Looks like the counter ad to the men are dangerous ad.
With the amount of time they spend in the bathroom and managing their beta orbiters on their smartphones, it leaves them very little time to actually be on a reddit sub.
Unless shes obviously trying to use you, then I would say it's always an IOI. I don't think you should ever go to her though, tell her to come to you. Women are so flakey and you will just end up getting messed around.
She's totally wasting your time. Stop messaging her. Talk to other girls.
Yes, but the title clearly says they're MGTOW. Overlap doesn't mean identical.
I gave you a genuine reply to your questions and you ignore it all just to make fun of me. A girl told me today that no one would care if I died
This is why pirating movies and games is justified. These people want to shovel shit down our throats and get paid for it too.
If we're making lists, let me hype Julian May. Her Pliocene Saga is one of the best multi-part stories I've ever read. I rank it up there with Tolkien's LotR and Moorcock's Elric.
Twiggy, breasts? First time I heard those two words put together. Twiggy, mosquito bite, maybe..... : ) but hey, at least you're not gay !!!
I heard humor can make insult less hurtful, but I agree making tree dialogue are bit to much
Why can't your sisters earn their own money?
How dare you! Breaking up with her is one thing, but why'd you have to beat her? Wtf? I mean, she said you did it, so obviously you must have done it. /s
This is a new low. Can you imagine protesting "injustice", then pushing a 66 y/o women in a wheelchair out of your way resulting in injury? Only one word to describe this guy: Nigger.
[USER] That is unfair to bitches.
But she still asks me to hang out n keeps asking me about my day and whatnot
Yeah people are all the same. But foids are not people.
I usually flick my switchblade knife and cut my throat while holding eye contact with them bitches.
If the OP’s title isn’t “bitches be like” then I don’t know why they even posted it.
Fuck shit cunt hell motherfucking dammit ass cock yes it is
WTF is that about?
She is just a female beta bucks.
Isn’t it amazing how cheekbones give people authority in this raving mad society? She has non left to see now and no one listens to the fat bitch. It’s still amazing they ever did.
My god the effort of this post
I did not attack YOU ASSHOLE just your Moron pal and butt fuck buddy. go hashtag your moms asshole. Poor little Trump pussy faggot.
Wow I’m a girl and this is a fact I never even thought of it this way
Be careful their a lot of bucket crabs out there
You can’t look like a homeless man sure. But I don’t dress nice. And I haven’t worn a watch or jewelry in more than 15 years. And I wear sneakers.
Aw I didn't know this was a thing until right now. I'll try to jump in but we should do this again next month.
Why will none of the dumb cunts ever give you a number.
Nobody is going to judge you as harshly as you’re judging yourself. I don’t see anything that bad about your face. Maybe try smiling more. Also, how many girls have you asked out?
Surprise surprise. The 4 year fizzle comes into play. Remember women at 4 years are biologically getting ready to switch mates. It's not y8u it's her cunt.
Doesn't even work. His oneitis girlfriend that he wrote 2 albums about cheated on him.
Depp's court case for libel against the Sun (who else) might change that, but yeah that bitch is dodging all the consequences.
On and on bitching about black men, and then asking why black men don't want her. She's delusional.
Agreed, at least this confirmed my slut detector is still working great. I wouldn't give them a second look.
I've never watched wrestling and I know John Cena. The dude is very famous, rich, ridiculously good looking, and seems to be a genuinely great guy to boot. She fucked up.
#WWE #Raw I never want to see Undertaker leave for good. But his health comes first. He can walk away however and whenever he wants to. So if now needs to be the time, I'm so happy my wife and I got to see him live. #DeadmanIntoTheSunset
It's funny but damn if it ain't gonna start some bullshit tax laws.
I don’t think there’s an age restriction. Other than age of consent, 18. I did mine at 28 as well.
Never been interested in PUA, damn thirsty simps, putting pussy on a pedestal. As if pussy is a goal in a man's life, fuck that & fuck them.
Perhaps its just re-living its youth & pretending its running through the fresh cow 💩 pies one last time?... Did you ask her or did you just ASSUME she was a bitch because she was running through your mud pile? 😁 😂 🤣
The thing is, she probably doesnt have a big enough social circle, she is a foreign phd student, i get the idea but i feel like i would compromise my inner intentions.
How would you, usually, access your savings account in the States? Do you have to plan way ahead, usually, for visas and etc? If you had to settle on one phone, which would it be? Thanks for the excitement!
Fuck u black cunt not all whiye boy s are betas come here in Bulgaria i will fuck your black ass
Somebody plz tell these two clowns & the other negro women in Congress they do not have to wear ALL their jewelry & hats at one time. We know it's a circus up there but the whole damn world doesn't need to know!
Damn I get all flustered and nervous but gotta try it out for sure Seems subtle but I'm sure it isn't
Damn. You have a point. I guess I gotta be more secure about myself then
Ah yes, that sounds like a simp. Just different terms.
