well, 100k is a decent wage for someone to live on. Maybe it should be the new normal that our society aspires to. The firefighters are first, next will be nurses, teachers and other professionals that deserve an appropriate compensation for their efforts. what should be making headlines is the horrible wages that the other people are making.
dialogue:3 evidence:1 solution:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:3 unsubstantial:2
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 personal_attack:1
well , 100k is a decent wage for someone to live on . Maybe it should be the new normal that our society aspires to . The firefighters are first , next will be nurses , teachers and other professionals that deserve an appropriate compensation for their efforts . what should be making headlines is the horrible wages that the other people are making .
Anyone that thinks pot will get better and/or cheaper must be smoking waaaaay too much of it. If you want to see what legal pot is all about go to Amsterdam. Sure it's nice getting quality hash at a coffee shop, but there are also dirty hippies everywhere. Lets also not forget about some random dad i saw walking his kid across a blue smoke filled street, and then a red light district. No thanks, ill take the status quo, and JT has no clue about any of it hes only saying what his handlers think will create buzz...
dialogue:3 solution:2 evidence:1 no_con:1
no_non_con:5 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:3 abusive:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
Anyone that thinks pot will get better and/or cheaper must be smoking waaaaay too much of it . If you want to see what legal pot is all about go to Amsterdam . Sure its nice getting quality hash at a coffee shop , but there are also dirty hippies everywhere . Lets also not forget about some random dad i saw walking his kid across a blue smoke filled street , and then a red light district . No thanks , ill take the status quo , and JT has no clue about any of it hes only saying what his handlers think will create buzz ...
Poor Ms Wente - it's come to the point where it's hard to defend criminalization of pot - on so many levels: people across the generational divide use it, it's ridiculously difficult to enforce, it's ridiculously expensive to incarcerate offenders for this, etc. Even the parents who in the '70s believed a reefer would lead their children to become heroin addicts have realized it unlikely. On the other hand Ms Wente is generally a strong supporter of our current Prime Minister, who's 'hard on crime' policies fly against the feeling of most Canadians about marijuana. Hence the obvoius internal conflict apparent in this article.(Oh and it is a huge business for drug dealers, billions of dollars worth. Sure crack and coke may be bigger, but it's still a lot of dough. Whether legalized distribution will be as profitable, hard to tell. And whether the mobsters for whom this is a good chunk of their change will willingly let this go, also hard to tell).
dialogue:3 specific_points:2 evidence:1 solution:1
no_non_con:4 non_relevant:1
teasing:2 no_toxic:2 inflammatory:1
Poor Ms Wente - its come to the point where its hard to defend criminalization of pot - on so many levels : people across the generational divide use it , its ridiculously difficult to enforce , its ridiculously expensive to incarcerate offenders for this , etc . Even the parents who in the 70s believed a reefer would lead their children to become heroin addicts have realized it unlikely . On the other hand Ms Wente is generally a strong supporter of our current Prime Minister , whos hard on crime policies fly against the feeling of most Canadians about marijuana . Hence the obvoius internal conflict apparent in this article . ( Oh and it is a huge business for drug dealers , billions of dollars worth . Sure crack and coke may be bigger , but its still a lot of dough . Whether legalized distribution will be as profitable , hard to tell . And whether the mobsters for whom this is a good chunk of their change will willingly let this go , also hard to tell ) .
Quebec threatening to pull out of Canada is akin to West Virginia and Mississippi standing up in congress and threatening to leave the US of A-after the laughter had subsided and ,after the 'yea' votes in support of offloading those two economic mill stones had been counted , not too many tears would be shed by those living in the now wealthier 48 states over their lossThe Billion$$$ of dollars Quebec costs the ROC each and every year to too large a price to pay for a couple of Olympic medals
solution:2 specific_points:1 evidence:1 dialogue:1
no_non_con:3 provocative:1 no_respect:1 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 embarrassment:2 inflammatory:1
Quebec threatening to pull out of Canada is akin to West Virginia and Mississippi standing up in congress and threatening to leave the US of A-after the laughter had subsided and , after the yea votes in support of offloading those two economic mill stones had been counted , not too many tears would be shed by those living in the now wealthier 48 states over their lossThe Billion $ $ $ of dollars Quebec costs the ROC each and every year to too large a price to pay for a couple of Olympic medals
Why has the ROC's Harper governement finally realized the PQ will run the government in Quebec. In the last election the PQ was strongly favored to win a majority government. The minority status was a big shock. Anyway there is one simple thing Harper and Canadian hillbillies can do to make Canada not seem foreign to Quebecois and that would be to create a long gun registry. It really does not make to Quebecois that Canadians are so in bed with the US gun lobby.
dialogue:1 evidence:1 personal_story:1 specific_points:1 solution:1
no_non_con:3 sarcastic:1 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 abusive:1 personal_attack:1
Why has the ROCs Harper governement finally realized the PQ will run the government in Quebec . In the last election the PQ was strongly favored to win a majority government . The minority status was a big shock . Anyway there is one simple thing Harper and Canadian hillbillies can do to make Canada not seem foreign to Quebecois and that would be to create a long gun registry . It really does not make to Quebecois that Canadians are so in bed with the US gun lobby .
Lederman trots out the usual comparisons with Hitler, using the highly depreciated racism card. Seems like her attack on Trump is a vicarious desire to change the past. This is more in the realm of fantasy than reality. As it happens Hitler wanted to eliminate Christianity. This was documented in the Nuremberg trials. On the other hand Trump is a Christian, has Jewish son in law, Jewish daughter and Jewish grandchildren. These comparisons aside, there is a historical figure whom Trump shares many similarities with - the near genius of Churchill. Not least of which is Obama's disdain for both of them. Obama, it seems, sent a bust of Churchill in the oval office back to England, because, you guessed it, Churchill's racist, colonial past. There we have it, the man who saved civilization from racist tyranny, was a racist. Formidable!
dialogue:2 no_con:1 evidence:1 solution:1 specific_points:1
sarcastic:2 no_non_con:2 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:2 inflammatory:1 teasing:1 personal_attack:1
Lederman trots out the usual comparisons with Hitler , using the highly depreciated racism card . Seems like her attack on Trump is a vicarious desire to change the past . This is more in the realm of fantasy than reality . As it happens Hitler wanted to eliminate Christianity . This was documented in the Nuremberg trials . On the other hand Trump is a Christian , has Jewish son in law , Jewish daughter and Jewish grandchildren . These comparisons aside , there is a historical figure whom Trump shares many similarities with - the near genius of Churchill . Not least of which is Obamas disdain for both of them . Obama , it seems , sent a bust of Churchill in the oval office back to England , because , you guessed it , Churchills racist , colonial past . There we have it , the man who saved civilization from racist tyranny , was a racist . Formidable !
'The last thing a modern government needs is a cabinet that would reflect the exact ethnic makeup of the population. That’s because it’s impossible to achieve: Ministers are chosen from a caucus that results from the vagaries of politics and doesn’t correspond to demographic reality.' So, Ms. Gagnon agrees that a fully representative cabinet is impossible... So what is her gripe with a cabinet that moves as far towards reflecting the diversity of Canada than any Federal predecessor? I really don't understand the point of this article other than slicing hairs. All of these writers were cowed by Harper and all of a sudden they turn in to blowhards, anxious to pick apart any Liberal move with little care paid to the relevance of their screed. The Globe is turning into a consistently disappointing rag.
dialogue:4 specific_points:2 evidence:1 solution:1
no_non_con:4 sarcastic:1
no_toxic:2 abusive:1 personal_attack:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
The last thing a modern government needs is a cabinet that would reflect the exact ethnic makeup of the population . That ’ s because it ’ s impossible to achieve : Ministers are chosen from a caucus that results from the vagaries of politics and doesn ’ t correspond to demographic reality . So , Ms. Gagnon agrees that a fully representative cabinet is impossible ... So what is her gripe with a cabinet that moves as far towards reflecting the diversity of Canada than any Federal predecessor ? I really dont understand the point of this article other than slicing hairs . All of these writers were cowed by Harper and all of a sudden they turn in to blowhards , anxious to pick apart any Liberal move with little care paid to the relevance of their screed . The Globe is turning into a consistently disappointing rag .
Mr Lewis is right about one thing: the least controversial part of the Manifesto is the statement that Canada has to wean itself from the use of fossil fuels. This is demanded by our signature on the Paris Accord and it is demanded by the best science today. You do not reduce greenhouse emissions by increasing emissions (even if the carbon intensity is theoretically reduced a bit). Canada has to invest in alternative energy sources and the infrastructure that this implies. And yes, this will generate more jobs and more longer-term prosperity than the sooty system we have now. It is politically painful for governments in Edmonton, Vancouver, and Ottawa to admit it, but sooner or later they will have to come on board to the fact that the fossil fuel era is rapidly winding down.
evidence:3 solution:2 specific_points:2 dialogue:2
no_non_con:4 sarcastic:1
no_toxic:3 abusive:1 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1 embarrassment:1
Mr Lewis is right about one thing : the least controversial part of the Manifesto is the statement that Canada has to wean itself from the use of fossil fuels . This is demanded by our signature on the Paris Accord and it is demanded by the best science today . You do not reduce greenhouse emissions by increasing emissions ( even if the carbon intensity is theoretically reduced a bit ) . Canada has to invest in alternative energy sources and the infrastructure that this implies . And yes , this will generate more jobs and more longer-term prosperity than the sooty system we have now . It is politically painful for governments in Edmonton , Vancouver , and Ottawa to admit it , but sooner or later they will have to come on board to the fact that the fossil fuel era is rapidly winding down .
Our senile Mayor of Toronto, Tory, and his budget stooge, and city council, just this year hired hundreds of NEW ambulance and fire fighters, while they voted also to build several brand new fire and ambulance halls, that received virtually zero media attention. He, unlike Ford, has no intention of taking on the unions. Recall Ford, asked for a study to consolidate ambulance and fire departments that was roundly criticized by the media and unions. Tory is another liberal, fully dependant on the unions to get him in power, and stay in power. Ford is the ONLY politician I can recall locally, who TRIED to take on the unions. And we saw the power of the police chief, who spent who knows how much, targeting him, and destroying his rep, because he DARED asked Blair to cut his budget by 10%. And we all know, according to Charbonneau Commission testimonies, that the unions are fully in control by the mob.
dialogue:3 evidence:2 solution:1
no_non_con:4 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 embarrassment:1 abusive:1
Our senile Mayor of Toronto , Tory , and his budget stooge , and city council , just this year hired hundreds of NEW ambulance and fire fighters , while they voted also to build several brand new fire and ambulance halls , that received virtually zero media attention . He , unlike Ford , has no intention of taking on the unions . Recall Ford , asked for a study to consolidate ambulance and fire departments that was roundly criticized by the media and unions . Tory is another liberal , fully dependant on the unions to get him in power , and stay in power . Ford is the ONLY politician I can recall locally , who TRIED to take on the unions . And we saw the power of the police chief , who spent who knows how much , targeting him , and destroying his rep , because he DARED asked Blair to cut his budget by 10 % . And we all know , according to Charbonneau Commission testimonies , that the unions are fully in control by the mob .
'The Paris terror attacks are seen by many as testament to the need for hard power when dealing with the Islamic State – this while the new Canadian Prime Minister has been preaching, and was elected on, a soft power Liberal line.'-----sure, sure, because whacking Iraq and around with bombs, embargoes, occupation and bombs again for almost 25 years has been brilliant and excellent strategy that worked really well so far. what I cannot understand is why it still did not stop terrorists attacks.
dialogue:4 solution:1
no_non_con:4 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 embarrassment:1
The Paris terror attacks are seen by many as testament to the need for hard power when dealing with the Islamic State – this while the new Canadian Prime Minister has been preaching , and was elected on , a soft power Liberal line. -- -- -sure , sure , because whacking Iraq and around with bombs , embargoes , occupation and bombs again for almost 25 years has been brilliant and excellent strategy that worked really well so far . what I can not understand is why it still did not stop terrorists attacks .
That's what we need - people weighing in with quick and violent responses (or snide/partisan cracks) to a horribly complicated situation that very few of us actually understand. Why is there an article about people tweeting and commenting on news stories? We know these interventions are often less than well thought-out. Yes, there needs to be a response - but a strategic international response that has long-term impact and doesn't just make things worse.
dialogue:3 solution:2 specific_points:1
no_toxic:4 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1 teasing:1
Thats what we need - people weighing in with quick and violent responses ( or snide/partisan cracks ) to a horribly complicated situation that very few of us actually understand . Why is there an article about people tweeting and commenting on news stories ? We know these interventions are often less than well thought-out . Yes , there needs to be a response - but a strategic international response that has long-term impact and doesnt just make things worse .
Mr. Harper does not govern from the centre. We have confirmation within Ben Perrin (ironically a Harper supporter through op/eds he wrote here) that he ignores the BNA act. That's not governing by rule of law, which was established in the Western world in order to prevent anarchy. It's perfectly predictable that people become excitable when we don't know what the rules are from day to day.
solution:3 specific_points:2 personal_story:1 evidence:1 dialogue:1
no_non_con:4 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1
Mr. Harper does not govern from the centre . We have confirmation within Ben Perrin ( ironically a Harper supporter through op/eds he wrote here ) that he ignores the BNA act . Thats not governing by rule of law , which was established in the Western world in order to prevent anarchy . Its perfectly predictable that people become excitable when we dont know what the rules are from day to day .
He completely misses the point: there ARE limits to the legitimacy of laws passed by Parliament. This does not mean that Parliament cannot or will not pass certain legislation; only that there are limits to their moral and legal right to do so. This fact is reflected in the history of the evolution of Parliament. Mr Gibson is fooling himself if he believes in the argument that we can always get rid of the government. We can change the window dressing or the deck chairs, but only with great difficulty and against a system usually skewed in favour of the sitting party. As for the canard of the court being un-elected, they were appointed by an elected government. Why should this be any more questionable that having a Prime Minister who was not (directly) elected to that position? Or any of the Crown Ministers? I do not always agree with the court's decisions, but thank gawd we have them.
solution:4 evidence:2 personal_story:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:3 provocative:1 no_respect:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 embarrassment:1
He completely misses the point : there ARE limits to the legitimacy of laws passed by Parliament . This does not mean that Parliament can not or will not pass certain legislation ; only that there are limits to their moral and legal right to do so . This fact is reflected in the history of the evolution of Parliament . Mr Gibson is fooling himself if he believes in the argument that we can always get rid of the government . We can change the window dressing or the deck chairs , but only with great difficulty and against a system usually skewed in favour of the sitting party . As for the canard of the court being un-elected , they were appointed by an elected government . Why should this be any more questionable that having a Prime Minister who was not ( directly ) elected to that position ? Or any of the Crown Ministers ? I do not always agree with the courts decisions , but thank gawd we have them .
