What is (are) Kidney Failure: Eat Right to Feel Right on Hemodialysis ?
You already know you need to watch how much you drink. Any food that is liquid at room temperature also contains water. These foods include soup, JellO, and ice cream. Many fruits and vegetables contain lots of water, too. They include melons, grapes, apples, oranges, tomatoes, lettuce, and celery. All these foods add to your fluid intake. Fluid can build up between dialysis sessions, causing swelling and weight gain. The extra fluid affects your blood pressure and can make your heart work harder. You could have serious heart trouble from overloading your system with fluid. Control Your Thirst The best way to reduce fluid intake is to reduce thirst caused by the salt you eat. Avoid salty foods like chips and pretzels. Choose lowsodium products. You can keep your fluids down by drinking from smaller cups or glasses. Freeze juice in an ice cube tray and eat it like a popsicle. (Remember to count the popsicle in your fluid allowance!) The dietitian will be able to give you other tips for managing your thirst. Your dry weight is your weight after a dialysis session when all of the extra fluid in your body has been removed. If you let too much fluid build up between sessions, it is harder to get down to your proper dry weight. Your dry weight may change over a period of 3 to 6 weeks. Talk with your doctor regularly about what your dry weight should be. My dry weight should be _____________. Talk With a Dietitian Even though you are on hemodialysis, your kidneys may still be able to remove some fluid. Or your kidneys may not remove any fluid at all. That is why every patient has a different daily allowance for fluid. Talk with your dietitian about how much fluid you can have each day. I can have _____ ounces of fluid each day. Plan 1 day of fluid servings: I can have _____ ounce(s) of ______________ with breakfast. I can have _____ ounce(s) of ______________ in the morning. I can have _____ ounce(s) of ______________ with lunch. I can have _____ ounce(s) of ______________ in the afternoon. I can have _____ ounce(s) of ______________ with supper. I can have _____ ounce(s) of ______________ in the evening. TOTAL _______ ounces (should equal the allowance written above)
What is (are) Kidney Failure: Eat Right to Feel Right on Hemodialysis ?
Potassium is a mineral found in many foods, especially milk, fruits, and vegetables. It affects how steadily your heart beats. Healthy kidneys keep the right amount of potassium in the blood to keep the heart beating at a steady pace. Potassium levels can rise between dialysis sessions and affect your heartbeat. Eating too much potassium can be very dangerous to your heart. It may even cause death. To control potassium levels in your blood, avoid foods like avocados, bananas, kiwis, and dried fruit, which are very high in potassium. Also, eat smaller portions of other highpotassium foods. For example, eat half a pear instead of a whole pear. Eat only very small portions of oranges and melons. Dicing and Boiling Potatoes to Reduce Potassium You can remove some of the potassium from potatoes by dicing or shredding them and then boiling them in water. Your dietitian will give you more specific information about the potassium content of foods. Talk With a Dietitian Make a food plan that reduces the potassium in your diet. Start by noting the highpotassium foods (below) that you now eat. A dietitian can help you add other foods to the list. HighPotassium Foods apricots avocados bananas beets Brussels sprouts cantaloupe clams dates figs kiwi fruit lima beans melons milk nectarines orange juice oranges peanuts pears (fresh) potatoes prune juice prunes raisins sardines spinach tomatoes winter squash yogurt Others:______________________________________ Changes: Talk with a dietitian about foods you can eat instead of highpotassium foods. Instead of _________, I will eat _________. Instead of _________, I will eat _________. Instead of _________, I will eat _________. Instead of _________, I will eat _________.
What is (are) Kidney Failure: Eat Right to Feel Right on Hemodialysis ?
Potassium is a mineral found in many foods, especially milk, fruits, and vegetables. It affects how steadily your heart beats. Healthy kidneys keep the right amount of potassium in the blood to keep the heart beating at a steady pace. Potassium levels can rise between dialysis sessions and affect your heartbeat. Eating too much potassium can be very dangerous to your heart. It may even cause death. To control potassium levels in your blood, avoid foods like avocados, bananas, kiwis, and dried fruit, which are very high in potassium. Also, eat smaller portions of other highpotassium foods. For example, eat half a pear instead of a whole pear. Eat only very small portions of oranges and melons. Dicing and Boiling Potatoes to Reduce Potassium You can remove some of the potassium from potatoes by dicing or shredding them and then boiling them in water. Your dietitian will give you more specific information about the potassium content of foods. Talk With a Dietitian Make a food plan that reduces the potassium in your diet. Start by noting the highpotassium foods (below) that you now eat. A dietitian can help you add other foods to the list. HighPotassium Foods apricots avocados bananas beets Brussels sprouts cantaloupe clams dates figs kiwi fruit lima beans melons milk nectarines orange juice oranges peanuts pears (fresh) potatoes prune juice prunes raisins sardines spinach tomatoes winter squash yogurt Others:______________________________________ Changes: Talk with a dietitian about foods you can eat instead of highpotassium foods. Instead of _________, I will eat _________. Instead of _________, I will eat _________. Instead of _________, I will eat _________. Instead of _________, I will eat _________.
What is (are) Kidney Failure: Eat Right to Feel Right on Hemodialysis ?
Phosphorus is a mineral found in many foods. If you have too much phosphorus in your blood, it pulls calcium from your bones. Losing calcium will make your bones weak and likely to break. Also, too much phosphorus may make your skin itch. Foods like milk and cheese, dried beans, peas, colas, nuts, and peanut butter are high in phosphorus. Usually, people on dialysis are limited to 1/2 cup of milk per day. The renal dietitian will give you more specific information regarding phosphorus. You probably will need to take a phosphate binder like Renagel, PhosLo, Tums, or calcium carbonate to control the phosphorus in your blood between dialysis sessions. These medications act like sponges to soak up, or bind, phosphorus while it is in the stomach. Because it is bound, the phosphorus does not get into the blood. Instead, it is passed out of the body in the stool.
What is (are) Kidney Failure: Eat Right to Feel Right on Hemodialysis ?
Phosphorus is a mineral found in many foods. If you have too much phosphorus in your blood, it pulls calcium from your bones. Losing calcium will make your bones weak and likely to break. Also, too much phosphorus may make your skin itch. Foods like milk and cheese, dried beans, peas, colas, nuts, and peanut butter are high in phosphorus. Usually, people on dialysis are limited to 1/2 cup of milk per day. The renal dietitian will give you more specific information regarding phosphorus. You probably will need to take a phosphate binder like Renagel, PhosLo, Tums, or calcium carbonate to control the phosphorus in your blood between dialysis sessions. These medications act like sponges to soak up, or bind, phosphorus while it is in the stomach. Because it is bound, the phosphorus does not get into the blood. Instead, it is passed out of the body in the stool.
What is (are) Kidney Failure: Eat Right to Feel Right on Hemodialysis ?
Before you were on dialysis, your doctor may have told you to follow a lowprotein diet. Being on dialysis changes this. Most people on dialysis are encouraged to eat as much highquality protein as they can. Protein helps you keep muscle and repair tissue. The better nourished you are, the healthier you will be. You will also have greater resistance to infection and recover from surgery more quickly. Your body breaks protein down into a waste product called urea. If urea builds up in your blood, it's a sign you have become very sick. Eating mostly highquality proteins is important because they produce less waste than others. Highquality proteins come from meat, fish, poultry, and eggs (especially egg whites). Talk With a Dietitian Meat, fish, and chicken are good sources of protein. Talk with a dietitian about the meats you eat. I will eat ______ servings of meat each day. A regular serving size is 3 ounces. This is about the size of the palm of your hand or a deck of cards. Try to choose lean (lowfat) meats that are also low in phosphorus. If you are a vegetarian, ask about other ways to get your protein. Lowfat milk is a good source of protein. But milk is high in phosphorus and potassium. And milk adds to your fluid intake. Talk with a dietitian to see if milk fits into your food plan. I (will) (will not) drink milk. I will drink ______ cup(s) of milk a day.
What is (are) Kidney Failure: Eat Right to Feel Right on Hemodialysis ?
Before you were on dialysis, your doctor may have told you to follow a lowprotein diet. Being on dialysis changes this. Most people on dialysis are encouraged to eat as much highquality protein as they can. Protein helps you keep muscle and repair tissue. The better nourished you are, the healthier you will be. You will also have greater resistance to infection and recover from surgery more quickly. Your body breaks protein down into a waste product called urea. If urea builds up in your blood, it's a sign you have become very sick. Eating mostly highquality proteins is important because they produce less waste than others. Highquality proteins come from meat, fish, poultry, and eggs (especially egg whites). Talk With a Dietitian Meat, fish, and chicken are good sources of protein. Talk with a dietitian about the meats you eat. I will eat ______ servings of meat each day. A regular serving size is 3 ounces. This is about the size of the palm of your hand or a deck of cards. Try to choose lean (lowfat) meats that are also low in phosphorus. If you are a vegetarian, ask about other ways to get your protein. Lowfat milk is a good source of protein. But milk is high in phosphorus and potassium. And milk adds to your fluid intake. Talk with a dietitian to see if milk fits into your food plan. I (will) (will not) drink milk. I will drink ______ cup(s) of milk a day.
What is (are) Kidney Failure: Eat Right to Feel Right on Hemodialysis ?
Sodium is found in salt and other foods. Most canned foods and frozen dinners contain large amounts of sodium. Too much sodium makes you thirsty. But if you drink more fluid, your heart has to work harder to pump the fluid through your body. Over time, this can cause high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. Try to eat fresh foods that are naturally low in sodium Look for products labeled low sodium. Do not use salt substitutes because they contain potassium. Talk with a dietitian about spices you can use to flavor your food. The dietitian can help you find spice blends without sodium or potassium. Talk With a Dietitian Talk with a dietitian about spices and other healthy foods you can use to flavor your diet. List them on the lines below. Spice: _____________________________ Spice: _____________________________ Spice: _____________________________ Food: _____________________________ Food: _____________________________
What is (are) Kidney Failure: Eat Right to Feel Right on Hemodialysis ?
Sodium is found in salt and other foods. Most canned foods and frozen dinners contain large amounts of sodium. Too much sodium makes you thirsty. But if you drink more fluid, your heart has to work harder to pump the fluid through your body. Over time, this can cause high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. Try to eat fresh foods that are naturally low in sodium Look for products labeled low sodium. Do not use salt substitutes because they contain potassium. Talk with a dietitian about spices you can use to flavor your food. The dietitian can help you find spice blends without sodium or potassium. Talk With a Dietitian Talk with a dietitian about spices and other healthy foods you can use to flavor your diet. List them on the lines below. Spice: _____________________________ Spice: _____________________________ Spice: _____________________________ Food: _____________________________ Food: _____________________________
What is (are) Kidney Failure: Eat Right to Feel Right on Hemodialysis ?
Calories provide energy for your body. If your doctor recommends it, you may need to cut down on the calories you eat. A dietitian can help you plan ways to cut calories in the best possible way. Some people on dialysis need to gain weight. You may need to find ways to add calories to your diet. Vegetable oilslike olive oil, canola oil, and safflower oilare good sources of calories. Use them generously on breads, rice, and noodles. Butter and margarines are rich in calories. But these fatty foods can also clog your arteries. Use them less often. Soft margarine that comes in a tub is better than stick margarine. Vegetable oils are the healthiest way to add fat to your diet if you need to gain weight. Hard candy, sugar, honey, jam, and jelly provide calories and energy without clogging arteries or adding other things that your body does not need. If you have diabetes, be very careful about eating sweets. A dietitian's guidance is very important for people with diabetes.
What is (are) Kidney Failure: Eat Right to Feel Right on Hemodialysis ?
Calories provide energy for your body. If your doctor recommends it, you may need to cut down on the calories you eat. A dietitian can help you plan ways to cut calories in the best possible way. Some people on dialysis need to gain weight. You may need to find ways to add calories to your diet. Vegetable oilslike olive oil, canola oil, and safflower oilare good sources of calories. Use them generously on breads, rice, and noodles. Butter and margarines are rich in calories. But these fatty foods can also clog your arteries. Use them less often. Soft margarine that comes in a tub is better than stick margarine. Vegetable oils are the healthiest way to add fat to your diet if you need to gain weight. Hard candy, sugar, honey, jam, and jelly provide calories and energy without clogging arteries or adding other things that your body does not need. If you have diabetes, be very careful about eating sweets. A dietitian's guidance is very important for people with diabetes.
What to do for Facing the Challenges of Chronic Kidney Disease in Children ?
For children with CKD, learning about nutrition is vital because their diet can affect how well their kidneys work. Parents or guardians should always consult with their childs health care team before making any dietary changes. Staying healthy with CKD requires paying close attention to the following elements of a diet: Protein. Children with CKD should eat enough protein for growth while limiting high protein intake. Too much protein can put an extra burden on the kidneys and cause kidney function to decline faster. Protein needs increase when a child is on dialysis because the dialysis process removes protein from the childs blood. The health care team recommends the amount of protein needed for the child. Foods with protein include eggs milk cheese chicken fish red meats beans yogurt cottage cheese Sodium. The amount of sodium children need depends on the stage of their kidney disease, their age, and sometimes other factors. The health care team may recommend limiting or adding sodium and salt to the diet. Foods high in sodium include canned foods some frozen foods most processed foods some snack foods, such as chips and crackers Potassium. Potassium levels need to stay in the normal range for children with CKD, because too little or too much potassium can cause heart and muscle problems. Children may need to stay away from some fruits and vegetables or reduce the number of servings and portion sizes to make sure they do not take in too much potassium. The health care team recommends the amount of potassium a child needs. Lowpotassium fruits and vegetables include apples cranberries strawberries blueberries raspberries pineapple cabbage boiled cauliflower mustard greens uncooked broccoli Highpotassium fruits and vegetables include oranges melons apricots bananas potatoes tomatoes sweet potatoes cooked spinach cooked broccoli Phosphorus. Children with CKD need to control the level of phosphorus in their blood because too much phosphorus pulls calcium from the bones, making them weaker and more likely to break. Too much phosphorus also can cause itchy skin and red eyes. As CKD progresses, a child may need to take a phosphate binder with meals to lower the concentration of phosphorus in the blood. Phosphorus is found in highprotein foods. Foods with low levels of phosphorus include liquid nondairy creamer green beans popcorn unprocessed meats from a butcher lemonlime soda root beer powdered iced tea and lemonade mixes rice and corn cereals egg whites sorbet Fluids. Early in CKD, a childs damaged kidneys may produce either too much or too little urine, which can lead to swelling or dehydration. As CKD progresses, children may need to limit fluid intake. The health care provider will tell the child and parents or guardians the goal for fluid intake. More information is provided in the NIDDK health topics, Nutrition for Chronic Kidney Disease in Children and Kidney Failure: Eat Right to Feel Right on Hemodialysis.
What to do for Facing the Challenges of Chronic Kidney Disease in Children ?
Children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) may have a negative selfimage and may have relationship problems with family members due to the stress of living with a chronic disease. The condition can lead to behavior problems and make participating in school and extracurricular activities more difficult. CKD can cause learning problems because the buildup of wastes in the body can slow down nerve and brain function. Children with CKD may have trouble concentrating and may develop language and motor skills more slowly than their peers. Parents and other adults can help children with CKD fit in at school, deal with low selfesteem, make friends, be physically active, and follow their treatment regimen. As children with CKD approach adulthood, they may need help with preparing to enter the workforce. School attendance is vital in helping children with CKD lead the best life possible. One way to help children feel empowered is to give them as much control and responsibility over their own care as possible: Children can learn more about their medications, including doses. Children on dialysis should be encouraged to take an active part in their treatments. Parents or guardians should allow children to participate in treatment decision making. Participating in regular classroom and extracurricular activities may help children improve their social skills. Summer camps and recreational programs for children with special needs can be a good place to make new friends. Parents or guardians may feel protective of children with CKD; however, they should not try to limit activities unless instructed to by a health care provider. Children with CKD may need to take multiple medications, eat a specific diet, and follow their health care providers orders to help control their disease. Many children have a hard time following the treatment regimen. Health care providers use the term nonadherence to describe the failure or refusal to take prescribed medications or follow a health care providers directions. Adherence can be improved with a combination of health education, motivational techniques, and behavioral skill methods. Many skilled professionals are available to ensure that children with CKD get the best possible care. The family may want to talk with a social worker, mental health professional, financial counselor, and dietitian. If a child reaches kidney failure, the medical staff at the dialysis center or transplantation clinic can provide help. For children with CKD, learning about nutrition is vital because their diet can affect how well their kidneys work. Parents or guardians should always consult with their childs health care team before making any dietary changes.
What is (are) What I need to know about Hepatitis B ?
Hepatitis* B is a virus, or infection, that causes liver disease and inflammation of the liver. Viruses can cause sickness. For example, the flu is caused by a virus. People can pass viruses to each other. Inflammation is swelling that occurs when tissues of the body become injured or infected. Inflammation can cause organs to not work properly.
What is (are) What I need to know about Hepatitis B ?
The liver is an organ that does many important things. You cannot live without a liver. *See the Pronunciation Guide for tips on how to say the words in bold type. The liver removes harmful chemicals from your blood fights infection helps digest food stores nutrients and vitamins stores energy
Who is at risk for What I need to know about Hepatitis B? ?
