6 values
Why didn't my order qualify for free delivery?
Your order qualifies for free delivery if you order F-Assured products worth Rs. 500 and above. If your order value for F-Assured products is less than Rs. 500, a delivery fee of Rs. 40 will be charged.For products that are non-F-Assured, delivery charges if any will be decided by the sellers and will vary. Please click on 'View sellers' under the seller rating on the product page for information about sellers selling any particular product and their respective delivery charges.
Why didn't my order qualify for free delivery? Your order qualifies for free delivery if you order F-Assured products worth Rs. 500 and above. If your order value for F-Assured products is less than Rs. 500, a delivery fee of Rs. 40 will be charged.For products that are non-F-Assured, delivery charges if any will be decided by the sellers and will vary. Please click on 'View sellers' under the seller rating on the product page for information about sellers selling any particular product and their respective delivery charges.
Why am I unable to order products like television, air-conditioner, refrigerator, washing machine, furniture, microwave, treadmill, etc. at my location?
The delivery of large category products at a particular location depends on the following factors: Dimensions and weight Location of the seller Serviceability of the seller's partnered service provider Always ensure to update your preferred delivery location/address to verify if the seller is offering the product or deal at your location.
Why am I unable to order products like television, air-conditioner, refrigerator, washing machine, furniture, microwave, treadmill, etc. at my location? The delivery of large category products at a particular location depends on the following factors: Dimensions and weight Location of the seller Serviceability of the seller's partnered service provider Always ensure to update your preferred delivery location/address to verify if the seller is offering the product or deal at your location.
How do I contact seller's partnered courier service providers?
Here are the contact details of some of the leading courier service providers: E-Kart - Gati - Delhivery - Blue Dart - Ecom - DotZot - Speed Post - India Post -
How do I contact seller's partnered courier service providers? Here are the contact details of some of the leading courier service providers: E-Kart - Gati - Delhivery - Blue Dart - Ecom - DotZot - Speed Post - India Post -
Flipkart First
How can I buy using a Gift card?
It’s simple! When you’re prompted to choose a Payment Method for your order, choose ‘Gift Card’ as the Payment Method & 1. Enter your 16-digit Gift Card Number & the 6-digit Gift Card PIN2. Click ‘Confirm Order’ You can apply a total of 15 Gift Cards per order & if your Gift Card value is less than the order amount, you’ll be asked to select an additional payment method to complete the payment.
How can I buy using a Gift card? It’s simple! When you’re prompted to choose a Payment Method for your order, choose ‘Gift Card’ as the Payment Method & 1. Enter your 16-digit Gift Card Number & the 6-digit Gift Card PIN2. Click ‘Confirm Order’ You can apply a total of 15 Gift Cards per order & if your Gift Card value is less than the order amount, you’ll be asked to select an additional payment method to complete the payment.
Selling on Flipkart
How can I become a seller and start selling products on Flipkart?
To become a seller on Flipkart, register here with your details.
How can I become a seller and start selling products on Flipkart? To become a seller on Flipkart, register here with your details.
Product Reviews
Are there any guidelines for writing product reviews?
Product reviews on are a great way to help other customers decide what to buy & avoid. Here are some tips to writing great product reviews: Have you used this product? It's always better to review a product you have personally used. Educate your readers. Provide a relevant, unbiased overview of the product. Readers are interested in the pros and the cons of the product. Make sure your review stands the test of time, and what you write today is relevant even after years. Be yourself, be informative. Let your personality shine through, but it's equally important to provide facts to back up your opinion. Get your facts right! Nothing is worse than inaccurate information. If you're not really sure, research always helps. Stay concise. Be creative but also remember to stay on topic. A catchy title will always get attention! Easy to read, easy on the eyes. A quick edit & spell check will work wonders for your credibility. Also, break reviews into small, easy paragraphs.
Are there any guidelines for writing product reviews? Product reviews on are a great way to help other customers decide what to buy & avoid. Here are some tips to writing great product reviews: Have you used this product? It's always better to review a product you have personally used. Educate your readers. Provide a relevant, unbiased overview of the product. Readers are interested in the pros and the cons of the product. Make sure your review stands the test of time, and what you write today is relevant even after years. Be yourself, be informative. Let your personality shine through, but it's equally important to provide facts to back up your opinion. Get your facts right! Nothing is worse than inaccurate information. If you're not really sure, research always helps. Stay concise. Be creative but also remember to stay on topic. A catchy title will always get attention! Easy to read, easy on the eyes. A quick edit & spell check will work wonders for your credibility. Also, break reviews into small, easy paragraphs.
Product Reviews
What can I write in product reviews?
Customer reviews should be relevant to the product in question. The product review section on Flipkart is for you to share your opinion on the product & for other shoppers to have an informed buying decision.
What can I write in product reviews? Customer reviews should be relevant to the product in question. The product review section on Flipkart is for you to share your opinion on the product & for other shoppers to have an informed buying decision.
Product Reviews
What's not allowed in product reviews?
Customer reviews should be relevant to the product in question. The product review section on is for you to share your opinion on the product, and for other customers to research better and have an informed buying decision. reserves the right to remove reviews that include any of the following: - Irrelevant review (Review consisting of a combination of random characters, random words, repeated content, reviews on another product)- Service feedback, including availability, order or payment related queries. You may use the Contact Us form for such queries- HTML embedded in text references to other retailers- Pricing related comments- Personal information (Phone numbers, postal address, email address and others)- Profane comments. Inflammatory comments. Copyrighted comments- Plagiarised content (Any content found elsewhere on the internet, even if you're the original author)- Promotional content- Reviews by or on behalf of a person or company with a financial interest in the product or a competitors product (Reviews by authors, artists, publishers manufacturers without disclosure)- Reviews written for any form of compensation- Reviews given using fake ids, irrelevant user email ids - Asking for helpful votes- Review in any language other than English (Unless there is a clear connection to the product, like a regional book or a regional music album)- Feedback about errors in the product description
What's not allowed in product reviews? Customer reviews should be relevant to the product in question. The product review section on is for you to share your opinion on the product, and for other customers to research better and have an informed buying decision. reserves the right to remove reviews that include any of the following: - Irrelevant review (Review consisting of a combination of random characters, random words, repeated content, reviews on another product)- Service feedback, including availability, order or payment related queries. You may use the Contact Us form for such queries- HTML embedded in text references to other retailers- Pricing related comments- Personal information (Phone numbers, postal address, email address and others)- Profane comments. Inflammatory comments. Copyrighted comments- Plagiarised content (Any content found elsewhere on the internet, even if you're the original author)- Promotional content- Reviews by or on behalf of a person or company with a financial interest in the product or a competitors product (Reviews by authors, artists, publishers manufacturers without disclosure)- Reviews written for any form of compensation- Reviews given using fake ids, irrelevant user email ids - Asking for helpful votes- Review in any language other than English (Unless there is a clear connection to the product, like a regional book or a regional music album)- Feedback about errors in the product description
Login & My Account
Can I reactivate my inactive Flipkart account?
Yes. To reactivate your Flipkart account, simply log in with your registered email ID or mobile number/password combination used before deactivation. Your account data will be fully restored, default subscription settings applied.
