin>\n <origin>Brown, Laura R.</origin>\n <origin>Honeyfield, Dale C.</origin>\n <origin>Fitzsimons, John D.</origin>\n <pubdate>2005</pubdate>\n <title>A Rapid Solid-Phase Extraction Fluorometric Method for Thiamine and Riboflavin in Salmonid Eggs</title>\n <geoform>Publication</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Brown, Scott B.</origin>\n <origin>Honeyfield, Dale C.</origin>\n <origin>Vandenbyllaardt, Laura</origin>\n <pubdate>1998</pubdate>\n <title>Thiamine analysis in fish tissues. American Fisheries Society Symposium 21: 73-81</title>\n <geoform>book</geoform>\n <onlink>Not electronically available</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n </method>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>ThiamineMonitoring_LakesHuronMich.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Text (TXT) file containing data. The columns included contain the year that eggs were sampled, the lake from which eggs were sampled, the sampling site within the lake, the total thiamine concentration in the sample, and the analysis method.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Year</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Year that eggs were sampled</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1996</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2018</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Year</attrunit>\n <attrmres>1.0</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Lake</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Great Lake where eggs were sampled</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Huron</edomv>\n <edomvd>Lake Huron</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Michigan</edomv>\n <edomvd>Lake Michigan</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Site</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Sampling site</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Owen Sound</edomv>\n <edomvd>Owen Sound, eastern Lake Huron, Ontario</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Parry Sound</edomv>\n <edomvd>Parry Sound, eastern Lake Huron, Ontario</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Six Fathom Bank</edomv>\n <edomvd>Six Fathom Bank, central Lake Huron, Michigan</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Yankee Reef</edomv>\n <edomvd>Yankee Reef, Lake Huron, Michigan</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Drummond Island</edomv>\n <edomvd>Drummond Island, Lake Huron, Michigan</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Thunder Bay</edomv>\n <edomvd>Thunder Bay, Lake Huron, Michigan</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Clay Banks</edomv>\n <edomvd>Clay Banks, western Lake Michigan near Algoma, Michigan</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Grand Traverse Bay</edomv>\n <edomvd>Grand Traverse Bay, eastern Lake Michigan, Michigan</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Little Traverse Bay</edomv>\n <edomvd>Little Traverse Bay, eastern Lake Michigan, Michigan</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Port of Indiana</edomv>\n <edomvd>Port of Indiana, southern Lake Michigan, Indiana</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Ludington</edomv>\n <edomvd>Ludington, eastern Lake Michigan, Michigan</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Milwaukee</edomv>\n <edomvd>Milwaukee, western Lake Michigan, Wisconsin</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Waukegan</edomv>\n <edomvd>Waukegan, western Lake Michigan, Wisconsin</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Michigan City</edomv>\n <edomvd>Michigan City, southern Lake Michigan, Indiana</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Portage Point</edomv>\n <edomvd>Portage Point, northern Lake Michigan, Michigan</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Thiamine</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Thiamine concentration in lake trout egg sample (nmol/g)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>59.6</rdommax>\n <attrunit>nmol/g</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Method</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Analysis method: 1=HPLC, 2=RSPE</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Thiamine concentration in eggs determined using HPLC</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Thiamine concentration in eggs determined using RSPE</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Thiamine_LatLon.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Table containing the geolocation information associated with data collections sites. Connects to the "site" column in the ThiamineMonitoring_LakesHuronMich.txt table. Because the exact latitude and longitude coordinates of sampling sites were not submitted for most of the samples, they have been grouped into sampling sites. Lake trout eggs were sampled at these sampling sites, which were located within approximately 30 km of the following (latitude, longitude) coordinates.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Site Name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>List of site names that associate with the "Site" column in the ThiamineMonitoring_LakesHuronMich.txt table</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Text field</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Latitude</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Latitude of the data collection site, WGS1984 Datum.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>41.701527</rdommin>\n <rdommax>45.92564</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Longitude</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Longitude of the data collection site, WGS1984 Datum.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-87.87224499999999</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-80.147651</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200820</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>CERC Data Manager</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia Environmental Research Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>4200 New Haven Road</address>\n <city>Columbia</city>\n <state>MO</state>\n <postal>65201</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>573-875-5399</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>573-876-1896</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Master Sample and Grid-Based Sampling Frame](/catalog/item/5b731476e4b0f5d5787c5d9c) 4. [North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Master Sample and Grid-Based Sampling Frame: Hawaii at a 5x5km resolution](/catalog/folder/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2018-10-22 ## Citation Talbert, C., and Reichert, B., 2018, North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Master Sample and Grid-Based Sampling Frame: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary The NABat sampling frame is a grid-based finite-area frame spanning Canada, the United States, and Mexico consisting of N total number of 10- by 10-km (100-km2) grid cell sample units. This grain size is biologically appropriate given the scale of movement of most bat species, which routinely travel many kilometers each night between roosts and foraging areas and along foraging routes. A draw of sample units from a finite sampling frame using the GRTS design produces an ordered list of units such that any ordered subset of that list is also randomized and spatially balanced. This vector dataset is the individual grid-based sampling grid for Hawaii at a 5x5km resolution. ## Summary The NABat sampling frame is a grid-based finite-area frame spanning Canada, the United States, and Mexico consisting of N total number of 10- by 10-km (100-km2) grid cell sample units. This grain size is biologically appropriate given the scale of movement of most bat species, which routinely travel many kilometers each night between roosts and foraging areas and along foraging routes. A draw of sample units from a finite sampling frame using the GRTS design produces an ordered list of units such that any ordered subset of that list is also randomized and spatially balanced. This vector dataset is the individual grid-based sampling grid for Hawaii at a 5x5km resolution. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Brian E Reichert](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=73252) Originator : [Colin Talbert](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10199), [Brian E Reichert](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=73252) Metadata Contact : [Colin Talbert](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10199) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | HI\_mastersample\_5km\_GRTS.shp.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 12.81 KB | | HI\_mastersample\_5km\_GRTS.cpg | | 10 Bytes | | HI\_mastersample\_5km\_GRTS.dbf | | 971.41 KB | | HI\_mastersample\_5km\_GRTS.prj | | 419 Bytes | | HI\_mastersample\_5km\_GRTS.shp | | 1.52 MB | | HI\_mastersample\_5km\_GRTS.shx | | 91.5 KB | Shapefile: HI\_mastersample\_5km\ ## Purpose The GRTS design provides solutions to several practical challenges faced by bat surveyors that are not provided by more familiar designs such as simple random, stratified, and systematic sampling. The GRTS design allows for sample site additions and deletions, supports unequal-probability selection of survey locations, and provides an approximately unbiased neighborhood-weighted variance estimator that takes advantage of the spatial structure present in the surveyed population. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457) [![](![](,2090232.9786213308,-1.7084977606155794E7,2628513.8447780074)](/catalog/item/imap/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ScienceBase WFS ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [biota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiota "biota (biota, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [ecosystem monitoring](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Decosystem+monitoring "ecosystem monitoring (ecosystem monitoring, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [location](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dlocation "location (location, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") Place - [Alaska](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAlaska "Alaska (Alaska, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Canada](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCanada "Canada (Canada, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Hawaii](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHawaii "Hawaii (Hawaii, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Mexico](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMexico "Mexico (Mexico, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Puerto Rico](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPuerto+Rico "Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [United States](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+States "United States (United States, Place, Common geographic areas)") Types - [Downloadable](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DDownloadable "Downloadable") - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [Shapefile](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DShapefile "Shapefile") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Shapefile Extension | boundingBox | | minY | 18.657928069065363 | | minX | -160.56259261396445 | | maxY | 22.768168986092057 | | maxX | -154.30390939750896 | | | files | | name | HI\_mastersample\_5km\_GRTS.cpg | | contentType | text/plain | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_b8/05/6d/b8056d2dcfe3a5c11de956089c5d4f90b48dc620 | | imageWidth | 580 | | imageHeight | 435 | | size | 10 | | dateUploaded | Fri Aug 17 17:01:22 MDT 2018 | | name | HI\_mastersample\_5km\_GRTS.dbf | | contentType | text/plain | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_26/c2/7a/26c27a98ecca7ed9e8028f0fcadd115cf714e9ad | | imageWidth | 580 | | imageHeight | 435 | | size | 994726 | | dateUploaded | Fri Aug 17 17:01:22 MDT 2018 | | name | HI\_mastersample\_5km\_GRTS.prj | | contentType | text/plain | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_41/98/ec/4198ec7d296a52fc0b4f07c90a5c40d72af944bb | | imageWidth | 580 | | imageHeight | 435 | | size | 419 | | dateUploaded | Fri Aug 17 17:01:22 MDT 2018 | | name | HI\_mastersample\_5km\_GRTS.shp | | contentType | x-gis/x-shapefile | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_64/fd/c2/64fdc2173320534b72a7fcfae82e68e2dea7c0d6 | | size | 1591300 | | dateUploaded | Fri Aug 17 17:01:22 MDT 2018 | | name | HI\_mastersample\_5km\_GRTS.shx | | contentType | x-gis/x-shapefile | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_3d/e3/5f/3de35f94b97d695ac285b8c29cc154bda060efa0 | | size | 93700 | | dateUploaded | Fri Aug 17 17:01:22 MDT 2018 | | name | HI\_mastersample\_5km\_GRTS.shp.xml | | contentType | application/fgdc+xml | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_5b/a8/e2/5ba8e2af8031f7c00cd5828d7c841addcbbfb752 | | dateUploaded | Fri Sep 11 06:37:49 MDT 2020 | | originalMetadata | true | | | geometryType | MultiPolygon | | name | HI\_mastersample\_5km\_GRTS | | nativeCrs | EPSG:102007 | ... show more ... (Additional Information) ## Item Actions #### Use Item [Process feature with Geo Data Portal](/catalog/gdp/callGdp?item_id=5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457& ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Colin Talbert</origin>\n <origin>Brian Reichert</origin>\n <pubdate>201810</pubdate>\n <title>North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Master Sample and Grid-Based Sampling Frame: Hawaii at a 5x5km resolution</title>\n <geoform>vector digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Fort Collins, CO</pubplace>\n <publish>USGS Fort Collins Science Center</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Patricia Stevens</origin>\n <origin>Brian Reichert</origin>\n <pubdate>20180724</pubdate>\n <title>North American Bat Monitoring Program</title>\n <geoform>project</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Fort Collins, CO</pubplace>\n <publish>USGS Fort Collins Science Center</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>The NABat sampling frame is a grid-based finite-area frame spanning Canada, the United States, and Mexico consisting of 10-km by 10-km (100-km2) grid cell sample units. This grain size is biologically appropriate given the scale of movement of most bat species, which routinely travel many kilometers each night between roosts and foraging areas and along foraging routes. A draw of sample units from a finite sampling frame using the GRTS design produces an ordered list of units such that any ordered subset of that list is also randomized and spatially balanced. \n\nThis vector dataset is the individual grid-based sampling grid for Hawaii at a 5x5km resolution.</abstract>\n <purpose>The GRTS design provides solutions to several practical challenges faced by bat surveyors that are not provided by more familiar designs such as simple random, stratified, and systematic sampling. The GRTS design allows for sample site additions and deletions, supports unequal-probability selection of survey locations, and provides an approximately unbiased neighborhood-weighted variance estimator that takes advantage of the spatial structure present in the surveyed population.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2018</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-160.5626</westbc>\n <eastbc>-154.3039</eastbc>\n <northbc>22.7685</northbc>\n <southbc>18.6579</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>Hawaii</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>biota</themekey>\n <themekey>location</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>ecosystem monitoring</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5b7753c2e4b0f5d578820457</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Hawaii</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see 'Distribution Info' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users are advised to read the data set's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Brian E Reichert</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, SOUTHWEST REGION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Ecologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>2150 Centre Avenue Bldg C</address>\n <city>Fort Collins</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80526</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>970-226-9245</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>970-226-9230</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Susan C. Loeb</origin>\n <origin>Thomas J. Rodhouse</origin>\n <origin>Laura E. Ellison</origin>\n <origin>Cori L. Lausen</origin>\n <origin>Jonathan D. Reichard</origin>\n <origin>Kathryn M. Irvine</origin>\n <origin>Thomas E. Ingersoll</origin>\n <origin>Jeremy T. H. Coleman</origin>\n <origin>Wayne E. Thogmartin</origin>\n <origin>John R. Sauer</origin>\n <origin>Charles M. Francis</origin>\n <origin>Mylea L. Bayless</origin>\n <origin>Thomas R. Stanley</origin>\n <origin>Douglas H. Johnson</origin>\n <pubdate>201506</pubdate>\n <title>A Plan for the North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat)</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Patricia Stevens</origin>\n <origin>Brian Reichert</origin>\n <origin>Colin Talbert</origin>\n <pubdate>201810</pubdate>\n <title>Attributed North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat) Master Sample and Grid-Based Sampling Frame</title>\n <geoform>vector digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Fort Collins, CO</pubplace>\n <publish>USGS Fort Collins Science Center</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>GRTS IDs were checked for consistent spatial distribution.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Values were manually checked for minimum and maximum values within expected ranges.</logic>\n <complete>None</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>Positional accuracy was manually checked in ArcMap</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>NA</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Patricia Stevens</origin>\n <origin>Brian Reichert</origin>\n <origin>Colin Talbert</origin>\n <pubdate>201807</pubdate>\n <title>North American Grid-Based Sampling Frame</title>\n <geoform>vector digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Fort Collins, CO</pubplace>\n <publish>USGS Fort Collins Science Center</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2018</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>NASamplingFrame</srccitea>\n <srccontr>The geometry and unique IDs for the 10km cells.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The spsurvey package in R was used to generate a Generalized Random-Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) Survey Design draw on the 10km North American Grid-Based Sampling Frame. The 'grts' function was used with an equal design and a finite frame. 8675309 was used as the seed.</procdesc>\n <srcused>NASamplingFrame</srcused>\n <procdate>201807</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>HI_mastersample_5km_GRTS.shp</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Table containing attribute information associated with the data set.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>FID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Internal feature number.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>ESRI</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Shape</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Feature geometry type.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>ESRI</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>String description of feature geometry type.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HI_50K</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The unique ID of the parent 50x50km grid cell</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>24</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HI_10KM</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The unique ID of the parent 10x10km grid cell</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>600</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HI_5KM</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The unique ID of this 5x5km grid cell</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>11700</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>lat</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The geographic WGS84 decimal degree latitude of the grid cell centroid.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>18.68084580441507</rdommin>\n <rdommax>22.74568915149199</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>long</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The geographic WGS84 decimal degree longitude of the grid cell centroid.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-154.32823143173667</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-160.53819101042737</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GRTS_ID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Generalized Random-Tessellation Stratified (GRTS) Survey Design draw.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>11700</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200911</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Colin Talbert</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>IT SPEC (DATAMGT)</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>2150 Centre Avenue Bldg C</address>\n <city>Fort Collins</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80526</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>970-226-9425</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>970-226-9230</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia Water Science Center](/catalog/item/58a36c40e4b0c8251286ceac) 3. [Public Data Releases](/catalog/item/5d13ae5ee4b0941bde58f771) 4. [Select Attributes for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Reach Catchments and Modified Network Routed Upstream Watersheds for the Conterminous United States (ver. 4.0, August 2023)](/catalog/item/5669a79ee4b08895842a1d47) 5. [Select Climate Attributes for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Reach Catchments and Modified Network Routed Upstream Watersheds for the Conterminous United States](/catalog/item/566ef828e4b09cfe53ca76f7) 6. [Attributes for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Reach Catchments and Modified Routed Upstream Watersheds for the Conterminous United States: Estimated Mean Annual Snow as a Percent of Total Precipitation](/catalog/folder/57053dc5e4b0d4e2b756c117) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/57053dc5e4b0d4e2b756c117) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/57053dc5e4b0d4e2b756c117) - [JSON](/catalog/item/57053dc5e4b0d4e2b756c117?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2018-10-02Start Date1901End Date2002 ## Citation Wieczorek, M.E., Jackson, S.E., and Schwarz, G.E., 2018, Select Attributes for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Reach Catchments and Modified Network Routed Upstream Watersheds for the Conterminous United States (ver. 4.0, August 2023): U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This tabular data set represents estimated mean annual snow as a percent of total precipitation, 1905-2002 compiled for two spatial components of the NHDPlus version 2 data suite (NHDPlusv2) for the conterminous United States; 1) individual reach catchments and 2) reach catchments accumulated upstream through the river network. This dataset can be linked to the NHDPlus version 2 data suite by the unique identifier COMID. The source data for estimated mean annual snow as a percent of total precipitation was produced by the USGS (Wolock, written communic., 2012) and processed based on the methods described by McCabe and Wolock (USGS, 2009). Units are percent. Reach catchment information characterizes data at the local scale. Reach catchments \[...\] ## Summary This tabular data set represents estimated mean annual snow as a percent of total precipitation, 1905-2002 compiled for two spatial components of the NHDPlus version 2 data suite (NHDPlusv2) for the conterminous United States; 1) individual reach catchments and 2) reach catchments accumulated upstream through the river network. This dataset can be linked to the NHDPlus version 2 data suite by the unique identifier COMID. The source data for estimated mean annual snow as a percent of total precipitation was produced by the USGS (Wolock, written communic., 2012) and processed based on the methods described by McCabe and Wolock (USGS, 2009). Units are percent. Reach catchment information characterizes data at the local scale. Reach catchments accumulated upstream through the river network characterizes cumulative upstream conditions. Network-accumulated values are computed using two methods, 1) divergence-routed and 2) total cumulative drainage area. Both approaches use a modified routing database to navigate the NHDPlus reach network to aggregate (accumulate) the metrics derived from the reach catchment scale. (Schwarz and Wieczorek, 2016). ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Michael E Wieczorek](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=11213), [Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17203) Originator : [Michael E Wieczorek](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=11213), [Shannon E Jackson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=69156), [Gregory E Schwarz](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9220) Metadata Contact : [Michael E Wieczorek](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=11213) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) SDC Data Owner : [Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17203) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/57053dc5e4b0d4e2b756c117?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/57053dc5e4b0d4e2b756c117?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/57053dc5e4b0d4e2b756c117?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | NHDV2\_PRSNOW\_CONUS.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 20.97 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | PRSNOW\ | | 13.52 MB | application/zip | | 57053dc5e4b0d4e2b756c117\_acc.parquet | | 14.23 MB | application/octet-stream | | 57053dc5e4b0d4e2b756c117\_cat.parquet | | 13.45 MB | application/octet-stream | | 57053dc5e4b0d4e2b756c117\_tot.parquet | | 14.31 MB | application/octet-stream | ## Related External Resources Type: Online Link | | | | --- | --- | | Schwarz, G.E., and Wieczorek, M.E., 2018, Database of modified routing for NHDPlus version 2.1 flowlines: ENHDPlusV2\_us: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | []( "") | ## Purpose This data set was created by the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Water-Quality Assessment Project (NAWQA) which is part of the USGS National Water Quality Program (NWQP). This effort was undertaken to estimate the mean annual snow as a percent of total precipitation, 1905-2002 for NHDPlusV2 flowline catchments and upstream river networks to support statistical analysis, map display, and model parameterization. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/57053dc5e4b0d4e2b756c117) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/57053dc5e4b0d4e2b756c117) ## Communities - USGS Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia Water Science Center ## Tags Theme - [Inlandwaters](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DInlandwaters "Inlandwaters (Inlandwaters, Theme, None)") - [NAWQA](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNAWQA "NAWQA (NAWQA, Theme, None)") - [NHDPlus](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNHDPlus "NHDPlus (NHDPlus, Theme, None)") - [SPARROW](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSPARROW "SPARROW (SPARROW, Theme, None)") - [snow](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsnow "snow (snow, Theme, None)") - [snow percent of total precipitation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsnow+percent+of+total+precipitation "snow percent of total precipitation (snow percent of total precipitation, Theme, None)") Place - [Conterminous United States](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DConterminous+United+States "Conterminous United States (Conterminous United States, Place, None)") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Michael E. Wieczorek</origin>\n <origin>Shannon E. Jackson</origin>\n <origin>Gregory E. Schwarz</origin>\n <pubdate>20230802</pubdate>\n <title>Attributes for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Reach Catchments and Modified Routed Upstream Watersheds for the Conterminous United States: Estimated Mean Annual Snow as a Percent of Total Precipitation</title>\n <geoform>tabular digital data</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Digital Data Series</sername>\n <issue>DS-XXX-XX</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, Virginia</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This tabular data set represents estimated mean annual snow as a percent of total precipitation, 1905-2002 compiled for two spatial components of the NHDPlus version 2 data suite (NHDPlusv2) for the conterminous United States; 1) individual reach catchments and 2) reach catchments accumulated upstream through the river network. This dataset can be linked to the NHDPlus version 2 data suite by the unique identifier COMID. The source data for estimated mean annual snow as a percent of total precipitation was produced by the USGS (Wolock, written communic., 2012) and processed based on the methods described by McCabe and Wolock (USGS, 2009). Units are percent. Reach catchment information characterizes data at the local scale. Reach catchments accumulated upstream through the river network characterizes cumulative upstream conditions. Network-accumulated values are computed using two methods, 1) divergence-routed and 2) total cumulative drainage area. Both approaches use a modified routing database to navigate the NHDPlus reach network to aggregate (accumulate) the metrics derived from the reach catchment scale. (Schwarz and Wieczorek, 2016).</abstract>\n <purpose>This data set was created by the U.S. Geological Survey\'s (USGS) National Water-Quality Assessment Project (NAWQA) which is part of the USGS National Water Quality Program (NWQP). This effort was undertaken to estimate the mean annual snow as a percent of total precipitation, 1905-2002 for NHDPlusV2 flowline catchments and upstream river networks to support statistical analysis, map display, and model parameterization.</purpose>\n <supplinf>The data processed here uses a modified routing data base for the NHDPlusV2 flowline network (Schwarz and Wieczorek, 2016). The NHDPlusV2 flowline network serves as the spatial infrastructure for many water-quality modeling efforts included under NAWQA Cycle 3 status and trend assessments including the SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regressions On Watershed attributes) model (Rowe and others, 2009). The NHDPlusV2 flowline network is a publically available digital geospatial framework (database) that depicts the network of stream segments and their catchments within the conterminous United States (see Moore and Diewald, 2016 for more detail). The NHDPlusv2 data set includes catchments for each reach covering the conterminous U.S. which includes the catchment boundaries in neighboring Canada and Mexico. These catchments are used as the spatial units for zonal statistics. A statistic (summation, average, minimum or maximum) is calculated for each zone (catchment), based on values from the source ancillary data set (See Process_Description for more details). The output of these values are used as the source input data for an accumulation program which uses a routing database to allocate and accumulate landscape metrics. This database is based on a topologically reconditioned version of the NHDPlusV2 hydrography network and is used for routing purposes only. No cartographic changes were made to the original NHDPlusV2 in either the flowline or catchment line work.\n\nThe impetus for this work is for parameterizing the USGS SPARROW model. The framework for that model is based on the NHDPlusV2 reaches (not catchments). The statistical algorithms in SPARROW require that all reaches must have data values assigned to them. It uses all from-to node connectivity to route and accumulate variables throughout the network (see Schwarz and Wieczorek). It is noted that NHDPlusV2 contains more reaches than catchments (see NHDPlus Version 2: User Guide (Data Model Version 2.1) for more details). Values are filled in for those reaches that do not have catchments based on a fill-in procedure described in Schwarz and Wieczorek. The item COMID is a unique identifier which can be used to join these data to catchment and flowline features in the NHDPlusV2 data suite. There may be values filled in for those flowline reaches that do not have associated catchments. User should use caution and read the contents of this file before using the data.</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>1901</begdate>\n <enddate>2002</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>As needed</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-127.910792</westbc>\n <eastbc>-65.327751</eastbc>\n <northbc>51.657387</northbc>\n <southbc>23.243486</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>CONUS United States</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>snow percent of total precipitation</themekey>\n <themekey>SPARROW</themekey>\n <themekey>Inlandwaters</themekey>\n <themekey>NHDPlus</themekey>\n <themekey>snow</themekey>\n <themekey>NAWQA</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:57053dc5e4b0d4e2b756c117</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Conterminous United States</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>One should use caution and read this document before using these data to estimate smaller areas. These data should not be used for site-specific evaluation, surveying, or engineering purposes. They should also not be used beyond the limits of the source data\'s scale. Use of this data is considered acceptance of the limitations of this data and that the user has read and understood this metadata prior to its use in any form.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Michael E. Wieczorek</cntper>\n <cntorg>US Geological Survey, Maryland Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>5522 Research Park Drive</address>\n <city>Baltimore</city>\n <state>MD</state>\n <postal>21228</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>443-498-5550</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>We would like to acknowledge the following USGS employees. The original conception and rationale for creating these data is from Robert Gilliom and Daren Carlisle. We also acknowledge Andrew LaMotte in helping to process and format much of this data as well as the helpful colleague reviews provided by Alison Appling and Daren Carlisle. We also would like to thank Dave Wolock, Curtis Price, Roland Viger, and Drew Ignazio for their invaluable input.</datacred>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Gary L. Rowe</origin>\n <origin>Kenneth Belitz</origin>\n <origin>Hedeff I. Essaid</origin>\n <origin>Robert J. Gilliom</origin>\n <origin>Pixie A. Hamilton</origin>\n <origin>Anne B. Hoos</origin>\n <origin>Dennis D. Lynch</origin>\n <origin>Mark D. Munn</origin>\n <origin>David W. Wolock</origin>\n <pubdate>2009</pubdate>\n <title>Design of Cycle 3 of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program, 2013\xe2\x80\x932023: Part 1: Framework of Water-Quality Issues and Potential Approaches</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, Virginia</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Richard B. Moore</origin>\n <origin>Thomas G. Dewald</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>The Road to NHDPlus-Advancements in Digital Stream Networks and Associated Catchments</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>American Water Resources Association</pubplace>\n <publish>(JAWRA) 1-10.DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12389</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>James A. Falcone</origin>\n <origin>Daren M. Carlisle</origin>\n <origin>David M. Wolock</origin>\n <origin>Michael R. Meador</origin>\n <pubdate>2010</pubdate>\n <title>GAGESII: a stream gage database for evaluating natural and altered flow conditions in the conterminous United States</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Ecology 91 (2), 621</pubplace>\n <publish>Data Paper in Ecological Archives E091-045-D1</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>Basin metrics were compared to values for the same variables available in the GAGESII data set (Falcone, 2010). The following steps were performed before making the comparisons:\n\n1) GAGESII point file with the most current COMIDs associations was joined to the routing database file which contains accumulated basin areas (Schwarz and Wieczorek, 2016).\n2) Only those GAGESII points that have a basin area within 1% or less of the accumulated basin areas were processed and used for comparisons. This resulted in 4,713 locations.\n3) Using those COMIDs for GAGESII sites, the associated record in the accumulation files were pulled and used in the comparison of one to one plots.\n\nResults demonstrated a Pearson\'s r-squared of over 99%. Outliers can be attributed to either the difference in the basin delineations of GAGESII basins compared to that of the catchment representations in NHDPlus version 2 or to the fact that this data set only reports data from the downstream end of reaches and their upstream contribution. GAGESII basin outlets can occur anywhere along a reach segment which can result in different results depending on the variability of the source data being compiled and the distance between the GAGES II basin outlet and the downstream endpoint of the reach segment. NHDPlus version 2 reach segments can be as long as 95 kilometers and some source data can be widely variable within an NHDPlus reach catchment. As a result, some data processed from the location of a GAGESII pour point compared to the downstream end of a reach segment can result in differences in accumulated variables.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>None</logic>\n <complete>None</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>McCabe and Wolock</origin>\n <pubdate>2008</pubdate>\n <title>Long-term variability in Northern Hemisphere snow cover and associations with warmer winters</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>online</pubplace>\n <publish>Climatic Change, Volume 99, Issue 1-2 , pp 141-153</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>online</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2009</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>PRSNOW_CONUS</srccitea>\n <srccontr>The source data provided information on estimated mean annual snow as a percent of total precipitation, 1901-2002.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Gregory E. Schwarz</origin>\n <origin>Michael E. Wieczorek</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Database of Modified Routing for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Flowlines</title>\n <geoform>tabular data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>online</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2016</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea></srccitea>\n <srccontr>The source data provided routing information for the NHDPlusV2 flow line network.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Environmental Protection</origin>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey</origin>\n <pubdate>2012</pubdate>\n <title>National Hydrography Dataset Plus Version 2.1</title>\n <geoform>vector digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>online</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2012</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>NHDPlus</srccitea>\n <srccontr>The source data is the basic hydrologic framework used to process these data.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>1) Received the estimated mean annual snow as a percent of total precipitation, 1905-2000 source data from Dave Wolock (USGS, written communic., 2012).\n\n2) Mean statistics were calculated for each NHDPlus version 2 reach catchment using ESRI\'s "ZonalStatisticsAsTable" function in python.\n\n3) Catchment results were accumulated using a SAS program (see Supplemental Information) to produce watershed-level summaries of landscape metrics for all ~2.65 million NHDPlusV2 streams and associated catchments. The accumulation algorithm is described in the Supplemental Information section.\n\n4) Exported results into a comma separated text file format.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20151221</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>Common Identifier Code for each catchment and reach segment (COMID)</indspref>\n </spdoinfo>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>PRSNOW_CONUS.txt</enttypl>\n <enttypd>comma separated tabular data</enttypd>\n <enttypds>U.S. Geological Survey</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>COMID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unique ID to relate to each NHDPlus version 2 catchment and flow line.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Unique numbers that are automatically generated.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CAT_PRSNOW</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimated mean annual snow as a percent of total precipitation, 1905-2002 per NHDPlus version 2 catchment.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>96</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NODATA</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percent of catchment that the source data does not cover. -9999 denotes 100% NODATA.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ACC_PRSNOW</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Accumulated estimated mean annual snow as a percent of total precipitation, 1905-2002 based on divergence routing. -9999 denotes flow line reach is disconnected from the network and cannot be accumulated.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>96</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ACC_NODATA</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Accumulated percent of catchment that the source GRID does not cover based on divergence routing. -9999 denotes flow line reach is disconnected from the network and cannot be accumulated.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percentage</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TOT_PRSNOW</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Accumulated estimated mean annual snow as a percent of total precipitation, 1905-2002 based on total upstream accumulation. -9999 denotes flow line reach is disconnected from the network and cannot be accumulated.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>96</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percentage</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TOT_NODATA</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percent of catchment that the source GRID does not cover based on total upstream accumulation.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percentage</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Michael E. Wieczorek</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>443-498-5550</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.\nAlthough this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, it is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.\nAlthough these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system, or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The U.S. Geological Survey shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20230802</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Michael Wieczorek</cntper>\n <cntorg>US Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>5522 Research Park Drive</address>\n <city>Baltimore</city>\n <state>Maryland</state>\n <postal>21228</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>443-498-5550</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[2003 Blood Corticosterone Common Loons: Data](/catalog/folder/5967b229e4b0d1f9f05e51fc) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5967b229e4b0d1f9f05e51fc) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5967b229e4b0d1f9f05e51fc) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5967b229e4b0d1f9f05e51fc?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2017-03-23Time Period2003-07-18Time Period2003-07-20Time Period2003-07-22Time Period2003-07-24Time Period2003-07-25Time Period2003-07-26Time Period2003-07-30Time Period2003-07-31Time Period2003-08-04Time Period2003-08-05Time Period2003-08-11Time Period2003-08-13 ## Citation Kenow, K., 2017, 2003 Blood Corticosterone Common Loons: Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary To help determine whether Hg had a causal effect on corticosterone, we investigated the impact of experimental Hg intake on the corticosterone stress response in captive juvenile loons. Juveniles were subjected to three different feeding regimes: 0, 0.4 and 1.2 µg Hg (as MeHgCL)/g wet weight (ww) fish. We then measured baseline and 30 min post-solitary confinement stressor corticosterone concentrations. The data set consists of times of blood draws and dietary Hg levels. Blood samples and data set were provided to the senior author for analysis. ## Summary To help determine whether Hg had a causal effect on corticosterone, we investigated the impact of experimental Hg intake on the corticosterone stress response in captive juvenile loons. Juveniles were subjected to three different feeding regimes: 0, 0.4 and 1.2 µg Hg (as MeHgCL)/g wet weight (ww) fish. We then measured baseline and 30 min post-solitary confinement stressor corticosterone concentrations. The data set consists of times of blood draws and dietary Hg levels. Blood samples and data set were provided to the senior author for analysis. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Kevin P Kenow](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5419) Originator : [Kevin P Kenow](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5419) Metadata Contact : [Kevin P Kenow](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5419) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17261) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5967b229e4b0d1f9f05e51fc?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5967b229e4b0d1f9f05e51fc?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5967b229e4b0d1f9f05e51fc?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 2003\_Blood\_Corticosterone\_Tracking\_Form.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 19.1 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | 2003 Blood Corticosterone Tracking Form.csv | | 1.77 KB | text/csv | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Mercury correlates with altered corticosterone but not testosterone or estradiol concentrations in common loons | []( "") | ## Purpose Data were collected to help determine effects of dietary Hg on corticosterone concentrations. Time data set by itself is not likely of use to future researchers. ## Communities - Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [Corticosterone](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCorticosterone "Corticosterone (Corticosterone, Theme, None)") - [Loon](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLoon "Loon (Loon, Theme, None)") - [Piscivorous bird](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPiscivorous+bird "Piscivorous bird (Piscivorous bird, Theme, None)") - [Stress](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DStress "Stress (Stress, Theme, None)") - [mercury](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmercury "mercury (mercury, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUpper+Midwest+Environmental+Sciences+Center "Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center, Place, None)") - [Wisconsin](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWisconsin "Wisconsin (Wisconsin, Place, Common geographic areas)") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7QC02CP | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Kevin Kenow</origin>\n <pubdate>20170323</pubdate>\n <title>2003 Blood Corticosterone Common Loons: Data</title>\n <geoform>Tabular Digital Data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Online</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Kevin P Kenow</origin>\n <pubdate>20170801</pubdate>\n <title>Mercury correlates with altered corticosterone but not testosterone or estradiol concentrations in common loons</title>\n <geoform>Publication (Journal)</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety</sername>\n <issue>vol 142</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Online</pubplace>\n <publish>Elsevier</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>To help determine whether Hg had a causal effect on corticosterone, we investigated the impact of experimental Hg intake on the corticosterone stress response in captive juvenile loons. Juveniles were subjected to three different feeding regimes: 0, 0.4 and 1.2 \xc2\xb5g Hg (as MeHgCL)/g wet weight (ww) fish. We then measured baseline and 30 min post-solitary confinement stressor corticosterone concentrations. The data set consists of times of blood draws and dietary Hg levels. Blood samples and data set were provided to the senior author for analysis.</abstract>\n <purpose>Data were collected to help determine effects of dietary Hg on corticosterone concentrations. Time data set by itself is not likely of use to future researchers.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <mdattim>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20030718</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20030720</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20030722</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20030724</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20030725</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20030726</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20030730</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20030731</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20030804</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20030805</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20030811</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20030813</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </mdattim>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Not planned</update>\n </status>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>Corticosterone</themekey>\n <themekey>Loon</themekey>\n <themekey>Piscivorous bird</themekey>\n <themekey>Stress</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>mercury</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5967b229e4b0d1f9f05e51fc</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Wisconsin</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Kevin Kenow</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2630 Fanta Reed Road</address>\n <city>La Crosse</city>\n <state>WI</state>\n <postal>54603</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>608-781-6278</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Tufts University funded this particular research.</datacred>\n <native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS 10.4.1 (Build 5686) Service Pack N/A (Build N/A)</native>\n <taxonomy>\n <keywtax>\n <taxonkt>USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus</taxonkt>\n <taxonkey>Birds</taxonkey>\n </keywtax>\n <taxonsys>\n <classsys>\n <classcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</title>\n <geoform>ONLINE_REFERENCE</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Washington, D.C.</pubplace>\n <publish>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </classcit>\n </classsys>\n <ider>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Kevin Kenow</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2630 Fanta Reed Rd</address>\n <city>La Crosse</city>\n <state>WI</state>\n <postal>54603</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>608-781-6278</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ider>\n <taxonpro>expert advice</taxonpro>\n <taxoncom>Only Common loons were used for this study</taxoncom>\n </taxonsys>\n <taxongen>Only Common loons were used for this study</taxongen>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tetrapoda</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Aves</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gaviiformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gaviidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gavia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gavia immer</taxonrv>\n <common>Colimbo mayor</common>\n <common>Common Loon</common>\n <common>Great Northern Loon</common>\n <common>Great Northern Diver</common>\n <common>Plongeon huard</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxonomy>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>Stopwatches were pre-calibrated at factory.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Data collected during 18 July \xe2\x80\x93 13 August 2003. Juveniles were subjected to three different feeding regimes: 0, 0.4 and 1.2 \xc2\xb5g Hg (as MeHgCL)/g wet weight (ww) fish. We then measured baseline and 30 min post-solitary confinement stressor corticosterone concentrations.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20030718</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Common loon chicks were assigned to one of three dietary treatment groups and fed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) containing a daily dose of methylmercury chloride (MeHgCl) in a gelatin capsule beginning at one day of age and continuing through to the completion of the experiment. Daily food intake was documented for each chick, and the daily MeHgCl dose was based on total food consumption from the previous day. One group served as a control and was fed a diet containing no added Hg, and treatment groups received a fish diet containing either 0.4 or 1.2 \xce\xbcg Hg (delivered as MeHgCl)/g wet-weight fish</procdesc>\n <procdate>20170322</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <method>\n <methtype>both</methtype>\n <methdesc>See abstract and process steps</methdesc>\n </method>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Attribute Table</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Table containing attribute information associated with the data set.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Loon_ID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Loon identification number</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1501</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1527</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Hg_treatment__\xc2\xb5g_g_</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Dietary mercury treatment level (\xc2\xb5g Hg (as MeHgCL)/g wet weight (ww) fish)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.2</rdommax>\n <attrunit>\xc2\xb5g Hg (as MeHgCL)/g wet weight</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Approach_First</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Initial bleeding; Time it took to approach and capture loon chick (seconds)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>5.29</rdommin>\n <rdommax>20.17</rdommax>\n <attrunit>seconds</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Handle_First</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Initial bleeding: Time of handling chick prior to bleeding (minutes.seconds)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv />\n <edomvd>missing data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.30.94</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3.15.23</rdommax>\n <attrunit>min.sec</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Bleed_First</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Initial bleeding: Time it took to collect blood sample (minutes.seconds)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.40.78</rdommin>\n <rdommax>6.29.02</rdommax>\n <attrunit>min.sec</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Date_First</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Initial bleeding: Date and time that blood sample was collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>7/18/2003</rdommin>\n <rdommax>8/13/2003</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Time_First</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>time that blood sample was collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>12:47</rdommin>\n <rdommax>15:00</rdommax>\n <attrunit>time(24h)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Approach_Second</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Seond bleeding; Time it took to approach and capture loon chick (seconds)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>32.16</rdommax>\n <attrunit>sec</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Handle_Second</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Second bleeding: Time of handling chick prior to bleeding (minutes.seconds)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv />\n <edomvd>missing data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.54.46</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3.31.02</rdommax>\n <attrunit>min.sec</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Bleed_Second</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Second bleeding: Time it took to collect blood sample (minutes.seconds)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv />\n <edomvd>missing data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>lt 1</edomv>\n <edomvd>less than 1 minute</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>lt 2</edomv>\n <edomvd>less than 2 minutes</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.21.96</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3.40.22</rdommax>\n <attrunit>min.sec</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Date_Second</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Second bleeding: Date that blood sample was collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>7/18/2003</rdommin>\n <rdommax>8/13/2003</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Time_Second</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Second bleeding: time that blood sample was collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>13:19</rdommin>\n <rdommax>15:34</rdommax>\n <attrunit>time (24h)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <overview>\n <eaover>The entity and attribute information provided here describes the tabular data associated with the data set. Please review the detailed descriptions that are provided (the individual attribute descriptions) for information on the values that appear as fields/table entries of the data set.</eaover>\n <eadetcit>The entity and attribute information was generated by the individual and/or agency identified as the originator of the data set. Please review the rest of the metadata record for additional details and information.</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20210413</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Kevin P Kenow</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Midwest Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>RESEARCH WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2630 Fanta Reed Road</address>\n <city>La Crosse</city>\n <state>WI</state>\n <postal>54603</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>608-781-6278</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>608-783-6066</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [Eastern Ecological Science Center](/catalog/item/603cf2b7d34eb1203117e444) 3. [Quantitative Methods & Decision Science](/catalog/item/6157146cd34e0df5fb9f8255) 4. [The North American Breeding Bird Survey, Analysis Results](/catalog/item/5ea835e082cefae35a1fada7) 5. [The North American Breeding Bird Survey, Analysis Results 1966 - 2019](/catalog/folder/5f1836a482cef313ed843104) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5f1836a482cef313ed843104) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5f1836a482cef313ed843104) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5f1836a482cef313ed843104?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-11-03Start Date1966End Date2019 ## Citation Sauer, J.R., Link, W.A., and Hines, J.E., 2020, The North American Breeding Bird Survey, Analysis Results 1966 - 2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This data product consists of a database of population change and abundance estimates for North American birds, estimated from North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data. Data are presented for 548 species of birds in 4 spreadsheets containing trend estimates and annual indices for 2 time periods. Estimates are derived for each species using the 1 of 4 alternative models, and a cross-validation model selection procedure was used to select the best model for each species. Metadata for the BBS data used to produce these estimates is available from a USGS ftp site ( Metadata associated with this data product provides information specific to the analysis results. ## Summary This data product consists of a database of population change and abundance estimates for North American birds, estimated from North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data. Data are presented for 548 species of birds in 4 spreadsheets containing trend estimates and annual indices for 2 time periods. Estimates are derived for each species using the 1 of 4 alternative models, and a cross-validation model selection procedure was used to select the best model for each species. Metadata for the BBS data used to produce these estimates is available from a USGS ftp site ( Metadata associated with this data product provides information specific to the analysis results. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [John R Sauer](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9038) Originator : [John R Sauer](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9038), [William A Link](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=6147), [James E Hines](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4577) Metadata Contact : [John R Sauer](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9038) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Eastern Ecological Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17184) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5f1836a482cef313ed843104?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5f1836a482cef313ed843104?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5f1836a482cef313ed843104?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | BBSAnalysis\_Results\_Metadata\_1966\_2019\_v2\_20201008.xml<br>“Metadata for 2019 Analysis”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 97.63 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | BBS\_1966-2019\_core\_trend\_best.csv<br>“Trends (%/yr, 1966 - 2019) for the Core Survey Area” | | 2.14 MB | text/csv | | BBS\_1993-2019\_expanded\_trend\_best.csv<br>“Trends (%/yr, 1993 - 2019) for the Expanded Survey Area” | | 2.58 MB | text/csv | | Index\_Best\_1966-2019\_core.csv<br>“Annual Indices for Core Survey Area” | | 36.6 MB | text/csv | | Index\_Best\_1993-2019\_expanded.csv<br>“Annual Indices for Expanded Survey Area” | | 21.11 MB | text/csv | | Wood Thrush Indices.png<br>“Example of Annual Indices from Breeding Bird Survey Analysis” | ![thumbnail]( | 7.99 KB | image/png | | ra07550.gif<br>“Relative Abundance Map for Wood Thrush Produced From BBS Data” | ![thumbnail]( | 14.17 KB | image/gif | ## Purpose These data files and associated web-based summary programs are designed to provide public access to analysis results from BBS data. Primary results are provided in spreadsheet form, and are described in this metadata, and website elements present the results in alternative summary formats. A statement regarding the elements of the website, and a general discussion of the methods, is available at ( Analysis of survey data can be controversial, and any user of the information should recognize that alternative approaches exist. These results are based on methods that have been peer reviewed and exist in the published literature. Users also have access to all data collected by the survey, at ( Standard disclaimers for use of information are also provided ( ## Preview Image ![Example of Annual Indices from Breeding Bird Survey Analysis]( Example of Annual Indices from Breeding Bird Survey Analysis ## Communities - Eastern Ecological Science Center - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [Bird Annual Indices](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBird+Annual+Indices "Bird Annual Indices (Bird Annual Indices, Theme, None)") - [Bird Lists](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBird+Lists "Bird Lists (Bird Lists, Theme, None)") - [Bird Trend Estimates](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBird+Trend+Estimates "Bird Trend Estimates (Bird Trend Estimates, Theme, None)") - [Breeding Bird Survey](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBreeding+Bird+Survey "Breeding Bird Survey (Breeding Bird Survey, Theme, None)") - [Breeding Bird Survey Analysis](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBreeding+Bird+Survey+Analysis "Breeding Bird Survey Analysis (Breeding Bird Survey Analysis, Theme, None)") Place - [Canada](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCanada "Canada (Canada, Place, Geographic Names Information system (GNIS))") - [United States of America](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+States+of+America "United States of America (United States of America, Place, Geographic Names Information system (GNIS))") CMS Topics - [Breeding Bird Density](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBreeding+Bird+Density "Breeding Bird Density (Breeding Bird Density, CMS Topics,") - [North American Breeding Bird Survey](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNorth+American+Breeding+Bird+Survey "North American Breeding Bird Survey (North American Breeding Bird Survey, CMS Topics,") - [Population Estimation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPopulation+Estimation "Population Estimation (Population Estimation, CMS Topics,") - [Statistical Analysis](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DStatistical+Analysis "Statistical Analysis (Statistical Analysis, CMS Topics,") CMS Themes - [Migratory Birds](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMigratory+Birds "Migratory Birds (Migratory Birds, CMS Themes,") CMS Non-theme Topics - [Birds](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBirds "Birds (Birds, CMS Non-theme Topics,") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Ecology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEcology "Ecology (Ecology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Wildlife Biology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWildlife+Biology "Wildlife Biology (Wildlife Biology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P96A7675 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>John R. Sauer</origin>\n <pubdate>20201103</pubdate>\n <title>The North American Breeding Bird Survey, Analysis Results 1966 - 2019</title>\n <geoform>Electronic text files.</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Laurel, MD, USA</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This data product consists of a database of population change and abundance estimates for North American birds, estimated from North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data. Data are presented for 548 species of birds in 4 spreadsheets containing trend estimates and annual indices for 2 time periods. Estimates are derived for each species using the 1 of 4 alternative models, and a cross-validation model selection procedure was used to select the best model for each species. Metadata for the BBS data used to produce these estimates is available from a USGS ftp site ( Metadata associated with this data product provides information specific to the analysis results.</abstract>\n <purpose>These data files and associated web-based summary programs are designed to provide public access to analysis results from BBS data. Primary results are provided in spreadsheet form, and are described in this metadata, and website elements present the results in alternative summary formats. A statement regarding the elements of the website, and a general discussion of the methods, is available at ( Analysis of survey data can be controversial, and any user of the information should recognize that alternative approaches exist. These results are based on methods that have been peer reviewed and exist in the published literature. Users also have access to all data collected by the survey, at ( Standard disclaimers for use of information are also provided (</purpose>\n <supplinf>Results are presented in 4 spreadsheets: \n1. Long-term trends (1966[68] - 2019) from the BBS core area using Link and Sauer (2002) definition of trend as a ratio of endpoints of annual indices. (Spreadsheet name: BBS_1966-2019_core_trend_best.csv). The core area is the region used for BBS analyses in prior years (e.g., Sauer and Link 2011), and omits NWT, YT, NF, and portion of AK (BCRs 02 and 03), but includes the core area survey estimates (SU1), the contiguous United States (US1), and portions of Canada in the core area (CA1). Starting year varies from 1966-1968 [1966(68)], depending on region.\n2. Trends for the interval 1993 - 2019 from an expanded BBS area and species list, computed using the ratio metric. Analysis for the expanded BBS area was initiated in 2015 to allow of incorporation of northern regions that contained very sparse data prior to 1993 (Sauer et al. 2017), and includes data from NWT, YT, NF, and BCRs 02 and 03 in AK. Summaries for the survey (SUR), the United States (US), and Canada (CA) contain results from this expanded area. (Spreadsheet name: BBS_1993-2019_expanded_trend_best.csv)\n3. Annual indices for 1966(68) - 2019 from the core area. These are yearly indexes of abundance estimated using a hierarchical model analysis for regions corresponding to the long-term ratio trend estimates (1). (Spreadsheet: Index_Best_1966-2019_core.csv)\n4. Annual indices from 1993 - 2019 for the expanded area. These are yearly indexes of abundance estimated using a hierarchical model analysis for regions corresponding to the 1993 - 2019 ratio trend estimates (3).(Spreadsheet: Index_Best_1993-2019_expanded.csv).\nAdditional information regarding data and interpretation of results are available on the BBS analysis website (, with associated help files at ( The complete taxonomic species list is available at:</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>1966</begdate>\n <enddate>2018</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>Current final year is 2018.</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Periodic revisions are made as needed to update results.</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-169.8047</westbc>\n <eastbc>-48.1641</eastbc>\n <northbc>71.9654</northbc>\n <southbc>22.5937</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>The contiguous United States, Alaska, and Canada</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>Breeding Bird Survey</themekey>\n <themekey>Breeding Bird Survey Analysis</themekey>\n <themekey>Bird Trend Estimates</themekey>\n <themekey>Bird Annual Indices</themekey>\n <themekey>Bird Lists</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5f1836a482cef313ed843104</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information system (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>United States of America</placekey>\n <placekey>Canada</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Standard professional attribution of the source of data set is suggested for products derived from these data.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>John R. Sauer</cntper>\n <cntorg>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>12100 Beech Forest Road</address>\n <city>Laurel</city>\n <state>MD</state>\n <postal>20708-4036</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>301-497-5662</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>William A. Link, Daniel K. Niven, James E. Hines, Keith Pardieck, and David Ziolkowski.</datacred>\n <native>Results were produced a Desktop computers running the Windows 8.1 Enterprise Operating System.\nAnalyses were conducted using:\n1. R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05) -- "Action of the Toes"\nCopyright (C) 2019 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing\nPlatform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)\n2. Program RStudio: Version 1.2.1335\n\xc2\xa9 2009-2019 RStudio, Inc.\nBuild 1379 (f1ac3452)\n3. Program JAGS, called from program R. Plummer, M. 2003. JAGS: A Program for Analysis of Bayesian Graphical Models Using Gibbs Sampling, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Statistical Computing (DSC 2003), March 20\xe2\x80\x9322, Vienna, Austria. ISSN 1609-395X. \n4. Fortran programs for summary.</native>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Keith L Pardieck</origin>\n <origin>Ziolkowski Jr., David</origin>\n <origin>Michael Lutmerding</origin>\n <origin>Veronica Aponte</origin>\n <origin>Marie-Anne R. Hudson</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>North American Breeding Bird Survey Dataset 1966 - 2019, version 2019.0</title>\n <geoform>dataset</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace></pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <taxonomy>\n <keywtax>\n <taxonkt>USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus</taxonkt>\n <taxonkey>Birds</taxonkey>\n </keywtax>\n <taxonsys>\n <classsys>\n <classcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</title>\n <geoform>ONLINE_REFERENCE</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Washington, D.C.</pubplace>\n <publish>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </classcit>\n </classsys>\n <classsys>\n <classcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>R. Terry Chesser, Kevin J. Burns, Carla Cicero, Jon L. Dunn, Andrew W. Kratter, Irby J. Lovette, Pamela C. Rasmussen, J. V. Remsen,Jr., James D. Rising, Douglas F. Stotz, and Kevin Winker.</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Fifty-eighth supplement to the American Ornithological Society\'s Check-list of North American Birds</title>\n <geoform>ONLINE_REFERENCE</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Unknown</pubplace>\n <publish>The Auk: July 2017, Vol. 134, No. 3, pp. 751-773.</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </classcit>\n </classsys>\n <ider>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Daniel Niven</cntper>\n <cntorg>USGS Pauxent Wildlife Research Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>12100 Beech Forest Road</address>\n <city>Laurel</city>\n <state>MD</state>\n <postal>20708</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>301-497-5676</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ider>\n <taxonpro>expert advice; identification keys</taxonpro>\n <taxoncom>Skilled birders (volunteer observers) collect the data. Data are reviewed by USGS staff for accuracy, an if needed corrections are made, as necessary, in consultation with the observers. \nSee bird count data source metadata for more information (</taxoncom>\n </taxonsys>\n <taxongen>Birds encountered along roadside survey routes in USA and Canada. Most birds are identified to species, but in some cases individuals are identified as other taxa (races or unidentified species groups) for data management purposes. Analyses are only conducted for species with sufficient data.</taxongen>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tetrapoda</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Aves</taxonrv>\n <common>Birds</common>\n <common>oiseaux</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Accipitriformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Anseriformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Apodiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Apterygiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bucerotiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caprimulgiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cariamiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Casuariiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Charadriiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ciconiiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Coliiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Columbiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Coraciiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cuculiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Eurypygiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Falconiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Galliformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gaviiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gruiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Leptosomiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Mesitornithiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Musophagiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Opisthocomiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Otidiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Passeriformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pelecaniformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Phaethontiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Phoenicopteriformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Piciformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Podicipediformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Procellariiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Psittaciformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pteroclidiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rheiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sphenisciformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Strigiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Struthioniformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Suliformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tinamiformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Trogoniformes</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxonomy>\n <tool>\n <tooldesc>BBS Data were analyzed using a publicly available program for Bayesian analysis of hierarchical models, as described in the citation \ngiven under "Tool Access Instructions." Models undergo revisions from year to year. In this analysis, we conducted model selection from \nmodel set that consisted of 4 models that differed with regard to their year effects structure and form of overdispersion. \nWe denote the four models as D, Dh, S, and Sh. Model S has been used for BBS analyses since 2012, and the additional models have \nbeen recently described (Link and Sauer 2016, Link et al. 2020). The S models (S and Sh) assume that year effects are conditionally \nindependent and normally distributed with precision that is allowed to vary among strata. The expected value of the year effects \nare defined by a slope parameter and an intercept baseline abundance parameter for each stratum. The D models (D and Dh) assume \nthat differences in year effects are conditionally independent, and are normally distributed with mean of the year effect in \nthe adjacent earlier year y\xe2\x88\x921. In models S and D, extra-Poisson overdispersion effects are assumed to be independent and normally distributed. \nThe h models (Sh and Dh) specify a heavy-tailed central t-distribution in modeling extra-Poisson variation.</tooldesc>\n <toolacc>\n <toolinst>Sauer, J. R., D. K. Niven, K. L. Pardieck, D. J. Ziolkowski, and W. A. Link. 2017. Expanding the North American Breeding Bird Survey analysis to include additional species and regions. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8(1)154-172. doi:10.3996/102015-JFWM-109</toolinst>\n </toolacc>\n <toolcont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>John R Sauer</cntper>\n <cntorg>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>12100 Beech Forest Road</address>\n <city>Laurel</city>\n <state>MD</state>\n <postal>20708-4036</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>301-497-5662</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </toolcont>\n <toolcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>John R. Sauer and William A. Link</origin>\n <pubdate>2011</pubdate>\n <title>Analysis of The North American Breeding Bird Survey Using Hierarchical Models</title>\n </citeinfo>\n </toolcite>\n </tool>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>Metadata regarding location accuracy for BBS samples is provided at</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>For mapping applications used in development of area weights for summary results, Arc/INFO software was used to create and maintain topological relationships between features. The Arc/INFO command BUILD was run to ensure the topological consistency of the data set.</logic>\n <complete>Maps may be provided in the web-based summaries that contain grid polygons which cover the land mass for North America except for Central America, Mexico and the Northern part of Canada. It is possible small islands are not covered by this grid.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Keith L Pardieck</origin>\n <origin>Ziolkowski Jr., David</origin>\n <origin>Michael Lutmerding</origin>\n <origin>Veronica Aponte</origin>\n <origin>Marie-Anne R. Hudson</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>North American Breeding Bird Survey Dataset 1966 - 2019, version 2019.0</title>\n <geoform>dataset</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace></pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Avian count data 1966-2018</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19660501</begdate>\n <enddate>20190731</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>BBS Dataset 1966-2018, v2018.0</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Sole or primary avian population data source.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Analyses were conducted on a workstation using FORTRAN programs and publically available program for Bayesian analysis of hierarchical models. All trend analyses and annual indices are based on a common analysis based on a model set of 4 models. Interactive summary programs provide regional trend estimates based on intermediate statistics from that analysis, and thus do not constitute a separate analysis. Regions with no data from the first 15 years of the survey period were also excluded from this analysis due to the limited time series relative to other regions. The data from these regions are available from the BBS website ( for analysis. Abundance estimates from the trend portion of the program are estimated from the hierarchical model, and have variance components added to accommodate asymmetries in the lognormal distribution. Regions with limited and variable data may have large and imprecise estimates. Note that this analysis is fit using MCMC (Markov chain Monte Carlo) methods; convergence may sometimes be an issue in regions with small sample sizes or poorly conditioned data. In summaries, data deemed suspect are flagged using credibility measures. \n\nData were taken from Pardieck et al. (2020), and processed into input files for each species using fortran programs. The data set produced by Pardieck et al. (2020) has to be filtered to remove data not that do not meet protocol standards (see Pardieck et al. [2020] for details associated with route acceptability). In this dataset, we selected data for inclusion in the analysis by matching the route-year identifiers for acceptable data and prepared species-specific data sets that included zero data not included in the database and index observer information within routes. We did not include data from routes on which species were never encountered for analysis of those species. We included data in these analyses that were collected using an alternative protocol that was determined in a prior analysis to not bias estimation (see Sauer et al. [2019] for details of this analysis and definition of the alternative protocol.). Those data were. coded in the database as Run Protocol ID 501 (Pardieck et al. 2020). Data included in the analysis, and procedures used to process the data have changed over time to accommodate differences in the database and changes in criteria used to judge suitability of data for analysis. Periodic revision occurs in the database and analysis results to correct errors; we note that minor differences are to be expected in datasets due to these corrections and due to changes in data standards and quality coding over time. \n\nThe analysis is conducted within strata formed by the intersections of states/provinces and Bird Conservation Regions (BCR). Here is a listing of the strata, with associated areas. Codes for states, provinces, and BCRs are presented below. Composite trends for states, provinces, BCRs, and other regions are estimated as weighted averages of these strata. \n(State or Province,BCR,Area [km^2]), \n(69,5,84970), \n(11,5,211038), \n(14,5,47422), \n(89,5,54605), \n(11,6,109676), \n(4,6,459346), \n(45,6,91421), \n(79,6,181284), \n(4,8,4892), \n(45,8,235577), \n(68,8,438587), \n(76,8,473255), \n(79,8,180093), \n(33,9,114065), \n(89,9,102054), \n(11,9,61595), \n(69,9,118591), \n(85,9,88502), \n(14,9,40060), \n(55,9,254421), \n(92,9,182), \n(17,10,9550), \n(11,10,395758), \n(85,10,2785), \n(33,10,106752), \n(4,10,55633), \n(92,10,168740), \n(53,10,162272), \n(69,10,54961), \n(89,10,23429), \n(81,11,89159), \n(79,11,244308), \n(50,11,70055), \n(53,11,85092), \n(45,11,70198), \n(54,11,15837), \n(64,11,128715), \n(4,11,151128), \n(36,11,31175), \n(50,12,88766), \n(49,12,87542), \n(91,12,46510), \n(68,12,206529), \n(45,12,15364), \n(76,12,173719), \n(76,13,27810), \n(72,13,8310), \n(87,13,4764), \n(68,13,83958), \n(66,13,21898), \n(61,13,53346), \n(87,14,20492), \n(56,14,73082), \n(18,14,1055), \n(65,14,58116), \n(61,14,29291), \n(76,14,71276), \n(75,14,6102), \n(47,14,5628), \n(44,14,82136), \n(58,14,19869), \n(14,15,53437), \n(55,15,1402), \n(60,16,135319), \n(17,16,149799), \n(6,16,95205), \n(92,16,11757), \n(33,16,915), \n(55,16,199), \n(85,16,132639), \n(53,17,140971), \n(64,17,55522), \n(54,17,5651), \n(92,17,64578), \n(81,17,104585), \n(83,18,107624), \n(38,18,38119), \n(60,18,67400), \n(92,18,12060), \n(54,18,36038), \n(17,18,113916), \n(81,18,2375), \n(67,18,11183), \n(83,19,89614), \n(38,19,111793), \n(81,19,732), \n(67,19,76375), \n(54,19,121439), \n(83,20,59498), \n(38,21,237), \n(83,21,153482), \n(67,21,42105), \n(54,22,21888), \n(35,22,44738), \n(67,22,15874), \n(52,22,83340), \n(81,22,3606), \n(91,22,1511), \n(36,22,108617), \n(34,22,123753), \n(38,22,66015), \n(49,22,4067), \n(50,22,10333), \n(66,22,52341), \n(34,23,3398), \n(66,23,115), \n(91,23,97610), \n(36,23,7285), \n(50,23,49736), \n(35,23,13230), \n(49,23,58676), \n(67,24,7662), \n(82,24,40545), \n(66,24,1826), \n(2,24,8123), \n(39,24,69733), \n(52,24,86855), \n(38,24,105), \n(34,24,18580), \n(7,24,33651), \n(35,24,35919), \n(67,25,29784), \n(42,25,47483), \n(7,25,66056), \n(83,25,71232), \n(51,26,20377), \n(39,26,816), \n(82,26,2285), \n(42,26,41168), \n(7,26,39135), \n(34,26,456), \n(52,26,10700), \n(42,27,7405), \n(25,27,51646), \n(82,27,25146), \n(2,27,83157), \n(39,27,4051), \n(63,27,60446), \n(88,27,17774), \n(80,27,51128), \n(27,27,93959), \n(51,27,103618), \n(46,28,4590), \n(2,28,37615), \n(18,28,885), \n(39,28,30189), \n(72,28,97265), \n(61,28,37388), \n(88,28,39806), \n(47,28,716), \n(66,28,30877), \n(82,28,41449), \n(80,28,1767), \n(27,28,16202), \n(90,28,62910), \n(63,28,21189), \n(59,28,3825), \n(27,29,42656), \n(80,29,27253), \n(46,29,7126), \n(21,29,212), \n(88,29,42631), \n(59,29,3711), \n(0,29,32), \n(72,29,11867), \n(2,29,5463), \n(63,29,46166), \n(58,30,4192), \n(59,30,12176), \n(47,30,14868), \n(87,30,78), \n(61,30,5285), \n(21,30,4871), \n(0,30,138), \n(77,30,2615), \n(88,30,3555), \n(18,30,10982), \n(72,30,413), \n(46,30,14329), \n(44,30,2132), \n(25,31,94976), \n(14,32,173084), \n(85,33,607), \n(14,33,106686), \n(6,33,108838), \n(55,33,40081), \n(6,34,98755), \n(60,34,28942), \n(60,35,89028), \n(6,35,956), \n(83,35,102630), \n(83,36,70392), \n(42,37,25340), \n(51,37,119), \n(83,37,41294),</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200720</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <method>\n <methtype>Field</methtype>\n <methdesc>Methods for summary analyses and descriptions of results has been documented in numerous publications. See citations listed below for details.</methdesc>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Link, W. A. and J. R. Sauer</origin>\n <pubdate>2002</pubdate>\n <title>A hierarchical model of population change with application to Cerulean Warblers</title>\n <geoform>Publication</geoform>\n <onlink>[2832:AHAOPC]2.0.CO;2</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Sauer J. R. and W. A. Link</origin>\n <pubdate>2011</pubdate>\n <title>Analysis of The North American Breeding Bird Survey Using Hierarchical Models</title>\n <geoform>Publication</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Sauer J. R., W. A. Link, J. E. Fallon, K. L. Pardieck, and D. J. Ziolkowski, Jr.</origin>\n <pubdate>2013</pubdate>\n <title>The North American Breeding Bird Survey 1966-2011: Summary Analysis and Species Accounts</title>\n <geoform>Publication</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Link, W. A, and J. R. Sauer</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Bayesian Cross-Validation for Model Evaluation and Selection, with Application to the North American Breeding Survey. Ecology 97:1746-1758</title>\n <geoform>Publication</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Sauer, J. R., D. K. Niven, K. L. Pardieck, D. J. Ziolkowski, and W. A. Link.</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Expanding the North American Breeding Bird Survey analysis to include additional species and regions. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8(1)154-172.</title>\n <geoform>Publication</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Link, W. A, J. R. Sauer, and D. K. Niven</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>Model Selection for the North American Breeding Bird Survey. Ecological Applications. Accepted for Publication</title>\n <geoform>Publication</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Bird Studies Canada and NABCI</origin>\n <pubdate>2014</pubdate>\n <title>Bird Conservation Regions.</title>\n <geoform>Publication</geoform>\n <onlink>Published by Bird Studies Canada on behalf of the North American Bird Conservation Initiative.;targetpg=bcr</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n </method>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>BBS_1966-2019_core_best_trend.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sample Size</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>To facilitate review of species credibility, we include a separate indicator for the sample size component of the Credibility Measure: \n"R" The sample is based on less than 5 routes for the long term, (very small samples) \n"Y" The sample is based on less than 14 routes for the long term, or \n" " (no code) The sample is based on at least 14 routes for the long term</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>R, Y,</edomv>\n <edomvd>"R" The sample is based on less than 5 routes for the long term, (very small samples) \t\t"Y" The sample is based on less than 14 routes for the long term, or \t\t" " The sample is based on at least 14 routes for the long term</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Precision</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>To facilitate review of species credibility, we include sub indicator for the precision component of the Credibility Measure: \n"R" The results are so imprecise that a 5%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (very imprecise), \n"Y" The results are so imprecise that a 3%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (quite imprecise), or \n" " (no code) The results are of sufficient precision that a 3%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would be detected over the long-term.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>R, Y,</edomv>\n <edomvd>"R" The results are so imprecise that a 5%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (very imprecise), \t\t"Y" The results are so imprecise that a 3%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (quite imprecise), or \t\t"G" The results are of sufficient precision that a 3%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would be detected over the long-term.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Abundance</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>To facilitate review of species credibility, we include sub indicator for relative abundance component of the Credibility Measure: \n"R" The regional abundance is less than 0.1 birds/route (very low abundance), \n"Y" The regional abundance is less than 1.0 birds/route (low abundance), or \n" " (no code) The regional abundance is at least 1.0 birds/route</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>R, Y,</edomv>\n <edomvd>"R" The regional abundance is less than 0.1 birds/route (very low abundance), \t\t"Y" The regional abundance is less than 1.0 birds/route (low abundance), or \t\t" " The regional abundance is at least 1.0 birds/route</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Credibility Code</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Although the BBS provides a huge amount of information about regional population change for many species, there are a variety of possible problems with estimates of population change from BBS data. Small sample sizes, low relative abundances on survey routes, imprecise trends, and missing data all can compromise BBS results. In the complicated model fitting procedures presently used for the BBS, it is possible that convergence failures in regions with these deficiencies can produce results that are inaccurate as well as imprecise. Often, users do not take these problems into account when viewing BBS results, and use the results inappropriately. \nTo provide some guidance to interpretation of BBS data, we have implemented a series of checks for some attributes that we view as cause for caution in interpretation of BBS results. We categorize BBS data in 3 credibility categories: \n\n"R" (Red Indicator). This category reflects data with an important deficiency. In particular: \n1. The regional abundance is less than 0.1 birds/route (very low abundance), \n2. The sample is based on less than 5 routes for the long term (very small samples), or \n3. The results are so imprecise that a 5%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (very imprecise). Users should be aware that a variety of circumstances may lead to imprecise results. For example, imprecise results are sometimes a consequence of a failure of the models to converge in those local areas, even though the model performs adequately in larger regions. \n\n"Y" (Yellow Indicator). This category reflects data with a deficiency. In particular: \n1. The regional abundance is less than 1.0 birds/route (low abundance), \n2. The sample is based on less than 14 routes for the long term (small sample size), or \n3. The results are so imprecise that a 3%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (quite imprecise), or \n\n"G" (Green Indicator): This category reflects data with at least 14 samples in the long term, of moderate precision, and of moderate abundance on routes. \n\nNote: \n1. Due to changes in the way N of samples (in this analysis, it is defined as the N of routes on which the species occurred) were estimated, relative abundance (taken directly from the hierarchical model results), and the precision (half-width of the credible intervals), these categories are slightly different than those used in 1966-2013 summary analyses . We will refine these groupings based on user comments and our evaluation of the limitations of the hierarchical model analysis. \n2. Even data falling in the "G" category may not provide valid results. There are many factors that can influence the validity and use of the information, and any analysis of BBS data should carefully consider the possible problems with the data. As noted above, judging whether technical issues associated with model convergence are leading to imprecise results can be difficult in analyses based on many strata, but these categories help users to screen for suspect results. \n3. We are occasionally asked to identify which deficiency is causing the flag. However, the point of the codes is to provide a quick and simple set of cautions to users, and we are resisting the notion of setting up a complicated series of codes. To determine why the code exists, look at the results. All of these deficiencies (abundances, precisions, etc) will be evident from the results we present.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>R, Y,</edomv>\n <edomvd>"R" (Red Indicator). This category reflects data with an important deficiency. In particular: 1. The regional abundance is less than 0.1 birds/route (very low abundance), 2. The sample is based on less than 5 routes for the long term (very small samples), or 3. The results are so imprecise that a 5%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (very imprecise). Users should be aware that a variety of circumstances may lead to imprecise results. For example, imprecise results are sometimes a consequence of a failure of the models to converge in those local areas, even though the model performs adequately in larger regions. "Y" (Yellow Indicator). This category reflects data with a deficiency. In particular: 1. The regional abundance is less than 1.0 birds/route (low abundance), 2. The sample is based on less than 14 routes for the long term (small sample size), or 3. The results are so imprecise that a 3%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (quite imprecise), or " " (blank Indicator): This category reflects data with at least 14 samples in the long term, of moderate precision, and of moderate abundance on routes.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Significance</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>An indicator variable that takes on value "1" if zero falls outside the 95% credible interval for the estimate and " " (no value) if zero falls within the 95% credible interval. If the credible interval does not contain 0, the result could be judged significant.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>if 0 falls outside the CI</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>" "</edomv>\n <edomvd>0 is inside the bounds of the CI</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Region</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Region Codes consist of 3-character summary codes for State ID and state/province names, 3-character ID codes for Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs), and additional 3 character codes and names of larger regions such as countries and administrative regions for the Breeding Bird Survey. In the result spreadsheets for trends, the full names of the BCRs, state/provinces, and other regions are listed as well as a region code. The core BBS area (for which trends are computed from 1966-2018) does not include information from MWT, YT, NF, and BCRS 02 and 03 in AK, and the core areas survey-wide estimates (SU1), Canada (CA1) and United States (US1) also omit those northern strata. For the expanded survey area, estimates are provided for NWT, YT, NF, and BCRs 02 and 03 in AK for the time interval 1993-2018, and the regional estimates for the expanded area are devoted by SUR, CA and US.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>ALA,Alabama; AK,Alaska; ARI,Arizona; ARK,Arkansas; BC,British Columbia; CAL,California; COL,Colorado; CON,Connecticut; DEL,Delaware; FLA,Florida; GA,Georgia; IDA,Idaho; ILL,Illinois; IND,Indiana; IA,Iowa; KAN,Kansas; KY,Kentucky; LA,Louisiana; ME,Maine; MAN,Manitoba; MD,Maryland; MAS,Massachusetts; MIC,Michigan; MIN,Minnesota; MIS,Mississippi; MO,Missouri; MON,Montana; NEB,Nebraska; NEV,Nevada; NB,New Brunswick; NH,New Hampshire; NJ,New Jersey; NM,New Mexico; NY,New York; NC,North Carolina; ND,North Dakota; NS,Nova Scotia; OHI,Ohio; OKL,Oklahoma; ONT,Ontario; ORE,Oregon; PA,Pennsylvania; PEI,Prince Edward Island; QUE,Quebec; RI,Rhode Island; SAS,Saskatchewan; SC,South Carolina; SD,South Dakota; TEN,Tennessee; TEX,Texas; UT,Utah; VT,Vermont; VA,Virginia; WAS,Washington; WV,West Virginia; WIS,Wisconsin; WYO,Wyoming; S04,Northwestern Interior Forest; S05,Northern Pacific Rainforest; S06,Boreal Taiga Plains; S07,Taiga Shield and Hudson Plains; S08,Boreal Softwood Shield; S09,Great Basin; S10,Northern Rockies; S11,Prairie Potholes; S12,Boreal Hardwood Transition; S13,Lower Great Lakes/ St. Lawrence Plain; S14,Atlantic Northern Forest; S15,Sierra Nevada; S16,Southern Rockies/colorado Plateau; S17,Badlands and Prairies; S18,Shortgrass Prairie; S19,Central Mixed Grass Prairie; S20,Edwards Plateau; S21,Oaks and Prairies; S22,Eastern Tallgrass Prairie; S23,Prairie Hardwood Transition; S24,Central Hardwoods; S25,West Gulf Coastal Plain/Ouachitas; S26,Mississippi Alluvial Valley; S27,Southeastern Coastal Plain; S28,Appalachian Mountains; S29,Piedmont; S30,New England/mid-atlantic Coast; S31,Peninsular Florida; S32,Coastal California; S33,Sonoran and Mojave Deserts; S34,Sierra Madre Occidental; S35,Chihuahuan Desert; S36,Tamaulipan Brushlands; S37,Gulf Coastal Prairie; EAS,Eastern BBS Region ; CEN, Central BBS Region; WES,Western BBS Region; US,United States; CAN,Canada; SUR,Survey-wide; US1,United States (core only); CA1,Canada (core only); SU1,Survey-wide (core only).</edomv>\n <edomvd>ID Number for States and Provinces:</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer-defined.</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Region Name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>These are full names of the regions, and are presented in the trend results spreadsheets. See attribute "Region Code" for the regions included in care and expanded survey areas.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See also the BBS data metadata.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AOU</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>AOU numbers are 5 digit codes that represent bird species. These codes are defined to correspond to species and groups of species. See the Entity and Taxonomic sections for additional information. Some species data are aggregated due to taxonomic changes between 1966 - 2015; these groups are indexed by AOU numbers &gt;30000. Listed by aggregated AOU and component AOU numbers (in parentheses): 31940 (01940 01920); 31320 (01320 01331)); 33370 (03370 03380); 36550 (06550 06560 06556); 35670 (05670 05660 05671 05690 05680 05677); 30010 (00010 00011 00012); 34120 (04120 04130 04123 04125); 34660 (04660 04661 04665); 34641 (04641 04640 04642); 34120 (04120 04130 04123 04125); 35740 (05738 05739 05740). Common and scientific names of species are listed in the result spreadsheets.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See also the BBS data metadata for AOU numbers and species names. Note that some species that have been lumped or split by taxonomic authorities are aggregated for analysis.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Species Name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>These are common names of bird species. See the taxonomy section for details on bird names.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See also the BBS data metadata for AOU numbers and species names</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Model</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>This variable defines the statistical model used for the species. Model can take values\n"S" indicates the slope-random year effects model,\n"Sh" indicates the heavy-tailed slope-random year effects model,\n"D" indicates the difference model, and\n"Dh" indicates the heavy-tailed difference model.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>S, Sh, D, Dh</edomv>\n <edomvd>"S" indicates the slope-random year effects model, "Sh" indicates the heavy-tailed slope-random year effects model, "D" indicates the difference model, and "Dh" indicates the heavy-tailed difference model.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Trend</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Trend estimates are calculated as the ratio of endpoints from the annual indices produced in the hierarchical model analysis. All trend estimates are produced using Bayesian methods, in which the posterior distributions of the parameter are computed, and the estimate is defined as the median of the posterior distribution. Both metrics are presented as a yearly percentage change. For ratio estimates for the core areas over the entire survey interval , the trends are computed from the first year in which data were collected in the region. Generally, for the eastern US (States E of the Mississippi), the BBS started in 1966; in the central US data were collected starting in 1967; and in the western US and Canada data collection started in 1968.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NaN,"*****\'</edomv>\n <edomvd>Inadmissible values</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>They are presented as a yearly percentage change.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>2.5% CI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>These values represent the 2.5 percentiles of the posterior distribution of an estimate. These values replace the precision estimates and p values presented in earlier analyses, and taken with the 97.5%CI form a credible interval, or Bayesian confidence interval. If the credible interval does not contain 0, the result could be judged significant, and in these tables significant long-term results are indicated by red (for declining populations) or blue (for increasing populations) print. Results that are judged unreliable (red credibility index) are not highlighted by colors even if the CIs do not contain 0.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NaN,\'*****\'</edomv>\n <edomvd>Inadmissible values</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>2.5%CI can take any real value, but may be truncated for convenience if abs(value) &gt;999. For CIs of index esitmates, values "NA" occur when no surveys were conducted in a year corresponding to the index.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>97.5% CI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>These values represent the 97.5 percentiles of the posterior distribution of an estimate. These values replace the precision estimates and p values presented in earlier analyses, and taken with the 2.5%CI form a credible Interval, or Bayesian confidence interval. If the credible interval does not contain 0, the result could be judged significant.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NaN,\'*****\'</edomv>\n <edomvd>Inadmissible values</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>97.5 CI can take any real value, but may be truncated for convenience if abs(value) &gt;999. For CIs of index estimates, values "NA" occur when no surveys were conducted in a year corresponding to the index.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>N Routes</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>This number represents the number of survey routes on which the species was encountered during the interval. A minor change was implemented in the counting of sample sizes for the 2015 analysis. In past analyses, we calculated the number of routes on which the species was observed at least once. However, some of these routes were not included in that analysis due to limited data on the route or because it occurred in a stratum that did not meet the minimum sample size requirements (4 routes) for that stratum to be included in the analysis. Excluding these routes lead to slightly smaller sample sizes that better reflect the actual number of routes contributing information to the analyses. The analysis has not changed; we only modified how we computed number of routes included in the analysis. In the 2018 analysis, we corrected our sample size computation to exclude routes on which the species had been encountered only on a year in which the data were not admissible for the analysis. These data were never used in the analysis, but in earlier years those routes were included in the N routes on which the species occurred. They were excluded in this computation of N Routes.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>A positive integer representing number of survey routes on which the species was encountered during the interval. Note that the N of routes for a region depends on criteria used for inclusion. In our analyses, we exclude replicate routes (and use the first survey when &gt;1 survey is conducted within a year), and exclude routes that are "non-random" (i.e., routes with codes &gt;900 that are surveyed in National Parks and other protected areas). We also exclude routes collected with non-standard protocols, with the exception of some routes conducted in the southern US that where analyzed in Sauer et al. (2018).</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Relative Abundance</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>This value is the mean annual indices for the region for 3 years at the midpoint of the interval (indices for midyear -1, midyear, and midyear+1)represented by the trend estimate. The relative abundance estimate is model-based, produced as part of the hierarchical model analysis, and is adjusted for observer and other effects. We note that for some species (e.g., Tricolored Blackbirds and White-faced Ibis, the relative abundances are very large. This indicates that the annual indices for these species are very imprecisely estimated.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NaN,\'*****\'</edomv>\n <edomvd>NaN references data from years before the survey was established in a region; ***** indicates a number &gt;9999.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This value is the mean annual index for the region from the midyear, midyear-1, and midyear+1 of the trend interval. Relative abundance &gt;= 0</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>BBS_1993-2019_expanded_trend_best.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sample Size</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>To facilitate review of species credibility, we include a separater indicator for the sample size component of the Credibility Measure: \n"R" The sample is based on less than 5 routes for the long term, (very small samples) \n"Y" The sample is based on less than 14 routes for the long term, or \n" " (no code) The sample is based on at least 14 routes for the long term</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>R, Y,</edomv>\n <edomvd>"R" The sample is based on less than 5 routes for the long term, (very small samples) \t\t"Y" The sample is based on less than 14 routes for the long term, or \t\t" " The sample is based on at least 14 routes for the long term</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Precision</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>To facilitate review of species credibility, we include sub indicator for the precision component of the Credibility Measure: \n"R" The results are so imprecise that a 5%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (very imprecise), \n"Y" The results are so imprecise that a 3%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (quite imprecise), or \n" " (no code) The results are of sufficient precision that a 3%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would be detected over the long-term.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>R, Y,</edomv>\n <edomvd>"R" The results are so imprecise that a 5%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (very imprecise), \t\t"Y" The results are so imprecise that a 3%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (quite imprecise), or \t\t"G" The results are of sufficient precision that a 3%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would be detected over the long-term.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Abundance</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>To facilitate review of species credibility, we include sub indicator for relative abundance component of the Credibility Measure: \n"R" The regional abundance is less than 0.1 birds/route (very low abundance), \n"Y" The regional abundance is less than 1.0 birds/route (low abundance), or \n" " (no code) The regional abundance is at least 1.0 birds/route</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>R, Y,</edomv>\n <edomvd>"R" The regional abundance is less than 0.1 birds/route (very low abundance), \t\t"Y" The regional abundance is less than 1.0 birds/route (low abundance), or \t\t" " The regional abundance is at least 1.0 birds/route</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Credibility Code</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Although the BBS provides a huge amount of information about regional population change for many species, there are a variety of possible problems with estimates of population change from BBS data. Small sample sizes, low relative abundances on survey routes, imprecise trends, and missing data all can compromise BBS results. In the complicated model fitting procedures presently used for the BBS, it is possible that convergence failures in regions with these deficiencies can produce results that are inaccurate as well as imprecise. Often, users do not take these problems into account when viewing BBS results, and use the results inappropriately. \nTo provide some guidance to interpretation of BBS data, we have implemented a series of checks for some attributes that we view as cause for caution in interpretation of BBS results. We categorize BBS data in 3 credibility categories: \n\n"R" (Red Indicator). This category reflects data with an important deficiency. In particular: \n1. The regional abundance is less than 0.1 birds/route (very low abundance), \n2. The sample is based on less than 5 routes for the long term (very small samples), or \n3. The results are so imprecise that a 5%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (very imprecise). Users should be aware that a variety of circumstances may lead to imprecise results. For example, imprecise results are sometimes a consequence of a failure of the models to converge in those local areas, even though the model performs adequately in larger regions. \n\n"Y" (Yellow Indicator). This category reflects data with a deficiency. In particular: \n1. The regional abundance is less than 1.0 birds/route (low abundance), \n2. The sample is based on less than 14 routes for the long term (small sample size), or \n3. The results are so imprecise that a 3%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (quite imprecise), or \n\n"G" (Green Indicator): This category reflects data with at least 14 samples in the long term, of moderate precision, and of moderate abundance on routes. \n\nNote: \n1. Due to changes in the way N of samples (in this analysis, it is defined as the N of routes on which the species occurred) were estimated, relative abundance (taken directly from the hierarchical model results), and the precision (half-width of the credible intervals), these categories are slightly different than those used in 1966-2013 summary analyses . We will refine these groupings based on user comments and our evaluation of the limitations of the hierarchical model analysis. \n2. Even data falling in the "G" category may not provide valid results. There are many factors that can influence the validity and use of the information, and any analysis of BBS data should carefully consider the possible problems with the data. As noted above, judging whether technical issues associated with model convergence are leading to imprecise results can be difficult in analyses based on many strata, but these categories help users to screen for suspect results. \n3. We are occasionally asked to identify which deficiency is causing the flag. However, the point of the codes is to provide a quick and simple set of cautions to users, and we are resisting the notion of setting up a complicated series of codes. To determine why the code exists, look at the results. All of these deficiencies (abundances, precisions, etc) will be evident from the results we present.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>R, Y,</edomv>\n <edomvd>"R" (Red Indicator). This category reflects data with an important deficiency. In particular: 1. The regional abundance is less than 0.1 birds/route (very low abundance), 2. The sample is based on less than 5 routes for the long term (very small samples), or 3. The results are so imprecise that a 5%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (very imprecise). Users should be aware that a variety of circumstances may lead to imprecise results. For example, imprecise results are sometimes a consequence of a failure of the models to converge in those local areas, even though the model performs adequately in larger regions. "Y" (Yellow Indicator). This category reflects data with a deficiency. In particular: 1. The regional abundance is less than 1.0 birds/route (low abundance), 2. The sample is based on less than 14 routes for the long term (small sample size), or 3. The results are so imprecise that a 3%/year change (as indicated by the half-width of the credible intervals) would not be detected over the long-term (quite imprecise), or " " (blank Indicator): This category reflects data with at least 14 samples in the long term, of moderate precision, and of moderate abundance on routes.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Significance</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>An indicator variable that takes on value "1" if zero falls outside the 95% credible interval for the estimate and " " (no value) if zero falls within the 95% credible interval. If the credible interval does not contain 0, the result could be judged significant.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>if 0 falls outside the CI</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>" "</edomv>\n <edomvd>0 is inside the bounds of the CI</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Region</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Region Codes consist of 3-character summary codes for State ID and state/province names, 3-character ID codes for Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs), and additional 3 character codes and names of larger regions such as countries and administrative regions for the Breeding Bird Survey. In the result spreadsheets for trends, the full names of the BCRs, state/provinces, and other regions are listed as well as a region code. The core BBS area (for which trends are computed from 1966-2018) does not include information from MWT, YT, NF, and BCRS 02 and 03 in AK, and the core areas survey-wide estimates (SU1), Canada (CA1) and United States (US1) also omit those northern strata. For the expanded survey area, estimates are provided for NWT, YT, NF, and BCRs 02 and 03 in AK for the time interval 1993-2018, and the regional estimates for the expanded area are devoted by SUR, CA and US.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>ALA,Alabama; AK,Alaska; ARI,Arizona; ARK,Arkansas; BC,British Columbia; CAL,California; COL,Colorado; CON,Connecticut; DEL,Delaware; FLA,Florida; GA,Georgia; IDA,Idaho; ILL,Illinois; IND,Indiana; IA,Iowa; KAN,Kansas; KY,Kentucky; LA,Louisiana; ME,Maine; MAN,Manitoba; MD,Maryland; MAS,Massachusetts; MIC,Michigan; MIN,Minnesota; MIS,Mississippi; MO,Missouri; MON,Montana; NEB,Nebraska; NEV,Nevada; NB,New Brunswick; NH,New Hampshire; NJ,New Jersey; NM,New Mexico; NY,New York; NC,North Carolina; ND,North Dakota; NS,Nova Scotia; OHI,Ohio; OKL,Oklahoma; ONT,Ontario; ORE,Oregon; PA,Pennsylvania; PEI,Prince Edward Island; QUE,Quebec; RI,Rhode Island; SAS,Saskatchewan; SC,South Carolina; SD,South Dakota; TEN,Tennessee; TEX,Texas; UT,Utah; VT,Vermont; VA,Virginia; WAS,Washington; WV,West Virginia; WIS,Wisconsin; WYO,Wyoming; S04,Northwestern Interior Forest; S05,Northern Pacific Rainforest; S06,Boreal Taiga Plains; S07,Taiga Shield and Hudson Plains; S08,Boreal Softwood Shield; S09,Great Basin; S10,Northern Rockies; S11,Prairie Potholes; S12,Boreal Hardwood Transition; S13,Lower Great Lakes/ St. Lawrence Plain; S14,Atlantic Northern Forest; S15,Sierra Nevada; S16,Southern Rockies/colorado Plateau; S17,Badlands and Prairies; S18,Shortgrass Prairie; S19,Central Mixed Grass Prairie; S20,Edwards Plateau; S21,Oaks and Prairies; S22,Eastern Tallgrass Prairie; S23,Prairie Hardwood Transition; S24,Central Hardwoods; S25,West Gulf Coastal Plain/Ouachitas; S26,Mississippi Alluvial Valley; S27,Southeastern Coastal Plain; S28,Appalachian Mountains; S29,Piedmont; S30,New England/mid-atlantic Coast; S31,Peninsular Florida; S32,Coastal California; S33,Sonoran and Mojave Deserts; S34,Sierra Madre Occidental; S35,Chihuahuan Desert; S36,Tamaulipan Brushlands; S37,Gulf Coastal Prairie; EAS,Eastern BBS Region ; CEN, Central BBS Region; WES,Western BBS Region; US,United States; CAN,Canada; SUR,Survey-wide; US1,United States (core only); CA1,Canada (core only); SU1,Survey-wide (core only).</edomv>\n <edomvd>ID Number for States and Provinces:</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer-defined.</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Region Name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>These are full names of the regions, and are presented in the trend results spreadsheets. See attribute "Region Code" for the regions included in care and expanded survey areas.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See also the BBS data metadata.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AOU</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>AOU numbers are 5 digit codes that represent bird species. These codes are defined to correspond to species and groups of species. See the Entity and Taxonomic sections for additional information. Some species data are aggregated due to taxonomic changes between 1966 - 2015; these groups are indexed by AOU numbers &gt;30000. Listed by aggregated AOU and component AOU numbers (in parentheses): 31940 (01940 01920); 31320 (01320 01331)); 33370 (03370 03380); 36550 (06550 06560 06556); 35670 (05670 05660 05671 05690 05680 05677); 30010 (00010 00011 00012); 34120 (04120 04130 04123 04125); 34660 (04660 04661 04665); 34641 (04641 04640 04642); 34120 (04120 04130 04123 04125); 35740 (05738 05739 05740). Common and scientific names of species are listed in the result spreadsheets.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See also the BBS data metadata for AOU numbers and species names. Note that some species that have been lumped or split by taxonomic authorities are aggregated for analysis.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Species Name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>These are common names of bird species. See the taxonomy section for details on bird names.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See also the BBS data metadata for AOU numbers and species names</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Model</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>This variable defines the statistical model used for the species. Model can take values\n"S" indicates the slope-random year effects model,\n"Sh" indicates the heavy-tailed slope-random year effects model,\n"D" indicates the difference model, and\n"Dh" indicates the heavy-tailed difference model.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>S, Sh, D, Dh</edomv>\n <edomvd>"S" indicates the slope-random year effects model, "Sh" indicates the heavy-tailed slope-random year effects model, "D" indicates the difference model, and "Dh" indicates the heavy-tailed difference model.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Trend</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Trend estimates are calculated as the ratio of endpoints from the annual indices produced in the hierarchical model analysis. All trend estimates are produced using Bayesian methods, in which the posterior distributions of the parameter are computed, and the estimate is defined as the median of the posterior distribution. Both metrics are presented as a yearly percentage change. For ratio estimates for the core areas over the entire survey interval , the trends are computed from the first year in which data were collected in the region. Generally, for the eastern US (States E of the Mississippi), the BBS started in 1966; in the central US data were collected starting in 1967; and in the western US and Canada data collection started in 1968.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NaN,"*****\'</edomv>\n <edomvd>Inadmissible values</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>They are presented as a yearly percentage change.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>2.5% CI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>These values represent the 2.5 percentiles of the posterior distribution of an estimate. These values replace the precision estimates and p values presented in earlier analyses, and taken with the 97.5%CI form a credible interval, or Bayesian confidence interval. If the credible interval does not contain 0, the result could be judged significant, and in these tables significant long-term results are indicated by red (for declining populations) or blue (for increasing populations) print. Results that are judged unreliable (red credibility index) are not highlighted by colors even if the CIs do not contain 0.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NaN,\'*****\'</edomv>\n <edomvd>Inadmissible values</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>2.5%CI can take any real value, but may be truncated for convenience if abs(value) &gt;999. For CIs of index esitmates, values "NA" occur when no surveys were conducted in a year corresponding to the index.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>97.5% CI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>These values represent the 97.5 percentiles of the posterior distribution of an estimate. These values replace the precision estimates and p values presented in earlier analyses, and taken with the 2.5%CI form a credible Interval, or Bayesian confidence interval. If the credible interval does not contain 0, the result could be judged significant.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NaN,\'*****\'</edomv>\n <edomvd>Inadmissible values</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>97.5 CI can take any real value, but may be truncated for convenience if abs(value) &gt;999. For CIs of index estimates, values "NA" occur when no surveys were conducted in a year corresponding to the index.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>N Routes</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>This number represents the number of survey routes on which the species was encountered during the interval. A minor change was implemented in the counting of sample sizes for the 2015 analysis. In past analyses, we calculated the number of routes on which the species was observed at least once. However, some of these routes were not included in that analysis due to limited data on the route or because it occurred in a stratum that did not meet the minimum sample size requirements (4 routes) for that stratum to be included in the analysis. Excluding these routes lead to slightly smaller sample sizes that better reflect the actual number of routes contributing information to the analyses. The analysis has not changed; we only modified how we computed number of routes included in the analysis. In the 2018 analysis, we corrected our sample size computation to exclude routes on which the species had been encountered only on a year in which the data were not admissible for the analysis. These data were never used in the analysis, but in earlier years those routes were included in the N routes on which the species occurred. They were excluded in this computation of N Routes.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>A positive integer representing number of survey routes on which the species was encountered during the interval. Note that the N of routes for a region depends on criteria used for inclusion. In our analyses, we exclude replicate routes (and use the first survey when &gt;1 survey is conducted within a year), and exclude routes that are "non-random" (i.e., routes with codes &gt;900 that are surveyed in National Parks and other protected areas). We also exclude routes collected with non-standard protocols, with the exception of some routes conducted in the southern US that where analyzed in Sauer et al. (2018).</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Relative Abundance</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>This value is the mean annual indices for the region for 3 years at the midpoint of the interval (indices for midyear -1, midyear, and midyear+1)represented by the trend estimate. The relative abundance estimate is model-based, produced as part of the hierarchical model analysis, and is adjusted for observer and other effects. We note that for some species (e.g., Tricolored Blackbirds and White-faced Ibis, the relative abundances are very large. This indicates that the annual indices for these species are very imprecisely estimated.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NaN,\'*****\'</edomv>\n <edomvd>NaN references data from years before the survey was established in a region; ***** indicates a number &gt;9999.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This value is the mean annual index for the region from the midyear, midyear-1, and midyear+1 of the trend interval. Relative abundance &gt;= 0</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>index_Best_1966-2019_core.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Region</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Region Codes consist of 3-character summary codes for State ID and state/province names, 3-character ID codes for Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs), and additional 3 character codes and names of larger regions such as countries and administrative regions for the Breeding Bird Survey. In the result spreadsheets for trends, the full names of the BCRs, state/provinces, and other regions are listed as well as a region code. The core BBS area (for which trends are computed from 1966-2018) does not include information from MWT, YT, NF, and BCRS 02 and 03 in AK, and the core areas survey-wide estimates (SU1), Canada (CA1) and United States (US1) also omit those northern strata. For the expanded survey area, estimates are provided for NWT, YT, NF, and BCRs 02 and 03 in AK for the time interval 1993-2018, and the regional estimates for the expanded area are devoted by SUR, CA and US.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>ALA,Alabama; AK,Alaska; ARI,Arizona; ARK,Arkansas; BC,British Columbia; CAL,California; COL,Colorado; CON,Connecticut; DEL,Delaware; FLA,Florida; GA,Georgia; IDA,Idaho; ILL,Illinois; IND,Indiana; IA,Iowa; KAN,Kansas; KY,Kentucky; LA,Louisiana; ME,Maine; MAN,Manitoba; MD,Maryland; MAS,Massachusetts; MIC,Michigan; MIN,Minnesota; MIS,Mississippi; MO,Missouri; MON,Montana; NEB,Nebraska; NEV,Nevada; NB,New Brunswick; NH,New Hampshire; NJ,New Jersey; NM,New Mexico; NY,New York; NC,North Carolina; ND,North Dakota; NS,Nova Scotia; OHI,Ohio; OKL,Oklahoma; ONT,Ontario; ORE,Oregon; PA,Pennsylvania; PEI,Prince Edward Island; QUE,Quebec; RI,Rhode Island; SAS,Saskatchewan; SC,South Carolina; SD,South Dakota; TEN,Tennessee; TEX,Texas; UT,Utah; VT,Vermont; VA,Virginia; WAS,Washington; WV,West Virginia; WIS,Wisconsin; WYO,Wyoming; S04,Northwestern Interior Forest; S05,Northern Pacific Rainforest; S06,Boreal Taiga Plains; S07,Taiga Shield and Hudson Plains; S08,Boreal Softwood Shield; S09,Great Basin; S10,Northern Rockies; S11,Prairie Potholes; S12,Boreal Hardwood Transition; S13,Lower Great Lakes/ St. Lawrence Plain; S14,Atlantic Northern Forest; S15,Sierra Nevada; S16,Southern Rockies/colorado Plateau; S17,Badlands and Prairies; S18,Shortgrass Prairie; S19,Central Mixed Grass Prairie; S20,Edwards Plateau; S21,Oaks and Prairies; S22,Eastern Tallgrass Prairie; S23,Prairie Hardwood Transition; S24,Central Hardwoods; S25,West Gulf Coastal Plain/Ouachitas; S26,Mississippi Alluvial Valley; S27,Southeastern Coastal Plain; S28,Appalachian Mountains; S29,Piedmont; S30,New England/mid-atlantic Coast; S31,Peninsular Florida; S32,Coastal California; S33,Sonoran and Mojave Deserts; S34,Sierra Madre Occidental; S35,Chihuahuan Desert; S36,Tamaulipan Brushlands; S37,Gulf Coastal Prairie; EAS,Eastern BBS Region ; CEN, Central BBS Region; WES,Western BBS Region; US,United States; CAN,Canada; SUR,Survey-wide; US1,United States (core only); CA1,Canada (core only); SU1,Survey-wide (core only).</edomv>\n <edomvd>ID code for States and Provinces.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer-defined.</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AOU</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>AOU numbers are 5 digit codes that represent bird species. These codes are defined to correspond to species and groups of species. See the Entity and Taxonomic sections for additional information. Some species data are aggregated due to taxonomic changes between 1966 - 2015; these groups are indexed by AOU numbers &gt;30000. Listed by aggregated AOU and component AOU numbers (in parentheses): 31940 (01940 01920); 31320 (01320 01331)); 33370 (03370 03380); 36550 (06550 06560 06556); 35670 (05670 05660 05671 05690 05680 05677); 30010 (00010 00011 00012); 34120 (04120 04130 04123 04125); 34660 (04660 04661 04665); 34641 (04641 04640 04642); 34120 (04120 04130 04123 04125); 35740 (05738 05739 05740). Common and scientific names of species are listed in the result spreadsheets.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See also the BBS data metadata for AOU numbers and species names.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Year</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Calender year associated with index value</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Years range from 1966 - 2018.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Index</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Annual indexes (Index) are relative abundance estimates for all years, estimated as yearly predicted abundances from the hierarchical model analysis. See Sauer and Link (2011, p. 89, col 2, para 4) for a precise definition of the indexes; a qualitative description of them is that they represent the mean count of birds on a typical route in the region for a year. We note that for some species (e.g., Tricolored Blackbirds and White-faced Ibis), the annual indices are very large. This indicates that the indices for these species are very imprecisely estimated.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NaN,\'*****\'</edomv>\n <edomvd>Inadmissible values</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Annual indexes are relative abundance estimates for all years, estimated as yearly predicted abundances from the hierarchical model analysis. Indexes are &gt;=0. Values "NA" occur when no surveys were conducted in a year corresponding to the index.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>2.5% CI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>These values represent the 2.5 percentiles of the posterior distribution of an estimate. These values replace the precision estimates and p values presented in earlier analyses, and taken with the 97.5%CI form a credible interval, or Bayesian confidence interval. If the credible interval does not contain 0, the result could be judged significant, and in these tables significant long-term results are indicated by red (for declining populations) or blue (for increasing populations) print. Results that are judged unreliable (red credibility index) are not highlighted by colors even if the CIs do not contain 0.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NaN,\'*****\'</edomv>\n <edomvd>Inadmissible values</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>2.5%CI can take any real value, but may be truncated for convenience if abs(value) &gt;999. For CIs of index esitmates, values "NA" occur when no surveys were conducted in a year corresponding to the index.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>97.5% CI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>These values represent the 97.5 percentiles of the posterior distribution of an estimate. These values replace the precision estimates and p values presented in earlier analyses, and taken with the 2.5%CI form a credible Interval, or Bayesian confidence interval. If the credible interval does not contain 0, the result could be judged significant.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NaN,\'*****\'</edomv>\n <edomvd>Inadmissible values</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>97.5 CI can take any real value, but may be truncated for convenience if abs(value) &gt;999. For CIs of index estimates, values "NA" occur when no surveys were conducted in a year corresponding to the index.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Index_Best_1993-2019_expanded_best.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Region</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Region Codes consist of 3-character summary codes for State ID and state/province names, 3-character ID codes for Bird Conservation Regions (BCRs), and additional 3 character codes and names of larger regions such as countries and administrative regions for the Breeding Bird Survey. In the result spreadsheets for trends, the full names of the BCRs, state/provinces, and other regions are listed as well as a region code. The core BBS area (for which trends are computed from 1966-2018) does not include information from MWT, YT, NF, and BCRS 02 and 03 in AK, and the core areas survey-wide estimates (SU1), Canada (CA1) and United States (US1) also omit those northern strata. For the expanded survey area, estimates are provided for NWT, YT, NF, and BCRs 02 and 03 in AK for the time interval 1993-2018, and the regional estimates for the expanded area are devoted by SUR, CA and US.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>ALA,Alabama; AK,Alaska; ARI,Arizona; ARK,Arkansas; BC,British Columbia; CAL,California; COL,Colorado; CON,Connecticut; DEL,Delaware; FLA,Florida; GA,Georgia; IDA,Idaho; ILL,Illinois; IND,Indiana; IA,Iowa; KAN,Kansas; KY,Kentucky; LA,Louisiana; ME,Maine; MAN,Manitoba; MD,Maryland; MAS,Massachusetts; MIC,Michigan; MIN,Minnesota; MIS,Mississippi; MO,Missouri; MON,Montana; NEB,Nebraska; NEV,Nevada; NB,New Brunswick; NH,New Hampshire; NJ,New Jersey; NM,New Mexico; NY,New York; NC,North Carolina; ND,North Dakota; NS,Nova Scotia; OHI,Ohio; OKL,Oklahoma; ONT,Ontario; ORE,Oregon; PA,Pennsylvania; PEI,Prince Edward Island; QUE,Quebec; RI,Rhode Island; SAS,Saskatchewan; SC,South Carolina; SD,South Dakota; TEN,Tennessee; TEX,Texas; UT,Utah; VT,Vermont; VA,Virginia; WAS,Washington; WV,West Virginia; WIS,Wisconsin; WYO,Wyoming; S04,Northwestern Interior Forest; S05,Northern Pacific Rainforest; S06,Boreal Taiga Plains; S07,Taiga Shield and Hudson Plains; S08,Boreal Softwood Shield; S09,Great Basin; S10,Northern Rockies; S11,Prairie Potholes; S12,Boreal Hardwood Transition; S13,Lower Great Lakes/ St. Lawrence Plain; S14,Atlantic Northern Forest; S15,Sierra Nevada; S16,Southern Rockies/colorado Plateau; S17,Badlands and Prairies; S18,Shortgrass Prairie; S19,Central Mixed Grass Prairie; S20,Edwards Plateau; S21,Oaks and Prairies; S22,Eastern Tallgrass Prairie; S23,Prairie Hardwood Transition; S24,Central Hardwoods; S25,West Gulf Coastal Plain/Ouachitas; S26,Mississippi Alluvial Valley; S27,Southeastern Coastal Plain; S28,Appalachian Mountains; S29,Piedmont; S30,New England/mid-atlantic Coast; S31,Peninsular Florida; S32,Coastal California; S33,Sonoran and Mojave Deserts; S34,Sierra Madre Occidental; S35,Chihuahuan Desert; S36,Tamaulipan Brushlands; S37,Gulf Coastal Prairie; EAS,Eastern BBS Region ; CEN, Central BBS Region; WES,Western BBS Region; US,United States; CAN,Canada; SUR,Survey-wide; US1,United States (core only); CA1,Canada (core only); SU1,Survey-wide (core only).</edomv>\n <edomvd>ID Number for States and Provinces:</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer-defined.</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AOU</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>AOU numbers are 5 digit codes that represent bird species. These codes are defined to correspond to species and groups of species. See the Entity and Taxonomic sections for additional information. Some species data are aggregated due to taxonomic changes between 1966 - 2015; these groups are indexed by AOU numbers &gt;30000. Listed by aggregated AOU and component AOU numbers (in parentheses): 31940 (01940 01920); 31320 (01320 01331)); 33370 (03370 03380); 36550 (06550 06560 06556); 35670 (05670 05660 05671 05690 05680 05677); 30010 (00010 00011 00012); 34120 (04120 04130 04123 04125); 34660 (04660 04661 04665); 34641 (04641 04640 04642); 34120 (04120 04130 04123 04125); 35740 (05738 05739 05740). Common and scientific names of species are listed in the result spreadsheets.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>See also the BBS data metadata for AOU numbers and species names</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Year</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Calender year associated with index value</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Years range from 1966 - 2018.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Index</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Annual indexes (Index) are relative abundance estimates for all years, estimated as yearly predicted abundances from the hierarchical model analysis. See Sauer and Link (2011, p. 89, col 2, para 4) for a precise definition of the indexes; a qualitative description of them is that they represent the mean count of birds on a typical route in the region for a year. We note that for some species (e.g., Tricolored Blackbirds and White-faced Ibis), the annual indices are very large. This indicates that the indices for these species are very imprecisely estimated.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NaN,\'*****\'</edomv>\n <edomvd>Inadmissible values</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Annual indexes are relative abundance estimates for all years, estimated as yearly predicted abundances from the hierarchical model analysis. Indexes are &gt;=0. Values "NA" occur when no surveys were conducted in a year corresponding to the index.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>2.5% CI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>These values represent the 2.5 percentiles of the posterior distribution of an estimate. These values replace the precision estimates and p values presented in earlier analyses, and taken with the 97.5%CI form a credible interval, or Bayesian confidence interval. If the credible interval does not contain 0, the result could be judged significant, and in these tables significant long-term results are indicated by red (for declining populations) or blue (for increasing populations) print. Results that are judged unreliable (red credibility index) are not highlighted by colors even if the CIs do not contain 0.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NaN,\'*****\'</edomv>\n <edomvd>Inadmissible values</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>2.5%CI can take any real value, but may be truncated for convenience if abs(value) &gt;999. For CIs of index estimates, values "NA" occur when no surveys were conducted in a year corresponding to the index.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>97.5% CI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>These values represent the 97.5 percentiles of the posterior distribution of an estimate. These values replace the precision estimates and p values presented in earlier analyses, and taken with the 2.5%CI form a credible Interval, or Bayesian confidence interval. If the credible interval does not contain 0, the result could be judged significant.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NaN,\'*****\'</edomv>\n <edomvd>Inadmissible values</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>97.5 CI can take any real value, but may be truncated for convenience if abs(value) &gt;999. For CIs of index estimates, values "NA" occur when no surveys were conducted in a year corresponding to the index.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <overview>\n <eaover>These data files and associated web-based summary programs are designed to provide public access to analysis results from BBS data. Primary results are provided in spreadsheet form, and are described in this metadata.\nResults are presented in 4 spreadsheets: \n1. Long-term trends (1966[68] - 2019) from the BBS core area using Link and Sauer (2002) definition of trend as a ratio of endpoints of annual indices. (Spreadsheet name: BBS_1966-2019_core_trend_best.csv). The core area is the region used for BBS analyses in prior years (e.g., Sauer and Link 2011), and omits NWT, YT, NF, and portion of AK (BCRs 02 and 03), but includes the core area survey estimates (SU1), the contiguous United States (US1), and portions of Canada in the core area (CA1). Starting year varies from 1966-1968 [1966(68)], depending on region.\n2. Trends for the interval 1993 - 2018 from an expanded BBS area and species list, computed using the ratio metric. Analysis for the expanded BBS area was initiated in 2015 to allow of incorporation of northern regions that contained very sparse data prior to 1993 (Sauer et al. 2017), and includes data from NWT, YT, NF, and BCRs 02 and 03 in AK. Summaries for the survey (SUR), the United States (US), and Canada (CA) contain results from this expanded area. (Spreadsheet name: BBS_1993-2019_expanded_trend_best.csv)\n3. Annual indices for 1966(68) - 2019 from the core area. These are yearly indexes of abundance estimated using a hierarchical model analysis for regions corresponding to the long-term ratio trend estimates (1). (Spreadsheet: Index_Best_1966-2019_core.csv)\n4. Annual indices from 1993 - 2019 for the expanded area. These are yearly indexes of abundance estimated using a hierarchical model analysis for regions corresponding to the 1993 - 2019 ratio trend estimates (3).(Spreadsheet: Index_Best_1993-2019_expanded.csv).</eaover>\n <eadetcit>The North American Breeding Bird Survey, Analysis Results 1966 - 2019</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. This disclaimer applies both to individual use of the data and aggregate use with other data. It is strongly recommended that these data be directly acquired from a U.S. Geological Survey server, and not indirectly through other sources which may have changed the data in some way. It is also strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data. The U.S. Geological Survey and USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and (or) contained herein.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None.</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20201105</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>John R Sauer</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Northeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Wildlife Biologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>12100 Beech Forest Road</address>\n <city>Laurel</city>\n <state>MD</state>\n <postal>20708</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>301-497-5662</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>301-497-5666</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Kansas Water Science Center](/catalog/item/504a3d00e4b02b6b9f7bdb6f) 3. [Public-Supply Water Use in Kansas, 2015](/catalog/folder/58bd9576e4b01a6517dc0cfd) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/58bd9576e4b01a6517dc0cfd) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/58bd9576e4b01a6517dc0cfd) - [JSON](/catalog/item/58bd9576e4b01a6517dc0cfd?format=json) Cooperator/Partner[Kansas Department of Agriculture's Division of Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Kansas+Department+of+Agriculture%27s+Division+of+Water+Resources) ## Dates Publication Date2017-03-14Start Date2015-01-01End Date2015-12-31 ## Citation Lanning-Rush, J.L., and Restrepo-Osorio, D.L, 2017, Public-Supply Water Use in Kansas, 2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Release provides derivative statistics of water used by Kansas public-supply systems in 2015. Gallons per capita per day is calculated using self-reported information in the “Part B: Monthly Water Use Summary” and “Part C: Population, Service Connections, and Water Rates” sections of the Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources' (DWR) annual municipal water use report (see appendixes at for an example of a municipal water use report form.) Percent unaccounted for water is calculated using self-reported information in “Part B: Monthly Water Use Summary” of the DWR’s municipal water-use report. The published statistics from the previous 4 years \[...\] ## Summary This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Release provides derivative statistics of water used by Kansas public-supply systems in 2015. Gallons per capita per day is calculated using self-reported information in the “Part B: Monthly Water Use Summary” and “Part C: Population, Service Connections, and Water Rates” sections of the Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources' (DWR) annual municipal water use report (see appendixes at for an example of a municipal water use report form.) Percent unaccounted for water is calculated using self-reported information in “Part B: Monthly Water Use Summary” of the DWR’s municipal water-use report. The published statistics from the previous 4 years (2011–2014) are also shown with the 2015 statistics and are used to calculate a 5-year average. Derivative statistics of 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 5-year averages for gallons per capita per day (gpcd) are also provided by the Kansas Water Authority's 14 regional planning areas, and the DWR regions used for analysis of per capita water use in Kansas. An overall Kansas average (yearly and 5-year average) is also calculated. Kansas state average per capita municipal water use in 2015 was 105 gpcd. ## Contacts Author : [Jennifer Lanning-Rush](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Jennifer+Lanning-Rush), [Diana Restrepo-Osorio](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Diana+Restrepo-Osorio) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey+-+ScienceBase) Cooperator/Partner : [Kansas Department of Agriculture's Division of Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Kansas+Department+of+Agriculture%27s+Division+of+Water+Resources), [Kansas Water Office](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Kansas+Water+Office) Point of Contact : [Kansas Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17343) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) SDC Data Owner : [Kansas Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17343) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/58bd9576e4b01a6517dc0cfd?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/58bd9576e4b01a6517dc0cfd?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/58bd9576e4b01a6517dc0cfd?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Public\_Supply\_Water\_Use\_in\_Kansas\_2015.xml<br>“FGDC metadata file (click "view" button for formatted view)”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 39.82 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | GPCD\_AVG\_by\_DWR\_region.csv<br>“Statistics for regions used in the analysis of per capita water use in Kansas” | | 1.14 KB | text/csv | | GPCD\_AVG\_by\_RPA.csv<br>“Statistics for the Kansas Water Authority's 14 regional planning areas” | | 836 Bytes | text/csv | | KS\_PWS\_wateruse\_2015.csv<br>“Statistics for individual Kansas public-supply systems” | | 64.52 KB | text/csv | | Public-Supply\_Water\_Use\_in\_Kansas\_2015.pdf<br>“PDF of derivative statistics of water used by Kansas public supply systems, 2015” | | 1.13 MB | application/pdf | | Public-Supply\_Water\_Use\_in\_Kansas\_2015.xls<br>“Statistics of water used by Kansas public water supply systems in 2015” | | 425 KB | application/ | | kansas\_mapped\_rpa\_and\_gpcd\_regions.png<br>“image of the regions” | ![thumbnail]( | 1.13 MB | image/png | ## Related External Resources Type: Web Link | | | | --- | --- | | Kansas Department of Agriculture's Division of Water Resources (DWR) Water Use Reporting webpage | []( "") | | Kansas Water Office (KWO) reservoir accounting information webpage. | [ Accounting]( Accounting " Accounting") | | State of Kansas Regional Advisory webpage. | []( "") | Type: Web Application | | | | --- | --- | | WIMAS is a web based application that allows users to query, analyze, and map Kansas water right data. | []( "") | ## Purpose This data release includes information useful to Kansas public-­supply systems in the preparation of their water conservation plans. Other benefits include peer comparison among public water-­supply systems. The information presented is also useful in directing State-­funded technical assistance to public water suppliers for leak detection, meter testing, and in the identification of high water­loss systems. ## Preview Image ![image of the regions]( image of the regions ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/58bd9576e4b01a6517dc0cfd) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/58bd9576e4b01a6517dc0cfd) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ## Communities - USGS Kansas Water Science Center ## Associated Items - _preceded by_ [Public-supply water use in Kansas, 2013](/catalog/item/563092bce4b093cee78203d0 "Public-supply water use in Kansas, 2013") - _preceded by_ [Public-Supply Water Use in Kansas, 2014](/catalog/item/570d4bebe4b0ef3b7ca14df7 "Public-Supply Water Use in Kansas, 2014") - [View Associated Items](/catalog/itemLinks?itemId=58bd9576e4b01a6517dc0cfd) ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [gallons per capita per day (gpcd)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgallons+per+capita+per+day+%28gpcd%29 "gallons per capita per day (gpcd) (gallons per capita per day (gpcd), Theme, USGS water-use terminology)") - [municipal water supply](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmunicipal+water+supply "municipal water supply (municipal water supply, Theme, USGS water-use terminology)") - [municipal water use](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmunicipal+water+use "municipal water use (municipal water use, Theme, USGS water-use terminology)") - [public-supply water use](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dpublic-supply+water+use "public-supply water use (public-supply water use, Theme, USGS water-use terminology)") - [unaccounted for water (ufw)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dunaccounted+for+water+%28ufw%29 "unaccounted for water (ufw) (unaccounted for water (ufw), Theme, USGS water-use terminology)") - [water consumption](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater+consumption "water consumption (water consumption, Theme, USGS water-use terminology)") - [water right](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater+right "water right (water right, Theme, USGS water-use terminology)") - [water-use reporting](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater-use+reporting "water-use reporting (water-use reporting, Theme, USGS water-use terminology)") Place - [Kansas](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DKansas "Kansas (Kansas, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Water Resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Resources "Water Resources (Water Resources, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") Types - [Downloadable](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DDownloadable "Downloadable") - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [OGC WMS Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Service "OGC WMS Service") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7F769SC | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jennifer Lanning-Rush</origin>\n <origin>Diana Restrepo-Osorio</origin>\n <pubdate>20170314</pubdate>\n <title>Public-Supply Water Use in Kansas, 2015</title>\n <geoform>Microsoft Excel 97-2003 workbook and comma delimited files</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Lawrence, KS</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Release provides derivative statistics of water used by Kansas public-supply systems in 2015. Gallons per capita per day is calculated using self-reported information in the \xe2\x80\x9cPart B: Monthly Water Use Summary\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cPart C: Population, Service Connections, and Water Rates\xe2\x80\x9d sections of the Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources\' (DWR) annual municipal water use report (see appendixes at for an example of a municipal water use report form.) Percent unaccounted for water is calculated using self-reported information in \xe2\x80\x9cPart B: Monthly Water Use Summary\xe2\x80\x9d of the DWR\xe2\x80\x99s municipal water-use report. The published statistics from the previous 4 years (2011\xe2\x80\x932014) are also shown with the 2015 statistics and are used to calculate a 5-year average. Derivative statistics of 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 5-year averages for gallons per capita per day (gpcd) are also provided by the Kansas Water Authority\'s 14 regional planning areas, and the DWR regions used for analysis of per capita water use in Kansas. An overall Kansas average (yearly and 5-year average) is also calculated. Kansas state average per capita municipal water use in 2015 was 105 gpcd.</abstract>\n <purpose>This data release includes information useful to Kansas public-\xc2\xadsupply systems in the preparation of their water conservation plans. Other benefits include peer comparison among public water-\xc2\xadsupply systems. The information presented is also useful in directing State-\xc2\xadfunded technical assistance to public water suppliers for leak detection, meter testing, and in the identification of high water\xc2\xadloss systems.</purpose>\n <supplinf>Mobile home parks have been excluded.</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20150101</begdate>\n <enddate>20151231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>observed</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Annually</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-102.0506</westbc>\n <eastbc>-94.61761</eastbc>\n <northbc>40.0</northbc>\n <southbc>37.0</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS water-use terminology</themekt>\n <themekey>municipal water use</themekey>\n <themekey>public-supply water use</themekey>\n <themekey>water right</themekey>\n <themekey>water-use reporting</themekey>\n <themekey>gallons per capita per day (gpcd)</themekey>\n <themekey>unaccounted for water (ufw)</themekey>\n <themekey>water consumption</themekey>\n <themekey>municipal water supply</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:58bd9576e4b01a6517dc0cfd</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>Kansas</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jennifer Lanning-Rush</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Kansas Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>4821 Quail Crest Place</address>\n <city>Lawrence</city>\n <state>Kansas</state>\n <postal>66049</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>785-832-3555</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>This data release was prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Kansas Department of Agriculture\xe2\x80\x99s Division of Water Resources with partial support from the Kansas Water Office and the Kansas State Water Plan Fund.</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>The data are obtained from self-reported information from the \xe2\x80\x9cPart B: Monthly Water Use Summary\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cPart C: Population, Service Connections, and Water Rates\xe2\x80\x9d sections of the Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources\' (DWR) municipal water use reports (see for an example of a water use report form). DWR staff sent follow-up letters, emails, and made phone calls to obtain missing data and to confirm or correct anomalous data. Further quality checks were performed by the USGS staff to check for anomalies in water diverted, water sold, and populations served. Water-use quantities in Part B are reported by 1,000 gallon units. The reported quantities are nearly always metered but can be estimated if equipment or reporting errors were suspected. Despite the data checks performed the data may still contain inaccuracies.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Data checks are performed on the data stored in WRIS by staff from the DWR, Kansas Geological Survey, Kansas Water Office (KWO), and the USGS. Quality checks on this data release were performed by two peer reviewers and one courtesy reviewer.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Kansas Department of Agriculture\'s Division of Water Resources</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Water Rights Information System (WRIS)</title>\n <geoform>retrieved from Oracle database with SQL statements</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Manhattan, Kansas</pubplace>\n <publish>Kansas Department of Agriculture\'s Division of Water Resources</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>WRIS contains over 70 relational tables that store data on points of diversion (e.g., ground-water wells and surface water intakes), place of use, authorized quantity and rate allocations, and historic reported water usage.</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19900101</begdate>\n <enddate>20170101</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>dynamic</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>WRIS</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Water Information Management and Analysis System (WIMAS) is a web based application of the WRIS Oracle database. It allows users to query, analyze, and map Kansas water right data. Information accessed by WIMAS is public record.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Connect to WRIS via Oracle Discoverer client and execute SQL statements.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20170101</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Import data into local MSAccess database and run checks for missing public-sypply systems, verify diverted quantities are in correct units, check for data entry errors, verify population served, and other checks of the data. Join tables and aggregate by system to an annual total. Compute gallons per capita per day and unaccounted for water, in percent, for all systems that serve at least twenty-five individuals or have at least ten (10) service connections. Compute averages for the DWR regions used for analysis of per capita water use in Kansas and the Kansas Water Authority\'s fourteen regional planning areas.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20170115</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Microsoft Excel 97-2003 workbook "Public-Supply_Water_Use_in_Kansas_2015.xls", spreadsheet "KS PWS wateruse 2015" or "KS_PWS_wateruse_2015.csv"</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Derivative statistics of 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 5-year averages for gallons per capita per day (gpcd) and percent unaccounted for water (ufw) are provided by individual Kansas public-supply systems active in 2015.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Derivative statistics generated from annual self-reported public-supply water use which includes details, if applicable, on the quantity of water diverted, the water purchased from and sold to other suppliers, sales to retail customers, metered free water, unaccounted for water, detailed service connection numbers, and population served.</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Public water supplier</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>A public water supplier name. A public-water supplier is defined in the Kansas Statutes Annotated \xc2\xa7 65\xe2\x80\x93162a as \xe2\x80\x9ca system for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption, if such system has at least ten (10) service connections or regularly serves an average of at least twenty-five (25) individuals daily at least sixty (60) days out of the year.\xe2\x80\x9d</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Kansas Statutes Annotated 65\xe2\x80\x93162a</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>text</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DWR ID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unique entity identification number assigned and stored in WRIS as person_id but commonly referred to as dwr_id by outside agencies. This data release aggregates the reported water-use information to this attribute.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>DWR</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>unique numeric values</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>EPA Water System Number</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unique water system ID number assigned by EPA.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>United States Environmental Protection Agency</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>nine characters in length, with the first two digits composed of the state abbreviation</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Source water RPA</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Each public water supplier is assigned to a regional planning area (RPA) by the Kansas Water Office based on the location where most of the water diverted is obtained. RPAs were adopted in 2015 as part of the "Vision for the Future of Water Supply in Kansas". Fourteen RPAs were established to provide a process for water supply goals to be established by stakeholders as a means for measuring success and implementing the 50-year Vision.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Kansas Water Authority, Kansas Water Office</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Ci, Ew, Gb, Ks, Mc, Mo, Ne, Rh, Ss, Sr, Ua, Ur, Us, Ve</edomv>\n <edomvd>Ci = Cimarron; Ew = Equus-Walnut; Gb = Great Bend Prairie; Ks = Kansas; Mc = Marais des Cygnes; Mo = Missouri; Ne = Neosho; Rh = Red Hills; Ss = Smoky Hill-Saline; Sr = Solomon-Republican; Ua = Upper Arkansas; Ur = Upper Republican; Us = Upper Smoky Hill; Ve = Verdigris</edomvd>\n <edomvds>KWO</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GPCD Region</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Kansas has been grouped into eight regions to account for precipitation patterns and to provide meaningful comparisons between suppliers. The regions are mostly based on county boundaries. Each public water supplier is assigned to one of eight regions. Regions 6, 7 and 8 are further subdivided by population served. See map as figure 1 in</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>DWR</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Region 1 represents Cheyenne, Greeley, Hamilton, Morton, Sherman, Stanton, and Wallace Counties.