1 value
4210 Tealium Tealium is a third-party interface which provide information of customer webpage activity via AOM thru Tealium WebHook Event API user can generate visitor_id _asset_active value to encrypt the customer service number. Run the activity EcryptDecryptTETH and will get the encrypted visitor_id_asset_active Subscription Id: NBA-MAM-OBCC102117-STF Service Number: 447930006177 AOMBusinessConfig: Encrypting the Service Number of the Customer:
4211 Endpoint: Resource: /stream/TealiumWebhook Updated the request with encrypted value of Service Number: Request: { "event_id": "3e2b095f-3a35-154f-3cfb-b7453cb84222", "event_timestamp": "2022-04-08T15:12:13.13Z", "page_channel": "mobile", "page_name": "uk>myaccount>billing1", "page_section": "Ecare", "page_subsection": "subsection1", "page_sub_subsection": "paym1", "purchase_type": "acquisition", "page_url": "", "page_url_query": "", "visitor_id_amcvid": "33855320766612439044616091372547070325", "visitor_id_asset_active": "1:BRcZXmQ7BQFvQg4H+TVqWQ==" } Response: 202 Verify Data is available in the << tealium_event_analysis >> table Encrypted Service Number
4212 Payload: { "CustomerID":"NBA-MAM-OBCC102117-STF" ,"event_id":"3e2b095f-3a35-154f-3cfb-b7453cb84222" ,"event_timestamp":"20220408T151213.130 GMT" ,"page_channel":"mobile" ,"page_name":"uk>myaccount>billing1" ,"page_section":"Ecare" ,"page_sub_subsection":"paym1" ,"page_subsection":"subsection1" ,"page_type":"Undefined" ,"page_url":"" ,"page_url_query":"" ,"process_timestamp":"20220408T144242.532 GMT" ,"purchase_type":"acquisition" ,"pxObjClass":"VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Int-TealiumEvent" ,"pxStreamPartition":"1" ,"pxStreamPosition":"2" ,"pzDataFlowRecordContext":null ,"visitor_id_amcvid":"33855320766612439044616091372547070325" ,"visitor_id_asset_active":"1:BRcZXmQ7BQFvQg4H+TVqWQ==" } Data available in the << Tealiumevents >> Dataset:
4213 Data available in the << TealiumEventAnalysis >> Data Set:
4214 Data available in the << TealiumAggregatedEvents >> Data Set: If API is hit multiple count will get increase in TealiumAggregatedEvent
4215 Data available in the << TealiumWebhook >> Data Set:
4216 ST Release Testing Downtime Tracker @Satya Tata @Shabna Bandre @Asha Verma @Serkan Baltacı @Venkata Ravi Kiran Chitturi @Dilek Başaran @Karthikgoud Ampally @Sunilkumar Regulagadda @Birjesh Sharma @Sruti Purushottamahanti @Chaitanya Chebrolu @Rajani Gullapalli @Ramya @jhansi gopireddy (Unlicensed) @BonaliGhosh (Unlicensed) @Özlem Kebapcı (Unlicensed) 3.07 Digital Upgrades 16/12/2022 1093129 Code issueSunil, Ravi, Karthik, BirjeshFrom 12:20 IST to 03:50 IST (4 Persons) 3.07 MBB 22/12/2022 3.07 Uplift issue AU DD’s are missing in CAPST2 EnvironmentDilek, Serkan, Bonali and OzlemFrom 22nd 11am to 2pm 3.07 Personalized Videos 19/12/2022 CAPST Environment, DD T2TVHandoveractio ns DD is not workingSatya and Ramya 2 Days 3.07 MBB 22/12/2022 Defect 1133918 Blocking most of the MBB ExecutionDilek, Serkan, Bonali and OzlemFrom 22nd 4pm to 23rd 3.07 Digital Upgrades 05/01/2023 Defect 1143828 DU Blocked (Next day 6th morning DU
DU Blocked (Next day 6th morning DU functionality worked as is, issue causes not identified)Sunil, Asha, Ravi, Karthik, BirjeshFrom 5th Jan(Half Day) 3.07 MBB 09/01/2023 CRE Rule has been deployed to ST environment, which is not required, lost 4 hours across 5 resources for MBBSerkan, Ozlem, Dilek, Shabna, Bonali5 Hours, Local fix provided by App team 3.07 MBB and AU Regression10/01/2023 CRE DS has been implemented, after implementation, once mash up is launched data is getting deleted form the DSSerkan, Ozlem, Dilek, Shabna, Bonali1148899 Fix provided almost end of the day. 3.07 DU 11/04/2023 After the latest build BL error in DU.Karhik, Sunil, Ravi and Birjesh1150742 Fix provided to unblock, time lost is 3 hours, Release ID Epic / Functional GroupDate Reason for DowntimeTeam Members ImpactedTime lost (Person Days)
4217 team continued with 3.7 regression.
4218 Changes / Challenges in Execution
4219 Simulations Run the simulation for customer and funnel for 3 execution modes 1.GetNBA 2.Batch 3.TIL 1.Getnba: Steps for getnba customer simulation(Tobi) 1. Create a customer 1. Trigger GetNBA API 1. Verify DB for inbound_subscription_context table - Record should be avaliable for the created customer. 1. Run simulation with required parameters SimulationType - Customer, ExecutionMode - GetNBA, channel -Tobi 1. check the results in simulation_funnel_audit table 1. check the results in simulation_funnel_getnba table Steps for getnba funnel simulation 1. Create a customer 1. Trigger GetNBA API 1. Verify DB for inbound_subscription_context table - Record should be avaliable for the created customer. 1. Run simulation with required parameters SimulationType - funnel , ExecutionMode - GetNBA, channel -Tobi 1. check the results in simulation_funnel_summary_getnba 1. Batch Steps for Batchnba customer simulation 1. Create a customer 1. Create a segment with that customer 1. Run simulation with required parameters SimulationType - Customer, ExecutionMode - BatchNBA 1. check the results in simulation_funnel_audit table 1. check the results in simulation_funnel_batchnba table Steps for Batchnba funnel simulation 1. Create a customer
4220 1. Create a segment with that customer 1. Run simulation with required parameters SimulationType - funnel, ExecutionMode - BatchNBA 1. check the results in simulation_funnel_summary_batchnba 1. TIL Steps for TIL customer simulation 1. Create a customer 1. Trigger BundleEvent API 1. Verify DB for bundle_event_context table - Record should be avaliable for the created customer. 1. Run simulation with required parameters SimulationType - Customer, ExecutionMode - TIL 1. check the results in simulation_funnel_til table Steps for TIL funnel simulation 1. Create a customer 1. Trigger BundleEvent API 1. Verify DB for bundle_event_context table - Record should be avaliable for the created customer. 1. Run simulation with required parameters SimulationType - funnel, ExecutionMode - TIL 1. check the results in simulation_funnel_summary_til
4221 Digital Upgrades When you, when you look together, it will make sense maybe, but actually every ticket has its own, maybe even though it is 2 lines or something like that, it will have some impact. Maybe it will tell that how it is different or it will tell us what why we are doing that. Only those two it won't tell about what? What we are technically doing, right? What business wants? They mentioned it. So let me let me try to explain functional differences or functional implementation. OK, three of six. OK. So three or so. OK, fine. So basically first and foremost, before going to digital upgrades, we have tested a still upgrade right as the upgrade is about inbound CC channel. So for inboundcc channel we have a UI screen. 0:2:25.690 --> 0:2:35.290 We there, right. So whatever the recommendations we have, whatever the list of plans compatible with the tariff in the basket, we have different screens in the USA. We do. Replication is the separately configured and build for agents. Now we are going to implement the same. Recommendation. Logic. Yeah, Recommendation API technically get Recommendation API AOK, so the same top three recommendations to the customer, but it is not for Vader. It is not for Imbolc channel. OK, we are going to do or we are going to apply that get Recommendation API for digital channel when I'm in digital it can be any web application. Previously it is web. Right now it is digital in this. No, no, no. Every time it is digital. Only technical term is web inbound CC channel. So instead upgrade is inbound CC channel digital is web
channel. So so web web so web web channel. We are going to we are going to introduce the get Recommendation API that is what we are going to achieve with this one. OK. So maybe most of the stories right, you might be seeing bundle recommendations. OK. And if somebody's who been part of MBB. They did also, we have bundle recommendations but don't get confused here when according to the digital stories OK, particularly for digital stories, whenever they mean bundle recommendations, it is our normal AU recommendations. OK digital team will call tariff handset discount that combination that card is there right recommendation one that card they will call it as a bundle. Tariff and the handset combination called as a bundle. So it's a business term, don't I mean if anybody is from MBB testing and all right, we have a specification for bundle recommendations in SMB, so don't it is just normal recommendations, OK. So don't confuse with the work. So what I wanna say is like it will be as the same inbound CC recommendation flow for web channel. That's it. But how and what are all the differences? What what is the deviation from the existing immensity channel? Main thing we can't able to test it in the Vidya as I explained earlier.
