stringlengths 184
| emotion
stringclasses 8
values |
Review this tweet ุตุฑู ู
ูุงูุงุช 5000 ุฌููู ููู ูุงุถู ุจุนุฏ ุงูููุฒ ุจุจุฑููุฒูู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ุจุฏู ุชุดุฌูุน carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | none |
Review this tweet ู
ููุด ู
ุตุฑููู ูุงูุฎุณุฑูุง ุญุงุฌู ู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ุงูููุงุฑุฏู ! carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | surprise |
Review this tweet ู
ุด ุนุงุฑููู ูุฎุด ูู ู
ูุฏ ู
ุงุชุด ุงูุงููู ูุณุท ุฒุญู
ู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ุฏู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | none |
Review this tweet ู
ุด ุนุงุฑู ุงูุจุฑุงุฒูู ุงุฒุงู ูุงุฒุช ุจุชูุธูู
ุจูุงุฏ. carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | surprise |
Review this tweet ุจุตุฑุงุญู ุชุนููู ุทุงุฑู ุงูุงุฏูุฑ ุงุญุณู ู
ู ุจุงูู ุงูู
ุนูููู ุงูุนุฑุจ ุนูู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ โ ูู ุงู ูุนู
ูุชูุฑ ู ุจูุตุฏุนูู ๐ ุจุณ ุจุฌุฏ ู
ูุฒ ุนููู
ุจูุชูููุฑ ุงูููู ๐๐ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | none |
Review this tweet ูุจุนุฏูู ุงูู ุณูู ุณุงุฏุณู ุฏู ูู
ุงูุ!! ูุนูู ูู
ุง ุญุฏ ูุณุงููู ูู ุณูู ูุงู
ุงูููู ูู ุณุงุฏุณู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | surprise |
Review this tweet 34: ูุซูุฑู ูู ุงููุญุธุงุช ุงูุชู ุงุนูุดูุง ุจูู ุงููุงุณ ุณููู ูุจูุกู ุงูุนุดู ู
ูุชูู ุงูุงููุงู
ุงูุญุจ ูุฌุฑ ููุชุจุงุฏู ุงูู
ููู ููุชุจุงุฏู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sadness |
Review this tweet ุงูููุงุฑูุงุฒูุง ูู ุงูุณุจุงุญู ูุงูุฑู
ุงูู ูุฑููุจ ุงูุฎูู ูู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ู
ูุชุฎุจ ูุทุฑ ูููุฏูุชุญุฏุซ ุจุนุถ ู
ู ุงููุบู ุงูุนุฑุจูู ุฑุฆูุณ ุจุนุซู ู
ุตุฑ ุงุณู
ู ุญุทุจ ูู
ุณุชูููู ู
ูุฏููุงุช carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | none |
Review this tweet ุงููู ูุญุจูู ุงููู ูุณุชุงููู ุ ููุฏูุฑู ู ุงูุงูู
ุงูู ู
ูุชูู ููู. โค๏ธ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | love |
Review this tweet ุงุฌู
ู ุจูุฏ ูู ุงูุฏููุง ูู ุงูุงู
ุงุฑุงุช ุงูุญุจูุจู .. ุชุญูู ุทูุจู ู
ู ู
ุตุฑ ููู ุงูุงู
ุงุฑุงุช ุดุนุจ ูุญููู
ู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | joy |
Review this tweet ุงูุงุจุทุงู ุงูู ุดููุง ุทุฑูููู
ูู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ูู ุงูุนุงุจ ุชุนุชุจุฑ ู
ูุฑู....ุดููู ุจุชูููู ุฑุจูุง ู ู
...ุงูุนู ุชูุชูุฑูุง ุงู ุงูุฏููู ูุงูุช ูู ุถูุฑูู
carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | none |
