1 value
255 Apply Business Purpose Contact Strategy : Dropdown with Yes/No possible values Representation Rate : Mandatory for ApplyOfferSelfContentionStrategy ‘Yes’ and Integer accepts zero and positive Fallow Period For Positive Response : Mandatory for ApplyOfferSelfContentionStrategy ‘Yes’ and Integer accepts -1, 0 and positive Fallow Period For Negative Response : Mandatory for ApplyOfferSelfContentionStrategy ‘Yes’ and Integer accepts -1, 0and positive Fallow Period For Dismissed Response : Mandatory for ApplyOfferSelfContentionStrategy ‘Yes’ and Integer accepts -1, 0and positive Fallow Period For Engaged Response : Mandatory for ApplyOfferSelfContentionStrategy ‘Yes’ and Integer accepts -1, 0and positive Default Contract Tenure : Available for BusinessPurpose ‘Renew’ and accepts Integer Tariff Segment : Dropdown with Loan/CBU possible values Tariff Type : Dropdown with Handset/SIMOnly/Tablet/DataSIMOnly/Dongle/Gigacube/Device possible values Product Recommendation Type : Dropdown with Tariff/Discount/Handset/AddOn/Insurance/Accessory/Fee/Device/Data Device possible values To Pathway : Dropdown available for BusinessPurpose ‘Renew’ and with ToSIMO/ToHandset/ToSIMO30/ToWatch/ToMBBSimo/ToMBBDevice/ToMBBSimo30 possible values Squad Intent : Non mandatory multiselect and source from Intents screen Propensity Source : Dropdown with BDC as possible value Priority Score CutOff : Accepts double values Propensity Attribute : Non mandatory multiselect Customer Segments : Multiselect and source from CustomerSegment screen ModelId : Available and mandatory for PropensitySource ‘BDC’ and accepts decimal values Offer Expiry Interval: Dropdown with Days/Months/Years/Set possible values
Offer Expiry Interval: Dropdown with Days/Months/Years/Set possible values Offer Expiry : Available and mandatory for OfferExpiryInterval ‘Set’ and DateTime control will be available Offer Expiry : Available and Mandatory for OfferExpityInterval Days/Months/Years and accepts Integer Fallow Period For Offer Expiry Interval : Dropdown available when OfferExpiryInterval and OfferExpiry are not null with Days/Months/Years/Set/OnetimeExpiry possible values Fallow Period For Offer Expiry : Mandatory and available as a DateTime for FallowPeriodForOfferExpiryInterval ‘Set’ Fallow Period For Offer Expiry : Mandatory and available as a Integer For FallowPeriodForOfferExpiryInterval Days/Months/Years/OnetimeExpiry Test Group : Dropdown and source from TestCellManagement screen Offer Category : Multiselect with static data Product Group : Multiselect with static data Offer Eligibility RuleIDs : Accepts text Offer Execution Mode : Multiselect and source from OfferExecutionModes screen Applicable Channel : Multiselect and mandatory source from Channel screen Data will be pushed to Offers decision data of all business purposes
256 Offer To Offer Variations Offer To Offer Variations will be available under Artifacts menu Unique : OfferName and OfferVariationName Offer Name : Mandatory dropdown and source from Offer screen Offer Variation Name : Mandatory and source from OfferVariation screen Offer Dynamic Variable 1 : Mandatory and text input Product Code : Non mandatory and Text Input Rank : Mandatory Integer Enabled : Boolean Propensity Source : Dropdown with BDC possible value Propensity Attribute : Non Mandatory multiselect ModelId : Available and mandatory for propensity source ‘BDC’ Data will be pushed to OfferToOfferVariations decision data of all business purposes
257 Treatment Treatment will be available under Artifacts menu Unique : TreatmentID and TreatmentName are individual unique Offer Name : Mandatory and source from Offer screen Applicable Channel : Mandatory and source from Channel screen Treatment ID : Mandatory text Treatment Short Name : Mandatory text Description : Mandatory text Start Date : Mandatory End Date : Mandatory Treatment Weight : Mandatory integer accepts 0 and positive Apply Dedupe : Boolean Apply Channel Contention : Boolean Control Group Selection : Mandatory integer accepts from 0 to 100 Enabled : Boolean Contact List Number : Non mandatory integer accepts 0 and positive Rank : Non mandatory integer accepts 0 and positive Has Children : Non mandatory dropdown with Y/N possible values. Default to 'N' Max Children : Non Mandatory. Available when HasChildren ‘Y' and default to '-1’ Apply Treatment Self Contention Strategy : Non Mandatory dropdown with Yes/No possible values Fallow Period For Dismissed Response : Available and mandatory when Apply Treatment Self Contention Strategy 'true' Fallow Period For Engaged Response : Available and mandatory when Apply Treatment Self Contention Strategy 'true'
258 Impression Rate Period : Available and non mandatory when Apply Treatment Self Contention Strategy 'true' Maximum Impressions : Available and non mandatory when Apply Treatment Self Contention Strategy 'true' Applicable Sub Channel : Mandatory SubChannel : Source from SubChannel screen When a sub channel which has ApplyTemplates true is selected then all the sub channels which has ApplyTemplates false will be disabled and other sub channels which has ApplyTemplates true will be enabled for multi selection. When a sub channel which has ApplyTemplates false is selected then all the other sub channels will be disabled which behaves as a single selection. Enabled : Boolean Division : Displays division of respective subchannel from SubChannel screen Treatment Eligibility RuleIDs : Non mandatory text Data will be pushed to App, AppPush, DirectMail, eCare, Email, InboundCC, IVR, Microsite, MMS, OutboundCC, RCS, Retail, SMS, TOBi, Web decision data of all business purposes
259 ADO 1308311 Treatment Level Self Contention 1329830 Pre to post S15 Threshold: Update PM Tool to allow the S15 Threshold to be managed at Journey Level 1329761 Pre to post S15 Threshold: Being able to manage which Product Journey will trigger an S15 Threshold 1329834 Update the Early Upgrade MAF screen to support From /To support Evo Airtime plan only 1362935 PM Tool - discard selection at artifact level 1345814 AoM - pM Tool push no flushing Cache 1356851 HBB Lifecycle band Composite key- Technical US 1223103 Ability to utilise Quotes in Get NBA Treatment Properties1344463 Mandate 'Rank' property in 'Offer To Offer Variations' and 'Treatment To Treatment Variations' screens on PMTool
260 Designer Studio : How-To Designer studio is one of the developer portal,from where most of the development takes place. In this article we will see below topics: 1.
