arXiv:1001.0034v1 [math.NT] 4 Jan 2010NEW IDENTITIES INVOLVING q-EULER |
T. Kim AND Y. H. Kim |
Abstract. In this paper, we present new generating functions which are relat ed to |
q-Euler numbers and polynomials of higher order. From these genera ting functions, we |
give new identities involving q-Euler numbers and polynomials of higher order. |
§1. Introduction/ Preliminaries |
LetCbe the complex number field. We assume that q∈Cwith|q|<1 and |
theq-number is defined by [ x]q=1−qx |
1−qin this paper. The q-factorial is given by |
[n]q! = [n]q[n−1]q···[2]q[1]qand theq-binomial formulae are known that |
(x:q)n=n/productdisplay |
i=1(1−xqi−1) =n/summationdisplay |
i=0/parenleftbiggn |
i/parenrightbigg |
qq(i |
2)(−x)i,(see [3, 14, 15]) , |
and |
1 |
(x:q)n=n/productdisplay |
i=1/parenleftbigg1 |
1−xqi−1/parenrightbigg |
=∞/summationdisplay |
i=0/parenleftbiggn+i−1 |
i/parenrightbigg |
qxi,(see [3, 5, 14, 15]) , |
where/parenleftbign |
i/parenrightbig |
q=[n]q! |
[n−i]q![i]q!=[n]q[n−1]q···[n−i+1]q |
[i]q!. |
The Euler polynomials are defined by2 |
et+1ext=/summationtext∞ |
n=0En(x)tn |
n!, for|t|< π. In the |
special case x= 0,En(=En(0)) are called the n-th Euler numbers. In this paper, we |
consider the q-extensions of Euler numbers and polynomials of higher orde r. Barnes’ |
multiple Bernoulli polynomials are also defined by |
(1) |
tr |
/producttextr |
j=1(eajt−1)ext=∞/summationdisplay |
n=0Bn(x,r|a1,···,ar)tn |
n!,where|t|<max |
1≤i≤r2π |
|ai|, (see [1, 14]). |
Key words and phrases. : multiple q-zeta function, q-Euler numbers and polynomials, higher |
order q-Euler numbers, Laurent series, Cauchy integral. |
2000 AMS Subject Classification: 11B68, 11S80 |
The present Research has been conducted by the research Grant of Kw angwoon University in 2010 |
Typeset by AMS-TEX |
1In one of an impressive series of papers (see [1, 6, 14]), Barn es developed the so-called |
multiple zeta and multiple gamma function. Let a1,···,aNbe positive parameters. |
Then Barnes’ multiple zeta function is defined by |
ζN(s,w|a1,···,aN) =/summationdisplay |
m1,···,mN=0(w+m1a1+···+mNaN)−s,(see [1]), |
whereℜ(s)> N,ℜ(w)>0. Form∈Z+, we have |
ζN(−m,w|a1,···,aN) =(−1)mm! |
(N+m)!BN+m(w,N|a1,···,aN). |
In this paper, we consider Barnes’ type multiple q-Euler numbers and polynomials. |
The purpose of this paper is to present new generating functi ons which are related |
toq-Euler numbers and polynomials of higher order. From the Mel lin transformation |
of these generating functions, we derive the q-extensions o f Barnes’ type multiple |
zeta functions, which interpolate the q-Euler polynomials of higher order at negative |
integer. Finally, we give new identities involving q-Euler numbers and polynomials of |
higher order. |
§2.q-Euler numbers and polynomials of higher order |
In this section, we assume that q∈Cwith|q|<1. Letx,a1,... ,a rbe complex |
numbers with positive real parts. Barnes’ type multiple Eul er polynomialsare defined |
by |
(2)2r |
/producttextr |
j=1(eajt+1)ext=∞/summationdisplay |
n=0E(r) |
n(x|a1,... ,a r)tn |
n!,for|t|<max |
1≤i≤rπ |
|wi|,(see [6]), |
andE(r) |
n(a1,... ,a r)(=E(r) |
n(0|a1,... ,a r)) are called the n-th Barnes’ type multiple |
