A 1Tb 4b/cell 64-stacked-WL 3D NAND flash memory with 12MB/s program throughput
11.4 A 512Gb 3b/cell 64-stacked WL 3D V-NAND flash memory
A 45nm 4Gb 3-Dimensional Double-Stacked Multi-Level NAND Flash Memory with Shared Bitline Structure
A 1Tb 4b/cell 64-stacked-WL 3D NAND flash memory with 12MB/s program throughput
11.4 A 512Gb 3b/cell 64-stacked WL 3D V-NAND flash memory
The post-traumatic response in children and adolescents.
A 1Tb 4b/cell 64-stacked-WL 3D NAND flash memory with 12MB/s program throughput
11.4 A 512Gb 3b/cell 64-stacked WL 3D V-NAND flash memory
Scalable Gaussian Process Classification via Expectation Propagation
A 1Tb 4b/cell 64-stacked-WL 3D NAND flash memory with 12MB/s program throughput
11.4 A 512Gb 3b/cell 64-stacked WL 3D V-NAND flash memory
Tintinnida from coastal waters of the S.W.-Netherlands I. The genus Tintinnopsis stein
Goal setting and task performance: 1969-1980.
Telling More Than We Can Know : Verbal Reports on Mental Processes
Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases
Goal setting and task performance: 1969-1980.
Telling More Than We Can Know : Verbal Reports on Mental Processes
6D physical interaction with a fully actuated aerial robot
Goal setting and task performance: 1969-1980.
Telling More Than We Can Know : Verbal Reports on Mental Processes
Coherent Detection and Channel Coding for Bistatic Scatter Radio Sensor Networking
Goal setting and task performance: 1969-1980.
Telling More Than We Can Know : Verbal Reports on Mental Processes
Neuromorphic architectures for spiking deep neural networks
Learning Rich Features from RGB-D Images for Object Detection and Segmentation
Fast Edge Detection Using Structured Forests
A training algorithm for optimal margin classifiers
Learning Rich Features from RGB-D Images for Object Detection and Segmentation
Indoor Semantic Segmentation using depth information
Age-Related Changes in the Hepatic Pharmacology and Toxicology of Paracetamol
Learning Rich Features from RGB-D Images for Object Detection and Segmentation
Fast Edge Detection Using Structured Forests
Women's clitoris, vagina, and cervix mapped on the sensory cortex: fMRI evidence.
Learning Rich Features from RGB-D Images for Object Detection and Segmentation
Scene Parsing with Object Instances and Occlusion Ordering
Psychopathy, treatment involvement, and subsequent violence among civil psychiatric patients.
Graph-Based Term Weighting for Text Categorization
Text Classification using Graph Mining-based Feature Extraction
Improved Automatic Keyword Extraction Given More Linguistic Knowledge
Graph-Based Term Weighting for Text Categorization
Biographies, Bollywood, Boom-boxes and Blenders: Domain Adaptation for Sentiment Classification
Multi-scale morphological analysis for retinal vessel detection in wide-field fluorescein angiography
Graph-Based Term Weighting for Text Categorization
LexRank: Graph-based Lexical Centrality as Salience in Text Summarization
Hyperbolically Discounted Temporal Difference Learning
Graph-Based Term Weighting for Text Categorization
Text Classification using Graph Mining-based Feature Extraction
BigHouse: A simulation infrastructure for data center systems
Mindful Self-Compassion Strategies for Survivors of Intimate Partner Abuse
self - compassion and adaptive psychological functioning .
The Costly Pursuit of Self-Esteem
Mindful Self-Compassion Strategies for Survivors of Intimate Partner Abuse
Intimate Partner Violence as a Risk Factor for Mental Disorders: A Meta-Analysis
Axillary Accessory Breast: Optimal Time for Operation
Mindful Self-Compassion Strategies for Survivors of Intimate Partner Abuse
Intimate Partner Violence as a Risk Factor for Mental Disorders: A Meta-Analysis
A 35.7–64.2 GHz low power Miller Divider with Weak Inversion Mixer in 65 nm CMOS
Mindful Self-Compassion Strategies for Survivors of Intimate Partner Abuse
teaching self - care to caregivers : effects of mindfulness - based stress reduction on the mental health of therapists in training .