261 Eligibility Rules: How-To If you get any requirement to create a new rule,Please do follow below steps: Step 1: Get the Rule ID from Config Manager. Step 2: Once the Rule ID is available,Understand the rule description. Step 3: Identify the strategy where we need to implement the rule (or) get info from config manager. Find the rules library sheet from the below link. Step 4: (i) If it is Existing strategy, 1. Open the strategy to identify the rule-set and rule-set version in which we need to make the change. 2. If the strategy is available in the desired rule-set and its version,Checkout the strategy to implement the new rule. 3. If the strategy is not available in the desired rule-set and version,Save-as the strategy in to the required rule-set and its version. Step 4: (ii) If it is new strategy, 1. Identify the name of the Strategy. 2. Identify the applies-to-class of the strategy. 3. Identify the Rule-set and Rule-set version. 4. Create the new strategy using above details. Creating New Rule in a strategy: To Create a new rule in a strategy, 1. Identify the Data Source on which we need to write the condition. 2. Find out the Suitable Component to write the Condition. 3. Implement the logic according to the Rule Description and connect the final component to results Component. Example: Lets consider an example of simple rule. 1. Open the Strategy and add required component to write the Condition. In this example,we’ve used switch component to write the condition.
condition. 2. Name the component with the Rule ID and Rule description and Implement the logic according to the Rule Description.AOM Rules Library Make sure the rule component is connected to Results component,otherwise we cannot find the rule in the proposition filter to map. Rule contains 2 parts- Rule ID and Rule Description. 1. Rue ID : GBL003 2. Rule Description : Subscription Has Android Device
262 If the Condition results true,Then it is Eligible,Otherwise it is Ineligible. 3. Connect the Rule Component to the Results Component.
263 Proposition Filters- How To Creating Proposition Filters: Step 1: Go To Records Explorer → Right Click on Decision → Create → Proposition Filter Step 2: Specify the Name of the proposition Filter in the Label field. Step 3: Identify the Business Issue and Group to get the proposition data to Proposition filter. Overview : In Pega, Propositions are what we are offering to the customers. Proposition filters are the rules that provides the link between Proposition and Its eligibility rules. For each proposition, we can have certain rules. If all the rules which are mapped to the proposition are satisfied for a customer, then the customer is eligible to get that offer/proposition. Get the relevant and Unique name for the proposition filter
264 Step 4: Identify the applies-to-class of the proposition filter and fill the Apply to field with the class. Step 5: Identify and select the rule set and Version from the drop-down. Step 6: Click on Create and Open. Step 7: Checkout the rule, Go to default Criteria tab, Select the default criteria as per the requirement . Make sure you’ve added/pushed the required propositions from Pm Tool to the decision data. Note : All the proposition Filters should be available in the AOMFW-Business-Artifacts Rule set. Checkout : If you check out a rule no one else can check-out that rule and make changes to it until you checks it in.
265 Mapping Rules to Propositions: Step 1: Get the list of rules to be mapped to each proposition. Step 2: Understand the rule and identify whether it is implemented (existing rule) or not Implemented (new rule). Step 3: (I) If it is Existing Rule,Then go to step 4. Step 3: (II) If it is New rule, Then visit Eligibility Rules: How-To page to create a new rule. Step 4: Select the proposition to which we need to map the eligibility rule. Step 5: Click on Add Criteria button to add the Eligibility Criteria. Step 6: From the Drop down,Select the appropriate Operation (Group AND’ s or Group OR’ s or Advanced Logic)
266 Step 7: Select the strategy from the first drop-down,in which the rule is available. Step 8: Select has results for option from the second drop-down. Step 9: Select the Component name(Rule Description) from the third drop-down. Step 10 : Save the rule. Step 11: Repeat the same steps for each proposition. Step 12 : If it is done for all propositions, Check-in the proposition filter. Default criteria would be evaluated only if the Include Check box is enabled. Mostly it would be disabled, if we have set of rules to be evaluated for a proposition.
267 Re-validation for Outbound Channels : How-To Steps: 1. Create a data flow and get the latest customer responses from the Interaction History and compose the data required by the rules involved in the Re-validation strategy. 2. Create a Re-validation strategy and write the conditions/rules required for the Re-validation. 3. Add a call to the strategy in the Re-validation data-flow. 4. Configure the data flow to be executed in the Case run. Data-Flow: Strategy: Configure all the conditions/rules required for the Re-validation.Purpose of Re validation: Re-validation means re validating the offer/proposition that is being offered to a customer. Let us say, an offer is made to a customer, but no response is received on that offer from the customer. However if the customer later accepts the offer during the extractor run and a response is recorded in the IH,then we should not send the same offer to the customer. For this purpose we re-validate all the offers that are eligible for the customer in Extractor process.
268 Squad Zone Strategies: How-To In Vodafone application each business-purpose is treated as a Squad. Consider an example of Cross Sell Business Purpose. All the propositions (Offers,Treatments, Variations) that is applicable to Cross Sell Business purpose is available Under Cross Sell Issue in the proposition landing page. Refer the screen shot,to Navigate to the proposition landing page. Here are some strategies,Where we’re Importing each squad/Business Purpose to be used in the logic. ImportAllOffers ImportAllOfferVariations ImportAllOfferToOfferVariations ImportAllTreatments ImportAllTreatmentVariations ImportAllTreatmentToTreatmentVariations Following strategies are placed in Business Artifacts rule set,so that Squad developers can work on it. Offers: Identify Eligible Up sell Offers Identify Eligible Retention Offers Identify Eligible Service Offers Identify Eligible Retain Offers Identify Eligible Renew Offers Identify Eligible Cross Sell Offers Identify Eligible TradeIn Offers Identify Eligible Care Offers Offer Variations: ApplyTradeInOfferVariations Eligibility ApplyUpsellOfferVariations Eligibility ApplyRetentionOfferVariationsEligibility ApplyServiceOfferVariationsEligibility ApplyRetainOfferVariationsEligibility ApplyRenewOfferVariationsEligibility Some of the Squad zone strategies are placed in AOMFW-Business-Artifacts rule set to be updated by the different squad developers
269 ApplyCrossSellOfferVariationsEligibility ApplyCareOfferVariationsEligibility Treatments: ApplyUpsellTreatmentEligibility ApplyCrossSellTreatmentEligibility ApplyRetainTreatmentEligibility ApplyRetentionTreatmentEligibility ApplyRenewTreatmentEligibility ApplyCareTreatmentEligibility ApplyTradeInTreatmentEligibility ApplyServiceTreatmentEligibility Treatment Variations: IdentifyUpsellTreatmentVariations IdentifyCrosssellTreatmentVariations IdentifyRenewTreatmentVariations IdentifyRetainTreatmentVariations IdentifyServiceTreatmentVariations IdentifyRetentionTreatmentVariations IdentifyTradeInTreatmentVariations IdentifyCareTreatmentVariations Creating New Squad: When we get a new requirement to add a new Squad,Then follow the below procedure. 1. Add a new Squad to the Structure i:e to the proposition landing page as below. Business Issue: 2. Add all the groups required by the newly added issue. Ex: Offers,Email,SMS,OB CC,Offer Variations etc. Group:
270 3. The relevant data should be Added/pushed to each decision data. 4. Create new proposition filters for the new Squad in respective Issue-Group and map the eligibility rules. Ex: <<Squad>>Offers Eligibility, <<Squad>>OfferVariationsEligibility etc. 5. Update required Squad Zone Strategies(listed above) to include the new Squad and new proposition filter. When we create a new Group,It internally creates a new decision data with the same group name.