Euler numbers. First, we consider the q-extension of Euler polynomials. The q-Euler |
polynomials are defined by |
(3)Fq(t,x) =∞/summationdisplay |
n=0En,q(x)tn |
n!= [2]q∞/summationdisplay |
m=0(−q)me[m+x]qt,(see [8, 11, 13, 14, 15]) . |
From (3), we have |
En,q(x) =[2]q |
(1−q)nn/summationdisplay |
l=0/parenleftbiggn |
l/parenrightbigg(−1)lqlx |
(1+ql+1). |
In the special case x= 0,En,q(=En,q(0)) are called the n-thq-Euler numbers. From |
(3), we can easily derive the following relation. |
E0,q= 1,andq(qE+1)n+En,q= 0 ifn≥1,(see [8, 16, 17]) , |
2where we use the standard convention about replacing EkbyEk,q.It is easy to show |
that |
lim |
q→1Fq(t,x) =2 |
et+1ext=∞/summationdisplay |
n=0En(x)tn |
n!,(see [2, 3, 19-23]) , |
whereEn(x) are the n-th Euler polynomials. For r∈N, the Euler polynomials of |
orderris defined by |
(4)/parenleftbigg2 |
et+1/parenrightbiggr |
ext=∞/summationdisplay |
n=0E(r) |
n(x)tn |
n!,for|t|< π. |
Now we consider the q-extension of (4). |
(5)F(r) |
q(t,x) = [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−q)m1+···+mre[m1+···+mr+x]qt=∞/summationdisplay |
n=0E(r) |
n,q(x)tn |
n!, |
whereE(r) |
n,q(x) are called the n-thq-Euler polynomials of order r(see [10-15]). From |
(5), we can derive |
(6) E(r) |
n,q(x) =[2]r |
q |
(1−q)nn/summationdisplay |
l=0/parenleftbiggn |
l/parenrightbigg(−1)lqlx |
(1+ql+1)r. |
By (5) and (6), we see that |
(7) F(r) |
q(t,x) = [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m=0/parenleftbiggm+r−1 |
m/parenrightbigg |
(−q)me[m+x]qt. |
Thus, we note that lim q→1F(r) |
q(t,x) =/parenleftBig |
2 |
et+1/parenrightBigr |
ext=/summationtext∞ |
n=0E(r) |
n(x)tn |
n!.In the special |
casex= 0,E(r) |
n,q(=E(r) |
n,q(0)) are called the n-thq-Euler numbers of order r. By (5), |
(6) and (7), we obtain the following proposition. |
Proposition 1. Forr∈N, let |
F(r) |
q(t,x) = [2]r |
q/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−q)m1+···+mre[m1+···+mr+x]qt=∞/summationdisplay |
n=0E(r) |
n,q(x)tn |
n!. |
Then we have |
E(r) |
n,q(x) =[2]r |
q |
(1−q)nn/summationdisplay |
l=0/parenleftbiggn |
l/parenrightbigg(−1)lqlx |
(1+ql+1)r= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m=0/parenleftbiggm+r−1 |
m/parenrightbigg |
(−q)m[m+x]n |
q. |
3From the Mellin transformation of F(r) |
q(t,x), we can derive the following equation. |
1 |
Γ(s)/integraldisplay∞ |
0F(r) |
q(−t,x)ts−1dt= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−q)m1+···+mr |
[m1+···+mr+x]sq |
= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m=0/parenleftbiggm+r−1 |
m/parenrightbigg |
(−q)m1 |
[m+x]sq, (8) |
wheres∈C,x/negationslash= 0,−1,−2,.... By (8), we can define the multiple q-zeta function |
related to q-Euler polynomials. |
Definition 2. Fors∈C,x∈Rwithx/negationslash= 0,−1,−2,..., we define the multiple q-zeta |
function related to q-Euler polynomials as |
ζq,r(s,x) = [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−q)m1+···+mr |
[m1+···+mr+x]sq. |
Note that ζq,r(s,x) is a meromorphic function in whole complex s-plane. From (8), |
we also note that |
ζq,r(s,x) = [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m=0/parenleftbiggm+r−1 |
m/parenrightbigg |
(−q)m1 |
[m+x]sq. |