Anyone can get hepatitis B, but those more likely to are people who were born to a mother with hepatitis B are in contact with blood, needles, or body fluids at work live with someone who currently has an active hepatitis B infection have had more than one sex partner in the last 6 months or have a history of sexually transmitted disease are on kidney dialysisthe process of filtering wastes and extra water from the body by means other than the kidneys are taking medicines that suppress the immune system, such as steroids or chemotherapy medicines have lived in or travel often to parts of the world where hepatitis B is common are from Asian and Pacific Island nations are infected with HIV or hepatitis C have injected illegal drugs work or live in a prison had a blood transfusion or organ transplant before the mid1980s Also, men who have sex with men are more likely to get hepatitis B.
What are the symptoms of What I need to know about Hepatitis B ?
Most people do not have any symptoms of hepatitis B. Adults and children ages 5 and older may have one or more of the following symptoms: feeling tired muscle soreness upset stomach stomach pain fever loss of appetite diarrhea darkyellow urine lightcolored stools yellowish eyes and skin, called jaundice When symptoms occur, they can begin 2 to 5 months after coming into contact with the virus. See a doctor right away if you or a child in your care has symptoms of hepatitis B.
What is (are) What I need to know about Hepatitis B ?
Acute hepatitis B is a shortterm infection with the hepatitis B virus. Symptoms usually last several weeks but they can last up to 6 months. The infection sometimes clears up because your body is able to fight off the infection and get rid of the virus. Most healthy adults and children older than 5 who have hepatitis B get better without treatment.
What is (are) What I need to know about Hepatitis B ?
Chronic hepatitis B is a longlasting infection with the hepatitis B virus. Chronic hepatitis B occurs when the body cant get rid of the hepatitis B virus. Children, especially infants, are more likely to get chronic hepatitis B, which usually has no symptoms until signs of liver damage appear. Without treatment, chronic hepatitis B can cause liver cancer or severe liver damage that leads to liver failure. Liver failure occurs when the liver stops working properly.
How to diagnose What I need to know about Hepatitis B ?
A blood test will show if you have hepatitis B. Blood tests are done at a doctors office or outpatient facility. A blood sample is taken using a needle inserted into a vein in your arm or hand. The blood sample is sent to a lab to test for hepatitis B. If you are at higher risk of getting hepatitis B, get tested. If you are pregnant, you should also get tested. Many people with hepatitis B do not know they are infected. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent liver damage. Your doctor may suggest getting a liver biopsy if chronic hepatitis B is suspected. A liver biopsy is a test to take a small piece of your liver to look for liver damage. The doctor may ask you to stop taking certain medicines before the test. You may be asked to fast for 8 hours before the test. During the test, you lie on a table with your right hand resting above your head. Medicine is applied to numb the area where the biopsy needle will be inserted. If needed, sedatives and pain medicine are also given. The doctor uses a needle to take a small piece of liver tissue. After the test, you must lie on your right side for up to 2 hours. You will stay 2 to 4 hours after the test before being sent home. A liver biopsy is performed at a hospital or outpatient center by a doctor. The liver tissue is sent to a special lab where a doctor looks at the tissue with a microscope and sends a report to your doctor.
What are the treatments for What I need to know about Hepatitis B ?
Hepatitis B is not usually treated unless it becomes chronic. Chronic hepatitis B is treated with medicines that slow or stop the virus from damaging the liver. Medicines for Chronic Hepatitis B Your doctor will choose medicines or a combination of medicines that are likely to work for you. The doctor will closely watch your symptoms and schedule regular blood tests to make sure treatment is working. Medicines given by shots include interferon peginterferon Medicines taken by mouth include adefovir entecavir lamivudine telbivudine tenofovir The length of treatment varies. Talk with your doctor before taking other prescription medicines and overthecounter medicines. Liver Transplant A liver transplant may be necessary if chronic hepatitis B causes severe liver damage that leads to liver failure. Symptoms of severe liver damage include the symptoms of hepatitis B and generalized itching a longer than usual amount of time for bleeding to stop easy bruising swollen stomach or ankles spiderlike blood vessels, called spider angiomas, that develop on the skin Liver transplant is surgery to remove a diseased or injured liver and replace it with a healthy one from another person, called a donor. If your doctors tell you that you need a transplant, you should talk with them about the longterm demands of living with a liver transplant. A team of surgeonsdoctors who specialize in surgeryperforms a liver transplant in a hospital. You will learn how to take care of yourself after you go home and about the medicines youll need to take to protect your new liver. Medicines taken after liver transplant surgery can prevent hepatitis B from coming back. Testing for Liver Cancer Having hepatitis B increases your risk for getting liver cancer, so your doctor may suggest an ultrasound test of the liver every 6 to 12 months. Finding cancer early makes it more treatable. Ultrasound is a machine that uses sound waves to create a picture of your liver. Ultrasound is performed at a hospital or radiology center by a specially trained technician. The image, called a sonogram, can show the livers size and the presence of cancerous tumors.
What to do for What I need to know about Hepatitis B ?
If you have chronic hepatitis B, you should do things to take care of yourself, including eating a healthy diet. Avoid drinking alcohol, which can harm the liver. Talk with your doctor before taking vitamins and other supplements.
What to do for What I need to know about Hepatitis B ?
Hepatitis B is a virus, or infection, that causes liver disease and inflammation of the liver. Anyone can get hepatitis B, but some people are more likely to than others. You could get hepatitis B through contact with an infected persons blood, semen, or other body fluid. Most people do not have any symptoms of hepatitis B. Adults and children ages 5 and older may have symptoms. See a doctor right away if you or a child in your care has symptoms of hepatitis B. Acute hepatitis B is a shortterm infection with the hepatitis B virus. Chronic hepatitis B is a longlasting infection with the hepatitis B virus. Chronic hepatitis B occurs when the body cant get rid of the hepatitis B virus. Children, especially infants, are more likely to get chronic hepatitis B. A blood test will show if you have hepatitis B. If you are at higher risk of getting hepatitis B, get tested. If you are pregnant, you should also get tested. Many people with hepatitis B do not know they are infected. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent liver damage. Hepatitis B is usually not treated unless it becomes chronic. Chronic hepatitis B is treated with medicines that slow or stop the virus from damaging the liver. You can avoid getting hepatitis B by receiving the hepatitis B vaccine. Tell your doctor and your dentist if you have hepatitis B. If you are pregnant and have hepatitis B, tell the doctor and staff who deliver your baby. See your doctor right away if you think you have been in contact with the hepatitis B virus.
What is (are) Alagille Syndrome ?
Alagille syndrome is a genetic condition that results in various symptoms in different parts of the body, including the liver. A person with Alagille syndrome has fewer than the normal number of small bile ducts inside the liver. The liver is the organ in the abdomenthe area between the chest and hipsthat makes blood proteins and bile, stores energy and nutrients, fights infection, and removes harmful chemicals from the blood. Bile ducts are tubes that carry bile from the liver cells to the gallbladder for storage and to the small intestine for use in digestion. Bile is fluid made by the liver that carries toxins and waste products out of the body and helps the body digest fats and the fatsoluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. In people with Alagille syndrome, the decreased number of bile ducts causes bile to build up in the liver, a condition also called cholestasis, leading to liver damage and liver disease.
What is (are) Alagille Syndrome ?
The digestive system is made up of the gastrointestinal (GI) tractalso called the digestive tractand the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. The GI tract is a series of hollow organs joined in a long, twisting tube from the mouth to the anus. The hollow organs that make up the GI tract are the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestinewhich includes the colon and rectumand anus. Food enters the mouth and passes to the anus through the hollow organs of the digestive system. The liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are the solid organs of the digestive system. The digestive system helps the body digest food.
What causes Alagille Syndrome ?
Alagille syndrome is caused by a gene mutation, or defect. Genes provide instructions for making proteins in the body. A gene mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the material inside cells that carries genetic information and passes genes from parent to child. Approximately 30 to 50 percent of people with Alagille syndrome have an inherited gene mutation, meaning it has been passed on by a parent. In the remaining cases, the gene mutation develops spontaneously.1 In spontaneous cases, neither parent carries a copy of the mutated gene. Most cases of Alagille syndrome are caused by a mutation in the JAGGED1 (JAG1) gene. In less than 1 percent of cases, a mutation in the NOTCH2 gene is the cause.2 Genetic Disorders Each cell contains thousands of genes that provide the instructions for making proteins for growth and repair of the body. If a gene has a mutation, the protein made by that gene may not function properly, which sometimes creates a genetic disorder. Not all gene mutations cause a disorder. People have two copies of most genes; one copy is inherited from each parent. A genetic disorder occurs when one or both parents pass a mutated gene to a child at conception. A genetic disorder can also occur through a spontaneous gene mutation, meaning neither parent carries a copy of the mutated gene. Once a spontaneous gene mutation has occurred in a person, it can be passed to the person's children. Read more about genes and genetic conditions at the U.S. National Library of Medicine's (NLM's) Genetics Home Reference at
How many people are affected by Alagille Syndrome ?
Alagille syndrome occurs in about one of every 30,000 live births.3 The disorder affects both sexes equally and shows no geographical, racial, or ethnic preferences. JAG1 and NOTCH2 gene mutations are inherited in an autosomal dominant way, which means a child can get Alagille syndrome by inheriting either of the gene mutations from only one parent. Each child of a parent with an autosomal dominant mutation has a 50 percent chance of inheriting the mutated gene. The following chart shows the chance of inheriting an autosomal dominant gene mutation: The gene mutations that cause Alagille syndrome may cause mild or subtle symptoms. Some people may not know they are affected, while others with the gene mutation may develop more serious characteristics of Alagille syndrome. A person with a gene mutation, whether showing serious symptoms or not, has Alagille syndrome and can pass the gene mutation to a child. Read more about how genetic conditions are inherited at the NLM's Genetics Home Reference website at
What are the symptoms of Alagille Syndrome ?
The signs and symptoms of Alagille syndrome and their severity vary, even among people in the same family sharing the same gene mutation. Liver In some people, problems in the liver may be the first signs and symptoms of the disorder. These signs and symptoms can occur in children and adults with Alagille syndrome, and in infants as early as the first 3 months of life. Jaundice. Jaundicewhen the skin and whites of the eyes turn yellowis a result of the liver not removing bilirubin from the blood. Bilirubin is a reddishyellow substance formed when hemoglobin breaks down. Hemoglobin is an ironrich protein that gives blood its red color. Bilirubin is absorbed by the liver, processed, and released into bile. Blockage of the bile ducts forces bilirubin and other elements of bile to build up in the blood. Jaundice may be difficult for parents and even health care providers to detect. Many healthy newborns have mild jaundice during the first 1 to 2 weeks of life due to an immature liver. This normal type of jaundice disappears by the second or third week of life, whereas the jaundice of Alagille syndrome deepens. Newborns with jaundice after 2 weeks of life should be seen by a health care provider to check for a possible liver problem. Dark urine and gray or white stools. High levels of bilirubin in the blood that pass into the urine can make the urine darker, while stool lightens from a lack of bilirubin reaching the intestines. Gray or white bowel movements after 2 weeks of age are a reliable sign of a liver problem and should prompt a visit to a health care provider. Pruritus. The buildup of bilirubin in the blood may cause itching, also called pruritus. Pruritus usually starts after 3 months of age and can be severe. Xanthomas. Xanthomas are fatty deposits that appear as yellow bumps on the skin. They are caused by abnormally high cholesterol levels in the blood, common in people with liver disease. Xanthomas may appear anywhere on the body. However, xanthomas are usually found on the elbows, joints, tendons, knees, hands, feet, or buttocks. Other Signs and Symptoms of Alagille Syndrome Certain signs of Alagille syndrome are unique to the disorder, including those that affect the vertebrae and facial features. Face. Many children with Alagille syndrome have deepset eyes, a straight nose, a small and pointed chin, large ears, and a prominent, wide forehead. These features are not usually recognized until after infancy. By adulthood, the chin is more prominent. Eyes. Posterior embryotoxon is a condition in which an opaque ring is present in the cornea, the transparent covering of the eyeball. The abnormality is common in people with Alagille syndrome, though it usually does not affect vision. Skeleton. The most common skeletal defect in a person with Alagille syndrome is when the shape of the vertebraebones of the spinegives the appearance of flying butterflies. This defect, known as "butterfly" vertebrae, rarely causes medical problems or requires treatment. Heart and blood vessels. People with Alagille syndrome may have the following signs and symptoms having to do with the heart and blood vessels: heart murmuran extra or unusual sound heard during a heartbeat. A heart murmur is the most common sign of Alagille syndrome other than the general symptoms of liver disease.1 Most people with Alagille syndrome have a narrowing of the blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the lungs.1 This narrowing causes a murmur that can be heard with a stethoscope. Heart murmurs usually do not cause problems. heart walls and valve problems. A small number of people with Alagille syndrome have serious problems with the walls or valves of the heart. These conditions may need treatment with medications or corrective surgery. blood vessel problems. People with Alagille syndrome may have abnormalities of the blood vessels in the head and neck. This serious complication can lead to internal bleeding or stroke. Alagille syndrome can also cause narrowing or bulging of other blood vessels in the body. Kidney disease. A wide range of kidney diseases can occur in Alagille syndrome. The kidneys are two beanshaped organs, each about the size of a fist, that filter wastes and extra fluid from the blood. Some people have small kidneys or have cystsfluidfilled sacsin the kidneys. Kidney function can also decrease.
What are the complications of Alagille Syndrome ?
The complications of Alagille syndrome include liver failure, portal hypertension, and growth problems. People with Alagille syndrome usually have a combination of complications, and may not have every complication listed below. Liver failure. Over time, the decreased number of bile ducts may lead to chronic liver failure, also called endstage liver disease. This condition progresses over months, years, or even decades. The liver can no longer perform important functions or effectively replace damaged cells. A person may need a liver transplant. A liver transplant is surgery to remove a diseased or an injured liver and replace it with a healthy whole liver or a segment of a liver from another person, called a donor. Portal hypertension. The spleen is the organ that cleans blood and makes white blood cells. White blood cells attack bacteria and other foreign cells. Blood flow from the spleen drains directly into the liver. When a person with Alagille syndrome has advanced liver disease, the blood flow backs up into the spleen and other blood vessels. This condition is called portal hypertension. The spleen may become larger in the later stages of liver disease. A person with an enlarged spleen should avoid contact sports to protect the organ from injury. Advanced portal hypertension can lead to serious bleeding problems. Growth problems. Alagille syndrome can lead to poor growth in infants and children, as well as delayed puberty in older children. Liver disease can cause malabsorption, which can result in growth problems. Malabsorption is the inability of the small intestine to absorb nutrients from foods, which results in protein, calorie, and vitamin deficiencies. Serious heart problems, if present in Alagille syndrome, can also affect growth. Malabsorption. People with Alagille syndrome may have diarrhealoose, watery stoolsdue to malabsorption. The condition occurs because bile is necessary for the digestion of food. Malabsorption can lead to bone fractures, eye problems, bloodclotting problems, and learning delays. Longterm Outlook The longterm outlook for people with Alagille syndrome depends on several factors, including the severity of liver damage and heart problems. Predicting who will experience improved bile flow and who will progress to chronic liver failure is difficult. Ten to 30 percent of people with Alagille syndrome will eventually need a liver transplant.3 Many adults with Alagille syndrome whose symptoms improve with treatment lead normal, productive lives. Deaths in people with Alagille syndrome are most often caused by chronic liver failure, heart problems, and blood vessel problems.
How to diagnose Alagille Syndrome ?
