RobloxUsers /
Arnold james
92d11d6 verified

Roblox Player Profile Dataset


This dataset contains player profile data scraped from the Roblox platform. It includes various attributes that provide insights into user accounts, allowing for analyses, modeling, and research into Roblox's user base.

Dataset Details

  • Format: CSV
  • File Name: roblox_player_data.csv
  • Number of Entries: [10]


Column Name Description
user_id Unique identifier for the user
username Roblox username (may be unavailable for terminated accounts)
bio User biography (may be unavailable for some accounts)
url URL to the user's Roblox profile
created_date Date the account was created (ISO 8601 format)
is_banned Boolean indicating if the account is banned
has_verified_badge Boolean indicating if the account has a verified badge


The dataset can be used for various purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Machine Learning: Train models for text classification or generation.
  • Data Analysis: Perform exploratory data analysis on Roblox user demographics and behaviors.
  • Research: Study trends in user engagement and account status on Roblox.


This dataset is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Your Data Removal

We will remove your data from this upon request, email [email protected], we will remove you data.