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Tu vienkārši liec viņai izklausīties lieliski. | You just make her sound awesome. | [
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nopietni wtf. Gribu redzēt, kā ar visu roku gāja sīkāk. tā bija visu laiku slimākā dvēseles lasīšana | seriously wtf. I want to see how the whole hand went in detail. that was the sickest soulread ever | [
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Jūsu komandai trūkst ētikas. | Your team lacks ethics. | [
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[NAME] bija bezjēdzīgs, ja neskaita to, ka [NAME] apcietināja mazliet vairāk nekā viņa jau izdarīja un ārstēja [NAME], nosauciet vienu lēmumu, ko [NAME] ir pieņēmis gudri. | [NAME] was useless, aside from bandaging [NAME] up a bit more than she already did and treating [NAME], name one decision [NAME] has made smartly. | [
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Nevis **emocionālais efekts**, ja tas ir mūsu valsts interesēs. | Not the **emotional effect**, when it's in the best interest of our country. | [
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Es neuztvertu tik ievērojamu algas samazinājumu. jums vajadzētu saglabāt savu darbu un nodarboties ar radošo rakstīšanu blakus/brīvajā laikā. | i wouldn't take that significant of a pay cut. you should keep your job and do your creative writing on the side/free time. | [
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Hei, es tikko kopīgoju tvītu ar citātu. Es par to visu nezinu | Hey, I just shared the tweet with the quote. I don't know about all that | [
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Kas ir šī Wild komanda? Kur viņi ir bijuši? | Who is this Wild team? Where have they been? | [
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omg [VĀRDS] un viņa tētis, kas kopā iet ārā, ir tik mīļi 😍 | omg [NAME] and his dad walking out together is so cute 😍 | [
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Paldies, es to izmēģināšu. Vispār nekas netiek izmantots nejaušībām? Vai man būtu labāk atrast grupu, ar kuru spēlēt? | Thanks I'll give it a go. Nothing used for randoms at all? Would it be better for me to find a group to play with? | [
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Kāpēc viņš ir bezjēdzīgs? Es gribu zināt, kā tādi cilvēki kā jūs skatās šo spēli. Mani patiesi mulsina. | Why’s he pointless? I want to know how people like you watch this game. Genuinely baffles me. | [
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Es novērtēju viņa satriecošo humoru. | I appreciate his deadpan humour. | [
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Tāpēc es iepriekš teicu, ka šai komandai pēdējā laikā ir garlaicīgi bez [NAME]. Es to ņemu atpakaļ pēc pēdējām divām spēlēm. | So I said earlier that this team was boring without [NAME] lately. I take that back after the last two games. | [
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Mani spārdīja, un acīmredzot man vairs nav vienalga par to, ka par to pārlieku kopīgot Reddit | I was kicked, and apparently don't care about oversharing on Reddit about it anymore | [
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Tas ir tāpēc, ka jūs spēlējat pret 1000 ms ping ES spēlētājiem, kuriem nav ne jausmas, kas notiek. Priecīgas medības! | It's because you play against 1000 ms ping EU players that have no idea what's going on. Happy hunting! | [
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Sagrauzts kā netīrs dzīvnieks, kāds es esmu. | Updooted like the filthy animal I am. | [
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Fuck ir "mog?!" | The fuck is “mog?!” | [
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Īpaši tā televīzijā redzamā reklāma “Austrālija to nedarīs”, Dievs, es ienīstu [NAME] | Especially that “Australia ain’t gonna cop it” ad on TV god I hate [NAME] | [
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Un tu tam tici? | And you believe this? | [
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Ja jums patīk skābs, viņi piedāvā dažas pienācīgas lietas, taču viss ārpus tā ir pilnīgi aizmirstams un vidējs. | If you are into sours they put out some decent stuff, but anything outside of that is completely forgettable and average. | [
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Mēs domājām, ka viņam kļūst labāk, bet tad viņš pagriezās. | We thought he was getting better but then he turned himself around. | [
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Tu izskaties nedaudz jūtīgs... Es patiesībā domāju, ka mūs ir iefiltrējuši normas | You seem slightly sensitive... I was actually thinking we had been infiltrated by the normies | [
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Kārtējais klauns, kas vaimanā par diskusijām par bitkoinu bitkoinu apakšgrupā. | Yet another clown whining about discussions about bitcoin in a bitcoin sub. | [
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Trīs vārdi, bez smalkuma. "Pucis. Beidz. Nopietni." | Three words, no subtlety. "Dude. Stop. Seriously." | [