Review this tweet ุงูุฌูุด ุงุนูู ุงููู
ู ุงุจูุงุก ุงูููุงุช ุงูู
ุณูุญูุ ููู ุญู
ุงุฏู ุทูุนุชุ ุงูุถุงุจุท ุจุงูููุงุช ุงูู
ุณูุญูุ ุงููู ุฑุงุญ ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ุฑูุน ุนูู
ุงูุณุนูุฏูู (2) carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | none |
Review this tweet ูุงุนุจู ุงูุฌูุฏู ุงูุญุงุตูู ุนูู ุฐูุจูู ูู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ุงุนููุช ุงููุง ู
ุซููู ุฌูุณูุง ุจุนุฏ ุงู
ุง ูุงุฒุช ุนูู ุทูู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | surprise |
Review this tweet ุดูููู
ุฎูู ุฌุฏุง ุจุฌุฏ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | fear |
Review this tweet ุงูุญูุจู ุฑูุฒู. carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | love |
Review this tweet 18 ุบุจูู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
Review this tweet ูู ูุฐุง ู
ุนูููุ video ูู ูุฐุง egypt hotvideo videos carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | surprise |
Review this tweet ฺฏู ุญุฑูู ููุญูู ูุบุฑุงู
ู .. ฺูฏู ุฎุทูู ุชุณุจู ุงูุฎุทูู ุชุจูู .. ุจุฑุณู
ู ุตูุฑู ูุงุจุฏุงูุง ุจุณูุงู
ู .. ูู
ฺฏู ุงูุฏุฑ ูู ุฎูุงูู ุงุญุชููู๐ญ๐ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | love |
Review this tweet : ูู
ู ุงูููุงุญู ุงูู ุชุณุชูุฒุก ุจุญุฏ ุนุดุงู ุชุถุญู ุงููุงุณ ุนููู ู ุชุฒุนูู ูู ! carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
Review this tweet : ุงุญุจุจุชู ุจุทุฑููู ุชู
ูููุช ุงู ููุญุจูู ุงุญุฏู ุจูุง ุบุฒู โค๏ธ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | love |
Review this tweet : Putin Forces crimes ููุณ ููู
ุฑุนุจ ููุง ุงุฏูุจ ูุทุน ุจุดุงุฑ ูุจูุชูู ุทููู ุงูู ุงุดูุงุก ุจุงููุตู ูุฌู
ุน ุฌุณุฏ ุงุจูู ุจุงูููุณ ููุฑุซูู ุจุญุฒู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
Review this tweet ุณูุฏ ุนุจุฏ ุงูุญููุธ: ุฌููููุฑ ุงุฌุงู ุณูุนูุฏ ุงูู ุจูุงุฏู ุนูุจ ุงูุชูุงุก ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ููุถุงุก ูุชุฑู ุฑุงุญู ูู
ู ุซู
ุงูุนูุฏู ููุงูุถู
ุงูู ุงูุงููู . carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | none |
Review this tweet ููุง ุงูุฑุฒู ุนูู ุงููู ุงูุง ุฎุงููู ุจุณ ูููู ู
ู ุณูุก ุนู
ูู ุงู ุงุจูู ูู ุงูููุช ุฏู ุทุจ ู
ุด ูู ุฑุจูุง ุจูุญุจูู ูุงู ู
ูุนูู ุงูู
ู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | fear |
Review this tweet ุงุฐุง ุฎุงูู ุนูู ุฑูุจุชู ู
ู ุงููุณุฑ ู
ูู ูุทูุจ ูู ูุฐู ุงูุจูุช ุชุฌูู ุงูุจูุช ูุชุดุฑุญ ูู๐๐ปูุณุนุฏูู ุตุจุงุญู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | fear |
