1 value
347 Then copy the entire html code opened in the html editor to the treatment, like below. Inspecting the HTML to find a specific element that needs to be made dynamic. E.g. make the first name dynamic i.e. let the data for first name come from the database table. After the html code is pasted to PEGA treatment there is no further need of the html editor. It can be closed. Now, open the HTML file in any web browser. For the purpose of this document, Chrome is used. To find the html code for a particular area, right click that part and click Inspect. E.g. as shown below, right click on the first name > Inspect.
348 The browser will then be split in to two windows as shown below. The bottom part will show the code. In this way, code snippet for first name is located that will replaced by a Pega tag in the next step.
349 Step 2: Make contents of the html dynamic E.g. Hello $(TG_FIRSTNAME), $(TG_FIRSTNAME) is replaced by a pega tag as: Hello <pega:reference name=".OfferData.FirstName" format="DisplayAsLiteral"> </pega:reference>, First name data comes from database table and mapped to the .FirstName attribute in a PEGA strategy like below. Likewise, suppose the description for the offer in the email should come from PM Tool. In such a case, the description is held in one of the variables in ‘Treatment to Treatment variation’ screen and mapped in the strategy as above. Some more information on the .OfferData used in above example to get the first name Sdf .OfferData is part of PegaMKT-Work-Offer class. Similar to offer data 1. PegaMKT-Data-Customer: Customer class to get the Subscription related data 2. PegaMKT-Work-Offer > .OfferData to get the Offer related data 3. PegaMKT-Work-Offer > .BundleOfferMembers to get child offer data
350 Using a Pega forEach rule One scenario to refer .BundleOfferMembers inside a template is when the child offers have similar display structure (different data of course) inside the email. <%{int counter = 0;%> <pega:forEach name=".BundleOfferMembers"> <pega:withEmbedded name="$this" > <% counter++; %> <% if(counter<=4){ %> <img src="<pega:reference name=".OfferData.ImageURL" format="DisplayAsLiteral"></pega:reference>" <pega:reference name=".OfferData.OfferHeader" format="DisplayAsLiteral"></pega:reference>/> <pega:reference name=".OfferData.OfferDescription" format="DisplayAsLiteral"></pega:reference> <pega:reference name=".OfferData.OfferPrice" format="DisplayAsLiteral"></pega:reference> } %> </pega:withEmbedded> </pega:forEach> <% } %> Using a Pega When rule Scenario to use a When rule: E.g. a sentence in the email should be different based on customer’s data plan e.g. one version for limited plan and another version for unlimited data plan. In such a case, before displaying the sentence check customer’s data plan using a when rule like below: <!-- Limited sentence --> <pega:when name="CheckForLimitedDataPlan"> <pega:reference name=".OfferData.EmailCopy" format="DisplayAsLiteral"></pega:reference> </pega:when> <!-- Unlimited sentence --> <pega:when name="CheckForUnlimitedDataPlanBatchNBA">
<!-- Unlimited sentence --> <pega:when name="CheckForUnlimitedDataPlanBatchNBA"> <pega:reference name=".OfferData.EmailCopy1" format="DisplayAsLiteral"></pega:reference>
351 </pega:when> EmailCopy has the copy for limited data plan. EmailCopy1 has the copy for unlimited data plan. A when rule is created in Pega via Records > Decision > When and looks like below: Dynamic Variables Like above, offer attributes e.g. offer header, image, description, price etc. can be made dynamic by using dynamic variables that are present in PM Tool Treatment To Treatment Variations screen. Step 3: Mapping dynamic variables E.g for offer image below Pega tag is used in html.
352 <img class="full-width" src="<pega:reference name=".OfferData.ImageURL" format="DisplayAsLiteral"></pega:reference>" width="247" border="0"/> In PM Tool, TreatmentDynamicVariable4 holds the image url. So, TreatmentDynamicVariable4 is mapped to the ImageURL attribute inside a Pega strategy like below: Strategy: PopulateOutputPropertiesForEmailByBatch Currently, there are twenty dynamic variables provided in PM tool which means twenty offer attributes can be made dynamic. Please note that there can be various other sources of data that is displayed in the email, not just PM Tool. Data can come from Models, database tables etc. Pega Decisioning logic takes care of retrieving the data and mapping it to the relevant offer attribute. Once all the steps are completed, a Pega Marketing campaign is required to be created and should be in running state. Batch NBA at its final stage triggers the campaign and email is sent. --------------------------- END OF DOCUMENT ---------------------------
353 Batch Testing : How-To NBA Batch is a framework where all the decisions are made to multiple customers at a time. There are 2 Cases involved in NBA Batch Framework: 1. Batch NBA Case 2. Extractor Case
354 Batch NBA Case Testing : How-To Introduction to Batch NBA Case Checks before the Case execution How to Trigger Batch NBA Case Checks during/after the Case execution Introduction to Batch NBA Case There are 3 data flows involved in Batch NBA Case. They’re: 1. PrepareDataForBatchNBA : The PrepareDataForBAtchNBA Data flow reads the data from all the database tables ( Ex: Subscription,account,Contact etc..) and prepares the data required for the decisioning logic, then writes the data to a data set (SubscriptionDataForBatchNBA). 2. IdentifyCustomerIntents : The IdentifyCustomerIntents Data flow reads the data from SubscriptionDataForBatchNBA data set and evaluate the Intents for each customer record and then writes the data(along with Intents) to SubscriptionDataForBatchNBA Data set. 3. IdentifyBestOBTreatmentsByBatch : The Data flow IdentifyBestOBTreatmentsByBatch reads the data from SubscriptionDataForBatchNBA Data set and executes the decisioning logic ( and writes the output to BestOBTreatmentsByBatch Data set. Checks before the Case execution 1. To Trigger a new Batch NBA Case, check if the Previous Batch NBA Case Status is Resolved-Completed/Resolved-Cancelled. 1. Go to App Explorer and Search with V F U K - F W - A O M F W - W o r k - B a t c h N B A class name, click on the class record as shown below. It will open all instances of the class. (Here Instances = Case work Items). 2. Open the latest work item /Case. (If required, Sort work Items based on 'Updated on' date).
355 3. If the status is not Resolved-Competed,Then Update it to become Resolved-Completed. Go To Actions → Change Stage → Select End stage → End/Abort . 2. Check Batch NBA Case configurations: We can see the Batch NBA Case configurations here. Case ID : ID of the Current Running case/ Previous Case. Case Status : Status of the Current case/ Previous Case. If the case is running the Status changes to Running or if the case is failed to run, then status changes to Pending-Investigation. Case Dependencies: If the dependent Case configured in the Case dependency field is running,Then the Batch NBA case will not start until the Dependent case is completed. 3. Check if the previous Email and SMS Campaign runs were successful: If there is a failure in previous Email and SMS Campaign runs,Then that should be resolved before triggering the next Batch NBA case. To verify the Campaign Status: Switch to Pega Marketing Portal → Campaigns → Open Email Campaign/SMS Campaign → Go to Go To Data explorer → AOM Config Data Type → Search for Batch NBA .
356 Run Schedule Section → Verify the status of latest run. How to Trigger Batch NBA Case Generally ,In production environment, there is a Scheduler configuration to run the cases daily at particular time and these checks are typically done by L2Support Team whereas in development environments, we trigger the Cases manually and do the checks manually. We use an activity rule to trigger the Case. when we run this custom activity, it will internally run the case. Below are the steps to trigger the case using an activity rule .(Activity : CaseIgnitor) 1. Go to application. 2. Search for the CaseIgnitor activity and open the activity from VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-BatchNBA class. 3. Go To Actions Menu and Click on Run.
357 4. Wait for the successful message as shown below.
358 Checks during/after the Case execution 1. Check if the Case is Progressing and check logs in the Audit section: 1. Open the Case from the case id/Work Item and Check the status of the Case. 2. There are 3 stages involved in Case Execution. 1. Setup 2.Process 3. End After the completion,each will be changed to green color with Tick mark. 3. You can check the Audit to see how the case is progressing.
359 4. We can check the log in the Audit Section. 2. Check the Status of Data flows which are Configured to run during the Case : 1. Navigate to Data Flow landing page and verify the Data flows are running are not.
360 If you want to see the Progress of the data flow visually, Click on the Data flow work Item id (DF-24695).
361 If there is any failure in the data flow, Then resolve the issue and Re-run the case. 3. Verify the Output of Batch NBA Case: Once the Case execution is completed, Verify the Output of Batch NBA in the BestOBtreatmentsByBatch Data Set. 1. Open the Data set, Go To Actions → Run 2. Browse the Data Set and click on Run. By default it will show 50 Records,If you want you can increase the number in the text box. 1. If you want to see the Output of a single Known Customer,you can select Browse by keys operation and Provide the customer Id, then click on Run. 2. If you want to delete the entire data from Data Set, then Select Truncate Operation. 3. If you want to delete one record from Data set using Customer ID ,Then select Delete-By-Keys Operation.