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>DWR</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Region 2 represents Finney (West of 30 Range line), Grant, Haskell, Kearny, Logan, Rawlins, Scott, Seward, Stevens, Thomas, and Wichita Counties.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>DWR</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>3</edomv>\n <edomvd>Region 3 represents Decatur, Finney (East of 30 Range line), Gove, Gray, Lane, Meade, and Sheridan Counties.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>DWR</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>4</edomv>\n <edomvd>Region 4 represents Clark, Ford, Graham, Hodgeman, Ness, Norton, and Trego Counties.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>DWR</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>5</edomv>\n <edomvd>Region 5 represents Comanche, Edwards, Ellis, Kiowa, Pawnee, Phillips, Rooks, and Rush Counties.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>DWR</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>6S</edomv>\n <edomvd>Region 6S represents public water suppliers serving 25 to 499 people in Barber, Barton, Ellsworth, Harper, Jewell, Kingman, Lincoln, Mitchell, Osborne, Pratt, Reno, Rice, Russell, Smith, and Stafford Counties.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>DWR</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>6ML</edomv>\n <edomvd>Region 6ML represents public water suppliers serving 500 people or more in Barber, Barton, Ellsworth, Harper, Jewell, Kingman, Lincoln, Mitchell, Osborne, Pratt, Reno, Rice, Russell, Smith, and Stafford Counties.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>DWR</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>7S</edomv>\n <edomvd>Region 7S represents public water suppliers serving 25 to 499 people in Butler, Chase, Chautauqua, Clay, Cloud, Coffey, Cowley, Dickinson, Elk, Geary, Greenwood, Harvey, Jackson, Lyon, Marion, Marshall, McPherson, Montgomery, Morris, Nemaha, Osage, Ottawa, Pottawatomie, Republic, Riley, Saline, Sedgwick, Shawnee, Sumner, Wabaunsee, Washington, Wilson, and Woodson Counties.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>DWR</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>7M</edomv>\n <edomvd>Region 7M represents public water suppliers serving 500 to 9,999 people in Butler, Chase, Chautauqua, Clay, Cloud, Coffey, Cowley, Dickinson, Elk, Geary, Greenwood, Harvey, Jackson, Lyon, Marion, Marshall, McPherson, Montgomery, Morris, Nemaha, Osage, Ottawa, Pottawatomie, Republic, Riley, Saline, Sedgwick, Shawnee, Sumner, Wabaunsee, Washington, Wilson, and Woodson Counties.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>DWR</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>7L</edomv>\n <edomvd>Region 7L represents public water suppliers serving 10,000 people or more in Butler, Chase, Chautauqua, Clay, Cloud, Coffey, Cowley, Dickinson, Elk, Geary, Greenwood, Harvey, Jackson, Lyon, Marion, Marshall, McPherson, Montgomery, Morris, Nemaha, Osage, Ottawa, Pottawatomie, Republic, Riley, Saline, Sedgwick, Shawnee, Sumner, Wabaunsee, Washington, Wilson, and Woodson Counties.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>DWR</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>8S</edomv>\n <edomvd>Region 8S represents public water suppliers serving 25 to 499 people in Allen, Anderson, Atchison, Bourbon, Brown, Cherokee, Crawford, Doniphan, Douglas, Franklin, Jefferson, Johnson, Labette, Leavenworth, Linn, Miami, Neosho, and Wyandotte Counties.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>DWR</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>8M</edomv>\n <edomvd>Region 8M represents public water suppliers serving 500 to 9,999 people in Allen, Anderson, Atchison, Bourbon, Brown, Cherokee, Crawford, Doniphan, Douglas, Franklin, Jefferson, Johnson, Labette, Leavenworth, Linn, Miami, Neosho, and Wyandotte Counties.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>DWR</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>8L</edomv>\n <edomvd>Region 8L represents public water suppliers serving 10,000 people or more in Allen, Anderson, Atchison, Bourbon, Brown, Cherokee, Crawford, Doniphan, Douglas, Franklin, Jefferson, Johnson, Labette, Leavenworth, Linn, Miami, Neosho, and Wyandotte Counties.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>DWR</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GPCD 2011</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) is the average amount of public-supply water used per person per day in 2011 (from USGS Data Series 964). GPCD use includes water sold to residential and commercial customers, metered free uses, and unaccounted for water. GPCD use does not include sales to other suppliers, industries, bulk uses, or farmsteads using more than 200,000 gallons per year.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>35</rdommin>\n <rdommax>800</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gallons per capita (or per person) per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>\xe2\x80\x9cna\xe2\x80\x9d or -9999 are shown if insufficient or erroneous information was provided on the water-use report or if no water-use report was filed.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GPCD 2012</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) is the average amount of public-supply water used per person per day in 2012 (from USGS Data Series 964). GPCD use includes water sold to residential and commercial customers, metered free uses, and unaccounted for water. GPCD use does not include sales to other suppliers, industries, bulk uses, or farmsteads using more than 200,000 gallons per year.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>34</rdommin>\n <rdommax>972</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gallons per capita (or per person) per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>\xe2\x80\x9cna\xe2\x80\x9d or -9999 are shown if insufficient or erroneous information was provided on the water-use report or if no water-use report was filed.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GPCD 2013</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) is the average amount of public-supply water used per person per day in 2013 (from USGS Data Series 964). GPCD use includes water sold to residential and commercial customers, metered free uses, and unaccounted for water. GPCD use does not include sales to other suppliers, industries, bulk uses, or farmsteads using more than 200,000 gallons per year.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>23</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1408</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gallons per capita (or per person) per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>\xe2\x80\x9cna\xe2\x80\x9d or -9999 are shown if insufficient or erroneous information was provided on the water-use report or if no water-use report was filed.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GPCD 2014</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) is the average amount of public-supply water used per person per day in 2014 (from USGS Data Release GPCD use includes water sold to residential and commercial customers, metered free uses, and unaccounted for water. GPCD use does not include sales to other suppliers, industries, bulk uses, or farmsteads using more than 200,000 gallons per year.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>37</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2543</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gallons per capita (or per person) per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>\xe2\x80\x9cna\xe2\x80\x9d or -9999 are shown if insufficient or erroneous information was provided on the water-use report or if no water-use report was filed.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GPCD 2015</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) is the average amount of public-supply water used per person per day in 2015. Gallons per capita per day is calculated using self-reported information in the \xe2\x80\x9cPart B: Monthly Water Use Summary\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cPart C: Population, Service Connections, and Water Rates\xe2\x80\x9d sections of the DWR\xe2\x80\x99s municipal water-use report (see appendix at where quantities are reported in thousands of gallons and are computed as: gpcd=(DIV+PUR-SOL-IND)/(POP*0.365) where gpcd is water use in gallons per capita per day, DIV is the water diverted for all points of diversion under the supplier\xe2\x80\x99s water rights (column 1 in part B), PUR is the water purchased from other suppliers or through the KWO\xe2\x80\x99s Water Marketing Program (column 2 in part B), SOL is the water sold to all other public water suppliers (column 3 in part B), IND is the water sold to industrial, livestock, pasture, feedlot, and other bulk water service connections (column 4 in part B), POP is the estimated number of people served directly by residential and commercial customers (part C), and 0.365 is a multiplier to account for the number of days in the year. GPCD use includes water sold to residential and commercial customers, metered free uses, and unaccounted for water. GPCD use does not include sales to other suppliers, industries, bulk uses, or farmsteads using more than 200,000 gallons per year.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>7</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2769</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gallons per capita (or per person) per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>\xe2\x80\x9cna\xe2\x80\x9d or -9999 are shown if insufficient or erroneous information was provided on the water-use report or if no water-use report was filed.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GPCD Average 2011-2015</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>5-year average gallons of public-supply water used per person per day from 2011 to 2015.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>35</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1650</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gallons per capita (or per person) per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>\xe2\x80\x9cna\xe2\x80\x9d or -9999 are shown if insufficient or erroneous information was provided on the water-use report or if water-use reports were not filed from 2011 to 2015.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>UFW 2011, in percent</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unsold water in 2011 that is not metered is considered unaccounted for water and is shown as percentages of total water pumped and/or purchased.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>in percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>"na" or -9999 are used when a water-use report is not available for the year, insufficient or erroneous information was provided, or the computed unaccounted for water is less than 3 percent .</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>UFW 2012, in percent</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unsold water in 2012 that is not metered is considered unaccounted for water and is shown as percentages of total water pumped and/or purchased.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>in percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>"na" or -9999 are used when a water-use report is not available for the year, insufficient or erroneous information was provided, or the computed unaccounted for water is less than 3 percent.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>UFW 2013, in percent</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unsold water in 2013 that is not metered is considered unaccounted for water and is shown as percentages of total water pumped and/or purchased.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>in percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>"na" or -9999 are used when a water-use report is not available for the year, insufficient or erroneous information was provided, or the computed unaccounted for water is less than 3 percent.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>UFW 2014, in percent</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unsold water in 2014 that is not metered is considered unaccounted for water and is shown as percentages of total water pumped and/or purchased.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>in percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>"na" or -9999 are used when a water-use report is not available for the year, insufficient or erroneous information was provided, or the computed unaccounted for water is less than 3 percent.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>UFW 2015, in percent</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unsold water in 2015 that is not metered is considered unaccounted for water and is shown as percentages of total water pumped and/or purchased. Percent unaccounted for water (ufw) is calculated using self-reported information in \xe2\x80\x9cPart B: Monthly Water Use Summary\xe2\x80\x9d of the DWR\xe2\x80\x99s municipal water-use report and is computed as: ufw=[(DIV+PUR-SOL-IND-CUST-FREE)/ (DIV+PUR)]*100 where ufw is the unaccounted for water, in percent; DIV is the water diverted for all points of diversion under the supplier\xe2\x80\x99s water rights (column 1 in part B); PUR is the water purchased from other suppliers or through the KWO\xe2\x80\x99s Water Marketing Program (column 2 in part B); SOL is the water sold to all other public water suppliers (column 3 in part B); IND is the water sold to industrial, livestock, pasture, feedlot, and other bulk water service connections (column 4 in part B); CUST is the water sold to residential and commercial customers (column 5 in part B); and FREE is the metered water provided free (column 6 in part B).</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>in percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>"na" or -9999 are used when a water-use report is not available for the year, insufficient or erroneous information was provided, or the computed unaccounted for water is less than 3 percent.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>UFW Average, 2011-2015</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>5-year average unaccounted for public-supply water from 2011 to 2015, expressed as a percentage.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>in percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>\xe2\x80\x9cna\xe2\x80\x9d or -9999 are shown if insufficient or erroneous information was provided on the water-use report or if water-use reports were not filed from 2011 to 2015.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>In Regional Average</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Five rural water districts (RWDs) and one water company are excluded from all regional averages because over 40 percent of their service connections are livestock or commerical, and the amount supplied to those connections cannot be split from residential sales. The excluded RWDs are: Barber County RWD #02, Barton County RWD #02, Comanche County RWD #02, Ellis County RWD #03, Osborne County RWD #01A, and West Hills Water Company.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Yes, No, or na</edomv>\n <edomvd>Yes=included in regional averages; No=excluded from regional averages; na = when a water-use report is not available for the year.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Microsoft Excel 97-2003 workbook "Public-Supply_Water_Use_in_Kansas_2015.xlsx", spreadsheet "GPCD AVG by DWR region" or "GPCD_AVG_by_DWR_region.csv"</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Derivative statistics of 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 5-year averages of public-supply water gpcd by regions used in the analysis of per capita water use in Kansas.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Derivative statistics generated from annual self-reported public-supply water use which includes details, if applicable, on the quantity of water diverted, the water purchased from and sold to other suppliers, sales to retail customers, metered free water, unaccounted for water, detailed service connection numbers, and population served.</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GPCD Region</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Kansas has been grouped into eight regions to account for precipitation patterns and to provide meaningful comparisons between suppliers. The regions are mostly based on county boundaries. Each public water supplier is assigned to one of eight regions. Regions 6, 7 and 8 are further subdivided by population served. See map as figure 1 in</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>DWR</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>(see complete definition above)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Average 2011 GPCD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) is the average amount of public-supply water used per person per day in 2011 in each GPCD region. An overall Kansas average is also calculated and presented.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>81</rdommin>\n <rdommax>282</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gallons per capita (or per person) per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Average 2012 GPCD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) is the average amount of public-supply water used per person per day in 2012 in each GPCD region. An overall Kansas average is also calculated and presented.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>81</rdommin>\n <rdommax>316</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gallons per capita (or per person) per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Average 2013 GPCD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) is the average amount of public-supply water used per person per day in 2013 in each GPCD region. An overall Kansas average is also calculated and presented.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>73</rdommin>\n <rdommax>280</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gallons per capita (or per person) per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Average 2014 GPCD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) is the average amount of public-supply water used per person per day in 2014 in each GPCD region. An overall Kansas average is also calculated and presented.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>73</rdommin>\n <rdommax>264</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gallons per capita (or per person) per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Average 2015 GPCD</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) is the average amount of public-supply water used per person per day in 2015 in each GPCD region. An overall Kansas average is also calculated and presented.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>71</rdommin>\n <rdommax>236</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gallons per capita (or per person) per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>2011-2015 average gpcd</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) 5-year average is the amount of public-supply water used per person per day from 2011 to 2015 in each GPCD region. An overall Kansas average is also calculated and presented.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 964</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>76</rdommin>\n <rdommax>276</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gallons per capita (or per person) per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Microsoft Excel 97-2003 workbook "Public-Supply_Water_Use_in_Kansas_2015.xls", spreadsheet "GPCD AVG by RPA" or "GPCD_AVG_by_RPA.csv"</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Derivative statistics of the year 2015 and the public-supply water used in gallons per capita per day (gpcd) by the Kansas Water Authority\'s 14 regional planning areas.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Derivative statistics generated from annual self-reported public-supply water use which includes details, if applicable, on the quantity of water diverted, the water purchased from and sold to other suppliers, sales to retail customers, metered free water, unaccounted for water, detailed service connection numbers, and population served.</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Source-water regional planning area</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Each public water supplier is assigned to a regional planning area (RPA) by the KWO based on the location where most of the water diverted is obtained. RPAs were adopted in 2015 as part of the "Vision for the Future of Water Supply in Kansas". Fourteen RPAs were established to provide a process for water supply goals to be established by stakeholders as a means for measuring success and implementing the Vision.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Kansas Water Authority, KWO</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>Cimarron, Equus-Walnut, Great Bend Prairie, Kansas, Marais des Cygnes, Missouri, Neosho, Red Hills, Smoky Hill-Saline, Solomon-Republican, Upper Arkansas, Upper Republican, Upper Smoky Hill, Verdigris</codesetn>\n <codesets>KWO</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Regional planning area abbreviations</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Shortened version of the regional planning area name.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Kansas Water Authority, KWO</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>Ci, Ew, Gb, Ks, Mc, Mo, Ne, Rh, Ss, Sr, Ua, Ur, Us, Ve</codesetn>\n <codesets>KWO</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>2014 average gpcd</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) is the average amount of public-supply water used per person per day in 2014 in each regional planning area.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Kansas Water Authority, KWO</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>79</rdommin>\n <rdommax>251</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gallons per capita (or per person) per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>2015 average gpcd</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Gallons per capita per day (GPCD) is the average amount of public-supply water used per person per day in 2015 in each regional planning area.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Kansas Water Authority, KWO</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>76</rdommin>\n <rdommax>233</rdommax>\n <attrunit>gallons per capita (or per person) per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>Colorado</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200820</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jennifer Lanning-Rush</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Kansas Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>4821 Quail Crest Place</address>\n <city>Lawrence</city>\n <state>Kansas</state>\n <postal>66049</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>785-832-3555</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center](/catalog/item/55bf8df6e4b033ef52103c69) 3. [Public Data Releases 2020](/catalog/item/5e1c8a5be4b0ecf25c5efce3) 4. [Water-quality profiles within the Caloosahatchee River and twelve fiberglass tanks, during experimental nutrient addition treatments, 2019](/catalog/folder/5e9df57f82ce172707fb8e07) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5e9df57f82ce172707fb8e07) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5e9df57f82ce172707fb8e07) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5e9df57f82ce172707fb8e07?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-04-27Time Period2019-05-06Time Period2019-05-07Time Period2019-05-08Time Period2019-05-09Time Period2019-07-08Time Period2019-07-09Time Period2019-07-10Time Period2019-07-11Time Period2019-09-16Time Period2019-09-17Time Period2019-09-18Time Period2019-09-19 ## Citation Booth, A.C., and Knight, T.M., 2020, Water-quality profiles within the Caloosahatchee River and twelve fiberglass tanks, during experimental nutrient addition treatments, 2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides water-quality data collected from the Caloosahatchee River and 12 fiberglass tanks located within the Caloosahatchee River. The tanks were open to the atmosphere, and were closed to the river. Tanks were filled with native water within 1-2 hours prior to the first profile collected on May 6, July 8, and September 16. Nutrients were added at approximately 12:00 p.m. on May 6, 11:45 a.m. on July 8, and 11:00 a.m. on September 16. Sodium nitrate was added for the nitrate treatments, sodium phosphate was added for the phosphate treatments, and ammonium hydroxide was added for the ammonium treatments. Nutrient samples were collected and processed by Nova Southeastern University. Water-quality \[...\] ## Summary This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides water-quality data collected from the Caloosahatchee River and 12 fiberglass tanks located within the Caloosahatchee River. The tanks were open to the atmosphere, and were closed to the river. Tanks were filled with native water within 1-2 hours prior to the first profile collected on May 6, July 8, and September 16. Nutrients were added at approximately 12:00 p.m. on May 6, 11:45 a.m. on July 8, and 11:00 a.m. on September 16. Sodium nitrate was added for the nitrate treatments, sodium phosphate was added for the phosphate treatments, and ammonium hydroxide was added for the ammonium treatments. Nutrient samples were collected and processed by Nova Southeastern University. Water-quality measurements were made at 3 depths within each fiberglass tank, near the surface (approximately 1 foot deep), near the middle of the water column, (approximately 2 feet deep) and near the bottom (approximately 3 feet deep), and at approximately 1, 2, and 3 feet deep within the river itself. Each depth location value represents an approximate 30 second average. Water-quality characteristics measured and recorded include water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, chlorophyll fluorescence, phycocyanin fluorescence, and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Amanda C Booth](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=995) Originator : [Amanda C Booth](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=995), [Travis Knight](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=13414) Metadata Contact : [Amanda C Booth](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=995) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=24099) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5e9df57f82ce172707fb8e07?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5e9df57f82ce172707fb8e07?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5e9df57f82ce172707fb8e07?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 7564cfd1-1666-40d7-82ac-b217ac99f5be.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 15.55 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Mesocosm\_profiles\_datarelease\_data.csv | | 38.86 KB | text/csv | | Mesocosm\_profiles\_datarelease.xlsx | | 79.41 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | | Mesocosm\_profiles\_datarelease\_readme.csv | | 3.74 KB | text/csv | ## Purpose The data were collected by the USGS Caribbean Florida Water Science Center in cooperation with the United States Army Corps of Engineers to document the response of phytoplankton and associated water-quality parameters with the addition of selected nutrients. The data release associated with this site consists of: data files in csv format (Excel spreadsheet format also available) containing data for temperature, specific conductance, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, pH, chlorophyll fluorescence, phycocyanin fluorescence, and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter measured in the Caloosahatchee River and each observation tank. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5e9df57f82ce172707fb8e07) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5e9df57f82ce172707fb8e07) ## Communities - USGS Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center - USGS Data Release Products ## Associated Items - _related_ [Caloosahatchee River Nutrient Enrichment Mesocosms: Phytoplankton Taxonomic Quantification September 2019, June 2020, September 2020, February 2021](/catalog/item/623de97ed34e915b67d6ae4b "Caloosahatchee River Nutrient Enrichment Mesocosms: Phytoplankton Taxonomic Quantification September 2019, June 2020, September 2020, February 2021") - _related_ [Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) cyanotoxin data for eight mesocosm experiments in the Caloosahatchee River, Florida from May 2019 through August 2021](/catalog/item/632c61aad34e900e86c5103b "Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) cyanotoxin data for eight mesocosm experiments in the Caloosahatchee River, Florida from May 2019 through August 2021") - _related_ [Caloosahatchee River, Florida, Nutrient-Enrichment Mesocosms: USGS Phytoplankton Taxonomic Quantification February 2021, May 2021, July 2021](/catalog/item/63b6edb2d34e92aad3caf2b6 "Caloosahatchee River, Florida, Nutrient-Enrichment Mesocosms: USGS Phytoplankton Taxonomic Quantification February 2021, May 2021, July 2021") - [View Associated Items](/catalog/itemLinks?itemId=5e9df57f82ce172707fb8e07) ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [chlorophyll](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dchlorophyll "chlorophyll (chlorophyll, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [dissolved oxygen](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Ddissolved+oxygen "dissolved oxygen (dissolved oxygen, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [fluorescence of dissolved organic matter](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfluorescence+of+dissolved+organic+matter "fluorescence of dissolved organic matter (fluorescence of dissolved organic matter, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [pH](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DpH "pH (pH, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [phycocyanin](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dphycocyanin "phycocyanin (phycocyanin, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [specific conductance](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dspecific+conductance "specific conductance (specific conductance, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [turbidity](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dturbidity "turbidity (turbidity, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [water quality](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater+quality "water quality (water quality, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [water temperature](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater+temperature "water temperature (water temperature, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Caloosahatchee River](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCaloosahatchee+River "Caloosahatchee River (Caloosahatchee River, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Water Quality](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Quality "Water Quality (Water Quality, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9ZQPVLZ | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Booth, Amanda C.</origin>\n <origin>Knight, Travis M.</origin>\n <pubdate>20200427</pubdate>\n <title>Water-quality profiles within the Caloosahatchee River and twelve fiberglass tanks, during experimental nutrient addition treatments, 2019</title>\n <geoform>spreadhseet</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Fort Myers, FL</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Release provides water-quality data collected from the Caloosahatchee River and 12 fiberglass tanks located within the Caloosahatchee River. The tanks were open to the atmosphere, and were closed to the river. Tanks were filled with native water within 1-2 hours prior to the first profile collected on May 6, July 8, and September 16. Nutrients were added at approximately 12:00 p.m. on May 6, 11:45 a.m. on July 8, and 11:00 a.m. on September 16. Sodium nitrate was added for the nitrate treatments, sodium phosphate was added for the phosphate treatments, and ammonium hydroxide was added for the ammonium treatments. Nutrient samples were collected and processed by Nova Southeastern University. Water-quality measurements were made at 3 depths within each fiberglass tank, near the surface (approximately 1 foot deep), near the middle of the water column, (approximately 2 feet deep) and near the bottom (approximately 3 feet deep), and at approximately 1, 2, and 3 feet deep within the river itself. Each depth location value represents an approximate 30 second average. Water-quality characteristics measured and recorded include water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, chlorophyll fluorescence, phycocyanin fluorescence, and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter.</abstract>\n <purpose>The data were collected by the USGS Caribbean Florida Water Science Center in cooperation with the United States Army Corps of Engineers to document the response of phytoplankton and associated water-quality parameters with the addition of selected nutrients. The data release associated with this site consists of: data files in csv format (Excel spreadsheet format also available) containing data for temperature, specific conductance, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, pH, chlorophyll fluorescence, phycocyanin fluorescence, and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter measured in the Caloosahatchee River and each observation tank.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <mdattim>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20190506</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20190507</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20190508</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20190509</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20190708</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20190709</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20190710</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20190711</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20190916</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20190917</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20190918</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20190919</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </mdattim>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-81.693348884882</westbc>\n <eastbc>-81.692748070063</eastbc>\n <northbc>26.721609558522</northbc>\n <southbc>26.720804582303</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>water quality</themekey>\n <themekey>water temperature</themekey>\n <themekey>specific conductance</themekey>\n <themekey>dissolved oxygen</themekey>\n <themekey>turbidity</themekey>\n <themekey>pH</themekey>\n <themekey>chlorophyll</themekey>\n <themekey>phycocyanin</themekey>\n <themekey>fluorescence of dissolved organic matter</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5e9df57f82ce172707fb8e07</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>Caloosahatchee River</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Amanda C. Booth</cntper>\n <cntorg>Southeast Region: CARIBBEAN-FLORIDA WSC-DATA SECTION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Physical Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1400 Colonial Blvd.</address>\n <city>Ft Myers</city>\n <state>FL</state>\n <postal>33907</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>239-275-8448</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted, but data were checked for consistency and numerical errors.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2019</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>Caloosahatchee River, upstream of the Franklin Lock and Dam</indspref>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Water-quality Profiles</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Water-quality profile data collected within the Caloosahatchee River and twelve flat bottom fiberglass tanks (30 inch diameter, 60 inch height).</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Data recorded by a YSI EXO</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date data were collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>MM/DD/YYYY</edomv>\n <edomvd>Month/Day/Year</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer-defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Location</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Location of water-quality profile</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Indicates where the profile was taken, either within the river itself or the identifier on the fiberglass tank</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Depth</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Depth of water-quality readings</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer-defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Represents the approximate depth of the water-quality sensor.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Mean time</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mean time data were recorded</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>HH:MM:SS</edomv>\n <edomvd>Hours:Minutes:Seconds</edomvd>\n <edomvds>producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Water Temperature (\xc2\xb0C)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Temperature, water, degrees Celsius; data are raw measured values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>27.6</rdommin>\n <rdommax>31.4</rdommax>\n <attrunit>degrees Celsius</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Specific Conductance (uS/cm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius; data are raw measured values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>476</rdommin>\n <rdommax>538</rdommax>\n <attrunit>microSiemens per centimeter, uS/cm</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter; data are raw measured values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3</rdommin>\n <rdommax>13</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter, mg/L</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>pH</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units; data are raw measured values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>7.5</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9.1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Turbidity (FNU)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>7.5</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Formazin Nephelometric Units, FNU</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Chlorophyll (RFU)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Chlorophylls, water, in situ, fluorometric method, excitation at 470 +-15 nm, emission at 685 +-20 nm, relative fluorescence units (RFU); data are raw measured values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2.7</rdommin>\n <rdommax>15.3</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Relative Fluorescence Units, RFU</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Phycocyanin (RFU)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phycocyanins (cyanobacteria), water, in situ, fluorometric method, excitation at 590 +-15 nm, emission at 685 +-20 nm, relative fluorescence units (RFU); data are raw measured values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3.3</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Relative Fluorescence Units, RFU</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>fDOM (ppb QSE)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), water, in situ, fluorometric method, relative fluorescence units (RFU); data are corrected for temperature, turbidity and inner filter effects and are not rounded to USGS significant figures</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>177</rdommin>\n <rdommax>388</rdommax>\n <attrunit>parts per billion quinine sulfate equivalents, ppb QSE</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Amanda C. Booth</cntper>\n <cntorg>Southeast Region: CARIBBEAN-FLORIDA WSC-DATA SECTION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Physical Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1400 Colonial Blvd.</address>\n <city>Ft Myers</city>\n <state>FL</state>\n <postal>33907</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>239-275-8448</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also contains copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner whenever applicable. The data have been approved for release and publication by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although the data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, the data are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from authorized or unauthorized use. Although the data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system, or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The U.S. Geological Survey shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Users of the data are advised to read all metadata and associated documentation thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200812</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Amanda C. Booth</cntper>\n <cntorg>Southeast Region: CARIBBEAN-FLORIDA WSC-DATA SECTION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Physical Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1400 Colonial Blvd.</address>\n <city>Ft Myers</city>\n <state>FL</state>\n <postal>33907</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>239-275-8448</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center](/catalog/item/55bf8df6e4b033ef52103c69) 3. [Public Data Releases 2018](/catalog/item/5aa92915e4b0b1c392f0981b) 4. [Data tables summarizing the source-specific estimated water withdrawals in Florida by category, county, and water management district, 2015](/catalog/item/5a4cdec8e4b0d05ee8c4cabf) 5. [Table 9. Water withdrawals by water management district in Florida, 2015](/catalog/folder/5a4d0102e4b0d05ee8c4cb05) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5a4d0102e4b0d05ee8c4cb05) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5a4d0102e4b0d05ee8c4cb05) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5a4d0102e4b0d05ee8c4cb05?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2018-07-17Start Date2015End Date2015 ## Citation Marella, R.L. and Dixon, J.F., 2018, Data tables summarizing the source-specific estimated water withdrawals in Florida by water source, category, county, and water management district, 2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Florida’s water resources have been managed by five water management districts since 1972. These five regional water management districts are the Northwest Florida, St Johns River, South Florida, Southwest Florida, and the Suwannee River. In 2015, the Southwest Florida Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of saline water withdrawn (5,135 Mgal/d) and the South Florida Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of fresh water withdrawn (2,792 Mgal/d). The South Florida Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of water withdrawn for public supply (1,118 Mgal/d), agricultural irrigation (1,380 Mgal/d), and recreation-landscape irrigation (263 Mgal/d), while the St Johns River Water \[...\] ## Summary Florida’s water resources have been managed by five water management districts since 1972. These five regional water management districts are the Northwest Florida, St Johns River, South Florida, Southwest Florida, and the Suwannee River. In 2015, the Southwest Florida Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of saline water withdrawn (5,135 Mgal/d) and the South Florida Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of fresh water withdrawn (2,792 Mgal/d). The South Florida Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of water withdrawn for public supply (1,118 Mgal/d), agricultural irrigation (1,380 Mgal/d), and recreation-landscape irrigation (263 Mgal/d), while the St Johns River Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of water for commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied (112 Mgal/d) and domestic self-supplied (65 Mgal/d). The Southwest Florida Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of water withdrawn for power generation (5,139 Mgal/d). ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Richard L Marella](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=6485) Originator : [Richard L Marella](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=6485), [Joann F Dixon](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=2589) Metadata Contact : [Joann F Dixon](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=2589) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) SDC Data Owner : [Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=72863) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5a4d0102e4b0d05ee8c4cb05?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5a4d0102e4b0d05ee8c4cb05?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5a4d0102e4b0d05ee8c4cb05?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Table9\_metadata.xml<br>“Table 9 metadata”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 25.3 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Table9\_FL\_Water\_withdrawals\_by\_water\_management\_district\_2015.xlsx<br>“Table 9. Water withdrawals by water management district in Florida, 2015” | | 14.12 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Marella, R.L., 2020, Water withdrawals, uses, and trends in Florida, 2015: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019–5147, 52 p., | []( "") | ## Purpose The purpose of this table is to provide estimates of total water withdrawals by water management district in Florida for 2015 as part of an ongoing effort between the State of Florida, the five water management districts, and the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center to collect, compile, and publish water-use data every five years in Florida. Five-year compilations of water use have been published for Florida since 1970. The data are also supplied to the USGS National Water-Use Program as part of a similar program to collect, compile, and publish water-use data for the United States. Table 9 provides 2015 water withdrawal totals by water management district, category, and water source. The five water management districts are the Northwest Florida Water Management District, St Johns River Water Management District, South Florida Water Management District, Southwest Florida Water Management District, and Suwannee River Water Management District. The categories include public supply, domestic self-supplied, commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied, agricultural irrigation, recreational-landscape irrigation and power generation. Water withdrawals are differentiated between ground and surface water for both fresh and saline sources. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5a4d0102e4b0d05ee8c4cb05) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5a4d0102e4b0d05ee8c4cb05) ## Communities - USGS Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [Domestic](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDomestic "Domestic (Domestic, Theme, None)") - [Domestic water use](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDomestic+water+use "Domestic water use (Domestic water use, Theme, None)") - [Environment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEnvironment "Environment (Environment, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [Northwest Florida Water Management District](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNorthwest+Florida+Water+Management+District "Northwest Florida Water Management District (Northwest Florida Water Management District, Theme, None)") - [Public Supply](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPublic+Supply "Public Supply (Public Supply, Theme, None)") - [Public Supply water use](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPublic+Supply+water+use "Public Supply water use (Public Supply water use, Theme, None)") - [South Florida Water Management District](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSouth+Florida+Water+Management+District "South Florida Water Management District (South Florida Water Management District, Theme, None)") - [Southwest Florida Water Management District](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSouthwest+Florida+Water+Management+District "Southwest Florida Water Management District (Southwest Florida Water Management District, Theme, None)") - [St Johns River Water Management District](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSt+Johns+River+Water+Management+District "St Johns River Water Management District (St Johns River Water Management District, Theme, None)") - [Suwannee River Water Management District](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSuwannee+River+Water+Management+District "Suwannee River Water Management District (Suwannee River Water Management District, Theme, None)") - [consumptive use](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dconsumptive+use "consumptive use (consumptive use, Theme, None)") - [water use](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater+use "water use (water use, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [water withdrawals](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater+withdrawals "water withdrawals (water withdrawals, Theme, None)") - [withdrawals](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwithdrawals "withdrawals (withdrawals, Theme, None)") Place - [Florida](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DFlorida "Florida (Florida, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Richard L. Marella</origin>\n <origin>Joann F. Dixon</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Table 9. Water withdrawals by water management district in Florida, 2015</title>\n <geoform>Spreadsheet</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Richard L. Marella</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>Water withdrawals, uses, and trends in Florida, 2015</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Florida\xe2\x80\x99s water resources have been managed by five water management districts since 1972. These five regional water management districts are the Northwest Florida, St Johns River, South Florida, Southwest Florida, and the Suwannee River. In 2015, the Southwest Florida Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of saline water withdrawn (5,135 Mgal/d) and the South Florida Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of fresh water withdrawn (2,792 Mgal/d). The South Florida Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of water withdrawn for public supply (1,118 Mgal/d), agricultural irrigation (1,380 Mgal/d), and recreation-landscape irrigation (263 Mgal/d), while the St Johns River Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of water for commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied (112 Mgal/d) and domestic self-supplied (65 Mgal/d). The Southwest Florida Water Management District accounted for the largest amount of water withdrawn for power generation (5,139 Mgal/d).</abstract>\n <purpose>The purpose of this table is to provide estimates of total water withdrawals by water management district in Florida for 2015 as part of an ongoing effort between the State of Florida, the five water management districts, and the U.S Geological Survey (USGS) Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center to collect, compile, and publish water-use data every five years in Florida. Five-year compilations of water use have been published for Florida since 1970. The data are also supplied to the USGS National Water-Use Program as part of a similar program to collect, compile, and publish water-use data for the United States. Table 9 provides 2015 water withdrawal totals by water management district, category, and water source. The five water management districts are the Northwest Florida Water Management District, St Johns River Water Management District, South Florida Water Management District, Southwest Florida Water Management District, and Suwannee River Water Management District. The categories include public supply, domestic self-supplied, commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied, agricultural irrigation, recreational-landscape irrigation and power generation. Water withdrawals are differentiated between ground and surface water for both fresh and saline sources.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>2015</begdate>\n <enddate>2015</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Updates every 5 years.</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-87.639385</westbc>\n <eastbc>-79.872253</eastbc>\n <northbc>31.042641</northbc>\n <southbc>24.480330</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>State of Florida water use for 2015</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>water use</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>water withdrawals</themekey>\n <themekey>withdrawals</themekey>\n <themekey>consumptive use</themekey>\n <themekey>Public Supply</themekey>\n <themekey>Public Supply water use</themekey>\n <themekey>Domestic</themekey>\n <themekey>Domestic water use</themekey>\n <themekey>Northwest Florida Water Management District</themekey>\n <themekey>St Johns River Water Management District</themekey>\n <themekey>South Florida Water Management District</themekey>\n <themekey>Southwest Florida Water Management District</themekey>\n <themekey>Suwannee River Water Management District</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Categories</themekt>\n <themekey>Environment</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5a4d0102e4b0d05ee8c4cb05</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System</placekt>\n <placekey>Florida</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Richard L. Marella</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>12703 Research Parkway</address>\n <city>Orlando</city>\n <state>FL</state>\n <postal>32826</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>407-803-5573</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <browse>\n <browsen></browsen>\n <browsed>Thumbnail image of state of Florida and county boundaries for 2015.</browsed>\n <browset>PNG</browset>\n </browse>\n <datacred>Prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey, Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center, in Cooperation with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Office of Agricultural Water Policy.</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Dataset is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Data compiled in these tables were obtained from the five Florida water management districts (published and un-published) and from many of the electric power companies across the state. Data were collected and compiled under the guidelines provided by the USGS National Water-Use Program for 2015.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20150101</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Table 9. Water withdrawals by water management district in Florida, 2015; (All values in million gallons per day; U.S. Geological Survey, Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center: U.S. Geological Survey data release,</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel xlsx file</enttypd>\n <enttypds>USGS</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Northwest Florida Water Management District</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Water withdrawals by category in Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Public Supply</edomv>\n <edomvd>Public supply category of withdrawals of water in NWFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Domestic self-supplied</edomv>\n <edomvd>Domestic self-supplied category of withdrawals of water in NWFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied</edomv>\n <edomvd>Commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied category of withdrawals of water in NWFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Agricultural irrigation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Agricultural irrigation category of withdrawals of water in NWFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Recreational-landscape irrigation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Recreational-landscape irrigation category of withdrawals of water in NWFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Power generation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Power generation category of withdrawals of water in NWFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>TOTALS</edomv>\n <edomvd>Total withdrawals of water in NWFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>St Johns River Water Management District</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Water withdrawals by category in St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Public Supply</edomv>\n <edomvd>Public supply category of withdrawals of water in SJRWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Domestic self-supplied</edomv>\n <edomvd>Domestic self-supplied category of withdrawals of water in SJRWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied</edomv>\n <edomvd>Commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied category of withdrawals of water in SJRWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Agricultural irrigation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Agricultural irrigation category of withdrawals of water in SJRWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Recreational-landscape irrigation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Recreational-landscape irrigation category of withdrawals of water in SJRWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Power generation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Power generation category of withdrawals of water in SJRWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>TOTALS</edomv>\n <edomvd>Total withdrawals of water in SJRWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>South Florida Water Management District</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Water withdrawals by category in South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Public Supply</edomv>\n <edomvd>Public supply category of withdrawals of water in SFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Domestic self-supplied</edomv>\n <edomvd>Domestic self-supplied category of withdrawals of water in SFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied</edomv>\n <edomvd>Commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied category of withdrawals of water in SFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Agricultural irrigation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Agricultural irrigation category of withdrawals of water in SFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Recreational-landscape irrigation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Recreational-landscape irrigation category of withdrawals of water in SFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Power generation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Power generation category of withdrawals of water in SFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>TOTALS</edomv>\n <edomvd>Total withdrawals in SFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Southwest Florida Water Management District</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Water withdrawals by category in Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Public Supply</edomv>\n <edomvd>Public supply category of withdrawals of water in SWFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Domestic self-supplied</edomv>\n <edomvd>Domestic self-supplied category of withdrawals of water in SWFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied</edomv>\n <edomvd>Commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied category of withdrawals of water in SWFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Agricultural irrigation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Agricultural irrigation category of withdrawals of water in SWFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Recreational-landscape irrigation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Recreational-landscape irrigation category of withdrawals of water in SWFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Power generation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Power generation category of withdrawals of water in SWFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>TOTALS</edomv>\n <edomvd>Total withdrawals of water in SWFWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Suwannee River Water Management District</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Water withdrawals by category in Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Public Supply</edomv>\n <edomvd>Public supply category of withdrawals of water in SRWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Domestic self-supplied</edomv>\n <edomvd>Domestic self-supplied category of withdrawals of water in SRWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied</edomv>\n <edomvd>Commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied category of withdrawals of water in SRWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Agricultural irrigation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Agricultural irrigation category of withdrawals of water in SRWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Recreational-landscape irrigation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Recreational-landscape irrigation category of withdrawals of water in SRWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Power generation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Power generation category of withdrawals of water in SRWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>TOTALS</edomv>\n <edomvd>Total withdrawals of water in SRWMD</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>State totals</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Water withdrawals by category in state of Florida</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Public Supply</edomv>\n <edomvd>Public supply category of withdrawals of water in Florida</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Domestic self-supplied</edomv>\n <edomvd>Domestic self-supplied category of withdrawals of water in Florida</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied</edomv>\n <edomvd>Commercial-industrial-mining self-supplied category of withdrawals of water in Florida</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Agricultural irrigation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Agricultural irrigation category of withdrawals of water in Florida</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Recreational-landscape irrigation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Recreational-landscape irrigation category of withdrawals of water in Florida</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Power generation</edomv>\n <edomvd>Power generation category of withdrawals of water in Florida</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>TOTALS</edomv>\n <edomvd>Total withdrawals of water in Florida</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Fresh Water Groundwater</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Groundwater withdrawals of fresh water by water management district, water categories, and totals</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.96</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3603.92</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Million gallons per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Fresh Water Surface Water</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Surface water withdrawals of freshwater by water management district, water categories, and totals</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.00</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2116.90</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Million gallons per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Fresh Water Total</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total fresh water withdrawals and totals</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.09</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5720.82</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Million gallons per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Saline Water Groundwater</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Groundwater withdrawals of saline water by water management district, water categories, and totals</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.00</rdommin>\n <rdommax>197.66</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Million gallons per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Saline Water Surface Water</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Surface water withdrawals of saline water by water management district, water categories, and totals</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.00</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9400.54</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Million gallons per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Saline Water Total</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Saline water withdrawals by water management district, water categories, and totals</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.00</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9598.20</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Million gallons per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Total All Water</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total of all fresh and saline water withdrawals by water management district, water categories, and totals</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.09</rdommin>\n <rdommax>15319.02</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Million gallons per day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Footer Material</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Table notes</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Notes and references associated with the table</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also contains copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner whenever applicable. The data have been approved for release and publication by the USGS. Although the data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, the data are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from authorized or unauthorized use. Although the data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the USGS, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system, or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Users of the data are advised to read all metadata and associated documentation thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200812</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Joann F. Dixon</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>12703 Research Parkway</address>\n <city>Orlando</city>\n <state>FL</state>\n <postal>32826</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>407-803-5500</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Magnetotelluric data from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Upper Michigan, 2015-2019, station nmn908](/catalog/folder/5f6a92a782ce38aaa244963a) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5f6a92a782ce38aaa244963a) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5f6a92a782ce38aaa244963a) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5f6a92a782ce38aaa244963a?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2021-05-11Start Date2019-09-13End Date2019-09-15 ## Citation Bedrosian, P.A., Pace, M.D., Cox, E.M., Zamudio, K.D., and Feucht, D.W., 2021, Magnetotelluric data from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Upper Michigan, 2015-2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This dataset consists of 176 wideband magnetotelluric (MT) stations collected from 2015-2019 across parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) acquired these data as part of regional investigations into the geologic and tectonic framework of the area and to support mineral resource investigations. These data have been used to generate a 3D regional conductivity model of the area. Files included in this publication include measured electric- and magnetic-field time series as well as estimated impedance and vertical-magnetic field transfer functions. The data included here are for MT station nmn908 in the Northern Minnesota survey region. A shapefile with station information for \[...\] ## Summary This dataset consists of 176 wideband magnetotelluric (MT) stations collected from 2015-2019 across parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) acquired these data as part of regional investigations into the geologic and tectonic framework of the area and to support mineral resource investigations. These data have been used to generate a 3D regional conductivity model of the area. Files included in this publication include measured electric- and magnetic-field time series as well as estimated impedance and vertical-magnetic field transfer functions. The data included here are for MT station nmn908 in the Northern Minnesota survey region. A shapefile with station information for all stations in this dataset is available at ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Paul A Bedrosian](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=650) Originator : [Paul A Bedrosian](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=650), [Michael D Pace](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=48755), [Evan M Cox](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=76661), [Katrina D Zamudio](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=73726), [Daniel W. Feucht](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Daniel+W.+Feucht) Metadata Contact : [Paul A Bedrosian](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=650), [GS GGGSC DM Team](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=72934) SDC Data Owner : [Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17386) USGS Program : [Mineral Resources Program](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17162) USGS Mission Area : [Energy and Minerals](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=64232) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5f6a92a782ce38aaa244963a?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5f6a92a782ce38aaa244963a?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - 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b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Paul A. Bedrosian</origin>\n <origin>Michael D.M. Pace</origin>\n <origin>Katrina D. Zamudio</origin>\n <origin>Evan M. Cox</origin>\n <origin>Daniel W. Feucht</origin>\n <pubdate>20210511</pubdate>\n <title>Magnetotelluric data from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Upper Michigan, 2015-2019, station nmn908</title>\n <geoform>ASCII data, shapefile, image</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Denver, CO</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>Additional information about Originators: Paul Bedrosian,; Michael Pace,; Evan Cox,; Katrina Zamudio,; Daniel Feucht,\n\nSuggested citation: Bedrosian, P.A., Pace, M.D., Cox, E.M., Zamudio, K.D., and Feucht, D.W., 2020, Magnetotelluric data from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Upper Michigan, 2015-2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release,</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This dataset consists of 176 wideband magnetotelluric (MT) stations collected from 2015-2019 across parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) acquired these data as part of regional investigations into the geologic and tectonic framework of the area and to support mineral resource investigations. These data have been used to generate a 3D regional conductivity model of the area. Files included in this publication include measured electric- and magnetic-field time series as well as estimated impedance and vertical-magnetic field transfer functions. The data included here are for MT station nmn908 in the Northern Minnesota survey region. A shapefile with station information for all stations in this dataset is available at</abstract>\n <purpose>The purpose of this data release is to provide MT station locations, time-series data, and estimated MT transfer functions to the public.</purpose>\n <supplinf>This data product contains magnetotelluric (MT) transfer functions (TFs), which define the frequency dependent linear relations between components of electromagnetic (EM) field variations measured at a single site. Two types of TF are provided for most sites, impedance data relating horizontal electric and magnetic fields and tipper data, relating vertical and horizontal magnetic fields. All of the TFs provide input data for subsequent MT inversion and interpretation. They are estimated from the raw EM time series by (a) Fourier transforming data in a series of short overlapping time windows, and (b) applying robust regression methods to calculate TFs from the resulting spectral field estimates. For remote reference processing, data from one or more synchronously recording sites are used for more effective signal/noise separation. The supplied TFs are calculated for a range of periods (which may vary, depending on instrumentation and deployment time), as well as estimation error covariances. \n\nReferences relevant to this release include: Wight, D., 1991, MT/EMAP Data Interchange Standard, The Society of Exploration Geophysicists, accessed January 19, 2021, at \n\nThis metadata documents the full suite of MT data for this site and includes the files below. Their contents are described in the PDF Guide_to_MT_Data_Types, available at See the entity and attribute section of the metadata for more information.\n\nFile List:\nnmn908.edi\nnmn908.png\nnmn908.mth5</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20190913</begdate>\n <enddate>20190915</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>As needed</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-93.9605</westbc>\n <eastbc>-84.1760</eastbc>\n <northbc>48.0779</northbc>\n <southbc>44.9151</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>geoscientificInformation</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center</themekey>\n <themekey>GGGSC</themekey>\n <themekey>Mineral Resources Program</themekey>\n <themekey>MRP</themekey>\n <themekey>magnetotellurics</themekey>\n <themekey>MT</themekey>\n <themekey>time series</themekey>\n <themekey>impedance</themekey>\n <themekey>apparent resistivity</themekey>\n <themekey>phase</themekey>\n <themekey>tipper</themekey>\n <themekey>conductivity</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>magnetotelluric surveying</themekey>\n <themekey>magnetic field (earth)</themekey>\n <themekey>geophysics</themekey>\n <themekey>electromagnetic surveying</themekey>\n <themekey>mineral resources</themekey>\n <themekey>geologic structure</themekey>\n <themekey>tectonics</themekey>\n <themekey>exploration</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5f6a92a782ce38aaa244963a</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>Lake Superior</placekey>\n <placekey>Keweenaw Peninsula</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common Geographic Areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Minnesota</placekey>\n <placekey>Wisconsin</placekey>\n <placekey>Michigan</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Upper Peninsula</placekey>\n <placekey>Bayfield Peninsula</placekey>\n <placekey>Animikie Basin</placekey>\n <placekey>Midcontinent Rift</placekey>\n <placekey>Penokean Orogen</placekey>\n <placekey>Wisconsin Magmatic Terranes</placekey>\n <placekey>Duluth Complex</placekey>\n <placekey>Ashland Syncline</placekey>\n </place>\n <temporal>\n <tempkt>Geolex</tempkt>\n <tempkey>Archean</tempkey>\n <tempkey>Quaternary</tempkey>\n </temporal>\n <temporal>\n <tempkt>None</tempkt>\n <tempkey>Paleoproterozoic</tempkey>\n <tempkey>Mesoproterozoic</tempkey>\n <tempkey>Phanerozoic</tempkey>\n </temporal>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see 'Distribution Info' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS or the U.S. Government shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Paul A Bedrosian</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>PO Box 25046, Mail Stop 973, W 6th Ave Kipling St</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-236-4834</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>This project was funded by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Minerals Resources Program (MRP).</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>The data have been peer reviewed and compared with related ancillary data.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Data were reviewed for consistency and analyses results were checked for validity.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>Spatial locations were determined from instrument global positioning system (GPS) devices. In general, the GPS units used by field scientists recorded sample locations to within 33 feet (10 meters) of the true location. The locations were verified using a geographic information system (GIS) and digital topographic maps.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>Elevations were determined from USGS, The National Map, Bulk Point Query Service based on the USGS 3DEP (3D elevation program) 1/3 arc-second layer (10-meter). Vertical accuracy was not assessed for this specific dataset. The overall absolute vertical accuracy of the seamless DEMs within the conterminous United States (2013), expressed as the root mean square error (RMSE) of 25,310 reference points, was 1.55 meters (USGS, 2014 - ). The vertical accuracy varies across the U.S. as a result of differences in source DEM quality, terrain relief, land cover, and other factors.\n\nGesch, D.B., Oimoen, M.J., and Evans, G.A., 2014, Accuracy assessment of the U.S. Geological Survey National Elevation Dataset, and comparison with other large-area elevation datasets-SRTM and ASTER: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014-1008, 10 p.,</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Time-series electric and magnetic field data were collected in a geomagnetic north and east coordinate system using a Zonge Electrical Network (ZEN) instrument at each site location. These raw time series data are provided in HDf5 format (*.mth5 files) for all 2018 and 2019 stations. More information about instrumentation and file formats can be found in the PDF Guide_to_MT_Data_types, available at</procdesc>\n <procdate>20190828</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Fourier spectra were calculated from windowed time-series data and used to calculate cross- and auto-power spectra. Remote reference processing, in which synchronously recording stations are processed together to remove incoherent noise, was carried out using all possible station combinations. Impedance and tipper transfer functions were calculated at each station. System and sensor responses were accounted for during this process and transfer function estimates were made for particular frequency bandwidths for each data run. Processing software used can be found in the *.edi file header information. These files are described in detail within the PDF Guide_to_MT_Data_Types, available at</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200101</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Final impedance curves were estimated by selecting optimal transfer function estimates at each period from a series of processing runs using different reference combinations. High and low sampling rate wideband recordings provided transfer function estimates for 1-1000 Hz and 0.001-1 Hz, respectively. So-called optimal transfer functions were selected based on examination of phase slope, smooth curve assumptions, and operator discretion. Transfer function estimates provided in the attached *.edi file and displayed in the attached *.png file have been rotated to geographic coordinates (right hand rule, X+ = North, Z+ = down). Additional metadata information can be found in the *.edi file headers as well as the provided *.mth5 files. Descriptions of these metadata can be found in the PDF Guide_to_MT_Data_Types, available at</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200310</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n <ptvctinf>\n <sdtsterm>\n <sdtstype>Entity point</sdtstype>\n <ptvctcnt>1</ptvctcnt>\n </sdtsterm>\n </ptvctinf>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>0.0001</latres>\n <longres>0.0001</longres>\n <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>D_WGS_1984</horizdn>\n <ellips>WGS_1984</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257223563</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n <vertdef>\n <altsys>\n <altdatum>National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1988</altdatum>\n <altres>1.0</altres>\n <altunits>Meter</altunits>\n <altenc>Attribute values</altenc>\n </altsys>\n </vertdef>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <overview>\n <eaover>nmn908.edi</eaover>\n <eadetcit>Electrical Data Interchange (EDI) transfer function file for station nmn908. The .edi file type is described in detail in the PDF document, Guide_to_MT_Data_Types.pdf, available at</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>nmn908.png</eaover>\n <eadetcit>Thumbnail image of the apparent resistivity, phase, and tipper values for station nmn908, available at</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>nmn908.mth5</eaover>\n <eadetcit>MTH5 format data file for station nmn908. The mth5 file type is described in detail in the PDF document, Guide_to_MT_Data_Types.pdf, available at</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Science Base</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Building 810, Mail Stop 302, Denver Federal Center</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80255</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <resdesc></resdesc>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20210511</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Paul A Bedrosian</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Geophysicist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>PO Box 25046 Mail Stop 964, W 6th Ave Kipling St</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-236-4834</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [Energy Resources Program](/catalog/item/57dff880e4b09082500211f7) 3. [Central Energy Resources Science Center Data Releases](/catalog/item/59cab03de4b017cf314094df) 4. [Geophysical datasets for the FORGE Fallon site](/catalog/folder/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2018-03-16Time Period2018-02-14 ## Citation Phelps, Geoffrey, and Glen, J.M., 2018, Geophysical datasets for the FORGE Fallon site: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary The datasets include geophysical and rock property measurements and models accompanying the FORGE Fallon Phase II study ## Summary The datasets include geophysical and rock property measurements and models accompanying the FORGE Fallon Phase II study ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Geoffrey A Phelps](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=8082) Originator : [Geoffrey A Phelps](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=8082), [Jonathan M Glen](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3722) Metadata Contact : [Geoffrey A Phelps](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=8082) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Energy Resources Program](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17164) USGS Mission Area : [Core Science Systems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Core+Science+Systems) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | metadata\_main\_FGDC.xml<br>“summary metadata”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 6.74 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | | | 21.13 MB | application/zip | ## Purpose Data was collected and modeled for geologic analyses and interpretation ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6) ## Communities - Energy Resources Program - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [gravitational field (earth)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgravitational+field+%28earth%29 "gravitational field (earth) (gravitational field (earth), Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [magnetic field (earth)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmagnetic+field+%28earth%29 "magnetic field (earth) (magnetic field (earth), Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Energy Resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEnergy+Resources "Energy Resources (Energy Resources, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7J38RVZ | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Geoffrey Phelps</origin>\n <origin>Jonathan M. Glen</origin>\n <pubdate>20180316</pubdate>\n <title>Geophysical datasets for the FORGE Fallon site</title>\n <geoform>Raster and Vector Digital Data Sets</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>The datasets include geophysical and rock property measurements and models accompanying the FORGE Fallon Phase II study</abstract>\n <purpose>Data was collected and modeled for geologic analyses and interpretation</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20180214</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-119.482330582</westbc>\n <eastbc>-117.852881384</eastbc>\n <northbc>40.266062228</northbc>\n <southbc>38.98059813</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>gravitational field (earth)</themekey>\n <themekey>magnetic field (earth)</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5aa6b8ace4b0b1c392ed66e6</themekey>\n </theme>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see \'Distribution Info\' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides these geographic data "as is". The USGS makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of information contained in the geographic data. The USGS further make no warranties, either expressed or implied as to any other matter whatsoever, including, without limitation, the condition of the product, or its fitness for any particular purpose. The burden for determined fitness for use lies entirely with the user. Although these data have been processed successfully on computers at the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS regarding the use of these data on any other system, nor does the fact of distribution constituent or imply any such warranty.\n\nIn no event shall the USGS have any liability whatsoever for payment of any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or tort damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, any loss of profits arising out of the delivery, installation, operation, or support by the USGS</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>USGS</cntorg>\n <cntper>G. Phelps</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntpos>Geologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>345 Middlefield Rd. MS 989</address>\n <city>Menlo Park</city>\n <state>CA</state>\n <postal>94025</postal>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>6503294922</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS 10.2 (Build 3348) Service Pack N/A (Build N/A)</native>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>A formal accuracy assessment of the horizontal positional information in the data set has not been conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Development of the data set by the agency / individuals identified in the \'Originator\' element in the Identification Info section of the record.</procdesc>\n <procdate>Unknown</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Raster Digital Data Set</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None. 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Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS New York Water Science Center](/catalog/item/55ba8266e4b05b91f6399ffa) 3. [Data for assessing the status of resident fish communities in the Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern, New York](/catalog/folder/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-03-11Start Date2019-06-10End Date2019-06-12 ## Citation George, S., 2020, Data for assessing the status of resident fish communities in the Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern, New York: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary The dataset is composed of two data tables containing information from boat electrofishing surveys of two tributaries to Lake Ontario, Eighteenmile Creek and Oak Orchard Creek during June 2019. The first data table contains fish collection information and the second data table contains information on the sampled reaches. ## Summary The dataset is composed of two data tables containing information from boat electrofishing surveys of two tributaries to Lake Ontario, Eighteenmile Creek and Oak Orchard Creek during June 2019. The first data table contains fish collection information and the second data table contains information on the sampled reaches. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Scott D George](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=58575) Originator : [Scott D George](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=58575) Metadata Contact : [Scott D George](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=58575) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [New York Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17211) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | EighteenmileFish.xml<br>“ALL Data XML”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 106.19 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | 20190610\_171947.jpg | ![thumbnail]( | 2.79 MB | image/jpeg | | EighteenmileCreekData.xlsx<br>“ALL Data XLSX” | | 59.58 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | |<br>“Fish Data Table CSV” | | 73.79 KB | text/csv | |<br>“Reach Data Table CSV” | | 2.22 KB | text/csv | ## Purpose Data were collected to determine if fish communities in the Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern (AOC) differ from the regional reference condition represented by Oak Orchard Creek. This comparison will help determine if the degraded fish and wildlife populations Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI) is still warranted in the Eighteenmile Creek AOC. ## Preview Image ![Preview Image]( ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products - USGS New York Water Science Center ## Associated Items - _product of_ [Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern Fish Community Assessment](/catalog/item/5d810037e4b0c4f70d05233f "Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern Fish Community Assessment") - [View Associated Items](/catalog/itemLinks?itemId=5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88) ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [fish](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfish "fish (fish, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [freshwater ecosystems](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfreshwater+ecosystems "freshwater ecosystems (freshwater ecosystems, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [inland fishery resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dinland+fishery+resources "inland fishery resources (inland fishery resources, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [population and community ecology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dpopulation+and+community+ecology "population and community ecology (population and community ecology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Eighteenmile Creek](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEighteenmile+Creek "Eighteenmile Creek (Eighteenmile Creek, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Lake Ontario](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLake+Ontario "Lake Ontario (Lake Ontario, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [New York](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNew+York "New York (New York, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Niagara County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNiagara+County "Niagara County (Niagara County, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Oak Orchard Creek](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DOak+Orchard+Creek "Oak Orchard Creek (Oak Orchard Creek, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Orleans County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DOrleans+County "Orleans County (Orleans County, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") CMS Themes - [Water Quality](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Quality "Water Quality (Water Quality, CMS Themes,") CMS Topics - [Aquatic Community Health](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAquatic+Community+Health "Aquatic Community Health (Aquatic Community Health, CMS Topics,") CMS Non-theme Topics - [Water Quality](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Quality "Water Quality (Water Quality, CMS Non-theme Topics,") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Aquatic Biology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAquatic+Biology "Aquatic Biology (Aquatic Biology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Ecology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEcology "Ecology (Ecology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9SUXLC8 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Scott George</origin>\n <pubdate>20200311</pubdate>\n <title>Data for assessing the status of resident fish communities in the Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern, New York</title>\n <geoform>Two data tables as both an Excel spreadsheet and .csv text files.</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>The dataset is composed of two data tables containing information from boat electrofishing surveys of two tributaries to Lake Ontario, Eighteenmile Creek and Oak Orchard Creek during June 2019. The first data table contains fish collection information and the second data table contains information on the sampled reaches.</abstract>\n <purpose>Data were collected to determine if fish communities in the Eighteenmile Creek Area of Concern (AOC) differ from the regional reference condition represented by Oak Orchard Creek. This comparison will help determine if the degraded fish and wildlife populations Beneficial Use Impairment is still warranted in the Eighteenmile Creek AOC.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20190610</begdate>\n <enddate>20190612</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-78.876342773883</westbc>\n <eastbc>-77.832641602049</eastbc>\n <northbc>43.430996794927</northbc>\n <southbc>43.11102348471</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>The downstream-most reaches of Eighteenmile Creek and Oak Orchard Creek in western New York</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>inland fishery resources</themekey>\n <themekey>fish</themekey>\n <themekey>population and community ecology</themekey>\n <themekey>freshwater ecosystems</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5df2821ce4b02caea0f95a88</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>Eighteenmile Creek</placekey>\n <placekey>Oak Orchard Creek</placekey>\n <placekey>Niagara County</placekey>\n <placekey>Orleans County</placekey>\n <placekey>New York</placekey>\n <placekey>Lake Ontario</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Scott George</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Biologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>425 Jordan Road</address>\n <city>Troy</city>\n <state>New York</state>\n <postal>12180</postal>\n <country>Rensselaer County</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>518-285-5639</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation</datacred>\n <taxonomy>\n <keywtax>\n <taxonkt>USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus</taxonkt>\n <taxonkey>Fishes</taxonkey>\n </keywtax>\n <taxonsys>\n <classsys>\n <classcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</title>\n <geoform>ONLINE_REFERENCE</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Washington, D.C.</pubplace>\n <publish>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </classcit>\n </classsys>\n <ider>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Scott D George</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, New York Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Biologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>425 Jordan Road</address>\n <city>Troy</city>\n <state>NY</state>\n <postal>12180</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>518-285-5639</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ider>\n <taxonpro>specimen processing</taxonpro>\n <taxoncom>All fish were handled individually and identified to species level by USGS biologists.</taxoncom>\n </taxonsys>\n <taxongen>All fishes were identified to the level of species in the data. Two individuals were identified as hybrids (the offspring of two different species) and are noted in the data with the notation "Species A" X "Species B".</taxongen>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Centrarchidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ambloplites</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ambloplites rupestris</taxonrv>\n <common>rock bass</common>\n <common>crapet de roche</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Siluriformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ictaluridae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ameiurus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ameiurus nebulosus</taxonrv>\n <common>brown bullhead</common>\n <common>barbotte brune</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Holostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amiiformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amiidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amia calva</taxonrv>\n <common>bowfin</common>\n <common>poisson-castor</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Elopomorpha</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Anguilliformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Anguilloidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Anguillidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Anguilla</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Anguilla rostrata</taxonrv>\n <common>American eel</common>\n <common>anguila</common>\n <common>anguila americana</common>\n <common>anguille d\'Am\xc3\xa9rique</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sciaenidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Aplodinotus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Aplodinotus grunniens</taxonrv>\n <common>freshwater drum</common>\n <common>roncador de agua dulce</common>\n <common>malachigan</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Carassius</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Carassius auratus</taxonrv>\n <common>goldfish</common>\n <common>carpa dorada</common>\n <common>carassin</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cobitoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostomidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostominae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Tribe</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostomini</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostomus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostomus commersonii</taxonrv>\n <common>meunier noir</common>\n <common>white sucker</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinella</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinella spiloptera</taxonrv>\n <common>spotfin shiner</common>\n <common>m\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9 bleu</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinus carpio</taxonrv>\n <common>common carp</common>\n <common>European carp</common>\n <common>carpa com\xc3\xban</common>\n <common>carpe</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Clupeomorpha</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Clupeiformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Clupeoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Clupeidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dorosomatinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dorosoma</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dorosoma cepedianum</taxonrv>\n <common>gizzard shad</common>\n <common>sardina molleja</common>\n <common>alose \xc3\xa0 g\xc3\xa9sier</common>\n <common>American gizzard shad</common>\n <common>eastern gizzard shad</common>\n <common>hickory shad</common>\n <common>mud shad</common>\n <common>skipjack</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Protacanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Esociformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Esocidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Esox</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Esox lucius</taxonrv>\n <common>northern pike</common>\n <common>grand brochet</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Holostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepisosteiformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepisosteidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepisosteus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepisosteus oculatus</taxonrv>\n <common>spotted gar</common>\n <common>cat\xc3\xa1n pinto</common>\n <common>l\xc3\xa9pisost\xc3\xa9 tachet\xc3\xa9</common>\n <common>shortnose gar</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Holostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepisosteiformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepisosteidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepisosteus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepisosteus osseus</taxonrv>\n <common>cat\xc3\xa1n aguja</common>\n <common>longnose gar</common>\n <common>l\xc3\xa9pisost\xc3\xa9 osseux</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Centrarchidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepomis</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepomis gibbosus</taxonrv>\n <common>kiver</common>\n <common>crapet-soleil</common>\n <common>Pumpkinseed</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Centrarchidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepomis</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepomis macrochirus</taxonrv>\n <common>mojarra oreja azul</common>\n <common>crapet arlequin</common>\n <common>Bluegill</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Luxilus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Luxilus chrysocephalus</taxonrv>\n <common>striped shiner</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Luxilus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Luxilus cornutus</taxonrv>\n <common>common shiner</common>\n <common>m\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa0 nageoires rouges</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Centrarchidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Micropterus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Micropterus dolomieu</taxonrv>\n <common>achigan \xc3\xa0 petite bouche</common>\n <common>smallmouth bass</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Centrarchidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Micropterus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Micropterus salmoides</taxonrv>\n <common>largemouth bass</common>\n <common>lobina negra</common>\n <common>achigan \xc3\xa0 grande bouche</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moronidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Morone</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Morone americana</taxonrv>\n <common>white perch</common>\n <common>baret</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cobitoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostomidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostominae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Tribe</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostomatini</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostoma</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostoma anisurum</taxonrv>\n <common>silver redhorse</common>\n <common>chevalier blanc</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cobitoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostomidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostominae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Tribe</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostomatini</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostoma</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostoma duquesnei</taxonrv>\n <common>black redhorse</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cobitoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostomidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostominae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Tribe</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostomatini</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostoma</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostoma erythrurum</taxonrv>\n <common>golden redhorse</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cobitoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostomidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostominae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Tribe</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostomatini</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostoma</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostoma macrolepidotum</taxonrv>\n <common>shorthead redhorse</common>\n <common>chevalier rouge</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cobitoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostomidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catostominae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Tribe</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostomatini</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostoma</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Moxostoma valenciennesi</taxonrv>\n <common>greater redhorse</common>\n <common>chevalier jaune</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Notemigonus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Notemigonus crysoleucas</taxonrv>\n <common>golden shiner</common>\n <common>m\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9 jaune</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Notropis</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Notropis atherinoides</taxonrv>\n <common>emerald shiner</common>\n <common>m\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9 \xc3\xa9meraude</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Notropis</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Notropis hudsonius</taxonrv>\n <common>spottail shiner</common>\n <common>queue \xc3\xa0 tache noire</common>\n <common>queue \xc3\xa0 t\xc3\xa2che noire</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Notropis</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Notropis volucellus</taxonrv>\n <common>mimic shiner</common>\n <common>m\xc3\xa9n\xc3\xa9 p\xc3\xa2le</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perca</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perca flavescens</taxonrv>\n <common>yellow perch</common>\n <common>perchaude</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percina caprodes</taxonrv>\n <common>logperch</common>\n <common>fouille-roche z\xc3\xa9br\xc3\xa9</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pimephales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pimephales notatus</taxonrv>\n <common>bluntnose minnow</common>\n <common>ventre-pourri</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pimephales</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pimephales promelas</taxonrv>\n <common>fathead minnow</common>\n <common>carpita cabezona</common>\n <common>t\xc3\xaate-de-boule</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Centrarchidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pomoxis</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pomoxis nigromaculatus</taxonrv>\n <common>black crappie</common>\n <common>mojarra negra</common>\n <common>marigane noire</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sander</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sander vitreus</taxonrv>\n <common>walleye</common>\n <common>dor\xc3\xa9 jaune</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ostariophysi</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cypriniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinoidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyprinidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Scardinius</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Scardinius erythrophthalmus</taxonrv>\n <common>pearl roach</common>\n <common>rudd</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Centrarchidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepomis</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Lepomis cyanellus</taxonrv>\n <common>pez sol</common>\n <common>Green Sunfish</common>\n <common>crapet vert</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxonomy>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Data were transcribed from field forms.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2019</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <method>\n <methtype>Field</methtype>\n <methdesc>All fish were captured using boat electrofishing of nearshore habitats. Five subreaches were sampled on each creek.</methdesc>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Moulton, Stephen R. II</origin>\n <origin>Kennen, Jonathan G.</origin>\n <origin>Goldstein, Robert M.</origin>\n <origin>Hambrook, Julie A.</origin>\n <pubdate>2002</pubdate>\n <title>Revised Protocols for Sampling Algal, Invertebrate, and Fish Communities as Part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program</title>\n <geoform>Document</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n </method>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Fish Data</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Fish capture data for boat electrofishing surveys of five reaches on Eighteenmile Creek and five reaches on Oak Orchard Creek. Information on the location of these reaches is found in the "Reach Data" table.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Scott George</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Stream Name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Name of the stream/river from which fish were collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Eighteenmile Creek</edomv>\n <edomvd>Collected from Eighteenmile Creek</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Oak Orchard Creek</edomv>\n <edomvd>Collected from Oak Orchard Creek</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Reach Number</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The reach within a creek from which a fish was captured. On each creek, reach numbers range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the downstream-most reach and 5 being the upstream-most reach. More information on reach locations is available in the "Reach Data" table.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Common Name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Common name of fish species</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>American Fisheries Society</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The common name of a fish captured during sampling</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Scientific Name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Scientific name of fish species</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>American Fisheries Society</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The scientific name of a fish captured during sampling</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Fish Length (mm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total fish length in millimeters</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>41</rdommin>\n <rdommax>917</rdommax>\n <attrunit>millimeters (mm)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Fish Weight (g)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fish weight in grams</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.6</rdommin>\n <rdommax>12060</rdommax>\n <attrunit>grams (g)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>"P" if Pooled</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>"P" indicates length and weight were derived from batches of similarly sized individuals of the same species</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>P</edomv>\n <edomvd>P indicates length and weight were taken from a batch of similarly sized individuals of the same species. Length was taken from one representative individual from the batch, and weight was determined by dividing the batch weight by the number of individuals. There are six batches in the data set.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Reach Data</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Information on the location of the sampled reaches including coordinates for the four corners of the spatial extent of each reach. A polygon drawn between the four corners of each reach shows the approximate area within which all shoreline habitats were sampled. Reach information can be linked to fish collection information in \'Fish Data\' entity using the Stream Name and Reach Number columns.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Scott George</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Stream Name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Name of stream/river from which fish were collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Eighteenmile Creek</edomv>\n <edomvd>Collected from Eighteenmile Creek</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Oak Orchard Creek</edomv>\n <edomvd>Collected from Oak Orchard Creek</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Reach Number</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The reach within a creek from which a fish was captured. On each creek, reach numbers range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the downstream-most reach and 5 being the upstream-most reach.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Northeast_Lat</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The latitude of the northeastern corner of the reach in decimal degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>43.3160</rdommin>\n <rdommax>43.3577</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Northeast_Long</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The longitude of the northeastern corner of the reach in decimal degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-78.7165</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-78.1930</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Southeast_Lat</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The latitude of the southeastern corner of the reach in decimal degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>43.3143</rdommin>\n <rdommax>43.3560</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Southeast_Long</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The longitude of the southeastern corner of the reach in decimal degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-78.7169</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-78.1950</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Southwest_Lat</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The latitude of the southwestern corner of the reach in decimal degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>43.3143</rdommin>\n <rdommax>43.3560</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Southwest_Long</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The longitude of the southwestern corner of the reach in decimal degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-78.7170</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-78.1961</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Northwest_Lat</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The latitude of the northwestern corner of the reach in decimal degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>43.3159</rdommin>\n <rdommax>43.3581</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Northwest_Long</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The longitude of the northwestern corner of the reach in decimal degrees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-78.7169</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-78.1937</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80228</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.</distliab>\n <techpreq>These data are available in both a comma-separated values (.csv) text file format and as a Microsoft Excel 2013 (.xlsx) file. The user must have software capable of reading the Microsoft Excel 2013 file format to use the .xlsx file.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200825</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Scott George</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, New York Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Biologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>425 Jordan Road</address>\n <city>Troy</city>\n <state>New York</state>\n <postal>12180</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>518-285-5639</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center](/catalog/item/4f4e4771e4b07f02db47e1fc) 3. [Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center Data](/catalog/item/5759e26de4b04f417c264009) 4. [Annual winter elk movements in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 2001-2015](/catalog/folder/5ba955cde4b08583a5ca0a21) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5ba955cde4b08583a5ca0a21) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5ba955cde4b08583a5ca0a21) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5ba955cde4b08583a5ca0a21?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2018-11-07Start Date2001End Date2015 ## Citation Cross, P.C., Atwood, M.P., Beckmann, J.P., Cole, E.K., Courtemanch, A.B., Dewey, S.R., Drew, M.L., Gude, J.A., Kauffman, M.J., MacNulty, D.R., Middleton, A.D., Proffitt, K.M., Scurlock, B.M., Smith, D.W., Stahler, D.R., White, P.J., and Szcodronski, K.E., 2018, Annual winter elk movements in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 2001-2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary 521 unique elk were monitored across several years with GPS collars in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to determine winter-to-winter annual dispersal distances. There were a total of 704 annual movements. The dataset spans from 2001 to 2015. Annual movements were based on a single location in January or February and another location in the subsequent winter. An individual elk was included at most three times (once for each year) in the data. All elk were female, except one of the individuals in the dataset was a male. We included his movement in the analysis for completeness, but as there was only one male we chose not to directly model any differences in movement behavior between male and female elk. ## Summary 521 unique elk were monitored across several years with GPS collars in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to determine winter-to-winter annual dispersal distances. There were a total of 704 annual movements. The dataset spans from 2001 to 2015. Annual movements were based on a single location in January or February and another location in the subsequent winter. An individual elk was included at most three times (once for each year) in the data. All elk were female, except one of the individuals in the dataset was a male. We included his movement in the analysis for completeness, but as there was only one male we chose not to directly model any differences in movement behavior between male and female elk. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Paul C. Cross](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Paul+C.+Cross) Originator : [Paul C. Cross](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Paul+C.+Cross), [M. Paul Atwood](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=M.+Paul+Atwood), [Jon P. Beckmann](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Jon+P.+Beckmann), [Eric K. Cole](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Eric+K.+Cole), [Alyson B. Courtemanch](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Alyson+B.+Courtemanch), [Sarah R. Dewey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Sarah+R.+Dewey), [Mark L. Drew](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Mark+L.+Drew), [Justin A. Gude](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Justin+A.+Gude), [Matthew J. Kauffman](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Matthew+J.+Kauffman), [Daniel R. MacNulty](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Daniel+R.+MacNulty), [Arthur D. Middleton](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Arthur+D.+Middleton), [Kelly M. Proffitt](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Kelly+M.+Proffitt), [Brandon M. Scurlock](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Brandon+M.+Scurlock), [Douglas W. Smith](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Douglas+W.+Smith), [Daniel R. Stahler](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Daniel+R.+Stahler), [P.J. White](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=P.J.+White) Metadata Contact : [Paul C. Cross](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Paul+C.+Cross) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Environmental Health](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Environmental+Health) SDC Data Owner : [Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17303) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5ba955cde4b08583a5ca0a21?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5ba955cde4b08583a5ca0a21?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5ba955cde4b08583a5ca0a21?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Annual winter elk movements in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 2001-2015.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 16.85 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Annual winter elk movements in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 2001-2015.csv | | 70.96 KB | text/csv | | Processing, modeling, and simulation code.txt | | 17.28 KB | text/plain | ## Related External Resources Type: Web Link | | | | --- | --- | | Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center | []( "") | ## Purpose Movement data were collected for management and research purposes related to elk space use, demography, and disease. Comparison of movement kernels across regions, years, and species would be appropriate uses of the data. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5ba955cde4b08583a5ca0a21) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5ba955cde4b08583a5ca0a21) ## Communities - Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [Cervus canadensis](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCervus+canadensis "Cervus canadensis (Cervus canadensis, Theme, None)") - [animal movement](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Danimal+movement "animal movement (animal movement, Theme, None)") - [biota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiota "biota (biota, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [dispersal](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Ddispersal "dispersal (dispersal, Theme, None)") - [ecology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Decology "ecology (ecology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [elk](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Delk "elk (elk, Theme, None)") - [ungulate](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dungulate "ungulate (ungulate, Theme, None)") Place - [Grand Teton National Park](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGrand+Teton+National+Park "Grand Teton National Park (Grand Teton National Park, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Idaho](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DIdaho "Idaho (Idaho, Place, Common Geographic Areas)") - [Montana](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMontana "Montana (Montana, Place, Common Geographic Areas)") - [National Elk Refuge](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNational+Elk+Refuge "National Elk Refuge (National Elk Refuge, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Wyoming](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWyoming "Wyoming (Wyoming, Place, Common Geographic Areas)") - [Yellowstone National Park](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DYellowstone+National+Park "Yellowstone National Park (Yellowstone National Park, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9CN4X34 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Paul C. Cross</origin>\n <origin>M. Paul Atwood</origin>\n <origin>Jon P. Beckmann</origin>\n <origin>Eric K. Cole</origin>\n <origin>Alyson B. Courtemanch</origin>\n <origin>Sarah R. Dewey</origin>\n <origin>Mark L. Drew</origin>\n <origin>Justin A. Gude</origin>\n <origin>Matthew J. Kauffman</origin>\n <origin>Daniel R. MacNulty</origin>\n <origin>Arthur D. Middleton</origin>\n <origin>Kelly M. Proffitt</origin>\n <origin>Brandon M. Scurlock</origin>\n <origin>Douglas W. Smith</origin>\n <origin>Daniel R. Stahler</origin>\n <origin>P.J. White</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Annual winter elk movements in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 2001-2015</title>\n <geoform>tabular digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>521 unique elk were monitored across several years with GPS collars in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to determine winter-to-winter annual dispersal distances. There were a total of 704 annual movements. The dataset spans from 2001 to 2015. Annual movements were based on a single location in January or February and another location in the subsequent winter. An individual elk was included at most three times (once for each year) in the data. All elk were female, except one of the individuals in the dataset was a male. We included his movement in the analysis for completeness, but as there was only one male we chose not to directly model any differences in movement behavior between male and female elk.</abstract>\n <purpose>Movement data were collected for management and research purposes related to elk space use, demography, and disease. Comparison of movement kernels across regions, years, and species would be appropriate uses of the data.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>2001</begdate>\n <enddate>2015</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-112.0869</westbc>\n <eastbc>-108.7294</eastbc>\n <northbc>45.6485</northbc>\n <southbc>42.6031</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>biota</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>ecology</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>elk</themekey>\n <themekey>Cervus canadensis</themekey>\n <themekey>ungulate</themekey>\n <themekey>animal movement</themekey>\n <themekey>dispersal</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5ba955cde4b08583a5ca0a21</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common Geographic Areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Wyoming</placekey>\n <placekey>Montana</placekey>\n <placekey>Idaho</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System</placekt>\n <placekey>Yellowstone National Park</placekey>\n <placekey>Grand Teton National Park</placekey>\n <placekey>National Elk Refuge</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see \'Distribution Info\' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users are advised to read the data set\'s metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Paul C. Cross</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Wildlife Biologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2327 University Way, Suite 2</address>\n <city>Bozeman</city>\n <state>MT</state>\n <postal>59715</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>406-994-6908</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>406-994-6556</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>This work was supported by Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, as well as Department of Energy (DE-AC02-05CH11231), U.S. Geological Survey (G16AC00055), and National Science Foundation (DEB-1245373).</datacred>\n <taxonomy>\n <keywtax>\n <taxonkt>USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus</taxonkt>\n <taxonkey>mammals</taxonkey>\n </keywtax>\n <taxonsys>\n <classsys>\n <classcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</title>\n <geoform>ONLINE_REFERENCE</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Washington, D.C.</pubplace>\n <publish>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </classcit>\n </classsys>\n <taxonpro>expert knowledge in the field</taxonpro>\n </taxonsys>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tetrapoda</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Mammalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Theria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Eutheria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Artiodactyla</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cervidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cervinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cervus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cervus elaphus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subspecies</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cervus elaphus canadensis</taxonrv>\n <common>elk</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxonomy>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>A formal accuracy assessment of the horizontal positional information in the data set has not been conducted, or is not applicable.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>From raw GPS collar data of elk in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem from 2001 to 2015, we selected 521 unique elk and used the GPS fix closest to January 1st, but not after February, as the start date and location for each individual. Then we selected the GPS fix closest to January 1st of the following year as the end date and location for each individual elk to constitute the annual elk movement data. Data processing code is provided in the associated file "Processing, modeling, and simulation code.txt".</procdesc>\n <procdate>201607</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Paul C. Cross</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Wildlife Biologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2327 University Way, Suite 2</address>\n <city>Bozeman</city>\n <state>MT</state>\n <postal>59715</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>406-994-6908</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>406-994-6556</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>unknown</latres>\n <longres>unknown</longres>\n <geogunit>decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84)</horizdn>\n <ellips>WGS_1984</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257222101</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Annual winter elk movements in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem 2001-2015.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>id</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>unique identifier for each individual elk (format is specified by the source of the data)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>unique identifier for each individual elk</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>t.start</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>date of telemetry fix for the start location of the elk</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2001.129338</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2014.162215</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal years</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>x.start</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>longitude coordinate of the start location of the elk</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-114.4230813</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-108.8153358</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>y.start</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>latitude coordinate of the start location of the elk</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>42.04681344</rdommin>\n <rdommax>46.11086091</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>t.end</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>date of telemetry fix for the end location of the elk</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2002.003311</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2015.025228</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal years</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>x.end</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>longitude coordinate of the end location of the elk</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-114.4309233</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-108.4926998</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>y.end</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>latitude coordinate of the end location of the elk</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>42.10538734</rdommin>\n <rdommax>46.06969683</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>dist</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>distance between the start and end locations</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.043382051</rdommin>\n <rdommax>99.46734709</rdommax>\n <attrunit>kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata, and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>none</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200826</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Paul C. Cross</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Wildlife Biologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2327 University Way, Suite 2</address>\n <city>Bozeman</city>\n <state>MT</state>\n <postal>59715</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>406-994-6908</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>406-994-6556</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n <metuc>Record created using USGS Metadata Wizard tool (</metuc>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Micrometeorological and Soil-Moisture Data at the Amargosa Desert Research Site in Nye County near Beatty, Nevada, 2012–2016](/catalog/folder/5ab077c0e4b081f61ab0deb1) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5ab077c0e4b081f61ab0deb1) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5ab077c0e4b081f61ab0deb1) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5ab077c0e4b081f61ab0deb1?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2018-03-20Start Date2012-01-01End Date2016-12-31 ## Citation Kauble, R.K., Arthur, J., and Andraski, B.J., 2018, Micrometeorological and Soil-Moisture Data at the Amargosa Desert Research Site in Nye County near Beatty, Nevada, 2012–2016: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This data release describes micrometeorological and soil-moisture data collected from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2016 at the Amargosa Desert Research Site adjacent to a low-level radio­active waste and hazardous chemical waste facility near Beatty, Nevada. Micrometeorological data include precipitation, solar radiation, net radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, saturated and ambient vapor pressure, wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, near-surface soil temperature, soil-heat flux, and soil-water content. Soil-moisture data include periodic measurements of volumetric water-content at four experimental sites that represent vegetated native soil, devegetated native soil, and two simulated waste disposal trenches—maximum \[...\] ## Summary This data release describes micrometeorological and soil-moisture data collected from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2016 at the Amargosa Desert Research Site adjacent to a low-level radio­active waste and hazardous chemical waste facility near Beatty, Nevada. Micrometeorological data include precipitation, solar radiation, net radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, saturated and ambient vapor pressure, wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, near-surface soil temperature, soil-heat flux, and soil-water content. Soil-moisture data include periodic measurements of volumetric water-content at four experimental sites that represent vegetated native soil, devegetated native soil, and two simulated waste disposal trenches—maximum measurement depths range from 5.25 to 29.25 meters. All data are compiled in electronic spreadsheets that are included with this release. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Ronald K Kauble](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=62261) Originator : [Ronald K Kauble](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=62261), [Jonathan Arthur](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=329), [Brian J Andraski](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=239) Metadata Contact : [Ronald K Kauble](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=62261) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Environmental Health](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Environmental+Health) SDC Data Owner : [Office of the Southwest Regional Director](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17393) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5ab077c0e4b081f61ab0deb1?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5ab077c0e4b081f61ab0deb1?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5ab077c0e4b081f61ab0deb1?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Metadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 17.07 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Micrometeorological\_2012-2016.xlsx | | 16.27 MB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | | Precipitation-Long-Term-Summary\_1981-2016.xlsx | | 23.83 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | | Soil-Moisture\_2012-2016.xlsx | | 274.1 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | ## Purpose These data were collected in support of ongoing research to improve the understanding of hydrologic and contaminant-transport processes in arid environments at the Amargosa Desert Research Site ( ). ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5ab077c0e4b081f61ab0deb1) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5ab077c0e4b081f61ab0deb1) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [atmospheric properties](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Datmospheric+properties "atmospheric properties (atmospheric properties, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DclimatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere "climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere (climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [inlandWaters](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DinlandWaters "inlandWaters (inlandWaters, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [meteorology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmeteorology "meteorology (meteorology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [precipitation (atmospheric)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dprecipitation+%28atmospheric%29 "precipitation (atmospheric) (precipitation (atmospheric), Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [soil moisture](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsoil+moisture "soil moisture (soil moisture, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [unsaturated zone](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dunsaturated+zone "unsaturated zone (unsaturated zone, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [wind](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwind "wind (wind, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Amargosa Desert](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAmargosa+Desert "Amargosa Desert (Amargosa Desert, Place, GNIS)") - [Armagosa Desert Research Site](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DArmagosa+Desert+Research+Site "Armagosa Desert Research Site (Armagosa Desert Research Site, Place, None)") - [Mojave Desert](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMojave+Desert "Mojave Desert (Mojave Desert, Place, GNIS)") - [Nevada](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNevada "Nevada (Nevada, Place, GNIS)") - [Nye County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNye+County "Nye County (Nye County, Place, GNIS)") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Climatology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DClimatology "Climatology (Climatology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Hydrogeology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHydrogeology "Hydrogeology (Hydrogeology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Soil Sciences](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSoil+Sciences "Soil Sciences (Soil Sciences, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7W37VMS | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Ronald K. Kauble</origin>\n <origin>Jonathan Arthur</origin>\n <origin>Brian J. Andraski</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Micrometeorological and Soil-Moisture Data at the Amargosa Desert Research Site in Nye County near Beatty, Nevada, 2012\xe2\x80\x932016</title>\n <geoform>Microsoft Excel workbooks</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This data release describes micrometeorological and soil-moisture data collected from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2016 at the Amargosa Desert Research Site adjacent to a low-level radio\xc2\xadactive waste and hazardous chemical waste facility near Beatty, Nevada. Micrometeorological data include precipitation, solar radiation, net radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, saturated and ambient vapor pressure, wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, near-surface soil temperature, soil-heat flux, and soil-water content. Soil-moisture data include periodic measurements of volumetric water-content at four experimental sites that represent vegetated native soil, devegetated native soil, and two simulated waste disposal trenches\xe2\x80\x94maximum measurement depths range from 5.25 to 29.25 meters. All data are compiled in electronic spreadsheets that are included with this release.</abstract>\n <purpose>These data were collected in support of ongoing research to improve the understanding of hydrologic and contaminant-transport processes in arid environments at the Amargosa Desert Research Site ( ).</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20120101</begdate>\n <enddate>20161231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-116.74724578857422</westbc>\n <eastbc>-116.67274475097658</eastbc>\n <northbc>36.78701651141783</northbc>\n <southbc>36.72705268667008</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>inlandWaters</themekey>\n <themekey>climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>meteorology</themekey>\n <themekey>precipitation (atmospheric)</themekey>\n <themekey>atmospheric properties</themekey>\n <themekey>wind</themekey>\n <themekey>unsaturated zone</themekey>\n <themekey>soil moisture</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5ab077c0e4b081f61ab0deb1</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Armagosa Desert Research Site</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>GNIS</placekt>\n <placekey>Amargosa Desert</placekey>\n <placekey>Nye County</placekey>\n <placekey>Mojave Desert</placekey>\n <placekey>Nevada</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None</accconst>\n <useconst>Acknowledgement of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data. Users are advised to read the data set's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Ronald K Kauble</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Nevada Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologic Technician</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>2730 N. Deer Run Rd</address>\n <city>Carson City</city>\n <state>NV</state>\n <postal>89701</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>775-887-7642</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Program. USGS National Research Program (NRP).</datacred>\n <native>Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit. Microsoft Excel 2013</native>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>B. J. Andraski</origin>\n <pubdate>19970801</pubdate>\n <title>Soil-water movement under natural-site and waste-site conditions: A multiple-year field study in the Mojave Desert, Nevada</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Water Resources Research</sername>\n <issue>vol. 33, issue 8</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>Wiley-Blackwell</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>ppg. 1901-1916</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jonathan M. Arthur</origin>\n <origin>Michael J. Johnson</origin>\n <origin>C. Justin Mayers</origin>\n <origin>Brian J. Andraski</origin>\n <pubdate>2012</pubdate>\n <title>Micrometeorological, evapotranspiration, and soil-moisture data at the Amargosa Desert Research site in Nye County near Beatty, Nevada, 2006-11</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>U.S Geological Survey Data Series</sername>\n <issue>Data Series 725</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Michael J. Johnson</origin>\n <origin>C. Justin Mayers</origin>\n <origin>C. Amanda Garcia</origin>\n <origin>B.J. Andraski</origin>\n <pubdate>2007</pubdate>\n <title>Selected Micrometeorological, soil-moisture, and evapotranspiration data at Amargosa Desert Research Site in Nye County near Beatty, Nevada 2001-05</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>U.S. Geological Survey Data Series</sername>\n <issue>Data Series 284</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Michael J. Johnson</origin>\n <origin>C. Justin Mayers</origin>\n <origin>B.J. Andraski</origin>\n <pubdate>2002</pubdate>\n <title>Selected Micrometeorological and soil-moisture data at Amargosa Desert Research Site in Nye County near Beatty, Nevada 1998-2000</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report</sername>\n <issue>Open-File 02-348</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>The accuracy of the data is dependent on the sensors being used. The data were evaluated with respect to sensor specifications given in instrumentation manuals from the manufacturers (vendors) and erroneous values were removed. These contained the following sensor specifications. The tipping-bucket precipitation gage is a WaterLOG model H-340 with a resolution of 0.25 mm representing one tip of the bucket, and an accuracy of \xc2\xb13 percent at 635 mm/h. The air-temperature relative-humidity sensor is a Vaisala HMP35C/ Rotronic HC2-S3 from CSI with a temperature accuracy of \xc2\xb10.4\xc2\xb0C over a range of -40 to 100\xc2\xb0C, and measures a relative humidity accuracy of \xc2\xb12 percent within the range from 0 to 90 percent and \xc2\xb13 percent within the range from 90 to 100 percent. The Vaisala/ Rotronic temperature and humidity sensor is mounted inside a 12\xe2\x80\x91plate gill radiation shield. Solar radiation is measured with a LI-COR LI200X silicon pyranometer calibrated against an Eppley Precision Spectral Pyranometer, and has a maximum error of \xc2\xb15 per\xc2\xadcent. The net radiometer is a Radiation and Energy Balance Systems (REBS) Q7.1 net radiometer, which has a spectral response from 0.25 to 60 \xc2\xb5m, with a nominal resistance of 4 ohms. Wind speed and direction are measured by a Met One 034A-L Windset with a wind speed accuracy of \xc2\xb10.12 m/s, a threshold of 0.28 m/s, and wind direction accuracy of \xc2\xb14 degrees. The barometric-pressure sensor is a CSI SBP270 with a pressure range from 800 to 1,100 mbar and an accuracy of \xc2\xb10.2 mbar. Soil temperature is measured with a TCAV-L averaging soil-temperature probe manufactured by CSI with two junctions at two depths and constructed using a Type-E thermocouple (chromel-constantan) wire. The four thermocouples and associated reference temperature define an averaged soil temperature with a typical uncertainty of 0.5\xc2\xb0C, but the uncertainty can be as high as 1.6\xc2\xb0C. The soil-heat flux is measured with two REBS HFT3.1 heat-flow transducer plates with a nominal resistance of 2 ohms and a thermal conductivity of 1.00 Watt per meter per degrees Kelvin (W/m/K). The soil-heat-flux plates have an error of about \xc2\xb15 percent. The near-surface soil moisture is measured using a CS615 water content reflectometer designed to measure volumetric water content derived from the probe sensitivity to the unique dielectric content of the soil which changes with changing moisture conditions. The soil-moisture probe has an accuracy of \xc2\xb12 percent when calibrated for a specific soil. The soil moisture values have been calibrated to the specific soil at the site by periodic field sampling of soil between the 8-cm flux-plate depth and the soil surface. Samples were analyzed to determine gravimetric water, bulk density, and volumetric water content.\n\nAdditional steps used to ensure quality / accuracy in the data included annual calibrations of the relative humidity/temperature sensor and pyranometer sensor by Campbell Scientific and the wind speed and direction sensor by MetOne instruments. The time series data reported here were also compared with other local meteorological and soil sensor data.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Different cell colors used to identify missing data, sensor malfunction, and sensor failure. Users are advised to reference the rest of the metadata record and the information contained in the Microsoft Excel workbooks for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Data from all micrometeorological sensors were recorded using a Campbell Scientific, Inc. (CSI), 23X datalogger using a 10-second interval. The logger was programmed to output data in three formats: daily mean values (except for precipitation where only daily totals are output), hourly mean values (except for precipitation where only hourly totals are output), and 5-minute totals for precipitation (to determine storm event timing not included in this data release). The data logger reference is Pacific Standard Time (PST) throughout the entire period. \n\nThe air-temperature relative-humidity sensor, pyranometer, and anemometer with wind vane are mounted on a CM10 tripod at heights of 1.5 m, 3 m, and 3 m above the ground surface, respectively. The barometric-pressure sensor is mounted 1 m above the ground and housed with the data logger in a shed approximately 30 m north of the tripod. The net radiometer is mounted 1.5 m above the ground and approximately 10 m from the tripod. The net radiometer monitors principally bare soil radiation within the undisturbed vegetated area. The precipitation tipping-bucket precipitation gage was installed on its own mount approximately 5 m from the tripod at a height of 1 m. Two soil-heat-flux plates are buried in the near-surface soil at a depth of about 0.08 m approximately 2 m from the weather-station tripod. Between the flux plates and the soil surface, the averaging soil-temperature probes are buried at depths of 0.02 and 0.06 m. The soil-moisture probe is buried to measure average soil moisture in the depth interval between the flux plate depth of 0.08 m and the soil surface. The probe has two 0.3 m rods spaced about 0.03 m apart. The rods are inserted into the ground at a slight angle to integrate the water content of soil over the depth interval.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Micrometeorological_2012-2016.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Micrometeorlogical data, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada, 2012-2016</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Ronald K. Kauble</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Column headers and abbreviations described in spreadsheet</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Column headers and abbreviations described in spreadsheet</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Column headers and abbreviations described in spreadsheet</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Precipitation-Long-Term-Summary_1981-2016.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Precipitation, long-term summary, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada, 1981-2016</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Ronald K. Kauble</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Column headers and abbreviations described in spreadsheet</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Column headers and abbreviations described in spreadsheet</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Column headers and abbreviations described in spreadsheet</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Soil-Moisture_2012-2016.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Soil moisture content at selected depths, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada, 2012-2016</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Ronald K. Kauble</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Column headers and abbreviations described in spreadsheet</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Column headers and abbreviations described in spreadsheet</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Column headers and abbreviations described in spreadsheet</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>U.S. Geological Survey ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200827</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Ronald K Kauble</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Nevada Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologic Technician</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>2730 N. Deer Run Rd</address>\n <city>Carson City</city>\n <state>NV</state>\n <postal>89701</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>775-887-7642</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC)](/catalog/item/53f646a6e4b09d12e0e9bd4c) 3. [SBSC Public Data, Metadata & Software](/catalog/item/5411ed21e4b0fe7e184a8f79) 4. [2019](/catalog/item/5c4f41f1e4b0708288f78dc9) 5. [Riparian vegetation data used for comparing sampling methods along the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona](/catalog/folder/5beef04ae4b08f163c2dcb8e) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5beef04ae4b08f163c2dcb8e) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5beef04ae4b08f163c2dcb8e) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5beef04ae4b08f163c2dcb8e?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2019-05-14Time Period2019 ## Citation Palmquist, E.C., 2019, Riparian vegetation data used for comparing sampling methods along the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary These data were collected as part of a methodologial comparison for collecting riparian vegetation data. Two common methods for collecting vegetation data were used: line-point intercept and 1m2 ocular quadrats (visual cover estimates). At each site and transect, both methods were used to collect cover and composition data by four different observers. The same transects and quadrats were utilized for both methods and all observers. Field data collected included percent cover for total living foliar cover, each plant species encountered, litter, dead plant material that is still standing, and ground cover features (biological soil crust, rock, sand, and fine soil particles). Line-point intercept data were collected at 25 cm intervals \[...\] ## Summary These data were collected as part of a methodologial comparison for collecting riparian vegetation data. Two common methods for collecting vegetation data were used: line-point intercept and 1m2 ocular quadrats (visual cover estimates). At each site and transect, both methods were used to collect cover and composition data by four different observers. The same transects and quadrats were utilized for both methods and all observers. Field data collected included percent cover for total living foliar cover, each plant species encountered, litter, dead plant material that is still standing, and ground cover features (biological soil crust, rock, sand, and fine soil particles). Line-point intercept data were collected at 25 cm intervals along each transect and at four points along the edge of each 1m2 quadrat. Since transects varied in length, the number of data points collected along each transect also varied. A pin flag was dropped vertically to the ground at 25 cm intervals and every plant species and ground cover element that touched the pin flag was recorded in the order it touched the pin flag from top to bottom, including any species that would touch the pin flag if it continued upward indefinitely. Each species was only recorded once at each point. Ocular quadrat data were collected at each of the 1 m2 quadrats. Cover estimates were recorded to the nearest 5% other than those estimates under 5% which were recorded as either 1% or “trace”. Observers calibrated their ocular estimates at the beginning of sampling and when a new observer started sampling. Observers were given reference cards illustrating multiple levels of percent cover (1 – 95%), which were used during calibration and throughout data collection. Five observers with three levels of experience participated in this study. Two observers had extensive experience with identification of plant species in the study area, as well as with the methods used. One observer was familiar with the methods as well as riparian plant identification, but had not previously worked in this study area. Two observers had not worked in this system or with these methods before, but had experience conducting vegetation surveys. All observers received on-site training. At each site, four observers sampled the entire site using both field methods. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Emily C Palmquist](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=59188) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Originator : [Emily C Palmquist](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=59188) Metadata Contact : [Emily C Palmquist](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=59188) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Southwest Biological Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17423) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5beef04ae4b08f163c2dcb8e?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5beef04ae4b08f163c2dcb8e?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5beef04ae4b08f163c2dcb8e?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Riparian\_Vegetation\_Metadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 32.45 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Data\ | | 84.16 KB | application/zip | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | A comparison of riparian vegetation sampling methods along a large, regulated river | []( "") | ## Purpose The purpose of this data was to compare vegetation sampling methods in a dense, species rich riparian context to 1) assess if ocular or LPI sampling methods result in significant differences in cover among observers, 2) identify if the ocular or LPI sampling method has lower variability among observers, 3) assess which method best records the high diversity of riparian areas, and 4) examine how the cover estimates generated from these methods differ. ## Rights The author(s) of these data request that data users contact them regarding intended use and to assist with understanding limitations and interpretation. Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5beef04ae4b08f163c2dcb8e) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5beef04ae4b08f163c2dcb8e) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products - USGS Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC) ## Tags Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [biological sampling](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiological+sampling "biological sampling (biological sampling, Theme, USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus)") - [biota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiota "biota (biota, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [field sampling](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfield+sampling "field sampling (field sampling, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [line-point intercept](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dline-point+intercept "line-point intercept (line-point intercept, Theme, none)") - [ocular quadrat](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Docular+quadrat "ocular quadrat (ocular quadrat, Theme, none)") - [riparian ecosystems](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Driparian+ecosystems "riparian ecosystems (riparian ecosystems, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [riparian environments](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Driparian+environments "riparian environments (riparian environments, Theme, USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus)") - [riparian vegetation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Driparian+vegetation "riparian vegetation (riparian vegetation, Theme, none)") - [vegetation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dvegetation "vegetation (vegetation, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [vegetation sampling methods](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dvegetation+sampling+methods "vegetation sampling methods (vegetation sampling methods, Theme, none)") Place - [Arizona](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DArizona "Arizona (Arizona, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Colorado River](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DColorado+River "Colorado River (Colorado River, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Glen Canyon Dam](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGlen+Canyon+Dam "Glen Canyon Dam (Glen Canyon Dam, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Glen Canyon National Recreation Area](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGlen+Canyon+National+Recreation+Area "Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Grand Canyon](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGrand+Canyon "Grand Canyon (Grand Canyon, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Lees Ferry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLees+Ferry "Lees Ferry (Lees Ferry, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [northern Arizona](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dnorthern+Arizona "northern Arizona (northern Arizona, Place, none)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Botany](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBotany "Botany (Botany, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Ecology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEcology "Ecology (Ecology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Geography](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeography "Geography (Geography, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Information Sciences](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DInformation+Sciences "Information Sciences (Information Sciences, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9N2RBIC | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Emily C Palmquist</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Riparian vegetation data used for comparing sampling methods along the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona</title>\n <geoform>OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ods)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Flagstaff, AZ</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Emily C. Palmquist</origin>\n <origin>Sarah A. Sterner</origin>\n <origin>Barbara E. Ralston</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>A comparison of riparian vegetation sampling methods along a large, regulated river.</title>\n <geoform>journal manuscript</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Wiley Online Library</pubplace>\n <publish>River Research and Applications</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>These data were collected as part of a methodological comparison for collecting riparian vegetation data. Two common methods for collecting vegetation data were used: line-point intercept and 1m2 ocular quadrats (visual cover estimates). At each site and transect, both methods were used to collect cover and composition data by four different observers. The same transects and quadrats were utilized for both methods and all observers. Field data collected included percent cover for total living foliar cover, each plant species encountered, litter, dead plant material that is still standing, and ground cover features (biological soil crust, rock, sand, and fine soil particles). Line-point intercept data were collected at 25 cm intervals along each transect and at four points along the edge of each 1m2 quadrat. Since transects varied in length, the number of data points collected along each transect also varied. A pin flag was dropped vertically to the ground at 25 cm intervals and every plant species and ground cover element that touched the pin flag was recorded in the order it touched the pin flag from top to bottom, including any species that would touch the pin flag if it continued upward indefinitely. Each species was only recorded once at each point. Ocular quadrat data were collected at each of the 1 m2 quadrats. Cover estimates were recorded to the nearest 5% other than those estimates under 5% which were recorded as either 1% or \xe2\x80\x9ctrace\xe2\x80\x9d. Observers calibrated their ocular estimates at the beginning of sampling and when a new observer started sampling. Observers were given reference cards illustrating multiple levels of percent cover (1 \xe2\x80\x93 95%), which were used during calibration and throughout data collection. Five observers with three levels of experience participated in this study. Two observers had extensive experience with identification of plant species in the study area, as well as with the methods used. One observer was familiar with the methods as well as riparian plant identification, but had not previously worked in this study area. Two observers had not worked in this system or with these methods before, but had experience conducting vegetation surveys. All observers received on-site training. At each site, four observers sampled the entire site using both field methods.</abstract>\n <purpose>The purpose of this data was to compare vegetation sampling methods in a dense, species rich riparian context to 1) assess if ocular or LPI sampling methods result in significant differences in cover among observers, 2) identify if the ocular or LPI sampling method has lower variability among observers, 3) assess which method best records the high diversity of riparian areas, and 4) examine how the cover estimates generated from these methods differ.</purpose>\n <supplinf>These data represent a small sample of vegetation composition along the Colorado River between Glen Canyon Dam and Lees Ferry in June 2016. These data should not be used as a comprehensive assessment of vegetation health for the Colorado River and should not be used to extrapolate to other rivers. Any users of these data should review the 'Larger Work Citation' and 'Cross References' used in developing this dataset. Also, data users should read the entire metadata record, to have a complete understanding of how these data were created. The data are specific to the uses identified above, and any other use of these data would be inappropriate. See 'Distribution liability' statements for more information.</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2019</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-111.600</westbc>\n <eastbc>-111.450</eastbc>\n <northbc>36.950</northbc>\n <southbc>36.830</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Categories</themekt>\n <themekey>biota</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>field sampling</themekey>\n <themekey>riparian ecosystems</themekey>\n <themekey>vegetation</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>biological sampling</themekey>\n <themekey>riparian environments</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>none</themekt>\n <themekey>line-point intercept</themekey>\n <themekey>ocular quadrat</themekey>\n <themekey>riparian vegetation</themekey>\n <themekey>vegetation sampling methods</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5beef04ae4b08f163c2dcb8e</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>Glen Canyon Dam</placekey>\n <placekey>Lees Ferry</placekey>\n <placekey>Colorado River</placekey>\n <placekey>Glen Canyon National Recreation Area</placekey>\n <placekey>Grand Canyon</placekey>\n <placekey>Arizona</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>none</placekt>\n <placekey>northern Arizona</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Emily C Palmquist</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Student Trainee (Biology)</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2255 North Gemini Drive</address>\n <city>Flagstaff</city>\n <state>AZ</state>\n <postal>86001</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>928-556-7397</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>This research was funded by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation through the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program.</datacred>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jeffrey E. Herrick</origin>\n <origin>Justin W. Van Zee</origin>\n <origin>Kris M. Havstad</origin>\n <origin>Laura M. Burkett</origin>\n <origin>Walter G. Whitford</origin>\n <pubdate>2005</pubdate>\n <title>Monitoring Manual for Grassland, Shrubland and Savanna Ecosystems - Volume I: Quick Start</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>The Jornada Rangeland and Research Programs (online)</pubplace>\n <publish>The Jornada Experimental Range, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink>,%20Shrubland%20and%20Savanna%20Ecosystems%20Vol.%20I_Quick%20Start.pdf</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jeffrey E. Herrick</origin>\n <origin>Justin W. Van Zee</origin>\n <origin>Kris M. Havstad</origin>\n <origin>Laura M. Burkett</origin>\n <origin>Walter G. Whitford</origin>\n <pubdate>2005</pubdate>\n <title>Monitoring Manual for Grassland, Shrubland and Savanna Ecosystems - Volume II: Design, supplementary methods and interpretation</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>The Jornada Rangeland and Research Programs (online)</pubplace>\n <publish>The Jornada Experimental Range, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink>,%20Shrubland%20and%20Savanna%20Ecosystems%20Vol.%20.II.pdf</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>David M. Merritt</origin>\n <origin>Mary E. Manning</origin>\n <origin>Nate Hough-Snee</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>The National Riparian Core Protocol--A riparian vegetation monitoring protocol for wadeable streams of the conterminous United States</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Rocky Mountain Research Center (online)</pubplace>\n <publish>Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Development of the Ocular Method data table: Field data were collected along nine transects across the four sites in June 2016. Transects started at the water\xe2\x80\x99s edge and ran in a line perpendicular to the current. The length of each transect varied depending on the width of the riparian area and extended through the active channel and the active floodplain, and 5 m into the inactive floodplain. Nine 1-m2 (1m x 1m) sampling quadrats were placed along each transect; three equally spaced within each of the three hydrologic zones. Ocular quadrat estimates were collected at each of the 1-m2 quadrats. Cover estimates were recorded to the nearest 5% other than those estimates under 5% which were recorded as either 1% or \xe2\x80\x9ctrace\xe2\x80\x9d. Observers calibrated their ocular quadrat estimates at the beginning of sampling and when a new observer started sampling. Observers were given reference cards illustrating multiple levels of percent cover (1 \xe2\x80\x93 95%), which were used during calibration and throughout data collection.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2016</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Development of the LPI Method data table: Field data were collected along nine transects across the four sites in June 2016. Transects started at the water\xe2\x80\x99s edge and ran in a line perpendicular to the current. The length of each transect varied depending on the width of the riparian area and extended through the active channel and the active floodplain, and 5 m into the inactive floodplain. Nine 1-m2 (1m x 1m) sampling quadrats were placed along each transect; three equally spaced within each of the three hydrologic zones. Line-point intercept data were collected at 25-cm intervals along each transect and at four points along the edge of each 1-m2 quadrat. Since transects varied in length, the number of data points collected along each transect also varied. A pin flag was dropped vertically to the ground at 25-cm intervals and every plant species and ground cover element that touched the pin flag was recorded in the order it touched the pin flag from top to bottom, including any species that would touch the pin flag if it continued upward indefinitely (Herrick et al., 2005; Merritt et al., 2017). Each species was only recorded once at each point. The cover of each variable was calculated by dividing the number of points at which the variable was recorded by the total number of points.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2016</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Data Quality Assessment and Control: All people collecting data received on-site training and were given written protocols for reference. Data sheets were checked in the field for consistency and completeness. Data was entered in the office and subsequently error checked by comparing the data sheets to the entered data.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2016</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Finalize Data File for Dissemination: Individual data tables that were exported in comma-separated values (csv) file format from program Mark was compiled into an OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ods) to comply with data dissemination requirements as a machine-readable file format. Data sent to the Southwest Biological Science Center Data Steward for dissemination and preservation per USGS Data Management Policies SM 502.6, SM 502.7, SM 502.8 &amp; SM 502.9 (1 October 2016).</procdesc>\n <procdate>2019</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Ocular Method</enttypl>\n <enttypd>These data represent vegetation cover and ground cover (rock, litter, etc) estimates from multiple sites. Five different observers (data collectors) made estimates for each variable, so data was collected by 4 people at each site in the exact same locations. The data on this sheet was collected using an ocular estimate method, in which observers visually assessed cover in each 1m2 quadrat and assigned a value (0-100) for each variable.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>obs_code</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Observer code, identifier for each data collector (person who collected the data)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Obs1, Obs2, Obs3, Obs4, Obs5: Two observers (2 &amp; 3) had extensive experience with identification of plant species in the study area, as well as with the methods used. One observer (1) was familiar with the methods as well as riparian plant identification, but had not previously worked in this study area. Two observers (4 &amp; 5) had not worked in this system or with these methods before, but had experience conducting vegetation surveys. All observers received on-site training.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Site</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>location along the river that the data was collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>-3.4, -3.8, -7.5, -13.9: locations on the river are measured in river kilometers (Rkm) upstream from Lees Ferry where Lees Ferry is Rkm 0 and Glen Canyon Dam is Rkm -25.1</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Transect</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>number of the transect that the data was collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>a numeric description of the transect or data collection point, to assist in identifying its location</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Plot</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>name of the1m2 quadrat plot where data was collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>AC1 to AC3, AF1 to AF3, IF1 to IF3: AC= active channel, AF = active floodplain, IF = inactive floodplain. The active channel is the area of shoreline that can be inundated daily by the Glen Canyon Dam flow regime and includes release volumes between 226 m3/s to 707 m3/s. The active floodplain is the area of shoreline that can be inundated by high flow experimental releases and includes release volumes between 707 m3/s and 1274 m3/s. The inactive floodplain is the area of the river corridor that was inundated by seasonal flooding before the installation of the Glen Canyon Dam (above 1274 m3/s) and is now only flooded in unusual and rare circumstances</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Non-woody</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all non-woody plants, can be greater than 100 because of layered vegetation</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>139.2</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Woody</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all woody plants</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100.1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Forb</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all forbs</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>40</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Grass</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all grasses</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>90.2</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sedge</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all sedges, can be greater than 100 because of layered vegetation</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>115.1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Shrub</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all shrubs</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100.1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Tree</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all trees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>95</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Litter</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all litter (non-rooted dead plant material)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Standing Dead</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all rooted, dead plant material</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BSC</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all biological soil crusts</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>90</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Fines</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all silts and clays</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sand</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all sand</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Rock</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all rock</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Total Live</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all living plant material without including layers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ACHHYM to ZELEXA</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for each plant species</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>LPI Method</enttypl>\n <enttypd>These data represent vegetation cover and ground cover (rock, litter, etc) estimates from multiple sites. Five different observers (data collectors) made estimates for each variable, so data was collected by 4 people at each site in the exact same locations. The data on this sheet was collected using the line-point intercept method, in which observers a pin flag was dropped vertically to the ground at 25 cm intervals and every plant species and ground cover element that touched the pin flag was recorded in the order it touched the pin flag from top to bottom, including any species that would touch the pin flag if it continued upward indefinitely.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>obs_code</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Identifier for each data collector (person who collected the data)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Obs1, Obs2, Obs3, Obs4, Obs5: Two observers (2 &amp; 3) had extensive experience with identification of plant species in the study area, as well as with the methods used. One observer (1) was familiar with the methods as well as riparian plant identification, but had not previously worked in this study area. Two observers (4 &amp; 5) had not worked in this system or with these methods before, but had experience conducting vegetation surveys. All observers received on-site training.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Site</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>location along the river that the data was collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>-3.4, -3.8, -7.5, -13.9: locations on the river are measured in river kilometers (Rkm) upstream from Lees Ferry where Lees Ferry is Rkm 0 and Glen Canyon Dam is Rkm -25.1</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Transect</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>number of the transect that the data was collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>a numeric description of the transect or data collection point, to assist in identifying its location</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Non-woody</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all non-woody plants, can be greater than 100 because of layered vegetation</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>34.5</rdommin>\n <rdommax>98</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Woody</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all woody plants</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2.7</rdommin>\n <rdommax>43.2</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Forb</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all forbs</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>39.6</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Graminoid</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all grasses</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>12.7</rdommin>\n <rdommax>78.55</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sedge</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all sedges, can be greater than 100 because of layered vegetation</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2</rdommin>\n <rdommax>51.9</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Shrub</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all shrubs</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>31.35</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Tree</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all trees</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>28.1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Litter</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all litter (non-rooted dead plant material)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>37.7</rdommin>\n <rdommax>98.85</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Standing Dead</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all rooted, dead plant material</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>20.15</rdommin>\n <rdommax>84.1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BSC</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all biological soil crusts</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>7.8</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Fines</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all silts and clays</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>98.85</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sand</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all sand</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Rock</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all rock</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>62.7</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Total Live</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for all living plant material without including layers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>44.11764706</rdommin>\n <rdommax>88.75</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AG01 to ZEEX</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimate of cover for each plant species</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>56.55</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent cover</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>The author of these data request that data users contact them regarding intended use and to assist with understanding limitations and interpretation. Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <techpreq>The data in this zip file contains data in the OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) data format. The user must have software capable of uncompressing the zip file and displaying the tabular data.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200827</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Emily C Palmquist</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Student Trainee (Biology)</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2255 North Gemini Drive</address>\n <city>Flagstaff</city>\n <state>AZ</state>\n <postal>86001</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>928-556-7397</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
