# Gyokuran Gyokuran is a minor character in the 07-Ghost series. She is one of Ouka's three ladies-in-waiting. Etymology. Gyokuran (玉蘭) means white magnolia. Other names for it are Hakumokuren (白木蓮) and Hakuren (白蓮). Appearance. Physical appearance. Gyokuran is tall and slim with short, light-coloured hair that is parted on the left and curled upwards on both sides at the bottom. A few strands of her hair fall over her forehead. She has a small nose, thin eyebrows, a large mouth, a pointy chin, and large eyes of an unknown light colour. Her height and build are similar to Ohruri's and Kikune's. Clothing. Gyokuran is always seen in civilian clothes. She also once wore dark, dangling earrings. Personality. Gyokuran is the most hotheaded and outspoken of the trio. She appears to dislike men, or at least does not like to rely on them. Relationships. Ouka. Despite being obligated to care for Ouka as her servant, Gyokuran has been shown to genuinely care for the princess. Like Ohruri and Kikune, she seems to be a mother figure or older sister figure to Ouka. Gyokuran can be somewhat overprotective of Ouka, being the only lady-in-waiting who panicked when Ouka went missing, and deeming almost all of Ouka's fiance candidates not good enough for the princess. Ouka occasionally shows exasperation at Gyokuran's outbursts, e.g. in manga chapter 74, Ouka warned Gyokuran not to get too carried away when Gyokuran became excited about Ouka's costume fitting for the masquerade ball. Gyokuran is in charge of Ouka's schedule.  Ohruri and Kikune:. Gyokuran spends a great deal of time with Ohruri and Kikune, as all three of them are attendants of Ouka. She seems to have a good relationship with both of them. Kikune is generally indifferent to Gyokuran's outbursts, while Ohruri usually responds with amusement. Ohruri commented in chapter 48 that Gyokuran is scary. Granne Barsburg. Gyokuran shares Ouka's dislike for Granne, and once spoke scathingly about her (Granne) during Ouka's birthday ball. Shuri Oak. Gyokuran seems to dislike Shuri, as in manga chapter 80, she described him as 'the Oak Family's number one idiot son'. Hakuren. Gyokuran addresses Hakuren as 'Oak', indicating that she may not like or respect him very much. She seems to see him as a rival. It is worth noting that Gyokuran and Hakuren have clashing attitudes towards gender (Gyokuran dislikes men and Hakuren dislikes women). Gyokuran has also been outspoken about her dislike of Hakuren's family, the Oak Family, saying that the Oak Family think they can buy everything. Some fans think that a romantic relationship between Gyokuran and Hakuren is possible, but this is open to debate. Hakuren seems mostly indifferent towards her. Teito. Gyokuran has briefly seen Teito a few times in Hohburg Fortress. While she has yet to meet him, she seems to be somewhat curious about him. History. Early childhood. Nothing has been shown of Gyokuran's early years. Adulthood. At some point in her life, she began working as Ouka's lady-in-waiting. Manga synopsis. Gyokuran plays a relatively minor role in the series. She first appeared while Ouka was at the Krat House with Teito, panicking over Ouka's sudden disappearance and searching for her with Ohruri and Kikune. The three women then appear again, along with Hakuren, when they eventually find Ouka and convoy her back to the royal palace.  Gyokuran appears a few more times in the royal palace, and along with Ohruri, Kikune and Hakuren, accompanied Ouka to the Hawkzile race. Gyokuran was also present at Ouka's birthday ball, where she excitedly proclaimed that the day to 'critique' Ouka's fiance candidates had arrived. When the ball was abruptly brought to an end, she was briefly shown pulling Ouka, who wanted to search for Teito, away. In Kapitel 99, she makes an unsuccessful attempt to restrain Ouka, who was determined to reach a falling Teito after he escaped from Verloren. Her eventual fate is uncertain. She may have continued to serve as Ouka's attendant after Ouka became Empress, though this is unconfirmed. Abilities and Attributes. Gyokuran does not appear to possess any Zaiphon or otherwise supernatural abilities, but has demonstrated extensive knowledge of the Barsburg family and the noble families of the Barsburg empire, as she provided information about Ouka's fiance candidates and is apparently familiar with Ouka's aunt Granne.
# Hakuren's Father Hakuren's Father is the father of Hakuren Oak, and the younger brother of Marshal Wakaba Oak, making him a member of the prestigious Oak Family. He is a minor character who has not been seen in person so far, only being seen in Hakuren's flashbacks and illusions during the Bishop's Apprentice Exam and in manga chapter 63. He was shown to fiercely oppose Hakuren's decision to become a Bishop and was the one who sent him a letter asking him to become Princess Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg's tutor, possibly in an attempt to get his son involved in politics and/or meet more noble women in order to get married. Appearance. Physical appearance. Hakuren's father does not appear to be a very tall man, and he has a stocky build with a square face, large nose and small eyes (which appears odd compared to the delicate features the Oaks normally possess). His hair is blond/silver in the manga (chapter 63), but colored charcoal grey in the anime (also unusual for the Oak family), neck-length, and parted to the right, and he has a long mustache of the same colour. His eyes are a dull purple/grey. Clothing. When first seen he wears a thick coat with large and elaborately decorated lapels and white gloves. He also wears a large cravat. Personality. Hakuren defines his father as someone who judges a person's worth by their ability, and loves only those who obey him. Reputation is very important to him and he puts defending it above all else, even members of his own family. Even when his wife was eventually healed by Bishop Frau, Hakuren's father was far from grateful and punished his son for contacting a Bishop despite his orders. Hakuren's father also appears to have a violent temper and is not above hitting his son when he is displeased with him. He was so unhappy with their disobedience that Hakuren says if it was not so scandalous for the Oak family name, his father would have divorced his wife, which shows that he will endure an unhappy relationship for the sake of his or his clan's reputation, and believes his family should do the same. He can also be seen as manipulative, and is determined when it comes to preserving his family's reputation. He appears well connected, and more than willing to use his connections.  Relationships. Family. His wife: Hakuren's father does not appear to have a good relationship with his wife as he was willing to jeopardise her health for the sake of the family name. Hakuren says his father would have divorced his mother if it was not so scandalous for the Oak family name. Hakuren Oak: They do not have a good relationship as Hakuren is angry that his father does not help his mother and his father is more concerned with reputation than his family's happiness. Hakuren's father's strictness extends to his son, and he was shown to be very much against his decision to become a Bishop as "the Oaks see no worth in a job not politics or military", and his wife had told Hakuren that his father will never forgive him (manga chapter 12). Even though his son had left to pursue his dream to become a bishop, his father was still concerned about his son's obligations as an Oak (marrying a good wife to succeed the family), constantly sending his son pictures of noble women he wanted Hakuren to marry. He also used (seemingly much) money and his connection to secure a position as the Princess's tutor for his son, seemingly in an effort to get him involved in politics. Wakaba Oak: As the personality of Hakuren's father is very different from his elder brother's, there is a chance that he does not like Wakaba. Also, he (Hakuren's father) did not attend Wakaba's funeral. Shuri's Mother: They are probably not very close. He did not attend her husband's funeral, never talked about her throughout the series and no interaction has ever been shown between them. His nephew: They are probably not close either, considering his attitude towards Shuri's parents. History. Childhood. Hakuren's father was born into the wealthy and prestigious Oak Family meaning he grew up in wealth and splendour. He is the younger brother of Wakaba Oak, and being the younger brother is part of the cadet branch of Oaks. His job is unknown, but he is either a politician or an officer in the military, as Oaks are expected to go into one of those two fields, though it is more likely he is a politician. Adulthood. Hakuren's father is married to Hakuren's Mother, the marriage most likely being arranged as Oaks are expected to pick a wife from a noble family, and he fathered a child by her. A chapter in the manga suggests that Hakuren's father has kept a mistress, but seeing as it was a Kor that said this, it may be untrue. However, Hakuren believed the Kor at first, so it is also possible that what the Kor said was true. Kor. At one point, several years ago, his wife was taken by a Kor, and to protect the Oaks' good reputation, the father had her locked in her room so that no one would know about it. He refused to take her to the Barsburg Church because the exorcism is witnessed by the public, which means the secret will be publicized, and even slapped his son on hearing him suggest this. One day a travelling Bishop (later revealed to be Frau) came to his house and healed his wife, though Hakuren's father was still displeased with the Bishop and even considered divorcing his wife were it not so "scandalous". Manga Synopsis. Part two of the Bishop's apprentice exam. Hakuren's father only appears in Hakuren's flashbacks, though Hakuren does mention him quite often throughout the manga series. He is later seen during the Bishop's Apprentice Exam where he manifests himself as Hakuren's worst fear. He is held hostage by a hooded figure and begs his son to help him when the figure attempts to execute him. Hakuren leaps in front of him and protects him with his Baculus, and says that abandoning his father will make him just like him. The hooded figure mocks Hakuren Oak, reminding him of the relationship that does not exist between him and his father, but Hakuren remains adamant that he will not leave his father. He then speaks calmly to the person: telling him that he no longer need to be the son his father seeks and should look elsewhere for love. The mask the hooded figure is wearing begins to break and fall off, revealing a crying child that is a younger Hakuren. As Hakuren and his younger self embrace, the illusion of Hakuren's father fades away, and Hakuren passes the exam. Assigning a tutor. Hakuren's father sends Hakuren a letter ordering him to return to the 1st District to serve as the princess's tutor. Hakuren believes this is his father's way of turning him into an Oak.
Hakuren's Father
# Hakuren's Mother Hakuren's Mother is a nameless, minor character who is the mother of Hakuren Oak, and a member of the Oak Family through marriage to Hakuren's Father. She has not been seen in person in the series so far, only being seen in Hakuren's flashbacks. Appearance. Physical appearance. Hakuren's mother is tall and slim. Her face is heart-shaped with a pointy chin and slender jaw, her skin is a pale peach colour, and she has a long, thin nose, as well as a large mouth with full lips. Her eyes are large with long eye-lashes and purple in colour. Her hair is a light blonde and long enough to reach her mid-back, though usually held in a bun, and with a short fringe parted in the middle. Hakuren greatly resembles her in appearance. Clothing. When first seen, she is wearing a pink nightgown with the collar turned up while she lay ill in bed. When she recovered from the Kor mark which had been placed on her, she wears a long, light blue dress with puffy shoulders, long sleeves and a high collar with a small, red jewel on her collar bone. Personality. She appears to be very kind and understanding, as she hugs her son and supports his pursuing his dream, despite it not being a conventional Oak career, and has said that she will wait for him to return a man. Despite being mistreated by her husband, Hakuren's mother is a dutiful, faithful and long-suffering wife. Relationships. Family. Hakuren Oak. Hakuren's mother is very close to her son, as he stayed by her bed when she was ill, and prayed for God to help her. She was very supportive of her son's decision to become a Bishop, and was shown wishing him farewell when he left. Hakuren once described her as 'a flower'. Her husband. The marriage between Hakuren's mother and her husband appears to be arranged, and they do not appear to be particularly close, as her husband did not appear concerned for her health when she was ill and willing to jeopardise her health for the sake of the family name. Hakuren says his father would have divorced his mother if it was not so scandalous for the Oak family name. Her brother-in-law and his wife Hakuren's mother does not appear to be at all close to Wakaba and Shuri's mother, as she (Hakuren's mother) did not attend Wakaba's funeral, and has never been shown interacting with either Wakaba or his wife. History. Childhood. As she is married into the wealthy Oak Family it is highly likely that she is from a noble family herself, as her husband had said it is important for an Oak to have a good bride. Adulthood. It is very likely that her marriage to Hakuren's Father was arranged, and at one point she gave birth to a son, Hakuren. It is unknown if she has a job, and if so what it is, though it is possible that she is a politician. Kor. When her son was still a young child, she made a deal with a Kor, and became ill from it. It is unknown what her three wishes were, but to protect the Oaks' good reputation, her husband had her locked in her room so that no one would know about it. Her husband refused to take her to the Church because the exorcism is witnessed by the public, which means the secret will be publicized, and even slapped his son on hearing him suggest this. Her son, Hakuren, prayed for her to get better and one day, a travelling Bishop (later revealed to be Frau) came to their house and healed her. Hakuren's journey. When Hakuren decided he will leave his family and pursue a job in the clergy, she is later seen wishing him goodbye, telling him she waits for the day he becomes a great man. Manga synopsis. Hakuren's mother's only appearance is during a flashback, though Hakuren does occasionally mention her throughout the manga series. In the manga, she is also once seen in a photo that Hakuren keeps. Hakuren also mentions her on one of the drama CDs.
Hakuren's Mother
# Hakuren Oak  SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!  Hakuren Oak is a main character in the 07-Ghost anime and manga series. He is first introduced as Teito's roommate at the Church and his self-proclaimed rival for the Bishop's Apprentice Exam. After a rough start, Hakuren later becomes a close friend of Teito. Hakuren is a member of the very wealthy Oak family in District 2, but he chose to become a bishop rather than follow the Oak family's tradition to go into politics or the military. After passing the exam, he worked under Bishop Castor, but received a letter from his father asking him to return home to serve as a tutor to the princess. After realising the things that were covered up by the military and the cruelty to the general people, he decided to be the princess's tutor in order to let the voices of the weak be heard by the royal family. Appearance. Physical appearance. Hakuren appears as a fairly tall young boy of sixteen with a slender build, and who stands roughly at a height of 167 cm. He weighs 50 kg. His face is oval shaped, with a pointy chin and slender jaw, and his skin is a pale peach colour. His nose is long and thin, and he has a large mouth with full lips. Hakuren greatly resembles his mother and many other members of the Oak family, but bears little resemblance to his father. Hakuren also looks somewhat like Mikage Celestine, causing Teito to mistakenly call out to him when they first meet. Hakuren's most distinctive feature is his eyes, which are narrowed and purple in colour with long bottom eye-lashes that appear to be a trait in his family, as both Shuri and Wakaba possess them. His hair is blonde, usually kept in a loose ponytail held with silver, metal clasps, and reaches his mid-back. His bangs reach past his eyes but are parted on the left.  He wears thin round glasses when reading, and his face is described as being 'pretty' (e.g. manga chapter 63) rather than handsome. Hakuren may be considered attractive within the series universe-while traveling with Ouka, Ouka's ladies-in-waiting admire the good condition of his hair and skin. Ever since he became a Bishop's apprentice, Hakuren has had a Barsburg cross tattooed on his lower back, decorated with lotus flowers. Clothing. He is first seen in the Acolyte uniform which appears as a long, white robe down to the ankles, having two slits, going from the bottom of the robe to the hips, at each side of the body, and long, white sleeves with large, dark blue sleeve cuffs. Down the back of the robe is a criss-cross stitching like that of a corset with dark blue thread. A small, white poncho (mid-back length) with a high collar and dark blue round the edges is worn over the robe, and he wears his exam badge at the front of his collar. He wears dark blue trousers and knee-length brown boots. Later in the series, Hakuren becomes Castor's apprentice, and is shown wearing what appears to be a shawl decorated with the cross of the Church on the left, over a long, plain white shirt with full-length sleeves and long, plain white trousers. While working as Princess Ouka's tutor, he wears somewhat more elaborate and formal clothing. Personality. At first, Hakuren appeared to have a striking similarity to his younger cousin Shuri. When he first met Teito, he taunted him in a way similar to how his cousin does and also seemed to possess a similar sense of pride. He came across as vain, keeping a mirror in his clothing and assuming that Teito was jealous of his good looks. This vain side of Hakuren is demonstrated even after the more positive aspects of his personality are shown. As time went by, Hakuren started to show a gentler and more thoughtful side to his personality. Upon seeing Teito's sklave mark, he felt very guilty for calling Teito an "elemetary school boy" earlier, because he realized that the other party probably hasn't even been sent to elementary school before, and apologised to him. After Teito risked his own life to save him, he wanted to become his friend and to always protect him. Although he is kind, Hakuren can be somewhat immature and easily riled. He insulted Wade and Kyle during the bishop's apprentice exam even after telling Teito not to 'make a scene', regularly undermines his cousin Shuri's intelligence, and initially engaged in childish banter with Teito. Hakuren's reasons for wanting to become a Bishop are to help people and take revenge against his father. He expressed outrage upon hearing what the military (in which many members of his family serve) had covered up and was determined to let the voices of the common people be heard by the royalty. Although Hakuren has rebelled against the Oak family, and was hesitant to return to them, he was very offended when Teito insulted his family name by calling them 'spineless Oaks' and thought that he would have beaten the other party if they were not within the church. Hakuren is diplomatic and good at dealing with difficult people. He is also quick-witted, courageous, calm, strong-willed, gentle and princely. He enjoys studying and dislikes women (except his mother and Razette) to the extent that he feels ill around them, especially in enclosed areas. Abilities and Attributes. Hakuren has demonstrated a quick mind and a skill for long division and multiplication shown during the Bishop's exam. Zaiphon. Hakuren has shown exceptional skill with a Zaiphon, exhibiting precision and control that amazed those around him. Attacking Zaiphon: Hakuren has an attacking Zaiphon and is able to use a Baculus to channel his zaiphon. Hand to hand combat. Hakuren has demonstrated reasonably good athletic ability, and when in battle, his movements are quick and agile. He possesses a fairly large amount of stamina, shown when he recovered quickly from a punch that Haruse, a grown man and member of the Black Hawks, dealt him. Other. Hakuren may possess some skill at cutting hair.  He is a skilled dancer.  Hakuren once made some desserts for Teito, hinting that he is good at cooking.
Hakuren Oak
# Hakuren Oak/History Hakuren Oak is a main character in the 07-Ghost anime and manga series. He is first introduced as Teito's roommate at the Church and his self-proclaimed rival for the Bishop's Apprentice Exam. After a rough start, Hakuren later becomes a close friend of Teito. Hakuren is a member of the very wealthy Oak family in District 2, but he chose to become a bishop rather than follow the Oak family's tradition to go into politics or the military. After passing the exam he worked under Bishop Castor, but received a letter from his father asking him to return home to serve as a tutor to the princess. After realising the things that were covered up by the military, he decided to be the princess's tutor in order to let the voices of the weak be heard by the royal family. Childhood. Early childhood. Hakuren was born on 15 October to two unnamed members of the wealthy and prestigious Oak Family where he grew up in luxury and splendour. His father is a noble, and though it is unknown what exactly his father's job is, it is established that he is either a politician or a soldier, as it is family tradition. His mother's job is unknown, but it is probable that she also comes from a noble family. There is a chance that Hakuren's mother is a politician. Kor. When he was young, his mother was taken by a Kor. To protect the Oaks' good reputation (as the Oak Family is a God House), his father had her locked in her room so that no one would know about it. When Hakuren suggested they contact the Bishops he was slapped for disagreeing. His father refused to take her to the travelling Bishops because the exorcism is witnessed by the public, which means the secret will be publicized. One day, one of the travelling Bishops (later revealed to be Frau) sensed that his mother was in danger and came to his house to heal his mother in private. Hakuren believed that Frau was God who answered his prayers and since that day, wanted to become just like Frau. Leaving his family. Soon after this, Hakuren decided that he would travel the 7th District and become a Bishop. He left with his mother's, but without his father's, consent and spent five years studying in the Church. Bishop's Apprentice Exam Arc. Meeting Teito. He and Teito first meet soon after Mikage's death and Hakuren is walking by Teito in the church. Teito mistakes him for Mikage since they look somewhat similar, but upon looking closer, realizes it is someone else. Upon seeing that Teito is training to become a bishop as well, he states that Teito is now his rival. Teito thinks there is something about Hakuren that is familiar to him until Hakuren asks Teito whether middle school children were starting to take the exam as well. Teito suddenly realizes that Hakuren sounds a lot like Shuri Oak, his tormentor from the military academy. He and Teito take an immediate dislike to each other, with Teito even thinking "if this wasn't a sanctuary, I would beat him up". After trading insults, Teito asks Hakuren why someone from the noble Oak family, having a reputation for being in the military and the government, would pursue a life at the church- which insults Hakuren greatly and he refuses to answer. Later in the day, Hakuren is appalled to discover his room mate is Teito, and demands a change which cannot happen. Because they are roommates, they are also assigned as partners for training and the examination. Aldo's collapse. When going to the practice hall the receptionist there suddenly collapses. After taking him to the infirmary, Teito and Hakuren arrive at the practice hall with Hakuren demonstrating his skill with a Baculus, and Teito struggling at first. However, when thinking of Mikage, Teito floods the devise with power so that he breaks the Baculus and the barrier. The Baculus Teito used is revealed to be Frau's, which makes Hakuren furious that Teito did not know how skilled Frau was while using his Baculus. The Wars Attacks. Teito and Hakuren rush to a crowd of people and finds the dead body of Aldo lying on the floor. Suspicion falls upon the Seven Ghosts, who people believe could not forgive Aldo for his crimes. Hakuren is later seen studying in the library when Bishop Frau arrives to check on Teito. Hakuren, egger to impress Frau, offers him some porn and the two instantly strike up a friendship, but Bastien appears and confiscates the porn. When Teito finally returns to his room, after a long night of training, he begins to undress, thinking Hakuren is asleep. Hakuren, awake, spots the sklave brand on Teito's back. Recognising it, he feels guilty for his earlier insults of "elementary school kiddie" as Teito, as a sklave, may never have gone to school. When Teito apologises for insulting the Oak family name, and tells him about how Burupya is the reincarnation of his friend, Hakuren tells Teito about why he came to the church to become a bishop, bridging the gap between the two acolytes. The next night, Castor invites Hakuren to join him and Teito Klein in training, since he (Hakuren) had been watching. Hakuren politely declines instead giving Burupya to Teito, who had been crying for him. As the two students make their way back to their room, they are attacked by a Wars, being controlled by Black Hawk member, Kuroyuri, who had infiltrated the Church earlier. The Wars launches for Teito but he is pushed out of the way by Hakuren, who takes the blow but is knocked out the window. Teito then throws himself out the window in effort to save Hakuren but both boys are caught by Frau who then destroys the Wars with his scythe. Frau then realises that members of the Imperial army, have infiltrated the Barsburg Church. After that incident, Hakuren offers Teito a handshake, calling him a 'comrade'. Teito hesitates, remembering how he became friends with Mikage but ended up being unable to protect him. He then tells Hakuren he'll be friends with him when he's strong enough to protect him. Frau's arrest. Upon finding that Frau has been arrested for murder, Hakuren decided to prove Frau's innocence. He finds Teito Klein when he (Teito) resurfaces after swimming to Frau's cell in Light Dungeon and attempting to break him free, and reminds him it's dinner. Later that night, Hakuren investigates the crime scene- but is caught by Teito, who offers to help. There, they encounter a dark figure that appears behind Teito- causing Hakuren to strike out with his Baculus, only to find it is Bastien, who is also searching for clues. When questioned, Bastien reveals his past with Frau, but leaves when his shift ends. Noticing the tainted Baculus, Hakuren realises that the Warsfeil within the Church was Bastien, and the two rush to Bastien's room to confront him. Evading the guards, the pair discover a secrete passageway where Bastien awaits them. He attacks Teito for treason against the Barsburg King for escaping with the Eye of Mikhail. Battling Bastien. After Teito Klein has been knocked temporarily unconscious by the Wars, Hakuren Oak tries to attack Bastien, but doesn't manage to hurt him. He instead becomes snared by Bastien's tendrils. Bastien reveals that he is a spy of Ayanami's, and holds Hakuren captive- threatening to kill him if Teito does not surrender himself to the Barsburg Armed Forces. As Bastien attempts to devour Teito using his Wars, Mikhail wakes and destroys the Wars. He (Mikhail) attacks Bastien, but Teito stops him as he is important to Frau, which results in Bastien attacking and beating Mikhail. Frau appears in his Ghost form and kills Bastien. Infiltration by the Black Hawks. Having recovered from injuries sustained in the fight with Bastien, Hakuren delivers tea to another resident of the Church- but it confronted with the sight of Teito being devoured by a Wars. He rushes to help him as Teito is teleported away but is accidentally teleported too. He finds himself confronted by Black Hawks Kuroyuri and Haruse. Hakuren protests but is then knocked unconscious by Haruse with a punch to the gut and taken aboard the Hawkzile with Teito. When they are in the air, Hakuren recovers and attempts to attack the Black Hawks. His attack is blocked by Haruse and instead destroys a portion of the Hawkzile- resulting in the unconscious Teito being thrown overboard. Hakuren dives after him, and both are saved by Frau and the Eye of Mikhail is released. When Hyuuga cuts down the Hawkzile they ride, Hakuren falls but is caught by Castor who takes him to safety. Once the battle is over, Hakuren finds Teito and hugs him- relieved that he is safe. Seeing the damage the explosion of the Eye had caused, Hakuren offers to help clean up the debris.  Eve of the exam. Hakuren and Teito Klein watch the Church prepare for the Souls' thanksgivings festival. Teito attempts to catch some floating balloons but as he (Teito) jumps from the balcony he lands on Bishop Lance and breaks the lucky Clergy Pass he was holding. Lance is annoyed at the two boys but is bitten by Burupya. Frau appears and Hakuren greets him politely. Later that day, the candidates line up for the Bishop's apprentice exam, it is revealed that the head examiner is Lance, who is still angry at Teito Klein for breaking his pass. Teito and Hakuren enter the exam hall and find two examinees, Wade and Kyle, shouting at an old man, who they claim bumped into them. Teito and Hakuren argue with the two other examinees, defending the old man. Before a fight starts, the examinees are asked to get ready, and Teito finds that his Zaiphon isn't working. As Wade and Kyle make fun of Teito, Hakuren warns Teito not to start a fight, but then insults Kyle by calling him a "failure face". One of the old men shout for someone to help and Ouida shares his Zaiphon, allowing Teito to continue.  Part one of the exam. Once the exam begins, Hakuren must pass through the hall of shadows where candidates must face manifestations of fear. Hakuren initially struggles, but thinks of how he left his family to become a Bishop, and this gives him the strength to pass through. Teito and Hakuren march on ahead as other candidates fail, remarking on how the old men they met earlier are unfazed by the shadows. He and Teito Klein then move together to the written part of the exam- where they much answer 100 questions. They stop at a door with a difficult multiplication question, but Hakuren solves it quickly, allowing him and Teito to pass through to the next challenge. They pass through to the Kor palace, a water tank filled with Kor, and the Kor attempt to make a contract with Hakuren by telling him his mother is lonely and his father is cheating on her. This enrages Hakuren, who attacks and destroys several Kor, which allows him and Teito to pass through to the next challenge.  Despite this, they both make it to the final physical challenge, which is to walk a tightrope whilst fighting off the darkness from below and carrying the two old men. After narrowly avoiding falling to their deaths, after a Wars chews the rope so that it snaps and they are saved by Hakuren, they reach the last challenge. Two doors stand side by side, and the inscription on the wall reads that the candidates must fight each other and the victor must walk through the door of the victor, as only one member of the pair is allowed to pass the exam. Each boy thinks that the other deserves to pass more than himself, and the two old men they helped offer to give up, allowing them both to pass, but they go unheard. After writing an obscenity on the door as opposed to their names, they both decide to walk through the door of the defeated. When asked why they chose the door of defeat they say: "there are no losers, just companions to fight alongside- brothers in arms", where Bishop Lance appears and tells them that their selfless solution made them pass. Part two of the exam. As the remaining candidates pass through to the next exam, Teito Klein asks what the marks engraved in the walls were, much to the annoyance of Hakuren and Kyle. Lance interrupts, and explains the marks are the signs of each of the Ghosts, and that the Ghosts are unable to enter heaven.  The Bishops and candidates then part, and Hakuren enters the second part of the exam. He begins by battling a gigantic Kor. Expressing shock Frau had managed to defeat it in one blow, Hakuren attacks the Kor part by part- starting with the legs and eventually breaking the creature's neck. As the remains of the Kor disappear, he walks to the other side of the bridge, assuming the exam now over, but then hears a familiar voice, and turns around to find his father being held hostage by a hooded figure, wielding a sword. His father cries for help and the figure tells Hakuren he is going to take his (Hakuren's father's) soul to hell. As the hooded figure prepares to execute his hostage, Hakuren cries out and jumps in front of his father, blocking the attack with his Baculus. When the masked figure questions Hakuren's motives, Hakuren is reminded of the time Teito was grateful to Hakuren's father because it allowed him to meet Hakuren, and replies that abandoning his father will make him just like him. His opponent then mocks Hakuren, reminding him of the relationship that does not exist between him and his father, but Hakuren remains adamant that he will not leave him. He then speaks calmly to the person: telling him that he no longer need to be the son his father seeks and should look elsewhere for love. The mask begins to break and fall off, revealing a crying child that is a younger Hakuren. As Hakuren and his younger self embrace, the illusion fades away and Hakuren passes the exam. Teito's escape from the Church. Following a military invasion, Teito is forced to flee the Barsburg Church. Despite the other candidates being evacuated, Hakuren refuses to leave without saying goodbye to Teito. He meets Teito for one last time, and they part as equals. Hausen House Arc. After passing the exam, Hakuren went on to become Castor's apprentice, and kept in touch with Teito Klein through exchanging letters, where he warns Teito of the dangers of eating and sleeping properly (like a "mother hen"). Raggs Castle Arc. To show he has been chosen to "pursue the path of a Bishop", Hakuren has a cross tattooed on his back. Before he leaves the 7th District to travel with Castor, Hakuren spends his remaining days doing chores around the Barsburg Church, including cleaning statues, and feeding and teaching children. His things packed, and Kyle having already left with Bishop Lance, Hakuren regroups with Ouida- who informs him he will be leaving the Church after he and Labrador repair the garden. They see Liam, who is preparing to retake the exam after failing, with some of his friends. Ouida tells Hakuren his own protectiveness had hindered Liam's growth- and that he is prepared to let Liam go his own way now, but becomes paranoid after seeing one of Liam's friends tousle his hair. Just then, some children bring a letter to Hakuren, commanding him to return to the 1st District to serve as tutor to the Imperial princess. Hakuren immediately rushes to Castor to warn him of the news, but is alarmed when Castor congratulates him and encourages him to accept the offer. When Hakuren objects, Labrador offers him a good luck charm, so his "journey will go smoothly". Going to District 1. Disappointed that Hakuren intends to refuse the Royal family's offer, Castor encourages Hakuren to visit the District Hospital before he leaves. When they arrive at the hospital, Hakuren notes the presence of two Barsburg soldiers, who quickly retreat upon seeing Castor. He soon forgets about them, and gets to work helping the patients. At one point, Hakuren believes he can see Castor manipulating silvery threads around a patient and his wife, but dismisses this as a trick of the mind. As Castor is ambushed by a group of small children who want to play with him, Hakuren hears the praise the nurses have for the Bishop, and his admiration for Castor grows. Just then, they are interrupted by an elderly man dressed in bandages who begins frantically screaming the military will "burn us down". As he is ushered back to his room by the nurses, Hakuren questions Castor on the man's reaction. Castor explains that during the Raggs War, the military's budget was running low so in order to redirect taxpayer's money to the military, hospices and hospitals were burnt to the ground. Hakuren is outraged, and his belief in becoming a Bishop as opposed to a tutor is reinforced. Their conversation is disturbed by a group of children, who, due to Hakuren having the typical Oak looks, mistake him for a Prince. Their grandfather corrects them, but, due to the serious nature of his illness, struggles to walk without falling. Hakuren rushes to his help, and the old man commends him for his kindness: saying that if he (Hakuren) really was the Prince then the voices of the weak would be heard. The old man goes on to lament how the Empire does not listen to the Bishops, but would listen to a politician, and Hakuren realises that by becoming the princess' tutor, he can influence her decisions. Hakuren resolves to go to the 1st District and alert the Princess to the plight of the people. He bids goodbye to Castor, thanking him for his help, and expressing admiration at his courage. Three days later, Hakuren is called upon by the Royal family. Manga Synopsis. Not long after beginning his work as a royal tutor, Hakuren almost met with Teito again when he (Hakuren) came to convoy the princess, who had run away, back to the royal palace. The two boys missed each other by minutes, and though Hakuren looked for Teito, the latter had already gone too far ahead by then. Later in the series, Teito was captured by Ayanami and brought back to the military. While at Hohburg Fortress, Hakuren found the (already brainwashed) Teito and did his best to help Teito recollect his memories, but Teito ran away, confused. Before the princess's birthday ball, the Barsburg royal family's Head Attendant made Teito practise dancing with Hakuren. Once the Head Attendant deemed Teito's performance satisfactory and ended the dance lesson, Hakuren once more tried to help Teito recollect his memories, but Teito ran away again, with a shocked Hakuren staring after him. Both Teito and Hakuren attended the princess's birthday ball, but did not directly interact during the ball, although Hakuren did tell Ouka's ladies-in-waiting, who are not familiar with Teito, about him. Hakuren is last seen watching Teito depart for the land of Seele, after helping Teito to reunite with Burupya. Two years after Teito's departure, Hakuren and Ouka were mentioned to be making their way to join Millea Klein, Castor, Labrador and Fea Kreuz Raggs for a picnic. Hakuren's eventual fate is otherwise unknown, though it is likely that he either continued serving as Ouka's advisor or returned to the Church to resume his original career path as a member of the clergy.