By Laurent series and the Cauchy residue theorem in (5) and (8 ), we see that |
ζq(−n,x) =E(n) |
n,q(x),forn∈Z+. |
Therefore, we obtain the following theorem. |
Theorem 3. Forr∈N,n∈Z+, andx∈Rwithx/negationslash= 0,−1,−2,..., we have |
ζq(−n,x) =E(r) |
n,q(x). |
Letχbe the Dirichlet’s character with conductor f∈Nwithf≡1 (mod 2). Then |
the generalized q-Euler polynomial attached to χare considered by |
Fq,χ(x) =∞/summationdisplay |
n=0En,χ,q(x)tn |
n!= [2]q∞/summationdisplay |
m=0(−q)mχ(m)e[m+x]qt. |
From (3) and (9), we have |
En,χ,q(x) =[2]q |
[2]qff−1/summationdisplay |
a=0(−q)aχ(a)En,qf(x+a |
f). |
4In the special case x= 0,En,χ,q=En,χ,q(0) are called the n-th generated q-Euler |
number attached to χ. |
It is known that the generalized Euler polynomials of order rare defined by |
(10) (2/summationtextf−1 |
a=0(−1)aχ(a)eat |
eft+1)rext=∞/summationdisplay |
n=0E(r) |
n,χ(x)tn |
n!, |
for|t|<π |
f. |
We consider the q-extension of (10). The generalized q-Euler polynomials of order |
rattached to χare defined by |
F(r) |
q,χ(t,x) = [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−q)m1+···+mr(r/productdisplay |
i=1χ(mi))e[m1+···+mr+x]qt |
=∞/summationdisplay |
n=0E(r) |
n,χ,q(x)tn |
n!,(see [14, 15]) . (11) |
Note that |
lim |
q→1F(r) |
q,χ(t,x) = (2/summationtextf−1 |
a=0(−1)aχ(a)eat |
eft+1)r. |
By (11), we easily see that |
E(r) |
n,χ,q(x) =[2]r |
q |
(1−q)nn/summationdisplay |
l=0/parenleftbiggn |
l/parenrightbigg |
(−qx)lf−1/summationdisplay |
a1,...,ar=0(r/productdisplay |
j=1χ(aj))(−ql+1)/summationtextr |
i=1ai |
(1+q(l+1)f)r |
= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−q)m1+···+mr(r/productdisplay |
i=1χ(mi))[m1+···+mr+x]n |
q. |
Fors∈C,x∈Rwithx/negationslash= 0,−1,−2,..., we have |
1 |
Γ(s)/integraldisplay∞ |
0F(r) |
q,χ(−t,x)ts−1dt |
= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−q)m1+···+mr(/producttextr |
i=1χ(mi)) |
[m1+···+mr+x]sq,(see [15]) . (12) |
From (12), we can consider the Dirichlet’s type multiple q-l-function as follows : |
Definition 4. Fors∈C,x∈Rwithx/negationslash= 0,−1,−2,..., we define the Dirichlet’s |
type multiple q-l-function as |
lq(s,x|χ) = [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−q)m1+···+mr(/producttextr |
i=1χ(mi)) |
[m1+···+mr+x]sq,(see [15]) . |
By Laurent series and the Cauchy residue theorem in (11) and ( 12), we obtain the |
following theorem. |
5Theorem 5. Forn∈Z+, we have |
lq(−n,x|χ) =E(r) |
n,χ,q(x). |
Forh∈Zandr∈N, we consider the extended r-pleq-Euler polynomials. |
F(h,r) |
q(t,x) = [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0q/summationtextr |
j=1(h−j+1)mj(−1)/summationtextr |
j=1mje[m1+···+mr+x]qt |
=∞/summationdisplay |
n=0E(h,r) |
n,q(x)tn |
n!. (13) |
Note that |
lim |
q→1F(h,r) |
q(t,x) = (2 |
et+1)rext=∞/summationdisplay |
n=0E(r) |
n(x)tn |
n!. |
From (13), we note that |
E(h,r) |
n,q(x) =[2]r |
q |
(1−q)nn/summationdisplay |
l=0/parenleftbiggn |
l/parenrightbigg(−qx)l |
(−qh−r+l+1:q)r |
= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m=0/parenleftbiggm+r−1 |
m/parenrightbigg |
q(−qh−r+1)m[m+x]n |
q. (14) |
By (14), we easily see that |
(15)F(h,r) |
q(t,x) = [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m=0/parenleftbiggm+r−1 |
