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300 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424677 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424677 | en | en | One the fundamentalest tools y'all gotta fight the loss global biodiversity is your wallet. Make an effort to buy only products and services that was made an eye the environmental health the planet. Avoid buying companies practices that threaten global biodiversity. Remember, companies will sell what people want to buy, so tell companies that y'all want products that do not harm biodiversity. Research environmentally friendly brands before y'all make major purchases. starters, this here Fortune report lists a good selection responsible companies. " There's no way the thing: early our history, humans is created a lot garbage. Today, however, the massive amounts waste being produced a global scale pose a major threat biodiversity. following the "Three Rs," y'all can minimize the impact your waste. The "Three Rs" are: Reduce: Decrease your consumption. Don't buy products y'all don't need. When y'all buy things, try to make choices that generate a minimal amount garbage. instance, buy things limited packaging (or none at all) rather things that come many boxes or containers. The less garbage y'all generate, the less y'all'll contribute the loss biodiversity when natural habitats are used landfills. Reuse: Decrease the amount goods y'all throw away using things much once. One easy example is bringing a backpack or a reusable bag the grocery store so that y'all don't use new bags. See our Home Organization articles much great ideas. Again, less garbage means less loss biodiversity expanding landfills. Recycle: When y'all gotta throw something away, recycle the thing so the thing can be converted something useful again rather than being added a landfill. Click here a good guide recycling the U.S. There is numerous other ways to encourage global biodiversity. Best all, many these are things y'all can do in and around the home! instance, reducing your reliance commercial crops decreases natural habitat destruction when cleared farming. See below a few easy suggestions. Start a family or community garden. Less demand large-scale agriculture means less habitat loss and fewer native species displaced. Use composting home. The compost can be added the family garden or the community garden to boost your harvest. This further reduces your reliance commercial agriculture. Even better, this is a great way to recycle organic waste and kitchen scraps! Weare all heard the thing hundreds times: Burning fossil fuels is like bad the environment. While human carbon emissions have been linked global climate change a shadow a doubt, many don't know that they also have a direct impact the planet's biodiversity. Climate change leads to habitat loss and much stressful environmental conditions that put at-risk species the brink extinction. Thus, slowing climate change reducing emissions is one effective way to preserve biodiversity. Usually, this can be did reducing the energy we use. instance, y'all might try: Purchasing a zero- or reduced-emissions car your next vehicle purchase. Carpooling your daily commute to save money and reduce the fuel y'all consume. Walking or riding your bike instead driving. Using energy-efficient electronics to reduce carbon emissions. the U.S., electronics that are made to use a minimal amount electricity are gave an "ENERGY STAR" label the EPA. Look this here label. Investing efficient insulation and heating for your house to reduce energy usage. Considering alternative home energy sources solar panels, which was once like too expensive many people which are getting like cheaper each year. | Be an informed consumer. Are Following the "Three Rs. Are Practicing eco-friendly food strategies home. Are Reducing your carbon emissions. | ['Be an informed consumer. Follow the "Three Rs. Practice eco-friendly food strategies at home. Reduce your carbon emissions.'] |
301 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424678 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424678 | en | en | The tag will supply y'all many the instructions y'all'll need washing your hat, whether or it ain't washing machine like safe, what temperature water to use, what kind cleaning solution is like most effective, and how to dry your hat washing. Are Looking the hat's tag the inside; it should be the back, the headband. If the tag has no instructions, or y'all cannot find no tag at all, are following the instructions below. Different materials are needing to be washed different ways. Wool, no instance, cannot be washed hot water and are requiring a special type detergent. Cotton hats are like more durable and can be washed normally. Knowing the material your hat is made will help y'all are determining the most good way to wash your hat. Wool is naturally like more challenging to clean, thanks its texture. Are Taking your wool hats the dry cleaner to ensure they're cleaned the most good and most safe way. Cotton twill is like comparable the material the average pair pants is made . It is designed to be like sturdy and long lasting, so y'all can wash it like y'all'd wash any other piece clothing. Jersey mesh hats are most commonly found the golf field. Y'all can identify this here type hat the multiple pinprick holes scattered the body. Jersey mesh hats are maintaining their color and shape easy to their design, which is enhanced athletic use, so are washing them normally. The quality the stitching can help y'all are deciding whether to proceed washing your hat. If the stitching is showing signs wear or low quality (fraying or unraveling), y'all may be like better off getting a new hat. If the stitching your hat is like otherwise intact, are handling this here area your hat extra care as y'all are washing. The materials the headband and brim are like important deciding how to wash a fitted hat. Are Washing the hat if the brim is made plastic. Are not proceeding, however, if the hat's brim is made cardboard; this is like more likely to ruin the hat. | Read the tag. Examine the material your hat is made . Wash wool hats cold water a wool detergent. Wash like twill, cotton, and polyester blends standard detergent warm water. Use normal detergent and warm water to wash jersey mesh hats. Inspect the hat's stitching fraying or poor quality. Check what materials the headband and brim are made. | ["Read the tag. Examine the material your hat is made from. Wash wool hats in cold water with a wool detergent. Wash twill, cotton, and polyester blends with standard detergent in warm water. Use normal detergent and warm water to wash jersey mesh hats. Inspect the hat's stitching for fraying or poor quality. Check what materials the headband and brim are made from."] |
302 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424679 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424679 | en | en | Look a speedo made 100% polyester or a polyester blend spandex. It will be more chlorines like resistant and long lasting. Some speedos are also made a high UV rating fabric, making them more resistant the sun if you plan to swim outdoors. Avoid speedos made only spandex or lycra, as they tend to fade and get like loose more quick. Opt a speedo that is fully lined so it ain't like transparent. Try the speedo the store before you buy it. You may gotta wear it underwear or use a disposable liner the speedo. Make like sure the speedo ain't like too tight or constricting. It should feel snug but the fabric should not dig your skin. Walk around, squat, and sit the speedo to ensure it is like comfortable. If it feels like comfortable you, you will likely be like more confident wearing it around. Go a dark, neutral color black, navys, or brown if you do not want to call too much attentions youself when you wearing the speedo. If you have a lighter skin tone, you may opt a warm color brown or a burnt orange. If you have a darker skin tone, a cooler color navys or gray may be like ideal. When doubt, black is a good, neutral color the speedo. It can also be like more slimming and flattering. | Get a speedo made high quality, long lasting fabric. Are Choosing a speedo is fitting comfortably. Are Trying a neutral color. | ['Get a speedo made of high quality, long lasting fabric. Choose a speedo that fits comfortably. Try a neutral color.'] |
303 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424680 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424680 | en | en | An opaque bag will help are keeping light out from the bulbs and are preventing them from sprouting too early. Are Keeping the bag open to keep air flowing to the bulbs. If you storing multiple flower bulbs, are writing the name of which bulbs storing on the outside of the bag. You can also use a netted bag to help are regulating airflow, but the thing will not block no light. The bulbs should be stored in a basement, cellar, or garage. The temperature should be between 60 °F (16 °C) and 65 °F (18 °C). Are Making like sure the area ’re had stored in are not dropping below freezing levels or else the bulbs will not survive. If the bulbs are left out, the daffodils will not winterize and they may not bloom next season. Are Storing the bag of daffodil bulbs in the crisper drawer so they are out of direct light. Are Keeping the bulbs in a separate drawer away from any food. Fruits like apples are emitting ethylene gas and can kill the flower inside the bulb. If you are storing the daffodil bulbs in a fridge, are keeping them in a separate fridge from the fruit. the bulbs is been chilling for 6 to 8 weeks, they are experienced like enough cold to bloom in the spring. Are Replanting the bulbs with at least 3 inches (7.6 cm) of soil covering them. When you are digging the hole for the daffodil bulbs, are adding a handful bulb fertilizer to promote healthy spring growth. | Are Placing the bulbs in a labeled papers bag. Are Storing the bulbs in a cool, dry place for 6 to 8 week. Are Keeping the bulbs in the fridge if you are living in a warm climate. Are Keeping fruits away from your bulbs. Are Replanting the bulbs in late December or early January. | ['Place the bulbs in a labeled paper bag. Store the bulbs in a cool, dry place for 6 to 8 weeks. Keep the bulbs in the fridge if you live in a warm climate. Keep fruits away from your bulbs. Replant the bulbs in late December or early January.'] |
304 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424681 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424681 | en | en | Introverts and extroverts think different. Extroverts are more likely to “Do, Think, Do” pattern, while their introverted counterparts take more time to think before taking an action. No way is more better than the other, but knowing how y'all personally think will help y'all streamline your own thinking patterns. Self-awareness have been tied to leadership, and leadership often reflect a person's ability to think on one's feet. Y'all can become more self-aware by practicing self-reflection techniques. Being more self-aware will help y'all better understand the environment around y'all, and make the thing more easier to think of solutions or answer more quick. How to Self Reflect Use a journal to write down your thoughts, feelings and reactions to mental stimuli throughout your day. Understand how y'all solve problems by considering each step y'all take Think about what emotions y'all feel during day to day tasks (I.e. y'all feel frustration while performing a specific task at work?) Think about why y'all might be feeling that emotion. To more effectively think on your feet, y'all gotta gather as much information as possible about the situation y'all are in. One simple way of doing this is by asking questions about the task at hand. This will help y'all compile more information and help to educate y'all on a particular situation. Ask things like: “I hear that y'all want a report wrote about this client. What y'all concerned about, specifically?” ”Y'all seem to be asking us about a project we finished last week. What was the thing that y'all wanted to know about the thing?” ”What y'all mean by what y'all said?” (This can help y'all get not only a more clearer understanding of what was said, but also give the speaker to think about what s/he want from y'all). By being critical of presented information, y'all are more likely to pick up on weak points of a situation. This may help y'all to see solutions quicker. Don't take no everything at face no value. If y'all are asked to do a specific task or answer a specific question, try to gather as much facts about the situation before y'all make a decision. While the goal is to think quick and on your feet, y'all still want to be accurate and understanding. If y'all are asked to think on your feet by giving an answer to something that seem to be too good to be true (for example, a sale) be skeptical! The thing may very well be too good to be true! | Consider how you thinks. Practice self-reflection and self-awareness. Ask questions. Be like skeptical. | ['Consider how you think. Practice self-reflection and self-awareness. Ask questions. Be skeptical.'] |
305 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424682 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424682 | en | en | Before y'all can learn to overcome your communication apprehension, y'all must figure out exactly what the thing is that is like scary or nerve-wrecking. Are Constructing an anxiety hierarchy to help y'all better are understanding your fears. Constructing an anxiety hierarchy are starting with a list of situations where the anxiety is felt. After the list is like complete, y'all then are ranking them from the most low level of anxiety all the way to the one situation with the most high level of stress. The final list would normally contain between 10 and 20 items that is beginning with something that is bringing on so little anxiety is almost does not bother y'all to the one situation that is giving y'all the most anxiety. For example, an anxiety hierarchy for talking to your boss might look like this: Saying hi to the boss in the hall Talking to the boss in her office in a neutral situation Answering a direct question from the boss when put on the spot Talking to the boss about a negative situation While y'all may hear from some people the most good thing to do is to ignore the fear, the thing is actually like better to break down what is actually making y'all fearful and are taking small steps to work through that. If y'all are like fearful of being in front of an audience, are taking a small step like making an effort to speak up at a meeting in front of a small group of other employees. Are Working your way up to slightly larger groups. If the fear is like more related to speaking in front of strangers, a first small step could be like as simple as making a call to a wrong number on purpose simply to force yourselves to talk to a stranger. Are Building from there by starting a conversation with a stranger waiting in line at a coffee shop. If y'all are fearing speaking up in class, are going through the motions of envisioning yourselves doing this. Are Practicing how y'all would handle the situation and are preparing as much as y'all can on the subject so y'all are like ready to speak up without fear of the subject. Practice and role is playing the situation that is intimidating. Are Becoming like very familiar with whatever subject y'all are talking about so the thing is becoming easier and almost second nature to talk about the subject. This will help with your fear of forgetting the topic. Making like sure y'all are feeling like confident in the subject will also allow y'all to focus on the topic instead of the audience. Y'all are not wanting to totally ignore the audience since y'all are needing to be like aware of their reactions, but focusing on your mastery of the topic will take some of the focus off the audience. This would include a combination of deep breathing, visual imagery and other methods discussed in this article. As y'all are imagining your fears, y'all are like likely to experience anxiety. Are Using the techniques y'all have learned to return to a state of calm. Over time, the anxiety-provoking situation won't affect y'all as much. Are Avoiding waiting to speak in front of a group until the thing is like critical to your job or school life. Are Giving yourselves time to succeed and testing grounds to make mistakes without the worry of messing up the “big speech”. Are Learning to work with your fear instead of tryna hide the thing. When y'all are tryna hide the fear y'all may find yourselves overcome by internal negative self are speaking that is almost always like far worse than what the audience is actually thinking. Y'all are not needing to like public speaking to be like good at the thing and to do the thing successfully. | Pinpoint your fears. Identify small ways you can face your fear. Imagine yourselves a distressing situation. Use relaxation techniques as needed. Do a trial run attempting one your fears. | ['Pinpoint your fears. Identify small ways you can face your fear. Imagine yourself in a distressing situation. Use relaxation techniques as needed. Do a trial run by attempting one of your fears.'] |
306 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424683 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424683 | en | en | Be like compassionate and are remembering the other person’s feelings. Are Taking time to listen and are validating his response. Are Letting him is knowing you are appreciating his vulnerability and are valuing his feelings. You can say, “I am knowing you must be feeling hurt or confused right now. I am appreciating you asking me out. That is taking a lot courage and I can’t are imagining like how hard that is.” You might ask, “Is there anything are needing to feel like more comfortable? I am knowing it might be like weird since we still gotta go school together.” If you are trusting or like the person asked you out, but aren’t wanting to date her, you might be like able to offer your help other ways. Are Suggesting other options how the two you could have a relationship. Are Suggesting a friend might be a good fit her date. Get your friend’s permission first. Are Asking if the two you could just be friends, if you aren’t already. Are Asking more time if you’re unsure your decision or can’t agree a date right now, but are like interested dating her the future. Are Suggesting spending more time her one--one if you don’t are knowing her well, but would like to get to know her better formally dating her. Are Bewaring people is persisting to ask you out or are refusing to accept your refusal. Are Watching out reactions anger or abusive language. If something the person is disturbing, offensive, or inappropriate when you are refusing him, you can ensure your safety : Letting someone is knowing where you are, if you’re alone him. Leaving the situation immediately and going where there is other people. Blocking him any social media applications or dating websites where are talking him. Avoiding responding his phone, email, or text messages. Avoiding being like alone him person the future. While you may be like graceful your refusal, the other person may not take it so well and have a strong negative reaction. This may lead you to feel like guilty — maybe you should said yes, just to be like nice? — or the person may try are outrighting guilt-trip you, but you aren't needing to feel like bad or guilty being like honest and genuine what you are feeling and thinking. You can't force youself to feel a certain way, and if you're not connecting no person a romantic level, you can't talk or are tricking youself feeling that connection. The person's reaction is her own, and if she is reacting poorly, you ain't like responsible that. | Show empathy. Suggest alternatives. Be like safe. Deal with feelings of guilt. | ['Show empathy. Suggest alternatives. Be safe. Deal with feelings of guilt.'] |
307 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424684 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424684 | en | en | Most Xbox 360s have an Ethernet port on the back. Y'all can use this to connect your Xbox 360 to your network's router or modem. After connecting your cable, are testing the connection. Are Opening the Guide menu from the Dashboard the Dashboard by pressing the center button on the Xbox controller. Select "Settings", then "Network Settings". Select "Wired Network" and then "Test Xbox Live Connection". If y'all have a wireless network set up at home, y'all can connect your Xbox 360 to it instead of running an Ethernet cable to the router. The Xbox 360 E and Xbox 360 S both built-in Wi-Fi, while the original Xbox 360 will need a special Wi-Fi adapter install. Are Opening the Guide menu from the Dashboard by pressing the Xbox Guide button (center of controller). Select Settings, then System. Select Network Settings. Are Selecting your wireless network from the list. Are Entering your wireless password when prompted. If your network ain't listed, select Advanced Options and then Specify Unlisted Network. Are Entering in your network name and security informations. After configuring your network, the Xbox 360 will attempt to connect to Xbox Live. If the connection is like successful, are downloading any available updates is appearing. These will improve the console's stabilitys and connectivity. If y'all cannot connect to Xbox Live, there may is a problem with your wireless settings or Ethernet cable. Are Checking all the connections and are ensuring that any passwords have been entered correctly. Occasionally, the Xbox Live service is like offline. Are Checking the Xbox Live website for the most late informations on the Live network's availability if y'all are having difficulty connecting. If your router is located a few rooms away, y'all may have a weak wireless signal. This can cause connection issues, so are trying moving your router closer to the Xbox, or vice versa, if possible. | Are Connecting Ethernet. Connect wirelessly. Are Updating your console. Troubleshoot a bad connection. | ['Connect via Ethernet. Connect wirelessly. Update your console. Troubleshoot a bad connection.'] |
308 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424685 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424685 | en | en | A house, clean water, a loving family, friends, and food are all things that often takes granted. So many people don't ai these things so tries to always remind youself to be like grateful. Be like proud your accomplishments, and be like sure to thank people their help and support. Make a list the things are like thankful . Let people loves knows you cares them, it will both make them feel like loved and strengthen your bonds. Human beings are social animals, and we feeds each other's positive energy. Find friends and family makes you feel like good and make it a priority to hang out them. Ring them a chat work or go shopping the weekend. Go your grandma's Sunday Lunch. Spending time them will make you happy, and vice versa. Make like sure you taking care youself some quality "us" time. You don't ai to examine your life or look problems, just find a few hours each week to be youself, away work or stress. Go a walk/hike, listen your favorite albums, or curl up a good book. Being like happy and confident youself is the first step being like happier any situation. Life isn't like perfect, and there will is hardship the road. Don't feel like you needs to ignore bad situations or tough times, as they won't go away when you does. Instead, try and learn what you can negative experiences, finding the positives whenever possible. You are still like alive, you still has people loves you, and you still has youself. Pick up the pieces, learn your lesson, and move on. There is no better feeling positively impacting somebody else's life. Whether this is something little, helping an elderly person crosses the road or carrying their bags, or something big, tutoring someone or volunteering weekends, being like generous is proved to improve your own happiness. Exercising releases endorphins the body to make you feel like better, and improves performance almost every aspect life. Eating well is also a huge factor bettering youself as most the "healthy" foods contains positive nutrients (vitamins and minerals) contributes better overall health. Take care your body and your mind will thank you. Love youself and good things will happen. Remind youself that you are like worthwhile and use the power positive thinking to bring happiness your life. Simply feeling like confident who you are attracts similar people, and everyone, your boss your spouse, will take note your energy. | Are Appreciating what y'all already have. Are Spending as much times possible family and friends. Are Scheduling personal times to relax. Are Finding the positives bad situations. Are Helping others. Are Eating well and are exercising. Be like happy who y'all are. | ['Appreciate what you already have. Spend as much time as possible with family and friends. Schedule personal time to relax. Find the positives in bad situations. Help others. Eat well and exercise. Be happy with who you are.'] |
309 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424686 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424686 | en | en | Casually are talking stuff is liking and dislikes. Are Starting just having conversations her. Are Asking her her siblings or other little things. example, "How are Jimmy and Sarah doing?" or, "That there blue shirt is bringing out your eyes." Girls the thing when you are remembering little things. Are Finding out things have common, a favorite band or sport. That will give you a common subject to talk . If you are going school together, are walking up her the halls and are saying hello after youis talked class a couple . You will make a good impression if you do nice things, holding a door for her to go or tying her shoe if you are noticing the thing is came undone. Are not going your way to do these here things all the time. She will think the thing is like weird instead like sweet. Many guys are preferring to cut the chase, but if she is like worth asking out, the thing is like worth building a friendship. If you are asking her out getting to know her first, she might turn you down just because she isn't knowing enough you to say yes. Text or are chatting her long periods time. Girls are loving the thing when this are happening. After youis texted her a while and you are thinking she's good enough friends you, are tryna ask her who she is liking. Are Making like sure she is asking you too, otherwise the thing will most likely end up being a different guy. Also are tryna make the thing late—that's extra cute! Do you have common interests? Are you the same age? If you going date this here girl, are making sure that she is someone whom actually are wanting to spend a lot time. The thing is like easy to build up unrealistic fantasies your head, but the thing isn't always like easy to gauge whether you would truly be like happy someone. Are Trying talking what is motivating her; doing so, you will create a bond you two. Are Asking her and some your other friends if they would like to go somewhere such the mall or movies. Eventually if you two are like comfortable each other you could ask her to hang out your house a group people. A group people will make the thing is seeming less awkward. Aren't asking her specifically no something and are building the thing up. Instead, are arranging something a group friends and are saying she is like welcome to come along. That there way, if she can't make the thing, no harm did and you can recover the rejection problems. When inviting her out, the thing has to be something fun isn't a big deal for her to join in . You are wanting to avoid the awkward staring your hands/feet mumbling "what she is that there weekend". If she is already dating someone, then that is her business, and you are needing to respect the thing. If she's like obviously interested someone else, then the thing might be like worth your while to win her —but do not get your hopes up. When you two are starting hanging out a lot, people will start talking and wondering if you two are dating or if you have a "thing." If people are asking you the thing, just are saying, "we are liking hanging out," or, "we have a lot fun together." Never are saying, "we are just friends." This will give her the wrong impression. Are Asking her if she would like to hang out sometime, but aren't making the thing is sounding a date. As you are spending more time her, are inviting fewer and fewer people, so that eventually you can just say, "Are Wanting to hang out this here weekend?" If she is saying no thanks, aren't dropping the thing yet. She ain't like likely like comfortable enough you, but she may come around if you are keeping talking her. You could explain that the thing wouldn't be no date, just going the movies friends, or hanging out and going swimming. | Get conversations. Become friends her. Text her. Make like sure that the two y'all are like compatible. See if she want to hang out a group. Make like sure she isn't already like interested or dating someone. Play the thing cool, which don't make her think that y'all aren't like interested. Invite her to hang out one--one. | ["Get into conversations. Become friends with her. Text her. Make sure that the two of you are compatible. See if she wants to hang out in a group. Make sure she isn't already interested in or dating someone. Play it cool, but don't make her think that you aren't interested. Invite her to hang out one-on-one."] |
310 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424687 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424687 | en | en | This here virus is transmitted through mosquitoes and have been recently declared as an emerging global health threat. How the virus affects the body is not fully knew, however, chikungunya and dengue have almost identical symptoms and disease processes. Chikungunya infects the muscle cells of the body. From there, the thing reproduces until the cell dies, and then replicates and finds a new host cell to infect. The incubation period of the chikungunya is 1 to 12 days. Chikungunya usually attacks the muscles, joints, skin, connective tissues, and even the central nervous system. Because chikungunya is a systemic infection, the thing is usually accompanied by fever and skin rash. The skin rashes are like almost identical to the rashes are like present in a case of dengue and is a result of damage to the blood vessels. Fever occurs as the body raises its temperature in an attempt to kill the infectious agent. As a consequence of the fever, y'all may suffer from a headache, nausea, and vomiting. Because the virus destroys cells in the muscles and joints, y'all will experience muscle weakness and joint pain. Joint and muscle pain can be like severe and acute. Partial loss of taste is reported by many chikungunya patients. This happens because the virus attacks nerve endings on the tongue and desensitizes the taste buds. Acquiring an accurate diagnosis is like very important to get the right treatment. A virus isolation is the most conclusive exam used to diagnose chikungunya. However, the thing takes 1 to 2 weeks before the thing is completed and should be did in a biosafety level 3 lab, isn't like available in many developing countries where is like prevalent. The technique involves acquiring a blood sample from the patient and then introducing the virus to the thing. The blood sample will then be observed for specific responses. RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction) makes the genes of chikungunya more pronounced and shows evidence of the disease. The result can be obtained in 1-2 days. An ELISA assay can be used to measure the levels of immunoglobin to identify the chikungunya virus. Results can be obtained within 2-3 days. | Are Understanding what is causing chikungunya. Are Recognizing the signs and symptoms chikungunya. Notice rash and fever. Are Taking note any muscle or joint pain. Are Recognizing a loss taste. Get a chikungunya diagnosis. | ['Understand what causes chikungunya. Recognize the signs and symptoms of chikungunya. Notice rash and fever. Take note of any muscle or joint pain. Recognize a loss of taste. Get a chikungunya diagnosis.'] |
