""" Author: RedFantom Contributors: Daethyra (Naiii) and Sprigellania (Zarainia) License: GNU GPLv3 as in LICENSE.md Copyright (C) 2016-2018 RedFantom """ # UI Libraries import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import messagebox from tkinter import filedialog # Standard Library from datetime import datetime import operator import os from typing import Dict, List # Project Modules import variables from parsing import matchstats, spawnstats from data import abilities from parsing.parser import Parser from toplevels.splash import SplashScreen from parsing.filehandler import FileHandler from parsing.screen import ScreenParser from widgets.general import Calendar, DateKeyDict # Class for the _frame in the fileTab of the parser class FileFrame(ttk.Frame): """Frame containing widgets for file, match and spawn selection""" # __init__ creates all widgets def __init__(self, root_frame, main_window): """Create all widgets and make the links between them""" ttk.Frame.__init__(self, root_frame, width=200, height=420) self.main_window = main_window self._splash: SplashScreen = None self._calendar = Calendar(self, callback=self._select_date, highlight="#4286f4") self._tree = ttk.Treeview(self, show=("tree", "headings"), height=6) self._scroll = ttk.Scrollbar(self, orient=tk.VERTICAL, command=self._tree.yview) self._refresh_button = ttk.Button(self, text="Refresh", command=self.update_files) self._files: List[str] = list() self._dates: Dict[datetime: List[str]] = DateKeyDict() self.setup_tree() def setup_tree(self): """Configure the Treeview options""" self._tree.configure(yscrollcommand=self._scroll.set) self._tree.column("#0", width=150) self._tree.heading("#0", text="Matches") self._tree.bind("<Double-1>", self._parse_item) def grid_widgets(self): """Configure widgets in grid geometry manager""" self._calendar.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nswe") self._tree.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="nswe", padx=5, pady=(0, 5)) self._scroll.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="nswe", pady=(0, 5)) self._refresh_button.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky="nswe", padx=5, pady=(0, 5)) def update_files(self): """Update the Calendar with the new files""" self.clear_data_widgets() self._dates.clear() folder = variables.settings["parsing"]["path"] if not os.path.exists(folder): messagebox.showerror("Error", "The specified CombatLogs folder does not exist. Please " "choose a different folder.") folder = filedialog.askdirectory() variables.settings.write_settings({"parsing": {"path": folder}}) return self.update_files() files = [f for f in os.listdir(folder) if Parser.get_gsf_in_file(f)] self.create_splash(len(files)) match_count: Dict[datetime: int] = DateKeyDict() for file in files: date = Parser.parse_filename(file) if date is None: # Failed to parse continue if date not in match_count: match_count[date] = 0 match_count[date] += Parser.count_matches(file) if date not in self._dates: self._dates[date] = list() self._dates[date].append(file) self._splash.increment() self._calendar.update_heatmap(match_count) self.destroy_splash() def _select_date(self, date: datetime): """Callback for Calendar widget selection command""" self.clear_data_widgets() self._tree.delete(*self._tree.get_children("")) if date not in self._dates: return self._files: List[str] = self._dates[date] for f, file in enumerate(sorted(self._files)): name = Parser.get_player_name_raw(file) cube, matches, spawns = Parser.split_combatlog_file(file) for m, match in enumerate(sorted(matches[::2])): match = datetime.strftime(match, "%H:%M, {}".format(name)) match_iid = "{},{}".format(f, m) self._tree.insert("", tk.END, text=match, iid=match_iid) for s, spawn in enumerate(sorted(spawns[m])): spawn = datetime.strftime(spawn, "%H:%M:%S") player_list: List[str] = Parser.get_player_id_list(cube[m][s]) abs_dict: Dict[str: int] = Parser.get_abilities_dict(cube[m][s], player_list) ships: List[str] = Parser.get_ship_for_dict(abs_dict) ship = self.format_ships_list(ships) spawn = "{}{}".format(spawn, ship) spawn_iid = "{},{},{}".format(f, m, s) self._tree.insert(match_iid, tk.END, text=spawn, iid=spawn_iid) def _parse_item(self, _: tk.Event): """Parse a match/spawn from a file""" self.clear_data_widgets() selection = self._tree.selection() if len(selection) == 0: return elements = selection[0].split(",") if len(elements) == 3: # Spawns f, m, s = map(int, elements) self.parse_spawn(self._files[f], m, s) else: # Matches f, m = map(int, elements) self.parse_match(self._files[f], m) def create_splash(self, maximum: int): """Update the maximum value of the splash screen""" if self.main_window.splash is not None: self._splash = self.main_window.splash self._splash.update_max(maximum) else: self._splash = SplashScreen(self.main_window, maximum, title="Loading Files") def destroy_splash(self): """Destroy the self-created SplashScreen or keep the BootSplash""" if self.main_window.splash is None: self._splash.destroy() def update_widgets(self, abilities_dict, statistics_string, shipsdict, enemies, enemydamaged, enemydamaget, uncounted): """ This function can update the dta widgets for files, matches and folders by updating the widgets of statsframe and shipsframe according to the data received from results :param abilities_dict: abilities dictionary with abilities as keys and amounts as values :param statistics_string: string to set in the statistics tab :param shipsdict: dictionary with ships as keys and amounts as values :param enemies: list of enemy ID numbers :param enemydamaged: dictionary with enemies as keys and amounts of damage as values :param enemydamaget: dictionary with enemies as keys and amounts of damage as values :param uncounted: amount of uncounted ship occurrences """ self.main_window.middle_frame.statistics_numbers_var.set(statistics_string) for key, value in abilities_dict.items(): self.main_window.middle_frame.abilities_treeview.insert('', tk.END, text=key, values=(value,)) ships_string = "Ships used:\t\tCount:\n" for ship in abilities.ships_strings: if variables.settings["gui"]["faction"] == "republic": name = abilities.rep_strings[ship] else: name = ship try: ships_string += name + "\t\t" + str(shipsdict[ship.replace("\t", "", 1)]) + "\n" except KeyError: ships_string += name + "\t\t0\n" ships_string += "Uncounted\t\t" + str(uncounted) self.main_window.ship_frame.ship_label_var.set(ships_string) for enemy in enemies: self.insert_enemy_into_treeview(enemy, enemydamaged, enemydamaget) sequence = shipsdict.items() most_used_ship = "default" if len(sequence) == 0 else max(sequence, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] self.main_window.ship_frame.update_ship([most_used_ship]) self.main_window.ship_frame.update() self.main_window.middle_frame.screen_label_var.set("Not available for files and matches") def update_widgets_spawn(self, name, spawn, abilitiesdict, statistics_string, ships_list, comps, enemies, enemydamaged, enemydamaget): """ This function sets the data widgets for the spawn results results :param name: player name :param spawn: section of CombatLog :param abilitiesdict: abilities dictionary with abilities as keys and amounts as values :param statistics_string: string to set in the statistics tab :param ships_list: list of possible ships :param comps: list of ship components :param enemies: list of enemy ID numbers :param enemydamaged: dictionary with enemies as keys and amounts of damage as values :param enemydamaget: dictionary with enemies as keys and amounts of damage as values """ for key, value in abilitiesdict.items(): self.main_window.middle_frame.abilities_treeview.insert('', tk.END, text=key, values=(value,)) self.main_window.middle_frame.statistics_numbers_var.set(statistics_string) ships_string = "Possible ships used:\n" for ship in ships_list: faction = variables.settings["gui"]["faction"] ship_name = ship if faction == "imperial" else abilities.rep_ships[ship] ships_string += ship_name + "\n" ships_string += "\t\t\t\t\t\t\nWith the components:\n" for component in comps: ships_string += component + "\n" self.main_window.ship_frame.ship_label_var.set(ships_string) for enemy in enemies: self.insert_enemy_into_treeview(enemy, enemydamaged, enemydamaget) self.main_window.ship_frame.update_ship(ships_list) print("[FileFrame] Inserting spawn of {} items.".format(len(spawn))) self.main_window.middle_frame.time_view.insert_spawn(spawn, name) def parse_match(self, file: str, match_i: int): """ Either adds sets the match and calls add_spawns to add the spawns found in the match or starts the results of all files found in the specified file and displays the results in the other frames. """ print("[FileFrame] Parsing file '{}', match {}".format(file, match_i)) self.main_window.middle_frame.statistics_numbers_var.set("") self.main_window.ship_frame.ship_label_var.set("No match or spawn selected yet.") lines = Parser.read_file(file) player_list = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines) file_cube, match_timings, _ = Parser.split_combatlog(lines, player_list) player_name = Parser.get_player_name(lines) match = file_cube[match_i] results = matchstats.match_statistics(file, match, match_timings[::2][match_i]) self.update_widgets(*results) match_list = Parser.build_spawn_from_match(match) self.main_window.middle_frame.time_view.insert_spawn(match_list, player_name) match_timing = datetime.combine(Parser.parse_filename(file).date(), match_timings[::2][match_i].time()) self.main_window.middle_frame.scoreboard.update_match(match_timing) def parse_spawn(self, file: str, match_i: int, spawn_i: int): """ Either starts the results of ALL spawns found in the specified match or just one of them and displays the results in the other frames accordingly. """ print("[FileFrame] Parsing '{}', match {}, spawn {}".format(file, match_i, spawn_i)) self.main_window.middle_frame.statistics_numbers_var.set("") self.main_window.ship_frame.ship_label_var.set("No match or spawn selected yet.") lines = Parser.read_file(file) player_list = Parser.get_player_id_list(lines) player_name = Parser.get_player_name(lines) file_cube, match_timings, spawn_timings = Parser.split_combatlog(lines, player_list) match = file_cube[match_i] spawn = match[spawn_i] results = list(spawnstats.spawn_statistics( file, spawn, spawn_timings[match_i][spawn_i])) results[1] = Parser.parse_player_reaction_time(spawn, player_name) orig = len(results[1]) results[1] = ScreenParser.build_spawn_events( file, match_timings[::2][match_i], spawn_timings[match_i][spawn_i], spawn, player_name) print("[FileFrame] ScreenParser built {} events. Total: {}".format(len(results[1]) - orig, len(results[1]))) self.update_widgets_spawn(*results) arguments = (file, match_timings[::2][match_i], spawn_timings[match_i][spawn_i]) string = FileHandler.get_features_string(*arguments) self.main_window.middle_frame.screen_label_var.set(string) self.main_window.middle_frame.update_timeline( file, match_i, spawn_i, match_timings, spawn_timings, file_cube) match_timing = datetime.combine(Parser.parse_filename(file).date(), match_timings[::2][match_i].time()) self.main_window.middle_frame.scoreboard.update_match(match_timing) def clear_data_widgets(self): """Clear the data widgets for results parsing""" self.main_window.middle_frame.abilities_treeview.delete( *self.main_window.middle_frame.abilities_treeview.get_children()) self.main_window.middle_frame.enemies_treeview.delete( *self.main_window.middle_frame.enemies_treeview.get_children()) self.main_window.ship_frame.ship_label_var.set("") self.main_window.middle_frame.screen_label_var.set( "Please select an available spawn for screen results information") self.main_window.middle_frame.time_view.delete( *self.main_window.middle_frame.time_view.get_children()) self.main_window.middle_frame.time_line.delete_marker(tk.ALL) self.main_window.middle_frame.scoreboard.reset() def insert_enemy_into_treeview(self, enemy, enemydamaged, enemydamaget): """ Insert an enemy into the Treeview with the appropriate string :param enemy: ID number/name :param enemydamaged: dictionary :param enemydamaget: dictionary """ damage_d = str(enemydamaged[enemy]) if enemy in enemydamaged else 0 damage_t = str(enemydamaget[enemy]) if enemy in enemydamaget else 0 kwargs = {"text": "Enemy" if enemy == "" else enemy, "values": (damage_d, damage_t)} self.main_window.middle_frame.enemies_treeview.insert("", tk.END, **kwargs) @staticmethod def format_ships_list(ships: List[str]): """Format a list of ship possibilities""" if len(ships) == 0: return ", Unknown" elif len(ships) == 1: return ", {}".format(ships[0]) else: return ""
Never share your password or account information with anybody, including your 2FA details. London Block Exchange employees will never ask you for your login information. If you suspect somebody is posing as a member of the LBX team, or you have been asked for your login details, please contact Support immediately via [email protected].
################################################################################ # Copyright 2015 Samuel Gongora Garcia ([email protected]) # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ################################################################################ # Author: s.gongoragarcia[at]gmail.com ################################################################################ # argv[1] = family class Do_list: def __init__(self): from sys import argv from os import getcwd open_tle = open(getcwd() + '/TLEs/' + argv[1], 'r') satellite_list = open_tle.readlines() satellite_list = [item.rstrip('\n') for item in satellite_list] length_list = len(satellite_list) y = length_list/3 list_numbers = map(self.return_list, range(y)) self.show_satellite_list = [] self.tle_first_line_list = [] self.tle_second_line_list = [] i = 0 j = 1 k = 2 for i in range(len(list_numbers)): self.show_satellite_list.append(satellite_list[list_numbers[i]]) self.tle_first_line_list.append(satellite_list[j]) self.tle_second_line_list.append(satellite_list[k]) j = list_numbers[i] + 4 k = list_numbers[i] + 5 # Funcion para sacar los valores de la clase self.return_values() def return_list(self, x): return 3*x def return_values(self): return self.show_satellite_list return self.tle_first_line_list return self.tle_second_line_list class Solve_coordinates: def __init__(self, lista_elementos, lista_prueba, lista_prueba2): self.satellites_number = len(lista_elementos) begin_time1 = 5 begin_time2 = 10 output_file1 = "ficherosalida1" output_file2 = "ficherodesalida2" # Provide data to pyephem_routine for i in range(len(lista_elementos)): i = i + 2 # Create new threads import threading from sys import argv myThread = threading.Thread() thread1 = myThread(argv[1], lista_elementos[i], begin_time1, output_file1) thread2 = myThread(argv[1], lista_elementos[i + 1], begin_time2, output_file2) thread1.start() thread2.start() class myThread: def __init__(self, file, satellite, begin_time, output_file): import threading import time threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.run(file, satellite, begin_time, output_file) def run(self, file, satellite, begin_time, output_file): print "file name is: %s" %(file) print "satellite name is: %s" %(satellite) print "begin time is: %d" %(begin_time) print "output file is: %s" %(output_file) # import subprocess # args = ("predict", "-t", file, "-f", satellite, begin_time, "-o", output_file) # compute = subprocess.call(args) # # print "Starting " + self.name # print_time(self.name, self.counter, 5) # print "Exiting " + self.name # # if flag_finish == 0: # thread.exit() if __name__ == '__main__': print "" print "Predict data -test-" do_list = Do_list() solve_coordinates = Solve_coordinates(do_list.show_satellite_list, do_list.tle_first_line_list, do_list.tle_second_line_list)
The Wars o the Three Kinricks formed an intertwined series o conflicts that teuk place in Ingland, Ireland an Scotland atween 1639 an 1651. ↑ 1.0 1.1 "ENGLISH CIVIL WARS". History.com. Retrieved 4 October 2014. This page wis last eeditit on 8 August 2017, at 04:15.
#!/usr/bin/env python """ # # By: Charles Brandt [code at charlesbrandt dot com] # On: *2015.05.16 11:38:01 # License: GPLv3 # Requires: # Description: This script assumes buildings and units have been created in the database It should be possible to use the original CSV *or* the database as the main source for the addresses to look up http://www.gocolumbiamo.com/Finance/Utilities/rental-costs.php http://www.gocolumbiamo.com/cfforms/ub/ubmap.html http://www.gocolumbiamo.com/cfforms/ub/rental.html http://www.gocolumbiamo.com/cfforms/ub/ubdata.cfm?LOCID=28010&AppNum=113 http://www.gocolumbiamo.com/cfforms/ub/ubdata.cfm?LOCID=165488&AppNum=5517 requires running convert-columbia.py first to make sure all buildings have been geocoded and created in database. /c/clients/rentrocket/code/rentrocket/scripts/columbia-lookup_electricity_data.py """ import os, sys, codecs, re import csv #import unicodecsv #not sure that urllib2 will suffice here... #lots of javascript processing of requests on the client side.. #import urllib2 from selenium import webdriver from time import strptime from datetime import datetime from django.utils import timezone import time from helpers import save_json, load_json, Location, save_results, make_person #from building.models import make_building, make_unit from building.models import lookup_building_with_geo, UTILITY_TYPES #from rentrocket.helpers import address_search from rentrocket.helpers import SearchResults, handle_place from utility.models import ServiceProvider, UtilitySummary #from django.conf import settings #settings.configure() sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())) #http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8047204/django-script-to-access-model-objects-without-using-manage-py-shell ## from rentrocket import settings ## from django.core.management import setup_environ ## setup_environ(settings) from city.models import City, to_tag from source.models import FeedInfo, Source from person.models import Person def usage(): print __doc__ #for storing fixes for addresses: conversions = { '101 HOLLY RIDGE LN': '101 HOLLYRIDGE LN', '4200 MERCHANT ST': '4200 MERCHANT STREET', #'3603 BERKSHIRE CT': '', '2405 FLORIDA CT': '2405 FLORIDA', #works in google maps, but not here #'1012 COLBY DR': '1012 Colby Drive', '1012 COLBY DR': '', #'3905 ATHENS CT': '', #'3901 ATHENS CT': '', #'4000 LAMAR CT': '', #'3902 CAMERON CT': '', #'1708 PERKINS DR': '', #'4802 MONITEAU CT': '', '8 N KEENE ST BLDG E&F': '8 N KEENE ST', '7000 N BUCKINGHAM SQ': '7000 N BUCKINGHAM SQUARE', '8 N KEENE ST BLDG G&H': '8 N KEENE ST', '5513 HUNLEY CT': '5513 HUNLEY', '1804 LIGHTVIEW DR': '', '1704 HIGHRIDGE DR': '', '2211 LACLEDE DR': '', '5402 GEMSTONE WAY': '', } def unicode_csv_reader(utf8_data, dialect=csv.excel, **kwargs): csv_reader = csv.reader(utf8_data, dialect=dialect, **kwargs) for row in csv_reader: yield [unicode(cell, 'utf-8') for cell in row] def update_summary(query, date, cost, amount, bldg, unit, provider, utility_type, uom): #'electricity' dt = datetime(*(strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")[0:6])) #date = dt ## print dt ## print timezone.get_current_timezone() ## print timezone.get_default_timezone() ## print dir(timezone) #date = timezone.make_aware(dt, timezone.get_current_timezone()) #date = timezone.make_aware(dt, timezone.get_default_timezone()) date = timezone.make_aware(dt, timezone.utc) ## print date ## print matches = query.filter(start_date=date) if len(matches): updated = False summary = matches[0] #print "found something", summary.cost, cost, date if summary.cost != float(cost): print "Different costs:", float(cost) summary.cost = float(cost) updated = True if summary.amount != float(amount): summary.amount = float(amount) updated = True if updated: print "FOUND EXISTING! (and changes!)" summary.save() else: print date, cost, amount print "MAKING NEW!" summary = UtilitySummary() summary.building = bldg summary.unit = unit summary.type = utility_type summary.provider = provider summary.start_date = date summary.cost = float(cost) summary.amount = float(amount) summary.unit_of_measurement = uom summary.save() #print "Saving new!!" def read_csv(source_csv, city_name, city_tag, driver): city_options = City.objects.filter(tag=city_tag) print "Number of cities available: %s" % len(city_options) if not len(city_options): raise ValueError, "CITY NOT FOUND! run make_cities.py first" ## city = City() ## city.name = city_name ## city.tag = to_tag(city.name) ## city.save() else: city = city_options[0] print city position_file = "position.json" position = load_json(position_file, create=True) if not position: position = 0 cache_file = "%s-20150525.json.bkup" % city.tag cache_destination = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(source_csv), cache_file) #keep a local copy of data we've processed... #this should help with subsequent calls #to make sure we don't need to duplicate calls to remote geolocation APIs: local_cache = load_json(cache_destination, create=True) if not local_cache.has_key('buildings'): local_cache['buildings'] = {} search_results = {} for key, value in local_cache['buildings'].items(): #search_results[key] = Location(value) sr = SearchResults() sr.from_dict(value) #print #print sr #print search_results[key] = sr #geocoder helper: #geo = Geo() provider = '' provider_options = ServiceProvider.objects.filter(name='City of Columbia') if len(provider_options): provider = provider_options[0] else: raise ValueError, "error finding utility_provider: %s matches" % len(provider_options) skips = 0 with open(source_csv) as csvfile: reader = unicode_csv_reader(csvfile) #just print the first row: print '>, <'.join(reader.next()) count = 0 #want to randomize the order... distribute options more evenly #print len(reader) #exit() #in order to randomize, should randomize the order in the csv for row in reader: count += 1 print "Looking at row: %s, position: %s" % (count, position) start = datetime.now() print "Started: ", start any_updated = False #could exit out early here, if needed if count > 10: #exit() pass #if you want to skip ahead more quickly: #if count < 0: if count < position: pass else: #print row objectid = row[0] ## no_units = row[12] #can pass this in as bldg_id to make_building #that gets used for parcel too parcel_id = row[1] bldg_id = parcel_id street_num = row[2] street_dir = row[3] street_name = row[4] street_sfx = row[5] #eg building number qualifier_pre = row[6] #eg "UNIT" or "APT" qualifier_post = row[7] apt_num = row[8] #skip row9 (in/out... whatever that means) zip_code = row[10] #skip row11, assessor id #skip row12, address num #skip row13, x #skip row14, y #xcoord == lng lng = row[15] lat = row[16] #entry floor number: (named 'z' in sheet) floor = row[17] #skip row18, strcid... not sure #skip row19, parent #skip row20, app_ #skip row21, hteloc zone = row[22] bldg_type = row[23] #number of buildings bldg_num = row[24] no_units = row[25] #skip row[26], inspection type #skip row27, app number #skip row28, date received #skip row29, application type #skip row30, ownerid #skip row31, operator id #skip row32, agent_id #skip row33, mail to central_heat = row[34] if central_heat == 'Y': central_heat = True else: central_heat = False #heat mechanism? heat mechanic??? not sure heat_mech = row[35] #skip row36, agent id (2) #skip row37, agent last name #skip row38 agent first name #skip row39 agent middle initial #skip row40, agent title #skip row41, business name #could be owner, could be agent ## owner_name = row[42] ## owner_address1 = row[43] ## owner_address2 = row[44] ## owner_city = row[45] ## owner_state = row[46] ## owner_zip = row[47] #address = " ".join([street_num, street_dir, street_name, street_sfx, qualifier_pre, qualifier_post, apt_num]) #this is causing problems with lookups in google if qualifier_pre == "DUP" or qualifier_pre == "DUPE" or qualifier_pre == "2-Jan" or qualifier_pre == "HM" or qualifier_pre == "DWN": qualifier_pre = '' address_main = " ".join([street_num, street_dir, street_name, street_sfx, qualifier_pre]) address_main = address_main.strip() #get rid of any double spaces address_main = address_main.replace(" ", " ") #similar to conversions, #but there are too many of these to list there if re.search('HOLLY RIDGE LN', address_main): address_main = address_main.replace('HOLLY RIDGE LN', 'HOLLYRIDGE LN') if re.search('BERKSHIRE CT', address_main): address_main = address_main.replace('BERKSHIRE CT', 'BERKSHIRE') #address_main = '' if re.search('CAMERON CT', address_main): address_main = address_main.replace('CAMERON CT', 'CAMERON') #address_main = '' if re.search('ATHENS CT', address_main): address_main = address_main.replace('ATHENS CT', 'ATHENS') #address_main = '' if re.search('LAMAR CT', address_main): address_main = address_main.replace('LAMAR CT', 'LAMAR') #address_main = '' if re.search('MONITEAU CT', address_main): address_main = address_main.replace('MONITEAU CT', 'MONITEAU') #address_main = '' if re.search('IMPERIAL CT', address_main): address_main = '' if re.search('PERKINS DR', address_main): address_main = '' if re.search('GRANITE OAKS CT', address_main): address_main = '' #sometimes the 'BLDG' data is added in the wrong place #then it gets treated as a unit item #(but it's not *always* a unit item, so can't generalize it that way) if qualifier_post == "BLDG" or qualifier_post == "LOT": address_main = " ".join([address_main, qualifier_post, apt_main]) address_main = address_main.strip() apt_main = '' else: apt_main = " ".join([qualifier_post, apt_num]) apt_main = apt_main.strip() #check if this is one we want to skip if conversions.has_key(address_main.upper()): address_main = conversions[address_main.upper()] if address_main: print "APT_MAIN: ", apt_main address = ", ".join( [address_main, apt_main] ) ## if (not status in ['EXPIRED', 'CLOSED']) and (permit_type in ['RENTAL']): print "Parcel ID:", parcel_id print address results = None #make sure it's not one we're skipping: if not address: print "SKIPPING ITEM: %s" % row[1] skips += 1 ## skips = codecs.open("skips.txt", 'a', encoding='utf-8') ## original = " ".join([street_num, street_dir, street_name, street_sfx, qualifier_pre]) ## skips.write(original) ## skips.write('\n') ## skips.close() #check if we've started processing any results for this row elif not search_results.has_key(address.upper()): print "No saved search results for address: %s" % address print "Skipping." print #raise ValueError, "No results found for %s" % address else: print "Already had building: %s" % address results = search_results[address.upper()] assert results #print results lookup_building_with_geo(results, make=True, parcel_id=parcel_id) #print results #current['results'] = results #print results if results.errors: print results raise ValueError, results.errors else: bldg = results.building assert bldg unit = results.unit #at this point there should be at least one unit #and we will want to associate results with that unit #assert unit # can just pass this up in this case if not unit: print "Skipping address... no matching Unit!" else: #now that we have a building #look up energy data on the remote website #result = urllib2.urlopen("http://example.com/foo/bar") #print result.read() ## base = "http://www.gocolumbiamo.com/cfforms/ub/rental.html" ## driver.get(base) ## search = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#address') ## search.send_keys(address) ## button = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('.ui-bar > a:nth-child(2)') ## #button = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#PrimaryCenterColumn > div > div.ui-bar-b.ui-header > div > a.ui-btn.ui-btn-corner-all.ui-shadow.ui-btn-down-b.ui-btn-up-b') ## #button = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#PrimaryCenterColumn > div > div.ui-bar-b.ui-header > div > a.ui-btn.ui-btn-corner-all.ui-shadow.ui-btn-down-b.ui-btn-up-b > span > span') ## button.click() ## time.sleep(4) ## #results = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('.dojoxGridMasterView') ## results = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('.dojoxGridContent > div:nth-child(1)') ## print results.get_attribute('innerHTML') ## print parcel_id ## options = results.find_elements_by_tag_name('div') ## #options = results.find_elements_by_link_text(parcel_id) ## print options ## #something didn't work with this: ## #look_for = '<td tabindex="-1" role="gridcell" colspan="1" class="dojoxGridCell" idx="0" style="width:90px;">%s</td>' % parcel_id ## look_for = '>%s<' % parcel_id ## matches = [] ## for option in options: ## markup = option.get_attribute('innerHTML') ## #print markup ## if re.search(look_for, markup): ## matches.append(option) ## #print "MATCH!" ## if len(matches) > 1: ## print matches ## raise ValueError, "Too many matches!" ## else: ## matches[0].click() #just realized that this form uses the property_id #which we already have... #can skip the steps above that are trying to make this link: base = "http://www.gocolumbiamo.com/cfforms/ub/ubdata.cfm?LOCID=%s&AppNum=79" % parcel_id driver.get(base) try: heat_source = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#PrimaryCenterColumn > table:nth-child(1) > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(3) > td:nth-child(1) > strong:nth-child(1) > font:nth-child(1)') if heat_source.text.strip() == "Heating Source: Gas Heat": bldg.heat_source_details = 'gas' bldg.save() else: print heat_source.text exit() #TODO: bldg.heat_source_details = 'electric' bldg.who_pays_gas = 'not_available' except: print "heat source not found... skipping" try: selector = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#el_table_length > label:nth-child(1) > select:nth-child(1) > option:nth-child(3)') selector.click() except: print "No Water data available... skipping" else: body = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#el_table > tbody:nth-child(3)') rows = body.find_elements_by_tag_name('tr') #row = rows[0] query = bldg.utilitysummary_set.filter(type='electricity') for row in rows: #print row.get_attribute('innerHTML') cols = row.find_elements_by_tag_name('td') date = cols[0].text + '-01' cost = cols[1].text.replace('$', '').strip() amount = cols[2].text amount = amount.replace(' KWH', '') update_summary(query, date, cost, amount, bldg, unit, provider, 'electricity', 'kwh') #update_summary(query, date, cost, amount) #for item in cols: # print item.text #print dir(bldg) #print bldg.utilitysummary_set #query = bldg.utilitysummary_set.filter(type=utility_type[0]) #could look up type from UTILITY_TYPES... #but in this case we know what they should be #query = bldg.utilitysummary_set.filter(type='water') #if len(query): try: water = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#ext-gen23') water.click() selector = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#wr_table_length > label:nth-child(1) > select:nth-child(1) > option:nth-child(3)') selector.click() except: print "No Water data available... skipping" else: body = driver.find_element_by_css_selector('#wr_table > tbody:nth-child(3)') rows = body.find_elements_by_tag_name('tr') #row = rows[0] query = bldg.utilitysummary_set.filter(type='water') for row in rows: #print row.get_attribute('innerHTML') cols = row.find_elements_by_tag_name('td') date = cols[0].text + '-01' cost = cols[1].text.replace('$', '').strip() amount = cols[2].text amount = amount.replace(' CCF', '') update_summary(query, date, cost, amount, bldg, unit, provider, 'water', 'ccf') #update_summary(query, date, cost, amount) #for item in cols: # print item.text unit.update_averages() #see if we have enough info now to make a score: unit.update_energy_score() #now that we've saved the unit, #update the averages for the whole building: unit.building.update_utility_averages() unit.building.update_rent_details() position += 1 save_json(position_file, position) if any_updated: #back it up for later #enable this when downloading GPS coordinates... #the rest of the time it slows things down local_cache['buildings'] = {} for key, value in search_results.items(): #search_results[key] = SearchResults().from_dict(value) local_cache['buildings'][key] = value.to_dict() save_json(cache_destination, local_cache) position = count save_json(position_file, position) exit() end = datetime.now() print "finished: ", end total_time = end - start print total_time print #exit() #destination = '%s.tsv' % city_tag #save_results(search_results, destination) if __name__ == '__main__': driver = webdriver.Firefox() #driver = webdriver.Chrome() read_csv('/home/rentrocket/cities/columbia/rental/Columbia_data_20131016-randomized.csv', "Columbia", "columbia_mo", driver)
Bearing Condition measurements in a wide frequency range (0, 5 – 30 kHz) in g’s. Built-in infrared temperature sensor, units in °C. Fast and easy fault analysis displaying the largest amplitude peak frequency in CPM or Hz in main screen. Fast battery charging capability using an external charger, provided in the delivery. Adjustable Auto-shut off for energy saving. Dust and waterproof (IP 65).
import os from copy import deepcopy import cPickle as pickle import numpy as np from music21 import pitch from socketio.namespace import BaseNamespace from socketio.mixins import BroadcastMixin from dynamic_programming_tools import shortest_path, simple_foward_backward_gap_dist from retrieve_model_tools import retrieve_NGram, retrieve_SkipGramNN from music21_chord_tools import sym2chord, roman2letter, is_roman_numeral, letter2roman # from music21_chord_tools import sym2roman # from diversity_tools import get_diverse_seqs from config import get_configs from SuggestionList import SuggestionList, SuggestionItem from QueryObject import QueryObject from Logs import Logs PKL_FOLDER = 'data' EXPERIMENT_TYPE_STRS = ['Single-T', 'Single-A', 'Ripple'] TYPICAL, SIM_BUT_LESS_TYPICAL, RIPPLE = range(len(EXPERIMENT_TYPE_STRS)) EXPERIMENT_TYPE = RIPPLE from music21_chord_tools import ROMAN2LETTER_RELABELS from music21_chord_tools import ROMAN_PARTIAL_RELABELS from music21_chord_tools import MAKE_NOTE_EXCEPTIONS from music21_chord_tools import LETTER2ROMAN_RELABELS from music21_chord_tools import LETTER_PARTIAL_RELABELS_FOR_USER from latin_squares_experiment_tools import get_condition_ordering MIDI_START_SLACK = 0.15 from Database import CHORD_LEN from Database import Database, DatabasePlacebo ALL_SIMS = True DISABLE_NEXT = True class Resource(BaseNamespace, BroadcastMixin): def initialize(self): # Called after socketio has initialized the namespace. self.history = [] self.parsed_seqs_notes = {} self.unit_dur = 60/92.0 self.ngram = retrieve_NGram() self.nn = retrieve_SkipGramNN() assert self.ngram.syms == self.nn.syms # self.db = Database('test') # self.db = Database('study-iui') self.db = DatabasePlacebo() self.db.index_model(self.ngram, 'ngram') self.db.index_model(self.nn, 'nn') # get randomized ordering for current experiment condition_orderings = get_condition_ordering() fpath = os.path.join('pkls', 'participant_count.txt') with open(fpath, 'r') as p: print 'reading lines from:', fpath participant_count = p.readline() try: self.participant_count = int(participant_count) except: print type(participant_count), participant_count print 'participant_count:', self.participant_count self.participant_count = self.participant_count % condition_orderings.shape[0] print 'participant_count modulo:', self.participant_count self.ordering = condition_orderings[self.participant_count, :] print 'ordering:', self.ordering self.emit('ordering', list(self.ordering)) # self.experiment_type = EXPERIMENT_TYPE # for tutorial, always start with ripple self.experiment_type = RIPPLE # int(self.ordering[0]) query = QueryObject(dict(data=list(self.ordering), actionKind="ordering")) self.index_user_action(query) query = QueryObject(dict(data=self.participant_count, actionKind="participant_count")) self.index_user_action(query) # update participant count with open(fpath, 'w+') as p: p.truncate() p.writelines(str(self.participant_count + 1)) # self.previous_sym = None # self.previous_sym_ind = None self._previous_sym = None self._previous_sym_ind = None self.n_suggestions = 5 self.n_similar = 2 self.suggestions = SuggestionList(self, 'below') self.suggestions_above = SuggestionList(self, 'above') self.config = get_configs() self.corpus = self.config['corpus'] print '...corpus', self.corpus if self.config['use_letternames']: self.symbol_type = 'letter' else: self.symbol_type = 'roman' # need to correct some roman numerals print '# of syms: %d' % len(self.ngram.syms) self.syms = [] for sym in self.ngram.syms: formatted_sym, valid = self.format_sym(sym) self.syms.append(formatted_sym) # print 'F#m in syms?', 'F#m' in self.syms # need to update the "spelling" of roman numerals in nn and ngram self.nn.syms = self.syms self.ngram.syms = self.syms self._rn2letter, self._letter2rn = self.load_rn2letter_dict() self.logs = Logs(EXPERIMENT_TYPE, EXPERIMENT_TYPE_STRS) self.loop_len = None # for first chord if self.experiment_type == TYPICAL: if self.symbol_type == 'roman': self.start_syms = [['I'], ['i'], ['V'], ['IV'], ['I7']] else: self.start_syms = [['C'], ['Cm'], ['G'], ['F'], ['C7']] else: # want diverse sequences if self.symbol_type == 'roman': # self.start_syms = [[u'I', u'vi'], ['V', 'vi'], ['IV', 'ii'], [u'V7/IV', u'IV'], [u'i', u'i'], [u'i', u'V6']] self.start_syms = [[u'i'], [u'I'], ['V'], ['iv'], ['IV'], ['V7/IV']] else: # self.start_syms = [['a', 'C64'], ['G', 'C'], ['A', 'gb'], ['C', 'F'], ['G', 'e'], ['Bb', 'Ab'], ['E', 'G']] # self.start_syms = [['C'], ['F'], ['G'], ['Am'], ['Cm'], ['B-'], ['A-']] self.start_syms = [['Cm'], ['Am'], ['B-'], ['F/C'], ['G'], ['Dm7'], ['Cmaj7'], ['F#dim']] # set initial sequence # self.init_seqs = [['C', 'F', 'Dm', 'G', 'C', 'C', 'F'], # ['C', 'F', 'C', 'F', 'G7', 'C', 'G'], # ['C', 'Am', 'G', 'C', 'F', 'C', 'G'], # ['C', 'F', 'G', 'C', 'F', 'C', 'F']] self.init_seqs = [['C', 'F', 'Dm', 'G', 'C', 'C', 'F', 'C'], ['C', 'F', 'C', 'F', 'G7', 'C', 'G', 'C'], ['C', 'Am', 'G', 'C', 'F', 'C', 'G', 'C'], ['C', 'F', 'G', 'C', 'F', 'C', 'F', 'C']] self.on_generate_complete_seq(self.init_seqs[0]) # ====================== # == database helpers == # ====================== def index_user_action(self, query, suggestions=None, suggestions_above=None, attrs=None): experiment_type_label = EXPERIMENT_TYPE_STRS[self.experiment_type] print '...index_user_action:', query.seqStr, query.actionKind, \ query.author, query.panelId, query.itemIdx actionKindThatNeedsItem = 'use' == query.actionKind or 'play' == query.actionKind itemInAttrs = attrs is not None and 'item' in attrs assert (actionKindThatNeedsItem and itemInAttrs) or not itemInAttrs if itemInAttrs: print '\t\t\t', attrs['item'].inds, attrs['item'].seq suggestions_list = [] if suggestions is not None: suggestions_list.append(suggestions) if suggestions_above is not None: suggestions_list.append(suggestions_above) if len(suggestions_list) == 0: suggestions_list = None self.db.index_user_action(query, experiment_type_label, suggestions_list, attrs) @property def model(self): return self.ngram def load_rn2letter_dict(self): fname = 'rn2letter-rock.pkl' fpath = os.path.join(PKL_FOLDER, fname) with open(fpath, 'rb') as p: rn2letter = pickle.load(p) letter2rn = {} # TODO: is this a bug? should be letter2rn[val] = key for key, val in rn2letter.iteritems(): letter2rn[key] = val return rn2letter, letter2rn # def on_loopLen(self, loop_len): # self.loop_len = loop_len def on_inputSave(self, text): # log add automatically saves upon seeing type "save" # self.logs.add("save", text) query = QueryObject(dict(text=text, actionKind="save")) self.index_user_action(query) def on_comments(self, text): print '...on_comments', text # log add automatically saves upon seeing type "save" # self.logs.add("save", text) query = QueryObject(dict(text=text, actionAuthor="user", actionKind="comments")) self.index_user_action(query) def on_rating(self, lineText, id, value, caption): print '...on_rating', lineText, value, id, caption # log add automatically saves upon seeing type "save" # self.logs.add("save", text) query = QueryObject(dict(text=lineText, actionAuthor="user", actionKind="rating")) attrs = {'rating': value, 'ratingCaption': caption, 'saveIdx': id, 'ratingQuestion': lineText} query.add_attributes(attrs) self.index_user_action(query) def on_clear(self, text): # self.logs.add("clear", text) query = QueryObject(dict(text=text, actionKind="clear")) self.index_user_action(query) self.clear_suggestions() # def on_rating(self, value, ind, text): # try: # ind = int(ind) # except ValueError: # print 'WARNING: index to save entry wanted, but received', ind # # if len(text) > 0: # self.logs.add_rating(value, 'save', text, ind) # logs = self.logs.save # for log in logs: # print log def on_setPlaybackSpeed(self, speed): print '...playbackspeed', self.unit_dur = 60.0 / speed print self.unit_dur def disconnect(self, *a, **kw): super(Resource, self).disconnect(*a, **kw) def on_ping(self, param, loop_len): print '---on_ping', param, loop_len self.loop_len = loop_len self.emit('pong', param) def on_requestData(self): # data = [{'x':10, 'y':15, 'label':'I'}, # {'x':10, 'y':15, 'label':'IV'}] fname = 'w1-RN.pkl' with open(fname, 'rb') as p: vertices = pickle.load(p) labels = pickle.load(p) # vertices = [[100, 150], [200, 150]] # labels = ['I', 'IV'] max_x = np.max(vertices[:, 0]) min_x = np.min(vertices[:, 0]) x_range = max_x - min_x max_y = np.max(vertices[:, 1]) min_y = np.min(vertices[:, 1]) y_range = max_y - min_y width = 750.0 margin = 30 scale = (width-2*margin)/y_range if x_range > y_range: scale = (width-2*margin)/x_range vertices[:, 0] -= min_x vertices[:, 1] -= min_y vertices *= scale vertices[:, 0] += margin vertices[:, 1] += margin vertices = map(list, vertices) self.emit('dataLabels', vertices, labels) # def parse_seq_as_notes(self, text): # text = text.strip() # if text in self.parsed_seqs_notes.keys(): # chords = self.parsed_seqs_notes[text] # return chords # parts, raw_parts = self.parse_seq_as_syms(text) # chords = self.make_note_seqs(parts) # self.parsed_seqs_notes[text] = chords # return chords # def seqToNotes(self, seq, text): # chords are list of list of notes chords = self.make_note_seqs(seq) self.parsed_seqs_notes[text] = chords return chords def parse_seq_as_syms(self, text): text = text.strip() parts = text.split(' ') parts = [part for part in parts if len(part) > 0] parts, raw_parts = self.format_seq(parts) return parts, raw_parts def make_note_seqs(self, seq): print 'make_note_seqs', seq note_seq = [] for sym in seq: notes = self.make_notes(sym) if len(note_seq) == 0: note_seq.append(notes) continue if len(notes) == 0: note_seq.append([]) continue if len(note_seq[-1]) == 0: diff = 0 else: diff = np.min(notes) - np.min(note_seq[-1]) # print '...make_note_seqs', sym, notes, diff, diff % 12 if np.abs(diff) > 6: # i.e. C4 to B4 => C4 to B3 # i.e. C4 to B5 => C4 to B3 shift_int = (np.abs(diff) / 12) * 12 # prefer going down # TODO: temp disable if np.abs(diff) % 12 > 6 and diff > 0: shift_int += 12 # shift_int -= 12 direction = np.sign(diff) * -1 notes = np.asarray(notes) + shift_int * direction print 'notes[0]', notes[0] if notes[0] <= 55: notes += 12 note_seq.append(list(notes)) else: note_seq.append(notes) # print 'shifted', notes print 'playSeq, chords' for i, ch in enumerate(note_seq): print seq[i], for p in ch: print pitch.Pitch(p).nameWithOctave, print ch print return note_seq def make_notes(self, sym): sym = sym.strip() if sym in MAKE_NOTE_EXCEPTIONS: # look up in dictionary letter = self.rn2letter(sym) print 'due to roman not giving right pitches', sym, letter sym = letter chord_sym = sym2chord(sym) midi = [] if chord_sym is not None: midi = [pch.midi for pch in chord_sym.pitches] # take away duplicates midi = list(set(midi)) midi = sorted(midi) # double the tonic on top if sym in ['I', 'I7', 'i']: doubled_note = midi[0] midi.append(doubled_note+12) print 'doubled tonic on top', midi elif len(midi) > 4 and '11' in sym: # 11th creates half step with 3rd if major (not checking if major here) # shift 11th up an octave to make print midi # 1,3,11,5,7,9 reduced_midi = midi[:2] + [midi[3]] + [midi[2]+12] midi = reduced_midi elif len(midi) > 4: reduced_midi = midi[:3] + [midi[-1]] midi = reduced_midi return midi # def make_log_tags_for_playback(self, query): # tags = {} # print 'make_log_tags_for_playback', query.author # if query.author == 'machine': # item = self.retrieve_suggestion_item_at(query) # if item is None: # print 'WARNNG: can not retrieve suggestion item', query.activeIdx, \ # query.seqStr # assert False # tags['suggestionItem'] = item # # tags['author'] = author # return tags # def on_playSeq(self, text, pos, author, activeIdx, # suggestPanel=None, loop=False): def preprocess_query(self, query): return query def on_playSeq(self, original_query): print "on_playSeq:" #, original_query query = QueryObject(original_query) # print '...on_playSeq, loop', query.loop # logging # TODO: re-enable logging later, has some problems # need to make sure the chords played are actually the chords written if query.author == 'dont_log': pass else: if query.loop: assert query.actionKind == 'loop' else: assert query.actionKind == 'play' or query.actionKind == 'play both' attrs = self.retrieve_suggestion_item_as_attrs(query) self.index_user_action(query, self.suggestions, self.suggestions_above, attrs) # self.logs.add(query.actionKind, query.seqStr, tags) midi_notes = self.make_proxy_midi_notes_from_query(query) if query.actionKind == "artificalPlay": self.emit('playSeq', midi_notes, False, original_query) else: self.emit('playSeq', midi_notes, True, original_query)#, query.play) def make_proxy_midi_notes_from_query(self, query): print '---on_parseSeq:', query.seqStr chords = self.seqToNotes(query.seq, query.seqStr) print 'durations', query.durations if query.durations is not None: durs = [1.0*dur for dur in query.durations] print 'len(chords)', len(chords) print 'scaled durs', len(durs), durs #assert len(durs) == len(chords) else: durs = [self.unit_dur] * len(chords) print '...cumulative durations' start_time_acc = [0] for dur in durs: start_time_acc.append(start_time_acc[-1]+dur) print start_time_acc if query.loop: chords = chords[:] + chords[:] durs = durs[:-1] + [durs[-1]+self.unit_dur*0.2] + durs[:] midi_notes = self.make_proxy_midi_notes(chords, durs) return midi_notes def make_proxy_midi_notes(self, chords, durs): if not len(chords): return [] if not isinstance(chords[0], list): chords = [chords] midi_notes = [] running_time = 0.0 for i, notes in enumerate(chords): onset = running_time if i == 0: onset += MIDI_START_SLACK if i >= len(durs): dur = durs[-1] else: dur = durs[i] for note in notes: midi_note = {'pitch': note, 'onset': onset, 'offset': running_time+dur} midi_notes.append(midi_note) running_time += dur return midi_notes # def on_(self, chord_changes, author, activeIdx, # suggestPanel, original_query, log=True): def on_playSubseq(self, original_query, log=True, playContext=False): print "...on_playSubseq, playContext", playContext #, original_query # print '...on_playSubseq', chord_changes, author, activeIdx, log, suggestPanel # print chord_changes syms = [] inds = [] # TODO: assumes continuous but side ripples are not durs = [] # if not isinstance(original_query, QueryObject): query = QueryObject(original_query) query.playContext = playContext query_durations = query.durations chord_changes = query.chordSeqsAndFormat print chord_changes if not playContext: for i, chord_change in enumerate(chord_changes[:CHORD_LEN]): if chord_change[1]: syms.append(chord_change[0]) inds.append(i) if query_durations is not None: durs.append(query_durations[i]) else: start_ind = None for i, chord_change in enumerate(chord_changes[:CHORD_LEN]): if chord_change[1]: start_ind = i break end_ind = None for i in range(CHORD_LEN-1, -1, -1): if chord_changes[i][1]: end_ind = i break print "start_ind, end_ind", start_ind, end_ind print "boundary" if start_ind - 1 >= 0: start_ind -= 1 if end_ind + 1 < CHORD_LEN: end_ind += 1 print start_ind, end_ind syms = [ chord_changes[i][0] for i in range(start_ind, end_ind+1) ] durs = [ query_durations[i] for i in range(start_ind, end_ind+1) ] inds = range(start_ind, end_ind+1) print syms, durs print len(inds), inds if len(inds) > 1: p_ind = inds[0] fixed_inds = inds[:] for ind in inds[1:]: if ind - p_ind != 1: print 'WARNING: Changes not continuous' for i in range(p_ind+1, ind): fixed_inds.append(i) p_ind = ind inds = fixed_inds # not necessary to sort inds.sort() # update durations, syms # to fulfill the later check of # len(durs) != len(syms) durs = [query_durations[i] for i in inds] syms = [chord_changes[i][0] for i in inds] if query.log and log: attrs = self.retrieve_suggestion_item_as_attrs(query) if query.author == 'machine': self.index_user_action(query, self.suggestions, self.suggestions_above, attrs) else: self.index_user_action(query, ) # self.logs.add("play bold", text, tags) # original subseq notes # need context to determine octave all_notes = self.make_note_seqs(query.seq) print 'on_playSubseq', len(all_notes), query.seqStr, inds notes = [all_notes[ind] for ind in inds] # TODO: this should not happen, should check for this, instead of letting it slide if len(durs) != len(syms): durs = [self.unit_dur] * len(syms) midi_notes = self.make_proxy_midi_notes(notes, durs) # for entire sequence # midi_notes = self.make_proxy_midi_notes_from_query(query) # sending the original query back so that have context # TODO: make all communication to be query objects # with more fields self.emit('playSubseq', midi_notes, original_query) return notes def get_similar_chords(self, sym, topn): similars = self.nn.most_similar(sym, topn=topn) if similars is None: return sims = [s[0] for s in similars] return sims def on_startSeqs(self): print '---on_startSeqs' # TODO: fixed start seqs self.clear_suggestions() for s in self.start_syms: self.suggestions.add(SuggestionItem(s, range(len(s)), 'start')) seqs, inds = self.suggestions.get_seqs_inds() # print seqs # print inds print '----- updateChordSuggestions ----, # of items', self.suggestions.num_items self.emit('updateChordSuggestions', seqs, inds) def rn2letter(self, sym): if sym in ROMAN2LETTER_RELABELS: formatted_sym = ROMAN2LETTER_RELABELS[sym] elif sym in self._rn2letter: formatted_sym = self._rn2letter[sym] print 'rn2letter retrieved', sym, formatted_sym else: formatted_sym = roman2letter(sym) return formatted_sym def letter(self, sym): if is_roman_numeral(sym): return self.rn2letter(sym) else: return sym def roman(self, sym): if sym is None: return None if is_roman_numeral(sym): return sym else: return self.letter2rn(sym) def letter2rn(self, sym): if sym in LETTER2ROMAN_RELABELS: formatted_sym = LETTER2ROMAN_RELABELS[sym] elif sym in self._letter2rn: formatted_sym = self._letter2rn[sym] print 'letter2rn retrieved', formatted_sym else: formatted_sym = letter2roman(sym) if formatted_sym is None: return '' # print 'created', formatted_sym return formatted_sym def back_to_roman(self, sym): is_roman = is_roman_numeral(sym) if not is_roman: sym = self.letter2rn(sym) return sym def format_seq(self, seq): local_seq = [] local_original_seq = [] for sym in seq: formatted_sym, valid = self.format_sym(sym) if valid: local_seq.append(formatted_sym) else: local_seq.append('') local_original_seq.append(formatted_sym) return local_seq, local_original_seq def format_sym(self, sym): is_roman = is_roman_numeral(sym) formatted_sym = sym # print 'format_sym', sym, is_roman if is_roman and self.symbol_type != 'roman': formatted_sym = self.rn2letter(sym) elif not is_roman and self.symbol_type == 'roman': formatted_sym = self.letter2rn(sym) if formatted_sym is not None: if self.symbol_type == 'roman': for k, v in ROMAN_PARTIAL_RELABELS.iteritems(): if k in formatted_sym: formatted_sym = formatted_sym.replace(k, v) else: for k, v in LETTER_PARTIAL_RELABELS_FOR_USER.iteritems(): if k in formatted_sym: formatted_sym = formatted_sym.replace(k, v) # check = sym2chord(sym) # if check is None: # return None if formatted_sym == '': return sym, False return formatted_sym, True def generate_subs_from_context(self, sym_ind, original_seq, factor=1): print '...generate_subs_from_context', sym_ind, original_seq # factor: factor*n_similar # of suggestions original_sym = original_seq[sym_ind] subs = [] # sorted_syms = None # if 0 < sym_ind < len(original_seq): if sym_ind - 1 < 0: before_sym = None else: before_sym = original_seq[sym_ind - 1] if before_sym not in self.syms: before_sym = None if sym_ind + 1 >= len(original_seq): after_sym = None else: after_sym = original_seq[sym_ind + 1] if after_sym not in self.syms: after_sym = None sorted_probs, sorted_syms = \ simple_foward_backward_gap_dist(self.model, before_sym, after_sym, self.experiment_type) if sorted_syms is not None and len(sorted_syms) > 10: for i in range(10): print sorted_syms[i], np.exp(sorted_probs[i]) ind = sorted_syms.index('C') print "what is prob for C?", np.exp(sorted_probs[ind]), ind if sorted_syms is None and sym_ind == 0 and self.experiment_type == TYPICAL: sorted_syms = [s[0] for s in self.start_syms] n_subs = factor*self.n_similar if sorted_syms is not None: subs = sorted_syms[:n_subs] if original_sym in subs: subs.remove(original_sym) subs.append(sorted_syms[n_subs]) print '...subs', subs return sorted_syms, subs def make_single_sub_suggestion_items(self, sym_ind, original_seq, subs, sorted_syms, return_tags_only=False): # original_sym = original_seq[sym_ind] suggestion_items = [] tags_list = [] for i, ss in enumerate(subs): sub_seq = original_seq[:sym_ind] + [ss] + original_seq[sym_ind + 1:] # print 'subseq', sub_seq tags = {} if i < self.n_similar: tags['source'] = 'subs' else: tags['source'] = 'sim' if sorted_syms is not None: # print len(sorted_syms), ss # print sorted_syms tags['context_rank'] = sorted_syms.index(ss) tags_list.append(tags) item = SuggestionItem(sub_seq, [sym_ind], 'sub_ripple', tags) suggestion_items.append(item) # original_sym, valid = self.format_sym(original_sym) # if valid: # subs.insert(0, original_sym) if return_tags_only: return tags_list return suggestion_items def generate_singleton_subs(self, sym_ind, original_seq, factor=1): original_sym = original_seq[sym_ind] print '...generate substitutions based on similarity' # generate substitutions based on similarity if self.experiment_type != TYPICAL: # and sym_ind == 0: sims = self.get_similar_chords(original_sym, self.n_similar*2) elif self.experiment_type != TYPICAL: sims = self.get_similar_chords(original_sym, self.n_similar) else: sims = None print "sims", sims # generate substitutions based on context if self.experiment_type == TYPICAL: factor = 2 # sorted_syms is for in case needed more? # if not typical, then for first chord, only use sim if self.experiment_type != TYPICAL: # and sym_ind == 0: sorted_syms = None subs = None else: sorted_syms, subs = self.generate_subs_from_context(sym_ind, original_seq, factor=factor) print "subs by context", subs # collect all the single changes if subs is None: subs = sims elif sims is not None: subs.extend(sims) # subs first, sims next print "all collected singletons", subs assert len(subs) == 4 or subs is None or len(subs) == 0 # sorted_syms is for in case needed more? # not currently used in the calling function return sorted_syms, subs @property def previous_sym(self): return self._previous_sym @previous_sym.setter def previous_sym(self, sym): print '...setting previous sym to:', sym self._previous_sym = sym @property def previous_sym_ind(self): return self._previous_sym_ind @previous_sym_ind.setter def previous_sym_ind(self, ind): print '...setting previous ind to:', ind self._previous_sym_ind = ind def on_generateAlternatives(self, query, log=True): # if experiment type is MANUAL then don't give any alternatives # if self.experiment_type == TYPICAL: # return print '\n\n--- --- generate_alternative --- ---', # print self.symbol_type # print 'on_generateAlternatives, query', query if not isinstance(query, QueryObject): query = QueryObject(query) # if sequence is empty, empty recommendations, add start-seq recommendations, and return if len(query.seq) == 0: self.previous_sym = None self.previous_sym_ind = None self.clear_suggestions() self.emit('updateChordSuggestions', [], [], []) self.on_startSeqs() return # check previously active chord, could be None print 'previous', self.previous_sym, self.previous_sym_ind print 'query', query.sym # if previuos symbol is the same as currently actively symbol # then don't need to generate new alternatives if self.previous_sym is not None and self.previous_sym_ind == query.activeIdx \ and self.previous_sym == query.sym: return # if current symbol is empty and next symbol is also empty # don't do anything if len(query.sym) == 0 and query.activeIdx is not None \ and len(query.seq[query.activeIdx]) == 0: return # index here? self.index_user_action(query, self.suggestions, self.suggestions_above) self.clear_suggestions() self.previous_sym = query.sym self.previous_sym_ind = query.activeIdx original_sym = query.sym raw_original_seq = query.seq original_seq = query.seq sym_ind = query.activeIdx # generate new alternatives if original_sym is None or not len(original_sym): print 'WARNING: no symbol at this position' # if sym in middle, then use context to ripple in to generate suggestions sorted_syms, subs = self.generate_subs_from_context(sym_ind, raw_original_seq, 4) if sorted_syms is not None: suggestion_items = self.make_single_sub_suggestion_items(sym_ind, raw_original_seq, subs, sorted_syms) self.clear_suggestions() self.suggestions_above.add(suggestion_items) seqs, inds = self.suggestions_above.get_seqs_inds() print '...generateAlternatives, # of items', self.suggestions_above.num_items self.emit('updateChordSuggestionsAbove', seqs, inds)#, self.suggestions_above.types) return # bottom, next ripples print '...generate_nexts', raw_original_seq print original_seq, original_sym if not DISABLE_NEXT: lastPos = query.activeIdx + 1 == len(original_seq) nextSymIsEmpty = not lastPos and \ len(original_seq[query.activeIdx+1]) == 0 # if sym_ind == len(original_seq) - 1 or nextSymIsEmpty: # print 'sym_ind', sym_ind, CHORD_LEN, nextSymIsEmpty if sym_ind < CHORD_LEN - 1 or nextSymIsEmpty: ss, sinds = self.generate_next(original_sym, sym_ind, raw_original_seq) if ss is None: print 'WARNING: no next chords for ', original_seq[sym_ind] return for i, s in enumerate(ss): self.suggestions.add(SuggestionItem(s, sinds[i], 'next')) print s, sinds[i] # bottom, side ripples if self.experiment_type == RIPPLE: suggestion_items = self.generate_side_ripples(sym_ind, original_seq) self.suggestions.add(suggestion_items) # above, single sims and subs by context sorted_syms, subs = self.generate_singleton_subs(sym_ind, raw_original_seq) suggestion_items = self.make_single_sub_suggestion_items(sym_ind, raw_original_seq, subs, sorted_syms) if subs is None: seqs, inds = self.suggestions_above.get_seqs_inds() self.emit('updateChordSuggestionsAbove', seqs, inds) return # generate ripples for the single changes print '...subs', subs if self.experiment_type == RIPPLE: seq_subs, seq_inds = self.generate_ripples(raw_original_seq, sym_ind, subs, all_sims=ALL_SIMS) else: seq_subs = None if seq_subs is None: # add what we have so far self.suggestions_above.add(suggestion_items) else: # the first one is for the current text # check if it is the same as current text # same_as_original_seq = True # ss = seq_subs.pop(0) # inds = seq_inds.pop(0) # for s, ind in zip(ss, inds): # if len(original_seq) < ind and original_seq[ind] != s: # same_as_original_seq = False # rippled_plus_original_items = [] # if not same_as_original_seq: # tags = {'source': 'user'} # rippled_plus_original_items.append(SuggestionItem(ss, inds, 'sub_ripple', tags)) rippled_plus_original_items = [] print "len(suggestion_items) == len(seq_subs)?" print len(suggestion_items), len(seq_subs) assert len(suggestion_items) == len(seq_subs) # interleave the two print '...interleaving subs and their ripples' for i, item in enumerate(suggestion_items): rippled_plus_original_items.append(item) ripple_item = SuggestionItem(seq_subs[i], seq_inds[i], 'sub_ripple', item.tags) rippled_plus_original_items.append(ripple_item) self.suggestions_above.add(rippled_plus_original_items) # if EXPERIMENT_TYPE != BASELINE_SINGLETON and sym_ind == len(original_seq) - 1: # ss, sinds = self.generate_continuations(original_sym, sym_ind, original_seq) # self.suggestions_above.add_seqs_inds(ss, sinds, 'till_end') seqs, inds = self.suggestions.get_seqs_inds() print '...generateAlternatives, # of items', self.suggestions.num_items self.emit('updateChordSuggestions', seqs, inds)#, self.suggestions.types) seqs, inds = self.suggestions_above.get_seqs_inds() print '...generateAlternatives, # of above items', self.suggestions_above.num_items print seqs print inds self.emit('updateChordSuggestionsAbove', seqs, inds)#, self.suggestions.types) def generate_continuations(self, sym, ind, original_seq): postfix_len = 4 seqs = [] seq_inds = [] for i in range(2, postfix_len): fixed = {ind:sym} fixed[ind+i] = 'I' seq, inds = \ shortest_path(self.model, fixed, ind, original_seq) seqs.append(seq) seq_inds.append(inds) return seqs, seq_inds def on_generate_complete_seq(self, seq=None): if seq is None: seq = self.ngram.gen_seq(CHORD_LEN) seq, seq_original = self.format_seq(seq) # seq = [u'C', u'F', u'D', u'G', u'C', u'C', u'F'] seq_str = ' '.join(seq) print 'seq_str', seq_str query = QueryObject(dict(text=seq_str, author="machine", actionAuthor="machine", actionKind="start_complete_seq")) self.index_user_action(query) self.emit('set_seq', seq_str) def generate_next(self, sym, seq_ind, original_seq): trans = self.model.trans syms = self.syms if sym not in syms: return None, None sym_ind = syms.index(sym) n_conts = self.n_suggestions inds = np.argsort(-trans[sym_ind, :])[:n_conts] # unformatted_syms = [syms[ind] for ind in inds] # print 'unformatted_syms', unformatted_syms # formatted_subs = [] # for ind in inds: # formatted_sub = self.format_sym(syms[ind]) # print syms[ind], formatted_sub # if formatted_sub is not None: # formatted_subs.append(ind) # print len(inds), len(formatted_subs) # subs = [original_seq[:] + [formatted_subs[i]] for i in range(len(inds))] # subs = [original_seq[:] + [syms[ind]] for ind in inds] subs = [original_seq[:seq_ind+1] + [syms[ind]] + original_seq[seq_ind+2:] for ind in inds] # print 'generate_next', subs return subs, [[seq_ind+1]]*n_conts def generate_ripples(self, original_seq, sym_ind, sims, win_max=2, all_sims=False): print '...generate_ripples', sims seq_subs = [] seq_inds = [] for win in range(1, win_max): ub = sym_ind + win lb = sym_ind - win # allow one extra seq step lb_out_bound = lb < -1 ub_out_bound = ub > len(original_seq) # supposedly already second time out of bound if lb_out_bound or ub_out_bound: break ub += 1 lb -= 1 if lb < 0: lb = 0 if ub > len(original_seq): ub = len(original_seq) for j, s in enumerate(sims): fixed = {} for idx in range(lb, ub+1): if idx < len(original_seq): fixed[idx] = original_seq[idx] # may override lb or ub fixed[sym_ind] = s print fixed # hack for if sequence comes in with empty trailing # spaces that causes one to think that the sequence is longer max_ind = np.max(fixed.keys()) # if last two index is empty than take out the max if len(fixed[max_ind]) == 0 and max_ind-1 in fixed.keys() \ and len(fixed[max_ind-1]) == 0: del fixed[max_ind] if not all_sims: sub_seq, sym_inds = \ shortest_path(self.model, fixed, sym_ind, original_seq) else: sub_seq, sym_inds = \ shortest_path(self.model, fixed, sym_ind, original_seq, self.nn) seq_subs.append(sub_seq) seq_inds.append(list(sym_inds)) for seq in seq_subs: print seq return seq_subs, seq_inds def generate_side_ripples(self, sym_ind, original_seq, factor=1, win_max=2): print '...generate_side_ripples', sym_ind, 'len(original_seq)', len(original_seq) # because if factor not equal to one for now will cause the sub, sim attribution to be incorrect # even though the context rank will probably reveal which one it is, and is more important anyway assert factor == 1 # original_sym = original_seq[sym_ind] # left side left_subs = None if sym_ind > 0: left_ind = sym_ind - 1 left_sorted_syms, left_subs = self.generate_singleton_subs(left_ind, original_seq, factor) # right side right_subs = None if sym_ind < len(original_seq) - 1: right_ind = sym_ind + 1 right_sorted_syms, right_subs = self.generate_singleton_subs(right_ind, original_seq, factor) if left_subs is None and right_subs is None: print 'no side ripple yet' return [] print 'left subs', left_subs print 'right subs', right_subs seqs = [] inds = [] n = 0 # choose the smaller non-zero one if left_subs is None: left_n = 0 else: left_n = len(left_subs) n = left_n if right_subs is None: right_n = 0 else: right_n = len(right_subs) n = right_n if right_n > left_n > 0: n = left_n print left_n, right_n, n for i in range(n): if left_subs is not None and right_subs is not None: seq = original_seq[:left_ind] + [left_subs[i]] + \ [original_seq[sym_ind]] + [right_subs[i]] if right_ind + 1 < len(original_seq): seq += original_seq[right_ind+1:] inds.append([left_ind, right_ind]) elif left_subs is None: seq = original_seq[:right_ind] + [right_subs[i]] if right_ind + 1 < len(original_seq): seq += original_seq[right_ind+1:] inds.append([right_ind]) elif right_subs is None: seq = original_seq[:left_ind] + [left_subs[i]] + \ original_seq[sym_ind:] inds.append([left_ind]) else: assert False, 'ERROR: case not considered' seqs.append(seq) tags = None if left_subs is not None: tags = self.make_single_sub_suggestion_items(left_ind, original_seq, left_subs, left_sorted_syms, return_tags_only=True) right_tags = None if right_subs is not None: right_tags = self.make_single_sub_suggestion_items(right_ind, original_seq, right_subs, right_sorted_syms, return_tags_only=True) # merge the tags if tags is not None and right_tags is not None: for i in range(n): key = 'context_rank' tag = tags[i] other_tag = right_tags[i] if key in tags and key in other_tag: tag[key] = [tag[key], other_tag[key]] elif key in other_tag: tag[key] = [other_tag[key]] print 'tags' elif tags is None: tags = right_tags suggestion_items = [] for i, seq in enumerate(seqs): print 'seq:', seq print 'inds', inds[i] print tags[i] item = SuggestionItem(seq, inds[i], 'side_ripple', tags[i]) suggestion_items.append(item) return suggestion_items # TODO: more side options def generate_sides(self, original_seq, sym_ind, sims, win_max=2): seq_subs = [] seq_inds = [] for win in range(1, win_max): ub = sym_ind + win lb = sym_ind - win # allow one extra seq step lb_out_bound = lb < -1 ub_out_bound = ub > len(original_seq) # supposedly already second time out of bound if lb_out_bound or ub_out_bound: break if lb < 0: lb = 0 if ub > len(original_seq): ub = len(original_seq) for j, s in enumerate(sims): fixed = {} if ub < len(original_seq): fixed[ub] = original_seq[ub] else: fixed[ub] = [] fixed[lb] = original_seq[lb] # may override lb or ub fixed[sym_ind] = s print fixed sub_seq, sym_inds = \ shortest_path(self.model, fixed, sym_ind, original_seq) seq_subs.append(sub_seq) seq_inds.append(list(sym_inds)) return seq_subs, seq_inds # def generate_more_change_alternatives(self, text, pos): # sym, sym_ind = self.get_sym_at_pos(text, pos, return_ind=True) # if sym is None: # return # original_seq, raw_original_seq = self.parse_seq_as_syms(text) # win_max = 2 # # sims = self.get_similar_chords(sym, 3) # sims.insert(0, sym) # if sims is None: # return # return self.generate_ripples(raw_original_seq, sym_ind, sims, win_max) def on_next(self, experiment_count): print '--- on_next', experiment_count # experiment_count starts at 1 self.clear_suggestions() # emit rating questions self.questions = {0: [['1. The tool helped me explore a wider range of chords.']], 1: [['2. Ripples made it easier to adopt difficult chords.']], 2: [["3. I'm happy with the chord progressions I came up with."]]} self.questions = {0: [], 1:[], 2:[]} # "How did you use ripples?" experiment_idx = experiment_count - 1 if experiment_idx < len(self.ordering): which_experiment = int(self.ordering[experiment_idx]) print "self.ordering", self.ordering print "experiment_idx", experiment_idx print "which experiment ind", which_experiment print 'which_experiment', EXPERIMENT_TYPE_STRS[which_experiment] self.experiment_type = which_experiment self.emit('survey', self.questions[which_experiment]) # use the raw experiment count, since one seq for tutorial self.on_generate_complete_seq(self.init_seqs[experiment_count]) else: end_msg = ["This is the end of the experiment. Thank you for participating! We really appreciate it and we hope you had some fun too!"] self.emit('survey', end_msg) def clear_suggestions(self): print '... clear_suggestions ...' self.previous_sym = None self.previous_sym_ind = None self.suggestions.clear() self.suggestions_above.clear() self.emit('updateChordSuggestions', [], [], []) self.emit('updateChordSuggestionsAbove', [], [], []) return def retrieve_suggestion_item_as_attrs(self, query): attrs = {} if query.author == 'machine': ind = query.itemIdx print 'suggestions', query.panelId, query.itemIdx, \ self.suggestions_above.num_items, self.suggestions.num_items if 'above' in query.panelId: item = self.suggestions_above.retrieve_item_at(ind, query) else: item = self.suggestions.retrieve_item_at(ind, query) # for debugging if item is None: print 'Error: can not retrieve suggestion item', \ query.activeIdx, query.seqStr assert False attrs = dict(suggestionItem=item) return attrs def getLastNonEmptyIdx(self, seq): pass # def on_textChange(self, text, pos, kind, author, ind, suggestPanel=None, play=True): def on_textChange(self, original_query): print '--- on_textChange ---' #, original_query print 'suggestion lists lengths:', self.suggestions_above.num_items, \ self.suggestions.num_items query = QueryObject(original_query) if len(query.seqStr) == 0: # TODO: why need to emit playSubseq, to set somethings to empty? self.emit("playSubseq", []) self.clear_suggestions() return # can't clear suggestions here because need to check use against the suggestion shortly after # can have two kinds of use # - use the machine-authored chord recommendation # - use the user's previous chord sequences attrs = None if query.actionKind == 'use' and query.author == 'machine': assert query.panelId is not None attrs = self.retrieve_suggestion_item_as_attrs(query) self.index_user_action(query, self.suggestions, self.suggestions_above, attrs) # self.logs.add(query.actionKind, query.seqStr, tags) # simple history, which actually may be quite sufficient, # just don't know when is athor edit and when is machine suggestion used self.history.append(query.seqStr) # if query.seqStr is None or not isinstance(query.seqStr, unicode): if query.seqStr is None: print "WARNING: chord symbol not valid", query.seqStr return if query.sym is None: print "WARNING: no chord symbol at position" return if query.activeIdx is None: if query.actionKind == 'use': # don't log this extra system playback event log = False notes = self.on_playSubseq(original_query, log) query.play = False else: return else: # play activeIdx print 'query.seq', query.seq chords = self.make_note_seqs(query.seq) print 'chords', chords, query.activeIdx notes = chords[query.activeIdx] print 'notes', notes # for entire sequence # midi_notes = self.make_proxy_midi_notes_from_query(query) # TODO: would there be a case where activeIdx is not None and we do not want to play if query.play: # if there's a textChange and is by machine, # then it's the automatic playback when user chooses to use a suggestion if query.author == 'machine': assert query.chordSeqsAndFormat != None # don't log this extra system playback event log = False self.on_playSubseq(original_query, log) else: # this is the playback single chord case # i.e. for example if typing in chords if query.durations is not None: durs = [query.durations[query.activeIdx]] else: durs = [self.unit_dur] print 'durs', durs midi_notes = self.make_proxy_midi_notes(notes, durs) print 'midi_notes', midi_notes self.emit("playSubseq", midi_notes, original_query) self.clear_suggestions() if len(notes) > 0: text_previous = '' if len(self.history) > 1: text_previous = self.remove_extra_spacing(self.history[-2]) self.emit("updateHistory", text_previous, query.seqStr) self.on_generateAlternatives(query) @staticmethod def remove_extra_spacing(text): parts = text.strip().split(' ') non_space_parts = [] for part in parts: non_space_part = part.strip() if len(non_space_part) > 0: non_space_parts.append(non_space_part) return ' '.join(non_space_parts) # get the symbol index when given the left side pos of the sym def get_sym_ind_from_left(self, text, left): count_syms_before = 0 p_is_space = False for i in range(left+1): if text[i] == ' ' and i and not p_is_space: count_syms_before += 1 p_is_space = True elif text[i] != ' ': p_is_space = False if not left: count_syms_before = 0 return count_syms_before # for alternatives, get symbol that's currently being edited def get_sym_at_pos(self, text, pos, return_ind=False): # for alternatives, get symbol that's currently being edited # symbol that is to the left of the cursor if len(text) == 0: return None, None right = pos-1 if right < 0: right = 0 right_iter_start = right if len(text)-1 <= right_iter_start: right_iter_start = len(text)-1 for i in range(right_iter_start, len(text)): if text[i] == ' ': right = i break if pos > 0: left = pos-2 if left < 0: left = 0 else: left = 0 left_iter_start = pos - 2 if len(text)-1 <= left_iter_start: left_iter_start = len(text) - 1 for i in range(left_iter_start, -1, -1): if text[i] == ' ': left = i + 1 break # TODO: hacky if i == 0: left = 0 sym_ind = self.get_sym_ind_from_left(text, left) sym = text[left:right+1] sym = sym.strip() if len(sym) == 0: return None, None if self.symbol_type == 'roman': sym = self.back_to_roman(sym) if return_ind is True: return sym, sym_ind else: return sym # for playback, gets symbol before the space def get_sym_before_pos(self, text, pos, return_ind=False): # minus 1 because the caret pos is to right of a space right = pos - 1 print 'right', right, right_char_ind = right for i in range(right, -1, -1): if text[i] != ' ': right_char_ind = i break right = right_char_ind print right # find the left boundary left = 0 for i in range(right, -1, -1): if text[i] == ' ': left = i break print 'left', left sym_ind = self.get_sym_ind_from_left(text, left) print 'sym_ind', sym_ind sym = text[left:right+1] sym = sym.strip() # sym = self.back_to_roman(sym) if return_ind is True: return sym, sym_ind else: return sym
📌 Which Indian Bollywood actress was appointed as International Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nation programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)? 📌 How does the supply of nitortgen in grains take place? 📌 Name the two PSUs, which were granted the Maharatna status by the Union Government of India in February 2013? 📌 Who is the winner of prestigious Jnanpith award for the 2012? 📌 The Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC) has projected that the Indian Exports will grow by what percentage during 2012-11? 📌 Which of the following nations celebrated its first Republic Day on 29th May 2009? 📌 Which of the following is a carnivorous plant ?