362 3.Verify the Output in the Clipboard page. Browse-By-Keys :
364 Batch Extractor Case Testing : How-To Introduction to Batch Extractor Checks before Extractor Case Run How To Trigger Batch Extractor Case Checks after Extractor Case Run Introduction to Batch Extractor The Extractor Case is common across all other functionalities.(Ex:T2S,MVP,Batch). We differentiate the Extractor based on the Input Parameter i:e (Extractor Type). The below Data flows are involved in Batch Extractor Case. 1. PrepareForOBProcessForBatch : It reads the data from BestOBTreatmentsByBatch(Output of Batch NBA Case) and writes to a BestOBTreatmentsBeforeDedupe data set. 2. PopulateMasterDataSets : It reads the data from BestOBTreatmentsBeforeDedupe data set and writes to 3 different destinations. 1. ContactDetailMaster data set. 2. PopulateTreatmentsForOB data flow : It executes the volume constraints strategy and populates volume limit for each treatment and writes to TreatmentsForOB Data set,which is used by Volume constraints activity. 3. PopulateOffersBySubChannelForOB Data-flow : It populates Sub channels for each Treatment using PopulateSubChannelBasedOffers Strategy and writes OB CC treatments to OffersBySubChannelForOutboundCC Data set and DM treatments to OffersBySubChannelForDirectMail data set. 3. DedupeByContactDetail : It reads the data from ContactDetailMaster data set and BestOBTreatmentsBeforeDedupe data sets, and executes De-dupe the customer based on Contact Details and writes the output to BestOBTreatmentsAfterDedupe
Contact Details and writes the output to BestOBTreatmentsAfterDedupe 4. ApplyVolumeConstraints : This Data flow is being called from an activity and it splits the customers based on the Volume limit and writes the output to VolumeConstrainedData data set. 5. AugmentVolumeConstrainedData : It reads the data from VolumeConstrainedData, BestOBTreatmentsAfterDedupe data sets and writes to BestOBTreatmentsAsTarget and BestOBTreatmentsAsControl Datasets based on the PotentialControlFlag value. 6. ProcessBestOBTreatmentsAsTarget : It reads the data from BestOBTreatmentsAsTarget data set and Writes to different destinations as shown below. 1.Process Outbound Data flow : It populates below datasets. 1.BestOutboundCCTreatmentsAfterControlGroups, 2. BestEmailTreatmentsAfterControlGroups, 3.BestSMSTreatmentsAfterControlGroups, 4. BestAppPushTreatmentsAfterControlGroups,
365 5. BestDirectMailTreatmentsAfterControlGroups 2. Interaction History data set. 3. SubscriprionsForOB Data set. 4. WriteBatchDecisionOutput data flow. 5. PopulateSeedTestLiveData data flow. 7. ProcessBestOBTreatmentsAsControl : It reads the data from BestOBTreatmentsAsControl data set and ProcessNonChildBestOBTreatmentsAsControl data flow, ProcessNonChildBestOBTreatmentsAsControl. 8. SetSubscriptionCampaignFlags : It reads data from SubscriprionsForOB data set , BestEmailTreatmentsAfterControlGroups data set , BestSMSTreatmentsAfterControlGroups data set and sets EmailEligibleFlag, SMSEligibleFlag values and writes to SubscriptionCampaignFlags Database table. Checks before Extractor Case Run 1.Check if the previous case status is Resolved-completed/Resolved-Cancelled : 1. Go to App Explorer and Search with VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-Extractor class name, click on the class record as shown below. It will open all instances of the class. (Here Instances = Case work Items). 2. Open the latest work item /Case. ( Sort work Items based on 'Updated on' date).
366 3. If the status is not Resolved-Competed/Resolved-Cancelled, Then Update the status to Resolved- Completed/Resolved-Cancelled. Go To Actions → Change Stage → Select End stage → End/Abort . 2. Check Batch NBA Extractor Case configurations : We can see the Batch NBA Case configurations here. Case ID : ID of the current Running case/ last case. Case Status : Status of the current case/ last case. If the case is running the status changes to Running or if the case is completed, then status changes to Completed. Case Dependencies: If the dependent Cases which are configured in the Case dependency field are running,Then the Extractor case will not start until the Dependent cases are completed. Go To Data explorer → AOM Config Data Type → (Config Name=BatchNBAExtractor) . If Case is Stuck/Unable to change the status of the Case from Work Item then we can quickly update the Case status value to Completed and do another run.
367 3. Check if the previous Email and SMS Campaign runs were successful: If there is a failure in previous Email and SMS Campaign runs,Then that should be resolved before triggering the next Extractor case. To verify the Campaign Status: Switch to Pega Marketing Portal → Campaigns → Open Email Campaign/SMS Campaign → Go to Run Schedule Section → Verify the status of latest run. How To Trigger Batch Extractor Case Generally ,In production environment, there is a scheduler configuration to run the cases daily at particular time and these Checks are typically done by L2Support Team whereas in development environments, we trigger the Cases manually and do the checks manually. We use an activity rule to trigger the Case. When we run this custom activity, it will internally run the case. Below are the steps to trigger the case using an activity rule .(Activity : CaseIgnitor) 1. Switch to AOM V3 application (AOM:Market Admins access group). 2. Search for the CaseIgnitor activity and open the activity from VFUK-FW-AOMFW-Work-Extractor class. 3. Go To Actions Menu and Click on Run.
368 4. Select CasesubType Value and Click on Run. 5. Wait for the success message as shown below.
369 Checks after Extractor Case Run 1. Check if the Case is Progressing and check logs in the Audit section: 1. Open the Case from the case id/Work Item and verify the status of the Case. 2 . There are 5 stages involved in Case Execution. 1. Setup 2.Prepare 3.Extract 4.Package 5. End After the completion of each stage,it will be changed to green color with Tick mark as below.
370 3. We can check the Audit to see how the case is progressing.
371 2 . Check the Status of Data flows which are Configured to run during the Case : 1. Navigate to Data Flow landing page and verify the Data flows are running are not.
372 If you want to see the Progress of the data flow visually, Click on the Data flow work Item id (DF-24695). If there is any failure in the data flow, Then resolve the issue and Re-run the case. 3. Verify the Output of Batch NBA Extractor Case: Once the Case execution is completed, We can verify the Output at multiple places based on the channel. Email : 1. Verify whether the Email Campaign run is completed and it emits any offers are not. 2. Verify the Interaction History in Database. SMS : 1. Verify whether the SMS Campaign run is completed and it emits any offers are not. 2. Verify the Interaction History in Database. OBCC : 1.The Output of OB CC channel will be written to an Output file,which gets generated when the Extractor case reaches to Extract Stage. Please refer OB CC Output file for more details. 2. Verify the Interaction History in Database. DM : 1. The Output of DM channel will be written to an Output file,which gets generated when the
373 Extractor case reaches to Extract Stage. Please refer DM Output File for more details. 2. Verify the Interaction History in Database.
374 IVR - How To O v e r v i e w IVR channel is integrated with AOM through GetNBA data flow to generate an eligible offer and related routing option for customers interacting with IVR.
375 IVR Subchannels and Respective Request Structure/Data XXXXXXXXXXThere are two subchannels for IVR channel: 1- PreNLCS: This flow runs initially when the customer first interacts with IVR, so at this point, there isn’t any stated purpose yet and intent is identified based on the rules using past interactions of the customer. Request Parameters: - SubChannel = “PreNLCS”. - Service number is required. - Primary context is always empty. Sample Request: 2- PostNLCS: This flow runs when the customer stated a purpose (e.g. problem-sim) on IVR. So their intent is identified based on this purpose which is also named apptag. Request Parameters: - SubChannel = “PostNLCS”. - Service number is required. - Primary context (apptag) is required. Sample Request: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24{ "Identifier": { "Account": { "AccountNumber": "XXXXXXXXXX", "Status": "Existing", "Type": "Consumer" }, "ServiceNumber": "XXXXXXXXXX" }, "RequestorDetail": { "Channel": "IVR", "SubChannel": "PreNLCS" }, "Context": { "PrimaryContext": "", "NoOfActions": 1, "Detail": [ { "Name": "ConnectionId",
"Detail": [ { "Name": "ConnectionId", "Value": "CON_28474_847464" } ] } } 1 2 3 4{ "Identifier": { "Account": { "AccountNumber": "XXXXXXXXXX",
376 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 "Status": "Existing", "Type": "Consumer" }, "ServiceNumber": "XXXXXXXXXX" }, "RequestorDetail": { "Channel": "IVR", "SubChannel": "PostNLCS" }, "Context": { "PrimaryContext": "problem-sim", "NoOfActions": 1, "Detail": [ { "Name": "ConnectionId", "Value": "CON_28474_847464" } ] } }
377 Configuring Apptag Data When a customer states a purpose on the IVR, this purpose is converted into an apptag. Each apptag has its own specific configurations (Event Parameters) that are stored in AOMBusinessData data type. This configuration data is used to populate tokens that are used to generate service request parameters and SMS content further in the flow. These apptag parameters are listed in the table below and for a new apptag, they should be configured on the PM Tool. Configuring a New Apptag in PM Tool To configure the apptag parameters refer to steps under Business Config heading in Other Screens page. Apptag Number ID of the apptag in IVR sytem Default Routing Option Shows which routing option is the default. (IVR Treatment Code) Default Deflection Type Soft / Hard Online URL URL that will be populated in SMS Text when the treatment variant is Online Webchat URL URL that will be populated in SMS Text when the treatment variant is Webchat Tobi URL URL that will be populated in SMS Text when the treatment variant is Tobi Call Reason Text to be populated in SMS Text Apptag Text Text to be populated in SMS TextParameter Description
378 Identify Intent for Each Subchannel Intents are identified based on customer events coming from different sources. These events are mapped to intents according to the mapping in EventToIntent decision data. This mapping is used in the strategies to identify customer intents and calculate intent’s confidence score. EventDataSource column shows the source of the related event. Configuring EventToIntent Mapping Step 1: When a new apptag is added, it should be mapped to its related intent too. If the new apptag is mapped to a new intent, first the intent should be created and mapped to an offer and business purposes if required. To configure the intents refer to steps in intent related screens page. Step 2: Map the new apptag to the related intent. To configure event to intent mapping for apptags and Tealium events refer to steps in Event page. Identifying Intents Intents are identified in two different ways: 1. Based on the rules (EventDataSource = IH/Tealium/EventStore). 2. Based on the call context (EventDataSource = Context). The resulting intents are populated into the CustomerIntentList property and offers are identified based on these intents through the GetNBA funnel. Data Flow: IdentifyCustomerIntentsRealTime Strategy: EvaluateCustomerIntents 1- Identifying Intents for PreNLCS SubChannel (Rule Based Approach) Since PreNLCS doesn’t have a primary context, intents for PreNLCS are identified based on the rules using past events, interactions, webpage visits of the customer that occurred in the last X hours. X is defined on the EventRecency property of EventToIntent DD and the confidence score of the intent will decrease gradually depending on this value and the time passed over the interaction.
