
audioduration (s)
Yeah, I do <laughter>. Yes, {F uh, } I don't work, though, {C but } I used to work [ and, + ] when I had two children.
Yeah, I do. Yes, uh, I don't work, though, but I used to work and, when I had two children.
Yeah, I do. Yes, I don't work, though, but I used to work and, when I had two children.
Yeah, I do. Yes, I don't work, though, but I used to work when I had two children.
I think that's an interesting policy your company has about testing immediately after an on the job accident.
I think that's an interesting policy your company has about testing immediately after an on the job accident.
I think that's an interesting policy your company has about testing immediately after an on the job accident.
I think that's an interesting policy your company has about testing immediately after an on the job accident.
Exactly. [ I, + I ] see more men, {F uh, } {D like } participating in {D like } the family things with children.
Exactly. I, I see more men, uh, like participating in like the family things with children.
Exactly. I, I see more men, participating in the family things with children.
Exactly. I see more men, participating in the family things with children.
{D Like, } {D you know, } helping to take care of them more. [ And -- + -- and, ] {F uh, } {F uh, } doing the jobs equally, {D you know, } What about politics on it?
Like, you know, helping to take care of them more. And and, uh, uh, doing the jobs equally, you know, What about politics on it?
helping to take care of them more. And and, doing the jobs equally, What about politics on it?
helping to take care of them more. and, doing the jobs equally, What about politics on it?
I'm <laughter> not that big on politics. I'm not <laughter> -- -- that educated on it. I'm, - {C and } I really think we should have more -- I agree with that.
I'm not that big on politics. I'm not that educated on it. I'm, and I really think we should have more I agree with that.
I'm not that big on politics. I'm not that educated on it. I'm, and I really think we should have more I agree with that.
I'm not that big on politics. I'm not that educated on it. I'm, and I really think we should have more I agree with that.
Yeah. She took such a rough go of it. {C And } [ they th-, + their tax ] deal and, - At least she was strong to {D like } try it and {D you know. }
Yeah. She took such a rough go of it. And they t-, their tax deal and, At least she was strong to like try it and you know.
Yeah. She took such a rough go of it. And they th-, their tax deal and, At least she was strong to try it and
Yeah. She took such a rough go of it. And their tax deal and, At least she was strong to try it and
{C And } right now I don't think we have too many. {F Uh, } [ th-, + in the ] forefront. Schroeder's about the biggest one in Washington.
And right now I don't think we have too many. Uh, the, in the forefront. Schroeder's about the biggest one in Washington.
And right now I don't think we have too many. th-, in the forefront. Schroeder's about the biggest one in Washington.
And right now I don't think we have too many. in the forefront. Schroeder's about the biggest one in Washington.
Okay. I think the first thing they said, - I have written this down {C so } it would, - [ is it po-, + do you think it's possible ] to have honesty in government or an honest government?
Okay. I think the first thing they said, I have written this down so it would, is it p-, do you think it's possible to have honesty in government or an honest government?
Okay. I think the first thing they said, I have written this down so it would, is it po-, do you think it's possible to have honesty in government or an honest government?
Okay. I think the first thing they said, I have written this down so it would, do you think it's possible to have honesty in government or an honest government?
{C But, } {F uh, } other than that I think maybe it just depends on how you define honesty.
But, uh, other than that I think maybe it just depends on how you define honesty.
But, other than that I think maybe it just depends on how you define honesty.
But, other than that I think maybe it just depends on how you define honesty.
{C And, } {D you know, } how good a name can I make for myself and so forth. {C So } I guess it would be like anything else.
And, you know, how good a name can I make for myself and so forth. So I guess it would be like anything else.
And, how good a name can I make for myself and so forth. So I guess it would be like anything else.
And, how good a name can I make for myself and so forth. So I guess it would be like anything else.
I think ] a little more honesty in the campaigns would be, more to the point. If you knew what you were getting when you voted, {F uh, } -
I think a little more honesty in the campaigns would be, more to the point. If you knew what you were getting when you voted, uh,
I think a little more honesty in the campaigns would be, more to the point. If you knew what you were getting when you voted,
I think a little more honesty in the campaigns would be, more to the point. If you knew what you were getting when you voted,
The other thing they asked about was whether {F uh, } {F uh, } the verdict should be required to be unanimous.
The other thing they asked about was whether uh, uh, the verdict should be required to be unanimous.
The other thing they asked about was whether the verdict should be required to be unanimous.
The other thing they asked about was whether the verdict should be required to be unanimous.
Because [ it's, + I think it's ] gotten just care-, {D well, } - we're not talking about issues we're talking about somebody's personal life [ {C and, } + {C and } ] we're getting away from what we ought to be looking at <throat_clearing>.
Because it's, I think it's gotten just care-, well, we're not talking about issues we're talking about somebody's personal life and, and we're getting away from what we ought to be looking at.
Because it's, I think it's gotten just care-, we're not talking about issues we're talking about somebody's personal life and, and we're getting away from what we ought to be looking at.
Because I think it's gotten just, we're not talking about issues we're talking about somebody's personal life and we're getting away from what we ought to be looking at.
