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@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ Tense semantics remain Althouth, the most remarkable feature from the shown char
320 |
Word form transmission billions Altogether those sums total $71 billions .
321 |
Synonyms number of people Americans citizens aged 65 and over were the biger number of people from 1940 to 1998.
322 |
Word form transmission good Among goods transporting by rail, metals are the most popular good and it considerate for 35%.
323 |
Copying expression
324 |
Synonyms percent Among the goods transported by road the most large percent was food products (30%) and manufactured goods.
325 |
Synonyms a little Among this people facebook is the most common social networks, the percantage od users assums a little more then 55 per cent.
326 |
Copying expression seems Among widespread problems live vision problems, troubles with sleep, headaches and even obesity the most important seems that technologies enter deeply in our brain and psychological sphere.
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ Word form transmission offending And if the person grows up in the conditions of
368 |
Synonyms about And if we are talking about learning about how to help others, it is a reason for surfing the Facebook for a gourth of men.
369 |
Synonyms give us And if we want give crimes longer prison sentences, we could understand that it can give us irreversible consequences.
370 |
Synonyms consequently And in 50 years the ages of population of both countries will change consequently.
371 |
372 |
Transliteration rhythm And in conditions of our fast rhythm of life it is the only possible variant to see the world and not to spend on that much time.
373 |
Copying expression in age And in final group of people working in education, situation is not good: only people in age from 26 to 45 think that that sphere is perspective and workable; in other age groups numbers of people rapidly decrease.
374 |
Copying expression of And in final group of people working in education, situation is not good: only people in age from 26 to 45 think that that sphere is perspective and workable; in other age groups numbers of people rapidly decrease.
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ Synonyms elder As an example, in some religious countries like Pakistan or Iran,
592 |
Synonyms another As an example, in the USA and in something countries in Europe machine detected problem on skins better then doctor or another professional people.
593 |
Word form transmission something As an example, in the USA and in something countries in Europe machine detected problem on skins better then doctor or another professional people.
594 |
Synonyms gaining As an example, Yuriy Dud, a famous russian journalist was working hard, but was not gaining huge ammounts of money, until he gave up on his main job, had some free time and created the most viwed channel with interviwes in the world with almost no money.
595 |
Copying expression
596 |
Transliteration realized As an illustration, many great projects, concerning space exploration, medical treatment and IT were realized because of the generousity of private companies.
597 |
Tense semantics are As an overall trend it is clear than more differences in Yemen are in the youngest group and in Italy youth as well as middle-age group has almost the same changes.
598 |
Synonyms more differences As an overall trend it is clear than more differences in Yemen are in the youngest group and in Italy youth as well as middle-age group has almost the same changes.
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ Transliteration service As can bee seen from both tables, the most popular field
612 |
Transliteration electronic As electronic produces electro-magnetic wave, it is likely to poorly affect tissues of our body.
613 |
Transliteration tendentions As far as 15-59 years category is observed there are opposite tendentions.
614 |
Synonyms solved As far as I am concerned, each of the reasons is important and should be solved carefully.
615 |
616 |
Transliteration mln As far as the second chart is concerned, the most preferrable country for tourism according to englishmen is France(about 11 mln of visitors in 1999).
617 |
Copying expression 15 to 59 ages As far projections are concerned, population from these ages will not have crucial changes in Yemen and will increased to 57,3%, but Italy will have the opposite situation, because population of 15 to 59 ages will declined to 46,2%.
618 |
Synonyms a little As for 30-49 age category, they prefer facebook too, because the percentage of this category ahe people is 73 per cent, while linkedln and instagram consist a little more then 30 and half of 50 corespondently.
@@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ Tense semantics will build For example, if in the city center of old European ci
857 |
Tense semantics have For example, in EU it has grown from 7,5 to 7,9 and other regions like N. Africa and S. Asia have stable rates.
858 |
Tense semantics have For example, in the first pipe chart the group of young students dominated, in the second aged people have the biggest share.
859 |
Tense semantics have For example, in the first pipe chart the group of young students dominated, in the second aged people were the biggest share and in the third middle-aged people have the highest number.
860 |
Copying expression
861 |
Synonyms last For example, last researches have shown that american worker employed by Apple company in the United States has twice as much money as chineese worker has a month.
862 |
Synonyms amount For example, man are interested in hunting or cars' repairing and women are interested in cooking and teaching, So, the establishing such equalities in universities will not give an opportunity to a huge amount of people to do the things they want to do.