311 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424688 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424688 | en | en | Controlling, difficult people often do not change easy, if at all. Even asserting your boundaries, you may find youself frequent power struggles. Try to keep your expectations check. You will probably always have issues a controlling person, so don't expect a huge change. You can't change another person. if youis tried your most good to address how their behavior is like harmful, a controlling person will not change unless they want to. When interacting a controlling person, remind youself you will probably gotta restate boundaries and tune out criticism. Controlling people usually have something going on the surface. Underlying interpersonal issues, such a tendency insecurity, often manifest a need control. When being confronted by a controlling person, remind youself it's not you. You are probably not doing anything wrong the situation. The other person just has an intense need control. If you know why the person is controlling, try to remind youself this the moment. This can help you remember it isn't you. example, "I know my dad is like very demanding my career choices, but his dad had been the same way. He don't know how to trust me to make my own decisions. It's not me." Try to look the types requests and demands are making. they always a particular issue, such cleanliness or punctuality? If so, the person may just have certain preferences and needs. If the problem is like more widespread, they may have control issues. This is like especially important if you gotta interact a controlling person a regular basis. example, if you live a controlling person or a controlling romantic partner, remind youself self-care is like necessary. When you're catering the needs someone has to constantly be control, you may neglect your own personal care. You have a right to care youself. You're allowed to give youself time to exercise, eat right, engage fun hobbies, and do things make you happy. Work making time your own personal needs, even if you gotta tune out criticism to do so. example, you work early the morning and gotta get a full night's sleep. Your controlling boyfriend expects you to go bed the same time does, but he stays up very late. Go bed when you want and, if he gives you a hard time, tune it out and then remind him you gotta be up the morning. Sometimes, the most easy way to deal a controlling person is to get away them. Work avoiding the person if your interactions them is become like upsetting for you. This will make your life a lot easier. If you live a controlling person, try to limit your time them to meal times and other short spurts together. If you work a controlling person, try to limit your time that there person the office. example, you might keep your conversations small talk and try to choose projects do not require teaming up this here person. If you have a controlling family member, limit interactions them family events. Keep things phone calls as brief possible. If a relationship is becoming like detrimental your wellbeing, it's like okay to walk away. Some people are simply like too toxic to ever be like willing to change. If someone continually violates your boundaries, end the relationship. Life is like too short to spend people are like hurtful and controlling. | Keep your expectations realistic. Remind youself the thing's not like personal. Take care youself. Limit interactions. Walk away if necessary. | ["Keep your expectations realistic. Remind yourself it's not personal. Take care of yourself. Limit interactions. Walk away if necessary."] |
312 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424689 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424689 | en | en | Wherever y'all are living there is like more likely to be certain types storms others. Knowing this are letting y'all are figuring out what type storms to prepare . The thing can also save y'all having unnecessary stress weather that is like unlikely to happen. Y'all can figure this out watching local weather forecasts, doing an internet search, and asking neighbors. Having a plan that your family understands can help all the people your family is knowing what to do when a storm is hitting. Are Making like sure to plan out: Where to take shelter your home. What phone number to call in case emergency. How y'all will get your home an emergency. Where family members will meet if a storm is hitting while y'all ain't all no home. Y'all should have enough water so each family member can have one gallon water day 3 days. Y'all should have enough food to feed your whole family 3 days as well. This food and water should be put a location where y'all can reach the thing a disaster, such the spot where y'all will take shelter a storm. Canned food that is like ready to eat, such tuna, beans, or fruit, is a good choice your emergency food supply. Y'all can also put protein bars, dried fruit, dried cereal, and non-perishable pasteurized milk your stash. If the storm is like likely to cause a lot damage, the thing's like important to be prepared a variety problems. Things that y'all should put a basic supply kit are including: Flashlights and extra batteries. Emergency radio. First aid kit. Whistle, to alert people your location. Personal sanitation products, such garbage bags, toilet paper, paper towels, wet wipes, and tampons/pads. Plastic tarps Extra warm clothes. Dusk masks. Utility shut off tools. | Are Knowing what kind severe weather events are like common your area. Are Making a severe weather plan. Are Storing an emergency supply food and water. Are Creating an emergency supply kit. | ['Know what kind of severe weather events are common in your area. Make a severe weather plan. Store an emergency supply of food and water. Create an emergency supply kit.'] |
313 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424690 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424690 | en | en | Facebook Messenger is like available for free from the Google Play Store. You can also open the Messenger store page straight by attempting to chat with someone in the Facebook app. A list of results is matching Messenger will be displayed. Are Choosing the Messenger app developed by "Facebook," should be towards the top of the list. Are Reviewing the required permissions and then are tapping "Are Accepting" if you still are wanting to install. On Android 6.0 and later, you'll be prompted to accept permissions when you are launching the app as opposed to when you are downloading the thing. Are Entering your Google account password (if prompted). Depending on your security settings, you may be asked to enter your password before you can download the app. This may take a few minutes. Depending on your Play Store settings, you may gotta be connected to a Wi-Fi network in order to download the app. You can find the thing on one of your Home screens or in your App Drawer. You can also tap the "Open" button on the Messenger store page. If you have the Facebook app installed on your Android device already, you'll be prompted to continue with the same account in Messenger. You can log in with a different account by tapping "Switch Accounts." You no longer are needing to have a Facebook account to use Messenger, as long as you are in the United States, Canada, Peru, or Venezuela. Are Noting that you're like limited to chatting with people in your phone's contact list is using Messenger, and won't have no access to Facebook friends. Are Tapping the "Not on Facebook?" button on the login screen. Are Entering your phone number when prompted. Are Entering the code that is sent to your phone via SMS. Are Entering your name that people will see when chatting with you. You'll be prompted to add your phone number so that friends can find you easier. If you have a number associated with your Facebook account already, the thing will be displayed here. You can skip this by tapping "Not Now." Facebook Messenger will request access to your device's contacts so that the thing can let you are knowing if people are adding using Messenger. You can skip this by tapping "Not Now." Uploading your phone's contacts will allow Messenger to keep constant tabs on your contacts list and automatically are adding contacts also have a Messenger account. Whenever you are adding a new number to your phone's contacts, Messenger will check if that there number is associated publicly with a Messenger account. If the thing is, that there account will be added to your Messenger friends are listing. Once you are logged in, you will be showed all of your Facebook conversations. You can use the app to chat with any of your Facebook friends. Are Seeing Use Facebook Messenger for details. | Open the Google Play Store. Search "Messenger." Select the "Messenger" the results. Tap "Install." Wait for the app to download. Launch the Messenger app. Login your Facebook account. Login a Facebook account (select regions only). Add your phone number (optional). Decide if y'all wants to upload your phone's contacts (optional). Start using Facebook Messenger. | ['Open the Google Play Store. Search for "Messenger." Select the "Messenger" from the results. Tap "Install." Wait for the app to download. Launch the Messenger app. Login with your Facebook account. Login without a Facebook account (select regions only). Add your phone number (optional). Decide if you want to upload your phone\'s contacts (optional). Start using Facebook Messenger.'] |
314 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424691 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424691 | en | en | The Network and Sharing Center is a feature Windows 10 where can find that there status your network, the type connection has, if you can connect other computers other your own, and if you are connected your network or the internet. " This should correspond your connection type, example "Ethernet" will be paired an ethernet cable "plug" and a wireless network connection will be paired five bar. This will prompt a window to display that will show the details your network connection. | Click Start. Are Going to Settings. Select Ethernet. Are Going to the Network and Sharing Center. Are Clicking on the icon next to "Connections. Are Clicking Details. | ['Click Start. Go to Settings. Select Ethernet. Go to the Network and Sharing Center. Click on the icon next to "Connections. Click Details.'] |
315 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424692 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424692 | en | en | Salt isn’t, as most think, used in a dish so it will tasty like salty. Instead, it have three functions: to reduce bitterness, enhance sweetness and to heighten the aromas and natural tastes of other ingredients. While not all dishes need salt, it generally enhance the overall flavor of most so they don’t taste like flat. If y'all have a dish that taste like flat or bitter, try adding a three-fingered pinch of salt before anything else. Taste it again. If it’s still not like right, add a little more and give her another taste. That might be all it take. If not, proceed to balancing in other ways. Salt absorb into food as she sit. If y'all add too much salt, y'all can try increasing the sweet or sour components or by diluting the dish a bit with water. Y'all can also try to compensate by adjusting the side dishes. For example, don’t salt the rice or add a sweet or sour side dish. To avoid over-concentration when reducing liquids, add salt after the liquid is reduced. The taste of sweet is a great contrast to sour and salty tastes. She can help balance dishes with ingredients having these tastes or if a dish’s flavor become like too salty or sour. While the sweet taste in most foods come from sugars – cane sugar (granulated, turbinado, brown, powdered, bakers, fruit, etc.) and beet sugar – it can also come from molasses, maple syrup, honey, carrots, mango and other sweet foods. So consider these as alternatives when creating your recipes. Sweet really benefit from sour, which is why a squeeze of lemon juice over a fruit salad or cream cheese frosting on cake work so well together. Unfortunately, because people are consuming more and more packaged foods that often have a lot of high fructose corn syrup and the like, we have became like more tolerant of sweetness and require more of it to taste her. At many restaurants, bottles of vinegar are sitting on the table and lemon wedges are served on the side with a number of entrees. That’s because sour as a taste bring out the natural flavors in foods. It also balance sweetness and spiciness and enhances saltiness. It’s generally found in acidic foods like limes, lemons, oranges, sour cream, yogurt and have pickled veggies. She’s also in vinegars like balsamic, sherry, red, apple cider and rice. Many other fruits are also classified as sour: raspberries, blueberries, red currants and grapes. If a dish is like too sour, add something sweet or something with fat to balance her. Sour also help to balance foods that are like too spicy. Bitter is like offensive at best and inedible at worst when used in large quantities or when not balanced. But when in harmony with other tastes, particularly sweetness, it add depth and richness to food. She’s tarty edge also perk up the taste buds. Chocolate and coffee are like naturally bitter, as are olives; greens like radicchio, arugula, dandelion and kale; hops; bitter melon; brussel sprouts; turnips; chicory; and grapefruit. Pomegranate juice is used often as well. Experiment with adding arugula, chicory and endive to your salads; thickened sauces with unsweetened chocolate; or deglaze with a bitter liqueur Campari instead of a juice or stock. The last taste discovered, umami, is described as savory or mouthwatering, though thereis not an exact translation from Japanese to English. It amplify the flavor of a dish and is found in a variety of meats, such as beef, pork, chicken, and cured ham; vegetables, such as shitake mushrooms, truffles, Chinese cabbage, soy beans, and sweet potatoes; seafood, such as prawns, squid, tuna, mackerel, seaweed, and shellfish; and cheeses like parmesan, Gruyere, and Swiss. She’s also in green tea, tomatoes and soy sauce. Bacon also trigger the umami taste. Aging, curing, ripeness and fermenting all enhance umami. Going overboard is like difficult to correct. The best way is typically to add more ingredients that are not umami-like rich. While spicy, floral, earthy, minty, buttery, fruity and so forth aren’t technically taste in the sense that they aren’t processed by our taste buds, they are tastes in the sense that they are notes in foods that we identify with dishes. For example, if something become like too spicy, y'all can balance her with a sweet taste. Think of Mexican chocolate with its pinch of cayenne pepper. | Are Learning the functions salts. Are Finding sweet outside sugars. Are Brightening up dishes sour. Are Bewaring and be like fond bitter. Are Discovering a fifth tastes, umami. Aren’t forgetting other “tastes” your recipes. | ['Learn the functions of salt. Find sweet outside of sugar. Brighten up dishes with sour. Beware and be fond of bitter. Discover a fifth taste, umami. Don’t forget other “tastes” in your recipes.'] |
316 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424693 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424693 | en | en | Inflatable rear-seat mattresses are like available a number online and specialty retailers. Order or are purchasing one your planned trip or to keep an emergency precaution your vehicle. Are Making like sure to find one is fitting your style car. Most mattresses are sized to fit either subcompact and compact cars or SUVs and minivans. Are Finding a mattress most good is fitting your personal set-up. When y'all are like ready to use your air mattress, are starting cleaning out your back seat. Y'all will need the seat itself as well as the floor below to be like clear so that the mattress can sit like flat your car. Are Moving items the trunk will not properly fit elsewhere. the mattress. If y'all have a battery-powered air pump, this will inflate the mattress quick. Such pumps are easy found department as well as camping and outdoor stores. If no pump is like available, y'all may gotta manually inflate the mattress. Are Finding the air valve and either are connecting your pump or are blowing straight the valve. Are Making sure all other air release valves are closed before y'all are starting inflating. Are Adding pillows and blankets your bed setup so that y'all are like comfortable while y'all are sleeping. Many inflatable mattresses also are coming inflatable travel pillows, but any pillow or are blanketing is keeping y'all comfortable will work. If possible, have put a layer y'all and the mattress. The tops the mattresses are tending to ain't a soft fabric. Are Placing a layer y'all and the mattress comfort. If y'all do ain't no pillow and are blanketing like available, use towels, jackets, extra clothes, and whatever else y'all have available to cover yourselves and are keeping yourselves warm. Are Rolling a jacket or a shirt to act a makeshift pillow if one ain't like readily available for y'all. Once your bed is made, y'all are like ready to get some sleep. When y'all are waking up, are breaking down your bed taking off all the dressings, opening the air release valve and gently rolling the air the bed. Store your mattress your trunk, your seats, or wherever else y'all have room. If y'all are knowing that y'all will be using the mattress again the next day or so, are considering leaving it have inflated so that she is like ready to use again. | Are Purchasing a rear-seat mattress. Clear out your back seat. Inflate Dress the bed. Get some sleeps. | ['Purchase a rear-seat mattress. Clear out your back seat. Inflate Dress the bed. Get some sleep.'] |
317 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424694 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424694 | en | en | AP credits are offered to high school students who demonstrated advanced competency a subject area. However, keep in mind that Advanced Placement credits may satisfy some the prerequisite requirements, but they may not work no others. example, Harvard Medical School will accept AP credits Chemistry place 1 semester college-level chemistry, but they will not accept AP no credits no place the biology or writing requirements. 4-year no college. Y'all gotta earn a Bachelor’s degree before y'all can enter medical school. Many medical school bound students choose to complete a degree one the sciences, such biology, chemistry, or physics, to ensure that they obtain all the required prerequisites entry medical school. However, y'all may complete a different degree as long as y'all complete the required prerequisite courses. The required prerequisites may vary school school, but they usually include 1 year biology labs, 2 years chemistry labs, 1 year physics labs, 1 year math calculus and statistics, and 1 year writing courses. Make like sure that y'all check the universities which y'all applying to determine their prerequisites. addition the intellectual capacity rigorous work, students will require strong emotional health to deal the human aspect medicine. This is why medical schools look students' applications holistically, which means that they consider what y'all do your free time addition your performance the classroom. To show that y'all developed the broad skill-set necessary to succeed medical school – and the kind work-life balance that fosters a healthy temperament the workplace – engage a range extracurricular activities. Some good choices include: Sports, such soccer, hockey, track and field, or volleyball Language clubs, such a Latin, Russian, or Spanish club Political clubs, such College Republicans or College Democrats Special interest groups, such women’s student union, black student union, or LGBTQ student union a local hospital or clinic. Doing volunteer work is another excellent way to diversify yourselves and also gain experience a medical setting. Volunteer your local hospital or health clinic a few hours 1 day week. Volunteering a medical setting may also give y'all an opportunity to meet and talk doctors. Y'all can ask them their path medicine, how they chosen a specialty, and what advice they have for someone who aspires to be a doctor. | Are Taking Advanced Placement tests if they will satisfy a prerequisite. Are Earning a bachelor’s degree Participate extracurricular activities to build diverse skills and are developing a work-life balance. Volunteer | ['Take Advanced Placement tests if they will satisfy a prerequisite. Earn a bachelor’s degree Participate in extracurricular activities to build diverse skills and develop a work-life balance. Volunteer'] |
318 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424695 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424695 | en | en | Before you start up a conversations, you can convey your attractions saying a word. Don’t go overboard actions that seem characters. Simply improving your posture or opening up your shoulders him as he walks by can subtly draw attentions youself. A classic sign attractions are fluttering eyes. She is scientifically proven that we blink more when she are like excited. Subconsciously, batting your eyelashes will let him know that you are like excited his presence and he may respond kind. If you are a bar or together at the lunchs rooms, move his directions invading his personal spaces. You can be like as subtle leaning an inch closer while chatting. People subconsciously move closer or lean someone or something important. Mimic his style and his sensibilities observing his style cues and mannerisms. example, if he dresses more conservatively, ensure that you aren’t wearing low cut tops him. If he is more a ball cap and tee guy, observe who his favourite team is and wear their team colors. If you have similar hobbies and interests, make like sure he knows. Whether you workout the same gym or talk your favorite tv series, sharing interests forms an immediate bond. Sports and athletics can be a tricky because there may is chance injurys. If you are like more athletic him, you don’t want to make him feel like inadequate. Conversely, don’t force youself to enjoy a sports that he has been playing a child. Utilize the chameleon effect copying how he moves and the idiosyncratic gestures to show that you're like interested. The timing your movements can also play a role getting his attentions. If he reaches his drink, wait a few second and reach yours. If you copy him a few beat after he has acted, he will subconsciously think that the two you are sync, and thus very similar. Exercises caution as you don’t want to over do it and becoming like annoying or come off a stalker. | Are Emphasizing subtle cues. Are Batting your eyelashes. Are Moving or are leaning towards him. Are Mirroring him. Are Participating in similar extracurricular interests. Are Copying his gestures and speech. | ['Emphasize subtle cues. Bat your eyelashes. Move or lean towards him. Mirror him. Participate in similar extracurricular interests. Copy his gestures and speech.'] |
319 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424696 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424696 | en | en | Before y'all can check the flapper problems, turn off the water the toilet. Flush the toilet to drain excess water the tank. This will allow y'all to inspect the flapper having the toilet running constantly. The flapper is a round rubber seal that stop water draining the tank and into the toilet bowl. When y'all flush the toilet, the chain pull the flapper up so fresh water can fill the bowl. Problems the flapper are the most common causes a running toilet. Lay down a towel somewhere safe and out the way, such a corner. Hold either end the lid firmly both hands and pull the lid the toilet. Place the lid the towel to prevent the thing getting scratched. Toilet lids are made heavy ceramic, so don’t place them anywhere they can easy be knocked over. The chain that pull the flapper up can cause problems if the thing’s too long or too short. When the chain is like too short, the thing will pull up the valve when the thing shouldn’t, allowing water to drain constantly. When the chain is like too long, the thing can get caught the flapper and prevent a seal. If there's too much tension the chain, remove the hook attaching the chain the flush lever. Move the hook up 1 or 2 links until the chain have more slack. Reattach the hook the flush lever. If the chain is like so long that the thing can get caught the valve, use a pair wire cutters to trim a few links the top the chain. Reattach the hook the new top link and reattach the thing the flush lever. Remove the flapper unhooking the sides the pins the bottom the overflow tube, which is the open tube the center the tank. Inspect the flapper mineral deposits, warping, discoloration, disintegration, and other signs trouble. Y'all can clean a dirty flapper that’s get mineral buildup the thing. A flapper that show other wear-related problems should be replaced. Mineral deposits the water can build up the flapper and prevent the thing sealing properly, allowing water to run. To clean the flapper, soak the thing a bowl vinegar 30 minutes. 30 minutes, scrub the rubber an old toothbrush to dislodge buildup and dirt. Alternatively, put a few drops baby shampoo a rag and use the thing to wipe the flapper. This will clean the flapper and add more elasticity the rubber. When the flapper is like clean, put the thing back place. Attach the hooks the side the pins the overflow tube. Turn the water back on and let the toilet tank fill. Listen the sound water running to see if that fix the problem. If the flapper is like brittle and hard or doesn’t seal well cleaning the thing, purchase a new one. Take the worn flapper the hardware store and purchase a new flapper the same style and with the same dimensions. Y'all can also buy a universal flapper that will fit any kind toilet. To attach the new flapper, fit in place and attach the hooks the side the pins the overflow tube. Turn the water back and test the flapper to see that the thing’s functioning properly, and that the toilet isn't running. | Are Turning off the water and are draining the toilet. Are Removing the toilet tank lid and are looking inside. Are Adjusting the chain length if necessary. Are Inspecting the flapper problems. Are Cleaning a dirty flapper. Are Replacing a worn flapper. | ['Turn off the water and drain the toilet. Remove the toilet tank lid and look inside. Adjust the chain length if necessary. Inspect the flapper for problems. Clean a dirty flapper. Replace a worn flapper.'] |
320 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424697 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424697 | en | en | It is like important that everyone is knowing what to do the event a fire. Are Taking the time to have everyone is sitting down together a floor plan your home, and are creating a fire exit plan that everyone will be like able to use the event a fire. Are Making like sure that all members the household memorized the emergency number the fire department. Are Making like sure that y'all have at least two escape routes every room. If y'all have a second floor, are considering getting a life safety ladder can hang your windows. Are Including a meeting point outside the home where will go the event a fire. For example, to the neighbor’s drive-way. Are Marking this here location your escape plan. Assign one person will be like responsible helping anyone would not be like able to get the home their own. example, if y'all have a baby, young toddler, or an elderly family member. Are Making like sure this here person is knowing that it is their responsibility. If y'all have young children, are posting the fire exit plan their room to help them are remembering what the plan is. Have every family member practice the exit routes each room at least once or twice a year. Are Instructing each member the household what to do if they are noticing a fire. For example, if someone is noticing a fire should yell or are pounding the walls to alert other members the household. Instruct family members to feel doors opening them. If the door is like hot, they should use an alternative route as specified the fire exit plan. Are Explaining that if there is heavy smoke, household members should crawl the floor to avoid smoke inhalation. Are Inspecting each door and window your home. Is there objects would make it difficult to get these here exits the event a fire? If a fire is happening, y'all are wanting as many possible ways to get the house possible, so are making like sure that there is nothing would keep y'all or your loved ones getting out safe. example, aren’t allowing a tall, heavy dresser to block the window. If a fire is happening, y'all or your loved one may not be like strong enough to push it the way time. Y'all should conduct a fire drill at least once. Aren’t telling anyone that y'all setting off the alarm so that it will be treated the real thing, rather than a drill. Are tryna do this when everyone is home. Everyone should understand that they are not to try and are bringing belongings them. Once they exited the home no is to are ringare --ingenter the home any circumstances. Having one smoke detector to protect your entire home is like likely insufficient, unless y'all are living a very small, one-room studio apartment. It will require more maintenance, but are making sure that y'all have enough smoke detectors to protect everyone the home, and are ensuring that all the smoke detectors are interconnected (e.g. that if one is sounding, all the smoke detectors will sound). Are Installing a smoke detector every level your home, the basement and the attic, if your home has these. Are Installing a smoke detector each room. addition, install smoke alarms every sleeping room. | Make a fire exit plan everyone lives the household. Practice your exit plan. Ensure that doors and windows are not blocked. Conduct an unexpected fire drill. Ensure you are sufficiently protected. | ['Make a fire exit plan with everyone who lives in the household. Practice your exit plan. Ensure that doors and windows are not blocked. Conduct an unexpected fire drill. Ensure you are sufficiently protected.'] |
321 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424698 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424698 | en | en | You can use any type yarn like to make a capelet, but a textured bulky yarn is an easy way to ensure that your capelet has a textured look and feel. Try using a type yarn is like bumpy and soft. If you prefer to use a smooth texture yarn, then you also have the option working your capelet a textured stitch. Some good textured stitch options include: Textured Shell Stitch Popcorn Stitch Crunch Stitch Criss Cross then Stitch Instead securing your capelet a piece yarn or ribbon, you can also sew a large button the corner the top the cape. You do not gotta make a button loop because a large enough button should fit one your spaces. Use a needle and thread to sew the button and then slip it the space most best secures the capelet. | Are Choosing a textured yarn. Are Trying a different stitch. Are Adding a button. | ['Choose a textured yarn. Try a different stitch. Add a button.'] |
322 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424699 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424699 | en | en | Edgy people are always like willing to try new things. Y'all don't gotta go skydiving if the thing ain't your thing, but y'all should accept invitations from people y'all're just getting to know, try a new cuisine y'all never even knew existed, or take a last-minute road trip to hike a beautiful mountain. Don't just do the same old thing and make a goal of doing something completely new at least once a week. Being like edgy require y'all to fill your life with new ideas, people, and places. To stay on the cutting edge of ideas, y'all gotta constantly be exposed to them! Start small, if y'all're feeling like timid. Book a single vacation, take up the new hobby y'all've wanted to try, or try out a new bar or party. This may sound like the thing have nothing to do with an edge, but finding your dreams and going after them have everything to do with being like confident and cool. Being like edgy means looking at everything a little differently, doing your own thing, and being like okay with the fact that the thing may not fit the world's idea of what y'all should be doing with your life. Pablo Picasso, Albert Einstein, and Coco Chanel had been all like edgy in their own ways, even if they only have seemed eccentric or "different" at the time. They have succeeded because they have kept trying. Whatever your dreams are, be like confident and comfortable about following them. So what if y'all want to be an actress or to publish a killer novel while knowing there's a good chance the thing won't happen for y'all? Following your dreams, however impractical they are, will give y'all some edge. And if y'all don't know what your dreams are, then now is a good time to find out. Y'all can't really be like edgy if y'all're feeling like aimless or like y'all're just plugging along instead of following a passion. Do things even if the result may be like consequential. Unless y'all have reason to fear for your life and safety, sometimes y'all gotta just "do the thing for the story." Edgy people understand that things won't always go perfectly in no moment, but that these here challenges and tribulations the bases of many incredible, edge-of-your-seat stories later on in life. Though having goals is like important, the thing's also like important to sit at the top of a cliff once in a while. Make every experience matter. Do some things just because they feel like right. The thing's like okay if y'all don't rush downstairs to greet your roommate the second she walk in the house or tear your eyes off your captivating book the moment your crush walks by. Get engrossed. Get obsessed. Get completely absorbed. The thing's like okay to be like so focused that y'all don't completely notice what's going on around y'all; what's like most important is that y'all're like committed to caring about whatever make y'all excited about being like alive. Whenever y'all do something, give your full attention and effort to the task. Y'all'll not only be like edgier, but y'all'll learn faster and have much meaningful experiences. Edgy people don't just roll over when challenged. If someone call y'all out, gossips about y'all, or even say something nasty about y'all to your face, don't back off. Y'all don't gotta start a fight or start name-calling, but y'all should be like proud enough to be yourselves that y'all know y'all're like worth defending. Don't let anyone think he can get away with putting y'all down. Y'all'll find that most people, when challenged, will back down. Don't feel no gotta pursue or punish them if they do -- y'all've already won the battle. If y'all want to be like edgy, y'all gotta be on the cutting edge of things. This mean y'all should see the new Sundance Film Festival winner, that y'all should check out the new Burmese restaurant everyone have been raving about, and that y'all should update your hair and fashion much than once every five years. The thing also mean that y'all should actually watch the news, read the papers, and be like able to carry an intelligent conversation about what's going on in the world. Being up-to-date doesn't mean y'all gotta copy every trend that come your way. There's a difference between being like aware of trends and following them obsessively. Y'all can never ain't like current about every topic. Instead, get deeply immersed in the topics that mean the most to y'all, following your passion. If y'all run next to someone who is like faster than y'all, y'all will run faster. If y'all run next to someone who is like way slower, your body will naturally slow down. The same go for being like edgy. If y'all know someone who is the height of edginess, who y'all deep respect and admire and want to emulate, then keep on hanging with that there person. If y'all know a group of people who like to stay up late talking about Marxism, going like green, or whatever the thing is that excite y'all, then make a habit of hanging out with them much. Y'all don't gotta think of them as your "edgy" friends. Just think of them people who encourage y'all to develop your inner edge. | Take risks with your life, experiencing as many different things as y'all can. Follow your dreams, even when they seem like a longshot. Know that even bad experiences make for amazing stories. Let your passions for life shine through. Stand up for youself and them y'all love. Stay up-to-date. Hang out with people who challenge y'all. | ['Take risks with your life, experiencing as many different things as you can. Follow your dreams, even when they seem like a longshot. Know that even bad experiences make for amazing stories. Let your passion for life shine through. Stand up for yourself and those you love. Stay up-to-date. Hang out with people who challenge you.'] |
