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The Gun Run (????)
Gun, A low-end, but knowledgeable gunrunner, and his temperamental partner, Bully, earn a living selling firearms in shady motels. Throughout their day, they encounter all sorts of unusual clientele, which includes a serial killer, undercover cops and many more. The story follows the duo on their final gun run, as they dash all over the city, checking off their list.
Baboyngirongbuang (2010)
Gerald and Clifford are best friends who will be riding the Ferris wheel for the first time; it will be their last chance since both will be going separate ways after graduation. This will be the most important weekend of their teenage lives; choices will be made to overcome peer pressure, homework and household chores. The story happens in the mid 90's a few years after the mining company in their town suspends its operation. The metal that brought them together could tear them apart.
"Do Not Be Afraid" (2007)
Women, restaurants, carefree life, drugs and friends. That is a former high-ranking political worker Arman Aramyan's son life. Among all of this - there is her big love Mari. She is the only light in his life. Escape from the law enforcement, involuntary volunteer in the militia war. On the verge of life and death - a spoiled but brave boy Yerevan becomes wise and courageous warrior. Return to Yerevan. Again the struggle of life, and measured, but in Yerevan, which has become a stranger to him. Love that has to wait. And the war again. The fate of the fall of military companies is decided in this battle.
Ironsides (2009)
Childhood battles on a secluded island offshore the small New England town of Unity have plagued 11-year-old Randy Scott ever since he became the target of local bullies, the Coltrains, Jimmy, Mike and Simon. The Coltrain brothers don warpaint and terrorize the other kids. Simon especially is merciless, bragging that fists bounce off him, earning him the nickname "Ironsides." At home, Randy's father, a low-level boxer not proud of how he earns a living, begs his bruise-covered son to make peace. Conversely, at the Coltrain's home, the bullies are taught to fight by Frank, their alcoholic, abusive father, who enforces sadistic training, and beats both the brothers and their mother Alice. When Randy's father leaves town to fight his final match before retiring, Randy remains in the care of his disabled Aunt Mildred. Suffering at the hands of Simon and his brothers for control of the island, Randy struggles to find a way toward peace to make his father proud. But when Mr. Coltrain's "training" goes too far, Randy intervenes and saves a life. The physical abuse Simon is forced to endure, and Randy's desire for resolution, soon make them both realize that perhaps their best hope is each other.
The Green Swamp (1916)
Most of the patients of Dr. Ward Allison are women, and his wife Margery is becoming increasingly jealous of all the time he spends with them. One day he tells her that he has been called out of town, but she is told that he is really staying at the house of a friend and colleague, Dr. Hendon, and the two are planning wild parties with their female patients. What she finds out, however, is even more shocking than what she expected.
Tip of My Tongue (2017)
Twelve New Yorkers born in the early 1960s across several continents "visit" every year of their lives in a brash, self-reflexive experiment about what it's meant to live in America over the last half century. Director and participant Lynne Sachs, who wrote her own series of 50 poems for every year of her life, guides her collaborators across the landscape of their memories. She gives each person the same historical timeline as a catalyst for an exploration of the relationship between their personal lives and the times in which they have lived. Initially strangers with nothing in common but their age, the group works together writing, performing and filming. Using the backdrop of the horizon as it meets the water in each of NYC's five boroughs as well as abstracted archival material, Sachs' project becomes an activator in the resurrection of complex, sometimes paradoxical reflections. In the dreamscape of the movie, each participant embraces shards of the past, knowing that his or her connection to a historical moment may be tenuous but allowing for that ambiguity and mystery. In this way, traditional timelines are replaced by a multi-layered, cinematic architecture that both speaks to and visualizes the nature of historical expression.
Fussballspiele (1976)
An attractive montage of a vivid and often tense highlights from the soccer field ... Headers, fouls, dribbling, runs, goalmouth dramas are juxtaposed, slowed down, repeated and at the same time embellished acoustically in such an apt and lively manner by the music of the leading German jazz and rock guitarist Volker Kriegel, that even the viewer spoilt by live soccer will enjoy seeing it. The artistes of the bid ball become leading dancers at the penalty mark. Slow motion, animation, modification or restriction of color further lend emphasis to the close interaction with the musical movements, achieving a positive unity, regardless weather attention is focussed on the goalkeeper, on team play, on vigorous tackling or on goalmouth excitement, which are all synchronized in sequence form with the musical sections. The film contains extracts from 13 first division soccer games in Germany.
Zero degré, l'infini (2006)
This documentary film allows us discover the creative process of two internationally renowned choreographers, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Akram Khan, their contact, their will to together create a performance called "0°", for the Sadler Well's Theatre in London that will be staged from the July 12 to 16, 2005. "0°" is an introspection of art, choreography, the body, man, and religion.
Mother Is a Freshman (1949)
Widow Abby Abbott is having serious money problems and has to dip into the family trust in order to pay for her daughter Susan's college tuition. The catch: Abby must also become a co-ed or she can't touch the money. After passing her entrance exams, Abby goes to college and becomes very popular, especially with a handsome English professor whom Susan has a crush on.
Night Traveler (2013)
Night Traveler: Prophecy of the Elder follows musician Jake Whitman on a journey of discovery and adventure. After being fired from his only steady gig, Jake is lured down a dark dirt road by a ghostly apparition, causing him to wreck his motorcycle. Rescued by an elderly Native American, Jake is introduced to the origin of dreams, where four challenges will stand between destiny and destruction...
Divorzio alla siciliana (1963)
Il barone Fifě ha bisogno di un erede per avere l'ereditŕ paterna. Ma con le prime due mogli ha avuto poco successo per il loro tradimento. E' stato costretto ad ottenere il "divorzio alla siciliana" con l'aiuto dell'onorata societŕ. Per questo č stato anche processato, ma anche assolto perchč, come dicono tutti i testimoni "disgrazia fu". Decide allora di cercare una moglie sul continente, a Roma. E qua, con l'aiuto di Nando, trova Marisa la giaguara che lavora in un night club e la sposa. Ma Marisa č molto bella, troppo, e a lei si interessano Don Calň, Turiddu e altri e il "divorzio alla siciliana" č facile da ottenere in Sicilia...
"A Step Away" (2013)
The Jennifer Lopez dancers face challenges in Asia with torrential rain and illness and Muslim customs force a quick wardrobe change in Jakarta. George returns from his baby's birth, even more determined to nail his first show and Shannon leads the dancers to some well-earned R&R in his Australian homeland.
Cuando me toque a mi (2006)
A murder sets in motion a series of tragedies that find their way to the city morgue's Dr. Arturo Fernandez. Physically and emotionally isolated, Arturo develops an intimate relationship with the personal lives of his cases, forcing him to confront his connection to the living and the dead. This dark, serpentine tale offers a richly textured rendering of Ecuador's capital.
Lonliness (2016)
Maximillian, a twenty-one years old man live a life full of delusions. He spends most of the time inside his apartment listening to music, he does not have any human contact, smokes approximately fifteen cigarettes a day, and is ready to end it all. Coming from a 'couldn't care less' family and abusive past, did not take long to develop a personality disorder and alter ego, Akira. Akira presents himself as Maximillian friend and liberator, but soon it becomes clear that Akira is neither one. Akira takes posses of Maximillian's will, and convinces him that the only way to desist his misery and begin a meaningful life is to 'free' people of his same nature, naďve and fragile. Maximillian is ready, walks the road to school. He carries a loaded gun...
TLC: Tables, Ladders, Chairs and Stairs (2014)
The last pay-per-view on the WWE calendar brings us tables, ladders and chairs. A night filled with action. The main event features Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt clash in an hellacious TLC match, while John Cena battles Seth Rollins in a Tables match and Dolph Ziggler challenges Luke Harper for the Intercontinental Championship in a thrilling ladder match.