863 |
Transliteration grabed For example, my classmate invited some strange people and they grabed their home, in addition her parents at this moment were in office, where they work.
@@ -1103,9 +1103,9 @@ Tense semantics have In conclusion more children have chance to have a primary e
1103 |
Tense semantics are In conclusion, as the diagram shows, goods are thransported between countries in Eastern Europ countries in 2008 in different proportions.
1104 |
Transliteration acuality In conclusion, both opinions have weight and have acuality for modern people.
1105 |
Synonyms amount In conclusion, I completely agree with the author's opinion that decrease the amount of flights will help to save our environment from great air pollution because of planes.
1106 |
Copying expression
1107 |
Word form transmission interests In conclusion, I would like to say that this problem is very difficult and the interests of civilians and businesmen are both important and the ways which were described earlier present themselves a compromise between too radical decisions.
1108 |
Copying expression
1109 |
Synonyms amount In conclusion, the graph shows that the amount of people aged 65 and over will grow by 2040.
1110 |
Synonyms access In conclusion, though it is hard to access but I think those laws should be introduced to stop this big affect on nature and humanity.
1111 |
Synonyms amount In conclusion, while after 80th amount of travels started to grow, France and Spain became the most popular countries for visiting.
@@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ Tense semantics is In Germany, China and the UK the numbers were smaller in gene
1136 |
Synonyms amount In goods that transported by rail were vere also the lowest persentage, it were machinery (12%) and chemicals, and food products that had the same amount (11%).
1137 |
Copying expression 2006 year In hotel or catering sector in 1998 the biggest group of people was presenting by people whose age from 18 to 25 years and the small group in this sector are people whose age started from 56 to 65 years, but in 2006 year situation in this sector was change.
1138 |
Tense semantics are In hotel or catering sector in 1998 the biggest group of people was presenting by people whose age from 18 to 25 years and the small group in this sector are people whose age started from 56 to 65 years, but in 2006 year situation in this sector was change.
1139 |
Copying expression age from
1140 |
Transliteration auditory In Instagram by contrast we don't much olter auditory, majority of users, 53% is under so, and we may see the huge drop in the next age categories.
1141 |
Tense semantics are In Latin America there are the same declining trend for about 1% during the period from 2014 to 2015.
1142 |
Synonyms amount In March 2013 amount of such users rose roughly twice as much comparing to the same period of the year 2012.
@@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ Copying expression max value In the next decade this proportion hardly grow up a
1184 |
Tense semantics do In the other hand, total investments and ones of developed countries reached peak in 2011 and investments of developing countries do this in 2012.
1185 |
Synonyms amount In the rest of world we see approximately the same amount of boys and girls who do not have an opportunity to go to school.
1186 |
Copying expression near In the Sough Asia in 2000 the number of girls without access to primary school as near like double amount of boys.
1187 |
Tense semantics
1188 |
Synonyms amount In the task I was given there a chart which shows changes in the amount of children without access to primary school education from 2000 to 2012 by gender and region in the world, especially in Africa, South Asia and the Rest of World.
1189 |
Synonyms beat In the UK the number of ebooks will beat the number of printing books by the year 2018, but it will not make a huge difference, just a 300 million dollars.
1190 |
Copying expression daughters "In the whole world many companies which have ""daughters"" in different states trend to move their producing to poor developing countries."
@@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ Tense semantics consist It consist 7,5% in 2014, but there was a gentlely growth
1217 |
Word form transmission billions It contains 9 billions pores per square inch.
1218 |
Tense semantics are It could be seen that machinery and metals are mainly transported by trains rather than by road.
1219 |
Synonyms amount It could help to dicrease the amount of consumers in air tourism.
1220 |
1221 |
Copying expression character of work It depends on character of work and its aims.
1222 |
Synonyms audience It depends on character of work, its aims and audience.
1223 |
Synonyms amount It depends on differenr unpredictable situations, students preferences and on an amount of women and men in the world.
@@ -1438,7 +1438,7 @@ Synonyms prepared On of the most important things that should be prepared is the
1438 |
Copying expression 15-59 years On the charts about population of Italy can be seen that percentage of people aged 15-59 years is biggest and it is 61,6 per cent.
1439 |
Word form transmission actively On the contrary, 'manufactured goods' and 'food products' are the most actively transpored types of goods by road.