confidence score of the intent will decrease gradually depending on this value and the time passed over the interaction. There are three groups of this approach according to event source: EventStore: (EventDataSource = EventStore) Strategy: ValidateIntentsWithEvents
379 Interaction History: All communications with the customer including offers sent and customer responses are stored in the interaction history. (EventDataSource = IH) Strategy: ValidateIntentsWithIH Tealium: Customer’s website page visits are stored as events. (EventDataSource = Tealium) Strategy: ValidateIntentsWithTealium Strategy: IdentifyRecentEventBasedIntents 2- Identifying Intents for PostNLCS (Real Time Event Based Approach) Intents for PostNLCS are identified based on the call context. The apptag (primary context) stated by the customer (e.g. problem-sim) is used to identify the intent (e.g. Help-Device) based on the mapping in EventToIntent DD (EventDataSource = Context) Strategy: IdentifyRTEventBasedIntents If the apptag is not configured in the EventToIntent mapping, the strategy will generate "Primary context not Configured" error message.
380 Configuring Offers Standard NBA funnel step is executed to identify eligible offers for IVR. For PostNLCS there is only a single offer: If an existing offer is required to used for PreNLCS, its Execution Mode can be updated to include GetNBA. PreNLCS Offers: Configuring Offers in PM Tool To create a new offer refer to steps in Offer Related Screens. Service RedirectCall GetNBABusiness Purpose Offer Name Offer Execution Mode Upsell AddDataExtraRecurring GetNBA Upsell AddInternationalMinutes GetNBA Service Help GetNBA Service SetSpendManagerLimit GetNBA Retain ServiceMessage GetNBABusiness Purpose Offer Name Offer Execution Mode
381 Identify Offer/Business Purpose for a Given Intent If there is an intent generated based on an apptag (stated intent), offers will only be identified based on this intent, and rule based intents (inferred intent) will be omitted. There are two ways to identify offers depending on the confidence score range of the intent: If the confidence score range is high, offers are generated using the mapping in IntentToOffer decision data. If the confidence score range is low, instead of offers, firstly business purpose is identified using the mapping in IntentToBusinessPurpose decision data, then offers under this business purpose are generated. The confidence score of the intent should be greater than or equal to 1 to be considered as an intent to generate offers from. Otherwise, the intent will be discarded. S t r a t e g i e s : AssignIntentToOfferOrBusinessPurpose, IdentifyOffersForEligibleIntents
382 Configuring Offer Variants A new offer variant should be created if A new SMS message template is needed for a specific apptag (Only for PostNLCS). A new commercial offer content required. A new IVR message is added. To create a new offer variant refer to steps in Offer Variant.
383 Configuring Routing Options (Treatment Variants) Treatment Variants IVR routing options are defined as treatment variants. IVR Treatment Code is the routing option code on the IVR and it should be configured for PostNLCS treatment variations. Configuring Treatment Variants in PM Tool If a new routing option is required, a new treatment variation should be created. To create a new treatment variant, refer to steps under Treatment Variation heading in Treatment Variation page. Treatment To Treatment Variations (TTV) For IVR, the rank attribute on TTV is used to identify the best treatment variation for each treatment and it should be configured. Eligibility rules can be defined for a TTV if it’s required. For SMS treatments, SMS templates should be configured on T2TV. Dynamic parameters that are written between [] are populated by using apptag parameters. (Refer to IVR -SMS and Populating SMS Data Tokens Using Apptag Data).
384 If a new SMS template is required, a new offer variant should be created. Configuring Treatment To Treatment Variants in PM Tool A new T2TV should be created if a new offer variant or a new treatment variant is created. To create a new T2TV, refer to steps under Treatment To Treatment Variations (TTV) heading in Treatment Variation page. Output Properties Mapping (T2TV Actions and T2TV Attributes) After the treatment variant is identified through the flow, parameters of the request (AOM Interface Spec - GetNBA) that will be sent to the IVR, are populated according to the templates defined in T2TVAttributes and T2TVActions decision data. Strategy: PopulateOutputPropertiesForGetNBA T2TV Actions Actions part of the service request defines what should be the action to take and generated based on the ActionDetail attribute of T2TVActions decision data. For the example below, RecommendedRouting and DeflectionType are Action Attributes. If a new Action Attribute is required, it should be configured on the PM Tool. ActionList.Actions section of the response: Configuring T2TV Actions in PM Tool When a new T2TV is defined, TT2V Actions should be configured. To configure T2TV Actions, refer to steps under T2TV Actions heading in T2TV Actions and T2TV Attributes page. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17"Actions": [ { "Type": "Routing", "Outcome": "Shown", "Id": "IVRSoftDeflection", "Detail": [ { "Name": "RecommendedRouting",
"Detail": [ { "Name": "RecommendedRouting", "Value": "agent" }, { "Name": "DeflectionType", "Value": "Soft" } ] } ]
385 T2TV Attributes Details part of the request defines the details of the action and generated based on the configuration in the TemplateDetails attribute of T2TVAttributes decision data. As a first step, values for dynamic parameters written between “[]” are populated: - MessageId is the id of the message on IVR that the customer will be deflected. It’s a combination of Apptag number and IVR Treatment Code (MessageID = "1"+ Apptag Number + IVR Treatment Code). - AppTag parameter is populated with the apptag value that the customer stated. - Reason parameter shows the reason for the deflection. (Strategy: PopulateTokenValuesforApptag) Then parameters replaced with these values (Strategy: SetIVRTokens). Detail section of the response: Configuring T2TV Attributes in PM Tool When a new T2TV is defined, TT2V Attributes should be configured too. To configure T2TV Attributes, refer to steps under T2TV Attributes heading in T2TV Actions and T2TV Attributes page. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15"Detail": [ { "Value": "enquire-order", "Name": "AppTag" }, { "Value": "10346", "Name": "MSG_ID" }, { "Value": "enquire-order-no recent visit or deflection-Web", "Name": "Reason" } ]
386 Identifying Routing Option (Treatment Variants) Standard NBA funnel step is executed to identify eligible treatment variants. For IVR - PostNLCS, to decide routing on Agent vs Tobi /Webchat / Online additional validations are applied. Also to arbitrate between Tobi /Webchat / Online, IVR Routing BDC model or Apptag configuration is used. Strategy: ApplyAdditionalTreatmentVariationValidations Validating through IH and Tealium Interactions It’s checked if the customer has any previous routing or Tealium interactions and if the rules below are met, the customer is routed to an agent: Strategy: IHandTealiumValidation Validating through BDC Model If the customer does not have any previous routing or Tealium interactions, IVR Model is queried to find if there is a recommended routing for the subscription, and treatment variation is selected based on this value (IVR Treatment Code). If a recommended routing is not available for the customer, default routing option is applied according to Apptag configuration. Strategy: IdentifyTreatmentVariantByBDCModelTobi !Web Page Visit Rule and !Deflected with same AOM Intent and !Deflected with same AppTag IntentWebchat OnlineTreatmentVariation Rule Web Page Visit Rule Customer visited the URLs for AOM Intent in last 24 hoursTealiumData Deflected with same AOM Intent Customer deflected with same "AOM Intent " in last 24 hoursIH Deflected with same AppTag Intent Customer deflected with AppTag Intent in last 24 hoursIHRule Pattern Data Source BDC Model is not available Select Single Treatment Variation according to EventParameters - DefaultRoutingOption configuration for ApptagBDC Model is available Select Single Treatment Variation according to BDC model output
387 Validating Routing Recommendation Some IVR routing options might have been disabled. In this case, these routing options are provided in the detail section of the service request generated by IVR as “Disabled”. If recommended routing for treatment variant is one of these disabled routing options, it will be discarded. S t r a t e g y : ValidateRoutingRecommendation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31{ "Identifier": { "ServiceNumber": "XXXXXXXXXX" }, "RequestorDetail": { "Channel": "IVR", "SubChannel": "PreNLCS" }, "Context": { "NoOfActions": 1, "Detail": [ { "Name": "ConnectionId", "Value": "CON_28474_847464" }, { "Name": "international", "Value": "Disabled" }, { "Name": "lost", "Value": "Disabled" }, { "Name": "phone-sales", "Value": "Disabled" } ] } }
388 IVR -SMS and Populating SMS Data Tokens Using Apptag Data For Post NLCS, if the routing option is one of Tobi, Webchat, and Online, an additional SMS notification including the details of the call and related URL is sent to the customer as well. SMS template samples: Content of the SMS message is generated dynamically using related apptag parameters (refer to Configuring Apptag Data). As a first step, these data tokens are populated by using AOMBusinessConfig data. For the example below [TobiURL] and [CallReason] are used to generate the SMS message. Strategy: PopulateEventParameters Then dynamic values in the SMS template (TreatmentDynamicVariable1) are replaced with these respective values to generate the final SMS text. Hello. Thanks for your call today. Head to [TobiURL] to [CallReason].