Gibson is in way over his head with this article. The subject matter is above his pay grade. That being said, over the last few years the SCC has made a number of important decisions that might reasonably have been decided the other way, and those decisions may well have important negative implications for Canada. For example, take the recent decisions on the constitutional right to collective bargaining, and the limiting of the ability of the provinces to restrict the right to strike of employees providing essential services. Pay in the public sector is out of control, provincial government deficits are through the roof, hospitals in Ontario are in the red and cancelling elective surgeries, and the burdens on the health care system are only beginning - they will be growing exponentially over the next decade or so. So how will the provinces deal with this given the SCC decisions? Are these decisions in the best interests of Canada? The way many industries in the US overcame otherwise insurmountable labor problems was to outsource. The US auto manufacturers used to manufacture the entire vehicle, everything but the tires, and now they just assemble them from parts supplied by hundreds of contractors, with two or three suppliers for each part. The objective is to minimize the labor from their own employees, who are the most expensive, and to reduce their of strike risk. The labor movement in the US destroyed many industries, and now the SCC has set the stage to allow the labor movement in Canada to destroy the provincial governments. Could these SCC decisions force a fundamental change in Canada's public healthcare system?
solution:2 specific_points:2 evidence:2 dialogue:2
no_non_con:4 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:2 teasing:2 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1
Gibson is in way over his head with this article . The subject matter is above his pay grade . That being said , over the last few years the SCC has made a number of important decisions that might reasonably have been decided the other way , and those decisions may well have important negative implications for Canada . For example , take the recent decisions on the constitutional right to collective bargaining , and the limiting of the ability of the provinces to restrict the right to strike of employees providing essential services . Pay in the public sector is out of control , provincial government deficits are through the roof , hospitals in Ontario are in the red and cancelling elective surgeries , and the burdens on the health care system are only beginning - they will be growing exponentially over the next decade or so . So how will the provinces deal with this given the SCC decisions ? Are these decisions in the best interests of Canada ? The way many industries in the US overcame otherwise insurmountable labor problems was to outsource . The US auto manufacturers used to manufacture the entire vehicle , everything but the tires , and now they just assemble them from parts supplied by hundreds of contractors , with two or three suppliers for each part . The objective is to minimize the labor from their own employees , who are the most expensive , and to reduce their of strike risk . The labor movement in the US destroyed many industries , and now the SCC has set the stage to allow the labor movement in Canada to destroy the provincial governments . Could these SCC decisions force a fundamental change in Canadas public healthcare system ?
Whereas trudeau is all about welfare, handouts, pensions, subsidies to special interest groups and temporary McJobs, trump is about putting his people back to work in real jobs, so that they can get off the public teat and make real contributions to society. I see nothing racist in that.
dialogue:3 evidence:2 personal_story:1 solution:1
no_non_con:3 provocative:1 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 inflammatory:1 embarrassment:1
Whereas trudeau is all about welfare , handouts , pensions , subsidies to special interest groups and temporary McJobs , trump is about putting his people back to work in real jobs , so that they can get off the public teat and make real contributions to society . I see nothing racist in that .
------' if you are black or Hispanic or Muslim or trans or gay or a woman, the answer is: Yes, they do hate you that much. America just bit off its nose to spite your face'-------No they do notI was in Arizona for the election and we hosted a party at our Scottsdale home(Our Scottsdale ZIP code 85255 gave more money to the Trump campaign than any other ZIP code in the country)everyone in attendance at our party , some 30 people , voted for Mr Trump with the exception of myself , my wife and our neighbors who are Swiss citizens and therefore do not voteno one in attendance at our party dislikes Blacks, Hispanics , Muslims or LGTBQ individualseveryone in attendance that night dislikes increased taxation on the educated class and overt politically correct agendas and all expressed concern with Ms Clintons honesty and character so no story here despite the wishes of Canadians to create a false dialogue
specific_points:3 dialogue:2 solution:1
no_non_con:4 provocative:1
no_toxic:3 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
-- -- -- if you are black or Hispanic or Muslim or trans or gay or a woman , the answer is : Yes , they do hate you that much . America just bit off its nose to spite your face -- -- -- -No they do notI was in Arizona for the election and we hosted a party at our Scottsdale home ( Our Scottsdale ZIP code 85255 gave more money to the Trump campaign than any other ZIP code in the country ) everyone in attendance at our party , some 30 people , voted for Mr Trump with the exception of myself , my wife and our neighbors who are Swiss citizens and therefore do not voteno one in attendance at our party dislikes Blacks , Hispanics , Muslims or LGTBQ individualseveryone in attendance that night dislikes increased taxation on the educated class and overt politically correct agendas and all expressed concern with Ms Clintons honesty and character so no story here despite the wishes of Canadians to create a false dialogue
Commenters, spend all the time you want analyzing demographics. The bottom line is this: More Americans voted for Clinton (the popular vote). They voted for a weak, scandal-plagued, and unpopular candidate--they rejected Trump. Against a better candidate, Trump would have lost, badly, and he will in four years. In the meantime, enjoy this charming, interesting man, his race-baiting, misogyny, and laugh-out-loud weak, uninformed thinking. If you think T.S. is wrong to lament the darker impulses of some people in the U.S., then you are worryingly ignorant about what is said and threatened down there. Have you not seen the rallies, the interviews, the horrific hate sites online? Heard the coded racism in other quarters? Heard Trump flatly refuse to condemn it all while sending signals that encourage it? Terrible beliefs that spread across all demographics, it's in Canada too. Wake up. A portion of the voters for Trump are scary to think about. That's not lefitst elitism talking--it's common decency based on easily observed, confirmed, and wide spread data and examples. The canned appeals below to majority will and economic protest votes do not account, explain, or excuse what T.S. accurately describes.
solution:2 evidence:2 dialogue:2
no_non_con:3 provocative:2
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 personal_attack:1
Commenters , spend all the time you want analyzing demographics . The bottom line is this : More Americans voted for Clinton ( the popular vote ) . They voted for a weak , scandal-plagued , and unpopular candidate -- they rejected Trump . Against a better candidate , Trump would have lost , badly , and he will in four years . In the meantime , enjoy this charming , interesting man , his race-baiting , misogyny , and laugh-out-loud weak , uninformed thinking . If you think T.S . is wrong to lament the darker impulses of some people in the U.S. , then you are worryingly ignorant about what is said and threatened down there . Have you not seen the rallies , the interviews , the horrific hate sites online ? Heard the coded racism in other quarters ? Heard Trump flatly refuse to condemn it all while sending signals that encourage it ? Terrible beliefs that spread across all demographics , its in Canada too . Wake up . A portion of the voters for Trump are scary to think about . Thats not lefitst elitism talking -- its common decency based on easily observed , confirmed , and wide spread data and examples . The canned appeals below to majority will and economic protest votes do not account , explain , or excuse what T.S . accurately describes .
'Angry promises delivered isolation and uncertainty' according to who, the Globe and other outspoken progressive media? Imagine if Canada gave control of our borders and immigration to Washington. The EU is an ineffectual political beast of self-serving bureaucrats. After the EU's response to hundreds of thousands of young men flooding Europe with absolutely no background checks, how can you blame them? After Merkel kow-towed to the authoritarian demagogue in Turkey, how can you blame them? The UK will remain the center of commerce for Europe and will be stronger without being saddled by the political impotence of Brussels.
specific_points:3 dialogue:2 solution:1 personal_story:1
no_non_con:2 unsubstantial:1 provocative:1 no_respect:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 abusive:1 inflammatory:1
Angry promises delivered isolation and uncertainty according to who , the Globe and other outspoken progressive media ? Imagine if Canada gave control of our borders and immigration to Washington . The EU is an ineffectual political beast of self-serving bureaucrats . After the EUs response to hundreds of thousands of young men flooding Europe with absolutely no background checks , how can you blame them ? After Merkel kow-towed to the authoritarian demagogue in Turkey , how can you blame them ? The UK will remain the center of commerce for Europe and will be stronger without being saddled by the political impotence of Brussels .
I fail to see how globalization has benefited the middle class. In fact, it has hollowed out the middle class, jobs have disappeared, and minorities are flooding in taking away jobs. There has been no benefit to the middle class, but we were told to trust our betters. They were wrong, or lied. Now they say a catastrophe is at hand because of this rejection of the EU. These people are not to be believed.
dialogue:2 solution:2 specific_points:1
no_non_con:4 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 personal_attack:1
I fail to see how globalization has benefited the middle class . In fact , it has hollowed out the middle class , jobs have disappeared , and minorities are flooding in taking away jobs . There has been no benefit to the middle class , but we were told to trust our betters . They were wrong , or lied . Now they say a catastrophe is at hand because of this rejection of the EU . These people are not to be believed .
Retired people in Britain voted to try and reclaim the Britain of their youth. In doing so, they stole the future from today's youth. Guess what people. The Beatles aren't coming back. Carnaby Street is over. The swinging sixties are done. The future belongs to today's young people and you just messed it up for them. Young British people are working all over Europe, taking advantage of the opportunities available to them, or working at home, making stuff for a market of hundreds of millions of people. Now the Boomers, who have had everything their own way their whole life, whose mantra is take, take, take, have taken the future from their own children. It really is appalling.
specific_points:2 dialogue:2 evidence:1 personal_story:1
no_non_con:3 non_relevant:1 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:2 personal_attack:2 inflammatory:1
Retired people in Britain voted to try and reclaim the Britain of their youth . In doing so , they stole the future from todays youth . Guess what people . The Beatles arent coming back . Carnaby Street is over . The swinging sixties are done . The future belongs to todays young people and you just messed it up for them . Young British people are working all over Europe , taking advantage of the opportunities available to them , or working at home , making stuff for a market of hundreds of millions of people . Now the Boomers , who have had everything their own way their whole life , whose mantra is take , take , take , have taken the future from their own children . It really is appalling .
'He was disliked by many, and returned the favour by sometimes acting in ways that seemed secretive, controlling and even vindictive.'He didn't 'act' like those things. He WAS those things. And his cowed caucus understandably went along with his tactics as it did succeed in bringing them to the promised land. But the down side of that centralized messaging and Harper branding is only just being felt now, as the only truly high profile remaining CPC MPs are best known for their support of that brand (and not much else). It will take some time to recover.
dialogue:3 solution:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:4 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:4 abusive:1 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1
He was disliked by many , and returned the favour by sometimes acting in ways that seemed secretive , controlling and even vindictive.He didnt act like those things . He WAS those things . And his cowed caucus understandably went along with his tactics as it did succeed in bringing them to the promised land . But the down side of that centralized messaging and Harper branding is only just being felt now , as the only truly high profile remaining CPC MPs are best known for their support of that brand ( and not much else ) . It will take some time to recover .
Jenni Byrne: Your 'strategy' of not attacking the NDP, hoping they would maintain their strength instead of losing it to the Liberals, would not have worked either. The gains made by the NDP in 2011 came about because of Jack Layton's ability to attract transient voters. That wasn't sustainable in 2015, and those transient voters went back to the Liberals. The second mistake made by your campaign team was not expanding support beyond the Conservative base. While it's important to maintain that core support, it's equally important to grow by attracting a broader base that would also include the 'Red Tories' who felt alienated and also chose to vote Liberal. Until the Conservatives understand the importance of appealing to a broader cross-section of the Canadian population, they will continue serving as the official opposition.
dialogue:3 evidence:2 specific_points:2
no_non_con:4 provocative:1
no_toxic:3 inflammatory:2 embarrassment:1
Jenni Byrne : Your strategy of not attacking the NDP , hoping they would maintain their strength instead of losing it to the Liberals , would not have worked either . The gains made by the NDP in 2011 came about because of Jack Laytons ability to attract transient voters . That wasnt sustainable in 2015 , and those transient voters went back to the Liberals . The second mistake made by your campaign team was not expanding support beyond the Conservative base . While its important to maintain that core support , its equally important to grow by attracting a broader base that would also include the Red Tories who felt alienated and also chose to vote Liberal . Until the Conservatives understand the importance of appealing to a broader cross-section of the Canadian population , they will continue serving as the official opposition .
Ok Jenni, if the disastrous Conservative Party of Canada national campaign wasn't your fault, whose fault was it?Locally Conservative volunteers got shellacked by the confusing, ridiculous and sometime indefensible announcements coming from the national campaign. We could have won locally if not for the loss of support that was a direct consequence of the national campaign's actions and announcements. The Conservatives should find out exactly why they lost and keep those lessons learned in front of them when they plan their 2019 campaign.
dialogue:3 evidence:2 solution:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:3 provocative:1 sarcastic:1
no_toxic:3 abusive:1 inflammatory:1 personal_attack:1
Ok Jenni , if the disastrous Conservative Party of Canada national campaign wasnt your fault , whose fault was it ? Locally Conservative volunteers got shellacked by the confusing , ridiculous and sometime indefensible announcements coming from the national campaign . We could have won locally if not for the loss of support that was a direct consequence of the national campaigns actions and announcements . The Conservatives should find out exactly why they lost and keep those lessons learned in front of them when they plan their 2019 campaign .
The surprisingly facile analysis of the election loss, speaks volumes about the tenuous grasp the author has on why she, specifically, lost the prize for her boss. The fact that she still thinks it is about 'attacking' other parties, rather than offering any kind of policy or vision is just sad.
specific_points:3 dialogue:1 solution:1 evidence:1
no_non_con:4 no_respect:1 unsubstantial:1
teasing:2 embarrassment:2 no_toxic:2
The surprisingly facile analysis of the election loss , speaks volumes about the tenuous grasp the author has on why she , specifically , lost the prize for her boss . The fact that she still thinks it is about attacking other parties , rather than offering any kind of policy or vision is just sad .