1440 |
Tense semantics demonstrate On the contrary, in 2014 the UK book market demonstrate minimum income, only 2,6 and 1,8 billion dollars for print book and eBook, correspondely.
1441 |
Copying expression quality of
1442 |
Tense semantics characterize On the contrast, Middle East and Latin America characterize with more unemployment people in 2014 than in 2015.
1443 |
Synonyms amount On the countorary the London Underground is way longer (394), but was a much lower amount of those, who use subway as a mean of transport.
1444 |
Synonyms amount On the first bar chart we can see that amount of desktop users decreased in 2013 with comparasion to 2012: in 2012 there were 150 millions of desktop version users, while in 2013 only about 55 millions, which is more then twice less.
@@ -1553,7 +1553,7 @@ Copying expression in the complex Possible, in the complex this kind much more d
1553 |
Copying expression Possible Possible, in the complex this kind much more dangerous for the inveroments, than airplane.
1554 |
Synonyms all Pretty much hearing all & seeing nothing.
1555 |
Synonyms acceptance Prior to the acceptance of this law, there was no way of stopping the criminals.
1556 |
Copying expression
1557 |
Word form transmission sitting Public generally tend to believe that computers and sitting lifestyle cause a healthy problems, such as: a decreasing quality of seeing, diseases of eyes.
1558 |
Copying expression older 60 Quantity of individuals who are older 60 is predicted with growing almost 20 per cent.
1559 |
Synonyms on Quantity of people whom age fluctuates from 15 to 59 will be increased on approximately 10 per cent.
@@ -1811,7 +1811,7 @@ Synonyms amount The graph illustrates the amount of people aged 65 and under ove
1811 |
Synonyms amount The graph illustrates the amount of people of both sexes who are occupied in three employment sectors that are agriculture, industrial sector and various services.
1812 |
Synonyms amount The graph illustrates the differences in the amount of children who didn't have primary education un various regions over a 12 year period.
1813 |
Tense semantics use The graph illustrates us the percentage of urban and rural households in a European country, which use Internet access for six-year-period (between 1999 and 2004)
1814 |
1815 |
Synonyms amount The graph presents the amount of boys and girls who have no abilities to study in the primary schools on the time line from 2000 to 2012 and in different regions of the world.
1816 |
Synonyms amount The graph presents the data on amount of population aged 65 and over since 1940 in Japan, Sweden and USA.
1817 |
Copying expression 65 ages The graph presents the information and predictions about the part of old population (65 ages and more) in Japan, Sweden and USA over the period of 100 years from 1940 to 2040.
@@ -2068,7 +2068,7 @@ Transliteration auditory This group builds up more than a half of the courses' a
2068 |
Synonyms amount This investment of these types of plane will be very expensive but will help to reduce amount of flights and will be more safety for environment, because they will be able to do one flight indeed five of sive flights by old planes.
2069 |
Copying expression affect on This occasion shows us how videogames affect on teenager's minds and parents should control their childer what their are doing.
2070 |
Synonyms aim This organic presence still remains our aim .
2071 |
Copying expression
2072 |
Synonyms amount This picture gives information about changes of amount of boys and girls, who did not have a access to primary school education between 2000 and 2015 in different regions.
2073 |
Word form transmission billions This process supposedly took several billions years.
2074 |
Copying expression every of us This same concept resides within every of us .
@@ -2092,7 +2092,7 @@ Synonyms amount To conclude, Africa had the biggest amount of children, who coul
2092 |
Synonyms amount To conclude, I have to say that allowing only same amount of male and female students in every class seems to be a uselles and irrelevant way of fighting against the discrimination.
2093 |
Transliteration actual To conclude, it is necessary to mention that the problem is extremely actual and up-to date.
2094 |
Copying expression 65-aged and over To conclude, the overall trend is increasing proportion of 65-aged and over population in a few decades after 2020.
2095 |
2096 |
Tense semantics remain To conclusion, by comparison with other countries The Japan had the fighest persentage of difference in male and female salaries over the all period of time und this tendency remain stable.
2097 |
Synonyms amount To make a conclusion, the rising amount of crimes commited by young people is the problem which is needed to be solved so by joining efforts we can decrease the rate of crimes.
2098 |
Word form transmission affect To my mind, groups should be formed by equal number of male and female as it can have an affect on students life and their future.
320 |
Word form transmission billions Altogether those sums total $71 billions .
321 |
Synonyms number of people Americans citizens aged 65 and over were the biger number of people from 1940 to 1998.