271 Recognize the capability change : How-To Recognizing a capability change: If we get any requirement,we need to identify whether it is new functionality or a change to existing one. 1. If it is a new functionality to be implemented,then it is a Capability Change. 2. If the change need to be addressed in a rule set other than the AOMFW-Business-Artifacts rule set, then it is a capability change. In Vodafone, all the decisioning logic is handled by two teams. 1. Capability Team. 2. Optimization Team. Based on the requirement we’ll decide if it goes to Capability or optimization team.
272 Unit Testing NBA FW - Reconfigure Volume Constraint Process in Batch Mode Unit Testing: For unit testing the strategy, IdentifyBestOBTreatmentsByBatch follow the below steps to avoid the run time error. 1. Run the activity I n i t i a l i s e T r e a t m e n t B u c k e t s manually to initialize the buckets. Additional Information: As part of this new feature, for the BatchNBA case, 1. New step initialisation of treatment buckets is added (Buckets are initialised in this step for treatments having max capacity set) 2. Delete of Buckets step is introduced after Identifybestobtreatmentsbybatch Dataflow is triggered.
273 Output Properties:
274 Output Properties: How-To Steps to create Output Properties: Step 1 : In the designing phase, decide which output properties are needed. Step 2 : Create the output properties in the SR Class. Step 3 : If required,create a new strategy and set the required values to each output property using set property component. Step 4 : Once the strategy is available,add a call to the strategy in the main strategy. Step 5 : Use the strategy in the data flow. Example Scenarios: Scenario 1: Consider if we need to Create a new Output property for Batch Email Channel. 1. Here Channel= “Email” && Execution Mode=”Batch”. 2. Find out Corresponding strategy from the below references. 3. PopulateOutputPropertiesForEmailByBatch is the strategy we’re using for Email Output property mapping. 4. Create a new Output property in SR class. 5. Checkout the strategy and find the Relevant component to add the mapping. 6. Map the properties as shown below.Overview: When we run any AOM Process, it outputs the Best Offer to the customer according to the customer’s eligibility. If the Offer is to be delivered through the Email and SMS Channels,The Pega marketing Email & SMS Campaigns will deliver the Selected Offer to the customers. If it is to be delivered through other channels, we write all the details of the selected Offer along with the customer details to an Output file.Output properties are the fields that are required for the Extractor Output file. Output Properties are specific to the channel. It may vary for each channel. Some of the Output properties (Data tokens) are used by Templates. (Ex: Email and SMS) Email and SMS Output properties are used by Templates.
Email and SMS) Email and SMS Output properties are used by Templates. We can directly map a value to the Property or we can get the value from other property as well.
275 7.Unit test the strategy to make sure the value is populated correctly. Now the Output property can be used in Email Template as shown below. Scenario 2: Consider if we need to Create a new Output property for ProcessEvent( T2s) OutboundCC Channel. 1. Here Channel= “OutboundCC” && Execution Mode=”ProcessEvent”. 2. Find out Corresponding strategy from the below references. 3. PopulateOutputPropertiesForT2S is the strategy we’re using to map OutboundCC Channel Output property mapping . 4. Create a new Output property in SR class. 5. Checkout the strategy and find the Relevant component to add the mapping. 6. Map the properties as shown below. OBCC & DM Output properties are used by Extractor Output files.
276 Set Property Component: The Set property component is used to set a value to a Property. It can be direct value or value from other property or Output of an expression (ex: true,false). To add a new set property component: 1. Right Click on the strategy Canvas. 2. Go to Enrichment Category. 3. Select Set Property Component.( A new shape will be added to strategy Canvas.) 4. Specify the Name of the Component in the label field & Right click on the Set property component to open the properties panel. As OBCC && DM Channel Output properties are used by Output files, The Output property information(Name) should be given to app Team. They 'll make changes to their activity to include your new Output property in the generated output file.
277 5. Select Set Operation to set a value to a property. 6. In the first text box select the name of the property to which we’re setting the value where as in the second text box Specify value/property/expression as shown below. 7. Click on Submit. 8. Then Connect the Set property Component to results component. References of how Output properties are configured for each Channel(Existing): 1. Execution Mode : Batch & Channel : Email The Email Output properties are used by Treatment Templates. In Treatment Templates we have Dynamic Tokens which gets replaced dynamically when the offer flow associated to the email Treatment is triggered. Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForBatch This strategy is applicable for all Channels of batch.The Basic Contact detail Properties are being set here. Example: Contact Detail,Contact Id,Email address etc.
278 Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForEmailByBatch This Strategy is being referred in the Campaign Strategy “PrepareEmailTreatments”. All the output properties required for the Email Treatment Templates are being set here in this strategy. Example: FirstName, Surname, EmailSubjectLine, ClickThroughURL, Offer Header, Image URL, Email Copy, MobileImageURL etc. 2. Execution Mode : Batch & Channel : SMS The SMS Output properties are used by Treatment Templates. In Treatment Templates we have Dynamic Tokens which gets replaced dynamically when the offer flow associated to the SMS Treatment is triggered. Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForBatch This strategy is applicable for all Channels in batch.The Basic Contact detail Properties are being set here. Example: Contact Detail,Contact Id etc.
279 Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForSMSByBatch This Strategy is being referred in the Campaign Strategy “PrepareSMSTreatments”. All the output properties required for the SMS Treatment Templates are being set here in this strategy. Example: FirstName, Surname,SMSBodytext etc. 3.Execution Mode : Batch & Channel : OutboundCC Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForOutboundCC The Output Properties required for Outbound CC extractor file are being set here.
280 4.Execution Mode : Batch & Channel : Direct Mail Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForBatch This strategy is applicable for all Channels in batch.The Basic Contact detail Properties are being set here. Example: Contact Detail,Contact Id etc. Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForBatch : This strategy is applicable for all Channels in batch.The Basic Contact detail Properties are being set here. Example: Contact Detail,Contact Id etc.
281 5.Execution Mode : Batch & Channel : App Push Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForDirectMail : The Output Properties required for Outbound CC extractor file are being set here. Example: .Offer ID,Offer Name,Offer Variant,Treatment Variant,Treatment ID,Service ID,OwnerAccountNumber etc.. Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForBatch : This strategy is applicable for all Channels in batch. The Basic Contact detail Properties are being set here.Example: Contact Detail,Contact Id etc.
282 6. Execution Mode = TIL && Channel= OutboundCC Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForAppPushBatch : The Dynamic Data Tokens required for App-Push extractor file are being set here. Example: MobileDataDescription , ProductDescription3 ,Rec Cost ,RecCostText etc. Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForTrigger : The Basic/common Output Properties for this Interface is being called in this strategy. Example: Contact Detail,Contact ID,FirstName,SurName, Product Recommendation,Product Code etc..
283 7.Execution Mode : TIL && Channel : SMS 8.Execution Mode : TIL && Channel : App PushStrategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForOutboundCC : The Output Properties required by CCD Extractor for OutboundCC channel are being set in this strategy. Example:ProductRecommendationType,ExtraInfo1,ExtraInfo2, ExtractDateFormatted, ConsumerEnterpriseFlag etc.. Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForSMSByTrigger : The Output Properties required by TIL SMS Channel are being set in this strategy and used by Dynamic tokens in Treatment Templates. Example:OOBPriceText,OOBExtra,NextBillDate,OOBSpendText,DataRemainingText,MaximumQuantityText,UsedQuantityText etc.. Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForAppPushByTrigger : The Data Tokens required by TIL App Push Channel are being set here. Example: MobileDataDescription , ProductDescription3 ,Rec Cost ,RecCostText etc.