389 Strategy: SetSMSTokensForIVR
390 Elaborating End to End Run Using Postman To see the steps for IVR testing refer to IVR End-To-End Testing page.
391 Assisted Upgrade: How-To
392 Get Recommendation API Get Recommendation API call returns the top Recommendations for the customer in the context as part of the upgrade journey. Pre-requisites Most of the subscription/customer data is already populated by GetCustomer API call, before making get recommendations call barring a few, which are added/composed in: Data Flow: PrepareDataForGetRecommendation. For watch subscriptions, PrimarySubscription attribute will be populated with the subscription data which is the primary subscription of the watch subscription. To identify the primary subscription, PrimarySubscriptionId attribute will be used. Customer intent is also evaluated by calling: Data flow: IdentifyCustomerIntentsForGetRecommendation. GetCustomer api call populates Data Set: SubscriptionXCAR. So the customer must be present in this data set for a successful GetRecommendations API call. Data coming from BDC Model is present in below two data sets, both added to Subscription data in .BDCRecommendationList in Data flow: PrepareDataForGetRecommendation. 1. UniversalTariffRecommendation 2. DeviceRecommendation Above data sets are populated by BDC Loader. Sequence of Flow: Rest API call with valid request. Activity: GetRecommendations Dataflow: GetAssistedUpgrade
393 Strategy: IdentifyBestInboundCCTreatmentsForSubscription – This strategy calls various substrategies to get the eligible Offers, Offervariants, Treatments,TreamentVariants and along with the recommendations for the customer. Logic returns individual SR pages with pre-defined response types and positions along with relevant output attributes to be displayed on the UI. Output: After hitting the GetRecommendations API, all the parent records will be stored in InteractionHistory & InteractionHistoryReporting tables. Parent and child records will be stored in the RecommendationItems table. To debug any issues while running the service, we added a new dataset DebugAssistedUpgrade to get the all the details if any issues API Request To hit the actual api call and to test the logic end to end, Soap UI software is used to send the request and get a response. (It’s upto the developer’s to choose which software to use). A sample API request will look like below SecondaryContext= NBA { "AgentId":"Omni" ,"CaseId":"XXXXX" → Service Number from subscription table ,"Channel":"InboundCC" ,"Division":"Webchat Saves" → Division may vary with the customer ,"LoanEligibilityStatus":"ELIGIBLE" → Can be eligible or ineligible ,"OrderType":"Service" ,"OwnerAccountNumber":"XXXXX" → Account number from the subscription table ,"PrimaryContext":"Upgrade" ,"pxObjClass":"VFUK-VADR-Int-GR-RequestBody" ,"SecondaryContext":"NBA" ,"SubscriptionId":"XXXXX" → Customer ,"SubChannel":"VADR" } When SecondaryContext=RefineBy { "AgentId":"Omni" ,"CaseId":"XXXXX" → Service Number from subscription table ,"Channel":"InboundCC"
,"Channel":"InboundCC" ,"Division":"Webchat Saves" → Division may vary with the customer ,"LoanEligibilityStatus":"ELIGIBLE" → Can be eligible or ineligible ,"OrderType":"Service" ,"OwnerAccountNumber":"XXXXX" → Account number from the subscription table ,"PrimaryContext":"Upgrade" ,"pxObjClass":"VFUK-VADR-Int-GR-RequestBody" ,"SecondaryContext":"RefineBy” ,"SubscriptionId":"XXXXX" → Customer ,"SubChannel":"VADR" ,"HandsetManufacturer":"Apple" ,"HandsetModel":"Apple iPhone 6s Plus 64Gb space grey (Nearly New)" ,"Has5G":"True" ,"NearlyNew":"True" } Watch Subscription - SecondaryContext= NBA { "AgentId":"Omni" ,"CaseId":"XXXXX"
394 ,"Channel":"InboundCC" ,"Division":"Webchat Saves" ,"LoanEligibilityStatus":"ELIGIBLE" ,"OrderType":"Service" ,"OwnerAccountNumber":"XXXXX" ,"PrimaryContext":"Upgrade" ,"SecondaryContext":"NBA" ,"SubscriptionId":"XXXXX" ,"SubChannel":"VADR" ,"PrimarySubscriptionId": "XXXXX" } Watch Subscription - SecondaryContext=RefineBy { "AgentId":"Omni" ,"CaseId":"XXXXX" ,"Channel":"InboundCC" ,"Division":"Webchat Saves" ,"LoanEligibilityStatus":"ELIGIBLE" ,"OrderType":"Service" ,"OwnerAccountNumber":"XXXXX" ,"PrimaryContext":"Upgrade" ,"SecondaryContext":"RefineBy" ,"SubscriptionId":"XXXXX" ,"SubChannel":"VADR" ,"HandsetManufacturer":"Apple" ,"HandsetModel":"Apple Watch Series 5 40mm gold (Nearly New)" ,"Cost":"£300-£500" ,"SIMO":"False" ,"PrimarySubscriptionId": "XXXXX" } IdentifyEligibleIBCCTreatments Provides the list of Eligible offers, offer variations and treatments for the customer. o Proposition Decision Data: Configure > Decisioning > Decisions > Proposition Management > Hierarchy > Renew) > Offers, Offer Variations, InboundCC o Proposition Filters: Records > Decision > Proposition Filter > RenewOfferVariationsEligibility, RenewOffersEligibility, RenewInboundCCTreatmentEligibility. IdentifyTreatmentSubChannel Passes the above list as is because the Execution mode for InboundCC is NBAA. IdentifyBestTreatmentforSubscription Provides max offers and also applies parent-child treatment bundling.
IdentifyBestTreatmentforSubscription Provides max offers and also applies parent-child treatment bundling. o Decision Data: Offer Decision Mix , ParentChildTreatments CalculateDeal Calculate the deal items. IdentifyTreatmentVariations
395 Provide List of eligible treatment variations. o Proposition Decision Data: Configure > Decisioning > Decisions > Proposition Management > Hierarchy > Renew) > TreatmentVariations, TreatmentToTreatmentVariations o Proposition Filters: Records > Decision > Proposition Filter > RenewTreatmentVariationsEligibility, RenewTreatmentToTreatmentVariationEligibility PopulateOutputPropertiesForIBCC Generate RecItemID for each recommendation and lists the necessary output properties for the Get Recommendation API call. SetIHPropertiesForAllChannels > SetIHforInboundCC: Set the interaction history for the current request. SetErrorMessage Below error messages are set at the framework level. If no result from IdentifyBestTreatmentforSubscription then “No Eligible Treatments” If no result from CalculateDeal then “No Eligible Upgrade Deal”. If NoRecommendation=” Yes” then “No recommendation is available for the customer”. If no result from SetIHPropertiesForAllChannels.pyName then “No Output Properties”. Get Recommendations API Spec: BEF7BAFF%7D&file=GetRecommendations.xlsx&action=default&mobileredirect=true - Connect your OneDrive account
396 Identifying Best Deal PickBestPathway: This strategy is used to pick the best pathway based on request parameters, Customer RE Type, BDC model, refineBy parameters and model score details. We are importing ModelScoreList and calculate for the best pathway. The best pathway is calculated for two different scenarios. 1. Is Watch Subscription 2. Secondary Context= NBA 3. Secondary Context = RefineBy Pathways:- ToSIMO ToSIMO30 ToHandset ToWatch PickBestTenure: This strategy is used to pick the best tenure based on the request parameters SecondaryContext= NBA or RefineBy and TariffTenure. CalculateUpgradeDeal: This strategy gets the customer current details like tariff, AddOns, Discounts and PreS15 calculations. (Refer for more details: Customer Current Details ). GetGlobalFixedProductConfiguration strategy used to get if any fixed products are enabled based on Team, Channel and OrderType. Decision Data: GlobalFixedProductConfiguration (Screen will be added further). IdentifySegmentStrategyforSubscription strategy is used to identify segment strategy based on intents. DataPage Import: CustomerIntentList Decision Data: IntentToSegmentStrategy (For Configuring IntentToSegmentStrategy please refer to steps in the Segment Strategy screen ). Identify the Recommendations (Logic/Commercial). The Commercial Recommendations take precedence over the Logic Recommendations i.e., if there is a Commercial Recommendation in Position 1, the Logic recommendation will take Position 2 and 3. If all the positions are filled by Commercial Recommendation, then Logic Recommendation strategy execution is skipped. Commercial Recommendations are identified by providing both Customer current details and with all Eligible treatments from standard NBA funnel Strategy IdentifyCommercialRecommendations With identified Eligible pathways and customer current Details identify all the Logical Recommendations. Strategy IdentifyLogicRecommendation
With identified Eligible pathways and customer current Details identify all the Logical Recommendations. Strategy IdentifyLogicRecommendation If Pathway is “ToWatch” identify logic recommendation for Watch. Strategy IdentifyDeviceRecommendation If error message “Out Of Stock” is set, then NoRecommendation and error message will be sent further. Call sub-strategy DedupeSameRecommendations. As the name suggests, once we identify all 3 recommendations (combination of Logic and Commercial), this strategy is then used to de-dupe recommendations to provide up-to 3 distinct recommendations. CalculateNetRevenue strategy will calculate the netRevenue for each RecommendationID during recommendation. If there are no recommendations to the customer, setting the below properties and throwing an error message at the framework level (No recommendation is available for the customer). ModelDetails from the BDC Model. ProductRecommendationType=”Tariff”
397 ToPathway NoRecommendation =”Yes” DataPage Importing: D_ServicesForTariff Input:- 1. Tariff Identifier 2. Division Note:- The columns required from D_ServicesForT ariff to be configured in the AOM Config.
