arXiv:1001.0024v1 [q-fin.CP] 30 Dec 2009November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 |
Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers |
c/circlecopyrtWorld Scientific Publishing Company |
Tetsuya Takaishi† |
Hiroshima University of Economics, |
Hiroshima 731-0192 JAPAN |
†[email protected] |
Received (Day Month Year) |
Revised (Day Month Year) |
Accepted (Day Month Year) |
The hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm is applied for the Bay esian inference of the |
stochastic volatility (SV) model. We use the HMC algorithm f or the Markov chain Monte |
Carloupdates of volatility variables of the SV model. First we compute parameters of the |
SV model by using the artificial financial data and compare the results from the HMC |
algorithm with those from the Metropolis algorithm. We find t hat the HMC algorithm |
decorrelates the volatility variables faster than the Metr opolis algorithm. Second we |
make an empirical study for the time series of the Nikkei 225 s tock index by the HMC |
algorithm. We find the similar correlation behavior for the s ampled data to the results |
from the artificial financial data and obtain a φvalue close to one ( φ≈0.977), which |
means that the time series has the strong persistency of the v olatility shock. |
Keywords : Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm, Stochastic Volatility Mode l, Markov Chain |
Monte Carlo, Bayesian Inference, Financial Data Analysis |
1. Introduction |
Many empirical studies of financial prices such as stock indexes, ex change rates |
have confirmed that financial time series of price returns shows va rious interesting |
properties which can not be derived from a simple assumption that th e price re- |
turns follow the geometric Brownian motion. Those properties are n ow classified |
as stylized facts1,2. Some examples of the stylized facts are (i) fat-tailed distribu- |
tion of return (ii) volatility clustering (iii) slow decay of the autocorre lation time |
of the absolute returns. The true dynamics behind the stylized fac ts is not fully |
understood. In order to imitate the real financial markets and to understand the |
origins of the stylized facts, a variety of models have been propose d and examined. |
Actually many models are able to capture some of the stylized facts3-14. |
In empirical finance the volatilityis an important value to measurethe risk. One |
of the stylized facts of the volatility is that the volatility of price retu rns changes |
in time and shows clustering, so called ”volatility clustering”. Then the histogram |
of the resulting price returns shows a fat-tailed distribution which in dicates that |
1November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 |
2Authors’ Names |
the probability of having a large price change is higher than that of th e Gaussian |
distribution. In order to mimic these empirical properties of the vola tility and to |
forecast the future volatility values, Engle advocated the autore gressive conditional |
hetroskedasticity (ARCH) model15where the volatility variable changes determin- |
istically depending on the past squared value of the return. Later t he ARCH model |
is generalized by adding also the past volatility dependence to the vola tility change. |
This model is known asthe generalizedARCH(GARCH) model16. The parameters |
of the GARCH model applied to financial time series are conventionally determined |
by the maximum likelihood method. There are many extended versions of GARCH |
models, such as EGARCH17, GJR18, QGARCH19,20models etc., which are de- |
signed to increase the ability to forecast the volatility value. |
The stochastic volatility (SV) model21,22is another model which captures the |