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author: Kei Choi([email protected]) import struct import zlib import os import py7zlib import zipfile import kernel import kavutil # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # InstallShield 클래스 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class InstallShield: def __init__(self, fname): self.fname = fname self.fp = None self.fsize = 0 self.install_name = [] def __del__(self): if self.fp: self.close() def close(self): if self.fp: self.fp.close() self.fp = None def parse(self): try: self.fp = open(self.fname, 'rb') self.fsize = os.fstat(self.fp.fileno()).st_size cur_pos = 0 # Magic 체크 if self.fp.read(0xe) != 'InstallShield\x00': raise ValueError cur_pos += 0xe # InstallShield에 첨부된 파일 수 data = self.fp.read(0x20) num_file = kavutil.get_uint32(data, 0) cur_pos += 0x20 for i in range(num_file): data = self.fp.read(0x138) fname = data[:0x10b].replace('\x00', '') fsize = kavutil.get_uint32(data, 0x10c) foff = cur_pos + 0x138 self.install_name.append((foff, fsize, fname)) cur_pos += 0x138 + fsize self.fp.seek(cur_pos) return True except (IOError, OSError, ValueError) as e: pass return False def namelist(self): flist = [] for f in self.install_name: flist.append(f[2]) return flist def read(self, fname): for f in self.install_name: if f[2] == fname: foff = f[0] fsize = f[1] if self.fp: self.fp.seek(foff) data = self.fp.read(fsize) return data return None # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # KavMain 클래스 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class KavMain: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # init(self, plugins_path) # 플러그인 엔진을 초기화 한다. # 인력값 : plugins_path - 플러그인 엔진의 위치 # verbose - 디버그 모드 (True or False) # 리턴값 : 0 - 성공, 0 이외의 값 - 실패 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def init(self, plugins_path, verbose=False): # 플러그인 엔진 초기화 self.handle = {} # 압축 파일 핸들 return 0 # 플러그인 엔진 초기화 성공 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # uninit(self) # 플러그인 엔진을 종료한다. # 리턴값 : 0 - 성공, 0 이외의 값 - 실패 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def uninit(self): # 플러그인 엔진 종료 return 0 # 플러그인 엔진 종료 성공 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # getinfo(self) # 플러그인 엔진의 주요 정보를 알려준다. (제작자, 버전, ...) # 리턴값 : 플러그인 엔진 정보 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def getinfo(self): # 플러그인 엔진의 주요 정보 info = dict() # 사전형 변수 선언 info['author'] = 'Kei Choi' # 제작자 info['version'] = '1.0' # 버전 info['title'] = 'InstallShield Engine' # 엔진 설명 info['kmd_name'] = 'ishield' # 엔진 파일 이름 return info # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # __get_handle(self, filename) # 압축 파일의 핸들을 얻는다. # 입력값 : filename - 파일 이름 # 리턴값 : 압축 파일 핸들 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def __get_handle(self, filename): if filename in self.handle: # 이전에 열린 핸들이 존재하는가? zfile = self.handle.get(filename, None) else: zfile = InstallShield(filename) # InstallShield 파일 열기 self.handle[filename] = zfile return zfile # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # format(self, filehandle, filename, filename_ex) # 파일 포맷을 분석한다. # 입력값 : filehandle - 파일 핸들 # filename - 파일 이름 # filename_ex - 압축 파일 내부 파일 이름 # 리턴값 : {파일 포맷 분석 정보} or None # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def format(self, filehandle, filename, filename_ex): ret = {} mm = filehandle data = mm[0:0xe] if data == 'InstallShield\x00': # 헤더 체크 ret['ff_installshield'] = 'InstallShield' return ret return None # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # arclist(self, filename, fileformat) # 압축 파일 내부의 파일 목록을 얻는다. # 입력값 : filename - 파일 이름 # fileformat - 파일 포맷 분석 정보 # 리턴값 : [[압축 엔진 ID, 압축된 파일 이름]] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def arclist(self, filename, fileformat): file_scan_list = [] # 검사 대상 정보를 모두 가짐 # 미리 분석된 파일 포맷중에 InstallShield 포맷이 있는가? if 'ff_installshield' in fileformat: zfile = self.__get_handle(filename) if zfile.parse(): for name in zfile.namelist(): file_scan_list.append(['arc_installshield', name]) return file_scan_list # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # unarc(self, arc_engine_id, arc_name, fname_in_arc) # 입력값 : arc_engine_id - 압축 엔진 ID # arc_name - 압축 파일 # fname_in_arc - 압축 해제할 파일 이름 # 리턴값 : 압축 해제된 내용 or None # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def unarc(self, arc_engine_id, arc_name, fname_in_arc): if arc_engine_id == 'arc_installshield': zfile = self.__get_handle(arc_name) data = zfile.read(fname_in_arc) return data return None # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # arcclose(self) # 압축 파일 핸들을 닫는다. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def arcclose(self): for fname in self.handle.keys(): zfile = self.handle[fname] zfile.close() self.handle.pop(fname)
Within the Department of Labor, several agencies are involved with apprenticeship programs. The National Apprenticeship Act of 1937 (also known as "the Fitzgerald Act"), established the Department of Labor's role to safeguard the welfare of apprentices, ensure equality of access to apprenticeship programs, and provide integrated employment and training information to sponsors and the local employment and training community. The Employment and Training Administration administers the National Apprenticeship Act including the regulatory framework for registration of apprenticeship programs and administration of the National Apprenticeship System. The Office of Labor-Management Standards administers and enforces most provisions of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 and may conduct joint investigations with the Employee Benefits Security Administration. For apprenticeship and training programs that cover private sector workers and are financed out of trust funds, the Employee Benefits Security Administration has a role in overseeing the plans under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). ERISA includes within its definition of "employee welfare benefit plan" any plan fund or program that was established or maintained to provide "apprenticeship or other training programs." Most private sector collectively bargained apprenticeship and training programs are covered by ERISA because the Labor-Management Relations Act requires that the expenses of any joint labor/management apprenticeship committee be defrayed out of monies placed in a separate fund. ERISA sets standards of conduct for those who manage an employee benefit plan and its assets, including fiduciary responsibilities, submitting reports to the government and disclosing information to workers participating in the plans. ERISA-covered apprenticeship and training plans can be exempted from several ERISA requirements including annual reporting (Form 5500 Annual Report), audits, disclosures (Summary Plan Description, Summary of Material Modifications, etc.), and recordkeeping requirements if specified conditions are met. However, the plan fiduciaries are still subject to the fiduciary responsibility standards of ERISA. For a general overview of the fiduciary responsibilities under ERISA, see the FAQs. For more information on the fiduciary responsibilities applicable to ERISA-covered apprenticeship and training programs using the plan's assets for graduation ceremonies and program marketing, see Field Assistance Bulletin 2012-01 below. Having and adhering to strong financial controls and written policies and procedures regarding travel, reimbursement, and credit card use are among the best ways for ERISA-covered apprenticeship plans to comply with their fiduciary responsibilities. The Office of Labor-Management Standards has developed resources to help create effective policies available at www.dol.gov/olms/regs/compliance/compltips.htm. EBSA offers a Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program (VFCP), which allows employee benefit plans to self-identify and correct certain violations of ERISA. Two general transactions covered by the VFCP may be of particular interest to apprenticeship and training plans: the sale or purchase of an asset to or by a party in interest and the payment of duplicate, excessive, or unnecessary compensation. For complete information on the VFCP, including how to apply and acceptable methods for correcting violations, see the Voluntary Correction Programs page. Under ERISA, the department may grant administrative exemptions to an individual or a class of individuals allowing them to engage in a variety of transactions involving employee benefit plans that would otherwise be prohibited. Class exemptions, such as the three noted below, are administrative blanket exemptions which permit persons to engage in similar transactions with plans in accordance with the conditions of the class exemption without asking for an individual exemption. PTE 1976-01 - Permits certain transactions between multiemployer plans and parties in interest involving delinquent employer contributions, construction loans, leasing of office space, provision of services and the sales of goods. PTE 1977-10 - Extension of PTE 1976-1 to cover ERISA section 406(b) (2). PTE 1978-06 - Permits the sale or lease of personal property and lease of real property by collectively bargained multiemployer apprenticeship plans from contributing employers.
#!/usr/bin/python2 -OO # Copyright (C) 2013 W. Trevor King <[email protected]> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """Catalyst is a release building tool used by Gentoo Linux""" # py2.6 compatibility from __future__ import print_function import codecs as _codecs from distutils.core import setup as _setup, Command as _Command import os as _os from catalyst import __version__ from catalyst.version import set_release_version as _set_release_version from catalyst.version import get_version as _get_version _this_dir = _os.path.dirname(__file__) package_name = 'catalyst' tag = '{0}-{1}'.format(package_name, __version__) if _os.path.sep != '/': raise NotImplementedError('Non-POSIX paths are not supported') def files(root, target): """Iterate through all the file paths under `root` Distutils wants all paths to be written in the Unix convention (i.e. slash-separated) [1], so that's what we'll do here. [1]: http://docs.python.org/2/distutils/setupscript.html#writing-the-setup-script """ for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in _os.walk(root): key = _os.path.join(target, dirpath) filepaths = [_os.path.join(dirpath, filename) for filename in filenames] yield (key, filepaths) _data_files = [('/etc/catalyst', ['etc/catalyst.conf','etc/catalystrc']), ('/usr/share/man/man1', ['files/catalyst.1']), ('/usr/share/man/man5', ['files/catalyst-config.5', 'files/catalyst-spec.5']) ] _data_files.extend(files('livecd', 'lib/catalyst/')) _data_files.extend(files('targets', 'lib/catalyst/')) class set_version(_Command): '''Saves the specified release version information ''' global __version__ description = "hardcode script's version using VERSION from environment" user_options = [] # [(long_name, short_name, desc),] def initialize_options (self): pass def finalize_options (self): pass def run(self): try: version = _os.environ['VERSION'] except KeyError: print("Try setting 'VERSION=x.y.z' on the command line... Aborting") return _set_release_version(version) __version__ = _get_version() print("Version set to:\n", __version__) _setup( name=package_name, version=__version__, maintainer='Gentoo Release Engineering', maintainer_email='[email protected]', url='http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/{0}/'.format(package_name), download_url='http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/{0}.git;a=snapshot;h={1};sf=tgz'.format(package_name, tag), license='GNU General Public License (GPL)', platforms=['all'], description=__doc__, long_description=_codecs.open( _os.path.join(_this_dir, 'README'), 'r', 'utf-8').read(), classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+)', 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Packaging', 'Topic :: System :: Installation/Setup', 'Topic :: System :: Software Distribution', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', ], scripts=['bin/{0}'.format(package_name)], packages=[ package_name, '{0}.arch'.format(package_name), '{0}.base'.format(package_name), '{0}.targets'.format(package_name), ], data_files=_data_files, provides=[package_name], cmdclass={ 'set_version': set_version }, )
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"""Class to perform over-sampling using SMOTE and cleaning using Tomek links.""" # Authors: Guillaume Lemaitre <[email protected]> # Christos Aridas # License: MIT from __future__ import division import logging import warnings from sklearn.utils import check_X_y from ..base import SamplerMixin from ..over_sampling import SMOTE from ..under_sampling import TomekLinks from ..utils import check_target_type, hash_X_y class SMOTETomek(SamplerMixin): """Class to perform over-sampling using SMOTE and cleaning using Tomek links. Combine over- and under-sampling using SMOTE and Tomek links. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <combine>`. Parameters ---------- ratio : str, dict, or callable, optional (default='auto') Ratio to use for resampling the data set. - If ``str``, has to be one of: (i) ``'minority'``: resample the minority class; (ii) ``'majority'``: resample the majority class, (iii) ``'not minority'``: resample all classes apart of the minority class, (iv) ``'all'``: resample all classes, and (v) ``'auto'``: correspond to ``'all'`` with for over-sampling methods and ``'not minority'`` for under-sampling methods. The classes targeted will be over-sampled or under-sampled to achieve an equal number of sample with the majority or minority class. - If ``dict``, the keys correspond to the targeted classes. The values correspond to the desired number of samples. - If callable, function taking ``y`` and returns a ``dict``. The keys correspond to the targeted classes. The values correspond to the desired number of samples. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None) If int, ``random_state`` is the seed used by the random number generator; If ``RandomState`` instance, random_state is the random number generator; If ``None``, the random number generator is the ``RandomState`` instance used by ``np.random``. smote : object, optional (default=SMOTE()) The :class:`imblearn.over_sampling.SMOTE` object to use. If not given, a :class:`imblearn.over_sampling.SMOTE` object with default parameters will be given. tomek : object, optional (default=Tomek()) The :class:`imblearn.under_sampling.Tomek` object to use. If not given, a :class:`imblearn.under_sampling.Tomek` object with default parameters will be given. Notes ----- The methos is presented in [1]_. Supports mutli-class resampling. Refer to SMOTE and TomekLinks regarding the scheme which used. See :ref:`sphx_glr_auto_examples_combine_plot_smote_tomek.py` and :ref:`sphx_glr_auto_examples_combine_plot_comparison_combine.py`. See also -------- SMOTEENN : Over-sample using SMOTE followed by under-sampling using Edited Nearest Neighbours. References ---------- .. [1] G. Batista, B. Bazzan, M. Monard, "Balancing Training Data for Automated Annotation of Keywords: a Case Study," In WOB, 10-18, 2003. Examples -------- >>> from collections import Counter >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_classification >>> from imblearn.combine import \ SMOTETomek # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> X, y = make_classification(n_classes=2, class_sep=2, ... weights=[0.1, 0.9], n_informative=3, n_redundant=1, flip_y=0, ... n_features=20, n_clusters_per_class=1, n_samples=1000, random_state=10) >>> print('Original dataset shape {}'.format(Counter(y))) Original dataset shape Counter({1: 900, 0: 100}) >>> smt = SMOTETomek(random_state=42) >>> X_res, y_res = smt.fit_sample(X, y) >>> print('Resampled dataset shape {}'.format(Counter(y_res))) Resampled dataset shape Counter({0: 900, 1: 900}) """ def __init__(self, ratio='auto', random_state=None, smote=None, tomek=None): super(SMOTETomek, self).__init__() self.ratio = ratio self.random_state = random_state self.smote = smote self.tomek = tomek self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _validate_estimator(self): "Private function to validate SMOTE and ENN objects" if self.smote is not None: if isinstance(self.smote, SMOTE): self.smote_ = self.smote else: raise ValueError('smote needs to be a SMOTE object.' 'Got {} instead.'.format(type(self.smote))) # Otherwise create a default SMOTE else: self.smote_ = SMOTE( ratio=self.ratio, random_state=self.random_state) if self.tomek is not None: if isinstance(self.tomek, TomekLinks): self.tomek_ = self.tomek else: raise ValueError('tomek needs to be a TomekLinks object.' 'Got {} instead.'.format(type(self.tomek))) # Otherwise create a default TomekLinks else: self.tomek_ = TomekLinks(ratio='all') def fit(self, X, y): """Find the classes statistics before to perform sampling. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Matrix containing the data which have to be sampled. y : array-like, shape (n_samples,) Corresponding label for each sample in X. Returns ------- self : object, Return self. """ X, y = check_X_y(X, y, accept_sparse=['csr', 'csc']) y = check_target_type(y) self.ratio_ = self.ratio self.X_hash_, self.y_hash_ = hash_X_y(X, y) return self def _sample(self, X, y): """Resample the dataset. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape (n_samples, n_features) Matrix containing the data which have to be sampled. y : array-like, shape (n_samples,) Corresponding label for each sample in X. Returns ------- X_resampled : {ndarray, sparse matrix}, shape \ (n_samples_new, n_features) The array containing the resampled data. y_resampled : ndarray, shape (n_samples_new,) The corresponding label of `X_resampled` """ self._validate_estimator() X_res, y_res = self.smote_.fit_sample(X, y) return self.tomek_.fit_sample(X_res, y_res)
If you have a small business, partnership, or sole proprietorship, or if you’re self-employed in California, you may have questions about workers’ compensation insurance. Naturally, many business owners are concerned about the cost of this insurance and the possible penalties for not being insured. Although you will have to pay premiums to retain your CA workers’ comp insurance, those costs pale in comparison to what you could encounter if you are caught uninsured and one of your employees becomes injured at work. California requires businesses that retain employees to purchase workers’ comp insurance. If you operate without it, you can face steep financial penalties. It is even considered a criminal offense that can result in jail time. Furthermore, without insurance, you could be held liable for an injured employee’s medical bills, as well as their lost wages and other costs. Like any insurance policy, California workers’ compensation insurance protects you from liability and general risk to your business. Nonetheless, there are specific costs and penalties you should pay attention to so you can fit your workers’ comp insurance bill into your budget. How Much Does an Employer Have to Pay for Workers’ Comp? California employers do have the option to pay out of pocket for an employee’s workers’ compensation claims. Specifically, they can do so in the instance where only first-aid is necessary to treat an injury. This minimizes the impact of a claim on your insurance premiums and other modifications. However, keep in mind that some injuries can become worse over time. Even something small like a cut could become infected, leading to much costlier medical bills. It’s also possible that an employee will sue you later for a workplace injury, even if you paid their medical costs. How Much Does Workers’ Comp Insurance Cost for a Small Business? The cost of workers’ compensation is determined by the Workers’ Compensation Board in each state. In California, the Division of Workers’ Compensation monitors the administration of workers’ comp claims and assists in resolving disputes. However, the process for calculating the cost of workers’ compensation insurance is mostly similar in each state. The state classifies each occupation based on its level of risk. Risk is determined by the frequency of on-the-job injuries in the occupation as well as the severity of injuries sustained in the occupation. Severity is measured based on medical payments and payments made directly to employees. For example, a roofer will have a higher risk classification than an office worker. They work at high heights, outside, and with power tools, whereas the office worker is relatively safe indoors during most of their workday. In fact, roofers have the highest occupational risk classification in California. This means the costs of workers’ compensation insurance would be higher for a roofing company than it would be for other types of companies. Each occupational risk classification is translated into a dollar amount which is multiplied by 1% per $100 of the total payroll for an employee. Let’s say a risk classification translates to a dollar amount of $125. Multiplied by 1%, an employee with his classification would cost $1.25 per $100 paid to insure. if an employee is paid $500 per week in workers’ compensation and the risk classification for that worker translates to $1.25 per $100, the insurance premium the employer pays is roughly $6.25 per week or $25 per month for that employee. These rates can fluctuate based on your company’s safety history and whether you offer health insurance to your employees. If you maintain a safe and healthy work environment, you could pay lower rates. Save yourself and your business from costly lawsuits and employee issues. How Much Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance Cost if You’re Self-Employed? If you are a freelancer, a sole proprietor, an independent contractor, or if you are legally self-employed, you are not typically required to buy workers’ compensation insurance. However, you may do so if you wish — it all depends on how hazardous your occupation is and your own tolerance of risk. The cost of coverage will depend on your occupation, but self-employed individuals typically pay far less than other types of businesses. That’s because the only employee they need to cover (typically) is themselves and perhaps sub-contractors. If you hire subcontractors as part of your business, it is usually a good idea to obtain workers’ compensation insurance just in case. General contractors can sometimes be liable for injuries sustained by their subcontractors. If you work in an industry like construction, this insurance could be a life-saver. It’s important to remember that you will not typically be covered by an company’s workers’ comp policy as a self-employed worker, even if they hire you. You are treated as a business entity and any payments made to you are considered a business transaction, not a payroll payment like that of a W-2 employee. Even if you work alone and have decent medical insurance, workers’ compensation insurance can help you recover lost wages when you need to recover. If you work a relatively safe occupation from home, for example, you should be able to get affordable workers’ comp insurance. What are the Penalties for Non-Compliance in California? According to the California Labor Code Section 3700, all California employers must provide workers’ comp benefits to their employees. Failing to do so can result in hefty fines and even jail time. The additional fines are based on how much you would have paid in workers’ comp premiums during your uninsured time — or they are based on each employee you had during your uninsured time. Specifically, the penalty would be either twice the amount you’d pay in premiums or the sum of $1,500 per employee during your uninsured time. Typically, a court will choose the greater of the two when delivering the penalty. How Can You Purchase Workers’ Compensation Insurance? Purchasing workers’ compensation insurance in California is easy and affordable. It’s available from private insurers like Strong Tie Insurance. To get a quote, ask a question, or learn more about workers’ compensation insurance, contact us today.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file is part of Glances. # # Copyright (C) 2015 Nicolargo <[email protected]> # # Glances is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Glances is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ I am your father... ...for all Glances plugins. """ # Import system libs import json from datetime import datetime from operator import itemgetter # Import Glances lib from glances.core.glances_actions import GlancesActions from glances.core.glances_globals import is_py3 from glances.core.glances_logging import logger from glances.core.glances_logs import glances_logs class GlancesPlugin(object): """Main class for Glances plugin.""" def __init__(self, args=None, items_history_list=None): """Init the plugin of plugins class.""" # Plugin name (= module name without glances_) self.plugin_name = self.__class__.__module__[len('glances_'):] # logger.debug("Init plugin %s" % self.plugin_name) # Init the args self.args = args # Init the default alignement (for curses) self._align = 'left' # Init the input method self._input_method = 'local' self._short_system_name = None # Init the stats list self.stats = None # Init the history list self.items_history_list = items_history_list self.stats_history = self.init_stats_history() # Init the limits dictionnary self._limits = dict() # Init the actions self.actions = GlancesActions() # Init the views self.views = dict() def __repr__(self): """Return the raw stats.""" return self.stats def __str__(self): """Return the human-readable stats.""" return str(self.stats) def get_key(self): """Return the key of the list.""" return None def add_item_history(self, key, value): """Add an new item (key, value) to the current history.""" try: self.stats_history[key].append(value) except KeyError: self.stats_history[key] = [value] def init_stats_history(self): """Init the stats history (dict of list).""" ret = None if self.args is not None and self.args.enable_history and self.get_items_history_list() is not None: init_list = [i['name'] for i in self.get_items_history_list()] logger.debug("Stats history activated for plugin {0} (items: {0})".format( self.plugin_name, init_list)) ret = {} return ret def reset_stats_history(self): """Reset the stats history (dict of list).""" if self.args is not None and self.args.enable_history and self.get_items_history_list() is not None: reset_list = [i['name'] for i in self.get_items_history_list()] logger.debug("Reset history for plugin {0} (items: {0})".format( self.plugin_name, reset_list)) self.stats_history = {} def update_stats_history(self, item_name=''): """Update stats history.""" if (self.stats and self.args is not None and self.args.enable_history and self.get_items_history_list() is not None): self.add_item_history('date', datetime.now()) for i in self.get_items_history_list(): if isinstance(self.stats, list): # Stats is a list of data # Iter throught it (for exemple, iter throught network # interface) for l in self.stats: self.add_item_history( l[item_name] + '_' + i['name'], l[i['name']]) else: # Stats is not a list # Add the item to the history directly self.add_item_history(i['name'], self.stats[i['name']]) def get_stats_history(self): """Return the stats history.""" return self.stats_history def get_items_history_list(self): """Return the items history list.""" return self.items_history_list @property def input_method(self): """Get the input method.""" return self._input_method @input_method.setter def input_method(self, input_method): """Set the input method. * local: system local grab (psutil or direct access) * snmp: Client server mode via SNMP * glances: Client server mode via Glances API """ self._input_method = input_method @property def short_system_name(self): """Get the short detected OS name (SNMP).""" return self._short_system_name @short_system_name.setter def short_system_name(self, short_name): """Set the short detected OS name (SNMP).""" self._short_system_name = short_name def set_stats(self, input_stats): """Set the stats to input_stats.""" self.stats = input_stats def get_stats_snmp(self, bulk=False, snmp_oid=None): """Update stats using SNMP. If bulk=True, use a bulk request instead of a get request. """ snmp_oid = snmp_oid or {} from glances.core.glances_snmp import GlancesSNMPClient # Init the SNMP request clientsnmp = GlancesSNMPClient(host=self.args.client, port=self.args.snmp_port, version=self.args.snmp_version, community=self.args.snmp_community) # Process the SNMP request ret = {} if bulk: # Bulk request snmpresult = clientsnmp.getbulk_by_oid(0, 10, *snmp_oid.values()) if len(snmp_oid) == 1: # Bulk command for only one OID # Note: key is the item indexed but the OID result for item in snmpresult: if item.keys()[0].startswith(snmp_oid.values()[0]): ret[snmp_oid.keys()[0] + item.keys() [0].split(snmp_oid.values()[0])[1]] = item.values()[0] else: # Build the internal dict with the SNMP result # Note: key is the first item in the snmp_oid index = 1 for item in snmpresult: item_stats = {} item_key = None for key in list(snmp_oid.keys()): oid = snmp_oid[key] + '.' + str(index) if oid in item: if item_key is None: item_key = item[oid] else: item_stats[key] = item[oid] if item_stats: ret[item_key] = item_stats index += 1 else: # Simple get request snmpresult = clientsnmp.get_by_oid(*snmp_oid.values()) # Build the internal dict with the SNMP result for key in list(snmp_oid.keys()): ret[key] = snmpresult[snmp_oid[key]] return ret def get_raw(self): """Return the stats object.""" return self.stats def get_stats(self): """Return the stats object in JSON format.""" return json.dumps(self.stats) def get_stats_item(self, item): """Return the stats object for a specific item in JSON format. Stats should be a list of dict (processlist, network...) """ if isinstance(self.stats, dict): try: return json.dumps({item: self.stats[item]}) except KeyError as e: logger.error("Cannot get item {0} ({1})".format(item, e)) return None elif isinstance(self.stats, list): try: # Source: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4573875/python-get-index-of-dictionary-item-in-list return json.dumps({item: map(itemgetter(item), self.stats)}) except (KeyError, ValueError) as e: logger.error("Cannot get item {0} ({1})".format(item, e)) return None else: return None def get_stats_value(self, item, value): """Return the stats object for a specific item=value in JSON format. Stats should be a list of dict (processlist, network...) """ if not isinstance(self.stats, list): return None else: if value.isdigit(): value = int(value) try: return json.dumps({value: [i for i in self.stats if i[item] == value]}) except (KeyError, ValueError) as e: logger.error( "Cannot get item({0})=value({1}) ({2})".format(item, value, e)) return None def update_views(self): """Default builder fo the stats views. The V of MVC A dict of dict with the needed information to display the stats. Example for the stat xxx: 'xxx': {'decoration': 'DEFAULT', 'optional': False, 'additional': False, 'splittable': False} """ ret = {} if (isinstance(self.get_raw(), list) and self.get_raw() is not None and self.get_key() is not None): # Stats are stored in a list of dict (ex: NETWORK, FS...) for i in self.get_raw(): ret[i[self.get_key()]] = {} for key in i.keys(): value = {'decoration': 'DEFAULT', 'optional': False, 'additional': False, 'splittable': False} ret[i[self.get_key()]][key] = value elif isinstance(self.get_raw(), dict) and self.get_raw() is not None: # Stats are stored in a dict (ex: CPU, LOAD...) for key in self.get_raw().keys(): value = {'decoration': 'DEFAULT', 'optional': False, 'additional': False, 'splittable': False} ret[key] = value self.views = ret return self.views def set_views(self, input_views): """Set the views to input_views.""" self.views = input_views def get_views(self, item=None, key=None, option=None): """Return the views object. If key is None, return all the view for the current plugin else if option is None return the view for the specific key (all option) else return the view fo the specific key/option Specify item if the stats are stored in a dict of dict (ex: NETWORK, FS...) """ if item is None: item_views = self.views else: item_views = self.views[item] if key is None: return item_views else: if option is None: return item_views[key] else: return item_views[key][option] def load_limits(self, config): """Load limits from the configuration file, if it exists.""" if (hasattr(config, 'has_section') and config.has_section(self.plugin_name)): for level, _ in config.items(self.plugin_name): # Read limits limit = '_'.join([self.plugin_name, level]) try: self._limits[limit] = config.get_float_value(self.plugin_name, level) except ValueError: self._limits[limit] = config.get_value(self.plugin_name, level).split(",") logger.debug("Load limit: {0} = {1}".format(limit, self._limits[limit])) @property def limits(self): """Return the limits object.""" return self._limits @limits.setter def limits(self, input_limits): """Set the limits to input_limits.""" self._limits = input_limits def get_alert(self, current=0, minimum=0, maximum=100, header="", log=False): """Return the alert status relative to a current value. Use this function for minor stats. If current < CAREFUL of max then alert = OK If current > CAREFUL of max then alert = CAREFUL If current > WARNING of max then alert = WARNING If current > CRITICAL of max then alert = CRITICAL If defined 'header' is added between the plugin name and the status. Only useful for stats with several alert status. If log=True than add log if necessary elif log=False than do not log elig log=None than apply the config given in the conf file """ # Compute the % try: value = (current * 100) / maximum except ZeroDivisionError: return 'DEFAULT' except TypeError: return 'DEFAULT' # Build the stat_name = plugin_name + header if header == "": stat_name = self.plugin_name else: stat_name = self.plugin_name + '_' + header # Manage limits ret = 'OK' try: if value > self.__get_limit('critical', stat_name=stat_name): ret = 'CRITICAL' elif value > self.__get_limit('warning', stat_name=stat_name): ret = 'WARNING' elif value > self.__get_limit('careful', stat_name=stat_name): ret = 'CAREFUL' elif current < minimum: ret = 'CAREFUL' except KeyError: return 'DEFAULT' # Manage log log_str = "" if self.__get_limit_log(stat_name=stat_name, default_action=log): # Add _LOG to the return string # So stats will be highlited with a specific color log_str = "_LOG" # Add the log to the list glances_logs.add(ret, stat_name.upper(), value, []) # Manage action # Here is a command line for the current trigger ? try: command = self.__get_limit_action(ret.lower(), stat_name=stat_name) except KeyError: # Reset the trigger self.actions.set(stat_name, ret.lower()) else: # A command line is available for the current alert, run it # Build the {{mustache}} dictionnary if isinstance(self.stats, list): # If the stats are stored in a list of dict (fs plugin for exemple) # Return the dict for the current header mustache_dict = {} for item in self.stats: if item[self.get_key()] == header: mustache_dict = item break else: # Use the stats dict mustache_dict = self.stats # Run the action self.actions.run( stat_name, ret.lower(), command, mustache_dict=mustache_dict) # Default is ok return ret + log_str def get_alert_log(self, current=0, minimum=0, maximum=100, header=""): """Get the alert log.""" return self.get_alert(current, minimum, maximum, header, log=True) def __get_limit(self, criticity, stat_name=""): """Return the limit value for the alert.""" # Get the limit for stat + header # Exemple: network_wlan0_rx_careful try: limit = self._limits[stat_name + '_' + criticity] except KeyError: # Try fallback to plugin default limit # Exemple: network_careful limit = self._limits[self.plugin_name + '_' + criticity] # Return the limit return limit def __get_limit_action(self, criticity, stat_name=""): """Return the action for the alert.""" # Get the action for stat + header # Exemple: network_wlan0_rx_careful_action try: ret = self._limits[stat_name + '_' + criticity + '_action'] except KeyError: # Try fallback to plugin default limit # Exemple: network_careful_action ret = self._limits[self.plugin_name + '_' + criticity + '_action'] # Return the action list return ret def __get_limit_log(self, stat_name, default_action=False): """Return the log tag for the alert.""" # Get the log tag for stat + header # Exemple: network_wlan0_rx_log try: log_tag = self._limits[stat_name + '_log'] except KeyError: # Try fallback to plugin default log # Exemple: network_log try: log_tag = self._limits[self.plugin_name + '_log'] except KeyError: # By defaukt, log are disabled return default_action # Return the action list return log_tag[0].lower() == 'true' def get_conf_value(self, value, header="", plugin_name=None): """Return the configuration (header_) value for the current plugin. ...or the one given by the plugin_name var. """ if plugin_name is None: # If not default use the current plugin name plugin_name = self.plugin_name if header != "": # Add the header plugin_name = plugin_name + '_' + header try: return self._limits[plugin_name + '_' + value] except KeyError: return [] def is_hide(self, value, header=""): """Return True if the value is in the hide configuration list.""" return value in self.get_conf_value('hide', header=header) def has_alias(self, header): """Return the alias name for the relative header or None if nonexist.""" try: return self._limits[self.plugin_name + '_' + header + '_' + 'alias'][0] except (KeyError, IndexError): return None def msg_curse(self, args=None, max_width=None): """Return default string to display in the curse interface.""" return [self.curse_add_line(str(self.stats))] def get_stats_display(self, args=None, max_width=None): """Return a dict with all the information needed to display the stat. key | description ---------------------------- display | Display the stat (True or False) msgdict | Message to display (list of dict [{ 'msg': msg, 'decoration': decoration } ... ]) align | Message position """ display_curse = False if hasattr(self, 'display_curse'): display_curse = self.display_curse if hasattr(self, 'align'): align_curse = self._align if max_width is not None: ret = {'display': display_curse, 'msgdict': self.msg_curse(args, max_width=max_width), 'align': align_curse} else: ret = {'display': display_curse, 'msgdict': self.msg_curse(args), 'align': align_curse} return ret def curse_add_line(self, msg, decoration="DEFAULT", optional=False, additional=False, splittable=False): """Return a dict with. Where: msg: string decoration: DEFAULT: no decoration UNDERLINE: underline BOLD: bold TITLE: for stat title PROCESS: for process name STATUS: for process status NICE: for process niceness CPU_TIME: for process cpu time OK: Value is OK and non logged OK_LOG: Value is OK and logged CAREFUL: Value is CAREFUL and non logged CAREFUL_LOG: Value is CAREFUL and logged WARNING: Value is WARINING and non logged WARNING_LOG: Value is WARINING and logged CRITICAL: Value is CRITICAL and non logged CRITICAL_LOG: Value is CRITICAL and logged optional: True if the stat is optional (display only if space is available) additional: True if the stat is additional (display only if space is available after optional) spittable: Line can be splitted to fit on the screen (default is not) """ return {'msg': msg, 'decoration': decoration, 'optional': optional, 'additional': additional, 'splittable': splittable} def curse_new_line(self): """Go to a new line.""" return self.curse_add_line('\n') @property def align(self): """Get the curse align.""" return self._align @align.setter def align(self, value): """Set the curse align. value: left, right, bottom. """ self._align = value def auto_unit(self, number, low_precision=False): """Make a nice human-readable string out of number. Number of decimal places increases as quantity approaches 1. examples: CASE: 613421788 RESULT: 585M low_precision: 585M CASE: 5307033647 RESULT: 4.94G low_precision: 4.9G CASE: 44968414685 RESULT: 41.9G low_precision: 41.9G CASE: 838471403472 RESULT: 781G low_precision: 781G CASE: 9683209690677 RESULT: 8.81T low_precision: 8.8T CASE: 1073741824 RESULT: 1024M low_precision: 1024M CASE: 1181116006 RESULT: 1.10G low_precision: 1.1G 'low_precision=True' returns less decimal places potentially sacrificing precision for more readability. """ symbols = ('K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y') prefix = { 'Y': 1208925819614629174706176, 'Z': 1180591620717411303424, 'E': 1152921504606846976, 'P': 1125899906842624, 'T': 1099511627776, 'G': 1073741824, 'M': 1048576, 'K': 1024 } for symbol in reversed(symbols): value = float(number) / prefix[symbol] if value > 1: decimal_precision = 0 if value < 10: decimal_precision = 2 elif value < 100: decimal_precision = 1 if low_precision: if symbol in 'MK': decimal_precision = 0 else: decimal_precision = min(1, decimal_precision) elif symbol in 'K': decimal_precision = 0 return '{0:.{decimal}f}{symbol}'.format( value, decimal=decimal_precision, symbol=symbol) return '{0!s}'.format(number) def _log_result_decorator(fct): """Log (DEBUG) the result of the function fct.""" def wrapper(*args, **kw): ret = fct(*args, **kw) if is_py3: logger.debug("%s %s %s return %s" % ( args[0].__class__.__name__, args[0].__class__.__module__[len('glances_'):], fct.__name__, ret)) else: logger.debug("%s %s %s return %s" % ( args[0].__class__.__name__, args[0].__class__.__module__[len('glances_'):], fct.func_name, ret)) return ret return wrapper # Mandatory to call the decorator in childs' classes _log_result_decorator = staticmethod(_log_result_decorator)
We are seeking to appoint a permanent Teaching Assistant to work with class groups at KS3 and KS4. The pupils who attend the School are drawn from the whole of Staffordshire and have Education Health Care Plans for Special Educational Needs for Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties with resulting behavioural problems. The person appointed will need to have patience, a sense of humour and the ability to work with young people who have extremely challenging behaviour. Training opportunities are available as part of our Staff Development Programme. Informal discussions with the Headteacher are welcomed, visits to the school are recommended. Please apply online.
import pygame, graphics, palette segment_width = 8 class Wire(): def __init__(self): segment = Segment() self.segments = [segment] def set_start(self, (x, y)): old_stop = self.segments[-1].rect.topright self.segments[0].rect.left = x self.segments[0].y = y for segment in self.segments[1:]: segment.rect.left = segment.left.rect.right self.set_stop(old_stop) def set_stop(self, (x, y)): for segment in self.segments[1:]: if segment.rect.right > x: segment.left.right = None segment.kill() self.segments.remove(segment) while self.segments[-1].rect.right < x: segment = Segment() segment.y = y segment.rect.topleft = self.segments[-1].rect.right, y segment.left = self.segments[-1] segment.update_size() self.segments[-1].right = segment self.segments.append(segment) segment.left.rect.width = segment_width self.segments[-1].y = y self.segments[-1].nexty = None self.segments[-1].rect.top = y self.segments[-1].rect.width = max(x - self.segments[-1].rect.left, 1) self.segments[-1].rect.right = x self.segments[-1].update_size() graphics.wirelayer.add(self.segments) class Segment(pygame.sprite.Sprite): images = {} thickness = 4 outline_color = palette.color(0x2a) fill_color = palette.color(0x3f) gravity = 0.1 spring_constant = 0.3 friction =0.5 mass = 0.8 def __init__(self): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.y = 0 self.speed = 0 self.left = None self.right = None self.nexty = None self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, segment_width, 1) self.update_size() def update(self, frame): if self.nexty: self.y = self.nexty self.update_size() self.left.update_size() if self.left and self.right: force = self.gravity force += self.spring_constant*(self.left.y + self.right.y - 2*self.y) force -= self.friction*self.speed self.speed += force/self.mass self.nexty = self.y + self.speed if not self.right: self.rect.top = self.y if self.left: self.left.update_size() def update_size(self): if self.right: size = int(self.right.y - self.y) else: size = 0 height = abs(size) + self.thickness width = self.rect.width key = (width, size) if not key in self.images: image = pygame.Surface((width, height)) image.set_colorkey(graphics.transparent) image.fill(graphics.transparent) points = (0, 0), (width - 1, height - self.thickness) for shift in range(self.thickness): points1 = tuple((x, y + shift) for x, y in points) if size < 0: points1 = tuple((x, height - 1 - y) for x, y in points1) if shift in (0, self.thickness-1): color = self.outline_color else: color = self.fill_color pygame.draw.lines(image, color, False, points1) self.images[key] = image self.image = self.images[key] self.rect.height = height if self.right: if self.y < self.right.y: self.rect.top = self.y else: self.rect.top = self.right.y
Miss Meadows' Pearls - Fashion, Photography, Alternative Model, Burlesque, Vintage Miss Meadows' Pearls: Deichmann Shoes! I've started working on an upcoming event with the fabulous Mrs Murphy, and thanks to the fact that she pays me in gift certificates at Deichmann, I now have new shoes! At least one pair of black stilettos should be in every woman's (and some men's) shoe-wardrobe, so I picked a pair in a black suede-looking material with black crystals around the back and down the heels. They have a bit of a platform in the front, which makes them easier to walk in, since they're actually not as high as the heel might indicate. A nice illusion... They are really comfortable, and I look forward to take them out to a party! And here they are!
import errno import os import shutil import unittest import mock from .... import base from pulp.common import dateutils from pulp.devel import mock_plugins from pulp.plugins.conduits.upload import UploadConduit from pulp.server.controllers import importer as importer_controller from pulp.server.db import model from pulp.server.exceptions import (MissingResource, PulpDataException, PulpExecutionException, InvalidValue, PulpCodedException) from pulp.server.managers.content.upload import ContentUploadManager import pulp.server.managers.factory as manager_factory class ContentUploadManagerTests(base.PulpServerTests): def setUp(self): base.PulpServerTests.setUp(self) mock_plugins.install() self.upload_manager = manager_factory.content_upload_manager() def tearDown(self): base.PulpServerTests.tearDown(self) mock_plugins.reset() upload_storage_dir = self.upload_manager._upload_storage_dir() shutil.rmtree(upload_storage_dir) def clean(self): base.PulpServerTests.clean(self) model.Repository.objects.delete() model.Importer.objects.delete() def test_save_data_string(self): # Test upload_id = self.upload_manager.initialize_upload() write_us = ['abc', 'de', 'fghi', 'jkl'] offset = 0 for w in write_us: self.upload_manager.save_data(upload_id, offset, w) offset += len(w) # Verify uploaded_filename = self.upload_manager._upload_file_path(upload_id) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(uploaded_filename)) written = self.upload_manager.read_upload(upload_id) self.assertEqual(written, ''.join(write_us)) def test_save_data_rpm(self): # Setup test_rpm_filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + \ '/../../../../data/pulp-test-package-0.3.1-1.fc11.x86_64.rpm' self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(test_rpm_filename)) # Test upload_id = self.upload_manager.initialize_upload() f = open(test_rpm_filename) offset = 0 chunk_size = 256 while True: f.seek(offset) data = f.read(chunk_size) if data: self.upload_manager.save_data(upload_id, offset, data) else: break offset += chunk_size f.close() # Verify uploaded_filename = self.upload_manager._upload_file_path(upload_id) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(uploaded_filename)) expected_size = os.path.getsize(test_rpm_filename) found_size = os.path.getsize(uploaded_filename) self.assertEqual(expected_size, found_size) def test_save_no_init(self): # Test try: self.upload_manager.save_data('foo', 0, 'bar') self.fail('Expected exception') except MissingResource, e: self.assertEqual(e.resources['upload_request'], 'foo') def test_delete_upload(self): # Setup upload_id = self.upload_manager.initialize_upload() self.upload_manager.save_data(upload_id, 0, 'fus ro dah') uploaded_filename = self.upload_manager._upload_file_path(upload_id) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(uploaded_filename)) # Test self.upload_manager.delete_upload(upload_id) # Verify self.assertTrue(not os.path.exists(uploaded_filename)) def test_delete_non_existent_upload(self): # Setup upload_id = '1234' uploaded_filename = self.upload_manager._upload_file_path(upload_id) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(uploaded_filename)) # Test try: self.upload_manager.delete_upload(upload_id) except Exception: self.fail('An Exception should not have been raised.') def test_list_upload_ids(self): # Test - Empty ids = self.upload_manager.list_upload_ids() self.assertEqual(0, len(ids)) # Test - Non-empty id1 = self.upload_manager.initialize_upload() id2 = self.upload_manager.initialize_upload() ids = self.upload_manager.list_upload_ids() self.assertEqual(2, len(ids)) self.assertTrue(id1 in ids) self.assertTrue(id2 in ids) # -- import functionality ------------------------------------------------- @mock.patch('pulp.server.controllers.importer.model.Repository.objects') def test_is_valid_upload(self, mock_repo_qs): importer_controller.set_importer('repo-u', 'mock-importer', {}) valid = self.upload_manager.is_valid_upload('repo-u', 'mock-type') self.assertTrue(valid) @mock.patch('pulp.server.controllers.importer.model.Repository.objects') def test_is_valid_upload_missing_or_bad_repo(self, mock_repo_qs): self.assertRaises(MissingResource, self.upload_manager.is_valid_upload, 'empty', 'mock-type') self.assertRaises(MissingResource, self.upload_manager.is_valid_upload, 'fake', 'mock-type') @mock.patch('pulp.server.controllers.importer.model.Repository.objects') def test_is_valid_upload_unsupported_type(self, mock_repo_qs): importer_controller.set_importer('repo-u', 'mock-importer', {}) # Test self.assertRaises(PulpDataException, self.upload_manager.is_valid_upload, 'repo-u', 'fake-type') @mock.patch('pulp.server.controllers.repository.rebuild_content_unit_counts') @mock.patch('pulp.server.controllers.importer.model.Repository.objects') def test_import_uploaded_unit(self, mock_repo_qs, mock_rebuild): importer_controller.set_importer('repo-u', 'mock-importer', {}) key = {'key': 'value'} metadata = {'k1': 'v1'} timestamp_pre_upload = dateutils.now_utc_datetime_with_tzinfo() mock_repo = mock_repo_qs.get_repo_or_missing_resource.return_value importer_return_report = {'success_flag': True, 'summary': '', 'details': {}} mock_plugins.MOCK_IMPORTER.upload_unit.return_value = importer_return_report upload_id = self.upload_manager.initialize_upload() file_path = self.upload_manager._upload_file_path(upload_id) fake_user = model.User('import-user', '') manager_factory.principal_manager().set_principal(principal=fake_user) response = self.upload_manager.import_uploaded_unit('repo-u', 'mock-type', key, metadata, upload_id) # import_uploaded_unit() should have returned our importer_return_report self.assertTrue(response is importer_return_report) call_args = mock_plugins.MOCK_IMPORTER.upload_unit.call_args[0] self.assertTrue(call_args[0] is mock_repo.to_transfer_repo()) self.assertEqual(call_args[1], 'mock-type') self.assertEqual(call_args[2], key) self.assertEqual(call_args[3], metadata) self.assertEqual(call_args[4], file_path) conduit = call_args[5] self.assertTrue(isinstance(conduit, UploadConduit)) self.assertEqual(call_args[5].repo_id, 'repo-u') # It is now platform's responsibility to update plugin content unit counts self.assertTrue(mock_rebuild.called, "rebuild_content_unit_counts must be called") # Make sure that the last_unit_added timestamp was updated self.assertTrue(mock_repo.last_unit_added > timestamp_pre_upload) # Clean up mock_plugins.MOCK_IMPORTER.upload_unit.return_value = None manager_factory.principal_manager().set_principal(principal=None) def test_import_uploaded_unit_missing_repo(self): # Test self.assertRaises(MissingResource, self.upload_manager.import_uploaded_unit, 'fake', 'mock-type', {}, {}, 'irrelevant') @mock.patch('pulp.server.controllers.importer.model.Repository.objects') def test_import_uploaded_unit_importer_error(self, mock_repo_qs): importer_controller.set_importer('repo-u', 'mock-importer', {}) mock_plugins.MOCK_IMPORTER.upload_unit.side_effect = Exception() upload_id = self.upload_manager.initialize_upload() self.assertRaises(PulpExecutionException, self.upload_manager.import_uploaded_unit, 'repo-u', 'mock-type', {}, {}, upload_id) @mock.patch('pulp.server.controllers.importer.model.Repository.objects') def test_import_uploaded_unit_importer_error_reraise_pulp_exception(self, mock_repo_qs): importer_controller.set_importer('repo-u', 'mock-importer', {}) mock_plugins.MOCK_IMPORTER.upload_unit.side_effect = InvalidValue(['filename']) upload_id = self.upload_manager.initialize_upload() self.assertRaises(InvalidValue, self.upload_manager.import_uploaded_unit, 'repo-u', 'mock-type', {}, {}, upload_id) @mock.patch('pulp.server.controllers.importer.model.Repository.objects') def test_import_uploaded_unit_success_flag_false(self, mock_repo_qs): """Test that exception is raised if upload report indicates failure.""" importer_controller.set_importer('repo-u', 'mock-importer', {}) importer_return_report = {'success_flag': False, 'summary': '', 'details': {}} mock_plugins.MOCK_IMPORTER.upload_unit.side_effect = None mock_plugins.MOCK_IMPORTER.upload_unit.return_value = importer_return_report upload_id = self.upload_manager.initialize_upload() with self.assertRaises(PulpCodedException) as cm: self.upload_manager.import_uploaded_unit('repo-u', 'mock-type', {}, {}, upload_id) self.assertEqual('PLP0047', cm.exception.error_code.code) def test_upload_dir_auto_created(self): # Setup # Make sure it definitely doesn't exist before calling this upload_storage_dir = self.upload_manager._upload_storage_dir() shutil.rmtree(upload_storage_dir) # Test upload_storage_dir = self.upload_manager._upload_storage_dir() # Verify self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(upload_storage_dir)) class TestContentUploadManager(unittest.TestCase): @mock.patch.object(ContentUploadManager, '_upload_file_path') @mock.patch('pulp.server.managers.content.upload.os') def test_delete_upload_removes_file(self, mock_os, mock__upload_file_path): my_upload_id = 'asdf' ContentUploadManager().delete_upload(my_upload_id) mock__upload_file_path.assert_called_once_with(my_upload_id) mock_os.remove.assert_called_once_with(mock__upload_file_path.return_value) @mock.patch.object(ContentUploadManager, '_upload_file_path') @mock.patch('pulp.server.managers.content.upload.os') def test_delete_upload_silences_ENOENT_error(self, mock_os, mock__upload_file_path): my_upload_id = 'asdf' mock_os.remove.side_effect = OSError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT)) try: ContentUploadManager().delete_upload(my_upload_id) except Exception: self.fail('An Exception should not have been raised.') @mock.patch.object(ContentUploadManager, '_upload_file_path') @mock.patch('pulp.server.managers.content.upload.os') def test_delete_upload_allows_non_ENOENT_OSErrors_to_raise(self, mock_os, mock__upload_file_path): my_upload_id = 'asdf' mock_os.remove.side_effect = OSError(errno.EISDIR, os.strerror(errno.EISDIR)) self.assertRaises(OSError, ContentUploadManager().delete_upload, my_upload_id) @mock.patch.object(ContentUploadManager, '_upload_file_path') @mock.patch('pulp.server.managers.content.upload.os') def test_delete_upload_allows_non_OSErrors_to_raise(self, mock_os, mock__upload_file_path): my_upload_id = 'asdf' mock_os.remove.side_effect = ValueError() self.assertRaises(ValueError, ContentUploadManager().delete_upload, my_upload_id)
I’ve got a quick post for you today about a breakfast that I’ve really been enjoying. Granola, fruit, and yogurt parfaits assembled in a mason jar. I love the portability of it and they look pretty darn cute once assembled. It’s a great way to make you look forward to a healthy breakfast and honestly, these days (being enormously pregnant) it’s one of the only breakfasts that keeps me full for more than a minute. They are highly adaptable depending on what fruit you have on hand and what is in season and you can control the amount of sugar that you add to it. I just wrap my mason jar in a cloth napkin and put it in my lunch bag. When I get to work, it’s ready to eat! For this recipe, you’ll need 1 pint mason jars. Feel free to half the recipe if you want a smaller portion. I use whatever combination of nuts and seeds that I have on hand for the granola. You could also add 1 cup of dried fruit to the recipe if you would like, just add it 1/2 way through the cooking time. Makes about 4 parfaits. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Thoroughly mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Spread granola evenly on a large, parchment lined sheet pan. Bake for 30-40 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes. Check after 30 minutes. If granola isn’t golden brown, stir again and allow to cook for 10 more minutes. Cool and store in an airtight container. Layer yogurt, honey, fruit, then granola in a mason jar. Repeat with one more layer. Tightly screw on the lid and store in the refrigerator. Can be assembled the night before. Thank you! I’ve been on maternity leave for…um…well…a year but am back in the saddle. More posts to come soon! this looks amazing, and I LOVE mason jars! Trying this out soon!!!! Thanks so much! Flax meal is just ground up flax seed. You can make your own by grinding flax seed up in a coffee grinder or you can buy it at Costco or most natural food stores. Thanks for clarifying this for me. Have a wonderful weekend. How much in advance can i make these?? They look so good!! You can make them the night before or a whole batch for the week–the granola just won’t be quite as crisp. Thanks!