398 Customer Current Details Customer Current Details GetCustomerStarRating · Import the model score for the modelId=10 and set the customer star rating. GetTeamForAgentDivision · Based on the customer division, the team and division will be fetched from the Decision Data DivisionToTeam. To configure/create new refer the steps in Tool Division to Team mapping GetCurrentTariff · Get GPSL Data(Product Root) from the request and fetch all the customer related details from the database. The product roots required for to fetch the details are. o FulfilmentItemCode= Mobile Service o FulfilmentItemCode=Handset · Fetch the addon details from the GPSL and pc_account_service table. (Strategy:CalculateAddOnData). · Check if the customer has discount or not by importing GPSL data and SubscriptionInvoiceChargeList table (Strategy: CalculateCustomerDiscountFlag). · Get the list of addons and the addon cost by fetching GPSL data and decision data NetMafAddonListConfig. (Strategy: CalculateAddonCost). Configuring NetMafAddonListConfig Please refer Addon Group Screen. · Fetch tariff discount details from GPSL and pc_discount table (Strategy CalculateTariffDiscount) Decision Data: RangeMapping TariffGroups Configuring Range Mapping and Tariff Groups please refer Band Management and Tariff Groups screens · Calculates different PreS15Maf for the customer and select suitable PreS15Maf based on current Customer type (Strategy CalculateS15MafandBand)
399 Configuring And Evaluating Commercial Recommendations Configuring And Evaluating Commercial Recommendations IdentifyCommercialRecommendations To get the eligible recommendations, all the tariffs, discounts, Addons, handsets for recommendation id and recommendation position are configured in the below decision data. Decision Data: CommercialRecommendations To create/configure new commercial recommendations refer steps in (Commercial Recommendations screen - Commercial Recommendations ) Commercial Recommendations that match with eligible pathways are returned. For example, if the eligible pathway is ToSIMO, SIMO related commercial recommendations are returned. Evaluation of cohorts using CustomerCohorts decision data. To create a new customer cohort, refer to steps in (cohorts screen URL - Cohorts Management ) Populate product details and check compatibility for each product. The product details included in this strategy are Tariff, Discount, Addon/Service, Handset, AutoAddedAddOn / AutoAddedDiscount. Strategy: GetProductDetailAndEvaluateCompatibility Validate the commercial recommendations eligible for Grow rule by fetching data from UpgradeLifeCycleS15RuleConfig decision data. (Strategy: - CheckUpgradeLifeCycleS15Rule). If there are any handset products, populate stock details from the D_GetStockAvailability Data page. If the GSA service is successful then stock details will be sent, if not handset will be dropped.(Strategy: GetStockDetails). Tariff PC_Tariff_v D_EligibleTariffsForDept EvaluateTariffVisibility Addon PC_Acct_Service_v D_ServicesForTariff EvaluateServiceCompatibility Discount PC_Discount_v D_DiscountsForTariff EvaluateDiscountVisibilityCompa tibility Handset PC_Paym_Handset_v D_EligibleHandsetsForTariff EvaluateHandsetCompatibility AutoAddedAddOn D_DiscountsForTariff GetPromotionalAddonsListDetail s
AutoAddedAddOn D_DiscountsForTariff GetPromotionalAddonsListDetail s AutoAddedDiscount D_ServicesForTariff GetPromotionalDiscountsListDet ailsProduct Type Set details from DB Data page used for evaluation Strategy used for compatibility
400 Configuring and Evaluating Logic Recommendations Configuring and Evaluating Logic Recommendations Identifying Logic Recommendation for Handset GetRecommendedHandset For secondary context NBA, get the devices from BDC model and get the sellable device from D_SellablePaymHandsetBySKU datapage. For RefineBy, get the recommended device from the list of devices from D_SellablePaymHandsets datapage prioritize based on handset model, device storage, and device color. Get the stock details from D_GetStockAvailability datapage. If stock is available then get the top device. Set Error message “Out Of Stock”, if secondary context is “RefineBy”, max quantity=0 and quantity status=”Stock Details Unavailable”/”Preorderable ”/”Backorderable”. If error message is set then tariff and discounts will not get executed. To configure devices in BDC, the customer should have the device under the model score 6. Data page: D_SellablePaymHandsetBySKU GetRecommendedTariff The below decision data are used to configure recommended tariffs. Decision Data: RecommendationBlocks S15Threshold – For S15ThresholdValue (refer steps to configure in PM Tool S15Threshold ) Get the eligible tariffs from the product catalogue (Strategy: GetListofActiveTariffs) and BDC models based on the customer current information. Data page: D_EligibleTariffsForDept (get list of eligible tariffs based on the division, channel and team of the customer). Decision Data: TariffGroups – to get eligible tariff groups. (Refer steps to configure in PM Tool Tariff Groups ) To validate the recommendations blocks eligible for Grow rule configure in the decision data (UpgradeLifeCycleS15RuleConfig) Tariff blocks are evaluated based on below table.
401 CalculateUpgradeDiscount Identify if the recommended tariffs are with auto add-ons and discounts and recommended tariffs and discounts are fixed or not, if not then get the discounts (Upsell, PriceMatrix, SegmentOf1). Data page: D_DiscountsForTariff – For eligible auto discounts for the tariff Decision Data: 1. AssistedUpgradeTeamDiscountConfig – Discount’s configuration refers steps in PM Tool. 2. AssistedUpgradeUpsellDiscountConfig – Upsell Discount Configuration (Refer steps in PM Tool Upsell Discount Config ) 3. PriceMatrix - PriceMatrix Discount Configuration in PM Tool 4. SegmentOf1DiscountStrategy - SegmentOf1 Discount configuration in PM Tool Segment Of 1 Discount Identifying Logic Recommendation for Watch Tariff, Discount, and Device for watch subscriptions will be identified in IdentifyDeviceRecommendation strategy. There are three substrategies called for each of these items: GetRecommendedWatch Check if the customer is eligible for loan. If not, no watch device will be recommended for the subscription. For NBA Mode, identify the recommended device manufacturer for the recommendation based on the customer’s existing devices on watch and primary subscriptions (Strategy: Identify Manufacturer). For both RefineBy and NBA modes, watch devices will be retrieved from D_SellablePaymHandsets datapage (DeviceType:"Watch"), and for each device, stock details will be retrieved from D_GetStockAvailability datapage. Pick the most expensive watch device for the recommendation. For RefineBy mode, set error message as “Out Of Stock” if there is no available device (Quantity = 0 and Quantity Status !=” Stock Details Unavailable”/”Preorderable ”/”Backorderable”) and skip Tariff and Discount calculations. GetRecommendedTariffForWatch
GetRecommendedTariffForWatch Substrategy: GetWatchTariffList will provide eligible tariffs for watch subscriptions retrieved from D_EligibleTariffsforDepartment data page (For now there is only a single tariff for watch subscriptions and the criteria are SegmentofTariff = "Loan" and SIMOnly="Y" and Category="Access Plan"). Pick the most expensive Tariff for the recommendation. CalculateDiscountForWatch Only if the watch customer's primary service number is on the relevant tariff (Tariff Benefit includes keyword "50% off Watch Connectivity"), watch subscription will be eligible for discount.T1(Higher Data) Strategy: T1Logic TariffBlock = T1 && RecommendedTariffData > Current Data T2(Same Data) Strategy: T2Logic TariffBlock = T2 && Check if RecommendedGroupCoverage >= CurrentTariffGroupCoverage Otherwise RecommendedTariffData >= CurrentData T3(Highest Propensity) Strategy: T3Logic TariffBlock = T3 && Higher propensity Tariff via Model as compared to logic T4(Higher then Recommended) Strategy: T4Logic TariffBlock = T4 && Recommendations Higher then T1Tariff Block Strategy & Decision Data Rule
402 Get the compatible discounts for the recommended tariff from D_DiscountsForTariff data page. Filter Discount list on Discount Name contains “50% off Smartwatch Connectivity” and Discount Type is Percentage. Select the max discount value from the list. DecomposeRecommendation This strategy will be executed for both handset and watch recommendations Decompose the recommendations at product level. If Handset product, get handset loan details. Get the details for auto added addon’s and discounts for the respective recommended tariffs from the below data pages. Data page: - D_ServicesForTariff - fetch auto added Add-ons related details. D_DiscountsForTariff – fetch auto added discounts related details.