propertiesofthevolatility.IncontrasttotheGARCHmodel,thevo latilityoftheSV |
model changes stochastically in time. As a result the likelihood functio n of the SV |
model is given as a multiple integral of the volatility variables. Such an in tegral in |
general is not analytically calculable and thus the determination of th e parameters |
of the SV model by the maximum likelihood method becomes difficult. To o vercome |
this difficulty in the maximum likelihood method the Markov Chain Monte Ca rlo |
(MCMC) method based on the Bayesian approach is proposed and de veloped21. In |
the MCMC of the SV model one has to update not only the parameter variables |
but also the volatility ones from a joint probability distribution of the p arameters |
and the volatility variables. The number of the volatility variables to be updated |
increases with the data size of time series. The first proposed upda te scheme of |
the volatility variables is based on the local update such as the Metro polis-type |
algorithm21. It is however known that when the local update scheme is used for |
the volatility variables having interactions to their neighbor variables in time, the |
autocorrelationtime ofsampledvolatilityvariablesbecomeslargeand thusthe local |
update scheme becomes ineffective23. In order to improve the efficiency of the local |
update method the blocked scheme which updates several variable s at once is also |
proposed23,24. A recent survey on the MCMC studies of the SV model is seen in |
Ref.25. |
In our study we use the HMC algorithm26which had not been considered |
seriously for the MCMC simulation of the SV model. In finance there ex ists an |
application of the HMC algorithm to the GARCH model27where three GARCH |
parameters are updated by the HMC scheme. It is more interesting to apply the |
HMC for updates of the volatility variables because the HMC algorithm is a global |
update scheme which can update all variables at once. This feature of the HMC |
algorithm can be used for the global update of the volatility variables which can not |
be achieved by the standard Metropolis algorithm. A preliminary stud y28shows |
that the HMC algorithmsamplesthe volatilityvariableseffectively.In t his paperwe |
give a detailed description of the HMC algorithm and examine the HMC alg orithm |
with artificial financial data up to the data size of T=5000. We also ma ke an |
empirical analysis of the Nikkei 225 stock index by the HMC algorithm.November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 |
Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts (Condensed Titl e for the Paper) 3 |
2. Stochastic Volatility Model |
The standard version of the SV model21,22is given by |
yt=σtǫt= exp(ht/2)ǫt, (1) |
ht=µ+φ(ht−1−µ)+ηt, (2) |
whereyt= (y1,y2,...,yn) represents the time series data, htis defined by ht= lnσ2 |
t |
andσtiscalledvolatility.Wealsocall htvolatilityvariable.Theerrorterms ǫtandηt |
are taken from independent normal distributions N(0,1) andN(0,σ2 |
η) respectively. |
We assume that |φ|<1. When φis close to one, the model exhibits the strong |
persistency of the volatility shock. |
For this model the parameters to be determined are µ,φandσ2 |
η. Let us use θ |
asθ= (µ,φ,σ2 |
η). Then the likelihood function L(θ) for the SV model is written as |
L(θ) =/integraldisplayn/productdisplay |
t=1f(ǫt|σ2 |
t)f(ht|θ)dh1dh2...dhn, (3) |
where |
f(ǫt|σ2 |
t) =/parenleftbig |
2πσ2 |
t/parenrightbig−1 |
2exp/parenleftbigg |
−y2 |
t |
2σ2 |
t/parenrightbigg |
, (4) |
f(h1|θ) =/parenleftBigg |
2πσ2 |
η |
1−φ2/parenrightBigg−1 |
2 |
exp/parenleftbigg |
−[h1−µ]2 |
2σ2η/(1−φ2)/parenrightbigg |
, (5) |
f(ht|θ) =/parenleftbig |
2πσ2 |
η/parenrightbig−1 |
2exp/parenleftbigg |
