stringlengths 1
| translation
translation |
400 | {
"brx": "दानिया जोंनि गुदि shell, बेखौ shell 1 बुंनो हायो, जाय सोमजिनाय shell एबा दालाय shell जोनोम मोनबाय बेखौ जों shell 2 बुंनो हायो दानिया नों गोदान command prompt आव command खालामनो हायो।",
"eng": "Now our original shell, let us call it 'shell 1', has given birth to a child shell or 'sub shell', let us call it 'shell 2'."
} |
401 | {
"brx": "हार्ड लिंकफोरा सिंगल Inode जों मालटिपल डायरेक्टरि एन्ट्रियाव लोगो जायो।",
"eng": "Hard-links are to associate multiple directory entries with a single inode."
} |
402 | {
"brx": "बेनि उनाव जों Sidebar (साइडबार) खौ नोजोर होगोन।",
"eng": "Next we will look at the Sidebar."
} |
403 | {
"brx": "hyphen f2 नैथि कलमनि थाखाय enter आव थु।",
"eng": "hyphen f2 for the second column."
} |
404 | {
"brx": "बेयो नोंथांखौ Gmail login page (जिमेल लगइन पेजआव) लांगोन।",
"eng": "This will direct you to the Gmail login page."
} |
405 | {
"brx": "फै दायो जों Bookmarks bar (बुकमार्क्स बार) खौ नोजोर होनि।",
"eng": "Now let's look at the Bookmarks bar."
} |
406 | {
"brx": "बेयाव नोंथाङा नायबाय थानाय webpage (वेबपेज) नि Content (कन्टेन्ट) खौ नायनो हायो।",
"eng": "This is where you see the contents of the webpage you are viewing."
} |
407 | {
"brx": "type खालामनाय आखुथायफोरखौ खोमोरनो Backspace key आव थुना हो।",
"eng": "Press the Backspace key to delete typed characters."
} |
408 | {
"brx": "Mozilla Firefox Interface (मजिल्ला फायारफक्स इनटारफेस) आरो Toolbars (टुलबार्स) आयदानि रायज्लायनाय फोरोंथायाव नोंथांखौ बरायबाय।",
"eng": "Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on the Mozilla Firefox Interface and Toolbars."
} |
409 | {
"brx": "“Linux OS” आव फायरफक्स खौ “run खालामनो “System Requirements फोर दं, जेरै- “Fedora, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Debian, आरो SUSE”.",
"eng": "Here are the System Requirements to run Firefox on Linux OS such as -Fedora, Ubuntu, Red Hat, Debian and SUSE."
} |
410 | {
"brx": "नंगुबै file आ गांसे file, जेराव जों जोंनि documents आरो papers फोरखौ ज खालामो।",
"eng": "In real file a file is where we store our documents and papers."
} |
411 | {
"brx": "जों file नायनो लुबैनायल नङा नाथाय गोबां खारिथि मोननो थाखायबो 'minus l' option खौ बाहायनो हायो।",
"eng": ")) If we not only want to see the file but also get more information we can use the 'minus l' option."
} |
412 | {
"brx": "जागायलांनो थाखाय फै स्फेच बार (Space Bar) खौ सेरनि।",
"eng": "To continue, let’s press the Space-bar."
} |
413 | {
"brx": "रायज्लायनाय फोरोंथाय हाबाफारिनि हानजाया रायज्लायनाय फोरोंथायखौ लानानै workshop (वर्कसब) फोर खुङो।",
"eng": "The Spoken Tutorial Project team: * Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials."
} |
414 | {
"brx": "बे स्लाइदाव जों फाइल सिस्तेमनि फोलेरारि फारिखौ नुनो मोनो।",
"eng": "In this slide, we can see the file system hierarchy."
} |
415 | {
"brx": "बिलायाव खेबबैसे “video” (भिडिअ) सोदोबा नुजादों दिहुन।",
"eng": "Find how many times the word “video” appears in the page."
} |
416 | {
"brx": "बे Mozilla Firefox (मजिल्ला फायारफक्स) नि रायज्लायनाय फोरोंथायाव नोंथांखौ बरायबाय।",
"eng": "Welcome to this Spoken tutorial of Mozilla Firefox."
