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a legal organ trade would boost the availability of transplant organs and save lives | We should legalize organ trade | legalizing the organ trade would bring an end to shortages for transplant |
a legalised organ trade would dramatically improve the stock of transplant organs, saving lives. | We should legalize organ trade | legalizing the organ trade would bring an end to shortages for transplant |
a legalised organ trade would increase the amount of stock available for medical procedures, and allow the procedure to become safer and more regulated. | We should legalize organ trade | legalizing the organ trade would bring an end to shortages for transplant |
a legalised trade would disproportionately harm those from poorer economic backgrounds, legitimising the huge medical risks involved. | We should legalize organ trade | organ trading is dangerous because it can result in harm to vulnerable people |
A legalized market would exploit the poor who, as a result of financial problems, would be the ones most likely to sell their organs. | We should legalize organ trade | legalizing the organ trade would bring an end to shortages for transplant |
a libertarian government is just an excuse to take from the rich and give to the poor. | We should adopt libertarianism | Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few. |
a libertarian government with provide the lower classes with much needed resources. | We should adopt libertarianism | Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few. |
a libertarian system allows and ensures that a person is free to do as they please as long as those actions do not impede or infringe on the rights of others. | We should adopt libertarianism | libertarianism fosters a more equitable and efficient society for all |
a lifestyle that does not hurt others should be legal | We should legalize polygamy | polygamy should not be legalized because it empowers men more and minimizes women |
a lot more work and research could get done if we abandoned television. | We should abandon television | we should abandon television because it can lead to addictions of screens and missing out on time spent on other priorities like spending time with family and housework etc |
a lot of gender neutral language assumes the male version of the word as the newly accepted neutral word. this doesn’t make it neutral, just assumes the male is best. | We should adopt gender-neutral language | gender-neutral language shouldn't be adopted because in writing consistency is sometimes hard to keep straight with those pronouns |
a lot of naturopaths suggest things without scientific backing, which may harm the patient. | We should ban naturopathy | naturopathy isn't thoroughly tested by the fda and may pose significant health risks if not utilized properly |
a lot of private resources are needed for military campaigns, such as weapon manufacture. using a private military company is no different. | We should ban private military companies | private military companies perform useful support roles in conflict zones around the world |
a lot of the criminals fit a specific ethnicity so for security purposes and saving lives police should be allowed to racially profile in exchange for a little bit of suffering | We should end racial profiling | racial profiling shouldn't be banned because it offers the potential of stopping a crime |
a lot of times the physical and emotional after effects of cosmetic surgery defeat the main purpose of getting the surgery. | We should ban cosmetic surgery | cosmetic surgery has too many risks of something going wrong compared to the benefit of looking more aesthetically pleasing. |
a lot of times, people who homeschool aren't qualified to teach all the subjects needed for a high school diploma. | Homeschooling should be banned | homeschooling prevents a child from socialising with his or her own age group, and can cause isolation and loneliness. |
a lot of what they do is dangerous including opposing vaccines. | We should ban naturopathy | naturopathy has no scientific foundation or enough evidence to be considered safe for humans |
a lot of woman who prostitute themselves were sexually assaulted themselves so it may be better to have better options. | We should legalize prostitution | Prostitutes are subject to cruel and degrading treatment by both their pimps and clients. This is not a profession that should be legalized, it should be eradicated. |
a low score may prevent the development an individual to their maximum potential and test results can create divisions, if they are viewed a measure of an individual worth. | Intelligence tests bring more harm than good | intelligence tests give a skewed and limited view of a student and do not give a full picture of someones abilities and skills. |
a low turn out means that the elected government does not represent the true wishes of the country. making voting compulsory would mean that an elected government had a true mandate. | We should introduce compulsory voting | compulsory voting is not a democratic choice, for people should always be allowed to express their dissent by abstaining from voting . |
a majority of americans identify with a religion. | We should adopt atheism | We should adopt atheism because history has shown that the majority of wars and human divisiveness is due to religious differences. |
a majority of students are unable to pay for the high cost of attending college | We should subsidize student loans | education is expensive, and subsizing student loans encourages an academic career path, creating individuals who typically go on to contribute more to the economy via higher paid jobs. |
a man or woman has the right to do what they wish with their body, and if they choose to sell it for sex, the government should not interfere. | We should legalize prostitution | prostitution should be legalized as it provides a service and reduces rape and sex crimes |
a mandatory retirement age allows employers to be able to bring fresh talent into their workforce | We should end mandatory retirement | By freeing up space across professional hierarchies mandatory retirement provides more opportunities for career growth and upward mobility for younger people. |
A mandatory retirement age ensures that at least some positions open up in a given profession on a predictable basis, allowing younger workers to enter as older workers exit | We should end mandatory retirement | By freeing up space across professional hierarchies mandatory retirement provides more opportunities for career growth and upward mobility for younger people. |
a mandatory retirement age helps employers regularly refresh the workforce with fresh talent | We should end mandatory retirement | By freeing up space across professional hierarchies mandatory retirement provides more opportunities for career growth and upward mobility for younger people. |
a man's place is in the workforce to provide for his family. why should anyone else have to pay for that guy's family just because he doesn't want to go to work? | We should subsidize stay-at-home dads | we should subsidize stay at home dads because they can take care of the home and family just like a woman can. |
a marriage is a piece of paper, nothing more. | We should abandon marriage | marriage is an outdated concept that does more harm than good. most relationships don't work out forever, and making a person tied to another legally and financially forever is not fair. |