A health care provider diagnoses Alagille syndrome by performing a thorough physical exam and ordering one or more of the following tests and exams: blood test urinalysis x ray abdominal ultrasound cardiology exam slitlamp exam liver biopsy genetic testing Alagille syndrome can be difficult to diagnose because the signs and symptoms vary and the syndrome is so rare. For a diagnosis of Alagille syndrome, three of the following symptoms typically should be present: liver symptoms, such as jaundice, pruritus, malabsorption, and xanthomas heart abnormalities or murmurs skeletal abnormalities posterior embryotoxon facial features typical of Alagille syndrome kidney disease blood vessel problems A health care provider may perform a liver biopsy to diagnose Alagille syndrome; however, it is not necessary to make a diagnosis. A diagnosis can be made in a person who does not meet the clinical criteria of Alagille syndrome yet does have a gene mutation of JAG1. The health care provider may have a blood sample tested to look for the JAG1 gene mutation. The gene mutation can be identified in 94 percent of people with a diagnosis of Alagille syndrome.2 Blood test. A blood test involves drawing blood at a health care provider's office or a commercial facility and sending the sample to a lab for analysis. The blood test can show nutritional status and the presence of liver disease and kidney function. Urinalysis. Urinalysis is the testing of a urine sample. The urine sample is collected in a special container in a health care provider's office or a commercial facility and can be tested in the same location or sent to a lab for analysis. Urinalysis can show many problems of the urinary tract and other body systems. The sample may be observed for color, cloudiness, or concentration; signs of drug use; chemical composition, including glucose; the presence of protein, blood cells, or bacteria; or other signs of disease. X ray. An x ray is a picture created by using radiation and recorded on film or on a computer. The amount of radiation used is small. An xray technician performs the x ray at a hospital or an outpatient center, and a radiologista doctor who specializes in medical imaginginterprets the images. Anesthesia is not needed. The patient will lie on a table or stand during the x ray. The technician positions the xray machine over the spine area to look for "butterfly" vertebrae. The patient will hold his or her breath as the picture is taken so that the picture will not be blurry. The patient may be asked to change position for additional pictures. Abdominal ultrasound. Ultrasound uses a device, called a transducer, that bounces safe, painless sound waves off organs to create an image of their structure. The transducer can be moved to different angles to make it possible to examine different organs. In abdominal ultrasound, the health care provider applies a gel to the patient's abdomen and moves a handheld transducer over the skin. The gel allows the transducer to glide easily, and it improves the transmission of the signals. A specially trained technician performs the procedure in a health care provider's office, an outpatient center, or a hospital, and a radiologist interprets the images; anesthesia is not needed. The images can show an enlarged liver or rule out other conditions. Cardiology exam. A cardiologista doctor who treats people who have heart problemsperforms a cardiology exam in a health care provider's office, an outpatient center, or a hospital. During a full exam, a cardiologist may inspect the patient's physical appearance, measure pulse rate and blood pressure, observe the jugular vein, check for rapid or skipped heartbeats, listen for variations in heart sounds, and listen to the lungs. Slitlamp exam. An ophthalmologista doctor who diagnoses and treats all eye diseases and eye disordersperforms a slitlamp exam to diagnose posterior embryotoxon. The ophthalmologist examines the eye with a slit lamp, a microscope combined with a highintensity light that shines a thin beam on the eye. While sitting in a chair, the patient will rest his or her head on the slit lamp. A yellow dye may be used to examine the cornea and tear layer. The dye is applied as a drop, or the specialist may touch a strip of paper stained with the dye to the white of the patient's eye. The specialist will also use drops in the patient's eye to dilate the pupil. Liver biopsy. A liver biopsy is a procedure that involves taking a piece of liver tissue for examination with a microscope for signs of damage or disease. The health care provider may ask the patient to stop taking certain medications temporarily before the liver biopsy. The patient may be asked to fast for 8 hours before the procedure. During the procedure, the patient lies on a table, right hand resting above the head. A local anesthetic is applied to the area where the biopsy needle will be inserted. If needed, sedatives and pain medication are also given. The health care provider uses a needle to take a small piece of liver tissue. The health care provider may use ultrasound, computerized tomography scans, or other imaging techniques to guide the needle. After the biopsy, the patient should lie on the right side for up to 2 hours and is monitored an additional 2 to 4 hours before being sent home. Genetic testing. The health care provider may refer a person suspected of having Alagille syndrome to a geneticista doctor who specializes in genetic disorders. For a genetic test, the geneticist takes a blood or saliva sample and analyzes the DNA for the JAG1 gene mutation. The geneticist tests for the JAG1 gene mutation first, since it is more common in Alagille syndrome than NOTCH2. Genetic testing is often done only by specialized labs. The results may not be available for several months because of the complexity of the testing. The usefulness of genetic testing for Alagille syndrome is limited by two factors: Detection of a mutated gene cannot predict the onset of symptoms or how serious the disorder will be. Even if a mutated gene is found, no specific cure for the disorder exists. When to Consider Genetic Counseling People who are considering genetic testing may want to consult a genetics counselor. Genetic counseling can help family members understand how test results may affect them individually and as a family. Genetic counseling is provided by genetics professionalshealth care professionals with specialized degrees and experience in medical genetics and counseling. Genetics professionals include geneticists, genetics counselors, and genetics nurses. Genetics professionals work as members of health care teams, providing information and support to individuals or families who have genetic disorders or a higher chance of having an inherited condition. Genetics professionals assess the likelihood of a genetic disorder by researching a family's history, evaluating medical records, and conducting a physical exam of the patient and other family members weigh the medical, social, and ethical decisions surrounding genetic testing provide support and information to help a person make a decision about testing interpret the results of genetic tests and medical data provide counseling or refer individuals and families to support services serve as patient advocates explain possible treatments or preventive measures discuss reproductive options Genetic counseling may be useful when a family member is deciding whether to have genetic testing and again later when test results are available.
What are the treatments for Alagille Syndrome ?
Treatment for Alagille syndrome includes medications and therapies that increase the flow of bile from the liver, promote growth and development in infants' and children's bodies, correct nutritional deficiencies, and reduce the person's discomfort. Ursodiol (Actigall, Urso) is a medication that increases bile flow. Other treatments address specific symptoms of the disorder. Liver failure. People with Alagille syndrome who develop endstage liver failure need a liver transplant with a whole liver from a deceased donor or a segment of a liver from a living donor. People with Alagille syndrome who also have heart problems may not be candidates for a transplant because they could be more likely to have complications during and after the procedure. A liver transplant surgical team performs the transplant in a hospital. More information is provided in the NIDDK health topic, Liver Transplantation. Pruritus. Itching may decrease when the flow of bile from the liver is increased. Medications such as cholestyramine (Prevalite), rifampin (Rifadin, Rimactane), naltrexone (Vivitrol), or antihistamines may be prescribed to relieve pruritus. People should hydrate their skin with moisturizers and keep their fingernails trimmed to prevent skin damage from scratching. People with Alagille syndrome should avoid baths and take short showers to prevent the skin from drying out. If severe pruritus does not improve with medication, a procedure called partial external biliary diversion may provide relief from itching. The procedure involves surgery to connect one end of the small intestine to the gallbladder and the other end to an opening in the abdomencalled a stomathrough which bile leaves the body and is collected in a pouch. A surgeon performs partial external biliary diversion in a hospital. The patient will need general anesthesia. Malabsorption and growth problems. Infants with Alagille syndrome are given a special formula that helps the small intestine absorb muchneeded fat. Infants, children, and adults can benefit from a highcalorie diet, calcium, and vitamins A, D, E, and K. They may also need additional zinc. If someone with Alagille syndrome does not tolerate oral doses of vitamins, a health care provider may give the person injections for a period of time. A child may receive additional calories through a tiny tube that is passed through the nose into the stomach. If extra calories are needed for a long time, a health care provider may place a tube, called a gastrostomy tube, directly into the stomach through a small opening made in the abdomen. A child's growth may improve with increased nutrition and flow of bile from the liver. Xanthomas. For someone who has Alagille syndrome, these fatty deposits typically worsen over the first few years of life and then improve over time. They may eventually disappear in response to partial external biliary diversion or the medications used to increase bile flow.
How to prevent Alagille Syndrome ?
Scientists have not yet found a way to prevent Alagille syndrome. However, complications of the disorder can be managed with the help of health care providers. Routine visits with a health care team are needed to prevent complications from becoming worse.
What to do for Alagille Syndrome ?
Researchers have not found that eating, diet, and nutrition play a role in causing or preventing Alagille syndrome. However, these factors are important for people with Alagille syndrome, particularly children, who are malnourished, growing poorly, or have delayed puberty. Caregivers and parents of children with Alagille syndrome should try to maximize their children's potential for growth through good eating, diet, and nutrition. A nutritionist or a dietitiana person with training in nutrition and dietcan work with someone with Alagille syndrome and his or her health care team to build an appropriate healthy eating plan. A person with Alagille syndrome may need to take dietary supplements or vitamins in addition to eating a set number of calories, based on the type of complications the person has. Researchers consider good nutrition to be one of the most important aspects of managing the disorder. If potential liver problems are present, a person with Alagille syndrome should not drink alcoholic beverages without talking with his or her health care provider first. Additionally, eating, diet, and nutrition play a part in overall health and preventing further health problems.
What to do for Alagille Syndrome ?
Alagille syndrome is a genetic condition that results in various symptoms in different parts of the body, including the liver. A person with Alagille syndrome has fewer than the normal number of small bile ducts inside the liver. In people with Alagille syndrome, the decreased number of bile ducts causes bile to build up in the liver, a condition also called cholestasis, leading to liver damage and liver disease. Alagille syndrome is caused by a gene mutation, or defect. Approximately 30 to 50 percent of people with Alagille syndrome have an inherited gene mutation, meaning it has been passed on by a parent. Alagille syndrome occurs in about one of every 30,000 live births. The disorder affects both sexes equally and shows no geographical, racial, or ethnic preferences. The gene mutations that cause Alagille syndrome may cause mild or subtle symptoms. Some people may not know they are affected. The signs and symptoms of Alagille syndrome and their severity vary, even among people in the same family sharing the same gene mutation. In some people, problems in the liver may be the first signs and symptoms of the disorder. The complications of Alagille syndrome include liver failure, portal hypertension, and growth problems. Ten to 30 percent of people with Alagille syndrome will eventually need a liver transplant. A health care provider diagnoses Alagille syndrome by performing a thorough physical exam and other tests. Genetic counseling can help family members understand how genetic test results may affect them individually and as a family. Treatment for Alagille syndrome includes medications and therapies that increase the flow of bile from the liver, promote growth and development in infants' and children's bodies, correct nutritional deficiencies, and reduce the person's discomfort. Scientists have not yet found a way to prevent Alagille syndrome. Caregivers and parents of children with Alagille syndrome should try to maximize their children's potential for growth through good eating, diet, and nutrition.
What is (are) Am I at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes? Taking Steps to Lower Your Risk of Getting Diabetes ?
Type 2 diabetes, formerly called adultonset diabetes, is the most common type of diabetes. About 95 percent of people with diabetes have type 2. People can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, even during childhood. However, this type of diabetes develops most often in middleaged and older people. People who are overweight and inactive are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. In type 2 and other types of diabetes, you have too much glucose, also called sugar, in your blood. People with diabetes have problems converting food to energy. After a meal, food is broken down into glucose, which is carried by your blood to cells throughout your body. With the help of the hormone insulin, cells absorb glucose from your blood and use it for energy. Insulin is made in the pancreas, an organ located behind the stomach. Type 2 diabetes usually begins with insulin resistance, a condition linked to excess weight in which your bodys cells do not use insulin properly. As a result, your body needs more insulin to help glucose enter cells. At first, your pancreas keeps up with the added demand by producing more insulin. But in time, your pancreas loses its ability to produce enough insulin, and blood glucose levels rise. Over time, high blood glucose damages nerves and blood vessels, leading to problems such as heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, dental disease, and amputations. Other problems of diabetes may include increased risk of getting other diseases, loss of mobility with aging, depression, and pregnancy problems. Treatment includes taking diabetes medicines, making wise food choices, being physically active on a regular basis, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol, and for some, taking aspirin daily.
How to prevent Am I at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes? Taking Steps to Lower Your Risk of Getting Diabetes ?
Yes. The results of the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) proved that weight loss through moderate diet changes and physical activity can delay or prevent type 2 diabetes. The DPP was a federally funded study of 3,234 people at high risk for diabetes. This study showed that a 5to 7percent weight loss, which for a 200pound person would be 10 to 14 pounds, slowed development of type 2 diabetes. People at High Risk for Diabetes DPP study participants were overweight and had higher than normal levels of blood glucose, a condition called prediabetes. Many had family members with type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes, obesity, and a family history of diabetes are strong risk factors for type 2 diabetes. About half of the DPP participants were from minority groups with high rates of diabetes, including African Americans, Alaska Natives, American Indians, Asian Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, and Pacific Islander Americans. DPP participants also included others at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes, such as women with a history of gestational diabetes and people age 60 and older. Approaches to Preventing Diabetes The DPP tested three approaches to preventing diabetes: Making lifestyle changes. People in the lifestyle change group exercised, usually by walking 5 days a week for about 30 minutes a day, and lowered their intake of fat and calories. Taking the diabetes medicine metformin. Those who took metformin also received information about physical activity and diet. Receiving education about diabetes. The third group only received information about physical activity and diet and took a placeboa pill without medicine in it. People in the lifestyle change group showed the best outcomes. But people who took metformin also benefited. The results showed that by losing an average of 15 pounds in the first year of the study, people in the lifestyle change group reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 58 percent over 3 years. Lifestyle change was even more effective in those age 60 and older. People in this group reduced their risk by 71 percent. But people in the metformin group also benefited, reducing their risk by 31 percent. More information about the DPP, funded under National Institutes of Health (NIH) clinical trial number NCT00004992, is available at Lasting Results The Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS) has shown that the benefits of weight loss and metformin last for at least 10 years. The DPPOS has continued to follow most DPP participants since the DPP ended in 2001. The DPPOS showed that 10 years after enrolling in the DPP, people in the lifestyle change group reduced their risk for developing diabetes by 34 percent those in the lifestyle change group age 60 or older had even greater benefit, reducing their risk of developing diabetes by 49 percent participants in the lifestyle change group also had fewer heart and blood vessel disease risk factors, including lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels, even though they took fewer medicines to control their heart disease risk the metformin group reduced the risk of developing diabetes by 18 percent Even though controlling your weight with lifestyle changes is challenging, it produces longterm health rewards by lowering your risk for type 2 diabetes, lowering your blood glucose levels, and reducing other heart disease risk factors. More information about the DPPOS, funded under NIH clinical trial number NCT00038727, can be found at Other Types of Diabetes In addition to type 2, the other main types of diabetes are type 1 diabetes and gestational diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes Type 1 diabetes, formerly called juvenile diabetes, is usually first diagnosed in children, teenagers, and young adults. In this type of diabetes, your pancreas can no longer make insulin because your bodys immune system has attacked and destroyed the cells that make it. Treatment for type 1 diabetes includes taking insulin shots or using an insulin pump, making wise food choices, being physically active on a regular basis, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol, and, for some, taking aspirin daily. Gestational Diabetes Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops only during pregnancy. Hormones produced by your placenta and other pregnancyrelated factors contribute to insulin resistance, which occurs in all women during late pregnancy. Insulin resistance increases the amount of insulin needed to control blood glucose levels. If your pancreas cant produce enough insulin, gestational diabetes occurs. As with type 2 diabetes, excess weight is linked to gestational diabetes. Overweight or obese women are at particularly high risk for gestational diabetes because they start pregnancy with a higher need for insulin due to insulin resistance. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy may also increase risk. Gestational diabetes occurs more often in some ethnic groups and among women with a family history of diabetes. Although gestational diabetes usually goes away after the baby is born, a woman who has had gestational diabetes is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life. Babies born to mothers who had gestational diabetes are also more likely to develop obesity and type 2 diabetes as they grow up.
What is (are) Am I at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes? Taking Steps to Lower Your Risk of Getting Diabetes ?
In addition to type 2, the other main types of diabetes are type 1 diabetes and gestational diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes Type 1 diabetes, formerly called juvenile diabetes, is usually first diagnosed in children, teenagers, and young adults. In this type of diabetes, your pancreas can no longer make insulin because your bodys immune system has attacked and destroyed the cells that make it. Treatment for type 1 diabetes includes taking insulin shots or using an insulin pump, making wise food choices, being physically active on a regular basis, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol, and, for some, taking aspirin daily. Gestational Diabetes Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops only during pregnancy. Hormones produced by your placenta and other pregnancyrelated factors contribute to insulin resistance, which occurs in all women during late pregnancy. Insulin resistance increases the amount of insulin needed to control blood glucose levels. If your pancreas cant produce enough insulin, gestational diabetes occurs. As with type 2 diabetes, excess weight is linked to gestational diabetes. Overweight or obese women are at particularly high risk for gestational diabetes because they start pregnancy with a higher need for insulin due to insulin resistance. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy may also increase risk. Gestational diabetes occurs more often in some ethnic groups and among women with a family history of diabetes. Although gestational diabetes usually goes away after the baby is born, a woman who has had gestational diabetes is more likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life. Babies born to mothers who had gestational diabetes are also more likely to develop obesity and type 2 diabetes as they grow up.
What are the symptoms of Am I at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes? Taking Steps to Lower Your Risk of Getting Diabetes ?
The signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes can be so mild that you might not even notice them. Nearly 7 million people in the United States have type 2 diabetes and dont know they have the disease. Many have no signs or symptoms. Some people have symptoms but do not suspect diabetes. Symptoms include increased thirst increased hunger fatigue increased urination, especially at night unexplained weight loss blurred vision numbness or tingling in the feet or hands sores that do not heal Many people do not find out they have the disease until they have diabetes problems, such as blurred vision or heart trouble. If you find out early that you have diabetes, you can get treatment to prevent damage to your body.
Who is at risk for Am I at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes? Taking Steps to Lower Your Risk of Getting Diabetes? ?
To find out your risk for type 2 diabetes, check each item that applies to you. I am age 45 or older. I am overweight or obese. I have a parent, brother, or sister with diabetes. My family background is African American, Alaska Native, American Indian, Asian American, Hispanic/Latino, or Pacific Islander American. I have had gestational diabetes. I gave birth to at least one baby weighing more than 9 pounds. My blood pressure is 140/90 or higher, or I have been told that I have high blood pressure. My cholesterol levels are higher than normal. My HDL, or good, cholesterol is below 35, or my triglyceride level is above 250. I am fairly inactive. I have polycystic ovary syndrome, also called PCOS. On previous testing, I had prediabetesan A1C level of 5.7 to 6.4 percent, impaired fasting glucose (IFG), or impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). I have other clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance, such as a condition called acanthosis nigricans, characterized by a dark, velvety rash around my neck or armpits. I have a history of cardiovascular disease. The more items you checked, the higher your risk. Does sleep matter? Yes. Studies show that untreated sleep problems, especially sleep apnea, can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Sleep apnea is a common disorder in which you have pauses in breathing or shallow breaths while you sleep. Most people who have sleep apnea dont know they have it and it often goes undiagnosed. Night shift workers who have problems with sleepiness may also be at increased risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes. If you think you might have sleep problems, ask your doctor for help. More information about sleep problems is available from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute at
Who is at risk for Am I at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes? Taking Steps to Lower Your Risk of Getting Diabetes? ?