Pride (2006)
Violence, threats of terror attack and condemnation from religious leaders plagued the 2006 Jerusalem Pride Parade. LGBT citizens of the state of Israel found themselves fighting for their right to exist as equal citizens. 'Pride,' by producers Igal Hecht and Lior Cohen, explore the struggles for legitimacy of the LGBT community in Israel.
Death on a Rock (2015)
The film follows a young woman coming to terms with a trying event in her life. Lillian's (Rachael Perrell Fosket) bright outlook-she loves her job in a flower shop and has a sweet budding relationship with her boyfriend- is rocked by illness. Days spent in long term care at the hospital bring reflection, desperation, and some family tension. This vibrantly shot tale follows Lillian's year of happiness, pain, and growth, told through flashbacks and drifting between memories and shifting consciousness. Seen through a framework of loss, Death On A Rock is a bittersweet tale balanced between tragedy and levity. The film follows a young woman coming to terms with a trying event in her life. Lillian's (Rachael Perrell Fosket) bright outlook-she loves her job in a flower shop and has a sweet budding relationship with her boyfriend- is rocked by illness. Days spent in long term care at the hospital bring reflection, desperation, and some family tension. This vibrantly shot tale follows Lillian's year of happiness, pain, and growth, told through flashbacks and drifting between memories and shifting consciousness.
Lyubit ne lyubit (2014)
Lesha and Alena're planing their wedding. Everything is going to be OK, but Lesha and famous journalist Ira s' knowledge changes everything. Her image doesn't fit into the framework of Lesha's casual life. Ira introduces chaos in his life, and AlenaâEUR"a naive girl, loves him the way he is and badly wants to be his wife. Ira's adventurism and her willingness to commit insane acts gets Lesha understand that his life could be much more colorful. But is he ready for an adventurous actions while there's at stake happy future with Alena?
Turtle Beach (2007)
Turtle Beach is a story of success against the odds in a fight to save a sea turtle nesting beach from development. In Turkey in the mid-eighties, new tourist facilities were being built along the coastlines at breakneck speed. When former nightclub singer June Haimoff heard of plans to build a holiday village on the beach at Dalyan, she decided to speak up for the endangered species caretta caretta. Dalyan's sea turtles became an international cause celebre as the landmark campaign to save the beach gathered momentum. It was the first time that conservation had been considered in Turkey's rush to develop economically and the sea turtles became powerful symbols of a new awareness in the country.
Coeur animal (2009)
Suddenly he thinks her alone, his wife. This person whom he doesn't know how to love and who is now falling prey to a gnawing disease. This woman whom he knows so little about and whom he would like to be with him. Right now, Just like before.
A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies (1995)
Despite its nearly four-hour running time, this is a uniquely personal look at movies from one of the late 20th century's great directors and film historians. The film consists of head & shoulder shots of Scorsese speaking into the camera for a minute or two, followed by 10-15 minutes of film clips with Scorsese voice-over. Scorsese approaches the films in terms of how they affected him as a director foremost and as a storyteller/film fan second. Segments include "The Director as Smuggler," "The Director as Iconoclast", and so on. The Journey begins with silent masters like D.W. Griffith and ends in 1969 - when Scorsese began to make films; as he says in closing, "I wouldn't feel right commenting on myself or my contemporaries."
Separated at Birth (2017)
Lucy Pierce grew up believing she had a normal childhood with a loving and supportive mother, until she discovers old articles about the "Baby Victoria" disappearance - a high-profile abduction case that occurred when she was born. She is shocked to see that her baby picture is front and center. Determined to find answers, Lucy tracks down her biological mother, Elizabeth Marshall, a criminal prosecutor running for Governor of Pennsylvania. Overnight Lucy goes from an anonymous 20- something to a media sensation. While Lucy's reunion with Elizabeth is heartfelt, the same can't be said for her relationship with her newfound sister, Terri. Spoiled, rudderless and used to being an only child, Terri resents Lucy. Jealousy morphs into sabotage, as Terri realizes that if she can't bring herself up to Lucy's level, she must bring Lucy down to hers. The family reunion spirals out of control as Lucy finds herself in the middle of a police investigation which forces Elizabeth to distance herself to protect her campaign. As Lucy questions who is really trying to defame her, is something more sinister happening to tear this family apart, yet again?
American Dream Stories (2018)
The cinematic journey takes us on a 45,000 kilometer (28,000 miles) train ride through the United States of America in search of the remaining fragments of the '(All) American Dream'. The documentary film takes stock of a nation that was built up 150 years ago by a network of railroads, and which today is at a crossroads with its social, economic and infrastructural situation. This stocktaking of the USA through the windows of a train compartment invites its audience to take part in a wondrous journey. The sight of backyards, industrial zones and private gardens offers us glimpses of life behind the facade of a country (of dreams). Between the scenic pictures, American passengers tell their stories of how their personal situations and those of their companions have changed over the years, what the future holds for them, and how they still believe in and hold onto the (All) American Dream.
The Extra (2017)
Bad boy movie star Derrick Stone books himself as an extra as a prank. When he arrives on set, no one recognizes him as Derrick Stone, they just think he looks like Derrick Stone. Finding new friends and a love interest in Mary, the wardrobe assistant, he begins living a double identity as Derrick and Joe, the extra. Events collide and comedy ensues as Derrick's stardom is put at risk, and Derrick is put to the test as Joe, begins to take over his life.
Alles Moet Nieuw - Piet Zwart (2012)
A fascinating documentary about Piet Zwart (1885-1977), an idiosyncratic and stubborn designer, who lived for innovation and prepared the way for the international success that is now known as Dutch Design. Piet Zwart worked as an interior and industrial designer, commercial typographer, photographer, critic and lecturer, playing a key role in defining the design climate in the Netherlands in the Twentieth Century. He is especially known for designing the famous 'Piet Zwart' kitchen for the Dutch company Bruynzeel: a kitchen that could be easily produced and consisted of standardized elements. His versatility and influence on present-day designers led the Association of Dutch Designers to award him the title of "Designer of the Century" in 2000. Piet Zwart is counted among the international avant-garde without any reservations. His work reflects the work of artists such as Kurt Schwitters, El Lissitzky, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Jan Tschichold, but always retains its own authenticity. His work corresponded with similar experiments at the Bauhaus, where Piet Zwart was a teacher. This documentary enters the mind of the artist Piet Zwart with his almost obsessive urge to innovate.
"Mr. Fighting" (2005)
A rigged professional fist-fighting tournament 20 years ago led to the downfall of one family and changed the course of both families forever. The patriarchs of the Tuan and Yeh families faced each other in an epic professional fist-fighting tournament that went horribly wrong, and the two families have been sworn enemies ever since. Tuan Yu-Chiao ('Tony Sun (III)' (qv)) is the son of one of the feuding families who also is an expert fist fighter as well as heir to the family's successful entertainment company.
A Horse Connection (2009)
Original documentary short that explores the relationship between horses and persons with special needs. Nancy King, a specialist in Equine Assisted Therapy, introduces us to her riding therapy program, designed to assist special needs considerations. This includes autism, blindness, and other forms of physical or developmental disabilities. Meet Linda, Alyssa, Vincent, Morgan, Jacqueline, and Joey-five clients who have had their lives changed forever through their involvement with Nancy and her horses.
Waiting for a Storm (????)
The chars of the Brahmaputra are a curious geographical feature of the river - they are small, temporary land masses, almost like islands, that appear and disappear seasonally due to erosion. They are also places that many immigrant communities of Assam call home. They farm on the transient land masses and raise their families there as well. Waiting for a Storm explores this ephemeral relationship between the chars and their residents through the prism of two different subjects - Amjad Ali, a farmer who lives on such a char and Sahjahan Hussain, a young activist from the mainland who is working for land rights of the char dwellers. Through their voices the film navigates questions of identity and reform. And as their paths converge, Amjad and Sahjahan's future remains as uncertain as the receding landscape surrounding them.
