stringlengths 4
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Don't be afraid of rejection. It is better to be rejected honestly than to accept you falsely. - Charles Dickens
#FayeYoko #loveisland #englot #Bitcoin #WWERaw #Trump #MAGA | #fayeyoko | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpRy0tWVdsVUdEVGRna0xFVkJfVElyTVM5NG5UMUp5T2ZSWnVBSjE2MkNTVHlQYjBtWlNWMkV1bUsxUEp3a3NXdE10R3VXMUxvVnk5aTJjNjZoal9Nbmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmVU5MamE2OE9SdGo3V29VXzBORTQ0UDktQ0NaZVZkZWhIa3k5a1l2LUdLQVR5VGREblctQzMzZ0FURUFER2F4a2hyOW1vbjZGaUNrVFBram5uSU43WmtYMGxKeHRiRmdsVnVwc3RqQlZkT0J6UF9NZVNzVE12R0ZudFN1MS1Db1EyZVNyc0t3S1dFbjZrTFlPbFE2T0ZBPT0= |
#Bitcoin : Tu ne pourras jamais EMPÊCHER les gens de L'UTILISER ! Ça a cette force INCROYABLE !
L'interview complète avec @Dark_Emi_ est disponible !
* Lien ci-dessous : 👇 | #bitcoin | [
🕯 Mise à jour de $BTC 💰
Prix actuel :59 790 $
#Bitcoin a montré un rebond après avoir touché la ligne de tendance inférieure du canal ascendant sur le graphique en 4h. Ce canal a fourni un support significatif, coïncidant avec les niveaux clés de retracement de Fibonacci.
⤵️ | #btc | [
Tandain kalender kalian "26 SEPTEMBER 2024" wahai penggarap Curut 🚀🔥🐹
#hamster #hamsterkombat #hamsterkombatcombo #hamsternews #hamstergame #crypto #cryptocurrency #Bitcoin | #hamster | [
Want to build on the #Bitcoin network with ease?
BTC RPCs provide the speed and scalability you need for seamless transactions and data access. Power your projects globally—connect now:🚀
#Bitcoin #Blockchain #ANKR | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpWm5oRnRCYzV3SUxQM25JSmU5c0pqVUUyV0FqYlhtTDVwTUF3MWlpdkxQbVlPTlp2WnJtRzNJSDVGRllOd3ZnaFQ2UEh2a0tNR2lseFg5cEFxWXBtREE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmRk16b0lGcDQ0akZaekVsT2ZlenluNzVfM3prdzdUMHZ1S1FvWEJWZE5Bcnd1d2hTZ2g2b0djbm1iUXI0bkg0Z0JXalZDdDNoeUFsZW9RR09wUVFmOVFnYjUwRk1Fc21HcC00NS1sN0R6NFMxQ0N3RGlNLU9FT1JGMkZhUGRCMFlGVEI1X0NNWDB4ZFpzRHVhT2tzZjRnPT0= |
Nasdaq files with the SEC to launch #Bitcoin options trading👀 $BTC | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpN3UwYldhRTJNS2p4bkg2V1lmZUlvVVFRZVpNU3J5YnloTE04d285UzI5MmNxdGxUVzRXZlFaWjZIbDlwV3luUm1MZWZtOWlPS3BOZ05McnItbG5lenc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmUXpTcmZPbFl4cjNtUVMyRmlxTUN5dk10dHU3cWRzbmhrdGNhdFoyMnNreU9oSUxiWG95NVAwV1NlU2FldmhnMEZzSTc3QWtGSlRWS2o4ODkzcjNaaVpnZlEyRDFUempLVGZJT0tMaXE2a3RCRFQ4TGN1X0RUY3VBa1ZWSFRrWTQ= |
✨ Exactly 10 years ago today – Hal Finney – the 1st #Bitcoin user, passed away.
The software's 1st defender from when it was worth $0, he's known for his countless crypto inventions, and his $10 million BTC price prediction.
Gone but not forgotten 🧡 | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpZHpqU3JweXd1d3ZheXhWWlk0YVhlR2FrYTh3TjllV18zdm1ZNThoa0NxUUs4V1BwTnhjUEhtcXFhYW1xNDBWUUlIQ3QxZEp4S1hURzlOYVZIMDVTUVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmT0hSOU96LUMzMlFVSnI5UVBJWnpidmFhNERDc3JPNFJhS09hSXM3Nkg4NV9pQ0dsS0ZsQ3hCMWNkT1pMRXlkNWZnU1hEelNIOGJyVDVVbkhtWlJLRE5DWlVKVmE5X19WZzBDT2l6YkFVYzA1elZxWW5JU1kzamg5WW5HekEyNmJabkZmSjg0d0tzT3ZzYUR1R0tqem1BPT0= |
#Bitcoin beweist mit seiner öffentlichen Blockchain, dass es keinen Inflationsbug gegeben haben kann.
Monero kann dies nicht beweisen, da die Transaktionshistorie nicht einsehbar ist -> | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpUnpLWXJJb2V4Y3QxYkJzdmozZDJiWDNPd1VuVXc1Z2NXQlpnbDJQQlloMG1NTWR5aTNmRko2em45cnBMZS1wT2VjbG9ZNnVrU09zdG54SktaRlBGZmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmcWpGR2NKRF9MbmpXMVJPbEJiX2JxTkt6TXl6dEdRQ2xGejBpc1hsLUIyV09Ld2lQbnllLUREbnRqYmdXUVN2OHo1UlR2YWdPalNnZkZObFFsR05mdFR4MmxJT1pCX21UamlfbXE4Q0g0eFVMRnJrM2plUXVLLThDbThqQkdXcEY2SWFDMjRzQWw2a3g2OTRIY0RzMWJ3PT0= |
Opt out with #bitcoin. | #bitcoin | [
As M2 increases, so does #Bitcoin! | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpektxNUN4bWNMMExVZUg3a1prQkgyei1xc1FTQXFaU2g1Z25wM0RfbUZiS3d0aFpxSDU0WHNqbE03OTZSZi1rbUwtbC01NGNRYUM1Rm9JWmxqZlVjblE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmdVV1bjVBeFF2b2E3TkxCS3Y5QWZpSzBpOHVHcjVkZnZUREdiTzVmbEVOSmx4d1Nua2NIUkY5WnNqeDhVem16ZGdnY05jbFJMV3h6TkJVa1JiWEtyaTBBTEc3MzdJU2tlZGgtMWh3R3Ixak9jcnIxVWc5RkdNVnFfeEZZZzVCcHRUZFVYaFBfZGt5ODNRSFlUV0VMLWF3PT0= |
WTF?? WHO IS SELLING HERE… | #bitcoin | [
#Bitcoin struggles for a second day. 200d Ema support is barely holding and it's likely we see $56k soon imo. This is a major opportunity for long term investors and I will add to my position near $56 and under. $BTC #Crypto | #bitcoin | [
With #Bitcoin surpassing $60,000, $DCB by @decubate is positioned to take advantage of the bullish momentum. Its innovation and growth potential set it apart in the crypto space. | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpRUtYaXVrWVpMbXNVNXVkTTV4ekpJaXdtaFZmZFJGUVZrTmxEWXo2MmViQmlsRzc0TE52VGRFeVZOVURYRnRybWtpQ0RGR2E4SVV0bkU1U1VSbzJBNlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmZGFQa1FjeGxrYko5c3locHU4MkJueXFxM2ZEUUtPSC1wbEtHRm5WeGJ1Q3ZkMjhtXzRNNTl0ZU5DQXM3dUdtb2l2SW8yLVFvb2JMeHAwVEFoaVhLSm4xbHFMcUhiZkdmTzg3M0xqY1d6ZjVLdmdNSEZmV041SEVqR0czV2ltb2h4bUwxZmlIMndsRlpDSUd3bHQ0SGpnPT0= |
Space Monkeez Blasts Off: Next-Gen SocialFi Platform Takes Flight on AvalancheAugust 28, 2024 at 02:42AM #crypto #cryptonews #bitcoin | #crypto | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpdVpVbHlDWVl5ZnZYbjRXUXprbjhNYjNzcGlqbDdNdzZXVGk4VXUyazF2OEh0VDhxem9hazZadzNpV20wWUE0SG95dW5XLVo4OVlqdDI4WnRXQ0hTMEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmMDhobFd6RHhtellXSTBlQW9rWk1yYm8zYzE1cEVIS3VqTjZhZEY2QWtiUXBjVTdqVzZiR1pnOHVuUlc1b2xySDJwT1V1azd1eUZGMFItQy1GUzNsVGNSa0FfaWxUMHJodXpKazN3SmdQRFpTM2swNk5QMk83YjNVWG9DSFVJWEpFTDJvNkxVOUVJb2ZtbWZFLUNCSWlBPT0= |
📣 New Podcast! "Bitcoin Price Drops Under $60K Again: Can It Stage a Recovery?" on @Spreaker #bitcoin #btc #crypto #cryptocurencies #cryptocurencytrading #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencynews #cryptocurrencyworld #cryptonews #cryptos #cryptotrading | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpRS1TX0FCRlNoMlo5RTRycEppeG9xOGxCR0pQbVAzUWhIc3VmNW9SSHA4MzhXWjd3M09pYU12THBGRGFLQnZuWmpjSVdMaTB5cExXTThfTmN5WnNSdkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmTzVNYms5VnBuY2Z4M19hT19pY0ZDWHI3bDV5U0kwN0lpRmJWdGk3ZjZPdXJjZ0lVWElWb0gxdzlkWnAyVnNPRmdkbG9ldFpabGZVenVULVhYV0IyaDd6UWdsX3Z3Y2tZT0NrbUZ2aUtJenEyUWtYVHRTY1dic19vNlNSdjZQOHMwZ01WajRVQ2lRUXpyeWtSUmh0ajRnPT0= |
What if Satoshi wasn't human and just built the bridge from the physical to the digital world to transfer energy into cyberspace. Once the tool called #Bitcoin transformed enough in to the system, AI will take over.🤣 | #bitcoin | [
Use 3 hours worth of each dashing session ($60) and buy #Bitcoin. Do this for 3 years and in 20 years, you’ll never have to dash! | #bitcoin | [
Apparently,the real bull run for #Bitcoin and #Alts haven't even unfolded yet.
