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anyhow the bottom line is that we r all " soldiers " " on the internet fight for white rights & white freedom . " | 1 |
What happens when you roast the quiet Asian kid? Your pet goes missing. | 1 |
you would never ask a question like this to a charity specifically contributing to jews or those in india asia or africa . you know is based on building up european americans . there is absolutely nothing wrong with that and they owe nobody an explanation . | 1 |
what did the african kid get for christmas aids | 1 |
he was not any less an animal than any other negro. | 1 |
I'm not going to screen you for STDs because you aren't really at risk as a lesbian. But then again, I don't really know how you people have sex. | 1 |
satan's islam : all evils | 1 |
yeah this isn't portland, that kind of behavior here would get them on the wrong side of a slaughter | 1 |
i have my trusty spell casting wand. i shall smite all the libtard goblins back to hell from whence they came. kazaam! | 1 |
: there is no hate like islamic hate . | 1 |
racist or white supremacy would want nothing more than government programs . a single generation of welfare destroys so many skills fathers | 1 |
don't confuse " us citizen " " with " " american " " . that's a lie of the left . there is an authentic american culture and people . " | 1 |
political correctness it's never free. it'll cost your dignity, your peace and finally your life. #islamistheproblem | 1 |
every white area / country is the most modern civilised & clean .. it's no wonder they want to flock like rats .. their countries will be empty one day while ours are over run with them .. its wrong ! people didn't fight & die to protect our countries to be over run today . | 1 |
got that right why do we let these vipers into america? | 1 |
texas a & m . #projectsiege | 1 |
white resistance increases as minority status looms | read more : via | 1 |
only black thugs who rob stores and fight white cops and die lives matter . | 1 |
now try something correct. by, loser. let us in the real world do | 1 |
cuckfederates are certain the csa wasn't racist . their favorite slogan is " heritage not hate " " " | 1 |
the california gop convention is under siege by protesters with mexican flags | 1 |
ethnic norwegians disappearing as non-white colonization intensifies #swrm #nonwhite #prowhite via | 1 |
american diversity work in progress : black teens kill white girl for bicycle via | 1 |
no amount of foreign aid can substitute for an inherent racial lack of capacity for freedom . | 1 |
back in 2012 i will never forget how obama went down the list appealing to non-whites on racial grounds | 1 |
white men can sleep with other races but should marry within their own race . white women should remain virgins until their wedding night and should only be with white men . | 1 |
: via tennessee high school students visit mosque get qur'an - - not visiting church or synagogue | 1 |
that seems a little harsh elder. you know wackos kill people. oh, wait a minute, i guess you're right!! | 1 |
" diversity " " and " " multiculturalism " " are only for white countries - the jews in israel don't tolerate these scams " | 1 |
europe must rise before the lovely white race is completely destroyed | 1 |
turn them into road pizza! | 1 |
You can't play with them - they don't speak English. | 1 |
america was meant to be a white country . jim crow was meant to preserve the america the founding fathers envisioned . | 1 |
where can i get a kkk hat for when im driving to the ghetto of my town | 1 |
no, we don't want thier barbaric sharia practices inflicted on us. | 1 |
anti-white race war slasher music clip teaches black children to hate and massacre whites via | 1 |
jews don't want to live close to the non-white invaders they welcome #expeltheinvaders #withjewswelose | 1 |
: when a jackal's time of death arrives it races towards the city | 1 |
history shows us that non-white marxists have no problem attacking or murdering white childrensee : haiti bolsheviks south africa ... | 1 |
his followers are a motley bunch of ""muh resistance"" and tree hugging nobodies | 1 |
barbarians under a barbaric religion, when were they not going to be a threat to the civilised world? | 1 |
you go guys white power | 1 |
german and indeed all white race is to be saved from barbarians even if it involves use of nuclear weapons | 1 |
activate the ban. if these f**kers keep it up then total removal will be necessary. | 1 |
the young homeless girl was delighted when i asked if i could take her home . she was n't too excited when i walked off with her cardboard box . | 1 |
white lion rising | 1 |
then how will blacks become edumacated ?! | 1 |
hey black lies matter how does it feel knowing the white man you hate so much is still leading and lying to you ? | 1 |
are you ready to be waterboarded yet, sean? still waiting! | 1 |
everyone is encouraged to be proud of their race and culture except white people you're a good example of this behavior . toxic mindset | 1 |