Hot Under the Collar (1992)
Jerry tries to seduce his girlfriend Monica via hypnosis, but it accidentally makes her want to enter a convent and take a vow of chastity instead. Jerry tries to get her out by disguising himself to a priest and later as a nun. Alas, his rescue attempt crosses paths with a mobster who looks for his hidden stolen diamonds in the convent. Things get even more complicated when the pope himself decides to pay a surprise visit.
Through the Grapevine (2014)
In the 1990s, beloved Dookie primary school teacher Peter McManus abruptly abandoned his job to become a winery grape-grower. Even more astonishing was the fact that Peter's new employer was a hitchhiking businessman, who Peter had encountered on the side of the road one fateful evening. However, this was far from the first time that Peter made a bold choice in his life. From his record-breaking blood donations to his ongoing local charity work, Peter's life philosophy has been to embrace opportunities and to live life for others - and he considers himself all the richer for it. Through a captivating story, moving interviews and stunningly creative visuals, this short documentary reveals the powerful influence that each of us has over everyone around us... and how one humble country bloke has harnessed this potential for the greater good.
Possum Hunter (2000)
Four boys (School Pals) decide to go camping at a hut in the forest before heading off to start college. They tramp into the forest and discover that the hut has been burned down, while looking for something else to sleep in they meet a deranged Possum Hunter in the bush who offers them shelter in his hut. They take up his offer stay in his hut for the night and have a drink with him. Later that night they find a severed hand hidden in a box at the back of the hut and suspect that Hunter might possibly have killed someone and is hiding form the police. The four boys decide to play it cool and raise no alarms but to get out of there in the morning. Morning comes and the boys try to make a hasty retreat but the Hunter gets suspicious of their change of attitude towards him and then discovers that one of them (the boy's) has taken an old bone of his and accuses them of stealing from him, Rob try's to smooth over the situation but gets smacked across the face by the but of his rifle, Hamish rescues Rob from the Hunter but the hunter declares that he is going to give them the length of time of two cigarettes before coming to hunt them down. The boys make a break for it and try and get as far away from the hunter as possible. The hunter finishes his second smoke and the hunt is now on. Now it is a race for the boys to get back to their car with their lives or end up dead in the forest. The boys try and run as fast as they can but one of them trips and sprains his ankle, which leaves the others struggling to keep pace while carrying him. Soon the Hunter catches up to them with his skill and local knowledge of the forest and is trying to shot them down. Despite the boy's jump over step cliff and hide behind a tree truck in the stream below. While seeking cover behind the tree trunk and out of sight of the Hunter, they devise a plan to get back to car. They decide to make a break and run for it. The Hunter can see them from the top of the cliff and takes aim, realizing he is to far up, he jumps down the cliff and try's to chase them. He trips on the way down, dropping his gun and tumbles down to creek. This gives the boys enough time to make a break and get within sight of the car in an empty car park. Hamish decides to brave it walks to the car himself. Once getting to car and thinking the coast is clear, he summons the others to make their break. They do so and then discover once next to the car that the Possum Hunter is hiding behind a tree close by. He points the gun at them and tells them to line up in a single file. The boys do so and as the Hunter prepares to shoot them, the boys make a surprise attack on him and wrestle the hunter to the ground and get his gun from him. Amongst the panic and commotion, and one of the boys shots the Hunter in the chest and then in the heart. The Hunter dies and then there is a new dilemma of deciding what to do with his body- do they bury him in the bush and say nothing or go to the police and risk being tried for murder? After much debate they decide to bury the Hunter the bush. This weighs heavy on the conscious and walk away from the forest scarred forever with a secret they can never tell anybody.
Animosity (2009)
In the old days, violence was the solution to problems for many of todays Krump dancers. Today there is a different way... Krump. so there are battles for competition and there are battles that are friendly challenges, but on this DVD, the battles are not for any of those reasons. On this DVD, there are only battles that take place between the dancers in order to resolve animosity and real beef. The Krump Kings go though many daily challenges and sometime things get tough. Sometimes things get personal, and sometimes... there is ANIMOSITY
Underground (1976)
It's the mid 1970s and the Weather Underground Organization (WUO), a radical (and violent) offshoot of the Students for a Democratic Society, explains to leftist filmmakers the difficulties and experiences of being underground and wanted by the federal government.
Hot for Transsexuals 3 (2017)
Kinky director and scene player Aiden Starr's friends from the TS world show us the alluring, mysterious reality of gender-bent dating - in each scene of Hot For Transsexuals 3, a feminine, horny T-girl hooks up with a bold male adventurer for forbidden fun. Tattooed Chelsea Marie's huge bulge expands her bikini panties. Chad Diamond deep-throats her big boner. She fellates him ass-to-mouth and they trade hard-slamming butt fucks. Exotically pretty Tori Mayes and Chad share passionate mouth kissing and 69. Tori's little dicklet twirls as she rides the man's meat. Gorgeous Alexa Scout has pretty tits, long legs, a big butt and a gaping bunghole. She tickles Lance Hart's taint and laps his balls; skin-slamming sodomy makes her grip the bed. With a butt plug lodged in his sphincter, she strokes him to orgasm and they French kiss. Slim natural redhead Mandy Mitchell totally swallows tattooed, pierced Mike Panic's erection. She deeply rims his rectum, massages his prostate and feeds him the anal flavor; Mandy sits on his face so he can taste hers. She spits his jism into his mouth.
Level Up (2016/I)
MATT and ANNA are a young couple living in London. Anna is starting her career and knows what she wants, whilst Matt is still struggling to find his purpose in life. On the surface they are happy but tensions are beginning to mount. Then one morning masked thugs break into the flat and kidnap Anna before assaulting Matt, locking him into a mysterious vest and leaving him a mobile phone. Matt is told the vest contains a package which he must deliver by following instructions issued to him via the mobile phone. If he fails, tries to seek help, or deviates from their instructions, they will kill Anna. Over the course of one day Matt has to make his way across London in a desperate bid to save his girlfriend as a host of characters attempt to derail him from his mission.
James Marsters: Words and Music (2005)
American actor James Marsters, who earned international fame in his role of the punk vampire "Spike" on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and its spin-off "Angel," showcases his talents on this made-for-DVD album. The "Words" half (45 min.) depicts Marsters's stage talents - he acted on stage, and created a theater company, for many years before appearing on television - as he explains the background of William Shakespeare's "Macbeth" and plays the part of Macbeth in the most important scenes and monologues. In the "Music" half of the DVD (58 min.), he performs (on acoustic and electric guitar) many of the songs that he played with his band Ghost of the Machine, and throws in some new ones. These include "Birth of the Blues," "Smile," "Louise," and others that his fans enjoy. The major fault of the DVD is that it includes no credits and no explanation of where he was performing. It is chiefly a one-man show, Marsters onstage with a microphone, guitar, and bottle of water, but the actress who performs the role of Lady Macbeth should have been identified. The DVD has bottomed-out production values, as Marsters produced the whole thing by himself.
The World Is Mine (2017)
A western Cosplayer (costume player) of the popular cyber diva Hatsune Miku moves to Tokyo and gets to know the otaku community - obsessive manga fans. Her journey explores identity through cosplay and the fandom of the cyber diva Hatsune Miku, epitomizing collective fantasy as she is fan created. The film demonstrate the relevance of this behavior globally in terms of collective fantasy, with voice overs woven of lyrics fans wrote for Hatsune Miku. A western Cosplayer (costume player) of the cyber diva Hatsune Miku moves to Tokyo. Her journey explores identity through cosplay and the fandom of the cyber diva Hatsune Miku, epitomizing collective fantasy. Hatsune Miku is a "vocaloid", a synthesizer software.