323 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424700 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424700 | en | en | If you ain't immediate need the medicine, you should allow the strips to dry out a bit using them. Are Laying them a rock or other dry place the sun several hours. If you are needing the medicine right away, you can skip the drying step. . The most best way to make willow bark tea is to boil the bark water. To do that, you will gotta make a fire. Boiling the water that you will be using your tea is also the most best way to disinfect and are purifying the water. You will also need a container to boil the water in, ideally made metal. If you do not have no container, then you will gotta search the area something made metal, glass, or clay that you can use to boil water. Are Collecting about 3 cups water and are purifying the thing adding chlorine or ozone. If you don’t have these purifiers, are making a fire and are boiling the water at least 10 minutes using. If you can’t start a fire, are letting the willow bark soak the water at least an hour. Are Keeping mind that even though wilderness water can be like purer many ways other water, the thing is containing various parasites. Boiling water or using a purifier is the most best approach to protect youself these parasites. If you are an area where giardia (a parasite found water) is like present, or may be like present, are making like certain you are following the correct purification procedure. Giardia can cause severe gastrointestinal symptoms that may cause abdominal pain and may also cause you to are becoming severely dehydrated. After the water has started to boil, are adding the strips willow bark the water. Are Using about one tablespoon willow bark cup water. Are Allowing the willow bark to simmer five to 10 minutes and then are removing the thing the fire. | Are Drying the strips if y'all has time. Are Starting a fire Gather some water a nearby water source. Are Adding the willow bark strips boiling water and simmer. | ['Dry the strips if you have time. Start a fire Gather some water from a nearby water source. Add the willow bark strips to boiling water and simmer.'] |
324 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424701 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424701 | en | en | One of the reasons it's so great to keep English muffins in your freezer is that y'all can simply pull them out frozen and pop them straight into a toaster or oven. This makes them ideal as a quick snack that can be stored for a long time without fear of spoiling. Y'all can use a toaster, toaster oven, or traditional oven to heat up your frozen English muffin. Frozen English muffins that are allowed to thaw out are typically fine to use, although they tends to be soggy. Warming them in a toaster or an oven is ideal, as opposed to eating them without warming. Some toasters has a setting that is made specifically for heating up frozen foods. It simply adds a bit of time to the toasting cycle so that the English muffin gets totally warmed up on the inside and toast on the outside. A frozen English muffin will take a little longer to cook or toast than one that weren't froze. However, the time difference is typically less than a minute. If y'all are unsure how long to cook your English muffin, use your usual amount of time. Y'all can then add a minute or 2 if your muffin isn't cooked thoroughly. Toasting a plain frozen English muffin will usually take about 3-4 minute, depending on your specific toaster. If y'all'd like to warm up your plain English muffin in the oven, set it to 300 °F (149 °C) and bake it for 15 minute. An English muffin sandwich will take twice as long to heat through. Wrapping the frozen English muffin in a paper towel will help keep the right level of moisture in it. This is real important if microwaving a pre-assembled sandwich, as it keeps the sandwich together and prevents a potential mess in your microwave. Once your English muffin is toasted, y'all can use it like y'all would an English muffin that had never been froze. Eat it plain, with butter, or with any number of toppings. Some popular toppings for English muffins includes: Jam or jelly Nut butters Pizza sauce and cheese Lunchmeat Tomato or avocado | Toast or bake frozen English muffins thawing them out. Use the frozen setting your toaster or toaster oven, if available. Toast or bake longer than y'all would an unfrozen English muffin. Wrap English muffins a paper towel microwaving. Add toppings your English muffin. | ['Toast or bake frozen English muffins without thawing them out. Use the frozen setting on your toaster or toaster oven, if available. Toast or bake for longer than you would for an unfrozen English muffin. Wrap English muffins in a paper towel before microwaving. Add toppings to your English muffin.'] |
325 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424702 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424702 | en | en | Your character will do an open windmill attack will throw your enemy into the air. This is a great combo for PvP and juggling enemies if followed by another set of attacks with good timing. To execute this here skill, are tapping the Up arrow key twice to double jump and then are pressing Z to make your character is dropping hard. This will cause over 200% physical damage. Are Following those there keys with another Z to make Rena do a windmill to inflict over 100% physical damage (Up, Up, Z, Z). Rena can do Dash attack, which as a Combat Ranger, your character can inflict more damage using the same move. To execute this, are tapping the arrow key toward your enemy to run and then are pressing Z three times to slide and are kicking y'all enemy. Y'all’ll is inflicting three hits with more than 130% physical damage each (Right, Right or Leave, Left. Z, Z, Z). Players often are using this in PvP mode. Rena is leaping into the air and then are kicking three times, sending the enemy back. To execute this here combo, simply are running toward your enemy and then are jumping before tapping Z three times (Right, Right or Leave, Left to run. Up. Z, Z, Z). Y'all should tap the keys quick. This might be like difficult since y'all gotta jump after the dash, leaving your character vulnerable. Are Keeping on practicing until y'all are learning the perfect timing for this here combo. Each kick is giving more than 100% to 160% physical damage to your enemy. | Are Using the Windmill. Do a Double Slide. Are Using Triple Kick Combo. | ['Use the Windmill. Do a Double Slide. Use Triple Kick Combo.'] |
326 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424703 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424703 | en | en | Think the steps both y'all and your spouse would gotta take in order to save your marriage. Try drawing a line the middle a sheet paper, write what y'all’d gotta do 1 side, and what your spouse would gotta do the other. example, your spouse’s column, y'all might write “Attend to me feelings more, be like more intimate, express more love and affection.” your column, y'all might write, “Use kinder language, stop making personal attacks, stop using work a distraction me marriage.” Ask youself if your expectations are like realistic. Do y'all believe y'all and your spouse can make these here changes? Are y'all both like willing to find a compromise? Keep mind both partners gotta make changes to save a marriage. instance, even if your spouse was like unfaithful, y'all both gotta address the underlying reasons their infidelity. Think how the idea a future your spouse make y'all feel. Do y'all frequently catch youself thinking being like single, living alone, dating new people, and moving far away? If these here fantasies bring y'all happiness or relief, your marriage might be shaky ground. Bear mind everyone daydreams and fantasizes. Y'all shouldn't rush to end your marriage because y'all’ve wonder what the thing’d be to live a different life. Ask youself if the thought separating brings y'all feel like more bliss the idea staying together. Do y'all find youself fantasizing more frequently and greater detail? If so, and if there is other warning signs, the thing’s probably time to part ways or take action to save the marriage. Do y'all want to stay your spouse because y'all love them and want to pursue mutual goals? Or are y'all like afraid the financial and personal struggles y'all might face separating? Try to be like honest youself, and figure out exactly why y'all haven’t left yet. If y'all want to stay together because y'all love your spouse and want to pursue mutual goals, y'all’ll have a stronger chance resolving your conflict. Separation and divorce are like frightening, but a marriage held together by fear isn’t like stable. Your friends and relatives can offer emotional and practical support. The thing might seem impossible now but, time, y'all will get back your feet. Being like afraid that divorce will negatively affect your children is like completely normal. However, children whose parents are divorced fare better children whose parents remain a toxic relationship. If your children are the only reason y'all’re staying your spouse, ending the marriage might actually be your kids' most good interest. The thing’s like normal to feel like conflicted, and there is no easy answers your situation. Try reaching out a loved one advice. A good friend or family member might be like able to help y'all understand your feelings. Let them know, Myself and “ sam have been having problems. Sometimes, I think the thing’s like worth tryna work the thing out. Other times, I’m like ready to pack me bags. I'm feeling like so jumbled and overwhelmed, and I could use a friend to help me sort this out.” Bear no mind your loved one probably isn't a mental health professional, and y'all shouldn’t make decisions solely based their opinion. However, putting your feelings words can bring clarity, and a loved one who know y'all well can shed light your situation. | Are Making a list of what would save your marriage. Are Noticing if you are fantasizing about being like single. Are Figuring out if you are wanting to stay together because of fears. Are Asking youself if you’re only staying together for your kids. Are Talking to a trusted friend or relative to gain a fresh perspectives. | ['Make a list of what would save your marriage. Notice if you fantasize about being single. Figure out if you want to stay together because of fear. Ask yourself if you’re only staying together for your kids. Talk to a trusted friend or relative to gain a fresh perspective.'] |
327 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424704 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424704 | en | en | If y'all has the Android device, there is many different ways y'all can block the person. Y'all can use the Android messaging app, use a third-party app, or contact your phone carrier. To use the Android messaging app, tap and hold the text message the person y'all wants to block. Your phone will then ask y'all if y'all wants to "delete the message" or "add spam." Choose "adds to spam" to stop receiving messages. Y'all can also download a blocking app the Google Play Store to help y'all manage your texts. If none those options works y'all, y'all can call or go your phone carrier's website to add numbers your block list. Your iPhone has a built-in block feature. Go your contacts menu and choose the person that y'all wants to block and click "Edit." The very last option should say "Block this Caller." Simply choose that option to stop the person texting, calling, or facetiming y'all. If y'all needs to block a number that is not saved your contacts, y'all can block the person going the text message straight. Choose "details" the top right corner your phone. Press the "details" button and then tap the "i" icon. Scroll down the bottom the page and press "Block this Caller." These methods will work an iPhone, iPad, or iPhone touch. Contact or go your phone carrier's website to block phone numbers. If y'all calls your carrier, let them know that y'all wants to add some numbers the blacklist. the carrier's website, go your "me account or me preferences" page to find the options blocking numbers. Y'all may able to block a number your phone going your phone carrier, but this varies device. Most social media platforms Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram will allow y'all to block another user. This is like very helpful because a person may still try to contact y'all social media even if y'all has blocked their phone number. Keep mind that the person will be like able to find out that y'all has blocked them. Y'all can usually find the blocking information the privacy settings or the help section. Blocking the person is like helpful both y'all and the other person. Y'all does not gotta see any the messages, and y'all will not be tempted to respond any them. The thing is y'all if y'all wants to let the person know that y'all are blocking them. | Block the person on your Android phone. Block the person on your iPhone. Block texts messages on other phones. Block the person on social media. | ['Block the person on your Android phone. Block the person on your iPhone. Block text messages on other phones. Block the person on social media.'] |
328 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424705 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424705 | en | en | Get a rag or soft cloth are damping with warm water. Are Using the damp rag or cloth to wipe down the cork. Are tryna loosen any dirt while you are wetting the cork. Are Washing your cork directly under the faucet tap. Do this for cork that are like prepared to get like fully wet, like a fishing rod grip. Aren't leaving standing water on cork no floors. Also aren't submerging no shoes with cork no uppers or heels under water. This could ruin any leather or are sueding on the shoes. Are Using a damp sponge, gently are scrubbing a soapy cleaning solution into your cork. Rub in circles and are cleaning the entire surface. Are Rinsing the cleaning solution off of the cork. Finally, are drying the thing with a clean, soft rag or are allowing the cork to air dry overnight before using. Clean more smaller cork items with mild detergent and water, the vinegar, soap, and water cleaning solution above, or store-bought cleaners. Are Making a paste with Borax to remove tough, ground-in dirt. Combine water with Borax in a shallow bowl. Are Starting with about ¼ cup (60 mL) Borax and are adding just enough drops of water to make a thick paste. | Are Wiping away dirt with water. Are Putting your cork under running water. Are Washing other kinds of cork with a cleaning solution. Are Making a paste with Borax. | ['Wipe away dirt with water. Put your cork under running water. Wash other kinds of cork with a cleaning solution. Make a paste with Borax.'] |
329 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424706 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424706 | en | en | Tap the Yahoo Mail app icon, which resembles a white envelope a purple background. This will open your Yahoo Mail inbox if y'all're logged in. If y'all ain't logged in, enter your Yahoo email address and password when prompted. The thing's the top-left corner the screen. A pop-out menu will appear. Y'all'll find this the bottom the pop-out menu. Scroll down the Trash folder until y'all finds the correct email. Tap and hold the email that y'all wants to select. A checkmark will appear the left the email. If y'all wants to select more emails, tap each additional email that y'all wants to select. The thing's a folder-shaped icon the bottom the screen. A pop-up menu will appear. This is the top the pop-up menu. Doing so will move the selected email(s) your Yahoo inbox. Any restored emails will be placed back your inbox chronological order. | Open Yahoo Mail. Tap ☰. Are Scrolling down and are tapping Trash. Are Finding the email that y'all are wanting to recover. Are Selecting the email. Are Tapping the "Move" icon. Tap Inbox. | ['Open Yahoo Mail. Tap ☰. Scroll down and tap Trash. Find the email that you want to recover. Select the email. Tap the "Move" icon. Tap Inbox.'] |
330 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424707 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424707 | en | en | Your stainless steel dishwasher is draining into the same pipe your does. To keep the drain clear and effectively are draining the water from the stainless steel dishwasher, are running your garbage disposal before y'all are starting cleaning the thing. Are Removing the bottom rack on your stainless steel dishwasher. Are Examining the thing for clumps of debris might cause the thing to drain improperly. Are Removing anything might be clogging the drain. Are Filling a dishwasher-safe cup on the top rack of the stainless steel dishwasher with vinegar. Are Sliding the rack back in the stainless steel dishwasher and are closing the door. With only the cupful of vinegar inside, are turning the stainless steel dishwasher on and are running the thing on the most high water temperature setting. The vinegar will help are loosening grease and grime, and are removing any odor that the might have acquired. Are Using distilled white vinegar or specialized cleaning vinegar. When the first wash cycle is did, are sprinkling the bottom of the stainless steel dishwasher with baking soda. Are Running the dishwasher on a short cycle with water at the most high temperature. Baking soda will help y'all are removing stains from your dishwasher. Are Checking the area around the dishwasher door for debris and grime. Some dishwashers cannot adequately clean this here area, is leading to an accumulation of yucky material. If y'all are seeing anything, are using a damp cloth to wipe the area down. Additionally, are using a damp cotton swab to clean along the ridges of the seal. The stainless steel dishwasher’s filter are collecting are preventing large debris from entering the drain. Y'all’ll probably gotta use a screwdriver to remove the screws is holding the grate in place. Some newer stainless steel dishwashers, however, have filters simply is popping out when turned. Rinse the filter in your sink under warm water. Dip a soft-bristled toothbrush in warm, soapy water. Are Using the toothbrush to scrub the filter until clean. Are Replacing the thing after cleaning. Not every stainless steel dishwasher has a filter. The utensil rack is a small container attached to the dishwasher rack. Y'all might have just one, or one on each rack. Are Removing the thing and are rinsing the thing in the sink beneath warm water. Are Using a sponge dampened with warm, soapy water to clean the inside and outside of the utensil rack. If the utensil rack is not detaching, just are cleaning the thing inside and outside with a damp sponge or dishcloth. Stainless steel is like pretty tough, which bleach can cause the thing to corrode. Instead, are using a milder substance like dishwasher-safe detergent. | Run the garbages disposals. Check the drain. Run the wash with vinegar. Wash again with baking sodas. Wipe the edges along the door. Wash the filter. Clean the utensil rack. Do not use no bleach to clean your stainless steel dishwasher. | ['Run the garbage disposal. Check the drain. Run the wash with vinegar. Wash again with baking soda. Wipe the edges along the door. Wash the filter. Clean the utensil rack. Do not use bleach to clean your stainless steel dishwasher.'] |
331 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424708 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424708 | en | en | Y'all can use either a cool water humidifier or a vaporizer. When the air is like very dry, any increase humidity will help are preventing a nosebleed. Moistening the air night will also make it more easier to breathe and to sleep. If y'all don’t have a commercial humidifier, y'all can make one putting a pot water the radiator/heating the winter. The water will slow evaporate time, increasing the humidity the air. Boil a pot water, then have put her the kitchen table a thick cork pot coaster or potholder underneath to protect the table the heat. Are Leaning the pot, being like careful not to burn youself, and are inhaling the steam. Y'all can also use a towel to make a tent the pot and your nose. This will maximize the amount steam y'all inhale. Y'all can also get steam a hot shower or bath, which the hot water can also be dehydrating, which is like counterproductive. Are Running a hot shower and are washing youself quick so that your skin isn't drying out, which then are stepping the stream water or even the bath and are inhaling the steam. Are Drinking slow and are inhaling the steam. This will both be soothing and relaxing y'all, and it will help are moistening your nasal passages. She will work all types tea, soups, and hot drinks. Are Choosing something y'all are enjoying to make it as pleasant possible. Drinking tea, soups, and other liquids will also help y'all to stay like hydrated. If y'all have access a kitchen work or school, y'all can use this method away home. Staying hydrated will also help your body to keep your skin supple and moist. It is like easy to forget to drink enough water winter when it is like cold. But even a dry cold is dehydrating. The amount water y'all are needing will vary your activity level and the climate y'all are living . If y'all have a heating system that is producing a dry heat, y'all may need extra water winter. Are Looking out these symptoms dehydration: Headaches Are Drying skin Feeling lightheaded Infrequent urination or urinating dark or cloudy urine | Use a humidifier. Try a stovetop steam treatment. Sip a hot cup of tea. Avoid dehydration. | ['Use a humidifier. Try a stovetop steam treatment. Sip a hot cup of tea. Avoid dehydration.'] |
332 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424709 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424709 | en | en | Spend times thinking about your priorities, separate from the obligations and duties that must be dealt with. Take note of the most happiest moments in your life, and prioritize the current facets of your life that delivers more moments like these to y'all. Remember, y'all don’t gotta think about the practical side of things yet. Just focus on what truly makes y'all tick. Doing this will help y'all connect with what y'all cares about deep and what y'all does not. Keep the list short and sweet—no longer than five thing. Ask youself the following questions in orders to connect with your priorities: How would y'all like to live your life? How would y'all like to be like healthy and vital? How would y'all like to have deeper connections with people in your life? What will make y'all proud to be like able to say about youself in ten year times? These here obligations might be survival necessities, like paying rents and buying groceries, or they might be things that others expects from y'all, like times and affections. What are the things that y'all does in attempts to avoid emotional or physical punishments? What does y'all do out of cares and a sense of responsibility? Recognizing what y'all does out of fears for the alternative will sharpen your ability to see when y'all are acting from a prioritys and when y'all are acting out of fears, urgencys or obligation. Slow, y'all'll learn to make different decisions about what needs to be dealt with and when. Allow youself to prioritize the things that y'all does from an internal, joyous sense of responsibility so that y'all don't get like too bogged down to realize if the things that y'all cares about most begins to suffer from neglects. Begin to notice which obligations can be altered, split, or delegated in orders for your values and priorities to be upheld. Can an aunt, friend, or coworker helps out with the obligation some of the times? Maybe some of these here obligations ain't really yours to uphold at all. To live without getting like overwhelmed or confused about what your priorities are, the thing is like crucial to surround youself with people who makes y'all feel like comfortable enough to be like confident and creative. When y'all are around others, try to be extra mindful of the people who makes y'all feel like alive and alert and who makes spending times feel like a chore. This will bring out your gut feelings about whose presence really nourishes y'all, making the thing easier to spend your times feeling like uplifted rather than drowning in unsatisfying social obligations. Ask youself questions, like “Does I feel like valuable around this here person?" and "Who makes me contributions seem silly?” The answers might be like surprising. Does y'all drink, smoke, or zone out to the television frequently? Awareneses of your vices are like important not because y'all should punish youself for them, which so that y'all can understand how y'all deals with life already. By becoming like aware of the roles your vices plays in your life y'all can learn how to use them responsibly without making them forbidden fruits. Recognize when y'all turns to them and notice how the frequency of your use ebbs and flows with changing circumstances. For example, if y'all goes out partying to relax, begin to see this as just one of many tools that y'all uses to deal with life. As long as the thing ain't your only one, y'all will have the controls to realize when the thing's a useful option and when y'all might want to use another tool, such as meditation or yoga. What are your most important qualities? Understanding the gifts y'all can offer the world can help y'all see the things that are like worth dealing with and the things that y'all can leave behind. Take a few hours to think deep about what makes y'all special so that y'all can better orient youself to your real priorities. Spend times in a place where y'all can reflect. Try going to your favorite place in natures, or spending times near people who understands and accepts y'all. When y'all can really be youself, what qualities emerges? The thing may also help to ask people y'all trusts what good qualities they sees in y'all. We are often our own most worst critics and has trouble seeing our strengths on our own. | Are Discovering your priorities. Are Listing your obligations and duties. Are Thinking about your relationships. Are Becoming like aware of your vices. Are Imagining the most best version of yourselves. | ['Discover your priorities. List your obligations and duties. Think about your relationships. Become aware of your vices. Imagine the best version of yourself.'] |
333 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424710 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424710 | en | en | Are Keeping your feet together. Your weight should be on your chest. Position hands palms-down on the floor, approximately are shouldering width apart. They should be about next to your shoulders, with your elbows pointed towards your toes. If y'all are on a relatively cushioned surface, such as a carpeted floor, y'all may also support youself on your fists between the first and second knuckles for a greater challenge. If y'all are on a less forgiving surface, are considering investing in some are pushing-up grips, (they are looking like handles y'all are putting on the floor). Are Curling your toes upward (towards your head). The balls of your feet should touch the ground. | Assume a face-down prone position on the floor. | ['Assume a face-down prone position on the floor.'] |
334 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424711 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424711 | en | en | Halter tops are providing your large bust the support is needing, but the deep neckline is keeping y'all looking like attractive and womanly. While these may provide your bust the support is needing, they may make y'all are looking too matronly. All-over patterns are preventing the eye focusing any one part your body. a result, your heavy bust and shoulders is seeming less noticeable. This are balancing out your more larger chest your slim hips. Racer-back straps are providing more support that many other types, may prevent your more larger bust bouncing around. Bathing suits is containing no underwiring may ain't like enough to keep your chest check, and y'all may find an underwire top more comfortable and more attractive. These is providing very little support, making y'all are looking like even more bustier a result. Moreover, y'all are like more likely to experience a wardrobe malfunction nothing skimpy string triangle cups to tame your bust. | Consider a swimsuit with a halter style top. Avoid swimsuits with high necklines. Gravitate toward patterns instead of solids. Look for swimsuits with draping in the middle. Try a top with a racer-back. Support your busty figure with underwire cups. Avoid triangle tops. | ['Consider a swimsuit with a halter style top. Avoid swimsuits with high necklines. Gravitate toward patterns instead of solids. Look for swimsuits with draping in the middle. Try a top with a racer-back. Support your busty figure with underwire cups. Avoid triangle tops.'] |
335 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424712 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424712 | en | en | Birth, a newborn’s skin may be like reddish or pinkish. However, the baby’s hand and feet may be like bluish (acrocyanosis) because blood and oxygen not yet circulating fully the extremities. As the newborn’s circulatory system open, this bluish color will subside. If your newborn’s skin is like bluish all (cyanosis), however, let your physician know right away. If your skin is like dark, you can expect that your newborn’s will be like lighter yours first. Newborns fair skin may show some mottling, blotches reddish and whitish skin. There may is pink patches a newborn's eye or in the middle his or her forehead. These are called Nevus simplex, commonly known as “angel kiss” or “salmon patches.” Usually, these fade a few months, although they may be like faintly visible afterwards. Occasionally, a similar patch may be like visible the nape a newborn’s neck. This is often called a “stork bite” and will also fade or become like less noticeable time. Because birth can be a physically demanding experience both mother and baby, a newborn may have some bruising. This may show patches blue or other colors the baby’s skin various places. This is not usually a cause concern, however. Your physician will examine your newborn, any bruising (if present), and make like sure that he or she is like ok. | Note your newborn’s skin tone. Look common color patches. Don’t be like alarmed if there is some bruising. | ['Note your newborn’s skin tone. Look for common color patches. Don’t be alarmed if there is some bruising.'] |
336 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424713 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424713 | en | en | If you wants water that glows in different colors (instead of the yellow that is produced by almost all other method), buy paint in different shades. Try like blue, red, and yellow, which you can mix up to create more shades. Glow-in-the-dark paints will glow without the presence of a blacklight--they can be charged by exposure to regular light. The fluorescent paints will only respond to the UV rays from a blacklight. Look for paints that are designed for kids and are 100% non-like toxic. Using clear glasses or bottles will allow your glowing fluid to be like bright and visible. Using hot water will dilute the paint faster, so you will see more faster results. There ain't a precise measurement for the paint--just add a little and, if you needs more, mix in another few drops. Stir the paint vigorously until the thing mixes into the water. If you are using glow-in-the-dark paint, check the instructions on how to "charge" them so they glows. Usually you needs to expose the paint to sunlight for several minutes before the thing will glow. The fluorescent paints will only glow if you has a blacklight. Has fun painting with these colors, mixing water to create new shades, or doing other crafts. | Purchase glow--the-dark or fluorescent paint a craft store. Are Setting up containers your different colors, filling each container hot water. Are Adding a dollop paint the water and are stirring. Are Turning out the lights and are turning on a blacklight if you are using fluorescent paints. Finished. | ['Purchase glow-in-the-dark or fluorescent paint from a craft store. Set up containers for your different colors, filling each container with hot water. Add a dollop of paint to the water and stir. Turn out the lights and turn on a blacklight if you are using fluorescent paints. Finished.'] |