Can I reactivate my inactive Flipkart account? Yes. To reactivate your Flipkart account, simply log in with your registered email ID or mobile number/password combination used before deactivation. Your account data will be fully restored, default subscription settings applied.
Login & My Account
Do I need to verify my mobile number or email address every time I log in?
As the verification step is a one time process, you won't have to do it again once your account is verified.
Do I need to verify my mobile number or email address every time I log in? As the verification step is a one time process, you won't have to do it again once your account is verified.
Login & My Account
What should I do if I don't get the OTP or verification code?
Sometimes, SMS messages may be delayed by a few minutes because of network issues. You can regenerate the code through the 'Resend Code' option.
What should I do if I don't get the OTP or verification code? Sometimes, SMS messages may be delayed by a few minutes because of network issues. You can regenerate the code through the 'Resend Code' option.
Login & My Account
What is an OTP or verification code?
An OTP (One Time Password) or verification code is a password/code used to verify your mobile number or email ID when you log into your Flipkart account for the first time. OTP verification will be also be done in other cases like creating an account, password recovery, and updating email/mobile details.
What is an OTP or verification code? An OTP (One Time Password) or verification code is a password/code used to verify your mobile number or email ID when you log into your Flipkart account for the first time. OTP verification will be also be done in other cases like creating an account, password recovery, and updating email/mobile details.
Login & My Account
Why do I need to verify my mobile number or email address to log into my Flipkart account?
To make sure that your account details are always secure, verification by OTP (One Time Password) is important. This is a one-time process and you can log into your Flipkart account without any hassles once this is done.
Why do I need to verify my mobile number or email address to log into my Flipkart account? To make sure that your account details are always secure, verification by OTP (One Time Password) is important. This is a one-time process and you can log into your Flipkart account without any hassles once this is done.
Login & My Account
How can I add a new delivery address to my Flipkart account?
To add a new delivery address, follow these simple steps:1. Log into your Flipkart account 1. Log into your Flipkart account2. Go to My Account › Settings › Addresses3. Add details of your new address 4. Choose 'Save Changes'
How can I add a new delivery address to my Flipkart account? To add a new delivery address, follow these simple steps:1. Log into your Flipkart account 1. Log into your Flipkart account2. Go to My Account › Settings › Addresses3. Add details of your new address 4. Choose 'Save Changes'
Login & My Account
How can I change the password for my Flipkart account?
To change the password for your Flipkart account, follow these simple steps: 1. Log in to your Flipkart account2. Go to My Account › Settings › Change password3. Enter your old password4. Enter your new password5. Choose 'Save Changes'
How can I change the password for my Flipkart account? To change the password for your Flipkart account, follow these simple steps: 1. Log in to your Flipkart account2. Go to My Account › Settings › Change password3. Enter your old password4. Enter your new password5. Choose 'Save Changes'
Login & My Account
How can I use a new email address to log in to my Flipkart account?
To log in to your Flipkart account with a new email address, you can update your email ID with these simple steps: 1. Log in to your Flipkart account2. Go to My Account › Settings › Update Email/Mobile 3. Add the new email ID 4. Enter the verification code sent to the new email ID 5. Choose 'Save Changes' Please note, once your email address is updated, you'll no longer be able to sign in using your old email id.
How can I use a new email address to log in to my Flipkart account? To log in to your Flipkart account with a new email address, you can update your email ID with these simple steps: 1. Log in to your Flipkart account2. Go to My Account › Settings › Update Email/Mobile 3. Add the new email ID 4. Enter the verification code sent to the new email ID 5. Choose 'Save Changes' Please note, once your email address is updated, you'll no longer be able to sign in using your old email id.
Login & My Account
How can I deactivate my account?
To deactivate your Flipkart account, follow these simple steps: 1. Log into your Flipkart account 2. Go to My Account › Settings › Deactivate 3. Enter the password for your account 4. Choose 'Confirm Deactivation'
How can I deactivate my account? To deactivate your Flipkart account, follow these simple steps: 1. Log into your Flipkart account 2. Go to My Account › Settings › Deactivate 3. Enter the password for your account 4. Choose 'Confirm Deactivation'
Login & My Account
How can I change the email ID linked with my Flipkart account?
To change the email ID associated with your Flipkart account, follow these simple steps on our website: 1. Log in to your Flipkart account2. Go to My Account › Settings › Update Email/Mobile3. Add the new email ID 4. Enter the verification code sent to your old and new email IDs 5. Choose 'Save Changes'
How can I change the email ID linked with my Flipkart account? To change the email ID associated with your Flipkart account, follow these simple steps on our website: 1. Log in to your Flipkart account2. Go to My Account › Settings › Update Email/Mobile3. Add the new email ID 4. Enter the verification code sent to your old and new email IDs 5. Choose 'Save Changes'  
Login & My Account
Can I use an international number to sign up?
Yes, you can use an international number to sign up. This number can only be used for logging in and subscribing to order-related updates and confirmation details.
Can I use an international number to sign up? Yes, you can use an international number to sign up. This number can only be used for logging in and subscribing to order-related updates and confirmation details.
Login & My Account
How can I use my mobile number to login on the Flipkart mobile app?
To log into the Flipkart mobile app, update your mobile number from your Flipkart account on our website with these simples steps: 1. Go to My Account › Settings › Update Email/Mobile 2. Add your mobile number  3. Enter the OTP received on your registered mobile number  4. Select 'Save Changes'
How can I use my mobile number to login on the Flipkart mobile app? To log into the Flipkart mobile app, update your mobile number from your Flipkart account on our website with these simples steps: 1. Go to My Account › Settings › Update Email/Mobile 2. Add your mobile number  3. Enter the OTP received on your registered mobile number  4. Select 'Save Changes'  
Login & My Account
Can I use a corporate email ID to sign up?
Yes, you can use a corporate email ID. However, please ensure that you have updated your current active email address to continue using your account in the unlikely event of your account getting deleted or deactivated.
Can I use a corporate email ID to sign up? Yes, you can use a corporate email ID. However, please ensure that you have updated your current active email address to continue using your account in the unlikely event of your account getting deleted or deactivated.
Login & My Account
I'm getting an error message that says, 'You've exceeded the maximum number of attempts to enter correct verification code'. How can I log in to my Flipkart account now?
If a wrong code is entered for verification more than a specific number of times, this error message will be seen and for security reasons, your account will be blocked for the next 24 hours. To log in, please try again after 24 hours by entering the correct OTP.
I'm getting an error message that says, 'You've exceeded the maximum number of attempts to enter correct verification code'. How can I log in to my Flipkart account now? If a wrong code is entered for verification more than a specific number of times, this error message will be seen and for security reasons, your account will be blocked for the next 24 hours. To log in, please try again after 24 hours by entering the correct OTP.
Login & My Account
I always login using my phone number, but I recently lost my phone. I have also forgotten the password to my Flipkart account. How do I access it?
If you have forgotten the password for your account, you can reset it using the 'Forgot password' option available on the home page. Just enter your registered email ID to get an OTP, once you have the OTP simply follow the prompts. If you regain access to your phone number, you can always log in using OTP else, if an email ID is registered with your account, you can click on 'Forget Password' and attempt to log in. In the unlikely event of these not working, you can contact our customer support team for further assistance.