You can do a lot to reduce your risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Being more physically active, reducing fat and calorie intake, and losing a little weight can help you lower your chances of developing type 2 diabetes. Taking the diabetes medicine metformin can also reduce risk, particularly in younger and heavier people with prediabetes and women who have had gestational diabetes. Lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels also helps you stay healthy. If you are overweight, then take these steps: Reach and maintain a reasonable body weight. Even a 10 or 15 pound weight loss makes a big difference. Make wise food choices most of the time. Be physically active every day. If you are fairly inactive, then take this step: Be physically active every day. If your blood pressure is too high, then take these steps: Reach and maintain a reasonable body weight. Make wise food choices most of the time. Reduce your sodium and alcohol intake. Be physically active every day. Talk with your doctor about whether you need medicine to control your blood pressure. If your cholesterol or triglyceride levels are too high, then take these steps: Make wise food choices most of the time. Be physically active every day. Talk with your doctor about whether you need medicine to control your cholesterol levels.
Who is at risk for Am I at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes? Taking Steps to Lower Your Risk of Getting Diabetes? ?
Making big changes in your life is hard, especially if you are faced with more than one change. You can make it easier by taking these steps: Make a plan to change behavior. Decide exactly what you will do and give yourself a time frame. Plan what you need to get ready. Track your goals and activity on a food and activity tracker, available at (PDF, 349 KB) Think about what might prevent you from reaching your goals. Find family and friends who will support and encourage you. Decide how you will reward yourselfa shopping trip, movie tickets, an afternoon in the parkwhen you do what you have planned. Your doctor, a dietitian, or a counselor can help you make a plan. Be Physically Active Every Day Regular physical activity tackles several risk factors at once. Activity helps you lose weight; keeps your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol under control; and helps your body use insulin. People in the DPP who were physically active for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, reduced their risk of type 2 diabetes. Many chose brisk walking as their physical activity. If you are not fairly active, you should start slowly. First, talk with your doctor about what kinds of physical activity are safe for you. Make a plan to increase your activity level toward the goal of being active at least 30 minutes a day most days of the week. You can increase your level of physical activity in two main ways: 1. Start an exercise program. 2. Increase your daily activity. Start an exercise program. Pick exercises that suit you. Find a friend to walk with you or join an exercise class that will help you keep going. Do aerobic activities, which use your large muscles to make your heart beat faster. The large muscles are those of the upper and lower arms; upper and lower legs; and those that control head, shoulder, and hip movements. Do activities to strengthen muscles and bone, such as lifting weights or situps, two to three times a week. Find helpsuch as a video or a classto learn how to do these exercises properly. Increase your daily activity. Choose activities you enjoy. You can work extra activity into your daily routine by doing the following: Increase daily activity by decreasing time spent watching TV or at the computer. Set up a reminder on your computer to take an activity break. Take the stairs rather than an elevator or escalator. Park at the far end of the parking lot and walk. Get off the bus a few stops early and walk the rest of the way. Walk or bicycle whenever you can. Take Your Prescribed Medicines Some people need medicine to help control their blood pressure or cholesterol levels. If you do, take your medicines as directed. Ask your doctor if you should take metformin to prevent type 2 diabetes. Metformin is a medicine that makes insulin work better and can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
What to do for Am I at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes? Taking Steps to Lower Your Risk of Getting Diabetes ?
Your eating, diet, and nutrition choices play an important role in preventing or delaying diabetes. Follow the suggestions below to reach and maintain a reasonable weight and make wise food choices most of the time. Remember that it can take time to change your habits and be patient with yourself. You can also get help from a dietitian or join a weightloss program to support you while you reach your goals. Reach and Maintain a Reasonable Body Weight Your weight affects your health in many ways. Being overweight can keep your body from making and using insulin properly. Excess body weight can also cause high blood pressure. Every pound you lose lowers your risk of getting diabetes. In addition to weight, the location of excess fat on the body can be important. A waist measurement of 40 inches or more for men and 35 inches or more for women is linked to insulin resistance and increases a persons risk for type 2 diabetes. This is true even if your BMI falls within the normal range. Find Your BMI The BMI is a measure of body weight relative to height. The BMI can help you find out whether you are normal weight, overweight, or obese. Use the table on pages 24 and 25 to find your BMI. Find your height in the lefthand column. Move across in the same row to the number closest to your weight. The number at the top of that column is your BMI. Check the word above your BMI to see whether you are normal weight, overweight, or obese. The BMI has certain limitations. The BMI may overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build and underestimate body fat in older adults and others who have lost muscle. The BMI for children and teens must be determined based on age, height, weight, and sex. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has information about BMI in children and teens, including a BMI calculator, at The CDC website also has a BMI calculator for adults. A BMI calculator from the NIH is available at The NIH also has a free smartphone app for calculating BMI. You can search My BMI Calculator on your phone to find the app. The app also provides links to information about steps you can take to bring your BMI into a healthy range.
What are the treatments for Financial Help for Diabetes Care ?
Diabetes management and treatment is expensive. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the average cost of health care for a person with diabetes is $13,741 a yearmore than twice the cost of health care for a person without diabetes.1 Many people who have diabetes need help paying for their care. For those who qualify, a variety of government and nongovernment programs can help cover health care expenses. This publication is meant to help people with diabetes and their family members find and access such resources.
What is (are) Financial Help for Diabetes Care ?
Health insurance helps pay for medical care, including the cost of diabetes care. Health insurance options include the following: private health insurance, which includes group and individual health insurance government health insurance, such as Medicare, Medicaid, the Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP), TRICARE, and veterans health care programs Starting in 2014, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) prevents insurers from denying coverage or charging higher premiums to people with preexisting conditions, such as diabetes. The ACA also requires most people to have health insurance or pay a fee. Some people may be exempt from this fee. Read more about the ACA at or call 18003182596, TTY 18558894325.
What is (are) Financial Help for Diabetes Care ?
Insurance companies sell private health insurance plans. Two types of private health insurance are Group health insurance. People may be eligible to purchase group health insurance through their employer or union or through a family members employer or union. Other organizations, such as professional or alumni organizations, may also offer group health insurance. Individual health insurance. People may purchase individual health insurance for themselves and their families. The website provides information about individual insurance plans. The website also provides a search function, called the Health Insurance Marketplace, to find health insurance options by state. Depending on their income and family size, some people may qualify for lowercost premiums through the Health Insurance Marketplace. People can select or change individual health insurance plans during the open enrollment period each year. lists open enrollment period dates. The website also provides information about life events that may allow people to enroll outside the open enrollment period. Employers may have a waiting period before an employee and his or her family members can enroll in the company health plan. Under the ACA, the waiting period can be no longer than 90 days. Certain health plans called health maintenance organizations (HMOs) may have an affiliation perioda time that must pass before health insurance coverage becomes effective. An affiliation period can be no longer than 3 months. The ACA expanded coverage of preventive services. For example, adults with sustained high blood pressure may have access to diabetes screening at no cost. Adults and children may have access to obesity screening and counseling at no cost. Each states insurance regulatory office, sometimes called the state insurance department or commission, provides more information about health insurance laws. This office can also help identify an insurance company that offers individual coverage. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners website, , provides a membership list with contact information and a link to the website for each states insurance regulatory office. The ADA also provides information about health insurance options at . Keeping Group Health Insurance after Leaving a Job When leaving a job, a person may be able to continue the group health insurance provided by his or her employer for up to 18 months under a federal law called the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, or COBRA. Although people pay more for group health insurance through COBRA than they did as employees, group coverage may be cheaper than individual coverage. People who have a disability before becoming eligible for COBRA or who are determined by the Social Security Administration to be disabled within the first 60 days of COBRA coverage may be able to extend COBRA coverage an additional 11 months, for up to 29 months of coverage. COBRA may also cover young adults who were insured under a parents policy after they have reached the age limit and are trying to obtain their own insurance. Read more at or call the U.S. Department of Labor at 18664USADOL (18664872365). If a person doesnt qualify for coverage or if COBRA coverage has expired, other options may be available: Some states require employers to offer conversion policies, in which people stay with their insurance company and buy individual coverage. Some professional and alumni organizations offer group coverage for members. Some insurance companies offer shortterm stopgap policies designed for people who are between jobs. However, these policies may not meet ACA requirements. For example, they may not cover preexisting conditions. People can purchase individual health insurance policies. Each states insurance regulatory office can provide more information about these and other options. Information about consumer health plans is also available at the U.S. Department of Labors website at
What is (are) Financial Help for Diabetes Care ?
Medicare is a federal health insurance program that pays health care costs for eligible people who are age 65 or older under age 65 with certain disabilities of any age with endstage renal diseasetotal and permanent kidney failure that requires a kidney transplant or bloodfiltering treatments called dialysis What health plans does Medicare offer? Medicare has four parts: Part A (hospital insurance) covers inpatient care, skilled nursing home residence, hospice care, and home health care. Part A has no premium for those who have paid enough Medicare taxes. A premium is an amount a person must pay periodicallymonthly or quarterlyfor Medicare, other health plan, or drug plan coverage. Part A does have a deductible, an amount a person must pay for health care or prescriptions before the health plan will pay. A person must pay a daily amount for hospital stays that last longer than 60 days. Part B (medical insurance) covers services from health care providers, outpatient care, home health care, durable medical equipment, and some preventative services. Part B has a monthly premium based on a persons income. Rates change each year. After a person pays the deductible each year, Part B pays 80 percent for most covered services as a primary payer. The billing staff of the service providerhospital or cliniccan calculate how much a person will owe. Part C (Medicare Advantage Plans) are part of Medicare and are sometimes called MA Plans. Medicare must approve Medicare Advantage Plans. Each Medicare Advantage Plan must cover Part A and Part B services and may cover other services, too. Medicare Advantage Plans may have Part D prescription coverage. If not, a person can buy a Part D plan separately. Medicare Advantage Plans are not all the same. A person who is thinking of choosing a Medicare Advantage Plan should ask about the rules of the plan. The rules may specify which health care providers or hospitals a person may use. The plan may require a referral from a primary care provider to see a specialist. The plan may not cover medical expenses incurred during travel. How much a person has to pay outofpocket each year will vary by plan. People who have a Medicare Advantage Plan cannot have a Medigap plan to help pay out ofpocket costs. See the section on Medigap. Four types of Medicare Advantage Plans are available: HMOs preferred provider organizations (PPOs) private fee for service plans special needs plans for certain groups Part D (prescription drug coverage) has a premium and covers some medications. Private insurance companies offer different Part D plans approved by Medicare. Costs and coverage vary by plan. A person who has few assets and earns less than 150 percent of the federal poverty level may qualify for extra help to pay Part D premiums and medication costs. People can apply for this help by calling the Social Security Administration, visiting to apply online, visiting their local Social Security office, or contacting their state medical assistance (Medicaid) office. People can find the currentyear guidelines at or by calling Social Security at 18007721213, TTY 18003250778. People can find information and applications for Part D plans at A person can also apply for Part D with an insurance company that sells one of these plans. Other Medicare health plans are for certain groups, such as frail people living in the community and people with multiple chronic illnesses, and include hospital and medical coverage. Some pay for prescribed medications, too. State health insurance programscalled Medicaidpartially finance and administer these services. The plans include the following: Medicare Cost Plans are HMOs, like the ones offered as Medicare Advantage plans, only outofnetwork providers are paid as if the policyholder had Original Medicare. Original Medicare is Medicare Part A and Part B. Program of AllInclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) combines medical, social, and longterm care services for frail people who live and get health care in the community. Medicare Innovation Projects are special projects that test improvements in Medicare coverage, payment, and quality of care. Read more about Medicare Cost Plans and Demonstration or Pilot Programs on the state Medicaid website at or call 1800MEDICARE (18006334227). State Medicaid offices can provide more information about PACE. See the section on Medicaid. Does Medicare cover diabetes services and supplies? Medicare helps pay for the diabetes services, supplies, and equipment listed below and for some preventive services for people who are at risk for diabetes. However, coinsurance or deductibles may apply. A person must have Medicare Part B or Medicare Part D to receive these covered services and supplies. Medicare Part B helps pay for diabetes screening tests for people at risk of developing diabetes diabetes selfmanagement training diabetes supplies such as glucose monitors, test strips, and lancets insulin pumps and insulin if used with an insulin pump counseling to help people who are obese lose weight flu and pneumonia shots foot exams and treatment for people with diabetes eye exams to check for glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy medical nutrition therapy services for people with diabetes or kidney disease, when referred by a health care provider therapeutic shoes or inserts, in some cases Medicare Part D helps pay for diabetes medications insulin, excluding insulin used with an insulin pump diabetes supplies such as needles and syringes for injecting insulin People who are in a Medicare Advantage Plan or other Medicare health plan should check their plans membership materials and call for details about how the plan provides the diabetes services, supplies, and medications covered by Medicare. Read more at (PDF, 1,023 KB) or call 1800MEDICARE (18006334227) to request the free booklet Medicares Coverage of Diabetes Supplies & Services. Where can a person find more information about Medicare? A person can find more information about Medicare by visiting the Medicare website calling 1800MEDICARE Medicare website. Read more about Medicare at, the official U.S. Government website for people with Medicare. The website has a full range of information about Medicare, including free publications such as Medicare & You, which is the official Government handbook about Medicare, and Medicare BasicsA Guide for Families and Friends of People with Medicare. Through the Medicare website, people can also find out if they are eligible for Medicare and when they can enroll learn about their Medicare health plan options find out what Medicare covers find a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan compare Medicare health plan options in their area find a health care provider who participates in Medicare get information about the quality of care provided by hospitals, home health agencies, and dialysis facilities Calling Medicare. Calling 1800MEDICARE (18006334227) is another way to get help with Medicare questions, order free publications, and more. Help is available 24 hours a day, every day, and is available in English, Spanish, and other languages. TTY users should call 18774862048. Access Personal Medicare Information People who enroll in Medicare can register with, a secure online service, and use the site to access their personal Medicare information at any time. People can view their claims and order history, and see a description of covered preventive services. What is Medigap? A Medigap plan, also known as a Medicare supplement plan, can help pay what Original Medicare does not pay for covered services. Insurance companies sell Medigap coverage. People who have a Medicare Advantage plan cannot also have a Medigap plan. A person can buy a Medigap policy from any insurance company licensed to sell the policy in the persons home state. For people who are 65 and older, federal law says that in the first 6 months a person has Part B, companies cannot deny an application or limit payment for anything Original Medicare covers. Some states make insurance companies sell at least one Medigap coverage plan to those under 65 with Medicare. State insurance offices can explain the plans in their state. Find local offices on a map at .
What is (are) Financial Help for Diabetes Care ?
People who enroll in Medicare can register with, a secure online service, and use the site to access their personal Medicare information at any time. People can view their claims and order history, and see a description of covered preventive services.
What is (are) Financial Help for Diabetes Care ?
Medicaid is a state health insurance program for those with low incomes and few assets. Each state runs its own program. The Federal Government requires that Medicaid programs cover a specific set of services; however, states can choose to cover more services in addition to the ones required. A person may have Medicaid alone or Medicare and Medicaid. If a person has both types of coverage, Medicare pays first and Medicaid pays second. Medicaid may pay for things Medicare does not. A person can apply for Medicaid at a city or county department of social services office. The state medical assistance (Medicaid) office can help people find out whether they qualify for Medicaid and can provide more information about Medicaid programs. A social worker can also explain a states Medicaid program and help a person apply. To contact a state Medicaid office, people can search for Medicaid information for a state at or call 18772672323 search online or check the government pages of the phone book for the local department of human services or department of social services CHIP gives free or lowcost Medicaid to children whose parents earn too much for Medicaid, though not enough to pay for a health plan. CHIP may also provide assistance to parents. CHIP is a federal and state program. Read more at or call 18775437669.
What is (are) Financial Help for Diabetes Care ?
Assistive technology is any device that assists, adapts, or helps to rehabilitate someone with a disability so he or she may function more safely, effectively, and independently at home, at work, and in the community. Assistive technology may include computers with features that make them accessible to people with disabilities adaptive equipment, such as wheelchairs bathroom modifications, such as grab bars or shower seats The following organizations may be able to provide information, awareness, and training in the use of technology to assist people with disabilities: Alliance for Technology Access 1119 Old Humboldt Road Jackson, TN 38305 Phone: 18009143017 or 7315545ATA (7315545282) TTY: 7315545284 Fax: 7315545283 Email: [email protected] Internet: National Assistive Technology Technical Assistance Partnership 1700 North Moore Street, Suite 1540 Arlington, VA 222091903 Phone: 7035246686 Fax: 7035246630 TTY: 7035246639 Email: [email protected] Internet: United Cerebral Palsy 1825 K Street NW, Suite 600 Washington, D.C. 20006 Phone: 18008725827 or 2027760406 Internet:
What to do for Financial Help for Diabetes Care ?