Its paramount to understand that many would give up and sell off because of this present PAs we are seeing rn because the lack patience and insight of the market.
Please do not be among this ones.🫵 | #bitcoin | [
📊 ABD borsaları açıldı. İşte bugünün verileri 👇
#KCEX #TradewithKCEX #altcoi̇ns #Bitcoin | #kcex | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpdGRUTE80VjQtaldTS0dKSkNTTEdaUl9lV3pfSkhCcWpFbWlXN1Vqd2xFWUpsNzNBMmM0Z2F6VTBmaFIwSGZGQktYbXRsZUNCOUR3cF9Zb0V6LWpKcGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmWm1GR1AxNm42dGhwaHExZWpXSGppTmdYUm5uaFkxNHFfakpEZ1R6UG0wQUF2Q1dvR3dUV2d2d3JGUFZPUjJndWtBbi1CeEd2YVEzTWlmTWVUTWtCNFlmQ3Y0NEY1Vjg2ZFg0M2NTaDVscXotdmU5ZEdCM3YxekFCSHlpaFRnUWd2UUN2YnIwdWpLZktLOV9HNWw2Tnh3PT0= |
When in doubt, zoom out #Bitcoin 🚀
Join our telegram community | #bitcoin | [
OpenSea has received a Wells notice from the SEC threatening to sue us because they believe NFTs on our platform are securities. We're shocked...
#bitcoin | #bitcoin | [
Only 1.5 years to go. #Bitcoin | #bitcoin | [
Let's help 😁🙏
@bitcoinindo21 to visit the safest place on earth 🇸🇻
#Bitcoin country #ElSalvador 😎
@AdoptingBTC | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpUkxHQnVqeXJkdGJKZVk0V3ozRDlITUUyQUc1S3pfMTV1YkpOR25mV1NOdGliWGMxR0hxajZubW9CcFJpTXoyWnRRa202MXdjMExmQ3Y5UkxobFdyOVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmckR4NENkd19pMGhJU0UwMFZZOGEzQmVPc091TGVJTGpndUEzd0lHZldWRUJ1ODZhUVhMYVVXVl9aakI2dDlidDRlaFFicTljR0gwaG9QSlk3Z3VNLTEtX0xTRjA5WnFUU09GU2tNZ0hGc0Q1TWRTVkVFUE5FaFhEOVcwWGVBTV81N094VERUSThfUU92Ui1TZzllN2d3PT0= |
📈Pump Alert! - IDEX/USDT on Binance! Price increase: 7.74% | Volume: +11.13%
$IDEX $USDT #binance #bitcoin #cryptoalerts
More Pump Alerts on🚀 | #idex | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpMjFld085c1lEbUE2dUNXZ2ZwUlUtZ0ZGV1dfck1MMFotb3JiY0htcXY2bkFLUjZnZVFNWmd2cDZKcUYteE5pLWwxTTh6RTdleDJuWTlJZjFDWmlPUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmSGs1Um1BOVo3RVpoNlNzRkJZOXp6QUpNT00tZ3Y4S0x6T1FiT2JvMGZLLU55YVMzQnFDQ1ZQVG9VZm5hRDBjd09aX1JMc3AydU9sSThDV0hIZjVXeFJRX3Qta3NfenM3eVNzRmxoa05QMWc4aU0waldQY1R1aGZkSm1RajcwMjhlMUJIWDRjd24tUEtXRlk1elRRc0FBPT0= |
Hilbert Capital and Xapo Bank Collaborate to Launch #Bitcoin Hedge Fund – Finance #Bitcoin News - #Bitcoin.com News | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpcU1kbVpZRkdKNWlkQVRJbEN4VVIwYlJ3NkdpckdMUWR0M3N4Z21ocWY4d2RRTzNYbmI5TnMySkx6UGZBbmZUclFFOER2TGQ1b0lUR05XdEJ3VWhXTVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmM3gwTklMdnNRZ3MtYnlyOUZGNWF5SURXVnVGczZrSkZmYS1hLTBEa21KYlkyX1hpZTNBLXhwbmZYeE04N2xRU05sQXBjeHExN0JKdzczZ1V1amR4eDBTUHZmdEMwRnE4M0E1cEhYWWQxbjJKSXJUeXd5TVRPbmw3ZFR0RzE3a2R3QmU0cjdQeUY1M0pfU0NWRkl5bUFBPT0= |
$BTC price at 11x S&P 500 signals #Bitcoin is 'rolling over' — Analyst - Cointelegraph | #btc | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpV0d6N0Y2eTA0d3VtRmtnd2p5Zlkzb09tNUduNGs1S21nUHo1cmVORWlvUVQzRV9VZ3pUb3JRdlhaOGdKcmtac3ptbUQ5QXdOaVNXMFViTFhvUUxIY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmX1B4SmR2am8ycmJQeFlmbXBNQW9QcTZCTk9iNF9kU2ZoMmk0d2NSWVlvcF9tZXFsREVnOUhoeEZSTEktTjF4TXpBRXZmOHZ0blI4dkY1VkVTSFVVcUM2a3lFcmYzR3poQVBkbHVLQWxYVEU4MGItUTBHTHc2S2JmbERMaEd1NlBjeFhIRUtVMThPbE00SDFEV05oamdBPT0= |
❤️ Good night ❤️
Chúc cả nhà ngủ ngon và có giấc mơ đẹp nha 💓
#PiNetwork #Bitcoin #Trump #Elon_Musk | #pinetwork | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpN2R2ZlUzZ3dQR3k2YlM3cVd3SlljR1g2UTliZEx2QXBtS0xreW50ZXhEcnQzSkxEcW45d1hBdTZRb1pWcGVVOENDb1RfaWtqamFld3ZRa0ZNNmNlbUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmYWFMaERROXI0RFdBanV1elRXS01TOVNOa2xqMXFkb2d2R3lOOEMyeExrUmlsLXcxc1ZmMnpRYlhQM2ZLbDlnTnRwSXYwRFpLM0tVcUhpWmFMUWgwOVc3Ulo2RW5mNm9zOUx3NGtKelhsN1BYdWpva1ZwOEdZSERoVFJhRThKendGUWZOTDlMcUdjN2ZCMFlUVUdjVEtnPT0= |
#Bitcoin holdings of publicly listed firms increased to $20B in one year: Data - Cointelegraph | #bitcoin | [
#Hater Noticias @ChristianNH21, tu guía en el mundo de Bitcoin y criptomonedas.