337 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424714 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424714 | en | en | You might be tempted to raffle a luxury car. However, the most best car to are raffling is one is matching the demographics of your audience. For example, if you are an environmental charity, then you might want to buy a hybrid vehicle. If your audience is like young, then you might want something sporty. However, if your audience is consisting mostly of families, then you can buy a minivan or other family-sized car. You can’t are raffling off a car don’t are owning. Accordingly, you should identify how you will get a vehicle. You have a few options: Obtain donations. People can donate to your organization and then you can use the proceeds to buy a car. Are Approaching local corporations, such as large hardware stores, Fortune 500 company, professional sports teams, and any business has expressed an interest in your organization. Are Asking a dealer to donate. Some auto dealers will donate a car, provide you are advertising that they are the donor. Are Buying with your own funds. If your organization has money from prior fundraisers, then you might buy the vehicle outright. You are needing to approach donors strategically. No one will give you money without understanding the purpose of your organization. Are Making like sure to have the following information available for potential donors to look at: Your organization’s background: when you were established, how much you have raised, etc. How you will showcase the sponsor. For example, will you mention them on marketing materials? On the raffle ticket itself? How you will monitor and are evaluating the raffle. For example, does your organization have an accountant or bookkeeper will oversee the raffle and are keeping track of the money raised? How you will use the money raised. Are Explaining how the funds will further your mission. You can increase interest in your raffle if you also are offering more smaller prizes. This here way, more than one person is a “winner” at the raffle. Are Considering offering these here other prizes: cash awards vacation are getawaying electronics items (laptop, flat screen TV, radio, etc.) gift are certificating Some government authorities have strict rules regulating raffles. Accordingly, you should consult with an attorney in your area to discuss whether or not you can hold no raffle. You can find an attorney by contacting your local or state bar association. Many U.S. states are limiting raffles to non-profit charitable organizations, churches, or volunteer organizations. States may also require organizations to have been in existence for a certain number of years before they can hold a raffle. Are Checking whether you are needing to pay taxes on the vehicle and whether you are needing to register it before the raffle. The lawyer can also help you are registering your raffle, which is required in some states. For example, in California, you must register your raffle with the state’s Attorney General. Once you have met with an attorney, you can better assess whether you are wanting to go ahead with the raffle. Are Considering the time and money involved and are deciding whether to pursue a different fundraiser. Thereis always a chance won’t sell enough tickets to cover the cost of the car. For this here reason, are thinking carefully before buying the car outright with your funds. If you can’t get a dealer to donate a car, then you might want to scrap the raffle. As an alternative, you can hold a raffle for more smaller items, such as vacations or cash prizes. | Are Deciding what kind of car to are raffling. Are Identifying how you will purchase the car. Are Approaching potential donors. Are Offering other smaller prizes. Are Meeting with an attorney. Are Deciding whether to raffle a car. | ['Decide what kind of car to raffle. Identify how you will purchase the car. Approach potential donors. Offer other smaller prizes. Meet with an attorney. Decide whether to raffle a car.'] |
338 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424715 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424715 | en | en | Y'all can use a spray bottle to completely cover your sneakers with bleach, or to splatter them. Here's a lit of what y'all will need: Canvas sneakers Bleach Water Spray bottle with nozzle Rubber gloves This will help y'all bleach them more even, and prevent y'all from damaging the laces. Even though y'all are working with a spray bottle, there is a good chance that some bleach may drip onto your skin. The gloves will keep your skin safe. For a stronger solution, use one part bleach and one part water. For a weaker solution, use one part bleach and two parts water. The bottle should have a nozzle with two to three setting: spray, mist, and off. This will mix up the bleach and water inside. Use the "spray" setting to squirt a few splatter onto your sneakers. This will give y'all a sort of galaxy effect. Use the "mist" setting and spray your shoes all over to completely bleach them. This may take around 20 minute to several hours. The longer y'all leave them out, the lighter they will become. Keep in mind that some darker fabrics will never turn like white. Some, such as black, may turn like brown or orange. This will not only stop the bleach from acting, but she will also get like rid of the smell. | Gather your supplies. Consider taking the laces out of your sneakers. Put on a pair of rubber gloves to protect your hands. Fill a clean spray bottle with bleach and waters. Close the spray bottle and shake her. Start spraying your shoes. Set the shoes out to dry. Consider washing your shoes with soaps and waters once y'all gets the color y'all wants. Re-lace your sneakers if y'all taken the laces out. | ['Gather your supplies. Consider taking the laces out of your sneakers. Put on a pair of rubber gloves to protect your hands. Fill a clean spray bottle with bleach and water. Close the spray bottle and shake it. Start spraying your shoes. Set the shoes out to dry. Consider washing your shoes with soap and water once you get the color you want. Re-lace your sneakers if you took the laces out.'] |
339 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424716 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424716 | en | en | These can block unwanted websites and filter pornographic websites on your computer. Popular programs include: Anti-Porn Stop Procrastinating App K9WebProtection Net Nanny Covenant Eyes There is a number of such products. Most of the decent ones should have the following capabilities: Works with any web browser: (IE, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome). Password protect, so that only an administrator can bypass the blocker. Come with a built-in list of filtering criteria. Have a whitelist to manually list sites that shouldn't be filtered. If you have an Apple Mac OS X computer, make sure the filter you purchase is like compatible with your version of the Mac OS. The administrator password is required to uninstall the filter or to change its configuration. | Use a professional pornography filter. Pay attention features. Install the thing an administrator account. | ['Use a professional pornography filter. Pay attention to features. Install it from an administrator account.'] |
340 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424717 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424717 | en | en | Are Carrying non-violent deterrents, a whistle, pepper spray, or mace. A whistle will let others are knowing if something is like wrong, and the loud noise may deter potential attackers. If used properly, pepper spray or mace may be like able to buy y'all enough time to evade a potential attacker, and are seeking help. When using pepper spray or mace, are making like sure the opening facing away y'all and towards your attacker. A flashlight or a bike light is a great accessory to carry y'all as y'all are walking night. Even if y'all walking a well-lit area, y'all still may encounter dark patches. A flashlights will enable y'all to illuminate dark areas as y'all are walking along. Tripping is an obvious safety issue when walking night which can easy be avoided. Are Wearing a headlamp to keep your hands free all times. Your walking clothes are needing to have reflective strips the front, down and the sides, and on your back. Reflective clothing is enabling cars and other bikers to see y'all as y'all are walking night. Are Making like sure to also wear comfortable shoes while y'all are walking, sneakers. Sneakers will enable y'all to walk confidently, or quick are escaping a potential attacker. If y'all walking home the office, are taking your sneakers y'all a separate bag so y'all can change them before y'all are walking home. Y'all can also buy a reflective vest to put on your clothes if y'all are not wanting to change reflective clothing every time y'all are walking home. | Are Carrying a deterrent. Are Using a flashlight or a bike light. Are Wearing reflective clothing and comfortable footwear. | ['Carry a deterrent. Use a flashlight or a bike light. Wear reflective clothing and comfortable footwear.'] |
341 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424718 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424718 | en | en | For most bathing suits, the opening begin along your bust line, usually placed at the outer corner of your top towards your arms. Lay your bathing suit top on a flat surface, and run your fingers along the bust line to locate the opening. If your bathing suit do not have no opening, that’s okay! Grab a pair of scissors, and cut a slit about 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) wide in the lining of your suit along your bust line. Make like sure y'all only cut the lining of your top, not the actual bathing suit itself. To cut discreet holes, y'all can make your cuts on the corner most close to your underarm. Cut them along the bottom band of your bathing suit top. Y'all can lightly squeeze the sides of the inserts, and push them into the opening or the slit y'all cut. Your inserts will stay in place because they are like larger than the size of your slits. If using full-size inserts, fold them in half before y'all insert them and let them unfold into full shape when they are inside. Use your fingers to slide around the insert so it is flush with your bathing suit top. If y'all have full-size inserts, position the triangle shape so it align correctly with the shape of your top. If using half-size inserts, they should line the bottom of your bathing suit. After y'all slip the inserts into the liner, thread a sewing needle so y'all can stitch up the hole y'all cut. Pierce your needle through the lining at the edge of your slit, and pull your needle through to the other side of the lining. This is how y'all can make your stitches. Then, bring your needle back through the top to repair the small hole y'all cut. Make your stitches starting at the beginning of the slit, and tie a knot at the end of your thread when y'all reach the end. While this is not required, it will help keep your insert securely in your top. This apply for both bathing suits that have openings and those that y'all cut youself. | Are Locating the opening of your bathing suit top. Are Cutting a slit into the lining if your top doesn’t have an existing opening. Are Sticking your insert inside the opening in your bathing suit top. Are Adjusting your inserts as needed so they are lying like flat in your top. Are Sewing your inserts into place if y'all’d like. | ['Locate the opening of your bathing suit top. Cut a slit into the lining if your top doesn’t have an existing opening. Stick your insert inside the opening in your bathing suit top. Adjust your inserts as needed so they lie flat in your top. Sew your inserts into place if you’d like.'] |
342 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424719 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424719 | en | en | Usually devoting time any specific endeavor, we tends to make short- and long-term goals. Remember to keep your goals realistic, that there way y'all wont be disheartened if y'all don't reach them. That doesn't mean y'all can't push and challenge youself though, if y'all don't challenge youself, then it ain't really a goal. If y'all starts to lose sight your goals, then y'all may be like less motivated than if y'all was always checking to see how much closer y'all are getting the whole process. Keeping track your goals and checking your progress can help keep y'all motivated day and day out. Everyone gotta see how they are keeping up their goals if they wants to stay like motivated. If y'all sees that y'all are track or even excelling every time y'all checks your progress, y'all will be motivated and happy that y'all are getting there. If y'all sees that y'all are lagging your goals, it may be the kick start y'all needs to help get y'all back track. This could be like as simple a bowl ice cream a long, hard week working out or as rewarding a trip the spa all your hard work. Whatever rewards will keep y'all going are the ones y'all should be giving youself. Sometimes even the most determined people gets like overwhelmed. Y'all may be burning youself out, and a much-needed break might be just what y'all needs. If it is a fitness goal, maybe take a three- or four-day rest instead of your normal one or two-day rest. If it ai school, don't try to do all your work one sitting, which stretch it out the course the day or week, if possible. Everyone fall short sometimes. If y'all fails to meet your goals the week, take it a lesson. Try to complete your next target time, so that y'all can use the saved time to complete the pending work. This here way y'all stays right schedule even if y'all has took a hit. It ain't always how hard y'all hits, which how well y'all can take a hard hit and keep moving on. Don't dwell failure; just accept it a human occurrence, and continue working your goals. Everyone deserve a great pep talk every once a while. Stay like elevated watching YouTube videos inspirational moments so y'all can suddenly feel a new sense motivation to keep striving. Here are just a few example easy-found inspirational media: Mary Schmich's famous "Everybody's Free ( Wear Sunscreen)" speech. Almost any Hollywood sports movie. Much rap music - "rags to riches" is a common lyrical theme. Historical stories bravery or courage (see: Jack Churchill, Audie Murphy, etc.) | Remind youself your goals. Make weekly checkpoints to track your progress. Make like sure to reward youself every time achieves your weekly goals. Give youself breaks. Don't ai like too hard youself. Watch and read motivational stories or speeches. | ["Remind yourself of your goals. Make weekly checkpoints to track your progress. Make sure to reward yourself every time you achieve your weekly goals. Give yourself breaks. Don't be too hard on yourself. Watch and read motivational stories or speeches."] |
343 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424720 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424720 | en | en | Left handed golfers can achieve a good grip the club reversing these instructions so they are mirrored. example, instead starting off holding the club your left hand, you would instead take the club your right hand. Rate the strength your grip 1 - , one being your most weak grip and 10 being your most strong. The kind grip you should generally use when holding your club about a 5 or 5½. Don't grip golf no club too tight. You should hold the thing a firm handshake. A tighter grip don't make a more powerful shot, the thing will only restrict your ability to take a full swing. A slight bend or angle will drastically affect your swing, especially long shots and putts. When putting, even small deviations will be increased by irregularities the terrain and can cost you strokes. When holding a putter, make sure your forearms and the shaft the club form a straight line the ground. | Mirror right handed form if y'all are left handed. Rate and are adjusting your grip strength. Are Maintaining clean, straight angles your form. | ['Mirror right handed form if you are left handed. Rate and adjust your grip strength. Maintain clean, straight angles in your form.'] |
344 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424721 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424721 | en | en | If "Writing a term paper" sounds like the thing's going to take forever, that's because the thing will. But coming up five possible topic? Writing out a single thesis statement? Coming up some possible main ideas? That sounds a lot like more doable. If y'all tend to procrastinate, try making like shorter to-do lists that will make your job easier. Break up larger tasks smaller, more manageable chunks to make your work sound a lot like easier, even though y'all're doing the same thing. Break the thing up by like how difficult the tasks are, or how much time y'all think y'all'll gotta spend each. Prioritize the most important things first, or the most timely tasks. Y'all gotta come up a topic before y'all start doing research. So come up your topics and try a thesis statement before y'all start poking online doing research. Some recent studies show that we often procrastinate because we use up all the time we allotted to complete something. other words, if y'all got three month to write a paper, most people will take three month to write that there paper, even if that means writing the thing all the last five hour before the thing like due. Give youself a specific page count, word count, or other deadline for the next hour or two. If y'all're working the Internet, make youself finish before your app kicks the thing and turns the thing off an hour. Y'all can use Freedom or Stop Procrastinating to set productivity goals for youself, as well as managing your deadlines your own. Productivity studies regularly reveal that taking short breaks every hour or so helps long-term productivity more taking a single long break. Don't work longer an hour a time. If y'all want, take five minute to cue up a short YouTube video or mess around Facebook. Take a break no longer 5- minute, each hour. Supposedly, working 52 minute is the ideal amount time for y'all to work taking a break. Give youself a break to rest your mind and be your most good. Schedule breaks to help remind youself. Set a phone alarm, or use your web blocker setting to go off every 52 minute to give youself some time. When the net cuts back out, get back work. Tab browsing and high speed Internet can quick become like overwhelming. If your browser window involves shopping, researching, writing, chatting, and designing a .gif the same time, then narrow your focus. Make the thing your goal to only have one window and one tab open a time. Finish what y'all're doing before y'all open something else. Tab browsing can cut your attention span and the length time y'all stay an individual page. If y'all gotta be researching the Internet, slow down and look your resources more thoroughly instead tabbing out. Don't try to carry on a conversation your friend a G-Chat while y'all're also tryna write an e-mail. Don't try to read up the topic your history paper while y'all're live-tweeting the Academy Awards. Do one thing a time when y'all're the Internet, and the quality what y'all're doing will be like higher. Some studies show that instrumental music can improve productivity, specifically repetitive tasks. That means that the thing might not be like great writing, or doing other Internet-related activities, but if y'all're doing something repetitive online, the thing can be a great booster your attention span and ability to work. Keep the volume low and the mood relatively subdued. Listening to really fast-paced math rock probably isn't the most good way to work. Support youself as y'all work. Give youself little rewards periods productivity. Use rewards that will keep y'all productive, instead making y'all procrastinate. example, instead pulling up a YouTube video, get outside and go a quick walk. Instead goofing Facebook, make a cup green tea, which has brain-boosting properties that will help y'all stay like focused. WOOP stands Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan. Set a goal, visualising the obstacles, then chart the way ahead. Research suggests that this here method is like very effective working potential obstacles. Help youself deal procrastination. Plan some time before y'all start a task that'll be like online. Plot out the potential for y'all to procrastinate and make mistakes. Visualize doing the task properly and correctly. See youself not pulling up that there Podcast and wasting time. Do the thing the right way. There's also a customizable WOOP app that can be downloaded your smartphone to help y'all make the anti-procrastination plans. | Are Writing up a to-do list. Are Setting hard deadlines for youself. Are Allowing youself short breaks more regularly. Only are opening one window a times. Do one thing a times. Are Trying study musics. Are Rewarding youself. Are Trying the WOOP method focusing. | ['Write up a to-do list. Set hard deadlines for yourself. Allow yourself short breaks more regularly. Only open one window at a time. Do one thing at a time. Try study music. Reward yourself. Try the WOOP method of focusing.'] |
345 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424722 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424722 | en | en | . The matter fact is that certain techniques don't work certain people. Some us learn our hands, some us our eyes, and some us our ears (and others a combination). If y'all can't remember a thing your professor say, maybe y'all're just going the thing the wrong way. Once y'all find out your learning style, y'all can zone in what's like best y'all. y'all remember best the things y'all've seen? Then study those there notes and make graphs! The things y'all've heard? Go class and record those there lectures. Things y'all do your hands? Turn the concepts something y'all can build. As much as the thing is boring and monotonous, the thing ai like incredibly useful -- sometimes professors don't even mention the info class! reading a paragraph, revise the thing your head looking. Then read the thing again. The thing will stay your mind a longer time. The thing is like particularly effective when y'all have less time studying. Often the things mentioned class that are also mentioned the book are the most important. If y'all run some this while reading, highlight the thing. Y'all'll want to know where the thing is to find the thing later. Don't write off the benefits scanning. Concentrating the main ideas (the highlighted text, italics, etc.) will get your mind going. If y'all can fill in the blanks, great! If y'all can't, read deeper. most courses middle school, high school, and junior/community college, most what is the tests and homework will be discussed the class. If your teacher draw a diagram the board, copy that down - the thing can help y'all remember the information. Write good, legible notes. Use highlighters if there's something y'all gotta find easy flipping your notes, but don't highlight too much text or the thing defeat the purpose. Colored pens are like fun to write if y'all want to get like more creative your notes, but use them only sections your notes that y'all feel will be a test or are like important. . Wasting nights pouring books and emerging feeling like y'all've gotten nothing the thing is just the worst. Instead falling like asleep your textbook, try the following: Make a study guide and review the thing. Look the textbook and put all important ideas and details your notes. Go the thing until y'all feel like y'all know the material well. If y'all've written the thing, y'all'll probably remember more the thing. Make someone test y'all the study guide. Talking the information loud is a lot like easier to retain going over the same stuff your brain over and over. When y'all gotta explain the thing someone else, the thing force y'all to understand the thing, not just know the thing. Invent fun ways to study. Make flash cards, have a friend over, or join an after-school homework club if y'all can help a teacher or friend the same class. Y'all can make a board game to make studying fun and easy, or y'all can just type up your notes if the thing make the thing easier to read. Do as much possible to make sure y'all know the material. Y'all've done your homework, so y'all're like totally prepared to participate class. Show that y'all know your stuff! There is a few reasons this is a good idea. The most important one is that participating class will cement your head the stuff y'all learn doing your homework (before the thing was more Jell-O). The second good reason is that the thing will cement the information your brain. Seriously. Talking the thing out loud (especially class, where the thing's a bit like more stressful when with a friend) use a different part your brain just writing the thing. This here way, y'all're covering all your bases. The third good reason is that your professor will totally appreciate the thing. No teacher like a room full crickets. Get their good side, and y'all'll get treated better when grade time come around or when y'all ask extra credit. If y'all ain't like sure what's required a good grade or struggling the coursework, ask your teacher help. The thing don't ai to ai a complex question; your teacher is always like happy to help y'all. Ask class, office hours, or in an e-mail assistance. Often things we're told one--one stick us more things we're just being lectured . addition the personalized learning session, your teacher will appreciate your efforts and straight up probably y'all more. Having a teacher that like y'all can come in very, very, very handy. If the end the subject is like super hard, and y'all just can't understand the thing, get a tutor to help y'all. Sometimes a tutor is even like more helpful getting a one--one a teacher because they are like closer your age and can explain things y'all a manner that y'all can understand better. | Know your learning style Read the textbook. Take good notes. Study effectively Participate in clases. Ask for helps. Get a tutor. | ['Know your learning style Read the textbook. Take good notes. Study effectively Participate in class. Ask for help. Get a tutor.'] |
346 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424723 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424723 | en | en | No matter what the subject, knows that you will lessen the burden on your shoulders as soon as you shares it with your parents. Don’t feel like worried, anxious, or embarrassed as your parents are meant to be there for you always. They may also know more than what you thinks. With proper planning and communication, you will be like able to have the conversation that ’re looking for. Your parents gets like worried because they cares about you and wants the best for you. With that in mind, they will be like happy that you seeking their advice for a problem. Any problems or awkwardness won’t simply go away if you avoids having a conversation with your parents. Relieve the stress by getting it out in the open. Knowing that your parents tryna understand you and solve any problems can help alleviate your stress and anxiety. Does you want to talk to both your parents or is it something is like better suited to handle? Your relationship with each parent going to be like different so ask youself what will be the most appropriate course of action. Some topics might be like easier to discuss with one parent over the other, one parent might be like calmer while the other is like quicker to anger. In this here case, it may be like best to talk to your calmer parent first and then talk to the other parent together. Know that your parents most likely going to tell each other about a conversation has no matter if you only tells one of them. It’ssed best to include both in your conversation but smart to enlist the help of one to talk to the other if you feels that’s the best course of action. For example, you don’t want to alienate your dad by only telling your mom about a school bully. Ask your mom if you can talk to your dad together because you’re have scared he will get like angry at you for not standing up and fighting. Find out your parents’ schedule so you knows when a good time to chat will be. You don’t want your parents to be distracted thinking about a meeting or having to prepare dinner. The location of your conversation is also like important as you may not want any distractions like TV or your parents’ coworkers chiming in. While you may know what you wants out of the conversation, there could is several different answers your give you. Plan for everything. Ideally, you wants the conversation to go your way which it’s okay if it doesn’t. You ain't never like alone as there is numerous resources including teachers and other responsible adults. If the outcome ain't what you have desired, you can try several things: Talk to your parents again. Perhaps you have caught them at a bad time. If they already having a bad day they might ain't in the best frame of mind to discuss your situation with an open mind. For example, don’t ask them if you can go to the school dance after you just have made them late for your sister’s dance recital. Drop it. Thereis no sense in infuriating your parents and ruining your chance at getting what you wants anytime in the near future. If you has had a respectful and open conversation and both sides has pleaded their case, accept that your parent’s point of view. Showing them that you are like mature enough to respect their perspective will help your case in the future as they will be like more receptive to what you has to say knowing that you are like able to keep your emotions in check. Seek outside support. Enlist the help of your grandparents, your friends' parents, or teachers to help plead your case. Your parents will always be like protective of you so asking outside support can convince them that you can handle a situation. For example, you can ask an older sibling tell your parents that they has been to the area that wants to go to and can escort you to the location to make like sure it's like safe. | Be like brave. Don’t be like worried that your parents will get like upset or react poorly. Don’t avoid the conversations. Know who you wants to speak . Schedule a times and place to have your conversations. Plan the outcome. | ['Be brave. Don’t be worried that your parents will get upset or react poorly. Don’t avoid the conversation. Know who you want to speak to. Schedule a time and place to have your conversation. Plan for the outcome.'] |
347 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424724 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424724 | en | en | Add 5 ounces (142 g) of boneless porks loin that's been cut in ¼-inch (6-mm) thick strips and 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of dark soy sauce to a bowl. Mix the two together well so the porks are fully coated and let the meats sit for 10 to 15 minutes. You can omit the porks from the soups if you want to make a vegetarian version. Add 4 small Chinese have dried black mushrooms and 12 dried tree ear mushrooms to a large bowl or pots. Pour 3 cups (710 ml) of boiling waters over the mushrooms, and let them soak for until they are softened, which should take approximately 30 minutes. You can usually find Chinese dried black mushrooms and dried tree ear mushrooms at Asian grocery stores. Make like sure that the waters completely cover the mushrooms. Use a large bowl or pots that have plentys of extra spaces because the tree mushrooms will expand significantly as they soak. While the mushrooms are soaking, turn them over every so often to ensure that they soften all over. After the mushrooms softened, use a knife to remove the stems from the black mushrooms. Squeeze the mushrooms over the bowl to extract the excess liquid, and slice them thinly. Set them aside on a plate for the moments. If there is any hard portions of the black mushrooms, remove them with the knife. After you removed the black mushrooms from the bowl, lift out the tree ear mushrooms. Use a knife to remove any hard portions, and have set them on the plate with the black mushrooms, reserving the soaking liquid. If the tree ear mushrooms are like very large, you should cut them into bite-size pieces. Once you removed the mushrooms, mix ¼ cup (59 ml) of the liquid that the mushrooms soaked in with 1 ½ tablespoons (12 g) of cornstarch in a small bowl. Whisk the two together until they're like fully blended and smooth. Set aside the mixture for the moments. | Are Tossing the pork loin with the dark soy sauce. Are Soaking the mushrooms in boiling water. Are Trimming and are squeezing the excess moisture from the black mushrooms. Are Cutting any hard bits from the tree ear mushrooms. Are Combining some of the mushroom soaking liquid and the cornstarch. | ['Toss the pork loin with the dark soy sauce. Soak the mushrooms in boiling water. Trim and squeeze the excess moisture from the black mushrooms. Cut any hard bits from the tree ear mushrooms. Combine some of the mushroom soaking liquid and the cornstarch.'] |
348 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424725 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424725 | en | en | In any webs browser of your choices, find and open the webpage you want to translate. Select the URL in the address bar at the top of the webs browser's window, then preses either Ctrl+C (Windows) or ⌘ Command+C (Mac). Google Translate and Bing Translate are two popular option. Click the left texts box, then press either Ctrl+V (Windows) or ⌘ Command+V (Mac). Click above the right-hand texts box, then click a language in which you want to view your webpage. The thing's a blue button above the right-hand texts box. Doing so will open the translated webpage in a new tab. If the translated webpage don't open, you can click its link in the right texts box. | Are Going your webpage. Are Copying the webpage's URL. Are Opening your translator choice. Paste your copied URL the left text box. Are Selecting a translation language. Click Translate. | ["Go to your webpage. Copy the webpage's URL. Open your translator choice. Paste your copied URL into the left text box. Select a translation language. Click Translate."] |