403 Get Product List API Get Product List API is part of Assisted Upgrade functionality that returns one of the below lists based on the .ProductType passed in the request context. 1. Device List if .ProductType = Handset 2. Tariff List if .ProductType = Tariff 3. Insurance List if .ProductType = Insurance 4. Addon List if .ProductType = AddOn 5. Discount List if .ProductType = Discount Along with above, other context and basket (line item) data is also passed that are detailed in following sections. Pre-requisites Most of the subscription/customer data is already populated by GetCustomer API call, before making get product list call barring a few, which are added/composed in: Data Flow: PrepareDataForGetRecommendation. Customer intent is also evaluated by calling: Data flow: IdentifyCustomerIntentsForGetRecommendation. GetCustomer api call populates Data Set: SubscriptionXCAR. So the customer must be present in this data set for a successful GetProductList api call. Data coming from BDC Model is present in below two data sets, both added to Subscription data in .BDCRecommendationList in Data flow: PrepareDataForGetRecommendation. 1. UniversalTariffRecommendation 2. DeviceRecommendation Above data sets are populated by BDC Loader. Sequence of flow is: Rest API call with a valid request Activity: GetProductList Data flow: GetProductList Strategy: GetProductList - This in turn calls relevant strategies depednding on the product type in request Logic returns individual SR pages with pre-defined response types and rank along with relevant output attributes to be displayed on the UI. Sample API request
UI. Sample API request To mimick the actual api call and to test the logic end to end, Soap UI software is used to send the request and get a response. (It’s upto the developer’s to choose which software to use). A sample API request will look like below. { "OwnerAccountNumber": "049946012", "SubscriptionId": "-307578989",
404 "AgentId": "53243463", "Division": "Webchat Saves", "Channel": "retail", "SubChannel": "retail", "OrderType": "34443", "CaseId": "U-450043", "DealId": "1", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "Tariff", "LoanEligibilityStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "LineItems": [ { "ProductId": "110017", "ProductType": "Tariff" } ] } If wrong SubscriptionId is passed, error is {"Error": "Subscription Not Found"} Get Device List Returns list of device(s). i) Handsets OR ii) Watches Strategy: GetDeviceList The main data page to get tariff data is: D_SellablePayMHandsets that gets data mainly from database view: pc_paym_handset_v and few other views. DeviceType parameter of the datapage is set as ”Handset” or “Watch” depending on the upgrading subscription type. Before returning the device list as response, logic needs to check if the top 5 devices have available stock. This is done by calling strategy: GetStockDetails that calls Data Page: D_GetStockAvailability. Sample API request - Handset { "OwnerAccountNumber": "049946012", "SubscriptionId": "-211571596", → The customer "AgentId": "53243463", "Division": "Customer Relations", "Channel": "retail", "SubChannel": "retail", "OrderType": "34443", "CaseId": "U-450043", "DealId": "1", "RecommendationId": "U-45004",
"DealId": "1", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "Handset", → Must be Handset "LoanEligibilityStatus": "ELIGIBLE", → This is important. To check the loan eligibility status. "LineItems": [ → Line Items not used in get device list logic, but may be present in request. { "ProductId": "110017",
405 "ProductType": "Handset" } ] } Sample API request - Watch { "OwnerAccountNumber": "3180076771", "SubscriptionId": "-307578989", "AgentId": "53243463", "Division": "Customer Retention", "Channel": "InboundCC", "SubChannel": "retail", "OrderType": "34443", "CaseId": "447387988725", "DealId": "1", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "Handset", "LoanEligibilityStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "PrimarySubscriptionId": "-212978131", → Customer’s Primary Subscription "LineItems": [ { "ProductId": "205572", "ProductType": "Handset" } ] } Get Tariff List Returns list of tariff(s) for a watch/non-watch CTN. Strategy: GetTariffList The main data page to get tariff data is: D_EligibleTariffsForDept that gets data from database view: pc_eligible_tariffs_dept_v. For watch subscriptions, GetWatchTariffList sub-strategy will be called which is also used by Get Recommendation Logic. To calculate maximum discount for a tariff, call is made to sub-strategy: CalculateMaxDiscountForTariff, that uses the Data page: D_DiscountsForTariff to get data from database view: pc_discounts_tariff_v. Due to performance concerns count of tariff to calculate “Max Discount” needs to be configurable. To achieve this, a configurable value is present in AOM Business Config that is retrieved in the logic as:
present in AOM Business Config that is retrieved in the logic as: D_VFUKFWAOMFWDataAOMBusinessConfig[ConfigType:"MaxRecord",ConfigName:"MaxRecordForTariff"].ConfigValue AOM Business Config screenshot:
406 Sample API request with Tariff in Basket { "OwnerAccountNumber": "049946012", "SubscriptionId": "-211571596", → The customer "AgentId": "53243463", "Division": "Customer Relations", → Used to get data from data page: D_InsurancesForHandset "Channel": "retail", "SubChannel": "retail", "OrderType": "34443", "CaseId": "U-450043", "DealId": "1", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "Tariff", → Must be Tariff "LoanEligibilityStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "LineItems": [ { "ProductId": "110017", "ProductType": "Tariff" → Tariff in basket } ] } Sample API request with Handset in Basket { "OwnerAccountNumber": "049946012", "SubscriptionId": "-211571596", → The customer "AgentId": "53243463", "Division": "Customer Relations", → Used to get data from data page: D_InsurancesForHandset "Channel": "retail", "SubChannel": "retail", "OrderType": "34443",
407 "CaseId": "U-450043", "DealId": "1", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "Tariff", → Must be Tariff "LoanEligibilityStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "LineItems": [ { "ProductId": "203399", → Check tariff to handset compatibility using DP: D_EligibleTariffsForHandset "ProductType": "Handset" → Handset in basket } ] } Sample API request for watch subscription { "OwnerAccountNumber": "3180076771", "SubscriptionId": "-307578989", "AgentId": "53243463", "Division": "Webchat Saves", "Channel": "InboundCC", "SubChannel": "retail", "OrderType": "34443", "CaseId": "447387988725", "DealId": "1", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "Tariff", "LoanEligibilityStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "PrimarySubscriptionId": "-212978131", → Customer’s Primary Subscription "LineItems": [ { "ProductId": "112168", "ProductType": "Tariff" } ] } Get Insurance List Returns list of Insurance for the handset in the basket. Strategy: GetInsuranceList The main data page to get insurance data is: D_InsurancesForHandset that gets data from database view: pc_insurance_service_handset_dept_v. Records returned by the data page with ServiceGroup3 = Insurance are not considered. Also optional and mandatory auto added products are not considered. Sample API request {
408 "OwnerAccountNumber": "049946012", "SubscriptionId": "-211571596", → The customer "AgentId": "53243463", "Division": "Customer Relations", → Used to get data from data page: D_InsurancesForHandset "Channel": "retail", "SubChannel": "retail", "OrderType": "34443", "CaseId": "U-450043", "DealId": "1", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "Insurance", → Must be Insurance "LoanEligibilityStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "LineItems": [ { "ProductId": "203399", → Identifier: used to get data from data page: D_InsurancesForHandset "ProductType": "Handset" → Must be Handset only } ] } Get AddOn List Returns list of AddOn for the tariff in the basket. Strategy: GetAddOnListForEditDeal The main data page to get add on data is: D_ServicesForTariff that gets data from database view: pc_services_tariff_v. Sample API request { "OwnerAccountNumber": "049946012", "SubscriptionId": "-211571596", → The customer "AgentId": "53243463", "Division": "Customer Relations", → Used to get data from data page: D_ServicesForTariff "Channel": "retail", "SubChannel": "retail", "OrderType": "34443", "CaseId": "U-450043", "DealId": "1", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "AddOn", → Must be AddOn
"ProductType": "AddOn", → Must be AddOn "LoanEligibilityStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "LineItems": [ { "ProductId": "110017", → Identifier: used to get data from data page: D_ServicesForTariff "ProductType": "Tariff" → Must be Tariff only } ] }
409 Get Discount List Returns list of discount for the tariff in the basket for a watch connectivity. Strategy: GetDiscountList The main data page to get discount data is: D_DiscountsForTariff that gets data from database view: pc_discounts_tariff_v. Auto added discounts are not considered. For watch subscriptions, CalculateDiscountForWatch sub-strategy will be called which is also used by Get Recommendation Logic. Sample API request { "OwnerAccountNumber": "049946012", "SubscriptionId": "-211571596", → The customer "AgentId": "53243463", "Division": "Customer Relations", → Used to get data from data page: D_DiscountsForTariff "Channel": "retail", "SubChannel": "retail", "OrderType": "34443", "CaseId": "U-450043", "DealId": "1", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "Discount", → Must be Discount "LoanEligibilityStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "LineItems": [ { "ProductId": "111822", → Identifier: used to get data from data page: D_DiscountsForTariff "ProductType": "Tariff" → Must be Tariff only } ] } Sample API request - Watch Subscription { "OwnerAccountNumber": "3180076771", "SubscriptionId": "-307578989", "Division": "Customer Retention", "Channel": "InboundCC", "SubChannel": "retail", "OrderType": "34443", "CaseId": "447387988725", "DealId": "1", "RecommendationId": "U-45004",
"DealId": "1", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "Discount", "PrimarySubscriptionId": "-212978131", → Customer’s Primary Subscription "AgentId":"123", "LineItems": [ { "ProductId": "112168",
410 "ProductType": "Tariff", "PriceIncludingVAT": "30" } ] } Additional plan discounts should be identified in AOM Business Config with AdditionalPlanDiscountCode config name and config type. Existing APD codes: 110135, 111630, 104883, 112977 (ADO-363828)
411 Validate Basket API Sequence of flow 1. API call/request 2. Service endpoint URL ”” (POST method) 3. Activity: ValidateBasket 4. Data flow: ValidateBasket 5. Strategy: ValidateBasket 6. Response back to the API (SR pages) Sample API request (for end-to-end testing via Soap UI) { "OwnerAccountNumber": "049946012", "SubscriptionId": "-211571596", "AgentId": "53243463", "Division": "Customer Relations", "Channel": "InboundCC", "SubChannel": "VADR", "OrderType": "34443", "CaseId": "U-450043", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "SecondaryContext": "Swap", "RecentProductType": "Handset", "RecentProductId": "112332", "LineItems": [ { "ProductId": "112332", "ProductName": "Test Tariff", "ProductType": "Tariff", "DisplayName": "Test Tariff", "Tenure": 12, "PriceExcludingVAT": 50 }, { "ProductId": "090856", "ProductName": "Test Handset", "ProductType": "Handset", "DisplayName": "Test Handset", "MaximumTenure": 14, "PriceExcludingVAT": 50 } ]
412 } Configurations Validate Basket logic calls sub-strategy: CalculateNetRevenue, that calculates Agent’s Commissions. Strategy CalculateNetRevenue sets below two attributes by getting the values from AOM Business Config. D_VFUKFWAOMFWDataAOMBusinessConfig[ConfigType:"AssumedAddonTenure",ConfigName:"AssumedAddonTenure"].ConfigValue D_VFUKFWAOMFWDataAOMBusinessConfig[ConfigType:"SecuredNetServiceIdentifier",ConfigName:"SecuredNetServiceIdentifier"].Confi gValue AOM Business Config configuration CalculateNetRevenue makes a call to Data page: D_ServicesForTariff that gets data from database view: pc_services_tariff_v.
