2 values
Mary Nolan says she helped lead the launch of curbside recycling.
true statement
campaign literature
Mitt Romney says Barack Obama "wants the government to take over health care, spend hundreds of billions of dollars of new money for health insurance for everyone."
true statement
a debate in Manchester, N.H.
Mitt Romney says We have 25 million Americans out of work.
true statement
a Republican presidential debate in Tampa
Tim Kaine says The national debt increased $16,000 every secondGeorge Allen served in theU.S. Senate.
true statement
a debate.
Carol Hunstein says Our small staff of 51 is still fewer than we had a decade ago, yet our caseload -- like that of other courts -- has grown.
true statement
a speech
Sean Hannity says Guantanamo Bay detainees will get the H1N1 vaccine.
true statement
a comment on his television show
Scott Brown says On whether he would vote for the budget proposed by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis.
false statement
a public appearance and an op-ed
Marcia Fudge says Women in Ohio earn on average 77 cents for every dollar earned by a man.
true statement
a Facebook posting
Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 startedthe birther controversy.
false statement
a speech
Glenn Hegar says The average taxpayer will see the equivalent of a 2 percent pay raise as a result of low fuel prices.
true statement
speaking to reporters
Connie Mack says Bill Nelson voted to cut $700 billion out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare.
true statement
the Florida U.S. Senate debate
Coalition Stop Gun Violence says U.S. Rep. John Barrow, D-Ga., celebrates gun ownership even in the face of school shootings.
false statement
in a video
Republican Party Florida says Schoolchildren across the nation "will be forced to watch the president justify his plans for government-run health care, banks, and automobile companies, increasing taxes on those who create jobs, and racking up more debt than any other president."
false statement
a press release
Scott Walker says Wisconsin employers have repeatedly said in surveys that our anti-business litigation climate is one of the most important factors affecting their expansion decisions.
false statement
comments at a bill signing ceremony
Charlie Crist says On abortion
true statement
various statements
Rachel Oconnor says The Pasco County budget has doubled in the past three years.
false statement
an interview
Steve Cohen says "The fact is, in the past year we have had more tax cuts than almost any time in our nation's history."
true statement
a story about taxes from Associated Press
Michael Doherty says a new state report confirms that red-light cameras lead to more accidents, more injuries and greater cost.
true statement
an op-ed on NorthJersey.com
Jim Jordan says Only seven of 18 federal food assistance programs have been associated with positive health and nutrition outcomes, while the remaining 11 have not been effective.
true statement
a House committee hearing
Mark Miller says Republicans enacted the most drastic cuts to K-12 public schools of any state in the nation.
true statement
a radio address
Donald Trump says Just look at what the FBI director said about her (Hillary Clinton) her misconduct is a disgrace and embarrassment to our country.
false statement
a speech
Rick Santorum says When his grandfather arrived in the United States, there were no government benefits for immigrants.
false statement
a speech at the Republican National Convention in Tampa
Lon Burnam says rejecting federal aid to expand Medicaid in Texas will send $9 billion in federal taxes paid by Texans to other states to insure their working poor.
false statement
a press release
Barack Obama says "Big oil's filling John McCain's campaign with $2-million in contributions."
true statement
a TV ad
Rick Scott says We have over 700,000 illegal immigrants in the state. Theyre costing us billions of dollars and theyre taking legal residents jobs.
true statement
in a Univision debate in Miami.
Rick Santorum says A third of all the young people in America are not in America today because of abortion, because one in three pregnancies end in abortion.
false statement
a radio interview
Barack Obama says Mitt Romneys plan makes catastrophic cuts to education.
true statement
a campaign ad
Hillary Clinton says On same-sex marriage.
false statement
a video with the Human Rights Campaign.
John Boehner says According to the most recent jobs report, weve got more Americans leaving the workforce than we have finding jobs.
true statement
a press conference
John Mccain says "Fidel (Castro) has made his preferences known in the campaign and had some very unkind things to say about me."
true statement
a TV interview
Shirley Franklin says Former Atlanta Public Schools Superintendent Beverly Hall left the school district significantly better than she found it.
false statement
a blog post
George Voinovich says that the federal gas tax has not been raised since 1993.
true statement
a news release
Marco Rubio says In my home state, nearly one in five Floridians live in poverty.
true statement
a video
Jim Demint says "Ninety-four percent of the bills that pass the Senate have no debate, no vote, no amendments, no reading of the bill, no online disclosure."
false statement
YouTube video of a floor speech
Nathan Deal says Since last years address, more than 10,000 jobs created -- many on the high end of the employment scale.
true statement
a twitter post
Georgians Together says David Perdue proposes rolling back the clock on womens health care.
true statement
television attack ad
Recoverygov says 52 jobs have been saved or created in Florida's 34th Congressional District.
true statement
data on its Web site
Wisconsin State Afl Cio says Scott Walkers bad budget includes: No weekend for workers.
false statement
a Facebook post
Marsha Blackburn says President Obama and his allies in Congress gave power to control Medicare patients health care decisions to a commission of 15 unelected bureaucrats in Washington.
false statement
a press release announcing her vote against the Independent Payments Advisory Board.