284 9.Execution Mode : ProcessEvent && Channel : OutboundCC 10.Execution Mode : ProcessEvent && Channel : SMSStrategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForT2S : The basic Output properties required by ProcessEvent OutboundCC are being set here in this strategy. Example: PrepayPostpayType, Product Recommendation,ExtraInfo1,ExtraInfo2 etc.. Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForOutboundCC : The Output properties required by ProcessEvent OutboundCC are being set here in this strategy. These Properties are used by Extractor file.Example:ProductRecommendationType,ExtraInfo1,ExtraInfo2, ExtractDateFormatted, ConsumerEnterpriseFlag etc.. Strategy : PopulateOutputPropertiesForT2S : The Output Properties required by ProcessEvent SMS Channel are being set in this strategy and These properties are used by Dynamic tokens in Treatment Templates. Example:Product Code, ProductDescription3, MobileDataDescription, Product Recommendation, RecommendedData1,Device Recommendation etc.
286 IH Properties: How To Overview of Interaction History: Steps to set IH Properties: Step1: Firstly, Decide what all the IH properties need to be set based on Execution Mode and the channel. Step2: If required,Create a strategy to set the required IH properties in the set property. Step3: Once the strategy is available,Add a call to the strategy in the Main strategy. Step 4: Use the strategy in the data-flow. Some references of how IH properties are configured in various strategies: 1. Channel : Web && Execution-mode = GetNBA Data-flow : IdentifyBestWebTreatments Strategy : IdentifyBestWebTreatmentsForSubscriptionInteraction History is a database table where all the Customer Communication History is stored. Whenever an eligible offer is sent to the customer, that offer information is stored in the Interaction History.Customers responses are also captured in to the Interaction History. In Vodafone,Interaction History is composed in data-flows like PrepareBatchData, PrepareRealtimeData and PrepareRealtimeDataForProcessEvent to get the customer communications for AOM Execution. For any new field to be added to the Interaction History,it has to be added to the Database.(Generally DB Team do that). Then the New Property needs to be added to the Class. (App Team do that). To insert the IH properties into Interaction History , we use data set (pxInteractionHistory) through the data-flow. Some mandatory fields must be set in the IH strategy. Example: pyOutcome, pxOutcomeTime, Create Ts, pySubjectID are the mandatory properties. For web Channel, IH properties are being set in the sub-strategy called SetIHForWeb. This strategy is Used to set IH properties for
Web Channel. The pyOutcome value for web is Selected.
287 SetIHForWeb: 2. Execution Mode : Process Event && Channel : SMS (or) Channel : Outbound CC Data Flow : Process Event Strategy : Process Event ProcessEvent : For Channels, IH properties are being set in the sub-strategy called SetIHPropertiesForAllChannels. This strategy is Used to set IH properties Text to Switch. The pyOutcome value is Selected.
288 SetIHPropertiesForAllChannels : 3. Channel : Retail && Execution Mode : Get-NBA Data flow : Get NBA Strategy : IdentifyBestRetailTreatmentsForSubscription IdentifyBestRetailTreatmentsForSubscription: For Retail, IH properties are being set in the sub strategy SetIHForRetail. This strategy is used to set IH properties for IVR Channel. The pyOutcome value for Retail is Selected.
289 SetIHForRetail: 4. Execution Mode=TIL && Channel=SMS && Channel=OutboundCC && Channel=App Push Data Flow : IdentifyBestTreatmentsByTriggers Strategy : IdentifyBestTreatmentsByTriggers IdentifyBestTreatmentsByTriggers : For TIL,The IH Properties are being set in a sub strategy SetIHPropertiesForAllChannels. This strategy is used to set IH properties for TIL. NTID drives the TIL processing. The pyOutcome value for TIL is set to Selected.
290 SetIHPropertiesForAllChannels : 5. Execution Mode : Get NBA && Channel =Inbound CC Data flow : Get NBA Strategy : IdentifyBestInboundccTreatmentsForSubscription IdentifyBestInboundccTreatmentsForSubscription : For Inbound CC, IH properties are being set is SetIHForInboundCC. This strategy is used to set IH Properties for Inbound Call center channel. The pyOutcome value is set to Selected.
291 SetIHForInboundCC : 6 .Execution Mode : Get NBA && Channel : IVR Data Flow : Get NBA Strategy : IdentifyBestIVRTreatmentsForSubscription IdentifyBestIVRTreatmentsForSubscription : For IVR, IH Properties are being set in SetIHPropertiesForAllChannels. This Strategy is used to set IH Properties for IVR Channel. The pyOutcome value is set to Selected.
292 SetIHPropertiesForAllChannels : 7. Execution Mode : Batch && Channel : Email , SMS, OutboundCC, Direct Mail, App Push Data Flow : IdentifyBestOBTreatmentsByBatch Strategy : IdentifyBestOBTreatmentsByBatch IdentifyBestOBTreatmentsByBatch : For Batch, The IH Properties are being set in SetIHPropertiesForAllChannels sub strategy. If any Channel specific properties that needs to be set,Then PopulateOutPutPropertiesForBatch strategy is used. The pyOutcome value is set to Selected. After Campaign execution for Email and SMS treatments, the pyOutcome value will be pending.
293 PopulateOutPutPropertiesForBatch : SetIHPropertiesForAllChannels:
295 Data Tokens For Templates Data Tokens: Data Tokens are the properties that are used in Treatment Templates. In the run time, the properties gets replaced with the actual values from database or from SR properties. App-Push Data Token Step 1: Let us consider below Example for AppPush Data Tokens which is used for MVP. Example : { "HTMLTemplate": { "template_id": "BASE_TEMPLATE_WH", "values": { "background_color": "#E60000", "button_color": "#FFFFFF", "text_color": "#FFFFFF", "title_color": "#FFFFFF", "button_text_color": "#E60000", "run_action": "deep_link_action", "custom_url": "myvodafone://TARIFF_MIGRATION", "click_tag_name": "$[SR.pxInteractionID]_CLICKED_BUTTON", "template_image": "", "body_title": "$[SR.FirstName], you're running low on data this month", "body_content": "Why not change your plan to avoid running low again? Switch to our $[SR.ProductDescription3] plan and you'll enjoy $[SR.MobileDataDescription] of data, unlimited minutes and unlimited texts for just £$[SR.RecCostText] a month.<br/> <br/>Your contract end date will stay the same and if you change your mind you have 14 days to move back.", "button_text": "Change my plan" } }, "message": { "title": "You're running low on data", "expiry": "$[SR.TreatmentDynamicExpiry]" }} Step 2: From the above example below are Data tokens a)$[SR.FirstName] b)$[SR.ProductDescription3] c)$[SR.MobileDataDescription]
b)$[SR.ProductDescription3] c)$[SR.MobileDataDescription] d)$[SR.RecCostText] Step 3 : We use PopulateOutputPropertiesForAppPushByTrigger strategy to populate data for Data Tokens.
