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Perhaps we should ask DJT what he would call it? Or perhaps the people who closely follow him, what they think..
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JS: Actually I have done the math and there are several ways to create a sustainable budget without an income tax. Democrats and liberals in general don't like that approach. They want to "redistribute the wealth". That may be OK with you but not so much with me.
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Right wing radio just assumes no one will do any research on their own. They prey on the ignorant and expect them to parrot talking points without thought or research...as if facts have no meaning. I understand why people don't want to step back and see they have been lied to, that it's more fun to tell liberals "we won" ...but at some point these Republican followers will have to face reality or continue looking more foolish as time goes on. The older generation of Republicans have already lost all respect from millenials as they destroy the Constitution and the natural world for their own benefit, not caring what they leave behind. This is only going to escalate, and millenials will be the ones taking care of these older judgmental selfish people in their old age...good luck with that.
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you know ???...when I stopped drinking and driving...speeding...parking wherever I wanted to....reading and sending texts/cel calls...I found that I got no more tickets..no more fines...no more extra charges for licence nor insurance ..... Funny how that works.
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Venice is doing okay , so I'm confident the good people of Manhattan will adjust.
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So finally, you went to America, and put on a pair of American shoes ... no wonder you talk this way. But Canada may well be the one taxed by Trump first, then lets see how much money you can collect from Canada to spend winter there. This is the typical generation of Canadian who call themselves the only one with "moral". They collect Canadian pension, spend it in US, and label others "Canadian of convenience", LOL
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No one gave a crap about the depression this prick and hi s political masters served up to all those involved in the Solid Gold scandal and subsequent cover up
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Huh, that's the same problem with inner city schools: not enough money. Except they have plenty of money and the outcomes are still horrendous. The problem is that government is very good at bureaucracy (ever apply for a government contract?), but not very good at getting things done efficiently. Throwing money at it is throwing good money after bad, corruption aside.
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Do you recall Justin's statement at the death of Castro? http://www.theloop.ca/justin-trudeau-is-getting-annihilated-on-twitter-over-his-fidel-castro-eulogy/ He made himself well known around the world, and not in a good way. Trudeau celebrates dictators – is he's becoming one?
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Oh Dianne, it bad to show a joke about hillary but it's ok to show Trump's severed head. You are the one that is appalling and disgusting. We will be voting to send your ass home next elevtion.
The U.S. : Has 900 military bases across the globe, bombed 7 countries in 2016. U.S. dropped an estimated 26,172 bombs in Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan (https://www.cfr.org/blog/how-many-bombs-did-united-states-drop-2016.) North Korea: 0 military bases across globe, bombed 0 countries in 2016 Also: U.S. warships are off the Korean Peninsula, U.S. stealth aircraft and bombers are flying over the Korean Peninsula. No Korean ships or aircraft are anywhere near the U.S. Yet you see N. Korea as the threatening, belligerent party. You need to check your glasses.
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Dear Editors Fourth Paragraph: "a French software form called" ... shouldn't it be "firm"? Second typo i have found this morning (this is the 4th article i'm reading)... you guys are getting sloppy eh?
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Haha... some things never change.
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On objective numbers, Kathleen Wynne has outperformed every premier since John Robarts. That's not too shabby. . But the Conservatives aren't interested in objective facts. . If you don't think it's true, take at look at the numbers going back to WWII.
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Yeah I know right? I mean, no other English speaking countries consume US TV, movies, and music. Globe columnist John Doyle didn't write a book that dealt in large part about the influence of American TV on Irish culture I guess eh? Quebecois culture is just so fecund that one can see its influence worldwide to a much larger degree than US culture no doubt. In fact Quebecois culture is so unparalleled that if given a choice between Quebec City or Paris I'm sure most tourists would chose Quebec City, amirite?
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You can't make this up. Katherine Kealoha is the “team captain” of the career criminal unit. Gotta wonder is Da Chief the coach of the career criminals? Is the HPD the all star criminal team?
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The editors seem to be upset that James T. Hodgkinson, Northwest rioters in Seattle and Portland, and California anti-free speech hooligans were denounced at the same time as the neo-nazi's, skinheads, and other punk racists. I have no tolerance for any of them.