That has nothing to do with some guy dating abroad
Sounds more like an inceltears wannabe than a chad tbh. Chads too busy pounding pussy to care about making fun of incels. What would he gain? He’d rather get his dick sucked.
I approached in front of her friends and talked for a minute and asked for her number. She said she was underage You should have immediately turned to open one of her friends as if she no longer existed. Just so the bitch knows she ain't special
Yeah, lifefue for me too I will just wear playform shoes and I am fine
Ra- Do You Call My Name [URL]
...and when the son grows up and realizes that all the "women-are-the-best-and-noble-creatures-stories" his mother told him were lies shit will hit the fan.
What is the correct interpretation?
But why would you wish suffering on others :(
you live in NYC and you seem to be into NYC Sex&City whores, what have you expected... Am I supossed to feel sorry for you because another gambler played you out? You are a part of the problem.
Why did you choose only to describe the Progressive liberals as rich and white Because these people claim to be "voices of the oppressed" when they're anything but.
"feminists" the feminazi thing is too silly.
If he’s still posting here at 30, that’s on him. He is making the choice.
because of their looks. I very much doubt that. There are guys with various tastes, ESPECIALLY the "FA" kind of guy. Now, if you said "they're FA because they dislike the looks of all the men who offer to be with them", then I'd agree.
but as every man knows on the sub he will not learn because pussy
Looks good but it ain’t very cajun. Throw some holy trinity in there and don’t be neat about it
amen. The forgetting it part, do you remain friends and forget about it? Or do you ditch them entirely?
Fuck off, countries like Sweden literally criminalized (male) Johns while protecting whores. It's exactly like going exclusively after drug users and protecting dealers, i.e. ridiculous.
Thanks. What suburbs? I know Long Island City is expensive
They want pussy and if the woman who is attached to said pussy is pleasant to be around and meets his standards it will turn into a relationship
Sounds like homeboy should slash the grocery budget. Bitch is always overeating and bloated.
Wow pretty sexist. Blame men because theyre the only one applying for jobs? Fucking idiot cunt
They wouldn't even dress it up like... It's a "Snuggle with A Struggle"
I'd rather be a roastie slut if it means these guys wouldn't want to touch me with a 10m pole
Like there isnt an endless supply of thots for him PLUS he knew what she was anyway so I doubt he cares
Background on Vyacheslav: [URL]
dump that bitch …. try it sometime soybitch
4chan is shit and so is this sub reddit it's full of normie scum who aren't incel but just here to bitch and complain.
Think it for urself first. Ur communicating u to her by communicating with her, so whatever I say won’t be genuinely u as I am not u. If u r still stuck lmk and I’ll write u out something :)
If you can't handle the jelly bean it its worst then you don't deserve the jelly bean at its best. /s
They only love good looking men you were lied to your whole life to be an obedient beta bitchboy
As long as the women get paid, that’s all they care about. Maximizing profit.
Cause I feel like I'm reverting back to a little AFC bitch
100 % - I will *not* click on any guardian-hosted link.
What about the way of the superior man?
Someone posted police pics of prostitutes in the early 20th century, I remember thinking damn those women are ugly. Women today are still as ugly as they were then, the only difference is they now hide it under tons of grease.
Haha clowning them big hoes 😄
Postnups are meant to fix that, but it doesn't help when they get thrown out for the same reason. In the modern day women have no accountability, to which marriage no longer makes sense since any fault is the man's and any benefit is the woman's.
HEY ZIPPERHEAD!! YEAH YOU!!---- [USER] [USER] GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!! For those who don't know this bitch is a mouthpiece for #GunControl who corrupted & seduced a White man.
Women love solving problems that aren't there, so they can make noise and get attention without being productive.
Well then the happiness in my pants doesn't bring myself happiness. I rent it for free for people I like, but in the end I feel more empty as ever. As a hoe myself, my only advice is that magic pussy doesnt bring happiness, that is for yourself to do
Yeah. As in Hot Air Balloons.
"Although there is no evidence that these fraudulent ballots impacted the outcome of any contest, no level of voter fraud is acceptable." #VoterFraud
useful idiot women being used for the profiteers of infanticide.
You are holding a femoids hand
good man, always remember you pay the price for pussy no matter what the deal is. whether you pay for that outright like a prositute or you pay with your time. everything is a transaction of some sort
If she's packing her things to leave, then she couldn't take your simpin'
Those women don't want simps. Even if they marry a simp she will despise him and always be looking for the next best thing.
Or you could just not act like a bitch.
Wasn't my first kiss but it was really good!
I'd rather be a person that can't keep sex out of everything I do(which I'm not) than a person who can't keep themselves from petty bitching about every minor annoyance that has nothing to do with them.
Warning about what? That women are evil, not trust worthy, etc? Might as well just go gay if you hate women that much.
Total red flag if some bitch says something like that it's time to run.