Hakuren Oak/History
# Hakuren Oak/Relationships Hakuren Oak is a main character in the 07-Ghost anime and manga series. He is first introduced as Teito's roommate and partner at the Church and his self-proclaimed rival for the Bishop's Apprentice Exam. After a rough start, Hakuren later becomes a close friend of Teito. Hakuren is a member of the very wealthy Oak family in District 2, but he chose to become a bishop rather than follow the Oak family's tradition to go into politics or the military. After passing the exam he worked under Bishop Castor, but received a letter from his father asking him to return home to serve as a tutor to the princess. After realising the things that were covered up by the military, he decided to be the princess's tutor in order to let the voices of the weak be heard by the royal family. The Barsburg Church. Hakuren is relatively well-liked within the Church, and Wade is probably the only Church member he dislikes. Superiors. Frau. Hakuren idolises Frau as he was the Bishop that saved his mother from the Kor, and he has said that he wishes to become like him when he is older. He also admires Frau's skill with a Baculus, and was eager to impress him, offering him porn as a gift, though he does not share Frau's interest in porn. The two do not spend a lot of time with each other but get along well. Castor. After graduation, Hakuren begins to serve under Castor as his apprentice, and they have a good teacher-student relationship. Hakuren idolises Castor and sees him as an example of what a Bishop should be. He greatly admires Castor's courage and compassion, and watching Castor inspires him to help others. Castor's actions reinforced his decision to become a Bishop, and he sought to emulate him. He also values Castor's opinion, as he undertook a job as the empress-to-be's tutor upon Castor's request. Lance. As both Hakuren and Lance are members of the Oak family, they are related by blood, though Hakuren probably does not know that Lance is a member of his family. Lance oversaw the Bishop's Apprentice Exam in which Hakuren and Teito took part. When Hakuren encountered Lance in the Hohburg Fortress, he enlisted Lance's help, telling Lance about Teito's situation, which suggests that Hakuren trusts Lance.  In Kapitel 37, upon learning that Kyle, Lance's apprentice, would be going mountain climbing with Lance, Hakuren was shown thinking, 'Doesn't that mean a disaster?'. This suggests that Hakuren is aware of Lance's accident-prone nature. Considering that Lance clearly has the typical features of a member of the Oak family, it can be seen as somewhat odd that Hakuren does not recognise Lance as a member of his family, though it is possible Hakuren does notice but doesn't feel a need to comment on Lance's resemblance to him. Peers. Teito Klein. Hakuren and Teito do not begin on pleasant terms and the two trade insults within the first few minutes of meeting each other. Hakuren and Teito trade insult within the first few minutes of meeting each other. Teito's negative comments about Hakuren's family offended him and make Hakuren dislike Teito even more Hakuren was appalled when he discovered Teito was his room-mate and partner for the exam and demanded a change. However, this appeal was rejected and forced contact meant that the pair got to know each other better. Hakuren's opinion of Teito changed when he discovered Teito was a sklave. He felt guilty for his earlier rudeness, (calling Teito an "elementary school kiddie" when as a sklave he would not have received an education) and apologized. After Teito revealed his reason for taking the exam, Hakuren began to respect him more and returned the favour by explaining why he is in the Church. However, although their relationship improved, they still treated each other with formal indifference. It was only after the incident with Bastien that Hakuren began to consider Teito a comrade, ignoring Teito's reluctance to accept the offer of friendship, and risked his life to save him.  Their partnership in the exam brought them closer and Hakuren began to respect Teito's willingness to help others. His new-found trust was especially evident during the final act of part 1 of the Bishop's exam, when Hakuren offered to give up his place in the finals for Teito, and judged him more worthy of winning. When Teito was forced to flee the Church, the pair met for one last time and parted as equals. Like Frau and Mikage, Hakuren seems to enjoy teasing Teito, though not as much or as often as the other two. Hakuren also sometimes takes on a motherly role towards Teito, with Frau commenting that he (Hakuren) sounds like a mother in his letter to Teito. Mikhail said that Hakuren's voice has the power of soothing Teito and Teito's heart cares about Hakuren. Mikhail also said that Hakuren Oak is someone who is very important to his master. Later in the series, Hakuren does his best to help Teito recover his (Teito's) memories, and before the princess's birthday ball, Teito practiced dancing with him after the royal family's Head Attendant asks them to, to ensure that Teito would know how to dance at the ball.  Hakuren was one of the people who saw Teito off when Teito departed for the land of Seele. Mikage Celestine. Burupya (Mikage's reincarnation) appears to like Hakuren, as he often goes to Hakuren and sits on either his head or his shoulder. Hakuren is gentle towards him too, and hugs him happily when he sees that Buryupya is safe (manga chapter 74). Considering that Mikage's parents work for the Oak family, Hakuren and Mikage may have met in the past. However, Hakuren showed no signs of recognition when Teito told him Mikage's name. Although Hakuren and human Mikage have never been shown spending time with each other in the anime and manga, it's worth noting that they do talk to each other, and appear to be friends, in the side chapter Supreme Sugar 03. Others. Ouida: At their first meeting, Ouida and Hakuren got along well, and their shared duties as apprentices of Labrador and Castor seemed to have further improved their relationship. Due to the closeness of their respective Bishop superiors, it is likely they spend a lot of time with each other. Kyle: Hakuren initially disliked Kyle due to the argument they had prior to the exam, where Hakuren retaliated after Kyle taunted Teito by calling Kyle a 'failure face': an insult which Kyle took exception with. However, it seems that their relationship improved somewhat after the exam, as Hakuren was seen talking to Kyle as he prepared to leave the district, and wished him a safe return. As with Ouida, due to the closeness of their respective Bishop superiors, it is likely Hakuren and Kyle spend a lot of time with each other. Wade: Hakuren and Wade disliked each other from the start, and despite his calm and diplomatic nature, Hakuren openly antagonised Wade. It is possible that Hakuren's dislike of Wade is also due to Wade's poor treatment of Kyle. Family. Hakuren dislikes it when outsiders insult his family, but his own feelings towards his family are not very positive. He resents the rigid social expectations of his family and is determined not to be forced into an arranged marriage or a career in either politics or the military. His mother. Hakuren has a good relationship with his mother. When he was a child and she fell ill, he sat by her bed and accompanied her, praying for her recovery. Hakuren's mother was shown to be supportive of his decision to become a bishop. He once described her as 'a flower'.  His father. Hakuren and his father do not get along well, as Hakuren's father values the Oak Family name above his son's happiness. During a flashback, Hakuren's father was shown slapping a young Hakuren (who appeared to be around 10) across the face, which could suggest that his father was also physically abusive towards him if he does not follow his father's will. Hakuren thought very little of his father, saying he "does not have a heart", and holds a deep grudge against his father and has said that he will "never forgive him", and that he will "never follow in his footsteps". Hakuren believes his father does not love him for pursuing a career in the Church, and his words during the Bishop's exam suggest Hakuren has given up trying to please his father or conform to his standards, as he does not have enough respect for him to consider it worth it. Nonetheless, even though Hakuren had run away from home to become a bishop, Hakuren's father still keeps track of his whereabouts to send him photos of noble women who can be his wife, ignoring the fact that Hakuren is unwilling, as he has said that Hakuren must choose a good wife if he wants to inherit the family- implying he will stop Hakuren from receiving any inheritance money unless he complies. Despite Hakuren choosing to disconnect himself from the Oak clan (by not taking a career in the military or the government), his father still does not give up on persuading Hakuren to be orthodox. He arranges Hakuren to be the empress-to-be's tutor, which is a compromised way to get his son involved in politics and achieve his son's goal to help the powerless people at the same time. It can also get his son to meet noble women in person, as Hakuren refused to look at the candidates' photos. Shuri Oak. Hakuren hasn't interacted with his younger cousin in the anime or manga so far, but there is evidence that their relationship is poor. Hakuren is familiar with Shuri, and they interact with each other in a childlike manner: calling each other names, fighting and arguing over silly things, including which one of them is the winner in an Oak-style rock-paper-scissors game they have just played, and laugh heartily when they mock the other party or see him look defeated. They speak with each other using the Japanese casual form. When Teito meets Hakuren for the first time and insults Shuri, Hakuren is offended, but this is more likely due to Hakuren's family pride than any genuine affection for his cousin.  Wakaba Oak and Shuri's Mother. Hakuren has not been seen interacting with his uncle and aunt. However, the mutual dislike between Shuri and Hakuren, and the fact that Hakuren has yet to be shown interacting with Wakaba and Shuri's mother, suggest that Hakuren is not close to them. Also, Hakuren did not attend Wakaba's funeral, though it is also possible that Hakuren's father did not allow him to attend. However, considering Hakuren's strong will and strained relationship with his father, it is highly unlikely that Hakuren would have given Wakaba's funeral a miss simply out of respect for his father, so Hakuren's absence from the funeral was probably due to his own disrespect for Wakaba. Others. Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg (OR-0007). Hakuren and Ouka get along well, and share a friendship with Teito. Hakuren serves as Ouka's tutor, and has been shown accompanying her on more than one occasion. Ouka has asked Hakuren about his friendship with Teito (Kapitel 64). Some fans theorize that Hakuren's father wants to make him Ouka's consort, but this is never confirmed or disproved. Mikhail. Mikhail and Hakuren have only interacted a few times so far , but Mikhail has commented that Hakuren is someone who is very important to Teito, and that Hakuren's voice has the power to soothe Teito and Teito's heart cares about Hakuren. Mikhail once thanked Hakuren (anime episode 19/manga Kapitel 18) and Hakuren has sung a lullaby for Teito at Mikhail's request. Mikhail has commented that Hakuren is someone who is dear to Teito, and has stated that he likes Hakuren's honesty. Hakuren appeared unfazed the first time Mikhail spoke to him . However , it seems that Hakuren might be a little frightened, or at least wary, of Mikhail, as in a track on one of the drama CDs, he (Hakuren) served Mikhail desserts in an attempt to placate him, and was rather flustered while speaking to Mikhail, despite his (Hakuren's) usual calm and diplomatic nature. In the same drama CD track, Hakuren appeared to be afraid that Mikhail would kill him or destroy the world. Mikhail resents the fact that Hakuren once called Teito an elementary schooler, but forgave him for Teito's sake. Hakuren chided Mikhail after seeing him fall asleep during a conversation between them . Razette. Razette once transformed her face to look like Hakuren's, causing him, with his narcissistic nature, to comment that the face is lovely. She is one of the only two women (the other being Hakuren's mother) that Hakuren doesn't feel ill around, and since she is a close friend of his Bishop superior, it is likely that they spend a fairly large amount of time together. He once curiously asked about how Castor and Razette had met, but got distracted before he could find out.
Hakuren Oak/Relationships
# Hakuren Oak/Trivia Hakuren Oak is a main character in the 07-Ghost anime and manga series. He is first introduced as Teito's roommate at the Church and his self-proclaimed rival for the Bishop's Apprentice Exam. After a rough start, Hakuren later becomes a close friend of Teito. Hakuren is a member of the very wealthy Oak family in District 2, but he chose to become a bishop rather than follow the Oak family's tradition to go into politics or the military. After passing the exam he worked under Bishop Castor, but received a letter from his father asking him to return home to serve as a tutor to the princess. After realising the things that were covered up by the military, he decided to be the princess's tutor in order to let the voices of the weak be heard by the royal family. Etymology. Hakuren (白蓮) means white magnolia. Other names for it are Hakumokuren (白木蓮) and Gyokuran (玉蘭). Oak trees are the national trees of many countries, including Germany, which symbolizes strength and endurance. The leaf of the oak is also commonly seen on military awards and military insignia.
Hakuren Oak/Trivia
# Haruse SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! Haruse is a secondary character and one of the antagonists of the 07-Ghost series. Haruse is one of Ayanami's subordinates and a member of the Black Hawks, acting as Kuroyuri's Beglieter. Later in the series, he ends up sacrificing himself for Kuroyuri and Ayanami in order to seal the Eye of Mikhail. However, this results in his soul being swallowed by Mikhail, and he has been rendered comatose for the rest of the anime. In the manga, however, he has since recovered due to Ayanami using Fest's power to tie his soul to Kuroyuri's. The side chapter Platonic Cafe shows that Haruse was not born a Warsfeil, and was instead made one shortly after meeting Kuroyuri. The method used, and by whom, is unknown. Appearance. Physical appearance. Haruse appears to be a young man is his late teens or early twenties, as he was still a student at the military academy when he met Kuroyuri. He is the tallest character in the 07 ghost series (being taller than Frau) and has a lean, muscular build. Haruse's facial shape is much more masculine than that of his older team mates Ayanami and Hyuuga, with a stronger jaw-line and thicker neck. His skin tone is also rather pale, almost as pale as Ayanami's. He has a long nose, a small mouth with small lips and blue eyes that are narrowed towards the tear ducts. Haruse's eyes are drawn without any recognisable pupils. His hair is blue, almost the same colour as his eyes, and spiked up with several loose strands falling over his forehead. Clothing. Haruse usually wears the standard Black Hawks uniform, which is a black (or dark blue), ankle length overcoat with golden trimming on the chest, neck guard and sleeve cuffs. It is possible that Haruse wears a white shirt under his overcoat (as Mikage was shown wearing a white shirt under his uniform). Like the rest of the Black Hawks he wears black trousers and black, buckled boots that go up to the knees. Haruse has a small half mantle emblazoned with the Barsburg military insignia hanging off his left shoulder and a golden shoulder board on his right. When Haruse infiltrated the Barsburg Church with Kuroyuri, he wore the traditional Bishop's clothing. He wore a cassock with white trimming on the collar, under a long white outer cassock that hides his arms. The cassock was held together with a loose belt and a large, silver, rectangular brooch emblazoned with the carving of a cross. He also wore the standard Church mitre with a cross in the centre and a veil that extends from the mitre to fall over his face. Personality. Haruse is very quiet, only speaking when spoken to and is always very polite and courteous when speaking to those of a higher rank; using the correct honorific to refer to someone. He always tries to remain on the 'good side' of those he interacts with, and tries his best to please his superiors. Haruse seems to be wary of how people of a higher rank see him, and was shown to become unnerved when he was told off (as shown in the manga when he panicked and quickly apologised when criticized). However Haruse seems to be less self-conscious about how his peers see him, as he still wanted to be friends with Kuroyuri despite the stigma attached to members of the Black Hawks. During missions, Haruse has been shown to be optimistic, and he tries to reassure others whenever they feel they have failed. According to Hyuuga, Haruse is naive. He has shown to be very kind, particularly to children, or those younger than himself, as when Kuroyuri cries he gives him/her a hug. However he can become aggressive when he feels his team mates are in danger, as shown when he attacked and tried to choke Mikhail for attacking Kuroyuri. In the anime Haruse shows little facial expression, but he is often seen smiling in the manga and omakes. Haruse has a passion for cooking: the side chapter "Platonic cafe" revealing that he wanted to become a chef. Relationships. Superiors. Ayanami: Haruse interacts with Ayanami very little but has shown him a great amount of respect for him, saying that he is fine with sacrificing himself for him. Hyuuga: Haruse and Hyuuga are shown meeting in the side chapter Platonic cafe when Hyuuga challenges Haruse to a sword fight. Haruse accepted Hyuuga's suggestion that Haruse should become Kuroyuri's Beglieter. Hyuuga seems to think that Haruse is naive. Kuroyuri: Haruse behaves like an older brother to Kuroyuri despite the fact that Kuroyuri is stronger than Haruse. Their meeting was shown in the side chapter Platonic cafe where Haruse saw Kuroyuri struggling to press a button on a vending machine, due to their short height, and pressed it for them. Haruse continued to be kind to Kuroyuri despite the fact that they were a Warsfiel and a Black Hawk, and so the bond between the two is very strong. Haruse cares for Kuroyuri very much and is angered when others try to hurt them and always tries to cheer them up when they are upset. His devotion is also shown when he is willing to drink the Blue Sky Sauce (suspected to be poisonous) which Kuroyuri had made in order to understand their taste so that he (Haruse) could make food which would appeal to Kuroyuri. Some fans think that a romantic relationship between Haruse and Kuroyuri is possible, but this is open to interpretation. Enemies. Teito Klein: Haruse once tried to subdue and capture Teito, in order to bring the latter back to the military. Later in the series, after Teito returned to the military, Haruse was friendly towards him, like the other Black Hawks. Mikhail: Though they have only met once, Haruse does not like Mikhail, due to the latter attacking Kuroyuri. Mikhail has shown that the dislike is mutual, as it was Mikhail who caused Haruse to fall into a deep coma. Hakuren Oak: Haruse and Hakuren have met only once, and what little interaction occurred between them was mutually hostile. Labrador: It seems that Labrador dislikes Haruse, as he severely weakened Haruse with darkness-eating flowers despite his (Labrador's) usual pacifistic nature. However, when Verloren revived, Labrador did not attack Haruse, instead advising him and Kuroyuri to evacuate. Castor: Castor joined Haruse's and Kuroyuri's souls together, saying: 'After seeing a bond like this, how can I not join you both?'. However, he does not like Haruse, and once fought with him in the Church library. Later, when Verloren revived, Castor ignored both him and Kuroyuri. Family. While Haruse's family has not appeared in the series so far, he lived a relatively normal life before joining the Black Hawks, hinting that he has a good relationship with his family. Others. His roommate: Haruse got along well with his unnamed roommate. His roommate was shocked when he discovered that Haruse had been talking to Kuroyuri, a Warsfeil, and advised Haruse to stay away from Kuroyuri. However, Haruse did not heed his warning. Haruse has not been shown with his roommate since, and it is unknown if they maintained contact after Haruse joined the Black Hawks. Abilities and Attributes. Warsfeil abilities. Being a Warsfeil, Haruse can use and control Wars, and being a Black Hawk, Haruse's Warsfeil abilities are very strong, despite the fact that he is a created Warsfeil and was not born one. Physical strength. Haruse has demonstrated average strength for a man his size and age. On one occasion, a punch he dealt Hakuren, a teenage boy, was strong enough to weaken the latter, though Hakuren quickly recovered. History. Childhood. Haruse's childhood has not been shown but he appeared to have a relatively normal life before he joined the Black Hawks. Haruse's parents are the owners of a bakery and this is where he acquired his love for cakes and talent for cooking. Meeting the Black Hawks. The side chapter Platonic cafe also shows a little of his life before he joined the Black Hawks. Haruse was a student at the Barsburg Military Academy similar to Teito and Mikage when he met Kuroyuri and quickly befriended him/her. He later joined the Black Hawks after he was ambushed by Hyuuga who told him it would be a good idea for him to be Kuroyuri's Beglieter. Hyuuga then challenged Haruse to a battle (warning him: 'don't lose') so he could determine whether Haruse could defend himself, so he is less likely to be killed by someone, before Kuroyuri became too attached to him. However, before the fight could begin Kuroyuri appears and kicks Hyuuga off the balcony and bids Haruse a goodbye because he/she thinks that now that Haruse knows he/she is a Warsfiel then he will not want to be his/her friend anymore. Haruse instead expresses that he still wants to be friends with Kuroyuri, and accepts Hyuuga's suggestion that he should become Kuroyuri's Beglieter. Manga synopsis. A meeting about the Eye. He is first seen in a meeting with the other high-ranking officers and admirals discussing Teito's escape from the military and the Eye of Mikhail. The other Black Hawks say what they think of the situation, except for Kuroyuri (who is asleep) and Haruse who remains silent and carries his superior in his arms. One of the admirals criticises the Black Hawks for their laid-back approach and seemingly lack of motivation, and also reprimands Haruse personally, saying: 'especially you on the right!' apparently not liking how he is carrying his superior, Kuroyuri, as he/she sleeps. Wars Attacks. Haruse, and his superior Kuroyuri are sent on a mission to infiltrate the church after it is revealed that Teito holds the eye of Mikhail. His superior, Ayanami, believed that the only way to avoid another war like the Raggs War is if the Barsburg empire is in possession of both eyes - so the Church is unable to use one of the Eyes as a weapon against them. Haruse, disguised as a Bishop, is next found in in the libray by one of the bookcases where he talks with a mysterious figure, revealed to be Bastien, who inquires about the Black Hawks, and gives him a photo of Teito Klein. Haruse then finds Teito, but as he (Harsue) tries to approach him (Teito), he is stopped by Castor. Haruse throws Kreuz's Clergy Pass to Teito and is then immediately attacked by Castor, who uses his ghost strings to impale him on the wall. However, the Haruse Castor attacked is revealed to be a doll, and it disappears into the air. Frau's arrest. Kuroyuri and Haruse are sent to get Frau out of the way so he cannot interfere with the plan. After Frau has been falsely imprisoned due to Kuroyuri framing him with the mutilation of several of the criminals in the church, Haruse is seen standing on a ledge on the Church grounds behind Kuroyuri. When Kuroyuri talks to Ayanami about the mission being a success and cries to him about Frau using his (Ayanami's) scythe, Haruse gives him/her a hug to calm him/her down. Confrontation with Labrador. Haruse leaves Kuroyuri and investigates the disappearance of the guards they were with. He is confronted by Labrador who reveals he had sedated the guards and asks Haruse to leave the Barsburg Church. Haruse refuses. However, before any fight can take place, Labrador infects Haruse with a parasitic plant that slowly begins to weaken the Wars within him by purifying his soul. Haruse leaves to go and help Kuroyuri when he finds himself unable to subdue Labrador. He appears during the fight Kuroyuri had against Castor, catching Kuroyuri as they are sent flying against the wall after using their Wars. They then both retreat. The two of them sit on a ledge to recover from the fights and Haruse comforts Kuroyuri when they blame themself for Ayanami's injury. When Kuroyuri becomes alarmed at Haruse's injury, Haruse reassures them his health is fine. However, Kuroyuri donates some of their blood to help him. Capture of the Eye of Mikhail. Haruse and Kuroyuri then confront Hakuren and Teito. Kuroyuri manipulates the Wars within the Eye of Mikhail inside Teito Klein and uses it to teleport him to the roof where they (Kuroyuri and Haruse) expect to regroup with the rest of The Black Hawks. Haruse is surprised to find Hakuren Oak had been teleported too, and when Hakuren questions the bond he and Kuroyuri have with the other Black Hawks, Haruse knocks him unconscious with a single punch to the gut and takes him aboard the Hawkzile with the intention of flying back to the Ribidzile. Haruse notices when Hakuren wakes up and blocks one of Hakuren's attack. The blow misses but Hakuren destroys some of the Hawkzile- resulting in the unconscious Teito being thrown overboard. Hakuren dives after him, and both are saved by Frau and the Eye of Mikhail is released. Once Hyuuga intervenes and separates Teito and Frau, Haruse and Kuroyuri pursue the falling Mikhail. Mikhail prepares to attack Kuroyuri but Haruse pushes his superior out of the way and restrains Mikhail using the Wars. Ayanami demands Haruse switch places with him but Haruse refuses, knowing he is being sapped of power by Labrador's flowers. He successfully separates the Eye from Teito but loses his soul in the process, and the resulting explosion destroys a large portion of the ground below. The Black Hawks leave with the Eye but Haruse is rendered comatose. Antwort War. Haruse is kept in his room after the attack. Ayanami asks about his condition, and Konatsu Warren replies that Haruse is sleeping. When the Black Hawks return from Antwort, Haruse is seen in a hospital where Kuroyuri comes and visits him, and promises to retrieve his soul. In manga chapter 71, he wakes from his coma after Ayanami used Fest's power to tie his soul to Kuroyuri. For a while, he and Kuroyuri guard the prison Castor and Labrador had been trapped in, but in manga chapter 93, Castor and Labrador manage to escape. When an indignant Kuroyuri shouts after them, Labrador advises him/her and Haruse to evacuate. The bishops and Black Hawks alike are then distracted by Verloren's Revival, and when Eve appears, they, along with everyone else, look down at the lights shining from within them in shock.
# Haruse's Roommate Haruse's Roommate is an unnamed minor character who only appeared in the side chapter Platonic Cafe. He shared a room with Haruse before Haruse joined the Black Hawks. Appearance. Physical appearance. Haruse's roommate is a tall man with short, spiky dark hair, wide eyes, a round face and an upturned nose. His weight is unknown but he appears to have a slender build. Clothing. He wears the typical Barsburg soldier's uniform, a black, or dark blue, ankle-length overcoat with gold trimming on the chest, sleeve cuffs and neck guard, as well as black, knee-length, buckled boots and white gloves. He may wear a plain white shirt under the overcoat. Personality. He was friendly and helpful towards Haruse, but was very fearful and wary of Warsfeil.  Relationships. Haruse: The two men got along well, with his roommate giving him several tips and advice, also drinking the Sky Blue Sauce given to Haruse by Kuroyuri to protect him, but seemed to have no further contact with each other after Haruse moved out of the room they had been sharing and joined the Black Hawks. Haruse's roommate's fear and dislike of Warsfeil, and Haruse's current status as a created Warsfeil, may have resulted in a deteriorated relationship between them. History. Early childhood. Nothing is known about his early years. He may have been born and raised in the Barsburg Empire. It is possible that he attended Barsburg Military Academy. Adulthood. At some point in his life, he enlisted in the Barsburg Armed Forces and began sharing a room with Haruse. He is implied to have somewhat more military experience than Haruse. Manga synopsis. Haruse's roommate is first seen observing Haruse's preparation of a meal for Kuroyuri, and talking about adjusting to life in the Barsburg military. After he sees Haruse about to drink Kuroyuri's poisonous 'Blue Sky Liquid' in an attempt to understand Kuroyuri's dietary preferences, he panics and tries to take it away from Haruse, only for Haruse to accidentally pour some of the liquid down his throat. He then promptly passes out, to Haruse's shock. Later, he sees Haruse talking to Kuroyuri, and becomes frightened. When Haruse returns to their room, he agitatedly explains to Haruse that Kuroyuri is a Warsfeil and a member of the Black Hawks. However, Haruse decides to remain Kuroyuri's friend and soon joins the Black Hawks. Haruse's roommate has not been seen again since, suggesting that he fell out of touch with Haruse and/or Haruse's new affiliation with the Black Hawks caused him to dislike Haruse.