−[ht−µ−φ(ht−1−µ)]2 |
2σ2η/parenrightbigg |
. (6) |
As seen in Eq.(3), L(θ) is constructed as a multiple integral of the volatility vari- |
ables. For such an integral it is difficult to apply the maximum likelihood me thod |
which estimates values of θby maximizing the likelihood function. Instead of using |
the maximum likelihood method we perform the MCMC simulations based o n the |
Bayesian inference as explained in the next section. |
3. Bayesian inference for the SV model |
From the Bayes’ rule, the probability distribution of the parameter sθis given by |
f(θ|y) =1 |
ZL(θ)π(θ), (7) |
whereZis the normalization constant Z=/integraltext |
L(θ)π(θ)dθandπ(θ) is a prior disti- |
bution of θfor which we make a certian assumption. The values of the paramete rs |
are inferred as the expectation values of θgiven by |
/an}bracketle{tθ/an}bracketri}ht=/integraldisplay |
θf(θ|y)dθ. (8) |
In general this integral can not be performed analytically. For tha t case, one can |
use the MCMC method to estimate the expectation values numerically .November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 |
4Authors’ Names |
In the MCMC method, we first generate a series of θwith a probability of |
P(θ) =f(θ|y). Letθ(i)= (θ(1),θ(2),...,θ(k)) be values of θgenerated by the MCMC |
sampling. Then using these kvalues the expectation value of θis estimated by an |
average as |
/an}bracketle{tθ/an}bracketri}ht=1 |
kk/summationdisplay |
i=1θ(i). (9) |
The statistical error for kindependent samples is proportional to1√ |
k. When the |
sampled data are correlated the statistical error will be proportio nal to/radicalbigg |
2τ |
kwhere |
τis the autocorrelation time between the sampled data. The value of τdepends |
on the MCMC sampling scheme we take. In order to reduce the statis tical error |
within limited sampled data it is better to choose an MCMC method which is able |
to generate data with a small τ. |
3.1.MCMC Sampling of θ |
For the SV model, in addition to θ, volatility variables htalso have to be updated |
sincetheyshouldbeintegratedoutasinEq.(3).Let P(θ,ht)be thejointprobability |
distribution of θandht. ThenP(θ,ht) is given by |
P(θ,ht)∼¯L(θ,ht)π(θ), (10) |
where |
¯L(θ,ht) =n/productdisplay |
t=1f(ǫt|ht)f(ht|θ). (11) |
For the prior π(θ) we assume that π(σ2 |
η)∼(σ2 |
η)−1and for others π(µ) =π(φ) = |
constant. |
The MCMC sampling methods for θare given in the following21,22. The prob- |
ability distribution for each parameter can be derived from Eq.(10) b y extracting |
the part including the corresponding parameter. |
•σ2 |
ηupdate scheme. |
The probability distribution of σ2 |
ηis given by |
P(σ2 |
η)∼(σ2 |
η)−n |
2−1exp/parenleftbigg |
−A |
σ2η/parenrightbigg |
, (12) |
where |
A=1 |
2{(1−φ2)(h1−µ)2+n/summationdisplay |
t=2[ht−µ−φ(ht−1−µ)]2}.(13) |
Since Eq.(12) is an inverse gamma distribution we can easily draw a value |
ofσ2 |
ηby using an appropriate statistical library in the computer.November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 |
Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts (Condensed Titl e for the Paper) 5 |
•µupdate scheme. |
The probability distribution of µis given by |
P(µ)∼exp/braceleftbigg |
−B |
2σ2η(µ−C |
B)2/bracerightbigg |
, (14) |
where |
B= (1−φ2)+(n−1)(1−φ)2, (15) |
and |
C= (1−φ2)h1+(1−φ)n/summationdisplay |
t=2(ht−φht−1). (16) |
µis drawn from a Gaussian distribution of Eq.(14). |
•φupdate scheme. |
The probability distribution of φis given by |
P(φ)∼(1−φ2)1/2exp{−D |
2σ2η(φ−E |
D)2}, (17) |
where |
D=−(h1−µ)2+n/summationdisplay |
t=2(ht−1−µ)2, andE=/summationtextn |
t=1(ht−µ)(ht−1−µ).(18) |
In order to update φwith Eq.(17), we use the Metropolis-Hastings |
algorithm30,31. Let us write Eq.(17) as P(φ)∼P1(φ)P2(φ) where |