4222 They might they. I mean in they have a separate UI for it, but we are not going to test any UA functionalist. All we are going to do is like API responses. We are going to test we have to check whether we got a recommendation. One recommendation two recommendation three based on the customer eligibility or not. And also we are going to get three recommendations based on the configuration of economics. If you increase the economic logic, you will get the more than three, but it's all up to configuration only. What is the data set up and all? Yeah. So same plans. We don't have separate plans for digital same plans, which whatever the tag is, whatever the discounts, whatever the compatibilities, everything, every rule, all those things are same. When whenever we are going to recommend right, we are recommending as it line items and chill line items we used to get right. No digital team want to display along with that card. They want to display some text messages. OK, so this is the best plan for you sunand, something like that on web page. When I when I when customer login to that one side since it's a digital digital web page, right? When I log into the Vodafone web application on that page, whatever the recommendation I got based on my eligibility, they want to do more personalized. OK, so they want to add some text on top of the recommendation But that is an attribute driven dynamic variable kind of thing is. Yeah, yeah. Treatment to treatment variation attributes treatment dynamic variable 123 like that we give right. 0:7:42.960 --> 0:7:51.120
0:7:42.960 --> 0:7:51.120 No, no, no, no. OK, maybe conceptually maybe same, because those treatment to whatever the variables we are. 0:7:49.520 --> 0:7:58.990 The basically if if if you are, if you're messaging the dynamic message then it is the decision data-driven and also data token it required right? 0:8:1.910 --> 0:8:2.270 Yes. 0:8:3.780 --> 0:8:28.290 But you are you. So you're knowledge is on the attributes of treatment variation eligibility, so the treatment variations are based on the SMS or e-mail channel. Those kind of things and whenever the AOM logic is pushing those attributes, it will be here, AOM is not pushing that attributes, am is not going to visualize the show, the messages. This is one example of UI how it will looks. 0:8:29.300 --> 0:8:29.790 Looks like. 0:8:31.350 --> 0:8:45.130 This this is something third party somebody will be developing this UA but when they got this recommendation right, see based on your data spent. This is one of the text they identified. They want to send it along with the recommendation. So this kind of this kind of text, they want to add it to the recommendation, but the recommendation it's not a consolidated 1, right? The recommendations will have line items and chair line items. 0:9:4.870 --> 0:9:12.140
0:9:4.870 --> 0:9:12.140 No, and and these text fields also not just for every treatment or everywhere nation. OK, it is based on the product.
4223 It is based on what kind of product it is, whether it's entertainment or not. So there are few conditions to achieve or to associate that recommendation reason for it. Did Elda 4 attributes which involves in that recommendation reason OK whenever somebody's telling that we are getting a recommendation reason, they should get all those four values. Reason title, Reason, So when I when we see ranking, yes we will get multiple, we may get multiple recommendation reasons for a single recommendation. Yeah. OK. So this will be like again child line items list, OK, so we are associating for a line item right. There will be multiple child line items. Similarly we might have multiple recommendation reasons for each product, each recommendation and how we are going to associate the reasons right based on these triggers. So these are all the criterias. So if the customer pathway is handset then this recommendation reason should be associated. If it is SIMO, we should associate this one. So this is the table. I think we have one of the story they mentioned. I think we attached this one. So the trigger points are all the Any one or more than two triggers, right? The associated recommendation reasons. The combination of title, description, reason, type, ranking will be associated to that. A recommendation. So when you are going to test the AOM API right, you have to check that whether we are getting those four attributes under the recommendation reason or not. 0:11:7.130 --> 0:11:24.300 How it is displaying and all we no need to test. But yeah in response you have to verify these kind of stuff. So you need to make your
recommendation should fall under any one of this one. I mean in general it will fall off anyone of this one and we will get this response. This is 1 new concept which we don't have any AU. So, like get recommendation, APA will be extending. So the response to hold recommendation reason OK, that's what I wanna. Edit. So so I'm there is this PowerPoint slide in some of the stories or? Yeah, it will be in one of the stories. This is something new. We are going to implement for a digital upgrade. Remaining everything right? So we can mix logic segment strategy, identify pathway, everything is as is. But here also we are seeing commercial recommendation logic recommendation kind of thing. So is it uh, is it following the same framework of assisted upgrade or is it using the identify best web treatment for subscription that annual finally strategy? 0:13:5.890 --> 0:13:12.950 Final strategy will be different. Don't go with the strategies strategies, they will name it for the different channel. Different strategies inside logic framework will be saying. 0:13:13.960 --> 0:13:20.300 You you actually you are referring to two things, OK, logic recommendations and commercial recommendations are as part of upgrade deal. 0:13:21.40 --> 0:13:24.510
4224 So the upgrade deal will be common for web channel and inboundcc channel. 0:13:25.370 --> 0:13:43.370 So when you say top more strategies, right, identify best web treatment set that strategy also inside somewhere it will include this calculate upgrading. So don't go with the strategy names but upgrade as start, upgrade whatever the upgrade flow rate that that will remain same the commercial recommendations logic comma everything will be there. 0:13:52.190 --> 0:13:52.910 If you'll be there. 0:13:45.300 --> 0:13:53.350 In decision data level, wherever the channel is mentioned, we have to add in. Now put web channel also right. Previously it was inbound. 0:13:55.60 --> 0:14:17.430 No, previously we don't have any channel, uh deviation, everything is in mode C so we are extending them see being able to create a commercial recommendations for digital channel only. So according to this story, what in existing decision data we don't have channel column for channel commercial recommendation doesn't have channel for column sorry column for channel right so now they will be introducing the. 0:14:16.330 --> 0:14:18.820 Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So are we including that column? That's what that stories will say. If you read the story, the yeah, being able to create a commercial recommendation. And ensure that add-ons are not selectable for the commercial recommendations. If the digital channel has been selected. So this story is
to add that column. If we added digital channel in that column right then the add-ons are not associated whatever the whenever you are creating the commercial recommendations the add-on drop down will be disabled. PM Tools label story I think but technically you should not able to add any add-ons in your decision that you should not add any add-on product ID something like. And and and can I ask you one question? So in get Recommendation API for rested upgrade we have a chance to get iPhone 13 Pro in all the three cards, right? Same device can be possible three cards, right? To digital, we are not going to do that. I yeah. 0:15:32.440 --> 0:15:38.820 So we should be giving a. We should be giving unique manufacturer, model and memory combination. One of the story they given the example for this, yeah. So yeah, AOM will remove the duplicate device names right? It won't remove that the product eligibility criteria that will be. 0:16:0.350 --> 0:16:6.520 Get recommendation, get recommended handset that logic is added. That logic will be I didn't think that uniqueness
