Amxxprogramer / Dynamic, Fake Natives.txt
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Dynamic / Fake Natives (I will refer to them as dynamic from here onward, I don't like the word fake when they actually do something) allow you to have the functionality of a module (through natives) by having a plugin that acts like a module running. In theory, it is possible to port entire modules to fakemeta + plugins using this principle (fun has already been done, engine can be done with more difficulty). From my experiences, dynamic natives go hand and hand with API design as shown in my "Plugin API" tutorial.
Here are the natives that are used along for dynamic natives:
Please keep in mind that dynamic natives are pretty useless when not dealing with more than one plugin. As such, the following examples will always be at least 2 scripts, plus one include file.
Here is a simple example to show the basics of dynamic natives:
#include <amxmodx>
#include <fun>
public plugin_init()
register_plugin("Dynamic Native Test - Handler","1.0","Hawk552")
public plugin_natives()
public _half_user_hp(iPlugin,iParams)
if(iParams != 1)
new id = get_param(1)
set_user_health(id,get_user_health(id) / 2)
#include <amxmodx>
#include <dyn_test>
public plugin_init()
register_plugin("Dynamic Native Test - Caller","1.0","Hawk552")
public client_putinserver(id)
// NOTE: This file MUST be called (or you have to rename the #include <dyn_test> in script 2)
#pragma reqlib "dyn_test"
native half_user_hp(id)
Now, what is this doing? Basically, on client_putinserver, if the user is alive (which is only true in mods like sven coop where you spawn right away) then it will slice their HP in half. Let's pick apart each thing.
Script 1
At first we look at the plugin_init, and we notice nothing special. We then look down and see "plugin_natives", a forward most people here have probably never seen before. This is where natives and libraries must be registered. DO NOT try to put them in other forwards, like plugin_init or plugin_precache.
Now, let's look at the first part of plugin_natives, which is register_library.
What does this do? It basically tells AMXX that this plugin provides native functionality to other plugins, and aids with "native not found" errors to check if the plugin is loaded before trying to call the dynamic native. In this case, we're calling our library "dyn_test" for "Dynamic Native Test". There are 2 types of libraries in AMXX core, as of 1.75: libraries and classes. A module is a library, while a plugin is a class. This information is useful for LibraryExists, which will be covered later.
Next, we see register_native.
const native[] - this is the name of the native to register. Pretty obvious.
const handler[] - this is the name of the function that will be called when this native is used. Remember, it must be public (as with almost all functions that are put in quotes or called by outside sources)
[ style = 0 ] - this is will be covered later
Now, as we look at the register_native call, we see the handler is _half_user_hp. So, we look down, and we see this function.
public _half_user_hp(iPlugin,iParams)
In all dynamic natives, unless registered with style=1, we see something to the effect of (id,params), which I decided to rename in the header. The first param is the plugin id - this is useful in case you want to send it back a callfunc or a CreateOneForward/ExecuteForward, or have an array that stores data for each plugin loaded. The next param is iParams. In the case of the above example, iParams must be 1, because the only param is 1. If it's anything different, someone decided to be stupid and modify the include file.
Next, inside the function we check if iParams == 1, and if it doesn't we stop there. Next, we get_param(1), which allows you to get the first parameter assuming it's a cell (which it is). We then check if id is a counting number, because we can't use 0 with get_user_health. The rest is pretty self explanatory.
In this example, I returned PLUGIN_CONTINUE because that evaluates to false, and PLUGIN_HANDLED because it evaluates to true. This allows you to do simple error checking, ie "if(!half_user_health(id)) log_amx("failed")".
Now that the handler is out of the way, we get down to the plugin that will use this dynamic native.
First, I'd like you to look at the include file (the 3rd example). The first thing we see is #pragma reqlib "dyn_test". This effectively tells AMXX "If dyn_test isn't loaded, error me right here." The register_library function in the first example is what lets you bypass this, because it tells AMXX that dyn_test does exist. Next, in this same file, we see native half_user_hp(id). This basically tells the compiler that half_user_hp will be handled in the VM layer (which is where all the C++ coding is), but the VM layer will pass it down to the function that handles the dynamic native. After it's handled, the VM layer will pass the result back to the calling function.
Onto the script itself, we see that we included this file through #include <dyn_test>. The rest is quite self explanatory.
As for the get_param section, the natives above (get_param_f, get_param_byref, etc.) can be used to replace this, depending upon what arguments are passed into the function.
Now, onto style = 1. This style basically forgets about the iPlugin,iParams part of the header, and then assumes the plugin will pass the parameters correctly. This means _half_user_hp would look like:
public _half_user_hp(id)