<Throat_clearing> Actually, I think other countries may have it worse, {F uh, } the Japanese government is always having [ a, + some ] kind of a scandal.
Actually, I think other countries may have it worse, uh, the Japanese government is always having a, some kind of a scandal.
Actually, I think other countries may have it worse, the Japanese government is always having a, some kind of a scandal.
Actually, I think other countries may have it worse, the Japanese government is always having some kind of a scandal.
I've got a male Siamese about a year old here. I live alone in an apartment, [ and, + ] {F uh, } -- -- except for the cat.
I've got a male Siamese about a year old here. I live alone in an apartment, and, uh, except for the cat.
I've got a male Siamese about a year old here. I live alone in an apartment, and, except for the cat.
I've got a male Siamese about a year old here. I live alone in an apartment, except for the cat.
{D Well, } we have a cat, {F um, } he's probably, {F oh, } a good two years old, big, old, fat and sassy tabby.
Well, we have a cat, um, he's probably, oh, a good two years old, big, old, fat and sassy tabby.
we have a cat, he's probably, a good two years old, big, old, fat and sassy tabby.
we have a cat, he's probably, a good two years old, big, old, fat and sassy tabby.
{D Well, } yeah, [ he's, + {F uh, } he has ] been really aggressive, {F uh, } especially towards my little girl, for -- -- some reason. He's, {F uh, } been so mean to her <laughter>.
Well, yeah, he's, uh, he has been really aggressive, uh, especially towards my little girl, for some reason. He's, uh, been so mean to her.
yeah, he's, he has been really aggressive, especially towards my little girl, for some reason. He's, been so mean to her.
yeah, he has been really aggressive, especially towards my little girl, for some reason. He's, been so mean to her.
He meows and wants to get in the bathroom {C and, } while he showers, it's so hilarious. {C So } he's quite a animal <laughter>.
He meows and wants to get in the bathroom and, while he showers, it's so hilarious. So he's quite a animal.
He meows and wants to get in the bathroom and, while he showers, it's so hilarious. So he's quite a animal.
He meows and wants to get in the bathroom and, while he showers, it's so hilarious. So he's quite a animal.
Yeah, I guess. {D Well } as long as he doesn't get too aggressive. I guess with the daughter he's all right.
Yeah, I guess. Well as long as he doesn't get too aggressive. I guess with the daughter he's all right.
Yeah, I guess. as long as he doesn't get too aggressive. I guess with the daughter he's all right.
Yeah, I guess. as long as he doesn't get too aggressive. I guess with the daughter he's all right.
<Laughter> Were it not for my son, the cat would not be in this house <laughter>.
Were it not for my son, the cat would not be in this house.
Were it not for my son, the cat would not be in this house.
Were it not for my son, the cat would not be in this house.
I guess, {C and } I would imagine that they don't have many more than one to start with, either.
I guess, and I would imagine that they don't have many more than one to start with, either.
I guess, and I would imagine that they don't have many more than one to start with, either.
I guess, and I would imagine that they don't have many more than one to start with, either.
-- in capital. I think in {D like, } {F uh, } lesser cases it's {D like } ten out of twelve or five out of six, whatever .
in capital. I think in like, uh, lesser cases it's like ten out of twelve or five out of six, whatever.
in capital. I think in lesser cases it's ten out of twelve or five out of six, whatever.
in capital. I think in lesser cases it's ten out of twelve or five out of six, whatever.
{F Oh, } {D well, } great. I've been doing it for about two weeks {C and, } {F uh, } [ no my, + No my, ] -
Oh, well, great. I've been doing it for about two weeks and, uh, no my, No my,
great. I've been doing it for about two weeks and, no my, No my,
great. I've been doing it for about two weeks and, No my,
While I'm at work sometimes, [ I, + ] on the computer network -- -- {F um, } I read the news sometimes, {C and } that's kind of helpful.
While I'm at work sometimes, I, on the computer network um, I read the news sometimes, and that's kind of helpful.
While I'm at work sometimes, I, on the computer network I read the news sometimes, and that's kind of helpful.
While I'm at work sometimes, on the computer network I read the news sometimes, and that's kind of helpful.
I would imagine going to college, though, your professors and different things, - you keep up on what's going on.
I would imagine going to college, though, your professors and different things, you keep up on what's going on.
I would imagine going to college, though, your professors and different things, you keep up on what's going on.
I would imagine going to college, though, your professors and different things, you keep up on what's going on.
That's true, {E I mean, } my roommates and stuff, {D you know } -- -- people around me talk about it. {C And } the people I work with are pretty, {D you know, } [ up, + up-to-date ] on that kind of stuff,
That's true, I mean, my roommates and stuff, you know people around me talk about it. And the people I work with are pretty, you know, up, up-to-date on that kind of stuff,
That's true, my roommates and stuff, people around me talk about it. And the people I work with are pretty, up, up-to-date on that kind of stuff,
That's true, my roommates and stuff, people around me talk about it. And the people I work with are pretty, up-to-date on that kind of stuff,
[ Do you watch, + do you watch ] [ the network, + {D like } major network ] news, {C or } do you watch {D like } -- -- the MACNEIL LEHRER HOUR?
