File size: 8,571 Bytes
89f0644 00f84bd 89f0644 6b82a6c 89f0644 00f84bd 89f0644 00f84bd 89f0644 00f84bd 89f0644 00f84bd 6b82a6c 00f84bd 6b82a6c 89f0644 6b82a6c 00f84bd 89f0644 |
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import sqlite3
import random
import json
from tqdm import tqdm
from multiprocessing import Pool, Value, Lock
DATABASE_FILE = "discobase3-29-2021-9-32-09-PM.db" # Replace with your database file
def get_actor_name(cursor, actor_id):
"""Fetches the name of an actor from the actors table."""
cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM actors WHERE id=?", (actor_id,))
result = cursor.fetchone()
return result[0] if result else f"Unknown Actor ({actor_id})"
def get_dialogue_children(cursor, convo_id, dialogue_id):
"""Fetches the child dialogue entries of a given dialogue entry."""
"SELECT destinationconversationid, destinationdialogueid FROM dlinks WHERE originconversationid=? AND origindialogueid=?",
(convo_id, dialogue_id),
return cursor.fetchall()
def get_dialogue_entry(cursor, convo_id, dialogue_id):
"""Fetches a specific dialogue entry from the dentries table."""
"SELECT dialoguetext, actor, conversant, conditionstring, userscript FROM dentries WHERE conversationid=? AND id=?",
(convo_id, dialogue_id),
return cursor.fetchone()
def is_hub(entry):
"""Checks if a dialogue entry is a HUB (actor is 'HUB' and dialoguetext is '0')."""
if entry is None:
return False
dialogue_text, actor_id, conversant_id, _, _ = entry # unpack all
return dialogue_text == "0" and actor_id == 0
def generate_conversation_path(cursor, start_convo_id, start_dialogue_id, max_length=20):
"""Generates a single conversation path, treating '0' entries as placeholders."""
path = []
current_convo_id = start_convo_id
current_dialogue_id = start_dialogue_id
for _ in range(max_length):
entry = get_dialogue_entry(cursor, current_convo_id, current_dialogue_id)
if not entry:
print(f"Warning: Could not find dialogue entry for convo_id={current_convo_id}, dialogue_id={current_dialogue_id}. Path may be incomplete.")
dialogue_text, actor_id, conversant_id, conditionstring, userscript = entry
if is_hub(entry):
# Skip HUB entries
children = get_dialogue_children(cursor, current_convo_id, current_dialogue_id)
if not children:
current_convo_id, current_dialogue_id = random.choice(children)
actor_name = get_actor_name(cursor, actor_id)
if dialogue_text == "0":
# Treat '0' entry as a placeholder with context
placeholder_text = "[Action/Check: "
if conditionstring:
placeholder_text += f"Condition: {conditionstring}; "
if userscript:
placeholder_text += f"Script: {userscript}; "
placeholder_text = placeholder_text.rstrip("; ") + "]"
if placeholder_text == "[Action/Check:]":
path.append({"actor": actor_name, "dialogue": placeholder_text})
path.append({"actor": actor_name, "dialogue": dialogue_text})
children = get_dialogue_children(cursor, current_convo_id, current_dialogue_id)
if not children:
current_convo_id, current_dialogue_id = random.choice(children)
return path
def get_starting_dialogues(cursor):
"""Get a list of potential starting dialogues (those with no parents)."""
SELECT dentries.conversationid,
FROM dentries
LEFT JOIN dlinks ON dentries.conversationid = dlinks.destinationconversationid AND = dlinks.destinationdialogueid
WHERE dlinks.originconversationid IS NULL
return cursor.fetchall()
def format_conversation_output(conversation):
Formats a conversation list into a string that resembles the game's output.
conversation: A list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a
dialogue entry with "actor" and "dialogue" keys.
output = ""
for entry in conversation:
actor = entry["actor"]
dialogue = entry["dialogue"]
if dialogue.startswith("["): # Placeholder for action/check
output += f"{dialogue}\n"
elif actor.upper() == actor: # If the actor is all uppercase, it's like a skill or internal thought
output += f"\n{actor} - {dialogue}\n"
output += f"{actor} - {dialogue}\n"
return output.strip()
def worker_process(args):
"""Worker function for parallel processing"""
db_file, starting_dialogues = args
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
cursor = conn.cursor()
# Generate a single path
start_convo_id, start_dialogue_id = random.choice(starting_dialogues)
path = generate_conversation_path(cursor, start_convo_id, start_dialogue_id)
return path
def main():
"""Main function using multiprocessing"""
starting_dialogues = get_starting_dialogues(sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE).cursor())
if not starting_dialogues:
print("Error: No starting dialogues found in the database.")
conversations = []
seen_windows = set()
min_window_size = 5
num_paths_to_generate = 5000
# Create worker arguments (same for all workers)
worker_args = (DATABASE_FILE, starting_dialogues)
# Create process pool
counter = Value('i', 0)
lock = Lock()
def update_progress(_):
with lock:
counter.value += 1
if counter.value % 10 == 0:
print(f"\rGenerated {counter.value}/{num_paths_to_generate} paths", end="")
with Pool(processes=8) as pool: # Adjust number of processes based on CPU cores
results = []
# Submit initial batch of tasks
for _ in range(num_paths_to_generate * 2): # Generate extra to account for rejected paths
results.append(pool.apply_async(worker_process, (worker_args,), callback=update_progress))
# Collect valid results
while len(conversations) < num_paths_to_generate and results:
result = results.pop(0).get()
if len(result) < 5:
# Duplicate checking (now in main process)
path_text = " ".join(entry["dialogue"].strip().lower()
for entry in result if not entry["dialogue"].startswith("["))
def is_duplicate(new_text):
"""Check if new conversation contains or is contained within existing conversations"""
for existing in conversations:
existing_text = " ".join(entry["dialogue"].strip().lower() for entry in existing if not entry["dialogue"].startswith("["))
if len(new_text) < min_window_size or len(existing_text) < min_window_size:
# Check for substring matches in either direction
if new_text in existing_text or existing_text in new_text:
return True
return False
# More efficient window-based check
def is_added(current_path):
"""Check for matching subsequences using sliding window"""
path_dialogues = [entry["dialogue"] for entry in current_path if not entry["dialogue"].startswith("[")]
window = []
for dialogue in path_dialogues:
if len(window) > min_window_size:
if len(window) == min_window_size:
window_str = " ".join(window)
if window_str in seen_windows:
return True
# Add windows if not duplicate
for i in range(len(path_dialogues) - min_window_size + 1):
seen_windows.add(" ".join(path_dialogues[i:i+min_window_size]))
return False
if (not is_duplicate(path_text) and
not is_added(result) and
any(entry["dialogue"][0] != "[" for entry in result)):
output = {"conversations": conversations}
with open("output.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(output, f, indent=4)
if __name__ == "__main__":