P1(φ) = (1−φ2)1/2, (19) |
P2(φ)∼exp{−D |
2σ2η(φ−E |
D)2}. (20) |
SinceP2(φ) is a Gaussian distribution we can easily draw φfrom Eq.(20). |
Letφnewbe a candidate given from Eq.(20). Then in order to obtain the |
correct distribution, φnewis accepted with the following probability PMH. |
PMH= min/braceleftbiggP(φnew)P2(φ) |
P(φ)P2(φnew),1/bracerightbigg |
= min/braceleftBigg/radicalBigg |
(1−φ2new) |
(1−φ2),1/bracerightBigg |
.(21) |
In addition to the abovestep we restrict φwithin [−1,1]to avoida negative |
value in the calculation of square root. |
3.2.Probability distribution for ht |
The probability distribution of the volatility variables htis given by |
P(ht)≡P(h1,h2,...,hn)∼ (22) |
exp/parenleftBig |
−/summationtextn |
i=1{ht |
2+ǫ2 |
t |
2e−ht}−[h1−µ]2 |
2σ2 |
η/(1−φ2)−/summationtextn |
i=2[ht−µ−φ(ht−1−µ)]2 |
2σ2 |
η/parenrightBig |
.November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 |
6Authors’ Names |
Thisprobabilitydistributionisnotasimplefunction todrawvaluesof ht.Aconven- |
tional method is the Metropolis method30,31which updates the variables locally. |
There are several methods21,22,23,24developed to update htfrom Eq.(22). Here |
we use the HMC algorithm to update htglobally. The HMC algorithm is described |
in the next section. |
4. Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm |
Originallythe HMCalgorithmis developedforthe MCMCsimulationsofthe lattice |
QuantumChromoDynamics(QCD) calculations26. Amajordifficultyofthe lattice |
QCDcalculationsistheinclusionofdynamicalfermions.Theeffectoft hedynamical |
fermions is incorporated by the determinant of the fermion matrix. The computa- |
tional work of the determinant calculation requires O(V3) arithmetic operations29, |
whereVis the volume of a 4-dimensional lattice. A typical size of the volume is |
V >104. The standard Metropolis algorithm which locally updates variables do es |
not work since each local update requires O(V3) arithmetic operations for a deter- |
minant calculation,which results in unacceptable computational cos t in total. Since |
the HMC algorithm is a global update method, the computational cos t remains in |
the acceptable region. |
The basic idea of the HMC algorithm is a combination of molecular dynamic s |
(MD) simulation and Metropolis accept/reject step. Let us conside r to evaluate the |
following expectation value /an}bracketle{tO(x)/an}bracketri}htby the HMC algorithm. |
/an}bracketle{tO(x)/an}bracketri}ht=/integraldisplay |
O(x)f(x)dx=/integraldisplay |
O(x)elnf(x)dx, (23) |
wherex= (x1,x2,...,xn),f(x) is a probability density and O(x) stands for an |
function of x. First we introduce momentum variables p= (p1,p2,...,pn) conjugate |
to the variables xand then rewrite Eq.(23) as |
/an}bracketle{tO(x)/an}bracketri}ht=1 |
Z/integraldisplay |
O(x)e−1 |
2p2+lnf(x)dxdp=1 |
Z/integraldisplay |
O(x)e−H(p,x)dxdp. (24) |
whereZis a normalization constant given by |
Z=/integraldisplay |
exp/parenleftbigg |
−1 |
2p2/parenrightbigg |
dp, (25) |
andp2stands for/summationtextn |
i=1p2 |
i.H(p,x) is the Hamiltonian defined by |
H(p,x) =1 |
2p2−lnf(x). (26) |
Note that the introduction of pdoes not change the value of /an}bracketle{tO(x)/an}bracketri}ht. |
In the HMC algorithm, new candidates of the variables ( p,x) are drawn by |
integrating the Hamilton’s equations of motion, |
dxi |
dt=∂H |
∂pi, (27) |
dpi |
dt=−∂H |
∂xi. (28)November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 |
Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts (Condensed Titl e for the Paper) 7 |
In general the Hamilton’s equations of motion arenot solved analytic ally. Therefore |
wesolvethemnumericallybydoingthe MDsimulation.Let TMD(∆t) beanelemen- |