Do you watch, do you watch the network, like major network news, or do you watch like the MACNEIL LEHRER HOUR?
Do you watch, do you watch the network, major network news, or do you watch the MACNEIL LEHRER HOUR?
do you watch major network news, or do you watch the MACNEIL LEHRER HOUR?
{F Oh, } [ ch-, + see channel, ] where I am channel eight's, {F um, } {D like } public T V, - {C so } it's kind of different.
Oh, ch-, see channel, where I am channel eight's, um, like public T V, so it's kind of different.
ch-, see channel, where I am channel eight's, public T V, so it's kind of different.
see channel, where I am channel eight's, public T V, so it's kind of different.
I don't think that the way I get the news is the right way to get it. I think you get a very lopsided picture of what's going on.
I don't think that the way I get the news is the right way to get it. I think you get a very lopsided picture of what's going on.
I don't think that the way I get the news is the right way to get it. I think you get a very lopsided picture of what's going on.
I don't think that the way I get the news is the right way to get it. I think you get a very lopsided picture of what's going on.
[ If they reported every, + if they reported every ] violent crime in Atlanta [ it would take, + it would probably take ] the whole news hour <laughter>.
If they reported every, if they reported every violent crime in Atlanta it would take, it would probably take the whole news hour.
If they reported every, if they reported every violent crime in Atlanta it would take, it would probably take the whole news hour.
if they reported every violent crime in Atlanta it would probably take the whole news hour.
{D Well, } I guess we'll get pretty good news coverage in a couple of years when you host the, {F uh, } summer olympics <laughter>.
Well, I guess we'll get pretty good news coverage in a couple of years when you host the, uh, summer olympics.
I guess we'll get pretty good news coverage in a couple of years when you host the, summer olympics.
I guess we'll get pretty good news coverage in a couple of years when you host the, summer olympics.
{C And, } {F uh, } they've only deliberated four hours or, something {C and } they say they're hopelessly deadlocked.
And, uh, they've only deliberated four hours or, something and they say they're hopelessly deadlocked.
And, they've only deliberated four hours or, something and they say they're hopelessly deadlocked.
And, they've only deliberated four hours or, something and they say they're hopelessly deadlocked.
Yeah, [ they spent a lot of time, + {A that's another thing, } they spend a long time ] on sports, {C and } I think [ that, + {F um, } that's ] fine, I would like to see more time spent on other things.
Yeah, they spent a lot of time, that's another thing, they spend a long time on sports, and I think that, um, that's fine, I would like to see more time spent on other things.
Yeah, they spent a lot of time, that's another thing, they spend a long time on sports, and I think that, that's fine, I would like to see more time spent on other things.
Yeah, that's another thing, they spend a long time on sports, and I think that's fine, I would like to see more time spent on other things.
Yeah he's, {F uh, } a one owner. He likes one boy in the family and that's about it .
Yeah he's, uh, a one owner. He likes one boy in the family and that's about it.
Yeah he's, a one owner. He likes one boy in the family and that's about it.
Yeah he's, a one owner. He likes one boy in the family and that's about it.
[ [ He's, + he, ] + we ] bought the cat for him {C and so } he's, {F uh, } been the one that you know spent the most time with him.
He's, he, we bought the cat for him and so he's, uh, been the one that you know spent the most time with him.
He's, he, we bought the cat for him and so he's, been the one that you know spent the most time with him.
we bought the cat for him and so he's, been the one that you know spent the most time with him.
{F Uh, } my brother has. {F Uh, } we didn't do a lot with them. {F Uh, } I never felt like it was mine or anything, you couldn't do anything.
Uh, my brother has. Uh, we didn't do a lot with them. Uh, I never felt like it was mine or anything, you couldn't do anything.
my brother has. we didn't do a lot with them. I never felt like it was mine or anything, you couldn't do anything.
my brother has. we didn't do a lot with them. I never felt like it was mine or anything, you couldn't do anything.
{C But, } {E I mean, } that [ did, + did ] more responsibility. When its yours and not your brother's <laughter>.
But, I mean, that did, did more responsibility. When its yours and not your brother's.
But, that did, did more responsibility. When its yours and not your brother's.
But, that did more responsibility. When its yours and not your brother's.
{F Oh, } wow. {D So, } when you say the morning news, or evening news or national news is when?
Oh, wow. So, when you say the morning news, or evening news or national news is when?
wow. when you say the morning news, or evening news or national news is when?
wow. when you say the morning news, or evening news or national news is when?
{D Well, } I read, {F uh, } the local newspaper {C and } I also try and read one of the, {F uh, } major dailies like the CHICAGO TRIBUNE, or the NEW YORK TIMES or something like that.
Well, I read, uh, the local newspaper and I also try and read one of the, uh, major dailies like the CHICAGO TRIBUNE, or the NEW YORK TIMES or something like that.
I read, the local newspaper and I also try and read one of the, major dailies like the CHICAGO TRIBUNE, or the NEW YORK TIMES or something like that.