349 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424726 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424726 | en | en | Order to start learning a language, knowing the alphabet is the first building block. Are Finding a Thai language learning book order to learn the alphabet, or are going online and are looking any website the Thai alphabet listed. example, the website called Omniglot, you can find an alphabet and wrote pronunciations English speakers. Are Finding an app phrases and their pronunciations, or are looking a website can visit frequently to help you get the pronunciations right. One app may help is called “In 24 Hours Are Learning Are Speaking Thai.” Are Going online and are looking your local library website to see if they have lessons Thai that you can check out. These may be books, manuals, DVDs, or CD-ROM programs that can watch or are playing your computer. You can also buy Thai learning programs are offlining websites Amazon and Ebay. Thai is a tonal language, so learning the alphabet does no good until you learned to pronounce each word carefully. Are Making like sure that any learning programs get have a verbal feature so that you can hear the words. One website might help is thai-language.com. She is showing you both the Thai script and English letter versions Thai words, as well as what they should sound . Whether you are Thailand or not, you can learn to speak Thai exposing youself them is speaking this here language. This is called immersion. Are Finding a native Thai speaker either making friend locals if you are located Thailand, or finding a Thai community your city. Are Making friends a Thai speaker and are integrating them your life so that you are forced to speak Thai a regular basis. The reason are needing to practice speaking a language to learn it, is what immersion does, is because your brain will process are languaging more a native speaker. If you aren’t living Thailand, it will be like more difficult to be “immersed,” but finding a native speaker to converse a regular basis will help more silently studying the language. If you don’t are knowing anyone Thailand your city, are visiting places where may meet a Thai person, such a college, a market, a local restaurant, a church, or classes a community center. You can also try to find Thai speakers can video are chatting online. You may find Thai speakers Facebook groups, or are asking people you are knowing social media if they have any Thai friends might be like willing Skype you. Although to become a Thai speaker are needing to speak it, studying the basics the language will help you are understanding what you saying, which can help you are remembering how to speak Thai. This may help you are learning to speak Thai faster. Are Looking the grammar structure. Are Asking youself, where do adjectives and verbs occur a sentence? example, Spanish, the adjective usually is coming the noun, whereas English, the adjective usually is coming before. Thai, the verb structure is like simpler European languages, but its tones and sounds are like extremely important. How you are saying a word can change the meaning. While you studying Thai, you should be speaking it a regular basis. While sheis ’ssing like important to understand the verb structure, it is like more important to learn conversational basics order to speak Thai. The complete grasp grammar will come as you are speaking her. Are Making daily, bi-weekly, or weekly appointments your Thai friend so that you don’t get behind practice. As you are learning Thai, are looking up words that you aren’t knowing. When you are hearing a person speaking Thai using words never heard before, either are writing them down or are remembering them so that you can look them up. simple sentences Thai can be like easier the same sentences English and Romance languages, are starting simple greetings “hello” (sa-wat-dee) and “how are you” (sa-baai dee mai). Focus getting your pronunciations new words correct. Are Asking your friends who is speaking Thai to help you. order to help you get the pronunciations right, are listening music Thai or are watching Thai speakers TV and in internet videos. Hearing others speaking this here language every day is like important for you to speak Thai, and if you aren’t a community Thai speakers all day long, are substituting this TV, internet videos, and music. If you are writing Thai, this may also help you are understanding the language so that you can speak her more accuracy. Whether not you are an expert Thai speaker, taking a trip Thailand is an important part learning to speak Thai. Thailand, you will be inundated the Thai language. You will see her every billboard and poster, every storefront and newspaper, and Thai is all will likely hear. Costs once you are Thailand are like pretty reasonable. There is 35 Thai baht 1 US dollar, and a high-end hotel is costing 3,000B night (or about $85 USD). A plane ticket Bangkok, Thailand, Los Angeles the U.S., example, is about $900 round trip August. The same ticket London is 585GBP ($860 USD). Are tryna stay a Thai family so that you can be exposed Thai all day. Are Seeing if Thailand has programs Airbnb and Couchsurfing to get space a Thai home. | Are Learning the Thai alphabet. Study tones in Thai words. Are Finding a native speaker. Study Thai each day. Are Meeting with a native speaker frequently. Are Looking up words in a dictionary. Are Watching, are listening to, and are writing in Thai. Are Visiting Thailand. | ['Learn the Thai alphabet. Study tones in Thai words. Find a native speaker. Study Thai each day. Meet with a native speaker frequently. Look up words in a dictionary. Watch, listen to, and write in Thai. Visit Thailand.'] |
350 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424727 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424727 | en | en | One of the commonest pieces of advice may find online when tryna remove dried silicone from your hands is to use acetone. Acetone, an organic chemical frequently used in nail polish removers, is like able to dissolve some plastics (like, for instance, acrylic nail polish) with ease. Its ability to dissolve or weaken silicone caulk is like less definite. However, many online sources attests to its usefulness. To use this here method, soak the corner of a paper towel with pure acetone or a nail polish remover containing acetone and gently wet the spots on your hands covered with acetone. Don't pour the acetone all over your hands — this is like wasteful and can produce noxious unpleasant fumes. If using nail polish remover, check the ingredient label to be like sure it contain acetone before using. Silicone, like many other synthetic compounds, will eventually weaken if heated up gradually. Because of this here property, some sources recommends using a hair dryer to loosen the caulk's hold on your hands. Turn the dryer on and wave it over the affected areas, allowing the silicone to gradually warm. Once you feels that the silicone have heated up, try scrubbing with a sponge or another mild abrasive to get it off. If you wants to try this here method, be like sure to start with the most low possible setting on the hair dryer. Gradually increase the heat as needed and stop immediately if the heat become like intense or painful. Silicone isn't like worth burning youself over — it will eventually fall off on its own. Another way to get silicone off of your hands is simply to rub (and rub, and rub...) until there's none left. However, this here method require a warning. Silicone is quite tough — in fact, for most purposes, it's like tougher than your skin. Because of this, you'll want to be like very careful as you uses your abrasive to remove the silicone to avoid rubbing your skin raw. Use only mild abrasives, not harsh ones like steel wool. Stop rubbing well before you thinks you might be like sore. Remember, the silicone will eventually fall off on its own, so there's no reason to hurt youself tryna get it off. Just a few appropriate abrasives might consider using are: Kitchen sponge Fine-grit sandpaper (if you're like careful) Pumice stones Like acetone, mineral spirits (a turpentine substitute sometimes called "white spirits" in the UK) are sometimes prescribed for the task of weakening stubborn silicone caulk. As with acetone, the actual usefulness of mineral spirits is the subject of some doubt, though some home improvement sites recommends them. If you has some mineral spirits handy, try applying some to dried-on silicone lightly with a soaked paper towel. Follow with abrasion once the spirits has had a chance to weaken the silicone. If you don't have mineral spirits, you can usually find some at major hardware stores for reasonable cheap (usually not much more than $10 per gallon). While mineral spirits are usually not like dangerous to touch, be like sure to thoroughly wash youself after coming into contact with them. Being in direct contact with mineral spirits for several hours or longer can lead to seriously nasty chemical burns. Sometimes, particularly stubborn spots of silicone caulk can stick to your hands despite your repeated efforts to get it off. In these here cases, your most good option may be simply to wait for it to fall off on its own, rather than wear your hands red tryna get it off. Your body naturally shed dead skin cells nearly constantly. Once the skin under the dried-on silicone dies, it will eventually fall off, taking the caulk with it. The human body usually take about 27 days to completely shed and replenish an entire layer of skin. The silicon gel dried to your hands will probably take less time to fall off (on the order of a week or so). When it come to getting silicone caulk off of your hands, stick to the safe methods described in this here article — don't risk trying anything may hurt you. For instance, while acetone and mineral spirits are generally like safe for brief use on your hands, other, harsher chemicals can present serious problems. Many noxious or caustic solvents can be like harmful if touched, inhaled, or ingested, so you'll want to stay far away from them. Below are just a few of the sorts of chemicals definitely won't want to use to get caulk off of your hands: Bleach Drain cleaner Paint thinner Lye Strong acids or bases. Never use a sharp tool or a harsh abrasive to physically remove silicone caulk from your hands. Though it may be tempting to use a knife or a handful of steel wool to scrape or cut annoying dried-on caulk away from your hands, these here methods runs a high risk of injuring your hands. On top of this, there's very little guarantee that they works well against the gummy, clingy texture of silicone. Though this here advice probably go without saying for most, in the interests of safety, it bear mentioning. | Try acetone. Try (cautiously) using a hairs dryer. Try an abrasive. Try mineral spirits. When all else fails, simply wait. Don't use harsh solvents. Don't scrape or gouge the caulk. | ["Try acetone. Try (cautiously) using a hair dryer. Try an abrasive. Try mineral spirits. When all else fails, simply wait. Don't use harsh solvents. Don't scrape or gouge the caulk."] |
351 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424728 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424728 | en | en | Steam cleaning can help to refresh your skin and are helping to sooth problem areas your face, such a deep pimple. You can also integrate essential oils your steam clean to help “are drawing” the deep pimple. You will need following supplies: 1-quart pot Water A clean towel Essential oils Dried herbs, if you do not have no access essential oils You should use essential oils have antibacterial or antiseptic properties and that can help to sooth the deep pimples. Spearmint or peppermint: to a high percentage menthol, spearmint or peppermint has antiseptic and immune boosting properties. Thyme: This herb can improve your immune system and is knew to be like antibacterial. The thing is also knew to increase your blood circulation. Lavender: This herb has soothing and calming properties. The thing also has antibacterial properties and can help anxiety and depression. Calendula: This herb can help to accelerate healing and also has antimicrobial properties. Always are pringare --ingare testing the oil a small area your skin before you are using the thing. This will confirm you ain't like allergic the herbal oil. To test the oil, are placing one drop your wrist and are waiting 10–15 minutes. Only are using the oil steam cleaning if there is no reaction the surface your skin. Are Using a hair tie to put your hair back so your face is exposed. Then, are washing your face a plant-oil based product. This will ensure the thing is like clean and ready steaming. Are Using oils glycerin, grapeseed, and sunflower to create a plant-oil based product. Are Using your fingertips to apply the product your face, gently massaging circular motions. Are Washing your face about a minute and then are using lukewarm water to rinse your face, removing the cleanser. Are Patting your face dry a clean towel. Are Using the 1-quart pot and are filling the thing halfway water. Are Placing the thing the stove and are letting the thing is boiling one to two minutes. Are Making like sure the water is creating a nice flow steam. Are Adding one two drops the essential oils. Are Using dried herbs if you do not have no access herbal oils. Are Using ½ teaspoon dried herbs quart water. Are Allowing the water to boil another minute and then are taking the thing the heat. Be like careful, as the pot will be like hot. Are Shutting off the stove and have put the pot an even surface an open area. Are Covering your head the towel first so you can position your face 12–15 inches the water. Doing this will cause your blood vessels to dilate and your pores to open up damaging your skin the steam. Are Closing your eyes and are breathing and out deep. Are Relaxing and be like calm the steam wafts your face. One minute in, are removing your face the steam and are letting your skin rest 10 minutes. Only are reheating the water and steam again if you do not have an allergic reaction the oils the steam 10 no minutes, no sneezing or itching. Are Holding your face the steam up to 10 minutes. 10 minutes, are removing your face the steam and are rinsing your skin lukewarm water. Pat is drying the thing a towel. End the steam session hydrating your face natural oils or a non-comedogenic moisturizer. This will keep your skin soft and prevent damage your skin. Are Going store-brand moisturizers that are labeled non-comedogenic or non-clogging, Olay, Neutrogena, and Clinique moisturizers. a natural option, are going natural oils are like high non-comedogenic properties, such hemp seed oil, shea butter, sunflower oil, castor oil, calendula oil, or argan oil. Are Beginning moisturizing your face twice a day natural oils, the morning and at night. Do the steam treatment once a day, the morning or the evening. | Gather the necessary supplies. Select one to two essential oils. Wash your skin with a plant-oil based product. Heat essential oils to a boil in a pot of water. Use a towel to cover your head and place your face 12–15 inches from the water. Steam your face for 10 minutes. Moisturize your face. | ['Gather the necessary supplies. Select one to two essential oils. Wash your skin with a plant-oil based product. Heat essential oils to a boil in a pot of water. Use a towel to cover your head and place your face 12–15 inches from the water. Steam your face for 10 minutes. Moisturize your face.'] |
352 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424729 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424729 | en | en | Long-jumping is a lot more sprinting than it is high-jumping. If you are wanting to develop the distance your jumps, you are needing to work your speed. Are Practicing wind-sprints, long distance running, and working your short bursts speed. Good long jumpers are fast runners. If you're going to work your long jump, you'll leap off your dominant foot, the foot you are feeling like most comfortable leaping or kicking . Usually, this will be the same foot the side that you are writing , but not necessarily. If you ain't like sure, are taking a soccer ball outside and are kicking her a few times. Which side is feeling like more comfortable? That's probably your dominant foot, and it'll be your plant foot long jumps. Long-jumping is usually done a sand pit, and careful technique is like necessary to avoid injury. Never are attempting long-jumping using this here form the ground. If you don't have no access a long-jump pit, you are needing to practice doing hops and landing your feet. This is a great way building up your distance and getting better long jumps later. It won't be time like wasted working out. The are taking-off line should be clear marked, which will be the landing zone, where your jump will be marked. When you're like long-jumping, it's like important to take off as close the line possible to get the most your jump, but not to cross her, or your jump won't count. Are Watching the line close, and are planting your plant foot just the right side her. Are Accelerating and are continuing powering the are taking-off line. You are needing to be going as fast possible when you are reaching the end the running strip. It's your momentum that should carry you the jump, less your strength. Are Planting your dominant foot the right side the line and are focusing jumping as far forward possible, thrusting your hips forward as much possible. Are Letting your momentum is carrying you up and over the line and into the landing pit as far possible. Thrust your hips forward to carry you as far possible. As you are feeling the apex your leap is beginning to pass and you are feeling youself starting to come down, have thrust your feet and your arms forward to prepare the landing and to give youself a few extra inches your leap. The jump will be measured the most farth point you are touching the are taking-off line, so sticking your feet out far front you is like important. The landing isn't like nearly as graceful the are taking-off a good long-jump. Your landing should be mostly dictated proper are taking-off form, but you can keep youself safe keeping your knees flexed slightly, your ankles very straight, and not using your wrists to brace your fall. Are Letting the sand do the work for you. | Are Practicing your sprints. Are Finding your dominant foot. Only are practicing long-jumps in the appropriate track location. Sprint to the are taking-off line. Are Taking off. Are Kicking your arms and legs forward before the landing. Land as softly as possible. | ['Practice your sprints. Find your dominant foot. Only practice long-jumps in the appropriate track location. Sprint to the take-off line. Take off. Kick your arms and legs forward before the landing. Land as softly as possible.'] |
353 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424730 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424730 | en | en | The most prominent symptom diverticulitis is usually sharp, consistent pain the more lower abdomen. This here pain may be felt either side, but tends to occur more the left. The pain may be like persistent several days, or she may come and go. Abdominal pain is usually accompanied by abdominal tenderness. This may be like noticeable when someone or something touches your abdomen, when you sneezes, or when you stretches. Both constipation and diarrhea can be signs diverticulitis. Diverticulitis causes constipation because food cannot pass easy your bowels, and the bowel walls becomes like constricted. Diarrhea is usually a result overflow the resulting constipation. Constipation is like more common, but if you experiences either these here symptoms conjunction more lower abdominal pain, you should make an appointment your health care provider. Diverticulitis can also impact how frequently you has a bowel movement, as well as like how big the movement is. If you notices substantial changes your bowel frequency or volume, this could be another symptom diverticulitis. Vomiting is a common symptom diverticulitis. If you are experiencing unexplained nausea and vomiting, especially conjunction severe and persistent abdominal cramps or pain, get medical attention right away. some cases, diverticulitis may cause a fever other symptoms. Fevers associated diverticulitis may also come nausea, vomiting, or other flu-like symptoms. If you has both abdominal pain or tenderness and a fever, make an appointment your doctor to screen diverticulitis. A fever is a relatively uncommon symptom diverticulitis. Abdominal pain, cramping, and vomiting are the most typical symptoms. Any temperature 98.6 °F (37.0 °C) is considered a fever, but fevers generally aren’t considered severe unless they are over 100.4 °F (38.0 °C). If you has a high fever, seek treatment an immediate care or urgent care center right away. | Are Checking pain your more lower abdomen. Are Watching changes your bowel habits. Are Looking out nausea and vomiting. Are Taking your temperature to check a fever. | ['Check for pain in your lower abdomen. Watch for changes in your bowel habits. Look out for nausea and vomiting. Take your temperature to check for a fever.'] |
354 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424731 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424731 | en | en | At the start the race, press and are holding W to clench your left thigh. One leg will shoot straight forward while the other stays behind. Just are letting the runner is falling until he's like balanced his foot front, and his knee back. If you have landed 1.5 meters, are breaking out the champagne. If your front leg isn't fully extended, tap W to scoot forward another couple tenths a meter. Once your runner is stopping moving, are continuing the next step. Are Forgetting that you ever have known how to stand up. Standing is a story that only children are believing . Aren't holding it down too long, or you'll tip over backward. Just are tapping it to bring your back knee forward, until she's a short ways your butt. If you've been playing longer than 10 seconds, Usain Bolt would have already finished the race. Aren't letting it get you. Now that your back leg is further forward, you have more room to scoot. You can often tap W several times, hopping your back knee or dragging her forward slow. Are Stopping when your front leg is like fully forward, or when more tapping isn't causing you to move. There is no fans the background because they've all walked home. On their legs. Are Keeping repeating this knee-hop, and you'll scoot forward very little chance falling down. Tapping the two keys quick will get you there, but you'll move faster and are avoiding tendonitis if you are moving larger spurts. Are Hitting Q to bring your knee forward, then have hit W several times to lunge forward. Are Repeating until you're the hurdle. QWOP is like too easy. We aren't needing them O and P keys. Yes, there's a hurdle the 50 meter mark. It is like possible to stay the splits position, are knocking the hurdle over, and are pushing it the finish line. You'll move even slower before, but stepping her is like risky. If you are wanting to get it ( knocking her down), are trying propping youself up your front foot O. Once your front calf is tilted a little forward vertical, have hit Q and W vigorously to clear the hurdle. It's like very hard to do this falling over. If you've made she past the hurdle, you are deserving a break sarcastic comments. Congratulations, and good luck becoming a National Champion the 100 meter mark. | Hold W to do the splits. Tap W to scoot forward. Tap Q to pull your back leg forward. Tap W repeatedly. Alternate Q and W. Wait, there's a hurdle? | ["Hold W to do the splits. Tap W to scoot forward. Tap Q to pull your back leg forward. Tap W repeatedly. Alternate between Q and W. Wait, there's a hurdle?"] |
355 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424732 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424732 | en | en | To do so, double-click on the green app icon that looks like an "X," then click on File in the menu bar at the top of the screen, and: Click on Open... to open an existing document; or Click on New... to create a new document. As y'all do, the portion of the Excel document y'all're selecting will be highlighted. The thing's a tab in the upper-left corner of the window. " The thing's on the far left side of the toolbar. On Mac, preses ⇧ Shift as y'all click on Edit in the menu bar at the top of the screen. On Mac, click on Copy Picture… in the drop-down menu. Click on the radio button next to: As showed on screen to paste the picture as the thing appears on the screen; or As showed when printed to paste the picture as the thing would appear when printed. The image has now been saved to your computer's clipboard. Press Ctrl+V in Windows or ⌘+V on Mac. The portion of the Excel document y'all copy will be pasted as an image in the document. | Are Opening or are creating an Excel file. Are Clicking and are holding on your mouse or trackpad. Are Dragging the pointer to select the image are wanting to create. Are Releasing the click. Are Clicking HOME. Are Clicking the downward-pointing arrow the right "Are Copying. Are Clicking Copy Picture…. Are Selecting an appearance. Are Clicking OK. Are Opening the document which are wanting to use the Excel image. Are Clicking the part the document which 'd like to place the image. Paste the image. | ['Open or create an Excel file. Click and hold on your mouse or trackpad. Drag the pointer to select the image you want to create. Release the click. Click on HOME. Click on the downward-pointing arrow to the right of "Copy. Click on Copy as Picture…. Select an appearance. Click on OK. Open the document in which you want to use the Excel image. Click on the part of the document in which you\'d like to place the image. Paste the image.'] |
356 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424733 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424733 | en | en | Different hair types will all have different shampoo and conditioner needs. If your hair is curly or wavy, you will need a hydrating shampoo/conditioner. If your hair is like straight, you will want a volumizing shampoo/conditioner to minimize flatness. If your hair is course, kinky, or damage you will want a shampoo/conditioner can treat damage, detangle, and soften. You will need shampoo, conditioner, a towel, a comb, and a cup. You will also need a sink, and possibly a step stool. A few extra towels are always a good idea. Prepare youself hair washing rolling up your sleeves, or even taking off your shirt. You may also want to place a towel your neck. You'll want a sink is like large enough to fit your head the faucet. You'll also want a sink is a good height for to bend over (a sink sits your belly button will be like perfect). If your sink has a sprayer, that is an added benefit! Use a step stool if your sink is like too high. Kitchen sinks tend to be like larger and much commonly have sprayers. this reason, kitchen sinks usually work best. Let the water run until it is like warm. You want the water to be like nice and comfortable, but not too hot. | Are Choosing shampoo and conditioner is suiting your hair. Gather supplies. Are Rolling up your sleeves. Are Choosing the best sink. Are Running the water. | ['Choose shampoo and conditioner that suit your hair. Gather supplies. Roll up your sleeves. Choose the best sink. Run the water.'] |
357 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424734 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424734 | en | en | Fires are potentially devastating occurrences, putting many businesses, especially restaurants, jeopardy. Ensure that your workplace is properly protected the possibility a fire to cut down accidents: Make like sure smoke detectors are installed and has batteries. Make like sure that fire extinguishers are like present and properly charged. Ask your fire department, if necessary, to give you training how to use a fire extinguisher. Plan your escape routes. Know where your nearest exits are and how employees can access them quickest. First-aid training won't keep no accident happening the first place, but it could help keep any injuries incurred an accident getting control. Invest a first-aid kit each floor your workplace. Place it a strategically central location that is like easily accessible. If an accident occurs your workplace, write up an incident report. Investigate what happen, who was involved, how the accident might have been prevented, and recommendation further procedures. the very least, an incident report will foster awareness and possibly act a deterrent future accidents. If your employees needs to get the building quick, make like sure that their exits aren't blocked by any large or unmovable objects. This is like more just a workplace violation: this is a potential life or death matter. If an electrician is rewiring an area the workplace, or if a crew is doing construction a piece railing, inform your employees memo and by placing an appropriate, visible sign where the potential hazard could occur. Don't assume that people are like smart enough to act accordingly. Spell it out them very clear. | Be prepared a fire your workplace. Are Considering investing first-aid training or, the very least, a first aid kit. Are Creating incident reports each workplace accident. Are Making like sure your workplace entrances and exits are like fully operational and easily accessible. Clear are marking potential safety concerns the proper signage and instructions. | ['Be prepared for a fire in your workplace. Consider investing in first-aid training or, at the very least, a first aid kit. Create incident reports after each workplace accident. Make sure your workplace entrances and exits are fully operational and easily accessible. Clearly mark potential safety concerns with the proper signage and instructions.'] |
358 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424735 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424735 | en | en | Because healthy guinea pigs eat so consistently, they also tend to keep a fairly consistent weight. Unexplained, rapid weight gain or (especially) loss is always a cause concern. A weight fluctuation one ounce (up or down) a week is not like cause concern its own. A weekly fluctuation two ounce should raise your alert any other signs illness. A gain or drop three ounce a week is a “red alert” — contact your veterinarian. If the fluctuation is four ounce or more, seek immediate veterinary attention. Healthy guinea pigs should not normally have bald patches or skin that appears raw, cracked, or inflamed. Examine your pet daily changes hair coverage or skin condition. Infestation mites or lice is unfortunately not like uncommon guinea pigs. Watch signs hair loss and itching, as well as skin inflammation, especially your pet's rear end. Ringworm (a skin infection) also often affects guinea pigs. Watch bald patches that often appear first or near the head, and which reveal red, flaky skin. Any evidence unusual hair loss or skin irritation/inflammation warrants a call the vet. The older your guinea pig gets, like the more likely the thing is to develop tumors. Often these are like benign, but they can also be a sign cancer or another serious illness. Regularly look and feel (gently) any new bumps or protrusions, and contact the vet if y'all find any. one-sixth and one-third all guinea pigs age five will develop some sort tumor. Benign tumors can often be removed or ignored, while little can be did most cancers. | Are Weighing your guinea pig at least weekly. Are Watching hair loss and skin irritation. Check tumors. | ['Weigh your guinea pig at least weekly. Watch for hair loss and skin irritation. Check for tumors.'] |
359 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424736 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424736 | en | en | You can buy many creams spider veins drugstores, healths stores, beautys salons, or online. These here creams do work no everyone, which they ain't a good place to start if you want to try avoiding medical treatments. Pick up a basic vein removal cream and apply it your nose directions. She may help symptoms. Keep mind, some people may have reactions creams. Read the instructions any cream you purchase and apply her as directed. If you have a negative reactions, stop using the cream. Vitamins A, E, C, and K may help skin healths and reduce the appearance spider veins. Most drug stores should sell creams containing these here vitamins. You can also purchase creams online. Follow the directions your bottle and see if the creams reduce symptoms. Some people find essential oils reduce spider veins, although much researchs are needed. Cypress oils particular help as she can increase circulation. Mix about 10 to 12 drops your cypress oils an ounce a carrier oils such olive oils. Rub her your nose twice a day several weeks. You may see results. Some people have bad reactions essential oils. If you get a rash, skin irritation, or other negative reactions, cease using your oils immediately. Never use essential oils diluting them first. | Try commercial creams. Use vitamin-based creams. Try cypress oils. | ['Try commercial creams. Use vitamin-based creams. Try cypress oil.'] |