tary MD step with a step size ∆ t, which evolves ( p(t),x(t)) to (p(t+∆t),x(t+∆t)): |
TMD(∆t) : (p(t),x(t))→(p(t+∆t),x(t+∆t)). (29) |
Any integrator can be used for the MD simulation provided that the f ollowing |
conditions are satisfied26 |
•area preserving |
dp(t)dx(t)dx=dp(t+∆t)dx(t+∆t). (30) |
•time reversibility |
TMD(−∆t) : (p(t+∆t),x(t+∆t))→(p(t),x(t)). (31) |
The simplest and often used integrator satisfying the above two co nditions is |
the 2nd order leapfrog integrator given by |
xi(t+∆t/2) =xi(t)+∆t |
2pi(t) |
pi(t+∆t) =p(t)i−∆t∂H |
∂xi |
xi(t+∆t) =xi(t+∆t/2)+∆t |
2pi(t+∆t). (32) |
In this study we use this integrator.The numericalintegration is pe rformedNsteps |
repeatedly by Eq.(32) and in this case the total trajectory length λof the MD is |
λ=N×∆t. |
At the end of the trajectory we obtain new candidates ( p′,x′). These candidates |
are accepted with the Metropolis test, i.e. ( p′,x′) are globally accepted with the |
following probability, |
P= min{1,exp(−H(p′,x′)) |
exp(−H(p,x))}= min{1,exp(−∆H)}, (33) |
where∆Histhe energydifferencegivenby∆ H=H(p′,x′)−H(p,x). Sinceweinte- |
grate the Hamilton’s equations of motion approximately by an integra tor, the total |
Hamiltonianisnotconserved,i.e.∆ H/ne}ationslash= 0.Theacceptanceorthe magnitudeof∆ H |
is tuned by the step size ∆ tto obtain a reasonable acceptance. Actually there ex- |
ists the optimal acceptance which is about 60 −70%for 2nd order integrators32,33. |
Surprisingly the optimal acceptance is not dependent of the model we consider. For |
the n-th order integrator the optimal acceptance is expected to be32∼exp/parenleftbigg |
−1 |
n/parenrightbigg |
. |
We could also use higher order integrators which give us a smaller ener gy dif- |
ference ∆ H. However the higher order integrators are not always effective sin ce |
they need more arithmetic operations than the lower order integra tors32,33. The |
efficiency of the higher order integrators depends on the model we consider. ThereNovember 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 |
8Authors’ Names |
also exist improved integrators which have less arithmetic operation s than the con- |
ventional integrators34. |
For the volatility variables ht, from Eq.(22), the Hamiltonian can be defined by |
H(pt,ht) =n/summationdisplay |
i=11 |
2p2 |
i+n/summationdisplay |
i=1{hi |
2+ǫ2 |
i |
2e−hi}+[h1−µ]2 |
2σ2η/(1−φ2)+n/summationdisplay |
i=2[hi−µ−φ(hi−1−µ)]2 |
2σ2η,(34) |
wherepiis defined as a conjugate momentum to hi. Using this Hamiltonian we |
perform the HMC algorithm for updates of ht. |
5. Numerical Studies |
In order to test the HMC algorithm we use artificial financial time ser ies data |
generatedbythe SVmodel with a setofknownparametersand per formthe MCMC |
simulations to the artificial financial data by the HMC algorithm. We als o perform |
the MCMC simulations by the Metropolis algorithm to the same artificial data and |
compare the results with those from the HMC algorithm. |
Using Eq.(1) with φ= 0.97,σ2 |
η= 0.05 andµ=−1 we have generated 5000 |
time series data. The time series generated by Eq.(1) is shown in Fig.1. From those |
data we prepared 3 data sets: (1)T=1000 data (the first 1000 of the time series), |
(2)T=2000data (the first 2000ofthe time series)and (3) T=5000 (the whole data). |
To these data sets we made the Bayesian inference by the HMC and M etropolis |
algorithms.Preciselyspeakingboth algorithmsareusedonlyfor the MCMC update |
of the volatility variables. For the update of the SV parameters we u sed the update |
schemes in Sec.3.1. |
For the volatility update in the Metropolis algorithm, we draw a new can didate |
of the volatility variables randomly, i.e. a new volatility hnew |
tis given from the |
previous value hold |