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[Chesapeake Bay River Input Monitoring Network 1985-2018: Average annual yields](/catalog/folder/5cc1c758e4b09b8c0b746e68) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5cc1c758e4b09b8c0b746e68) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5cc1c758e4b09b8c0b746e68) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5cc1c758e4b09b8c0b746e68?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2019-07-26Start Date1984-10-01End Date2018-09-30 ## Citation Moyer, D.L. and Blomquist, J.D., 2019, Nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended-sediment loads and trends measured at the Chesapeake Bay River Input Monitoring stations: Water years 1985-2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended-sediment loads, and changes in loads, in major rivers across the Chesapeake Bay watershed have been calculated using monitoring data from the Chesapeake Bay River Input Monitoring Network (RIM) stations for the period 1985 through 2018. Nutrient and suspended-sediment loads and changes in loads were determined by applying a weighted regression approach called WRTDS (Weighted Regression on Time, Discharge, and Season). Yields (represents the mass of constituent transported from a unit area of a given watershed) are used to compare the export loads from one basin to another. Yield results are obtained by dividing the annual load (pounds) of a given constituent by the respective watershed area (acres) \[...\] ## Summary Nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended-sediment loads, and changes in loads, in major rivers across the Chesapeake Bay watershed have been calculated using monitoring data from the Chesapeake Bay River Input Monitoring Network (RIM) stations for the period 1985 through 2018. Nutrient and suspended-sediment loads and changes in loads were determined by applying a weighted regression approach called WRTDS (Weighted Regression on Time, Discharge, and Season). Yields (represents the mass of constituent transported from a unit area of a given watershed) are used to compare the export loads from one basin to another. Yield results are obtained by dividing the annual load (pounds) of a given constituent by the respective watershed area (acres) from which the constituent was transported. Yield results presented represent the average annual per-acre loads of nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended sediment exported from each of the Chesapeake Bay River Input Monitoring stations for two possible time periods: 2009-2018 (10 year average yield) and 2014-2018 (5 year average yield). ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Douglas L. Moyer](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Douglas+L.+Moyer), [USGS Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=USGS+Virginia+and+West+Virginia+Water+Science+Center) Originator : [Douglas L. Moyer](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Douglas+L.+Moyer), [Joel D. Blomquist](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Joel+D.+Blomquist) Metadata Contact : [Douglas L. Moyer](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Douglas+L.+Moyer), [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey+-+ScienceBase) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5cc1c758e4b09b8c0b746e68?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5cc1c758e4b09b8c0b746e68?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5cc1c758e4b09b8c0b746e68?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | RIM\_2008-2018\_Yields.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 12.59 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | RIM\_2018\_YieldTable.csv<br>“RIM 5yr and 10yr Average Yields ” | | 9.15 KB | text/csv | ## Purpose The purpose of this data set is to communicate the average annual loads of nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended-sediment being generated across the nontidal portion of the major rivers in the bay watershed for tow possible periods 2009-2018 and 2014-2018. The loads have been normalized by respective watershed drainage area to generate per acre loads (that is yields). ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5cc1c758e4b09b8c0b746e68) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5cc1c758e4b09b8c0b746e68) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [WRTDS](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWRTDS "WRTDS (WRTDS, Theme, none)") - [load analysis](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dload+analysis "load analysis (load analysis, Theme, none)") - [nitrogen](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dnitrogen "nitrogen (nitrogen, Theme, none)") - [nutrients](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dnutrients "nutrients (nutrients, Theme, none)") - [phosphorus](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dphosphorus "phosphorus (phosphorus, Theme, none)") - [rivers](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drivers "rivers (rivers, Theme, none)") - [suspended sediment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsuspended+sediment "suspended sediment (suspended sediment, Theme, none)") - [trends](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dtrends "trends (trends, Theme, none)") - [water quality](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater+quality "water quality (water quality, Theme, none)") - [weighted regression](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dweighted+regression "weighted regression (weighted regression, Theme, none)") Place - [Chesapeake Bay Watershed](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DChesapeake+Bay+Watershed "Chesapeake Bay Watershed (Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Place, none)") - [Delaware](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDelaware "Delaware (Delaware, Place, none)") - [Maryland](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMaryland "Maryland (Maryland, Place, none)") - [New York](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNew+York "New York (New York, Place, none)") - [Pennsylvania](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPennsylvania "Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, Place, none)") - [United States](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+States "United States (United States, Place, none)") - [Virginia](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DVirginia "Virginia (Virginia, Place, none)") - [Washington DC](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWashington+DC "Washington DC (Washington DC, Place, none)") - [West Virginia](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWest+Virginia "West Virginia (West Virginia, Place, none)") Types - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [OGC WMS Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Service "OGC WMS Service") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Douglas L. Moyer</origin>\n <origin>Joel D. Blomquist</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Chesapeake Bay River Input Monitoring Network 1985-2018: Average annual yields</title>\n <geoform>Data Tables</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Richmond, Va</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended-sediment loads, and changes in loads, in major rivers across the Chesapeake Bay watershed have been calculated using monitoring data from the Chesapeake Bay River Input Monitoring Network (RIM) stations for the period 1985 through 2018. Nutrient and suspended-sediment loads and changes in loads were determined by applying a weighted regression approach called WRTDS (Weighted Regression on Time, Discharge, and Season). Yields (represents the mass of constituent transported from a unit area of a given watershed) are used to compare the export loads from one basin to another. Yield results are obtained by dividing the annual load (pounds) of a given constituent by the respective watershed area (acres) from which the constituent was transported. Yield results presented represent the average annual per-acre loads of nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended sediment exported from each of the Chesapeake Bay River Input Monitoring stations for two possible time periods: 2009-2018 (10 year average yield) and 2014-2018 (5 year average yield).</abstract>\n <purpose>The purpose of this data set is to communicate the average annual loads of nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended-sediment being generated across the nontidal portion of the major rivers in the bay watershed for tow possible periods 2009-2018 and 2014-2018. The loads have been normalized by respective watershed drainage area to generate per acre loads (that is yields).</purpose>\n <supplinf>This annual update of nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended-sediment loads and trends is performed in cooperation with Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, and Environmental Protection Agency, Chesapeake Bay Program Office.</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19841001</begdate>\n <enddate>20180930</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Annually</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-79.167480469182</westbc>\n <eastbc>-74.904785156852</eastbc>\n <northbc>42.714410712674</northbc>\n <southbc>36.208470061656</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>none</themekt>\n <themekey>water quality</themekey>\n <themekey>nutrients</themekey>\n <themekey>nitrogen</themekey>\n <themekey>phosphorus</themekey>\n <themekey>suspended sediment</themekey>\n <themekey>load analysis</themekey>\n <themekey>WRTDS</themekey>\n <themekey>trends</themekey>\n <themekey>rivers</themekey>\n <themekey>weighted regression</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5cc1c758e4b09b8c0b746e68</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>none</placekt>\n <placekey>Chesapeake Bay Watershed</placekey>\n <placekey>United States</placekey>\n <placekey>New York</placekey>\n <placekey>Pennsylvania</placekey>\n <placekey>Maryland</placekey>\n <placekey>Delaware</placekey>\n <placekey>West Virginia</placekey>\n <placekey>Virginia</placekey>\n <placekey>Washington DC</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Douglas L. Moyer</cntper>\n <cntorg>USGS Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1730 E. Parham Road</address>\n <city>Richmond</city>\n <state>Virginia</state>\n <postal>23228</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>804-261-2634</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>This annual update of nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended-sediment loads and trends is performed in cooperation with Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, and Environmental Protection Agency Chesapeake Bay Program Office.</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Methods: Loads were estimated using a weighted regression approach called Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season (WRTDS) (Hirsch and others, 2010), which is included in the R (version 3.4.0) software package called EGRET - Exploration and Graphics for River Trends (version 2.6.0) (Hirsch and DeCicco, 2015). The application of WRTDS to generate the results provided in this table is documented in Chanat and others, 2016. \n\nReferences Cited: Hirsch, R.M., Moyer, D.L., and Archfield, S.A., 2010, Weighted regressions on time, discharge, and season (WRTDS), with an application to Chesapeake Bay river inputs: Journal of the American Water Resources Research Association, v. 46, no. 5, p. 857-880 \n\nHirsch, R.M. and De Cicco, Laura, 2015, User guide to Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends (EGRET) and dataRetrieval: R packages for hydrologic data (version 2.0, February 2015): U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods book 4, chap. A10, 93 p., May 24, 2016) \n\nChanat, J.G., Moyer, D.L., Blomquist, J.D., Hyer, K.E., and Langland, M.J., 2016, Application of a weighted regression model for reporting nutrient and sediment concentrations, fluxes, and trends in concentration and flux for the Chesapeake Bay Nontidal Water-Quality Monitoring Network, results through water year 2012: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5133, 139 p.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20190425</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>RIM_2018_YieldTable.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Average Yields of Nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended sediment for the Chesapeake Bay nontidal stations, 2009-2018</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Douglas L. Moyer, USGS Virginia and West Virginia Water Science Center</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>STAID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>USGS Station ID - where: \n"01491000 - CHOPTANK RIVER NEAR GREENSBORO, MD" \n"01578310 - SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AT CONOWINGO, MD"\n"01594440 - PATUXENT RIVER NEAR BOWIE, MD" \n"01646580 - POTOMAC RIVER AT CHAIN BRIDGE, AT WASHINGTON, D.C."\n"01668000 - RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER NEAR FREDERICKSBURG, VA"\n"01673000 - PAMUNKEY RIVER NEAR HANOVER, VA" \n"01674500 - MATTAPONI RIVER NEAR BEULAHVILLE, VA." \n"02035000 - JAMES RIVER AT CARTERSVILLE, VA" \n"02041650 - APPOMATTOX RIVER AT MATOACA, VA"</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Standard Gaging Station Number</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>USGS Standard Gaging Station Number</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>STNAM</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>USGS Station Name - where: \n"01491000 - CHOPTANK RIVER NEAR GREENSBORO, MD" \n"01578310 - SUSQUEHANNA RIVER AT CONOWINGO, MD"\n"01594440 - PATUXENT RIVER NEAR BOWIE, MD" \n"01646580 - POTOMAC RIVER AT CHAIN BRIDGE, AT WASHINGTON, D.C."\n"01668000 - RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER NEAR FREDERICKSBURG, VA"\n"01673000 - PAMUNKEY RIVER NEAR HANOVER, VA" \n"01674500 - MATTAPONI RIVER NEAR BEULAHVILLE, VA." \n"02035000 - JAMES RIVER AT CARTERSVILLE, VA" \n"02041650 - APPOMATTOX RIVER AT MATOACA, VA"</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Gaging Station Name</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>USGS Gaging Station Name</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>PCODE</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>PCODE = Parameter Code where: \nP00600 = Total nitrogen (as N) \nP00631 = Nitrate (as N) \nP00665 = Total phosphorus (as P) \nP00671 = Orthophosphorus (as P) \nP80154 = Suspended sediment</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USGS Standard Constituent Parameter Code</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>USGS Standard Constituent Parameter Code</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>START_YEAR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>START_YEAR = First water year of averaging period</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>START_YEAR = First water year of averaging period</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>END_YEAR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>END_YEAR = Last water year of averaging period</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>END_YEAR = Last water year of averaging period</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MEAN_YIELD.lbAc</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>MEAN_YIELD.lbAc = mean yield for averaging period, in pounds per acre</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>MEAN_YIELD.lbAc = mean yield for averaging period, in pounds per acre</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>N_YEARS</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>N_YEARS = Number of years in averaging period where N_YEARS = 5 (2014-2018) or N_YEARS = 10 (2009-2018)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>N_YEARS = Number of years in averaging period where N_YEARS = 5 (2014-2018) or N_YEARS = 10 (2009-2018)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS or the U.S. Government shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200827</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Douglas L. Moyer</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Supervisory Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1730 East Parham Road</address>\n <city>Richmond</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>23228</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>804-261-2634</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Chemistry of groundwater, pore water, and surface water near wetland P1 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Sutsman County, ND - August 2013](/catalog/folder/59e13eb5e4b05fe04cd00221) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/59e13eb5e4b05fe04cd00221) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/59e13eb5e4b05fe04cd00221) - [JSON](/catalog/item/59e13eb5e4b05fe04cd00221?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2017-11-20Start Date2013-04-30End Date2015-04-30 ## Citation Mills, C.T., Goldhaber, M.B., and Stricker, C.A., 2017, Chemistry of groundwater, pore water, and surface water near wetland P1 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Sutsman County, ND - August 2013: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Groundwater, soil pore water, and surface water were collected in and near wetland P1 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota in August 2013. Groundwater was collected from established wells (17, 18, and 22) via peristaltic pump. Surface water was collected from P1 ponded water via grab sample. Soil pore water was collected using drive point samplers and one suction lysimeter. Water samples were analyzed for pH and major ion chemistry. ## Summary Groundwater, soil pore water, and surface water were collected in and near wetland P1 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota in August 2013. Groundwater was collected from established wells (17, 18, and 22) via peristaltic pump. Surface water was collected from P1 ponded water via grab sample. Soil pore water was collected using drive point samplers and one suction lysimeter. Water samples were analyzed for pH and major ion chemistry. ## Contacts Originator : [Christopher Mills](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=7044), [Martin B Goldhaber](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3758), [Craig A Stricker](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10027) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17386) USGS Mission Area : [Land Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=64213) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/59e13eb5e4b05fe04cd00221?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/59e13eb5e4b05fe04cd00221?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/59e13eb5e4b05fe04cd00221?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Groundwater\_Porewater\_Surfacewater\_CLSA\_Metadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 11.73 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | DataDictionary\_Chemistry.csv | | 2.52 KB | text/csv | | Groundwater\_Porewater\_Surfacewater\_Chemistry.csv | | 6.54 KB | text/csv | ## Purpose Data were collected to understand geochemistry of a saline ring around wetland P1. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/59e13eb5e4b05fe04cd00221) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/59e13eb5e4b05fe04cd00221) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products - USGS Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [Atomic Emission Spectroscopy](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAtomic+Emission+Spectroscopy "Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (Atomic Emission Spectroscopy, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Chemical Analyses](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DChemical+Analyses "Chemical Analyses (Chemical Analyses, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Geochemistry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeochemistry "Geochemistry (Geochemistry, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Mass Spectrometry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMass+Spectrometry "Mass Spectrometry (Mass Spectrometry, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Salinity](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSalinity "Salinity (Salinity, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Water Chemistry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Chemistry "Water Chemistry (Water Chemistry, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Wetland](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWetland "Wetland (Wetland, Theme, None)") Place - [Cottonwood Lake Study Area](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCottonwood+Lake+Study+Area "Cottonwood Lake Study Area (Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Place, None)") - [Missouri Coteau](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMissouri+Coteau "Missouri Coteau (Missouri Coteau, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [North Dakota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNorth+Dakota "North Dakota (North Dakota, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Stutsman County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DStutsman+County "Stutsman County (Stutsman County, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Geochemistry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeochemistry "Geochemistry (Geochemistry, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7M907M8 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Christopher T. Mills</origin>\n <origin>Martin B. Goldhaber</origin>\n <origin>Craig A. Stricker</origin>\n <pubdate>20171120</pubdate>\n <title>Chemistry of groundwater, pore water, and surface water near wetland P1 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Sutsman County, ND - August 2013</title>\n <geoform>CSV File</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Denver, CO</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Groundwater, soil pore water, and surface water were collected in and near wetland P1 in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota in August 2013. Groundwater was collected from established wells (17, 18, and 22) via peristaltic pump. Surface water was collected from P1 ponded water via grab sample. Soil pore water was collected using drive point samplers and one suction lysimeter. Water samples were analyzed for pH and major ion chemistry.</abstract>\n <purpose>Data were collected to understand geochemistry of a saline ring around wetland P1.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20130430</begdate>\n <enddate>20150430</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>In work</progress>\n <update>As needed</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-99.106206</westbc>\n <eastbc>-99.091053</eastbc>\n <northbc>47.10264</northbc>\n <southbc>47.095542</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Water Chemistry</themekey>\n <themekey>Salinity</themekey>\n <themekey>Geochemistry</themekey>\n <themekey>Chemical Analyses</themekey>\n <themekey>Mass Spectrometry</themekey>\n <themekey>Atomic Emission Spectroscopy</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>Wetland</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:59e13eb5e4b05fe04cd00221</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>Missouri Coteau</placekey>\n <placekey>Stutsman County</placekey>\n <placekey>North Dakota</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Cottonwood Lake Study Area</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Christopher Mills</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop 964D, W 6th Ave Kipling St</address>\n <city>Lakewood</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-236-5529</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>National Science Foundation</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>POREWATER SAMPLING \nPermanent installations of \xe2\x80\x9cvapor point\xe2\x80\x9d porewater samplers (gas vapor implant with 15 cm screen intervals; AMS, Inc. part #21010) in May and August of 2013 at 13 locations at pond water margin of wetland P1. Samplers were equipped with a dedicated vapor point (AMS, Inc. part #21010) and 4.8 mm interior diameter fluoropolymer tubing, and driven to depth (between 0.61 to 1.83 m from sediment surface to middle of screen) into wetland sediments with the AMS installation kit and slide hammer. After installation, a two-way luer-lock valve was attached to the tubing and a short length of 3.8 cm diameter PVC was placed over the tubing and driven a few centimeters into the soils to protect the apparatus. Samplers at multiple depths of the same location were within 10 cm of each other. We also installed one stainless steel suction lysimeter at site G by excavating a hole with a bucket augur and repacking the hole with the material we removed. \n\nPorewater was collected from vapor points after purging the previous day and allowing to recover overnight. For vapor points that produced water relatively easily, porewater was collected using plastic 60 ml syringes with luer-lock tip. Syringes were loaded into custom-made vacuum chambers so that the syringe pistons were under negative pressure and water samples could be collected with no headspace to prevent degassing of supersaturated CO2. A valve system allowed individual syringes to be opened or closed as each syringe filled. The water collected in the first syringe was considered an additional purge and the sample was collected in two additional syringes. The flow from some samplers was so low that this method did not work. For these samplers, the tubing was connected to a glass vacuum filter flask and the flask was evacuated with a handpump. The suction lysimeter was sampled by evacuating it with a handpump, allowing water to collect for a few hours, and pushing the sample out under positive pressure. \n\nAny use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government</procdesc>\n <procdate>201308</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>SURFACE WATER AND GROUNDWATER SAMPLING \nPond water samples from P1 were collected by dipping and filling a 1 L HDPE bottle. Screen length for each well was 0.6 m. Groundwater samples were collected by first purging water from existing wells with a peristaltic pump and letting them recover overnight. Water was then pumped until temperature and pH remained constant and then collected.</procdesc>\n <procdate>201308</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>CHEMICAL ANALYSES \nThe pH of samples collected by syringe from the vapor points was determined in a manner that prevented sample degassing. The pH of samples collected in vacuum flasks or the suction cup lysimeter were not determined as initial trials showed that degassing during collection significantly raised the pH. The pH of well waters was recorded when the pH of continuously pumped water remained stable. The pH of pond water was measured in-situ. All water samples were filtered through 0.45 \xce\xbcm syringe filter within 12 hours of collection. Aliquots for cation analysis were preserved with trace metal grade concentrated nitric acid. Samples for anion analysis were kept at &lt;4 \xc2\xb0C until analysis. Some samples were not analyzed for HCO3- or by OES due to sample amount limitations. Cation samples were analyzed for Ca, Mg, Na, and K by both ICP-MS (Wolf and Adams, 2015) and ICP-OES (Todorov et al., 2014). Anions (SO42- and Cl-) were determined using ion chromatography (Taggert, 2002). Concentrations of HCO3- were estimated from total inorganic carbon concentrations determined on an OI700 (OI Analytical) wet oxidation DOC analyzer. Todorov, T.I., Wolf, R.E., and Adams, Monique, 2014, Multi-elemental analysis of aqueous geological samples by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2014\xe2\x80\x931067, 21 p. Wolf RE, Adams M., 2015, Multi-elemental Analysis of Aqueous Geochemical Samples by Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015\xe2\x80\x931010, p. 34. Taggart JE Jr., 2002, Analytical Methods for Chemical Analysis of Geologic and Other Materials, U.S. Geological Survey. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-223.</procdesc>\n <procdate>201401</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>1.0E-6</latres>\n <longres>1.0E-6</longres>\n <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>World Geodetic System 1984</horizdn>\n <ellips>WGS84</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257223563</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <overview>\n <eaover>A data dictionary was created to describe the data tables and is provided with this data release.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Chemistry analysis results of groundwater, pore water, and surface water samples from in and near wetland P1.</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center</address>\n <address>Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>\n </cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200929</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Christopher Mills</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Chemist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Building 20, MS964D, Denver Federal Center</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-236-5529</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS New York Water Science Center](/catalog/item/55ba8266e4b05b91f6399ffa) 3. [Time-domain electromagnetic soundings to delineate saline groundwater in the Genesee valley-fill aquifer system, New York (2016-2017)](/catalog/item/5e596bd9e4b01d50924c663c) 4. [Transect 13 time-domain electromagnetic soundings to delineate saline groundwater in the Genesee valley-fill aquifer system, New York (2016-2017)](/catalog/folder/5f5f877182ce3550e3bff1be) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5f5f877182ce3550e3bff1be) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5f5f877182ce3550e3bff1be) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5f5f877182ce3550e3bff1be?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2021-04-28Start Date2016-10-26End Date2017-11-16 ## Citation White, E.A., Johnson, C.D., Williams, J.H., and Kappel, W.M., 2021, Time-domain electromagnetic soundings to delineate saline groundwater in the Genesee valley-fill aquifer system, New York (2016-2017): U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This folder contains the raw and processed TEM data and inverted soundings showing resistivity (in ohm-m) with depth for all survey sites that were part of transect 13. In October and November 2016-2017, transient electromagnetic (TEM) data, also called time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) surveys, were acquired at 120 locations in the Genesee Valley, Livingston County, in New York, in order to characterize the subsurface resistivity structure in support of a U.S. Geological Survey groundwater investigation. The TEM data were collected as part of a project to evaluate geophysical methods to characterize the valley-fill sediments, underlying bedrock, and salinity of the subsurface. TEM data were collected using an ABEM WalkTEM unit (acquisition \[...\] ## Summary This folder contains the raw and processed TEM data and inverted soundings showing resistivity (in ohm-m) with depth for all survey sites that were part of transect 13. In October and November 2016-2017, transient electromagnetic (TEM) data, also called time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) surveys, were acquired at 120 locations in the Genesee Valley, Livingston County, in New York, in order to characterize the subsurface resistivity structure in support of a U.S. Geological Survey groundwater investigation. The TEM data were collected as part of a project to evaluate geophysical methods to characterize the valley-fill sediments, underlying bedrock, and salinity of the subsurface. TEM data were collected using an ABEM WalkTEM unit (acquisition software V 1.1.0 and newer) using two transmitter loop (Tx) sizes, 100 by 100 meters square and 40 by 40 meters square, a center-loop receiver (Rx) that is 0.5 by 0.5 square meters in size (with an effective area of 35 m^2), and dual currents of about 2 and 11 amperes (A). In addition, a second center-loop receiver, 10 by 10 meters square in size (with an effective area of 1400 m^2) was used. Both receivers were centered and concentrically nested inside the Tx loop. The Tx measurement cycles were stacked 10 times, and 1-5 measurements were taken at each site. Multiple surveys collected at the same location were stacked, filtered, and averaged for each Tx current and set of Rx measurements. This data release includes the raw and processed TEM data and inverted soundings showing resistivity (in ohm-m) with depth. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [John H Williams](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=John+H+Williams) Originator : [White, Eric A.](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=White%2C+Eric+A.), [Johnson, Carole D.](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Johnson%2C+Carole+D.), [Williams, John H.](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Williams%2C+John+H.), [Kappel, William M.](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Kappel%2C+William+M.) Metadata Contact : [Eric White](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Eric+White), [WATER: ESP HGB](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=WATER%3A+ESP+HGB) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) SDC Data Owner : [New York Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17211) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5f5f877182ce3550e3bff1be?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5f5f877182ce3550e3bff1be?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5f5f877182ce3550e3bff1be?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | TDEM\_GeneseeValley-FillAquiferSystem\_Transect13.xml<br>“Metadata XML”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 18.53 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | | | 891.01 KB | application/zip | | | | 894.19 KB | application/zip | | | | 897.1 KB | application/zip | | | | 1.14 MB | application/zip | | | | 1.11 MB | application/zip | | | | 890.69 KB | application/zip | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Williams, J.H., Kappel, W.M., Johnson, C.D., White, E.A., Heisig, P.M., and Lane, J.W., Jr., 2021, Time-domain electromagnetic soundings and passive-seismic measurements for delineation of saline groundwater in the Genesee valley-fill aquifer system, western New York, 2016–17: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2021–5008, 27 p., | []( "") | ## Purpose Surface geophysical methods can provide information for the characterization of the subsurface structure of the earth for aquifer investigations. Transient electromagnetic induction (TEM) surveys (also called time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) surveys) provide resistivity soundings of the subsurface, which can be related to lithology and hydrogeology and be used to inform and/or constrain regional hydrogeological models. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5f5f877182ce3550e3bff1be) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5f5f877182ce3550e3bff1be) ## Communities - USGS New York Water Science Center ## Associated Items - _product of_ [Surface-Geophysical Surveys and Well Network for Monitoring Aquifer Salinity in the Genesee River Valley, Livingston County, New York](/catalog/item/56ebfa67e4b0f59b85da13a1 "Surface-Geophysical Surveys and Well Network for Monitoring Aquifer Salinity in the Genesee River Valley, Livingston County, New York") - [View Associated Items](/catalog/itemLinks?itemId=5f5f877182ce3550e3bff1be) ## Tags Theme - [Electromagnetic surveying](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DElectromagnetic+surveying "Electromagnetic surveying (Electromagnetic surveying, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Groundwater](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGroundwater "Groundwater (Groundwater, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Resistivity](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DResistivity "Resistivity (Resistivity, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Salinity](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSalinity "Salinity (Salinity, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Genesee River Valley](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGenesee+River+Valley "Genesee River Valley (Genesee River Valley, Place, GNIS)") - [Livingston County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLivingston+County "Livingston County (Livingston County, Place, GNIS)") - [New York](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNew+York "New York (New York, Place, GNIS)") CMS Themes - [Geophysics](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeophysics "Geophysics (Geophysics, CMS Themes,") CMS Topics - [Hydrogeologic Characterization](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHydrogeologic+Characterization "Hydrogeologic Characterization (Hydrogeologic Characterization, CMS Topics,") - [Surface Geophysics](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSurface+Geophysics "Surface Geophysics (Surface Geophysics, CMS Topics,") CMS Non-theme Topics - [Aquifer Mapping](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAquifer+Mapping "Aquifer Mapping (Aquifer Mapping, CMS Non-theme Topics,") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>White, Eric A.</origin>\n <origin>Johnson, Carole D.</origin>\n <origin>Williams, John H.</origin>\n <origin>Kappel, William M.</origin>\n <pubdate>20210428</pubdate>\n <title>Transect 13 time-domain electromagnetic soundings to delineate saline groundwater in the Genesee valley-fill aquifer system, New York (2016-2017)</title>\n <geoform>Data described by this metadata record are in ASCII (*.xyz, and *.csv) and binary(*.gdb)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Williams, J.H.</origin>\n <origin>Kappel, W.M.</origin>\n <origin>Johnson, C.D.</origin>\n <origin>White, E.A.</origin>\n <origin>Heisig, P.M.</origin>\n <origin>Lane, J.W., Jr.</origin>\n <pubdate>2021</pubdate>\n <title>Time-domain electromagnetic soundings and passive-seismic measurements for delineation of saline groundwater in the Genesee valley-fill aquifer system, western New York, 2016\xe2\x80\x9317</title>\n <geoform>Online Publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This folder contains the raw and processed TEM data and inverted soundings showing resistivity (in ohm-m) with depth for all survey sites that were part of transect 13.\n\nIn October and November 2016-2017, transient electromagnetic (TEM) data, also called time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) surveys, were acquired at 120 locations in the Genesee Valley, Livingston County, in New York, in order to characterize the subsurface resistivity structure in support of a U.S. Geological Survey groundwater investigation. The TEM data were collected as part of a project to evaluate geophysical methods to characterize the valley-fill sediments, underlying bedrock, and salinity of the subsurface. TEM data were collected using an ABEM WalkTEM unit (acquisition software V 1.1.0 and newer) using two transmitter loop (Tx) sizes, 100 by 100 meters square and 40 by 40 meters square, a center-loop receiver (Rx) that is 0.5 by 0.5 square meters in size (with an effective area of 35 m^2), and dual currents of about 2 and 11 amperes (A). In addition, a second center-loop receiver, 10 by 10 meters square in size (with an effective area of 1400 m^2) was used. Both receivers were centered and concentrically nested inside the Tx loop. The Tx measurement cycles were stacked 10 times, and 1-5 measurements were taken at each site. Multiple surveys collected at the same location were stacked, filtered, and averaged for each Tx current and set of Rx measurements. This data release includes the raw and processed TEM data and inverted soundings showing resistivity (in ohm-m) with depth.</abstract>\n <purpose>Surface geophysical methods can provide information for the characterization of the subsurface structure of the earth for aquifer investigations. Transient electromagnetic induction (TEM) surveys (also called time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) surveys) provide resistivity soundings of the subsurface, which can be related to lithology and hydrogeology and be used to inform and/or constrain regional hydrogeological models.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20161026</begdate>\n <enddate>20171116</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Unknown</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-77.89559286</westbc>\n <eastbc>-77.80341141</eastbc>\n <northbc>42.87067918</northbc>\n <southbc>42.74837029</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Groundwater</themekey>\n <themekey>Salinity</themekey>\n <themekey>Electromagnetic surveying</themekey>\n <themekey>Resistivity</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5f5f877182ce3550e3bff1be</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>GNIS</placekt>\n <placekey>Livingston County</placekey>\n <placekey>Genesee River Valley</placekey>\n <placekey>New York</placekey>\n </place>\n <stratum>\n <stratkt>USGS Thesaurus</stratkt>\n <stratkey>Bedrock</stratkey>\n </stratum>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>John H Williams</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, New York Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist GW Specialist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>425 Jordan Road</address>\n <city>Troy</city>\n <state>NY</state>\n <postal>12180</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>518-285-5670</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Data collection and the analysis were funded by the New York State Department of Environmental Resources and the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Mission Area in support of Environmental Health and Water. The data were collected by Eric White, John Williams, William Kappel, Alton Anderson, Paul Heisig, Michael Izdebski, Adam Baldwin, and Carole Johnson from the U.S. Geological Survey.</datacred>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Williams, John H.</origin>\n <origin>Kappel, William M.</origin>\n <origin>Johnson, Carole D.</origin>\n <origin>White, Eric A.</origin>\n <origin>Heisig, Paul M.</origin>\n <origin>Lane, John W.</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>Time-domain electromagnetic soundings and passive-seismic measurements for delineation of saline groundwater in the Genesee valley-fill aquifer system, western New York, 2016\xe2\x80\x932017: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Storrs, CT., USA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey data release</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Johnson, Carole D.</origin>\n <origin>White, Eric A.</origin>\n <origin>Williams, John H.</origin>\n <origin>Kappel, William M.</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Transient Electromagnetic Surveys Collected for Delineation of Saline Groundwater in the Genesee Valley, New York, October-November 2016</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Storrs, CT., USA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey data release</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Heisig, Paul M.</origin>\n <origin>Kappel, William M.</origin>\n <origin>Williams, John H.</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>Horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio and depth-to-bedrock data for saline-groundwater investigation in the Genesee Valley, western New York, 2016\xe2\x80\x932017</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Troy, NY., USA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey data release</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Kappel, William M.</origin>\n <origin>Williams, John H.</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>Compilation of chloride-concentration data from selected wells in the Genesee Valley, western New York: U.S. Geological Survey data release</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Troy, NY., USA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey data release</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>Accuracy evaluated by comparison to borehole logs.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Inverted models of resistivity were compared to borehole resistivity logs collected in nearby boreholes. The inverted TEM results were generally consistent with borehole information, and no further action needed to be taken.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted. The center point of the array was measured with a Trimble GeoXH 2005 DGPS with +/- 0.4 meter accuracy.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted. The vertical accuracy of the Trimble GPS is +/- 0.75 meter.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Description:\n\nIn the TEM method, electrical current is cycled through a wire in a transmitter loop (Tx), which in turn produces a static magnetic field. When the current is abruptly terminated, an instantaneous current is induced in the earth, and it moves downward and outward as the induced current decays with time. The decay is controlled by the resistivity of the earth. A receiver (Rx) at the center of the Tx loop measures the time rate of change in the induced secondry magnetic field (dB/dt). Decaying voltage measurements at the receiver are converted to apparent resistivity, which can be inverted to recover the depth-dependent resistivity structure of the earth.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Collection:\n\nDuring the data collection process, care was taken to maximize distance to electrical power lines and metal objects (such as pipes, farm equipment, debris, etc.) within or near the array.\n\nMetal objects within and near the array can adversely affect the survey by causing induction effects that limit the penetration of electrical current into the subsurface. Electrical power lines can induce noise in the survey data rendering it unusable.\n\nTEM data were collected using four WalkTEM units. Duplicate measurements were collected to insure the results were similar between individual units. \n\nAll data filenames are referenced by identification numbers comprised of Site name, data type, and a sequential number (e.g. LVTDEM4 LV for Livingston county; TDEM indicates time-domain electromagnetic sounding; and 4 is the sequential number). \n\nA complete listing of the soundings, date of collection, square loop size (40 or 100 m on a side), location of the survey, elevation, Project and station numbers is provided in a table in Excel (.xlsx) and comma-separated values (.csv) formats (See TDEM-sounding-locations-Livingston-County-NY.xlsx).\n\nThe raw ASCII data files are provided in space-delimited (* ASCII and comma-separated (*.csv) files organized in folders for each sounding. Multiple soundings (multiple folders) along a transect are combined in compressed (zip) files, and are named for each transect line (T1 through T13).\n\nThe * files provide header information at the top of the file on a comment line that is prefaced with "/". The "cleaned" and averaged TEM decay data are shown with early time, data spikes, and late time noise trimmed from the data set. Raw data provided in ASCII file format (* with averaged decay magnetic field in volts per meter squared m per Ampere (v/m^2*A) with time gates arranged in column format. Multiple surveys (stations) collected at the same site were stacked and averaged for each current and receiver shown in separate rows of data. \n\nA data dictionary for the TDEM data is provided in two formats including: comma-separated values (*.csv) and Excel spreadsheet that is Extensible Markup Language (.XML) enabled (*.xlsx).\n\nIn addition, the raw data are also provided in binary file format (.gdb) and can be read using Aarhus Geosoftware\'s SPIA TEM program (</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Processing:\n\nThe TDEM sounding data were processed with the SPIA inversion program V3.2.1.0 to generate a 1D resistivity models of the earth that fit to the measured TEM data. The output from the inversion program produces a smooth 20-layer resistivity model shown in ohm-meters. \n\nThe output is formatted in space-delimited (* ASCII data files with header information on the top of the file and in comma-separated (*_inv.csv) files without any header information. \n\nOutput results are provided in folders for each sounding, and soundings are grouped in transects. \n\nAarhus Geosoftware\'s SPIA TEM program (</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>GNIS: Livingston County. Genesee River Valley</indspref>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <gridsys>\n <gridsysn>Universal Transverse Mercator</gridsysn>\n <utm>\n <utmzone>18</utmzone>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer>0.9996</sfctrmer>\n <longcm>-75.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>0.0</latprjo>\n <feast>5000000.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </transmer>\n </utm>\n </gridsys>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>1.0</absres>\n <ordres>1.0</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>METERS</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>WGS 84</horizdn>\n <ellips>GRS 80</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n <vertdef>\n <depthsys>\n <depthdn>Depth to layer, elevation at sounding location</depthdn>\n <depthres>1.0</depthres>\n <depthdu>meters</depthdu>\n <depthem>Explicit depth coordinate included with horizontal coordinates</depthem>\n </depthsys>\n </vertdef>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Four file types are provided for this transient electromagnetic induction (TEM) data release, including:\n\nLVTDEM#_Project#.gdb: These files are the raw TEM data in binary file format and can be read using Aarhus Geosoftware\'s SPIA TEM program (\n\nLVTDEM#_Project#_dat.*: These files are the raw TEM data in ASCII file format. Files with the space-delimited ".XYZ" extension contain fileheader and column-header information. \nFiles with the comma separated value (.CSV) extension have no fileheader information and only contain column-header information.\n\nLVTDEM#_Project#_Smooth_inv.*: Contains TEM processing output of inverted models as ASCII files with the .XYZ extension contain fileheader and column-header information. \nFiles with the .CSV extension have no fileheader information and only contain column-header information.\ contains a data dictionary for terms used in TEM surveying served in csv and xlsx formats.</eaover>\n <eadetcit>United States Geological Survey (USGS). Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data Dictionary.</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. Processed data: Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS or the U.S. Government shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.</distliab>\n <techpreq>User must have software capable of unpacking the WinZip *.ZIP files. Raw binary data files (with file extension *.gdb) can be opened using proprietary software including SPIA-TEM (available from Other files ASCII text (txt) or comma (csv).</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20210428</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Eric White</cntper>\n <cntorg>WATER: ESP HGB</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>11 Sherman Place</address>\n <city>Storrs</city>\n <state>CT</state>\n <postal>06269</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>860-487-7402 x23</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Steepest-Descent Lines for Kīlauea, Mauna Loa, Hualālai, and Mauna Kea Volcanoes, Hawaiʻi](/catalog/folder/57fd072ee4b0824b2d130eb5) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/57fd072ee4b0824b2d130eb5) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/57fd072ee4b0824b2d130eb5) - [JSON](/catalog/item/57fd072ee4b0824b2d130eb5?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2016-12-31Time Period2016-08-16 ## Citation Kauahikaua, J.P., Orr, T., Patrick, M.R., and Trusdell, F.A., 2017, Steepest-Descent Lines for Kīlauea, Mauna Loa, Hualālai, and Mauna Kea Volcanoes, Hawaiʻi: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This USGS data release includes two ESRI polyline shapefiles (file\_names.shp) describing the describing the steepest-descent lines calculated at two levels of detail (See Process Step for explanation). To increase access to these data, KMZ (Compressed Keyhole Markup Language) versions of the polyline feature layers are included in this release (file\_names.kmz). In addition to these data layers, two supplementary data layers from the Big Island Mapping Project (BIMP) showing lava flows originating on Mauna Loa and Kilauea volcanoes, originally published in Trusdell, Wolfe, and Morris (2006), are included for context and reference. Both ESRI polygon shapefiles and KMZ versions of these files are included, naming conventions are identical \[...\] ## Summary This USGS data release includes two ESRI polyline shapefiles (file\_names.shp) describing the describing the steepest-descent lines calculated at two levels of detail (See Process Step for explanation). To increase access to these data, KMZ (Compressed Keyhole Markup Language) versions of the polyline feature layers are included in this release (file\_names.kmz). In addition to these data layers, two supplementary data layers from the Big Island Mapping Project (BIMP) showing lava flows originating on Mauna Loa and Kilauea volcanoes, originally published in Trusdell, Wolfe, and Morris (2006), are included for context and reference. Both ESRI polygon shapefiles and KMZ versions of these files are included, naming conventions are identical as the files in this release. This metadata file provides information for the GIS data files unique to this data release. Below are the files that comprise this release, including the metadata files: Steepest-Descent\_lines\_3M\_m2.shp Steepest-Descent\_lines\_750K\_m2.shp Steepest-Descent\_lines\_3M\_m2.KMZ Steepest-Descent\_lines\_750K\_m2.KMZ Kilauea1983-1996\_from\_BIMP.shp ML1984\_from\_BIMP.shp Kilauea1983-1996\_from\_BIMP.kmz ML1984\_from\_BIMP.kmz mauna\_loa\_steepest\_descent\_lines\_FGDC.xml mauna\_loa\_steepest\_descent\_lines\_FGDC.txt ## Contacts Point of Contact : [James P Kauahikaua](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5320) Originator : [James P Kauahikaua](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5320), [Tim Orr](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=7743), [Matthew R Patrick](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=7898), [Frank A Trusdell](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10548) Metadata Contact : [James P Kauahikaua](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5320) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [[email protected]](/catalog/catalogParty/show? USGS Mission Area : [Natural Hazards](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Natural+Hazards) SDC Data Owner : [Volcano Hazards Program Office](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17168) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/57fd072ee4b0824b2d130eb5?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/57fd072ee4b0824b2d130eb5?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/57fd072ee4b0824b2d130eb5?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Steepest\_Descent\_Lines\_for\_K\_lauea\_Mauna\_Loa\_Hual\_lai\_and\_Mauna\_Kea\_Volcanoes\_Hawai\_i.xml<br>“Metadata in xml format”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 21.12 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | steepest-descent Data<br>“Data” | | 30.82 MB | application/zip | | Steepest\_Descent\_Lines\_for\_K\_lauea\_Mauna\_loa\_Hual\_lai\_and\_Mauna\_Kea\_Volcanoes\_Hawai\_i.txt<br>“Metadata in text format” | | 20.88 KB | text/plain | ## Purpose These data of steepest-descent lines for the Island of Hawai'i are to be used as a general guide in forecasting the initial lava flow paths for future eruptions of Kīlauea, Mauna Loa, Hualālai, and Mauna Kea volcanoes. These data contribute to natural hazard monitoring and lava flow control efforts and are intended to assist emergency managers during an eruption, to plan emergency response activities, and to identify infrastructure at risk. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/57fd072ee4b0824b2d130eb5) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/57fd072ee4b0824b2d130eb5) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Theme - [environment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Denvironment "environment (environment, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [geoscientificInformation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DgeoscientificInformation "geoscientificInformation (geoscientificInformation, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [health](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhealth "health (health, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [society](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsociety "society (society, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") Place - [Hawaiʻi](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHawai%CA%BBi "Hawaiʻi (Hawaiʻi, Place, None)") - [Hualālai](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHual%C4%81lai "Hualālai (Hualālai, Place, None)") - [Kīlauea](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DK%C4%ABlauea "Kīlauea (Kīlauea, Place, None)") - [Mauna Kea](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMauna+Kea "Mauna Kea (Mauna Kea, Place, None)") - [Mauna Loa](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMauna+Loa "Mauna Loa (Mauna Loa, Place, None)") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Volcanology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DVolcanology "Volcanology (Volcanology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7FJ2DX0 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jim Kauahikaua</origin>\n <origin>Tim Orr</origin>\n <origin>Matt Patrick</origin>\n <origin>Frank Trusdell</origin>\n <pubdate>20161231</pubdate>\n <title>Steepest-Descent Lines for K\xc4\xablauea, Mauna Loa, Hual\xc4\x81lai, and Mauna Kea Volcanoes, Hawai\xca\xbbi</title>\n <geoform>vector digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This USGS data release includes two ESRI polyline shapefiles (file_names.shp) describing the describing the steepest-descent lines calculated at two levels of detail (See Process Step for explanation). To increase access to these data, KMZ (Compressed Keyhole Markup Language) versions of the polyline feature layers are included in this release (file_names.kmz). In addition to these data layers, two supplementary data layers from the Big Island Mapping Project (BIMP) showing lava flows originating on Mauna Loa and Kilauea volcanoes, originally published in Trusdell, Wolfe, and Morris (2006), are included for context and reference. Both ESRI polygon shapefiles and KMZ versions of these files are included, naming conventions are identical as the files in this release. This metadata file provides information for the GIS data files unique to this data release. \nBelow are the files that comprise this release, including the metadata files: \nSteepest-Descent_lines_3M_m2.shp \nSteepest-Descent_lines_750K_m2.shp \nSteepest-Descent_lines_3M_m2.KMZ \nSteepest-Descent_lines_750K_m2.KMZ \nKilauea1983-1996_from_BIMP.shp \nML1984_from_BIMP.shp \nKilauea1983-1996_from_BIMP.kmz \nML1984_from_BIMP.kmz \nmauna_loa_steepest_descent_lines_FGDC.xml \nmauna_loa_steepest_descent_lines_FGDC.txt</abstract>\n <purpose>These data of steepest-descent lines for the Island of Hawai\'i are to be used as a general guide in forecasting the initial lava flow paths for future eruptions of K\xc4\xablauea, Mauna Loa, Hual\xc4\x81lai, and Mauna Kea volcanoes. These data contribute to natural hazard monitoring and lava flow control efforts and are intended to assist emergency managers during an eruption, to plan emergency response activities, and to identify infrastructure at risk.</purpose>\n <supplinf>1. The steepest-descent lines are based on a DEM; therefore, the best application of this approach requires the use of an accurate and reliable DEM. The DEM used was derived from gridded contour lines digitized from 7.5\' topographic maps contoured at 20-foot intervals for all of Kilauea and much of the coastal areas of the Island of Hawai`i and 40-foot intervals for quadrangles covering interior areas of the island (See USGS 3D Elevation Program website for more information on USGS DEMs). The specifications for the topographic map, and therefore for the DEM, are that the height errors don\'t exceed half the contour interval used for the map. Therefore, the uncertainty in the DEM elevations should be less than 3 m for Kilauea and the coastal areas of the island and 6 m for the interior of the island. Steepest descent lines analysis is based on the assumption that the DEM perfectly represents the earth\'s surface. DEMs, however, are simplified representations of the earth\'s surface, so the lines on this map can be used to infer only approximate flow paths. These data only show the likely paths of initial lava flows; if multiple lava flows are emplaced the initial lava flow can alter the path of successive flows. The DEM grid approximates all terrain within each 10 m by 10 m square or cell as a single elevation value. Narrower features will likely not be represented but features with broader wavelength will be retained. Previous examples of steepest-descent calculations used to forecast lava flow paths have been fairly successful (Kauahikaua, 2007; Poland and others, 2016) encouraging our continued use of this DEM. \n\n2. To ensure a full preview of FGDC metadata in ESRI ArcCatalog software, users should set the Metadata Style preference to "FGDC CSDGM Metadata".</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20160816</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Not planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-156.063491335</westbc>\n <eastbc>-154.811254794</eastbc>\n <northbc>20.280106796</northbc>\n <southbc>18.91443705</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Categories</themekt>\n <themekey>geoscientificInformation</themekey>\n <themekey>society</themekey>\n <themekey>health</themekey>\n <themekey>environment</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:57fd072ee4b0824b2d130eb5</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Mauna Loa</placekey>\n <placekey>Hual\xc4\x81lai</placekey>\n <placekey>K\xc4\xablauea</placekey>\n <placekey>Hawai\xca\xbbi</placekey>\n <placekey>Mauna Kea</placekey>\n </place>\n <temporal>\n <tempkt>USGS Thesaurus</tempkt>\n <tempkey>Holocene</tempkey>\n </temporal>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>This dataset has been approved for release and publication by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although this dataset has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides these geographic data "as is." The USGS makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of information contained in the geographic data. The USGS further makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, as to any other matter whatsoever, including, and without limitation, the condition of the product or its fitness for any particular purpose. The burden for determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user. Although these data have been processed successfully on computers at the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS regarding the use of these data on any other system, nor does the fact of distribution constitute or imply any such warranty. In no event shall the USGS nor the U.S. Government have any liability whatsoever for payment of any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or tort damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, any loss of profits arising out of use of or reliance on the geographic data or arising out of delivery, installation, operation, or support by USGS. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. The U.S. Geological Survey strongly recommends that careful attention be paid to the metadata file associated with these data. Any derivative products utilizing these datasets shall clearly indicate their source. If users modify the data in any way they are obligated to describe the types of modifications they have performed. User specifically agrees not to misrepresent these datasets, nor to imply that changes they made were approved by the U.S. Geological Survey. Acknowledgement of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data. If any errors are detected, please notify Jim Kauahikaua ([email protected]).</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jim Kauahikaua</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Reginald T Okamura Bldg 336</address>\n <city>Hawaii Natl Park</city>\n <state>HI</state>\n <postal>96718</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>808-967-8824</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>This dataset was produced by Jim Kauahikaua, Tim Orr, Matt Patrick, and Frank Trusdell.</datacred>\n <native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS 10.3.1 (Build 4959) Service Pack N/A (Build N/A)</native>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>John W. Ewert, Marianne Guffanti, and Thomas L. Murray</origin>\n <pubdate>20050101</pubdate>\n <title>An assessment of volcanic threat and monitoring capabilities in the United States: Framework for a National Volcano Early Warning System</title>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>USGS Open-File Report</sername>\n <issue>2005-1164</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jim Kauahikaua, David R. Sherrod, Katharine V. Cashman, Christina Heliker, Ken Hon, Tari N. Mattox, and Jenda A. Johnson</origin>\n <pubdate>20030101</pubdate>\n <title>Hawaiian Lava-Flow Dynamics During the Pu\xca\xbbu \xca\xbb\xc5\x8c\xca\xbb\xc5\x8d-Kupaianaha Eruption: A Tale of Two Decades, in Heliker, C.C., Swanson, D.A., and Takahashi, T.J., (eds.)</title>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>USGS Professional Paper</sername>\n <issue>1676</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Michael Poland, Tim R. Orr, James P. Kauahikaua, Steven R. Brantley, Janet L. Babb, Matthew R. Patrick, Christina A. Neal, Kyle R. Anderson, Loren Antolik, Matthew Burgess, Tamar Elias, Steven Fuke, Pauline Fukunaga, Ingrid A. Johanson, Marian Kagimoto, Kevan Kamibayashi, Lopaka Lee, Asta Miklius, William Million, Cyril Moniz, Paul G. Okubo, A. Jeff Sutton, T. Jane Takahashi, Wes A. Thelen, William Tollett, and Frank A. Trusdell</origin>\n <pubdate>20160101</pubdate>\n <title>P\xc4\x81hoa lava flow crisis at K\xc4\xablauea Volcano, Hawai\xca\xbbi: Disaster avoided and lessons learned</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Boulder, CO</pubplace>\n <publish>The Geological Society of America</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jim Kauahikaua</origin>\n <pubdate>20070101</pubdate>\n <title>Lava Flow Hazard Assessment, as of August 2007, for K\xc4\xablauea East Rift Zone Eruptions, Hawai\xe2\x80\x98i Island</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Frank A. Trusdell, Edward W. Wolfe, and Jean Morris</origin>\n <pubdate>20060101</pubdate>\n <title>Digital database of the geologic map of the island of Hawai\xca\xbbi</title>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>USGS Data Series</sername>\n <issue>144</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>The analysis was performed using a digital elevation model, representing the topography of the island, based on digitized topographic contour lines from 7.5\' USGS topographic quadrangle maps published prior to 1983.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>A formal accuracy assessment of the horizontal positional information in the data set has not been conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The steepest-descent lines are the product of GIS tools used for hydrologic analysis of ground surfaces (DEMs) to define drainages. The catchments, or lavasheds, used in Kauahikaua and others (2003) were calculated using the IDRISI GIS program while those used in Kauahikaua (2007) and Poland and others (2016) were calculated using the Hydrology Tools in ArcGIS (Esri). The set of steepest-descent lines published with this report were calculated using the Global Mapper (Blue Marble Geographics) Watershed calculator with default settings. No significant differences were found in comparisons between the results of each software package used over the same DEM. The resulting steepest-descent lines describe the drainage properties of the DEM on which they were calculated. Each algorithm operates in the same general way: pits or sinks in the DEM (cells whose elevation is lower than the elevations of all surrounding cells) are first filled numerically to assure that all steepest-descent calculations extend to the coastline. Next, a steepest downhill direction is calculated for each cell and the cell directions are connected to form drainage, or steepest-descent, lines. Each cell along the drainage line can be identified with how many other higher-elevation cells drain into it. The major steepest-descent lines can be emphasized by selecting only those that drain more than a minimum number of cells. Two sets of these lines are included in this publication for minimum drainage areas of 7,500 10mX10m cells or an area of 0.75 sq. km. (Steepest-Descent_lines_750K_m2,) and 30,000 10mX10m cells or an area of 3 (Steepest-Descent_lines_3M_m2). These values were chosen to provide a useful, but not overwhelming, amount of detail.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20160816</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Vector</direct>\n <ptvctinf>\n <sdtsterm>\n <sdtstype>Complete chain</sdtstype>\n <ptvctcnt>1738</ptvctcnt>\n </sdtsterm>\n </ptvctinf>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <mapproj>\n <mapprojn>Transverse Mercator</mapprojn>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer>0.9996</sfctrmer>\n <longcm>-153.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>0.0</latprjo>\n <feast>500000.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </transmer>\n </mapproj>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>1.0E-4</absres>\n <ordres>1.0E-4</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>METERS</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>D_NORTH_AMERICAN_1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>GRS_1980</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257222101</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Attribute Table</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Table containing attribute information associated with the data set.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Notes</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Free text field</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Field values are the data source source file name to assist in identifying the source of the data if it becomes separated from the metadata.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <overview>\n <eaover>The entity and attribute information provided here describes the tabular data associated with the data set. Please review the detailed descriptions that are provided (the individual attribute descriptions) for information on the values that appear as fields/table entries of the data set.</eaover>\n <eadetcit>The entity and attribute information was generated by the individual and/or agency identified as the originator of the data set. Please review the rest of the metadata record for additional details and information.</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>ScienceBase - U.S. Geological Survey</cntper>\n <cntorg>ScienceBase - U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810 Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>This dataset has been approved for release and publication by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) provides these geographic data "as is." The USGS makes no guarantee or warranty concerning the accuracy of information contained in the geographic data. The USGS further makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, as to any other matter whatsoever, including, without limitation, the condition of the product or its fitness for any particular purpose. The burden for determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user. Although these data have been processed successfully on computers at the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS regarding the use of these data on any other system, nor does the fact of distribution constitute or imply any such warranty. In no event shall the USGS nor the U.S. Government have any liability whatsoever for payment of any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, or tort damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, any loss of profits arising out of use of or reliance on the geographic data or arising out of delivery, installation, operation, or support by USGS. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. The U.S. Geological Survey strongly recommends that careful attention be paid to the metadata file associated with these data. Any derivative products utilizing these datasets shall clearly indicate their source. If users modify the data in any way they are obligated to describe the types of modifications they have performed. User specifically agrees not to misrepresent these datasets, nor to imply that changes they made were approved by the U.S. Geological Survey. Acknowledgement of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from these data. If any errors are detected, please notify Jim Kauahikaua ([email protected]).</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>SHP</formname>\n <formvern>none</formvern>\n <formspec>ESRI Polyline Shapefiles</formspec>\n <formcont>This WinZip file contains two polyline shapefiles as well as the associated metadata file.</formcont>\n <transize>27.2</transize>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n <techpreq>This release contains WinZip compressed ESRI shapefiles and KMZ files (compressed Keyhole Markup Language). Access to software capable of displaying these data types is necessary to use these data.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200827</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jim Kauahikaua</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Supervisory Geophysicist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Reginald T Okamura Bldg 336</address>\n <city>Hawaii Natl Park</city>\n <state>HI</state>\n <postal>96718</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>808-967-8824</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>808-967-8819</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n <mettc>local time</mettc>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Dataset for Alaska Marine Fish Ecology Catalog](/catalog/item/5841a424e4b04fc80e518bb5) 4. [Marine Arctic polygon distribution of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) (Lepechin, 1774)](/catalog/folder/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2) - [JSON](/catalog/item/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2017Time Period2017 ## Citation Thorsteinson, L.K., 2017, Dataset for Alaska Marine Fish Ecology Catalog: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Region(s) of distribution of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) (Lepechin, 1774) in the Arctic as digitized for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5038. For details on the project and purpose, see the report at Complete metadata for the collection of species datasets is in the metadata document "Dataset\_for\_Alaska\_Marine\_Fish\_Ecology\_Catalog.xml" at Source(s) for this digitized data layer are listed in the metadata Process Steps section. Note that the original source may show an extended area; some datasets were limited to the published map boundary. Distributions of marine fishes are shown in adjacent Arctic seas where reliable data are available. \[...\] ## Summary Region(s) of distribution of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) (Lepechin, 1774) in the Arctic as digitized for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5038. For details on the project and purpose, see the report at Complete metadata for the collection of species datasets is in the metadata document "Dataset\_for\_Alaska\_Marine\_Fish\_Ecology\_Catalog.xml" at Source(s) for this digitized data layer are listed in the metadata Process Steps section. Note that the original source may show an extended area; some datasets were limited to the published map boundary. Distributions of marine fishes are shown in adjacent Arctic seas where reliable data are available. The data were clipped to show only the marine distribution areas although some species also may have an inland presence. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Durelle Smith, Staff Scientist](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Durelle+Smith%2C+Staff+Scientist) Originator : [Lyman K. Thorsteinson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Lyman+K.+Thorsteinson) Metadata Contact : [Jacqueline Olson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Jacqueline+Olson) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey+-+ScienceBase) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 3-5-2g\_Boreogadus\_saida.jpg | ![thumbnail]( | 129.2 KB | image/jpeg | | 3-5-2m\_Boreogadus\_saida.jpg | ![thumbnail]( | 693.1 KB | image/jpeg | | 3-5-2p\_Boreogadus\_saida.jpg | ![thumbnail]( | 307.22 KB | image/jpeg | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | Bor\_sai\_py.shp.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 20.12 KB | | Bor\_sai\_py.cpg | | 5 Bytes | | Bor\_sai\_py.dbf | | 190 Bytes | | Bor\_sai\_py.prj | | 396 Bytes | | Bor\_sai\_py.sbn | | 172 Bytes | | Bor\_sai\_py.sbx | | 124 Bytes | | Bor\_sai\_py.shp | | 1.06 MB | | Bor\_sai\_py.shx | | 132 Bytes | Shapefile: Bor\_sai\ ## Purpose See report: ## Preview Image ![Preview Image]( ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ScienceBase WFS ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [(Lepechin, 1774)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3D%28Lepechin%2C+1774%29 "(Lepechin, 1774) ((Lepechin, 1774), Theme, See Taxonomic Identification.)") - [Arctic](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DArctic "Arctic (Arctic, Theme, None)") - [Arctic Cod](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DArctic+Cod "Arctic Cod (Arctic Cod, Theme, See Taxonomic Identification.)") - [Boreogadus saida](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBoreogadus+saida "Boreogadus saida (Boreogadus saida, Theme, See Taxonomic Identification.)") - [Distributions](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDistributions "Distributions (Distributions, Theme, Data categories for marine planning)") - [biogeography](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiogeography "biogeography (biogeography, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [ecology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Decology "ecology (ecology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [fish](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfish "fish (fish, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [marine](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmarine "marine (marine, Theme, None)") - [marine fishery resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmarine+fishery+resources "marine fishery resources (marine fishery resources, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Alaska](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAlaska "Alaska (Alaska, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Arctic](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DArctic "Arctic (Arctic, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Beaufort Sea](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBeaufort+Sea "Beaufort Sea (Beaufort Sea, Place, None)") - [Bering Sea](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBering+Sea "Bering Sea (Bering Sea, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Bering Strait](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBering+Strait "Bering Strait (Bering Strait, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Chukchi Sea](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DChukchi+Sea "Chukchi Sea (Chukchi Sea, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Chukchi-Beaufort Lease Area](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DChukchi-Beaufort+Lease+Area "Chukchi-Beaufort Lease Area (Chukchi-Beaufort Lease Area, Place, None)") - [Northwest Territories](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNorthwest+Territories "Northwest Territories (Northwest Territories, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Nunavut](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNunavut "Nunavut (Nunavut, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DU.S.+Exclusive+Economic+Zone "U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone, Place, None)") - [Yukon](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DYukon "Yukon (Yukon, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [northeast Russia](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dnortheast+Russia "northeast Russia (northeast Russia, Place, None)") - [northwest Canada](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dnorthwest+Canada "northwest Canada (northwest Canada, Place, None)") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") - [Downloadable](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DDownloadable "Downloadable") - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - 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(Additional Information) ## Item Actions #### Use Item [Process feature with Geo Data Portal](/catalog/gdp/callGdp?item_id=58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2& ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Lyman K. Thorsteinson</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Marine Arctic polygon distribution of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) (Lepechin, 1774)</title>\n <geoform>Vector Digital Data Set (Polygon)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, Virginia</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Lyman K. Thorsteinson (ed)</origin>\n <origin>Milton S. Love (ed)</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Alaska Arctic Marine Fish Ecology Catalog</title>\n <geoform>Publication (Book)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, Virginia</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Region(s) of distribution of Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) (Lepechin, 1774) in the Arctic as digitized for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5038. For details on the project and purpose, see the report at Complete metadata for the collection of species datasets is in the metadata document "Dataset_for_Alaska_Marine_Fish_Ecology_Catalog.xml" at Source(s) for this digitized data layer are listed in the metadata Process Steps section. Note that the original source may show an extended area; some datasets were limited to the published map boundary. Distributions of marine fishes are shown in adjacent Arctic seas where reliable data are available. The data were clipped to show only the marine distribution areas although some species also may have an inland presence.</abstract>\n <purpose>See report:</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2017</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Not planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-180.0</westbc>\n <eastbc>180.0</eastbc>\n <northbc>90.0</northbc>\n <southbc>35.598478339</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>See range references listed in Sources</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>See Taxonomic Identification.</themekt>\n <themekey>Arctic Cod</themekey>\n <themekey>Boreogadus saida</themekey>\n <themekey>(Lepechin, 1774)</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>fish</themekey>\n <themekey>biogeography</themekey>\n <themekey>marine fishery resources</themekey>\n <themekey>ecology</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>Data categories for marine planning</themekt>\n <themekey>Distributions</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>marine</themekey>\n <themekey>Arctic</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:58812bc0e4b00a062356fee2</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Arctic</placekey>\n <placekey>Chukchi Sea</placekey>\n <placekey>Bering Strait</placekey>\n <placekey>Bering Sea</placekey>\n <placekey>Alaska</placekey>\n <placekey>Yukon</placekey>\n <placekey>Northwest Territories</placekey>\n <placekey>Nunavut</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Beaufort Sea</placekey>\n <placekey>northwest Canada</placekey>\n <placekey>northeast Russia</placekey>\n <placekey>Chukchi-Beaufort Lease Area</placekey>\n <placekey>U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Durelle Smith, Staff Scientist</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>4210 University Drive</address>\n <city>Anchorage</city>\n <state>AK</state>\n <postal>99508</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>907-786-7104</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>From the report (SIR-20165038): This study was supported by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Environmental Studies Program, Alaska OCS Region, through Interagency Agreement Number M09PG00005 with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). We appreciate the program planning advice and project reviews by fishery specialists in the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and all expert technical reviews provided during the USGS-managed peer review process. We extend special appeciation to the USGS Tacoma Publishing Service Center for their editorial, production, and publication assistance.</datacred>\n <native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS 10.4.1 (Build 5686) Service Pack N/A (Build N/A)</native>\n <taxonomy>\n <keywtax>\n <taxonkt>USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus</taxonkt>\n <taxonkey>Fishes</taxonkey>\n </keywtax>\n <taxonsys>\n <classsys>\n <classcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>See Methods.</origin>\n <pubdate>Unknown</pubdate>\n <title>See Methods.</title>\n <geoform>OTHER</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Unknown</pubplace>\n <publish>See Methods.</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </classcit>\n </classsys>\n <ider>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>See references.</cntper>\n <cntorg>See references.</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>See references.</address>\n <city>See references.</city>\n <state>See references.</state>\n <postal>See references.</postal>\n <country>See references.</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>See references.</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>See references.</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ider>\n <taxonpro>Sources and methods of nomenclature are described in chapters 1 and 2 of the report ( The resource for classification is: Mecklenburg, C.W., Mecklenburg, T.A., Sheiko, B.A., and Steinke, D., 2016, Pacific Arctic marine fishes: Akureyri, Iceland, Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, Monitoring Series Report No. 23, 406 p., accessed May 10, 2016, at\n\nNotes: Boreogadus saida is referred to as both "Arctic Cod" and "Polar Cod" in North American scientific literature. The American Fisheries Society and Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists recommend using "Polar Cod" for Boreogadus saida to bring consistency with European conventions and this recommendation is gaining in acceptance in contemporary reporting and publications. We chose to use "Arctic Cod" for Boreogadus saida in this report to ensure consistency with the vast majority of Alaskan literature and to avoid confusion with Ice Cod, which has been referred to as Polar Cod by North American researchers. Anyone using literature that does not specify the scientific name must read carefully to decide which species is meant. However, A. glacialis is rare in Arctic Alaska waters, and most references to Polar Cod from that region that do not provide the scientific name will refer to B. saida.</taxonpro>\n <taxoncom>See Methods.</taxoncom>\n </taxonsys>\n <taxongen>Arctic Cod (Boreogadus saida) (Lepechin, 1774)</taxongen>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Osteichthyes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Neopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Paracanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gadiformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gadidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gadinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Boreogadus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Boreogadus saida</taxonrv>\n <common>Arctic cod</common>\n <common>sa\xc3\xafda franc</common>\n <common>polar cod</common>\n <common>saida franc</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxonomy>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Dataset is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>A formal accuracy assessment of the horizontal positional information in the dataset has not been conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the dataset has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Varies</origin>\n <pubdate>20160808</pubdate>\n <title>See methodology summary above.</title>\n <geoform>Varies</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Varies</pubplace>\n <publish>Varies</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20140101</begdate>\n <enddate>20160808</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>DistributionSource</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Source information used in support of the development of the dataset.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>See collection metadata:</procdesc>\n <procdate>20160808</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <method>\n <methtype>both</methtype>\n <methdesc>All methods are documented in the following range sources identified in the report \n\nRange: Throughout U.S. Chukchi and Beaufort Seas from very shallow, neritic waters to well offshore (although abundance hundreds of kilometers offshore is poorly known) [6\xe2\x80\x939]. A circumpolar species, documented in Chukchi Sea northward nearly to the North Pole at 88\xc2\xb026\xe2\x80\xb2N, 126\xc2\xb026\xe2\x80\xb2E. In continental shelf waters, west and south of U.S. Chukchi Sea from Siberian Arctic to Olyutorskiy Bay in western Bering Sea and to Bristol Bay in eastern Bering Sea; and east of U.S. Beaufort Sea continuous throughout the Canadian Beaufort Sea [10, 11].\n\n6. Craig, P.C., Griffiths, W.B., Haldorson, L., and McElderry, H., 1982, Ecological studies of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) in Beaufort Sea coastal waters\xe2\x80\x94Alaska: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, v. 39, no. 3, p. 395\xe2\x80\x93406. \n\n7. Wiswar, D.W., West, R.L., and Winkleman, W.N., 1995, Fisheries investigation in Oruktalik Lagoon, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 1986: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Fisheries Technical Report, no. 30, 38 p.\n\n8. Jarvela, L.E., and Thorsteinson, L.K., 1999, The epipelagic fish community of Beaufort Sea coastal waters, Alaska: Arctic, v. 52, no. 1, p. 80\xe2\x80\x9394.\n\n9. Parker-Stetter, S., Horne, J., Logerwell, L., Rand, K., and Weingartner, T. 2010, Assessment of Arctic cod and young-of-the-year fish distributions in the Beaufort Sea [abs.]: Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Book of Abstracts, p. 24.\n\n10. Mecklenburg, C.W., Stein, D.L., Sheiko, B.A., Chernova, N.V., Mecklenburg, T.A., and Holladay, B.A., 2007, Russian\xe2\x80\x93American long-term census of the Arctic\xe2\x80\x94Benthic fishes trawled in the Chukchi Sea and Bering Strait, August 2004: Northwestern Naturalist, v. 88, no. 3, p. 168\xe2\x80\x93187. \n\n11. Mecklenburg, C.W., M\xc3\xb8ller, P.R., and Steinke, D., 2011, Biodiversity of arctic marine fishes\xe2\x80\x94Taxonomy and zoogeography: Marine Biodiversity, v. 41, no. 1, p. 109\xe2\x80\x93140, Online Resource 1.</methdesc>\n </method>\n </lineage>\n <cloud>Unknown</cloud>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Vector</direct>\n <ptvctinf>\n <sdtsterm>\n <sdtstype>G-polygon</sdtstype>\n <ptvctcnt>4</ptvctcnt>\n </sdtsterm>\n </ptvctinf>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <mapproj>\n <mapprojn>PSPLambertAzimthalEqual (ESRI Full Name: PSPLambertAzimthalEqual)</mapprojn>\n <lamberta>\n <longpc>0.0</longpc>\n <latprjc>75.0</latprjc>\n <feast>0.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </lamberta>\n </mapproj>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>0.6096</absres>\n <ordres>0.6096</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>meter</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>D_North_American_1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>GRS_1980</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257222101</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Attribute Table</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Table containing attribute information associated with the data set.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>FID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Internal feature number.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Esri</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Shape</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Feature geometry.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Esri</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Coordinates defining the features.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Blank field</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Blank field</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Latdd</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unknown</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>69.22</rdommin>\n <rdommax>69.22</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Longdd</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unknown</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-165.02</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-165.02</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>point</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unknown</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>point</edomv>\n <edomvd>Unknown</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS or the U.S. Government shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.</distliab>\n <techpreq>User will need unzip software for the package. GIS data requires software capable of importing ESRI shapefiles; ArcExplorer is free, see The report requires PDF-reading software (Adobe Reader is one free option).</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200826</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jacqueline Olson</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Cartographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2130 SW 5th Avenue</address>\n <city>Portland</city>\n <state>OR</state>\n <postal>97201</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>NA</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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Richardson, S. and Pindilli, E.J., 2019, The Mississippi Alluvial Plain Aquifers: An Engine for Economic Activity - Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary The data are calculations of economic impacts of major agricultural commodities (corn, cotton, rice, soybeans, and catfish) produced in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain region for the years 2013 through 2017. ## Summary The data are calculations of economic impacts of major agricultural commodities (corn, cotton, rice, soybeans, and catfish) produced in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain region for the years 2013 through 2017. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Mustapha Alhassan](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=75743) Process Contact : [Mustapha Alhassan](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=75743) Originator : [Mustapha Alhassan](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=75743), [Collin Lawrence](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Collin+Lawrence), [Steven Richardson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Steven+Richardson), [Emily J Pindilli](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=62308) Metadata Contact : [Mustapha Alhassan](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=75743) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - 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b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Mustapha Alhassan</origin>\n <origin>Collin Lawrence</origin>\n <origin>Steven Richardson</origin>\n <origin>Emily Pindilli</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>The Mississippi Alluvial Plain Aquifers: An Engine for Economic Activity - Data</title>\n <geoform>Tabular form</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>The data are calculations of economic impacts of major agricultural commodities (corn, cotton, rice, soybeans, and catfish) produced in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain region for the years 2013 through 2017.</abstract>\n <purpose>The data were collected to calculate economic impacts of major agricultural commodities produced in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain aquifer region.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20180801</begdate>\n <enddate>20180828</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>Period when the data were extracted from USDA-NASS website and other sources.</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-91.9418</westbc>\n <eastbc>-88.5580</eastbc>\n <northbc>39.7069</northbc>\n <southbc>28.4586</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>National Agricultural Library Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Total economic impacts</themekey>\n <themekey>Direct impacts</themekey>\n <themekey>Indirect impacts</themekey>\n <themekey>Induced impacts</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5bbe9d69e4b0fc368eb37ecc</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>National Agricultural Library Thesaurus</placekt>\n <placekey>Mississippi Plain Alluvial region</placekey>\n <placekey>MAP region</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Mustapha Alhassan</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Science and Decisions Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Economist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Mail Stop 913</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-5754</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>The actual data match up with the details provided. The direct or revenue values are calculated using data from USDA-NASS and are within the expected ranges. The impacts calculated based on the multipliers obtained form 2016 IMPLAN data are also within the expected ranges.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>USDA-NASS</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Crop prices and outputs</title>\n <geoform>Annual time series</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Washington D.C.</pubplace>\n <publish>USDA-NASS</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Crop, prices, outputs, and catfish production by county/state in the MAP region.</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20130101</begdate>\n <enddate>20171231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>The data were extracted in August 2018</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Field crops</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Used to calculate revenue from catfish and crops outputs.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>University of Arkansas</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Crop prices</title>\n <geoform>Annual time series</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Arkansas</pubplace>\n <publish>University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Crop prices</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20130101</begdate>\n <enddate>20171231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>Extracted from 2013-2017 Arkansas Field Crop Enterprise Budgets</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Price</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Used to calculate crop revenue</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Catfish revenue, crop prices and outputs for counties within the MAP region were extracted form USDA-NASS. Prices of crop outputs for Mississippi and Arkansas were obtained from the Mississippi State University Crop Budget Reports and the Arkansas Field Crops Enterprise Budgets. The whole processes occurred in August 2018.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20180828</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Mustapha Alhassan</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Science and Decisions Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Economist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>12201 Sunrise Valley Drive Mail Stop 913</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-5754</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Economic impacts</enttypl>\n <enttypd>First column of each table contains list of crops and catfish, second column is revenue (direct impact) from the crop or catfish, the third column contains economic impact multipliers, and the fourth column is a product of the the revenue and the multiplier (economic impact).</enttypd>\n <enttypds>IMPLAN (Impact Analysis for Planning) and Bureau of Economic Analysis</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Commodity</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Agricultural crop or catfish produced in the MAP region.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>USDA-NASS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Corn</edomv>\n <edomvd>Corn crop grown in the state's counties within the MAP region.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer-defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Cotton</edomv>\n <edomvd>Cotton crop grown in the state's counties within the MAP region.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer-defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Rice</edomv>\n <edomvd>Rice crop grown in the state's counties within the MAP region.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer-defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Soybeans</edomv>\n <edomvd>Soybeans crop grown in the state's counties within the MAP region.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer-defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Catfish</edomv>\n <edomvd>Catfish produced in the state's counties within the MAP region.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer-defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Direct</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Direct economic impact which is the same as revenues from the commodities.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>IMPLAN (Impact Analysis for Planning)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>$314,695,500.00</edomv>\n <edomvd>2017 year direct economic impact from corn in Arkansas state's counties within the MAP region.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer-defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Multiplier</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Economic impact multiplier that captures indirect (interindustry) and induced (household-spending) impacts.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>IMPLAN (Impact Analysis for Planning) and Bureau of Economic Analysis</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1.87</edomv>\n <edomvd>2017 year impact multiplier in Arkansas state for corn.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>IMPLAN (Impact Analysis for Planning)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Impact</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total economic impact (direct, indirect, and induced) of the crop or catfish produced in the state's counties within the MAP region.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>$588,480,585.00</edomv>\n <edomvd>2017 year economic impact from corn production in Arkansas state.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>IMPLAN (Impact Analysis for Planning)</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200827</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Mustapha Alhasssan</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Science and Decisions Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Economist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Mail Stop 913</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-5754</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Soil moisture monitoring following the 2009 Station Fire, California, USA, 2016-2019](/catalog/folder/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63) - [JSON](/catalog/item/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2021-05-11Start Date2016End Date2019 ## Citation Thomas, M.A., Kean, J.W., Smith, J.B., Mirus, B.B., Staley, D.M., Rengers, F.K., and McGuire, L.A, 2021, Soil moisture monitoring following the 2009 Station Fire, California, USA, 2016-2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This data release includes 2016-2019 soil moisture timeseries for two drainage basins (“Arroyo Seco” and “Dunsmore Canyon”) that burned during the 2009 Station Fire in Los Angeles County, California, USA. The Arroyo Seco (0.01 km2) and Dunsmore Canyon (0.5 km2) drainages include two soil pits, one located near the drainage divide and another near the basin outlet. Following the naming convention established by Smith et al. (2019), we refer to the soil pits near the Arroyo Seco drainage divide and basin outlet as “AS1” and “AS3,” respectively. Similarly, we refer to the soil pits near the Dunsmore Canyon drainage divide and basin outlet as “DC1” and “DC3,” respectively. The coordinates of AS1 and AS3 are, respectively, 34.236972°, -118.195756° \[...\] ## Summary This data release includes 2016-2019 soil moisture timeseries for two drainage basins (“Arroyo Seco” and “Dunsmore Canyon”) that burned during the 2009 Station Fire in Los Angeles County, California, USA. The Arroyo Seco (0.01 km2) and Dunsmore Canyon (0.5 km2) drainages include two soil pits, one located near the drainage divide and another near the basin outlet. Following the naming convention established by Smith et al. (2019), we refer to the soil pits near the Arroyo Seco drainage divide and basin outlet as “AS1” and “AS3,” respectively. Similarly, we refer to the soil pits near the Dunsmore Canyon drainage divide and basin outlet as “DC1” and “DC3,” respectively. The coordinates of AS1 and AS3 are, respectively, 34.236972°, -118.195756° and 34.236053°, -118.194915° (WGS84). The coordinates of DC1 and DC3 are, respectively, 34.265075°, -118.237336° and  34.257528°, -118.241728° (WGS84). Each array (for which the total soil profile is ~50 cm) includes three soil moisture sensors positioned at 10, 25, and 50 cm depths. We report all available soil moisture information in terms of volumetric water content (VWC) for the time period and flag lapses in coverage. The VWC data for AS1 and DC1 overlap with Smith et al. (2019) for January 2016 through November 2017. We provide those data here to maintain consistency with Thomas et al. (2021). Sensor information, including the make/model, measurement units, and measurement frequency are contained in the “README.txt” file. Additional study details are provided in the following publications: Thomas, M.A., Rengers, F.K., Kean, J.W., McGuire, L.A., Staley, D.M., Barnhart, K.R., and Ebel, B.A. (2021). Postwildfire soil-hydraulic recovery and the persistence of debris flow hazards. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. Smith, J.B., Kean, J.W., Mirus, B.B., Staley, D.M, Rengers, F.K., and McGuire, L.A. (2019). Hillslope hydrologic monitoring data following the 2009 Station Fire, Los Angeles County, California, November 2015 to June 2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release. Smith, J.B., and J.W. Kean. (2018). Long-term soil-water tension measurements in semiarid environments: a method for automated tensiometer refilling. Vadose Zone Journal. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Matthew R Thomas](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=67902), [Rocky Mountain Region, Geologic Hazards Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Rocky+Mountain+Region%2C+Geologic+Hazards+Science+Center) Originator : [Matthew A Thomas](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=73216), [Jason W Kean](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5335), [Joel B Smith](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=58377), [Benjamin B Mirus](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=7061), [Dennis M Staley](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9819), [Francis K Rengers](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=66158), [Luke A Mcguire](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=66533) Metadata Contact : [Matthew A Thomas](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=73216), [Rocky Mountain Region, Geologic Hazards Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Rocky+Mountain+Region%2C+Geologic+Hazards+Science+Center) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Geologic Hazards Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17389) USGS Mission Area : [Natural Hazards](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Natural+Hazards) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | SoilMoisture2009StationFire\_metadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 8.79 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | AS1\_2016-2019.csv | | 78.24 MB | text/csv | | AS3\_2016-2019.csv | | 80.61 MB | text/csv | | DC1\_2016-2019.csv | | 81.31 MB | text/csv | | DC3\_2016-2019.csv | | 83.5 MB | text/csv | | README.txt | | 929 Bytes | text/plain | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Thomas, M.A., Rengers, F.K., Kean, J.W., McGuire, L.A., Staley, D.M., Barnhart, K.R., and Ebel, B.A. (2021). Postwildfire soil-hydraulic recovery and the persistence of debris flow hazards. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. | []( "") | ## Purpose Data were obtained to study the effects of postwildfire soil-hydraulic recovery on hillslope hydrology and debris flow occurrence. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63) [![](![](,4055491.493810727,-1.3123103090437705E7,4089445.8070144793)](/catalog/item/imap/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [soil moisture](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsoil+moisture "soil moisture (soil moisture, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [San Gabriel Mountains](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSan+Gabriel+Mountains "San Gabriel Mountains (San Gabriel Mountains, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Hydrology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHydrology "Hydrology (Hydrology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") Types - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [OGC WMS Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Service "OGC WMS Service") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9QLP6XG | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/600f64e1d34e162231fecf63) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Thomas, Matthew A.</origin>\n <origin>Kean, Jason W.</origin>\n <origin>Smith, Joel B.</origin>\n <origin>Mirus, Benjamin B.</origin>\n <origin>Staley, Dennis M.</origin>\n <origin>Rengers, Francis K.</origin>\n <origin>McGuire, Luke A</origin>\n <pubdate>20210511</pubdate>\n <title>Soil moisture monitoring following the 2009 Station Fire, California, USA, 2016-2019</title>\n <geoform>CSV</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This data release includes 2016-2019 soil moisture timeseries for two drainage basins (\xe2\x80\x9cArroyo Seco\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cDunsmore Canyon\xe2\x80\x9d) that burned during the 2009 Station Fire in Los Angeles County, California, USA. The Arroyo Seco (0.01 km2) and Dunsmore Canyon (0.5 km2) drainages include two soil pits, one located near the drainage divide and another near the basin outlet. Following the naming convention established by Smith et al. (2019), we refer to the soil pits near the Arroyo Seco drainage divide and basin outlet as \xe2\x80\x9cAS1\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cAS3,\xe2\x80\x9d respectively. Similarly, we refer to the soil pits near the Dunsmore Canyon drainage divide and basin outlet as \xe2\x80\x9cDC1\xe2\x80\x9d and \xe2\x80\x9cDC3,\xe2\x80\x9d respectively. The coordinates of AS1 and AS3 are, respectively, 34.236972\xc2\xb0, -118.195756\xc2\xb0 and 34.236053\xc2\xb0, -118.194915\xc2\xb0 (WGS84). The coordinates of DC1 and DC3 are, respectively, 34.265075\xc2\xb0, -118.237336\xc2\xb0 and 34.257528\xc2\xb0, -118.241728\xc2\xb0 (WGS84). Each array (for which the total soil profile is ~50 cm) includes three soil moisture sensors positioned at 10, 25, and 50 cm depths. We report all available soil moisture information in terms of volumetric water content (VWC) for the time period and flag lapses in coverage. The VWC data for AS1 and DC1 overlap with Smith et al. (2019) for January 2016 through November 2017. We provide those data here to maintain consistency with Thomas et al. (2021). Sensor information, including the make/model, measurement units, and measurement frequency are contained in the \xe2\x80\x9cREADME.txt\xe2\x80\x9d file. \n\nAdditional study details are provided in the following publications: \n\nThomas, M.A., Rengers, F.K., Kean, J.W., McGuire, L.A., Staley, D.M., Barnhart, K.R., and Ebel, B.A. 2021. Postwildfire soil-hydraulic recovery and the persistence of debris flow hazards. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface.\n\nSmith, J.B., Kean, J.W., Mirus, B.B., Staley, D.M, Rengers, F.K., and McGuire, L.A. 2019. Hillslope hydrologic monitoring data following the 2009 Station Fire, Los Angeles County, California, November 2015 to June 2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release. \n\nSmith, J.B., and J.W. Kean. 2018. Long-term soil-water tension measurements in semiarid environments: a method for automated tensiometer refilling. Vadose Zone Journal.</abstract>\n <purpose>Data were obtained to study the effects of postwildfire soil-hydraulic recovery on hillslope hydrology and debris flow occurrence.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>2016</begdate>\n <enddate>2019</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-118.3458</westbc>\n <eastbc>-117.927</eastbc>\n <northbc>34.439</northbc>\n <southbc>34.21</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>soil moisture</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:600f64e1d34e162231fecf63</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>San Gabriel Mountains</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Matthew Thomas</cntper>\n <cntorg>Rocky Mountain Region, Geologic Hazards Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1711 Illinois Street</address>\n <city>Golden</city>\n <state>Colorado</state>\n <postal>80401</postal>\n <country>United States of America</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-273-8588</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Smith, Joel B.</origin>\n <origin>Kean, Jason W.</origin>\n <origin>Mirus, Benjamin B.</origin>\n <origin>Staley, Dennis M.</origin>\n <origin>Rengers, F.K.</origin>\n <origin>McGuire, L.A.</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Hillslope hydrologic monitoring data following the 2009 Station Fire, Los Angeles County, California, November 2015 to June 2017</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Downloaded from U.S. Geological Survey Landslide Hazards Program (LHP) VALVE production server. All NAN values flagged with "99999" no-data values.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2021</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <overview>\n <eaover>The data dictionary is an attachment document entitled "README.txt".</eaover>\n <eadetcit>The data dictionary is an attachment document entitled "README.txt".</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Matthew Thomas</cntper>\n <cntorg>Rocky Mountain Region, Geologic Hazards Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1711 Illinois Street</address>\n <city>Golden</city>\n <state>Colorado</state>\n <postal>80401</postal>\n <country>United States of America</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-273-8588</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20210511</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Matthew A Thomas</cntper>\n <cntorg>Rocky Mountain Region, Geologic Hazards Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1711 Illinois Street</address>\n <city>Golden</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80401</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-273-8588</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Changes in imperviousness for U.S. urban areas, 1974-2012](/catalog/folder/5acbeb40e4b0e2c2dd13d4da) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5acbeb40e4b0e2c2dd13d4da) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5acbeb40e4b0e2c2dd13d4da) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5acbeb40e4b0e2c2dd13d4da?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2018-04-10Start Date1974-01-01End Date2012-12-31 ## Citation Falcone, J.A., 2018, Changes in imperviousness for U.S. urban areas, 1974-2012: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This product consists of two sets of imperviousness calculations for 3,535 urban areas and urban clusters in the conterminous United States. Imperviousness is given as the percent of the area covered by impervious surfaces, such as roads, buildings, or parking lots. One set of calculations is for the time periods 2001, 2006, and 2011, based on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) imperviousness data layer. The second set of calculations is for the time periods 1974, 1982, 1992, 2002, and 2012, based on landuse-based coefficients from the USGS NAWQA Wall-to-wall Anthropogenic Landuse Trends (NWALT) product. Urban area boundaries are based on the U.S. Census Bureau 2015 Urban Areas boundaries. The Census \[...\] ## Summary This product consists of two sets of imperviousness calculations for 3,535 urban areas and urban clusters in the conterminous United States. Imperviousness is given as the percent of the area covered by impervious surfaces, such as roads, buildings, or parking lots. One set of calculations is for the time periods 2001, 2006, and 2011, based on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) imperviousness data layer. The second set of calculations is for the time periods 1974, 1982, 1992, 2002, and 2012, based on landuse-based coefficients from the USGS NAWQA Wall-to-wall Anthropogenic Landuse Trends (NWALT) product. Urban area boundaries are based on the U.S. Census Bureau 2015 Urban Areas boundaries. The Census Bureau polygon shapefile on which the calculations were based is also provided. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [US Geological Survey, National Water Quality project.](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=US+Geological+Survey%2C+National+Water+Quality+project.), [James A Falcone](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3058) Originator : [James A Falcone](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3058) Metadata Contact : [James A Falcone](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3058) SDC Data Owner : [Office of Planning and Programming](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=77214) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=64247) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5acbeb40e4b0e2c2dd13d4da?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5acbeb40e4b0e2c2dd13d4da?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5acbeb40e4b0e2c2dd13d4da?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Imperviousness\_by\_UrbanArea.xml<br>“Metadata”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 18.6 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | imperv\_nlcd2001-2011.txt | | 175.24 KB | text/plain | | imperv\_nwalt1974-2012.txt | | 215.35 KB | text/plain | | | | 10.77 MB | application/zip | ## Purpose These data are intended as a way to compare changes in urban areas over time, and to compare relative differences among cities. See Supplemental Info for recommended use of the data. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5acbeb40e4b0e2c2dd13d4da) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5acbeb40e4b0e2c2dd13d4da) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [Imperviousness](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DImperviousness "Imperviousness (Imperviousness, Theme, None)") - [Land use](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLand+use "Land use (Land use, Theme, None)") - [NLCD](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNLCD "NLCD (NLCD, Theme, None)") - [NWALT](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNWALT "NWALT (NWALT, Theme, None)") - [inlandWaters](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DinlandWaters "inlandWaters (inlandWaters, Theme, None)") Place - [Conterminous US](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DConterminous+US "Conterminous US (Conterminous US, Place, None)") - [United States](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+States "United States (United States, Place, None)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Land Use Change](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLand+Use+Change "Land Use Change (Land Use Change, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Water Quality](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Quality "Water Quality (Water Quality, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") Label - [National Water Quality Program](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNational+Water+Quality+Program "National Water Quality Program (National Water Quality Program, Label, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P975GGZQ | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata><idinfo><citation><citeinfo><origin>James A. Falcone</origin><pubdate>2018</pubdate><title>Changes in imperviousness for U.S. urban areas, 1974-2012</title><geoform>Comma-separated text files</geoform><onlink></onlink></citeinfo></citation><descript><abstract>This product consists of two sets of imperviousness calculations for 3,535 urban areas and urban clusters in the conterminous United States. Imperviousness is given as the percent of the area covered by impervious surfaces, such as roads, buildings, or parking lots. One set of calculations is for the time periods 2001, 2006, and 2011, based on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) imperviousness data layer. The second set of calculations is for the time periods 1974, 1982, 1992, 2002, and 2012, based on landuse-based coefficients from the USGS NAWQA Wall-to-wall Anthropogenic Landuse Trends (NWALT) product. Urban area boundaries are based on the U.S. Census Bureau 2015 Urban Areas boundaries. The Census Bureau polygon shapefile on which the calculations were based is also provided.</abstract><purpose>These data are intended as a way to compare changes in urban areas over time, and to compare relative differences among cities. See Supplemental Info for recommended use of the data.</purpose><supplinf>Two comma-separated text files are given here as well as the Census Bureau shapefile used as the basis for calculations. Each table contains 3,535 rows, one for each of the records in the shapefile. Urban areas boundaries are based on the 2015 1:500k Census boundaries.\nThe Urban Areas shapefile obtained from the Census Bureau contained 3,535 unique areas within the conterminous United States. Of these, 481 were classified by Census as "Urban Areas" (UA, UATYP10 = "U") and 3,054 were classified as "Urban Clusters" (UC, UATYP10 = "C"). For the purpose of this dataset these are treated identically, and in this document all referred to as "urban areas". See for more information on the differences between an Area and a Cluster. In essence, a UA is a densely settled area of at least 50,000 people, and a UC is a densely settled area of at least 2,500 people but less than 50,000. \nThe tables are derived from two different sources and may differ to some degree. Imperviousness from the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) is derived primarily from remote sensing sources (see Xian and others, 2011 and Homer and others, 2015), while imperviousness from the NAWQA Wall-to-wall Anthropogenic Landuse Trends (NWALT, Falcone, 2015) dataset is derived from land use class-based coefficients (Falcone, 2017). The NLCD imperviousness is likely to be more accurate with regard to absolute values, but is limited to the years 2001-2011, while NWALT-derived values span 1974-2012. If the user\'s period of analysis does not extend before 2001 it is recommended to use the NLCD values. The data sources are not directly comparable. That is, users should use either the NLCD values as a time series, or the NWALT-derived values as a time series, but not mix them. \nFor two urban areas, Bar Harbor and Calais, Maine, NWALT-derived imperviousness values were derived from an unpublished update to the data in Falcone, 2017. This was due to a portion of the eastern tip of Maine being masked out in the original NWALT-derived source data.\nAccuracy, particularly for the NWALT values, is likely to vary with the size of the urban area. The urban areas measured here vary by four orders of magnitude in size: from less than 1 square kilometer (Richgrove, California) to nearly 10,000 square kilometers (New York city area). Values are likely to be more accurate for large areas versus small areas. In the creation of the NWALT-based product (Falcone, 2017) the results were compared for the 2002 product to the NLCD 2001 for HUC-12 watersheds nationwide. In that comparison, there was an r2 agreement of 0.93 and 96% of HUC-12s agreed to within 1% of the imperviousness of the NLCD. However the median size of HUC-12s is approximately 88 square kilometers, whereas the median size of the urban areas measured here is approximately 13 square kilometers. Users are advised to be more cautious in interpreting results, particularly for the NWALT data, as the urban area decreases. \nThe data here are intended as a way of comparing relative imperviousness of urban areas and changes over time, but not necessarily as the "definitive measurement" of imperviousness for each city. The measurement for a city depends to a large degree on which boundaries are used. The boundaries used here, U.S. Census 2015 Urban Areas, while an authoritative source, may differ from city incorporated boundaries, and also differ from boundaries for Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) (collections of complete counties around a city). For example, the urban area for Washington DC given here ("Washington, DC-VA-MD") is an area extending to parts of (but not all of) 15 counties around the city. A measurement for the Metropolitan Statistical Area of Washington ("Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV"), would be based on MSA boundaries which include 24 complete counties, and give a different result. (See for more information about MSAs). That is, users should consider this as "one way" of measuring the imperviousness of the Washington, DC urban area.\nAll NLCD data are derived from the October 2014 harmonized versions of the NLCD 2001, 2006, 2011 ( The stated USGS preferred citations for NLCD products are: \nNLCD 2001 products: Homer and others, 2007.\nNLCD 2006 products: Fry and others, 2011\nNLCD 2011 products: Homer and others, 2015.\nNLCD 2011 Percent Developed Imperviousness specifically: Xian and others, 2011\nReferences:\nFalcone, J.A., 2015, U.S. conterminous wall-to-wall anthropogenic land use trends (NWALT), 1974-2012. U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 948, 33 p. plus appendices 3-6 as separate files,\nFalcone, J.A., 2017, Coefficient-based consistent mapping of imperviousness in the conterminous U.S. at 60-m resolution for 1974, 1982, 1992, 2002, and 2012: U.S. Geological Survey data release,\nFry, J., Xian, G., Jin, S., Dewitz, J., Homer, C., Yang, L., Barnes, C., Herold, N., and Wickham, J., 2011, Completion of the 2006 National Land Cover Database for the Conterminous United States, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 77(9):858-864. \nHomer, C., Dewitz, J., Fry, J., Coan, M., Hossain, N., Larson, C., Herold, N., McKerrow, A., VanDriel, J.N., and Wickham, J., 2007, Completion of the 2001 National Land Cover Database for the Conterminous United States, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 73, No. 4, pp 337-341.\nHomer, C.G., Dewitz, J.A., Yang, L., Jin, S., Danielson, P., Xian, G., Coulston, J., Herold, N.D., Wickham, J.D., and Megown, K., 2015, Completion of the 2011 National Land Cover Database for the conterminous United States-Representing a decade of land cover change information. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, v. 81, no. 5, p. 345-354. \nU.S. Census Bureau, 2016, Cartographic Boundary Shapefiles - Urban Areas, 1:500k boundaries, accessed February 17, 2016 at:\nXian, G., Homer, C., Dewitz, J., Fry, J., Hossain, N., and Wickham, J., 2011, The change of impervious surface area between 2001 and 2006 in the conterminous United States., Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 77(8): 758-762.</supplinf></descript><timeperd><timeinfo><rngdates><begdate>19740101</begdate><enddate>20121231</enddate></rngdates></timeinfo><current>observed</current></timeperd><status><progress>Complete</progress><update>As needed</update></status><spdom><bounding><westbc>-124.886</westbc><eastbc>-66.879</eastbc><northbc>49.384</northbc><southbc>24.381</southbc></bounding></spdom><keywords><theme><themekt>None</themekt><themekey>inlandWaters</themekey><themekey>Land use</themekey><themekey>Imperviousness</themekey><themekey>NLCD</themekey><themekey>NWALT</themekey></theme><theme><themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt><themekey>USGS:5acbeb40e4b0e2c2dd13d4da</themekey></theme><place><placekt>None</placekt><placekey>United States</placekey><placekey>Conterminous US</placekey></place></keywords><accconst>None. Please see \'Distribution Info\' for details.</accconst><useconst>Please read use constraints for individual data layers, as applicable.</useconst><ptcontac><cntinfo><cntorgp><cntorg>US Geological Survey, National Water Quality project.</cntorg><cntper>James Falcone</cntper></cntorgp><cntaddr><addrtype>Mailing</addrtype><address>12201 Sunrise Valley Dr.</address><address>MS 413 National Center</address><city>Reston</city><state>VA</state><postal>20192</postal><country>USA</country></cntaddr><cntvoice>703-648-5008</cntvoice><cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail></cntinfo></ptcontac><datacred>Great thanks to Laura Hayes for performing product review.</datacred><native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS 10.3.1 (Build 4959) Service Pack N/A (Build N/A)</native></idinfo><dataqual><attracc><attraccr>No formal accuracy tests were performed on these data, however the NLCD-based data are likely to be more accurate. NWALT-derived values should be considered estimates, but are based on consistent methods and data. See note in Supplemental Info regarding accuracy.</attraccr></attracc><logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic><complete>Data are complete</complete><posacc><horizpa><horizpar>A formal accuracy assessment of the horizontal positional information in the data set has not been conducted.</horizpar></horizpa><vertacc><vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr></vertacc></posacc><lineage><srcinfo><srccite><citeinfo><origin>U.S. Census Bureau</origin><pubdate>20160217</pubdate><title>Published 2015 Urban Area boundaries</title><geoform>Vector Digital Data Set (polygon)</geoform><pubinfo><pubplace>online</pubplace><publish>U.S. Census Bureau</publish></pubinfo><onlink></onlink></citeinfo></srccite><typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc><srctime><timeinfo><sngdate><caldate>20160217</caldate></sngdate></timeinfo><srccurr>access date</srccurr></srctime><srccitea>U.S. Census Bureau, 2016</srccitea><srccontr>2015 Urban Area boundaries, 1:500k, used in data calculations.</srccontr></srcinfo><srcinfo><srccite><citeinfo><origin>MRLC Consortium</origin><pubdate>20141001</pubdate><title>NLCD 2001 Percent Developed Imperviousness (2011 Edition)</title><geoform>Raster Data Set</geoform><pubinfo><pubplace>online</pubplace><publish>NLCD 2001</publish></pubinfo><onlink></onlink></citeinfo></srccite><typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc><srctime><timeinfo><rngdates><begdate>20010101</begdate><enddate>20011231</enddate></rngdates></timeinfo><srccurr>ground condition</srccurr></srctime><srccitea>NLCD 2001, Homer and others, 2007</srccitea><srccontr>NLCD 2001 dataset from which imperviousness 2001 imperviousness was derived</srccontr></srcinfo><srcinfo><srccite><citeinfo><origin>MRLC Consortium</origin><pubdate>20141001</pubdate><title>NLCD 2006 Percent Developed Imperviousness (2011 Edition)</title><geoform>Raster Data Set</geoform><pubinfo><pubplace>online</pubplace><publish>NLCD 2006</publish></pubinfo><onlink></onlink></citeinfo></srccite><typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc><srctime><timeinfo><rngdates><begdate>20060101</begdate><enddate>20061231</enddate></rngdates></timeinfo><srccurr>ground condition</srccurr></srctime><srccitea>NLCD 2006, Fry and others, 2011</srccitea><srccontr>NLCD 2006 dataset from which imperviousness 2006 imperviousness was derived</srccontr></srcinfo><srcinfo><srccite><citeinfo><origin>MRLC Consortium</origin><pubdate>20141001</pubdate><title>NLCD 2011 Percent Developed Imperviousness and NLCD 2011 USFS Tree Canopy cartographic</title><geoform>Raster Data Set</geoform><pubinfo><pubplace>online</pubplace><publish>NLCD 2011</publish></pubinfo><onlink></onlink></citeinfo></srccite><typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc><srctime><timeinfo><rngdates><begdate>20110101</begdate><enddate>20111231</enddate></rngdates></timeinfo><srccurr>ground condition</srccurr></srctime><srccitea>NLCD 2011, Xian and others, 2011; Homer and others, 2015</srccitea><srccontr>NLCD 2011 datasets from which imperviousness 2011 was derived</srccontr></srcinfo><srcinfo><srccite><citeinfo><origin>U.S. Geological Survey</origin><pubdate>20170301</pubdate><title>Coefficient-based consistent mapping of imperviousness in the conterminous U.S. at 60-m resolution for 1974, 1982, 1992, 2002, and 2012</title><geoform>Raster Data Set</geoform><pubinfo><pubplace>online</pubplace><publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish></pubinfo><onlink></onlink></citeinfo></srccite><typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc><srctime><timeinfo><rngdates><begdate>19740101</begdate><enddate>20121231</enddate></rngdates></timeinfo><srccurr>ground condition</srccurr></srctime><srccitea>NAWQA Wall-to-wall Anthropogenic Landuse Trends (NWALT) 1974-2012</srccitea><srccontr>NWALT-derived dataset from which imperviousness 1974-2012 were derived</srccontr></srcinfo><procstep><procdesc>(1) Source data of urban areas was downloaded from the U.S. Census Bureau on February 17, 2015 from</procdesc><procdate>20160217</procdate></procstep><procstep><procdesc>(2) Source data from the NLCD were downloaded ( and converted to grid format in March 2015. The source data for the NLCD are the October 2014 normalized version of data, where all years have been adjusted to agree with one another.</procdesc><procdate>20160315</procdate></procstep><procstep><procdesc>(3) Source data of imperviousness grids derived from NWALT were based on Falcone (2017).</procdesc><procdate>20170103</procdate></procstep><procstep><procdesc>(4) The Census shapefile was subsetted to only those urban areas in the continental U.S. (CONUS). A unique id field was added for ease of internal processing. The area of each polygon was calculated from the polygon geometry.</procdesc><procdate>20180104</procdate></procstep><procstep><procdesc>(5) The shapefile was converted to a national 100-meter grid. Mean imperviousness was then calculated from that using the zonalmean() command in ArcGIS Grid.</procdesc><procdate>20180104</procdate></procstep></lineage></dataqual><eainfo><detailed><enttyp><enttypl>Attribute Table for imperviousness data</enttypl><enttypd>Data consist of two comma-separated text files and a zip file which contains the Urban Area boundaries in polygon shapefile format. The two tables are: imperv_nlcd2001-2011.txt, imperv_nwalt1974-2012.txt.</enttypd><enttypds>Surface Water Trends project, USGS National Water Quality Program</enttypds></enttyp><attr><attrlabl>GEOID10</attrlabl><attrdef>Geographic identifier associated with the urban area, provided by Census Bureau</attrdef><attrdefs>U.S. Census Bureau</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Five digit unique identifier from Census</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>NAME10</attrlabl><attrdef>Urban area name, provided by Census Bureau</attrdef><attrdefs>U.S. Census Bureau</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Five digit unique identifier from Census</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>uniqid</attrlabl><attrdef>Unique id assigned for internal processing</attrdef><attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Unique id assigned for internal processing only</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>area_km2</attrlabl><attrdef>Area in square kilometers of urban area polygon</attrdef><attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs><attrdomv><rdom><rdommin>0.7</rdommin><rdommax>9380.9</rdommax><attrunit>Square kilometers</attrunit></rdom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>imperv_nlcdXXXX</attrlabl><attrdef>Percent imperviousness from NLCD data, for 2001, 2006, and 2011 (year represented by XXXX)</attrdef><attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs><attrdomv><rdom><rdommin>0.14</rdommin><rdommax>57.22</rdommax><attrunit>Percent</attrunit></rdom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>imperv_nwaltXXXX</attrlabl><attrdef>Percent imperviousness from NWALT-derived data, for 1974, 1982, 1992, 2002, 2012 (year represented by XXXX)</attrdef><attrdefs>U.S. Geological Survey</attrdefs><attrdomv><rdom><rdommin>0.41</rdommin><rdommax>46.51</rdommax><attrunit>Percent</attrunit></rdom></attrdomv></attr></detailed></eainfo><distinfo><distrib><cntinfo><cntorgp><cntorg>US Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg></cntorgp><cntaddr><addrtype>Mailing</addrtype><address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address><city>Denver</city><state>CO</state><postal>80225</postal><country>USA</country></cntaddr><cntvoice>1-888-275-8747 (1-888-ASK-USGS)</cntvoice><cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail></cntinfo></distrib><distliab>Although this data set has been used by the U.S. Geological\nSurvey, U.S. Department of the Interior, no warranty expressed or\nimplied is made by the U.S. Geological Survey as to the accuracy\nof the data and related materials. The act of distribution shall not \nconstitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by \nthe U.S. Geological Survey in the use of this data, software, or \nrelated materials.\nAny use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive \npurposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. \nGovernment.</distliab><stdorder><digform><digtinfo><formname>Tabular Digital Data Set</formname></digtinfo><digtopt><onlinopt><computer><networka><networkr></networkr></networka></computer></onlinopt></digtopt></digform><fees>None. This dataset is provided by USGS as a public service.</fees></stdorder></distinfo><metainfo><metd>20200826</metd><metc><cntinfo><cntperp><cntper>James Falcone</cntper><cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg></cntperp><cntpos>Ask USGS -- Water Webserver Team</cntpos><cntaddr><addrtype>Mailing</addrtype><address>12201 Sunrise Valley Dr., MS 413</address><city>Reston</city><state>VA</state><postal>20192</postal><country>USA</country></cntaddr><cntvoice>1-888-275-8747 (1-888-ASK-USGS)</cntvoice><cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail></cntinfo></metc><metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn><metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv></metainfo></metadata>'