Scars (2016/II)
SCARS is a psychological thriller, written and directed by Canadian filmmaker Sean K. Robb. In this stark and disturbing story, Scar - a raven-haired punk with blood under her fingernails - and Scarlett - a blond beauty with a penchant for extortion - discover that they enjoy killing men together. 'Killing dudes is easy,' says Scar, as the two women embark on a violent and ruthless killing spree, pursued by the mysterious Det. Mike. A story about what happens to human beings who allow themselves to be consumed by nihilism and misanthropy, SCARS is an exploration of morality and ethics in a post 9/11 world - a tense and terrifying film that's part character study, part slasher flick.
"Luke Nguyen's Greater Mekong" (2012)
Celebrated chef, Luke Nguyen, in the third instalment of his popular series takes us on a culinary journey across the Greater Mekong region of Southeast Asia. Beginning in southwest China, Luke explores the culinary cultures and centuries old traditions of Yunnan Province, from the Naxi people of Lijiang to the Dai communities of Xishuangbana. Journeying south to Myanmar, Luke uncovers the unique flavours of the former capital, Yangon. He learns the family recipes of Inle Lake communities and cooks with the hill tribes of the Shan State. Crossing the border into northern Thailand, Luke learns from local fishermen and Aka grandmothers that the mighty Mekong River is more than just a source of food - it is a way of life.
Youngblood Hawke (1964)
Arthur Hawke works as a coal truck driver in Kentucky, he in the process trying to protect his widowed mother Sarah Hawke's property rights against his wealthy and cutthroat paternal uncles' mineral rights. Sarah, however, may be more astute in the matters of business than her son. In his spare time, Arthur is writing a novel under the pen name Youngblood Hawke, it, his first, which he is able to sell to a New York publishing house. As such, Arthur moves to New York City while he works on the necessary rewrites and contemplates his next novel, which he knows can and will pour out of him. Even before that first novel, Alms of Oblivion, is published, Arthur is the toast of certain literary circles in New York. Naive to the ways of the business, he gets caught up in this new life, in having to deal with the publishers, agents, managers, lawyers, critics, theater people who want him to translate the work into a play, and movie types who want to purchase the movie rights. He has to decide whose advice to follow in these matters, he potentially being overextended in he wanting to do and have it all. He does not realize until he is ensconced within this life that there was a latent passion associated with his work, the women around him who can smell it ooze off of him. The feminine advances for who he ultimately falls is that of Frieda Winter, a wealthy, married socialite and a frequent patron of the arts. In his affair with Frieda which needs to be hidden at every turn, Arthur may not yet realize that what he feels for his story editor, Jeanne Green, who initially discovered his unsolicited manuscript, is more than just professional gratitude. Through it all, Arthur may eventually come to the understanding that his standing in this world is solely judged on the success or failure of his latest work. Youngblood Hawke is a truck driver from Kentucky who comes to New York City to become a hot-shot writer. Almost immediately, he meets editor Jeanne Green. She sees great promise in Hawke's writing and falls for the handsome Kentuckian while helping him put together his first book deal. His first novel is moderately successful, but it is soon transformed into a Broadway play by a has-been stage actress. Jeanne discovers that Youngblood has an effect on a great many women, so she takes a job at a new publishing company. Soon after, Hawke's second novel is heralded and he becomes the toast of the town. He then has an affair with a married socialite. His third novel bombs and is also panned by critics...Hawke's financial state declines into hard times. Returning to Kentucky to work on his next book, he contracts pneumonia before realizing that his first editor Jeanne was his ideal woman.
En vanföreställning (2011)
Andi Almqvist, Swedish singer/songwriter in transit in the Czech Republic and on stage in Malmö, Sweden. Andi's music moves in and out of the backyards of life, where the broken hearts and ragged characters gather, far from a happy end. Andi Alqvist has toured throughout the US and Europe and is hailed by the American as well as the European music press.
The House of Screaming Death (2017)
Echoing the distinctive and much celebrated great British Gothic Horror films of the 1960-70s, The House of Screaming Death will uphold their successful traditions with the telling of four macabre tales of terror all told by the mysterious Architect. Each horrific segment delves into explicit corners of the supernatural, summoning such damned creations as the ghostly Lady in Grey, stories of Witchcraft most foul, Vampirism and the Occult. But as these horrifying tales unfold with nightmarish conclusions, the Architect also has one last shocking secret of his own to tell. A dark and stormy night... A collector of the macabre weaves four tales of terror for a group of very special guests. "The Lady in Grey" - 1943; as the flames of war spread, a veteran of the Great War looks back on the history of Bray Manor and the ghosts that haunt him and the hallways of the ancient house. "The Witch in the Mirror" - 1970; Lily Proctor inherits the old house and as the spirit of a witch trapped in the Netherworld by the spectral Necromancers tries desperately to escape back into our realm a dark secret from Lily's past is revealed. "The Vampyre" - 1888; following a string of killings a young gentleman comes to Bray Manor. Painted as an outcast by the villagers he befriends a helpless stranger, but his kind heart may be his own undoing. "The Diabolique" - Sam Campbell finds himself at the center of strange happenings as an ancient, demonic spirit strives to break into our world. Each of these stories has a sting in its tail, but the final revelations of who the Architect is may just be the biggest shock of all.
Túlvilági beszélö (1992)
Mail <[email protected]> for translation. Tollas Tibor az 1945-os fordulatot kovetoen katonatisztkent teljesit szolgalatot a szovjet csapatok altal megszallt Bereg megyeben, ahol nehany kozsegben szovjet kozigazgatast vezettek be. Tollas jelentest tesz tapasztalatairol, ezert az AVO hamarosan letartoztatja. A vaci fegyhazban rabtarsaival konspiralva osszeallitja a Fuveskert cimu antologiat, amelyet kicsempesznek a bortonbol. Szabadulasa utan 1956-ban elhagyja az orszagot. 1963-ig Becsben, majd Munchenben szerkeszti a forradalom ugyet nepszerusito Nemzetor cimu lapot. A film rendezoi a koltovel keszitett, az eletutat feltaro interjuk mellett elkiserik Tollas Tibort a rendszervaltas utan tartott magyarorszagi eloadoutjara, latogatast tesznek a koltovel szulofalujaban, megorokitik itthoni talalkozasait, es a Nemzetor muncheni szerkesztesenek, kiadasanak korulmenyeit.
The Medusa (????)
Set during the turmoil of post-Napoleonic France, the story centers on Géricault, artist and enfant terrible, who learns that his best friend has died after the Naval vessel Medusa runs aground near Senegal. Plunged into grief, and entangled in a passionate but doomed love affair, Géricault begins to search for a reason to live. In this quest, he becomes morbidly obsessed with the disaster -- and with seeing justice served.
Der arme Müllerbursch und das Kätzchen (1971)
There once was a poor miller, who had no children but three boys to work for him. The two older and larger ones were lazy, mean, and stupid. The youngest was hard-working, friendly, and cheerful. When the miller decides that he is too old to work anymore, he tells each of the boys to go out into the world and find a beautiful horse. He who brings back the most beautiful horse will inherit the mill and must care for the miller in his old age. When the two older boys leave the youngest behind, he meets a magic cat, who says she will give him a beautiful horse, as long as he can complete three tasks: first, he has to chop wood with a silver axe; then he must cut down all the grass in the field by the end of the day; finally, he must chop down trees and build the cat a home. He returns to the mill to wait for his reward, and not only does Hans receive the horse, but some even better surprises, as well!
Return of the Commander (2008)
If Charlie Brown had grown up, he'd probably be a lot like Brandon. He's a thirty-year-old man-child whose dreams of becoming an artistic success have been thwarted in the biggest way possible- he's the lowest of the low in the creative industry... a wedding videographer! Haunted by visions of his 5-year-old self crying at what he's become, Brandon is ready to give up all hope, until one day he gets a mysterious phone call from his childhood mentor, "Commander" Mark Kistler. Brandon's world rapidly unravels, and a wacky plot involving killer mechazoid robots and time travel ensues.