} |
417 | {
"brx": "Tabbed Browsing (टेब ब्रावजिं) नि देरसिन मोजां गुना जादों बेयो मोनसेनि बांसिन browser window (ब्रावजार उइन्ड) दिन्थिनो गोनां जानायखौ बोखारो।",
"eng": "The biggest advantage of tabbed browsing is that it eliminates the need to display multiple browser windows."
} |
418 | {
"brx": "बेनि उनाव type खालाम ls आरो Enter सेर।",
"eng": "Then type ls and press Enter."
} |
419 | {
"brx": "सरासनस्रायै output आ जादों /bin/bash जाय जोंनो bash shell होयो।",
"eng": "Normally the output is /bin/bash which gives us the bash shell."
} |
420 | {
"brx": "dialog box (डायलग बक्स) नि साथाराव गोबां tabs (टेबफोर) दङ।",
"eng": "At the top of the dialog box, there are a number of tabs."
} |
421 | {
"brx": "दानिया marks dot txt file नि नैथि कलमनि सायाव बिथा खालामनानै जों साजायनि।",
"eng": "Let us sort based on the second column of marks dot txt file."
} |
422 | {
"brx": "Sync panel (चिन्क पेनेल) आ नोंथांखौ मोनसे “Firefox Sync” (फायारफक्स चिन्क) एकाउन्ट खुलिनो एबा सामलायनो होयो।",
"eng": "The Sync panel lets you set up or manage a “Firefox Sync” account."
} |
423 | {
"brx": "दानिया output खौ नाय।",
"eng": "Now observe the output."
} |
424 | {
"brx": "फायरफक्स ब्राउजारखौ बेखेवनो, “.",
"eng": "To launch the Firefox browser, type the following command: ."
} |
425 | {
"brx": "बिदिब्ला जों कारेन्ट डाइरेक्टरियाव मोनब्रै डाइरेक्टरि testdir, test1, test2 आरो testtree मुङै सोरजिबाय।",
"eng": "This will make a directory 'testtree' and another directory 'test3' which is a sub-directory under 'testtree'."
} |
426 | {
"brx": "बुंनो थाङोब्ला Search engines (सार्स इनजिन्स) आनो websites (वेबसाइटस) बो।",
"eng": "After all, search engines are websites too!"
} |
427 | {
"brx": "typing खालामबाय थानाय समाव उननि सारियाव थांनो थाखाय Enter key आव थुना हो।",
"eng": "Press the Enter key to go to the next line while typing."
} |
428 | {
"brx": "बेनि थाखाय shortcut (सर्टकाट) साबिया जादों CTRL+T।",
"eng": "The shortcut keys for this are Ctrl+T."
} |
429 | {
"brx": "आं Ubuntu 10.04. बाहायदों जों सानोदि Linux operating system खौ माबोरै जागायो नों मिथिगौ आरो commands फोरनि गुदि गियान दं।",
"eng": "I am using Ubuntu 10.04. We assume that you know how to get started with the Linux operating system and have some basic idea about commands."
} |
430 | {
"brx": "बेफोर file फोरा directories आव हाबनानै थायो।",
"eng": "These files are contained in directories."
} |
431 | {
"brx": "html’ (सार्ज.",
"eng": "We can also arrange the tabs as per our requirements."
} |
432 | {
"brx": "prompt आव Type खालाम uname space hyphen r आरो Enter सेर।",
"eng": "Type at the prompt: uname space hyphen r and press Enter ."
} |
433 | {
"brx": "link (लिंक) आ जादों - “Firefox for Desktop” (फायारफक्स फर देक्सटप)।",
"eng": "Here is a link - “Firefox for Desktop”."
} |
434 | {
"brx": "हमना लाबाय स्लेज इउजार दाइरेक्टरियाव जों थांनो लुबैयो।",
"eng": "Here we need to know two special characters."
} |
435 | {
"brx": "जोंनि home डाइरेक्टरियाव थांनो cd command खौ हो।",
"eng": "Go back to our home directory by the command 'cd'."
} |
436 | {
"brx": "Spoken Tutorial (स्पकेन ट्युटरियेल) फोरखौ बाहायनानै Spoken Tutorial (स्पकेन ट्युटरियेल) मावथांखि हान्जाया हाबाफारिफोर खुङो।",
"eng": "The Spoken Tutorial Project team: * Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials."
} |
437 | {
"brx": "जों दा दं /home/gnuhata/Documents आव।",
"eng": "We are at /home/gnuhata/Documents."