I read, the local newspaper and I also try and read one of the, major dailies like the CHICAGO TRIBUNE, or the NEW YORK TIMES or something like that.
<Throat_clearing> {C But, } I don't know, {F uh, } I think if you listen to {D like } N P R or something like, - [ I, + I ] really like N P R a lot.
But, I don't know, uh, I think if you listen to like N P R or something like, I, I really like N P R a lot.
But, I don't know, I think if you listen to N P R or something like, I, I really like N P R a lot.
But, I don't know, I think if you listen to N P R or something like, I really like N P R a lot.
{F Uh, } their editorial stand point seems to be a lot better than, say, your major network news and that kind of thing.
Uh, their editorial stand point seems to be a lot better than, say, your major network news and that kind of thing.
their editorial stand point seems to be a lot better than, say, your major network news and that kind of thing.
their editorial stand point seems to be a lot better than, say, your major network news and that kind of thing.
<Laughter> I'm telling you, go one way or the other. [ That, + that's ] probably an expensive trial. {F ((Uh)), } Six months so far they said.
I'm telling you, go one way or the other. That, that's probably an expensive trial. Uh. Six months so far they said.
I'm telling you, go one way or the other. That, that's probably an expensive trial. Six months so far they said.
I'm telling you, go one way or the other. that's probably an expensive trial. Six months so far they said.
{F Uh, } {C but } [ I, + I ] don't know, I guess [ a lot of + it's still a lot of ] hype. Look at [ the, + the ] Smith trial.
Uh, but I, I don't know, I guess a lot of it's still a lot of hype. Look at the, the Smith trial.
but I, I don't know, I guess a lot of it's still a lot of hype. Look at the, the Smith trial.
but I don't know, I guess it's still a lot of hype. Look at the Smith trial.
Yeah, that was, - {C but } then you also have things [ where you, + {F uh, } where they ] broadcast the Clarence Thomas hearings basically the whole length of them which I thought was [ re-, + really ] good.
Yeah, that was, but then you also have things where you, uh, where they broadcast the Clarence Thomas hearings basically the whole length of them which I thought was re-, really good.
Yeah, that was, but then you also have things where you, where they broadcast the Clarence Thomas hearings basically the whole length of them which I thought was re-, really good.
Yeah, that was, but then you also have things where they broadcast the Clarence Thomas hearings basically the whole length of them which I thought was really good.
Let's see, mine's pretty easy actually. {F Uh, } I just got done reading [ [ a, + a magazine ] + {E or } a couple magazine ] articles about the, {F uh, } new Saturns.
Let's see, mine's pretty easy actually. Uh, I just got done reading a, a magazine or a couple magazine articles about the, uh, new Saturns.
Let's see, mine's pretty easy actually. I just got done reading a, a magazine a couple magazine articles about the, new Saturns.
Let's see, mine's pretty easy actually. I just got done reading a couple magazine articles about the, new Saturns.
{F Uh, } {C and, } although I can't afford it right now, I would just [ like + love ] to have one.
Uh, and, although I can't afford it right now, I would just like love to have one.
and, although I can't afford it right now, I would just like love to have one.
and, although I can't afford it right now, I would just love to have one.
{F Oh, } really, you like, {F uh, } - {C so } you're an American -- - -- you want to buy American.
Oh, really, you like, uh, so you're an American you want to buy American.
really, you like, so you're an American you want to buy American.
really, you like, so you're an American you want to buy American.
Right, I'm a graduate student {C and, } let's face it, I don't make any money {C so, } - <Laughter>.
Right, I'm a graduate student and, let's face it, I don't make any money so,.
Right, I'm a graduate student and, let's face it, I don't make any money so,.
Right, I'm a graduate student and, let's face it, I don't make any money so,.
{D Well, } you can wait till you graduate {C and } you'll have plenty of money, you can buy whatever you want.
Well, you can wait till you graduate and you'll have plenty of money, you can buy whatever you want.
you can wait till you graduate and you'll have plenty of money, you can buy whatever you want.
you can wait till you graduate and you'll have plenty of money, you can buy whatever you want.
{F Oh, } yeah, [ I'd do it, + I'd use it ] for both. The nice thing about autocrossing is [ you can, + you can ] do both.
Oh, yeah, I'd do it, I'd use it for both. The nice thing about autocrossing is you can, you can do both.
yeah, I'd do it, I'd use it for both. The nice thing about autocrossing is you can, you can do both.
yeah, I'd use it for both. The nice thing about autocrossing is you can do both.
{F Uh, } just like a, {F uh, } set up a lot of times {C and } it's like really large, {F uh, } parking lots.
Uh, just like a, uh, set up a lot of times and it's like really large, uh, parking lots.
just like a, set up a lot of times and it's like really large, parking lots.
just like a, set up a lot of times and it's like really large, parking lots.
Yeah. {D You know, } I'm not sure there's a number. It's probably {D like } thirty, forty thousand dollars a day {D you know, } worth of all the free for all.