322 |
Word form transmission good Among goods transporting by rail, metals are the most popular good and it considerate for 35%.
323 |
Copying expression less and less Among people should be more involved art people, because nowadays they are becoming less and less.
324 |
Synonyms percent Among the goods transported by road the most large percent was food products (30%) and manufactured goods.
325 |
Synonyms a little Among this people facebook is the most common social networks, the percantage od users assums a little more then 55 per cent.
326 |
Copying expression seems Among widespread problems live vision problems, troubles with sleep, headaches and even obesity the most important seems that technologies enter deeply in our brain and psychological sphere.
368 |
Synonyms about And if we are talking about learning about how to help others, it is a reason for surfing the Facebook for a gourth of men.
369 |
Synonyms give us And if we want give crimes longer prison sentences, we could understand that it can give us irreversible consequences.
370 |
Synonyms consequently And in 50 years the ages of population of both countries will change consequently.
371 |
Synonyms ages And in 50 years the ages of population of both countries will change consequently.
372 |
Transliteration rhythm And in conditions of our fast rhythm of life it is the only possible variant to see the world and not to spend on that much time.
373 |
Copying expression in age And in final group of people working in education, situation is not good: only people in age from 26 to 45 think that that sphere is perspective and workable; in other age groups numbers of people rapidly decrease.
374 |
Copying expression of And in final group of people working in education, situation is not good: only people in age from 26 to 45 think that that sphere is perspective and workable; in other age groups numbers of people rapidly decrease.
592 |
Synonyms another As an example, in the USA and in something countries in Europe machine detected problem on skins better then doctor or another professional people.
593 |
Word form transmission something As an example, in the USA and in something countries in Europe machine detected problem on skins better then doctor or another professional people.
594 |
Synonyms gaining As an example, Yuriy Dud, a famous russian journalist was working hard, but was not gaining huge ammounts of money, until he gave up on his main job, had some free time and created the most viwed channel with interviwes in the world with almost no money.
595 |
Copying expression higher place As an illustarion, the literacy rate in Russia has increased, as a result, the country has taken the higher place in the internstional arena.
596 |
Transliteration realized As an illustration, many great projects, concerning space exploration, medical treatment and IT were realized because of the generousity of private companies.
597 |
Tense semantics are As an overall trend it is clear than more differences in Yemen are in the youngest group and in Italy youth as well as middle-age group has almost the same changes.
598 |
Synonyms more differences As an overall trend it is clear than more differences in Yemen are in the youngest group and in Italy youth as well as middle-age group has almost the same changes.
612 |
Transliteration electronic As electronic produces electro-magnetic wave, it is likely to poorly affect tissues of our body.
613 |
Transliteration tendentions As far as 15-59 years category is observed there are opposite tendentions.
614 |
Synonyms solved As far as I am concerned, each of the reasons is important and should be solved carefully.
615 |
Synonyms concerned As far as the second chart is concerned, the most preferrable country for tourism according to englishmen is France(about 11 mln of visitors in 1999).
616 |
Transliteration mln As far as the second chart is concerned, the most preferrable country for tourism according to englishmen is France(about 11 mln of visitors in 1999).
617 |
Copying expression 15 to 59 ages As far projections are concerned, population from these ages will not have crucial changes in Yemen and will increased to 57,3%, but Italy will have the opposite situation, because population of 15 to 59 ages will declined to 46,2%.
618 |
Synonyms a little As for 30-49 age category, they prefer facebook too, because the percentage of this category ahe people is 73 per cent, while linkedln and instagram consist a little more then 30 and half of 50 corespondently.
857 |
Tense semantics have For example, in EU it has grown from 7,5 to 7,9 and other regions like N. Africa and S. Asia have stable rates.
858 |
Tense semantics have For example, in the first pipe chart the group of young students dominated, in the second aged people have the biggest share.
859 |
Tense semantics have For example, in the first pipe chart the group of young students dominated, in the second aged people were the biggest share and in the third middle-aged people have the highest number.
860 |
Copying expression women's consultation For example, it's really difficult for men to work at women's consultation centre because both doctor or client would be embarrassed.
861 |
Synonyms last For example, last researches have shown that american worker employed by Apple company in the United States has twice as much money as chineese worker has a month.
862 |
Synonyms amount For example, man are interested in hunting or cars' repairing and women are interested in cooking and teaching, So, the establishing such equalities in universities will not give an opportunity to a huge amount of people to do the things they want to do.
