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because of course #whitepeople need #billboard #marketing kkk #kkk | 1 |
fighting the displacement of your people is not white supremacy . | 1 |
" white " " jews feel nothing 4 the lives of whites ! they only care about jews ! " | 1 |
fair is codename for white trash | 1 |
#whitegenocide #womenunited for #love who wants a #purpleheart ? #dodge and #win | 1 |
" we the people ... " " * most * cease talking ! " " ... walk the walk ! " " america's time line is shortening w the infiltration of jihad . " | 1 |
would he do this to a non white family ? white people are thought of as " easy targets " " because many are " | 1 |
What do Muslims have in common with Darth Vader? They both offer you to come to the dark side before killing you | 1 |
maybe should get an island for these obama felons. like australia started. dump them there 2 live with obie. | 1 |
hang obama deportation for all illegals kids too no amnesty no permits no reform no medical aide no school aide | 1 |
the pc politicians in parliament who let these muslims into the uk are protected by layers of security . the people are disarmed | 1 |
if it ain't brown, they'll take it down. | 1 |
. iranian #military #leader : #islamic revolutionary guards will be in #us & #europe very soon #banislam | 1 |
they crap in holes in the ground, urinals too clean for them. maybe some foot print markings would help them use urinals. damn animals! | 1 |
just fyi israel and jews did 9/11 and blamed muslims to justify the global war on terrorism | 1 |
no sharia in usa ! this is painful way to kill animal ! | 1 |
unreal! according to lynch, we now have over 30 million mexican illegals in the usa. | 1 |
The problem is women say silly shit, and the meaning of the words is irrelevant to them. Words are just a medium for manipulating feels and relationships. If you kill a male communist, great, now there's one less communist. If a stupid cunt dies, have you accomplished anything? Mollie should have been grounded by her patriarch. | 1 |
opposing jihad terror is opposing people who on average have darker skin than white people so it's " racist " " . " | 1 |
we love you friends #hottestwhite #whitepower | 1 |
close down the borders!! allow non government working class to watch them | 1 |
intrude lol ? you only believe black lives matter when they are killed by cops or whites . when thugs shoot little kids crickets ! | 1 |
white pride world wide no white guilt here . | 1 |
: knockout king in pittsburgh : another anti-white racist attacks in obama's america ( video ) via ... | 1 |
an epic win for westren civilization ! " django unchained " " was horribly racist and anti-white . " | 1 |
extinction of america's white population speeds up via | 1 |
so supremacy unacceptable and show be replaced with broad white nationalis | 1 |
let's kill them ! | 1 |
at least 60 white south africans were murder by racist blacks in the past two months via | 1 |
al qaeda to jihadis : make sure to kill white people to avoid hate crime label #orlando #al-qaeda | 1 |
that they would adopt a black then have white kids | 1 |
deadliest to non-muslims? pigs or islam? both however the major pig problem will be harder to solve with mass migration & islam adding to the already humongous load. | 1 |
a wall is meaningless once amnesty is granted . in time they will tear down the wall like they are tearing down statues . #notrumpamnesty | 1 |
its ok to be white - the book | 1 |
why don't feminists talk about the abuse of white women ? via #withjewswelose | 1 |
that's what this country has turned into racist aclu trying to make whites look bad ! if whites were supremacist it would a white country only | 1 |
and our 6 % to 10 % are high iq high agency creative young white men . you jews are only 2 % | 1 |
my friend got his ass kicked. but that's ok too right because he's not the right color. plus yiddish? fuck you | 1 |
homosexuality gun grabbing and fake nationalism is not cool . | 1 |
How do you make a baby explode You convert it to islam | 1 |
two articles in the this month called for removal of white history.both were written by jews and | 1 |
we should adhere to our religion to remain mired in the barbaric past."" teach your children well. | 1 |
will incessantly talk about evil white people and / or have no problem focusing on the race of non-whites in a positive way . | 1 |
Everyone is so politically correct these days... You can't even say "black paint!" You have to say "tyrone can you paint that wall please?" | 1 |
well, they should be. fight, alienate em, on behalf of our 'allies' invite em here! duh! | 1 |
submit to the constitution or get the eff out! | 1 |
black on white crime . specifically targeted because they're white : | 1 |
#howtospotafeminist their favorite colour isn't white . | 1 |
no more jobs for illegals!! | 1 |