Diabetes management and treatment is expensive. Many people who have diabetes need help paying for their care. For those who qualify, a variety of government and nongovernment programs can help cover health care expenses. Health insurance helps pay for medical care, including the cost of diabetes care. Health insurance options include private health insurance and government health insurance. Insurance companies sell private health insurance plans. Two types of private health insurance are group health insurance and individual health insurance. Medicare is a federal health insurance program that pays health care costs for eligible people who are age 65 or older, under age 65 with certain disabilities, or of any age with endstage renal disease. Medicaid is a state health insurance program for those with low incomes and few assets. Each state runs its own program. The Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP) gives free or lowcost Medicaid to children whose parents earn too much for Medicaid, though not enough to pay for a health plan. Many local governments have public health departments that can help people who need medical care. Local resources such as charitable groups may offer financial help for some expenses related to diabetes. People should talk with their health care providers if they have problems paying for diabetes medications. Less expensive generic medications for diabetes, blood pressure, and cholesterol are available. If a health care provider prescribes medications that a person cannot afford, the person should ask the health care provider about cheaper alternatives. Health care providers may also be able to assist people who need help paying for their medications and diabetes testing supplies, such as glucose test strips, by providing free samples or referring them to local programs. Drug companies that sell insulin or diabetes medications often have patient assistance programs.
What is (are) What I need to know about Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome ?
Interstitial cystitis*painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS) is one of several conditions that causes bladder pain and a need to urinate frequently and urgently. Some doctors have started using the term bladder pain syndrome (BPS) to describe this condition. Your bladder is a balloonshaped organ where your body holds urine. When you have a bladder problem, you may notice certain signs or symptoms. *See Pronounciation Guide for tips on how to say the words in bold type.
What are the symptoms of What I need to know about Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome ?
Signs of bladder problems include Urgency. The feeling that you need to go right now! Urgency is normal if you haven't been near a bathroom for a few hours or if you have been drinking a lot of fluids. But you may have a problem if you have strong urges before your bladder has had time to fill. All of a sudden, you feel a strong urge to go. At times, you may even have an accident because the urge strikes so quickly you don't have time to find a bathroom. Frequency. The feeling that you need to go much more often than anyone else. Doctors and nurses use the term void, which means to empty the bladder. Most people void between four and seven times a day. Drinking large amounts of fluid can cause more frequent voiding. Taking blood pressure medicines called diuretics, or water pills, can also cause more frequent voiding. If you void more than eight times a day, and you dont take diuretics or drink large amounts of fluid, it may be the sign of a problem. Pain. The feeling of more than discomfort when you need to go. Having a full bladder may be uncomfortable, but it should not be painful. You may have a problem if you feel burning or sharp pain in your bladder or urethrathe opening where urine leaves the body. Some people may have pain without urgency or frequency. Others have urgency and frequency without pain.
What causes What I need to know about Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome ?
Many different problems can cause urgency, frequency, and bladder pain. Just a few of them are infections bowel disorders endometriosistissue that normally lines the womb that appears in other places outside of the womb bladder cancer Your doctor will ask you questions and run tests to find the cause of your bladder problems. Usually, the doctor will find that you have either an infection or an overactive bladder. But urgency, frequency, and pain are not always caused by infection. Sometimes the cause is hard to find. If all the test results are normal and all other diseases are ruled out, your doctor may find that you have IC/PBS.
Who is at risk for What I need to know about Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome? ?
Both men and women can get IC/PBS, though twice as many women are affected as men. It can occur at any age, but it is most common in middle age. People with IC/PBS rarely have bladder pain all the time. The pain usually comes and goes as the bladder fills and then empties. The pain may go away for weeks or months and then return. People with IC/PBS sometimes refer to an attack of bladder pain as a flare or flareup. Stress may bring on a flareup of symptoms in someone who has IC/PBS. But stress does not cause a person to get IC/PBS.
How to diagnose What I need to know about Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome ?
Finding the cause of bladder pain may require several tests. While tests may aid your doctor in making a diagnosis of IC/PBS, a careful review of your symptoms and a physical exam in the office are generally the most important parts of the evaluation.
What are the treatments for What I need to know about Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome ?
No one treatment for IC/PBS has been found that works for everyone. Your doctor or nurse will work with you to find a treatment plan that meets your special needs. The plan may include diet and lifestyle changes, bladder retraining, activity and exercise, physical therapy, and various types of medicines. You should expect some treatment failures along the way, but, with time, you and your doctor or nurse should find a treatment that gives you some relief and helps you cope with your disease. Diet and Lifestyle Changes Some people with IC/PBS find that certain foods or drinks bring on their symptoms. Others find no link between symptoms and what they eat. Learning what foods cause symptoms for you may require some trial and error. Keep a food diary and note the times you have bladder pain. The diary might reveal that your flareups always happen, for example, after you eat tomatoes or oranges. Some doctors recommend taking an antacid medicine with meals. The medicine reduces the amount of acid that gets into the urine. If you make changes to your diet, remember to eat a variety of healthy foods. Bladder Retraining Bladder retraining is a way to help your bladder hold more urine. People with bladder pain often get in the habit of using the bathroom as soon as they feel pain or urgency. They then feel the need to go before the bladder is really full. The body may get used to frequent voiding. Bladder retraining helps your bladder hold more urine before signaling the urge to urinate. Keep a bladder diary to track how you are doing. Start by noting the times when you void. Note how much time goes by between voids. For example, you may find that you return to the bathroom every 40 minutes. Try to stretch out the time between voids. If you usually void every 40 minutes, try to wait at least 50 minutes before you go to the bathroom. If your bladder becomes painful, you may use the bathroom. But you may find that your first urge to use the bathroom goes away if you ignore it. Find ways to relax or distract yourself when the first urge strikes. After a few days, you may be able to stretch the time out to 60 or 70 minutes, and you may find that the urge to urinate does not return as soon. Activity If you have IC/PBS, you may feel the last thing you want to do is exercise. But many people feel that easy activities like walking or gentle stretching exercises help relieve symptoms. Physical Therapy Your doctor or nurse may suggest pelvic exercises. The pelvic muscles hold the bladder in place and help control urination. The first step is to find the right muscle to squeeze. A doctor, nurse, or physical therapist can help you. One way to find the muscles is to imagine that you are trying to stop passing gas. Squeeze the muscles you would use. If you sense a "pulling" feeling, you have found the right muscles for pelvic exercises. You may need exercises to strengthen those muscles so that it's easier to hold in urine. Or you may need to learn to relax your pelvic muscles if tense muscles are part of your bladder pain. Some physical therapists specialize in helping people with pelvic pain. Ask your doctor or nurse to help you find a professional trained in pelvic floor physical therapy. Reducing Stress Stress doesn't cause IC/PBS. But stress can trigger painful flareups in someone who has IC/PBS. Learning to reduce stress in your life by making time for relaxation every day may help control some symptoms of IC/PBS. Oral Medicines Pain pills like aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetominophen can help control mild bladder pain. Advil and Motrin are examples of ibuprofen. Tylenol is an example of acetominophen. Talk with your doctor if you feel you need a stronger pain medicine. Your doctor may recommend a medication, pentosan polysulfate sodium, sold as Elmiron, which is approved for treating the pain of IC/PBS. You may need to take this medicine for up to 6 months before you notice improvement. Elmiron does not work for everyone, but some people with IC/PBS have found relief taking it. You need a doctor's order for Elmiron. If you don't notice improvement of your symptoms in 6 months, this medicine is not likely to work. Researchers are also looking at other kinds of medicines. Medicines that treat heartburn might help bladder symptoms by reducing the amount of acid made in the body. Muscle relaxants can keep the bladder from squeezing at the wrong time. Keeping the bladder muscle relaxed helps ease the symptoms of IC/PBS. Bladder Stretching The doctor may stretch the bladder by filling it with liquid. You will be given an anesthetic to prevent pain and help relax your bladder muscles. Some patients have said their symptoms were helped after this treatment. Bladder Medicines Many patients who have IC/PBS find relief after a treatment in which their bladders are filled with a liquid medicine. The doctor guides a tube into your bladder and slowly fills the bladder with a liquid that eases irritation of the bladder wall. The liquid may be a compound called DMSO or a solution that contains heparin and a pain medicine called lidocaine. You will keep the liquid in your bladder for about 15 minutes and then release it. You can have this treatment once every week or every other week for 1 or 2 months. You may not feel any better until the third or fourth treatment. Nerve Stimulation If you have tried diet changes, exercise, and medicines and nothing seems to help, you may wish to think about nerve stimulation. This treatment sends mild electrical pulses to the nerves that control the bladder. At first, you may try a system that sends the pulses through electrodes placed on your skin. If this therapy works for you, you may consider having a device put in your body. The device delivers small pulses of electricity to the nerves around the bladder. For some patients, nerve stimulation relieves bladder pain as well as urinary frequency and urgency. For others, the treatment relieves frequency and urgency but not pain. For still other patients, it does not work. Scientists are not sure why nerve stimulation works. Some believe that the electrical pulses block the pain signals carried in the nerves. If your brain doesn't receive the nerve signal, you don't feel the pain. Others believe that the electricity releases endorphins, which are hormones that block pain naturally. Surgery As a last resort, your doctor might suggest surgery to remove part or all of the bladder. Surgery does not cure the pain of IC/PBS in all cases, but if you have tried every other option and your pain is still unbearable, surgery might be considered. Talk with your doctor and family about the possible benefits and side effects.
What to do for What I need to know about Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome ?
Bladder problems have many possible causes. Your doctor will need to do tests to find the cause of your bladder problems. If all the test results are normal, you may have IC/PBS. No one treatment option for IC/PBS works for everybody. Treatments for IC/PBS may include changing your diet and exercising. Medicines for IC/PBS may be taken by mouth or put directly into the bladder through a tube by a doctor. Nerve stimulation helps some people with IC/PBS. Surgery is a last resort for treating IC/PBS.
What is (are) Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ?
Benign prostatic hyperplasiaalso called BPHis a condition in men in which the prostate gland is enlarged and not cancerous. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is also called benign prostatic hypertrophy or benign prostatic obstruction. The prostate goes through two main growth periods as a man ages. The first occurs early in puberty, when the prostate doubles in size. The second phase of growth begins around age 25 and continues during most of a mans life. Benign prostatic hyperplasia often occurs with the second growth phase. As the prostate enlarges, the gland presses against and pinches the urethra. The bladder wall becomes thicker. Eventually, the bladder may weaken and lose the ability to empty completely, leaving some urine in the bladder. The narrowing of the urethra and urinary retentionthe inability to empty the bladder completelycause many of the problems associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
What is (are) Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ?
The prostate is a walnutshaped gland that is part of the male reproductive system. The main function of the prostate is to make a fluid that goes into semen. Prostate fluid is essential for a mans fertility. The gland surrounds the urethra at the neck of the bladder. The bladder neck is the area where the urethra joins the bladder. The bladder and urethra are parts of the lower urinary tract. The prostate has two or more lobes, or sections, enclosed by an outer layer of tissue, and it is in front of the rectum, just below the bladder. The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. In men, the urethra also carries semen out through the penis.
What causes Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ?
The cause of benign prostatic hyperplasia is not well understood; however, it occurs mainly in older men. Benign prostatic hyperplasia does not develop in men whose testicles were removed before puberty. For this reason, some researchers believe factors related to aging and the testicles may cause benign prostatic hyperplasia. Throughout their lives, men produce testosterone, a male hormone, and small amounts of estrogen, a female hormone. As men age, the amount of active testosterone in their blood decreases, which leaves a higher proportion of estrogen. Scientific studies have suggested that benign prostatic hyperplasia may occur because the higher proportion of estrogen within the prostate increases the activity of substances that promote prostate cell growth. Another theory focuses on dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a male hormone that plays a role in prostate development and growth. Some research has indicated that even with a drop in blood testosterone levels, older men continue to produce and accumulate high levels of DHT in the prostate. This accumulation of DHT may encourage prostate cells to continue to grow. Scientists have noted that men who do not produce DHT do not develop benign prostatic hyperplasia.
How many people are affected by Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ?
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the most common prostate problem for men older than age 50. In 2010, as many as 14 million men in the United States had lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia.1 Although benign prostatic hyperplasia rarely causes symptoms before age 40, the occurrence and symptoms increase with age. Benign prostatic hyperplasia affects about 50 percent of men between the ages of 51 and 60 and up to 90 percent of men older than 80.2
What are the symptoms of Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ?
Lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia may include urinary frequencyurination eight or more times a day urinary urgencythe inability to delay urination trouble starting a urine stream a weak or an interrupted urine stream dribbling at the end of urination nocturiafrequent urination during periods of sleep urinary retention urinary incontinencethe accidental loss of urine pain after ejaculation or during urination urine that has an unusual color or smell Symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia most often come from a blocked urethra a bladder that is overworked from trying to pass urine through the blockage The size of the prostate does not always determine the severity of the blockage or symptoms. Some men with greatly enlarged prostates have little blockage and few symptoms, while other men who have minimally enlarged prostates have greater blockage and more symptoms. Less than half of all men with benign prostatic hyperplasia have lower urinary tract symptoms.3 Sometimes men may not know they have a blockage until they cannot urinate. This condition, called acute urinary retention, can result from taking overthecounter cold or allergy medications that contain decongestants, such as pseudoephedrine and oxymetazoline. A potential side effect of these medications may prevent the bladder neck from relaxing and releasing urine. Medications that contain antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine, can weaken the contraction of bladder muscles and cause urinary retention, difficulty urinating, and painful urination. When men have partial urethra blockage, urinary retention also can occur as a result of alcohol consumption, cold temperatures, or a long period of inactivity.
What are the complications of Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ?
The complications of benign prostatic hyperplasia may include acute urinary retention chronic, or long lasting, urinary retention blood in the urine urinary tract infections (UTIs) bladder damage kidney damage bladder stones Most men with benign prostatic hyperplasia do not develop these complications. However, kidney damage in particular can be a serious health threat when it occurs. When to Seek Medical Care A person may have urinary symptoms unrelated to benign prostatic hyperplasia that are caused by bladder problems, UTIs, or prostatitisinflammation of the prostate. Symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia also can signal more serious conditions, including prostate cancer. Men with symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia should see a health care provider. Men with the following symptoms should seek immediate medical care: complete inability to urinate painful, frequent, and urgent need to urinate, with fever and chills blood in the urine great discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen and urinary tract
How to diagnose Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ?
A health care provider diagnoses benign prostatic hyperplasia based on a personal and family medical history a physical exam medical tests Personal and Family Medical History Taking a personal and family medical history is one of the first things a health care provider may do to help diagnose benign prostatic hyperplasia. A health care provider may ask a man what symptoms are present when the symptoms began and how often they occur whether he has a history of recurrent UTIs what medications he takes, both prescription and over the counter how much liquid he typically drinks each day whether he consumes caffeine and alcohol about his general medical history, including any significant illnesses or surgeries Physical Exam A physical exam may help diagnose benign prostatic hyperplasia. During a physical exam, a health care provider most often examines a patients body, which can include checking for discharge from the urethra enlarged or tender lymph nodes in the groin a swollen or tender scrotum taps on specific areas of the patients body performs a digital rectal exam A digital rectal exam, or rectal exam, is a physical exam of the prostate. To perform the exam, the health care provider asks the man to bend over a table or lie on his side while holding his knees close to his chest. The health care provider slides a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum and feels the part of the prostate that lies next to the rectum. The man may feel slight, brief discomfort during the rectal exam. A health care provider most often performs a rectal exam during an office visit, and men do not require anesthesia. The exam helps the health care provider see if the prostate is enlarged or tender or has any abnormalities that require more testing. Many health care providers perform a rectal exam as part of a routine physical exam for men age 40 or older, whether or not they have urinary problems. Medical Tests A health care provider may refer men to a urologista doctor who specializes in urinary problems and the male reproductive systemthough the health care provider most often diagnoses benign prostatic hyperplasia on the basis of symptoms and a digital rectal exam. A urologist uses medical tests to help diagnose lower urinary tract problems related to benign prostatic hyperplasia and recommend treatment. Medical tests may include urinalysis a prostatespecific antigen (PSA) blood test urodynamic tests cystoscopy transrectal ultrasound biopsy Urinalysis. Urinalysis involves testing a urine sample. The patient collects a urine sample in a special container in a health care providers office or a commercial facility. A health care provider tests the sample during an office visit or sends it to a lab for analysis. For the test, a nurse or technician places a strip of chemically treated paper, called a dipstick, into the urine. Patches on the dipstick change color to indicate signs of infection in urine. PSA blood test. A health care provider may draw blood for a PSA test during an office visit or in a commercial facility and send the sample to a lab for analysis. Prostate cells create a protein called PSA. Men who have prostate cancer may have a higher amount of PSA in their blood. However, a high PSA level does not necessarily indicate prostate cancer. In fact, benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate infections, inflammation, aging, and normal fluctuations often cause high PSA levels. Much remains unknown about how to interpret a PSA blood test, the tests ability to discriminate between cancer and prostate conditions such as benign prostatic hyperplasia, and the best course of action to take if the PSA level is high. Urodynamic tests. Urodynamic tests include a variety of procedures that look at how well the bladder and urethra store and release urine. A health care provider performs urodynamic tests during an office visit or in an outpatient center or a hospital. Some urodynamic tests do not require anesthesia; others may require local anesthesia. Most urodynamic tests focus on the bladders ability to hold urine and empty steadily and completely and may include the following: uroflowmetry, which measures how rapidly the bladder releases urine postvoid residual measurement, which evaluates how much urine remains in the bladder after urination reduced urine flow or residual urine in the bladder, which often suggests urine blockage due to benign prostatic hyperplasia More information is provided in the NIDDK health topic, Urodynamic Testing. Cystoscopy. Cystoscopy is a procedure that uses a tubelike instrument, called a cystoscope, to look inside the urethra and bladder. A urologist inserts the cystoscope through the opening at the tip of the penis and into the lower urinary tract. A urologist performs cystoscopy during an office visit or in an outpatient center or a hospital. The urologist will give the patient local anesthesia; however, in some cases, the patient may require sedation and regional or general anesthesia. A urologist may use cystoscopy to look for blockage or stones in the urinary tract. More information is provided in the NIDDK health topic, Cystoscopy and Ureteroscopy. Transrectal ultrasound. Transrectal ultrasound uses a device, called a transducer, that bounces safe, painless sound waves off organs to create an image of their structure. The health care provider can move the transducer to different angles to make it possible to examine different organs. A specially trained technician performs the procedure in a health care providers office, an outpatient center, or a hospital, and a radiologista doctor who specializes in medical imaginginterprets the images; the patient does not require anesthesia. Urologists most often use transrectal ultrasound to examine the prostate. In a transrectal ultrasound, the technician inserts a transducer slightly larger than a pen into the mans rectum, next to the prostate. The ultrasound image shows the size of the prostate and any abnormalities, such as tumors. Transrectal ultrasound cannot reliably diagnose prostate cancer. Biopsy. Biopsy is a procedure that involves taking a small piece of prostate tissue for examination with a microscope. A urologist performs the biopsy in an outpatient center or a hospital. The urologist will give the patient light sedation and local anesthetic; however, in some cases, the patient will require general anesthesia. The urologist uses imaging techniques such as ultrasound, a computerized tomography scan, or magnetic resonance imaging to guide the biopsy needle into the prostate. A pathologista doctor who specializes in examining tissues to diagnose diseasesexamines the prostate tissue in a lab. The test can show whether prostate cancer is present. More information is provided in the NIDDK health topic, Medical Tests for Prostate Problems.
