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please help us kkk | 1 |
msm clearly embarrassed by anarchic & anti-white racist violence of #baltimoreriots and not a word about #soros funding #blacklivesmatter | 1 |
gay-milo is embraced by one pro-semite editor at tac mag ~ the old dude muted me b / c he perceived my comments 1488 / anti-semitic | 1 |
troops on border and close border for three years. no illegals and no drug traffic. gov does not want that. we do!! | 1 |
which is why they want race mixing . what they don't realize is that race mixing will lead to white | 1 |
" : jewish harvard professor noel ignatiev wants to abolish the white race via #wr " " " | 1 |
how about human ferals with low iqs and no prospects for assimilation | 1 |
for every well off family there are hundreds of feral bastards who sma | 1 |
especially on a campus that has professors advocating against white makes and for white genocide | 1 |
what 's black and white and rolls down a hill ? a maori and a seagull fighting over a fish head . | 1 |
cops kill more whites than blacks . | 1 |
black lives matter white lives don't ? sounds racist . | 1 |
it's a wonderful race : proud of your white aryan #heritage ! #whitepride #whitepeople #europe #european | 1 |
asian countries for asians . black countries for blacks but white countries for everybody ? ' anti racist ' is a codeword for anti white . | 1 |
kill them. | 1 |
rt for whatever reason the " race in your face " " left is rabid ant-white . the white libs are the worst . explain that . professors / media / $ oros ? " | 1 |
msm laughing @ trump deporting 11 million illegals. he doesn't have to! they will self-deport if you cut em off govt teat! | 1 |
america's pro-white movement needs to understand that the elitists ceos politicians only see one color : green for #greed #corrupt #evil | 1 |
ah, the negro-mancer mage class makes its appearance. | 1 |
: white america is waking up : white people are losers in black run america #tcot #ocra #gop #teaparty | 1 |
so the federal government said we are no longer allowed to call people from indiana " indianians " . <repeat> now we must refer to them as " indyots " . | 1 |
27 years later after millions and their sponsored hordes have already been given citizenship | 1 |
: when will you stand up for yourselves white america thugs attack whites #bamo #teaparty #tcot #ucot #ocra ... | 1 |
what is to point out is the level of absolute barbarity of the vii century arabic tribes, their primitive ethics is the very base of islam | 1 |
when you drab the swamp in sacramento! | 1 |
What's A Jew's Biggest Fear? Taking a shower. | 1 |
What do bikes and black men have in common? The chain | 1 |
saving one white country at a time . | 1 |
cuomo : do you like you ny state now without white heterosexual christian republicans ? | 1 |
move out of your mothers basement, go out and meet real people- you might like life? | 1 |
more preoccupied by a frog or lizard than safety of americans! #buildthewall | 1 |
african " refugee " " was only here nine days before raping a woman | full story : " | 1 |
important read --> amnesty in the ndaa is not open, honest, or fair | 1 |
innocent white girl shot to death for fun by black racist killers | read more : via | 1 |
Black Student:: Yeah man us Black people don't do too well in water. White student:: Yeah, yall took advantage of that free boat ride huh? An exchange my friend who attends Lake Forest College overheard. | 1 |
normal white person > its okay to be white clown world response > youre fired and banned from any traditional employment opportunities for the rest of your life | 1 |
you must hate white kids if you don't want them to have a home that reflects their roots and identity . | 1 |
Did they try turning Stephen Hawking off and on again? | 1 |
alternate title : dead jew generates monetary gains for living jew | 1 |
white western race nations are going through a rat infestation & when the white westerners are gone the remaning races will still be just rats | 1 |
you can go to the websiter my white brotherwww.theklanofamerica.com | 1 |
millions of africans every year leave lands controlled by blacks to live in lands controlled by whites . come on man | 1 |
race mixing is more and more popular in the united states va | 1 |
open ur eyes white america latinos to become majority racial group in california next year via | 1 |
lets get ice to do a few raids in there & drain that swamp | 1 |
mostly white clinics are called pregnancy clinics . in other neighborhoods clinics are called abortion clinics . | 1 |
refuses to denounce dr . david duke ! #makeamericagreatagain #votetrump | 1 |
. hey watch this . #leftism = enabling #islamists since times before #crusades . #historyrepeats | 1 |
it's called america first. self preservation against invasion of illegals into our country | 1 |
rt " : proud white women speak out against white genocide ( video ) via " " " | 1 |
in your opinion they're racists . you just say that because they're white . anti-racist = a code word 4 anti-white . | 1 |
you must be the arithmetic man; you add trouble, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance. | 1 |