Review this tweet ู
ุง ุดูุชุด ุงูุณุฎ ู
ู ุงูุงููุงููู ููู ูุงุนุฏูู ูุณููุง ุน ุงูู
ุงุชุด ุฏูููุชุุงูุชูุง ุญูููู ุงูุณุงุฎ ู
ุด ุจุฌู
ุงูููุง ูุงููู ???? carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
Review this tweet ุงูููุงูุงุช ุงูุณุนูุฏู ุฏุงุฆู
ุง ุชุงุชู ูู ุงูู
ุด carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sadness |
Review this tweet ุฑุบู
ุงู ุงูุฌู
ุงู ูุณุจู .. ุจุณ ู ุฌู
ุงู ูุฎุทู ุงูุนูู ูุจู ุงูุนูู ..!! carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | joy |
Review this tweet ุฎุงููู ุงุฏุฎู ุงูุจูุช ู ุงู
ู ู
ุด ููู .. ุฑุจูุง ูุฑุญู
ูุง ู ูุนูุถูุง ุจุงุญุณู ู
ูู ูู ุงูุฌูู ู ูุตุจุฑูุง .. carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | fear |
Review this tweet : ุ: ุ: ุงูุจุนุถ ููุชุด ุนู ุงุฎุทุงุก ุงูุงุฎุฑูู..!ูู
ุง ูู ูุงู ูุจุญุซ ุนู ููุฒ ..!! ุ: ุ: carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | surprise |
Review this tweet ู
ุคุซุฑ ุฌุฏุง ุงุชุตุงู ู
ูุธูู ุดุฑูู ุงูุงุชุตุงูุงุช ุงูุจูุฌูููู ุจุงู
ุฑุงู ู
ุณูู. ุงุณู
ุน carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sympathy |
Review this tweet ูุฐุง ุงูุดุฎุต ุนููู
ุ ูุจุงุฐู ุงููู ุชุญุฑูุฑ ุตูุนุงุก ูุฑูุจุ ุนูุฏู
ุง ุชุญูู ุณุงุนู ุงูุตูุฑ ุณูุฑุงู ุตุบูุฑุงู ุฐูููุงู ุชูุทู
ูุง ุญุณูู ูุง ุญุณูู. carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
Review this tweet ุบูุงุจ ุงูุงุจ ูุนูู ุบูุงุจ ุงูุงู
ุงู ุบูุงุจ ุงูุงู
ูุนูู ุบูุงุจ ุงูุญูุงู ูุงุฌู
ู ุงูุงูุงู
ูุงุญูู ุงุนูุงู
ูุง ุชูู ุงูุชู ุนุดูุงูุง ุจูู ุงู
ุงู ูุญูุงู ๐น carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sadness |
Review this tweet ููุญุจ ูุดูุฑ ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ุงููุง ูุชูุถู ุนูู
ูู ุงููุชุฑู ุงููู ุฌุงูู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | joy |
Review this tweet ููุฏ ูุฑู
ูุง ู
ู ุงุฌู ูุฐู ุงููุญุธู .. ููุณูุท ูุง ู
ูุฒู :D :D carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | joy |
Review this tweet ูุงู ุงููู ูู ุนูููู
๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ ูุณุงู ุงููู ุงู ูุนูููู
ููู ุงูู
ูู ูู ูู ู
ูุงู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sympathy |
Review this tweet Al Angel ุงูุง ู
ุชุนุงุทูู ู
ุน ุงููุงุดุทุงุช ุฏุงุฎู ุงูู
ููู ุจุดูู ูุจูุฑ ุงุฏุฑู ู
ูู ุจุงู ูุญุธู ุจุญ ุงุฐุง ู
ุญูุฑูุง ูุณููู ุงูู
ุทุงูุจู ุงุณุชุฎุฏู
ู ุงุณููุจูู
ุชุฌุงููู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sympathy |
Review this tweet ูุง ู
ุนููู ุญูู