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ --- Description --- Module: File.py Abstract: A module for file output. Modified: threemeninaboat3247 2018/04/30 --- End --- """ # Standard library imports import sys # Third party library imports import pandas as pd class File(): ''' Implements a csv type file instance. ''' def __init__(self,path,sep='\t',comment='#'): super().__init__() self.path=path self.file=open(path,'a+') self.sep=sep self.comment=comment self._before_writing=True def close(self): self.file.close() def save(self): self.close() self.file=open(self.path,'a+') def write_comment(self,string): ''' Add a comment to the head of the file Parameters string: string A string to be added. \n is not needed. Returns None ''' if self._before_writing: self.file.write(self.comment+string+'\n') self.save() else: raise Exception('Comments must be written before starting to write data') def write_header(self,mylist): ''' Set headers to the file. Parameters mylist: list The header names. Returns None ''' if self._before_writing: self.columns=pd.DataFrame(columns=mylist) self.columns.to_csv(self.file,sep=self.sep,index=False) self._before_writing=False self.save() else: raise Exception('Headers are already written') def write_data(self,mydict): ''' Write data to the file Parameters mydict: dictionary The keys corresponds to the headers. Returns None ''' if self._before_writing: raise Exception('Headers has not been set yet.') else: row=self.columns.append(mydict,ignore_index=True) row.to_csv(self.file,sep=self.sep,index=False,header=False) self.save()
Sony Electronics, Inc. has introduced an exciting new addition to their acclaimed G Master series of full-frame E-mount lenses, a 24mm F1.4 prime lens. Expertly engineered to deliver best in class performance across all aperture settings, the new FE 24mm F1.4 GM (model SEL24F14GM) utilizes Sony’s most advanced optical technologies to satisfy the needs of the most demanding photographers. The new lens is the most compact and lightweight in its class, measuring approx. 3.0 inches x 3.64 inches and weighing only 15.7 ounces, with a filter diameter of 67mm. Built to meet the strict standards of Sony’s flagship G Master series, the FE 24mm F1.4 GM offers exceptionally high resolution and beautiful bokeh, two qualities that are signature attributes of the G Master brand. Realizing consistently high resolution across the entire frame, even at F1.4, the FE 24mm F1.4 GM boasts a new optical design comprised of 10 groups with 13 elements, including two XA (extreme aspherical) and three ED (Extra-low Dispersion) elements. The incorporation of two XA elements effectively suppresses sagittal flare to ensure that point light sources like distant stars can be accurately reproduced, making the FE 24mm F1.4 GM a compelling proposition for astrophotography. For impressive clarity, Sony’s unique Nano AR Coating is applied to reduce lens flare and ghosting, even in landscape shots where the position of the sun can be problematic with a normal lens. This outstanding performance is packaged in an extremely compact and lightweight body weighing it at only 15.7 ounces, a welcome relief for landscape or adventure photographers that are hiking, climbing or traveling over long distances. This advantage is further compounded when the FE 24mm F1.4 GM is paired with one of Sony’s award winning α7 / α9 cameras. The lightweight lens design has been realized in part by the development of a new high power DDSSM (Direct Drive SSM) that delivers approximately three times greater thrust than the previous focus system, enabling fast response, high positioning accuracy and quiet operation for both stills and movie shooting. This incredible lens is also a perfect complement to Sony’s APS-C sensor mirrorless cameras such as α6500 and α6300, and brings the total number of native Sony α E-mount lenses to 48. In addition to its landscape and starscape shooting abilities, the FE 24mm F1.4 GM also has excellent close up performance of 0.24 meters (0.79ft.) and delivers soft and natural bokeh, a feature that is common across Sony’s entire G Master series of lenses. This is achieved by extreme control over factors like spherical aberration, and axial and lateral chromatic aberration, at the design and manufacturing stages, as each lens is individually tested and adjusted to achieve maximum performance. The FE 24mm F1.4 GM also includes a number of professional controls that aide ease of operation for both stills and movie shooting. These include an aperture ring that allows direct, intuitive aperture control, and a focus ring that features Linear Response MF for fine, responsive manual focus control. There is also a customizable focus hold button, and a focus-mode switch that makes it possible to quickly select auto or manual focus to match changing shooting conditions. The FE 24mm F1.4 GM will ship in October 2018 for approximately $1,400 US and $1,900 CA. The lens will be sold at a variety of Sony authorized dealers throughout North America. A variety of exclusive stories and exciting new content shot with the new lens and other Sony α products can be found at www.alphauniverse.com, a site built to educate and inspire all fans and customers of the Sony α brand.
#!/usr/bin/env python ########################################################################## ########################################################################## # # mongodb-secure # Copyright (C) 2016, Pedro Alves and Diego Aranha # {pedro.alves, dfaranha}@ic.unicamp.br # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ########################################################################## ########################################################################## # import sys # sys.setrecursionlimit(100000) from index.binarytree import BinaryTree from index.simplenode import SimpleNode from index.encryptednode import EncryptedNode from random import randint,shuffle from crypto.ore import ORESMALL as ORE N = 1000 elements = range(1,N) shuffle(elements) root = BinaryTree(elements[0]) print "Insertion..." for i,e in enumerate(elements[1:]): # %timeit root.insert(e) root = root.insert(e) print "The tree has %d elements and is %s" % (root.count_nodes(), "balanced" if root.is_balanced() else "not balanced") print "Searching..." for i in elements[1:]: # print i assert root.find(i) print "It passed!" %timeit root.find(30) print "Time to test encryption..." elements = range(1,N) # shuffle(elements) ore = ORE() ore.keygen("oi",N) print "keygen ok" root.encrypt(ore) print "The tree is encrypted" print "Searching..." root.find(ore.encrypt(99)) print "Done" see = lambda x: "%s => %s %s" % (x.me.value, x.left.me.value if x.left else None, x.right.me.value if x.right else None) # (self.me.value, self.left.me.value if self.left else None, self.right.me.value if self.right else None)
Many drivers. Even more stories. It all starts with a single click. Your driver arrives, you open the door, and slide into the backseat. Your ride may last no more than twenty minutes. And yet, you catch one another’s gaze in the rearview mirror. A conversation begins. A human connection is created. You reach your destination, and the story ends there. What if, just once, it went on for a little longer? Each and every driver has his own stories to tell, so we set out to meet a few of them. Meet Yahia, a café owner who greets his patrons as warmly as his passengers; Jennifer, a young woman passionate about vintage cars; Roland, a life-long mountain lover; or even Jasin, a motorcycling enthusiast in his spare time. Today, they share their stories. Yahia’s sense of service has been fine tuned thanks to his 13 years of experience serving customers in his café in Geneva. Whether in his café or in his car, he welcomes his clients with the same passion. a company that transports passengers in vintage vehicles around town, alongside her work as a professional driver. The way she sees it, where there’s a will, there’s a way. Roland has always loved the mountains. His favorite thing about using the Uber application is that it gives him plenty of independence and flexibility to enjoy nature. There are thousands of stories above and beyond these ones, those of the men and women who, for length of a single ride, share a small part of their lives with you.
from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import division from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str as unicode from quark_runtime import * _lazyImport.plug("generics") import quark.reflect import generics.constructors import generics.pkg import generics.ccc class Box(_QObject): def _init(self): self.contents = None def __init__(self): self._init() def set(self, contents): pass def get(self): return _cast(None, lambda: T) def _getClass(self): return u"generics.Box<quark.Object>" def _getField(self, name): if ((name) == (u"contents")): return (self).contents return None def _setField(self, name, value): if ((name) == (u"contents")): (self).contents = _cast(value, lambda: T) class Crate(_QObject): def _init(self): self.box = None self.ibox = None def __init__(self): self._init() def set(self, stuff): pass def get(self): return _cast(None, lambda: T) def _getClass(self): return u"generics.Crate<quark.Object>" def _getField(self, name): if ((name) == (u"box")): return (self).box if ((name) == (u"ibox")): return (self).ibox return None def _setField(self, name, value): if ((name) == (u"box")): (self).box = _cast(value, lambda: Box) if ((name) == (u"ibox")): (self).ibox = _cast(value, lambda: Box) Crate.generics_Box_quark_Object__ref = None Crate.generics_Box_quark_int__ref = None Crate.generics_Crate_quark_Object__ref = None class Sack(_QObject): def _init(self): self.ints = None def __init__(self): self._init() def _getClass(self): return u"generics.Sack" def _getField(self, name): if ((name) == (u"ints")): return (self).ints return None def _setField(self, name, value): if ((name) == (u"ints")): (self).ints = _cast(value, lambda: Box) Sack.generics_Sack_ref = None class Matrix(_QObject): def _init(self): self.width = None self.height = None self.columns = None def __init__(self, width, height): self._init() def _q__get__(self, i, j): return _cast(None, lambda: T) def _q__set__(self, i, j, value): pass def _getClass(self): return u"generics.Matrix<quark.Object>" def _getField(self, name): if ((name) == (u"width")): return (self).width if ((name) == (u"height")): return (self).height if ((name) == (u"columns")): return (self).columns return None def _setField(self, name, value): if ((name) == (u"width")): (self).width = _cast(value, lambda: int) if ((name) == (u"height")): (self).height = _cast(value, lambda: int) if ((name) == (u"columns")): (self).columns = _cast(value, lambda: _List) Matrix.generics_Matrix_quark_Object__ref = None Matrix.quark_List_quark_List_quark_Object___ref = None Matrix.quark_List_quark_Object__ref = None def _lazy_import_quark_ffi_signatures_md(): import quark_ffi_signatures_md globals().update(locals()) _lazyImport("import quark_ffi_signatures_md", _lazy_import_quark_ffi_signatures_md) _lazyImport.pump("generics")
Best Podiatrists in Green Lakes, Seattle, WA with Verified Reviews – Book Online! Need to make a podiatrist appointment this week? Use Zocdoc to find podiatrists in Green Lakes, Seattle who take your insurance. It’s simple, secure and free.
import os, sys, curses, atexit, time import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") class cmenu(object): datum = {} ordered = [] pos = 0 def __init__(self, options, title="Menu"): curses.initscr() curses.start_color() curses.use_default_colors() curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_WHITE) curses.curs_set(0) self.screen = curses.initscr() self.screen.keypad(1) self.h = curses.color_pair(1) self.n = curses.A_NORMAL for item in options: k, v = item.items()[0] self.datum[k] = v self.ordered.append(k) self.title = title atexit.register(self.cleanup) def cleanup(self): curses.doupdate() curses.endwin() def upKey(self): if self.pos == (len(self.ordered) - 1): self.pos = 0 else: self.pos += 1 def downKey(self): if self.pos <= 0: self.pos = len(self.ordered) - 1 else: self.pos -= 1 def display(self): screen = self.screen while True: screen.clear() screen.addstr(2, 2, self.title, curses.A_STANDOUT|curses.A_BOLD) screen.addstr(4, 2, "Please select an option...", curses.A_BOLD) ckey = None func = None while ckey != ord('\n'): for n in range(0, len(self.ordered)): optn = self.ordered[n] if n != self.pos: screen.addstr(6 + n, 4, "%d. %s" % (n, optn), self.n) else: screen.addstr(6 + n, 4, "%d. %s" % (n, optn), self.h) screen.refresh() ckey = screen.getch() if ckey == 258: self.upKey() if ckey == 259: self.downKey() ckey = 0 self.cleanup() if self.pos >= 0 and self.pos < len(self.ordered): self.datum[self.ordered[self.pos]]() self.pos = -1 else: curses.flash()
Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, on Friday supported President Trump's stance on the partial shutdown of the government, supported his call for a wall on the southern border and said he did not understand the position of the Democrats on this issue. "You (Pelosi) and your Democrats have in the past voted over 600 kilometers of border fence, why not choose a few more kilometers now?" Said Romney, who spoke in Ogden, Utah after talking with officials about the impact of the Closing on the community had visited. "I do not understand her position, I really do not understand that." on Trump's $ 5.7 billion request for financing a wall or barrier on the border. The Democrats have said that they will not approach this figure and instead offered less than $ 2 billion for a more general "border security". 1; including a barrier at the southern border. Although Romney is a Republican, he often criticized Trump, in particular the behavior of Trump in office. Earlier this month, he made headlines with an opus in the Washington Post, saying Trump's behavior was "proof that the president did not rise to the mantle of the office." Romney, who ran for president in 2012. Trump is to bring the country together and "demonstrate the essential qualities of honesty and integrity and raise the national discourse with compromise and mutual respect." ] Trump responded to the post-op post a day later: "I wish Mitt could be more of a team player. I'm surprised that he did it so fast. If he had fought hard like President Obama against President Obama, he would have won the election. " "As far as politics is concerned, it seems to me that there is no big gap, but politics has taken people to different corners," Romney said. He also said He planned, other senators to employ temporary solutions – for example, to ensure that key government employees continue to be paid.
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # This IDA script decrypts the strings inside *unpacked* samples of # Glupteba.AY samples For details about Glupteba.AY, see: # https://www.welivesecurity.com/2018/03/22/glupteba-no-longer-windigo/ # # For feedback or questions contact us at: [email protected] # https://github.com/eset/malware-research/ # # Author: # Frédéric Vachon <[email protected]> # # This code is provided to the community under the two-clause BSD license as # follows: # # Copyright (C) 2016 ESET # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import struct import idautils import ida_idp import ida_search import mersenne def find_crypt_info(): info = { 'addr': [], 'xor_key': '' } # Find the decryption routines addr = 0 while True: # Search for magic value in the decryption functions addr, _ = ida_search.find_imm(addr + 1, SEARCH_DOWN, 0x3C6EF35F) if addr == 0xffffffff: break info['addr'].append(ida_funcs.get_func(addr).startEA) inst_addr = addr # Find xor key info['xor_key'] = find_xor_key(inst_addr) return info def find_xor_key(magic_byte_addr): xor_key = '' i = 0 curr_addr = magic_byte_addr while xor_key == '' and i < 20: inst, _ = idautils.DecodePrecedingInstruction(curr_addr) if inst.get_canon_mnem() == 'mov' and inst.Op1.type == o_displ: if inst.Op2.type == o_imm: xor_key = ida_bytes.get_bytes(inst.Op2.value, 0x10) curr_addr = inst.ea i += 1 return xor_key def decrypt_strings(info): xor_key = info['xor_key'] for i, crypt_func_addr in enumerate(info['addr']): for xref in idautils.XrefsTo(crypt_func_addr): str_addr, str_len = find_params(xref) if str_addr == 0 or str_len == 0: print "ERROR: Can't find parameters for func" \ "at 0x{:08X}".format(xref) cipher = ida_bytes.get_bytes(str_addr, str_len) s = decrypt_str(cipher, xor_key) # Strings from the first decryption routine are UTF-16 encoded if i == 0: s = s.decode('utf-16').encode('utf-8') print "Str at 0x{:08X}: u'{}'".format(xref.frm, s) ida_bytes.set_cmt(xref.frm, "u'{}'".format(s), False) f_addr = ida_funcs.get_func(xref.frm) for xref_ in idautils.XrefsTo(f_addr.startEA): ida_bytes.set_cmt(xref_.frm, "u'{}'".format(s), False) else: print "Str at 0x{:08X} : {}".format(xref.frm, repr(s)) ida_bytes.set_cmt(xref.frm, repr(s), False) f_addr = ida_funcs.get_func(xref.frm) for xref_ in idautils.XrefsTo(f_addr.startEA): ida_bytes.set_cmt(xref_.frm, repr(s), False) def find_params(xref): str_len = 0 str_addr = 0 curr_addr = xref.frm i = 0 while (str_len == 0 or str_addr == 0) and i < 10: inst, _ = idautils.DecodePrecedingInstruction(curr_addr) if inst.get_canon_mnem() == 'mov' and inst.Op1.type == o_reg and \ inst.Op1.reg == ida_idp.str2reg('edx') and inst.Op2.type == o_imm: str_addr = inst.Op2.value elif inst.get_canon_mnem() == 'push': str_len = inst.Op1.value i += 1 curr_addr = inst.ea return str_addr, str_len def decrypt_str(cipher, key): trunc_key = struct.unpack('<I', key[:4])[0] mersenne.initialize_generator(trunc_key) out = [] for b in cipher: rand_no = mersenne.extract_number() % 0x100 out.append(ord(b) ^ rand_no) for i, b in enumerate(out): out[i] ^= ord(key[i % 0x10]) bl = 0x62 for i, b in enumerate(out): bl ^= (b - (i % 0x100)) bl ^= 0x67 out[i] = bl & 0xff return ''.join(map(chr, out)) info = find_crypt_info() if len(info.get('addr')) == 0: print "ERROR: Can't find decryption routines" elif info.get('xor_key') == '': print "ERROR: Can't find the decryption key" else: decrypt_strings(info)
We believe that all Cardiff residents should have uninterrupted access to the beach. This has always been true. The City Council feels the same way. In parallel with SANDAG's progress on the new Cardiff Rail Trail, the Encinitas City Council is working on a new at-grade crossing over the tracks at Montgomery Avenue that also includes a traffic light and pedestrian crossing on Route 101. Access to a new safe and legal crossing (over the tracks and a busy road) will offset the requirement for the 4-foot post-and-cable fence along the tracks that is part of the rail trail project. The opening of the new Montgomery crossing will be timed with the completion of the rail trail to ensure seamless, continuous access for residents. There is currently no legal way to get across the tracks in Cardiff without walking all the way up to the Santa Fe underpass or down to the Chesterfield crossing. Residents are used to crossing the tracks illegally and then running across Route 101. This might work for some, but we need a better long term solution. It's not appropriate for kids, older folks, people with disabilities, or parents pushing strollers. Also, residents who cross the tracks are exposed to a $500+ fine and a misdemeanor ticket. Even after getting over the tracks, residents have to get across a busy Route 101 which is equally if not more dangerous. We can and should do better. The Montgomery railroad and road crossing is the answer. As for the fence, the owner of the railroad right-of-way insists on it: North County Transit District (NCTD) has gone on the record about their intention to fence the entire Encinitas rail corridor over the next several years. They have stated that they will seek money for a fencing solution if they can't get cities to build the fences as part of capital projects like the rail trail. The reason? Safety. Encinitas has drawn unwelcome attention at NCTD because of the number of illegal crossings and corresponding near misses. The problem will get worse as train traffic through Cardiff increases... the number of trains will double in the coming years. The requirement for a fence along the tracks isn't ideal. But neither is the need for illegally crossing an active double track and then running across a busy road. With the rail trail and the new Montgomery crossing, we get a network of trails and safe and legal railroad/road crossings. The area will open up for people of all ages and abilities. Finally, it's worth noting that Cardiff will be getting a new Quiet Zone to reduce train horn noise from current levels since the new Chesterfield and Montgomery crossings will be planned and plumbed for a Quiet Zone. This tapestry of improvements will level up the area. Cardiff's special character will not be compromised by a safe, accessible trail that complements the natural environment to the south and brings order from chaos to the north. We'll get a better long term and sustainable solution for crossing the tracks and 101 (with the crossing timed with the trail so that residents have continuous, uninterrupted beach access). We'll reduce train noise. It all adds up to a community benefit for all of us. Integrating the trail with the natural environment is a top priority. While the trail route along north San Elijo Avenue is currently just a chaotic dirt parking lot, there are some very scenic areas in the rail corridor to the south (across from the Cardiff school). The rail trail will be carefully integrated with the natural environment here, preserving the sand dune formations and other features that give this area its character. The new trail will make these special places accessible to people of all ages and abilities.
import falcon import pytest import vishnu class BaseHandler(object): @property def session(self): """ :return: the current vishnu session :rtype: vishnu.session.Session """ return vishnu.get_session() class PrivateHandler(BaseHandler): def on_get(self, req, resp): if self.session.get("user") == "james": resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 else: resp.status = falcon.HTTP_401 class PublicHandler(BaseHandler): def on_get(self, req, resp): resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 class LoginSaveHandler(BaseHandler): def on_post(self, req, resp): self.session["user"] = "james" self.session.save() resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 class LoginNoSaveHandler(BaseHandler): def on_post(self, req, resp): self.session["user"] = "james" resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 class LogoutHandler(BaseHandler): def on_get(self, req, resp): self.session.terminate() resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 def test_app(cookie_name=None, encrypt=False, auto_save=False, secure=True, domain=None, path=None, use_https=False, backend=None): from webtest import TestApp from vishnu.middleware import SessionMiddleware from vishnu.session import Config api = falcon.API() api.add_route("/private", PrivateHandler()) api.add_route("/public", PublicHandler()) api.add_route("/login/save", LoginSaveHandler()) api.add_route("/login/no/save", LoginNoSaveHandler()) api.add_route("/logout", LogoutHandler()) encrypt_key = None if encrypt: encrypt_key = "YTWRsQIU4lYj4HyP33Uh24nrraDFv0R9" config = Config( secret="OVc1Mbt79AK5Pmi6sWnJnXZvEPNO3BnI", cookie_name=cookie_name, encrypt_key=encrypt_key, auto_save=auto_save, domain=domain, path=path, secure=secure, http_only=True, backend=backend, ) session = SessionMiddleware(api, config) extra_environ = {} if use_https: extra_environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https' return TestApp(app=session, extra_environ=extra_environ)
Finally got around to buying some decent seedling trays this year and what a difference! These are really solid and should last many years (unlike the cheapies that we'd been using that sprung leaks on the first use...sigh). Wish we could afford to buy more, but at $12 a pop our limit was four this year. We usually order most of our seeds from Fedco, they are non-GMO and probably the least expensive of all the companies we order from, but this year decided to try some varieties from Baker Creek. I also found an organic seed business based out of Fresno that carried several 'heat tolerant' tomato varieties, so we are adding them to our list of acceptable seed companies. I mixed up a big batch of seed-starting medium using 3 parts peat moss, 3 parts vermiculite, and 1 part potting soil (amounts are not exact). We bought 72-cell trays for the tomatoes since we need so many and the peppers are in a single 48-cell tray (not pictured). Planted 204 tomato plants total ~108 paste, 90 slicing, 6 cherry...and 12 tomatillos. Under the lights and on a heating mat for faster germination. With a timer for the lights and a temperature control for the mat we have quite the high tech system here. Actually, the timer is a convenience and the temp control came with the mat (and is kind of useless). The peppers were actually planted Jan. 15th and sat on top of the fridge until they sprouted (I didn't want to use extra electricity until I absolutely had to) and then were moved down into the cellar. The tomatoes were planted on the first of February. Peppers are VERY slow growing and that extra 2 weeks will be needed later in the season so we can harvest them at the same time as the first tomatoes.....salsa here we come! Just lovely! I love your seed starting set up. Holy tomato! That's a lot of tomato plants. Good luck. Aw geeze. I just give up. You are so awesome, Maureen. No, really. You are. Kris, right back at you girlfriend....really! 108!? What are you preparing for, Exeter's version of the La Tomatina. I wish we had been able to grow just 8 tomatoes. I think we'll be better prepared this year. We'll see. ....actually Mike, that's 214 total tomatoes (108 of which are paste). I love your seed starting trays, where did you get them? I am wondering about the sourcing for the trays as well. We have used some inexpensive ones from the garden sop for four years now , but they are on their last rodeo I am afraid. I want to jot down your source to order for next year! I'm sorry I didn't see these comments earlier and wasn't sent the email (thanks Verizon) but here is the link to the company where I purchased the trays and the inserts. Their prices seem reasonable and I am loving the stronger trays. They also carry all kinds of different insert sizes which was helpful in customizing our system.
"""extract.py provides a thin wrapper around an ncl script to extract WRF variables and diagnostics at specified locations and heights above ground level Usage: extract.py <file>... [--config=<file>] [--out-dir=<dir>] [--ncl-script=<file>] [--height=<list>] [--loc=<file>] [--opt=<file>] [--mode=<mode>] [--dry-run] Options: <file> input files to work on --config=<file> configuration file --out-dir=<dir> output directory --ncl-script=<file> location of the ncl script to call, default is ../../extract_time_series.ncl --height=<list> list of heights to extract to --loc=<file> file specifying locations to extract to --opt=<file> ncl file specifying which variables to extract and various ncl options --mode=<mode> loop over input files, or lump input files together --dry-run print commands, don't execute""" import shared import confighelper as conf import os import sys import docopt import subprocess import time NCL_SCRIPT = '%s/../ncl/extract_time_series.ncl' % os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0] SUPPORTED_MODES = ["loop","lump"] class ConfigError(Exception): pass def main(): """ Pass command line arguments to NCL script""" config = conf.config(__doc__, sys.argv[1:]) t0 = time.time() if config['out-dir']==None: out_dir = '.' else: out_dir = config['out-dir'] # if ncl-code-dir not specified, expect it in ../ncl relative to # the path of this file if config['ncl-script']==None: ncl_script = NCL_SCRIPT else: ncl_code_dir = config['ncl-script'] cmd_files = config['<file>'] # Add nc extension if needed nc_files = [ f if f.endswith('.nc') else f+'.nc' for f in cmd_files] # Create height arrays hgts = config['height'] hgts = '(/%s/)' % ','.join(map(str,hgts)) mode = config['mode'] dry_run = config['dry-run'] loc = config['loc'] opt = config['opt'] print '\n*****************************************************' print 'extract.py' if mode not in SUPPORTED_MODES: raise ConfigError("specified mode not supported") if mode=='loop': # This will loop over each file seperately for f in sorted(nc_files): path,name = os.path.split(f) out_file = out_dir+'/'+name.replace('wrfout', 'tseries') if os.path.exists(out_file): os.remove(out_file) # Create NCL file array in_file = f #cmd = """FCST_FILE=%s NCL_OUT_FILE=%s LOCATIONS_FILE=%s NCL_OPT_FILE=%s ncl %s/%s 'extract_heights=%s' """ %(in_file, out_file, loc,opt, ncl_code_dir, NCL_SCRIPT, hgts) cmd = """NCL_OPT_FILE=%s ncl 'in_file="%s"' 'out_file="%s"' 'extract_heights=%s' 'loc_file="%s"' %s""" % (opt,in_file,out_file, hgts, loc, ncl_script) print cmd # We could either aggregate all files together or loop over files if not dry_run: subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) elif mode=='lump': f = nc_files[0] path,name = os.path.split(f) out_file = out_dir+'/'+name.replace('wrfout', 'tseries') if os.path.exists(out_file): os.rm(out_file) # Create NCL file array files = '","'.join(sorted(nc_files)) in_file = '(/"%s"/)' % files cmd = """NCL_OPT_FILE=%s ncl 'in_file=%s' 'out_file="%s"' 'extract_heights=%s' 'loc_file="%s"' %s""" % (opt,in_file,out_file, hgts, loc, ncl_script) print cmd if not dry_run: subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) te = time.time() - t0 print 'elapsed time: %0.1f ' % te def extract_tseries(config): logger = shared.get_logger() logger.info('\n*** EXTRACTING TIME SERIES ***') wrfout_dir = config['wrfout_dir'] tseries_dir = config['tseries_dir'] json_dir = config['json_dir'] init_time = config['init_time'] dom = config['dom'] fcst_file = '%s/wrfout_d%02d_%s:00:00.nc' %(wrfout_dir, dom, init_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H")) # note we add on the nc extension here ncl_loc_file = config['locations_file'] ncl_code = config['tseries_code'] extract_hgts = config['extract_hgts'] #tseries_fmt = config['tseries_fmt'] ncl_log = config['ncl_log'] ncl_opt_template = config['ncl_opt_template'] ncl_opt_file = config['ncl_opt_file'] if not os.path.exists(tseries_dir): os.makedirs(tseries_dir) # Always go via the netcdf file tseries_file = '%s/tseries_d%02d_%s.nc' % (tseries_dir, dom,init_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H")) ncl_hgts = '(/%s/)' % ','.join(map(str,extract_hgts)) replacements = {'<ncl_in_file>' : fcst_file, '<ncl_out_file>' : tseries_file, '<ncl_out_dir>' : tseries_dir, '<ncl_out_type>' : "nc", '<ncl_loc_file>' : ncl_loc_file, '<extract_heights>': ncl_hgts} shared.fill_template(ncl_opt_template, ncl_opt_file, replacements) logger.debug('ncl_opt_template: %s' % ncl_opt_template) logger.debug(' ncl_in_file ----> %s' % fcst_file) logger.debug(' ncl_out_dir ----> %s' % tseries_dir) logger.debug(' ncl_out_type ----> %s' % "nc") logger.debug(' ncl_loc_file ----> %s' % ncl_loc_file) logger.debug('ncl_opt_file: %s' % ncl_opt_file) for script in ncl_code: cmd = "NCL_OPT_FILE=%s ncl %s >> %s 2>&1" % (ncl_opt_file,script, ncl_log) shared.run_cmd(cmd, config) logger.info("*** DONE EXTRACTING TIME SERIES ***\n") if __name__ == '__main__': main()
This paper describes the genealogical tree of the gyrotron, stimulated emission of cyclotron radiation in microwave electronics from magnetron to gyrotron, and arrangement of the gyrotron. The structure of the alternating field in the gyrotron is also given, along with motion and bunching of electrons near cyclotron resonance, equations of the gyrotron, and varieties of the gyrotron. A review of experimental studies is discussed, with problems of utilization of stimulated emission cyclotron radiation.
import argparse import datetime import re from . import Manager m = Manager() # User Options def options(*args, **kwds): ''' User options. @return: {Namespace} ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog = 'pynion', formatter_class = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description = 'A library building minion') parser.add_argument('-p', '--project', dest = "project", action = "store", required = True, help = "Project name") parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest = "configfile", action = "store", required = False, default = None, help = "Add a configuration file " + "for external software") parser.add_argument('-d', '--date', dest = "date", action = "store", required = False, default = datetime.date.today(), help = "Date of the project, as YYY-MM-DD") options = parser.parse_args() m.set_stdout() m.set_verbose() return options if __name__ == "__main__": options = options() m.info('Creating project: {0}'.format(options.project)) if isinstance(options.date, datetime.date): m.project.set_date() else: date_regex = re.compile('(\d{4})\-(\d{2})\-(\d{2})') d = date_regex.search(options.date) if not d: m.exception('Experiment date wrongly formated') m.project.set_date(d[1], d[2], d[3]) m.project.set_configuration_file(options.configfile) m.project.create(options.project, m.experiment.user)
Under relevant Maryland law, pedestrians generally have the right of way when in a crosswalk, and motorists generally have the right of way outside of a crosswalk. Maryland Transportation Article 21-502 requires a motorist to come to a stop when a pedestrian is crossing the roadway in a croswwalk. Additionally, motorists are required at intersections to look carefully ahead and keep and eye for pedestrians. Outside a crosswalk, motorists generally have the right of way over pedestrians, but still have a duty to avoid striking a pedestrian. Every year, thousands of Marylanders are injured in pedestrian accidents. An experienced Maryland attorney, understands the law governing pedestrians on the road and can fight on their behalf to recover for injuries sustained in an accident.
from sympy import MatMul, MatAdd, ZeroMatrix, MatrixBase, Identity, ShapeError, MatrixExpr, S, Number from sympy.core.decorators import call_highest_priority from sympy.strategies import (rm_id, unpack, typed, flatten, sort, condition, exhaust, do_one, new, glom) from .supermatbase import SuperMatBase class SuperMatMul(SuperMatBase, MatMul): """ Redefines some methods of MatMul so as to make them amenable to our application """ _op_priority = 10000 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): return MatMul.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) def as_coeff_mmul(self): coeff, matrices = self.as_coeff_matrices() return coeff, SuperMatMul(*matrices) def _eval_transpose(self): return SuperMatMul(*[arg.T if isinstance(arg, MatrixExpr) else arg for arg in self.args[::-1]]).doit() def _eval_inverse(self): try: return SuperMatMul(*[ arg.inverse() if isinstance(arg, MatrixExpr) else arg**-1 for arg in self.args[::-1]]).doit() except ShapeError: from .supermatexpr import SuperMatInverse return SuperMatInverse(self) #def transpose(self): # from .supermatexpr import SuperMatTranspose # return SuperMatTranspose(self).doit() def doit(self, **kwargs): deep = kwargs.get('deep', True) if deep: args = [arg.doit(**kwargs) for arg in self.args] else: args = self.args return canonicalize(SuperMatMul(*args)) def newmul(*args): if args[0] == 1: args = args[1:] return new(SuperMatMul, *args) def any_zeros(mul): if any([arg.is_zero or (arg.is_Matrix and arg.is_ZeroMatrix) for arg in mul.args]): matrices = [arg for arg in mul.args if arg.is_Matrix] return ZeroMatrix(matrices[0].rows, matrices[-1].cols) return mul def merge_explicit(matmul): """ Merge explicit MatrixBase arguments >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol, eye, Matrix, MatMul, pprint >>> from sympy.matrices.expressions.matmul import merge_explicit >>> A = MatrixSymbol('A', 2, 2) >>> B = Matrix([[1, 1], [1, 1]]) >>> C = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> X = MatMul(A, B, C) >>> pprint(X) [1 1] [1 2] A*[ ]*[ ] [1 1] [3 4] >>> pprint(merge_explicit(X)) [4 6] A*[ ] [4 6] >>> X = MatMul(B, A, C) >>> pprint(X) [1 1] [1 2] [ ]*A*[ ] [1 1] [3 4] >>> pprint(merge_explicit(X)) [1 1] [1 2] [ ]*A*[ ] [1 1] [3 4] """ if not any(isinstance(arg, MatrixBase) for arg in matmul.args): return matmul newargs = [] last = matmul.args[0] for arg in matmul.args[1:]: if isinstance(arg, (MatrixBase, Number)) and isinstance(last, (MatrixBase, Number)): last = last * arg else: newargs.append(last) last = arg newargs.append(last) return SuperMatMul(*newargs) def xxinv(mul): """ Y * X * X.I -> Y """ factor, matrices = mul.as_coeff_matrices() for i, (X, Y) in enumerate(zip(matrices[:-1], matrices[1:])): try: if X.is_square and Y.is_square and X == Y.inverse(): I = Identity(X.rows) return newmul(factor, *(matrices[:i] + [I] + matrices[i+2:])) except ValueError: # Y might not be invertible pass return mul def remove_ids(mul): """ Remove Identities from a MatMul This is a modified version of sympy.strategies.rm_id. This is necesssary because MatMul may contain both MatrixExprs and Exprs as args. See Also -------- sympy.strategies.rm_id """ # Separate Exprs from MatrixExprs in args factor, mmul = mul.as_coeff_mmul() # Apply standard rm_id for MatMuls result = rm_id(lambda x: x.is_Identity is True)(mmul) if result != mmul: return newmul(factor, *result.args) # Recombine and return else: return mul def factor_in_front(mul): factor, matrices = mul.as_coeff_matrices() if factor != 1: return newmul(factor, *matrices) return mul rules = (any_zeros, remove_ids, xxinv, unpack, rm_id(lambda x: x == 1), merge_explicit, factor_in_front, flatten) canonicalize = exhaust(typed({SuperMatMul: do_one(*rules)})) def only_squares(*matrices): """ factor matrices only if they are square """ if matrices[0].rows != matrices[-1].cols: raise RuntimeError("Invalid matrices being multiplied") out = [] start = 0 for i, M in enumerate(matrices): if M.cols == matrices[start].rows: out.append(SuperMatMul(*matrices[start:i+1]).doit()) start = i+1 return out from sympy.assumptions.ask import ask, Q from sympy.assumptions.refine import handlers_dict def refine_SuperMatMul(expr, assumptions): """ >>> from sympy import MatrixSymbol, Q, assuming, refine >>> X = MatrixSymbol('X', 2, 2) >>> expr = X * X.T >>> print(expr) X*X.T >>> with assuming(Q.orthogonal(X)): ... print(refine(expr)) I """ newargs = [] exprargs = [] for args in expr.args: if args.is_Matrix: exprargs.append(args) else: newargs.append(args) last = exprargs[0] for arg in exprargs[1:]: if arg == last.T and ask(Q.orthogonal(arg), assumptions): last = Identity(arg.shape[0]) elif arg == last.conjugate() and ask(Q.unitary(arg), assumptions): last = Identity(arg.shape[0]) else: newargs.append(last) last = arg newargs.append(last) return SuperMatMul(*newargs) handlers_dict['SuperMatMul'] = refine_SuperMatMul from .supermatadd import SuperMatAdd
Donald J. Trump has a net worth of anywhere from $4,000,000,000 to $10,000,000,000, depending on fluctuating real estate and other investment valuation. His air fleet includes a Cessna Citation X jet, three Sikorsky S-76B helicopters, and a Boeing 757 jet. Trump’s 757 is three times the size of the average private jet and every inch of it is customized to meet his high standards. Outside, it’s powered by Rolls Royce engines. Inside, it has gold seatbelts, high-grade leather seats, a master bedroom, and even a shower. It’s a smooth ride for passengers, but for pilot John Dunkin, things can get turbulent in a hurry, especially when one of the jet’s most vital parts goes missing. He’s a ba’al ga’avah and a mefunak to the extreme. If he gets elected, he will shake up the world. Maybe that’s what HKBH has planned right before Moshiach comes.
""" Classe Game qui gère le jeu """ from Map import * from Animation import * class Game: # Constructeur: def __init__(self): self.Map = Map() self.clock = sf.Clock() self.tour = 0 self.window = sf.RenderWindow(sf.VideoMode(960, 640), "SINS - An amazing not simulator by Vodak") self.key = {"UP": False, "DOWN": False, "RIGHT": False, "LEFT": False} # Chargement des textures : # Ecran de chargement : self.textureVodak = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/vodak.png") # Blocs : self.textureEau = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/eau.png") self.textureSable = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/sable.png") self.textureHerbe = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/herbe.png") self.textureHerbe2 = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/testHerbe.png") self.texturePlancher = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/plancher.png") self.textureRoute = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/route.png") self.textureMur = [sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/mur/normal.png"),\ sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/mur/gauche.png"),\ sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/mur/droite.png"),\ sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/mur/angle_gauche.png"),\ sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/mur/angle_droit.png")] # IA : self.textureIA = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/IA.png") # Objets : self.textureBanc = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/banc.png") self.textureLit = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/lit.png") self.textureLitMedecin = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/litMedecin.png") self.textureLitPsy = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/lit.png") self.textureChaise = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/chaise.png") self.textureChaiseEcole = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/chaise.png") self.textureChaiseMedecin = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/chaise.png") self.textureChaisePsy = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/chaisePsy.png") self.textureTable = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/table.png") self.textureTableEcole = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/table.png") self.textureFour = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/four.png") self.textureTableau = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/tableau.png") self.textureBancPeche = sf.Texture.from_file("../files/textures/banc.png") # Chargement des sprites : # Ecran de chargement : self.spriteVodak = sf.Sprite(self.textureVodak) # Blocs : self.spriteEau = sf.Sprite(self.textureEau) self.spriteSable = sf.Sprite(self.textureSable) self.spriteHerbe = sf.Sprite(self.textureHerbe) self.spriteHerbe2 = sf.Sprite(self.textureHerbe2) self.spritePlancher = sf.Sprite(self.texturePlancher) self.spriteRoute = sf.Sprite(self.textureRoute) self.spriteMur = [sf.Sprite(self.textureMur[0]), sf.Sprite(self.textureMur[1]), sf.Sprite(self.textureMur[2]), sf.Sprite(self.textureMur[3]), sf.Sprite(self.textureMur[4])] # IA : self.spriteIA = sf.Sprite(self.textureIA) # Objets : self.spriteBanc = sf.Sprite(self.textureBanc) self.spriteLit = sf.Sprite(self.textureLit) self.spriteLitMedecin = sf.Sprite(self.textureLitMedecin) self.spriteLitPsy = sf.Sprite(self.textureLit) self.spriteChaise = sf.Sprite(self.textureChaise) self.spriteChaiseEcole = sf.Sprite(self.textureChaiseEcole) self.spriteChaiseMedecin = sf.Sprite(self.textureChaiseMedecin) self.spriteChaisePsy = sf.Sprite(self.textureChaisePsy) self.spriteTable = sf.Sprite(self.textureTable) self.spriteTableEcole = sf.Sprite(self.textureTableEcole) self.spriteFour = sf.Sprite(self.textureFour) self.spriteTableau = sf.Sprite(self.textureTableau) self.spriteBancPeche = sf.Sprite(self.textureBancPeche) # Scrolling : self.xMin = 0 self.yMin = 0 # Mise en place du jeu : def play(self): # Ecran d'acceuil : self.window.draw(self.spriteVodak) self.window.display() sf.sleep(sf.seconds(2)) self.window.clear() # Génération de la map : self.Map.generate() # Disposition des maisons : for i in range(20): self.Map.maison() # Invocation des IA sur la map for i in range(3): x = randint(0, 95) y = randint(0, 71) while self.Map.map[x][y].Bloc != Bloc.Herbe and self.Map.map[x][y].Bloc != Bloc.Plancher and self.Map.map[x][y].Bloc != Bloc.Sable: x = randint(0, 95) y = randint(0, 71) self.Map.map[x][y].IA = IA(x, y, 21 * [randint(0, 100)]) # Boucle principale : while self.window.is_open: # gestion des evenements for event in self.window.events: if type(event) is sf.CloseEvent: self.window.close() elif type(event) is sf.KeyEvent: if event.code is sf.Keyboard.ESCAPE: self.window.close() elif event.code is sf.Keyboard.LEFT: self.key["LEFT"] = event.pressed elif event.code is sf.Keyboard.UP: self.key["UP"] = event.pressed elif event.code is sf.Keyboard.RIGHT: self.key["RIGHT"] = event.pressed elif event.code is sf.Keyboard.DOWN: self.key["DOWN"] = event.pressed if self.key["LEFT"]: self.xMin = self.xMin - 1 if self.xMin > 0 else self.xMin if self.key["RIGHT"]: self.xMin = self.xMin + 1 if self.xMin < 66 else self.xMin if self.key["UP"]: self.yMin = self.yMin - 1 if self.yMin > 0 else self.yMin if self.key["DOWN"]: self.yMin = self.yMin + 1 if self.yMin < 52 else self.yMin # gestion des IA x = list() y = list() for i in range(96): for j in range(72): if self.Map.map[i][j].isIA(): x.append(i) y.append(j) if(self.clock.elapsed_time.milliseconds > 1000): self.clock.restart() for i in range(len(x)): self.tour += 1 # update des valeurs de l'ia if self.tour % 10 == 0: self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.age += 1 self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.fatigue += randint(0, 1) self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.faim += randint(0, 1) if self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.maladie >= 10: # si l'ia est malade self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.maladie += randint(0, 2) if self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.fatigue >= 85: # si l'ia est fatiguée self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.vie -= 1 if self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.faim >= 85: # si l'ia est affamée self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.vie -= 1 if self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.bonheur < 20: # si l'ia est très triste self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.vie -= 1 if self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.bonheur == 0: # si l'ia a atteint son seuil de tristesse self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.vie = 0 if self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.vie < 40: # si l'ia est mal en point self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.vie -= randint(0, 1) if self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.age > 80: # si l'ia est vieille self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.vie -= randint(3, 6) # déplacement de l'ia direction, interraction = self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.getAction(self.Map.map) if direction == Direction.Bas and not self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]+1].isIA(): self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.y += 1 self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]+1].IA = self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].delIA() y[i] += 1 elif direction == Direction.Haut and not self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]-1].isIA(): self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.y -= 1 self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]-1].IA = self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].delIA() y[i] -= 1 elif direction == Direction.Gauche and not self.Map.map[x[i]-1][y[i]].isIA(): self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.x -= 1 self.Map.map[x[i]-1][y[i]].IA = self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].delIA() x[i] -= 1 elif direction == Direction.Droite and not self.Map.map[x[i]+1][y[i]].isIA(): self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.x += 1 self.Map.map[x[i]+1][y[i]].IA = self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].delIA() x[i] += 1 # interraction de l'ia if interraction: if self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].Objet == Objet.Lit: self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.fatigue = 0 elif self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].Objet == Objet.EntreeFour: self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.faim = 0 elif self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].Objet == Objet.LitMedecin: self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.vie = 100 elif self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].Objet == Objet.LitPsychiatre: self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.bonheur = 100 elif self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].Objet == Objet.BancPeche: pass elif self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].Objet == Objet.ChaiseEcole: pass elif self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].Objet == Objet.PlaceProf: pass elif self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].Objet == Objet.ChaiseMedecin: pass elif self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].Objet == Objet.ChaisePsychiatre: pass elif self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].Objet == Objet.Banc: pass elif self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].Objet == Objet.Chaise: pass elif self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].Objet == Objet.Checkpoint: pass # mort de l'ia si sa vie est nulle if self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].isIA() and self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].IA.vie == 0: self.Map.map[x[i]][y[i]].delIA() # affichage de la carte self.window.clear() for i in range(self.xMin, self.xMin + 30): for j in range(self.yMin, self.yMin + 20): # affichage des blocs if self.Map.map[i][j].Bloc == Bloc.Eau: self.spriteEau.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteEau) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Bloc == Bloc.Sable: self.spriteSable.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteSable) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Bloc == Bloc.Herbe: self.spriteHerbe2.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteHerbe2) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Bloc == Bloc.Plancher: if self.Map.map[i][j-1].Bloc == Bloc.Herbe: self.spriteHerbe2.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteHerbe2) else: self.spritePlancher.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spritePlancher) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Bloc == Bloc.Route: self.spriteRoute.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteRoute) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Bloc == Bloc.Mur: if self.Map.map[i-1][j].Bloc == Bloc.Herbe: if self.Map.map[i][j+1].Bloc == Bloc.Herbe: self.spriteMur[0].position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteMur[0]) elif self.Map.map[i][j-1].Bloc == Bloc.Mur or self.Map.map[i][j-1].Bloc == Bloc.Plancher: self.spriteMur[1].position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteMur[1]) else: self.spriteMur[3].position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteMur[3]) elif self.Map.map[i+1][j].Bloc == Bloc.Herbe: if self.Map.map[i][j+1].Bloc == Bloc.Herbe: self.spriteMur[0].position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteMur[0]) elif self.Map.map[i][j-1].Bloc == Bloc.Mur or self.Map.map[i][j-1].Bloc == Bloc.Plancher: self.spriteMur[2].position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteMur[2]) else: self.spriteMur[4].position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteMur[4]) else: self.spriteMur[0].position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteMur[0]) # affichage des objets if self.Map.map[i][j].Objet == Objet.Banc: self.spriteBanc.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteBanc) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Objet == Objet.Lit: self.spriteLit.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteLit) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Objet == Objet.ChaiseEcole: self.spriteChaiseEcole.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteChaiseEcole) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Objet == Objet.TableEcole: self.spriteTableEcole.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteTableEcole) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Objet == Objet.Four: self.spriteFour.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteFour) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Objet == Objet.Chaise: self.spriteChaise.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteChaise) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Objet == Objet.Table: self.spriteTable.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteTable) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Objet == Objet.Tableau: self.spriteTableau.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin - 1)) self.window.draw(self.spriteTableau) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Objet == Objet.LitMedecin: self.spriteLitMedecin.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteLitMedecin) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Objet == Objet.ChaiseMedecin: self.spriteChaiseMedecin.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteChaiseMedecin) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Objet == Objet.LitPsychiatre: self.spriteLitPsy.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteLitPsy) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Objet == Objet.ChaisePsychiatre: self.spriteChaisePsy.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteChaisePsy) elif self.Map.map[i][j].Objet == Objet.BancPeche: self.spriteBancPeche.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteBancPeche) # affichage des IA if self.Map.map[i][j].isIA(): self.spriteIA.position = sf.Vector2(32 * (i - self.xMin), 32 * (j - self.yMin)) self.window.draw(self.spriteIA) self.window.display()
Dear John,I want to tell you a little bit about an event Campaign for Liberty staff attended last week. In a last minute change from a scheduled generic speech on “Income Inequality,” Fed Governor Jerome Powell spoke on “Audit the Fed & Other Proposals,” though it was clear his real target was bashing Audit the Fed. The moment we saw the announcement of this speech hit the press the Friday before, I knew our staff had to go see this firsthand. While it’s not uncommon for Fed Governors and officials to give speeches at universities on various economic topics, it is highly unusual for a speech to be focused solely on a legislative proposal. I immediately called the university to find out if it was open to the public – I wasn’t going to crash a private affair. After being told that it was open to the public and asked to RSVP to a generic email address, I RSVP’d for myself and six other members of C4L’s national staff. That Sunday morning, I received an email from the Director of Public Affairs at Catholic University of America. The email began by describing the audience as primarily students, faculty, and invited press, before inquiring why Campaign for Liberty was interested in the event. Ok, I thought. Not unusual for a school to do a little research into a large RSVP for an event they expected to be sparsely attended. So I explained who we are, what we do, how Audit the Fed is our top legislative priority, and that if the Fed is going to talk about it in public, in DC, we want to be there. I finished by telling him I had a policy brief on Audit the Fed I intended to hand out to the press before or after the event. Well, Monday morning, I just presumed that silence implied consent and figured we’d just show up to the event and see what happened. The old saying “Better to ask forgiveness than permission” came to mind, as well. I think deep down, part of me was hoping the school would come up with some reason for not letting us in … the copy would have been so much more exciting to write! Lo and behold, we waltzed right in, and there was a row of “Reserved” signs, right up front in the audience, just for us. Then, just before the event started, while I was talking with and seated next to our Vice President of Policy, Norm Singleton, Fed Governor Jerome Powell made his way over and said, “So, you must be Tim,” extending his hand for a greeting. It was beginning to get clearer why we had a reserved section. But still, it took me aback for a minute, as even though I knew who Jerome Powell was from watching his confirmation hearings in the Senate in 2014 and his involvement with the Fed since 2012, I didn’t expect him to know me from Adam. And then, a little part of me got really excited. While I fully expected the university to inform Mr. Powell that C4L staff was in the audience, I hadn’t exactly expected them to point me out! Now, I didn’t tell you this story to go into some wild theory about the Fed targeting me for intimidation or harassment (although that would make some great thriller fiction copy someday). No, I mentioned this anecdote because to me, it’s just another sign that we’re winning this fight. The Fed is concerned enough about Audit the Fed, our efforts to pass it this Congress, and the growing momentum behind it that a Fed Governor, currently one of only five, took time out of his day to learn about me – because of YOU! By myself, I’m a nobody. I came to this town as an intern with Campaign for Liberty six years ago, yearning to make a difference, believing wholeheartedly in the mission of Campaign for Liberty, and strongly advocating for Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill. But I’m not by myself. Today, I, because of all of you supporting Campaign for Liberty – either financially, through activism, or both – am known by an official at one of the most powerful and secretive institutions in Washington, D.C. You and I have them scared. While I always thought that statement perfectly captured what we had done at that time, I think these days it needs revising to bring it up to the times. Ladies and Gentleman, we’ve looked the most powerful institution in the world in the eye, and we’re making them quiver down to their boots! Powell’s speech itself was nothing extraordinary. It actually was full of contradictions that seemed to go unnoticed or unquestioned by the press in attendance. For instance, Powell claimed “very little would be revealed by GAO policy audits” that isn’t already publicly available, but he then went on to say Audit the Fed becoming law would have an enormous impact on the markets and the Fed’s ability to conduct monetary policy. So which is it? Either Audit the Fed is useless, or it’s the most powerful, dangerous bill in Congress. The Fed can’t seem to make up its mind. Other than that, the speech was mostly recycled talking points about our audit encroaching on the Fed’s mythical “independence” (secrecy). One quote in particular from Powell stuck out to me, though. Actually, that describes the Fed perfectly. The annual audits of its balance sheet are devoid of any meaningful information. The core of the Fed’s operations have been kept secret – by law – since 1978. In regards to the “secretive” aspect, current Fed talking points tell us that they are the most transparent central bank in the world. They often point to the quarterly Fed press conferences, the biannual Humphrey-Hawkins hearings on Capitol Hill, and the speeches and lectures given by various Fed officials at random times throughout the year on Wall Street or at universities, like the one we attended. It’s important to note here that the Fed’s quarterly press conferences didn’t start until April 2011, two years after we began our effort to Audit the Fed. It came on the heels of our successful push in the 111th Congress that ALMOST saw Audit the Fed pass through both houses of Congress as an amendment to the disastrous Dodd/Frank “Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act,” which, rather than rein in the Fed, drastically expanded its power. John, the Federal Reserve is absolutely secretive and unaccountable – to elected officials and the public at large – and we should be shouting that from the rooftops until Audit the Fed is the law of the land! But C4L staff primarily attended the event for the Q&A that would follow the speech. You should never pass up an opportunity to put your opponents in the hot seat publicly. When the time came, Norm immediately shot up his hand. The Dean of the Law School shot a look over to Norm and began laying out “ground rules” for the Q&A. Norm put his hand back down. By this time, it was abundantly clear why we had reserved seats. The first round of questions would be limited to students and faculty, the second to press and any other students, and, if there was time, a final round would allow for any additional questions from the public. Each round would consist of three questions for Powell to answer. When they wrapped up round two, Norm immediately shot his hand back up. The Dean looked right at him and panned to the other side of the room, like a teacher avoiding calling on the “know-it-all” student sitting front and center eagerly trying to answer the question. After calling on two others, and then taking a moment to scan the room, he reluctantly called on Norm when it was clear no other hands were up. Norm put Powell on the spot with a great question, one that has been asked repeatedly by supporters of Audit the Fed to its opponents. What specific language in the bills, H.R. 24 or S. 264, gives Congress the authority to “meddle” in monetary policy? Like Bernanke and Yellen when asked the same question, Powell dodged. And, really, that’s all he could do. There is absolutely nothing in Audit the Fed’s language that would allow Congress to “meddle” in monetary policy. At its core, Audit the Fed is a straightforward transparency bill. The Fed knows this, and they are terrified of it. So the last leg for them to stand on is claiming the bill will do something it will not. Powell came over and asked if we recognized the line, as he heard us laughing about it as we politely applauded the end of the speech. He proudly wanted us to know he pulled it from Ron Paul’sEnd the Fed. Do we believe that most members of Congress are with us on ending the Fed? No, we certainly don’t suffer under that delusion. But, more than 75% of the House has voted twice to Audit the Fed (in 2012 and 2014) because many of our representatives realize the Fed is an overwhelmingly powerful institution that operates in secret and is largely unaccountable to elected officials and the public they allegedly serve – and many are responding to hearing loudly and frequently from C4L members and others they represent. And the Fed is mortified at the prospect they may soon have the veil of secrecy lifted and be exposed as the counterfeiters and monetary manipulators they are. Why else do you think they would go on such an offensive? The Fed should learn to embrace the line Americans are told when we push back against the surveillance state: they have nothing to fear, if they have nothing to hide. Based on their relentless protests, and media counter-offensive, I’d say they are hiding plenty. P.S. Unlike the Federal Reserve, Campaign for Liberty can’t just print money out of thin air. If you and I are going to Audit the Fed, it’s going to take more resources than we currently have. Please take a moment today to chip in $10 or $20 to help us reach and mobilize millions of Americans to Audit, and then End, the Fed! You were added to the system October 1, 2009 [More information].
import argparse from collections import Counter, defaultdict import heapq import numpy as np import os import ray import wikipedia parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--num-mappers", help="number of mapper actors used", default=3) parser.add_argument("--num-reducers", help="number of reducer actors used", default=4) @ray.remote class Mapper(object): def __init__(self, title_stream): self.title_stream = title_stream self.num_articles_processed = 0 self.articles = [] self.word_counts = [] def get_new_article(self): # Get the next wikipedia article. article = wikipedia.page(self.title_stream.next()).content # Count the words and store the result. self.word_counts.append(Counter(article.split(" "))) self.num_articles_processed += 1 def get_range(self, article_index, keys): # Process more articles if this Mapper hasn't processed enough yet. while self.num_articles_processed < article_index + 1: self.get_new_article() # Return the word counts from within a given character range. return [(k, v) for k, v in self.word_counts[article_index].items() if len(k) >= 1 and k[0] >= keys[0] and k[0] <= keys[1]] @ray.remote class Reducer(object): def __init__(self, keys, *mappers): self.mappers = mappers self.keys = keys def next_reduce_result(self, article_index): word_count_sum = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # Get the word counts for this Reducer's keys from all of the Mappers # and aggregate the results. count_ids = [mapper.get_range.remote(article_index, self.keys) for mapper in self.mappers] # TODO(rkn): We should process these out of order using ray.wait. for count_id in count_ids: for k, v in ray.get(count_id): word_count_sum[k] += v return word_count_sum class Stream(object): def __init__(self, elements): self.elements = elements def next(self): i = np.random.randint(0, len(self.elements)) return self.elements[i] if __name__ == "__main__": args = parser.parse_args() ray.init() # Create one streaming source of articles per mapper. directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) streams = [] for _ in range(args.num_mappers): with open(os.path.join(directory, "articles.txt")) as f: streams.append(Stream([line.strip() for line in f.readlines()])) # Partition the keys among the reducers. chunks = np.array_split([chr(i) for i in range(ord("a"), ord("z") + 1)], args.num_reducers) keys = [[chunk[0], chunk[-1]] for chunk in chunks] # Create a number of mappers. mappers = [Mapper.remote(stream) for stream in streams] # Create a number of reduces, each responsible for a different range of # keys. This gives each Reducer actor a handle to each Mapper actor. reducers = [Reducer.remote(key, *mappers) for key in keys] article_index = 0 while True: print("article index = {}".format(article_index)) wordcounts = {} counts = ray.get([reducer.next_reduce_result.remote(article_index) for reducer in reducers]) for count in counts: wordcounts.update(count) most_frequent_words = heapq.nlargest(10, wordcounts, key=wordcounts.get) for word in most_frequent_words: print(" ", word, wordcounts[word]) article_index += 1
Lil' Bits "Generations" supports your creativity by giving you several uniquely clustered and designed elements to quickly add to your ancestry scrapbook layouts, mini albums and cards. Don't miss out on these digital elements as they are not included in the FQB "Generations" Collection so please don't miss out on owning and creating with these elements! 1 Clustered element highlighting "Generations", "Interesting Facts" and "Remember" 1 Label - "Family, A Link to the Past...." 1 Label - "Family, Like Branches on a Tree...." 1 Label - "The Most Treasured Heirlooms...." 1 Label - "Celebrate Your Life..." 1 Digital sentiment stamp - "Every Family has a Story...." 3 Word strips - "Noteworthy", "Generations" and "Captured" 3 Elegant word tags - "Family", "Tradition" and "Memories"
from __future__ import division, print_function import numpy as np from visual_dynamics.spaces import Space class ConcatenationSpace(Space): def __init__(self, spaces): self.spaces = spaces sizes = [] for space in self.spaces: size, = space.shape sizes.append(size) cumsum = np.cumsum(sizes) self.slices = [slice(start, stop) for start, stop in zip((0,) + tuple(cumsum[:-1]), cumsum)] def sample(self): return np.concatenate([space.sample() for space in self.spaces]) def contains(self, x): assert x.shape == self.shape return all(space.contains(x[s]) for space, s in zip(self.spaces, self.slices)) def clip(self, x, out=None): assert x.shape == self.shape if out is not None: assert out.shape == self.shape return np.concatenate([space.clip(x[s], out=(out[s] if out is not None else None)) for space, s in zip(self.spaces, self.slices)]) @property def shape(self): return (self.slices[-1].stop,) def _get_config(self): config = super(ConcatenationSpace, self)._get_config() config.update({'spaces': self.spaces}) return config @staticmethod def create(other): spaces = [Space.create(space) for space in other.spaces] return ConcatenationSpace(spaces)
Vacation home rental platform Vacasa has secured another round of funding to the tune of $ 64 million, the company announced Thursday. The new funding round, which was led by Riverwood Capital with the participation of existing investors Level Equity, NewSpring and Assurant Growth Investing, will now allow the Portland-based company to expand into additional markets, CEO Eric Breon told Inman. In addition to operating in 23 U.S. states, Vacasa manages more than 10,000 rental properties in 16 countries across Africa, Europe and South and Central America. Since Vacasa employs local staff in every market in which it operates, adding to its team will be a priority with the new funding round. With a still-new foray into the real estate business, Vacasa aims to combine its data insights with local understanding. In July, the company launched a new Vacasa Real Estate platform, which connects a pipeline of vacation homeowners with agents and clients seeking to buy or invest. The platform has drawn 250 real estate agents from more than 80 brokerages, all of whom receive exclusive access to Vacasa’s properties. Vacasa’s data models can figure out the correct price to offer homes in the short-term rental market across the country, Breon said. Breon believes investment buyers also can benefit from higher long-term gains with the platform — as well as a couple bonuses.
import state import random as rnd ''' Probabilistic version of state class. The outedges include a third parameter, which reflects the probability of that outgoing edge being taken. Methods regarding this new parameter are added. ''' class ProbabilisticState(state.State): def __init__(self, name, outedges): state.State.__init__(self, name, outedges) ''' Name: prob_to_next_state Input: *state_name: The destination state's label. Output: *match: probability of reaching this state from the current state. ''' def prob_to_next_state(self, state_name): match = [x[2] for x in self.outedges if x[1] == state_name][0] return float(match) ''' Name: prob_to_next_letter Input: *letter: letter from the graph's alphabet. Output: *match: probability of outputing the input letter. ''' def prob_to_next_letter(self, letter): match = [x[2] for x in self.outedges if x[0] == letter][0] return float(match) ''' Name: morph Input: Output: *m: The state's morph, i.e. the probability distribution of its outputs. Description: Statistically comparing state's morphs will be used many times. The morph is a 2-tuple with only the output letter and the probability that it occurs, disregarding the destination state. ''' def morph(self): m = [(x[0], x[2]) for x in self.outedges] return m def extended_morph(self, n): if n == 1: return self.morph() else: m = [] for edge in self.outedges: if edge[1]: branch = edge[1].extended_morph(n-1) else: branch = [('',0.0)] newedge = [(edge[0] + b[0],float(edge[2])*float(b[1])) for b in branch] m.extend(newedge) return m ''' Name: randomstep Input: Output: *A 2-tuple of the randomly chosen output symbol and the destination state. Description: Takes on step in a walk through the graph. It randomly generates a real number in [0,1] and compares it to the state's morph and chooses an output symbol and destination accordingly. If, by some error, the randomly generated number does not fall into the distribution, an error 2-tuple is returned. ''' def random_step(self): dest = [x[:2] for x in self.outedges if float(x[2]) == 1.0] if dest: return dest[0] else: r = rnd.random() acc = 0 i = 0 for e in self.outedges: i += 1 if i == len(self.outedges): return e[:2] if acc <= r < (acc + float(e[2])): return e[:2] else: acc += float(e[2]) return '', None #Error situation
Virginia, Maryland, and Eastern Shore GCSAA Chapters invite you to join us for our annual social event held on Wednesday February 10th, overlapping the Golf Industry Show. There will be drinks, hor d'oeuvres and networking. Don't miss out on this fun event! Contact David Norman ([email protected]) or Tyler Eastham ([email protected]) for sponsorship opportunities.