Governments are seldom defeated. They defeat themselves. In four years the desire for change may be just as great as 2015. They next time voters may want to change to something other than the Liberal option. All opposition parties should be prepared to be the alternative option.
dialogue:3 evidence:1 solution:1
no_toxic:4 personal_attack:1 teasing:1
Governments are seldom defeated . They defeat themselves . In four years the desire for change may be just as great as 2015 . They next time voters may want to change to something other than the Liberal option . All opposition parties should be prepared to be the alternative option .
To say thay culture cant affect economics , means that we've given up to technocrats. I studied economics, its modern form has only really been around since the 50's and news flash, they're mainy making it up.How does trade equal you have no control of your boarders, taxes and own economy? The EU is essentially a technocratic government thay has no real legitimacy through the democratic process. They essentially used free trade to make a United Stataes of Europe without the democratic legitimacy and ensuring that automous control of the member states. Is it really a surprise that this happened? The problem is this 1) the economic model has been peverted for political aims 2) the evonomic benefits are generational to come to fruititon, can't say to ppl, yeah we're writting you guys off for the next 60 years 3) they are actively fighting deflatiom went thay it what the model says is going to derive the most benefits, your lower wage from your now worse job is commensated by lower prices, but instead they actively want proces to increae! Lunacy.
solution:4 specific_points:3 personal_story:1 evidence:1 no_con:1
no_non_con:4 no_respect:1 non_relevant:1
embarrassment:3 no_toxic:2 teasing:1
To say thay culture cant affect economics , means that weve given up to technocrats . I studied economics , its modern form has only really been around since the 50s and news flash , theyre mainy making it up.How does trade equal you have no control of your boarders , taxes and own economy ? The EU is essentially a technocratic government thay has no real legitimacy through the democratic process . They essentially used free trade to make a United Stataes of Europe without the democratic legitimacy and ensuring that automous control of the member states . Is it really a surprise that this happened ? The problem is this 1 ) the economic model has been peverted for political aims 2 ) the evonomic benefits are generational to come to fruititon , cant say to ppl , yeah were writting you guys off for the next 60 years 3 ) they are actively fighting deflatiom went thay it what the model says is going to derive the most benefits , your lower wage from your now worse job is commensated by lower prices , but instead they actively want proces to increae ! Lunacy .
Here is an excellent letter to the editor in the Winnipeg Free Press which can't be condemned as racist. The author Kelly Chartrand, is the type of leadership that is needed in the First Nations, and I am sure there are many more like him, but they have to be given the opportunity to be listened to.In his letter Friday Jan. 4 he wrote'To my mind ,it is the usual stupidity when protest is disruptive to the general populace. These ticked off people will not be asking officials to tackle the Aboriginal problems , but to do something about the problem Aboriginals. Protest should focus on the actual people with the power to solve the problems. Focus should be on the members of Parliament and especially the useless chiefs. Protest where they work and where they live.'
solution:4 dialogue:2 evidence:2 specific_points:1
no_non_con:4 no_respect:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 embarrassment:1
Here is an excellent letter to the editor in the Winnipeg Free Press which cant be condemned as racist . The author Kelly Chartrand , is the type of leadership that is needed in the First Nations , and I am sure there are many more like him , but they have to be given the opportunity to be listened to.In his letter Friday Jan. 4 he wroteTo my mind , it is the usual stupidity when protest is disruptive to the general populace . These ticked off people will not be asking officials to tackle the Aboriginal problems , but to do something about the problem Aboriginals . Protest should focus on the actual people with the power to solve the problems . Focus should be on the members of Parliament and especially the useless chiefs . Protest where they work and where they live .
Natives have freedom of movement in Canada just like every other Canadian does. As Canada becomes ever more a nation of immigrants who have come here with little or nothing, worked hard and prospered, i think there will be less and less sympathy for the woe is me story from native communities getting hundreds of millions of tax dollars and resource contracts. If it's crappy on your reserve, move. Go to school, get a job, make something for yourself. It's what every other Canadian does.
solution:2 dialogue:2 evidence:1 specific_points:1 personal_story:1
no_non_con:4 no_respect:1
no_toxic:2 embarrassment:2 abusive:1
Natives have freedom of movement in Canada just like every other Canadian does . As Canada becomes ever more a nation of immigrants who have come here with little or nothing , worked hard and prospered , i think there will be less and less sympathy for the woe is me story from native communities getting hundreds of millions of tax dollars and resource contracts . If its crappy on your reserve , move . Go to school , get a job , make something for yourself . Its what every other Canadian does .
At this moment in time, most of the citizens in the country pays approx 45% +/- in gov't taxes, fees, tolls, premiums, etc. For most, Gov't cost is the largest expenditure during our lifetimes. The vast majority of Canadians are careful and cautious with the money they have left to spend. Why is it wrong to request or demand that the dollars collected by the various governments to be spent as wisely?
solution:4 specific_points:2 personal_story:2 no_con:1
no_non_con:3 provocative:1 unsubstantial:1 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 embarrassment:1
At this moment in time , most of the citizens in the country pays approx 45 % +/- in govt taxes , fees , tolls , premiums , etc . For most , Govt cost is the largest expenditure during our lifetimes . The vast majority of Canadians are careful and cautious with the money they have left to spend . Why is it wrong to request or demand that the dollars collected by the various governments to be spent as wisely ?
Mr. Simpson has put his finger on what truly is a disturbing concept emerging throughtout the Rob and Doug Ford debacle. What does it say about a society when more and more individuals abandon logic and reason to ignorantly support and sympathize with a politician the likes of Rob Ford? What basic element of an intelligent, first world culture is being eroded? Democracy only works if the people take their responsibility to wisely choose their leader seriously. I can only hope that the number of Ford Nation simpletons have been greatly exaggerated by the media. God help us all if Toronto becomes increasingly populated by 19 year old high school dropouts whose only claim to fame, beyond their prowess to binge guzzle alcohol, is being the proud owner of a banned pitbull.
dialogue:2 solution:2 specific_points:1 no_con:1
no_non_con:3 unsubstantial:2 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:3 inflammatory:2 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
Mr. Simpson has put his finger on what truly is a disturbing concept emerging throughtout the Rob and Doug Ford debacle . What does it say about a society when more and more individuals abandon logic and reason to ignorantly support and sympathize with a politician the likes of Rob Ford ? What basic element of an intelligent , first world culture is being eroded ? Democracy only works if the people take their responsibility to wisely choose their leader seriously . I can only hope that the number of Ford Nation simpletons have been greatly exaggerated by the media . God help us all if Toronto becomes increasingly populated by 19 year old high school dropouts whose only claim to fame , beyond their prowess to binge guzzle alcohol , is being the proud owner of a banned pitbull .
We need to start explaining more clearly that multiculturalism is not carte blanche to bring your culture, complete, to Canada or the West. It is the freedom to practise all the aspects of your culture that do not conflict with the extant values and freedoms of the country you are moving to. Except of course JT the PM is on record as saying there are no 'Canadian' values per se.
solution:3 specific_points:3 personal_story:2 no_con:1
no_non_con:3 unsubstantial:1 no_respect:1 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:3 inflammatory:2 personal_attack:1 embarrassment:1
We need to start explaining more clearly that multiculturalism is not carte blanche to bring your culture , complete , to Canada or the West . It is the freedom to practise all the aspects of your culture that do not conflict with the extant values and freedoms of the country you are moving to . Except of course JT the PM is on record as saying there are no Canadian values per se .
If the academic quoted in the Times (London) is correct, it won't end well: '''Crime and disorder warning after influx of male migrants ~ Tens of thousands of young male migrants pursuing a new life in Europe could threaten the peace and stability of western nations, an American professor has warned. Huge numbers of unaccompanied teenage boys who have fled poverty and war in Africa, the Middle East and Afghanistan are creating imbalances in the numbers of men and women in parts of Europe which rival those of China, according to Valerie Hudson, a professor at Texas A&M University who studies the effects of sex ratios on the stability of nations.'''
dialogue:3 specific_points:2 evidence:2 solution:1
no_non_con:4 sarcastic:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 embarrassment:1 inflammatory:1
If the academic quoted in the Times ( London ) is correct , it wont end well : Crime and disorder warning after influx of male migrants ~ Tens of thousands of young male migrants pursuing a new life in Europe could threaten the peace and stability of western nations , an American professor has warned . Huge numbers of unaccompanied teenage boys who have fled poverty and war in Africa , the Middle East and Afghanistan are creating imbalances in the numbers of men and women in parts of Europe which rival those of China , according to Valerie Hudson , a professor at Texas A & M University who studies the effects of sex ratios on the stability of nations .
After many elections of support to the CPC, I am one of those who is shifting to the Libs mainly because the house needs to be cleaned. Even the long campaign was a major strategic mistake for a too-tired too-fossilized party unable to inspire Canadians. Almost three months of negativity, fear and misrepresentation of opponents has made Canadians even more weary of Harper. The fear formula only works for short bursts until people wake up to see the game and get sick of it fairly quickly. I think Wente has it right that people are looking at the sunny Trudeau as a refreshing change from all the cynicism. Even if he does lack the intellectual capacity of the others, he does score high on emotional intelligence, something of which Harper has about zero, and Mulcair not much more.
dialogue:4 solution:1 evidence:1
no_non_con:3 unsubstantial:1 no_respect:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 inflammatory:1 embarrassment:1
After many elections of support to the CPC , I am one of those who is shifting to the Libs mainly because the house needs to be cleaned . Even the long campaign was a major strategic mistake for a too-tired too-fossilized party unable to inspire Canadians . Almost three months of negativity , fear and misrepresentation of opponents has made Canadians even more weary of Harper . The fear formula only works for short bursts until people wake up to see the game and get sick of it fairly quickly . I think Wente has it right that people are looking at the sunny Trudeau as a refreshing change from all the cynicism . Even if he does lack the intellectual capacity of the others , he does score high on emotional intelligence , something of which Harper has about zero , and Mulcair not much more .
We Canadians want to know who was in charge of the RoboCall Scam and why we haven't been told already. It's been 4 years and we still do not have answers. And if this government was not responsible for them why are they not cooperating to clear their name? Why are they making new laws to prevent discovery of RoboCall Scammers?
solution:2 specific_points:2 dialogue:2 evidence:1
no_non_con:2 no_respect:1 non_relevant:1 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 abusive:1 personal_attack:1 teasing:1
We Canadians want to know who was in charge of the RoboCall Scam and why we havent been told already . Its been 4 years and we still do not have answers . And if this government was not responsible for them why are they not cooperating to clear their name ? Why are they making new laws to prevent discovery of RoboCall Scammers ?
This man claims to speak for Canadians but he doesn't want to talk to them or consult him. Surely there is someone from the party monitoring news sites to take the pulse of things especially since they are so low in the polls. Over a hundred academics and scholars as well as respected individuals beyond our borders have sounded the alarm. How far will he push this? Neufeld who he has constantly misrepresented to promote the bill will appear before a parliamentary committee on Thursday. It will be broadcast on the CBC's website.
dialogue:2 solution:2 personal_story:1 no_con:1
no_non_con:4 provocative:1 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:3 inflammatory:2 abusive:1 teasing:1
This man claims to speak for Canadians but he doesnt want to talk to them or consult him . Surely there is someone from the party monitoring news sites to take the pulse of things especially since they are so low in the polls . Over a hundred academics and scholars as well as respected individuals beyond our borders have sounded the alarm . How far will he push this ? Neufeld who he has constantly misrepresented to promote the bill will appear before a parliamentary committee on Thursday . It will be broadcast on the CBCs website .
Many don't stop and consider that besides being a cold country Canada is a very expensive country in which to settle for those who in most cases are likely to migrate to the largest cities. We've priced ourselves out of the market, so to speak. And we do little for our own poor, having fallen into the bottom third of OECD countries when social program spending is calculated as a percentage of GDP. Further, employment security and protection in Canada is near the bottom of OECD rankings. Newcomers face low incomes, employment insecurity, high living costs and bad weather. Doesn't sound like a pitch that will appeal to many. Canadians tend to overrate this country. Others are far less likely to do so.
specific_points:2 dialogue:2 no_con:1 personal_story:1 evidence:1
no_non_con:3 non_relevant:1 sarcastic:1
no_toxic:3 abusive:1 inflammatory:1 teasing:1
Many dont stop and consider that besides being a cold country Canada is a very expensive country in which to settle for those who in most cases are likely to migrate to the largest cities . Weve priced ourselves out of the market , so to speak . And we do little for our own poor , having fallen into the bottom third of OECD countries when social program spending is calculated as a percentage of GDP . Further , employment security and protection in Canada is near the bottom of OECD rankings . Newcomers face low incomes , employment insecurity , high living costs and bad weather . Doesnt sound like a pitch that will appeal to many . Canadians tend to overrate this country . Others are far less likely to do so .
Thanks for a nice dose of perspective. I live in Saint John NB which has long prided itself as 'the Loyalist City'. At one time Saint John was the 4th largest English speaking city on the continent, but it has long been in decline and now has less population than Moncton. A component of this decline is a culture that right into the 1950's saw itself as uniquely enlightened and dare I say - Anglican. Lesser souls were certainly seen as being lesser. The city is now culturally much more dominated politically by the descendants of Irish Immigrants and I think, speaking as a person of protestant roots, that the changes toward being less presumptuous have been refreshing. I think we now have a far nicer and more open and more welcoming society here than once we were, and that certainly includes the Anglicans too who have much to be proud of in their great heritage. But we also have a lot of poverty now, and for folks in such circumstances it is never easy or nice. Interesting how our poverty is particularly concentrated on the home turf and still the headquarters of one of Canada's greatest industrial families. So much for trickle down!
solution:3 evidence:2 personal_story:2 specific_points:1 dialogue:1 no_con:1
no_non_con:5 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 abusive:1 inflammatory:1
Thanks for a nice dose of perspective . I live in Saint John NB which has long prided itself as the Loyalist City . At one time Saint John was the 4th largest English speaking city on the continent , but it has long been in decline and now has less population than Moncton . A component of this decline is a culture that right into the 1950s saw itself as uniquely enlightened and dare I say - Anglican . Lesser souls were certainly seen as being lesser . The city is now culturally much more dominated politically by the descendants of Irish Immigrants and I think , speaking as a person of protestant roots , that the changes toward being less presumptuous have been refreshing . I think we now have a far nicer and more open and more welcoming society here than once we were , and that certainly includes the Anglicans too who have much to be proud of in their great heritage . But we also have a lot of poverty now , and for folks in such circumstances it is never easy or nice . Interesting how our poverty is particularly concentrated on the home turf and still the headquarters of one of Canadas greatest industrial families . So much for trickle down !