Sally Kohn says Since 9/11, right-wing extremists (incl anti-abortion, anti-gov) have killed more Americans than Islamic extremists.
true statement
a tweet on Twitter
Jeb Bush says Millions of people have given up looking for work altogether.
true statement
a speech in Detroit
Grover Norquist says Under Hillary Clinton, State Department officials were sending official thank-yous to people who gave to the Clinton Foundation.
false statement
a Fox Business interview
Scott Walker says Bill Clinton signed a law very similar to, and Barack Obama voted for a law something like, Indianas Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
true statement
an interview
John Carter says the United States is the only nation that affords citizenship to anyone born here, whether you are here legally or illegally.
false statement
a conference call with reporters.
Republican Governors Association says Mary Burkes record: 130,000 fewer jobs.
false statement
a campaign TV ad
Hillary Clinton says she would bring 186,740 new jobs to Wisconsin and Donald Trump would cost Wisconsin 61,050 jobs.
true statement
a tweet
Michael Doherty says Planned Parenthood provides about 140 visits for prenatal care in each state.
false statement
a speech on the Senate floor by Sen. Michael Doherty (R-Warren)
Mitch Daniels says that in 41 states, government workers are better paid than the taxpayers who support them.
false statement
an interview with PBS's Tavis Smiley.
Bernie S says We are imprisoning or giving jail sentences to young people who are smoking marijuana.
true statement
a Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas
Debbie Wasserman Schultz says 500,000 people have signed up for #Obamacare.
true statement
in a post on Twitter
Donald Trump says The number of new illegal immigrant families who have crossed the border so far this year already exceeds the entire total from 2015.
true statement
In a speech at the Republican convention
Virginia Foxx says "The economy began its nose dive when Democrats took control of Congress in January 2007."
false statement
a speech on the House floor
Ron Johnson says Russ Feingold cut Medicare by $523 billion.
true statement
campaign literature mailed to state residents
Barack Obama says Bin Laden had declared war against Pakistan.
true statement
an address to the nation
Oregon Healthy Kids says No family earns too much to qualify for Oregon Healthy Kids program.
true statement
a billboard
Jeff Kruse says that in Curry County, if you make a 911 call youre likely to wait for an hour for a response.
true statement
a Senate floor speech
Tommy Thompson says when he was governor, most of the Democrats voted for his billion-dollar property-tax cuts, but U.S. Senate rival Tammy Baldwin voted against it.
true statement
debate comments
Alex Sink says When Tallahassee politicians and bureaucrats tried to run our schools, Ive stood up to them to protect local control.
true statement
a TV ad
Barack Obama says John McCain said last year he didn't know of a solution to the mortgage crisis.
true statement
Golden, Colo.
Al Sharpton says One Wisconsin school district is so worried about losing state funding that it has stopped giving milk to elementary school kids during snack time.
true statement
a TV show
Winning Our Future says Mitt Romney is tearing down his 3,000-square-foot house to build an 11,000-square-foot house.
true statement
the video "When Mitt Romney Came to Town"
David Porter says Jeff Weems legal record is one of defending BP, Enron and just about every big oil company against the working man.
true statement
a press release.
Bob Mcdonnell says Our crime rate continues to plummet.
true statement
Bill-signing ceremony
Chain Email says If you sell your house after 2012 you will pay a 3.8 percent sales tax on it.
false statement
a message via the Internet
Kathleen Murphy says The NRA supported background checks...
true statement
a campaign website
Patriot Majority Usa says A tax plan promoted by North Carolina Senate candidate Thom Tillis will overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy.
true statement
a television ad
Rafael Cruz says Prior to 1962, everybody prayed before school started, and the Bible was the principal textbook in all schools.
true statement
an interview with the Austin American-Statesman
Dekalb County says A DeKalb sewer project will create up to 4,000 direct jobs per year at peak production, many of which will be set aside exclusively for DeKalb residents.
true statement
a brochure
Mitt Romney says Romney said "'No' to in-state tuition" for illegal immigrants.
true statement
a TV ad
Steve Oelrich says You cant give a child an aspirin in school without permission. You cant do any kind of medication, but we can secretly take the child off and have an abortion.
true statement
floor debate on May 5, 2011
Paul Ryan says Twenty percent of single adults, ages 21 to 25 with no kids, are not working or even in school trying to find a job.
false statement
an interview
John Mccain says On torture.
true statement
Henry Cuellar says drug cartels are using social media to offer rebates so more children from Central America get smuggled to the United States.
true statement
National Taxpayers Union says President Obama plans to impose a tax of at least 23 percent on the Medicare prescription drug benefit for low-income beneficiaries.
false statement
a newspaper advertisement.