} |
438 | {
"brx": "बेयो गोबां अनजिमानि search engines (सार्स इनजिन) फोरखौ दिन्थिगोन जायखौ जों search bar (सार्स बार) आव दाजाबदेरनो हायो।",
"eng": "It displays a number of search engines that we can add to the search bar."
} |
439 | {
"brx": "command आ थानाय गुबुन गुबुन options फोरनि फारिलाइ मोननो जों लुबैनो हागौ।",
"eng": "Some commands have many options."
} |
440 | {
"brx": "command फोरा बबेयाव store जानानै दं बेखौ दिहुननो जों type command खौ बाहायनो हायो।",
"eng": "To find out where a command is stored, we can use the type command."
} |
441 | {
"brx": "बेफोर गाहायै single एबा double दानख चिन (-) सारिनि सिगाङाव फजनानै जुरियो, बेखौ फारियै short आरो long option बुङो।",
"eng": "They are generally preceded by a single or double minus sign(-), called short and long option, respectively."
} |
442 | {
"brx": "बेयाव जों नुगोन गोदान फाइलनि बिगुमाया anusha.",
"eng": "Here we can see the new owner of the file is anusha."
} |
443 | {
"brx": "गेजेर आसिखौ K हांखोयाव दोन।",
"eng": "Let’s open KTouch."
} |
444 | {
"brx": "अब्ला बेयो बेखौ मोन्नो थाखाय नोंनि history (हिस्टरि) फोराव नायगिरगोन।",
"eng": "This will then search through your history to find it."
} |
445 | {
"brx": "बेयो मोनसे PDF document (डकुमेन्ट) एबा मोनसे audio file (अडिअ फाइल) बो जानो हागौ।",
"eng": "It could be a PDF document or an audio file ."
} |
446 | {
"brx": "जायफोरा online (अनलाइन) आनजादाव उथ्रियो बिसोरनो फोरमानबिलाय होयो।",
"eng": "Gives certificates for those who pass an online test."
} |
447 | {
"brx": "आरोबाव, ‘The history of email’ (दि हिस्टरि अब एमेल) खौ search (सार्स) खालाम ।",
"eng": "Again, search for 'The history of email'."
} |
448 | {
"brx": "बेयो अनजिमानि महराव बोसोरनि दानखौ होयो, बेयाव बेयो February दाननि थाखाय 02 दिन्थिदों।",
"eng": "Here it is showing 02 for the month of February ."
} |
449 | {
"brx": "अदेबानि बे command आ गासैबो Unix systems आव खामानि होवा जानो हागौ।",
"eng": "This command may not work in all Unix systems however."
} |
450 | {
"brx": "prompt आव Type खालाम date space plus percentage sign small m आरो Enter सेर।",
"eng": "Type at the prompt: date space plus percentage sign small m and press Enter."
} |
451 | {
"brx": "browser window (ब्रावजार उइन्ड)नि गाहायाव मोनसे फिसा toolbar (टुलबार) नुजागोन।",
"eng": "A small toolbar appears at the bottom of the browser window."
} |
452 | {
"brx": "नंगौ, जों slash usr दाइरेक्टरियाव थांबाय।",
"eng": "Now say we want to move to slash usr directory."
} |
453 | {
"brx": "नोंथाङा जाय page (पेज) फोरखौ थाब थाब नायो बेखौ navigate (नेविगेट) खालामनायाव Bookmarks (बुकमार्क्स) आ हेफाजाब होगोन।",
"eng": "'Bookmarks' help you navigate to pages that you visit or refer to often."
} |
454 | {
"brx": "drop down list (ड्रप डाउन लिस्ट) निफ्राय gmail (जिमेल) link (लिंक) खौ सायख’।",
"eng": "Choose the ‘gmail’ link from the drop-down list."
} |
455 | {
"brx": "दानिया नायनो लुबैयोब्ला command type खालामदो echo space dollar PATH capital आव आरो Enter सेर।",
"eng": "For now, if we want to see this list, just type the command echo space dollar PATH in capital and press Enter."
} |
456 | {
"brx": "मोनसे मुलाम्फा लायै मजिला फाउन्डेसननि volunteer मावथिफोरा Firefox खौ फेहेरदों।",
"eng": "Firefox has been developed by volunteer programmers at the Mozilla Foundation, a non-profit organization."