tby |
hnew |
t=hold |
t+δ(r−0.5), (35) |
whereris a uniform random number in [0 ,1) andδis a parameter to tune the |
acceptance. The new volatility hnew |
tis accepted with the acceptance Pmetro |
Pmetro= min/braceleftbigg |
1,P(hnew |
t) |
P(hold |
t)/bracerightbigg |
, (36) |
whereP(ht) is given by Eq.(22). |
The initial parameters for the MCMC simulations are set to φ= 0.5,σ2 |
η= 1.0 |
andµ= 0. The first 10000 samples are discarded as thermalization or burn -in |
process. Then 200000samples are recorded for analysis. The tot al trajectory length |
λof the HMC algorithm is set to λ= 1 and the step size ∆ tis tuned so that the |
acceptance of the volatility variables becomes more than 50%. |
First we analyze the sampled volatility variables. Fig.2 shows the Mont e Carlo |
(MC) history of the volatility variable h100fromT= 2000 data set. We take h100 |
as the representative one of the volatility variables since we have ob served theNovember 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 |
Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts (Condensed Titl e for the Paper) 9 |
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000t-6-4-20246yt |
Fig. 1. The artificial SV time series used for this study. |
50000 55000 60000 |
Monte Carlo history-2-10123h100HMC |
50000 55000 60000 |
Monte Carlo history-2-10123h100Metropolis |
Fig. 2. Monte Carlo histories of h100generated by HMC (left) and Metropolis (right) with |
T= 2000 data set. The Monte Carlo histories in the window from 5 0000 to 60000 are shown. |
similar behavior for other volatility variables. See also Fig.3 for the sim ilarity of the |
autocorrelation functions of the volatility variables. |
AcomparisonofthevolatilityhistoriesinFig.2clearlyindicatesthatth ecorrela- |
tion of the volatility variable sampled from the HMC algorithm is smaller th an that |
from the Metropolis algorithm. To quantify this we calculate the auto correlation |
function (ACF) of the volatility variable. The ACF is defined as |
ACF(t) =1 |
N/summationtextN |
j=1(x(j)−/an}bracketle{tx/an}bracketri}ht)(x(j+t)−/an}bracketle{tx/an}bracketri}ht) |
σ2x, (37) |
where/an}bracketle{tx/an}bracketri}htandσ2 |
xare the average value and the variance of xrespectively. |
Fig.3 shows the ACF for three volatility variables, h10,h20andh100sampled |
by the HMC. It is seen that those volatility variables have the similar co rrelation |
behavior. Other volatility variables also show the similar behavior. Thu s hereafter |
we only focus on the volatility variable h100as the representative one. |
Fig.4 compares the ACF of h100by the HMC and Metropolis algorithms. It |
is obvious that the ACF by the HMC decreases more rapidly than that by theNovember 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 |
10Authors’ Names |
0 20 40 60 80t0.010.11ACFh10 |
h20 |
h100 |
Fig. 3. Autocorrelation functions of three volatility vari ablesh10,h20andh100sampled by the |
HMC algorithm for T= 2000 data set. These autocorrelation functions show the si milar behavior. |
0 100 200 300 400 500t0.010.11ACFHMC |
Metropolis |
Fig. 4. Autocorrelation function of the volatility variabl eh100by the HMC and Metropolis |
algorithms for T= 2000 data set. |
Metropolis algorithm. We also calculate the autocorrelation time τintdefined by |
τint=1 |
2+∞/summationdisplay |
t=1ACF(t). (38) |
The results of τintof the volatility variables are given in Table 1. The values in |
the parentheses represent the statistical errors estimated by the jackknife method. |
We find that the HMC algorithm gives a smaller autocorrelation time tha n the |
Metropolis algorithm, which means that the HMC algorithm samples the volatility |
variables more effectively than the Metropolis algorithm. |
