English sentence
Swahili Translation
There are very few passengers in the train.
Kuna watu wachache kwa gari la moshi.
Will the therapy cause me any pain?
Je, tiba hiyo itanisababishia maumivu yoyote?
The track meet was called off on account of the heavy rain.
Mkutano wa kukimbia ulisitishwa kwa sababu ya mvua kubwa.
The brave knight steps forward and kisses the lady on the hand.
Hatua ya ujasiri unasongea mbele na kumbusu bibi huyo kwa mkono.
Let's leave the problem until tomorrow.
Tuache iyo shida mpaka kesho.
The colors of the pattern are very ordinary.
Rangi za muundo ni za kawaida sana.
The widow suffered from stomach cancer.
Mjane huyo alipatwa na saratani ya tumbo.
The soldier lay injured on the ground.
Maaskari walilala chini wakiwa wamejeruhiwa.
The surface of the object is fairly rough.
Uso wa kitu ni mbaya.
The lady's funeral was held at the local church.
Mazishi ya mwanamke huyo yalifanyika katika kanisa la mtaa huo.
To prevent the disease from spreading quickly was not an easy task.
Ili kuzuia ugonjwa kuenea haraka haikuwa kazi rahisi.
The airplane flies at a speed of five hundred kilometers per hour.
Ndege inapepea kwa kasi ya kilomita mia tano kwa saa.
The cat took advantage of the high grass to creep on the bird.
Paka alitumia faida ya nyasi kuwa ndefu katika kummendea ndege.
The fire, driven by an east wind, destroyed the center of the city.
Moto, ukiopeperushwa na upepo wa mashariki, uliharibu katikati ya mji.
There are subtle differences between the two things.
Kuna tofauti hila kati ya mambo haya mawili.
The island is covered with ice and snow during the winter.
Kisiwa hufunikwa na barafu na theluji wakati wa baridi.
During that winter, writing occupied most of my free time.
Wakati huo wa msimu wa kipupwe, uandishi ulichukua muda wangu wa starehe.
The street is named for President Madison.
Barabara hii imepewa jina la Rais Madison
If that city were a color, it would be a color with a quiet sort of dignity ... wine red, say.
Ikiwa jiji hilo lilikuwa rangi, itakuwa rangi na utulivu wa aina yake ... divai nyekundu, sema.
The town is located in the extreme north of Japan.
Mji huo upo kaskazini mwa Japan.
Among these there may be new sources of food fish and new species of other creatures.
Miongoni mwa hivyo huenda kuna vyanzo vipya ya samaki na aina nyingine ya viumbe
The man was too fat to move by himself.
Mwanamume huyo alikuwa na uzani mkubwa hivyo hangeweza kutembea kivyake.
The country's foreign trade depends entirely on this port.
Biashara ya nje ya nchi inategemea kabisa bandari hii.
The villagers serve their own needs by taking turns driving the bus.
Wanakijiji hutumikia mahitaji yao kwa kubadilisha usukani kuendesha basi.
The campaign succeeded and he won the election.
Kampeni zilifaulu na akashinda uchaguzi.
The ship will set sail for Hong Kong tomorrow at 3 p.m.
Meli hiyo itaanza safari ya Hong Kong kesho saa 9 mchana.
Covered with dust, the doll stood in the corner of the room.
Doli ilisimama kwenye kona ya chumba ilikwa imefunikwa na vumbi.
Terms were signed between Japan, Germany, Great Britain and the United States.
Masharti yalitiwa saini kati ya Japan, Germany, Uingereza na Marekani.
The castle stands three miles north of the town.
Kasri liko maili tatu kaskazini mwa mji.
The girl tore the cloth.
Msichana alichana nguo.
The path continues straight ahead for miles on end.
Njia inaendelea moja kwa moja kwa maili mwishoni.
The glove has a hole in the thumb.
Glovu imetoboka kwa kidole cha gumba.
A group of scientists stood by, ready to record the experiment.
Kundi la wanasayansi lilisimama, tayari kurekodi majaribio.
Your success in the enterprise depends on your effort.
Kufanikiwa kwako katika biashara kunategemea bidii yako.
I arranged the business with Mr Brown.
Nilipanga biashara na Bw. Brown.
The cruel man beat the dog with a whip.
Mtu mkatili alimpiga mbwa kwa mjeledi.
That forest fire happened from natural cause.
Moto huo wa msituni ulisababishwa na hali ya kawaida.
The mountain is famous in myth and legend.
Mlima ni maarufu katika ngano na hadithi.
The author presented a copy of his latest book to me.
Mwandishi alinipatia nakala ya karibuni.
The performance was received with applause.
Maonyesho yalipokelewa kwa shangwe.
The ice on the lake is too thin to bear your weight.
Barafu iliyo kwenye ziwa ni nyembamba sana kubeba uzito wako.
The beauty of the lake is beyond description.
Urembo wa ziwa hauelezeki.
Only part of the building has been destroyed by the earthquake.
Ni sehemu moja ya jengo iliyoharibiwa na mtetemeko wa ardhi.
It's nothing impressive. It's just a bit part in that play.
Sio kitu cha kuvutia. Ni sehemu kidogo tu katika mchezo huo.
The alarm sent everyone rushing out of the room.
Kengele ilipeleka kila mtu kukimbilia nje ya chumba.
The cop was shot on his beat.
Polisi alipigwa risasi kwenye lindo lake.
The army was involved in a number of brilliant actions during the battle.
Jeshi lilihusika katika matendo mengi kadhaa wakati wa vita.
The lord held absolute power over his subjects.
Bwana alikuwa na mamlaka kabisa juu ya raia wake.
The church was built hundreds of years ago.
Kanisa lilijengwa mamia ya miaka iliyopita.
The article was an invitation for public protest against the newspaper.
