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Cameroon 2023 - NRC Humanitarian Country programmes 2021-2025 Norwegian Refugee Council - Norska flyktingrådet (NRC) - har ansökt om ett förnyat partnerskap med Sida 2021-2025.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om finansiering på 364,5 miljoner SEK för att genomföra humanitära insatser i 26 humanitära krisområden under 2021: Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo, Eritrea, Etiopien, Iran, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexiko, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Tanzania / Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen. Ansökan inkluderar även 40 miljoner kronor för den humanitära snabbmekanismen (RRM) och 20 miljoner kronor i stöd till sju projekt för metodstöd, kapacitetsuppbyggnad och samordning.
Den aktuella budgeten för NRC:s hela humanitära program 2021 uppgår till 4 263 200 000 NOK, varav Sidas del för närvarande utgör ca 8%. Sida ger NRC möjligheten att nyttja resurser flexibelt inom varje enskilt landprogram, (enligt så kallad Programme-Based Approach – PBA)
Humanitär-Utveckling-Fred Nexus
NRC bidrar i hög grad till arbetet för att sammankoppla humanitärt bistånd med freds- och utvecklingsinsatser. Organisationens strävan att effektivisera biståndet genom katalytiskt stöd till samordning och kapacitetsbyggande insatser bidrar till denna ansats. I samarbetet med andra organisationer möjliggör och bidrar NRC:s verksamhet och påverkansarbete till att stärka hållbara lösningar för flyktingar och människor som har blivit tvångsfördrivna och bidrar därmed till att på sikt minska de humanitära behoven. Även krisdrabbade människors möjligheter till självförsörjning prioriteras. NRC:s analyskapacitet är en styrka som bidrar till att programmeringen anpassas till en nexus-ansats och den analys som genomförs av NRC:s internationella center för övervakning av tvångsförflyttning (IDMC) är av stor vikt för dessa analyser. 19 av de 26 kriser i NRC:s portfölj som Sida finansierar avser länder där Sverige även bedriver utvecklingssamarbete vilket öppnar för möjligheter till synergier med humanitärt bistånd.
NRC ska få totalt 455,5 miljoner kronor av Sidas humanitära finansiering, enligt följande fördelning:
- Sida kommer att stödja NRC:s humanitära program i 23 krissituationer som Sida har prioriterat genom sin behovsbaserade allokeringsmodell för 2022, med 288,5 miljoner kronor :Afghanistan, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och
regionen (Ecuador, Panamà), Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria,
Palestina, Somalia, Sudan, Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela.
- Flerårig finansiering för NRC :s humanitära program i Demokratiska
republiken Kongo, Mali och Nigeria inleds 2022 och Sida har för ändamålet att ta i anspråk 104 miljoner kronor från kommande års anslag från erhållen Bemyndiganderam förutsatt att Riksdagen anvisar tillräckliga medel.
- NRC:s akuta insatser vid plötsligt uppkomna kriser kommer att stödjas genom Sidas snabbinsatsmekanism (RRM) under 2022 med 50 miljoner kronor.
- NRC:s metod- och kapacitetsstärkande projekt för skydd, miljö och IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre) kommer under 2022 att få 13 miljoner kronor, varav 3 miljoner kronor från Sida/Globen för IDMC.
Sidas bidrag till NRC för 2022 kommer att täcka cirka 6,5 % av NRC:s totala finansiella behov för de stödda programmen och projekten. Det kommer att tillhandahålla humanitära tjänster till nästan 9 miljoner människor (53 % kvinnor) i Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och regionen, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen.
HUM lägger till 50 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Ukraina som gynnar 90,000 människor med skydd, tak över huvudet, WaSH samt kontantbistånd. Beslut 5 April. Avtalförändring nr 5.
HUM lägger till 7,5 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Kamerun från halvsårsanslaget 2022 (livsmedelsförsörjning, juridik rådgivning för 600 husshållen/4200 individer i Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava och Mayo Tsanaga). Beslut 9 juni 2022. Avtalförändring nr 6.
HUM lägger till 10 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Sydsudan från slutsåranslaget. Beslut 16 november 2022, 2022-002341. Avtalförändring nr 7.
NRC får totalt 659.5 miljoner kronor (2023-2025) av Sidas humanitära finansiering för att genomföra:
- humanitära insatser i 23
krisområden under 2023: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Centralafrikanska
republiken, Colombia, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Palestina, Sudan,
Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Ukraina och Venezuela.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om 244
miljoner kronor för att kunna fortsätta sina humanitära program i Jemen, Kamerun,
Sydsudan, Syria och Venezuela under 2024 och 2025.
- ansökan inkluderar även 50
miljoner kronor till den humanitära snabbinsatsmekanismen (RRM)
- och 40 miljoner kronor i stöd till fyra fleråriga projekt för metodstöd och kapacitetsuppbyggnad: Miljö, Skydd, Tillträde, IDMC (18,5 under 2023, 21,5 under 2024-2025). NRC has applied as well to Sida for funding of 364.5 million SEK to carry out “the Humanitarian Programme for 2021” in 26 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania/Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela, Yemen. The application includes provision of 40 million SEK to replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and 7 individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
The intervention’s tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sida’s funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach – PBA).
NRC's catalytic support for coordination and capacity building contributes greatly to the link between humanitarian aid, development and peace. NRC's advocacy work and activities enable, at least contribute to, sustainable solutions for refugees and displaced people in a significant way in cooperation with other actors. In the long run, the NRC will reduce humanitarian needs. The NRC prioritizes self-sufficiency in its programs. The NRC's analysis capability, not least through its Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC), is an advantage for relevant programming according to the nexus orientations. Among the 26 crises in NRC's portfolio that Sida prioritizes, there are 15 where Sida implements Sweden's development strategies in synergy with humanitarian aid.
Sida’s contribution to NRC for 2022 will cover around 6.5% of NRC’s total financial requirements of the supported programmes and projects. It will provides humanitarian services to almost 9 million persons (53% female). HUM adds 50 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Ukraine benefiting 90,000 people with protection, shelter, WaSH and cash assistance. Decision 5 April. Amendment nr. 5.
HUM adds 7.5 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Cameroon from the 2022 mid-year allocation (food security, legal advice for 600 households/4200 individuals in Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava and Mayo Tsanaga). Decision 9 June 2022. Contract amendment No 6.
HUM adds 10 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in South Sudan from the end-of-the-year allocation. Decision 16 November 2022 nr 2022-002341. Contract amendment No 7.
NRC targets 7.7 million unique beneficiaries in total within Sida-funded humanitarian programmes in 2023, (52% female), who will receive protection and humanitarian services from NRC: Education, WASH, Shelter and settlement, Food security and livelihoods, including multi-purpose cash assistance, Protection, Legal assistance, Humanitarian mediation (community-based peace-building). Advocacy and support to humanitarian coordination and durable solution to displacements working groups in the field are part of NRC's engagement that Sida is funding. NRC's annual budget 2023 in the settings and thematics prioritized by Sida amounts to 5620 million Norwegian crowns in total. Sida's share weighs so far 8% of it: NRC's third largest donor whose cumulated 2021-2025 grant is 80% softly earmarked (programme-based approach) and 34% multi-year.
Earlier granted multi-year funding for 2023 was disbursed in January (52 MSEK) in support to continued humanitarian operations in DR Congo, Mali and Nigeria with strong emphasis on emergency response. Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is Norway's largest international humanitarian organisation and widely recognized as a leading field-based displacement agency within the international humanitarian community. NRC is the INGO receiving the largest contribution from Sida's Humanitarian Unit to INGOs so far, based on experience of successful partnerships, NRC's capacities to respond at scale and its coverage of crises that Sida is prioritizing through the needs-based allocation approach. NRC receives approximately 8% of Sida's humanitarian unit's annual budget appropriation.
The objectives of NRC can be summarized as follows: "To protect the rights of displaced and vulnerable people during crisis, to provide assistance meeting their immediate humanitarian needs, to prevent further displacement and to contribute to durable solutions, and to provide expertise as a strategic partner to humanitarian systems and actors." NRCs main activity is delivery of humanitarian assistance through programme activities in the field. NRC specializes in six areas of expertise, or "core competencies": shelter and settlements; livelihoods and food security; information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA); education; camp management; and water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH). Protection is lifted up as a new core competency of NRC since 2021. NRC engages closely with the affected populations to understand their needs and capacities, ensuring it tailors its assistance accordingly and involve them in the entire programme cycle, from design through implementation to evaluation. NRC advocates for respect for the rights of displaced and vulnerable people.
In 2021, the NRC Board approved the Global Strategy 20222025. The strategy
sets out four sub-objectives for areas that NRC will continue to strengthen and further institutionalize, namely, 1. assistance to hard-to-reach populations, 2. humanitarian policy, 3. protection, and 4. durable solutions. It also points to four areas of work that will be accelerated through expanded engagement and investments: i) advocacy, ii) climate and environment, iii) collaboration with local actors, and iv) quality programming.
NRCs work is divided into three pillars: humanitarian assistance, advocacy and expert deployment. Sida's Humanitarian Unit funding will continue prioritizing mainly the first pillar through funding of the humanitarian country programmes in line with HRPs and the RRPs and through the RRM funding. To some extent, Sida will support as well the second pillar of advocacy which is integrated in the humanitarian country programmes and implemented by NRC's method, thematic and capacity development projects supported by Sida. Sida will provide NRC with only a punctual support to the third pillar, through funding to CashCap which is deploying experts to the field for invigorating cash assistance working groups (17 in 2020 to 16 countries).
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has applied for a renewed strategic partnership with Sida during 2021-2025.
The interventions tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sidas funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach PBA).
NRC was granted funding to carry out the Humanitarian Programme for 2022 in 24 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Irak, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Ukraina, Venezuela and Yemen. The grant includes provision of funding replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and four individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
Sida's assessment on performance and results
Alike many other actors in the sector, NRC excels in reporting activities and outputs, but should be better in catching what changes and impacts its interventions have resulted to ultimately on assisted communities. The reporting of data and results does not provide necessarily an accurate and consolidated overview of what NRC has achieved. Sida has notified NRC that it should provide dis-aggregated data by age in targeting and reporting which is a norm.
It is assumed that NRC will achieve its objectives in 2023 again, but the global stress on the current resource mobilisation system supporting humanitarian action may affect NRC as well, similarly to large humanitarian actors such as the ICRC. | Significant |
Asserting Marginalized Access to Rights- AMAR The overall objective of the action is to Establish the rights of the marginalized landless farmers on public/private resources (inheritance land, Khasland and Khas water bodies public land and services in Shyamnagar and Tala Upazila of Satkhira district and Batiaghata and Dumuria Upazila of Khulna districtThe specific objectives of the project are:Specific objective1: Organize, empower and ensure justice for the marginalized landless farmers to assert their rights on public resources and services and inheritance propertiesSpecific Objective 2: Promoting best practices to ensure the realization of relevant policies by engaging Local Government Institution (LGI) and Authorities, NGOs, CSOs and Media | Significant |
ENABLE MAURITIUS: LEAVING NO ONE BEHIND, Persons with Disabilities To enable and empower People with Disabilities (PwDs) social, psychological, physical and educational condition | Principal |
Enhance the green economy in Azraq and Zarqa by focusing on the interconnected relationships between water, energy, food and waste management <p>Increase the activeness of a green, environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive economy in Azraq and Zarqa</p> | Significant |
Venezuela 2024 - NRC Humanitarian Country programmes 2021-2025 Norwegian Refugee Council - Norska flyktingrådet (NRC) - har ansökt om ett förnyat partnerskap med Sida 2021-2025.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om finansiering på 364,5 miljoner SEK för att genomföra humanitära insatser i 26 humanitära krisområden under 2021: Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo, Eritrea, Etiopien, Iran, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexiko, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Tanzania / Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen. Ansökan inkluderar även 40 miljoner kronor för den humanitära snabbmekanismen (RRM) och 20 miljoner kronor i stöd till sju projekt för metodstöd, kapacitetsuppbyggnad och samordning.
Den aktuella budgeten för NRC:s hela humanitära program 2021 uppgår till 4 263 200 000 NOK, varav Sidas del för närvarande utgör ca 8%. Sida ger NRC möjligheten att nyttja resurser flexibelt inom varje enskilt landprogram, (enligt så kallad Programme-Based Approach – PBA)
Humanitär-Utveckling-Fred Nexus
NRC bidrar i hög grad till arbetet för att sammankoppla humanitärt bistånd med freds- och utvecklingsinsatser. Organisationens strävan att effektivisera biståndet genom katalytiskt stöd till samordning och kapacitetsbyggande insatser bidrar till denna ansats. I samarbetet med andra organisationer möjliggör och bidrar NRC:s verksamhet och påverkansarbete till att stärka hållbara lösningar för flyktingar och människor som har blivit tvångsfördrivna och bidrar därmed till att på sikt minska de humanitära behoven. Även krisdrabbade människors möjligheter till självförsörjning prioriteras. NRC:s analyskapacitet är en styrka som bidrar till att programmeringen anpassas till en nexus-ansats och den analys som genomförs av NRC:s internationella center för övervakning av tvångsförflyttning (IDMC) är av stor vikt för dessa analyser. 19 av de 26 kriser i NRC:s portfölj som Sida finansierar avser länder där Sverige även bedriver utvecklingssamarbete vilket öppnar för möjligheter till synergier med humanitärt bistånd.
NRC ska få totalt 455,5 miljoner kronor av Sidas humanitära finansiering, enligt följande fördelning:
- Sida kommer att stödja NRC:s humanitära program i 23 krissituationer som Sida har prioriterat genom sin behovsbaserade allokeringsmodell för 2022, med 288,5 miljoner kronor :Afghanistan, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och
regionen (Ecuador, Panamà), Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria,
Palestina, Somalia, Sudan, Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela.
- Flerårig finansiering för NRC :s humanitära program i Demokratiska
republiken Kongo, Mali och Nigeria inleds 2022 och Sida har för ändamålet att ta i anspråk 104 miljoner kronor från kommande års anslag från erhållen Bemyndiganderam förutsatt att Riksdagen anvisar tillräckliga medel.
- NRC:s akuta insatser vid plötsligt uppkomna kriser kommer att stödjas genom Sidas snabbinsatsmekanism (RRM) under 2022 med 50 miljoner kronor.
- NRC:s metod- och kapacitetsstärkande projekt för skydd, miljö och IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre) kommer under 2022 att få 13 miljoner kronor, varav 3 miljoner kronor från Sida/Globen för IDMC.
Sidas bidrag till NRC för 2022 kommer att täcka cirka 6,5 % av NRC:s totala finansiella behov för de stödda programmen och projekten. Det kommer att tillhandahålla humanitära tjänster till nästan 9 miljoner människor (53 % kvinnor) i Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och regionen, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen.
HUM lägger till 50 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Ukraina som gynnar 90,000 människor med skydd, tak över huvudet, WaSH samt kontantbistånd. Beslut 5 April. Avtalförändring nr 5.
HUM lägger till 7,5 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Kamerun från halvsårsanslaget 2022 (livsmedelsförsörjning, juridik rådgivning för 600 husshållen/4200 individer i Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava och Mayo Tsanaga). Beslut 9 juni 2022. Avtalförändring nr 6.
HUM lägger till 10 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Sydsudan från slutsåranslaget. Beslut 16 november 2022, 2022-002341. Avtalförändring nr 7.
NRC får totalt 659.5 miljoner kronor (2023-2025) av Sidas humanitära finansiering för att genomföra:
- humanitära insatser i 23
krisområden under 2023: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Centralafrikanska
republiken, Colombia, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Palestina, Sudan,
Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Ukraina och Venezuela.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om 244
miljoner kronor för att kunna fortsätta sina humanitära program i Jemen, Kamerun,
Sydsudan, Syria och Venezuela under 2024 och 2025.
- ansökan inkluderar även 50
miljoner kronor till den humanitära snabbinsatsmekanismen (RRM)
- och 40 miljoner kronor i stöd till fyra fleråriga projekt för metodstöd och kapacitetsuppbyggnad: Miljö, Skydd, Tillträde, IDMC (18,5 under 2023, 21,5 under 2024-2025). NRC has applied as well to Sida for funding of 364.5 million SEK to carry out “the Humanitarian Programme for 2021” in 26 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania/Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela, Yemen. The application includes provision of 40 million SEK to replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and 7 individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
The intervention’s tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sida’s funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach – PBA).
NRC's catalytic support for coordination and capacity building contributes greatly to the link between humanitarian aid, development and peace. NRC's advocacy work and activities enable, at least contribute to, sustainable solutions for refugees and displaced people in a significant way in cooperation with other actors. In the long run, the NRC will reduce humanitarian needs. The NRC prioritizes self-sufficiency in its programs. The NRC's analysis capability, not least through its Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC), is an advantage for relevant programming according to the nexus orientations. Among the 26 crises in NRC's portfolio that Sida prioritizes, there are 15 where Sida implements Sweden's development strategies in synergy with humanitarian aid.
Sida’s contribution to NRC for 2022 will cover around 6.5% of NRC’s total financial requirements of the supported programmes and projects. It will provides humanitarian services to almost 9 million persons (53% female). HUM adds 50 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Ukraine benefiting 90,000 people with protection, shelter, WaSH and cash assistance. Decision 5 April. Amendment nr. 5.
HUM adds 7.5 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Cameroon from the 2022 mid-year allocation (food security, legal advice for 600 households/4200 individuals in Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava and Mayo Tsanaga). Decision 9 June 2022. Contract amendment No 6.
HUM adds 10 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in South Sudan from the end-of-the-year allocation. Decision 16 November 2022 nr 2022-002341. Contract amendment No 7.
NRC targets 7.7 million unique beneficiaries in total within Sida-funded humanitarian programmes in 2023, (52% female), who will receive protection and humanitarian services from NRC: Education, WASH, Shelter and settlement, Food security and livelihoods, including multi-purpose cash assistance, Protection, Legal assistance, Humanitarian mediation (community-based peace-building). Advocacy and support to humanitarian coordination and durable solution to displacements working groups in the field are part of NRC's engagement that Sida is funding. NRC's annual budget 2023 in the settings and thematics prioritized by Sida amounts to 5620 million Norwegian crowns in total. Sida's share weighs so far 8% of it: NRC's third largest donor whose cumulated 2021-2025 grant is 80% softly earmarked (programme-based approach) and 34% multi-year.
Earlier granted multi-year funding for 2023 was disbursed in January (52 MSEK) in support to continued humanitarian operations in DR Congo, Mali and Nigeria with strong emphasis on emergency response. Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is Norway's largest international humanitarian organisation and widely recognized as a leading field-based displacement agency within the international humanitarian community. NRC is the INGO receiving the largest contribution from Sida's Humanitarian Unit to INGOs so far, based on experience of successful partnerships, NRC's capacities to respond at scale and its coverage of crises that Sida is prioritizing through the needs-based allocation approach. NRC receives approximately 8% of Sida's humanitarian unit's annual budget appropriation.
The objectives of NRC can be summarized as follows: "To protect the rights of displaced and vulnerable people during crisis, to provide assistance meeting their immediate humanitarian needs, to prevent further displacement and to contribute to durable solutions, and to provide expertise as a strategic partner to humanitarian systems and actors." NRCs main activity is delivery of humanitarian assistance through programme activities in the field. NRC specializes in six areas of expertise, or "core competencies": shelter and settlements; livelihoods and food security; information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA); education; camp management; and water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH). Protection is lifted up as a new core competency of NRC since 2021. NRC engages closely with the affected populations to understand their needs and capacities, ensuring it tailors its assistance accordingly and involve them in the entire programme cycle, from design through implementation to evaluation. NRC advocates for respect for the rights of displaced and vulnerable people.
In 2021, the NRC Board approved the Global Strategy 20222025. The strategy
sets out four sub-objectives for areas that NRC will continue to strengthen and further institutionalize, namely, 1. assistance to hard-to-reach populations, 2. humanitarian policy, 3. protection, and 4. durable solutions. It also points to four areas of work that will be accelerated through expanded engagement and investments: i) advocacy, ii) climate and environment, iii) collaboration with local actors, and iv) quality programming.
NRCs work is divided into three pillars: humanitarian assistance, advocacy and expert deployment. Sida's Humanitarian Unit funding will continue prioritizing mainly the first pillar through funding of the humanitarian country programmes in line with HRPs and the RRPs and through the RRM funding. To some extent, Sida will support as well the second pillar of advocacy which is integrated in the humanitarian country programmes and implemented by NRC's method, thematic and capacity development projects supported by Sida. Sida will provide NRC with only a punctual support to the third pillar, through funding to CashCap which is deploying experts to the field for invigorating cash assistance working groups (17 in 2020 to 16 countries).
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has applied for a renewed strategic partnership with Sida during 2021-2025.
The interventions tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sidas funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach PBA).
NRC was granted funding to carry out the Humanitarian Programme for 2022 in 24 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Irak, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Ukraina, Venezuela and Yemen. The grant includes provision of funding replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and four individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
Sida's assessment on performance and results
Alike many other actors in the sector, NRC excels in reporting activities and outputs, but should be better in catching what changes and impacts its interventions have resulted to ultimately on assisted communities. The reporting of data and results does not provide necessarily an accurate and consolidated overview of what NRC has achieved. Sida has notified NRC that it should provide dis-aggregated data by age in targeting and reporting which is a norm.
It is assumed that NRC will achieve its objectives in 2023 again, but the global stress on the current resource mobilisation system supporting humanitarian action may affect NRC as well, similarly to large humanitarian actors such as the ICRC. | Significant |
Social Entrepreneurship Incubator for Economic Empowerment
in Upper Egypt The action will empower women-led and youth-led CSOs to establish and run social enterprises that create jobs, improve the employability and raise income levels among youth, particularly women, in marginalized communities. | Significant |
Marie Stopes Zambia 2018-2021 - Marie Stopes Zambia 2018 Marie Stopes Zambia 2018-2021 Marie Stopes Zambia has applied to Sida for funding of 40 Million SEK to carry out the Scaling Up Access to Comprehensive SRHR for Women and Girls in Zambia during the period 2018-2021. The contribution aims to increase equitable access and utilization of sexual and reproductive health services. MSZ works in close collaboration with local and central health authorities to provide modern family planning services, information and education about SRHR and with provision of drugs, counselling and access to safe abortion services. A clear focus is to provide quality services to young women and girls in both urban and rural settings, in particular poor women and girls and other disenfranchised and hard to reach populations such as disabled and hiv infected women and adolescents. Marie Stopes Zambia har inkommit med en ansökan om stöd om 40 MSEK till att genomföra programmet Scaling Up Access to Comprehensive SRHR for Women and Girls in Zambia under perioden 2018-2021. Insatsen syftar till att förbättra tillgången och utnyttjandet av hälso- och sjukvårdstjänster inom ramen för sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. MSZ arbetar brett med att bistå de zambiska hälsomyndigheterna med att erbjuda kvinnor och flickor moderna preventivmedel, information och utbildning om sex, samlevnad och reproduktiv hälsa samt med tillgång till mediciner, rådgivning och service kring säkra aborter. Ett tydligt fokus är på fattiga kvinnor, ungdomar och unga kvinnor både på landsbygden och i urbana områden och samt andra marginaliserade grupper som t ex funktionshindrade och hiv-smittade. Marie Stopes Zambia (MSZ) aims to improve women's health and reduce maternal mortality in Zambia. This is expected to be achieved through two main results:
1) Increased use of contraception and access to safe abortions among poor and marginalized women and girls; and
2) Enhanced SRHR policies and successful implementation of these.
MSZ has formulated three results to be achieved within the framework of this specific intervention:
1. Increased access to modern high-quality contraceptives and safe abortion services, especially for marginalized women and adolescents.
2. Increased awareness of contraception and safe abortion through education and information to decision-makers at community level; to poor and marginalized women and young people.
3. Enhanced advocacy work to create an improved legal and policy environment for contraception and access to safe abortion.