863 |
Transliteration grabed For example, my classmate invited some strange people and they grabed their home, in addition her parents at this moment were in office, where they work.
1103 |
Tense semantics are In conclusion, as the diagram shows, goods are thransported between countries in Eastern Europ countries in 2008 in different proportions.
1104 |
Transliteration acuality In conclusion, both opinions have weight and have acuality for modern people.
1105 |
Synonyms amount In conclusion, I completely agree with the author's opinion that decrease the amount of flights will help to save our environment from great air pollution because of planes.
1106 |
Copying expression about In conclusion, I think that preparing the children about foreign language skill as soon as possible is a good decision, but we have to look are children ready or not for it.
1107 |
Word form transmission interests In conclusion, I would like to say that this problem is very difficult and the interests of civilians and businesmen are both important and the ways which were described earlier present themselves a compromise between too radical decisions.
1108 |
Copying expression of a debate In conclusion, I would say that there are different opinions about the problem of child raising and upbringing, but both have strong arguments, therefore whether the main features of child's character are developed in home or outside is still a question of a debate.
1109 |
Synonyms amount In conclusion, the graph shows that the amount of people aged 65 and over will grow by 2040.
1110 |
Synonyms access In conclusion, though it is hard to access but I think those laws should be introduced to stop this big affect on nature and humanity.
1111 |
Synonyms amount In conclusion, while after 80th amount of travels started to grow, France and Spain became the most popular countries for visiting.
1136 |
Synonyms amount In goods that transported by rail were vere also the lowest persentage, it were machinery (12%) and chemicals, and food products that had the same amount (11%).
1137 |
Copying expression 2006 year In hotel or catering sector in 1998 the biggest group of people was presenting by people whose age from 18 to 25 years and the small group in this sector are people whose age started from 56 to 65 years, but in 2006 year situation in this sector was change.
1138 |
Tense semantics are In hotel or catering sector in 1998 the biggest group of people was presenting by people whose age from 18 to 25 years and the small group in this sector are people whose age started from 56 to 65 years, but in 2006 year situation in this sector was change.
1139 |
Copying expression age from In hotel or catering sector in 1998 the biggest group of people was presenting by people whose age from 18 to 25 years.
1140 |
Transliteration auditory In Instagram by contrast we don't much olter auditory, majority of users, 53% is under so, and we may see the huge drop in the next age categories.
1141 |
Tense semantics are In Latin America there are the same declining trend for about 1% during the period from 2014 to 2015.
1142 |
Synonyms amount In March 2013 amount of such users rose roughly twice as much comparing to the same period of the year 2012.
1184 |
Tense semantics do In the other hand, total investments and ones of developed countries reached peak in 2011 and investments of developing countries do this in 2012.
1185 |
Synonyms amount In the rest of world we see approximately the same amount of boys and girls who do not have an opportunity to go to school.
1186 |
Copying expression near In the Sough Asia in 2000 the number of girls without access to primary school as near like double amount of boys.
1187 |
Tense semantics is In the Sough Asia in 2000 the number of girls without access to primary school is near like double amount of boys.
1188 |
Synonyms amount In the task I was given there a chart which shows changes in the amount of children without access to primary school education from 2000 to 2012 by gender and region in the world, especially in Africa, South Asia and the Rest of World.
1189 |
Synonyms beat In the UK the number of ebooks will beat the number of printing books by the year 2018, but it will not make a huge difference, just a 300 million dollars.
1190 |
Copying expression daughters "In the whole world many companies which have ""daughters"" in different states trend to move their producing to poor developing countries."
1217 |
Word form transmission billions It contains 9 billions pores per square inch.
1218 |
Tense semantics are It could be seen that machinery and metals are mainly transported by trains rather than by road.
1219 |
Synonyms amount It could help to dicrease the amount of consumers in air tourism.
1220 |
Synonyms surrounding It creates the tone of surronding athmosphere which is supposed to be friendly in order to function well.
1221 |
Copying expression character of work It depends on character of work and its aims.
1222 |
Synonyms audience It depends on character of work, its aims and audience.
1223 |
Synonyms amount It depends on differenr unpredictable situations, students preferences and on an amount of women and men in the world.
1438 |
Copying expression 15-59 years On the charts about population of Italy can be seen that percentage of people aged 15-59 years is biggest and it is 61,6 per cent.