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[Avian point count survey-specific data in Northern New England 2013 to 2015](/catalog/folder/59a0826ee4b0d7af54bb3edf) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/59a0826ee4b0d7af54bb3edf) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/59a0826ee4b0d7af54bb3edf) - [JSON](/catalog/item/59a0826ee4b0d7af54bb3edf?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2018-06-06Start Date2013-06-01End Date2015-08-04 ## Citation Rolek, B., Loftin, C., Harrison, D., and Wood, P., 2018, Avian point count survey-specific data in Northern New England 2013 to 2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Avian point count, vegetation, and management data from surveys in Northern New England at four National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs), Baxter State Park, and prviate lands in Northern Maine surveyed during the breeding and postbreeding season bewteen 1 June and 4 August 2013 to 2015. NWRs include Nulhegan (Silvio O. Conte), Umbagog, Moosehorn, and Aroostook. This data release includes five zip folders which contain the data and metadata for various aspects of the project as briefly described in the metadata below ## Summary Avian point count, vegetation, and management data from surveys in Northern New England at four National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs), Baxter State Park, and prviate lands in Northern Maine surveyed during the breeding and postbreeding season bewteen 1 June and 4 August 2013 to 2015. NWRs include Nulhegan (Silvio O. Conte), Umbagog, Moosehorn, and Aroostook. This data release includes five zip folders which contain the data and metadata for various aspects of the project as briefly described in the metadata below ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Cynthia Loftin](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Cynthia+Loftin) Originator : [Brian Rolek](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Brian+Rolek), [Cynthia Loftin](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Cynthia+Loftin), [Daniel Harrison](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Daniel+Harrison), [Petra Wood](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Petra+Wood) Metadata Contact : [Brian Rolek](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Brian+Rolek) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Cooperative Research Units](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17050) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/59a0826ee4b0d7af54bb3edf?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/59a0826ee4b0d7af54bb3edf?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/59a0826ee4b0d7af54bb3edf?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Avian\_Species\_in\_the\_Atlantic\_Northern\_Forest.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 88.33 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | pointcounts\ | | 383.04 KB | application/zip | | pointcounts\ | | 18.71 KB | application/zip | | pointcounts\ | | 132.13 KB | application/zip | | vegetation\ | | 56.54 KB | application/zip | | vegetation\ | | 135.89 KB | application/zip | ## Purpose Project objectives include: (1) identify dominant vegetative characteristics that influence avian assemblages; (2) quantify effects from dominant vegetation characteristics and harvest treatments on avian assemblages and richness, with a focus on birds typically found in spruce-fir forests and species of concern; and (3) identify forest management treatments that may enhance habitat for spruce-fir birds and species of concern. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/59a0826ee4b0d7af54bb3edf) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/59a0826ee4b0d7af54bb3edf) ## Communities - Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [biota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiota "biota (biota, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [birds](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbirds "birds (birds, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [forest ecosystems](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dforest+ecosystems "forest ecosystems (forest ecosystems, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [habitat alteration](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhabitat+alteration "habitat alteration (habitat alteration, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [management methods](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmanagement+methods "management methods (management methods, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [vegetation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dvegetation "vegetation (vegetation, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Maine](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMaine "Maine (Maine, Place, Common)") - [New England](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNew+England "New England (New England, Place, Common)") - [New Hampshire](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNew+Hampshire "New Hampshire (New Hampshire, Place, Common)") - [North America](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNorth+America "North America (North America, Place, Common)") - [United States](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+States "United States (United States, Place, Common)") - [Vermont](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DVermont "Vermont (Vermont, Place, Common)") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F76Q1W53 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Brian Rolek</origin>\n <origin>Cynthia Loftin</origin>\n <origin>Daniel Harrison</origin>\n <origin>Petra Wood</origin>\n <pubdate>20180606</pubdate>\n <title>Avian point count survey-specific data in Northern New England 2013 to 2015</title>\n <geoform>tabular digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Avian point count, vegetation, and management data from surveys in Northern New England at four National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs), Baxter State Park, and prviate lands in Northern Maine surveyed during the breeding and postbreeding season bewteen 1 June and 4 August 2013 to 2015. NWRs include Nulhegan (Silvio O. Conte), Umbagog, Moosehorn, and Aroostook. This data release includes five zip folders which contain the data and metadata for various aspects of the project as briefly described in the metadata below</abstract>\n <purpose>Project objectives include: (1) identify dominant vegetative characteristics that influence avian assemblages; (2) quantify effects from dominant vegetation characteristics and harvest treatments on avian assemblages and richness, with a focus on birds typically found in spruce-fir forests and species of concern; and (3) identify forest management treatments that may enhance habitat for spruce-fir birds and species of concern.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20130601</begdate>\n <enddate>20150804</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>observed</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-72.09503173828126</westbc>\n <eastbc>-66.83532714843751</eastbc>\n <northbc>47.04205386721612</northbc>\n <southbc>44.66279259880063</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>Northern New England</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>biota</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>forest ecosystems</themekey>\n <themekey>management methods</themekey>\n <themekey>birds</themekey>\n <themekey>vegetation</themekey>\n <themekey>habitat alteration</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:59a0826ee4b0d7af54bb3edf</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common</placekt>\n <placekey>Vermont</placekey>\n <placekey>New Hampshire</placekey>\n <placekey>Maine</placekey>\n <placekey>New England</placekey>\n <placekey>United States</placekey>\n <placekey>North America</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None.</accconst>\n <useconst>These data may not be used for journal publication without unanamious written permission from all originators. Users are advised to read the data set's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Cynthia Loftin</cntper>\n <cntorg>Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Unit Leader</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing</addrtype>\n <address>5755 Nutting Hall, Room 210, Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology</address>\n <city>Orono</city>\n <state>Maine</state>\n <postal>04469</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>(207) 581 - 2843</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>We thank our funders: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Division, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuge System, U.S.G.S. Science Support Partnership Program, University of Maine Department of Wildlife Ecology, the Maine Cooperative Forestry Research Unit, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, and the University of Maine through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S.G.S. Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, and the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station. We thank Baxter State Park, Katahdin Forest Management, M. Hartley, R. Detmers, T. LaPointe, R. Cliche, S. Flint, S. Agius, R. Brown, J. Hoekwater, R. Morrill, and E. Sypitkowski for help with field logistics and access to field sites. S. Olson and S. Dunham assisted with field logistics.</datacred>\n <taxonomy>\n <keywtax>\n <taxonkt>None</taxonkt>\n <taxonkey>Birds</taxonkey>\n </keywtax>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Life</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Life</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <common>animals</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <common>chordates</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <common>vertebrates</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tetrapoda</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Aves</taxonrv>\n <common>Birds</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Passeriformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Perching Birds</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tyrannidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Tyrant Flycatchers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Empidonax</taxonrv>\n <common>Empidonax Flycatchers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Empidonax alnorum</taxonrv>\n <common>Alder Flycatcher</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Empidonax minimus</taxonrv>\n <common>Least Flycatcher</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Empidonax flaviventris</taxonrv>\n <common>Yellow-bellied Flycatcher</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Empidonax traillii</taxonrv>\n <common>Willow Flycatcher</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sayornis</taxonrv>\n <common>Phoebes</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sayornis phoebe</taxonrv>\n <common>Eastern Phoebe</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Contopus</taxonrv>\n <common>Pewees</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Contopus virens</taxonrv>\n <common>Eastern Wood-Pewee</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Contopus cooperi</taxonrv>\n <common>Olive-sided Flycatcher</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Myiarchus</taxonrv>\n <common>Crested Flycatchers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Myiarchus crinitus</taxonrv>\n <common>Great Crested Flycatcher</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tyrannus</taxonrv>\n <common>Kingbirds</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tyrannus tyrannus</taxonrv>\n <common>Eastern Kingbird</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Parulidae</taxonrv>\n <common>New World Warblers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga</taxonrv>\n <common>Redstarts</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga ruticilla</taxonrv>\n <common>American Redstart</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga virens</taxonrv>\n <common>Black-throated Green Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga coronata</taxonrv>\n <common>Yellow-rumped Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga castanea</taxonrv>\n <common>Bay-breasted Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga fusca</taxonrv>\n <common>Blackburnian Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga striata</taxonrv>\n <common>Blackpoll Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga caerulescens</taxonrv>\n <common>Black-throated Blue Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga tigrina</taxonrv>\n <common>Cape May Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga pensylvanica</taxonrv>\n <common>Chestnut-sided Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga magnolia</taxonrv>\n <common>Magnolia Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga petechia</taxonrv>\n <common>Yellow Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga pinus</taxonrv>\n <common>Pine Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga palmarum</taxonrv>\n <common>Palm Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Setophaga americana</taxonrv>\n <common>Northern Parula</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Mniotilta</taxonrv>\n <common>Black-and-white Warblers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Mniotilta varia</taxonrv>\n <common>Black-and-white Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Geothlypis</taxonrv>\n <common>Yellowthroats</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Geothlypis trichas</taxonrv>\n <common>Common Yellowthroat</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Geothlypis philadelphia</taxonrv>\n <common>Mourning Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Seiurus</taxonrv>\n <common>Ovenbirds</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Seiurus aurocapilla</taxonrv>\n <common>Ovenbird</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vermivora</taxonrv>\n <common>Vermivoras</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vermivora chrysoptera</taxonrv>\n <common>Golden-winged Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cardellina</taxonrv>\n <common>Cardellinas</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cardellina canadensis</taxonrv>\n <common>Canada Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cardellina pusilla</taxonrv>\n <common>Wilson's Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Oreothlypis</taxonrv>\n <common>Oreothlypis</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Oreothlypis ruficapilla</taxonrv>\n <common>Nashville Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Oreothlypis peregrina</taxonrv>\n <common>Tennessee Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Oreothlypis celata</taxonrv>\n <common>Orange-crowned Warbler</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Parkesia</taxonrv>\n <common>Waterthrushes</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Parkesia noveboracensis</taxonrv>\n <common>Northern Waterthrush</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Turdidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Turdus</taxonrv>\n <common>Robins</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Turdus migratorius</taxonrv>\n <common>American Robin</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catharus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catharus guttatus</taxonrv>\n <common>Hermit Thrush</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catharus ustulatus</taxonrv>\n <common>Swainson's Thrush</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catharus fuscescens</taxonrv>\n <common>Veery</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sialia</taxonrv>\n <common>Bluebirds</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sialia sialis</taxonrv>\n <common>Eastern Bluebird</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Hylocichla</taxonrv>\n <common>Wood Thrushes</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Hylocichla mustelina</taxonrv>\n <common>Wood Thrush</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vireonidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Greenlets</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vireo</taxonrv>\n <common>Vireos</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vireo solitarius</taxonrv>\n <common>Solitary Vireo</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vireo philadelphicus</taxonrv>\n <common>Philadelphia Vireo</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vireo olivaceus</taxonrv>\n <common>Red-eyed Vireo</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vireo gilvus</taxonrv>\n <common>Warbling Vireo</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vireo flavifrons</taxonrv>\n <common>Yellow-throated Vireo</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Corvidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Crows</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyanocitta</taxonrv>\n <common>Blue Jays</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cyanocitta cristata</taxonrv>\n <common>Blue Jay</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perisoreus</taxonrv>\n <common>Gray Jays</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perisoreus canadensis</taxonrv>\n <common>Gray Jay</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Corvus</taxonrv>\n <common>Crows</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Corvus brachyrhynchos</taxonrv>\n <common>American Crow</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Corvus corax</taxonrv>\n <common>Common Raven</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Certhiidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Certhia</taxonrv>\n <common>Creepers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Certhia americana</taxonrv>\n <common>Brown Creeper</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bombycillidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Waxwings</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bombycilla</taxonrv>\n <common>Waxwings</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bombycilla cedrorum</taxonrv>\n <common>Cedar Waxwing</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Emberizidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Emberizid Finches</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spizella</taxonrv>\n <common>Chipping Sparrows</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spizella passerina</taxonrv>\n <common>Chipping Sparrow</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spizella pallida</taxonrv>\n <common>Clay-colored Sparrow</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Passerella</taxonrv>\n <common>Fox Sparrows</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Passerella iliaca</taxonrv>\n <common>Fox Sparrow</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Junco</taxonrv>\n <common>Juncos</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Junco hyemalis</taxonrv>\n <common>Dark-eyed Junco</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Melospiza</taxonrv>\n <common>Song Sparrows</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Melospiza melodia</taxonrv>\n <common>Song Sparrow</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Melospiza georgiana</taxonrv>\n <common>Swamp Sparrow</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Melospiza lincolnii</taxonrv>\n <common>Lincoln's Sparrow</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Zonotrichia</taxonrv>\n <common>Crowned Sparrows</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Zonotrichia albicollis</taxonrv>\n <common>White-throated Sparrow</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Passerculus</taxonrv>\n <common>Savannah Sparrows</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Passerculus sandwichensis</taxonrv>\n <common>Savannah Sparrow</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Icteridae</taxonrv>\n <common>American Blackbirds</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Quiscalus</taxonrv>\n <common>Grackles</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Quiscalus quiscula</taxonrv>\n <common>Common Grackle</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Agelaius</taxonrv>\n <common>Red-winged Blackbirds</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Agelaius phoeniceus</taxonrv>\n <common>Red-winged Blackbird</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Icterus</taxonrv>\n <common>American Orioles</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Icterus galbula</taxonrv>\n <common>Northern Oriole</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dolichonyx</taxonrv>\n <common>Bobolinks</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dolichonyx oryzivorus</taxonrv>\n <common>Bobolink</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Euphagus</taxonrv>\n <common>American Blackbirds</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Euphagus carolinus</taxonrv>\n <common>Rusty Blackbird</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Regulidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Kinglets</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Regulus</taxonrv>\n <common>Kinglets</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Regulus satrapa</taxonrv>\n <common>Golden-crowned Kinglet</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Regulus calendula</taxonrv>\n <common>Ruby-crowned Kinglet</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Mimidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Mockingbirds</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dumetella</taxonrv>\n <common>Catbirds</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dumetella carolinensis</taxonrv>\n <common>Gray Catbird</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Fringillidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Old World Finches</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Haemorhous</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Haemorhous purpureus</taxonrv>\n <common>Purple Finch</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Haemorhous mexicanus</taxonrv>\n <common>House Finch</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Loxia</taxonrv>\n <common>Crossbills</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Loxia leucoptera</taxonrv>\n <common>White-winged Crossbill</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Loxia curvirostra</taxonrv>\n <common>Red Crossbill</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Carduelis</taxonrv>\n <common>Siskens and goldfinches</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Spinus tristus</taxonrv>\n <common>American Goldfinch</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Carduelis pinus</taxonrv>\n <common>Pine Siskin</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Coccothraustes</taxonrv>\n <common>Grosbeaks</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Coccothraustes vespertinaus</taxonrv>\n <common>Evening Grosbeak</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cardinalidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Cardinals</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pheucticus</taxonrv>\n <common>Cardinal-Grosbeaks</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pheucticus ludovicianus</taxonrv>\n <common>Rose-breasted Grosbeak</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Piranga</taxonrv>\n <common>Northern Tanagers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Piranga olivacea</taxonrv>\n <common>Scarlet Tanager</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Passerina</taxonrv>\n <common>Varied Buntings</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Passerina cyanea</taxonrv>\n <common>Indigo Bunting</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cardinalis</taxonrv>\n <common>Cardinals</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cardinalis cardinalis</taxonrv>\n <common>Northern Cardinal</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sittidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Nuthatches</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sitta</taxonrv>\n <common>Nuthatches</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sitta canadensis</taxonrv>\n <common>Red-breasted Nuthatch</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sitta carolinensis</taxonrv>\n <common>White-breasted Nuthatch</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Troglodytidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Wrens</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Troglodytes</taxonrv>\n <common>Wrens</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Troglodytes troglodytes</taxonrv>\n <common>Winter Wren</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Hirundinidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Hirundo</taxonrv>\n <common>Barn Swallows</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Hirundo rustica</taxonrv>\n <common>Barn Swallow</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Stelgidopteryx</taxonrv>\n <common>Rough-winged Swallows</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Stelgidopteryx serripennis</taxonrv>\n <common>Northern Rough-winged Swallow</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tachycineta</taxonrv>\n <common>Tree Swallows</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tachycineta bicolor</taxonrv>\n <common>Tree Swallow</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Paridae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poecile</taxonrv>\n <common>Creepers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poecile atricapillus</taxonrv>\n <common>Black-capped Chickadee</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Poecile hudsonicus</taxonrv>\n <common>Boreal Chickadee</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Anseriformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Ducks</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Anatidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Ducks</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Anatinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Anas</taxonrv>\n <common>Dabbling Ducks</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Anas rubripes</taxonrv>\n <common>American Black Duck</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Anas platyrhynchos</taxonrv>\n <common>Mallard</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Mergus</taxonrv>\n <common>Greater Mergansers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Mergus merganser</taxonrv>\n <common>Common Merganser</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Aix</taxonrv>\n <common>Wood Ducks</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Aix sponsa</taxonrv>\n <common>Wood Duck</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Anserinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Branta</taxonrv>\n <common>Brent Geese</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Branta canadensis</taxonrv>\n <common>Canada Goose</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pelecaniformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Pelicans</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ardeidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Bitterns</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Botaurinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Botaurus</taxonrv>\n <common>Brown Bitterns</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Botaurus lentiginosus</taxonrv>\n <common>American Bittern</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ardeinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ardea</taxonrv>\n <common>Great Herons</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ardea herodias</taxonrv>\n <common>Great Blue Heron</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Falconiformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Falcons</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Falconidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Caracaras</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Falconinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Falco</taxonrv>\n <common>Falcons</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Falco sparverius</taxonrv>\n <common>American Kestrel</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Falco columbarius</taxonrv>\n <common>Merlin</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Charadriiformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Shore Birds</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Scolopacidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Sandpipers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Scolopax</taxonrv>\n <common>Woodcocks</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Scolopax minor</taxonrv>\n <common>American Woodcock</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actitis</taxonrv>\n <common>Spotted Sandpipers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actitis macularius</taxonrv>\n <common>Spotted Sandpiper</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bartramia</taxonrv>\n <common>Upland Sandpipers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bartramia longicauda</taxonrv>\n <common>Upland Sandpiper</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gallinago</taxonrv>\n <common>Snipes</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gallinago delicata</taxonrv>\n <common>Wilson's Snipe</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Laridae</taxonrv>\n <common>Gulls</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Larus</taxonrv>\n <common>Gulls</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Larus argentatus</taxonrv>\n <common>Herring Gull</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Larus delawarensis</taxonrv>\n <common>Ring-billed Gull</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Charadriidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Plovers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Charadrius</taxonrv>\n <common>Ringed Plovers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Charadrius vociferus</taxonrv>\n <common>Killdeer</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Piciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Picidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Picinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Picoides</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Picoides dorsalis</taxonrv>\n <common>American Three-toed Woodpecker</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Picoides arcticus</taxonrv>\n <common>Black-backed Woodpecker</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Picoides pubescens</taxonrv>\n <common>Downy Woodpecker</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Picoides villosus</taxonrv>\n <common>Hairy Woodpecker</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dryocopus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Dryocopus pileatus</taxonrv>\n <common>Pileated Woodpecker</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sphyrapicus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sphyrapicus varius</taxonrv>\n <common>Yellow-bellied Sapsucker</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Colaptes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Colaptes auratus</taxonrv>\n <common>Northern Flicker</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Accipitriformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Hawks</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Accipitridae</taxonrv>\n <common>Eagles</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Haliaeetus</taxonrv>\n <common>Fish Eagles</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Haliaeetus leucocephalus</taxonrv>\n <common>Bald Eagle</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Buteo</taxonrv>\n <common>Buteonine Hawks</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Buteo platypterus</taxonrv>\n <common>Broad-winged Hawk</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Buteo lineatus</taxonrv>\n <common>Red-shouldered Hawk</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Buteo jamaicensis</taxonrv>\n <common>Red-tailed Hawk</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Accipiter</taxonrv>\n <common>Bird Hawks</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Accipiter cooperii</taxonrv>\n <common>Cooper's Hawk</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Accipiter gentilis</taxonrv>\n <common>Northern Goshawk</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Accipiter striatus</taxonrv>\n <common>Sharp-shinned Hawk</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pandionidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Ospreys</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pandion</taxonrv>\n <common>Ospreys</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pandion haliaetus</taxonrv>\n <common>Osprey</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cathartidae</taxonrv>\n <common>American Vultures</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cathartes</taxonrv>\n <common>Turkey Vultures</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cathartes aura</taxonrv>\n <common>Turkey Vulture</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cuculiformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Cuckoos</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cuculidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Anis</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Phaenicophaeinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Coccyzus</taxonrv>\n <common>Spotted-tailed Cuckoos</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Coccyzus erythropthalmus</taxonrv>\n <common>Black-billed Cuckoo</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Strigiformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Owls</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Strigidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Typical Owls</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Striginae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Strix</taxonrv>\n <common>Earless Owls</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Strix varia</taxonrv>\n <common>Barred Owl</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bubo</taxonrv>\n <common>Horned Owls</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bubo virginianus</taxonrv>\n <common>Great Horned Owl</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Surniinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Aegolius</taxonrv>\n <common>Saw-whet Owls</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Aegolius acadicus</taxonrv>\n <common>Northern Saw-whet Owl</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Coraciiformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Kingfishers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Alcedinidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Kingfishers</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cerylinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Megaceryle</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Megaceryle alcyon</taxonrv>\n <common>Belted Kingfisher</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Apodiformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Swifts</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Apodidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Swifts</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Apodinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chaetura</taxonrv>\n <common>Stiff-tailed Swifts</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chaetura pelagica</taxonrv>\n <common>Chimney Swift</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Trochilidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Hummingbirds</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Trochilinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Archilochus</taxonrv>\n <common>Ruby-throated Hummingbirds</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Archilochus colubris</taxonrv>\n <common>Ruby-throated Hummingbird</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gaviiformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Loons</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gaviidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Loons</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gavia</taxonrv>\n <common>Loons</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gavia immer</taxonrv>\n <common>Common Loon</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caprimulgiformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caprimulgidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Nightjars</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordeilinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordeiles</taxonrv>\n <common>Nighthawks</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordeiles minor</taxonrv>\n <common>Common Nighthawk</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Columbiformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Doves</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Columbidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Doves</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Columbinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Zenaida</taxonrv>\n <common>Zenaida Doves</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Zenaida macroura</taxonrv>\n <common>Mourning Dove</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Podicipediformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Grebes</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Podicipedidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Grebes</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Podilymbus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Podilymbus podiceps</taxonrv>\n <common>Pied-billed Grebe</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Galliformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Fowls</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Phasianidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Partridges</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tetraoninae</taxonrv>\n <common>Grouse</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bonasa</taxonrv>\n <common>Ruffed Grouse</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Falcipennis</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Falcipennis canadensis</taxonrv>\n <common>Spruce Grouse</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Meleagridinae</taxonrv>\n <common>Turkeys</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Meleagris</taxonrv>\n <common>Turkeys</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Meleagris gallopavo</taxonrv>\n <common>Wild Turkey</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gruiformes</taxonrv>\n <common>Cranes</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rallidae</taxonrv>\n <common>Coots</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Porzana</taxonrv>\n <common>Soras</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Porzana carolina</taxonrv>\n <common>Sora</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rallus</taxonrv>\n <common>Greater Rails</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rallus limicola</taxonrv>\n <common>Virginia Rail</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Mammalia</taxonrv>\n <common>mammals</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Theria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Eutheria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rodentia</taxonrv>\n <common>rodents</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sciuromorpha</taxonrv>\n <common>squirrels</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sciuridae</taxonrv>\n <common>squirrels</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sciurinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Tribe</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Sciurini</taxonrv>\n <common>Holarctic tree squirrels</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tamiasciurus</taxonrv>\n <common>chickarees</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tamiasciurus hudsonicus</taxonrv>\n <common>Red Squirrel</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxonomy>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>A formal accuracy assessment of the horizontal positional information in the data set has not been conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Data were validated against hard copy field data sheets.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20170824</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Data Release Contents</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Items that make up this data release</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Zip files</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Zip files included in this release</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv></edomv>\n <edomvd>Contains pointcounts_birds.csv and pointcounts_birds_metadata.xml. These are the avian point count data and metadata associated with point count spatial data ( and survey data (</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv></edomv>\n <edomvd>Contains pointcounts_spatial.csv and pointcounts_spatial_metadata.xml These are site specific data for the point count locations</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv></edomv>\n <edomvd>Contains pointcounts_surveys.csv and pointcounts_surveys_metadata.xml These are the accompanying survey data for avian point count surveys. Includes all nonavian data associated with bird surveys. Some vegetation measurements are included here as well.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv></edomv>\n <edomvd>Contains vegetation_spatial.csv and vegetation_spatial_metadata.xml. These are the vegetation survey data. Data include all subplot level measurements. This excludes detailed data on individual tree measurements, which can be found in the file</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv></edomv>\n <edomvd>Contains vegetation_trees.csv and vegetation_trees_metadata.xml. Detailed individual tree data for trees considered within a subplot using a 2 factor metric prism. Height and canopy measurements were only measured for the 2 tallest trees in each subplot.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <overview>\n <eaover>This data release incudes the accompanying survey data for avian point count surveys. In total, there are five zip files attached to this release each containing a data file (.csv) with the associated metadata (.xml). Includes all nonavian data associated with bird surveys. Some vegetation measurements are included here as well.</eaover>\n <eadetcit>Rolek, B., Loftin, C., Harrison, D., and Wood, P., 2018, Avian species and vegetation survey data for the Atlantic Northern Forest: U.S. Geological Survey data release,</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200817</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Brian Rolek</cntper>\n <cntorg>University of Maine Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Graduate Research Assistant</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing</addrtype>\n <address>5755 Nutting Hall Rm 210</address>\n <city>Orono</city>\n <state>Maine</state>\n <postal>04469</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>(334) 704-3143</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
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[Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) genetic profiles (1998-2012)](/catalog/folder/5772add3e4b07657d1a88776) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5772add3e4b07657d1a88776) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5772add3e4b07657d1a88776) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5772add3e4b07657d1a88776?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2016-10-13Start Date1998-05-18End Date2012-11-29 ## Citation Graves, T.A., Mikle, N.L., Kendall, K.C., and Macleod, A.C., 2016, Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) genetic profiles (1998-2012): U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Two independent sampling methods were used to collect genetic samples from grizzly bears (Ursus arctos): (i) hair traps—corrals of barbed wire with lure in the center systematically distributed using an 8 x 8 km (1998, 2000) or 7 x 7 km (2004) grid and (ii) bear rubs—naturally occurring trees or other objects that bears rub on fitted with barbed wire (1998–2000, 2004, and 2009–2012). From 1998 to 2000, sampling occurred on 8000 km2 in the northern extent of the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem (NCDE), whereas systematic and consistent, ecosystem-wide sampling occurred in 2004 and 2009–2012. In total, there were 6160 confirmed grizzly bear detections, leading to the identification of 1115 unique individual genotypes (520 male, \[...\] ## Summary Two independent sampling methods were used to collect genetic samples from grizzly bears ( _Ursus arctos_): (i) hair traps—corrals of barbed wire with lure in the center systematically distributed using an 8 x 8 km (1998, 2000) or 7 x 7 km (2004) grid and (ii) bear rubs—naturally occurring trees or other objects that bears rub on fitted with barbed wire (1998–2000, 2004, and 2009–2012). From 1998 to 2000, sampling occurred on 8000 km2 in the northern extent of the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem (NCDE), whereas systematic and consistent, ecosystem-wide sampling occurred in 2004 and 2009–2012. In total, there were 6160 confirmed grizzly bear detections, leading to the identification of 1115 unique individual genotypes (520 male, 595 female). The data contain the genotypes or partial genotypes of those 1115 individuals, with an individual ID, sex, and up to 24 genotyped, codominant loci. The loci represented are; G10J, G1A, G10B, G1D, G10H, G10M, G10P, G10C, CXX110, CXX20, G10L, MU50, MU59, G10U, MU23, G10X, REN145.P07, MSUT2, CPH9, MU51, REN144.A06, MU26, D123, D1A. Each locus is split into two columns, the first of which contains the first allele and the second of which contains the second allele of each genotyped locus for each individual. Values within the columns of each locus represent the size of the alleles. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Tabitha Graves](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Tabitha+Graves) Originator : [Tabitha Graves](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Tabitha+Graves), [Nathaniel Mikle](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Nathaniel+Mikle), [Katherine Kendall](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Katherine+Kendall), [Amy Macleod](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Amy+Macleod) Metadata Contact : [Nathaniel Mikle](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Nathaniel+Mikle) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=ScienceBase) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) SDC Data Owner : [Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17303) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5772add3e4b07657d1a88776?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5772add3e4b07657d1a88776?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5772add3e4b07657d1a88776?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) genetic profiles 1998-2012.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 48.41 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) genetic profiles 1998-2012.csv | | 194.65 KB | text/csv | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Demography and Genetic Structure of a Recovering Grizzly Bear Population | []( "") | Type: Publication that references this resource | | | | --- | --- | | Demographic mechanisms underpinning genetic assimilation of remnant groups of a large carnivore | []( "") | ## Purpose Data were obtained in order to assess the population status and genetic diversity of grizzly bears in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem (NCDE). ## Communities - Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [genetic diversity](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgenetic+diversity "genetic diversity (genetic diversity, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [genotype](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgenotype "genotype (genotype, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [population dynamics](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dpopulation+dynamics "population dynamics (population dynamics, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Glacier National Park](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGlacier+National+Park "Glacier National Park (Glacier National Park, Place, FGDC)") - [Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNorthern+Continental+Divide+Ecosystem "Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem (Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem, Place, FGDC)") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7Q81B63 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Tabitha Graves</origin>\n <origin>Nathaniel Mikle</origin>\n <origin>Katherine Kendall</origin>\n <origin>Amy Macleod</origin>\n <pubdate>20161013</pubdate>\n <title>Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) genetic profiles (1998-2012)</title>\n <geoform>Tabular</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Katherine Kendall</origin>\n <origin>Jeffrey Stetz</origin>\n <origin>John Boulanger</origin>\n <origin>Amy Macleod</origin>\n <origin>David Paetkau</origin>\n <origin>Gary White</origin>\n <pubdate>200901</pubdate>\n <title>Demography and Genetic Structure of a Recovering Grizzly Bear Population</title>\n <geoform>Manuscript</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Journal of Wildlife Management</pubplace>\n <publish>The Wildlife Society</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Two independent sampling methods were used to collect genetic samples from grizzly bears (Ursus arctos): (i) hair traps\xe2\x80\x94corrals of barbed wire with lure in the center systematically distributed using an 8 x 8 km (1998, 2000) or 7 x 7 km (2004) grid and (ii) bear rubs\xe2\x80\x94naturally occurring trees or other objects that bears rub on fitted with barbed wire (1998\xe2\x80\x932000, 2004, and 2009\xe2\x80\x932012). From 1998 to 2000, sampling occurred on 8000 km2 in the northern extent of the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem (NCDE), whereas systematic and consistent, ecosystem-wide sampling occurred in 2004 and 2009\xe2\x80\x932012. In total, there were 6160 confirmed grizzly bear detections, leading to the identification of 1115 unique individual genotypes (520 male, 595 female). \nThe data contain the genotypes or partial genotypes of those 1115 individuals, with an individual ID, sex, and up to 24 genotyped, codominant loci. The loci represented are; G10J, G1A, G10B, G1D, G10H, G10M, G10P, G10C, CXX110, CXX20, G10L, MU50, MU59, G10U, MU23, G10X, REN145.P07, MSUT2, CPH9, MU51, REN144.A06, MU26, D123, D1A. Each locus is split into two columns, the first of which contains the first allele and the second of which contains the second allele of each genotyped locus for each individual. Values within the columns of each locus represent the size of the alleles.</abstract>\n <purpose>Data were obtained in order to assess the population status and genetic diversity of grizzly bears in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem (NCDE).</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19980518</begdate>\n <enddate>20121129</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Not planned</update>\n </status>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>genotype</themekey>\n <themekey>genetic diversity</themekey>\n <themekey>population dynamics</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5772add3e4b07657d1a88776</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem</placekey>\n <placekey>Glacier National Park</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Tabitha Graves</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>38 Mather Drive</address>\n <city>West Glacier</city>\n <state>MT</state>\n <postal>59936</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>406-589-6645</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Blackfeet Nation; Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation; National Park Service, Northwest Connections, US Bureau of Land Management, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the US Forest Service</datacred>\n <taxonomy>\n <keywtax>\n <taxonkt>USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus</taxonkt>\n <taxonkey>Mammals</taxonkey>\n </keywtax>\n <taxonsys>\n <classsys>\n <classcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Linnaeus</origin>\n <pubdate>1758</pubdate>\n <title>Systema naturae</title>\n <geoform>Tabular</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Stockholm</pubplace>\n <publish>Unknown</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink>Unknown</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </classcit>\n </classsys>\n <ider>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>David Paetkau</cntper>\n <cntorg>Wildlife Genetics International</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>182 Baker Street Suite 200</address>\n <city>Nelson</city>\n <state>British Colombia</state>\n <postal>V1L 4H2</postal>\n <country>Canada</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-877-352-3563</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ider>\n <taxonpro>genetic analysis</taxonpro>\n <taxoncom>Identification was undertaken only in the lab, with individual genotypes serving the purpose of identifying the sample to species.</taxoncom>\n </taxonsys>\n <taxongen>All data describe grizzly bears (Ursus arctos).</taxongen>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tetrapoda</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Mammalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Theria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Eutheria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Carnivora</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Caniformia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ursidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ursus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ursus arctos</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subspecies</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ursus arctos horribilis</taxonrv>\n <common>brown bear</common>\n <common>grizzly bear</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxonomy>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>Accuracy assessment can be found in Kendall et al. 2009, the publication with which this data is most closely associated.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>All values fall within the expected ranges and data were checked for duplication of individuals.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Data was processed in a rolling format as samples were collected in each of the sampling years. The final dataset is a conglomeration of those samples, simplified to one unique record per individual, with incomplete alleles removed (left blank).</procdesc>\n <procdate>20160623</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <method>\n <methtype>both</methtype>\n <methdesc>From Kendall et al. 2009; \n\nSampling Methods \nTo maximize coverage, we used 2 independent, concurrent NGS methods to sample the NCDE grizzly bear population. Our primary effort was based on systematically distributed hair traps using a grid of 641 7 \xc3\x97 7-km cells during 15 June\xe2\x80\x9318 August 2004. We placed one trap in a different location in each cell during 4 14-day sampling occasions. Hair traps consisted of one 30-m length of 4-prong barbed wire encircling 3\xe2\x80\x936 trees or steel posts at a height of 50 cm (Woods et al. 1999). We poured 3 L of scent lure, a 2:1 mix of aged cattle blood and liquid from decomposed fish, on forest debris piled in the center of the wire corral. We hung a cloth saturated with lure in a tree 4\xe2\x80\x935 m above the center of the trap. We collected hair from barbs, the ground near the wire, and the lure pile. All hairs from one set of barbs constituted a sample; we used our best judgment to define samples from the ground and lure pile. We placed each hair sample in a paper envelope labeled with a uniquely numbered barcode. \n\nWe selected hair trap locations before the field season using consistent criteria throughout the study area based on Geographic Information System (GIS) layers and expert knowledge. We based selection on evidence of bear activity, presence of natural travel routes, seasonal vegetation characteristics, and indices of recent wildfire severity. Each trap was located \xe2\x89\xa51 km from all other hair traps, \xe2\x89\xa5100 m from maintained trails, and \xe2\x89\xa5500 m from developed areas, including campsites. To help field personnel navigate to hair traps, we loaded all coordinates into Global Positioning System (GPS) units and made custom topographic and orthophoto maps for each site. \n\nWe also collected hair during repeated visits to bear rubs during 15 June\xe2\x80\x9315 September 2004. Bear rubbing was a result of natural behavior; we used no attractant. We surveyed rubs on approximately 80% of the study area; we omitted lands along the eastern edge of study area due to insufficient personnel and a relative scarcity of rubs. We identified 4 primary types of bear rubs for hair collection: trees (85%), power poles (8%), wooden sign and fence posts (5%), and barbed wire fences (2%). We focused on bear rubs located along trails, forest roads, and power and fence lines to facilitate access and ensure that we could reliably find the rubs. Each rub received a uniquely numbered tag and short pieces of barbed wire nailed to the rubbed surface in a zigzag pattern. We used barbless wire mounted vertically on bear rubs that had been bumped by horse packs. We found that the separated ends of double-stranded wire were effective at snaring hair but would not damage passing stock. During each rub visit, we collected all hair from each barb to ensure that we knew the hair deposition interval. We collected hair only from the barbed wire and passed a flame under each barb after collection to prevent contamination between sessions. \n\nWe compiled capture, telemetry, mortality, age, and past DNA detection data for 766 grizzly bears handled for research or management or identified during other hair sampling studies (Kendall et al. 2008) in the NCDE during 1975\xe2\x80\x932007. Of the bears for which tissue samples were available, 426 were successfully genotyped at \xe2\x89\xa57 loci for individual identification. We used these data 1) to identify bears that had been live-captured before 2004 for use as a covariate in mark\xe2\x80\x93recapture modeling, 2) to investigate independence of capture probabilities among females and their dependent offspring, and 3) for our analysis of temporal trend in genetic structure. To determine the proportion of sex\xe2\x80\x93age classes of bears detected with hair trap and bear rub sampling, we assumed that bears that met all of the following criteria were potentially available to be sampled: 1) \xe2\x89\xa51 location on the NCDE study area during 15 June\xe2\x80\x9315 September 1995\xe2\x80\x932006, 2) alive and \xe2\x89\xa420 years old in 2004 (we included older bears if documented on the study area post-2003), and 3) not known to have died before 2004. We only included bears with reliable genotypes that were known to be present on our study area during our sampling period in our mark\xe2\x80\x93recapture analysis. \n\nGenetic Methods \nWe stored hair samples on silica desiccant at room temperature and blood and muscle samples either frozen or in lysis buffer. Samples were analyzed at a laboratory that specialized in low DNA quantity and quality samples, following standard protocols (Woods et al. 1999, Paetkau 2003, Roon et al. 2005). We analyzed all samples with \xe2\x89\xa51 guard hair follicle or 5 underfur hairs, and we used up to 10 guard hairs plus underfur when available. \n\nThe number and variability of the markers used to identify individuals determine the power of the multilocus genotypes to differentiate individuals. We used 7 nuclear microsatellite loci to define individuals: G10J, G1A, G10B, G1D, G10H, G10M, and G10P (Paetkau et al. 1995). Preliminary data from this population suggested that randomly drawn, unrelated individuals would have identical genotypes (PID) with probability 1 \xc3\x97 10\xe2\x88\x927, and full siblings would share identical genotypes with probability (PSIB) 0.0018 for this marker set. These match probabilities assume a specified level of relationship, making it difficult to interpret them in the context of a study population in which the distribution of consanguinity is unknown. We obtained a more direct empirical estimate of match probability by extrapolating from observed mismatch distributions (Paetkau 2003). For each individual identified, we attempted to extend genotypes to 17 loci using the following markers: G10C, G10L, CXX110, CXX20, Mu50, Mu59, G10U, Mu23, G10X, and amelogenin (for gender; Ennis and Gallagher 1994). \n\nFor the first phase of the analysis, we used one microsatellite marker (G10J), which has a high success rate and at which alleles with an odd number of base pairs are diagnostic of black bears. The only exception to this rule is a 94\xe2\x80\x93base pair allele that exists in both species in our ecosystem. When this allele is present, species must be confirmed through additional analyses. We set aside samples that failed at this marker twice, as well as samples with 2 odd-numbered alleles. We analyzed all individuals with \xe2\x89\xa51 94\xe2\x80\x93base pair allele at G10J at all 7 markers that we used for individual identification, whether or not the second allele was even-numbered (presumed grizzly bears) or odd-numbered (presumed black bears). \n\nDuring the next phase of lab analysis, we finished individual identifications by analyzing 6 additional markers on samples that passed through the G10J prescreen. We did not attempt to assign individual identity to any sample that failed to produce strong, typical, diploid (i.e., not mixed) genotype profiles for all 7 markers. We believe that this strict rejection of all samples whose genotypes contained weak, missing, or suspect data (e.g., unbalanced peak heights) dramatically reduced genotyping error by eliminating the most error-prone samples. \n\nGenotyping errors that result in the creation of false individuals, such as allelic dropout and amplification error, can bias mark\xe2\x80\x93recapture population estimates (Mills et al. 2000, Roon et al. 2005). We used selective reanalysis of similar genotypes to detect and eliminate errors. We replicated genotypes for all 1) individuals identified in a single sample, 2) pairs of individuals that differed at only 1 or 2 loci (1- and 2-mismatch pairs), 3) pairs of individuals that differed at 3 loci when those differences were consistent with allelic dropout (i.e., homozygous), and 4) individuals with samples geographically separated by large distances (Paetkau 2003, Roon et al. 2005, Kendall et al. 2008). We further minimized the risk of undetected genotyping error by replicating genetic data for all 17 markers (including gender) in \xe2\x89\xa52 samples per individual or by repeating the analysis of all 17 markers in cases where just one sample was assigned to an individual. Whenever possible, we drew samples selected for reanalysis from a bear\'s 2 most distant capture points to potentially detect errors or true 0-mismatch pairs. We also made a photographic record of DNA liquid transfer steps to help determine the cause of handling errors when they occurred and to resolve them. \n\nAs part of our error-checking efforts, we submitted 748 blind control samples from 32 unique grizzly bears from throughout the NCDE to the laboratory. We constructed these samples to mimic the range of DNA quantity in hair samples collected in the field by varying the number of hairs with follicles per sample. Although lab personnel were aware that control samples would be randomly scattered among field samples, they were not aware of the number or identity of control samples. Genotyped bears for which sex was known from field data provided a similar opportunity to evaluate the accuracy of gender determinations. We also submitted 115 blind test samples that we created by mixing, in various proportions, hair from 2 individuals, mostly parent\xe2\x80\x93offspring or full sibling pairs. As a final overall assessment of the reliability of our data, we contracted with Dr. Pierre Taberlet (Director of Research, National Centre for Scientific Research, Grenoble, France), an expert in issues of genotyping error in noninvasive samples (Taberlet et al. 1996, Abbott 2008), to conduct an independent assessment of our field, data entry, lab, and data exchange protocols. Among other tests, P. Taberlet examined the results of 100 randomly drawn and 406 blind samples for errors and then checked whether the data from the genetic analysis matched the database used for abundance estimates. \n\nWe replicated almost every genotype in the 17-locus data set, either between samples, by repeated analysis as positive controls, or during error-checking, which provided an outstanding opportunity to detect genotyping errors. We recorded an error each time a genotype was changed after being entered into the database as a high-confidence score (i.e., not flagged as requiring reanalysis to confirm a weak initial result). The extra measures we used to avoid the creation of spurious individuals, along with our large sample size, permitted us to evaluate the standard methods that formed the foundation of our genotyping protocol (Paetkau 2003). Before starting the analysis of supplemental markers (in duplicate, with emphasis on geographically distant samples), we generated a preliminary 7-locus results file using only the standard protocol of selective reanalysis of similar genotypes.</methdesc>\n </method>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Genetic_profiles</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Table containing 1115 grizzly bear genotypes of up to 24 loci</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Wildlife Genetics International</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>IndividualID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>A unique individual ID</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1115</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sex</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The identified sex of each individual</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>M</edomv>\n <edomvd>Male</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer-defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>F</edomv>\n <edomvd>Female</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer-defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10J.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10J.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G1A.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G1A.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10B.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10B.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G1D.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G1D.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10H.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10H.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10M.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10M.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10P.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10P.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10C.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10C.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CXX110.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CXX110.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CXX20.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CXX20.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10L.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10L.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MU50.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MU50.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MU59.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MU59.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10U.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10U.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MU23.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MU23.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10X.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>G10X.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>REN145.P07.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>REN145.P07.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MSUT2.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MSUT2.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CPH9.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CPH9.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MU51.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MU51.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>REN144.A06.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>REN144.A06.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MU26.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MU26.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>D123.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>D123.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>D1A.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>D1A.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The first characters represent the locus ID, followed by a period and the final character represents the number of allele (e.g. 1 or 2). The values within the columns represent the size of the alleles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>999</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>This dataset, identified as "Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) genetic profiles (1998-2012)", has been approved for release and publication by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although the data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, the data are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from authorized or unauthorized use. Although the data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the USGS, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system, or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS or the U.S. Government shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Users of the data are advised to read all metadata and associated documentation thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200826</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Nathaniel Mikle</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Biologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>38 Mather Drive</address>\n <city>West Glacier</city>\n <state>MT</state>\n <postal>59936</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>406-888-7988</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Data on well characteristics and well-pair characteristics for estimating high groundwater levels in selected areas of Massachusetts](/catalog/folder/5d42fe96e4b01d82ce8daf72) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5d42fe96e4b01d82ce8daf72) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5d42fe96e4b01d82ce8daf72) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5d42fe96e4b01d82ce8daf72?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-03-12Start Date1939-10-31End Date2017-09-30 ## Citation Barclay, J.R., and Mullaney, J.R., 2020, Data on well characteristics and well-pair characteristics for estimating high groundwater levels in selected areas of Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary A method to estimate the probable high groundwater level in Massachusetts, excluding Cape Cod and the Islands was developed in 1981. The method, commonly called the “Frimpter Method,” uses a groundwater measurement from a test site, groundwater measurements from an index well, and a distribution of high groundwater levels from wells in similar geologic and topographic settings. Historic groundwater-level statistics (maximum and 90th percentile groundwater level and annual groundwater-level range) were calculated for 153 wells in Massachusetts and nearby States to update the method inputs. In addition, as part of a comparison of approaches to determine the best index well for a given site, a multiple linear regression equation was developed \[...\] ## Summary A method to estimate the probable high groundwater level in Massachusetts, excluding Cape Cod and the Islands was developed in 1981. The method, commonly called the “Frimpter Method,” uses a groundwater measurement from a test site, groundwater measurements from an index well, and a distribution of high groundwater levels from wells in similar geologic and topographic settings. Historic groundwater-level statistics (maximum and 90th percentile groundwater level and annual groundwater-level range) were calculated for 153 wells in Massachusetts and nearby States to update the method inputs. In addition, as part of a comparison of approaches to determine the best index well for a given site, a multiple linear regression equation was developed to explore the relations between predictor variables and the correlations, with the goal of predicting the most highly correlated index well for each test site. This data release includes the calculated groundwater level statistics, the ancillary data used in the regression model, comparison of the data among well pairs, and predictions of the correlations among all well pairs. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Janet R Barclay](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=75546) Process Contact : [Janet R Barclay](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=75546) Originator : [Janet R Barclay](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=75546), [John R Mullaney](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=7273) Metadata Contact : [Janet R Barclay](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=75546) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [New England Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17206) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5d42fe96e4b01d82ce8daf72?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5d42fe96e4b01d82ce8daf72?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5d42fe96e4b01d82ce8daf72?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | MetaData.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 47.55 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | MA\_network\_well\_pair\_data.csv | | 990.58 KB | text/csv | | Prediction\_Model\_output.csv | | 1.28 MB | text/csv | | MA\_network\_well\_data.csv | | 24.42 KB | text/csv | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Barclay, J.R., and Mullaney, J.R., 2020, Updating data inputs, assessing trends, and evaluating a method to estimate probable high groundwater levels in selected areas of Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020–5036, 45 p. | []( "") | ## Purpose Data were assembled and analyzed as part of a review of the Frimpter method, which is a common method to estimate high groundwater levels for sites in Massachusetts, for the purpose of land development, or in the siting of onsite wastewater systems. Data are provided here on the historic groundwater-level statistics and the inputs and outputs of a regression model which was tested as a means of identifying the best index well to be used in the Frimpter method. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5d42fe96e4b01d82ce8daf72) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5d42fe96e4b01d82ce8daf72) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products - USGS New England Water Science Center ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [Stratified glacial sediment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DStratified+glacial+sediment "Stratified glacial sediment (Stratified glacial sediment, Theme, Lithologic classification of geologic map units)") - [glacial till](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dglacial+till "glacial till (glacial till, Theme, Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB) keywords)") - [groundwater](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgroundwater "groundwater (groundwater, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [groundwater level](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgroundwater+level "groundwater level (groundwater level, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [hydrogeology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhydrogeology "hydrogeology (hydrogeology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [waste treatment and disposal](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwaste+treatment+and+disposal "waste treatment and disposal (waste treatment and disposal, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [wastewater discharge](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwastewater+discharge "wastewater discharge (wastewater discharge, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Massachusetts](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMassachusetts "Massachusetts (Massachusetts, Place, Common geographic areas)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Hydrology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHydrology "Hydrology (Hydrology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Water Resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Resources "Water Resources (Water Resources, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9NM2PHP | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Janet R. Barclay</origin>\n <origin>John R. Mullaney</origin>\n <pubdate>20200312</pubdate>\n <title>Data on well characteristics and well-pair characteristics for estimating high groundwater levels in selected areas of Massachusetts</title>\n <geoform>tabular digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Janet R. Barclay</origin>\n <origin>John R. Mullaney</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>Updating data inputs, assessing trends, and evaluating a method to estimate probable high groundwater levels in selected areas of Massachusetts</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>A method to estimate the probable high groundwater level in Massachusetts, excluding Cape Cod and the Islands was developed in 1981. The method, commonly called the \xe2\x80\x9cFrimpter Method,\xe2\x80\x9d uses a groundwater measurement from a test site, groundwater measurements from an index well, and a distribution of high groundwater levels from wells in similar geologic and topographic settings.\n\nHistoric groundwater-level statistics (maximum and 90th percentile groundwater level and annual groundwater-level range) were calculated for 153 wells in Massachusetts and nearby States to update the method inputs.\n\nIn addition, as part of a comparison of approaches to determine the best index well for a given site, a multiple linear regression equation was developed to explore the relations between predictor variables and the correlations, with the goal of predicting the most highly correlated index well for each test site. This data release includes the calculated groundwater level statistics, the ancillary data used in the regression model, comparison of the data among well pairs, and predictions of the correlations among all well pairs.</abstract>\n <purpose>Data were assembled and analyzed as part of a review of the Frimpter method, which is a common method to estimate high groundwater levels for sites in Massachusetts, for the purpose of land development, or in the siting of onsite wastewater systems.\n\nData are provided here on the historic groundwater level statistics and the inputs and outputs of a regression model which was tested as a means of identifying the best index well to be used in the Frimpter method.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19391031</begdate>\n <enddate>20170930</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-73.4250</westbc>\n <eastbc>-69.9810</eastbc>\n <northbc>42.8120</northbc>\n <southbc>41.2600</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>Massachusetts</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>groundwater level</themekey>\n <themekey>wastewater discharge</themekey>\n <themekey>waste treatment and disposal</themekey>\n <themekey>groundwater</themekey>\n <themekey>hydrogeology</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB) keywords</themekt>\n <themekey>glacial till</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>Lithologic classification of geologic map units</themekt>\n <themekey>Stratified glacial sediment</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5d42fe96e4b01d82ce8daf72</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Massachusetts</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see \'Distribution Info\' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users are advised to read the data set\'s metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Janet R Barclay</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>101 Pitkin Street</address>\n <city>East Hartford</city>\n <state>CT</state>\n <postal>06108</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>860-291-6763</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>860-291-6799</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>Characteristics from 119 wells (65 in Massachusetts, 22 in Rhode Island, 30 in Connecticut, 1 in Vermont, and 1 in New Hampshire) that were selected based on their period of record, proximity to Massachusetts, and typical water levels. The wells 1) were active at least until water year 2010; 2) have 10 or more years of 9 or more monthly water level measurements during the water year since 1995; 3) were dry for less than 3 percent of the measurements; 4) were within 25 or 40 miles of Massachusetts (for stratified drift and till wells, respectively); 5) had median groundwater levels less than 30 feet below land surface; 6) were minimally affected by pumping; and 7) were finished in unconsolidated glacial sediments (not bedrock). Topographic classifications and water level records were manually reviewed for each well.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>This data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>Horizontal accuracy is &lt; +/- 1 second for most sites (108 sites). For 7 sites the horizontal accuracy is +/- 5 seconds and for 4 sites it is unknown. (Source Input: NWIS)</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>Vertical accuracy ranges from 0.01 to 10 feet (median = 2 feet, mean = 4.5 feet) (Source Input: NWIS)</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>USGS National Water Information System (NWIS)</title>\n <geoform>application/service</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19391031</begdate>\n <enddate>20170930</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>observed</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>NWIS</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Site Information, well data, well construction, topographic setting, aquifer information</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey</origin>\n <pubdate>2003</pubdate>\n <title>1:24,000-scale National Elevation Dataset (NED)</title>\n <geoform>raster digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <srcscale>24000</srcscale>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2003</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>ground condition</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>NED24</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Topographic attributes</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>PRISM climate group, Oregon State University</origin>\n <pubdate>20120710</pubdate>\n <title>PRISM Climate Group 30-year normals (1981-2010) for precipitation and air temperature</title>\n <geoform>raster digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>1981</begdate>\n <enddate>2010</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>Monthly 30-year "normal" dataset covering the conterminous U.S., averaged over the climatological period 1981-2010</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>PRISM</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Average 30-year (1981 - 2010) precipitation and air temperature</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Reitz, Meredith; Sanford, Ward; Senay, Gabriel; Cazenas, Jeffrey</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Annual estimates of recharge, quick-flow runoff, and ET for the contiguous US using empirical regression equations, 2000-2013</title>\n <geoform>dataset</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace></pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>2000</begdate>\n <enddate>2013</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>observed</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>RCH</srccitea>\n <srccontr>estimates of groundwater recharge at the well locations</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)</origin>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2012</pubdate>\n <title>National Hydrography Dataset Plus - NHDPlus version 2</title>\n <geoform>vector digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <srcscale>100000</srcscale>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2012</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>NHD</srccitea>\n <srccontr>distance between the wells and the nearest stream</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Janet R. Barclay</origin>\n <origin>John R. Mullaney</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Data on groundwater wells in and near Massachusetts</title>\n <geoform>tabular digital data</geoform>\n <onlink>***update when approved</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19391031</begdate>\n <enddate>20170930</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>observed</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>WellData</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data on groundwater wells in and near Massachussetts that was used in a regression model to predict the best index well</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Janet R. Barclay</origin>\n <origin>John R. Mullaney</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Standardized data on pairs of groundwater wells in and near Massachusetts</title>\n <geoform>tabular digital data</geoform>\n <onlink>***update when approved</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2019</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>ModelInputs</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing standardized data on pairs of groundwater wells that was used as input data to the multiple linear regression model</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Historic water levels for 153 wells in Massachusetts and nearby states were analyzed to calculate the maximum and 90th percentile high groundwater level and annual groundwater level range, as well as trends in groundwater levels. Details of the well selection criteria and calculations are given in the U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report \nXXXXX (XXXXXXX)</procdesc>\n <srcused>NWIS</srcused>\n <procdate>20190805</procdate>\n <srcprod>WellData</srcprod>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Janet R Barclay</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>101 Pitkin Street</address>\n <city>East Hartford</city>\n <state>CT</state>\n <postal>06108</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>860-291-6763</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>860-291-6799</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Values for Aspect, Slope, Topographic Index (TI_30m), Recharge (Rch), Precipitation (Precip), Topographic Postion Index at 500m (TPI_500), and Topographic Position Index at 2000 m (TPI_2000) at each network well were calculated by extracting the values from the appropriate raster (described below) to the shapefile of wells using the Extract Values to Points tool from the Spatial Analyst toolbox in ArcMap 10.5. \n\nThe rasters for aspect and slope were calculated from the 1 arc-second National Elevation Dataset (U.S. Geological Survey, 2003) using the Aspect and Slope tools from the Spatial Analyst toolbox in ArcMap 10.6. Aspect was calculated using the geodesic method. Slope was calculated in degrees using the planar method. \n\nThe raster for TI_30m was calculated as the topographic wetness index according to the following equation (Beven and Kirby, 1979):\nTI=ln(a/(tan(b)))\nwhere\na = upslope contributing area per unit contour\nb = slope (radians)\n\nThe upslope contributing area per unit contour was calculated with 1) the Flow Direction tool, then 2) the Flow Accumulation tool from the Spatial Analyst toolbox in ArcMap 10.5, and finally 3) multiplied by the raster cell size. The slope, as calculated above, was converted from degrees to radians prior to calculation of TI_30m.\n\nRasters for TPI_500 and TPI_2000 were generated using the Topographic Position Index tool from the Topography Tools 9.3 toolbox for ArcMap (Jenness, 2006) using circular neighborhoods of 500 m and 2000 m respectively.\n\nDistance to the nearest stream (StrmDist) was calculated by joining the shapefile of wells to the nearest stream in the NHDPlus flowline shapefile (US EPA and USGS, 2012) using the spatial join tool in the Analysis toolbox in ArcMap 10.6.\n\nBeven, K.J., and Kirby, M.J., 1979, A physically based, variable contributing area model of basin hydrology / Un mod\xc3\xa8le \xc3\xa0 base physique de zone d\xe2\x80\x99appel variable de l\xe2\x80\x99hydrologie du bassin versant: Hydrological Sciences Bulletin, v. 24, no. 1, p. 43\xe2\x80\x9369.\n\nJenness, J., 2006, Topographic Position Index (tpi_jen.avx) extension for ArcView 3.x, version 1.2,</procdesc>\n <srcused>RCH</srcused>\n <srcused>NED24</srcused>\n <srcused>NWIS</srcused>\n <srcused>PRISM</srcused>\n <srcused>NHD</srcused>\n <procdate>2019</procdate>\n <srcprod>WellData</srcprod>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Janet R Barclay</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>101 Pitkin Street</address>\n <city>East Hartford</city>\n <state>CT</state>\n <postal>06108</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>860-291-6763</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>860-291-6799</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Correlations between each pair of wells were calculated using Spearman\xe2\x80\x99s Rho (Helsel and Hirsch, 2002) with a pairwise comparison (U.S. Geological Survey, 2015). Higher correlations between two wells indicate that water levels in the wells change at the same times and in the same directions (deeper or shallower), though the actual magnitude of water level change may differ between the wells. \nIf both wells in the pair were in the same surficial deposit, Same Surficial Deposit (SameSurf) was set to 1, otherwise it was set to 0. Similarly, if both wells in the pair were located in the same topographic setting, Same Topographic Setting (SameTopoGroup) was set to 1, otherwise it was set to 0.\nProximity between two wells (Near) was calculated as the Euclidean distance between the wells using the \xe2\x80\x9cNAD 1983 StatePlane Massachusetts Mainland FIPS 2001 Feet\xe2\x80\x9d projection. The distances were standardized by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation. The standardized distances were converted to proximity by multiplying by -1 so that larger values indicated smaller distances between the wells and smaller values indicated greater distances.\nSimilarity of the remaining variables [altitude (altSim), aspect (aspSim), slope (slpSim), topographic index (ti30Sim), recharge (rchSim), precipitation (prpSim), topographic position index at 500 m (tpi500Sim), topographic position index at 2000 m (tpi2000Sim), elevation above the nearest stream (depToStrSim), and horizontal distance to the nearest stream (strmDistSim)] were calculated according to the following process. First, the absolute value of the difference in the given variable was calculated for each well pair. Then, the absolute differences were standardized by subtracting the mean difference across all well pairs and then dividing by the standard deviation across all well pairs. Finally, the standardized differences were converted to similarity measures by multiplying by -1 so that larger values indicated greater similarity and smaller values indicated less similarity. For example, if the altitude of well A is 300 feet and the altitude of well B is 400 feet, the absolute value of the difference is 100 feet. If the mean absolute difference between all pairs of wells is 500 feet and the standard deviation of the absolute differences between all well pairs is 1000 feet, then the standardized difference between the altitude of well A and well B is -0.4. ([100 feet \xe2\x80\x93 500 feet] / 1000 ft) Converted to a similarity measure, the standardized similarity in altitude is 0.4. \n\nHelsel, D.R., and Hirsch, R.M., 2002, Statistical Methods in Water Resources: Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations 04-A3, accessed at\n\nU.S. Geological Survey, 2015, USGS water science R functions statistics\xe2\x80\x94R-statistical package: U.S. Geological Survey software, accessed November 28, 2018, at</procdesc>\n <srcused>WellData</srcused>\n <procdate>20190805</procdate>\n <srcprod>ModelInputs</srcprod>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Janet R Barclay</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>101 Pitkin Street</address>\n <city>East Hartford</city>\n <state>CT</state>\n <postal>06108</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>860-291-6763</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>860-291-6799</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The regression equation was used to estimate the correlation (Spearman\xe2\x80\x99s Rho) between pairs of wells as the first step in predicting the most highly correlated index well. Each well, in turn, served as the base well (representing a potential test site) and the correlation with each other well was estimated using the prediction model coefficients (table 8 in Barclay and Mullaney (in review) *** update when approved) for the surficial deposits of the base well. This means that the correlations between each pair of wells was predicted twice (with each well serving as the base well once and as the potential index well once). If the two wells were located in the same surficial deposit, the predicted correlation should be the same, regardless of which well is the base well. If the two wells were located in different surficial deposits, however, the predicted correlation might differ due to differing model coefficients based on the surficial deposit location of the base well.</procdesc>\n <srcused>ModelInputs</srcused>\n <procdate>20190805</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Janet R Barclay</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>101 Pitkin Street</address>\n <city>East Hartford</city>\n <state>CT</state>\n <postal>06108</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>860-291-6763</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>860-291-6799</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>MA_network_well_data.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data on groundwater wells in and near Massachusetts</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>map_no</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>site identifier</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>site identifier in figure 2 of the report</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>site_no</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>U.S. Geological Survey station identifier</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>unique station identifier for each well in the dataset (15-character text field)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>station_nm</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Station name</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>unique station name for each well</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>dec_lat</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Decimal latitude, in North American Datum of 1983</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>41.4067669</rdommin>\n <rdommax>42.81160556</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>dec_long_v</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Decimal longitude, in North American Datum of 1983</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-73.42572778</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-70.6580897</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Surf</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Surficial material at the well</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>T</edomv>\n <edomvd>Till</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>SD</edomv>\n <edomvd>Stratified drift (Glacial stratified deposits)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TopoGroup</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Topographic classification</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Upland</edomv>\n <edomvd>topographic classification for wells located 1) more than 100 meters horizontally or more than 5 meters vertically from the nearest stream and 2) in till deposits</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Hill</edomv>\n <edomvd>topographic classification for wells located 1) in a hill or terrace setting, and 2) in stratified drift (stratified glacial sediments)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Valley</edomv>\n <edomvd>topographic classification for wells located 1) in a valley or flat setting, and 2) in stratified drift (stratified glacial sediments)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NearStream</edomv>\n <edomvd>topographic classification for wells located 1) less than 100 meters horizontally and less than 5 meters vertically from the nearest stream and 2) in till deposits</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>annual_range_max</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>maximum annual groundwater level range</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Calculated based on Source Input: NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.42</rdommin>\n <rdommax>17.92</rdommax>\n <attrunit>feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>annual_range_90per</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>90th percentile of the annual groundwater level range</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Calculated based on Source Input: NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.15</rdommin>\n <rdommax>16.16</rdommax>\n <attrunit>feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GW_level_max</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>highest recorded groundwater level</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Calculated based on Source Input: NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.2</rdommin>\n <rdommax>45.78</rdommax>\n <attrunit>feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GW_level_90per</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>90th percentile of the highest annual groundwater level</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Calculated based on Source Input: NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.43</rdommin>\n <rdommax>46.79</rdommax>\n <attrunit>feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>per_of_analysis</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>period of analysis</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>water years included in analysis</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>num_years_analyzed</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>number of years analyzed</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>10</rdommin>\n <rdommax>78</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>trend_periods</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>trend periods</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>--</edomv>\n <edomvd>this well was not used in the trend analysis</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>indicates the trend periods for which this well was analyzed. Trend periods refer to those listed in table 3 in the report</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>notes</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>notes on the wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>^ denotes one site where the collection of water-level data for calendar years 1993\xe2\x80\x931995 was dropped because of the effects of nearby construction;# denotes two sites where continuous water-level data was temporarily unavailable at the time of this analysis; *, continuous record well; +, well used in Frimpter (1981); CC, Cape Cod and Islands (Martha\xe2\x80\x99s Vineyard and Nantucket)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>alt</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Altitude of land surface at the well, in feet</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>18.91</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1700.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Aspect</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Aspect of the well location</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Calculated based on Source Input: NED</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>5.2</rdommin>\n <rdommax>359.37</rdommax>\n <attrunit>degrees clockwise from north</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Slope</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Slope at the well site</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Calculated based on Source Input: NED</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9.87</rdommax>\n <attrunit>degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TI_30m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Topographic wetness index</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Calculated following Beven and Kirby (1979)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>5.65</rdommin>\n <rdommax>13.87</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Rch</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Groundwater Recharge</attrdef>\n <attrdefs></attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>-9999</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>USGS</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.35</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.64</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters per year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Precip</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>30 year normal annual precipitation</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Source Input: PRISM</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1083.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1342.49</rdommax>\n <attrunit>millimeters per year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TPI_500</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Topographic Position Index at 500 meters</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Calculated using Topography Tools 9.3 toolbox for ArcMap (Dilts, 2010)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-29.29</rdommin>\n <rdommax>39.71</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TPI_2000</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Topographic Position Index at 2000 meters</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Calculated using Topography Tools 9.3 toolbox for ArcMap (Dilts, 2010)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-127.4</rdommin>\n <rdommax>50.02</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DepToStr_m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Elevation of land surface at the well above the nearest stream</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined based on inspection of topographic map</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>65.53</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>StrmDist</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Horizontal distance from the well to the nearest NHDPlus version 2 stream</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Calculated based on NHDplus v2 flowlines at 1:100,000-scale</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>5.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2171.15</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>MA_network_well_pair_data.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing standardized data on pairs of groundwater wells</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>site_no_1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>U.S. Geological Survey station identifier for the first well in the pair</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>unique site number (15-character text field)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>station_nm_1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>U.S. Geological Survey station name for the first well</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>unique station name (15-character text field)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>site_no_2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>U.S. Geological Survey station identifier for the second well in the pair</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>unique site number (15-character text field)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>station_nm_2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>U.S. Geological Survey station name for the second well in the pair</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>unique station name</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Rho</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Spearman\'s rho for the correlation in water levels between the two wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-0.08</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.98</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SameSurf</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>binary variable indicating whether the two wells are in the same surficial deposit (1) or different deposits (0)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>0</edomv>\n <edomvd>wells are located in different surficial deposits</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>wells are located in the same surficial deposit</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SameTopoGroup</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>binary variable indicating whether the two wells are in the same (1) or different (0) topographic setting</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>0</edomv>\n <edomvd>wells are located in different topographic settings</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>wells are located in the same topographic setting</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>altSim</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>standardized similarity in altitude between the wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-4.07</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.11</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Near</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>standardized proximity of the wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-3.04</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.02</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>aspSim</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>standardized similarity of aspect between the two wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-3.05</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.42</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>slpSim</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>standardized similarity of slope between the two wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-4.26</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.13</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ti30Sim</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>standardized similarity of topographic index between the two wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-3.97</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.12</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>rchSim</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>standardized similarity of groundwater recharge between the two wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-7.65</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.13</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>prpSim</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>standardized similarity of precipitation between the two wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-5.16</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.32</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>tpi500Sim</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>standardized similarity of topographic position index at 500 m between the two wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-7.35</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.02</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>tpi2000Sim</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>standardized similarity of topographic position index at 2000 m between the two wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-6.49</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.04</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>depToStrSim</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>standardized similarity of height above the nearest stream between the two wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-4.14</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.74</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>strmDistSim</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>standardized similarity of horizontal distance to the nearest stream between the two wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-6.05</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.8</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Prediction_Model_output.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>base_site</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>U.S. Geological Survey station identifier for the well serving as the "test site"</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>unique site identifier (15-character text field)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>base_station_nm</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>U.S. Geological Survey station name for the well serving as the "test site"</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>unique station name</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>model</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>identifies the set of regression coefficients used to predict the correlation between the pair of wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Till</edomv>\n <edomvd>Rho was predicted using the regression coefficients for till wells from table 8 in Barclay and Mullaney (in review) ***update when approved</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Stratified Drift</edomv>\n <edomvd>Rho was predicted using the regression coefficients for stratified drift wells from table 8 in Barclay and Mullaney (in review) ***update when approved</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>site_no</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>U.S. Geological Survey station identifier for the second well in the pair where the correlation is being predicted</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>unique station identifier (15-character text field)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>station_nm</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>U.S. Geological Survey station name for the second well in the pair where the correlation is being predicted</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NWIS</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>unique station name</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Rho</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>predicted correlation (Spearman\'s Rho) of between water levels in the two wells</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.21</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.87</rdommax>\n <attrunit>dimensionless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HighestRho</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Flag indicating the highest predicted Rho value for the current base_site_no</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>Not the highest Rho for this base_site_no</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>*</edomv>\n <edomvd>highest predicted Rho for this base_site_no</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200825</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Janet R Barclay</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, New England Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>101 Pitkin Street</address>\n <city>East Hartford</city>\n <state>CT</state>\n <postal>06108</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>860-291-6763</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>860-291-6799</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center](/catalog/item/55bf8df6e4b033ef52103c69) 3. [Public Data Releases 2016](/catalog/item/589b38a9e4b0efcedb72d29c) 4. [Pressure and flow rate measurements to support hydraulic tomography of the Floridan aquifer system at the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, Miami-Dade County, Florida](/catalog/item/5696e902e4b039675d00a5ab) 5. [Tomography pressure time series (raw) from August 15, 2011, to October 12, 2011, for the lower zone of Floridan aquifer system monitoring well FA-4 at the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, Miami-Dade County, Florida](/catalog/folder/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51) - [JSON](/catalog/item/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2016Start Date2011-08-10End Date2011-09-19 ## Citation King, J.N., 2016, Pressure and flow rate measurements to support hydraulic tomography of the Floridan aquifer system at the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, Miami-Dade County, Florida: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with Miami-Dade County, performed a sequential, aquifer stress test from August 15 to October 12, 2011, on the Floridan aquifer system at the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Miami-Dade County stressed the Floridan aquifer system with four municipal injection wells at the North District. The U.S. Geological Survey measured pressure with an Aqua TROLL 200 from August 15, 2011, to October 12, 2011, for the lower zone of Floridan aquifer system monitoring well FA-4. These data are part of a larger data set that describe the stress test at the North District (King, 2016, ## Summary U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with Miami-Dade County, performed a sequential, aquifer stress test from August 15 to October 12, 2011, on the Floridan aquifer system at the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Miami-Dade County stressed the Floridan aquifer system with four municipal injection wells at the North District. The U.S. Geological Survey measured pressure with an Aqua TROLL 200 from August 15, 2011, to October 12, 2011, for the lower zone of Floridan aquifer system monitoring well FA-4. These data are part of a larger data set that describe the stress test at the North District (King, 2016, []( ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Jeffrey King](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5490) Originator : [Jeffrey King](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5490) Metadata Contact : [Jeffrey King](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5490) Cooperator/Partner : [Miami-Dade County, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Miami-Dade+County%2C+Miami-Dade+Water+and+Sewer+Department) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | i09a.p.FA4L.raw.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 13.56 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | i09a.p.FA4L.raw.csv<br>“Data” | | 953.02 KB | text/csv | ## Purpose In conformance with the USGS strategy for water science (Evenson and others, 2013,, the USGS, in cooperation with Miami-Dade County, conducted the sequential stress test described in this report to improve integrated science planning for water, clarify the linkage between human water use and the natural water cycle, and deliver water analyses to the Nation. The USGS will use measurements from the stress test, other measurements, and a numerical model to characterize the Floridan aquifer system at the North District WWTP with hydraulic tomography. Data described in this report will be used to integrate, into one study, subsurface effluent injection science needs of Miami-Dade County, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These data will improve integrated science planning for water and enhance a decision-support tool for water resources. ## Rights Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also contains copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner whenever applicable. The data have been approved for release and publication by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although the data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, the data are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from authorized or unauthorized use. Although the data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system, or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The U.S. Geological Survey shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ## Communities - USGS Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center ## Associated Items - _copied into_ [Tomography pressure time series (filtered) from August 15, 2011, to October 12, 2011, for the lower zone of Floridan aquifer system monitoring well FA-4 at the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, Miami-Dade County, Florida](/catalog/item/57a217ace4b006cb45553d45 "linked create by copy-to function.") - [View Associated Items](/catalog/itemLinks?itemId=56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51) ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [aquifer test](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Daquifer+test "aquifer test (aquifer test, Theme, none)") - [deepwell injection](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Ddeepwell+injection "deepwell injection (deepwell injection, Theme, none)") - [effluent injection](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Deffluent+injection "effluent injection (effluent injection, Theme, none)") - [hydrogeology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhydrogeology "hydrogeology (hydrogeology, Theme, none)") - [tomography](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dtomography "tomography (tomography, Theme, none)") - [underground injection control](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dunderground+injection+control "underground injection control (underground injection control, Theme, none)") Place - [Florida](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DFlorida "Florida (Florida, Place, Common Geographic Areas)") - [Miami-Dade](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMiami-Dade "Miami-Dade (Miami-Dade, Place, Common Geographic Areas)") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [OGC WMS Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Service "OGC WMS Service") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly Miami-Dade County deployed an unvented, InSitu Aqua TROLL 200 data logger about 380 meters below ground surface in the lower zone of Floridan aquifer system monitoring well FA–4. The USGS filtered the absolute pressure time series for the lower zone of Floridan aquifer system monitoring well FA–4 with a 100 point moving average filter. ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>J.N. King</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Tomography pressure time series (raw) from August 15, 2011, to October 12, 2011, for the lower zone of Floridan aquifer system monitoring well FA-4 at the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, Miami-Dade County, Florida</title>\n <geoform>.xml, .csv, .png</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>12201 Sunrise Valley Dr, Reston, Va. 20192</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with Miami-Dade County, performed a sequential, aquifer stress test from August 15 to October 12, 2011, on the Floridan aquifer system at the North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Miami-Dade County stressed the Floridan aquifer system with four municipal injection wells at the North District. The U.S. Geological Survey measured pressure with an Aqua TROLL 200 from August 15, 2011, to October 12, 2011, for the lower zone of Floridan aquifer system monitoring well FA-4. These data are part of a larger data set that describe the stress test at the North District (King, 2016,</abstract>\n <purpose>In conformance with the USGS strategy for water science (Evenson and others, 2013,, the USGS, in cooperation with Miami-Dade County, conducted the sequential stress test described in this report to improve integrated science planning for water, clarify the linkage between human water use and the natural water cycle, and deliver water analyses to the Nation. The USGS will use measurements from the stress test, other measurements, and a numerical model to characterize the Floridan aquifer system at the North District WWTP with hydraulic tomography. Data described in this report will be used to integrate, into one study, subsurface effluent injection science needs of Miami-Dade County, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These data will improve integrated science planning for water and enhance a decision-support tool for water resources.</purpose>\n <supplinf>InSitu Aqua TROLL 200 mounted in the lower zone of Floridan aquifer system monitoring well FA-4 by MDWASD to monitor pressure in the lower monitoring zone. The AquaTroll was sealed inside well FA-4.\n\nUSGS Site Identification Number: 255505080085402\nOther Well Identification: FA4L, FA-4L, G-3955A\nWell diameter = 0.17 meters\nDepth of open interval top = 429.8 meters below ground surface\nDepth of open interval bottom = 460.2 meters below ground surface\nOpen interval = 30.5 meters\n\nElevation of Aqua TROLL 200 = -375.2 meters, referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929\nElevation of FA-4 wellhouse floor = 3.5 meters, referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20110810</begdate>\n <enddate>20110919</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Not planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-80.1851043701172</westbc>\n <eastbc>-80.1045913696289</eastbc>\n <northbc>25.9399089813232</northbc>\n <southbc>25.8930473327637</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>none</themekt>\n <themekey>tomography</themekey>\n <themekey>hydrogeology</themekey>\n <themekey>aquifer test</themekey>\n <themekey>underground injection control</themekey>\n <themekey>deepwell injection</themekey>\n <themekey>effluent injection</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:56991b5be4b0fbd3f7fa4d51</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common Geographic Areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Miami-Dade</placekey>\n <placekey>Florida</placekey>\n </place>\n <stratum>\n <stratkt>Reese and Richardson, 2008,</stratkt>\n <stratkey>Floridan aquifer system</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Avon Park permeable zone</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Avon Park Formation</stratkey>\n </stratum>\n <temporal>\n <tempkt>none</tempkt>\n <tempkey>2011</tempkey>\n <tempkey>Eocene</tempkey>\n </temporal>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>J.N. King</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>7500 SW 36th Street</address>\n <city>Davie</city>\n <state>Florida</state>\n <postal>33314-2305</postal>\n <country>United States of America</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>954.377.5973</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Miami-Dade County, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>JNK downloaded data from the Aqua TROLL 200 in InSitu propriatary .wsl format, and converted this file to .csv in InSitu's WinSitu-5 user interface. Data in this record are from one individual data download.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2011</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>JNK stripped standard InSitu header information from .csv files output by WinSitu from the .wsl file, and removed temperature and water density time series, such that the remaining information is detailed in this data file.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2015</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>JNK converted pressure from pounds force per square inch to kilopascal with the unit conversion 1=6.89476[kilopascal]/[pound force per square inch].</procdesc>\n <procdate>2016</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>JNK plotted raw pressure time series.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2016</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <method>\n <methtype>n/a</methtype>\n <methdesc>JNK downloaded data from the Aqua TROLL 200 in InSitu propriatary .wsl format, and converted the .wsl file to .csv in InSitu's WinSitu-5 user interface. JNK downloaded data throughout the measurement period. Data in this record are from one individual data download. JNK stripped standard InSitu header information from .csv files output by WinSitu from the .wsl file, and removed temperature and water density time series, such that the remaining information is detailed in this data file.</methdesc>\n </method>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>Lower zone of Floridan aquifer system monitoring well FA-4, North District Wastewater Treatment Plant, Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States of America. The lower zone primarily monitors the Avon Park permeable zone, as defined by Reese and Richardson (2008).\n\nReese, R.S. and Richardson, E., 2008, Synthesis of the hydrogeologic framework of the Floridan aquifer system and delineation of a major Avon Park permeable zone in central and southern Florida: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007--5207, 60 p., accessed July 28, 2015, at</indspref>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>i09a.p.FA4L.raw.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>a .csv file that represents output from the Aqua TROLL 200 in InSitu .wsl format, processed through InSitu's WinSitu-5 user interface</enttypd>\n <enttypds>J.N. King</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>year</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>year data was recorded</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Aqua TROLL 200</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2011</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2011</rdommax>\n <attrunit>year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>month</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>month data was recorded</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Aqua TROLL 200</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>8</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9</rdommax>\n <attrunit>month</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>day</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>day data was recorded</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Aqua TROLL 200</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>31</rdommax>\n <attrunit>day</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>hour</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>hour data was recorded</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Aqua TROLL 200</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>00</rdommin>\n <rdommax>23</rdommax>\n <attrunit>hour</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>minute</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>minute data was recorded</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Aqua TROLL 200</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>00</rdommin>\n <rdommax>59</rdommax>\n <attrunit>minute</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>second</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>second data was recorded</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Aqua TROLL 200</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>00</rdommin>\n <rdommax>59</rdommax>\n <attrunit>second</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>pressure_absolute_raw_kPa</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>absolute pressure, not filtered by moving average</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Aqua TROLL 200</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>101</rdommin>\n <rdommax>4063</rdommax>\n <attrunit>kilopascal</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>ScienceBase Team</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States of America</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also contains copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner whenever applicable. The data have been approved for release and publication by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although the data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, the data are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from authorized or unauthorized use. Although the data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system, or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The U.S. Geological Survey shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200812</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>J.N. King</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>7500 SW 36th Street</address>\n <city>Davie</city>\n <state>Florida</state>\n <postal>33314-2305</postal>\n <country>United States of America</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>954.377.5973</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers](/catalog/item/4f4e476ae4b07f02db47e13b) 3. [Northeast CASC](/catalog/item/4f8c648de4b0546c0c397b43) 4. [FY 2017 Projects](/catalog/item/59de635ae4b05fe04ccd39c3) 5. [“Hyperscale” Modeling to Understand and Predict Temperature Changes in Midwest Lakes](/catalog/item/598de688e4b09fa1cb146372) 6. [Approved DataSets](/catalog/item/598de6bde4b09fa1cb14637d) 7. [Process-guided deep learning predictions of lake water temperature](/catalog/item/5d88ea50e4b0c4f70d0ab3c0) 8. [Process-guided deep learning water temperature predictions: 6 Model evaluation (test data and RMSE)](/catalog/item/5d925023e4b0c4f70d0d0594) 9. [Process-guided deep learning water temperature predictions: 6c All lakes historical evaluation data](/catalog/folder/5d925048e4b0c4f70d0d0596) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5d925048e4b0c4f70d0d0596) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5d925048e4b0c4f70d0d0596) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5d925048e4b0c4f70d0d0596?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2019-11-13Start Date1980-04-01End Date2018-12-31 ## Citation Read, J.S., Jia, X., Willard, J., Appling, A.P., Zwart, J.A., Oliver, S.K., Karpatne, A., Hansen, G.J.A., Hanson, P.C., Watkins, W., Steinbach, M., and Kumar, V., 2019, Data release: Process-guided deep learning predictions of lake water temperature: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This dataset includes evaluation data ("test" data) and performance metrics for water temperature predictions from multiple modeling frameworks. Process-Based (PB) models were configured and calibrated with training data to reduce root-mean squared error. Uncalibrated models used default configurations (PB0; see Winslow et al. 2016 for details) and no parameters were adjusted according to model fit with observations. Deep Learning (DL) models were Long Short-Term Memory artificial recurrent neural network models which used training data to adjust model structure and weights for temperature predictions (Jia et al. 2019). Process-Guided Deep Learning (PGDL) models were DL models with an added physical constraint for energy conservation \[...\] ## Summary This dataset includes evaluation data ("test" data) and performance metrics for water temperature predictions from multiple modeling frameworks. Process-Based (PB) models were configured and calibrated with training data to reduce root-mean squared error. Uncalibrated models used default configurations (PB0; see Winslow et al. 2016 for details) and no parameters were adjusted according to model fit with observations. Deep Learning (DL) models were Long Short-Term Memory artificial recurrent neural network models which used training data to adjust model structure and weights for temperature predictions (Jia et al. 2019). Process-Guided Deep Learning (PGDL) models were DL models with an added physical constraint for energy conservation as a loss term. These models were pre-trained with uncalibrated Process-Based model outputs (PB0) before training on actual temperature observations. Performance was measured as root-mean squared errors relative to temperature observations during the test period. Test data include compiled water temperature data from a variety of sources, including the Water Quality Portal (Read et al. 2017), the North Temperate Lakes Long-TERM Ecological Research Program (, the Minnesota department of Natural Resources, and the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network ( This dataset is part of a larger data release of lake temperature model inputs and outputs for 68 lakes in the U.S. states of Minnesota and Wisconsin ( ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Jordan S. Read](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Jordan+S.+Read), [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Originator : [Jordan S. Read](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Jordan+S.+Read), [Xiaowei Jia](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Xiaowei+Jia), [Jared Willard](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Jared+Willard), [Alison P. Appling](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Alison+P.+Appling), [Jacob A. Zwart](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Jacob+A.+Zwart), [Samantha K. Oliver](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Samantha+K.+Oliver), [Anuj Karpatne](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Anuj+Karpatne), [Gretchen J.A. Hansen](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Gretchen+J.A.+Hansen), [Paul C. Hanson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Paul+C.+Hanson), [William Watkins](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=William+Watkins), [Michael Steinbach](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Michael+Steinbach), [Vipin Kumar](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Vipin+Kumar) Metadata Contact : [Jordan S. Read](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Jordan+S.+Read), [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5d925048e4b0c4f70d0d0596?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5d925048e4b0c4f70d0d0596?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5d925048e4b0c4f70d0d0596?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 06c\_evaluation\_all.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 20.14 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | all\_test.csv | | 5.12 MB | text/csv | | all\_sparse\_RMSE.csv | | 27.49 KB | text/csv | | all\_RMSE.csv | | 41.47 KB | text/csv | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Read, J. S., Jia, X., Willard, J., Appling, A. P., Zwart, J. A., Oliver, S. K., et al ( 2019). Process‐guided deep learning predictions of lake water temperature. Water Resources Research, 55. | []( "") | ## Purpose Fisheries biology, limnological research, and climate science. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5d925048e4b0c4f70d0d0596) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5d925048e4b0c4f70d0d0596) ## Communities - National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers - Northeast CASC ## Associated Items - _product of_ [“Hyperscale” Modeling to Understand and Predict Temperature Changes in Midwest Lakes](/catalog/item/598de688e4b09fa1cb146372 "“Hyperscale” Modeling to Understand and Predict Temperature Changes in Midwest Lakes") - [View Associated Items](/catalog/itemLinks?itemId=5d925048e4b0c4f70d0d0596) ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [007](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3D007 "007 (007, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [012](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3D012 "012 (012, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [climate change](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dclimate+change "climate change (climate change, Theme, none)") - [deep learning](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Ddeep+learning "deep learning (deep learning, Theme, none)") - [environment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Denvironment "environment (environment, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [hybrid modeling](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhybrid+modeling "hybrid modeling (hybrid modeling, Theme, none)") - [inlandWaters](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DinlandWaters "inlandWaters (inlandWaters, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [machine learning](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmachine+learning "machine learning (machine learning, Theme, none)") - [modeling](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmodeling "modeling (modeling, Theme, none)") - [reservoirs](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dreservoirs "reservoirs (reservoirs, Theme, none)") - [temperate lakes](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dtemperate+lakes "temperate lakes (temperate lakes, Theme, none)") - [temperature](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dtemperature "temperature (temperature, Theme, none)") - [thermal profiles](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dthermal+profiles "thermal profiles (thermal profiles, Theme, none)") - [water](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater "water (water, Theme, none)") Place - [MN](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMN "MN (MN, Place, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States, and associated areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, D. C., NIST)") - [Minnesota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMinnesota "Minnesota (Minnesota, Place, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States, and associated areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, D. C., NIST)") - [US](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUS "US (US, Place, Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions, Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 10-4, Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology)") - [United States](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+States "United States (United States, Place, Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions, Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 10-4, Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology)") - [WI](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWI "WI (WI, Place, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States, and associated areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, D. C., NIST)") - [Wisconsin](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWisconsin "Wisconsin (Wisconsin, Place, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States, and associated areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, D. C., NIST)") Organization - [Northeast CASC](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNortheast+CASC "Northeast CASC (Northeast CASC, Organization,") Science Themes - [Water, Coasts and Ice](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater%2C+Coasts+and+Ice "Water, Coasts and Ice (Water, Coasts and Ice, Science Themes,") - [Wildlife and Plants](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWildlife+and+Plants "Wildlife and Plants (Wildlife and Plants, Science Themes,") Water, Coasts and Ice - [Rivers, Streams and Lakes](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DRivers%2C+Streams+and+Lakes "Rivers, Streams and Lakes (Rivers, Streams and Lakes, Water, Coasts and Ice,") Wildlife and Plants - [Fish](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DFish "Fish (Fish, Wildlife and Plants,") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jordan S. Read</origin>\n <origin>Xiaowei Jia</origin>\n <origin>Jared Willard</origin>\n <origin>Alison P. Appling</origin>\n <origin>Jacob A. Zwart</origin>\n <origin>Samantha K. Oliver</origin>\n <origin>Anuj Karpatne</origin>\n <origin>Gretchen J.A. Hansen</origin>\n <origin>Paul C. Hanson</origin>\n <origin>William Watkins</origin>\n <origin>Michael Steinbach</origin>\n <origin>Vipin Kumar</origin>\n <pubdate>20191113</pubdate>\n <title>Process-guided deep learning water temperature predictions: 6c All lakes historical evaluation data</title>\n <geoform>Three comma-separated files</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Online (digital release)</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jordan S. Read</origin>\n <origin>Xiaowei Jia</origin>\n <origin>Jared Willard</origin>\n <origin>Alison P. Appling</origin>\n <origin>Jacob A. Zwart</origin>\n <origin>Samantha K. Oliver</origin>\n <origin>Anuj Karpatne</origin>\n <origin>Gretchen J.A. Hansen</origin>\n <origin>Paul C. Hanson</origin>\n <origin>William Watkins</origin>\n <origin>Michael Steinbach</origin>\n <origin>Vipin Kumar</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Process-guided deep learning predictions of lake water temperature</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This dataset includes evaluation data ("test" data) and performance metrics for water temperature predictions from multiple modeling frameworks. Process-Based (PB) models were configured and calibrated with training data to reduce root-mean squared error. Uncalibrated models used default configurations (PB0; see Winslow et al. 2016 for details) and no parameters were adjusted according to model fit with observations. Deep Learning (DL) models were Long Short-Term Memory artificial recurrent neural network models which used training data to adjust model structure and weights for temperature predictions (Jia et al. 2019). Process-Guided Deep Learning (PGDL) models were DL models with an added physical constraint for energy conservation as a loss term. These models were pre-trained with uncalibrated Process-Based model outputs (PB0) before training on actual temperature observations. Performance was measured as root-mean squared errors relative to temperature observations during the test period. Test data include compiled water temperature data from a variety of sources, including the Water Quality Portal (Read et al. 2017), the North Temperate Lakes Long-TERM Ecological Research Program (, the Minnesota department of Natural Resources, and the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network ( This dataset is part of a larger data release of lake temperature model inputs and outputs for 68 lakes in the U.S. states of Minnesota and Wisconsin (</abstract>\n <purpose>Fisheries biology, limnological research, and climate science.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19800401</begdate>\n <enddate>20181231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>See publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>none planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-94.2609062307949</westbc>\n <eastbc>-87.9475441739278</eastbc>\n <northbc>48.6427837911633</northbc>\n <southbc>42.5692312672573</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>environment</themekey>\n <themekey>inlandWaters</themekey>\n <themekey>biota</themekey>\n <themekey>biota</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>none</themekt>\n <themekey>machine learning</themekey>\n <themekey>deep learning</themekey>\n <themekey>hybrid modeling</themekey>\n <themekey>water</themekey>\n <themekey>temperature</themekey>\n <themekey>temperate lakes</themekey>\n <themekey>reservoirs</themekey>\n <themekey>modeling</themekey>\n <themekey>climate change</themekey>\n <themekey>thermal profiles</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5d925048e4b0c4f70d0d0596</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Department of Commerce, 1995, Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principal Administrative Divisions, Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 10-4, Washington, D.C., National Institute of Standards and Technology</placekt>\n <placekey>United States</placekey>\n <placekey>US</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>U.S. Department of Commerce, 1987, Codes for the identification of the States, the District of Columbia and the outlying areas of the United States, and associated areas (Federal Information Processing Standard 5-2): Washington, D. C., NIST</placekt>\n <placekey>Minnesota</placekey>\n <placekey>MN</placekey>\n <placekey>Wisconsin</placekey>\n <placekey>WI</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>These data are open access usable via creative commons as long as original data providers are acknowledged</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jordan S. Read</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Civil Engineer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>8505 Research Way</address>\n <city>Middleton</city>\n <state>WI</state>\n <postal>53562</postal>\n <country>U.S.A.</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>608-821-3922</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>This study was funded by the Department of the Interior Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center, and the Department of the Interior North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center. This research used resources of the Core Science Analytics and Synthesis Advanced Research Computing program at the U.S. Geological Survey.</datacred>\n <native>This dataset was generated using open source tools available in the R programming language (R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)). The computing platform for generating data and metadata was x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0. R packages loaded into this environment: lakeattributes, version: 0.10.2; readr, version: 1.3.1; feather, version: 0.3.4; scipiper, version: 0.0.16; tidyr, version: 0.8.0; dplyr, version: 0.8.3.</native>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Matthew R. Hipsey</origin>\n <origin>Louise C. Bruce</origin>\n <origin>Casper Boon</origin>\n <origin>Brendan Busch</origin>\n <origin>Cayelan C. Carey</origin>\n <origin>David P. Hamilton</origin>\n <origin>Paul C. Hanson</origin>\n <origin>Jordan S. Read</origin>\n <origin>Eduardo de Sousa</origin>\n <origin>Michael Weber</origin>\n <origin>Luke A. Winslow</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>A General Lake Model (GLM 3.0) for linking with high-frequency sensor data from the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON).</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Luke A. Winslow</origin>\n <origin>Gretchen J.A. Hansen</origin>\n <origin>Jordan S. Read</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Data release: A large-scale database of modeled contemporary and future water temperature data for 10,774 Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin Lakes</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Xiaowei Jia</origin>\n <origin>Jared Willard</origin>\n <origin>Anuj Karpatne</origin>\n <origin>Jordan S. Read</origin>\n <origin>Jacob A. Zwart</origin>\n <origin>Michael Steinbach</origin>\n <origin>Vipin Kumar</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Physics Guided RNNs for Modeling Dynamical Systems: A Case Study in Simulating Lake Temperature Profiles. Retrieved from</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Emily K. Read</origin>\n <origin>Lindsay Carr</origin>\n <origin>Laura De Cicco</origin>\n <origin>Hilary A. Dugan</origin>\n <origin>Paul C. Hanson</origin>\n <origin>Julia A. Hart</origin>\n <origin>James Kreft</origin>\n <origin>Jordan S. Read</origin>\n <origin>Luke A. Winslow</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Water quality data for national\xe2\x80\x90scale aquatic research: The Water Quality Portal</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Not applicable</logic>\n <complete>Not applicable</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>A formal accuracy assessment of the horizontal positional information in the dataset was not conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the dataset was not conducted.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>At the core of the modeling framework is a lake hydrodynamic model that uses inputs of lake-specific properties and local meteorology to estimate water temperature. Our chosen model is the open source, General Lake Model (GLM) version 2. GLM is a one-dimensional dynamical model which simplifies lakes using a vertical approximation, where horizontal variability is ignored. GLM uses a Lagrangian approach to layer structure where layers can split and combine based on changing vertical gradients. GLM is a modern, implementation of other one-dimensional models. We used GLM to run individual lake simulations according to the processes described in Winslow et al. 2017. Outputs for water temperature were extracted at various depths and written or summarized to the files included in this set of data. The glmtools R package was used for this processing.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20191004</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>U.S.A.</indspref>\n <direct>Raster</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>0.1</latres>\n <longres>0.1</longres>\n <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>WGS84</horizdn>\n <ellips>WGS_1984</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>all_RMSE.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Multi-lake model evaluation results</enttypd>\n <enttypds>U.S. Geological Survey</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>exper_n</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>experiment or trial number</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>This data release</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5</rdommax>\n <attrunit>NA</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>exper_id</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Type of experiment run and number of training profiles used: "experiment_profiles"</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>This data release</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>NA</rdommin>\n <rdommax>NA</rdommax>\n <attrunit>NA</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>site_id</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Lake identification number for this dataset. Is the Prmnn_I prefixed with source, as "nhd_{Prmnn_I}"</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>; Winslow et al. 2016</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>NA</rdommin>\n <rdommax>NA</rdommax>\n <attrunit>NA</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>model_type</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Type of model used, \'pgdl\',\'dl\',\'pb\', or \'pb0\'</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>This data release</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>NA</rdommin>\n <rdommax>NA</rdommax>\n <attrunit>NA</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>rmse</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Root Mean Squared Error between predicted and observed temperatures</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>This data release</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>Inf</rdommax>\n <attrunit>degrees C</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>all_test.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Temperature observations used for test data to evaluate model performance</enttypd>\n <enttypds>U.S. Geological Survey</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Calendar date</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NA</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>NA</rdommin>\n <rdommax>NA</rdommax>\n <attrunit>NA</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>depth</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>depth from the water surface</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NA</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>NA</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>temp</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Water temperature</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NA</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>NA</rdommin>\n <rdommax>NA</rdommax>\n <attrunit>degrees C</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>site_id</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Lake identification number for this dataset. Is the Prmnn_I prefixed with source, as "nhd_{Prmnn_I}"</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>; Winslow et al. 2016</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>NA</rdommin>\n <rdommax>NA</rdommax>\n <attrunit>NA</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>exper_type</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Type of experiment run</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NA</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>NA</rdommin>\n <rdommax>NA</rdommax>\n <attrunit>NA</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>all_sparse_RMSE.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Temperature observations used for test data to evaluate model performance under sparse (10 profile) conditions</enttypd>\n <enttypds>U.S. Geological Survey</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Calendar date</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NA</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>NA</rdommin>\n <rdommax>NA</rdommax>\n <attrunit>NA</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>depth</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>depth from the water surface</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NA</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>NA</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>temp</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Water temperature</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NA</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>NA</rdommin>\n <rdommax>NA</rdommax>\n <attrunit>degrees C</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>site_id</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Lake identification number for this dataset. Is the Prmnn_I prefixed with source, as "nhd_{Prmnn_I}"</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>; Winslow et al. 2016</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>NA</rdommin>\n <rdommax>NA</rdommax>\n <attrunit>NA</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>exper_type</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Type of experiment run</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>NA</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>NA</rdommin>\n <rdommax>NA</rdommax>\n <attrunit>NA</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80255</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Three comma-separated files</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200820</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jordan S. Read</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Civil Engineer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>8505 Research Way</address>\n <city>Middleton</city>\n <state>WI</state>\n <postal>53562</postal>\n <country>U.S.A.</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>608-821-3922</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>608-821-3817</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center](/catalog/item/53e2b035e4b0fe532be3bfcf) 3. [PIERC Public Data Releases](/catalog/item/65c633dad34ef4b119cb2808) 4. [Hawaii Volcanoes National Park plant reproductive and rat abundance data, 2016-2017](/catalog/item/5b21e028e4b092d96528a18f) 5. [Plot locations for "rat mark-recapture in rodenticide treatment and non-treatment plots, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, fall 2016 and spring 2017"](/catalog/folder/5bf85cd5e4b045bfcae2ec68) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5bf85cd5e4b045bfcae2ec68) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5bf85cd5e4b045bfcae2ec68) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5bf85cd5e4b045bfcae2ec68?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2018-11-29Start Date2016-10-18End Date2017-05-26 ## Citation Gill, N.S., Yelenik, S.G., Banko, P., Dixon, C., Jaennecke, K. and Peck, R., 2018, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park plant reproductive and rat abundance data 2016-2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This is a selected data set that outlines the plot areas used to assess the impacts of rodenticide treatment on black rat (Rattus rattus) abundance within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (HAVO). These data provide the spatial reference for a larger work describing the response of native species to rat control. Included are the corner boundaries for the 700x700 m (49 ha) study plots and each grid point/station within the centralized 300x300 m (9 ha) sub-plot at both the treatment and non-treatment site. Traps were placed 50 m apart, one at each station in the trapping grid, for a total of 49 traps in each of the sub-plots. The rodenticide treatment and native species monitoring were conducted using the entire 49 ha plot area at each \[...\] ## Summary This is a selected data set that outlines the plot areas used to assess the impacts of rodenticide treatment on black rat ( _Rattus rattus_) abundance within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (HAVO). These data provide the spatial reference for a larger work describing the response of native species to rat control. Included are the corner boundaries for the 700x700 m (49 ha) study plots and each grid point/station within the centralized 300x300 m (9 ha) sub-plot at both the treatment and non-treatment site. Traps were placed 50 m apart, one at each station in the trapping grid, for a total of 49 traps in each of the sub-plots. The rodenticide treatment and native species monitoring were conducted using the entire 49 ha plot area at each site. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Paul C Banko](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Paul+C+Banko), [U.S. Geological Survey, PACIFIC REGION](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey%2C+PACIFIC+REGION) Originator : [Paul Banko](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Paul+Banko), [Kelly Jaenecke](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Kelly+Jaenecke), [Robert Peck](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Robert+Peck) Metadata Contact : [Paul C Banko](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Paul+C+Banko), [U.S. Geological Survey, PACIFIC REGION](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey%2C+PACIFIC+REGION) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5bf85cd5e4b045bfcae2ec68?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5bf85cd5e4b045bfcae2ec68?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5bf85cd5e4b045bfcae2ec68?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | DataS3\_PlotArea.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 19.83 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | DataS3\_PlotArea.csv | | 5.82 KB | text/csv | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Gill, N. S., S. Yelenik, P. Banko, C. B. Dixon, K. Jaenecke, and R. Peck. 2018. Invasive rat control is an efficient, yet insufficient, method for recovery of the critically endangered Hawaiian plant hau kuahiwi (Hibiscadelphus giffardianus). PLoS ONE 13:e0208106. | []( "") | ## Purpose These data can be used to describe the locations used for rat abundance estimates and native plant monitoring at each of the two study sites. These are the only two known wild populations of the endangered plant species Hibiscidelphus giffardianus, thus we were interested in how rat removal would affect plant reproduction. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5bf85cd5e4b045bfcae2ec68) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5bf85cd5e4b045bfcae2ec68) ## Communities - Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [biota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiota "biota (biota, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [invasive species](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dinvasive+species "invasive species (invasive species, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [natural resource management](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dnatural+resource+management "natural resource management (natural resource management, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [population and community ecology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dpopulation+and+community+ecology "population and community ecology (population and community ecology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [population dynamics](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dpopulation+dynamics "population dynamics (population dynamics, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [rodent control](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drodent+control "rodent control (rodent control, Theme, None)") - [rodenticide](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drodenticide "rodenticide (rodenticide, Theme, None)") Place - [Hawaii](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHawaii "Hawaii (Hawaii, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Hawaii County 2](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHawaii+County+2 "Hawaii County 2 (Hawaii County 2, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Hawaii Volcanoes National Park](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHawaii+Volcanoes+National+Park "Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Place, None)") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Paul Banko</origin>\n <origin>Kelly Jaenecke</origin>\n <origin>Robert Peck</origin>\n <pubdate>20181129</pubdate>\n <title>Plot locations for "rat mark-recapture in rodenticide treatment and non-treatment plots, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, fall 2016 and spring 2017"</title>\n <geoform>spreadsheet</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Nathan S. Gill</origin>\n <origin>Stephanie Yelenik</origin>\n <origin>Paul Banko</origin>\n <origin>Christopher B. Dixon</origin>\n <origin>Kelly Jaenecke</origin>\n <origin>Robert Peck</origin>\n <pubdate>20181128</pubdate>\n <title>Invasive rat control is an efficient, yet insufficient, method for recovery of the critically endangered Hawaiian plant hau kuahiwi (Hibiscadelphus giffardianus)</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>PLOS ONE</sername>\n <issue>vol. 13, issue 11</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>Public Library of Science (PLoS)</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>ppg. e0208106</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This is a selected data set that outlines the plot areas used to assess the impacts of rodenticide treatment on black rat (Rattus rattus) abundance within Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (HAVO). These data provide the spatial reference for a larger work describing the response of native species to rat control. Included are the corner boundaries for the 700x700 m (49 ha) study plots and each grid point/station within the centralized 300x300 m (9 ha) sub-plot at both the treatment and non-treatment site. Traps were placed 50 m apart, one at each station in the trapping grid, for a total of 49 traps in each of the sub-plots. The rodenticide treatment and native species monitoring were conducted using the entire 49 ha plot area at each site.</abstract>\n <purpose>These data can be used to describe the locations used for rat abundance estimates and native plant monitoring at each of the two study sites. These are the only two known wild populations of the endangered plant species Hibiscidelphus giffardianus, thus we were interested in how rat removal would affect plant reproduction.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20161018</begdate>\n <enddate>20170526</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-155.322900</westbc>\n <eastbc>-155.298700</eastbc>\n <northbc>19.448500</northbc>\n <southbc>19.439800</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>Field plots Kipuka Ki and Kipuka Puaulu, Mauna Loa Strip section of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>biota</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>rodenticide</themekey>\n <themekey>rodent control</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>natural resource management</themekey>\n <themekey>population dynamics</themekey>\n <themekey>invasive species</themekey>\n <themekey>population and community ecology</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5bf85cd5e4b045bfcae2ec68</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Hawaii Volcanoes National Park</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Hawaii</placekey>\n <placekey>Hawaii County 2</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see \'Distribution Info\' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users are advised to read the data set\'s metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Paul C Banko</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, PACIFIC REGION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Wildlife Biologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Bldg 344 Chain of Craters Rd.</address>\n <city>Hawaii National Park</city>\n <state>HI</state>\n <postal>96718</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>808-985-6402</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>808-967-8568</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>These spatial data were created by Paul Banko (USGS) and Robert Peck (HCSU), and later organized into the current format by Kelly Jaenecke (HCSU). Funding: USGS - Natural Resources Preservation Project (NRPP)</datacred>\n <native>Arcmap10.3.1, MS Excel 2010, filename: DataS3_PlotArea.csv, size: 7 KB</native>\n <taxonomy>\n <keywtax>\n <taxonkt>None</taxonkt>\n <taxonkey>Rattus rattus</taxonkey>\n <taxonkey>Herpestes javanicus</taxonkey>\n </keywtax>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <common>animals</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <common>chordates</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <common>vertebrates</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Tetrapoda</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Mammalia</taxonrv>\n <common>mammals</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Theria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Eutheria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rodentia</taxonrv>\n <common>rodents</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Myomorpha</taxonrv>\n <common>Mice</common>\n <common>Rats</common>\n <common>Voles</common>\n <common>Gerbils</common>\n <common>Hamsters</common>\n <common>Lemmings</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Muroidea</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Muridae</taxonrv>\n <common>mice</common>\n <common>rats</common>\n <common>voles</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Murinae</taxonrv>\n <common>Old World rats</common>\n <common>Old World mice</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rattus</taxonrv>\n <common>Old World Rats</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rattus rattus</taxonrv>\n <common>House Rat</common>\n <common>Black Rat</common>\n <common>Roof Rat</common>\n <common>TSN: 180362</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Carnivora</taxonrv>\n <common>carnivores</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Feliformia</taxonrv>\n <common>cat-like carnivores</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Herpestidae</taxonrv>\n <common>civets</common>\n <common>mongooses</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Herpestes</taxonrv>\n <common>mongooses</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Herpestes javanicus</taxonrv>\n <common>Small Asian Mongoose</common>\n <common>Javan mongoose</common>\n <common>Indian mongoose</common>\n <common>TSN: 552467</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxonomy>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were calculated.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were performed, and the data was visually reviewed for logical consistency.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>A formal accuracy assessment of the horizontal positional information in the data set has not been conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has not been conducted.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>A 700 x 700 m (49 ha) plot was designated in Kipuka Ki and in Kipuka Puaulu, both within the Mauna Loa Strip section of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Kipuka Ki was designated as the treatment plot in which rodenticide was applied, and Kipuka Puaulu was designated the non-treatment plot. The plot size was established to meet the toxicant registration requirements, and to be large enough to monitor the response of native flora and fauna to the reduction in rat populations. The plots were set up in a grid with stations placed every 50 m which were connected by transects running North-South. Nested Centrally within each plot was a smaller 300 x 300 m (9 ha) sub-plot in which we estimated rat abundance. All stations were first drawn into Arcmap and later located in the field using Garmin GPS units. All stations were marked with green and either blue or pink flagging and labeled with the station ID number.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20161018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Vector</direct>\n <ptvctinf>\n <sdtsterm>\n <sdtstype>Area chain</sdtstype>\n <ptvctcnt>16</ptvctcnt>\n </sdtsterm>\n </ptvctinf>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <gridsys>\n <gridsysn>Universal Transverse Mercator</gridsysn>\n <utm>\n <utmzone>5</utmzone>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer>0.9996</sfctrmer>\n <longcm>-153.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>0.0</latprjo>\n <feast>500000.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </transmer>\n </utm>\n </gridsys>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>0.6096</absres>\n <ordres>0.6096</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>meters</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>North_American_Datum_1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>GRS_1980</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257222101</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>DataS3_PlotArea.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>site</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>site</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>PUA</edomv>\n <edomvd>Kipuka Puaulu, non-treatment</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>KKI</edomv>\n <edomvd>Kipuka Ki, treatment</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>area</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Refers to scale, either the full plot grid, or the reduced sub-plot/trapping grid.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>plot grid</edomv>\n <edomvd>Refers to entire study plot area, 700 x 700 m.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>sub-plot/trapping grid</edomv>\n <edomvd>Refers to the sub-plot area, or trapping grid, 300 x 300 m.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>station</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>station</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Refers to individual grid points or stations. The stations provided in this dataset are limited to those that outline the corners of the plot areas and all grid points within the sub-plot/trapping grid. The grid is aligned with cardinal directions at PUA and KKI, with an origin point of the plot area at 0,0 which is at the SW corner of grid. X and Y values range from 0-700 m</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>zone</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Zone of UTM coordinates</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Position format: UTM\nMap Datum: D_North_American_1983\nGeographic Coordinate System: GCS_North_American_1983\nProjection: Transverse Mercator</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>easting</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Easting refers to the eastward-measured distance (or the x-coordinate) as measured from the lower left corner of the UTM zone</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Position format: UTM\nMap Datum: D_North_American_1983\nGeographic Coordinate System: GCS_North_American_1983\nProjection: Transverse Mercator</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>northing</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>northing refers to the northward-measured distance (or the y-coordinate) as measured from the lower left corner of the UTM zone</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Position format: UTM\nMap Datum: D_North_American_1983\nGeographic Coordinate System: GCS_North_American_1983\nProjection: Transverse Mercator</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200827</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Paul C Banko</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, PACIFIC REGION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Wildlife Biologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Bldg 344 Chain of Craters Rd.