4225 Some of the stories I think AOM will remove the duplicate. 0:16:15.850 --> 0:16:18.930 The statement we see so in some of the story. 0:16:17.830 --> 0:16:23.470 Obligates after that, what is what? What kind of duplicate is important? Duplicate duplicate devices? Duplicate tariffs? 0:16:24.350 --> 0:16:25.310 No. Based on manufacture model and data. Memory. Memory. Like body. So now we will go through one just to high level. We will go through 1 ticket by ticket times sunand just a high level, no need to go to. Well, there you go. What are all the things are covered in that particular story? That's what I'm trying to based on the description, right? That's what I'm trying to explain. Actually I'm I'm reading this one, so selecting 3 separate device from the big data model. This is what I explained now. So here what I'm telling that manufacturer model memory, this variance right, we need to consider these three as a unique combination. 0:17:18.820 --> 0:17:22.120 We should not recommend same manufacturer model memory combination again. So. So remaining portfolios. Triage attributes and all those stories are common across the framework. This is something which is different. That's why I'm going to let me open that. 0:18:10.910 --> 0:18:11.940 So if I have this one. 0:18:12.850 --> 0:18:16.810
0:18:12.850 --> 0:18:16.810 IPhone 13128 GB Black and blue. I will select only one among this. It is. There is no criteria to, there is no criteria to remove black and there is no criteria to identify blue. OK, it can be anything. So while you are testing the same example right, sometimes it will pick it black. Sometimes it will pick it blue or you need to care about is. Model, manufacturer and memory. This combination should not repeat. That's. In this in this user story it is black is recommended and blue is removed. You should not expect every time blue is removed. OK, it's an example. Yeah, the yeah, both one is the above. One of the line is saying that AOM removes the duplicate manufact that's why I said AOM. Ticket ticket.
4226 Obligate manufacturer model memory combination. OK, agree. Agree. So fine. Yeah, fine. 0:19:8.830 --> 0:19:17.10 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But Laney saying that AOM removes the duplicate variants, that's why previously I said you. 0:19:17.480 --> 0:19:18.120 I think this commercial pilot UI is completely with the app team. OK, nothing to do with the logic. 0:19:39.760 --> 0:19:51.440 I'm just giving example because suddenly you don't don't go to the logic team at all. Commercial ATI don't know any of you seen the commercial. We have a commercial duty separate portal for stability. The same thing which. 961365 that is completely PM tool story, right? Here we have a tax. Mostly those will be correct. Unfortunately sometimes it will be wrong, but mostly I will follow these tags actually. OK, so let us see. In case of logic bundle documentation and source, the list of tags and then. Sellable, sellable in PM tool for the online upgrade channel web? Sellable 10. All those things are product attributes, right? So whenever they talking about product adverts, they will refer to PM tool but it's not, I mean it is. But it is not just for this ticket that is already existing functional in PM tool. So in general in general, every time whatever the product we are going to recommend, those are sellable products only by default thumbnail for upgrades. This part of channel.
This part of channel. So compatible with the device eligible with the each of channel and sellable in the PM tool. So any product which you are going to. Brickman, right, that should be follow these things. OK, you shop is there channel here. So you shop is the channel. We have used the channel for us. Each of is the sub channel I think. 0:21:43.660 --> 0:21:45.990 Is there any product catalog for this? 0:21:48.410 --> 0:21:49.190 What do you mean by product? 0:21:49.930 --> 0:21:53.240
4227 Uh, this one, not product catalog after catalog I think yes, we have to. 0:22:0.570 --> 0:22:1.830 Product catalog of. Yeah, actually this is phase two. OK, there is a digital upgrades phase one. Somebody should already tested Ohh so you might have some offer catalogue with you right? Digital upgrades. There will be several offer catalogue the same thing. Famous for tablet? So actually you can associate that now because at that time we have a a GPL API. Now we are going to reduce the get recommendation API. Then you can link that also. What about graphs? So long? Do we have a graph for this or baseline graph? I don't know about that. I don't 6 like when they tested and what graphs they're available. I don't have any idea about that graphs. No, but sorry but but the graph I mean if I ask the dev team, the Dev team share the graph needs to come from the design guys, so I'm not sure who's gonna. 0:23:7.850 --> 0:23:12.840 Let them ask me. Actually, I'll they when they yesterday they didn't ask me and I didn't created anything for them. By stories and when I'm telling that it is just a channel is changing. OK, the same assisted upgrade, get recommendation A. If you change the channel and the eShop will be the subchannel. So with those kind of changes you should be able to get that remaining. Everything mostly same. I'm not worried about responses, but requests will be same. Yeah.
mostly same. I'm not worried about responses, but requests will be same. Yeah. 0:23:40.80 --> 0:23:47.100 Yeah. I I I would still, I mean based on what we generally follow the process, I would still rather have a baseline graph. 0:23:45.810 --> 0:23:50.680 Yeah, please raise it. Raise it, raise it, raise it with the team in the stand up and let them hear. And in which branch we are working for this? 0:23:56.480 --> 0:24:1.110
4228 Please check with Raju and Praveen. Actually Dev leads there following the branches underlying. I think no. I mean I can say three or six. I mean version six is the one, but let them confirm that, OK, because they are changing the brands and they're changing, merging the code and all right, currently where it is residing, I don't have an idea The blanched state, where it is as in the. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm. I'm saying the plan should state, as in the release plan should state that. 0:24:39.880 --> 0:24:43.220 Delivery delivery plan. So yeah, keep saying Sprint plan delivery plan, yeah. 0:24:44.580 --> 0:24:46.530 There is a column in there, so if you. 0:24:47.930 --> 0:24:48.730 I'll check. I'll check with. 0:24:52.220 --> 0:25:9.140 This is something I mean. So for that story. But yeah, this is where the applicable channel, Asha, you're asking, right whether we are adding the phone. I'm talking about the technical term column, but in PM tool screen this is how it will be applicable channel. Now it will be a digital and in more C both will be there. So whenever you select the. 0:25:10.50 --> 0:25:13.330 Uh, Web channel, right? This recommended add on this will be. 0:25:14.240 --> 0:25:24.20
0:25:14.240 --> 0:25:24.20 Hide out or grayed out. We can't able to add it this one but when people are testing I don't know like PM tool development is happened or not and all but technically whenever you are testing. By in through build the addition that us will be coming for you. But when you are updating the data and combination right compatibility, commercial recommendation testing right, just make sure if you're working on decision data you need to make sure it if it is coming from PM tool, it will take care yes. Yeah, yeah, actually, yeah. Actually in this we have 3:00 PM tool stories, but one story in 3.7 and another two stories in 4.1. Whenever you're testing commercial recommendations, you need to careful about the decision data. I think not careful, just just you need to need to add the item. That's it on on on step reduce. That's it. So if you go through this storage set, then clearly it will explain the same what is happening. These two.