#Binance… | #hater | [
#Bitcoin | #bitcoin | [
Bitcoin Stamps are inevitable. Unpruneable Army unite!
#BitcoinSTAMPs #Bitcoin | #bitcoinstamps | [
The Market has 2️⃣ Side :
🔴𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞:
🟢𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞: more info read 📖 👇
#NFA #Alpha #TheAlphaTrader #AlphaTrader #Bitcoin #TheSaifyKhan #SaifyKhan #XAUUSD $XAUUSD $BTC #Money #Crypto #Cryptocurrency | #nfa | [
US30 SELL 41400
SL 41530
TP 41370
TP 41300
TP 41200
TP 40900
#Audjpy #Eurjpy #Eurgbp #Gbpaud #US500 #Dax40 #Cryptotrading #bitcoin #Nas100 | #audjpy | [
#Opensea, #SEC' den WELLS uyarısı almış.
Wells Uyarısı : SEC, bir firmaya faaliyetleri ile ilgili soruşturma yüreteceği zaman ilgili firmayı bilgilendirmesine deniyor.
Sanki ayıdayız sabah akşam FUD yiyoruz
#bitcoin #kripto #crypto #altcoin #nft | #opensea | [
#ETHUSDT #Ethereum da 4 saat önce verdiğim direnç bölgelerinin 0.382 - 0.34 bölgesinden red yedi fiyat o bölgeden short pozisyonuma ekleme yaptım. Bunu kapalı grubumla paylaştım. Anlık düşüş %1.7 değerlendiren olduysa tebrik ederim. Takipte kalın DEVAM EDİYORUZ..
#ETH #Bitcoin #BTC #dogs #Telegram #Binance | #ethusdt | [
New Crypto News!
#Bitcoin #News #cryptonews #Crypto #Solana #Bybit | #bitcoin | [
NIKKEI +0,22%
SHANGAI -0,40%
DAX +0,75%
SP500 -0,10%
DÓLAR 5,52
#ibovespa #bovespa #dinheiro #multimercado #poupança #economia #dolar #bitcoin #imovel #euro #finanças | #ibovespa | [
Mas de 46.000 #bitcoin salen de los exchanges ayer. | #bitcoin | [
📈 Türkiye’de en fazla işlem gören kripto paralar
👉#kripto #coin #crypto #bitcoin #btc #ethereum #eth #bnb #binance #dijitalpara #usdt #TL #usd #floki #pepe #fetch #galatasaray #solana #ripple #xrp #audios #bonk #avax | #kripto | [
The Greed Fear Index is at Bear Market levels 👀‼️ #Bitcoin #bullish #Altseason
When fear floods the market… 🦈🩸#XRP | #bitcoin | [
Persistence is victory! #Bitcoin🚀 | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpcjJVNVh4azgxV1ZIWmNqdUJScWs0Tk9leXI1OGxHa2FUVmo3aXRxbWh3SEgtLU84aE5qNWpSa2J3VXI5bWxFWFB4RUpIWFNlMFpFRzM1WHVqTGxIX2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmaGRBYUFpUkplVzJsMnFYY1BhS1I3MzBTcVk2Z2VLTE5mRVlzYVZRQmJDX3VNMnkxNkdKOTR3c3FfZ2F3N25BcW9QUUhrd3BrZzNUUm90Q2o1d2VxaGpqTHVIb1dLaG5PNktqeTNud2dNdm5Xam1VSE8xazRCb1BkdWxsaV9Md0RqZUdkWkpmQ3gxdFY5ZFU1YURQS1VnPT0= |
Burn the SEC down!!!!! Burn burn burn…. $btc $eth #eth #Bitcoin | #btc | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpSkFRY2l6N3pHUGNvbmtzYmwyd2EwMzJfeTdJMXJzWWM4bEFHLTVQOU9XdzgzZVlkdEdLQjhwMnA2b2kwYVQ2RV9WWktnTHJzd0RIbVl1MFlvbzdvVnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmbDRNR2puTjBhay1iXzBTNFlla05kSGxtMkVMRWNvMWhXVENTemZDM2czdzdLV2l6VFB5RDNacXhVdWNDTmFrVzI2WFVqQno2MHZIR29LZHJBbnZkZmh1R0xfbHRQR0pDQXdwdDhiME5JLTRPclAyc3ZCTFJpQWpEVHdWX185ejhvVXpTRE1nMHRRcGNGOEl3S0gxS253PT0= |
The best #onchain solutions for #Bitcoin on CDDSTAMP! | #onchain | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpRWplTTJmY0Zud2JSU2ZkZkxHNU9TS3FuZ2J0UGJGZU5yQ0xrVXBHTHFqVzlpXzkwdjBMZjBrbU13TXFMcThqVlZPanVlbE9oTTRNcVlBM2lSdmFhUWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmY3VuekZGYWZwdXgwOU9GWTJsRnUwY0hIT0I1c2hodzBvTGZ1UnFadDRFUUZXdEJtZVQ0Z2x6MFM2Sl8tYXhLVVQwRjRHNHoxSGlqVzIxWjA5NnRQbk9Pd1EtbmhpWWsxSmVNQW9pTHdMZnIyR0tQUDVKb09rUU9RamN3bndxTTdpZUYwQm5iLWE5Q25zSkwtOWRGM2RnPT0= |
‼️ BREAKING: On August 27th, the #Bitcoin spot #ETFs experienced a total net outflow of $127 million, marking the first outflow after eight consecutive days of net inflows. #Grayscale #ETF #GBTC recorded an outflow of $18.3154 million. As of now, the total net asset value of the #BTC spot $ETF stands at $57.068 billion. | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpNUlWTnBPRWdsR3N2dEhGTVpKdzd2M2YzMVp3QXlYeVlsQ2lHanlBbUZKTG1qQ1BvaUNCekJpd19xVUNiZGFuTkNFMGpNc19aU3BjYmdmYlpTU0J1OEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmMlk3WlR1VnlFb0lwN0RhZnd4enE5YWJ2NUtWNVQyaFd6ckxybzdvdmk3ZWtubF9fMWxuU0NSLW42UkxuOE44blR6TFRtYjdlc0dyR2s3aG1rRng0X0N5Z09pQVdNVFczYmd0STdfaHBoVE9rSVdUQm5lZFhSdVRrcmF2ZjlRbFV5eXZGYUhkbW5yOHFXc0RvZHREb09RPT0= |
PRICE : FALL⤵ in 60 min.