296 Step 4: After populating the Data Tokens we will pass the data to the platform . Step 5: Platform Team use above data and Replace the Data tokens in the Appush Body Text. SMS Data Token Let us Consider the below example for SMS Data Tokens Which are used in Batch. From the above example, [FirstName] is the Data Token. When a Customer receives the above text through an SMS the Data Token[First Name] gets replaced with the actual name of the customer. Hi [FirstName], you're eligible for a 15% discount on additional phones or our new Unlimited data SIM only plans. Can't decide what's best for you? Click here to chat to one of our helpful agents who can guide you through your options. Terms apply. To end texts, send STOP SMS to 9774.
297 Creating and replacing Data Tokens: 1. Create an SR Property with the same name as the Data Token. 2. Set a value to the SR Property in an Output properties Strategy. 3. Replace the Token with the actual value using a Replace All() function as below.
298 Channel Specifics : How-To
299 Offer Flows : How-To In Pega Marketing, there is a one-to-one relation between offers and propositions. .When a strategy selects a proposition for a customer, the offer flow associated with that proposition is invoked. Page links: Email Offer Flows
300 Email Offer Flows Let us Consider Batch NBA use case for the Creation of Email offer Flows. Steps in creating Email offer flow : There are 2 ways to create a new offer flow. Step 1: Switch to the PegaMarketing Portal. Step 2: After Switching ,Select the content tab on left hand side panel and Click on Actions. Step 3: Click on the Create button , and select Action . Step 4: Enter the name of the offer flow. Step 5: Select the issue and Group. Step 6: Select the Application and Relevant Rule set Version. Step 7: After performing Step 4,5,6 click on the Create button. Step 8: Now it will redirect to the Offer Flow Screen.
301 Step 9: On the Details tab Enter the basic details and click on Flow tab . Step 10: Click on the ‘+’ icon and select the Send Email.
302 Step 11: Connect the StartShape to Send Email shape and Send Email shape to End Shape. Step 12: Open the send Email shape and Select Specify Treatment and Enter the Email Template. Step 13: Select Deliver Online and select Use Subject from Treatment. Step 14: Go to the Adavnce setting and select Email Account. Step 15: Select Specify Email Account and Enter the Mailjet as Email Account. Step 16: Select Use Email Account Settings under From/Reply To section . Enter the Email Template which holds the name of the Email treatment to be sent. If you enable Deliver Online, you must select an existing Email treatment since it determines the content of the email to be sent. System uses these settings when the Deliver Online mode is enabled.
303 Step 17: Click on Save. Other way to create an offer flow: We can also create a new offer flow from the existing offer flow. Following are the steps to create an offer flow from existing offer flow. 1. Switch to Pega Marketing Portal as shown above. 2. In the search box,search for the existing offer flow and open it. 3. Click on save as button to create a new copy of the offer flow. 4. Provide the new offer flow name in the label field and If required,Update the issue and group. When a new offer flow is created in a particular issue and group,the respective decision data gets updated with the new proposition. We need to make sure that the decision data is updated correctly.
304 5. Make sure you’ve selected the correct rule set and version and click on create and open. 6. Once the offer flow got created,checkout the rule and update the basic details according to the new one. 7. In the flow tab,You can find that the flow is already created. 8. Open the properties of Send Email shape and configure the treatment template.
305 9. Save and Check-in the rule.
306 SMS Offer Flows And SMS Treatment Template Let us consider ProcessEvent use case for SMS Offer Flow Creation Steps for Creating SMS Offer Flow: There are two ways to create an offer flow. Step 1: First Switch to the PegaMarketing Portal. Step 2: Select the content tab on left hand side panel. Step 3: Click on the Create button. Step 4: Enter the name of the offer flow. Step 5: Select the issue and Group. Step 6: Select the Application and Relevent Ruleset Version. Step 7: After perfoming Step 4,5,6 click on the Create button. Step 8: Now it will redirect to the Offer Flow Screen. Step 9: On the Details tab Enter the basic details and click on Flow tab .
307 Step 10: Click on the ‘+’ icon and select the Send SMS. Step 11: Connect the startShape to Send SMS shape and Send SMS shape to End Shape. Step 12: Open the send SMS shape and Select Specify Treatment and Enter the SMS Template. Step 13: Select the Deliver Online and select Use Existing SMS Step 14: Go to the Adavnce setting and select SMS Account. Step 15: Select Specify SMS Account and Enter the AOM SMS Account as SMS Account. Enter SMS Template which holds the name of the SMS treatment to be sent. The system uses these setting when the Deliver Online mode is enabled.
308 Step 16: Click on Save. Steps for Creating SMS Treatment Template Step 1: Click on Content and Treatments. Step 2: Click on Create button and select SMS. Step 3: Enter the name of Template. Step 4: Select the Application and Relevent Ruleset Version. Step 5: After perfoming Step 3,4 click on the Create and open button.
309 Step 6: Enter the Body of the SMS ,in ProcessEvent use case ,we will pass SMS Body in a property and use it in the Body section. Step 7: Click on Save. Other way to create an offer flow: We can also create a new offer flow from the existing offer flow. Following are the steps to create an offer flow from existing offer flow. 1. Switch to Pega Marketing Portal as shown above. 2. In the search box,search for the existing offer flow and open it. 3. Click on save as button to create a new copy of the offer flow. When a new offer flow is created in a particular issue and group,the respective decision data gets updated with the new proposition. We need to make sure that the decision data is updated correctly.
310 4. Provide the new offer flow name in the label field and If required,Update the issue and group. 5. Make sure you’ve selected the correct rule set and version and click on create and open. 6. Once the offer flow got created, checkout the rule and update the basic details in the details tab. 7. Save & Check-In the rule. In the flow tab,You can find that the flow is already created. Open the properties of Send SMS shape and verify the SMS account and Treatment template.
311 App-Push Templates and App-Push Data Tokens App-Push Templates Step 1: App-Push Templates are updated in the TreatmentToTreatmentVariation screen in the PmTool. Step 2: App-Push Templates are updated in below properties in Pm tool screen. a)InApp Notification JSON b)Inbox Notification JSON c)Push Notification JSON Step 3 : Updates in the TreatmentToTreatmentVariation screen are pushed to the TreatmentToTreatmentVariation Decision data .