The whole emigration bit to North America ( US or Canada ) is a turn-off for many. These refugees are NOT the poor bottom quartile but usually the best educated with initiative and prepared to work. They become refugees because they are not prepared to join and partake in the current ME circus. It may come as a news flash - but education, hard work and initiative will result in a quite pleasant life style anywhere in Europe. Emigration to America is a life altering decision taken only under dire circumstances - the wrong end of a gun .....And Canada is not quite as famous as we like to think.
dialogue:3 evidence:3 specific_points:2 solution:1
no_non_con:4 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 embarrassment:1 personal_attack:1
The whole emigration bit to North America ( US or Canada ) is a turn-off for many . These refugees are NOT the poor bottom quartile but usually the best educated with initiative and prepared to work . They become refugees because they are not prepared to join and partake in the current ME circus . It may come as a news flash - but education , hard work and initiative will result in a quite pleasant life style anywhere in Europe . Emigration to America is a life altering decision taken only under dire circumstances - the wrong end of a gun ... ..And Canada is not quite as famous as we like to think .
Amazing. A whole column about why Canada has had trouble attracting people and no mention of the climate! What is the one thing people know about canada when they don't know anything else? That it'S COLD! The U.S., Australia, and Spain have in common that they have warm climates, beaches even! It isn't Vermont, Maine or Minnesota that attract newcomers....Even Germany has better weather. The only worthwhile comparison would be the Scandinavian countries, and yes, the only reason they do attract some refugees is very generous social benefits (and the fact those refugees may already have family there.)Otherwise, there is the difference between the people in the camps, and those on the move with the 'Germany or bust' mentality. Maybe we should ask what that difference might be? The difference between real refugees who just want a safe space near their country to wait until they can go back, and those ambitious young people who are more economic migrants jumping on their only opportunity to go to a developed country, near their own, with an already very important and influential Muslim community?
solution:4 specific_points:3 dialogue:1 evidence:1 no_con:1
no_non_con:4 no_respect:1 non_relevant:1
inflammatory:2 no_toxic:1 embarrassment:1 teasing:1
Amazing . A whole column about why Canada has had trouble attracting people and no mention of the climate ! What is the one thing people know about canada when they dont know anything else ? That itS COLD ! The U.S. , Australia , and Spain have in common that they have warm climates , beaches even ! It isnt Vermont , Maine or Minnesota that attract newcomers ... .Even Germany has better weather . The only worthwhile comparison would be the Scandinavian countries , and yes , the only reason they do attract some refugees is very generous social benefits ( and the fact those refugees may already have family there . ) Otherwise , there is the difference between the people in the camps , and those on the move with the Germany or bust mentality . Maybe we should ask what that difference might be ? The difference between real refugees who just want a safe space near their country to wait until they can go back , and those ambitious young people who are more economic migrants jumping on their only opportunity to go to a developed country , near their own , with an already very important and influential Muslim community ?
Well, if you look at all the photos of the migrants/refugees pouring into Europe, you'll see the majority by far are men on their own, and many if most not just from Syria. Sociologists and criminologists can show that by far the most violent crimes are committed by young, single men between the ages of 15 and 29. Nations, like China, where there's a preference for male children, have encountered trouble in recent years, because the number of men outstripped women. Add to that such factors as being a newcomer in a country where you don't speak the language, get the culture, have a job, etc. and this risk is even higher. So I'm not surprised that the government has made this decision, I'm afraid. Letting the refugees in is a benevolent choice by Canada, not a requirement, and Canada is entitled to choose the risk its willing to take.
evidence:2 solution:2 specific_points:2 dialogue:2
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 abusive:1
Well , if you look at all the photos of the migrants/refugees pouring into Europe , youll see the majority by far are men on their own , and many if most not just from Syria . Sociologists and criminologists can show that by far the most violent crimes are committed by young , single men between the ages of 15 and 29 . Nations , like China , where theres a preference for male children , have encountered trouble in recent years , because the number of men outstripped women . Add to that such factors as being a newcomer in a country where you dont speak the language , get the culture , have a job , etc . and this risk is even higher . So Im not surprised that the government has made this decision , Im afraid . Letting the refugees in is a benevolent choice by Canada , not a requirement , and Canada is entitled to choose the risk its willing to take .
I can't speak for everyone but I think Trudeau's decision to at least take families instead of the single male refugees is not a bad idea. The world has real reason to worry. These Syrian families have lived their entire lives steeped in a culture of hate. I guess we will just see how they cope with the coming culture shock. I guess the only other thing I could say we could do is give those refugees a polygraph. ASK them if they have terrorist plans. Ask them if they are being blackmailed. Ask them if they support or condone the terrorist actions around the world. Ask them before they get here.
personal_story:2 solution:2 dialogue:1
no_non_con:3 no_respect:1 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:2 inflammatory:2 abusive:1 personal_attack:1
I cant speak for everyone but I think Trudeaus decision to at least take families instead of the single male refugees is not a bad idea . The world has real reason to worry . These Syrian families have lived their entire lives steeped in a culture of hate . I guess we will just see how they cope with the coming culture shock . I guess the only other thing I could say we could do is give those refugees a polygraph . ASK them if they have terrorist plans . Ask them if they are being blackmailed . Ask them if they support or condone the terrorist actions around the world . Ask them before they get here .
One thing is for certain. Had the Conservatives had such a policy of exclusion, the media - the elite Ottawa media - would have been all over Mr. Harper and the Conservatives. In this case the media - the elite Ottawa media - is noticeably silent. Simply tells us the Liberal media bias is real!
solution:2 dialogue:2 evidence:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:3 non_relevant:2
no_toxic:4 personal_attack:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
One thing is for certain . Had the Conservatives had such a policy of exclusion , the media - the elite Ottawa media - would have been all over Mr. Harper and the Conservatives . In this case the media - the elite Ottawa media - is noticeably silent . Simply tells us the Liberal media bias is real !
Women and children are the most vulnerable. They will also adapt better to their new country than young Islamic men will. Men dominate women in Islamic countries and are the ones that drive radical Islam. And because there is a limited number of refugees Canada can accept it makes sense to choose families, women and children first.
solution:3 specific_points:3 dialogue:1 evidence:1
no_non_con:4 provocative:1
inflammatory:2 no_toxic:2 abusive:1 personal_attack:1
Women and children are the most vulnerable . They will also adapt better to their new country than young Islamic men will . Men dominate women in Islamic countries and are the ones that drive radical Islam . And because there is a limited number of refugees Canada can accept it makes sense to choose families , women and children first .
What would you have him do, Margaret? No ideas? Maybe you would rather just impugn someone who's having a difficult time wrestling with a difficult subject. History turns on such situations as this and while the ugly truths of realpolitik may offend, Obama's indecision is certainly understandable. Too often we've laid parts of this planet to waste simply because some bloated ego(s) didn't want to appear weak.
dialogue:4 evidence:2 solution:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 personal_attack:1
What would you have him do , Margaret ? No ideas ? Maybe you would rather just impugn someone whos having a difficult time wrestling with a difficult subject . History turns on such situations as this and while the ugly truths of realpolitik may offend , Obamas indecision is certainly understandable . Too often weve laid parts of this planet to waste simply because some bloated ego ( s ) didnt want to appear weak .
98-pound weakling or no, I think the US is wisely measuring the potential response from Russia and China. Those two rather powerful countries - which in stark and embarrassing contrast to our own can back up their positions with more than the Stern Daughter of the Voice of God routine - have every reason to be wary of any further Western incursion in the Near East, and may possibly have informed the US through quieter, less shrill, back channels that Syria is indeed a 'red line' that is crossed at great peril. Not that any pandering, name calling commentator could appreciate that.
dialogue:3 evidence:2 solution:1 personal_story:1
no_non_con:4 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2
98-pound weakling or no , I think the US is wisely measuring the potential response from Russia and China . Those two rather powerful countries - which in stark and embarrassing contrast to our own can back up their positions with more than the Stern Daughter of the Voice of God routine - have every reason to be wary of any further Western incursion in the Near East , and may possibly have informed the US through quieter , less shrill , back channels that Syria is indeed a red line that is crossed at great peril . Not that any pandering , name calling commentator could appreciate that .
Isn't this what happens we allow permit other cultures to erode our values/customs etc.? Why is it wrong to expect those who want to come here to respect our ways? Since when is immigrating here a right and not privilege? Just stop and ask yourself why so many want to immigrate to the west vs the other way around. Obviously, we have created a desirable way of life that attracts others otherwise why would they come? So why wouldn't we want to retain those foundations that got us here? In western culture seeing someone's face is key to TRUST. It's simple as that. Fair or not, it is our way..
dialogue:3 solution:1 evidence:1 specific_points:1
no_toxic:4 inflammatory:1
Isnt this what happens we allow permit other cultures to erode our values/customs etc. ? Why is it wrong to expect those who want to come here to respect our ways ? Since when is immigrating here a right and not privilege ? Just stop and ask yourself why so many want to immigrate to the west vs the other way around . Obviously , we have created a desirable way of life that attracts others otherwise why would they come ? So why wouldnt we want to retain those foundations that got us here ? In western culture seeing someones face is key to TRUST . Its simple as that . Fair or not , it is our way..
The sky will not fall. Time to let another party take the lead. It will be an eternal argument for the other party to have no experience. It would actually be good and healthy for more than one party to have governing experience. That way Alberta may actually flourish for real.
dialogue:4 solution:1 evidence:1 no_con:1
unsubstantial:2 no_non_con:2 no_respect:1
no_toxic:4 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1
The sky will not fall . Time to let another party take the lead . It will be an eternal argument for the other party to have no experience . It would actually be good and healthy for more than one party to have governing experience . That way Alberta may actually flourish for real .
' Ideally, he (PC Prentice) would also only win enough seats to form a minority government...' And if most people took the editorial's advice, that wouldn't happen. We'd have the same state of affairs that we did after the last election-eve flip-flop.What this editorial needed was a final statement: so, in spite of the fact that Prentice offers the soundest choice for voters, please, mark your ballot NDP or Wildrose, to ensure a minority. Thanks you, and God bless us one and all...
dialogue:2 specific_points:2 solution:1 evidence:1
no_non_con:2 unsubstantial:2 provocative:1
no_toxic:4 personal_attack:1 teasing:1
Ideally , he ( PC Prentice ) would also only win enough seats to form a minority government ... And if most people took the editorials advice , that wouldnt happen . Wed have the same state of affairs that we did after the last election-eve flip-flop.What this editorial needed was a final statement : so , in spite of the fact that Prentice offers the soundest choice for voters , please , mark your ballot NDP or Wildrose , to ensure a minority . Thanks you , and God bless us one and all ...
Rather nifty logic. a) You don't like all the nasty and sneaky things the Leader is doing. But you want us to vote for the party anyway because of what a bang-up job the Leader has done on the economy. b) Then you state the Leader has done such a bang-up job on the economy, the other two parties have adopted the Leader's economic agenda. So the other two parties aren't going to change the approach to the economy. But for the sake of the economy, we should vote for 'the party' even though 'the Leader' needs to be replaced and you want him replaced. I'd suggest just defeating the Conservative Party will in fact get rid of the Leader. I wonder if the owners of the G&M exerted any control over what this editorial was supposed to say.
dialogue:3 specific_points:2 personal_story:1 solution:1
no_non_con:3 unsubstantial:2 provocative:1
no_toxic:3 abusive:1 teasing:1
Rather nifty logic . a ) You dont like all the nasty and sneaky things the Leader is doing . But you want us to vote for the party anyway because of what a bang-up job the Leader has done on the economy . b ) Then you state the Leader has done such a bang-up job on the economy , the other two parties have adopted the Leaders economic agenda . So the other two parties arent going to change the approach to the economy . But for the sake of the economy , we should vote for the party even though the Leader needs to be replaced and you want him replaced . Id suggest just defeating the Conservative Party will in fact get rid of the Leader . I wonder if the owners of the G & M exerted any control over what this editorial was supposed to say .
Pierre 'Poutine' Poilievre has multiple cabinet posts. That more than any other thing reflects what the conservative party is today. And it should be reelected? Even in economic matters the record is anything but persuasive: the tax code is a shopping list of tax breaks aimed at their targeted slices of the electorate. Harper gets reelected with a majority and is then going to resign? Really?
evidence:2 dialogue:2 solution:2 specific_points:1
no_toxic:3 personal_attack:1 teasing:1
Pierre Poutine Poilievre has multiple cabinet posts . That more than any other thing reflects what the conservative party is today . And it should be reelected ? Even in economic matters the record is anything but persuasive : the tax code is a shopping list of tax breaks aimed at their targeted slices of the electorate . Harper gets reelected with a majority and is then going to resign ? Really ?
Hmm let's see Saturday's editorial I'm sure it will be critical of Hudak. The Globe has a history of endorsing right wing leaders during the weekday and then attempting to be moderate on the weekend. No worries, how many soon to be unemployed public sector workers will be subscribing to the Globe? 109, 000 fewer.
dialogue:3 solution:1 specific_points:1
no_toxic:3 embarrassment:2 personal_attack:1 teasing:1
Hmm lets see Saturdays editorial Im sure it will be critical of Hudak . The Globe has a history of endorsing right wing leaders during the weekday and then attempting to be moderate on the weekend . No worries , how many soon to be unemployed public sector workers will be subscribing to the Globe ? 109 , 000 fewer .