import sys import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf class Seq2Seq(object): def __init__(self, xseq_len, yseq_len, xvocab_size, yvocab_size, emb_dim, num_layers, ckpt_path, lr=0.0001, epochs=100000, model_name='seq2seq_model'): # attach these arguments to self self.xseq_len = xseq_len self.yseq_len = yseq_len self.ckpt_path = ckpt_path self.epochs = epochs self.model_name = model_name # build the graph # attach any part of the graph that needs to be exposed, to the self def __graph__(): # placeholders tf.reset_default_graph() # encoder inputs : list of indices of length xseq_len self.enc_ip = [tf.placeholder(shape=[None, ], dtype=tf.int64, name='ei_{}'.format(t)) for t in range(xseq_len)] # labels that represent the real outputs self.labels = [tf.placeholder(shape=[None, ], dtype=tf.int64, name='ei_{}'.format(t)) for t in range(yseq_len)] # decoder inputs : 'GO' + [ y1, y2, ... y_t-1 ] self.dec_ip = [tf.zeros_like(self.enc_ip[0], dtype=tf.int64, name='GO')] + self.labels[:-1] # Basic LSTM cell wrapped in Dropout Wrapper self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) # define the basic cell basic_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.core_rnn_cell.DropoutWrapper( tf.contrib.rnn.core_rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell( emb_dim, state_is_tuple=True), output_keep_prob=self.keep_prob) # stack cells together : n layered model stacked_lstm = tf.contrib.rnn.core_rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell( [basic_cell] * num_layers, state_is_tuple=True) # for parameter sharing between training model # and testing model with tf.variable_scope('decoder') as scope: # build the seq2seq model # inputs : encoder, decoder inputs, LSTM cell type, # vocabulary sizes, embedding dimensions self.decode_outputs, self.decode_states = \ tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.embedding_rnn_seq2seq( self.enc_ip, self.dec_ip, stacked_lstm, xvocab_size, yvocab_size, emb_dim) # share parameters scope.reuse_variables() # testing model, where output of previous timestep is fed as # input to the next timestep self.decode_outputs_test, self.decode_states_test = \ tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.embedding_rnn_seq2seq( self.enc_ip, self.dec_ip, stacked_lstm, xvocab_size, yvocab_size, emb_dim, feed_previous=True) # now, for training, # build loss function # weighted loss # TODO : add parameter hint loss_weights = [tf.ones_like(label, dtype=tf.float32) for label in self.labels] self.loss = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq.sequence_loss( self.decode_outputs, self.labels, loss_weights, yvocab_size) # train op to minimize the loss self.train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr).minimize( self.loss) sys.stdout.write('<log> Building Graph ') # build comput graph __graph__() sys.stdout.write('</log>') ''' Training and Evaluation ''' # get the feed dictionary def get_feed(self, X, Y, keep_prob): feed_dict = {self.enc_ip[t]: X[t] for t in range(self.xseq_len)} feed_dict.update({self.labels[t]: Y[t] for t in range(self.yseq_len)}) feed_dict[self.keep_prob] = keep_prob # dropout prob return feed_dict # run one batch for training def train_batch(self, sess, train_batch_gen): # get batches batchX, batchY = train_batch_gen.__next__() # build feed feed_dict = self.get_feed(batchX, batchY, keep_prob=0.5) _, loss_v = sess.run([self.train_op, self.loss], feed_dict) return loss_v def eval_step(self, sess, eval_batch_gen): # get batches batchX, batchY = eval_batch_gen.__next__() # build feed feed_dict = self.get_feed(batchX, batchY, keep_prob=1.) loss_v, dec_op_v = sess.run([self.loss, self.decode_outputs_test], feed_dict) # dec_op_v is a list; also need to transpose 0,1 indices # (interchange batch_size and timesteps dimensions dec_op_v = np.array(dec_op_v).transpose([1, 0, 2]) return loss_v, dec_op_v, batchX, batchY # evaluate 'num_batches' batches def eval_batches(self, sess, eval_batch_gen, num_batches): losses = [] for i in range(num_batches): loss_v, dec_op_v, batchX, batchY = self.eval_step(sess, eval_batch_gen) losses.append(loss_v) return np.mean(losses) # finally the train function that # runs the train_op in a session # evaluates on valid set periodically # prints statistics def train(self, train_set, valid_set, sess=None): # we need to save the model periodically saver = tf.train.Saver() # if no session is given if not sess: # create a session sess = tf.Session() # init all variables sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) sys.stdout.write('\n<log> Training started </log>\n') # run M epochs for i in range(self.epochs): try: self.train_batch(sess, train_set) if i and i % (self.epochs - 1) == 0: # TODO : make this tunable by the user # save model to disk saver.save(sess, self.ckpt_path + self.model_name + '.ckpt', global_step=i) # evaluate to get validation loss val_loss = self.eval_batches(sess, valid_set, 16) # TODO : and this # print stats print('\nModel saved to disk at iteration #{}'.format(i)) print('val loss : {0:.6f}'.format(val_loss)) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: # this will most definitely happen, so handle it print('Interrupted by user at iteration {}'.format(i)) self.session = sess return sess def restore_last_session(self): saver = tf.train.Saver() # create a session sess = tf.Session() # get checkpoint state ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(self.ckpt_path) # restore session if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) # return to user return sess # prediction def predict(self, sess, X): feed_dict = {self.enc_ip[t]: X[t] for t in range(self.xseq_len)} feed_dict[self.keep_prob] = 1. dec_op_v = sess.run(self.decode_outputs_test, feed_dict) # dec_op_v is a list; also need to transpose 0,1 indices # (interchange batch_size and timesteps dimensions dec_op_v = np.array(dec_op_v).transpose([1, 0, 2]) # return the index of item with highest probability return np.argmax(dec_op_v, axis=2)
The Giant's Causeway, one of the most popular sites in Northern Ireland, is a natural staircase stretching into the sea. This story is the delightful legend of how this causeway came to be. It details the crafty plan that puts a stop to Cucullin, the strongest giant--and biggest bully--around. The Legend of the Giant's Causeway is an entertaining tale supported by colorful illustrations. The book can also be used to teach students how to make inferences and draw conclusions and to identify and use quotation marks. The book and lesson are also available for levels M and P.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This is a Python implementation of the fast algorithm developed by Vincent Mazet and Nicolas Chopin (see http://miv.u-strasbg.fr/mazet/rtnorm/). The version this code is based on is the Matlab implementation from 2012. Created on Mon Aug 12 13:48:22 2013 Update on 11/27/2014: Added `erf` fallback implementation for missing scipy. Thanks to Dr. Cliff Kerr (University of Sidney) for submitting his patch! @author: Christoph Lassner """ from numpy.random import uniform as rand, normal as randn, randint as randi from numpy import sqrt, pi, exp, log, floor, array try: from scipy.special import erf except: # In some situations scipy might not be available or might take too long # to compile (e.g. for Amazon Application deployment). # Use a fallback implementation just relying on `math.erf` and # `numpy.nditer`. from numpy import nditer # Loop over N-dimensional arrays import math # For erf function in math def erf(arr): r""" Replicating SciPy erf function using math erf function to remove SciPy dependency. """ output = array(arr) # Copy input array for x in nditer(output, op_flags=['readwrite']): # Loop over each element x = math.erf(x) # Calculate the erf for this value return output def rtnorm(a, b, mu=0., sigma=1., size=1, probabilities=False): r""" Pseudorandom numbers from a truncated Gaussian distribution. X = rtnorm(a, b) returns a pseudorandom variable generated from a normal distribution with mean zero and variance one (i.e. standard normal distribution) truncated to the interval [a,b]. X = rtnorm(a,b,mu,sigma) returns a pseudorandom variable generated from a normal distribution with mean MU and variance SIGMA truncated to the interval [a, b]. The parameter size allows to specify a vector length and if probabilities is set to True, the function also returns the vector of probabilities of X. This implements an extension of Chopin's algorithm detailed in N. Chopin, "Fast simulation of truncated Gaussian distributions", Stat Comput (2011) 21:275-288 Copyright (C) 2012 Vincent Mazet (LSIIT, CNRS/Université de Strasbourg), Version 2012-07-04, [email protected] 08/12/2013: - created python version. 18/06/2012: - first launch of rtnorm.m 05/07/2012: - fix bug concerning the computing of the pdf when (mu,sigma) is different from (0,1). - fix bug about some indexes out of bounds when computing yl for some values of the input arguments. 04/09/2012: - change condition in line 2628 to fix a bug. Licence: GNU General Public License Version 2 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt. """ # Ensure these are floats for proper division values later on. mu = float(mu) sigma = float(sigma) a = float(a) b = float(b) # Scaling if not mu == 0. or not sigma == 1.: a = (a-mu) / sigma b = (b-mu) / sigma # Generate the random variables r = array([rtstdnorm(a, b) for x in range(size)]) # Scaling if not mu == 0. or not sigma == 1.: r = r * sigma + mu # Compute the probabilities if probabilities: Z = sqrt(pi/2)*sigma * (erf(b/sqrt(2))-erf(a/sqrt(2))) Z = max(Z, 1e-15) # Avoid NaN p = exp(-(r-mu)**2/2/sigma**2) / Z return r, p else: return r def rtstdnorm(a, b): r""" RTNORM Pseudorandom numbers from a truncated (normalized) Gaussian distribution (i.e. rtnorm(a,b,0,1)). """ # Left and right limits xmin = -2.00443204036 xmax = 3.48672170399 # Check if a < b if a >= b: raise Exception('For a truncated ndst in [a,b] b must be greater than a.') # Check if |a| < |b| elif abs(a) > abs(b): r = -rtstdnorm(-b, -a) # If a in the right tail (a > xmax), use rejection algorithm with # a truncated exponential proposal elif a > xmax: stop = False twoasq = 2*a**2 expab = exp(-a*(b-a)) - 1 while not stop: # The rand-function in Matlab that was used here returns values # uniformly distributed in (0, 1). The numpy version includes # the left border of the interval, so the numbers are drawn from # [0, 1). Hence use a low lower border. z = log(1 + rand(low=1E-15)*expab) e = -log(rand(low=1E-15)) stop = (twoasq*e > z ** 2) r = a - z/a # If a in the left tail (a < xmin), use rejection algorithm with # a Gaussian proposal elif a < xmin: stop = False while not stop: r = randn() stop = (r>=a) and (r<=b) # In other cases (xmin < a < xmax), use Chopin's algorithm else: # Design variables kmin = 5 # if kb-ka < kmin then use a rejection algorithm INVH = 1631.73284006 # 1/h, h being the minimal interval range I0 = 3271 # = - floor(x(1)/h) ALPHA = 1.837877066409345 # = log(2*pi) N = 4000 # Index of the right tail yl0 = 0.053513975472 # y_l of the leftmost rectangle ylN = 0.000914116389555 # y_l of the rightmost rectangle # Compute ka and kb i = int(I0 + floor(a*INVH)) ka = ncell[i] # not: +1 due to index offset in Matlab ;-) kb = 0 if b >= xmax: kb = N else: i = int(I0 + floor(b*INVH)) kb = ncell[i] # not: +1 due to index offset in Matlab # If |b-a| is small, use rejection algorithm with a truncated exponential proposal if abs(kb-ka) < kmin: stop = False twoasq = 2 * a**2 expab = exp(-a*(b-a)) - 1 while not stop: z = log( 1 + rand()*expab ) e = -log(rand()) stop = (twoasq*e > z**2) r = a - z/a return r while True: # Sample integer between ka and kb # Note that while matlab randi has including border, for numpy the high # border is exclusive. Hence add one. k = randi(low=ka, high=(kb+1)) # not: +1 due to index offset in Matlab if k == N: # Right tail lbound = x[-1] z = -log(rand()) e = -log(rand()) z = z / lbound if (z**2 <= 2*e) and (z < b-lbound): # Accept this proposition, otherwise reject r = lbound + z return r elif (k<=ka+2) or (k>=kb and b<xmax): # Two leftmost and rightmost regions sim = x[k] + (x[k+1]-x[k]) * rand() if (sim >= a) and (sim <= b): # Accept this proposition, otherwise reject simy = yu[k]*rand() # Compute y_l from y_k if k == 0: ylk = yl0 elif k == N: ylk = ylN elif k <= 1954: ylk = yu[k-1] else: ylk = yu[k+1] if (simy<ylk) or (sim**2 + 2*log(simy) + ALPHA < 0): r = sim return r else: # All the other boxes u = rand() simy = yu[k] * u d = x[k+1] - x[k] # Compute y_l from y_k if k == 1: ylk = yl0 elif k == N: ylk = ylN elif k <= 1954: ylk = yu[k-1] else: ylk = yu[k+1] if simy < ylk: # That's what happens most of the time r = x[k] + u*d*yu[k]/ylk return r sim = x[k] + d * rand() # Otherwise, check you're below the pdf curve if sim**2 + 2*log(simy) + ALPHA < 0: r = sim return r return r # Tables x = array([ -2.00443204036, -1.99990455547, -1.99541747213, -1.99096998962, \ -1.98656133124, -1.98219074335, -1.97785749442, -1.97356087419, \ -1.96930019287, -1.96507478031, -1.96088398528, -1.95672717477, \ -1.95260373328, -1.9485130622, -1.94445457918, -1.94042771755, \ -1.93643192574, -1.93246666677, -1.92853141772, -1.92462566922, \ -1.92074892503, -1.91690070156, -1.91308052741, -1.90928794302, \ -1.90552250025, -1.90178376197, -1.89807130174, -1.89438470345, \ -1.89072356098, -1.88708747787, -1.88347606705, -1.8798889505, \ -1.87632575899, -1.87278613181, -1.86926971649, -1.86577616858, \ -1.86230515137, -1.85885633567, -1.8554293996, -1.85202402837, \ -1.84863991405, -1.84527675539, -1.84193425762, -1.83861213227, \ -1.83531009698, -1.83202787533, -1.82876519668, -1.825521796, \ -1.82229741372, -1.81909179558, -1.81590469249, -1.81273586036, \ -1.80958506, -1.80645205698, -1.8033366215, -1.80023852827, \ -1.79715755637, -1.79409348917, -1.79104611422, -1.78801522309, \ -1.78500061134, -1.78200207837, -1.77901942732, -1.77605246501, \ -1.77310100183, -1.77016485166, -1.76724383175, -1.7643377627, \ -1.7614464683, -1.75856977555, -1.75570751448, -1.75285951816, \ -1.75002562257, -1.74720566658, -1.74439949184, -1.74160694276, \ -1.73882786639, -1.7360621124, -1.73330953303, -1.73056998298, \ -1.72784331941, -1.72512940185, -1.72242809217, -1.71973925449, \ -1.71706275519, -1.7143984628, -1.71174624799, -1.70910598353, \ -1.70647754419, -1.70386080677, -1.70125565, -1.69866195455, \ -1.69607960292, -1.69350847947, -1.69094847035, -1.68839946345, \ -1.6858613484, -1.68333401649, -1.68081736069, -1.67831127556, \ -1.67581565725, -1.67333040348, -1.67085541345, -1.6683905879, \ -1.665935829, -1.66349104035, -1.66105612696, -1.65863099522, \ -1.65621555288, -1.65380970898, -1.65141337389, -1.64902645924, \ -1.64664887792, -1.64428054402, -1.64192137286, -1.63957128092, \ -1.63723018585, -1.63489800643, -1.63257466256, -1.63026007522, \ -1.62795416649, -1.62565685948, -1.62336807836, -1.62108774828, \ -1.61881579544, -1.61655214696, -1.61429673098, -1.61204947656, \ -1.60981031368, -1.60757917325, -1.60535598708, -1.60314068784, \ -1.60093320909, -1.59873348523, -1.59654145149, -1.59435704393, \ -1.59218019943, -1.59001085565, -1.58784895103, -1.58569442477, \ -1.58354721686, -1.581407268, -1.57927451964, -1.57714891392, \ -1.57503039371, -1.57291890258, -1.57081438477, -1.56871678519, \ -1.56662604942, -1.56454212368, -1.56246495486, -1.56039449044, \ -1.55833067854, -1.55627346789, -1.55422280782, -1.55217864825, \ -1.55014093969, -1.5481096332, -1.54608468043, -1.54406603357, \ -1.54205364536, -1.54004746908, -1.53804745854, -1.53605356807, \ -1.53406575252, -1.53208396723, -1.53010816806, -1.52813831134, \ -1.52617435391, -1.52421625305, -1.52226396655, -1.52031745264, \ -1.51837667, -1.51644157777, -1.51451213554, -1.51258830332, \ -1.51067004156, -1.50875731112, -1.5068500733, -1.50494828979, \ -1.50305192269, -1.50116093452, -1.49927528818, -1.49739494693, \ -1.49551987447, -1.49365003484, -1.49178539245, -1.48992591209, \ -1.48807155892, -1.48622229844, -1.48437809651, -1.48253891934, \ -1.48070473348, -1.47887550581, -1.47705120356, -1.47523179427, \ -1.47341724582, -1.47160752641, -1.46980260454, -1.46800244903, \ -1.46620702902, -1.46441631394, -1.46263027351, -1.46084887778, \ -1.45907209704, -1.45729990192, -1.4555322633, -1.45376915236, \ -1.45201054053, -1.45025639954, -1.44850670139, -1.44676141832, \ -1.44502052286, -1.44328398779, -1.44155178613, -1.43982389118, \ -1.43810027647, -1.43638091579, -1.43466578316, -1.43295485285, \ -1.43124809936, -1.42954549744, -1.42784702206, -1.4261526484, \ -1.42446235191, -1.42277610822, -1.42109389321, -1.41941568296, \ -1.41774145377, -1.41607118216, -1.41440484485, -1.41274241877, \ -1.41108388106, -1.40942920906, -1.40777838029, -1.40613137251, \ -1.40448816364, -1.40284873181, -1.40121305532, -1.39958111269, \ -1.3979528826, -1.39632834393, -1.39470747574, -1.39309025725, \ -1.39147666789, -1.38986668723, -1.38826029505, -1.38665747129, \ -1.38505819603, -1.38346244956, -1.38187021232, -1.3802814649, \ -1.37869618807, -1.37711436276, -1.37553597004, -1.37396099116, \ -1.37238940752, -1.37082120066, -1.36925635228, -1.36769484423, \ -1.36613665852, -1.36458177727, -1.3630301828, -1.36148185752, \ -1.35993678401, -1.35839494499, -1.35685632332, -1.35532090198, \ -1.3537886641, -1.35225959295, -1.35073367192, -1.34921088453, \ -1.34769121444, -1.34617464545, -1.34466116145, -1.34315074649, \ -1.34164338473, -1.34013906045, -1.33863775808, -1.33713946213, \ -1.33564415726, -1.33415182822, -1.33266245992, -1.33117603734, \ -1.3296925456, -1.32821196994, -1.32673429568, -1.32525950829, \ -1.32378759331, -1.32231853644, -1.32085232344, -1.31938894019, \ -1.3179283727, -1.31647060705, -1.31501562944, -1.31356342618, \ -1.31211398366, -1.31066728839, -1.30922332698, -1.30778208612, \ -1.30634355261, -1.30490771336, -1.30347455533, -1.30204406564, \ -1.30061623144, -1.29919104001, -1.29776847873, -1.29634853503, \ -1.29493119647, -1.29351645068, -1.29210428538, -1.29069468838, \ -1.28928764758, -1.28788315096, -1.28648118658, -1.2850817426, \ -1.28368480725, -1.28229036885, -1.2808984158, -1.27950893658, \ -1.27812191975, -1.27673735394, -1.27535522788, -1.27397553036, \ -1.27259825027, -1.27122337654, -1.2698508982, -1.26848080436, \ -1.26711308419, -1.26574772695, -1.26438472195, -1.26302405859, \ -1.26166572634, -1.26030971474, -1.25895601339, -1.25760461198, \ -1.25625550025, -1.25490866802, -1.25356410517, -1.25222180165, \ -1.25088174749, -1.24954393277, -1.24820834764, -1.24687498231, \ -1.24554382707, -1.24421487225, -1.24288810826, -1.24156352558, \ -1.24024111474, -1.23892086632, -1.23760277098, -1.23628681945, \ -1.23497300248, -1.23366131092, -1.23235173565, -1.23104426764, \ -1.22973889789, -1.22843561746, -1.22713441748, -1.22583528914, \ -1.22453822366, -1.22324321234, -1.22195024653, -1.22065931762, \ -1.21937041707, -1.2180835364, -1.21679866716, -1.21551580096, \ -1.21423492948, -1.21295604444, -1.21167913759, -1.21040420078, \ -1.20913122586, -1.20786020475, -1.20659112944, -1.20532399194, \ -1.20405878432, -1.2027954987, -1.20153412724, -1.20027466216, \ -1.19901709572, -1.19776142023, -1.19650762804, -1.19525571156, \ -1.19400566322, -1.19275747553, -1.19151114101, -1.19026665225, \ -1.18902400188, -1.18778318256, -1.18654418701, -1.18530700798, \ -1.18407163828, -1.18283807074, -1.18160629825, -1.18037631374, \ -1.17914811017, -1.17792168055, -1.17669701793, -1.1754741154, \ -1.17425296609, -1.17303356317, -1.17181589985, -1.17059996938, \ -1.16938576505, -1.16817328018, -1.16696250814, -1.16575344233, \ -1.1645460762, -1.16334040321, -1.16213641689, -1.16093411079, \ -1.1597334785, -1.15853451364, -1.15733720988, -1.1561415609, \ -1.15494756045, -1.1537552023, -1.15256448023, -1.1513753881, \ -1.15018791978, -1.14900206916, -1.1478178302, -1.14663519686, \ -1.14545416315, -1.14427472312, -1.14309687083, -1.14192060039, \ -1.14074590595, -1.13957278166, -1.13840122174, -1.13723122041, \ -1.13606277195, -1.13489587064, -1.13373051083, -1.13256668686, \ -1.13140439313, -1.13024362405, -1.12908437408, -1.12792663769, \ -1.1267704094, -1.12561568374, -1.12446245528, -1.12331071862, \ -1.12216046839, -1.12101169923, -1.11986440583, -1.1187185829, \ -1.11757422519, -1.11643132745, -1.11528988448, -1.11414989111, \ -1.11301134218, -1.11187423257, -1.11073855719, -1.10960431095, \ -1.10847148882, -1.10734008578, -1.10621009684, -1.10508151703, \ -1.10395434141, -1.10282856507, -1.10170418311, -1.10058119068, \ -1.09945958293, -1.09833935506, -1.09722050226, -1.09610301977, \ -1.09498690286, -1.09387214681, -1.09275874692, -1.09164669853, \ -1.09053599698, -1.08942663766, -1.08831861598, -1.08721192734, \ -1.08610656721, -1.08500253104, -1.08389981434, -1.08279841262, \ -1.08169832142, -1.0805995363, -1.07950205283, -1.07840586663, \ -1.07731097332, -1.07621736855, -1.07512504799, -1.07403400732, \ -1.07294424226, -1.07185574854, -1.07076852192, -1.06968255816, \ -1.06859785307, -1.06751440246, -1.06643220217, -1.06535124805, \ -1.06427153597, -1.06319306184, -1.06211582157, -1.06103981109, \ -1.05996502636, -1.05889146336, -1.05781911808, -1.05674798653, \ -1.05567806475, -1.05460934878, -1.0535418347, -1.0524755186, \ -1.05141039657, -1.05034646476, -1.04928371929, -1.04822215635, \ -1.04716177209, -1.04610256273, -1.04504452448, -1.04398765357, \ -1.04293194626, -1.04187739881, -1.04082400752, -1.03977176868, \ -1.03872067861, -1.03767073366, -1.03662193018, -1.03557426455, \ -1.03452773314, -1.03348233237, -1.03243805866, -1.03139490845, \ -1.03035287819, -1.02931196435, -1.02827216342, -1.02723347191, \ -1.02619588633, -1.02515940322, -1.02412401912, -1.02308973062, \ -1.02205653428, -1.02102442671, -1.01999340452, -1.01896346433, \ -1.01793460279, -1.01690681657, -1.01588010232, -1.01485445675, \ -1.01382987655, -1.01280635844, -1.01178389916, -1.01076249545, \ -1.00974214407, -1.0087228418, -1.00770458543, -1.00668737176, \ -1.00567119762, -1.00465605983, -1.00364195524, -1.00262888071, \ -1.00161683312, -1.00060580935, -0.999595806306, -0.9985868209, \ -0.997578850062, -0.996571890733, -0.995565939868, -0.994560994436, \ -0.993557051418, -0.992554107808, -0.991552160613, -0.990551206854, \ -0.989551243564, -0.988552267788, -0.987554276585, -0.986557267027, \ -0.985561236196, -0.984566181188, -0.983572099113, -0.982578987091, \ -0.981586842254, -0.980595661749, -0.979605442731, -0.978616182371, \ -0.977627877849, -0.976640526359, -0.975654125105, -0.974668671305, \ -0.973684162186, -0.972700594988, -0.971717966963, -0.970736275374, \ -0.969755517495, -0.968775690612, -0.967796792022, -0.966818819033, \ -0.965841768964, -0.964865639146, -0.963890426921, -0.962916129641, \ -0.961942744669, -0.960970269379, -0.959998701157, -0.959028037398, \ -0.958058275508, -0.957089412906, -0.956121447017, -0.955154375281, \ -0.954188195145, -0.953222904069, -0.952258499521, -0.951294978982, \ -0.95033233994, -0.949370579895, -0.948409696358, -0.947449686847, \ -0.946490548893, -0.945532280036, -0.944574877824, -0.943618339818, \ -0.942662663587, -0.941707846709, -0.940753886774, -0.939800781378, \ -0.93884852813, -0.937897124647, -0.936946568555, -0.935996857491, \ -0.9350479891, -0.934099961035, -0.933152770962, -0.932206416553, \ -0.931260895491, -0.930316205466, -0.929372344179, -0.928429309338, \ -0.927487098664, -0.926545709881, -0.925605140727, -0.924665388946, \ -0.923726452292, -0.922788328527, -0.921851015421, -0.920914510754, \ -0.919978812315, -0.919043917899, -0.918109825313, -0.917176532369, \ -0.916244036888, -0.915312336703, -0.91438142965, -0.913451313577, \ -0.912521986339, -0.911593445799, -0.910665689828, -0.909738716305, \ -0.908812523118, -0.907887108163, -0.906962469342, -0.906038604567, \ -0.905115511758, -0.90419318884, -0.90327163375, -0.902350844428, \ -0.901430818827, -0.900511554903, -0.899593050622, -0.898675303958, \ -0.897758312891, -0.896842075409, -0.895926589508, -0.895011853191, \ -0.894097864469, -0.893184621359, -0.892272121887, -0.891360364086, \ -0.890449345995, -0.889539065661, -0.888629521138, -0.887720710488, \ -0.886812631779, -0.885905283087, -0.884998662493, -0.884092768089, \ -0.883187597969, -0.882283150238, -0.881379423006, -0.88047641439, \ -0.879574122514, -0.878672545509, -0.877771681512, -0.876871528668, \ -0.875972085128, -0.875073349049, -0.874175318595, -0.873277991937, \ -0.872381367254, -0.871485442727, -0.870590216549, -0.869695686916, \ -0.868801852031, -0.867908710104, -0.86701625935, -0.866124497993, \ -0.865233424261, -0.864343036389, -0.863453332618, -0.862564311196, \ -0.861675970376, -0.860788308418, -0.859901323588, -0.859015014157, \ -0.858129378404, -0.857244414613, -0.856360121074, -0.855476496083, \ -0.854593537942, -0.853711244958, -0.852829615446, -0.851948647726, \ -0.851068340122, -0.850188690965, -0.849309698594, -0.84843136135, \ -0.847553677583, -0.846676645646, -0.845800263899, -0.844924530708, \ -0.844049444444, -0.843175003483, -0.842301206208, -0.841428051007, \ -0.840555536273, -0.839683660404, -0.838812421805, -0.837941818885, \ -0.83707185006, -0.83620251375, -0.83533380838, -0.834465732382, \ -0.833598284192, -0.832731462252, -0.831865265009, -0.830999690914, \ -0.830134738426, -0.829270406006, -0.828406692123, -0.827543595248, \ -0.826681113861, -0.825819246443, -0.824957991484, -0.824097347476, \ -0.823237312917, -0.82237788631, -0.821519066163, -0.82066085099, \ -0.819803239307, -0.818946229639, -0.818089820512, -0.817234010459, \ -0.816378798017, -0.815524181729, -0.814670160142, -0.813816731806, \ -0.812963895279, -0.812111649122, -0.8112599919, -0.810408922185, \ -0.80955843855, -0.808708539576, -0.807859223848, -0.807010489955, \ -0.806162336489, -0.805314762049, -0.804467765238, -0.803621344663, \ -0.802775498936, -0.801930226672, -0.801085526493, -0.800241397023, \ -0.799397836891, -0.798554844732, -0.797712419183, -0.796870558888, \ -0.796029262492, -0.795188528648, -0.79434835601, -0.793508743238, \ -0.792669688996, -0.791831191953, -0.790993250781, -0.790155864155, \ -0.789319030758, -0.788482749274, -0.787647018393, -0.786811836806, \ -0.785977203212, -0.785143116312, -0.784309574812, -0.783476577421, \ -0.782644122852, -0.781812209823, -0.780980837056, -0.780150003277, \ -0.779319707213, -0.7784899476, -0.777660723175, -0.776832032678, \ -0.776003874855, -0.775176248455, -0.774349152231, -0.773522584939, \ -0.772696545341, -0.7718710322, -0.771046044284, -0.770221580367, \ -0.769397639223, -0.768574219631, -0.767751320376, -0.766928940243, \ -0.766107078024, -0.765285732513, -0.764464902507, -0.763644586809, \ -0.762824784223, -0.762005493558, -0.761186713627, -0.760368443246, \ -0.759550681234, -0.758733426414, -0.757916677614, -0.757100433662, \ -0.756284693394, -0.755469455646, -0.754654719259, -0.753840483077, \ -0.753026745948, -0.752213506722, -0.751400764255, -0.750588517404, \ -0.74977676503, -0.748965505998, -0.748154739176, -0.747344463435, \ -0.746534677651, -0.7457253807, -0.744916571465, -0.74410824883, \ -0.743300411682, -0.742493058914, -0.741686189419, -0.740879802096, \ -0.740073895844, -0.739268469569, -0.738463522177, -0.737659052579, \ -0.736855059689, -0.736051542423, -0.735248499702, -0.734445930447, \ -0.733643833587, -0.73284220805, -0.732041052768, -0.731240366677, \ -0.730440148716, -0.729640397826, -0.728841112951, -0.728042293041, \ -0.727243937044, -0.726446043916, -0.725648612612, -0.724851642093, \ -0.724055131321, -0.723259079262, -0.722463484884, -0.721668347159, \ -0.720873665062, -0.720079437569, -0.719285663661, -0.718492342322, \ -0.717699472536, -0.716907053294, -0.716115083586, -0.715323562408, \ -0.714532488756, -0.713741861631, -0.712951680037, -0.712161942978, \ -0.711372649463, -0.710583798504, -0.709795389115, -0.709007420313, \ -0.708219891118, -0.707432800551, -0.706646147638, -0.705859931406, \ -0.705074150887, -0.704288805113, -0.70350389312, -0.702719413947, \ -0.701935366634, -0.701151750226, -0.700368563769, -0.699585806312, \ -0.698803476906, -0.698021574607, -0.69724009847, -0.696459047555, \ -0.695678420925, -0.694898217643, -0.694118436777, -0.693339077397, \ -0.692560138575, -0.691781619384, -0.691003518904, -0.690225836212, \ -0.689448570392, -0.688671720529, -0.687895285708, -0.687119265021, \ -0.686343657558, -0.685568462415, -0.684793678689, -0.684019305478, \ -0.683245341885, -0.682471787013, -0.68169863997, -0.680925899864, \ -0.680153565806, -0.679381636911, -0.678610112294, -0.677838991074, \ -0.677068272372, -0.67629795531, -0.675528039013, -0.674758522611, \ -0.673989405232, -0.67322068601, -0.672452364078, -0.671684438573, \ -0.670916908635, -0.670149773405, -0.669383032026, -0.668616683646, \ -0.66785072741, -0.667085162471, -0.666319987981, -0.665555203094, \ -0.664790806967, -0.66402679876, -0.663263177633, -0.662499942752, \ -0.66173709328, -0.660974628386, -0.66021254724, -0.659450849015, \ -0.658689532883, -0.657928598023, -0.657168043612, -0.656407868831, \ -0.655648072862, -0.654888654892, -0.654129614105, -0.653370949693, \ -0.652612660844, -0.651854746754, -0.651097206616, -0.650340039629, \ -0.64958324499, -0.648826821903, -0.648070769569, -0.647315087195, \ -0.646559773988, -0.645804829157, -0.645050251913, -0.64429604147, \ -0.643542197043, -0.642788717849, -0.642035603108, -0.641282852041, \ -0.640530463871, -0.639778437823, -0.639026773124, -0.638275469004, \ -0.637524524692, -0.636773939423, -0.636023712429, -0.63527384295, \ -0.634524330221, -0.633775173485, -0.633026371984, -0.632277924961, \ -0.631529831662, -0.630782091336, -0.630034703232, -0.629287666601, \ -0.628540980698, -0.627794644778, -0.627048658096, -0.626303019913, \ -0.625557729489, -0.624812786087, -0.62406818897, -0.623323937406, \ -0.622580030661, -0.621836468005, -0.621093248711, -0.62035037205, \ -0.619607837299, -0.618865643733, -0.618123790632, -0.617382277275, \ -0.616641102944, -0.615900266923, -0.615159768498, -0.614419606955, \ -0.613679781584, -0.612940291674, -0.612201136518, -0.61146231541, \ -0.610723827646, -0.609985672522, -0.609247849338, -0.608510357395, \ -0.607773195994, -0.607036364439, -0.606299862036, -0.605563688093, \ -0.604827841918, -0.604092322821, -0.603357130115, -0.602622263113, \ -0.601887721131, -0.601153503486, -0.600419609496, -0.599686038481, \ -0.598952789763, -0.598219862666, -0.597487256514, -0.596754970634, \ -0.596023004354, -0.595291357003, -0.594560027913, -0.593829016416, \ -0.593098321847, -0.592367943541, -0.591637880836, -0.590908133071, \ -0.590178699585, -0.589449579722, -0.588720772824, -0.587992278236, \ -0.587264095305, -0.586536223378, -0.585808661806, -0.585081409939, \ -0.584354467129, -0.58362783273, -0.582901506099, -0.58217548659, \ -0.581449773564, -0.580724366379, -0.579999264397, -0.57927446698, \ -0.578549973492, -0.5778257833, -0.577101895769, -0.576378310269, \ -0.575655026169, -0.57493204284, -0.574209359655, -0.573486975988, \ -0.572764891214, -0.57204310471, -0.571321615855, -0.570600424028, \ -0.56987952861, -0.569158928984, -0.568438624533, -0.567718614641, \ -0.566998898697, -0.566279476088, -0.565560346202, -0.56484150843, \ -0.564122962165, -0.563404706799, -0.562686741727, -0.561969066345, \ -0.56125168005, -0.560534582241, -0.559817772317, -0.559101249681, \ -0.558385013733, -0.557669063878, -0.556953399521, -0.556238020069, \ -0.555522924929, -0.55480811351, -0.554093585223, -0.553379339478, \ -0.552665375689, -0.551951693269, -0.551238291635, -0.550525170202, \ -0.549812328389, -0.549099765614, -0.548387481299, -0.547675474863, \ -0.546963745731, -0.546252293327, -0.545541117075, -0.544830216402, \ -0.544119590737, -0.543409239507, -0.542699162143, -0.541989358077, \ -0.541279826741, -0.540570567568, -0.539861579995, -0.539152863456, \ -0.53844441739, -0.537736241235, -0.537028334431, -0.536320696418, \ -0.535613326639, -0.534906224537, -0.534199389557, -0.533492821143, \ -0.532786518743, -0.532080481805, -0.531374709778, -0.530669202111, \ -0.529963958257, -0.529258977668, -0.528554259797, -0.5278498041, \ -0.527145610031, -0.526441677048, -0.52573800461, -0.525034592175, \ -0.524331439204, -0.523628545158, -0.5229259095, -0.522223531693, \ -0.521521411203, -0.520819547494, -0.520117940035, -0.519416588293, \ -0.518715491738, -0.518014649839, -0.517314062067, -0.516613727896, \ -0.515913646798, -0.515213818248, -0.514514241722, -0.513814916696, \ -0.513115842648, -0.512417019057, -0.511718445402, -0.511020121164, \ -0.510322045826, -0.509624218869, -0.508926639778, -0.508229308038, \ -0.507532223135, -0.506835384556, -0.506138791788, -0.505442444322, \ -0.504746341647, -0.504050483254, -0.503354868635, -0.502659497283, \ -0.501964368692, -0.501269482359, -0.500574837777, -0.499880434446, \ -0.499186271862, -0.498492349525, -0.497798666935, -0.497105223592, \ -0.496412018999, -0.49571905266, -0.495026324076, -0.494333832755, \ -0.493641578201, -0.492949559921, -0.492257777423, -0.491566230217, \ -0.49087491781, -0.490183839715, -0.489492995442, -0.488802384505, \ -0.488112006416, -0.487421860691, -0.486731946843, -0.48604226439, \ -0.48535281285, -0.484663591739, -0.483974600576, -0.483285838883, \ -0.48259730618, -0.481909001988, -0.48122092583, -0.480533077229, \ -0.479845455711, -0.479158060801, -0.478470892024, -0.477783948909, \ -0.477097230982, -0.476410737773, -0.475724468813, -0.47503842363, \ -0.474352601759, -0.473667002729, -0.472981626076, -0.472296471333, \ -0.471611538035, -0.470926825718, -0.470242333919, -0.469558062177, \ -0.468874010028, -0.468190177013, -0.467506562672, -0.466823166546, \ -0.466139988176, -0.465457027107, -0.46477428288, -0.464091755042, \ -0.463409443136, -0.46272734671, -0.46204546531, -0.461363798483, \ -0.460682345779, -0.460001106748, -0.459320080938, -0.458639267901, \ -0.45795866719, -0.457278278357, -0.456598100954, -0.455918134538, \ -0.455238378662, -0.454558832883, -0.453879496757, -0.453200369842, \ -0.452521451697, -0.45184274188, -0.45116423995, -0.45048594547, \ -0.449807858, -0.449129977103, -0.448452302341, -0.447774833279, \ -0.44709756948, -0.446420510511, -0.445743655937, -0.445067005325, \ -0.444390558244, -0.44371431426, -0.443038272944, -0.442362433866, \ -0.441686796595, -0.441011360704, -0.440336125765, -0.43966109135, \ -0.438986257034, -0.43831162239, -0.437637186994, -0.436962950421, \ -0.436288912249, -0.435615072055, -0.434941429417, -0.434267983913, \ -0.433594735123, -0.432921682628, -0.432248826008, -0.431576164846, \ -0.430903698722, -0.430231427222, -0.429559349928, -0.428887466426, \ -0.4282157763, -0.427544279136, -0.426872974521, -0.426201862043, \ -0.42553094129, -0.42486021185, -0.424189673313, -0.423519325269, \ -0.422849167309, -0.422179199024, -0.421509420007, -0.420839829851, \ -0.420170428149, -0.419501214496, -0.418832188486, -0.418163349716, \ -0.417494697781, -0.416826232279, -0.416157952806, -0.415489858963, \ -0.414821950346, -0.414154226557, -0.413486687196, -0.412819331863, \ -0.41215216016, -0.41148517169, -0.410818366055, -0.410151742859, \ -0.409485301706, -0.408819042201, -0.40815296395, -0.407487066559, \ -0.406821349634, -0.406155812784, -0.405490455615, -0.404825277738, \ -0.404160278761, -0.403495458294, -0.402830815949, -0.402166351335, \ -0.401502064066, -0.400837953753, -0.40017402001, -0.399510262451, \ -0.398846680689, -0.39818327434, -0.397520043019, -0.396856986343, \ -0.396194103929, -0.395531395393, -0.394868860354, -0.394206498431, \ -0.393544309243, -0.392882292409, -0.392220447549, -0.391558774287, \ -0.390897272241, -0.390235941036, -0.389574780293, -0.388913789636, \ -0.38825296869, -0.387592317078, -0.386931834425, -0.386271520359, \ -0.385611374504, -0.384951396488, -0.384291585938, -0.383631942482, \ -0.382972465749, -0.382313155368, -0.381654010969, -0.380995032182, \ -0.380336218639, -0.379677569969, -0.379019085806, -0.378360765783, \ -0.377702609531, -0.377044616686, -0.37638678688, -0.37572911975, \ -0.37507161493, -0.374414272056, -0.373757090765, -0.373100070693, \ -0.372443211479, -0.37178651276, -0.371129974175, -0.370473595364, \ -0.369817375965, -0.369161315619, -0.368505413967, -0.36784967065, \ -0.367194085311, -0.36653865759, -0.365883387132, -0.36522827358, \ -0.364573316578, -0.36391851577, -0.363263870801, -0.362609381316, \ -0.361955046963, -0.361300867386, -0.360646842235, -0.359992971155, \ -0.359339253795, -0.358685689804, -0.358032278831, -0.357379020525, \ -0.356725914537, -0.356072960516, -0.355420158116, -0.354767506986, \ -0.354115006779, -0.353462657149, -0.352810457747, -0.352158408227, \ -0.351506508245, -0.350854757453, -0.350203155508, -0.349551702065, \ -0.34890039678, -0.348249239309, -0.34759822931, -0.346947366441, \ -0.346296650358, -0.345646080722, -0.344995657189, -0.344345379421, \ -0.343695247078, -0.343045259818, -0.342395417304, -0.341745719196, \ -0.341096165157, -0.340446754849, -0.339797487934, -0.339148364076, \ -0.338499382938, -0.337850544184, -0.33720184748, -0.33655329249, \ -0.335904878879, -0.335256606314, -0.334608474462, -0.333960482988, \ -0.33331263156, -0.332664919846, -0.332017347514, -0.331369914234, \ -0.330722619673, -0.330075463502, -0.329428445391, -0.328781565009, \ -0.328134822029, -0.32748821612, -0.326841746956, -0.326195414208, \ -0.325549217549, -0.324903156652, -0.32425723119, -0.323611440838, \ -0.322965785269, -0.322320264159, -0.321674877183, -0.321029624016, \ -0.320384504335, -0.319739517815, -0.319094664135, -0.318449942971, \ -0.317805354, -0.317160896902, -0.316516571355, -0.315872377037, \ -0.315228313629, -0.314584380809, -0.313940578259, -0.313296905659, \ -0.312653362689, -0.312009949032, -0.311366664369, -0.310723508383, \ -0.310080480756, -0.309437581171, -0.308794809313, -0.308152164863, \ -0.307509647508, -0.306867256932, -0.306224992819, -0.305582854855, \ -0.304940842726, -0.304298956119, -0.303657194719, -0.303015558215, \ -0.302374046293, -0.301732658641, -0.301091394947, -0.3004502549, \ -0.29980923819, -0.299168344504, -0.298527573533, -0.297886924968, \ -0.297246398498, -0.296605993814, -0.295965710609, -0.295325548572, \ -0.294685507396, -0.294045586775, -0.293405786399, -0.292766105963, \ -0.292126545159, -0.291487103683, -0.290847781227, -0.290208577487, \ -0.289569492157, -0.288930524932, -0.288291675509, -0.287652943584, \ -0.287014328852, -0.28637583101, -0.285737449756, -0.285099184787, \ -0.2844610358, -0.283823002495, -0.283185084568, -0.28254728172, \ -0.28190959365, -0.281272020056, -0.280634560639, -0.279997215099, \ -0.279359983137, -0.278722864454, -0.278085858751, -0.277448965729, \ -0.27681218509, -0.276175516537, -0.275538959773, -0.2749025145, \ -0.274266180422, -0.273629957242, -0.272993844665, -0.272357842394, \ -0.271721950134, -0.271086167591, -0.270450494469, -0.269814930474, \ -0.269179475313, -0.268544128691, -0.267908890315, -0.267273759892, \ -0.26663873713, -0.266003821735, -0.265369013416, -0.264734311881, \ -0.264099716838, -0.263465227997, -0.262830845067, -0.262196567757, \ -0.261562395776, -0.260928328836, -0.260294366646, -0.259660508917, \ -0.25902675536, -0.258393105687, -0.25775955961, -0.25712611684, \ -0.256492777089, -0.25585954007, -0.255226405497, -0.254593373082, \ -0.253960442538, -0.253327613581, -0.252694885923, -0.252062259279, \ -0.251429733364, -0.250797307892, -0.25016498258, -0.249532757143, \ -0.248900631296, -0.248268604756, -0.24763667724, -0.247004848463, \ -0.246373118143, -0.245741485998, -0.245109951745, -0.244478515102, \ -0.243847175788, -0.24321593352, -0.242584788017, -0.241953738999, \ -0.241322786185, -0.240691929294, -0.240061168047, -0.239430502163, \ -0.238799931363, -0.238169455368, -0.237539073899, -0.236908786677, \ -0.236278593424, -0.235648493861, -0.235018487711, -0.234388574696, \ -0.233758754538, -0.233129026961, -0.232499391688, -0.231869848442, \ -0.231240396947, -0.230611036927, -0.229981768106, -0.229352590209, \ -0.22872350296, -0.228094506085, -0.227465599309, -0.226836782357, \ -0.226208054955, -0.22557941683, -0.224950867708, -0.224322407315, \ -0.223694035378, -0.223065751624, -0.222437555781, -0.221809447576, \ -0.221181426737, -0.220553492993, -0.219925646071, -0.219297885701, \ -0.21867021161, -0.218042623529, -0.217415121186, -0.216787704312, \ -0.216160372636, -0.215533125887, -0.214905963798, -0.214278886097, \ -0.213651892517, -0.213024982787, -0.212398156639, -0.211771413806, \ -0.211144754018, -0.210518177008, -0.209891682507, -0.209265270249, \ -0.208638939966, -0.208012691392, -0.207386524258, -0.206760438299, \ -0.206134433249, -0.20550850884, -0.204882664808, -0.204256900887, \ -0.203631216811, -0.203005612315, -0.202380087133, -0.201754641003, \ -0.201129273658, -0.200503984834, -0.199878774268, -0.199253641695, \ -0.198628586852, -0.198003609476, -0.197378709302, -0.196753886069, \ -0.196129139514, -0.195504469373, -0.194879875385, -0.194255357287, \ -0.193630914818, -0.193006547715, -0.192382255718, -0.191758038565, \ -0.191133895995, -0.190509827747, -0.189885833561, -0.189261913176, \ -0.188638066331, -0.188014292767, -0.187390592225, -0.186766964443, \ -0.186143409164, -0.185519926127, -0.184896515074, -0.184273175746, \ -0.183649907884, -0.18302671123, -0.182403585526, -0.181780530513, \ -0.181157545935, -0.180534631532, -0.179911787049, -0.179289012227, \ -0.17866630681, -0.178043670541, -0.177421103162, -0.176798604419, \ -0.176176174053, -0.175553811811, -0.174931517434, -0.174309290669, \ -0.173687131258, -0.173065038948, -0.172443013482, -0.171821054607, \ -0.171199162066, -0.170577335606, -0.169955574973, -0.169333879911, \ -0.168712250167, -0.168090685487, -0.167469185618, -0.166847750305, \ -0.166226379296, -0.165605072338, -0.164983829177, -0.164362649561, \ -0.163741533237, -0.163120479952, -0.162499489456, -0.161878561494, \ -0.161257695816, -0.16063689217, -0.160016150304, -0.159395469966, \ -0.158774850907, -0.158154292873, -0.157533795616, -0.156913358883, \ -0.156292982424, -0.15567266599, -0.155052409329, -0.154432212191, \ -0.153812074328, -0.153191995488, -0.152571975423, -0.151952013883, \ -0.151332110619, -0.150712265381, -0.150092477921, -0.14947274799, \ -0.148853075339, -0.148233459721, -0.147613900885, -0.146994398586, \ -0.146374952573, -0.1457555626, -0.14513622842, -0.144516949783, \ -0.143897726444, -0.143278558154, -0.142659444667, -0.142040385735, \ -0.141421381113, -0.140802430553, -0.140183533808, -0.139564690633, \ -0.138945900782, -0.138327164007, -0.137708480064, -0.137089848707, \ -0.136471269689, -0.135852742766, -0.135234267692, -0.134615844222, \ -0.13399747211, -0.133379151113, -0.132760880985, -0.132142661481, \ -0.131524492358, -0.13090637337, -0.130288304273, -0.129670284824, \ -0.129052314778, -0.128434393892, -0.127816521921, -0.127198698623, \ -0.126580923754, -0.12596319707, -0.125345518329, -0.124727887287, \ -0.124110303701, -0.12349276733, -0.122875277929, -0.122257835256, \ -0.12164043907, -0.121023089128, -0.120405785187, -0.119788527006, \ -0.119171314342, -0.118554146955, -0.117937024601, -0.117319947041, \ -0.116702914032, -0.116085925333, -0.115468980703, -0.1148520799, \ -0.114235222685, -0.113618408815, -0.113001638051, -0.112384910152, \ -0.111768224876, -0.111151581985, -0.110534981238, -0.109918422394, \ -0.109301905213, -0.108685429456, -0.108068994883, -0.107452601254, \ -0.10683624833, -0.10621993587, -0.105603663637, -0.104987431389, \ -0.10437123889, -0.103755085898, -0.103138972176, -0.102522897484, \ -0.101906861584, -0.101290864237, -0.100674905205, -0.100058984249, \ -0.0994431011311, -0.0988272556129, -0.0982114474563, -0.0975956764232, \ -0.0969799422759, -0.0963642447764, -0.0957485836871, -0.0951329587704, \ -0.0945173697886, -0.0939018165045, -0.0932862986806, -0.0926708160798, \ -0.0920553684649, -0.0914399555988, -0.0908245772446, -0.0902092331655, \ -0.0895939231246, -0.0889786468852, -0.0883634042109, -0.0877481948651, \ -0.0871330186113, -0.0865178752133, -0.0859027644347, -0.0852876860396, \ -0.0846726397917, -0.0840576254552, -0.0834426427941, -0.0828276915726, \ -0.0822127715549, -0.0815978825056, -0.0809830241889, -0.0803681963694, \ -0.0797533988117, -0.0791386312806, -0.0785238935406, -0.0779091853568, \ -0.077294506494, -0.0766798567172, -0.0760652357914, -0.0754506434819, \ -0.0748360795539, -0.0742215437727, -0.0736070359035, -0.072992555712, \ -0.0723781029636, -0.0717636774239, -0.0711492788586, -0.0705349070334, \ -0.0699205617141, -0.0693062426667, -0.068691949657, -0.0680776824512, \ -0.0674634408152, -0.0668492245152, -0.0662350333175, -0.0656208669883, \ -0.065006725294, -0.0643926080011, -0.0637785148759, -0.0631644456851, \ -0.0625504001953, -0.0619363781731, -0.0613223793853, -0.0607084035987, \ -0.0600944505801, -0.0594805200964, -0.0588666119147, -0.058252725802, \ -0.0576388615253, -0.0570250188518, -0.0564111975488, -0.0557973973834, \ -0.0551836181231, -0.0545698595352, -0.0539561213871, -0.0533424034463, \ -0.0527287054803, -0.0521150272568, -0.0515013685434, -0.0508877291078, \ -0.0502741087177, -0.0496605071409, -0.0490469241453, -0.0484333594987, \ -0.0478198129692, -0.0472062843246, -0.0465927733331, -0.0459792797628, \ -0.0453658033816, -0.0447523439579, -0.0441389012599, -0.0435254750557, \ -0.0429120651138, -0.0422986712024, -0.04168529309, -0.041071930545, \ -0.0404585833359, -0.0398452512311, -0.0392319339993, -0.0386186314091, \ -0.0380053432289, -0.0373920692277, -0.0367788091739, -0.0361655628365, \ -0.0355523299841, -0.0349391103856, -0.0343259038099, -0.0337127100257, \ -0.0330995288021, -0.032486359908, -0.0318732031123, -0.0312600581842, \ -0.0306469248925, -0.0300338030065, -0.0294206922952, -0.0288075925277, \ -0.0281945034733, -0.0275814249011, -0.0269683565803, -0.0263552982801, \ -0.0257422497699, -0.025129210819, -0.0245161811967, -0.0239031606722, \ -0.0232901490151, -0.0226771459946, -0.0220641513803, -0.0214511649415, \ -0.0208381864477, -0.0202252156684, -0.019612252373, -0.0189992963312, \ -0.0183863473125, -0.0177734050864, -0.0171604694224, -0.0165475400903, \ -0.0159346168595, -0.0153216994998, -0.0147087877807, -0.0140958814719, \ -0.0134829803432, -0.0128700841641, -0.0122571927044, -0.0116443057337, \ -0.0110314230219, -0.0104185443386, -0.00980566945358, -0.00919279813659, \ -0.00857993015739, -0.00796706528575, -0.00735420329145, -0.00674134394428, \ -0.00612848701402, -0.00551563227049, -0.00490277948347, -0.00428992842278, \ -0.00367707885824, -0.00306423055966, -0.00245138329686, -0.00183853683967, \ -0.00122569095791, -0.000612845421414, 0.0, 0.000612845421414, \ 0.00122569095791, 0.00183853683967, 0.00245138329686, 0.00306423055966, \ 0.00367707885824, 0.00428992842278, 0.00490277948347, 0.00551563227049, \ 0.00612848701402, 0.00674134394428, 0.00735420329145, 0.00796706528575, \ 0.00857993015739, 0.00919279813659, 0.00980566945358, 0.0104185443386, \ 0.0110314230219, 0.0116443057337, 0.0122571927044, 0.0128700841641, \ 0.0134829803432, 0.0140958814719, 0.0147087877807, 0.0153216994998, \ 0.0159346168595, 0.0165475400903, 0.0171604694224, 0.0177734050864, \ 0.0183863473125, 0.0189992963312, 0.019612252373, 0.0202252156684, \ 0.0208381864477, 0.0214511649415, 0.0220641513803, 0.0226771459946, \ 0.0232901490151, 0.0239031606722, 0.0245161811967, 0.025129210819, \ 0.0257422497699, 0.0263552982801, 0.0269683565803, 0.0275814249011, \ 0.0281945034733, 0.0288075925277, 0.0294206922952, 0.0300338030065, \ 0.0306469248925, 0.0312600581842, 0.0318732031123, 0.032486359908, \ 0.0330995288021, 0.0337127100257, 0.0343259038099, 0.0349391103856, \ 0.0355523299841, 0.0361655628365, 0.0367788091739, 0.0373920692277, \ 0.0380053432289, 0.0386186314091, 0.0392319339993, 0.0398452512311, \ 0.0404585833359, 0.041071930545, 0.04168529309, 0.0422986712024, \ 0.0429120651138, 0.0435254750557, 0.0441389012599, 0.0447523439579, \ 0.0453658033816, 0.0459792797628, 0.0465927733331, 0.0472062843246, \ 0.0478198129692, 0.0484333594987, 0.0490469241453, 0.0496605071409, \ 0.0502741087177, 0.0508877291078, 0.0515013685434, 0.0521150272568, \ 0.0527287054803, 0.0533424034463, 0.0539561213871, 0.0545698595352, \ 0.0551836181231, 0.0557973973834, 0.0564111975488, 0.0570250188518, \ 0.0576388615253, 0.058252725802, 0.0588666119147, 0.0594805200964, \ 0.0600944505801, 0.0607084035987, 0.0613223793853, 0.0619363781731, \ 0.0625504001953, 0.0631644456851, 0.0637785148759, 0.0643926080011, \ 0.065006725294, 0.0656208669883, 0.0662350333175, 0.0668492245152, \ 0.0674634408152, 0.0680776824512, 0.068691949657, 0.0693062426667, \ 0.0699205617141, 0.0705349070334, 0.0711492788586, 0.0717636774239, \ 0.0723781029636, 0.072992555712, 0.0736070359035, 0.0742215437727, \ 0.0748360795539, 0.0754506434819, 0.0760652357914, 0.0766798567172, \ 0.077294506494, 0.0779091853568, 0.0785238935406, 0.0791386312806, \ 0.0797533988117, 0.0803681963694, 0.0809830241889, 0.0815978825056, \ 0.0822127715549, 0.0828276915726, 0.0834426427941, 0.0840576254552, \ 0.0846726397917, 0.0852876860396, 0.0859027644347, 0.0865178752133, \ 0.0871330186113, 0.0877481948651, 0.0883634042109, 0.0889786468852, \ 0.0895939231246, 0.0902092331655, 0.0908245772446, 0.0914399555988, \ 0.0920553684649, 0.0926708160798, 0.0932862986806, 0.0939018165045, \ 0.0945173697886, 0.0951329587704, 0.0957485836871, 0.0963642447764, \ 0.0969799422759, 0.0975956764232, 0.0982114474563, 0.0988272556129, \ 0.0994431011311, 0.100058984249, 0.100674905205, 0.101290864237, \ 0.101906861584, 0.102522897484, 0.103138972176, 0.103755085898, \ 0.10437123889, 0.104987431389, 0.105603663637, 0.10621993587, \ 0.10683624833, 0.107452601254, 0.108068994883, 0.108685429456, \ 0.109301905213, 0.109918422394, 0.110534981238, 