312 Example : { "HTMLTemplate": { "template_id": "BASE_TEMPLATE_WH", "values": { "background_color": "#E60000", "button_color": "#FFFFFF", "text_color": "#FFFFFF", "title_color": "#FFFFFF", "button_text_color": "#E60000", "run_action": "deep_link_action", "custom_url": "myvodafone://TARIFF_MIGRATION", "click_tag_name": "$[SR.pxInteractionID]_CLICKED_BUTTON", "template_image": "", "body_title": "$[SR.FirstName], you're running low on data this month", "body_content": "Why not change your plan to avoid running low again? Switch to our $[SR.ProductDescription3] plan and you'll enjoy $[SR.MobileDataDescription] of data, unlimited minutes and unlimited texts for just £$[SR.RecCostText] a month.<br/> <br/>Your contract end date will stay the same and if you change your mind you have 14 days to move back.", "button_text": "Change my plan" } }, "message": { "title": "You're running low on data", "expiry": "$[SR.TreatmentDynamicExpiry]" }} App-Push Data Token Step 1: Let us consider below Example for AppPush Data Tokens which is used for MVP. Example : { "HTMLTemplate": { "template_id": "BASE_TEMPLATE_WH", "values": { "background_color": "#E60000",
"button_color": "#FFFFFF", "text_color": "#FFFFFF", "title_color": "#FFFFFF", "button_text_color": "#E60000", "run_action": "deep_link_action", "custom_url": "myvodafone://TARIFF_MIGRATION", "click_tag_name": "$[SR.pxInteractionID]_CLICKED_BUTTON", "template_image": "", "body_title": "$[SR.FirstName], you're running low on data this month", "body_content": "Why not change your plan to avoid running low again? Switch to our $[SR.ProductDescription3] plan and you'll enjoy $[SR.MobileDataDescription] of data, unlimited minutes and unlimited texts for just £$[SR.RecCostText] a month. <br/><br/>Your contract end date will stay the same and if you change your mind you have 14 days to move back.", "button_text": "Change my plan" } }, "message": { "title": "You're running low on data", "expiry": "$[SR.TreatmentDynamicExpiry]" }} Step 2: From the above example below are Data tokens a)$[SR.FirstName] b)$[SR.ProductDescription3] c)$[SR.MobileDataDescription] d)$[SR.RecCostText] Step 3 : We use PopulateOutputPropertiesForAppPushByTrigger strategy to populate data for Data Tokens.
313 Step 4: After populating the Data Tokens we will pass these data to End . Step 5: Platform Team use above data and Replace the Data tokens in the Appush Body Text.
314 OBCC Output property mapping & file format : Output file : Output file is a file that is used to write the output of the extractor case. At the end of every extractor run, an output file gets generated for each channel (OB CC, DM) and placed in a location specified in the AOMConfig datatype. <<Subchannel>> can be resq/Concentrix/webhelp This is how the output file looks in the server.OBCC Output Property Mapping: Please Refer the Output Properties: How-To article to map output Properties for all Channels. File path : AOMConfig → ( Config Type = ExtractorDestinationType ) → ( ConfigName = CCD<<SubChannel>> ) → Config Value Generally we use p u t t y to view the generated output files. To access the generated output files, one should have access to the folder in the server. If you don't have access to view the file, then contact system administrator. To view the output files,we use UNIX commands as below. 1. cd <location of files> ex: cd mnt/share/aom/outbound/ call_centre/ <subchannel> 2. To decrypt the file use this command: gpg --homedir /mnt/share/aom/.gnupg --passphrase passphrase --yes --batch --output <FileName to be decrypted> --decrypt <decrypted filename>. example: gpg --homedir /mnt/share/aom/.gnupg --passphrase passphrase --yes --batch --output --decrypt 3. To Zip the file Use this command: zip <FileName before zipped>.dsv <FileName after Zipped>.zip
Example: zip account_20190711140258_full_01.dsv 4. To UnZip the file, Use the command : unzip <<FileName before> <FileName after UnZip.dsv> Example : unzip account_20190711140258_full_01.dsv
315 The Generated Output file contains the details of the Customer along with the Offer information that is to be delivered to the customer. This is how it looks when we extract the Output file.
316 DM Output property mapping & file format : Output file : Output file is a file that is used to write the output of the extractor case. At the end of every extractor run, an output file gets generated for each channel (OB CC, DM) and placed in a location specified in the AOMConfig datatype. This is how the output file looks in the server. The Generated Output file contains the details of the Customer along with the Offer information that is to be delivered to the customer. This is how it looks when we extract the Output file.DM Output Property Mapping: Please Refer the Output Properties: How-To article for DM Output property mapping File path : AOMConfig → ( Config Type = ExtractorDestinationType ) → ( ConfigName = DM ) → Config Value Generally we use p u t t y to view the generated output files. To access the generated output files, one should have access to the folder in the server. If you don't have access to view the file, then contact system administrator. To view the output files,we use UNIX commands as below. 1. cd <location of files> ex: cd mnt/share/aom/outbound/ direct_mail/ 2. To decrypt the file use this command: gpg --homedir /mnt/share/aom/.gnupg --passphrase passphrase --yes --batch --output <FileName to be decrypted> --decrypt <decrypted filename>. example: gpg --homedir /mnt/share/aom/.gnupg --passphrase passphrase --yes --batch --output --decrypt 3. To Zip the file Use this command: zip <FileName before zipped>.dsv <FileName after Zipped>.zip Example: zip
account_20190711140258_full_01.dsv 4. To UnZip the file, Use the command : unzip <<FileName before> <FileName after UnZip.dsv> Example : unzip account_20190711140258_full_01.dsv
318 SOAP UI Testing : How-To
319 Text-to-Switch End-To-End Testing: ProcessEvent Flow: Whenever Vodafone receives the text message,It will be stored in a file. An Event Loader is configured to run for every 2-3 mins to process the data from file. Event Loader writes the data from File to a database table called (Event Status) and it triggers the ProcessEvent Activity,which internally triggers the Process Event Data flow. ProcessEvent Data flow makes the decisioning based on the incoming request from event Status table and gives an offer to the customer to retain him. How to Test ProcessEvent flow: To test any real time functionalities,we use either of these tools - SOAP UI & Post Man. 1. Download and install the SOAP UI/Postman tools. 2. Create a new Rest Project from the file menu. 3. Configure the application End Point URL as shown below. (For Text-to Switch we use Trigger Event API)Whenever a Customer wants to leave Vodafone , they send a text message to Vodafone saying that he is leaving the Vodafone to join the other network with the Same number/different number. When the Vodafone receives the request from a customer (Event),Vodafone executes ProcessEvent flow and gives a best Offer to retain the customer.
320 4. Provide the Request details as below. Sample Request Body : { "Identifier":{ "ServiceNumber":"447000002133" }, "Event":{ "Type":"Disconnections", "SubEventType":"Mobile", "Channel":"SMS", "EventTimestamp":"2020-10-07T04:51:44.689Z", "Status":"New" }, "EventDetail":{ "SMSRequest":{ "DestinationMSISDN":"75075", "Message":"8612" }, "ServiceAttributes":{ "Status":"", "CustomerSegment":"PAYG", "IsVoxi":true, "IsMultiDevice":false, "IsMultiServiceAccount":false }, "LeaveRequest":{ "SwitchingCode":"XDQ949287", "SwitchingCodeValidityDate":"2018-11-21", "PAYGBalance":0.0 }, "ErrorDetail":{ "ErrorCode":"BUSINESS ERROR", "ErrorDescription":"SMS_PAC_STAC_INGRACEPERIOD"
321 } } } 5. Provide the authentication details. Please find the Auth credentials details for dev-2 Environment.Note : In the End-Point URL make sure you’re hitting the request for the correct environment. dev-2. The URL for dev-2 env -
322 6. Provide Header details. 7 . Send the Request and check the Response. Verify the Response : 1. OBCC Channel: verify the response in BestOBTreatments1ForT2s/BestOBTreatments2ForT2S datasets.