it will keep the ones out that can't afford a plane or a boat | 1 |
they better stary with 2:106 of koran & though written for jew objection can be applied to all of the korans hate / intolerance | 1 |
snacks for thought : why don't middle class black people vacation in trailer parks ? | 1 |
fear of islam far from being irrational is mandatory because it has become more dangerous . daily wo | 1 |
real appelaing for whites . get to the back of the bus and bend over . you antiwhites have shown your true colors . | 1 |
rt you can't claim " domestic terrorism " " is not a ' muslim monopoly ' while also claiming this domestic radical muslim isn't a terrorist #fresno " | 1 |
profiteers ? nonsense . there is no money in #altright . we fight for freedom not money . | 1 |
hunter you do know i'm a jew . i hope you mean to diss liberal jews not us hardline rightwinger jews . | 1 |
yeah, how dare those extreme left wingers jump in front of a car driven by a poor ickle innocent nazi ? | 1 |
You're a girl. You're not expected to know where it is. | 1 |
What do White people get in return for letting Blacks have Black heritage month? Father's Day | 1 |
the flag of the northwest american republic the coming white homeland and ethnostate . | 1 |
white power ! 88 | 1 |
jason kessler getting attacked at his press conference today is further proof that there is no free speech for white people in america . | 1 |
shitlibs are purging the white males for criticizing hillary : | 1 |
are patriotic native white jews permitted to join to stop the invading muslims ? | 1 |
what if i just laugh and point a finger at you?aww, can't shoot me. poor little tough guy. | 1 |
lol ~ no surprise ~ jews proliferate " perceived racism " " and " " anti-white agenda " " " | 1 |
sorry to say but you can take the kid out of the ghetto but not the ghetto out of the kid. no reason whatsoever to do what they did. | 1 |
" pseudo-intellectualism " " . can you refute a single point from one of their speeches ? also anti-racist is a code word for anti-white . " | 1 |
rt #blacklivesmatter : " i hope they kill all the white babies kill all your grandkids " " why hasn't any 1 disavowed ? " | 1 |
then you should understand why white people in america are resisting being colonized by the | 1 |
linking the cops to the rally is lame . paul ryan supports globalization and white genoci | 1 |
What place do black people like to be peaceful? In their coffin. | 1 |
jews ie rejectors of christ control social media . yes they are white but love globalism not nationalism | 1 |
the white genocide continues : white race now a minority in three more uk towns and cities via #14w | 1 |
. jeb cares about mestizos ( like his wife and kids ) he seems to loath white people . | 1 |
what say you ? ? on point about so much but ... demographics ? white identity ? aj keeps on shilling for jews though . | 1 |
rip white race ? europe may well be on its last legs germany may become banana republic without | 1 |
so ? welcome to the real world . this is what today's immigrants want to do to whites | 1 |
people that only consider and believe info from jews and the establishment have problems even entertaining what i say | 1 |
Aan indian was taking a dump and died. Strange, isn't it?? He didn't pay attention to the train heading towards him... | 1 |
weak white people have nearly destroyed us . no other race is so self-hating . | 1 |
lord, let your enemies be scattered, let them be confounded and be put to shame | 1 |
cuck island : eyewitnesses report that police ran away from moslem terrorists via | 1 |
both dolezal and the genderqueer lady talk about covering themselves in filth (mud), the alien guy is pictured in blue goo. hmmm | 1 |
the left wants white pipo to go away ... | 1 |
pls sign! add your name to stop the dog torture festival in #china #stopyulin2016 | 1 |
if we don't oust the suicidal left from their positions of power #whitegenocide will never end . #parisattacks | 1 |
you're just jealous you don't have a cute blonde to hose you down with tan. | 1 |
and you will be shocked when god comes and kills all the half ape black people. | 1 |
remove the fucking jooze & their social marxist whores instead. | 1 |
such a travesty that $$ we spend on illegals for their subsistence in the u.s., could be spent on our veterans! | 1 |
: whites tend to wait until the eleventh hour when its time to circle the wagons the | 1 |
diversity is about chasing down white people . | 1 |
they only exist in your head . you all are actively calling for violence against non whites . | 1 |
What is the difference between the highway at rush hour and the line at KFC? Nothing, they are both black and dangerous to cut through | 1 |
white power south georgia has your back | 1 |
: guess i'll tell all my successful southern friends they owe it all to a slave they've never owned | 1 |
declare a state of emergency! martial law! use the hoses!and play right into our hand | 1 |
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