4229 Ohh, pretty much that's it. Remaining triage attributes and big data model. Pick and mix everything will be same. OK, the criteria should be same. We have VFT also same we have. It will be applicable, yeah. Be FT offers. So more as you as you said that why why they have two lines at the length they will tell that it should work as the mobile mobile service, that's it. So we have to logic and commercial orders. OK. So the main difference is that the main concentrated point to be noted, right, we don't have a way to test, we have to test get Recommendation API request and response. The response parameters are extended for recommendation reasons. When I say recommendation reasons, it has internally 4 or 4 attributes. That combination that trigger why and how when we'll come all those things will be there in that story. So for every recommendations this, the response type will be this one recommendation reason is the response type. So the responses will be extended. Now when you're validating the response so you have to check the same. In adult tariff discount and handset combinations based on the compatibility everything is same. Along with that. This is one thing which you are going to add and when you have multiple recommendations position one position to position 3 right. So previously we may get iPhone 13 in all the three. Now you won't get it. OK. Sorry I I need to get on another call, so I'm gonna drop off. Ravi just checked on the delivery sheet. There's no application version mentioned, so we need to check with the dev team on that.
mentioned, so we need to check with the dev team on that. OK, that's it from my side. If you have any questions, yeah. 0:28:53.940 --> 0:28:59.350 So now yeah, if you have a any.
4230 0:29:1.620 --> 0:29:2.70 Actually. 0:29:0.910 --> 0:29:2.320 Need clarifications. 0:29:3.160 --> 0:29:9.310 I had Julia. We need that uh, mirror diagram. Also it will be better to. 0:29:11.70 --> 0:29:15.490 I will share it, but that will be components and others, but nothing will be the. 0:29:17.180 --> 0:29:23.680 So like this filter channel where prioritized product code, group by manufacturer, I think it won't helpful for you, but I will just share it. When testing playback is happened, they already took that I think. So they're also you can see that 0:29:37.420 --> 0:29:39.680 For me to page OK, so I shared the middle page link. 0:29:41.190 --> 0:29:43.620 Believe this digital application there. 0:29:41.410 --> 0:29:46.640 Kitchen it is there any additionally added? 0:29:48.280 --> 0:29:53.400 Parameters for recommendations APA or nothing. That's our recommendation. Reasons are the thing I said that the response is extended. Tech doctor. Just check the perspective. It will mention clearly what is extended, why it is extended, what is the expected value in that one. 0:30:24.600 --> 0:30:31.890
0:30:24.600 --> 0:30:31.890 You got three offer. Get like I have. But just please check in the VF share location what is the updated of you because updating might have updated or something. OK. Because HLD will have both GPL. Whatever we released earlier and whatever we are going to releasing in this one also then you will
4231 get the end to end picture. Then if you read the story right that one line has will make sense for you. Yeah. 0:30:58.70 --> 0:30:58.390 Uh. You only need to use this get recommendations only or we need to use for the GPL for this. Only that I want to sleep here. This release only get commissioning, nothing else. For that, get information in the customer app and all those things will be as is, OK. Get customer APA. Whatever the customer data and those, those things won't change, but internal internally those things will be Aligned. There is no newly they won't change. OK, so when you are clicking that one, there should work as is, yeah. Ohh, we will discuss internally and if we have any doubts we will raise it under. So actually there will be 1 sheet where people will ask the questions right? Generally you just maintain that sheet from now, OK three dots, 7 digital upgrades, whatever you have the question set, update your questions there. So every day end of the day, my time right, I will look into the question and I will answer them so that it will be available by next day morning. OK. So instead of randomly individually asking in a chat and all right, let us maintain that sheet. Everybody will be available. All the questions will be open to.
4232 Rel. 3.3 Channel Management - SMS Covered User Stories as part of R.3.3 Channel Management - SMS User Stories – Categorization Channel Management – User Interface – Process and Execution – Error Management – Treatment Config Management – Reporting and Housekeeping Channel Management – Core Process Treatment Management
4233 Error Management Channel Management – Workflow When toggle management is disabled, Pega Marketing Campaign is enabled. 1. Channel Management feature is Switch-Off the Toggle Management in the AOM 2. Batch SMS customers are eligible for the SMS offers then populate in the IH after execution of NBA Batch & Extractor 3. Batch SMS customer's SMS details populate in the dataschema.mkt_data_corr_sms db table once SMS delivers to the Customer When Toggle Management is turned on, Channel Management is turned on (Pega marketing Campaign is turned off) Identifies the eligible customers by evaluating the customer data against the eligibility rules for specific SMS channel If the AOMFW toggle is on channel management, flow will work, otherwise, it goes to Pega Marketing. Navigate to the Channel Management UI, then to the Channel Dashboard, treatment sends configuration details and actions such as (pause, resume, and cancel), error records view or requeue, and configuration management.