Haruse's Roommate
# Hausen Family The Hausen Family is a noble family living in Hausen House, which is one of the Seven Houses of God and located in District 6. They are the blood descendants of Fest, thus, members of the Hausen Family can be reincarnated as Fest. History. When the Ghost Fest was first sent down to the human world, it was tied to a human body (its vessel). Being human, this vessel lived a relatively normal, human life, having a human family, and the Hausen family are the blood descendants of the original Ghost Fest. The Hausen family are known for being highly trained assassins. Before Barsburg's war with Raggs, the Hausen family were tasked with stopping anyone from threatening the lives of the royalty of Raggs. After the Raggs kingdom was destroyed, they began working for the royalty of Barsburg, although their loyalty arguably still ultimately lies with Raggs, as they formed a good relationship with Raggs prince Teito Klein and were willing to defend him from the Imperial Guard. During the Raggs War, the Hausen family sided with Raggs. After Raggs was defeated, the God Houses which had sided with Raggs instead of Barsburg offered to kill the heads of their own clans so that the Emperor of Barsburg would spare the clans. Xing-lu, the thirteenth Head of the Hausen family, was ready to be sacrificed, but his father, Xingfa, would not allow it. He planned to kill Razette, a Noel Mermaid who could change her face into Xing-lu's, in his only son's place. Xing-lu jumped in front of the blade to protect Razette and was killed by the blow. As Xing-lu died, the Ghost Fest appeared before him and Xing-lu became the vessel of Fest. After that, Xing-lu used a new name, Castor, and Xingfa became the Head of the Hausen family again after his son's death. Family Tree. Unknown───┬───Fest (Many generations) ┌───────────┴─────────────┐ Unknown Unknown───┬───Unknown Raggs War Fest Xingfa Hausen───┬───Lady Hausen Xing-lu Hausen Seilan Razette
Hausen Family
# Hausen House The Hausen House is one of the Seven Houses of God in the Barsburg Empire, and bears the crest of the Ghost Fest: the Ghost that ties souls together. Like other houses of God, it is a very wealthy organisation with the goal of prospering the Seven continents and also home of the Hausen Family. It is one of the bearers of a Cursed Ticket. The Hausen House is located towards the north-east side of the 6th District, and is masked by a large coniferous forest. The current, twelfth head of the house is Xingfa Hausen. Description. The exterior of the Hausen House is a large and impressive structure, and Victorian in design. Its land spans many acres, boasting several gardens. The House is hidden form view by a large forest, and protected from intruders by a large, stone wall. The entrance gate is metal and Gothic in design, and the arch it is attached to is decorated with stone tracery. At each side of the gate are two massive towers with cone-shaped roofs and a circular design etched into the wall. The House itself is old and resembles the letter 'c' in shape when seen from an aerial view. Up every corner of the building is a large pillar that helps support the roof extensions. The House has two floors, the second having three large doors that lead onto a balcony with Gothic, metal railings. The roof of the House is also decorated with railing. Interior. Main hall. The Main hall is a large open spaced room with multiple rooms to the left, right of and between the staircases. The room is almost completely symmetrical. Two large staircases lead to the first floor and are connected with a balcony, and at either side of the two staircases are plain, rectangular-shaped, pillars that help to support the roof that is sloped like an arch. The walls are wood framed, similar to those in medieval times, the ceiling is indented with the seal of Fest. Dining hall. Compared to the Victorian design of the main hall and exterior, the dining hall has many features typical Chinese/Japanese interior design, like tatami flooring. The entire wall to the left (Teito's left) is a shoji screen. The dining room is very mildly furnished: there is a rectangular table in the centre, and despite its large size there are only two chairs. A smaller, round table sits to the right. Rooms. The rooms are large and luxurious, each with an en-suite bathroom. The rooms also share a mix of Chinese and Japanese interior design features such as shoji screens. Large lanterns are at either side of the room. Xing-lu's workroom. The workroom of Xing-lu is a rather cramped and dark room, rectangular in shape with a single window at the left, this being the only source of light aside from a small, Victorian lampshade, before a large desk. Towards the left of the desk, separated by a long curtain is a cupboard filled with dolls at an angle towards a much large cupboard at the back end of the room. At the right side of the room is a large table where lots of smaller dolls sit and next to the table a small tree that looks to have died. The walls appear to be stone, and the floor is made of wood. Prior to Teito's arrival, this room also held a large Wars, and had a barrier stretched over it to prevent the Wars from escaping. History. The Hausen House appears to have had strong links to the Raggs Family as the purpose of the 6th District Hausen House was to protect the Raggs royal family from assassination. Xing-lu, the son of head of the house, was often deployed on these missions. During one of these missions; which was to prevent an assassination attempt on the King of Raggs's life, Castor and others arrived at the home of an enemy clansmen and the ringleader was killed. As the building was being searched, Castor heard someone singing and he followed the noise till he reached a Noel Mermaid chained up in a small tank singing sadly. After the mermaid had been freed, and her injuries tended to, Seilan noted how she had become very attached to Castor. Raggs War. During the Raggs War, each of the Seven Houses of God chose sides, and battles were fought between houses who chose Barsburg, and houses who chose Raggs. The Hausen House sided with Raggs. Death of Xing-lu. Following Raggs' defeat, Raggs' allied houses faced mass executions for opposing the Barsburg Empire during the war. To prevent the extinction of their bloodlines, the Houses that sided with Raggs said that they would kill the leader of their respective houses, and present their heads as a peace offering. Xing-lu, being the heir to the Hausen Family was no exception. Xingfa Hausen, however, had other plans. Xingfa organised a plan to save his son; proposing that the Noel Mermaid (a type of mermaid that can shape shift) Razette, that Xing-lu had saved a few months prior, change her face to look like Xing-lu's- and they decapitate her and give her head to the Barsburg houses instead. Razette, willing to die in Xing-lu's place, shapeshifted to look like him. However, as Xingfa drew his sword and lunged at her to kill her, Xing-lu threw himself in the way and the blow impaled him through the chest. Xing-lu was mortally injured, and as he took his final breath, he looked up to see the God of the Hausen House, Fest, standing before him. Xing-lu died of his injuries that night, but was chosen as the new vessel for the Ghost Fest. He changed his name to Castor and moved to the Barsburg Church with Razette. His family would take Xing-lu's head to the Barsburg families, and Xingfa became head of the House once again, a position he has held ever since. Corruption of Lady Hausen. After Xing-lu's death Lady Hausen was stricken with grief and became depressed. She locked herself in her son's room and would not leave. A Kor found her, and she bargained with it in return for her son. After having all three wishes granted, she became a Wars, and her tainted soul inhabited one of her son's dolls of her. Her husband, Xingfa Hausen was unable to have her destroyed, as he did not want to lose a son and a wife, so he had the Wars trapped in Xing-lu's room. He fed her on those who came to the God House to find the Cursed Tickets. The story told to the authorities and the outside world was that the Lady Hausen 'disappeared' after a bout of grief-induced madness. Manga synopsis. In chronological order:
Hausen House
# Hausen House Servants The Hausen House Servants are three minor, nameless characters in the 07-Ghost manga series, who work for the twelfth head of the Hausen House, Xingfa Hausen. Following the Raggs War and the death of their master's son Xing-lu Hausen, their lady was overcome with grief and became a Wars. Under Xingfa's orders, they trapped her in the house and fed her on those who came to the house seeking to go to Seele. Once the Wars had been destroyed by Teito Klein, they thank him for freeing her and tell him to return "home" soon.  Appearances. Physical appearances. The (presumably) oldest servant is the tallest of the three, being almost a full head taller than Seilan, putting him at an estimated 6 foot 6. He has a very muscular build and strong upperbody. His face is angular with a long, thin, pointy nose, thin lips and a blank left eye (no pupil or iris). His right eye is covered with a steampunk style monocle, and it is unknown if the eye is gone. He is completely bald, though has thin, fair-coloured eyebrows. The middle servant is estimated to be 5 foot 7, with a plump build, though it's unknown if this is due to fat or muscle. His face is wide with a square jaw, a small nose with a broad nasal bridge, and large lips with a prominent cupids-bow and set in a deep frown. His eyes are very small and completely white. He is almost completely bald save for the tufts of light-coloured hair at his temples. The youngest servant is similar height to Teito, being around 5 foot and he has a slim build. His face is round, and he has a small nose and mouth, and large eyes that make him appear very young. His hair is light, cut short at the back with a long fringe that is parted in the middle. Like the other two servants, he has blank eyes. Clothing. As butlers, they dress in the appropriate attire, consisting of white shirts, black, buttoned up jackets with no tails, black trousers and black shoes. They wear black ties with tie slides bearing the crest of the Barsburg cross. Personalities. All three have displayed a loyal and friendly nature. Relationships. Xingfa Hausen: They are loyal and obedient to Xingfa, behaving and speaking in a respectful manner towards him. They obey his orders without question, and apologise profusely when they wrong him. At least two of them were adopted in their early childhood, and their loyalty to Xingfa could be gratitude for his kindness. Lady Hausen: They seem to respect her, calling her 'my lady' and 'our lady'. They also warned Seilan not to go against her wishes when she wanted to devour Teito. Seilan: In the past they appear to have had a very good relationship with Seilan- treating him as one of their own. However, their loyalty to their master meant they were at odds with Seilan when he wanted to rescue Teito, telling him (Seilan) not to interfere with Lady Hausen's meal, and they were quick to threaten him if he did. Abilities and Attributes. None of them appear to possess any supernatural abilities and all three seem unable to use Zaiphon. They demonstrated average physical strength for men their size and age, as well as some assassination skills, though Teito was able to be undeceived by their tactics. History. Their histories are largely unknown. They bear no resemblance to the Hausen Family and may be orphans like Seilan. The oldest two servants were already members of the House before Seilan's arrival. It is unknown when the youngest member was taken in.  Raggs War. During the Raggs War, each of the Seven Houses of God chose sides, and battles were fought between houses who chose Barsburg, and houses who chose Raggs. The Hausen House sided with Raggs. Post Raggs War. Following Raggs' defeat, to appease the God Houses that fought with Barsburg and to prevent them from destroying entire bloodlines, the Houses that sided with Raggs said that they would kill the Head of their house. Xing-lu, being the heir to the Hausen Family was no exception. At least one of the remaining servants was present at his death. The death of Lady Hausen. After Xing-lu's death Lady Hausen was stricken with grief and became depressed. She locked herself in her son's room and would not leave. A Kor found her, and she bargained with it in return for her son. After having all three wishes granted, she became a Wars, and her tainted soul inhabited one of her son's dolls of her. Her husband, Xingfa Hausen was unable to have her destroyed, as he did not want to lose a son and a wife. With the help of the servants and Seilan, he had the Wars trapped in Xing-lu's room. He fed her on those who came to the God House to find the Cursed Tickets. The story told to the authorities and the outside world was that the Lady Hausen 'disappeared' after a bout of grief-induced madness. Manga Synopsis. Hausen House. The servants are first introduced when Teito Klein arrives at the Hausen House looking to receive the cursed ticket so he can travel to the Land of Seele. Seilan answers the door when Teito knocks but is initially dismissive of Teito and his goal (thinking it a joke) because of his young age. After closing the door on him, Seilan sends another servant, the tallest/strongest, to escort Teito off the premises. The servant picks Teito up and carries him but Teito knocks the man over and demands an audience. Seilan then relents and allows him entry into the God House. Upon Xingfa Hausen's wishes, he takes Teito deeper into the house. A poisoned meal. When Xingfa Hausen invites Teito to  dine with him, the servants poison his food. However, Teito notices and does not eat it all, and Xingfa admonishes his servants for engaging in such risky behaviour; as Teito's death will alarm the Bishop that came with him. The servants quickly apologise, and Xingfa tells them they must stop Teito getting to Seele. The trap in Xing-lu's room. Seilan and the servants set another trap for Teito. They wait outside Xing-lu's room, where the Wars is being kept, and Seilan leads Teito to the room. However, while thinking of Xing-lu, Seilan suddenly has a change of heart. Remembering the trap, he demands Teito leave the room. Teito is at first confused, but the servants of the Hausen House let down the protective barrier surrounding the room- allowing the Wars to get out of its enclosure. Seilan attempts to save Teito by pushing him out of the way but is unable to stop the Wars from advancing on him (Teito). Seilan is dragged out of the way by the servants, as Teito is dragged towards the Wars by the porcelain dolls the lady is controlling. With Seilan now safe, the room is again sealed off to prevent the Wars from getting out, but Teito is trapped in the room with it. When Seilan tries to intervene, the servants accuse him of betraying Xingfa Hausen (who ordered them to kill Teito) and threaten him with death should he (Seilan) get involved. The barrier around the room begins to break and the Wars turns on the servants. Seilan gets into an argument with the tallest servant, grabbing him and slamming his head against the floor and demanding he do something to stop the Wars. The Wars gets out of the room and attacks the youngest servant, but Teito saves them and fights the lady. They all watch as Teito purifies their lady's soul. Once the battle is over, the servants make way for Xingfa who explains his actions to Teito. The room is suddenly filled with a bright light, and the Ghost Fest appears before Teito, asking him if he will accept the Cursed Ticket. Aftermath. Once the light fades, Teito Klein tells the residents of the house that his father was Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, which shocks them, as it is general knowledge that the King of Raggs did not have a child. The servants, and Seilan lead Teito to the door where they are suddenly confronted with the Imperial Guard. Seilan demands they let Teito escape, on the orders of the head of the Hausen House, but they ignore him and prepare to arrest Teito. They are stopped by Frau- who suddenly bursts into the room and beats them into submission. As Teito is carried away by Frau, the servants and Seilan bow their heads to Teito, and tell him to "come home soon".
Hausen House Servants
# Hawkzile The Hawkzile is one of the most common methods of transport in the 07 ghost series. Due to the continents being afloat, the primary method of transport is by flight, and the Hawkzile is common and easily accessible. It is a species of dragon that has been saddled with armour, being especially popular with Sky Pirates. The species of dragon it uses is known as the Wendi Skyrunner. Overview. The Hawkzile is mainly moved by the animal, but there are several backup engines at the back of the Hawkzile to help the dragon take off and land, and in case the dragon is injured mid-flight. The Hawkzile, though designed for one, appears to be able to carry up to three adults, and can reach high speeds, being able to cross District 6, the largest continent, in a day. The armour on the dragon appears to be fairly lightweight, with a pointed hood, a stabiliser in the shape of a bird's tail, and no window screen for protection. It doesn't appear to have any seatbelts, and quite a few characters have fallen off one because of this.
# Hawkzile Race The Hawkzile Race is a prestigious yet highly dangerous race that is held every two years in the Barsburg Empire. As the name of the event suggests, participants are required to race in Hawkziles. Teito and Frau were contestants in the race, but were eventually unable to finish due to Teito being taken away and brought back to the military by Ayanami halfway through. Carl, a slave trader whom Teito and Frau had met earlier in the story, and his brother Parl, also participated in the race. The race is so dangerous that previous participants have died while competing, and is particularly dangerous when participants enter the mountains because the extremely low temperature can cause participants to die of frostbite, and snowstorms and blizzards can cut off footage, making it impossible to know the conditions and whereabouts of participants. However, this does not deter people from entering the race, as the winner stands to win one hundred million yuus (Barsburg currency) in prize money, an attractive prize to many.
Hawkzile Race
# Head Attendant  The Head Attendant is a nameless, minor character who only appeared in manga chapter 79. He serves the Barsburg Family, and assigned Teito Klein to practise dancing with Hakuren Oak, to prepare Teito for Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg's birthday ball. Appearance. Physical appearance. He is fairly tall and has an average build. His hair is short, wavy and dark with a centre parting, and he has an angular face with a light-coloured moustache above his upper lip. Clothing. He wears formal clothing. Personality. He appears to be amiable and helpful, telling Teito about the ball and making light-hearted remarks after watching Teito and Hakuren dance together. History. Very little is known about his history. At some point in his life, he began working for the Barbsurg royal family. It is likely that he is a Barsburg native, though this is not confirmed. Manga synopsis. The Head Attendant is first seen informing Teito about his (Teito's) adoption by Miroku Barsburg and assignment to be one of Ouka's fiance candidates. He then watches Teito dance with Hakuren, and remarks that Teito and Hakuren seem like old friends. Teito and Hakuren depart shortly afterwards, and the Head Attendant has not been seen again since.
Head Attendant
# Heaven SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! In the 07-Ghost universe, heaven is the place that the souls of humans enter after their bodies have died, provided that they fulfilled their three wishes without making bargains with the Kor. The heaven of the 07-Ghost universe has not been shown in its entirety, but some parts of it have been shown. The souls of humans and animals alike are allowed to enter heaven. The heaven of the 07-Ghost universe appears to be a hierarchy, with the Chief of Heaven and his daughter Eve at the top of the hierarchy.
# Heavenly Birds Heavenly Birds are a type of bird that have been shown in flashbacks of Verloren and Eve.  Anatomy. They are small and round, with light-coloured, tufty head feathers (absent in the juvenile form ) and a small circle on their foreheads. Their eyes are always seen closed and their heads are disproportionately large, being almost the same size as their bodies. Temperament. They seem to be perpetually sleepy, or at least not very energetic, as their eyes are always closed and most of the time, they simply perch on tree branches or signboards without actively doing anything. They are apparently comfortable in or at least indifferent to the presence of the gods.  Ecology. They reside solely in Heaven, and apparently prefer to dwell in the forests of heaven.
Heavenly Birds
# Heavenly Guards SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!The Heavenly Guards were a group of male, angel-like heavenly beings assigned by the Chief of Heaven to guard Verloren's prison. Appearance. They bore some resemblance to Mikhail's true form, but were smaller, had shorter wings and wore slightly different clothing, with headgear that was not emblazoned with a cross and did not cover their eyes, unlike Mikhail's. Manga synopsis. When Eve tried to break Verloren out of prison, the heavenly guards rushed towards them and shot at Verloren. However, Eve jumped in front of him and took the hit for him. She then fell into Verloren's arms and died moments later because of Verloren's fatal touch.
Heavenly Guards
# Hell SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! In the 07-Ghost world, hell is where the worst human souls end up.  Hell in the 07-Ghost world is divided into nine sections, with the Ninth Layer of Hell being where the worst souls end up after death.
# Hitomi no Kotae Hitomi no Kotae is one of the two pieces of theme music used for the 07-Ghost series since it's anime adaption by Studio DEEN. It is used for all 25 episodes of season 1, and is sung by artist Noria, being used as the ending piece. It's opening counterpart is Aka no Kakera by Yuki Suzuki. Lyrics (Full Version). English. I put together that distant, nostalgic scenery, the gentle smell of snow, and my broken memoriesAnd use them to search for my pathIn a fate this disorderly, I can’t even see the certainties before my eyes The small light is so far away that I can’t see itThe more I wish to see it, the more I lose sight of itBut a heart that can shatter deep darkness lies right hereI play many hymns, shed many tears as I liveAnd I walk the path to my future, found by my red eyes that search the skies I can remember the promise we once made so clearlyThe memories it leads me to are proof of how thorny my path isI’ve accepted everything about the fate I rememberedI will never let go of it I am being guided in order to protect precious prayers and small smilesA heart that can even shatter sadness lies right hereThis life has many synchronized singing voices and affectionate tears So I continue to walk the path to my future, bloomed by the wings of flowers flying towards the skies If it’ll grant your final wish, I’ll send you a single ray of light The small light is so far away that I can’t see itThe more I wish to see it, the more I lose sight of itBut a heart that can shatter deep darkness lies right hereI play many hymns, shed many tears as I liveI go forward without any sort of gloom or doubt, embracing the answer given by my eyes Romaji. Tooi natsukashiki keshikiYasashii yuki no kaoriTogiretogire no kioku oTsumuide michi o sagasu Kuruidashita sadame niTashika na me no mae moNani mo ka mo mienai Tookute mienai chiisana tomoshibiNegau hodo ni ushinau monoFukai yami o kirisaitekuKokoro wa koko ni aru to Kanaderu sanbika atatakai namidaKoboreochiru ikiyuku kagiriSora wo aogu akai hitomi mitsuketa asu e no michiArukidasu Itsuka chikatta kotoba gaAzayaka ni yomigaeruTadorifureyuku kioku waIbara no michi no shirushi Omoidashita sadame noSubete o ukeiretaNigirute wa kesenai Itsukushimu inori chiisana hohoemiMamoru tame ni michibikareruKanashimi sae kirisaitekuKokoro wa koko ni aru to Tsunagaru utagoe ai o shiru namidaIkutsumo aru inochi no kagiriSora e tsuzuku hana no tsubasa sakaseta asu e no michiTsuzuiteku Saigo no negai o kanaeru no da to shitaraHitotsu dake no hikari o todokeru Tookute mienai chiisana tomoshibiNegau hodo ni ushinau monoFukai yami o kirisaitekuKokoro wa koko ni aru to Kanaderu sanbika atatakai namidaKoboreochiru ikiyuku kagiriKageri mo naku mayoi no nai hitomi no kotae daite susundeku Kanji. 遠い懐かしき景色 やさしい雪の薫り 途切れ途切れの記憶を 紡いで道を探す 狂い出した運命(さだめ)に 確かな目の前も 何もかも見えない 遠くて見えない 小さな灯火 願うほどに失うもの 深い闇を 斬り裂いてく 心は此処に在ると 奏でる讃美歌 温かい涙 零れ落ちる 生きて行く限り 天を仰ぐ緋い瞳 見つけた 明日への道 歩き出す 何時か誓った言葉が 鮮やかに甦る 辿り触れ行く記憶は 棘の道のしるし 思い出した運命(さだめ)の 全てを受け入れた 振る手は消せない 慈しむ祈り 小さな微笑み 護るために 導かれる 哀しみさえ 斬り裂いてく 心は此処に在ると 繋がる歌声 愛を知る涙 幾つもある いのちの限り 天へ続く 花のつばさ 咲かせた 明日への道 続いてく 最後の願いを叶えるのだとしたら ひとつだけの光を届ける 遠くて見えない 小さな灯火 願うほどに 失うもの 深い闇を 斬り裂いてく 心は此処に在ると 奏でる讃美歌 温かい涙 零れ落ちる 生き行く限り 翳りもなく迷いのない 瞳のこたえ抱いて 進んでく
Hitomi no Kotae
# Hohburg Fortress Hohburg (sometimes alternatively spelled as Houberg) Fortress is one of the Seven Houses of God and the God House of Ea. It serves as the home of the Barsburg Royal Family, being a royal palace, as well as a prison and the main Military stronghold in District 1. It is located in the center of District 1's capital city, and is boasted by many to be impenetrable. Hohburg Fortress is also the place where the Eye of Raphael is held. During the Battle at Hohburg Fortress, the fortress sustains a great amount of damage. The damage includes, but is not limited to, the destruction of the cloning laboratory used for The Raphael Project and of a chandelier in the ballroom where Ouka's birthday ball was held. Verloren's Revival results in even further damage to the fortress. Whether it has since been repaired remains unknown. History. It is virtually unknown at what time this structure was built, but it is believed to have been built sometime after the fall of Raggs during the Raggs War. Description. Hohburg Fortress is the largest structure in District 1. It appears to have been specifically placed in the centre of District 1 so it lies in the centre of the Barsburg Empire. It appears as a large piece of earth that has been dug up, raised and held there with a structure of some sort that resembles a two-pronged trident. The main building of the Fortress is dome-shaped and surrounded by many skyscrapers that appear to be separate buildings. It is the home of the Royal family, as well as Military personnel, nobles, and the country's richest citizens. Royal Palace. The Royal Palace lies at the centre of Hohburg Fortress: the large dome in the centre, and is the largest and most impressive single building in District 1's capital. The palace looks very Arabian in design, having a domed roof and looks very similar to a temple. The Palace has a very extravagant design with large, stone pillars holding it up and many floors and windows. The Palace itself contains many hallways with stone pillars that appear to be modelled on those from ancient Greece, many study rooms as well as a large ball room. One half of the Palace appears to be protected with metal casing. Military Fortress. Meeting room. Hohburg Fortress has several meeting rooms, each of them appearing as a long, narrow, rectangular room, with the door at the front being the only entrance and exit. The floor is made of wood, and the walls are a brown colour, rather plain, and bordered with wood of a lighter shade of brown. The room is virtually empty aside from a massive, long, wooden table in the centre with many red cushioned, wooden chairs lining each side, as well as the very front and back of the table. These meeting rooms are much more decorated in the manga than in the anime- with flags, pillars and the insignia of Barsburg displayed on a large backboard. There is a seating plan according to the rank of the officer. In the anime, the Chairman sits at the head of the table and the Chief of Staff sits at the foot. The Field Marshal is not present for these meetings. In the manga, the Field Marshal sits at the head of the table, and the Chairman and Chief of Staff sit amongst the other officers on the right and left sides of the table respectively. Courtroom. Hohburg courtroom is a large, rectangular room with a raised desk and a bench towards the front. Behind the bench is a large, guilded board with the emblem of the Military on it, as well as two flags. At each side of the bench are desks where the jury sit. The floor is stone, and the ceiling is decorated with gold moulding. Unlike in a normal courtroom, there is no witness stand and no desk for the defendant. Raphael's Tower. Raphael's Tower is where the Eye of Raphael is kept. It is located near the 5th Block and heavily guarded. Prison. The prison is located at the bottom of Hohburg Fortress and appears to be divided into multiple blocks containing multiple prisons.
Hohburg Fortress
# Home Page <mainpage-leftcolumn-start/> <mainpage-endcolumn/> <mainpage-rightcolumn-start/> <mainpage-endcolumn/>
Home Page
# Horned Dog The Horned Dog is a creature that looks identical to a dog save for the single horn on the creature's head; as its name suggests. The Barsburg Church has been shown to use them as guard dogs during the Bishop exam, and outside the Church, they are used as beasts of burden. Anatomy. Fully grown horned dogs are very large, looking to be about the size of a rhino, with a head almost as large as their body, and a mouth large enough to swallow a child whole. They have four, thick, muscular legs that are short compared to their body, and three claws on each foot. Their eyes are large, with pronounced eyebrow ridges, and they have pointed ears. Their mouths are filled with large teeth which extend over the bottom jaw when the mouth is closed. They appear sexually dimorphic (males and females look different). Males have two, curved, ram-like horns at their temples, and their fur may be shorter than the females. Young. The young look identical to a small dog, being roughly a foot tall, with a large head in comparison to their bodies and four stubby legs. They have a single, yellow horn on their head about the same length as their tail. Their fur is a beige colour on their faces, limbs and underbelly, while the fur on the top of the body is a much darker brown. Their fur appears thick, especially on the chest, sides of the face and top of the head. Their cheeks are tinged with pink and their eyes are red. Temperament. The adults appear aggressive, or at least territorial or protective of their young, as the mother of the puppy attacked Teito Klein and Mikage Celestine when they were playing with her child. The animals also appear to be quite intelligent, as Mikage was easily able to teach a pup to fetch sticks and beg. They appear to be solitary creatures. The young behave similar to dogs, fetching sticks and wanting to play like puppies do. Breeding. The species does not appear to be monogamous, and the father doesn't appear to play a large role in the rearing of the pups. The pups appear to be raised by the mother until adulthood. It is currently unknown how large litters are, and at what age the mother leaves her pups. Mothers carry their pups by the scruff of their necks, like cats, and pups sometimes ride on the mother's back. Ecology. A horned dog was seen in the wilderness in District 1, suggesting they favour mountain land. It is likely they hold very large territories.