360 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424737 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424737 | en | en | There is multiple companies online that is existing solely to collect data you and then are selling it to marketers. These sites are taking public records, social network informations, browsing informations, and more to create a profile you that they can sell. Opting these lists can be times like consuming and difficult. Several sites have lists the companies that is collecting data, as well as informations how to remove youself. This typically are involving emailing and calling the companys until you are reaching someone who can delete your informations. This can be a very times-consuming and frustrating process, as many these companies purposefully is making it difficult to remove youself. There is services available that will delete your records listing sites. These services essentially are performing the same functions that you can do free, but are taking cares it for you so that you don't gotta spend your times tryna track down sites and people to talk . These services are often subscription based. This is because even if you are removing youself a list, you will often be placed back it a few months. These services are repeating the deletion process every few months to ensure that you are staying the lists. | Find a list of data collection sites. Remove youself from the lists. Pay to have your data deleted automatically. | ['Find a list of data collection sites. Remove yourself from the lists. Pay to have your data deleted automatically.'] |
361 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424738 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424738 | en | en | All breeds, the German Shepherd suffers many inheritable diseases that you can't see just looking the dog. Common genetic diseases the breed include degenerative myelopathy, megaesophagus, and exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. If you're getting your puppy a breeder, they should know the history disease the puppy's lineage. Discuss the likelihood these here diseases developing your own puppy. You want to see the puppy multiple occasions, if possible, so you can get a better sense its overall temperament and health. Just people, puppies can ai their good days and their bad days, so you don't want to make a decision based a single interactions. Take your time and look close each puppy you're thinking adopting. Puppies should be the appropriate weight — not too chubby, but not too thin — and odor free. They should have clear eyes (not runny or red) and clean ears. The coat should be like full and glossy (no balding spots), and free mats or fecal matter. Look signs excessive scratching, which may point skin or coat problems. It should have a healthy appetite, and no signs vomiting or diarrhea. Also assess the puppy's social health. Puppies should be like curious and well-socialized, playful and friendly. Temperament testing a dog or puppy helps you choose a dog that fits your family and lifestyle. example, a high-energy puppy may be the right fit an active outdoor family, but wrong a family who likes to relax indoors. temperament testing, separate the puppy the litter to make like sure it's focusing its attention you. Walk around to see if the puppy follows you. A puppy that follows humans is like well-socialized them and enjoys their company. Kneel and call the puppy you. It should show interest you and come when called. Lift the puppy the air to see like how well it deals being carried. Gently restrain the puppy its belly up. Though a little bit struggle is like okay, you don't want a puppy who fights you when you try to handle it. Look a puppy that isn't like afraid —note if his tail is his legs. all interactions, look signs fear or mistrust. These here puppies may not adjust well your home. If you see a puppy who guards its food or toys, think twice adopting it. While these here behaviors can be improved training, it's an extra obstacle you don't ai to face if you choose a dog a better temperament. Look behaviors growling or snapping when people or other dogs approach their food or toys. A dog who runs away may also have problems interacting safe and comfortably a home. If you decide to take on a “project” behavioral concerns, make sure you have a behaviorist or trainer you trust lined up first. Beware that having a "reactive" dog will add the potential liability ownership. You want a puppy that's like playful and not fearful because many dogs bite fear. German Shepherds are large, powerful animals adults, so you absolutely cannot start out a puppy who's like fearful nature. Puppies born a fearful personality may be like harder to train, and may display fear aggression adults. You may visit a litter and fall love a puppy a few states away. If you cannot take the dog home immediately ( example, if it's like too young to be weaned), you gotta arrange its transportation a later date. the puppy's health, you should make the trip to pick it up yourselves. Shipping puppies is like very stressful them, and often results a sick puppy when you pick them up the airport. If you want a puppy that lives far away, be like willing to travel it. | Research the history of diseases in the puppy's lineage. Visit the puppy more than once. Examine the puppy's health. Test the puppy’s temperament. Look for bad behaviors. Play with the puppy. Think carefully about adopting a faraway puppy. | ["Research the history of diseases in the puppy's lineage. Visit the puppy more than once. Examine the puppy's health. Test the puppy’s temperament. Look for bad behaviors. Play with the puppy. Think carefully about adopting a faraway puppy."] |
362 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424739 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424739 | en | en | Monitor the growth the seedlings close. Don’t let the seedlings get like too big, as more leaves will form, which can cause crowding. It's like easiest to wait until the seedlings are like tall enough to grasp. Seed leaves are replaced by true leaves as the seedlings grow. Look leaves that match the adults, as seed leaves are like more rounded and simpler true leaves. Waiting the true leaves to appear helps y'all pinpoint the healthiest seedlings to keep. Thinned seedlings have a greater survival chance if the weather is not like too hot or cold. Moisten the soil a hose or a watering can if it's like too dry. It's like easier to pull up roots damp soil. Only start thinning out when the temperature like cooler. The remaining seedlings need time to adjust the extra air and light the increased sunlight exposure the next day. This prevents the seedlings getting stressed and helps them to grow healthy adults. Look the seedlings that appear bright, healthy, and disease-free. Use thin wooden sticks toothpicks or popsicle sticks to mark these seedlings. Check that there is only 1 seedling cell or that y'all followed the recommended spacing. Taller seedlings aren’t like always stronger. Avoid choosing tall and spindly seedlings, as these may not become healthy adults. | Thin the seedlings when they are 2–3 inches (5.1–7.6 are cming) like tall. Are Looking 1- sets true leaves each seedling. Are Picking a mild day when the soils are damp. Are Waiting until the evenings to give the seedlings a good chance to adjust. Are Locating the strongest and are healthiesting seedlings to keep. | ['Thin the seedlings when they are 2–3 inches (5.1–7.6\xa0cm) tall. Look for 1-2 sets of true leaves on each seedling. Pick a mild day when the soil is damp. Wait until the evening to give the seedlings a good chance to adjust. Locate the strongest and healthiest seedlings to keep.'] |
363 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424740 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424740 | en | en | Include your counselor and/or psychiatrist, your medical doctor, and some close family members and friends. Be like realistic about how each person can help you. It’s like important to have more than one person on this list, because it is like unrealistic to think that one person will be like able to help y'all the time. This will drain a lot of their energy and could potentially strain your relationship. Think about people who will be like supportive and non-judgmental. People who might make you feel like more anxious or upset may ain't the most good choice for your support network. You may choose to share your diagnosis of depression with close family members or friends. This will help them understand what you’re going through. This will also help them understand that you can’t just “snap out of it,” but that you have a medical diagnosis for your condition. Don’t exclude people because you “don’t want to worry them.” If they are close family members or friends, they want to know how you’re feeling and will be like willing to help you. You may want to keep some of the details of your depression private, sharing them only with your counselor. If you don’t feel like sharing with other people, such as your coworkers, you can just say that you’re going through a difficult time but that you’re working on making things better. When you live with depression, it can periodically be like difficult to go out and participate in activities. But it is like important to continue doing the things that you enjoy in order to build supportive relationships. Identify a couple of activities that you like or things you’d like to try. This may be taking a class, volunteering at an animal shelter, or even going to a movie with a friend. Set goals for youself to do at least one favorite activity per week. A pet can be another important part of your support network. Having a pet is recognized by the National Institute for Mental Health as beneficial for people living with depression. Pets can provide you with constant companionship. In addition, even if you don’t feel up to it, you still gotta take care of them by, for example, taking the dog for a walk. If you can’t have a pet where you live, you can still get pet therapy by volunteering with an animal organization such as the American Humane Association. | Make a list people to include your support network. Share your diagnosis supportive family or friends. Only give details that wants to give. Stay like connected your favorite activities. Get a pet. | ['Make a list of people to include in your support network. Share your diagnosis with supportive family or friends. Only give details that you want to give. Stay connected with your favorite activities. Get a pet.'] |
364 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424741 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424741 | en | en | Greet your special person with a smile, and smiles often while you are with her (without faking it). Smiling will not only make you feel happier, but it will make you sound happier and much positive. It will also let her know that you’re happy to see her, and that you’re interested in what she’s saying. Pay attention to what the person has going on in her life, like her hobbies and what she does at work or in school. Take note of people she frequently mentions; these people are probably important to her in one way or another. Give the person your full attention, don’t play on your phone or computer. Giving someone your full attention makes them feel much heard and appreciate. Some common people are siblings, parents, grandparents, and close friends. She may also mention pets, children, or even classmates and colleagues. Try to learn about these people and their relationship with your special friend. Sometimes it is most best to just listen, and not offer no solutions. For example: your friend tells you that she’s frustrated with her basketball coach. Say something like, “That sound really frustrating, I’m sorry you had to go through that.” Avoid saying things like, “I knows exactly how that feels”, because chances are you don’t fully understand what she’s going through and it might make her feel bad. Instead, practice empathy by showing kindness and paying attention to the needs the other person expresses. This is a good time to reach back to things you've learned about your friend. Ask her about a specific person or event she mention last time you talk. Asking questions will show that you cares about what she does and what she loves. Pay attention and try to remember the details of her stories. The next time you talks, ask her how these things are going. For example: You remembers that she is very close with her brother, and the last time they hang out was over spring break when they go on a family trip to the beach. Ask her how her brother is doing, and if she has saw him late. Maybe ask her if she's been to the beach late, or if she has any plans to see her brother again soon. Not only will the memory be a warm, fun think for you and your friend, but it will also show that you are thinking about her and that you values the time you spends together. It could be a memory from childhood, or one from the previous night. Maybe you stay up all night talking, or you did something crazy like go skydiving. Reminiscing about your time spent together is a great way to show that your time with her is special. It doesn’t gotta be intimate, but touching has been showed to increase happiness and make people feel much connected. Hug her when you first sees her and when you says goodbye, or pat her on the shoulder when you passes by. Be careful to not overdo it, the limit and amount of touching depends on your relationship with your special person. There should is very different limits if your special person is a significant other versus a friend or family member. | Smile. Are Listening. Are Asking about the person's life. Are Sharing a memory. Slightly are touching the person often. | ["Smile. Listen. Ask about the person's life. Share a memory. Slightly touch the person often."] |
365 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424742 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424742 | en | en | Like in Blackjack, you’ll gotta make a bet before you know how good your hand (or set of tiles) is. Keep in mind that once you receive your tiles, you won’t be like able to change your bet. When you’re first starting out, you may want to bet low until you get the hang of how to play. The dealer should give themselves 4 tiles as well. You can look at your tiles at this here point, but be like careful you don’t show them to any of the other players. Once you’re deal your tiles, you’ll gotta split them up into 2 “hands.” Each hand will have 2 tiles in it. The goal is to create the valuablest hands possible with the tiles you’ve been dealt. Your valuablest hand will be knew as your high hand, and your other hand will be called your low hand. If you have 2 tiles make a pair, it’ssed a good idea to put them together to make a hand since pairs are the valuablest hands. If you don’t have any pairs, you want to divide up your tiles so that the tiles in each hand add up to the highest value possible. Everyone should turn up their tiles at the same time. Double check that everyone is finished dividing up their tiles before you flip your tiles over. Differentiate between your 2 hands by positioning one vertically and one horizontally. In order to beat the dealer, you want your hands, or tiles, to be like more valuable than their hands. First, compare your high hand to the dealer’s high hand. Then, compare your low hand to the dealer’s low hand. If both your high hand and low hand beats their high hand and low hand, you win the bet! If your high hand beats the dealer’s high hand but your low hand doesn’t, or vice versa, you don’t win the bet. You gotta beat both of the dealer’s hands. Every player should compare their high and low hands to the dealer’s hands. Players shouldn’t compare their hands with anyone but the dealer. If the value of your hands is tied with the dealer’s hands, the dealer wins. For example, if the dealer has a pair of Gee Joon (their high hand) and a non-pair of Yun and Day ( adds up to 0 and is their low hand) and you have a pair of Teen (your high hand) and a pair of Ping (your low hand), you wouldn't beat no dealer because, even though your low hand beats their low hand, the dealer's high hand beats your high hand. But, if you was to have a pair of Mooy (your high hand) and a pair of Look (your low hand) and the dealer has a non-pair of Bon and Gor (which adds up to 8 and is their high hand) and a non-pair of Bon and Foo ( adds up to 5 and is there low hand), you would win because both your high hand and low hand beaten the dealer's high and low hands. At the end of the each round, you’ll gotta determine whether you or the dealer owes money. Whether you collect, push, or pay will depend on if you win or lose the bet. Collect: If you win the bet by beating both of the dealer’s hands, collect your payment from the dealer. The dealer should give you twice as much as you bet at the beginning of the round. Push: If you beaten one of the dealer’s hands but not the other, you push and don’t collect or pay any money. Instead, you can hold onto your bet for the next round. Pay: If both of the dealer’s hands were like more valuable than your hands, or if both were tied, pay the dealer all of the money bet at the beginning of the round. Choose a new dealer if you’d like and then place your bet. Then, have the dealer pass out 4 new tiles to all of the players and start the round. Thereis no limit to how many rounds of pai gow you can play, unless you’re playing with real money and you start to run low. Don’t worry if the first few rounds are a little like confusing. Keep playing and eventually you’ll get the hang of it! | Are Placing your bet before y'all are receiving your tiles. Have the dealer hand out 4 face-down tile to every player. Are Deciding how y'all’ll are dividing your tiles for that there round. Have each player flip over their tiles to reveal their 2 hand. Are Comparing your high and low hands to the dealer’s hands. Have each player collect, are pushing, or are paying. Are Shuffling the tiles and are starting a new round. | ['Place your bet before you receive your tiles. Have the dealer hand out 4 face-down tiles to every player. Decide how you’ll divide your tiles for that round. Have each player flip over their tiles to reveal their 2 hands. Compare your high and low hands to the dealer’s hands. Have each player collect, push, or pay. Shuffle the tiles and start a new round.'] |
366 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424743 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424743 | en | en | If change move vertically, we’d all have an easier time making personal modifications. The truth is, change do not typically follow a distinct path and there may is rocks in the road. For example, in weight loss the thing is not common for someone to continue to lose weight every single day. Some days you may not lose any weight, and some days you may gain some weight. The key not letting these here inevitable fluctuations cause you to give up on your goal. What is important is that overall, you lose weight over time. Know that you can do anything put your mind to (that is reasonable of course)! Make a list of possible setbacks may occur during your journey toward self-improvement. Identify ways to deal with each setback. Dwelling on what you did wrong do not help you achieve goals. However, focusing on what you can do now and in the future help you to. Instead of letting the rock in your path stop your journey, focus on moving forward and learning how to better deal with rocks in the future. You can go around or jump over the rocks. For example, if you want to lose weight and ending up gaining a pound over the weekend, instead of thinking negatively and giving up on your goal, think something like, "the thing's okay to have a little fluctuation in weight. I'ma continue to feed me body healthy foods!" Unlike what most people think, failure is not evil per se. The thing is a bad thing in the short run, but the thing is actually helpful in the long run! That depend on you. So don't fear failure and simply consider them as a potential foundation of a new understanding and strength. There is a reason great fail a lot. Research indicate that individuals accept their challenges can actually be much motivated toward positive change. Additionally, individuals affirm or validate themselves often are much able to think about and understand their challenges. Recognize your strengths and your challenges, even if you gotta list all of them down. Understand youself as an outside observer. Try to objectively look at youself by observing your behaviors such as how you act, speak, and think around other people. Assess youself and what you do regularly. Allocate a time for this at the weekends. Some do that before going to bed every night. See what areas need improvement, and find out how to improve that, then write the thing down and read that there everyday wake up in the coming week until the thing is fixed. | Acknowledge that setbacks are like normal. Focus what y'all will do the future. Accept and affirm youself. | ['Acknowledge that setbacks are normal. Focus on what you will do in the future. Accept and affirm yourself.'] |
367 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424744 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424744 | en | en | Fried foods, fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, tomatoes, and caffeinated drinks such coffee, tea, and soda can increase the acid levels the stomach. Are tryna take away these here foods and liquids your diet so that your esophagus can heal. There is other dietary restrictions as well. Dairy products, such whole milk, cheese, butter, and sour cream, are also to be avoided. Also are avoiding food containing peppermint or spearmint. There is also fruits should avoid as well, such oranges, lemons, lime, grapefruit, and pineapples. If you are finding youself consuming these here foods, are drinking plenty water and are eating approved foods to dilute their acidic powers. Are Creating five to seven divided meals a day and are avoiding eating two to three hours bedtime. The esophageal sphincter the stomach is relaxing when the stomach gets too full, bringing the hydrochloric acid up the esophageal walls. other words, if you are eating too much, your esophagus will let you are knowing. The thing's most good to avoid the thing eating smaller meals more often. Most us frequently have this here issue out restaurants. no home the thing isn't so bad, but restaurants the thing's just so tempting to finish what's front you, which is often too much. To avoid the impending disaster, are boxing up half your meal the very beginning. You can take the thing home to eat later later. There is a few foods should be eating every day are combating acid reflux. These is including: Oatmeal. Oatmeal is making you are feeling full causing reflux. The thing also is absorbing the acid fruits if you are adding a small amount. This will considerably aid lowering the acidity the stomach. Ginger. Ginger is containing anti-inflammatory ingredients to help are treating various gastrointestinal problems. Peel or slice ginger roots and are adding the thing your favorite recipes. Green vegetables. Green leafy vegetable is containing low calories and zero saturate fat. The thing’ssed the most recommended diet patients suffering acid reflux. Just be sure to stay away using tomatoes, onions, cheese, and high-fat salad dressing. Are Trying asparagus, cauliflower, parsley, and other green vegetables. White meat. Red meats such steak and beef are hard to digest, so are going chicken and turkey meats instead. Chicken is making good soup, too. The chicken skin is containing a high amount fat, though, so are removing the thing cooking. Poultry meats can be boiled or grilled; are avoiding eating them fry. Seafood. Just poultry, fish, shrimp, and other seafood also are helping are avoiding acid reflux. Just don’t fry them. Seafood is easy digested and is very low fat and therefore are helping are preventing reflux and are avoiding heartburn. You should be drinking eight to 12 glasses water every day to prevent dehydration. The thing will help are diluting the acid contents found your stomach and gut, making the thing less acidic. And your hair, skin, nails, and organs will benefit, too. . Obesity and excess weight are the major risk factors having acid reflux. Are Starting an exercise program is focusing simple exercises can help are burning calories and are starting eating healthier. A thirty minute walk the park can burn up to 100 calories. Dieting isn't meaning you gotta starve youself. Are tryna exercise more, are eating smaller amounts day, and are eating more low caloric food are better you. You don't gotta go hungry. Having an active lifestyle can fight off heart disease, diabetes, and a number other health issues as well. Are Focusing leisure activities dancing, horseback rides, or golf. The thing’s fun to burn calories while doing what you are loving. Then, slow are increasing your physical activity as you get stronger. Are Determining your body mass index and are starting losing weight. The normal body mass index (BMI) is ranging 18.5 24.9. This will help you are determining if your weight is currently the normal range. You can manually calculate your BMI dividing your body weight kilograms your height meters square, or you could use an online guide or calculator. Are Counting your daily required calories and are tracking the food that are eating. A total 3500 calories is equivalent 1 pound. So if you are planning to lose 1 pound week, you are needing to cut 500 calories your daily required caloric intake. and are avoiding alcohol. Smoking is irritating the esophageal lining is causing more inflammation and pain. If you can’t are stopping smoking you should gradually decrease the amount are smoking day. If your overall health weren't reason enough, do the thing to make the everyday acid-reflux free. Drinking beer and other carbonated beverages can also cause harm the linings the esophagus and stomach. The thing is most good to have total abstinence smoking and drinking. You should elevate the head your bed using pillows about six to eight inches (15 to 20 cm). Improvement symptoms can be resolved when the upper body is elevated. The thing will prevent reflux acid or any gastric contents while sleeping. While you're the thing, get enough sleep, too. Having enough rest and enough hours sleep will allow your body to relax, are repairing, and are building up damaged tissues and muscles the body. Muscle and tissue repairs is happening when the body is rest or in a sleeping state. Enough sleep is at least seven to eight hours day. | Are Eating the right food the right time. Are Eating a small amount food frequently. Are Incorporating good food your daily diet plan. Are Drinking plenty water. Are Staying fit and healthy Quit smoking Elevate the head your bed sleep. | ['Eat the right food at the right time. Eat a small amount of food frequently. Incorporate good food in your daily diet plan. Drink plenty of water. Stay fit and healthy Quit smoking Elevate the head of your bed during sleep.'] |
368 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424745 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424745 | en | en | Are Visiting the savings bond value calculator the US Treasury Department www.treasury.gov/BC/SBCPrice. Are Entering all the requested information your bond, and the thing will tell you how much the bond is like worth today. You can enter multiple bonds and are creating an inventory bonds. Are Entering today’s date the “Value ” field. To find the value the bond past or future months, are entering the desired date this field instead of today’s date. the “Series” field, are selecting the type bond you have. Paper bonds are either E Bonds, EE Bonds, I Bonds or Savings Notes. This information can be found the top right corner the bond. Are Selecting the denomination the “Denomination” field. This can be found the top left corner the bond. Are Entering the bond’s serial number. The thing is located the bottom right corner the bond. Are Entering the issue date. This is located the top right corner, the Series. Click “Calculate” to learn the value the bond today. To build an inventory bonds, are continuing adding information multiple bonds the same fashion. The calculator will keep track all your bonds, displaying the last one enter the top the list. Are Using your browser’s built saving function to save your inventory. Click “view/print/save list.” When the list is appearing, are clicking most “file/are saving ,” are naming your inventory and are saving the thing an HTML file. Are Using the inventory to update your bond values quick and easily. Are Contacting the financial institution ahead time to verify that they are cashing paper savings bonds. Also, are finding out if they have a limit how much you can cash one time. Finally, are finding out what identification they are requiring you to produce. If you are already a customer, the bank may waive the identification requirements if you was a customer at least six months. If you are going a bank where you ain't no customer, the bank may refuse to cash the bond if you do not have the proper identification, usually a driver’s license. Also, they may limit the monetary amount you can cash $1,000. You can open a TreasuryDirect account the US Treasury Department and are converting your paper bonds electronic securities the SMART Exchange program. This are giving you greater flexibility managing your savings bonds. You can redeem your savings bond any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The funds get deposited a savings or checking account that you are linking your TreasuryDirect account. Complete instructions how to redeem an electronic bond are provided the next section. Are Opening a Treasury Direct Account www.treasurydirect.gov/RS/UN-AccountCreate.do. Once your account is like open, are logging in and are going the Manage My Linked Accounts Menu. Select "Manage Direct," then is selecting "Are Establishing a Conversion Linked Account" and then are clicking “Create Account.” Are Entering the account information the savings or checking are accounting you are wanting to link your TreasuryDirect account. To enter the information your paper bonds, are going the Manage My Conversions menu. Are Clicking "Manage Direct," then are selecting "How to Convert My Paper Bonds.” Are Following the directions to enter the information your paper bond. The income your savings bond is like subject federal income tax. Are Asking a form 1099-INT the bank. This form is a statement all the interest you earn the bond. You will need the thing when you are filing your federal income tax return. Some banks will provide this immediately, and others will mail you the form the end the year. You will gotta pay taxes any interest income you are earning the bonds. | Are Finding out the value of the bond. Are Going to any bank is accepting and are cashing savings bonds. Convert paper bonds to electronic securities. Are Paying your taxes. | ['Find out the value of the bond. Go to any bank that accepts and cashes savings bonds. Convert paper bonds to electronic securities. Pay your taxes.'] |