a measure of zero tolerance in schools would collapse the system, since you have to have some flexibility in each case | We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools | Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school. |
a medical doctor has said that 80% of students who just took part in intelligence tests face a very strong decline in learning as the uncertainty of the results of the tests bothers them. | Intelligence tests bring more harm than good | Intelligence tests give us the ability to pinpoint topics that students struggle with so that educators can learn where to focus their efforts. |
a military company ban would only be closing opportunities | We should ban private military companies | in the interests of national security only governments should be allowed to have military capabilities so private military companies should be banned. |
A miniature arms race between missile defense developers and missile developers creates an arms race that costs a massive amount to any state with either industry. | We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons | Nuclear weapons provide a deterrent for starting a major conflict. |
a minor does not have the mental and emotional development needed to make decisions that have long term effects | We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors | minors are too young to have those kinds of procedures that will affect them for life |
a minor is in no way responsible enough to make the decision of getting cosmetic surgery. you see too many kids doing it because they want to look like a pop idol fad. it is dangerous. | We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors | Cosmetic surgery is near permanent, minors cannot contextualize these changes due to their short life experience, and so are not mature enough to make sure life-changing decisions about their physical appearance. |
a minor is not old enough to make decisions on something that will change them forever | We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors | minors are too young to have those kinds of procedures that will affect them for life |
a minor is still growing so any cosmetic surgery may well result in a less than desirable result when they are fully grown. | We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors | Cosmetic surgery is near permanent, minors cannot contextualize these changes due to their short life experience, and so are not mature enough to make sure life-changing decisions about their physical appearance. |
a minor should be allowed to under go cosmetic surgery if it would improve how they see themselves and help their confidence. such things would follow them into adulthood in a positive manner. | We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors | we should ban cosmetic surgery for minors because they are too young to decide what they want |
a minor should have control over their own body | We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors | we should ban cosmetic surgery for minors because they are too young to decide what they want |
a mistake could cause permanent disfigurement of a person | We should ban cosmetic surgery | cosmetic surgery corrects defects either from birth or accidents |
a modern society espousing gender equality has a duty to subsidize stay-at-home dads, just as it would support mothers - this both improves womens' career prospects, and fathers' emotional bonding. | We should subsidize stay-at-home dads | We should subsidize stay-at-home dads so that they can have the same opportunity to bond with their child as the mother. |
a mulit-party system is needed because there are more opinions than just democrat and repulblican | We should adopt a multi-party system | we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems. |
a multi party system allows far better choices for the diverse population, meaning they can find someone to vote for that they truly believe in and participate in a democracy better | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi party system allows for a larger group of qualified individuals | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi party system creates chaos by giving too many choices to the people | We should adopt a multi-party system | the multi-party system offers voters more choices that may get more people involved in politics |
a multi party system does not always help things. what is to say we get multiple bad choices and we have to end up choosing the lesser of two evils? | We should adopt a multi-party system | the multi-party system offers voters more choices that may get more people involved in politics |
a multi party system ensures that everyone’s viewpoint can be represented and taken into account rather than only a minority. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi party system helps ensure all people are represented and that no one party or faction becomes too strong. multi party systems are more equitable at all levels and not all in favor of one group. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi party system is too volatile, there's no stability and no consistency | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system could cause too much in fighting between groups that should be cooperating. |
A multi party system might be too confusing because there would be too many candidates with too many opinions and would be hard to vote. | We should adopt a multi-party system | we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems. |
a multi party system will help us choose the best person for the job. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi party system will lead to the rise of fringe groups that do not represent the will of the people. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system might allow for more and more diverse candidates to come to the forefront of each election. |
a multi party system would bring many new & fresh ideas into the forefront | We should adopt a multi-party system | we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems. |
a multi party system would ensure more people get their viewpoint taken into account. | We should adopt a multi-party system | we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems. |
a multi party system would represent all those that voted, not just those that voted for one party so a fairer system of governance would be in place. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi party system would spend more time arguing than resolving problems and wouldn’t be beneficial. | We should adopt a multi-party system | we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems. |
a multi party sytem is not in agreement with the constitution. | We should adopt a multi-party system | Two-party systems ignore alternative views. In a multi-party system, debate and diverse views are encouraged. |