Eight-Degrees-of-Freedom Remote Actuation of Small Magnetic Mechanisms
Time Limits in Reinforcement Learning
Policy Gradient Methods for Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation
Complexity of exact gradient computation algorithms for recurrent neural networks
Time Limits in Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
A statistical paradigm for neural spike train decoding applied to position prediction from ensemble firing patterns of rat hippocampal place cells
Time Limits in Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
Information-theoretic algorithm for feature selection
Time Limits in Reinforcement Learning
Simple statistical gradient-following algorithms for connectionist reinforcement learning
Designer exosomes produced by implanted cells intracerebrally deliver therapeutic cargo for Parkinson’s disease treatment
Arabic Light Stemmer : Anew Enhanced Approach
Building an Arabic Stemmer for Information Retrieval
A Practical Part-Of-Speech Tagger
Arabic Light Stemmer : Anew Enhanced Approach
Building an Arabic Stemmer for Information Retrieval
EYEDIAP: a database for the development and evaluation of gaze estimation algorithms from RGB and RGB-D cameras
Arabic Light Stemmer : Anew Enhanced Approach
APT: Arabic Part-of-speech Tagger
orthosiphon stamineus benth . : orthosiphon ( lamiaceae ) .
Arabic Light Stemmer : Anew Enhanced Approach
Building an Arabic Stemmer for Information Retrieval
insider threat prediction tool : evaluating the probability of it misuse .
Absent data generating classifier for imbalanced class sizes
Class Imbalance, Redux
Bivariate analysis of sensitivity and specificity produces informative summary measures in diagnostic reviews.
Absent data generating classifier for imbalanced class sizes
Class Imbalance, Redux
Image Segmentation Based on Oscillatory Correlation
Absent data generating classifier for imbalanced class sizes
Mining with rarity: a unifying framework
the researcher ' s dilemma : evaluating trust in computer - mediated communication .
Absent data generating classifier for imbalanced class sizes
Class Imbalance, Redux
Development of an Automated Healthcare Kiosk for the Management of Chronic Disease Patients in the Primary Care Setting
The study on feature selection in customer churn prediction modeling
A machine learning framework for network anomaly detection using SVM and GA
Information-theoretic measures for anomaly detection
The study on feature selection in customer churn prediction modeling
A machine learning framework for network anomaly detection using SVM and GA
Learning how to learn: an adaptive dialogue agent for incrementally learning visually grounded word meanings
The study on feature selection in customer churn prediction modeling
A machine learning framework for network anomaly detection using SVM and GA
CoCaml: Functional Programming with Regular Coinductive Types
The study on feature selection in customer churn prediction modeling
Toward integrating feature selection algorithms for classification and clustering
Further steps towards efficient runtime verification: handling probabilistic cost models
19p13.2 Microdeletion including NFIX associated with overgrowth and intellectual disability suggestive of Malan syndrome
A novel chromosome 19p13.12 deletion in a child with multiple congenital anomalies
Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows–Wheeler transform
19p13.2 Microdeletion including NFIX associated with overgrowth and intellectual disability suggestive of Malan syndrome
Mutations in EZH2 Cause Weaver Syndrome
Anatomic Distribution of Nerves and Microvascular Density in the Human Anterior Vaginal Wall: Prospective Study
19p13.2 Microdeletion including NFIX associated with overgrowth and intellectual disability suggestive of Malan syndrome
Mutations in EZH2 Cause Weaver Syndrome
Learning classification models with soft-label information
19p13.2 Microdeletion including NFIX associated with overgrowth and intellectual disability suggestive of Malan syndrome
Mutations in EZH2 Cause Weaver Syndrome
Preventing SQL Injection attack using pattern matching algorithm
The Impact of Perceived e-WOM on Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Corporate Image
eWOM overload and its effect on consumer behavioral intention depending on consumer involvement
Prominence-interpretation theory: explaining how people assess credibility online
The Impact of Perceived e-WOM on Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Corporate Image
eWOM overload and its effect on consumer behavioral intention depending on consumer involvement
Finding Competitive Network Architectures Within a Day Using UCT
The Impact of Perceived e-WOM on Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Corporate Image
Electronic Word-of-Mouth: The Moderating Roles of Product Involvement and Brand Image
Double CO(2) fixation in photosynthesis-fermentation model enhances algal lipid synthesis for biodiesel production.
The Impact of Perceived e-WOM on Purchase Intention: The Mediating Role of Corporate Image
eWOM overload and its effect on consumer behavioral intention depending on consumer involvement
A Power Line Communication Network Infrastructure for The Smart Home
Rural Building Detection in High-Resolution Imagery Based on a Two-Stage CNN Model
Superpixel-Based Multiple Local CNN for Panchromatic and Multispectral Image Classification
Transferring Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for the Scene Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery
Rural Building Detection in High-Resolution Imagery Based on a Two-Stage CNN Model
Bag-of-visual-words and spatial extensions for land-use classification
MORPH: a longitudinal image database of normal adult age-progression
Rural Building Detection in High-Resolution Imagery Based on a Two-Stage CNN Model
Salient Band Selection for Hyperspectral Image Classification via Manifold Ranking.