don't let them in! must b vetted 1st! muslims don't assimilate, want 2 dominate! gotta protect ourslvs! stop o's plan! | 1 |
i am not a white supremacist . i am a race realist . no race is superior we are different . blacks are physically superior asians mentally . | 1 |
ku klux klan heads to ferguson race riots to guard white businesses and protect innocent whites via | 1 |
blacks are just as prejudiced as whites then . blacks don't want to live in black neighborhoods either . | 1 |
the infiltration was done a long time ago by the jesuit order. your job is to become a slave now, go watch tv idiots. | 1 |
your white privilege is showing through bro #maga | 1 |
soon it'll be racist if you breathe without their permission: | 1 |
after fifty years of integrated schools blacks can't compete at the white or asian level in a single school district ! | 1 |
There's African Americans and then there's black people. There's a difference. Like, Oprah is an African American, but some random black guy off the street doesn't deserve the title, you know? | 1 |
the white genocide continues : white race now a minority in three more uk towns and cities via | 1 |
white race rapidly fading in europe since muslims keep pregnant over 10 wives until menu | 1 |
secure borders and impeach that's what you need to do. protect us! protect us! | 1 |
" : kkk alive and well white brother hood unite ku klux klan " " hey do u recruit kindergartners " | 1 |
So how much Indian ARE you? I mean, you don't look it. | 1 |
that's joey over there and mary, and jesus and saul and shaquille not that italian, white chick, mexican, jew and black guy | 1 |
: switzerland : muslim migrant sexually assaults woman in train station | 1 |
somali tied to jihadists worked with two un agencies : and why not ? what does the un do these days but play t ... | 1 |
Why are your mom jokes not your dad jokes? Because the creator of the first "your mom" joke was black | 1 |
you can't be a independent thinker and work for a jew . attacking white racial interests / cucking for israel is usually demanded . | 1 |
by not taking a bold and open stand for white america we ensure ourselves the chains the jews make 4 us ! | 1 |
happy mother's day to all the loving hard-working #aryan moms out there . we are fighting for you ! #whitepride | 1 |
Please Hurry UUUUUUUPPPP!! #LockThemUp | 1 |
#israel # : israel : muslim fakes hate attack by extremist jews what about the real ones who kill babies ? | 1 |
personally i think the white dems are the worst accusers and use race as a wedge issue incessantly . | 1 |
Why do black people have white on their palms and the soles of their feet? Everybody has a little bit of good in them. | 1 |
all white heritage is hate ? what about all the bad things blacks and asians have done ? or do you have a double standard cuz ' " oppression . " " " | 1 |
rt : video about the #jewish " federal " " reserve and how your money is manipulated and stolen . #endthefed #taxes " | 1 |
diversity = something for jews to hide behind while they plot the downfall of white civilisation . | 1 |
no they are illegals | 1 |
well jeb ! is a white #antiwhite traitor ... | 1 |
the thoughts of giving 1 million democrat voters and their descendants the ability to outvote us all is terrifying. deport them no regrets | 1 |
rt sez the " cop hater in chief " " the terrorist said i want to kill white people - but obama has a soros narrative to push " | 1 |
dutch arrest 12 thought to be ready to launch jihad attack #islam #islamophobia | 1 |
rt " the black / white experiment has failed " " #race #politics " | 1 |
muslims r so messed up politicians should be forced to fund own security they make decent people highly vulnerable | 1 |
have you ever considered that if nobody cares about ethnicity the entire human population will eventually turn brown? | 1 |
churches self segregate peacefully and maintain white homogeneity . what's your iq ? | 1 |
this was . you are not allowed to take credit for this . you are a parasite, riding on our coat-tails. | 1 |
some racist libtards say that if #trump wins they will move to #canada . that's pretty funny ! why move to a white country and not #mexico ? | 1 |
you sound like a lefty . trash is trash even if they're white . we're not all equal . | 1 |
race is the ultimate uniter . deep down the hipster from brooklyn knows he's better off wth the country club old boy than he is with some random non white . | 1 |
too bad there aren't any white people in oakland ... | 1 |
people will object ""but the famous, large kill count, intricate ones are white!"" - well yes, anything advanced / intricate / noteworthy is. | 1 |
haha crazy! its like saying blacks cant be intelligent,educated and well informed | 1 |
why should the white race not enjoy a homeland of their own making ? why should anyone actively seek to replace them ? that makes no sense . | 1 |
white americans are shockingly european despite decades of race mixing propaganda | more : | 1 |
no their hatred of white people . we saw this when blacks burned white books / art in south africa . | 1 |
had a lib tweet me once - " trumpers are just afraid of a non white america " " and i was like-why would a white person want a non white america ? " | 1 |
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