413 Validate Basket logic calls sub-strategy: CheckEarlyUpgradeForBasket that uses Decision Data: UpgradeLifeCycleS15RuleConfig. This DD holds values that are required to ascetain the GrowS15 flag for the customer. E.g. Validate Basket logic calls sub-strategies: CalculateBasketFinancials and CalculateMaxDiscountForBasket. These strategies make use of Decision Data: NetMafAddonListConfig. This DD holds the value for S15Flag (Y or N) for basket’s Insurance and AddOn product codes. E.g. To check if the recently added AddOn in the basket is compatible with a service, in Strategy: EvaluateServiceToServiceCompatability, Data Page: D_InCompServiceIdsForService is called that gets data from database view: pc_service_service_incomp_v.
414 VF Together Offers VF Together Offers are presented to only Customers having an HBB Account. Strategy:GetEligibleVFTogetherOffersforAccount If Customer has an HBB Account, we will find eligible VF Together Offers by querying below data page D_CalculatedOffersForUpgrade for each RecommendedTariffCode (Input : Upgrading MSISDN, Account Number,Department, Channel,TariffID Output : List of VT Together Offers customer eligible) For each eligible VF Together offer identify RecommendedTariffcode(as TariffID used in querying) and RecommendedPosition(same Position of RecommendedTariffCode ) With list of VF Together Offer & qualifier details for account (for each RecommendedTariffCode,RecommendedPosition) identify Offers, Qualifiers and Rewards by using below strategies SetOutputPropertiesforVFTOffers(considering Upgrading Line as offers) SetOutputPropertiesforVFTQualifierData SetOutputPropertiesforVFTRewardData For identifying rewards we use data page D_EligibleCombiBundleQualifierReward for each unique CombiOfferId +QualifyingCriteriaID combination (Input: OfferID ,QualifyingCriteriaID Output : List of rewards that the offer gives for QualifyingCriteriaID)
415 Configuring Offers, Offer Variants, Treatments, Treatment Variants Offers The assisted upgrade offers are configured under following criteria and apply eligibility rules to identify the eligible offers. Business Purpose: Renew Execution Mode : NBAA Channel: InboundCC Strategy: IdentifyEligibleOffers, IdentifyEligibleRenewOffers Configuring Offers in PM Tool To create a new offer refer to steps in Offer Related Screens.Renew UpgradeMobileToSIMO30 Subscription is NOT Watch AND Subscription is Consumer Postpay AND Customer Is Mobile ServiceNBAA Renew UpgradeMobileToHandset Subscription is NOT Watch AND Subscription is Consumer Postpay AND Customer Is Mobile Service NBAA Renew UpgradeMobileToSIMO Subscription is NOT Watch AND Subscription is Consumer Postpay AND Customer Is Mobile ServiceNBAA Renew UpgradeAddOn Subscription is Consumer Postpay AND Customer Is Mobile Service AND Eligible for Recommendation from CRENBAA Renew UpgradeHandset is DISABLED Subscription is Consumer Postpay AND Customer Is Mobile Service AND Eligible for Recommendation from CRENBAA Renew UpgradeDiscount Subscription is Consumer Postpay AND Customer Is Mobile Service AND Eligible for Recommendation from CRENBAA Renew UpgradeDevice Subscription is Consumer Postpay AND Customer Is Mobile Service AND Eligible for Recommendation from CRENBAA Renew UpgradeSmartWatch Subscription is Watch NBAABusiness Purpose OfferName Offer Eligibility Execution Mode
416 OfferVariants OfferVariants are configured under business issue ‘Renew’ and apply below eligibility rules for the respective offer variant to identify the eligible offer variants. Offer variant eligibility rules are configured in the Strategy RetentionRules3. Strategy: ApplyRenewOfferVariationsEligibility Configuring OffersVariants in PM Tool To create a new offer variant refer to steps in Offer Variant. Treatments Below are the treatments configured for Assisted Upgrade for InboundCC channel. The column Max children is used for parent child association. Only parent treatments are configured with max children in order to make the association with children. Configuring Treatments in PM Tool To configure new treatments for Assisted Upgrade refer to the steps to be configured in PM tool. Treatment related screens Normal !Subscription is SIMO AND Out of Commitment AND CRE Type is NORMAL FlexUpgrade !Subscription is SIMO AND !Contract Start day in last 180 days AND ! Out of Commitment AND CRE Type is FLEXUPGRADE NormalSIMOFlex Subscription is SIMO AND Out of Commitment AND CRE Type is NORMALSIMOFLEX SIMOFlex Subscription is SIMO AND !Contract Start day in last 14 days AND ! Out of Commitment AND CRE Type is SIMOFLEXOfferVariants Eligibility Rules UpgradeMobileToHandset_InboundCC InboundCC 3 UpgradeMobileToSIMO_InboundCC InboundCC -1 UpgradeMobileToSIMO30_InboundCC InboundCC 0 UpgradeDiscount_InboundCC InboundCC UpgradeAddon_InboundCC InboundCC UpgradeHandset_InboundCC is DISABLED InboundCC UpgradeDevice_InboundCC InboundCC
UpgradeHandset_InboundCC is DISABLED InboundCC UpgradeDevice_InboundCC InboundCC UpgradeSmartWatch_InboundCC InboundCC 10TreatmentName Channel Max Children
417 Treatment Variants Below are the treatment variants configured for assisted upgrade. For tariff treatments variants the Recommendation subtype =T1,T2,T3,T4. For Discount Treatment variants the Recommendation SubType = Upsell,PriceMatrix,Segmentof1 For Service and Handset Treatment variants will be Default. Strategy: AllTreatmentsForEligibleOffers To configure new treatment variants in PM tool refer the steps Treatment Variation ParentChildTreatments The bundling of parent and child treatments will happen in the ParentChildTreatments Decision Data. Parent will have the number of children based on the maxchildren configured in the Treatments. For example if the Parent has maxchildren as 3, it cannot have more than 3 children. Similarly if the max children value is ‘-1’ the parent can have any number of children associated. (Strategy: ApplyBundling) Decision Data: OfferDecisionMix – provides the max offers for the execution mode and identifies the best treatment for NBAA. Strategy: IdentifyBestTreatmentForNBAA
418 Fix or Flex What is Fix or Flex? Business wants the ability to configure Tariff, Devices as fixed. If deal contains any “Fixed” product: - No additional discount will be recommended (exception is promotional discounts) - Toolkit discounts cannot be added in edit deal journey How to make a Tariff of Device Fixed? At product level it is done via PM Tool via attribute: .IsFixed = True or False. This data from PM Tool is pushed to .ProductAttributes DB table and in relevant data page import > Properties mapping, value is received in strategy. For example: Strategy: G e t R e c o m m e n d e d D e v i c e Data pages: D_SellablePaymHandsetBySKU and D_SellablePaymHandsets .RecommendedDeviceIsFixed = @if(@String.equalsIgnoreCase(.ProductAttributes(IsFixed),"True"),true,false) Strategy: GetListofActiveTariffs Data page: D_EligibleTariffsForDept .RecommendedTariffIsFixed = @if(@String.equalsIgnoreCase(.ProductAttributes(IsFixed),"True"),true,false) There are few other strategies related to tariff and device, where above attributes are retrieved as required, via relevant data import. More details are present in the design document. Also global level configurations will enable or disable fix flow via DD: GlobalFixedProductConfiguration in Strategy: GetGlobalFixedProductConfiguration. This strategy will determine the value of an attribute .IsFixedEnabled. So, till now we have values for the 3 required attributes in the tariff/device strategies: .RecommendedDeviceIsFixed, .RecommendedTariffIsFixed, .IsFixedEnabled And, final values based on the above are:
And, final values based on the above are: .RecommendedDeviceIsFixed = true if .RecommendedDeviceIsFixed = true && .IsFixedEnabled = true .RecommendedTariffIsFixed = true if .RecommendedTariffIsFixed = true && .IsFixedEnabled = true Configuring Decision Data: GlobalFixedProductConfiguration
419 The 3 main attributes of the DD are: - FixedProductEnabledChannel - FixedProductEnabledTeam - FixedProductEnabledOrderTypes And the unique key is combination of FixedProductEnabledChannel and FixedProductEnabledOrderTypes. Values in the DD are compared with values of .Channel, .Team and .OrderType. If the values match or the value in DD for an attribute is ‘ALL’, the device of tariff is marked fixed i.e. .IsFixedEnabled = true. Example snapshots of the DD