MSZ programme activities thus include direct healthcare services in close collaboration with central and local health authorities, support to MSZ's health clinics and social marketing in local markets to ensure that medical abortion drugs are available at pharmacies. MSZ will also strengthen its partnership with the government through the establishment of contracts to provide specific services on behalf of the government, to further develop a digital communication model to facilitate the concrete availability of safe abortion, and to cooperate with the Ministry of Healths health clinics to provide youth-friendly SRHR services for young people. MSZ will also participate in advocacy work and conduct dialogue for political change in the area of access to safe abortion and for contraceptives and other reproductive health commodities. MSZ will engage in strategic partnerships for community engagement with local partners. The Sida-funded initiative is expected to ensure that 102,500 women and girls access SRHR services, 14,900 medical abortion pills are distributed and 16,000 safe abortions can be performed. The effort is estimated to prevent 455 maternal deaths, 48,000 unintended pregnancies and 27,700 unsafe abortions. | Significant |
Initiative aimed at supporting the creation of sustainable livelihoods for Syrian refugees in Iraq. Sostegno alla creazione di mezzi di sussistenza sostenibili a beneficio dei rifugiati IDP, returnees e comunità ospitanti più vulnerabili in Iraq The programme aims at counteracting the consequences<br>of prolonged displacement on the social and economic<br>status of the most vulnerable communities (namely Syrian<br>refugees, IDPs and host communities), by supporting the<br>creation of sustainable livelihoods, through vocational<br>training, support to micro entrepreneurship, and<br>placement in the local job market. L’iniziativa sarà realizzata in gestione diretta con il concorso di OSC selezionate tramite Call for Proposals. La gestione tecnico-amministrativa sarà affidata al personale della sede AICS di Amman che provvederà alla gestione e al monitoraggio costante del Programma. L’iniziativa sarà realizzata in gestione diretta con il concorso di OSC selezionate tramite Call for Proposals. La gestione tecnico-amministrativa sarà affidata al personale della sede AICS di Amman che provvederà alla gestione e al monitoraggio costante del Programma. L’iniziativa sarà realizzata in gestione diretta con il concorso di OSC selezionate tramite Call for Proposals. La gestione tecnico-amministrativa sarà affidata al personale della sede AICS di Amman che provvederà alla gestione e al monitoraggio costante del Programma. | Significant |
EU Support to Housing for Internally Displaced People in Zhytomyr <p><strong>Overall objectives:</strong></p><p class="ql-align-justify">The over objective of the Action is to contribute to inclusive social recovery and stabilisation in Ukraine.</p><p class="ql-align-justify"><strong>Specific objectives:</strong></p><p class="ql-align-justify">1. Increase access to social housing services for IDPs in Zhytomyr;</p><p class="ql-align-justify">2. Improve the well-being of IDPs in Zhytomyr;</p><p>3. Increase the energy efficiency in the housing sector in Zhytomyr and reduced number of CO<sub>2 </sub>emissions;</p><p>4. Increase employment in Zhytomyr.</p><p class="ql-align-justify">The expected results of the Action are as follows:</p><p class="ql-align-justify">- Construction of seven multi-floored residential buildings for IDPs which lost their housing;</p><p><br></p> | Significant |
Support for Inclusive Education in Jordan through the Accelerating Access Initiative Phase ll Soutien à l'éducation inclusive en Jordanie grâce à l'initiative d'accélération de l'accès Phase II This project supports the Jordanian Ministry of Education (MoE) to ensure that all girls and boys (including refugee children, children with disabilities, and out-of-school children) have access to quality education in Jordan, regardless of their nationality. This education promotes life skills, improved learning outcomes, and work readiness. This project builds on the first phase of the Accelerating Access Initiative (AAI), which supported the MoE to provide formal education in Jordanian’s public schools to more than 140,000 Syrian refugee children. Under the second phase of the AAI, the MoE expand its outreach to provide formal and non-formal education opportunities to over 200,000 children, including Syrian and refugee children of other nationalities, children with disabilities, out-of-school children and other vulnerable Jordanian children. Project activities include: (1) covering tuition fees and textbooks for all refugee children in Jordan; (2) providing training to teachers and educators on inclusive and gender-sensitive education, child protection and blended learning approaches; (3) meeting the needs of the most vulnerable children, including children with disabilities, by equipping non-formal education centers and schools with furniture and equipment and (4) supporting community-based approaches aimed at increasing enrollment rates and preventing school drop-outs in vulnerable communities. As with all pooled funded projects, Canada collaborate with other donors and the Government of Jordan to promote effective, transparent, and accountable country systems, increase donor coordination and harmonization and strengthen mutual accountability. This type of assistance fosters greater policy dialogue among donors, government, and partners, strengthening efforts for effective focussed aid, and long-term development results. This project is continuously monitored and evaluated in coordination with other donors. Ce projet soutient le ministère jordanien de l’Éducation (ME) pour veiller à ce que toutes les filles et tous les garçons (y compris les enfants réfugiés, les enfants handicapés et les enfants non scolarisés) aient accès à une éducation de qualité en Jordanie, quelle que soit leur nationalité. Cette éducation favorise l’acquisition d’aptitudes à la vie quotidienne, l’amélioration des résultats d’apprentissage et la préparation au travail. Ce projet s’appuie sur la première phase de l’Initiative d’accélération de l’accès (AAI), qui a aidé le ME à offrir une éducation formelle dans les écoles publiques jordaniennes à plus de 140 000 enfants réfugiés syriens. Dans le cadre de la deuxième phase de l’AAI, le ME élargit ses activités de sensibilisation pour offrir des possibilités d’éducation formelle et non formelle à plus de 200 000 enfants, y compris des enfants syriens et réfugiés d’autres nationalités, des enfants handicapés, des enfants non scolarisés et des enfants jordaniens vulnérables. Les activités de ce projet comprennent : 1) couvrir les frais de scolarité et les manuels scolaires pour tous les enfants réfugiés en Jordanie; 2) offrir une formation aux enseignants et aux éducateurs sur l’éducation inclusive et sensible au genre, la protection de l’enfance et les approches d’apprentissage mixte; 3) répondre aux besoins des enfants les plus vulnérables, y compris les enfants handicapés, en équipant les centres d’éducation non formelle et les écoles de mobilier et d’équipement adéquats; 4) appuyer les approches communautaires visant à augmenter les taux d’inscription et à prévenir le décrochage dans les communautés vulnérables. Comme pour tous les projets financés conjointement, le Canada collabore avec d’autres donateurs et le gouvernement de la Jordanie pour promouvoir des systèmes nationaux efficaces, transparents et responsables, accroître la coordination et l’harmonisation des donateurs et renforcer la responsabilisation mutuelle. Ce type d’aide favorise un plus grand dialogue sur les politiques entre les donateurs, les gouvernements et les partenaires, le renforcement des efforts pour une aide ciblée efficace et l’obtention de résultats à long terme en matière de développement. Ce projet fait l’objet d’un suivi et d’une évaluation continus, en collaboration avec les autres donateurs. | Significant |
Sudan Economic Impact and Reform (SEIR) Programme To support Sudan’s economic recovery and lay the groundwork for growth by i. Mitigating the impact of economic reforms on the poorest and most vulnerable through social impact mitigation programming. ii. Providing technical assistance (TA) to the Government of Sudan to lead and implement a successful economic reform programme in line with IMF guidance supported by a comprehensive, cross government Poverty Reduction Strategy. iii. Helping prepare the Government of Sudan for debt relief under the Highly Indebted Poor Country (HIPC) process so that in future it is able to access resources from International Financial Institutions (IFIs). The programme will support Sudan’s progress towards SDG1 – halving the numbers of people living in poverty – by reducing the risk of economic collapse and supporting Sudan’s economy to become a platform for future growth. Reducing inflation and arresting the collapse of the currency will alleviate the number of people requiring humanitarian aid. | Significant |
RAISE: Raising Assets and Income for a Sustainable Environment in Malawi (ProAct '19) The overall objective of this action to increase food and nutrition security in Malawi. The project is aiming at increasing food and nutrition security, and alleviating the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 amongst vulnerable populations, with a focus of ultra-poor households. The action will also aim at enhancing the resilience of chronically food insecure populations to food shocks and the effects of COVID-19, and generating opportunities for graduation out of extreme poverty. | Significant |
CDF Human Rights Program in Kosovo 2019-2024 CDF Human Rights Program in Kosovo 2019-2024 - CDF - Support to Human Rights Defenders in Kosovo 2019-2024 CDF kommer att stötta lokala civilsamhällesorganisationer att utveckla tematiska och långsiktiga samarbeten med organisationer och personer med olika bakgrund – oavsett kön, funktionshinder, ålder, etnicitet, klass, stad/landsbygd, och socio-ekonomisk bakgrund – för att på ett mer effektivt och inkluderande sätt förespråka demokratisering av samhället.
Den föreslagna metoden och tillvägagångssättet i det här projektet är demokratisk samhällsförändring genom utbildnings- och kulturaktiviteter med fokus på mänskliga rättigheter. Övergripande frågor såsom gender och klimat kommer att integreras genom alla tre delar av projektet. Koalitioner och nätverk kommer att bildas mellan de verkställande civilsamhällesorganisationerna och gräsrotsinitiativ för att övervaka, dokumentera samt genomföra strategiska rättsprocesser för att förespråka respekt för mänskliga rättigheter och specifikt jämställdhet och miljörelaterade rättigheter.
Projektets ambition är att öka motivation i samhället och att återupprätta tillit och förtroende genom medborgares proaktiva deltagande. CDF will support local organizations to develop thematic and long term collaboration with other local CSOs and people of diverse backgrounds regardless of gender, disability, age, ethnicity, class, urban/rural, and socio-economic background to more effectively advocate for democratization of the society.
The methods and approaches proposed in this Project are to begin democratic societal transformation through the human rights educational and cultural activities, followed by organic integration of cross-cutting issues such as gender and environment throughout three clusters of the project, followed by coalotions and networks between implementing CSOs and grassroots initiatives to oversee, document, and conduct strategic litigation to promote respect of human rights and sepcifically gender equality and environmental rights.
The project ambition is to increase community motivation, restore confidence and trust through proactive citizens participation. Project theory of change: Civil society organizations are empowered to address rights-based challenges of vulnerable and marginalized groups and play proactive role in documentation and strategic litigation for human rights.
This intervention overall goal is to assist local CSOs in their work on empowering communities, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, education or ethnic background to debate and act for democracy and respect of human rights.
Specific project objectives and expected results:
1. Local CSOs contribute to poverty reduction through creation of a critical mass of citizens to challenge patriarchal and traditional customs and norms that hampers vulnerable and marginalized communities to have access to power and voice, opportunities and choice.
2. Local CSOs in partnership with Ombudsperson's Institution and independent media outlets have active role in human rights strategic litigation for non-discrimination, participation and will advocate for improved transparency and accountability of public institutions.
3. Local environmental CSOs establishes thematic coalitions with community-based initiatives to improve advocacy and lobby on environmental rights and sustainability. | Significant |
South Bougainville WASH Programme Contract related to: South Bougainville WASH Programme - As PNG¿s main development partner in the sector, and given the impact of poor water supply and sanitation on human development, the EU identified Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) for Human Development as Priority area 2 in the EU-PNG MIP 2021-2027. PNG¿s low WaSH coverage increases the vulnerability of the population to water-borne and other diseases, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Improved Hygiene practices and access to clean water are therefore of utmost importance in this global emergency context. The proposed action reflects this focus, contributing to the objectives of the EU Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and the EU¿s response to Covid-19.Supporting the goals of PNG¿s National WaSH Policy 2015-2030 and the Bougainville Strategic Development Plan 2018-2022, the Overall Objective (Impact) of this action is to improve gender-responsive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) policies, services and practices in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville (AROB). The specific objectives are: SO1: Increased use and maintenance of equitable, safe, adequate and sustainable water water, sanitation and hygiene supply and practices in places of human agglomeration in rural areas of South Bougainville District of AROB. SO2: Improved governance and institutional capacities of mandated authorities for WaSH service delivery in Bougainville. Covid-19 awareness will be included at both levels.To achieve the objectives, the action comprises a component on rural WASH service delivery in the South Bougainville District, Bougainville¿s most under-served area and a component on institutional strengthening and capacity building for ABG entities mandated to implement WASH services in Bougainville, notably the ABG Department of Health as well as local authorities. The action will support the implementation of the PNG National WaSH policy 2015 - 2030 and the Autonomous Bougainville Government¿s (ABG) policies and commitment to ensure access to critical WaSH services to Bougainville, as a means to strengthen human development, health, education and livelihood for marginalised rural communities, with a special focus on women and girls.The action will significantly strengthen resilience to climate change for rural communities benefitting from this action. It also supports GoPNG¿s commitment to improve social services in Bougainville while mainly focussing on SDG 6 (WaSH), this action also contributes to SDGs 3 (health), 1 (end poverty), 5 (gender equality) and 13 (climate action). | Significant |
Research and Innovation Systems for Africa (RISA) Fund Manager The Research and Information Systems in Africa (RISA) Fund programme is a multi-country project funded by the U.K. Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) focusing on strengthening research and innovation systems in target countries, combining the fund manager requirements of two current funds under the RISA umbrella: Strengthening Research Institutions in Africa (SRIA) and African Technology and Innovation Partnerships (ATIP). RISA seeks to strengthen research and innovation systems by developing a portfolio of well-designed, evidence-based sub-projects in Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Rwanda, and Tanzania. The RISA programme has three objectives:
1) Research institution and system strengthening (SRIA). To support research organisations to have the capabilities necessary to produce relevant, high quality research and to create an enabling environment for researchers and research organisations.
2) Innovation system strengthening (ATIP). To strengthen the enablers for the scaling of new and emerging technologies with the high potential for poverty reduction and inclusive growth.
3) Strengthening synergies between research and innovation systems (SRIA and ATIP). To identify and support linkages between research and innovation systems that will improve their integration and coordination.
RISA will focus on identifying Research and/or Innovation system strengthening priorities in each of the focus African countries; procuring appropriate suppliers to deliver Research and Innovation system strengthening projects; and managing the overall Research and Innovation systems strengthening fund portfolio. The project is a funds management programme, to issue grants and funding awards to local institutions and partners in Africa. | Significant |
Emergency program in support of IDPs, returnees, refugees and hosting community in Iraq Iniziativa di emergenza a favore di sfollati interni, popolazioni di ritorno, rifugiati e comunità ospitanti in Iraq The initiative will provide support to the most vulnerable population among Iraqi IDPs, returnees, Syrian refugees and host communities living in Iraq through interventions for rehabilitation and strengthening of basic services in health and education sectors while increasing sustainable livelihoods opportunities. Migliorata l’accessibilità, l’inclusività e la qualità dei servizi di base e l’accesso a reddito e occupazione a favore della popolazione più vulnerabile fra gli sfollati iracheni, i rifugiati siriani, i returnees e la comunità ospitante nei governatorati maggiormente colpiti dall’emergenza umanitaria. | Significant |
Project to strengthen employment and entrepreneurship of young people to reduce the risk of irregular migration Progetto di rafforzamento dell’occupazione e dell’imprenditoria giovanile per ridurre i rischi di migrazione irregolare (JEM- FASE 2) Youth, Employment and Migration (JEM2). The project aims to provide young people, including vulnerable groups such as women and people living with disabilities, job opportunities through training courses that specifically meet the needs of the market, to encourage entrepreneurship and support activities that generate income. The project is part of the government's commitment to focus training supply on the basis of demand and key sectors of the local economy. This second phase will strengthen the achieved results of the first phase by perpetuating the financial mechanism already in place, expanding the number of beneficiaries in other regions, helping strengthen the knowledge of the promising market niches and to build the capacity of stakeholders. Il progetto mira a fornire ai giovani, compresi i gruppi vulnerabili come le donne e le persone con disabilità, opportunità di lavoro dignitose attraverso una formazione che risponda in modo specifico alle esigenze del mercato, incoraggi l'imprenditoria e sostenga le attività generatrici di reddito.Il progetto è in linea con le politiche del governo per orientare l'offerta di formazione in funzione della domanda e dei settori di crescita dell'economia locale. | Significant |
Stronger public finance policies and administrations to reduce inequalities in Mexico (EU4Equity) Despite the fact that Mexico is the world¿s 15th largest economy, the country is characterised by high inequality levels, with almost half of its population living below the poverty line, and one fourth in extreme poverty. The COVID-19 pandemic added 1.6 million more people to extreme poverty and the sanitary crisis revealed the fragility and fragmentation of the national healthcare sector, the deficiency of protection schemes and the general systemic weaknesses of a country suffering from persistent inequality. Widespread informality leaving half of the Mexicans behind remains a key structural challenge with important implications in terms of productivity, economic growth, inequality of income, lack of contribution to the fiscal effort and structural poverty. The core of the problem in Mexico lies in the limited fiscal space and in the high level of informality. The very low tax collection capacity is a major issue in Mexico, which compromises the implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP) 2018-2024 and the achievement of the SDGs. The average tax revenue of Mexico amounts only to 17.9% of GDP, the lowest among OECD countries and 5% of Mexican GDP is lost to corruption yearly, according to the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (2021). Despite its political narrative in favour of the most vulnerable, the current response of the Government to address inequalities and to mitigate the social and economic effects of the pandemic has been very modest compared to other emerging market economies and social programmes implemented under the NDP are not supported by sustainable outcomes. On the contrary, budget cuts and downsizing of intermediate bodies have been the common thread over the past four years. The limited fiscal space coupled with the governmental commitment towards austerity limits considerably the scope of public policies and investments necessary for reversing social fragmentation and growing inequalities (SGD 10, priority 5 MIP), and for promoting sustainable growth (SGD 8, priority 3 MIP) and tackling pressing global challenges.If at federal level, observers note certain non-action, the sub-national level is firmly engaged in the modernisation of public finance and tax administrations with a view of expanding the fiscal space to increase public revenue to invest more and better in the reduction of poverty and the fight against inequalities. The proposed intervention has been elaborated jointly with the State of Guanajuato in coordination with nine States and will contribute to the Team Europe Initiative on Social Cohesion coordinated by EU Member States, with an active engagement of DE, FR, NL and SP and with the technical support of European expertise. The Action will support the reduction of inequalities and the increase of social cohesion by strengthening state and municipal public finances in Mexico: both from the revenue side, supporting the tax policy and administration, and from the expenditure side, improving the effectiveness, impact and transparency of public spending to promote inclusive and sustainable development. Inclusive and secure digital mechanisms and tools will developed and State digital agenda will be supported as Ministries of Finance are responsible for digitalisation. The main stakeholders are the State Ministries of Finance and Tax Administrations from the states of Aguascalientes, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Michoacán, Morelos, Querétaro, Yucatán, Zacatecas with a possible future involvement of additional States, as the process is definitively open. The population of this ten States that will benefit from better services and more transparency totals around 33 million people. State congress, municipalities, private sector, think-tanks and civil society organisations will be fully associated to the Action. | Significant |
WASH infrastructure improvements in schools Contract related to: WASH infrastructure improvements in schools - The Gender for Development Uganda (G4DU) Action is a first EU contribution to the Team Europe Initiative (TEI) on demography and social inclusion and will directly contribute to 4 pillars of the TEI. The objectives of the Action are: (i) improved inclusive access and participation in schools for adolescent girls, including their transition to secondary level or other learning pathways; (ii) improved opportunities for adolescent girls to learn, in safe and well-managed schools and (iii) increased access to SRHR and reduced incidences of SGBV in schools and communities. In a Team Europe approach, significant funding from both the German and Belgian Federal Governments will complement the EU contribution to increase the scope and impact of the Action. The Action is composed of 2 components: (i) adolescent girls¿ education (indicative EU budget: EUR 40 million) and (ii) reducing SGBV and promoting SRHR building on the successful EU-UN Spotlight initiative in Uganda (indicative EU budget: EUR 20 million). The first component will address some of the key determinants to adolescent girls¿ education (e.g. financial barriers, WASH facilities in schools, social norms, effective and gender responsive teaching, improved learning environment, improved school management) and for the transition of adolescent girls from primary to secondary school and the re-entry into school of girls who have dropped out, including during pregnancy and after childbirth. The Action will consider the specific challenges to girls given the transgenerational impact of girls¿ education while contributing to improving the education system more broadly benefiting both boys and girls. The Action will work across primary and secondary school levels but with a focus on the transition from upper primary to lower secondary. Given the expected increase in drop out (especially adolescent girls) as a result of the prolonged school closure during the COVID-19 lockdown, in addition to support their re-enrolment into formal education, opportunities for non-formal education and catch-up learning will be considered, especially among overaged girls, with a view to get girls back into formal schooling wherever possible. The second component of the Action, building on the ongoing EU-UN Spotlight initiative, will aim at reducing SGBV and promoting SRHR at national and sub-national level, including in and out of schools, through enhanced coordination and support to institutional strengthening for the implementation of laws and policies, engagement of civil society and institutions for equitable social norms, behaviours and attitudes, and enhanced capacities for the delivery of integrated and multi-sectoral prevention and response services. Interlinkages between the 2 components will be fostered, including through age and culturally-appropriate sexuality education in and out schools, the reduction of SGBV in and around schools and SGBV prevention through education. The Action will focus on specific zones taking into account enrolment rates in secondary, poverty and presence of implementing and other development partners and will build on existing Spotlight districts, including in refugee-based areas with a view of promoting a nexus approach with DG ECHO and Education Cannot Wait (ECW)-funded actions. While the Action will be targeted at specific regions, the EU will use this entry point to support national level policy dialogue, including around the Global Partnership on Education (GPE) which is funded by more than 50% by the EU and its Member States, and evidence-based advocacy aiming to contribute to structural changes to remove barriers for adolescent girls to stay in school and learn, as well as address the key issues of SGBV and SRHR. | Significant |
Jamii Forums strategy support Jamii Forums core program support 2022 - 2024 - Jamii Forums Core Program Support AMII FORUMS (JF) är en icke-statlig organisation registrerad under Tanzania
NGO-lag, som förespråkar och främjar medborgerliga och digitala rättigheter, social rättvisa,
Ansvarsskyldighet, demokrati och god förvaltning.
JF driver JamiiForums.com, Tanzanias mest besökta swahili-medborgarjournalistikinnehåll
plattform som grundades 2006 för att underblåsa en sociopolitisk rörelse för att stärka
ungdomar, ge röst åt de röstlösa och kämpa för kampen mot korruption i Tanzania.
Den når cirka 3 miljoner människor dagligen (i juni 2021). Det är den enda lokalt
utvecklat och drivit digital plattform över 15 års erfarenhet med dagliga användare
online diskuterar frågor som påverkar deras vardag.
Förekomsten av Jamii-forum bygger på tron ??att information är makt och är en
allmännytta som måste vara fritt åtkomlig för alla medborgare i världen och i USA
Republiken Tanzania. Det är också absolut nödvändigt att förstå att yttrandefrihet är en
grundläggande mänskliga rättigheter inskrivna i artikel 19 i den allmänna förklaringen om människor
Rättigheter. Detta kommer tillsammans med informationsfrihet, pressfrihet och frihet
uttryck. Tanzanias konstitution, artikel 18, garanterar uttryckligen att alla
har friheten att kommunicera, inklusive rätt till skydd mot ingrepp med
kommunikation samt en rätt att alltid bli informerad om olika viktiga händelser
människors liv och verksamhet och frågor av betydelse för samhället JAMII FORUMS (JF) is a Non-Governmental Organization registered under Tanzania
NGO act, that advocates and promotes Civil and Digital Rights, Social Justice,
Accountability, Democracy and Good Governance.
JF operates JamiiForums.com, Tanzania’s most visited Swahili citizen-journalism content
platform that was founded in 2006 to fuel a socio-political movement to empower the
youth, give voice to the voiceless and champion the fight against corruption in Tanzania.
It reaches around 3 million people on a daily basis (as of June 2021). It is the only locally
developed and operated digital platform over 15 years of experience with daily users
online discussing issues that affect their every day life.
The existance of Jamii Forums is found on the belief that information is power and is a
public good that has to be freely accessed by any citizen in the world and in the United
Republic of Tanzania. It is also imperative to understand that Freedom of Expression is a
fundamental human right enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights. This comes along with freedom of information, press freedom and freedom of
expression. The Tanzanian constitution, Article 18, explicitly guarantees that everyone
has the freedom to communicate, including the right to protection from interference with
communications as well as a right to be informed at all times of various important events
of life and activities of people and of issues of importance to the society Firstlly Jamii Forums will invest in improving its platform security and operating environment. The JamiiForums platform comprises the following main components which are integrated to provide the existing functionality: Database housed in secure cloud-based servers, Content Management System (CMS), User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX). This platform is the foundation of the organization and that is the reason why it needs to be fully secure, operational and with guaranteed optimization. A primary objective of this strategy is to make sure the platform is fully functional at all times. Jamii Forums plans to invest significantly in making sure that it anticipates and successfully responds to any malicious attacks, interference from any authority, periodic or permanent surges in traffic growth, human (staff) error and skillset, technological obsolescence (servers, software updates) and other challenges. The ultimate aim is to maintain and enhance the implicit trust of JamiiForums users in the safety and security of their online engagement on our platform. In modern online industry, moderation tools are key to a fluid digital citizen engagement. Poor functioning tools pose as obstacle to content quality control. Over 80% of Jamii Forums audience visit the platform via mobile phones. According to Jamii Forums, the trend shows that the young adults are interested in services with sites which have modern mobile apps (Android and iOS); It is considered that a defective JF Mobile app will affect clients in terms of User Experience (UX) while engaging on discussions. Jamii Forums reports that its current User Interface (UI) was introduced in 2014, updated in 2016 and needs to be updated as most browsers do not render the site as expected. An Upgraded Web Servers including circumvention tools to the latest technology and availability of experts to oversee operations to ensure Jamii Forums keeps up with technological changes, have multiple secure backups for the platform and advocate for Civic Education strategy on Personal Data Protection will have a huge positive impact not only on Jamii Forums capacity but overal freedom and access of information agenda.
Secondly amplifying citizen voices through content management, curation and value addition. Unlike many other existing platforms in the country, the basic ingredient of JamiiForums is user-generated content in the form of threads and comments that engage with those discussions. A primary reason for JamiiForums popularity and reputation are because it provides citizens with uncensored ways to express themselves. With ambition to increase followers from existing 12m, Jamii Forums will focus more on value addition initiatives. According to Jamii Forums, a key new initiative will be to add value to JF through internally generated content. This echoes the Netflix strategy of commissioning original content for its movie platform.