ูู ุฑูุงุถู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ุดุชุญุฌู ุงูุช carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | none |
Review this tweet ุงุฌู
ู ุญุจ .. ุญููู
ุง ูููุงุฏู ูู ุงูุณูู
ุงุก .. ุงูู ุงููู ุงุญุจู ููุงูุง ูุงุญุจููู ููุญุจููู
ุงูู ุงูุณูู
ุงุก ู ุงูู ุงูุงุฑุถ ..ููุงุงุง ุฑุจู ุงุฌุนููุง ู
<3 ! .... โฆ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | love |
Review this tweet ุงูููุฑู ูุงููู ุจูููู ุจูุฒูู ู
ุด ุชูููุฑ ูุง ุงู ุงููุงุณ ุฎุงููู ูุจุชุฎุฒู ูุงูุฏููู ุงููู
ุจููููู ุจุงูุณุนุฑ ุงูุฌุฏูุฏ ุจุนุฏ 12 ุจุฑุฏู ุจุณ ุฏู ุงุนุฑุงุถ ุงูููุงุฑุซ ุฏุงูู
ุง ุนุงููุงุณ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | fear |
Review this tweet (ุงูู
ุซู) ุงุฐุง ูู ุญุงุฌู ุนูุฏุงูููุจ ููู ูุงุณูุฏู ูุณุชุฎุฏู
ู ุงูุจุนุถ ุงุฐุง ูู ุญุงุฌู ุนูุฏ ุดุฎุตุ ูุงูุงุนุฌุจ! ุงู ุงูุดุฎุต ุนุงุฑู ููุงูููุฐ ุทูุจู ุงูุง ุงุฐุง ููุช ูุงุณูุฏูุ :) carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | surprise |
Review this tweet ู
ุง ูุญุชุงุฌ ! ุงูุซุฑ ูุฑูู ูุงูุฒ ุจุงูุฏูุฑู ู ุงูุงุจุทุงู โบ๏ธ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | joy |
Review this tweet ุงูุงูุชุฎุงุจุงุช ุงููุง..........ุงูุฏุณุชูุฑุงููุง.........ุงููุชูุฌู ูุงุญุฏู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sadness |
Review this tweet : SudanDoctorsStrike ุงุถุฑุงุจ ุงุทุจุงุก ุงูุณูุฏุงู ู
ูู ู
ุน ุงุจูุงุก ุจูุฏ ุงุญุจุจุชูุ ุณุฎู ุจุงุฎูุงูู ูุฑุงูู ูู ุชุนุงู
ููุ ุจูุฏ ุนูู
ููู ุงู ุงูุงุฑุงุฏู ูโฆ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sympathy |
Review this tweet ูุงูุช ุจุนูุฏ ุนูู ุฎุงูู ูุถูุน ู
ูู ุงูุนู
ุฑ ููู ูุฑุงู ๐๐ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | fear |
Review this tweet ุ ุญุจ ุงูุฐู ูุจูู ู
ุนู .. ููุง. ูุณุฑูู ู
ู ูููู
ู .. !! carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | love |
Review this tweet ุตุจุงุญ ุงูุฎูุฑ ูุงุงูู ู
ู ุฐูุฑุชู ู
ุน ุทููุน ุงูุตุจุญ... ุตุจุงุญ ุงูุฎูุฑ ูุงุงุฎุฑ ู
ู ุฐูุฑุชู ูููู ุงูุจุงุฑุญ... ุตุจุงุญูุงุช ููุฏ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | love |
Review this tweet : ุงุฐูุฑ ุงุณู
ุงูุฌุณ ู
ุฑ ุนููู ุตุงุฑ ุงูู
ูุฌุณ ุ ุงูู
ูุงุฏ ูุตุจุญ ุฑุณูู !!ูุงูุช ุชููููู ูุฌุณ ุุ ููู ูุตููุง ุญูุง ????????ุ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
Review this tweet : ุงูููู
ุงูุง ูุณุชูุฏุนู ุจุฑูุง ูุจุญุฑูุงุ ุฑุฌุงููุง ููุณุงุคูุงุ ุงุทูุงููุง ูุดููุฎูุงุ ูุงู
ู ูุง ุชุถูุน ุนูุฏู ุงููุฏุงุฆุน. carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sympathy |
Review this tweet ุงููู ูููููู
carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sympathy |
Review this tweet : ุงูููู
ุงุดู ูููุจ ุงูุนุงุดูููุ ูุงุฌู
ุน ุจูููู
. ุฏุนุงุก carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | love |
Review this tweet : ุงูุชุธุฑูุง ุจุงูุดุงุฑุน ู
ุฏู ุณุงุนุชูู ูู ุฑุนุจ ู ุฎูู ูู
ุง ุฑุฌุนูุง ููููุงู ูุงูู
ุญุชู ู
ุง ููุฑ ุงู ุฎุงู ุนูููุง ูุชุญููุง ุงู ููู ุงูุงู
ุฑ ู
ุง ูุธูู
! 14 ุนู
ุฑู !โฆ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | fear |
Review this tweet ุงูุฑุฌุงูู ุงูู
ุตุฑููู ุงูู
ุดุงุฑููู ูู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ุฏุงุฎููู ุฏุฎูู ุงุญู
ุฏ ุญูู
ู ูู ูููู
ุงููุงุธุฑ ุดูุฑุง carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | none |
Review this tweet ุฏู ูุงูู ูู ููู
ูุง ุญุจูุจุชู ุฎุฏู ุงููู
ุฑ ูุฑุญุช ู
ุนุงู ูู
ุงุงุฏุงูู ุงูุง ุงูุณูุฑ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sadness |
Review this tweet ุญูุจ ู
ุชุงุจุนู ุงูุชุญุฑูุฑ ูููุณ ุฎูุงุฒูุฑ ุญุณู ูุตุฑ ุงูุดูุทุงู ู ุจุดุงุฑ ุงูุฌุญุด ู
ุทุงูุง ุงูุฑุงู ุงูุชู ุงุณุชุนู
ูู ุณูู ุงูุฒุจุงูู???? carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
Review this tweet ูุนูู ุจุงุฑูุชู ููุงู
ุงุฑุงุช ู ูููููุช ู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ู ู
ุจุงุฑูุชูุด ูู
ุตุฑ !! ู
ุตุฑ ูุงุฎุฏู ู
ูุฏุงููุชูู ุจุฑููุฒ ุนูู ููุฑู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | surprise |
Review this tweet ุณูุงู
ุงู ูุงุฑุงุญู ุนูู .. ุงูููุจ ู
ุนู ูุงูุฑูุญ ู
ุนู .. ูุงูุง ูุฑุงู ุงุชุจุนู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | love |
Review this tweet ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ูุชุจุฏุง 5 ุงุบุณุทุณ ููุงุฑุจ ุงุนุฑู ุงุดูููุง ุจูู ๐ฉ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | none |
Review this tweet ู
ู ูู
ูุฑ ุทุงุฑููู ุงุนุซููุฑ ุจุงูุฏู
ูููุน ู
ุฏุฑู ุงุตุฑุฎ ูู ุงุฏฺฏ ุตุฏุฑู ุงุญูุฑ ุงุฑุฒููู ุฑุญูู ุนุดฺฏ ู
ุงุจููุง ุฑุฌูุน ูู ุงู
ูุชูู ูููู ุงุฑุฏ ู
โฆ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sadness |
Review this tweet aljohra: ุฑุจ ูู ููู
ุนู ูู ุนุจุงุฏู ููุชุธุฑูู ูุฑุฌูุง ูุจุดุฑูู
ูุนุจุงุฏู ูุณุงููู ุดูุงุกู ูุนุงููู
ูุนุจุงุฏู ูุฑุฌูู ูุงุฑุญู
ูุงุชู ููุชุธุฑูู ุฏุนุงุกโฆ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sympathy |
Review this tweet ููุง ุงุชุณุงุฆู ุนู ู
ููู ูุฒุงุฑู ุงูุดุจุงุจ ูุงูุฑูุงุถู ูุงูู
ุนูููู ุจุงูุงูุงุจู ุนููู
ูู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | none |
Review this tweet ุงูุง ุจููุช ุฎุงููู ู
ู ุฑุจูุง ูุฏุฑุฌู ุงู ุฎุงููู ุงุตูู ุจุนุฏ ู