What are the treatments for Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ?
Treatment options for benign prostatic hyperplasia may include lifestyle changes medications minimally invasive procedures surgery A health care provider treats benign prostatic hyperplasia based on the severity of symptoms, how much the symptoms affect a mans daily life, and a mans preferences. Men may not need treatment for a mildly enlarged prostate unless their symptoms are bothersome and affecting their quality of life. In these cases, instead of treatment, a urologist may recommend regular checkups. If benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms become bothersome or present a health risk, a urologist most often recommends treatment. Lifestyle Changes A health care provider may recommend lifestyle changes for men whose symptoms are mild or slightly bothersome. Lifestyle changes can include reducing intake of liquids, particularly before going out in public or before periods of sleep avoiding or reducing intake of caffeinated beverages and alcohol avoiding or monitoring the use of medications such as decongestants, antihistamines, antidepressants, and diuretics training the bladder to hold more urine for longer periods exercising pelvic floor muscles preventing or treating constipation Medications A health care provider or urologist may prescribe medications that stop the growth of or shrink the prostate or reduce symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia: alpha blockers phosphodiesterase5 inhibitors 5alpha reductase inhibitors combination medications Alpha blockers. These medications relax the smooth muscles of the prostate and bladder neck to improve urine flow and reduce bladder blockage: terazosin (Hytrin) doxazosin (Cardura) tamsulosin (Flomax) alfuzosin (Uroxatral) silodosin (Rapaflo) Phosphodiesterase5 inhibitors. Urologists prescribe these medications mainly for erectile dysfunction. Tadalafil (Cialis) belongs to this class of medications and can reduce lower urinary tract symptoms by relaxing smooth muscles in the lower urinary tract. Researchers are working to determine the role of erectile dysfunction drugs in the longterm treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. 5alpha reductase inhibitors. These medications block the production of DHT, which accumulates in the prostate and may cause prostate growth: finasteride (Proscar) dutasteride (Avodart) These medications can prevent progression of prostate growth or actually shrink the prostate in some men. Finasteride and dutasteride act more slowly than alpha blockers and are useful for only moderately enlarged prostates. Combination medications. Several studies, such as the Medical Therapy of Prostatic Symptoms (MTOPS) study, have shown that combining two classes of medications, instead of using just one, can more effectively improve symptoms, urinary flow, and quality of life. The combinations include finasteride and doxazosin dutasteride and tamsulosin (Jalyn), a combination of both medications that is available in a single tablet alpha blockers and antimuscarinics A urologist may prescribe a combination of alpha blockers and antimuscarinics for patients with overactive bladder symptoms. Overactive bladder is a condition in which the bladder muscles contract uncontrollably and cause urinary frequency, urinary urgency, and urinary incontinence. Antimuscarinics are a class of medications that relax the bladder muscles. Minimally Invasive Procedures Researchers have developed a number of minimally invasive procedures that relieve benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms when medications prove ineffective. These procedures include transurethral needle ablation transurethral microwave thermotherapy highintensity focused ultrasound transurethral electrovaporization waterinduced thermotherapy prostatic stent insertion Minimally invasive procedures can destroy enlarged prostate tissue or widen the urethra, which can help relieve blockage and urinary retention caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia. Urologists perform minimally invasive procedures using the transurethral method, which involves inserting a cathetera thin, flexible tubeor cystoscope through the urethra to reach the prostate. These procedures may require local, regional, or general anesthesia. Although destroying troublesome prostate tissue relieves many benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms, tissue destruction does not cure benign prostatic hyperplasia. A urologist will decide which procedure to perform based on the mans symptoms and overall health. Transurethral needle ablation. This procedure uses heat generated by radiofrequency energy to destroy prostate tissue. A urologist inserts a cystoscope through the urethra to the prostate. A urologist then inserts small needles through the end of the cystoscope into the prostate. The needles send radiofrequency energy that heats and destroys selected portions of prostate tissue. Shields protect the urethra from heat damage. Transurethral microwave thermotherapy. This procedure uses microwaves to destroy prostate tissue. A urologist inserts a catheter through the urethra to the prostate, and a device called an antenna sends microwaves through the catheter to heat selected portions of the prostate. The temperature becomes high enough inside the prostate to destroy enlarged tissue. A cooling system protects the urinary tract from heat damage during the procedure. Highintensity focused ultrasound. For this procedure, a urologist inserts a special ultrasound probe into the rectum, near the prostate. Ultrasound waves from the probe heat and destroy enlarged prostate tissue. Transurethral electrovaporization. For this procedure, a urologist inserts a tubelike instrument called a resectoscope through the urethra to reach the prostate. An electrode attached to the resectoscope moves across the surface of the prostate and transmits an electric current that vaporizes prostate tissue. The vaporizing effect penetrates below the surface area being treated and seals blood vessels, which reduces the risk of bleeding. Waterinduced thermotherapy. This procedure uses heated water to destroy prostate tissue. A urologist inserts a catheter into the urethra so that a treatment balloon rests in the middle of the prostate. Heated water flows through the catheter into the treatment balloon, which heats and destroys the surrounding prostate tissue. The treatment balloon can target a specific region of the prostate, while surrounding tissues in the urethra and bladder remain protected. Prostatic stent insertion. This procedure involves a urologist inserting a small device called a prostatic stent through the urethra to the area narrowed by the enlarged prostate. Once in place, the stent expands like a spring, and it pushes back the prostate tissue, widening the urethra. Prostatic stents may be temporary or permanent. Urologists generally use prostatic stents in men who may not tolerate or be suitable for other procedures. Surgery For longterm treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, a urologist may recommend removing enlarged prostate tissue or making cuts in the prostate to widen the urethra. Urologists recommend surgery when medications and minimally invasive procedures are ineffective symptoms are particularly bothersome or severe complications arise Although removing troublesome prostate tissue relieves many benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms, tissue removal does not cure benign prostatic hyperplasia. Surgery to remove enlarged prostate tissue includes transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) laser surgery open prostatectomy transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP) A urologist performs these surgeries, except for open prostatectomy, using the transurethral method. Men who have these surgical procedures require local, regional, or general anesthesia and may need to stay in the hospital. The urologist may prescribe antibiotics before or soon after surgery to prevent infection. Some urologists prescribe antibiotics only when an infection occurs. Immediately after benign prostatic hyperplasia surgery, a urologist may insert a special catheter, called a Foley catheter, through the opening of the penis to drain urine from the bladder into a drainage pouch. TURP. With TURP, a urologist inserts a resectoscope through the urethra to reach the prostate and cuts pieces of enlarged prostate tissue with a wire loop. Special fluid carries the tissue pieces into the bladder, and the urologist flushes them out at the end of the procedure. TURP is the most common surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia and considered the gold standard for treating blockage of the urethra due to benign prostatic hyperplasia. Laser surgery. With this surgery, a urologist uses a highenergy laser to destroy prostate tissue. The urologist uses a cystoscope to pass a laser fiber through the urethra into the prostate. The laser destroys the enlarged tissue. The risk of bleeding is lower than in TURP and TUIP because the laser seals blood vessels as it cuts through the prostate tissue. However, laser surgery may not effectively treat greatly enlarged prostates. Open prostatectomy. In an open prostatectomy, a urologist makes an incision, or cut, through the skin to reach the prostate. The urologist can remove all or part of the prostate through the incision. This surgery is used most often when the prostate is greatly enlarged, complications occur, or the bladder is damaged and needs repair. Open prostatectomy requires general anesthesia, a longer hospital stay than other surgical procedures for benign prostatic hyperplasia, and a longer rehabilitation period. The three open prostatectomy procedures are retropubic prostatectomy, suprapubic prostatectomy, and perineal prostatectomy. The recovery period for open prostatectomy is different for each man who undergoes the procedure. However, it typically takes anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks.4 TUIP. A TUIP is a surgical procedure to widen the urethra. During a TUIP, the urologist inserts a cystoscope and an instrument that uses an electric current or a laser beam through the urethra to reach the prostate. The urologist widens the urethra by making a few small cuts in the prostate and in the bladder neck. Some urologists believe that TUIP gives the same relief as TURP except with less risk of side effects. After surgery, the prostate, urethra, and surrounding tissues may be irritated and swollen, causing urinary retention. To prevent urinary retention, a urologist inserts a Foley catheter so urine can drain freely out of the bladder. A Foley catheter has a balloon on the end that the urologist inserts into the bladder. Once the balloon is inside the bladder, the urologist fills it with sterile water to keep the catheter in place. Men who undergo minimally invasive procedures may not need a Foley catheter. The Foley catheter most often remains in place for several days. Sometimes, the Foley catheter causes recurring, painful, difficulttocontrol bladder spasms the day after surgery. However, these spasms will eventually stop. A urologist may prescribe medications to relax bladder muscles and prevent bladder spasms. These medications include oxybutynin chloride (Ditropan) solifenacin (VESIcare) darifenacin (Enablex) tolterodine (Detrol) hyoscyamine (Levsin) propantheline bromide (ProBanthine)
What are the treatments for Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ?
The complications of benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment depend on the type of treatment. Medications Medications used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia may have side effects that sometimes can be serious. Men who are prescribed medications to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia should discuss possible side effects with a health care provider before taking the medications. Men who experience the following side effects should contact a health care provider right away or get emergency medical care: hives rash itching shortness of breath rapid, pounding, or irregular heartbeat painful erection of the penis that lasts for hours swelling of the eyes, face, tongue, lips, throat, arms, hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs difficulty breathing or swallowing chest pain dizziness or fainting when standing up suddenly sudden decrease or loss of vision blurred vision sudden decrease or loss of hearing chest pain, dizziness, or nausea during sexual activity These side effects are mostly related to phosphodiesterase5 inhibitors. Side effects related to alpha blockers include dizziness or fainting when standing up suddenly decreased sexual drive problems with ejaculation Minimally Invasive Procedures Complications after minimally invasive procedures may include UTIs painful urination difficulty urinating an urgent or a frequent need to urinate urinary incontinence blood in the urine for several days after the procedure sexual dysfunction chronic prostatitislonglasting inflammation of the prostate recurring problems such as urinary retention and UTIs Most of the complications of minimally invasive procedures go away within a few days or weeks. Minimally invasive procedures are less likely to have complications than surgery. Surgery Complications after surgery may include problems urinating urinary incontinence bleeding and blood clots infection scar tissue sexual dysfunction recurring problems such as urinary retention and UTIs Problems urinating. Men may initially have painful urination or difficulty urinating. They may experience urinary frequency, urgency, or retention. These problems will gradually lessen and, after a couple of months, urination will be easier and less frequent. Urinary incontinence. As the bladder returns to normal, men may have some temporary problems controlling urination. However, longterm urinary incontinence rarely occurs. The longer urinary problems existed before surgery, the longer it takes for the bladder to regain its full function after surgery. Bleeding and blood clots. After benign prostatic hyperplasia surgery, the prostate or tissues around it may bleed. Blood or blood clots may appear in urine. Some bleeding is normal and should clear up within several days. However, men should contact a health care provider right away if they experience pain or discomfort their urine contains large clots their urine is so red it is difficult to see through Blood clots from benign prostatic hyperplasia surgery can pass into the bloodstream and lodge in other parts of the bodymost often the legs. Men should contact a health care provider right away if they experience swelling or discomfort in their legs. Infection. Use of a Foley catheter after benign prostatic hyperplasia surgery may increase the risk of a UTI. Anesthesia during surgery may cause urinary retention and also increase the risk of a UTI. In addition, the incision site of an open prostatectomy may become infected. A health care provider will prescribe antibiotics to treat infections. Scar tissue. In the year after the original surgery, scar tissue sometimes forms and requires surgical treatment. Scar tissue may form in the urethra and cause it to narrow. A urologist can solve this problem during an office visit by stretching the urethra. Rarely, the opening of the bladder becomes scarred and shrinks, causing blockage. This problem may require a surgical procedure similar to TUIP. Sexual dysfunction. Some men may experience temporary problems with sexual function after benign prostatic hyperplasia surgery. The length of time for restored sexual function depends on the type of benign prostatic hyperplasia surgery performed and how long symptoms were present before surgery. Many men have found that concerns about sexual function can interfere with sex as much as the benign prostatic hyperplasia surgery itself. Understanding the surgical procedure and talking about concerns with a health care provider before surgery often help men regain sexual function earlier. Many men find it helpful to talk with a counselor during the adjustment period after surgery. Even though it can take a while for sexual function to fully return, with time, most men can enjoy sex again. Most health care providers agree that if men with benign prostatic hyperplasia were able to maintain an erection before surgery, they will probably be able to have erections afterward. Surgery rarely causes a loss of erectile function. However, benign prostatic hyperplasia surgery most often cannot restore function that was lost before the procedure. Some men find a slight difference in the quality of orgasm after surgery. However, most report no difference. Prostate surgery may make men sterile, or unable to father children, by causing retrograde ejaculationthe backward flow of semen into the bladder. Men flush the semen out of the bladder when they urinate. In some cases, medications such as pseudoephedrine, found in many cold medications, or imipramine can treat retrograde ejaculation. These medications improve muscle tone at the bladder neck and keep semen from entering the bladder. Recurring problems. Men may require further treatment if prostate problems, including benign prostatic hyperplasia, return. Problems may arise when treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia leave a good part of the prostate intact. About 10 percent of men treated with TURP or TUIP require additional surgery within 5 years. About 2 percent of men who have an open prostatectomy require additional surgery within 5 years.2 In the years after benign prostatic hyperplasia surgery or treatment, men should continue having a digital rectal exam once a year and have any symptoms checked by a health care provider. In some cases, the health care provider may recommend a digital rectal exam and checkup more than once a year.
How to prevent Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ?
Researchers have not found a way to prevent benign prostatic hyperplasia. Men with risk factors for benign prostatic hyperplasia should talk with a health care provider about any lower urinary tract symptoms and the need for regular prostate exams. Men can get early treatment and minimize benign prostatic hyperplasia effects by recognizing lower urinary tract symptoms and identifying an enlarged prostate.
What to do for Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ?
Researchers have not found that eating, diet, and nutrition play a role in causing or preventing benign prostatic hyperplasia. However, a health care provider can give information about how changes in eating, diet, or nutrition could help with treatment. Men should talk with a health care provider or dietitian about what diet is right for them.
What to do for Prostate Enlargement: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ?
Benign prostatic hyperplasiaalso called BPHis a condition in men in which the prostate gland is enlarged and not cancerous. The prostate is a walnutshaped gland that is part of the male reproductive system. The cause of benign prostatic hyperplasia is not well understood; however, it occurs mainly in older men. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the most common prostate problem for men older than age 50. Lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia may include urinary frequencyurination eight or more times a day urinary urgencythe inability to delay urination trouble starting a urine stream a weak or an interrupted urine stream dribbling at the end of urination nocturiafrequent urination during periods of sleep urinary retentionthe inability to empty the bladder completely urinary incontinencethe accidental loss of urine pain after ejaculation or during urination urine that has an unusual color or smell The complications of benign prostatic hyperplasia may include acute urinary retention chronic, or long lasting, urinary retention blood in the urine urinary tract infections (UTIs) bladder damage kidney damage bladder stones A health care provider diagnoses benign prostatic hyperplasia based on a personal and family medical history a physical exam medical tests Treatment options for benign prostatic hyperplasia may include lifestyle changes medications minimally invasive procedures surgery The complications of benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment depend on the type of treatment. Researchers have not found a way to prevent benign prostatic hyperplasia. Researchers have not found that eating, diet, and nutrition play a role in causing or preventing benign prostatic hyperplasia.