Horned Dog
# Hospital
# Hyuuga  SPOILERS AHEAD! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!  Hyuuga is one of the main antagonists in the anime and manga "07-Ghost" series. He is one of Ayanami's subordinates, and a very powerful Warsfeil who fought during the Raggs War. He holds the rank of Major (which is sometimes translated as Lieutenant Commander) of the Black Hawks, and often acts as Ayanami's bodyguard. Hyuuga is recognised by his tall stature, distinctive black sunglasses, love for toffee apples (and lolly pops), and the smile he almost always wears on his face. Though his personality is frivolous, he is an extremely capable swordsman and is the soldier responsible for the deaths of Mark and Karan- two of the finest bodyguards of the Raggs King. When Katsuragi's betrayal was revealed to the Black Hawks, Hyuuga intervened when Katsuragi attacked Hyuuga's begleiter Konatsu, and engaged him in a battle that almost killed both combatants. Katsuragi emerged the victor, though at a loss of half his body, and Hyuuga was feared dead. However, he recovered. Appearance. Physical Appearance. Hyuuga is a regular looking man thought to be in his mid thirties, as he is a similar age to his superior, Ayanami. One of Hyuuga&apos;s most distinct qualities is his tall stature as he stands at 187 cm. However, he is noticeably smaller in the anime than his manga counterpart. He has a lean build, with broad shoulders and weighs 77 kg. Hyuuga has a long face, an angular jaw, a long pointy nose and thin lips. He appears to have the darkest skin tone out of the Black Hawks, with an orange tint to it like Castor&apos;s. His hair is black, rather messy and spiked up, with a long fringe that sweeps to the side of his face, though which side it sweeps towards changes, (it&apos;s unknown whether this is an inconsistency error on Ichihara&apos;s part or Hyuuga simply changing his hair). His hair sometimes shines a dark blue under a bright light. Hyuuga has narrowed eyes coloured pale blue in the anime, but in the manga his eyes are red on the coloured pictures. The matter is up to some dispute, as his eye colour is very rarely seen, his eyes mostly being hidden with armless, rectangular, black sunglasses, and he is often pictured smiling with his eyes closed.  Particularly in the anime, Hyuuga&apos;s physical appearance, mainly how the eyes are drawn, suggests Japanese ancestry. Clothing. Hyuuga wears the standard Black Hawk uniform: a black, or dark blue, ankle-length overcoat with golden trimmings on the chest, sleeve cuffs and neck guard. He wears black trousers and knee-length, black, buckled boots and white gloves similar to the other Black Hawks. It is thought that he wears a plain white shirt under his overcoat (as Mikage was shown to wear a plain, white shirt whilst wearing the Barsburg military uniform). His uniform has a small half mantle hanging off his left shoulder emblazoned with the Barsburg military insignia and a golden shoulder board on his right. At his belt, Hyuuga always carries two katanas, both bearing black hilts with red tassels, as his primary weapon of choice in battle. When the Black Hawks went to Antwort, Hyuuga wore a winter version of the military uniform. It looked very similar to the standard uniform, but was made of a thicker material, the neck-guard was higher and the decoration is silver instead of gold. In Kapitel 45, Hyuuga infiltrated the Barsburg Church and wore the traditional Bishop&apos;s clothing. He wore a cassock with white trimming on the collar, under a long white outer cassock that hides his arms. The cassock was held together with a loose belt and a large, silver, rectangular brooch emblazoned with the carving of a cross. He also wore the standard Church mitre with a cross in the centre and a veil that extends from the mitre to fall over his face. In Kapitel 80, Hyuuga attends Princess Roseamanelle&apos;s masquerade, and wears the appropriate noble clothing. Personality. Despite his job as a soldier needing him to be strict and serious, Hyuuga is anything but that. He is a bit of a ditz, views the world as being a big game, and is rather frivolous in the sense that he never seems to take anything seriously. Hyuuga is playful, smiles and laughs easily, and is happy most of the time, even in life-threatening situations as he enjoys the thrill of fighting. He has a notably short attention span, is easily excited, and is easily distracted by new things, as shown when he interrupts an important conversation about the Eye of Mikhail because he spots a bird and when he forgets his paperwork after seeing a new stamp.  Hyuuga likes to joke around with his team mates and seems to delight in winding them all up, especially Ayanami. He is mischievous and enjoys pulling pranks and teasing his begleiter, Konatsu Warren. Hyuuga is notably cheeky when speaking to those of higher rank than him, he gave Ayanami the nickname Aya-tan, the suffix &apos;tan&apos; being similar to &apos;chan&apos; which would be condescending and rude when spoken to a superior. Despite this, when with superiors whose rank truly far dwarves him and has the authority and would not hesitate to remove him, Hyuuga would quickly lose his bravado and he speaks to them respectfully and abide to all their orders, showing that he does fear being removed from the Military. Hyuuga has been shown to have a habit of giving affectionate names for people he likes: addressing Kuroyuri as Kuro-tan in the side chapter Platonic cafe, and occasionally calling Konatsu Kona-chan. Hyuuga becomes easily attached to new people whom he is interested in, as shown by his quick acceptance of the Antwort twins, Haruse, Konatsu, and is friendly to those he meets. Hyuuga enjoys meeting new people and was the Black Hawk who first thought of recruiting Haruse (implying to Haruse that he should become Kuroyuri&apos;s Begleiter), Konatsu and the Antwort twins. He is also quite lazy; he dislikes doing paperwork and is much happier to sit and do nothing, resulting in him getting shouted at for slacking off. Hyuuga sometimes has trouble waking up early- and as a result is sometimes late for work. He is also frequently shown yawning, and gets bored with things quickly. Hyuuga is also a very talented artist, but unfortunately he often doodles on important documents that need to be signed. He could also be seen as quite stupid or naive, particularly when it involves something that may help him have a better relationship with Ayanami. A side story in the manga shows him buying a 'magic' pot for 20,000,000 Yuus (barsburg currency) under the belief that it will make Ayanami less strict. Even after Katsuragi has judged the pot to be worth only 2,500 yuus, Hyuuga asks Katsuragi if the pot still works, and then says he will go find the man who sold it to him and ask that man if it really works. Hyuuga also reveals that he talked to an astrologist on how to have a better relationship with Ayanami, causing the astrologist to recommend that Hyuga buy a potion. Hyuuga complies, but reports that the potion he uses "never works". He also displays a lack of foresight on occasion, such as throwing Shuri Oak from a Ribidzile despite any injury/death of the cadet potentially costing Hyuuga his job or life, and when he recruits the Antwort twins despite having no plans to take care of them himself. However, Hyuuga may not be as stupid as he lets on, as in the Drama CD he finishes all of his paperwork in less than half an hour, which surprises everyone. Hyuuga explains that he is able to do his paperwork when he is serious. Hyuuga also displays extreme pragmatism in battle, as in his fight with Labrador (Kapitel 82), he realised Labrador was using an illusion against him almost immediately, and stabbed himself to distract himself from the illusion, allowing him to see the real Labrador. Despite his friendly nature, Hyuuga is very skilled with a sword and holds no qualms about hacking down anyone he believes to be a threat: his playful and smiley character quickly seeming quite sinister during a fight. Whereas Hyuuga does worry about the physical state and well-being of the people he likes, he displays an otherwise cold indifference to human life, killing those on his own side because they get in his way. The Drama CD also hints at a more unstable side to his personality, as he comments that when he gets bored doing paperwork he feels the need to &apos;cut somebody up&apos;.  Hyuuga has something of a sweet tooth and usually has a lolly pop or candy-apple in his mouth. He seems to enjoy eating, as he once suggested to Konatsu that the Black Hawks go on a 'walking while eating' tour.The 5th Limited Animate DVD drama implies that he also enjoys watching anime. While he is usually cheerful and jovial, he can be serious when the situation calls for it, as shown during his fight with Katsuragi. Hyuuga is selfless when it comes to the few people he likes: he sacrificed himself during his fight against Katsuragi, in order to protect Konatsu and Ayanami. Hyuuga's fight with Katsuragi suggests that he dislikes disloyal people. He can be considered to have a sense of honour, e.g. he did not abandon Konatsu after duelling with him (reference: see the special chapter Aspiration), checked to see if Konatsu was all right after he (Konatsu) collapsed, and fulfilled the promise he made to Konatsu before the duel. It seems that, like Ayanami, he is rarely violent towards women and children. Hyuuga also appears to have a surprisingly gentle side as shown during the reveal that he survived the duel with Katsuragi. Despite missing a good chunk of his body he refuses Konatsu's offered limbs by stating that they would be too short for him. He does this in an attempt to calm a distraught Konatsu and pretend that he's fine. When Konatsu calls him out on this he gently pats Konatsu's head. Hyuuga enjoys mocking his enemies, as shown when he taunted Frau, saying 'Aya-tan's going to steal everything that's precious to you (Frau), you know!', and when he once insulted the Raggs kingdom's past, calling it 'black history'. Hyuuga also mocked Wakaba Oak's death. However, on a few occasions, Hyuuga has also shown that he is not above understanding or accepting his enemies' reasons for doing something. He once said that he understood Mikage's feelings, even going so far as to ask Ayanami if it was really necessary to punish Mikage the way he (Ayanami) had, and accepted help from Labrador so that he (Hyuuga) could protect Ayanami, although he had been fighting with Labrador moments earlier. Despite his intentions being well-meant, Hyuuga often annoys others due to his sometimes overly-friendly antics, and lack of awareness of the personal space of others, as shown in some of his interactions with Ayanami (e.g. offering Ayanami his candy apple despite the fact that he had just been eating it a moment ago) and Kuroyuri (e.g. challenging Haruse to a fight to the death as he (Hyuuga) thought it would be better for Haruse to die sooner rather than when Kuroyuri became close friends with him). However, while he often comes across as rather insensitive, he has also occasionally been shown to be aware of the feelings of others e.g. in manga chapter 69, he remarked that he has lived his life earning the hatred of nearly every human he has met, and he once emotionally supported Ayanami when Ayanami was feeling sad on a visit to Yukikaze's grave. Abilities and Attributes. Hyuuga's status as a Warsfeil grants him the ability to harness the power of a Zaiphon, though he is very rarely seen using it, as well as the ability to control a Wars and use black magic, though he may have lost this ability by now.  Due to Hyuuga being a Warsfeil, he is able to survive and recover from injuries that would kill or permanently cripple normal humans, such as being crushed by the land falling, and has also been shown to recover from falling great heights. Aside from the regular Warsfeil and Zaiphon traits, Hyuuga has demonstrated extreme pragmatism in battle. This is shown in Kapitel 81, when Hyuuga stabs himself to distract himself from Labrador&apos;s illusion. He also demonstrated extreme quickness at mastering new techniques, shown when he mimics the technique of Karan during the Raggs War, and the resulting attack (the first time he had done something like that) resulted in a large portion of the surrounding area getting destroyed. Zaiphon. Like most of the Black Hawks, Hyuuga has a Zaiphon and is extremely proficient at using it, though he has been seen using it only twice in the manga, he is considered the second strongest of the Black Hawks, although still far surpassed by Ayanami. Attacking zaiphon: Hyuuga has an attacking zaiphon, and uses his sword to enhance and channel the attack at his opponents. The power of his zaiphon was shown in manga chapter 65, where it could easily eliminate two of the three strongest fighters in the Raggs Kingdom, with Hyuga apparently not fighting at full power as he was singing during the battle. Hyuuga&apos;s biggest attack, which he called a "storm of swords", produced a huge wave of dozens of sword-like objects that impaled his opponent. The shockwaves from the attack destroyed the earth around them. His second attack produced a large wave that tore through everything it touched, disintergrating the trees and earth, and caused Agas, one of the King's strongest bodyguards, great pain trying to stop it. It should also be noted that this was Hyuuga's first time using that specific technique to attack, implying that had he mastered it, Agas would not have been able to defend himself. Hand-to-hand combat. Hyuuga&apos;s preferred method of fighting is using his two katanas. He is a highly skilled swordsman, being easily able to take down notoriously strong opponents. In his first appearance, Hyuuga disarmed and restrained Teito when he was in mid attack. During the Antwort War, Hyuuga demonstrated the ability to easily defeat multiple opponents at once.When he duels Mark during the Raggs War, Hyuuga is able to take down the older and more experienced bodyguard with little effort. When he battled Frau, Frau struggled to hold him off despite Hyuuga not fighting seriously, but he was later defeated by Frau in their second fight. Among the very few swordsmen skilled enough in the series to surpass him are Castor and Ayanami. Katsurugi, himself a highly skilled swordsman, only defeated Hyuuga via his teletransportation. Despite his tall frame and casual, relaxed nature that would suggest otherwise, in battle Hyuuga is very fast and agile, having a reaction time of 0.3 of a second, which often gives him the advantage in a fight. On numerous occasions, Hyuuga&apos;s speed meant he seemed to disappear and reappear behind an opponent.Hyuuga&apos;s speed was shown when he slit the belts of the three admirals that were speaking unkindly about Ayanami so fast that they could only see him sheathing his sword.
# Hyuuga/History Hyuuga is one of the main antagonists of the" 07-Ghost" series. He is one of Ayanami&apos;s subordinates holding the position as Major (which is sometimes translated as Lieutenant Commander) of the Black Hawks and often acts as Ayanami&apos;s bodyguard. He is a Warsfeil. Hyuuga is recognised by his tall stature, distinctive black sunglasses, eating of a candy apple (or lolly pop), and the light smile he almost always wears on his face. He is always joking, being silly and not acting seriously. Despite this, he is very skilled with the Katana (a Japanese sword) and almost uses it to perfection, being the one who killed Weldeschtein Krom Raggs&apos;s bodyguards during the Raggs War. As of Kapitel 89, he seems to have died when he fought against Katsuragi, who was confirmed to be the missing Ghost Landkarte. However, Kapitel 96 reveals that he is alive but still recovering. Childhood. Early childhood. Hyuuga was born on July 8 into an unknown, probably Warsfeil, family. Not much is known about his earlier years, though it seems that he comes from a rich family or he might be rich himself. In a side story in the manga, he is swindled twenty million yen for a pot that is said to have magic power to make his dream come true. When he found out that he had been cheated, he seemed unconcerned about the money lost. On a similar note, Hyuuga carries two katana at his belt, and in feudal Japan, only those from affluent backgrounds and of a higher social class could possess two katana. He is a Warsfeil, and was most likely born one, given his strength. Schooling. The pilot chapter "Begleiter" reveals that Hyuuga attended Barsburg Military Academy and Ayanami was one of his classmates. Raggs War. Hyuuga fought on the side of Barsburg during the Raggs War. During the war, he pursues the fleeing Kreuz and Teito as they escaped Raggs, although he does this on his own instead of with the group of footsoldiers also following them. He confronted Mark, one of the three finest fighters in the Raggs Kingdom, who had already killed nearly all of the pursuing footsoldiers. As the remaining soldiers prepare to flee, Hyuuga reaches them and cuts them down because they stood in his way. Dueling Mark. The fight between the pair is very short, with Hyuuga easily being able to kill the older and more experienced bodyguard. He duels Mark, severing the bodyguard's arm. When Mark rushes towards him, Hyuuga dodges and stabs him through the abdomen, killing him and causing the ground below them to collapse and swallow them both. Hyuuga emerges, unharmed, and continues to pursue Kreuz, Teito and the two remaining guards. Dueling Karan. Having lost his sunglasses in the fight, Hyuuga first puts on another pair. As soon as he does so, Karan launches a surprise attack from behind him, but Hyuuga easily blocks the attack. He asks Karan if Pandora's Box is still in the Raggs Kingdom. Karan moves away from him and launches a Zaiphon strike, causing Hyuuga to block with his own zaiphon. The blow cuts Hyuuga's cheek. Hyuuga then readies his zaiphon, and fires his "storm of swords", a wave of sword-like blasts that impales his opponent, instantly killing him. Hyuuga muses that Teito and Kreuz must be close if he is being so fiercely attacked. He comments on Karan's technique and opts to try it himself. His attack, with Hyuuga whistling as he does so, sends a wave across the forest, destroying everything in its path until it is stopped by Agas, the remaining bodyguard. However, this alerts Hyuuga to their location. Interruption by the Eye of Raphael. Before Hyuuga can continue, the Eye of Raphael fires. Hyuuga somehow survives the attack that destroyed 1/8 of the continent, and continues to pursue Kreuz and Teito until Landkarte teleported them elsewhere. Post-Raggs War. After the Raggs War the dynamic of the Black Hawks had changed, with the team losing two members (Yukikaze and the fake Katsuragi's former identity), and gaining two new members ("Katsuragi" and Kuroyuri). Meeting Haruse. Kuroyuri had presumably told Hyuuga about Haruse, since Hyuuga knew who he was and his connection to Kuroyuri despite never having met him, (though Hyuuga spying on Haruse to learn this is not out of the question). Hyuuga approaches Haruse one day, and introduces himself as a friend of Kuroyuri's. He proposes the idea of Haruse becoming Kuroyuri's begleiter. Hyuuga, reasoning that if Haruse died in battle Kuroyuri would be sad, challenged Haruse to a duel so he could see if Haruse was able to defend his life. Hyuuga drew his sword, but an angry Kuroyuri appeared before he could strike and kicked him off the balcony where they stood. When Haruse became Kuroyuri's begleiter and a fully fledged member of the Black Hawks, Hyuuga was seen again, being forced to eat Kuroyuri's 'tuna chocolate'. Meeting Konatsu. The Black Hawks had arrived at a military academy that Konatsu Warren attended, possibly to observe the potential soldiers. Hyuuga separates from the rest of the Hawks and goes to the courtyard to practice with his sword. He catches Konatsu staring at him, approaches him and strikes up a conversation. Hyuuga recognises Konatsu as the human who wants to join the Black Hawks and jokingly says Konatsu looks too weak to have won the top seat. Konatsu asserts his skill, and Hyuuga challenges him to a fight, saying that if Konatsu can land one 'hit' on him, Hyuuga would give him the katana he had earlier caught Konatsu staring at. Konatsu gratefully accepts the challenge, unaware Hyuuga is a member of the Black Hawks. As Black Hawks Haruse, Kuroyuri and Katsuragi find Hyuuga and watch, Hyuuga remains stood in one place and lets Konatsu come to him. Konatsu lunges for Hyuuga, but Hyuuga strikes out- sending Konatsu sliding backwards (cutting Konatsu's arm in the process) and felling the tree behind him. Konatsu again goes for Hyuuga but Hyuuga uppercuts him and sends Konatsu's sword flying out of his hands. As Konatsu gropes for his sword Hyuuga criticises him for attacking without thinking to defend himself. Konatsu looks at Hyuuga and sees an image of himself standing next to Hyuuga and mocking him (Konatsu) and he (Konatsu) grabs his sword and lashes out at the image. The image of Konatsu is cut in two, leaving Hyuuga amused that Konatsu is fighting an imaginary enemy instead of him. Hyuuga hits Konatsu in the ribs with the back of his sword, breaking a few and Konatsu keels over in pain. Seeing Konatsu lying on the floor in pain, Hyuuga announces that the fight is over and begins to walk away, but Konatsu becomes angry at himself for failing to close the gap between them and he screams for the fight to continue. Hyuuga shoots some of his Zaiphon at Konatsu, but Konatsu gets up and still refuses to allow the fight to end. He continues to try and attack Hyuuga right up until he faints from a combination of exhaustion and his injuries. Hyuuga sighs and approaches Konatsu to check if he is alright but as he leans in Konatsu unconsciously grabs Hyuuga's throat. Hyuuga smiles at the rest of the Black Hawks watching, as Konatsu has scored the 'hit'. When Konatsu wakes up in hospital some time later, Hyuuga is present. Hyuuga tells Konatsu not to move due to his injuries and Konatsu apologises for his "careless, shameful behaviour". Hyuuga ignores this and instead compliments Konatsu on his fighting spirit and tenacity (showing him the hand shaped bruises Konatsu left on his neck) and gives him his katana. Konatsu thanks Hyuuga for the honour of duelling "with an instructor" and Hyuuga smiles and gets up to leave- handing Konatsu a Black Hawks acceptance form before he does. Konatsu is shocked, finally realising Hyuuga is part of the Black Hawks. Barsburg Church Arc. Barsburg military academy. Hyuuga appears alongside Ayanami and the other Black Hawks as they observe the candidates currently taking the entrance exam for the Barsburg army. Later, Hyuuga is with Ayanami and some other officers talking about the eye of Mikhail and the Raggs War. When Teito, who had been listening to the conversation from behind the door, attacks Ayanami after suddenly recollecting the death of his father delivered by him, he is easily stopped by Hyuuga who quickly restrains him. Hyuuga then notices that Teito is the same sklave that they captured during the Raggs War, and Teito is arrested to be later questioned. Teito later escapes. A meeting with Miroku. He along with the other members of the Black Hawks are later seen in a meeting with other high-ranking officers who are discussing Teito's escape from the empire where Hyuuga suggests that Teito escaped because he is homesick. After the meeting Hyuuga is mostly seen in an interrogation room with Mikage who is taken in for questioning regarding Teito's escape. It is possible that he may have beaten Mikage during interrogation, as in a flashback he is seen punching Mikage. However this may have been just an illusion created to anger Teito because this was seen during the second part of Teito's bishops' exam, in the anime only, and when Mikage returns to the Church there are no bruises or marks on him to support the theory that he was beaten. Discovery of the Eye of Mikhail. After Mikage had been released from interrogation. Hyuuga was seen back in the Military doing his normal job. Hyuuga is shown yawning and looking rather bored and he lags behind the rest of the Black Hawks where he overhears some high-ranking officers, admirals Ogi, Shiroki and Nabiki, talking ill of Ayanami, because of the latter's young age and his family. In annoyence, he cuts the top of their pants with a strike of his sword so fast that they only see him sheathing it, Hyuuga walks away yawning again as the officers become frantic about their trouserless state. A plan to recover the Eye. Hyuuga is later seen watching Ayanami do paperwork. Hyuuga comments that Ayanami looks stressed, and offers him the candy apple he had been eating. Ayanami, however, is unimpressed by the gesture, and hits him, telling his subordinate that Teito possesses the Eye of Mikhail. Hyuuga comments on trouble it would cause if the Pope got more power, and sympathises with Mikage. Ayanami is worried that if the Pope got a hold of the Eye of Mikhail, there would be a repeat of the Raggs War, and he tells Hyuuga that they must try to stop this from happening by ensuring the Barsburg Empire is in control of both eyes. Hyuuga swears to protect Ayanami when Teito comes for him. Bishop's Apprentice Exam Arc. Wars attacks. Hyuuga is next seen accompanying Ayanami in a meeting with other high ranking generals and admirals discussing how the neighbouring country, Antwort, has recently been threatening the Barsburg empire. Infiltration by the Black Hawks. On their way to Antwort, the Black Hawks are then sent on a mission by Miroku after it is revealed that Teito holds the Eye of Mikhail. The military and the royalty believe that the only way the Barsburg Empire can avoid having a repeat of the Raggs war is to have control of both eyes so the Church cannot use it as a weapon against them. When the battle ground turns to the skies, Hyuuga is sent to retrieve the eye of Mikhail. He climbs on top of the Ribidzile, and slices the Hawkzile Teito, Frau and Hakuren ride on in half. He attempts to land a finishing blow but Castor uses his Ghosts strings to stop Hyuuga moving his arm. Frau who had been aiding the two's escapes on a Hawkzile is confronted by Hyuuga, who mocks him and laughs. Frau is angered by the comment and the two clash weapons as they fight to recover the Eye. As Teito and the Eye of Mikhail fall from their Hawkzile, it becomes apparent that both of them cannot be saved. Frau chooses to grab Teito Klein, allowing Hyuuga to take the Eye of Mikhail and escape, where he rides back the Ribidzile and delivers it to Ayanami. After an intervention by Labrador- The Black Hawks continue on their journey to Antwort. Antwort War Arc. Sometime before the Black Hawks set off for Antwort, Hyuuga was approached by Field Marshal Wakaba Oak who recognised him as a subordinate of Ayanami. Wakaba asked Hyuuga to take his son, Shuri, to Ayanami, something Hyuuga reluctantly agreed too- fearing punishment if he refused. Later, the Black Hawks prepare to enter Antwort's airspace, and Hyuuga is with Ayanami. Just then, Shuri Oak appears, and loudly complains that the ship is "smaller than Papa's" but "suitable". Shuri suddenly introduces himself as Ayanami's begleiter, much to Hyuuga's confusion. Hyuuga questions Shuri on this, and Shuri says Shuri's father and Ayanami's superior, had told him he had been made Ayanami's begleiter. This annoys Ayanami, who had not been informed of this by Wakaba, and causes Hyuuga to panic, as he had brought him on board the ship. Ayanami demands to know who brought the "garbage" on board, something Shuri also demands to know- not realising the 'garbage' is him, and Hyuuga raises his hand. He is kicked by Ayanami as punishment. Start of conflict. The Black Hawks approach Antwort, where they are spotted by lookouts. The soldiers do nothing, confident that their anti-battleship shield will block any attack and deter them. Ayanami then conjures up an enormous Zaiphon, and fires it at the shield- destroying it in a single blow. Despite the country having advanced defences, they have no means to defend themselves against a Warsfeil.  Antwort forces begin to panic- quickly realising they are no longer fighting normal humans, and they fire their cannons at the approaching ships. The attacks do not make contact, as they are blocked by a Zaiphon shield surrounding the Ribidziles. Ayanami tells Shuri Oak that his begleiters are expected to fight on the front line. Hyuuga then grabs Shuri by the coat and hangs him out of the Ribidzile. Informing him that the location was "satisfactory" and cheerfully wishing him luck, Hyuuga drops Shuri- who survives the fall and is eventually saved by Konatsu Warren. Storming the castle. With the shield now broken, the fleet lands on the plaza in front of Antwort's Royal Palace- meaning reinforcements from the coast will be unable to travel to and defend the palace in time. The country's men scramble, revealing that Antwort doesn't actually have the capacity to fend off Warsfeil, as their weapons have no effect against their Zaiphon. As Kuroyuri uses his/her Wars to kill the remaining guards. Hyuuga enters the battle, and single-handedly destroys the fort defending the palace. He quickly kills the guards inside but is then confronted by two combat slaves, Yukinami and Suzunami, guarding the entrance further into the palace. The duo's combination makes it difficult for the Barsburg lieutenant to progress, and he is caught between their crossing swords. However, he somehow manages to get free and causes the twins to cut down more of their own men. Aftermath. After Antwort has been conquered, Hyuuga approaches Ayanami with the battle sklaves he caught and handcuffed, and presents them to him as souvenirs. Ayanami informs them (Yuki and Suzu) that since King Antwort is dead, they are now free- much to Hyuuga's shock. Once released, Suzu excitedly speaks to Hyuuga, praising his ability as a Black Hawk and asking to meet their King. Hyuuga, unable to understand the Raggs language, smiles and pats Suzunami on the head. Hausen House Arc. Return from Antwort. Hyuuga waits with the rest of the Black Hawks as Ayanami is in a meeting with Wakaba Oak. When the two arrive, a tearful Shuri Oak runs into his father's arms and is comforted by him. This prompts Hyuuga to laugh, and he joke that Konatsu Warren has been abusing Shuri (as an explanation for the battle wounds that Hyuuga caused by dropping him) which causes Konatsu to shout at Hyuuga for joking about such a thing in front of Shuri's father. He traps Kuroyuri in a one-armed hug when he/she asks if he/she can kill Shuri. When Wakaba, after seeing how attached Shuri has become to Konatsu, places Shuri under Konatsu's care, Hyuuga restrains him (Konatsu) using a full nelson before he can attack Shuri. The Black Hawks later return to their office, and Hyuuga initially appears to be quietly working on his paperwork. However, when Konatsu comes closer to get some documents signed, he sees that Hyuuga has actually drawn a picture of Ayanami on the documents instead. Hyuuga thus incurs Konatsu's wrath but he (Konatsu) then notices that Suzunami is using the wrong seal to stamp the documents. With Konatsu distracted with finding the correct staff seal, Hyuuga begins using Suzu's stamp, and compliments him (Suzu) on his crafting ability. Raggs Castle Arc. Hyuuga stands with Ayanami, overlooking the Barsburg Church, and watches with amusement as Ayanami (controlling a soldier of the 6th District) attacks Teito Klein. When Ayanami expresses his frustration at why Teito is uncorrupted, Hyuuga asks whether Teito is the real Raggs Prince, as the King of Raggs "had no children". Ayanami tells Hyuuga of the 'black history of the Raggs Kingdom': the birth and death of Wahrheit Tiashe Raggs, who was the child of Krom and a concubine. Hyuuga questions which one, Teito or the dead infant, is the imposter, and Ayanami assures him that the possessor of the Eye of Mikhail is the real Prince. He then informs Hyuuga that Fea Kreuz had sealed Teito's memories to protect the Eye of Mikhail and Pandora's Box, and reveals the he (Ayanami) and Miroku Barsburg had hoped to return Pandora's Box to the Church in order to bolster the military's reputation. As Konatsu Warren arrives, informing them that preparations to enter the church have been made, Hyuuga asks Ayanami what he prays for, and Ayanami answers: "God's demise". Manga Synopsis. Later in the series, he is shown to fight Frau in the Hawkzile race, stating babysitting is a pain and he should have clipped Teito's wings a long time ago. The fight seems evenly matched, until he is stabbed in the chest, much to his shock, and retreats after Ayanami successfully captures Teito. Hyuuga later makes a full recovery, probably due to him being a Warsfiel, and plays along in the ploy to make Teito believe he has been in Hohburg Fortress all along and is acting as Ayanami's Begleiter. Hyuuga, as per usual, is by Ayanami's side during the princess's ball, as the two await for the Ghosts to arrive. Hyuuga was surprised when Ayanami mentioned there's someone here that is not a ghost, upon noticing the appearance of the shadow man. When the ghosts arrived, Hyuuga narrowly avoided being attacked by Labrador's plants as he follows Ayanami, and Labrador announced that he (Labrador) will be Hyuuga's opponent. Later, it is revealed in a flashback that Labrador offered Hyuuga a darkness-eating flower seed so that Hyuuga could protect Ayanami, and Hyuuga accepted the seed despite Labrador warning him that he (Hyuuga) might be devoured. After battling Katsuragi, Hyuuga seemed to have died, but manga chapter 96 reveals that he is alive, though it is likely that he will no longer be able to use black magic. At the end of the manga, Hyuuga and Konatsu are the only Black Hawks confirmed to have remained in the Barsburg military.
# Hyuuga/Relationships Hyuuga is one of the main antagonists of the" 07-Ghost" series. He is one of Ayanami&apos;s subordinates holding the position as Major (which is sometimes translated as Lieutenant Commander) of the Black Hawks and often acts as Ayanami&apos;s bodyguard. He is a Warsfeil. Hyuuga is recognised by his tall stature, distinctive black sunglasses, eating of a candy apple (or lolly pop), and the light smile he almost always wears on his face. He is always joking, being silly and not acting seriously. Despite this, he is very skilled with the Katana (a Japanese sword) and almost uses it to perfection, being the one who killed Weldeschtein Krom Raggs&apos;s bodyguards during the Raggs War. As of Kapitel 89, he seems to have died when he fought against Katsuragi, who was confirmed to be the missing Ghost Landkarte. However, Kapitel 96 reveals that he is alive but still recovering. Superiors. Hyyuga demonstrates a more reserved and polite approach to most of his superiors, such as Wakaba Oak, and carries out their wishes, though this may be due to fear of punishment rather than respect for them. However, while Hyuuga may be more polite than usual, he still questions the orders given. Wakaba Oak. Hyuuga behaves politely around Wakaba, following his orders, albeit out of fear instead of agreement. He appears to have little respect for the field-marshal, as he was a willing participant in his death, showed little sadness, and jokingly remarks that it "wont be long until they find that" when speaking of his dead body. Hyuuga also doesn't mind abandoning Wakaba's son, Shuri, in the middle of an enemy camp where he might get killed. Ayanami. Hyuuga and Ayanami are both two of the earliest members of the Black Hawks, and they both fought in the Raggs War. This, along with the fact that Hyuuga and Ayanami were classmates at a military school, means they have known each other for around two decades. However, their different personalities often cause them to be at odds with each other, with Hyuuga's jovial nature seeming unprepared for Ayanami's seriousness. Hyuuga, in turn, attempts to balance this out and is determined to make Ayanami have fun. He pointedly ignores his boss's reluctance. Hyuuga treats Ayanami as more of a friend or someone he likes than a superior, adopting a playful lack of respect when addressing him- giving him the pet-name 'Aya-tan'. His sense of familiarity with Ayanami is further shown in his actions, as he repeatedly and casually ignores his superior's personal boundaries, such as when he pulls his candy apple out of his own mouth and offers it to Ayanami, and tends to stand very close to him. Hyuuga is often very cheery and jocular when around Ayanami and seems to take delight in seeing how far he can tease him before he reacts. Hyuuga seems well aware that Ayanami cares about him, and is guilty of taking advantage of this and it results in him deliberately pushing his boundaries. Unlike with his other superiors, Hyuuga is confident enough that Ayanami wouldn't severely punish him to make fun of Ayanami, like saying his hat grows on his head. In one of the Drama CDs, Hyuuga is shown to be the one that wants to cheer Ayanami up and to be by Ayanami's side when he is sad. Despite Ayanami's stoicism, Hyuuga has learnt to read him, and is usually the only Black Hawk who notices when something is bothering him. Hyuuga is utterly devoted to serving Ayanami, and values Ayanami's life above his own, shown when he risks his own safety to protect him. While the other Black Hawks worship Verloren, Hyuuga appearas to respect his superior both as Verloren and as Ayanami, meaning that he is not afraid to address Ayanami on an emotional level, such as when he spoke to him about Yukikaze. Despite his normally cheerful disposition, Hyuuga becomes easily annoyed when anyone speaks ill of Ayanami (he cuts the belts of three admirals who were speaking unkindly about Ayanami), or tries to harm him (Hyuuga recognises Labrador as Ayanami's attacker who severed his arm, and tries to cut off Labrador's arm in revenge). Hyuuga has sworn an oath to Ayanami that he would protect him, and appeared appalled with himself when he once failed. His anger with himself and the Bishop that injured Ayanami caused him to take a personal vendetta against Labrador, despite never having met him before. Hyuuga cares about Ayanami to the extent that he is not above accepting help from their enemies if it means he can protect Ayanami, as shown when he allowed himself to be devoured by a darkness-eating flower seed that Labrador gave him so he could protect Ayanami. Peers. Konatsu. Konatsu is Hyuuga's Begleiter/Companion/Escort and he often uses this to his advantage to dump his workload on him. Hyuuga enjoys teasing and pulling pranks on Konatsu. Despite this, Hyuuga truly cares for Konatsu and is protective of him, as shown when he interferes at the last moment to defend his Begleiter from Landkarte's attempt to kill him. After Hyuuga realizes how dangerous Landkarte is, he orders Konatsu to stay out of the fight, and sacrifices himself to protect Ayanami and Konatsu. Konatsu is shown to be shocked and devastated at Hyuuga's 'death'. Kuroyuri. Hyuuga and Kuroyuri are seen interacting very little, but Hyuuga obviously cares about Kuroyuri's feelings and well-being. In the side chapter 'Platonic cafe' Hyuuga challenges Haruse to a duel because he wanted to make sure Haruse could defend himself if he was attacked, before Kuroyuri became too attached to him: as Hyuuga was worried that if Haruse died, Kuroyuri would be upset. Due to Hyuuga's friendly nature, he finds himself unable to say 'no' to Kuroyuri, and is often bullied by him/her into eating his/her unappetizing cooking. In the same side chapter, it is revealed that before Haruse was recruited, Hyuuga was the one that took care of Kuroyuri. While they usually get along well, Kuroyuri is sometimes annoyed by certain things Hyuuga says and does, and does not hesitate to respond with angry words or violent actions, as shown when he/she once shouted and kicked Hyuuga off a balcony after Hyuuga tried to challenge Haruse to a duel. Haruse. Hyuuga and Haruse rarely interact but in 'Platonic cafe' Hyuuga was shown to accept him as a member of the Black Hawks almost immediately. Hyuuga was the person that first brought up the idea of Haruse becoming Kuroyuri's Begleiter. Hyuuga thinks of Haruse as naive, but he also said it is something he wouldn't want to change about Haruse. Subordinates. Suzunami. Hyuuga admired Suzunami's strength and proposed to Ayanami that they let them join the Black Hawks. Hyuuga appears to like Suzu, as he 'talks' to him often despite the language barrier between them. They also share an interest in art. Yukinami. Hyuuga likes and has a fairly good relationship with Yukinami. Shuri Oak. Hyuuga doesn't seem to have much respect for Shuri, as the only reason he brought him aboard the Ayanami's ship was because Wakaba Oak's insistence. After bringing him to Antwort, Hyuuga willingly drops him in the center of an enemy camp during the Black Hawk's siege of Antwort, and doesn't comfort him when his father dies. Enemies. Zehel (Frau). Hyuuga seems to have a rivalry with Frau, as the two are often seen fighting each other during battles, although the fights usually close and usually end with Frau's victory. Hyuuga seems to know that Frau is attached to Teito, and has once explained to Frau that Ayanami will steal Teito away from him, which causes Frau to sacrifice the Eye of Mikhail to save Teito. Labrador. Labrador's relationships with Hyuuga is unclear. However, it is likely that Labrador dislikes Hyuuga, as he is a member of Black Hawks and one of Ayanami's subordinates. In Kapitel 89, it was shown in a flashback of Hyuuga's that he accepted a darkness-eating flower seed from Labrador, in order to protect his 'important person', Ayanami, despite Labrador's warning that Hyuuga might be devoured as well. Teito Klein. Being a loyal subordinate of Verloren/Ayanami, Hyuuga has done almost as much to harm Teito as Ayanami. During the Raggs War, Hyuuga killed one of Teito's father's bodyguards, and pursued the fleeing Teito and Fea Kreuz. Unlike Ayanami, Hyuuga does not seem to harbor any resentment towards him, as he at times question whether Teito must be Ayanami's personal enemy and when Teito was brainwashed and joined the Black Hawks, Hyuuga was friendly towards him, offering Teito a lollipop when he woke up and did not protest and even helped when Ayanami killed Wakaba Oak to keep Teito safe longer despite it being a very serious crime, showing while not hesitating to attack Teito when ordered, he is fully able to get along with and show kindness and care for him unlike Ayanami. He also acknowledged Teito's skill, apparently considering that there are rare individuals able to rival Teito, as he was impressed by the Antwort Twins's ability to be equal to Teito enough that he asked them to be part of the Black Hawks. However, Teito is more suspicious than accepting of him.