m/parenrightbigg |
q(−qh−r+1)me[m+x]qt,(see [11, 13, 14]) . |
Using the Mellin transform for F(h,r) |
q(t,x), we have |
1 |
Γ(s)/integraldisplay∞ |
0F(r) |
q(−t,x)ts−1dt |
= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−1)m1+···+mrq/summationtextr |
j=1(h−j+1)mj |
[m1+···+mr+x]sq,(see [13, 14, 15]) ,(16) |
fors∈C,x∈Rwithx/negationslash= 0,−1,−2,.... Now we can define the extended q-zeta |
function associated with E(h,r) |
n,q(x). |
6Definition 6. Fors∈C,x∈Rwithx/negationslash= 0,−1,−2,..., we define the (h, q)-zeta |
function as |
ζ(h) |
q,r(s,x) = [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−1)m1+···+mrq/summationtextr |
j=1(h−j+1)mj |
[m1+···+mr+x]sq. |
Notethat ζ(h) |
q,r(s,x)isalsoa meromorphic function inwholecomplex s-plane. From |
(16) and (15), we note that |
(17) ζ(h) |
q,r(s,x) = [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m=0/parenleftbiggm+r−1 |
m/parenrightbigg |
q(−qh−j+1)m1 |
[m+x]sq. |
Using the Cauchy residue theorem and Laurent series in (16), we obtain the following |
theorem. |
Theorem 7. Forn∈Z+, we have |
ζ(h) |
q,r(−n,x) =E(h,r) |
n,q(x). |
We consider the extended r-ple generalized q-Euler polynomials as follows : |
F(h,r) |
q,χ(t,x) |
= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0q/summationtextr |
j=1(h−j+1)mj(−1)/summationtextr |
j=1mj(r/productdisplay |
j=1χ(mj))e[m1+···+mr+x]qt(18) |
=∞/summationdisplay |
n=0E(h,r) |
n,χ,q(x)tn |
n!. |
By (18), we see that |
E(h,r) |
n,χ,q(x) =[2]r |
q |
(1−q)nf−1/summationdisplay |
a1,...,ar=0(−1)/summationtextr |
j=1aj(r/productdisplay |
j=1χ(aj))n/summationdisplay |
l=0/parenleftbiggn |
l/parenrightbigg(−1)lqlxq(h−j+l+1)aj |
(−q(h−r+l+1)f:qf)r |
=[2]r |
q |
[2]r |
qf[f]n |
qf−1/summationdisplay |
a1,...,ar=0(−1)/summationtextr |
j=1aj(r/productdisplay |
j=1χ(aj))q/summationtextr |
j=1(h−j+1)ajζ(h) |
qf,r(−n,x+/summationtextr |
j=1aj |
f).(19) |
Therefore, we obtain the following theorem. |
7Theorem 8. Forn∈Z+, we have |
E(h,r) |
n,χ,q(x) |
=[2]r |
q |
[2]r |
qf[f]n |
qf−1/summationdisplay |
a1,...,ar=0(−1)/summationtextr |
j=1aj(r/productdisplay |
j=1χ(aj))q/summationtextr |
j=1(h−j+1)ajζ(h) |
qf,r(−n,x+/summationtextr |
j=1aj |
f). |
From (18), we note that |
1 |
Γ(s)/integraldisplay∞ |
0F(h,r) |
q,χ(−t,x)ts−1dt |
= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0q/summationtextr |
j=1(h−j+1)mj(/producttextr |
j=1χ(mj))(−1)m1+···+mr |
[m1+···+mr+x]sq, (20) |
wheres∈C,x∈Rwithx/negationslash= 0,−1,−2,.... |
From (20), we define the Dirichlet’s type multiple ( h,q)-l-function associated with |
the generalized multiple q-Euler polynomials attached to χ. |
Definition 9. Fors∈C,x∈Rwithx/negationslash= 0,−1,−2,..., we define the Dirichlet’s |
type multiple q-l-function as follows : |
l(h) |
q(s,x|χ) = [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0q/summationtextr |
j=1(h−j+1)mj(/producttextr |
i=1χ(mi))(−1)m1+···+mr |
[m1+···+mr+x]sq. |
Note that l(h) |
q(s,x|χ) is a meromorphic function in whole complex plane. It is easy |
to show that |
l(h) |
q(s,x|χ) |
=[2]r |
q |
[2]r |
qf1 |
[f]sqf−1/summationdisplay |
a1,...,ar=0(−1)/summationtextr |
j=1aj(r/productdisplay |
j=1χ(aj))q/summationtextr |
j=1(h−j+1)ajζ(h) |