Can we all at least agree that Horwath has been terrible? As much as I fear a Hudak government, I do give him kudos for running on policy (scary policy). He has a plan that he wants to execute, and that he fully believes will work. Whereas every second word out of Horwath's mouth is 'gas' or 'plant'. Don't tell me why the other person doesn't deserve the job, tell me why you do. I've yet to hear anything very convincing about her plans - I don't like a 1% increase to corporate taxes any more than I like a 3.5% decrease (although I would've easily accepted a 1-1.5% decrease).
dialogue:2 specific_points:2 evidence:2 solution:2
no_non_con:3 unsubstantial:2
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 personal_attack:1
Can we all at least agree that Horwath has been terrible ? As much as I fear a Hudak government , I do give him kudos for running on policy ( scary policy ) . He has a plan that he wants to execute , and that he fully believes will work . Whereas every second word out of Horwaths mouth is gas or plant . Dont tell me why the other person doesnt deserve the job , tell me why you do . Ive yet to hear anything very convincing about her plans - I dont like a 1 % increase to corporate taxes any more than I like a 3.5 % decrease ( although I wouldve easily accepted a 1-1.5 % decrease ) .
Gee Whiz am I ever surprised.. the journal that vouched for Harris and his common sense revolution and our dear leader Harper and mind numbing cohorts Anders and Poilieve. At the very least you are consistent and stick to your ideology but please do not brag about it. I suggest your conscious would dictate more concern about our citizens that need help in two areas , health and education . Industry according to your own paper has been sitting on piles of cash instead of investing in more efficient equipment. Now with the exchange rate in the exporters favour they have even less incentive . They should not get nor do they deserve tax favours
dialogue:3 specific_points:2 solution:1
no_non_con:3 no_respect:1 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:4 embarrassment:1
Gee Whiz am I ever surprised.. the journal that vouched for Harris and his common sense revolution and our dear leader Harper and mind numbing cohorts Anders and Poilieve . At the very least you are consistent and stick to your ideology but please do not brag about it . I suggest your conscious would dictate more concern about our citizens that need help in two areas , health and education . Industry according to your own paper has been sitting on piles of cash instead of investing in more efficient equipment . Now with the exchange rate in the exporters favour they have even less incentive . They should not get nor do they deserve tax favours
If the PCs, Liberals, and NDP are all unpalatable choices, why didn't the Globe's board consider the Green Party? Their fiscal policy is to the right of the Liberals, and they are the only party with the policial courage to discuss eliminating the unnecessary duplication and wasted money of maintaining two parallel public education systems. Their energy policies, with their focus on energy efficiency and conservation as top priority, are the strongest of the lot as well.
solution:3 evidence:2 specific_points:2 dialogue:1
no_non_con:3 unsubstantial:1 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 personal_attack:1
If the PCs , Liberals , and NDP are all unpalatable choices , why didnt the Globes board consider the Green Party ? Their fiscal policy is to the right of the Liberals , and they are the only party with the policial courage to discuss eliminating the unnecessary duplication and wasted money of maintaining two parallel public education systems . Their energy policies , with their focus on energy efficiency and conservation as top priority , are the strongest of the lot as well .
Talk about slippery slopes. It seems a whole nation supports freedom including the freedom to choose provided the choice falls within a restrictive dress code. To be fair, we should include Jews and Sikhes and bar their head coverings. Tell grieving widows they are no longer allowed to wear a black veil and the clergy they cannot wear dog collars. Let's ban uniforms all together. I can easily cheer for the Blue Jays playing in street clothing. When Stephen Harper says with passion he would never tell his daughter she must cover her face, why did no one ask him what he would tell her if she expressed a desire to do so herself. You are right about one thing. The debate is about Canadian values and it seems we place high value on intolerance. Generosity, well not so much. All I can say is thank God for the Charter and the courts that interpret it. It protects us from all manner of transgressions including our own.
dialogue:4 solution:1
no_non_con:3 non_relevant:1 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 personal_attack:1
Talk about slippery slopes . It seems a whole nation supports freedom including the freedom to choose provided the choice falls within a restrictive dress code . To be fair , we should include Jews and Sikhes and bar their head coverings . Tell grieving widows they are no longer allowed to wear a black veil and the clergy they can not wear dog collars . Lets ban uniforms all together . I can easily cheer for the Blue Jays playing in street clothing . When Stephen Harper says with passion he would never tell his daughter she must cover her face , why did no one ask him what he would tell her if she expressed a desire to do so herself . You are right about one thing . The debate is about Canadian values and it seems we place high value on intolerance . Generosity , well not so much . All I can say is thank God for the Charter and the courts that interpret it . It protects us from all manner of transgressions including our own .
If a politician were to define Canada as a Christian country, he or she would probably win a majority of votes. This position would make the crusade against ISIS a very logical decision. It would also put Jews, Tamils, Sikhs, Buddhists, agnostics and atheists as well as Muslims in the category of second or third-class Canadians. We are deciding what kind of country we want, and we have to be careful what we wish for, because we may just get it.
solution:2 dialogue:1 personal_story:1 evidence:1 specific_points:1 no_con:1
no_non_con:3 sarcastic:1 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 inflammatory:1
If a politician were to define Canada as a Christian country , he or she would probably win a majority of votes . This position would make the crusade against ISIS a very logical decision . It would also put Jews , Tamils , Sikhs , Buddhists , agnostics and atheists as well as Muslims in the category of second or third-class Canadians . We are deciding what kind of country we want , and we have to be careful what we wish for , because we may just get it .
Let's:a) institute the preferential ballot to ensure that each representative is elected by a majority of his or her electorsb) six-year terms for representatives which will encourage more and better people to offer and make them more independent from the dictates of their party leadershipc) have one-third of the seats contested at fixed, two-year intervals to ensure that governments continue along our chosen pathd) elect the Senate by proportional representation but as an advisory, not legislative body, to give a voice to smaller parties whose Commons numbers will decrease under a more democratic system.
specific_points:3 solution:2 evidence:2 dialogue:1 personal_story:1
no_non_con:4 sarcastic:1
no_toxic:4 inflammatory:1 teasing:1
Lets : a ) institute the preferential ballot to ensure that each representative is elected by a majority of his or her electorsb ) six-year terms for representatives which will encourage more and better people to offer and make them more independent from the dictates of their party leadershipc ) have one-third of the seats contested at fixed , two-year intervals to ensure that governments continue along our chosen pathd ) elect the Senate by proportional representation but as an advisory , not legislative body , to give a voice to smaller parties whose Commons numbers will decrease under a more democratic system .
'Who wants Trudeau's electoral reform?' I DO. And so do a good amount of people I've spoken to since the election (35-40% or so). FPtP is dysfunctional and serves only to swtich blue for red every few years or so. Other parties need representation equal to their vote shares, or at the very least equal to their total percent of vote shares. If I were the CPC, I'd start cleaning up my act and being more humane/friendly/cooperative instead of just being a nuisance.
dialogue:4 personal_story:1 solution:1
no_non_con:4 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:4 embarrassment:1 personal_attack:1 teasing:1
Who wants Trudeaus electoral reform ? I DO . And so do a good amount of people Ive spoken to since the election ( 35-40 % or so ) . FPtP is dysfunctional and serves only to swtich blue for red every few years or so . Other parties need representation equal to their vote shares , or at the very least equal to their total percent of vote shares . If I were the CPC , Id start cleaning up my act and being more humane/friendly/cooperative instead of just being a nuisance .
Clearly, they need to grow up. But then didn't we all? I believe the point has been made to them and now they need the chance to show that they have learned from their mistake. It would be a grievous error to throw to waste 7 1/2 years of education and likely student loan debts of more than $200,000 over some ill thought comments that did no direct harm. A suitable punishment might be for them to be required to undertake some counseling and to be charged with 100 hours of community service in support of women's groups or causes.
dialogue:3 specific_points:2 solution:1 evidence:1
no_non_con:4 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:4 personal_attack:1 teasing:1
Clearly , they need to grow up . But then didnt we all ? I believe the point has been made to them and now they need the chance to show that they have learned from their mistake . It would be a grievous error to throw to waste 7 1/2 years of education and likely student loan debts of more than $ 200,000 over some ill thought comments that did no direct harm . A suitable punishment might be for them to be required to undertake some counseling and to be charged with 100 hours of community service in support of womens groups or causes .
So, all the voters who diligently conducted our analysis, duly chose a candidate, peaceably showed up to vote ... we're all, according to Mr Orwin, 'vindictive'. I.e. motivated by an unreasoning desire for revenge. Well, I wasn't until now, but I see no reason have such insult thrown at voters. I am cancelling my subscription.
dialogue:3 specific_points:2 solution:1
no_toxic:3 abusive:1 personal_attack:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
So , all the voters who diligently conducted our analysis , duly chose a candidate , peaceably showed up to vote ... were all , according to Mr Orwin , vindictive . I.e . motivated by an unreasoning desire for revenge . Well , I wasnt until now , but I see no reason have such insult thrown at voters . I am cancelling my subscription .
'Canada must reclaim its role as a world leader'A myth created by Pearson - that still lives today. A holier than thou country that can't defend itself but smugly hides under an American defence umbrella and likes to lecture the rest of the world.
dialogue:2 solution:2 evidence:1 personal_story:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:4 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2
Canada must reclaim its role as a world leaderA myth created by Pearson - that still lives today . A holier than thou country that cant defend itself but smugly hides under an American defence umbrella and likes to lecture the rest of the world .
A 3-year police officer makes $100K, a 10-year teacher $90K, firefighters at $100K. Why are Ontario public sector workers paid double what their counterparts in the U.S. make, plus multi-million dollar pensions? The simple answer: that is the cost (to taxpayers) for the McGuinty-Wynne Liberals to buy three elections. The Liberals took over union support from the NDP, including millions in campaign advertising, by giving union members salary and benefit increases and pension 'top-ups' far above inflation, and by dramatically increasing membership numbers. The result: doubled debt and chronic $15 billion deficits. The provincial government could at any time introduce legislation to address this, but instead after a brief interlude of McGuinty regret, we're back to the same old politics with Wynne promising 'readjustments' and 'negotiations' and giving the teachers an extra $200 million/year to 'heal' the relationship between Liberals and teachers. But Ontario voters are generally ignorant and apathetic, so all it takes is a couple of 'Save our Education' ads from the 'Working Families Coalition' (of unions) and they will again vote for the party of union cronyism, huge debt and high taxes.
dialogue:3 specific_points:2 solution:1 evidence:1
no_toxic:4 inflammatory:1 teasing:1
A 3-year police officer makes $ 100K , a 10-year teacher $ 90K , firefighters at $ 100K . Why are Ontario public sector workers paid double what their counterparts in the U.S. make , plus multi-million dollar pensions ? The simple answer : that is the cost ( to taxpayers ) for the McGuinty-Wynne Liberals to buy three elections . The Liberals took over union support from the NDP , including millions in campaign advertising , by giving union members salary and benefit increases and pension top-ups far above inflation , and by dramatically increasing membership numbers . The result : doubled debt and chronic $ 15 billion deficits . The provincial government could at any time introduce legislation to address this , but instead after a brief interlude of McGuinty regret , were back to the same old politics with Wynne promising readjustments and negotiations and giving the teachers an extra $ 200 million/year to heal the relationship between Liberals and teachers . But Ontario voters are generally ignorant and apathetic , so all it takes is a couple of Save our Education ads from the Working Families Coalition ( of unions ) and they will again vote for the party of union cronyism , huge debt and high taxes .
One way to reduce police and firefighting costs is to embrace automation. Most traffic offences could be detected automatically, with high resolution photographs of the driver reviewed by a human (who need not be a police officer) before a ticket is issued. As self-driving cars become common traffic offences will become less frequent in any case. The hazardous aspects of firefighting should be handed off to semi-autonomous walking robots as soon as possible, which probably means once the cost of such a system moves below $300K. Also, simply requiring sprinkler systems in most buildings would lead to a big reduction in the damage and harm due to fires.
solution:3 dialogue:2 evidence:1 specific_points:1
unsubstantial:2 no_non_con:2 sarcastic:1
no_toxic:3 abusive:1 personal_attack:1 teasing:1 inflammatory:1
One way to reduce police and firefighting costs is to embrace automation . Most traffic offences could be detected automatically , with high resolution photographs of the driver reviewed by a human ( who need not be a police officer ) before a ticket is issued . As self-driving cars become common traffic offences will become less frequent in any case . The hazardous aspects of firefighting should be handed off to semi-autonomous walking robots as soon as possible , which probably means once the cost of such a system moves below $ 300K . Also , simply requiring sprinkler systems in most buildings would lead to a big reduction in the damage and harm due to fires .
Great column, finally it is stated the way most people think.$100,000 for what? If a 24 hour shift is safe for firefighters in 'high stress'' jobs, lets make it common for everyone. Phone in sick.... get 3 days off of 'normal' peoples wage' plus some jock working 6 days a month get 3 days overtime. Arbitration for civil servants has hit the criminally negligent level. In Peterborough, we have fire fighters retiring early 50s, full DB pension for probably longer than they worked????.. your children will be paying for these criminals!! Police who face the street everyday should be far ahead of these clowns, think of the police costs if they worked 24 hour shifts only to sleep off 12....Would you want to depend on anyone who has worked over even 12 hours to respond to you in an emergency? One last thought....Do arbitrators and firefighters indirectly kill people for their own gain?
solution:3 evidence:2 dialogue:2 specific_points:1
no_toxic:4 abusive:1 personal_attack:1
Great column , finally it is stated the way most people think. $ 100,000 for what ? If a 24 hour shift is safe for firefighters in high stress jobs , lets make it common for everyone . Phone in sick ... . get 3 days off of normal peoples wage plus some jock working 6 days a month get 3 days overtime . Arbitration for civil servants has hit the criminally negligent level . In Peterborough , we have fire fighters retiring early 50s , full DB pension for probably longer than they worked ? ? ? ? .. your children will be paying for these criminals ! ! Police who face the street everyday should be far ahead of these clowns , think of the police costs if they worked 24 hour shifts only to sleep off 12 ... .Would you want to depend on anyone who has worked over even 12 hours to respond to you in an emergency ? One last thought ... .Do arbitrators and firefighters indirectly kill people for their own gain ?