</address>\n <city>Hawaii National Park</city>\n <state>HI</state>\n <postal>96718</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>808-985-6402</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>808-967-8568</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [GIS data for predicting the occurrence of cave-inhabiting fauna based on features of the Earth surface environment in the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) Region](/catalog/item/57684f72e4b07657d19f59ea) 4. [Topographic Position Index (TPI) derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation interpolated at 1 km resolution across the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) region](/catalog/folder/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060?format=json) ## Dates Time Period2014-06-11 ## Citation Doctor, D.H., Young, J.A., Christman, M.C., Niemiller, M.L., Zigler, K.S., Weary, D.J., and Culver, D.C., 2016, GIS data for predicting the occurrence of cave-inhabiting fauna based on features of the Earth surface environment in the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) Region: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary The data contained in this file is one of several datasets produced in support of the project entitled “Classification and Mapping of Cave and Karst Resources” for the region encompassing the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC). The results of this project are divided into a series of geospatial information layers (shapefiles and raster data). The files provide a comprehensive overview of data availability on obligate cave-dwelling fauna and bat ranges useful for examining relationships between environmental factors and biological diversity and distribution within karst areas of the Appalachian LCC. ## Summary The data contained in this file is one of several datasets produced in support of the project entitled “Classification and Mapping of Cave and Karst Resources” for the region encompassing the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC). The results of this project are divided into a series of geospatial information layers (shapefiles and raster data). The files provide a comprehensive overview of data availability on obligate cave-dwelling fauna and bat ranges useful for examining relationships between environmental factors and biological diversity and distribution within karst areas of the Appalachian LCC. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Daniel H Doctor](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Daniel+H+Doctor) Originator : [Daniel H Doctor](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Daniel+H+Doctor) Metadata Contact : [Daniel H Doctor](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Daniel+H+Doctor) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | SRTM\_1km\_TPI\_AppLCC.img.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 10.99 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | SRTM\_1km\_TPI\_AppLCC.img | | 3 MB | application/unknown | | SRTM\_1km\_TPI\_AppLCC.img.aux.xml | | 1.8 KB | application/xml | | SRTM\_1km\_TPI\_AppLCC.rrd | | 2.34 MB | application/unknown | ## Purpose This raster dataset represents the Topographic Position Index (TPI, in meters) calculated from the mean elevation within a 1 km elevation grid that had been interpolated from 90 m resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation data. The data were produced to support spatial statistical modeling of cave-inhabiting species distribution in relation to physical factors of the surface environment. The Topographic Position Index (TPI) is a measure of local relief which represents the difference between the mean elevation of a local grid cell region and the mean elevation of cells in a surrounding neighborhood. The TPI was calculated using a moving window of an annulus with a 2 km inner radius and a 10 km outer radius. The resulting statistics were calculated using the zones within the 20 km grid across the Appalachian LCC area. The TPI was calculated using the Land Facet Corridor Designer toolset from Jenness Enterprises. Further documentation can be found here:\_facets.htm ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Theme - [digital elevation models](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Ddigital+elevation+models "digital elevation models (digital elevation models, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [elevation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Delevation "elevation (elevation, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [topographic position index](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dtopographic+position+index "topographic position index (topographic position index, Theme, none)") - [topography](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dtopography "topography (topography, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) region](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAppalachian+Landscape+Conservation+Cooperative+%28LCC%29+region "Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) region (Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) region, Place, None)") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5775a451e4b07dd077c77060) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Daniel H Doctor</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Topographic Position Index (TPI) derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation interpolated at 1 km resolution across the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Coopertive (LCC) region</title>\n <geoform>Raster Digital Data Set</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>The data contained in this file is one of several datasets produced in support of the project entitled \xe2\x80\x9cClassification and Mapping of Cave and Karst Resources\xe2\x80\x9d for the region encompassing the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC). The results of this project are divided into a series of geospatial information layers (shapefiles and raster data). The files provide a comprehensive overview of data availability on obligate cave-dwelling fauna and bat ranges useful for examining relationships between environmental factors and biological diversity and distribution within karst areas of the Appalachian LCC.</abstract>\n <purpose>This raster dataset represents the Topographic Position Index (TPI, in meters) calculated from the mean elevation within a 1 km elevation grid that had been interpolated from 90 m resolution Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation data. The data were produced to support spatial statistical modeling of cave-inhabiting species distribution in relation to physical factors of the surface environment. \nThe Topographic Position Index (TPI) is a measure of local relief which represents the difference between the mean elevation of a local grid cell region and the mean elevation of cells in a surrounding neighborhood. The TPI was calculated using a moving window of an annulus with a 2 km inner radius and a 10 km outer radius. The resulting statistics were calculated using the zones within the 20 km grid across the Appalachian LCC area. The TPI was calculated using the Land Facet Corridor Designer toolset from Jenness Enterprises. Further documentation can be found here:</purpose>\n <supplinf>The Topographic Position Index (TPI) is a measure of local relief which represents the difference between the mean elevation of a local grid cell region and the mean elevation of cells in a surrounding neighborhood. The TPI was calculated on a 1 km resolution SRTM elevation dataset (interpolated from 90 m resolution raw data) using a moving window of an annulus with a 2 km inner radius and a 10 km outer radius. The resulting statistics were calculated using the zones within the 20 km grid across the Appalachian LCC area. \nThe TPI was calculated using the Land Facet Corridor Designer toolset from Jenness Enterprises. Further documentation can be found here:</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20140611</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Not planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-89.927608068</westbc>\n <eastbc>-73.114734943</eastbc>\n <northbc>44.470538938</northbc>\n <southbc>30.974795866</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>digital elevation models</themekey>\n <themekey>topography</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Categories</themekt>\n <themekey>elevation</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>none</themekt>\n <themekey>topographic position index</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5775a451e4b07dd077c77060</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) region</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Daniel H Doctor</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop 926A, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-6027</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>The original elevation data are from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) that was flown aboard the space shuttle Endeavour February 11-22, 2000. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) participated in an international project to acquire radar data which were used to create the first near-global set of land elevations. The data are available here:</datacred>\n <native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; ESRI ArcCatalog 10.2 (Build 3552) Service Pack [N/A] (Build [N/A])</native>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>A formal accuracy assessment of the horizontal positional information in the data set has not been conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>1. Obtained the 1 arc-second (90 m), void-filled SRTM data that was downloaded from, and created several gridded elevation datasets, including hillshade (HSD), slope (SLP), and Topographic Position Index (TPI). Created these at both 90m and 1km resolution. \n2. Extracted the 1km elevation grid for the area within the 20 km grid of the Appalachian LCC. \n3. Calculated the TPI using a moving window of an annulus with a 2 km inner radius and a 10 km outer radius with the Land Facet Corridor Designer toolset from Jenness Enterprises ( \n4. Calculated the Zonal Statistics as a Table within the 20 km grid. The resulting table has \xe2\x80\x98Grid ID\xe2\x80\x99 and MIN, MAX, RANGE, MEAN, STD, VARIETY, MEDIAN statistics.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20140611</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Raster</direct>\n <rastinfo>\n <rasttype>Grid Cell</rasttype>\n <rowcount>1340</rowcount>\n <colcount>1280</colcount>\n <vrtcount>1</vrtcount>\n </rastinfo>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <mapproj>\n <mapprojn>Albers Conic Equal Area (ESRI Full Name: Albers_Conic_Equal_Area)</mapprojn>\n <albers>\n <stdparll>29.5</stdparll>\n <stdparll>45.5</stdparll>\n <longcm>-96.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>23.0</latprjo>\n <feast>0.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </albers>\n </mapproj>\n <planci>\n <plance>row and column</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>1000.0</absres>\n <ordres>1000.0</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>METERS</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>D_North_American_1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>GRS_1980</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257222101</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Attribute Table</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Table containing attribute information associated with the data set.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Value</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Topographic Position Index (TPI) value per square kilometer, in meters</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-464.16882324219</rdommin>\n <rdommax>789.76293945313</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>ScienceBase Team</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>Colorado</state>\n <postal>80225-0046</postal>\n <country>United States of America</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-ASK_USGS (1-888-275-8747)</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200819</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Daniel H Doctor</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Northeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>Daniel Doctor</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntpos>Research Geologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop 926A, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-6027</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n <mettc>local time</mettc>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Supplemental stream-stage, discharge, and Escherichia coli datasets used in the assessment of water quality at Tumacácori National Historical Park and the Upper Santa Cruz River, 2009–2017](/catalog/item/5901f3f6e4b0c2e071a99c16) 4. [Effluent-discharge dataset from the Outfall of the Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant, geographic NAD83 (Water Years 2012–2014 and 2016)](/catalog/folder/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2017Start Date2012-10-01End Date2016-10-31 ## Citation Mayo, J.P., 2017, Supplemental stream-stage, discharge, and Escherichia coli datasets used in the assessment of water quality at Tumacácori National Historical Park and the Upper Santa Cruz River, 2009–2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This dataset contains effluent-discharge data, in cubic feet per second, for the Santa Cruz location at the Outfall of the Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant (SC6, 312724110580501). The data were collected by personnel at the U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission using a pipeline flow meter. The data were recorded at a 30 minute interval for the period of 2012 to 2014 and a 15-minute for the period January 1, 2016 to October 31, 2016. Data were checked for erroneous data and were deleted from the record. The data were reported to USGS for the period of Water Year 2012–2016. Data are missing from the record for the period of July 7, 2014 to August 30, 2014 and November 6, 2014 through December 31, 2015. ## Summary This dataset contains effluent-discharge data, in cubic feet per second, for the Santa Cruz location at the Outfall of the Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant (SC6, 312724110580501). The data were collected by personnel at the U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission using a pipeline flow meter. The data were recorded at a 30 minute interval for the period of 2012 to 2014 and a 15-minute for the period January 1, 2016 to October 31, 2016. Data were checked for erroneous data and were deleted from the record. The data were reported to USGS for the period of Water Year 2012–2016. Data are missing from the record for the period of July 7, 2014 to August 30, 2014 and November 6, 2014 through December 31, 2015. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Nicholas V. Paretti](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Nicholas+V.+Paretti) Metadata Contact : [Justine P. Mayo](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Justine+P.+Mayo) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey+-+ScienceBase) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Metadata file of Discharge data collected at NIWTP (USGS 312724110580501).xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 9.6 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Discharge data collected at NIWTP (USGS 312724110580501).csv | | 1.89 MB | text/csv | ## Purpose Tumacácori National Historical Park (TUMA) was established in 1908 to protect, preserve, and communicate the history of the old Spanish and O’odham mission church. In 2002, Congress expanded the Park’s purpose and mission, increasing the Park’s area to include more than 1 mile of the Santa Cruz River and its associated riparian area. As part of the USGS–NPS Water-Quality Partnership, a three year investigation was conducted to provide TUMA with a better understanding of the spatial and temporal variability of Escherichia coli (E. coli) concentrations and sources within and upstream of the Park. The supplemental data release includes stream-stage datasets collected by the USGS using pressure transducers and effluent-discharge and E. coli concentration data collected by the U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [DNA](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDNA "DNA (DNA, Theme, None)") - [Discharge](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDischarge "Discharge (Discharge, Theme, None)") - [E. coli](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DE.+coli "E. coli (E. coli, Theme, None)") - [Escherichia coli](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEscherichia+coli "Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli, Theme, None)") - [Stage](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DStage "Stage (Stage, Theme, None)") - [Water](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater "Water (Water, Theme, None)") - [Water Quality](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Quality "Water Quality (Water Quality, Theme, None)") Place - [Tumacácori National Historical Park](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DTumac%C3%A1cori+National+Historical+Park "Tumacácori National Historical Park (Tumacácori National Historical Park, Place, None)") - [Upper Santa Cruz River](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUpper+Santa+Cruz+River "Upper Santa Cruz River (Upper Santa Cruz River, Place, None)") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Justine P. Mayo</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Effluent-discharge dataset from the Outfall of the Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant, geographic NAD83 (Water Years 2012\xe2\x80\x932014 and 2016)</title>\n <geoform>comma separated values (CSV)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This dataset contains effluent-discharge data, in cubic feet per second, for the Santa Cruz location at the Outfall of the Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant (SC6, 312724110580501). The data were collected by personnel at the U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission using a pipeline flow meter. The data were recorded at a 30 minute interval for the period of 2012 to 2014 and a 15-minute for the period January 1, 2016 to October 31, 2016. Data were checked for erroneous data and were deleted from the record. The data were reported to USGS for the period of Water Year 2012\xe2\x80\x932016. Data are missing from the record for the period of July 7, 2014 to August 30, 2014 and November 6, 2014 through December 31, 2015.</abstract>\n <purpose>Tumac\xc3\xa1cori National Historical Park (TUMA) was established in 1908 to protect, preserve, and communicate the history of the old Spanish and O\xe2\x80\x99odham mission church. In 2002, Congress expanded the Park\xe2\x80\x99s purpose and mission, increasing the Park\xe2\x80\x99s area to include more than 1 mile of the Santa Cruz River and its associated riparian area. As part of the USGS\xe2\x80\x93NPS Water-Quality Partnership, a three year investigation was conducted to provide TUMA with a better understanding of the spatial and temporal variability of Escherichia coli (E. coli) concentrations and sources within and upstream of the Park. The supplemental data release includes stream-stage datasets collected by the USGS using pressure transducers and effluent-discharge and E. coli concentration data collected by the U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission.</purpose>\n <supplinf>Site Location: \nLatitude in Decimal Degrees: 31.45669444 \nLongitude in Decimal Degrees: -110.9681111 \nDatum: NAD83</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20121001</begdate>\n <enddate>20161031</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-111.047583</westbc>\n <eastbc>-110.958972</eastbc>\n <northbc>31.613</northbc>\n <southbc>31.431</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>E. coli</themekey>\n <themekey>Escherichia coli</themekey>\n <themekey>Water Quality</themekey>\n <themekey>DNA</themekey>\n <themekey>Stage</themekey>\n <themekey>Water</themekey>\n <themekey>Discharge</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5963c7ffe4b0d1f9f059d8de</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Tumac\xc3\xa1cori National Historical Park</placekey>\n <placekey>Upper Santa Cruz River</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Nicholas V. Paretti</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>520 North Park Avenue</address>\n <city>Tucson</city>\n <state>AZ</state>\n <postal>85719</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>520-670-6671 x301</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>National Park Service, Tumac\xc3\xa1cori National Historical Park</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>The data were checked for erroneous data and were deleted from the record.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Nogales International Water Treatment Plant reported their data on discharge levels that their personnel collected to USGS. USGS compiled the data and entered it into an excel spreadsheet for analysis. Data were graphed and looked at for erroneous data such as equipment malfunction. Erroneous data were deleted from the record.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2017</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>1.0E-5</latres>\n <longres>1.0E-5</longres>\n <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Discharge data collected at NIWTP (USGS 312724110580501).csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Tabular dataset of reported discharge data collected at Santa Cruz River near Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant Upstream of Railroad Trestle. Data collected by Personal at NIWTP.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Originator</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Date and Time</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>A numeric identifier for the date and time that the data was collected on.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Originator</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>10/01/2012 00:00</rdommin>\n <rdommax>10/31/2016 23:45</rdommax>\n <attrunit>mm/dd/yyyy HH:mm</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Discharge, in cubic feet per second</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>A numeric identifier of the discharge at the site.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Originator</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.002015</rdommin>\n <rdommax>43.12126</rdommax>\n <attrunit>cfs (cubic feet per second)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also contains copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner. These datasets have been approved for release and publication by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although these datasets have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, it is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system, or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The U.S. Geological Survey shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.</distliab>\n <techpreq>The zip file contains both the dataset file(.csv) and the metadata file (.xml). The transfer size of the zip file is 0.5 MB.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200807</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Justine P. Mayo</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>520 North Park Avenue</address>\n <city>Tucson</city>\n <state>AZ</state>\n <postal>85719</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>520-670-6671</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Stage, water velocity and water quality data collected in the Lower Nisqually River, McAllister Creek and tidal channels of the Nisqually River Delta, Thurston County, Washington, February 11, 2016 to September 18, 2017 (ver. 1.1, December, 2019)](/catalog/item/59c19fc4e4b091459a607317) 4. [GPS Data for Nisqually River Delta](/catalog/folder/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2019-06-26Start Date2016-03-17End Date2017-04-14 ## Citation Opatz, C.C., Curran, C.A., Tecca A.E., and Grossman, E.E., 2019, Stage, water velocity and water quality data collected in the Lower Nisqually River, McAllister Creek and tidal channels of the Nisqually River Delta, Thurston County, Washington, February 11, 2016 to September 18, 2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary GPS horizontal and vertical position data were collected on the Nisqually River, McAllister Creek and Nisqually River Delta to survey in water surface, instrumentation and delta structures for to reference North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88). These data are housed in .csv file named “Nisqually GPS Data” and are sorted by date and time. The position data are grouped by data collection methods Point and Topo. Point method collected position data for 180 seconds and was used to survey surface water and instrumentation elevation. Topo method collected position point data for 1 second and was used for surveying delta bathymetry elevation. Data were collected using the available RTN-GPS network provided by the Washington State Reference \[...\] ## Summary GPS horizontal and vertical position data were collected on the Nisqually River, McAllister Creek and Nisqually River Delta to survey in water surface, instrumentation and delta structures for to reference North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88). These data are housed in .csv file named “Nisqually GPS Data” and are sorted by date and time. The position data are grouped by data collection methods Point and Topo. Point method collected position data for 180 seconds and was used to survey surface water and instrumentation elevation. Topo method collected position point data for 1 second and was used for surveying delta bathymetry elevation. Data were collected using the available RTN-GPS network provided by the Washington State Reference Network and using a Trimble R8 GPS antenna mounted on a 2-meter rod. Position data are labeled with descriptors such as “WS” (water surface) or “Delta” which refer to the feature surveyed. Check-in/check-out procedures were satisfied using reference marker Station: pid\_sy0708. Two check-in orthometric heights were collected (60.05 and 60.10 m) and following point and topo data collection one check-out orthometric height (60.04 m) was collected. Bathymetric data (Topo method) was collected across the Nisqually River Delta starting at the left bank of McAllister Creek (MC2) and ended on the right bank of tidal channel D4. A total of 2,505 positions were surveyed using the topo method and positions were labeled as “delta-trav###”. Delta elevation ranged from 3.44 to -1.64 meters (NAVD88). Rod and antenna were held at a fixed level marked on both upper rod and technician for maintaining a constant 2 meter height above the walking surface. The bottom half of the rod was removed during topo data collection for ease of walking to avoid rod tip drag and keeping an even pace along the delta structures. Tidal channel bathymetry data consists of transects between banks with position names containing the tidal channel name and distance upstream or downstream of deployed sensor. Only D4 and D3 tidal channel bathymetric data sets were collected. Both D3 (Station ID: “les”) and D4 (Station ID: “are3”) had four tidal channel bathymetry transects collected which consisting of a 10 and 20 meter upstream and downstream of deployed sensor transects. Point data were collected at sites with sensors collecting water depth (WL) time-series data. GPS data was collected by holding the rod/antenna unit at a bubble-level static positioned for 3 minutes (180 epochs) during data collection. Point data were water surface elevations which were used to provide offsets for converting recorded water level (WL) data by sensors to referenced NAVD88. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Chad C. Opatz](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Chad+C.+Opatz), [USGS](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=USGS) Process Contact : [Chad Opatz](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Chad+Opatz), [USGS/Washington Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=USGS%2FWashington+Water+Science+Center) Originator : [Chad C. Opatz](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Chad+C.+Opatz), [Christopher A. Curran](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Christopher+A.+Curran), [Eric E. Grossman](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Eric+E.+Grossman) Metadata Contact : [Chad C. Opatz](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Chad+C.+Opatz), [US Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=US+Geological+Survey) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | GPS Data for Nisqually River Delta.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 13.73 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Nisqually\_GPS\_Data.csv | | 270.99 KB | text/csv | ## Purpose Data were obtained to support hydrodynamic modeling efforts for informing adaptive management scenarios to improve delta restoration outcomes. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [Hydrodynamics](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHydrodynamics "Hydrodynamics (Hydrodynamics, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Sediment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSediment "Sediment (Sediment, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [salinity](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsalinity "salinity (salinity, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [specific conductance](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dspecific+conductance "specific conductance (specific conductance, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [stream stage](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dstream+stage "stream stage (stream stage, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [temperature](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dtemperature "temperature (temperature, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [time series data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dtime+series+data "time series data (time series data, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBilly+Frank+Jr.+Nisqually+National+Wildlife+Refuge "Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge (Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge, Place, Nisqually River)") - [Thurston County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DThurston+County "Thurston County (Thurston County, Place, Nisqually River)") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Chad C. Opatz</origin>\n <origin>Christopher A. Curran</origin>\n <origin>Eric E. Grossman</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>GPS Data for Nisqually River Delta</title>\n <geoform>point data organized by time stamp</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Tacoma, WA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>GPS horizontal and vertical position data were collected on the Nisqually River, McAllister Creek and Nisqually River Delta to survey in water surface, instrumentation and delta structures for to reference North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88). These data are housed in .csv file named \xe2\x80\x9cNisqually GPS Data\xe2\x80\x9d and are sorted by date and time. The position data are grouped by data collection methods Point and Topo. Point method collected position data for 180 seconds and was used to survey surface water and instrumentation elevation. Topo method collected position point data for 1 second and was used for surveying delta bathymetry elevation. Data were collected using the available RTN-GPS network provided by the Washington State Reference Network and using a Trimble R8 GPS antenna mounted on a 2-meter rod. Position data are labeled with descriptors such as \xe2\x80\x9cWS\xe2\x80\x9d (water surface) or \xe2\x80\x9cDelta\xe2\x80\x9d which refer to the feature surveyed. Check-in/check-out procedures were satisfied using reference marker Station: pid_sy0708. Two check-in orthometric heights were collected (60.05 and 60.10 m) and following point and topo data collection one check-out orthometric height (60.04 m) was collected. \n\nBathymetric data (Topo method) was collected across the Nisqually River Delta starting at the left bank of McAllister Creek (MC2) and ended on the right bank of tidal channel D4. A total of 2,505 positions were surveyed using the topo method and positions were labeled as \xe2\x80\x9cdelta-trav###\xe2\x80\x9d. Delta elevation ranged from 3.44 to -1.64 meters (NAVD88). Rod and antenna were held at a fixed level marked on both upper rod and technician for maintaining a constant 2 meter height above the walking surface. The bottom half of the rod was removed during topo data collection for ease of walking to avoid rod tip drag and keeping an even pace along the delta structures. \n\nTidal channel bathymetry data consists of transects between banks with position names containing the tidal channel name and distance upstream or downstream of deployed sensor. Only D4 and D3 tidal channel bathymetric data sets were collected. Both D3 (Station ID: \xe2\x80\x9cles\xe2\x80\x9d) and D4 (Station ID: \xe2\x80\x9care3\xe2\x80\x9d) had four tidal channel bathymetry transects collected which consisting of a 10 and 20 meter upstream and downstream of deployed sensor transects. \n\nPoint data were collected at sites with sensors collecting water depth (WL) time-series data. GPS data was collected by holding the rod/antenna unit at a bubble-level static positioned for 3 minutes (180 epochs) during data collection. Point data were water surface elevations which were used to provide offsets for converting recorded water level (WL) data by sensors to referenced NAVD88.</abstract>\n <purpose>Data were obtained to support hydrodynamic modeling efforts for informing adaptive management scenarios to improve delta restoration outcomes.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20160317</begdate>\n <enddate>20170414</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-122.73651971432</westbc>\n <eastbc>-122.68502130124</eastbc>\n <northbc>47.099891811916</northbc>\n <southbc>47.049854929169</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Sediment</themekey>\n <themekey>Hydrodynamics</themekey>\n <themekey>stream stage</themekey>\n <themekey>temperature</themekey>\n <themekey>salinity</themekey>\n <themekey>specific conductance</themekey>\n <themekey>time series data</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5cd1a98be4b09b8c0b7a5812</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Nisqually River</placekt>\n <placekey>Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge</placekey>\n <placekey>Thurston County</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Chad C. Opatz</cntper>\n <cntorg>USGS</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologic Technician</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>934 Broadway Ave. Suite 300</address>\n <city>Tacoma</city>\n <state>Washington</state>\n <postal>98405</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>253-552-1668</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>ADVM \nStage value is an arbitrary reference. ADVM housing unit top where stage sensor is located was surveyed to reference elevation of an orthogonal reference height using NAVD88. Orthometric height at this reference is not available. Orthometric height at WGS84 is -1.592 meters. \nThe accuracy of the 15 minute time series stage data is Good through out all the data periods. No apparent drift in time steps were found by comparing tidal stage effects with upstream and downstream McAllister sites and tidal channel stage peaks and Lower Nisqually River sites. \nVelocity X data behave accordingly with stage rise and fall sequences. With rising or falling stage velocity decreases or increases, respectively. \n\nYSI \nTurbidity parameter data quality was limited due in part to close proximity to the channel bed. \nTemperature and salinity track well with upstream and downstream McAllister sites and tidal channels.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Horizontal and vertical precision in meters reported for each point in columns F and H of attached .csv file.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Positional data collected with a Real-Time-Network (RTN) provided by the Washington State Reference Network, a regional cooperative of GPS reference stations. \nGEOID12A (Conus) used.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20171030</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Chad Opatz</cntper>\n <cntorg>USGS/Washington Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>934 Broadway Ave. Suite 300</address>\n <city>Tacoma</city>\n <state>WA</state>\n <postal>98402</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>253-552-1668</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>1.0E-7</latres>\n <longres>1.0E-7</longres>\n <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n </horizsys>\n <vertdef>\n <altsys>\n <altdatum>North American Vertical Datum of 1988</altdatum>\n <altres>0.01</altres>\n <altunits>meter</altunits>\n <altenc>Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates</altenc>\n </altsys>\n </vertdef>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Nisqually GPS Data</enttypl>\n <enttypd>A .csv file containing GPS Point Data</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>StartTime</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3/17/2016 21:34</rdommin>\n <rdommax>4/14/2016 18:33</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Position</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Description of position data for surveyed feature</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Position has a descriptor for feature surveyed</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Method</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Point method collected 3 minutes of static GPS data, Topo method collected 1 second GPS data roving across survey features.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Point=static data collection, Topo=roving data collection</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Latitude_degrees</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>the angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>47.03127908</rdommin>\n <rdommax>47.0949588</rdommax>\n <attrunit>degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Longitude_degrees</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>the angular distance of a place east or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-122.4213445</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-122.7619199</rdommax>\n <attrunit>degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Elevation_m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>height above an ellipsoid</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1.64</rdommin>\n <rdommax>60.09</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Horizontal precision_m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Degree of horizontal error effecting final estimation value</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.06</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Vertical precision_m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Degree of vertical error effecting final estimation value</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.09</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. This disclaimer applies both to individual use of the data and aggregate use with other data. It is strongly recommended that these data are directly acquired from a U.S. Geological Survey server, and not indirectly through other sources which may have changed the data in some way. It is also strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data. The U.S. Geological Survey shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200827</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Chad C. Opatz</cntper>\n <cntorg>US Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologic Technician</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>934 Broadway Ave Suite 300</address>\n <city>Tacoma</city>\n <state>Washington</state>\n <postal>98405</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>253-552-1668</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
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[Water-quality data from four Indian Creek sites, Johnson County, Kansas, July 22-25, 2014 and August 21-27, 2015](/catalog/folder/57d1daa7e4b0571647cfd444) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/57d1daa7e4b0571647cfd444) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/57d1daa7e4b0571647cfd444) - [JSON](/catalog/item/57d1daa7e4b0571647cfd444?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2016-10-31Start Date2014-07-22End Date2015-08-27 ## Citation King, L.R., Foster, G.M., and Graham, J.L., 2016, Water-quality data from four Indian Creek sites, Johnson County, Kansas, July 22-25, 2014 and August 21-27, 2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Release provides continuously measured water-quality data collected from four Indian Creek sites in Johnson County, Kansas during July 22-25, 2014 and August 21-27, 2015. Water-quality monitors were used to measure water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance, turbidity, chlorophyll, phycocyanin, and nitrate at fifteen-minute intervals. This data release was produced in compliance with the federal open-data requirements as a way to make scientific products associated with USGS research efforts and publications available to the public. This dataset includes all continuously-measured data collected at short-term fixed site locations as part of a study to describe the spatiotemporal \[...\] ## Summary This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Release provides continuously measured water-quality data collected from four Indian Creek sites in Johnson County, Kansas during July 22-25, 2014 and August 21-27, 2015. Water-quality monitors were used to measure water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance, turbidity, chlorophyll, phycocyanin, and nitrate at fifteen-minute intervals. This data release was produced in compliance with the federal open-data requirements as a way to make scientific products associated with USGS research efforts and publications available to the public. This dataset includes all continuously-measured data collected at short-term fixed site locations as part of a study to describe the spatiotemporal variability of nutrients in Indian Creek. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Lindsey R. King](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Lindsey+R.+King) Originator : [Lindsey R. King](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Lindsey+R.+King), [Guy M. Foster](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Guy+M.+Foster), [Jennifer L. Graham](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Jennifer+L.+Graham) Metadata Contact : [Lindsey R. King](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Lindsey+R.+King) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey+-+ScienceBase) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) SDC Data Owner : [Kansas Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17343) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/57d1daa7e4b0571647cfd444?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/57d1daa7e4b0571647cfd444?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/57d1daa7e4b0571647cfd444?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Indian\_Creek\_Fixed\_Site\_Metadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 19.23 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Indian\_Creek\_Fixed\_Site\_Data\_Read\_Me.csv | | 3.69 KB | text/csv | | Indian\_Creek\_Fixed\_Site\_Data.csv | | 312.89 KB | text/csv | | Indian\_Creek\_Fixed\_Site\_Data.xlsx | | 213.4 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Foster, G.M, Graham, J.L., Williams, T.J., and King, L.R., 2016, Spatiotemporal variability of inorganic nutrients during wastewater effluent dominated streamflow conditions in Indian Creek, Johnson County, Kansas, 2012–15: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016–5147, 37 p., | []( "") | ## Purpose These data were collected by the USGS Kansas Water Science Center, in cooperation with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and Johnson County Wastewater, as part of a study to describe spatiotemporal variability of nutrients in Indian Creek, Johnson County, Kansas. These data are published in support of the USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5147 ( ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/57d1daa7e4b0571647cfd444) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/57d1daa7e4b0571647cfd444) ## Communities - USGS Kansas Water Science Center ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [Chlorophyll](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DChlorophyll "Chlorophyll (Chlorophyll, Theme, None)") - [Continuously measured](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DContinuously+measured "Continuously measured (Continuously measured, Theme, None)") - [Dissolved Oxygen](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDissolved+Oxygen "Dissolved Oxygen (Dissolved Oxygen, Theme, None)") - [Monitor](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMonitor "Monitor (Monitor, Theme, None)") - [Nitrate](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNitrate "Nitrate (Nitrate, Theme, None)") - [Phycocyanin](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPhycocyanin "Phycocyanin (Phycocyanin, Theme, None)") - [Sensor](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSensor "Sensor (Sensor, Theme, None)") - [Specific Conductance](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSpecific+Conductance "Specific Conductance (Specific Conductance, Theme, None)") - [Turbidity](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DTurbidity "Turbidity (Turbidity, Theme, None)") - [Water Temperature](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Temperature "Water Temperature (Water Temperature, Theme, None)") - [pH](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DpH "pH (pH, Theme, None)") Place - [Indian Creek](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DIndian+Creek "Indian Creek (Indian Creek, Place, None)") - [Indian Creek at Highway 69, Overland Park, KS](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DIndian+Creek+at+Highway+69%2C+Overland+Park%2C+KS "Indian Creek at Highway 69, Overland Park, KS (Indian Creek at Highway 69, Overland Park, KS, Place, None)") - [Indian Creek at Indian Creek Parkway, Overland Park, KS](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DIndian+Creek+at+Indian+Creek+Parkway%2C+Overland+Park%2C+KS "Indian Creek at Indian Creek Parkway, Overland Park, KS (Indian Creek at Indian Creek Parkway, Overland Park, KS, Place, None)") - [Indian Creek at Overland Park, KS](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DIndian+Creek+at+Overland+Park%2C+KS "Indian Creek at Overland Park, KS (Indian Creek at Overland Park, KS, Place, None)") - [Indian Creek near Middle Basin WWTF, Overland Park, KS](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DIndian+Creek+near+Middle+Basin+WWTF%2C+Overland+Park%2C+KS "Indian Creek near Middle Basin WWTF, Overland Park, KS (Indian Creek near Middle Basin WWTF, Overland Park, KS, Place, None)") - [Johnson County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DJohnson+County "Johnson County (Johnson County, Place, None)") - [Kansas](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DKansas "Kansas (Kansas, Place, None)") - [USGS Station ID 06892370](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Station+ID+06892370 "USGS Station ID 06892370 (USGS Station ID 06892370, Place, None)") - [USGS Station ID 06893300](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Station+ID+06893300 "USGS Station ID 06893300 (USGS Station ID 06893300, Place, None)") - [USGS Station ID 385515094420500](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Station+ID+385515094420500 "USGS Station ID 385515094420500 (USGS Station ID 385515094420500, Place, None)") - [USGS Station ID 385608094380300](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Station+ID+385608094380300 "USGS Station ID 385608094380300 (USGS Station ID 385608094380300, Place, None)") - [United States](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+States "United States (United States, Place, None)") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Water Quality](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Quality "Water Quality (Water Quality, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7445JN8 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Lindsey R. King</origin>\n <origin>Guy M. Foster</origin>\n <origin>Jennifer L. Graham</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Water-quality data from four Indian Creek sites, Johnson County, Kansas, July 22-25, 2014 and August 21-27, 2015</title>\n <geoform>Excel Spreadsheet and Comma Separated Values (CSV) file</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Release provides continuously measured water-quality data collected from four Indian Creek sites in Johnson County, Kansas during July 22-25, 2014 and August 21-27, 2015. Water-quality monitors were used to measure water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance, turbidity, chlorophyll, phycocyanin, and nitrate at fifteen-minute intervals. This data release was produced in compliance with the federal open-data requirements as a way to make scientific products associated with USGS research efforts and publications available to the public. This dataset includes all continuously-measured data collected at short-term fixed site locations as part of a study to describe the spatiotemporal variability of nutrients in Indian Creek.</abstract>\n <purpose>These data were collected by the USGS Kansas Water Science Center, in cooperation with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and Johnson County Wastewater, as part of a study to describe spatiotemporal variability of nutrients in Indian Creek, Johnson County, Kansas. These data are published in support of the USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5147 (</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20140722</begdate>\n <enddate>20150827</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>Publication Date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-94.92699</westbc>\n <eastbc>-94.55046</eastbc>\n <northbc>38.96987</northbc>\n <southbc>38.76918</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>Data were collected at four Indian Creek stream sites: Indian Creek at Overland Park, KS (USGS Station Identification Number 06893300); Indian Creek Tributary near Middle Basin WWTF, Overland Park, KS (USGS Station Identification Number 385515094420500); Indian Creek at Highway 69, Overland Park, KS (USGS Station Identification Number 06892370); Indian Creek at Indian Creek Parkway, Overland Park, KS (USGS Station Identification Number 385608094380300).</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>Continuously measured</themekey>\n <themekey>Water Temperature</themekey>\n <themekey>Specific Conductance</themekey>\n <themekey>pH</themekey>\n <themekey>Turbidity</themekey>\n <themekey>Dissolved Oxygen</themekey>\n <themekey>Chlorophyll</themekey>\n <themekey>Phycocyanin</themekey>\n <themekey>Nitrate</themekey>\n <themekey>Sensor</themekey>\n <themekey>Monitor</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:57d1daa7e4b0571647cfd444</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Indian Creek</placekey>\n <placekey>Kansas</placekey>\n <placekey>Johnson County</placekey>\n <placekey>Indian Creek at Overland Park, KS</placekey>\n <placekey>USGS Station ID 06893300</placekey>\n <placekey>Indian Creek near Middle Basin WWTF, Overland Park, KS</placekey>\n <placekey>USGS Station ID 385515094420500</placekey>\n <placekey>Indian Creek at Highway 69, Overland Park, KS</placekey>\n <placekey>USGS Station ID 06892370</placekey>\n <placekey>Indian Creek at Indian Creek Parkway, Overland Park, KS</placekey>\n <placekey>USGS Station ID 385608094380300</placekey>\n <placekey>United States</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>Users are advised to read the data set's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Lindsey R. King</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S Geological Survey, Kansas Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>4821 Quail Crest Place</address>\n <city>Lawrence</city>\n <state>KS</state>\n <postal>66049</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>(785) 832-3563</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>This study was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and Johnson County Wastewater.</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>All data were broadly checked for accuracy; erroneous spikes and outliers were deleted from the data.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted, but data were checked for consistency and numerical errors.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Data from each site were evaluated. Erroneous spikes were deleted. All data were compiled into one spreadsheet for this data release.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20160301</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <method>\n <methtype>Continuously measured (15-minute intervals) field water-quality data collection.</methtype>\n <methdesc>Short-term deployments of continuous water-quality monitors at 4 fixed sites were conducted as described in Foster and others (2016).</methdesc>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Foster, G.M., Graham, J.L., Williams, T.J., and King, L.R.</origin>\n <pubdate>2016</pubdate>\n <title>Spatiotemporal variability of inorganic nutrients during wastewater effluent dominated streamflow conditions in Indian Creek, Johnson County, Kansas, 2012-2015</title>\n <geoform>Document</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report</sername>\n <issue>USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5147</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n </method>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>Indian Creek at Overland Park, Kansas (06893300)\nLong= -94.66999\nLat= 38.94117; Indian Creek Tributary near Middle Basin WWTF, Overland Park, Kansas (385515094420500)\nLong= -94.70147\nLat= 38.92086; Indian Creek at Highway 69, Overland Park, Kansas (06892370)\nLong= -94.70556\nLat= 38.92057; Indian Creek at Indian Creek Parkway, Overland Park, Kansas (385608094380300)\nLong= -94.63415\nLat= 38.93559</indspref>\n </spdoinfo>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Indian_Creek_Fixed_Site_Data.xls</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Continuous water-quality data collected every fifteen minutes at four fixed site locations on Indian Creek during July 22-25, 2014 and August 21-27, 2015.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Not Specified</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Indian_Creek_Fixed_Site_Data.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Continuous water-quality data collected every fifteen minutes at four fixed site locations on Indian Creek during July 22-25, 2014 and August 21-27, 2015.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Not Specified</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Station ID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>USGS station identification number.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Not Specified</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Free Text</edomv>\n <edomvd>06893300, 385515094420500, 06892370, and 385608094380300</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Not Specified</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Site Name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>USGS site name at location where data were collected.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Not Specified</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Free Text</edomv>\n <edomvd>Indian Creek at Overland Park, KS, Indian Creek Tributary near Middle Basin WWTF, Overland Park, KS, Indian Creek at Highway 69, Overland Park, KS, and Indian Creek at Indian Creek Parkway, Overland Park, KS.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Not Specified</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date data were collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Not Specified</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>MM/DD/YYYY</edomv>\n <edomvd>Month/Day/Year</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Not Specified</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Time</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Time data were collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Not Specified</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>HH:MM:SS</edomv>\n <edomvd>Hours:Minutes:Seconds</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Not Specified</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Latitude</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Latitude of USGS site</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Not Specified</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Decimal Degrees</edomv>\n <edomvd>Decimal Degrees</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Not Specified</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Longitude</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Longitude of USGS site</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Not Specified</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Decimal Degrees</edomv>\n <edomvd>Decimal Degrees</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Not Specified</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Water Temperature (degrees Celsius)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Temperature, water, degrees Celsius; data are calculated raw values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures; no data indicates missing or deleted data</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>19.8</rdommin>\n <rdommax>34.8</rdommax>\n <attrunit>degrees Celsius</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Specific Conductance (uS/cm)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius; data are calculated raw values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures; no data indicates missing or deleted data</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>413</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1,060</rdommax>\n <attrunit>microSiemens per centimeter, uS/cm</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>pH</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units; data are calculated raw values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures; no data indicates missing or deleted data</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>7.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>8.4</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Unitless</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Turbidity (FNU)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Turbidity, water, unfiltered, monochrome near infra-red LED light, 780-900 nm, detection angle 90 +-2.5 degrees, formazin nephelometric units (FNU); data are calculated raw values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures; no data indicates missing or deleted data</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.18</rdommin>\n <rdommax>35.8</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Formazin Nephelometric Units, FNU</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Dissolved Oxygen (% Saturation)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, percent of saturation; data are calculated raw values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures; no data indicates missing or deleted data</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>30</rdommin>\n <rdommax>168</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent Saturation, %</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Dissolved oxygen, water, unfiltered, milligrams per liter; data are calculated raw values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures; no data indicates missing or deleted data</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2.6</rdommin>\n <rdommax>12.6</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter, mg/L</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Chlorphyll (RFU)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Chlorophylls, water, in situ, fluorometric method, excitation at 470 +-15 nm, emission at 685 +-20 nm, relative fluorescence units (RFU); data are calculated raw values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures; no data indicates missing or deleted data</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.49</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Relative Fluorescence Units, RFU</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Chlorphyll (ug/L)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Chlorophylls, water, in situ, fluorometric method, excitation at 470 +-15 nm, emission at 685 +-20 nm, micrograms per liter; data are calculated raw values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures; no data indicates missing or deleted data</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.03</rdommin>\n <rdommax>10.05</rdommax>\n <attrunit>micrograms per liter, ug/L</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Phycocyanin (RFU)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phycocyanins (cyanobacteria), water, in situ, fluorometric method, excitation at 590 +-15 nm, emission at 685 +-20 nm, relative fluorescence units (RFU); data are calculated raw values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures; no data indicates missing or deleted data</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>Less than 0.01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.98</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Relative Fluorescence Units, RFU</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Phycocyanin (ug/L)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phycocyanins (cyanobacteria), water, in situ, fluorometric method, excitation at 590 +-15 nm, emission at 685 +-20 nm, micrograms per liter; data are calculated raw values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures; no data indicates missing or deleted data</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>Less than 0.01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.97</rdommax>\n <attrunit>micrograms per liter, ug/L</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Nitrate (mg/L)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Nitrate plus nitrite, water, in situ, milligrams per liter as nitrogen; data are calculated raw values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures; no data indicates missing or deleted data</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>National Water Information System (</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>4.07</rdommin>\n <rdommax>14.9</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter, mg/L</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200820</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Lindsey R. King</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>4821 Quail Crest Pl.</address>\n <city>Lawrence</city>\n <state>KS</state>\n <postal>66049</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>(785) 832-3563</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jeffrey Kennedy</origin>\n <pubdate>20160316</pubdate>\n <title>Raw gravity data from the 2014 Minute 319 Pulse Flow in the Colorado River Delta</title>\n <geoform>Text files</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Kennedy, J.R.</origin>\n <origin>Callegary, J.B.</origin>\n <origin>Macy, J.P.</origin>\n <origin>Reyes, J.</origin>\n <origin>P\xc3\xa9rez, M.</origin>\n <pubdate>20161001</pubdate>\n <title>Geophysical Data Collected during the 2014 Minute 319 Pulse Flow</title>\n <geoform>Website</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Data Release</sername>\n <issue>na</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Data are raw data files output by the Burris gravimeter PDA. Files include the Earth tide correction used in the UltraGrav software.</abstract>\n <purpose>Data are provided for research purposes and possible reanalysis. Processed data (network-adjusted gravity values) are provided in an accompanying shapefile and Excel file.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <mdattim>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20140311</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20140424</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </mdattim>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>Not planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-114.84558105371</westbc>\n <eastbc>-114.72473144435</eastbc>\n <northbc>32.652882499534</northbc>\n <southbc>32.458421888315</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>Limitrophe reach of the Colorado River, US-Mexico border</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Hydrology</themekey>\n <themekey>Geophysics</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:56e9d928e4b0f59b85d81a49</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>Colorado River Delta</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jeffrey Kennedy</cntper>\n <cntorg>USGS</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>520 N Park Ave</address>\n <city>Tucson</city>\n <state>AZ</state>\n <postal>85719</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>5206706671</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>Coordinates are survey-grade coordinates in UTM11N NAD83(2011) epoch 2010.00</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>Coordinates are survey-grade coordinates in UTM11N NAD83(2011) epoch 2010.00</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Data were collected following procedures described in the USGS Arizona Water Science Center QA/QC plan for relative gravity data collection.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20140401</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <mapproj>\n <mapprojn>Transverse Mercator</mapprojn>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer>0.9996</sfctrmer>\n <longcm>-117.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>0.0</latprjo>\n <feast>500000.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </transmer>\n </mapproj>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n 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defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>mGal</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>temperature correction (mGal)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>temperature correction</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>.1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>mGal</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>beam error correction (mGal)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>beam error correction</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>.1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>mGal</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>meter height (m)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>meter height</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>0</edomv>\n <edomvd>Meter reference leg is on survey mark</edomvd>\n <edomvds>microGal</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>elevation (m)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Elevation above sea level, NAVD88</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>20</rdommin>\n <rdommax>35</rdommax>\n <attrunit>m</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Northing (UTM11N NAD83(2011) epoch 2010.00)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Northing (UTM11N NAD83(2011) epoch 2010.00)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3598145</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3605716</rdommax>\n <attrunit>m</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Easting (UTM11N NAD83(2011) epoch 2010.00)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Easting (UTM11N NAD83(2011) epoch 2010.00)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>705673</rdommin>\n <rdommax>707417</rdommax>\n <attrunit>m</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Complete description of the entities and attriutes herein is included in the accompanying Open File Report provided in the citation.</eaover>\n <eadetcit>Kennedy, J.R., Callegary, J.B., Macy, J.P., Reyes-Lopez, J., Perez-Flores, M., 2016, Geophysical Data Collected during the 2014 Minute 319 Pulse Flow on the Colorado River below Morelos Dam, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report XXXX-XXXX, XX p.</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Text files</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None. No fees are applicable for obtaining the data set.</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200807</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jeffrey Kennedy</cntper>\n <cntorg>USGS</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>520 N. Park Ave</address>\n <city>Tucson</city>\n <state>AZ</state>\n <postal>85719</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>520-670-6671</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Determination of the effect of temperature (Q10) on denitrification rates in sediments collected from a groundwater discharge site in Ashumet Pond on Cape Cod, MA](/catalog/folder/5ed959fc82ce7e579c6764df) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5ed959fc82ce7e579c6764df) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5ed959fc82ce7e579c6764df) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5ed959fc82ce7e579c6764df?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-07-21 ## Citation Repert, D.A., Stoliker, D.L., Smith, R.L., Kent, D.B., and LeBlanc, D.R., 2020, Determination of the effect of temperature (Q10) on denitrification rates in sediments collected from a groundwater discharge site in Ashumet Pond on Cape Cod, MA: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This data release presents results from a laboratory study designed to measure the effect of temperature on denitrification rates in sediments collected from 5- to 30-cm depth below the lake bottom, at a location where groundwater discharges to the lake. Sediment cores were collected June 25, 2014 from the West site (Fishermans Cove) in Ashumet Pond, Cape Cod, MA then shipped to Boulder, CO for laboratory experiments. Groundwater used for these experiments was collected from a well just upgradient of the sediment collection site. Denitrification rates were determined on sediment plus groundwater slurries maintained under anaerobic conditions and employing the acetylene block method. Nitrous oxide concentrations were measured several \[...\] ## Summary This data release presents results from a laboratory study designed to measure the effect of temperature on denitrification rates in sediments collected from 5- to 30-cm depth below the lake bottom, at a location where groundwater discharges to the lake. Sediment cores were collected June 25, 2014 from the West site (Fishermans Cove) in Ashumet Pond, Cape Cod, MA then shipped to Boulder, CO for laboratory experiments. Groundwater used for these experiments was collected from a well just upgradient of the sediment collection site. Denitrification rates were determined on sediment plus groundwater slurries maintained under anaerobic conditions and employing the acetylene block method. Nitrous oxide concentrations were measured several times over the course of an approximately 7-hour period in serum bottles containing 30 g sieved sediment (<2mm) combined with 30 mL filtered groundwater at 3 different incubation temperatures (4, 15, 24 degrees Celsius). Denitrification rates were calculated based on the accumulation of nitrous oxide over time in the serum bottles. The temperature coefficient, Q10, for the sediment in Ashumet Pond was calculated using these denitrification rates and was determined to be 4.9, meaning that the rate of denitrification increased by a factor of 4.9 for every 10 degrees of temperature increase. ## Contacts Originator : [Deborah A Repert](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=8536), [Deborah L Stoliker](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9981), [Richard L Smith](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9652), [Douglas B Kent](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5420), [Denis R LeBlanc](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5967) Contact : [Deborah A Repert](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=8536) Metadata Contact : [Deborah A Repert](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=8536) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) SDC Data Owner : [Office of the Associate Director for Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17005) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5ed959fc82ce7e579c6764df?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5ed959fc82ce7e579c6764df?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5ed959fc82ce7e579c6764df?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | DNF Q10 Data Release.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 47.53 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | DSCN2502.JPG<br>“Sediment collection site in Ashumet Pond. Photo by Richard L. Smith.” | ![thumbnail]( | 1.27 MB | image/jpeg | | Ashumet Pond\_data descriptions.csv | | 12.62 KB | text/csv | | Ashumet Pond\_site information.csv | | 726 Bytes | text/csv | | Ashumet Pond\_Denitrification Data.csv | | 2.21 KB | text/csv | | Ashumet Pond\_DNF Q10 results.csv | | 357 Bytes | text/csv | ## Purpose The purpose of the data release is to provide a measure of denitrification rates that can be applied to various models to assess biogeochemical processes predominant in Ashumet Pond sediments subjected to discharge from a groundwater wastewater plume. ## Preview Image ![Sediment collection site in Ashumet Pond. Photo by Richard L. Smith.]( Sediment collection site in Ashumet Pond. Photo by Richard L. Smith. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5ed959fc82ce7e579c6764df) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5ed959fc82ce7e579c6764df) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Types - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [OGC WMS Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Service "OGC WMS Service") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9CTT78O | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Deborah A. Repert</origin>\n <origin>Deborah L. Stoliker</origin>\n <origin>Richard L. Smith</origin>\n <origin>Douglas B Kent</origin>\n <origin>Denis R. LeBlanc</origin>\n <pubdate>20200721</pubdate>\n <title>Determination of the effect of temperature (Q10) on denitrification rates in sediments collected from a groundwater discharge site in Ashumet Pond on Cape Cod, MA</title>\n <geoform>tabular digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This data release presents results from a laboratory study designed to measure the effect of temperature on denitrification rates in sediments collected from 5- to 30-cm depth below the lake bottom, at a location where groundwater discharges to the lake. Sediment cores were collected June 25, 2014 from the West site (Fishermans Cove) in Ashumet Pond, Cape Cod, MA then shipped to Boulder, CO for laboratory experiments. Groundwater used for these experiments was collected from a well just upgradient of the sediment collection site. Denitrification rates were determined on sediment plus groundwater slurries by the acetylene block method (Yoshinari and Knowles, 1976). Nitrous oxide concentrations were measured several times over the course of approximately a 7-hour period in serum bottles containing 30 g sieved sediment (&lt;2mm) combined with 30 mL filtered groundwater at 3 different incubation temperatures (4, 15, 24 degrees Celsius). Denitrification rates were calculated based on the accumulation of nitrous oxide over time in the serum bottles. The temperature coefficient, Q10, for the sediment at Ashumet Pond was calculated using these denitrification rates and was determined to be 4.9, meaning that the rate of denitrification increased by a factor of 4.9 for every 10 degrees of temperature increase.</abstract>\n <purpose>The purpose of the data release is to provide a measure of denitrification rates that can be applied to various models to assess biogeochemical processes predominant in Ashumet Pond sediments subjected to discharge from a groundwater wastewater plume.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <mdattim>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20140616</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20140623</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20140626</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </mdattim>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-70.543513</westbc>\n <eastbc>-70.536261</eastbc>\n <northbc>41.636310</northbc>\n <southbc>41.631402</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>Fishermans Cove, Ashumet Pond, Cape Cod, MA</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>environment</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>Denitrification</themekey>\n <themekey>sediment</themekey>\n <themekey>Q10</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt />\n <themekey />\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>water temperature</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5ed959fc82ce7e579c6764df</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Massachusetts</placekey>\n <placekey>Cape Cod</placekey>\n <placekey>Falmouth</placekey>\n <placekey>Ashumet Pond</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None.</accconst>\n <useconst>None.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Deborah A Repert</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, WATER</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Microbiologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>3215 Marine St</address>\n <city>Boulder</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80303</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-541-3020</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>303-541-3084</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Sediment collection and processing: \n\nLake sediments were collected in Fishermans Cove by driving a steel core barrel fitted with a 5\xe2\x80\x90cm\xe2\x80\x90diameter aluminum core liner to a depth of 30 cm below the sediment\xe2\x80\x90water interface. The core was separated into 0-5 and 5-30 cm depth intervals. Multiple cores from the 5-30 cm depth interval were collected from within an ~1\xe2\x80\x90m2 area. The sediment was combined then sieved through a 2\xe2\x80\x90mm\xe2\x80\x90mesh polypropylene screen. The &lt;2mm sized fraction was transferred to clean mason jars, capped, flushed with UHP helium (He) to maintain an anoxic headspace then shipped on ice overnight to the USGS in Boulder, CO (Stoliker et al., 2016).</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200626</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Deborah A Repert</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, WATER</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Microbiologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>3215 Marine St</address>\n <city>Boulder</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80303</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-541-3020</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>303-541-3084</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Groundwater collection and analysis: \n\nFiltered groundwater used for the incubations was collected from the anoxic zone of the plume (-4.32 m altitude) using a 15\xe2\x80\x90port multilevel sampling well (FSW 424-M01) located just upgradient of Fishermans Cove. A peristaltic pump, O2\xe2\x80\x90impermeable tubing (Pharmed) and 0.45 micron capsule filter were used to collect the groundwater (Savoie &amp; LeBlanc, 1998). Water samples were also collected, preserved and analyzed for NO3\xe2\x88\x92, NO2\xe2\x88\x92, NH4+, DOC, and N2O, and specific conductance, temperature, pH, and O2 was measured in the field on unfiltered groundwater (Repert et al., 2006; Savoie et al., 2006).</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200626</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Deborah A Repert</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, WATER</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Microbiologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>3215 Marine St</address>\n <city>Boulder</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80303</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-541-3020</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>303-541-3084</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Denitrification incubations: \n\nSediment, 30g wet weight, and filtered anoxic groundwater, 30g, were weighed into clean serum bottles in an anaerobic glovebag. Sample bottles were stoppered, crimped then flushed with UHP Helium for 20 minutes. Three replicate serum bottles were equilibrated in incubators at each of 3 temperatures (4, 15, and 24 degrees Celsius) for at least 1 hour with end-over-end rotation mixing. After equilibration, 5 mL of anoxic, H2-free acetylene was added to the serum bottles plus an additional 10 mL of He to generate an internal positive pressure for sampling (Yoshinari and Knowles, 1976). The bottles were again equilibrated at the respective temperatures for 1 hour. An anoxic stock solution of NaNO3 was added to the serum bottles by syringe to achieve a final concentration of 100 \xc2\xb5M. Gas samples were collected several times over the course of an 8 hour period from the serum bottle headspace and analyzed immediately for nitrous oxide (N2O) concentration using an HNU model 301 GC equipped with a Porapak N column, P-5 carrier gas and Valco Instruments 63Ni electron capture detector (Brooks et al., 1992).</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200626</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Deborah A Repert</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, WATER</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Microbiologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>3215 Marine St</address>\n <city>Boulder</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80303</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-541-3020</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>303-541-3084</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Calculation of Q10 temperature coefficient:\n\nQ10 is the factor by which the reaction rate increases when the temperature is increased by 10 degrees.\n\nQ10 = (R2/R1)^(10/(T2-T1)), where R1 is the denitrification rate in nmol N2O-N/gDW/hr at temperature T1 and R2 is the denitrification rate in nmol N2O-N/gDW/hr at temperature T2\n\nT1 = 4 degrees Celsius\nT2 = 24 degrees Celsius\n\nNote: The calculation of Q10 is achieved using the average values of the replicate Sed_Slopes values.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200626</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Deborah A Repert</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, WATER</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Microbiologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>3215 Marine St</address>\n <city>Boulder</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80303</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-541-3020</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>303-541-3084</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>References:\n\nStoliker, D.L, Repert, D.A., Smith, R.L., Song, B., LeBlanc, D.R., McCobb, T.M., Conaway, C.H., Hyun, S.P., Koh, D.-C., Moon, H.S., and Kent, D.B., 2016, Hydrologic Controls on Nitrogen Cycling Processes and Functional Gene Abundance in Sediments of a Groundwater Flow-Through Lake, Environmental Science &amp; Technology, 50 (7), 3649-3657, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b06155.\n\nSavoie, J.G., and LeBlanc, D.R., 1998, Water-quality data and methods of analysis for samples collected near a plume of sewage-contaminated ground water, Ashumet Valley, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1993\xe2\x80\x9394, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 97\xe2\x80\x934269, 208 p.\n\nRepert, D.A., Barber, L.B., Hess, K.B., Keefe, S.H., Kent, D.B., LeBlanc, D.H. and Smith, R.L., 2006, Long-term natural attenuation of carbon and nitrogen within a groundwater plume after removal of the treated wastewater source, Environmental Science &amp; Technology, 40, p. 1154-1162. \n\nSavoie, J.G., Smith, R.L., Kent, D.B., Hess, K.M., LeBlanc, D.R., and Barber, L.B., 2006, Ground-water-quality data for a treated-wastewater plume undergoing natural restoration, Ashumet Valley, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1994\xe2\x80\x932004, U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 198, p. 339.\n\nYoshinari, T., and Knowles, R., 1976, Acetylene inhibition of nitrous oxide reduction by denitrifying bacteria, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 69, 705-710, doi:10.1016/0038-0717(77)90072-4.\n\nBrooks, M.H., Smith, R.L., Macalady, D.L., Inhibition of existing denitrification enzyme activity by chloramphenicol, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1992, 58 (5) 1746-1753.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200626</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Ashumet Pond_DNF Q10 results.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Incubation_Temp_C</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The temperature average or range for each set of incubations, in degrees Celsius, used for calculation of Q10</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>4</rdommin>\n <rdommax>24</rdommax>\n <attrunit>degrees Celsius</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Replicate_bottle</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The replicate bottle number within each treatment</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The numerical designation of the 3 replicates within each treatment</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Slope_nmol N2O-N gDW-1 hr-1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The slope of the total nanomoles nitrous oxide per gram dry weight per hour in the sediment plus groundwater serum bottles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.038</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.43</rdommax>\n <attrunit>nanomoles per gram dry weight per hour</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.001</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Slope_nmol N2O-N gDW-1 hr-1_SE</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The standard error of the slope of the total nanomoles nitrous oxide per gram dry weight per hour in the sediment plus groundwater serum bottles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.005</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.096</rdommax>\n <attrunit>nanomoles per gram dry weight per hour</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.001</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Q10</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Temperature coefficient based on the rate of change due to an increase in temperature of 10 degrees Celsius.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd />\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>4.89</edomv>\n <edomvd>The final calculated Q10 value for the Ashumet Pond sediments using the temperature range from 4 to 24 degrees Celsius.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Ashumet Pond_Denitrification Data.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Calculated results from denitrification incubations at 3 different temperatures</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Incubation_Temp_C</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The incubation temperature of the serum bottles at the time of analysis, in degrees Celsius.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>4.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>24.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>degrees Celsius</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Analysis_Date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date that sample bottles were analyzed for nitrous oxide concentration.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>6/26/2014</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date the experiment was conducted</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Analysis_Time</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The time, in MDT, that samples were analyzed for nitrous oxide.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The time, in Mountain Daylight Time, that samples were analyzed for nitrous oxide.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Incubation_hours</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The number of hours since the start of the incubation.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>8.08</rdommax>\n <attrunit>hour</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.01</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Replicate_bottle</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The replicate bottle number within each treatment.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Bottle replicate 1</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Bottle replicate 2</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>3</edomv>\n <edomvd>Bottle replicate 3</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>N2O-N_nmol</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total nanomoles of nitrous oxide in the serum bottle.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2.31</rdommin>\n <rdommax>295</rdommax>\n <attrunit>nanomoles</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.01</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>gDW in serum bottle</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Grams of dry weight in each serum bottle.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>24.78</rdommin>\n <rdommax>25.58</rdommax>\n <attrunit>grams</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.01</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>N2O-N_nmol gDW-1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total nanomoles of nitrous oxide in each serum bottle per gram dry weight sediment.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.09</rdommin>\n <rdommax>11.7</rdommax>\n <attrunit>nanomoles per gram dry weight</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.01</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Ashumet Pond_site information.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Ashumet Pond site information including physical location parameters and groundwater and sediment nutrient data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Site_Name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The Ashumet Pond sediment and MLS groundwater sampling location site names.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>MA-FSW 424-M01-BkT</edomv>\n <edomvd>Multi-level sampler nomenclature for the site and depth of groundwater collection for thhe experiment.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>APN-HB</edomv>\n <edomvd>Ashumet Pond groundwater discharge site location name where sediment for the experiment was collected.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Date_Collected</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Dates that groundwater and sediment were collected.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>6/16/2014</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date that groundwater was collected from site MA-FSW 424-M01-BkT.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>6/23/2014</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date that sediment was collected from site APN-HB in Ashumet Pond.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sample_Type</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The type of samples collected and used for the experiment</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Groundwater</edomv>\n <edomvd>Groundwater collected from a multi-level sampler</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Sediment</edomv>\n <edomvd>Sediment collected from 5-30 centimeter depth in Ashumet Pond</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Lat_NAD27</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Latitude, given in degrees, minutes, and seconds relative to the North American Datum of 1927 (NAD27)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>41\xc2\xb038\'04.75"</edomv>\n <edomvd>Latitude of groundwater collection site</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>41\xc2\xb038\'04.4"</edomv>\n <edomvd>Latitude of sediment collection site</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Long_NAD27</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Longitude, given in degrees, minutes, and seconds relative to the North American Datum of 1927 (NAD27)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>70\xc2\xb032\'28.23"</edomv>\n <edomvd>Longitude of groundwater collection site</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>70\xc2\xb032\'25.4"</edomv>\n <edomvd>Longitude of sediment collection site</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Easting_NAD83m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Easting, given in meters relative to the Massachusetts State Plane North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>279935.28</rdommin>\n <rdommax>279957.66</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.01</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Northing_NAD83m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Northing, given in meters relative to the Massachusetts State Plane North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>820928.17</rdommin>\n <rdommax>820952.29</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.01</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GW Depth_mbls</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Depth below land surface where groundwater was collected, in meters below land surface (mbls)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>22.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>22.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DistanceShore_m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Distance from lake shore of sediment collection, in meters</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>7.6</rdommin>\n <rdommax>7.6</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>LakeWaterDepth_cmalb</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Lake water depth at the sediment collection site, in centimeters above lake bottom (cmalb)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>49</rdommin>\n <rdommax>49</rdommax>\n <attrunit>centimeters</attrunit>\n <attrmres>1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sediment_Depth_top_cm</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Depth below the lake bottom of the top of the sediment core, in centimeters</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>5</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5</rdommax>\n <attrunit>centimeters</attrunit>\n <attrmres>1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sediment_Depth_bottom_cm</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Depth below the lake bottom of the bottom of the sediment core, in centimeters</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>30</rdommin>\n <rdommax>30</rdommax>\n <attrunit>centimeters</attrunit>\n <attrmres>1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sediment_Total %C</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percent total carbon of the &lt;2 mm size fraction sediment used for the experiment</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.07</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.07</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.01</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sediment_Total %N</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percent total nitrogen of the &lt;2 mm size fraction sediment used for the experiment</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>&lt;0.01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>&lt;0.01</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.01</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Temp_C</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Temperature, in degrees Celsius, of the groundwater.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>12.4</rdommin>\n <rdommax>12.4</rdommax>\n <attrunit>degrees Celsius</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SpC_\xc2\xb5S/cm</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Specific conductivity, in microSiemens per centimeter, of the groundwater.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>124</rdommin>\n <rdommax>124</rdommax>\n <attrunit>microsiemens per centimeter</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DO_\xc2\xb5M</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Dissolved oxygen concentration, in micromoles per liter, of the groundwater. Dissolved oxygen concentration, in micromoles per liter, of the groundwater.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.94</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.94</rdommax>\n <attrunit>micromoles per liter</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.01</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>pH</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>pH, in standard units, of the groundwater.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>6.15</rdommin>\n <rdommax>6.15</rdommax>\n <attrunit>standard units</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.01</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Chloride_\xc2\xb5M</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Dissolved chloride concentration, in micromoles per liter, of the groundwater.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>538</rdommin>\n <rdommax>538</rdommax>\n <attrunit>micromoles per liter</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Nitrate_\xc2\xb5M</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Dissolved nitrate concentration, in micromoles per liter, of the groundwater.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>&lt;1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>&lt;1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>micromoles per liter</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Phosphate_uM</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Dissolved phosphate concentration, in micromoles per liter, of the groundwater.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>23.7</rdommin>\n <rdommax>23.7</rdommax>\n <attrunit>micromoles per liter</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sulfate_\xc2\xb5M</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Dissolved sulfate concentration, in micromoles per liter, of the groundwater.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>89.7</rdommin>\n <rdommax>89.7</rdommax>\n <attrunit>micromoles per liter</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sodium_\xc2\xb5M</attrlabl>\n 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</attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>N2O-N_\xc2\xb5M</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Dissolved nitrous oxide concentration, in micromoles per liter, of the groundwater.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>&lt;0.01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>&lt;0.01</rdommax>\n <attrunit>micromoles per liter</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.01</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Ashumet Pond_data descriptions.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data descriptions.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Data File</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Data file contained by this data release.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Data file contained by this data release.</udom>\n 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Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The smallest interval measurable by the instrument.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Analytical Instrument</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The manufacturer and model name of the instrument used for analyses.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The manufacturer and model name of the instrument used for analyses.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Instrument details</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Details specific to the instrument and method used.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>N/A</edomv>\n <edomvd>not aaplicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n 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metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200925</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Deborah A Repert</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, WATER</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Microbiologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>3215 Marine St</address>\n <city>Boulder</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80303</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-541-3020</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>303-541-3084</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
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[Supporting data for two MWBMglacier applications to the Copper River basin in Alaska](/catalog/folder/5a4d485ae4b0d05ee8c4d179) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5a4d485ae4b0d05ee8c4d179) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5a4d485ae4b0d05ee8c4d179) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5a4d485ae4b0d05ee8c4d179?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2018-02-08 ## Citation Valentin, M., Viger, R.J., Van Beusekom, A.E., Hay, L., Hogue, T., 2018, Supporting data for two MWBMglacier applications to the Copper River basin in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary These data can be used to replicate the application of MWBMglacier as described in two journal articles: 1) Enhancement of a parsimonious water balance model to simulate surface hydrology in a glacierized watershed (in review), and 2) Hydrologic regime changes in a high-latitude glacierized watershed under future climate conditions (doi:10.3390/w10020128). These simulations provide results from historical and 12 future general circulation model scenarios for the period 1949-2099 to determine the potential effects of climate change on the hydrology and water quality of a snow-dominated mountainous environment. In addition to the inputs and outputs, this Data Release includes summaries of the input and output data in netCDF format. ## Summary These data can be used to replicate the application of MWBMglacier as described in two journal articles: 1) Enhancement of a parsimonious water balance model to simulate surface hydrology in a glacierized watershed (in review), and 2) Hydrologic regime changes in a high-latitude glacierized watershed under future climate conditions (doi:10.3390/w10020128). These simulations provide results from historical and 12 future general circulation model scenarios for the period 1949-2099 to determine the potential effects of climate change on the hydrology and water quality of a snow-dominated mountainous environment. In addition to the inputs and outputs, this Data Release includes summaries of the input and output data in netCDF format. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Roland J Viger](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=54961) Originator : [Melissa Valentin](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=69944), [Roland J Viger](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=54961), [Ashley E Van Beusekom](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ashley+E+Van+Beusekom), [Lauren E Hay](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4344), [Terri Hogue](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Terri+Hogue) Metadata Contact : [Roland J Viger](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=54961) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Land Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Land+Resources) SDC Data Owner : [Climate Adaptation Science Centers](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=59606) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5a4d485ae4b0d05ee8c4d179?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5a4d485ae4b0d05ee8c4d179?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5a4d485ae4b0d05ee8c4d179?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | MwbmGlacierApplicationCopper.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 15.44 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | | | 948.22 MB | application/zip | | readme\_netCDF.txt | | 3.82 KB | text/plain | | | | 947.01 MB | application/zip | | | | 946.42 MB | application/zip | | | | 944.41 MB | application/zip | | | | 953.51 MB | application/zip | | | | 946.77 MB | application/zip | | | | 950.01 MB | application/zip | | | | 958.82 MB | application/zip | | | | 961.27 MB | application/zip | | | | 960.86 MB | application/zip | | | | 1.06 GB | application/zip | | | | 1.06 GB | application/zip | | | | 1.08 GB | application/zip | | | | 604.85 MB | application/zip | | | | 1.13 GB | application/zip | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Valentin, M. M., Viger, R. J., Van Beusekom, A. E., Hay, L. E., Hogue, T. S., & Foks, N. L. (2018). Enhancement of a parsimonious water balance model to simulate surface hydrology in a glacierized watershed. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123. | []( "") | Type: Publication that references this resource | | | | --- | --- | | Valentin, M.M., Hogue, T.S., Hay, L.E. (2018), Hydrologic Regime Changes in a High-Latitude Glacierized Watershed under Future Climate Conditions. Water, 10, 128. | []( "") | ## Purpose Excluding this XML file, the file of inputs (, and the readme file (readme\_netCDF.txt), all others contain information pertaining to simulation using a different set of climate data. Each of these is a different forecast, except for All zip files contain notes on the simulation, as well as the files listed in the readme\_netCDF.txt file. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5a4d485ae4b0d05ee8c4d179) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5a4d485ae4b0d05ee8c4d179) ## Communities - National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers - Northwest CASC - USGS Data Release Products ## Associated Items - _product of_ [Understanding the Impacts of Glaciers on Streamflow in Alaska and Washington](/catalog/item/55e4d96be4b05561fa208585 "Understanding the Impacts of Glaciers on Streamflow in Alaska and Washington") - [View Associated Items](/catalog/itemLinks?itemId=5a4d485ae4b0d05ee8c4d179) ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [glaciology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dglaciology "glaciology (glaciology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [hydrology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhydrology "hydrology (hydrology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [mathematical modeling](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmathematical+modeling "mathematical modeling (mathematical modeling, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [snow and ice cover](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsnow+and+ice+cover "snow and ice cover (snow and ice cover, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Million Dollar Bridge](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMillion+Dollar+Bridge "Million Dollar Bridge (Million Dollar Bridge, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Climatology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DClimatology "Climatology (Climatology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Water Resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Resources "Water Resources (Water Resources, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") Organization - [Northwest CASC](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNorthwest+CASC "Northwest CASC (Northwest CASC, Organization,") Water, Coasts and Ice - [Glaciers and Permafrost](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGlaciers+and+Permafrost "Glaciers and Permafrost (Glaciers and Permafrost, Water, Coasts and Ice,") - [Rivers, Streams and Lakes](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DRivers%2C+Streams+and+Lakes "Rivers, Streams and Lakes (Rivers, Streams and Lakes, Water, Coasts and Ice,") Science Themes - [Water, Coasts and Ice](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater%2C+Coasts+and+Ice "Water, Coasts and Ice (Water, Coasts and Ice, Science Themes,") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7445KP4 | | USGS\_ScienceCenter | | National Research Program | | USGS\_MissionArea | | Water | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Melissa Valentin, Colorado School of Mines</origin>\n <origin>Roland J. Viger, USGS</origin>\n <origin>Ashley E. Van Beusekom, USGS</origin>\n <origin>Lauren Hay, USGS</origin>\n <origin>Terri Hogue, Colorado School of Mines</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Supporting data for two MWBMglacier applications to the Copper River basin in Alaska</title>\n <geoform>Directory that contains MWBMglacier model inputs, outputs, and evaluation targets in netCDF format</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Lakewood, Colorado</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Melissa Valentin, Colorado School of Mines</origin>\n <origin>Roland J. Viger, USGS</origin>\n <origin>Ashley E. Van Beusekom, USGS</origin>\n <origin>Lauren Hay, USGS</origin>\n <origin>Terri Hogue, Colorado School of Mines</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Enhancement of a parsimonious water balance model to simulate surface hydrology in a glacierized watershed</title>\n <geoform>Publication (Journal)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Washington, DC</pubplace>\n <publish>American Geophysical Union</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>These data can be used to replicate the application of MWBMglacier as described in two journal articles: 1) Enhancement of a parsimonious water balance model to simulate surface hydrology in a glacierized watershed (in review), and 2) Hydrologic regime changes in a high-latitude glacierized watershed under future climate conditions (doi:10.3390/w10020128).\nThese simulations provide results from historical and 12 future general circulation model scenarios for the period 1949-2099 to determine the potential effects of climate change on the hydrology and water quality of a snow-dominated mountainous environment. In addition to the inputs and outputs, this Data Release includes summaries of the input and output data in netCDF format.</abstract>\n <purpose>Excluding this XML file, the file of inputs (, and the readme file (readme_netCDF.txt), all others contain information pertaining to simulation using a different set of climate data. Each of these is a different forecast, except for All zip files contain notes on the simulation, as well as the files listed in the readme_netCDF.txt file.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19490101</begdate>\n <enddate>20991231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>Time period 1949-2099</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>As needed</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-147.83</westbc>\n <eastbc>-139.8</eastbc>\n <northbc>63.34</northbc>\n <southbc>60.54</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>hydrology</themekey>\n <themekey>mathematical modeling</themekey>\n <themekey>snow and ice cover</themekey>\n <themekey>glaciology</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5a4d485ae4b0d05ee8c4d179</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System</placekt>\n <placekey>Million Dollar Bridge</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None.</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Roland Viger</cntper>\n <cntorg>USGS</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>3215 Marine St, Ste E-127</address>\n <city>Boulder</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80303</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-541-3075</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64-bit</native>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Melissa Valentin, Colorado School of Mines</origin>\n <origin>Terri Hogue, Colorado School of Mines</origin>\n <origin>Lauren Hay, USGS</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Regime change in a high-latitude glacierized watershed under future climate conditions</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Basel, Switzerland</pubplace>\n <publish>MDPI AG</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning</origin>\n <pubdate>20160718</pubdate>\n <title>Climate data</title>\n <geoform>gridded data in netCDF format</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>University of Alaska Fairbanks</pubplace>\n <publish>Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Monthly gridded temperature and precipitation</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19490101</begdate>\n <enddate>20180103</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>2017</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Climate data</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Provided monthly climate variables to drive the model</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Nowacki, G. J.</origin>\n <pubdate>2003</pubdate>\n <title>Ecoregion delineation</title>\n <geoform>Shapefile</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>USA</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Geospatial data</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20030101</begdate>\n <enddate>20030102</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>2003</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Ecoregions</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Delineation of ecoregions within the study area</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Pastick, NJ et al.</origin>\n <pubdate>2015</pubdate>\n <title>Permafrost probability</title>\n <geoform>geospatial data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>URL:</pubplace>\n <publish>Remote Sensing of Environment</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Geospatial data</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20150101</begdate>\n <enddate>20150102</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>2015</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Permafrost probability</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Delineation of permafrost regions within the study area</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Pfeffer et al.</origin>\n <pubdate>2014</pubdate>\n <title>Randolph Glacier Inventory</title>\n <geoform>Geospatial data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace></pubplace>\n <publish>J. of Glaciology</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Geospatial data</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20140101</begdate>\n <enddate>20140102</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>2014</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>RGI</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Spatial extent of individual glaciers in the study area</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>University of Colorado GRACE Data Analysis Website</origin>\n <pubdate>20170521</pubdate>\n <title>GRACE data</title>\n <geoform>ASCII</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Colorado</pubplace>\n <publish>University of Colorado</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Tabulations of monthly change in total water sotrage</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20020101</begdate>\n <enddate>20161231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>2016</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>GRACE</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Monthly change in total water storage for comparison to simulated results</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>US Geological Survey</origin>\n <pubdate>20170608</pubdate>\n <title>Streamflow</title>\n <geoform>ASCII</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>USA</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Tabulated data of streamflow measurements</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19490101</begdate>\n <enddate>20161231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>2016</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Streamflow</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Comparison of observed streamflow to simulated streamflow for model evaluation</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Data from various sources were converted to ASCII text files for model input.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2016</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>Copper River watershed in Southcentral Alaska, defined by the outlet at Million Dollar Bridge, USGS gage number 05214000</indspref>\n <direct>Raster</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl></enttypl>\n <enttypd>Compressed file containing input for all model simulations</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Melissa Valentin</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Climate Data</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Folder containing text files containing monthly temperature and precipitation data to drive the model simulations</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined using climate data from Scenarios Network for Arctic and Alaska Planning (SNAP)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Monthly gridded temperature and precipitation data covering the study area</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Input_Exe_Future</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Data folder containing all input required to perform future model simulations</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Input data for future simulations</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Input_Exe_Historical</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Data folder containing all input required to perform historical model simulations</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Input data for historical simulations</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n <cntper>Roland Viger</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200814</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Roland Viger</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, WATER</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>3215 Marine St, Ste E-127</address>\n <city>Boulder</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80303</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-541-3075</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [Biogeographic Information System](/catalog/item/54540d80e4b0dc779374504a) 3. [Data Reference Library](/catalog/item/5644f3c1e4b0aafbcd0188f1) 4. [U.S. Geological Survey - Gap Analysis Project Species Range Maps CONUS\_2001](/catalog/item/5951527de4b062508e3b1e79) 5. [Agile Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys agilis) mAKRAx\_CONUS\_2001v1 Range Map](/catalog/folder/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd) - [JSON](/catalog/item/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2018-08-15Start Date2008End Date2013 ## Citation U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) - Gap Analysis Project (GAP), 2018, Agile Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys agilis) mAKRAx\_CONUS\_2001v1 Range Map: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This dataset represents a species known range extent for Agile Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys agilis) within the conterminous United States (CONUS) based on 2001 ground conditions. This range map was created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species' presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use. See Gap Analysis Project Species Range Maps for more information regarding data creation and user constraints. For species specific range information, see the attached Range data. ## Summary This dataset represents a species known range extent for Agile Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys agilis) within the conterminous United States (CONUS) based on 2001 ground conditions. This range map was created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species' presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use. See [Gap Analysis Project Species Range Maps]( for more information regarding data creation and user constraints. For species specific range information, see the attached Range data. ## Contacts Reviewer : [Jeff Lonneker](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Jeff+Lonneker) Editor : [Thomas Laxson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Thomas+Laxson) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | mAKRAx\_CONUS\_Range\_2001v1.xml<br>“Species Range Map Metadata”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 17.76 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | mAKRAx\_CONUS\_Range\<br>“Range Data Shapefile and CSV table” | | 183.81 KB | application/zip | ## Related External Resources Type: Web Link | | | | --- | --- | | Agile Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys agilis) mAKRAx\_CONUS\_2001v1 Habitat Map | []( "") | | Source data for strHUC12RNG in species range | []( "") | ## Purpose GAP range maps represent a coarse representation of the total areal extent of a species or the geographic limits within which a species can be found. The known range for a species can be used to constrain the boundaries of the species distribution model and in assessments of the conservation status and/or threats within the range of a species. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd) ## Spatial Services External WMS Service ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Types - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | GAP\_SpeciesCode |\_identifiers/GAP\_SpeciesCode | mAKRAx | | CommonName |\_identifiers/CommonName | Agile Kangaroo Rat | | ScientificName |\_identifiers/ScientificName | Dipodomys agilis | | doi | | doi:10.5066/F76W997Q | | itis\_tsn\_validMatch |\_identifiers/itis\_tsn\_validMatch | 180233 | | nsid\_acceptedMatch |\_identifiers/nsid\_acceptedMatch | 101563 | | iucn\_id\_verified |\_identifiers/iucn\_id\_verified | 6684 | ### OGC Web Service Extension | boundingBox | | minY | 32.52928054875328 | | minX | -120.72723959926796 | | maxY | 36.612070025914036 | | maxX | -115.76158188285068 | | | capabilitiesUrl |\_Range\_2001/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetCapabilities | | crs | EPSG:3857 | | layers | Agile Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys agilis) mAKRAx v1 | | serviceCapabilitiesUrl |\_Range\_2001/wms?SERVICE=WMS& | | serviceFeatureInfoUrl |\_Range\_2001/wms?SERVICE=WMS& | | serviceLegendUrl |\_Range\_2001/wms?SERVICE=WMS& | | serviceMapUrl |\_Range\_2001/wms?SERVICE=WMS& | | serviceVersion | 1.1.1 | | type | WMS | ... show more ... (Additional Information) ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey - Gap Analysis Project</origin>\n <pubdate>20180815</pubdate>\n <title>Agile Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys agilis) mAKRAx_CONUS_2001v1 Range Map</title>\n <geoform>maps and data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Boise, Idaho</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This dataset represents a species known range extent for Dipodomys agilis (Agile Kangaroo Rat). These range maps are created by attributing sub-watershed polygons with information of a species presence, origin, seasonal and reproductive use. This range map was used to generate this habitat map for this species, the range was edited by Thomas Laxson; and reviewed by Jeff Lonneker.</abstract>\n <purpose>GAP range maps represent a coarse representation of the total areal extent of a species or the geographic limits within which a species can be found. The known range for a species can be used to constrain the boundaries of the species distribution model and in assessments of the conservation status and/or threats within the range of a species.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>2008</begdate>\n <enddate>2013</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>In work</progress>\n <update>As needed</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>175.0</westbc>\n <eastbc>-64.0</eastbc>\n <northbc>72.0</northbc>\n <southbc>16.0</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>United States</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:59f5ec30e4b063d5d307e4dd</themekey>\n </theme>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>It is strongly recommended that these data are directly acquired from the U.S. Geological Survey and not indirectly through other sources, which may have modified the data in some way. It is also strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Dr. Alexa McKerrow</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey/Core Science Analytics, Synthesis, and Libraries</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>North Carolina State University, Campus Box 7617</address>\n <city>Raleigh</city>\n <state>NC</state>\n <postal>27695-7617</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>571-218-5474</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Vector</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <mapproj>\n <mapprojn>Albers Conical Equal Area</mapprojn>\n <albers>\n <stdparll>29.5</stdparll>\n <stdparll>45.5</stdparll>\n <longcm>-96.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>23.0</latprjo>\n <feast>0.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </albers>\n </mapproj>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>1.0</absres>\n <ordres>1.0</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>METERS</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>North American Datum of 1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>Geodetic Reference System 80</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257222</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>U_S_Geological_Survey_Gap_Analysis_Project_Species_List_Ranges.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>This table represents the list of species for which the GAP Project has developed ranges in this collection.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GAP_Code</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>A six digit alphabetic code representing the class (a=amphibian, r=reptile, m=mammal, b=bird) followed by 4 letters representing genus and species, followed by an x indicating the range represents the area of occupancy for the full species.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>A six digit alphabetic code representing the class (a=amphibian, r=reptile, m=mammal, b=bird) followed by 4 letters representing genus and species, followed by an x indicating the range represents the area of occupancy for the full species. For example for the Snow Goose the code = bSNGOx.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>common_name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Represents the common species name for the vertebrates for which ranges have been produced.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Colloquial name used for the species. For example "Arroyo Toad" is the common name for the species Anaxyrus californicus.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>scientific_name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The genus, species, and in some cases subspecies for the vertebrates for which ranges have been developed.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Species scientific names were assigned based on the taxonomic concept being modeled by the GAP Project after looking at the taxonomic authorities and the recent literature.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>publication_date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Year</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Content STandard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2010</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2017</rdommax>\n <attrunit>year</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>citation</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Recommended citation for an individual species range from this data collection.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>A customized citation based on the publication date and the individual species. For example : U.S. Geological Survey - Gap Analysis Project, 2017, Black-bellied Slender Salamander (Batrachoseps nigriventris) Range Map.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>TSN_code</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Taxonomic Serial Number specific to the species concept for which the range was developed.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Integrated Taxonomic Information System</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>ITIS</codesetn>\n <codesets></codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>National_GAP_Reptiles_Range_Table.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>This table when linked to the USGS National Gap Analysis Project Additional Data \xe2\x80\x93 Hydrologic Unit Codes [HUCs] dataset can be used to produce ranges for reptiles.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined.</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>strUC</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Species code for the reptiles for which ranges were developed.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>A six digit alphabetic code representing the class (a=amphibian, r=reptile, m=mammal, b=bird) followed by 4 letters representing genus and species, followed by an x indicating the range represents the area of occupancy for the full species. For example for the Snow Goose the code = bSNGOx.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>strHUC12RNG</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Numeric code representing the individual polygons in the USGS National Gap Analysis Project Additional Data \xe2\x80\x93 Hydrologic Unit Codes [HUCs] dataset.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>This is a twelve digit code related to the modified Hydrologic Unit dataset used to create the ranges.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>intGAPOrigin</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Identifies the origin of the species at that specific location.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Native</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Introduced</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>3</edomv>\n <edomvd>Either introduced or native</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>4</edomv>\n <edomvd>Reintroduced</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>5</edomv>\n <edomvd>Either introduced or native</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>6</edomv>\n <edomvd>Vagrant</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>7</edomv>\n <edomvd>Unknown</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ingGapPres</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Code that identifies the status of a species presence in the range polygon.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Known/extant</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Possibly present</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>3</edomv>\n <edomvd>Potential for presence</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>4</edomv>\n <edomvd>Extirpated/ historical presence</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>5</edomv>\n <edomvd>Extirpated purposely (applied to introduced species only)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>6</edomv>\n <edomvd>Occurs on indicated island chain</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>7</edomv>\n <edomvd>Unknown</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>intGapRepro</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Code that indicates the reproductive use by the species in the range polygon.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Breeding</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Nonbreeding</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>3</edomv>\n <edomvd>Both breeding and nonbreeding</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>7</edomv>\n <edomvd>Unknown</edomvd>\n <edomvds>User defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>intGapSeas</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Code indicating the seasonal use of the range polygon by the species.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Year round</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Migratory</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>3</edomv>\n <edomvd>Winter</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>4</edomv>\n <edomvd>Summer</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>5</edomv>\n <edomvd>Passage migrant or wanderer</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>6</edomv>\n <edomvd>Seasonal permanence uncertain</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>7</edomv>\n <edomvd>Unknown</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>8</edomv>\n <edomvd>Vagrant</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>ScienceBase Data Release Team</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>ZIP</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n <techpreq>Users must be able to join attribute information from a CSV file to a shapefile and query an extensive attribute file to get the mapped range for an individual species. The individual species ranges are provided as unique ScienceBase items as well.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <lineage>\n <method>\n <methtype>Lab</methtype>\n <methdesc>In the shapefile provided here, the known range information is delineated by modified sub-watershed polygons represented in USGS Gap Analysis Hydrologic Unit Codes (DOI \nEach sub-watershed (n=82,717) contains information on a species origin, presence, reproductive status, and seasonal use. Seasonal known range extents used to constrain predictive habitat maps ( are derived for each species by excluding historic presence records and dissolving sub-watershed boundaries based on seasonal use (summer, winter, and year-round).</methdesc>\n </method>\n </lineage>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20210407</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - Science Analytics and Synthesis - GAP</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, West 6th Avenue Kipling, Bldg. 810, MS 302</address>\n <city>Lakewood</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)](/catalog/item/50a67f68e4b0d446a665cb1e) 3. [Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center Data](/catalog/item/53c69c51e4b0001bd5147809) 4. [Laurentian Great Lakes](/catalog/item/5fc65ecad34e4b9faad88e6e) 5. [GLRI: Characterizing Habitat and Food Web Structures Across Great Lakes Rivermouth Estuaries](/catalog/item/5fbd36c3d34eb413d5e2a3ea) 6. [Spatial Variation in Biofouling of a Unionid Mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) Across the Western Basin of Lake Erie Data](/catalog/folder/55f02a2ee4b0dacf699ea024) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/55f02a2ee4b0dacf699ea024) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/55f02a2ee4b0dacf699ea024) - [JSON](/catalog/item/55f02a2ee4b0dacf699ea024?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2015-09-09Start Date2015-06-02End Date2015-08-27 ## Citation Larson, J.H., 2015, Spatial Variation in Biofouling of a Unionid Mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) Across the Western Basin of Lake Erie Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Invasion of North American waters by Dreissena polymorpha and D. rostriformis bugensis has resulted in declines in native North American Unionoida mussels. Dreissenid mussels biofoul unionid mussels in large numbers and interfere with unionid movement, acquisition of food and ability to open and close their shells. Initial expectations for the Great Lakes were that unionids would be extirpated where they co-occur with dreissenids, but recently adult and juvenile unionids have been found alive in several apparent refugia. These unionid populations may persist due to reduced dreissenid biofouling in these areas, and/or due to processes that remove biofoulers. For example, locations inaccessible to veligers may reduce biofouling and habitats \[...\] ## Summary Invasion of North American waters by Dreissena polymorpha and D. rostriformis bugensis has resulted in declines in native North American Unionoida mussels. Dreissenid mussels biofoul unionid mussels in large numbers and interfere with unionid movement, acquisition of food and ability to open and close their shells. Initial expectations for the Great Lakes were that unionids would be extirpated where they co-occur with dreissenids, but recently adult and juvenile unionids have been found alive in several apparent refugia. These unionid populations may persist due to reduced dreissenid biofouling in these areas, and/or due to processes that remove biofoulers. For example, locations inaccessible to veligers may reduce biofouling and habitats with soft substrates may allow unionids to burrow and thus remove dreissenids. Here, biofouling was measured by deploying caged unionid mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea) at 36 sites across the western basin of Lake Erie to assess spatial variation in biofouling and to identify other areas that might promote the persistence or recovery of native unionid mussels. Biofouling ranged from 0.03 – 26.33 g per mussel, reached a maximum in the immediate vicinity of the Maumee rivermouth, and appeared to primarily consist of dreissenid mussels. A known mussel refugium in the vicinity of a power plant near the Maumee rivermouth actually exhibited very high biofouling rates, suggesting low dreissenid colonization is unlikely to be the primary cause of unionid survival in this refugium. The southern nearshore area of Lake Erie, near another refugium, also had very low biofouling. A large stretch of the western basin appeared to have low biofouling rates and muddy substrates, raising the possibility that these open water areas could support remnant and returning populations of unionid mussels. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [James H Larson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=23316) Metadata Contact : [James H Larson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=23316) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17261) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/55f02a2ee4b0dacf699ea024?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/55f02a2ee4b0dacf699ea024?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/55f02a2ee4b0dacf699ea024?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Biofouling Metadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 39.91 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | biofouling.csv | | 7.02 KB | text/csv | | BiofoulingHD Data.csv | | 2.1 KB | text/csv | | HesterDendy Data.csv | | 13.4 KB | text/csv | ## Purpose Collected as part of study on ecological process across the western basin of Lake Erie. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/55f02a2ee4b0dacf699ea024) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/55f02a2ee4b0dacf699ea024) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ## Communities - Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [Ecological process monitoring](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEcological+process+monitoring "Ecological process monitoring (Ecological process monitoring, Theme, None)") - [biofouling](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiofouling "biofouling (biofouling, Theme, None)") Place - [Lake Erie](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLake+Erie "Lake Erie (Lake Erie, Place, GNIS)") - [Ohio](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DOhio "Ohio (Ohio, Place, GNIS)") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [OGC WMS Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Service "OGC WMS Service") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7V9864S | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>James H Larson</origin>\n <pubdate>20150909</pubdate>\n <title>Spatial Variation in Biofouling of a Unionid Mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) Across the Western Basin of Lake Erie Data</title>\n <geoform>Tabular Digital Data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>J.H. Larson</origin>\n <origin>M.A. Evans</origin>\n <origin>W.B. Richardson</origin>\n <origin>J.S. Schaeffer</origin>\n <origin>J.C. Nelson</origin>\n <title>Spatial Variation in Biofouling of a Unionid Mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) Across the Western Basin of Lake Erie</title>\n <geoform>Publication (Journal)</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>American Midland Naturalist.</sername>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>American Midland Naturalist.</pubplace>\n <publish>American Midland Naturalist.</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Invasion of North American waters by Dreissena polymorpha and\nD. rostriformis bugensis has resulted in declines in native North\nAmerican Unionoida mussels. Dreissenid mussels biofoul unionid\nmussels in large numbers and interfere with unionid movement,\nacquisition of food and ability to open and close their shells.\nInitial expectations for the Great Lakes were that unionids would be\nextirpated where they co-occur with dreissenids, but recently adult\nand juvenile unionids have been found alive in several apparent\nrefugia. These unionid populations may persist due to reduced\ndreissenid biofouling in these areas, and/or due to processes that\nremove biofoulers. For example, locations inaccessible to veligers\nmay reduce biofouling and habitats with soft substrates may allow\nunionids to burrow and thus remove dreissenids. Here, biofouling was\nmeasured by deploying caged unionid mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea) at\n36 sites across the western basin of Lake Erie to assess spatial\nvariation in biofouling and to identify other areas that might promote\nthe persistence or recovery of native unionid mussels. Biofouling\nranged from 0.03 \xe2\x80\x93 26.33 g per mussel, reached a maximum in the\nimmediate vicinity of the Maumee rivermouth, and appeared to primarily\nconsist of dreissenid mussels. A known mussel refugium in the\nvicinity of a power plant near the Maumee rivermouth actually\nexhibited very high biofouling rates, suggesting low dreissenid\ncolonization is unlikely to be the primary cause of unionid survival\nin this refugium. The southern nearshore area of Lake Erie, near\nanother refugium, also had very low biofouling. A large stretch of the\nwestern basin appeared to have low biofouling rates and muddy\nsubstrates, raising the possibility that these open water areas could\nsupport remnant and returning populations of unionid mussels.</abstract>\n <purpose>Collected as part of study on ecological process across the western basin of Lake Erie.</purpose>\n <supplinf>GPS coordinates for each site included in data.</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20150602</begdate>\n <enddate>20140827</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>observed</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>Ecological process monitoring</themekey>\n <themekey>biofouling</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:55f02a2ee4b0dacf699ea024</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>GNIS</placekt>\n <placekey>Ohio</placekey>\n <placekey>Lake Erie</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see \'Distribution Info\' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users are advised to read the data set\'s metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Midwest Region</cntorg>\n <cntper>James H Larson</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntpos>Research Fishery Biologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>2630 Fanta Reed Road</address>\n <city>La Crosse</city>\n <state>WI</state>\n <postal>54603</postal>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>608-781-6231</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Mary Anne Evans, USGS, GLSC, 1451 Green Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105</datacred>\n <native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS 10.2.2 (Build 3552) Service Pack N/A (Build N/A)</native>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <common>Animal</common>\n <common>animaux</common>\n <common>animals</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Radiata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Porifera</taxonrv>\n <common>sponges</common>\n <common>\xc3\xa9ponges</common>\n <common>esponja</common>\n <common>porifero</common>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cnidaria</taxonrv>\n <common>cnidarians</common>\n <common>coelenterates</common>\n <common>cnidaires</common>\n <common>coelent\xc3\xa9r\xc3\xa9s</common>\n <common>\xc3\xa1gua viva</common>\n <common>an\xc3\xaamona</common>\n <common>caravela</common>\n <common>cnidario</common>\n <common>coral</common>\n <common>hidra</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Medusozoa</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Hydrozoa</taxonrv>\n <common>hydralike animals</common>\n <common>hydroids</common>\n <common>hydrozoans</common>\n <common>hydraires</common>\n <common>hydrozoaires</common>\n <common>\xc3\xa1gua viva</common>\n <common>hidra</common>\n <common>hidrozoa</common>\n <common>hidrozo\xc3\xa1rio</common>\n <common>p\xc3\xb3lipo</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Hydroidolina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Anthoathecatae</taxonrv>\n <common>athecate hydroids</common>\n <common>hydromedusae</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Filifera</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Oceanidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Cordylophora</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Capitata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Hydridae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Hydra</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Protostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Ecdysozoa</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Arthropoda</taxonrv>\n <common>Artr\xc3\xb3pode</common>\n <common>arthropodes</common>\n <common>arthropods</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Hexapoda</taxonrv>\n <common>hexapods</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Insecta</taxonrv>\n <common>insects</common>\n <common>hexapoda</common>\n <common>inseto</common>\n <common>insectes</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Pterygota</taxonrv>\n <common>insects ail\xc3\xa9s</common>\n <common>winged insects</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Neoptera</taxonrv>\n <common>modern, wing-folding insects</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Holometabola</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Trichoptera</taxonrv>\n <common>caddisflies</common>\n <common>tric\xc3\xb3ptero</common>\n <common>phryganes</common>\n <common>porte-bois</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Crustacea</taxonrv>\n <common>crustac\xc3\xa9s</common>\n <common>crust\xc3\xa1ceo</common>\n <common>crustaceans</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Malacostraca</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Eumalacostraca</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Peracarida</taxonrv>\n <common>barata da praia</common>\n <common>pulga da praia</common>\n <common>tatuzinho de jardim</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Amphipoda</taxonrv>\n <common>amphipods</common>\n <common>amphipodes</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gammaridea</taxonrv>\n <common>gammarid amphipods</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gammaridae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gammarus</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Platyzoa</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Platyhelminthes</taxonrv>\n <common>flatworms</common>\n <common>plathelminthes</common>\n <common>platodes</common>\n <common>platelminte</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Catenulida</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Rhabditophora</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Xenacoelomorpha</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acoelomorpha</taxonrv>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Used several keys/guides for taxonomic data. Regularly checked mass accuracy on scales.</logic>\n <complete>No exclusions. Our numbering included many more sites than were actually sampled.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>GPS coordinates were taken at the moment the cage was dropped over the side of the boat, and then at the moment the 2nd anchor was dropped over the side of the boat. There\xe2\x80\x99s no way to take multiple measurements, because after the anchors are dropped, the cages are not visible. There\xe2\x80\x99s not an obvious error rate displayed on the GPS system on the boats that I am aware of (we use the GPS from the nav system of the boats for the most part).</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>A scientific collection permit by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (15-174) was obtained for activities in this study. Lampsilis siliquoidea used in this study were age-1, and were obtained from Missouri State\xe2\x80\x99s Mussel Culture Lab (Prof. Chris Barnhart). .</procdesc>\n <procdate>Unknown</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The source of gravid females for culture was the Silver Fork of Perche Creek (MO) and the glochidial host fish was Micropterus salmoides. Prior to use in this study, mussels were depurated for 2 weeks in synthetic freshwater and visually inspected for any form of illness. Individuals used in this study were juveniles that showed no obvious signs of sexual development by the end of the experiment.</procdesc>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Movement of individuals across natural boundaries has the potential to influence the genetic structure of resident populations (Jones et al. 2006), and the possibility exists that lost individuals from our study might survive and interbreed with resident individuals. However, Krebs et al. (2013) found that populations of L. siliquoidea from Lake Erie, the Mississippi and Ohio River basins have \xe2\x80\x9cvery few genetic differences,\xe2\x80\x9d probably owing to continued gene flow between these populations after their initial post-glacial colonization of the Great Lakes. Furthermore, it is unclear that a reproducing resident population exists at this time in Lake Erie. In the previously referenced studies on mussel refugia in Lake Erie, Bryan et al. ( 2013) found a single immature individual and Crail et al. (2011) found one location with live individuals (no mention of how many), suggesting resident populations are exceedingly rare within Lake Erie itself.</procdesc>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Mussels used in this study were randomly assigned to cages. Three individually marked mussels were placed in each cage. Marking was done using an electric grinding tool.</procdesc>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Mussel cages were made using plastic-coated mesh with diamond-shaped openings with a maximum width of 1.4 centimeters. The mesh was wrapped into a cylindrical shape around two PVC drain caps and tightened with stainless steel hose clamps to form the mussel cage. These cages were then affixed to a rope connecting a cement block to a submerged buoy. The buoy was suspended approximately 1 m off the sediment, and the cages were usually suspended about half-way between buoy and the cement block (~13 kg). The first cement block was connected to a second cement block to form a dual anchoring system to facilitate surface retrieval.</procdesc>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Mussel cages were made using plastic-coated mesh with diamond-shaped openings with a maximum width of 1.4 centimeters. The mesh was wrapped into a cylindrical shape around two PVC drain caps and tightened with stainless steel hose clamps to form the mussel cage. These cages were then affixed to a rope connecting a cement block to a submerged buoy. The buoy was suspended approximately 1 m off the sediment, and the cages were usually suspended about half-way between buoy and the cement block (~13 kg). The first cement block was connected to a second cement block to form a dual anchoring system to facilitate surface retrieval.</procdesc>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Biofouling rate was determined by measuring (to the nearest 0.01 g) wet-weight of unionid mussels before and after removal of biofouling organisms. Biofouling was removed by hand scrubbing, but in some cases traces of byssal threads could not be completely removed. Wet-weight was taken after surface blotting (both before and after removal of biofouling). Weights were taken to the nearest 0.01 g on a balance (OHous CT-200-5) with daily calibration checks. \nAt each site we attached a modified Hester-Dendy sampler (Hester and Dendy 1962) to the rope directly beneath the unionid cage and above the cement block to measure biota colonizing that site (the base of the Hester-Dendy sampler was &lt;30 cm from the bottom of the unionid cage). These samplers had 14 round plates consisting of 8 single spaces (3.2 mm), 1 double space (6.4 mm), 2 triple spaces (9.6 mm), and 2 quadruple spaces (12.8 mm). Total surface area was approximately 1300 cm2 in each sampler. Immediately upon retrieval of the cage/block/sampler assembly, samplers were cut free of the rope and placed into 2-L jars of 95% ethanol for preservation and returned to the lab. Samplers were disassembled and all biota were carefully scraped off the samplers into individually labeled storage containers. Each sampler was subsetted using a Folsom splitter (McEwen et al. 1954) and individuals were identified into large taxonomic groups. Each taxa was then dried for &gt;24 h at 60\xc2\xb0 C and weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g on a balance (Mettler-AT200) with daily calibration checks.</procdesc>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Statistics were used to describe spatial variation in biofouling and correlation between different ways of measuring biofouling and Hester-Dendy colonization. Descriptive site statistics were calculated from taking the mean and 95% credible intervals of all 3 mussels in each cage. These descriptive statistics were calculated in R (Version 3.1.0; R Development Core Team 2014) following the methods of McCarthy (2007) using the BRugs package (Thomas et al. 2006). Unionid biofouling was calculated both as a total mass and as the mass as a percentage of unionid mass (because bigger mussels could presumably accumulate more biofouling organisms). Correlations between these different estimates of biofouling were estimated using the Bayesian First Aid package (B\xc3\xa5\xc3\xa5th 2014). Correlations between biofouling and the mass of dreissenids colonizing the Hester Dendy samplers were done using the same method. All data was log-transformed prior to performing correlations</procdesc>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Biofouling maps were generated by interpolating values between points in ArcMap 10.2 (ESRI 2011) using the spatial analyst tool \xe2\x80\x9cSpline with barriers\xe2\x80\x9d. In this case, the barrier was a boundary of the western basin of Lake Erie created using the shoreline of the lake and extended up the Maumee rivermouth channel to encompass all cage sites. The boundary did not extend beyond the area sampled. Substrate types for Lake Erie were obtained from the Institute for Fisheries Research (Lake Erie Habitat Task Group 2013; via Lacey Mason).</procdesc>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>A)\tExample of correlations:\nlibrary("plyr") #Package useful for manipulating data\nlibrary("BayesianFirstAid")#Package for running simple Bayesian correlations\n#Getting the data, this corresponds to a spreadsheet in the raw data\nBiofoulingbySitewithHD &lt;- read.csv("~/USGS Science/Biofouling on native mussels/Analysis/BiofoulingbySitewithHD.csv")\n#Building the correlation (may take a few minutes)\nCor.BiofoulingTotalHDPer&lt;-bayes.cor.test(log(BiofoulingbySitewithHD$Biofouling),log(BiofoulingbySitewithHD$TotalMass))\nCor.BiofoulingTotalHDRaw&lt;-bayes.cor.test(log(BiofoulingbySitewithHD$BiofoulingRaw),log(BiofoulingbySitewithHD$TotalMass))\nCor.BiofoulingPer&lt;-bayes.cor.test(log(BiofoulingbySitewithHD$Biofouling),log(BiofoulingbySitewithHD$DM+1))\nCor.BiofoulingRaw&lt;-bayes.cor.test(log(BiofoulingbySitewithHD$BiofoulingRaw),log(BiofoulingbySitewithHD$DM+1))\n#Examing the results of the data\nCor.BiofoulingPer\nCor.BiofoulingRaw\nCor.BiofoulingTotalHDPer\nCor.BiofoulingTotalHDRaw</procdesc>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>B)\t Means by site:\nlibrary("plyr") #Package useful for manipulating data\nlibrary("BRugs") ## This the R package that allows R to communicate with OpenBUGS\n#Corresponds to a spreadsheet in data appendix\nBiofoulingdata &lt;- read.csv("~/USGS Science/Biofouling on native mussels/Analysis/Biofoulingdata.csv")\nBiofoulingdata$PercentBiofouling &lt;- ((Biofoulingdata$MasswithZebs-Biofoulingdata$MasswithoutZebs)/Biofoulingdata$MasswithoutZebs)*100\nBiofoulingdata$BiofoulingRaw &lt;- Biofoulingdata$MasswithZebs-Biofoulingdata$MasswithoutZebs\nBiofoulingbySite &lt;- ddply(Biofoulingdata,.(SiteNumber),summarize,Biofouling=mean(PercentBiofouling,na.rm=TRUE))\nRawBiofoulingbySite &lt;- ddply(Biofoulingdata,.(SiteNumber),summarize,BiofoulingRaw=mean(BiofoulingRaw,na.rm=TRUE))\nBiofoulingbySite &lt;-merge(BiofoulingbySite,MassGrowthbySite,by= "SiteNumber")\nBiofoulingbySite &lt;-merge(BiofoulingbySite,VolGrowthbySite,by= "SiteNumber")\nBiofoulingbySite &lt;-merge(BiofoulingbySite,RawBiofoulingbySite,by= "SiteNumber")\nLocationData &lt;- read.csv("~/USGS Science/Biofouling on native mussels/Analysis/LocationData.csv")\n#This is a table with the location data.\ncolnames(LocationData) &lt;-c("SiteNumber","Lat","Long","Depth")\nBiofoulingbySite &lt;-merge(BiofoulingbySite,LocationData,by= "SiteNumber")\nwrite.csv(BiofoulingbySite,"~/USGS Science/Biofouling on native mussels/Analysis/BiofoulingbySite.csv")\n#HD data was added later via copy-paste in excel, but raw HD data is presented to\n# confirm that transfer was accurate.</procdesc>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Biofouling Attribute Table</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Table containing attribute information associated with the data set.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CageClosedDate</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date the mussels were placed in cages prior to deployment</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>20140602</rdommin>\n <rdommax>20140603</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DeployDate</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date the mussels were deployed</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>20140602</rdommin>\n <rdommax>20140605</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DeployTime</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Time of deployment</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>10:35:00 AM</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5:13:00 PM</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SiteNumber</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Site number</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>64</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CageNumber</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Cage number (cages were randomly assigned to sites)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>42</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MusselNumber</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mussel number</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>UniqueIdentifier</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Symbol marked on mussel to identify</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1 dot</edomv>\n <edomvd>Unknown</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2 dots</edomv>\n <edomvd>Unknown</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Blank</edomv>\n <edomvd>Unknown</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RetrievalDate</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date of retrieval</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>20140825</rdommin>\n <rdommax>20140911</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RetrievalTime</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Time of retrieval</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>10:20:00 AM</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3:20:00 PM</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MasswithBiofouling</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Wet mass with biofouling organisms</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NA</edomv>\n <edomvd>Not measured</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.91</rdommin>\n <rdommax>41.92</rdommax>\n <attrunit>g</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MasswithoutBiofouling</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Wet mass without biofouling organisms</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.88</rdommin>\n <rdommax>18.53</rdommax>\n <attrunit>g</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Biofouling HD Attribute Table</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Table containing attribute information associated with the data set.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SiteNumber</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Site number</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>64</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Biofouling_Percent</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Biofouling as a percent of the unionid body mass</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3.1457</rdommin>\n <rdommax>182.7025</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent of the unionid body mass</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Biofouling_g</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Biofouling of the unionid</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>15.94</rdommax>\n <attrunit>g</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Lat</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Lattitude</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>41.5256</rdommin>\n <rdommax>41.9877</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Long</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Longitude</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-83.5783</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-82.8872</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Depth</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Approximate depth at the point of cage deployment (measured using on-board depth sensor)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>10</rdommax>\n <attrunit>m</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>DreissenidMass_g</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Dreissenid mass from the Hester-Dendy samplers</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>163.3808</rdommax>\n <attrunit>g</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n 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This includes animals that occurred in low numbers as well as unidentifiable animals (due to damage). Most of these animals were identified to some taxonomic level, but were just not weighed (the IDs are recorded on lab sheets).</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>F1st12hrsdryingwithpan_g</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mass of the pan with sample after 12 hrs drying</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.1409</rdommin>\n <rdommax>6.2515</rdommax>\n <attrunit>g</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>F2nd12hrsdryingwithpan_g</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Mass of the pan with sample after a second 12 hr drying time</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.1409</rdommin>\n <rdommax>6.2516</rdommax>\n <attrunit>g</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>mean_dry</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The mean dry mass of the sample minus the pan mass</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0001</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5.1057</rdommax>\n <attrunit>g</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <overview>\n <eaover>The entity and attribute information provided here describes the tabular data associated with the data set. Please review the detailed descriptions that are provided (the individual attribute descriptions) for information on the values that appear as fields/table entries of the data set.</eaover>\n <eadetcit>The entity and attribute information was generated by the individual and/or agency identified as the originator of the data set. Please review the rest of the metadata record for additional details and information.