323 2. SMS Channel : Verify the Real Time Text to switch campaign output. 3. Interaction History : Connect to the Interaction History table/view and verify whether there are any communications recorded in the Interaction History for the customer. verify the Data-Corr-SMS table to find the SMS copy if there is any error in SMS account configuration/wrong phone number.
324 Data Depletion End-to-End Testing: To test any real time functionalities,we use either of these tools - SOAP UI & Post Man. 1. Download and install the SOAP UI/Postman tools. 2. Create a new Rest Project from the file menu. 3. Configure the application End Point URL as shown below. (For Data Depletion we use Bundle Event API).
325 4. Provide the Request details as below. Sample Request Body : { "MSISDN": "447770007666", "NotificationTimestamp": 1545152470, "NTID": "292", "BundleID": "FP_VF_MDN", "BillingDate": "25-11-2020", "OOBTariff": "500MB", "OOBSpend": "£36", "OOBPrice": "£15.50", "OOBDataUsed": "99", "RoamCap": false, "OriginZone": "ROW1", "AdditionalDerivedAttributes": { "QueuedBundleFlag": false, "CommercialProductId": "01297464", "UOMCode": "ROAMDATA", "AnonymousSpendControl": "Unrestricted", "DataCapped": true, "AccOwnerMSISDN": "447742033006", "VodafoneAccountOwner": true }, "BalanceSummary": { "UsedQuantity": 1048576, "MaximumQuantity": 2097152, "AvailableQuantity": 1048576, "UnlimitedBundle": false } } Note : In the End-Point URL make sure you’re hitting the request for the correct environment. dev-2. The URL for dev-2 env -
326 5. Provide the authentication details. 6. Provide Header details.
327 Please find the Auth credentials details for dev-2 Environment. 7 . Send the Request and check the Response.
328 Verify the Response : 1. Verify the Response in SOAP UI tool for SMS. 2. For OBCC Channel verify the output in BestOBProcess1/BestOBProcess2 datasets. 3. Interaction History : Connect to the Interaction History table/view and verify whether there are any communications recorded in the Interaction History for the customer. verify the Data-Corr-SMS table to find the SMS copy if there is any error in SMS account configuration/wrong phone number. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12{ "Response": "OVERRIDE", "Messages": [ { "SocialHours": true, "MSISDN": "447094226080", "Message": "From Vodafone: Just to let you know - you're running low on minutes for this month, with "Channel": "SMS", "FromID": "40506" } ] }
329 IVR End-To-End Testing: To test any real time functionalities, we use either of these tools - SOAP UI & Postman. Step 1: Download and install the Postman tools. Step 2: Create a new collection. Step 3: Add a new request. Step 4: Configure the new request’s End Point URL as shown below (For IVR getnextbestactions API is used).
330 Step 5: Provide the Request details as below. Sample Request Body: Step 6: Provide the authentication details. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25{ "Identifier": { "Account": { "AccountNumber": "XXXXXXXXXX", "Status": "Existing", "Type": "Consumer" }, "ServiceNumber": "XXXXXXXXXX" }, "RequestorDetail": { "Channel": "IVR", "SubChannel": "PostNLCS" }, "Context": { "PrimaryContext": "problem-sim", "NoOfActions": 1, "Detail": [ { "Name": "ConnectionId", "Value": "CON_28474_847464" } ] } } The URL for dev-1 env -
331 Step 7: Provide Header details. Step 8: Send the Request and check the Response.
332 Verify the Response Verify the SMS: Verify if the SMS is generated in Data-Corr-SMS table for PostNLCS calls. Interaction History: Connect to the Interaction History table/view and verify whether there are any communications recorded in the Interaction History for the customer. Verify the Response: Verify the Response Structure, whether it is as per AOM Interface Spec, and verify the data in response.
333 Assisted Upgrade - Product List End-To-End Testing: Product List service is triggered when one of the tabs in the VADR edit deal screen is selected. Selected list information is provided in the ProductType attribute of the service request. To test any real-time functionalities, either of these tools - SOAP UI & Post Man can be used. 1. Download and install the SOAP UI/Postman tools. 2. Create a new Rest Project from the file menu. Full subscription/customer data should be populated by calling GetCustomer API, before making get productlist call.
334 3. Configure the application End Point URL as shown below. (productlist API). 4. Provide the Request details as below. Required attributes for each list varies based on the selected list. The table below shows which basket items are needed for which list.
335 { "OwnerAccountNumber": "XXXXXXXXX", "SubscriptionId": "XXXXXXXXX", "AgentId": "53243463", "Division": "Webchat Saves", "Channel": "InboundCC", "SubChannel": "VADR", "OrderType": "34443", "CaseId": "U-450043", "DealId": "1", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "Handset", "LoanEligibilityStatus": "ELIGIBLE" }Sample Handset Request: { "OwnerAccountNumber": "XXXXXXXX", "SubscriptionId": "XXXXXXX", "Division": "Webchat Saves", "AgentId": "53243463", "Channel": "InboundCC", "SubChannel": "VADR", "OrderType": "34443", "CaseId": "U-450043", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "Tariff", "LoanEligibilityStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "LineItems": [ { "ProductId": "094406", "ProductType": "Handset" }] }Sample Tariff Request: { "OwnerAccountNumber": "XXXXXXXX", "SubscriptionId": "-XXXXXXXX", "AgentId": "53243463", "Division": "Webchat Saves", "Channel": "InboundCC", "SubChannel": "VADR", "OrderType": "34443",Sample Addon Request
336 "CaseId": "U-450043", "DealId": "1", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "Addon", "LoanEligibilityStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "LineItems": [{ "ProductId": "111719", "ProductType": "Tariff", "PriceExcludingVAT": 120, "PriceIncludingVAT": 100 }] } { "OwnerAccountNumber": "XXXXXXXX", "SubscriptionId": "-XXXXXXXX", "Division": "Webchat Saves", "AgentId": "53243463", "Channel": "InboundCC", "SubChannel": "VADR", "OrderType": "34443", "CaseId": "U-450043", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "Insurance", "LoanEligibilityStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "LineItems": [ { "ProductId": "094406", "ProductType": "Handset" }] }Sample Insurance List Request { "OwnerAccountNumber": "XXXXXXXX", "SubscriptionId": "-XXXXXXXX", "Division": "Webchat Saves", "AgentId": "53243463", "Channel": "Retail", "SubChannel": "retail", "OrderType": "34443", "CaseId": "U-450043", "RecommendationId": "U-45004", "ProductType": "Discount", "LoanEligibilityStatus": "ELIGIBLE", "LineItems": [ {Sample Discount List Request
337 5. Provide the authentication details."ProductId": "112176", "ProductType": "Tariff", "PriceIncludingVAT": 120, "PriceExcludingVAT": 100, "ChildLineItems":[{ "ProductId": "104019", "ProductType": "Addon", "PriceExcludingVAT": 5, "Classification": "Promotion" }, { "ProductId": "104015", "ProductType": "Addon", "PriceExcludingVAT": 2, "Classification": "Promotion" }] }, { "ProductId": "111719", "ProductType": "Insurance", "PriceExcludingVAT": 50 }] } Note : In the End-Point URL make sure you’re hitting the request for the correct environment. dev-1. The URL for dev-1 env -
338 6. Provide Header details. Will we provide password here? 7 . Send the Request and check the Response.