a multi-oart system allows for more options and candidates that are more in line with certain populations as not everyone has the same political views. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-oarty system can decrease the votes of a specific candidate, making the votes misappropriated. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party ensures that all people and voices are heard and represented. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party is essential to allow for democracy and prevent autocratic regimes coming to power. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows a greater freedom of choice for voters to express their democratic right to vote for policies they would like to implimented. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows a greater number of views to be heard. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows a number of parties to enter government and is a benchmark of democracy. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows for a broad range of ideas to be heard and implemented. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows for a much more diverse spectrum of options for an individual to find the right party to vote for, to really represent them | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows for diverse thinking and a larger choice for the people | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
A multi-party system allows for greater choice in whom to vote for. It allows each citizen to vote for the party that best fits their beliefs and represents their ideology. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows for greater freedom of choice and expression of opinion | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows for greater freedom of choice, as a greater number of major parties would cover more ideological viewpoints. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows for greater freedom of expression for the electorate and reduces the need to vote for who you disagree with the least | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows for more choices to address the views and issues of the people that multi candidates provide. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows for more ideas, more candidates, more voters turning out. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows for more unqualified people to get into the race | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows for more views and ideals to be represented. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows for the airing of more viewpoints and would require politicians to build coalitions and compromise in order to get things accomplished. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system allows for the people to choose between sets of ideas they want to govern the country. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
A multi-party system allows open and constructive criticism of the ruling government and prevents tyranny. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system as this will ensure that all policies are agreed upon and not forced through by a small majority. it will also ensure that a wider section of beliefs and opinions is represented. | We should adopt a multi-party system | we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems. |
a multiparty system blurs the citizenship of a vision and model of country. we should not adopt a multiparty system because it would waste valuable time to agree | We should adopt a multi-party system | we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems. |
a multi-party system brings diversity to the political realm which helps people better decide where there vote should go | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system can bring continued bickering and endless in-fighting to a system of government that should be as simple as 'obey the law'. | We should adopt a multi-party system | Multi-party systems are not efficient. The ruling coalition often has to negotiate with the minority parties in its coalition in order to pass legislation. |
a multi-party system can increase the views of the people and allow for more choices. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system can open the door to getting poor leaders out of office and creating change. | We should adopt a multi-party system | the multi-party system offers voters more choices that may get more people involved in politics |
a multi-party system can result of the election of someone who is supported by a small number of citizens | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system could add more complexity and create situations where issues become impossible to resolve. | We should adopt a multi-party system | we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems. |
a multi-party system could be very beneficial as it would allow for more opinions and more choices. | We should adopt a multi-party system | we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems. |
a multi-party system could cause too much in fighting between groups that should be cooperating. | We should adopt a multi-party system | we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems. |
a multiparty system could increase political bureaucracy | We should adopt a multi-party system | the multi-party system offers voters more choices that may get more people involved in politics |
a multi-party system could lead to more situations where a majority is not reached. this means that it could be harder to push policies through. | We should adopt a multi-party system | the multi-party system offers voters more choices that may get more people involved in politics |
a multi-party system could make it harder for decisions to be made as more opinions will complicate things. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system might allow for more and more diverse candidates to come to the forefront of each election. |
a multi-party system could mean that it is more difficult to agree on any answers as it is more likely that there will not be a majority on issues. | We should adopt a multi-party system | we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems. |
a multi-party system creates chaos. more is not merrier in this type of case. | We should adopt a multi-party system | people need multiple parties to chose from so they can find something closer to their own values. |
a multi-party system enables the people to have more of a say in what happens in their country. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system encourages innovation and new ideas. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system encourages parties with different political views to work together and discourages polarising adversarial politics | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system encourages weak and unstable coalition governments that are unable to pursue radical change | We should adopt a multi-party system | multi-party coalitions are incredibily inefficient systems, and the decision making process is slowed dramatically. |
a multi-party system ensures that voters have the chance to elect politicians that most closely align with their believes, lessening the chance that they have to compromise on things they feel are important. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system is clearly good for democracy. allowing opposing groups to work through their differences and give choice to the population in government elections. | We should adopt a multi-party system | a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people |
a multi-party system is enshrined in democracy. anyone should have his ideology and choose the party of his choice | We should adopt a multi-party system | people need multiple parties to chose from so they can find something closer to their own values. |
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