qf,r(s,x+/summationtextr |
j=1aj |
f). |
By (19) and (20), we obtain the following theorem. |
Theorem 10. Forn∈Z+, we have |
l(h) |
q(−n,x|χ) =E(h,r) |
n,χ,q(x). |
Finally, we give the q-extension of Barnes’ type multiple Euler polynomials in (2 ). |
Forx,a1,... ,a r∈Cwith positive real part, let us define the Barnes’ type mutipl e |
8q-Euler polynomials in Cas follows : |
F(r) |
q(t,x|a1,... ,a r;b1,... ,b r) |
= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−1)m1+···+mrq(b1+1)m1+···+(br+1)mre[a1m1+···+armr+x]t(21) |
=∞/summationdisplay |
n=0E(r) |
n,q(x|a1,... ,a r;b1,... ,b r)tn |
n!, |
whereb1,... ,b r∈Z. By (21), we see that |
E(r) |
n,q(x|a1,... ,a r;b1,... ,b r) |
=[2]r |
q |
(1−q)nn/summationdisplay |
l=0/parenleftbiggn |
l/parenrightbigg(−1)lqlx |
(1+qla1+b1+1)···(1+qlar+br+1) |
= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−1)m1+···+mrq(b1+1)m1+···+(br+1)mr[a1m1+···+armr+x]n |
q. |
From (21), we note that |
1 |
Γ(s)/integraldisplay∞ |
0F(r) |
q(−t,x|a1,... ,a r;b1,... ,b r)ts−1dt |
= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−q)m1+···+mrqb1m1+···+brmr |
[a1m1+···+armr+x]sq. (22) |
By (22), we define the Barnes’ type multiple q-zeta function as follows : |
ζq,r(s,x|a1,... ,a r;b1,... ,b r) |
= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−q)m1+···+mrqb1m1+···+brmr |
[a1m1+···+armr+x]sq, |
wheres∈C,x∈Rwithx/negationslash= 0,−1,−2,.... By (21), (22) and (23), we obtain the |
following theorem. |
Theorem 11. Forn∈Z+, we have |
ζq,r(s,x|a1,... ,a r;b1,... ,b r) =E(r) |
n,q(x|a1,... ,a r;b1,... ,b r). |
Letχbe the Dirichlet’s character with conductor f∈Nwithf≡1 (mod 2). Then |
the generalized Barnes’ type multiple q-Euler polynomials attached to χare defined |
9by |
F(r) |
q,χ(t,x|a1,... ,a r;b1,... ,b r) |
= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−q)m1+···+mrqb1m1+···+brmr(r/productdisplay |
i=1χ(mi))e[a1m1+···+armr+x]qt(24) |
=∞/summationdisplay |
n=0E(r) |
n,χ,q(x|a1,... ,a r;b1,... ,b r)tn |
n!, |
From (24), we note that |
1 |
Γ(s)/integraldisplay∞ |
0F(r) |
q,χ(−t,x|a1,... ,a r;b1,... ,b r)ts−1dt |
= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−q)m1+···+mrqb1m1+···+brmr(/producttextr |
i=1χ(mi)) |
[a1m1+···+armr+x]sq. (25) |
By (25), we can define Barnes’ type multiple q-l-function in C. Fors∈C,x∈Rwith |
x/negationslash= 0,−1,−2,..., let us define the Barnes’ type multiple q-l-function as follows : |
l(r) |
q(s,x|a1,... ,a r;b1,... ,b r) |
= [2]r |
q∞/summationdisplay |
m1,...,m r=0(−q)m1+···+mrqb1m1+···+brmr(/producttextr |
i=1χ(mi)) |
[a1m1+···+armr+x]sq. (26) |
Note that l(r) |
q(s,x|a1,... ,a r;b1,... ,b r) is a meromorphic function in whole complex |
s-plane. By (24), (25) and (26), we easily see that |
l(r) |
q(−n,x|a1,... ,a r;b1,... ,b r) =E(r) |
n,χ,q(x|a1,... ,a r;b1,... ,b r) |
forn∈Z+, (see [1-18]). |
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Taekyun Kim |
Division of General Education-Mathematics, Kwangwoon Uni versity, |
Seoul 139-701, S. Korea e-mail: [email protected] |
Young-Hee Kim |
Division of General Education-Mathematics, |
Kwangwoon University, |
Seoul 139-701, S. Korea e-mail: [email protected] |
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