Jamii Forums considers that, with a daily rate of over 15,000 posts from registered users on the platform, there is an increase demand for content quality control. The same applies for Jamii Forums Social Media outlets. Jamii forums assesses that due to strict laws over Online contents; there is a danger of facing lawsuits if content is not reviewed on time. JamiiForums views itself as an archive for future generations, if content is not well monitored and organized; there is a huge possibility of misleading the public at large. Jamii Forums has a special policy on content management (Editorial Policy); Is a tool that guides the team in decision making while a public accessible guideline for citizens on community engagement (Community Engagement Guidelines) helps in making sure that the public is aware of how their content is processed in order to foster transparency. At the same time Jamii Forums is planning to formulate a new strategy for Amplification of Citizen Voices especially on stories that are in the lines of Good governance, Accountability and Transparency Engage and cooperate with public officials, public and private institutions to participate in discussions raised by citizens to promote accountability and transparency. Jamii Forums will also strengthen citizen journalism in text, audio & video format (Value addition). JF will Promote textual and non-textual content by commissioning and curating photo, video and infographic content. This initiative will attract the young adult demography.
Third and last area of focus for Jamii Froums is influencing policy and advcocacy. JamiiForums will engage in policy advocacy at two levels. The first is general advocacy for a range of issues that are driven by the context and user content. Jamii Forums will also assist public bodies to raise awareness about policies or administrative initiatives requiring citizen knowledge and action (e.g., anti-corruption, public health, etc). This level will focus on advocating for a free and secure digital space that respects the digital/data rights of citizens, while securing the space for free expression. Jamii Forums assessment is that it is becoming widespread for many countries across the globe including some democratic states to try to control freedom of expression not only in ordinary life but also in a digital sphere. Protection of 'national security or anti-terrorism is the favorite tool. Governments have mastered the art of tracking down their citizens to control what is said, watched and shared online. Dissents who refuses to play along, find themselves in trouble always. It is assummed that Tanzania as well is not exempted from those practices. It is essential protecting the necessary breathing space for the fruitful exercise of article 18 of the constitutional rights. | Significant |
Improving life conditions of people with hearing disabilities in Albania - DEAF_AL Miglioramento delle condizioni di vita delle persone con disabilità uditive in Albania - DEAF_AL The project intends to contribute to the improvement of socio-economic inclusion and autonomy of Albanian children and teenagers with hearing impairments through early screening and the use of cutting-edge assistive devices and information technologies, appropriate teaching methods and innovative methods of Job Placement.<br>During the first year the project was able to:<br>I. Offer specialized technical training to healthcare staff in the Tirana, Durazzo, Elbasan, Korca and Valona hospitals on hearing disabilities (early screening, use of bio-medical equipment, etc.)<br>II. Purchase bio-medical equipment for the hospitals of Tirana, Durazzo, Elbasan, Korca and Valona.<br>The project entered the second year of implementation of activities, according to the Operational Plan. Il progetto si propone di contribuire a migliorare l’inclusione socio-economica e l’autonomia dei bambini/e e dei/le ragazzi/e albanesi con disabilità uditive attraverso lo screening precoce e l’utilizzo di ausili e tecnologie informatiche all’avanguardia, adeguate metodologie educative e metodi innovativi di inserimento lavorativo.Nel corso del primo anno il progetto è stato in grado di:I. Offrire formazione tecnica specializzata al personale sanitario degli ospedali di Tirana, Durazzo, Elbasan, Korca e Valona in merito al tema delle disabilità uditive (screening precoce, utilizzo apparecchiature bio-medicali, ecc)II. Acquistare apparecchiature bio-medicali per gli ospedali di Tirana, Durazzo, Elbasan, Korca e Valona.Il progetto sta implementando le attività del secondo anno, in linea con il Piano Operativo approvato. | Significant |
Nigeria 2022 - UNICEF Humanitarian Support 2022-2025 Insatsen avser stöd till FN:s barnfond (UNICEF) i syfte att svara upp humanitärt. UNICEF:s arbete fokuserar på att rädda liv, minska lidande, bibehålla mänsklig värdighet och skydda rättigheter för befolkningen där det råder humanitära behov till exempel på grund av konflikt, naturkatastrofer eller hälsokriser. UNICEF spelar vidare en central roll i den humanitära responsen globalt och leder kluster inom WASH och nutrition samt leder tillsammans med Rädda Barnen utbildningsklustret. Inom skyddsklustret, leder UNICEF banskyddsklustret. Det är inte endast barn som är mottagare av humanitärt stöd utan också kvinnor och funktionshindrade individer. Inom hälsa arbetar UNICEF också t.ex. med reproduktiv, mödravård, nyfödda samt barnhälsa. Sida beviljade extra stöd till UNICEF i februari 2022 med anledning av Rysslands anfallskrig mot Ukraina. Sida har finansierat UNICEF under ”UNICEF Humanitarian Support 2018-2021”. The proposed contribution aims to support United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) humanitarian programmes globally through the UNICEF Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) appeals which are in line with the UNICEF Strategic Plan for 2022-2025 and the Core Commitments for Children (CCCs) in Humanitarian Action. UNICEF’s humanitarian work is focused on interventions that saves lives, alleviates suffering, maintains human dignity and protects the rights of affected populations, wherever there are humanitarian needs due to e.g. armed conflicts, natural disasters, public health emergencies. UNICEF plays a central role in the global humanitarian response and leads the clusters of WASH and nutrition and co-leads the cluster of education. Within protection, it leads the child protection cluster. Children are not the only beneficiaries of UNICEF but also women and disabled persons, as examples. Within health, UNICEF e.g. more specifically works on Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH). In February, a major amendment to the agreement was conducted to provide UNICEF with additional funds to be able to respond to the crisis in Ukraine as a result of Russia’s aggression. Sida funded UNICEF under previous contribution ”UNICEF Humanitarian Support 2018-2021”. The Strategy Plan 2022-2025 of UNICEF applies an approach that supports programming across the humanitarian-development nexus, where it systematically applies a humanitarian lens to the theories of change underlying work on all Goal Areas, cross-cutting programmes, change strategies and enablers, and reflects UNICEF humanitarian work throughout the plan itself and in the Integrated Results and Resources Framework of the SP 2021-2025. The result areas of the SP include:
Goal Area 1: Every child, including adolescents, survives and thrives with access to nutrition diets, quality primary health care, nurturing practices and essential supplies.
a. Strengthening primary health care and high-impact health interventions.
b. Immunization services as part of primary health care.
c. Fast-track the end of HIV/AIDS.
d. Health and development in early childhood and adolescents.
e. Mental health and psychosocial well-being.
f. Nutrition in early childhood.
g. Nutrition of adolescents and women.
h. Early detection and treatment of malnutrition.
Goal Area 2: Every child, including adolescents, learns and acquires skills for the future.
a. Access to quality learning opportunities.
b. Learning, skills, participation and engagement.
Goal Area 3: Every child, including adolescents, is protected from violence, exploitation, abuse, neglect and harmful practices.
a. Protection from violence, abuse and exploitation.
b. Promotion of care, mental health and psychosocial well-being and justice.
c. Prevention of harmful practices.
Goal Area 4: Every child, including adolescents has access to safe and equitable water, sanitation and hygiene services and supplies, and lives in a safe and sustainable climate and environment.
a. Safe and equitable water, sanitation and hygiene services and practices.
b. Water, sanitation and hygiene systems and empowerment of communities.
c. Climate change, disaster risks and environmental degradation.
Goal Area 5: Every child, including adolescents, has access to inclusive social protection and lives free from poverty.
a. Reducing child poverty.
b. Access to inclusive social protection. | Significant |
Preventing and addressing Trafficking in Human Beings and the Smuggling of Migrants in South Asia The Action seeks to ensure that South Asian countries develop and implement more effective responses to human trafficking (TIP) and migrant smuggling (SOM), with a focus on criminal justice elements, in accordance with international law and with full respect for human rights.In particular, it will assist South Asian countries in developing and implementing evidence-based strategies, policies, and legal frameworks to combat TIP and SOM, in accordance with UN Protocols, gender equality, children's rights, and human rights obligations. Building rights-based and gender-equal operational capacity to dismantle the business model of TIP and SOM: Following a human rights-based, gender-equal, and child-friendly approach, increased their capacity to investigate and/or prosecute TIP and SOM cases, with a focus on destroying the business model. In addition, it will improve the ability to trace illicit financial flows originating from TIP and SOM and promote closer coordination between law enforcement and financial regulators. Officials from law enforcement border agencies will receive training on new trends and methods of smuggling and trafficking. Activating and strengthening agency-to-agency communication and facilitating bilateral, regional, and international cooperation on criminal justice matters between the relevant authorities of concerned countries. The action will facilitate exchanges between partner nations on two levels: police-to-police cooperation (also taking referrals from victims into account) and judicial cooperation on criminal matters, with the aim of supporting action to dismantle organised TIP/SOM crime networks. In addition, it will promote regional cooperation and exchange with the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC), the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), and the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons, and Related Transnational Crimes. Through networks of judicial cooperation, the action will also facilitate exchanges with European nations and agencies (Frontex, Europol, and Eurojust). Enhanced bilateral and international cooperation, guided by a human rights-based, gender-equal, and child-friendly approach, will assist in dismantling the business models of TIP and SOM. Enhancing the empowerment and protection of women and children who may be victims of TIP and intensified SOM: Throughout its intervention, the action will address the gendered nature of the crimes and advocate for rights-based and gender-equal law enforcement responses. In addition, the action will strengthen the access of vulnerable female and child victims of trafficking and smuggled migrants to protection and assistance services (health, access to justice), with the assistance of selected CSOs. | Significant |
I-CAN: Independence, Capability, Autonomy, iNclusion. Center for Independent Living for People with Disabilities in the Gaza Strip I-CAN: Independence, Capability, Autonomy, iNclusion. Centro per la Vita Indipendente per le Persone con Disabilità della Striscia The aim is to strengthen the independence and self-determination of Persons with Disabilities (PwD) -Women with Disabilities (WwD), particularly- in Gaza, through the establishment of a holistic and innovative Center in cooperation with the local CBOs and DPOs. Si mira a rafforzare l'indipendenza e l'auto-determinazione delle PcD, in particolare delle DcD, a Gaza, tramite la costituzione di un Centro olistico e innovativo in cooperazione con le CBOs e DPOs locali. Si mira a rafforzare l'indipendenza e l'auto-determinazione delle PcD, in particolare delle DcD, a Gaza, tramite la costituzione di un Centro olistico e innovativo in cooperazione con le CBOs e DPOs locali. Si mira a rafforzare l'indipendenza e l'auto-determinazione delle PcD, in particolare delle DcD, a Gaza, tramite la costituzione di un Centro olistico e innovativo in cooperazione con le CBOs e DPOs locali. | Principal |
Sahel crisis 2021 - NRC Humanitarian Country programmes 2021-2025 NRC has applied as well to Sida for funding of 364.5 million SEK to carry out “the Humanitarian Programme for 2021” in 26 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania/Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela, Yemen. The application includes provision of 40 million SEK to replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and 7 individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
The intervention’s tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sida’s funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach – PBA).
NRC's catalytic support for coordination and capacity building contributes greatly to the link between humanitarian aid, development and peace. NRC's advocacy work and activities enable, at least contribute to, sustainable solutions for refugees and displaced people in a significant way in cooperation with other actors. In the long run, the NRC will reduce humanitarian needs. The NRC prioritizes self-sufficiency in its programs. The NRC's analysis capability, not least through its Internal Displacement Monitoring Center (IDMC), is an advantage for relevant programming according to the nexus orientations. Among the 26 crises in NRC's portfolio that Sida prioritizes, there are 15 where Sida implements Sweden's development strategies in synergy with humanitarian aid.
Sida’s contribution to NRC for 2022 will cover around 6.5% of NRC’s total financial requirements of the supported programmes and projects. It will provides humanitarian services to almost 9 million persons (53% female). HUM adds 50 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Ukraine benefiting 90,000 people with protection, shelter, WaSH and cash assistance. Decision 5 April. Amendment nr. 5.
HUM adds 7.5 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in Cameroon from the 2022 mid-year allocation (food security, legal advice for 600 households/4200 individuals in Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava and Mayo Tsanaga). Decision 9 June 2022. Contract amendment No 6.
HUM adds 10 MSEK for NRC's 2022 country programme in South Sudan from the end-of-the-year allocation. Decision 16 November 2022 nr 2022-002341. Contract amendment No 7.
NRC targets 7.7 million unique beneficiaries in total within Sida-funded humanitarian programmes in 2023, (52% female), who will receive protection and humanitarian services from NRC: Education, WASH, Shelter and settlement, Food security and livelihoods, including multi-purpose cash assistance, Protection, Legal assistance, Humanitarian mediation (community-based peace-building). Advocacy and support to humanitarian coordination and durable solution to displacements working groups in the field are part of NRC's engagement that Sida is funding. NRC's annual budget 2023 in the settings and thematics prioritized by Sida amounts to 5620 million Norwegian crowns in total. Sida's share weighs so far 8% of it: NRC's third largest donor whose cumulated 2021-2025 grant is 80% softly earmarked (programme-based approach) and 34% multi-year.
Earlier granted multi-year funding for 2023 was disbursed in January (52 MSEK) in support to continued humanitarian operations in DR Congo, Mali and Nigeria with strong emphasis on emergency response. Norwegian Refugee Council - Norska flyktingrådet (NRC) - har ansökt om ett förnyat partnerskap med Sida 2021-2025.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om finansiering på 364,5 miljoner SEK för att genomföra humanitära insatser i 26 humanitära krisområden under 2021: Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Demokratiska Republiken Kongo, Eritrea, Etiopien, Iran, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexiko, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Tanzania / Burundi, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen. Ansökan inkluderar även 40 miljoner kronor för den humanitära snabbmekanismen (RRM) och 20 miljoner kronor i stöd till sju projekt för metodstöd, kapacitetsuppbyggnad och samordning.
Den aktuella budgeten för NRC:s hela humanitära program 2021 uppgår till 4 263 200 000 NOK, varav Sidas del för närvarande utgör ca 8%. Sida ger NRC möjligheten att nyttja resurser flexibelt inom varje enskilt landprogram, (enligt så kallad Programme-Based Approach – PBA)
Humanitär-Utveckling-Fred Nexus
NRC bidrar i hög grad till arbetet för att sammankoppla humanitärt bistånd med freds- och utvecklingsinsatser. Organisationens strävan att effektivisera biståndet genom katalytiskt stöd till samordning och kapacitetsbyggande insatser bidrar till denna ansats. I samarbetet med andra organisationer möjliggör och bidrar NRC:s verksamhet och påverkansarbete till att stärka hållbara lösningar för flyktingar och människor som har blivit tvångsfördrivna och bidrar därmed till att på sikt minska de humanitära behoven. Även krisdrabbade människors möjligheter till självförsörjning prioriteras. NRC:s analyskapacitet är en styrka som bidrar till att programmeringen anpassas till en nexus-ansats och den analys som genomförs av NRC:s internationella center för övervakning av tvångsförflyttning (IDMC) är av stor vikt för dessa analyser. 19 av de 26 kriser i NRC:s portfölj som Sida finansierar avser länder där Sverige även bedriver utvecklingssamarbete vilket öppnar för möjligheter till synergier med humanitärt bistånd.
NRC ska få totalt 455,5 miljoner kronor av Sidas humanitära finansiering, enligt följande fördelning:
- Sida kommer att stödja NRC:s humanitära program i 23 krissituationer som Sida har prioriterat genom sin behovsbaserade allokeringsmodell för 2022, med 288,5 miljoner kronor :Afghanistan, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och
regionen (Ecuador, Panamà), Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria,
Palestina, Somalia, Sudan, Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela.
- Flerårig finansiering för NRC :s humanitära program i Demokratiska
republiken Kongo, Mali och Nigeria inleds 2022 och Sida har för ändamålet att ta i anspråk 104 miljoner kronor från kommande års anslag från erhållen Bemyndiganderam förutsatt att Riksdagen anvisar tillräckliga medel.
- NRC:s akuta insatser vid plötsligt uppkomna kriser kommer att stödjas genom Sidas snabbinsatsmekanism (RRM) under 2022 med 50 miljoner kronor.
- NRC:s metod- och kapacitetsstärkande projekt för skydd, miljö och IDMC (Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre) kommer under 2022 att få 13 miljoner kronor, varav 3 miljoner kronor från Sida/Globen för IDMC.
Sidas bidrag till NRC för 2022 kommer att täcka cirka 6,5 % av NRC:s totala finansiella behov för de stödda programmen och projekten. Det kommer att tillhandahålla humanitära tjänster till nästan 9 miljoner människor (53 % kvinnor) i Afghanistan, Kamerun, Centralafrikanska republiken, Colombia och regionen, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jordanien, Kenya, Libanon, Libyen, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestina, Somalia, Sydsudan, Sudan, Syrien, Uganda, Venezuela och Jemen.
HUM lägger till 50 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Ukraina som gynnar 90,000 människor med skydd, tak över huvudet, WaSH samt kontantbistånd. Beslut 5 April. Avtalförändring nr 5.
HUM lägger till 7,5 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Kamerun från halvsårsanslaget 2022 (livsmedelsförsörjning, juridik rådgivning för 600 husshållen/4200 individer i Logone-et-Chari, Mayo Sava och Mayo Tsanaga). Beslut 9 juni 2022. Avtalförändring nr 6.
HUM lägger till 10 MSEK för NRC:s landprogram 2022 i Sydsudan från slutsåranslaget. Beslut 16 november 2022, 2022-002341. Avtalförändring nr 7.
NRC får totalt 659.5 miljoner kronor (2023-2025) av Sidas humanitära finansiering för att genomföra:
- humanitära insatser i 23
krisområden under 2023: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Centralafrikanska
republiken, Colombia, Demokratiska republiken Kongo, Etiopien, Irak, Jemen,
Jordanien, Kamerun, Kenya, Libanon, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Palestina, Sudan,
Sydsudan, Syrien, Uganda, Ukraina och Venezuela.
NRC har dessutom ansökt om 244
miljoner kronor för att kunna fortsätta sina humanitära program i Jemen, Kamerun,
Sydsudan, Syria och Venezuela under 2024 och 2025.
- ansökan inkluderar även 50
miljoner kronor till den humanitära snabbinsatsmekanismen (RRM)
- och 40 miljoner kronor i stöd till fyra fleråriga projekt för metodstöd och kapacitetsuppbyggnad: Miljö, Skydd, Tillträde, IDMC (18,5 under 2023, 21,5 under 2024-2025). Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is Norway's largest international humanitarian organisation and widely recognized as a leading field-based displacement agency within the international humanitarian community. NRC is the INGO receiving the largest contribution from Sida's Humanitarian Unit to INGOs so far, based on experience of successful partnerships, NRC's capacities to respond at scale and its coverage of crises that Sida is prioritizing through the needs-based allocation approach. NRC receives approximately 8% of Sida's humanitarian unit's annual budget appropriation.
The objectives of NRC can be summarized as follows: "To protect the rights of displaced and vulnerable people during crisis, to provide assistance meeting their immediate humanitarian needs, to prevent further displacement and to contribute to durable solutions, and to provide expertise as a strategic partner to humanitarian systems and actors." NRCs main activity is delivery of humanitarian assistance through programme activities in the field. NRC specializes in six areas of expertise, or "core competencies": shelter and settlements; livelihoods and food security; information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA); education; camp management; and water, sanitation and hygiene promotion (WASH). Protection is lifted up as a new core competency of NRC since 2021. NRC engages closely with the affected populations to understand their needs and capacities, ensuring it tailors its assistance accordingly and involve them in the entire programme cycle, from design through implementation to evaluation. NRC advocates for respect for the rights of displaced and vulnerable people.
In 2021, the NRC Board approved the Global Strategy 20222025. The strategy
sets out four sub-objectives for areas that NRC will continue to strengthen and further institutionalize, namely, 1. assistance to hard-to-reach populations, 2. humanitarian policy, 3. protection, and 4. durable solutions. It also points to four areas of work that will be accelerated through expanded engagement and investments: i) advocacy, ii) climate and environment, iii) collaboration with local actors, and iv) quality programming.
NRCs work is divided into three pillars: humanitarian assistance, advocacy and expert deployment. Sida's Humanitarian Unit funding will continue prioritizing mainly the first pillar through funding of the humanitarian country programmes in line with HRPs and the RRPs and through the RRM funding. To some extent, Sida will support as well the second pillar of advocacy which is integrated in the humanitarian country programmes and implemented by NRC's method, thematic and capacity development projects supported by Sida. Sida will provide NRC with only a punctual support to the third pillar, through funding to CashCap which is deploying experts to the field for invigorating cash assistance working groups (17 in 2020 to 16 countries).
The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has applied for a renewed strategic partnership with Sida during 2021-2025.
The interventions tentative total budget is 4 263 200 000 Norwegian krona (NOK), that the organisation is financing with Sidas funding in a proportion of 8% approximately. Other donors, like the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DG ECHO, UNHCR, etc. are the largest contributors, besides a dozen of other donors in agreement with NRC. Sida provides NRC with the opportunity to allocate resources flexibly within individual country programmes (Programme-Based Approach PBA).
NRC was granted funding to carry out the Humanitarian Programme for 2022 in 24 humanitarian crisis settings: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Colombia, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Irak, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Moçambique, Niger, Nigeria, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Ukraina, Venezuela and Yemen. The grant includes provision of funding replenish the Rapid Response Mechanism funding instrument and four individual projects for method, capacity-building and coordination.
Sida's assessment on performance and results
Alike many other actors in the sector, NRC excels in reporting activities and outputs, but should be better in catching what changes and impacts its interventions have resulted to ultimately on assisted communities. The reporting of data and results does not provide necessarily an accurate and consolidated overview of what NRC has achieved. Sida has notified NRC that it should provide dis-aggregated data by age in targeting and reporting which is a norm.