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This comment is bizarrely idiotic.
With two people on one bike, why not. Also with two bike riders side by side.
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me too! At least he hasn't made the marines bow to him. What I see, is a 4F swollen ankled, ***** grabbin liar. What an American hero and leader, lol
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Do you live in North Pole?
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Nowadays the buzz word for Sessions' ideology, much like Justice Gorsuch, is "originalism". Livin' life like it was 1795!!
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They have had a lot of these in Walla Walla Washington recently. Hopefully this is just the responsibility of just one incompetent supervisor and not a reflection of the entire organization. Not that any staff will receive anything but the mildest reprimand; the SEIU contract forbid holding a union member responsible for individual incompetence.
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Saying that "The Donald" isn't under investigation is like busting the guy selling crack on the street corner and making a blanket statement about not investigating any other crack dealers.
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Angry??? Thanks Parnell, state, federal politicians who give Koch brothers and any corporation, that gave huge donations to your career and promote your future, eminent domain to domestic or foriegn companies over citizens rights and futures. To whom you have given gets tax credits/breaks and cash payments to rape resources, contaminate land, fill air with toxins, and poison the water tables, streams, rivers and oceans so that it can pay for multi-million dollar mansions, condos in Miami, yachts, and social engagements to thank politician's for there help. Leave the huge toxic dumps for taxpayers to pay for their progress. Then have your stooges convince the masses it's all in the trickle down effect. Trickle? Try strangling effect on individuals not in line for bailouts, CEO million dollar bonus and taxes on everybody else but rich corporations that rule the world economics with tax lawyers and accountants to keep their hard earned wealth.
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If it were me, I'd rather give him a couple months more at my house than spend thousands of dollars setting him up in a new place. It was supposed to be situation where the homeowners would be getting a little extra money from the brother-in-law, not spending money on him, regardless of whether they can afford it. He needs to get a roommate and find a place he can afford without the homeowners bending over backwards and/or spending their savings to make it happen.
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Yes it does! Cold Snow Broken infrastructure etc
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When is the Walker administration going to give us the decision points regarding this project? Every project (except apparently this one) has distinct decision points and if conditions to proceed are not met, than the project is shelved. Apparently the tactic with AKLNG is to keep spending hoping for some glimmer of hope.. Now we see the latest "glimmer" with a possible Chinese version of yet another "Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding" like we saw under Parnell and Palin before that. Absent project financing, these agreements mean nothing. So spare me the drama and false hope Governor. How about we focus on transitioning Alaska to the "post-oil" era where we deliver essential government services based on our known revenue sources.
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This is very cool. I have the Cotopaxi Luzon backpack http://amzn.to/2xA9cF2 and I absolutely love it. The colors are amazing. Material is lightweight but well built.
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Think so? Well, sorry, but I live in Hawaii too. Therefore I know the "deplorables" in both places. Yep, shocker, huh! Besides, tons of you will move to CA or Vegas eventually. So, get over yourself, you are not the King. If you can't make it on one island, move to another one. How many times you move so far?
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So, if sea levels drop a third year in a row, or stay the same, is that notable? How about 5 years without rising, is that still a "minor fluctuation"?
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Mr/Ms/Dr Engineering, changing the subject a bit, I definitely see a sequel to Obama's (fake) golfing history: "Trump -- Golfing Roughshod Through History"
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. Teddyballgame 9writes: "Based on your prior posts indicative of an advanced case of HDS, educating you on Mr. Harper's many achievements for this country would be like trying to grow grass on concrete. But you are right that space limitations here make it almost as hard to comprehensively list Harper's successes " -- Unable to meet my challenge to share his list of the "many accomplishments of Harper", Teddy is reduced instead to juvenile insults. Thank you for conceding, Teddy. The insults don't bother me. They say a lot more about you than they do about me. .
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OK. I voted for Hillary. I'm PROUD to say it. Why are you ASHAMED to admit you voted for Trump?
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Democrat politicians embarrassing our state again. How about working for Washington citizens for a change.