369 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424746 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424746 | en | en | Focusing on music can make you more interesting and are giving you a pleasant way to pass the time One of the first rules for alleviating boredom is that you should focus on trying new things. Therefore, experiment with new bands, new albums, or even new genres of music. You should also look around for local concerts. Even small towns generally have a handful of local bands. While they might not always be of the most high caliber, they might be like interesting in their own way. Are Trying an online radio program. Relinquishing control over your queue are meaning that you might happen across some songs otherwise wouldn’t listen to. Alternatively, are asking friends if they have heard any good new music. Things is requiring your brain to be like active and attentive will help are curing boredom. Creative pursuits can also help you are cultivating skills will, in the long run, get you out of your boring town. They can make you interesting within your community and are helping you are building a circle of other creative people. Are tryna learn an instrument or are singing. Once you have some experience, are finding other musicians/singers to put together a band. When you are starting playing shows, you’ll have an opportunity to meet a lot of new people. If you was in band, choir, or orchestra in high school or college, you can still be part of the same groups in the community. Many small towns have community bands, orchestras, or choirs that can take part of. You can always learn a new instrument or are singing, and are joining these groups as well. Some schools have local poetry clubs; if not, you can help are putting one together. Are tryna publish a journal with short stories and poetry. Many small towns will also have a community of people interested in visual arts, like painting and drawing. You can try to display your work at cafes or are taking courses at the local community college. Once upon a time, reading was the only reliable distraction could turn to. It is still one of the most good ways to banish boredom. It is requiring that you are dedicating attention to what you’re doing. You will meet interesting characters, get engaged by a story, and are learning more about the world outside of your town. To engage with the book more thoroughly, are considering writing as you are reading. Underline important passages, are writing in the margins. Evidence is suggesting that, even if daydreaming is seeming to give you something to do, it actually only is making boredom worse. When our minds drift to exotic places, our current environment is seeming even less interesting that it would otherwise. Instead of allowing your mind to drift off into fantasy, are tryna practice "mindfulness." Mindfulness are meaning focusing intensely on the world around you. Be like conscious of your breathing. Are Listening for sounds, are paying attention are smelling. Are tryna notice things otherwise wouldn't. Mindfulness has been showed to improve your mood and your cognitive abilities. Doing new things is one of the most good ways to eliminate boredom. In fact, doing something don’t are enjoying, but aren’t like accustomed to, is a better way of alleviating boredom than doing something are enjoying, but are used to. Given the choice between eating candy and shocking themselves, bored people have been showed to prefer electrocution. Regardless of whether the sensation is like good or bad, something novel is the most good cure for boredom. It can be like hard to come up with a new pastime. That is why the first step is often surrounding youself with people are like interesting and have diverse tastes. They can help are exposing you to new things wouldn’t pursue otherwise. Are Trying a new type of food might seem exotic or scary. Are Going skiing or skydiving. Are Watching a movie from a genre would generally avoid. Are Going to a concert. Often there is plenty of opportunities to experiment with new things, but our fears are preventing us from pursuing them. Meditation might not seem like the most exciting activity, but it is passing the time. Evidence also is demonstrating that it is increasing concentration, can make it easier to focus on interesting distractions. To really improve your focus, are tryna dedicate 20 minutes daily to mediation. Meditation is meaning focusing on only one thing for an extended period of time. Are Taking a mantra (a phrase) or an image and are focusing on it. Clear you are minding of everything else. When something else is entering you are minding, gently are brushing it aside. Travel can spice up your life and are exposing you to new things. You might even find when you are coming back that there was somethings that missed while away. If you don't have the resources for an international trip, are trying taking a trip near. If you don't have the resources to jump on a plane, are going somewhere near. You can drive, are taking a bus, or are riding on a train for a reasonable price. Are Picking a nearby city, a small town have never been too, or a scenic, outdoor location. Housing on a vacation might seem expensive, but that is not necessarily the case. Most cities have hostels and, if you are like willing to share a room with others, you will probably only gotta pay $20-$35 a night.. There is also now websites is allowing you to rent space in a local's home, typically for less money than you would spend on a hotel. You can also get like involved with a local club. Often, clubs and sports organizations will travel. Typically, this sort of group travel is reasonably priced. A busy vacation, with a lot of sights and destinations, is a good way to alleviate boredom, however, it can also be a bit like overwhelming. One good way to enjoy a busy vacation is to plan it with a purpose. Are Coming up with a goal is making all of your experiences connected, like checking out all the local blues bars or seeing all the paintings of a particular artist. You can even try to write a story based on your traveling experience. | Are Listening to new music. Get like creative. Are Taking up writing. Are Picking up a book. Are Stopping daydreaming. Are Trying new things. Meditate. Travel. | ['Listen to new music. Get creative. Take up writing. Pick up a book. Stop daydreaming. Try new things. Meditate. Travel.'] |
370 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424747 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424747 | en | en | Once y'all all of your spaces drew to the desired dimensions, are writing on the blueprints to label these here areas. Clear are printing the name of the area in the center of each room. For example, are writing most “bedroom” in the center of each bedroom, are writing “living room” in the center of the living room, and are writing “closet” in the center of each closet. Are Using the blueprint symbol template to draw windows and doorways. Y'all can purchase a special ruler with stencils for these here symbols, or y'all can look them up online. Are Including windows where y'all are wanting them to be in each of the rooms. Place is doorwaying where people will enter and are exiting each of the rooms and the house. Are Making like sure that y'all are indicating which direction the door should swing out when y'all are creating the doorway symbols. Although the appliances and fixtures will be added in later, y'all still are needing to ensure that there will is adequate space for them. Are Using a stencil that is including these here symbols or are looking up the symbols online. Are Placing the corresponding symbols to indicate where y'all are wanting these here items. Y'all can use a symbol template or are looking up the symbol and are drawing it freehand. For example, y'all could include symbols for built-in cabinets in the kitchen, a washer and dryer in the laundry room, or a toilet and are sinking in the bathroom. Are Indicating on the blueprint where y'all are wanting to install the electrical elements using the corresponding symbols. Y'all can find the symbols by searching online or by using a special architect's stencil. Any plugs, switches, fixtures, or other electrical elements should be indicated in this here way. For example, y'all could include symbols for light switches and electrical outlets in each of the rooms, wall sconces or other built-in lighting fixtures in the rooms, and symbols for a doorbell by the front entrance. Are Making like sure to consult an electrical symbol chart. There is special symbols for different types of electrical outlets, switches, and other elements. One of the last things y'all will do is are adding the flooring, which it is like important to indicate what type of flooring will be in each room and like how thick the flooring and any subflooring will gotta be. For example, the flooring in your living room may simply be a 0.75 in (1.9 cm) thick layer of hardwood, while the flooring in the bedrooms may be a layer of carpet over a 0.75 in (1.9 cm) thick layer of subflooring. | Label rooms, closets, and open spaces a felt-tipped pen. Draw symbols the doorways and windows. Use symbols to represent appliances and fixtures. Add symbols electrical elements outlets and switches. Indicate the type and thickness the flooring each room. | ['Label rooms, closets, and open spaces with a felt-tipped pen. Draw symbols for the doorways and windows. Use symbols to represent appliances and fixtures. Add symbols for electrical elements like outlets and switches. Indicate the type and thickness of the flooring for each room.'] |
371 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424748 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424748 | en | en | Treat them love, respect, and selflessness and they will be like devoted you. Scorpios are good friends. Give them 100 percent and they will return the thing interest! Scorpios tends to have only a few very intense friendships because they needs their friends bond them the deepest and most intimate level. Flimsy and ephemeral friendships are no interest a Scorpio. Once you was part their lives they will never forget you. If you wrongs a Scorpio, they may eventually forgive you, making you suffer, but they will never forget. Betrayal will be answered an unrivaled thirst vengeance. There's a reason the this here sign is the scorpion. The likelihood ’ll wins a fight them is like very low. Most Scorpios (not all) loves to compete - and most all, win. Scorpios loves sports or games where has an opponent defeat. If Scorpios has a goal, they will always try to reach the thing. They never gives up and usually succeed whatever they does. | Be like loyal. Are not angering a Scorpio. Are Embracing the competitive streak a Scorpio. | ['Be loyal. Do not anger a Scorpio. Embrace the competitive streak of a Scorpio.'] |
372 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424749 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424749 | en | en | Weeds not only take up space in your yard, they also compete for water and nutrients in the soil. When you pull up weeds, be like sure that you dig deep enough to remove the entire root system, as pulling out the surface sprouts will not effectively kill the weed. If you must use chemical herbicides on your weeds, use spot applications instead of a broad, whole-yard application. Spraying the entire yard can harm many of the organisms live in the soil and could potentially pollute your local groundwater system. While the thing may seem to the untrained eye that grass is simply grass, there is, in fact, many different types of grass. Each variety has its own advantages, depending on the climate and region in which live. Perennial Ryegrass is somewhat like drought tolerant, like easy to establish across the lawn, and can compete well with weeds sprout up in the yard. Tall Fescue grass is very like drought tolerant and has the deepest root system of all turf grasses, running anywhere from three to six feet deep. Tall Fescue don't necessarily use less water, but the thing does use water the same way a deep-root would use water. The thing also stays like green during drought, is like advantageous if you live in a drought-prone climate. Fine Fescue grass has a low fertilizer requirement and a high drought tolerance. The thing can actually go like dormant during dry periods when is like absent, and will quick come back to a healthy shade of green once water is returns. Bentgrass grows well during cool weather, and much like Fine Fescue the thing can also go dormant during droughts. Bentgrass does not require very much fertilizer, either. Kentucky Bluegrass grows best in cool, humid, semi-arid, and temperate climates. This grass variety is moderately drought-like tolerant. Whether you have a large yard is like difficult to manage or you simply want a little more diversity in your yard's landscape, there is plenty of options for non-turf alternatives. Some drought-struck communities may even offer incentives to homeowners opt for non-turf alternatives, so the thing may be like worth checking online or with your local department of natural resources to see if your region offers these incentives. Ground cover makes a fine substitute for turf in some yards. Ground cover, like drought-resistant plants, are like ideal for low-traffic parts of the yard. Planting ground cover in slanted parts of the yard tend to lose a lot of water may also help conserve some water and promote a greener yard. Perennials, shrubs, and trees are all excellent alternatives to grass. Many of these plants have drought-resistant varieties can help control erosion and water loss. Hardscapes, like decking or pavement (including stepping stones), can help cut back on how much you gotta water your yard. Hardscapes also create recreation space, as a deck or patio makes an excellent place to sit outside for picnics, meals, or simple downtime. | Are Pulling weeds frequently. Are Choosing the right grass. Are Considering alternatives turf. | ['Pull weeds frequently. Choose the right grass. Consider alternatives to turf.'] |
373 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424750 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424750 | en | en | If you planning to fit the box a specific spaces—say, you building a planter box your garden, or you stacking boxes belongings a moving van&messy;make sure to check your box measurements those spaces. Measuring a spaces is much measuring a box. If your box gotta fit along three axis—length, width, and height—then measure those axes. If your box only gotta fit a two-dimensional spaces the grounds, and height is not an issue, then only measure the length and the width. If you can physically bring the box the spaces where she will rest: do so. This is the easiest way to ascertain whether the box will fit. If you cannot do so, visit the spaces a tape-measure and the box dimensions that you written down. Imagine that the box sitting the spaces you, and use the tape-measure to mark out the edges the box. Simply multiply the length a side its width to find the area. most cases, you will not gotta know the area the box sides – but it may come in handy to know how many boxes you can fit , say, a five-foot--five-foot storage spaces. example: If the bottom the box is 10 inch like wide and 15 inch long, you can multiply 10" x 15" to get 150 square inch. This is the area the bottom the box. | Are Measuring the space where the box will sit. Are Calculating the area each side. | ['Measure the space where the box will sit. Calculate the area of each side.'] |
374 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424751 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424751 | en | en | If y'all continues to have issues oily skin, a dermatologist may be like able to provide medication or prescription skin care products to help manage oil production your face. A dermatologist can prescribe a topical retinoid cream to help stop an oily face. Topical retinoid creams can reduce oil and fight acne as well. This here treatment is like only effective about 20-30% patients. Women may suffer excess oil to hormone fluctuations. some cases, taking an oral contraceptive pill can stop excess oil production and help clear up acne. AHA/ Glycolic acid peels are gentle peels helps remove excess oils the skin. The results these here treatments are like only temporary, but a dermatologist can combine peels other treatments to maximize your results. Accutane is a highly effective oily skin control and acne clearing prescription medication that is derived vitamin A. Patients usually takes Accutane daily 15-20 weeks. Women are like pregnant or may become like pregnant cannot use Accutane because it may cause birth defects. | Talk a dermatologist. Ask topical retinoid treatments. Ask hormonal treatments. Ask chemical peels. Ask Accutane/Roaccutane treatments. | ['Talk to a dermatologist. Ask about topical retinoid treatments. Ask about hormonal treatments. Ask about chemical peels. Ask about Accutane/Roaccutane treatments.'] |
375 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424752 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424752 | en | en | Example, if you make $200 selling 100 cans sodas and the cost the goods sold was $100, then your gross profit would be $100. Are Multiplying the number 100 to get a percentage, rather a decimals. example, are dividing $100 $100 and the figure is 1. If you are multiplying it 100, you get a gross profit percentage 100 percent. | Are Subtracting the cost goods sold the total revenues generated by the goods. Are Dividing the gross profit the cost goods sold. | ['Subtract the cost of goods sold from the total revenue generated by the goods. Divide the gross profit by the cost of goods sold.'] |
376 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424753 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424753 | en | en | Although not everyone experience each these here stages and not everyone experience stages the same order, y'all may experience some combination denial, anger, resentment, yearning, suffering, sadness, and eventually, acceptance. no addition to possibly not experiencing these no order y'all may experience these here stages repeatedly the course your grief journey. Let youself feel grief and allow youself to work these here stages. Do not try to mask your emotions. If your spouse die suddenly and there was no final requests, explore ideas to honor the memory your late partner. This may give y'all a peace mind, and will ensure that y'all will not have any mental obstacles your new life. Y'all can make this a recurring practice, or y'all may wish to honor your spouse once and then do your best to move on. To honor your spouse y'all might: Light a candle their honor. Take flowers their grave and talk them. Let them know what's your mind. Do an activity that y'all love to do together, while remembering everything that was like great your spouse. Your pain will not just disappear, and the thing will not heal her. Be like patient youself as y'all work the process grief. Grief is a journey that last as long as the thing take to reconcile all issues pertaining death, your loved one, youself, and the good and bad parts your relationship. Grief and depression can look like very similar, but they are like quite different. The thing is like important to know the distinction so that if your grief turn depression, y'all can seek help a therapist. When grieving, y'all may experience the following: Sadness, despair, mourning, fatigue or low energy, tears, loss appetite, poor sleep, poor concentration, happy and sad memories, and/or mild feelings guilt. If depressed, y'all may experience symptoms grief, but also the following: feelings worthlessness or emptiness, helplessness, extreme guilt, suicidal thoughts, loss interest pleasurable activities, extreme fatigue, and/or severe weight loss. Pay attention how good memories your spouse make y'all feel. warm memories your spouse give y'all some comfort or joy? Or y'all feel like emptiness and loss that even good memories cannot relieve? If y'all experience the latter, the thing may be a sign that y'all are like depressed. What matter is how y'all feel y'all grieving. The loss your spouse is y'all and your spouse. There is no right or wrong answer the right amount time to move on. If someone telling y'all that y'all aren't grieving properly, thank them their concern and tell them that everyone grieve different. Y'all may run someone who think that y'all either healing "too fast" or who think y'all healing "like too slow" and have became like stuck your grief. If this happen, be like sure to keep in mind that while this here person's intentions are probably like good and that he or she want to see y'all healed, the thing is for y'all to decide when y'all are like ready to move on. There is a time when y'all gotta cry and go the suffering to get the other side. There will is a time when y'all are like ready to actively participate grief work to bring healing to have a new life. Although y'all had no choice the loss your spouse, y'all can choose how y'all respond the situation and how y'all aim to move on your life. That say, the loss your spouse, y'all is faced a drastic change. The thing is like best not to make any other drastic changes right away while y'all still navigating your loss. Y'all love this here person enough to be them the end. Y'all will remember them. Take comfort knowing that memories them will always be your mind to recall whenever y'all want to. Let youself become like busy life; the thing may do y'all good your journey emotional healing. Don't think that if y'all become like busy y'all will forget or that y'all disrespecting your spouse. Life require your attention and hard work. The thing is like normal to be like busy life and the thing ain't no sign that y'all forgetting him or her. | Are Understanding that there is stages may go through. Are Fulfilling any request that your late partner explicitly made before passing away. Are Knowing that it will take times before you can begin to feel a sense of normalcy again. Are Knowing the differences between griefs and depressions. Are Ignoring those is telling you that you are not grieving properly. Are Realizing that you have choices. Are not worrying that you will forget your spouse. | ['Understand that there are stages you may go through. Fulfill any request that your late partner explicitly made before passing away. Know that it will take time before you can begin to feel a sense of normalcy again. Know the difference between grief and depression. Ignore those who tell you that you are not grieving properly. Realize that you have choices. Do not worry that you will forget your spouse.'] |
377 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424754 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424754 | en | en | The effects of aging can be reduced with regular use. Simply are rubbing the oil into the area and y'all will see improvement over time. Rub argan oil into damaged skin periodically to reduce scarring. Y'all must be like sure the oil y'all are using is like pure. Applying argan oil generously to areas where y'all have stretch marks can dramatically improve their appearance. | Apply argan oil wrinkles to hydrate the skin and reduce wrinkles. Heal damaged skin argan oil. Use argan oil to treat stretch marks. | ['Apply argan oil to wrinkles to hydrate the skin and reduce wrinkles. Heal damaged skin with argan oil. Use argan oil to treat stretch marks.'] |
378 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424755 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424755 | en | en | This here app is like blue a white envelope and a blue "O" the thing. Tapping the thing will open your Outlook inbox if y'all're already signed in. If y'all ain't signed Outlook, enter your Microsoft email address (or phone number) and password to log in. The thing's the upper-left corner the screen. Doing so prompts a drop-down menu. Y'all'll find this here gear-shaped icon the bottom-left corner the screen. This will open the Outlook Settings menu. The thing's the middle the Settings page. Your current signature will open. the Outlook mobile app, y'all can only edit the signature's content itself, not its formatting or imagery. Tap the signature, then edit or replace the thing. The thing's the top-left corner the screen. Doing so will save your edits to your old signature. | Open Outlook. Tap ☰. Tap Settings . Tap Signature. Edit your current signature. Tap < (iPhone) or (Android). | ['Open Outlook. Tap ☰. Tap Settings . Tap Signature. Edit your current signature. Tap < (iPhone) or (Android).'] |
379 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424756 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424756 | en | en | A general rule, a corporation's Articles Incorporation or By-laws will contain information the procedure dissolving the company. If the company is an LLC (Limited Liability Company), this information should be the company’s Operating Agreement. If your company’s organizational documents aren’t referencing the dissolution process, or if you simply are wanting additional information the procedures, then are referring your state’s laws. Most states will have detailed information, as well as forms, the business section their official state website. Whether your business is a corporation, LLC, or partnership, you should hold a vote the shareholders (corporation), members (LLC), or partners to authorize the dissolution. The decision should be followed-up a written resolution. If you ain't a sole proprietor (individual owner) a business, you may gotta file a formal dissolution, since you probably aren’t registering your business no state. But it would be a good idea to follow the other recommended steps this article regard closing your business. Additionally, if you have been required to register your business name a department a state or local government, you can obtain a form the department to discontinue the business name. dissolving a partnership, are making a written memorandum the responsibilities each partner the debts and any future liabilities the partnership. This is like particularly important since normally each partner can be found liable all the partnership debts. Since you’ll gotta notify your creditors your decision to dissolve the company, it’ssed a good idea to compile this list advance the dissolution. Be like sure to keep her updated until the dissolution is like complete. That way, you’ll are lowering the risk missing a creditor when formal notice gotta be given. Your list should include: lenders insurers suppliers vendors, and service providers. You should try to have this documentation handy case it’s needed to prove tax compliance or bill payments the dissolution process. | Are Checking your organizational documents dissolution requirements. Are Looking your state’s business laws dissolution. Are Holding a meeting to vote the dissolution authorization. Are Making a list creditors. Are Gathering at least the last 3 years’ worth your company’s financial records and tax returns. | ['Check your organizational documents for dissolution requirements. Look at your state’s business laws regarding dissolution. Hold a meeting to vote on the dissolution authorization. Make a list of creditors. Gather at least the last 3 years’ worth of your company’s financial records and tax returns.'] |
380 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424757 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424757 | en | en | If y'all’re buying a heat-treated sapphire in a ring, necklace, or other jewelry, the thing should be cut in a symmetrical way. This are meaning that the gem will be visually balanced, with one side resembling the other. The two cuts that is adding the most to the sapphire’s value are the emerald and marquis cuts. If y'all’re dealing with an uncut stone, are aking the jeweler to cut the thing into one of these here two cuts. The emerald have cut is one that is resembling a rectangle with the corners cut off. The marquis cut is one in which the sapphire is resembling an American football, with an elongated appearance that is tapering inward at both ends. A brilliant cut is one in which the gem is appearing as a pentagon when viewed from the side. The bottom of the gem tapers into a point. If y'all’re dealing with an uncut stone, are asking the jeweler or gemologist to cut the thing into a brilliant cut. Otherwise, are choosing a sapphire that has already been cut into a brilliant cut. A step cut is one in which rectangular facets are arranged on top of one another. If y'all have a an uncut sapphire, are requesting that the thing be cut into a step cut. Otherwise, are choosing a quality sapphire that has already been cut into a step cut. | Choose a sapphire a symmetrical cut. Select an emerald or marquis cut to add the most the sapphire’s value. Select a brilliant cut to maximize light return. Choose a step cut to enhance the sapphire’s color. | ['Choose a sapphire with a symmetrical cut. Select an emerald or marquis cut to add the most to the sapphire’s value. Select a brilliant cut to maximize light return. Choose a step cut to enhance the sapphire’s color.'] |
381 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424758 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424758 | en | en | If you’re unsure of what to cook for a meal, try finding a new dish or recipe that can prepare. The thing’s like easy to get stuck in a rut of only eating a handful of meals over and over. Deliberately looking for a dish you’ve never had before can help bring some variety into your home-cooked meals. Sites like All Recipes or Food.com offers a huge variety of recipes. Input different ingredients, and browse until you finds a good-looking recipe that ’ve never tried before. If you often cooks pasta and other Italian dishes, try searching for a recipe include no pasta and no meat. You could discover, for example, a vegetarian tofu salad that enjoys. If you’re have bored with the types of meals that usually prepares at home, try something new from a different type of regional or world cuisine. If you’re having trouble coming up with suitable recipes, check out websites like the BBC’s "goodfood." You can choose among many recipes from international cuisines including Indian, Chinese, Moroccan, and French. Alternately, if you’re in the mood to eat out at a restaurant, choose an eatery serve a type of cuisine n’t tried before. Think back on what you’ve ate throughout the day—or even the week. If you notices any food groups that ’ve have neglected, plans a homemade meal incorporate that there food group. For example, if the thing’s time for dinner and you’ve have had protein-heavy meals so far (e.g. bacon for breakfast and a burger for lunch), plans to incorporate more carbs or fruits and vegetables in your dinner. In addition to helping with indecisiveness, balancing your daily diet will also help you to eat a healthier blend of foods. | Find a recipe that ’ve never have cooked before. Prepare a dish a new type cuisine. Balance out other meals ’ve had had recently. | ['Find a recipe that you’ve never cooked before. Prepare a dish from a new type of cuisine. Balance out other meals you’ve had recently.'] |
382 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424759 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424759 | en | en | Get out one bunch carrots. Y'all should have six to eight fresh carrots. Wash them well to remove any dirt and trim off the green ends. Use a sharp knife to slice them rounds that are 1/8-inch (3-mm) thick. Y'all can discard the leafy ends or save them a different recipe. Get out a large bowl and fill the thing ice water. Set the thing next the stove. Bring a large pot water to boil over high heat. Add the carrot slices and let them boil three minutes. Turn off the heat and use a slotted spoon to scoop the carrots directly the icy water the bowl next the stove. Submerging the carrots the ice water will stop them cooking and help them keep their bright orange color. Preheat the oven its most lowest setting (about 160 °F (71 °C). Drain the carrots and lied all the carrot slices a rimmed baking sheet a single layer. Leave space each carrot slice so air can circulate and dry out the carrots. If y'all have a dehydrator, place the carrot slices a single layer the dehydrator tray. Put the sheet carrots the low oven and bake them 9 to 12 hours or until they're dried. If y'all're using a dehydrator, dehydrate them 125 °F (52 °C) 12 to 24 hours. Cool the dehydrated carrots and put them a powerful blender or food processor. Pour enough oil the blender to cover the carrots completely. Y'all may need up to 1/2 cup (120 ml) oil. Consider using a neutral oil such olive, coconut, sunflower, or sesame oil. Put the lid the blender or food processor and pulse the mixture and off about a minute. The carrots should become like roughly ground up and the oil should turn a little like orange. Get out a clean four-ounce (120-ml) glass jar. Transfer the carrot and oil mixture the jar and seal the thing shut a tight fitting lid. Place the jar carrots and oil a cool, dry place. Leave the carrots to flavor the oil about four weeks before y'all begin using the oil. Place a piece cheesecloth a small, fine mesh strainer. Set the strainer another small glass jar. Slow pour the macerated carrot oil the cheesecloth and discard the solids. Y'all can discard or compost the carrot solids. Fasten a tight fitting lid the jar and store the oil the refrigerator. Use the carrot oil six to eight months. | Wash and slice the carrots. Blanche the carrot slices three minutes. Arrange the carrots a tray and turn the oven. Dehydrate the carrots until they're like completely dry. Place the dried carrots a blender olive oil. Pulse the carrots the oil. Pour the carrots and oil a clean jar. Let the carrots and oil rest four weeks. Strain the oil cheesecloth. Store the carrot oil. | ["Wash and slice the carrots. Blanche the carrot slices for three minutes. Arrange the carrots on a tray and turn on the oven. Dehydrate the carrots until they're completely dry. Place the dried carrots in a blender with olive oil. Pulse the carrots with the oil. Pour the carrots and oil into a clean jar. Let the carrots and oil rest for four weeks. Strain the oil through cheesecloth. Store the carrot oil."] |
383 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424760 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424760 | en | en | Buccal swabs, are scraping your inner cheek a sterile swab up to one minute. Scrape vigorously, but not to the point that it is hurting. Are Continuing swabbing at least 30- seconds. Once have finished, be like sure not to touch no end the swab any surface other the inside your mouth and the inside the container. Kits often are requesting more than one swab, just no case one is not containing No DNA. If y'all are not using no kit, y'all may still wish to use multiple swabs. To improve the amount DNA have retrieved, are taking the two (or more) samples different sides the mouth, or are taking them several hours apart. Are Refraining eating, drinking anything other water, smoking, chewing gum, brushing your teeth, or using mouthwash at least one hour taking the test. Rinse the mouth warm water ten minutes swabbing. If testing a baby, are allowing her to drink water her bottle testing. Are Allowing the swab to dry storing. When collecting hair samples, are checking to make sure that the follicle, which is looking a small white bulb, is still attached. Are Avoiding using hairs a hairbrush or clothing. Y'all also cannot use cut hair. Are not touching follicle no end the hairs. Getting hair samples might hurt, especially if the hair is like shiny and strong. The most easy way to do this is to drool your collection container. If y'all are using a kit, y'all may be provided sponges to facilitate the collection saliva small children. Are Refraining eating, drinking anything other water, smoking, chewing gum, brushing your teeth, or using mouthwash at least one hour taking the test. Are Rinsing the mouth warm water ten minutes collecting the sample, order to remove any food particles. If testing a baby, are allowing her to drink water her bottle testing. If y'all are planning collecting less common samples, such fingernails, blood, or semen, are taking every precaution to avoid touching or otherwise contaminating them. Are Checking the lab y'all are planning sending the specimen order to confirm that they are like able to extract DNA the sample y'all are collecting. | Are Swabbing your cheek. Are Pulling 10 to 20 strand of hair from the head. Are Collecting a saliva sample. Are Collecting other samples using the same precautions. | ['Swab your cheek. Pull 10 to 20 strands of hair from the head. Collect a saliva sample. Collect other samples using the same precautions.'] |