Convolutional Neural Network for speaker change detection in telephone speaker diarization system
Rural Building Detection in High-Resolution Imagery Based on a Two-Stage CNN Model
Superpixel-Based Multiple Local CNN for Panchromatic and Multispectral Image Classification
Ontology-Based Data Quality Management for Data Streams
Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study on an Avalanche Transistor-Based Marx Generator
Novel dual Marx Generator for microplasma applications
Universal Generator of Ultra-Wideband Pulses
Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study on an Avalanche Transistor-Based Marx Generator
Fast High Voltage Switching Using Stacked MOSFETs
Theorising on risk homeostasis in the context of information security behaviour
Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study on an Avalanche Transistor-Based Marx Generator
Fast High Voltage Switching Using Stacked MOSFETs
Cost-Sensitive Perceptron Decision Trees for Imbalanced Drifting Data Streams
Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study on an Avalanche Transistor-Based Marx Generator
All-Solid-State Repetitive Pulsed-Power Generator Using IGBT and Magnetic Compression Switches
on the computation offloading at ad hoc cloudlet : architecture and service modes .
Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantum Computing
Oracle Quantum Computing
A Potentially Realizable Quantum Computer
Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantum Computing
Logical reversibility of computation
A Customer Churn Prediction Model in Telecom Industry Using Boosting
Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantum Computing
Logical reversibility of computation
On the Feasibility of Breast Cancer Imaging Systems at Millimeter-Waves Frequencies
Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantum Computing
Quantum Theory, the Church-Turing principle and the universal quantum computer
The Relationship Between Academic Procrastination and Parenting Styles Among Jordanian Undergraduate University Students
Correlates of Academic Procrastination: Discomfort, Task Aversiveness, and Task Capability
A Cross Sectional Study on Procrastination: Who Procrastinate More?
The Relationship Between Academic Procrastination and Parenting Styles Among Jordanian Undergraduate University Students
Correlates of Academic Procrastination: Discomfort, Task Aversiveness, and Task Capability
A Compact Polyimide-Based UWB Antenna for Flexible Electronics
The Relationship Between Academic Procrastination and Parenting Styles Among Jordanian Undergraduate University Students
Differences in procrastination and motivation between undergraduate and graduate students
Real Time Apnoea Monitoring of Children Using the Microsoft Kinect Sensor: A Pilot Study
The Relationship Between Academic Procrastination and Parenting Styles Among Jordanian Undergraduate University Students
Differences in procrastination and motivation between undergraduate and graduate students
Chariots : A Scalable Shared Log for Data Management in Multi-Datacenter Cloud Environments
Parallel and Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption
secure indexes .
Secure Conjunctive Keyword Search over Encrypted Data
Parallel and Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption
Fully homomorphic encryption using ideal lattices
Animated Pose Templates for Modeling and Detecting Human Actions
Parallel and Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption
Conjunctive, Subset, and Range Queries on Encrypted Data
Self-supervised learning of a facial attribute embedding from video
Parallel and Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption
Introduction to Algorithms
Lazy evaluation methods for detecting complex events
LoRea: A Backscatter Reader for Everyone!
Ambient backscatter: wireless communication out of thin air
Building the Internet of Things Using RFID: The RFID Ecosystem Experience
LoRea: A Backscatter Reader for Everyone!
3D real-time indoor localization via broadband nonlinear backscatter in passive devices with centimeter precision
SfSNet: Learning Shape, Reflectance and Illuminance of Faces 'in the Wild'
LoRea: A Backscatter Reader for Everyone!
Wireless Communications Principles and Practice
Analysis and Design of Forward Converter With Energy Regenerative Snubber
LoRea: A Backscatter Reader for Everyone!
Ambient backscatter: wireless communication out of thin air
Self-Driving Cars - An AI-Robotics Challenge.
shallow methods for named entity coreference resolution .
An Algorithm For Pronominal Anaphora Resolution
Attention, Intentions, And The Structure Of Discourse
shallow methods for named entity coreference resolution .
An Algorithm For Pronominal Anaphora Resolution
Is there a trade-off between cognitive and motor recovery after traumatic brain injury due to competition for limited neural resources?
shallow methods for named entity coreference resolution .
Information Extraction
Sleep and rest facilitate auditory learning
shallow methods for named entity coreference resolution .
Information Extraction
A systematic review identifies valid comorbidity indices derived from administrative health data
Towards reproducible performance studies of datacenter network architectures using an open-source simulation approach
Dcell: a scalable and fault-tolerant network structure for data centers
Information revelation and privacy in online social networks
Towards reproducible performance studies of datacenter network architectures using an open-source simulation approach
Dcell: a scalable and fault-tolerant network structure for data centers
Les Cahiers du GERAD ISSN: 0711–2440 New Heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem
Towards reproducible performance studies of datacenter network architectures using an open-source simulation approach
Social network sites: definition, history, and scholarship
Complexity of Manipulation with Partial Information in Voting
Towards reproducible performance studies of datacenter network architectures using an open-source simulation approach
The cost of a cloud: research problems in data center networks
Food Packaging?Roles, Materials, and Environmental Issues
Group awareness in distributed software development
Distance, dependencies, and delay in a global collaboration
Office procedure as practical action: models of work and system design
Group awareness in distributed software development
User embodiment in collaborative virtual environments
Landscape division, splitting index, and effective mesh size: new measures of landscape fragmentation
Group awareness in distributed software development
How does radical collocation help a team succeed?