It is assumed that NRC will achieve its objectives in 2023 again, but the global stress on the current resource mobilisation system supporting humanitarian action may affect NRC as well, similarly to large humanitarian actors such as the ICRC. | Significant |
Zimbabwe Political Parties Dialogue Projec <p class="ql-align-justify"><strong>The Overall Goal </strong>of the action is to contribute to the promotion and attainment of an inclusive democratic, peaceful and developmental Zimbabwe through Zimbabwean-driven national dialogue processes aimed at political and electoral reforms that reduce disputes over electoral outcomes.The Goal shall be achieved through 3 interlinked objectives:</p><p class="ql-align-justify">Objective 1: To support inclusive intra and interparty engagements on dialogue with a specific focus on conflict prevention and creating a peaceful electoral environment towards 2023 elections.</p><p class="ql-align-justify">Objective 2: To facilitate political party strengthening in EPAs database development for inclusive and efficient EPAs recruitment and training by July 2023</p><p class="ql-align-justify">Objective 3: To promote increased political participation of women and youth political party leadership processes and the 2023 elections.</p> | Significant |
Syria Education Programme II (SEP II) The Syria Education Programme II (SEP-II) will support the most vulnerable girls and boys to access high quality primary education in Northwest Syria. The programme will enhance the equitability of the education system in Northwest Syria, delivering on the UK’s commitments to improve girls’ education. | Significant |
Zimbabwe Humanitarian and Resilience Programme (ZHARP) 2019-25 This programme will provide a monthly unconditional cash transfer of USD $13 to at least 11,000 people with very high levels of food insecurity in urban areas. Each person (up to 5 in one family) will receive the transfer for a minimum period of 9 months, allowing them to purchase basic food stuffs and try to avoid resorting to damaging coping strategies during the peak lean season. In addition, the programme will work on synergies with WFP and other donors to pilot approaches to building the resilience of vulnerable urban populations to economic and climatic shocks. WFP will also further develop and mainstream the Toose GBV approach in a form that can be added or ‘layered’ onto WFP assistance programmes across Zimbabwe and potentially globally. | Significant |
Activity under preparation Financial Coverage contract FED/2018/ 398-862 Support to the Management of Visibility and Communications for the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Malawi / PROMAN Contract related to: Financial Coverage contract FED/2018/ 398-862 Support to the Management of Visibility and Communications for the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Malawi / PROMAN - Reducing poverty by increasing the resilience of vulnerable households. | Significant |
LEWASE - Leadership and Empowerment of Women to promote access in the socio-economic sector in Cairo, Giza, Alexandria and the New Valley Governorate <p>The project ¿LEWASE- Leadership and Empowerment of Women to promote access in the socio-economic sector in Cairo, Giza, Alexandria and the New Valley Governorate¿ aims at increasing the capacities of CSOs in fostering women participation in the economic sector in the four governorates of Cairo, Giza, Alexandria and New Valley and in developing business gender solution services (OO) by supporting the socio economic development of an inclusive business environment enhancing the capacities of 60 CSOs/CBOs working into the communities (SO1); strengthening business skills for 5.400 women entrepreneurs (SO2); increasing the entrepreneurship capacities of unemployed and vulnerable youth and women to find new job opportunities within the green sector (SO3) and supporting networking and sustainable cooperation to expand the potentialities of local economic actors to create new job opportunities (SO4).</p> | Significant |
IA PG2 Cameroon Inclusive Education project To ensure children with disabilities, including children with visual impairments, are educated alongside their peers. | Principal |
De ceux qui des arts vivants Contract related to: De ceux qui des arts vivants - The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia. Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach; enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT. | Significant |
EICEE - Western Balkan Eco-Innovation and Circular economy Ecosystem Contract related to: EICEE - Western Balkan Eco-Innovation and Circular economy Ecosystem - The overall objective of the action is to strengthen participatory democracy and the EU integration and approximation process in Montenegro through an enhanced contribution by civil society and media.The action will focus mainly on increasing capacities and effectiveness of the Montenegrian Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to monitor and participate in reform processes and to strengthen the overall capacities of less developed organisations as well as other actors of the civil society such as grassroots movements, through flexible financial support to third parties in all fields relevant to Montenegrian¿s accession to the EU including rule of law, democracy and human rights, agriculture,consumers rights, green agenda and economic and social development.The action also aims at triggering local development, by promoting informal education, social innovation and job creation with a particular focus on the most vulnerable groups, including the Roma communities.The intervention will improve the cooperation and dialogue between the civil society and the government, as well as, reinforce inclusive civic participation in public policy processes and complementary services to the most disadvantage population. These achievements will benefit Montenegrin citizens in general.The action will also support professional, independent media in the COVID-19 aftermath, enabling them to operate in a sustainable way, while providing opportunities for free, fair, professional and investigative reporting. | Significant |
UN Womens Strategiska Plan, UNW UN Women Strategic Note, UNW - UN Women Strategic Note, UNW old strategy Support to UN Women Strategic Note in Bosnia and Hercegovina 2019-2022
The proposed UN Women programme concept note requests support for support to UN Women Strategic Note Implementation in Bosnia and Hercegovina during 2019-2022. The proposed programme five main impact areas as follows: i) Governance structures and sector priorities reflect gender equality, ii) Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy, iii) Women and girls live a life free of violence, iv) Peace and Security and humanitarian action shaped by women and v) To enhance UN System and become more effective and coordinated (strategic partnerships). Stöd till UN Women Strategiska Plan för Bosnien-Hercegovina 2019-2022
Det föreslagna UN Women programmet och dess "concept note" (konceptpapper) begär stöd till UN Women Strategiska Plan för implementering i Bosnia och Hercegovina under perioden 2019-2022. Det föreslagna programmet innehåller fem huvudsakliga resultatområden vilka är följande: i) Styrande strukturer/regelverk samt sektorprioriteringar som reflekterar jämställdhet mellan könen, ii) Kvinnor har inkomstsäkerhet, goda arbetsförhållanden och ekonomisk autonomi, iii) Kvinnor och flickor kan leva ett liv utan våld av olika former, iv) Fred och säkerhet och humanitära överväganden skapade av och för kvinnor samt v) Att förbättra UN Systemet i syfte att bli mer effektivt och koordinerat (strategiska samarbeten). The overall goal of the intervention is to contribute to the implementation of UN Women Bosnia and Hercegovina Strategic Note during the period 2019-2023 (the agreement has been extended one year), which encompassess two strategic cycles; Strategic Note 2015-2020 and the Strategic Note 2021-2025.
The Strategic Note 2015-2020 included five so called impact areas:
Impact 1: Governance structures and sector priorities reflect gender equality concerns and committments.
Impact 2: Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy.
Impact 3: Women and girls live a life free of violence.
Impact 4: Peace and security and humanitarian action are shaped by women leadership and participation.
Impact 5: To drive more effective and efficient UN System coordination and strategic partnership on gender equality and women's empowerment.
In the strategic note 2021-2025, there are three overarching thematic areas with impacts and connected outcomes:
1. Women's economic empowerment
Impact: Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy
Outcome: By 2025, people benefit from resilient, inclusive and sustainable growth ensured by the convergence of economic development and management of environment and cultural resources
Output objectives are:
- Governments have improved capacities to promote employment policies that enhance womne's access to decent work and promote income security
- Women owned businesses and women entrepreneurs have strengthened capacities and resilience
- Women and girls benefit from employment opportunities and education/exchange programs in tech-driven industries
2. Ending violence against women
Impact: All women and girls live a life free from all forms of violence
Outcome: People have access to better quality and inclusive health and social protection systems
Output objectives are:
- Legislators and institutions have capacities to incorporate the highest level of international standards on EVAW in legislation, policies and budgets
- Women, girls, men and boys at community and individual level are able to mobilze actors, resources and capacities to create an environment for zero tolerance to violence.
- General and specialist service providers have improved capacities to deliver quality, accessible and survivor-centered services.
3. Gender responsive governance
Impact: Women lead, participate in and benefit equally from governance systems
Outcome: By 2025, people contribute to, and benefit from more accountable and transparent governance systems that deliver quality public services, and ensure rule of law.
Output objectives are:
- Relevant institutions in BiH have increased capacities which ensures that gender responsive policy making, budgeting and integration of EU gender equality and women's empowerment commitments are implemented across sectors
- Selected government and political institutions in BiH have increased capacities to ensure the necessary regulatory and procedural preconditions for increased political participation of women
- Government institutions and selected CSOs have increased capacities to implement BiH GAP, AP on implementation of UNSCR 1325 and CEDAW Concluding recommendations.
- Government and CSOs strengthen multi-stakeholder dialogues
The impact/outcome areas are the same as in UN Women global strategic note as well as the UNSDCF for BiH. Women, peace and security is mainstreamed throughout the programme, where women participation and inclusion in decision making processes is targeted under all areas, notably under gender responsive governance.
Apart from the three programmatic areas and the cruss-cutting areas, the strategic note also includes objectives for organisational effectiveness and efficiency, including UN Women's coordination role within the UN, engagement of partners, communication, internal learning, and internal management and control. Output objectives are:
- UN Women effectively leads, coordinates, and promotes accountability for the imlementation of gender euality commitments in United Nations Country Team in BiH.
- Effective partnership between UN Women and civil society, and with regional international organizations and gender mechanisms in the country
- Effective communication in support to promotion of gender equality and women's rights in the country. | Significant |
Individual measure to strengthen the response capacity to manage migration flows in Bosnia and Herzegovina Contract related to: Individual measure to strengthen the response capacity to manage migration flows in Bosnia and Herzegovina - This Action is designed to respond to the most urgent needs such as food, accommodation, medical assistance and access to education and social protection. The Action will contribute to further upgrade reception centres. Special attention will be put on the specific needs of vulnerable groups.The Action also aims at enhancing social cohesion, improving the resilience of local communities. Finally, the Action will strengthen border and migration control capabilities, returns, in line with fundamental rights. | Significant |
Support to Regional Networks of CSOs in Sub-Saharan Africa The aim of the Action is to enhance the capacity of civil society to play a role in regional dialogues and influence regional policies. The programme will achieve this by supporting existing regional networks of CSOs to: 1. Become recognized stakeholders in regional dialogues managed by RECs (SADC, IOC, EAC) on issues such as electoral processes, conflict prevention (integrating the women, peace and security agenda) and management, or citizen participation in governance processes to promote transparency, inclusivity and accountability. 2. Act at regional level on selected governance and human development issues on which the CSOs ability to engage directly with the population can complement efforts being done by national and regional authorities to address them. These include drug demand reduction in Western Africa, supporting the inclusion of people with disabilities in Southern Africa and youth and women participation on conflict prevention and resolution in the Great Lakes. The action targets areas and organizations where it is either possible to build on an ongoing dialogue between Regional Organizations and civil society networks (SADC, IOC and EAC regions) or where the targeted organizations¿ work is having a recognized regional impact on a specific issue (Western Africa, Southern Africa and Great Lakes).The action will contribute to the Gender Action Plan III, specifically to the thematic area of engagement ¿Integrating the women, peace and security agenda¿ and ¿Promoting equal participation and leadership¿. This action, in particular through its components focusing in West Africa, Southern Africa and in the Great Lakes region, will also contribute to the first pillar of the Youth Action Plan ¿Engage: increasing the voice of young people in policy and decision-making at all levels¿.The action will be carried out in complementarity and coordination with both EU and non-EU funded actions at national and regional level, including relevant Regional Economic Communities and other regional stakeholders. | Significant |
World Bank/Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership 2016-2021 World Bank/Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership 2016-2021 - WASH 2016-2019 - Water Global Practice/WB 2018 onwards "The Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership 'is a collaboration between Sida (and other donors) and the World Bank's Water Global Practice in order to help create a" water-secure world for all", and to reach its dual goals of both eliminating the extreme poverty as well as to promote greater prosperity for the 40% poorest in each country.
Sida gives a non-earmarked program funding anticipated to go to both drinking water supply, sanitation and hygiene and also to water security and water resource management, with a specific focus on sustainability, inclusiveness, institutions, financing and resilience. The support for the partnership is ia. envisaged to help shape the Bank's investment loans (IDA) for various water-related programs so that these will be designed based poor peoples needs. Världsbanken genomgick 2014 en omfattande omorganisation där de olika sektorer som banken arbetade med samlades i sk. Global practices, av vilka vatten var en: Water Global Practice. Genom att samla i princip all vattenrelaterad verksamhet, med undantag för investeringslånen (IDA), inom en enhet kan banken ta ett större helhetsgrepp och bättre än tidigare koppla kunskaper och erfarenheter från de fattigdomsinriktade programmen Water & Sanitation Program (med stöd från Sida mfl givare 2012-2016) samt Water Partnership Program (med stöd av andra givare) till bankens låneverksamhet inom vattensektorn som helhet. 'The Global Water Security & Sanitation Partnership' (GWSP) är ett samarbete mellan Sida och andra givare och Världsbankens organisatoriska entitet Water Global Practice i syfte att bidra till att skapa en "vattensäker värld för alla", och till att uppnå bankens dubbla mål om att dels elliminera den extrema fattigdomen och dels till att främja ökat välstånd för de 40% fattigaste i varje land till 2030. Genom Sidas stöd till partnerskapet förväntas banken därmed på ett väsentligt sätt kunna bidra till genomförandet av Agenda 2030 och ett flertal av de 17 globala utevcklingsmålen, men med fokus framför allt på mål 6 för vatten.
Sida föreslår att ett icke-öronmärkt programstöd beviljas med ett speciellt uppföljningsfokus på dels dricksvattenförsörjning, sanitet och hygien och dels för vattensäkerhet och vattenresursförvaltning, men också utifrån bankens prioriterade teman för hållbarhet; inkludering av fattiga, sårbara och marginaliserade grupper; stärkta institutioner; innovativ/alternativ finansiering samt ökad grad av resiliens och minskad sårbarhet hos partnerländer. Sidas stöd till partnerskapet kommer främst att utgöras av finansiering av teknisk expertis för att utforma bankens investeringslån (IDA) för olika vattenrelaterade program i partnerländerna, utifrån fattiga människors behov för att därigenom kunna lyfta framför allt de mest utsatta grupperna ut fattigdom och samtidigt skapa möjligheter för att bidra till utveckling av ländernas ekonomier.
Sida har under ca två års tid tillsammans med andra givare, bl.a. UK, Holland, Norge, Finland, Schweiz, Gates Foundation samt USAID varit aktiv i dialogen kring utformningen av GWSP's projektdokument och resultatramverk. GWSPs fem 'affärsområden' bl.a. - vattenförsörjning och sanitet samt vattensäkerhet och vattenresursförvaltning - bygger på de ansatser och metoder som bla. utvecklats under Sidas stöd 2012-2015 till Water & Sanitation Programme, men också genom andra givares stöd till Water Partnership Programme.
Särskild vikt har vid förhandlingarna med banken lagts på partnerskapets resultatramverk. Sida avser att vara aktiv i partnerskapets råd och delta i dialog och uppföljning av bl.a. uppdateringar av budget och resultatramverk i konsultation med övriga berörda givare, i samband med det första rådsmötet som planeras till början av 2017.
Programmets totala budget beräknas för perioden 2017-2021 uppgå till ca 1 776 MSEK (200 MUSD). Sidas bidrag för 2016-2019 föreslås uppgå till 210 MSEK.
Under förutsättning att banken erhåller full finansiering (dvs 200 MUSD) för GWSP förväntas det föreslagna programmet under 2017-2021 bidra till att, på basis av partnerskapets finansiering av tekniskt stöd för fattigdomsanpassning av investeringslånen, uppnå följande resultat:
För vattenförsörjning och sanitet
• 70 miljoner fler människor får tillgång till förbättrad vattenkällor
• 80 miljoner fler människor får tillgång till förbättrad sanitet
• 25 000 ton föroreningsbelastning har avlägsnats genom reningsverk
• 13 miljoner fler människor har utbildats om handhygien
• 90 vattenverk har förbättrat sin funktionalitet
För vattensäkerhet och integrerad vattenresursförvaltning
• Genomförande av riskreducerande åtgärder, bla. avsende torka eller översvämningar, som direkt påverkar 16 miljoner och och indirekt 60 miljoner människor
• 140 flodavrinningsområden med förvaltningsplaner och mekanismer för att engagera berörda intressenter
• 120 institutioner med uppföljnings- och övervakningssystem för vattenresursförvaltning
• 1,3 miljoner hektar mark och/eller vattenområden förvaltas på ett hållbart sätt.
Dessa förväntade resultat kan dock komma att skrivas ned om den nuvarande underfinansieringen kommer att kvarstå. Idagsläget har banken säkrat ca 55% av den planerad budgetramen. Finland, Danmark, Österrike, USAID samt UK har ännu inte heller meddelat om stöd kommer att ges och ej heller om möjlig omfattning. Om underfinansieringen bedöms fortsätta under 2017 och framåt behöver Sida resa krav på att banken presenterar en reviderad budget utifrån nödvändiga prioriteringar av aktiviteter/verksamheter samt nedskrivning av förväntade resultat.
Sidas bedömning är dock att det kommer att finnas tillräckligt med medel i fonden för att den ska kunna bli operationell från 2017-01-01.
Det bilagda avtalsutkastet bygger på en av Sida ny beslutad och med banken förhandlad mall för multigivarfonder. The impacts and outcomes are in the project document described in different ways, but measured both qualitatively and quantitatively for the themes for sustainability, inclusion, institutions, financing and resilience. The framework is built into three blocks:- Block A will track "direct results" from activities funded by the GWSP, ie. outputs in the form of development of policies, strategies, regulatory frameworks, development of knowledge products, strengthening water sector actors etc.- Block B tracks the impact of GWSP funded activities on the WGP itself, ie. outcomes in terms of institutional changes and leveraged effects on design and implementation of lending operations. This includes ia. gap/knowledge identification, new guidelines for Bank staff, capacity building, pilot initiatives etc.- Block C tracks combined outcomes of GWSP-funded activities and lending operations at country level, ie. outcomes in the form of eg. changes in water resources management, investment planning, service deliveryThe intended quantitative outcomes/results for ALL water activities managed by the Bank, to which the GWSP will contribute by creating leverage for the water related investment lending during 2017-2021, are for WASH & IRWM:For Water Supply and Sanitation• 70 million people have access to improved water sources• 80 million people have access to improved sanitation• 25 000 tonnes of Biological Oxygen Demand pollution loads is removed by treatment plants• 13 million people have been trained on hygiene/hand washing behaviour• 90 water utilities have improved their working (service) ratioFor Water Security and Integrated WRM• Water risk mitigating measures will be implemented in areas impacting directly 16 million people and indirectly 60 million• 140 basins have management plans and mechanisms for stakeholder engagement • 120 institutions have WRM monitoring systems •1.3 million hectares are under sustainable land/water management practices.This is under the condition that the Bank will manage to cover the present funding gap of approx. 76 MUSD. Else, the above mentioned expected results will have to be reduced. | Significant |
Expanding Social Protection in Uganda - Phase Two To embed social protection in national policy, programmes and budgets in Uganda through capacity building of Ugandan stakeholders and institutions. This will benefit 209,000 Senior Citizens (+65years) and People with Disabilities directly, support financial inclusion and change their poverty status. This will contribute to the SDGs by reducing the poverty gap in the country by 2020. | Significant |
ACT-61596 - State and Resilience Building Contract BA2023AAP-ESP Energy prices in Europe began soaring in 2021 after the lifting of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. The situation further exacerbated following the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine in 2022. The war upended energy markets, triggering heightened price volatility and energy insecurity impacting the EU and its immediate neighbourhood. The rise in energy prices impacted consequently other sectors as well, like production, transport and all service sectors in general. This crisis situation has forced the European Commission to refocus its immediate response, through a set of short-term energy security-related measures, in Europe and beyond, as set out in the REPowerEU plan1 and its EU external energy strategy2. The current energy crisis is unprecedented, and it is a challenge for not only the EU Member States but also for the Western Balkans partners. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, electricity prices are still stable, but heating prices based on different energy sources (including gas supplied via single gas route with Russian gas) have significantly increased.The overall objective of this Action is to assist Bosnia and Herzegovina in reducing the socio-economic impact of the rising energy prices, in particular on small and medium sized enterprises and households, and to strengthen the Government¿s overall capacity to deliver tailor-made services to vulnerable households and support the long-term socio-economic recovery, energy security and energy transition of the country.This action will contribute directly to SDG 7 `Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all¿, and also to other SDGs, among them SDG 8 `Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all¿, SDG 9 `Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation¿, SDG 10 `Reduce inequalities within and among countries¿, SDG 13 `Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts¿. The Action directly contributes to the priorities of the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans related to ¿Private Sector Support¿, ¿Energy¿, ¿Green Agenda¿, ¿Human Capital Development¿ and to the IPA III Programming Framework Window 3 ¿Green agenda and sustainable connectivity¿ (Thematic Priority 2: Transport, digital economy and society, and energy) and Window 4 ¿Competitiveness and inclusive growth¿ (Thematic Priority 1: Education, employment, social protection and inclusion policies, and health and Thematic Priority 2: ¿Private sector development, trade, research and innovation¿). | Significant |
We Are Able! BDI In the countries that are targeted by 'We are Able!' (DR Congo, Burundi, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda) food security is low. People with disabilities (PWDs) are even more likely to live in food insecure households. We are able! wants to see PWDs improving their right to food and food security by creating an enabling environment for right-to-food action at grassroots level. While PWDs are the core target group of the We are able! program, we create benefits for other excluded groups like vulnerable women, youth in general, marginalised ethnic groups and internally displaced persons (IDPs), as applicable per context. By 2025, through engagement with public authorities (formal and informal powerholders), men, women and youth with disabilities and other excluded groups, through resilient and capable local CSOs/DPOs in six fragile and conflict-affected countries, are successfully influencing laws, policies, practices and norms for improved food security for all. The We are able! program targets people (including women, men, and youth) with a disability, while, as spin-off, the program will also create opportunities for other excluded groups,3 such as vulnerable women, persons affected by leprosy, youth in general, excluded ethnic groups, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees, as much as possible or necessary in the specific context. Intersectional traits often make people particularly vulnerable. Refugees with disabilities or disabled women and men of particular ethnic backgrounds often face the most severe forms of food insecurity. We are able! identifies and targets groups and individuals with particular vulnerabilities while creating synergies that allow others to benefit as well. | Significant |
Response to the South Sudanese complex emergency in South Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda Risposta all’emergenza complessa sud sudanese in Sud Sudan, Etiopia e Uganda The Programme aims at responding to the protracted and humanitarian crisis in South Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda – through NGOs implemented projects – to prevent the deterioration of the living condition of local community and vulnerable groups.Among the main results: improvement of the quality and access to basic health services with particular reference to the most vulnerable groups (people with disabilities, minors and single women, pregnant and breastfeeding women); strengthening of basic mechanisms and services aimed at improving the social inclusion of people with disabilities and vulnerable or disadvantaged people, and promoting the role of women as an active part within society; strengthening of child protection services, with particular reference to unaccompanied and separated minors. Il Programma mira a rispondere alla crisi umanitaria prolungata in Sud Sudan, Etiopia e Uganda - attraverso progetti realizzati dalle ONG - per prevenire il deterioramento delle condizioni di vita delle comunità locali e dei gruppi vulnerabili. Tra i principali risultati: miglioramento della qualità e dell'accesso ai servizi sanitari di base, con particolare riferimento ai gruppi più vulnerabili (persone con disabilità, minori e donne sole, donne in gravidanza e in allattamento); rafforzamento dei meccanismi e dei servizi di base volti a migliorare l'inclusione sociale delle persone con disabilità e delle persone vulnerabili o svantaggiate, e a promuovere il ruolo delle donne come parte attiva della società; rafforzamento dei servizi di protezione dell'infanzia, con particolare riferimento ai minori non accompagnati e separati. | Significant |
Promoting Digital Skills digital skills of Women, hard-to-reach youth and persons with disabilities in Borno and Yobe States. <p>Promoting Digital Skills of Women, Hard-to-Reach Youths and Persons with Disabilities in Borno and Yobe States</p> | Significant |
World Vision CORE Project fas II World Vision CORE Project phase II - NEW-World Vision CORE Project phase II Reprogrammed funds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19
The project aims to contribute to productive off-farm employment in order to increase household income for women and youth in Nyamasheke and Rusizi districts. The project contributes to increased off-farm entrepreneurship and market oriented businesses for the target group, through enhanced enabling environment for cooperatives and businesses, increased access to financial services and information and communication technologies. Special focus will be placed on developing the value chains in honey production and tailoring to make them more inclusive of for target group. Omprogrammerade medel för att lindra konsekvenserna av covid-19
Projektet syftar till att öka möjligheten för produktiv sysselsättning utanför jordbruket, för ökad inkomst för kvinnor och unga i distrikten Nyamasheke och Rusizi. Detta genom att öka företagande och affärsverksamhet utanför jordbruket för målgruppen, genom förbättrat företagsklimat, ökad tillgång till finansiella tjänster samt informations- och kommunikationsteknologi. Särskilt fokus kommer att läggas på utveckling och av värdekedjor inom honungsproduktion och sömnad för att göra dem mer inkluderande av målgruppen. The overall objective of the project is increased household income and expenditure for women and youth in Rusizi and Nyamasheke district.
To achieve this, the aim is to contribute to increased off-farm entrepreneurship and market oriented businesses among women and youth by;
- strengthened environment management and creation of cooperatives and business groups;
- increased access to financial services for women and youth entrepreneurs, cooperatives and savings groups;
- increased capacity of women and youth through vocational training and business facilitation skills;
- improved access and utilization of information technology for women and youth.