ููุช ุจููุฑ ุตุญุงุจู ุจุงูุตูุงู ูุฑุจูุง ุจููุช ุงูุง ุงููู ุจุฎุงู ู
ูู ูุจุจุนุฏ . carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | fear |
Review this tweet ุงุฎู ุงู ุฑุญูุช ูููุง ููุงุก ูุฑูุจ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sadness |
Review this tweet : ููุณุช ููุง ู
ุดููู ู
ุน ุงููู
ู ููู
ุงุฐุง ุชุฐูุจ ุงุฑูุงุญ ุดุจุงุจูุง ู
ู ุงุฌู ุนุงุฆูู ููู
ูุช ุงูู ุงููู
ู ููุท ูุชุญููู ุฑุบุจุงุช ุทูู ู
ุฑ ุจุงูุฏู
ุงุกุ ุงูโฆ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sadness |
Review this tweet AGHB ูู ุนุงู
ูุงูุชู ุจุฎูุฑ ุงุฑูู ุณูู ุญููู ????????. carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | joy |
Review this tweet ูุงุถุญ ุงู ูู ุงุฌู
ุงุน ุงู ุงูู
ุตุฑููู ุจูุชูุฑู
ูุง ูู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ. ๐ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sadness |
Review this tweet : ุฏุงุฑูุง ุงูุฌุฏูุฏ ุงูููู
ุงุบุชุตุจูุง ุฏุงุฑูุง ุจุงููุงุจุงูู
ุงูุญุงุฑู ุงูู
ุฏูููุง ุงูููู
. carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sadness |
Review this tweet : ูู ุงุตูุง ูุงุชู
ุซููู ุจูุจุฑูุง ูุงุจุนุฏ ุงููุงุฑููุงุชูุฑ ููุง ูุจูู ???? ูุงุฑููุงุชูุฑ ุงูุฑูุงุถ ูุงูู
ุซููู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
Review this tweet ุงู ูู ููู
ูุง ูู ุงุนุฏุงุฏู ุจุณ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | surprise |
Review this tweet : ุงูุงูุชูู ุฏูู ุจูุทุจุทุจูุง ุนูู ููุจ ุงููุงุญุฏ ูุณุท ุงููู
ุงููู ุจูุดููู ูู ููู
..ูุงุฑุจ ูุง ุฑุจ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sympathy |
Review this tweet ุชุงู
ู ! ูุงู ุงููู : ( ูุฌุนู ุจูููู
ูุฏู ูุฑุญู
ู ) ุงูู
ูุฏู ุงุซุฑ ู
ู ุงุซุงุฑ ุงูุญูุจ ูุงู ูุงู ููุงู ุญุจ ุจูู ุงูุฒูุฌูู ุชุฌุณุฏ ุจุงูู
ูุฏู ูุงโฆ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | love |
Review this tweet ุงูุณุนูุฏูู ุงูุซุงูุซู ูู ุงูุณู
ูู ู
ูุฑูุถ ุงูุงููู ุจ ุงูุณู
ูู ุนูู ูุซุฑ ู
ุง ูุณููู ุชูู
???????? carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
Review this tweet ู
ุณุชุญูู ุชุญุจ ุดุฎุต ู
ู ุฏูู ู
ุงูุฑุงูุฏู ุดุนูุฑ ุฎูู ุ ุงูู ุชุฎุณุฑู ุงู ูุตูุฑ ุงูุณุงู ุซุงูู . carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | fear |
Review this tweet ุงุณููุชู ู
ู ู
ุงุก ุญุจู.. ููุจุช ุญุจู ูุงู
ุฑุงู ุณูุงู๐นโก ู ุงูุนุฐุฑู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | love |
Review this tweet FC ุงุญุฏ ููุตููุง ููู
ุฏุฑุจ ุณุงูู
ุงูุฏูุณุฑู ุณุนุณุนูุน ูุจูุฑ ูุงูุนุงุจุฏ ุณุนุณุนูุน ุตุบูุฑ ูุงููุฑุฌ ุทุงู