0.111151581985, \ 0.111768224876, 0.112384910152, 0.113001638051, 0.113618408815, \ 0.114235222685, 0.1148520799, 0.115468980703, 0.116085925333, \ 0.116702914032, 0.117319947041, 0.117937024601, 0.118554146955, \ 0.119171314342, 0.119788527006, 0.120405785187, 0.121023089128, \ 0.12164043907, 0.122257835256, 0.122875277929, 0.12349276733, \ 0.124110303701, 0.124727887287, 0.125345518329, 0.12596319707, \ 0.126580923754, 0.127198698623, 0.127816521921, 0.128434393892, \ 0.129052314778, 0.129670284824, 0.130288304273, 0.13090637337, \ 0.131524492358, 0.132142661481, 0.132760880985, 0.133379151113, \ 0.13399747211, 0.134615844222, 0.135234267692, 0.135852742766, \ 0.136471269689, 0.137089848707, 0.137708480064, 0.138327164007, \ 0.138945900782, 0.139564690633, 0.140183533808, 0.140802430553, \ 0.141421381113, 0.142040385735, 0.142659444667, 0.143278558154, \ 0.143897726444, 0.144516949783, 0.14513622842, 0.1457555626, \ 0.146374952573, 0.146994398586, 0.147613900885, 0.148233459721, \ 0.148853075339, 0.14947274799, 0.150092477921, 0.150712265381, \ 0.151332110619, 0.151952013883, 0.152571975423, 0.153191995488, \ 0.153812074328, 0.154432212191, 0.155052409329, 0.15567266599, \ 0.156292982424, 0.156913358883, 0.157533795616, 0.158154292873, \ 0.158774850907, 0.159395469966, 0.160016150304, 0.16063689217, \ 0.161257695816, 0.161878561494, 0.162499489456, 0.163120479952, \ 0.163741533237, 0.164362649561, 0.164983829177, 0.165605072338, \ 0.166226379296, 0.166847750305, 0.167469185618, 0.168090685487, \ 0.168712250167, 0.169333879911, 0.169955574973, 0.170577335606, \ 0.171199162066, 0.171821054607, 0.172443013482, 0.173065038948, \ 0.173687131258, 0.174309290669, 0.174931517434, 0.175553811811, \ 0.176176174053, 0.176798604419, 0.177421103162, 0.178043670541, \ 0.17866630681, 0.179289012227, 0.179911787049, 0.180534631532, \ 0.181157545935, 0.181780530513, 0.182403585526, 0.18302671123, \ 0.183649907884, 0.184273175746, 0.184896515074, 0.185519926127, \ 0.186143409164, 0.186766964443, 0.187390592225, 0.188014292767, \ 0.188638066331, 0.189261913176, 0.189885833561, 0.190509827747, \ 0.191133895995, 0.191758038565, 0.192382255718, 0.193006547715, \ 0.193630914818, 0.194255357287, 0.194879875385, 0.195504469373, \ 0.196129139514, 0.196753886069, 0.197378709302, 0.198003609476, \ 0.198628586852, 0.199253641695, 0.199878774268, 0.200503984834, \ 0.201129273658, 0.201754641003, 0.202380087133, 0.203005612315, \ 0.203631216811, 0.204256900887, 0.204882664808, 0.20550850884, \ 0.206134433249, 0.206760438299, 0.207386524258, 0.208012691392, \ 0.208638939966, 0.209265270249, 0.209891682507, 0.210518177008, \ 0.211144754018, 0.211771413806, 0.212398156639, 0.213024982787, \ 0.213651892517, 0.214278886097, 0.214905963798, 0.215533125887, \ 0.216160372636, 0.216787704312, 0.217415121186, 0.218042623529, \ 0.21867021161, 0.219297885701, 0.219925646071, 0.220553492993, \ 0.221181426737, 0.221809447576, 0.222437555781, 0.223065751624, \ 0.223694035378, 0.224322407315, 0.224950867708, 0.22557941683, \ 0.226208054955, 0.226836782357, 0.227465599309, 0.228094506085, \ 0.22872350296, 0.229352590209, 0.229981768106, 0.230611036927, \ 0.231240396947, 0.231869848442, 0.232499391688, 0.233129026961, \ 0.233758754538, 0.234388574696, 0.235018487711, 0.235648493861, \ 0.236278593424, 0.236908786677, 0.237539073899, 0.238169455368, \ 0.238799931363, 0.239430502163, 0.240061168047, 0.240691929294, \ 0.241322786185, 0.241953738999, 0.242584788017, 0.24321593352, \ 0.243847175788, 0.244478515102, 0.245109951745, 0.245741485998, \ 0.246373118143, 0.247004848463, 0.24763667724, 0.248268604756, \ 0.248900631296, 0.249532757143, 0.25016498258, 0.250797307892, \ 0.251429733364, 0.252062259279, 0.252694885923, 0.253327613581, \ 0.253960442538, 0.254593373082, 0.255226405497, 0.25585954007, \ 0.256492777089, 0.25712611684, 0.25775955961, 0.258393105687, \ 0.25902675536, 0.259660508917, 0.260294366646, 0.260928328836, \ 0.261562395776, 0.262196567757, 0.262830845067, 0.263465227997, \ 0.264099716838, 0.264734311881, 0.265369013416, 0.266003821735, \ 0.26663873713, 0.267273759892, 0.267908890315, 0.268544128691, \ 0.269179475313, 0.269814930474, 0.270450494469, 0.271086167591, \ 0.271721950134, 0.272357842394, 0.272993844665, 0.273629957242, \ 0.274266180422, 0.2749025145, 0.275538959773, 0.276175516537, \ 0.27681218509, 0.277448965729, 0.278085858751, 0.278722864454, \ 0.279359983137, 0.279997215099, 0.280634560639, 0.281272020056, \ 0.28190959365, 0.28254728172, 0.283185084568, 0.283823002495, \ 0.2844610358, 0.285099184787, 0.285737449756, 0.28637583101, \ 0.287014328852, 0.287652943584, 0.288291675509, 0.288930524932, \ 0.289569492157, 0.290208577487, 0.290847781227, 0.291487103683, \ 0.292126545159, 0.292766105963, 0.293405786399, 0.294045586775, \ 0.294685507396, 0.295325548572, 0.295965710609, 0.296605993814, \ 0.297246398498, 0.297886924968, 0.298527573533, 0.299168344504, \ 0.29980923819, 0.3004502549, 0.301091394947, 0.301732658641, \ 0.302374046293, 0.303015558215, 0.303657194719, 0.304298956119, \ 0.304940842726, 0.305582854855, 0.306224992819, 0.306867256932, \ 0.307509647508, 0.308152164863, 0.308794809313, 0.309437581171, \ 0.310080480756, 0.310723508383, 0.311366664369, 0.312009949032, \ 0.312653362689, 0.313296905659, 0.313940578259, 0.314584380809, \ 0.315228313629, 0.315872377037, 0.316516571355, 0.317160896902, \ 0.317805354, 0.318449942971, 0.319094664135, 0.319739517815, \ 0.320384504335, 0.321029624016, 0.321674877183, 0.322320264159, \ 0.322965785269, 0.323611440838, 0.32425723119, 0.324903156652, \ 0.325549217549, 0.326195414208, 0.326841746956, 0.32748821612, \ 0.328134822029, 0.328781565009, 0.329428445391, 0.330075463502, \ 0.330722619673, 0.331369914234, 0.332017347514, 0.332664919846, \ 0.33331263156, 0.333960482988, 0.334608474462, 0.335256606314, \ 0.335904878879, 0.33655329249, 0.33720184748, 0.337850544184, \ 0.338499382938, 0.339148364076, 0.339797487934, 0.340446754849, \ 0.341096165157, 0.341745719196, 0.342395417304, 0.343045259818, \ 0.343695247078, 0.344345379421, 0.344995657189, 0.345646080722, \ 0.346296650358, 0.346947366441, 0.34759822931, 0.348249239309, \ 0.34890039678, 0.349551702065, 0.350203155508, 0.350854757453, \ 0.351506508245, 0.352158408227, 0.352810457747, 0.353462657149, \ 0.354115006779, 0.354767506986, 0.355420158116, 0.356072960516, \ 0.356725914537, 0.357379020525, 0.358032278831, 0.358685689804, \ 0.359339253795, 0.359992971155, 0.360646842235, 0.361300867386, \ 0.361955046963, 0.362609381316, 0.363263870801, 0.36391851577, \ 0.364573316578, 0.36522827358, 0.365883387132, 0.36653865759, \ 0.367194085311, 0.36784967065, 0.368505413967, 0.369161315619, \ 0.369817375965, 0.370473595364, 0.371129974175, 0.37178651276, \ 0.372443211479, 0.373100070693, 0.373757090765, 0.374414272056, \ 0.37507161493, 0.37572911975, 0.37638678688, 0.377044616686, \ 0.377702609531, 0.378360765783, 0.379019085806, 0.379677569969, \ 0.380336218639, 0.380995032182, 0.381654010969, 0.382313155368, \ 0.382972465749, 0.383631942482, 0.384291585938, 0.384951396488, \ 0.385611374504, 0.386271520359, 0.386931834425, 0.387592317078, \ 0.38825296869, 0.388913789636, 0.389574780293, 0.390235941036, \ 0.390897272241, 0.391558774287, 0.392220447549, 0.392882292409, \ 0.393544309243, 0.394206498431, 0.394868860354, 0.395531395393, \ 0.396194103929, 0.396856986343, 0.397520043019, 0.39818327434, \ 0.398846680689, 0.399510262451, 0.40017402001, 0.400837953753, \ 0.401502064066, 0.402166351335, 0.402830815949, 0.403495458294, \ 0.404160278761, 0.404825277738, 0.405490455615, 0.406155812784, \ 0.406821349634, 0.407487066559, 0.40815296395, 0.408819042201, \ 0.409485301706, 0.410151742859, 0.410818366055, 0.41148517169, \ 0.41215216016, 0.412819331863, 0.413486687196, 0.414154226557, \ 0.414821950346, 0.415489858963, 0.416157952806, 0.416826232279, \ 0.417494697781, 0.418163349716, 0.418832188486, 0.419501214496, \ 0.420170428149, 0.420839829851, 0.421509420007, 0.422179199024, \ 0.422849167309, 0.423519325269, 0.424189673313, 0.42486021185, \ 0.42553094129, 0.426201862043, 0.426872974521, 0.427544279136, \ 0.4282157763, 0.428887466426, 0.429559349928, 0.430231427222, \ 0.430903698722, 0.431576164846, 0.432248826008, 0.432921682628, \ 0.433594735123, 0.434267983913, 0.434941429417, 0.435615072055, \ 0.436288912249, 0.436962950421, 0.437637186994, 0.43831162239, \ 0.438986257034, 0.43966109135, 0.440336125765, 0.441011360704, \ 0.441686796595, 0.442362433866, 0.443038272944, 0.44371431426, \ 0.444390558244, 0.445067005325, 0.445743655937, 0.446420510511, \ 0.44709756948, 0.447774833279, 0.448452302341, 0.449129977103, \ 0.449807858, 0.45048594547, 0.45116423995, 0.45184274188, \ 0.452521451697, 0.453200369842, 0.453879496757, 0.454558832883, \ 0.455238378662, 0.455918134538, 0.456598100954, 0.457278278357, \ 0.45795866719, 0.458639267901, 0.459320080938, 0.460001106748, \ 0.460682345779, 0.461363798483, 0.46204546531, 0.46272734671, \ 0.463409443136, 0.464091755042, 0.46477428288, 0.465457027107, \ 0.466139988176, 0.466823166546, 0.467506562672, 0.468190177013, \ 0.468874010028, 0.469558062177, 0.470242333919, 0.470926825718, \ 0.471611538035, 0.472296471333, 0.472981626076, 0.473667002729, \ 0.474352601759, 0.47503842363, 0.475724468813, 0.476410737773, \ 0.477097230982, 0.477783948909, 0.478470892024, 0.479158060801, \ 0.479845455711, 0.480533077229, 0.48122092583, 0.481909001988, \ 0.48259730618, 0.483285838883, 0.483974600576, 0.484663591739, \ 0.48535281285, 0.48604226439, 0.486731946843, 0.487421860691, \ 0.488112006416, 0.488802384505, 0.489492995442, 0.490183839715, \ 0.49087491781, 0.491566230217, 0.492257777423, 0.492949559921, \ 0.493641578201, 0.494333832755, 0.495026324076, 0.49571905266, \ 0.496412018999, 0.497105223592, 0.497798666935, 0.498492349525, \ 0.499186271862, 0.499880434446, 0.500574837777, 0.501269482359, \ 0.501964368692, 0.502659497283, 0.503354868635, 0.504050483254, \ 0.504746341647, 0.505442444322, 0.506138791788, 0.506835384556, \ 0.507532223135, 0.508229308038, 0.508926639778, 0.509624218869, \ 0.510322045826, 0.511020121164, 0.511718445402, 0.512417019057, \ 0.513115842648, 0.513814916696, 0.514514241722, 0.515213818248, \ 0.515913646798, 0.516613727896, 0.517314062067, 0.518014649839, \ 0.518715491738, 0.519416588293, 0.520117940035, 0.520819547494, \ 0.521521411203, 0.522223531693, 0.5229259095, 0.523628545158, \ 0.524331439204, 0.525034592175, 0.52573800461, 0.526441677048, \ 0.527145610031, 0.5278498041, 0.528554259797, 0.529258977668, \ 0.529963958257, 0.530669202111, 0.531374709778, 0.532080481805, \ 0.532786518743, 0.533492821143, 0.534199389557, 0.534906224537, \ 0.535613326639, 0.536320696418, 0.537028334431, 0.537736241235, \ 0.53844441739, 0.539152863456, 0.539861579995, 0.540570567568, \ 0.541279826741, 0.541989358077, 0.542699162143, 0.543409239507, \ 0.544119590737, 0.544830216402, 0.545541117075, 0.546252293327, \ 0.546963745731, 0.547675474863, 0.548387481299, 0.549099765614, \ 0.549812328389, 0.550525170202, 0.551238291635, 0.551951693269, \ 0.552665375689, 0.553379339478, 0.554093585223, 0.55480811351, \ 0.555522924929, 0.556238020069, 0.556953399521, 0.557669063878, \ 0.558385013733, 0.559101249681, 0.559817772317, 0.560534582241, \ 0.56125168005, 0.561969066345, 0.562686741727, 0.563404706799, \ 0.564122962165, 0.56484150843, 0.565560346202, 0.566279476088, \ 0.566998898697, 0.567718614641, 0.568438624533, 0.569158928984, \ 0.56987952861, 0.570600424028, 0.571321615855, 0.57204310471, \ 0.572764891214, 0.573486975988, 0.574209359655, 0.57493204284, \ 0.575655026169, 0.576378310269, 0.577101895769, 0.5778257833, \ 0.578549973492, 0.57927446698, 0.579999264397, 0.580724366379, \ 0.581449773564, 0.58217548659, 0.582901506099, 0.58362783273, \ 0.584354467129, 0.585081409939, 0.585808661806, 0.586536223378, \ 0.587264095305, 0.587992278236, 0.588720772824, 0.589449579722, \ 0.590178699585, 0.590908133071, 0.591637880836, 0.592367943541, \ 0.593098321847, 0.593829016416, 0.594560027913, 0.595291357003, \ 0.596023004354, 0.596754970634, 0.597487256514, 0.598219862666, \ 0.598952789763, 0.599686038481, 0.600419609496, 0.601153503486, \ 0.601887721131, 0.602622263113, 0.603357130115, 0.604092322821, \ 0.604827841918, 0.605563688093, 0.606299862036, 0.607036364439, \ 0.607773195994, 0.608510357395, 0.609247849338, 0.609985672522, \ 0.610723827646, 0.61146231541, 0.612201136518, 0.612940291674, \ 0.613679781584, 0.614419606955, 0.615159768498, 0.615900266923, \ 0.616641102944, 0.617382277275, 0.618123790632, 0.618865643733, \ 0.619607837299, 0.62035037205, 0.621093248711, 0.621836468005, \ 0.622580030661, 0.623323937406, 0.62406818897, 0.624812786087, \ 0.625557729489, 0.626303019913, 0.627048658096, 0.627794644778, \ 0.628540980698, 0.629287666601, 0.630034703232, 0.630782091336, \ 0.631529831662, 0.632277924961, 0.633026371984, 0.633775173485, \ 0.634524330221, 0.63527384295, 0.636023712429, 0.636773939423, \ 0.637524524692, 0.638275469004, 0.639026773124, 0.639778437823, \ 0.640530463871, 0.641282852041, 0.642035603108, 0.642788717849, \ 0.643542197043, 0.64429604147, 0.645050251913, 0.645804829157, \ 0.646559773988, 0.647315087195, 0.648070769569, 0.648826821903, \ 0.64958324499, 0.650340039629, 0.651097206616, 0.651854746754, \ 0.652612660844, 0.653370949693, 0.654129614105, 0.654888654892, \ 0.655648072862, 0.656407868831, 0.657168043612, 0.657928598023, \ 0.658689532883, 0.659450849015, 0.66021254724, 0.660974628386, \ 0.66173709328, 0.662499942752, 0.663263177633, 0.66402679876, \ 0.664790806967, 0.665555203094, 0.666319987981, 0.667085162471, \ 0.66785072741, 0.668616683646, 0.669383032026, 0.670149773405, \ 0.670916908635, 0.671684438573, 0.672452364078, 0.67322068601, \ 0.673989405232, 0.674758522611, 0.675528039013, 0.67629795531, \ 0.677068272372, 0.677838991074, 0.678610112294, 0.679381636911, \ 0.680153565806, 0.680925899864, 0.68169863997, 0.682471787013, \ 0.683245341885, 0.684019305478, 0.684793678689, 0.685568462415, \ 0.686343657558, 0.687119265021, 0.687895285708, 0.688671720529, \ 0.689448570392, 0.690225836212, 0.691003518904, 0.691781619384, \ 0.692560138575, 0.693339077397, 0.694118436777, 0.694898217643, \ 0.695678420925, 0.696459047555, 0.69724009847, 0.698021574607, \ 0.698803476906, 0.699585806312, 0.700368563769, 0.701151750226, \ 0.701935366634, 0.702719413947, 0.70350389312, 0.704288805113, \ 0.705074150887, 0.705859931406, 0.706646147638, 0.707432800551, \ 0.708219891118, 0.709007420313, 0.709795389115, 0.710583798504, \ 0.711372649463, 0.712161942978, 0.712951680037, 0.713741861631, \ 0.714532488756, 0.715323562408, 0.716115083586, 0.716907053294, \ 0.717699472536, 0.718492342322, 0.719285663661, 0.720079437569, \ 0.720873665062, 0.721668347159, 0.722463484884, 0.723259079262, \ 0.724055131321, 0.724851642093, 0.725648612612, 0.726446043916, \ 0.727243937044, 0.728042293041, 0.728841112951, 0.729640397826, \ 0.730440148716, 0.731240366677, 0.732041052768, 0.73284220805, \ 0.733643833587, 0.734445930447, 0.735248499702, 0.736051542423, \ 0.736855059689, 0.737659052579, 0.738463522177, 0.739268469569, \ 0.740073895844, 0.740879802096, 0.741686189419, 0.742493058914, \ 0.743300411682, 0.74410824883, 0.744916571465, 0.7457253807, \ 0.746534677651, 0.747344463435, 0.748154739176, 0.748965505998, \ 0.74977676503, 0.750588517404, 0.751400764255, 0.752213506722, \ 0.753026745948, 0.753840483077, 0.754654719259, 0.755469455646, \ 0.756284693394, 0.757100433662, 0.757916677614, 0.758733426414, \ 0.759550681234, 0.760368443246, 0.761186713627, 0.762005493558, \ 0.762824784223, 0.763644586809, 0.764464902507, 0.765285732513, \ 0.766107078024, 0.766928940243, 0.767751320376, 0.768574219631, \ 0.769397639223, 0.770221580367, 0.771046044284, 0.7718710322, \ 0.772696545341, 0.773522584939, 0.774349152231, 0.775176248455, \ 0.776003874855, 0.776832032678, 0.777660723175, 0.7784899476, \ 0.779319707213, 0.780150003277, 0.780980837056, 0.781812209823, \ 0.782644122852, 0.783476577421, 0.784309574812, 0.785143116312, \ 0.785977203212, 0.786811836806, 0.787647018393, 0.788482749274, \ 0.789319030758, 0.790155864155, 0.790993250781, 0.791831191953, \ 0.792669688996, 0.793508743238, 0.79434835601, 0.795188528648, \ 0.796029262492, 0.796870558888, 0.797712419183, 0.798554844732, \ 0.799397836891, 0.800241397023, 0.801085526493, 0.801930226672, \ 0.802775498936, 0.803621344663, 0.804467765238, 0.805314762049, \ 0.806162336489, 0.807010489955, 0.807859223848, 0.808708539576, \ 0.80955843855, 0.810408922185, 0.8112599919, 0.812111649122, \ 0.812963895279, 0.813816731806, 0.814670160142, 0.815524181729, \ 0.816378798017, 0.817234010459, 0.818089820512, 0.818946229639, \ 0.819803239307, 0.82066085099, 0.821519066163, 0.82237788631, \ 0.823237312917, 0.824097347476, 0.824957991484, 0.825819246443, \ 0.826681113861, 0.827543595248, 0.828406692123, 0.829270406006, \ 0.830134738426, 0.830999690914, 0.831865265009, 0.832731462252, \ 0.833598284192, 0.834465732382, 0.83533380838, 0.83620251375, \ 0.83707185006, 0.837941818885, 0.838812421805, 0.839683660404, \ 0.840555536273, 0.841428051007, 0.842301206208, 0.843175003483, \ 0.844049444444, 0.844924530708, 0.845800263899, 0.846676645646, \ 0.847553677583, 0.84843136135, 0.849309698594, 0.850188690965, \ 0.851068340122, 0.851948647726, 0.852829615446, 0.853711244958, \ 0.854593537942, 0.855476496083, 0.856360121074, 0.857244414613, \ 0.858129378404, 0.859015014157, 0.859901323588, 0.860788308418, \ 0.861675970376, 0.862564311196, 0.863453332618, 0.864343036389, \ 0.865233424261, 0.866124497993, 0.86701625935, 0.867908710104, \ 0.868801852031, 0.869695686916, 0.870590216549, 0.871485442727, \ 0.872381367254, 0.873277991937, 0.874175318595, 0.875073349049, \ 0.875972085128, 0.876871528668, 0.877771681512, 0.878672545509, \ 0.879574122514, 0.88047641439, 0.881379423006, 0.882283150238, \ 0.883187597969, 0.884092768089, 0.884998662493, 0.885905283087, \ 0.886812631779, 0.887720710488, 0.888629521138, 0.889539065661, \ 0.890449345995, 0.891360364086, 0.892272121887, 0.893184621359, \ 0.894097864469, 0.895011853191, 0.895926589508, 0.896842075409, \ 0.897758312891, 0.898675303958, 0.899593050622, 0.900511554903, \ 0.901430818827, 0.902350844428, 0.90327163375, 0.90419318884, \ 0.905115511758, 0.906038604567, 0.906962469342, 0.907887108163, \ 0.908812523118, 0.909738716305, 0.910665689828, 0.911593445799, \ 0.912521986339, 0.913451313577, 0.91438142965, 0.915312336703, \ 0.916244036888, 0.917176532369, 0.918109825313, 0.919043917899, \ 0.919978812315, 0.920914510754, 0.921851015421, 0.922788328527, \ 0.923726452292, 0.924665388946, 0.925605140727, 0.926545709881, \ 0.927487098664, 0.928429309338, 0.929372344179, 0.930316205466, \ 0.931260895491, 0.932206416553, 0.933152770962, 0.934099961035, \ 0.9350479891, 0.935996857491, 0.936946568555, 0.937897124647, \ 0.93884852813, 0.939800781378, 0.940753886774, 0.941707846709, \ 0.942662663587, 0.943618339818, 0.944574877824, 0.945532280036, \ 0.946490548893, 0.947449686847, 0.948409696358, 0.949370579895, \ 0.95033233994, 0.951294978982, 0.952258499521, 0.953222904069, \ 0.954188195145, 0.955154375281, 0.956121447017, 0.957089412906, \ 0.958058275508, 0.959028037398, 0.959998701157, 0.960970269379, \ 0.961942744669, 0.962916129641, 0.963890426921, 0.964865639146, \ 0.965841768964, 0.966818819033, 0.967796792022, 0.968775690612, \ 0.969755517495, 0.970736275374, 0.971717966963, 0.972700594988, \ 0.973684162186, 0.974668671305, 0.975654125105, 0.976640526359, \ 0.977627877849, 0.978616182371, 0.979605442731, 0.980595661749, \ 0.981586842254, 0.982578987091, 0.983572099113, 0.984566181188, \ 0.985561236196, 0.986557267027, 0.987554276585, 0.988552267788, \ 0.989551243564, 0.990551206854, 0.991552160613, 0.992554107808, \ 0.993557051418, 0.994560994436, 0.995565939868, 0.996571890733, \ 0.997578850062, 0.9985868209, 0.999595806306, 1.00060580935, \ 1.00161683312, 1.00262888071, 1.00364195524, 1.00465605983, \ 1.00567119762, 1.00668737176, 1.00770458543, 1.0087228418, \ 1.00974214407, 1.01076249545, 1.01178389916, 1.01280635844, \ 1.01382987655, 1.01485445675, 1.01588010232, 1.01690681657, \ 1.01793460279, 1.01896346433, 1.01999340452, 1.02102442671, \ 1.02205653428, 1.02308973062, 1.02412401912, 1.02515940322, \ 1.02619588633, 1.02723347191, 1.02827216342, 1.02931196435, \ 1.03035287819, 1.03139490845, 1.03243805866, 1.03348233237, \ 1.03452773314, 1.03557426455, 1.03662193018, 1.03767073366, \ 1.03872067861, 1.03977176868, 1.04082400752, 1.04187739881, \ 1.04293194626, 1.04398765357, 1.04504452448, 1.04610256273, \ 1.04716177209, 1.04822215635, 1.04928371929, 1.05034646476, \ 1.05141039657, 1.0524755186, 1.0535418347, 1.05460934878, \ 1.05567806475, 1.05674798653, 1.05781911808, 1.05889146336, \ 1.05996502636, 1.06103981109, 1.06211582157, 1.06319306184, \ 1.06427153597, 1.06535124805, 1.06643220217, 1.06751440246, \ 1.06859785307, 1.06968255816, 1.07076852192, 1.07185574854, \ 1.07294424226, 1.07403400732, 1.07512504799, 1.07621736855, \ 1.07731097332, 1.07840586663, 1.07950205283, 1.0805995363, \ 1.08169832142, 1.08279841262, 1.08389981434, 1.08500253104, \ 1.08610656721, 1.08721192734, 1.08831861598, 1.08942663766, \ 1.09053599698, 1.09164669853, 1.09275874692, 1.09387214681, \ 1.09498690286, 1.09610301977, 1.09722050226, 1.09833935506, \ 1.09945958293, 1.10058119068, 1.10170418311, 1.10282856507, \ 1.10395434141, 1.10508151703, 1.10621009684, 1.10734008578, \ 1.10847148882, 1.10960431095, 1.11073855719, 1.11187423257, \ 1.11301134218, 1.11414989111, 1.11528988448, 1.11643132745, \ 1.11757422519, 1.1187185829, 1.11986440583, 1.12101169923, \ 1.12216046839, 1.12331071862, 1.12446245528, 1.12561568374, \ 1.1267704094, 1.12792663769, 1.12908437408, 1.13024362405, \ 1.13140439313, 1.13256668686, 1.13373051083, 1.13489587064, \ 1.13606277195, 1.13723122041, 1.13840122174, 1.13957278166, \ 1.14074590595, 1.14192060039, 1.14309687083, 1.14427472312, \ 1.14545416315, 1.14663519686, 1.1478178302, 1.14900206916, \ 1.15018791978, 1.1513753881, 1.15256448023, 1.1537552023, \ 1.15494756045, 1.1561415609, 1.15733720988, 1.15853451364, \ 1.1597334785, 1.16093411079, 1.16213641689, 1.16334040321, \ 1.1645460762, 1.16575344233, 1.16696250814, 1.16817328018, \ 1.16938576505, 1.17059996938, 1.17181589985, 1.17303356317, \ 1.17425296609, 1.1754741154, 1.17669701793, 1.17792168055, \ 1.17914811017, 1.18037631374, 1.18160629825, 1.18283807074, \ 1.18407163828, 1.18530700798, 1.18654418701, 1.18778318256, \ 1.18902400188, 1.19026665225, 1.19151114101, 1.19275747553, \ 1.19400566322, 1.19525571156, 1.19650762804, 1.19776142023, \ 1.19901709572, 1.20027466216, 1.20153412724, 1.2027954987, \ 1.20405878432, 1.20532399194, 1.20659112944, 1.20786020475, \ 1.20913122586, 1.21040420078, 1.21167913759, 1.21295604444, \ 1.21423492948, 1.21551580096, 1.21679866716, 1.2180835364, \ 1.21937041707, 1.22065931762, 1.22195024653, 1.22324321234, \ 1.22453822366, 1.22583528914, 1.22713441748, 1.22843561746, \ 1.22973889789, 1.23104426764, 1.23235173565, 1.23366131092, \ 1.23497300248, 1.23628681945, 1.23760277098, 1.23892086632, \ 1.24024111474, 1.24156352558, 1.24288810826, 1.24421487225, \ 1.24554382707, 1.24687498231, 1.24820834764, 1.24954393277, \ 1.25088174749, 1.25222180165, 1.25356410517, 1.25490866802, \ 1.25625550025, 1.25760461198, 1.25895601339, 1.26030971474, \ 1.26166572634, 1.26302405859, 1.26438472195, 1.26574772695, \ 1.26711308419, 1.26848080436, 1.2698508982, 1.27122337654, \ 1.27259825027, 1.27397553036, 1.27535522788, 1.27673735394, \ 1.27812191975, 1.27950893658, 1.2808984158, 1.28229036885, \ 1.28368480725, 1.2850817426, 1.28648118658, 1.28788315096, \ 1.28928764758, 1.29069468838, 1.29210428538, 1.29351645068, \ 1.29493119647, 1.29634853503, 1.29776847873, 1.29919104001, \ 1.30061623144, 1.30204406564, 1.30347455533, 1.30490771336, \ 1.30634355261, 1.30778208612, 1.30922332698, 1.31066728839, \ 1.31211398366, 1.31356342618, 1.31501562944, 1.31647060705, \ 1.3179283727, 1.31938894019, 1.32085232344, 1.32231853644, \ 1.32378759331, 1.32525950829, 1.32673429568, 1.32821196994, \ 1.3296925456, 1.33117603734, 1.33266245992, 1.33415182822, \ 1.33564415726, 1.33713946213, 1.33863775808, 1.34013906045, \ 1.34164338473, 1.34315074649, 1.34466116145, 1.34617464545, \ 1.34769121444, 1.34921088453, 1.35073367192, 1.35225959295, \ 1.3537886641, 1.35532090198, 1.35685632332, 1.35839494499, \ 1.35993678401, 1.36148185752, 1.3630301828, 1.36458177727, \ 1.36613665852, 1.36769484423, 1.36925635228, 1.37082120066, \ 1.37238940752, 1.37396099116, 1.37553597004, 1.37711436276, \ 1.37869618807, 1.3802814649, 1.38187021232, 1.38346244956, \ 1.38505819603, 1.38665747129, 1.38826029505, 1.38986668723, \ 1.39147666789, 1.39309025725, 1.39470747574, 1.39632834393, \ 1.3979528826, 1.39958111269, 1.40121305532, 1.40284873181, \ 1.40448816364, 1.40613137251, 1.40777838029, 1.40942920906, \ 1.41108388106, 1.41274241877, 1.41440484485, 1.41607118216, \ 1.41774145377, 1.41941568296, 1.42109389321, 1.42277610822, \ 1.42446235191, 1.4261526484, 1.42784702206, 1.42954549744, \ 1.43124809936, 1.43295485285, 1.43466578316, 1.43638091579, \ 1.43810027647, 1.43982389118, 1.44155178613, 1.44328398779, \ 1.44502052286, 1.44676141832, 1.44850670139, 1.45025639954, \ 1.45201054053, 1.45376915236, 1.4555322633, 1.45729990192, \ 1.45907209704, 1.46084887778, 1.46263027351, 1.46441631394, \ 1.46620702902, 1.46800244903, 1.46980260454, 1.47160752641, \ 1.47341724582, 1.47523179427, 1.47705120356, 1.47887550581, \ 1.48070473348, 1.48253891934, 1.48437809651, 1.48622229844, \ 1.48807155892, 1.48992591209, 1.49178539245, 1.49365003484, \ 1.49551987447, 1.49739494693, 1.49927528818, 1.50116093452, \ 1.50305192269, 1.50494828979, 1.5068500733, 1.50875731112, \ 1.51067004156, 1.51258830332, 1.51451213554, 1.51644157777, \ 1.51837667, 1.52031745264, 1.52226396655, 1.52421625305, \ 1.52617435391, 1.52813831134, 1.53010816806, 1.53208396723, \ 1.53406575252, 1.53605356807, 1.53804745854, 1.54004746908, \ 1.54205364536, 1.54406603357, 1.54608468043, 1.5481096332, \ 1.55014093969, 1.55217864825, 1.55422280782, 1.55627346789, \ 1.55833067854, 1.56039449044, 1.56246495486, 1.56454212368, \ 1.56662604942, 1.56871678519, 1.57081438477, 1.57291890258, \ 1.57503039371, 1.57714891392, 1.57927451964, 1.581407268, \ 1.58354721686, 1.58569442477, 1.58784895103, 1.59001085565, \ 1.59218019943, 1.59435704393, 1.59654145149, 1.59873348523, \ 1.60093320909, 1.60314068784, 1.60535598708, 1.60757917325, \ 1.60981031368, 1.61204947656, 1.61429673098, 1.61655214696, \ 1.61881579544, 1.62108774828, 1.62336807836, 1.62565685948, \ 1.62795416649, 1.63026007522, 1.63257466256, 1.63489800643, \ 1.63723018585, 1.63957128092, 1.64192137286, 1.64428054402, \ 1.64664887792, 1.64902645924, 1.65141337389, 1.65380970898, \ 1.65621555288, 1.65863099522, 1.66105612696, 1.66349104035, \ 1.665935829, 1.6683905879, 1.67085541345, 1.67333040348, \ 1.67581565725, 1.67831127556, 1.68081736069, 1.68333401649, \ 1.6858613484, 1.68839946345, 1.69094847035, 1.69350847947, \ 1.69607960292, 1.69866195455, 1.70125565, 1.70386080677, \ 1.70647754419, 1.70910598353, 1.71174624799, 1.7143984628, \ 1.71706275519, 1.71973925449, 1.72242809217, 1.72512940185, \ 1.72784331941, 1.73056998298, 1.73330953303, 1.7360621124, \ 1.73882786639, 1.74160694276, 1.74439949184, 1.74720566658, \ 1.75002562257, 1.75285951816, 1.75570751448, 1.75856977555, \ 1.7614464683, 1.7643377627, 1.76724383175, 1.77016485166, \ 1.77310100183, 1.77605246501, 1.77901942732, 1.78200207837, \ 1.78500061134, 1.78801522309, 1.79104611422, 1.79409348917, \ 1.79715755637, 1.80023852827, 1.8033366215, 1.80645205698, \ 1.80958506, 1.81273586036, 1.81590469249, 1.81909179558, \ 1.82229741372, 1.825521796, 1.82876519668, 1.83202787533, \ 1.83531009698, 1.83861213227, 1.84193425762, 1.84527675539, \ 1.84863991405, 1.85202402837, 1.8554293996, 1.85885633567, \ 1.86230515137, 1.86577616858, 1.86926971649, 1.87278613181, \ 1.87632575899, 1.8798889505, 1.88347606705, 1.88708747787, \ 1.89072356098, 1.89438470345, 1.89807130174, 1.90178376197, \ 1.90552250025, 1.90928794302, 1.91308052741, 1.91690070156, \ 1.92074892503, 1.92462566922, 1.92853141772, 1.93246666677, \ 1.93643192574, 1.94042771755, 1.94445457918, 1.9485130622, \ 1.95260373328, 1.95672717477, 1.96088398528, 1.96507478031, \ 1.96930019287, 1.97356087419, 1.97785749442, 1.98219074335, \ 1.98656133124, 1.99096998962, 1.99541747213, 1.99990455547, \ 2.00443204036, 2.00900075251, 2.01361154371, 2.01826529295, \ 2.02296290758, 2.02770532458, 2.03249351185, 2.03732846962, \ 2.04221123192, 2.0471428681, 2.05212448451, 2.05715722623, \ 2.06224227888, 2.06738087065, 2.07257427429, 2.07782380938, \ 2.08313084465, 2.08849680045, 2.09392315145, 2.09941142942, \ 2.10496322628, 2.11058019727, 2.11626406445, 2.12201662031, \ 2.12783973172, 2.13373534416, 2.13970548619, 2.14575227431, \ 2.15187791816, 2.1580847261, 2.16437511125, 2.17075159793, \ 2.17721682871, 2.18377357191, 2.19042472984, 2.1971733476, \ 2.20402262267, 2.21097591537, 2.21803676019, 2.22520887808, \ 2.23249618993, 2.23990283128, 2.24743316835, 2.25509181569, \ 2.26288365549, 2.27081385882, 2.27888790909, 2.28711162784, \ 2.29549120334, 2.30403322228, 2.31274470495, 2.32163314439, \ 2.33070655011, 2.33997349698, 2.34944318006, 2.35912547628, \ 2.36903101398, 2.37917125159, 2.3895585669, 2.40020635872, \ 2.411129163, 2.422342786, 2.43386445755, 2.44571300825, \ 2.45790907518, 2.47047534177, 2.48343681896, 2.49682117646, \ 2.51065913523, 2.52498493519, 2.53983689632, 2.55525809634, \ 2.57129719532, 2.58800944712, 2.60545795099, 2.62371521493, \ 2.64286512889, 2.66300548366, 2.68425122698, 2.7067387311, \ 2.73063147325, 2.75612772826, 2.78347119119, 2.81296597401, \ 2.84499832124, 2.8800689917, 2.91884323355, 2.9622311235, \ 3.0115232357, 3.06863405379, 3.13657337257, 3.22045475765, \ 3.32996541598, 3.48672170399 ]) yu = array([ 0.0540012735356, 0.0544874991381, 0.054972661389, 0.0554567692269, \ 0.0559398314244, 0.0564218565922, 0.0569028531841, 0.0573828295011, \ 0.0578617936955, 0.0583397537752, 0.058816717607, 0.059292692921, \ 0.0597676873138, 0.060241708252, 0.0607147630756, 0.0611868590013, \ 0.0616580031256, 0.0621282024276, 0.0625974637723, 0.0630657939132, \ 0.0635331994951, 0.0639996870564, 0.0644652630325, 0.0649299337573, \ 0.0653937054663, 0.0658565842984, 0.0663185762986, 0.0667796874201, \ 0.0672399235259, 0.0676992903918, 0.0681577937072, 0.0686154390782, \ 0.0690722320286, 0.0695281780022, 0.0699832823643, 0.0704375504035, \ 0.0708909873334, 0.0713435982942, 0.0717953883543, 0.0722463625114, \ 0.0726965256949, 0.0731458827663, 0.0735944385211, 0.0740421976905, \ 0.074489164942, 0.0749353448811, 0.0753807420524, 0.0758253609412, \ 0.076269205974, 0.0767122815202, 0.0771545918932, 0.077596141351, \ 0.0780369340979, 0.0784769742851, 0.078916266012, 0.0793548133268, \ 0.0797926202279, 0.0802296906646, 0.080666028538, 0.081101637702, \ 0.081536521964, 0.0819706850859, 0.082404130785, 0.0828368627345, \ 0.0832688845646, 0.0837001998631, 0.0841308121761, 0.084560725009, \ 0.0849899418268, 0.0854184660553, 0.0858463010813, 0.0862734502535, \ 0.0866999168832, 0.0871257042449, 0.0875508155769, 0.0879752540816, \ 0.0883990229268, 0.0888221252457, 0.0892445641375, 0.0896663426683, \ 0.0900874638713, 0.0905079307475, 0.0909277462662, 0.0913469133655, \ 0.0917654349529, 0.0921833139053, 0.0926005530704, 0.0930171552661, \ 0.0934331232819, 0.0938484598786, 0.0942631677893, 0.0946772497194, \ 0.0950907083474, 0.095503546325, 0.0959157662776, 0.0963273708049, \ 0.0967383624809, 0.0971487438546, 0.0975585174503, 0.0979676857678, \ 0.098376251283, 0.098784216448, 0.0991915836918, 0.0995983554201, \ 0.100004534016, 0.100410121841, 0.100815121233, 0.10121953451, \ 0.101623363968, 0.102026611881, 0.102429280502, 0.102831372066, \ 0.103232888785, 0.103633832853, 0.104034206444, 0.10443401171, \ 0.104833250787, 0.105231925791, 0.10563003882, 0.106027591953, \ 0.106424587249, 0.106821026753, 0.10721691249, 0.107612246467, \ 0.108007030675, 0.108401267088, 0.108794957663, 0.10918810434, \ 0.109580709043, 0.109972773679, 0.110364300142, 0.110755290307, \ 0.111145746034, 0.111535669171, 0.111925061545, 0.112313924974, \ 0.112702261257, 0.113090072181, 0.113477359516, 0.113864125022, \ 0.11425037044, 0.1146360975, 0.115021307918, 0.115406003396, \ 0.115790185624, 0.116173856276, 0.116557017014, 0.11693966949, \ 0.117321815339, 0.117703456185, 0.118084593641, 0.118465229306, \ 0.118845364768, 0.1192250016, 0.119604141367, 0.119982785621, \ 0.120360935901, 0.120738593735, 0.121115760642, 0.121492438126, \ 0.121868627682, 0.122244330795, 0.122619548937, 0.12299428357, \ 0.123368536146, 0.123742308106, 0.124115600881, 0.12448841589, \ 0.124860754545, 0.125232618245, 0.12560400838, 0.125974926331, \ 0.126345373469, 0.126715351154, 0.127084860738, 0.127453903564, \ 0.127822480963, 0.128190594259, 0.128558244767, 0.128925433793, \ 0.129292162631, 0.129658432571, 0.130024244891, 0.13038960086, \ 0.130754501741, 0.131118948787, 0.131482943242, 0.131846486342, \ 0.132209579317, 0.132572223385, 0.132934419758, 0.133296169642, \ 0.13365747423, 0.134018334713, 0.13437875227, 0.134738728074, \ 0.13509826329, 0.135457359075, 0.135816016581, 0.13617423695, \ 0.136532021316, 0.13688937081, 0.137246286551, 0.137602769653, \ 0.137958821225, 0.138314442365, 0.138669634167, 0.139024397717, \ 0.139378734095, 0.139732644373, 0.140086129618, 0.14043919089, \ 0.140791829241, 0.141144045718, 0.141495841361, 0.141847217205, \ 0.142198174276, 0.142548713597, 0.142898836183, 0.143248543043, \ 0.143597835179, 0.14394671359, 0.144295179266, 0.144643233193, \ 0.144990876349, 0.14533810971, 0.145684934242, 0.146031350908, \ 0.146377360665, 0.146722964463, 0.147068163249, 0.147412957962, \ 0.147757349537, 0.148101338903, 0.148444926984, 0.148788114699, \ 0.149130902961, 0.149473292678, 0.149815284753, 0.150156880085, \ 0.150498079565, 0.150838884082, 0.151179294519, 0.151519311753, \ 0.151858936658, 0.152198170101, 0.152537012946, 0.152875466051, \ 0.153213530271, 0.153551206454, 0.153888495445, 0.154225398084, \ 0.154561915205, 0.15489804764, 0.155233796214, 0.155569161751, \ 0.155904145066, 0.156238746972, 0.156572968279, 0.156906809791, \ 0.157240272307, 0.157573356623, 0.15790606353, 0.158238393817, \ 0.158570348265, 0.158901927654, 0.159233132759, 0.159563964351, \ 0.159894423197, 0.160224510058, 0.160554225695, 0.160883570863, \ 0.161212546311, 0.161541152788, 0.161869391036, 0.162197261796, \ 0.162524765803, 0.162851903789, 0.163178676483, 0.163505084608, \ 0.163831128886, 0.164156810034, 0.164482128766, 0.164807085792, \ 0.165131681818, 0.165455917548, 0.165779793681, 0.166103310913, \ 0.166426469936, 0.16674927144, 0.167071716111, 0.167393804631, \ 0.167715537679, 0.16803691593, 0.168357940058, 0.168678610731, \ 0.168998928615, 0.169318894373, 0.169638508664, 0.169957772145, \ 0.170276685469, 0.170595249286, 0.170913464242, 0.171231330982, \ 0.171548850146, 0.171866022373, 0.172182848295, 0.172499328546, \ 0.172815463755, 0.173131254545, 0.173446701542, 0.173761805364, \ 0.174076566628, 0.174390985949, 0.174705063937, 0.175018801202, \ 0.175332198348, 0.175645255979, 0.175957974695, 0.176270355092, \ 0.176582397766, 0.176894103309, 0.177205472308, 0.177516505351, \ 0.177827203022, 0.178137565902, 0.178447594568, 0.178757289598, \ 0.179066651564, 0.179375681037, 0.179684378585, 0.179992744774, \ 0.180300780166, 0.180608485323, 0.180915860803, 0.18122290716, \ 0.181529624949, 0.18183601472, 0.182142077022, 0.182447812399, \ 0.182753221396, 0.183058304554, 0.183363062412, 0.183667495505, \ 0.183971604368, 0.184275389534, 0.18457885153, 0.184881990885, \ 0.185184808123, 0.185487303768, 0.185789478338, 0.186091332353, \ 0.186392866329, 0.186694080779, 0.186994976215, 0.187295553146, \ 0.18759581208, 0.187895753521, 0.188195377973, 0.188494685937, \ 0.188793677911, 0.189092354391, 0.189390715873, 0.18968876285, \ 0.189986495811, 0.190283915244, 0.190581021638, 0.190877815475, \ 0.191174297238, 0.191470467408, 0.191766326463, 0.192061874879, \ 0.192357113132, 0.192652041693, 0.192946661033, 0.193240971621, \ 0.193534973925, 0.193828668408, 0.194122055533, 0.194415135763, \ 0.194707909556, 0.19500037737, 0.195292539661, 0.195584396882, \ 0.195875949485, 0.196167197921, 0.196458142637, 0.196748784081, \ 0.197039122697, 0.197329158929, 0.197618893218, 0.197908326003, \ 0.198197457722, 0.198486288812, 0.198774819706, 0.199063050838, \ 0.199350982639, 0.199638615537, 0.199925949961, 0.200212986337, \ 0.200499725089, 0.20078616664, 0.20107231141, 0.20135815982, \ 0.201643712287, 0.201928969228, 0.202213931056, 0.202498598186, \ 0.202782971029, 0.203067049994, 0.20335083549, 0.203634327924, \ 0.203917527701, 0.204200435225, 0.204483050898, 0.204765375121, \ 0.205047408293, 0.205329150811, 0.205610603072, 0.205891765471, \ 0.2061726384, 0.206453222252, 0.206733517417, 0.207013524284, \ 0.207293243239, 0.20757267467, 0.207851818961, 0.208130676495, \ 0.208409247653, 0.208687532816, 0.208965532363, 0.209243246671, \ 0.209520676117, 0.209797821075, 0.210074681919, 0.210351259021, \ 0.210627552752, 0.21090356348, 0.211179291575, 0.211454737402, \ 0.211729901327, 0.212004783714, 0.212279384926, 0.212553705325, \ 0.21282774527, 0.213101505121, 0.213374985234, 0.213648185967, \ 0.213921107674, 0.214193750709, 0.214466115425, 0.214738202173, \ 0.215010011303, 0.215281543164, 0.215552798104, 0.215823776468, \ 0.216094478602, 0.21636490485, 0.216635055555, 0.216904931057, \ 0.217174531699, 0.217443857818, 0.217712909752, 0.21798168784, \ 0.218250192415, 0.218518423813, 0.218786382367, 0.219054068409, \ 0.21932148227, 0.21958862428, 0.219855494768, 0.220122094062, \ 0.220388422488, 0.220654480371, 0.220920268035, 0.221185785805, \ 0.221451034002, 0.221716012947, 0.22198072296, 0.222245164359, \ 0.222509337463, 0.222773242589, 0.223036880051, 0.223300250165, \ 0.223563353244, 0.2238261896, 0.224088759545, 0.224351063389, \ 0.224613101442, 0.224874874012, 0.225136381406, 0.22539762393, \ 0.22565860189, 0.22591931559, 0.226179765333, 0.226439951422, \ 0.226699874157, 0.22695953384, 0.227218930768, 0.227478065241, \ 0.227736937556, 0.227995548009, 0.228253896895, 0.22851198451, \ 0.228769811145, 0.229027377095, 0.22928468265, 0.229541728101, \ 0.229798513738, 0.23005503985, 0.230311306723, 0.230567314646, \ 0.230823063904, 0.231078554782, 0.231333787564, 0.231588762534, \ 0.231843479974, 0.232097940164, 0.232352143387, 0.232606089921, \ 0.232859780045, 0.233113214036, 0.233366392173, 0.233619314731, \ 0.233871981984, 0.234124394209, 0.234376551677, 0.234628454662, \ 0.234880103436, 0.235131498268, 0.235382639431, 0.235633527192, \ 0.23588416182, 0.236134543582, 0.236384672746, 0.236634549577, \ 0.23688417434, 0.2371335473, 0.237382668719, 0.237631538861, \ 0.237880157987, 0.238128526359, 0.238376644236, 0.238624511878, \ 0.238872129544, 0.23911949749, 0.239366615975, 0.239613485254, \ 0.239860105583, 0.240106477217, 0.240352600409, 0.240598475413, \ 0.240844102481, 0.241089481863, 0.241334613813, 0.241579498578, \ 0.241824136409, 0.242068527555, 0.242312672262, 0.242556570778, \ 0.24280022335, 0.243043630222, 0.243286791641, 0.243529707849, \ 0.24377237909, 0.244014805607, 0.244256987642, 0.244498925435, \ 0.244740619229, 0.244982069261, 0.245223275772, 0.245464238999, \ 0.24570495918, 0.245945436553, 0.246185671353, 0.246425663816, \ 0.246665414177, 0.24690492267, 0.247144189529, 0.247383214985, \ 0.247621999273, 0.247860542621, 0.248098845263, 0.248336907427, \ 0.248574729343, 0.24881231124, 0.249049653346, 0.249286755888, \ 0.249523619094, 0.249760243188, 0.249996628397, 0.250232774945, \ 0.250468683057, 0.250704352956, 0.250939784865, 0.251174979007, \ 0.251409935601, 0.251644654871, 0.251879137035, 0.252113382314, \ 0.252347390927, 0.252581163092, 0.252814699027, 0.253047998949, \ 0.253281063075, 0.253513891621, 0.253746484801, 0.253978842831, \ 0.254210965925, 0.254442854297, 0.254674508159, 0.254905927723, \ 0.255137113202, 0.255368064807, 0.255598782747, 0.255829267233, \ 0.256059518475, 0.256289536681, 0.256519322059, 0.256748874817, \ 0.256978195162, 0.2572072833, 0.257436139437, 0.257664763779, \ 0.25789315653, 0.258121317895, 0.258349248077, 0.258576947278, \ 0.258804415703, 0.259031653551, 0.259258661026, 0.259485438327, \ 0.259711985655, 0.259938303209, 0.260164391189, 0.260390249794, \ 0.260615879221, 0.260841279668, 0.261066451331, 0.261291394408, \ 0.261516109095, 0.261740595585, 0.261964854076, 0.26218888476, \ 0.262412687831, 0.262636263484, 0.26285961191, 0.263082733302, \ 0.263305627851, 0.263528295749, 0.263750737186, 0.263972952353, \ 0.264194941439, 0.264416704633, 0.264638242124, 0.2648595541, \ 0.265080640748, 0.265301502256, 0.265522138811, 0.265742550598, \ 0.265962737803, 0.266182700611, 0.266402439207, 0.266621953774, \ 0.266841244498, 0.26706031156, 0.267279155143, 0.26749777543, \ 0.267716172603, 0.267934346842, 0.268152298328, 0.268370027242, \ 0.268587533763, 0.268804818071, 0.269021880344, 0.269238720761, \ 0.2694553395, 0.269671736739, 0.269887912653, 0.270103867421, \ 0.270319601217, 0.270535114218, 0.270750406598, 0.270965478533, \ 0.271180330196, 0.271394961762, 0.271609373403, 0.271823565293, \ 0.272037537604, 0.272251290507, 0.272464824175, 0.272678138779, \ 0.272891234489, 0.273104111476, 0.273316769908, 0.273529209956, \ 0.273741431789, 0.273953435575, 0.274165221481, 0.274376789677, \ 0.274588140328, 0.274799273601, 0.275010189664, 0.275220888681, \ 0.275431370818, 0.275641636241, 0.275851685114, 0.2760615176, \ 0.276271133865, 0.276480534071, 0.276689718381, 0.276898686958, \ 0.277107439965, 0.277315977561, 0.27752429991, 0.277732407172, \ 0.277940299507, 0.278147977076, 0.278355440038, 0.278562688553, \ 0.278769722779, 0.278976542875, 0.279183149, 0.27938954131, \ 0.279595719963, 0.279801685116, 0.280007436926, 0.280212975549, \ 0.280418301139, 0.280623413854, 0.280828313848, 0.281033001275, \ 0.281237476289, 0.281441739045, 0.281645789695, 0.281849628394, \ 0.282053255293, 0.282256670545, 0.282459874302, 0.282662866715, \ 0.282865647935, 0.283068218114, 0.283270577402, 0.283472725948, \ 0.283674663903, 0.283876391415, 0.284077908635, 0.284279215709, \ 0.284480312788, 0.284681200017, 0.284881877546, 0.285082345521, \ 0.285282604088, 0.285482653395, 0.285682493588, 0.285882124811, \ 0.286081547211, 0.286280760932, 0.286479766119, 0.286678562916, \ 0.286877151468, 0.287075531918, 0.287273704409, 0.287471669084, \ 0.287669426085, 0.287866975555, 0.288064317636, 0.28826145247, \ 0.288458380196, 0.288655100957, 0.288851614893, 0.289047922144, \ 0.289244022849, 0.289439917148, 0.289635605182, 0.289831087087, \ 0.290026363003, 0.290221433068, 0.290416297419, 0.290610956195, \ 0.290805409533, 0.290999657568, 0.291193700439, 0.29138753828, \ 0.291581171228, 0.291774599419, 0.291967822987, 0.292160842068, \ 0.292353656796, 0.292546267306, 0.292738673731, 0.292930876204, \ 0.29312287486, 0.293314669832, 0.293506261251, 0.293697649251, \ 0.293888833963, 0.294079815519, 0.294270594051, 0.29446116969, \ 0.294651542566, 0.294841712811, 0.295031680553, 0.295221445924, \ 0.295411009053, 0.295600370069, 0.295789529101, 0.295978486277, \ 0.296167241727, 0.296355795578, 0.296544147958, 0.296732298995, \ 0.296920248815, 0.297107997546, 0.297295545315, 0.297482892246, \ 0.297670038468, 0.297856984104, 0.298043729282, 0.298230274125, \ 0.298416618759, 0.298602763308, 0.298788707897, 0.298974452649, \ 0.299159997689, 0.299345343139, 0.299530489123, 0.299715435764, \ 0.299900183184, 0.300084731505, 0.30026908085, 0.300453231339, \ 0.300637183096, 0.30082093624, 0.301004490893, 0.301187847175, \ 0.301371005207, 0.301553965108, 0.301736726999, 0.301919290999, \ 0.302101657227, 0.302283825802, 0.302465796843, 0.302647570468, \ 0.302829146795, 0.303010525942, 0.303191708028, 0.303372693168, \ 0.303553481481, 0.303734073083, 0.30391446809, 0.304094666619, \ 0.304274668786, 0.304454474707, 0.304634084497, 0.304813498271, \ 0.304992716144, 0.305171738232, 0.305350564647, 0.305529195506, \ 0.305707630921, 0.305885871006, 0.306063915875, 0.306241765641, \ 0.306419420416, 0.306596880314, 0.306774145446, 0.306951215926, \ 0.307128091864, 0.307304773373, 0.307481260563, 0.307657553547, \ 0.307833652434, 0.308009557336, 0.308185268362, 0.308360785624, \ 0.308536109231, 0.308711239292, 0.308886175918, 0.309060919216, \ 0.309235469297, 0.309409826268, 0.309583990239, 0.309757961317, \ 0.309931739611, 0.310105325228, 0.310278718275, 0.31045191886, \ 0.31062492709, 0.310797743071, 0.310970366911, 0.311142798715, \ 0.31131503859, 0.31148708664, 0.311658942973, 0.311830607693, \ 0.312002080905, 0.312173362715, 0.312344453226, 0.312515352544, \ 0.312686060772, 0.312856578014, 0.313026904375, 0.313197039958, \ 0.313366984865, 0.313536739201, 0.313706303067, 0.313875676567, \ 0.314044859803, 0.314213852877, 0.31438265589, 0.314551268945, \ 0.314719692144, 0.314887925586, 0.315055969374, 0.315223823609, \ 0.31539148839, 0.315558963818, 0.315726249993, 0.315893347016, \ 0.316060254985, 0.316226974001, 0.316393504163, 0.31655984557, \ 0.31672599832, 0.316891962512, 0.317057738245, 0.317223325617, \ 0.317388724726, 0.31755393567, 0.317718958546, 0.317883793451, \ 0.318048440483, 0.318212899739, 0.318377171315, 0.318541255307, \ 0.318705151813, 0.318868860929, 0.319032382749, 0.31919571737, \ 0.319358864888, 0.319521825397, 0.319684598993, 0.31984718577, \ 0.320009585823, 0.320171799247, 0.320333826135, 0.320495666583, \ 0.320657320683, 0.320818788529, 0.320980070215, 0.321141165834, \ 0.321302075479, 0.321462799242, 0.321623337217, 0.321783689496, \ 0.321943856171, 0.322103837334, 0.322263633077, 0.322423243491, \ 0.322582668669, 0.322741908701, 0.322900963677, 0.323059833691, \ 0.323218518831, 0.323377019188, 0.323535334852, 0.323693465915, \ 0.323851412464, 0.324009174591, 0.324166752385, 0.324324145934, \ 0.324481355329, 0.324638380658, 0.324795222009, 0.324951879472, \ 0.325108353134, 0.325264643085, 0.325420749411, 0.3255766722, \ 0.325732411541, 0.325887967521, 0.326043340226, 0.326198529745, \ 0.326353536163, 0.326508359567, 0.326663000045, 0.326817457682, \ 0.326971732564, 0.327125824778, 0.327279734408, 0.327433461542, \ 0.327587006263, 0.327740368658, 0.327893548812, 0.328046546808, \ 0.328199362732, 0.328351996669, 0.328504448702, 0.328656718917, \ 0.328808807396, 0.328960714223, 0.329112439483, 0.329263983259, \ 0.329415345633, 0.32956652669, 0.329717526511, 0.32986834518, \ 0.330018982779, 0.330169439391, 0.330319715097, 0.33046980998, \ 0.330619724122, 0.330769457604, 0.330919010508, 0.331068382916, \ 0.331217574907, 0.331366586564, 0.331515417967, 0.331664069197, \ 0.331812540334, 0.331960831459, 0.332108942652, 0.332256873993, \ 0.332404625561, 0.332552197437, 0.332699589699, 0.332846802427, \ 0.332993835701, 0.333140689599, 0.3332873642, 0.333433859582, \ 0.333580175825, 0.333726313006, 0.333872271204, 0.334018050496, \ 0.334163650961, 0.334309072676, 0.334454315719, 0.334599380166, \ 0.334744266096, 0.334888973585, 0.33503350271, 0.335177853547, \ 0.335322026174, 0.335466020667, 0.335609837101, 0.335753475553, \ 0.335896936099, 0.336040218815, 0.336183323776, 0.336326251057, \ 0.336469000734, 0.336611572882, 0.336753967576, 0.336896184891, \ 0.3370382249, 0.33718008768, 0.337321773304, 0.337463281846, \ 0.33760461338, 0.337745767981, 0.337886745721, 0.338027546675, \ 0.338168170916, 0.338308618517, 0.33844888955, 0.338588984091, \ 0.33872890221, 0.33886864398, 0.339008209475, 0.339147598766, \ 0.339286811925, 0.339425849025, 0.339564710138, 0.339703395335, \ 0.339841904688, 0.339980238268, 0.340118396147, 0.340256378395, \ 0.340394185084, 0.340531816284, 0.340669272067, 0.340806552503, \ 0.340943657662, 0.341080587614, 0.34121734243, 0.341353922179, \ 0.341490326932, 0.341626556758, 0.341762611726, 0.341898491907, \ 0.342034197368, 0.34216972818, 0.342305084412, 0.342440266131, \ 0.342575273407, 0.342710106308, 0.342844764904, 0.342979249261, \ 0.343113559448, 0.343247695533, 0.343381657583, 0.343515445668, \ 0.343649059853, 0.343782500207, 0.343915766796, 0.344048859689, \ 0.344181778951, 0.344314524649, 0.344447096851, 0.344579495623, \ 0.344711721031, 0.344843773142, 0.344975652022, 0.345107357736, \ 0.345238890351, 0.345370249932, 0.345501436546, 0.345632450257, \ 0.34576329113, 0.345893959232, 0.346024454627, 0.346154777379, \ 0.346284927555, 0.346414905218, 0.346544710432, 0.346674343264, \ 0.346803803775, 0.346933092032, 0.347062208097, 0.347191152035, \ 0.347319923909, 0.347448523782, 0.34757695172, 0.347705207784, \ 0.347833292037, 0.347961204544, 0.348088945366, 0.348216514568, \ 0.34834391221, 0.348471138357, 0.348598193069, 0.348725076411, \ 0.348851788443, 0.348978329228, 0.349104698827, 0.349230897303, \ 0.349356924717, 0.349482781131, 0.349608466606, 0.349733981203, \ 0.349859324983, 0.349984498007, 0.350109500337, 0.350234332033, \ 0.350358993156, 0.350483483765, 0.350607803923, 0.350731953687, \ 0.35085593312, 0.350979742281, 0.351103381229, 0.351226850025, \ 0.351350148728, 0.351473277398, 0.351596236094, 0.351719024875, \ 0.3518416438, 0.351964092929, 0.35208637232, 0.352208482032, \ 0.352330422124, 0.352452192653, 0.35257379368, 0.352695225262, \ 0.352816487456, 0.352937580322, 0.353058503916, 0.353179258297, \ 0.353299843523, 0.353420259651, 0.353540506738, 0.353660584842, \ 0.35378049402, 0.353900234329, 0.354019805826, 0.354139208567, \ 0.35425844261, 0.354377508012, 0.354496404828, 0.354615133114, \ 0.354733692928, 0.354852084326, 0.354970307363, 0.355088362094, \ 