# Hyuuga/Trivia Hyuuga is one of the main antagonists of the" 07-Ghost" series. He is one of Ayanami&apos;s subordinates holding the position as Major (which is sometimes translated as Lieutenant Commander) of the Black Hawks and often acts as Ayanami&apos;s bodyguard. He is a Warsfeil. Hyuuga is recognised by his tall stature, distinctive black sunglasses, eating of a candy apple (or lolly pop), and the light smile he almost always wears on his face. He is always joking, being silly and not acting seriously. Despite this, he is very skilled with the Katana (a Japanese sword) and almost uses it to perfection, being the one who killed Weldeschtein Krom Raggs&apos;s bodyguards during the Raggs War. As of Kapitel 89, he seems to have died when he fought against Katsuragi, who was confirmed to be the missing Ghost Landkarte. However, Kapitel 96 reveals that he is alive but still recovering. Etymology. Hyuuga&apos;s name may have come from the Ise-class Japanese battleship of the same name. His name follows the trend of Black Hawks being named after ships. In some parts of Japan, 'konatsu', a citric fruit, is sometimes called 'hyuuga natsu'. Konatsu is also the name of Hyuuga's Begleiter and one of his fellow Black Hawks. Early 07-Ghost. Hyuuga&apos;s first appearance was in the second pilot chapter, Begleiter. Hyuuga&apos;s physical appearance has not changed much. His face was more narrow and his hair was much shorter than it is in the finalised series, although this could simply be because of the art style evolving as opposed to a change in his design. However, his appearance was tweaked slightly. He appears to have been made shorter, as early Hyuuga was a full head taller than Ayanami, yet the current Hyuuga is only two inches taller. Hyuuga also carried only one sword at his belt, instead of the two katana he does in the finalised series. Hyuuga does not have a major role in the chapter, and appears alongside characters Ayanami and Yukinami. When Yukinami feels he isn&apos;t a good enough Begleiter for Ayanami, Hyuuga tells him about Yukikaze&apos;s death and encourages Yukinami to not give up. In a meeting, Hyuuga later confronts Ayanami about his inability to forget Yukikaze, which has made him (Ayanami) reluctant to accept Yukinami. When Prisoner D-431 attacks Ayanami, Hyuuga jumps in front of his superior and cuts down the criminal. Differences in the manga and anime. Appearance. In the manga, Hyuuga&apos;s eyes are red. In the anime his eyes are a baby blue colour.
# Hyuuga vs Konatsu Summary. Konatsu announces himself, enters Hyuuga's room and finds Hyuuga asleep. Konatsu shouts that Hyuuga is already an hour late for work, and tries to wake Hyuuga, but to no avail. He then makes a loud smacking sound with a belt, finally waking Hyuuga, who panics, thinking that Ayanami is about to punish him. Hyuuga tells Konatsu that he had been having a nightmare, in which Ayanami forced him to keep popping bubblewrap and punished him with a whip when he questioned the meaning of his task. Hyuuga remarks that such a task is cruel, expecting Konatsu to agree with him, but Konatsu merely replies that if Hyuuga doesn't hurry and get going, he "will be in the position of inexcusably popping bubblewrap." Konatsu informs Hyuuga that his military uniform and some hot coffee have been prepared, to Hyuuga's delight. As Hyuuga praises Konatsu for being thoughtful and starts to thank him, Konatsu looks at a vase in Hyuuga's room and accidentally spills the coffee on Hyuuga's lap. Hyuuga shouts that his "children are dying", but Konatsu ignores this and asks Hyuuga why he is in possession of such a vase. Hyuuga replies that it is a vase that makes bosses kinder, and that he bought the vase for Ayanami to become kinder. Konatsu states that he had also bought the vase before, but at a much lower price than the one Hyuuga had paid. Hyuuga is shocked by this, and the two decide to consult Katsuragi. Katsuragi states that both Hyuuga's and Konatsu's vases are worth only 5000 Yuus (Barsburg currency; 1 yuus=2 yen). Upset, Konatsu calls himself foolish for relying on an object and resolves to continue working hard. Katsuragi mutters that Hyuuga will "sabotage" Konatsu's hard work, then tells Hyuuga and Konatsu that "those kinds of people (the sellers of such vases) are able to see through their target's gait in an instant and reliably predict the peak value the target would pay, then demand said value."  Hyuuga says that he will ask the man who sold him the vase if it is the genuine article. Katsuragi advises Hyuuga to arrest the man instead. At that moment, Konatsu loses his temper, and the chapter ends with Hyuuga in pain again, possibly because Konatsu attacked him.
Hyuuga vs Konatsu
# I will send you to jesus
I will send you to jesus
# Illegal Traders
Illegal Traders
# Imperial Guard The Imperial Guard is the body that guards the Barsburg Church. They work to capture and even execute criminals for crimes against the Church. It is unknown when the Imperial Guard was founded or who founded them, but it could have been the Pope, as he was seen with several of them as guards prior to the Raggs War, their earliest appearance. They act as guards, police and crime scene investigators. The Imperial Guard are tasked with guarding Light Dungeon, as well as the rooms of the higher-ranking bishops, but despite this, do not have unlimited access around the Church. As the Imperial Guard were under the influence of the Pope, it is unknown what has happened to them after his death, though they could be under Jio's command now. History. The History of the Imperial Guard is unknown, other than they have been active for over 10 years, as the Pope was seen with several of them as guards (manga chapter 43). Pre-Raggs War. It is unknown when the Imperial Guard were founded, but it was obviously before the Raggs War, and it is likely to be the Pope (or a Pope) who had founded them, as they were seen obeying his orders. During the Raggs War. The Imperial guard were following the orders of the Pope during the Raggs War. They were aware of the Pope's plan to revieve Verloren and appeared to have no problem with it, or if they did, they did not voice it. The Imperial Guard were seen on watch when Pandora's Box was being changed, and attacked Fea Kreuz when he grabbed Teito and attempted to escape. Post-Raggs War. The Imperial Guard remained active after the fall of Raggs. It is unknown if they still acted in the interests of the Pope after the series start. Uniform. Similar to the bishops in the Church, the Imperial Guard wear a dark blue cassock with white trimming on the collar under a long, white robe that reaches the ankles. Despite its length, the robe does not appear to impede movement. They wear protective, black plating on their chests with the insignia of the Barsburg cross, and long, flipper-like plates on each shoulder. They wield spears. Manga synopsis. Frau's arrest. The Imperial Guard made their first appearance when Frau was attempting to revive a criminal Kuroyuri had mutilated. They rushed into the room after hearing the commotion inside, and found Frau holding the Warsfeil dagger without a seal, which a normal human should not be able to do, leading them to believe he had been corrupted by a Wars. The Guard arrested him, took him to Light Dungeon and planned to execute him. However, he was proven innocent by Hakuren and Teito Klein who discovered the real criminal was Bastien, after which they released him. The Hausen House. The Imperial Guard also appeared at the Hausen House after Teito collected the Cursed Ticket of the House, and attempted to arrest Teito for what they perceived as an attempt to expose the Hausen House's crimes to the public. However, Frau (with Capella) arrived in time to rescue Teito, and defeated the Imperial Guard, leaving them lying unconscious on the floor before escaping with Teito and Capella. Frau also erased the Imperial Guard's memories before leaving. The Almarz Residence. At the Almarz Residence, the Imperial Guard were briefly seen when they arrested Rena's uncle Ugur, his wife and Nyx.
Imperial Guard
# Infiltration by the Black Hawks The Infiltration by the Black Hawks was a highly clandestine operation, unbeknownst to even the Barsburg Imperial Army, carried out by Warsfeil group, The Black Hawks. The Barsburg Church was infiltrated at the orders of Miroku Barsburg after it is revealed that Teito Klein holds the Eye of Mikhail. Following the death of Assistant Archbishop Bastien, the barrier was repaired which severely limited the movement and abilities of the two Black Hawks within the Church. They were forced to make changes to their plan, and their attempt to steal the Eye of Mikhail proved successful. Their trespassing was masqueraded as an easier route towards Antwort which allowed them to evade punishment. Background. Pre-Raggs War. Before the Raggs War began, Antwort, an ally of the Raggs Kingdom (as the princess of Antwort was married to the Raggs King), seceded from the alliance between the two countries. Raggs War. The Raggs War prompted the Kingdom of Antwort to arm themselves. The original container for Pandora's Box was taken to Antwort. War with Antwort. Raggs' fall caused the Barsburg Empire to search for the Eye of Mikhail, not just in Raggs but in the neighbouring countries that had once allied themselves with Raggs. A war with Antwort began. Reappearance of the Eye of Mikhail. Roughly ten years after the Raggs War, the son of the Raggs King (having learnt of his true origins) attempted to assassinate the Barsburg army's Chief of Staff, a participant in the Raggs War and killer of the Raggs King. The assassination attempt failed and Teito was imprisoned. However, with the help of his friend he was able to escape the district and flee to a nearby Church. Mikage Celestine, friend of the now District 1 fugitive, Teito Klein, and accomplice in his escape, was possessed by Chief of Staff Ayanami and sent to the Barsburg Church to retrieve Teito, in order to bring charges of treason against him. During a fight between the boys, the Eye of Mikhail, thought to have been lost but actually in Teito's possession, revealed itself. Though Mikage was later defeated and killed, the reappearance of the Eye sparked fears that the Church would use it as a weapon, prompting the military to make plans to retrieve it. History leading up to conflict. The infiltration continued from when the Black Hawks had entered during the Wars Attacks. Attacking the Ghosts. While Bastien was fighting, Kuroyuri, Haruse and two other spies pose as an acolyte, a Bishop and Imperial Guardsmen respectively to gain access into Light Dungeon. Noting the disappearance of the two guards, Haruse leaves Kuroyuri to enter the dungeon alone while he confronts Labrador, who had subdued the guards after noticing they were imposters. Labrador infects Haruse with a plant that eats Wars, weakening him. Kuroyuri find Frau in his cell, and attacks him but it turns out to be a doll. He/she is then confronted by many Castor dolls. Kuroyuri is then attacked by Castor, who fights and ensnares the Black Hawk with his ghost strings and probes his/her soul so he is able to talk to Ayanami, who holds the other half of Kuroyuri's soul. Ayanami recognises Castor as the Ghost Fest, and Castor takes advantage of the link between Kuroyuri and Ayanami, and uses it to interrogate and torture Ayanami. However Kuroyuri uses his/her Wars which separates the two and Kuroyuri escapes with Haruse, who is slowly being eaten by Labrador's flowers. Bastien's death. During the battle between Teito Klein and Bastien, Teito is swallowed by the darkness of Bastien's Wars. The Eye of Mikhail awakens and attempts to destroy the darkness around him, and Mikhail gravely injures Bastien during the fight, but is prevented from killing him by Teito. Bastien then attacks a distracted Teito and begins to consume him with darkness. To protect his vessel from being killed, Mikhail absorbs the Wars and stores it in the Eye of Mikhail. After this, Zehel, who has separated from his physical body, appears on the scene. The Wars within Bastien, caused from years of using dangerous dark magic, starts to become hostile, and Bastien begins to realise the many crimes he has committed. Saying one last goodbye to Frau, he commands the God to kill him, saying that a god must not hesitate. Frau euthanizes him. The death of Bastien meant that the barrier around the Church was repaired, which severely limited the movement and abilities of the two Black Hawks within the Barsburg Church. They were forced onto the rooftops, and had to make changes to their plan. Decision to send the Black Hawks to Antwort. Leader of the Black Hawks and military strategist, Ayanami, meets with other high-ranking officers about the Antwort War. He disagrees with the generals' war tactics, which offends them, and they suggest he personally see to the matter. The generals agree to send the Black Hawks to Antwort with an army of 1000 soldiers. To spite them, Ayanami agrees, and remarks that he will only need 500 men. The conflict. Following the bungled attempt to kill the Ghosts at the Church, the Black Hawks instead turned their attentions to the Eye of Mikhail.  Capturing Teito. The general's decision to enlist the Black Hawks in the Antwort War provided Ayanami with the ideal alibi for entering District 7 (a no fly zone for military aircraft) to recover Kuroyuri and Haruse. The change of plan is relayed to the two Black Hawks trapped within the Church. Kuroyuri then manipulates the Wars that had earlier become trapped in the Eye of Mikhail to possess Teito Klein, incapacitating him in the process, and transports him to the rooftops of the Church- where the two Warsfeil can move freely. Hakuren Oak, who had seen this and attempted to help Teito, was accidentally absorbed and teleported too, much to the surprise of Kuroyuri and Haruse. Hakuren protests but is then knocked unconscious by Haruse with a punch to the gut, and taken aboard the Hawkzile with Teito, and the two Black Hawks attempt to drive back to the Ribidzile containing the remaining Black Hawks which has now entered District 7. When they are in the air, Hakuren recovers and attempts to attack the Black Hawks. Haruse notices movement behind them and blocks one of Hakuren's attacks, which instead destroys a portion of the Hawkzile- resulting in the still unconscious Teito being thrown overboard. Hakuren dives after him, and both are saved by Frau, who had mounted a Hawkzile following Teito's abduction and arrived in time to catch them. The waking of Mikhail. Frau pours holy water on Teito, which weakens the Wars inside him but cannot destroy it. Mikhail wakes, and Frau implores him to remove the Eye (as the Wars resides in the Eye) but he is ignored. As their Hawkzile flies close to the Ribidzile where Ayanami is, Frau is alarmed that his scythe starts reacting to someone on board the Ribidzile. Distracted by this, he is unable to defend the Hawkzile from another Black Hawk, Hyuuga, who confronts them and cuts their vehicle in half. Frau, Hakuren and Teito are separated as they fall. Hyyuga prepares to land a killing blow, but Castor had followed Frau's pursuit and uses his Ghost strings to stop Hyuuga's arm from moving. He (Castor) then catches a falling Hakuren and takes him to safety. Removal of the Eye. Frau hijacks another Hawkzile, but Mikhail struggles to open his wings as he falls because the Wars has weakened his power. Haruse and Kuroyuri pursue him, and Mikhail prepares to attack Kuroyuri. This angers Haruse, and he (Haruse) pushes Kuroyuri out of the way and restrains Mikhail using the Wars. Ayanami demands Haruse switch places with him but Haruse refuses, knowing he is being sapped of power by Labrador's flowers. Kuroyuri orders Haruse to retreat, but Haruse uses his remaining power to force more Wars into the Eye of Mikhail- which forces Mikhail absorb more darkness and eventually leave Teito's body (successfully separating the Eye from Teito) to protect his vessel's soul from being eaten by the darkness. The resulting explosion, from Mikhail releasing Lv. 40 as he leaves, destroys a large portion of the ground below and leaves Haruse without a soul. Capture of the Eye. The, now separated, Eye of Mikhail and Teito Klein fall from the Hawkzile. Frau gives chase and is soon confronted by Hyuuga, also chasing the Eye, who mocks him and laughs that 'Aya-tan will take everything precious away from you'. Frau is angered by the comment and attacks Hyuuga with his scythe, which Hyuuga blocks and a fight begins- with Hyuuga using his sword against Frau's scythe. As Teito and the Eye of Mikhail fall from the sky, it becomes apparent that Frau cannot catch both of them. Frau then chooses to grab Teito, allowing Hyuuga to take the Eye of Mikhail and escape, where he delivers it to Ayanami on board the Ribidzile. Teito is furious that Frau caught him (Teito) and let the Eye of Mikhail go, but Frau calms him. Retreat. Once the Eye has been taken, Labrador appears and reminds Ayanami that military aircraft are prevented from entering the 7th District. Ayanami replies that they travel to Antwort and are unable to go through any other route because of strong wind currents from the North. He then asks to pass through District 7, and Labrador relays his message to The Pope. The Pope allows the ships passage, and shows them the shortest route through the District. Aftermath. The Eye remains in the possession of the Barsburg Armed Forces till Kapitel 85. The raid on the Barsburg Church. The very public removal of the Eye of Mikhail caused the Barsburg Armed Forces to release a (false) statement that the blast was caused by the Eye of Raphael malfunctioning- to quash any hope former citizens of Raggs had of the Eye of Mikhail's return.  Field Marshal Wakaba Oak held a meeting with other high-ranking officers about the discovery of the Eye. Wakaba feared that the emergence of someone who is able to use the Eye poses a possibility of reviving the Raggs Kingdom, and the arrival of a new Prince of Raggs could also trigger a revolt from the Seven Houses of God. This would threaten the Empire's hold of the seven Districts. Wakaba orders the vessel to the Eye be immediately found and eliminated.
Infiltration by the Black Hawks
# Itchy spot Kapitel 4: Itchy spotかゆいところ "Kayui tokoro "
Itchy spot
# Jealous Line Kapitel 6: (Lit.) Jealous lineやきもちのライン "Yakimochi no rain "
Jealous Line
# Jigg Jigg is a minor character who appeared in the Hawkzile Race.
# Jigg and Peria
Jigg and Peria
# Jio Jio is a minor protagonist in the 07 Ghost anime and manga series. Jio is the Archbishop at the Barsburg Church, making him the leader of the bishops. He is one of the few who knows about the existence of the Seven Ghosts, as well as their identities. Jio is easily recognised by his one scarred eye, though it is unknown how it was damaged. After the Pope's death, it is likely that Jio succeeded him. Etymology. Jio's name may be a variant of the Italian name 'Giovanni'. The name 'Giovanni' itself is a variant of the name 'John', one of Jesus's disciples and means 'God is gracious'. It is worth noting that Jio's name is 'Oji' reversed, and 'Oji' can mean 'elderly man' in Japanese. This could be a wordplay on Jio's age and Frau's opinion of him. Appearance. Physical appearance. Jio is a very tall and intimidating man, who towers over most people. Though his official height is unknown, Jio is shown to be roughly the same size as Frau, putting him somewhere around 190 cm. His build is very stocky and muscular, with a thick neck, and large hands. Jio's face is very masculine, with a strong jaw, and a square face, with a large, straight nose, narrowed brown eyes that appear red from a distance and a large mouth with full lips. One of Jio's most notable features is the jagged scar running across the right side of his face and across his right eye, preventing him from opening it. His hair is black, or a very dark grey in colour, and when he takes off his hat is shown to be quite long and spiked upwards. He has thick eyebrows as well as a thick moustache of the same colour. Jio also appears to be quite old, as he has wrinkles round his eyes and marionette lines around his mouth. Clothing. Jio wears a more elaborate form of the Bishop's robes. Personality. Jio is diligent in his work as an Archbishop and places a lot of importance on doing the job to the best of standards. He is authoritative and rule-abiding, and makes sure others do the same. He is shown to be concerned with how others think of the Church and believes a Bishop should look and act the part in order to maintain an image of a respectable member of the clergy. In keeping with his authoritative nature, Jio tries to interact with others in a solely professional manner. He calls others by their ranks and not their names and expects them to do the same to him. Despite appearing physically intimindating, he is kind and welcoming to those he is tasked with helping, and smiles to make those around him feel more at ease. He is also a modest man, as when the woman he helped thanked him, Jio dismissed the compliment and said that it was due to the woman's spirit. Jio has a very short temper and little patience when it comes to those who break the rules, and is easily angered, prone to violent outbursts, and not above using violence to discipline those around him. However, he calms down just as quickly, usually by drinking tea. Bastien comments that Jio has a high blood pressure. Jio is also quite intelligent, as he was quick to realise something was wrong when Warsfeil began appearing in the Church despite the barrier, and correctly guessed that there was a traitor within the Church. Relationships. Subordinates. Bastien. Bastien was Jio's assistant. Jio trusted and respected Bastien, as he let Bastien take care of him, and confided in him when he thought something was amiss. Although Jio did believe there were spies in the Church, he never thought to suspect Bastien as being one of them, and entrusted Bastien with several clandestine missions on discovering the traitor's identity. Jio was saddened by Bastien's betrayal. Frau. Jio and Frau do not interact much, but Jio appears to dislike Frau's reckless and disobedient nature. He thinks Frau is a terrible example of a Bishop, but does not consider him a lost cause, as he attempts to steer Frau on the right path, reminding him of the rules and his manners whenever Frau forgets them. Despite Jio thinking little of Frau as a Bishop, he trusts his judgement as a Ghost. Although Frau is an adult, Jio refers to him as 'that boy'. As the Archbishop, Jio is aware of Frau's true identity as the Ghost Zehel.  Castor. Jio does not interact much with Castor, but seems to get along well with him. As the Archbishop, Jio is aware of Castor's true identity as the Ghost Fest. Labrador. Jio does not interact much with Labrador, but seems to get along well with him. As the Archbishop, Jio is aware of Labrador's true identity as the Ghost Profe. Previous generation of Seven Ghosts. One of the members of the previous generation of Seven Ghosts once mentioned Jio, referring to him respectfully as 'Jio-sama'. This suggests that Jio was acquainted with the previous generation of Seven Ghosts, and that they respected him. Teito Klein. Jio and Teito spend very little time with each other, but are aware of each other's respective positions as Archbishop and the vessel of the Eye of Mikhail and Pandora's Box. In the future, Teito goes on to succeed Jio as Pope. History. Jio's history is virtually unknown, though he has obviously been Archbishop for some time, long enough to become familiar with Bastien and the Seven Ghosts. It is possible that he was already Archbishop at the time of the Raggs War, as one of the Ghosts at that time mentioned him, referring to him with the honorific suffix '-sama'. He has a large scar over his right eye, but it is unknown how he got this scar. After the Pope's death, it is likely that Jio succeeded him. Manga Synopsis. The child with a Kor. Jio first appears before a large crowd of people, along with the other Bishops. A woman suddenly rushes towards them all, holding a small child in her arms that had been tainted by the likes of a Kor. After the child has been healed, he is introduced to Teito by Bishops Frau, Castor and Labrador. Mikage's death. Jio is seen again when Frau suggests skipping mass. He grabs Frau, hits him, and tells him mass is unavoidable. Wars Attacks. Jio is next seen in a meeting with other high-ranking members of the clergy where they discuss the threat of Verloren's revival, the increasing presence of Kor in the Church, and the appearance of a Wars the previous night. Frau's arrest. After Frau had been falsely imprisoned due to Kuroyuri framing him, Jio is seen sitting in his office and talking with Bastien, his assistant. Upon hearing about Frau's situation, he chides Frau, calling him a 'stupid child', and wonders about the circumstances surrounding his arrest. He also tells Bastien of his suspicions of Barsburg spies working within the Church grounds, something which is later proven when Bastien is revealed to be a spy. Bastien's letter. Later, Jio is briefly seen being given a letter written by Bastien, and reading the letter. Through the letter, he discovers Bastien's betrayal, and is shown to feel sad about it.  Raggs War. In a flashback of the Raggs War, Jio was mentioned by one of the previous Seven Ghosts.  Post-timeskip. He was eventually succeeded by Teito as Pope, which means that he either had died by then or retired.
# Kai-Kai Bugs Kai-Kai bugs are a type of insect that Fea Kreuz Raggs told Teito Klein about, as revealed in a flashback. When Teito was a child and refused to take a bath, Kreuz said that Kai-Kai bugs would crawl into Teito's body. In turn, Teito warned Capella about this when he refused to take a bath. However, their existence in the series is debatable, as Kreuz could have just been making it all up in order to trick Teito into taking a bath as Frau had never heard of Kai-Kai bugs before. Ecology. If they are indeed real, Kai-Kai bugs can be assumed to thrive in dirty or unhygienic conditions.
Kai-Kai Bugs
# Kapitel 1 Kapitel 1: Escape is the first chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2005 in Japan, and November 29, 2008 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5193-4 and 978-1-60510-032-6 respectively. Summary. The story introduces the main character Teito Klein, who is a former battle slave and young student at Barsburg Military Academy, a military school that trains its pupils to become soldiers. Teito is Chairman Miroku's star pupil at the academy, but is plagued with recurring dreams of the past which he struggles to remember completely. Because Teito used to be a slave, he is routinely bullied by many of the pupils in the school (most of them from noble families), but mainly Shuri Oak, the son of respected Field-Marshal Wakaba Oak. Teito and his best, and only friend, Mikage are getting ready for the final exam of the year, the Begleiter Exam, which they need to pass if they wish to graduate and become begleiters. The exam is notoriously difficult, with only 20 of the 500 candidates being able to pass, and the students are required to kill a criminal, which turns out to be a Troll. During the exam Teito saves the life of his tormentor, Shuri Oak, but Teito refuses to kill the criminal he is supposed too, which disappoints his superiors, but he still passes. Later, when walking to return his documents to an examiner, Teito overhears his name and stumbles upon a dark secret, pertaining to his hidden past of the fallen kingdom of Raggs which he has been unable to remember until now. Attempting to assassinate the Chief of Staff of the army, Ayanami, the man who he remembers to have killed his father, he is stopped, captured and sent to a cell where he is to await interrogation. However, he breaks free with the help of Mikage and escapes on a Hawkzile, being rescued by Bishops Frau, Castor and Labrador and taken to the Barsburg Church.
Kapitel 1
# Kapitel 10 Kapitel 10: Nightmare (part 1) is the tenth chapter overall, and fifth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. This chapter marks the beginning of the Nightmare arc. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2005 in Japan, and March (date unknown) 2009 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5225-2 and 978-1-60510-033-3 respectively. Summary. A depressed man is stopped in the street by afortune teller who grants him three wishes in exchange for his soul. The man agrees, leaves with his wishes and begins to use them up, wishing for money, a woman and freedom, but the wishes turn him into a monster when he bludgeons his girlfriend to death. When he has used them, the fortune teller returns and takes his soul. Meanwhile, Teito and his new rival Hakuren Oak get off to a rough start, greeting each other with insults. While Teito pursues Burupya, who has climbed onto Hakuren's head, he stumbles across Bastien exorcising a Kor. Meanwhile, the man from before had become a Wars and tries to attack his former colleagues, but he is destroyed by Frau and his scythe. Whilst being shown to his room, Teito discovers his room mate is Hakuren, and when going to the practice hall the receptionist there suddenly collapses. After taking him to the infirmary, Teito and Hakuren arrive at the practice hall with Hakuren demonstrating his skill with a Baculus, and Teito struggling at first. However, when thinking of Mikage, Teito floods the device with power so that he breaks the Baculus and the barrier. The Baculus Teito used is revealed to be Frau's, which makes Hakuren furious that Teito did not know how skilled Frau was while using his Baculus. Meanwhile, Aldo, the receptionist, is murdered by a mysterious figure.
Kapitel 10
# Kapitel 100 Kapitel 100 was released on March 25th, 2016, as an extra chapter in the last volume of 07-Ghost's bunkoban releases. It is the one-hundredth, and final chapter of the series. Summary. The chapter begins 40 years after Wahrheit Teito Klein has become the Pope of the Barsburg Church and King of Raggs. A celebration of the 40th anniversary of the restoration of the Raggs Kingdom is underway. Teito is shown lying on the bed in his bedroom. From his hands, it is shown that Teito has aged significantly. Teito's grandchildren and a maid visit him in his bedroom, talking about the day's events. However from Teito's lack of response, it is implied that Teito has died. With a burst of feathers and mist, Teito appears in a mysterious place, presumably somewhere in the sky, on a small set of stairs. He is in his younger form, and expresses surprise at his sudden change in appearance. Frau appears before him, greets him, and explains that his appearance is the form of his soul. Teito jumps into Frau's arms and exclaims "I'm back." Teito tells Frau that he could see Frau when he was small, and although he couldn't see him when he grew up, he knew he was always there by his side. Teito then meets his old friends: Hakuren, Ouka, Castor, and Labrador. Teito greets everyone and they welcome him back. Teito thanks Ouka for her help in the restoration of Raggs. Hakuren asks about the whereabouts of Mikage. Teito explains that Mikage hasn't died yet since he is a Fyulong dragon. Castor and Labrador assure Teito that he will reunite with Mikage again. Hakuren talks a bit about Shuri, who still hasn't died as he is afraid of going to Bad Boy World, and has already turned 100. The members of the Black Hawks; Hyuuga, Konatsu, Kuroyuri and Haruse also appear. Hyuuga appears behind Teito, startling him by poking on his cheek. Konatsu berates Hyuuga for disturbing Teito, stating that Teito doesn't need any more trouble from him. Kuroyuri appears and drags Teito away from Hyuuga and Konatsu, telling him that there is one more person waiting for him. Teito keeps running and finds Ayanami before him. Ayanami asks why Teito granted his wish, stating that Teito should have instead used the wish on himself. Teito replies that, because Ayanami's most important person, Eve, was not by his side, Teito wished for Ayanami to be freed from the life of a shinigami so that he could experience Eve's existence in all beings first-hand. Ayanami states that Teito has the right to wish for anything from him. Teito replies that he would want to talk about what made Ayanami's soul tremble. Teito says that, if they ever get to meet again, he would like to talk to him about stuff that will make Ayanami's soul tremble. He states that he is proud that Frau is working as the shinigami in Ayanami's place, and that Frau also wishes for Ayanami's happiness. Ayanami says that they definitely should meet again, and that when they do, he will become Teito's power. He then thanks Teito for everything he's done up until that point. Teito looks up at the sky and narrates, wondering how long everyone has been here, thinking of how everyone became lights and flew off to new worlds. He states that this mysterious place is the starting point of the endless cycle of death and rebirth, "the place where everything begins." Gradually, Teito also becomes a light. Frau asks him if he is ready to leave. Teito instead asks where everyone else has gone. Frau replies that he doesn't know, but assures him that they will meet again. Frau states that everything, good or bad, has lumped in together, and that as long as they want to meet new feelings and want to make more souls tremble, they will keep flying off to new lives in the living world. Teito tells Frau that he is really glad he met him, and asks Frau if they will meet again. Frau says they will, anywhere at any time, and that his heart will be with Teito as long as Teito keeps him in his thoughts. He then tells Teito to go enjoy his life, and releases his soul to the skies. While they converse, the narration explains that when a soul takes off the next world, they are given three wishes by the Chief of Heaven, and that those who get to reincarnate as "humans" get a single, more common wish. As Teito and his friends are reincarnated, they each state their wish. Kuroyuri, possibly also on behalf of Haruse, wishes to be able to make people happy again. Ouka wishes to guide people to the right path. Hyuuga wishes to serve someone again. Konatsu wishes to be able to support someone again. Labrador, possibly also on behalf of Castor, wishes to love people again, in order to look after kind sprouts. Hakuren states that there are things one does not notice before dying, and that he wants to make himself useful for more people. And finally, Teito wishes to love people with all he's got next time, as well. Eve, as the aspect of humanity, receives all the wishes with open arms. Frau concludes the story, blessing the souls and bidding them farewell.