I always login using my phone number, but I recently lost my phone. I have also forgotten the password to my Flipkart account. How do I access it? If you have forgotten the password for your account, you can reset it using the 'Forgot password' option available on the home page. Just enter your registered email ID to get an OTP, once you have the OTP simply follow the prompts. If you regain access to your phone number, you can always log in using OTP else, if an email ID is registered with your account, you can click on 'Forget Password' and attempt to log in. In the unlikely event of these not working, you can contact our customer support team for further assistance.   
Privacy & Security
How do I report a listing infringement?
If you think that your IP right has been infringed by any of our sellers, you can follow the below process. We require that the Intellectual Property right owner or authorized agent provide the following details and email it to [email protected], Identification or description of the copyrighted work/ trademark that has been infringed. Clear identification or description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on with adequate particulars. Product ID / website links of infringing products (in case of copyright infringement). Flipkart is unable to process requests which do not specify exact product IDs or URLs. Please do not provide links to browse pages or links of search queries as these pages are dynamic and their contents change with time. Your address, telephone number, and email address. A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material complained of is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law. A statement by you, that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner's behalf Brand Name (in case of Trademark infringement) Details of the intellectual property being infringed (Provide copyrighted images or trademark certificates as attachments)
How do I report a listing infringement? If you think that your IP right has been infringed by any of our sellers, you can follow the below process. We require that the Intellectual Property right owner or authorized agent provide the following details and email it to [email protected], Identification or description of the copyrighted work/ trademark that has been infringed. Clear identification or description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on with adequate particulars. Product ID / website links of infringing products (in case of copyright infringement). Flipkart is unable to process requests which do not specify exact product IDs or URLs. Please do not provide links to browse pages or links of search queries as these pages are dynamic and their contents change with time. Your address, telephone number, and email address. A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material complained of is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law. A statement by you, that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner's behalf Brand Name (in case of Trademark infringement) Details of the intellectual property being infringed (Provide copyrighted images or trademark certificates as attachments)
Privacy & Security
If I have found a security Bug/Vulnerability/Issue what should I do?
We take security very seriously at Flipkart. If you have found an issue on Flipkart, you can report it to [email protected] with the below details: 1. Steps to reproduce the bug/issue 2. Your web browser/mobile browser's name and version 3. Screenshot/screencast (if any).
If I have found a security Bug/Vulnerability/Issue what should I do? We take security very seriously at Flipkart. If you have found an issue on Flipkart, you can report it to [email protected] with the below details: 1. Steps to reproduce the bug/issue 2. Your web browser/mobile browser's name and version 3. Screenshot/screencast (if any).
I see that the warranty terms for my product have changed on Flipkart from when I bought the product. Will this affect my warranty?
No. The warranty terms for your product will be the same as when you got the product & will not affect your warranty in any way.
I see that the warranty terms for my product have changed on Flipkart from when I bought the product. Will this affect my warranty? No. The warranty terms for your product will be the same as when you got the product & will not affect your warranty in any way.
I lost my warranty card. How can I get warranty?
You can get warranty for your product even without a warranty card. Please use the invoice which will serve as your warranty claim at any authorized service center of the brand.
I lost my warranty card. How can I get warranty? You can get warranty for your product even without a warranty card. Please use the invoice which will serve as your warranty claim at any authorized service center of the brand.
How can I claim warranty for my product?
You can claim the warranty for your product by using the invoice at any authorized service center of the brand.
How can I claim warranty for my product? You can claim the warranty for your product by using the invoice at any authorized service center of the brand.
I want to check my warranty details for the product but I don’t have the warranty card. What should I do?
Please contact our Customer Support and we will help you with the details.
I want to check my warranty details for the product but I don’t have the warranty card. What should I do? Please contact our Customer Support and we will help you with the details.
There is a mismatch in warranty terms between Flipkart and the brand's website. What will happen to the warranty on my product now?
The mismatch could be because of the change in warranty terms for the product over time. Rest assured, you will be entitled to the terms listed on the warranty card that was provided to you at the time of purchase.
There is a mismatch in warranty terms between Flipkart and the brand's website. What will happen to the warranty on my product now? The mismatch could be because of the change in warranty terms for the product over time. Rest assured, you will be entitled to the terms listed on the warranty card that was provided to you at the time of purchase.
There is no seal on the warranty card I got. How will I claim warranty?
The seal on the warranty card is not mandatory for the warranty to be valid. The invoice you received along with the product can be used to claim warranty for the product as it has the details of your purchase.
There is no seal on the warranty card I got. How will I claim warranty? The seal on the warranty card is not mandatory for the warranty to be valid. The invoice you received along with the product can be used to claim warranty for the product as it has the details of your purchase.
How does warranty work on replacement products?
The warranty on replacement products will be the same as the initial product delivered to you. The invoice you receive with the replacement can be used to claim warranty related services.
How does warranty work on replacement products? The warranty on replacement products will be the same as the initial product delivered to you. The invoice you receive with the replacement can be used to claim warranty related services.
What should I do if there is a difference in the warranty mentioned on Flipkart & the physical warranty card I got?
The mismatch could be because of the change in warranty terms for the product over time. Rest assured, you will be entitled to the terms listed on the warranty card that was provided to you at the time of purchase.
What should I do if there is a difference in the warranty mentioned on Flipkart & the physical warranty card I got? The mismatch could be because of the change in warranty terms for the product over time. Rest assured, you will be entitled to the terms listed on the warranty card that was provided to you at the time of purchase.
Should I register the product with the brand to avail the warranty benefits on it?
No, it's not necessary to register the product with the brand. The warranty is automatically valid from the date on the seller's invoice sent to you.
Should I register the product with the brand to avail the warranty benefits on it? No, it's not necessary to register the product with the brand. The warranty is automatically valid from the date on the seller's invoice sent to you.
I didn't get a warranty card with my product. How can I get the warranty?
You need not have a warranty card to claim warranty for your product. Please use the invoice which can be used to avail warranty at any authorised service centre of the brand.
I didn't get a warranty card with my product. How can I get the warranty? You need not have a warranty card to claim warranty for your product. Please use the invoice which can be used to avail warranty at any authorised service centre of the brand.
Will warranty be applicable for my product since I bought it online?
At Flipkart, all our sellers offer products from authorised vendors or brands directly and are 100% genuine. Rest assured, products will have the applicable warranty from brands as confirmed on the product page.
Will warranty be applicable for my product since I bought it online? At Flipkart, all our sellers offer products from authorised vendors or brands directly and are 100% genuine. Rest assured, products will have the applicable warranty from brands as confirmed on the product page.
How do I sign up for an extended warranty for my product?
You may get in touch with the brand to register for an extended warranty for your product.
How do I sign up for an extended warranty for my product? You may get in touch with the brand to register for an extended warranty for your product.
I don't remember the warranty details for my product. Where can I find it?
You can check the brand website for the warranty details of your product. The product invoice can be used to claim the services from any Authorised Service Centre.