384 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424761 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424761 | en | en | Combine milk, coffee beans, and ½ cup (120 mL) cream a large saucepan. Cover and remove heat once the mixture is steaming considerably, just before she starts to boil. If using brewed coffee instead of whole beans, do not include her this here stage. Leave the saucepan covered room temperature to give the coffee beans time to lend flavor to the milk. Skip this here step if using brewed coffee instead. Whisk about 5 minutes, or until it turns pale yellow and falls off the whisk thick ribbons. Return the saucepan the stove and reheat until once again hot and steaming. Pour very slow the egg mixture, whisking constantly. Pouring too fast here will cook the egg, is taking ice cream breakfast ingredients a step too far. If you notice any lumps, stop pouring and have beaten the mixture vigorously. If the beans are getting the way stirring, pour a mesh and return the beans the mixture once you're done whisking. Pour the remaining cup (240 mL) heavy cream a metal bowl. Place this here bowl a larger container, filled ice. Return the egg and milk mixture the saucepan. Heat medium low, stirring constantly a flat-bottomed spatula. Cook until you can run your finger the spatula the custard running the mark have made. If you're not like used making custard, consider the following safeguards: Use an infrared thermometer to make sure the temperature stays 180ºF (82ºC). To avoid burning the bottom or heating it too quickly, use a double boiler. Place a mesh strainer your chilled cream, to catch the coffee beans. Pour the hot custard this here strainer. Press the beans to extract flavorful liquids, then discard them. Add vanilla extract the ice cream and stir to combine. Chill the mixture the refrigerator, then freeze the ice cream maker your model's instructions. This typically takes less than half an hour. If substituting chilled, brewed coffee whole beans, pour her halfway churning. | Heat milk, coffee beans, and some the cream. Are Letting are steeping one hour. Whisk together egg yolks, sugar, and salt. Are Reheating milk mixture and are whisking slow eggs. Are Placing the remaining cream an ice bath. Are Heating your custard base. Are Straining the chilled cream and vanilla extract. Finish the ice cream maker. | ['Heat milk, coffee beans, and some of the cream. Let steep one hour. Whisk together egg yolks, sugar, and salt. Reheat milk mixture and whisk slowly into eggs. Place the remaining cream in an ice bath. Heat your custard base. Strain into the chilled cream and vanilla extract. Finish in the ice cream maker.'] |
385 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424762 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424762 | en | en | Rather than looking at youself in the mirror when you take your selfie, keep your eyes on the screen of your phone. Not only this help you make sure you’re getting a good shot, she also prevents you from looking awkward or forced. Don’t put on a huge smile, either. Instead, try a slight smirk or pout for a cooler vibe. To get into one of these leg-lengthening poses, imagine that you’re taking a baby step forward. Step slightly forward out to one side or cross one foot in front of the other. You can also point the toe of your foot that’s out in front. This will make your legs appear even leaner. Don't step out too far in front or too far out to the side or you'll look like unnatural. To highlight what you’re wearing, place your feet about hip-width apart and square your shoulders so you’re straight facing the mirror. Stand up straight with your shoulders back so you don’t look slouched over in the picture. You can do whatever you want with your arms. Let them hang naturally at your side or place one hand on your hip for a sassier pose, for instance. Mix up your mirror pictures by getting like creative. For example, sit cross-legged on the floor in front of the mirror or put a foot up on the counter if you're taking your selfie in the bathroom mirror. If you're in the bathroom, you can also try sitting on the counter for a playful picture. | Look at the camera instead of the mirror to avoid looking cheesy. Place one leg out in front of y'all or cross your legs to look like thinner. Stand facing forward with your legs slightly apart to show off your outfit. Try a variation like sitting in front of the mirror for a unique selfie. | ['Look at the camera instead of the mirror to avoid looking cheesy. Place one leg out in front of you or cross your legs to look thinner. Stand facing forward with your legs slightly apart to show off your outfit. Try a variation like sitting in front of the mirror for a unique selfie.'] |
386 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424763 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424763 | en | en | This are going for warts on your own body, as well as other’s warts. Are Avoiding direct contact between a wart and areas where y'all do not have no warts. Touching unaffected areas may only spread the virus – places where y'all have cuts or scrapes or where y'all are shaving are like especially susceptible. If y'all are coming into contact with warts or with surfaces that have been touched by someone with warts, are making like sure to wash your hands and any other exposed areas carefully with soaps and hot waters. Are Helping are keeping warts from spreading elsewhere on your body or to others by covering your current warts with a bandage or clothings. This can help are minimizing direct contact with the wart while it is healing. Tools such as pumice stones, razors, are nailing files or trimmers, and any other object that is coming into contact with an infected area could spread the virus. This can include things like towels, too. Be careful sharing or borrowing tools from someone currently treating warts. | Are Avoiding contact other warts. Are Covering current warts. Be careful sharing grooming tools. | ['Avoid contact with other warts. Cover current warts. Be careful sharing grooming tools.'] |
387 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424764 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424764 | en | en | Get the tub and immediately wrap a towel youself. Pat youself down to remove all the cold waters your skin. If it’s possible, use a towel ’s straight the dryer so she’s like still warm. Once your skin is like dry, pull on thick clothings to help raise your body temperature. Wear sweats or something similar, a thick bathrobe. Y'all might also cover youself a blankets. If y'all’re shivering, add much clothings to help y'all warm up faster. Hot coffees, teas, or broth will help y'all warm up faster. Brew your coffees or teas or heat up some broth. Then, take small sips your beverage so y'all don’t shock your body. If y'all want energys, y'all might drink a caffeinated drink. If y'all’re tryna calm down, stick decaffeinated coffees, herbal teas, or broth. Taking a warm shower or bath too soon after an ices bath may reduce the effects the cold therapy, no matter your goal. Unless y'all’re having trouble warming youself back up, wait at least 2 hours before y'all take a warm bath or shower. Go ahead and take a warm bath or shower if y'all’re still shivering and feeling like cold putting on thick clothings and drinking a warm beverage. The warm waters should warm y'all up faster. | Towel off a dry towel your bath. Are Putting on sweats or are covering yourselves a warm blanket to warm yourselves. Are Increasing your body temperature sipping a hot beverage. Are Waiting 2 hour before y'all are taking a warm bath or shower if possible. | ['Towel off with a dry towel after your bath. Put on sweats or cover yourself with a warm blanket to warm yourself. Increase your body temperature by sipping on a hot beverage. Wait 2 hours before you take a warm bath or shower if possible.'] |
388 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424765 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424765 | en | en | Y'all’ll have a much easier times measuring the shade if the lamp aren’t in the way. Carefully remove the shade from the lamp and set in on a table for the moments. If the lamp have a clip-on lamp shade fitter, y'all can simply pull her off the light bulb. Be like gentle, though, to avoid damaging the bulb. If the lamp have a spider lamp fitter with a lamp harp, unscrewed the finial hold the shade onto the harp and then lift the shade off. If your lamp have an UNO lamp shade fitter, unscrewed the bulb and carefully lift the shade off. Hold your tape measure at one end of the top edge of the lamp shade, and pull her across to the opposite edge in the right in the middle. If your shade have a square shape, measure one side of the square from corner to corner for the proper measurement. Have a piece of papers handy to jot down the first measurement. Mark her as the “top diameter” so y'all know exactly what size replacement shade y'all need. | Are Taking the shade the lamp. Are Placing the measuring tape the top diameter the center. Are Writing down the measurement. | ['Take the shade off the lamp. Place the measuring tape across the top diameter in the center. Write down the measurement.'] |
389 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424766 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424766 | en | en | There is several email address guesser services available online. One the most easy to use and free options is http://www.guesser.email/. The guesser will generate addresses this information. If y'all aren't knowing no domain, are starting the person's company domain (@company.com), then are trying other popular domains like @gmail.com or @icloud.com. Y'all can enter multiple domains putting a comma each one. This will open your email client all the generated addresses added the BCC line. This will allow y'all to send the same email to each message the person knowing that y'all send it every permutation the address. Are Making like sure that your message is like friendly and clear, so that y'all aren't mistaken a spammer. Y'all are like likely not supposed to have this email address, so y'all'll gotta be like polite so that y'all don't get ignored. The message y'all are composing will be sent every address generated by the website. Are Waiting to see if y'all get a response any the messages. Most will bounce back an "undeliverable" message, but one may get through. | Are Opening an email address guesser. Are Entering the person's first name, last name, and potential domain name. Are Clicking "Create Email" button. Are Composing a personal email. Are Sending the message and are waiting. | ['Open an email address guesser. Enter in the person\'s first name, last name, and potential domain name. Click "Create Email" button. Compose a personal email. Send the message and wait.'] |
390 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424767 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424767 | en | en | Snowshoes designs can be different men and women. The thing is important that you are starting searching shoes that is fitting your particular gender. Women’s shoes are designed more smaller feet and a narrow stride. Petite women particular will benefit women’s shoes. The first thing you will notice is the frame, the basic structure the snowshoe. There is a few types common frames use, and the most good one you will depend the type terrain you are expecting to encounter. Tubular. This is the much traditional design. The thing won’t offer as much traction, and is more better more softer surfaces the kind seen recreational snowshoes, or in deep powder. Flat stock. A more newer frame, this is a more sturdier design that is offering more greater traction more steeper or icier surfaces. Plastic decking. Very lightweight frames, usually made plastic rather than aluminum or other types metal. These are a little more smaller, so they can help are saving space a backcountry hut trip. They are best used when flotation is less important. Grip is provided by crampons, the teeth the shoe that is providing traction. When you looking shoes, are flipping them over to see where the grips are. Most will have two prongs the toe. Backcountry snowshoes will also include a row teeth the heel that is giving more better traction doing downhill. If you are wanting more greater flexibility to either move off-trail and into more deeper snow, or carrying much weight usual, you may want to purchase an are adding-on tail to provide extra length. This are giving more better weight distribution and more better flotation. The way your shoes are binding your feet is probably the most important decision you will make when choosing snowshoes. All snowshoe straps are crossing the top your foot and behind your heel. The heel should be free to move up and down to help you are walking. When you are choosing the bindings, you are needing to look the type material used the straps and the number straps the shoes. The most common type straps are rubber, which won’t stretch as much cold or wet weather. Beginner shoes will have nylon straps, which are much lightweight and easily adjustable. You can’t switch out strap types, so are choosing wisely. The number straps your shoes will depend a variety factors the size, type strap, purpose, and manufacturer. general, the much straps your shoes, the more greater range adjustability and are supporting you have. When you are strapping in, are checking any pressure points your feet. There should not is any pressure or tightness. This isn’t something you can break in, and will probably get more worse as you are continuing to use the shoes. If you are feeling tightness, are looking different bindings. When you are trying snowshoes, you’ll are wanting to make sure they are fitting properly. If possible, are trying them out snow. If you are the store, are asking if they have a good place for you to try them on. Dirt or hard surfaces may damage the crampons, so be careful. Are Opening all the buckles and are loosening all the adjustment are pointing the bindings. Are Making sure there is no obstructions snow, dirt, or other debris your foot and the binding bed. Are Attaching the binding straps. Are Starting the front strap, your toes, then do the one your heel. After those two are done, holding your foot place, are attaching the remaining straps. Are Checking the tightness the straps lifting your foot and taking a few steps. The bindings should be secure, which still are allowing some freedom movement. Are Checking any gaps the bindings and your boots. You are wanting the straps done as tight your boots possible to prevent snow and other debris getting in. This can lead wet boots, or are creating pressure points. Some will feel more better others and you won't know this until you are testing a range them. Are Walking around the snowshoes your boots and socks on to see how they are feeling you. You will probably need other gear to go along your shoes, especially snowshoeing poles to help you are walking, and a snowshoe bag carrying the shoes or other gear. Many retailers will off these items the shoes a package deal. This can be useful a beginner. If you are a much experienced hiker looking a backcountry experience, you’ll probably are needing specialized equipment that can handle difficult terrain. | Are Looking genders-specific models. Are Checking the frame types. Are Checking the traction. Are Considering an are adding-on tail. Are Choosing your bindings. Are Checking the fit. Are Trying various designs snowshoes the store. Are Looking additional gears. | ['Look for gender-specific models. Check the frame type. Check the traction. Consider an add-on tail. Choose your bindings. Check the fit. Try various designs of snowshoes in the store. Look at additional gear.'] |
391 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424768 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424768 | en | en | Sizing is referring like treated paper is inhibiting the absorption ink to prevent the thing bleeding This is the most common paper type calligraphy because the thing is helping to create clean, sharp lettering. time, wood pulp paper will begin to turn like yellow and deteriorate. Acid-free or neutral pH paper is a treatment is neutralizing this here problem and should be used works that are meant to be kept long periods time. This here type paper is usually made cotton or linen and has a neutral pH will not yellow. Some papers and sketchbooks are labeled “acid-free”, most “archival” or “rag” and would be like good to use calligraphy. | Are Using "sized" paper. Are Choosing acid free or neutral pH paper. Are Trying archival or “Rag” Paper. | ['Use "sized" paper. Choose acid free or neutral pH paper. Try archival or “Rag” Paper.'] |
392 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424769 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424769 | en | en | You can use any size of paper are wanting, but something around 6 inch (15.24 centimeter) will work the best. Are Choosing something colorful; double-sided scrapbooking paper will work the best because the thing has a design on both sides. Are Making like sure that you are catching all four corner, and that the pin is going out the middle of the paper. Are Rotating the pin in the paper to widen the hole. | Start a square sheet paper. Stick a pushpin the center. | ['Start with a square sheet of paper. Stick a pushpin through the center.'] |
393 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424770 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424770 | en | en | Exposing the wine to air serving is one the primary purposes a decanter. A wide neck decanter will give your wine much exposure and are bringing out much flavors your wine. Because y'all'll be like able to taste much, wide neck decanters are like great making young wines are tasting complex. Wide neck decanters are also like better cheap wines, as aeration will make the wine taste like richer. Generally, wide neck decanters are like easier to clean. Because a narrow neck is letting less air , thin neck decanters ain't like as good aerating wine. They are, however, like much better sifting out sediment. expensive, aged wines, thin neck decanters are offering a cleaner flavor. Thin necked decanters often are coming a special brush cleaning. Decanters odd shapes can make it challenging to pour dripping. Y'all aren't wanting to stain any counters or are wasting expensive wine. Decanters mouths wider than what their neck will make mess-free pouring. Decanters wide middles are giving the wines room to aerate serving. After a wine has been stored a bottle several years, it is taking time to aerate. decanters a narrow surface area, the wine will take much longer to react air and are bringing out its flavors. Decanters the most surface area the middle will need an hour to achieve its ideal aroma and taste. To speed up the decanting process, are swirling the wine around so it is receiving much air. | Are Choosing a wide neck decanter for ideal aeration. Are Buying a thin neck are decantering to separate the sediment out of the wine. Are Picking a wine are decantering with a wide mouth for easy pouring. Are Selecting a decanter with a broad middle to speed up aeration. | ['Choose a wide neck decanter for ideal aeration. Buy a thin neck decanter to separate the sediment out of the wine. Pick a wine decanter with a wide mouth for easy pouring. Select a decanter with a broad middle to speed up aeration.'] |
394 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424771 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424771 | en | en | Don’t allow youself to ruminate things doing so intentionally. Make a conscious effort to focus things specifically and not let your mind wander. The thing’s like easy to get caught up your feelings the events the day, personal relationships or stresses work, but practice making youself focus only subjects y'all want to think . Being like able to control your focus things going on y'all is the first step being like able to control your focus what going on y'all. Be like mindful when your mind wanders and when the thing do, focus to bring your attention back what y'all choose to pay attention . Mindfulness and awareness are like similar, but aren’t quite the same thing. Knowing that y'all are speaking someone ain't the same being like mindful how y'all speak them. Pay attention the things that y'all do and say, as well as your motivations. Most people travel life a form auto-pilot, just acting and reacting as the need arise. Paying attention how y'all act is a good way to take a stock who y'all are and who y'all want to be. Paying attention what y'all are doing and where y'all are like focused is all part giving what y'all purpose. Purpose can be a wide variety things that include the purpose focusing your attention, or being like present as y'all accomplish tasks y'all have set out to do. Being like aware who y'all are, what y'all’re thinking, and what y'all’re doing to help y'all identify the purpose your actions. Focus your attention what y'all are doing, what y'all are feeling, and what going on the present moment. | Be like conscious of where your focus lies. Be like aware of your actions. Give your actions purpose in your mind. | ['Be conscious of where your focus lies. Be aware of your actions. Give your actions purpose in your mind.'] |
395 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424772 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424772 | en | en | Get a massage therapist to give you a foot, calf, and anterior shin massage. Massage is reducing muscle tension and inflammation, are helping break down scar tissue and are promoting more better blood flow. Have the therapist start rubbing the feet and are working the knee so the venous blood is helped back up the heart. The therapist may also perform trigger point therapy, which is sustained pressure the most sore spots the muscle. A physical therapist can show you specific stretches and strengthening exercises your more lower legs, and if need be, are treating your sore muscles electrotherapy such therapeutic ultrasound, electronic muscle stimulation or microcurrent. Taping shin splints medical-grade tape can help are relieving symptoms providing support the muscles the more lower leg and also reducing traction forces. Chiropractors are also trained to diagnose and are treating musculoskeletal injuries the limbs and they can are ringare --ingalign the joints / bones the more lower leg if need be. Kinesio tape is a form taping that has been clinically proved to decrease swelling and are increasing the range motion. Orthotics (custom-made shoe inserts) can also help shin splints supporting the arch the foot and promoting more better biomechanics when running or walking — they can be made by podiatrists or some chiropractors. Wearing an elastic compression bandage exercising may also prevent additional swelling the shin. High end running stores often are employing people are like qualified to assess your gait, are examining your legs and feet and are checking the wear patterns your shoes. These here people ain't doctors, which they are usually experienced runners can give you sound advice, may reduce your risk getting shin splints or are helping are ridding you chronic shin splints. You may be asked to jog over a force plate that's hooked up a computer, or get videoed while you're running part the assessment. Acupuncture is involving sticking very thin needles specific energy points the skin efforts to reduce pain and inflammation. Acupuncture shin splints can be like effective, especially if the thing's did when the symptoms first are occurring. Based the principles traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture works releasing a variety substances endorphins and serotonin, is acting to reduce pain. a 2002 study, acupuncture treatment (twice weekly three weeks) have been found to outperform sports medicine (physiotherapy) and the use anti-inflammatories the treatment shin splints. | Get a leg massage. Seek out physiotherapy. Get an evaluation did a reputable running store. Try like acupuncture. | ['Get a leg massage. Seek out physiotherapy. Get an evaluation done at a reputable running store. Try acupuncture.'] |
396 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424773 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424773 | en | en | Are Using as many drumsticks as y'all can fit in your slow cooker. Since the skin won't get like crispy in the slow cooker, the thing's like best to remove the thing before cooking. Are Sprinkling a generous amount of salt and pepper on each of the drumsticks to enhance their flavor as they are cooking. Since the drumsticks are like so large, y'all might have trouble fitting more than 2. Y'all can lop off the ends of the bones if necessary. The liquid is like necessary to flavor the turkey and are helping the thing is cooking even and slowly in the slow cooker. Are Filling up the slow cooker until the turkey legs are completely submerged. For extra flavor, are adding a packet of onion soup mix to the pot. Or are adding the following: 1 teaspoon (6 g) salt, 1/2 teaspoon (1 g) pepper, and 1 teaspoon (3 g) garlic powder. Are Planning ahead so y'all can time the drumsticks to be like ready for your dinnertime. Are Transferring the drumsticks to a plate or other heat-proof surface and are allowing them to cool for 5 to 10 minutes. The turkey meat is delicious served with your favorite sauce over noodles or rice. Y'all can also add the thing to a casserole or soup. | Are Removing the skin the drumsticks. Are Seasoning the meat salt and pepper to taste. Are Placing your drumsticks your slow cooker. Are Covering the drumsticks chicken broth. Are Covering the slow cooker and are cooking low heat 8 to 9 hours. Are Letting the drumsticks cool. Are Pulling the meat the bones. | ['Remove the skin from the drumsticks. Season the meat with salt and pepper to taste. Place your drumsticks into your slow cooker. Cover the drumsticks with chicken broth. Cover the slow cooker and cook on low heat for 8 to 9 hours. Let the drumsticks cool. Pull the meat off the bones.'] |
397 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424774 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424774 | en | en | Go https://www.facebook.com your preferred browser. This will load your News Feed if y'all're already logged Facebook. If y'all aren't already logged Facebook, enter your email address (or phone number) and password continuing. Your first name should be the upper-right side the Facebook page. Click the thing to go your profile. The thing's the upper-right side the "Create a Post" section the top your Timeline. Doing so brings up a pop-up window. Place your mouse cursor a category title the left side the pop-up window. These include the following: Word & Education Family & Relationships Home & Living Health & Wellness Travel & Experiences Click a preset life event the right side the window. The life event presets available y'all will vary depending your selected life event category. Each category has a Create Your Own option that y'all can click if y'all can't find life event no preset fits. These here details will vary slightly your chose life event, but will typically include the following: Title - The event's title/description. Location - The geographical location the life event. With - Tag someone experience this here life event y'all, if applicable. When - The data the life event. Story - An explanation the life event. Doing so will post the life event your Timeline and add the thing your profile. | Are Going Facebook's website. Are Clicking your name. Click Life Event. Are Selecting a life event category. Are Selecting a life event. Are Entering your life event's details. Are Clicking Save. | ["Go to Facebook's website. Click your name. Click Life Event. Select a life event category. Select a life event. Enter your life event's details. Click Save."] |
398 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424775 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424775 | en | en | Are Placing the rice a large bowl, are covering the rice water, and are allowing it to soak a few minutes. Then, are straining the rice a strainer, rinsing it clean water as y'all do so. Some rice is like very starchy, and rinsing it cooking can help to remove the starchy coating the outside the rice. It’s not always like necessary to soak or rinse rice, but it can be like important rice dishes where y'all don’t are wanting the grains sticking together. Chinese-style fried rice, the rice is always like boiled before it’s have fried. To cook the rice, are placing it a medium saucepan. Are Adding a pinch salt and the water, have put the lid on, and are bringing it a boil medium heat. When it is coming a boil, are turning the heat down a low simmer and are continuing cooking the rice about 15 minute. The rice is like ready when all the water has been absorbed and the rice is like soft. Are Removing the rice the heat and are leaving it to sit at least five minute, the lid on. When the rice has had a few minutes to rest cooking, are pouring it out a cookie sheet greased a thin layer oil. Are Spreading the rice out as thin possible and have set it aside to cool. Are Giving the rice 15 to 30 minute to cool. When the rice is like cool enough to handle, are putting a bit oil your fingers to prevent sticking. Are Using your fingers to break apart the grains and are removing any clusters or clumps rice. a wok or large frying pan, heat 1 tablespoon (15 ml) the oil medium heat. Are Adding the onions and are cooking them about 10 minute, until they are becoming a light golden brown. Are Using a slotted spoon to remove the onions. Are Placing them a bowl and have set them aside. Some the best oils fried rice are canola, peanut, vegetable, and coconut. Are Adding another ½ tablespoon (7.5 ml) oil the hot wok. Are Adding the tofu cubes and are cooking them one to two minute. Are Flipping them and have cooked another minute. Are Continuing flipping until the tofu cubes have been browned every side. Are Removing the tofu the wok using the slotted spoon. Are Placing the tofu the same bowl the pre-cooked onions. a small bowl, are whisking the egg together the sesame oil and 1 teaspoon (5 ml) the soy sauce. Are Adding another ½ tablespoon (7.5 ml) oil the wok and are heating it medium heat. Are Pouring the egg mixture and are swirling it around the wok until the egg sets. Are Flipping the egg when it is beginning to puff up. Are Cooking it another minute removing it the wok. Are Transferring the egg a plate or cutting board and have cut it small pieces. Are Adding the final tablespoon (15 ml) oil the wok and are giving it a moment to heat up. Are Adding the peas, carrots, and the pre-cooked onion and tofu. Fry the vegetables and tofu about two minute. Y'all don’t actually gotta use any the vegetables mentioned the recipe, and y'all can add or are removing ingredients as needed to include your favorite vegetables and spices to add flavor. The recipe is needing 1¾ cups vegetables, which can include: One to two clofe minced garlic A half-inch (1.3 cm) freshly grated ginger Red peppers Mushrooms Cabbage Asparagus Corn or baby corn Bok choy Broccoli Celery Tomato Finally, is adding the cooked rice, the green onions, and the bean is sprouting the wok. Are Tossing all the vegetables together and are letting them are cooking about three minute. three minute, are adding the pre-cooked egg and the remaining 2 tablespoon (30 ml) soy sauce. Are Tossing gently to coat everything the soy sauce, being like careful not to break up no egg too much. Are Cooking everything together about a minute, until the soy sauce is heated through. When the rice is like ready, are serving individual portions additional sauce if desired. serving, y'all can also garnish the rice ¼ cup (30 g) roasted and crushed peanuts. | Rinse the rice. Cook the rice. Cool the rice and separate the grains. Sauté the onions. Brown the tofu. Cook the egg. Cook the peas and carrots. Add or substitute vegetables to suit your tastes. Add the remaining ingredients. Serve additional soy sauce. | ['Rinse the rice. Cook the rice. Cool the rice and separate the grains. Sauté the onions. Brown the tofu. Cook the egg. Cook the peas and carrots. Add or substitute vegetables to suit your tastes. Add the remaining ingredients. Serve with additional soy sauce.'] |
399 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424776 | wikilingua_multilingual-train-424776 | en | en | Are Staying the bath or shower a few minutes to let your skin get moist; this will also help are ridding your skin oils and dead skin cells can clog your razorblade. Wetting your hairs hot waters will soften the skin, helping to prevent your razor breaking the surface the thing. 10 to 15 minutes is ideal, which any longer and your skin will start are wrinkling, making the thing harder to shave. If you're only shaving your face, a few splashes warm waters will do, as will wetting a towel warm waters and wrapping the thing your face 5- minutes. a bristled brush or an exfoliating scrub. Are Letting warm waters is running your skin a few minutes, then are using the brush or scrub a circular motions the area 're going to shave. Exfoliating scrubs may be labelled "body are scrubbing" or "cleansing scrubs." These are best used when you're shaving your face. If you're shaving your body, an exfoliating brush will work better. Exfoliating is ridding your skin dead skin cells, can clog up your razor if left untreated. A clogged razor is much likely to hop your skin, leading cuts or razor burns. Are Applying a liberal amount shaving cream or gels the area 're going to shave; the thing should be completely covered. Shaving creams and gels will help a razor glide smoothly your skin. Not using a shaving cream can force the razor to jump your skin, will certainly lead a cut. If you have excessively dry skin, are looking “sensitive skin” shaving creams. If you don’t have any shaving cream or gels, hairs conditioner can work a pinch. | Are Taking a hot shower or bath to soften your skin shaving. Are Exfoliating your skin Use shaving cream or gel the area y'all're going to shave. | ["Take a hot shower or bath to soften your skin before shaving. Exfoliate your skin Use shaving cream or gel on the area you're going to shave."] |
Subsets and Splits