Kapitel 100
# Kapitel 11 Kapitel 11: Nightmare (part 2) is the eleventh chapter overall, and sixth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2005 in Japan, and March (date unknown) 2009 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5225-2 and 978-1-60510-033-3 respectively. Summary. As the Church reels in shock at Aldo's death, suspicion falls upon the Seven Ghosts, whom some people believe could not forgive Aldo for his crimes. Meanwhile, Teito returns to his research on the Eye of Mikhail, but is unable to find any information that is new to him. However, he stumbles across the myth of Verloren, the God of Death who was sealed by the Seven Ghosts, and has a vision of himself in a mysterious place. As Bishop Frau arrives to check on Teito, Hakuren Oak, eager to impress Frau, offers him some porn and the two instantly strike up a friendship, but Bastien appears and confiscates the porn. Worried, Teito asks whether the Seven Ghosts would really kill Aldo and Bastien, who had been investigating the crime scene, replies that the Ghosts do not forgive evil, and that death was the only way Aldo could atone for his sins. When Teito later goes to visit Frau about his broken Baculus, he(Teito) overhears him(Frau) and Castor talking about the Eye of Mikhail, and Teito is angry with what he hears, believing they used him just like the Imperial Army had done. He flees but is pursued by Frau, who he attacks, but is quickly apprehended, and Frau explains himself. Meanwhile, as Castor mulls over the recent feeling of an evil presence, he spots a large shadow on the wall beside him, hinting that Kuroyuri and Haruse have infiltrated the Church. Castor remarks that they went to a lot of trouble to provoke him.
Kapitel 11
# Kapitel 12 Kapitel 12: Nightmare (part 3) is the twelfth chapter overall, and first chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2006 in Japan, and the 10th of May 2009 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5261-0 and 978-1-60510-034-0 respectively. Summary. Teito begins his special training lesson using Castor's Frau dolls. He is tasked with running a lap of the Church, and beating at least one doll. When he fails, Teito is eager to try again. Haruse and Kuroyuri watch Teito train from a distance, and plan their attack with Haruse wanting to attack now, but Kuroyuri biding his/her time. When Teito finally returns to his room, Hakuren spots the sklave brand on his back as he changes, and feels guilty for his insults of "elementary school kiddie" as Teito, as a sklave, may never have gone to school. When Teito apologises too, and questions Hakuren's decision to join the Church, Hakuren tells Teito why he wanted to become a Bishop, revealing his past with Frau. Teito trains with Castor the next day, and is rewarded with a professional Baculus when he succeeds. Hakuren arrives on scene to give Burupya, who had been lonely, to Teito, and Castor invites Hakuren to join in since he had been watching. As the two students make their way back to their room, they are attacked by an enormous Wars, being controlled by Warsfeil Kuroyuri. The Wars launches for Teito but he (Teito) is pushed out of the way by Hakuren, who takes the blow but is knocked out the window. Teito then throws himself out the window in effort to save Hakuren but both are caught by Frau who then uses the scythe to destroy the Wars. Frau then realises that members of the Imperial army, Kuroyuri and Haruse have infiltrated the Barsburg Church.
Kapitel 12
# Kapitel 13 Kapitel 13: Nightmare (part 4) is the thirteenth chapter overall, and second chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2006 in Japan, and the 10th of May 2009 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5261-0 and 978-1-60510-034-0 respectively. Summary. Frau had destroyed the Wars and saved the two acolytes but before he is able to catch the culprits they disappear, and the Wars leaves Aldo's body. Teito and Hakuren wake up in Frau's room after the Wars attack the night before, and Teito is furious at Hakuren for risking his life to save him. When Hakuren tells Teito that a Bishop must help anyone and extends his hand as a sign of friendship, Teito refuses the offer, fearing the loss of a friend again after Mikage. When Frau wakes up, the two acolytes return to their rooms, and on the way Teito tells Hakuren they will become friends when Teito is able to protect him, something Hakuren finds silly. Frau, on the other hand, remembers Labrador's wishes that he never let go of Teito's hand, and comments on the burning sensation he felt in his arm the night before. Meanwhile, in the library a mysterious figure is looking through the books and speaking about the Black Hawks, and in his hand he holds a picture of Teito, but he is stopped by Castor. As Frau remembers the events of last night, he remembers Kuroyuri sending the Wars and he confronts the Mortician on why he never reported Aldo's missing body, the answer being that Aldo is a criminal and no one wanted to claim the body. As the Bishops hold a meeting about the recent presence of Kor, they believe that a Warsfeil was responsible for the attack. Meanwhile Teito experiences another memory about his childhood with his 'father'.
Kapitel 13
# Kapitel 14 Kapitel 14: Nightmare (part 5) is the fourteenth chapter overall, and third chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2006 in Japan, and the 10th of May 2009 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5261-0 and 978-1-60510-034-0 respectively. Summary. As Frau is entertaining several orphans, he is interrupted by an evil presence in the Church. As he follows the scent, he is greeted with the sight of Black Hawk member Kuroyuri, the room being filled with the mutilated corpses of criminals. The two engage in battle, with Frau using "his" scythe to fend off the Wars, making Kuroyuri furious. As Kuroyuri receives a message to fall back, s/he leaves and drops a Warsfeil Dagger which Frau picks up. Almost immediately after this, the Imperial Guard arrive, and finding Frau to be in possession of the dagger, arrest him. Meanwhile, Castor speaks to the Bishop, actually Haruse in disguise, in the library, and the Bishop replies that he was sent to give a Clergy Pass to Teito. Back at Hohburg, Ayanami is in a meeting about the Antwort War when Kuroyuri contacts him via telepathy to report on the mission. As Kuroyuri cries to Ayanami, Ayanami soothes him/her, while agreeing to take part in the war with Antwort. Teito, after being given the Pass, tells Castor and Labrador that the pass belonged to Fea Kreuz. Castor tells Teito that his "father" was excommunicated from the Church for stealing Pandora's Box, and then attacks Haruse, but Haruse is revealed to be a doll. Jio and the three Bishops realise the seal of Raphael has been broken, and the Eye of Mikhail is under threat.
Kapitel 14
# Kapitel 15 Kapitel 15: Nightmare (part 6) is the fifteenth chapter overall, and forth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2006 in Japan, and the 10th of May 2009 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5261-0 and 978-1-60510-034-0 respectively. Summary. Castor and Labrador reveal to Teito that his 'father', Fea Kreuz, had stolen Pandora's Box and then fled, something which tore a hole in the relationship between Barsburg and Raggs and brought about the Raggs War. Castor goes on to say that Raggs had given Kreuz shelter from Barsburg, and by these events it would have been right for Raggs to have been toppled. Teito, however, refuses to believe that Kreuz was a bad person. Just then, Labrador receives word from his flowers that Frau has been imprisoned in Light Dungeon awaiting execution for being a Warsfeil. Meanwhile, Bastien talks with Archbishop Jio about Frau, and Jio replies that if Frau were innocent, then there is a traitor within the Church. Teito prepares to save Frau by swimming to Light Dungeon. He is aided by Razette, who gives him a scale to eat so he can breathe, and leads him to Frau. As Teito attempts to break Frau free, Frau stops him, then asks Teito to smile for him. Teito manages an awkward smile, and then remembers the time when Mikage would teach him how to smile. When he resurfaces he is greeted by Hakuren who reminds him it's time for dinner, and when they arrive at the dinner hall he meets Ouida and Liam, who question him about his training with Castor, saying that there are rumours those who witness his Zaiphon are traumatised. Hakuren and Teito then decide to do some investigating, and arrive at the scene of the crime in order to prove Frau's innocence.
Kapitel 15
# Kapitel 16 Kapitel 16: Nightmare (part 7) is the sixteenth chapter overall, and fifth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2006 in Japan, and the 10th of May 2009 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5261-0 and 978-1-60510-034-0 respectively. Summary. The Black Hawks prepare to leave for battle as Teito and Hakuren investigate the scene of the crime. As Teito meets the Guardians, Hakuren strikes a dark figure that appears behind Teito, but it is revealed to be Bastien, who is also searching for clues. When questioned, Bastien reveals his past with Frau, but leaves when his shift ends. Noticing the tainted Baculus, Hakuren realises that the Warsfeil within the Church was Bastien, and the two rush to Bastien's room to confront him. Evading the guards, the pair discover a secrete passageway where Bastien awaits them. He attacks Teito for treason against the Barsburg King for escaping with the Eye of Mikhail. When Hakuren intervenes, Bastien holds him captive and threatens to kill him if Teito does not surrender himself.
Kapitel 16
# Kapitel 17 Kapitel 17: Nightmare (part 8) is the seventeenth chapter overall, and sixth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2006 in Japan, and the 10th of May 2009 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5261-0 and 978-1-60510-034-0 respectively. Summary. The Guardians of the Bridge of Trials talk to the Pope as Hakuren and Teito continue to fight Bastien. Kuroyuri, Haruse and a spy pose as an acolyte, a Bishop and an Imperial Guardsmen respectively to gain access into Light Dungeon. Haruse warns Kuroyuri that she/he will be unable to use his/her Warsfeil powers any more before leaving to confront Bishop Labrador. As Teito is being devoured by the Wars, Mikhail wakes and destroys the Wars. He attacks Bastien, but Teito stops him as he is important to Frau, which results in him being beaten. Frau appears in Ghost form and kills Bastien. Meanwhile, Kuroyuri attacks Frau in his cell, but it turns out to be a doll, and is then faced with many Castor dolls. Castor manages to capture Kuroyuri and probes his soul so he is able to talk to Ayanami, who holds the other half of Kuroyuri's soul.
Kapitel 17
# Kapitel 18 Kapitel 18: Nightmare (part 9) is the eighteenth chapter overall, and first chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2007 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5290-0. Summary. As the exam date gets closer, Ouida and Liam do all they can to make sure they are prepared, and visit the statue of Fest where people gather to pray. In the tower, Ouida explains to his younger brother that their bond must be strong for them to pass the exam- and they pray their bonds will never break.  Meanwhile, the battle between Castor, Ayanami and Kuroyuri, whom Castor has captured, continues, with Ayanami recognising Castor as the Ghost Fest. Castor takes advantage of the link between Kuroyuri and Ayanami, and uses it to interrogate and torture Ayanami, but Ayanami breaks the ropes holding Kuroyuri, and Kuroyuri then detonates his/her Warsfeil- which separates the two, allowing Kuroyuri to escape with Haruse, who is slowly being eaten by Labrador's flowers. The funeral for Bastien goes on, despite the happenings in the Church and a nun suspects Frau to be one of the seven ghosts, but reconsiders when he (Frau) drops an adult magazine. Meanwhile, Teito rests after the battle with Bastien, and after a brief confrontation between Hakuren and Mikhail, the three Bishops come to visit them. Upon seeing Frau, Teito attacks him, furious that Frau was willing to let Teito kill him, and he (Teito) runs off upset. As Labrador looks up at the clouds, he tells the Bishops that 'they' are coming as the Black Hawks arrive at the border of the 7th District, ready to travel to Antwort for war. As Teito wanders around, a Wars suddenly appears, summoned by Kuroyuri, and devours him (Teito) and Hakuren, despite the Eye of Mikhail's and Frau's attempts to save him.
Kapitel 18
# Kapitel 19 Kapitel 19: Nightmare (part 10) is the nineteenth chapter overall, and second chapter of Volume 4 of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2007 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5290-0. Summary. As Frau is unable to get to the scene in time to save Teito and Hakuren, Ayanami prepares to retrieve Kuroyuri and Haruse from the Church, who have captured the host of the Eye of Mikhail. Hakuren, who has been transported along with Teito by accident, confronts the two Black Hawks members until Haruse knocks him unconscious, and the two Warsfeil escape with the pair.  While they are flying, Hakuren wakes up and blows the Hawkzile apart, and he and the incapacitated Teito are rescued by Frau. As Frau pours holy water on Teito to weaken the Wars, they are pursued by soldiers from the Army. Teito wishes to kill Ayanami, and as their transport flies towards the Ribidzile where Ayanami is, Hyuuga destroys their Hawkzile. Frau hijacks another as he falls, and Castor saves Hakuren. Teito battles with Kuroyuri as he falls but Haruse intervenes, ignoring Ayanami's and Kuroyuri's protests, and removes the Eye from Teito at the cost of his (Haruse's) soul. The energy released from the Eye causes a large explosion that destroys two Ribidziles and most of the mountain below. As the Eye of Mikhail and Teito (now separated) fall, Hyuuga and Frau speed after them.
Kapitel 19
# Kapitel 2 Kapitel 2: The 7th District is the second chapter of of the 07 ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2005 in Japan, and November 29th, 2008 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5193-4 and 978-1-60510-032-6 respectively. Summary. Having been knocked from his Hawkzile by Ayanami's Zaiphon, Teito begins to remember more things from his past, such as the snow of his homeland, and when he was first taken into Chairman Miroku's care. When he wakes up he finds that he's been carried to the Barsburg Church, and the three Bishops there introduce themselves as Castor, Labrador, and Frau. Teito and Frau get off to a rough start, with Teito scratching Frau after being frightened by him, and, noticing the slave brand on Teito's back, Castor welcomes Teito to the Church and offers him sanctuary. As Teito begins to adjust to the Church, he stumbles across the statue of Zehel and is introduced to the world of the seven ghosts and the God of death, Verloren. After seeing the Bishops remove a Kor from the body of a child, Teito begins to learn more about his dark past and of the events of the Raggs War where he lost his father and his memories, which leaves him wanting to know more. When Teito bumps into Labrador, he offers him a white rose as a charm to protect him. Meanwhile, the military has begun tracking Teito's movements, and realize he has escaped to the Church, under the protection of the seven ghosts, and Teito is suddenly and inexplicably reunited with his best friend Mikage.
Kapitel 2
# Kapitel 20 Kapitel 20: Songs for Souls' Repose~Requiem~ is the twentieth chapter overall, and third chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2007 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5290-0. Summary. The people of District 7 look on as the two Barsburg Ribidziles crash. Teito, Frau, and Hyuuga battle to reach the Eye of Mikhail. As Teito and the Eye fall, Frau realises he cannot save both, and catches Teito, allowing Hyuuga to escape with the Eye. Labrador confronts Ayanami, and the latter explains they were taking a short-cut to Antwort. Unable to do anything, the Bishops let the military pass through without further incident. The people investigate the Eye of God left behind by Mikhail's attack and reminisce about the similar attacks made by the Eye of Raphael during the Raggs War. Teito is reunited with Hakuren and Mikage, and has another memory of using the Eye of Mikhail when he was younger. Later, Frau tests Hakuren and Teito on their Biblical knowledge, as preparation for the exam the next day. Labrador interrupts, and brings Frau a sapling of an Evie tree, believed to be the reincarnation of Bastien. Frau accepts the gift, and says that he will plant it in the sunniest part of the courtyard.
Kapitel 20
# Kapitel 21 Kapitel 21: The Morning of The Bishop Exam is the twenty-first chapter overall, and fourth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2007 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5290-0. Summary. At Hohburg Fortress, the higher-ups of the Barsburg Imperial Army demand Ayanami's execution after two Ribidzile fleet ships, lead by him, crashed in District 7: a no-fly zone. Field Marshal Wakaba Oak draws their attention to evidence of the Eye of Mikhail, prompting a military decision to search for its master, Teito Klein, and destroy him so the kingdom of Raggs cannot be revived. The military decides to hide all evidence of the battle with Mikhail by saying the Eye of Raphael malfunctioned. When the generals are dismissed, Ogi reveals that Katsuragi is a member of his (Ogi's) intelligence unit, and tells him to keep watching Ayanami.  Meanwhile, Teito Klein and Hakuren Oak watch the The Barsburg Church prepare for the Souls' Thanksgivings Festival, and when trying to retrieve some floating balloons, Teito accidentally jumps on Lance, breaking his Clergy Pass. Frau, Castor, and Labrador arrive and Lance gives them the souvenirs he bought from his travels. The four Bishops discuss the position of assistant archbishop, which is open since Bastien died. Castor refused the position, on account that he won't have enough free time to pursue his hobby of making sister dolls, and instead supported Lance as a candidate. Lance is confident, and as he leaves, Teito says that he has not forgotten Mikage Celestine's death, but will take the exam with his friend (Hakuren). Later, as the candidates line up for the Bishop's apprentice exam, it is revealed that the head examiner is Lance, who is still angry at Teito for breaking his pass. Just before the exam starts, Teito finds that his Zaiphon isn't working.
Kapitel 21
# Kapitel 22 Kapitel 22: The Final Door is the twenty-second chapter overall, and fifth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2007 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5290-0. Summary. As Teito tries to start his Zaiphon, the other candidates make fun of him and one of the Former Assistant Archbishops shouts for help and Ouida donates his Zaiphon to Teito. The exam starts and the aspirant bishops go through several challenges: the first to overcome their fear by fighting off a dark shadow that is the manifestation of fear. Teito and Hakuren march on ahead as other candidates fail, remarking on how the old men they met earlier are unfazed by the shadows. The second test, is one on their biblical knowledge, where they must answer 100 questions in various situations, such as being chased by a monster, and being submerged in water alongside live Kor where they are to answer 50 questions whilst holding their breath. Teito saves a candidate who was drowning and confronts Lance and the other examiners on why they didn't help, for which he is deducted points for talking back, and the drowning candidates are disqualified. Meanwhile, Castor and Frau talk about when they had their Bishop's exam, and it's revealed they were partners and that Castor failed the exam twice in a row because Frau did not revise for it. However, Frau is reminded of earlier when he and the other two Bishop's spoke with the Pope, who wishes to retrieve the Pandora's Box that was stolen by Fea Kreuz, and how Labrador's prediction, that the Eye of Mikhail will be separated from its master, came true despite their efforts. Back at the exam hall, Teito and Hakuren have to walk a tightrope whilst fighting off the darkness from below and carrying the two old men. After narrowly avoiding falling to their deaths after a Wars chews the rope so that it snaps they reach the last challenge. They must fight each other and the victor must walk through the door of the victor, as only one member of the pair is allowed to pass the exam.
Kapitel 22
# Kapitel 23 Kapitel 23: The Bridge of Tribulation is the twenty-third chapter overall, and sixth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2007 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5290-0. Summary. Teito and Hakuren reach the last challenge, which is to decide which one of them passes, as only one can walk through the door of the victor. Each boy thinks that the other deserves to pass more than himself, and the two old men they helped offer to give up, allowing them both to pass, but they go unheard. After writing an obscenity on the door as opposed to their names, Teito and Hakuren both decide to walk through the door of the defeated where Bishop Lance appears suddenly and tells them that their selfless solution made them both pass the exam. Wade and Kyle fumble at the last challenge when Wade's greedy nature causes him to attack Kyle and take the door of victory. Kyle, however, passes because he was able to forgive his partner for his actions, and Liam and Ouida pass when they both run through the door of the defeated. They all enter the second part of the exam. Hakuren starts off by defeating a gigantic Kor and Teito faces his biggest enemy: Ayanami.
Kapitel 23
# Kapitel 24 Kapitel 24: Light and Dark is the twenty-fourth chapter overall, and first chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th of November 2007 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5230-4. Summary. Examiners Lance and the Former Assistant Archbishops notice a commotion outside and it's revealed that the Barsburg Imperial Army is investigating the Barsburg Church in order to find the wielder of the Eye of Mikhail, after the previous day's incident.  Meanwhile, in the Bishop's apprentice exam, Teito Klein swears to kill Ayanami, his opponent, and charges at him. However, he is no match for him, and is stabbed in the chest. Lance comments that Teito has failed the exam. In Hakuren's exam, he faces a hooded figure wielding a scythe and his father. The figure attacks his father, but is stopped by Hakuren before he can kill him. Hakuren remembers the time Teito thanked his father for bringing Hakuren to him, and he states to the hooded figure, that if he abandons his father, he will be just like him. The cloaked figure is then revealed to be a young Hakuren, and he disappears after being promised that one day he would meet the person who cared for the most.  The examinee from earlier, Kyle, faces his team mate, Wade, and says he forgives him for what he has done. Ouida faces his money-seeking relatives, and thanks them for making him realise how important his brother, Liam, is to him. Kyle, Ouida and Hakuren all pass. Teito is left on the bridge, but passes when he realises Ayanami is actually a manifestation of his own darkness. Upon exiting the exam room, Teito is greeted by Frau, and the sight of several bodies of members of the imperial army on the floor. Bidding Hakuren a final goodbye, Teito and Frau rush out of the Church to escape the army.
Kapitel 24
# Kapitel 25 Kapitel 25: Setting Off is the twenty-fifth chapter overall, and second chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th of November 2007 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5230-4. Summary. Bishops Castor and Labrador kill the remaining guards that seek the vessel of the Eye of Mikhail, as Teito Klein, having passed the exam, escapes through a secret passage created by the Pope, guided by Labrador's plants. Labrador warns Teito of the challenges he faces and Teito states that he will follow Father Fea Kreuz's steps and go to The Land of Seele as he was destined to do. Assistant Lance then rewards Teito with his own Clergy Pass and declares that from henceforth, he is to be Bishop Frau's apprentice. As the prince flees the Church with his protector, Castor and the others stay behind to hold off incoming pursuers. Frau then begins to tell Teito what must be obtained before reaching Seele, the so-named Cursed Tickets from the Seven Houses of God of the Barsburg Empire, and that where they're headed is actually the very 'end of the world'. After a while, Frau and Teito exit through the Seventh District's back alleys where Frau immediately has Teito put up his hood to hide himself. He encounters a man hurting his young slave and both clergymen react to save him, in the process fending off some persistent pursuers and angering the slave's owner, Carl. The slave introduces himself as Capella. Meanwhile, Ayanami's troops enter Antwort: Raggs' last allied country fortified with ice and snow, with Shuri Oak joining the team as Ayanami's new begleiter by the request of his father. Ayanami then declares that although there does not exist a reason for the army to attack Antwort as the Eye had already surfaced in the Seventh District, he may still obtain what he needed from there.
Kapitel 25
# Kapitel 26 Kapitel 26: Antwort is the twenty-sixth chapter overall, and third chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th of November 2007 in Japan. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5230-4 respectively. Summary. Ayanami, leading their fleet of seven ships attacks Antwort. Hyuuga throws Shuri Oak overboard, but he is saved by Konatsu Warren. Ayanami's fleet lands in front of Antwort's Royal Palace and the fort defending the palace is single-handedly destroyed by Hyuuga. Hyuuga encounters two combat slaves, Yukinami and Suzunami. Ayanami advances to the room where Pandora's Box was kept, and encounters King Antwort. Ayanami quickly deals him his death and opens Pandora's Box, only to discover it is empty. Within five hours after Ayanami's ships landed, the Barsburg Empire was able to seize control of Antwort. Meanwhile, Hyuuga brings to Ayanami the combat slaves he had encountered as souvenirs, but Ayanami sets them free. Ayanami tells the slaves that they can join the Black Hawks, and they agree. Elsewhere, Frau, Teito Klein and their new companion, Capella, head to District 7's Northern-most city, the Port of Ria, whose bridge they need to cross to get to District 6.
Kapitel 26
# Kapitel 27 Kapitel 27: Slave Trader is the twenty-seventh chapter overall, and fourth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th of November 2007 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5230-4. Summary. Frau, Teito Klein and Capella proceed into the Port of Ria and dock for some maintenance on the Hawkzile to prepare for the long trip across into the 6th District. They enter the city to get supplies for the trip, but were refused entrance into a store because slaves (Capella) are barred from entering. A furious Teito then breaks Capella's chains, but Frau drags them away before a fight can begin. Teito gives his coat to Capella so his slave collar is covered, and Frau tells him (Capella) he is now free to do as he pleases. A grateful Capella explains he was orphaned when his mother sold him, asks to stay with the two clergymen and they oblige. As the trio leave to shop elsewhere, they are attacked by Carl, the slave trader, who seeks to punish them for stealing one of his slaves and destroying his cart. Carl first demands money from Frau, but then attempts to bargain with him- telling him that he will trade Teito for Capella (as green-eyed slaves are worth a lot of money), but Frau instead beats all of Carl's men unconscious. A frightened Carl attempts to appease Frau, giving up Capella freely and offers to assist the trio in crossing through to the Sixth District as Capella doesn't have passage papers. En route, the slave trader cooks up a plan to catch the three unawares, planning to sell Teito into slavery and hand Frau over to the military. While Frau and Teito are deep in conversation, Carl drops a gas bomb, containing a sleeping gas, into the back of his truck. Reaching the Sixth District passage gate, the three suddenly bolt out of Carl's truck: the gas bomb the slave trader slipped into the compartment having no effect after Burupya swallowed it.
Kapitel 27
# Kapitel 28 Kapitel 28: The 6th District is the twenty-eighth chapter overall, and fifth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th of November 2007 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5230-4. Summary. Back at Hohburg Fortress, Ayanami returns with news that they had completely taken over Antwort. He is hounded by admirals Shiroki, Ogi and Nabiki for the loss of a ship but Field Marshal Wakaba Oak and Chairman Miroku Barsburg are both very impressed. Ayanami addresses Wakaba and asks for permission to pursue the vessel of the Eye of Mikhail in revenge for Haruse having his soul taken. Wakaba is at first reluctant, but upon being presented with the Eye by Ayanami, he agrees.  After the meeting, Wakaba visits his son. Wakaba expresses disappointment that Shuri cannot be Ayanami's begleiter, but is then introduced to Konatsu Warren by his son. Wakaba then assigns Shuri as Konatsu's begleiter, something which makes Konatsu furious at Hyuuga (for causing him to save him). Elsewhere after nightfall, Kuroyuri promises a non-responsive Haruse that he/she will return to him his lost soul. Ayanami talks with Miroku about Teito Klein and other possible connections to the missing Pandora's Box and Fea Kreuz. Miroku explains his giving Kreuz's Clergy Pass to Ayanami, and is glad that the Chief of Staff hadn't killed the boy outright.  Meanwhile, Frau, Teito and Capella enter the former Raggs Kingdom and arrive at the Hausen House, one of the Seven Houses of God and the first task on their journey to Seele. Back in the Barsburg Church, an old man laments the loss of his only family and faithful companion, a dog named Wen, and asks for Bishop Castor's help.
Kapitel 28
# Kapitel 29 Kapitel 29: Hausen House (Part 1) is the twenty-ninth chapter overall, and sixth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th of November 2007 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5230-4. Summary. As Castor asks what the man would give in return for the dog, the old man replies that he would not mind giving his soul to God. Castor, then using his Ghost ability to bind souls together, joins the souls of the old man and his dog. Hakuren Oak arrives as the old man leaves and informs Castor that Teito Klein had sent him a rather enthusiastic letter with news that they had picked up a child. Castor misinterprets this as Frau actually having an illegitimate child and sends Frau a harshly-worded letter.  Meanwhile, Frau, Teito and Capella continue to the Sixth District God House and Teito volunteers to go in alone. Frau decides to go hunting, hands Teito a Baculus and blesses him, then leaves. Through the gates of the God House, Teito sees a vision of Fea Kreuz Raggs, and recalls that he has been in this place before. The house's butler, Seilan, answers but is dismissive because of Teito's young age. But when the Apprentice Bishop refused to budge, toppling even the house's guard down, and telling them of his true purpose as to why he wants to get to Seele, he was allowed entry by the man-servant as a visitor of their house.  The Hausen House is represented and guarded by the Ghost Fest. Inside, Teito meets the current head of the House, Xingfa Hausen, who explains to him the real form of the so-called Cursed Tickets, and that many men who sought to enter Seele have actually given up in the process. He is given permission to go anywhere in the estate, and a change of clothes courtesy of the house's former master, a young master Xinglu who passed away some ten years ago which just happened to be the face of Castor.
Kapitel 29
# Kapitel 3 Kapitel 3: Darkness is the third chapter of of the 07 ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2005 in Japan, and November 29th 2008 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5193-4 and 978-1-60510-032-6 respectively. Summary. Teito, having earlier been given the 'Flower of Protection' by Bishop Labrador, falls under Castor's suspicion as Labrador had never given such a rare flower away to anyone. After being reunited with his best friend Mikage, Teito continues to live at the Barsburg Church and swears to look after Mikage as he rests. Meanwhile, Castor becomes increasingly apprehensive at the sudden, unexplained appearance of Mikage and Labrador's odd behaviour, and he makes sure that Teito is always seen wearing the flower of protection just to be safe. Teito begins to feel more comfortable in the company of the nuns and Bishops, revealing his name to them, something which he had been too untrusting of them to do before. Reflecting on recent events, Teito himself begins to suspect something is amiss, when he is greeted by an elderly man. Back at Hohburg Fortress, Ayanami is interrogated by the three admirals, Nabiki, Shiroki and Ogi, who blame him for Teito's escape from the academy. After Miroku jumps to Ayanami's defence, he reveals that he wanted Teito to become Ayanami's begleiter. Meanwhile, the old man Teito meets brings back some of Teito's memories, but the situation turns foul when the man turns out to be a Kor, and he is stopped from rushing towards Fea Kreuz by a mysterious figure, and the Bishops rush to his aid.
Kapitel 3
# Kapitel 30 Kapitel 30: Hausen House (Part 2) is the thirtieth chapter overall, and first chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th of May 2008 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5347-1. Summary. Frau takes Capella to a brothel but is disappointed when all the women there coo over Capella and ignore him. Meanwhile, back at the Hausen House, Seilan explains the story of the Seven Houses of God and the Seven Ghosts to Teito Klein as he escorts Teito to his room. As Teito bathes, a stranger enters his room and attacks him, but Teito defends himself- knocking his attacker backwards. When Teito pulls back the shower curtain, his attacker has disappeared, leaving nothing but a ransacked room and a piece of rubble part behind. Teito collects this as evidence. As Frau wanders the district he comes across a woman and warns her of the dangers of walking home alone. She informs him that she is homeless and asks him to "buy [her] for the night". Frau agrees, but then releases his scythe, realising she is a Wars. The Wars flees and Frau pursues her onto the rooftops, where she leads him to more Wars who mock him. Frau begins to purify their souls using the scythe, and the woman thanks Frau for releasing her from the Wars. Her soul leaves for heaven but the scythe is unimpressed with the quality of his meals and roars in protest. Frau tells it to quieten down. Back at the Hausen House, Teito climbs through a window onto the second floor, surprising Seilan who had been standing there. Seilan takes Teito to the dining room where Xingfa Hausen has invited him to dine with him. He samples their food and Xingfa tells Teito he knows he has killed before, and Teito accuses Xingfa and his servants of doing the same. Teito shows Xingfa the rubble he had collected earlier, and tells Xingfa it may help him find the Cursed Ticket.