I don't remember the warranty details for my product. Where can I find it? You can check the brand website for the warranty details of your product. The product invoice can be used to claim the services from any Authorised Service Centre.
From when is the warranty for my product applicable?
The warranty for your product starts from the date mentioned on the seller's invoice. In case of iPhones, the SIM activation date will be considered as the date from which the warranty of your product starts.
From when is the warranty for my product applicable? The warranty for your product starts from the date mentioned on the seller's invoice. In case of iPhones, the SIM activation date will be considered as the date from which the warranty of your product starts.  
Gift Cards
I didn’t get the Gift Card I ordered for. What should I do?
Please check your inbox and spam folder for the Gift Card. If you don’t find the card in spite of this, you can get the card details from your Flipkart account. To do this, Visit your Orders Go the order for the Gift Card Click on resend Gift Card details
I didn’t get the Gift Card I ordered for. What should I do? Please check your inbox and spam folder for the Gift Card. If you don’t find the card in spite of this, you can get the card details from your Flipkart account. To do this, Visit your Orders Go the order for the Gift Card Click on resend Gift Card details
Gift Cards
My Gift Card has expired. Can you extend its validity?
Gift Cards have a validity period of 1 year from the date of purchase and once a Gift Card expires, it's validity cannot be extended.
My Gift Card has expired. Can you extend its validity? Gift Cards have a validity period of 1 year from the date of purchase and once a Gift Card expires, it's validity cannot be extended.
Gift Cards
What does 'Transfer' Gift Card in my Wallet do?
You can use the 'Transfer' option to transfer your Gift Card to anyone through your Flipkart app by entering their email ID. Please note that the expiry date of the Gift Card does not change when you transfer it to someone and is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.
What does 'Transfer' Gift Card in my Wallet do? You can use the 'Transfer' option to transfer your Gift Card to anyone through your Flipkart app by entering their email ID. Please note that the expiry date of the Gift Card does not change when you transfer it to someone and is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase.
Gift Cards
Does a Gift Card expire?
Yes, all Gift Cards have a validity of 1 year from the date of issue and will expire after that.
Does a Gift Card expire? Yes, all Gift Cards have a validity of 1 year from the date of issue and will expire after that.
Gift Cards
Is there a limit on how many Gift Cards I can use in a single order?
You can use up to 15 Gift Cards to pay for a single order.
Is there a limit on how many Gift Cards I can use in a single order? You can use up to 15 Gift Cards to pay for a single order.
Gift Cards
What happens to the unused balance in my Gift Card after it expires?
The unused balance of the Gift Card expires along with the Gift Card.
What happens to the unused balance in my Gift Card after it expires? The unused balance of the Gift Card expires along with the Gift Card.
Gift Cards
I've lost my Gift Card PIN, what can I do?
If you've bought the Gift Card from Flipkart directly, you can resend the Gift Card details to the recipient by following these simple steps: 1. Go to 'My Orders'2. Select the Gift Card order3. Click on 'Resend Gift Card' and the recipient will get the Gift Card with a new PIN If you've got the Gift Card as a Gift, you may get in touch with the original buyer and they will be able to help you out.
I've lost my Gift Card PIN, what can I do? If you've bought the Gift Card from Flipkart directly, you can resend the Gift Card details to the recipient by following these simple steps: 1. Go to 'My Orders'2. Select the Gift Card order3. Click on 'Resend Gift Card' and the recipient will get the Gift Card with a new PIN If you've got the Gift Card as a Gift, you may get in touch with the original buyer and they will be able to help you out.
Gift Cards
Can I transfer partially used Gift Card to someone?
Yes, you can transfer your partially used Flipkart Gift Card as long as it hasn't expired and has some balance left. The receiver will not be able to see any transactions made from your Flipkart wallet. Please note that the expiry date of the Gift Card does not change when you transfer it to someone.
Can I transfer partially used Gift Card to someone? Yes, you can transfer your partially used Flipkart Gift Card as long as it hasn't expired and has some balance left. The receiver will not be able to see any transactions made from your Flipkart wallet. Please note that the expiry date of the Gift Card does not change when you transfer it to someone.
Gift Cards
How can I unlink a Gift Card which is added to my wallet?
To unlink your Gift Card, transfer it to yourself by using the 'Transfer this Gift Card' option and enter your email ID. The Card ID and PIN will be sent to you while the Gift Card is unlinked from your Wallet. It can then be added to another person's Flipkart account.
How can I unlink a Gift Card which is added to my wallet? To unlink your Gift Card, transfer it to yourself by using the 'Transfer this Gift Card' option and enter your email ID. The Card ID and PIN will be sent to you while the Gift Card is unlinked from your Wallet. It can then be added to another person's Flipkart account.
Gift Cards
How can I use a Gift Card?
There are two ways in which you can use a Gift Card: 1. Add the Gift Card to your Flipkart Wallet and link it to your account. You will then be able to use it as a payment mode for your orders2. While placing your order, choose Gift Card as the mode of payment and enter your Gift Card number along with its PIN to pay
How can I use a Gift Card? There are two ways in which you can use a Gift Card: 1. Add the Gift Card to your Flipkart Wallet and link it to your account. You will then be able to use it as a payment mode for your orders2. While placing your order, choose Gift Card as the mode of payment and enter your Gift Card number along with its PIN to pay
Gift Cards
What if the Gift Card is transferred to someone when I am expecting a refund for an order placed using the same Gift Card?
Refund for a payment made from a Gift Card will be added back to it. Please check if there are any pending refunds expected to the Gift Card before you transfer it to someone.
What if the Gift Card is transferred to someone when I am expecting a refund for an order placed using the same Gift Card? Refund for a payment made from a Gift Card will be added back to it. Please check if there are any pending refunds expected to the Gift Card before you transfer it to someone.
Gift Cards
Can I buy another Gift Card with the Gift Card I have?
No, a Gift Card cannot be used to buy another Gift Card.
Can I buy another Gift Card with the Gift Card I have? No, a Gift Card cannot be used to buy another Gift Card.
Gift Cards
Can I get a new Gift Card for the remaining balance if my Gift Card has expired?
No, the unused balance in a Gift Card automatically expires with the expiry of the Gift Card.
Can I get a new Gift Card for the remaining balance if my Gift Card has expired? No, the unused balance in a Gift Card automatically expires with the expiry of the Gift Card.
Gift Cards
Can I use my Gift Card to buy items from different sellers in the same order?
No, a Gift Card cannot be used in a single order with different sellers. To buy items from different sellers using your Gift Card, please order separately.
Can I use my Gift Card to buy items from different sellers in the same order? No, a Gift Card cannot be used in a single order with different sellers. To buy items from different sellers using your Gift Card, please order separately.
Gift Cards
Do I have to pay anything extra to buy or use a Gift Card?
No. You can buy and use your Gift Card without paying anything extra.
Do I have to pay anything extra to buy or use a Gift Card? No. You can buy and use your Gift Card without paying anything extra.
Gift Cards
What are the limits to buy Gift Cards?
You can buy a maximum of 100 Gift Cards in a month with a total limit of Rs. 1,00,000 (One Lakh). Purchases exceeding this limit will be automatically canceled. Please refer to the Gift Card Terms & Conditions page for more details.