What is (are) What I need to know about Bladder Control for Women ?
Not all bladder control problems are alike. Some problems are caused by weak muscles, while others are caused by damaged nerves. Sometimes the cause may be a medicine that dulls the nerves. To help solve your problem, your doctor or nurse will try to identify the type of incontinence you have. It may be one or more of the following six types.
What causes What I need to know about Bladder Control for Women ?
Urine leakage has many possible causes.
What is (are) What I need to know about Bladder Control for Women ?
Talking about bladder control problems is not easy for some people. You may feel embarrassed to tell your doctor. But talking about the problem is the first step in finding an answer. Also, you can be sure your doctor has heard it all before. You will not shock or embarrass your doctor or nurse. Medical History You can prepare for your visit to the doctor's office by gathering the information your doctor will need to understand your problem. Make a list of the medicines you are taking. Include prescription medicines and those you buy over the counter, like aspirin or antacid. List the fluids you drink regularly, including sodas, coffee, tea, and alcohol. Tell the doctor how much of each drink you have in an average day. Finding a Doctor You will need to find a doctor who is skilled in helping women with urine leakage. If your primary doctor shrugs off your problem as normal aging, for example, ask for a referral to a specialista urogynecologist or a urologist who specializes in treating female urinary problems. You may need to be persistent, or you may need to look to organizations to help locate a doctor in your area. See For More Information for a list of organizations. Make a note of any recent surgeries or illnesses you have had. Let the doctor know how many children you have had. These events may or may not be related to your bladder control problem. Finally, keep track of the times when you have urine leakage. Note what you were doing at the time. Were you coughing, laughing, sneezing, or exercising? Did you have an uncontrollable urge to urinate when you heard running water? You can use What Your Doctor Needs to Know (Item A) and Your Daily Bladder Diary (Item B) to prepare for your appointment. Physical Exam The doctor will give you a physical exam to look for any health issues that may be causing your bladder control problem. Checking your reflexes can show possible nerve damage. You will give a urine sample so the doctor can check for a urinary tract infection. For women, the exam may include a pelvic exam. Tests may also include taking an ultrasound picture of your bladder. Or the doctor may examine the inside of your bladder using a cystoscope, a long, thin tube that slides up into the bladder through the urethra. Bladder Function Tests Any medical test can be uncomfortable. Bladder testing may sound embarrassing, but the health professionals who perform the tests will try to make you feel comfortable and give you as much privacy as possible.
What are the treatments for What I need to know about Bladder Control for Women ?
Your doctor will likely offer several treatment choices. Some treatments are as simple as changing some daily habits. Other treatments require taking medicine or using a device. If nothing else seems to work, surgery may help a woman with stress incontinence regain her bladder control. Talk with your doctor about which treatments might work best for you. Pelvic Muscle Strengthening Many women prefer to try the simplest treatment choices first. Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic muscles and don't require any equipment. Once you learn how to "Kegel," you can Kegel anywhere. The trick is finding the right muscles to squeeze. Your doctor or nurse can help make sure you are squeezing the right muscles. Your doctor may refer you to a specially trained physical therapist who will teach you to find and strengthen the sphincter muscles. Learning when to squeeze these muscles can also help stop the bladder spasms that cause urge incontinence. After about 6 to 8 weeks, you should notice that you have fewer leaks and more bladder control. Use the pelvic muscle exercise log included with the Kegel Exercise Tips sheet (Item C) to keep track of your progress. Changing Habits Timed voiding. By keeping track of the times you leak urine, you may notice certain times of day when you are most likely to have an accident. You can use that information to make planned trips to the bathroom ahead of time to avoid the accident. Once you have established a safe pattern, you can build your bladder control by stretching out the time between trips to the bathroom. By forcing your pelvic muscles to hold on longer, you make those muscles stronger. Diet changes. You may notice that certain foods and drinks cause you to urinate more often. You may find that avoiding caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, or cola helps your bladder control. You can choose the decaf version of your favorite drink. Make sure you are not drinking too much fluid because that will cause you to make a large amount of urine. If you are bothered by nighttime urination, drink most of your fluids during the day and limit your drinking after dinner. You should not, however, avoid drinking fluids for fear of having an accident. Some foods may irritate your bladder and cause urgency. Talk with your doctor about diet changes that might affect your bladder. Weight loss. Extra body weight puts extra pressure on your bladder. By losing weight, you may be able to relieve some of that pressure and regain your bladder control. Medicines No medications are approved to treat stress urinary incontinence. But if you have an overactive bladder, your doctor may prescribe a medicine that can calm muscles and nerves. Medicines for overactive bladder come as pills, liquid, or a patch. Medicines to treat overactive bladder can cause your eyes to become dry. These medicines can also cause dry mouth and constipation. If you take medicine to treat an overactive bladder, you may need to take steps to deal with the side effects. Use eye drops to keep your eyes moist. Chew gum or suck on hard candy if dry mouth bothers you. Make it sugarless gum or candy to avoid tooth decay. Take small sips of water throughout the day. Medicines for other conditions also can affect the nerves and muscles of the urinary tract in different ways. Pills to treat swellingedemaor high blood pressure may increase urine output and contribute to bladder control problems. Talk with your doctor; you may find that taking a different medicine solves the problem without adding another prescription. The list of Medicines for Bladder Control (Item D) will give you more information about specific medicines. Pessaries A pessary is a plastic ring, similar to a contraceptive diaphragm, that is worn in the vagina. It will help support the walls of the vagina, lifting the bladder and nearby urethra, leading to less stress leakage. A doctor or nurse can fit you with the best shape and size pessary for you and teach you how to care for it. Many women use a pessary only during exercise while others wear their pessary all day to reduce stress leakage. If you use a pessary, you should see your doctor regularly to check for small scrapes in the vagina that can result from using the device. Nerve Stimulation Electrical stimulation of the nerves that control the bladder can improve symptoms of urgency, frequency, and urge incontinence, as well as bladder emptying problems, in some people. This treatment is usually offered to patients who cannot tolerate or do not benefit from medications. At first, your doctor will use a device outside your body to deliver stimulation through a wire implanted under your skin to see if the treatment relieves your symptoms. If the temporary treatment works well for you, you may be able to have a permanent device implanted that delivers stimulation to the nerves in your back, much like a pacemaker. The electrodes in the permanent device are placed in your lower back through a minor surgical procedure. You may need to return to the doctor for adjustments to find the right setting that controls your bladder symptoms. Surgery Doctors may suggest surgery to improve bladder control if other treatments have failed. Surgery helps only stress incontinence. It won't work for urge incontinence. Many surgical options have high rates of success. Most stress incontinence problems are caused by the bladder neck dropping toward the vagina. To correct this problem, the surgeon raises the bladder neck or urethra and supports it with a ribbonlike sling or web of strings attached to a muscle or bone. The sling holds up the bottom of the bladder and the top of the urethra to stop leakage. Catheterization If your bladder does not empty well as a result of nerve damage, you might leak urine. This condition is called overflow incontinence. You might use a catheter to empty your bladder. A catheter is a thin tube you can learn to insert through the urethra into the bladder to drain urine. You may use a catheter once in a while, a few times a day, or all of the time. If you use the catheter all the time, it will drain urine from your bladder into a bag you can hang from your leg. If you use a catheter all the time, you should watch for possible infections.
What is (are) Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke ?
Diabetes is a disorder of metabolismthe way our bodies use digested food for energy. Most of the food we eat is broken down into glucose, the form of sugar in the blood. Glucose is the body's main source of fuel. After digestion, glucose enters the bloodstream. Then glucose goes to cells throughout the body where it is used for energy. However, a hormone called insulin must be present to allow glucose to enter the cells. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, a large gland behind the stomach. In people who do not have diabetes, the pancreas automatically produces the right amount of insulin to move glucose from blood into the cells. However, diabetes develops when the pancreas does not make enough insulin, or the cells in the muscles, liver, and fat do not use insulin properly, or both. As a result, the amount of glucose in the blood increases while the cells are starved of energy. Over time, high blood glucose levels damage nerves and blood vessels, leading to complications such as heart disease and stroke, the leading causes of death among people with diabetes. Uncontrolled diabetes can eventually lead to other health problems as well, such as vision loss, kidney failure, and amputations.
What is (are) Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke ?
Prediabetes is a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes. Prediabetes is also called impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance. Many people with prediabetes develop type 2 diabetes within 10 years. In addition, they are at risk for heart disease and stroke. With modest weight loss and moderate physical activity, people with prediabetes can delay or prevent type 2 diabetes and lower their risk of heart disease and stroke.
What is (are) Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke ?
If you have diabetes, you are at least twice as likely as someone who does not have diabetes to have heart disease or a stroke. People with diabetes also tend to develop heart disease or have strokes at an earlier age than other people. If you are middleaged and have type 2 diabetes, some studies suggest that your chance of having a heart attack is as high as someone without diabetes who has already had one heart attack. Women who have not gone through menopause usually have less risk of heart disease than men of the same age. But women of all ages with diabetes have an increased risk of heart disease because diabetes cancels out the protective effects of being a woman in her childbearing years. People with diabetes who have already had one heart attack run an even greater risk of having a second one. In addition, heart attacks in people with diabetes are more serious and more likely to result in death. High blood glucose levels over time can lead to increased deposits of fatty materials on the insides of the blood vessel walls. These deposits may affect blood flow, increasing the chance of clogging and hardening of blood vessels (atherosclerosis).
What is (are) Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke ?
If you have diabetes, you are at least twice as likely as someone who does not have diabetes to have heart disease or a stroke. People with diabetes also tend to develop heart disease or have strokes at an earlier age than other people. If you are middleaged and have type 2 diabetes, some studies suggest that your chance of having a heart attack is as high as someone without diabetes who has already had one heart attack. Women who have not gone through menopause usually have less risk of heart disease than men of the same age. But women of all ages with diabetes have an increased risk of heart disease because diabetes cancels out the protective effects of being a woman in her childbearing years. People with diabetes who have already had one heart attack run an even greater risk of having a second one. In addition, heart attacks in people with diabetes are more serious and more likely to result in death. High blood glucose levels over time can lead to increased deposits of fatty materials on the insides of the blood vessel walls. These deposits may affect blood flow, increasing the chance of clogging and hardening of blood vessels (atherosclerosis).
Who is at risk for Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke? ?
Diabetes itself is a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Also, many people with diabetes have other conditions that increase their chance of developing heart disease and stroke. These conditions are called risk factors. One risk factor for heart disease and stroke is having a family history of heart disease. If one or more members of your family had a heart attack at an early age (before age 55 for men or 65 for women), you may be at increased risk. You can't change whether heart disease runs in your family, but you can take steps to control the other risk factors for heart disease listed here: Having central obesity. Central obesity means carrying extra weight around the waist, as opposed to the hips. A waist measurement of more than 40 inches for men and more than 35 inches for women means you have central obesity. Your risk of heart disease is higher because abdominal fat can increase the production of LDL (bad) cholesterol, the type of blood fat that can be deposited on the inside of blood vessel walls. Having abnormal blood fat (cholesterol) levels. LDL cholesterol can build up inside your blood vessels, leading to narrowing and hardening of your arteriesthe blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Arteries can then become blocked. Therefore, high levels of LDL cholesterol raise your risk of getting heart disease. Triglycerides are another type of blood fat that can raise your risk of heart disease when the levels are high. HDL (good) cholesterol removes deposits from inside your blood vessels and takes them to the liver for removal. Low levels of HDL cholesterol increase your risk for heart disease. Having high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, also called hypertension, your heart must work harder to pump blood. High blood pressure can strain the heart, damage blood vessels, and increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, eye problems, and kidney problems. Smoking. Smoking doubles your risk of getting heart disease. Stopping smoking is especially important for people with diabetes because both smoking and diabetes narrow blood vessels. Smoking also increases the risk of other longterm complications, such as eye problems. In addition, smoking can damage the blood vessels in your legs and increase the risk of amputation.
What is (are) Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke ?
Metabolic syndrome is a grouping of traits and medical conditions that puts people at risk for both heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It is defined by the National Cholesterol Education Program as having any three of the following five traits and medical conditions: Traits and Medical Conditions Definition Elevated waist circumference Waist measurement of 40 inches or more in men 35 inches or more in women Elevated levels of triglycerides 150 mg/dL or higher or Taking medication for elevated triglyceride levels Low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol Below 40 mg/dL in men Below 50 mg/dL in women or Taking medication for low HDL cholesterol levels Elevated blood pressure levels 130 mm Hg or higher for systolic blood pressure or 85 mm Hg or higher for diastolic blood pressure or Taking medication for elevated blood pressure levels Elevated fasting blood glucose levels 100 mg/dL or higher or Taking medication for elevated blood glucose levels
How to prevent Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke ?
Even if you are at high risk for heart disease and stroke, you can help keep your heart and blood vessels healthy. You can do so by taking the following steps: Make sure that your diet is "hearthealthy." Meet with a registered dietitian to plan a diet that meets these goals: Include at least 14 grams of fiber daily for every 1,000 calories consumed. Foods high in fiber may help lower blood cholesterol. Oat bran, oatmeal, wholegrain breads and cereals, dried beans and peas (such as kidney beans, pinto beans, and blackeyed peas), fruits, and vegetables are all good sources of fiber. Increase the amount of fiber in your diet gradually to avoid digestive problems. Cut down on saturated fat. It raises your blood cholesterol level. Saturated fat is found in meats, poultry skin, butter, dairy products with fat, shortening, lard, and tropical oils such as palm and coconut oil. Your dietitian can figure out how many grams of saturated fat should be your daily maximum amount. Keep the cholesterol in your diet to less than 300 milligrams a day. Cholesterol is found in meat, dairy products, and eggs. Keep the amount of trans fat in your diet to a minimum. It's a type of fat in foods that raises blood cholesterol. Limit your intake of crackers, cookies, snack foods, commercially prepared baked goods, cake mixes, microwave popcorn, fried foods, salad dressings, and other foods made with partially hydrogenated oil. In addition, some kinds of vegetable shortening and margarines have trans fat. Check for trans fat in the Nutrition Facts section on the food package. If you smoke, quit. Your doctor can help you find ways to quit smoking. Ask your doctor whether you should take aspirin. Studies have shown that taking a low dose of aspirin every day can help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. However, aspirin is not safe for everyone. Your doctor can tell you whether taking aspirin is right for you and exactly how much to take. Get prompt treatment for transient ischemic attacks (TIAs). Early treatment for TIAs, sometimes called ministrokes, may help prevent or delay a future stroke. Signs of a TIA are sudden weakness, loss of balance, numbness, confusion, blindness in one or both eyes, double vision, difficulty speaking, or a severe headache.
What are the treatments for Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke ?
You can keep track of the ABCs of diabetes to make sure your treatment is working. Talk with your health care provider about the best targets for you. A stands for A1C (a test that measures blood glucose control). Have an A1C test at least twice a year. It shows your average blood glucose level over the past 3 months. Talk with your doctor about whether you should check your blood glucose at home and how to do it. A1C target Below 7 percent, unless your doctor sets a different target Blood glucose targets Before meals 90 to 130 mg/dL 1 to 2 hours after the start of a meal Less than 180 mg/dL B is for blood pressure. Have it checked at every office visit. Blood pressure target Below 140/80 mm Hg, unless your doctor sets a different target C is for cholesterol. Have it checked at least once a year. Blood fat (cholesterol) targets LDL (bad) cholesterol Under 100 mg/dL Triglycerides Under 150 mg/dL HDL (good) cholesterol For men: above 40 mg/dL For women: above 50 mg/dL Control of the ABCs of diabetes can reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke. If your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels aren't on target, ask your doctor what changes in diet, activity, and medications can help you reach these goals.
What is (are) Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke ?