In addition, the project aims to strengthen two particularly relevant value chains (honey and tailoring) to make them more inclusive for the relevant target group, and improve business competitiveness. | Significant |
The Three Millennium Development Goal Fund for addressing essential maternal and child health needs of poor and vulnerable women, children and for people with HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Burma The 3MDG (Three Millennium Development Goal) Fund to increase access to and availability of essential maternal and child health services for the poorest and most vulnerable in 42 Townships in Burma and HIV, TB, and malaria interventions for populations and areas not readily covered by the Global Fund. This contributes to our Millennium Development Goals by averting the death of 11,569 children under five and 1,450 pregnant women, and helping control major communicable diseases in Burma by December 2016 | Significant |
Radio Tamazuj ─ independent information for democratic debate in South Sudan Contract related to: Radio Tamazuj ─ independent information for democratic debate in South Sudan - Human rights and democracy are founding values of the EU. Protecting and promoting HR&D is therefore a key priority of the EU¿s external action. It is also a precondition for sustainable development and for building more inclusive, open and resilient societies.Yet, recent data show that globally, most countries are far from having acceptable human rights and democracy track records. In this context, worsened by the COVID crisis, the EU re-affirmed its commitment to support human rights and democracy worldwide by adopting the `Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024¿. The Action Plan identifies priorities and key actions, to ensure that the EU plays a greater role in promoting and defending human rights and democracy throughout its external action. The Regulation (EU) 2021/947 (Global Europe) establishes the legal basis for the human rights and democracy actions. Particularly, its annex III details the areas of intervention for human rights and democracy.The overall objective of the present action is to contribute to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law worldwide. The action will achieve this objective by supporting and strengthening civil society organisations (CSOs), democracy activists and human-rights defenders working on critical human rights and democracy issues in non-EU countries. It may also cover, where relevant, the promotion of international humanitarian law. Consequently, it will contribute to the 5 priorities of the Multiannual Indicative programme 2021-2027 as well as the specific priorities set out for the additional funding coming from the cushion.This action will mainly be implemented by EU Delegations in-country so as to: (i) better respond to the country-specific contexts; (ii) be as close as possible to the needs of the rights holders; and (iii) promote a sense of `ownership¿ of the action among local actors. The actions financed at country level will be in line with: (i) the EU action plan for human rights and democracy; (ii) EU guidelines on human rights; and (iii) the respective Human Rights and Democracy country strategies or priorities under the EU accession process. All actions will follow a human rights based approach putting people at the centre of actions and also focusing on promoting gender equality. | Significant |
¿mergence et coh¿sion : pour une soci¿t¿ civile forte - ECOSOC <p>Les OSC sont considérées comme catalyseurs des échanges pluri-acteurs, comme acteurs dynamiques et outillés contribuant à l¿insertion intégrale de la jeunesse, et la mise en place de projets adaptés et d¿initiatives pilotes.</p><p>Le projet ECOSOC a pour objectif de contribuer à l¿émergence d¿une société civile, inclusive pour les jeunes hommes et femmes, engagée pour l¿intérêt général et reconnue comme actrice et partenaire par les pouvoirs publics en Mauritanie.</p> | Significant |
Fondo COVID-19_AID_011905: Restart from YOU - Rehabilitation on a community basis and theater of social inclusion. Fondo COVID-19_AID_011905: Ricomincio da TE - Riabilitazione su base comunitaria e TEatro d'inclusione sociale. Fondo COVID-19_AID_011905: The proposed initiative aims to strengthen the enjoyment of the rights of people with disabilities and their organizations in Tunisia. Therefore the proposal intends: R1 provide community based rehabilitation programs aimed at the socio-educational inclusion of young people with disabilities, R2 strengthen the role of the Tunisian CSOs promoting rights and services for people with disabilities R3 created a public-private governance structure to promote vocational training and employment of young people with disabilities. Fondo COVID-19_AID_011905: L'iniziativa proposta ha lo scopo di rafforzare il godimento dei diritti delle persone con disabilità e loro organizzazioni in Tunisia. Pertanto la proposta intende: R1 erogare programmi di Riabilitazione su Base Comunitaria volti all'inclusione socio educativa dei giovani con disabilità, R2 rafforzare il ruolo delle OSC Tunisine promotrici dei diritti e dei servizi per i portatori di disabilità R3 realizzata una struttura pubblico-privata di governance per promuovere la formazione professionale e l'occupazione dei giovani con disabilità. | Principal |
Syrian Nonviolent Activists Unite: building a stronger movement for change in Syria Contract related to: Syrian Nonviolent Activists Unite: building a stronger movement for change in Syria - While the humanitarian needs are huge, with almost 14 million people in need of assistance, the changing nature of the crisis requires a more robust medium-term approach supporting the resilience and early recovery efforts of Syrian citizens wherever possible at a grassroots level ¿ going beyond emergency and life-saving responses. There is also a clear imperative to support medium to longer-term interventions which focus on strengthening systems and fostering resilience and sustainability. This Special Measure will therefore support the resilience and early recovery needs of the Syrian population through community-driven interventions aimed at the provision of key services while supporting social cohesion at the local level. Four priority areas of intervention have been selected. Interventions in the health and education sectors will focus on strengthening the provision of key services now, but will also pay attention, among others, to aspects which increase resilience, such as strengthened capacities of healthcare personnel to manage services and systems, or greater investments in vocational education providing youth with viable livelihood opportunities. This Special Measure will also continue to build urban and rural resilience, providing integrated support to a number of urban areas and their rural hinterlands with the aim of mitigating further instability, displacement and loss of human capital by employing a people-centred approach to recovery and social cohesion. Finally, this action will support local Syrian civil society actors to build their capacities as independent development actors in their communities, promoting inclusive, transparent and participatory processes, which can support early recovery and foster social cohesion.Individual areas of the action will contribute to four Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) linked directly to the priority sectors of intervention. Due attention to cross-cutting issues, especially gender and support for vulnerable community members will lead to contributions towards SDGs on gender inequality and reduced inequalities. Together, the separate interventions will contribute towards the overarching goal of a reduction in poverty.The action will give priority (1) to a `Whole of Syria¿ approach as long as the operational context allows, and (2) to communities where significant numbers of returnees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) are located. | Significant |
IGNITE: Civic Action to Ignite Inclusive and Resilient Growth <p class="ql-align-justify">To strengthen and support Civil Society Organizations to ensure sustainable development, inclusive growth and resilience in the Uva and Southern provinces of Sri Lanka.</p> | Significant |
Partnership for Democracy and Accountability Contract related to: Partnership for Democracy and Accountability - Democracy is in decline. The world is experiencing a wave of `autocratisation¿ characterised by increasing executive power, erosion of democratic institutions, and a general constriction of fundamental freedoms. One-third of the world¿s population now lives in countries undergoing autocratisation. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated this worrying trend.Democracy is essential for sustainable development. It increases economic growth, reduces inequalities, lowers rates of mortality and improves social outcomes. Nevertheless, democracy is often portrayed as a western invention; unfit and unnecessary for the wider world. The actions under this component will debunk such `myths¿, showcasing the advantages of democratic systems and promoting the best ways to support them, whatever the context. In order to do this we will partner with experts, practitioners and partners from different world regions and especially the global south.In the current context of political polarisation and social fracture, the need for (re)-building alliances on democracy and democracy support is all the greater and urgent. This requires a bold and inclusive `Team Europe¿ approach, including European Union (EU) Member States with different experiences and history, capable of developing a coalition beyond our borders, bringing in all states committed to building, protecting or improving their democracy. The action follows the project initiated in 2021 to respond to the Summit for Democracy, which entailed actions at three different levels: increasing the knowledge base on democracy support and democracy research support, creation of networks between EU MS, CSOs, practitioners and democracy partners with the purpose of exchanging information and creating collaborations on democracy support, including developing a more coherent vision on EUs democracy support actions, and supporting civil society in participating at the Summit for Democracy.Based on the founding values of the EU, this action aims to: promote and protect democracy and human rights worldwide with actions based on academic evidence; shared experiences on democracy support models; and build broad alliances to inform international and national policies, programmes and actions. It will work along four lines of action: (1) a `one stop shop¿ for democracy research and analysis, including on democracy support; (2) a structured operational network with Member States, practitioners and civil society, sharing and pooling resources, helping develop conceptual and operational approaches for democracy support, and building coalitions with like-minded partners, including civil society, 3) provision of expertise and support to EU Delegations to improve their work to support democracy in a Team Europe approach, with priority being given to countries that have democratic governance as a priority area in their MIPs, and 4) advocacy and awareness raising for policy norms on open government. | Significant |
Employment and Livelihood Programme (ELP): Socio-economic empowerment for youth, Syrian refugees and women in Jordan Contract related to: Employment and Livelihood Programme (ELP): Socio-economic empowerment for youth, Syrian refugees and women in Jordan - This program aims to and increase economic and livelihood opportunities of refugees and vulnerable host communities in Jordan, thereby directly increasing their socio-economic well-being and self-reliance, in turn strengthening the political, economic and social sustainability of Jordan¿s development-focused refugee response. Through its action it will also help to strengthen the graduation element of existing social protection support and invest in the core logic of the Jordanian model. It will also further invest in data and evidence and other knowledge products and capacity support especially to national authority that is needed to provide a basis for evidence-based policy-making, - monitoring and ¿dialogue. The program includes action to strengthen the employability (supply side) of the target group as well as increasing private sector employment opportunities (demand side), focusing on a select set of promising sectors such as green energy and environment (including water and waste management), social development (education, TVET, health), handicraft and food production, ICT and transportation sector, culture and tourism. The Overall Objective (Impact) of this action is to increase the socio-economic well-being of vulnerable refugees and host populations in Jordan and decrease relative inequalities.The Specific(s) Objective(s) (Outcomes) of this action are to 1. Improve income and access to decent jobs for refugees and their hosts 2. Improved & more evidence-based policy-making and dialogue on socio-economic challenges and opportunities of refugees and their hosts in policy, dialogue and programming. | Significant |
We are able! 2021-2025 In the countries that are targeted by 'We are Able!' (DR Congo, Burundi, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda) food security is low. People with disabilities (PWDs) are even more likely to live in food insecure households. We are able! wants to see PWDs improving their right to food and food security by creating an enabling environment for right-to-food action at grassroots level. While PWDs are the core target group of the We are able! program, we create benefits for other excluded groups like vulnerable women, youth in general, marginalised ethnic groups and internally displaced persons (IDPs), as applicable per context. By 2025, through engagement with public authorities (formal and informal powerholders), men, women and
youth with disabilities and other excluded groups, through resilient and capable local CSOs/DPOs in six fragile and conflict-affected countries, are successfully influencing laws, policies, practices and norms for improved
food security for all. The We are able! program targets people (including women, men, and youth) with a disability, while, as
spin-off, the program will also create opportunities for other excluded groups,3 such as vulnerable women,
persons affected by leprosy, youth in general, excluded ethnic groups, internally displaced persons (IDPs)
and refugees, as much as possible or necessary in the specific context.
Intersectional traits often make people particularly vulnerable. Refugees with disabilities or disabled women
and men of particular ethnic backgrounds often face the most severe forms of food insecurity. We are able!
identifies and targets groups and individuals with particular vulnerabilities while creating synergies that allow
others to benefit as well. | Significant |
Education Access and Quality Learning in Lebanon Accès à l’éducation et apprentissage de qualité au Liban This project aims to improve access to quality and gender-responsive education opportunities for children between the ages of 3 and 18 in Lebanon. The project prioritizes scaling up educational opportunities and retention in the formal public system, helps address gender-based barriers to quality learning opportunities, helps improve inclusiveness in teaching and learning environments, and helps strengthen the national education system, policies and monitoring in education. The project focuses on addressing the barriers that prevent vulnerable children from Syria and Lebanon from accessing educational opportunities. The project supports the Lebanese national education system and works with Lebanon’s Ministry of Education to strengthen policies and systems and improve its ability to ensure better education services and sustain increased and equitable access to quality education. The project aligns with the Government of Lebanon's Crisis Response Plan, particularly in terms of priority interventions for education and the education objective identified in the Lebanon Compact to scale up access to education and strengthen the formal education system. This project, the Education Access and Quality Learning in Lebanon initiative, is part of the national strategy of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) of Lebanon “Reaching All Children with Education for 2017-2021 (RACE II)”. Le projet vise à offrir un accès équitable à une éducation de qualité qui tient compte des sexospécificités pour tous les enfants libanais de 3 à 18 ans. Les priorités du projet consistent à augmenter les possibilités de scolarisation et à garder les jeunes dans le système d’éducation publique, à aider à résoudre les obstacles sexospécifiques à l’éducation de qualité, à améliorer le caractère ouvert de l’enseignement et des environnements d’apprentissage, ainsi qu’à renforcer le système national d’éducation, les politiques et le suivi en matière d’éducation. Le projet s’attaque aux obstacles que rencontrent les enfants vulnérables de la Syrie et du Liban pour accéder à l’éducation. Le projet soutient le système national d’éducation du Liban et travaille avec le ministère de l’Éducation du Liban travaillent pour renforcer les politiques et les systèmes afin d’améliorer sa capacité d’assurer de meilleurs services pédagogiques et d’améliorer un accès équitable à une éducation de qualité. Ce projet s’harmonise avec le plan d’intervention en situation de crise du gouvernement libanais, en particulier en ce qui concerne les interventions prioritaires en éducation et l’objectif d’élargir l’accès à l’éducation et de renforcer le système d’éducation formelle – un objectif énoncé dans le pacte national libanais. Ce projet, l’initiative « Accès à l’éducation et apprentissage de qualité au Liban », fait partie de la stratégie nationale « Donner une éducation à tous les enfants » couvrant la période 2017-2021 du ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (Reaching All Children with Education - RACE II) du Liban. | Significant |
Sahel crisis 2021 - IRC HUM 2021-2025 International Rescue Committee (IRC) är en enskild internationell organisation, aktiv i humanitär respons och resiliens i mer än 40 länder globalt. Deras huvudsakliga syfte är att bistå människor vars liv och försörjningsmöjligheter slagits i spillror till följd av konflikter, naturkatastrofer och klimatförändringar genom att erbjuda överlevnadsstöd och aktiviteter för återhämtning. Fokus ligger på aktiviteter inom hälsa, skydd, utbildning, försörjningsmöjligheter samt människors stärkta egenmakt och beslutsförmåga. Huvudsaklig målgrupp är människor som flyr från krig och katastrofer, samt de värdsamhällen som bistår dem.
I dagsläget är IRC huvudsakligen självimplementerande och utför sitt arbete med hjälp av sina 17 000 medarbetare världen över. IRC har däremot ett mål om att utöka sitt samarbete med lokala partners (myndigheter, organisationer, organiserade samhällsgrupper) för att på sikt kanalisera 25 % av finansiella medel genom tredje part, och kommer under 2024 och 2025 att försätta arbeta för att detta ska bli verklighet.
År 2024 får IRC humanitärt programbaserat stöd i 17 länder, samt medel till IRCs snabbfinansieringsmekanism ”Rapid Response Mechanism” vars funktion är att snabbt kunna kanalisera medel till hastigt uppkomna eller kraftigt förvärrade kriser. Utöver de pågående metod och kapacitet projekt börjar IRC två nya 2-åriga projekt i år, med fokus på skydd för den ena, och lokalisering för den andra. International Rescue Committee, IRC, is a non-profit international organisation, working with humanitarian and development work in more than 40 countries world-wide. As per IRC’s mission statement, their goal is “to help people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster, including by the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future” in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Their focus is on activities with the sectors of health, safety/protection, education, livelihoods and ensuring people have the power to influence decisions that affect their lives. Their main target group is people who flee from war, conflict and disaster, and the host communities that support them.
Currently, IRC is mainly a self-implementing organisation who conduct the bulk of their work through their 17 000 global staff members. However, IRC is striving to increase their cooperation with local partners (authorities, organisation, community groups) to reach a goal of sub-granting 25 % of their means through third party, and will continue to work towards achieving this target during 2024 and 2025.
In 2024, the IRC will receive humanitarian programme-based support in 17 countries, as well as funding for the IRC's Rapid Response Mechanism, whose function is to rapidly channel funds to emerging or worsening crises. In addition to the ongoing methodology and capacity projects, the IRC is starting two new 2-year projects this year, focusing on protection for one, and localisation for the other. IRC respond to the worlds worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic well being and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Their mission is to help people whose lives and livelihoods have been shattered by conflict and disaster, including the climate crisis, to survive, recover and gain control of their future.
IRC consider their interventions successful when their clients see improvement in their safety from physical, sexual and psychological harm; in their health status, including physical and mental well-being; in education, including literacy and numeracy, social-emotional, and life skills (including safe schools); in economic well-being, including ability to provide basic material needs and income asset growth; and in power to have influence over the decisions that affect their lives. IRC strive to reach these goals while continuously trying to tackle gender inequalities in and through all of their work.
As Sida supports IRC in a variety of countries, not one specific objective can be identified for the whole contribution, but for the sake of exemplifying, a number of country specific goals are outlined below:
Ukraine: People are safe in their homes and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks.
Myanmar: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of
gender-based violence, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, adolescents and adults are physically and mentally healthy, people access water, sanitation and hygiene services and live in an enhanced environment, people meet their basic needs and protect livelihoods during emergencies, people lead their recovery and development.
Central African Republic: People are safe in their communities and receive support when they experience harm, children survive and are healthy, women and girls achieve their sexual and reproductive health and rights, women and girls are protected from and treated for the consequences of gender-based violence, people develop their livelihoods and recover from shocks, people lead their own recovery and development.
Across the country programmes relevant for Sida funding in 2024, IRC will engage i formal and informal partnerships with local and national actors. The cash modality will be explored in all contexts. | Significant |
We are Able! Uganda The activities in Uganda are part of We are Able Programme. In the countries that are targeted by 'We are Able!' (DR Congo, Burundi, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda) food security is low. People with disabilities (PWDs) are even more likely to live in food insecure households. We are able! wants to see PWDs improving their right to food and food security by creating an enabling environment for right-to-food action at grassroots level. While PWDs are the core target group of the We are able! program, we create benefits for other excluded groups like vulnerable women, youth in general, marginalised ethnic groups and internally displaced persons (IDPs), as applicable per context. By 2025, through engagement with public authorities (formal and informal powerholders), men, women and youth with disabilities and other excluded groups, through resilient and capable local CSOs/DPOs in six fragile and conflict-affected countries, are successfully influencing laws, policies, practices and norms for improved food security for all. The We are able! program targets people (including women, men, and youth) with a disability, while, as spin-off, the program will also create opportunities for other excluded groups,3 such as vulnerable women, persons affected by leprosy, youth in general, excluded ethnic groups, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees, as much as possible or necessary in the specific context. Intersectional traits often make people particularly vulnerable. Refugees with disabilities or disabled women and men of particular ethnic backgrounds often face the most severe forms of food insecurity. We are able! identifies and targets groups and individuals with particular vulnerabilities while creating synergies that allow others to benefit as well. | Significant |
Obligation to Protect and Empower Girls in Sudan (OPEG) 2022-2024 Obligation to Protect and Empower Girls in Sudan (OPEG) 2022-2024 - Obligation to protect and Empower Girls in Sudan (OPEG) 2022.2024 Programmet implementeras under 2022-2024 i totalt 66 byar i Kassala, North Darfur och White Nile. Målet med OPEG-programmet är att minska nivån av kvinnlig könsstympning (FGM/c) och barn- och tvångsäktenskap (CEFM) men också att öka acceptansen och förståelsen i byarna kring jämställdhet och barns rättigheter. Detta sker genom att öka medvetenheten kring FGM/c och CEFM, gemensam identifiering av problem och lösningar i byarna, läs-och skrivkurser för kvinnor och ungdomar, stärka kvinnors ekonomiska egenmakt genom att öka förutsättningarna för mikrolån och inkomstgenererande aktiviteter (IGA). Fokus läggs också på riktade insatser mot förändringsaktörer med inflytande i samhället såsom religiösa ledare och lärare, ungdomsklubbar för pojkar och flickor, påverkansarbete samt stärkande av de system som skyddar barn och unga kvinnor. En väsentlig del av programmet är att stärka civilsamhället för att påverka och driva förändring både på lokal och statlig nivå. The program is implemented in a total of 66 villages in Kassala, North Darfur and White Nile. The objective of the OPEG program is to reduce the level of female genital mutilation (FGM/c) and child and forced marriage (CEFM) as well as increase acceptance and understanding in the communities regarding gender equality and children's rights. This is done by raising awareness around FGM/c and CEFM, community appraisal and planning, literacy classes for women and young people and strengthening women's financial empowerment by increasing the conditions for micro-loans and income-generating activities (IGA). The focus is also on targeted contributions against influential change actors such as religious leaders and teachers, youth clubs for boys and girls, advocacy and strengthening the systems that protect children and young women. An essential part of the program is strengthening civil society to influence and drive change at the local and state levels. Overall goal/impact:
Vulnerable children and youth in particular girls and young women live in communities free from all forms of violence, traditional harmful practices and gender discrimination, and are able to take decisions on their own lives.
Project purpose:
Communities, civil society and government structures adopt positive social norms and laws to protect children's rights with a particular focus on tackling FGM and child marriage in Kassala, White Nile, and North Darfur.
The project has the following outcomes:
Outcome 1: Communities are empowered to bring about positive change in attitudes and behaviours on gender equality. (Outcome 1 focuses on building community capacities to combat FGM/C and CEFM as well as building girls and young womens agency including effective engagement of boys and men to bring about equality and end FGM/C and CEFM.)
Outcome 2: Civil society has strengthened capacity to promote gender equality, social accountability and advocacy on gender equality to combat CEFM and FGM. (Outcome 2 aims at strengthening capacities (institutional & technical ) of Civil Society Organisations and supporting alliance building for sustained advocacy at all levels to promote gender equality and end FGM/C and CEFM
Outcome 3: Strengthened government systems and capacities to promote gender equality, prevention and protection from child marriage and FGM (CMPIS system and strengthened child protection) There has not been any implementation or capacity building for the government since after the military coup, October, 2021.