What are the limits to buy Gift Cards? You can buy a maximum of 100 Gift Cards in a month with a total limit of Rs. 1,00,000 (One Lakh). Purchases exceeding this limit will be automatically canceled. Please refer to the Gift Card Terms & Conditions page for more details.
Gift Cards
Are there certain things on Flipkart which I cannot buy through Gift Cards?
The following cannot be bought through Gift Cards: 1. Flipkart First subscription2. Other Gift Card(s) 3. Items from different sellers in a single order (you can use Gift Cards by ordering separately)
Are there certain things on Flipkart which I cannot buy through Gift Cards? The following cannot be bought through Gift Cards: 1. Flipkart First subscription2. Other Gift Card(s) 3. Items from different sellers in a single order (you can use Gift Cards by ordering separately)
Gift Cards
What if my order amount is lesser than the Gift Card value?
If your order amount is lesser than the value of your Gift Card, the balance will stay your Card and you can use it to shop on Flipkart!
What if my order amount is lesser than the Gift Card value? If your order amount is lesser than the value of your Gift Card, the balance will stay your Card and you can use it to shop on Flipkart!
Gift Cards
How can I pay if the order amount is more than the value of my Gift Card?
You can pay the remaining amount using a debit/credit card or your PhonePe Wallet.
How can I pay if the order amount is more than the value of my Gift Card? You can pay the remaining amount using a debit/credit card or your PhonePe Wallet.
Pickup Stores
Will my shipment be safe at the pickup store?
Rest assured, your shipment is safe with our trusted partners at all pickup stores.
Will my shipment be safe at the pickup store? Rest assured, your shipment is safe with our trusted partners at all pickup stores.
Pickup Stores
How will I know that my shipment has reached the pick-up store?
Once your shipment has reached the pick-up store, you will be notified via email & SMS. A One Time Password (OTP) and a route map to the location of the pick-up store will also be shared with you.
How will I know that my shipment has reached the pick-up store? Once your shipment has reached the pick-up store, you will be notified via email & SMS. A One Time Password (OTP) and a route map to the location of the pick-up store will also be shared with you.
Pickup Stores
How can I collect my shipment from the pick-up store?
To collect your shipment from a pick-up store, follow these simple steps: 1. Walk into the pick-up store 2. Enter your OTP where you are asked to do so by the Store Manager and show a valid photo ID As soon as the verification is complete, the shipment will be handed over to you. Note: The photo IDs can be PAN card, Driving license, Aadhar card, College ID card, Employee ID card, Voters' ID card, Government approved cards, photo printed credit/debit card, and Bank passbook.
How can I collect my shipment from the pick-up store? To collect your shipment from a pick-up store, follow these simple steps: 1. Walk into the pick-up store 2. Enter your OTP where you are asked to do so by the Store Manager and show a valid photo ID As soon as the verification is complete, the shipment will be handed over to you. Note: The photo IDs can be PAN card, Driving license, Aadhar card, College ID card, Employee ID card, Voters' ID card, Government approved cards, photo printed credit/debit card, and Bank passbook.
Pickup Stores
How does the pick-up store option on Flipkart work?
With the pick-up store option, you can choose to pick up your shipment from select pick-up stores at your convenience. All you need to do is choose the pick-up store option at the time of placing your order and you can walk into the pick-up location to collect your order once it reaches there. You'll also receive an email and SMS once the shipment has reached the pick-up store.
How does the pick-up store option on Flipkart work? With the pick-up store option, you can choose to pick up your shipment from select pick-up stores at your convenience. All you need to do is choose the pick-up store option at the time of placing your order and you can walk into the pick-up location to collect your order once it reaches there. You'll also receive an email and SMS once the shipment has reached the pick-up store.
Pickup Stores
How long do I have to pick up my shipment from the pick-up store?
You can pick up your shipment within 5 days of the order arriving at the pick-up store. If you are on vacation, or can't pick it up within 5 days, you can contact our Customer Support to schedule the pickup at a later date. In case the shipment is not picked up within this time, the store will return the item to the seller and the order will be cancelled.
How long do I have to pick up my shipment from the pick-up store? You can pick up your shipment within 5 days of the order arriving at the pick-up store. If you are on vacation, or can't pick it up within 5 days, you can contact our Customer Support to schedule the pickup at a later date. In case the shipment is not picked up within this time, the store will return the item to the seller and the order will be cancelled.
Pickup Stores
What should I do if my shipment is not at the pick-up store?
If you have received a confirmation message that your shipment has reached the pick-up store and it is not there, please contact Customer Support.
What should I do if my shipment is not at the pick-up store? If you have received a confirmation message that your shipment has reached the pick-up store and it is not there, please contact Customer Support.
Pickup Stores
What happens if I'm not able to pick up my shipment within 5 days from the pickup store for some reason?
In case your shipment isn't collected from the pick-up store within 5 days, it will be returned to the seller. The order will be cancelled and a full refund initiated for pre-paid orders.
What happens if I'm not able to pick up my shipment within 5 days from the pickup store for some reason? In case your shipment isn't collected from the pick-up store within 5 days, it will be returned to the seller. The order will be cancelled and a full refund initiated for pre-paid orders.
Pickup Stores
What is a pick-up store?
A pick-up store is a location near you where you can now walk into a select partner store and collect your order at your own convenience. The option to choose this as a delivery option is available on our mobile app.
What is a pick-up store? A pick-up store is a location near you where you can now walk into a select partner store and collect your order at your own convenience. The option to choose this as a delivery option is available on our mobile app.
Pickup Stores
Is a pick-up store option better than having the shipment sent directly to me?
Pick-up stores are an option is for those who want to collect their orders at leisure. It works great for those who can't receive shipments at home or offices at the specific moment the courier executive calls.
Is a pick-up store option better than having the shipment sent directly to me? Pick-up stores are an option is for those who want to collect their orders at leisure. It works great for those who can't receive shipments at home or offices at the specific moment the courier executive calls.
Pickup Stores
Can I drop off an item I want to return at the pick-up store?
Pick-up stores are not authorised to accept items for returns yet. To return items, please raise a request from the 'My Orders' section of your Flipkart account and wait for more details via email and SMS.
Can I drop off an item I want to return at the pick-up store? Pick-up stores are not authorised to accept items for returns yet. To return items, please raise a request from the 'My Orders' section of your Flipkart account and wait for more details via email and SMS.
Pickup Stores
Can someone else collect an order on my behalf from a pick-up store?
Yes, someone else can collect the order for you. To do this, the person will have to share the OTP sent to you by SMS and a vaild photo ID at the pick-up store.
Can someone else collect an order on my behalf from a pick-up store? Yes, someone else can collect the order for you. To do this, the person will have to share the OTP sent to you by SMS and a vaild photo ID at the pick-up store.
Pickup Stores
Is my shipment safe at the pick-up store?
Yes, your shipment is safe at our well-equipped and trusted pick-up stores.
Is my shipment safe at the pick-up store? Yes, your shipment is safe at our well-equipped and trusted pick-up stores.
Pickup Stores
What are the benefits of choosing the pick-up store option for delivery?