420 Validate Delete API Validate Delete API call is triggered when an AddOn or Insurance is deleted from the basket. It checks if PostS15 is higher or equal to PreS15 in case if the customer is in Early Upgrade period. If the condition is not provided, selected item won’t be deleted from the basket. Sequence of Flow: 1. API call/request Service endpoint URL 2. Activity: ValidateDelete 3. Data flow: ValidateDelete 4. Strategy: ValidateDelete 5. Response back to the API (SR pages) Sample API request { "AgentId":"53243463", "CaseId":"U-244002", "Channel":"InboundCC", "Division":"Webchat Saves", "LoanEligibilityStatus":"Eligible", "OrderType":"Upgrade", "OwnerAccountNumber":"XXXXXXX", "PrimaryContext":"ValidateDelete", "RecentProductId":"106211", "RecentProductType":"AddOn", "S15PostMAFDelta":"23.7346667", "SecondaryContext":"Delete", "SubscriptionId":"-XXXXXXX", "LineItems":[ { "ProductType":"Handset", "ProductId":"205146", "ProductName":"Apple iPhone 11" }, { "ProductId":"112685", "ProductName":"Bingo Test B Gold 24 month Unlimited", "ProductType":"Tariff", "ChildLineItems":[ { "Classification":"Promotion", "PriceExcludingVAT":"121.6", "ProductId":"106211",
"PriceExcludingVAT":"121.6", "ProductId":"106211", "ProductName":"Red+ Threshold 4GB", "ProductType":"AddOn" }
421 ] } ] } Sample API response If Addon or Insurance can’t be deleted DisplayMessage will be set as “Please select a higher tariff in order to delete this add on", otherwise no response will be returned.
422 Conditional investigation For RT APIs Summary This new capability will enable easier debugging/investigation functionality for all real-time call to AOM by writing conditionally to new C* Data Sets. The following DFs will be updated to provide this functionality . A. GetNBA (TradeIn, IVR) Refer D section in Below page. NBA FW - Conditional investigation function for RT APIs B. GetAssistedUpgrade (VADR) Refer F section in Below page. NBA FW - Conditional investigation function for RT APIs
423 Extractor Failure Scenario when Batch is Triggered As part of the R2.8 ADO: 370027 Revalidation for Batch is introduced. Whenever extractor run is failed due to some reason for batch and if the Email and SMS has been sent to few eligible customers. After rectifying the extractor issue and re-running the extractor again will avoid sending Email and SMS to the customers who already been received Email/SMS on that specific Extractor failed day with this new feature introduced as part of R2.8. So, for the other channels apart from Email and SMS, current extractor case logic handles the failure scenario like deleting failed extractor case records from the IH and removing files generated . For example, if the Treatments got eligible for OBCC Channel and written to IH for few customers and in between due to some reason extractor is failed. Then after rectifying the extractor case issue and re-run of the extractor removes previously entered records in IH. And inserts again records in the IH for the eligible customers in IH and creates new files for that. But, when extractor failed after Email/SMS is sent to the few customers. With the current Revalidation for the batch simply Reconfigure(Suspend and re-submit) the Campaign and run the Campaign again. This makes sure that Email/SMS is not sent twice on that day after the extractor issue is sorted out. Important Notes: In the data type AOMBusinessConfig, number of days is defined that how many days contention should be applied for Email and SMS channels. By Default it is 0(It means on the same extractor failure day, if issue is resolved and re-ran then Email/SMS will be not sent who already received on that day.)
be not sent who already received on that day.) If the extractor is failing today and the issue is resolved on the following day, then the values should be modified to 1 before the extractor run(so it avoids Email/SMS will be not sent who already received on the extractor failure day) Similarly, modify the value in the data type accordingly( Value should be the number of days between Extractor Failed Day and Extractor Resolved Day(Note: Re-running the extractor on the day it is resolved)) EmailRevalidationPeriod Email 0 SMSRevalidationPeriod SMS 0Config Name Config TypeValue EmailRevalidationPeriod Email 1 SMSRevalidationPeriod SMS 1Config Name Config TypeValue
424 OPTI KT: Second Line Digital Private Pricing Objective Digital platform calls AOM’s 2nd line private pricing functionality via API calls, to get a list of prioritised tariff plans, associated percentage discounts along with associated offers for a customer with an existing primary line product. This functionality is a part of existing APIs: GetNBA and GetProductList. Business Purpose = CrossSell Currently implemented only for CrossSell but has the scope to be extended to other business purposes. Channel in the API request = Web OrderType in the API request = In Life Sales This is passed in Get Product List API request to identify that the request is related to a 2nd line journey. For GetNBA, it is hard coded as ‘In Life Sales’ in the logic. Test Cell Management is new in 2nd Line PP, that is described in a separate section in the later part of this documentation. GetNBA API: 2nd Line PP is called in the GetNBA logic flow only for Offers for below Configuration @String.contains(.OfferCategory,"ADDITIONAL LINE") && @String.equalsIgnoreCase(.Channel,"Web") && @String.contains(.ProductGroup ,"Mobile") GetNBA request can either come from the 'Upgrades & Offers' page or the 'Options to Buy (OTB)' popup on the Digital platform. Logic distinguishes between these two sub-channels and determines which offers, treatment and templates to use. So SubChannel under the Web channel are: 'Purchase' - for 'Options to Buy (OTB)' popup 'UpgradesAndOffers' - for 'Upgrades & Offers' page Sample GetNBA API request with SubChannel = Purchase and PrimaryContext = Options_to_Buy { Identifier: { Account: { AccountNumber: "31521130702",
{ Identifier: { Account: { AccountNumber: "31521130702", Status: "Existing", Type: "Consumer" }, ServiceNumber: "447920130702" }, RequestorDetail: { Channel: "Web", SubChannel: "Purchase" }, Context: {
425 PrimaryContext: "Options_to_Buy", NoOfActions: 5, Detail: [] } } Sample GetNBA API request with SubChannel = UpgradesAndOffers and PrimaryContext = Upgrades_and_Offers { Identifier: { Account: { AccountNumber: "31521130702", Status: "Existing", Type: "Consumer" }, ServiceNumber: "447920130702" }, RequestorDetail: { Channel: "Web", SubChannel: "UpgradesAndOffers" }, Context: { PrimaryContext: "Upgrades_and_Offers", NoOfActions: 5, Detail: [] } } GetProductList API: Get Product List gets a list of available tariffs and discounts. There is no Business requirement for templates here. Sample GetProductList API request with Tariff in Line item (basket) { "OwnerAccountNumber": "169806809", "SubscriptionId": "-127975494", "AgentId": "53243463", "Division": "Webchat Saves", "Channel": "Web", "SubChannel": "UpgradesAndOffers", "OrderType": "In Life Sales", "CaseId": "CaseId", "RecommendationId": "RecommendationId", "ProductType": "Tariff", "LoanEligibilityStatus": "Eligible", "LineItems": [ { "ProductId": "112168", "ProductType": "Tariff" } ] }
426 Sample GetProductList API request with Handset in Line item (basket) { "OwnerAccountNumber": "169806809", "SubscriptionId": "-127975494", "AgentId": "53243463", "Division": "Webchat Saves", "Channel": "Web", "SubChannel": "UpgradesAndOffers", "OrderType": "In Life Sales", "CaseId": "CaseId", "RecommendationId": "RecommendationId", "ProductType": "Tariff", "LoanEligibilityStatus": "Eligible", "LineItems": [ { "ProductId": "204523", "ProductType": "Handset" } For both the APIs, response is sent to Digital, and Pega writes records to Interaction History and Interaction History reporting. Error Scenarios When the APIs are called, if the MSISDN is not recognised by AOM then an error should be returned. Likewise, if the supplied SKU is not recognised against any non-SIMO plan, then an error should be returned.