Toronto Fire Budget $357 millionToronto Population $2.8 millionCost per person per year for 24 hour fire protection and medical emergency response is only $141 on your property tax. Seems like a bargain to me.That's less than 40 cents a day, a lot cheaper than your daily Timmies. Can't even pick up a copy of the Globe and Mail for that price. But lets slash firefighter salaries in half, close a dozen stations, lay off a few hundred firefighters, and even privatize so I can save a whopping $70 a year on my property tax only to give an extra $500 a year to cover my increase in home insurance. Ummm, doesn't make sense to me.
specific_points:3 evidence:2 solution:2 no_con:1
no_non_con:4 provocative:1 non_relevant:1
abusive:2 no_toxic:2 personal_attack:1 embarrassment:1
Toronto Fire Budget $ 357 millionToronto Population $ 2.8 millionCost per person per year for 24 hour fire protection and medical emergency response is only $ 141 on your property tax . Seems like a bargain to me.Thats less than 40 cents a day , a lot cheaper than your daily Timmies . Cant even pick up a copy of the Globe and Mail for that price . But lets slash firefighter salaries in half , close a dozen stations , lay off a few hundred firefighters , and even privatize so I can save a whopping $ 70 a year on my property tax only to give an extra $ 500 a year to cover my increase in home insurance . Ummm , doesnt make sense to me .
The only people winning the 'war on drugs' are the criminals. The gangs are getting rich and the pot sold is often laced with stronger and more addictive drugs like crack and meth. If it is legalized properly, the gangs will make less money and the pot will not contain the nasty additives. That is two big reasons to move ahead with this. Hopefully there will be a tax revenue as well as it should get taxed like booze and tobacco.
dialogue:2 evidence:2 solution:2
no_non_con:3 unsubstantial:2
no_toxic:4 abusive:1
The only people winning the war on drugs are the criminals . The gangs are getting rich and the pot sold is often laced with stronger and more addictive drugs like crack and meth . If it is legalized properly , the gangs will make less money and the pot will not contain the nasty additives . That is two big reasons to move ahead with this . Hopefully there will be a tax revenue as well as it should get taxed like booze and tobacco .
Health benefits of marijuana to treat medical conditions 'unproven'. Where did Wente pull that reeking bit of disinfo from? Health Canada - under a Harper Tory anti-drug government , no less - has approved marijuana as a treatment for a variety of medical conditions because numerous peer-reviewed medical studies have shown that marijuana is effective as a medication for some conditions. Other governments around the world have done likewise for the same rational reason. Wente's spewing deliberate falsehoods here.-I like columnist Tabatha Southey's tweet re. this Wente column: QUOTE: 'Shorter Wente: The Kids of the Rich Are Alright, so let's keep the marijuana laws as they are.'
dialogue:3 specific_points:2 evidence:2 solution:1
no_non_con:4 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 personal_attack:2 inflammatory:1
Health benefits of marijuana to treat medical conditions unproven . Where did Wente pull that reeking bit of disinfo from ? Health Canada - under a Harper Tory anti-drug government , no less - has approved marijuana as a treatment for a variety of medical conditions because numerous peer-reviewed medical studies have shown that marijuana is effective as a medication for some conditions . Other governments around the world have done likewise for the same rational reason . Wentes spewing deliberate falsehoods here.-I like columnist Tabatha Southeys tweet re . this Wente column : QUOTE : Shorter Wente : The Kids of the Rich Are Alright , so lets keep the marijuana laws as they are .
Of course, let us legalize marijiauna use. But only for those over 31 yrs of age. Possession and use under that age should remain illegal. There....problem solved.
solution:4 evidence:2 specific_points:1 dialogue:1
no_non_con:4 sarcastic:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2
Of course , let us legalize marijiauna use . But only for those over 31 yrs of age . Possession and use under that age should remain illegal . There ... .problem solved .
Even though big science has a blank social license, which it can expand by lobbying, big science cannot create energy or negative entropy. Science as a service sector industry obtains its energy from nature through society, thus its interest is served very well by promising (without guarantee of course) more energy for society from nature. Science, however, doesn't seem to have much imagination regarding the consequences for nature of ever increasing rate of conversion of nature. As for the ever increasing rate of entropy production by society, science does as any other industry: it disowns as much of the entropy increase as possible by classifying it as non-'pollution' entropy increase of no consequence whatsoever. The strategy seems to work while stocks and flows of energy from nature are abundant and easily converted, and nature is sufficiently vast enough to absorb the burgeoning wastes. But those conditions no longer exist. Please, science is just another industry, which loads nature by its real world processes, and society by its self-serving political manipulations for more funding. Why can't science have a social license which accounts for its limits?
specific_points:4 solution:3 evidence:1 no_con:1 dialogue:1
no_non_con:4 non_relevant:2
no_toxic:4 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1
Even though big science has a blank social license , which it can expand by lobbying , big science can not create energy or negative entropy . Science as a service sector industry obtains its energy from nature through society , thus its interest is served very well by promising ( without guarantee of course ) more energy for society from nature . Science , however , doesnt seem to have much imagination regarding the consequences for nature of ever increasing rate of conversion of nature . As for the ever increasing rate of entropy production by society , science does as any other industry : it disowns as much of the entropy increase as possible by classifying it as non-pollution entropy increase of no consequence whatsoever . The strategy seems to work while stocks and flows of energy from nature are abundant and easily converted , and nature is sufficiently vast enough to absorb the burgeoning wastes . But those conditions no longer exist . Please , science is just another industry , which loads nature by its real world processes , and society by its self-serving political manipulations for more funding . Why cant science have a social license which accounts for its limits ?
It is highly ironic that Ms. W. chooses to use 'science' against the environmental movement when the overwhelming base of scientific evidence clearly demonstrates that fossil fuel use is creating a nearly unstoppable global warming. Did not read that in the article. I also did not read anything from Ms. W. about the relentless attacks on science and scientists by our current Harper government in order to further their political and oil based view of the earth. One thing to keep in mind Ms. W. is that while scientists and science may be able to create something and make it work with no immediately apparent issues, they do not know the effect of scientific innovation over the long term on the earth, humans, animals, our health, etc. That can only be determined by a longitudinal study and any scientist who claims any procedure is absolutely safe is guessing and or lying as it is impossible for them to know. Any you may be interested to know that guessing and lying are not part of the scientific method. You should recall from recent news articles that it was medical science that created thalitimoid (sp) and that it was claimed to be safe in the 1950s..........and guess what, it wasn't. Before you spout off about science being infallible perhaps you should understand what science is to begin is not an end point but a journey and a journey that has no guarantees.
solution:2 dialogue:2 specific_points:1 evidence:1 personal_story:1
no_non_con:4 provocative:1
no_toxic:3 inflammatory:1 embarrassment:1
It is highly ironic that Ms. W. chooses to use science against the environmental movement when the overwhelming base of scientific evidence clearly demonstrates that fossil fuel use is creating a nearly unstoppable global warming . Did not read that in the article . I also did not read anything from Ms. W. about the relentless attacks on science and scientists by our current Harper government in order to further their political and oil based view of the earth . One thing to keep in mind Ms. W. is that while scientists and science may be able to create something and make it work with no immediately apparent issues , they do not know the effect of scientific innovation over the long term on the earth , humans , animals , our health , etc . That can only be determined by a longitudinal study and any scientist who claims any procedure is absolutely safe is guessing and or lying as it is impossible for them to know . Any you may be interested to know that guessing and lying are not part of the scientific method . You should recall from recent news articles that it was medical science that created thalitimoid ( sp ) and that it was claimed to be safe in the 1950s ... ... ... .and guess what , it wasnt . Before you spout off about science being infallible perhaps you should understand what science is to begin with ... ... ... ... it is not an end point but a journey and a journey that has no guarantees .
Just a little afternote... Canada's debt is $ 617, 967, 183, 846. 98 billions and countingQuébec's debt is $ 264, 584, 012, 345. 34 billions and countingOntario's debt is $ 263, 804, 476, 378. 87 billions and countingjust who do you think we owe this money to ?So when you're finished separating this and separating that... and you've given this a little thought... you can breathe, go back to work. You can't split a pie you don't own.
dialogue:3 evidence:1 specific_points:1 solution:1
no_non_con:4 sarcastic:1
no_toxic:3 personal_attack:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
Just a little afternote ... Canadas debt is $ 617 , 967 , 183 , 846 . 98 billions and countingQuébecs debt is $ 264 , 584 , 012 , 345 . 34 billions and countingOntarios debt is $ 263 , 804 , 476 , 378 . 87 billions and countingjust who do you think we owe this money to ? So when youre finished separating this and separating that ... and youve given this a little thought ... you can breathe , go back to work . You cant split a pie you dont own .
No matter what the outcome of the Quebec election is, no matter to anything else: 1. The Liberals under Trudeau are pure sweetness, truth and light. 2. The NDP are just as cherubic, only different. 3. The Conservatives are pure evil. The Globe and Mail Censors will not publish my other comments, will they post this piece of puffery?
dialogue:3 solution:1 evidence:1
no_non_con:3 unsubstantial:2
no_toxic:2 teasing:1 personal_attack:1 embarrassment:1 inflammatory:1
No matter what the outcome of the Quebec election is , no matter to anything else : 1 . The Liberals under Trudeau are pure sweetness , truth and light . 2 . The NDP are just as cherubic , only different . 3 . The Conservatives are pure evil . The Globe and Mail Censors will not publish my other comments , will they post this piece of puffery ?
The Manifesto is right and that is that there is a serous environmental crisis impending because of global warming and climate change. Somewhere along he way we have to change our ways. Naomi Klein can set an example. I notice that she is to deliver a lecture in London in May. How about her deciding to save the airplane fuel and deliver a virtual lecture? And Stephen Lewis I assume will never be visiting Africa again, nor indeed flying to another NDP convention.
dialogue:3 solution:2 no_con:1
no_non_con:4 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2
The Manifesto is right and that is that there is a serous environmental crisis impending because of global warming and climate change . Somewhere along he way we have to change our ways . Naomi Klein can set an example . I notice that she is to deliver a lecture in London in May . How about her deciding to save the airplane fuel and deliver a virtual lecture ? And Stephen Lewis I assume will never be visiting Africa again , nor indeed flying to another NDP convention .
I have known 2 firefighters in my life and both said the pay was more than excellent. it woul appear that anyone that can hold the public to ransom like firefighters, liquor store employees dock workers and hydro employees. I assume that they retire and get appointed as arbitrators. as a private sector and now retired person we now have 2 classes of retiees; those with government definied pension plus a few others and the rest of us living off our investments, no benefits and CPP. Ken
solution:3 evidence:2 dialogue:2 specific_points:1 no_con:1
no_non_con:3 non_relevant:2 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:4 inflammatory:1
I have known 2 firefighters in my life and both said the pay was more than excellent . it woul appear that anyone that can hold the public to ransom like firefighters , liquor store employees dock workers and hydro employees . I assume that they retire and get appointed as arbitrators . as a private sector and now retired person we now have 2 classes of retiees ; those with government definied pension plus a few others and the rest of us living off our investments , no benefits and CPP . Ken
The honey moon is over for Trudeau. This coming from a life time Liberal supporter. If he does not have a re think after the Paris attacks and other recent attacks including Russian aircraft bombing he is going to be in trouble. What is the hurry on the refugee file time for sober second thoughts. Including a re think on the jets. He is going to be out of step with our allies. If he does not take the time to sit down with his Minister of Defense and the Canadian Security Agencies and take the time to seek advice his whole program is in danger. God help him if there should be a terrorist attack in Canada. The Liberals would be finished.
dialogue:3 evidence:2 solution:1 no_con:1
no_non_con:3 unsubstantial:2
no_toxic:3 abusive:1 inflammatory:1
The honey moon is over for Trudeau . This coming from a life time Liberal supporter . If he does not have a re think after the Paris attacks and other recent attacks including Russian aircraft bombing he is going to be in trouble . What is the hurry on the refugee file time for sober second thoughts . Including a re think on the jets . He is going to be out of step with our allies . If he does not take the time to sit down with his Minister of Defense and the Canadian Security Agencies and take the time to seek advice his whole program is in danger . God help him if there should be a terrorist attack in Canada . The Liberals would be finished .
The bombing mission was a stop-gap that in itself would not solve the problem of Iraq ans Syria, and other than the US, other countries were contributing much, if anything. Bombing will mainly destroy vehicles and artillery, not much else. Trudeau was going to continue to providing training... IF Obama and the European leaders are able to come up with a decent plan to solve this and to send enough resources to do the job, then maybe we should sign on.Any solution means not only a complete defeat of ISIL but then dividing the countries into separate states or federations that will be sustainable... Kurdish, Sunni, Shiite, Alawhite states that are stable and secularists will have some reason to fight for.
solution:3 evidence:2 specific_points:1 no_con:1 dialogue:1
no_non_con:4 unsubstantial:1 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:4 personal_attack:1 inflammatory:1 embarrassment:1
The bombing mission was a stop-gap that in itself would not solve the problem of Iraq ans Syria , and other than the US , other countries were contributing much , if anything . Bombing will mainly destroy vehicles and artillery , not much else . Trudeau was going to continue to providing training ... IF Obama and the European leaders are able to come up with a decent plan to solve this and to send enough resources to do the job , then maybe we should sign on.Any solution means not only a complete defeat of ISIL but then dividing the countries into separate states or federations that will be sustainable ... Kurdish , Sunni , Shiite , Alawhite states that are stable and secularists will have some reason to fight for .
Maybe a fifth of the 'outraged' liberal commenters say something negative about Yakabuski himself. A sure sign that he's onto something, and also indicative of the lack of counter-arguments to his cogent and timely thoughts on the mass hysteria of a certain small group of people.
personal_story:2 solution:2 dialogue:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:4 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 personal_attack:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
Maybe a fifth of the outraged liberal commenters say something negative about Yakabuski himself . A sure sign that hes onto something , and also indicative of the lack of counter-arguments to his cogent and timely thoughts on the mass hysteria of a certain small group of people .