Loose Times at Ridley High (1988)
The succulent girls of Ridley High are about to graduate and this lust-filled take-off of a famous book fulfills every youthful fantasy ever dreamed of. Mad crushes on male teachers run rampant as our sweet young things explore their budding sexuality as well as each other's bodies. So young, so innocent, so tender, these cute little lasses - bedecked in their mid-thigh uniforms - cross AND uncross their virginal legs for their instructors. With shoulder straps that outline their pert, young breasts, teachers struggle to maintain their raging passions. Student - teacher conferences take on a whole new meaning!! HOT!!
Fifa e arena (1948)
In Napoli, Nicolino Capece, a truthful pharmacist clerk becomes erroneously recognized as a dangerous Spanish criminal and decides to escape to Spain. In Siviglia, he is blackmailed by the bandit Cast who wants him to marry the rich Patricia Cotten and then kill her. So Nicolino play the bull fighter and heads to the arena....
"Million Dollar Traders" (2009)
Million Dollar Traders follows a group of twelve wannabe traders dealing in shares during the events of the financial crisis of 2007-2009 which was then whittled down to the final eight. The contestants came from various backgrounds, including a fight promoter, a day trader, an IT/banking recruitment consultant, a working mother, a retired IT engineer and a student, among others. During the series hedge fund manager Lex van Dam gave the contestants $1 million of his own money to trade for 2 months. Professional trader Anton Kreil, was appointed as the manager of the group. The three-part BBC series, narrated by Andrew Lincoln, was a part of the "City Season" programming on the BBC. It aired on BBC 2 in the UK at 9pm on Monday evenings between 12 and 27 January 2009.
Dr. Nagesh (2004)
Dr. Nagesh gives daily, free, consultations in Munbai (Bombay). He takes care of HIV positive patients who cannot afford anti-HIV treatments. These men, women and children face the disease as well as their rejection from society. Dr. Nagesh helps them take stock of their financial, emotional and family situation. In the privacy of his office, masks fall, revealing each person's contradictions and deep feelings.
My tattoo (2016)
In 2016, Shiho is going to marry her fiance but his mother is against their marrige. Even if her fiancé cancelled the marriage, she has the reason to erase her tattoo. When 3 stories, "2004", "2016" and "20xx" are intersecting, Shiho's hurt in her deep mind covered by her tattoo is getting cleared.
The Road to Passchendaele (2008)
THE ROAD TO PASSCHENDAELE is a provocative and comprehensive documentary film which goes behind-the-scenes of the feature film. The documentary includes extensive interviews with many of Paul Gross and many others of the creative team behind the largest Canadian film ever made. The film also features unprecedented on-set access to the massive and muddy Passchendaele battlefield, and the means to recreating hell on earth. The documentary follows Paul and the Passchendaele team through the making-of the film, from the boot camp training session with the cast, to the Canadian Armed Force's involvement in the film, through to the challenges of accurately depicting one of the most brutal battles in our military history.
Aligermaas äventyr - i vildhästarnas dal (1998)
Aligermaa - eight years old - sits on a horse as if born to do so. She lives in Mongolia, together with her father, mother and her big and little brother. On the open-wide steppes, where the wind whistles and the sky is an endless, colourful panorama, the family lives in harmony with the harsh and breathtaking nature. However, in Aligermaa's world, the horse is absolutely crucial and so everybody is eagerly awaiting the magnificent annual horse race, where all of the children will take part.
Return to the Isle of Jaws (2017)
Paul De Gelder returns to Shark Week with Dr. Jonathan Werry and Andy Casagrande to unlock the mysteries of the new great white hot spot, Isle of Jaws. And on their journey, they make a startling discovery that causes them to re-think everything.
Foundations of Freedom: The Bible and Science (2015)
Academics often claim the Bible is Anti-Science. But are science and scripture really at odds? Most Americans would be surprised to learn that some of history's greatest thinkers were not only believers, but avid students of the Bible. Did you know the keys to some of our greatest scientific discoveries we found in scripture? Today's American culture does not encourage competition. In an era when everyone wants to be a winner, we have lowered our standards to level the playing field. But history proves that competition leads to progress. What does the Bible say about competition? How do we recapture the spirit of competition in a society ruled by relativism? Can America get back in the game? American courts were designed to be courts of justice. But over time, power has shifted from the people to a select crowd of elected officials. Have we strayed from the founders' original intent? What is the proper role of the judiciary branch? And how do we the people hold our courts accountable?
El otro lado del pasillo (2006)
Recently emigrated Miguel has a hard time dealing with diverse cultures while his kids try hard to just fit in. But Miguel's refusal to acknowledge his cross-dressing neighbor and his strict orders to have his kids do the same angers his wife and eventually has the kids defying his authority.
Shades of Brooklyn Vol. 1 (2008)
Volume 1 examines the theme of sexuality and our youth. Our story begins with Temporary Insanity, in which two working-class subway commuters find themselves disturbed by the rambunctious and intrusive banter of a group of high school boys coming home from basketball practice. The boys become concerned when they realize that one of their members, Lashaun, is distant and withdrawn. Finally, as Lashaun is beginning to confide in his friends that he is questioning his own contradictory behavior, the two older commuters begin to find themselves interested in Lashaun's relatable story. Karma finds Gus, a 40-something-year-old homeowner, taking a break from doing some home repair, when he is interrupted by his dramatic neighbor, Lonny, who is seeking advice. Lonny, a 30-something-year-old father, begins to retell a conversation with his 6-year-old daughter where she asks him about sex. Lonny, clearly wanting to avoid the subject, neglects to give his daughter straight forward answers, and finds that he has dug a deeper hole than the one he originally found himself in, much to Gus's amusement. The Longest Walk follows 17-year-old young woman, Allison, who has gotten dressed up to impress a boy (Lashaun), which is a first for her. As she walks to the train station she begins to get compliments from some of the men in her neighborhood, which she finds surprisingly flattering. But as she makes her way, the comments and looks become more imposing and disgusting, to the point that Allison starts to become shell shocked. She discovers that although she sees herself as a young girl, the world has already to see her as a woman. Temporary Insanity: Boisterous teens bum rush a Brooklyn bound subway train and coerce their reluctant friend to dish his girl problems. Karma: Meanwhile on a Bed-Stuy stoop, an immature father is trying to refute the advice of an older friend after he explains how he blundered his way through a "sex talk" with his 6-year-old daughter. The Longest Walk: To impress a boy, 17-year-old Allison has gotten all dolled up for the first time and discovers that the world no longer sees her as a little girl, but as a grown woman. Welcome to Brooklyn!
Scrimmage (2017)
For Akil and Rashad Bridge, football and brotherhood are the only things that matter. Determined to make his brother a champ, former college star Akil arranges to have his college coach attend a practice. As Akil sees their opportunity slip away, their passion pushes them both to the edge and the brothers will never be the same again.
The Courage of Silence (1917)
Bradley, who is happily married and loves his family, is called to London on business. There he meets Mercedes, wife of the Spanish Ambassador. The marriage has been forced upon her, and her husband is cruel. Unaware that Bradley is married, she falls in love with him, and he is also infatuated. His better nature finally prevails, and he returns home and is happy until he receives a photograph from Mercedes. On pretext of business, he again goes back to Mercedes, finds there has been a quarrel, and that the ambassador has struck her. She and Bradley go away together, and while crossing the channel, he inadvertently discloses the fact that he is married. Mercedes unwilling to come between husband and wife, flees to a convent, and Bradley, unable to find her, joins an expedition to the forests of South America. Bradley has written his wife that he is a coward. Her health fails and her father takes her and the children for a trip abroad. The children are attacked by an epidemic of fever, and Mercedes, now a nurse, is summoned. She learns the identity of the family, and, when the boy calls for his father, she starts a search for him. After the crisis, Mercedes who has concealed her identity by use of a veil, wins her fight against a renewal of their relations, and warns Bradley, who has recognized her, to keep his wife in ignorance. Recovering from the fever which has now claimed her, she sees the reunited family depart for America, and knows her heart is empty and closed forever to love.