Pick-up stores are an option is for those who want to collect their orders at leisure. It works great for those who can't receive shipments at home or offices at the specific moment the courier executive calls.
What are the benefits of choosing the pick-up store option for delivery? Pick-up stores are an option is for those who want to collect their orders at leisure. It works great for those who can't receive shipments at home or offices at the specific moment the courier executive calls.
Pickup Stores
My shipment is damaged at the self pickup store, what do I do?
Please do not accept your shipment at the pickup store if it's damaged. Let us know about it by contacting our Customer Support & we'll look into this for you.
My shipment is damaged at the self pickup store, what do I do? Please do not accept your shipment at the pickup store if it's damaged. Let us know about it by contacting our Customer Support & we'll look into this for you.
Pickup Stores
How much time does it take for the shipment to reach a pickup store?
Standard delivery times apply for shipments to be delivered at pickup locations. You can check the status of your order from My Orders section.
How much time does it take for the shipment to reach a pickup store? Standard delivery times apply for shipments to be delivered at pickup locations. You can check the status of your order from My Orders section.
Pickup Stores
How to know if my area has self pick-up service?
When you're placing an order with your address, choose the self-pickup option to see a list of possible stores where you can walk in & collect your shipments. In case your address doesn't have any pickup stores, you'll get a message which says, 'Self pickup not available in your location'. This option is currently available only on Android app at the moment.
How to know if my area has self pick-up service? When you're placing an order with your address, choose the self-pickup option to see a list of possible stores where you can walk in & collect your shipments. In case your address doesn't have any pickup stores, you'll get a message which says, 'Self pickup not available in your location'. This option is currently available only on Android app at the moment.
Pickup Stores
Is there a charge for pickup of products from a 'Pickup Store'?
There are no charges for pickup of products from a 'Pickup Store'. Standard delivery charges still apply.
Is there a charge for pickup of products from a 'Pickup Store'? There are no charges for pickup of products from a 'Pickup Store'. Standard delivery charges still apply.
What all is covered as part of standard installation?
Split air conditioners: Parts/services covered under standard Installation:a. Copper Pipe with Sleeve - 3Mtr b. POWER CABLE 3 Core - 3Mtr, c. Remote - 1Nos, d. Remote Batteries Parts not covered as part of standard Installation and their respective charges:a. Outdoor unit stand - Rs. 750, b. Extra copper pipes - Rs 750 per meter without sleeves & power cable, c. Drain pipe extension if any. (per meter cost) - Rs. 125, d. Wiring extension from meter to site, (per meter cost) Rs. 86 Services not covered as part of standard installation and chargeablea. Stabilizer required for the installation if available with the technician, f. Plumbing and Masonry Work, g. Powerpoint/MCB fitting and any other electrical work, h. Carpentry work, i. Dismantling/Shifting of Old AC's Masonry, j. Core Cutting Fabrication and Electrical The authorised service engineer will provide a detailed demo that includesa. Usage of the product, b. Explain all the functionality of the product, c. Preventive maintenance action to be taken Televisions: If wall mount is part of the sales package: The wall mount will be provided free of cost and will be available in the product boxThe installation and demo service will be provided free of costAll additional accessories not part of the the package will be charged separately The authorized service engineer will be providing detailed demo that includes:1. Physical check of all ports, including power and USB ports2. Checking also of accessories3. Understanding your new TV's features with complete demonstration of features and settings4. Quick run-through on how to operate the TV5. Preventive maintenance action to be taken If wall mount is not a part of the sales package and needs to be purchased separately: The installation & first demo service will be provided free of cost. All additional accessories not part of the the package will be charged separately.The service engineer will install your new TV, either on wall mount or on table top. The wall mount is not provided free of cost and is chargeable. The cost of wall mount is Rs. 499 (inclusive of applicable taxes) and will be available with service engineer for purchase.The authorised service engineer will be providing detailed demo that includes the following:a. Physical check of all ports, including power and USB ports. b. Checking of accessories c. Understanding your new TV's features with complete demonstration of features and settings d. Quick run-through on how to operate the TV e. Preventive maintenance action to be taken Washing Machine - Front load The installation and demo service will be provided free of cost. All additional accessories not part of the the package will be charged separately.The authorised service engineer will provide detailed demo that includes the following: 1. Usage of the product2. Explain all the functionality of the product3. Preventive maintenance action to be taken Washing machine - Top Load The features of the product are presented in the user manual that comes with it. Hence, the manufacturer does not provide on-site installation or demo for the product.
What all is covered as part of standard installation? Split air conditioners: Parts/services covered under standard Installation:a. Copper Pipe with Sleeve - 3Mtr b. POWER CABLE 3 Core - 3Mtr, c. Remote - 1Nos, d. Remote Batteries Parts not covered as part of standard Installation and their respective charges:a. Outdoor unit stand - Rs. 750, b. Extra copper pipes - Rs 750 per meter without sleeves & power cable, c. Drain pipe extension if any. (per meter cost) - Rs. 125, d. Wiring extension from meter to site, (per meter cost) Rs. 86 Services not covered as part of standard installation and chargeablea. Stabilizer required for the installation if available with the technician, f. Plumbing and Masonry Work, g. Powerpoint/MCB fitting and any other electrical work, h. Carpentry work, i. Dismantling/Shifting of Old AC's Masonry, j. Core Cutting Fabrication and Electrical The authorised service engineer will provide a detailed demo that includesa. Usage of the product, b. Explain all the functionality of the product, c. Preventive maintenance action to be taken Televisions: If wall mount is part of the sales package: The wall mount will be provided free of cost and will be available in the product boxThe installation and demo service will be provided free of costAll additional accessories not part of the the package will be charged separately The authorized service engineer will be providing detailed demo that includes:1. Physical check of all ports, including power and USB ports2. Checking also of accessories3. Understanding your new TV's features with complete demonstration of features and settings4. Quick run-through on how to operate the TV5. Preventive maintenance action to be taken If wall mount is not a part of the sales package and needs to be purchased separately: The installation & first demo service will be provided free of cost. All additional accessories not part of the the package will be charged separately.The service engineer will install your new TV, either on wall mount or on table top. The wall mount is not provided free of cost and is chargeable. The cost of wall mount is Rs. 499 (inclusive of applicable taxes) and will be available with service engineer for purchase.The authorised service engineer will be providing detailed demo that includes the following:a. Physical check of all ports, including power and USB ports. b. Checking of accessories c. Understanding your new TV's features with complete demonstration of features and settings d. Quick run-through on how to operate the TV e. Preventive maintenance action to be taken Washing Machine - Front load The installation and demo service will be provided free of cost. All additional accessories not part of the the package will be charged separately.The authorised service engineer will provide detailed demo that includes the following: 1. Usage of the product2. Explain all the functionality of the product3. Preventive maintenance action to be taken Washing machine - Top Load The features of the product are presented in the user manual that comes with it. Hence, the manufacturer does not provide on-site installation or demo for the product.
Will I be charged for installation?