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[VĀRDS], es redzu [NAME] tik reti, ka aizmirstu, ka viņš ir OG karalis “Drāž šo varoni, izdrāž šo stulbo spēli”. | [NAME] dude I see [NAME] so rarely that I forget that he's the OG "Fuck this character fuck this stupid game" king. | [
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Oho. Es tikko izlasīju kopsavilkumu, un tas tiešām notiek. | Wow. I just read the synopsis, and that’s really what happens. | [
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Oho, tā saimniece noteikti ir sūds. Man būtu interesanti uzzināt, cik cilvēkus viņa agrāk ir diskriminējusi vai vajājusi. | Wow, that landlady sure is a piece of shit. I'd be interested in knowing how many people she has discriminated against or harassed in the past. | [
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Tas ir pārāk salauzts, to var izmantot ikviens un viņu suns. | It’s way too broken, anyone and their dog can use it. | [
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Turnīrs bija pārsteidzošs, un daži patiešām forši cilvēki to visu mīlēja. Paldies, ka turējāt to. Labprāt to kādreiz darītu vēlreiz | Tournament was a blast met some really cool people loved it all. Thanks for holding it. Would love to do it again someday | [
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Jā, esmu! Es jums nosūtīšu privātā ziņojumā saiti uz manu profilu. Paldies. | Yeah, I am! I'll private message you a link to my profile. Thank you. | [
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*ierobežojiet jūsu entuziasma tēmu pastiprinās* | *curb your enthusiasm theme intensifies* | [
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tu esi pretīgs netīrības gabals. | youre a disgusting piece of filth. | [
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Starp citu, suņi arī brīdināja pie kuss ceļa, bet vienkārši ignorēs to līdzīgi kā [NAME] darīja lol ciao | By the way the dogs also alerted at kuss road but will just ignore that much like [NAME] did lol ciao | [
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Tas dīvainā veidā ir veselīgi | This is sort of wholesome in a weird way | [
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Tikko darbinieks, tikko uzsvēru, ka, piemēram, 10k iekrāt tik ilgi un pat tas nekas ! Vajadzēja atnest vairāk bitkoinu | Just an employee, just stressed that it takes so long to save 10k for example and even that is nothing ! Should of brought more bitcoins | [
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Tāda veida. Un paldies. Mani interesē jūsu minētie faili, filma un fotoattēli. | Kinda. And thank you. I'm curious about those files and film and fotos you mentioned. | [
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Es nedomāju, ka aspergers man izraisa ciešanas vai trauksmi. Es domāju, ka jādzīvo sabiedrībā, kas dod priekšrocības neirotipiskiem mijiedarbības veidiem, man rada ciešanas un trauksmi | I don't think aspergers causes me distress or anxiety. I think having to live in a society that privileges neurotypical modes of interaction causes me distress and anxiety | [
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Izskatās pēc manām kurtām kājām | Looks like my greyhounds feet | [
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Jūs man teicāt, ka nav jēgas uz to norādīt. Tu esi idiots | You told me it was pointless to point it out. You're the idiot | [
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2019. gadam vajadzētu būt tikai attēlam, kurā redzama aizdegusies miskaste vai atkritumu tvertne. Apbrīnojami, cik sūdīgi DICE var radīt lietas 10 gadu laikā. | 2019 should just be a picture of a trash can or dumpster on fire. Amazing how shitty DICE can make things in 10 years. | [
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Jā, pabeigsim AS4. Es pēkšņi esmu tik daudz sajūsmā par S11 | Yeah let's wrap up AS4 I'm suddenly so much more excited for S11 | [
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Viņš pameta soliņu un atkal atrodas ģērbtuvē kopā ar medicīnas personālu | He left the bench and is back in the locker room with the medical staff | [
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Luksusam vienmēr ir nepieciešams uzņemt cilvēkus, turklāt plašsaziņas līdzekļu operatori var atvērt diezgan regulāri. | Deluxe always need ingest people, there's also fairly regular openings for media operators. | [
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Pilnīgi noteikti. Man tas patiktu. Neatkarīgi no tā, cik ļoti man patīk puisis, ja viņš vienkārši to vēlas, tas nav forši. | Absolutely. I'd love it. No matter how much I like the guy, if he just goes for it that's not cool. | [
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Godīgi sakot, tas pats. Es biju nožēlojams savā administratora darbā. | Honestly, same. I was miserable at my admin asst job. | [