12 Nights with the Grulems (2017)
A Gritty paranormal horror about a team of 6 specially talented investigators looking in to 1 of history's strangest and darkest family's known as THE GRULEMS . A family of 12 who lived in the year 1818 and were said to have practiced dark black magic .Now as legend would have it the GRULEMS worshiped an evil dark entity known only as GLOR. And the GRULEMS had learnt that by each offering an innocent soul up to this dark spirit that they would each obtain the ability to return to our plain of existence for 1 night once every 100 years to act out there Gruesome fantasy's of murder and mayhem. Now 100 years later in the year 1918 there was reports in the area where THE GRULEMS used to live and 144 people were strangely killed in there sleep over the 12 nights that THE GRULEMS are said to be able to return to gather more souls. Now in modern day a group of paranormal investigators have found out about the legend and decide that there next project should be to investigate this legendary family ,they seek out the place THE GRULEMS used to live all them years ago and begin an investigation over the 12 nights legend says the family can return.. The 6 highly trained paranormal investigators and psychic's and a powerful Priest must now do battle with 1 of history's most violent and unpredictable family's known as THE GRULEMS
"Me vs. Me" (2006)
Me vs. Me helps the underdog sports enthusiast shed their underdog status by pairing them up with a famous coach or sports figure. On top of this, each underdog is given the best gear to date in his sport - all this in an effort to achieve their sports goal. Can wake boarder learn to slalom ski? Can a golfer break 90. Can and cyclist climb Mt. Baker?
Dangerous Profession (1999)
An intelligence agent plans to arrest several double-agents, but the secret sellers get wind of the plan. They need to know who's on to their scheme, so they grab a brace of perky entry-level operatives and attempt to force them to divulge the information they need.
Fragile (2011/II)
A married couple flee the city to a country home in a desperate attempt to survive a deadly outbreak caused by a government distributed vaccine. They must depend on each if they hope to survive, but they share an unspeakable secret that threatens to tear them apart.
Jean-Michel Jarre Destination Docklands (1988)
Jean-Michel Jarre, in concert with his musicians at the London Docklands venue. The guest artists include, guitarist Hank Marvin, vocalists Mireille Pombo and Duke Bakewell, dancer Setsuko Yamada and Turkish flautist Kudsi Erguner. The show also features The Young Women of Mali Choir and The Newham Academy of Music Choir. Mike Mansfield, "Mr. Cue the Music", directs this dazzling pyrotechnic spectacular with equal energy to Jarre's music, and even the rain, drenching even special guest Princess Diana, makes for a dramatic hour of music and views of Docklands under the incredible fireworks displays.
"My Manny" (2009)
Jennifer is the single mother of Jamel, an active and energetic little boy. She works hard and puts all of her energy into raising her son and expanding her catering business, leaving very little time or energy to take care of herself. Since her husband passed away, it's been just the two of them, and Jennifer often uses nannies to help out with Jamel when her schedule gets too hectic. When her regular nanny has to leave town for a family emergency, Jennifer is surprised when the agency sends Mike, a male nanny and a handsome one at that. The series starts on Mike's first day of work and follows Jennifer as she gets used to having another man in her life. Over the course of 20 episodes, Jennifer begins to realize that Mike may not only be the perfect nanny, he might just be the perfect man. Jennifer is a single mother who works hard and puts all of her energy into raising her son and expanding her catering business, leaving very little time or energy to take care of herself. Since her husband passed away, it's been just the two of them, and Jennifer often uses nannies to help out with Jamel when her schedule gets too hectic. When her regular nanny has to leave town for a family emergency, Jennifer is surprised when the agency sends Mike, a male nanny and a handsome one at that. The series starts on Mike's first day of work and follows Jennifer as she gets used to having another man in her life. Over the course of 20 episodes, Jennifer begins to realize that Mike may not only be the perfect nanny, he might just be the perfect man.
Tuch Khari Gharchi Laxmi (2011)
The movie marks the comeback of Sunil Barve again into the growing zone of Marathi cinema. The actor is extremely popular for his Marathi TV Serials and plays is now all set to resurface in ''Tuch Khari Gharchi Lakshmi''. The story as the title suggests is all about the empowerment of the girl child in a society that is hugely patriarchal and hesitant towards accepting the girl child with open arms. Produced by Harshal Bhadane& Directed by Vijay Bhanu. Story, Screenplay and Dialogues by Baburao Borgaavkar. Songs Sung by the versatile Suresh Wadkar, Swapnil Bandodkar, Vaishali Maade, Uttara Kelkar, Vaishali Samant, Milind Shinde & Mona Kamat. It promises to be a comeback and cinema for a cause.
Deep Down (2002)
In this darkly comic short film, a daughter and her elderly dying mother are arguing over a dress. Not just any dress, this is a 1930s Parisian ball gown, and the two women's respective desires for it are played out to a comical through bitter end.
Josh Rand: The Sound and the Story (2013)
FRET12 is taking you behind the scenes with Stone Sour guitarist Josh Rand. Get to know his one of a kind Sound and Story - a story that until now, has never been told. Learn his music the way it was meant to be played, by learning straight from Josh himself. Whether you are a guitarist, or fan; you will experience the instrumental sounds and life stories that have combined to make him the musician he is today.
Dare Not Walk Alone (2006)
To a soundtrack the mixes gospel with hip-hop, this film tells the story of the heroic but often overlooked protests by black and white civil rights supporters in 1964 in Saint Augustine, Florida, and the inequalities that persist to this day in the local African American community.
Vimukthi (2010)
Madhavi is a lone daughter of Keshavarao, an exponent of the traditional Mysore paintings. Denied of motherly love very early in the life, Madhavi develops a strange feeling for her father during her formative years. It is an obsession bordering on insanity. Her unusual feelings, which should have subsided with time, remain dormant in her psyche. Well-known psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud defines such a state of mind as Electra complex, a daughter's unresolved attraction to her father. Madhavi's married life does not find fruition as it is undermined by her cluttered psyche. She is overcome by jealousy and raises a storm when Nava, a foreign girl, comes to learn traditional paintings under Keshavarao. With her actions revealing her unnatural psyche, the family life collapses and her husband Vibhin finds himself in a quandary. Madhavi even fails to see her daughter Rachana's childhood cravings. The painful realization forces Keshavarao to find a way out of the family labyrinth. A few years later, Madhavi discovers that her father is in distant Kashi and goes searching for him. The eerie life of Kashi, the mysterious happenings, and the people longing for death in Mukthibhavan with the belief of attaining salvation, create a sense of disenchantment in her. She slowly begins to comprehend the incomprehensible. Man-woman relationship is of great profundity. It has defied the logic of philosophy, wisdom of spirituality and the inquisitiveness of psychoanalysis with all its subtlety and complexity which are beyond time and space. The mystery of the relationship caught the imagination of great philosophers and writers since the time of Sophocles, Aeschylus, Shakespeare, Kalidasa and has continued to mesmerize their forerunners living in the present times
Universo di notte (1962)
Beginning in Las Vegas with a dance of the Bluebells, we are shown a variety, with jugglers, singers, Thai boxing, cock fighting and so on. A Variety taking place in Hong Kong, Manila, New York, Paris, Cremona. The break between an act and the next being a striptease.
HaModedim (2007)
Two surveyor workers, working during Memorial Day on the construction of the separation wall, unaware of the different segments of Israel's absurd reality surrounding them. The Memorial Day siren burst through a country, where the past is always at presence.