0.355206248577, 0.355323966867, 0.355441517019, 0.355558899089, \ 0.355676113131, 0.355793159202, 0.355910037356, 0.356026747648, \ 0.356143290133, 0.356259664866, 0.356375871902, 0.356491911294, \ 0.356607783098, 0.356723487367, 0.356839024156, 0.356954393519, \ 0.35706959551, 0.357184630183, 0.35729949759, 0.357414197787, \ 0.357528730826, 0.357643096761, 0.357757295645, 0.357871327531, \ 0.357985192472, 0.358098890522, 0.358212421732, 0.358325786157, \ 0.358438983847, 0.358552014857, 0.358664879237, 0.358777577041, \ 0.358890108321, 0.359002473128, 0.359114671515, 0.359226703533, \ 0.359338569235, 0.359450268671, 0.359561801893, 0.359673168954, \ 0.359784369903, 0.359895404792, 0.360006273672, 0.360116976594, \ 0.36022751361, 0.360337884769, 0.360448090122, 0.360558129721, \ 0.360668003615, 0.360777711854, 0.360887254489, 0.360996631571, \ 0.361105843148, 0.361214889271, 0.36132376999, 0.361432485354, \ 0.361541035413, 0.361649420216, 0.361757639813, 0.361865694253, \ 0.361973583586, 0.362081307859, 0.362188867123, 0.362296261425, \ 0.362403490816, 0.362510555343, 0.362617455054, 0.36272419, \ 0.362830760226, 0.362937165783, 0.363043406718, 0.363149483079, \ 0.363255394914, 0.36336114227, 0.363466725196, 0.36357214374, \ 0.363677397947, 0.363782487867, 0.363887413546, 0.363992175032, \ 0.364096772372, 0.364201205612, 0.364305474799, 0.364409579981, \ 0.364513521204, 0.364617298515, 0.364720911959, 0.364824361585, \ 0.364927647437, 0.365030769562, 0.365133728007, 0.365236522816, \ 0.365339154037, 0.365441621714, 0.365543925894, 0.365646066623, \ 0.365748043945, 0.365849857906, 0.365951508551, 0.366052995927, \ 0.366154320077, 0.366255481046, 0.366356478881, 0.366457313625, \ 0.366557985323, 0.36665849402, 0.366758839761, 0.366859022589, \ 0.36695904255, 0.367058899687, 0.367158594044, 0.367258125667, \ 0.367357494598, 0.367456700881, 0.367555744561, 0.36765462568, \ 0.367753344284, 0.367851900414, 0.367950294114, 0.368048525428, \ 0.368146594399, 0.36824450107, 0.368342245484, 0.368439827684, \ 0.368537247713, 0.368634505613, 0.368731601427, 0.368828535197, \ 0.368925306967, 0.369021916778, 0.369118364673, 0.369214650693, \ 0.369310774882, 0.36940673728, 0.36950253793, 0.369598176874, \ 0.369693654153, 0.369788969809, 0.369884123883, 0.369979116417, \ 0.370073947452, 0.37016861703, 0.370263125191, 0.370357471977, \ 0.370451657429, 0.370545681587, 0.370639544492, 0.370733246185, \ 0.370826786707, 0.370920166098, 0.371013384399, 0.371106441649, \ 0.37119933789, 0.371292073161, 0.371384647502, 0.371477060953, \ 0.371569313555, 0.371661405347, 0.371753336368, 0.371845106659, \ 0.371936716259, 0.372028165207, 0.372119453543, 0.372210581305, \ 0.372301548534, 0.372392355268, 0.372483001547, 0.372573487408, \ 0.372663812892, 0.372753978036, 0.372843982879, 0.372933827461, \ 0.373023511819, 0.373113035991, 0.373202400017, 0.373291603934, \ 0.373380647781, 0.373469531595, 0.373558255414, 0.373646819277, \ 0.373735223221, 0.373823467284, 0.373911551503, 0.373999475916, \ 0.37408724056, 0.374174845473, 0.374262290692, 0.374349576255, \ 0.374436702197, 0.374523668557, 0.374610475371, 0.374697122676, \ 0.374783610509, 0.374869938907, 0.374956107906, 0.375042117542, \ 0.375127967852, 0.375213658872, 0.37529919064, 0.375384563189, \ 0.375469776558, 0.375554830782, 0.375639725896, 0.375724461937, \ 0.37580903894, 0.375893456941, 0.375977715976, 0.37606181608, \ 0.376145757289, 0.376229539637, 0.37631316316, 0.376396627894, \ 0.376479933873, 0.376563081133, 0.376646069707, 0.376728899632, \ 0.376811570942, 0.376894083671, 0.376976437854, 0.377058633526, \ 0.377140670721, 0.377222549474, 0.377304269818, 0.377385831788, \ 0.377467235419, 0.377548480743, 0.377629567795, 0.377710496609, \ 0.377791267219, 0.377871879658, 0.37795233396, 0.378032630158, \ 0.378112768286, 0.378192748378, 0.378272570466, 0.378352234585, \ 0.378431740766, 0.378511089043, 0.378590279449, 0.378669312017, \ 0.37874818678, 0.378826903771, 0.378905463021, 0.378983864565, \ 0.379062108433, 0.37914019466, 0.379218123276, 0.379295894315, \ 0.379373507808, 0.379450963788, 0.379528262286, 0.379605403335, \ 0.379682386967, 0.379759213212, 0.379835882104, 0.379912393674, \ 0.379988747952, 0.380064944972, 0.380140984763, 0.380216867358, \ 0.380292592787, 0.380368161083, 0.380443572275, 0.380518826396, \ 0.380593923475, 0.380668863545, 0.380743646634, 0.380818272776, \ 0.380892741999, 0.380967054335, 0.381041209813, 0.381115208466, \ 0.381189050322, 0.381262735412, 0.381336263766, 0.381409635414, \ 0.381482850387, 0.381555908715, 0.381628810426, 0.381701555551, \ 0.381774144121, 0.381846576163, 0.381918851709, 0.381990970787, \ 0.382062933426, 0.382134739657, 0.382206389509, 0.38227788301, \ 0.382349220191, 0.382420401079, 0.382491425704, 0.382562294094, \ 0.38263300628, 0.382703562288, 0.382773962149, 0.382844205891, \ 0.382914293541, 0.382984225129, 0.383054000684, 0.383123620232, \ 0.383193083804, 0.383262391426, 0.383331543127, 0.383400538934, \ 0.383469378877, 0.383538062982, 0.383606591278, 0.383674963791, \ 0.383743180551, 0.383811241584, 0.383879146918, 0.383946896581, \ 0.384014490599, 0.384081929, 0.384149211811, 0.38421633906, \ 0.384283310773, 0.384350126978, 0.384416787701, 0.384483292969, \ 0.384549642809, 0.384615837248, 0.384681876312, 0.384747760028, \ 0.384813488423, 0.384879061522, 0.384944479352, 0.38500974194, \ 0.385074849312, 0.385139801493, 0.38520459851, 0.385269240389, \ 0.385333727156, 0.385398058837, 0.385462235457, 0.385526257042, \ 0.385590123617, 0.385653835209, 0.385717391843, 0.385780793545, \ 0.385844040338, 0.38590713225, 0.385970069305, 0.386032851528, \ 0.386095478944, 0.386157951579, 0.386220269457, 0.386282432603, \ 0.386344441042, 0.386406294798, 0.386467993897, 0.386529538363, \ 0.386590928221, 0.386652163494, 0.386713244207, 0.386774170385, \ 0.386834942052, 0.386895559231, 0.386956021948, 0.387016330226, \ 0.387076484089, 0.387136483561, 0.387196328665, 0.387256019426, \ 0.387315555867, 0.387374938013, 0.387434165885, 0.387493239508, \ 0.387552158906, 0.387610924101, 0.387669535118, 0.387727991978, \ 0.387786294705, 0.387844443323, 0.387902437854, 0.387960278321, \ 0.388017964748, 0.388075497156, 0.388132875569, 0.38819010001, \ 0.3882471705, 0.388304087062, 0.38836084972, 0.388417458495, \ 0.388473913409, 0.388530214485, 0.388586361746, 0.388642355212, \ 0.388698194907, 0.388753880852, 0.388809413069, 0.38886479158, \ 0.388920016407, 0.388975087572, 0.389030005096, 0.389084769, \ 0.389139379307, 0.389193836037, 0.389248139213, 0.389302288855, \ 0.389356284985, 0.389410127623, 0.389463816792, 0.389517352512, \ 0.389570734804, 0.389623963688, 0.389677039187, 0.38972996132, \ 0.389782730109, 0.389835345574, 0.389887807735, 0.389940116614, \ 0.38999227223, 0.390044274604, 0.390096123756, 0.390147819707, \ 0.390199362477, 0.390250752086, 0.390301988554, 0.390353071901, \ 0.390404002147, 0.390454779312, 0.390505403415, 0.390555874477, \ 0.390606192517, 0.390656357554, 0.390706369609, 0.390756228701, \ 0.390805934848, 0.390855488072, 0.39090488839, 0.390954135822, \ 0.391003230387, 0.391052172104, 0.391100960993, 0.391149597072, \ 0.391198080361, 0.391246410877, 0.39129458864, 0.391342613669, \ 0.391390485981, 0.391438205597, 0.391485772534, 0.39153318681, \ 0.391580448445, 0.391627557456, 0.391674513861, 0.39172131768, \ 0.39176796893, 0.391814467628, 0.391860813794, 0.391907007445, \ 0.391953048599, 0.391998937274, 0.392044673487, 0.392090257256, \ 0.392135688599, 0.392180967534, 0.392226094077, 0.392271068247, \ 0.392315890061, 0.392360559535, 0.392405076688, 0.392449441536, \ 0.392493654097, 0.392537714388, 0.392581622425, 0.392625378225, \ 0.392668981806, 0.392712433185, 0.392755732377, 0.3927988794, \ 0.392841874271, 0.392884717005, 0.392927407619, 0.392969946131, \ 0.393012332555, 0.393054566909, 0.393096649209, 0.39313857947, \ 0.39318035771, 0.393221983944, 0.393263458188, 0.393304780457, \ 0.393345950769, 0.393386969139, 0.393427835581, 0.393468550113, \ 0.39350911275, 0.393549523507, 0.3935897824, 0.393629889444, \ 0.393669844655, 0.393709648048, 0.393749299638, 0.393788799441, \ 0.393828147471, 0.393867343743, 0.393906388274, 0.393945281077, \ 0.393984022167, 0.39402261156, 0.39406104927, 0.394099335311, \ 0.394137469699, 0.394175452448, 0.394213283572, 0.394250963087, \ 0.394288491006, 0.394325867343, 0.394363092114, 0.394400165331, \ 0.39443708701, 0.394473857165, 0.394510475809, 0.394546942956, \ 0.394583258621, 0.394619422817, 0.394655435558, 0.394691296858, \ 0.39472700673, 0.394762565188, 0.394797972246, 0.394833227916, \ 0.394868332214, 0.394903285151, 0.394938086741, 0.394972736997, \ 0.395007235934, 0.395041583563, 0.395075779897, 0.395109824951, \ 0.395143718736, 0.395177461266, 0.395211052553, 0.39524449261, \ 0.39527778145, 0.395310919086, 0.39534390553, 0.395376740795, \ 0.395409424892, 0.395441957836, 0.395474339637, 0.395506570308, \ 0.395538649862, 0.39557057831, 0.395602355665, 0.395633981938, \ 0.395665457143, 0.39569678129, 0.395727954391, 0.395758976459, \ 0.395789847504, 0.39582056754, 0.395851136577, 0.395881554626, \ 0.395911821701, 0.395941937811, 0.395971902968, 0.396001717184, \ 0.39603138047, 0.396060892837, 0.396090254297, 0.396119464859, \ 0.396148524537, 0.396177433339, 0.396206191278, 0.396234798364, \ 0.396263254608, 0.396291560021, 0.396319714613, 0.396347718395, \ 0.396375571378, 0.396403273572, 0.396430824988, 0.396458225635, \ 0.396485475525, 0.396512574667, 0.396539523072, 0.39656632075, \ 0.396592967711, 0.396619463965, 0.396645809523, 0.396672004393, \ 0.396698048586, 0.396723942111, 0.396749684979, 0.396775277199, \ 0.396800718781, 0.396826009734, 0.396851150068, 0.396876139792, \ 0.396900978915, 0.396925667448, 0.396950205399, 0.396974592777, \ 0.396998829592, 0.397022915853, 0.397046851568, 0.397070636747, \ 0.397094271399, 0.397117755533, 0.397141089157, 0.39716427228, \ 0.39718730491, 0.397210187058, 0.39723291873, 0.397255499936, \ 0.397277930684, 0.397300210983, 0.39732234084, 0.397344320264, \ 0.397366149264, 0.397387827847, 0.397409356022, 0.397430733797, \ 0.397451961179, 0.397473038177, 0.397493964799, 0.397514741051, \ 0.397535366943, 0.397555842482, 0.397576167675, 0.397596342531, \ 0.397616367056, 0.397636241258, 0.397655965145, 0.397675538724, \ 0.397694962001, 0.397714234986, 0.397733357684, 0.397752330103, \ 0.39777115225, 0.397789824132, 0.397808345755, 0.397826717128, \ 0.397844938256, 0.397863009146, 0.397880929806, 0.397898700242, \ 0.39791632046, 0.397933790467, 0.39795111027, 0.397968279875, \ 0.397985299288, 0.398002168517, 0.398018887566, 0.398035456442, \ 0.398051875152, 0.398068143701, 0.398084262096, 0.398100230343, \ 0.398116048447, 0.398131716414, 0.398147234251, 0.398162601962, \ 0.398177819554, 0.398192887033, 0.398207804404, 0.398222571672, \ 0.398237188843, 0.398251655922, 0.398265972915, 0.398280139828, \ 0.398294156664, 0.39830802343, 0.398321740131, 0.398335306771, \ 0.398348723357, 0.398361989891, 0.398375106381, 0.39838807283, \ 0.398400889243, 0.398413555626, 0.398426071982, 0.398438438316, \ 0.398450654634, 0.398462720938, 0.398474637235, 0.398486403528, \ 0.398498019821, 0.39850948612, 0.398520802428, 0.398531968749, \ 0.398542985087, 0.398553851447, 0.398564567832, 0.398575134247, \ 0.398585550695, 0.398595817181, 0.398605933707, 0.398615900278, \ 0.398625716898, 0.398635383569, 0.398644900296, 0.398654267082, \ 0.39866348393, 0.398672550844, 0.398681467827, 0.398690234883, \ 0.398698852014, 0.398707319224, 0.398715636516, 0.398723803893, \ 0.398731821357, 0.398739688913, 0.398747406562, 0.398754974308, \ 0.398762392153, 0.3987696601, 0.398776778152, 0.398783746311, \ 0.398790564579, 0.39879723296, 0.398803751456, 0.398810120068, \ 0.3988163388, 0.398822407654, 0.398828326631, 0.398834095735, \ 0.398839714966, 0.398845184327, 0.39885050382, 0.398855673448, \ 0.39886069321, 0.398865563111, 0.398870283151, 0.398874853332, \ 0.398879273655, 0.398883544123, 0.398887664737, 0.398891635497, \ 0.398895456407, 0.398899127466, 0.398902648676, 0.398906020039, \ 0.398909241556, 0.398912313228, 0.398915235055, 0.398918007039, \ 0.398920629181, 0.398923101482, 0.398925423943, 0.398927596563, \ 0.398929619345, 0.398931492289, 0.398933215395, 0.398934788664, \ 0.398936212097, 0.398937485693, 0.398938609454, 0.398939583379, \ 0.39894040747, 0.398941081725, 0.398941606146, 0.398941980732, \ 0.398942205484, 0.398942280401, 0.398942280401, 0.398942205484, \ 0.398941980732, 0.398941606146, 0.398941081725, 0.39894040747, \ 0.398939583379, 0.398938609454, 0.398937485693, 0.398936212097, \ 0.398934788664, 0.398933215395, 0.398931492289, 0.398929619345, \ 0.398927596563, 0.398925423943, 0.398923101482, 0.398920629181, \ 0.398918007039, 0.398915235055, 0.398912313228, 0.398909241556, \ 0.398906020039, 0.398902648676, 0.398899127466, 0.398895456407, \ 0.398891635497, 0.398887664737, 0.398883544123, 0.398879273655, \ 0.398874853332, 0.398870283151, 0.398865563111, 0.39886069321, \ 0.398855673448, 0.39885050382, 0.398845184327, 0.398839714966, \ 0.398834095735, 0.398828326631, 0.398822407654, 0.3988163388, \ 0.398810120068, 0.398803751456, 0.39879723296, 0.398790564579, \ 0.398783746311, 0.398776778152, 0.3987696601, 0.398762392153, \ 0.398754974308, 0.398747406562, 0.398739688913, 0.398731821357, \ 0.398723803893, 0.398715636516, 0.398707319224, 0.398698852014, \ 0.398690234883, 0.398681467827, 0.398672550844, 0.39866348393, \ 0.398654267082, 0.398644900296, 0.398635383569, 0.398625716898, \ 0.398615900278, 0.398605933707, 0.398595817181, 0.398585550695, \ 0.398575134247, 0.398564567832, 0.398553851447, 0.398542985087, \ 0.398531968749, 0.398520802428, 0.39850948612, 0.398498019821, \ 0.398486403528, 0.398474637235, 0.398462720938, 0.398450654634, \ 0.398438438316, 0.398426071982, 0.398413555626, 0.398400889243, \ 0.39838807283, 0.398375106381, 0.398361989891, 0.398348723357, \ 0.398335306771, 0.398321740131, 0.39830802343, 0.398294156664, \ 0.398280139828, 0.398265972915, 0.398251655922, 0.398237188843, \ 0.398222571672, 0.398207804404, 0.398192887033, 0.398177819554, \ 0.398162601962, 0.398147234251, 0.398131716414, 0.398116048447, \ 0.398100230343, 0.398084262096, 0.398068143701, 0.398051875152, \ 0.398035456442, 0.398018887566, 0.398002168517, 0.397985299288, \ 0.397968279875, 0.39795111027, 0.397933790467, 0.39791632046, \ 0.397898700242, 0.397880929806, 0.397863009146, 0.397844938256, \ 0.397826717128, 0.397808345755, 0.397789824132, 0.39777115225, \ 0.397752330103, 0.397733357684, 0.397714234986, 0.397694962001, \ 0.397675538724, 0.397655965145, 0.397636241258, 0.397616367056, \ 0.397596342531, 0.397576167675, 0.397555842482, 0.397535366943, \ 0.397514741051, 0.397493964799, 0.397473038177, 0.397451961179, \ 0.397430733797, 0.397409356022, 0.397387827847, 0.397366149264, \ 0.397344320264, 0.39732234084, 0.397300210983, 0.397277930684, \ 0.397255499936, 0.39723291873, 0.397210187058, 0.39718730491, \ 0.39716427228, 0.397141089157, 0.397117755533, 0.397094271399, \ 0.397070636747, 0.397046851568, 0.397022915853, 0.396998829592, \ 0.396974592777, 0.396950205399, 0.396925667448, 0.396900978915, \ 0.396876139792, 0.396851150068, 0.396826009734, 0.396800718781, \ 0.396775277199, 0.396749684979, 0.396723942111, 0.396698048586, \ 0.396672004393, 0.396645809523, 0.396619463965, 0.396592967711, \ 0.39656632075, 0.396539523072, 0.396512574667, 0.396485475525, \ 0.396458225635, 0.396430824988, 0.396403273572, 0.396375571378, \ 0.396347718395, 0.396319714613, 0.396291560021, 0.396263254608, \ 0.396234798364, 0.396206191278, 0.396177433339, 0.396148524537, \ 0.396119464859, 0.396090254297, 0.396060892837, 0.39603138047, \ 0.396001717184, 0.395971902968, 0.395941937811, 0.395911821701, \ 0.395881554626, 0.395851136577, 0.39582056754, 0.395789847504, \ 0.395758976459, 0.395727954391, 0.39569678129, 0.395665457143, \ 0.395633981938, 0.395602355665, 0.39557057831, 0.395538649862, \ 0.395506570308, 0.395474339637, 0.395441957836, 0.395409424892, \ 0.395376740795, 0.39534390553, 0.395310919086, 0.39527778145, \ 0.39524449261, 0.395211052553, 0.395177461266, 0.395143718736, \ 0.395109824951, 0.395075779897, 0.395041583563, 0.395007235934, \ 0.394972736997, 0.394938086741, 0.394903285151, 0.394868332214, \ 0.394833227916, 0.394797972246, 0.394762565188, 0.39472700673, \ 0.394691296858, 0.394655435558, 0.394619422817, 0.394583258621, \ 0.394546942956, 0.394510475809, 0.394473857165, 0.39443708701, \ 0.394400165331, 0.394363092114, 0.394325867343, 0.394288491006, \ 0.394250963087, 0.394213283572, 0.394175452448, 0.394137469699, \ 0.394099335311, 0.39406104927, 0.39402261156, 0.393984022167, \ 0.393945281077, 0.393906388274, 0.393867343743, 0.393828147471, \ 0.393788799441, 0.393749299638, 0.393709648048, 0.393669844655, \ 0.393629889444, 0.3935897824, 0.393549523507, 0.39350911275, \ 0.393468550113, 0.393427835581, 0.393386969139, 0.393345950769, \ 0.393304780457, 0.393263458188, 0.393221983944, 0.39318035771, \ 0.39313857947, 0.393096649209, 0.393054566909, 0.393012332555, \ 0.392969946131, 0.392927407619, 0.392884717005, 0.392841874271, \ 0.3927988794, 0.392755732377, 0.392712433185, 0.392668981806, \ 0.392625378225, 0.392581622425, 0.392537714388, 0.392493654097, \ 0.392449441536, 0.392405076688, 0.392360559535, 0.392315890061, \ 0.392271068247, 0.392226094077, 0.392180967534, 0.392135688599, \ 0.392090257256, 0.392044673487, 0.391998937274, 0.391953048599, \ 0.391907007445, 0.391860813794, 0.391814467628, 0.39176796893, \ 0.39172131768, 0.391674513861, 0.391627557456, 0.391580448445, \ 0.39153318681, 0.391485772534, 0.391438205597, 0.391390485981, \ 0.391342613669, 0.39129458864, 0.391246410877, 0.391198080361, \ 0.391149597072, 0.391100960993, 0.391052172104, 0.391003230387, \ 0.390954135822, 0.39090488839, 0.390855488072, 0.390805934848, \ 0.390756228701, 0.390706369609, 0.390656357554, 0.390606192517, \ 0.390555874477, 0.390505403415, 0.390454779312, 0.390404002147, \ 0.390353071901, 0.390301988554, 0.390250752086, 0.390199362477, \ 0.390147819707, 0.390096123756, 0.390044274604, 0.38999227223, \ 0.389940116614, 0.389887807735, 0.389835345574, 0.389782730109, \ 0.38972996132, 0.389677039187, 0.389623963688, 0.389570734804, \ 0.389517352512, 0.389463816792, 0.389410127623, 0.389356284985, \ 0.389302288855, 0.389248139213, 0.389193836037, 0.389139379307, \ 0.389084769, 0.389030005096, 0.388975087572, 0.388920016407, \ 0.38886479158, 0.388809413069, 0.388753880852, 0.388698194907, \ 0.388642355212, 0.388586361746, 0.388530214485, 0.388473913409, \ 0.388417458495, 0.38836084972, 0.388304087062, 0.3882471705, \ 0.38819010001, 0.388132875569, 0.388075497156, 0.388017964748, \ 0.387960278321, 0.387902437854, 0.387844443323, 0.387786294705, \ 0.387727991978, 0.387669535118, 0.387610924101, 0.387552158906, \ 0.387493239508, 0.387434165885, 0.387374938013, 0.387315555867, \ 0.387256019426, 0.387196328665, 0.387136483561, 0.387076484089, \ 0.387016330226, 0.386956021948, 0.386895559231, 0.386834942052, \ 0.386774170385, 0.386713244207, 0.386652163494, 0.386590928221, \ 0.386529538363, 0.386467993897, 0.386406294798, 0.386344441042, \ 0.386282432603, 0.386220269457, 0.386157951579, 0.386095478944, \ 0.386032851528, 0.385970069305, 0.38590713225, 0.385844040338, \ 0.385780793545, 0.385717391843, 0.385653835209, 0.385590123617, \ 0.385526257042, 0.385462235457, 0.385398058837, 0.385333727156, \ 0.385269240389, 0.38520459851, 0.385139801493, 0.385074849312, \ 0.38500974194, 0.384944479352, 0.384879061522, 0.384813488423, \ 0.384747760028, 0.384681876312, 0.384615837248, 0.384549642809, \ 0.384483292969, 0.384416787701, 0.384350126978, 0.384283310773, \ 0.38421633906, 0.384149211811, 0.384081929, 0.384014490599, \ 0.383946896581, 0.383879146918, 0.383811241584, 0.383743180551, \ 0.383674963791, 0.383606591278, 0.383538062982, 0.383469378877, \ 0.383400538934, 0.383331543127, 0.383262391426, 0.383193083804, \ 0.383123620232, 0.383054000684, 0.382984225129, 0.382914293541, \ 0.382844205891, 0.382773962149, 0.382703562288, 0.38263300628, \ 0.382562294094, 0.382491425704, 0.382420401079, 0.382349220191, \ 0.38227788301, 0.382206389509, 0.382134739657, 0.382062933426, \ 0.381990970787, 0.381918851709, 0.381846576163, 0.381774144121, \ 0.381701555551, 0.381628810426, 0.381555908715, 0.381482850387, \ 0.381409635414, 0.381336263766, 0.381262735412, 0.381189050322, \ 0.381115208466, 0.381041209813, 0.380967054335, 0.380892741999, \ 0.380818272776, 0.380743646634, 0.380668863545, 0.380593923475, \ 0.380518826396, 0.380443572275, 0.380368161083, 0.380292592787, \ 0.380216867358, 0.380140984763, 0.380064944972, 0.379988747952, \ 0.379912393674, 0.379835882104, 0.379759213212, 0.379682386967, \ 0.379605403335, 0.379528262286, 0.379450963788, 0.379373507808, \ 0.379295894315, 0.379218123276, 0.37914019466, 0.379062108433, \ 0.378983864565, 0.378905463021, 0.378826903771, 0.37874818678, \ 0.378669312017, 0.378590279449, 0.378511089043, 0.378431740766, \ 0.378352234585, 0.378272570466, 0.378192748378, 0.378112768286, \ 0.378032630158, 0.37795233396, 0.377871879658, 0.377791267219, \ 0.377710496609, 0.377629567795, 0.377548480743, 0.377467235419, \ 0.377385831788, 0.377304269818, 0.377222549474, 0.377140670721, \ 0.377058633526, 0.376976437854, 0.376894083671, 0.376811570942, \ 0.376728899632, 0.376646069707, 0.376563081133, 0.376479933873, \ 0.376396627894, 0.37631316316, 0.376229539637, 0.376145757289, \ 0.37606181608, 0.375977715976, 0.375893456941, 0.37580903894, \ 0.375724461937, 0.375639725896, 0.375554830782, 0.375469776558, \ 0.375384563189, 0.37529919064, 0.375213658872, 0.375127967852, \ 0.375042117542, 0.374956107906, 0.374869938907, 0.374783610509, \ 0.374697122676, 0.374610475371, 0.374523668557, 0.374436702197, \ 0.374349576255, 0.374262290692, 0.374174845473, 0.37408724056, \ 0.373999475916, 0.373911551503, 0.373823467284, 0.373735223221, \ 0.373646819277, 0.373558255414, 0.373469531595, 0.373380647781, \ 0.373291603934, 0.373202400017, 0.373113035991, 0.373023511819, \ 0.372933827461, 0.372843982879, 0.372753978036, 0.372663812892, \ 0.372573487408, 0.372483001547, 0.372392355268, 0.372301548534, \ 0.372210581305, 0.372119453543, 0.372028165207, 0.371936716259, \ 0.371845106659, 0.371753336368, 0.371661405347, 0.371569313555, \ 0.371477060953, 0.371384647502, 0.371292073161, 0.37119933789, \ 0.371106441649, 0.371013384399, 0.370920166098, 0.370826786707, \ 0.370733246185, 0.370639544492, 0.370545681587, 0.370451657429, \ 0.370357471977, 0.370263125191, 0.37016861703, 0.370073947452, \ 0.369979116417, 0.369884123883, 0.369788969809, 0.369693654153, \ 0.369598176874, 0.36950253793, 0.36940673728, 0.369310774882, \ 0.369214650693, 0.369118364673, 0.369021916778, 0.368925306967, \ 0.368828535197, 0.368731601427, 0.368634505613, 0.368537247713, \ 0.368439827684, 0.368342245484, 0.36824450107, 0.368146594399, \ 0.368048525428, 0.367950294114, 0.367851900414, 0.367753344284, \ 0.36765462568, 0.367555744561, 0.367456700881, 0.367357494598, \ 0.367258125667, 0.367158594044, 0.367058899687, 0.36695904255, \ 0.366859022589, 0.366758839761, 0.36665849402, 0.366557985323, \ 0.366457313625, 0.366356478881, 0.366255481046, 0.366154320077, \ 0.366052995927, 0.365951508551, 0.365849857906, 0.365748043945, \ 0.365646066623, 0.365543925894, 0.365441621714, 0.365339154037, \ 0.365236522816, 0.365133728007, 0.365030769562, 0.364927647437, \ 0.364824361585, 0.364720911959, 0.364617298515, 0.364513521204, \ 0.364409579981, 0.364305474799, 0.364201205612, 0.364096772372, \ 0.363992175032, 0.363887413546, 0.363782487867, 0.363677397947, \ 0.36357214374, 0.363466725196, 0.36336114227, 0.363255394914, \ 0.363149483079, 0.363043406718, 0.362937165783, 0.362830760226, \ 0.36272419, 0.362617455054, 0.362510555343, 0.362403490816, \ 0.362296261425, 0.362188867123, 0.362081307859, 0.361973583586, \ 0.361865694253, 0.361757639813, 0.361649420216, 0.361541035413, \ 0.361432485354, 0.36132376999, 0.361214889271, 0.361105843148, \ 0.360996631571, 0.360887254489, 0.360777711854, 0.360668003615, \ 0.360558129721, 0.360448090122, 0.360337884769, 0.36022751361, \ 0.360116976594, 0.360006273672, 0.359895404792, 0.359784369903, \ 0.359673168954, 0.359561801893, 0.359450268671, 0.359338569235, \ 0.359226703533, 0.359114671515, 0.359002473128, 0.358890108321, \ 0.358777577041, 0.358664879237, 0.358552014857, 0.358438983847, \ 0.358325786157, 0.358212421732, 0.358098890522, 0.357985192472, \ 0.357871327531, 0.357757295645, 0.357643096761, 0.357528730826, \ 0.357414197787, 0.35729949759, 0.357184630183, 0.35706959551, \ 0.356954393519, 0.356839024156, 0.356723487367, 0.356607783098, \ 0.356491911294, 0.356375871902, 0.356259664866, 0.356143290133, \ 0.356026747648, 0.355910037356, 0.355793159202, 0.355676113131, \ 0.355558899089, 0.355441517019, 0.355323966867, 0.355206248577, \ 0.355088362094, 0.354970307363, 0.354852084326, 0.354733692928, \ 0.354615133114, 0.354496404828, 0.354377508012, 0.35425844261, \ 0.354139208567, 0.354019805826, 0.353900234329, 0.35378049402, \ 0.353660584842, 0.353540506738, 0.353420259651, 0.353299843523, \ 0.353179258297, 0.353058503916, 0.352937580322, 0.352816487456, \ 0.352695225262, 0.35257379368, 0.352452192653, 0.352330422124, \ 0.352208482032, 0.35208637232, 0.351964092929, 0.3518416438, \ 0.351719024875, 0.351596236094, 0.351473277398, 0.351350148728, \ 0.351226850025, 0.351103381229, 0.350979742281, 0.35085593312, \ 0.350731953687, 0.350607803923, 0.350483483765, 0.350358993156, \ 0.350234332033, 0.350109500337, 0.349984498007, 0.349859324983, \ 0.349733981203, 0.349608466606, 0.349482781131, 0.349356924717, \ 0.349230897303, 0.349104698827, 0.348978329228, 0.348851788443, \ 0.348725076411, 0.348598193069, 0.348471138357, 0.34834391221, \ 0.348216514568, 0.348088945366, 0.347961204544, 0.347833292037, \ 0.347705207784, 0.34757695172, 0.347448523782, 0.347319923909, \ 0.347191152035, 0.347062208097, 0.346933092032, 0.346803803775, \ 0.346674343264, 0.346544710432, 0.346414905218, 0.346284927555, \ 0.346154777379, 0.346024454627, 0.345893959232, 0.34576329113, \ 0.345632450257, 0.345501436546, 0.345370249932, 0.345238890351, \ 0.345107357736, 0.344975652022, 0.344843773142, 0.344711721031, \ 0.344579495623, 0.344447096851, 0.344314524649, 0.344181778951, \ 0.344048859689, 0.343915766796, 0.343782500207, 0.343649059853, \ 0.343515445668, 0.343381657583, 0.343247695533, 0.343113559448, \ 0.342979249261, 0.342844764904, 0.342710106308, 0.342575273407, \ 0.342440266131, 0.342305084412, 0.34216972818, 0.342034197368, \ 0.341898491907, 0.341762611726, 0.341626556758, 0.341490326932, \ 0.341353922179, 0.34121734243, 0.341080587614, 0.340943657662, \ 0.340806552503, 0.340669272067, 0.340531816284, 0.340394185084, \ 0.340256378395, 0.340118396147, 0.339980238268, 0.339841904688, \ 0.339703395335, 0.339564710138, 0.339425849025, 0.339286811925, \ 0.339147598766, 0.339008209475, 0.33886864398, 0.33872890221, \ 0.338588984091, 0.33844888955, 0.338308618517, 0.338168170916, \ 0.338027546675, 0.337886745721, 0.337745767981, 0.33760461338, \ 0.337463281846, 0.337321773304, 0.33718008768, 0.3370382249, \ 0.336896184891, 0.336753967576, 0.336611572882, 0.336469000734, \ 0.336326251057, 0.336183323776, 0.336040218815, 0.335896936099, \ 0.335753475553, 0.335609837101, 0.335466020667, 0.335322026174, \ 0.335177853547, 0.33503350271, 0.334888973585, 0.334744266096, \ 0.334599380166, 0.334454315719, 0.334309072676, 0.334163650961, \ 0.334018050496, 0.333872271204, 0.333726313006, 0.333580175825, \ 0.333433859582, 0.3332873642, 0.333140689599, 0.332993835701, \ 0.332846802427, 0.332699589699, 0.332552197437, 0.332404625561, \ 0.332256873993, 0.332108942652, 0.331960831459, 0.331812540334, \ 0.331664069197, 0.331515417967, 0.331366586564, 0.331217574907, \ 0.331068382916, 0.330919010508, 0.330769457604, 0.330619724122, \ 0.33046980998, 0.330319715097, 0.330169439391, 0.330018982779, \ 0.32986834518, 0.329717526511, 0.32956652669, 0.329415345633, \ 0.329263983259, 0.329112439483, 0.328960714223, 0.328808807396, \ 0.328656718917, 0.328504448702, 0.328351996669, 0.328199362732, \ 0.328046546808, 0.327893548812, 0.327740368658, 0.327587006263, \ 0.327433461542, 0.327279734408, 0.327125824778, 0.326971732564, \ 0.326817457682, 0.326663000045, 0.326508359567, 0.326353536163, \ 0.326198529745, 0.326043340226, 0.325887967521, 0.325732411541, \ 0.3255766722, 0.325420749411, 0.325264643085, 0.325108353134, \ 0.324951879472, 0.324795222009, 0.324638380658, 0.324481355329, \ 0.324324145934, 0.324166752385, 0.324009174591, 0.323851412464, \ 0.323693465915, 0.323535334852, 0.323377019188, 0.323218518831, \ 0.323059833691, 0.322900963677, 0.322741908701, 0.322582668669, \ 0.322423243491, 0.322263633077, 0.322103837334, 0.321943856171, \ 0.321783689496, 0.321623337217, 0.321462799242, 0.321302075479, \ 0.321141165834, 0.320980070215, 0.320818788529, 0.320657320683, \ 0.320495666583, 0.320333826135, 0.320171799247, 0.320009585823, \ 0.31984718577, 0.319684598993, 0.319521825397, 0.319358864888, \ 0.31919571737, 0.319032382749, 0.318868860929, 0.318705151813, \ 0.318541255307, 0.318377171315, 0.318212899739, 0.318048440483, \ 0.317883793451, 0.317718958546, 0.31755393567, 0.317388724726, \ 0.317223325617, 0.317057738245, 0.316891962512, 0.31672599832, \ 0.31655984557, 0.316393504163, 0.316226974001, 0.316060254985, \ 0.315893347016, 0.315726249993, 0.315558963818, 0.31539148839, \ 0.315223823609, 0.315055969374, 0.314887925586, 0.314719692144, \ 0.314551268945, 0.31438265589, 0.314213852877, 0.314044859803, \ 0.313875676567, 0.313706303067, 0.313536739201, 0.313366984865, \ 0.313197039958, 0.313026904375, 0.312856578014, 0.312686060772, \ 0.312515352544, 0.312344453226, 0.312173362715, 0.312002080905, \ 0.311830607693, 0.311658942973, 0.31148708664, 0.31131503859, \ 0.311142798715, 0.310970366911, 0.310797743071, 0.31062492709, \ 0.31045191886, 0.310278718275, 0.310105325228, 0.309931739611, \ 0.309757961317, 0.309583990239, 0.309409826268, 0.309235469297, \ 0.309060919216, 0.308886175918, 0.308711239292, 0.308536109231, \ 0.308360785624, 0.308185268362, 0.308009557336, 0.307833652434, \ 0.307657553547, 0.307481260563, 0.307304773373, 0.307128091864, \ 0.306951215926, 0.306774145446, 0.306596880314, 0.306419420416, \ 0.306241765641, 0.306063915875, 0.305885871006, 0.305707630921, \ 0.305529195506, 0.305350564647, 0.305171738232, 0.304992716144, \ 0.304813498271, 0.304634084497, 0.304454474707, 0.304274668786, \ 0.304094666619, 0.30391446809, 0.303734073083, 0.303553481481, \ 0.303372693168, 0.303191708028, 0.303010525942, 0.302829146795, \ 0.302647570468, 0.302465796843, 0.302283825802, 0.302101657227, \ 0.301919290999, 0.301736726999, 0.301553965108, 0.301371005207, \ 0.301187847175, 0.301004490893, 0.30082093624, 0.300637183096, \ 0.300453231339, 0.30026908085, 0.300084731505, 0.299900183184, \ 0.299715435764, 0.299530489123, 0.299345343139, 0.299159997689, \ 0.298974452649, 0.298788707897, 0.298602763308, 0.298416618759, \ 0.298230274125, 0.298043729282, 0.297856984104, 0.297670038468, \ 0.297482892246, 0.297295545315, 0.297107997546, 0.296920248815, \ 0.296732298995, 0.296544147958, 0.296355795578, 0.296167241727, \ 0.295978486277, 0.295789529101, 0.295600370069, 0.295411009053, \ 0.295221445924, 0.295031680553, 0.294841712811, 0.294651542566, \ 0.29446116969, 0.294270594051, 0.294079815519, 0.293888833963, \ 0.293697649251, 0.293506261251, 0.293314669832, 0.29312287486, \ 0.292930876204, 0.292738673731, 0.292546267306, 0.292353656796, \ 0.292160842068, 0.291967822987, 0.291774599419, 0.291581171228, \ 0.29138753828, 0.291193700439, 0.290999657568, 0.290805409533, \ 0.290610956195, 0.290416297419, 0.290221433068, 0.290026363003, \ 0.289831087087, 0.289635605182, 0.289439917148, 0.289244022849, \ 0.289047922144, 0.288851614893, 0.288655100957, 0.288458380196, \ 0.28826145247, 0.288064317636, 0.287866975555, 0.287669426085, \ 0.287471669084, 0.287273704409, 0.287075531918, 0.286877151468, \ 0.286678562916, 0.286479766119, 0.286280760932, 0.286081547211, \ 0.285882124811, 0.285682493588, 0.285482653395, 0.285282604088, \ 0.285082345521, 0.284881877546, 0.284681200017, 0.284480312788, \ 0.284279215709, 0.284077908635, 0.283876391415, 0.283674663903, \ 0.283472725948, 0.283270577402, 0.283068218114, 0.282865647935, \ 0.282662866715, 0.282459874302, 0.282256670545, 0.282053255293, \ 0.281849628394, 0.281645789695, 0.281441739045, 0.281237476289, \ 0.281033001275, 0.280828313848, 0.280623413854, 0.280418301139, \ 0.280212975549, 0.280007436926, 0.279801685116, 0.279595719963, \ 0.27938954131, 0.279183149, 0.278976542875, 0.278769722779, \ 0.278562688553, 0.278355440038, 0.278147977076, 0.277940299507, \ 0.277732407172, 0.27752429991, 0.277315977561, 0.277107439965, \ 0.276898686958, 0.276689718381, 0.276480534071, 0.276271133865, \ 0.2760615176, 0.275851685114, 0.275641636241, 0.275431370818, \ 0.275220888681, 0.275010189664, 0.274799273601, 0.274588140328, \ 0.274376789677, 0.274165221481, 0.273953435575, 0.273741431789, \ 0.273529209956, 0.273316769908, 0.273104111476, 0.272891234489, \ 0.272678138779, 0.272464824175, 0.272251290507, 0.272037537604, \ 0.271823565293, 0.271609373403, 0.271394961762, 0.271180330196, \ 0.270965478533, 0.270750406598, 0.270535114218, 0.270319601217, \ 0.270103867421, 0.269887912653, 0.269671736739, 0.2694553395, \ 0.269238720761, 0.269021880344, 0.268804818071, 0.268587533763, \ 0.268370027242, 0.268152298328, 0.267934346842, 0.267716172603, \ 0.26749777543, 0.267279155143, 0.26706031156, 0.266841244498, \ 0.266621953774, 0.266402439207, 0.266182700611, 0.265962737803, \ 0.265742550598, 0.265522138811, 0.265301502256, 0.265080640748, \ 0.2648595541, 0.264638242124, 0.264416704633, 0.264194941439, \ 0.263972952353, 0.263750737186, 0.263528295749, 0.263305627851, \ 0.263082733302, 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Located adjacent to Griffin and Kallungur, Murrumba Downs is a northern suburb of Greater Brisbane. It is bounded by Fresh Water Creek to the north, the North Pine River to the south and Bruce Highway to the east. The most common housing type in the area is single detached dwellings. Traditional Queenslanders and brick and tile houses are the most usual architectural styles. Murrumba Downs is a popular area for families and has both prestige and affordable properties available. Get an Murrumba Downs 4503 Rental Appraisal for your Murrumba Downs 4503 Investment property.
import boto3 import botocore import time from handlers import utils import dependency_engine as engine import taskDefs import services from handlers.exceptions import (StackExistsError, TaskDefExistsError, StackUnresolvedDependency, ExternalStackNotFound) def provision_handler(args): # Handler for both codeship and regular cli, for provision using # cloudformation stacks conf = args.conf stackSubset = args.stacks timeout = args.timeout if timeout is None: timeout = 60 dry_run = args.dry_run run_provision(conf, stackSubset, timeout, dry_run) def run_provision(conf, stackSubset, timeout, dry_run): (config, configParams, templates, tasksDefsContent, servicesContent, externalStacks) = utils.check_and_get_conf(conf) if stackSubset: print("Stack list detected, will only provision this sub-set " "of stacks :") print(stackSubset) else: stackSubset = [] for template in templates: stackSubset.append(template["StackName"]) ComputeStackFound = utils.verify_subset(stackSubset, templates) utils.change_workdir(conf) # Checking that all the external stacks exist if externalStacks: print("Checking if external templates exist") for stack in externalStacks: client = boto3.client('cloudformation', region_name=stack["StackRegion"]) try: response = client.describe_stacks(StackName=stack["StackName"]) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if (e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ValidationError' and "does not exist" in e.response['Error']['Message']): raise ExternalStackNotFound(stack["StackName"]) else: raise # Checking if there are existant stacks with the names of the templates # to be created print("Checking if there are CF stack with current names") for template in templates: if template["StackName"] not in stackSubset: continue client = boto3.client('cloudformation', region_name=template["StackRegion"]) listStacksResponse = client.list_stacks( StackStatusFilter=[ 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS', 'CREATE_COMPLETE', 'ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS', 'ROLLBACK_FAILED', 'ROLLBACK_COMPLETE', 'DELETE_IN_PROGRESS', 'DELETE_FAILED', 'UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS', 'UPDATE_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS', 'UPDATE_COMPLETE', 'UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS', 'UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED', 'UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS', 'UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE' ] ) for stack in listStacksResponse["StackSummaries"]: if stack["StackName"] == template["StackName"]: raise StackExistsError(template["StackName"]) if template["ComputeStack"].lower() == "true": # Checking if there are task defs with same names print("Checking if there are task defs with current names") client = boto3.client('ecs', region_name=template["StackRegion"]) for key, value in config["globalParameters"].items(): if "TASK_DEF_NAME" in key: similarTaskDefs = client.list_task_definition_families( familyPrefix=value, status="ACTIVE") for task in similarTaskDefs['families']: if value == task: raise TaskDefExistsError(task) print("Checks complete, ready for provisioning") if dry_run is True: return # Stacks Creation print("Creating Stacks...") # Will be filled with the output of the created stack at the end of # each loop extStacksOutput = {} for stack in externalStacks: extStackOutput = {} client = boto3.client('cloudformation', region_name=stack["StackRegion"]) try: describeStackResponse = client.describe_stacks( StackName=stack["StackName"]) stack = describeStackResponse["Stacks"][0] stackOutputs = stack["Outputs"] print("Getting stack output from %s" % (stack["StackName"])) for outputSet in stackOutputs: extStackOutput[outputSet["OutputKey"]] = outputSet["OutputValue"] utils.mergeOutputConfig(extStackOutput, extStacksOutput, stack) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if (e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ValidationError' and "does not exist" in e.response['Error']['Message']): raise ExternalStackNotFound(stack["StackName"]) else: raise if externalStacks: utils.mergeOutputConfig(extStacksOutput, configParams, stack) configOutput = {} for template in templates: if template["StackName"] in stackSubset: print("Creating stack : %s" % (template["StackName"])) else: print("Getting output from stack %s if it exists" % (template["StackName"])) print("Converting stack config for %s..." % (template["StackName"])) # Output of the current running stack, will be filled later stackOutputs = None if template["StackName"] in stackSubset: missingRefs = engine.dependencyResolver( target=template["StackParameters"], resolve=True, valueSources=[configParams]) if missingRefs: raise StackUnresolvedDependency( template["StackName"], missingRefs) parameterList = [] for key in template["StackParameters"]: param = { 'ParameterKey': key, 'ParameterValue': template["StackParameters"][key], 'UsePreviousValue': False } parameterList.append(param) client = boto3.client('cloudformation', region_name=template["StackRegion"]) createStackResponse = client.create_stack( StackName=template["StackName"], TemplateBody=template["TemplateContent"], Parameters=parameterList, TimeoutInMinutes=timeout, Capabilities=[ 'CAPABILITY_IAM', ] ) stackId = createStackResponse["StackId"] print("Stack creation launched for stack : %s" % (template["StackName"])) print(stackId) # Waiting for stack creation while True: describeStackResponse = client.describe_stacks( StackName=template["StackName"]) stack = describeStackResponse["Stacks"][0] if (stack["StackStatus"] == 'CREATE_FAILED' or stack["StackStatus"] == 'ROLLBACK_COMPLETE'): print("Stack creating failed") print(stack["StackStatusReason"]) elif stack["StackStatus"] == 'CREATE_COMPLETE': print("Stack creation complete") if "Outputs" in stack: print("Stack Output :") stackOutputs = stack["Outputs"] else: print("Stack with no output to print") stackOutputs = None break else: print("Stack creation in progress") time.sleep(20) else: print("Getting stack output") for stack in listStacksResponse["StackSummaries"]: if stack["StackName"] == template["StackName"]: print("Stack found") client = boto3.client('cloudformation', region_name=template["StackRegion"]) describeStackResponse = client.describe_stacks( StackName=template["StackName"]) stack = describeStackResponse["Stacks"][0] if "Outputs" in stack: print("Stack Output :") stackOutputs = stack["Outputs"] else: print("Stack with no output to print") stackOutputs = None if not stackOutputs: print("Stack does not exist, ignoring step") configOutput = {} if stackOutputs: print("Converting stack output...") for outputSet in stackOutputs: configOutput[outputSet["OutputKey"] ] = outputSet["OutputValue"] print("Output parameters from stack:") print(configOutput) utils.mergeOutputConfig(configOutput, configParams, template) if template["ComputeStack"].lower() == "true" and template["StackName"] in stackSubset: tasksDefsContent = taskDefs.fill_taskDef_templates( tasksDefsContent, configParams) taskDefs.register_taskDef(tasksDefsContent, template["StackRegion"]) client = boto3.client('ecs', region_name=template["StackRegion"]) servicesContent = services.fill_service_templates( servicesContent, configParams) services.create_services(servicesContent, template["StackRegion"]) print("Provision process successful")
Hi-Peak Internet provide a support service for small to medium sized businesses in the High Peak and surrounding region of the UK, including most of Derbyshire, Cheshire and Greater Manchester. These IT support services are available either on a call-out basis, or with an annual support contract; both options are very competitively priced. Let Hi-Peak Internet take on the role of computer support department for you and remove one of the biggest headaches facing businesses of all sizes.
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase from twisted.web.microdom import parseString, getElementsByTagName from twisted.web.domhelpers import gatherTextNodes from xquotient.scrubber import scrub, scrubCIDLinks class ScrubberTestCase(TestCase): def test_scrubCIDLinksWithLinks(self): """ Test L{xquotient.scrubber.Scrubber.scrubCIDLinks with <a>s """ node = parseString(""" <html> <a href="cid:foo">with a CID URI</a> <a href="not a cid uri">without a CID URI</a> </html> """).documentElement scrubCIDLinks(node) (link,) = node.childNodes self.assertEquals(link.attributes['href'], 'not a cid uri') def test_scrubCIDLinksWithIFrames(self): """ Test L{xquotient.scrubber.Scrubber.scrubCIDLinks} with <iframe>s """ node = parseString(""" <html> <IFRAME SRC="CID:foo">with a CID URL</IFRAME> <IFRAME SRC="http://foo.bar">without a CID URI</IFRAME> </html> """).documentElement scrubCIDLinks(node) (iframe,) = node.childNodes self.assertEquals(iframe.attributes['src'], 'http://foo.bar') def test_scrubCIDLinksWithImages(self): """ Test L{xquotient.scrubber.Scrubber.scrubCIDLinks} with <img>s """ node = parseString(""" <html> <img src="cid:foo" /> <img src="http://foo.bar" /> <img src="cid:bar" /> <img src="http://bar.baz" /> </html> """).documentElement scrubCIDLinks(node) self.assertEquals(list(e.attributes['src'] for e in node.childNodes), ['http://foo.bar', 'http://bar.baz']) def test_scrubCIDLinks(self): """ Test L{xquotient.scrubber.Scrubber.scrubCIDLinks} with a bunch of different nodes """ node = parseString(""" <html> <img src="cid:foo" /> <a href="x" name="1" /> <iframe src="cid:bar" /> <iframe name="2" /> <a href="cid:xxx" /> <img src="123" name="3" /> <link href="cid:foo" /> <link href="xyz" name="4" /> <script src="cid:baz" /> <script href="x" name="5" /> </html>""").documentElement scrubCIDLinks(node) self.assertEquals( list(int(e.attributes['name']) for e in node.childNodes), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) def test_scrubWithCIDLinkArg(self): """ Test that L{xquotient.scrubber.Scrubber.scrub} pays attention to the C{filterCIDLinks} argument, when passed <a>s """ node = parseString(""" <html> <a href="x" /> <a href="cid:foo" /> </html> """).documentElement scrubbed = scrub(node, filterCIDLinks=False) self.assertEquals( list(e.attributes['href'] for e in scrubbed.firstChild().childNodes), ['x', 'cid:foo']) scrubbed = scrub(node, filterCIDLinks=True) self.assertEquals( list(e.attributes['href'] for e in scrubbed.firstChild().childNodes), ['x']) def test_scrubTrustsSpan(self): """ Test that L{xquotient.scrubber.Scrubber} considers span to be a safe tag. Added because of #1641. """ node = parseString(""" <html> <span style='font-weight: bold; font-family:"Book Antiqua"'> Hello </span> </html> """).documentElement scrubbed = scrub(node) spans = getElementsByTagName(scrubbed, 'span') self.assertEquals(len(spans), 1) self.assertEquals(gatherTextNodes(spans[0]).strip(), "Hello") def test_scrubTrustsH1(self): """ Test that L{xquotient.scrubber.Scrubber} considers h1 to be a safe tag. Added because of #1895. """ node = parseString("<h1>Foo</h1>").documentElement scrubbed = scrub(node) h1s = getElementsByTagName(scrubbed, 'h1') self.assertEquals(len(h1s), 1) self.assertEquals(gatherTextNodes(h1s[0]).strip(), "Foo")
Being heavily involved in sport I have the opportunity to talk with a variety of people about the game on a daily basis. One of the groups of people I talk with most is parents. For some reason since I started coaching parents have become increasingly obsessed with their son or daughter becoming the next great athlete. Almost like they lived vicariously through the child, they expect so much from the children. I often hear parents complain that they spend all their time in a hockey rink as they have their child in the regular league, spring league (or selects league), hockey camps, powerskating camps, private lessons, and stick time. Their child needs hockey specialization “so they can focus on one sport and be the very best”. Apparently the more hockey you can cram down the throat of your child is directly proportional to the salary they will earn in the pros later on in life. If only it was that simple. how many kids like to do one thing (or sport) for years on end, mulitple hours per day? Even Wayne Gretzky (who was a freak of nature with the amount of hockey he played as a kid) didn’t specialize in hockey until he was in his mid teens. Gretzky played a lot of Lacrosse in the summer…never spending time in a rink for 4 to 5 months of the year. Only when he played at the major junior and pro level did this change. These days however, we feel that our children need to spend every week of the year in the rink to be the best. This is a recipe for sport burnout. the beauty of playing multiple sports is you develop into a well rounded athlete. As hockey is such a complex game requiring many different skills it stands to reason that playing another sport is a great avenue to develop hockey related skills. I have my goaltenders for instance play racquet sports in the summer. Why? Because it’s kind of important to develop hand eye coordination and multi-directional mobility for a goalie…which is exactly what happens in racquetball or tennis. A hockey forward would certainly benefit from playing Lacrosse, soccer, ball hockey or even roller hockey in the summer as these are different sports that build an overall skill set. let’s say you develop a child into a hockey player, but for whatever reason they fail to make those last levels in the sport. If they are good enough to play junior, but never get a college offer or chance to play pro, their hockey career is over. In a matter of months, everything they know (like practicing 4 to 5 days a week, bus trips with the team, dryland training, etc.) is over. I know many, many junior players who are a mess that last year of hockey because they know their hockey career is ending. Their identity is lost. Playing rec league hockey after you have played Junior A is a very different experience for most players. Instead, why not expose your child to multiple sports and emphasis that sport is for life! They can learn how to play a variety of sports and when hockey is done they can continue playing tennis or baseball for the rest of their life without their identity and ego taking a huge hit. These are just some of the ways that sport specialization is not a good idea. I talk about this subject extensively in my book, DRYLAND (the Long Term Athlete Development chapter). I would highly recommend that parents and children get in a lot of sport experiences and always make it fun so that they learn how to carry the idea of playing sports through their entire lives, and not just until they are no longer able to play one sport at the elite level. I simply want to tell you that I’m very new to blogging and site-building and definitely liked you’re web-site. Most likely I’m going to bookmark your website . You absolutely come with perfect well written articles. Bless you for revealing your blog. Hey! Someone in my Facebook group shared this site with us so I came to check it out. I’m definitely enjoying the information. I’m bookmarking and will be tweeting this to my followers! Fantastic blog and excellent style and design.