SELL 0.084 BTC for $59,703.47 apiece on Bybit
Target price : $58,509.4
Amount: $5,015
#Bitcoin #BTC #Bybit | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpM1JWb1laT01PVWJLTnl3NmJFU254U2c2d21jbXE5NjE0MFJNeEZvajBUeVpvNldwUWR3NVlHTmtjblZQaHpua0hycGFNNktiLUx2cGhZM0JBd2VvM1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmZ3dadnZleFhHNFliVFkwX0ZLR3oyYWcwOWxOS25TR2FfNnFmcnZyVWFLSEhsYi1xN1N3RkJxdm5INEJQU1VPbV9TSHJlcUhPSldncmtXZmx4Uy0zX2IwQ0Mta1hLWEdMa0dBVlZFeUVna3UxZ0FOS1NxZ0daTWdQWk8ybVVlQ1YyVFpzN2RDTHZoeU1YYUxHZGU3dGhnPT0= |
🛡Sell BTC.USD 59800
TP 1 59700
TP 2 59600
TP 3 59500
TP 4 57800
💣 SL 61800
Use proper money management, consistency is 🔑
#finance #money #forex #trading #price #business #currency #globaltrade #blockchain #bitcoin #investment #markets #crypto
✍️ | #finance | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpNDBja1RPNy1zeWx1YWFuU1Z0X19QWmFieHlrbzhodF9uZmdqVnpLS0JZNGRfdVgxRFJLWjZ2TDAzdS12cTFMUFo3alptRnZSZWRyOUhyV003MDZmeVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmVWVFTV84ZzZGNGRINmQ0S1pqcVBPTmxRMmMzRi1KLU1zenZhdnlDN2JNY3lia0MzTllqQkY5d0dDa0xrY2lPSU5LS1NSd0pQWnJFVHhKV2llTThSbGQ5ZmJCdy0tLWM0ZEl1UUhIS2dwNy02NTNnRmxwVTdRYVRTOENyRWJzVHVoYmQwSnVKeFFtTHp0RUdjdW15bUhnPT0= |
CME Group Ra Mắt "Bitcoin Friday Futures"
Dự kiến, hợp đồng BFF sẽ chính thức giao dịch vào ngày 30 tháng 9 tới.
source: bloomberg
#oneblock #oneblocknews #CME #BFF #Bitcoin | #oneblock | [
Up is down.
Right is wrong.
Truth is false.
#Bitcoin is a scam. | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpa3dweUhmWHg2NWx1NU5VSGZYZnpRUUxZSXd2enNfeFExcUt5a0dfQ2M3S1JmTm5KQUVReFdYM0p6blV4VnVJTlBUdkxzbTNoLVFyUE5EN3A5S1gxNEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmOUZGbEE3Ti1HdDNvakNxVEpZZmRCM2kzNkQxRW1jNHdfSlBqaDFRT0JQWWlvbHZoS09Lb1FnY3p1OWVMRWxPNXdkY0VXVFdlSWtXRUZHRXNXQ243RjBDM0ZQVWROVjdfQjhFcjlCdjlzbk9GQmF5VjRnNXZoenVyRkM4YUppTWxfQTk3cndMWTRpS2RabjJYdUtScHN3PT0= |
#Remitano #btc #Bitcoin | #remitano | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpc1JvWG9VUzlDWHBTNTZlX0R1UTVjdFJnX1BKa3J6NVQyVmdsNklvX0EzRlFxbVNuS0pkdXllNU9PeFU2NXdKXzdQWXhuSW9fME5jekxna3MweGtkMnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmdm9SbmM5dlpYa3J2RjB6MThyT0RidE1VWi1weWFtbXJPSFI5VDhYY29rT05IckdxamU2ME5sRkM4UTJiRzhaeEFwV1NpbWZscjV3ODA0NGpQdmNhbjU2aXM0TnQxOVc4aDJJekVSM0RFZDJCaWN0MFlqWDNqbGxmcEFkWjJMQldpOTVNRWtQaU0zbmpyaExXb1JwWXFRPT0= |
🚨#Nasdaq seeks #SEC approval for #Bitcoin index options.
The proposal gives institutional traders an alternative way to hedge their exposure to the world's largest #cryptocurrency.
What does this mean for #BTC? 🧐 | #nasdaq | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpY0VJTGNWbXR5ZGozbnVaN3poRExVcHA2WHpzU0doNXRwWnM5eXp5UE9qTXB2U1JVWTN6alNVLTg4LUNwa0hEN3pYVEJQbUwtUVhIbHVpX0EyV2FXNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmUWx1YlM0blZ6UFktZ2ZjNkFvb2ZfWk5Hb0d2LVpNRXg0am85azJnMDZ1NkM4cGg0VlRTb0p4cGVYeTdiYnJ4MFVJTDdZYkJkb2ZoZ1VzeTJUbnVsekFGT0ZjS2hNdENMRHRORHdoVTNBa1ZZODJ0bDBUa3NkWno4RHZPZUlNSWdRMUg0dWxGTUdod0NsS1hEeFVIdkpnPT0= |
He can't send a Wells notice to #Bitcoin ... | #bitcoin | [
This is literally what the Institutionalists are doing to the Retailers right now! 😇🤣🤣
#BTC #Bitcoin #CryptoInvestors #Crypto | #btc | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpdUJEaXZwZmQtMFcwQTRHX2h5Qm9JZ1ZPVlpjNGw4UDBkcUt3a3dudlhqellzZ0pXWW9CbmtDdHYzcFRmaGhIQ3R3TDkxUlg0VnRkZjIyM0VQTG1HZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmU0FkYXNwdVZxb1I3X3g5LThMWlhZbXNPdGRndTJhbFJaU2tCbkZZdW9XY3BPY1NNNk9LVGVzVUQ4SjlsR3c0SV9BcGxjQTVXTmh1c1BEZlc5anVRQjJfMEZaUE5jNHFWNHVOVkZUb0FFWVhpNFpfWUNySWNUME96Vng5T1dEb0FvdjRIb21XUkxYQ1BGQmZpQmMzbmtnPT0= |
6. #Bitcoin exchange holdings have hit an all-time low. | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpWVRMa1d6RmlxNUNfX0N3LXZCcFlPOExLYzk1Ni1NUlFTZTZlTEN1d0czMUFDcl8wVUdNdERwTkxhSnVIRVc5bVkzWEJRbmVGRU5qMUFWVGtMRHlXT3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmZ2lzY0otTFU5TVI3MU9mb1ZMelo5dmxtTlkwWXRxZDRKbFVheHhrQ0ltd2FnWHFnWnFaQWNjbHNOd2M3YlduNDRLSVB4YVJmVnJqNlZzZ25VWU9iaHh5bXU0LWpYT3pZTkhQUzR2eE1YdUY2S0pGcWhybXU4aHNSa0Z1QzJ0V1NCUFBQTUlvT2xta1BaX1NIY0VBd3p3PT0= |
is a Layer 1 blockchain
@Alephium — это блокчейн уровня 1, как и @Ethereum и #Bitcoin.
Он запущен в основной сети с 8 ноября 2021 года.
Вы можете использовать его сегодня!Но почему вам должен быть интересен @Alephium? | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpMXktb2VxSU10YkZmejJCWW11aklPVXg5TVJaS0oxYTZGZjZzR0E0c3psaWlmc2pkbVJmTEpCRWZaRFNmN01iblpMN0xDT2hFQUVNbkp3T0lSdDVpelE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmLXpFekd1T3ppNFdMRlljS2N1bDY0bWZQbS1GdW9XOTQxNjN0MlZyYkppdjE1QVB4dUxGUW9xMzRoN3FNSGZJY2hyWEQ2eEM0Ukh3eUJGdE1Dd0Jwa0xvUWh4OHk2blZNSmN1akJQT25CQVBRUlNZUFFWSnNEeTR0UTcyeGFvSmw5ZXhPeWx1cHBuTUZRWkpEcnVtY2VBPT0= |
#ATOMICALS is the only protocol that backs the network's internal tokens with #satoshis, the smallest fraction of #Bitcoin. so in its essence you are moving Bitcoin and not empty tokens that take up unnecessary space on the #Blockchain. | #atomicals | [
You will own nothing and be happy. Thank you, @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU. #Awareness #SpreadTheWord #trending2024 #Trending #Corruption #insider #BlackRock #Statestreet #Vanguard #WEFAgenda2030 #CABAL #Elite #Crypto #Goldbacks #Bitcoin #cryptocurrency #Stablecoin #NewYork #Delaware #Utah | #awareness | [
Win $100 in #Bitcoin
Multiple Wallets are here: Organize & protect assets by creating up to 5 segregated wallets. Separate high-value assets, payments, minting & more.
How will YOU use them?
Like, RT & follow. Best response wins $100 in #BTC. 24 hrs.