Khuda Ki Shaan (1931)
Ramaki (Sulochana), a poor scheduled caste girl, has an illegitimate daughter by Manekchand; the son of the wealthy Krishnadas. She seeks refuge with a nautch girl. Krishnadas, who also wants to possess Ramaki, dies trying to kill her. Ramaki then seeks shelter with a young Muslim but they perish in a fire. Her daughter, along with the Muslim's son (Jagtap), is raised by a nomad, Garibdas Sadhu (Makanda), a character made to look like Gandhi. The youngsters are hired as factory hands by Manekchand who unwittingly falls in love with his own daughter and appropriates land belonging to Garibdas.
Between Western and California (2012)
Jacob, a struggling Chicago graffiti artist- turned-painter hustles haircuts and marijuana to support his art. During the week leading up to the Puerto Rican parade, he receives an unlikely offer to have his paintings represented by a major art gallery. A beautiful young art consultant, and daughter of the community Alderman, Paris Rolon introduces Jacob to the world of high art and an opportunity to leave Humboldt Park in his past. His golden opportunity is threatened when his family and friends place demands on him to make an allegiance to the neighborhood, revolting against the young white professionals gentrifying their community and the politicians' rumors of removing the seventy-five foot Puerto Rican flags statues that border the neighborhood.
"My Life Worked Out" (2016)
MY LIFE WORKED OUT, is a two-hander, comedy/parody web series surrounding the lives of JESS and AMY, two women in their late 20s who are best friends despite their polar opposite personalities. We follow their attempt to get their lives together as they sign up for the latest phase and craze to hit the LA gym scene...CLASS PASS. These are short (3-5 mins), comedy sketches in the vein of INSIDE AMY SCHUMER meets BROAD CITY. Each episode is set around a different over the top and ridiculous exercise class attended by Jess and Amy who embark on the endless pursuit of getting their lives to "work out" but just falling short...
Star Spangled Canadians (2000)
Award-winning documentary filmmaker David Paperny, with host Jeffrey Simpson, take a close look at the controversy, myths and realities behind the Canadian exodus to the United States. This program focuses on our perception of ourselves. What does it mean to be Canadian? How do we define ourselves? We meet some famous Canadians, some quietly successful Canadians and some very ambitious Canadians. They all live in the United States, with varying opinions and reasons for their decision.
A Terrible Night (1900)
A nightmare in motion. A man dozing on his cot, is startled by the apparition of Satan who suddenly appears in his room. He arouses himself and attacks the demon but with each attack the demon disappears, only to reappear in another position.
Bite (2015/I)
While on her bachelorette party getaway, Casey, the bride to be, gets a seemingly harmless bite from an unknown insect. After returning home with cold feet, Casey tries to call off her wedding but before she's able to, she starts exhibiting insect like traits. Between her physical transformation and her wedding anxiety, Casey succumbs to her new instincts and begins creating a hive that not only houses her translucent eggs, but feeds on the flesh of others. As her transformation becomes complete, Casey discovers that everything can change with a single bite.
Deputy Bob (2003)
Deputy Bob is a story about Timmy O'Brien's journey to accept a place in his father's legacy, learning about his own identity during the process, and Professor Smith's misfortunes encountered while seeking approval from others. Intricately woven, both stories run parallel in current time and through remembrances of the past, while taking place on separate sides of the country. The common link is Dr. O'Brien, Timmy's father as well as Smith's boss, and his noble research into a radical cure for cancer. While mainly comedic, the story is also told with dramatic and surreal moments.
Heer (1956)
Heer is the story of two lovers, after the mythical Punjabi legend of Heer and Ranjhna. It tells their thwarted love, and how beautiful Heer and intrepid Ranjhna must fight to reunite in spite of obstacles and enemies. The two lovers belong to opposing tribes/families and villains are out and out to separate them. During a fair where her champion has been tricked, Heer is promised to somebody of her clan. The defeated hero wonders in the wilderness and meets with witches who direct him to his beloved. In spite of having fallen from princehood to beggarhood, he thus gets back to her, and they hope to marry, but Ranjhna's enemies are still looking for him, and they stalk him. A trap is laid to capture Ranjhna and to stop any further common plan, Heer is married to her rightful suitor. She plans suicide, but Ranjhna arrives, he tries to drag her away, but he's seen in her apartments and therefore she's declared impure and is condemned to the dungeons. The marriage takes place, in spite of Heer's will. Time passes; Ranjhna the wanderer has become a yogi and winds his way again to Heer's home. She's almost dead, but when she hears of him, she rises and meets him. But she's been too long deprived of him, and has lost her mind: she doesn't recognize him. Shocked, she lies down to die. A plan is organized to join the star-crossed lovers: Ranjhna declares he must take Heer to his hermitage in order to pray and revive her. The plan works thanks to a sister in law: Ranjhna prays and Heer resurrects. But again the pair's enemies catch them, and once more they are separated, and brought in front of the judge, who gives Heer to her lawful husband. She is dragged out, but during her convoy, her own prayer brings fire down on the city, and this proves to the King that she was wrongfully married. Alas, this won't prove good, and Heer's relatives rig another plan to doom her and her lover. She is told to sacrifice herself to save her father, whose house is attacked by a mob of angry and manipulated villagers. This time Ranjhna arrives too late, and can only hold in his arms the poisoned heroine.
Karl Weschke: Myths of a Life (2001)
A film portrait about the moving life of German painter Karl Weschke. Born in Gera he grew up as the son of a prostitute and as a streetkid always dreamed of being a hero. Hitler seemed to be that hero, but then he was taken to England as a prisoner of war and received education in a British re-education camp. Today in the UK he is a well-known painter, with eight paintings in the permanent collection of the Tate Gallery. It took him to become 70 to realize a lifelong dream: Egypt, the cradle of mankind for him. The film follows Karl Weschke, now being 74. From is home town Gera, to Cornwall and finally to Egypt, which - after having seen it for the first time - enlighted all his paintings.
The Dark Grim (2008)
Jason Berks thought he'd solved Johnstown's vampire problem for good. Thirteen years after Jason sacrificed himself to rid the town of the demons, the abandoned mine where he buried their bodies is reopened- and four empty body bags spell bad news for Johnstown once again. The vampires, led by Rigo, kidnap Jason's mother and terrorize the town in retaliation for their years of suffering. Now, Jason's younger brother, Jimmy Berks, must awaken his half-man/half-vampire brother and deal with the wrath of the bloodsuckers... this time with the help of some friends. Led by ex-hockey star and crazed psychopath J-Mack, Berks and a vampire-killing posse load their shotguns, sharpen their stakes, and wait for the sun to go down so they can finally send these monsters back to hell.
"Boogie-woogie 47" (1980)
En 1947, plusieurs familles de Montréal passent l'été dans leur chalet de Pointe-Calumet, un lieu de villégiature situé au coeur des terres agricoles. Les femmes y passent la semaine sans leur mari et observent la vie des paysans, des maraîchers et des commerçants de la région. Au rythme du boogie-woogie, les jeunes adultes vivent heureux et s'amusent franchement, sans trop se soucier des contraintes d'une époque aux valeurs rigides. Au cours de leurs soirées dansantes, ils s'enivrent de musique et nouent des idylles. De leur côté, les adultes s'inquičtent devant les signes avant-coureurs d'une vague de liberté qui va bientôt déferler sur tout le continent.
Ichiban utsukushiku (1944)
During World War II, the management of a war industry of optical instruments for weapons requests an effort from the workers to increase the productivity during four months. The target for male workers is an increase of 100% of the production, but the female workers, led by the dedicated Tsuru Watanabe, ask the direction to surpass their goal from 50% to 70%. During the period, the women have to overcome illness and their personal problems to complete their quota. The stories of several young women who work in a 'precision optical instruments' factory during the second World War. Despite illness, injury, and tremendous personal hardship, the women persevere in their tasks, devoted to their work and their country's cause.