import numpy as np import scipy.ndimage as ndi import scipy.sparse as sp from discretize.utils.matrix_utils import ndgrid from discretize.utils.code_utils import as_array_n_by_dim, is_scalar from scipy.spatial import cKDTree, Delaunay from scipy import interpolate import discretize from discretize.utils.code_utils import deprecate_function import warnings num_types = [int, float] def random_model(shape, seed=None, anisotropy=None, its=100, bounds=None): """Create random tensor model. Creates a random tensor model by convolving a kernel function with a uniformly distributed model. The user specifies the number of cells along the x, (y and z) directions with the input argument *shape* and the function outputs a tensor model with the same shape. Afterwards, the user may use the :py:func:`~discretize.utils.mkvc` function to convert the tensor to a vector which can be plotting on a corresponding tensor mesh. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple shape of the model. seed : int pick which model to produce, prints the seed if you don't choose anisotropy : numpy.ndarray this is the (3 x n) blurring kernel that is used its : int number of smoothing iterations bounds : list Lower and upper bounds on the model. Has the form [lower_bound, upper_bound]. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A random renerated model whose shape was specified by the input parameter *shape* Examples -------- Here, we generate a random model for a 2D tensor mesh and plot. >>> from discretize import TensorMesh >>> from discretize.utils import random_model, mkvc >>> import matplotlib as mpl >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> >>> h = [(1., 50)] >>> vmin, vmax = 0., 1. >>> mesh = TensorMesh([h, h]) >>> model = random_model(mesh.shape_cells, seed=4, bounds=[vmin, vmax]) >>> model = mkvc(model) >>> >>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4)) >>> ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.8]) >>> ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.83, 0.1, 0.03, 0.8]) >>> mesh.plot_image(model, grid=False, ax=ax1) >>> norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) >>> mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax2, norm=norm) >>> ax1.set_title('Random Tensor Model') """ if bounds is None: bounds = [0, 1] if seed is None: seed = np.random.randint(1e3) print("Using a seed of: ", seed) if type(shape) in num_types: shape = (shape,) # make it a tuple for consistency np.random.seed(seed) mr = np.random.rand(*shape) if anisotropy is None: if len(shape) == 1: smth = np.array([1, 10.0, 1], dtype=float) elif len(shape) == 2: smth = np.array([[1, 7, 1], [2, 10, 2], [1, 7, 1]], dtype=float) elif len(shape) == 3: kernal = np.array([1, 4, 1], dtype=float).reshape((1, 3)) smth = np.array( sp.kron(sp.kron(kernal, kernal.T).todense()[:], kernal).todense() ).reshape((3, 3, 3)) else: if len(anisotropy.shape) != len(shape): raise ValueError("Anisotropy must be the same shape.") smth = np.array(anisotropy, dtype=float) smth = smth / smth.sum() # normalize mi = mr for i in range(its): mi = ndi.convolve(mi, smth) # scale the model to live between the bounds. mi = (mi - mi.min()) / (mi.max() - mi.min()) # scaled between 0 and 1 mi = mi * (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) + bounds[0] return mi def unpack_widths(value): """Unpack a condensed representation of cell widths or time steps. For a list of numbers, if the same value is repeat or expanded by a constant factor, it may be represented in a condensed form using list of floats and/or tuples. **unpack_widths** takes a list of floats and/or tuples in condensed form, e.g.: [ float, (cellSize, numCell), (cellSize, numCell, factor) ] and expands the representation to a list containing all widths in order. That is: [ w1, w2, w3, ..., wn ] Parameters ---------- value : list of floats and/or tuples The list of floats and/or tuples that are to be unpacked Returns ------- list The unpacked list with all widths in order Examples -------- Time stepping for time-domain codes can be represented in condensed form, e.g.: [ (1e-5, 10), (1e-4, 4), 1e-3 ] The above means to take 10 steps at a step width of 1e-5 s and then 4 more at 1e-4 s, and then one step of 1e-3 s. When unpacked, the output is of length 15 and is given by: [1e-5, ..., 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-4, 1e-4, 1e-4, 1e-3] Each axis of a tensor mesh can also be defined as a condensed list of floats and/or tuples. When a third number is defined in any tuple, the width value is successively expanded by that factor, e.g.: [ 6., 8., (10.0, 3), (8.0, 4, 2.) ] If we unpacked this, we would obtain: [ 6., 8., 10., 10., 10., 8., 16., 32., 64. ] """ if type(value) is not list: raise Exception("unpack_widths must be a list of scalars and tuples.") proposed = [] for v in value: if is_scalar(v): proposed += [float(v)] elif type(v) is tuple and len(v) == 2: proposed += [float(v[0])] * int(v[1]) elif type(v) is tuple and len(v) == 3: start = float(v[0]) num = int(v[1]) factor = float(v[2]) pad = ((np.ones(num) * np.abs(factor)) ** (np.arange(num) + 1)) * start if factor < 0: pad = pad[::-1] proposed += pad.tolist() else: raise Exception( "unpack_widths must contain only scalars and len(2) or len(3) tuples." ) return np.array(proposed) def closest_points_index(mesh, pts, grid_loc="CC", **kwargs): """Find the indicies for the nearest cell center, node, face or edge for a set of points. Parameters ---------- mesh : discretize.BaseMesh An instance of *discretize.BaseMesh* pts : numpy.ndarray Points being moved. Has shape (n, dim) grid_loc : str Specifies the grid on which points are being moved to. Choose one of {'CC', 'N', 'Fx', 'Fy', 'Fz', 'Ex', 'Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez'} Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Vector of length *n* containing the indicies for the closest respective cell center, node, face or edge. Examples -------- Here we define a set of random (x, y) locations and find the closest cell centers and nodes on a mesh. >>> from discretize import TensorMesh >>> from discretize.utils import closest_points_index >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> >>> h = 2*np.ones(5) >>> mesh = TensorMesh([h, h], x0='00') >>> >>> # Random locations, grid cell centers and grid nodes >>> xy_random = np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=(4,2)) >>> xy_centers = mesh.cell_centers >>> xy_nodes = mesh.nodes >>> >>> # Find indicies of closest cell centers and nodes >>> ind_centers = closest_points_index(mesh, xy_random, 'CC') >>> ind_nodes = closest_points_index(mesh, xy_random, 'N') >>> >>> # Plot closest cell centers and nodes >>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) >>> ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) >>> mesh.plot_grid(ax=ax) >>> ax.scatter(xy_random[:, 0], xy_random[:, 1], 50, 'k') >>> ax.scatter(xy_centers[ind_centers, 0], xy_centers[ind_centers, 1], 50, 'r') >>> ax.scatter(xy_nodes[ind_nodes, 0], xy_nodes[ind_nodes, 1], 50, 'b') >>> plt.show() """ if "gridLoc" in kwargs: warnings.warn( "The gridLoc keyword argument has been deprecated, please use grid_loc. " "This will be removed in discretize 1.0.0", DeprecationWarning, ) grid_loc = kwargs["gridLoc"] pts = as_array_n_by_dim(pts, mesh.dim) grid = getattr(mesh, "grid" + grid_loc) nodeInds = np.empty(pts.shape[0], dtype=int) for i, pt in enumerate(pts): if mesh.dim == 1: nodeInds[i] = ((pt - grid) ** 2).argmin() else: nodeInds[i] = ( ((np.tile(pt, (grid.shape[0], 1)) - grid) ** 2).sum(axis=1).argmin() ) return nodeInds def extract_core_mesh(xyzlim, mesh, mesh_type="tensor"): """Extracts the core mesh from a global mesh. Parameters ---------- xyzlim : numpy.ndarray 2D array defining the x, y and z cutoffs for the core mesh region. Each row contains the minimum and maximum limit for the x, y and z axis, respectively. Thus the array has shape (ndim, 2) mesh : discretize.BaseMesh The mesh mesh_type : str, optional Unused currently Returns ------- tuple: (**active_index**, **core_mesh**) **active_index** is a boolean array that maps from the global the mesh to core mesh. **core_mesh** is a *discretize.BaseMesh* object representing the core mesh. Examples -------- Here, we define a 2D tensor mesh that has both a core region and padding. We use the function **extract_core_mesh** to return a mesh which contains only the core region. >>> from discretize.utils import extract_core_mesh >>> from discretize import TensorMesh >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import matplotlib as mpl >>> >>> mpl.rcParams.update({"font.size": 14}) >>> >>> # Corners of a uniform cube >>> h = [(1., 5, -1.5), (1., 20), (1., 5, 1.5)] >>> mesh = TensorMesh([h, h], origin='CC') >>> >>> # Plot original mesh >>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111) >>> mesh.plot_grid(ax=ax) >>> ax.set_title('Original Tensor Mesh') >>> plt.show() >>> >>> # Set the limits for the cutoff of the core mesh (dim, 2) >>> xlim = np.c_[-10., 10] >>> ylim = np.c_[-10., 10] >>> core_limits = np.r_[xlim, ylim] >>> >>> # Extract indices of core mesh cells and the core mesh, then plot >>> core_ind, core_mesh = extract_core_mesh(core_limits, mesh) >>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4)) >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111) >>> core_mesh.plot_grid(ax=ax) >>> ax.set_title('Core Mesh') """ if not isinstance(mesh, discretize.TensorMesh): raise Exception("Only implemented for class TensorMesh") if mesh.dim == 1: xyzlim = xyzlim.flatten() xmin, xmax = xyzlim[0], xyzlim[1] xind = np.logical_and(mesh.cell_centers_x > xmin, mesh.cell_centers_x < xmax) xc = mesh.cell_centers_x[xind] hx = mesh.h[0][xind] origin = [xc[0] - hx[0] * 0.5] meshCore = discretize.TensorMesh([hx], origin=origin) actind = (mesh.cell_centers > xmin) & (mesh.cell_centers < xmax) elif mesh.dim == 2: xmin, xmax = xyzlim[0, 0], xyzlim[0, 1] ymin, ymax = xyzlim[1, 0], xyzlim[1, 1] xind = np.logical_and(mesh.cell_centers_x > xmin, mesh.cell_centers_x < xmax) yind = np.logical_and(mesh.cell_centers_y > ymin, mesh.cell_centers_y < ymax) xc = mesh.cell_centers_x[xind] yc = mesh.cell_centers_y[yind] hx = mesh.h[0][xind] hy = mesh.h[1][yind] origin = [xc[0] - hx[0] * 0.5, yc[0] - hy[0] * 0.5] meshCore = discretize.TensorMesh([hx, hy], origin=origin) actind = ( (mesh.cell_centers[:, 0] > xmin) & (mesh.cell_centers[:, 0] < xmax) & (mesh.cell_centers[:, 1] > ymin) & (mesh.cell_centers[:, 1] < ymax) ) elif mesh.dim == 3: xmin, xmax = xyzlim[0, 0], xyzlim[0, 1] ymin, ymax = xyzlim[1, 0], xyzlim[1, 1] zmin, zmax = xyzlim[2, 0], xyzlim[2, 1] xind = np.logical_and(mesh.cell_centers_x > xmin, mesh.cell_centers_x < xmax) yind = np.logical_and(mesh.cell_centers_y > ymin, mesh.cell_centers_y < ymax) zind = np.logical_and(mesh.cell_centers_z > zmin, mesh.cell_centers_z < zmax) xc = mesh.cell_centers_x[xind] yc = mesh.cell_centers_y[yind] zc = mesh.cell_centers_z[zind] hx = mesh.h[0][xind] hy = mesh.h[1][yind] hz = mesh.h[2][zind] origin = [xc[0] - hx[0] * 0.5, yc[0] - hy[0] * 0.5, zc[0] - hz[0] * 0.5] meshCore = discretize.TensorMesh([hx, hy, hz], origin=origin) actind = ( (mesh.cell_centers[:, 0] > xmin) & (mesh.cell_centers[:, 0] < xmax) & (mesh.cell_centers[:, 1] > ymin) & (mesh.cell_centers[:, 1] < ymax) & (mesh.cell_centers[:, 2] > zmin) & (mesh.cell_centers[:, 2] < zmax) ) else: raise Exception("Not implemented!") return actind, meshCore def mesh_builder_xyz( xyz, h, padding_distance=[[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], base_mesh=None, depth_core=None, expansion_factor=1.3, mesh_type="tensor", ): """Generate a tensor or tree mesh using a cloud of points. For a cloud of (x,y[,z]) locations and specified minimum cell widths (hx,hy,[hz]), this function creates a tensor or a tree mesh. The lateral extent of the core region is determine by the cloud of points. Other properties of the mesh can be defined automatically or by the user. If *base_mesh* is an instance of :class:`~discretize.TensorMesh` or :class:`~discretize.TreeMesh`, the core cells will be centered on the underlying mesh to reduce interpolation errors. Parameters ---------- xyz : numpy.ndarray Location points [n x dim] h : list Cell size(s) for the core mesh [1 x ndim] padding_distance : list Padding distances [[W,E], [N,S], [Down,Up]] base_mesh : discretize.TensorMesh or discretize.TreeMesh discretize mesh used to center the core mesh depth_core : float Depth of core mesh below xyz expansion_factor : float Expansion factor for padding cells. Ignored is *mesh_type* = *tree* mesh_type : str Specify output mesh type. Choose from {'tensor", "tree"} Returns -------- discretize.TensorMesh or discretize.TreeMesh Mesh of type specified by *mesh_type* Examples -------- >>> import discretize >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> xyLoc = np.random.randn(8,2) >>> >>> mesh = discretize.utils.mesh_builder_xyz( >>> xyLoc, [0.1, 0.1], depth_core=0.5, >>> padding_distance=[[1,2], [1,0]], >>> mesh_type='tensor', >>> ) >>> >>> axs = plt.subplot() >>> mesh.plot_image(mesh.cell_volumes, grid=True, ax=axs) >>> axs.scatter(xyLoc[:,0], xyLoc[:,1], 15, c='w', zorder=3) >>> axs.set_aspect('equal') >>> plt.show() """ if mesh_type.lower() not in ["tensor", "tree"]: raise ValueError("Revise mesh_type. Only TENSOR | TREE mesh are implemented") # Get extent of points limits = [] center = [] nC = [] for dim in range(xyz.shape[1]): max_min = np.r_[xyz[:, dim].max(), xyz[:, dim].min()] limits += [max_min] center += [np.mean(max_min)] nC += [int((max_min[0] - max_min[1]) / h[dim])] if depth_core is not None: nC[-1] += int(depth_core / h[-1]) limits[-1][1] -= depth_core if mesh_type.lower() == "tensor": # Figure out padding cells from distance def expand(dx, pad): length = 0 nc = 0 while length < pad: nc += 1 length = np.sum(dx * expansion_factor ** (np.asarray(range(nc)) + 1)) return nc # Define h along each dimension h_dim = [] nC_origin = [] for dim in range(xyz.shape[1]): h_dim += [ [ ( h[dim], expand(h[dim], padding_distance[dim][0]), -expansion_factor, ), (h[dim], nC[dim]), ( h[dim], expand(h[dim], padding_distance[dim][1]), expansion_factor, ), ] ] nC_origin += [h_dim[-1][0][1]] # Create mesh mesh = discretize.TensorMesh(h_dim) elif mesh_type.lower() == "tree": # Figure out full extent required from input h_dim = [] nC_origin = [] for ii, cc in enumerate(nC): extent = limits[ii][0] - limits[ii][1] + np.sum(padding_distance[ii]) # Number of cells at the small octree level maxLevel = int(np.log2(extent / h[ii])) + 1 h_dim += [np.ones(2 ** maxLevel) * h[ii]] # Define the mesh and origin mesh = discretize.TreeMesh(h_dim) for ii, cc in enumerate(nC): core = limits[ii][0] - limits[ii][1] pad2 = int(np.log2(padding_distance[ii][0] / h[ii] + 1)) nC_origin += [int(np.ceil((mesh.h[ii].sum() - core) / h[ii] / 2))] # Set origin origin = [] for ii, hi in enumerate(mesh.h): origin += [limits[ii][1] - np.sum(hi[: nC_origin[ii]])] mesh.origin = np.hstack(origin) # Shift mesh if global mesh is used based on closest to centroid axis = ["x", "y", "z"] if base_mesh is not None: for dim in range(base_mesh.dim): cc_base = getattr( base_mesh, "cell_centers_{orientation}".format(orientation=axis[dim]), ) cc_local = getattr( mesh, "cell_centers_{orientation}".format(orientation=axis[dim]) ) shift = ( cc_base[np.max([np.searchsorted(cc_base, center[dim]) - 1, 0])] - cc_local[np.max([np.searchsorted(cc_local, center[dim]) - 1, 0])] ) origin[dim] += shift mesh.origin = np.hstack(origin) return mesh def refine_tree_xyz( mesh, xyz, method="radial", octree_levels=[1, 1, 1], octree_levels_padding=None, finalize=False, min_level=0, max_distance=np.inf, ): """Refine region within a :class:`~discretize.TreeMesh` This function refines the specified region of a tree mesh using one of several methods. These are summarized below: **radial:** refines based on radial distances from a set of xy[z] locations. Consider a tree mesh whose smallest cell size has a width of *h* . And *octree_levels = [nc1, nc2, nc3, ...]* . Within a distance of *nc1 x h* from any of the points supplied, the smallest cell size is used. Within a distance of *nc2 x (2h)* , the cells will have a width of *2h* . Within a distance of *nc3 x (4h)* , the cells will have a width of *4h* . Etc... **surface:** refines downward from a triangulated surface. Consider a tree mesh whose smallest cell size has a width of *h*. And *octree_levels = [nc1, nc2, nc3, ...]* . Within a downward distance of *nc1 x h* from the topography (*xy[z]* ) supplied, the smallest cell size is used. The topography is triangulated if the points supplied are coarser than the cell size. No refinement is done above the topography. Within a vertical distance of *nc2 x (2h)* , the cells will have a width of *2h* . Within a vertical distance of *nc3 x (4h)* , the cells will have a width of *4h* . Etc... **box:** refines inside the convex hull defined by the xy[z] locations. Consider a tree mesh whose smallest cell size has a width of *h*. And *octree_levels = [nc1, nc2, nc3, ...]* . Within the convex hull defined by *xyz* , the smallest cell size is used. Within a distance of *nc2 x (2h)* from that convex hull, the cells will have a width of *2h* . Within a distance of *nc3 x (4h)* , the cells will have a width of *4h* . Etc... Parameters ---------- mesh : discretize.TreeMesh The tree mesh object to be refined xyz : numpy.ndarray 2D array of points (n, dim) method : str Method used to refine the mesh based on xyz locations. Choose from {'radial', 'surface', 'box'}. - *radial:* Based on radial distance xy[z] and cell centers - *surface:* Refines downward from a triangulated surface - *box:* Inside limits defined by outer xy[z] locations octree_levels : list of int Minimum number of cells around points in each *k* octree level starting from the smallest cells size; i.e. *[nc(k), nc(k-1), ...]* . Note that you *can* set entries to 0; e.g. you don't want to discretize using the smallest cell size. octree_levels_padding : list of int Padding cells added to extend the region of refinement at each level. Used for *method = surface* and *box*. Has the form *[nc(k), nc(k-1), ...]* finalize : bool Finalize the tree mesh {True, False}. (*Default = False*) min_level : int Sets the largest cell size allowed in the mesh. The default is *0* , which allows the largest cell size to be used. max_distance : float Maximum refinement distance from xy[z] locations. Used if *method* = "surface" to reduce interpolation distance Returns -------- discretize.TreeMesh Tree mesh Examples -------- Here we use the **refine_tree_xyz** function refine a tree mesh based on topography as well as a cluster of points. >>> from discretize import TreeMesh >>> from discretize.utils import mkvc, refine_tree_xyz >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> dx = 5 # minimum cell width (base mesh cell width) in x >>> dy = 5 # minimum cell width (base mesh cell width) in y >>> >>> x_length = 300.0 # domain width in x >>> y_length = 300.0 # domain width in y >>> >>> # Compute number of base mesh cells required in x and y >>> nbcx = 2 ** int(np.round(np.log(x_length / dx) / np.log(2.0))) >>> nbcy = 2 ** int(np.round(np.log(y_length / dy) / np.log(2.0))) >>> >>> # Define the base mesh >>> hx = [(dx, nbcx)] >>> hy = [(dy, nbcy)] >>> mesh = TreeMesh([hx, hy], x0="CC") >>> >>> # Refine surface topography >>> xx = mesh.vectorNx >>> yy = -3 * np.exp((xx ** 2) / 100 ** 2) + 50.0 >>> pts = np.c_[mkvc(xx), mkvc(yy)] >>> mesh = refine_tree_xyz( >>> mesh, pts, octree_levels=[2, 4], method="surface", finalize=False >>> ) >>> >>> # Refine mesh near points >>> xx = np.array([-10.0, 10.0, 10.0, -10.0]) >>> yy = np.array([-40.0, -40.0, -60.0, -60.0]) >>> pts = np.c_[mkvc(xx), mkvc(yy)] >>> mesh = refine_tree_xyz(mesh, pts, octree_levels=[4, 2], method="radial", finalize=False) >>> >>> mesh.finalize() >>> >>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(111) >>> mesh.plotGrid(ax=ax) >>> ax.set_xbound(mesh.x0[0], mesh.x0[0] + np.sum(mesh.hx)) >>> ax.set_ybound(mesh.x0[1], mesh.x0[1] + np.sum(mesh.hy)) >>> ax.set_title("QuadTree Mesh") >>> plt.show() """ if octree_levels_padding is not None: if len(octree_levels_padding) != len(octree_levels): raise ValueError( "'octree_levels_padding' must be the length %i" % len(octree_levels) ) else: octree_levels_padding = np.zeros_like(octree_levels) octree_levels = np.asarray(octree_levels) octree_levels_padding = np.asarray(octree_levels_padding) # Trigger different refine methods if method.lower() == "radial": # Compute the outer limits of each octree level rMax = np.cumsum( mesh.h[0].min() * octree_levels * 2 ** np.arange(len(octree_levels)) ) rs = np.ones(xyz.shape[0]) level = np.ones(xyz.shape[0], dtype=np.int32) for ii, nC in enumerate(octree_levels): # skip "zero" sized balls if rMax[ii] > 0: mesh.refine_ball( xyz, rs * rMax[ii], level * (mesh.max_level - ii), finalize=False ) if finalize: mesh.finalize() elif method.lower() == "surface": # Compute centroid centroid = np.mean(xyz, axis=0) if mesh.dim == 2: rOut = np.abs(centroid[0] - xyz).max() hz = mesh.h[1].min() else: # Largest outer point distance rOut = np.linalg.norm( np.r_[ np.abs(centroid[0] - xyz[:, 0]).max(), np.abs(centroid[1] - xyz[:, 1]).max(), ] ) hz = mesh.h[2].min() # Compute maximum depth of refinement zmax = np.cumsum(hz * octree_levels * 2 ** np.arange(len(octree_levels))) # Compute maximum horizontal padding offset padWidth = np.cumsum( mesh.h[0].min() * octree_levels_padding * 2 ** np.arange(len(octree_levels_padding)) ) # Increment the vertical offset zOffset = 0 xyPad = -1 depth = zmax[-1] # Cycle through the Tree levels backward for ii in range(len(octree_levels) - 1, -1, -1): dx = mesh.h[0].min() * 2 ** ii if mesh.dim == 3: dy = mesh.h[1].min() * 2 ** ii dz = mesh.h[2].min() * 2 ** ii else: dz = mesh.h[1].min() * 2 ** ii # Increase the horizontal extent of the surface if xyPad != padWidth[ii]: xyPad = padWidth[ii] # Calculate expansion for padding XY cells expansion_factor = (rOut + xyPad) / rOut xLoc = (xyz - centroid) * expansion_factor + centroid if mesh.dim == 3: # Create a new triangulated surface tri2D = Delaunay(xLoc[:, :2]) F = interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator(tri2D, xLoc[:, 2]) else: F = interpolate.interp1d( xLoc[:, 0], xLoc[:, 1], fill_value="extrapolate" ) limx = np.r_[xLoc[:, 0].max(), xLoc[:, 0].min()] nCx = int(np.ceil((limx[0] - limx[1]) / dx)) if mesh.dim == 3: limy = np.r_[xLoc[:, 1].max(), xLoc[:, 1].min()] nCy = int(np.ceil((limy[0] - limy[1]) / dy)) # Create a grid at the octree level in xy CCx, CCy = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(limx[1], limx[0], nCx), np.linspace(limy[1], limy[0], nCy), ) xy = np.c_[CCx.reshape(-1), CCy.reshape(-1)] # Only keep points within triangulation indexTri = tri2D.find_simplex(xy) else: xy = np.linspace(limx[1], limx[0], nCx) indexTri = np.ones_like(xy, dtype="bool") # Interpolate the elevation linearly z = F(xy[indexTri != -1]) newLoc = np.c_[xy[indexTri != -1], z] # Only keep points within max_distance tree = cKDTree(xyz) r, ind = tree.query(newLoc) # Apply vertical padding for current octree level dim = mesh.dim - 1 zOffset = 0 while zOffset < depth: indIn = r < (max_distance + padWidth[ii]) nnz = int(np.sum(indIn)) if nnz > 0: mesh.insert_cells( np.c_[newLoc[indIn, :dim], newLoc[indIn, -1] - zOffset], np.ones(nnz) * mesh.max_level - ii, finalize=False, ) zOffset += dz depth -= dz * octree_levels[ii] if finalize: mesh.finalize() elif method.lower() == "box": # Define the data extent [bottom SW, top NE] bsw = np.min(xyz, axis=0) tne = np.max(xyz, axis=0) hs = np.asarray([h.min() for h in mesh.h]) hx = hs[0] hz = hs[-1] # Pre-calculate outer extent of each level # x_pad padWidth = np.cumsum( hx * octree_levels_padding * 2 ** np.arange(len(octree_levels)) ) if mesh.dim == 3: # y_pad hy = hs[1] padWidth = np.c_[ padWidth, np.cumsum( hy * octree_levels_padding * 2 ** np.arange(len(octree_levels)) ), ] # Pre-calculate max depth of each level padWidth = np.c_[ padWidth, np.cumsum( hz * np.maximum(octree_levels - 1, 0) * 2 ** np.arange(len(octree_levels)) ), ] levels = [] BSW = [] TNE = [] for ii, octZ in enumerate(octree_levels): if octZ > 0: levels.append(mesh.max_level - ii) BSW.append(bsw - padWidth[ii]) TNE.append(tne + padWidth[ii]) mesh.refine_box(BSW, TNE, levels, finalize=finalize) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Only method= 'radial', 'surface'" " or 'box' have been implemented" ) return mesh def active_from_xyz(mesh, xyz, grid_reference="CC", method="linear"): """Return boolean array indicating which cells are below surface For a set of locations defining a surface, **active_from_xyz** outputs a boolean array indicating which mesh cells like below the surface points. This method uses SciPy's interpolation routine to interpolate between location points defining the surface. Nearest neighbour interpolation is used for cells outside the convex hull of the surface points. Parameters ---------- mesh : discretize.TensorMesh or discretize.TreeMesh or discretize.CylindricalMesh Mesh object. If *mesh* is a cylindrical mesh, it must be symmetric xyz : numpy.ndarray Points defining the surface topography (*, dim). grid_reference : str {'CC', 'N'} Define where the cell is defined relative to surface. Choose between {'CC','N'} - If 'CC' is used, cells are active if their centers are below the surface. - If 'N' is used, cells are active if they lie entirely below the surface. method : str {'linear', 'nearest'} Interpolation method for locations between the xyz points. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray of bool 1D mask array of *bool* for the active cells below xyz. Examples -------- Here we define the active cells below a parabola. We demonstrate the differences that appear when using the 'CC' and 'N' options for *reference_grid*. >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> from discretize import TensorMesh >>> from discretize.utils import active_from_xyz >>> >>> mesh = TensorMesh([5, 5]) >>> topo_func = lambda x: -3*(x-0.2)*(x-0.8)+.5 >>> topo_points = np.linspace(0, 1) >>> topo_vals = topo_func(topo_points) >>> >>> active_cc = active_from_xyz(mesh, np.c_[topo_points, topo_vals], grid_reference='CC') >>> ax = plt.subplot(121) >>> mesh.plot_image(active_cc, ax=ax) >>> mesh.plot_grid(centers=True, ax=ax) >>> ax.plot(np.linspace(0,1), topo_func(np.linspace(0,1)), color='C3') >>> ax.set_title("CC") >>> >>> active_n = active_from_xyz(mesh, np.c_[topo_points, topo_vals], grid_reference='N') >>> ax = plt.subplot(122) >>> mesh.plot_image(active_n, ax=ax) >>> mesh.plot_grid(nodes=True, ax=ax) >>> ax.plot(np.linspace(0,1), topo_func(np.linspace(0,1)), color='C3') >>> ax.set_title("N") >>> plt.show() """ try: if not mesh.is_symmetric: raise NotImplementedError( "Unsymmetric CylindricalMesh is not yet supported" ) except AttributeError: pass if grid_reference not in ["N", "CC"]: raise ValueError( "Value of grid_reference must be 'N' (nodal) or 'CC' (cell center)" ) dim = mesh.dim - 1 if mesh.dim == 3: if xyz.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError("xyz locations of shape (*, 3) required for 3D mesh") if method == "linear": tri2D = Delaunay(xyz[:, :2]) z_interpolate = interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator(tri2D, xyz[:, 2]) else: z_interpolate = interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator(xyz[:, :2], xyz[:, 2]) elif mesh.dim == 2: if xyz.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError("xyz locations of shape (*, 2) required for 2D mesh") z_interpolate = interpolate.interp1d( xyz[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan, kind=method ) else: if xyz.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("xyz locations of shape (*, ) required for 1D mesh") if grid_reference == "CC": # this should work for all 4 mesh types... locations = mesh.cell_centers if mesh.dim == 1: active = np.zeros(mesh.nC, dtype="bool") active[np.searchsorted(mesh.cell_centers_x, xyz).max() :] = True return active elif grid_reference == "N": try: # try for Cyl, Tensor, and Tree operations if mesh.dim == 3: locations = np.vstack( [ mesh.cell_centers + (np.c_[-1, 1, 1][:, None] * mesh.h_gridded / 2.0).squeeze(), mesh.cell_centers + (np.c_[-1, -1, 1][:, None] * mesh.h_gridded / 2.0).squeeze(), mesh.cell_centers + (np.c_[1, 1, 1][:, None] * mesh.h_gridded / 2.0).squeeze(), mesh.cell_centers + (np.c_[1, -1, 1][:, None] * mesh.h_gridded / 2.0).squeeze(), ] ) elif mesh.dim == 2: locations = np.vstack( [ mesh.cell_centers + (np.c_[-1, 1][:, None] * mesh.h_gridded / 2.0).squeeze(), mesh.cell_centers + (np.c_[1, 1][:, None] * mesh.h_gridded / 2.0).squeeze(), ] ) else: active = np.zeros(mesh.nC, dtype="bool") active[np.searchsorted(mesh.nodes_x, xyz).max() :] = True return active except AttributeError: # Try for Curvilinear Mesh gridN = mesh.gridN.reshape((*mesh.vnN, mesh.dim), order="F") if mesh.dim == 3: locations = np.vstack( [ gridN[:-1, 1:, 1:].reshape((-1, mesh.dim), order="F"), gridN[:-1, :-1, 1:].reshape((-1, mesh.dim), order="F"), gridN[1:, 1:, 1:].reshape((-1, mesh.dim), order="F"), gridN[1:, :-1, 1:].reshape((-1, mesh.dim), order="F"), ] ) elif mesh.dim == 2: locations = np.vstack( [ gridN[:-1, 1:].reshape((-1, mesh.dim), order="F"), gridN[1:, 1:].reshape((-1, mesh.dim), order="F"), ] ) # Interpolate z values on CC or N z_xyz = z_interpolate(locations[:, :-1]).squeeze() # Apply nearest neighbour if in extrapolation ind_nan = np.isnan(z_xyz) if any(ind_nan): tree = cKDTree(xyz) _, ind = tree.query(locations[ind_nan, :]) z_xyz[ind_nan] = xyz[ind, dim] # Create an active bool of all True active = np.all( (locations[:, dim] < z_xyz).reshape((mesh.nC, -1), order="F"), axis=1 ) return active.ravel() meshTensor = deprecate_function(unpack_widths, "meshTensor", removal_version="1.0.0") closestPoints = deprecate_function( closest_points_index, "closestPoints", removal_version="1.0.0" ) ExtractCoreMesh = deprecate_function( extract_core_mesh, "ExtractCoreMesh", removal_version="1.0.0" ) closest_points = deprecate_function( closest_points_index, "closest_points", removal_version="1.0.0" )
Compiled a 366-106 record as coach at Fort Wayne Snider from 1980-2001. Won 77% of his games. Teams won four SAC Championships, eight sectionals, six regionals, three semi-states and the 1988 state championship. Served as the boys' tennis coach from 1973-1990. Served as assistant boys' basketball coach from 1972-1980 at Fort Wayne Snider. Played at Syracuse and Manchester College. Deceased.
"""Add resumes. Revision ID: e7410a32fd81 Revises: 4453e9c3a9be Create Date: 2018-01-17 11:49:53.974612 """ from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = 'e7410a32fd81' down_revision = '4453e9c3a9be' branch_labels = None depends_on = None def upgrade(): # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.create_table('resume_permissions', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id') ) op.create_table('resumes', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('name', sa.Unicode(length=32), nullable=True), sa.Column('hashed', sa.Unicode(length=64), nullable=True), sa.Column('date_created', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True), sa.Column('date_updated', sa.DateTime(), nullable=True), sa.Column('user_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['user_id'], ['users.id'], ), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id') ) # ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade(): # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.drop_table('resumes') op.drop_table('resume_permissions') # ### end Alembic commands ###
Today has been quite pleasant. I am now stopped in Carapan, the map suggested it would be a ways to the next town. It was brought to my attention that a couple of my posts from the past few days never posted. Sorry. I was alive, and will write more stories soon.
#!/usr/bin/env python # myastrotools # some useful astro functions # not really "MY" astro toold either. mostly inheritade, as they propagate through generations of astronomers. couldnt tell who was the author of which function.... import datetime # chomp #################### def absmag(appmag,d,dunits='pc'): from numpy import log10 if dunits == 'Mpc': d=d*1.0e6 return appmag - 2.5 *log10( (d/10)**2 ) def chomp(ifile): lines = [] for l in [l.strip() for l in open(ifile).readlines()]: if len(l)<1: continue lines.append(l) return lines ################## # compare lists of ra,decl ##################### def match_radeclists(data1, data2, tol): import math mdata = [] for d1 in data1: x1 = d1[0] y1 = d1[1] for d2 in data2: x2 = d2[0] y2 = d2[1] print x1,x2,y1,y2 dist = math.sqrt( (x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2) ) if dist < tol: # print x1, y1, mag1, x2, y2, mag2, dist/0.0002 mdata.append([dist, x1, y1, x2, y2]) print mdata return mdata ################## # print offset ##################### def offsets(data1, data2): import math mdata = [] for d1 in data1: x1 = d1[0] y1 = d1[1] for d2 in data2: x2 = d2[0] y2 = d2[1] # print x1,x2,y1,y2, offx= x1-x2 offy = y1-y2 #print offx,offy return offx,offy ################## # ra in seg to deg ##################### def raseg2deg(raseg): if type(raseg) is float: return raseg st = raseg.split(':') # hr, min sec # print 'ra2deg: st--> ', st if len(st)<1: return -999.0 return 15.0*(float(st[0]) + float(st[1])/60.0 + float(st[2])/3600.0) ##################### # dec in seg to degree ##################### def decseg2deg(decseg): if type(decseg) is float: return decseg decseg = decseg.replace(' ','') if not (decseg[0] == '+' or decseg[0] == '-'): decseg='+'+decseg st = decseg[1:].split(':') # deg, min, sec # print 'dec2deg: st--> ', st if len(st)<1: return -999.0 parity = decseg[0] decdeg = float(st[0])+ float(st[1])/60.0 + float(st[2])/3600.0 if parity == '-': decdeg *= -1.0 return decdeg ################## # ra in deg to seg def radeg2seg(ra): # ra ra /= 15.0 try: rhr = int(ra) except: rhr=list(map(int, ra)) ra -= rhr ra *= 60.0 try: rmn = int(ra) except: rmn=list(map(int, ra)) ra -= rmn ra *= 60.0 rsc = ra try: return(':'.join([str('%02d' % rhr), str('%02d' % rmn), '%02d' % (int(rsc)) + ('%.3f' % (rsc-int(rsc)))[-4:]])) except: newlist=[] for i,hr in enumerate(rhr): newlist.append(':'.join([str('%02d' % hr), str('%02d' % rmn[i]), '%02d' % (int(rsc[i])) + ('%.3f' % (rsc[i]-int(rsc[i])))[-4:]])) return(newlist) ################## # dec in deg to seg def decdeg2seg(dec): # dec iamneg = 0 try: if dec<0: iamneg = 1 dec *= -1.0 ddeg = int(dec) parity = '+' if iamneg==1: parity = '-' except: ddeg=list(map(int, dec)) parity=['+']*len(ddeg) for i,d in enumerate(ddeg): if d<0: parity[i]='-' dec -= ddeg dec *= 60.0 try: dmn = int(dec) except: dmn=list(map(int, dec)) dec -= dmn dec *= 60.0 dsc = dec try: return(parity + ':'.join([str(ddeg), str('%02d' % dmn), '%02d' % (int(dsc)) + ('%.2f' % (dsc-int(dsc)))[-3:]])) except: newlist=[] for i,dg in enumerate(ddeg): newlist.append('%s' % str(parity[i])+':'.join([str('%02d' % dg), str('%02d' % dmn[i]), '%02d' % (int(dsc[i])) + ('%.3f' % (dsc[i]-int(dsc[i])))[-4:]])) return(newlist) ################## # list of ra, decl in seg to deg ##################### def posseg2deg(pos): raseg = pos[0] decseg = pos[1] radeg = raseg2deg(raseg) decdeg = decseg2deg(decseg) ans = [radeg, raseg] return(ans) ################## # list of ra, decl in deg to seg ##################### def posdeg2seg(pos): radeg = pos[0] decdeg = pos[1] raseg = radeg2seg(radeg) decseg = decdeg2seg(decdeg) ans = [raseg, decseg] return(ans) ####################### def gregorian_to_ut_mjd(date): d0 = datetime.datetime(1858, 11, 17) if type(date)==datetime.date: d0 = datetime.date(1858, 11, 17) date=date-d0 # print date #hours/24.0+date.minuted/1440+(date.seconds)/86400. return date.days+ (date.seconds)/86400. ####################### def jd2gdate(myjd): """Julian date to Gregorian calendar date and time of day. The input and output are for the proleptic Gregorian calendar. Parameters ---------- myjd: julian date (float). Returns ------- y, m, d, f : int, int, int, float Four element tuple containing year, month, day and the fractional part of the day in the Gregorian calendar. The first three are integers, and the last part is a float. """ from math import modf jd_i = int(myjd) f = myjd-jd_i # Set JD to noon of the current date. Fractional part is the # fraction from midnight of the current date. if -0.5 < f < 0.5: f += 0.5 elif f >= 0.5: jd_i += 1 f -= 0.5 elif f <= -0.5: jd_i -= 1 f += 1.5 l = jd_i + 68569 n = int((4 * l) / 146097.0) l -= int(((146097 * n) + 3) / 4.0) i = int((4000 * (l + 1)) / 1461001) l -= int((1461 * i) / 4.0) - 31 j = int((80 * l) / 2447.0) day = l - int((2447 * j) / 80.0) l = int(j / 11.0) month = j + 2 - (12 * l) year = 100 * (n - 49) + i + l return int(year), int(month), int(day), f ####################### def get_mjdoff(dt): mjdoff = 60*60*dt.hour + 60*dt.minute + dt.second mjdoff /= 24.0*3600 return mjdoff ####################### def get_cur_epoch(pmjd): unow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() nmjd = gregorian_to_ut_mjd(unow) mjdoff = get_mjdoff(unow) nmjd += mjdoff if pmjd<0: return [nmjd, -1.0] # return nmjd-pmjd return [nmjd, '%.2f' % (nmjd-pmjd)] # vacuum to air conversion from SDSS-III website def vac2air(x): ''' vacuum to air conversion as given on the SDSS-III website x in Angstroms ''' tmp = 1.0 +\ 2.735182e-4 +\ 131.4182/x**2 +\ 2.76249e8/x**4 return x/tmp # vacuum to air conversion from SDSS-III website def indexOfRefraction_makee(x): ''' index of refraction at 0C as given by makee website x in Angstroms ''' n = (2875.66 + 13.412/(x**2*1e-8) + 0.3777/(x**4*1e-16))*1e-7 return n+1 def indexOfRefraction_morton(x): ''' index of refraction at 0C as given by Morton 1991 x in Angstroms ''' s = 1.0e4/x tmp = 6.4328e-5 + 2.94981e-2/(146-s**2) + 2.5540e-4/(41-s**2) return 1+tmp def makeGaussian2d(sizex, fwhm = 20): """ Make a square gaussian kernel. size is the length of a side of the square fwhm is full-width-half-maximum, which can be thought of as an effective radius. """ from scipy import arange,newaxis, exp, log x=arange(sizex) y=x[:,newaxis] x0,y0=sizex/2,sizex/2 g=exp(-4*log(2)*((x-x0)**2+(y-y0)**2)/fwhm**2) return g #def indexOfRefraction_makee(x): # ''' index of refraction as given in makee website # ''' # n = ((2875.66 + 13.412/(w**2*1e-8) + 0.3777/(w**4*1e-16))*1e-7) # return n+1 def print_timing(func): import time print "timingit" print func def wrapper(*arg): t1 = time.time() res = func(*arg) t2 = time.time() print '%s took %0.3f ms' % (func.func_name, (t2-t1)*1000.0) return res return wrapper # declare the @ decorator just before the function, invokes print_timing()
Valmir Caetano disse. Banda que bota pra quebrar!!! Pena que o Henry Rollins se envolveu com esse negócio de Talk Show e deixou a banda um pouco de lado. Rock Crusher How It Works India A rock crusher is a device used to crush rocks into smaller pieces, usually for gravel or some other road or building application. Most rock crushers have a hopper at the top -a container which holds the rock above the crusher and uses gravity to feed it in. Alternately, rock crushers can use a belt drive to continuously transport the rock into the crusher. Rock Crusher How It Works India Jaw crusher: When the rock crushing machine works, motor drives belt and pulley, and the eccentric shaft drives the mobile jaw plate. When the mobile jaw plate rises, the angle between elbow plate and mobile jaw plate becomes larger. Rock Crusher How It Works India how surge bin works Rock Crusher Mill how surge bin works XSM is a leading global manufacturer of crushing and milling equipment,XSM also supply individual (how surge bin works) crushers and mills as well as spare parts of them. how stone crusher works in india rock crusher manufacturer in india sher is widely used in many developing countries how stone crusher works in india / how stone. Dec 13, 2017· Iron Ore Crusher Machine Manufacturers and Iron Ore Suppliers India. World leader in the production and sale of iron ore crusher machine. Professional Be it coal, salt, ore, rock, wood chips or anything like clay, the industrial processing of the same involves crushing the core step for best processing. Rock Crusher How It Works India How It Works Hammer Rock Crusher cdsspgc A crusher is a machine designed to reduce large rocks into smaller rocks, gravel, or rock dust. . Each crusher is designed to work with a certain maximum size of raw material, and often delivers its . Rock Crusher How It Works India Crusher Kownledge the free Crusher's Product Encyclopedia supply cone crusher,jaw crusher,impact crusher,stone crusher,rock crusher's kownledge Types of Secondary Rock Crushers | eHow The general concept of how a cone crusher works is very similar to an orange juicer. Rock Crusher How It Works India Crushing plant is designed according to mineral properties and final products applications. SBM designs best crushing solution and provides whole range of mineral crushing plants in United Arab Emirates. Rock Crusher How It Works India Rock & Dirt the source for heavy equipment auctions since 1950.
/*Owner & Copyrights: Vance King Saxbe. A.*/""" Copyright (c) <2014> Author Vance King Saxbe. A, and contributors Power Dominion Enterprise, Precieux Consulting and other contributors. Modelled, Architected and designed by Vance King Saxbe. A. with the geeks from GoldSax Consulting and GoldSax Technologies email @[email protected]. Development teams from Power Dominion Enterprise, Precieux Consulting. Project sponsored by GoldSax Foundation, GoldSax Group and executed by GoldSax Manager."""''' Modelled, Architected and designed by Vance King Saxbe. A. with the geeks from GoldSax Consulting, GoldSax Money, GoldSax Treasury, GoldSax Finance, GoldSax Banking and GoldSax Technologies email @[email protected]. Development teams from Power Dominion Enterprise, Precieux Consulting. Project sponsored by GoldSax Foundation, GoldSax Group and executed by GoldSax Manager. ''' from numpy import * from time import sleep class GoldSaxSVM: def loadDataSet(fileName): dataMat = []; labelMat = [] fr = open(fileName) for line in fr.readlines(): lineArr = line.strip().split('\t') dataMat.append([float(lineArr[0]), float(lineArr[1])]) labelMat.append(float(lineArr[2])) return dataMat,labelMat def selectJrand(i,m): j=i #we want to select any J not equal to i while (j==i): j = int(random.uniform(0,m)) return j def clipAlpha(aj,H,L): if aj > H: aj = H if L > aj: aj = L return aj def smoSimple(dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, maxIter): dataMatrix = mat(dataMatIn); labelMat = mat(classLabels).transpose() b = 0; m,n = shape(dataMatrix) alphas = mat(zeros((m,1))) iter = 0 while (iter < maxIter): alphaPairsChanged = 0 for i in range(m): fXi = float(multiply(alphas,labelMat).T*(dataMatrix*dataMatrix[i,:].T)) + b Ei = fXi - float(labelMat[i])#if checks if an example violates KKT conditions if ((labelMat[i]*Ei < -toler) and (alphas[i] < C)) or ((labelMat[i]*Ei > toler) and (alphas[i] > 0)): j = selectJrand(i,m) fXj = float(multiply(alphas,labelMat).T*(dataMatrix*dataMatrix[j,:].T)) + b Ej = fXj - float(labelMat[j]) alphaIold = alphas[i].copy(); alphaJold = alphas[j].copy(); if (labelMat[i] != labelMat[j]): L = max(0, alphas[j] - alphas[i]) H = min(C, C + alphas[j] - alphas[i]) else: L = max(0, alphas[j] + alphas[i] - C) H = min(C, alphas[j] + alphas[i]) if L==H: print "L==H"; continue eta = 2.0 * dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T - dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[i,:].T - dataMatrix[j,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T if eta >= 0: print "eta>=0"; continue alphas[j] -= labelMat[j]*(Ei - Ej)/eta alphas[j] = clipAlpha(alphas[j],H,L) if (abs(alphas[j] - alphaJold) < 0.00001): print "j not moving enough"; continue alphas[i] += labelMat[j]*labelMat[i]*(alphaJold - alphas[j])#update i by the same amount as j #the update is in the oppostie direction b1 = b - Ei- labelMat[i]*(alphas[i]-alphaIold)*dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[i,:].T - labelMat[j]*(alphas[j]-alphaJold)*dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T b2 = b - Ej- labelMat[i]*(alphas[i]-alphaIold)*dataMatrix[i,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T - labelMat[j]*(alphas[j]-alphaJold)*dataMatrix[j,:]*dataMatrix[j,:].T if (0 < alphas[i]) and (C > alphas[i]): b = b1 elif (0 < alphas[j]) and (C > alphas[j]): b = b2 else: b = (b1 + b2)/2.0 alphaPairsChanged += 1 print "iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter,i,alphaPairsChanged) if (alphaPairsChanged == 0): iter += 1 else: iter = 0 print "iteration number: %d" % iter return b,alphas def kernelTrans(X, A, kTup): #calc the kernel or transform data to a higher dimensional space m,n = shape(X) K = mat(zeros((m,1))) if kTup[0]=='lin': K = X * A.T #linear kernel elif kTup[0]=='rbf': for j in range(m): deltaRow = X[j,:] - A K[j] = deltaRow*deltaRow.T K = exp(K/(-1*kTup[1]**2)) #divide in NumPy is element-wise not matrix like Matlab else: raise NameError('Houston We Have a Problem -- \ That Kernel is not recognized') return K class optStruct: def __init__(self,dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, kTup): # Initialize the structure with the parameters self.X = dataMatIn self.labelMat = classLabels self.C = C self.tol = toler self.m = shape(dataMatIn)[0] self.alphas = mat(zeros((self.m,1))) self.b = 0 self.eCache = mat(zeros((self.m,2))) #first column is valid flag self.K = mat(zeros((self.m,self.m))) for i in range(self.m): self.K[:,i] = kernelTrans(self.X, self.X[i,:], kTup) def calcEk(oS, k): fXk = float(multiply(oS.alphas,oS.labelMat).T*oS.K[:,k] + oS.b) Ek = fXk - float(oS.labelMat[k]) return Ek def selectJ(i, oS, Ei): #this is the second choice -heurstic, and calcs Ej maxK = -1; maxDeltaE = 0; Ej = 0 oS.eCache[i] = [1,Ei] #set valid #choose the alpha that gives the maximum delta E validEcacheList = nonzero(oS.eCache[:,0].A)[0] if (len(validEcacheList)) > 1: for k in validEcacheList: #loop through valid Ecache values and find the one that maximizes delta E if k == i: continue #don't calc for i, waste of time Ek = calcEk(oS, k) deltaE = abs(Ei - Ek) if (deltaE > maxDeltaE): maxK = k; maxDeltaE = deltaE; Ej = Ek return maxK, Ej else: #in this case (first time around) we don't have any valid eCache values j = selectJrand(i, oS.m) Ej = calcEk(oS, j) return j, Ej def updateEk(oS, k):#after any alpha has changed update the new value in the cache Ek = calcEk(oS, k) oS.eCache[k] = [1,Ek] def innerL(i, oS): Ei = calcEk(oS, i) if ((oS.labelMat[i]*Ei < -oS.tol) and (oS.alphas[i] < oS.C)) or ((oS.labelMat[i]*Ei > oS.tol) and (oS.alphas[i] > 0)): j,Ej = selectJ(i, oS, Ei) #this has been changed from selectJrand alphaIold = oS.alphas[i].copy(); alphaJold = oS.alphas[j].copy(); if (oS.labelMat[i] != oS.labelMat[j]): L = max(0, oS.alphas[j] - oS.alphas[i]) H = min(oS.C, oS.C + oS.alphas[j] - oS.alphas[i]) else: L = max(0, oS.alphas[j] + oS.alphas[i] - oS.C) H = min(oS.C, oS.alphas[j] + oS.alphas[i]) if L==H: print "L==H"; return 0 eta = 2.0 * oS.K[i,j] - oS.K[i,i] - oS.K[j,j] #changed for kernel if eta >= 0: print "eta>=0"; return 0 oS.alphas[j] -= oS.labelMat[j]*(Ei - Ej)/eta oS.alphas[j] = clipAlpha(oS.alphas[j],H,L) updateEk(oS, j) #added this for the Ecache if (abs(oS.alphas[j] - alphaJold) < 0.00001): print "j not moving enough"; return 0 oS.alphas[i] += oS.labelMat[j]*oS.labelMat[i]*(alphaJold - oS.alphas[j])#update i by the same amount as j updateEk(oS, i) #added this for the Ecache #the update is in the oppostie direction b1 = oS.b - Ei- oS.labelMat[i]*(oS.alphas[i]-alphaIold)*oS.K[i,i] - oS.labelMat[j]*(oS.alphas[j]-alphaJold)*oS.K[i,j] b2 = oS.b - Ej- oS.labelMat[i]*(oS.alphas[i]-alphaIold)*oS.K[i,j]- oS.labelMat[j]*(oS.alphas[j]-alphaJold)*oS.K[j,j] if (0 < oS.alphas[i]) and (oS.C > oS.alphas[i]): oS.b = b1 elif (0 < oS.alphas[j]) and (oS.C > oS.alphas[j]): oS.b = b2 else: oS.b = (b1 + b2)/2.0 return 1 else: return 0 def smoP(dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, maxIter,kTup=('lin', 0)): #full Platt SMO oS = optStruct(mat(dataMatIn),mat(classLabels).transpose(),C,toler, kTup) iter = 0 entireSet = True; alphaPairsChanged = 0 while (iter < maxIter) and ((alphaPairsChanged > 0) or (entireSet)): alphaPairsChanged = 0 if entireSet: #go over all for i in range(oS.m): alphaPairsChanged += innerL(i,oS) print "fullSet, iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter,i,alphaPairsChanged) iter += 1 else:#go over non-bound (railed) alphas nonBoundIs = nonzero((oS.alphas.A > 0) * (oS.alphas.A < C))[0] for i in nonBoundIs: alphaPairsChanged += innerL(i,oS) print "non-bound, iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter,i,alphaPairsChanged) iter += 1 if entireSet: entireSet = False #toggle entire set loop elif (alphaPairsChanged == 0): entireSet = True print "iteration number: %d" % iter return oS.b,oS.alphas def calcWs(alphas,dataArr,classLabels): X = mat(dataArr); labelMat = mat(classLabels).transpose() m,n = shape(X) w = zeros((n,1)) for i in range(m): w += multiply(alphas[i]*labelMat[i],X[i,:].T) return w def testRbf(k1=1.3): dataArr,labelArr = loadDataSet('testSetRBF.txt') b,alphas = smoP(dataArr, labelArr, 200, 0.0001, 10000, ('rbf', k1)) #C=200 important datMat=mat(dataArr); labelMat = mat(labelArr).transpose() svInd=nonzero(alphas.A>0)[0] sVs=datMat[svInd] #get matrix of only support vectors labelSV = labelMat[svInd]; print "there are %d Support Vectors" % shape(sVs)[0] m,n = shape(datMat) errorCount = 0 for i in range(m): kernelEval = kernelTrans(sVs,datMat[i,:],('rbf', k1)) predict=kernelEval.T * multiply(labelSV,alphas[svInd]) + b if sign(predict)!=sign(labelArr[i]): errorCount += 1 print "the training error rate is: %f" % (float(errorCount)/m) dataArr,labelArr = loadDataSet('testSetRBF2.txt') errorCount = 0 datMat=mat(dataArr); labelMat = mat(labelArr).transpose() m,n = shape(datMat) for i in range(m): kernelEval = kernelTrans(sVs,datMat[i,:],('rbf', k1)) predict=kernelEval.T * multiply(labelSV,alphas[svInd]) + b if sign(predict)!=sign(labelArr[i]): errorCount += 1 print "the test error rate is: %f" % (float(errorCount)/m) def img2vector(filename): returnVect = zeros((1,1024)) fr = open(filename) for i in range(32): lineStr = fr.readline() for j in range(32): returnVect[0,32*i+j] = int(lineStr[j]) return returnVect def loadImages(dirName): from os import listdir hwLabels = [] trainingFileList = listdir(dirName) #load the training set m = len(trainingFileList) trainingMat = zeros((m,1024)) for i in range(m): fileNameStr = trainingFileList[i] fileStr = fileNameStr.split('.')[0] #take off .txt classNumStr = int(fileStr.split('_')[0]) if classNumStr == 9: hwLabels.append(-1) else: hwLabels.append(1) trainingMat[i,:] = img2vector('%s/%s' % (dirName, fileNameStr)) return trainingMat, hwLabels def testDigits(kTup=('rbf', 10)): dataArr,labelArr = loadImages('trainingDigits') b,alphas = smoP(dataArr, labelArr, 200, 0.0001, 10000, kTup) datMat=mat(dataArr); labelMat = mat(labelArr).transpose() svInd=nonzero(alphas.A>0)[0] sVs=datMat[svInd] labelSV = labelMat[svInd]; print "there are %d Support Vectors" % shape(sVs)[0] m,n = shape(datMat) errorCount = 0 for i in range(m): kernelEval = kernelTrans(sVs,datMat[i,:],kTup) predict=kernelEval.T * multiply(labelSV,alphas[svInd]) + b if sign(predict)!=sign(labelArr[i]): errorCount += 1 print "the training error rate is: %f" % (float(errorCount)/m) dataArr,labelArr = loadImages('testDigits') errorCount = 0 datMat=mat(dataArr); labelMat = mat(labelArr).transpose() m,n = shape(datMat) for i in range(m): kernelEval = kernelTrans(sVs,datMat[i,:],kTup) predict=kernelEval.T * multiply(labelSV,alphas[svInd]) + b if sign(predict)!=sign(labelArr[i]): errorCount += 1 print "the test error rate is: %f" % (float(errorCount)/m) '''#######******************************** Non-Kernel VErsions below '''#######******************************** class optStructK: def __init__(self,dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler): # Initialize the structure with the parameters self.X = dataMatIn self.labelMat = classLabels self.C = C self.tol = toler self.m = shape(dataMatIn)[0] self.alphas = mat(zeros((self.m,1))) self.b = 0 self.eCache = mat(zeros((self.m,2))) #first column is valid flag def calcEkK(oS, k): fXk = float(multiply(oS.alphas,oS.labelMat).T*(oS.X*oS.X[k,:].T)) + oS.b Ek = fXk - float(oS.labelMat[k]) return Ek def selectJK(i, oS, Ei): #this is the second choice -heurstic, and calcs Ej maxK = -1; maxDeltaE = 0; Ej = 0 oS.eCache[i] = [1,Ei] #set valid #choose the alpha that gives the maximum delta E validEcacheList = nonzero(oS.eCache[:,0].A)[0] if (len(validEcacheList)) > 1: for k in validEcacheList: #loop through valid Ecache values and find the one that maximizes delta E if k == i: continue #don't calc for i, waste of time Ek = calcEk(oS, k) deltaE = abs(Ei - Ek) if (deltaE > maxDeltaE): maxK = k; maxDeltaE = deltaE; Ej = Ek return maxK, Ej else: #in this case (first time around) we don't have any valid eCache values j = selectJrand(i, oS.m) Ej = calcEk(oS, j) return j, Ej def updateEkK(oS, k):#after any alpha has changed update the new value in the cache Ek = calcEk(oS, k) oS.eCache[k] = [1,Ek] def innerLK(i, oS): Ei = calcEk(oS, i) if ((oS.labelMat[i]*Ei < -oS.tol) and (oS.alphas[i] < oS.C)) or ((oS.labelMat[i]*Ei > oS.tol) and (oS.alphas[i] > 0)): j,Ej = selectJ(i, oS, Ei) #this has been changed from selectJrand alphaIold = oS.alphas[i].copy(); alphaJold = oS.alphas[j].copy(); if (oS.labelMat[i] != oS.labelMat[j]): L = max(0, oS.alphas[j] - oS.alphas[i]) H = min(oS.C, oS.C + oS.alphas[j] - oS.alphas[i]) else: L = max(0, oS.alphas[j] + oS.alphas[i] - oS.C) H = min(oS.C, oS.alphas[j] + oS.alphas[i]) if L==H: print "L==H"; return 0 eta = 2.0 * oS.X[i,:]*oS.X[j,:].T - oS.X[i,:]*oS.X[i,:].T - oS.X[j,:]*oS.X[j,:].T if eta >= 0: print "eta>=0"; return 0 oS.alphas[j] -= oS.labelMat[j]*(Ei - Ej)/eta oS.alphas[j] = clipAlpha(oS.alphas[j],H,L) updateEk(oS, j) #added this for the Ecache if (abs(oS.alphas[j] - alphaJold) < 0.00001): print "j not moving enough"; return 0 oS.alphas[i] += oS.labelMat[j]*oS.labelMat[i]*(alphaJold - oS.alphas[j])#update i by the same amount as j updateEk(oS, i) #added this for the Ecache #the update is in the oppostie direction b1 = oS.b - Ei- oS.labelMat[i]*(oS.alphas[i]-alphaIold)*oS.X[i,:]*oS.X[i,:].T - oS.labelMat[j]*(oS.alphas[j]-alphaJold)*oS.X[i,:]*oS.X[j,:].T b2 = oS.b - Ej- oS.labelMat[i]*(oS.alphas[i]-alphaIold)*oS.X[i,:]*oS.X[j,:].T - oS.labelMat[j]*(oS.alphas[j]-alphaJold)*oS.X[j,:]*oS.X[j,:].T if (0 < oS.alphas[i]) and (oS.C > oS.alphas[i]): oS.b = b1 elif (0 < oS.alphas[j]) and (oS.C > oS.alphas[j]): oS.b = b2 else: oS.b = (b1 + b2)/2.0 return 1 else: return 0 def smoPK(dataMatIn, classLabels, C, toler, maxIter): #full Platt SMO oS = optStruct(mat(dataMatIn),mat(classLabels).transpose(),C,toler) iter = 0 entireSet = True; alphaPairsChanged = 0 while (iter < maxIter) and ((alphaPairsChanged > 0) or (entireSet)): alphaPairsChanged = 0 if entireSet: #go over all for i in range(oS.m): alphaPairsChanged += innerL(i,oS) print "fullSet, iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter,i,alphaPairsChanged) iter += 1 else:#go over non-bound (railed) alphas nonBoundIs = nonzero((oS.alphas.A > 0) * (oS.alphas.A < C))[0] for i in nonBoundIs: alphaPairsChanged += innerL(i,oS) print "non-bound, iter: %d i:%d, pairs changed %d" % (iter,i,alphaPairsChanged) iter += 1 if entireSet: entireSet = False #toggle entire set loop elif (alphaPairsChanged == 0): entireSet = True print "iteration number: %d" % iter return oS.b,oS.alphas /*email to provide support at [email protected], [email protected], For donations please write to [email protected]*/
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#!/usr/bin/env python # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # This file is part of PEframe. # # PEframe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # PEframe is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with PEframe. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dan O'Day, 2014, modifications made for use in project to extract NL host-based indicators from malware import re import string # Extract Strings printable = set(string.printable) def get_process(stream): found_str = "" while True: data = stream.read(1024*4) if not data: break for char in data: if char in printable: found_str += char elif len(found_str) >= 4: yield found_str found_str = "" else: found_str = "" def get_file_names_and_urls(filename): PEtoStr = open(filename, 'rb') array = [] # word raw arrayURL = [] # url arrayFILE = [] # file raw arrayFileNames = [] # description, filename for found_str in get_process(PEtoStr): fname = re.findall("(.+\.([a-z]{2,3}$))+", found_str, re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) if fname: word = fname[0][0] array.append(word) for elem in sorted(set(array)): # Dan O'Day: the regex below is poor, so I do it again (differently) with strings match = re.search("^http:|^ftp:|^sftp:|^ssh:|^www|.com$|.org$|.it$|.co.uk$|.ru$|.jp$|.net$|.ly$|.gl$|^([0-9]{1,3})(?:\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}$", elem, re.IGNORECASE) if match and len(elem) > 6: # len(c.it) = 4 <- false positive arrayURL.append(elem) else: arrayFILE.append(elem) for elem in sorted(set(arrayFILE)): file_type = { "Video":".3gp", "Compressed":".7z", "Video":".asf", "Web Page":".asp", "Web Page":".aspx", "Video":".asx", "Video":".avi", "Backup":".bak", "Binary":".bin", "Image":".bmp", "Cabinet":".cab", "Data":".dat", "Database":".db", "Word":".doc", "Word":".docx", "Library":".dll", "Autocad":".dwg", "Executable":".exe", "Email":".eml", "Video":".flv", "FTP Config":".ftp", "Image":".gif", "Compressed":".gz", "Web Page":".htm", "Web Page":".html", "Disc Image":".iso", "Log":".log", "Archive Java":".jar", "Image":".jpg", "Image":".jpeg", "Audio":".mp3", "Video":".mp4", "Video":".mpg", "Video":".mpeg", "Video":".mov", "Installer":".msi", "Object":".oca", "Object":".ocx", "Autogen":".olb", "Backup":".old", "Registry":".reg", "Portable":".pdf", "Web Page":".php", "Image":".png", "Slideshow":".pps", "Presentation":".ppt", "Image":".psd", "Email":".pst", "Document":".pub", "Compressed":".rar", "Text":".rtf", "Query DB":".sql", "Adobe Flash":".swf", "Image":".tif", "Temporary":".tmp", "Text":".txt", "Compressed":".tgz", "Audio":".wav", "Audio":".wma", "Video":".wmv", "Excel":".xls", "Excel":".xlsx", "Compressed":".zip" } for descr in file_type: match = re.search(file_type[descr]+"$", elem, re.IGNORECASE) if match: arrayFileNames.append([descr, elem]) # does this ignore files with extensions not listed above? filelist = [] if arrayFileNames: """ arrayFileNames -> [ ['Web Page', 'gate.php'], ['Binary', 'core_x86.bin'], ['Binary', 'dropper_x86.bin'], ['Library', 'IPHLPAPI.DLL'], ['Library', 'WININET.dll'] ] """ # Get unique tuple from list uniq_descr = [] [item for item in arrayFileNames if item[0] not in uniq_descr and not uniq_descr.append(item[0])] # uniq_descr -> ['Web Page', 'Library', 'Binary'] found = {} match = [] for descr in uniq_descr: for elem in arrayFileNames: if elem[0] == descr: match.append(elem[1]) found[descr] = match match = [] filelist = found.items() """ 'print found' -> Dictionary {} { 'Binary': ['core_x86.bin', 'dropper_x86.bin'], 'Web Page': ['gate.php'], 'Library': ['IPHLPAPI.DLL', 'WININET.dll'] } 'print found.items()' -> List [] [ ('Binary', ['core_x86.bin', 'dropper_x86.bin']), ('Web Page', ['gate.php']), ('Library', ['IPHLPAPI.DLL', 'WININET.dll']) ] """ return filelist, arrayURL
Manabadi MGU Degree Hall Tickets 2019 Download : Mahatma Gandhi University Nalgonda Hall Tickets 2019, MGU Exam Hall Tickets 2019, MG University UG Semester Exams Hall Tickets 2019, MGU BA, BSC, BCom, BBA, BCA Hall Ticket 2019 Download, Manabadi MGU Degree Hall Tickets Download, MG University Nalgonda Degree 1st, 2nd, 3rd year Final year Hall Tickets 2019 available on manabadi.com, schools9.com, eenadu, sakshi. Mahatma Gandhi University has published six semester exam hall tickets for the UG / PG courses regular / supply examinations. According to the announcement, examinations for the semester of the MG University, namely BSC, BCA, BCOM, BA, BBM, MA, MCOM, MSC, MCA 1st, 2nd and Final years, will be conducted from March to April 2019. Manabadi MGU Degree Exam Hall Tickets 2019 are also available on the official website of Mahatma Gandhi University @ mguniversity.ac.in. Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU) has been released for the Degree / Under Graduation regular / supply / semester exams hall tickets for 1st sem, 2nd sem, 3rd sem, 4th sem, 5th sem and 6th sem exam hall tickets 2019 will be available on the official website. This year, the largest number of students will be submitted for January 2019 for the MGU Degree / UG / PG Semester Notification for all students applying for a Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU) 2019 semester exams. Candidates can be checked and downloaded to the official and authorized portal mguniversity.ac.in. Go to the official website link mguniversity.ac.in.
import sys from plot.mimetype import MimeTypeStats from crawlstats import CST, MonthlyCrawl class MimeTypeDetectedStats(MimeTypeStats): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.MAX_TYPE_VALUES = MimeTypeStats.MAX_MIME_TYPES def norm_value(self, mimetype): return mimetype def add(self, key, val): self.add_check_type(key, val, CST.mimetype_detected) if __name__ == '__main__': plot_crawls = sys.argv[1:] plot_name = 'mimetypes_detected' column_header = 'mimetype_detected' if len(plot_crawls) == 0: plot_crawls = MonthlyCrawl.get_latest(3) print(plot_crawls) else: plot_name += '-' + '-'.join(plot_crawls) plot = MimeTypeDetectedStats() plot.read_data(sys.stdin) plot.transform_data(MimeTypeStats.MAX_MIME_TYPES, MimeTypeStats.MIN_AVERAGE_COUNT, None) plot.save_data_percentage(plot_name, dir_name='plots', type_name='mimetype_detected') plot.plot(plot_crawls, plot_name, column_header, ['tablesearcher'])
It is two months since I began this diary……. All the League Members are requested to meet in classroom 403 on Monday(Sep. 25th) at 5:00 to discuss the sports meeting. Date: Sep. 19th Time: 8:00 a.m. Message: Please go to the museum with LiLei tomorrow at 9:00 by bus. When I was on my way to the cinema at 9:00. I met a foreign visitor. He didn't know how to get to the post office. He looked worried. So I went over and told him the way. He said "Thank you" to me. I was late for the film, but I didn't mind. I'm glad that I can talk with a foreigner in English. Welcome to our city. Now let me introduce our city to you. Our city is a new modern city. It was set up in the early 1980's, but it has been developing rapidly. From here you can travel to anywhere by sea, by air or by land. Recently another freeway connected with Beijing has started being used. The places around our city are rich in natural resources . And we have enough supply of electricity and energy resources. The public is very nice. Besides the government of our country and our city support foreign investors in many ways. We except more and more foreign friends to invest in our city. Do in Rome as Romans do. e. It takes sb. some time/ some money to do sth. e. We don't think there is anything of interest in your pictures. Hello, everyone. I have something to tell you. It is Sunday tomorrow. We're going to visit the Monkey Island. There we can see the animals and we'll climb the hill. We will go there by bus. Let's meet at half past seven at school gate. We'll have lunch at the Monkey Island. So please bring some food with you. That's all. Thank you.