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I want to see the so-called "new Aryan Nation- AmeriKKKans- get out there in those fields and pick that lettuce- mow those yards- pick up those golf balls- work in those hot kitchens- make up those beds in those hotels- create new software- find a miracle cure- go to rural areas as immigrant physicians and take care of the very poor and sick that Donald Trump is going to ignore, while we have some intelligent Americans the majority of Trump's voters would elect to take pick-and-shovel into the coal mines and succumb to black lung!
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Coulter's cut from the same threadbare cloth as Trump, her hero. Both are pathetic.
"Trump Christians" don't read that verse.
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We're big tough Republicans. Federal government needs to downsize. Less government overreach. Time to balance the budget and reduce government spending! Oh wait! What! ... the feds want to give us less money?! They can't do that! The other guys need to take the cuts! Not Alaska!
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Not only do women never lie, they also never err. So goes dogma.
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Unfortunately as long as leaders do not step up appropriately and address this issue head on, it will perpetuate. It was truly disappointing to see Andrew Scheer avoid responding in the House of Commons yesterday and had to be pushed very hard to provide an apology. That guy's a real leader - NOT!!!
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This editorial made for very good reading as a well written piece... ... right up until the last sentences where it needlessly slid into a ditch to make a fully un-needed comparison to Trump and America and White house spokesmen. Yikes, it was like having a fine, well-planned meal followed by a dessert of moldy liver mousse littered with mouse droppings.
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I know neighbourhoods in Vancouver where there was a house on every block that was vacant. A few of those houses now have renters, so the vacant house tax does result in fewer vacant houses.
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we mean like trying to arrange, with the russian ambassador, for the use of russian diplomatic facilities so that the clandestine communications could be conducted under the cloak of russian cryptographic technology and hidden from US intelligence.
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Nothing about Susan Rice being the person that Unmasked the Trump Campaign, WaPoDN? Scared to publish the truth?
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We've gone years waiting to get these larger dividends as the fund made money, and now that it has, the government wants to take it away from us and our children.
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Certainly there is more than one word for things, which is why I said normally. We used to call it dope in high school because that is what the police called it when they toured around to our school telling us not to do drugs. The police used that word for a reason because it has such a negative connotation. You're smoking dope because you look like a dope and you are a dope. When I got out of high school and met people who knew their drugs I realized that to those who use, dope means heroin. I would not advise asking for dope when you want weed. You will look like a narc, or you will get heroin (neither of which is a good thing).
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SO if mum and ex had each other as beneficiary, the ex wins because she died first. He can change the beneficiary of his policy to anyone he likes now - and it won't be the LW's spouse. Suggest this spouse speaks to the ex and comes to some kind of agreement.
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Agree with a lot of this list except: Forget cast-iron for a start-up kitchen. Move into this later if you get the urge. Too fussy, high maintenance and un-necessary for anything a college student is going to cook. A good non-stick is far more useful. Paring knives? Meh... you could get these I guess if you have drawer space to fill up. Get a good quality offset serrated knife for bread, citrus and tomatoes etc... A quality box-grater is arguably more useful than a microplane and easier to handle. The best tip in the article and the one that you will benefit the most from is a quality pair of kitchen shears. Splurge and get the most functional peeler you can find. Even a "luxury" one is still not going to be that expensive. Shears and peeler - probably the two most useful things on this list.
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Will "showing Zille the door" garner the popular vote for the DA? No, it will win the Mampara of the Year vote, as a herd of old dinosaurs like me withdraw support for absolutely no gain from the masses.
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Successful and stable you say? http://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2014/12/25/commentary/japan-commentary/how-japans-economy-put-itself-out-to-pasture/#.V7803E0rJpg
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If the glyphosate might taste bad, you may dilute it with a fruit drink or soft drink. Now all of your objections have been answered. The only reason remaining for you to refuse the challenge is that you question whether glyphosate is low risk or not.
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Cut off ALL ties with Azerbaijan !
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No secrets here. Downstream (lower Willamette River) water quality requirements by DEQ and minimum fish flow mitigations from NMFS trump the tourism and recreation businesses associated with this man made lake. With Hills Creek and Lookout Point already at low pools for Corps maintenance work the water to maintain those lower river flows have to come from somewhere.