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Prieks redzēt, ka Hearts fani tik sirsnīgi sveic atpakaļ [NAME]. | Glad to see Hearts fans giving [NAME] such a warm welcome back.. | [
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Prieks, ka jūties labāk! Mans piedāvājums joprojām ir spēkā, ja jums ir nepieciešams kāds, es esmu šeit | Glad you feel better! My offer still stands though, if you need someone, I’m here | [
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Colts Offense šobrīd ir smieklīgs | Colts Offense is laughable right now | [
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Lol tik niecīga, man tas patīk. Es droši vien to nedarītu, bet tas ir vilinoši. | Lol so petty, I kinda love it. I probably wouldn’t actually do that but it’s tempting. | [
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Lmao nozaga manu joku! 😂 | Lmao Stole my joke! 😂 | [
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Esiet sveicināti ballīšu draugā! | Welcome to the party pal! | [
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Vai šī ir atsauce uz [NAME]. Man liekas, ka tā ir. | Is this a [NAME] reference. I feel like it is. | [
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Nedomājiet, ka mums vajadzētu apspiest visu cilvēku ķermeņa autonomiju, lai sabiedrības veselības iestādes varētu pasludināt uzvaru. | Don't think we should be stomping all over people's bodily autonomy just so public health authorities can declare victory. | [
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Vai viņš var iemācīt viņiem skriet patiešām ātri? | Can he teach them to run really really fast? | [
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Lūdzu, apgaismo mūs, ak orākuls. Tam vajadzētu būt bagātam... | Please enlighten us, O oracle. This should be rich... | [
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[NAME] bija viena no vienīgajām labajām lietām šajā sezonā | [NAME] was one of the only good things in that season | [
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Jūsu apmācība ir šausmīga... esiet gatavs un uzziniet, kā [NAME] izmanto [NAME] | Your coaching is terrible.... be ready and see how [NAME] uses [NAME] | [
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Es dievinu šo komentāru sadaļu <3 | I adore this comment section <3 | [
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Kā jūs to izmēģinājāt, ja tas vēl nav pieejams? Agrīnas piekļuves tam nebija | How did you try it if it's not live yet? There was no early access to it | [
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Jūs sapratāt, paldies! | You got it, thanks! | [
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Nav deagle nerf/vault, labs ielāps, bet varētu būt daudz labāks | No deagle nerf/vault, good patch but could be way better | [
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Beidz debatēt, tu dari no sevis muļķi. Tas attiecas uz. | Stop master debating, you are making a fool out of yourself. It's concerning. | [
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Manuprāt, tas ir atkarīgs no tā, cik cilvēku ir nomodā un iet garām publicēšanas brīdī. | I think it depends on how many people are awake and passing by at the time of the posting. | [
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kamēr izsekošanas rāda piegādāts, tas nav jūsu atbildība, kas ar to notiks pēc tam | as long as the tracking shows delivered, it's not your responsibility what happens to it after that | [
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[NAME] iekļuva pirms [NAME], bet izņemot to... | [NAME] got in before [NAME], but other than that... | [
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Mans stilists ir pievilcīgs, izskatīgs puisis ar lielām, seksīgām rokām. Nevarētu teikt, ka man nepatīk, kad viņš izlož man matus. | My stylist is a fit, handsome guy with big, sexy hands. Can't say I don't like it when he tousles my hair. | [
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Jūs viņiem sniedzat cilvēciskas emocijas. Ja jūs kādu laiku pavadītu ar liellopiem, jūs saprastu, cik tas ir muļķīgi. | You are giving them human emotions. If you spent any time with cattle at all you would realize how silly that is. | [
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Viņš varētu būt, es biju vairāk noraizējies par "skriešanu un šaušanu AR vienu roku, nost uz sāniem". | He may have, I was more worried about the "running and shooting the AR one handed, off to the side". | [
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Hmm, vai es varu redzēt, ka statistika, kas apgalvo, ka Rowan inženierija ir tik augsta? | Hmmm, can I see that statistic claiming Rowan engineering is that high? | [
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zirga gaļa ir sasodīti peng man tas patīk. kāpēc ir ok, ka govi nokauj par pārtiku, bet ne zirgu? smieklīgi dubultstandarti | horse meat is fucking peng i love it. why is it ok for a cow to be slaughtered for food but not a horse? ridiculous double standards | [