On the Approximation Capability of Recurrent Neural Networks
Group awareness in distributed software development
Distance, dependencies, and delay in a global collaboration
Collaborative Filtering using Weighted BiPartite Graph Projection
Data Exfiltration From Internet of Things Devices: iOS Devices as Case Studies
Addressing Security and Privacy Risks in Mobile Applications
Cells: a virtual mobile smartphone architecture
Data Exfiltration From Internet of Things Devices: iOS Devices as Case Studies
RiskRanker: scalable and accurate zero-day android malware detection
Association Between Vitamin D Deficiencies in Sarcoidosis with Disease Activity, Course of Disease and Stages of Lung Involvements
Data Exfiltration From Internet of Things Devices: iOS Devices as Case Studies
Addressing Security and Privacy Risks in Mobile Applications
ParaPhraser: Russian Paraphrase Corpus and Shared Task
Data Exfiltration From Internet of Things Devices: iOS Devices as Case Studies
Addressing Security and Privacy Risks in Mobile Applications
Chronotype, cognitive abilities, and academic achievement: A meta-analytic investigation☆
Key issues in conducting sentiment analysis on Arabic social media text
Topic sentiment analysis in twitter: a graph-based hashtag sentiment classification approach
Using SentiWordNet for multilingual sentiment analysis
Key issues in conducting sentiment analysis on Arabic social media text
Light Stemming for Arabic Information Retrieval
why should i trust you ? predictors of interpersonal trust in a knowledge transfer context .
Key issues in conducting sentiment analysis on Arabic social media text
Sentiment analysis in multiple languages: Feature selection for opinion classification in Web forums
An architecture, system engineering, and acquisition approach for space system software resiliency
Key issues in conducting sentiment analysis on Arabic social media text
Light Stemming for Arabic Information Retrieval
Severe vision loss caused by cosmetic filler augmentation: Case series with review of cause and therapy
HIS based dual band dual polarized Minkowski fractal patch antenna
Triband Circularly Polarized Koch Fractal Boundary Microstrip Antenna
On the behavior of the Sierpinski multiband fractal antenna
HIS based dual band dual polarized Minkowski fractal patch antenna
Dual-Band Spiral Patch-Slot Antenna With Omnidirectional CP and Unidirectional CP Properties
nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics : the emerging faces of nutrition .
HIS based dual band dual polarized Minkowski fractal patch antenna
High-impedance electromagnetic surfaces with a forbidden frequency band
Ball tracking in sports: a survey
HIS based dual band dual polarized Minkowski fractal patch antenna
Composite right/left-handed transmission line metamaterials
Hidden link prediction based on node centrality and weak ties
Development of deep learning-based facial expression recognition system
Dynamic Texture Recognition Using Local Binary Patterns with an Application to Facial Expressions
A Database and Evaluation Methodology for Optical Flow
Development of deep learning-based facial expression recognition system
A 3-dimensional sift descriptor and its application to action recognition
Automated traffic enforcement which respects "driver privacy"
Development of deep learning-based facial expression recognition system
A spatio-temporal descriptor based on 3D-gradients
A Comparative Study of Android and iOS for Accessing Internet Streaming Services
Development of deep learning-based facial expression recognition system
Dynamic Texture Recognition Using Local Binary Patterns with an Application to Facial Expressions
Crowdfunding in Vietnam : the impact of project and founder quality on funding success
3D LIDAR-Camera Extrinsic Calibration Using an Arbitrary Trihedron
Multi sensor fusion of camera and 3D laser range finder for object recognition
Efficient Sampling of Disparity Space for Fast And Accurate Matching
3D LIDAR-Camera Extrinsic Calibration Using an Arbitrary Trihedron
3 D Lidar-Camera Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration : Observability Analysis and Analytical Least Squares-based Initialization
Visualizing and Understanding Recurrent Networks
3D LIDAR-Camera Extrinsic Calibration Using an Arbitrary Trihedron
Are we ready for autonomous driving? The KITTI vision benchmark suite
A multi-objective approach to supply chain visibility and risk
3D LIDAR-Camera Extrinsic Calibration Using an Arbitrary Trihedron
3 D Lidar-Camera Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration : Observability Analysis and Analytical Least Squares-based Initialization
An ECG measurement IC using driven-right-leg circuit