Michael Roberson says Danny Tarkanian is NRA FRated.
true statement
a Web ad
Mitt Romney says The United States stopped plans to build a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe as a gift to Russia.
true statement
comments on CBS' "Face the Nation"
National Republican Congressional Committee says Steve Kagen promised us jobs, voting for the $787 billion stimulus. Cost: another 77,000 jobs lost.
false statement
a campaign TV ad
Ann Mclane Kuster says On delaying a health care mandate on business.
true statement
in a radio interview
Americans Prosperity Georgia Chapter says Georgias civil forfeiture laws are among the worst in the country and the very worst in the South.
true statement
a press conference
National Republican Congressional Committee says Gas prices have gone up 99 percent since Obama became president, the highest gas price increase since Carter.
true statement
a news release.
Barack Obama says Romney would turn Medicare into a voucher program.
true statement
the first presidential debate
Michele Bachmann says A report just came out that if we continue with President Obamas policies, were looking at over 9 percent unemployment next year in the fourth quarter.
false statement
a Fox News interview
Lincoln Chafee says Forty-six states have a line-item veto for the governor.
true statement
a television interview
Rick Scott says On the way the federal government should spend Floridas rejected high-speed rail money.
false statement
a press release.
Mr Conservative says According to (Barack) Obamas newest unconstitutionally enacted law, health care professionals are now required to violate HIPAA privacy laws and submit medical data to the government, which is then used as justification for gun confiscation.
false statement
a blog post
Spike Romney Attack Dog says "Mike Huckabee raised taxes on dog groomers!"
true statement
a mailer from the Romney campaign to Iowans
George Will says Jeb Bush happens to be where a majority of Republican voters areon giving legal status to illegal immigrants.
true statement
comments on "Fox News Sunday"
Mitt Romney says Massachusetts has less than 1 percent of our kids that are uninsured. You (Gov. Perry) have a million kids uninsured in Texas.
true statement
a Republican presidential debate in Hanover, N.H.
Scott Walker says Graduation and third-grade reading scores are up in the state since I took office.
true statement
a radio interview
Rick Scott says At nearly 19 million people, the population of Florida is larger than all the earlier primary and caucus states combined.
true statement
a speech in Orlando at Presidency 5
Mark Hass says For every one ESD superintendent position, we can pay for three speech pathologists, or three special needs instructors, or three classroom teachers.
false statement
in a press release
Jim Sensenbrenner says 75 percent of the (air traffic control) towers the Obama Administration is closing are located in Republican Congressional Districts.
false statement
a press release
Robin Wright says Apple products are currently 90 percent conflict-free, and Intel is 100 percent conflict-free.
true statement
an event at the Rockefeller Center
David Ignatius says Crimea became part of Ukraine only in 1954. Crimea was historically part of Russia, and (Nikita) Khrushchev gave it to Ukraine in a gesture that mystified some people.
true statement
comments on CBS' "Face the Nation"
Donald Trump says he has a fiduciary responsibility to his business, his family and his employees to pay no more tax than legally required.
false statement
a statement from the campaign
Charlie Smith says The federal government could save $500 million annually by circulating $1 coins instead of $1 bills.
true statement
a newspaper article
Freedom Partners Action Fund says During the (housing) crisis, Catherine Cortez Masto gave a sweetheart contract worth millions to a D.C. law firm that then donated thousands to her political campaigns.
true statement
a television ad
Alex Sink says Rick Scott "was forced to resign as the head of a company that pled guilty to massive amounts of systematic fraud, including 14 felonies, leading to a historic $1.7 billion fine."
true statement
a press release.
Rick Perry says the federal government restricts how much salt we can put on our food.
false statement
Rick Perry's book, "Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America from Washington"
Andrea Tantaros says During the lead-up to the American Revolutionary War, some guy in Boston got his head blown off because he tried to secretly raise the tax on tea.
false statement
comments on Fox News Channel's "The Five"