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from django.contrib import admin from .models import Nav, MyUser from .forms import NewForm, LoginForm from django import forms from django.contrib.auth.models import Group from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin from django.contrib.auth.forms import ReadOnlyPasswordHashField from learn.models import MyUser class UserCreationForm(forms.ModelForm): """A form for creating new users. Includes all the required fields, plus a repeated password.""" password1 = forms.CharField(label='Password', widget=forms.PasswordInput) password2 = forms.CharField(label='Password confirmation', widget=forms.PasswordInput) class Meta: model = MyUser fields = ('email', 'phone') def clean_password2(self): # Check that the two password entries match password1 = self.cleaned_data.get("password1") password2 = self.cleaned_data.get("password2") if password1 and password2 and password1 != password2: raise forms.ValidationError("Passwords don't match") return password2 def save(self, commit=True): # Save the provided password in hashed format user = super(UserCreationForm, self).save(commit=False) user.set_password(self.cleaned_data["password1"]) if commit: user.save() return user class UserChangeForm(forms.ModelForm): """A form for updating users. Includes all the fields on the user, but replaces the password field with admin's password hash display field. """ password = ReadOnlyPasswordHashField() class Meta: model = MyUser fields = ('email', 'username','password', 'phone', 'is_active', 'is_admin') def clean_password(self): # Regardless of what the user provides, return the initial value. # This is done here, rather than on the field, because the # field does not have access to the initial value return self.initial["password"] class MyUserAdmin(UserAdmin): # The forms to add and change user instances form = UserChangeForm add_form = UserCreationForm # The fields to be used in displaying the User model. # These override the definitions on the base UserAdmin # that reference specific fields on auth.User. list_display = ('email', 'phone', 'username','is_admin') list_filter = ('is_admin',) fieldsets = ( (None, {'fields': ('email', 'password','username',)}), ('Personal info', {'fields': ('phone','username',)}), ('Permissions', {'fields': ('is_admin',)}), ) # add_fieldsets is not a standard ModelAdmin attribute. UserAdmin # overrides get_fieldsets to use this attribute when creating a user. add_fieldsets = ( (None, { 'classes': ('wide',), 'fields': ('email', 'username','phone', 'password1', 'password2')} ), ) search_fields = ('email',) ordering = ('email',) filter_horizontal = () admin.site.register(MyUser, MyUserAdmin) admin.site.unregister(Group) admin.site.register(Nav)
You can check the spelling in a document or in all open stories. InCopy highlights misspelled or unknown words, repeated words (such as “the the”), uncapitalized words, and uncapitalized sentences. When performing a spell check, InCopy checks all XML content and expanded inline notes. When you check spelling, InCopy uses the dictionary for the languages you assigned to the text in your document. InCopy uses the Proximity language dictionaries for both spelling and hyphenation. Each dictionary contains hundreds of thousands of words with standard hyphenation breaks. For stand-alone stories (stories not linked to an InDesign layout), you can customize language dictionaries to ensure that any unique vocabulary you use is recognized and treated correctly. For example, when you run a spelling check (Edit > Spelling > Check Spelling), you can click Add and enter the settings you want. Choose Edit > Preferences > Spelling (Windows) or InCopy > Preferences > Spelling (Mac OS). To spell-check notes, make sure that Include Note Content When Checking Spelling is selected in Notes preferences. To spell-check deleted text, make sure that Include Deleted Text When Spellchecking is selected in the Track Changes preferences. The Check Spelling command does not check collapsed stories in a multistory file. However, when you select Change All or Ignore All, all collapsed stories and tables are affected. Click Skip to continue spell-checking without changing the highlighted word. Click Ignore All to ignore all occurrences of the highlighted word, until InCopy is restarted. Choose Edit > Preferences > Autocorrect (Windows) or InCopy > Preferences > Autocorrect (Mac OS). Select Ignore All to ignore occurrences of this word in all documents. When InCopy is restarted, the word is flagged again as a misspelling. InCopy uses Proximity dictionaries for most languages to verify spelling and to hyphenate words. You can add words to each dictionary to customize it. You can assign different languages to text, and InCopy uses the appropriate dictionary to handle spelling and hyphenation. You can create additional user dictionaries, and you can import or export word lists saved in a plain text file. By default, hyphenation and spelling exceptions are located in user dictionary files stored outside the document on the computer where InCopy is installed (dictionary file names end with a .clam or .not extension). However, you can also store exception lists inside any InCopy document. In addition, you can store word lists in an external user dictionary, in the document, or in both. The location of existing dictionaries appears in the Dictionary preferences. Storing hyphenation and spelling exceptions inside a document makes it easier to treat text consistently when you move that document to other computers. For this reason, you can merge the user dictionary into the document in Dictionary preferences. You can also control the location of exceptions from the Create Package Folder dialog box. In contrast, storing an exception list outside the document makes it easier to use the same list of exceptions for multiple documents. You can exclude words from being considered. For example, if you want to use an alternate spelling for a common word such as “bicycle,” which you may need to spell in a different way for your company name or for a specific document, add the word to the list of excluded words so that it will be flagged during a spell check. InCopy can maintain a separate set of added and removed words for each installed language. You can create a user dictionary, or you can add user dictionaries from previous InDesign or InCopy versions, from files that others have sent you, or from a server where your workgroup’s user dictionary is stored. The dictionary you add is used for all your InCopy documents. Choose Edit > Preferences > Dictionary (Windows) or InCopy > Preferences > Dictionary (Mac OS). Start InCopy , but do not open a document. To change the order of the user dictionaries, drag and drop them. The order of the dictionaries in the list is the order in which the dictionaries are checked. For stand-alone stories (stories not linked to an InDesign layout), you can add words to the language dictionaries. Customizing your dictionaries ensures that any unique vocabulary you use is recognized and treated correctly. To modify the list of words that are being ignored during the current InCopy session, choose Ignored Words. This list includes all the words for which you’ve chosen Ignore All. You can export word lists to a text file (.txt) and then import that list of words into a user dictionary in InCopy . The words in the text file must be separated by a space, tab, or paragraph return. You can export added words and removed words, but you cannot export ignored words, which are used only in the current session. Click Export, specify the file name and location, and then click Save. Use Dictionary preferences to specify how InCopy handles hyphenation and spelling dictionaries. Most languages in InCopy use Proximity dictionaries to verify spelling and to hyphenate words. If you have installed hyphenation or spelling components from a different company, you can select a different vendor for each installed language. The Dictionary Preferences dialog box does not enable you to specify the language dictionary used for spell checking or hyphenating text. This dialog box is used to specify which hyphenation and spelling plug‑ins InCopy uses for the language specified in the Language field. If you use only the default hyphenation and spelling plug‑in, you don't need to change any settings in the Dictionary Preferences dialog box. If you install a different spelling or hyphenation plug‑in provided by a third-party developer, it appears as an option in the Hyphenation Vendor and Spelling Vendor menus in this dialog box. This would let you select one vendor's hyphenation or spelling engine for some languages and another vendor's hyphenation or spelling engine for other languages. After you update a shared workstation’s user dictionary, the changes don’t appear in individual workstations until a user restarts InCopy or presses Ctrl+Alt+/ (Windows) or Command+ Option+/ (Mac OS) to recompose all text. Duden is integrated natively in InCopy. You can use Duden for more accurate German hyphenation and spell checking. To use Duden hyphenation, go to Preferences > Dictionary and select Show Hyphenation Options. This allows all hyphenations that are technically correct and that doesn’t go against the spelling rules. For example, both Ur-ins-tinkt and Ur-in-s-tinkt are correct. This is the default setting. This allows all hyphenations, except unaesthetic hyphenations where the sense of the word might be distorted. For example, Ur-ins-tinkt is allowed but Ur-in-s-tinkt is not allowed. Accept only old spelling variants like Delphin but not Delfin (ph instead of f). Similarly, Graphik is accepted but not Grafik. If you use more than one language in a stand-alone story (stories not linked to an InDesign layout), you can tell InCopy which language dictionary to use for spell checking and hyphenating words in a particular language. You can assign different language dictionaries to the various parts of your document down to a single character of text. Select the text to which you want to assign a dictionary. Choose Type > Character to open the Character panel.
from itertools import chain from websocketserver.handlers.ErrorHandler import * from py2neo import Graph import math import logging import concurrent class GetGraphChunkHandler(HandleInterface): """Class to handle sending whole graph to client.""" _payload = "" _request = "" def __init__(self, request, payload): self._payload = payload self._request = request """Sends data to frontend. Specificly built for chuncking""" def __send(self, socket: WebSocketServerProtocol, nodes, edges, cur, total): jsonmsg = {} graph = {} #Check if nodes or edges are empty and correct the json of they are not. if(nodes != ""): nodes = nodes[:-1] nodes += "]" graph["nodes"] = json.loads(nodes, strict=False) if(edges != ""): edges = edges[:-1] edges += "]" graph["edges"] = json.loads(edges, strict=False) jsonmsg["message_id"] = "".join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(0, 15)) jsonmsg["sender_id"] = "server" jsonmsg["time"] = int(time.time()) jsonmsg["request"] = "response" jsonmsg["status"] = "success" jsonmsg["error"] = "" jsonmsg["payload"] = graph message = {} message["client_request_type"] = self._request message["currchunk"] = cur message["totalchunk"] = total jsonmsg["message"] = message socket.sendMessage(json.dumps(jsonmsg, separators=(',', ':')).encode('utf8')) def __getGraphCount(self, socket, chunksize, graphid): neo4j = Graph() query = "START n=node(*) MATCH n WHERE n.graphid='" \ + graphid + "' RETURN COUNT(n)" for record in neo4j.cypher.execute(query): nodenum = record[0] query = "START n=node(*) MATCH (n {graphid:'" + graphid \ + "'})-[r{graphid:'" + graphid + "'}]->(m{graphid:'" \ + graphid + "'}) RETURN COUNT(r)" for record in neo4j.cypher.execute(query): edgenum = record[0] total = int(nodenum) + int(edgenum) return int(math.ceil(total/chunksize)) def __queryNeo4J(self, query): neo4j = Graph() return neo4j.cypher.stream(query) def handle(self, socket: WebSocketServerProtocol): graphid = self._payload chunksize = 100 if graphid == "": ErrorHandler("No graph specified", "").handle(socket) return # noinspection PyBroadException try: with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as executor: # Get total number of nodes and edges in the graph. numofchunks = executor.submit(self.__getGraphCount, socket, chunksize, graphid) query = "START n=node(*) MATCH n WHERE n.graphid='" \ + graphid + "' RETURN n" nodequery = executor.submit(self.__queryNeo4J, query) query = "START n=node(*) MATCH (n {graphid:'" + graphid \ + "'})-[r{graphid:'" + graphid + "'}]->(m{graphid:'" \ + graphid + "'}) RETURN r" edgequery = executor.submit(self.__queryNeo4J, query) nodes = "[" edges = "[" currchunk = 1 counter = 0 for record in nodequery.result(): nodes += "{" for key in record[0].properties: if key == "graphid": continue nodes += "\"" + key + "\":\"" + record[0].properties[key] \ + "\"," nodes = nodes[:-1] nodes += "}," counter += 1 if(counter >= chunksize): self.__send(socket, nodes, "", str(currchunk), str(numofchunks.result())) currchunk += 1 nodes = "[" counter = 0 if(nodes == "["): nodes = "" for record in edgequery.result(): edges += "{" for key in record[0].properties: if key == "graphid": continue edges += "\"" + key + "\":\"" + record[0].properties[key] \ + "\"," edges += "\"from\":\"" + \ record[0].start_node.properties["id"] + \ "\",\"to\":\"" + record[0].end_node.properties["id"] \ + "\"}," counter += 1 if(counter >= chunksize): self.__send(socket, nodes, edges, str(currchunk), str(numofchunks.result())) currchunk += 1 edges = "[" nodes = "" counter = 0 # Send final chunk self.__send(socket, nodes, edges, str(currchunk), str(numofchunks.result())) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) logging.error("Unable to connect to neo4j") ErrorHandler(self._request, "Unable to connect to neo4j", "").handle(socket) return
Global volumes of both hot tea and packaged ready-to-drink (RTD) tea are estimated to have grown by 2% in retail channels in 2015, with 4% growth estimated in tea sold into foodservice channels for out of home consumption. At the category level, growth remains fairly consistent. Euromonitor International has forecasted 2% annual volume growth expected for full-year 2016, with value sales growth strengthening slightly. The past year has certainly not been without its difficulties, with a troubling slump in consumer goods categories across regions and a deteriorating economic outlook for important tea markets. Yet the fundamental advantages of the tea category are its close alignment with the most important consumer-led drivers in food and beverages– healthier lifestyles, more natural products, flavor experimentation and functional benefits. Tea is well positioned to weather the storm.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2013, Peter A. Bigot # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a # copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Utility classes and functions used within CoAPy. :copyright: Copyright 2013, Peter A. Bigot :license: Apache-2.0 """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division import logging _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import sys import coapy import unicodedata import functools import bisect import time import datetime import calendar import urllib class ClassReadOnly (object): """A marker to indicate an attribute of a class should be read-only within the class as well as instances of the class. Effective only if the metaclass is (or is derived from) :class:`ReadOnlyMeta`. Example:: class C(Object): __metaclass__ = ReadOnlyMeta Zero = ClassReadOnly(0) instance = C() assert 0 == C.Zero assert 0 == instance.Zero # This will raise an exception: C.Zero = 4 # As will this: instance.Zero = 4 """ def __init__(self, value): self.value = value class ReadOnlyMeta (type): """Metaclass for supporting read-only values in classes. When used as a metaclass, this inserts an intermediary type that prevents assignment to certain attributes at both the instance and class levels. Any attribute in the class that is initialized in the class body with a value of type :class:`ClassReadOnly` is made read-only. See example at :class:`ClassReadOnly`. """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace): # Provide a unique type that can hold the read-only class # values. class ReadOnly (cls): pass nsdup = namespace.copy() for (n, v) in namespace.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, ClassReadOnly): mp = property(lambda self_or_cls, _v=v.value: _v) nsdup[n] = mp setattr(ReadOnly, n, mp) return super(ReadOnlyMeta, cls).__new__(ReadOnly, name, bases, nsdup) @functools.total_ordering class TimeDueOrdinal(object): """Base class for elements that are sorted by time. The intent is that information related to an activity that should occur at or after a particular time be held in a subclass of :class:`TimeDueOrdinal`. The priority queue of upcoming activity is implemented using a sorted list, as instances of (subclasses of) :class:`TimeDueOrdinal` are ordered by increasing value of :attr:`time_due` using the features of :mod:`python:bisect`. Insertion, removal, and repositioning of elements in the priority queue may be accomplished using :meth:`queue_insert`, :meth:`queue_remove`, and :meth:`queue_reposition`. *time_due* as a keyword parameter initializes :attr:`time_due` and is removed from *kw*. Any positional parameters and remaining keyword parameters are passed to the next superclass. """ time_due = None """The time at which the subclass instance becomes relevant. This is a value in the ordinal space defined by :func:`coapy.clock`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self.time_due = kw.pop('time_due', None) super(TimeDueOrdinal, self).__init__(*args, **kw) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.time_due is not None) and (self.time_due == other.time_due) # total_ordering doesn't handle eq/ne inference, so need both def __ne__(self, other): return self.time_due != other.time_due def __lt__(self, other): return self.time_due < other.time_due def queue_reposition(self, queue): """Reposition this entry within *queue*. *self* must already be in the queue; only its position changes (if necessary). """ bisect.insort(queue, queue.pop(queue.index(self))) def queue_insert(self, queue): """Insert this entry into *queue*.""" bisect.insort(queue, self) def queue_remove(self, queue): """Remove this entry from *queue*.""" queue.remove(self) @staticmethod def queue_ready_prefix(queue, now=None): """Return the elements of *queue* that are due. *queue* is a sorted list of :class:`TimeDueOrdinal` instances. *now* is the timestamp, and defaults to :func:`coapy.clock`. Elements are due when :attr:`time_due` <= *now*. """ if now is None: now = coapy.clock() ub = 0 while ub < len(queue) and (queue[ub].time_due <= now): ub += 1 return list(queue[:ub]) def to_net_unicode(text): """Convert text to Net-Unicode (:rfc:`5198`) data. This normalizes *text* to ensure all characters are their own canonical equivalent in the NFC form (section 3 of :rfc:`5198`). The result is encoded in UTF-8 and returned as data. The operation currently does not handle newline normalization (section 2 item 2), since its use in CoAP is currently limited to values of options with format :class:`coapy.option.format_string` and diagnostic payloads. """ # At first blush, this is Net-Unicode. return unicodedata.normalize('NFC', text).encode('utf-8') def to_display_text(data): """Return *data* as human-readable text. This is intended for diagnostic messages for values like tokens and payloads that are sometimes text, and sometimes raw data. If *data* is :class:`bytes` but all its characters are :data:`printable<python:string.printable>` return it as text, otherwise return it as hex-encoded data (wrapped in square brackets to distinguish the encoding, e.g.: ``[01020304]`` for ``b'\\x01\\x02\\x03\\x04'``). Non-bytes data is simply converted to Unicode and returned in that format. (If *data* is already text, even if it's Unicode, we assume it's displayable. If it isn't, select a better terminal configuration.) """ if isinstance(data, bytes): import string need_binascii = True if sys.version_info < (3, 0): need_binascii = not all(_c in string.printable for _c in data) else: need_binascii = not all(chr(_c) in string.printable for _c in data) if need_binascii: import binascii return '[{0}]'.format(binascii.hexlify(data).decode('utf-8')) data = data.decode('utf-8') return unicode(data) def url_quote(text, safe='/'): """Perform URL percent encoding on *text*. If *text* is Unicode, it is first converted to :func:`Net-Unicode<to_net_unicode>`. *text* may also be data. Unsafe characters are percent-escaped, and the result is returned as text containing only ASCII characters. *safe* is as in :func:`python:urllib.parse`. Encapsulated because in Python 3 :func:`python:urllib.parse.quote` works directly on Unicode strings, while in Python 2 the corresponding :func:`python:urllib.quote` does not tolerate Unicode characters and does not like *safe* to be a Unicode string as it is since we use unicode_literals). """ if isinstance(text, unicode): text = to_net_unicode(text) if sys.version_info < (3, 0): # Python 2 quote does not like having a Unicode safe string safe = str(safe) quoted = urllib.quote(text, safe) return quoted def url_unquote(quoted): """Perform URL percent decoding on *quoted*. Encapsulated because in Python 3 :func:`python:urllib.parse.unquote` works directly on Unicode strings, while in Python 2 the corresponding :func:`python:urllib.unquote` does not tolerate Unicode characters. """ if sys.version_info < (3, 0): data = bytes(quoted) encoded = urllib.unquote(data) text = encoded.decode('utf-8') else: text = urllib.unquote(quoted) return text def format_time(tval=None, format='iso'): """Convert a date/time value to a standard representation and validity duration. The return value ``(rep, vsec)`` provides the representation of *tval* using style *format*. Representation *rep* is expected to be unchanged for *vsec* seconds after the represented time. *tval* is a :class:`python:datetime.datetime`, :class:`python:time.struct_time`, or POSIX ordinal as from :func:`python:time.time`. It is interpreted as being a universal time (i.e., conversions do not account for time zone). *format* is one of the following: ====== =================== ===== ========================================= Format rep vsec Description ====== =================== ===== ========================================= iso 2013-10-11T10:46:23 0 ISO 8601 combined date and time ord 2013-284 47617 ISO 8601 ordinal date pgd 735152 47617 Proleptic Gregorian Ordinal Day jd 2456576.94888 0 Julian Date mjd 56576.4488773 0 Modified Julian Date tjd 16576.4488773 0 Truncated Julian Date jdn 2456576 4417 Julian Day Number doy 284 47617 Day-of-year dow 5 47617 Day-of-week (ISO: Mon=1 Sun=7) mod 646 37 Minute-of-day posix 1381488383 0 Seconds since POSIX epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00 ====== =================== ===== ========================================= """ if tval is None: tval = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if isinstance(tval, datetime.datetime): dt = tval elif isinstance(tval, (time.struct_time, tuple)): dt = datetime.datetime(*tval[:7]) elif isinstance(tval, (float, int, long)): dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(tval) else: raise ValueError(tval) tt = dt.timetuple() pt = calendar.timegm(tt) jd = 2440587.5 + (pt / 86400.0) exp = 0 sod = dt.second + 60 * (dt.minute + 60 * dt.hour) # 86400 seconds per day, 43200 seconds per half-day if 'iso' == format: # ISO8601 combined date and time rep = dt.isoformat() elif 'ord' == format: # ISO 8601 ordinal date rep = '{0:d}-{1:03d}'.format(dt.year, dt.timetuple().tm_yday) exp = 86400 - sod elif 'pgd' == format: # Proleptic Gregorian Day rep = dt.toordinal() exp = 86400 - sod elif 'jd' == format: # Julian Date rep = jd elif 'mjd' == format: # Modified Julian Date rep = jd - 2400000.5 elif 'tjd' == format: # Truncated Julian Date rep = jd - 2440000.5 elif 'jdn' == format: # Julian Day Number rep = int(jd) exp = 43200 - sod if 0 > exp: exp += 86400 elif 'doy' == format: # Day of Year rep = dt.timetuple().tm_yday exp = 86400 - sod elif 'dow' == format: # Day of Week (ISO M=1 Su=7) rep = dt.isoweekday() exp = 86400 - sod elif 'mod' == format: # Minute of day rep = dt.minute + 60 * (dt.hour) exp = 60 - dt.second elif 'posix' == format: # Seconds since POSIX epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00 rep = calendar.timegm(tt) else: raise ValueError(format) # Don't add CJD, which is local civil time not UT return (rep, exp) if '__main__' == __name__: styles = ( ('iso', 'ISO 8601 combined date and time'), ('ord', 'ISO 8601 ordinal date'), ('pgd', 'Proleptic Gregorian Ordinal Day'), ('jd', 'Julian Date'), ('mjd', 'Modified Julian Date'), ('tjd', 'Truncated Julian Date'), ('jdn', 'Julian Day Number'), ('doy', 'Day-of-year'), ('dow', 'Day-of-week (ISO: Mon=1 Sun=7)'), ('mod', 'Minute-of-day'), ('posix', 'Seconds since POSIX epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00'), ) tt = time.gmtime() ts = calendar.timegm(tt) dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts) print('tt: {tt}\nts: {ts}\ndt: {dt}'.format(tt=tt, ts=ts, dt=dt)) for (s, d) in styles: (rep, exp) = format_time(dt, s) print(' {0:6s} {1!s:20s} {2:5d} {3}'.format(s, rep, exp, d))
The winter appears to have arrived in France this weekend, with several centimetres of snow hitting the ski slopes (and several snowflakes falling on the capital). Good news for skiers: The snow has arrived in the Alps. It was only around three centimetres at its heaviest Alpe d'Huez, but the BFM TV channel reporting that meteorologists are predicting more and the reservations for winter ski getaways are increasing. But what really took social media users by storm was when Paris got a dusting of snow on Monday morning. Indeed, the French word for snow, neige, topped the Twitter trends throughout the morning as the French shared their wintery snaps. Motorists were perhaps not as impressed with the weather, with the Le Parisien newspaper reporting 540 kilometres of tailbacks across the Paris region. France's weather agency Météo France had predicted the snowfall for between 7am and 10am, even though the temperatures were forecast to be a few degrees above zero. France on the whole will see a fairly chilly day, with the vast majority of the mainland unlikely to see temperatures in double figures throughout the day.
""" ticker.py -- Store Timestamp into Ticker File every 60 seconds The Ticker file has the following field 01,TI,20,A,DE,NU Each minute will have a separate record with ISN=minute of day. At most there will be 1440 ISNs. If the interval is other than 60 the number of records changes by factor i/60. Usage: python [-O] ticker.py --dbid <dbid> --fnr <fnr> --repeat <num> --interval <sec> -O run optimzied, debug code not generated -d <dbid> dbid -f <fnr> file number of ticker file -r <num> specifies the number of ticks to write otherwise runs forever -i <sec> interval in seconds (default = 60) Options: -h, --help display this help Example (short parameter form): python ticker.py -d 241 -f 12 -r 5 $Date: 2008-08-29 18:20:18 +0200 (Fri, 29 Aug 2008) $ $Rev: 75 $ """ # Copyright 2004-2008 Software AG # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import time import string import adabas import adabas.dump from adabas.api import * from adabas.datamap import * import getopt def usage(): print __doc__ FNR=0 DBID=0 COUNT=1987543210 # very high number SLEEPINT=60 # sleep interval in seconds try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hd:f:i:r:', ['help','dbid=','fnr=','interval=','repeat=']) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): usage() sys.exit() elif opt in ('-d', '--dbid'): DBID=int(arg) elif opt in ('-f', '--fnr'): FNR=int(arg) elif opt in ('-i', '--interval'): SLEEPINT=int(arg) elif opt in ('-r', '--repeat'): COUNT=int(arg) if FNR==0 or DBID==0 or COUNT <0: usage() sys.exit(2) lastTic = -1 lastHour = -1 lastMin = -1 #fields = '01,TI,20,A,DE,NU %' c1=Adabas(fbl=64,rbl=128) c1.dbid=DBID c1.cb.fnr=FNR count=COUNT try: c1.open(mode=UPD) c1.cb.cid=12 c1.fb.value='TI,20,A.' # set format while count>0: t=time.localtime() if lastHour != t[3]: lastHour = t[3] print time.strftime('\n %Y-%m-%d %H:', t), lastMin = -1 x = t[5] +60*t[4] + 3600*t[3] # sec + 60*minute + 3600*hour currTic = int(x/SLEEPINT) if lastTic < currTic: lastTic = currTic newRecord=0 try: c1.get(isn=currTic+1, hold=1) except DatabaseError, (line, apa): if apa.cb.rsp == 113: newRecord=1 else: raise c1.rb[0:20]=time.strftime(' %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',t) if newRecord == 0: c1.update() else: c1.store(isn=currTic+1) c1.et() if lastMin != t[4]: lastMin = t[4] print lastMin, # print minute else: print '.', # print ticks within minute count-=1 # count down time.sleep(SLEEPINT/2.) # make sure we don't miss a minute # print time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',t),lastTic, currTic c1.close() print '\nTerminated after %d ticks' % COUNT except DatabaseError, (line, apa): print line dump.dump(apa.acb, header='Control Block') raise except KeyboardInterrupt: # clean up c1.close() print '\nNow terminating due to KeyboardInterrupt after %d ticks.' % (COUNT-count,) #
High Velocity Bowling is to get a free patch today adding lots of new features and improvements. Among the new features is trophy support, with 12 trophies to unlock. The update also adds voice chat to online head-to-head games, weekly leaderboards, in-game music playback, more trick shots, new ball bags and more. Check out the trophy list below. Voice communication, friend list support and online leaderboards will be added in the new update. You will now be able to play with your friends online AND be able to chat with them using a PS3 headset or microphone. Feel free to chat and talk smack after comparing your stats and rankings on the online leaderboards that will be updated weekly. You can access the XMB while in-game for your own custom soundtracks, with support for playlists. Now with the new XMB custom music feature, you can bowl while listening to a mix of Beethoven, Frank Zappa, Britney Spears, Weird Al Yankovic, Gregorian Chants and Nirvana! And with the improved audio options, you?ll be able to crank up your tunes, character voices, and ambient sounds, OR turn them off altogether! The update adds two new challenges, and additional trick shots will be created for download in the future. These challenges will not only help you earn patches that you missed out on during your normal gameplay, but get you more stars for the leaderboards! There is a new and more realistic Ball Bag system in HVB. You can only bring four balls with you onto the lane in each bag, so you?ll have to choose wisely. You can name and save up to 24 different ball bags so you don?t have to individually choose four balls every time that you want to play. Be sure to mix and match so that there are some good hooking balls and some good straight rollers in your bag. This way, you?ll be prepared for any oil pattern or pin leave!
#!/usr/bin/python2.4 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. """Query with grouping against the shopping search API""" import pprint from apiclient.discovery import build SHOPPING_API_VERSION = 'v1' DEVELOPER_KEY = 'AIzaSyACZJW4JwcWwz5taR2gjIMNQrtgDLfILPc' def main(): """Get and print a feed of public products in the United States mathing a text search query for 'digital camera' and grouped by the 8 top brands. The list method of the resource should be called with the "crowdBy" parameter. Each parameter should be designed as <attribute>:<occurence>, where <occurrence> is the number of that <attribute> that will be used. For example, to crowd by the 5 top brands, the parameter would be "brand:5". The possible rules for crowding are currently: account_id:<occurrence> (eg account_id:5) brand:<occurrence> (eg brand:5) condition:<occurrence> (eg condition:3) gtin:<occurrence> (eg gtin:10) price:<occurrence> (eg price:10) Multiple crowding rules should be specified by separating them with a comma, for example to crowd by the top 5 brands and then condition of those items, the parameter should be crowdBy="brand:5,condition:3" """ client = build('shopping', SHOPPING_API_VERSION, developerKey=DEVELOPER_KEY) resource = client.products() # The crowdBy parameter to the list method causes the results to be grouped, # in this case by the top 8 brands. request = resource.list(source='public', country='US', q=u'digital camera', crowdBy='brand:8') response = request.execute() pprint.pprint(response) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
A luxury dog boarding facility in Pembrokeshire is expanding, with the business Facebook activity making it all pawssible. Sian, who is a retired police officer of 20 years’ service with 13 years as a mounted police officer, said: “We wanted to create somewhere that we would be happy to send our dog. In spring, we will have 10 state-of-the-art 5* suites each with a large living area, play room, luxury beds, underfloor heating, automatic-filling water bowls, and our own-brand dog biscuits. We will also play classical music and infuse the air with lavender oil to help keep the dogs calm and relaxed. Sian added: “We use a paper diary, which is ok when it’s just five dogs. However, when we take on more we require a more sophisticated system. We will use kennel management software, Kennelbooker, which will manage bookings as well as store vital information including emergency contact details, vet details, vaccinations, custom notes, food and medical requirements, and photos. “I didn’t realise how much support was out there. I’ve gained so much useful advice and information." "Our popularity is incredible. We even had someone re-arrange their holiday because we were fully booked!"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # Copyright (C) 2013 Agile Business Group sagl (<http://www.agilebg.com>) # Author: Nicola Malcontenti <[email protected]> # Copyright (C) 2013 Associazione OpenERP Italia # (<http://www.openerp-italia.org>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ############################################################################## from openerp.osv import orm from openerp.osv import fields class crm_lead(orm.Model): _inherit = 'crm.lead' def on_change_city(self, cr, uid, ids, city): return self.pool.get('res.partner').on_change_city(cr, uid, ids, city) def _lead_create_contact(self, cr, uid, lead, name, is_company, parent_id=False, context=None): if lead: partner_id = super(crm_lead, self)._lead_create_contact( cr, uid, lead, name, is_company, parent_id=parent_id, context=context ) if partner_id: partner = self.pool.get('res.partner') vals = { 'province': lead.province.id, 'region': lead.region.id, } partner.write(cr, uid, partner_id, vals, context=context) return partner_id _columns = { 'province': fields.many2one('res.province', string='Provincia'), 'region': fields.many2one('res.region', string='Region'), }
He is one of the original creators of the Diablo franchise. He was an executive producer on Diablo I, Diablo II, and Diablo II’s expansion: Lord of Destruction. With all of that out of the way, I had the chance to ask Mr. Schaefer a few questions about his latest game. Read the full Q&A below! David Jagneaux: Comparisons to the Diablo franchise are inevitable, especially since members of Runic have worked on that franchise in the past. What does the team feel are the biggest differences between that franchise, and Torchlight, specifically Torchlight II? Max Schaefer: I think the biggest difference is the approach to security and monetization. Both games have incredibly high production values and offer great gameplay. Blizzard has chosen to create a secure economy, so that items in game have real-world value, and there is real competition, ladders, and the like. We’ve chosen to go the opposite route and be more open. So we let you mod our game, and we give you the tools to do so. We let you play offline or online at your choice. LAN play is supported, and your character isn’t restricted to one mode or another. I think both paths are valid, and work for different reasons. Some players thrive on the competition, some just want hack&slash fun. DJ: How do you strike the right balance between hordes of enemies to loot and kill on screen, and moments of downtime to break up the action? What are the difficulties in designing a game as action-packed as this? MS: That’s really why you have quests. So there’s a somewhat fictional beginning and end to each portion of the game. Otherwise, you’re basically in one long dungeon. By completing quests, or by leveling up, or by traveling between acts, or by going to town to buy new stuff, you create those down times. The pacing of games like this is critical. And you only achieve that balance by playing your game a LOT, and iterating and iterating until it feels right. There are so many moving parts, and so many things to juggle so that players have the smoothest experience that it’s deceiving – the end product seems simple and elegant, but the work to achieve it is substantial. DJ: Do you feel as if you were able to include the majority of what you wanted to include in this game? From what I have played, it seems like the content just keeps pouring out of it. MS: Yeah, I think we got the level of content about right. Of course, you are never “done” with a game like this – you just pick what you think is the right time to let everyone in. We’ll be adding some new stuff here and there, patching issues, and “fixing” for a while, but this felt like a great time to let people get in and play. DJ: Why charge only $20? With the breadth of content and features, this game could easily sell well at double or triple that cost. MS: We want people to associate Runic Games’ products with ridiculous value. We want to be like a Blizzard in that people will buy your games based entirely on a well-deserved reputation for value, while also staying a small, intimate company that connects with their players. DJ: Are there any tentative plans for paid or free DLC in the future? Maybe new classes? MS: We will certainly flow in free DLC, but not paid. If we charge for anything, it would be a full expansion. DLC is something we want to add for free, though. Otherwise it’s not “really” a $20 game. Torchlight II is really $20. DJ: What is your favorite class and why? MS: It will change over time probably, but I love the Engineer. He’s versatile in that you can make a lot of divers builds with him, and he has that steampunk flavor that I love. I really like the other classes though, so ask me again in a few months! There you have it, if this isn’t reason enough for you to pick up Torchlight II, keep an eye out on The Koalition for our review coming very soon, along with additional coverage in the coming weeks. Let us know what you thought of this Q&A in the comments below!
# # Copyright (C) 2008, Brian Tanner # #http://rl-glue-ext.googlecode.com/ # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # $Revision$ # $Date$ # $Author$ # $HeadURL$ import random import sys from rlglue.environment.Environment import Environment from rlglue.environment import EnvironmentLoader as EnvironmentLoader from rlglue.types import Observation from rlglue.types import Action from rlglue.types import Reward_observation_terminal class test_speed_environment(Environment): stepCount=0 whichEpisode=0 o=Observation() def env_init(self): return "" def env_start(self): self.stepCount=0 self.whichEpisode=self.whichEpisode+1 return Observation() def env_step(self,action): self.stepCount=self.stepCount+1 if self.whichEpisode % 2 == 0: self.o.intArray=range(0,50000) #cheating, might break something self.o.doubleArray=range(0,50000) terminal=0 if self.stepCount==200: terminal=1 ro=Reward_observation_terminal() ro.r=1.0 ro.o=self.o ro.terminal=terminal return ro self.o.intArray=range(0,5) #cheating, might break something self.o.doubleArray=range(0,5) terminal=0 if self.stepCount==5000: terminal=1 ro=Reward_observation_terminal() ro.r=1.0 ro.o=self.o ro.terminal=terminal return ro def env_cleanup(self): pass def env_message(self,inMessage): return None; if __name__=="__main__": EnvironmentLoader.loadEnvironment(test_speed_environment())
Box Text: Controlling a character to pop your opponents’ balloons before they pop yours sounds easy, doesn’t it? Don’t be fooled by this game’s simple premise or cute exterior, though–underneath these you’ll find a surprisingly addictive game with strategy to spare. After mastering the easy-to-learn controls, you still have to get a grip on the game’s impressively realistic physics. And if that’s not enough, there are still the ever-increasing enemies and environmental hazards like lightning and water. Or try the game’s second mode, Balloon Trip, if you feel like taking a break from the action and just want to see how long you can stay aloft. And hey, who doesn’t like popping balloons sometimes? 01-08-2013 desocietas Box Text Controlling a character to pop your opponents’ balloons before they pop yours sounds easy, doesn’t it? Don’t be fooled by this game’s simple premise or cute exterior, though–underneath these you’ll find a surprisingly addictive game with strategy to spare. After mastering the easy-to-learn controls, you still have to get a grip on the game’s impressively realistic physics. And if that’s not enough, there are still the ever-increasing enemies and environmental hazards like lightning and water. Or try the game’s second mode, Balloon Trip, if you feel like taking a break from the action and just want to see how long you can stay aloft. And hey, who doesn’t like popping balloons sometimes? This is a list of VGCollect users who have Balloon Fight in their Collection. This is a list of VGCollect users who have Balloon Fight in their Sell List. This is a list of VGCollect users who have Balloon Fight in their Wish List.
#!/usr/bin/env python import os from setuptools import setup project_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) long_descriptions = [] for rst in ('README.rst', 'LICENSE.rst'): with open(os.path.join(project_dir, rst), 'r') as f: long_descriptions.append(f.read()) setup(name='iotrelay-influxdb', version='1.7.1', description='InfluxDB handler module for iotrelay', long_description='\n\n'.join(long_descriptions), author='Emmanuel Levijarvi', author_email='[email protected]', url='https://github.com/eman/iotrelay-influxdb', license='BSD', py_modules=['iotrelay_influxdb'], test_suite='tests', install_requires=['iotrelay>=1.2', 'influxdb>=3.0.0'], tests_require=['iotrelay>=1.2', 'influxdb>=3.0.0'], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Topic :: Home Automation', 'Topic :: Utilities', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', ], keywords='influxdb IoT', entry_points={ 'iotrelay': ['handler=iotrelay_influxdb:Handler'] })
The Association of Fundraising Professionals, San Diego Chapter is pleased to announce the 2019 CFRE Exam/Application Scholarship Program. The AFP San Diego CFRE Exam/Application Scholarship is for $700 to cover cost of the application and exam. Check back in May for additional details on how to apply. Have 7-10 years or more of experience in professional fundraising.
import subprocess import logutil as log import itertools import re import csv def group(iterable, n, fillvalue=None): args = [iter(iterable)] * n return itertools.izip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args) @log.timed() def list_images(subdir): cmd = [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "mdfind -onlyin %s 'kMDItemContentType == public.jpeg'" % subdir ] result = subprocess.check_output(cmd).split("\n") log.info("found %d images in %s" % (len(result), subdir)) return result @log.timed(show_args = False) def image_info(image_paths): keys = [ "kMDItemContentCreationDate", "kMDItemDisplayName", "kMDItemPixelHeight", "kMDItemPixelWidth" ] images = " ".join(['"%s"' % s for s in image_paths if s is not None and len(s) > 0]) cmd = [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "mdls %s %s" % (" ".join(["-name %s" % s for s in keys]), images) ] result = [s for s in subprocess.check_output(cmd).split("\n") if len(s) > 0] matcher = re.compile(r"^(.+)\s+=\s+(.+)$") out = [] for (fn, items) in itertools.izip(image_paths, group(result, len(keys))): cleaned_items = [matcher.match(item).group(2) for item in items] out.append([fn] + cleaned_items) return { "keys": ["filename"] + keys, "values": out } # data: { keys: Seq[String], values: Seq[Seq[Any]]} def write_csv(fn, data, write_header=True, append=False): flags = 'ab' if append else 'wb' with open(fn, flags) as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile) if write_header: writer.writerow(data["keys"]) for line in data["values"]: if line is not None: writer.writerow(line) if __name__ == "__main__": lines = list_images("/Users/jaety/Pictures") fn = '/Users/jaety/projects/image-river/indexer/out/image_info.csv' info = image_info(lines[:1000]) write_csv(fn, info) for grp in group(lines[1000:], 1000): info = image_info(grp) write_csv(fn, info, False, True) # with open(fn) as f: # for lin in f: # print lin # for line in lines[:5]: # print line
The countdown to this year’s holiday season has begun. Department stores have decked the halls. Families are scheduling trips to visit far-away loved ones. And hosts everywhere are stressing about entertaining family and friends during this frantic season of peace and good will. To ease stress, the Kansas City Steak Company has put together a holiday entertainment guide to help you weather the storm and come out with host-of-the-year honors. Here are a few tips. Every host has some go-to recipes that are crowd pleasers. Be sure to stock your freezer with some family favorites leading into the holiday season. Whether you’re planning a glorious Christmas Eve feast or an impromptu holiday party, you’ll have everything you need to delight your guests. A succulent prime rib roast is always a great go-to meal. It’s easy to prepare, doesn’t require a lot of fuss and never fails to impress even the pickiest eater. A flavorful beef tenderloin roast is another easy fan favorite. You can also check out a few other special holiday meals from companies like the Kansas City Steak Company to stock your pantry with foods your family and friends will love. Don’t forget to add in a few appetizers, side dishes and a dessert or two to your freezer stash. When time is limited, stocking the freezer with time-saving, delicious go-to items is the way to go. From colorful holiday runners and napkins, to large platters and serving bowls, it’s a great idea to pull out your holiday items and place them in an easy-to-reach location during the holiday season. Candles add a special ambiance to holiday parties, so keep a few of your favorite scented votives and pillars on hand and you’ll have a special glow. And don’t forget to buy a few non-perishable foods that add elegance to any holiday spread: olives, crackers, holiday cookies, spiced nuts – whatever your family and friends enjoy, stock up and they’ll be ready whenever you need them. Potluck dinners can take a lot of stress off your plate and are a great way to create memorable meals anytime – especially during the holidays. Usually the host takes care of the meal’s entree. Guests could bring their favorite salads, breads, desserts or whatever you need to round out the meal. It’s a great way to spread out costs, reduce stress and entertain in style. Impromptu and planned holiday gatherings often mean you’ll want to offer a variety of beverages. Stocking your bar with a few bottles of your favorite wine, beer, vodka, whiskey and some mixers means you don’t have to make a last-minute trip to the store when you’d rather be visiting with friends. Few things say, “Happy Holidays,” like the tunes that define the season. Tune into one of the stations in your area that plays holiday music 24/7 from Thanksgiving through Christmas. Or download some favorites onto your iPod and let the music waft throughout your home. It happens every year. Someone stops by to deliver an unexpected holiday gift and you haven’t included that person on your gift list. Whether it’s a box of special chocolates, scented candles or even a box of succulent steaks, you’ll be prepared for any occasion by having extra gifts on-hand. A clean home is a happy home – and a reflection on you. Take a few moments to walk through your home before guests arrive. Check the bathrooms to make sure they’re well-stocked. Add a few extra hangers to your closet. Remove excess clutter. Taking a few minutes before guests arrive to tidy up will mean that much less you’ll have to clean after the party. There is no perfect holiday gathering, so remember to laugh and love and move on. Advanced planning will help you survive some of the usual holiday entertaining stresses, but learning to let the little things go can go a long way to helping you see that this time together is precious.
""" MIT License Copyright (c) 2016 William Tumeo Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ class Product(object): def __init__(self, name, full, terms, items, quantity=0, unit=['unit', 'units'], buy='Vou comprar mais {name}', done='Aqui está o seu {name}, {user}' ): self.name = name self.full = full self.terms = terms self.quantity = quantity self.items = items self.unit = unit self.buy = buy self.done = done def __repr__(self): return self.name def __str__(self): return self.name def consume_one(self): pass def consume_all(self): pass def is_empty(self): return self.quantity <= 0 def is_full(self): return self.quantity >= self.full def make(self): self.quantity = self.full class ProductManager(object): def __init__(self): self.products = {} def add_product(self, product: Product): if not product.name in self.products: self.products[product.name] = product def check_order(self, name, content): content = content.lower() for context in self.products[name].terms: for item in self.products[name].items: if '{unit}' in context: for unit in self.products[name].unit: if context.format(unit=unit, item=item) in content: return True elif context.format(item=item) in content: return True return False class Drink(Product): def __init__(self, name, full, items): terms = [ 'quero {item}', 'quero um {item}', 'queria {item}', 'queria um {item}', 'preciso de {item}', 'preciso de um {item}', 'gimme {item}', 'gimme a {item}', 'want a {item}', 'wanna a {item}', 'tomar {item}', 'tomar um {item}', 'uma {unit} de {item}' ] units = ['xícara', 'xícaras', 'xicara', 'xicaras'] buy = 'Vou preparar mais {name}, {user}' done = 'Aqui está seu {name}, {user}' super().__init__(name, full, terms, items, quantity=0, unit=units, buy=buy, done=done) class Coffee(Drink): def consume_one(self): self.quantity -= 0.2 if __name__ == '__main__': coffee = Coffee("cafe", 1.5, ["cafe", "café", "coffee"]) coffee_p = Coffee("cafe preto", 1.5, ["cafe preto", "café preto", "black coffee"]) coffee_l = Coffee("cafe com leite", 1.5, ["cafe com leite", "café com leite", "milky coffee"]) mg = ProductManager() mg.add_product(coffee)
The Librarians Camper (Co-Star) Dean Devlin, Dir. Grimm Dad (Co-Star) Sebastian Silva, Dir. Leverage Clarence (Co-Star) Dean Devlin, Dir. Nick Bradley Might Be... James Conrad (Co-Star) Jeremiah Adler, Dir. God Shaped Hole Rich Bellam (Lead) Michael Friedrichs, Dir. Cold Therapy Dr. Durere (Lead) Eric Vecchi, Dir. Backtrack 2.0 Man in White/ Black (Lead) Jake Kennedy, Dir. Animus Cross Henry Foray (Lead) A.L. Steen, Dir. The Outbreak James (Lead) Chris Lund, Dir. Walter Ate A Peanut Brother-in-Law (Lead) Robin Willis, Dir. Lady Wasteland Henry (Lead) Mark Roush, Dir. The Falls III Tom (Supporting) Jon Garcia, Dir. The Long Way Dad (Supporting) Trudy Sargent, Dir. Bad Exorcists Mr. Biggs (Supporting) Kyle Steinbach, Dir. The Dark Place Steven Dark (Supporting) J.T. Tepnapa, Dir. Company of Thieves The Priest (Supporting) Shilpa Sunthankar, Dir. Utopia Levi (Supporting) Ian Stout, Dir. Future Perfect Derek (Supporting) Marc Steele, Dir. Little Blue Pill Detective (Supporting) Aaron Godfred, Dir. The Bicyclists Father (Supporting) Carl Jameson, Dir.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Dwell Time Dwell time measures the time (when used in the context of functional connectivity microstates) a which a state is active consecutive temporal segments (Dimitriadis2019_). | .. [Dimitriadis2019] Dimitriadis, S. I., López, M. E., Maestu, F., & Pereda, E. (2019). Modeling the Switching behavior of Functional Connectivity Microstates (FCμstates) as a Novel Biomarker for Mild Cognitive Impairment. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 13. """ # Author: Avraam Marimpis <[email protected]> import numpy as np def dwell_time(x): """ Dwell Time Compute the dwell time for the given symbolic, 1d time series. Parameters ---------- x : array-like, shape(N) Input symbolic time series. Returns ------- dwell : dictionary KVP, where K=symbol id and V=array of dwell time. mean : dictionary KVP, where K=symbol id and V=mean dwell time. std : dictionary KVP, where K=symbol id and V=std dwell time. """ data = x symbols = np.unique(data) dwell = {} dwell_mean = {} dwell_std = {} for symbol in symbols: r = np.where(data == symbol)[0] r_diff = np.diff(r) r_diff_without_one = np.where(r_diff != 1) x = r[r_diff_without_one] segments = len(x) dur = np.zeros((segments, 1)) len_r = len(r) tmp1 = np.squeeze(x) tmp2 = r[len_r - 1] xx = np.hstack([tmp1, tmp2]) for l in range(segments - 1): r1 = np.where(r == xx[l + 1])[0] r2 = np.where(r == xx[l])[0] dur[l] = r1 - r2 r1 = np.where(r == xx[segments])[0] r2 = np.where(r == xx[segments - 1])[0] dur[segments - 1] = r1 - r2 + 1 dwell[symbol] = dur / len(data) dwell_mean[symbol] = np.mean(dur) / len(data) dwell_std[symbol] = np.std(dur) / len(data) return (dwell, dwell_mean, dwell_std)
U0011610 Host login failed due to an already existing but wrong configured host '&lt;agent name>' in Client 0. Host must be deleted and created manually. This error occurs when attempting to start the Agent. This error is fairly self-explanatory. Basically, you have already configured an RA host in the HOSTS folder with this same name. Perhaps you had a failed previous install, or an old agent. Go into Client 0--> HOSTS folder. Delete the previously-created agent, and then create a new one manually with the correct name.
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2007 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # """Deprecated endpoints module from google.appengine.ext.""" import itertools import logging import os import re import sys logging.warning('Importing endpoints from google.appengine.ext is deprecated ' 'and will be removed. Add the endpoints library to ' 'app.yaml, then endpoints can be imported simply with ' '"import endpoints".') if 'APPENGINE_RUNTIME' not in os.environ: if not hasattr(sys, 'version_info'): raise RuntimeError('Endpoints library isn\'t available in older Python ' 'runtime environments. Use the python27 runtime.') version_tuple = tuple(sys.version_info[:2]) if version_tuple < (2, 7): raise RuntimeError('Endpoints library isn\'t available in python %d.%d. ' 'Use version 2.7 or greater.' % version_tuple) elif os.environ['APPENGINE_RUNTIME'] == 'python': raise RuntimeError('Endpoints library isn\'t available in python 2.5 ' 'runtime. Use the python27 runtime instead.') for path in sys.path: lib_path, final_dir = os.path.split(path) if re.match('webapp2-.+', final_dir): endpoints_path = os.path.join(lib_path, 'endpoints-1.0') if endpoints_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(endpoints_path) break from endpoints import * __version__ = '1.0'
Some travellers enjoy the thrill of being spontaneous. This is not always the best idea if you want to make the most of your time in a different country. Think about it; you have never been there before, so why waste your time mindlessly roaming around the area. On the other hand, as you might know, planning your travel itinerary can feel like a hassle. Luckily, this is not a big deal in the information age. There are plenty of resources online from mobile apps to other travel bloggers’ itineraries. Besides prioritising that beach party here in Singapore, finalise your plan by following the simple, stress-free steps below. Before you move on to the fun part of your trip, you primarily have to double check if you have the essentials. This includes your restaurant reservations, rental car confirmations, hotel reservations and airline tickets. As soon as you have gone through all the boring stuff, you can finally move on to the exciting stage of planning. Since you chose to visit Singapore, you might already have ideas on what you should do or where you should go. Make a list of excursions, shows, tours and sightseeing adventures that you want to do. You can either book a tour of attractions online, or have a do-it-yourself mindset. Keep in mind that your itinerary is just a guide; you do not have to follow everything listed there. Make space for flexibility in your schedule, and it will feel much more rewarding. This will guarantee that you have some time to get lost in foreign streets without the constraint of your plan. Who knows, you might find some hidden gems around that was not on the travel bloggers’ sites. As you can see from the steps above, planning your itinerary does not have to be overwhelming. You will hit minor bumps here and there, but planning your future trips will eventually be a breeze after this one.
from django.conf import settings DJANGO_PATH = None if hasattr(settings, 'PROJECT_PATH') and settings.PROJECT_PATH: DJANGO_PATH = settings.PROJECT_PATH else: DJANGO_PATH = settings.BASE_DIR from django.utils import autoreload from sassy_coffee import utils, compilers import sys, os formats_to_compile = [format.lower() for format in getattr(settings, 'DJANGO_SASSY_COFFEE_FORMATS', list())] exclusions = getattr(settings, 'DJANGO_SASSY_COFFEE_EXCLUSIONS', list()) if settings.DEBUG: _mtimes = {} _win = (sys.platform == 'win32') m = autoreload.main c = autoreload.code_changed def code_changed(): global _mtimes, _win for format in formats_to_compile: format = '*.%s' % format files = utils.locate_folders_to_monitor(format) for folder in files: stat = os.stat(folder) mtime = stat.st_mtime if _win: mtime -= stat.st_ctime if folder not in _mtimes: _mtimes[folder] = mtime continue if mtime != _mtimes[folder]: _mtimes = {} return True return c() def main(main_func, args=None, kwargs=None): if os.environ.get('RUN_MAIN') == 'true': def recompile_files(func): def wrap(*args, **kws): compilers.compile_files() return func(*args, **kws) return wrap main_func = recompile_files(main_func) return m(main_func, args, kwargs) autoreload.main = main autoreload.code_changed = code_changed
Upon learning that I specialize in the treatment of sexual abuse and trauma, people both in and outside my field often ask, "Don't you find that terribly depressing?" Actually, the opposite is true. I find working with survivors of sexual abuse both inspiring and, admittedly, sometimes heart rending, but never depressing. An integral part of working with survivors is the process of focusing on the small and large acts of private courage and heroism that allowed them to become, and continues to empower them to be what they are: SURVIVORS. Sometimes they have accomplished this despite all odds. Sexual abuse, like other horrific traumas, is a veritable "baptism in fire." If you do not let it destroy you---and each person has to find their own way to accomplish this---the inevitable work required to overcome the effects of the abuse will make you an exceptional person. Some of my clients have compared it to a Shamanic Journey. In the Shamanic tradition, a person suffers a terrible trauma and survives it, although inevitably the process of survival requires every ounce of inner strength he or she can summon. Once the trauma is over, the act of moving beyond the trauma, coming to terms with it, healing from it, is the vehicle for becoming personally gifted and exceptional--in this case resulting in the role of Shaman, or Healer. Sexual abuse survivors are healers too, initially of themselves, by necessity, and later, sometimes of others, too. Someone once said to me while in a group of survivors, "Every time I witness other survivors overcoming their abuse, I heal a little bit more." I think most survivors of severe trauma at times contemplate suicide. I know I did. I was sexually abused between the ages of 3-10, repeatedly and by multiple abusers. I repressed the memories for many years, and in retrospect I certainly see why. I needed every ounce of strength I could summon to confront this information. Despite the fact that I had already been a psychotherapist for over a dozen years, had a good marriage and a supportive network of family and friends, my biggest fear in confronting the reality of my victimization was that I would never overcome the effects. This is a very frightening feeling, and it is not surprising that many survivors struggle initially to stay alive, much less achieve hope, in the early stages of healing from sexual abuse. Hope was not initially available to me from within, at least not in the sense of a strong belief that I was going to have a positive future. This initial difficulty in believing in a positive future is one of the most common symptoms of sexual abuse. But while hope was not initially accessible, endurance was available. By endurance, I am talking about the simple act of willing oneself to act "as if" they believe a positive future is possible, a message to the self that sounds something like, "I will stay alive; I WILL get through this somehow, even if I don't know how right now." It is perhaps more an act of will than a belief. Fortunately, endurance can lead eventually to hope, as it did for me. But the survivor has to endure long enough to find that hope. This decision to endure during the recovery process can be compared to a mountain climber pounding a piton into the rock to secure his ascent. Once the piton is in place, if the climber slips and falls off the side of the mountain while in the process of scaling it, the climber may still be hurt or traumatized by the fall. But he will survive and not be killed by it. The fall will be controlled, and its danger limited. Sexual abuse survivors have a tendency to think in terms of black and white, all or nothing; and this tendency complicates the challenge of being sufficiently patient with oneself and with the recovery process. Often when sexual abuse survivors are being critical of themselves, they are blind to the fact that given the abuse they experienced they have already accomplished remarkable things. Because they are now experiencing some particularly difficult challenge, or painful integration, they may not be able to see what they have already achieved; they may not be able to see the proverbial forest for the trees. But in fact, they are in the midst of the larger process of doing a very heroic job of confronting the abuse, systematically overcoming the symptoms and moving on in their life. In my work, I am very interested in what allows each person to eventually find the kernel of hope, often buried under layers and layers of self doubt that allows them to stay alive long enough to claim their life and create a satisfying world for themselves. I am fascinated by the process people go through to survive during the time before they can find the first glimmer of hope. One of my clients once told me that she intended to proceed AS IF she had hope until she began to experience the real thing. Eventually she did. This is not always the case, but for her it took about five years. And I was so proud of her endurance. Enduring is perhaps the most crucial condition for moving beyond the abuse and fulfilling hope in creating or reclaiming a life worth living, a life that is something to treasure. If there was one thing I could communicate to anyone struggling with the effects of sexual abuse, it would be to ENDURE. It is possible to overcome the effects of sexual abuse if you allow yourself enough time and enough support. I speak from compelling personal experience, not just my own, but those of my clients and many friends and colleagues: there is life at the end of the tunnel. Don't give up; you will eventually reach it, and it will be more than worth the struggle. NOTE: Yvonne Dolan trains psychotherapists nationally and internationally in practical techniques for treatment of sexual abuse. She has authored several articles and two books, most recently, Resolving Sexual Abuse (1991, W.W. Norton), and is currently at work on a new book describing the characteristics of sexual abuse survivors who live healthy, functional lives. She loves her life.
''' various statistical tests and methods... ''' import math from ngsutils.support import memoize def median(vals): ''' >>> median([1,2,3]) 2 >>> median([1,2,3,4]) 2.5 ''' vals.sort() if len(vals) % 2 == 1: return vals[len(vals) / 2] else: a = vals[(len(vals) / 2) - 1] b = vals[(len(vals) / 2)] return float(a + b) / 2 def mean_stdev(l): ''' >>> mean_stdev([1,2,2,2]) (1.75, 0.5) >>> mean_stdev([2,2,2,2]) (2.0, 0.0) ''' acc = 0 for el in l: acc += el mean = float(acc) / len(l) acc = 0 for el in l: acc += (el - mean) ** 2 if len(l) > 2: stdev = math.sqrt(float(acc) / (len(l) - 1)) else: stdev = 0.0 return (mean, stdev) def counts_median(d): ''' Calculate the median from counts stored in a dictionary >>> counts_median({ 1: 4, 2: 1, 3: 4 }) 2 >>> counts_median({ 1: 4, 3: 4 }) 2 ''' count = 0 for k in d: count += d[k] if count == 0: return 0 acc = 0.0 last = 0 for k in sorted(d): if last: return (last + k) / 2 acc += d[k] if acc / count == 0.5: last = k elif acc / count > 0.5: return k def counts_mean_stdev(d): ''' calc mean / stdev when data is stored as counts in a dictionary Ex: { 1: 4, 2: 1, 3: 4 } = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3] >>> counts_mean_stdev({ 1: 4, 2: 1, 3: 4 }) (2.0, 1.0) ''' acc = 0 count = 0 for k in d: acc += k * d[k] count += d[k] mean = float(acc) / count acc = 0 for k in d: acc += (((k - mean) ** 2) * d[k]) if count > 2: stdev = math.sqrt(float(acc) / (count - 1)) else: stdev = 0.0 return (mean, stdev) @memoize def poisson_prob(x, mean): ''' Return the probability that you could get x counts in a Poisson test with a mean value. prob(x) = sum(i=1..x){poisson(i)} >>> poisson_prob(6,10) 0.1300960209527205 >>> poisson_prob(8,10) 0.33277427882095645 ''' acc = 0.0 for i in xrange(1, x + 1): acc += poisson_func(i, mean) return acc @memoize def poisson_func(mu, lambd): ''' This is the Poisson distribution function p(mu) = (lambda^mu * e^(-lambda)) / (mu!) mu is a count lambd is the mean >>> poisson_func(1,10) 0.00045399929762484856 >>> poisson_func(2,10) 0.0022699964881242427 >>> poisson_func(3,10) 0.007566654960414142 ''' return (lambd ** mu) * (math.exp(-1 * lambd)) / _factorial(mu) @memoize def _factorial(x): ''' >>> _factorial(1) 1 >>> _factorial(2) 2 >>> _factorial(3) 6 ''' return math.factorial(x) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()
Cheapest iPhone Plan In USA: Verizon, AT&T, Sprint or Virgin? Virgin mobile has started to offer pre-paid iPhone plans and is the second carrier in the US to do so. Plans could save customers more than $500 in the lifetime of their phones in comparison to the big three US carriers. According to PCWorld, the Virgin iPhone plans are available from June 29th while those of Cricket start on June 22nd. The iPhone 4S costs $35 on the lowest of the monthly plans with Virgin mobile so you pay more for the handset, just as you would if you purchased the phone unlocked from Apple. If you choose to pay by direct debit you do get the deal for $30. While the phone is less expensive if you go with Cricket, you would pay around $450 more in the two years thanks to the higher plan costs. If you do not have the cash to spare upfront for an iPhone 4S then AT&T, Sprint and Verizon all offer the phone for $199. However over time you will pay out more with their monthly plans. With Sprint this is $70 each month and you get unlimited everything. AT&T have the phone at $60 a month which includes data and voice and no messaging add-on.
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import import sys import os from unittest import TestCase _PATCH_DONE = False def patch_syspath(): global _PATCH_DONE if _PATCH_DONE: return # We don't install with setup.py hence we have to add the directory [...]/abinit/tests to $PYTHONPATH pack_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) pack_dir = os.path.join(pack_dir, "..") sys.path.insert(0, pack_dir) # This needed to import doc.tests sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(pack_dir, "doc")) _PATCH_DONE = True class AbimkdocsTest(TestCase): @staticmethod def get_abinit_varnames_from_f90(): # construct list of input keywords that appear in chkvars.F90 home_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__) , "..") path = os.path.join(home_dir, "src/44_abitypes_defs/m_dtset.F90") in_block = False words = [] with open(path, "rt") as fh: for line in fh: if line.find("admitted variable names") > 0: in_block = True if line.find("Extra token") > 0: in_block = False if in_block and line.find("list_var") > 0: line_words = (line.split("'")[1]).split() for i in range(len(line_words)): words.append(line_words[i]) if not words: print("Found empty list of words in %s " % path) print("Perhaps someone changed the format of the file?") print("Please modify the code in " + __file__) raise RuntimeError("") return set(words) @staticmethod def get_anaddb_varnames_from_f90(): # Scan the source and search for the calls to intagm. Parse the arguments # and extract the name of the variable. The prototype of intagm is: # call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'brav',tread,'INT') import re re_call = re.compile(r'\s*call\s+intagm\((.+)\)\w*', re.I) # construct list of key words appearing in anaddb input home_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__) , "..") path = os.path.join(home_dir, "src/77_ddb/m_anaddb_dataset.F90") words = [] with open(path, "rt") as fh: for line in fh: m = re_call.match(line) if m: tokens = m.group(1).split(",") assert len(tokens) == 9 words.append(tokens[-3].replace("'","").replace('"',"")) if not words: print("Found empty list of words in file %s" % path) print("Perhaps someone changed the format of the file?") print("Please modify the code in " + __file__) raise RuntimeError() return set(words)
Need the method to 625 Battery Replacement? So this is real lesson that you need to know. Find out why 625 Battery Replacement is an effective way to help save money by using the energy method. Find out how to improve today's battery life; Real knowledge of energy saving dominates.
import numpy as np import bct from sklearn.externals import joblib from my_settings import (bands, source_folder) from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier from sklearn.cross_validation import (StratifiedKFold, cross_val_score) from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV subjects = [ "0008", "0009", "0010", "0012", "0014", "0015", "0016", "0017", "0018", "0019", "0020", "0021", "0022" ] cls_all = [] pln_all = [] scores_all = np.empty([4, 6]) for subject in subjects: cls = np.load(source_folder + "graph_data/%s_classic_pow_post.npy" % subject).item() pln = np.load(source_folder + "graph_data/%s_plan_pow_post.npy" % subject).item() cls_all.append(cls) pln_all.append(pln) for k, band in enumerate(bands.keys()): data_cls = [] for j in range(len(cls_all)): tmp = cls_all[j][band] data_cls.append( np.asarray([bct.strengths_und(g) for g in tmp]).mean(axis=0)) data_pln = [] for j in range(len(pln_all)): tmp = pln_all[j][band] data_pln.append( np.asarray([bct.strengths_und(g) for g in tmp]).mean(axis=0)) data_cls = np.asarray(data_cls) data_pln = np.asarray(data_pln) X = np.vstack([data_cls, data_pln]) y = np.concatenate([np.zeros(len(data_cls)), np.ones(len(data_pln))]) cv = StratifiedKFold(y, n_folds=6, shuffle=True) cv_params = { "learning_rate": np.arange(0.1, 1.1, 0.1), 'n_estimators': np.arange(1, 80, 2) } grid = GridSearchCV( AdaBoostClassifier(), cv_params, scoring='accuracy', cv=cv, n_jobs=1, verbose=1) grid.fit(X, y) ada_cv = grid.best_estimator_ scores = cross_val_score(ada_cv, X, y, cv=cv) scores_all[k, :] = scores # save the classifier joblib.dump(ada_cv, source_folder + "graph_data/sk_models/path-strength_ada_post_%s.plk" % band) np.save(source_folder + "graph_data/path-strength_scores_all_post.npy", scores_all)
People under the qualifying age for Pension Credit can claim for help through Income Support or Jobseeker’s Allowance (income-based) or Employment and Support Allowance (income-related). If you are under pension age there is a waiting period of 39 weeks before you qualify for help. The calculator shows your entitlement including any help with mortgage payments you are entitled to. If you claim income-based Jobseekers Allowance between 5 January 2009 and 5 April 2018 there is likely to be a two year limit on the help you get with your housing costs. This time limit does not apply to any other benefits (Income Support, Pension Credit or income-related Employment and Support Allowance). There is also a limit on the outstanding mortgage that can be claimed for of £100,000 or £200,000. This varies according to whether you fall under 'new' or 'old' rules. The limit on the outstanding mortgage does not apply if the loan was used to adapt a home or if a house move was necessary to meet the special needs. Please get more information on housing costs: old rules or new rules?
from flask_restful import Resource, Api from flask_restful_swagger import swagger from flask import render_template, make_response, Response from flansible import app from flansible import api, app, celery, auth from ModelClasses import AnsibleCommandModel, AnsiblePlaybookModel, AnsibleRequestResultModel, AnsibleExtraArgsModel import celery_runner import time class AnsibleTaskOutput(Resource): @swagger.operation( notes='Get the output of an Ansible task/job', nickname='ansibletaskoutput', parameters=[ { "name": "task_id", "description": "The ID of the task/job to get status for", "required": True, "allowMultiple": False, "dataType": 'string', "paramType": "path" } ]) @auth.login_required def get(self, task_id): title = "Playbook Results" task = celery_runner.do_long_running_task.AsyncResult(task_id) if task.state == 'PENDING': result = "Task not found" resp = app.make_response((result, 404)) return resp if task.state == "PROGRESS": result = task.info['output'] else: result = task.info['output'] result = result.replace('\n', '<br>\n') refresh = 5 if "RECAP" in result or "ERROR" in result: # disable refresh in template refresh = 1000 response = make_response(render_template('status.j2', title=title, status=result, refresh=refresh)) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' return response api.add_resource(AnsibleTaskOutput, '/api/ansibletaskoutput/<string:task_id>')
This command will work, regardless of the colour of toothpaste used. He did not hear the door open, but something, a sixth sense perhaps, or a change in the air, alerted him; something was wrong. He stopped and looked up. It was Bob. The text of the next section is printed in an ink which is visible only to virgins. On average, a car tyre loses about one layer of atoms per revolution. The power output of a Class 91 locomotive is equivalent to approximately three Mars bars per second. If there are three optical engineers, and a team is defined as a group of at least two people, how many different teams of optical engineers are possible? There is a prize for reading this far. To claim the prize, ring this number: 07010 700642. However, the current output need not be connected directly to the heat sink, it may be passed through a flange which in turn may be rigidly mounted onto a fishplate; if this is done, the fishplate must be tarred and feathered. On power-up, the system will automatically psychoanalyse itself, checking for neuroses, phobias, and the simpler complexes. The mains switch will be labelled "O" for on and "C" for off, indicating a closed and open circuit respectively. This will avoid long and inconclusive arguments on whether the usual labelling is "I" and "O" or "1" and "0". The best cure for sea-sickness is to sit under a tree. The remainder of this document is boring. The temperature of the telephone is two hundred degrees. "The perfect spot for a picnic," he said, spreading a cloth in the shade under the tree, and setting out his bread and cheese. But, waiting in the tree, the tiger thought so too. This function will be activated by pressing a blue button, labelled "Do not press this button" in Greek. No thermionic valves will be used in this design. All single-bit flags will be printed on both sides, on plain linen 1 metre by 2 metres, and flown during daylight hours only. The reader should be warned at this point that certain passages in the following sections have been shown to induce ennui. Unless the reader is known to have a high resistance to ennui, it is recommended that a supply of a weak stimulant (caffeine is normally suitable) should be kept readily available while the next two sections are being attempted. This distinction is similar to that between formication and fornication. Suppose an average person consumes 3000 Calories per day, and that this all emerges eventually as heat. That's 12.6 Mjoules per day, or about 150W. The 55M people in the UK thus emit around 8GW. The 5.5G people in the world emit about 800GW. The 500 people in a typical public auditorium emit 75kW. What does DNA stand for? The National Dyslexia Association! Most markets will be satisfied with the standard filter wheel with red, green and blue segments. A French variant with red, white and blue segments is feasible, but a German variant with red, black and gold segments may be more difficult as we have not yet identified a black filter material with adequate transmission.