Next we analyze the sampled SV parameters. Fig.5 shows MC histories of the |
φparameter sampled by the HMC and Metropolis algorithms. It seems t hat both |
algorithms have the similar correlationfor φ. This similarity is also seen in the ACF |
in Fig.6(left), i.e. both autocorrelation functions decrease in the sim ilar rate with |
timet. The autocorrelation times of φare very large as seen in Table 1. We also |
find the similar behavior for σ2 |
η, i.e. both autocorrelation times of σ2 |
ηare large. |
On the other hand we see small autocorrelations for µas seen in Fig.6(right). |
Furthermore we observe that the HMC algorithm gives a smaller τintforµthanNovember 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 |
Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts (Condensed Titl e for the Paper) 11 |
φ µ σ2 |
η h100 |
true 0.97 -1 0.05 |
T=1000 HMC 0.973 -1.13 0.053 |
SD 0.010 0.51 0.017 |
SE 0.0004 0.003 0.001 |
2τint 360(80) 3.1(5) 820(200) 12(1) |
Metropolis 0.973 -1.14 0.053 |
SD 0.011 0.40 0.017 |
SE 0.0005 0.003 0.0013 |
2τint 320(60) 10.1(8) 720(160) 190(20) |
T=2000 HMC 0.978 -0.92 0.053 |
SD 0.007 0.26 0.012 |
SE 0.0003 0.001 0.0009 |
2τint 540(60) 3(1) 1200(150) 18(1) |
Metropolis 0.978 -0.92 0.052 |
SD 0.007 0.26 0.011 |
SE 0.0003 0.003 0.0009 |
2τint 400(100) 13(2) 1000(270) 210(50) |
T=5000 HMC 0.969 -1.00 0.056 |
SD 0.005 0.11 0.009 |
SE 0.0003 0.0004 0.0007 |
2τint 670(100) 4.2(7) 1250(170) 10(1) |
Metropolis 0.970 -1.00 0.054 |
SD 0.005 0.12 0.008 |
SE 0.00023 0.0011 0.0005 |
2τint 510(90) 30(10) 960(180) 230(28) |
Table 1. Results estimated by the HMC and Metropolis algorit hms.SDstands for Standard |
Deviation and SEstands for Statistical Error. The statistical errors are es timated by the jackknife |
method. We observe no significant differences on the autocorr elation times among three data sets. |
that of the Metropolis algorithm, which means that HMC algorithm sam plesµ |
more effectively than the Metropolis algorithm although the values of τintforµ |
take already very small even for the Metropolis algorithm. |
The values of the SV parameters estimated by the HMC and the Metr opolis |
algorithms are listed in Table 1. The results from both algorithms well r eproduce |
the true values used for the generation of the artificial financial d ata. Furthermore |
for each parameter and each data set, the estimated parameter s by the HMC and |
the Metropolis algorithms agree well. And their standard deviations a lso agree |
well. This is not surprising because the same artificial financial data, thus the same |
likelihood function is usedfor both MCMC simulationsby the HMC and Met ropolis |
algorithms. Therefore they should agree each other.November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 |
12Authors’ Names |
40000 45000 50000 |
MC history0.940.950.960.970.980.991φ |
40000 45000 50000 |
MC history0.940.950.960.970.980.991φ |
Metropolis |
Fig. 5. Monte Carlo histories of φgenerated by HMC (left) and Metropolis (right) for T= 2000 |
data set. |
0 1000t0.010.11ACFHMC |
Metropolis |
0 100 200 300t0.0010.010.1 ACFHMC |
Metropolis |
Fig. 6. Autocorrelation functions of φ(left) and µ(right) by the HMC and Metropolis algorithm |
forT= 2000 data set. |
6. Empirical Analysis |
In this section we make an empirical study of the SV model by the HMC algorithm. |
The empirical study is based on daily data of the Nikkei 225 stock inde x. The |
sampling period is 4 January 1995 to 30 December 2005 and the numbe r of the |
observations is 2706. Fig.7(left) shows the time series of the data. Letpibe the |
Nikkei 225 index at time i. The Nikkei 225 index piare transformed to returns as |
ri= 100ln( pi/pi−1−¯s), (39) |