Ready, Zen, Go! | #bitcoin | [
SEC-최대 NFT 거래소 오픈씨에게
Wells Notice 발송
#Bitcoin | #미국 | [
if we were getting ready for an economic crash he wouldn't be holding cash but gold or #Ethereum or #Bitcoin | #ethereum | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpVFQ2bEsxdHVpV2w5aXJSVnpiMUhhYWF3WC1kMFpXT3FGY29yc1FaaVJzdEFKNENKMEpLZWhST3pFR2ppWjZ5ck8xeU5tdWkwd0dDNm5sYkNzaVNWQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmN29laGN0MndPb00wMGlBbUFNWjFmTXI0VEdyWWNEbjltOFBOT0JUeC14ZGN1LTdxa2QxazNOUFh1aVZqalN5OUFoTWZHQl9FdEJCMFhVMnJQeklLN3k3alhmLWx2VFZkZmVPUmM1RjlRakZ4dVhrUlJtdl9oV2Q3YlJGY25SWDRiVF95MzF0ZFBTOUNDdUI3YjBYcjBBPT0= |
Covid crash 2020 vs. Japan stock market crash 2024—no need to worry here imo.
$BTC is still mirroring the 2020 fractal almost perfectly. 📈
#Crypto #BTC #MarketTrends | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpd252OG1kSmc2UlFRdGxaWUsxdzdCUUpGeXZ3aU5xdllCLXhrSGVQYllKVGpoZFFyNGNJcEFTdGpscUp5RW4zM01TT2lHN24yTkJLS0ZMeW9VR0M3QUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmSEhxaHl6UnpmTlFSc185WDhqQ3dtcnViQ1dnUUhlenlBbFZIT0NNdmJZeHZkU25ZaGltcUdhZTlOQzZtZDZDYm9YcF9PXy1sWkV0d2w3RmZ1TUNFMko3Q3lQR1JtVFpyLXROZUNvaFF2a2dBbUwxMkVkc3RvbEtMUkpVNWd4RTlIVEVRdEVKdUxBNXhMZklmMUIxZ2hBPT0= |
And you’re bearish on #Bitcoin?
Seriously people… | #bitcoin | [
🤔 The #cryptomarket is experiencing a severe crash today, with the downturn deepening as #Bitcoin undergoes a significant price correction. 👀
📰 Never miss any #CryptoNews follow @CoinGapeMedia 🔔 | #cryptomarket | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpX1hUeUExenFsb00zR3dUX0xjN1loMDAtR2d0Uk9ZQ1VTVTB3bWdSb1FTZGZMem9iazdvdVVaTVZyOVNaTFMycjNOaEhWTHBFY1N3bjlnUGphYkpvNXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmTS1NZXdIMVNucHV6M3BKelg2Nnppd3VTMG1aNllpS1ItUlJ0Wjg5dnpMZ3Riak5mN3Q2SnMtVmNlMkhGZUtwcEo5V2tLTWpUU3QzRTVRM1o3T3h6UjJ2dlFQdlFxSURIcU1YM3doeGxVMG4zd1JYbEhQeElxNXVPWTRldTlLNXFDbzhmQ2M4Mmk2LWc1UjB4SjVJcXNRPT0= |
Another scam incoming?
#cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #cryptotrading | #cryptocurrency | [
Warren Buffett's cash pile is impressive—but imagine if he converted it into #Bitcoin. That would be a game-changer! 👀💸 | #bitcoin | [
JUST IN 🚨 JPMorgan notes Spot #Ether ETFs lag behind #Bitcoin, with $500M exiting since inception. #Ethereum | #ether | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpNnE4YllvcGo2VVcxYWdmU1pSTzhWeVFGR2pTbElzRVhleE1BaVdQVVVoci1DaTNwZlVxTmk0U244XzUzcGN4TmQzeEFqam1obTBid1dHRmpidlBvZGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmMjRvMEJWeU0ycUg2VjUtclFCZGZDYTZBdjZmZF9xOWQ4QmJzTDBJT0VFOW8yaHByWDdVRExsaGp0NWdrSDFtZGJWRVRja3RDcVNISUhqUE1qTTFUa3hHTzhiTG5Zc0p3VThNZW5QQVZETi1OQWxLdVJwZEw5b2dYdS10Sl9jLVVoc0RCdktRQm5jOGFpYUVJVG1ab0VBPT0= |
Powell Menciona Recortes de Tasas de Interés
Síguenos y mantente al día de las últimas novedades de #bitcoin #ethereum #ripple #criptodivisas #noticiascriptodivisas | #bitcoin | [
Senator Cynthia Lummis says “Creating a strategic #Bitcoin reserve will cut US national debt in half.” | #bitcoin | [
But those things are now worth less #Bitcoin. | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpYUhqdlJOWnhOWTVvcTBBajhsU25SeVlwTFBPWThMdU5HOG5ERmhmVnhxTVZMb0JzRlBBRG9wS2laeGh6M3pEcm9QUnpRQ2gtaEhmYm9XajFJbG56SFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmeUwzRXR5c1lkaTJaNXpWMHVRQWtLdnRfem9lWlFFVHdxNWhvYnAzNlRua2NrV0JzR0R6dWFyV1BVQTRZVnF3NFkzRzRpMDc4ZmFYeHl3aHF6SDB2YnFtSkNyR0pnU3NQeG9FWWZHaURpeFRDbXpQNmFrbTNsdWg1SzZhU0lOcFBLdjd3LXBGcGdmbWoxX1Bsd0xHcUJnPT0= |
* A parallel between #XRP and #Bitcoin (#BTC) during its early days of underperformance, reminding that #BTC holders were once ridiculed when it traded under $1.
* #XRP continues to disappoint in price, despite the optimism surrounding its potential. | #xrp | [
JUST IN: OpenSea Receives Wells Notice From SEC
Daily 24/7 News
#crypto #nft #news #bitcoin #memecoins #altcoins #cryptocurrency | #crypto | [
Wanted this short scalp
Went 5 minutes off the chart and missed my entry.
Thanks #bitcoin | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpbmt0MEhSREJQWDFfYWpqeXg1eFRkY1RsSzc4YkJBUzBtQnFpNFo0cHpxU0ZDRVBPX1pNSnhFdk5fRGFISmJ3d29kWUxBY3RIMFlwMExNVVlQeTVpRnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmX24yUDlhMk1waktSUy13QWhLMGp3THlXa24zLVQ4VEN1UVVoTnJVWi14Zm8wNnU5MUI4aTZzSU9jWkFWRGY0T2Z3THlpb0NMaFQ4RkhvbDVOS3U4bHJIZDZkUGM0M1V3b1UtOEZvMVBuNmpnR19PUGhFSjlEMERoQjFfd2dIbnAyYnBMeXdkRVIwVmVvd0ppb0ZieWR3PT0= |
Primero vídeo del día, por ser un día importante hoy pues haré otro al final con lo acontecido de Nvidia y lo que esté haciendo #Bitcoin y más.
#cripto #criptomonedas | #bitcoin | [
At one time, the odds of the last 6 months of this #Bitcoin price range being a distribution structure were very high.
But seeing that IBIT and FBTC have bought more than 580 thousand coins, we can say that we are in a brutal accumulation phase. #xrp #BullMarket #Altseason | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpQTU3NFY4cjZpdjREQ2ZvWG9KMlpKOEFKZ2dkRG5yb1IweHd3aXM4Y0oydC0wZ0xxTjBWSENTVlFlQ0l3d1Y5N2tzRG55UkhDTXcyaGtOSWh6RDQzRVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmUkEtUmM5dXhjZDU2QXI1ZU1rLTc5S05uX05yWlAxc1hNVVREdmw3YlMwNURPbUoyMHlFd1pXc19Tdk1pRmJNNWFZRlZ0SHVhN284Zm1DbGdwSlk5UlB0YWZmeEgyeTZJV09PRTB4UHJ1blhKMEpjTjhqM1RHQkFueGEzUlZ2bi1fS2R6YUJFXzdKVFl4czh6TndoYXNRPT0= |
Experience unparalleled control over your digital assets with @PortaltoBitcoin's Wallet ⚡💰
Enjoy multicurrency support, seamless cross-chain swaps, and AI-driven insights—all within a secure, open-source environment built on #Bitcoin 🔒🔂 | #bitcoin | [
#Bitcoin Price: $59,500 📉 | #bitcoin | [
Siempre vendrán con una narrativa para no comprar #Bitcoin ejemplo:
David que me estas contando BlackRock a parte de ser los amos del mundo van a comprar todo el BTC para manipularlo. 🤣
Respuesta: Hijo los holders de largo plazo tienen el 71% del Bitcoin es decir unas 14 millones de monedas, Blacki llego tarde a la fiesta y esta tratando de ponerse al día.