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His unpopularity doesn't excuse your language on this forum.
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You are absolutely correct about the GDP. Missing of course perhaps by accident is the fact that Ontario has three times the population of Alberta. Missing as well is the fact that Ontario receives transfer payments from the revenues of the have provinces, Alberta being one of them. That same Alberta that has a lower GDP then Ontario.
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I am tired of this nonsense encouraging the government to tax me to save me!!!! Take car of yourself and your family. THAT IS WHAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING!!!
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Margaret Wente, quit romanticizing this empty ideal of "color blindness", as if everyone is magically on equal footing and that racism works the same for everyone (or more absurdly that it works in "reverse") -- Canadian society is structured to benefit Whiteness. Try to explain the over representation of non-white people in the prison system despite being minority populations -- it is not disproportionate criminality among these groups, it is white privilege. Your ideas are tired. Let go of the mic; your clueless, nonsensical bluster is clogging up the airwaves.
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I'm guessing you've heard of Oregon TILTH, the state's leading organization promoting organic, sustainable farming. They certify organic farms with on-site inspections, soil tests and tests of produce to insure organic standards of production. You might learn a great deal from visiting their website. Your comments regarding organic farming are totally without substance. The agri-chemical industry is working very hard to discredit organic farming. Fortunately, they are not succeeding. More and more farmers are adopting organic methods of production, the supply of certified organic produce is ever increasing and the prices are becoming more competitive with produce grown on megafarms utilizing petroleum based fertilizers and chemical herbicides and pesticides. The pollution of water tables and riverways with, especially, nitrogen and phosperous compounds result from overapplication of petroleum based chemical fertilizers is a widespread problem. read up a bit on these issues....
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So then, what disciplinary measures will you be putting in place for your very own dep min who went out of his way to make sure that everybody blames the immigrants????
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In fact there is a return to paper books....see SteveWilliams reply below...Indigo and Chapters have not increased the area devoted to non- books in a long time and over 50% of the store space is devoted to books and increasing -again. In Toronto there is a renaissance of small bookshops - independent and focussed that are doing quite well and cater to those who love a real book,
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Terrorist ban, terrorist ban, terrorist ban.
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Angelo_vancouver ' putting the country's interest ahead of any ideological rants' I completely agree! It would be refreshing to see the same attitude by our political friends and neighbours to the south.
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Being a tourist mecca this tragedy will touch many corners of the world. Trump's handling of this will face bi-partisan scrutiny. Saddest day in Vegas history.
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Very well written article! As always I would like to point out that getting cheap natural gas distributed statewide will help create new economies and infrastructure to level out the rises and falls of a resource gutting state. We have a gigantic and awesome hunk of the planet here. Time to invest in our own precious metals bank as a backup to the Permanent Fund. By creating our own fully backed Cd's from a state owned by the people bank we can wrest control of our own economy from outside influences.
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Good grief and good luck with that. Who is going to run against him? He has gotten more votes in the last 9 elections than any other statewide candidate or ballot issue........Dream weaver........ this oped sounds like rachel maddow, just a long list of pejorative words. And if our intelligence agencies have some proof, why haven't they produced it?
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Mr. Saunders points out exactly why Obama has been the best US president in at least the past 50 plus years.
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Yup, anybody who has an opinion different than the extremist, paranoid ranting of this columnist must be a troll because after all, in the alt left world you either agree or you are to be silenced by whatever means necessary including calling them names such as "trolls". Why stop there, aren't they "deplorables" as well?
Again Kiszla misses the point to attack Trump and make a political point. This is not the time or the place. It is a game, they are employees protesting on their employers time. Yes, Trump should have stayed out of it. Why can't we just have a football game? I support the players right to protest, to do something positive, to make a difference but they should do it on their own time. Besides, it is counterproductive. It only alienates most of the fans, drops the popularity and, therefore, revenue of the sport which will hurt their own paychecks in the long run. It is nothing more than well intentioned stupidity (by players and Trump). As to "A real leader tackles a problem head-on, face-to-face, seeking compromise that at least partially serves the end goal of both combative parties." that is one of those statement which sound superficially good but is really nonsense. A real leader does what is right regardless of what the political outcome is.