Konrad, you are right. My mind is closed when it comes to Harper. After ten years, what else could there possibly be to know? I don't hate Harper. I just don't want him anywhere near government of any Canadian kind. And by the way, the whole 'haters' thing: Does this suggest something like 'Harper's okay, you're just a hater'? Or, 'If you weren't a hater, you'd see Harper's best qualities'? It kinda misses the point. People who do hate Harper have come to do so based on his deeds, not because they are simply haters, whatever the heck that means. This contrasts with the sheer irrationality of those who hate Justin because they hated his dad. And they hated his dad because of the NEP, which was signed by Peter Lougheed who thought it guaranteed Alberta's security in the energy industry and they hated him because of the high interest rates of the early 1980s, which were made in America, not Canada. So...hating is as hating does.
dialogue:3 personal_story:1 solution:1
no_non_con:3 unsubstantial:2
no_toxic:3 embarrassment:2 teasing:1
Konrad , you are right . My mind is closed when it comes to Harper . After ten years , what else could there possibly be to know ? I dont hate Harper . I just dont want him anywhere near government of any Canadian kind . And by the way , the whole haters thing : Does this suggest something like Harpers okay , youre just a hater ? Or , If you werent a hater , youd see Harpers best qualities ? It kinda misses the point . People who do hate Harper have come to do so based on his deeds , not because they are simply haters , whatever the heck that means . This contrasts with the sheer irrationality of those who hate Justin because they hated his dad . And they hated his dad because of the NEP , which was signed by Peter Lougheed who thought it guaranteed Albertas security in the energy industry and they hated him because of the high interest rates of the early 1980s , which were made in America , not Canada . So ... hating is as hating does .
Read the novel 1984. Big Brother has a constant stream of negative news and publicity against his latest enemy. When the photo of Big Brother's enemy is shown on a movie screen (this book was published in 1948) everyone in the audience goes into hysterics and screams at the photo of Big Brother's enemy. They hate him. This shows the power of the media. For the last few years many in the media have had a constant, daily attack on Harper with constant negative news stories. Now when Harper's name comes up in news stories many in these comment sections go into hysterics. They don't realize they are being manipulated by the powers-that-be who want their beloved Liberals back in power.
solution:3 evidence:3 personal_story:1 dialogue:1
unsubstantial:2 no_non_con:2 sarcastic:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2
Read the novel 1984 . Big Brother has a constant stream of negative news and publicity against his latest enemy . When the photo of Big Brothers enemy is shown on a movie screen ( this book was published in 1948 ) everyone in the audience goes into hysterics and screams at the photo of Big Brothers enemy . They hate him . This shows the power of the media . For the last few years many in the media have had a constant , daily attack on Harper with constant negative news stories . Now when Harpers name comes up in news stories many in these comment sections go into hysterics . They dont realize they are being manipulated by the powers-that-be who want their beloved Liberals back in power .
It is the role of the court to ensure that the law generally reflect community standards. In such role, it has both the responsibility and the duty to act as a balance against unreasonable and unconstitutional actions of our elected authorities (which has recently come to mean the PMO/PCO, under the direction of the PM). The court is one of the few protections we have against authoritarian measures. I would much rather put my trust in appointed judges with some real life experience, education and intelligence than in the flat earthers elected by the unthinking.
dialogue:2 solution:2 specific_points:2 evidence:1
no_non_con:4 provocative:1
no_toxic:3 embarrassment:2 teasing:1
It is the role of the court to ensure that the law generally reflect community standards . In such role , it has both the responsibility and the duty to act as a balance against unreasonable and unconstitutional actions of our elected authorities ( which has recently come to mean the PMO/PCO , under the direction of the PM ) . The court is one of the few protections we have against authoritarian measures . I would much rather put my trust in appointed judges with some real life experience , education and intelligence than in the flat earthers elected by the unthinking .
I truly believe that any PM with small children should have 24 hour care provided. We expect our PM to be available 24 hours a day, every day of the year. If he or she has small children, we can only have that accessibility if child care is immediately available. We have no right to ask the PM to have a spouse, or for a spouse to be in the home every minute of every day. Therefore, live-in, 24 hour child care is a must, and we should pay. This is not a Justin Trudeau issue, it is a PM issue that needs to be updated.
specific_points:3 solution:2 dialogue:2
no_non_con:3 unsubstantial:1 provocative:1
no_toxic:4 inflammatory:1 embarrassment:1
I truly believe that any PM with small children should have 24 hour care provided . We expect our PM to be available 24 hours a day , every day of the year . If he or she has small children , we can only have that accessibility if child care is immediately available . We have no right to ask the PM to have a spouse , or for a spouse to be in the home every minute of every day . Therefore , live-in , 24 hour child care is a must , and we should pay . This is not a Justin Trudeau issue , it is a PM issue that needs to be updated .
1. He needs to pay the nannies from his own pocket, dipping into his substantial salary or his inheritance. 2. He should pay the nannies more money: $15-20 an hour is paltry. Though JT has a demanding job, he has more than a little help from the massive PMO staff, and unless he was disinherited and we haven't heard about it, he has lots of his own resources to pay for help. As well, the PM job comes with oodles of perks, including a free house, methinks. Asking the public to pay is absurd. As a woman who has been too poor to have children, I actually find his charging the public the cost of childcare to be pretty obscene. When it comes to having a non-working wife and two nannies, Justin is just living according to the culture of Canada's haute bourgeois: he needs to pay the nannies himself and he needs to pay those women higher wages.
evidence:3 solution:3 personal_story:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:3 sarcastic:1 non_relevant:1 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 inflammatory:1
1 . He needs to pay the nannies from his own pocket , dipping into his substantial salary or his inheritance . 2 . He should pay the nannies more money : $ 15-20 an hour is paltry . Though JT has a demanding job , he has more than a little help from the massive PMO staff , and unless he was disinherited and we havent heard about it , he has lots of his own resources to pay for help . As well , the PM job comes with oodles of perks , including a free house , methinks . Asking the public to pay is absurd . As a woman who has been too poor to have children , I actually find his charging the public the cost of childcare to be pretty obscene . When it comes to having a non-working wife and two nannies , Justin is just living according to the culture of Canadas haute bourgeois : he needs to pay the nannies himself and he needs to pay those women higher wages .
Jenni, the Conservatives have done real and substantial damage to Parliament and this country in their near decade in office. Their remarkably well organized electoral machine enabled that. We are well rid of them. They should not avoid the political wilderness - IMHO they should remain there for at least a generation.
dialogue:3 solution:2 specific_points:1 evidence:1
no_non_con:4 sarcastic:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 embarrassment:1
Jenni , the Conservatives have done real and substantial damage to Parliament and this country in their near decade in office . Their remarkably well organized electoral machine enabled that . We are well rid of them . They should not avoid the political wilderness - IMHO they should remain there for at least a generation .
We are all watching the new(ish), after all it is 2016, Liberal government--if they continue to preform sloppily they will pay the price and the Liberal renaissance will die. A reconstituted PC party will be the vehicle of change and new ideas for enough people that they can have a majority.
solution:4 specific_points:3
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 abusive:1
We are all watching the new ( ish ) , after all it is 2016 , Liberal government -- if they continue to preform sloppily they will pay the price and the Liberal renaissance will die . A reconstituted PC party will be the vehicle of change and new ideas for enough people that they can have a majority .
Who better to advise what not to do than a person who had a large hand in the strategy that lead to the party's most recent defeat. But does this article really do that? Rather than any personal acknowledgments, it seems to contain a lot of finger pointing at others who are alleged not to have done the right things. That is not the sort of candid soul searching and mea culpa that could lead to rejuvenation.
dialogue:3 solution:1 evidence:1 specific_points:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 personal_attack:1 embarrassment:1
Who better to advise what not to do than a person who had a large hand in the strategy that lead to the partys most recent defeat . But does this article really do that ? Rather than any personal acknowledgments , it seems to contain a lot of finger pointing at others who are alleged not to have done the right things . That is not the sort of candid soul searching and mea culpa that could lead to rejuvenation .
Note to all Natives in Canada: 1) Canada is a sovereign state. You, your so-called nations, are NOT. You do not have rights to pass your laws and setup your own court. You cannot issue passports, cannot collect your tax, and cannot have your own armed forces or other rights of firearm. Any attempt to do so will cause an invasion and takeover. This is absolute and non-negotiable. 2) You cannot use treaties of the 19th century to blackmail the Canadian government. Because if you keep doing this, then a bunch of new reserve boundaries will be drawn and given to you for ownership (but not sovereign), in exchange for termination of all treaties and obligations from all governments in Canada. In short, you go make a living yourself. Your ancestors did for a very long time. But they don't get to enjoy the high cost of modern transportation and electronics. Get my drift? 3) Do not ever try to blackmail the prime minister or other senior members of the federal or provincial government. Do not blackmail for public money. Do not blackmail for rights or change of law. Doing so will cause immediate arrest of your leader.
solution:3 dialogue:2 specific_points:1 no_con:1 evidence:1
no_non_con:5 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:4 embarrassment:1
Note to all Natives in Canada : 1 ) Canada is a sovereign state . You , your so-called nations , are NOT . You do not have rights to pass your laws and setup your own court . You can not issue passports , can not collect your tax , and can not have your own armed forces or other rights of firearm . Any attempt to do so will cause an invasion and takeover . This is absolute and non-negotiable . 2 ) You can not use treaties of the 19th century to blackmail the Canadian government . Because if you keep doing this , then a bunch of new reserve boundaries will be drawn and given to you for ownership ( but not sovereign ) , in exchange for termination of all treaties and obligations from all governments in Canada . In short , you go make a living yourself . Your ancestors did for a very long time . But they dont get to enjoy the high cost of modern transportation and electronics . Get my drift ? 3 ) Do not ever try to blackmail the prime minister or other senior members of the federal or provincial government . Do not blackmail for public money . Do not blackmail for rights or change of law . Doing so will cause immediate arrest of your leader .
Totally unfair article. These treaty's were made 100+yrs ago. The land that these guys were given for 'reserves' was what was wanted or needed or forced upon them in a different era of time. NOW, you're solution is relocation and integration for isolated reserves? Isn't THAT a whole lot more convenient then sitting down WITH individual bands and working TOGETHER to find a solution? Oh my, that might take a lot more time and money - but relationships might be saved too (which is far more important). Let's partner with our FN's and work together to achieve a goal that both sides can work with. You are dead wrong about 'the crown' concept too. Many FN's made no such deal with 'the gov't of Canada'. They made their deal with 'the Crown'. It's only now that this 'crown' means the gov't of Canada. In my opinion, when Canada took over FN's responsibility, entirely new treaties should have been made - OR, if Canada agreed to honour all the treaties that 'the Crown' made (which it did), then Canada is stuck honouring the spirit of the treaty's as well (which it historically, has not).There are way too many people in Canada that still view this as 'the native problem'. Listen, we made a deal. We, by FAR, got the better end of the deal. Now, because of problems that were not forseen 100+yrs ago (and largely our fault due to horrible policies of assimilation) we have to deal with the fall out. with it! I hate all the red-tape involved in doing my taxes every year, but I still do it - because there are consequences if I don't. AND, I'm a good citizen of Canada, so I choose to put up with the hassle, and pay my taxes. It's time that we, as citizens of Canada, 'put up with the hassle', and continue to 'deal with it'. And yes, that is largely going to happen with discussions between Canada (through the Prime Minister), and FN's (through the AFN). A discussion from one nation to another. Finally, morally speaking, there should be some type of law in place that bans any Federal Gov't from messing with the Indian Act without agreement and/or consultation from all FN's involved (probably through the AFN). If there are serious, long-term disagreements, binding arbitration should be involved (in my opinion). This arbiter would have to be agreed upon by both parties ahead of time. I know the Indian Act is a gov't piece of legislation, but morally speaking, it shouldn't be. It directly affects the lives of FN's people, so FN's people should have a place at the table. In fact, they should have half the table!
solution:3 evidence:1 specific_points:1 dialogue:1
unsubstantial:2 no_non_con:2 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 abusive:1 embarrassment:1
Totally unfair article . These treatys were made 100+yrs ago . The land that these guys were given for reserves was what was wanted or needed or forced upon them in a different era of time . NOW , youre solution is relocation and integration for isolated reserves ? Isnt THAT a whole lot more convenient then sitting down WITH individual bands and working TOGETHER to find a solution ? Oh my , that might take a lot more time and money - but relationships might be saved too ( which is far more important ) . Lets partner with our FNs and work together to achieve a goal that both sides can work with . You are dead wrong about the crown concept too . Many FNs made no such deal with the govt of Canada . They made their deal with the Crown . Its only now that this crown means the govt of Canada . In my opinion , when Canada took over FNs responsibility , entirely new treaties should have been made - OR , if Canada agreed to honour all the treaties that the Crown made ( which it did ) , then Canada is stuck honouring the spirit of the treatys as well ( which it historically , has not ) .There are way too many people in Canada that still view this as the native problem . Listen , we made a deal . We , by FAR , got the better end of the deal . Now , because of problems that were not forseen 100+yrs ago ( and largely our fault due to horrible policies of assimilation ) we have to deal with the fall out . So ... deal with it ! I hate all the red-tape involved in doing my taxes every year , but I still do it - because there are consequences if I dont . AND , Im a good citizen of Canada , so I choose to put up with the hassle , and pay my taxes . Its time that we , as citizens of Canada , put up with the hassle , and continue to deal with it . And yes , that is largely going to happen with discussions between Canada ( through the Prime Minister ) , and FNs ( through the AFN ) . A discussion from one nation to another . Finally , morally speaking , there should be some type of law in place that bans any Federal Govt from messing with the Indian Act without agreement and/or consultation from all FNs involved ( probably through the AFN ) . If there are serious , long-term disagreements , binding arbitration should be involved ( in my opinion ) . This arbiter would have to be agreed upon by both parties ahead of time . I know the Indian Act is a govt piece of legislation , but morally speaking , it shouldnt be . It directly affects the lives of FNs people , so FNs people should have a place at the table . In fact , they should have half the table !