Air-conditioners: The installation of an air-conditioner is chargeable and needs to be paid directly to the service engineer. Standard installation charges for split AC will be Rs. 1599 (inclusive of taxes). Please check the offer details to know if free installation or any other special offer price is available at the time of purchase. Television (Wall mount is part of sales package):The service engineer will install your new television, either on a wall mount or on a table top. Installation and demo are provided free of cost. Television (Wall mount is not part of sales package):The wall mount is not provided free of cost and is chargeable. The cost of wall mount is Rs. 499 (inclusive of applicable taxes) and will be available with service engineer for purchase. Washing machine/Refrigerator:The installation and demo service will be provided free of cost. All additional accessories not part of the package will be charged separately.
Will I be charged for installation? Air-conditioners: The installation of an air-conditioner is chargeable and needs to be paid directly to the service engineer. Standard installation charges for split AC will be Rs. 1599 (inclusive of taxes). Please check the offer details to know if free installation or any other special offer price is available at the time of purchase. Television (Wall mount is part of sales package):The service engineer will install your new television, either on a wall mount or on a table top. Installation and demo are provided free of cost. Television (Wall mount is not part of sales package):The wall mount is not provided free of cost and is chargeable. The cost of wall mount is Rs. 499 (inclusive of applicable taxes) and will be available with service engineer for purchase. Washing machine/Refrigerator:The installation and demo service will be provided free of cost. All additional accessories not part of the package will be charged separately.
Flipkart Travel
How can I contact Flipkart Travel customer support?
You can get in touch with Flipkart Travel Support on toll-free number 1800 258 3535 or write at [email protected] for any queries or concerns.
How can I contact Flipkart Travel customer support? You can get in touch with Flipkart Travel Support on toll-free number 1800 258 3535 or write at [email protected] for any queries or concerns.
Aegon Life Insurance
Can I earn SuperCoins on purchasing Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
No, the option to earn SuperCoins on insurance purchases is not available at the moment.
Can I earn SuperCoins on purchasing Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan? No, the option to earn SuperCoins on insurance purchases is not available at the moment.
Aegon Life Insurance
 When will my policy for Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan terminate?
Your policy shall immediately and automatically terminate on the occurrence of any of the following events: 1. On the expiry of your coverage plan (i.e a year from the risk start date of the policy) 2. The insured member ceases to fulfil any of the eligibility criteria (e.g incorrect declaration of age, pre-existing conditions etc.) 3. The insured member ceases to be a part of the group unless it is agreed to continue the cover till the end of its period (i.e if the user decides to terminate his FK account) 4. Death of the insured member 5. A  written request by the master policyholder to discontinue the policy with at least 30 days prior notice (e.g due to non-payment of premium, fraudulent transactions etc.
 When will my policy for Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan terminate? Your policy shall immediately and automatically terminate on the occurrence of any of the following events: 1. On the expiry of your coverage plan (i.e a year from the risk start date of the policy) 2. The insured member ceases to fulfil any of the eligibility criteria (e.g incorrect declaration of age, pre-existing conditions etc.) 3. The insured member ceases to be a part of the group unless it is agreed to continue the cover till the end of its period (i.e if the user decides to terminate his FK account) 4. Death of the insured member 5. A  written request by the master policyholder to discontinue the policy with at least 30 days prior notice (e.g due to non-payment of premium, fraudulent transactions etc.  
Aegon Life Insurance
Can I update/change the nominee details post purchasing the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
Can I update/change the nominee details post purchasing the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
Aegon Life Insurance
Can a minor be made a nominee as part of the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
Can a minor be made a nominee as part of the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
Aegon Life Insurance
What if I am not happy with the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan and its benefits?
In case you are not happy with the benefits offered, you can get in touch with Aegon within 30 days from the Risk Commencement Date as mentioned on the Certificate of Insurance and they will refund the premiums paid after deducting a proportionate risk premium for the period of risk cover.
What if I am not happy with the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan and its benefits? In case you are not happy with the benefits offered, you can get in touch with Aegon within 30 days from the Risk Commencement Date as mentioned on the Certificate of Insurance and they will refund the premiums paid after deducting a proportionate risk premium for the period of risk cover.        
Aegon Life Insurance
What are the exclusions under the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
Here are the exclusions:   a) Suicide Exclusions: If death occurs due to suicide within 12 months from the date of commencement of the coverage plan or within 12 months from the date of revival of the coverage plan, 80% refund on the premium paid (excluding taxes) will be received as death benefit, provided the insured member?s coverage(s) is/are in force.b) Covid -19 exclusions : You should not have travelled outside India in the last 45 days from date of proposal. You should not have been quarantined or been in close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days from date of proposal. You should not have experienced symptoms of fever/cough/shortness of breath/malaise/sore throat/nausea/vomiting and/or diarrhea within the last 14 days from date of proposal.
What are the exclusions under the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan? Here are the exclusions:   a) Suicide Exclusions: If death occurs due to suicide within 12 months from the date of commencement of the coverage plan or within 12 months from the date of revival of the coverage plan, 80% refund on the premium paid (excluding taxes) will be received as death benefit, provided the insured member?s coverage(s) is/are in force.b) Covid -19 exclusions : You should not have travelled outside India in the last 45 days from date of proposal. You should not have been quarantined or been in close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days from date of proposal. You should not have experienced symptoms of fever/cough/shortness of breath/malaise/sore throat/nausea/vomiting and/or diarrhea within the last 14 days from date of proposal.
Aegon Life Insurance
 What do I receive on maturity? Are there any survival benefits in the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance plan?
There is no maturity benefit or any kind of survival benefits payable on coverage expiry date of the plan.
 What do I receive on maturity? Are there any survival benefits in the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance plan? There is no maturity benefit or any kind of survival benefits payable on coverage expiry date of the plan.
Aegon Life Insurance
What are the benefits of the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan provides a lump sum amount to the nominee in case of death of the life assured depending on the sum assured opted (Life Assured).Eg. If Mr.Rohan has opted for Life Cover of Rs. 2 Lakhs by paying the required premium. In the event of his unfortunate death, his family will receive Rs. 2 Lakhs and the policy will terminate.
What are the benefits of the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan? Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan provides a lump sum amount to the nominee in case of death of the life assured depending on the sum assured opted (Life Assured).Eg. If Mr.Rohan has opted for Life Cover of Rs. 2 Lakhs by paying the required premium. In the event of his unfortunate death, his family will receive Rs. 2 Lakhs and the policy will terminate.
Aegon Life Insurance
Can I use SuperCoins to buy Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
No, the option to use SuperCoins for insurance purchases is not available at the moment.
Can I use SuperCoins to buy Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan? No, the option to use SuperCoins for insurance purchases is not available at the moment.
Aegon Life Insurance
What is COVID-19 Hospi Cover?
Covid-19 Hospi Cover provides an additional lump sum (Rider Sum Assured opted) on hospitalization for a minimum of 24 consecutive hours due to first ever diagnosis of Covid-19 condition. For more details, you can contact Aegon at 1800-209-9090.
What is COVID-19 Hospi Cover? Covid-19 Hospi Cover provides an additional lump sum (Rider Sum Assured opted) on hospitalization for a minimum of 24 consecutive hours due to first ever diagnosis of Covid-19 condition. For more details, you can contact Aegon at 1800-209-9090.