Yeah. You know, I'm not sure there's a number. It's probably like thirty, forty thousand dollars a day you know, worth of all the free for all.
Yeah. I'm not sure there's a number. It's probably thirty, forty thousand dollars a day worth of all the free for all.
Yeah. I'm not sure there's a number. It's probably thirty, forty thousand dollars a day worth of all the free for all.
Tight turns, hard acceleration. I've seen a lot of Mustangs, {F uh, } compete {C and } it's interesting. They get dominated by the Corvettes that are also in their class.
Tight turns, hard acceleration. I've seen a lot of Mustangs, uh, compete and it's interesting. They get dominated by the Corvettes that are also in their class.
Tight turns, hard acceleration. I've seen a lot of Mustangs, compete and it's interesting. They get dominated by the Corvettes that are also in their class.
Tight turns, hard acceleration. I've seen a lot of Mustangs, compete and it's interesting. They get dominated by the Corvettes that are also in their class.
{D You know, } because your B M W's, your German cars have good reputations, I think.
You know, because your B M W's, your German cars have good reputations, I think.
because your B M W's, your German cars have good reputations, I think.
because your B M W's, your German cars have good reputations, I think.
Yeah, [ [ they, + their, ] + they ] have the whole philosophy, {E I mean, } [ they, + they ] kind of even brainwash themselves into thinking they're better, which is kind of hard to take <laughter>.
Yeah, they, their, they have the whole philosophy, I mean, they, they kind of even brainwash themselves into thinking they're better, which is kind of hard to take.
Yeah, they, their, they have the whole philosophy, they, they kind of even brainwash themselves into thinking they're better, which is kind of hard to take.
Yeah, they have the whole philosophy, they kind of even brainwash themselves into thinking they're better, which is kind of hard to take.
{E I mean } -- -- as you're walking through that little tour in, {F uh, } Munich, it's kind of <laughter>, they're trying to brainwash you, too <laughter>.
I mean as you're walking through that little tour in, uh, Munich, it's kind of , they're trying to brainwash you, too.
as you're walking through that little tour in, Munich, it's kind of, they're trying to brainwash you, too.
as you're walking through that little tour in, Munich, it's kind of, they're trying to brainwash you, too.
{C And } -- - that's, - I don't know, which do I like better, I think I like the <laughter> Porsche's philosophy a little bit better, although it's not really practical.
And that's, I don't know, which do I like better, I think I like the Porsche's philosophy a little bit better, although it's not really practical.
And that's, I don't know, which do I like better, I think I like the Porsche's philosophy a little bit better, although it's not really practical.
And that's, I don't know, which do I like better, I think I like the Porsche's philosophy a little bit better, although it's not really practical.
Yeah, just work, short trips. [ No mi-, + no heavy mileage. ] I'm putting on less than fifteen thousand miles a year.
Yeah, just work, short trips. No mi-, no heavy mileage. I'm putting on less than fifteen thousand miles a year.
Yeah, just work, short trips. No mi-, no heavy mileage. I'm putting on less than fifteen thousand miles a year.
Yeah, just work, short trips. no heavy mileage. I'm putting on less than fifteen thousand miles a year.
I'll be right back. Excuse me, just a moment. They're going to get mad .
I'll be right back. Excuse me, just a moment. They're going to get mad.
I'll be right back. Excuse me, just a moment. They're going to get mad.
I'll be right back. Excuse me, just a moment. They're going to get mad.
She had another call. She has (( just )) three kids, eleven, nine, and eight.
She had another call. She has just three kids, eleven, nine, and eight.
She had another call. She has just three kids, eleven, nine, and eight.
She had another call. She has just three kids, eleven, nine, and eight.
That was my daughter's Brownie leader telling me that there is a meeting tomorrow -- -- Brownie meeting.
That was my daughter's Brownie leader telling me that there is a meeting tomorrow Brownie meeting.
That was my daughter's Brownie leader telling me that there is a meeting tomorrow Brownie meeting.
That was my daughter's Brownie leader telling me that there is a meeting tomorrow Brownie meeting.
Maybe they could go [ with a, + with a ] nine hundred number and have people dial in and give their, {F uh, } vote.
Maybe they could go with a, with a nine hundred number and have people dial in and give their, uh, vote.
Maybe they could go with a, with a nine hundred number and have people dial in and give their, vote.
Maybe they could go with a nine hundred number and have people dial in and give their, vote.
{D Well, } we're Catholics. I came from a family of five. I had four brothers, the only girl.
Well, we're Catholics. I came from a family of five. I had four brothers, the only girl.
we're Catholics. I came from a family of five. I had four brothers, the only girl.
we're Catholics. I came from a family of five. I had four brothers, the only girl.
that I think, {F um, } - I don't know. It's an interesting <laughter> (( problem. )) I happen to, {F um, } <lip_smack> - I'm a pediatrician.
that I think, um, I don't know. It's an interesting problem. I happen to, um, I'm a pediatrician.
that I think, I don't know. It's an interesting problem. I happen to, I'm a pediatrician.
that I think, I don't know. It's an interesting problem. I happen to, I'm a pediatrician.