</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Tabular Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n </digform>\n <fees>None. 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Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Mineralogy, chemistry and isotope composition of silica sinter deposits from the Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park (ver. 2.0, April 2021)](/catalog/folder/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-05-27Time Period2018-04-13Time Period2018-04-14Time Period2018-04-15Time Period2018-04-16Time Period2018-04-17Time Period2018-04-18Time Period2018-11-07Last Revision2021-04-29 ## Citation Churchill, D.M., Peek, S.E., Hurwitz, S., Manga, M., Damby, D.E., Conrey, R., Paces, J.B., and Licciardi, J.M., 2021, Mineralogy, chemistry and isotope composition of silica sinter deposits from the Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park (ver. 2.0, April 2021): U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Summary: Siliceous sinter samples were collected from multiple geysers in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park in 2018. These silica sinter samples were collected and analyzed as a part of a multi-year research investigation into the age and geochemistry of hydrothermal features in the Upper Geyser Basin. Samples were collected along the stratigraphy of each feature. From these samples, we report 10Be, U-series, and 14C ages. Samples collected from Giant and Castle Geyser were further analyzed for their mineralogy, major and trace element concentrations, water content, and rare earth elements. This research was conducted under Yellowstone Research Permit YELL-2018-SCI-8030 and YELL-2018-SCI-5910. Sample Collection: \[...\] ## Summary **Summary:** Siliceous sinter samples were collected from multiple geysers in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park in 2018. These silica sinter samples were collected and analyzed as a part of a multi-year research investigation into the age and geochemistry of hydrothermal features in the Upper Geyser Basin. Samples were collected along the stratigraphy of each feature. From these samples, we report 10Be, U-series, and 14C ages. Samples collected from Giant and Castle Geyser were further analyzed for their mineralogy, major and trace element concentrations, water content, and rare earth elements. This research was conducted under Yellowstone Research Permit YELL-2018-SCI-8030 and YELL-2018-SCI-5910. **Sample Collection:** Sinter samples were collected from the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park in April 2018, November 2018, and April 2019. Forty-eight samples of silica sinter were collected from 10 different hydrothermal features. At each geyser the best-exposed stratigraphy was identified and fist-sized samples were collected at approximately 1 meter intervals from the shield to the cone; samples were numbered sequentially. Geographic coordinates (WGS84, UTM Zone 12N) of each sample site were obtained using a handheld GPS and all sites were photographed. Including duplicates, we report 46 total ages using carbon-14, beryllium-10, and uranium-thorium series dating methods. Fifteen of the samples were collected from Giant (UGB-TD-24 through 29) and Castle (UGB-TD-30 through 39, excluding UGB-TD-38) Geysers. These samples were further analyzed using X-ray fluorescence, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. **Database Contents:** The data file (Sample\_Information\_Supplementary.csv) contains the sample ID, date collected, and sample location for each sample analyzed as a part of this study. The entries in the data file appear in the following columns: A. Sample ID B. Location C. Date Collected D. Easting (WGS84, UTM Zone 12N) E. Northing (WGS84, UTM Zone 12N) ## Child Items [(8)](/catalog/items?parentId=5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e) - [View children in Folder](/catalog/folder/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e) - [Search children](/catalog/items?parentId=5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e) - [a. Carbon Isotope Data](/catalog/item/5e87b7ef82cee42d1341f2eb "a. Carbon Isotope Data") - [b. Uranium and Thorium Isotope Data](/catalog/item/5e87b6fe82cee42d1341f2e8 "b. Uranium and Thorium Isotope Data") - [c. Beryllium Isotope Data](/catalog/item/5e87b69782cee42d1341f2e5 "c. Beryllium Isotope Data") - [d. X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Data](/catalog/item/5e86890b82cee42d133fa7a0 "d. X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Data") - [e. Laser Ablation Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) Data](/catalog/item/5e8688cf82cee42d133fa79e "e. Laser Ablation Inductively-Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) Data") - [f. Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) Data](/catalog/item/5e909bda82ce172707ec7b89 "f. Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) Data") - [g. X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) Data](/catalog/item/5e862b49e4b01d50927fb77e "g. X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRPD) Data") - [h. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Data](/catalog/item/5e87a16e82cee42d1341f24e "h. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Data") ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Sara E Peek](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=62317) Originator : [Dakota M Churchill](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=78454), [Sara E Peek](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=62317), [Shaul Hurwitz](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4861), [Michael Manga](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Michael+Manga), [David E Damby](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=71405), [Richard Conrey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Richard+Conrey), [James B Paces](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=7802), [Joseph Licciardi](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Joseph+Licciardi) Metadata Contact : [Sara E Peek](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=62317) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) SDC Data Owner : [Volcano Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17471) USGS Mission Area : [Natural Hazards](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Natural+Hazards) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Sample\_Information\_Metadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 11.46 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Sample\_Information\_Supplementary.csv | | 2.92 KB | text/csv | | record\_of\_changes\_in\_ver\_2\_April2021.txt | | 490 Bytes | text/plain | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | Locations\_Samples.cpg | | 5 Bytes | | Locations\_Samples.dbf | | 9.89 KB | | Locations\_Samples.prj | | 143 Bytes | | Locations\_Samples.qpj | | 257 Bytes | | Locations\_Samples.shp | | 1 KB | | Locations\_Samples.shx | | 364 Bytes | Shapefile: Locations\ ## Purpose The purpose of this dataset is to provide sample collection data for the silica sinter samples collected from geysers located in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ScienceBase WFS ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") - [Data Release - Revised](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData+Release+-+Revised "Data Release - Revised") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [Yellowstone National Park](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DYellowstone+National+Park "Yellowstone National Park (Yellowstone National Park, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [geysers](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgeysers "geysers (geysers, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Upper Geyser Basin](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUpper+Geyser+Basin "Upper Geyser Basin (Upper Geyser Basin, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Yellowstone National Park](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DYellowstone+National+Park "Yellowstone National Park (Yellowstone National Park, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Geochemistry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeochemistry "Geochemistry (Geochemistry, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Mineral Resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMineral+Resources "Mineral Resources (Mineral Resources, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Volcanology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DVolcanology "Volcanology (Volcanology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") Types - [Downloadable](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DDownloadable "Downloadable") - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [OGC WMS Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Service "OGC WMS Service") - [Shapefile](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DShapefile "Shapefile") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P90SU3TV | ### Shapefile Extension | boundingBox | | minY | 44.46132 | | minX | -110.848681 | | maxY | 44.478518 | | maxX | -110.824214 | | | files | | name | Locations\_Samples.cpg | | contentType | text/plain | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_ff/a7/39/ffa7398340d5994bfa946fd5aff129ad1f91a3f1 | | imageWidth | 580 | | imageHeight | 435 | | size | 5 | | dateUploaded | Tue Apr 14 21:29:14 MDT 2020 | | name | Locations\_Samples.dbf | | contentType | text/plain | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_3b/5e/da/3b5eda48de896c8554597996a4739e894cb63f8d | | imageWidth | 580 | | imageHeight | 435 | | size | 10129 | | dateUploaded | Tue Apr 14 21:29:14 MDT 2020 | | name | Locations\_Samples.prj | | contentType | text/plain | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_12/48/4b/12484bd411c40933653203fe8601e81a32284565 | | imageWidth | 580 | | imageHeight | 435 | | size | 143 | | dateUploaded | Tue Apr 14 21:29:14 MDT 2020 | | name | Locations\_Samples.qpj | | contentType | text/plain | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_71/a1/9f/71a19f3e24518e5bafa7aad7a039c4fa2a399dfd | | imageWidth | 580 | | imageHeight | 435 | | size | 257 | | dateUploaded | Tue Apr 14 21:29:14 MDT 2020 | | name | Locations\_Samples.shp | | contentType | x-gis/x-shapefile | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_06/9f/76/069f76d7aa3aeeab3ffdd118886aef771387fde0 | | size | 1024 | | dateUploaded | Tue Apr 14 21:29:14 MDT 2020 | | name | Locations\_Samples.shx | | contentType | x-gis/x-shapefile | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_ab/24/cd/ab24cd3c8f6575ff38bbc67dcae5f48fb8ac11b5 | | size | 364 | | dateUploaded | Tue Apr 14 21:29:14 MDT 2020 | | | geometryType | Point | | name | Locations\_Samples | | nativeCrs | EPSG:4326 | ... show more ... (Additional Information) ## Item Actions #### Use Item [Process feature with Geo Data Portal](/catalog/gdp/callGdp?item_id=5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e& ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Churchill, Dakota M.</origin>\n <origin>Peek, Sara</origin>\n <origin>Hurwitz, Shaul</origin>\n <origin>Manga, Michael</origin>\n <origin>Damby, David E.</origin>\n <origin>Conrey, Richard</origin>\n <origin>Paces, James B.</origin>\n <origin>Licciardi, Joseph M.</origin>\n <pubdate>20200527</pubdate>\n <title>Mineralogy, chemistry and isotope composition of silica sinter deposits from the Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park</title>\n <geoform>.csv</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA)</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Summary: Siliceous sinter samples were collected from multiple geysers in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park in 2018. These geyserite samples were collected and analyzed as a part of a multi-year research investigation into the age and geochemistry of hydrothermal features in the Upper Geyser Basin. Samples were collected along the stratigraphy of each feature. From these samples, we report 10Be, U-series, and 14C ages. Samples collected from Giant and Castle Geyser were further analyzed for their mineralogy, major and trace element concentrations, water content, and rare earth elements. This research was conducted under Yellowstone Research Permits YELL-2018-SCI-8030 and YELL-2018-SCI-5910.\n\nSample Collection: Sinter samples were collected from the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park in April 2018, November 2018, and April 2019. Forty-eight samples of silica sinter were collected from 10 different hydrothermal features. At each geyser the best-exposed stratigraphy was identified and fist-sized samples were collected at approximately 1 meter intervals from the shield to the cone; samples were numbered sequentially. Geographic coordinates (WGS84, UTM Zone 12N) of each sample site were obtained using a handheld GPS and all sites were photographed. Including duplicates, we report 46 total ages using carbon-14, beryllium-10, and uranium-thorium series dating methods.\n\nDatabase Contents: The data file (Sample_Information_Supplementary.csv) contains the sample ID, date collected, and sample location for each sample analyzed as a part of this study. \nThe entries in the data file appear in the following columns:\nA. Sample ID\nB. Location \nC. Date Collected\nD. Easting (WGS84, UTM Zone 12N)\nE. Northing (WGS84, UTM Zone 12N)</abstract>\n <purpose>The purpose of this dataset is to provide sample collection data for the silica sinter samples collected from geysers located in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <mdattim>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20180413</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20180414</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20180415</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20180416</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20180417</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20180418</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20181107</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </mdattim>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-110.849149</westbc>\n <eastbc>-110.824214</eastbc>\n <northbc>44.478518</northbc>\n <southbc>44.46132</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Yellowstone National Park</themekey>\n <themekey>geysers</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5e84948ce4b01d50927b709e</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>Yellowstone National Park</placekey>\n <placekey>Upper Geyser Basin</placekey>\n </place>\n <temporal>\n <tempkt>USGS Thesaurus: Time Periods</tempkt>\n <tempkey>Holocene</tempkey>\n </temporal>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Sara E Peek</cntper>\n <cntorg>ALASKA REGION: VOLCANO SCIENCE CENTER</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop 434, 345 Middlefield Road</address>\n <city>Menlo Park</city>\n <state>CA</state>\n <postal>94025</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>650-329-4509</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>This research was conducted under Yellowstone Research Permits YELL-2018-SCI-8030 and YELL-2018-SCI-5910, and supported by funding from the NSF (NSF 1724986) and the Esper Larsen fund. We thank the KCCAMS staff for use of their radiocarbon dating facilities, Cathy Whitlock and Chris Schiller at Montana State University for their pollen identification, Alan Hidy at LLNL-CAMS, Debra Driscoll at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry for help with data acquisition and interpretation, and Jefferson Hungerford, Behnaz Housseini, Erin White at the National Park Service.</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Samples were collected onsite with a hammer, location measured with a handheld GPS, shipped to laboratories for analyses, and the results were then compiled. See Data Description for further information.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2019</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Sample_Information_Supplementary</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Sample ID, date of collection, geyser, and coordinates data for geyser sinter samples from Yellowstone National Park</enttypd>\n <enttypds>the authors</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Sample ID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>A unique numerical identifier for each sample</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>An internal sample identifier.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Location</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The description of the hydrothermal feature from which the sample was collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>A place name; the name of the geyser where the sample was collected</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Date Collected</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The date that the associated sample was collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The date that the associated sample was collected (MM/DD/YYYY)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Easting (WGS84, UTM Zone 12N)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Easting of the sinter sample, measured by handheld GPS</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>511996.7873</rdommin>\n <rdommax>513983.3055</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Easting (meters), using WGS84 datum, UTM Zone 12N</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Northing (WGS84, UTM Zone 12N)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Northing of the sinter sample, measured by handheld GPS</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined.</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>4923127.189</rdommin>\n <rdommax>4925034.323</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Northing (meters), using WGS84 datum, UTM Zone 12N</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. This information product is in the public domain. The data have been approved for release and publication by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although the data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, the data are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from authorized or unauthorized use. Although the data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system, or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The U.S. Geological Survey shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Users of the data are advised to read all metadata and associated documentation thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200831</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Sara E Peek</cntper>\n <cntorg>ALASKA REGION: VOLCANO SCIENCE CENTER</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>345 Middlefield Road</address>\n <city>Menlo Park</city>\n <state>CA</state>\n <postal>94025</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>650-329-4509</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center](/catalog/item/553153e3e4b0b22a158062e4) 3. [@ Flood Inundation Maps](/catalog/item/5ad8a298e4b0e2c2dd279fd0) 4. [Flood Inundation Maps and Water Surface Elevation Data for the February 17, 2020 flood of the Pearl River at Jackson, Mississippi](/catalog/folder/5eb05ccd82cefae35a27a5ab) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5eb05ccd82cefae35a27a5ab) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5eb05ccd82cefae35a27a5ab) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5eb05ccd82cefae35a27a5ab?format=json) ## Dates Start Date2020-02-10End Date2020-02-26Publication Date2020-10-07 ## Citation Storm, J.B., 2020, Flood Inundation Maps and Water Surface Elevation Data for the February 17, 2020 flood of the Pearl River at Jackson, Mississippi: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) documented the extent of flooding along a reach of the Pearl River through the metropolitan area of Jackson, Mississippi following the flood event of February 10-26, 2020. The event was a result of heavy precipitation over a 72-hour period combined with pre-existing saturated soil conditions in the upper portions of the Pearl River basin. USGS streamgages 02482000 Pearl River at Edinburg, MS and 02482550 Pearl River at Carthage, MS recorded 8.2 and 8.6 inches of precipitation respectively for the period of February 10-13. On February 17, the Pearl River crested at USGS streamgage 02486000 Pearl River at Jackson, MS at 36.67 feet (ft) (270.06 ft North American Vertical Datum of 1988) which was the highest \[...\] ## Summary The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) documented the extent of flooding along a reach of the Pearl River through the metropolitan area of Jackson, Mississippi following the flood event of February 10-26, 2020. The event was a result of heavy precipitation over a 72-hour period combined with pre-existing saturated soil conditions in the upper portions of the Pearl River basin. USGS streamgages 02482000 Pearl River at Edinburg, MS and 02482550 Pearl River at Carthage, MS recorded 8.2 and 8.6 inches of precipitation respectively for the period of February 10-13. On February 17, the Pearl River crested at USGS streamgage 02486000 Pearl River at Jackson, MS at 36.67 feet (ft) (270.06 ft North American Vertical Datum of 1988) which was the highest peak since 1983 and fourth highest peak since record began in 1901. The USGS recovered and surveyed 72 high-watermarks along a 19-mile valley reach of the Pearl River in the Jackson area. This reach extended from the Ross Barnett Reservoir dam downstream to the city of Byram. These high-watermarks represent headwater flooding along the Pearl River main stem and backwater flooding along multiple tributaries. Peak elevations were also recorded at seven tributary hydrograph stations within the study reach. The high-watermark elevations were used to develop maps depicting the areal extent and depths of the flood. A water surface profile of this event was also compared to profiles documented following the April 1979 and May 1983 flood events. The file types contained in this data release include shapefiles, rasters, graphic (jpg), comma-separated values (csv) files, and metadata. ## Contacts Originator : [John B Storm](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10004) Point of Contact : [John B Storm](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10004) Metadata Contact : [John B Storm](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10004) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Data Owner : [Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=72866) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17256) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5eb05ccd82cefae35a27a5ab?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5eb05ccd82cefae35a27a5ab?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5eb05ccd82cefae35a27a5ab?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 2020\_Pearl\_Flood\_METADATA.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 24.37 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | HWMs\_PearlRiver.csv | | 14.31 KB | text/csv | | Pearl River Profiles.csv | | 1.2 KB | text/csv | | Flood\_Profiles.jpg | ![thumbnail]( | 80.62 KB | image/jpeg | | 2020\_Pearl\_Flood\ | | 4.28 MB | application/zip | ## Purpose The data were collected for historical documentation and to assist city managers, planners, and other agencies with planning and mitigation efforts in future flood events in the City of Jackson. ## Preview Image ![Preview Image]( ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5eb05ccd82cefae35a27a5ab) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5eb05ccd82cefae35a27a5ab) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products - USGS Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [datasets](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Ddatasets "datasets (datasets, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [drainage basins](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Ddrainage+basins "drainage basins (drainage basins, Theme, Alexandria Digital Library Feature Type Thesaurus)") - [elevation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Delevation "elevation (elevation, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [floods](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfloods "floods (floods, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [hazard preparedness](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhazard+preparedness "hazard preparedness (hazard preparedness, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [high water-mark](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhigh+water-mark "high water-mark (high water-mark, Theme, None)") - [inlandWaters](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DinlandWaters "inlandWaters (inlandWaters, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [inundation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dinundation "inundation (inundation, Theme, None)") - [location](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dlocation "location (location, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [river reaches](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Driver+reaches "river reaches (river reaches, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [streamflow](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dstreamflow "streamflow (streamflow, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Jackson](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DJackson "Jackson (Jackson, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Mississippi](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMississippi "Mississippi (Mississippi, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Pearl River](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPearl+River "Pearl River (Pearl River, Place, Common geographic areas)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Hydrology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHydrology "Hydrology (Hydrology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Water Resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Resources "Water Resources (Water Resources, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P90YKHP3 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>John B. Storm</origin>\n <pubdate>20201007</pubdate>\n <title>Flood Inundation Maps and Water Surface Elevation Data for the February 17, 2020 flood of the Pearl River at Jackson, Mississippi</title>\n <geoform>tabular digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) documented the extent of flooding along a reach of the Pearl River through the metropolitan area of Jackson, Mississippi following the flood event of February 10-26, 2020. The event was a result of heavy precipitation over a 72-hour period combined with pre-existing saturated soil conditions in the upper portions of the Pearl River basin. USGS streamgages 02482000 Pearl River at Edinburg, MS and 02482550 Pearl River at Carthage, MS recorded 8.2 and 8.6 inches of precipitation respectively for the period of February 10-13. On February 17, the Pearl River crested at USGS streamgage 02486000 Pearl River at Jackson, MS at 36.67 feet (270.06 ft North American Vertical Datum of 1988) which was the highest peak since 1983 and fourth highest peak since record began in 1901. The USGS recovered and surveyed 72 high-watermarks along a 19-mile valley reach of the Pearl River in the Jackson area. This reach extended from the Ross Barnett Reservoir dam downstream to the city of Byram. These high-watermarks represent headwater flooding along the Pearl River main stem and backwater flooding along multiple tributaries. Peak elevations were also recorded at seven tributary hydrograph stations within the study reach. The high-watermark elevations were used to develop maps depicting the areal extent and depths of the flood. A water surface profile of this event was also compared to profiles documented following the April 1979 and May 1983 flood events. The file types contained in this data release include shapefiles, rasters, graphic (jpg), comma-separated values (csv) files, and metadata.</abstract>\n <purpose>The data were collected for historical documentation and to assist city managers, planners, and other agencies with planning and mitigation efforts in future flood events in the City of Jackson.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20200210</begdate>\n <enddate>20200226</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>observed</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-90.2535</westbc>\n <eastbc>-90.0494</eastbc>\n <northbc>32.4219</northbc>\n <southbc>32.1664</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>elevation</themekey>\n <themekey>inlandWaters</themekey>\n <themekey>location</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>high water-mark</themekey>\n <themekey>inundation</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>floods</themekey>\n <themekey>streamflow</themekey>\n <themekey>hazard preparedness</themekey>\n <themekey>datasets</themekey>\n <themekey>river reaches</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>Alexandria Digital Library Feature Type Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>drainage basins</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5eb05ccd82cefae35a27a5ab</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Jackson</placekey>\n <placekey>Mississippi</placekey>\n <placekey>Pearl River</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</accconst>\n <useconst>Although these data have been used by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. Department of the Interior, no warranty expressed or implied is made by the USGS as to the accuracy of the data. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in the use of this data, software, or related materials. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. This dataset may be redistributed if it is not edited and is properly referenced. Although USGS intends to make this server available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, timely delivery of data and products from this server through the Internet is not guaranteed.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>John B Storm</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Southeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>308 Airport Rd.</address>\n <city>Jackson</city>\n <state>MS</state>\n <postal>39208</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>601-933-2951</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>601-933-2901</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No methods were used to determine the accuracy of the elevations recovered. Quality indicators were noted in the field but are subjective.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>High-watermarks were located along a 19-mile reach of the Pearl River through the Jackson, MS area following the peak of a flood that occurred on February 17, 2020. The reach area started at the Ross Barnett Reservoir dam and ended at the city of Byram.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200313</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>John B Storm</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Southeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>308 Airport Rd.</address>\n <city>Jackson</city>\n <state>MS</state>\n <postal>39208</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>601-933-2951</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>601-933-2901</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>High-watermark elevations were determined by running standard surveying level loops to the high-watermark either from a known benchmark elevation or from a temporary benchmark elevation that was established by survey grade GPS equipment using RTN surveying procedures.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200313</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>John B Storm</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Southeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>308 Airport Rd.</address>\n <city>Jackson</city>\n <state>MS</state>\n <postal>39208</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>601-933-2951</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>601-933-2901</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Location and elevation information for each high-watermark was input into ArcGIS and lines of equal water surface elevation were estimated across the river valley. Polygons estimating the areal extent or inundation of the flood were created. A depth of water raster file was created by subtracting a LiDAR based DEM from the water surface elevation raster.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200313</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>John B Storm</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Southeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>308 Airport Rd.</address>\n <city>Jackson</city>\n <state>MS</state>\n <postal>39208</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>601-933-2951</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>601-933-2901</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Vector</direct>\n <ptvctinf>\n <sdtsterm>\n <sdtstype>G-polygon</sdtstype>\n <ptvctcnt>855</ptvctcnt>\n </sdtsterm>\n </ptvctinf>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>0.0197799991</latres>\n <longres>0.0232786045</longres>\n <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>WGS_1984</horizdn>\n <ellips>WGS_84</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257223563</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>2020_Pearl_Inundation.shp Attribute Table</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Table containing attribute information associated with the high-water mark data set collected following the February 2020 Pearl River flood at Jackson, MS.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>FID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Internal feature number.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>ESRI</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Shape</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Feature geometry.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>ESRI</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Shape type.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Id</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Polygon number reference</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Station</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>USGS streamgaging station that is associated with the inundation maps.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Text showing the USGS streamgage station number and name.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Area</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Inundation polygon area in square miles.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>34.6143</rdommin>\n <rdommax>34.6143</rdommax>\n <attrunit>square miles</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>2020_depth1.tif</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Raster geospatial data file containing the gridded depth values (feet) for the inundated area of the Feb. 2020 flood of the Pearl River at Jackson,MS.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Value</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unique numeric values contained in each raster cell representing the depth below the water surface in feet.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>3.0517578125e-05</rdommin>\n <rdommax>37.585098266602</rdommax>\n <attrunit>feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>HWMs_PearlRiver.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing location, elevation, and attributes of high-water marks collected following the February 2020 flood on the Pearl River at Jackson, MS.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Longitude</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Longitudinal coordinates in decimal degrees.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-90.24401944</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-90.04972222</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Latitude</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Latitudinal coordinates in decimal degrees.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>32.16911667</rdommin>\n <rdommax>32.41160278</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HWM Point</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Label assigned in the field to each high water-mark for identification purposes.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>PL-2-E\nP= Pearl\nL= left bank\n2= hwm number in sequence\nE= hwm quality (excellent)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HWM Quality</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Field assigned quality of the recovered mark.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Excellent</edomv>\n <edomvd>Quality of the mark based on many indicators defined in USGS publications related to post flood documentation.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Good</edomv>\n <edomvd>Quality of the mark based on many indicators defined in USGS publications related to post flood documentation.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Poor</edomv>\n <edomvd>Quality of the mark based on many indicators defined in USGS publications related to post flood documentation.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Fair</edomv>\n <edomvd>Quality of the mark based on many indicators defined in USGS publications related to post flood documentation.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NAVD88</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>North American Vertical Datum of 1988</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>259.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>281.9</rdommax>\n <attrunit>feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>HWM Description</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Location, type, and quality of high-water mark as noted in the field upon recovery.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Notes recorded in the field describing each high-water mark.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Pearl River Profiles.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing distance and elevation data gathered following the 1979, 1983 and 2020 Pearl River floods in Jackson, MS.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Dist DS from Reservoir, ft</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Distance downstream from Ross Barnett reservoir dam to high water-mark in feet.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1000</rdommin>\n <rdommax>101000</rdommax>\n <attrunit>feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>April 1979 Elev, ft</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Elevation in feet NAVD88</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>264.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>288.2</rdommax>\n <attrunit>feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Unnamed: 2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>No Data</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>nan</rdommin>\n <rdommax>nan</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Dist DS from Reservoir, ft.1</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Distance downstream from Ross Barnett reservoir dam to high water-mark in feet.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>101200</rdommax>\n <attrunit>feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>May 1983 Elev, ft</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Elevation in feet NAVD88</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>261.2</rdommin>\n <rdommax>284.9</rdommax>\n <attrunit>feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Unnamed: 5</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>No Data</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>nan</rdommin>\n <rdommax>nan</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Dist DS from Reservoir, ft.2</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Distance downstream from Ross Barnett reservoir dam to high water-mark in feet.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>200</rdommin>\n <rdommax>101200</rdommax>\n <attrunit>feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Feb 2020 Elev, ft</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Elevation in feet NAVD88</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>&lt;&lt; empty cell &gt;&gt;</edomv>\n <edomvd>No Data</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>259.5</rdommin>\n <rdommax>281.9</rdommax>\n <attrunit>feet</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Flood_Profiles.jpg</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Graphic of water surface profiles for 3 Pearl River at Jackson floods.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Value</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Unique numeric values contained in each raster cell.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Graphic (.jpg) file depicting flood profile data for the 1979, 1983 and 2020 Pearl River at Jackson, MS floods. The data sets are contained in Pearl River Profiles.csv file.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n <cntper>ScienceBase</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20201007</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>John B Storm</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Southeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>308 Airport Rd.</address>\n <city>Jackson</city>\n <state>MS</state>\n <postal>39208</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>601-933-2951</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>601-933-2901</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Hydrogeophysics Branch](/catalog/item/5a0c6527e4b09af898cd1fd7) 3. [HGB Data Releases](/catalog/item/5a1d9878e4b09fc93dd7bf4f) 4. [Visible-light orthomosaic images collected by drone for two cold-water tributary confluences within the Housatonic River, CT, USA](/catalog/folder/60772608d34e018b32041fbe) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/60772608d34e018b32041fbe) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/60772608d34e018b32041fbe) - [JSON](/catalog/item/60772608d34e018b32041fbe?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2021-04-30Start Date2021-03-24End Date2021-03-25 ## Citation Marek, N., Sullivan, C.J., and Briggs, M.A., 2021, Visible-light orthomosaic images collected by drone for two cold-water tributary confluences within the Housatonic River, CT, USA: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary The University of Connecticut and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected low-altitude (30-50 m above ground level) airborne visible-light imagery data via a quadcopter, small unoccupied aircraft system (UAS or ‘drone’) deployed along two tributary confluence locations within the Housatonic River: Mill Brook (latitude: 42°52’18” N, longitude: 73°21’48” W) and Furnace Brook (latitude: 41°49’16” N, longitude: 73°22’17” W). Both tributary confluence sites serve as critical summer thermal refuge for cold water-adapted poikilotherms. The objectives for this data collection included the creation of high-resolution orthomosaic images of the two tributary confluences to infer bank and instream structures and mixing processes at the tributary \[...\] ## Summary The University of Connecticut and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected low-altitude (30-50 m above ground level) airborne visible-light imagery data via a quadcopter, small unoccupied aircraft system (UAS or ‘drone’) deployed along two tributary confluence locations within the Housatonic River: Mill Brook (latitude: 42°52’18” N, longitude: 73°21’48” W) and Furnace Brook (latitude: 41°49’16” N, longitude: 73°22’17” W). Both tributary confluence sites serve as critical summer thermal refuge for cold water-adapted poikilotherms. The objectives for this data collection included the creation of high-resolution orthomosaic images of the two tributary confluences to infer bank and instream structures and mixing processes at the tributary confluences. Detailed site-scale maps such as these are important tools for managers and researchers aiming to protect and conserve populations at risk. The UAS (Mavic 2 Zoom, DJI Enterprises) was flown several times per day, at wind speeds below 10 mph, capturing RGB imagery from March 24-25, 2021. The UAV flights collected single RGB JPG images at 30-50m above ground level using the double-grid flight pattern on the third-party app Pix4D Capture ( The images were stitched automatically into several orthomosaic images using Agisoft Metashape (Agisoft LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia) software as described in the ‘processed\_data’ subfolders of this data release. Structure from Motion techniques were also applied to the visual imagery to derive time-specific, digital surface models (DSM) of the exposed banks and some subsurface features. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Martin A Briggs](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=60112) Originator : [N Marek](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=N+Marek), [CJ Sullivan](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=CJ+Sullivan), [Martin A Briggs](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=60112) Metadata Contact : [Martin A Briggs](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=60112) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) SDC Data Owner : [Earth System Processes Division](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=77188) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/60772608d34e018b32041fbe?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/60772608d34e018b32041fbe?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/60772608d34e018b32041fbe?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | UAS\_Housatonic2021.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 12.8 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Furnace\_Brook\_3\_24\_21\_Ortho.jpg<br>“A low-res picture of the Furnace Brook orthoimage.” | ![thumbnail]( | 5.8 MB | image/jpeg | | README.txt | | 1.04 KB | text/plain | | Processed\ | | 777.6 MB | application/zip | | Raw\ | | 3.72 GB | application/zip | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Sullivan, C., Vokoun, J., Helton, A., Briggs, M.A., and Kurylyk, B., 2021, An ecohydrological typology for thermal refuges in streams and rivers, Ecohydrology, | []( "") | ## Purpose The primary purpose for data collection is to support fisheries conservation in the Housatonic River through better understanding of cold summer refuge zones. The Housatonic River contains one of the state’s premier ‘blue-ribbon’ trout fisheries, particularly in the river reaches of interest. During the summer, trout must rely on cold-water thermal refuges for survival as main stem water temperatures exceed upper critical thermal limits for trout for days to months. For additional background on thermal refuges used by trout during times of thermal stress, please see this publication: Mill Brook and Furnace Brook are two cold-water tributaries whose confluences are known to provide thermal refuge, as discrete, dense aggregations of trout form in these tributaries during high temperatures. The high-resolution orthomosaic images can be used to infer bank and instream structures and mixing processes at the tributary confluences, both of which are important for determining available refuge habitat for trout and potential augmentation strategies. Additionally, the visible-light orthomosaic images are useful as a georeferenced map of the tributary confluence site upon which spatial data can be derived and analyzed. ## Preview Image ![A low-res picture of the Furnace Brook orthoimage.]( A low-res picture of the Furnace Brook orthoimage. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/60772608d34e018b32041fbe) [![](![](,5133400.661512364,-8159813.019848808,5142523.632173616)](/catalog/item/imap/60772608d34e018b32041fbe) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products - USGS Hydrogeophysics Branch ## Tags Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [Groundwater](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGroundwater "Groundwater (Groundwater, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Surface Water](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSurface+Water "Surface Water (Surface Water, Theme, none)") - [UAS](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUAS "UAS (UAS, Theme, none)") - [aerial photography](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Daerial+photography "aerial photography (aerial photography, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [drone](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Ddrone "drone (drone, Theme, none)") - [environment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Denvironment "environment (environment, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [geophysics](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgeophysics "geophysics (geophysics, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [geoscientificInformation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DgeoscientificInformation "geoscientificInformation (geoscientificInformation, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [groundwater and surface-water interaction](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgroundwater+and+surface-water+interaction "groundwater and surface-water interaction (groundwater and surface-water interaction, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [hydrogeology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhydrogeology "hydrogeology (hydrogeology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [hydrology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhydrology "hydrology (hydrology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [image collections](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dimage+collections "image collections (image collections, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [inlandWaters](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DinlandWaters "inlandWaters (inlandWaters, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [remote sensing](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dremote+sensing "remote sensing (remote sensing, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [surface water (non-marine)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsurface+water+%28non-marine%29 "surface water (non-marine) (surface water (non-marine), Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [unmanned aircraft system](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dunmanned+aircraft+system "unmanned aircraft system (unmanned aircraft system, Theme, none)") - [unoccupied aircraft system](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dunoccupied+aircraft+system "unoccupied aircraft system (unoccupied aircraft system, Theme, none)") - [water temperature](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater+temperature "water temperature (water temperature, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Connecticut](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DConnecticut "Connecticut (Connecticut, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Housatonic River Watershed](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHousatonic+River+Watershed "Housatonic River Watershed (Housatonic River Watershed, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Litchfield County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLitchfield+County "Litchfield County (Litchfield County, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Geophysics](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeophysics "Geophysics (Geophysics, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Hydrology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHydrology "Hydrology (Hydrology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9B3TLNL | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>N. Marek</origin>\n <origin>C.J. Sullivan</origin>\n <origin>M.A. Briggs</origin>\n <pubdate>20210430</pubdate>\n <title>Visible-light orthomosaic images collected by drone for two cold-water tributary confluences within the Housatonic River, CT, USA</title>\n <geoform>airborne visible-light imagery</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>Marek, N., Sullivan, C., and Briggs, M.A., 2021, Visible-light orthomosaic images collected by drone for two cold-water tributary confluences within the Housatonic River, Connecticut, USA: U.S. Geological Survey Public Data Release.</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Paul J. Morris</origin>\n <origin>Andy J. Baird</origin>\n <origin>Lisa R. Belyea</origin>\n <pubdate>20110512</pubdate>\n <title>The DigiBog peatland development model 2: ecohydrological simulations in 2D</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Ecohydrology</sername>\n <issue>vol. 5, issue 3</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>Wiley</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>ppg. 256-268</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>The University of Connecticut and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collected low-altitude (30-50 m above ground level) airborne visible-light imagery data via a quadcopter, small unoccupied aircraft system (UAS or \xe2\x80\x98drone\xe2\x80\x99) deployed along two tributary confluence locations within the Housatonic River: Mill Brook (latitude: 42\xc2\xb052\xe2\x80\x9918\xe2\x80\x9d N, longitude: 73\xc2\xb021\xe2\x80\x9948\xe2\x80\x9d W) and Furnace Brook (latitude: 41\xc2\xb049\xe2\x80\x9916\xe2\x80\x9d N, longitude: 73\xc2\xb022\xe2\x80\x9917\xe2\x80\x9d W). Both tributary confluence sites serve as critical summer thermal refuge for cold water-adapted poikilotherms. The objectives for this data collection included the creation of high-resolution orthomosaic images of the two tributary confluences to \ninfer bank and instream structures and mixing processes at the tributary confluences. Detailed site-scale maps such as these are important tools for managers and researchers aiming to protect and conserve populations at risk. The UAS (Mavic 2 Zoom, DJI Enterprises) was flown several times per day, at wind speeds below 10 mph, capturing RGB imagery from March 24-25, 2021. The UAV flights collected single RGB JPG images at 30-50m above ground level using the double-grid flight pattern on the third-party app Pix4D Capture ( The images were stitched automatically into several orthomosaic images using Agisoft Metashape (Agisoft LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia) \nsoftware as described in the \xe2\x80\x98processed_data\xe2\x80\x99 subfolders of this data release. Structure from Motion techniques were also applied to the visual imagery to derive time-specific, digital surface models (DSM) of the exposed banks and some subsurface features.</abstract>\n <purpose>The primary purpose for data collection is to support fisheries conservation in the Housatonic River through better understanding of cold summer refuge zones. The Housatonic River contains one of the state\xe2\x80\x99s premier \xe2\x80\x98blue-ribbon\xe2\x80\x99 trout fisheries, particularly in the river reaches of interest. During the summer, trout must rely on cold-water thermal refuges for survival as main stem water temperatures exceed upper critical thermal limits for trout for days to months. For additional background on thermal refuges used by trout during times of thermal stress, please see this publication: Mill Brook and Furnace Brook are two cold-water tributaries \nwhose confluences are known to provide thermal refuge, as discrete, dense aggregations of trout form in these tributaries during high temperatures. The high-resolution orthomosaic images can be used to infer bank and instream structures and mixing processes at the tributary confluences, both of which are important for determining available refuge habitat for trout and potential augmentation strategies. Additionally, the visible-light orthomosaic images are useful as a georeferenced map of the tributary confluence site upon which spatial data can be derived and analyzed.</purpose>\n <supplinf>Data collection and analysis has been supported by the US Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program.</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20210324</begdate>\n <enddate>20210325</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>In work</progress>\n <update>Irregular</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-73.3761</westbc>\n <eastbc>-73.3597</eastbc>\n <northbc>41.8739</northbc>\n <southbc>41.8184</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>geoscientificInformation</themekey>\n <themekey>inlandWaters</themekey>\n <themekey>environment</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Groundwater</themekey>\n <themekey>groundwater and surface-water interaction</themekey>\n <themekey>surface water (non-marine)</themekey>\n <themekey>hydrogeology</themekey>\n <themekey>hydrology</themekey>\n <themekey>geophysics</themekey>\n <themekey>remote sensing</themekey>\n <themekey>aerial photography</themekey>\n <themekey>image collections</themekey>\n <themekey>water temperature</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>none</themekt>\n <themekey>unoccupied aircraft system</themekey>\n <themekey>unmanned aircraft system</themekey>\n <themekey>UAS</themekey>\n <themekey>drone</themekey>\n <themekey>Surface Water</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:60772608d34e018b32041fbe</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>Housatonic River Watershed</placekey>\n <placekey>Connecticut</placekey>\n <placekey>Litchfield County</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Acknowledgement of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in products derived from this data release.</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Martin A. Briggs</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Hydrogeophysics Branch</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>U.S. Geological Survey, 11 Sherman Place, Unit 5015</address>\n <city>Storrs</city>\n <state>CT</state>\n <postal>06269</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>860-487-7402</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Data collection and analysis has been supported by the US Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology Program</datacred>\n <native>.tif, .jpg, .pdf and .txt files</native>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>The raw visible-light and thermal infrared image data contained in this release were processed to derive orthomosiacs and digital surface models. These details are all described in the local readme files for each field deployment/method.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Data were reviewed for consistency.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Data were collected by drone and processed with structure from motion software, as described in the local readme files.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2021</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>Housatonic River Watershed, Connecticut, USA</indspref>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>0.001</latres>\n <longres>0.001</longres>\n <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>North American Datum of 1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>GRS 1980</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257222101</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>README.txt</enttypl>\n <enttypd>The high level readme that generally describes the two major zipped subdirectories.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl></enttypl>\n <enttypd>A directory of raw visible-light images collected by drone at both stream confluence sites.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl></enttypl>\n <enttypd>A directory of derivative products including orthomosiacs and digital surface models as described by the local Read.Me.processed file.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase Catalogue</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. \nAlthough this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also may contain copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner.\nUnless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.\nAlthough these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS or the U.S. Government shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20210430</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Martin A. Briggs</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Hydrogeophysics Branch</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>U.S. Geological Survey, 11 Sherman Place, Unit 5015</address>\n <city>Storrs</city>\n <state>CT</state>\n <postal>06269</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>860-487-7402</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Data release of geospatial map database and structural measurements for: Geologic map of the Osage SW 7.5' quadrangle, Newton, Madison, and Carroll counties, Arkansas](/catalog/folder/5aea1813e4b0860c0f70d420) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5aea1813e4b0860c0f70d420) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5aea1813e4b0860c0f70d420) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5aea1813e4b0860c0f70d420?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2018-10-04Time Period2018 ## Citation Turner, K.J., and Hudson, M.R., 2018, Data release of geospatial map database and structural measurements for: Geologic map of the Osage SW 7.5' quadrangle, Newton, Madison, and Carroll counties, Arkansas: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This dataset accompanies publication "Geologic map of the Osage SW 7.5' quadrangle, Newton, Madison, and Carroll counties, Arkansas". Data presented here include the digital geologic database and structural measurements including joints, deformation bands, and small faults collected during field investigation. These data support the following publication: Turner, K.J., and Hudson, M.R., 2018, Geologic map of the Osage Southwest quadrangle, Newton, Madison, and Carroll Counties, Arkansas: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3416, scale 1:24,000, ## Summary This dataset accompanies publication "Geologic map of the Osage SW 7.5' quadrangle, Newton, Madison, and Carroll counties, Arkansas". Data presented here include the digital geologic database and structural measurements including joints, deformation bands, and small faults collected during field investigation. These data support the following publication: Turner, K.J., and Hudson, M.R., 2018, Geologic map of the Osage Southwest quadrangle, Newton, Madison, and Carroll Counties, Arkansas: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3416, scale 1:24,000, ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Kenzie J Turner](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10573) Originator : [Kenzie J Turner](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10573), [Mark R Hudson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4809) Metadata Contact : [Kenzie J Turner](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10573) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17163) USGS Mission Area : [Core Science Systems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Core+Science+Systems) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5aea1813e4b0860c0f70d420?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5aea1813e4b0860c0f70d420?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5aea1813e4b0860c0f70d420?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | OsageSW\_AR\_metadata\_.xml<br>“xml metadata file”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 26.51 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | OsageSW\_AR\_metadata\_.txt<br>“text metadata file” | | 27.89 KB | text/plain | | SIM3416\<br>“Geodatabase and raster base images” | | 11.61 MB | application/zip | | SIM3416\<br>“Shapefiles and tab-delimited text files of non spatial tables” | | 1.69 MB | application/zip | | SIM3416\<br>“tab delimited files of structural measurements” | | 7.48 KB | application/zip | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Turner, K.J., and Hudson, M.R., 2018, Geologic map of the Osage Southwest quadrangle, Newton, Madison, and Carroll Counties, Arkansas: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3416, scale 1:24,000, | []( "") | ## Purpose The geospatial database contains the spatial feature classes and non-spatial tables that describe the geologic information presented on the original map plate. Structural measurements are indicated in Figures 4 and 5 on the map plate. ## Rights Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5aea1813e4b0860c0f70d420) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5aea1813e4b0860c0f70d420) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [Boston Mountains](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBoston+Mountains "Boston Mountains (Boston Mountains, Theme, GLOSSARY)") - [Salem Plateau](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSalem+Plateau "Salem Plateau (Salem Plateau, Theme, GLOSSARY)") - [Springfield Plateau](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSpringfield+Plateau "Springfield Plateau (Springfield Plateau, Theme, GLOSSARY)") - [dolomite](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Ddolomite "dolomite (dolomite, Theme, GLOSSARY)") - [karst](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dkarst "karst (karst, Theme, GLOSSARY)") - [limestone](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dlimestone "limestone (limestone, Theme, GLOSSARY)") - [sandstone](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsandstone "sandstone (sandstone, Theme, GLOSSARY)") - [siltstone](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsiltstone "siltstone (siltstone, Theme, GLOSSARY)") Place - [Arkansas](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DArkansas "Arkansas (Arkansas, Place, GLOSSARY)") - [Carroll County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCarroll+County "Carroll County (Carroll County, Place, GLOSSARY)") - [Dinsmore](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDinsmore "Dinsmore (Dinsmore, Place, GLOSSARY)") - [Madison County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMadison+County "Madison County (Madison County, Place, GLOSSARY)") - [Newton County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNewton+County "Newton County (Newton County, Place, GLOSSARY)") - [Ponca](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPonca "Ponca (Ponca, Place, GLOSSARY)") - [USA](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSA "USA (USA, Place, GLOSSARY)") - [Unites States of America](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnites+States+of+America "Unites States of America (Unites States of America, Place, GLOSSARY)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Structural Geology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DStructural+Geology "Structural Geology (Structural Geology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P98DH5SP | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Kenzie J. Turner</origin>\n <origin>Mark R. Hudson</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Data release of geospatial map database and structural\nmeasurements for: Geologic map of the Osage SW\n7.5\' quadrangle, Newton, Madison, and Carroll\ncounties, Arkansas</title>\n <geoform>ArcGIS geodatabase, shapefiles, tab-delimited text file (.txt)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Denver, CO</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Kenzie J. Turner</origin>\n <origin>Mark R. Hudson</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Geologic map of the Osage SW 7.5\' quadrangle,\nNewton, Madison, and Carroll counties,Arkansas</title>\n <geoform>map</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map</sername>\n <issue>SIM-3416</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This dataset accompanies publication "Geologic map of the Osage SW\n7.5\' quadrangle, Newton, Madison, and Carroll counties,\nArkansas". Data presented here include the digital geologic database\nand structural measurements including joints, deformation bands, and\nsmall faults collected during field investigation.</abstract>\n <purpose>The geospatial database contains the spatial feature classes\nand non-spatial tables that describe the geologic information\npresented on the original map plate. Structural measurements\nare indicated in Figures 4 and 5 on the map plate.</purpose>\n <supplinf>- DATASETS INCLUDED IN THIS DATA RELEASE:\n\nOsageSW_FaultDefBands.txt: Fault and deformation band measurements and localities\nOsageSW_Joints.txt: Joint measurements and localities\nOsageSW_SIM3416.gdb: geologic map database\nOsageSW_base.tif/.tfw: bitmap raster image of topographic map used on map plate\nOsageSW_Hillshade.tif/.tfw: shaded relief map of the Osage SW quadrangle\ zip file containing shapefile versions of feature classes\nand tab-delimited text file versions of non-spatial tables in the geodatabase\n\nShapefile directory:\nOrientationPoints.shp (.dbf/.prj/.sbn/.sbx/.shx.xml/.shx) point\nStructureContourPoints.shp (.dbf/.prj/.sbn/.sbx/.shx.xml/.shx) point\nCartographicLines.shp (.dbf/.prj/.sbn/.sbx/.shx.xml/.shx) line\nContact and Faults.shp (.dbf/.prj/.sbn/.sbx/.shx.xml/.shx) line\nGeologicLines.shp (.dbf/.prj/.sbn/.sbx/.shx.xml/.shx) line\nStructureContourLines.shp (.dbf/.prj/.sbn/.sbx/.shx.xml/.shx) line\nDataSourcePolys.shp (.dbf/.prj/.sbn/.sbx/.shx.xml/.shx) polygon\nMapUnitPolys.shp (.dbf/.prj/.sbn/.sbx/.shx.xml/.shx) polygon\nGeMS_GeoMaterialDict.txt\nOsageSW_Datasources_Table.txt\nOsageSW_DescrOfMapUnits_Table.txt\nOsageSW_Glossary_Table.txt\nOsageSW_GeodatabaseToShapefilFieldTranslation.txt</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2018</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>PUBLICATION DATE</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>COMPLETE</progress>\n <update>NONE PLANNED</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-93.5</westbc>\n <eastbc>-93.375</eastbc>\n <northbc>36.125</northbc>\n <southbc>36.00</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>GLOSSARY</themekt>\n <themekey>Boston Mountains</themekey>\n <themekey>Springfield Plateau</themekey>\n <themekey>Salem Plateau</themekey>\n <themekey>karst</themekey>\n <themekey>limestone</themekey>\n <themekey>dolomite</themekey>\n <themekey>sandstone</themekey>\n <themekey>siltstone</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5aea1813e4b0860c0f70d420</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>GLOSSARY</placekt>\n <placekey>Arkansas</placekey>\n <placekey>Newton County</placekey>\n <placekey>Madison County</placekey>\n <placekey>Carroll County</placekey>\n <placekey>Dinsmore</placekey>\n <placekey>Ponca</placekey>\n <placekey>Unites States of America</placekey>\n <placekey>USA</placekey>\n </place>\n <stratum>\n <stratkt>USGS Geolex (</stratkt>\n <stratkey>Atoka Formation</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Bloyd Formation</stratkey>\n <stratkey>middle Bloyd sandstone</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Hale Formation</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Praire Grove Member</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Cane Hill Member</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Pitkin Limestone</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Fayetteville Shale</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Batesville Sandstone</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Boone Formation</stratkey>\n <stratkey>St. Joe Limestone Member</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Fernvale Limestone</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Everton Formation</stratkey>\n </stratum>\n <temporal>\n <tempkt>International Chronostratigraphic chart (</tempkt>\n <tempkey>Quaternary</tempkey>\n <tempkey>Pennsylvanian</tempkey>\n <tempkey>Mississippian</tempkey>\n <tempkey>Ordovician</tempkey>\n <tempkey>Paleozoic</tempkey>\n </temporal>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>NONE</accconst>\n <useconst>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are\nconsidered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose\nfor which the data were collected. Although these data and associated\nmetadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and\napproved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no\nwarranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or\nutility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific\npurposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such\nwarranty.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Kenzie Turner</cntper>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>MAILING ADDRESS</addrtype>\n <address>USGS, MS 980, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-236-4610</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>303-236-5349</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>The authors would like to acknowledge the numerous\nprivate land owners that granted access to their\nland while conducting geologic mapping.\n\nFunding was provided by the National Cooperative\nGeologic Mapping Program of the U.S. Geological Survey.\nThe National Park Service provided some logistical\nassistance.\n\nTheodore Brandt scanned and registered the topographic\nbase map.</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>Sample locations based on handheld Global Positioning System\n(GPS) device and are generally accurate to within 5 meters.\n\nWithin the geologic database, some spatial feature classes\ncontain a numeric field "LocationConfidenceMeters". Numeric\nvalues populating this field are a QUALITATIVE value accounting\nfor standard map accuracies respective of scale, GPS accuracy\nat field sites, and scientific positional certainty related to\nextrapolation of features between field sites. Values are not\nmeasured in the field.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Geologic mapping was conduceted with the aid of a\nhandheld GPS device.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2014</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Field data were transferred to digital data layers that\nwere compiled in an ArcGIS geodatabase.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Geologic and analytical data were reviewed.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Metadata were created and reviewed.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <gridsys>\n <gridsysn>Universal Transverse Mercator</gridsysn>\n <utm>\n <utmzone>15</utmzone>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer>0.9996</sfctrmer>\n <longcm>-93.00</longcm>\n <latprjo>0.0</latprjo>\n <feast>500000.00</feast>\n <fnorth>0</fnorth>\n </transmer>\n </utm>\n </gridsys>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>5</absres>\n <ordres>5</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>meters</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>North American Datum 1927 (NAD27)</horizdn>\n <ellips>Clark 1866</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378206.4</semiaxis>\n <denflat>294.9786982</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <overview>\n <eaover>-DATASETS INCLUDED IN THIS DATA RELEASE:\n\nOsageSW_FaultDefBands.txt\nOsageSW_Joints.txt\nOsageSW_SIM3416.gdb\nOsageSW_base.tif/.tfw\nOsageSW_Hillshade.tif/.tfw\n\nShapefiles of feature geodatabase feature classes and tab-delimted tables of non-spatial geodatabase tables are included in shapefile zipfile.\nConversion of feature classes in Geodatabase format to Shapefile results in truncation of some field names, therefore file OsageSW_GeodatabaseToShapefileFieldTranslation.txt is a tab-delimited file indicating field equivalents for related features.\n\n-----------------------------------------\nOsageSW_FaultDefBands.txt\n-----------------------------------------\nSITE: Site locality ID\nLatitude_Nad27: Decimal degree coordinate for Latitude using NAD27 datum\nLongitude_Nad27: Decimal degree coordinate for Longitude using NAD27 datum\nFault_Azimuth: Measurement of strike of plane in degrees\nFault_DipDirection: Direction perpendicular to Fault_Azimuth value indicating dip direction of fault plane\nFault_Dip: Measurement of the dip of the fault plane in degrees from horizontal\nFault_Rake: Rake of lineations that lie within fault plane\nFault_Slip_Sense: Sense of displacment along the fault determined by offset stratigraphy or by slip indicators on the fault plane\nFault_Slip_Identity_Confidence: Qualitative estimate of confidence of slip determination\nFault_MapUnit: Geologic map unit(s) at the site\n\n-----------------------------------------\nOsageSW_FaultDefBands.txt\n-----------------------------------------\nSITE: Site locality ID\nLatitude_Nad27: Decimal degree coordinate for Latitude using NAD27 datum\nLongitude_Nad27: Decimal degree coordinate for Longitude using NAD27 datum\nJoint_Azimuth: Measurement of strike of joint in degrees\nJoint_Dip: Joint dips are assumed to be 90 degrees (vertical) except where otherwise indicated\nJoint_MapUnit: Geologic map unit(s) at the site\n\n-----------------------------------------\nOsageSW_SIM3416.gdb\n-----------------------------------------\n*****Geodatabase follows schema and structure of GeMS\n[].\nNot all components of the GeMS data model are utilized in this database.\nOnly components used in consctruction of this database are explained in\nthe following section.*****\n----------------------------------------\nFEATURE DATASET: GeologicMap\n----------------------------------------\n\nFEATURE CLASS: CartographicLines [Line Feature]\n\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nType: Term that categorizes what line represents\nSymbol: Numeric code that references "REF NO" column in USGS cartographic standards (\nLabel: Human readable name for a line feature\nDataSourceID: Foreign key that relates to the DataSource_ID field in "DataSources" table\nNotes: Free text with additional information specific to feature\nCartographicLines_ID: Primary key. Unique feature identifier (CAL*)\nDescription Cartographic description of feature based on USGS cartographic standards (\n\nUNIQUE ATTRIBUTES IN FIELD "Label":\nCross section A-A\'\nCross section B-B\'\n\n----------------------------------------\nFEATURE CLASS: ContactsAndFaults [Line Feature]\n\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nType: Term that categorizes what line represents\nIsConcealed: Indicates if feature is concealed\nLocationConfidenceMeters: Distance representing feature locational certainty, in meters from either side of feature\nExistenceConfidence: Qualitative value representing certainty in existence of feature\nIdentityConfidence: Qualitative value representing certainty in identification of feature\nSymbol: Numeric code that references "REF NO" column in USGS cartographic standards ( = no value)\nLabel: Human readable name for a line feature\nDataSourceID: Foreign key that relates to the DataSource_ID field in "DataSources" table\nNotes: Free text with additional information specific to feature\nContactAndFaults_ID: Primary key. Unique feature identifier (CAF*)\nDescription Cartographic description of feature based on USGS cartographic standards (\n\nUNIQUE ATTRIBUTES IN FIELD "Description":\nMap neatline\nShoreline\nNormal fault-Identity and existence certain, location concealed\nNormal fault-Identity and existence certain, location approximate\nNormal fault-Identity and existence certain, location accurate\nContact-Identity and existence certain, location approximate\nContact-Identity and existence certain, location accurate\nContact-Identity and existence certain, location inferred\n\n----------------------------------------\nFEATURE CLASS: GeologicLines [Line Feature]\n\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nType: Term that categorizes what line represents\nIsConcealed: Indicates if feature is concealed\nLocationConfidenceMeters: Distance representing feature locational certainty, in meters from either side of feature\nExistenceConfidence: Qualitative value representing certainty in existence of feature\nIdentityConfidence: Qualitative value representing certainty in identification of feature\nSymbol: Numeric code that references "REF NO" column in USGS cartographic standards (\nLabel: Human readable name for a line feature\nDataSourceID: Foreign key that relates to the DataSource_ID field in "DataSources" table\nNotes: Free text with additional information specific to feature\nGeologicLines_ID: Primary key. Unique feature identifier (GEL*)\nDescription Cartographic description of feature based on USGS cartographic standards (\n\nUNIQUE ATTRIBUTES IN FIELD "Description":\nMonocline-Identity and existence certain, location approximate\nSyncline-Identity and existence certain, location approximate\n----------------------------------------\nFEATURE CLASS: StructureContourLines [Line Feature]\n\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nType: Term that categorizes what line represents\nMapUnit: Map unit (top of unit) contour lines represent\nValue: Numeric value, in feet, representing elevation of contour line\nValueConfidence: Numeric value, in feet, representing an estimate of vertical uncertainty\nSymbol: Numeric code that references "REF NO" column in USGS cartographic standards (\nLabel: Human readable name for a line feature\nDataSourceID: Foreign key that relates to the DataSource_ID field in "DataSources" table\nNotes: Free text with additional information specific to feature\nStructureContourLines_ID: Primary key. Unique feature identifier (SCL*)\nDescription Cartograhic description of feature based on USGS cartographic standards (\n\nUNIQUE ATTRIBUTES IN FIELD "Description":\nStructure contour, 1st surface (Mb)-Accurately located\nStructure contour, 2nd surface (Pbl)-Accurately located\n\n----------------------------------------\nFEATURE CLASS: StructureContourPoints [Point Feature]\n\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nType: Term that categorizes what point represents\nSymbol: Numeric code that references "REF NO" column in USGS cartographic standards (\nLabel: Human readable name for a line feature\nLocationConfidenceMeters: Distance representing feature locational certainty, in meters from point\nPlotAtScale: Scale at which features should be plotted for cartographic reasons\nStationID: Foreign key related to "Stations_ID" field when "Stations" feautre class is used.\nObservedTopMapUnit: Top map unit observed at site\nObservedBottomMapUnit: Bottom map unit observed at site\nNotes: Free text with additional information specific to feature\nElevation: Elevation, in feet, for site location\nElevationConfidence: Numeric value, in feet, representing an estimate of vertical uncertainty\nStructureContourPoints_ID: Primary key. Unique feature identifier (SCP*)\nDescription Cartographic description of feature based on USGS cartographic standards (\n\nUNIQUE ATTRIBUTES IN FIELD "Description":\nOutcrop point as structural contour point (Mb)\nOutcrop point as structural contour point (Pbl)\n\n----------------------------------------\nFEATURE CLASS: OrientationPoints [Point Feature]\n\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nType: Term that categorizes what point represents\nAzimuth: Measurement of strike of plane in degrees\nInclination Measurement of dip of plane in degrees from horizontal\nSymbol: Numeric code that references "REF NO" column in USGS cartographic standards (\nLabel: Human readable name for a line feature\nLocationConfidenceMeters: Distance representing feature locational certainty, in meters from point\nIdentityConfidence: Qualitative value representing certainty in identification of feature\nOrientationConfidenceDegrees: Angle representing certainty of azimuth measurement\nPlotAtScale: Scale at which features should be plotted for cartographic reasons\nStationID: Foreign key related to "Stations_ID" field when "Stations" feautre class is used.\nMapUnit: Map unit symbol relates to "MapUnit" field in "MapUnitPoly" feature class and "DescriptionOfMapUnits" table\nLocationSourceID: Foreign key related to "DataSources_ID" field in "DataSources" table\nOrientationSourceID: Foreign key related to "DataSources_ID" field in "DataSources" table\nNotes: Free text with additional information specific to feature\nOrientationPoints_ID: Primary key. Unique feature identifier (ORP*)\nDescription Cartographic description of feature based on USGS cartographic standards (\n\nUNIQUE ATTRIBUTES IN FIELD "Description":\nInclined bedding-Showing strike and dip\nHorizontal bedding\nInclined fault-Showing dip value and direction\n\n----------------------------------------\nFEATURE CLASS: MapUnitPolys [Polygon Feature]\n\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nMapUnit: Map unit symbol\nName: Short unit name\nFullName: Full unit name that may include member/formation/group associations\nAge: Period or Epoch of unit consist with USGS time scale\nIdentityConfidence: Qualitative assessment of confidence for polygon identification\nLabel: Map unit symbol, with special character representations in font "FGDCGeoAge" downloadable from\nSymbol: When used, indicate color and/or pattern used to symbolize pologyon\nDataSourceID: Foreign key that relates to the DataSource_ID field in "DataSources" table\nNotes: Free text with additional information specific to feature\nMapUnitPolys_ID: Primary key. Unique feature identifier (MPT*)\n\nUNIQUE ATTRIBUTES IN FIELDS "MapUnit" "FullName" "Age":\nQty\tYounger terrace and active-channel alluvial deposits\tQuaternary\nQc\tColluvial deposits\tQuaternary\nQto\tOlder terrace alluvial deposit\tQuaternary\nPa\tAtoka Formation\tMiddle Pennsylvanian, Atokan\nPbu\tupper part of Bloyd Formation\tLower Pennsylvanian, Morrowan\nPbl\tlower part of Bloyd Formation\tLower Pennsylvanian, Morrowan\nPhg\tPrairie Grove Member of Hale Formation\tLower Pennsylvanian, Morrowan\nPhc\tCane Hill Member of Hale Formation\tLower Pennsylvanian, Morrowan\nMp\tPitkin Limestone\tUpper Mississippian, Chesterian\nMf\tFayetteville Shale\tUpper Mississippian, Chesterian\nMbv\tBatesville Sandstone\tUpper Mississippian, Chesterian\nMb\tmain body of Boone Formation\tUpper to Lower Mississippian, Meramecian to Osagean\nMbs\tSt. Joe Limestone Member of Boone Formation\tLower Mississippian, Osagean to Kinderhookian\nOf\tFernvale Limestone\tUpper Ordovician\nOeu\tupper part of Everton Formation\tMiddle Ordovician\nriver\tBuffalo River\n\n----------------------------------------\nFEATURE CLASS: DataSourcePolys [Polygon Feature]\n\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nDataSourceID: Foreign key that relates to the DataSource_ID field in "DataSources" table\nNotes: Citation of publication or indication of "This Report"\nDataSourcePolys_ID: Primary key. Unique feature identifier (DSP*)\n\nUNIQUE ATTRIBUTES IN FIELDS "Notes":\nThis Report\n\n----------------------------------------\nNON-SPATIAL TABLE: DataSources\n\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nSource: Description of source\nNotes: Description of how source was used or aquired\nURL: URL link to data (at time of publication), if available\nDataSource_ID: Primary key. Unique to each data entry (DAS*)\n\n----------------------------------------\nNON-SPATIAL TABLE: GeoMaterialDict\n\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nHierarchyKey: Text strip to document hierarchical relationships between terms\nGeoMaterial: Name of GeoMaterial\nIndentedName: GeoMaterial name with indents indicated by hyphens\nDefinition: Definition of GeoMaterial\n\n----------------------------------------\nNON-SPATIAL TABLE: DescriptionOfMapUnits\n\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nMapUnit: Map unit symbol\nName: Short unit name\nFullName: Full unit name that may include member/formation/group associations\nAge: Period or Epoch of unit consist with USGS time scale\nDescription Text description of map unit\nHierarchyKey: String of dash-delimited numeric values that illustrate the hierarchical relationship between units\nParagraphStyle: Formatting paragraph style\nLabel: Text string to place as unit symbol in map display, may include special characters from "FGDCGeoAge" font downloadable from\nSymbol: Area fill symbol in accompanying style\nAreaFillRGB: RGB values of area fill color\nAreaFillPatternDescription: Text description of patterns used in fill\nGeoMaterial: Term catagorizing the dominant lithology in the map feature. Term derived from NGMD standar term list\nGeoMaterialConfidence: Qualitative term describing appropriateness of the GeoMaterial term used\nDescriptionOfMapUnits_ID: Primary key. Unique to each data entry (DMU*)\n\n----------------------------------------\nNON-SPATIAL TABLE: Glossary\n\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nTerm: Word for a concept\nDefinition: Definition or source of definition of term\nDefinitionSourceID: Foreign key to "DataSources" non-spatial table\nGlossary_ID: Primary key. Unique to each data entry (GLO*)</eaover>\n <eadetcit>Geologic map database utilizes the "GeMS" (Geologic Map Schema)\ndatabase format developed and maintained by the USGS National\nGeologic Mapping Program. Description of the model can be viewed\nat</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>Colorado</state>\n <postal>80225-0046</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Any use of trade, product or firm names is for descriptive purposes only\nand does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Geological Survey.\n\nAlthough this information product, for the most part, is in the public\ndomain, it also contains copyrighted materials as noted in the text.\nPermission to reproduce copyrighted items for other than personal use\nmust be secured from the copyright owner.\n\nThis database, associated with SIM 3416, has been approved for release\nand publication by the Director of the USGS. Although this database has\nbeen subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the\nUSGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis\nand review. Furthermore, it is released on condition that neither the\nUSGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any\ndamages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.\n\nAlthough these data have been processed successfully on a computer\nsystem at the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty expressed or implied\nis made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system,\nor for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution\nconstitute any such warranty. The U.S. Geological Survey shall not be\nheld liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or\ncontained herein.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>TXT, ESRI geodatabase, Shapefile,</formname>\n <formvern>ESRI ArcGIS 10.5.1</formvern>\n <formverd>2017</formverd>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>NONE</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200821</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Kenzie Turner</cntper>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center</address>\n <address>Mail Stop 980</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>Colorado</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-236-4610</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>303-236-5349</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n <metac>none</metac>\n <metuc>none</metuc>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [Geologic Hazards Science Center](/catalog/item/57c495ace4b0f2f0cebc9559) 3. [Legacy Datasets](/catalog/item/57c830b0e4b0f2f0cec02357) 4. [USGS Geomagnetism Program: Magnetic Disturbance Movies](/catalog/folder/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228?format=json) ## Dates Time Period1999-04-07Time Period1999-05-11Time Period1999-09-02Time Period1999-10-22Time Period2000-07-16Time Period2000-08-12Time Period2000-09-17Time Period2000-10-05Time Period2000-11-06Time Period2001-03-20Time Period2001-03-31Time Period2001-04-11Time Period2001-10-03Time Period2001-10-21Time Period2001-10-28Time Period2001-11-06Time Period2001-11-24Time Period2002-04-20Time Period2002-09-08Time Period2002-10-01Time Period2003-10-30Time Period2003-11-20Time Period2004-07-27Time Period2004-11-08Time Period2005-05-15Time Period2005-05-30Time Period2005-08-24Time Period2005-09-11Time Period2006-12-15Release Date2010Publication Date2018-06-22 ## Citation U.S. Geological Survey, 2010, USGS Geomagnetism Program: Magnetic Disturbance Movies: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Movie-maps of low-latitude horizontal-intensity magnetic disturbance are derived from magnetic vector time series data collected at multiple ground-based observatories. Using a technique similar to that used in the calculation of Dst, a quiet time baseline is subtracted from the time series from each observatory. The remaining disturbance time series are shown in a polar coordinate system that accommodates both Earth rotation and the universal time dependence of magnetospheric disturbance. Each magnetic storm recorded in the movie-maps is different. While some standard interpretations about the storm time equatorial ring current appear to apply to certain moments and certain phases of some storms, the movie-maps also show substantial \[...\] ## Summary Movie-maps of low-latitude horizontal-intensity magnetic disturbance are derived from magnetic vector time series data collected at multiple ground-based observatories. Using a technique similar to that used in the calculation of Dst, a quiet time baseline is subtracted from the time series from each observatory. The remaining disturbance time series are shown in a polar coordinate system that accommodates both Earth rotation and the universal time dependence of magnetospheric disturbance. Each magnetic storm recorded in the movie-maps is different. While some standard interpretations about the storm time equatorial ring current appear to apply to certain moments and certain phases of some storms, the movie-maps also show substantial variety in the local time distribution of low-latitude magnetic disturbance, especially during storm commencements and storm main phases. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Data Coordinator](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Data+Coordinator), [U.S. Geological Survey, Geomagnetism Program](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey%2C+Geomagnetism+Program) Originator : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Metadata Contact : [GHSC Data Steward](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=GHSC+Data+Steward), [U.S. Geological Survey, Geologic Hazards Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey%2C+Geologic+Hazards+Science+Center) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=U.S.+Geological+Survey) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Natural Hazards](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Natural+Hazards) SDC Data Owner : [Geomagnetism Program](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=64243) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | GeoMagMovieMaps.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 9.41 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | SampleFrame.png | ![thumbnail]( | 181.65 KB | image/png | | movie.1999.04.17.mp4 | | 19.9 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.1999.05.11.mp4 | | 48.5 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.1999.09.22.mp4 | | 20.9 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.1999.10.22.mp4 | | 33.95 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2000.07.16.mp4 | | 50.72 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2000.08.12.mp4 | | 49.09 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2000.09.17.mp4 | | 59.09 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2000.10.05.mp4 | | 57.13 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2000.11.06.mp4 | | 58.1 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2001.03.20.mp4 | | 59.38 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2001.03.31.mp4 | | 71.18 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2001.04.11.mp4 | | 68.76 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2001.10.03.mp4 | | 69.07 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2001.10.21.mp4 | | 25.92 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2001.10.28.mp4 | | 57 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2001.11.06.mp4 | | 25.85 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2001.11.24.mp4 | | 18.49 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2002.04.20.mp4 | | 48.12 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2002.09.08.mp4 | | 17.28 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2002.10.01.mp4 | | 69.77 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2003.10.30.mp4 | | 40.71 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2003.11.20.mp4 | | 26.45 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2004.07.27.mp4 | | 74.08 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2004.11.08.mp4 | | 62.84 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2005.05.15.mp4 | | 12.73 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2005.05.30.mp4 | | 44.33 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2005.08.24.mp4 | | 18 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2005.09.11.mp4 | | 57.49 MB | video/mp4 | | movie.2006.12.15.mp4 | | 18.84 MB | video/mp4 | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Love, J. J., and J. L. Gannon (2010), Movie‐maps of low‐latitude magnetic storm disturbance, Space Weather, 8, S06001, doi: 10.1029/2009SW000518. | []( "") | ## Purpose The purpose of the dataset is to provide a visualization of low-latitude horizontal-intensity magnetic disturbance derived from magnetic vector time series data collected at multiple ground-based observatories. ## Preview Image ![Preview Image]( ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228) ## Communities - Geologic Hazards Science Center ## Tags Theme - [GHSC](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGHSC "GHSC (GHSC, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Geologic Hazards Science Center](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeologic+Hazards+Science+Center "Geologic Hazards Science Center (Geologic Hazards Science Center, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Geomagnetism Program](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeomagnetism+Program "Geomagnetism Program (Geomagnetism Program, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [USGS](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS "USGS (USGS, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [earth science](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dearth+science "earth science (earth science, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [geomagnetic observatory](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgeomagnetic+observatory "geomagnetic observatory (geomagnetic observatory, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [hazard mitigation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhazard+mitigation "hazard mitigation (hazard mitigation, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [magnetic disturbance](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmagnetic+disturbance "magnetic disturbance (magnetic disturbance, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [magnetic field](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmagnetic+field "magnetic field (magnetic field, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [magnetic storm](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmagnetic+storm "magnetic storm (magnetic storm, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [magnetic vector time series](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmagnetic+vector+time+series "magnetic vector time series (magnetic vector time series, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [real time monitoring](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dreal+time+monitoring "real time monitoring (real time monitoring, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Earth](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEarth "Earth (Earth, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9UQZARF | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey</origin>\n <pubdate>2010</pubdate>\n <title>USGS Geomagnetism Program: Magnetic Disturbance Movies</title>\n <geoform>Electronic</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Love, J. J.</origin>\n <origin>Gannon, J. L</origin>\n <pubdate>20100605</pubdate>\n <title>Movie-maps of low-latitude magnetic storm disturbance</title>\n <geoform>Electronic</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Hoboken, New Jersey</pubplace>\n <publish>John Wiley &amp; Sons, Inc</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Movie-maps of low-latitude horizontal-intensity magnetic disturbance are derived from magnetic vector time series data collected at multiple ground-based observatories. Using a technique similar to that used in the calculation of Dst, a quiet time baseline is subtracted from the time series from each observatory. The remaining disturbance time series are shown in a polar coordinate system that accommodates both Earth rotation and the universal time dependence of magnetospheric disturbance. Each magnetic storm recorded in the movie-maps is different. While some standard interpretations about the storm time equatorial ring current appear to apply to certain moments and certain phases of some storms, the movie-maps also show substantial variety in the local time distribution of low-latitude magnetic disturbance, especially during storm commencements and storm main phases.</abstract>\n <purpose>The purpose of the dataset is to provide a visualization of low-latitude horizontal-intensity magnetic disturbance derived from magnetic vector time series data collected at multiple ground-based observatories.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <mdattim>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>19990407</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>19990511</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>19990902</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>19991022</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20000716</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20000812</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20000917</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20001005</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20001106</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20010320</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20010331</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20010411</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20011003</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20011021</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20011028</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20011106</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20011124</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20020420</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20020908</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20021001</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20031030</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20031120</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20040727</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20041108</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20050515</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20050530</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20050824</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20050911</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20061215</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </mdattim>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-180.0</westbc>\n <eastbc>180.0</eastbc>\n <northbc>90.0</northbc>\n <southbc>-90.0</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS</themekey>\n <themekey>Geologic Hazards Science Center</themekey>\n <themekey>GHSC</themekey>\n <themekey>Geomagnetism Program</themekey>\n <themekey>geomagnetic observatory</themekey>\n <themekey>magnetic field</themekey>\n <themekey>earth science</themekey>\n <themekey>real time monitoring</themekey>\n <themekey>hazard mitigation</themekey>\n <themekey>magnetic disturbance</themekey>\n <themekey>magnetic vector time series</themekey>\n <themekey>magnetic storm</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5b228f72e4b092d9652a2228</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>Earth</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Data Coordinator</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Geomagnetism Program</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1711 Illinois Street</address>\n <city>Golden</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80401</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-273-8500</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Not applicable</procdesc>\n <procdate>2006</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Data dictionary elements are described in the file named DataDictionary.txt @</eaover>\n <eadetcit></eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200831</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>GHSC Data Steward</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Geologic Hazards Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Open Data Policy coordinator</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>1711 Illinois Street</address>\n <city>Golden</city>\n <state>Colorado</state>\n <postal>80401</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-273-8500</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center](/catalog/item/5285678ce4b063f258e65252) 3. [Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) 2005, 2008, 2012, and 2016 land-water matrices](/catalog/item/5b1840efe4b092d965219db0) 4. [Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) 2005, 2008, 2012, and 2016 Site 0097 land-water matrix](/catalog/folder/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2018-11-01Time Period2005Time Period2008Time Period2012Time Period2016 ## Citation Couvillion, B.R., Beck, H.J., Dugas, J., Garber, A., and Mouton, K., 2018, Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) 2005, 2008, 2012, and 2016 land-water matrices: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Wetland restoration efforts conducted by the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in Louisiana rely on monitoring efforts to determine the efficacy of these efforts. The Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) was developed to assist in a multiple-reference approach that uses aspects of hydrogeomorphic functional assessments and probabilistic sampling for monitoring. The CRMS program includes a suite of approximately 390 sites that encompass the range of hydrological and ecological conditions for each stratum. As part of CRMS, land and water classifications are created from Wetland restoration efforts conducted by the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in Louisiana \[...\] ## Summary Wetland restoration efforts conducted by the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in Louisiana rely on monitoring efforts to determine the efficacy of these efforts. The Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) was developed to assist in a multiple-reference approach that uses aspects of hydrogeomorphic functional assessments and probabilistic sampling for monitoring. The CRMS program includes a suite of approximately 390 sites that encompass the range of hydrological and ecological conditions for each stratum. As part of CRMS, land and water classifications are created from Wetland restoration efforts conducted by the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in Louisiana rely on monitoring efforts to determine the efficacy of these efforts. The Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) was developed to assist in a multiple-reference approach that uses aspects of hydrogeomorphic functional assessments and probabilistic sampling for monitoring. The CRMS program includes a suite of approximately 390 sites that encompass the range of hydrological and ecological conditions for each stratum. As part of CRMS, land and water classifications are created from Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles (DOQQs) approximately every three years at all CRMS sites. This dataset consists of a matrix of four land-water products (2005, 2008, 2012, and 2016). The resulting matrix has 16 possible classes defined by the combination of land and water categories on those four dates. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Brady Couvillion](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=2115) Originator : [Brady Couvillion](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=2115), [Holly J Beck](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=23773), [Jason Dugas](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=2736), [Adrienne Garber](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3537), [Kelly Mouton](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=7250) Metadata Contact : [Brady Couvillion](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=2115) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Wetland and Aquatic Research Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70182) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\_Matrix\_061418.pdf | | 479.66 KB | application/pdf | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\_matrix.tif.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 23.17 KB | | CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\_matrix.tfw | | 90 Bytes | | CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\_matrix.tif | | 22.87 KB | | CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\_matrix.tif.ovr | ![thumbnail]( | 9.29 KB | | CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\_matrix.tif.vat.cpg | | 5 Bytes | | CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\_matrix.tif.vat.dbf | | 5.31 KB | Extension: CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\ ## Related External Resources Type: Online Link | | | | --- | --- | | Web Link | []( "") | ## Purpose The intended use of this data set is to provide information to aid efforts in the conservation, restoration, creation, and enhancement of Louisiana's coastal wetlands. The land-water data is used to measure the occurence, locations, and rates of land loss/land gain for CRMS Site 0097. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ScienceBase WCS ## Communities - USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [CRMS](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCRMS "CRMS (CRMS, Theme, None)") - [DOQQ](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDOQQ "DOQQ (DOQQ, Theme, None)") - [Emergent Wetland](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEmergent+Wetland "Emergent Wetland (Emergent Wetland, Theme, Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard)") - [Forested Wetland](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DForested+Wetland "Forested Wetland (Forested Wetland, Theme, Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard)") - [Geographic Information System](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeographic+Information+System "Geographic Information System (Geographic Information System, Theme, None)") - [Scrub-Shrub Wetland](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DScrub-Shrub+Wetland "Scrub-Shrub Wetland (Scrub-Shrub Wetland, Theme, Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard)") - [alteration of wetland habitats](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dalteration+of+wetland+habitats "alteration of wetland habitats (alteration of wetland habitats, Theme, Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB) keywords)") - [cartography](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dcartography "cartography (cartography, Theme, None)") - [coastal](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dcoastal "coastal (coastal, Theme, None)") - [imageryBaseMapsEarthCover](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DimageryBaseMapsEarthCover "imageryBaseMapsEarthCover (imageryBaseMapsEarthCover, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [land-water](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dland-water "land-water (land-water, Theme, None)") - [mapping](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmapping "mapping (mapping, Theme, None)") - [marsh](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmarsh "marsh (marsh, Theme, None)") - [protection](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dprotection "protection (protection, Theme, None)") - [restoration](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Drestoration "restoration (restoration, Theme, None)") - [wetland](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwetland "wetland (wetland, Theme, Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB) keywords)") - [wetland](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwetland "wetland (wetland, Theme, None)") - [wetland ecosystems](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwetland+ecosystems "wetland ecosystems (wetland ecosystems, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [wetlands](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwetlands "wetlands (wetlands, Theme, Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB) keywords)") Place - [Louisiana](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLouisiana "Louisiana (Louisiana, Place, None)") - [State of Louisiana](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DState+of+Louisiana "State of Louisiana (State of Louisiana, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") Types - [Downloadable](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DDownloadable "Downloadable") - [GeoTIFF](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DGeoTIFF "GeoTIFF") - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [Raster](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DRaster "Raster") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Raster Extension | boundingBox | | minY | 30.153597696697137 | | minX | -90.66354869671889 | | maxY | 30.16279977443184 | | maxX | -90.65295940033695 | | | files | | name | CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\_matrix.tfw | | contentType | text/plain | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_42/6e/a3/426ea37e2347c8852113457fe951168044c4428c | | imageWidth | 580 | | imageHeight | 435 | | size | 90 | | dateUploaded | Thu Aug 02 08:47:35 MDT 2018 | | name | CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\_matrix.tif | | contentType | image/geotiff | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_f9/de/3d/f9de3d772521c2e4668443579804fd979cf7b16d | | size | 23415 | | dateUploaded | Thu Aug 02 08:47:35 MDT 2018 | | name | CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\_matrix.tif.ovr | | contentType | image/tiff | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_c0/1d/24/c01d24587d24d77328a70054d90d1414c266b784 | | imageWidth | 500 | | imageHeight | 500 | | size | 9510 | | dateUploaded | Thu Aug 02 08:47:35 MDT 2018 | | name | CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\_matrix.tif.vat.cpg | | contentType | text/plain | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_85/5a/bd/855abd8c5fe34f4bfb9b5c48de538074f50cecde | | imageWidth | 580 | | imageHeight | 435 | | size | 5 | | dateUploaded | Thu Aug 02 08:47:35 MDT 2018 | | name | CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\_matrix.tif.vat.dbf | | contentType | application/unknown | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_4f/97/5c/4f975c26bef3f4565122cea868b5d50658f4ec88 | | size | 5442 | | dateUploaded | Thu Aug 02 08:47:35 MDT 2018 | | name | CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\_matrix.tif.xml | | contentType | application/fgdc+xml | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_b2/85/d2/b285d2bfea293d4ff34e3bc5b9d7452daa55a5e7 | | dateUploaded | Sun Aug 30 21:09:28 MDT 2020 | | originalMetadata | true | | | name | CRMS\_0097\_2005\_2008\_2012\_2016\_matrix | | nativeCrs | EPSG:26915 | | rasterType | GeoTIFF | ... show more ... (Additional Information) ## Item Actions #### Use Item [Process feature with Geo Data Portal](/catalog/gdp/callGdp?item_id=5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed& ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center</origin>\n <origin>Couvillion, Brady</origin>\n <origin>Beck, Holly J.</origin>\n <origin>Dugas, Jason</origin>\n <origin>Garber, Adrienne</origin>\n <origin>Mouton, Kelly</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) 2005, 2008, 2012, and 2016 Site 0097 land-water matrix</title>\n <geoform>raster digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Lafayette, LA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana</origin>\n <origin>U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration</origin>\n <origin>U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service</origin>\n <origin>U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service</origin>\n <origin>U.S. Department of the Army, Corp of Engineers</origin>\n <origin>U.S. Environmental Protection Agency</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Coastwide Reference Monitoring System</title>\n <geoform>document</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Wetland restoration efforts conducted by the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in Louisiana rely on monitoring efforts to determine the efficacy of these efforts. The Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) was developed to assist in a multiple-reference approach that uses aspects of hydrogeomorphic functional assessments and probabilistic sampling for monitoring. The CRMS program includes a suite of approximately 390 sites that encompass the range of hydrological and ecological conditions for each stratum. As part of CRMS, land and water classifications are created from Wetland restoration efforts conducted by the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) in Louisiana rely on monitoring efforts to determine the efficacy of these efforts. The Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) was developed to assist in a multiple-reference approach that uses aspects of hydrogeomorphic functional assessments and probabilistic sampling for monitoring. The CRMS program includes a suite of approximately 390 sites that encompass the range of hydrological and ecological conditions for each stratum. As part of CRMS, land and water classifications are created from Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles (DOQQs) approximately every three years at all CRMS sites. This dataset consists of a matrix of four land-water products (2005, 2008, 2012, and 2016). The resulting matrix has 16 possible classes defined by the combination of land and water categories on those four dates.</abstract>\n <purpose>The intended use of this data set is to provide information to aid efforts in the conservation, restoration, creation, and enhancement of Louisiana's coastal wetlands. The land-water data is used to measure the occurence, locations, and rates of land loss/land gain for CRMS Site 0097.</purpose>\n <supplinf>Author ORCIDs: Couvillion, B.(0000-0001-5323-1687);Beck, H.J.(0000-0002-0567-9329);Dugas, J.(0000-0001-6094-7560);Garber, A.(0000-0003-1139-8256);Mouton, K.(0000-0002-7692-8206)</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <mdattim>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2005</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2008</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2012</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2016</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </mdattim>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-90.6633359925</westbc>\n <eastbc>-90.653173047</eastbc>\n <northbc>30.1627997753</northbc>\n <southbc>30.1535976975</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>imageryBaseMapsEarthCover</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>CRMS</themekey>\n <themekey>DOQQ</themekey>\n <themekey>land-water</themekey>\n <themekey>wetland</themekey>\n <themekey>mapping</themekey>\n <themekey>restoration</themekey>\n <themekey>marsh</themekey>\n <themekey>protection</themekey>\n <themekey>coastal</themekey>\n <themekey>cartography</themekey>\n <themekey>Geographic Information System</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>Marine Realms Information Bank (MRIB) keywords</themekt>\n <themekey>alteration of wetland habitats</themekey>\n <themekey>wetland</themekey>\n <themekey>wetlands</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard</themekt>\n <themekey>Emergent Wetland</themekey>\n <themekey>Forested Wetland</themekey>\n <themekey>Scrub-Shrub Wetland</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>wetland ecosystems</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5b631987e4b006a11f7176ed</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Louisiana</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System</placekt>\n <placekey>State of Louisiana</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>It is strongly recommended that these data are directly acquired from the U.S. Geological Survey, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center and not indirectly through other sources which may have changed in some way. The distributor makes no claim as to the data's suitability for other purposes.</accconst>\n <useconst>Acknowledgement of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Wetland and Aquatic Research Center (WARC) as a data source would be appreciated in products developed from these data. Such acknowledgement as is standard for citation and legal practices for data sources is expected by users of this data. Sharing new data layers developed directly from these data would be appreciated by the USGS WARC staff. Users should be aware that comparison with other datasets for the same area from other time periods may be inaccurate because of inconsistencies resulting from changes in mapping conventions, data collection procedures, and computer processes over time. The distributor shall not be liable for improper or incorrect use of these data, based on the description of appropriate/inappropriate uses described in this metadata document. These data are not legal documents and are not to be used as such.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center</cntorg>\n <cntper>Brady Couvillion</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntpos>Research Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing</addrtype>\n <address>Parker Coliseum</address>\n <city>Baton Rouge</city>\n <state>LA</state>\n <postal>70803</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>225-578-7484</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Wetland and Aquatic Research Center (NWRC) would like to acknowledge the assistance of the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Department of the Army, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.</datacred>\n <native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS 10.3.1 (Build 4959) Service Pack N/A (Build N/A)</native>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>CRMS Site 0097 Digital Imagery</title>\n <geoform>raster digital data</geoform>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>Refer to individual years of land-water data for accuracy information.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Refer to individual years of land-water data for accuracy information.</logic>\n <complete>This data represents the landscape composition on the four dates of acquisition (DOA) of the imagery. Land area in this highly dynamic environment is a very fluid parameter, and normal environmental variability can lead to variability in this measure from day to day.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>The accuracy of the horizontal positions is based on the accuracy of the georeferenced data source (which can be USGS DOQQs, DEMS, flight line center points, and/or calibration reports). The sources used vary from project to project. All USGS Mapping products adhere to the National Mapping Accuracy Standard.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>USGS</origin>\n <pubdate>2007</pubdate>\n <title>Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) 2005 Site 0097 Land-Water Classification Data</title>\n <geoform>Raster Digital Data Set</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Louisiana</pubplace>\n <publish>USGS</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2005</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>Date of source photography</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>2005 Aerial photo</srccitea>\n <srccontr>The primary data source for classification of 2005 land-water data</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>USGS</origin>\n <pubdate>2011</pubdate>\n <title>Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) 2008 Site 0097 Land-Water Classification Data</title>\n <geoform>Raster Digital Data Set</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Louisiana</pubplace>\n <publish>USGS</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2008</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>Date of source photography</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>2008 Aerial photo</srccitea>\n <srccontr>The primary data source for classification of 2008 land-water data</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>USGS</origin>\n <pubdate>2014</pubdate>\n <title>Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) 2012 Site 0097 Land-Water Classification Data</title>\n <geoform>Raster Digital Data Set</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>USGS</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2012</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>Date of source photography</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>2012 Aerial photo</srccitea>\n <srccontr>The primary data source for classification of 2012 land-water data</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>USGS</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) 2016 Site 0097 Land-Water Classification Data</title>\n <geoform>Raster Digital Data Set</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Louisiana</pubplace>\n <publish>USGS</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2015</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>Date of source photography</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>2015 Aerial photo</srccitea>\n <srccontr>The primary data source for classification of 2015 land-water data</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Land-water classifications for all four time periods were compiled and checked to ensure only values 1 and 2 were included. In some previous dates, value 3 represents flooded land, however for simplification of the matrix, these values were recoded to value 1 (land).</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The four dates of land-water classifications were matrixed according to the following code:\nIF 2005 =1AND 2008 =1AND 2012 =1AND 2016 =1 THEN Value = 1 (Persistent land)\nIF 2005 =1AND 2008 =2AND 2012 =1AND 2016 =1 THEN Value = 2 (Ephemeral water - 2008)\nIF 2005 =1AND 2008 =1AND 2012 =2AND 2016 =1 THEN Value = 3 (Ephemeral water - 2012)\nIF 2005 =1AND 2008 =2AND 2012 =2AND 2016 =1 THEN Value = 4 (Land - Water - Water - Land)\nIF 2005 =1AND 2008 =2AND 2012 =1AND 2016 =2 THEN Value = 5 (Land - Water - Land - Water)\nIF 2005 =1AND 2008 =1AND 2012 =1AND 2016 =2 THEN Value = 6 (New water - 2015)\nIF 2005 =1AND 2008 =1AND 2012 =2AND 2016 =2 THEN Value = 7 (Persistent loss - 2012)\nIF 2005 =1AND 2008 =2AND 2012 =2AND 2016 =2 THEN Value = 8 (Persistent loss - 2008)\nIF 2005 =2AND 2008 =1AND 2012 =1AND 2016 =1 THEN Value = 9 (Persistent gain - 2008)\nIF 2005 =2AND 2008 =2AND 2012 =1AND 2016 =1 THEN Value = 10 (Persistent gain - 2012)\nIF 2005 =2AND 2008 =2AND 2012 =2AND 2016 =1 THEN Value = 11 (New land - 2015)\nIF 2005 =2AND 2008 =1AND 2012 =2AND 2016 =1 THEN Value = 12 (Water - Land - Water - Land)\nIF 2005 =2AND 2008 =1AND 2012 =1AND 2016 =2 THEN Value = 13 (Water - Land - Land - Water)\nIF 2005 =2AND 2008 =2AND 2012 =1AND 2016 =2 THEN Value = 14 (Ephemeral land - 2012)\nIF 2005 =2AND 2008 =1AND 2012 =2AND 2016 =2 THEN Value = 15 (Ephemeral land - 2008)\nIF 2005 =2AND 2008 =2AND 2012 =2AND 2016 =2 THEN Value = 16 (Persistent water)</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>Coastal Louisiana</indspref>\n <direct>Raster</direct>\n <rastinfo>\n <rasttype>Grid Cell</rasttype>\n <rowcount>1000</rowcount>\n <colcount>1000</colcount>\n </rastinfo>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <gridsys>\n <gridsysn>Universal Transverse Mercator</gridsysn>\n <utm>\n <utmzone>15</utmzone>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer>0.999600</sfctrmer>\n <longcm>-93.000000</longcm>\n <latprjo>0.000000</latprjo>\n <feast>500000.000000</feast>\n <fnorth>0.000000</fnorth>\n </transmer>\n </utm>\n </gridsys>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>0.000008</absres>\n <ordres>0.000008</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>meters</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>North American Datum of 1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>Geodetic Reference System 80</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.000000</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257222</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>CRMS_0097_2005_2008_2012_2016_matrix.tif</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Attribute table for raster dataset</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>OID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Internal feature number.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>ESRI</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Value</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Data identifier created by spatial software</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>ESRI</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Whole number representing a distinct land/water classification</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Count</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of pixels in that class</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>17.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>971799.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Number of pixels in that class</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Class_Name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Land/water classification</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Classification category</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Red</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Red value in the RGB set of the color which represents this class</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>255</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Green</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Green value in the RGB set of the color which represents this class</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>255</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Blue</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Blue value in the RGB set of the color which represents this class</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>255</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Opacity</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Transparency</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>255</rdommin>\n <rdommax>255</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Transparency</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <overview>\n <eaover>All areas characterized as emergent vegetation, wetland forest, scrub-shrub, or uplands are classified as land, while open water aquatics, and mud flats are classified as water. \nItems within the attribute table in addition to ArcInfo items (e.g. area. perimeter) include: 1) Class- classified as either land or water, 2) Acres- acreage figures</eaover>\n <eadetcit>Producer defined</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <resdesc>Downloadable data</resdesc>\n <distliab>Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. This disclaimer applies both to individual use of the data and aggregate use with other data. It is strongly recommended that these data are directly acquired from a U.S. Geological Survey server, and not indirectly through other sources which may have changed the data in some way. It is also strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data. The U.S. Geological Survey shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n <techpreq>None</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200830</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center</cntorg>\n <cntper>Brady Couvillion</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntpos>Research Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical address</addrtype>\n <address>Parker Coliseum, LSU</address>\n <city>Baton Rouge</city>\n <state>LA</state>\n <postal>70803</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>225-578-7484</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n <mettc>local time</mettc>\n <metac>None</metac>\n <metuc>Acknowledgement of the U.S. Geological Survey, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center as the metadata source would be appreciated. Please cite the original metadata when using portions of the record when creating a similar record for slightly altered data for reprojection or subsetting. Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.</metuc>\n <metextns>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <metprof>ESRI Metadata Profile</metprof>\n </metextns>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC)](/catalog/item/522a09e6e4b0f33a3916d655) 3. [River Studies Branch](/catalog/item/56bb65d5e4b08d617f657841) 4. [Comprehensive Sturgeon Research](/catalog/item/573c8811e4b0dae0d5e4af6b) 5. [Ploidy and genome size estimates of artificially produced larval pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus](/catalog/folder/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2021-03-02Start Date2018-06-12End Date2018-06-22 ## Citation Jenkins, J.A., Chojnacki, K.A., Nicks, D. K., Dodson, M. J., and Delonay, A.J., 2021, Ploidy and genome size estimates of artificially produced larval pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Data consist of flow cytometry files (.FCS) that were generated in the analysis of larval pallid sturgeon specimens. Nuclei from produced larval sturgeon somatic cells were analyzed using flow cytometry to estimate genome size and assign ploidy. Freshly collected rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), or pallid sturgeon blood were used as external controls, whereby the fish blood samples were analyzed in separate tubes from the cells of prepared sturgeon larvae. All samples at 1 x 10^6 cells/mL were incubated in a propidium iodide solution to stain DNA, then analyzed by flow cytometry. Analysis software generated histograms from the experimental samples and the control standard samples. The histogram \[...\] ## Summary Data consist of flow cytometry files (.FCS) that were generated in the analysis of larval pallid sturgeon specimens. Nuclei from produced larval sturgeon somatic cells were analyzed using flow cytometry to estimate genome size and assign ploidy. Freshly collected rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), or pallid sturgeon blood were used as external controls, whereby the fish blood samples were analyzed in separate tubes from the cells of prepared sturgeon larvae. All samples at 1 x 10^6 cells/mL were incubated in a propidium iodide solution to stain DNA, then analyzed by flow cytometry. Analysis software generated histograms from the experimental samples and the control standard samples. The histogram peak channels (modes) were then compared to generate a genome size estimate and additionally to visualize peaks for ploidy categorization. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Jill A Jenkins](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5049) Originator : [Jill A Jenkins](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5049), [Kimberly A Chojnacki](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=1779), [Diane Nicks](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=7488), [Marlene J Dodson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70758), [Aaron J Delonay](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=2443) Metadata Contact : [CERC Data Managers](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=75653) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Data Owner : [Columbia Environmental Research Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17335) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Columbia Environmental Research Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17335) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Ploidy and genome size estimates of artificially produced larval pallid sturgeon.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 43.39 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Genome size estimates and observed ploidy.txt | | 14.7 KB | text/plain | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Flamio Jr, R., Chojnacki, K.A., DeLonay, A.J., Dodson, M.J., Gocker, R.M., Jenkins, J.A., Powell, J. and Heist, E.J., 2021. Production of haploid gynogens to inform genomic resource development in the paleotetraploid pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus). Aquaculture, p.736529. | []( "") | ## Purpose Spawning, propagation, and recovery of the federally endangered pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) are complicated by morphological similarity between pallid sturgeon and their hybrids with sympatric shovelnose sturgeon. Current molecular markers cannot reliably distinguish among the species and backcrosses. Additionally, differentiation of species by their morphometric and meristic characters alone is problematic. Thus, these data were generated to affirm ploidy and estimate genome size of sturgeon larvae artificially produced by using various milt treatments to disallow sperm genetic contribution, and various female egg donors in efforts to ultimately generate a reference DNA sequence to be helpful in discerning the wild caught sturgeon that are pure species from those with multigenerational backcrosses. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827) [![](![](,4707899.773986209,-1.0270686913149396E7,4710099.773986209)](/catalog/item/imap/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827) ## Communities - Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [Endangered species](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEndangered+species "Endangered species (Endangered species, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Flow cytometry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DFlow+cytometry "Flow cytometry (Flow cytometry, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Genome size](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGenome+size "Genome size (Genome size, Theme, None)") - [Pallid sturgeon](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPallid+sturgeon "Pallid sturgeon (Pallid sturgeon, Theme, None)") - [Ploidy](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPloidy "Ploidy (Ploidy, Theme, USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus)") - [biota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiota "biota (biota, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") Place - [Columbia](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DColumbia "Columbia (Columbia, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Columbia Environmental Research Center](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DColumbia+Environmental+Research+Center "Columbia Environmental Research Center (Columbia Environmental Research Center, Place, None)") - [Lafayette](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLafayette "Lafayette (Lafayette, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Louisiana](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLouisiana "Louisiana (Louisiana, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Missouri](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMissouri "Missouri (Missouri, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Wetland and Aquatic Research Center](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWetland+and+Aquatic+Research+Center "Wetland and Aquatic Research Center (Wetland and Aquatic Research Center, Place, None)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Aquatic Biology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAquatic+Biology "Aquatic Biology (Aquatic Biology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Genetics](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGenetics "Genetics (Genetics, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9T3LM1C | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jill A. Jenkins</origin>\n <origin>Kimberly A. Chojnacki</origin>\n <origin>Diane K. Nicks</origin>\n <origin>Marlene J. Dodson</origin>\n <origin>Aaron J. Delonay</origin>\n <pubdate>20210302</pubdate>\n <title>Ploidy and genome size estimates of artificially produced larval pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus</title>\n <geoform>tabular digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Richard Flamio</origin>\n <origin>Kimberly A. Chojnacki</origin>\n <origin>Aaron J. DeLonay</origin>\n <origin>Marlene J. Dodson</origin>\n <origin>Rachel M. Gocker</origin>\n <origin>Jill A. Jenkins</origin>\n <origin>Jeffrey Powell</origin>\n <origin>Edward J. Heist</origin>\n <pubdate>202102</pubdate>\n <title>Production of haploid gynogens to inform genomic resource development in the paleotetraploid pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus)</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>Elsevier BV</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>ppg. 736529</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Data consist of flow cytometry files (.FCS) that were generated in the analysis of larval pallid sturgeon specimens. Nuclei from produced larval sturgeon somatic cells were analyzed using flow cytometry to estimate genome size and assign ploidy. Freshly collected rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), or pallid sturgeon blood were used as external controls, whereby the fish blood samples were analyzed in separate tubes from the cells of prepared sturgeon larvae. All samples at 1 x 10^6 cells/mL were incubated in a propidium iodide solution to stain DNA, then analyzed by flow cytometry. Analysis software generated histograms from the experimental samples and the control standard samples. The histogram peak channels (modes) were then compared to generate a genome size estimate and additionally to visualize peaks for ploidy categorization.</abstract>\n <purpose>Spawning, propagation, and recovery of the federally endangered pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) are complicated by morphological similarity between pallid sturgeon and their hybrids with sympatric shovelnose sturgeon. Current molecular markers cannot reliably distinguish among the species and backcrosses. Additionally, differentiation of species by their morphometric and meristic characters alone is problematic. Thus, these data were generated to affirm ploidy and estimate genome size of sturgeon larvae artificially produced by using various milt treatments to disallow sperm genetic contribution, and various female egg donors in efforts to ultimately generate a reference DNA sequence to be helpful in discerning the wild caught sturgeon that are pure species from those with multigenerational backcrosses.</purpose>\n <supplinf>Data are in standard format (.fcs) that allows files created by one type of acquisition hardware and software to be analyzed by another type. Flow cytometric data were analyzed using Flow Jo v. 10.7.0 (Ashland, OR). Users can access free software to analyze .fcs files by visiting Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories-Catalog of Free Flow Cytometry Software (</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20180612</begdate>\n <enddate>20180622</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-92.284999999998</westbc>\n <eastbc>-92.27364</eastbc>\n <northbc>38.9149</northbc>\n <southbc>38.90806</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>Columbia Environmental Research Center</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Endangered species</themekey>\n <themekey>Flow cytometry</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>biota</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Ploidy</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>Genome size</themekey>\n <themekey>Pallid sturgeon</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5f92e4c082ce720ee2d57827</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Columbia Environmental Research Center</placekey>\n <placekey>Wetland and Aquatic Research Center</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System</placekt>\n <placekey>Columbia</placekey>\n <placekey>Missouri</placekey>\n <placekey>Lafayette</placekey>\n <placekey>Louisiana</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see 'Distribution Info' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users are advised to read the dataset's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Jill A Jenkins</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Southeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Microbiologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>700 Cajundome Blvd</address>\n <city>Lafayette</city>\n <state>LA</state>\n <postal>70506</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>337-266-8607</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Harry A. Crissman</origin>\n <origin>John A. Steinkamp</origin>\n <pubdate>19731201</pubdate>\n <title>RAPID, SIMULTANEOUS MEASUREMENT OF DNA, PROTEIN, AND CELL VOLUME IN SINGLE CELLS FROM LARGE MAMMALIAN CELL POPULATIONS</title>\n <geoform>OTHER</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Journal of Cell Biology</sername>\n <issue>vol. 59, issue 3</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>Rockefeller University Press</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>D. Fopp-Bayat</origin>\n <origin>K. Ocalewicz</origin>\n <origin>M. Kucinski</origin>\n <origin>M. Jankun</origin>\n <origin>B. Laczynska</origin>\n <pubdate>20170206</pubdate>\n <title>Disturbances in the ploidy level in the gynogenetic sterlet Acipenser ruthenus</title>\n <geoform>OTHER</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Journal of Applied Genetics</sername>\n <issue>vol. 58, issue 3</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>Springer Science and Business Media LLC</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jill A. Jenkins</origin>\n <origin>R. Glenn Thomas</origin>\n <pubdate>200711</pubdate>\n <title>Use of Eyeballs for Establishing Ploidy of Asian Carp</title>\n <geoform>OTHER</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>North American Journal of Fisheries Management</sername>\n <issue>vol. 27, issue 4</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>Wiley</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Steven D. Mims</origin>\n <origin>William L. Shelton</origin>\n <pubdate>1998</pubdate>\n <title>Induced meiotic gynogenesis in shovelnose sturgeon</title>\n <geoform>OTHER</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Aquaculture International</sername>\n <issue>vol. 6, issue 5</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>Springer Science and Business Media LLC</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>J. P. Van Eenennaam</origin>\n <origin>J. Linares-Casenave</origin>\n <origin>S. I. Doroshov</origin>\n <pubdate>20120510</pubdate>\n <title>Tank spawning of first generation domestic green sturgeon</title>\n <geoform>OTHER</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Journal of Applied Ichthyology</sername>\n <issue>vol. 28, issue 4</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>Wiley</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <taxonomy>\n <keywtax>\n <taxonkt>USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus</taxonkt>\n <taxonkey>Fishes</taxonkey>\n </keywtax>\n <taxonsys>\n <classsys>\n <classcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</title>\n <geoform>ONLINE_REFERENCE</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Washington, D.C.</pubplace>\n <publish>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </classcit>\n </classsys>\n <ider>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Kimberly A Chojnacki</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia Environmental Research Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Biologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>4200 New Haven Road</address>\n <city>Columbia</city>\n <state>MO</state>\n <postal>65201</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>573-875-5399</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ider>\n <taxonpro>genetic analysis</taxonpro>\n <taxoncom>All fishes were identified to species from parental genetics or from known broodstock.</taxoncom>\n </taxonsys>\n <taxongen>All fishes were identified to species</taxongen>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <common>chordates</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <common>vertebrates</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <common>ray-finned fishes</common>\n <common>spiny rayed fishes</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chondrostei</taxonrv>\n <common>paddlefishes</common>\n <common>sturgeons</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acipenseriformes</taxonrv>\n <common>sturgeons</common>\n <common>spoonfishes</common>\n <common>paddlefishes</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acipenseroidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acipenseridae</taxonrv>\n <common>sturgeons</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Scaphirhynchinae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Scaphirhynchus</taxonrv>\n <common>shovelnose sturgeons</common>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Scaphirhynchus albus</taxonrv>\n <common>pallid sturgeon</common>\n <common>TSN: 161081</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Protacanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Salmoniformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Salmonidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subfamily</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Salmoninae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Oncorhynchus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Oncorhynchus mykiss</taxonrv>\n <common>rainbow trout</common>\n <common>trucha arcoiris</common>\n <common>steelhead</common>\n <common>truite arc-en-ciel</common>\n <common>redband trout</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Centrarchidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Micropterus</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Micropterus salmoides</taxonrv>\n <common>largemouth bass</common>\n <common>lobina negra</common>\n <common>achigan \xc3\xa0 grande bouche</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxonomy>\n <tool>\n <tooldesc>Flow Jo v. 10.7.0 (Ashland, OR) FlowJo\xe2\x84\xa2 is widely accepted as the most sophisticated and powerful analysis tool in the field for the management, display, manipulation, analysis and publication of the large data stream produced by flow and mass cytometers.</tooldesc>\n <toolacc>\n <toolinst>Proprietary software must be purchased. Free flow cytometry software is available at Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories-Catalog of Free Flow Cytometry Software (</toolinst>\n </toolacc>\n </tool>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>Scientific literature was used in determining values. US Geological Survey Quality Management System standards are upheld at U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia Environmental Research Center (Columbia, Missouri) and U.S. Geological Survey, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center (Lafayette, Louisiana) for instrument use and calibration.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Data were checked for logical consistency and standardization</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Production of Specimens: Pallid sturgeon offspring with 100% homozygous DNA contributed by only one parent were produced by employing two methods to produce suitable specimens for double digest restriction-site associated DNA (ddRAD) sequencing. Methods were a) activate pallid sturgeon eggs with ultraviolet (UV) irradiated sperm from the heterologous paddlefish to produce haploid gynogenetic sturgeon, and b) activate pallid sturgeon eggs with UV-irradiated paddlefish sperm followed by thermal shock to disrupt the first mitotic division and produce mitotic gynogenetic sturgeon with the same chromosome complement as wild pallid sturgeon. The range of times post-fertilization used for the thermal shock trials for the doubled haploid production related to experimentally derived tau values. The tau value is the duration of the mitotic cycle during the period of synchronous cleavage divisions (Dettlaff and Dettlaff, 1961). \nTwo successive experiments were conducted, one during the spring of 2017 and one in the spring of 2018. Procedures used during 2017 informed the modification of procedures used during 2018, which included performing flow cytometry to determine ploidy of specimens produced from these trials. All broodstock and free embryos used in this study were treated according to animal care and use guidelines established by the Columbia Environmental Research Center (Animal Welfare Plan, policy number 1401). The study plan was approved by the designated U.S. Geological Survey animal care and use committee and adhered to pallid sturgeon propagation and handling protocols established by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. \nPallid sturgeon eggs and milt, and paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) milt were obtained through artificial induction of fish at Gavins Point National Fish Hatchery (GPNFH) in Yankton, South Dakota. \nMale pallid sturgeon and paddlefish were induced to spermiate by the administration of a single intramuscular injection of Luteinizing Hormone-Releasing Hormone analog (LHRHa; Syndell Labratories, Vancouver, British Columbia) at a dosage of 10 micrograms per kilogram (\xc2\xb5g/kg) of body weight, approximately 24 h before expected milt collection. Milt was collected using a flexible section of poly-vinyl chloride tubing attached to the end of a 30 milliliter (mL) syringe. Reproductively ready female pallid sturgeon were induced to ovulate by the administration of two separate hormone injections. The first dose was an intramuscular injection of LHRHa at a dosage of 10 \xc2\xb5g/kg of body weight. The second injection was an intramuscular injection of LHRHa at a dosage of 450 \xc2\xb5g/kg of body weight given 12 h after the first injection. At ovulation, eggs were expressed using gentle abdominal pressure. Eggs were obtained from five female pallid sturgeon in 2017, and four in 2018. Eggs from each female in 2018 were crossed with milt from a single male paddlefish in 2018, representing a single family. \nSpermatozoa of the heterologous paddlefish were genetically inactivated by ultra-violet (UV) irradiation at 254 Aliquots of UV-irradiated milt were combined and placed on wet ice in a dark cooler until ovulated pallid sturgeon eggs were ready to be activated. Fertilization and activation of ovulated eggs was performed in a darkened room to prevent photo-reactivation of UV-irradiated paddlefish DNA in treated milt. \nTreatment trials were conducted with two controls: an egg quality control group (C1) in which an aliquot of eggs from each female was fertilized with milt from 1\xe2\x80\x932 pallid sturgeon (no thermal shock treatment) to verify egg viability, and a hybrid viability control group (C2) in which an aliquot of eggs from each female was fertilized with milt from 1\xe2\x80\x934 paddlefish (no thermal shock) to verify that no viable hybrids were produced. At the time of fertilization, milt was mixed with water at a ratio of 1:100, and quickly added to the eggs. The eggs were then gently mixed with the milt-water solution for 3 min, rinsed with fresh water, then combined with Fuller\xe2\x80\x99s Earth and mixed for 15 m to remove adhesiveness (Van Eenennaam et al., 2012). Activated eggs were placed in separate, floating, screened containers in a water bath supplied with continuously flowing hatchery water maintained at spawning temperature (17.1\xe2\x80\x9317.5 \xc2\xb0C). Random samples of approximately 50 eggs from the C1 group from each female pallid sturgeon were examined under 10x magnification at 5\xe2\x80\x9310 min intervals using a SMZ 445 stereomicroscope (Nikon Instruments Inc., Melville, New York) to record the length of time between the first and second cell cleavage (tau, one mitotic cycle) to determine the timing of the thermal shock treatments (described below). In 2017, tau was determined to be 70 min for the eggs of all five females. In 2018, tau was determined to be 65 min for the eggs of three females and 70 min for the eggs of the fourth female. \nFive treatments were performed: Treatment 1 (T1), pallid sturgeon eggs were activated with UV-irradiated paddlefish milt (no thermal shock) in order to produce haploids. For treatments 2\xe2\x80\x935 (T2\xe2\x80\x93T5), aliquots of pallid sturgeon eggs were activated with UV-irradiated paddlefish milt (thermal shock treatment, described below, was applied at 1.6 tau, 1.8 tau, 2.0 tau, and 2.4 tau, for treatment groups T2\xe2\x80\x93T5, respectively) to produce doubled haploids via mitotic gynogenesis. Aliquots of eggs were activated with UV-irradiated paddlefish milt as described above, transferred to separate, floating screened containers and maintained at spawning temperature until thermal shock treatment. Thermal shock treatments were performed based on methods outlined by Mims and Shelton (1998) and Fopp-Bayat and others (2017). Briefly, thermal shock was induced by submerging activated eggs into a 20 L PolyScience General Purpose Water Bath (Niles, Illinois U.S.A.) maintained at 34 \xc2\xb0C for 2.5 min. Timing of the thermal shock application was calculated based on trial temperature and observed tau values for C1 eggs: 1.6 tau (T2), 1.8 tau (T3), 2.0 tau (T4), and 2.4 tau (T5). Thermal shock was applied at either 104/112 min post-activation (mpa, 1.6 tau), 117/126 mpa (1.8 tau), 130/140 mpa (2.0 tau), or 156/168 mpa (2.4 tau), respectively (Dettlaff and Dettlaff, 1961). \nEggs from each of the above-described trial groups were transferred to McDonald-type hatching jars and maintained separately throughout the study. After hatching, free embryos were transferred to polypropylene baskets fitted with 250-micron (\xc2\xb5) stainless steel screens that retained hatched free embryos and allowed for continuous water flow. Hatching jars and free embryo baskets were continuously supplied with water (300 milligram per Liter (mg/L) hardness as CaCO3, 260 mg/L alkalinity as CaCO3, 670\xe2\x80\x93690 microSeimens per centimeter (\xc2\xb5S/cm) conductivity, 7.7\xe2\x80\x937.8 pH) from a partially recirculating (minimum 8 volume replacements per day), temperature controlled system (17.0\xe2\x80\x9319.6 \xc2\xb0C) equipped with UV-sterilization. \nSpecimens in experimental trials were expected to have very low viability and survival through the initiation of feeding due to syndromes associated with homozygosity. Viable specimens were cultured for at least 8\xe2\x80\x9310 days post hatch in order to produce enough tissue substrate for flow cytometry and/or microsatellite genotyping analyses. Specimens were euthanized with an overdose of tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222). In 2017, specimens were preserved in 95% ethanol prior to microsatellite genotyping. In 2018, when the flow cytometry component of the experiment was added, specimens were selected from each treatment and the yolk-sac was carefully removed. The specimen was divided roughly into two equal portions. One half of the specimen was flash frozen immediately in approximately 200 microliters of Hank\xe2\x80\x99s balanced salt solution (HBSS, 255 milliosmoles/kg, pH = 7.4) and stored at -80 \xc2\xb0C for later microsatellite genotyping. The other half of the specimen was placed in 200 micorliters of HBSS in preparation to determine ploidy level using flow cytometry.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Flow cytometry: Fresh blood standards were collected from largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides, pallid sturgeon and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was collected in vials containing acid citrate dextrose anticoagulant. Each 40 \xc2\xb5L sample of 1:50 blood:HBSS dilution was combined with working propidium iodide (PI) solution (5 \xc2\xb5g/mL propidium iodide, 0.112% sodium citrate, 0.1% triton X-100, RNase at 650 Kunitz units/mL; Crissman and Steinkamp, 1973; Jenkins and Thomas, 2007) and incubated in the dark at room temperature for 15 min to release nuclei and stain DNA. Each 80 \xc2\xb5L of stained fish blood standard was analyzed by a BD AccuriTM C6 Cytometer (Becton Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems, San Jose, California) for 10,000 nuclei at a speed lower than 300 events per second. \nTo obtain subsamples, artificially produced sturgeon larvae specimens were macerated using a pellet pestle in a microcentrifuge tube. The tube contents were filtered through a 35 \xc2\xb5m cell strainer into a 5 mL polystyrene tube using HBSS. Samples were centrifuged at 97.4 Relative Centrifugal Force (RCF) for 10 min at 4 \xc2\xb0C, rinsed with 200 \xc2\xb5L HBSS, and centrifuged again at 97.4 RCF for 10 minutes at 4 \xc2\xb0C before being placed on wet ice. Contents were transferred to a microcentrifuge tube where they were centrifuged at 200 RCF for 10 min at 4 \xc2\xb0C and returned to wet ice. Supernatant was removed. The remaining 40 \xc2\xb5L were combined with an additional 40 \xc2\xb5L of working PI solution, vortexed, and incubated at room temperature for 15 minutes in the dark. Each 80 \xc2\xb5L stained sample was assessed by flow cytometry with the primary threshold set to FL2-A until 10,000 events were recorded per sample.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <method>\n <methtype>Lab</methtype>\n <methdesc>Nuclei from produced larval sturgeon somatic cells were analyzed using flow cytometry to estimate genome size and assign ploidy. Freshly collected rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), or pallid sturgeon blood were used as external controls, whereby the fish blood samples were analyzed in separate tubes from the cells of prepared sturgeon larvae. All samples at 1 x 10^6 cells/mL were incubated in a propidium iodide solution to stain DNA, then analyzed by flow cytometry. Analysis software generated histograms from the experimental samples and the control standard samples. The histogram peak channels (modes) were then compared to generate a genome size estimate and additionally to visualize peaks for ploidy categorization.</methdesc>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Dettlaff, T.A.</origin>\n <origin>Dettlaff, A.A.</origin>\n <pubdate>1961</pubdate>\n <title>On relative dimensionless characteristics of the development duration in embryology</title>\n <geoform>Publication</geoform>\n <onlink>Not electronically available</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jenkins, Jill A.</origin>\n <pubdate>2003</pubdate>\n <title>Pallid Sturgeon in the Lower Mississippi Region: Hematology and Genome Information</title>\n <geoform>Publication</geoform>\n <onlink>Not electronically available</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Tiersch, T.R.</origin>\n <origin>Chandler, R.W.</origin>\n <origin>Wachtel, S.S.</origin>\n <origin>Elias, S</origin>\n <pubdate>1989</pubdate>\n <title>Reference standards for flow cytometry and application in comparative studies of nuclear DNA content</title>\n <geoform>Publication</geoform>\n <onlink>Not electronically available</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n <methcite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Wayman, W.W.</origin>\n <pubdate>2003</pubdate>\n <title>From gamete collection to database development: development of a model cryopreserved germplasm repository for aquatic species with emphasis on sturgeon: Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University</title>\n <geoform>Ph.D. dissertation</geoform>\n <onlink>Not electronically available</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </methcite>\n </method>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Genome size estimates and observed ploidy</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Genome size estimates and observed ploidy of larval pallid sturgeon</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Type</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The type of sample analyzed by Flow Cytometry</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>LMB blood standard</edomv>\n <edomvd>Largemouth bass blood standard collected on the day of analysis</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>RBT blood standard</edomv>\n <edomvd>Rainbow trout blood standard collected on the day of analysis</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>PLS blood standard</edomv>\n <edomvd>Pallid sturgeon blood standard collected on the day of analysis</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Pallid sturgeon larvae</edomv>\n <edomvd>Pallid sturgeon larval tissue collected on the day of analysis</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Treatment</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Categorical description of treatments to produce pallid sturgeon larvae</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NA</edomv>\n <edomvd>The attribute is not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>C1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Pallid sturgeon specimen resulting from pallid sturgeon eggs fertilized by pallid sturgeon milt (no thermal shock treatment applied)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>C2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Specimen resulting from pallid sturgeon eggs fertilized by paddlefish milt (no thermal shock treatment applied)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>T1</edomv>\n <edomvd>Specimen resulting from pallid sturgeon eggs activated by ultra-violet irradiated paddlefish milt (no thermal shock treatment applied)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>T2</edomv>\n <edomvd>Specimen resulting from pallid sturgeon eggs activated by irradiated paddlefish milt and thermally shocked at 1.6 tau for eggs from each specific female (104 - 112 minutes post activation)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>T3</edomv>\n <edomvd>Specimen resulting from pallid sturgeon eggs activated by irradiated paddlefish milt and thermally shocked at 1.8 tau for eggs from each specific female (117 \xe2\x80\x93 126 minutes post activation)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>T4</edomv>\n <edomvd>Specimen resulting from pallid sturgeon eggs activated by irradiated paddlefish milt and thermally shocked at 2.0 tau for eggs from each specific female (130 \xe2\x80\x93 140 minutes post activation)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>T5</edomv>\n <edomvd>Specimen resulting from pallid sturgeon eggs activated by irradiated paddlefish milt and thermally shocked at 2.4 tau for eggs from each specific female (156 - 168 minutes post activation)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>FamilyID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Identifier for the breeding cross that produced the eggs</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NA</edomv>\n <edomvd>The attribute is not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Identifier of the breeding cross that produced the eggs</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MaternalID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Identifier for the female sturgeon that produced the eggs</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NA</edomv>\n <edomvd>The attribute is not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Identifier of the female sturgeon that produced the eggs</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>FileLabel</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The .FCS file name designated at time of flow cytometry data acquisition</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The .FCS file name designated at time of flow cytometry data acquisition</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>A representation of time in which the smallest unit of measure is a day. The value is expressed in YYYYMMDD. It represents the date upon which samples were analyzed.