Aegon Life Insurance
Is there a waiting period for me to claim my Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
Yes, after a waiting period of 14 days from the policy start date, you will be eligible for claims under Group Critical Illness rider (Covid-19 Hospi Care benefit).
Is there a waiting period for me to claim my Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan? Yes, after a waiting period of 14 days from the policy start date, you will be eligible for claims under Group Critical Illness rider (Covid-19 Hospi Care benefit).
Aegon Life Insurance
Will I get a copy of my policy certificate from Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan after purchase or any changes in my contact or nominee details?
Yes, you will get a copy of the policy certificate on your registered email address. Alternatively, you can also download it from the ?My Policy? page of your Flipkart App.
Will I get a copy of my policy certificate from Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan after purchase or any changes in my contact or nominee details? Yes, you will get a copy of the policy certificate on your registered email address. Alternatively, you can also download it from the ?My Policy? page of your Flipkart App.
Aegon Life Insurance
What will I get as a proof of Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance? 
You will receive a Certificate of Insurance (COI) along with Customer Information Sheet (CIS) on the email address that was shared at the time of purchase. You can also check both the documents on the My Policy page of your Flipkart App.
What will I get as a proof of Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance?  You will receive a Certificate of Insurance (COI) along with Customer Information Sheet (CIS) on the email address that was shared at the time of purchase. You can also check both the documents on the My Policy page of your Flipkart App.
Aegon Life Insurance
What is the process to claim my Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
In the event of a claim, the nominee should notify Aegon Life of the claim by calling 1800-209-9090 or sending an email to [email protected]. The nominee will need to provide supporting documents to Aegon Life to process the claim.
What is the process to claim my Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan? In the event of a claim, the nominee should notify Aegon Life of the claim by calling 1800-209-9090 or sending an email to [email protected]. The nominee will need to provide supporting documents to Aegon Life to process the claim.
Aegon Life Insurance
Can I change policy cover amount, policy term or premium payment frequency after I purchase the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
No, policy cover, policy term and premium payment frequency details cannot be changed after the policy has been purchased.
Can I change policy cover amount, policy term or premium payment frequency after I purchase the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan? No, policy cover, policy term and premium payment frequency details cannot be changed after the policy has been purchased.
Aegon Life Insurance
What are the pre-requisites to purchase an Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan through Flipkart?
Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan (IRDA UIN: 138N062V01) with Group Critical Illness Rider( Covid-19 benefits) is only available on Flipkart for users who:- Have an active Flipkart account- Aged between 18 and 50 years- Do not have any pre-existing medical conditions as mentioned in the Health Declaration Section of the Terms and Conditions- Fulfill the eligibility criteria for Group CI (Covid-19) riders of not having travelled outside of India in the last 45 days from date of proposal, nor been quarantined or been in close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days from date of proposal and not experienced symptoms of fever/cough/shortness of breath/malaise/sore throat/nausea/vomiting and/or diarrhea within the last 14 days from the date of proposal This policy cannot be purchased by customers who have already bought the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan on Flipkart.
What are the pre-requisites to purchase an Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan through Flipkart? Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan (IRDA UIN: 138N062V01) with Group Critical Illness Rider( Covid-19 benefits) is only available on Flipkart for users who:- Have an active Flipkart account- Aged between 18 and 50 years- Do not have any pre-existing medical conditions as mentioned in the Health Declaration Section of the Terms and Conditions- Fulfill the eligibility criteria for Group CI (Covid-19) riders of not having travelled outside of India in the last 45 days from date of proposal, nor been quarantined or been in close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days from date of proposal and not experienced symptoms of fever/cough/shortness of breath/malaise/sore throat/nausea/vomiting and/or diarrhea within the last 14 days from the date of proposal This policy cannot be purchased by customers who have already bought the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan on Flipkart. 
Aegon Life Insurance
What documents are needed to claim my policy Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
You can find the list of documents here: The Insurer may ask for additional documents (including the policy document) or information for the processing of the claim from time to time, on a case by case basis. Please check your policy document for details about your coverage.
What documents are needed to claim my policy Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan? You can find the list of documents here: The Insurer may ask for additional documents (including the policy document) or information for the processing of the claim from time to time, on a case by case basis. Please check your policy document for details about your coverage.   
Aegon Life Insurance
Can I update or correct the personal details that I have provided for Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
You can update or correct your contact details by using the 'Change Email address' option available on the 'Policy Details' page of your Flipkart app. You may be asked to validate or provide a few details if required. To update your mobile number, please call 1800-209-9090 or send an email to [email protected]. You may be asked to validate or provide a few details if required. Please note that 'name' and 'date of birth' cannot be changed.
Can I update or correct the personal details that I have provided for Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan? You can update or correct your contact details by using the 'Change Email address' option available on the 'Policy Details' page of your Flipkart app. You may be asked to validate or provide a few details if required. To update your mobile number, please call 1800-209-9090 or send an email to [email protected]. You may be asked to validate or provide a few details if required. Please note that 'name' and 'date of birth' cannot be changed.
Aegon Life Insurance
Whom should I contact if I have concerns or complaints related to Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
For all queries, please write to [email protected] or call on 1800-209-9090 between 9 am to 7 pm from Monday to Saturday. For any complaints or escalations, please write to [email protected]
Whom should I contact if I have concerns or complaints related to Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan? For all queries, please write to [email protected] or call on 1800-209-9090 between 9 am to 7 pm from Monday to Saturday. For any complaints or escalations, please write to [email protected]
Aegon Life Insurance
Can I add more than one nominee as part of the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan?
No, the option to add more than one nominee is currently not available. However, you can only replace or correct the existing nominee details (name, age, gender and relationship) by using the 'Add/Update Nominee' option available under the 'My Policy' page of Flipkart app. The age of the nominee should be between 18 and 99 years.
Can I add more than one nominee as part of the Aegon Life Group Term Plus Insurance Plan? No, the option to add more than one nominee is currently not available. However, you can only replace or correct the existing nominee details (name, age, gender and relationship) by using the 'Add/Update Nominee' option available under the 'My Policy' page of Flipkart app. The age of the nominee should be between 18 and 99 years.
COVID-19 Protect (Coronavirus Insurance)
Can I purchase more than one COVID-19 Protect policy? Can I purchase the policy for my family or friends?
No, you can only purchase one policy for yourself under the current restrictions. However, your family or friends can purchase policies for themselves from their own accounts.
Can I purchase more than one COVID-19 Protect policy? Can I purchase the policy for my family or friends? No, you can only purchase one policy for yourself under the current restrictions. However, your family or friends can purchase policies for themselves from their own accounts.
COVID-19 Protect (Coronavirus Insurance)
Can I update or correct my personal details after purchasing the COVID-19 Protect Policy?
You can only update the primary email ID from the ?My Orders? section of your Flipkart app after purchasing the policy. Please ensure that the rest of the Flipkart details are accurately entered when you buy the policy.
Can I update or correct my personal details after purchasing the COVID-19 Protect Policy? You can only update the primary email ID from the ?My Orders? section of your Flipkart app after purchasing the policy. Please ensure that the rest of the Flipkart details are accurately entered when you buy the policy.