where ¯sis the average value of ln( pi/pi−1). Fig.7(right) shows the time series of |
returns calculated by Eq.(39). We perform the same MCMC sampling b y the HMC |
algorithm as in the previous section. The first 10000 MC samples are d iscarded and |
then 20000 samples are recorded for the analysis. The ACF of samp ledh100and |
sampled parameters are shown in Fig.8. Qualitatively the results of t he ACF are |
similar to those from the artificial financial data, i.e. the ACF of the v olatility and |
µdecrease quickly although the ACF of φandσ2 |
ηdecrease slowly. The estimated |
values of the parameters are summarized in Table 2. The value of φis estimated to |
beφ≈0.977. This value is very close to one, which means the time series has th e |
strong persistency of the volatility shock. The similar values are also seen in theNovember 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 |
Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts (Condensed Titl e for the Paper) 13 |
HMC φ µ σ2 |
η h100 |
0.977 0.52 0.020 |
SD 0.006 0.13 0.005 |
SE 0.001 0.0016 0.001 |
2τint560(190) 4(1) 1120(360) 21(5) |
Table 2. Results estimated by the HMC for the Nikkei 225 index data. |
050010001500200025003000t10000150002000025000 |
Nikkei 225 Index |
050010001500200025003000t-505rt |
Fig. 7. Nikkei 225 stock index from 4 January 1995 to 30 Decemb er 2005(left) and returns(right). |
0 20 40 60t0.010.11ACFh100 |
0 200 400 600800 1000t0.010.11ACFφ |
ση2 |
µ |
Fig. 8. Autocorrelation functions of the volatility variab leh100(left) and the sampled parameters |
(right). |
previous studies21,22. |
7. Conclusions |
We applied the HMC algorithm to the Bayesian inference of the SV mode l and |
examined the property of the HMC algorithm in terms of the autocor relation times |
of the sampled data. We observed that the autocorrelation times o f the volatility |
variables and µparameter are small. On the other hand large autocorrelation times |
are observed for the sampled data of φandσ2 |
ηparameters. The similar behavior |
for the autocorrelation times are also seen in the literature22. |
From comparison of the HMC and Metropolis algorithms we find that th e HMCNovember 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 |
14Authors’ Names |
algorithmsamplesthevolatilityvariablesand µmoreeffectivelythantheMetropolis |
algorithm. However there is no significant difference for φandσ2 |
ηsampling. Since |
the autocorrelation times of µfor both algorithms are estimated to be rather small |
the improvement of sampling µby the HMC algorithm is limited. Therefore the |
overall efficiency is considered to be similar to that of the Metropolis a lgorithm. |
By using the artificial financial data we confirmed that the HMC algor ithm cor- |
rectly reproduces the true parameter values used to generate t he artificial financial |
data. Thus it is concluded that the HMC algorithm can be used as an alt ernative |
algorithm for the Bayesian inference of the SV model. |
If we are only interested in parameter estimations of the SV model, t he HMC |
algorithm may not be a superior algorithm. However the HMC algorithm samples |
thevolatilityvariableseffectively.ThustheHMC algorithmmayservea sanefficient |
algorithm for calculating a certain quantity including the volatility varia bles. |
Acknowledgments. |
The numerical calculations were carried out on SX8 at the Yukawa In stitute for |
Theoretical Physics in Kyoto University and on Altix at the Institute of Statistical |
Mathematics. |
Note added in proof. After this work was completed the author noticed a sim- |
ilar approach by Liu35. The author is grateful to M.A. Girolami for drawing his |
attention to this. |
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