Además tienen que hacer fila como todos los demás para comprar. | #bitcoin | [
L’homme le plus riche de l’Histoire s’appelle Mansa Moussa avec une fortune estimée à 400 milliards de dollars américains.
Imaginez s’il avait tout converti en #Bitcoin 🫨
Like/RT/follow 👍 | #bitcoin | [
↘ #비트코인 81,000,000원 찍고 내려가는 중 😰 #btc $btc #bitcoin #cryptocurrency | #비트코인 | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpU01wQk4yX2xEZXA3VkFWbW04YTRORU9rVnFYa3liWmVjNktnR0pnX0xvbGtzdnlweThobUdCV3ItUHFvNk5lSVlvb1U3V1JlMmR3aUMtRXIxc243eEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmX2MxUjlYeTVVSEQyaGtEUHdFbWFSd1BZcTV4VlVuamQ5UkRiT1kxLUEwRjViSWhxNWU2UDlpZmlPbklJWnJpUzQ4bW9YOGQzT25UcEN4SGpOaWZ2dlAxZkNPNzVoQk9Qd2xJQWVzUzBKLVRTUXZ1NndWbGdZblFDVTZ0SlZhZF9JU2JRLWh2ZGdXa1RZWS14NXBCR29BPT0= |
☕️ GM, BingXers.
📉 #Bitcoin amanece a la baja este miércoles tras perder los 60,000 dólares 💸 acumulando un 8% de caída desde su alto local 📊 por parte de los ETF´s de $BTC en spot, tuvimos salidas ayer por 127.1 MDD. 🏦 | #bitcoin | [
But, unlikely better than this from 2010.
#Bitcoin #BitcoinETF #BTC / $BTC | #bitcoin | [
I just wish we can see there reserve wallets. I'd like to see all ETFs do the same as @BitwiseInvest
On January 24, 2024, Bitwise #Bitcoin #ETF (BITB) became the first US bitcoin ETF to publicly disclose the bitcoin addresses of its holdings. The disclosure gave the public a way to track BITB's $465 million BTC holdings. Bitwise said on social media that publishing on-chain addresses was a first step toward increasing public transparency. | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpSUdMVDdJbFVJNmtmQnNENGVPbzN4dUhQX3owUG90UV94LWhjS3JZOFN4NDFna2tYOXBBdF9SZlY0SXdyajVxT0ozbGlVQlpmVzhFTUxKV1BqMEtLbGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmV0VCZTZyY3lGblJVRHE1TF83elUxRFZteC0wRkhKcy04NGxpdTF6MmNPUXNibVJXT245d21oempRVVlKLUE0UHZqMi1UeFNMWWxqTWxCRHpfRUVfMklYZXRnN2VkS1AwaFRmcUg1cXp4NUhHWE0wTzNfdm1xdlhhdllqWlJWVTk= |
Still less market cap than #Bitcoin | #bitcoin | [
The fun part of the #Bitcoin and #crypto bull market only lasts around 12 months. 📈🚀
In the 2017 bull run, the pump started in December 2016 and lasted 11 months.
The 2021 bull run started in October 2020 and lasted 13 months.
Both pumps started in Q4!
The real bull runs starts in Q4!
Things are about to get crazy, and when they do, we have around 12 months to make the most of it. | #bitcoin | [
Yes, its against the purpose and ideology of it.. #CryptoAssets #cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Ethereum #SHIB @ShytoshiKusama | #cryptoassets | [
💰 Le nombre de millionnaires du #Bitcoin est en hausse de 111% sur l'année écoulée.
Qu'en est-il des milliardaires en #cryptomonnaies ?
Les détails dans notre article 👇 | #bitcoin | [
#Bitcoin | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpQ0tTOEhWbEtMVUVlVFJUbXgtcmlMWnc1WkhQM3hpTmQxUkZ2cUxCR3RJU0sxU01DR0Rpa0lvUUU2eFpLTTltM2d2d21YUXRIUGx0SmxBRl9tZXlidFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmdk02N1lfM2sybmw5WFQwdUtLLTN3dnNFdVZvOFVPWTVwU09tRjBTYWo2ME9nNTNZNzR3N0hyY081cFltSm90T2dESThfSk90T1Z2ZDNYZkNXVVBsT3Z4SnhXRkRfY05fbGxyUEFGRG1TczE5R2R6X0xja3ZZdmZPM2JHUmVEWUd5eE5LZ2dwWU92NUg5WExYdmZoRzdRPT0= |
🚀#CryptoNews! JPMorgan report shows Ether Spot ETF flows not as high as Bitcoin. It's just the beginning, #Ethereum is a powerhouse of potential. Let's keep believing and investing in the future of decentralized finance! #Bitcoin #Ethereum #cryptocurren… | #cryptonews | [
👉 | #bitcoin | [
#Bitcoin expectations are all over the place at the minute with the recent drop.
Focus on the EQ line at 2.
Price at 1 is slowing down due to capitulation as liquidity dries up. If it doesn't respond higher it will see EQ again.