Outcome 4: Strategic interventions to social norms transformation are identified/ implemented | Significant |
BRIDGES - Building Reconciliation and Peace through Inclusive Dialogue, Gender Equality, Sport and Protection of Cultural Heritage <p class="ql-align-justify">The <strong>overall objective:</strong> to empower, strengthen and mobilize Somali CSO actors to lead peace and reconciliation processes, foster freedom of expression, and promote a human rights culture. </p><p class="ql-align-justify"><strong>The specific objectives:</strong></p><p class="ql-align-justify"><strong>SO 1:</strong> strengthen the role of CSO, especially women and youth, as lead actors in the promotion of peace and reconciliation processes, and in the dissemination of a culture of human rights, inclusion, and freedom of expression;</p><p class="ql-align-justify"><strong>SO 2:</strong> promote community-driven and owned initiatives to support reconciliation efforts and social cohesion through sport and arts, and create an enabling environment for the development of safe spaces for democratic debate and free artistic expression.</p><p><br></p> | Significant |
Skills for Employment Skills development in line with the needs of the labour market and a competitive private sector are fundamental enablers of decent work, productivity and inclusive and sustainable growth. However, in Mozambique, the low level of technical and vocational education (both in terms of quality and availability), the mismatch between skills and the needs of the labour market, as well as a lack of formal employment opportunities are major obstacles for youth employment. Obtaining employment is even more difficult for women, who so far have profited less from the creation of formal jobs and the structural transformation of the labour market, especially in male-dominated sectors. Additionally, for an economic transformation of the country towards a future-oriented, sustainable economy, it is necessary to identify the untapped potentials to create decent and green employment and income opportunities by greening traditional sectors and investing into nascent green sectors.This Action will thus support Mozambican youth to reach their full potential to lead the socio-economic transformation of the country. The specific objective of this Action is to enhance opportunities for Mozambican youth, with a special focus on women and people with disability, to obtain decent employment in selected economic sectors that support the green transformation. These sectors include green sectors (e.g. renewable energies, sustainable agriculture, sustainable blue economy) and sectors important to harness the economic potential of the country with potential for greening (e.g. waste and water management, construction, transport and logistics). Both dependant employment (e.g. as an employee in a private sector company) and independent employment (self-employment) will be targeted through this action. Implementation will mainly concentrate in the North (Nampula, Cabo Delgado) and in Provinces concerned by strategic corridors (namely the Provinces through which the Maputo, Beira and Nacala corridors cross ¿ Maputo, Sofala and Nampula). | Significant |
The RTrT Partnership: Reducing Traffic-related TraumA - A community-based prevention and first-response programme intervention for Malawi and beyond. Injuries resulting from road traffic collisions are a major and growing cause of preventable death in sub-Saharan Africa. Road traffic collisions in low and middle income African countries account for approximately 169,000 deaths and about 6 million healthy years of life lost due to disabilities people are left with. Road traffic collisions also impact on people's ability to work and on community wellbeing. As working aged men are three times more likely than women to be involved in a road traffic collision low and middle income countries lose up to 3% of their earning potential. As a result improving outcomes from road traffic collisions will contribute to the delivery of four of the United National Sustainable Development Goals: no poverty; health and well-being; sustaining cities and communities and partnership working. Malawi has one of the highest rates of road traffic related death, lowest rates of vehicle ownership, and lowest income levels per person in the world. Consequently the Malawian Government have identified road traffic related trauma as a major barrier to improving the health and finances of the nation. However it faces considerable challenges in making improvements. Malawi has no formal prehospital care system, no universal emergency telephone number, and almost no ambulance service. Care of injured people is haphazard and often provided by passers-by who have very little or no training in basic first aid. As a result people who have survivable injuries often die. This has led to doctors from the largest Malawian hospitals recently publishing a Call to Action that highlighted the need to improve trauma care. All of trauma care would benefit from further research and development. However the Call to Action says that research to improve pre-hospital trauma care should be a specific priority. So pre-hospital trauma care is the Partnership's specific focus. This proposal was developed following a 9 day study visit to Malawi by Dr's Duncan and Uny in September 2017, at the invitation of Dr's Chokotho and Mulwafu. During this visit local challenges of road traffic related trauma were discussed with a wide range of different organisations, academics and community members. There was a broad consensus that the first step should be the development of community based programme intervention that is made up of different, but linked, interventions to prevent and respond to collisions. Tackling prevention and response together is likely to lead to bigger improvements in communities than dealing with either separately. Our Road Traffic Related Trauma (RTrT) Partnership brings together experts in applied health science, public health, global health, arts and humanities, pre-hospital and emergency healthcare delivery, community engagement, and local community members. We will use a variety of methods from the different disciplines we represent. These are likely to include creative ways of gathering, sharing and discussing different people's views and ideas on the challenge of road collision, including the use of visual methods and theatre to engage and communicate within the research team, wider stakeholders and the public. Working in Malawi and at a distance between meetings we will develop an intervention to improve community prevention and first-response within local communities highly affected by road traffic collisions. Towards the end of the project we will will look at ways our work can be transferred to other sub-Saharan countries. We will then apply for funding to implement and test our interventions. We will share our work locally, nationally and internationally. We will ensure that our findings are shared with with academics, Government policy makers, organisations involved in road traffic and trauma care, and local community members. Where appropriate these outputs will be developed with local residents and translated into key local languages. The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world. | Principal |
Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture to respond to climate adaptation and mitigation needs of vulnerable women and youth farmers' groups Contract related to: Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture to respond to climate adaptation and mitigation needs of vulnerable women and youth farmers' groups - The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia. Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach; enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT. | Significant |
Green Recovery and Empowerment with Energy in Nepal (GREEN) Contract related to: Green Recovery and Empowerment with Energy in Nepal (GREEN) - The action aims at increasing sustainable consumption and production of energy and materials in the public and private sectors. The action is expected to reduce the carbon footprint of energy in the public and private sectors by promoting both the sustainable and inclusive use of renewable energy and the adoption of energy efficiency practices. | Significant |
Collective inclusive action by CSOs in the state of Odisha to raise the voice of intersectional vulnerable communities Contract related to: Collective inclusive action by CSOs in the state of Odisha to raise the voice of intersectional vulnerable communities - The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia. Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach; enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT. | Significant |
Activity under preparation Advancing Governance and Accountability <p>Strengthen accountability and human rights through the improvement of citizen engagement, access to quality information and enhanced institutional capacities to meet the demands of all citizens, including vulnerable groups, women, youth, people with disabilities and refugees.</p><p class="ql-align-justify"><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">1.Cooperation between state and non-state actors to advance inclusive and effective governance, accountability and human rights is enhanced.</span></p><p class="ql-align-justify"><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">2.The capacities of accountability and governance institutions to engage with citizens are strengthened, including through the use of digital tools.</span></p><p class="ql-align-justify"><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">3.Citizens are more aware of their rights and responsibilities, and better equipped to engage in accountability and governance processes, including through the use of digital tools.</span></p> | Significant |
Expenditure Verification of contract CSO-LA/2017/394-823: Plan International DE - Civil Society as active drivers of change for inclusive quality education in Kassala Stage - Folowing AAP 2022 Contract related to: Expenditure Verification of contract CSO-LA/2017/394-823: Plan International DE - Civil Society as active drivers of change for inclusive quality education in Kassala Stage - Folowing AAP 2022 - The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia. Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach; enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT. | Significant |
Development of Advocacy and Participation Skills of Disabled University Students <p>The overall objective is to support the development of a vibrant civil society through more active democratic participation in policy and decision making processes of people with disabilities.</p> | Principal |
Reporting Diversity Network 2.0 The project will empower a regional network of CSOs to work together with the aim to influence the quality of media messages affecting perceptions of ethnicity, religion and gender as pressing thematic areas relevant for overall levels of understanding and tolerance in the Western Balkans. The Reporting Diversity Network (RDN) will provide tools, resources and much needed evidence for the entire civil society to promote more inclusive media, and effective policy-making advancing tolerance. | Significant |
Straightening of an inclusive and sustainable economy in Tiquipaya and Sacaba municipalities ECO.COM. Rafforzamento dell'economia comunitaria, solidale, inclusiva e sostenibile nei Comuni di Tiquipaya e Sacaba (Bolivia) This project proposal aims to contribute to improving the socio-economic development of the<br><br>Bolivian communities of Tiquipaya and Sacaba and the living conditions of their population through the strengthening a community economy as an opportunity for a sustainable, inclusive and solidarity local economic development in order to contribute to the implementation of the Agenda 2030 goals for sustainable development. La presente proposta progettuale intende contribuire a migliorare lo sviluppo socio-economico dei comuni boliviani di Tiquipaya e Sacaba e le condizioni di vita della loro popolazione attraverso il rafforzamento dell’economia comunitaria, come opportunità di sviluppo economico locale sostenibile, inclusivo e solidale, contribuendo alla localizzazione degli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile | Significant |
AT2030 Life-changing Access to Assistive Technologies Over 1bn people live with moderate to severe functioning difficulties. 80% live in developing countries and 90% do not have access to the assistive technology, or 'AT', that they need. AT includes for example, wheelchairs, hearing-aids, digital devices, spectacles and prosthetics and orthotics. Increasing access to AT for older people and more broadly, people with impairments reduces poverty through improving access to education, employment, vocational training, healthcare, etc. As a result, participation in society and the community also increases. AT2030 will test and deliver proven methods of 'what works' to improve access to affordable AT, to the point they have started to reach scale or disrupt markets. It focusses on innovative products, new service delivery models and local capacity and will test novel approaches in four clusters - data and evidence, innovation, country implementation, and capacity and participation. The programme works in excess of 30 countries. | Principal |
Bolivia construye m¿s verde Contract related to: Bolivia construye m¿s verde - The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia. Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach; enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT. | Significant |
UNDP Basket Fund ''Fostering Peaceful, Credible and Inclusive Elections in Sierra Leone 2022-2023'' <p>The UNDP basket fund has been put together to support the elections 2023. In particular the project will enhance the capacity of the institutions responsible for the organization of electios in Sierra Leone, such as the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECLS), the Political Party Registration Commission (PPRC), the Judiciary and the Security Sector, to enhance crediblity and trust in the electoral process. It also aims to enhance transparency and inclusion by promoting citizen engagement, information sharing and information integrity by working with a range of stakeholders, including the Independent Commissions and CSOs.</p> | Significant |
Healthcare System Support of Duhok Governatorate Autonomous Region of Kurdistan Sostegno al sistema sanitario del Governatorato di Duhok Regione Autonoma del Kurdistan, nelle sue capacità formative. The present initiative aims to support the health sector of Governatorate of Duhok, in order to improving the population health in the Autonomous Region of Iraqi Kurdistan , through enhanced responsiveness capacity of Duhok healthcare system to the chronic emergency situation involving refugee, IDP'S as well as host communities. L'iniziativa mira a potenziare la capacità di risposta del sistema sanitario del Governatorato di Duhok, in relazione all'incremento di domanda che i servizi sanitari devono affrontare | Principal |
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) 2019-2024 Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) 2019-2024 - Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) 2018-2021 Omprogrammerade medel för att lindra konsekvenserna av covid-19
Globalt finns det ca 370 miljoner ursprungsfolk. I Asien lever 260 miljoner urbefolkningar. Två tusen olika civilisationer och språk finns i regionen, vilket gör Asien till den etniskt mest varierande kontinenten i världen. De är mestadels bosatta i avlägsna och oåtkomliga områden och är nära kopplade till mark, naturresurser och lokal försörjning. Ursprungsfolk har under århundraden diskriminerats, utnyttjats och förtryckts av de dominerande grupperna som kontrollerar staten. Diskriminering förekommer i olika former, såsom att undanhålla medborgarskap, förflyttning , utnyttjande av traditionell kunskap, undanhållande av tillgång till juridiskt skydd och rättshjälp, brist på tillgång till välfärd och stöd från civila samhället. Den snabba ekonomiska utvecklingen i Asien har ökat befolkningens levnadsstandard och lyft många ur fattigdom. Sådana framsteg har dock uppnåtts på ursprungsbefolkningens bekostnad eftersom de förblir den mest marginaliserade och utsatta gruppen i samhället och har högre fattigdom än det nationella genomsnittet.
Internationellt finns det rättsliga ramar eller instrument som erkänner ursprungsfolks rättigheter och behovet av att skydda deras rättigheter. FN: s deklaration om ursprungsfolks rättigheter (UNDRIP), antagen 2007, anges en universell ram för minimistandarder för ursprungsbefolkningars överlevnad, värdighet och välbefinnande, som utarbetar befintliga mänskliga rättighetsstandarder och grundläggande friheter som gäller urfolks specifika situation. ILO-konventionen 169 ”När det gäller ursprungsbefolkningar och stamfolk i oberoende länder” belyser ursprungsbefolkningarnas rätt till land, territorier, resurser, kollektiva rättigheter till självbestämmande och rätt till fri och informerat samtycke.
Icke desto mindre efterföljs inte de rättsliga ramverken då ursprungsbefolkningens rättigheter ofta ignoreras och kränks. I Asien varierar erkännandet av ursprungsbefolkningar och deras rättigheter på landnivå avsevärt beroende på beslutsfattarnas tolkning och bedömning, som ofta är politiskt driven och inte transparent. Under de senaste åren har det skett en tillbakagång vad gäller de mänskliga rättigheterna, vilket bl a omfattar överträdelser av rättsstatens principer, frekventa fall av straffrihet, minskande av demokratiska och medborgligarättigheter godtycklig arrestering av opposition och hot mot människorättsaktivister . Situationen verkar vara svårare för ursprungsbefolkningar med tanke på belag av land/mark fortsätter att öka och det gör även dödsfall bland MR aktivister. Urbefolkningar löper de största riskerna för att bli utsatta för våld och hot, särskilt de miljö och MR-aktivister.
Utöver ovanstående utmaningar hindrar de asiatiska viktiga strukturella utvecklingsfrågorna, svaga rättsstats system. otillräcklig social skyddssystem och bristande medvetenhet om ursprungsbefolkningar möjligheterna för ursprungsbefolkningar att konsolidera sin agenda för kollektiva åtgärder och transformativa förändringar. Det föreslagna ingripandet ”Främjande av ursprungsbefolkningarnas rättigheter i Asien för en framtid för fred, rättvisa och jämställdhet, inlämnat av organisationen Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) syftar till att öka erkännandet och skyddet av ursprungsbefolkningens rättigheter i Asien genom genomförandet av dess strategiska plan som har ett övergripande mål att stärka urbefolkningarnas solidaritet, samarbete och kapacitet i Asien för att främja och försvara deras rättigheter, kulturer och identiteter, och deras hållbara resurshanteringssystem och självbestämande. Det föreslagna stödet omfattar te år från januari 2019 till december 2021. Bidraget från Sverige kommer att täcka det underskottet AIPPs strategiska plan där kostnaderna för aktiviteter inte kan täckas av avtale med andra givare.
För att nå det övergripande målet för den strategiska planen planeras aktiviteterna i enlighet med de fem resultatområdena.
Resultatområde 1: Urfolk i Asien har befogenhet att främja, göra anspråk på och försvara lagligt erkännande av deras identiteter och kollektiva och individuella mänskliga rättigheter inklusive rätten till självbestämmande.
Resultatområde 2: Urfolks olika organisationer i Asien stärks genom att bygga bred solidaritet och samarbete mellan ursprungsbefolkningar såväl som med andra sociala rörelser för att uppnå jämlikhet, fred, demokrati och rättvisa;
Resultatområde 3: Skydd av natur resurser främjas och ursprungsbefolkningars hållbara natur resurshantering inklusive deras färdigheter och traditionella kunskaper för livsmedelssäkerhet, försörjning och skydd av biologisk mångfald förbättras genom att ha full kontroll över deras land/mark, territorier och deras resurser;
Resultatområde 4: Fullständigt och effektivt deltagande av kvinnor och ungdomar såväl som utsatta människor, som personer med funktionsnedsättning och äldre etc., och förmågan att främja och skydda deras rättigheter.
Resultatområde 5: AIPP: s styrning, sekretariat och medlemsorganisationer stärks.
Genomförandet av AIPP: s nuvarande strategiska plan integrerar metoderna kapacitetsuppbyggnad, främjande och lobbyverksamhet, stärkande av organisationer och forskning samt kommunikation i alla programaktiviteter. Verksamheten levereras av AIPP 6-programenheter vilka är Human Rights, Campaign and Policy Advocacy Program, Environment Program, Indigenous Women Program, regionalt kapacitetsuppbyggnadsprogram, kommunikationsutvecklingsprogram och organisationsstärkande och stöd till organisationer . Från utvärderingen av AIPP 2016 lyftes problemet med att det finn en klyfta mellan på lands- och subregional nivå i deras organisationsplanering. För att överbrygga klyftan har AIPP antagit en systematisk nedifrån och upp-process i sin verksamhet under den strategiska planen för att genomföra situation bedömningar, temakartläggning, prioritering och planering. Robust kommunikation och samråd med medlemsorganisationerna och nätverken är nyckeln för AIPP att framgångsrikt bedriva konsultationsmetoden nerifrån och upp Det förväntas att sådan praxis kommer att bidra till att upprätta en regelbunden granskningsmekanism och samordning mellan medlemsorganisationer som gör det möjligt för AIPP att övervinna befintliga hinder och svagheter när det gäller att stärka solidaritet och enhet, brist på gemensam agenda och strategisk samstämmighet i deras förespråkande verksamhet på landnivå. Detta kan också bidra till konsolidering och enande av de inhemska samhällena som för närvarande förblir fragmenterade och inte har kunnat bygga upp sina rörelser effektivt. Reprogrammed funds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19
The proposed intervention is 3 years-duration from January 2019 to December 2021. The contribution from Sweden will cover the proportional shortfall under this strategic plan where the cost of activities cannot be covered by the existing agreement with other donors since the supports are activities specific.To achieve the overarching objective of the strategic plan, the activities are planned and channel through five result areas as follow. Result Area 1: Indigenous peoples in Asia are empowered to promote, claim and defend legal recognition of their identities and collective and individual human rights including the right to self-determination. Result Area 2: Indigenous movements in Asia are strengthened by building broad solidarity and cooperation among indigenous peoples as well as with other social movements towards achieving equality, peace, democracy and justice;Result Area 3: The protection of the integrity of the natural environment is promoted and the sustainable resource management systems of indigenous peoples including their skills and traditional knowledge for food security, livelihood and protection of biodiversity is enhanced by having full control over their lands, territories and their resources;Result Area 4: Full and effective participation of indigenous women, and youth as well as vulnerable people, like indigenous persons with disabilities (IPwD) and elderly etc., and their capacities to promote and protect their rights;Result Area 5: AIPP’s governance, the secretariat and member organisations are strengthened.The implementation of AIPP current strategic plan has integrated the four-pronged approaches consisting of capacity building, advocacy and lobbying, organizational strengthening and research and communication into all its programme activities. The activities are delivered by AIPP 6 programme units which are Human Rights, Campaign and Policy Advocacy Programme, Environment Programme, Indigenous Women Programme, regional capacity building programme, communication development programme and organizational strengthening and movement building. Importantly, the implementation of this strategic plan also attempts to rectify the critical gap at country and sub-regional level in their organizational planning which is the key observation from AIPP evaluation in 2016. To bridge the gap, AIPP has adopted systematic bottom-up process in its operation under this strategic plan to conduct situation assessment, thematic mapping, prioritization and planning. Robust communication and consultation with the member organisations and networks are key for AIPP to successfully pursue the bottom-up consultative approach. It is anticipated that such practice will help establishing regular review mechanism and coordination among member organizations which will enable AIPP to overcome existing barriers and weaknesses regarding strengthening solidarity and unity, and lack of common agenda and coherence in strategy in their advocacy activities at the country-level. This can also contribute to the consolidation and unification of the indigenous communities which currently remain fragmented and have not been able to effectively build their movements. Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)'s Strategic Plan (SP) 2021-2024
Indigenous Peoples (IPs) dignified voices and choices in Asia are recognised, empowered and sustainably progressing with fully secured rights and dignity in an environment of justice, peace and equality.
To secure the rights of and enable the progressive growth of the Indigenous Peoples (IPs) of Asia through effective engagements, innovative partnerships, and inclusive actions to empower, uplift and secure the rights, dignity and adaptive capacities of communities.
Goal 1: Increase AIPP's impacts to strengthen governance and build co-responsibility among AIPP's Executive Committee, AIPP's member organisations and network for securing rights as well as indigenous knowledge for co-creation of indigenous knowledge and documentation around bio-cultural landscape
Goal 2: Expand AIPP's outreach to expand and build capacity of the network of AIPP as well as create new channels of partnerships
Goal 3: Enhance rights holder's and stake holder's effective engagement through supporting AIPPs member organizations and networks in localizing SDGs, rights-based conservation, FPIC, and related capacity building modules in their respective contexts, with particular attention to indigenous women, youth and IPwD
Goal 4: Strengthen AIPP's ability to adapt through institutional building, increase human resource capacity, research capacity and M&E capacity | Significant |
Sustainable support to persons displaced by conflict and natural disasters and their host communities in Afar Region of Ethiopia Contract related to: Sustainable support to persons displaced by conflict and natural disasters and their host communities in Afar Region of Ethiopia - Ethiopia is currently facing a complex crisis due to prolonged internal conflicts and drought, which have heavily impacted the economy and have caused high levels of food insecurity, gender-based violence, widespread displacement and limited access to basic services. The proposed action will enable conflict and climate-induced internally displaced people (IDPs) and host communities (HC) to move towards recovery and resilience through three main objectives:1) Living conditions of IDP¿s and host communities, especially those belonging to marginalised groups,are improved through access to WaSH services; 2) Livelihood opportunities coupled with targeted skills training and financial and economic support opportunities;3) Social cohesion and protection services are strengthened through an area-based community development approach substantiated by needs-based data collection and capacity building of relevant stakeholders;The Action will be implemented in three clusters in four regions of Ethiopia, notably Amhara, Afar, Tigray and Benishangul Gumuz, which are facing protracted displacement challenges. The Action duration is 36 months and it will focus on a new policy area for Ethiopia, which encompasses integration and better access to services for internally displaced people and their host communities, and builds on and expands other EU programmes with community based and protection approaches. Moreover, it uses the added value of the implementing partners (IPs) in relevant sectors, which is crucial in addressing the multidimensional problem of displacement. Marginalised groups, including female-headed households, the elderly, refugees and people with disabilities (PwD) will also benefit from this intervention.It is envisioned that the action is implemented both through direct and an indirect management modality, through the joint efforts of Member State Development agencies, UN agencies, and Red Cross Societies. The collaboration among these agencies will pool relevant technical expertise, ensure synergies, and streamline the integrated area based approach across geographic clusters.The action is complementary to other ongoing EU-funded projects in the area of migration, health, livelihood and peace-building, in particular projects initiated under IM1, IM2 and IM3. It will also seek synergies with activities implemented by ECHO and FPI in Ethiopia, as well as by other donors, ensuring that the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (HDP) approach is fully taken into account. | Significant |
I-COPE (Indonesia Covid-19 Pandemic Emergency Response) The project aims is to contribute in limiting the spread of COVID-19 and reduce its impact on vulnerable children and families in Indonesia by scaling up preventive measures to limit the spread of COVID-19, strengthening healthcare system and provide support for health workers, and supporting affected communities through livelihood recovery assistance and building community resilience. | Significant |
Regional partnerships for UN guiding principles for Business & Human Rights Asia Regionala partnerskap för företagande & Mänskliga Rättigheter ASIEN Omprogrammerade medel för att lindra konsekvenserna av covid-19
I Asien har pro-tillväxtpolitiken med stöd av utländska direktinvesteringar (FDI), expansion av industrisektorn och en växande konsumentefterfrågan lett till snabba och betydande vinster avseende arbetstillfällen, produktivitet och innovation. Asien har länge varit synonymt med en ökande ekonomisk framtid. ASEAN-regionen är världens sjätte största ekonomi - med en sammanlagd BNP på nästan 2,6 biljoner US-dollar - och världens fjärde största exportekonomi. Sydasiens ekonomiska mäts också i superlativ. Under 2017 levererade regionen mer än 60% av den globala ekonomiska tillväxten. Med dessa siffror i åtanke tror en del ekonomer att Asien kommer att bli världens största ekonomiska region 2030.
Den snabba ekonomiska utvecklingen har skett på bekostnad av brist på respekt för de mänskliga rättigheterna och kontinuerlig miljöförstöring med långsiktiga konsekvenser för allas välbefinnande. Situationen är ännu svårare för dem som lever i fattigdom och de utsatta grupperna som migrantarbetare, kvinnliga arbetstagare, barn, funktionshindrade och ursprungsfolk, som marginaliseras av ojämlik socioekonomisk status och med begränsad tillgång till social välfärd och skydd.
Den vägledande principen om företag och mänskliga rättigheter som godkändes av FN: s råd för mänskliga rättigheter 2011 är allmänt erkänd som den normativa ramen som styr ansträngningar för att minska eller eliminera den negativa inverkan som företagsverksamhet kan påverkar de mänskliga rättigheterna. Det föreslagna regionala programmet ”Business and Human Rights in Asia: Promoting Responsible Business Practices through Regional Partnerships (B + HR Asia)”, inlämnat av UNDP Regional Office Asia and Pacific, syftar till att främja genomförandet av FN: s vägledande principer i Asien genom regionala ansträngningar fokuserade på påverkansarbete, policyutveckling, tekniskt rådgivnings, kapacitetsuppbyggnad, medvetandegörande , innovationsplattformar, regionala peer learning-evenemang och syd-syd samarbete. Programmet pågår i fem år från augusti 2018 - augusti 2023 och täcker 7 fokusländer i Sydostasien och Sydasien. Länderna är Bangladesh, Indien (för vidare studier), Indonesien, Malaysia, Sri-Lanka, Thailand och Vietnam.
Programmet kommer att implementeras och hanteras som en del av UNDP Regional Program Asia and the Pacific av teamet UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub (BRH). Programmets långsiktiga resultat är att bidra till hållbara affärsmetoder som stärker mänskliga rättigheter, stärker kvinnors situation och respekterar miljö vilket underlättas på regional och nationell nivå genom genomförandet av FN: s vägledande principer för företag och mänskliga rättigheter. Under programmets genomförande kommer regionala plattformen att skapas för att uppmuntra till inbördes lärande och samarbete mellan länderna. Potentiella regionala aktörer har identifierats och kommer att erbjudas partnerskap i ansträngningar att skala upp effekterna till en regional nivå som en väg att nå hållbarhet.
Det förväntas att ovanstående resultat kommer från följande resultatområden i programmet. 1) Regionalt momentum för stärkt genomförandet av FN: s vägledande principer 2) Utveckling och genomförande av regionala och nationella lagstiftnings- och politiska ramverk, 3) Stärka den regionala partnerskapsarkitekturen, bestående av FN-systemet, nationella MR-institutioner, civil samhället och privata sektorn som arbetar med B&HR , 4) Ökad medvetenhet om alla regionala intressenter för FNs vägledande principer för hållbart företagande och mänskliga rättigheter (UNGP) och stärkt tillgången till effektiva åtgärder för kränkningar av de mänskliga rättigheterna i samband med affärsverksamhet, och 5) Stärkt politisk samstämmighet mellan regionala handelsavtal, internationella investeringsavtal och FN: s vägledande principer för hållbart företagande och mänskliga rättigheter för att förbättra regionens konkurrenskraftiga position för att locka investeringar och öka handelsflöden. Reprogrammed funds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19
In Asia, pro-growth policies backed by foreign direct investment (FDI), expansion of industrial sector and growing consumer demand, have led to rapid and significant gains in jobs, productivity and innovation. Asia has long been synonymous with rising economic future. The ASEAN sub-region is the world’s sixth largest economy—with a combined GDP of almost US$2.6 trillion—and the world’s fourth largest exporting economy. South Asia’s economic heft is also measured in superlatives. In 2017, the sub-region delivered more than 60% of global economic growth. With these figures in mind, some economist believe Asia will become the world’s largest economic region by 2030.
Fast-paced economic development has somehow come at the cost of human rights infringement and continuous environmental degradation with long-term consequences on the well-being of all. The situation is even direr for those living in poverty and the vulnerable groups like migrant labours, women workers, children, disabilities and indigenous people, who are marginalized by unequal socio-economic status and limited access to social welfare and protection.
The Guiding Principle Business and Human Rights endorsed by the UN Human Rights Council in 2011, is widely recognised as the normative framework guiding efforts to reduce or eliminate the adverse impact of business operations on human rights. The proposed regional programme “Business and Human Rights in Asia: Promoting Responsible Business Practices through Regional Partnerships (B+HR Asia)”, submitted by UNDP Regional Office Asia and Pacific, aims to promote the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles in Asia through regional efforts focused on advocacy, policy development, technical advisory support, capacity building, awareness raising, innovation platforms, regional peer learning events, and South-South cooperation. The programme is 5 year-duration from August 2018 – August 2023 covering 7 target countries in Southeast Asia and South Asia. The target countries are Bangladesh, India (for further study), Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri-Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.
The programme will be implemented and managed as part of UNDP Regional Programme Asia and the Pacific by the team UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub (BRH). The programme’s long-term outcome is to contribute to sustainable business practices which strengthen human rights, empower women, and respect the environment are facilitated at the regional and national levels through the implementation of UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Throughout the programme duration, regional platform will be created to encourage peer learning and collaboration amongst the countries. Potential regional actors have been identified and will be pursued for partnerships in efforts to scale up the impacts to regional level as a pathway to sustainability.
It is anticipated that the above outcome would be derived from the following result areas of the programme. 1) Regional momentum strengthened toward implementation of the UN Guiding Principles 2) Development and implementation of regional and national legislative and policy frameworks, 3) Strengthen regional partnership architecture, made up of UN system, NHRI, CSO, and private sector actors working on B&HR, 4) Increased awareness of all regional stakeholders of the UNGPs and strengthened access to effective remedy for violations of human rights in the context of business operations, and 5) Strengthened policy coherence between regional Trade Agreements, International Investor Agreements, and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to enhance the region’s competitive positioning in attracting investment and increasing trade flows. The overall objective of the regional project Business and Human Rights in Asia is to promote the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles in Asia through regional efforts focused on advocacy, policy development, technical advisory support, capacity building, awareness raising, innovation platforms, regional peer learning events, and South-South cooperation. The outcome that the project seeks to achieve is sustainable business practices which strengthen human rights, empower women, and respect the environment are facilitated at the regional and national levels through the implementation of UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Long-term outcome that the project seeks to contribute to is sustainable business practices which strengthen human rights, empower women, and respect the environment are facilitated at the regional and national levels through the implementation of UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. It is anticipated that the above outcome would be derived from the following result areas of the programme. 1) Regional momentum strengthened toward implementation of the UN Guiding Principles 2) Development and implementation of regional and national legislative and policy frameworks, 3) Strengthen regional partnership architecture, made up of UN system, NHRI, CSO, and private sector actors working on B&HR, 4) Increased awareness of all regional stakeholders of the UNGPs and strengthened access to effective remedy for violations of human rights in the context of business operations, and 5) Strengthened policy coherence between regional trade agreements, international investor agreements, and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to enhance the regions competitive positioning in attracting investment and increasing trade flows.