4234 In the channel management workflow, once SMS customers are eligible then trigger the Batch & Extractor After execution of the Batch & Extractor then SMS Customers are recorded into sms_staging db table and IH with outcome status as pending Available Treatment configurations like (treatment limit (throttle limit), Social Hours, scheduled date, and Expiry date) these details are pushed through PM Tool and these details modify through the Channel Management Dashboard. Treatment configurations driven by Channel Management UI, using this, user can pause/resume/cancel the treatments Every 5 min., scheduler will run and verify Treatment Configuration details, those conditions are met then records send to the send_queue table then deleted the record from sms_staging table Queue_Processer pickup records from Send_queue table send SMS to the customers After that record the communication details in the sms_sent table and delete the record from send_queue table, to avoid the reprocessing and update the outcome details in the IH table, then deleted the record from sms_send_queue Maintaining Channel level threshold limit in the AOM Config Users cancel the treatment then records are stored into the sms_cancelled table User can pause the treatment then records are not added to the Queue_Processer, if the treatment variant has been paused for longer than 24 hours then an alert should be created, and details send through email to the business team When the time of cancellation of treatment Variant then records moved to sms_cancelled db table If records are failed/error, then record status changed to fail/error in sms_send_queue table once the batch SMS selection process is complete. if failed/error records in the sms_send_queue table then failed/error records count and which treatment failed those details should be displayed in the Dashboard of Channel Management UI
displayed in the Dashboard of Channel Management UI If failed /error records then we can requeue those records then records should be moved to sms_stagging table. Reprocess that record then customer should receive SMS on his mobile Reprocessed records should be moved to sms_sent table, if not then through house keeping process we will remove those records from sms_send_queue table SMS Failure Retry Count should be configurable in the AOM Config, and it should be visible in the Dashboard of Channel Management UI
4235 Existing Graphs modification is required due to Retention Eligibility Data Set modified: Retention Eligi … 24 Jan 2023, 06:04 AMhs.docx
4236 AU - Private Pricing 1.Offer Catalogue 2.Sample GPL Requests & Response for Different Offers 3.GPL Level Changes Stories 4.Discounts House Hold AdditionalLineDiscount Together Discount(VFT) AdditionalLineDiscount Offer Variant Default(Promotional) 5.Prioritization Plans Discounts 6.Calculate Monthly Saving Per Discount For Each Plan 7.Determine VFT HBB Discount Eligibility 8.IH 9.Extra Info
4237 Extractor Data Flow Dictionary (VF Sharepoint) @Satya Tata @Chaitanya Chebrolu @amaralingeswar.sunkoji DataflowDictionary_v1.2_R3.03 (VF Sharepoint link) MVP 1. When the customer is eligible for MVP Offer we will present override in the bundle event response. 2. When the customer failed to satisfy the offer eligibility then we present Business Logic Error. 3. When the customer had already a offer and try to hit the API again then we present No Offer to customer with Override response. 4. Apply channel contention is the startergy to validate the contentions. 5. In order to apply the channel contention below are the conditions where we need to apply condition a. Offer contention - When we apply the offer contention at offer level contentions are applicable in Offer level b. Channel Contention - When we apply the channel contention at Channel contention at channel level contentions are applicable at channel level. c. Also apply channel contention should be set to true at the treatment level. 6.; In order to unit test the bundle event API data should be populated into the data set ‘DebugBestTreatmentsByTriggers’. 7. ‘Identifybesttreamentbytriggers’ is the final treatment. 8. SMS is mandatory for Bundle Event (MVP) for all other channels like Apppush, OBCC, 9. When customer has got offer we show the over ride but we send a message to Customer with No Offer and the same will be displayed in Interaction history. Discussion recording with Raviteja for guidance In production we dont apply contentions, if the customer is not eligible for SMS we send NoOffer to customer along with other offers. 0:00 / 34:41 1x
4238 Soho 4.2 Graph Name: 4.03 Soho Dataset: DebugBestTreatmentsByTriggers Final Strategy: IdentifyBestTreatmentsByTriggers Customer Segment rules: EnterprisePostpay(EBUUpsell/EBUService) Rule Id: GBL071 Condition 1:Primary.PrepayPostpayType,"Postpaid" Condition 2:Primary.ConsumerEnterpriseFlag,"E" Rule Id: GBL073 Condition 1:Primary.RootServiceProductCode!="110392" -Not equal ConsumerPostpay(Upsell) Rule Id:GBL011 Condition 1:Primary.PrepayPostpayType,"Postpaid" Condition 2:Primary.ConsumerEnterpriseFlag,"C" Rule Id:GBL073 Condition 1:Primary.RootServiceProductCode!="110392" Consumer postpay - Upsell Enterprise postpay -EBUUpsell/EBUService Business Purpose Channel EBUUpsell SMS EBUUpsell OutboundCC EBUUpsell AppPush EBUService SMS NTID 290 should be mapped to ManagePlan intent. Manage Plan should point to the new EBUService and EBUUpsell squads. Ramp Up values will be configured in(consumer_ramp_up_value,enterprise_ramp_up_value) columns in bundle_event_ntid_map table. We have to clear datapage when we changed values (consumer_ramp_up_value,enterprise_ramp_up_value)in bundle_event_ntid_map table. consumer_ramp_up_value value related to Upsell Business purpose. enterprise_ramp_up_value value related to EBUUpsell/EBUService Business purpose.
4239 If offer is not eligible we should get business logic error. If offer is eligible we should get Override response. we should have Process flag truefor NTID in bundle_event_ntid_map table to get response in API. If we have enterprise_ramp_up_value='0' we should get Continue Response. If we have enterprise_ramp_up_value='1' we should get Override Response. If we have enterprise_ramp_up_value='0.5' we should get Override Response for first five customers and last five we can get continue response. If we have enterprise_ramp_up_value='0.25' we should get 25% Override Response for customers and 75 % we can get continue response for customers. If channel contention is eligible we should get Override response first time.If you trigger second time for same customer we will get business logic error. Customer Segment eligibility is failed we can get Business logic error in API response. ===================Request============================== { "MSISDN": "447010000201", "NotificationTimestamp": 1545152470, "NTID": "290", "BundleID": "FP_VF_MDN", "BillingDate": "31-03-2023", "OOBTariff": "500MB", "OOBSpend": "£36", "OOBPrice": "£15.50", "OOBDataUsed": "99", "RoamCap": false, "OriginZone": "ROW1", "AdditionalDerivedAttributes": { "QueuedBundleFlag": false, "CommercialProductId": "01297464", "UOMCode": "ROAMDATA", "AnonymousSpendControl": "Unrestricted",
"UOMCode": "ROAMDATA", "AnonymousSpendControl": "Unrestricted", "DataCapped": false,
4240 "AccOwnerMSISDN": "447010000201", "VodafoneAccountOwner": true }, "BalanceSummary": { "UsedQuantity": 1048576, "MaximumQuantity": 2097152, "AvailableQuantity": 1048576, "UnlimitedBundle": false }, "Detail": [ { "Name": "international", "Value": "Disabled" }, { "Name": "lost", "Value": "Disabled" }, { "Name": "phone-sales", "Value": "Disabled" } ] } ===========Response======================= { "Response": "OVERRIDE", "Messages": [ { "SocialHours": false, "MSISDN": "447010000137", "Message": "Dummy Text", "Channel": "SMS", "FromID": "40506" }, { "SocialHours": false, "MSISDN": "447010000137", "Message": "Dummy Text", "Channel": "SMS", "FromID": "40506" }, { "SocialHours": false, "MSISDN": "447010000137", "Message": "Dummy Text", "Channel": "SMS", "FromID": "0" }, {
4241 "SocialHours": false, "MSISDN": "447010000137", "Message": "N/A", "Channel": "SMS", "FromID": "0" }, { "SocialHours": false, "MSISDN": "447010000137", "Message": "Dummy Text", "Channel": "SMS", "FromID": "0" } ] }
4242 Cobra 4.1 Cobra Graph: EG_3765(TRADEIN COBRA) Strategy for Web - IdentifyBestWebTreatmentsForSubscription Strategy for Retail-IdentifyBestRetailTreatmentsForSubscription Strategy for InboundCC- IdentifyBestInboundCCTreatmentsForSubscription Final Dataset: DebugGetNBA For Web we need to add service no in seed customer. For Retail and InboundCC is not required. For Retail, Web and InboundCC we need to use FUT as Department in request. For Web and InboundCC we can use Customer Relations as Department in request. In T2TV attributes for WBW discount1/discount2 offers we need to verify FUT enable or not.
4243 MSISDN should be available in Seed User for Web (Digital), Not required for Retail and InboundCC(Non-Digital). In AOMBusinessConfig seed division should be FUT for Web. We have to clear the data page for Web. We can use FUT as Department for Web, Retail and InboundCC channels. In WBWDeviceMultiplierMatrix page we can update the details WBW offer. It will subtract the value of monthly credit. It is referring Grade value from request. { "Name": "Grade", "Value": "A" } To device (205501) is Id of Request body from device section. The device (205501) should be available in "Name": "TradeInGroupSKU", "Value": "07727,207738,207758,207767,212512,205501" From Device (28487847) is Id of first 8 digits of IMEI number from device section. "Name": "IMEI", "Value": "284878478478474874874" Override should be True.