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Kur tagad ir Šārptons? | Where’s Sharpton now? | [
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lai veicas draugs | good luck buddy | [
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dažreiz tiešām tā ir | it really do be like that sometimes | [
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Lūdzu, definējiet sievieti, ja nevēlaties izmantot pieņemto apzīmējumu. | Define woman please if you're not going to use the accepted denotation. | [
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Jūsu atbilde patiešām ir viena no pārsteidzošākajām, ko esmu redzējis. | Your response is truly one of the most amazing ones I’ve seen. | [
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Tas ir tiešs ghouls | That’s a straight up ghoul | [
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Es nesaprotu, kāpēc cilvēki dod zeltu krustpunktiem. Jūs esat pelnījuši visas pozitīvas balsis. | I don’t understand why people give gold to crossposts. You deserve all the upvotes. | [
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Nekādu problēmu, prieks, ka varēju palīdzēt :) Priekā! | No problem at all, glad I could help :) Cheers! | [
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Mēs nekustamies. | We're not moving. | [
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Mans vārds]! Šī nav vakcīna! Tas ir jello shot! | My [NAME]! This isnt a vaccine! It's a jello shot! | [
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Kurš, jūsuprāt, var novest Packers tur, kur viņiem ir jābūt? | Who do you think can lead the Packers to where they need to be? | [
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Paldies, :), dienām ejot tās kļūst labākas. | Thanks, :), as the days go by they are getting better. | [
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Oho. Jā, es esmu ļoti jauns, spēlēju tikai aptuveni 8 stundas | Oh wow. Yeah I’m very new, only about 8 hours gameplay | [
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*"Panākumi ir labākā atriebība."* Labs darbs OP. Paliec stiprs. Jūs esat gandrīz klāt. | *"Success is the best revenge."* Good job OP. Stay strong. You're almost there. | [
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Pārtikas kartes ir apkaunojums. Cilvēkiem vajadzētu saņemt naudu! | Food stamps are a disgrace. People should get money! | [
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Pačukstiet man savu steam ID, bet paies 1-2 stundas, līdz es varēšu sākt spēlēt | Whisper me your steam id but it'll be 1-2 hours until I can start playing | [
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Autors: [NAME]! Tā ir [NAME] mūzika! | By [NAME]! That’s [NAME] music! | [
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Jums vienkārši vajadzēja [RELIĢIJA] vecvecāku, lai tiktu nogalināts | You just needed a [RELIGION] grandparent to be killed | [
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Jūs dzīvojat Apalačijā, vai ne? | You live in Appalachia, don’t you? | [
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Šis stabs un lētais plastmasas žogs noteikti nodrošinās lielisku aizsardzību pret automašīnu. Ej nost, brah. | That pole and cheap plastic fence surely would offer excellent protection from a car. Walk it off brah. | [
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Ko pie velna [NAME] dara fonā? | What the fuck is [NAME] doing in the background | [
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Tas rada perversus stimulus. Atļaujiet nepietiekami apmaksātu cietuma darbu, un pēkšņi jums rodas stimuls ekspluatēt savus cietumniekus, nevis tos rehabilitēt. | It creates perverse incentives. Allow underpaid prison labour and suddenly you've an incentive towards exploiting your prison population rather than rehabilitating them. | [
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Jā, nē, jūs esat aizliegts par visu šo sarunu. | Yeahhhh no, you're banned for this whole convo. | [
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Es vienmēr saku “paldies”, jo tā ir jauka doma 🤷♀️ | I always just say “thank you” because it’s a nice thought 🤷♀️ | [
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Taisnības labad jāsaka, ka [NAME] ir lieliska raidorganizācija. | To be fair, [NAME] is an amazing broadcaster. | [
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Pagājušajā naktī man bija 3 🙈 šī bļaušana bija pēc 1. glāzes | I had 3 last night 🙈 this rant was after glass #1 | [
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[NAME] | [NAME] | [
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Dv cus tas ir rotaļīgi suņi | Dv cus it’s playful doggos | [
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Man ir 14 akmeņi...tāpēc, iespējams, par 2 akmeņiem vairāk svara. Es nelietoju alkoholu un nelietoju narkotikas, bet man patīk ēst... | I'm 14 probably about 2 stone over weight. I don't drink alcohol or do drugs, but I love food.... | [
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