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>20180612</rdommin>\n <rdommax>20180622</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Date</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Folder</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Name of the electronic file folder containing standard flow cytometry files (.FCS) for each day of analysis</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Name of the electronic file folder containing standard flow cytometry files (.FCS) for each day of analysis</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GenSizeEst</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Estimated size of experimental sturgeon larvae nuclei, reported in picograms. See process steps for details regarding method of estimation.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NA</edomv>\n <edomvd>The attribute is not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.689</rdommin>\n <rdommax>8.407</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Picograms</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>ObsPloidy</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Ploidy of the specimen as determined using flow cytometry</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NA</edomv>\n <edomvd>The attribute is not applicable</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>diploid</edomv>\n <edomvd>The specimen had two complete sets of chromosomes</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>haploid</edomv>\n <edomvd>The specimen had a single set of unpaired chromosomes</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>triploid</edomv>\n <edomvd>The specimen had three sets of chromosomes</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>tetraploid</edomv>\n <edomvd>The specimen had four sets of chromosomes</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20210302</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>CERC Data Managers</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia Environmental Research Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>4200 New Haven Road</address>\n <city>Columbia</city>\n <state>MO</state>\n <postal>65201</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>573-875-5399</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Perceived Social Value of the Sonoita Creek Watershed using the Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) Tool, Arizona, U.S.A.](/catalog/folder/5d9e14d1e4b0366162926e55) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5d9e14d1e4b0366162926e55) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5d9e14d1e4b0366162926e55) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5d9e14d1e4b0366162926e55?format=json) ## Dates Date Collected2017-05Publication Date2020-05-14 ## Citation Petrakis, R.E., Norman, L.M., Lysaght, O., Sherrouse, B.C., Semmens, D., Bagstad, K.J., Pritzlaff, K., 2020, Perceived Social Value of the Sonoita Creek Watershed using the Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) Tool, Arizona, U.S.A: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Mapping the spatial dynamics of perceived social value across the landscape can help develop a restoration economy that can support ecosystem services in the region. Many different methods have been used to map perceived social value. We used the Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) GIS tool, version 3.0, which uses social survey responses and various environmental variables to map social value. In the social survey distributed by the Borderlands Restoration Network (BRN) in May 2017, the respondents were asked to consider twelve different social values and map locations on a map where they perceived those social values to be. Additionally, they were asked to weigh each social value using a total of 100 points, and could \[...\] ## Summary Mapping the spatial dynamics of perceived social value across the landscape can help develop a restoration economy that can support ecosystem services in the region. Many different methods have been used to map perceived social value. We used the Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) GIS tool, version 3.0, which uses social survey responses and various environmental variables to map social value. In the social survey distributed by the Borderlands Restoration Network (BRN) in May 2017, the respondents were asked to consider twelve different social values and map locations on a map where they perceived those social values to be. Additionally, they were asked to weigh each social value using a total of 100 points, and could assign each social value anywhere from 0 to 100 points. A combination of the points, weighted social values, and environmental variables were used within the SolVES tool. The SolVES tool then produced raster outputs that visualize the value index range for each social value assessed using the SolVES tool. This data release consists of two raster products. The first raster (SolVES multi-band raster) product consists of twelve bands, each band representing one of the twelve social values. The twelve total bands in this stacked raster are listed below, with the descriptions provided in the survey. The second raster product is a single band raster (SolVES summed raster) that shows the summed social value index for each pixel for the twelve social value rasters. Both raster products are clipped to the Sonoita Creek Watershed and represent the visual results of the SolVES tool. 1) aesthetic - ... I enjoy the aesthetics - scenery, sights, sounds, smells, etc. - within it, 2) biological diversity - ... it is home to such biological diversity, 3) cultural - ... it is a place of cultural value allowing me to pass down the knowledge, traditions, wisdom and way of life of myself and my ancestors, 4) economic - ... it is a place of economic value where I can earn a living, 5) future generations - ... I want future generations to be able to know, see and experience the watershed, 6) historical - ... it has historic value, with important places and things of natural and human history, 7) intrinsic - ... it has intrinsic value, irrespective of any instrumental value, 8) learning - ... because we can learn a great deal within it, 9) life sustaining - ... because it has life sustaining value through protecting and renewing clean air, soil, water etc., 10) recreational - ... because it provides a place for my favorite outdoor recreation activities, 11) spiritual - ... because it has spiritual value to me in the form of sacred, religious, or spiritual or because I feel reverence and respect for nature there, and 12) therapeutic - ... because it has therapeutic value, making me feel better physically and/or mentally. This data is used in the associated publication in the Air, Soil and Water Research. Petrakis, Roy E., Norman, Laura M., Lysaght, Oliver, Sherrouse, Benson C., Semmens, Darius, Bagstad, Kenneth J., Pritzlaff, Richard. 2020. “Mapping Perceived Social Values to Support a Respondent-Defined Restoration Economy: Case Study in Southeastern Arizona, USA” Air, Soil and Water Research. The abstract for the associated publication follows: "Investment in conservation and ecological restoration depends on various socioeconomic factors and the social license for these activities. Our study demonstrates a method for targeting management of ecosystem services based on social values, identified by respondents through a collection of social survey data. We applied the Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) geographic information systems (GIS)- based tool in the Sonoita Creek watershed, Arizona, to map social values across the watershed. The survey focused on how respondents engage with the landscape, including through their ranking of 12 social values (eg, recreational, economic, or aesthetic value) and their placement of points on a map to identify their associations with the landscape. Additional information was elicited regarding how respondents engaged with water and various land uses, as well as their familiarity with restoration terminology. Results show how respondents perceive benefits from the natural environment. Specifically, maps of social values on the landscape show high social value along streamlines. Life-sustaining services, biological diversity, and aesthetics were the respondents’ highest rated social values. Land surrounding National Forest and private lands had lower values than conservation-based and state-owned areas, which we associate with landscape features. Results can inform watershed management by allowing managers to consider social values when prioritizing restoration or conservation investments." ... show more ... ## Contacts Originator : [Roy E Petrakis](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=59640), [Laura M Norman](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=7550), [Oliver Lysaght](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Oliver+Lysaght), [Ben C Sherrouse](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9394), [Darius J Semmens](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9304), [Kenneth J Bagstad](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=24439), [Richard Pritzlaff](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Richard+Pritzlaff) Contact : [Roy E Petrakis](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=59640) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Point of Contact : [Roy E Petrakis](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=59640) Metadata Contact : [Roy E Petrakis](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=59640) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Western Geographic Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17458) USGS Mission Area : [Land Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Land+Resources) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5d9e14d1e4b0366162926e55?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5d9e14d1e4b0366162926e55?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5d9e14d1e4b0366162926e55?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Raster\_Products\_for\_SolVES\_SocialValueProducts.xml<br>“Overview Metadata File”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 13.64 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | MultiBand\_Raster\_SolVES\<br>“Multi-band SolVES Social Value Product Raster and Metadata” | | 549.11 KB | application/zip | | Summed\_Raster\_SolVES\<br>“Summed SolVES Social Value Product Raster and Metadata” | | 199.04 KB | application/zip | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Petrakis, R.E., Norman, L.M., Lysaght, O., Sherrouse, B.C., Semmens, D., Bagstad, K.J., Pritzlaff, R., 2020, Mapping Perceived Social Values to Support a Respondent-Defined Restoration Economy--Case Study in Southeastern Arizona, USA: Air, Soil and Water Research, | []( "") | ## Purpose The Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) geospatial tool can be used to map perceived social value across a landscape. The SolVES tool uses a collection of social survey data, spatial points provided by the survey respondents, and environmental spatial layers to map a value index for each of the social values considered in the original social survey. These spatially explicit raster products can then be used to develop a respondent-defined restoration economy, with the potential to inform management objectives based on perceived social value. ## Rights Users should not use this data for critical applications without a full awareness of its limitations. Acknowledgement of the originating agencies would be appreciated in products derived from these data. Any user who modifies the data is obligated to describe the types of modifications they perform. The user specifically agrees not to misrepresent the data, nor to imply that changes made were approved or endorsed by the U.S. Geological Survey ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5d9e14d1e4b0366162926e55) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5d9e14d1e4b0366162926e55) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Place - [Arizona](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DArizona "Arizona (Arizona, Place, )") - [Patagonia](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPatagonia "Patagonia (Patagonia, Place, )") - [Santa Cruz County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSanta+Cruz+County "Santa Cruz County (Santa Cruz County, Place, )") - [United States](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+States "United States (United States, Place, )") Theme - [Ecosystem Services Valuation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEcosystem+Services+Valuation "Ecosystem Services Valuation (Ecosystem Services Valuation, Theme, )") - [Restoration](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DRestoration "Restoration (Restoration, Theme, )") - [Social Values Mapping](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSocial+Values+Mapping "Social Values Mapping (Social Values Mapping, Theme, )") - [SolVES](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSolVES "SolVES (SolVES, Theme, )") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Ecology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEcology "Ecology (Ecology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Environmental Health](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEnvironmental+Health "Environmental Health (Environmental Health, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Geography](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeography "Geography (Geography, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Remote Sensing](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DRemote+Sensing "Remote Sensing (Remote Sensing, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Water Resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Resources "Water Resources (Water Resources, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") Types - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [OGC WMS Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Service "OGC WMS Service") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P98B4B1X | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Roy E. Petrakis</origin>\n <origin>Laura M. Norman</origin>\n <origin>Oliver Lysaght</origin>\n <origin>Benson C. Sherrouse</origin>\n <origin>Darius Semmens</origin>\n <origin>Kenneth J. Bagstad</origin>\n <origin>Richard Pritzlaff</origin>\n <pubdate>20200514</pubdate>\n <title>Raster Products Showing Perceived Social Value of the Sonoita Creek Watershed using the Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) Tool, Arizona, U.S.A.</title>\n <geoform>raster digital data</geoform>\n <othercit>Petrakis, R.E., Norman, L.M., Lysaght, O., Sherrouse, B.C., Semmens, D., Bagstad, K.J., Pritzlaff, K., 2020. Perceived Social Value of the Sonoita Creek Watershed using the Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) Tool, Arizona, U.S.A: U.S. Geological Survey data release,</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Roy E. Petrakis</origin>\n <origin>Laura M. Norman</origin>\n <origin>Oliver Lysaght</origin>\n <origin>Benson C. Sherrouse</origin>\n <origin>Darius Semmens</origin>\n <origin>Kenneth J. Bagstad</origin>\n <origin>Richard Pritzlaff</origin>\n <pubdate>20200421</pubdate>\n <title>Mapping Perceived Social Values to Support a Respondent-Defined Restoration Economy: Case Study in Southeastern Arizona, USA</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Air, Soil and Water Research</pubplace>\n <publish>SAGE Journals</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>Volume 13: 1-16</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Mapping the spatial dynamics of perceived social value across the landscape can help develop a restoration economy that can support ecosystem services in the region. Many different methods have been used to map perceived social value. We used the Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) GIS tool, version 3.0, which uses social survey responses and various environmental variables to map social value.\n\nIn the social survey distributed by the Borderlands Restoration Network (BRN) in May 2017, the respondents were asked to consider twelve different social values and map locations on a map where they perceived those social values to be. Additionally, they were asked to weigh each social value using a total of 100 points, and could assign each social value anywhere from 0 to 100 points. A combination of the points, weighted social values, and environmental variables were used within the SolVES tool. The SolVES tool then produced raster outputs that visualize the value index range for each social value assessed using the SolVES tool.\n\nThis data release consists of two raster products. The first raster (SolVES multi-band raster) product consists of twelve bands, each band representing one of the twelve social values. The twelve total bands in this stacked raster are listed below, with the descriptions provided in the survey. The second raster product is a single band raster (SolVES summed raster) that shows the summed social value index for each pixel for the twelve social value rasters. Both raster products are clipped to the Sonoita Creek Watershed and represent the visual results of the SolVES tool. \n\n1) aesthetic - ... I enjoy the aesthetics - scenery, sights, sounds, smells, etc. - within it,\n2) biological diversity - ... it is home to such biological diversity,\n3) cultural - ... it is a place of cultural value allowing me to pass down the knowledge, traditions, wisdom and way of life of myself and my ancestors,\n4) economic - ... it is a place of economic value where I can earn a living,\n5) future generations - ... I want future generations to be able to know, see and experience the watershed,\n6) historical - ... it has historic value, with important places and things of natural and human history,\n7) intrinsic - ... it has intrinsic value, irrespective of any instrumental value,\n8) learning - ... because we can learn a great deal within it,\n9) life sustaining - ... because it has life sustaining value through protecting and renewing clean air, soil, water etc.,\n10) recreational - ... because it provides a place for my favorite outdoor recreation activities,\n11) spiritual - ... because it has spiritual value to me in the form of sacred, religious, or spiritual or because I feel reverence and respect for nature there, and\n12) therapeutic - ... because it has therapeutic value, making me feel better physically and/or mentally.\n\nThis data is used in the associated publication in the Air, Soil and Water Research. Petrakis, Roy E., Norman, Laura M., Lysaght, Oliver, Sherrouse, Benson C., Semmens, Darius, Bagstad, Kenneth J., Pritzlaff, Richard. 2020. \xe2\x80\x9cMapping Perceived Social Values to Support a Respondent-Defined Restoration Economy: Case Study in Southeastern Arizona, USA\xe2\x80\x9d Air, Soil and Water Research.\n\nThe abstract for the associated publication follows:\n"Investment in conservation and ecological restoration depends on various socioeconomic factors and the social license for these activities. Our study demonstrates a method for targeting management of ecosystem services based on social values, identified by respondents through a collection of social survey data. We applied the Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) geographic information systems (GIS)- based tool in the Sonoita Creek watershed, Arizona, to map social values across the watershed. The survey focused on how respondents engage with the landscape, including through their ranking of 12 social values (eg, recreational, economic, or aesthetic value) and their placement of points on a map to identify their associations with the landscape. Additional information was elicited regarding how respondents engaged with water and various land uses, as well as their familiarity with restoration terminology. Results show how respondents perceive benefits from the natural environment. Specifically, maps of social values on the landscape show high social value along streamlines. Life-sustaining services, biological diversity, and aesthetics were the respondents\xe2\x80\x99 highest rated social values. Land surrounding National Forest and private lands had lower values than conservation-based and state-owned areas, which we associate with landscape features. Results can inform watershed management by allowing managers to consider social values when prioritizing restoration or conservation investments."</abstract>\n <purpose>The Social Values for Ecosystem Services (SolVES) geospatial tool can be used to map perceived social value across a landscape. The SolVES tool uses a collection of social survey data, spatial points provided by the survey respondents, and environmental spatial layers to map a value index for each of the social values considered in the original social survey. These spatially explicit raster products can then be used to develop a respondent-defined restoration economy, with the potential to inform management objectives based on perceived social value.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>201705</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>observed</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-110.9795</westbc>\n <eastbc>-110.5752</eastbc>\n <northbc>31.7101</northbc>\n <southbc>31.4198</southbc>\n </bounding>\n <descgeog>World</descgeog>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Ecosystem Services Valuation</themekey>\n <themekey>Restoration</themekey>\n <themekey>Social Values Mapping</themekey>\n <themekey>SolVES</themekey>\n <themekey>Ecosystem Services</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5d9e14d1e4b0366162926e55</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common Geographic Areas</placekt>\n <placekey>United States</placekey>\n <placekey>Arizona</placekey>\n <placekey>Patagonia</placekey>\n <placekey>Santa Cruz County</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see \'Distribution Info\' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users should not use this data for critical applications without a full awareness of its limitations. Acknowledgement of the originating agencies would be appreciated in products derived from these data. Any user who modifies the data is obligated to describe the types of modifications they perform. The user specifically agrees not to misrepresent the data, nor to imply that changes made were approved or endorsed by the U.S. Geological Survey.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Roy E Petrakis</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, SOUTHWEST REGION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>520 North Park Avenue</address>\n <city>Tucson</city>\n <state>AZ</state>\n <postal>85719</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>520-670-6671 x3406</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>520-670-5113</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Funding for the project was provided with support from the Land Change Science (LCS) Program, under the Land Resources Mission Area of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Thanks to Natalie Wilson of the USGS for her initial review of this data.</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc />\n <procdate />\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Raster</direct>\n <rastinfo>\n <rasttype>Pixel</rasttype>\n </rastinfo>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <gridsys>\n <gridsysn>Universal Transverse Mercator</gridsysn>\n <utm>\n <utmzone>12</utmzone>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer />\n <longcm />\n <latprjo />\n <feast />\n <fnorth />\n </transmer>\n </utm>\n </gridsys>\n <planci>\n <plance>row and column</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres />\n <ordres />\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>meters</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200830</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Roy E Petrakis</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, SOUTHWEST REGION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>520 North Park Avenue</address>\n <city>Tucson</city>\n <state>AZ</state>\n <postal>85719</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>520-670-6671 x3406</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>520-670-5113</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Six Decades of Change at East Timbalier Island, Louisiana](/catalog/folder/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-07-29Start Date1953-01-01End Date2020-04-01 ## Citation Slonecker, E.T., Fisher, G.B., Dilles, S.J., Molnia, B.F., and Angeli, K.M., 2020, Six Decades of Change at East Timbalier Island, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Using ~ 1 m resolution imagery collected between 2000 and 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Civil Applications Center (NCAC) monitored dramatic changes at East Timbalier Island, a Gulf of Mexico barrier island located on the west side of the Mississippi River Delta (Thomas et. al, 2011). The imagery was collected by US National Imagery Systems (USNIS) and archived at the USGS Global Fiducials Library (GFL). New research expands this study both retrospectively and prospectively using declassified imagery collected in 1962 and 1972; Landsat imagery collected since 1972; aerial photography collected since 1953; and 1991-2020 GFL imagery. ## Summary Using ~ 1 m resolution imagery collected between 2000 and 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Civil Applications Center (NCAC) monitored dramatic changes at East Timbalier Island, a Gulf of Mexico barrier island located on the west side of the Mississippi River Delta (Thomas et. al, 2011). The imagery was collected by US National Imagery Systems (USNIS) and archived at the USGS Global Fiducials Library (GFL). New research expands this study both retrospectively and prospectively using declassified imagery collected in 1962 and 1972; Landsat imagery collected since 1972; aerial photography collected since 1953; and 1991-2020 GFL imagery. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Gary B Fisher](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3219), [Land Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=64213) Process Contact : [Gary B Fisher](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3219), [Land Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=64213) Originator : [Gary B Fisher](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3219), [Terry Slonecker](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9570), [Shawn J Dilles](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=75665), [Bruce F Molnia](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=7104), [Kim M Angeli](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=254) Metadata Contact : [Paul M Young](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=11571), [Land Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=64213) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) SDC Data Owner : [National Civil Application Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=79647) USGS Mission Area : [Core Science Systems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Core+Science+Systems) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Six Decades of Change at East Timbalier Island, Louisiana USGS Data Release.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 27.83 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | CRS\_xml review-The Fluvial-Marine Transition in Space and Time – Using Global Fiducials High Resolution Imagery, Landsat, and Aerial Photography to Monitor Six Decades of Change at East Timbalier Island, Louisiana\_REVIEW.docx | | 50.35 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document | | East\_Timbalier-metadata+jcb.docx | | 40.82 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document | | six\_decades metadata reconciliation.docx | | 23.34 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document | | ET\_Area\_Change.csv | | 4.21 KB | text/csv | | ET\_Centroid\_migration.csv | | 1.9 KB | text/csv | | ET\_Island\_Centroids.csv | | 1.95 KB | text/csv | | Open\_Source\_Historical\_Aerial\_photography\_imagery-East\_Timbalier.csv | | 2.42 KB | text/csv | | GFL\_Imagery\_East\_Timbalier\_Island \_rev1.csv | | 852 Bytes | text/csv | | gfl-eti-revision1.txt | | 933 Bytes | text/plain | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Fisher, G.B., Slonecker, E.T., Dilles, S.J., Molnia, B.F., and Angeli, K.M., 2023, Using Global Fiducials Library high-resolution imagery, commercial satellite imagery, Landsat and Sentinel satellite imagery, and aerial photography to monitor change at East Timbalier Island, Louisiana, 1953–2021: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2022–5107, 61 p., | []( "") | ## Purpose These data were collected and processed to document the changing landforms in the Gulf of Mexico through the use of historical imagery, especially the National Imagery System data that was provided though the USGS Global Fiducials Program. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") - [Data Release - Revised](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData+Release+-+Revised "Data Release - Revised") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [Historical Imagery](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHistorical+Imagery "Historical Imagery (Historical Imagery, Theme, None)") - [imageryBaseMapsEarthCover](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DimageryBaseMapsEarthCover "imageryBaseMapsEarthCover (imageryBaseMapsEarthCover, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") Place - [Fluvial-Marine transition](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DFluvial-Marine+transition "Fluvial-Marine transition (Fluvial-Marine transition, Place, None)") - [Global Fiducial Program](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGlobal+Fiducial+Program "Global Fiducial Program (Global Fiducial Program, Place, None)") - [Gulf of Mexico](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGulf+of+Mexico "Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of Mexico, Place, None)") - [National imagery systems](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNational+imagery+systems "National imagery systems (National imagery systems, Place, None)") - [historical aerial photography](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhistorical+aerial+photography "historical aerial photography (historical aerial photography, Place, None)") - [historical imagery](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhistorical+imagery "historical imagery (historical imagery, Place, None)") ## Provenance Level one revision by Terry Slonecker on August 11, 2022. To review the changes that were made, see “Version History 2.0.txt” in the attached files section. ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9O71HYS | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Gary B. Fisher</origin>\n <origin>E.T. Slonecker</origin>\n <origin>S.J. Dilles</origin>\n <origin>B.F. Molnia</origin>\n <origin>K.M. Angeli</origin>\n <pubdate>20200729</pubdate>\n <title>Six Decades of Change at East Timbalier Island, Louisiana</title>\n <geoform>remote-sensing image</geoform>\n <othercit>IP-117983</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Gary B. Fisher</origin>\n <origin>E. Terrence Slonecker</origin>\n <origin>Shawn J. Dilles</origin>\n <origin>Bruce F. Molnia</origin>\n <origin>Kim M. Angeli</origin>\n <pubdate>2023</pubdate>\n <title>Using Global Fiducials Library high-resolution imagery, commercial satellite imagery, Landsat and Sentinel satellite imagery, and aerial photography to monitor change at East Timbalier Island, Louisiana, 1953\xe2\x80\x932021</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>Using ~ 1 m resolution imagery collected between 2000 and 2010, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Civil Applications Center (NCAC) monitored dramatic changes at East Timbalier Island, a Gulf of Mexico barrier island located on the west side of the Mississippi River Delta (Thomas et. al, 2011). The imagery was collected by US National Imagery Systems (USNIS) and archived at the USGS Global Fiducials Library (GFL). New research expands this study both retrospectively and prospectively using declassified imagery collected in 1962 and 1972; Landsat imagery collected since 1972; aerial photography collected since 1953; and 1991-2020 GFL imagery.</abstract>\n <purpose>These data were collected and processed to document the changing landforms in the Gulf of Mexico through the use of historical imagery, especially the National Imagery System data that was provided though the USGS Global Fiducials Program.</purpose>\n <supplinf>Much of this information is provided through the USGS Global Fiducials Program (GFP) and the Global Fiducials Library (GFL), located at:</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19530101</begdate>\n <enddate>20200401</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-90.38330</westbc>\n <eastbc>-90.25000</eastbc>\n <northbc>29.11670</northbc>\n <southbc>29.03333</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>imageryBaseMapsEarthCover</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>Historical Imagery</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5f1ffb3182cef313ed930f4a</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>historical imagery</placekey>\n <placekey>historical aerial photography</placekey>\n <placekey>National imagery systems</placekey>\n <placekey>Global Fiducial Program</placekey>\n <placekey>Fluvial-Marine transition</placekey>\n <placekey>Gulf of Mexico</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see 'Distribution Info' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users are advised to read the dataset's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Gary B Fisher</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, LAND RESOURCES</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop 562, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-5126</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>James Thomas, NOAA</datacred>\n <native>Windows 10, ArcGIS 10.4, ERDAS Image x.x</native>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>Standard image processing techniques to enhance color, tone, resolution and visual clarity of each image</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>The only issues with logical consistency is the value of the historical metadata record, especially as it relates to the image acquistion date for each historical image. Geomorphic changes are consistent with the known progression of changes through time</logic>\n <complete>This report and dataset represent all known instances of high resolution imagery of the target area: East Timbalier Island</complete>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Gary B Fisher</origin>\n <pubdate>20200601</pubdate>\n <title>Historical Imagery: East Timbalier Island, Louisiana</title>\n <geoform>remote-sensing image</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19530101</begdate>\n <enddate>20200601</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Global Fiducials Library</srccitea>\n <srccontr>digital</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>A search of commercial, government, and private sources of aerial photographic and cartographic records was undertaken to determine the available historical sources of photographic and map coverage of Timbalier and Terrebonne Bays along the southern coast of Louisiana. Data sources include the USGS, NOAA, the State of Louisiana, the National Archives, USDA, and commercial mapping companies. Over 100 images were analyzed to determine the most suitable time periods and data parameters that would provide a good representation for the conditions at the area of interest. Records include written descriptions, graphic footprints, thumbnail images, aerial film negatives, film positives, and paper prints. Many of the coastal imagery records were captured at relatively large scale meaning that many separate images are required to cover a small geographic area such as East Timbalier Island. Requestors must research available records and select the best imagery frames to meet their purposes. Selected records are then submitted to a photo lab for reproduction or scanned for transformation to a digital product. Metadata requirements include the date and time of acquisition, camera and lens numbers, calibration reports if available, scale, film or sensor type, and flight direction. Table 2 lists the film, sources and metadata for all imagery acquired for the project. Imagery of acceptable scale and resolution was acquired for the following years as listed.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20200601</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Gary B Fisher</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, LAND RESOURCES</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Geographer</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop 562, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-5126</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Raster</direct>\n <rastinfo>\n <rasttype>Point</rasttype>\n </rastinfo>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>0.1</latres>\n <longres>0.1</longres>\n <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>NAD1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>GRS80</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6356583.8</semiaxis>\n <denflat>294.978698214</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>GFL_Imagery_East_Timbalier_Island.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GFL_Imagery_East_Timbalier_Island</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date of GFL Imagery</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>US Postal 2-Letter State</codesetn>\n <codesets>LA</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Open_Source_Historical_Aerial_photography_imagery-East_Timbalier.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>* Johnson Space Center\n\xe2\x80\xa1Collected at a nominal altitude of 7,500 feet\nCRMS = Coastwide Reference Monitoring System Louisiana-Governor\xe2\x80\x99s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Imagery obtained from National Archives and Records Administration \xe2\x80\x93 NARA\nNAPP = National Aerial Photography Program\nNHAP = National High Altitude Photography Program\nNOAA = Imagery obtained from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Emergency Response Imagery\nUSACE = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers\nUSGS = Imagery obtained from U.S. Geological Survey,</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Open Source_Historical Aerial_Photography Imagery</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>FIPS Code (2-Digit State ID)</codesetn>\n <codesets>LA</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Source</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Source Program</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Holder of Imagery Library</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1998 Louisiana DOQ</rdommin>\n <rdommax>Single frame aerial-cir</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Aerial Photo Entity</attrunit>\n <attrmres>5</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Original scale</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Imagery Scale Recpirocal</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Variable scale</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>FIPS Code (2-Digit State ID)</codesetn>\n <codesets>LA</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>ET_Area_Change.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Image Date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date of Imagery</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2020FEB03</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2019DEC31</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2019NOV17</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2019OCT08</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2019SEP04</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2019JUL16</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2019FEB17</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imageryDate of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2019FEB07</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2019JAN21</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2018DEC03</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2018OCT30</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2018JAN30</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2017DEC25</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2017NOV24</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2017OCT24</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2017FEB01</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2016SEP01</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2015DEC10</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2015SEP29</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2014FEB14</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2013FEB02</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2012MAR06</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2011SEP08</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>2005OCT27</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1998JAN10</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1995Aug27</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1994Jan21</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1992Apr26</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1991Nov07</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1989Nov03</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1983OCT27</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1978APR01</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1975Oct21</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1972AUG20</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1965_Tobin</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1954Jan07</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>1953Mar26</edomv>\n <edomvd>Date of imagery</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Land area sq m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Land area sq m</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1,119,681.72</rdommin>\n <rdommax>680,290.39</rdommax>\n <attrunit>square meters</attrunit>\n <attrmres>1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>H2O area sq m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Water area</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>FIPS Code (2-Digit State ID)</codesetn>\n <codesets>LA</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Total area sq m</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total Area</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1,141,555.35</rdommin>\n <rdommax>690,260.70</rdommax>\n <attrunit>square meters</attrunit>\n <attrmres>1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Area Changed</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Change per year</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-1393293.57</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2338698.65</rdommax>\n <attrunit>square meters</attrunit>\n <attrmres>10</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Percent change</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>% change</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>1-100 % change</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>ET_Centroid_migration.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing data.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Image Dates</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Date range of movement</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>FIPS Code (2-Digit State ID)</codesetn>\n <codesets>LA</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Migration Distance (meters)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Movement distance</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.4</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9.8</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n <attrmres>1.0</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Migration Direction</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>General direction</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <codesetd>\n <codesetn>FIPS Code (2-Digit State ID)</codesetn>\n <codesets>LA</codesets>\n </codesetd>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>ET_Outlines</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Shapefiles containing attribute information associated with the data set.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>FID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Internal feature number including dates</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>ESRI</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Shape</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Feature geometry.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>ESRI</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>GIS Feature</edomv>\n <edomvd>0-10</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Id</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>unique polygon ID</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1-10</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>unique id</attrunit>\n <attrmres>1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Area</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Area in Meters</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>157.97</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2112657.03</rdommax>\n <attrunit>square meters</attrunit>\n <attrmres>1</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <overview>\n <eaover>Open Source Historical Imagery. \nA search of commercial, government, and private sources of aerial photographic and cartographic records was undertaken to determine the available historical sources of photographic and map coverage of Timbalier and Terrebonne Bays along the southern coast of Louisiana. Data sources include the USGS, NOAA, the State of Louisiana, the National Archives, USDA, and commercial mapping companies. Over 100 images were analyzed to determine the most suitable time periods and data parameters that would provide a good representation for the conditions at the area of interest. Records include written descriptions, graphic footprints, thumbnail images, aerial film negatives, film positives, and paper prints. Many of the coastal imagery records were captured at relatively large scale meaning that many separate images are required to cover a small geographic area such as East Timbalier Island. Requestors must research available records and select the best imagery frames to meet their purposes. Selected records are then submitted to a photo lab for reproduction or scanned for transformation to a digital product. Metadata requirements include the date and time of acquisition, camera and lens numbers, calibration reports if available, scale, film or sensor type, and flight direction. This record lists the film, sources and metadata for all open imagery acquired for the project. Imagery of acceptable scale and resolution was acquired for the listed sources for following years as listed.</eaover>\n <eadetcit>Fisher, G.B., Slonecker, E.T., Dilles, S.J., Molnia, B,F., and Angeli, K.M., 2020. The Fluvial-Marine Transition in Space and Time \xe2\x80\x93 Using Global Fiducials High Resolution Imagery, Landsat, and Aerial Photography to Monitor Six Decades of Change at East Timbalier Island, Louisiana: 1953 \xe2\x80\x93 2020, U.S. Geological Survey Data Release. https:\\\\10.5066\\P9HUY482</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20230120</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Paul M Young</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, LAND RESOURCES</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Center Director</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop 562, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-5115</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>703-648-7825</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Digital data for three-dimensional geologic framework model of the Rio San Jose groundwater basin, New Mexico](/catalog/folder/5db9dc51e4b06957974eb63c) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5db9dc51e4b06957974eb63c) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5db9dc51e4b06957974eb63c) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5db9dc51e4b06957974eb63c?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-01-14Time Period2020 ## Citation Sweetkind, D.S., Miltenberger, K.E., Ritchie, A.B., and Galanter, A.E., 2020, Digital data for three-dimensional geologic framework model of the Rio San Jose groundwater basin, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This data release contains a geospatial database related to a digital 3D geologic framework of the Rio San Jose watershed, New Mexico. The geospatial database contains two main data elements: (1) input data to the 3D framework model; (2) interpolated elevations and thicknesses of stratigraphic units as a cellular array. Input surface and subsurface data for 18 stratigraphic units have been condensed to points that define the elevation of the top of each stratigraphic unit; these point data sets serve as the digital input to the framework model. The point data are derived from geologic maps, cross sections, oil and gas wells, water wells, structure contour maps, and thickness maps. Additional input geologic features that either cut \[...\] ## Summary This data release contains a geospatial database related to a digital 3D geologic framework of the Rio San Jose watershed, New Mexico. The geospatial database contains two main data elements: (1) input data to the 3D framework model; (2) interpolated elevations and thicknesses of stratigraphic units as a cellular array. Input surface and subsurface data for 18 stratigraphic units have been condensed to points that define the elevation of the top of each stratigraphic unit; these point data sets serve as the digital input to the framework model. The point data are derived from geologic maps, cross sections, oil and gas wells, water wells, structure contour maps, and thickness maps. Additional input geologic features that either cut or overlay the stratigraphic units in the model are provided as separate features classes, including the location of faults, volcanic dikes, and volcanic vents. The interpolated elevations and thickness of stratigraphic units are presented as a cellular array: essentially a “flattened”, two-dimensional representation of the digital 3D geologic framework, which defines the elevation and thickness of 18 geologic units within the geologic framework model. The elevation and thickness of the geologic units are contained within a single polygon feature class ModelCells, which contains a mesh of polygons that represent model cells that have multiple attributes including XY location, elevation and thickness of each geologic unit. The elevation and thickness of the geologic units are also provided as individual raster layers in geoTIFF format. The 3D model output is described in a file as an ascii array of points: the 3D model was sampled within a 3D modeling program with a 3D array of nodes with 500-m spacing in the X and Y directions and 50-m in the Z direction. The 3D model was sampled at each node and the model unit intersected at the node saved as a coded value. This array of X,Y,Z coordinates and the coded formation values is presented as a CSV ascii file. The spatial data are accompanied by non-spatial tables that describe the sources of geologic information, a glossary of terms, a description of model units, and a Data Dictionary that duplicates the Entity and Attribute information contained in the metadata file. Spatial data are also presented as shapefiles. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Donald Sweetkind](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10155) Originator : [Donald Sweetkind](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10155), [Keely E Miltenberger](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70110), [Andre B Ritchie](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=69530), [Amy E Galanter](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=69029) Metadata Contact : [Donald Sweetkind](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10155) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17387) USGS Mission Area : [Core Science Systems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Core+Science+Systems) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5db9dc51e4b06957974eb63c?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5db9dc51e4b06957974eb63c?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5db9dc51e4b06957974eb63c?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | RSJ\_3DModel.xml<br>“Metadata in XML format”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 31.38 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | RSJ\_3DModel.txt<br>“Metadata in TXT format” | | 32.16 KB | text/plain | | RSJ\_3DModel\<br>“Spatial data in shapefile format” | | 15.94 MB | application/zip | | RSJ\<br>“3DModel Unit tops raster files” | | 15.81 MB | application/zip | | RSJ\<br>“3DModel Unit thickness raster files” | | 5.24 MB | application/zip | | RSJ\_3DModel\<br>“3DModel output ascii XYZ point array” | | 42.34 MB | application/zip | | RSJ\_3DModel\<br>“3DModel Nonspatial Tables” | | 53.62 KB | application/zip | | RSJ\<br>“3Dmodel and spatial data” | | 144.13 MB | application/zip | ## Purpose This digital dataset was created as part of a U.S. Geological Survey study, done in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the Acoma and Laguna Pueblos, to be used as digital geologic input data for numerical simulation of the hydrologic system of the Rio San Jose watershed, New Mexico. Elevation and thickness of selected geologic units may be used to define the geohydrologic layering of the digital framework model. The location of faults, dikes, and volcanic vents may be used to define the location of potential horizontal flow barriers in numerical simulation of the groundwater system. The intended uses of this dataset include, but are not limited to, natural resource modeling, mapping, and visualization applications. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5db9dc51e4b06957974eb63c) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5db9dc51e4b06957974eb63c) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [elevation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Delevation "elevation (elevation, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [geoscientificInformation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DgeoscientificInformation "geoscientificInformation (geoscientificInformation, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [stratigraphic thickness](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dstratigraphic+thickness "stratigraphic thickness (stratigraphic thickness, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [structure contours](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dstructure+contours "structure contours (structure contours, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Lower San Juan-Four Corners](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLower+San+Juan-Four+Corners "Lower San Juan-Four Corners (Lower San Juan-Four Corners, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [San Juan](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSan+Juan "San Juan (San Juan, Place, Common geographic areas)") - [Upper Colorado](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUpper+Colorado "Upper Colorado (Upper Colorado, Place, Common geographic areas)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Stratigraphy](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DStratigraphy "Stratigraphy (Stratigraphy, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Structural Geology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DStructural+Geology "Structural Geology (Structural Geology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Water Resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Resources "Water Resources (Water Resources, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9MPAGA7 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Donald S. Sweetkind</origin>\n <origin>Keely E. Miltenberger</origin>\n <origin>Andre B. Ritchie</origin>\n <origin>Amy E. Galanter</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>Digital data for three-dimensional geologic framework model of the Rio San Jose groundwater basin, New Mexico</title>\n <geoform>GeoDatabase, shapefiles, CSV, TIF</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Denver, CO</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This data release contains a geospatial database related to a digital 3D geologic framework of the Rio San Jose watershed, New Mexico. The geospatial database contains two main data elements: (1) input data to the 3D framework model; (2) interpolated elevations and thicknesses of stratigraphic units as a cellular array. Input surface and subsurface data for 18 stratigraphic units have been condensed to points that define the elevation of the top of each stratigraphic unit; these point data sets serve as the digital input to the framework model. The point data are derived from geologic maps, cross sections, oil and gas wells, water wells, structure contour maps, and thickness maps. Additional input geologic features that either cut or overlay the stratigraphic units in the model are provided as separate features classes, including the location of faults, volcanic dikes, and volcanic vents. \n\nThe interpolated elevations and thickness of stratigraphic units are presented as a cellular array: essentially a \xe2\x80\x9cflattened\xe2\x80\x9d, two-dimensional representation of the digital 3D geologic framework, which defines the elevation and thickness of 18 geologic units within the geologic framework model. The elevation and thickness of the geologic units are contained within a single polygon feature class ModelCells, which contains a mesh of polygons that represent model cells that have multiple attributes including XY location, elevation and thickness of each geologic unit. The elevation and thickness of the geologic units are also provided as individual raster layers in geoTIFF format.\n\nThe 3D model output is described in a file as an ascii array of points: the 3D model was sampled within a 3D modeling program with a 3D array of nodes with 500-m spacing in the X and Y directions and 50-m in the Z direction. The 3D model was sampled at each node and the model unit intersected at the node saved as a coded value. This array of X,Y,Z coordinates and the coded formation values is presented as a CSV ascii file. \n\nThe spatial data are accompanied by non-spatial tables that describe the sources of geologic information, a glossary of terms, a description of model units, and a Data Dictionary that duplicates the Entity and Attribute information contained in the metadata file. Spatial data are also presented as shapefiles.</abstract>\n <purpose>This digital dataset was created as part of a U.S. Geological Survey study, done in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the Acoma and Laguna Pueblos, to be used as digital geologic input data for numerical simulation of the hydrologic system of the Rio San Jose watershed, New Mexico. Elevation and thickness of selected geologic units may be used to define the geohydrologic layering of the digital framework model. The location of faults, dikes, and volcanic vents may be used to define the location of potential horizontal flow barriers in numerical simulation of the groundwater system. The intended uses of this dataset include, but are not limited to, natural resource modeling, mapping, and visualization applications.</purpose>\n <supplinf>- DATASETS INCLUDED IN THIS DATA RELEASE -\nRSJ_3DModel.gdb: geodatabase containing input point data, the model cellular array, and line and polygon features representing other geologic data that affect the model units\nRSJ_3DModel zip file containing shapefile versions of feature classes in the geodatabases\nDataSources.csv: non-spatial table of data provenance, comma-separated (csv) file version of table within GDB\nGlossary.csv: non-spatial table, glossary of terms, comma-separated (csv) file version of table within GDB\nDescriptionOfModelUnits.csv: non-spatial table describing modeled units, comma-separated (csv) file version of table within GDB\nEntityAndAttribute_DataDictionary.csv: a non-spatial table that duplicates the Entity and Attribute information contained in the metadata file\nRSJ_3DModel_XYZG.txt: space-delimited ascii file containing the results of the 3D model exported as the model unit present at each node of a 3D array of points.\nRSJ_ModelUnitTops: a folder containing raster files (in .tif format) describing the elevation of the top of each model unit\nRSJ_ModelUnitThicknesses: a folder containing raster files (in .tif format) describing the thickness of each model unit\n.\n\nElevation, as used in this data release, refers to the distance above the vertical datum. The vertical datum is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88).</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2020</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>Publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-108.8598</westbc>\n <eastbc>-106.6457</eastbc>\n <northbc>36.6216</northbc>\n <southbc>34.2434</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>geoscientificInformation</themekey>\n <themekey>elevation</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>structure contours</themekey>\n <themekey>stratigraphic thickness</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5db9dc51e4b06957974eb63c</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>San Juan</placekey>\n <placekey>Lower San Juan-Four Corners</placekey>\n <placekey>Upper Colorado</placekey>\n </place>\n <stratum>\n <stratkt>USGS Geolex (</stratkt>\n <stratkey>Menefee Formation</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Point Lookout Sandstone</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Crevasse Canyon Formation</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Gallup Sandstone</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Mancos Shale</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Dakota Sandstone</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Morrison Formation</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Entrada Sandstone</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Chinle Formation</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Glorieta Sandstone</stratkey>\n <stratkey>San Andres\xc2\xa0Limestone</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Yeso Formation</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Abo Formation</stratkey>\n <stratkey>Madera Limestone</stratkey>\n </stratum>\n <temporal>\n <tempkt>International Chronostratigraphic chart (</tempkt>\n <tempkey>Precambrian</tempkey>\n <tempkey>Pennsylvanian</tempkey>\n <tempkey>Permian</tempkey>\n <tempkey>Triassic</tempkey>\n <tempkey>Jurassic</tempkey>\n <tempkey>Cretaceous</tempkey>\n </temporal>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None</accconst>\n <useconst>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. Acknowledgement of the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation would be appreciated in products derived from these data.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Donald S. Sweetkind</cntper>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>MAILING ADDRESS</addrtype>\n <address>USGS, MS 980, Box 25046, Denver Federal Center</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>(303) 236-1828</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>This work was funded by, and conducted in cooperation with, the Bureau of Reclamation and the Pueblos of Acoma and Laguna.</datacred>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted. Verification was done by interactive on-screen review.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Map elements and Topology were checked if needed.</logic>\n <complete>Dataset is considered complete for the information presented.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>A formal accuracy assessment of the horizontal positional information in the dataset has not been conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the dataset has not been conducted.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources</origin>\n <pubdate>2003</pubdate>\n <title>Digital Geologic Map of New Mexico</title>\n <geoform>vector digital data</geoform>\n <othercit>GIS data downloaded as an ArcGIS v.10 geodatabase and MXD map document</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <srcscale>500000</srcscale>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2003</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Geologic map of NM</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Digital vector data of faults, dikes, and volcanic vents</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Feature class ModelCells -A GIS was used to develop a polygon array feature class representing the model grid that was 314 columns by 308 rows, with a polygonal cell dimension of 500 m in x and y. Attributes were added to house the altitude and thickness of each unit to be modeled.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Feature dataset ModelUnitPoints A GIS was used to georectify raster images from published sources. Map, cross section, structure contour, and isopach data were digitized and converted to point data with x,y coordinates in the project projection and z coordinates in meters (representing unit elevation above sea level or, for isopach maps, unit thickness). The GIS was used to digitize, merge, attribute, and edit the vector datasets.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Feature class ContactsAndFaults A GIS was used to extract fault line features for the study area from published digital source data. The GIS was used to edit and attribute the vector dataset.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Feature class GeologicLines A GIS was used to extract volcanic dike features for the study area from published digital source data. The GIS was used to edit and attribute the vector dataset.</procdesc>\n <srcused>Geologic map of NM</srcused>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Feature class OverlayPolys A GIS was used to extract volcanic vent point features for the study area from published digital source data. Circular polygons were created by using a 250-m buffer around each point, such that vent could have a finite area within the model. The GIS was used to edit and attribute the vector dataset.</procdesc>\n <srcused>Geologic map of NM</srcused>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Feature dataset ModelUnitPoints A GIS was used to extract points from geologic contact lines from the digital geologic map of New Mexico. The GIS was used to assign x,y coordinates using the map projection, and assign an elevation value to each point using a 10-m digital elevation model.</procdesc>\n <srcused>Geologic map of NM</srcused>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Feature Class ModelCells Grids defining the elevation of the top of each modeled unit were created in 2D gridding software. A GIS was used to sample the grids and assign top-of-unit elevation to cells within the model framework. The GIS was used to calculate thickness of each unit based on difference in elevation between subjacent and superjacent units.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Feature Class ModelCells -A GIS was used to error-check the framework cells for cases where:\n1) the elevation of a geologic unit is less than (lower than) that of an underlying geologic unit,\n2) the elevation of a geologic unit is equal to that of an underlying geologic unit, but thickness of the unit is reported as nonzero\nRevisions were made to the geospatial database as needed.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Final digital datasets and metadata were created and reviewed.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2019</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Vector</direct>\n <ptvctinf>\n <sdtsterm>\n <sdtstype>G-polygon</sdtstype>\n <ptvctcnt>1</ptvctcnt>\n </sdtsterm>\n </ptvctinf>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <gridsys>\n <gridsysn>Universal Transverse Mercator</gridsysn>\n <utm>\n <utmzone>13</utmzone>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer>0.9996</sfctrmer>\n <longcm>-105.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>0.0</latprjo>\n <feast>500000.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </transmer>\n </utm>\n </gridsys>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>0.6096</absres>\n <ordres>0.6096</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>meters</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>North_American_Datum_1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>GRS_1980</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257222101</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <overview>\n <eaover>- DATASETS INCLUDED IN THIS DATA RELEASE -\nRSJ_3DModel.gdb: geodatabase containing input point data, the model cellular array, and line and polygon features representing other geologic data that affect the model units\nRSJ_3DModel zip file containing shapefile versions of feature classes in the geodatabases\nDataSources.csv: non-spatial table of data provenance, comma-separated (csv) file version of table within GDB\nGlossary.csv: non-spatial table, glossary of terms, comma-separated (csv) file version of table within GDB\nDescriptionOfModelUnits.csv: non-spatial table describing modeled units, comma-separated (csv) file version of table within GDB\nEntityAndAttribute_DataDictionary.csv: a non-spatial table that duplicates the Entity and Attribute information contained in the metadata file\nRSJ_3DModel_XYZG.txt: space-delimited ascii file containing the results of the 3D model exported as the model unit present at each node of a 3D array of points.\nRSJ_ModelUnitTops: a folder containing raster files (in .tif format) describing the elevation of the top of each model unit\nRSJ_ModelUnitThicknesses: a folder containing raster files (in .tif format) describing the thickness of each model unit\n\n-----------------------------------------\nRSJ_3DModel.gdb\n----------------------------------------\nFEATURE DATASET: ModelInput\n----------------------------------------\n\nFEATURE CLASS: ModelUnitPoints [Point feature class]\n***All geologic data that define the top of a modeled unit and are used as input to the 3D model, decimated to points with XY and Z coordinates***\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nModelUnitName: Term that specifies the represented feature, e.g., \xe2\x80\x9ctop of Dakota Sandstone\xe2\x80\x9d\nType: Term that specifies the kind of geologic data from which the elevation value was derived, e.g., \xe2\x80\x9csurface contact\xe2\x80\x9d, \xe2\x80\x9coil and gas well\xe2\x80\x9d.\nX: Easting, in meters, location of point feature. Projection: NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_13N\nY: Northing, in meters, location of point feature. Projection: NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_13N\nZ: Elevation, in meters, of the top of the model unit\nZConfidence: Distance, in meters, representing the uncertainty in elevation, in meters, above and below the reported elevation. \nSymbol: If used, references a symbol in an accompanying style file.\nLabel: Human-readable name for feature; for well data, contains the unique well idenifier\nDataSourceID: Foreign key that relates to the DataSource_ID field in "DataSources" table\nNotes: Free text with additional information specific to feature; \nModelUnitPoints_ID: Primary key. Unique feature identifier (MUP*)\n\nFEATURE CLASS: ContactsAndFaults [Line Feature]\n***Faults in the 3D model are simplified as vertical features; their location is represented by 2D lines. Lines are used as information barriers during 2D interpolation of the point data.***\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nType: Term that categorizes what feature represents\nIsConcealed: Indicates if feature is concealed\nLocationConfidenceMeters: Distance representing feature locational certainty, in meters from either side of feature\nExistenceConfidence: Qualitative value representing certainty in existence of feature\nIdentityConfidence: Qualitative value representing certainty in identification of feature\nLabel: fault name for a line feature.\nDataSourceID: Foreign key to DataSources table, to track provenance of each data element.\nNotes: Free text for additional information specific to this feature.\nDip: Dip of fault plane, measured in degrees from the horizontal\nDipDirection:Text descriptor of compass direction towards which the plane dips.\nContactsAndFaults_ID: Primary key. Unique feature identifier (CAF*)\n\nFEATURE CLASS: GeologicLines [Line Feature]\n***Geologic line features that are part of geologic system but not used during 2D interpolation of the point data.***\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nType: Term that categorizes what feature represents\nIsConcealed: Indicates if feature is concealed\nLocationConfidenceMeters: Distance representing feature locational certainty, in meters from either side of feature\nExistenceConfidence: Qualitative value representing certainty in existence of feature\nIdentityConfidence: Qualitative value representing certainty in identification of feature\nDataSourceID: Foreign key to DataSources table, to track provenance of each data element.\nNotes: Free text for additional information specific to this feature.\nGeologicLines_ID: Primary key. Unique feature identifier (GEL*)\n\nFEATURE CLASS: OverlayPolys [Polygon Feature]\n***Geologic polygon features that are part of geologic system but not used during 2D interpolation of the point data.***\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nType: Term that categorizes what feature represents\nIdentityConfidence: Text descriptor of degree of confidence in the assignment of polygon type.\nDataSourceID: Foreign key to DataSources table, to track provenance of each data element.\nNotes: Free text for additional information specific to this feature.\nOverlayPolys_ID: Primary key. Unique feature identifier (OVP*)\n\nFEATURE DATASET: ModelSurfaces\n----------------------------------------\nFEATURE CLASS: ModelCells [Polygon Feature]\n***Cellular polygon array where elevation and thickness of each modeled unit is defined at the centroid of each cell in the polygon array.***\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nX- Easting, in meters, of cell centroid. Projection: NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_13N\nY- Northing, in meters, of cell centroid. Projection: NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_13N\nLSA_m \xe2\x80\x93 Land surface altitude, in meters, from a 10-m digital elevation model (DEM)\nPC_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Precambrian basement, undivided \nMadera_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Pennsylvanian Madera Limestone\nMadera_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of the Pennsylvanian Madera Limestone\nAbo_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Permian Abo Formation\nAbo_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of Permian Abo Formation\nYeso_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Permian Yeso Formation\nYeso_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of Permian Yeso Formation\nSAGA_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of combined Permian San Andres Limestone and Glorieta Sandstone\nSAGA_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of combined Permian San Andres Limestone and Glorieta Sandstone\nChinle_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Triassic Chinle Formation\nChinle_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of the Triassic Chinle Formation\nEntrada_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Jurassic Entrada Formation \nEntrada_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of the Jurassic Entrada Formation\nMorrison_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Jurassic Morrison Formation \nMorrison_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of the Jurassic Morrison Formation\nDakota_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Cretaceous Dakota Formation \nDakota_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of the Cretaceous Dakota Formation\nMancos_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of the lower part of the Cretaceous Mancos Formation\nMancos_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of the lower part of the Cretaceous Mancos Formation\nGallup_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Cretaceous Gallup Sandstone \nGallup_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of the Cretaceous Gallup Sandstone\nCrCyn_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Cretaceous Crevasse Canyon Formation \nCrCyn_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of the Cretaceous Crevasse Canyon Formation\nPtLkout_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Cretaceous Point Lookout Sandstone\nPtLkout_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of the Cretaceous Point Lookout Sandstone\nMenefee_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Cretaceous Menefee Formation\nMenefee_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of the Cretaceous Menefee Formation \nTseds_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Tertiary sediments\nTseds_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of the Tertiary sediments \nTbasalt_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Tertiary volcanic rocks \nTbasalt_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of the Tertiary volcanic rocks \nQbasalt_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Quaternary basalts \nQbasalt_thk \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of the Quaternary basalts\nQal_top \xe2\x80\x93 Elevation, in meters, of the top of Quaternary alluvium \nQal_thk - \xe2\x80\x93 Thickness, in meters, of the Quaternary alluvium\n\n----------------------------------------\nFEATURE DATASET: ModelOutput\n----------------------------------------\n\nFEATURE CLASS: RSJ_XYZG [Point feature class]\n***Contains the results of the 3D model exported as the model unit present at each node of a 3D array of points. File consists of 3D point features that have a single attribute, Intensity, that is a \xe2\x80\x9cG\xe2\x80\x9d code corresponding to model unit. These data are also released as RSJ_3DModel_XYZG.txt , a space-delimited ascii file\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nIntensity: Numeric \xe2\x80\x9cG\xe2\x80\x9d code that corresponds to model units as follows:\n1 =Quaternary alluvium\n2 =Quaternary basalt\n3 =Tertiary basalt\n4 =Tertiary sediment\n5 =Menefee Formation\n6 =Point Lookout Sandstone\n7 =Crevasse Canyon Formation\n8 =Gallup Sandstone\n9 =Mancos Shale\n10 =Dakota Sandstone\n11 =Morrison Formation\n12 =Entrada Sandstone\n13 =Chinle Formation\n14 =San Andres Limestone and Glorieta Sandstone, undivided\n15 =Yeso and Abo Formations, undivided\n16 =Madera Limestone\n17 =Precambrian rocks\n\n----------------------------------------\nNon-spatial tables\n----------------------------------------\nNON-SPATIAL TABLE: DataSources\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nSource: Description of source\nFullCitation: complete citation of publication\nURL: URL link to data (at time of publication), if available\nDataSource_ID: Primary key. Unique to each data entry (DAS*)\n\n----------------------------------------\nNON-SPATIAL TABLE: Glossary\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nTerm: Word for a concept\nDefinition: Definition or source of definition of term\nDefinitionSourceID: Foreign key to "DataSources" non-spatial table\nGlossary_ID: Primary key. Unique to each data entry (GLO*)\n\n----------------------------------------\nNON-SPATIAL TABLE: DescriptionOfModelUnits\nDESCRIPTION OF FIELDS:\nModelUnitName: Short unit name\nFullName: Full unit name that may include member/formation/group associations\nAge: Period or Epoch of unit consist with USGS time scale\nDescription: Text description of map unit\nHierarchyKey: String of dash-delimited numeric values that illustrate the hierarchical relationship between units\nGeoMaterial: Term categorizing the dominant lithology in the map feature. Term derived from NGMDB standard term list (see APPENDIX A. TERMS FOR GEOMATERIAL AND GEOMATERIALCONFIDENCE in GeMS data model\nGeoMaterialConfidence: Qualitative term describing appropriateness of the GeoMaterial term used\nDescriptionOfMapUnits_ID: Primary key. Unique to each data entry (DMU*)\n\n----------------------------------------\nascii file\n----------------------------------------\n\nRSJ_3DModel_XYZG.txt: comma-delimited ascii file\n***Contains the results of the 3D model exported as the model unit present at each node of a 3D array of points. File contains four columns of values: X coordinate, Y coordinate, Z coordinate, and a \xe2\x80\x9cG\xe2\x80\x9d code corresponding to model unit. 3D array dimensions are in projected coordinates of UTM Zone13 North, NAD83, all units in meters***\nXmin (western border) = 181250.00 \nXmax (eastern border) = 337750.00\nX (East/West) node spacing = 500 m\nYmin (southern border) = 3820250.00\nYmax (northern border) = 3972250.00\nY (North/South) node spacing = 500 m\nZmin (lower model boundary) = -7,000 m (elevation below mean sea level)\nZmax (upper model boundary) = 3,000 m (elevation above mean sea level)\nZ (Vertical) node spacing = 50 m\n\nNumeric \xe2\x80\x9cG\xe2\x80\x9d codes correspond to model units as follows:\n1 =Quaternary alluvium\n2 =Quaternary basalt\n3 =Tertiary basalt\n4 =Tertiary sediment\n5 =Menefee Formation\n6 =Point Lookout Sandstone\n7 =Crevasse Canyon Formation\n8 =Gallup Sandstone\n9 =Mancos Shale\n10 =Dakota Sandstone\n11 =Morrison Formation\n12 =Entrada Sandstone\n13 =Chinle Formation\n14 =San Andres Limestone and Glorieta Sandstone, undivided\n15 =Yeso and Abo Formations, undivided\n16 =Madera Limestone\n17 =Precambrian rocks\n\n-----------------------------------------------------------\nRaster (tif) files\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nRSJ_ModelUnitTops: a folder containing raster files (in .tif format) describing the elevation of the top of each model unit\nRSJ_ModelUnitThicknesses: a folder containing raster files (in .tif format) describing the thickness of each model unit\n\nAll raster.tif files in projected coordinates of Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 13N North American Datum 1983 (NAD83)\nAll raster.tif files have the following dimensions: \nXmin (western border) = 181250.00 \nXmax (eastern border) = 337750.00\nX (East/West) node spacing = 500 m\nYmin (southern border) = 3820250.00\nYmax (northern border) = 3972250.00\nY (North/South) node spacing = 500 m\n\nRaster files describing the elevation of the top of each model unit have a value field in meters with respect to mean sea level\nRaster files describing the thickness of each model unit have a value field in meters</eaover>\n <eadetcit>None</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>Colorado</state>\n <postal>80225-0046</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Any use of trade, product or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Geological Survey.\nAlthough this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also contains copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items for other than personal use must be secured from the copyright owner.\nThis database has been approved for release and publication by the Director of the USGS. Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, it is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the United States Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.\nAlthough these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system, or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The U.S. Geological Survey shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>WinZipped file geodatabase and WinZipped ESRI shapefiles</formname>\n <formvern>10.5; 2017</formvern>\n <formspec>ESRI 10.5 file geodatabase or ESRI shapefile. Note some information such as field names and relationship classes may be altered or removed from the source data during conversion to ESRI shapefile format.</formspec>\n <formcont>Spatial and attribute information</formcont>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None. This dataset is provided by USGS as a public service.</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200820</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Donald Sweetkind</cntper>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>PO Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, Mailstop 980</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-303-236-1828</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n <metac>none</metac>\n <metuc>none</metuc>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
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[Data associated with the evaluation of the PAT (Purge Analyzer Tool), Stringfellow Superfund site, Jurupa Valley, California, 2017](/catalog/folder/5e500e6be4b0ff554f717e8c) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5e500e6be4b0ff554f717e8c) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5e500e6be4b0ff554f717e8c) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5e500e6be4b0ff554f717e8c?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-09-21Start Date2017-03-01End Date2017-10-30 ## Citation Harte, P.T., 2020, Data associated with the evaluation of the PAT (Purge Analyzer Tool), Stringfellow Superfund site, Jurupa Valley, California, 2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary Data presented here were collected in support of analyzing the analytical model PAT (Purge Analyzer Tool). There are manual measurements of well construction, hydraulic, and chemical data for several wells from the Stringfellow Superfund site, Jurupa Valley, California. The hydraulic data includes hydraulic head. Chemical data includes physiocochemical data. Physiocochemical profiles of the well water column were done under ambient and post pumped conditions. There are also continuous measurements of hydraulic head, and the monitoring of the presence of tracers (rhodamine, fluorescein, and brilliant blue dye). ## Summary Data presented here were collected in support of analyzing the analytical model PAT (Purge Analyzer Tool). There are manual measurements of well construction, hydraulic, and chemical data for several wells from the Stringfellow Superfund site, Jurupa Valley, California. The hydraulic data includes hydraulic head. Chemical data includes physiocochemical data. Physiocochemical profiles of the well water column were done under ambient and post pumped conditions. There are also continuous measurements of hydraulic head, and the monitoring of the presence of tracers (rhodamine, fluorescein, and brilliant blue dye). ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Philip T Harte](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4293) Originator : [Philip T Harte](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4293) Metadata Contact : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Data Owner : [Office of the Southwest Regional Director](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17367) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) SDC Data Owner : [Office of the Southwest Regional Director](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17393) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5e500e6be4b0ff554f717e8c?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5e500e6be4b0ff554f717e8c?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5e500e6be4b0ff554f717e8c?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Data\_associated\_with\_the\_evaluation\_of\_the\_PAT\_Purge\_Analyzer\_Tool\_Stringfellow\_Superfund\_site\_Jurupa\_Valley\_California\_2017(sep\_17\_20).xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 28 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Table\_1\_4\_Sep\<br>“Tables” | | 111.34 KB | application/zip | | APP1\_7\_Sep\<br>“Appendix tables” | | 136.93 KB | application/zip | | ambient\_profiles\_all\_Sep\<br>“Ambient profiles of water ” | | 25.92 KB | application/zip | | pumped\_profiles\_all\_Sep\<br>“Profiles after pumping” | | 46.15 KB | application/zip | | CONT\_PROCESS\_May\<br>“Continuous data” | | 201.07 KB | application/zip | | README\_DATA\_RLEASE\_IP-085092\_Sep\_16\_20.txt<br>“README FILE” | | 4.53 KB | text/plain | ## Related External Resources Type: Citation | | | | --- | --- | | Instructions for Running the Analytical Code PAT (Purge Analyzer Tool) for Computation of In-Well Time of Travel of Groundwater under Pumping Conditions | []( "") | Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Harte, P.T., Perina, T., Becher, K., Levine, H., Rojas-Mickelson, D., Walther, L., and Brown, A., 2021, Evaluation and application of the Purge Analyzer Tool (PAT) to determine in-well flow and purge criteria for sampling monitoring wells at the Stringfellow Superfund site in Jurupa Valley, California, in 2017: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020–5140, 54 p., | []( "") | ## Purpose Field data were collected to help quantify in-well flow in selected wells at the Stringfellow Superfund site, Jurupa Valley, California. Data were used to conceptualize in-well flow processes and to compare against methods used in the analytical program PAT (Purge Analyzer Tool). ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5e500e6be4b0ff554f717e8c) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5e500e6be4b0ff554f717e8c) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [groundwater transport](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgroundwater+transport "groundwater transport (groundwater transport, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [in-well flow](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Din-well+flow "in-well flow (in-well flow, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [City of Jurupa Valley California](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCity+of+Jurupa+Valley+California "City of Jurupa Valley California (City of Jurupa Valley California, Place, GNIS)") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9CGINH0 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Philip T. Harte</origin>\n <pubdate>20200921</pubdate>\n <title>Data associated with the evaluation of the PAT (Purge Analyzer Tool), Stringfellow Superfund site, Jurupa Valley, California, 2017</title>\n <geoform>Tabular digital data in excel format '.xlsx'</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>U.S. Geological Survey data release</sername>\n <issue>--</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>Suggested citation: Harte, P.T., 2020, Data associated with the evaluation of the PAT (Purge Analyzer Tool), Stringfellow Superfund site, Jurupa Valley, California, 2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Harte, P.T.</origin>\n <origin>Perina, T.</origin>\n <origin>Becher, K.</origin>\n <origin>Levine, H.</origin>\n <origin>Rojas-Mickelson, D.</origin>\n <origin>Walther, L.</origin>\n <origin>Brown, A.</origin>\n <pubdate>2021</pubdate>\n <title>Evaluation and application of the Purge Analyzer Tool (PAT) to determine in-well flow and purge criteria for sampling monitoring wells at the Stringfellow Superfund site in Jurupa Valley, California, in 2017</title>\n <geoform>U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020\xe2\x80\x935140, 54 p.</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>There are manual measurements of well construction, hydraulic, and chemical data for several wells from the Stringfellow Superfund site, Jurupa Valley, California. The hydraulic data includes hydraulic head. Chemical data includes physiocochemical data. Physiocochemical profiles of the well water column were done under ambient and post pumped conditions. There are also continuous measurements of hydraulic head, and the monitoring of the presence of tracers (rhodamine, fluorescein, and brilliant blue dye).</abstract>\n <purpose>Data were collected to quantify in-well flow in support of the analytical program PAT (Purge Analyzer Tool).</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20170301</begdate>\n <enddate>20171030</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>In work</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-117.83935546776</westbc>\n <eastbc>-116.96044921779</eastbc>\n <northbc>34.176458601672</northbc>\n <southbc>33.889666410105</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>groundwater transport</themekey>\n <themekey>in-well flow</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5e500e6be4b0ff554f717e8c</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>GNIS</placekt>\n <placekey>City of Jurupa Valley California</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Philip T. Harte</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>720 Gracern Rd</address>\n <city>Columbia</city>\n <state>SC</state>\n <postal>29072</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>803-750-6113</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>EPA REGION 9</datacred>\n <native>Files were created in Microsoft Excel 2007 or later and save as excel formatted files '.xlsx'. Five compressed files (ZIP) were created. Compressed files named and contain 24 files from Harte and others (2020). Compressed files named and contain 4 files with physiocochemical vertical profile data from wells. Compressed file named continuous pressure head and dye tracer data from pumping of wells.</native>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Philip T. Harte</origin>\n <origin>Bradley J. Huffman</origin>\n <origin>Tomas Perina</origin>\n <origin>Herb Levine</origin>\n <origin>Daewon Rojas-Mickelson</origin>\n <pubdate>2019</pubdate>\n <title>Instructions for running the analytical code PAT (Purge Analyzer Tool) for computation of in-well time of travel of groundwater under pumping conditions</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal accuracy tests were performed.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal consistency tests were performed.</logic>\n <complete>The data set is complete for this data release.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>Data set does not include spatial information.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>Data set does not include spatial information.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Tomas Perina</origin>\n <origin>Tien-Chang Lee</origin>\n <pubdate>2006</pubdate>\n <title>General well function for pumping from a confined, leaky, or unconfined aquifer</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Journal of Hydrology</sername>\n <issue>Volume 317</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Amsterdam, Netherlands</pubplace>\n <publish>ELSEVIER</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>Suggested citation: Perina, Tomas, and Lee, Tien-Chang(2006), General well function for pumping from a confined, leaky, or unconfined aquifer, v. 317, p. 239-260, https://doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2005.05.020</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2006</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Hydraulic analysis of drawdowns from pumping</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Interpretation of pumping results</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Philip T. Harte</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>In-well time-of-travel approach to evaluate optimal purge duration during low-flow sampling of monitoring wells</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Environmental Earth Sciences</sername>\n <issue>Volume 76</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Switzerland</pubplace>\n <publish>Springer</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>Suggested citation: Harte, P.T., 2017, In-well time-of-travel approach to evaluate optimal purge duration during low-flow sampling of monitoring wells: Environmental Earth Sciences, v. 76, 13 p., accessed March 21, 2017, at</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2019</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Time-of-travel assuming piston vertical flow under pumping conditions of wells</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Interpretation of pumping results and assessment of operational nature of the PAT program</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The criteria for assessing sample representativeness is based on the understanding of in-well, groundwater travel times and on the physicochemical heterogeneity of the formation. The PAT (Harte, 2017; Harte and others, 2019) analytical software program was used to assess in-well, groundwater travel times during purging and sampling. Chemical variability was assessed by the collection of chemical vertical profile data in the wells in conjunction with volume- and time-dependent groundwater samples from pumping.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2017</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Table1_Sep_14_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. Table1_Sep_14_20.xlsx contains well construction data for selected wells</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Mixture of reported and measured values</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-P (1-16)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file Table1_Sep_14_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Reported data from California Department of Toxic Substances, 2016,2017,2018 annual reports</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Well data contains a combination of reported data from published site reports and data collected as part of a well reconnaissance by USGS field crew</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Table2_histcomparison_Sep_14_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a summary table of previously reported trichloroethylene and perchlorate concentrations and concentrations from a USGS 2017 study.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Concentrations from published reports from California Department of Toxic Substances, 2016,2017,2018 annual reports and EPA R9 Laboratory</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-T (1-20)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file Table2_histcomparison_Sep_14_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Reported data from California Department of Toxic Substances, 2016,201,2018 annual reports and EPA R9 Laboratory</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Historical and current study (2017) concentration data are reported for trichloroethylene and perchlorate</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Table3_PAT_Sep_14_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a summary table of reported hydraulic conductivity values for wells and computed drawdown and capture time using the analytical code PAT</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-N (1-14)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file Table3_PAT_Sep_14_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Reported hydraulic conductivity from Environ (2012)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table is useful to identify monitoring wells that have sufficient water column height and provide enough yield to allow for pumping at low-flow rates (less than and equal to 0.3 liters per minute). This was done by inverse calculation of drawdown from reported hydraulic conductivity values</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Table4_volumestats_May_2_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a summary table of computed water volume per well as a ratio of well casing water to water in the well screen or open interval</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-F (1-6)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file Table4_volumestats_May_2_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Computed from reported well data and water levels</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table is useful to identify monitoring wells that have large amounts of water in the well casing above the well open interval</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>APP_TABLE1.1_May_2_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of well construction information including water levels</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-O</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file APP_TABLE1.1_May_2_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Computed from reported well data and water levels</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table is useful to identify monitoring wells that have large amounts of water in the well casing above the well open interval</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>APP_TABLE1.2_May_2_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table that summaries pump rates used in calculations of hydraulic properties</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-F</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file APP_TABLE1.2_May_2_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Measured pump rates</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table was used in GWF analytical model (Perina and Lee, 2006)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>APP_TABLE1.3_May_2_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of computed hydraulic properties for three wells tested</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-F</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file APP_TABLE1.3_May_2_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Computed hydraulic properties using GWF analytical model from Perina and Lee (2006)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table is used to quantify hydraulic properties of the aquifer</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>APP2.SimulationPAT_Sep_14_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of observed data from pumping of three wells and corresponding information computed from PAT program</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-AA</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file APP2.SimulationPAT_Sep_14_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Observed and computed hydraulic properties using PAT analytical model from Harte and others (2019)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table is used to compare observed dye velocities and computed from PAT model</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>APP4_chemistry_Sep_14_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of laboratory analytical results from sampling of wells</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-K</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file APP4_chemistry_Sep_14_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Information includes sample method type and corresponding results</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table include the reported results of compound concentrations for perchlorate and trichloroethylene</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>APP5.pz74d.fieldparms_Sep_14_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of parameters that were manually measured and used to monitor pumped well water from well PZ-74D</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-F</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file APP5.pz74d.fieldparms_Sep_14_20x_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Monitored during pumping</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table is useful to identify changes in well water from pumping</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>APP6.ow44b2.fieldparms_Sep_14_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of parameters that were manually measured and used to monitor pumped well water from well OW-44B2</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-F</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file APP6.ow44b2.fieldparms_Sep_14_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Monitored during pumping</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table is useful to identify changes in well water from pumping</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>APP7.OC12B.fieldparms_May_2_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of parameters that were manually measured and used to monitor pumped well water from well OC-12B</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-F</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file APP7.OC12B.fieldparms_May_2_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Monitored during pumping</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table is useful to identify changes in well water from pumping</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Ambient_profiles_reconn_Sep_14_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of specific conductance, water temperature and pressure head under ambient conditions of well water for reconnaissance wells</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-F</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file Ambient_profiles_reconn_Sep_14_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Monitored under ambient conditions</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table was used to identify the vertical variability of well chemistry</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>POST_PUMPED_PROFILES_Sep_14_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of multiple parameters from vertical profiling of well water columns under ambient conditions of the three wells that were pumped</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-U</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file POST_PUMPED_PROFILES_Sep_14_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Monitored under ambient conditions after the three wells (PZ-74D, OW-44B2, OC-12B) were previously pumped</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table was used to identify the vertical variability of well chemistry after wells were pumped. From three wells that were previously pumped. These data are compared to pre-pumped profiles</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>PROCESS_pz-74d_pressure_CONT_May_2_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of continuous pressure head data from pumping of well PZ-74D</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-D</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file PROCESS_pz-74d_pressure_CONT_May_2_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Monitored under pumping conditions at well PZ-74D</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table was used to compute hydraulic properties for the well PZ-74D</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>PROCESS_OW44B2_pressure_CONT_May_2_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of continuous pressure head data from pumping of well OW-44B2</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-D</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file PROCESS_OW44B2_pressure_CONT_May_2_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Monitored under pumping conditions at well OW-44B2</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table was used to compute hydraulic properties for the well OW-44B2</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>PROCESS_OW44B2_rho_CONT_May_2_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of continuous rhodamine dye during pumping of well OW-44B2</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-D</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file PROCESS_OW44B2_rho_CONT_May_2_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Monitored under pumping conditions at well OW-44B2</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table was used to compute hydraulic properties and specifically to assess he level of heterogeneity for the well OW-44B2</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>PROCESS_OW44B2_fluore_CONT_May_2_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of continuous fluorescein dye during pumping of well OW-44B2</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-D</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file PROCESS_OW44B2_fluore_CONT_May_2_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Monitored under pumping conditions at well OW-44B2</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table was used to compute hydraulic properties and specifically to assess he level of heterogeneity for the well OW-44B2</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>PROCESS_OC12B_pressure_CONT_May_2_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of continuous pressure head data from pumping of well OW-44B2</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-D</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file PROCESS_OC12B_pressure_CONT_May_2_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Monitored under pumping conditions at well OC-12B</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table was used to compute hydraulic properties for the well OC-12B</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>PROCESS_OC12B_rho_CONT_May_2_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of continuous rhodamine dye during pumping of well OC-12B</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-D</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file PROCESS_OC12B_rho_CONT_May_2_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Monitored under pumping conditions at well OC-12B</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table was used to compute hydraulic properties and specifically to assess he level of heterogeneity for the well OC-12B</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>PROCESS_OC12B_fluore_CONT_May_2_20x.xlsx</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Excel file. This is a table of continuous fluorescein dye during pumping of well OW-44B2</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Columns A-D</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Explicit column descriptions are provided in the excel file PROCESS_OC12B_fluore_CONT_May_2_20_Descriptions.xlsx</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Monitored under pumping conditions at well OC-12B</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Information in this table was used to compute hydraulic properties and specifically to assess he level of heterogeneity for the well OC-12B</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>U.S. Geological Survey- Science Base</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None.</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200921</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Philip T. Harte</cntper>\n <cntorg>USGS, New England Water Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>720 Gracern Rd.</address>\n <city>Columbia</city>\n <state>South Carolina</state>\n <postal>29210</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>803-750-6113</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [Geophysical data from the unnamed lake at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, Bemidji, MN (ver. 2.0, June 2020)](/catalog/folder/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c?format=json) ## Dates Start Date2018-06-25End Date2019-06-29Publication Date2019-03-13Last Revision2020-06-05 ## Citation Terry, N., Bekins, B.A., Trost, J.J., and Day-Lewis, F.D., 2020, Geophysical data from the unnamed lake at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, Bemidji, MN (ver. 2.0, June 2020): U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This dataset has been archived; it has been superseded by version 3.0 (May 2022) which can be found at The National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site is located near Bemidji, MN, USA. A high pressure oil pipeline ruptured in 1979 releasing ~1.7 million liters of light crude oil, which sprayed over an area of ~6500 square meters and collected in topographic depressions. Approximately 75% of the spilled oil was recovered. Much of the remainder reached the water table, where it is distributed into three residual oil bodies (the north, middle, and south oil pools). Groundwater flows east-northeast toward a small lake roughly 300 m downgradient from the original spill site. Secondary \[...\] ## Summary _This dataset has been archived; it has been superseded by version 3.0 (May 2022) which can be found at []( The National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site is located near Bemidji, MN, USA. A high pressure oil pipeline ruptured in 1979 releasing ~1.7 million liters of light crude oil, which sprayed over an area of ~6500 square meters and collected in topographic depressions. Approximately 75% of the spilled oil was recovered. Much of the remainder reached the water table, where it is distributed into three residual oil bodies (the north, middle, and south oil pools). Groundwater flows east-northeast toward a small lake roughly 300 m downgradient from the original spill site. Secondary reactions of sediments with byproducts from anaerobic degradation of the oil plumes cause increases in total dissolved solids, which are transported in groundwater and raise the electrical conductivity of the groundwater above background levels, presenting a potential monitoring target for electromagnetic induction methods. This data release contains electromagnetic induction (EMI), ground penetrating radar (GPR), and specific conductance (SpC) data collected over and within the lake where it is believed high SpC groundwater associated with degradation of the oil plume is discharging. Direct measurements of lake sediment specfic conductance and temperature, as well as pore water specific conductance, are also included. The current release (ver. 2.0) contains data from 2018 and 2019. The original data release contained only data from 2018. The interested user can contact Neil Terry ([email protected]) or the USGS Hydrogeophysics Branch to obtain a copy of the original release. ## Child Items [(0)](/catalog/items?parentId=5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c) - [View children in Folder](/catalog/folder/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c) - [Search children](/catalog/items?parentId=5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c) ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Neil C Terry](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=71778) Originator : [Neil C Terry](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=71778), [Barbara A Bekins](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=671), [Jared J Trost](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=10539), [Frederick D Day-Lewis](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=2384) Metadata Contact : [Neil C Terry](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=71778) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) SDC Data Owner : [Office of the Chief Operating Officer](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=77215) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Metadata\_main.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 11.82 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | | | 791.92 MB | application/zip | | | | 113.45 KB | application/zip | | | | 26.26 MB | application/zip | | README.txt | | 702 Bytes | text/plain | | thumb.JPG | ![thumbnail]( | 455.96 KB | image/jpeg | | revision\_history.txt | | 1.07 KB | text/plain | ## Purpose The waterborne electromagnetic induction data and supporting datasets collected at Bemidji were mainly used to map where an elevated specific conductance plume, associated with biodegradation of oil at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, is discharging to surface water. ## Preview Image ![Preview Image]( ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c) ## Communities - National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site - USGS Data Release Products - USGS New York Water Science Center ## Associated Items - _related to_ [Sampling site information, well construction details, and data dictionaries for data sets associated with the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Site near Bemidji, Minnesota](/catalog/item/5912466ae4b0e541a03c20cd "Sampling site information, well construction details, and data dictionaries for data sets associated with the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Site near Bemidji, Minnesota") - _related_ [Water-quality data at two unnamed lakes at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site near Bemidji, Minnesota, 2019](/catalog/item/5d385a64e4b01d82ce8b84df "Water-quality data at two unnamed lakes at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site near Bemidji, Minnesota, 2019") - [View Associated Items](/catalog/itemLinks?itemId=5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c) ## Tags Categories - [Data Release - Revised](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData+Release+-+Revised "Data Release - Revised") Theme - [Groundwater](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGroundwater "Groundwater (Groundwater, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [InlandWaters](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DInlandWaters "InlandWaters (InlandWaters, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [Surface Water](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DSurface+Water "Surface Water (Surface Water, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [electromagnetic surveying](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Delectromagnetic+surveying "electromagnetic surveying (electromagnetic surveying, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [environment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Denvironment "environment (environment, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [geophysics](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgeophysics "geophysics (geophysics, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [geoscientificInformation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DgeoscientificInformation "geoscientificInformation (geoscientificInformation, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [hydrogeology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhydrogeology "hydrogeology (hydrogeology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [hydrology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dhydrology "hydrology (hydrology, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Bemidji](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBemidji "Bemidji (Bemidji, Place, None)") - [Minnesota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMinnesota "Minnesota (Minnesota, Place, None)") ## Provenance Revision 2.0 by Neil Terry on June 5, 2020. To review the changes that were made, see “revision\_history.txt” in the attached files section. ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>N. Terry</origin>\n <origin>B. A. Bekins</origin>\n <origin>J. J. Trost</origin>\n <origin>F. D. Day-Lewis</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>Geophysical data from the unnamed lake at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, Bemidji, MN (ver. 2.0, June 2020)</title>\n <geoform>Instrument files, .csv, .txt, software input files, and processing scripts</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>Terry, N., Bekins, B. A., Trost, J. J., and Day-Lewis, F. D., 2020, Geophysical data from the unnamed lake at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, Bemidji, MN (ver. 2.0, June 2020): U. S. Geological Survey data release,</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>The National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site is located near Bemidji, MN, USA. A high pressure oil pipeline ruptured in 1979 releasing ~1.7 million liters of light crude oil, which sprayed over an area of ~6500 square meters and collected in topographic depressions. Approximately 75% of the spilled oil was recovered. Much of the remainder reached the water table, where it is distributed into three residual oil bodies (the north, middle, and south oil pools). Groundwater flows east-northeast toward a small lake roughly 300 m downgradient from the original spill site. Secondary reactions of sediments with byproducts from anaerobic degradation of the oil plumes cause increases in total dissolved solids, which are transported in groundwater and raise the electrical conductivity of the groundwater above background levels, presenting a potential monitoring target for electromagnetic induction methods. \n\nThis data release contains electromagnetic induction (EMI), ground penetrating radar (GPR), and specific conductance (SpC) data collected over and within the lake where it is believed high SpC groundwater associated with degradation of the oil plume is discharging. Direct measurements of lake sediment specfic conductance and temperature, as well as pore water specific conductance, are also included. \n\nThe current release (ver. 2.0) contains data from 2018 and 2019. The original data release contained only data from 2018. The interested user can contact Neil Terry ([email protected]) or the USGS Hydrogeophysics Branch to obtain a copy of the original release.</abstract>\n <purpose>The waterborne electromagnetic induction data and supporting datasets collected at Bemidji were mainly used to map where an elevated specific conductance plume, associated with biodegradation of oil at the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, is discharging to surface water.</purpose>\n <supplinf>Data collection and analysis was primarily supported by the USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Program. Partial funding for this project was provided by the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, a collaborative venture of the USGS, Enbridge Energy Limited Partnership, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and Beltrami County, MN. Partial funding for student participation was supplied by the NAGT-USGS Cooperative Summer Field Training Program.</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20180625</begdate>\n <enddate>20190629</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>In work</progress>\n <update>Irregular</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-95.0920</westbc>\n <eastbc>-95.080268</eastbc>\n <northbc>47.5775</northbc>\n <southbc>47.568974</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>Groundwater</themekey>\n <themekey>InlandWaters</themekey>\n <themekey>Surface Water</themekey>\n <themekey>electromagnetic surveying</themekey>\n <themekey>hydrogeology</themekey>\n <themekey>hydrology</themekey>\n <themekey>geophysics</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>geoscientificInformation</themekey>\n <themekey>environment</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5c5dd09de4b0fe48cb32e62c</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Minnesota</placekey>\n <placekey>Bemidji</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Neil Terry</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Hydrogeophysics Branch</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>U.S. Geological Survey, 11 Sherman Place, Unit 5015</address>\n <city>Storrs</city>\n <state>CT</state>\n <postal>06269</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>860-487-7402</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Data collection and analysis was primarily supported by the USGS Toxic Substances Hydrology Program. Partial funding for this project was provided by the National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, a collaborative venture of the USGS, Enbridge Energy Limited Partnership, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and Beltrami County, MN. Partial funding for student participation was supplied by the NAGT-USGS Cooperative Summer Field Training Program.</datacred>\n <native>Instrument files, .csv, .txt, software input files, and processing scripts</native>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>Data includes raw instrument files, with these data being processed to varied degrees, depending on the specific objectives of the work. These details are all described in the local readme files for each field deployment/method.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Data were reviewed for consistency.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Data were collected in a variety of ways depending on the method and objective, as described in the local readme files for each field deployment/method.\nIn this updated release (ver. 2.0) data were combined into single data files for both 2018 and 2019 data (if appropriate) or separated by folders into separate years.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2019</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>The National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site, Bemidji, MN, USA</indspref>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>0.001</latres>\n <longres>0.001</longres>\n <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>North American Datum of 1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>GRS 1980</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257222101</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>README.txt</enttypl>\n <enttypd>The high level text file that describes the contents of this data release.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl></enttypl>\n <enttypd>Folder containing June 2018 and June 2019 kayak-borne raw frequency domain electromagnetic induction data from the unnamed lake at Bemidji.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl></enttypl>\n <enttypd>Folder containing June 2018 and June 2019 boat-towed raw ground penetrating radar data from the unnamed lake at Bemidji.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl></enttypl>\n <enttypd>Folder containing June 2018 and June 2019 fluid electrical conductivity and temperature measurements from within the lakebed sediments at the unnamed lake at Bemidji.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase Catalogue</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. \nAlthough this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also may contain copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner.\nUnless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.\nAlthough these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS or the U.S. Government shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200827</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Neil Terry</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Hydrogeophysics Branch</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>U.S. Geological Survey, 11 Sherman Place, Unit 5015</address>\n <city>Storrs</city>\n <state>CT</state>\n <postal>06269</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>860-487-7402</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Upper Klamath Lake (Oregon) Water Column Analyses, 2015 and 2016](/catalog/folder/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2021-01-06Start Date2015-07-15End Date2016-09-13 ## Citation Simon, N.S., Conko, K., Tvinnereim, E., 2021, Upper Klamath Lake (Oregon) Water Column Analyses, 2015 and 2016: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This data set presents chemical data for water column samples from USGS and Klamath Tribe sites in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. Surface water, bottom water and integrated water samples were analyzed for major cations including metals and anions including chloride, sulfate, alkalinity, phosphate silicate and nitrate. Values for pH ranging from 7.3 to 10.0 are also reported. ## Summary This data set presents chemical data for water column samples from USGS and Klamath Tribe sites in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. Surface water, bottom water and integrated water samples were analyzed for major cations including metals and anions including chloride, sulfate, alkalinity, phosphate silicate and nitrate. Values for pH ranging from 7.3 to 10.0 are also reported. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Nancy S Simon](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9493) Originator : [Nancy S Simon](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9493), [Kathryn M Conko](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=2007), [Eric R Tvinnereim](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=68019) Metadata Contact : [Nancy S Simon](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9493) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) SDC Data Owner : [Office of the Chief Operating Officer](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=77215) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Upper\_Klamath\_Lake\_Oregon\_Water\_Column\_Analyses\_2015\_-\_2016.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 25.71 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, Water Column Analyses, 2015-2016.xlsx | | 73.48 KB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | ## Purpose The samples were collected during a survey of algae to evaluate the relation between water column chemistry and phytoplankton diversity. Comparisons were made between the water column chemistry of surface and bottom waters. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [surface water quality](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsurface+water+quality "surface water quality (surface water quality, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [water chemistry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater+chemistry "water chemistry (water chemistry, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUpper+Klamath+Lake%2C+Oregon "Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon (Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | doi | | doi:10.5066/P9AFUIVZ | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Nancy S. Simon, Kathryn Conko, Eric Tvinnereim</origin>\n <pubdate>20210106</pubdate>\n <title>Upper Klamath Lake (Oregon) Water Column Analyses, 2015 and 2016</title>\n <geoform>spreadsheet</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This data set presents chemical data for water column samples from USGS and Klamath Tribe sites in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. Surface water, bottom water and integrated water samples were analyzed for major cations including metals and anions including chloride, sulfate, alkalinity, phosphate silicate and nitrate. Values for pH ranging from 7.3 to 10.0 are also reported.</abstract>\n <purpose>The samples were collected during a survey of algae to evaluate the relation\nbetween water column chemistry and phytoplankton diversity. Comparisons \nwere made between the water column chemistry of surface and bottom waters.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20150715</begdate>\n <enddate>20160913</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-122.0557</westbc>\n <eastbc>-121.8234</eastbc>\n <northbc>42.5604</northbc>\n <southbc>42.2416</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>water chemistry</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>surface water quality</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5b3f9da7e4b060350a10bc3d</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. Please see 'Distribution Info' for details.</accconst>\n <useconst>Users are advised to read the data set's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Nancy S. Simon</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Staff Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS432</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-5863</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>1) Collection of water samples:\nU.S. Geological Survey, 2006, Collection of water samples (ver. 2.0): U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, book 9, chap. A4, September 2006, accessed [date viewed], at\n2) Processing of water samples:\nWilde, F.D., Radtke, D.B., Gibs, Jacob, and Iwatsubo, R.T., eds., 2004 with updates through 2009, Processing of water samples (ver. 2.2): U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, book 9, chap. A5, April 2004, accessed [date viewed], at\nFilter: Polycarbonate, 0.45 micron\nSamples were not acidified.\n3) Instrumental analyses\nMethods are given under the entity and attribute tab.\n4) Data management\nCreation of table of analytical data for which this metadata has been constructed.</procdesc>\n <procdate>06062018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>Geographic Names Index System (GNIS) placenames</indspref>\n <direct>Raster</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <geograph>\n <latres>1.0E-4</latres>\n <longres>1.0E-4</longres>\n <geogunit>Decimal degrees</geogunit>\n </geograph>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Data</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Chemical data for Upper Klamath Lake (Oregon) water column samples, 2015 - 2016</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Lab ID</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Numerical identification of samples for laboratory testing</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>2</rdommin>\n <rdommax>280</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Collection date</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Numerical identification of samples for laboratory testing</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The entry is the date on which the sample was collected.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Site name</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Alphabetical representation of sampling locations.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The entries are the site names used by the USGS and the Klamath Tribes for each location.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Abbreviation</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Shortened alphabetical representation of sampling locations</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NA</edomv>\n <edomvd>Not available</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>FB</edomv>\n <edomvd>Fish Banks</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>PM</edomv>\n <edomvd>Pelican Marina</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NBI</edomv>\n <edomvd>North Buck Island</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>WB</edomv>\n <edomvd>Wocus Bay</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>ML</edomv>\n <edomvd>Mid Lake</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>ER/EP</edomv>\n <edomvd>Eagle Ridge/Eagle Point</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>SB</edomv>\n <edomvd>Shoalwater Bay</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>MN</edomv>\n <edomvd>Mid North</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>RPT</edomv>\n <edomvd>Raccoon Point</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>AS</edomv>\n <edomvd>Agency Lake South</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>AN</edomv>\n <edomvd>Agency Lake North</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>BK</edomv>\n <edomvd>Equipment, Filter or Process Blank (as indicated)</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NAD 27</edomv>\n <edomvd>North American Datum 1927</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>NA</edomv>\n <edomvd>Not available</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>ND</edomv>\n <edomvd>Not detected</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>DO</edomv>\n <edomvd>Dissolved oxygen</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>DW</edomv>\n <edomvd>Dry weight</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>WR</edomv>\n <edomvd>Williamson River</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>BI</edomv>\n <edomvd>Bare Island</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Latitude (NAD 27)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Geographical coordinates trending East-West.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>42.24156</rdommin>\n <rdommax>42.56039</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees of latitude</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Longitude (NAD 27)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Geographical coordinates trending North-South.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-122.05568</rdommin>\n <rdommax>-121.82341</rdommax>\n <attrunit>decimal degrees of longitude</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Collection stratum</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Water sample depth, The top samples were collected at the surface; the integrated samples represent the whole water column at the sampling site; the bottom water sample was collected approximately 20 centimeters above the sediment water interface.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>top</edomv>\n <edomvd>Surface of water column</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>integrated</edomv>\n <edomvd>Water sample collected throughout the depth of the water column.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>bottom</edomv>\n <edomvd>Bottom of water column; approximately 0.25 meter above the sediment water interface.</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>b/i</edomv>\n <edomvd>combined bottom/integrated</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>bk</edomv>\n <edomvd>Blank</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>EqBk</edomv>\n <edomvd>Equipment Blank</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>P Bk</edomv>\n <edomvd>Process Blank</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Fb Bk</edomv>\n <edomvd>Filter Blank</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Producer defined</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Field temperature degrees C</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Temperature of water as sample was collected</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>12.16</rdommin>\n <rdommax>28.57</rdommax>\n <attrunit>degrees Centigrade</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Field conductivity \xc2\xb5S/cm</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Conductivity of water column measured in situ. Conductivity is the ability of water to conduct an\nelectrical current. The dissolved ions are the conductors. In general, the larger the concentration of salts/dissolved solids in the water column, the greater the conductivity.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>97.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>187.0</rdommax>\n <attrunit>microsiemens per centimeter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Field dissolved oxygen mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Amperometric electrode in situ measurement of the concentration of oxygen in the water column as milligrams of oxygen per liter.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.28</rdommin>\n <rdommax>16.05</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Field pH</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Minus the log of he hydrogen ion concentration in moles/liter is pH. These measurements were made in situ.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>7.32</rdommin>\n <rdommax>10.02</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Lab pH</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Minus the log of he hydrogen ion concentration in moles/liter is pH These measurements were made in the lab approximately 48 hours after the samples were collected. The measurement was made in association with the alkalinity titration.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>7.28</rdommin>\n <rdommax>9.91</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Alkalinity HCO3 mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total alkalinity (TA) is defined as the measure of water\xe2\x80\x99s ability to neutralize acids. Samples were analyzed using an auto titrator and a sulfuric acid solution. Concentration is expressed as mg of bicarbonate/liter.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>50.9</rdommin>\n <rdommax>99.7</rdommax>\n <attrunit>mg of bicarbonate per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>N as NH3, mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Total nitrogen concentration expressed as milligrams of ammonia per liter</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.96</rdommax>\n <attrunit>miiligrams of ammonia per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>F mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fluoride concentrations were determined using ion chromatography. Concentrations are written as mg fluoride/Liter.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.90</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Cl mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Chloride concentrations were determined using ion chromatography. Concentrations are written as mg chloride/Liter.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.08</rdommin>\n <rdommax>5.79</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Br mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Bromide concentrations were determined using ion chromatography. Concentrations are written as mg fluoride/Liter.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.09</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>NO3 mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Nitrate concentrations were determined using ion chromatography. Concentrations are written as mg fluoride/Liter.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.01</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.65</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Phosphate colorimetric \xc2\xb5g/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Phosphate concentrations were determined colorimetrically using the Murphy and Riley method. The method defines the analyte as dissolved reactive phosphate.Concentrations are written as micrograms phosphate/Liter.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.2</rdommin>\n <rdommax>194.4</rdommax>\n <attrunit>micrograms per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SO4 mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Sulfate concentrations were determined using ion chromatography. Concentrations are reported as mg sulfate,Liter.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.05</rdommin>\n <rdommax>4.75</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Ca mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Calcium concentrations were determined using inductively coupled plasma with atomic emission spectroscopy. Concentrations are reported as mg calcium/liter.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.02</rdommin>\n <rdommax>8.54</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Fe mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Iron concentrations were determined using inductively coupled plasma with atomic emission spectroscopy. Concentrations are reported as mg iron'liter.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.03</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.30</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>K mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Potassium concentrations were determined using inductively coupled plasma with atomic emission spectroscopy. Concentrations are reported as mg potassium/L</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.4</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Mg mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Magnesium concentrations were determined using inductively coupled plasma with atomic emission spectroscopy. Concentrations are reported as mg magnesium/L.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>4.69</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Na mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Sodium concentrations were determined using inductively coupled plasma with atomic emission spectroscopy. Concentrations are reported as magnesium/L.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.2</rdommin>\n <rdommax>12.8</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Al mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Aluminum concentrations were determined using inductively coupled plasma with atomic emission spectroscopy. Concentrations are reported as mg aluminum /L</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.2</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.37</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Si colorimetric mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Silica analysis: ASTM method D 859-00 with modifications. 4 millimolar ammonium molybdate solution added with 5 normal sulfuric acid solution. 0.1 molar ascorbic acid added after molybdate solution. No hydrochloric acid added\nConcentrations of polymorphic silica are reported as mg polymorphic silica/L.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.7</rdommin>\n <rdommax>32.7</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Total Si mg/L</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Silica concentrations were determined using inductively coupled plasma with atomic emission spectroscopy. Concentrations are reported as mg total silicon/L.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1.0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>23.4</rdommax>\n <attrunit>milligrams per liter</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20210106</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Nancy S. Simon</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Staff Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS432</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>Staff Scientist</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n <metuc>Record created using USGS Metadata Wizard tool. (</metuc>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Results from frequency-ratio analyses of soil classification and land use related to landslide locations in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria](/catalog/folder/5e2f53f5e4b0a79317d42330) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5e2f53f5e4b0a79317d42330) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5e2f53f5e4b0a79317d42330) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5e2f53f5e4b0a79317d42330?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-03-11Time Period2020 ## Citation Hughes, K.S., and Schulz, W.H., 2020, Results from frequency-ratio analyses of soil classification and land use related to landslide locations in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary To better understand factors potentially contributing to the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides in Puerto Rico, we evaluated the locations of landslides there following Hurricane Maria (Hughes et al., 2019) and potential contributing factors. This data release provides results of evaluations of landslide locations compared to soil classification and land cover, which involved frequency-ratio analyses (for example, Lee and Pradhan, 2006; Lee et al., 2007; He and Beighley, 2008; Lepore et al., 2012; Chalkias et al., 2014). Soil classification data were obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (2018) and land cover data were obtained from the Puerto Rico Gap Analysis Program (Gould \[...\] ## Summary To better understand factors potentially contributing to the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides in Puerto Rico, we evaluated the locations of landslides there following Hurricane Maria (Hughes et al., 2019) and potential contributing factors. This data release provides results of evaluations of landslide locations compared to soil classification and land cover, which involved frequency-ratio analyses (for example, Lee and Pradhan, 2006; Lee et al., 2007; He and Beighley, 2008; Lepore et al., 2012; Chalkias et al., 2014). Soil classification data were obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (2018) and land cover data were obtained from the Puerto Rico Gap Analysis Program (Gould et al., 2008). The data presented herewith were produced during a study described in Hughes and Schulz (2020). Three files are included with this data release. Data files _soil\_classification\_results.csv_ and _land\_cover\_results.csv_ provide results of the analyses of landslide locations compared to soil classification and land cover, respectively. A read-me file ( _readme.txt_) provides the information contained in this summary and additional description of data available from the data files. References Chalkias, C., Kalogirou, S., and Ferntinou, M., 2014, Landslide susceptibility, Peloponnese Peninsula in South Greece: Journal of Maps, v. 10, no. 2, p. 211-222. Gould, W.A., Alarcón, C., Fevold, B., Jiménez, M.E., Martinuzzi, S., Potts, G., Quiñones, M., Solórzano, M., and Ventosa, E., 2008, The Puerto Rico Gap Analysis Project. Volume 1: Land cover, vertebrate species distributions, and land stewardship. Gen. Tech. Rep. IITF-GTR-39. Río Piedras, PR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. 165 p. Last accessed 12 September 2019. He, Y., and Beighley, R.E., 2008, GIS‐based regional landslide susceptibility mapping: a case study in southern California: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 33, no. 3, p. 380-393. Hughes, K.S., and Schulz, W.H., 2020, Map depicting susceptibility to landslides triggered by intense rainfall, Puerto Rico: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2020–1022, 94 p., 1 plate, scale 1:150000, Hughes, K.S., Bayouth García, D., Martínez Milian, G.O., Schulz, W.H., and Baum, R.L., 2019, Map of slope-failure locations in Puerto Rico after Hurricane María: U.S. Geological Survey data release: Last accessed 12 September 2019. Lee, S., and Pradhan, B., 2006, Probabilistic landslide hazards and risk mapping on Penang Island, Malaysia: Journal of Earth System Science, v. 115, no. 6, p. 661-672. Lee, S., Ryu, J-H., and Kim, I-S., 2007, Landslide susceptibility analysis and its verification using likelihood ratio, logistic regression, and artificial neural network models: case study of Youngin, Korea: Landslides v. 4, p. 327–338. Lepore, C., Kamal, S.A., Shanahan, P., and Bras, R.L., 2012, Rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility zonation of Puerto Rico: Environmental Earth Sciences, v. 66, p. 1667-1681. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2018, Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database for Puerto Rico, all regions: Last accessed 12 September 2019. ... show more ... ## Contacts Point of Contact : [GHSC Data Steward](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=GHSC+Data+Steward), [Geologic Hazards Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17389) Originator : [K. 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Hughes, K. Stephen</origin>\n <origin>Schulz, William H.</origin>\n <pubdate>20200311</pubdate>\n <title>Results from frequency-ratio analyses of soil classification and land use related to landslide locations in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria</title>\n <geoform>tabular</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>K. Stephen Hughes</origin>\n <origin>William Schulz</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>Map depicting susceptibility to landslides triggered by intense rainfall, Puerto Rico</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>To better understand factors potentially contributing to the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides in Puerto Rico, we evaluated the locations of landslides there following Hurricane Maria (Hughes et al., 2019) and potential contributing factors. This data release provides results of evaluations of landslide locations compared to soil classification and land cover, which involved frequency-ratio analyses (for example, Lee and Pradhan, 2006; Lee et al., 2007; He and Beighley, 2008; Lepore et al., 2012; Chalkias et al., 2014). Soil classification data were obtained from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (2018) and land cover data were obtained from the Puerto Rico Gap Analysis Program (Gould et al., 2008). The data presented herewith were produced during a study described in Hughes, K.S., and Schulz, W.H., ####, Map depicting susceptibility to landslides triggered by intense rainfall, Puerto Rico: U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report #####.\n\nThree files are included with this data release. Data files soil_classification_results.csv and land_cover_results.csv provide results of the analyses of landslide locations compared to soil classification and land cover, respectively. A read-me file (readme.txt) provides the information contained in this summary and additional description of data available from the data files.\n\nReferences\n\nChalkias, C., Kalogirou, S., and Ferntinou, M., 2014, Landslide susceptibility, Peloponnese Peninsula in South Greece: Journal of Maps, v. 10, no. 2, p. 211-222.\n\nGould, W.A., Alarc\xc3\xb3n, C., Fevold, B., Jim\xc3\xa9nez, M.E., Martinuzzi, S., Potts, G., Qui\xc3\xb1ones, M., Sol\xc3\xb3rzano, M., and Ventosa, E., 2008, The Puerto Rico Gap Analysis Project. Volume 1: Land cover, vertebrate species distributions, and land stewardship. Gen. Tech. Rep. IITF-GTR-39. R\xc3\xado Piedras, PR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, International Institute of Tropical Forestry. 165 p. Last accessed 12 September 2019.\n\nHe, Y., and Beighley, R.E., 2008, GIS\xe2\x80\x90based regional landslide susceptibility mapping: a case study in southern California: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 33, no. 3, p. 380-393.\n\nHughes, K.S., Bayouth Garc\xc3\xada, D., Mart\xc3\xadnez Milian, G.O., Schulz, W.H., and Baum, R.L., 2019, Map of slope-failure locations in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Mar\xc3\xada: U.S. Geological Survey data release: Last accessed 12 September 2019.\n\nLee, S., and Pradhan, B., 2006, Probabilistic landslide hazards and risk mapping on Penang Island, Malaysia: Journal of Earth System Science, v. 115, no. 6, p. 661-672.\n\nLee, S., Ryu, J-H., and Kim, I-S., 2007, Landslide susceptibility analysis and its verification using likelihood ratio, logistic regression, and artificial neural network models: case study of Youngin, Korea: Landslides v. 4, p. 327\xe2\x80\x93338.\n\nLepore, C., Kamal, S.A., Shanahan, P., and Bras, R.L., 2012, Rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility zonation of Puerto Rico: Environmental Earth Sciences, v. 66, p. 1667-1681. U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2018, Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database for Puerto Rico, all regions: Last accessed 12 September 2019.</abstract>\n <purpose>To better understand factors potentially contributing to the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides in Puerto Rico, we performed statistical analyses of the locations of landslides there following Hurricane Maria compared to soil classification and land cover.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2020</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-67.35443115332</westbc>\n <eastbc>-65.580139161204</eastbc>\n <northbc>18.592322797314</northbc>\n <southbc>17.861873173833</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>engineering geology</themekey>\n <themekey>landslides</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5e2f53f5e4b0a79317d42330</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System</placekt>\n <placekey>Puerto Rico</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>GHSC Data Steward</cntper>\n <cntorg>US Geological Survey, Geologic Hazards Science Center</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>1711 Illinois St</address>\n <city>Golden</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80401</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-273-8500</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Frequency ratio and susceptibility index values were calculated as described by the references in the abstract/summary provided herein.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2019</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>soil_classification_results.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Statistical relations between soil classification and locations of landslides in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MUKEY</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Map unit key; a numeric identifier for each soil classification.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Department of Agriculture National Resources Conservation Service</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Unique numbers assigned to each unique soil class in the United States.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MUSYM</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Map unit symbol; an abbreviation for map unit names.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Department of Agriculture National Resources Conservation Service</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The abbreviated name of each soil class.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>MUNAME</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The name of the soil classification.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>U.S. Department of Agriculture National Resources Conservation Service</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The name of the soil classification.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Area_(square_kilometers)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The area of Puerto Rico covered by the soil class.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>298.9</rdommax>\n <attrunit>square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Area_(percentage)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The percentage of Puerto Rico covered by the soil class.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>3.43</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percentage</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Landslides_(number)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The number of landslides colocated with the soil class.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>8524</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Landslides_(percentage)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The percentage of landslides colocated with the soil class.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>15.91</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percentage</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>FR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The frequency ratio for landslides and the soil class.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>14.01</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The susceptibility index relating landslides to the soil class.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2.64</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>land_cover_results.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Statistical relations between land cover and locations of landslides in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>VALUE</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>A numeric value representing the land cover.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Gould et al., 2008</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The numeric value assigned by Gould et al. (2008) to represent land cover.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CLASS_NAME</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The name of each land cover class.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Gould et al. (2008)</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>The name of each land cover class.</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Area_(square_kilometers)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The area of Puerto Rico covered by the land cover.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>2184.6</rdommax>\n <attrunit>square kilometers</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Area_(percentage)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The percentage of Puerto Rico covered by the land cover.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>25.07</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percentage</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Landslides_(number)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The number of landslides colocated with the land cover.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>14547</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Landslides_(percentage)</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The percentage of landslides colocated with the land cover.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>27.15</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percentage</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>FR</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The frequency ratio for landslides and the land cover.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>4.12</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>The susceptibility index relating landslides to the land cover.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>-5</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1.42</rdommax>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>USA</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also contains copyrighted materials as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner whenever applicable. The data have been approved for release and publication by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although the data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, the data are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from authorized or unauthorized use. Although the data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system, or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The U.S. Geological Survey shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Users of the data are advised to read all metadata and associated documentation thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</distliab>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200820</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>William Schulz</cntper>\n <cntorg>ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION: GEOLOGIC HAZARDS SC</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Geologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop MS 966, 1711 Illinois St</address>\n <city>Golden</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80401</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>303-273-8404</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Gridded estimates of postfire debris flow frequency and magnitude for southern California](/catalog/folder/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2021-01-15 ## Citation Kean, J.W., and Staley, D.M., 2021, Gridded estimates of postfire debris flow frequency and magnitude for southern California: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This data release contains gridded estimates of postfire debris flow probability and magnitude for six different rainfall and wildfire scenarios in southern California. The scenarios represent the present and possible future precipitation and fire regimes for the region. The results are provided for 1 km2 cells across the study area. The data release accompanies the journal article Kean, J.W. and Staley, D.M. (2021). Forecasting the frequency and magnitude of postfire debris flow across southern California, Earth's Future, 2020EF001735. ## Summary This data release contains gridded estimates of postfire debris flow probability and magnitude for six different rainfall and wildfire scenarios in southern California. The scenarios represent the present and possible future precipitation and fire regimes for the region. The results are provided for 1 km2 cells across the study area. The data release accompanies the journal article Kean, J.W. and Staley, D.M. (2021). Forecasting the frequency and magnitude of postfire debris flow across southern California, Earth's Future, 2020EF001735. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Jason W Kean](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=5335) Originator : [Dennis M Staley](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9819) Metadata Contact : [Dennis M Staley](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9819) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Landslide Hazards Program](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17175) USGS Mission Area : [Natural Hazards](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Natural+Hazards) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | ZoneID\_SummaryMetadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 6.69 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | KeanStaley\<br>“Probability of post-fire debris flows in southern California” | | 2.83 MB | application/zip | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Kean, J.W. and Staley, D.M. (2021). Forecasting the frequency and magnitude of postfire debris flow across southern California, Earth's Future, 2020EF001735 (in press) | []( "") | | Kean, J.W., and Staley, D.M., 2021, Forecasting the Frequency and Magnitude of Postfire Debris Flows Across Southern California: Earth’s Future, v. 9, no. 3, | []( "") | ## Purpose Data are intended to be used to spatially represent the estimates of postfire debris flow probability in southern California under different precipitation and fire regime scenarios. Calculated probability estimates in the text file contained within this data release should be joined to this raster dataset to geospatially represent the probability estimates. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [Debris flow](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDebris+flow "Debris flow (Debris flow, Theme, Lithologic classification of geologic map units)") - [biota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiota "biota (biota, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [fires](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfires "fires (fires, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [debris flow](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Ddebris+flow "debris flow (debris flow, Place, None)") - [southern California](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsouthern+California "southern California (southern California, Place, None)") - [wildfire](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwildfire "wildfire (wildfire, Place, None)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Geomorphology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeomorphology "Geomorphology (Geomorphology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") Types - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [OGC WMS Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Service "OGC WMS Service") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P91GIT04 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata><idinfo><citation><citeinfo><origin>Staley, Dennis M.</origin><pubdate>20210115</pubdate><title>Gridded estimates of postfire debris flow probability and magnitude for southern California</title><geoform>raster digital data</geoform><onlink></onlink></citeinfo></citation><descript><abstract>This data release contains gridded estimates of postfire debris flow probability and magnitude for six different rainfall and wildfire scenarios in southern California. The scenarios represent the present and hypothetical future precipitation and fire regimes for the region. The results are provided for 1 km^2 cells across the study area.</abstract><purpose>Data are intended to be used to spatially represent the estimates of postfire debris flow probability in southern California under different precipitation and fire regime scenarios. Calculated probability estimates in the text file contained within this data release should be joined to this raster dataset to geospatially represent the probability estimates.</purpose></descript><timeperd><timeinfo><sngdate><caldate>20201203</caldate></sngdate></timeinfo><current>ground condition</current></timeperd><status><progress>Complete</progress><update>None planned</update></status><spdom><bounding><westbc>-122.0000</westbc><eastbc>-114.1200</eastbc><northbc>36.0000</northbc><southbc>32.5300</southbc></bounding><descgeog>Southern California</descgeog></spdom><keywords><theme><themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt><themekey>biota</themekey></theme><theme><themekt>Lithologic classification of geologic map units</themekt><themekey>Debris flow</themekey></theme><theme><themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt><themekey>fires</themekey></theme><theme><themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt><themekey>USGS:5fc6d062d34e4b9faad8909b</themekey></theme><place><placekt>None</placekt><placekey>debris flow</placekey><placekey>wildfire</placekey><placekey>southern California</placekey></place></keywords><accconst>None. Please see \'Distribution Info\' for details.</accconst><useconst>None. Users are advised to read the dataset\'s metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst><ptcontac><cntinfo><cntperp><cntper>Dennis Staley</cntper></cntperp><cntaddr><addrtype>physical</addrtype><address>1711 Illinois St</address><city>Golden</city><state>Colorado</state><postal>80422</postal><country>USA</country></cntaddr><cntvoice>303-273-8568</cntvoice><cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail></cntinfo></ptcontac></idinfo><dataqual><attracc><attraccr>There are no "true" values, zone IDs are abitrarily defined.</attraccr></attracc><logic>Yes</logic><complete>Dataset represent an arbitrarily numbered zone database for southern California. The purpose of these data is to join tabular data contained in the data release to spatially represent the estimates of post-fire debris-flow probability in southern California for different fire regimes and precipitation scenarios.</complete><lineage><procstep><procdesc>Raster values represent the zone ID for the 1 km pixels covering the study area. These data should be used to join tabular data contained in this data release.</procdesc><procdate>20201203</procdate></procstep></lineage></dataqual><spdoinfo><direct>Raster</direct><rastinfo><rasttype>Grid Cell</rasttype><rowcount>283</rowcount><colcount>523</colcount><vrtcount>1</vrtcount></rastinfo></spdoinfo><spref><horizsys><planar><gridsys><gridsysn>Universal Transverse Mercator</gridsysn><utm><utmzone>11</utmzone><transmer><sfctrmer>0.9996</sfctrmer><longcm>-117.0</longcm><latprjo>0.0</latprjo><feast>500000.0</feast><fnorth>0.0</fnorth></transmer></utm></gridsys><planci><plance>row and column</plance><coordrep><absres>1000.0</absres><ordres>1000.0</ordres></coordrep><plandu>meters</plandu></planci></planar><geodetic><horizdn>North_American_Datum_1983</horizdn><ellips>GRS 1980</ellips><semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis><denflat>298.2572221010042</denflat></geodetic></horizsys></spref><eainfo><detailed><enttyp><enttypl>ZoneID.tif</enttypl><enttypd>Raster geospatial data file.</enttypd><enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds></enttyp><attr><attrlabl>OID</attrlabl><attrdef>Internal object identifier.</attrdef><attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><udom>Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.</udom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>Value</attrlabl><attrdef>Unique numeric values contained in each raster cell.</attrdef><attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><rdom><rdommin>383</rdommin><rdommax>159127</rdommax></rdom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>Count</attrlabl><attrdef>Number of raster cells with this value.</attrdef><attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><rdom><rdommin>1.0</rdommin><rdommax>1.0</rdommax></rdom></attrdomv></attr><attr><attrlabl>ZoneID</attrlabl><attrdef>ZoneID used to join tabular data contained within this data release</attrdef><attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs><attrdomv><rdom><rdommin>383</rdommin><rdommax>159127</rdommax></rdom></attrdomv></attr></detailed></eainfo><distinfo><distrib><cntinfo><cntorgp><cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg><cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper></cntorgp><cntaddr><addrtype>mailing address</addrtype><address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address><city>Denver</city><state>CO</state><postal>80225</postal><country>United States</country></cntaddr><cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice><cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail></cntinfo></distrib><distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab><stdorder><digform><digtinfo><formname>Digital Data</formname></digtinfo><digtopt><onlinopt><computer><networka><networkr></networkr></networka></computer></onlinopt></digtopt></digform><fees>None</fees></stdorder></distinfo><metainfo><metd>20220828</metd><metc><cntinfo><cntperp><cntper>Dennis Staley</cntper></cntperp><cntaddr><addrtype>physical</addrtype><address>1711 Illinois St</address><city>Golden</city><state>Colorado</state><postal>USA</postal></cntaddr><cntvoice>3032738568</cntvoice><cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail></cntinfo></metc><metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn><metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv></metainfo></metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [Eastern Geographic Science Center](/catalog/item/551325d1e4b02e76d75c093d) 3. [Public\_Approved\_Only](/catalog/item/55133354e4b02e76d75c097b) 4. [jshermeyer](/catalog/item/5978b8fae4b0ec1a488a46b1) 5. [Datasets related to crop residue, irrigation, and shortwave infra-red (SWIR) spectral reflectance, Talbot County, MD, May 2015](/catalog/item/5978a5cbe4b0ec1a488a4677) 6. [Moisture Correction Bands- SINDRI](/catalog/folder/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc) - [JSON](/catalog/item/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2017Time Period2015-05-14 ## Citation Quemada, Miguel, Hively, W.D., Daughtry, C.S.T., Lamb, B.T., and Shermeyer, J.S., 2017, Datasets related to crop residue, irrigation, and shortwave infra-red (SWIR) spectral reflectance, Talbot County, MD, May 2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary A spread sheet documenting the application and derivation of equations used in the moisture correction process. This sheet outputs a corrected fractional residue cover and also has estimates of standard error, residual standard error, residual mean squared error and range of the calculated fractional residue estimates. ## Summary A spread sheet documenting the application and derivation of equations used in the moisture correction process. This sheet outputs a corrected fractional residue cover and also has estimates of standard error, residual standard error, residual mean squared error and range of the calculated fractional residue estimates. ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | 3f73fbce-489a-4429-a5da-856c27803de9.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 11.67 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Moisture\_correction\_bands\_SINDRI.csv<br>“Moisture Correction Bands SINDRI” | | 12.07 KB | text/csv | ## Purpose A spread sheet documenting the application and derivation of equations used in the moisture correction process. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc) ## Communities - Eastern Geographic Science Center ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [Conservation agriculture](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DConservation+agriculture "Conservation agriculture (Conservation agriculture, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Eastern Shore of Maryland](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEastern+Shore+of+Maryland "Eastern Shore of Maryland (Eastern Shore of Maryland, Place, Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names)") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/597b2836e4b0a38ca27563bc) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Miguel Quemada</origin>\n <origin>Wells D Hively</origin>\n <origin>Craig S.T. Daughtry</origin>\n <origin>Brian T. Lamb</origin>\n <origin>Jacob Shermeyer</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Moisture Correction Bands- SINDRI</title>\n <geoform>CSV Spreadsheet</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Online</pubplace>\n <publish>Remote Sensing of Environment</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Miguel Quemada</origin>\n <origin>Wells D Hively</origin>\n <origin>Craig S.T. Daughtry</origin>\n <origin>Brian T. Lamb</origin>\n <origin>Jacob Shermeyer</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Improved crop residue cover estimates by coupling spectral indices for residue and moisture</title>\n <geoform>Publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Online</pubplace>\n <publish>Remote Sensing of Environment</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>A spread sheet documenting the application and derivation of equations used in the moisture correction process. This sheet outputs a corrected fractional residue cover and also has estimates of standard error, residual standard error, residual mean squared error and range of the calculated fractional residue estimates.</abstract>\n <purpose>A spread sheet documenting the application and derivation of equations used in the moisture correction process. 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band 7 used in SINDRI calculation</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>mean wedge value of Worldview3 band 7 used in SINDRI calculation</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SINDRI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>mean SINDRI within wedge (see manuscript for calculations)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>mean SINDRI within wedge (see manuscript for calculations)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>WI</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>mean Water Index within wedge (see manuscript for calculations)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>mean Water Index within wedge (see manuscript for calculations)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RWC</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>mean Relative Water Content within wedge (see manuscript for calculations)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>mean Relative Water Content within wedge (see manuscript for calculations)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>FR Calibration Eq.</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Calculated fractional residue cover (see manuscript for calculations)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Calculated fractional residue cover (see manuscript for calculations)</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>SE</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>standard error of fractional residue within wedge</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>standard error of fractional residue within wedge</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RSE</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>residual standard error of fractional residue within wedge</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>residual standard error of fractional residue within wedge</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>RMSE</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>residual mean squared error of fractional residue within field</attrdef>\n 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formats.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200831</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Wells D Hively</cntper>\n <cntorg>Southeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>10300 Baltimore Avenue</address>\n <city>Beltsville</city>\n <state>MD</state>\n <postal>20705</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>301-504-9031</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center](/catalog/item/52eab28ee4b0444d1ce67865) 3. [1-Resources](/catalog/item/54f723e9e4b02419550d30f6) 4. [The Missouri Coteau Wetland Ecosystem Observatory](/catalog/item/52f0ffd9e4b0f941aa181fc6) 5. [Cottonwood Lake Study Area - Spatial Data](/catalog/item/5853fe6de4b0e2663625f35b) 6. [Cottonwood Lake Study Area – Digital Elevation Model with Topobathy](/catalog/folder/58e54ad8e4b09da679997d75) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/58e54ad8e4b09da679997d75) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/58e54ad8e4b09da679997d75) - [JSON](/catalog/item/58e54ad8e4b09da679997d75?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2017-06-19Time Period2008 ## Citation Mushet, D.M., Roth, C.L., and Scherff, E.J., 2017, Cottonwood Lake Study Area – Digital Elevation Model with Topobathy: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This dataset contains a bare earth digital elevation model (DEM), with a 0.5-square-meter (m2) cell size, of the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota. The DEM was based primarily on airborne lidar data acquired by Fugro Horizons of Rapid City, South Dakota, and made into a DEM by USGS personnel using the ArcGIS extension LP360 (QCoherent Software, 2013). Additional DEM processing to incorporate the bathymetry of study wetlands was done using survey-grade global positioning system (GPS) data collected by soundings of the bottom of each wetland. Through these steps, a continuous elevation model representing both the surrounding uplands and wetland basins was produced for the site (Mushet and Scherff 2017). ## Summary This dataset contains a bare earth digital elevation model (DEM), with a 0.5-square-meter (m2) cell size, of the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota. The DEM was based primarily on airborne lidar data acquired by Fugro Horizons of Rapid City, South Dakota, and made into a DEM by USGS personnel using the ArcGIS extension LP360 (QCoherent Software, 2013). Additional DEM processing to incorporate the bathymetry of study wetlands was done using survey-grade global positioning system (GPS) data collected by soundings of the bottom of each wetland. Through these steps, a continuous elevation model representing both the surrounding uplands and wetland basins was produced for the site (Mushet and Scherff 2017). ## Contacts Point of Contact : [David M Mushet](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=7320) Originator : [David M Mushet](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=7320), [Cali L Roth](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=67489), [Eric J Scherff](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=9099) Metadata Contact : [Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Northern+Prairie+Wildlife+Research+Center) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) SDC Data Owner : [Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17302) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/58e54ad8e4b09da679997d75?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/58e54ad8e4b09da679997d75?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/58e54ad8e4b09da679997d75?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | CLSA\_DEM\_with\_Topobathy\_metadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 19.92 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | CLSA\_DEM\_with\_Topobathy.tif | | 113.43 MB | Extension: CLSA\_DEM\_with\ ## Related External Resources Type: webLink | | | | --- | --- | | TIFF | [\_DEM\_with\_Topobathy.tif]( "") | Type: serviceCapabilitiesUrl | | | | --- | --- | | Web Map Service | []( "") | | Web Coverage Service | []( "") | Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Mushet, D.M., Euliss, N.H., Jr., Rosenberry, D.O., LaBaugh, J.W., Bansal, S., Levy, Z.F., McKenna, O.P., McLean, K.I., Mills, C.T., Neff, B.P., Nelson, R.D., Solensky, M.J., and Tangen, B.A., 2022, Lessons learned from wetlands research at the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota, 1967–2021: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1874, 162 p., | []( "") | ## Purpose We created a digital elevation model (DEM) for the Cottonwood Lake Study Area in support of current and future research efforts at the study area. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/58e54ad8e4b09da679997d75) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/58e54ad8e4b09da679997d75) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ScienceBase WCS ## Communities - Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Theme - [EARTH SCIENCE>BIOSPHERE>ECOSYSTEMS>TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS>WETLANDS](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEARTH+SCIENCE%3EBIOSPHERE%3EECOSYSTEMS%3ETERRESTRIAL+ECOSYSTEMS%3EWETLANDS "EARTH SCIENCE>BIOSPHERE>ECOSYSTEMS>TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS>WETLANDS (EARTH SCIENCE>BIOSPHERE>ECOSYSTEMS>TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS>WETLANDS, Theme, Global Change Master Directory)") - [LIDAR images](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLIDAR+images "LIDAR images (LIDAR images, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [bathymetry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbathymetry "bathymetry (bathymetry, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [bathymetry measurement](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbathymetry+measurement "bathymetry measurement (bathymetry measurement, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [digital elevation models](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Ddigital+elevation+models "digital elevation models (digital elevation models, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [elevation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Delevation "elevation (elevation, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [environment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Denvironment "environment (environment, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [inlandWaters](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DinlandWaters "inlandWaters (inlandWaters, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [wetland ecosystems](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwetland+ecosystems "wetland ecosystems (wetland ecosystems, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Cottonwood Lake Study Area](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCottonwood+Lake+Study+Area "Cottonwood Lake Study Area (Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Place, None)") - [North Dakota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNorth+Dakota "North Dakota (North Dakota, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [Northern Great Plains](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNorthern+Great+Plains "Northern Great Plains (Northern Great Plains, Place, None)") - [Prairie Pothole Region](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPrairie+Pothole+Region "Prairie Pothole Region (Prairie Pothole Region, Place, None)") - [Stutsman County](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DStutsman+County "Stutsman County (Stutsman County, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") - [United States of America](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+States+of+America "United States of America (United States of America, Place, Geographic Names Information System)") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Types - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") - [Downloadable](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DDownloadable "Downloadable") - [GeoTIFF](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DGeoTIFF "GeoTIFF") - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [Raster](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DRaster "Raster") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F7V69GTD | ### Raster Extension | boundingBox | | minY | 47.08700613963584 | | minX | -99.11922504423868 | | maxY | 47.11170169909113 | | maxX | -99.07878248803189 | | | files | | name | CLSA\_DEM\_with\_Topobathy.tif | | contentType | image/geotiff | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_21/6b/33/216b331cfa0645126addfac154ea35ad8530f23d | | size | 118940495 | | dateUploaded | Wed Apr 05 14:54:12 MDT 2017 | | checksum | | value | 94a32380da608cb667ecda63ea46512f | | type | MD5 | | | | name | CLSA\_DEM\_with\_Topobathy | | nativeCrs | EPSG:26914 | | rasterType | GeoTIFF | ... show more ... 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b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>David M. Mushet</origin>\n <origin>Cali L. Roth</origin>\n <origin>Eric J. Scherff</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>Cottonwood Lake Study Area \xe2\x80\x93 Digital Elevation Model with Topobathy</title>\n <geoform>raster digital data</geoform>\n <othercit>Suggested Citation: Mushet, D.M, Roth, C.L., and Scherff, E.J., 2017, Cottonwood Lake Study Area - Digital Elevation Model with Topobathy: U.S. Geological Survey data release,</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>David M. Mushet</origin>\n <origin>Ned H. Euliss</origin>\n <origin>Donald O. Rosenberry</origin>\n <origin>James W. LaBaugh</origin>\n <origin>Sheel Bansal</origin>\n <origin>Zeno F. Levy</origin>\n <origin>Owen P. McKenna</origin>\n <origin>Kyle I. McLean</origin>\n <origin>Christopher T. Mills</origin>\n <origin>Brian P. Neff</origin>\n <origin>Richard D. Nelson</origin>\n <origin>Matthew J. Solensky</origin>\n <origin>Brian Tangen</origin>\n <pubdate>2022</pubdate>\n <title>Lessons learned from wetlands research at the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota, 1967\xe2\x80\x932021</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This dataset contains a bare earth digital elevation model (DEM), with a 0.5-square-meter (m2) cell size, of the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota. The DEM was based primarily on airborne lidar data acquired by Fugro Horizons of Rapid City, South Dakota, and made into a DEM by USGS personnel using the ArcGIS extension LP360 (QCoherent Software, 2013). Wetland bathymetry for select wetlands was interpolated by splining from shoreline LiDAR points and field measured GPS points within the wetland. Through these steps, a continuous elevation model representing both the surrounding uplands and wetland basins was produced for the site (Mushet and Scherff 2017).</abstract>\n <purpose>We created a digital elevation model (DEM) for the Cottonwood Lake Study Area in support of current and future research efforts at the study area.</purpose>\n <supplinf>This dataset is part of the Missouri Coteau Wetland Ecosystem Observatory database that is a collection of abiotic and biotic data documenting biotic and abiotic responses to long-term climate variability in the Prairie Pothole Region of the U.S. The Prairie Pothole Region has a naturally dynamic climate that is characterized by extended wet and dry periods, and its wetlands have spatially variable hydrologic and biotic traits. The Cottonwood Lake Study Area in Stutsman County, North Dakota contains wetlands representative of multiple positions along a hydrologic continuum, from groundwater recharge to discharge. The extensive history of data collection in the Cottonwood Lakes Study Area provides a unique opportunity to assess the impact of climate variability on ecosystem health and productivity. The Cottonwood Lake Study Area is part of a complex of Waterfowl Production Areas in Stutsman County, North Dakota owned and managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>2008</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-99.119225</westbc>\n <eastbc>-99.078782</eastbc>\n <northbc>47.111702</northbc>\n <southbc>47.087006</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>bathymetry</themekey>\n <themekey>bathymetry measurement</themekey>\n <themekey>digital elevation models</themekey>\n <themekey>LIDAR images</themekey>\n <themekey>wetland ecosystems</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Categories</themekt>\n <themekey>elevation</themekey>\n <themekey>environment</themekey>\n <themekey>inlandWaters</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>Global Change Master Directory</themekt>\n <themekey>EARTH SCIENCE&gt;BIOSPHERE&gt;ECOSYSTEMS&gt;TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS&gt;WETLANDS</themekey>\n <themekey>EARTH SCIENCE&gt;LAND SURFACE&gt;TOPOGRAPHY&gt;TERRAIN ELEVATION&gt;DIGITAL ELEVATION/TERRAIN MODEL (DEM)</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:58e54ad8e4b09da679997d75</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System</placekt>\n <placekey>United States of America</placekey>\n <placekey>North Dakota</placekey>\n <placekey>Stutsman County</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Northern Great Plains</placekey>\n <placekey>Prairie Pothole Region</placekey>\n <placekey>Cottonwood Lake Study Area</placekey>\n </place>\n <place>\n <placekt>FWS Cadastral Database</placekt>\n <placekey>CHASE LAKE WETLAND MANAGEMENT DISTRICT&gt;STUTSMAN COUNTY WATERFOWL PRODUCTION AREA&gt;Eddy</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>Authorized distribution is strongly recommended to be direct from the distributor described above or from U.S. Geological Survey ScienceBase Catalog Service (hhtps:// Data integrity can be verified using authentication information herein. The distributor makes no claims as to the suitability of these data for other purposes than those described herein.</accconst>\n <useconst>Users should not use these data for critical applications without a full awareness of its limitations. Users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this data set was collected and that some parts of these data may no longer represent actual ground conditions. Users should also be aware that comparison with other data sets for the same area that were generated from other time periods may be inaccurate due to inconsistencies resulting from changes in mapping conventions, data collection, and computer processing methods over time. The distributor shall not be liable for improper or incorrect use of these data, based on the description of appropriate/inappropriate uses described in this metadata document. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center as a data source would be appreciated in products developed from these data, and such acknowledgment as is standard for citation and legal practices for data source is expected by users of this data set. Notification of new data products developed directly from these data would also be appreciated; please notify the listed primary contact or U.S. Geological Survey Northern Prairie Wildlife Center staff.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>David M. Mushet</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Principal Investigator</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Physical and mailing</addrtype>\n <address>Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center</address>\n <address>8711 37th Street Southeast</address>\n <city>Jamestown</city>\n <state>North Dakota</state>\n <postal>58401</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-701-253-5558</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n <hours>8:00 AM - 4:30 PM CST</hours>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Funding was provided by U.S. Geological Survey Climate and Land-use Change Mission Area</datacred>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>David M. Mushet</origin>\n <origin>Eric J. Scherff</origin>\n <pubdate>2017</pubdate>\n <title>The Integrated Landscape Modeling Partnership - Current Status and Future Directions</title>\n <edition>1.1</edition>\n <geoform>document</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>Open-File Report</sername>\n <issue>2016-1006</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, Virginia</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2012</pubdate>\n <title>LiDAR Scene: ND_PRAIRIEPOTHOLES_2008_000206</title>\n <geoform>Remote-Sensing Imagery</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Sioux Falls, SD</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Earth Resources Oservation and Science (EROS) Center</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2012</pubdate>\n <title>LiDAR Scene: ND_PRAIRIEPOTHOLES_2008_000207</title>\n <geoform>Remote-Sensing Imagery</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Sioux Falls, SD</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Earth Resources Oservation and Science (EROS) Center</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2012</pubdate>\n <title>LiDAR Scene: ND_PRAIRIEPOTHOLES_2008_000208</title>\n <geoform>Remote-Sensing Imagery</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Sioux Falls, SD</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Earth Resources Oservation and Science (EROS) Center</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2012</pubdate>\n <title>LiDAR Scene: ND_PRAIRIEPOTHOLES_2008_000242</title>\n <geoform>Remote-Sensing Imagery</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Sioux Falls, SD</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Earth Resources Oservation and Science (EROS) Center</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2012</pubdate>\n <title>LiDAR Scene: ND_PRAIRIEPOTHOLES_2008_000243</title>\n <geoform>Remote-Sensing Imagery</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Sioux Falls, SD</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Earth Resources Oservation and Science (EROS) Center</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2012</pubdate>\n <title>LiDAR Scene: ND_PRAIRIEPOTHOLES_2008_000244</title>\n <geoform>Remote-Sensing Imagery</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Sioux Falls, SD</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Earth Resources Oservation and Science (EROS) Center</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>The lidar data was collected with a 20% overlap between flight lines. The overall nominal pulse spacing was 0.5m, and the root-mean-square-error (RMSE) vertical accuracy was 6.5cm tested against the control. For more information on lidar data see earthexplorer items: "ND_PRAIRIEPOTHOLES_2008_000206", "ND_PRAIRIEPOTHOLES_2008_000207", "ND_PRAIRIEPOTHOLES_2008_000208", "ND_PRAIRIEPOTHOLES_2008_000242", "ND_PRAIRIEPOTHOLES_2008_000243", and "ND_PRAIRIEPOTHOLES_2008_000244".</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Inspected range of elevation values to ensure numeric values were of valid elevation for the study area (min 547.71m and max 589.27m).</logic>\n <complete>Digital elevation model is complete for the extents of the Cottonwood Lake Study Area. The wetlands with field survey points for bathymetry were: P1/T1 (together), P2/P4 (together), P3, P6, P7, P8, T2, T3, and T6 (see Cottonwood Lake Study Area Wetland Identifier Points doi: 10.5066/F7D798N0).</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>Compared to National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery for horizontal positional accuracy.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A wetland-specific correction factor was applied to bathymetry values to reduce discrepancies with the lidar-derived DEM. The correction factor was the average difference between the low elevation point and surveyed control points.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Airborne lidar data was acquired by Fugro Horizons of Rapid City, South Dakota.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20080517</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Bathymetry of study wetlands was done using survey-grade global positioning system (GPS) horizontal data and vertical (depth) data collected by soundings of the bottom of each wetland.</procdesc>\n <procdate>Unknown</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Wetland bathymetry was interpolated into the LiDAR based DEM by splining from shoreline lidar points and field surveyed GPS points within the wetlands using process described under \'Methodology\'.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20160509</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>Wetland centers used to verify identification, see "Wetland Identifier Points" doi 10.5066/F7D798N0.</indspref>\n <direct>Raster</direct>\n <rastinfo>\n <rasttype>Pixel</rasttype>\n <rowcount>5481</rowcount>\n <colcount>6131</colcount>\n </rastinfo>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <gridsys>\n <gridsysn>Universal Transverse Mercator</gridsysn>\n <utm>\n <utmzone>14</utmzone>\n <transmer>\n <sfctrmer>0.9996</sfctrmer>\n <longcm>-99</longcm>\n <latprjo>0.0</latprjo>\n <feast>500000</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </transmer>\n </utm>\n </gridsys>\n <planci>\n <plance>row and column</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>0.500000</absres>\n <ordres>0.500000</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>meters</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>North American Datum of 1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>Geodetic Reference System 80</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center</address>\n <address>Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <resdesc>58e54ad8e4b09da679997d75</resdesc>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>TIFF</formname>\n <formvern>1.0</formvern>\n <formspec>Raster Specs:\nPixel Depth 64 \nCompression type None\nNumber of bands 1 \nRaster format TIFF \nSource type continuous\nPixel type double precision\nPixel is Area \nNo data value -1.7e+308\nHas colormap No\nHas pyramids No \nMD5 94a32380da608cb667ecda63ea46512f</formspec>\n <formcont>CLSA_DEM_with_Topobathy</formcont>\n <filedec>No compression applied</filedec>\n <transize>118.94</transize>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Web Map Service</formname>\n <formvern>1.3.0</formvern>\n <formcont>CLSA_DEM_with_Topobathy</formcont>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr>;request=getcapabilities&amp;version=1.3.0</networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Web Coverage Service</formname>\n <formvern>1.0.0</formvern>\n <formcont>CLSA_DEM_with_Topobathy</formcont>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr>;request=getcapabilities&amp;version=1.0.0</networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20220421</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Physical and mailing</addrtype>\n <address>8711 37th Street SE</address>\n <city>Jamestown</city>\n <state>ND</state>\n <postal>58401</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-701-253-5500</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n <metac>It is strongly recommended that this metadata record is directly acquired from the distributor described above or from U.S. Geological Survey Science Data Catalog ( or ScienceBase Catalog Service (</metac>\n <metuc>Acknowledgment of U.S. Geological Survey Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center as the metadata source would be appreciated. Please cite the original metadata when using summarized data herein or when using portions of the metadata record to create a similar record of slightly altered data, such as re-projection.</metuc>\n <metalang>En</metalang>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
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[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center](/catalog/item/57abb0c2e4b05e859be1aef1) 3. [Data used to evaluate arsenic and uranium occurrence in Connecticut groundwater through spatially weighted and bedrock geology assessments](/catalog/folder/5e90900a82ce172707ec0aa1) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5e90900a82ce172707ec0aa1) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5e90900a82ce172707ec0aa1) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5e90900a82ce172707ec0aa1?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-09-01Start Date2013End Date2018 ## Citation Gross, E.L., 2020, Data used to evaluate arsenic and uranium occurrence in Connecticut groundwater through spatially weighted and bedrock geology assessments: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This data release contains two spatial datasets and a data table in support of an evaluation of arsenic and uranium occurrence in Connecticut groundwater through spatially weighted and bedrock geology assessments. Spatial datasets include 1) a shapefile of 130 equal-area grid cells with associated arsenic attribute data, and 2) a shapefile of 110 equal-area grid cells with associated uranium attribute data. The State of Connecticut was divided based on a set of randomized equal-area grid cells based on the method of Scott (1990); one grid was created for arsenic, with 130 grid cells, and one was created for uranium, with 110 grid cells. Arsenic and uranium attribute data associated with the equal-area grid cells include the number \[...\] ## Summary This data release contains two spatial datasets and a data table in support of an evaluation of arsenic and uranium occurrence in Connecticut groundwater through spatially weighted and bedrock geology assessments. Spatial datasets include 1) a shapefile of 130 equal-area grid cells with associated arsenic attribute data, and 2) a shapefile of 110 equal-area grid cells with associated uranium attribute data. The State of Connecticut was divided based on a set of randomized equal-area grid cells based on the method of Scott (1990); one grid was created for arsenic, with 130 grid cells, and one was created for uranium, with 110 grid cells. Arsenic and uranium attribute data associated with the equal-area grid cells include the number of wells in each grid cell, the number of wells with constituent concentrations above three selected thresholds, the fraction of wells with constituent concentrations above three selected thresholds, and the percentage of wells with constituent concentrations above three selected thresholds. The three selected thresholds for arsenic include 3, 5, and 10 micrograms per liter (ug/L), with 10 ug/L representing the maximum contaminant level (MCL) established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for human health for arsenic. The three selected thresholds for uranium include 1, 10, and 30 ug/L, with 30 ug/L representing the EPA MCL for human health for uranium. The bedrock geology data table is table 4 from Gross and others (2020) formatted so that it can easily be joined with Connecticut's bedrock geology dataset (Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000) using the geologic unit abbreviation (UNIT attribute) in order to recreate figure 3 from Gross and others (2020). The data table includes counts and percentages of arsenic and uranium concentrations that exceed maximum contaminant levels from private wells in Connecticut, by geologic unit and major bedrock category, 2013-18. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Eliza L Gross](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3969) Process Contact : [Eliza L Gross](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3969) Originator : [Eliza L Gross](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3969) Metadata Contact : [Eliza L Gross](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=3969) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Pennsylvania Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17215) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5e90900a82ce172707ec0aa1?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5e90900a82ce172707ec0aa1?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5e90900a82ce172707ec0aa1?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | As\_U\_occurrence\_in\_CT\_GW.xml<br>“As\_U\_occurrence\_in\_CT\_GW.xml data release metadata”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 33.92 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | As\<br>“As\_130EqualAreaGridCells shapefile” | | 20.49 KB | application/zip | | U\<br>“U\_110EqualAreaGridCells shapefile” | | 19.12 KB | application/zip | | As\_U\_CT\_BedGeo\_Assessment.csv<br>“As\_U\_CT\_BedGeo\_Assessment.csv data table” | | 9.28 KB | text/csv | ## Purpose To make publicly available the equal-area grid cells and data table used for the interpretations presented in the larger work cited above (Gross and others, 2020). ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5e90900a82ce172707ec0aa1) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5e90900a82ce172707ec0aa1) ## Spatial Services ScienceBase WMS ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products - USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [groundwater](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgroundwater "groundwater (groundwater, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [water quality](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dwater+quality "water quality (water quality, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Connecticut](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DConnecticut "Connecticut (Connecticut, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") Types - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") - [OGC WFS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WFS+Layer "OGC WFS Layer") - [OGC WMS Layer](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Layer "OGC WMS Layer") - [OGC WMS Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DOGC+WMS+Service "OGC WMS Service") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9KOU55K | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Gross, E.L.</origin>\n <pubdate>20200901</pubdate>\n <title>Data used to evaluate arsenic and uranium occurrence in Connecticut groundwater through spatially weighted and bedrock geology assessments</title>\n <geoform>two shapefiles and one data table</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>online</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Gross, E.L.</origin>\n <origin>Brown, C.J.</origin>\n <origin>Shea, T.C.</origin>\n <origin>Tetreault, R.</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>Arsenic and uranium occurrence in private wells in Connecticut, 2013\xe2\x80\x9318--a spatially weighted and bedrock geology assessment</title>\n <geoform>Open-File Report</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>online</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This data release contains two spatial datasets and a data table in support of an evaluation of arsenic and uranium occurrence in Connecticut groundwater through spatially weighted and bedrock geology assessments. Spatial datasets include 1) a shapefile of 130 equal-area grid cells with associated arsenic attribute data, and 2) a shapefile of 110 equal-area grid cells with associated uranium attribute data. The State of Connecticut was divided based on a set of randomized equal-area grid cells based on the method of Scott (1990); one grid was created for arsenic, with 130 grid cells, and one was created for uranium, with 110 grid cells. Arsenic and uranium attribute data associated with the equal-area grid cells include the number of wells in each grid cell, the number of wells with constituent concentrations above three selected thresholds, the fraction of wells with constituent concentrations above three selected thresholds, and the percentage of wells with constituent concentrations above three selected thresholds. The three selected thresholds for arsenic include 3, 5, and 10 micrograms per liter (ug/L), with 10 ug/L representing the maximum contaminant level (MCL) established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for human health for arsenic. The three selected thresholds for uranium include 1, 10, and 30 ug/L, with 30 ug/L representing the EPA MCL for human health for uranium. The bedrock geology data table is table 4 from Gross and others (2020) formatted so that it can easily be joined with Connecticut's bedrock geology dataset (Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000) using the geologic unit abbreviation (UNIT attribute) in order to recreate figure 3 from Gross and others (2020). The data table includes counts and percentages of arsenic and uranium concentrations that exceed maximum contaminant levels from private wells in Connecticut, by geologic unit and major bedrock category, 2013-18.</abstract>\n <purpose>To make publicly available the equal-area grid cells and data table used for the interpretations presented in the larger work cited above (Gross and others, 2020).</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>2013</begdate>\n <enddate>2018</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-73.742147</westbc>\n <eastbc>-71.780395</eastbc>\n <northbc>42.051003</northbc>\n <southbc>40.979708</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>groundwater</themekey>\n <themekey>water quality</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5e90900a82ce172707ec0aa1</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>Connecticut</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Eliza L Gross</cntper>\n <cntorg>Northeast Region: PENNSYLVANIA WATER SCI CTR</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Physical Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>215 Limekiln Road</address>\n <city>New Cumberland</city>\n <state>PA</state>\n <postal>17070</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>717-730-6973</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection</origin>\n <pubdate>2005</pubdate>\n <title>Connecticut town polygon</title>\n <geoform>digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>online</pubplace>\n <publish>State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink>;q=322898&amp;deepNav_GID=1707</onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>vector</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>2005</begdate>\n <enddate>2005</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>2005</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Connecticut town polygon dataset</srccitea>\n <srccontr>This dataset was used as the base for As_130EqualAreaGridCells.shp and U_110EqualAreaGridCells.shp</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Scott, J.C.</origin>\n <pubdate>1990</pubdate>\n <title>Computerized stratified random site-selection approaches for design of a ground-water-quality sampling network</title>\n <geoform>report</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>online</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Water Resources Investigations Report 90-4101</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>1990</begdate>\n <enddate>1990</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>1990</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Scott (1990)</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Documentation of methods and program used to create two sets of randomized equal-area grid cell datasets</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Belitz, K., Jurgens, B., Landon, M.K., Fram, M.S., and Johnson, T.</origin>\n <pubdate>2010</pubdate>\n <title>Estimation of aquifer-scale proportion using equal-area grids--Assessment of regional-scale groundwater quality</title>\n <geoform>journal article</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>online</pubplace>\n <publish>Water Resources Research</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>journal article</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>2010</begdate>\n <enddate>2010</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>2010</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Belitz and others (2010)</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Documentation of methods used to calculate arsenic and uranium attribute data for two sets of randomized equal-area grid cell datasets</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection</origin>\n <pubdate>2000</pubdate>\n <title>Bedrock geology--Connecticut</title>\n <geoform>digital data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>online</pubplace>\n <publish>State of Connecticut, Department of Environmental Protection</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>vector</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>2000</begdate>\n <enddate>2000</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>2000</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>(Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000)</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Connecticut bedrock geology dataset</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Robinson, G.R., Jr., and Kapo, K.E.</origin>\n <pubdate>2003</pubdate>\n <title>Generalized lithology and lithogeochemical character of near-surface bedrock in the New England region</title>\n <geoform>Open-File Report</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>online</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Open-File Report</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>2003</begdate>\n <enddate>2003</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>2003</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>(Robinson and Kapo, 2003)</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Documentation of major categories of bedrock in Connecticut</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Towns not serviced by public water supply (Shea, written communication) were selected from the Connecticut town polygon dataset (Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2005), and the selection was dissolved so that town boundaries were no longer included in the dataset. The dissolved Connecticut town polygon dataset was divided based on a set of randomized equal-area grid cells based on the method of Scott (1990) to create two grid datasets; one grid was created for arsenic, with 130 grid cells, and one was created for uranium, with 110 grid cells. Arsenic and uranium attribute data were created and calculated according to methods associated with Belitz and others (2010). Attribute data associated with the arsenic and uranium equal-area grid cells include the number of wells in each grid cell, the number of wells with constituent concentrations above three selected thresholds, the fraction of wells with constituent concentrations above three selected thresholds, and the percentage of wells with constituent concentrations above three selected thresholds. The three selected thresholds for arsenic include 3, 5, and 10 micrograms per liter (ug/L), with 10 ug/L representing the maximum contaminant level (MCL) established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for human health for arsenic. The three selected thresholds for uranium include 1, 10, and 30 ug/L, with 30 ug/L representing the EPA MCL for human health for uranium. Separate grids were created for arsenic and uranium so that the number of grid cells could be maximized and account for the differing amounts of samples available for each constituent. There are 242 more samples and 20 more grid cells for arsenic than uranium. Each grid cell contains between 1 and 86 wells with sample concentrations for the arsenic set of 130 grid cells and between 1 and 102 wells with sample concentrations for the uranium set of 110 grid cells.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2019</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Eliza L Gross</cntper>\n <cntorg>Northeast Region: PENNSYLVANIA WATER SCI CTR</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Physical Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>215 Limekiln Road</address>\n <city>New Cumberland</city>\n <state>PA</state>\n <postal>17070</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>717-730-6973</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The Connecticut bedrock geology dataset (Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000) was dissolved according to its UNIT and FORMATION attributes. Geologic unit names are the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (2000) preferred names. An attribute was created to represent major bedrock category, and this attribute was populated according to major categories of bedrock modified from Robinson and Kapo (2003). The area of each FORMATION attribute was calculated, and this was used to calculate the percentage of the total area that each geologic formation represents. A spatial join was created with arsenic and uranium data, and attributes for these constituents were calculated for each geologic unit. Of the 156 geologic units in the State, 115 units (covering 98.1 percent of the land area) were represented by at least one water sample analyzed for arsenic and(or) uranium; therefore, geologic units representing the other 1.9 percent of the state are not included here. Attributes include sample counts and percentages of arsenic and uranium concentrations that exceed maximum contaminant levels from private wells in Connecticut. A comma separated values (CSV) file was created from the Connecticut bedrock geology dataset (Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000) attribute table. This data table can be joined with the the Connecticut bedrock geology dataset (Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000) using the geologic unit abbreviation (UNIT attribute) in order to recreate figure 3 from Gross and others (2020).</procdesc>\n <procdate>2020</procdate>\n <proccont>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Eliza L Gross</cntper>\n <cntorg>Northeast Region: PENNSYLVANIA WATER SCI CTR</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Physical Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>215 Limekiln Road</address>\n <city>New Cumberland</city>\n <state>PA</state>\n <postal>17070</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>717-730-6973</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </proccont>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS): Connecticut</indspref>\n <direct>Vector</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>As_130EqualAreaGridCells.shp</enttypl>\n <enttypd>A shapefile of 130 equal-area grid cells with associated arsenic attribute data</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Gross and others, 2020</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CELLNO</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Grid cell number</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>130</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Cell number</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CELLNOCoun</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of samples in grid cell with arsenic concentrations</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>86</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Number of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT3ugLSum</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of samples in grid cell with arsenic concentrations greater than 3 micrograms per liter</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>23</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Number of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT5ugLSum</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of samples in grid cell with arsenic concentrations greater than 5 micrograms per liter</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>18</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Number of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT10ugLSum</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of samples in grid cell with arsenic concentrations greater than 10 micrograms per liter</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>14</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Number of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT3ugLAv</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fraction of samples in grid cell with arsenic concentrations greater than 3 micrograms per liter (GT3ugLSum / CELLNOCoun)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Fraction of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT5ugLAv</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fraction of samples in grid cell with arsenic concentrations greater than 5 micrograms per liter (GT5ugLSum / CELLNOCoun)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Fraction of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT10ugLAv</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fraction of samples in grid cell with arsenic concentrations greater than 10 micrograms per liter (GT10ugLSum / CELLNOCoun)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Fraction of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT3ugLAvP</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage of samples in grid cell with arsenic concentrations greater than 3 micrograms per liter ((GT3ugLSum / CELLNOCoun)*100)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percentage of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT5ugLAvP</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage of samples in grid cell with arsenic concentrations greater than 5 micrograms per liter ((GT5ugLSum / CELLNOCoun)*100)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percentage of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT10ugLAvP</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage of samples in grid cell with arsenic concentrations greater than 10 micrograms per liter ((GT10ugLSum / CELLNOCoun)*100)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percentage of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>U_110EqualAreaGridCells.shp</enttypl>\n <enttypd>A shapefile of 110 equal-area grid cells with associated uranium attribute data</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Gross and others, 2020</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CELLNO</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Grid cell number</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>110</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Grid cell number</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>CELLNOCoun</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of samples in grid cell with uranium concentrations</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>102</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Number of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT1ugLSum</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of samples in grid cell with uranium concentrations greater than 1 micrograms per liter</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>60</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Number of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT10ugLSum</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of samples in grid cell with uranium concentrations greater than 10 micrograms per liter</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>24</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Number of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT30ugLSum</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of samples in grid cell with uranium concentrations greater than 30 micrograms per liter</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>13</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Number of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT1ugLAv</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fraction of samples in grid cell with uranium concentrations greater than 1 micrograms per liter (GT1ugLSum / CELLNOCoun)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Fraction of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT10ugLAv</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fraction of samples in grid cell with uranium concentrations greater than 10 micrograms per liter (GT10ugLSum / CELLNOCoun)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>1</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Fraction of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT30ugLAv</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Fraction of samples in grid cell with uranium concentrations greater than 30 micrograms per liter (GT30ugLSum / CELLNOCoun)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>0.588235</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Fraction of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT1ugLAvP</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage of samples in grid cell with uranium concentrations greater than 1 micrograms per liter ((GT1ugLSum / CELLNOCoun)*100)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percentage of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT10ugLAvP</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage of samples in grid cell with uranium concentrations greater than 10 micrograms per liter ((GT10ugLSum / CELLNOCoun)*100)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>100</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percentage of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>GT30ugLAvP</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage of samples in grid cell with uranium concentrations greater than 30 micrograms per liter ((GT30ugLSum / CELLNOCoun)*100)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>58.823529</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percentage of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>As_U_CT_BedGeo_Assessment.csv</enttypl>\n <enttypd>A table describing arsenic and uranium concentrations that exceed maximum contaminant levels from private wells in Connecticut, by geologic unit and major bedrock category, 2013-18.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Gross and others, 2020</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>BedCat</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Major categories of bedrock (modified from Robinson and Kapo, 2003)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>modified from Robinson and Kapo, 2003</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Major categories of bedrock (modified from Robinson and Kapo, 2003)</edomv>\n <edomvd>Major categories of bedrock</edomvd>\n <edomvds>modified from Robinson and Kapo, 2003</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>UNIT</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Geologic unit code (Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Geologic unit code (Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000)</edomv>\n <edomvd>Geologic unit code</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>FORMATION</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Geologic unit names (Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000 preferred names)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000 preferred names</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <edom>\n <edomv>Geologic unit names (Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000 preferred names)</edomv>\n <edomvd>Geologic unit names</edomvd>\n <edomvds>Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000 preferred names</edomvds>\n </edom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AreaPct</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage of study area underlain by geologic unit</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, 2000</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.017385723</rdommin>\n <rdommax>8.04428294</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AsCount</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of samples in geologic unit with arsenic concentrations</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>1</rdommin>\n <rdommax>290</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Number of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>UCount</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of samples in geologic unit with uranium concentrations</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Number of samples; minimum = 1; maximum = 199; no uranium data for geologic unit = -9999</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AsCGT10</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of samples in geologic unit with arsenic concentrations greater than 10 micrograms per liter</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>39</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Number of samples</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>UCGT30</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Number of samples in geologic unit with uranium concentrations greater than 30 micrograms per liter</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Number of samples; minimum = 0; maximum = 22; no uranium data for geologic unit = -9999</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>AsPctGT10</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage of samples in geologic unit with arsenic concentrations greater than 10 micrograms per liter ((AsCGT10 / AsCount)*100)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0</rdommin>\n <rdommax>33.33333333</rdommax>\n <attrunit>Percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>UPctGT30</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percentage of samples in geologic unit with uranium concentrations greater than 30 micrograms per liter ((UCGT30 / UCount)*100)</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <udom>Percent; minimum = 0; maximum = 100; no uranium data for geologic unit = -9999</udom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Eliza L Gross</cntper>\n <cntorg>Northeast Region: PENNSYLVANIA WATER SCI CTR</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Physical Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>215 Limekiln Road</address>\n <city>New Cumberland</city>\n <state>PA</state>\n <postal>17070</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>717-730-6973</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Although this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it may contain copyrighted materials. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner. The data have been approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although the data have been subjected to rigorous review and are substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, the data are released on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government may be held liable for any damages resulting from authorized or unauthorized use. Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The USGS or the U.S. Government shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Users of these data are advised to read all metadata and associated documentation thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</distliab>\n <techpreq>These zip files contain data available in ESRI shapefile format. The user must have software capable of uncompressing the WinZip file and displaying the shapefile. In lieu of ArcView or ArcGIS, the user may utilize another GIS application package capable of importing the data. A free data viewer, ArcExplorer, capable of displaying the data is available from ESRI at</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200901</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Eliza L Gross</cntper>\n <cntorg>Northeast Region: PENNSYLVANIA WATER SCI CTR</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Physical Scientist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>215 Limekiln Road</address>\n <city>New Cumberland</city>\n <state>PA</state>\n <postal>17070</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>717-730-6973</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Geochemical and Geophysical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States](/catalog/item/53481333e4b06f6ce034aae7) 4. [Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % CaO](/catalog/folder/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0) - [JSON](/catalog/item/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2014-07-23Time Period2014-07-23 ## Citation Olson, J.R. and Hawkins, C.P., 2014, Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This raster depicts the percentage of lithological calcium oxide (CaO) content in surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average percent CaO content for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map units with thicknesses greater than 100 feet (from Soller et al. \[2009\]) \[...\] ## Summary This raster depicts the percentage of lithological calcium oxide (CaO) content in surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average percent CaO content for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map units with thicknesses greater than 100 feet (from Soller et al. \[2009\]) to produce combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps that were similar to other states. We characterized geology based on the 201 different lithologies that the Geologic Map Database lists as occurring in the conterminous United States. Because some of these lithologies are known to have chemical attributes that vary widely, we created an additional 78 lithologic classes based on the common modifiers used in the geologic unit descriptions to better parse chemical variability within the lithologies (e.g., calcareous and noncalcareous sandstone). Modifiers were assigned base on descriptions of geologic formations obtained through either the Lexicon of Geologic Names of the United States or literature searches. Fifteen lithologic classes were not characterized because the class was not a specific rock type (e.g., mélange, water, and landslide). These classes were characterized as no data. We translated each state’s combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps into characteristics following the methods in Olson and Hawkins (2012) by assigning an estimate of each map unit’s percent CaO content to every occurrence of that map unit in the combined surficial-bedrock geologic map. This estimate was calculated as the average of literature or database values of the respective property for each lithological class contained within the map unit weighted by the prevalence of each lithological class within the map unit. The accompanying Excel workbook (Lith-MajorOxides.xls) contains a summary of all of the average geochemical characteristics for each lithology (“Lith Summary” tab) and tabs for each individual lithology that include the source of each record (e.g., originating from the Earth Chem Database or the specific literature reference), as well as the calculations used to determine the measure of central tendency (mean or median depending on the data). The final national raster was created by merging each of the individual state rasters. Users should be cognizant that some differences will exist in chemical and physical characterizations across state lines that are caused by unreconciled differences in lithologic descriptions or mapping scales used among the underlying state source maps. References: Olson, J.R., and Hawkins, C.P., 2012, Predicting natural base-flow stream water chemistry in the western United States, Water Resources Research, 48, W02504. Soller, D.R., Reheis, M.C., Garrity, C.P., and Van Sistine, D.R., 2009, Map database for surficial materials in the conterminous United States: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 425, scale 1:5,000,000 \[\]. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Desert Research Institute](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=65433) Metadata Contact : [John Olson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=62467) Originator : [John Olson](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=62467), [Charles P Hawkins](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=50412) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | CaO\_raster\_FGDC.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 25.29 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | CaO\ | | 174.15 MB | | thumbnail.png | ![thumbnail]( | 30.14 KB | Extension: CaO\ ## Purpose These rasters were created to quantify the influence of geology on surface and critical zone processes like stream water chemistry, soil formation, ecologic processes, and species distributions by providing estimates of spatial variability in current geochemical and geophysical conditions occurring at or near the surface. ## Preview Image ![Preview Image]( ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0) ## Spatial Services ArcGIS Mapping Service WMS Service ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") - [Map](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DMap "Map") Theme - [Bedrock](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBedrock "Bedrock (Bedrock, Theme, None)") - [CaO](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCaO "CaO (CaO, Theme, None)") - [Calcium](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCalcium "Calcium (Calcium, Theme, None)") - [Geochemistry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeochemistry "Geochemistry (Geochemistry, Theme, None)") - [Geology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeology "Geology (Geology, Theme, None)") Place - [Conterminous U.S.](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DConterminous+U.S. "Conterminous U.S. (Conterminous U.S., Place, None)") Types - [ArcGIS REST Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DArcGIS+REST+Map+Service "ArcGIS REST Map Service") - [ArcGIS Service Definition](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DArcGIS+Service+Definition "ArcGIS Service Definition") - [Citation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DCitation "Citation") - [Downloadable](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DDownloadable "Downloadable") - [GeoTIFF](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DGeoTIFF "GeoTIFF") - [Map Service](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseType%3DMap+Service "Map Service") ## Provenance Data sourceInput directly ## Additional Information ### ArcGIS Service Definition Extension | boundingBox | | minY | 22.3970575875468 | | minX | -129.567807625546 | | maxY | 52.0029756650657 | | maxX | -64.9818074260625 | | | enabledServices | | | KmlServer | | | WMSServer | | | filePathUsed | \_\_disk\_\_ba/93/b1/ba93b1f54be7beb88f52e794f99842f8bad6a1e7 | | files | | name | CaO\ | | contentType | x-gis/x-arcgis-service-def | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_ba/93/b1/ba93b1f54be7beb88f52e794f99842f8bad6a1e7 | | size | 182612383 | | dateUploaded | Thu Mar 10 15:16:16 MST 2016 | | originalMetadata | true | | name | thumbnail.png | | contentType | image/png | | pathOnDisk | \_\_disk\_\_98/a5/cb/98a5cb88a1ee6ae2fdcb95d4c4f89161531cb6c4 | | imageWidth | 200 | | imageHeight | 133 | | size | 30861 | | dateUploaded | Thu Mar 10 15:17:53 MST 2016 | | | name | CaO\ | | processingState | success | | serviceId | 53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0 | | servicePath | 53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0 | ... show more ... (Additional Information) ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>J. R. Olson</origin>\n <origin>C. P. Hawkins</origin>\n <pubdate>20140723</pubdate>\n <title>Geochemical Characteristics of the Conterminous United States: % CaO</title>\n <geoform>Raster Digital Data Set</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This raster depicts the percentage of lithological calcium oxide (CaO) content in surface or near surface geology. We derived these rasters by calculating the average percent CaO content for each map unit in combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps. We used state geologic maps (Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States, Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272), which depict surficial geology instead of bedrock when the surficial layers are sufficiently deep. For the state maps that do not incorporate surficial geology (i.e., midwestern states), we overlaid surficial geologic map units with thicknesses greater than 100 feet (from Soller and Reheis [2004]) to produce combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps that were similar to other states. We characterized geology based on the 201 different lithologies that the Geologic Map Database lists as occurring in the conterminous United States. Because some of these lithologies are known to have chemical attributes that vary widely, we created an additional 78 lithologic classes based on the common modifiers used in the geologic unit descriptions to better parse chemical variability within the lithologies (e.g., calcareous and noncalcareous sandstone). Modifiers were assigned base on descriptions of geologic formations obtained through either the Lexicon of Geologic Names of the United States or literature searches. Fifteen lithologic classes were not characterized because the class was not a specific rock type (e.g., m\xc3\xa9lange, water, and landslide). These classes were characterized as no data. We translated each state\xe2\x80\x99s combined surficial-bedrock geologic maps into characteristics following the methods in Olson and Hawkins (2012) by assigning an estimate of each map unit\xe2\x80\x99s percent CaO content to every occurrence of that map unit in the combined surficial-bedrock geologic map. This estimate was calculated as the average of literature or database values of the respective property for each lithological class contained within the map unit weighted by the prevalence of each lithological class within the map unit. The accompanying Excel workbook (Lith-MajorOxides.xls) contains a summary of all of the average geochemical characteristics for each lithology (\xe2\x80\x9cLith Summary\xe2\x80\x9d tab) and tabs for each individual lithology that include the source of each record (e.g., originating from the Earth Chem Database or the specific literature reference), as well as the calculations used to determine the measure of central tendency (mean or median depending on the data). The final national raster was created by merging each of the individual state rasters. Users should be cognizant that some differences will exist in chemical and physical characterizations across state lines that are caused by unreconciled differences in lithologic descriptions or mapping scales used among the underlying state source maps.</abstract>\n <purpose>These rasters were created to quantify the influence of geology on surface and critical zone processes like stream water chemistry, soil formation, ecologic processes, and species distributions by providing estimates of spatial variability in current geochemical and geophysical conditions occurring at or near the surface.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <sngdate>\n <caldate>20140723</caldate>\n </sngdate>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-129.567807626</westbc>\n <eastbc>-64.981807426</eastbc>\n <northbc>50.7850356</northbc>\n <southbc>22.397057588</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>CaO</themekey>\n <themekey>Calcium</themekey>\n <themekey>Bedrock</themekey>\n <themekey>Geology</themekey>\n <themekey>Geochemistry</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:53543d10e4b0bab7f98ce7e0</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>None</placekt>\n <placekey>Conterminous U.S.</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None</accconst>\n <useconst>Users should be cognizant that some differences will exist in chemical and physical characterizations across state lines, caused by unreconciled differences in lithologic descriptions or mapping scales used among the underlying state source maps.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>Desert Research Institute</cntorg>\n <cntper>John Olson</cntper>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>755 E. Flamingo Rd.</address>\n <city>Las Vegas</city>\n <state>NV</state>\n <postal>89119</postal>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>435-770-4533</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>Olson, J.R. and C.P. Hawkins</datacred>\n <native>Environment as of Metadata Creation: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS 10.1 (Build 3143) Service Pack 1 (Build</native>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted.</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>A formal accuracy assessment of the horizontal positional information in the data set has not been conducted.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>A formal accuracy assessment of the vertical positional information in the data set has either not been conducted, or is not applicable.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Suzanne W. Nicholson, Connie L. Dicken, Michael P. Foose, Julia A.L. Mueller</origin>\n <pubdate>20071106</pubdate>\n <title>Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana</title>\n <geoform>Vector Digital Data Set</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20120928</begdate>\n <enddate>20140624</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Source Input 1</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Source information used in support of the development of the data set.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Connie L. Dicken, Suzanne W. Nicholson, John D. Horton, Scott A. Kinney, Gregory Gunther, Michael P. Foose, and Julia A.L. Mueller</origin>\n <pubdate>20080822</pubdate>\n <title>Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States: Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia</title>\n <geoform>Vector Digital Data Set</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20120928</begdate>\n <enddate>20140624</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Source Input 2</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Source information used in support of the development of the data set.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Suzanne W. Nicholson, Connie L. Dicken, John D. Horton, Michael P. Foose, Julia A.L. Mueller, and Rudi Hon</origin>\n <pubdate>20071106</pubdate>\n <title>Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Vermont</title>\n <geoform>Vector Digital Data Set</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20120928</begdate>\n <enddate>20140624</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Source Input 3</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Source information used in support of the development of the data set.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Suzanne W. Nicholson, Connie L. Dicken, John D. Horton, Keith A. Labay, Michael P. Foose, and Julia A.L. Mueller</origin>\n <pubdate>20071106</pubdate>\n <title>Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States: Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia</title>\n <geoform>Vector Digital Data Set</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20120928</begdate>\n <enddate>20140624</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Source Input 4</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Source information used in support of the development of the data set.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Connie L. Dicken, Suzanne W. Nicholson, John D. Horton, Michael P. Foose, and Julia A.L. Mueller</origin>\n <pubdate>20071106</pubdate>\n <title>Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina</title>\n <geoform>Vector Digital Data Set</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20120928</begdate>\n <enddate>20140624</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Source Input 5</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Source information used in support of the development of the data set.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Douglas B. Stoeser, Gregory N. Green, Laurie C. Morath, William D. Heran, Anna B. Wilson, David W. Moore, and Bradley S. Van Gosen</origin>\n <pubdate>20070926</pubdate>\n <title>Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States: Central States: Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana</title>\n <geoform>Vector Digital Data Set</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20120928</begdate>\n <enddate>20140624</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Source Input 6</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Source information used in support of the development of the data set.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Steve Ludington, Barry C. Moring, Robert J. Miller, Paul A. Stone, Arthur A. Bookstrom, David R. Bedford, James G. Evans, Gordon A. Haxel, Contstance J. Nutt, Kathryn S. Flyn and Melanie J. Hopkins</origin>\n <pubdate>20071201</pubdate>\n <title>Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States: Western States: California, Nevada, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Utah</title>\n <geoform>Vector Digital Data Set</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20120928</begdate>\n <enddate>20140624</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Source Input 7</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Source information used in support of the development of the data set.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>David R. Soller, Marith C. Reheis, Christopher P. Garrity, and D.R. Van Sistine</origin>\n <pubdate>20090806</pubdate>\n <title>Map Database for Surficial Materials in the Conterminous United States</title>\n <geoform>Vector Digital Data Set</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20131101</begdate>\n <enddate>20140224</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Source Input 8</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Source information used in support of the development of the data set.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University</origin>\n <pubdate>20140303</pubdate>\n <title>EarthChem Portal</title>\n <geoform>Other</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Palisades, NY</pubplace>\n <publish>EarthChem</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20090307</begdate>\n <enddate>20140303</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Source Input 9</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Source information used in support of the development of the data set.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>John R. Olson, Charles P. Hawkins</origin>\n <pubdate>20120204</pubdate>\n <title>Predicting natural base-flow stream water chemistry in the western United States</title>\n <geoform>Publication (Journal Article)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Hoboken, NJ</pubplace>\n <publish>Water Resources Research</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy Resources</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20120204</begdate>\n <enddate>20140303</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>publication date</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Source Input 10</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Source information used in support of the development of the data set.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>We added \xe2\x80\x9cMajorOxide\xe2\x80\x9d, \xe2\x80\x9cPhysical\xe2\x80\x9d, and \xe2\x80\x9cNutrient\xe2\x80\x9d columns to lithology table accompanying each state geologic map (e.g., ALlith.csv) of the Preliminary Integrated Geologic Map Databases for the United States (USGS Open File Reports 2004-1355, 2005-1305, 2005-1323, 2005-1324, 2005-1325, 2005-1351, and 2006-1272). For each lithology listed in the table, we assigned modifiers to the most resolved lithology (i.e., \xe2\x80\x9cLOW_LITH\xe2\x80\x9d) as needed. \xe2\x80\x9cMajorOxide\xe2\x80\x9d modifiers include: alluvial, lacustrine, landslide, eolian/loess, non-calcareous/siliceous, calcareous, dolomitic, blueschist, and greenschist. \xe2\x80\x9cPhysical\xe2\x80\x9d modifiers include: alluvial, lacustrine, landslide, eolian/loess, till, tuff, blueschist, and greenschist. \xe2\x80\x9cNutrient\xe2\x80\x9d modifiers include: alluvial, lacustrine, landslide, eolian/loess, pre-Cambrian, carbonaceous, blueschist, and greenschist. Because the number of modifiers varied among the three attribute types, \xe2\x80\x9cMajorOxide\xe2\x80\x9d had a total of 279 lithologies, \xe2\x80\x9cPhysical\xe2\x80\x9d had a total of 251 lithologies, and \xe2\x80\x9cNutrient\xe2\x80\x9d had a total of 284 lithologies. We applied modifiers to particular map units when a modifier (or its synonym) was used in the descriptions of the geologic unit or formation in the accompanying unit table (e.g., ALunits.csv), GeoLex (, or published literature sources. Example: the map unit of the Alabama geologic map identified as Unit_Link \xe2\x80\x9cALNfp;2\xe2\x80\x9d (part of the Fort Payne Chert), is described as having dolomitic siltstones in GeoLex, and so the siltstone portion of the unit lithology is modified to \xe2\x80\x9cdolomitic-Siltstone\xe2\x80\x9d.</procdesc>\n <procdate>Unknown</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>We then added the lithology table with supplementary modifiers to a database that already contained tables of the central tendency values for geologic attributes (i.e., % CaO, % MgO, % P2O5, % SiO2, % Al2O3, % FE2O3T, % NA2O, % K2O, % S, % N, uniaxial compressive strength, and hydraulic conductivity) for all lithologies. These tables accompany this file, one for each attribute type (see Lith-MajorOxides.xls, Lith-Nutrient.xls, and Lith-Physical.xls). They are contained in the \xe2\x80\x9cLith Summary\xe2\x80\x9d sheet in each case, and the \xe2\x80\x9cReadMe\xe2\x80\x9d sheet at the beginning of each describes how centeral tendency values were calculated for each attribute, for each lithology. Using the database which linked the lithology attribute tables, we calculated the average of each attribute for each map unit, weighted by the prevalence of each lithology in each map unit using a database query. Prevalence was derived from that assigned in each lithology table contained in the state geologic maps (e.g., USGS Open File Reports 2004-1355).</procdesc>\n <procdate>Unknown</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>We then joined the query output with the weighted average for each of the 12 attributes for each map unit to the attribute table of the original state geologic map shapefile, using Unit-Link to make a table join. All 48 state maps were then appended into a single shapefile, with the District of Columbia included in the Maryland state geologic map.</procdesc>\n <procdate>Unknown</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The consolidated map was then converted from a shapefile to rasters, one raster for each of the 12 attributes. A cell size of 90m was used.</procdesc>\n <procdate>Unknown</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Raster</direct>\n <rastinfo>\n <rasttype>Grid Cell</rasttype>\n <rowcount>32998</rowcount>\n <colcount>52750</colcount>\n <vrtcount>1</vrtcount>\n </rastinfo>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <mapproj>\n <mapprojn>NAD 1983 Albers (ESRI Full Name: NAD_1983_Albers)</mapprojn>\n <albers>\n <stdparll>29.5</stdparll>\n <stdparll>45.5</stdparll>\n <longcm>-96.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>23.0</latprjo>\n <feast>0.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </albers>\n </mapproj>\n <planci>\n <plance>row and column</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>90.0</absres>\n <ordres>90.0</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>Meter</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>D_North_American_1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>GRS_1980</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257222101</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>Attribute Table</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Table containing attribute information associated with the data set.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Value</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Percent geologic calcium oxide</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>0.0790000036358833</rdommin>\n <rdommax>53.4000015258789</rdommax>\n <attrunit>percent</attrunit>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n <overview>\n <eaover>The entity and attribute information provided here describes the tabular data associated with the data set. Please review the detailed descriptions that are provided (the individual attribute descriptions) for information on the values that appear as fields/table entries of the data set.</eaover>\n <eadetcit>The entity and attribute information was generated by the individual and/or agency identified as the originator of the data set. Please review the rest of the metadata record for additional details and information.</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntorgp>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntorg>\n </cntorgp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Distributor assumes no liability for misuse of data.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Raster Digital Data Set</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None. No fees are applicable for obtaining the data set.</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20220805</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>J.R. Olson</cntper>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>Mailing and Physical</addrtype>\n <address>755 E. Flamingo Road</address>\n <city>Las Vegas</city>\n <state>NV</state>\n <postal>89119</postal>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>435-770-4533</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n <mettc>local time</mettc>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Data Release Products](/catalog/item/5474ec49e4b04d7459a7eab2) 3. [Database of Biodiversity, Habitat, and Aquatic Resource Quantification Tools Used for Market-based Conservation in the United States (ver. 2.0, June 2022)](/catalog/folder/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17?format=json) ## Dates Start Date2016-11-01End Date2022-04-01Publication Date2018-07-12Revision2022-06-23 ## Citation Chiavacci, S.J., French, E.D., and Morgan, J.A., 2022, Database of Biodiversity, Habitat, and Aquatic Resource Quantification Tools Used for Market-based Conservation in the United States (ver. 2.0, June 2022): U.S. Geological Survey, ## Summary This comprehensive database describes the core attributes of quantification tools developed for market-based conservation in the United States. It encompasses tools designed for compensatory mitigation, non-compensatory mitigation, and voluntary conservation/restoration programs. The dataset consists of 107 tools. Each tool's features are described using 33 attributes related to general, technical, and ecological/geographic details. This database was first published in 2018. Version 2.0 expands upon the original database by including tools developed for compensatory mitigation under the Clean Water Act section 404 regulatory program. Version 2.0 also provides updates on tool details provided in the original database. To access the \[...\] ## Summary This comprehensive database describes the core attributes of quantification tools developed for market-based conservation in the United States. It encompasses tools designed for compensatory mitigation, non-compensatory mitigation, and voluntary conservation/restoration programs. The dataset consists of 107 tools. Each tool's features are described using 33 attributes related to general, technical, and ecological/geographic details. This database was first published in 2018. Version 2.0 expands upon the original database by including tools developed for compensatory mitigation under the Clean Water Act section 404 regulatory program. Version 2.0 also provides updates on tool details provided in the original database. To access the formatted version of the database that includes supporting information, download **Quantification Tools Database--with formatting and supporting materials (ver. 2.0, June 2022).xlsx** below. For help understanding the various database files, download the " **Guide to Understanding Files Associated with Database of Quantification Tools.doc**" below. First release: July 2018 Revised: June 2022 (ver. 2.0) ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Scott J Chiavacci](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=72821) Originator : [Scott J Chiavacci](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=72821), [Emily D. French](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Emily+D.+French), [Joseph A. Morgan](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Joseph+A.+Morgan) Metadata Contact : [Scott J Chiavacci](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=72821) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) USGS Mission Area : [Energy and Minerals](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Energy+and+Minerals) SDC Data Owner : [Science and Decisions Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=59512) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Metadata--Quantification Tools Database (ver 2.0, June 2022).xml<br>“Metadata”<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 18.92 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Data Release Version History.txt<br>“Version History” | | 5.27 KB | text/plain | | Abbreviations--unformatted (ver 2.0, June 2022).csv<br>“Data Dictionarie (.csv)” | | 1.46 KB | text/csv | | Attribute Definitions--unformatted (ver 2.0, June 2022).csv<br>“Data Dictionaries (.csv)” | | 34.46 KB | text/csv | | Quantification Tools Database--unformatted (ver 2.0, June 2022).csv<br>“Database (.csv)” | | 125.93 KB | text/csv | | Quantification Tools Database--with formatting and supporting materials (ver. 2.0, June 2022).xlsx<br>“Database and Data Dictionaries” | | 1.05 MB | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet | | Guide to Understanding Files Associated with Database of Quantification Tools.doc<br>“User Manual” | | 43 KB | application/msword | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Chiavacci, S.J., French, E.D., and Morgan, J.A., 2022, Database of biodiversity, habitat, and aquatic-resource quantification tools used in market-based conservation — 2022 update: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2022–3068, 2 p., | []( "") | | Chiavacci, S.J., and Pindilli, E.J., 2018, A database of biodiversity and habitat quantification tools used in market-based conservation: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet, | []( "") | | Chiavacci, S.J., and Pindilli, E.J., 2019, Trends in biodiversity and habitat quantification tools used for market‐based conservation in the United States: Conservation Biology, v. 34, no. 1, p. 125–136, | []( "") | ## Purpose The purpose of the database is to provide a centralized location of descriptive information on all known habitat, biodiversity, and aquatic resource quantification tools developed for market-based conservation in the United States. The database is meant to help practitioners engaged in compensatory mitigation, non-compensatory mitigation, or voluntary conservation/restoration more easily identify and understand what quantification tools have been developed to assess site quality/functionality or tools that exist which could be adapted to such applications. Information in the database can be used to understand, for example, the data demands of different tools, intended users, required user skill level, what tools are applicable to different market types, the taxa and habitat types to which existing tools apply, and who to contact for more information about individual tools. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products ## Tags Categories - [Data](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData "Data") - [Data Release - Revised](/catalog/items?q=&filter=browseCategory%3DData+Release+-+Revised "Data Release - Revised") Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [Aquatic resource](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DAquatic+resource "Aquatic resource (Aquatic resource, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - 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[Conservation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DConservation "Conservation (Conservation, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Conservation bank](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DConservation+bank "Conservation bank (Conservation bank, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Credit](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCredit "Credit (Credit, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Debit](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DDebit "Debit (Debit, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Eco-label](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEco-label "Eco-label (Eco-label, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Eco-label certification](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEco-label+certification "Eco-label certification (Eco-label certification, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Endangered species](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEndangered+species "Endangered species (Endangered species, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Endangered species act](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEndangered+species+act "Endangered species act (Endangered species act, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Functional acre](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DFunctional+acre "Functional acre (Functional acre, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Habitat](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHabitat "Habitat (Habitat, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Habitat assessment](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHabitat+assessment "Habitat assessment (Habitat assessment, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Habitat exchange](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHabitat+exchange "Habitat exchange (Habitat exchange, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Habitat market](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHabitat+market "Habitat market (Habitat market, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Habitat quantification tool](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHabitat+quantification+tool "Habitat quantification tool (Habitat quantification tool, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Listed species](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DListed+species "Listed species (Listed species, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Market-based conservation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMarket-based+conservation "Market-based conservation (Market-based conservation, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Mitigation credit](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMitigation+credit "Mitigation credit (Mitigation credit, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Mitigation lands](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DMitigation+lands "Mitigation lands (Mitigation lands, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Natural resources](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNatural+resources "Natural resources (Natural resources, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Payment for ecosystem services](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPayment+for+ecosystem+services "Payment for ecosystem services (Payment for ecosystem services, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") - [Threatened species](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DThreatened+species "Threatened species (Threatened species, Theme, USGS Thesaurus (") Place - [Contiguous United States](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DContiguous+United+States "Contiguous United States (Contiguous United States, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [U.S.](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DU.S. "U.S. (U.S., Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [United States](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+States "United States (United States, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [United States of America](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUnited+States+of+America "United States of America (United States of America, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") ## Provenance Please see attached metadata record for full dataset provenance. Revision 2.0 by Scott J Chiavacci on June 23, 2022. To review the changes that were made, see “Data Release Version History.txt” in the attached files section. ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/F79G5M3X | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b'<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Scott J. Chiavacci</origin>\n <origin>Emily D. French</origin>\n <origin>Joseph A. Morgan</origin>\n <pubdate>20180718</pubdate>\n <title>Database of Biodiversity, Habitat, and Aquatic Resource Quantification Tools Used for Market-based Conservation in the United States (ver. 2.0, June 2022)</title>\n <geoform>Tabular data</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <othercit>Chiavacci, Scott J., Emily D. French, and Joseph A. Morgan. 2022. Database of biodiversity, species-based, and aquatic resource quantification tools used for market-based conservation in the United States (ver. 2.0, June 2022). U.S. Geological Survey Data Release,</othercit>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Scott J. Chiavacci</origin>\n <origin>Emily D. French</origin>\n <origin>Joseph A. Morgan</origin>\n <pubdate>2022</pubdate>\n <title>Database of biodiversity, habitat, and aquatic-resource quantification tools used in market-based conservation \xe2\x80\x94 2022 update</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>n/a</pubplace>\n <publish>US Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This comprehensive database describes the core attributes of quantification tools developed for market-based conservation in the United States. It encompasses tools designed for compensatory mitigation, non-compensatory mitigation, and voluntary conservation/restoration programs. The dataset consists of 107 tools. Each tool\'s features are described using 33 attributes related to general, technical, and ecological/geographic details. This database was first published in 2018. Version 2.0 expands upon the original database by including tools developed for compensatory mitigation under the Clean Water Act section 404 regulatory program. Version 2.0 also provides updates on tool details provided in the original database.\n\nTo access the formatted version of the database that includes supporting information, download Quantification Tools Database--with formatting and supporting materials (ver. 2.0, June 2022).xlsx below.\n\nFor help understanding the various database files, download the "Guide to Understanding Files Associated with Database of Quantification Tools.doc" below.</abstract>\n <purpose>The purpose of the database is to provide a centralized location of descriptive information on all known habitat, biodiversity, and aquatic resource quantification tools developed for market-based conservation in the United States. The database is meant to help practitioners engaged in compensatory mitigation, non-compensatory mitigation, or voluntary conservation/restoration more easily identify and understand what quantification tools have been developed to assess site quality/functionality or tools that exist which could be adapted to such applications. Information in the database can be used to understand, for example, the data demands of different tools, intended users, required user skill level, what tools are applicable to different market types, the taxa and habitat types to which existing tools apply, and who to contact for more information about individual tools.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20161101</begdate>\n <enddate>20220401</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>publication date</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>In work</progress>\n <update>Unknown</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <descgeog>Continental United States</descgeog>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-177.5391</westbc>\n <eastbc>-66.8848</eastbc>\n <northbc>71.3008</northbc>\n <southbc>24.7668</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus (</themekt>\n <themekey>Biodiversity</themekey>\n <themekey>Habitat</themekey>\n <themekey>Conservation bank</themekey>\n <themekey>Habitat exchange</themekey>\n <themekey>Eco-label</themekey>\n <themekey>Payment for ecosystem services</themekey>\n <themekey>At-risk species</themekey>\n <themekey>Endangered species act</themekey>\n <themekey>Compensatory mitigation</themekey>\n <themekey>Eco-label certification</themekey>\n <themekey>Conservation</themekey>\n <themekey>Biodiversity offset</themekey>\n <themekey>Market-based conservation</themekey>\n <themekey>Biodiversity market</themekey>\n <themekey>Habitat market</themekey>\n <themekey>Functional acre</themekey>\n <themekey>Habitat quantification tool</themekey>\n <themekey>Mitigation lands</themekey>\n <themekey>Habitat assessment</themekey>\n <themekey>Natural resources</themekey>\n <themekey>Assessment methodology</themekey>\n <themekey>Threatened species</themekey>\n <themekey>Endangered species</themekey>\n <themekey>Mitigation credit</themekey>\n <themekey>Debit</themekey>\n <themekey>Credit</themekey>\n <themekey>Listed species</themekey>\n <themekey>Clean Water Act section 404</themekey>\n <themekey>Aquatic resource</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5aa94672e4b0b1c392f14b17</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>United States of America</placekey>\n <placekey>Contiguous United States</placekey>\n <placekey>United States</placekey>\n <placekey>U.S.</placekey>\n </place>\n <stratum>\n <stratkt>Geolex - U.S. Geologic Names Lexicon (</stratkt>\n </stratum>\n <temporal>\n <tempkt>USGS Thesaurus (</tempkt>\n </temporal>\n </keywords>\n <taxonomy>\n <keywtax>\n <taxonkt>USGS Biocomplexity Thesaurus</taxonkt>\n <taxonkey>Amphibians</taxonkey>\n <taxonkey>Birds</taxonkey>\n <taxonkey>Fishes</taxonkey>\n <taxonkey>Insects</taxonkey>\n <taxonkey>Mammals</taxonkey>\n <taxonkey>Plants</taxonkey>\n <taxonkey>Reptiles</taxonkey>\n <taxonkey>Trees</taxonkey>\n <taxonkey>Bivalves</taxonkey>\n </keywtax>\n <taxonsys>\n <classsys>\n <classcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</origin>\n <pubdate>2018</pubdate>\n <title>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</title>\n <geoform>ONLINE_REFERENCE</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Washington, D.C.</pubplace>\n <publish>Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </classcit>\n </classsys>\n <ider>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Scott J Chiavacci</cntper>\n <cntorg>ENERGY &amp; MINERALS</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Ecologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop 913, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-4063</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ider>\n <taxonpro>There were no physical specimens to identify. All species listed in the database are those to which tools were designed to be applied.</taxonpro>\n <taxoncom>Not applicable.</taxoncom>\n </taxonsys>\n <taxongen>Wherever possible, we describe the organisms to which tools can be applied to the level of species. In some cases, a group of organisms are listed as the focal taxa (e.g., Salmonid species), as this was the most specific taxonomic level described in documents associated with a given tool.</taxongen>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Kingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Animalia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subkingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Bilateria</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infrakingdom</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Deuterostomia</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Phylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Chordata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Subphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Vertebrata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Infraphylum</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Gnathostomata</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superclass</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Actinopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Class</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Teleostei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Superorder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Acanthopterygii</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Order</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Perciformes</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Suborder</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percoidei</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Family</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percidae</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Genus</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percina</taxonrv>\n <taxoncl>\n <taxonrn>Species</taxonrn>\n <taxonrv>Percina antesella</taxonrv>\n <common>amber darter</common>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxoncl>\n </taxonomy>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Scott J Chiavacci</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Northeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Ecologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop 913, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-4063</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>Information related to 61 of the 107 quantification tools was reviewed for accuracy by persons associated with managing, implementing, or developing individual tools.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <method>\n <methtype>Lab</methtype>\n <methdesc>We identified and gathered information about quantification tools by (1) acquiring conservation bank documents describing crediting methodologies from the Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Banking Information Tracking System (RIBITS) site, (2) contacting bank managers or points of contact listed on RIBITS to request details on bank crediting methodologies, (3) requesting information from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on crediting methodologies they have used or developed, (4) reviewing and contacting the authors of reports and peer-reviewed literature, (5) searching websites of and through discussions with organizations involved in developing quantification tools, (6) searching U.S. Department of Agriculture websites to identify payment for ecosystem services programs, (7) searching the Ecolabel Index website ( for eco-labels used in the US designed to certify and accredit companies for environmentally responsible business practices, and (8) receiving information sent to us by persons made aware of our efforts. \n\nWhen selecting tools to include in the database, tools had to (1) have been designed for use in or have clear applications to biodiversity and habitat markets, (2) be under active development or completely developed at the time of data collection, (3) be the most advanced iteration of a tool in the event multiple versions of a tool existed under different names, (4) have documentation or information that aided users in tool use, we excluded tools that lacked documents or information to aid users in tool application. \n\nWhen reviewing tool documents, we sought information that would enable database users to better understand a tool\xe2\x80\x99s function, how and under what conditions it might be applied, the data the tool relied on, the skills and knowledge needed to use it, and other details about a tool\xe2\x80\x99s features. We, thus, developed a set of 35 criteria used to describe each tool. We based our construction of these criteria on (1) measurement system assessment criteria outlined in Cochran et al. (2011; Cochran, J. R., N. R. Maness, and E. Alcott. 2011. Measuring up: synchronizing biodiversity measurement systems for markets and other incentive programs. U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Environmental Markets), (2) recommendations from persons involved in market-based conservation efforts, and (3) criteria we considered important for fully understanding a tool\xe2\x80\x99s application. If tool documents lacked the information we sought or if no documents were freely available (e.g., because the tool was still being developed), we requested details from persons involved in the development or management of tools.</methdesc>\n </method>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Created a database based on information gathered from quantification tool-specific documents and through conversations or requests for information from persons involved with the development, management, and/or use of tools.</procdesc>\n <procdate>20220401</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <indspref>Geographic Names Index System (GNIS) place names (</indspref>\n <direct>Point</direct>\n </spdoinfo>\n <eainfo>\n <overview>\n <eaover>The authors created 2 data dictionaries to accompany this dataset. Within the single Excel Worksheet, the spreadsheet (tab) titled "Attribute Definitions" lists and defines each of the attributes (column headings) used to categorize tool features. It also contains the terminology (and each term\'s meaning) used to provide greater detail about each attribute. The Excel Worksheet also contains a spreadsheet (tab) titled "Abbreviations" that lists abbreviated terms used throughout the file, and the meanings of each abbreviation. Both of these spreadsheets are also provided as individual Comma Separated Values files (.csv).</eaover>\n <eadetcit>Single Excel document containing multiple spreadsheets and multiple CSV files containing single spreadsheets created by authors (</eadetcit>\n </overview>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>This database has been approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although this database has been subjected to rigorous review and is substantially complete, the USGS reserves the right to revise the data pursuant to further analysis and review. Furthermore, the database is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n <techpreq>The file contains data available in comma separated value (.csv) file format. The user must have software capable of opening and viewing a .csv file.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20220920</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Scott J Chiavacci</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, Northeast Region</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Ecologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Mail Stop 913, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr</address>\n <city>Reston</city>\n <state>VA</state>\n <postal>20192</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>703-648-4063</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Biological Data Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001.1-1999</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>'
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Nebraska Water Science Center](/catalog/item/5bd8d921e4b0b3fc5cea24ef) 3. [Interpolated groundwater-level surface, spring 2017, Bazile Groundwater Management Area, northeastern Nebraska](/catalog/folder/5e2f36e5e4b0a79317d42284) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5e2f36e5e4b0a79317d42284) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5e2f36e5e4b0a79317d42284) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5e2f36e5e4b0a79317d42284?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-12-01Start Date2017-02-07End Date2017-06-06 ## Citation Hobza, C.M., 2020, Interpolated groundwater-level surface, spring 2017, Bazile Groundwater Management Area, northeastern Nebraska: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This data set is a raster that represents the groundwater-level surface within the Bazile Groundwater Management Area (BGMA) in spring of 2017. This raster was created for use within the Geoscene3D program which combines airborne electromagnetic geophysical data along with supporting information for visualization and geological modeling. A water-level surface was created as input to a Geoscene3D project created covering the BGMA. The water-level surface was created using 58 water-levels measured from January to June of 2017 to represent water-level conditions prior to the onset of seasonal groundwater irrigation. The distribution of water-levels provided adequate coverage to the Bazile Groundwater Management area; however, high relief \[...\] ## Summary This data set is a raster that represents the groundwater-level surface within the Bazile Groundwater Management Area (BGMA) in spring of 2017. This raster was created for use within the Geoscene3D program which combines airborne electromagnetic geophysical data along with supporting information for visualization and geological modeling. A water-level surface was created as input to a Geoscene3D project created covering the BGMA. The water-level surface was created using 58 water-levels measured from January to June of 2017 to represent water-level conditions prior to the onset of seasonal groundwater irrigation. The distribution of water-levels provided adequate coverage to the Bazile Groundwater Management area; however, high relief areas near Verdigre Creek and Bazile Creek are not adequately covered. In an effort to create a water-level surface map that is representative of the entire BGMA, water-level contours representing 1995 water levels first were compared to discreet spring 2017 water levels. The 1995 water-levels were published by the University of Nebraska Lincoln Conservation and Survey Division. These datasets were imported into ArcGIS as shapefiles. In general, water levels from both datasets were similar; however, two water levels from shallow wells located within the glaciated part of the BGMA were removed from the spring 2017 discrete water-level measurements. The water levels measured in each of these wells were much shallower when compared to the 1995 statewide water-level map contours, most likely because they are perched water levels representative of localized conditions, rather than the regional groundwater flow system. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Christopher M Hobza](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4604) Originator : [Christopher M Hobza](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4604) Metadata Contact : [Christopher M Hobza](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=4604) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Nebraska Water Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17316) USGS Mission Area : [Water Resources](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Water+Resources) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5e2f36e5e4b0a79317d42284?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5e2f36e5e4b0a79317d42284?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5e2f36e5e4b0a79317d42284?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | bzwl17\_m\_v1\_metadata\_orig.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 16.72 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | bzwl17\_m\_v1.asc | | 34.46 MB | application/pgp-signature | ## Related External Resources Type: Related Primary Publication | | | | --- | --- | | Hobza, C.M., and Steele, G.V., 2020, Interpretation of hydrogeologic data to support groundwater management, Bazile Groundwater Management Area, northeast Nebraska, 2019—A case demonstration of the Nebraska Geocloud: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020–5113, 46 p., | []( "") | ## Purpose This raster was created for use within the Geoscene 3D program which combines airborne electromagnetic geophysical data along with supporting information for visualization and geological modeling. A water-level surface was created as input to a project created for the Bazile Groundwater Management Area. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5e2f36e5e4b0a79317d42284) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5e2f36e5e4b0a79317d42284) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products - USGS Nebraska Water Science Center ## Tags Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [biota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiota "biota (biota, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Category)") - [groundwater](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgroundwater "groundwater (groundwater, Theme, None)") - [groundwater and surface-water interaction](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgroundwater+and+surface-water+interaction "groundwater and surface-water interaction (groundwater and surface-water interaction, Theme, None)") - [groundwater and surface-water interaction](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgroundwater+and+surface-water+interaction "groundwater and surface-water interaction (groundwater and surface-water interaction, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [groundwater level](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgroundwater+level "groundwater level (groundwater level, Theme, None)") - [groundwater level](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgroundwater+level "groundwater level (groundwater level, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Nebraska](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DNebraska "Nebraska (Nebraska, Place, Common geographic areas)") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Hydrology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DHydrology "Hydrology (Hydrology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Water Quality](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DWater+Quality "Water Quality (Water Quality, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P9F3RVXN | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... 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b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Christopher M. Hobza</origin>\n <pubdate>20201201</pubdate>\n <title>Interpolated groundwater-level surface, spring 2017, Bazile Groundwater Management Area, northeastern Nebraska</title>\n <geoform>raster digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n <lworkcit>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Christopher M. Hobza</origin>\n <origin>Gregory V. Steele</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>Interpretation of Hydrogeologic Data to Support Groundwater Management, Bazile Groundwater Management Area, Northeast Nebraska, 2019\xe2\x80\x94A Case Demonstration of the Nebraska Geocloud</title>\n <geoform>publication</geoform>\n <serinfo>\n <sername>U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report</sername>\n <issue>2020-5113</issue>\n </serinfo>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Restion, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </lworkcit>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This data set is a raster that represents the groundwater-level surface within the Bazile Groundwater Management Area (BGMA) in spring of 2017. This raster was created for use within the Geoscene3D program (I-GIS, 2020) which combines airborne electromagnetic geophysical data along with supporting information for visualization and geological modeling. A water-level surface was created as input to a Geoscene3D project created for the BGMA. The water-level surface was created using 58 water-levels measured from January to June of 2017 to represent water-level conditions prior to the onset of seasonal groundwater irrigation. The distribution of water-levels provided adequate coverage to the Bazile Groundwater Management area; however, high relief areas near Verdigre Creek and Bazile Creek are not adequately covered. In an effort to create a water-level surface map that is representative of the entire BGMA, water-level contours representing 1995 water levels first were compared to discreet spring 2017 water levels. The 1995 water-levels were published by the University of Nebraska Lincoln Conservation and Survey Division. These datasets were imported into ArcGIS as shapefiles. In general, water levels from both datasets were similar; however, two water levels from shallow wells located within the glaciated part of the BGMA were removed from the spring 2017 discrete water-level measurements. The water levels measured in each of these wells were much shallower when compared to the 1995 statewide water-level map contours, most likely because they are perched water levels representative of localized conditions, rather than the regional groundwater flow system.</abstract>\n <purpose>This raster was created for use within the Geoscene 3D program which combines airborne electromagnetic geophysical data along with supporting information for visualization and geological modeling. A water-level surface was created as input to a project created for the Bazile Groundwater Management Area.</purpose>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20170207</begdate>\n <enddate>20170606</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-98.3340</westbc>\n <eastbc>-97.4320</eastbc>\n <northbc>42.5800</northbc>\n <southbc>42.2040</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Category</themekt>\n <themekey>geoscientificInformation</themekey>\n <themekey>environment</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>None</themekt>\n <themekey>groundwater</themekey>\n <themekey>groundwater and surface-water interaction</themekey>\n <themekey>groundwater level</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>groundwater and surface-water interaction</themekey>\n <themekey>groundwater level</themekey>\n <themekey>groundwater</themekey>\n <themekey>Geospatial datasets</themekey>\n <themekey>Geospatial analysis</themekey>\n <themekey>Maps and atlases</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5e2f36e5e4b0a79317d42284</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Common geographic areas</placekt>\n <placekey>Nebraska</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>None. This dataset is provided by USGS as a public service. Users of this geospatial database and geologic information derived there from should acknowledge the U.S. Geological Survey as the source of the data</accconst>\n <useconst>None. Users are advised to read the dataset's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Christopher M Hobza</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, MIDCONTINENT REGION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>5231 South 19Th Street</address>\n <city>Lincoln</city>\n <state>NE</state>\n <postal>68512</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>402-328-4133</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>402-328-4101</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>I-GIS</origin>\n <pubdate>2020</pubdate>\n <title>Geoscene3D</title>\n <geoform>application/service</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Aarhus, DenmarkI</pubplace>\n <publish>I-GIS</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>The water-level extracted from the raster cell was compared to the measured water-level input values within the cell. Elevation differences ranged from 0 to 1.72 meters with an average of 0.08 m.</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>Water-level surface raster elevations agree with 58 measured water-levels collected within the study area. Visual inspection of the final surface and extracted values from the raster at each of the water-level measurement locations was completed within ArcGIS.</logic>\n <complete>The water-level surface represents water-level conditions only within the Bazile Groundwater Management Area for the spring 2017.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No checks on horizontal accuracy have been performed. Input data, in the form of measured monitoring wells use coordinates furnished by the Upper Elkhorn, Lower Elkhorn, Lower Niobrara, and the Lewis and Clark Natural Resources Districts.</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No checks on vertical accuracy have been performed.</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>U.S. Geological Survey</origin>\n <pubdate>20180930</pubdate>\n <title>USGS water data for the Nation: U.S. Geological Survey National Water Information System database</title>\n <geoform>tabular digital data</geoform>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20170207</begdate>\n <enddate>20170606</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>ground condition</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Measured spring 2017 water levels</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Used as primary input for the creation of a spring 2017 water-level surface</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <srcinfo>\n <srccite>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Summerside, S.E., Dreeszen, V.H., Hartung, S.L., Khisty, M.J., and Szilagyi, J.</origin>\n <pubdate>2001</pubdate>\n <title>Update and revision of regional 1x2 degree water-table configuration maps for the state of Nebraska</title>\n <geoform>vector digital data</geoform>\n <othercit>Digital data no longer publicly available; however, publication hard copies are still available.</othercit>\n </citeinfo>\n </srccite>\n <typesrc>Digital and/or Hardcopy</typesrc>\n <srctime>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>19950101</begdate>\n <enddate>19951231</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <srccurr>ground condition</srccurr>\n </srctime>\n <srccitea>Water-level configuration maps for Nebraska, 1995</srccitea>\n <srccontr>Used as comparison to measured spring 2017 water levels.</srccontr>\n </srcinfo>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>A total of 61 discrete water-levels collected by the four Natural Resources Districts, University of Nebraska Conservation and Survey Division, and the USGS were downloaded from the National Water Information System database from February to early June 2017 to represent water-level conditions in spring 2017.</procdesc>\n <srcused>Measured spring 2017 water levels</srcused>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Within ArcGIS, water-levels from spring 2017 were compared to a statewide water-level contour data set published by the Conservation and Survey Division representing water-level conditions in 1995.</procdesc>\n <srcused>Water-level configuration maps for Nebraska, 1995</srcused>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>In general, water levels from both datasets were similar; however, two water levels from shallow wells located within the glaciated part of the BGMA were removed from the spring 2017 discrete water-level measurements. The water levels measured in each of these wells were much shallower when compared to the 1995 statewide water-level map contours, most likely because they are perched water levels representative of localized conditions, rather than the regional groundwater flow system.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Using the editor tool in ArcGIS, the 1995 water-level contours were modified to be consistent with spring 2017 data. The contours only required minor modifications, primarily in the glaciated, northeastern part of the BGMA. The 1995 water-level contours were the only source of information in high relief areas near the northwest part of the BGMA along Verdigre Creek and along Bazile Creek near the northern border of the BGMA.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Using the modified water-level contours and the 2017 discrete water-level measurements, the Topo2Raster tool (Esri, 2019) was used to create water-level surface in feet above North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88).</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The raster calculator (Esri, 2019) was used to convert the water-level surface in meters above NAVD 88.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>The raster to ascii tool (Esri, 2019) was used to create a surface compatible for use in Geoscene3D.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2018</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <spdoinfo>\n <direct>Raster</direct>\n <rastinfo>\n <rasttype>Grid Cell</rasttype>\n <rowcount>2769</rowcount>\n <colcount>1468</colcount>\n <vrtcount>1</vrtcount>\n </rastinfo>\n </spdoinfo>\n <spref>\n <horizsys>\n <planar>\n <gridsys>\n <gridsysn>State Plane Coordinate System 1983</gridsysn>\n <spcs>\n <spcszone>2600</spcszone>\n <lambertc>\n <stdparll>40.0</stdparll>\n <stdparll>43.0</stdparll>\n <longcm>-100.0</longcm>\n <latprjo>0.0</latprjo>\n <feast>500000.0</feast>\n <fnorth>0.0</fnorth>\n </lambertc>\n </spcs>\n </gridsys>\n <planci>\n <plance>coordinate pair</plance>\n <coordrep>\n <absres>0.6096</absres>\n <ordres>0.6096</ordres>\n </coordrep>\n <plandu>meters</plandu>\n </planci>\n </planar>\n <geodetic>\n <horizdn>North_American_Datum_1983</horizdn>\n <ellips>GRS_1980</ellips>\n <semiaxis>6378137.0</semiaxis>\n <denflat>298.257222101</denflat>\n </geodetic>\n </horizsys>\n <vertdef>\n <altsys>\n <altdatum>North American Vertical Datum of 1988</altdatum>\n <altres>0.01</altres>\n <altunits>meters</altunits>\n <altenc>Attribute values</altenc>\n </altsys>\n </vertdef>\n </spref>\n <eainfo>\n <detailed>\n <enttyp>\n <enttypl>bzwl17_m_v1.asc</enttypl>\n <enttypd>Raster geospatial data file.</enttypd>\n <enttypds>Producer Defined</enttypds>\n </enttyp>\n <attr>\n <attrlabl>Value</attrlabl>\n <attrdef>Value represents interpolated water-level surface elevation in meters above NAVD88, Bazile Groundwater Management Area, spring 2017.</attrdef>\n <attrdefs>Producer Defined</attrdefs>\n <attrdomv>\n <rdom>\n <rdommin>441.28</rdommin>\n <rdommax>564.95</rdommax>\n <attrunit>meters</attrunit>\n <attrmres>0.01</attrmres>\n </rdom>\n </attrdomv>\n </attr>\n </detailed>\n </eainfo>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>GS ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <stdorder>\n <digform>\n <digtinfo>\n <formname>Digital Data</formname>\n </digtinfo>\n <digtopt>\n <onlinopt>\n <computer>\n <networka>\n <networkr></networkr>\n </networka>\n </computer>\n </onlinopt>\n </digtopt>\n </digform>\n <fees>None</fees>\n </stdorder>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20201201</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Christopher M Hobza</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey, MIDCONTINENT REGION</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Hydrologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing address</addrtype>\n <address>5231 South 19Th Street</address>\n <city>Lincoln</city>\n <state>NE</state>\n <postal>68512</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>402-328-4133</cntvoice>\n <cntfax>402-328-4101</cntfax>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"
Generate a FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) XML from following description of datarelease:
[Skip to main content](#sb-container-body) ![USGS - science for a changing world]( Your browser does not have support for cookies enabled. Some features of this application will not work. processing ... 1. [ScienceBase Catalog](/catalog/item/4f4e4760e4b07f02db47df9c) 2. [USGS Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC)](/catalog/item/53f646a6e4b09d12e0e9bd4c) 3. [SBSC Public Data, Metadata & Software](/catalog/item/5411ed21e4b0fe7e184a8f79) 4. [2020](/catalog/item/5e1c8622e4b0ecf25c5efcd4) 5. [Vegetation cover and composition data in environments surrounding uranium mines in the Grand Canyon ecosystem, USA](/catalog/folder/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c) View - [Item View](/catalog/item/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c) - [Folder View](/catalog/folder/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c) - [JSON](/catalog/item/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c?format=json) ## Dates Publication Date2020-03-25Start Date2013-07-23End Date2015-12-08 ## Citation Mann, R.K., and Duniway, M.C., 2020, Vegetation cover and composition data in environments surrounding uranium mines in the Grand Canyon ecosystem, USA: U.S. Geological Survey data release, ## Summary This data package contains the final combined field sampling data collected by the USGS July 2013 and July-August 2015 at three active uranium mines (Canyon Rim Mine, Pinenut Mine, and Arizona 1 Mine) as well as two reference sites (Little Robinson Tank and EZ2 Pipe) in northwestern Arizona. Vegetation and soils were assessed by using line-point intersect (LPI) methods and estimates of plant species richness. In addition, triplicate tissue samples for three functional groups (graminoids, forbs, and shrubs) were collected at plots around each site to be analyzed for tissue contaminant concentrations. There are three separate shapefiles depicting A) Point locations for the mine study sites (the center of the mine or reference site being \[...\] ## Summary This data package contains the final combined field sampling data collected by the USGS July 2013 and July-August 2015 at three active uranium mines (Canyon Rim Mine, Pinenut Mine, and Arizona 1 Mine) as well as two reference sites (Little Robinson Tank and EZ2 Pipe) in northwestern Arizona. Vegetation and soils were assessed by using line-point intersect (LPI) methods and estimates of plant species richness. In addition, triplicate tissue samples for three functional groups (graminoids, forbs, and shrubs) were collected at plots around each site to be analyzed for tissue contaminant concentrations. There are three separate shapefiles depicting A) Point locations for the mine study sites (the center of the mine or reference site being surveyed), B) Polygons representing sampling plots that were established at each mine study site, and C) A polyline shapefile showing locations of the transects used for collecting data within plots. Plots were arranged in two concentric rings surrounding the central disturbed portion of the study area (e.g. the mine footprint). Final transect start and stop points were recorded in the field using a hand-held Garmin global positioning system receiver. Sites, plot boundaries, and transect locations were established between 2013 and 2015. These data are to be used for publications based on the impacts of uranium mining on the Arizona Strip. ## Contacts Point of Contact : [Michael C Duniway](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=29037) Originator : [Rebecca K Mann](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=6467), [Michael C Duniway](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=29037) Metadata Contact : [Rebecca K Mann](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=6467) Publisher : [U.S. Geological Survey](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=18139) Distributor : [U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=70157) SDC Data Owner : [Southwest Biological Science Center](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=17423) USGS Mission Area : [Ecosystems](/catalog/catalogParty/show?partyId=Ecosystems) ## Attached Files - sorting - [Metadata First](/catalog/item/get/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c?files.metadataFirst=true\#attached-files-section "Sort files with metadata files first") - [Recent First](/catalog/item/get/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c?files.sort=dateUploaded&files.order=desc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files with most recent first") - [Alphabetical](/catalog/item/get/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c?files.sort=name&files.order=asc&files.metadataFirst=false\#attached-files-section "Sort files alphabetically") Click on title to download individual files attached to this item or download all files listed below as a compressed file. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Vegetation\_Cover\_Metadata.xml<br>_Original FGDC Metadata_ | View | 14.35 KB | application/fgdc+xml | | Data\ | | 65.8 KB | application/zip | ## Purpose The purpose of these data are to provide a basic characterization of the vegetation communities surrounding five sites in northern Arizona, which include three existing uranium mines (in various stages of development), one location permitted for mining but not yet mined, and one unmined reference area. All mine sites (undeveloped or developed) were centered on breccia pipes containing high-grade uranium ore (Otton and Van Gosen 2010). The data will be used to characterize the vegetation community at each study location, and to assess current vegetation composition in relation to what might be expected for the ecological sites in which the study sites occur. Data from this study will facilitate change detection for plant species cover, composition, and structure. The spatial data were created to provide guidelines for collecting field data at five study sites in northern Arizona (three active uranium mines, on inactive uranium mine, and one unmined reference area). Mine locations were centered on breccia pipes containing high-grade uranium ore. A plot is a discrete polygons that was developed for surveying vegetation at each study site. The specific arrangement of plots in two concentric rings was established to enable characterization the vegetation spatial patterns around the study areas, and to potentially track change in vegetation communities over time, via future studies. Line point intercept transects were randomly located within the plots, and were used for collecting foliar and soil surface cover data; these were 25 meters in length in plots which were in the inner ring, and 50 meters in length in plots which were in the outer ring. The vegetation survey field data (see comma-separated values files included in the ZIP file) were collected to assess vegetation community characteristics at each study site location. All data in this data package could potentially be used for detecting changes to plant species cover, composition, and structure if the surveys were to be repeated at a later date. ## Rights The author(s) of these data request that data users contact them regarding intended use and to assist with understanding limitations and interpretation. Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. ## [Map](/catalog/item/imap/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c) [![Map Preview](](/catalog/item/imap/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c) ## Communities - USGS Data Release Products - USGS Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC) ## Tags Harvest Set - [USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DUSGS+Science+Data+Catalog+%28SDC%29 "USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC) (USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), Harvest Set, )") Theme - [LPI](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLPI "LPI (LPI, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [biota](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dbiota "biota (biota, Theme, ISO 19115 Topic Categories)") - [field sampling](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfield+sampling "field sampling (field sampling, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [forbs](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dforbs "forbs (forbs, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [functional groups](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dfunctional+groups "functional groups (functional groups, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [graminoids](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dgraminoids "graminoids (graminoids, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [line-point intersect methods](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dline-point+intersect+methods "line-point intersect methods (line-point intersect methods, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [mines](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dmines "mines (mines, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [plant species](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dplant+species "plant species (plant species, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [plant species richness](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dplant+species+richness "plant species richness (plant species richness, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [plots](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dplots "plots (plots, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [shrubs](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dshrubs "shrubs (shrubs, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [soils](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dsoils "soils (soils, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [tissue contaminant concentrations](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dtissue+contaminant+concentrations "tissue contaminant concentrations (tissue contaminant concentrations, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [tissue samples](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dtissue+samples "tissue samples (tissue samples, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [transect sampling](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dtransect+sampling "transect sampling (transect sampling, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [uranium](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Duranium "uranium (uranium, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") - [vegetation](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dvegetation "vegetation (vegetation, Theme, USGS Thesaurus)") Place - [Arizona](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DArizona "Arizona (Arizona, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Arizona 1 Mine](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DArizona+1+Mine "Arizona 1 Mine (Arizona 1 Mine, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Canyon Rim Mine](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DCanyon+Rim+Mine "Canyon Rim Mine (Canyon Rim Mine, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [EZ2 Pipe](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEZ2+Pipe "EZ2 Pipe (EZ2 Pipe, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Grand Canyon](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGrand+Canyon "Grand Canyon (Grand Canyon, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Little Robinson Tank](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DLittle+Robinson+Tank "Little Robinson Tank (Little Robinson Tank, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [Pinenut Mine](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DPinenut+Mine "Pinenut Mine (Pinenut Mine, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") - [northwestern Arizona](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3Dnorthwestern+Arizona "northwestern Arizona (northwestern Arizona, Place, Geographic Names Information System (GNIS))") USGS Scientific Topic Keyword - [Botany](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DBotany "Botany (Botany, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Ecology](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DEcology "Ecology (Ecology, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Forestry](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DForestry "Forestry (Forestry, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Geography](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DGeography "Geography (Geography, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") - [Information Sciences](/catalog/items?q=&filter=tags%3DInformation+Sciences "Information Sciences (Information Sciences, USGS Scientific Topic Keyword, )") ## Provenance ## Additional Information ### Identifiers | Type | Scheme | Key | | --- | --- | --- | | DOI | | doi:10.5066/P912U706 | ## Item Actions ### View Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c?format=json) [ATOM](/catalog/item/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c?format=atom) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c?format=isohtml) ### Save Item as ... [JSON](/catalog/item/download/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c?format=json) [FGDC](/catalog/item/download/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c?format=fgdc) [MODS XML](/catalog/item/download/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c?format=modsxml) [ISO XML](/catalog/item/download/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c?format=iso) ### View Item... [Metrics](/catalog/item/metrics/5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c) ScienceBase-CatalogApp Version: 2.190.4 \| [Report a Problem](/catalog/issueCollector "Report ScienceBase Issue") \| [For General Contact/Questions](mailto:[email protected] "For General Contact/Questions") Build Version: 2.184.0-630-gc5d79ac-0 (2024-08-29 17:07)
b"<metadata>\n <idinfo>\n <citation>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Rebecca K Mann</origin>\n <origin>Michael C Duniway</origin>\n <pubdate>20200325</pubdate>\n <title>Vegetation cover and composition data in environments surrounding uranium mines in the Grand Canyon ecosystem, USA</title>\n <geoform>comma-separated values (csv)</geoform>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Flagstaff, AZ</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </citation>\n <descript>\n <abstract>This data package contains the final combined field sampling data collected by the USGS July 2013 and July-August 2015 at three active uranium mines (Canyon Rim Mine, Pinenut Mine, and Arizona 1 Mine) as well as two reference sites (Little Robinson Tank and EZ2 Pipe) in northwestern Arizona. Vegetation and soils were assessed by using line-point intersect (LPI) methods and estimates of plant species richness. In addition, triplicate tissue samples for three functional groups (graminoids, forbs, and shrubs) were collected at plots around each site to be analyzed for tissue contaminant concentrations. There are three separate shapefiles depicting A) Point locations for the mine study sites (the center of the mine or reference site being surveyed), B) Polygons representing sampling plots that were established at each mine study site, and C) A polyline shapefile showing locations of the transects used for collecting data within plots. Plots were arranged in two concentric rings surrounding the central disturbed portion of the study area (e.g. the mine footprint). Final transect start and stop points were recorded in the field using a hand-held Garmin global positioning system receiver. Sites, plot boundaries, and transect locations were established between 2013 and 2015. These data are to be used for publications based on the impacts of uranium mining on the Arizona Strip.</abstract>\n <purpose>The purpose of these data are to provide a basic characterization of the vegetation communities surrounding five sites in northern Arizona, which include three existing uranium mines (in various stages of development), one location permitted for mining but not yet mined, and one unmined reference area. All mine sites (undeveloped or developed) were centered on breccia pipes containing high-grade uranium ore (Otton and Van Gosen 2010). The data will be used to characterize the vegetation community at each study location, and to assess current vegetation composition in relation to what might be expected for the ecological sites in which the study sites occur. Data from this study will facilitate change detection for plant species cover, composition, and structure. The spatial data were created to provide guidelines for collecting field data at five study sites in northern Arizona (three active uranium mines, on inactive uranium mine, and one unmined reference area). Mine locations were centered on breccia pipes containing high-grade uranium ore. A plot is a discrete polygons that was developed for surveying vegetation at each study site. The specific arrangement of plots in two concentric rings was established to enable characterization the vegetation spatial patterns around the study areas, and to potentially track change in vegetation communities over time, via future studies. Line point intercept transects were randomly located within the plots, and were used for collecting foliar and soil surface cover data; these were 25 meters in length in plots which were in the inner ring, and 50 meters in length in plots which were in the outer ring. The vegetation survey field data (see comma-separated values files included in the ZIP file) were collected to assess vegetation community characteristics at each study site location. All data in this data package could potentially be used for detecting changes to plant species cover, composition, and structure if the surveys were to be repeated at a later date.</purpose>\n <supplinf>These data provide information on the plant communities surrounding five study sites in northern Arizona, four of which occurred on breccia pipes and were permitted for uranium mining, and one of which surrounded a livestock and wildlife water tank. The data include plant cover (by functional group and by plant species), ground surface cover, canopy gap distribution, and species richness. They may be used to assess the ecological condition of each site and to interpret vegetation patterns within sites. Due to differences across sites in their soil and ecological attributes, as well as differences in site size and a non-standardized sampling design, it would be inappropriate to compare sites to one another, such as in terms of the effects of mining histories. The AllMines_LPITransects line vector layer includes a \xe2\x80\x98Length\xe2\x80\x99 attribute with attribute values of 25 or 50 (meters). There are 142-line features in the data layer. None of the 142-line segment attribute values in the data layer are accurately represented as 25 or 50 (meters) in the \xe2\x80\x98Length\xe2\x80\x99 attribute field. Actual line lengths calculated in ArcGIS vary from the stated attribute values in the data table. Also, at least one of the line segments extends across polygons or outside of a polygon. Lastly, several of the polygons at each site location do not have coincident lines where polygons meet, which result in overlapping polygons or gaps between polygon boundaries. Data users should carefully review all data development process steps including the Development of the AllMines_LPITransects line data layer and Development of the AllMines_Plots polygon data layer process steps to understand these spatial issues. Subsequent use of these data for spatial analysis could result in reporting errors if the data user expects accurate line lengths and polygon boundaries. These spatial errors are partially the result of using a recreational hand-held Garmin GPS receiver which have varying levels of accuracy in horizontal positions due to environmental conditions. Any users of these data should review the entire metadata record. See 'Distribution liability' statements for more information.</supplinf>\n </descript>\n <timeperd>\n <timeinfo>\n <rngdates>\n <begdate>20130723</begdate>\n <enddate>20151208</enddate>\n </rngdates>\n </timeinfo>\n <current>ground condition</current>\n </timeperd>\n <status>\n <progress>Complete</progress>\n <update>None planned</update>\n </status>\n <spdom>\n <bounding>\n <westbc>-112.9700</westbc>\n <eastbc>-112.0400</eastbc>\n <northbc>36.7000</northbc>\n <southbc>35.8300</southbc>\n </bounding>\n </spdom>\n <keywords>\n <theme>\n <themekt>ISO 19115 Topic Categories</themekt>\n <themekey>biota</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Thesaurus</themekt>\n <themekey>field sampling</themekey>\n <themekey>forbs</themekey>\n <themekey>functional groups</themekey>\n <themekey>graminoids</themekey>\n <themekey>LPI</themekey>\n <themekey>line-point intersect methods</themekey>\n <themekey>mines</themekey>\n <themekey>plant species</themekey>\n <themekey>plant species richness</themekey>\n <themekey>plots</themekey>\n <themekey>shrubs</themekey>\n <themekey>soils</themekey>\n <themekey>tissue contaminant concentrations</themekey>\n <themekey>tissue samples</themekey>\n <themekey>transect sampling</themekey>\n <themekey>uranium</themekey>\n <themekey>vegetation</themekey>\n </theme>\n <theme>\n <themekt>USGS Metadata Identifier</themekt>\n <themekey>USGS:5b2d0d0de4b040769c10b74c</themekey>\n </theme>\n <place>\n <placekt>Geographic Names Information System (GNIS)</placekt>\n <placekey>Arizona</placekey>\n <placekey>Arizona 1 Mine</placekey>\n <placekey>Canyon Rim Mine</placekey>\n <placekey>EZ2 Pipe</placekey>\n <placekey>Grand Canyon</placekey>\n <placekey>Little Robinson Tank</placekey>\n <placekey>northwestern Arizona</placekey>\n <placekey>Pinenut Mine</placekey>\n </place>\n </keywords>\n <accconst>none</accconst>\n <useconst>none</useconst>\n <ptcontac>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Michael C Duniway</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Research Ecologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2282 2290 S West Resource Blvd</address>\n <city>Moab</city>\n <state>UT</state>\n <postal>84532</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>435-719-2330</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </ptcontac>\n <datacred>The authors of these data would like to acknowledge and thank Jo Ellen Hinck, USGS, Columbia Environmental Research Center and Katie Walton-Day, USGS, Colorado Water Science Center for providing funding, and Emily Palmquist and Evelyn Cheng for supporting the project with data collection.</datacred>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>James K. Otton</origin>\n <origin>Bradley S. Van Gosen</origin>\n <pubdate>2010</pubdate>\n <title>Chapter A: Uranium resource availability in breccia pipes in northern Arizona Hydrological, geological, and biological sites characterization of breccia pipe uranium deposits in Northern Arizona, United States Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report 5025</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Reston, VA</pubplace>\n <publish>U.S. Geological Survey</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n <crossref>\n <citeinfo>\n <origin>Jeffrey E. Herrick</origin>\n <origin>Justin W. Van Zee</origin>\n <origin>Kris M. Havstad</origin>\n <origin>Laura M. Burkett</origin>\n <origin>Walter G. Whitford</origin>\n <pubdate>2009</pubdate>\n <title>Monitoring Manual for grassland, shrubland, and savanna ecosystems: Volume I. Quick Start</title>\n <pubinfo>\n <pubplace>Las Cruces, NM</pubplace>\n <publish>USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range</publish>\n </pubinfo>\n <onlink></onlink>\n </citeinfo>\n </crossref>\n </idinfo>\n <dataqual>\n <attracc>\n <attraccr>No formal attribute accuracy tests were conducted</attraccr>\n </attracc>\n <logic>No formal logical accuracy tests were conducted</logic>\n <complete>Data set is considered complete for the information presented, as described in the abstract. Users are advised to read the rest of the metadata record carefully for additional details.</complete>\n <posacc>\n <horizpa>\n <horizpar>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</horizpar>\n </horizpa>\n <vertacc>\n <vertaccr>No formal positional accuracy tests were conducted</vertaccr>\n </vertacc>\n </posacc>\n <lineage>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Development of the 3 Vegetation Cover shapefiles: Data users should read the metadata record (Vegetation_Cover_GIS_Metadata.xml) to have a complete understanding of how these data were created and developed.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2020</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Development of the 9 Vegetation Cover data tables: Data users should read the metadata record (Vegetation_Cover_Tabular_Metadata.xml) to have a complete understanding of how these data were created and developed.</procdesc>\n <procdate>2020</procdate>\n </procstep>\n <procstep>\n <procdesc>Finalize Data for Dissemination: Data sent to the Southwest Biological Science Center Data Steward for dissemination and preservation per USGS Data Management Policies SM 502.6, SM 502.7, SM 502.8 &amp; SM 502.9 (1 October 2016).</procdesc>\n <procdate>2020</procdate>\n </procstep>\n </lineage>\n </dataqual>\n <distinfo>\n <distrib>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>Denver Federal Center, Building 810, Mail Stop 302</address>\n <city>Denver</city>\n <state>CO</state>\n <postal>80225</postal>\n <country>United States</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>1-888-275-8747</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </distrib>\n <distliab>The authors of these data request that data users contact them regarding intended use and to assist with understanding limitations and interpretation. Unless otherwise stated, all data, metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes, nor on all computer systems, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.</distliab>\n <techpreq>The data in this zip file contains data in comma-separated values (.csv) file format. The user must have software capable of uncompressing the zip file and software capable of reading or displaying machine-readable tabular data.</techpreq>\n </distinfo>\n <metainfo>\n <metd>20200827</metd>\n <metc>\n <cntinfo>\n <cntperp>\n <cntper>Rebecca K Mann</cntper>\n <cntorg>U.S. Geological Survey</cntorg>\n </cntperp>\n <cntpos>Biologist</cntpos>\n <cntaddr>\n <addrtype>mailing and physical</addrtype>\n <address>2290 S West Resource Blvd</address>\n <city>Moab</city>\n <state>UT</state>\n <postal>84532</postal>\n <country>US</country>\n </cntaddr>\n <cntvoice>435-719-2137</cntvoice>\n <cntemail>[email protected]</cntemail>\n </cntinfo>\n </metc>\n <metstdn>Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata</metstdn>\n <metstdv>FGDC-STD-001-1998</metstdv>\n </metainfo>\n</metadata>"