Kapitel 30
# Kapitel 31 Kapitel 31: Hausen House (Part 3) is the thirty-first chapter overall, and the second chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th of May 2008 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5347-1. Summary. Hakuren Oak greets Bishop Castor and Razette. The rarity of Noel Mermaids prompts Hakuren to ask how they met, but a moment later, they are interrupted by a panicked Ouida. Ouida tells them he has 'lost' Labrador and Castor advises him to search around the trees. Ouida complies and finds Labrador asleep amongst the roots, and Castor chastises him (Labrador) for sleeping outside. Meanwhile, back at the Hausen House, Teito Klein has left the dining hall after realising that the servants of the Hausen House have drugged his food. Xingfa Hausen admonishes them, warning them that Teito's death would be suspicious to the Bishop that came with him. Xingfa tells his servants that they still have to kill him. Seilan walks Teito through the house and tells him Hohburg Fortress is a God House. Seilan tells him he is an orphan taken in by Xingfa Hausen and that members of the Hausen House assassinate those who oppose Barsburg. Seilan takes Teito to see Xing-lu Hausen's room on his request, and Teito is shocked to see a photo of Castor on the wall. Seilan tells Teito of how the former head of the house, "Xing-lu" found Razette following an assassination on an enemy clan. Razette healed Xing-lu's heart until after the Raggs War when Castor's head was demanded in payment for the Hausen House's siding with Raggs during the War. Xingfa, unwilling to lose his son, proposed Razette shapeshift to look like Castor and they decapitate her instead, but Castor refused and blocked an attack meant for Razette- killing him instead. In his dying moments, Xing-lu looks up to see Fest standing over him.
Kapitel 31
# Kapitel 32 Kapitel 32: Hausen House (Part 4) is the thirty-first chapter overall, and the second chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th of May 2008 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5347-1. Summary. Seilan continues to tell the story of how Xing-lu died to Teito Klein, telling how Lady Hausen was so overcome with grief she disappeared. Teito shouts that Castor and Razette are still alive, but Seilan is furious- thinking Teito is making a cruel joke. Teito, while initially horrified Seilan believes Castor to be dead, encourages Seilan to mourn. Whilst thinking of his former master, Seilan suddenly has a change of heart and demands Teito leave the room. Teito is confused as to why but then a huge Wars appears in the room; the tainted remains of the lady Hausen. Seilan attempts to save Teito by pushing him out of the way but he is unable to stop the Wars from advancing on him, and Seilan is dragged out of the way by the other Hausen House Servants as Teito is dragged towards the wars by the porcelain dolls the lady is controlling. As Teito fights the Wars, the servants warn Seilan not to get involved and he gets into an argument with them, attacking the tallest one as the youngest attempts to control the barrier. The barrier breaks and the Wars gets out, but Teito saves them and fends off the Wars. Teito comforts the lady, telling her that Castor still loves her despite him being away and he then purifies her soul using his Baculus. As her soul goes to heaven, Xingfa Hausen appears, and tells Teito he had lost his son and was going to lose his wife too, and so she was kept in the house and fed on those who wished to go to Seele. Suddenly, the room is filled with a bright light and the Ghost Fest appears before Teito, asking him if he wishes to accept the cursed ticket.
Kapitel 32
# Kapitel 33 Kapitel 33: Hausen House (Part 5) is the thirty-third chapter overall, and the third chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th of May 2008 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5347-1. Summary. Fest appears before Teito with the Cursed Ticket. Teito first asks Castor about his reincarnation, and excitedly says that Castor can return to the family that wait for him, but Castor replies that as a Ghost he is forbidden from contacting those who saw him die. Teito then asks Castor about the Land of Seele and if going there truly results in the person's death. Castor explains that those who go to Seele are given new lives, and Teito asks if he can exchange his life for Mikage should he chose to go there. When Castor replies that it is possible, Teito asks for the Cursed Ticket. Castor burns the mark of Fest onto Teito's arm and then leaves. Teito then suddenly sees a memory of Fea Kreuz with the Cursed ticket. The memory and the bright light fade, and Xingfa approaches Teito, asking Teito which family he belongs to. Teito tells them that his father is the late king of Raggs, much to Xingfa's and the servants' shock. As Seilan is about to see Teito off, the Imperial Guard suddenly appear, attempting to arrest Teito. Seilan angrily protests, but to no avail. Fortunately for Teito, Frau and Capella arrive in time to save him (Teito), and Frau beats the Imperial Guard into submission. Seilan throws Teito a coat. Seilan and the other servants then see Teito off, telling him to 'come home soon'. Teito is visibly touched. Teito asks Frau why he (Frau) didn't tell Teito more about the Land of Seele before, to which Frau replies that he hadn't wanted to guide Teito to the other world. Teito says that knowing about the Land of Seele is worth risking his life and that if he can come to accept himself, it would be much better than dying without knowing his true self.
Kapitel 33
# Kapitel 34 Kapitel 34: Candle Flame is the thirty-fourth chapter overall, and the fourth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th of May 2008 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5347-1. Summary. The group continue on their journey to District 5 to find the next House of God, the Krat House. Feeling hungry, they stop to eat the mountain bear Teito Klein had killed, and Frau proposes they travel through the Mountain Road to deter pursuers from the military.  Capella, impressed by Teito's Zaiphon, asks Teito to show him how to use it. As Capella practices, Teito thinks that he(Capella) is a gift sent to him by God. Teito and Frau suddenly hear a barking, and follow the sound through a graveyard to find a dog chained to a gravestone. The dog excitedly greets Frau, but Capella is unable to see the dog, and Teito realises the dog is dead. As Frau explains why the dog remains, Teito attempts to free it by striking the chains with his Baculus yet they do not break. Frau then unleashes Verloren's Scythe and uses it to free the animal's soul- which then ascends to heaven. Teito remembers how he had freed Lady Hausen from the Wars back at the Hausen House and reflects that the pain he feels makes him weak. Frau corrects him- saying it makes him kind. Teito experiences another headache, and faints whereupon he dreams of his childhood in the Kingdom of Raggs and he again has a vision of a screaming woman who accuses Teito of coming between her and Weldeschtein Krom Raggs. The 'Queen' brands Teito's back with a Sklave mark but is prevented from going further by a mysterious figure who proposes they fake the Prince's death by killing another child in his place, but in return Teito would be given to the mysterious figure. Teito then wakes from the nightmare in a strange room, and wonders where he is.
Kapitel 34
# Kapitel 35 Kapitel 35: The Hated One is the thirty-fifth chapter overall, and the fifth and final chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 24th of May 2008 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5347-1. Summary. Teito Klein wakes in a strange room in a Tavern and immediately tries to find Frau. He finds him downstairs, playing hide-and-seek with a group of women, and hits him when Frau mistakes him for one of the girls he is chasing. The tavern owner, Madame, greets Teito and reveals Frau had agreed to work in exchange for food and rest at the tavern. Hearing this, Teito and Capella offer to work too. All three adapt very quickly, and while peeling potatoes- Capella tells the others how his mother sold him into slavery and he admits that he misses his mother. Frau asks Capella if he wants to find his mother, and although Capella says he doesn't, Teito and Frau vow to help him find her. As Capella is being spoilt by several women, Teito admires a painting of Marie on the wall. He sees her sitting at a table and watches as the Tavern owner sits in the same place and Marie walks through her. Teito realises Marie is another spirit, and guesses this is the reason Frau chose this particular tavern. As the city of Baltos prepares for the plaza ball, Marie watches from the balcony. Frau happens upon her, and asks for her hand. Marie accepts, and she has one last dance with Frau, before Frau uses his Ghost power to free her soul- trapped on earth because of a Kor's wish made by her lover. After this, Marie's Lover, now a Wars and angry that Marie had been released, attacks Frau. The man goads Frau, thinking he cannot be harmed, but Frau unleashes Verloren's Scythe and devours him. Back at the mountain road, Ayanami allows Yukinami and Suzunami to go and capture Teito.
Kapitel 35
# Kapitel 36 Kapitel 36: Tattoo is the thirty-sixth chapter overall, and the first chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2008 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5347-1. Summary. Frau reflects on the bitter taste of the soul of Marie's Lover when he is startled by Teito Klein, who had heard the noise. Frau tells Teito he needs a bath and as Teito turns, Frau tries to grab him- as the scythe thinks Teito's soul is 'delicious'. Frau stops himself from harming Teito by smashing his (Frau's) head against a wall. In the shower, the scythe begins to come out of Frau's arm against Frau's wishes, and Frau reacts by angrily slamming his hand against the wall. As Frau gets out, Teito- who is chasing Capella as the latter doesn't want a bath- bumps into him. Frau and Teito make an effort to convince Capella to take a bath, but Madame interrupts them. As Madame dresses Capella, Teito notices Frau is warm- as the hot water had warmed his skin. Meanwhile, back at the Barsburg Church, Castor has finished Hakuren Oak's apprentice tattoo. Hakuren begins to pack his things in preparation for travelling the Districts with Castor exterminating Kor. He meets with Ouida, who will be travelling with Labrador, and the two of them watch Liam (who had failed the exam and is preparing to take the exam again) with his new friends, and reflect on Kyle going mountain climbing with Lance. Just then, a letter arrives for Hakuren- from his father who orders Hakuren to become the tutor for the Imperial princess. Hakuren runs to Castor and tells him he will refuse, but Labrador encourages Hakuren to travel to District 1 and tell his father in person- giving him a flower as a good luck charm.
Kapitel 36
# Kapitel 37 Kapitel 37: Recollection is the thirty-seventh chapter overall, and the second chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2008 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5347-1. Summary. Disappointed that his apprentice Hakuren Oak intends to refuse the Royal family's offer, Castor encourages Hakuren to visit the District 7 Hospital before he leaves. Upon arriving at the hospital, Hakuren notes the presence of two soldiers who quickly retreat upon seeing Castor, but ignores them and starts to help the patients. Castor uses his Ghost strings to save someone, and is then ambushed by a group of small children who want to play with him. They are suddenly interrupted by an elderly man dressed in bandages who begins frantically screaming the military will "burn us down". As he is ushered back to his room by the nurses, Castor explains to Hakuren the reason for the man's fear. During the Raggs War, the military's budget was running low so in order to redirect taxpayer's money to the military, hospices and hospitals were burnt to the ground. Hakuren is outraged, and his belief in becoming a Bishop as opposed to a tutor is reinforced, but they are disturbed by a group of children who mistake Hakuren for a prince. Their grandfather corrects them, and when Hakuren helps him, says that a politician who cares would be able to help them all. Hakuren realises that by becoming the princess' tutor he can influence her decisions, and decides to go to the 1st District. Teito Klein, Frau, and Capella leave for Dals in the 5th District, with Carl watching them. Teito uses the money Madame gave him to buy gloves for Capella and a scarf for Frau- but after seeing a homeless man, gives the scarf to him instead. However, as he makes his way back, he is confronted by a mysterious figure.
Kapitel 37
# Kapitel 38 Kapitel 38: Evidence is the thirty-eighth chapter overall, and the third chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2008 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5347-1. Summary. Confronted by the mysterious soldier, Teito Klein lashes out and breaks the man's neck. As the civilians rush to the man's help, the soldier snaps his neck back into place and then sprouts a single Kor wing. Ayanami reveals himself to be controlling the soldier. The civilians scatter, and Teito attacks his pursuer. However, the soldier fires at Capella- with Teito barely managing to save him and injures his (Teito's) arm. The soldier then destroys a portion of the bridge they stand on. Teito prepares to attack, but the soldier apprehends him and tries to read Teito's sealed memories. The symbol of Vertrag and a warning: "no person whatsoever is allowed to touch these memories" appears, and the seal placed on Teito's memories destroys the soldier's arm. Ayanami is furious that Vertrag is preventing him from seeing Teito's past, but before the soldier can react, Frau appears behind him and stabs him through the abdomen with his scythe. As the one-winged Kor dies, he vows to obtain Pandora's Box. Teito begins to panic- as he knows Ayanami is watching him and he is terrified Capella will be killed. Frau quickly carries him to safety, chastising him for leaving. Meanwhile, Ayanami overlooks the Barsburg Church, and is frustrated Teito is still uncorrupted. Hyuuga questions Teito's royal blood, and Ayanami explains the "black history of the Raggs Kingdom": the death of Wahrheit Tiashe Raggs, and assures Hyuuga the possessor of the Eye of Mikhail is the genuine Prince. Ayanami is certain that Teito's memories will awaken eventually, and says until then he prays for: "God's demise".
Kapitel 38
# Kapitel 39 Kapitel 39: Division is the thirty-ninth chapter overall, and the fourth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2008 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5347-1. Summary. As Frau carries an injured Teito Klein to Dals, Teito laments how he is still unable to defeat Ayanami. He tells Frau he knows Fea Kreuz is Vertrag, and asks if Ayanami is Verloren, something that Frau confirms. Once Teito's arm has been bandaged, Frau tells Teito to disguise himself, but Teito suddenly disappears. Meanwhile, Carl, who had followed them from Baltos, watches from his aircraft. Teito appears on the roof of a nearby building and Carl and his subordinates try to capture him. However, Teito evades the net and climbs on board the ship, and tries to convince Carl to take them to Capella's mother. Frau appears on the ship with Capella and Burupya and successfully convinces Carl to take them to District 5. While on Carl's ship, Teito teaches Capella more about Zaiphon, and is reminded of his past as a combat Sklave under Miroku Barsburg's care. During the execution of a death row prisoner, Teito is disturbed by the prisoner's cries for his "mummy", and breaks down back at Miroku's home. He attempts to escape, but is stopped by Kurena. However, when she sees him cry, she moves out of the way, prompting Karu to tell Teito that Kurena will be killed if he escapes. Teito vows to free Kurena by joining the military, and Kurena bids him goodbye. Waking up, Teito wonders where Kurena is now, and Karu is seen telling Kurena Teito has deserted the army and is now searching for himself. Kurena smiles.
Kapitel 39
# Kapitel 4 Kapitel 4: Kor is the forth chapter of of the 07 ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2005 in Japan, and November 29th 2008 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5193-4 and 978-1-60510-032-6 respectively. Summary. As Frau challenges the Old Man on his actions, he (the old man) is revealed to be a Kor, who is hunting Teito as he is a criminal from the 1st District. Frau defends Teito, and uses a mysterious weapon, looking like a scythe, to fend off the Kor, and asks the Kor if his 'master' would be prefer the scythe to Teito. The Kor reacts with outrage when seeing the weapon, and recognises Frau as having '"his"' scythe. During the ensuing battle, Teito is somehow able to see Frau's weapon, something he normally should not be able to do, and is saved from falling out the window when Labrador catches him. It takes the combined efforts of Frau, using the scythe, and Castor, using his ghost strings, to destroy the wings of the Kor and take the Old man to safety. As Labrador appears worried that "the flowers are still astir", Frau removes the mark of the Kor from Teito. As Chairman Miroku entrusts Ayanami with the objective of searching for Teito, Teito is introduced to Razette, the Noel Mermaid who lives in the Church, who takes an instant liking to Teito, and the two strike up a friendship. Teito, however, learns more of the three wishes given by the Chief of heaven as well as the intentions of Verloren's messengers, the Kor, and Castor informs him to keep the incident with the Kor a secret. As Teito leaves to visit Mikage, Castor and Frau muse over Teito and his importance to the Kor. Meanwhile, Ayanami has already made his move concerning Teito and Mikage.
Kapitel 4
# Kapitel 40 Kapitel 40: Lingering Snow is the fortieth chapter overall, and the fifth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2008 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5347-1. Summary. Frau recalls one of Labrador's predictions, and modifies a Hawkzile in preparation for the predicted harsh conditions. Carl’s protests are interrupted when Teito Klein asks him where the toilets are (as Capella needs them). On the way there, they pass cells containing sklaves who are to be returned to the concentration camp. One of them calls out to Capella and this upsets him. Teito quickly becomes angry to which Carl replies that if he (Teito) wanted to stop slavery, then he would have to change the way of the Empire. Soon, a formation of Fyulong dragons fly close to Carl’s ship, amazing many of the crew members who comment on what a rare sight this is. However, their amazement turns to horror when they realise that Burupya came from that parent’s pack. Mikage calls out to the Fyulong dragon, which roars, the sound destroying the ship and causing the creature powering the ship to faint. Frau admits he lied about Mikage falling from his nest, but before Teito could get angry at him, several crew members fall out of the ship. Frau saves them using the Hawkzile, but Carl refuses to leave as that would mean he would have to abandon all the sklaves on his ship. Teito flies the ship: exchanging Cathy’s hull energy with his own. However, a human’s level of Zaiphon can only support the aircraft whilst landing or taking off and so Teito decides to land. Using his zaiphon, Teito steers the aircraft though he cannot see through the clouds. Frau indicates that Teito should follow him and they pass through the mountains to land in front of Raggs Castle. Teito runs off towards the castle as soon as the ship lands.
Kapitel 40
# Kapitel 41 Kapitel 41: Omen is the forty-first chapter overall, and the sixth chapter and final chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2008 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5347-1. Summary. Teito runs towards Raggs Castle, remembering much of his childhood. When he reaches the castle, the formation of Fyulong dragons land around him, leaving him with no escape route. Burupya's Mother demands that her child be returned to her and Frau admits that it was he who stole Mikage and therefore they should not be angry at Teito. However, Teito tells Frau that he is grateful but it was because of him that Mikage was taken. Burupya’s mother tells Teito that in order for her child to be happy, then he must join her and become a free Fyulong. Realising that Mikage may not be happy with him, Teito gives Mikage one last hug and sets him free. Teito thanks Mikage for being born and watches as he rejoins his family. Burupya is seen talking to his mother, after the spirit of a young Mikage appears to Teito, telling her that she is kind. She then takes off, along with the rest of the dragons and seemingly with Burupya too. However, he eventually chooses to return and stay with Teito. Upon seeing that her son is happy with Teito, Burupya's mother accepts his decision. Teito is surprised, but pleased that Mikage chose to stay with him and chides him affectionately for not choosing to go with his family and become a true Fyulong dragon. He thanks Frau before seeing Vertrag’s mark and collapses.
Kapitel 41
# Kapitel 42 Kapitel 42: Relikt is the forty-second chapter overall, and the first chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2009 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5415-7. Summary. Teito wakes up in a dark place and soon realises that he is seeing and hearing pieces of his past; specifically about the plans to shift Pandora's Box into a new coffin. This is the first time that the ‘evil’ side of the Pope is seen in the series. Back in the 7th district, it is revealed that Lance is Relikt. Labrador sends his apprentice, Ouida, away on the pretence of looking after Kyle (who had suffered at the hands of Lance on their travels). Labrador and Castor then explain what they had found strange and why they had felt the need to call Lance back; the memories of Teito Klein differ to those found in the Cuvere, and because the powers of Vertrag left memories perfectly preserved, then the memories of the Cuvere must have been altered. They travel to the site of the Cuvere and enter under the admiring gaze of two nuns, who remark that the bishops are "sublime". Fortunately for the bishops, the nuns quickly scatter after a third, older nun chidingly directs them away, leaving no human witnesses in the bishops' vicinity. As the three bishops enter Relikt’s tower, Labrador hesitates as if he senses something. However, he ignores it and enters the tower with Castor and Lance. The three of them present their scythes as an authorisation code and enter the Cuvere to examine the past. Lance then uses Relikt’s power to turn back the clock ten years, therefore affecting everything in the chamber, reverting it to its state before it was edited. The three ghosts prepare to re-examine the history and find out the truth.
Kapitel 42
# Kapitel 43 Kapitel 43: Pandora's Box is the forty-third chapter overall, and the second chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2009 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5415-7. Summary. The ceremony to shift Pandora's Box had begun as planned, and everything went smoothly, under the watchful eye of the Pope. It is then revealed that young Teito’s body was in the coffin which Verloren’s body had been shifted into and therefore the body had been given a soul. The Pope then comments on how Teito has a beautiful soul. However, Fea Kreuz arrived to save Teito and realised that the Pope was the one who had the idea of abducting Tiashe. The Pope explains that he had grown tired of his title and if he were to revive Verloren, by giving his (Verloren’s) body a beautiful soul, then he would obtain knowledge beyond that of even the seven ghosts. At this point, Teito realises that the Pope was being controlled by the Shadow Man. Krom was unable to separate Verloren’s body; it had become one with Teito’s soul. Tiashe had begun to serve as Pandora’s box and the revival had failed. However, in order to stop Verloren from consuming Tiashe’s soul, Krom needed to implant the Eye of Mikhail into Tiashe’s body to stop him from being devoured. Teito needed to be evacuated, but Krom was unable to leave with his son. Kreuz promises to protect Tiashe with his life and gives him the identity of ‘Teito Klein’. Whilst the Eye of Mikhail was being implanted in Teito, the Barsburg Empire launched an attack on Raggs and in Teito's desperation, the process was completed quickly. Teito promises to fight to the end with everyone and Mikhail agrees to his master’s sentiments. Teito wakes up within himself again to find that the cage in front of him had broken and that a huge hand was reaching out in order to grab him. Before it could touch him, Teito wakes up, to find that Frau had read and experienced the same things as Teito by looking into his soul and the two of them are shocked by what they have seen and what they have learnt; especially the fact that Teito is Pandora’s box.
Kapitel 43
# Kapitel 44 Kapitel 44: Fate is the forty-fourth chapter overall, and the third chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2009 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5415-7. Summary. The chapter opens with Teito despairing after having found out (in the previous chapter) that he is the container of Pandora's Box. A concerned Frau watches silently as Teito voices his feelings. Teito then asks Frau to kill him with Verloren's scythe if he (Frau) decides it is hopeless to try to stop him (Teito). Frau reaches out a hand towards Teito, but before Frau can do anything else, a stranger, an unnamed young man, rushes in and asks if Teito is all right. Frau glares at the young man and clenches one of his hands into a fist, causing the young man to nervously ask if he had 'interrupted'. The scene changes to show Teito, Frau and Capella finding a meal prepared for them. The young man from earlier tells Teito that the room he (Teito) had been resting in earlier was his (the young man's) room, then looks over the meal and remarks that 'everything ended up being dairy products'. However, Teito does not mind and thanks their host for the warm welcome, telling Capella that if he (Capella) drinks his milk, he will grow tall. Teito then asks Frau how much milk he drinks a day, to which Frau smirks and replies that he doesn't like dairy and doesn't drink milk. Upon hearing this, Teito becomes annoyed and attacks Frau, to the consternation of their host. A little while later, Teito says that he is going to look around outside a little, and leaves. Once outside, Teito reflects that the number of secrets he can't tell Hakuren has increased and that now that the divine protection of the Eye of Mikhail is gone, Verloren is breaking free little by little. Teito then thinks about all the people he cares for and breaks down, saying to himself that he doesn't want to die.  Frau appears, having followed Teito, and sits down with his back against Teito's. Teito once more asks Frau to kill him if he judges it to be Teito's end. Frau is silent for a moment at first, then picks Teito up and slings him over his shoulder. Teito starts to shout at Frau, but Frau interrupts him, telling Teito not to cry by himself and that he (Teito) is his (Frau's) light. Teito thinks to himself that he doesn't want to be a burden to Frau, then remembers that King Krom taught him a spell that would temporarily connect the Eye of Mikhail and its chosen vessel. Teito proceeds to recite the spell. Meanwhile, some high-ranking military officers are shown conducting experiments on Warsfeil, trying and failing to find a Warsfeil who can act as a vessel for the Eye of Mikhail. While this is going on, the Eye of Mikhail suddenly reacts to Teito's spell, emanating a bright light. In his psyche, Teito sees what looks like an enormous hand reaching for him. Mikhail then possesses Teito and commands Zehel (Frau) to protect Teito in Mikhail's place, saying that right now, Teito is running out of power by himself. Mikhail then vanishes and Teito falls, landing in Frau's arms. Frau smiles and remarks that he would protect Teito even if Mikhail did not say to. The chapter ends with a Barsburg soldier having witnessed the Eye of Mikhail's reaction. The soldier issues orders for the 5th District garrison to be immediately deployed to the scene.
Kapitel 44
# Kapitel 45 Kapitel 45: The Unattainable Madness is the forty-fifth chapter overall, and the fourth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2009 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5415-7. Summary. The three bishops run off to look for the Pope and also to protect him from the intruders which they (Castor, Lance and Labrador) have just detected. Labrador meanwhile realises that Ayanami is in Fest’s tower. The three bishops continue to run towards the Pope’s room and simultaneously detect an intruder in the Pope’s room. Unable to get there quickly enough, Castor uses his sister dolls to buy them some time, but the dolls are cut down immediately. He then gets a feeling of unease, that someone is watching him; no doubt, this was induced by the fact that Ayanami had entered Fest’s tower. Fearing for Razette’s safety, Castor assumes his ghost form and rushes to the fountain to find that the mermaid was fine. He realises that Ayanami had hacked his soul and read the memories of the Cuvere from there. Lance reaches the Pope’s room and finds that there was no one in the room, other than the Pope himself. Lance confronts him and realises that he was being possessed. The Pope calls out to warn Relikt and falls down dead, having been murdered by someone. Hyuuga speaks up from the window and admits that he was the one to kill the Pope, and then says that they now know where Pandora’s Box is. He then falls backwards out of the window, to Lance’s shock onto Konatsu’s Hawkzile. Konatsu comments that sunglasses and bishop robes don't go together, and the two Black Hawks speed away. Labrador meanwhile realises that Ayanami is in Fest’s tower. He hurries there to find Ayanami, who has been waiting for him.
Kapitel 45
# Kapitel 46 Kapitel 46: Kagome, Kagome is the forty-sixth chapter overall, and the fifth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2009 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5415-7. Summary. The chapter opens with several of the church’s orphans playing a game called ‘Seven Ghosts’. There was one person short and therefore, they decided to leave out ‘Vertrag’ because the tower was always closed anyway. Ouida and Kyle look on, and discuss why the Tower of Vertrag was always closed. It is then revealed that the Statue of Vertrag collapsed a few years ago, seemingly for no reason. The child playing Verloren then decided that he would ‘devour’ Profe, an ominous sign (Labrador, who is Profe, confronted Ayanami, who is Verloren, at the end of the previous chapter). Ayanami attacks Labrador and compliments him for being so calm, even though he was about to be devoured. A wars entered the plants which Labrador used for combat and caught him around the neck, strangling him. Labrador makes a prediction, telling Verloren that ‘what he truly desired, he wouldn’t hold in his hands again’. This shocked Ayanami enough to give Labrador a chance to attack. Labrador destroyed Ayanami’s right arm and bound him with flowers which would consume his darkness and allow him to lead a normal life as he (Labrador) did not wish to kill him. Verloren then takes over and catches hold of Labrador, drawing him into Ayanami’s deep psyche. Verloren experiences a flashback of when the seven ghosts were created and this distraction gave Castor enough time to push Labrador from Verloren and take the attack for him. Castor lost his left arm and eye but Ayanami suffered similar injuries and so retreated. As Castor fell to the ground, the left side of the Statue of Fest (which had been devoured) also collapsed. Labrador deduces that Vertrag must also have been devoured. Labrador then proceeds to heal the other bishop, who chides him for being naïve but admits that that is what he likes about him (Lab). Meanwhile, the Black Hawks return to the Barsburg Empire. In the fifth district, it is revealed that Teito and Frau had hijacked a ship after knocking out the pilots. Teito realises that Vertrag’s cursed ticket was within him, and that to prevent Verloren's revival, he (Teito) must fight. As they set course for the next god house, they hear a clang near the rear of the ship. They open the door to find Yukinami and Suzunami smiling up at them.
Kapitel 46
# Kapitel 47 Kapitel 47: The Same Hands is the forty-seventh chapter overall, and the sixth and last chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2009 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5415-7. Summary. Teito had opened the door of the ship to find Suzunami and Yukinami, chained and smiling up at him. They explain their situation (having run into guards who thought that their Black Hawks pass was fake, they were arrested, but Suzunami attacked a guard which led them to being chained and their slave marks being found). They then stress quietly over the fact that they have come into contact with their target unexpectedly and ahead of Ayanami's orders. Whilst Frau tells Teito not to unchain the slaves, due to the fact that they cannot be trusted, Teito has already obtained the keys and started to unlock the chains around their wrists. Frau hits Teito as a punishment and Teito immediately retaliates to the alarm of both Suzunami and Yukinami. Teito then says that he remembered how much he used to hate being chained and so he doesn't like to see anyone else go through the same ordeal. Frau, realising that his argument is valid, allows Teito to do as he wishes. Once free, both Yukinami and Suzunami thank Teito in the language of Raggs and he stares at them intently. They panic, but then Teito admits that he wanted to talk to them some more, due to the fact that they are the only ones who can converse with him in Raggs. Teito is then enchanted as the two sklaves sing in the language of Raggs. They introduce one another and Suzunami and Yukinami note that from the amount of darkness in Frau's soul, he must be very powerful and Teito must not be a normal person to be able to travel alone with him (Frau). Teito then reveals to Capella that they are looking for his mother and he (Capella) in his happiness is able to create his first Zaiphon in the form of a healing Zaiphon. Frau then prepares to ditch the ship on a Hawkzile but due to the added weight of Suzunami and Yukinami, the Hawkzile is overloaded and crash lands into an outdoor bath which three women are bathing in. They are the attendants of Roseamanelle Ouka Barsburg. The men hastily retreat and prepare to spend a night in a small hotel room. Teito explains the meaning of 'friends' to Yukinami and Suzunami and they all go to sleep. In the middle of the night, Frau stands over Teito's bed, waking him. Teito sits up, alert and ready to attack but finds nothing; Frau had already returned to his bed. The next morning, Teito is the first to wake up. Seeing the note which Yukinami and Suzunami left behind (which said 'thanks' in the language of Raggs), he deduces that they were friends and goes outside. Burupya runs off unexpectedly and Teito runs after him, to see a girl with what seem to be wings growing out of her back.
Kapitel 47
# Kapitel 48 Kapitel 48: Chance Meeting is the forty-eighth chapter overall, and the first chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2009 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5466-9. Summary. Teito and Ouka meet and Teito is shocked to find that Ouka does not have wings and they in fact belong to her Fyulong dragon, Kururu. They then bid each other farewell and Teito runs off along the roofs, only to find that he had left Mikage behind. Ouka, meanwhile is in the city, curing the ills of the people who live on the streets. She comes across a man who is being harassed by the slave dealers, Carl and Parl, due to the fact that he owes them money. Ouka stands up for the man and gives the slave dealers some jewellery in order to the cover the man's debt. The slave dealers realise that the jewellery is worth way more than the man's debt and decide to attack Ouka in order to get more of her belongings. Teito arrives and kicks Parl in the face. He then helps Ouka to escape and the two walk together for a while, talking about themselves. Teito is surprised that Kururu can talk and attempts to teach Mikage how to talk too. Ouka tells Teito that she wants to help people in the world. Carl and Parl arrive, seeking revenge for being beaten and chase Teito and Ouka out on the ice. Whilst they skid away, the children look at each other in the eyes and seem to remember meeting each other before but not entirely remembering the circumstances behind it. They manage to escape the slave dealers. While they wonder about the smell of incense getting stronger, a Wars suddenly attacks them.