I was twenty-nine when I had my first child {C and, } {F uh, } I would not have been real fulfilled. I really would not have been totally staying home with a young child.
I was twenty-nine when I had my first child and, uh, I would not have been real fulfilled. I really would not have been totally staying home with a young child.
I was twenty-nine when I had my first child and, I would not have been real fulfilled. I really would not have been totally staying home with a young child.
I was twenty-nine when I had my first child and, I would not have been real fulfilled. I really would not have been totally staying home with a young child.
[ It's a wonderful, + it's wonderful ] to be a mother {C but, } <lipsmack> {F uh, } [ I like th-, + I like the ] way I did it.
It's a wonderful, it's wonderful to be a mother but, uh, I like the, I like the way I did it.
It's a wonderful, it's wonderful to be a mother but, I like th-, I like the way I did it.
it's wonderful to be a mother but, I like the way I did it.
{F Um, } {C and } I think we choose [ very, + very ] carefully the, {F um, } alternative situations that we had them in.
Um, and I think we choose very, very carefully the, um, alternative situations that we had them in.
and I think we choose very, very carefully the, alternative situations that we had them in.
and I think we choose very carefully the, alternative situations that we had them in.
She's out, - {D Well, } we just moved down here. We used to live up in Seattle for a couple of years.
She's out, Well, we just moved down here. We used to live up in Seattle for a couple of years.
She's out, we just moved down here. We used to live up in Seattle for a couple of years.
She's out, we just moved down here. We used to live up in Seattle for a couple of years.
[ It's + <laughter> that's ] no problem here. we really liked it up there {C but } then wh-, -
It's that's no problem here. we really liked it up there but then wh-,
It's that's no problem here. we really liked it up there but then wh-,
that's no problem here. we really liked it up there but then,
That's the only way I could really, - They pick up newspapers and, {F uh, } {D you know, } milk jugs and aluminum and tin cans, {D you know, } like soup comes in and stuff.
That's the only way I could really, They pick up newspapers and, uh, you know, milk jugs and aluminum and tin cans, you know, like soup comes in and stuff.
That's the only way I could really, They pick up newspapers and, milk jugs and aluminum and tin cans, like soup comes in and stuff.
That's the only way I could really, They pick up newspapers and, milk jugs and aluminum and tin cans, like soup comes in and stuff.
-- I'll throw it in there <laughter>, {C but } [ I don't really, + I don't ] ever take anything.
I'll throw it in there , but I don't really, I don't ever take anything.
I'll throw it in there, but I don't really, I don't ever take anything.
I'll throw it in there, but I don't ever take anything.
<Laughter> Yeah <laughter>. [ that's, + that's ] been so long I've [ prac-, + practically ] forgot who Noriega was, {D you know. }
Yeah. that's, that's been so long I've prac-, practically forgot who Noriega was, you know.
Yeah. that's, that's been so long I've prac-, practically forgot who Noriega was,
Yeah. that's been so long I've practically forgot who Noriega was,
{D Well, } {E I mean, } it's real, - <breathing> you ought to, because [ [ the, + the, ] + the ] farmer's market recycles absolutely everything.
Well, I mean, it's real, you ought to, because the, the, the farmer's market recycles absolutely everything.
it's real, you ought to, because the, the, the farmer's market recycles absolutely everything.
it's real, you ought to, because the farmer's market recycles absolutely everything.
{C And } since we go there all the time, {E I mean -- } - -- probably (( )) at all.
And since we go there all the time, I mean probably at all.
And since we go there all the time, probably at all.
And since we go there all the time, probably at all.
{F Uh, } {D well, } is there anything else you'd like to share me about your recycling philosophy, Julie?
Uh, well, is there anything else you'd like to share me about your recycling philosophy, Julie?
is there anything else you'd like to share me about your recycling philosophy, Julie?
is there anything else you'd like to share me about your recycling philosophy, Julie?
Do they do - {D like, } what about, {D like, } {F uh, } - what kind of plastic stuff can you recycle, do you know?
Do they do like, what about, like, uh, what kind of plastic stuff can you recycle, do you know?
Do they do what about, what kind of plastic stuff can you recycle, do you know?
Do they do what about, what kind of plastic stuff can you recycle, do you know?
[ The petroleum pretty much, + {E I mean, } those petroleum products ] I think are [ the big, + {F uh, } {E you know } -- -- the great ] Satan of the recycling.
The petroleum pretty much, I mean, those petroleum products I think are the big, uh, you know the great Satan of the recycling.
The petroleum pretty much, those petroleum products I think are the big, the great Satan of the recycling.
those petroleum products I think are the great Satan of the recycling.
No, really not. Did you know that, {D like, } something like fifty percent of the world's landfills is {D like } [ paper? +
No, really not. Did you know that, like, something like fifty percent of the world's landfills is like paper?
No, really not. Did you know that, something like fifty percent of the world's landfills is paper?
No, really not. Did you know that, something like fifty percent of the world's landfills is
{D Well, } they do treat paper with chemicals {D like } yellow paper, {D you know } -- -- takes something like twenty times as long to decompose.