In order to achieve the expected results, the support will be channeled through 5 outputs as follow;
Output 1: Regional peer learning and training events that build regional momentum and inform progress on implementation of the UN Guiding Principles;
Output 2: Regional strategies in support of the advancement of National Action Plans, or similar policy frameworks, in furtherance of implementation of the UN Guiding Principles;
Output 3: Partnership architecture bringing greater coherence to policy and advocacy efforts among actors working on a regional level on business and human rights;
Output 4: Strengthened CSOs and NHRIs that provide access to effective remedy for violations of human rights in the context of business operations and;
Output 5: Greater policy coherence and public discourse on trade and international investor agreements, and their relationship to the business and human rights agenda.
Under each output, the programme identifies a comprehensive set of activities with brief description of inputs required for the designed interventions which corresponds the expected results. A results framework has been developed with measurable indicators assigned to each result areas for monitoring progress and evaluation of outcome of the project.
The project activities align with human rights priorities and challenges in the development context of, recognize regional social-political sensitivities, and leverage incentives for governments and businesses to engage in the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles. Furthermore, a regional approach will be taken, in recognition of how many B&HR challenges are transboundary in nature, but also to capitalize on the efforts of regional institutions most notably ASEAN to integrate regional economies. A regional approach will also ensure that emerging B&HR norms will be more deeply embedded into the fabric of business and political discourse in Asia. | Significant |
Cities 4 Women: Inclusive and Climate Resilient Urbanization in Nepal Contract related to: Cities 4 Women: Inclusive and Climate Resilient Urbanization in Nepal - Despite the great progress that Nepal has achieved in most development indicators at national level, the rate of development is geographically unequal. The new federal structure promulgated in the 2015 Constitution presented an opportunity to tackle the disparities and create an enabling environment for economic growth. Karnali and Sudurpaschim are two of the provinces with lower Human Development Index. Nepal is the least urbanised country in Asia, with about 75% of the population living in rural areas, and 65% working on climate dependent agriculture. Climate parameters are changing, as average temperatures rise and droughts become more frequent. Precipitation is becoming erratic, with increasing floods and landslides, and impacting agricultural production, which has low levels of irrigation. Access to water and land is unequal, exacerbating exclusion of women, lower castes and indigenous peoples and creating potential for localised tensions. Existing legal frameworks for managing natural key resources, such as forests and land, have not fully transitioned to the new federal structure leaving entire ecosystems more vulnerable to degradation and to climate change. In addition, existing mechanisms for forest management such as community forests have prioritised certain species over others, reducing the natural biodiversity and resilience of the forests. For urban municipalities, demographic pressure and management of hazards, especially those linked to climate change, remains an important issue. Growth due to rural to urban migration, and lack of urban planning, increase the exposure of the most vulnerable people to hazards. The principal assets of Rural Municipalities are their natural resources: water, land and forests, which they have a mandate to control through local ¿Acts on Environment and Natural Resource Management¿, some of which are being currently drafted. These plans cover land, water, air, minerals, forests, fisheries, and wild flora and fauna, including ecosystem services. Local governments lack the human resources to plan and implement these acts. This action intends to support the capacity of local governments and communities to manage their natural resources in regards to adaptation to climate change. The action aims to ensure that Sudurpaschim and Karnali provinces improve the sustainability and conservation of their natural resources with regards to climate change in a participatory and inclusive manner. It takes advantage on the transformative window of opportunity of the implementation of the new federal system, where local governments have increased funding and responsibilities, but need support to maximise impact, while ensuring sustainability, community engagement and inclusion. Based on the increasing challenges of climate change, this last phase will build on the proven methodology and expand the scope into other sectors such as forestry and disaster risk reduction, under the umbrella of adaptation to climate change. The action will support local governments on a demand basis, with a combination of technical assistance and small grants for infrastructure, including natural infrastructure. To access the support, local governments will have to contribute financially, as well as adhere to principles of transparency, accountability and sustainability, and inclusion and consent of local communities. The action will target mostly rural municipalities for natural resources and disaster risk reduction, and some urban municipalities for disaster risk reduction (a limited number of urban municipalities these could be outside of the two target provinces depending on selection criteria). | Significant |
Enhanced Access to Rights, Essential Services, and Livelihoods for Vulnerable Afghans and Host Communities in Iran in the context of COVID-19 recovery This Action will contribute towards the following overall objective: to enhance resilience and self-reliance of vulnerable Afghans and their host communities in Iran, in a way that they may live together peacefully, have access to social services and develop economic ties to build sustainable livelihoods, and thus foster social cohesion and stability. In direct succession to the activities of the ongoing grant of which NRC is the lead agency. | Significant |
Indigenous Navigator - towards full and effective recognition and realisation of Indigenous Peoples' rights <p>The Indigenous Navigator contributes to the full and effective recognition and realisation of Indigenous Peoples¿ rights The IN vision is to provide accessible data, by and with Indigenous Peoples, that will support self-determined development and grounded advocacy towards the full and effective recognition and realisation of Indigenous Peoples' rights. </p> | Significant |
Support Services for Frontline Workers and Vulnerable People <p>Overall objective of this Action is to contribute to the right of children, women and other vulnerable people in Papua New Guinea to be free from of all forms of violence and also to support the work of frontline workers.Specific objective of this Action is the institutional capacity of health and community justice systems to respond to rights violations is strengthened in Wabag District.</p> | Significant |
Productive Social Safety Net (PSSN) Productive Social Safety Net (PSSN) - FM expert PSSN II The contribution is an additional support to the implementation of Tanzania’s Productive Social Safety Net (PSSN) program which aim at the poorest segment of the population. The additional financing is motivated by good results achieved so far, by a collaboration that works well, by an existing financing gap and by desirability to increase the incentive for Tanzania to contribute to the programme to a larger extent. The assessment that was made to underpin the decision on support in March 2016 is still largely valid. The program is nationwide and targets approximately one million households identified as extremely poor. Every two month households receive a fixed cash transfer that is adjusted to the household size. In addition to the fixed contribution, households can also receive an additional transfer that is conditional on children attending school and small children brought on regular visits to primary health care centres. PSSN also includes a public works component. During the agricultural lean season, when it is difficult to find temporary jobs, labour-intensive projects that in various ways contribute to the local communities’ development are implemented (e.g. construction of class rooms and dams for irrigation). Only people belonging to the poorest households, i.e. those who are also eligible for the direct cash transfers, are eligible to participate in the public works projects.By design PSSN empowers women. The payment of both cash contributions and compensation for participation in public works are made to an adult woman in the household. Only in households where there is no adult woman the payment can be made to a man. In addition to the direct cash transfers and public works components, PSSN includes a livelihood component to help households develop productive activities in order to eventually be able to graduate from poverty.The Tanzanian government represented by the Ministry of Finance and Planning is Sweden’s agreement partner. Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF), under the President's Office, is the implementing authority. Sweden's contribution will be deposited in a program account at the Bank of Tanzania as will the contributions from the World Bank and DFID. Tanzania, represented by the Ministry of Finance and Planning, is formally responsible for ensuring that the Swedish contribution is used for intended purposes. TASAF uses the money in the program account to implement PSSN in accordance with agreed annual work-plans and budgets. PSSN’s National Steering Committee, with representatives from both the public and private sector, is responsible for the strategic management of the program and decides on annual plans and budgets. TASAF and its director is responsible to the NSC, and have overall responsibility for program implementation and monitoring. TASAF implements the program in villages and urban wards through regional and local level government authorities. TASAF is part of the Tanzanian Government and is organisationally located under the President’s Office.Sweden's share of the total budget represents 21 percent during the financial years 2017/2018-2019/2020. The World Bank, DFID and Sweden all contribute significant amounts to the programme. There are some uncertainty regarding the financing during period for the additional Swedish financing. The World Bank is expected to decide on yet another additional financing and Sweden will then most likely be the second largest donor after World Bank during the period. This will increase Sweden’s weight in the dialogue and the possibility to influence. Other donors development partners contributing to PSSN include UN, USAID, Irish Aid and Bill and Melinda Gates Fundation. The donors, together with Tanzania, have established a coordination structure through which dialogue and monitoring are carried out. Twice a year, joint monitoring and planning missions are carried out, including field visits. Insatsen avser ett utökat stöd till implementering av Tanzanias Productive Social Safety Nets (PSSN) som är ett socialt skyddsnätsprogram för de fattigaste. Den utökade finansieringen och dess utformning motiveras av de goda resultaten, av att samarbetet fungerar väl, av ett existerande finansieringsgap och av önskvärdheten att öka incitamentet för Tanzania att i större utsträckning bidra till kostnadstäckningen. Bedömningen som gjordes inför beslut mars 2016 gäller i stora stycken fortfarande.
Programmet är rikstäckande och riktas mot drygt en miljon hushåll som har identifierats som extremt fattiga. Varannan månad erhåller hushållen ett fast kontantbidrag som är anpassat efter hushållens storlek. Utöver det fasta bidraget kan hushållen erhålla ytterligare kontantstöd som är villkorat mot att barnen går i skola och mot att små barn gör regelbundna besök hos primärhälsovården. PSSN innehåller också en komponent med subventionerade offentliga jobb. Under jordbrukets lågsäsong, då det är svårt att finna tillfälliga jobb, genomförs arbetsintensiva projekt som på olika sätt bidrar till lokalsamhällets utveckling (t.ex. byggande av klassrum och anläggande av bevattningsdammar). Endast personer som hör till de fattigaste hushållen, d.v.s. samma hushåll som även erhåller de nämnda direkta kontantbidragen, är behöriga att söka anställning i dessa projekt.
Insatsen stärker kvinnors roll genom att betalningen av både kontantbidragen och ersättningen från deltagandet i offentliga arbeten görs till en vuxen kvinna i hushållet. Endast i hushåll där det inte finns någon vuxen kvinna betalas pengarna ut till en man. Utöver direkta kontantbidrag och offentliga arbeten innehåller PSSN även en komponent för att hjälpa hushållen att utveckla produktiv verksamhet för att därmed så småningom inte längre vara i behov av kontantbidrag.
Insatsen består av tre delar. Först ett femårigt finansiellt bidrag för genomförandet av PSSN med tillhörande dialog i enlighet med ursprungligt avtal. Den andra delen består av tilläggsfinansieringen som i alla avseende är utformad som den ursprungliga finansieringen med det tillägget att tilläggsfinansieringen knyts till Tanzanias bidrag till programmet från den nationella budgeten. Tilläggsfinansieringen kan maximalt uppgå till samma belopp per budgetår som den ursprungliga finansieringen och innebär därmed en potentiell fördubbling av det årliga svenska bidraget. Ett viktigt mål med insatsen är att PSSN skall bli långsiktigt hållbart och leva kvar som en integrerad del av Tanzanias system av sociala skyddsnät även efter det att givarfinansiering upphör. Därför utgör PSSNs institutionella hållbarhet ett viktigt ämne för dialogen. Tanzania genomför under 2017 i samarbete med Världsbanken en fiskal diagnostisk studie av socialskyddssektorns struktur och finansiella hållbarhet. Tanzanias ägarskap kommer att kontinuerligt följas upp. I den ursprungliga insatsen planerades en särskild havtidsöversyn att genomföras under 2018 av resultat och den finansiella hållbarheten. Utfallet av denna översyn skulle komma att informera beslut om utbetalning under andra halvan av avtalsperioden. Den nämnda pågående diagnostiska studien tillsammans med den villkorade utformingen av tilläggsfinansieringen ersätter dessa särskilda villkor i det ursprungliga avtalet.
Insatsens tredje del, som också utgör en del av den ursprungliga insatsen, består av en mindre komponent med komplementerande analytiskt arbete och koordinering. Bl.a. avser de större givarna upprätta ett sekretariat som kan stödja givarna i deras inbördes koordinering och i deras interaktion med Tanzania. Sverige har använt en del av dessa resurser för att kontraktera en expert i finansiell styrning för att ge särskilt stöd till givarna vad gäller översyn och uppföljning av programmets genomförande och finansiella styrning.
Den tanzaniska staten representerad av Finansministeriet utgör avtalspart. Tanzanias Social Action Fund (TASAF), vilken ligger under President’s Office, är genomförande myndighet. Sveriges bidrag kommer att sättas in på ett programkonto på Bank of Tanzania. Tanzania, representerat av Finansministeriet, är formellt ansvarigt för att Sveriges bidrag används för avsedda ändamål. TASAF använder pengarna på programkontot för att genomföra PSSN i enlighet med beslutade årsplaner och budgetar. PSSNs National Steering Committee, med representanter såväl från offentlig som privat sektor, är ansvarig för den strategiska styrningen av programmet och fattar beslut om årsplaner och budgetar. TASAF och dess direktör svarar inför National Steering Committee och har ett övergripande ansvar för programmets genomförande och uppföljning. TASAF arbetar genom myndigheter på regional och lokal nivå för att nå ut med programmet till byar och stadsdelar. TASAF utgör en del av den tanzaniska staten och sorterar organisatoriskt under President's Office.
Sveriges samlade andel av den totala beräknade kostnaden för programmet utgör 21 procent under budgetåren 2017/2018-2019/2020, dvs den period som tillägget avser. Världsbanken, DFID och Sverige bidrar alla med omfattande belopp. Det råder osäkerhet kring finansieringen under perioden för den svenska tilläggsfinansieringen. Världsbanken förväntas ta beslut om ytterligare finansiering och kommer därmed att vara den största finansiären av PSSN under perioden. Sverige kommer sannolikt vara den näst största finansiären. Detta kommer att öka Sveriges möjlighet att påverka. Övriga givare är FN, USAID, Irish Aid och Bill & Melinda Gates Fundation. Givarna har tillsammans med Tanzania etablerat en koorderingsstruktur genom vilken dialog och uppföljning genomförs. Två gånger per år genomförs gemensamma uppföljnings- och planerings-missioner inklusive fältbesök. The overall objective of the program has changed in formulation between phase one and two. Phase one: To reduce poverty and vulnerability for girls, boys, women and men of poor households. In phase two it now reads: To improve access to income-earning opportunities and socio-economic
services for targeted poor households while enhancing and protecting the human capital of their children.
The program consists of cash transfers to families in extreme poverty, public works and livelihoods activities. Public works and livelihood is planned to be scaled up in phase two which is one of the larger differences from phase one, but which does not divert from the original plan. The program is also planned to be scaled up in total from 1.1 million households to 1.3 million households, covering the whole of Tanzania. | Significant |
LoCAL Climate Resilience Financing Mechanism in the Solomon Islands Contract related to: LoCAL Climate Resilience Financing Mechanism in the Solomon Islands - As a Small Islands Developing State (SIDS), the Solomon Islands are highly vulnerable to climate change. Changing weather patterns affect communities in different ways, including loss of agricultural production and food security, water stress and insecurity, rising sea levels and exposure to climate disasters, changes to ecosystems and loss of biodiversity, and human health. The problem is compounded by the fact that the Provincial Governments (PGs) that have direct responsibility for addressing many of the climate change issues are unable to access the necessary funding. PGs have a mandate for coastal defences and water management, but financing for climate change adaptation is often undertaken through limited parallel, or off-budget, financing systems. This precludes Local Governments (LGs) from accessing resources to improve climate resilience in their communities. The proposed Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility (LoCAL) mechanism is designed to address this problem by providing access to climate finance for local governments, primarily in Least Developed Countryies. LoCAL¿s methodology channels funds through central governments to reach the local level while providing incentives for LGs to mainstream gender responsive climate-adaptive thinking into everyday planning and investment, thereby encouraging systematic analysis of changing weather patterns and their impacts on local communities and economies. Climate change adaptation and coastal resilience have the potential to also address biodiversity conservation, restoration and sustainable use of natural resources as well as climate change mitigation (e.g. through nature-based solutions and women¿s full, equal and meaningful participation). The proposed action will be targeting these aspects too as part of biodiversity-specific objectives in accordance with the Green Deal.LoCAL will apply the Provincial Capacity Development Fund (PCDF) mechanism and empower the PGs to perform their roles through developing and funding adaptation and climate related disaster risk reduction strategies and plans, including climate induced displacement, and climate change adaptation (CCA) infrastructure and services. With improved capacity, PGs will be well placed to access additional national and international CCA funds through central government and act as coordinating agencies for integrated local climate response while providing the continuity and maintenance capacity that is often lacking from time-bound projects. Beyond supporting PGs to increase access to CCA financing, LoCAL will also support PGs¿ access to technical expertise on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, in particular climate-induced displacement, gender responsive approach to support the implementation of CCA projects funded through Performance-Based Climate Resilience Grants (PBCRG) and to strengthen the entire project cycle from planning, execution to actual monitoring.The proposed action aims at contributing to all three priority areas under the Pacific Multi-Country MIP 2021-2027, mainly priority area 1 `Climate Action and Environmental Sustainability¿ but also priority areas 2 `Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Development¿ and 3 `Fundamental Values, Human Development, Peace and Security¿.It contributes to the OECD gender marker G1; DAC 410 ¿ General Environment Protection and DAC 151 ¿ Government & Civil Society-general. | Significant |
Green Recovery and Empowerment with Energy in Nepal (GREEN) The action aims at increasing sustainable consumption and production of energy and materials in the public and private sectors. The action is expected to reduce the carbon footprint of energy in the public and private sectors by promoting both the sustainable and inclusive use of renewable energy and the adoption of energy efficiency practices. | Significant |
EIB - Nairobi Sustainable Transport Programme BRT 3 <p>The specific objective of the project is to make urban mobility more accessible and environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable in Nairobi via the construction and bringing into operation BRT Line 3.</p> | Significant |
Improving Governance in Uzbekistan: Strengthening the National Anti-Corruption Ecosystem <p>Uzbekistan¿s transition to a pluralist democratic system is strengthened through support to the rule of law, universal values of human rights, a flourishing civil society and elimination of all forms of discrimination, especially gender related. An improved and modernised public sector, with effective and accountable management and reduced levels of corruption capable to deliver quality public services through reform and digitalisation initiatives is established.</p> | Significant |
Creative Youth for Social Cohesion Across Tanzania Contract related to: Creative Youth for Social Cohesion Across Tanzania - The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia. Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach; enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT. | Significant |
Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen für Gemeinden mit Schwierigkeiten Leveraging living conditions for communities with difficulties. Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen für Gemeinden mit Schwierigkeiten Leveraging living conditions for communities with difficulties. Das Projekt verbessert die Lebensbedingungen der Gemeinden im Zuge des Klimawandels, indem es sowohl landwirtschaftliche als auch nicht-landwirtschaftliche Lebensgrundlagen in den Dörfern schafft und gleichzeitig die lokalen Lebensmittel- und Warenmärkte stärkt. The project improves the livelihoods of communities in the wake of climate change by implementing agricultural as well as non-farming livelihoods in the villages by simultaneously strengthening local food and goods markets. | Significant |
To promote fair and inclusive society in Kyrgyzstan <p>To capacitate media <span style="color: windowtext;">actors</span> and promote <span style="color: windowtext;">investigative journalism </span>and fundamental freedoms; To empower women to pursue fair treatment and gender equality with involvement of youth, especially in rural areas, irrespective of ethnicity, religion or disability. </p><p><br></p> | Significant |
Humanitarian initiative to improve the living standards of the most vulnerable population in Iraq Iniziativa umanitaria a sostegno delle condizioni di vita della popolazione più vulnerabile in Iraq The proposed programme aims at contributing to reduce the vulnerability to the external shocks of the population that has been impacted by the recent crises, by intervening in the health and livelihood sector. Il programma proposto ha l’obiettivo di ridurre le vulnerabilità e le conseguenze degli shock esterni sulla popolazione colpita dalla crisi attraverso interventi nei settori delle emergency livelihoods e sanitario. Contribuire ad assicurare condizioni di vita dignitose per la popolazione vulnerabile colpita dalla crisi Ridurre le vulnerabilità alle conseguenze degli shock esterni sulla popolazione colpita dalla crisi | Significant |
Raising the voice of youth in Eritrean society through a health care pathway for Eritrean young people and PWDs The overall goal of the action is to raise the voice of youth in society, including that of young people with fewer opportunities, having regards to the eleven Youth Goals proposed in the EU Youth Dialogue process. The specific outcomes of the action can be summarized as follows:(1) Supporting the creation of a new professional figure through the developing of a health care clown pathway and through the creation of a local civil society organization inside the Orotta Paediatric Hospital (2)Empowering disabled y o u n g people, their families and the community through capacity building activities for their daily living and promoting an inclusive and accessible environment (3)Creating a safe and supportivehealth care environment complying with the minimum requirements of accessibility for patients with temporary or permanent disabilities and with the necessary equipment so to be prepared for possible future epidemic.The proposed action, will increase the voice of youth in society, including that of young people with fewer opportunities, having regards to the eleven Youth Goals proposed by young people in the EU Youth Dialogue, in particular goal number 5 Mental Health and wellbeing aiming at achieving better mental wellbeing and end stigmatization of mental health issues, thus promoting social inclusion of all young people. The project will also support the provision of spaces for young people to meet (''youth spaces''); support youth organizations; enhance youth equal access to basic services and their awareness raising, also responding to global health threats, such as the current COVID 19 emergency. | Significant |
Addressing Perinatal Depression in Deprived Areas of Istanbul, Turkey Why is it important to address depression in women during pregnancy Worldwide, depression during pregnancy affects about one in four women. The situation is similar in Turkey. The majority of these women do not receive any treatment. Untreated depression causes great suffering not only to the woman, but also affects the relationship between the mother and infant. It can lead to impaired brain development and poor growth in the infant in the long-term. Timely treatment can prevent these complications. Perinatal depression be treated effectively with 'talking therapies'. One of the most effective talking therapies, the Thinking Healthy Programme, was developed by Rahman and his team in Pakistan. The programme was adopted by the World Health Organization as its official first-line treatment for perinatal depression. However, the programme was developed for close-knit rural communities and delivered individually to rural women by community health workers. In big cities like Istanbul, rapid migration from rural areas can lead to breakdown of traditional family and community support which may increase the risk of depression. In High Income countries, group therapies have been shown to be effective and deliverable at lower cost. These may also be very useful for communities in which support networks are disrupted. There is currently no group version of the Thinking Healthy Programme. Objectives of the project The objectives of this project are two-fold: Objective 1. To adapt the well-established WHO Thinking Healthy Programme so it can be delivered to groups of women in deprived urban areas of Istanbul and to test the programme in selected antenatal hospitals in deprived districts of the city. Objective 2. To build capacity of researchers at Marmara University so they can undertake future large-scale studies in this important but neglected area of public health. How will we address our objectives The study will be conducted in 6 public hospitals serving low socioeconomic districts in Istanbul. These hospitals run regular antenatal classes for women from very poor backgrounds. We will integrate our intervention in these hospitals. Objective 1: This will be achieved in two phase. In the formative phase, we will talk to groups of all key stakeholders, including women, their partners and nurses who deliver the intervention. We will hold a workshop with local specialists and experts to adapt the intervention to the group-delivery format. In the feasibility phase, we will compare the adapted 'group' Thinking Healthy programme (intervention) with routine Antenatal classes (control). Both interventions will be delivered to 120 women, randomly divided into intervention and control groups. Our aim is to explore if the new intervention is feasible and acceptable to all our stakeholders, the training and supervision procedures work, and to test the tools required a future large-scale studies. We will use both qualitative and quantitative methods to explore these issues. Objective 2: Through our previous work in South Asia, we have developed a special course to train new researchers in designing and evaluating interventions for mental health in low and middle income countries. We will conduct two workshops aimed at training researchers at Marmara University in this comprehensive course. The content of the course includes design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of interventions in low- and middle-income countries. How we will use the results of our project We will work closely with the World Health Organization to incorporate our findings into the revised 'group' version of the Thinking Healthy Programme which will be disseminated to all member countries through the WHO's flagship mental health gap action programme. Our partners at Marmara University are ideally placed to scale-up the intervention to other districts in Istanbul. We will publish papers in journals and present at conferences. The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world. | Principal |
EU Support to inclusive, equitable and quality education for Syrian refugees and vulnerable children and youth in host communities in Jordan - Budget Suppor <p>Improve attendance and deliver quality education (early childhood, primary and secondary level) to refugees and vulnerable children and youth in host communities in Jordan for the school years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024.</p><p>This is a dummy contract to allow the disbursement of the budget support component agreed in the Financing Agreement signed on 21/11/2023. The activities that link to the budget support component take place during school years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024. The assessment of the performance (and the related indicators) will take place by the end of school year 2023-2024. </p> | Significant |
UN-Habitat 2018-2020: Promote Sustainable cities UN-Habitat 2018-2020: Promote Sustainable cities Support to the Implementation of the UN-Habitat Country Programme for Ethiopia will strive to improve the state of Ethiopian cities and thereby the urban livelihood by supporting the Government of Ethiopia in implementing the urban component of GTP II in alignment with the SDG 11 and the New Urban Agenda, as part of the UN-Habitat Country Programme for Ethiopia 2016-2020. Specifically the project will focus on selected cities of Ethiopia (Addis Ababa, Adama, Dire Dawa, Hawassa and Mekele) and some regions (Amhara, SNNP and Tigray) in being better planned, more economically productive and sustainable, socially inclusive and environmentally resilient, taking maximum advantage of the on-going development of industrial parks. Support to the Implementation of the UN-Habitat Country Programme for Ethiopia: Stöd till genomförandet av FN-habitatprogrammet för Etiopien kommer att sträva efter att förbättra de etiopiska städernas stad och därmed städernas försörjning genom att stödja Etiopiens regering för att genomföra stadsdelen i GTP II i linje med SDG 11 och den nya Urban Agenda, som en del av FN-habitatprogrammet för Etiopien 2016-2020. Specifikt kommer projektet att fokusera på utvalda städer i Etiopien (Addis Abeba, Adama, Dire Dawa, Hawassa och Mekele) och vissa regioner (Amhara, SNNP och Tigray) att vara bättre planerande, med effektiv avfallshanteringsamt mer ekonomiskt produtiva och hållbara, social inkluderade och miljöhärdiga, samt maximalt utnyttja den pågående utvecklingen av industriparker. Ett kompletterande stöd är det globala stödet via SKL ( Sveriges kommuner och landsting) till urban planering, The proposed intervention aims to improve the state of Ethiopian cities and thereby the urban livelihood by supporting the Government of Ethiopia in implementing the urban component of GTP II in alignment with the SDG 11 and the New Urban Agenda, as part of the UN-Habitat Country Programme for Ethiopia 2016-2020.