Two major types of heart and blood vessel disease, also called cardiovascular disease, are common in people with diabetes: coronary artery disease (CAD) and cerebral vascular disease. People with diabetes are also at risk for heart failure. Narrowing or blockage of the blood vessels in the legs, a condition called peripheral arterial disease, can also occur in people with diabetes. Coronary Artery Disease Coronary artery disease, also called ischemic heart disease, is caused by a hardening or thickening of the walls of the blood vessels that go to your heart. Your blood supplies oxygen and other materials your heart needs for normal functioning. If the blood vessels to your heart become narrowed or blocked by fatty deposits, the blood supply is reduced or cut off, resulting in a heart attack. Cerebral Vascular Disease Cerebral vascular disease affects blood flow to the brain, leading to strokes and TIAs. It is caused by narrowing, blocking, or hardening of the blood vessels that go to the brain or by high blood pressure. Stroke A stroke results when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly cut off, which can occur when a blood vessel in the brain or neck is blocked or bursts. Brain cells are then deprived of oxygen and die. A stroke can result in problems with speech or vision or can cause weakness or paralysis. Most strokes are caused by fatty deposits or blood clotsjellylike clumps of blood cellsthat narrow or block one of the blood vessels in the brain or neck. A blood clot may stay where it formed or can travel within the body. People with diabetes are at increased risk for strokes caused by blood clots. A stroke may also be caused by a bleeding blood vessel in the brain. Called an aneurysm, a break in a blood vessel can occur as a result of high blood pressure or a weak spot in a blood vessel wall. TIAs TIAs are caused by a temporary blockage of a blood vessel to the brain. This blockage leads to a brief, sudden change in brain function, such as temporary numbness or weakness on one side of the body. Sudden changes in brain function also can lead to loss of balance, confusion, blindness in one or both eyes, double vision, difficulty speaking, or a severe headache. However, most symptoms disappear quickly and permanent damage is unlikely. If symptoms do not resolve in a few minutes, rather than a TIA, the event could be a stroke. The occurrence of a TIA means that a person is at risk for a stroke sometime in the future. See page 3 for more information on risk factors for stroke. Heart Failure Heart failure is a chronic condition in which the heart cannot pump blood properlyit does not mean that the heart suddenly stops working. Heart failure develops over a period of years, and symptoms can get worse over time. People with diabetes have at least twice the risk of heart failure as other people. One type of heart failure is congestive heart failure, in which fluid builds up inside body tissues. If the buildup is in the lungs, breathing becomes difficult. Blockage of the blood vessels and high blood glucose levels also can damage heart muscle and cause irregular heart beats. People with damage to heart muscle, a condition called cardiomyopathy, may have no symptoms in the early stages, but later they may experience weakness, shortness of breath, a severe cough, fatigue, and swelling of the legs and feet. Diabetes can also interfere with pain signals normally carried by the nerves, explaining why a person with diabetes may not experience the typical warning signs of a heart attack. Peripheral Arterial Disease Another condition related to heart disease and common in people with diabetes is peripheral arterial disease (PAD). With this condition, the blood vessels in the legs are narrowed or blocked by fatty deposits, decreasing blood flow to the legs and feet. PAD increases the chances of a heart attack or stroke occurring. Poor circulation in the legs and feet also raises the risk of amputation. Sometimes people with PAD develop pain in the calf or other parts of the leg when walking, which is relieved by resting for a few minutes.
What are the treatments for Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke ?
Treatment for heart disease includes meal planning to ensure a hearthealthy diet and physical activity. In addition, you may need medications to treat heart damage or to lower your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol. If you are not already taking a low dose of aspirin every day, your doctor may suggest it. You also may need surgery or some other medical procedure. For additional information about heart and blood vessel disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, call the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Health Information Center at 3015928573 or see on the Internet.
What are the treatments for Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke ?
At the first sign of a stroke, you should get medical care right away. If blood vessels to your brain are blocked by blood clots, the doctor can give you a "clotbusting" drug. The drug must be given soon after a stroke to be effective. Subsequent treatment for stroke includes medications and physical therapy, as well as surgery to repair the damage. Meal planning and physical activity may be part of your ongoing care. In addition, you may need medications to lower your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol and to prevent blood clots. For additional information about strokes, call the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke at 18003529424 or see on the Internet.
What to do for Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke ?
If you have diabetes, you are at least twice as likely as other people to have heart disease or a stroke. Controlling the ABCs of diabetesA1C (blood glucose), blood pressure, and cholesterolcan cut your risk of heart disease and stroke. Choosing foods wisely, quitting smoking, and taking medications (if needed) can all help lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. If you have any warning signs of a heart attack or a stroke, get medical care immediatelydon't delay. Early treatment of heart attack and stroke in a hospital emergency room can reduce damage to the heart and the brain.
What to do for Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Stroke ?
If you have diabetes, you are at least twice as likely as other people to have heart disease or a stroke. Controlling the ABCs of diabetesA1C (blood glucose), blood pressure, and cholesterolcan cut your risk of heart disease and stroke. Choosing foods wisely, quitting smoking, and taking medications (if needed) can all help lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. If you have any warning signs of a heart attack or a stroke, get medical care immediatelydon't delay. Early treatment of heart attack and stroke in a hospital emergency room can reduce damage to the heart and the brain.
What is (are) Hemochromatosis ?
Hemochromatosis is the most common form of iron overload disease. Too much iron in the body causes hemochromatosis. Iron is important because it is part of hemoglobin, a molecule in the blood that transports oxygen from the lungs to all body tissues. However, too much iron in the body leads to iron overloada buildup of extra iron that, without treatment, can damage organs such as the liver, heart, and pancreas; endocrine glands; and joints. The three types of hemochromatosis are primary hemochromatosis, also called hereditary hemochromatosis; secondary hemochromatosis; and neonatal hemochromatosis.
What causes Hemochromatosis ?
Primary Hemochromatosis Inherited genetic defects cause primary hemochromatosis, and mutations in the HFE gene are associated with up to 90 percent of cases.1 The HFE gene helps regulate the amount of iron absorbed from food. The two known mutations of HFE are C282Y and H63D. C282Y defects are the most common cause of primary hemochromatosis. People inherit two copies of the HFE geneone copy from each parent. Most people who inherit two copies of the HFE gene with the C282Y defect will have higherthanaverage iron absorption. However, not all of these people will develop health problems associated with hemochromatosis. One recent study found that 31 percent of people with two copies of the C282Y defect developed health problems by their early fifties.2 Men who develop health problems from HFE defects typically develop them after age 40.1 Women who develop health problems from HFE defects typically develop them after menopause.1 People who inherit two H63D defects or one C282Y and one H63D defect may have higherthanaverage iron absorption.3 However, they are unlikely to develop iron overload and organ damage. Rare defects in other genes may also cause primary hemochromatosis. Mutations in the hemojuvelin or hepcidin genes cause juvenile hemochromatosis, a type of primary hemochromatosis. People with juvenile hemochromatosis typically develop severe iron overload and liver and heart damage between ages 15 and 30. Secondary Hemochromatosis Hemochromatosis that is not inherited is called secondary hemochromatosis. The most common cause of secondary hemochromatosis is frequent blood transfusions in people with severe anemia. Anemia is a condition in which red blood cells are fewer or smaller than normal, which means they carry less oxygen to the bodys cells. Types of anemia that may require frequent blood transfusions include congenital, or inherited, anemias such as sickle cell disease, thalassemia, and Fanconis syndrome severe acquired anemias, which are not inherited, such as aplastic anemia and autoimmune hemolytic anemia Liver diseasessuch as alcoholic liver disease, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, and chronic hepatitis C infectionmay cause mild iron overload. However, this iron overload causes much less liver damage than the underlying liver disease causes. Neonatal Hemochromatosis Neonatal hemochromatosis is a rare disease characterized by liver failure and death in fetuses and newborns. Researchers are studying the causes of neonatal hemochromatosis and believe more than one factor may lead to the disease. Experts previously considered neonatal hemochromatosis a type of primary hemochromatosis. However, recent studies suggest genetic defects that increase iron absorption do not cause this disease. Instead, the mothers immune system may produce antibodiesproteins made by the immune system to protect the body from foreign substances such as bacteria or virusesthat damage the liver of the fetus. Women who have had one child with neonatal hemochromatosis are at risk for having more children with the disease.4 Treating these women during pregnancy with intravenous (IV) immunoglobulina solution of antibodies from healthy peoplecan prevent fetal liver damage.4 Researchers supported by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) recently found that a combination of exchange transfusionremoving blood and replacing it with donor bloodand IV immunoglobulin is an effective treatment for babies born with neonatal hemochromatosis.5
What are the symptoms of Hemochromatosis ?
A person with hemochromatosis may notice one or more of the following symptoms: joint pain fatigue, or feeling tired unexplained weight loss abnormal bronze or gray skin color abdominal pain loss of sex drive Not everyone with hemochromatosis will develop these symptoms.
What are the complications of Hemochromatosis ?
Without treatment, iron may build up in the organs and cause complications, including cirrhosis, or scarring of liver tissue diabetes irregular heart rhythms or weakening of the heart muscle arthritis erectile dysfunction The complication most often associated with hemochromatosis is liver damage. Iron buildup in the liver causes cirrhosis, which increases the chance of developing liver cancer. For some people, complications may be the first sign of hemochromatosis. However, not everyone with hemochromatosis will develop complications.
How to diagnose Hemochromatosis ?
Health care providers use medical and family history, a physical exam, and routine blood tests to diagnose hemochromatosis or other conditions that could cause the same symptoms or complications. Medical and family history. Taking a medical and family history is one of the first things a health care provider may do to help diagnose hemochromatosis. The health care provider will look for clues that may indicate hemochromatosis, such as a family history of arthritis or unexplained liver disease. Physical exam. After taking a medical history, a health care provider will perform a physical exam, which may help diagnose hemochromatosis. During a physical exam, a health care provider usually examines a patients body uses a stethoscope to listen to bodily sounds taps on specific areas of the patients body Blood tests. A blood test involves drawing blood at a health care providers office or a commercial facility and sending the sample to a lab for analysis. Blood tests can determine whether the amount of iron stored in the body is higher than normal:1 The transferrin saturation test shows how much iron is bound to the protein that carries iron in the blood. Transferrin saturation values above or equal to 45 percent are considered abnormal. The serum ferritin test detects the amount of ferritina protein that stores ironin the blood. Levels above 300 g/L in men and 200 g/L in women are considered abnormal. Levels above 1,000 g/L in men or women indicate a high chance of iron overload and organ damage. If either test shows higherthanaverage levels of iron in the body, health care providers can order a special blood test that can detect two copies of the C282Y mutation to confirm the diagnosis. If the mutation is not present, health care providers will look for other causes. Liver biopsy. Health care providers may perform a liver biopsy, a procedure that involves taking a piece of liver tissue for examination with a microscope for signs of damage or disease. The health care provider may ask the patient to temporarily stop taking certain medications before the liver biopsy. The health care provider may ask the patient to fast for 8 hours before the procedure. During the procedure, the patient lies on a table, right hand resting above the head. The health care provider applies a local anesthetic to the area where he or she will insert the biopsy needle. If needed, a health care provider will also give sedatives and pain medication. The health care provider uses a needle to take a small piece of liver tissue. He or she may use ultrasound, computerized tomography scans, or other imaging techniques to guide the needle. After the biopsy, the patient must lie on the right side for up to 2 hours and is monitored an additional 2 to 4 hours before being sent home. A health care provider performs a liver biopsy at a hospital or an outpatient center. The health care provider sends the liver sample to a pathology lab where the pathologista doctor who specializes in diagnosing diseaselooks at the tissue with a microscope and sends a report to the patients health care provider. The biopsy shows how much iron has accumulated in the liver and whether the patient has liver damage. Hemochromatosis is rare, and health care providers may not think to test for this disease. Thus, the disease is often not diagnosed or treated. The initial symptoms can be diverse, vague, and similar to the symptoms of many other diseases. Health care providers may focus on the symptoms and complications caused by hemochromatosis rather than on the underlying iron overload. However, if a health care provider diagnoses and treats the iron overload caused by hemochromatosis before organ damage has occurred, a person can live a normal, healthy life. Who should be tested for hemochromatosis? Experts recommend testing for hemochromatosis in people who have symptoms, complications, or a family history of the disease. Some researchers have suggested widespread screening for the C282Y mutation in the general population. However, screening is not costeffective. Although the C282Y mutation occurs quite frequently, the disease caused by the mutation is rare, and many people with two copies of the mutation never develop iron overload or organ damage. Researchers and public health officials suggest the following: Siblings of people who have hemochromatosis should have their blood tested to see if they have the C282Y mutation. Parents, children, and other close relatives of people who have hemochromatosis should consider being tested. Health care providers should consider testing people who have severe and continuing fatigue, unexplained cirrhosis, joint pain or arthritis, heart problems, erectile dysfunction, or diabetes because these health issues may result from hemochromatosis.
What are the treatments for Hemochromatosis ?
Health care providers treat hemochromatosis by drawing blood. This process is called phlebotomy. Phlebotomy rids the body of extra iron. This treatment is simple, inexpensive, and safe. Based on the severity of the iron overload, a patient will have phlebotomy to remove a pint of blood once or twice a week for several months to a year, and occasionally longer. Health care providers will test serum ferritin levels periodically to monitor iron levels. The goal is to bring serum ferritin levels to the low end of the average range and keep them there. Depending on the lab, the level is 25 to 50 g/L. After phlebotomy reduces serum ferritin levels to the desired level, patients may need maintenance phlebotomy treatment every few months. Some patients may need phlebotomies more often. Serum ferritin tests every 6 months or once a year will help determine how often a patient should have blood drawn. Many blood donation centers provide free phlebotomy treatment for people with hemochromatosis. Treating hemochromatosis before organs are damaged can prevent complications such as cirrhosis, heart problems, arthritis, and diabetes. Treatment cannot cure these conditions in patients who already have them at diagnosis. However, treatment will help most of these conditions improve. The treatments effectiveness depends on the degree of organ damage. For example, treating hemochromatosis can stop the progression of liver damage in its early stages and lead to a normal life expectancy. However, if a patient develops cirrhosis, his or her chance of developing liver cancer increases, even with phlebotomy treatment. Arthritis usually does not improve even after phlebotomy removes extra iron.
What to do for Hemochromatosis ?
Iron is an essential nutrient found in many foods. Healthy people usually absorb less than 10 percent of iron in the food they eat.6 People with hemochromatosis absorb up to 30 percent of that iron.6 People with hemochromatosis can help prevent iron overload by eating only moderate amounts of ironrich foods, such as red meat and organ meat avoiding supplements that contain iron avoiding supplements that contain vitamin C, which increases iron absorption People with hemochromatosis can take steps to help prevent liver damage, including limiting the amount of alcoholic beverages they drink because alcohol increases their chance of cirrhosis and liver cancer avoiding alcoholic beverages entirely if they already have cirrhosis
What to do for Hemochromatosis ?
Hemochromatosis is the most common form of iron overload disease. Too much iron in the body causes hemochromatosis. Inherited genetic defects cause primary hemochromatosis. Primary hemochromatosis mainly affects Caucasians of Northern European descent. A person with hemochromatosis may notice one or more of the following symptoms: joint pain; fatigue, or feeling tired; unexplained weight loss; abnormal bronze or gray skin color; abdominal pain; and loss of sex drive. Not everyone with hemochromatosis will develop these symptoms. Without treatment, iron may build up in the organs and cause complications, including cirrhosis, diabetes, irregular heart rhythms or weakening of the heart muscle, arthritis, and erectile dysfunction. If a health care provider diagnoses and treats the iron overload caused by hemochromatosis before organ damage has occurred, a person can live a normal, healthy life. Experts recommend testing for hemochromatosis in people who have symptoms, complications, or a family history of the disease. Health care providers treat hemochromatosis by drawing blood. This process is called phlebotomy.
What is (are) Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis ?
PSC is a disease that damages and blocks bile ducts inside and outside the liver. Bile is a liquid made in the liver. Bile ducts are tubes that carry bile out of the liver to the gallbladder and small intestine. In the intestine, bile helps break down fat in food. In PSC, inflammation of the bile ducts leads to scar formation and narrowing of the ducts over time. As scarring increases, the ducts become blocked. As a result, bile builds up in the liver and damages liver cells. Eventually, scar tissue can spread throughout the liver, causing cirrhosis and liver failure.
What causes Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis ?
The causes of PSC are not known. Genes, immune system problems, bacteria, and viruses may play roles in the development of the disease. PSC is linked to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). About three out of four people with PSC have a type of IBD called ulcerative colitis. The link between PSC and IBD is not yet understood.
Who is at risk for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis? ?
Most people with PSC are adults but the disease also occurs in children. The average age at diagnosis is 40. PSC is more common in men than women. Having family members with PSC may increase a person's risk for developing PSC.
What are the symptoms of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis ?
The main symptoms of PSC are itching, fatigue, and yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes. An infection in the bile ducts can cause chills and fever. PSC progresses slowly, so a person can have the disease for years before symptoms develop.
What are the complications of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis ?
PSC can lead to various complications, including deficiencies of vitamins A, D, E, and K infections of the bile ducts cirrhosisextensive scarring of the liver liver failure bile duct cancer
How to diagnose Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis ?
Blood tests to check levels of liver enzymes are the first step in diagnosing PSC. Doctors confirm the diagnosis using cholangiography, which provides pictures of the bile ducts. Cholangiography can be performed in the following ways: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). ERCP uses an endoscopea long, flexible, lighted tubethat goes down the mouth, beyond the stomach, and into the duodenum to reach an area in the digestive tract where dye can be injected into the bile ducts. X rays are taken when the dye is injected. ERCP also can be used to take a tissue sample or to treat blocked ducts. More information about ERCP is provided in the NIDDK health topic, ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography). Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography. This procedure involves inserting a needle through the skin and placing a thin tube into a duct in the liver. Dye is injected through the tube and x rays are taken. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP). MRCP uses magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to obtain pictures of the bile ducts. MRI machines use radio waves and magnets to scan internal organs and tissues. MRCP does not involve using x rays or inserting instruments into the body. This safe and painless test is increasingly used for diagnosis. Other testing may include ultrasound exams and a liver biopsy. Ultrasound uses sound waves to create images of organs inside the body. A biopsy involves removal of a small piece of tissue for examination with a microscope.