ู ูุจุฑู ุนูู ุงููุฑูู ???????? carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
Review this tweet altayer: ูู ุฎุจุซ ุงูุงุฎูุงู ููุฆุงู
ู ุจุงุทููุชูู
ุงูุชู ุชุฑุจุช ุนูู ููุฑ ุงูุญุดุงุดูู .. ุชุนุจุฑ ุนูู ูุฐู ุงูุชุบุฑูุฏู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
Review this tweet ูุณู ุฎุงููู ๐ญ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | fear |
Review this tweet ุฑุญู
ุงููู ุงุจู ูุงุดุฆ ูุนุงุฏู ุนุทู ุงุจู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sympathy |
Review this tweet ุงู
ูุฑ ู
ุฑุชุถู ู
ูุตูุฑ ุงูุฑุงุฌู ุฏุง ูุงู ุณุจุจ ุฑุฆูุณู ูู ุชุฎููุต ุงุบูุจ ุงูุตููุงุช ...ุฑุจูุง ูุจุงุฑููู ูุงุจูู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | love |
Review this tweet 6re5m ุงูุง ู
ุชุนุงุทู ู
ุน ุงูุณูุฑุชูุฑ ุงูุซุฑ.. ูุงูู ุฌุฑุจุช ูุงูุดุบูู ุงูู
ุฎูุณู .. ูุฌูู ู
ุฑุงุฌุนูู ุงุดูุงู ูุงููุงู ู
ุง ุชุฏุฑู ุชุฏุงุฑู ุงูู
ุณุคูู ููุง ุงููุงุณ ููุง ุฒู
ูุงู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sympathy |
Review this tweet ghamri: teni alhaaaaarbi ู
ู ุงูุฏ ุงูุซูุฑู ุนูู ุงูุฎูููู ุนุซู
ุงู ุงู ุณูุช ุนู ู
ู ุงูุฏูุง ูู
ุณูุงูู ูุชูุชู ูุงุตู ุงูุฎูุงุฑุฌ ูู
ุฎโฆ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
Review this tweet ุถูู
ุบุจูู ุฎูุงูู ุฌูุทู ุตุฏู
ู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sadness |
Review this tweet ุงูุง ูุนูุท ูุง ุงุญู
ุฏ ูู ุญุงุฌู ุฎุฑุจุช ูุงููู ูุงูุง ุฎุงููู ู
ู ุงูุฎุทูู ุจู
ุง ูููู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | fear |
Review this tweet Shaker: ุฎุงุฆูู ููุณู ู
ู ุนูุฏุงุชู .. ููููู ู
ู ูุฏู .. ู
ู ุงุถุงูุนู .. ู
ู ุฌูููู ! ุงููู ุนู ุฎูููู ุงููุฑุงุฑู ูุนู
ุฑู ู
ูุบูู ูู ุชููููู
ู ูุธูููู ุ! carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | fear |
Review this tweet ุงุตุนุจ ุงุญุณุงุณ ุงูู ููุญุดู ุญุฏ ุฎูุงุต ู
ุจูุงุด ู
ูุฌูุฏ ู
ุนุงู..... ๐๐๐ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sadness |
Review this tweet ู
ุนููููุ! ุงุฒุงู ุฐุง! carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | surprise |
Review this tweet ุจุทู ุงูุนุงูู
ู ุงููุฌุต ุจูุธ ุตูุฑุชูุง ู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ุงูุชุฑ ู
ุง ูู ุจุงูุธู ุงุณูุงู
ุงูุดูุงุจู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sadness |
Review this tweet : ุฎุงูู ูุทูู ุงูุตุฏ ูุชุตูุฑ ุชุฐูุงุฑ ูุฎุงูู ู
ุน ุงูุงูุงู
ุญู ูุฌูุฏู .๐ดโ๐ผ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | fear |
Review this tweet ุนูู ุงูุตููู ููู ูุฑูุต ุนูู ุงูุตููู ููู ูุฑูุต ุฒู
ุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงุงูู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | joy |
Review this tweet 4ever ุญูุจ ุงููู ุชุงููู ???? carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
Review this tweet ุญุจู ุงูุตุบูุฑ ๐๐๐ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | love |
Review this tweet ุงูุณู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏุ ุงูุชุตุฑูุง ูุฑุจุญูุง ูู ุดู ุทุฑุฏ ุงูุงุณุฑุงูููููู ู
ู ุงูุญุงููู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | joy |
Review this tweet : ุงุนุฒู ูุดุงู
ุฌูููู ุจูุง ููุณู ูุงููู ู
ุงุชููุน ุฑุฆูุณ ู
ุฑุงุฌูุญ ูุถุญุชูุง ุงููู ููุถุญู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
Review this tweet : ุฎูู ุงูุงูุซู ู
ู ุงูุญุดุฑุงุช ููุณ ุฎููุงู ู
ุตุทูุนุงู ุ ุจู ูู ุฎูู ุญูููู ู
ุฒุฑูุน ูู ุฌููุงุชูุง carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | fear |
Review this tweet ุญุงุณู ูุงู ุงุจูู ูู ุงู
ุชุญุงู ุซุงูููู ุนุงู
ู ! carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | surprise |
Review this tweet : ุงููู ู
ู ูุฑุนุงูู
ู ูุญูุธูู
...ุฌูุดูุง ..ุญุดุฏูุง ุตูููุง ุจููู
ูุงููุฏูู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sympathy |
Review this tweet ุงุฎู ูุง ุชุญูู
ุนูู ุงูุดุนุจ ููู ุจุณุจุจ ุงูุงุนูุงู
ุงุญูุง ุงูุดุนุจ ูููุจูุง ู
ูุทูู ุนู
ุฑูุง ูุญุจูู
ูู ุจู
ุซู 90ู
ูููู ู
ูุงุทู ๐ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sympathy |
Review this tweet ุจูุญ ูุงุญุงุฏู ุงูุนูุณ ูููู ุบุงูุจู ู
ุฏู ุงูููู
ูุงุนูุณ ูุงุตุญุฑุง ููุง ุญุงุฏู ู
ุงุบูุฑ ุฐูุฑู ุชูุฒ ุงูููุจ ??ูุชูุฏู ูุงููู ุนุงุฏู ููู ูุงููู ู
ูู ุนุงุฏู ? ? ุฐูู ุงูุฑุฌู carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | sadness |
Review this tweet ูุงุฏู ุณู
ูุญู ุจูุณูู
ุนูู ุฏูุงุฑ ูุงุฏู ุงููุฑูุณูู ูุงูุฏูุญู ูุจููููู ุงูุงูููู
ุจูุงุฏ ุจุฎูุฑ ูู
ุจุชุชุนุงุทุงุด ุงู ู
ูุดุทุงุช ูุฌุงูุฒูู ๐๐ฟ๐ต๐ฝ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | none |
Review this tweet ูุฌุงู ูู ุงูุจูุงุช ูุดุฌุนูู ุจุฑุดูููู ๐ carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | surprise |
Review this tweet : ุฎุฑุจุช ูุงุณูุณู ุงูุชู
ุฎุงูููู ุชุนููู ุงููุงุณ ู
ุตุฑ ููู ูู ุงุณุจูุน ุชุงุฌูู ุงูุฎุจุฑ ู
ุงูุฏุง ูุฏุง ุฎุฑุจุช ูุงููู ูุงู ูุงู???? carefully and then identify the emotion being expressed. Choose from the following options:none or anger or joy or sadness or love or sympathy or surprise or fear. | anger |
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