} |
457 | {
"brx": "जों जोंनि directory खौ खनसे मिथिनायनि उनाव जों बेखौबो मिथिनो लुबैयोदि sub-directories आव मा file आरो directory फोर दं।",
"eng": "Once we know of our directory we would also want to know what are the files and sub-directories in that directory."
} |
458 | {
"brx": "बे गुवार assignment (एसाइनमेन्ट) खौ खालामनो नाजा।",
"eng": "Spoken Tutorial project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project."
} |
459 | {
"brx": "बांसिन मिथिथाइनि थाखाय, अननानै contact@spoken-tutorial.",
"eng": "For more details, please write to: contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org."
} |
460 | {
"brx": "terminal आव थांदो Up arrow आव थु।",
"eng": "Hit on Up arrow."
} |
461 | {
"brx": "बेबादिनो Linux file आ खारिथि दोनथुमनायनि थाखाय मोनसे container।",
"eng": "Similarly a Linux file is a container for storing information."
} |
462 | {
"brx": "दानिया बियो जोंनि दानि वर्किं डाइरेक्टरि।",
"eng": "Now this is our present working directory."
} |
463 | {
"brx": "फैदो दानिया जों स्क्रिनाव दिन्थिनाय अफिसियेल वेबसाइट “mozilla.",
"eng": "org' for detailed information on Mozilla."
} |
464 | {
"brx": "\"फेफार साइज\" पिल्द आव, द्रफ-दाउन फारिलायाव ख्लिख खालाम आरो 'A4' खौ सायख' ।",
"eng": "In the Paper Size field, click on the drop-down list and select 'A4'."
} |
465 | {
"brx": "बेयो जादों Windows आव जों folders होननाय बादि।",
"eng": "This is like what we call folders in Windows."
} |
466 | {
"brx": "बेयाव जों ‘‘0808iambecky ’’निफ्राय मोनसे कमेन्ट नुदों।",
"eng": "We can see a comment here from 0808iambecky."
} |
467 | {
"brx": "सिगांनि फिथायाव click (क्लिक) खालाम।",
"eng": "Click on it."
} |
468 | {
"brx": "गिबियाव, computer desktop नि गोजौथारनि आगसि खनायाव थानाय दुलुर बटम Dash Home) आव click खालाम।",
"eng": "First, click Dash Home which is the round button on the top left corner of your computer desktop."
} |
469 | {
"brx": "क्लजआव क्लिक खालाम।",
"eng": "Click Apply."
} |
470 | {
"brx": "एबा terminal window बेखेवनो Ctrl Alt t खौ नोंनि keyboard आव सेर।",
"eng": "or press Ctrl Alt t on your keyboard to open a terminal window."
} |
471 | {
"brx": "ओंखारबोनो q सेर।",
"eng": "Press q to come out."
} |
472 | {
"brx": "आरो एन्टाराव थु.",
"eng": "Press Enter."
} |
473 | {
"brx": "दिफल्ट महरै Home page (हम पेज) आ Mozilla Firefox Start Page (मजिल्ला फायारफक्स स्टार्ट पेज) आव सेट जायो।",
"eng": "By default, the Home page field is set to ‘Mozilla Firefox Start Page’."
} |
474 | {
"brx": "गोरोबथि रुजुनानै जों बुंनो हायो मोनसे root user आ Windows जों Administrator सिस्टेम गोनां user जों रोखोमसे।",
"eng": "To draw an analogy we can say a 'root user' is similar to a user in Windows with Administrator status."
} |
475 | {
"brx": "लांदां डायरेक्टरिफोरखौ test_chown आरो directory1 मुङैबो सोरिजदो।",
"eng": "Please create empty directories named as test_chown and directory1 also."
} |
476 | {
"brx": "मोनसे सोदोब सोदेरग्रा (Word List Editor) वीन्द'आ नुजाफैयो।",
"eng": "The Word List Editor window appears."
} |
477 | {
"brx": "Linux आव standard shell माने अरायबो bin/sh installed जानायखौ bash बुङो, बे जादों GNU suite of tools निफ्राय GNU Bourne-Again SHell।",
"eng": "On Linux, the standard shell that is always installed as /bin/sh is called bash, the GNU Bourne-Again SHell, from the GNU suite of tools."