56,554 | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpRHU5d3JwNHpPNVVzV0sxTU1zTXFaLVFUdkJXaTBxOXpmSHFRcFhUNmgyc2pBUU9qbzZJVGRQb3NaQUJwY0JRS2VWanVKRFhkQ3NCVWplYnJCMVh6c1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmZXBmOWxURDJlbW5ib3d5ck01STNVSmhtTW5WVDV5R1B1eGFrWUNwdmp4VjlRa1F0TkFMOF9Zdk1EVzhQZlJ4U29QQW9mVEdkZkNVeGs4c3FBckUxak5lLTNuMFgtYkFqalR3QmpmU0ZGSGgzcXRicDJ1cmMxQXhSNXczTC1meWd6RkgwYVFTY2NrVngyeXVuRXZmMmdBPT0= |
And people will still say you got lucky and holding #bitcoin was easy | #bitcoin | [
Crunchy, Buttery, Keto Bliss: Crafting the Perfect Pie Crust for Your Low-Carb Delights. In #bitcointechnology world of culinary adventures, few things are as comforting and satisfying as a slice of pie. Whether it’s #bitcoinexchange decadent pecan pie, a tangy lemon meringue, os something about that flaky, buttery crust that takes each bite to new heights. But for those following a ketogenic lifestyle, traditional pie crusts made with flour and sugar are off-limits. Fear not, keto enthusiasts, for there’s a solution: crafting the perfect keto pie crust that’s both delicious and low in carbs. GET YOUR CUSTOM KETODIET PLAN. The key to a successful keto pie crust lies in finding the right balance of ingredients to achieve that coveted combination of crunchiness, butteriness, and flavor without the excess carbs. While traditional pie crusts rely on flour and sugar for structure and sweetness, keto-friendly versions utilize alternative ingredients that are low in carbs but high in taste. One of the most popular substitutes for traditional flour in keto pie crusts is almond flour. Made from finely ground almonds, almond flour adds a nutty flavor and a delicate texture to the crust, while also keeping the carb count low. Additionally, almond flour is rich in healthy fats and protein, making it a nutritious choice for those on a ketogenic diet. GET YOUR CUSTOM KETODIET PLAN. To achieve the perfect buttery texture in a keto pie crust, it’s essential to use high-quality, cold butter. Cutting the butter into small cubes and chilling it before incorporating it into the almond flour ensures that the crust will be flaky and tender when baked. Some keto bakers also like to add a touch of coconut flour or psyllium husk powder to the crust mixture to help bind everything together and enhance the texture. Another key component of a keto pie crust is a natural low-carb sweetener. While traditional sugar is out of the question, there are plenty of keto-friendly sweeteners available that provide the same sweetness without the glucose spike. Erythritol, stevia, and monk fruit extract are popular choices among keto bakers, as they have minimal impact on blood sugar levels and can be used in a variety of baked goods. But perhaps the most crucial step in crafting the perfect keto pie crust is mastering the technique. Mixing the ingredients just until they come together and then chilling the dough before rolling it out ensures that the crust will hold its shape and not become too dense when baked. Blind baking the crust before adding the filling also helps prevent it from becoming soggy, ensuring that each slice of pie is as crisp and delicious as the last. With the right ingredients, technique, and a bit of creativity, the possibilities for keto pie crusts are endless. Whether you’re craving a classic pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, a creamy coconut cream pie for a summer picnic, or a rich chocolate silk pie for a special occasion, there’s a keto-friendly crust waiting to bring your culinary dreams to life. GET YOUR CUSTOM KETODIET PLAN. In conclusion, crafting the perfect keto pie crust is a deliciously rewarding endeavor that allows you to enjoy all the comfort and indulgence of traditional pies without derailing your low-carb lifestyle. With the right ingredients and technique, you can create a crust that’s crunchy, buttery, and utterly irresistible, making every bite a true delight. So go ahead, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to experience the joy of keto baking at its finest. | #bitcointechnology | [
Are bundle gaming PCs suitable for virtual reality gaming?. Introduction:. Hey, fellow adventurers! If you’re #bitcointechnology delving into the immersive realm of virtual reality gaming, #bitcoinexchange likely stumbled upon the question: Are gaming PCs up to the not, intrepid explorers, for we’re about to embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding the compatibility of bundle gaming PC with virtual reality. Can these pre-packaged wonders handle VR's demands? Let’s dive in and uncover the secrets that lie beyond the pixels. bundle gaming pc. Understanding the VR Landscape:. A New Dimension of Gaming Before we plunge into the world of bundle gaming PCs and their compatibility with virtual reality, let’s first understand the unique landscape of VR gaming. Virtual reality transforms gaming from a visual spectacle on a screen to an immersive experience where you’re not just a spectator but an active participant. It’s like stepping through a magical portal into a new dimension, where every turn of your head and body movement translates into the game. As we venture forth, keep in mind that the demands of VR go beyond traditional gaming setups. Bundle Gaming PCs:. Unveiling the All-in-One Magic Now, let’s spotlight bundle gaming PCs. These all-in-one wonders are designed to provide a comprehensive gaming experience straight out of the box. Think of them as a complete package—the gaming PC, peripherals, and sometimes even additional accessories all bundled together. It’s like getting a treasure chest filled with everything you need for your gaming adventure. But the burning question remains: can these bundled marvels extend their magic to the virtual reality realm, where the demands on hardware are heightened?. Processor Prowess:. The Brainpower Behind VR In virtual reality, your gaming PC’s processor becomes the wizard, conjuring an enchanting experience. It’s not just about handling graphics; it’s about processing the real-time interactions that make VR feel alive. Bundle gaming PCs, with their focus on delivering a well-rounded gaming experience, often come equipped with processors that can hold their own in the VR realm. Think of it as having a master storyteller—the better the processor, the smoother and more captivating your VR tale becomes. Graphics Glory:. Painting the Virtual Canvas One of the cornerstones of a mesmerizing VR experience is stellar graphics. The visuals must be crisp, seamless, and responsive to your every move. Bundle gaming PCs, committed to providing an immersive gaming environment, typically boast powerful graphics cards. It’s like having a virtuoso artist at your disposal—the graphics card paints the virtual canvas, ensuring every detail of the VR world comes to life. So, when you strap on that VR headset, the graphics glory of a well-equipped gaming PC is your ticket to a visually stunning journey. RAM Resilience:. The Multitasking Maestro Virtual reality is not a solo act; it’s a performance that involves multitasking on a grand scale. Your gaming PC’s RAM, or Random Access Memory, steps into the spotlight as the multitasking maestro. Imagine this: you’re navigating a VR landscape, engaging in intense battles, and seamlessly switching between environments. Bundle gaming PCs, cognizant of the need for resilience, often pack sufficient RAM to ensure your VR experience remains smooth and uninterrupted. It’s like having a backstage crew that keeps everything running flawlessly during the grand performance of virtual reality. Storage Speed:. An SSD Symphony In the fast-paced virtual reality world, where seamless transitions are paramount, the storage solution becomes a key player. Solid State Drives (SSDs), known for their speed and efficiency, take the stage in bundled gaming PCs. Upgrading your bundle with an SSD is like turning the pages of a book with no lag—every chapter unfolds instantly. Regarding VR, where loading times can break the illusion, the SSD symphony ensures you stay immersed in the virtual world without a hint of delay. Cooling Chronicles:. Temperature Control for VR Excitement VR gaming can be an intense workout for your gaming PC. As it powers through the demands of rendering a three-dimensional world in real-time, things can get heated—literally. Bundled gaming PCs often come equipped with robust cooling systems. Think of it as having a personal air conditioner for your gaming setup—ensuring the temperature stays cool even when the VR excitement is at its peak. So, when you’re lost in the immersive landscapes of virtual reality, the cooling chronicles of a well-designed bundle gaming PC keep the heat at bay. Peripheral Pleasantries:. Navigating VR with Ease In virtual reality, your peripherals become extensions of your virtual self. Bundle gaming PCs, mindful of the immersive experience, often include peripherals that enhance your VR journey. It’s like having a trusty sidekick on your virtual adventures—whether it’s a VR-ready headset, motion controllers, or a keyboard that responds seamlessly to your commands. These peripheral pleasures transform your VR experience from good to extraordinary, ensuring every movement feels intuitive and natural. Connectivity Command:. The Seamless VR Network Virtual reality is all about immersion, and any disruption in connectivity can shatter the illusion. Bundle gaming PCs, cognizant of the need for a seamless VR network, often prioritize robust connectivity options. It’s like having a well-paved road for your virtual travels—no bumps, no detours, just a smooth journey through the immersive landscapes. Whether connecting to VR accessories or engaging in multiplayer VR experiences, the connectivity command of a well-designed bundle gaming PC ensures you stay connected to your virtual realm without a hitch. Budget-Friendly VR:. Finding the Sweet Spot Now, let’s address the elephant in the room—budget constraints. With their demanding hardware requirements, VR setups can be a financial challenge. Bundled gaming PCs, however, aim to balance performance and affordability. It’s like finding the sweet spot between indulgence and responsibility—ensuring you can venture into the virtual reality world without draining your coffers. So, when you consider the budget-friendly aspect of a bundle gaming PC, the prospect of experiencing VR becomes more accessible than ever. Conclusion:. Beyond Pixels to VR Realms with Bundle Gaming PC There you have it, fellow adventurers — exploring whether bundle gaming PCs are suitable for virtual reality gaming. As we peel back the layers of processor prowess, graphics glory, RAM resilience, storage speed, cooling chronicles, peripheral pleasantries, and connectivity commands, it becomes evident that bundle gaming PCs can be reliable companions on your VR journey. With their commitment to providing an immersive gaming experience, these all-in-one wonders offer a gateway to virtual reality realms beyond pixels, delivering an enchanting adventure that awaits the eager explorer. So, strap on your VR headset, wield your motion controllers, and let the virtual odyssey begin!. | #bitcointechnology | [
Unlock the power of dynamic attribute access with Python’s #bitcointechnology function! Dive into our complete guide #bitcoinexchange master this essential tool. 🔍💡. #python #codemagnet. The getattr() function in Python is a built-in function that allows you to retrieve tte from an object dynamically. This is particularly useful when you don’t know beforehand what attribute you will need to access, making your code more flexible and adaptable. Syntax:. getattr(object, name[, default]). object: The object whose attribute you want to access. name: A string representing the name of the attribute you want to retrieve. default (optional): The value to return if the attribute does not exist. If not provided and the attribute is missing, an AttributeError will be raised. How getattr() works in Python?