339 Verify the Response : 1. Verify the response in SOAP UI. For each list, related list items (tariffs, devices, etc.) will be listed. 2. To check the errors in the DB you can use the query below. In the error_message and metadata fields you can find the explanation of the error and the record causing the error. select * from aom.aom_error where process_name = 'GetProductList API' order by error_timestamp desc;
340 Assisted Upgrade - GetRecommendations End-To-End Testing: Assisted Upgrade – Get Recommendation API End-To-End Testing: GetRecommendationAPI is triggered to get the top recommendations for the customer. Customer Data should be populated by calling GetCustomerAPI, before making Get Recommendation call. Configure SOAP UI:- To test any real-time functionalities, either of these tools - SOAP UI & Post Man can be used. Download and install the SOAP UI/Postman tools. Create a new Rest Project from the file menu.
341 1. Configure the application End Point URL as shown below. GetCustomer API:- To execute the GetCustomer API, the below request details are required. After executing the request, the response will have all the customer, GPSL and CRE type details are stored in the SubscriptionXCAR dataset. The below is the sample response for the GetCustomerAPI. { "Subscriptions": [ {
342 "SubscriptionType": "Mobile Service", "ProductRoot": [ { "FulfilmentItemCode": "Mobile Service", "ProductName": "PAYM", "BuyoutCost": 74613, "UpfrontCost": 4900 }], "ContractStartDate": "20210130T075941.009 GMT", "ServiceNumber": "447847897469", "SubscriptionId": "-212978131", "OriginalConnectionDate": "20200824T075941.009 GMT", "ContractEndDate": "20220810T075941.009 GMT", "LastUsedDevice": { "RearCameraResolution": "", "ScreenDisplaySize": "", "Has5G": false, "Manufacturer": "PROTO", "BatteryCapacity": "", "FrontCameraResolution": "", "MarketingName": "PROTO" }, "RetentionEligibility": { "AdditionalInformation": { "CUST_BASE_INDICATOR": "true", "MAX_PLAN_DISCOUNT": "10" }, "Type": "NORMALSIMOFLEX", "EarlyUpgradeFee": { "FeeExcludingVAT": 2000, "FeeIncludingVAT": 1800 }, "NormalStartDateTime": "20200825T100428.671 GMT", "EarlyStartDateTime": "20200825T100428.671 GMT", "Indicator": false, "Reason": "There is no eligible Retention for any upgrade" }
343 GetRecommendationsAPI:- Provide the required customer details and execute the request when secondary context=NBA. Sample Request for RefineBy:}], "AcccountCreatedDate": "2012-12-12T00:00:00", "AccountNumber": "094392136" } { "AgentId":"Omni" ,"CaseId":"XXXXXXXXXX" ,"Channel":"InboundCC" ,"Division": "Webchat Saves", ,"LoanEligibilityStatus":"ELIGIBLE" ,"OrderType":"Service" ,"OwnerAccountNumber":"XXXXXXX" ,"PrimaryContext":"Upgrade" ,"pxObjClass":"VFUK-VADR-Int-GR-RequestBody" ,"SecondaryContext":"NBA" ,"SubscriptionId":"XXXXXXX" ,"SubChannel":"VADR" }Sample Request: { "AgentId":"Omni" ,"CaseId":"447847897469" ,"Channel":"InboundCC" ,"Division":"Webchat Saves" ,"LoanEligibilityStatus":"ELIGIBLE" ,"OrderType":"Service" ,"OwnerAccountNumber":"094392136" ,"PrimaryContext":"Upgrade" ,"pxObjClass":"VFUK-VADR-Int-GR-RequestBody" ,"SecondaryContext":"RefineBy” ,"SubscriptionId":"-212978131" ,"SubChannel":"VADR" ,"HandsetManufacturer":"Apple" ,"HandsetModel":"Apple iPhone 6s Plus 64Gb space grey (Nearly New)" ,"Has5G":"True" ,"NearlyNew":"True" }
344 Execute the request and the below response will give the recommendations with LineItems(Tariff, Handset with stock), ChildItems (AddOn,Discount). Note : In the End-Point URL make sure you’re hitting the request for the correct environment. dev-1. The URL for dev-1 env - Verify the Response : Verify the response in SOAP UI. For each recommendation, related line items(tariffs, handsets) and child items(discounts, AddOns) will be listed. To check the errors in the DB you can use the query below. In the error_message and metadata fields you can find the explanation of the error and the record causing the error. select * from aom.aom_error where process_name = 'GetRecommendations API' order by error_timestamp desc; -314291028_res … 09 Jul 2021, 01:58 PMnse.xml
345 Email Template Making a HTML dynamic for email which goes out to customer via PEGA Marketing Emails sent to customers can be built using HTML. An email goes to customer via PEGA Marketing. This document talks about using the html code (received from the business) in a PEGA email template so that contents of the email can be made dynamic. Document refers to a Vodafone email html used as part of Batch NBA email functionality. Important points: HTML is provided by Vodafone via email or uploaded to Jira. Relevant contents of html are made dynamic, with data coming from sources like Proposition Management tool, Models, DB table etc. VF provides the info about which elements are to be made dynamic e.g., offer header, description, price, terms & conditions etc. Html structure, any html tags, CSS, JavaScript are not changed by Adqura. If any needs changing, should go back to Vodafone. For the purpose of this document, below proposition structure is considered, content of which is driven by the Proposition Management Tool or the PM Tool. Offer MobileAddmobile AddMobileSIMO AddTablet AddMobilewithhandset AddSmartwatch Email displaying more than one offer needs PEGA parent child bundling as follows: Treatment (Email channel) MobileAddmobile_Email (Parent): Dummy treatment, required for bundling. Needs ‘Send Email’ shape. AddMobileSIMO_Email (Child) AddTablet_Email (Child) AddMobilewithhandset_Email (Child) AddSmartwatch_Email (Child) VF propositions are further structured as offer variations, offer to offer variations, treatment variations and treatment to treatment variations.
346 E.g., an offer can have a default variation or more than one variation. Treatment is a combination of offer and channel. Treatment variation can be default or more than one variation e.g., a SmartWatch offer email treatment can have two variations to go to the customer, say one for Apple smart watch, another for Android smart watch. Email content for a specific treatment variant, that needs to come from PM Tool is stored in ‘Treatment to Treatment Variation’ screen. Step 1: Creating the Template VF provides the .html file. If the file is double clicked, it opens up in a web browser. To see the html code of the file > right click > and open in a text/html editor. For the above-mentioned proposition structure, the parent email treatment should have an offer flow created. OR Search Action: MobileAddmobile_Email (PegaMKT-Work-Offer-CrossSell-Email) > Flow > Send Email shape > Treatment name: MobileAddmobile_Batch_Email_Template (This is the placeholder for html code). Clicking beside the treatment name, will open it or create new with nothing inside it.