moved out in 2015, so greatful i did when i see this crap. california the sewer state | 1 |
pl attack china | 1 |
Why are black men good at basketball? The whole point is to run, shoot and steal. Oh and their knee grows. | 1 |
white power brothers | 1 |
ugh ""alpha"" this and ""beta"" that it's so annoying. we get it, you're overcompensating ""gorilla mindset. | 1 |
a new flag for the white homeland in the northwest . | 1 |
black man pleads guilty to murdering white samaritan shot him to death .. #tcot #blackviolence | 1 |
a bunch of white ppl waving the confederate flag plays right into msm / obama narrative that south is still racist | 1 |
. when are you going to write about how jews destroy white institutions ? jews created this . | 1 |
them & kill them muslim leader call for 10000 volunteers 2 kill white people | 1 |
american is white and christian you meant love . | 1 |
trumps agenda is not to white americas benefit ! jared kushner is a kabala practicing jew and he advises trump . look elsewhere for a white victory ! | 1 |
a white father who doesn't want a safe space for white children . if your line survives they will come to hate the memory of you . | 1 |
take them all out they don't deserve to be there | 1 |
Dicks are basically ar-15s Only disabled kids whip em out in class | 1 |
right on america needs to wake up enough black on white hate crimes and our media does nothing for whites | 1 |
i printed posters of #khallidmuhammad and i blast diarrhea on them everyday! | 1 |
by helping/feeding the 3rd worlders america has foolishly turned into one big halfway house for the people of the 3rd world | 1 |
mmmm, mmmh, mmm that sweet frog up your ass, 'feels good' doesn't it? | 1 |
if you are an illegal, you might want to invest in a trailer. u-haul doesn't do international. | 1 |
let's bring that up to 100 per cent for the non-whites 0 per cent for the whites . | 1 |
how easy it is to get a background from someone with no background that lives in a mud hut, lmao! | 1 |
to grant amnesty is to pardon #immigration lawbreakers and reward them ... " #noamnesty " | 1 |
wow, face it kids, cali is done. it may be time to have a 'sacrificial lamb' plan in our back pockets. | 1 |
: kanye west releases his most anti-white rap song ever sucks hes the most racist man alive .. | 1 |
: video : czechs pledge loyalty to homeland and the reich ( 1942 ) | 1 |
leaked pic of maxine @ her dr.'s office & her new license plate.honk,smile,& wave when u c her. no direct eye contact or sudden moves though | 1 |
another white man shot by blacks over confederate flag on his car via | 1 |
3 . no you're an anti-white marxist seeking to bring down white people - by your own admission . | 1 |
let the dogs out | 1 |
but #illegals and #terrorists get #freestuff and #getoutofjailcard #tgdn rt | 1 |
then pl. do needful. also educate muslim girls to come out of their hell by marrying hindu boys. | 1 |
seriously, why can black people succeed in athletics like in the bcs championship, but not in math or science? | 1 |
50 shot in chicago over the weekend including a 81 year old grandma . this demokkkrat war zone needs the national guard there now ! | 1 |
you have it all wrong ! nazism isn't white this white that . it's about being a powerful regime ! remember our fathers ! #nazigermany | 1 |
one day isis monsters will be in our midst & white liberals will serve them humus cooked for them by white feminists | 1 |
they are the only racial group that are still cannibals even people just related like many islanders eat people | 1 |
if it boils down to giving some third world sewer our tax $$ forget it. america first. | 1 |
What's the difference between a dog and a pizza? One can feed a family of four Asian people. | 1 |
: white man lynched and robbed by a racist black gang ( video ) via | 1 |
15 year old white danish girl blinded by african muslims in racially motivated hate crime d more : via | 1 |
haaahaaa haaahaaa haaahaaa sanctuary state, cut funding until they get rid of criminals | 1 |
. . i hear you guys had a #safespace for gay white male atheist feminists #altright | 1 |
if you are white in that state watch yourself ! | 1 |
of course it's racist it was written by a white man of good character . | 1 |
tomorrow is april 20th the birthdate of adolf hitler . do you have your flyers / stickers / cards ready for mass distribution ? ? #activism | 1 |
or as paul gottfried put it white nationalism is good 4 the jews | 1 |
the heroic drama : dr . goebbels calls volkssturm for national defense ( video ) via | 1 |
number 5 addition : unless they're black then call them a twitter bot or say they hate themselves . | 1 |
Why shouldn't men hit their wives ? When you damage your property it loses value. | 1 |
is britain ready for a lunatic muslim ? | 1 |
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