The getattr() function in Python is a built-in function that enables dynamic access to an object’s attributes or methods by name. To illustrate how getattr() works, consider a class named GFG with two class attributes: name and age. We create an instance of this class and use getattr() to retrieve the values of these attributes. class GfG:
name = "Coding"
age = 24
obj = GfG()
print("The name is " + getattr(obj, 'name')). Basic Usage. The getattr() function can be used to access an attribute of an object if you have the attribute’s name as a string. Here’s a simple example to illustrate its use:. class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):= name
self.age = age
# Creating an instance of the Person class
person = Person("Alice", 30)
# Accessing the 'name' attribute using getattr
name = getattr(person, 'name')
# Accessing the 'age' attribute using getattr
age = getattr(person, 'age')
print(age) . Output:. Using Default Values. One of the powerful features of getattr() is the ability to provide a default value in case the attribute does not exist. This helps in avoiding potential AttributeError exceptions. Read More Below. | #bitcointechnology | [
FAA Scores Big at #bitcointechnology Super Bowl. Learn how the FAA handled a #bitcoinexchange number operations at Las Vegas airports. By Jim Tise, FAA. The FAA playbook for Super Bowl LVIII proved to be a winner as near-record air traffic flowed smoothly into and out of La’s event. The FAA’s Los Angeles Air Route Air Traffic Control Center handled the bulk of air traffic, recording more than 8,100 operations on the Monday following the game — the second-highest daily total in 25 years and more than 1,000 above the Center’s average daily volume, said Kevin Schlieper, the facility’s traffic management officer. But Schlieper stressed that numerous FAA facilities and offices contributed to the success. And the FAA’s airline and business jet customers recognized and appreciated the agency’s work. “The demand was especially high for non-scheduled business aircraft, and the FAA is to be commended for generating and effectively executing a plan to manage this demand,” said an official from Airlines for America, the trade association that represents major North American airlines. “It was accomplished with minimal impact on scheduled operations.”. The FAA’s approach to managing traffic for the Super Bowl was reminiscent of any great football team in that it was a carefully choreographed, total team effort built on meticulous planning. The agency’s Collaborative Working Group (CWG) began planning for this year’s event in March 2023. When traffic was flowing in and out of the area for the game, close support came from the Oakland, Salt Lake City, Denver and Albuquerque Centers; the Harry Reid International, Henderson Executive and North Las Vegas airport towers; the Las Vegas Terminal Radar Approach Control; Nellis Air Force Base; and the CWG. Kevin Schlieper at Los Angeles Center. (Image: FAA). “It takes a ton of people a ton of time and effort to execute a successful Super Bowl plan,” said Tom Morgan, an FAA deputy director for system operations. “It is this cooperative effort that made it so successful.”. The biggest challenge to keeping air traffic flowing smoothly was parking for the approximately 1,300 additional general aviation aircraft the FAA expected would descend on the area for the game. Only 450–500 parking spaces were available. So, the FAA huddled with the NFL to assign hourly arrival and departure slots to ensure the additional aircraft didn’t interfere with regular airline traffic. Key to the planning success was transparency and bringing all the different stakeholders involved to the table early , said Randy Vincent, a senior advisor with the FAA’s National Airspace Operations System Operations security team. “You need to start looking at methods to operate the volume of flights, procedural changes and automation changes,” Vincent said. The FAA’s Technical Operations office also issued a moratorium on routine maintenance of navigational and communications equipment until Super Bowl traffic had cleared out of the area. But like any good team manager, the FAA was flexible enough to call an audible to fix a ground surveillance radar at Harry Reid International Airport as game day approached before it could cause any major delays. Also working behind the scenes was the agency’s air traffic security office, which established a 30-mile temporary flight restriction (TFR) — including a 10-mile no-fly zone — around Allegiant Stadium. They also coordinated with federal and local law enforcement, as well as with the North American Air Defense organization, to integrate air defense aircraft within the TFR’s airspace. With decades of air traffic control and pilot experience behind them, Michael Hamann and Greg Bean were in a perfect position to lead the FAA’s security team and balance the needs of law enforcement with the need to keep air traffic flowing. “A lot of it is the relationships we build with people and facilities and the trust we build because of our air traffic background,” said Hamann. The agency blitzed the public with ads warning against illegal use of drones over and near the stadium, notices to pilots about the TFR around the stadium, and “From the Flight Deck” videos that provide general aviation pilots with actual runway approach and airport taxiway footage — combined with diagrams and visual graphics — to identify hot spots and other safety-sensitive items. “In the past we’ve done [a lot messaging], but not to the extent we did it this year,” said Bean. The early-and-often approach to messaging helped cut TFR violations in half from last year, he noted. While the Kansas City Chiefs celebrate their victory, the FAA is already preparing for next year’s Super Bowl in New Orleans. Air traffic and law enforcement officials from the Big Easy were on-site during this year’s game to absorb the winning game plan that the FAA has honed over decades. | #bitcointechnology | [
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Just bought the dip! ! 📉 Feeling bullish on Ethereum. #Polkadot #BitcoinMining | #polkadot | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpbHdJenNuckEwYjU2bmtfakV4NThhbVJJZlBaUWR0MWhUQkdaVFE0NHM3T3ZaRXVubzVnUHFmRDhDYmItT0puWGxlWm5PQ0RPQTFpSVhfdEgycF80cUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmSW1Cc1B5aUdZVkZxSklBano3Mm5fcXlZXzFtZUFaZk9aVEw3dVloUHBLSFpxaEtoWV9FcE95QVRiMFY4X1ZDSkFnbkFISHJPd0hQMmRJbTFKZ2hpTXp3aXNDQVhmUzYxQUtObkZpNFFzWFl3VFRiTE10eGYtS2xqMFNtb3hpTG5xQlpZZ3dQVjc0Zm85VnJDa1Y0OURnPT0= |
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No Cap Coin Launch (Successful fair launch - No pre-sale = no whales)
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] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpbzQ1QzhWX05URkRKeFBuZGhiYjRzTmJRRFFrVDc4cVhGcnRVbm9Kd01oM1hlV1R6OXo3a2lBY1hHaWhGLVZZRnFGMWRyNEtCVy1KNmVCZmRwd1BoZWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmNHZsWkJ3cEx2d1pnRk5YMENlWENOOWJNMGdNcTV3aHZ4bmJCeGwxcDkzblBkWG9SS056WjdUVXFnZTFtSmE1N3dGaHVxYTFCNDFQaGZibmF4d0J0Z2RnUTdmQUpGa3RNZk9oZmxTQ2I3UHdUQzdpY3ZRc1FvRHhMWllTczMxNHlPcmwxN0xsNGV2a0R4Y2xZWEJmY0d3PT0= |
When the bull run starts, don't let it correct on your head because of greed. Pay attention
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I own Bitcoin, I run a business, I understand what’s going on here Kenny. There is no detail to this post. We get it everything is fucked, and they’re not going to stop with just the 100+ millionaires. So yeah #bitcoin. But also, truth & detail matters. | #bitcoin | [
] | 2024-08-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhpZFQ1Mmc2LWl4bmpBelhJdlJLMHVQZTROWHd1a1pmbUxIQkYxVWdWOW5wRjM1WHAxaEZoNG5UZkVaXzc1NnJSNTR6QWlZbmF6bTNvTXFnZEhEVVgyYlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm0tdFhmVlhMRGlhNGZmVUFlcTBEcXBvblk0UzhVdGZnWk81djR2QmFPSjdCY3N1azZaTy0tSmJtWlBxZ2tVVDI1RDBCZms3ZjNPSmwwX1dsS1duRE9vcl9ldVZOZFNOU0Z1V1RXN2Q0bXh5ak5HR2E4ay01dWMxcmlXTmJydUpHa1NTMnNuR0V4b3hMME5zcjZCOXROejBkMmx3PT0= |