1439 |
Word form transmission actively On the contrary, 'manufactured goods' and 'food products' are the most actively transpored types of goods by road.
1440 |
Tense semantics demonstrate On the contrary, in 2014 the UK book market demonstrate minimum income, only 2,6 and 1,8 billion dollars for print book and eBook, correspondely.
1441 |
Copying expression quality of On the contrary, other people believe that other activities should be use to up the quality of public health.
1442 |
Tense semantics characterize On the contrast, Middle East and Latin America characterize with more unemployment people in 2014 than in 2015.
1443 |
Synonyms amount On the countorary the London Underground is way longer (394), but was a much lower amount of those, who use subway as a mean of transport.
1444 |
Synonyms amount On the first bar chart we can see that amount of desktop users decreased in 2013 with comparasion to 2012: in 2012 there were 150 millions of desktop version users, while in 2013 only about 55 millions, which is more then twice less.
1553 |
Copying expression Possible Possible, in the complex this kind much more dangerous for the inveroments, than airplane.
1554 |
Synonyms all Pretty much hearing all & seeing nothing.
1555 |
Synonyms acceptance Prior to the acceptance of this law, there was no way of stopping the criminals.
1556 |
Copying expression quality of seeing Public generally tend to believe that computers and sitting lifestyle cause a healthy problems, such as: a decreasing quality of seeing, diseases of eyes.
1557 |
Word form transmission sitting Public generally tend to believe that computers and sitting lifestyle cause a healthy problems, such as: a decreasing quality of seeing, diseases of eyes.
1558 |
Copying expression older 60 Quantity of individuals who are older 60 is predicted with growing almost 20 per cent.
1559 |
Synonyms on Quantity of people whom age fluctuates from 15 to 59 will be increased on approximately 10 per cent.
1811 |
Synonyms amount The graph illustrates the amount of people of both sexes who are occupied in three employment sectors that are agriculture, industrial sector and various services.
1812 |
Synonyms amount The graph illustrates the differences in the amount of children who didn't have primary education un various regions over a 12 year period.
1813 |
Tense semantics use The graph illustrates us the percentage of urban and rural households in a European country, which use Internet access for six-year-period (between 1999 and 2004)
1814 |
Synonyms over The graph indicates the comparison of 65 years old population and over in three countries like Japan, Sweden and USA.
1815 |
Synonyms amount The graph presents the amount of boys and girls who have no abilities to study in the primary schools on the time line from 2000 to 2012 and in different regions of the world.
1816 |
Synonyms amount The graph presents the data on amount of population aged 65 and over since 1940 in Japan, Sweden and USA.
1817 |
Copying expression 65 ages The graph presents the information and predictions about the part of old population (65 ages and more) in Japan, Sweden and USA over the period of 100 years from 1940 to 2040.
2068 |
Synonyms amount This investment of these types of plane will be very expensive but will help to reduce amount of flights and will be more safety for environment, because they will be able to do one flight indeed five of sive flights by old planes.
2069 |
Copying expression affect on This occasion shows us how videogames affect on teenager's minds and parents should control their childer what their are doing.
2070 |
Synonyms aim This organic presence still remains our aim .
2071 |
Copying expression talking about This people do not go even to schools, I am not talking about colleges.
2072 |
Synonyms amount This picture gives information about changes of amount of boys and girls, who did not have a access to primary school education between 2000 and 2015 in different regions.
2073 |
Word form transmission billions This process supposedly took several billions years.
2074 |
Copying expression every of us This same concept resides within every of us .
2092 |
Synonyms amount To conclude, I have to say that allowing only same amount of male and female students in every class seems to be a uselles and irrelevant way of fighting against the discrimination.
2093 |
Transliteration actual To conclude, it is necessary to mention that the problem is extremely actual and up-to date.
2094 |
Copying expression 65-aged and over To conclude, the overall trend is increasing proportion of 65-aged and over population in a few decades after 2020.
2095 |
Word form transmission growing To conclude, there is a tendency of growing in number of people, who are 65 and older.
2096 |
Tense semantics remain To conclusion, by comparison with other countries The Japan had the fighest persentage of difference in male and female salaries over the all period of time und this tendency remain stable.
2097 |
Synonyms amount To make a conclusion, the rising amount of crimes commited by young people is the problem which is needed to be solved so by joining efforts we can decrease the rate of crimes.
2098 |
Word form transmission affect To my mind, groups should be formed by equal number of male and female as it can have an affect on students life and their future.