4244 ======================Scenarios========================== =====Two Customer Holdings=============== 1)If PriceGuarantee value > BBG and WBW value, use PriceGuarantee child offer. 2)If BBG value > PriceGuarantee and WBW value, use BBG child offer. 3)If WBW value > PriceGuarantee and BBG value, use WBW child offer 4)If BBG value = PriceGuarantee value and End Dates are equal, use PriceGuarantee child offer. 5)If BBG value = PriceGuarantee value and End Dates are Different (Nearest end date value PG), use PriceGuarantee child offer. 6)If BBG value = PriceGuarantee value and End Dates are Different (Nearest end date value BBG), use PriceGuarantee child offer. 7)Id is not in TradeInGroupSKU list, we should not get those Product holding device information in response and eligible available Product holding device information should be present in response. 8)If WBW value = PriceGuarantee value, use PriceGuarantee child offer 9)If WBW value = BBG value, use BBG child offer. ===========ONE Customer Holding====================== 10)If PriceGuarantee value > BBG and WBW value, use PriceGuarantee child offer. 11)If BBG value > PriceGuarantee and WBW value, use BBG child offer. 12)If WBW value > PriceGuarantee and BBG value, use WBW child offer 13)If PriceGuarantee value, BG and WBW value are same and (Nearest end date value BBG), use PriceGuarantee child offer.
14)If PriceGuarantee value, BBG and WBW value are same and (Nearest end date value PG), use PG child offer ========Eight Customer Holdings==================== 15)If PriceGuarantee value > BBG and WBW value, use PriceGuarantee child offer. 16)If BBG value > PriceGuarantee and WBW value, use BBG child offer. 17)If WBW value > PriceGuarantee and BBG value, use WBW child offer. ======================Request======================= { "Identifier": { "Account": { "AccountNumber": "7167304620", "Status": "Existing", "Type": "Consumer" }, "ServiceNumber": "447615405643" }, "RequestorDetail": {
4245 "Channel": "Retail", "SubChannel": "Basket", "Agent": { "JobTitle": "Retail Assistant", "Department": "FUT", "GroupName": "Retail", "UserName": "Zucker.berg" }, "Store": { "StoreIdentifier": "107855", "Region": "London" } }, "Context": { "PrimaryContext": "TradeIn", "SecondaryContext": "New", "ProductDetails": [ { "Context": "CURRENT_HOLDING", "Id": "207738", "ProductType": "DEVICE", "Price": [], "Detail": [ { "Name": "ProductDescription", "Value": "Samsung S21 128GB black" }, { "Name": "AssetIntegrationId", "Value": "PRODUCT-01" }, { "Name": "BuybackGuarantee", "Value": "400" }, { "Name": "BuybackStartDate", "Value": "11/09/2022" }, { "Name": "BuybackEndDate", "Value": "26/04/2023" }, { "Name": "PriceGuaranteeValue", "Value": "500" }, { "Name": "PriceGuaranteeStart", "Value": "11/09/2022" },
4246 { "Name": "PriceGuaranteeEnd", "Value": "26/04/2023" } ] }, { "Context": "CURRENT_HOLDING", "Id": "212512", "ProductType": "DEVICE", "Price": [], "Detail": [ { "Name": "ProductDescription", "Value": "Samsung S22 128GB black" }, { "Name": "AssetIntegrationId", "Value": "PRODUCT-02" }, { "Name": "BuybackGuarantee", "Value": "600" }, { "Name": "BuybackStartDate", "Value": "11/09/2022" }, { "Name": "BuybackEndDate", "Value": "26/04/2023" }, { "Name": "PriceGuaranteeValue", "Value": "700" }, { "Name": "PriceGuaranteeStart", "Value": "11/09/2022" }, { "Name": "PriceGuaranteeEnd", "Value": "26/04/2023" } ] }, { "Id": "205501", "ProductType": "DEVICE", "Context": "BASKET_ITEM" },
4247 { "ProductType": "DEVICE", "Context": "TRADE_IN_DEVICE", "Price": [ { "Type": "MonthlyCredit", "Value": 100 }, { "Type": "BillCredit", "Value": 50 }, { "Type": "BACS", "Value": 54 }, { "Type": "FlexiUpgrade", "Value": 500 }, { "Type": "FlexiBillCredit", "Value": 98 }, { "Type": "OneTimeBillCredit", "Value": 1500 }, { "Type": "upfront", "Value": 34 } ], "Detail": [ { "Name": "Model", "Value": "Iphone XS" }, { "Name": "Make", "Value": "Apple" }, { "Name": "IMEI", "Value": "284878478478474874874" }, { "Name": "StockLocation", "Value": "107855" }, {
4248 "Name": "TradeInGroupSKU", "Value": "07727,207738,207758,207767,212512,205501" }, { "Name": "Grade", "Value": "A" } ] } ], "Detail": [ { "Name": "DiagnosticsCompleted", "Value": "COMPLETE" }, { "Name": "DeviceStockLocation", "Value": "Retail" }, { "Name": "QuoteReference", "Value": "Q-12456423" }, { "Name": "QuoteExpiry", "Value": "2024-10-11T12:39:39Z" }, { "Name": "ChosenPriceType", "Value": "MonthlyRecurringCredit" }, { "Name": "InterestedService", "Value": "Postpaid" }, { "Name": "FlexiUpgradeFee", "Value": "60" }, { "Name": "UpgradePromiseValidityD1205939ate", "Value": "2019-07-05T12:39:39Z" }, { "Name": "UpgradePromiseProductId", "Value": "10141" } ] } }
4249 ====================Sample Response==================== { "InteractionId": 6331178305931162783, "ActionList": [ { "Propensity": 0.25, "Priority": 2, "OfferVariant": "OfferVariantDefault", "Channel": "Retail", "QualifyingCriteria": [{"AssetIntegrationId": "PRODUCT-02"}], "SubChannel": "Basket", "OfferId": "TRD001", "OfferName": "TradeInMonthlyCredit", "Item": [ { "AdditionalNotes": "", "Price": [ { "Type": "PriceInclVAT", "Value": 700 }], "ProductType": "PriceGuaranteeTradeInMonthlyCredit", "ProductId": "119682", "ProductDescription": "Other" }], "TreatmentId": "TRI001-T0003", "OfferDescription": "", "TreatmentVariant": "TreatmentVariantDefault", "TreatmentName": "TradeInMonthlyCredit_Retail" }, { "Propensity": 0.25, "OfferVariant": "OfferVariantDefault", "Priority": 1, "Channel": "Retail", "QualifyingCriteria": [{"AssetIntegrationId": "PRODUCT-02"}], "SubChannel": "Basket", "OfferId": "TRD002", "Item": [ { "AdditionalNotes": "", "Price": [ { "Type": "PriceInclVAT", "Value": 700 }],
"Type": "PriceInclVAT", "Value": 700 }], "ProductType": "PriceGuaranteeTradeInOneTimeCredit", "ProductId": "119683", "ProductDescription": "Other" }], "OfferName": "TradeInOneTimeCredit", "TreatmentId": "TRI002-T0003", "OfferDescription": "",
4250 "TreatmentVariant": "TreatmentVariantDefault", "TreatmentName": "TradeInOneTimeCredit_Retail" } ], "CustomerId": "1-COB9214" }
4251 MBB_
4252 829782 - MBB - 30 Day SIMO Upgrade Eligibility 829782 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:34 AMty.docx
4253 833210 - MBB - Eligibility for MBB Customers Except Gigacube and 30 day SIMO 833210 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:35 AMMO.docx
4254 833247 - MBB - Star Rating 833247 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:36 AMng.xlsx
4255 834204 - MBB - Additional Plan Discount 834204 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:36 AMnt.docx
4256 834607 - MBB - Max Discount 834607 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:37 AMnt.docx
4257 835012 - MBB - Post S15 Legacy Calculations 835012 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:38 AMns.docx
4258 847320 - MBB - Promo Discount 847320 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:40 AMnt.docx
4259 850243 - MBB - Display Device Upfront Cost in the Device tab on the Edit screen for bundled Device and Tariff 850243 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:42 AMff.docx
4260 852647 - MBB - Basket validation for Bundled Device And Tariff 852647 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:42 AMff.docx
4261 857558 - MBB - Enrichment icon 857558 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:42 AMon.docx