Well, they do treat paper with chemicals like yellow paper, you know takes something like twenty times as long to decompose.
they do treat paper with chemicals yellow paper, takes something like twenty times as long to decompose.
they do treat paper with chemicals yellow paper, takes something like twenty times as long to decompose.
{D You know, } you can bury a piece of yellow paper, it will still be there in a couple of weeks.
You know, you can bury a piece of yellow paper, it will still be there in a couple of weeks.
you can bury a piece of yellow paper, it will still be there in a couple of weeks.
you can bury a piece of yellow paper, it will still be there in a couple of weeks.
Yeah -- -- it will be whole. You'll be able to read -- -- off of it.
Yeah it will be whole. You'll be able to read off of it.
Yeah it will be whole. You'll be able to read off of it.
Yeah it will be whole. You'll be able to read off of it.
<Laughter> That has been going on . My, {F uh, } cousin is a F B I agent down in Miami.
That has been going on. My, uh, cousin is a F B I agent down in Miami.
That has been going on. My, cousin is a F B I agent down in Miami.
That has been going on. My, cousin is a F B I agent down in Miami.
I don't know, {D well, } {E I mean, } I think we've kind of, {D you know, } - {E I mean, } [ [ everybody, + (( everybody )) -- ] + {C but, } - <Laughter>.
I don't know, well, I mean, I think we've kind of, you know, I mean, everybody, everybody but,.
I don't know, I think we've kind of, everybody, everybody but,.
I don't know, I think we've kind of, but,.
Everyone had a two way wrist watch T V's on their wrist, like, {F uh, } Dick Tracy.
Everyone had a two way wrist watch T V's on their wrist, like, uh, Dick Tracy.
Everyone had a two way wrist watch T V's on their wrist, like, Dick Tracy.
Everyone had a two way wrist watch T V's on their wrist, like, Dick Tracy.
{D So } how do you, {F uh, } - [ {D so, } + {D so, } ] it sounds like you've got a television going on there, {D so } I can assume that you probably watch the T V news. Is that, -
So how do you, uh, so, so, it sounds like you've got a television going on there, so I can assume that you probably watch the T V news. Is that,
how do you, it sounds like you've got a television going on there, I can assume that you probably watch the T V news. Is that,
how do you, it sounds like you've got a television going on there, I can assume that you probably watch the T V news. Is that,
Cliff, I see, {D so, } {F uh, } it's not affiliated with anything, is it. [ Not -- + -- it's not ] a network station.
Cliff, I see, so, uh, it's not affiliated with anything, is it. Not it's not a network station.
Cliff, I see, it's not affiliated with anything, is it. Not it's not a network station.
Cliff, I see, it's not affiliated with anything, is it. it's not a network station.
How do you like it? [ It's been, + it's been ] a while since I read the Dallas news. [ I, + {F uh, } fact, last time I ] read the [ Dallas, + Dallas ] news I was in Arkansas.
How do you like it? It's been, it's been a while since I read the Dallas news. I, uh, fact, last time I read the Dallas, Dallas news I was in Arkansas.
How do you like it? It's been, it's been a while since I read the Dallas news. I, fact, last time I read the Dallas, Dallas news I was in Arkansas.
How do you like it? it's been a while since I read the Dallas news. fact, last time I read the Dallas news I was in Arkansas.
{F Oh, } me, [ I, + {F uh, } <breathing> good grief, I ] read the TIMES, LOS ANGELES TIMES. There's, quite a task if you've ever run into one. They're, {F uh } -- -- (( speci-, )) - they're thick.
Oh, me, I, uh, good grief, I read the TIMES, LOS ANGELES TIMES. There's, quite a task if you've ever run into one. They're, uh speci-, they're thick.
me, I, good grief, I read the TIMES, LOS ANGELES TIMES. There's, quite a task if you've ever run into one. They're, speci-, they're thick.
me, good grief, I read the TIMES, LOS ANGELES TIMES. There's, quite a task if you've ever run into one. they're thick.
Yeah, [ that's, + that's ] kind of a problem for them. There's a lot of people <laughter> who fall into that, category.
Yeah, that's, that's kind of a problem for them. There's a lot of people who fall into that, category.
Yeah, that's, that's kind of a problem for them. There's a lot of people who fall into that, category.
Yeah, that's kind of a problem for them. There's a lot of people who fall into that, category.
{C And then } we have a local rag here in town that -- -- I pick up periodically and read just to see what's going on in our little community.
And then we have a local rag here in town that I pick up periodically and read just to see what's going on in our little community.
And then we have a local rag here in town that I pick up periodically and read just to see what's going on in our little community.
And then we have a local rag here in town that I pick up periodically and read just to see what's going on in our little community.
Now, they have started here running a three day, or three times a week Plano section.
Now, they have started here running a three day, or three times a week Plano section.
Now, they have started here running a three day, or three times a week Plano section.
Now, they have started here running a three day, or three times a week Plano section.
Bye. {D So } [ we're, + {F uh, } our discussion's ] about, {F uh, } the care of the elderly?