Moreover, the project specifically assist the selected cities of Ethiopia (Addis Ababa, Adama, Dire Dawa, Hawassa and Mekele) and some regions (Amhara, SNNP and Tigray) in being better planned, more economically productive and sustainable, socially inclusive and environmentally resilient, taking maximum advantage of the on-going development of industrial parks.
At the end the intervention the following major results will be achieved;
Result 1: City leadership skills are reinforced to enable mayors and city managers to better face the daily challenges of rapid urbanization in their respective cities and towns
Result 2: Cities concerned by the development of industrial parks such as Addis Ababa, Hawassa and Mekele, and the SNNP regional state, are able to proactively manage the urban development effects of these parks by enhancing integrated urban/metropolitan planning.
Result 3: Municipal staff, communities and local stakeholders of Addis Ababa, Adama and Dire Dawa better understand human-induced and environmental risks and have identified priority actions for building urban resilience.
Result 4: Coordination among urban agenda implementing partners in Ethiopia is enhanced.
In general, the objective is clearly stated and found to be realistic in addressing urban challenges in the face of expansion of the industrial parks. | Significant |
RAISE CSOs - Resilient and Inclusive Social Entrepreneurship Pathways for Youth with local grassroot CSOs in North Macedonia Contract related to: RAISE CSOs - Resilient and Inclusive Social Entrepreneurship Pathways for Youth with local grassroot CSOs in North Macedonia - The overall objective of the Action is to strengthen participatory democracies and the EU integration of North Macedonia, through a strengthened contribution by civil society and media.The Action will contribute to the achievement of the specific objective of the IPA III thematic priority 5. Fundamental rights and thematic priority 7. Civil society within the Window 1: Rule of Law, Fundamental Rights and Democracy, which is: to align the legal framework with the EU and international standards and to establish a solid track record in respecting fundamental rights; to strengthen the legal and policy environment and enhancing the enabling environment for CSOs and media; to increase CSOs¿ inclusion in decision and policy making though a structural partnership with public authorities, based on trust and mutual recognition and around common interests of the citizens; to strengthen CSOs and media skills and capacities; and to improve public awareness for CSOs being the citizens¿ voice in addressing their needs and improving living conditions. Moreover, moving forward in the EU accession process will increase the need for informing, objectively and promptly, the citizens on this process and its real impact on their daily lives. In order to obtain a continuous support for the citizens on this important matter, one of the crucial instruments is enhanced enabling environment for civil society and media in order to be effective in their work and accountable actors towards the citizens. Therefore, further empowerment of the civil society and media remains one of the core focuses of the EU support in IPA III. This assistance envisions further strategic and tailor-made support for civil society and media, and for improved enabling environment for their work that will be provided through the IPA Civil Society Facility and Media Programme in the period 2021 to 2023 year. The Action will support the civil society and media organisations in North Macedonia, in line with the objectives and expected results from the Guidelines for EU support to civil society in enlargement countries 2021-2027 and the Guidelines for EU support to media freedom and integrity in enlargement countries 2021-2027, further strengthening their involvement in policy and decision making, including in the EU key sector reforms and the accession negotiation process. The Action will strengthen the participatory democracy by enhancing the space and capacities of civil society and media to efficiently address and contribute to the key priorities for further democratisation of the society. | Significant |
Support to International Documentary Human Rights Festival DocudaysUA - International Documentary Human Rights Festival DocudaysUA_DemoDrive Support to International Documentary Human Rights Festival DocudaysUA Den planerade biståndsinsatsen omfattar två huvudsyften. För det första kommer arbetet under de kommande 12 månaderna att fokuseras på organisationsutveckling. En omstart av organisationen planeras genom att strukturera om vissa delar samt eventuellt skapa nya funktioner i organisationen i enlighet med de rekommendationer som framkom i effektivitetsrevisionen utförd av konsultföretaget NCG. Det andra syftet i insatsen innebär, liksom tidigare, att organisationen DocuDaysUA kommer att driva och genomföra sin årliga internationella dokumentärfilmfestival med fokus på mänskliga rättigheter. Festivalen genomförs i Kiev samt turnerar runt i Ukraina.
Trots det omvälvande skiftet som skedde i det ukrainska folkets medvetande efter "Euromaidan" / Revolution of Dignity, så innebär arbetet med respekt för de mänskliga rättigheterna och åtnjutande av grundläggande fri- och rättigheter, jämställdhet samt skapande av en grundläggande förståelse av mänskliga rättigheter hos ansvarsbärarna (duty bearers) fortfarande stora utmaningar i Ukraina. Projektets bidrag för att Ukraina ska kunna komma närmare de värderingar och normer som gäller inom EU blir således att dra uppmärksamhet till kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter, diskriminering och övergrepp inklusive hatbrott och att utbilda allmänheten inom mänskliga rättigheter samt att uppmuntra till social dialog.
Under de föregående åren har initiativet utvecklats till en nationell plattform för att kunna diskutera vikten av de mänskliga rättigheterna i Ukraina såväl som utomlands samt har bidragit till att öka den allmänna medvetenheten om de globala trenderna kring mänskliga rättigheter. Denna plattform har således blivit en inflytelserik aktör vilken omfattar ett brett spektrum av inhemska och internationella intressenter.
Den svenska ambassaden i Ukraina har stött Docudays UA – den internationella dokumentärfilmfestivalen för mänskliga rättigheter sedan 2012. Stödet är i linje med Resultatstrategin för Sveriges reformsamarbete med Östeuropa, västra Balkan och Turkiet 2014-2020.
Festivalen bidrar med synlighet för svenskt reformsamarbete i Ukraina och är nära sammankopplat med andra pågående stöd för arbetet med mänskliga rättigheter. Efter filmfestivalen i huvudstaden Kiev kommer även verksamheten och festivalens budskap att få en bred spridning till Ukrainas mindre städer och olika regioner. Den del av festivaldeltagarna som bland annat arbetar inom kriminalvården och socialtjänsten kommer även att involveras i diskussioner, rundabordssamtal, utbildningstillfällen och seminarier om många svåra aspekter av i livet i Ukraina såsom jämställdhet, miljö- och klimatfrågor, konflikthantering samt respekt för mänskliga rättigheter med mera.
Festivalens popularitet har spritt sig utanför Ukraina, till Baltikum och Sverige samt andra delar av Norden. The current phase on the contribution encompasses 2 purposes. Firstly, the work during the upcoming 12 months will concentrate on organizational development, rebooting the institution by redesigning some or inventing new elements of the organization per the recommendations issues by the team of consultants during the Efficiency Audit. Secondly, the organization will pursue it original goal of holding annual international documentary human rights festival in Kyiv and country-wide.
Despite the tectonic shift in the minds of the Ukrainian people after the “Euromaidan”/Revolution of Dignity, the question of respect for human rights and full enjoyment of basic rights and fundamental freedoms, sensitivity of gender, understanding of human rights by the duty bearers still remains an issue in Ukraine. To draw attention to violations of HR, discrimination and abuse, including hate crimes, to educate the general public on HR issues as well as to encourage the societal dialogue on these matters would be the project contribution to the country's progress towards EU values and norms.
Throughout the preceding years, the initiative has turned into the national platform for discussing human rights situation in the country and abroad, raise awareness of the global trends issues with human rights, this platform had evolved into an influential trend-setter embracing a wide range of stakeholders and interested parties both domestic and international.
The Swedish Embassy has been supporting the Docudays UA – International Documentary Human Rights Festival since 2012. The support is fully in line with the Result Strategy for Sweden's reform cooperation with eastern Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey 2014 - 2020.
The festival provides visibility to Swedish Reform Cooperation and is closely linked to other human rights work. After the film festival in the capital, the programme ensures a wide outreach across Ukraine, its regions and small cities. The audience from the penitentiary institutions, social services units is being engaged into discussions, round table, seminars and master classes on the many difficult issues of life in Ukraine, including gender, environment, conflict resolution, respect to human rights, etc.
The Festival's popularity has reverberated outside Ukraine, in the Baltic and Nordic countries, including in Sweden. The intervention objective is three-fold.
Objective 1: To enhance the organizational basis of NGO “South” and Docudays UA Festival through reorganization of the governance, management and organizational structure, as well as setting up all the needed systems and procedures in accordance with good practices, so that to be able to further transform into the resource center
Objective 2: To set out a new clear comprehensive strategy of Docudays UA transformation, and integrate the tools to track its implementation.
Objective 3: To promote the human rights and fundamental freedoms in Ukraine via holding a series of focused human rights and cultural events on the specified topics every year; with a perspective to set up the Center for human rights documentaries in Kyiv. | Significant |
Equity analysis for RMNCAH/N Equity analysis for RMNCAH/N Sida planerar en uppföljningsfas av det pågående programmet med fokus på kvinnors, ungdomars och barns hälsa i Zambia 2015-2019 som har förlängts till och med juni 2020 och som planeras att ytterligare förlängas till december 2020 beroende på anpassning till följd av COVID-19. Ett nytt program förväntas påbörjas under första halvan av 2021 och kommer att beredas under hösten 2020 som en uppföljning till fas I. Baserat på halvtidsöversynen som svenska ambassaden genomförde våren 2019 planeras ett starkare fokus på aktiviteter som bevisligen ger god effekt samt hälsosystemsstärkande insatser. Detta för att fortsatt stödja de framsteg som gjorts i första fasen inom minskad mödra- och barnadödlighet. Inriktning mot primärhälsovård på bynivå och ungdomars SRHR kommer att särskilt prioriteras.
För att säkerställa att planerade insatser underbyggs av relevant och korrekt hälsostatistik föreslås att genomföra en mer detaljerad analys av den senaste 5-åriga nationella hälsostudien (Demographic Health Survey, DHS, 2018) utifrån ett jämlikhetsperspektiv, en s.k jämlikhetsstudie (Equity study). Under våren 2019 genomfördes en halvtidsöversyn av hälsoprogrammet av det ramavtalsupphandlade konsultföretaget KIT. En huvudsaklig slutsats från översynen var att Sida kan och bör tillämpa ett bredare jämlikhetsperspektiv i hälsostödet. Detta innebär att lägga större vikt vid insatser som syftar till att utjämna skillnader baserade på exempelvis socioekonomiska faktorer, könstillhörighet, geografi, ålder etc. Hälsoministeriet har också efterfrågat en mer djupgående analys för att identifiera delar av landet där skillnader i service och kvalitet på vården är särskilt iögonfallande. De första fyra åren av hälsoprogrammet har fokuserat på breda och omfattande insatser för att förbättra tillgång och kvalitet på vård. Ambassaden bedömer att en uppföljningsfas bör inriktas på verksamhet som är mer skräddarsydd och anpassad för lokal kontext och behov.
År 2019 publicerade WHO: s regionala kontor och det zambiska hälsoministeriet en rapport om ojämlikhet och sociala faktorer bakom hälsa för att uppnå universell tillgång till hälsa i Zambia (Universal Health Coverage). Den zambiska regeringen har åtagit sig att uppfylla ambitionen att nå de globala hållbarhetsmålen före 2030 och att "leave no one behind" - en fras som ofta hörs i politiska sammanhang. School of Public Health vid universitetet i Zambia, SoPH, ligger bakom en nypublicerad studie om skillnader i hälsa och tillgång på vårdservice baserad på DHS 2013/14, kopplat till WHO:s studie. När ambassaden påbörjade planeringen av fas II i hälsoprogrammet kontaktades SoPH för att utröna möjligheten att göra en liknande analys av DHS 2018 för att studera färskare hälsodata. Den preliminära DHS 2018 lanserades i oktober 2019 och den slutliga studien publicerades i februari 2020.
Jämlikhetsstudien kommer att analysera indikatorer på nationell- och provinsnivå och särskilt granska landsbygds-, köns-, ålders- och socioekonomiska ojämlikheter under perioden 2014—2019, samt utforska tillgänglighet, acceptans och kvalitet på vård av kvinnor, barn och ungdomar i utvalda distrikt i de Sida-finansierade provinserna i Zambia. Jämlikhetsstudien kommer att ha två faser:
1. Kvantitativt fokus: Insamling av data och val av lämpliga indikatorer som ska mätas samt analys av indikatorer och vårdutbud utifrån ett jämlikhetsperspektiv. Modellering av förklaringar bakom ojämlikhet kommer att presenteras. Rapport klar i augusti 2020.
2. Kvalitativt fokus: Utmaningar och hinder avseende tillgänglighet och acceptans av sjukvården kommer att genomföras med en slutlig rapport i mars 2021. Fokus på varför och hur-frågor i dataanalysen.
Båda faserna kommer att ge ambassaden underlag för framtagandet av ett nytt hälsoprogram och bidra till en mer detaljerad programinriktning under hälsoprogrammets inledningsfas. Sida is planning a second phase of the RMNCAH/N Health programme on reproductive, maternal, newborn, Child, adolescent health and nutrition in Zambia 2015-2019, extended up to June 2020 and with a planned additional extension up to December 2020 adjusting to COVID-19. A new programme is expected to start during the first half of 2021. The next phase will be assessed during the autumn of 2020 and will be a follow-up to Phase I but with a stronger focus on supporting high impact interventions and systems strengthening to ensure continued progress to reduce maternal and newborn deaths and the high number of teenage pregnancies and malnourished children. Community Health and adolescent SRHR will be further enhanced. In line with this and to ensure that appropriate data is available for the right type and direction of interventions, it is proposed to conduct an analysis of the recent Demographic Halth Survey 2018, DHS, from a more systematic Equity perspective. During the spring of 2019, a Mid-Term Review of the RMNCAH/N programme was conducted by Sida's Health and SRHR framework agreement consultancy firm KIT. Oe major take-away from the MTR findings was that Sida needs to better address and programme interventions and activities from an Equity perspective. This includes improved targeting based on inequities stemming from socio-economic, gender, geographic, age-related factors. The Ministry of Health has also requested more in-depth analysis to identify pockets of inequities in service provision and quality of care across the country. When the RMNCAH/N programme Phase I focused on more generalized interventions to improve service delivery, it has been assessed that it is now critical to support tailor-make interventions based on more individual capacities, contexts and needs in various districts in the provinces supported.
In 2019, WHO African regional office and Zambia's Ministry of Health published a report on Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health in Zambia to gather evidence to support a comprehensive policy move towards Universal Health Coverage in Zambia. The Zambian Government is committed to fulfil its aim to reach the SDGs Before 2030 and to "leave no one behind" - a phrase which is often heard in various policy and health-decision making fora. The Embassy has contacted the School of Public Health at the University of Zambia, SoPH, as they have been responsible for conducting a recent study of the DHS 2013/14 from a Health inequality perspective earlier in 2019, based on the WHO study. A dissemination of results took place in August 2019. As the Embassy started planning Phase II of the Health programme, SoPH were approached to consider repeating a similar study on the DHS 2018 to ensure analysis of recent data. The preliminary DHS 2018 was launched in October 2019 and the final study was published in February 2020.
The Equity analysis will estimate national and provincial level RMNCHA&N health indicators and intervention coverage levels, and examine rural-urban, gender, age and socioeconomic inequalities over the period 2014—2019 , and explore availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of care of RMNCAH&N services in selected districts in the Sida-funded provinces in Zambia. The Equity analysis will have two phases:
1. Quantitative focus: Data Collection and selection of appropriate indicators to be measured. Analysis of national, provincial and district trends in indicators. Modelling of the factors that could explain inequities. Report ready by August 2020.
2. Qualitiative focus: Barriers and facilitators to availability, accessibility and acceptability of RMNCHA/N interventions. Final report ready by March 2021. Focus on the questions how and why.
Phase 1-2 will provide a solid backbone for formulating the new programme on RMNCAH/N Phase II and provide input for detailed targeting of districts during the Inception phase of RMNCAH/N Phase II. Specific Objectives
1) To estimate national, provincial and district (selected) coverage levels of relevant
RMNCAH&N health indicators;
2) To examine sub-regional, residence (rural-urban), socioeconomic, and age inequalities
for selected RMNCAH&N health indicators at the national, provincial and district levels;
3) To explore supply- and demand-side facilitators and barriers to availability,
accessibility, acceptability and quality of care for RMNCAH&N interventions. | Significant |
Civil society united against GBV in Kisii and Nyamira counties Contract related to: Civil society united against GBV in Kisii and Nyamira counties - The proposed Action intents to contribute to Specific-Objective 1.3: Support CSOs as actors of good governance and development in partner countries and to the achievement of the related result 1.3: Civil Society Organisations¿ (CSOs) ability to engage as actors of good governance and development at country level is improved.The Action rolls out the EU support to country-level CSO initiatives aimed at implementing priorities reflected in the NDICI-GLOBAL Europe, Annex III CSO Thematic Programme and the subsequent draft Multiannual Indicative Plan for the same. In line with the policy of geographisation, a majority of funds under the CSO MAAP 2021-2024, will be allocated under the Action to support civil society in partner countries in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Caribbean, and in Neighbourhood countries and Russia. Activities funded under the Action will support a broad range of civil society actors including and prioritising, but not limited to, women and youth organisations, In the framework of the Country Roadmaps for EU and Member States engagement with civil society (CSO Roadmaps), all initiatives under the Action will aim at and contribute to strengthening civil society partner¿s institutional and operational capacity through a comprehensive approach; enabling and ensuring their participation; and on improving the environment in which they operate. Particular attention will be paid to CSOs capacities to benefit from the digital transformation which will pay attention to accessible digital technology and reduce the gap on access to ICT. | Significant |
Disability: Education, Employment and Information and Communication Technology Disabilità: Educazione, Lavoro e Tecnologie dell'Informazione e Comunicazione Implemented by AICS and CSOs, this pilot project aims at promoting the social and economic inclusion of people with disabilities in Mozambique, especially girls and women, through knowledge and technology transfers and the promotion of small income generation activities.<br>Universal design multi-media centers will be created in three vocational training centers where all-inclusive training and other educational materials will be developed and offered to trainers and trainees in collaboration with local Disabled Peoples Organizations (DPOs). Training materials as much as disability rights multi-language contents in various formats will then be made available to the wider public.<br> Attuato da AICS e CSO, questo progetto pilota mira a promuovere l'inclusione sociale ed economica delle persone con disabilità in Mozambico, in particolare ragazze e donne, attraverso trasferimenti di conoscenze e tecnologie e la promozione di attività di generazione di reddito minori. Centri di progettazione multi-media universali saranno creati in tre centri di formazione professionale in cui la formazione inclusiva e altri materiali didattici saranno sviluppati e offerti ai formatori e ai tirocinanti in collaborazione con le organizzazioni locali disabili (DPO). I materiali di formazione così come i diritti di disabilitazione contenuti multilingue in vari formati saranno poi resi disponibili al pubblico in generale. Attuato da AICS e CSO, questo progetto pilota mira a promuovere l'inclusione sociale ed economica delle persone con disabilità in Mozambico, in particolare ragazze e donne, attraverso trasferimenti di conoscenze e tecnologie e la promozione di attività di generazione di reddito minori. Centri di progettazione multi-media universali saranno creati in tre centri di formazione professionale in cui la formazione inclusiva e altri materiali didattici saranno sviluppati e offerti ai formatori e ai tirocinanti in collaborazione con le organizzazioni locali disabili (DPO). I materiali di formazione così come i diritti di disabilitazione contenuti multilingue in vari formati saranno poi resi disponibili al pubblico in generale. Attuato da AICS e CSO, questo progetto pilota mira a promuovere l'inclusione sociale ed economica delle persone con disabilità in Mozambico, in particolare ragazze e donne, attraverso trasferimenti di conoscenze e tecnologie e la promozione di attività di generazione di reddito minori. Centri di progettazione multi-media universali saranno creati in tre centri di formazione professionale in cui la formazione inclusiva e altri materiali didattici saranno sviluppati e offerti ai formatori e ai tirocinanti in collaborazione con le organizzazioni locali disabili (DPO). I materiali di formazione così come i diritti di disabilitazione contenuti multilingue in vari formati saranno poi resi disponibili al pubblico in generale. | Principal |
Multi-sectoral programme to support basic services and strengthen the socio-economic fabric in Eritrea Programma multisettoriale per il supporto ai servizi di base e il rafforzamento del tessuto socioeconomico in Eritrea The Program aims at strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations in Eritrea in key sectors such as Health, WASH, Agriculture and Food Security, with a NEXUS approach that promotes not only the provision of basic services but also job-creation activities - especially for women, people with disabilities and youth. Il Programma in parola mira a rafforzare la resilienza delle popolazioni vulnerabili in Eritrea in settori chiave quali Salute, WASH, Agricoltura e Sicurezza Alimentare, con un approccio NEXUS che favorisca non solo l’erogazione di servizi di base ma anche attività volte alla creazione di opportunità di accesso al lavoro dignitoso - soprattutto per donne, persone con disabilità e le fasce più giovani. | Significant |
Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme 2022-2025 - New Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme 2022-2024 Program för återhämtning och fredsbyggande 2022-2025 Projektet syftar till att stödja behoven hos den konfliktdrabbade befolkningen i östra Ukraina, som led av den ryska federationens militära aggression. Projektet kommer i synnerhet att stärka lokala myndigheters och medborgares efterlevnad av de tolv principerna för god förvaltning, som utgör den oumbärliga ramen för att uppnå det gemensamma bästa för lokalsamhällen, inklusive när det gäller förbättring av tjänster (i detta sammanhang kommer projektet att fokusera om miljöskydd och sociala tjänster). The project aims to support the needs of conflict effected population in Eastern Ukraine, who suffered from the military aggression of the Russian Federation. In particular, the Project will strengthen adherence by local governments and citizens to the twelve principles of Good Governance, which constitute the indispensable framework to achieve the Common Good of local communities, including in terms of service improvement (in this context, the Project will focus on environmental protection and social services). The proposed Project aims at strengthening adherence by local governments and citizens
to the twelve principles of Good Governance, which constitute the indispensable
framework to achieve the Common Good of local communities, including in terms of
service improvement (in this context, the Project will focus on environmental protection
and social services). The notion of Common Good refers to what is shared and beneficial
for all members of a given community, including the most vulnerable. It also refers to
what is achieved by citizenship, collective action, and active participation in the realm of
politics and public service. | Significant |
Technical Assistance for the Management of the IPA III bilateral Cross-Border Programmes Serbia-North Macedonia, Serbia-Montenegro, and Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022 Contract inherited from multiple actions, related to: Technical Assistance for the Management of the IPA III bilateral Cross-Border Programmes Serbia-North Macedonia, Serbia-Montenegro, and Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022 - The programme¿s overall objective is to promote good neighbourly relations, foster Union integration and strengthen the social, economic and territorial development of the programme cross-border area by improving health and social care services and developing sustainable tourism. The programme area stretches across South-Western Serbia and the North and Central parts of Montenegro. It covers 17 402 km² and has a population of 664 522 inhabitants. The programme addresses two thematic priorities (TPs):- TP1: Employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across borders, aiming to increase the socio-economic development potential of these areas.- TP5: Encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage, aiming to activate natural, cultural and human potentials of the programme area for sustainable, green and inclusive tourism. | Significant |
Subsets and Splits