4262 863267 - MBB - Fix and Flex 863267 - MBB F … 12 Apr 2023, 07:43 AMex.docx
4263 865988 - MBB - Usage Tab 865988 - MBB U … 12 Apr 2023, 07:43 AMab.docx
4264 899476 - MBB - Display Discount Tab 899476 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:47 AMab.docx
4265 899479 - MBB - Very early Upgrade S15 rules apply 899479 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:53 AMly.docx
4266 899481 - MBB - Display Tariff Tab 899481 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:53 AMab.docx
4267 908972 - MBB - Commissioning Tier Indicator 908972 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:55 AMor.docx
4268 921213 - Logic - How we identify Top selling MBB products 921213 - Logic - … 12 Apr 2023, 07:55 AMts.docx
4269 845094 - MBB - Create a Commercial Recommendation For a Cohort 845094 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 08:05 AMrt.docx
4270 831612 - MBB - Create A Commercial Recommendation Cohort 831612 - MBB - … 12 Apr 2023, 08:06 AMrt.docx
4271 Renegotiation Functionality → What is Renegotiation? Customer called to callcenter guys, callcenter guys explain top 3 recommendations. Ex: 1st Rec : Iphone 11 2nd Rec : Iphone 12, Addon, Discount. 3rd Rec : Iphone 13 Customer ok with, Rec 2. But they not agreed with IPhone 12 bill or other reasons, then he said i will call you back. -->So Renegosiation happen here, IPhone 12 will be saved, and its appered as Saved banner with green colour. Customer cheked different Vador, but they agreed vodafone givivng best offer. Customer call backed to agent(same day or after some days), On this time agent will open only renegotiation part, not 3 reco again. In this time there is chance to change the discount. Ex : customer called on 25th december . discount = 20% customer called on 28th december . discount = 0%, due to vat code or due to some discounts or due to some capability changes in business. So we are validating that changes whatever yesterday we recommended you are valid today or not(today my be discount, vat changes happen), API Details ValidateBasket API Main Strategy name : RenegotiationProductValidations Process : 1. Submit Upgrade case and it will generate one caseid. – Give that case id(871046) in renegotiation mashup file like below. <!-- ********************** Begin Pega content ********************** --> <script src =''</script>> <div data-pega-gadgetname ='VADRRenegotiation'
<div data-pega-gadgetname ='VADRRenegotiation' data-pega-action ='createNewWork' data-pega-action-param-classname ='VFUK-VADR-Work-Upgrade' data-pega-isretained ='false' data-pega-isdeferloaded ='false' data-pega-applicationname ='VADR' data-pega-threadname ='Renegotiation' data-pega-channelID ='MASHUPaf9c64a149264e6daaa7a517119d8544' data-pega-resizetype ='stretch' data-pega-url ='' data-pega-action-param-parameters ='{ "pzSkinName": "UpgradeSkin", "UpgradingServiceNumber":"5bXXh4lHnad0mqKC17iZyQ==", "OwnerAccountNumber":"PrjPoOiWmXbMWIfauI5UWw==", "ContactId":"49/Sk50x+5MywfBYDCA5DQ==", "AgentId":"SxI7nOoCT6k6o4wu09rX5A==", "Division":"It6XwWVPbhGBHar9IJaeeKt5Rgjv8vDQOYAjHcaYT88=", "pyMashupSkeletonName":"pyDefaultMashupSkeleton",
4272 "Channel":"jbt4sK2Vl+xPYAkbO0dfLw==", "ParentDivision":"OmENDGBMby4kVqgDP3GWMw==", "MaxOpenLoans":"qCy6aT8Z0Et7TR5ycg05ng==", "LoanEligibilityStatus":"HWn3447wu8sjz1PQhHvEDw==", "AccountType":"gZdgmD0mmhba+HjPB2ABhw==", "ConcurrentLoans":"rOqJxN3ycBMZxKEWRgLkQg==", "OrderType":"plGKelU1Qic1XVmR8QaiEA==", "ConcurrentServiceLoans":"O+Xr8UsbZqJB0wQflazjOw==", "StoreId":"XtDPFtwsbEApSMRIJNcbBA==", "Action":"Permit", "OpenLoans":"1CZ/GUTnx+NfuuBeiKrKog==", "ProblemLoans":"O+Xr8UsbZqJB0wQflazjOw==", "ParentPosition":"eFIxiIChTrXAFj8PgyQGmQ==", "AssetId":"10WiqezODK1ahGhOqeL+8A==", "OrderId":"", "DealId":"871046" }' ></div> <!-- ********************** End Pega content ********************** --> 2. What ever you submitted in upgrade case same products will reflect here, with saved banner. Invision Link: AOM Renegotiation Scenarios 2022 - Play (
Invision Link: AOM Renegotiation Scenarios 2022 - Play ( Related Functionality and Related Story's: AU-PayM(InboundCC Channel) Please check below US for refences and Evidences. 1.Existing Customers details: 780784 -> Refresh existing package Info 2. Renegotiation Deal: 750494 -> Rene - Deal is still valid 780884 -> Rene - Display dynamic message if 1st renego validation error is about an device i.e no longer stock 749710 -> Rene - agent expirence when deal is not valid - evo with device. 3. Opted Out Customers: 750595 -> display error message for customer - opted out personalised offers 4. EUF Changes:
4273 781004 -> Rene - EUF if the deal is no longer valid for rene that has failed validation 780767 -> Rene - EarlyUpgradeFee 5. Contract Dates: 780779 -> Recalculate No.of days in Contract : no.of contract end date 6. VFT: 780868 -> Rene - VTF 7. Validation Error Messages: 780901 -> Rene - Validate saved deal and display a dynamic error for 1st error. (status discovery) 8. Discount: 781012 -> Rene - discount is not available in the toolkit. Related Functionality and Related Story's: MBB(InboundCC Channel) 910533 Related Functionality and Related Story's: Watch, PayM, MBB(For Retail Shop Channel) 1079501
4274 Shadow Plans Related story’s : DATA SETUP Plans Conditions: SIMO Xtra Plan Configurations: – .Based on present data we don't have any SIMO Xtra plans, so that's why logic introduced one attribute for tariff level in Product Attributes. – Any tariff does have IsSimoPlan attribute is True in Product Attributes that plan should be consider as SIMO Xtra Pan.1329615 inboundcc/Retail Mobile Service GetRecommendation 1329626 inboundcc/Retail Mobile Service Getproductlist 1329632 inboundcc/Retail Mobile Service Validatebasket(renegotiation) 1329650 inboundcc/Retail Mobile Service Getproductlist 1329664 Digital Mobile Service Getproductlist 1329670 Digital Mobile Service GetRecommendationStory channels journeys API SIMO Plans Y N CBU select * from pc_tariff_v ptv where simonly='Y' and mobile_broadband_ind ='N' and segment_of_tariff ='CBU'; SIMO Xtra Plans Y N Loan @String.notEquals IgnoreCase(.Prom otionType,"Access Plan") && @String.notEquals IgnoreCase(.Prom otionType,"Second ary Plan")select * from pc_tariff_v ptv where simonly='Y' and mobile_broadband_ind ='N' and segment_of_tariff ='Loan' and category in ('Access Plan','Secondary Plan') ; SIMO Shadow Plans Ex: Extention with a,b called as Shadow plans. 12 month SIMO 2GB Red Plan a, 12mth SIMO 250Min 250MB Essentials Plan CTR13b SIM OnlyMBB SOT Other IsSimoPlan Tariff True/False Boolean/singleProperty Name Product Value Type
4275 SIMO Shadow Plan Identification: Extension with a,b,x, etc… called as Shadow plans. : Only will make Xtra plans as Shadow Plans. Ex: 12 month SIMO 2GB Red Plan a, 12mth SIMO 250Min 250MB Essentials Plan CTR13b TEST → Graph : AU_VADR_DESC_SIMO_NORMAL_OOC → Tested In CAPST. → To test Shadow Plan functionality below configurations should be enable: 1329626 : Main Points to Check: 1→ If device is in basket , Only Airtime plans should be appear in edit tab. 2→ Without device in basket, Only SIMO plans should be appear in edit tab. → We can get SIMO, SIMO Xtra, SIMO Shadow plans in Edit tab at a time. → For more info check above user story’s.