Kapitel 48
# Kapitel 49 Kapitel 49: Paradise of Oblivion (1) is the forty-ninth chapter overall, and the second chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2009 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5466-9. Summary. Ouka's ladies-in-waiting and Frau are anxious over the sudden disappearance of Ouka and Teito. As Gyokuran, Ohruri and Kikune run around and argue amongst themselves, Frau reflects that he had hunted too much the previous night and woken up late. Gyokuran insists on immediately starting a search for Ouka, to the consternation of Ohruri and Kikune, who are less emotional about Ouka's disappearance.  Capella observes that Teito still hasn't returned, and becomes upset. Seeing this, Frau attempts to take Capella's mind off his concern for Teito by playing with him. Capella cheers up and tells Frau that Teito is teaching him how to use combat Zaiphon, saying that his Zaiphon is not "cool" like Teito's, but states that he will "fight bad guys too" and rescue Teito. However, Frau insists that Capella work on his healing Zaiphon instead. Frau recalls his conversation with Teito the previous night. The two had talked about Capella, and Frau told Teito that to Capella, he (Teito) is like a god, but Teito did not believe Frau. Teito went to bed and, as Frau left the room, asked what kind of person Frau's "god" was. Frau untruthfully replied that he doesn't remember. Back in the present, Burupya appears, running towards Frau and Capella. Frau notices that Burupya is coughing up incense. At the Krat House, a cult led by Labrador's uncle is meeting, and Teito and Ouka have been stranded in a part of the house that appears to be entirely made of ice. Teito and Ouka regain consciousness, and Ouka panics over Kururu's and Burupya's absence. Teito calms her down, and she marvels at his inner strength. The two then try to break out of their icy prison, but are suddenly confronted by Lem, who tells them that they will become a part of his "collection".
Kapitel 49
# Kapitel 5 Kapitel 5: Violation is the fifth chapter of Volume 1 of the 07 ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2005 in Japan, and November 29, 2008 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5193-4 and 978-1-60510-032-6 respectively. Summary. As the Bishops prepare for mass, Teito goes to visit Mikage and is overjoyed to see him well but becomes anxious when he finds Mikage's hands are cold. Meanwhile, the Bishops, who are preparing for the annual Baptism Ceremony, become very worried after Labrador reveals he had a vision of Mikage disappearing, and it's revealed Mikage only has half a soul left and will soon cease to exist. Frau comments that it is his first time encountering someone with only half a soul, and the Bishops decide to continue to watch Mikage in case the situation takes a turn for the worse. Teito explains all of his recovered memories to Mikage, mainly his relationship with the King of Raggs, Weldeschtein Krom Raggs, and is surprised, but pleased when Mikage believes him without question, but he (Teito) is suddenly struck down with another memory of Raggs and tells Mikage that he is unable to return to the Imperial Army. Upon hearing this, Mikage tells Teito to follow the light instead of taking revenge against the army, and then begs Teito to kill him. It is shown that when Mikage was under interrogation he was given a choice between his family and Teito, to choose the one he likes and then bring them to the military, and if he chose neither, then he would die. Biding Teito a final goodbye, Mikage suddenly becomes more aggressive, sprouts a single Kor wing, and then attacks Teito. As Teito flees, Mikage pursues him until he has him trapped within the Bridge of Trials.
Kapitel 5
# Kapitel 50 Kapitel 50: Paradise of Oblivion (2) is the fiftieth chapter overall, and the third chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2009 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5466-9. Summary. Various members of the cult led by Labrador's uncle are shown to become delusional, and Labrador's uncle smiles, saying to himself that thanks to his followers, he "can make a fine incense". Meanwhile, Lem continues to threaten Teito and Ouka, who notices that Lem has already frozen many others in ice, including Kururu, to Ouka's dismay. Lem then starts to attack them, but Teito uses a Baculus to defend them. Kururu is unfrozen and, together with Ouka and Teito, hides behind a large icicle. Kururu informs Teito that Burupya managed to escape, and Teito is relieved to hear this. Kururu, Teito and Ouka discuss how to escape their icy prison, and Teito surmises that they will not be able to escape if they do not destroy Lem's "treasure". The scene changes to show Labrador's uncle addressing his followers, telling them that the Pope has committed suicide and that "God will be extinguished from this world." This causes his followers to panic, and he tells them that he can save them with his prophecies. They wholeheartedly believe him and begin to cheer. Back in the icy prison, Teito and Ouka decide to destroy Lem's "collection". Labrador's uncle walks down a corridor and encounters Frau, who glares at him wordlessly. At that moment, there is a sudden explosion where Teito, Ouka and Lem are at, and when Labrador's uncle glances back down the corridor after the momentary distraction, Frau has disappeared. Teito and Ouka begin destroying Lem's "collection", and Lem screams that what they are doing is "unforgivable". Ignoring his protests, Teito and Ouka continue, and Ouka gives Teito her Zaiphon, which is so concentrated that he feels ill after taking it. However, he quickly recovers and uses his Baculus again in another attempt to purify Lem's soul, but is still unable to. Lem says that he will never allow them to leave his paradise, for in order to protect his "treasure", they, too, must stay forever.
Kapitel 50
# Kapitel 51 Kapitel 51: Paradise of Oblivion (3) is the fifty-first chapter overall, and the fourth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2009 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5466-9. Summary. Lem cries as he talks to "Ilyusha", telling him that the icy prison is a "paradise" made for his sake. Teito and Ouka are still trying to escape, only for Lem to tell them that their level of power cannot destroy his "paradise". Teito makes one more attempt to purify Lem's soul, and then Frau, Capella and Burupya arrive. Frau introduces himself, and Teito explains that Frau is his teacher. Upon hearing this, Ouka becomes excited, and Kururu advises Frau and Teito to not be offended by Ouka's "peculiarities". Teito tells Frau about the Wars (Lem), and Frau remarks that "the smell of darkness is thick". A moment later, Frau hears a tinkling sound, and shouts that his body is being frozen, asking the others to warm him up. They all start to panic and shout at each other. Ouka wildly asks Teito if Frau is a pervert, to which Teito has no response. When they have all calmed down, they notice that the traces of the Wars continue further on, and that Lem's physical appearance has become that of a child after his soul was purified. Lem warns them not to come any closer to his "treasure", which, upon closer inspection, Teito realises is Labrador, frozen and devoured by a monstrous plant. Teito then starts to see a flashback of Labrador's past, showing how Lem succumbed to the temptation of the Flower of Eden for the sake of curing his sister Lirin, and how Labrador died as a result of using the Flower of Eden.
Kapitel 51
# Kapitel 52 Kapitel 52: Paradise of Oblivion (4) is the fifty-second chapter overall, and the fifth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2009 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5466-9. Summary. Lem cries and talks to himself. Meanwhile, at Church, Ouida is searching for Labrador. Teito is still viewing the flashback of Labrador's past.  The Imperial Guard warn Lem not to get any closer to the devoured Ilyusha, and ask Lem if he knows Ilyusha. In order to be able to continue using the Flower of Eden to cure Lirin, Lem lies and denies any involvement with Ilyusha. The Imperial Guard then sentence Ilyusha to be frozen in the polar north. Back in the present, Lem shouts that Ilyusha came back and that he (Lem) will "protect paradise for sure this time". Teito is angered and punches Lem, calling him an idiot and stating that Ilyusha was ready to die for his siblings' sake. Frau marvels at Teito's ability to hit a soul through sheer willpower as Lem wails, asking why God never came to help. Teito replies that God only gives them trials, and Frau steps in, asking Lem where Lirin is. Lem says that he cured Lirin's illness, but Frau glares at him and repeats the question. Lem then says that he doesn't remember, and collapses. Another flashback of Labrador's past is shown, revealing that Lirin died despite Lem's using the Flower of Eden. Lem starts to cry again as he mourns both Lirin's and Ilyusha's deaths, and remembers how he made a deal with a Kor, which eventually turned him into a Wars when all three of his wishes were granted. Teito extends a hand to Lem, telling him that he can go to "where the souls of Lirin and Ilyusha now reside". However, the Wars controlling Lem speaks to Teito, saying that it will not let Lem's soul go. Teito tries to get rid of the Wars, but does not succeed. "Ilyusha" then speaks to Lem, asking Lem to not abandon him any more, and to "forget about Lirin" and be with him "forever, forever and ever". However, Lem finally realises that "Ilyusha" is a mere illusion, and replies that if the illusion were really Ilyusha, he would not say such a thing. Lem comes to terms with Ilyusha's death, saying that he might not be able to reach Ilyusha any more, and the illusion disappears as Lem thanks Ilyusha for loving Lirin. Profe suddenly appears behind Lem, and the chapter ends with the question of what Lem's fate is.
Kapitel 52
# Kapitel 53 Kapitel 53: Prophet is the fifty-third chapter overall, and the sixth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2009 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5466-9. Summary. The chapter opens with Hyuuga talking to Ayanami while the latter is in a regeneration tank. Ayanami declares that he (Ayanami) will fill Teito's soul with darkness, then says that he will 'dive into the darkness for a little while' as he delves into his memories. The scene changes to show a flashback of Ayanami's past life as Verloren. In the flashback, the Chief of Heaven's daughter, the goddess Eve, is shown wandering lost in a forest in Heaven. Verloren approaches her from behind, and sensing him, Eve turns to confront him, unsheathing her sword as she does so. Verloren explains who he is and offers to guide Eve out of the forest. Eve gratefully accepts his offer. As they proceed through the forest, Eve sees some falling flower petals and remarks that they are pretty and 'just like snow'. By this time, they have reached the edge of the forest, and part ways. Verloren watches Eve leave, and reaches out a hand to touch her, but changes his mind, lowers his hand and silently sees her off. The scene changes again, and back in the present, Teito manages to help Lem's soul return to Heaven. Profe gives Teito his (Profe's) cursed ticket and some advice, then disappears, returning to his human body back at the Barsburg Church. Ouka and Capella rush up to Teito, and Ouka cries happily while wistfully remarking that bishops 'see people off like this'. Teito smiles in response. Meanwhile, having heard the commotion of Teito's fight with Lem in the greenhouse, Labrador's uncle rushes into the greenhouse, only to find Frau waiting for him. Frau rightly accuses Labrador's uncle of using his status as a God House member to commit crimes (as the Church is not allowed to investigate a God House). Labrador's uncle laughs hysterically and wildly proclaims that Frau is after the Flower of Eden because Frau also wants to be worshipped as a god. Smirking, Frau then kills him and devours his soul, but not before he predicts that Frau will 'disappear from this world'. Frau, however, does not seem surprised by this prophecy, and merely replies that he 'knows'. 
Kapitel 53
# Kapitel 54 Kapitel 54: JOKER is the fifty-fourth chapter overall, and the seventh chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of November 2009 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5466-9. Summary. Teito, Ouka, Capella, Burupya and Kururu rejoin Frau, and Teito is shocked to see the aftermath of Frau's fight with Labrador's uncle. Capella, whose eyes are being covered by Ouka, asks what's wrong, but Ouka tells him that he doesn't need to see. Teito states that the Krat House's greenhouse will have to be burned down, and produces a bomb that Labrador had given him. The bomb detonates within seconds, and Teito, Ouka, Capella, Burupya, Kururu and Frau quickly flee in a panic.  Meanwhile, some inhabitants of the Krat House watch the destruction of the greenhouse and mourn, bemoaning the fact that Labrador suffered from the same fate as his father. Teito has a flashback of a mysterious young man in a white cloak telling him and Fea Kreuz that he (the white-cloaked man) shall bring them to the next God House. Teito wonders who the white-cloaked man is and the flashback ends. Frau sees that Teito's face is a little pale and asks him if he is all right. Teito replies that he is, and Ouka uses her healing Zaiphon on him and Capella, as both boys sustained some scrapes from the explosion. She asks Teito what he would have done if his freedom had happened earlier, and he replies that even he doesn't know, but he promised that he would live for himself and with honesty. Capella interrupts and says that he will heal Teito with his own healing Zaiphon. Ouka agrees and offers to teach him. As Capella practices, Ouka requests that he look after Teito and Frau in her place. Shortly afterwards, Teito, Frau, Capella and Burupya part ways with Ouka and Kururu. Before she leaves, Ouka gives Teito an earring that used to belong to her mother. Teito thanks her, then panics, wondering what to give her in return. He decides to give her a handmade toy that he had made while staying at the Church. Ouka thanks him and says that she will treasure it as long as she lives. As the males board their Hawkzile, Ouka wishes the protection of the Eye of Raphael for them, and reveals her real name. Teito does likewise, and the Hawkzile departs. The Eye of Raphael activates and begins to attack Teito, but fortunately, Hakuren arrives, bringing Ouka back to her senses. Confused, she wonders what she was doing, but is distracted by Hakuren, who is shocked at the sight of the toy she is holding, recognizing it as one Teito had made. Ouka's three ladies-in-waiting arrive, and she apologizes for going off by herself. The six then return to Ouka's home.
Kapitel 54
# Kapitel 55 Kapitel 55: Almarz Mansion is the fifty-fifth chapter overall, and the first chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of August 2010 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5538-3. Summary. The chapter opens with Frau and Teito looking at a map, determining the position of the town where Rutia, Capella's mother is living. Capella is overjoyed that he would be able to see his mother again soon. However, Teito is a little worried that his mother would try and leave the boy alone again and so he promises himself that he would protect Capella until the end. The next morning, Teito wakes and as he moves, Capella grabs onto his hand which makes him smile. When he tries to leave, he is shocked to find a chain attached to his ankle (which tripped him up) and he shouts in anger. It is then revealed that Frau was the one who had chained him to prevent him from going off by himself. Teito goes to punch Frau in anger but collapses on the bed and it is discovered that he has a cold (possibly from being somewhere full of ice for so long). He refuses to stop searching for Capella's mother and they set off, despite his illness. They pass the place where the house should have been but there wasn't one. Frau looks at Teito with worry and tells him that they should stop, but Teito says that due to Labrador's medicine (which was probably given to him in foresight) he was fine. When Teito starts becoming slightly delirious, such as draping a cat around his neck for warmth, Frau forcefully carries Teito into a bar. They argue for a while but Teito eventually collapses onto the sofa after Verloren's Scythe starts to resurface. As Teito sleeps, Frau and the bartender talk; they seem to know each other well. The bartender mistakes Capella for Frau's child.The bartender is a little surprised that they had passed by the house but had not seen it and wonders wherther it had turned into a 'ghost'. That night, Frau looms over the sofa which Teito is sleeping on and wrestles with the Scythe for control. Teito is fine to continue in the morning, however, Frau has a headache from a hangover. Teito berates and insults Frau for drinking despite being a clergyman, however, he feels guilty almost immediately after when he learns that Frau had watched over him for the whole night. The house is still not visible, and remembering the bartender's words from the night before, Frau brings out Verloren's Scythe and chops the wall down, finally revealing the Almarz house. He realises that there is something wrong with the house, but does not say anything as Teito and Capella run towards the house. They are rejected at the door, due to Frau's 'heinous' look despite the bishop passes, and storm the house, breaking down the door. They are then stripped by the servants who are convinced that they have something to hide, but fortunately, Rena hears the commotion and emerges from the house. Once she and the servants understand the situation, Teito, Frau and Capella are allowed into the house, but are asked if they can wait just one day before meeting Rutia. However, before his sentence can be completed, Capella sees his mother and they are reunited. Something in the wall watches them and promises something ominous.
Kapitel 55
# Kapitel 56 Kapitel 56: The Neverending 1st Day is the fifty-fifth chapter overall, and the second chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of August 2010 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5538-3. Summary. Teito looks upon Capella and Rutia's reunion and realises that they are both glad to be back together. He is unable to say all the harsh things he had meant to say to Rutia and he smiles down at the sight. Rutia then justifies her reasons for leaving Capella; they had run out of money and she was willing to sell her son into slavery so that he would be fed than to stay with her and starve to death. She then thanks Teito and Frau for giving her son back to her. It is then revealed that Rena's mother had been murdered by poison and they had to conceal the death, as Rena was not old enough to inherit her mother's property and it would have been sold. In the slave market, they found Rutia, who bore a startling resemblance to Rena's late mother and took her in to deceive those who had wanted to kill her mother. It is one day until Rena's birthday and she becomes of age. They all make preparations but the thing in the wall watches them and swears to stop Rena having her birthday. Capella goes to sleep and Teito delivers him to his mother who once again thanks him and apologizes for giving him so much trouble. He then talks to Frau who admits that he has a bad feeling about the place; as if the whole place was possessed by something. At that moment, Nyx arrives with some tea and the clock clicks to midnight. Teito becomes stiff and does not respond to Frau's shouts. The atmosphere begins to distort and he tries to save Teito but the boy disappears and the scene fades. It is the morning of the previous day. Seeing as the time change had not affected Frau, he had to conceal the fact that something had happened and relived the day. That evening, Ugur appeared alongside Nyx to deliver the tea; Ugur had not been affected by the time change either. The chapter ends with Frau confronting Ugur. Quotes from this Chapter. "I am pretty sure I was going to shout. "Why did you just leave Capella like that! And, do you realise how hurt Capella was and how many tears he shed? Even then, do you expect us to believe and forgive you so easily?" But I can't even find one thing to say. Not even one." - Teito Klein about Capella and Rutia's reuinion. "But even more so, waiting for death... If my child lives; even if I was unable to meet him... Just knowing that Capella was left was my only happiness." - Rutia, justifying her reasons for leaving Capella. "Thank you. Surely, both of you are my gods." - Rutia, to Teito.
Kapitel 56
# Kapitel 57 Kapitel 57: Capella is the fifty-seventh chapter overall, and the third chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of August 2010 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5538-3. Summary. Frau confronts Ugur who is revealed to have been possessed by a Kor. Ugur then goes on to explain why he had done so, gloating over the success of the plan. The Kor takes over and mocks Frau, who effortlessly gets rid of it. With the Kor gone, the time reversal is broken and everyone is surprised that the date is no longer the eleventh but the twentieth, meaning that Rena's birthday had already passed.Everyone rushes to make preparations for Rena's birthday. In the kitchen, Capella offers to heal his mother's eye infection with his healing zaiphon. Nyx enters (mistaking Rutia for Rena's mother), ready to kill her as Ugur had promised him one fifth of the inheritance if he did so. In anger at seeing his mother being manhandled, Capella releases his Zaiphon in attack form, an extremely rare phenomenon. Alarmed, Nyx uses Rutia as a shield and Capella watches in despair as his uncontrolled Zaiphon continues towards the pair. At the last moment, Teito, who had heard screams, arrived in the kitchen in time to block the attack with his bare hand, therefore saving the pair but ending up with injuries on his hand. Teito then explains to Capella the pain of having an attack type zaiphon and makes Capella promise not to use it again. The blood from Teito's hands makes Capella understand 'the pain in one's heart' and he is horrified that he has hurt his friend. As Capella heals Teito's hands, Frau muses on the rareness of one who can use two types of zaiphon. He then acknowledges Teito's teaching skills, as not many people can block such an attack. Ugur and his accomplices are arrested, after Rutia reveals the deception; she is not Rena's mother. After Lyon, Sada and Oole leave, the Almarz household all happily make jam, and Teito watches rather sadly. He turns to leave, but Rutia calls him back, saying that it is painful for the person left behind if there isn't a goodbye. Capella cries when he is told that he will be left behind but accepts the decision. Teito and Frau mount their Hawkzile and ride off, Teito, also in tears, dwelling on the happy times they had shared and finally the promise to meet again. Quotes from this Chapter. "The pain you inflicted on other bodies will return to you as the pain in your heart. I was the one who taught you zaiphon, so I'll take half of that pain." - Teito to Capella. "Please... Don't just leave without saying anything like I did, since that will be very painful for the one who's leaving." - Rutia to Teito. "Those whole times we spent together are treasures to me." - Teito to Capella.
Kapitel 57
# Kapitel 58 Kapitel 58: Doubt is the fifty-eighth chapter overall, and the fourth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of August 2010 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5538-3. Summary. Labrador and Castor arrive in the city which Frau and Teito are in, and meet with Lance. Castor demonstrates the strength of his new, prosthetic arm and Lance exclaims that he is relieved Castor is a "nerd". Annoyed, Castor attacks Lance, revealing that his prosthetic arm can extend further than an ordinary arm, and Labrador remarks that it seems to be working well. The three bishops talk for a while, and Lance provides Castor and Labrador with updated information on Ayanami, based on the Church's intelligence. As the topic becomes the matter of Ea and Landkarte, Lance, Labrador and Castor surmise that Ea and Landkarte, who have been missing since the Raggs war, have either succeeded in obtaining Ayanami's trust or betrayed the other Ghosts. Meanwhile, Ayanami is still in his regeneration tank, and in the town Neal, preparations begin for the Hawkzile race. Frau explains the rules and regulations of the race to Teito. Carl and Parl suddenly appear, riding a large machine called the "Giga Prince Smasher" and, after dramatically announcing themselves, attack Frau and Teito, but end up accidentally destroying the Giga Prince Smasher's front windshield. Frau smiles dangerously and offers to replace Carl and Parl in the race, intimidating them into handing over their entrance passes.  After a brief tussle over a can of hairspray, Frau and Teito manage to disguise themselves and prepare to compete in the Hawkzile race.
Kapitel 58
# Kapitel 59 Kapitel 59: Hawkzile Race is the fifty-ninth chapter overall, and the sixth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of August 2010 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5538-3. Summary. The Hawkzile race is about to begin and Teito and Frau (now disguised) discuss the next God House as the route of the Hawkzile Race bypasses it. Teito suddenly has the sense that he is being watched by Ayanami and another unknown person. On edge, he looks around, leading Frau to think that he is afraid of the crowd. The pair then check their competition passes and are shocked to find what their stage names are. The race begins and several competitors target Teito and Frau, seeing as Teito is only a child, to take them out of the competition. Everyone is shocked when Teito deflects the attacks, sending them plummeting. The camera focuses on them and their highly embarrassing names are called out, drawing attention to them. While they are distracted by this, they are attacked and only manage to carry on through their amazing teamwork. The next stage involves passing through a seemingly innocent cave which is in fact filled with blood sucking bats that only attack those with a higher body temperature than them (therefore Frau is not affected by the bats). The heat of the Hawkzile causes the plants to react violently, knocking several competitors off. The plants suddenly stop moving, causing Frau to deduce that Castor and Labrador have entered the race. The first day draws to a close as the competitors speed towards a castle in which Velne is sitting, waiting for them. Quotes from this Chapter. "Who the hell is a child?" - Teito to attacking competitors. "Dammit! Those handsome names were ours originally!" - Carl and Parl about Frau and Teito's stage names.
Kapitel 59
# Kapitel 6 Kapitel 6: Awakening is the sixth chapter overall, and first chapter of of the 07 ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of May 2005 in Japan, and March (date unknown) 2009 in North America. Its ISBNs are 978-4-7580-5225-2 and 978-1-60510-033-3 respectively. Summary. As the Bishops prepare for the annual Baptism Ceremony, Castor realises that Teito is in danger due to the destruction of one of his dolls, and the Bishops quickly attempt to track him down while Mikage, now a one-winged Kor, has him cornered on the Bridge of Trials. The guardians of the bridge repair the Church's barricades in order to isolate the intruders, and Mikage attempts to place a promise collar on Teito that will control him. Teito fights back and, remembering what Frau had done earlier with the Old Man Kor (destroying the wings of the Kor), attempts to destroy Mikage's Kor wing. Mikage defends himself, and reminds Teito that he is not a normal Kor and the destruction of the wing will result in his death, not save him. He then restrains Teito and puts the collar on him, letting the collar bite him (Mikage) so it recognises him as his master. Meanwhile, Frau has separated from his body and begins to search for Teito in Ghost form, encountering the Guardians of the Bridge of Trials as he does so, who tell him that they have sealed the intruders on the Bridge. Teito attempts suicide as a way of bargaining with Mikage, but as he does he accidentally summons the God Mikhail. When Mikhail wakes, he (Mikhail) tries in vain to attack Mikage, but the promise collar pevents him from doing so and Mikhail is incapacitated. Frau, having found Teito in time, protects Teito and challenges the one controlling Mikage.
Kapitel 6
# Kapitel 60 Kapitel 60: Predator is the sixtieth chapter overall, and the sixth chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of August 2010 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5538-3. Summary. Velne looks at some photos, searching for potential victims. She then picks up Frau's and Teito's photos, and though not pleased with Frau's hair colour, approves of both of them. Frau and Teito begin their stay in Velne's home, Velniza Castle. Frau talks to Teito while taking a hot bath, and reassures Teito that he (Frau) is all right, saying that his Ghost body is "amazingly stubborn".  When Frau pats Teito on the head and says that he is "really grateful" for Teito's help, Teito gets embarrassed, shouts at Frau and runs off. Frau is surprised at first, but then smiles to himself.  A short while later, Teito somehow gets trapped in a coffin somewhere in Velniza Castle. When Frau emerges from the bathroom, he sees that Teito has disappeared and senses that something is amiss. Meanwhile, Velne refuses the advances of several suitors, and walks away from them until she finds Frau sitting in a chair, waiting for her. Frau flirts with the unsuspecting woman, then unleashes his scythe and attacks her, revealing that she is a Wars. They fight and taunt each other, with Velne screaming that Frau is the same as her, as he is also a part of Verloren. He eventually kills her and devours her soul. Frau is disgusted by the taste of Velne's soul and, under the influence of Verloren's Scythe, longs for a "tastier" soul. Teito, who has managed to escape from the coffin he was trapped in, enters at that moment, and the two stare at each other.
Kapitel 60
# Kapitel 61 Kapitel 60: Runway is the sixty first chapter overall, and the first chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of August 2010 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5538-3. Summary. As Frau and Teito stare at each other, Frau recalls Velne's last words, and thinks to himself that he "absolutely cannot go near" Teito. However, against his will, he attacks Teito, who sees images of Frau's psyche. Upon seeing a flight of stairs that is broken mid-way, in Frau's psyche, Teito feels uneasy. Moments later, Teito saves Frau from the influence of Verloren's Scythe, and Frau regains control of himself. Upset and shocked by what he has done, Frau leaves and sits somewhere outside Velniza Castle, brooding.
Kapitel 61
# Kapitel 62 Kapitel 62: 50/50 is the sixty-second chapter overall, and the second chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of January 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5576-5. Summary. Frau re-enters Velniza Castle and finds Teito lying on the floor, seemingly bleeding from the mouth. However, Teito suddenly jumps up and grabs Frau's arm, and the "blood" is revealed to be tomato sauce. Teito explains that he used the tomato sauce to "catch" Frau and states that he was worried about Frau. Frau pats Teito's head and apologises, telling Teito that he doesn't need to force himself if he's scared. Teito replies that he is not scared, but Frau disappearing without an explanation makes him upset. Teito then encourages Frau to eat his soul, and Frau asks Teito to not tempt him. Teito retorts that no matter how many times, he will save Frau from the influence of Verloren's Scythe, and throws a pillow at Frau, shouting that Frau had better "work harder" so he does not consume Teito. Upon hearing this, Frau snaps that he has already put in a lot of effort, to the extent that he cannot relax in his sleep at night. Teito is shocked to realise that the murderous aura he has sometimes felt in his sleep is actually Frau. The two talk about souls, Verloren and the Seven Ghosts. Frau explains that Verloren's scythe wants to devour Teito's soul because Teito's soul is beautiful and untainted, and remarks that Teito's soul looks "super delicious". Teito is taken aback, but recovers quickly and throws Frau's rosary to him. Frau thanks Teito for bringing him to his senses, and Teito suddenly sees a momentary flashback of a younger Frau. Later, as he takes a bath, Teito reflects that he saw what Frau looked like before dying as a human, and guesses that Frau died because of Verloren's scythe, concluding that when he thinks about Frau's death, he feels "a strange kind of warmth", because if they hadn't met in Teito's lifetime, they "might not be spending time together like this". Meanwhile, Frau catches Castor and Labrador eavesdropping. The two other Ghosts make themselves comfortable in Velniza Castle and offer to accompany Frau and Teito to the Hawkzile race and Hohburg Fortress. The chapter ends with three inhabitants of Hohburg Fortress and military higher-ups Ogi, Shiroki and Nabiki gathered around the Eye of Mikhail.
Kapitel 62
# Kapitel 63 Kapitel 63: The Villain is the sixty-third chapter overall, and the third chapter of of the 07-Ghost manga series. The volume was released on the 25th of January 2011 in Japan. Its ISBN is 978-4-7580-5576-5. Summary. The three old generals discuss the Eye of Mikhail. They seem to be working together, but a short while later, Shiroki kills Nabiki. Ogi fakes a suicide note that is supposedly written by Nabiki, and in the note, Shiroki is made to look as if he was planning to kill Wakaba Oak. Shiroki is then dragged away, presumably to be punished, and when Ogi is alone afterwards, he gloats to himself, but Katsuragi interrupts and kills him, revealing that he (Katsuragi) is an impostor working for Ayanami, and that Ogi's entire unit did not survive the Raggs War. Katsuragi places the Eye of Mikhail in Ogi's hand and leaves. The military soon learns of Ogi's death, and a soldier delivers the news to Wakaba Oak. Wakaba reflects that the three old generals were "destroyed by their greed", but feels suspicious of Ayanami's alibi, and smirks when he suspects that Ayanami and the Black Hawks will try to eliminate him (Wakaba) next. Meanwhile, Ayanami meets Kuroyuri and Katsuragi, and thanks Katsuragi for his "hard work". Kuroyuri and Katsuragi offer Ayanami some "specially made nutrition-replenishing jelly", to which Ayanami has no response. As the three walk on, Katsuragi suddenly drives his sword through a wall and Kuroyuri asks what's wrong. Katsuragi replies that a "rat" has recently been spying on them, and that it doesn't hurt to be cautious. On the other side of the wall, Teito's childhood acquaintance and Miroku's begleiter, Karu, smiles and walks on. The scene changes to show a flashback of Ouka and the Eye of Raphael undergoing brainwashing three days earlier. Raphael possesses Ouka, answers some questions Nanase asks him and informs Nanase of his and Ouka's meeting with Teito and Mikhail. The angel begins to panic but Nanase manages to calm him down and gets him to divulge Teito's name. Raphael then goes back to sleep and Ouka wakes up, feeling ill. Nanase prescribes some medicine for her and she leaves the laboratory as some soldiers are dispatched to report the discovery of Teito.
Kapitel 63