Bye. So we're, uh, our discussion's about, uh, the care of the elderly?
Bye. we're, our discussion's about, the care of the elderly?
Bye. our discussion's about, the care of the elderly?
{C And } it's just sort of [ a, + ] {D you know, } four or five pages that covers what's going on in Plano. {C But } it's still not an awful lot of news.
And it's just sort of a, you know, four or five pages that covers what's going on in Plano. But it's still not an awful lot of news.
And it's just sort of a, four or five pages that covers what's going on in Plano. But it's still not an awful lot of news.
And it's just sort of four or five pages that covers what's going on in Plano. But it's still not an awful lot of news.
Yeah, I know. [ [ I, + {F uh, } it was, ] + it was ] a big discovery [ [ when, + when the TIMES, ] + when the TIMES ] found out there was a place called Orange County <laughter>.
Yeah, I know. I, uh, it was, it was a big discovery when, when the TIMES, when the TIMES found out there was a place called Orange County.
Yeah, I know. I, it was, it was a big discovery when, when the TIMES, when the TIMES found out there was a place called Orange County.
Yeah, I know. it was a big discovery when the TIMES found out there was a place called Orange County.
{E I mean, } [ the way they, + {E I mean, } the way they've ] been handling it before, [ they practically, + they practically ] acted like their reporters needed to shots to go south of the L A county border <laughter>.
I mean, the way they, I mean, the way they've been handling it before, they practically, they practically acted like their reporters needed to shots to go south of the L A county border.
the way they, the way they've been handling it before, they practically, they practically acted like their reporters needed to shots to go south of the L A county border.
the way they've been handling it before, they practically acted like their reporters needed to shots to go south of the L A county border.
Yeah, [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] find that attitude kind of arrogant, though. It's like you're taking our money, {C but } you're not bothering to cover the things that are interesting to us.
Yeah, I, I, I find that attitude kind of arrogant, though. It's like you're taking our money, but you're not bothering to cover the things that are interesting to us.
Yeah, I, I, I find that attitude kind of arrogant, though. It's like you're taking our money, but you're not bothering to cover the things that are interesting to us.
Yeah, I find that attitude kind of arrogant, though. It's like you're taking our money, but you're not bothering to cover the things that are interesting to us.
Okay, {C so } [ that -- + -- this ] is obviously not a condition of employment that you subject yourself to this <laughter>.
Okay, so that this is obviously not a condition of employment that you subject yourself to this.
Okay, so that this is obviously not a condition of employment that you subject yourself to this.
Okay, so this is obviously not a condition of employment that you subject yourself to this.
{C And, } {F uh, } I called {D you know, } from [ [ that, + the, ] + the ] T I Data Base Calling Instructions.
And, uh, I called you know, from that, the, the T I Data Base Calling Instructions.
And, I called from that, the, the T I Data Base Calling Instructions.
And, I called from the T I Data Base Calling Instructions.
Yeah, this is about changes in the women in the, - {F Uh, } there's really a lot, isn't there.
Yeah, this is about changes in the women in the, Uh, there's really a lot, isn't there.
Yeah, this is about changes in the women in the, there's really a lot, isn't there.
Yeah, this is about changes in the women in the, there's really a lot, isn't there.
Yeah, {F uh, } I think you have to push one {C and then } we can start recording it.
Yeah, uh, I think you have to push one and then we can start recording it.
Yeah, I think you have to push one and then we can start recording it.
Yeah, I think you have to push one and then we can start recording it.

DisfluencySpeech Dataset

The DisfluencySpeech Dataset is a single-speaker studio-quality labeled English speech dataset with paralanguage. A single speaker recreates nearly 10 hours of expressive utterances from the Switchboard-1 Telephone Speech Corpus (Switchboard), simulating realistic informal conversations. To aid the development of a text-to-speech (TTS) model that is able to predictively synthesise paralanguage from text without such components, we provide three different transcripts at different levels of information removal (removal of non-speech events, removal of non-sentence elements, and removal of false starts).

Read the paper here.

Benchmark TTS models for each transcript can be found here: Transcript A, Transcript B, and Transcript C.

Dataset Details

All audio files are provided as 22,050 hz .wav files. In the metadata.csv file, 4 different transcripts for each file are provided, each at differing levels of information removal:

  • transcript_annotated is a full transcript retaining all non-speech event and disfluency annotations;
  • transcript_a contains all textual content recorded, including non-sentence elements and restarts. Only non-speech events such as laughter and sighs are removed from transcript;
  • transcript_b is transcript_a but with filled pauses, explicit editing terms, and discourse markers removed. Coordinating conjunctions and asides are left in, as they are non-sentence elements as well, they are often used to convey meaning; and
  • transcript_c is transcript_b but with false starts removed. This is the most minimal transcript.

The training set contains 90% of the data, the validation set contains 5% of the data, and the test set contains 5% of the data.


If you use this dataset, please cite the paper in which it is presented:

      title={DisfluencySpeech -- Single-Speaker Conversational Speech Dataset with Paralanguage}, 
      author={Kyra Wang and Dorien Herremans},
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