4276 Renegotiate a SIMO or SIMO Xtra Deal including SIMO Shadow Plans. Related story’s : DATA SETUP : Plans Conditions: SIMO Xtra Plan Configurations: – Based on present data we don't have any SIMO Xtra plans, so that's why logic introduced one attribute for tariff level in Product Attributes. – Any tariff does have IsSimoPlan attribute is True in Product Attributes that plan should be consider as SIMO Xtra Pan. For Example: Ex: 12 month SIMO 2GB Red Plan a, 12mth SIMO 250Min 250MB Essentials Plan CTR13b TEST : 1329632InboundCC/R etailMobile Service, Mobile Broadband ServiceStory Channels Journeys SIMO Plans Y N CBU select * from pc_tariff_v ptv where simonly='Y' and mobile_broadband_ind ='N' and segment_of_tariff ='CBU'; SIMO Xtra Plans Y N Loan (.PromotionType," Access Plan") && @String.notEquals IgnoreCase(.Prom otionType,"Second ary Plan")select * from pc_tariff_v ptv where simonly='Y' and mobile_broadband_ind ='N' and segment_of_tariff ='Loan' and category in ('Access Plan','Secondary Plan') ; SIMO Shadow Plans Ex: Extention with a,b called as Shadow plans. 24 month SIMO 2GB Red Plan a, 24mth SIMO 250Min 250MB Essentials Plan CTR13b SIM OnlyMBB SOT Other IsSimoPlan Tariff True/False Boolean/singleProperty Name Product Value Type
4277 → Graph : AU_VADR_DESC_SIMO_NORMAL_OOC → Tested In CAPST. → To test Shadow Plan functionality below configurations should be enable: 1329632 Execution Details: Deal is valid. Step1: Agent need to Submit the Rec with SIMO Shadow Plan or SIMO Xtra Shadow Plan(Upgrade Case). Step2: Agent launch Renegotiation VADR with Deal ID = U-XXXXX Step3: -The Renegotiated Deal is presented in the first card with the 'Saved' Logo -Second and Third recommendation cards are not filled -Second and Third recommendation cards are populated with the '+' and the 'Add new products to Compare' -Agent can edit the deal and Submit the deail.
4278 Deal is no longer valid : If the deal is no longer valid, the As Is Renego Error Message is presented and the Agent cannot edit the deal as per 'As Is' For example: Tariff/Handset Sellable is False in product_attributes Table, We get error message -Agent can't edit the deal and Submit the deal.
4280 Private Pricing For Batch(OBCC) Graphs Created List: OutboundPP_MobileAddMobile_Email Outbound_PP_AddSmartWatch_Android_SMS Outbound_PP_AddSmartWatch_Android_AppPush Used Offers: MobileAddMobile_Email Tariff type : Handset AddSmartWatch_SMS Tariff type : SIMOnly AddSmartWatch_AppPush Tariff type : SIMOnly DataFlow Examples for Eligibility: Df1 : PrepareBatchData_35_RSK Df2 : GetRecommendationFromBDC_35_RSK Df3 : PrepareDataForBatchNBA_35_RSK Final Strategy to test customer : IdentifyBestOBTreatmentsByBatch Final dataset for batch: BestOBTreatmentsByBatch Intent : Unknown In Life Note: After batch completes, Discount offer stored in IH and IH Reporting table. Normal Offers(Ex: MobileAddMobile_Email,Dummy_,) will store after extractor completion. → After Batch and Extractor ran, Data stored in IH Table → Email: IH Table --> Email_Sataging --> SendQue table --> Email_Sent Table --> Aom_Audit to check currect payload finally. --> Affter email sent to customer.......not implemented now. --> Record inserted into IH table with outcome sent. --> SMS same process like Email. -->AppPush: -aom_audit table -connect_queue_status table -outbound_comms_store table Related Stories:Email IMI AppPush Push SMS DefaultChannel Sub Channel
4281 768649 -- Test Cell 769551 -- Discount sms, apppush, email 769675 -- Legal Requirement 769889 -- validate o/p for sms,email,apppush. 864157 -- Bundling concept extending for sms, apppush 864161 -- validate o/p data Body text Email 968981 -- ProductCode is empty for DiscountTreatment in OffertoOfferVariation DD NBA FW - Redesign Outbound 2nd line PP
4282 Prerequisite for Running Batch & Extractor 1. Need to observe whether agents are running or not for Extractor a. 2. Need to observe whether agents are running or not for Batch
4283 VADR - Mashup file creation process Steps to Create Mashup file: 1. (or) https://pega- (Later we change these URLs as per our environments) you can use this to specify the mashup URL and params and it will then dynamically generate the mashup code and execute the mashup 2. GenerateEncryptedMashupParameters - this activity can be used to generate the encrypted mashup params: 3. Put in all your clear text mashup param values in the input of this activity and hit Run 4. It will generate the encrypted values required for the mash param (data-pega-action-param-parameters) :
4284 5. Copy the above JSON and paste it into - (or) https://pega- 6. Pressing the Submit button above will open - (or) https://pega- - which will generate the mashup dynamically and run the code to open up VADR Upgrade Case:
4286 Team Skills Matrix ST Team Skills Matrix ST T eam Skills … 06 Sep 2022, 03:39 PMix.xlsx
4287 ST Checklist A place holder to mention the check list for each release across each US and Epic
4288 Release 3.6
4289 Release 3.7
4290 Release 4.1
4291 Release 4.2