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There are people of many political stripes who comment here, both in the comments section and the body text. Why send something in? Beats me, lots of reasons, starting with courage of convictions and trust in public dialog. You can guess all day about what'll get approval, but you'll never know until you send something in.
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Justin has filled his boots. With gender fluid socks.
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How can you possibly be that thick? What we are dealing with now is potentially catastrophic change in an extremely short period of time; we now have these things on the planet called "civilizations", some of which will be profoundly affected. It's not just about you and the cozy Ottawa Valley, y'know.
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No kidding there's no review. Why do you think those Chinese businessman are paying Trudeau and his gang cold, hard cash? We don't have a federal government in Canada, we have a gang of fraud artists selling this country out.
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Wrong. Fascism and Marxism have different goals but are two sides of the same coin. Both are statist ideologies rooted in collective suppression of individual rights through force of a totalitarian government, which makes them on the far left of the political spectrum.
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I haven't seen nearly as many birds with deformed beaks in recent years as I saw 15 to 20 years ago.
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I agree with a few of your statements. However, one could say that some individuals marry others only to find that their spouse has grown at odds with the original character whom they chose to partner with, so I don't understand the correlation to the original article. We're talking about her morals correct? Not her relationship status, right? Speaking directly to the statement regarding my tidy little predisposition: Yes, the article fits within a narrative of morals over political leanings, and yes perhaps my statement was indeed naïve. However, I find it respectful for an individual to paint the picture as such and call a spade a spade. Media outlets pick up the rest and make it clickable. His statement, while factually consistent with some research regarding socioeconomic status, fails to correlate many other factors contributing to the issue. Success is not measured in dollars, and her choice to leave, while murky in intension, is indeed commendable based on the issue presented.
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The religious right was triggered by the 1970s. What a crap decade and what a sad degradation of American culture and society. Roe was just part of the 1970s. Brown (1954) might not have been popular with all conservatives, but the country remained prosperous and moral until the 1960 radical movements that led to the 1970s.
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Well, the easter egg in the penultimate sentence was...it's [sic] own reward.
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I agree. I have never understood why people are allowed to deduct interest on 2nd homes either. People can buy an RV or popup trailer and call it a "2nd home" and deduct interest on the loan. No, I'm not making that up. I'm guessing the 2nd home deduction is because many Congress members, at one time at least, had 2 homes, one in their district, one in DC. But that's another topic for another day. We just can't afford to subsidize high mortgages and high local taxes. We don't subsidize the entire cost of sending kids to college - that tax credit is $2500. We don't subsidize the entire cost of raising kids. We don't subsidize all of people's healthcare costs (frankly, the amount we allow for that deduction is too low, imo). We limit how much people can shelter for retirement. There are many areas that the tax code allows some deduction in order to encourage a particular activity, but not unlimited amounts for people to spend on that activity because they can afford it.
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Trump is rude, erratic and loathe to use or even recognize the truth. Leaders of other countries, both America's friends and America's enemies, have recognized this. There is very little chance that Trump will now ever be treated seriously on the world stage. The Trump administration is rapidly diminishing America's standing in the world. It's difficult to see things improving over the course of the next three years.
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Or they could fake insanity to get a deferral, as the brave conservative Republican Ted Nugent did: Ted, on his draft interview: "I got my physical notice 30 days prior to. Well, on that day I ceased cleansing my body. No more brushing my teeth, no more washing my hair, no baths, no soap, no water. Thirty days of debris build. I stopped shavin', had a little scraggly beard, really looked like a hippie. I had long hair, and it started gettin' kinky, matted up. Then two weeks before, I stopped eating any food with nutritional value. I just had chips, Pepsi, beer-stuff I never touched-buttered poop, little jars of Polish sausages, and I'd drink the syrup, I was this side of death. Then a week before, I stopped going to the bathroom. My pants got crusted up. So I went in, and those guys in uniform couldn't believe the smell. I knew I had these chumps beat." Incidentally, there is no such thing now in the US military as a "draft deferral". There is no draft.