} |
478 | {
"brx": "बे फोरोंथायाव जों Firefox interface (फायारफक्स इनटारफेस), toolbars (टुलबार्स) नि सोमोन्दै सोलोंबाय।",
"eng": "In this tutorial, we learnt about: the Firefox interface, the toolbars."
} |
479 | {
"brx": "मोनसे directory आ जोंनि file फोरखौ systematic आखु दानायाव मदद होयो।",
"eng": "A directory helps us in organizing our files in a systematic manner ."
} |
480 | {
"brx": "बेनिखायनो फै जों View (विउ) – Zoom (जुम) आरो Zoom in (जुम इन) खौ क्लिक खालामनानै गिदिर महर खालामनानै लानि।",
"eng": "So, let's zoom into the page by clicking on View > Zoom and Zoom In."
} |
481 | {
"brx": "दानिया जों बिन डाइपेक्टरियाव माबोरै थांनो।",
"eng": "See, the directory contains nothing."
} |
482 | {
"brx": "बेखौ जायै खालामनो 'hyphen n option'खौ होदेर, hyphen n Enter.",
"eng": "If we want paste to print out the numbers serially delimited with tab, we can use the hyphen s option."
} |
483 | {
"brx": "नोंथाङा नुगोन दि लिंकआ गावनो गाव Desktop (डेस्कटप) आव download (डाउनलड) जागोन।",
"eng": "You notice that by default the link would be downloaded to Desktop."
} |
484 | {
"brx": "गाहायाव थानाय link फोरनि नुथायखौ नाय।",
"eng": "Watch the video available at the following link."
} |
485 | {
"brx": "command type खालाम : ls space minus small l आरो Enter।",
"eng": "Just type the command: ls space minus small l and press Enter."
} |
486 | {
"brx": "रायज्लायनाय फोरोंथाय हाबाफारिनि हानजाया रायज्लायनाय फोरोंथायखौ लानानै workshops (वर्कसप) फोर खुङो।",
"eng": "The Spoken Tutorial Project team: * conducts workshops using spoken tutorials."
} |
487 | {
"brx": "नुगोनदि speed आ खमायाखै।",
"eng": "Notice that the speed does not decrease."
} |
488 | {
"brx": "फिश खेसकेद (Fish Cascade) बत्तनखौ क्लिक खालाम।",
"eng": "Click the Fish Cascade button."
} |
489 | {
"brx": "नोंथाङा जाय webpage (वेबपेज) आवनो थायामोनो बे button (बाटोन) आ नोंथांखौ default home page (दिफल्ट हम पेज) आव लांफिनगोन।",
"eng": "This button takes you back to the default home page from whichever webpage you are on."
} |
490 | {
"brx": "pwd आरो एन्टार थु।",
"eng": "pwd and press Enter."
} |
491 | {
"brx": "फाइलनि मुं होnumbers dot txt आरो सेभाव थु।",
"eng": "Name the file as numbers dot txt and hit on Save."
} |
492 | {
"brx": "terminal window आव थां आरो commands type खालाम आरो बेफोरनि outputs खौ नाय।",
"eng": "Go to the terminal window and type the commands and see their outputs."
} |
493 | {
"brx": "* मानो Firefox?",
"eng": "Why Firefox?"
} |
494 | {
"brx": "फैदो typing खालामदिनि।",
"eng": "Let’s start typing."
} |
495 | {
"brx": "Home page (हम पेज) आव click (क्लिक) खालाम आरो www. gmail. com टाइप खालाम।",
"eng": "Click on the Home Page field and type ‘www. gmail. com’. Click on the Close button to close the dialog box."
} |
496 | {
"brx": "बिदिन्थि बादियै जों जोंनि इमेल लगिन पेज (email login page) खौ जोंनि हम पेज (home page) खालामना लानो लुबैयो।",
"eng": "Say for example, we want to set our email login page as our home page."
} |
497 | {
"brx": "आं scroll up खालामदों जाहाथे बे manual page आव नों गासैबो options फोरखौ नुयो।",
"eng": "I will scroll up so that you can see all the options on this manual page."
} |
498 | {
"brx": "Linux Operating System नि बे spoken tutorial आव बरायनाय जाबाय।",
"eng": "Dear friends, welcome to a spoken tutorial on the Linux Operating System."
} |
499 | {
"brx": "बियो भारत सरखारनि National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD जों मदद होजानाय।",
"eng": "It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India."
} |