Nanakanda 2:32 AM on January 6, 2013 : 'There were over 100 million native Indians in Canada and the USA 500 years ago.'There is absolutely no possible way that what were hunter-gatherer societies that had an average lifespan of approximately 30 years could have risen to anywhere near that figure for the landmass of North America. Most rational estimates (as opposed to politically motivated agenda driven revisionist history) give a number of 20 - 30 million for ALL of the Americas, let alone Canada and the USA alone.//
dialogue:3 specific_points:3 evidence:1
no_toxic:4 inflammatory:1 teasing:1
Nanakanda 2:32 AM on January 6 , 2013 : There were over 100 million native Indians in Canada and the USA 500 years ago.There is absolutely no possible way that what were hunter-gatherer societies that had an average lifespan of approximately 30 years could have risen to anywhere near that figure for the landmass of North America . Most rational estimates ( as opposed to politically motivated agenda driven revisionist history ) give a number of 20 - 30 million for ALL of the Americas , let alone Canada and the USA alone.//
Really? Come on now, let's be reasonable. For all that love, tolerance and acceptance you've felt over the last fifty years, isn't it worth supporting reciprocating that openness and inclusion for 30 seconds at the most important civic ceremony in the country. I read all of your articles and am astounded at the depth of your claims of victimhood. If Muslims reject values of equality and openness, why should Canadians have to accept this?
solution:4 specific_points:2 dialogue:1
no_non_con:4 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:4 inflammatory:1
Really ? Come on now , lets be reasonable . For all that love , tolerance and acceptance youve felt over the last fifty years , isnt it worth supporting reciprocating that openness and inclusion for 30 seconds at the most important civic ceremony in the country . I read all of your articles and am astounded at the depth of your claims of victimhood . If Muslims reject values of equality and openness , why should Canadians have to accept this ?
A canvasser for the NDP just visited our home asking who I might be voting for in the October 19th election. She got me just at the right time when I had finally decided I would be voting for the Conservative candidate in solidarity with the stand they are taking against the niquab. The canvasser suggested in a very polite way that there might be more important issues to consider when deciding on a candidate or party. I begged to differ. She said that her party considered the issue a question of supporting a woman's right to choose. I pointed out that the practice derives from an outdated notion of modesty that oppresses a woman's right to be open and honest with her fellow citizens. It has nothing to do with the type of freedom she was referencing, that is, the western notion of freedom. The niquab is evidence of a fundamentally dishonest belief system where it's people are held hostage to their gender. It's not a 'small' issue - it is THE issue in any democracy. Who are you? Honestly?
evidence:2 solution:2 specific_points:1 dialogue:1 personal_story:1
no_non_con:4 non_relevant:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 inflammatory:1
A canvasser for the NDP just visited our home asking who I might be voting for in the October 19th election . She got me just at the right time when I had finally decided I would be voting for the Conservative candidate in solidarity with the stand they are taking against the niquab . The canvasser suggested in a very polite way that there might be more important issues to consider when deciding on a candidate or party . I begged to differ . She said that her party considered the issue a question of supporting a womans right to choose . I pointed out that the practice derives from an outdated notion of modesty that oppresses a womans right to be open and honest with her fellow citizens . It has nothing to do with the type of freedom she was referencing , that is , the western notion of freedom . The niquab is evidence of a fundamentally dishonest belief system where its people are held hostage to their gender . Its not a small issue - it is THE issue in any democracy . Who are you ? Honestly ?
With all due respect Ms. Khan, there are Muslim Conservative candidates in this election; the idea that the Conservatives are 'anti-muslim' is completely false. The niqab is representative of a culture that is fundamentally incompatible with Canadian values. It is not just a garment, it is a symbol of female oppression and submission to a male authority figure. It doesn't matter how many op-eds are written, it doesn't change the fact that every country where the niqab is common is faces increased religious extremism and treat women as inferior citizens. The niqab is simply part of an agenda by political Islamists to gain more accommodations for fundamentalist practices in Canada. Canadians have seen the results in Europe when new immigrants don't integrate and it creates segregated communities - the overwhelming majority of Canadians are against cultural segregation, which is why they oppose the niqab.
dialogue:3 specific_points:2 evidence:2 personal_story:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 personal_attack:1 embarrassment:1
With all due respect Ms. Khan , there are Muslim Conservative candidates in this election ; the idea that the Conservatives are anti-muslim is completely false . The niqab is representative of a culture that is fundamentally incompatible with Canadian values . It is not just a garment , it is a symbol of female oppression and submission to a male authority figure . It doesnt matter how many op-eds are written , it doesnt change the fact that every country where the niqab is common is faces increased religious extremism and treat women as inferior citizens . The niqab is simply part of an agenda by political Islamists to gain more accommodations for fundamentalist practices in Canada . Canadians have seen the results in Europe when new immigrants dont integrate and it creates segregated communities - the overwhelming majority of Canadians are against cultural segregation , which is why they oppose the niqab .
If there can be any good to come from the horrible events in Cologne is we are finally starting to see the politically correct brigades called to account. No longer can these people unleash cries of bigotry when people are starting to question what is going on here. What the political correct brigades fail to realize is that the longer they try to suppress the truth, the worse the eventual response is going to be.
solution:4 specific_points:2 dialogue:2
no_toxic:4 personal_attack:1
If there can be any good to come from the horrible events in Cologne is we are finally starting to see the politically correct brigades called to account . No longer can these people unleash cries of bigotry when people are starting to question what is going on here . What the political correct brigades fail to realize is that the longer they try to suppress the truth , the worse the eventual response is going to be .
Kevins comment re Alberta premier's speach to NY group is priceless and sadly true... no point in a cheese sandwich being at the same table at a buffet also offering white ,black and pink caviar offerings.
solution:2 evidence:2 dialogue:2 specific_points:1
no_non_con:4 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:2 inflammatory:1
Kevins comment re Alberta premiers speach to NY group is priceless and sadly true ... no point in a cheese sandwich being at the same table at a buffet also offering white , black and pink caviar offerings .
It's good that we are taking in refugees. I like the idea but, what about the tens of thousand of Canadians who presently can't find a full time job to earn enough money to get there own apartment, these Canadians that were born here go to food banks and can't make ends meet. They are not getting the same help that the refugees are getting, that's kind of strange.
dialogue:4 specific_points:1 evidence:1
no_non_con:3 sarcastic:1 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
Its good that we are taking in refugees . I like the idea but , what about the tens of thousand of Canadians who presently cant find a full time job to earn enough money to get there own apartment , these Canadians that were born here go to food banks and cant make ends meet . They are not getting the same help that the refugees are getting , thats kind of strange .
Calais, France. On the northern coast of France, along the English channel. Look it up on Youtube. All the videos will be about the refugee camps located in this town. Most of the refugees are single men trying to cross the English channel to get into the U.K.If these refugees only cared about going to a safe country to raise their family, then why did they walk across all of Europe to get to Northern France, instead of just settling in the first European country they arrived in?Because it's well known that the U.K. government, practically pays people to live on welfare. Not just immigrants and refugees know this, but even English people know this, and are guilty of living off of welfare. A lot of British people quit their low wage jobs, to go on welfare, because it pays them more. Go on youtube and look up 'On benefits and proud'.
dialogue:3 evidence:2 solution:1 specific_points:1
no_non_con:3 provocative:1 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 embarrassment:2
Calais , France . On the northern coast of France , along the English channel . Look it up on Youtube . All the videos will be about the refugee camps located in this town . Most of the refugees are single men trying to cross the English channel to get into the U.K.If these refugees only cared about going to a safe country to raise their family , then why did they walk across all of Europe to get to Northern France , instead of just settling in the first European country they arrived in ? Because its well known that the U.K. government , practically pays people to live on welfare . Not just immigrants and refugees know this , but even English people know this , and are guilty of living off of welfare . A lot of British people quit their low wage jobs , to go on welfare , because it pays them more . Go on youtube and look up On benefits and proud .
Nobody is keen to immigrate to Poland, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Russia, Spain, Italy, etc., either. Because their economies are poor, they are not countries of immigration and have strong traditional monocultures, and they know they will have difficulty creating a better life there. Which is why the EU's debate about quotas is so ridiculous: those countries don't want the refugees, but the refugees don't want to go there, either, so forcing both sides into a marriage neither wants is a recipe for disaster.
dialogue:4 evidence:1 personal_story:1
no_non_con:3 unsubstantial:2
no_toxic:3 inflammatory:1 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
Nobody is keen to immigrate to Poland , Hungary , Romania , Greece , Russia , Spain , Italy , etc. , either . Because their economies are poor , they are not countries of immigration and have strong traditional monocultures , and they know they will have difficulty creating a better life there . Which is why the EUs debate about quotas is so ridiculous : those countries dont want the refugees , but the refugees dont want to go there , either , so forcing both sides into a marriage neither wants is a recipe for disaster .
Ms. Wente's opinion might count for something if Canada (or anyone really) had backed the US and Obama had then stood down. But under the circumstances--with little domestic or international support--Obama did pretty well in my opinion. Without his largely solo effort to threaten Syria it is doubtful that Putin would have stepped in (to save his own face) or that Syria would offered to surrender its chemical weapons. Whether that amounts to anything is of course yet to be seen but don't we all want the US to stop flaunting international opinion? Ms. Wente's column seems aimed at drawing comments rather than making sense, but I guess that's a success too.
dialogue:4 specific_points:2
no_non_con:4 unsubstantial:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 embarrassment:1
Ms. Wentes opinion might count for something if Canada ( or anyone really ) had backed the US and Obama had then stood down . But under the circumstances -- with little domestic or international support -- Obama did pretty well in my opinion . Without his largely solo effort to threaten Syria it is doubtful that Putin would have stepped in ( to save his own face ) or that Syria would offered to surrender its chemical weapons . Whether that amounts to anything is of course yet to be seen but dont we all want the US to stop flaunting international opinion ? Ms. Wentes column seems aimed at drawing comments rather than making sense , but I guess thats a success too .
What is wrong with this editorial board. First they endorse a party, but not its leader. Now they demand explanations from a PM-elect that has not even assumed office. However, since the editorial board cannot wait for Trudeau to actually become PM, let me help out here. There are a few reasons why we should stop dropping bombs in Syria/Iraq:- It is not effective. Look at the targets that were struck (it is on the DND website). It is all small stuff.- It has and will cause more civilian casualties. There reports that Canadian bombs killed over 20 civilians back in Feb.- It is more (cost) effective to contribute in other ways. CF-18s and bombs are expensive, training is a lot cheaper- There is no realistic exit strategy (how do you know when you are done?). Until somebody can define this, we better contribute in less lethal waysAnd finally, Trudeau made it a clear in his campaign what he would do. He won a solid majority in the house. That should be enough.
evidence:2 dialogue:2 solution:1 personal_story:1
no_toxic:4 personal_attack:1
What is wrong with this editorial board . First they endorse a party , but not its leader . Now they demand explanations from a PM-elect that has not even assumed office . However , since the editorial board can not wait for Trudeau to actually become PM , let me help out here . There are a few reasons why we should stop dropping bombs in Syria/Iraq : - It is not effective . Look at the targets that were struck ( it is on the DND website ) . It is all small stuff.- It has and will cause more civilian casualties . There reports that Canadian bombs killed over 20 civilians back in Feb.- It is more ( cost ) effective to contribute in other ways . CF-18s and bombs are expensive , training is a lot cheaper- There is no realistic exit strategy ( how do you know when you are done ? ) . Until somebody can define this , we better contribute in less lethal waysAnd finally , Trudeau made it a clear in his campaign what he would do . He won a solid majority in the house . That should be enough .
money isn't the bottom line, margaret. no point having a job if you can't breathe or your house has been washed away. if we keep doing the things the same ol' way, we'll get the same old results.... which is why the world is in the state it is. we need a moral and spiritual revolution, not more of the same fear-based way of thinking. give trudeau a chance. it's sure a heck of a lot better than the fear-mongering, spiteful and bitter politics we have endured in canada for the past 10 years. and trudeau is not to blame for the state of the country at the moment. sheesh, he's just come into office and it's not his fault that the country and the world are going through difficult times.
dialogue:3 specific_points:2 solution:1 personal_story:1 evidence:1
no_toxic:3 teasing:1 personal_attack:1
money isnt the bottom line , margaret . no point having a job if you cant breathe or your house has been washed away . if we keep doing the things the same ol way , well get the same old results ... . which is why the world is in the state it is . we need a moral and spiritual revolution , not more of the same fear-based way of thinking . give trudeau a chance . its sure a heck of a lot better than the fear-mongering , spiteful and bitter politics we have endured in canada for the past 10 years . and trudeau is not to blame for the state of the country at the moment . sheesh , hes just come into office and its not his fault that the country and the world are going through difficult times .
I am not offended by Ms. Wente's column this morning but I do have some concerns with what she has written. Ms. Wente is known of course for having admirable skill in providing effective opinion where there's a vacuum, as she did in labeling Paul Martin 'Mr. Dithers' so many years ago. She is trying to do the same thing today and naturally many have jumped in with appreciative comments. However, there is a hollowness to the column. Objectively, it is quite hard at this stage to criticize the new Liberal government for mistaken judgements or overlooked opportunities; it is too soon and the government is on too much of a good run. Instead, she frames the government's situation, and our country's overall situation, in world terms. Fair enough, but the world is on fire for many big reasons none of which have much to do with the Liberal government. The Liberals are trying to change the game, in an admittedly small way because that's all a country like Canada can do. My opinion is that we are better off promoting strength and peace, equality and fairness, investment and growth, etc. than falling into the morass all around us.Ms. Wente is paid to come up with opinions, and very often hits the mark, but I think today she is a little early and a little shallow.
dialogue:3 evidence:1 specific_points:1
no_toxic:4 personal_attack:1
I am not offended by Ms. Wentes column this morning but I do have some concerns with what she has written . Ms. Wente is known of course for having admirable skill in providing effective opinion where theres a vacuum , as she did in labeling Paul Martin Mr. Dithers so many years ago . She is trying to do the same thing today and naturally many have jumped in with appreciative comments . However , there is a hollowness to the column . Objectively , it is quite hard at this stage to criticize the new Liberal government for mistaken judgements or overlooked opportunities ; it is too soon and the government is on too much of a good run . Instead , she frames the governments situation , and our countrys overall situation , in world terms . Fair enough , but the world is on fire for many big reasons none of which have much to do with the Liberal government . The Liberals are trying to change the game , in an admittedly small way because thats all a country like Canada can do . My opinion is that we are better off promoting strength and peace , equality and fairness , investment and growth , etc . than falling into the morass all around us.Ms . Wente is paid to come up with opinions , and very often hits the mark , but I think today she is a little early and a little shallow .