Nakala hiyo ilikuwa mwaliko wa maandamano ya umma dhidi ya gazeti hili.
Students are forbidden to smoke on the school grounds.
Wanafunzi wanakatazwa kuvuta siraga kwenye maeneo ya shule.
The company couldn't cope with sudden changes.
Kampuni hiyo haikuweza kukabiliana na mabadiliko ya ghafla.
The company's financial year runs from April until March of the following year.
Mwaka wa kifedha wa kampuni hiyo unaanzia Aprili hadi Machi ya mwaka uliofuata.
I didn't commit myself to attend the meeting.
Sikuahidi kuhudhuria mkutano.
That song reminds me of a famous movie actor.
Wimbo huo unanikumbusha muigizaji maarufu wa sinema.
The scientist tried to discover Nature's laws.
Mwanasayansi alijaribu kugundua sheria Asili.
The family has been cursed with poor health.
Familia imelaaniwa kwa afya mbaya.
The dirty boy turned out to be a prince in disguise.
Mvulana mchafu aligeuka kuwa mwanamfalme.
The director used his power to arrange a special place in the cinema world.
Mkurugenzi alitumia nguvu yake kupanga mahali maalumu katika ulimwengu wa sinema.
The driver really screwed up the team when he drove them to the wrong playing field in a different town.
Dereva aliikosea timu kweli wakati alipowapeleka kwenye uwanja usiofaa wa kucheza ulio mji tofauti.
The rumor became common property.
Uvumi huo ukawa mali ya kawaida.
Whoever wins the race will receive the prize.
Yeyote atakayeshinda mbio atapata tuzo.
Bear in mind that, under such circumstances, we have no alternative but to find another buyer.
Kumbuka kwamba, katika hali kama hizi, hatuna njia nyingine ila kupata mnunuzi mwingine.
The boat uses a motor for the power.
Mashua inatumia mota kuipa nguvu.
The parade was led by an army band.
Gwaride hilo liliongozwa na bendi ya jeshi.
The data was completely useless.
Data hiyo ilikuwa haina maana kabisa.
The monkey took a banana by means of the stick.
Tumbili alichukua ndizi kupitia kijiti.
The garbage is giving off a terrible smell.
Takataka inatoa harufu mbaya.
Two can play at that game.
Watu wawili wanaweza kucheza mchezo huo.
The money was put into a special fund to buy books for the school library.
Pesa hiyo iliwekwa katika mfuko maalum kununua vitabu kwa maktaba ya shule.
Now, just let the clay slide between your fingers.
Sasa, acha tu udongo uteleze kati ya vidole vyako.
And they will continue to influence the world through the excitement of their literature, movies and music.
Na wataendelea kushawishi ulimwengu kupitia msisimko wa fasihi zao, sinema na muziki.
There you see the gate which Mr Jones built.
Huko unaona lango ambalo Mr Jones aliijenga.
They were based on goods which the members of a society recognized as having value.
Zilitokana na bidhaa ambazo wanachama wa jamii walitambua kuwa zina thamani.
Mr Smith gave a lecture on literature.
Bwana Smith alitoa hotuba ya fasihi.
Mr Smith is accused of breach of contract.
Bwana Smith ameshtakiwa kwa uvunjaji wa mkataba.
Mr Smith proposed marriage to Jane.
Bwana Smith alimposa Jane.
Talking of Professor Smith, his assistant is hard of hearing.
Kuzungumzia Profesa Smith, msaidizi wake ni mgumu kusikiliza.
Mr Smith is within shouting distance.
Bwana Smith yupo karibu.
A farewell party was held in honor of Mr Smith.
Hafla ya heri njema ilifanyika kwa heshima ya Bwana Smith.
Please connect me with Mr Smith.
Tafadhali wasiliana na Bw. Smith.
Every experiment required a protected environment and an entirely objective frame of mind.
Kila jaribio lilihitaji mazingira ya kulindwa na urazini kamili wa akili.
The spy sent information by code.
Jasusi huyo alituma habari kwa kuficha.
Steve received a letter from Jane.
Steve alipokea barua kutoka kwa Jane.
Scott received a very strict education.
Scott alipokea elimu madhubuti.
Susan eats like a bird and leaves most of the food on her plate.
Susan anakula kama ndege na kubakisha chakula kwenye sahani yake.
I beg your pardon. I didn't think this was your seat.
Naomba radhi. Nikufikiria hiki kilikuwa kiti chako.
It is rude to stare at strangers.
Ni kukosa heshima kuwaangalia wageni.
John always breaks the ice in class.
Kila wakati Jonh huteleza taarifa darasani.
John knows English history from A to Z.
John anajua historia yote ya Kiingereza.
Probably John will pass the examination.
Pengine John ataupita mtihani.
Mr Johnson suddenly changed his mind and signed the contract.
Bwana Johnson alibadilisha mawazo ghafla na kutia saini mkataba.
I can't understand why John turned down a job as good as that.
Siwezi kuelewa kwanini John alikataa kazi nzuri kama ile.
The shopping center is a mile further down the road.
Kituo cha ununuzi ni maili moja zaidi.
Mr Jordan woke up suddenly.
Bwana Jordan aliamka ghafla.
Mr George Bush is the forty-first president of the United States.
Bwana George Bush ndiye rais wa arobaini na moja wa Amerika.
Georgia is his native state.
Georgia ndio jimbo lake la asili.
Julie received a Christmas card from her brother in Italy.
Julie alipokea kasi ya Krismasi kutoka kwa kaka yake wa Italia.
Don't drop cigarette ash on the carpet.
Usiangusha jivu la sigara kwenye zulia.
Jack and Betty have been going steady for a month.
Jack na Betty wamekuwa na mahusiano thabiti kwa mwezi mmoja.