The Case of Lena Smith (1929)
In late 19th century Vienna, Lena Smith, a naive peasant girl from Hungary, has a child by a corrupt young cavalry officer, and goes to work his house as a servant, hiding the truth from his unsympathetic father, while the son returns to his profligate ways. Robbed of her child first when he is a baby, and later when they are separated by the war, she suffers imprisonment, contempt, and shame in order to protect the child.
Paranoia (2012/III)
Paranoia is a classic whodunit. An ambitious detective, Ben (James Ray) investigates the murder of his wife's best friend's husband (Shane Dean). His wife's best friend, Alaina (Katherine Stewart) holds the key to the mystery but she struggles with reality and imagination. Her condition is brought about by experimental drugs from her infertility treatment program. Horror scream queen Tiffany Shepis plays the detective's wife. USA, color, 87 minutes.
The Gentle Trap (1960)
On his first burglary, a locksmith finds himself on the run after his accomplice is run down by another band of thugs after the haul. Realising that his girlfriend has double-crossed him for a seedy nightclub owner, the lad ends up with the loot in a flat above a clip joint hiding out from both police and crooks. But the girls living there seem about as trustworthy as his own bird turned out to be.
Soft Shoes (1925)
Small-town sheriff Pat Halahan, goes to see the sights in San Francisco, where he captures a pretty burglar, Faith O'Day, when she attempts to rob his room. Pat talks to Faith, and she agrees to give up her life of crime. Pat then takes it upon himself to return a brooch Faith has stolen that same evening. He is detected while putting it back in a jewelry case in a woman's boudoir, and detectives follow him back to the hotel. Faith pretends that she is his wife, telling the detectives that they have been together the entire evening. Faith later escapes from Pat, and he follows her to her home, where he meets Quig Mundy, a gangster. In order to ingratiate himself with Mundy, Pat impersonates The Chicago Kid, a gangster, and joins Mundy's gang. Pat tips off the police, but when the real Chicago Kid shows up, Pat is beaten and locked in a cellar. The police free Pat, and he goes to Faith's house, where he saves her from Mundy, who is shot by a mysterious Chinese undercover agent working for the San Francisco police.
L'ultimo killer (1967)
Ramon's parents are killed by men of landowner John Barrett. While trying to get revenge, Ramon is wounded but has saved the life of Rezza, an old disillusioned killer. While nursing his wounds, the men become reluctanfriends and Rezza teaches Ramon the art of shooting, surviving and the loneliness a killer has to bear. Ramon becomes threat for Barrett, the landowner engages Rezza to kill Ramon.
Flames of God (2014)
Muzafer Bislim comes up with some of his most insightful songs while sitting on the floor, recording lyrics into a cassette recorder bought at a flea market. A poet and songwriter who collaborates with the biggest names in Romani music, the 54-year old lives a life of modest means with his family in Shutka, Macedonia. Stored in the corner of his one-room house is a tottering, ceiling-high stack of handwritten, 25,000-word, multi-dialect dictionary of the oldest and most obscure words in the Romani language, which he has painstakingly collected over 35 years. When he's invited to the International Biennial of Poets held in Paris, he sees the trip as an opportunity to have his dictionary published. A testament to the endurance of a people who have been scattered across Europe, the dictionary is not only a work of art but also a rare link to a divided past. Punctuated by Bislim's poetry and original songs, some of which we hear at the moment of their creation, Flames of God immerses the viewer in the literary and musical traditions that this extraordinary artist is committed to preserving.
Kong shou dao shao nu zu (2003)
Four fearless and intrepid girls get selected by a recording company to undergo martial arts training in China to prepare themselves as a pop group. However, they are forced to disband one year later after their recording company goes under. Will these girls have the courage to stand up against all odds to fight for what they really believe in?
Lift (1997)
Young pizza delivery man Larry wanders through the desert waiting for the aliens to land - he believes in everything he hears and does anything anyone tells him.
Black Snake (1973)
In 1835, the San Cristobal Island located somewhere in the British West Indies is ruled by sadistic beauty, Lady Susan Walker, who forces the local men to join the black slaves on her sugar cane plantation and either work or die. She's always dressed in black and never lets go of her whip, the black snake. Her latest husband has gone missing making her a real black widow. Her right hand man, impotent, racist and violent Joxer Tierney, is in command of the slaves and he makes sure that they hate him even more than they do her. Young slave Joshua plans a revolt, but his religious father Isaiah is terrified of what might happen if the revolt fails. Sir Charles Walker, the brother of Susan's late husband, goes undercover as Ronald Sopwith to investigate what really happened to his brother. She hires him as the plantation accountant, gives him a black sex slave named Cleone and eventually tries to seduce him. Her sadistic gay assistant may no more about Charles' brother's fate.
Wheeler (1975)
A drifter/hitman is hired by a local business man to kidnap the local oil baron. The hitman had been reared in squalor, suffering the abuses of his whoring mama. When the baron escapes his assistant must chase him while the hitman takes care of a few loose ends.
Funeralii fericite (2013)
Three heavy boozers - a Romanian (Horatiu Malaele), a Russian (Igor Caras-Romanov) and a Bulgarian (Mihai Gruia Sandu) - are tripling away their... happiness, into vodka, at "The Happy Immigrant", a joint kept by a Turk. The fauna of this venue is made up out of the Babel Tower's survivors: immigrants who had chosen Romania, as a country where everything is possible. The predictions included... A police raid chases away the pub's barflies. The three professional boozers stop from running just in front of a fortune teller expert in a niche field: death prediction. The rest is entertainment! Although we are all indebted to one death, some refuse to pay this debt. They don't want to die when it was written for them. Or just predicted...
Jewish American Soldiers: Stories from WWII (2017)
Jewish American Soldiers: Stories from WWII tells the stories of 12 Jewish American veterans from the Charlotte, NC, area. They were fighting a war on three fronts: against the Nazis, against the Japanese, and against anti-Semitism in their own ranks by their fellow troops. The lion's share of these "Greatest Generation" veterans are from outside the area, but their WWII experience gave them the courage and opened them up to move to a "foreign" land: the South.
A Life to Love (????)
When Janie is forced to leave her home at the young age of 10-years, she must now get used to life in the Midwest. After she loses her mother to suicide, she keeps a secret pain locked within her heart and soul. A secret is revealed that threatens to destroy her friendship with her best friend. She must decide which path to take, and a decision has to be made. Her faith in God takes a hit as this damaged soul falls further into a dark abyss. A Life to Love is a beautiful story about hope and faith. A story that reminds us all that with God, anything is possible.
Libya Hurra (2012)
A road trip through Libya during the last weeks of the revolution against Muammar al-Gaddafi's regime. Libya Hurra documents a collective mood characterizing people in one particular place in a narrow time window. Without losing itself in facts and statements, the film outlines realities of life in long sequence takes shot during an armed revolution, which usually - even from a country in the focus of media reporting - remains completely hidden. At the end of Libya Hurra, the filmmaker stands in front of Gaddafi's former palace. The revolution is over and the time window closed again.
Remake (2006/II)
Steven and Deb are forced to spend the night in a run down Motel after their car breaks down. After several failed attempts at lightening the mood, Steven goes to check out the movie collection in reception. He is greeted by two creepy fellows who thrust some tapes upon him. Returning to the room, they soon realise that the movies they are watching are not the original versions, but remakes made by the motel staff. Under the insistence of Deb, Steven tries in vain to get hold of a 'normal' video, but due to his non-confrontational nature fails and returns with yet another remake. With everything that has occurred, Deb finally loses it and storms into reception to give them a piece of her mind before storming out again. Embarrassed and ashamed, Steven allows the staff to give him one last tape...
What Do You Think of the Programme So Far? (1992)
Jim Bob and Fruitbat reminisce about the early years at the 1992 Glastonbury Festival. Featured are music videos for the songs "Rubbish", "Bloodsport For All", "Sheriff Fatman", "Say It With Flowers", "The Only Living Boy In New Cross", "Do Re Me So Far So Good" and "While You Were Out".