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Great article, bang on
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I think you should personally tell this to the victims of gun violence. Tell them that you're sorry, but this is the price of freedom and that their loss was destined because the assailant would have just as easy wielded a machete or generated a fertilizer bomb.
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The GOP plan supports the rich and powerful and increases the divide between economic classes. There really is no such thing as "trickle down economics." Reagan proved that.
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Blaming "The Russians!" for America's "divisions" is downright insulting to U.S. voters' intelligence. The voters reacted to their perception of real problems in our society. Russian propaganda was not required.
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Students mentoring students? What's next, professors who have never worked outside of academia lecturing students on how the 'real world' works? (Oops, too late!)
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All these pfd letters are quite amusing with the election threats and whatever else they come up with. Heres the cold facts. Your pfd is going away. Unless the state starts printing money they have nowhere else to go. And dont give me that income tax stuff. There is not enough income to come within 10 percent of what is needed. Stop writing the letters and wasting your time
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Easily as damaging as anything that went down in the good old Soviet Union.
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Nice to see "Civility" is no longer a requirement. Thank you.
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Eric Bjerregaard, Your comment is about what Adrian H. said, yet you apply it to the author of the article. You seem to be confused.
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Just another example of the exemption voted by themselves to the Alaska Open Meetings Act. Backroom legislative actions without open debate for the public to see them all in their glorious stupidity. Open up all legislative meetings to the original intent of the statute and Constitution and see things change really fast.
I think your second point is bang on. Now for your first point - i disagree that calling Doctors out in this thread means an irrational dislike of physicians. I just counted the number of doctors in my extended family and it's 6. 3 specialists (2 woman, one man). 3 GP's (all men). Nobody is complaining and nobody would change careers even with a tax change. So who is whining? Is it the Dr's who count their hours and conclude that nobody has it tougher? BTW, I've also recently experienced the difficulties in finding a female doctor for my teenage daughters. A growing % of female MD's in family practice are part-time doctors. It may be politically incorrect to state - but that is reality. The system allows it (for men too). When you start to hear complaints about being in dire straights and envious comparisons to imaginary Canadians who have pensions and benefits and only work 9 - 5 then it's important to point out faults in the current system.
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No, but the silent majority voted for it. Just like for Trump.
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"If you are going to state things as fact you better have them correct because there are those out there that know better." Except, rick, you routinely dismiss the scientific consensus on climate change. As for your "smoking gun", the St. Lawrence and Mississippi rivers are North America's largest by flow. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rivers_by_discharge
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" However, the House also sent a clear message to the Senate that it shouldn’t “infringe on the privileges of the House” by amending financial legislation, " So the Liberals just want a rubber stamp Senate?
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Wasn't there a lady in Co Springs recently convicted of voter fraud by casting ballots for her two dead parents? The previous SoS investigated immigrant voter fraud and found 1 case in ten years of an immigrant voting (because the DMV told him he could). This is a non-issue, after the previous SoS spent millions of tax dollars investigating nothing, people are still claiming that there is fraud. Why?
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"Morrison, a rare book dealer, didn't immediately respond to a request for comment left on his voicemail at home. He doesn't have a cellphone." I not sure what the implication is here that I didn't immediately respond? That I don't have a cell phone? Is there a problem with that? Has our culture sunk so low that immediate responses and not having a cell phone are unacceptable? http://www.zengardner.com/they-knew-microwaves-cause-autism-downs-syndrome-and-much-worse/ http://dangerousminds.net/comments/smartphone_suck_photos_depict_evil_screens_that_are_stealing_your_soul#oo6P9jHCyWKRwZo6.01 https://takebackyourpower.net/forbes-study-suggests-wi-fi-exposure-dangerous-kids-previously-thought/
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It wasn't too long ago that there was a public debate and controversy surround the wearing of ceremonial daggers. This is Canada, some customs from other faraway cultures just don't fit. Remember you ae a Canadian first and should respect Canadian values and Canadian culture which is rooted in modern western values.
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Well, I hope your claim gets resolved soon. Good luck.
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