@Test @Ignore("Test execution is depending on server technical characteristics.") // ToDo: Need to rewrite. public void Should_ignoreExceptionsFromTask() throws Exception { ITask taskMock1 = mock(ITask.class), taskMock2 = mock(ITask.class); doThrow(new TaskExecutionException("Whoops!")).when(taskMock1).execute(); thread.execute(taskMock1); verify(taskMock1, timeout(100)).execute(); Thread.sleep(200); thread.execute(taskMock2); verify(taskMock2, timeout(100)).execute(); }
@Test @Ignore("Test execution is depending on server technical characteristics.") public void Should_ignoreExceptionsFromTask() throws Exception { ITask taskMock1 = mock(ITask.class), taskMock2 = mock(ITask.class); doThrow(new TaskExecutionException("Whoops!")).when(taskMock1).execute(); thread.execute(taskMock1); verify(taskMock1, timeout(100)).execute(); Thread.sleep(200); thread.execute(taskMock2); verify(taskMock2, timeout(100)).execute(); }
@test @ignore("test execution is depending on server technical characteristics.") public void should_ignoreexceptionsfromtask() throws exception { itask taskmock1 = mock(itask.class), taskmock2 = mock(itask.class); dothrow(new taskexecutionexception("whoops!")).when(taskmock1).execute(); thread.execute(taskmock1); verify(taskmock1, timeout(100)).execute(); thread.sleep(200); thread.execute(taskmock2); verify(taskmock2, timeout(100)).execute(); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override double getTurnInput(HumanInput humanInput) { // TODO: Maybe sine curve is more appropriate for turning? // Pass the raw turn value through an input curve, then apply the turn sensitivity. return Util.applyInputCurve(humanInput.getGamePad().rs().getHorizontal(), .75, 3) * turnSensitivity; }
@Override double getTurnInput(HumanInput humanInput) { return Util.applyInputCurve(humanInput.getGamePad().rs().getHorizontal(), .75, 3) * turnSensitivity; }
@override double getturninput(humaninput humaninput) { return util.applyinputcurve(humaninput.getgamepad().rs().gethorizontal(), .75, 3) * turnsensitivity; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public ReloadableType getSuperRtype() { if (superRtype != null) { return superRtype; } if (superclazz == null) { // Not filled in yet? Why is this code different to the interface case? String name = this.getSlashedSupertypeName(); if (name == null) { return null; } else { ReloadableType rtype = typeRegistry.getReloadableSuperType(name); superRtype = rtype; return superRtype; } } else { ClassLoader superClassLoader = superclazz.getClassLoader(); TypeRegistry superTypeRegistry = TypeRegistry.getTypeRegistryFor(superClassLoader); superRtype = superTypeRegistry.getReloadableType(superclazz); return superRtype; } }
public ReloadableType getSuperRtype() { if (superRtype != null) { return superRtype; } if (superclazz == null) { String name = this.getSlashedSupertypeName(); if (name == null) { return null; } else { ReloadableType rtype = typeRegistry.getReloadableSuperType(name); superRtype = rtype; return superRtype; } } else { ClassLoader superClassLoader = superclazz.getClassLoader(); TypeRegistry superTypeRegistry = TypeRegistry.getTypeRegistryFor(superClassLoader); superRtype = superTypeRegistry.getReloadableType(superclazz); return superRtype; } }
public reloadabletype getsuperrtype() { if (superrtype != null) { return superrtype; } if (superclazz == null) { string name = this.getslashedsupertypename(); if (name == null) { return null; } else { reloadabletype rtype = typeregistry.getreloadablesupertype(name); superrtype = rtype; return superrtype; } } else { classloader superclassloader = superclazz.getclassloader(); typeregistry supertyperegistry = typeregistry.gettyperegistryfor(superclassloader); superrtype = supertyperegistry.getreloadabletype(superclazz); return superrtype; } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public boolean waitForExpectedReplicaMap(final long timeoutMs, YBTable table, Map<String, List<List<Integer>>> replicaMapExpected) { Condition replicaMapCondition = new ReplicaMapCondition(table, replicaMapExpected, timeoutMs); return waitForCondition(replicaMapCondition, timeoutMs); }
public boolean waitForExpectedReplicaMap(final long timeoutMs, YBTable table, Map<String, List<List<Integer>>> replicaMapExpected) { Condition replicaMapCondition = new ReplicaMapCondition(table, replicaMapExpected, timeoutMs); return waitForCondition(replicaMapCondition, timeoutMs); }
public boolean waitforexpectedreplicamap(final long timeoutms, ybtable table, map<string, list<list<integer>>> replicamapexpected) { condition replicamapcondition = new replicamapcondition(table, replicamapexpected, timeoutms); return waitforcondition(replicamapcondition, timeoutms); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Test public void testBlowingUpWithDuplicateLoaders() { KeyValuePairLoader kvpl = new KeyValuePairLoader(); kvpl.setKeyValuePairs(cmdLineArgsWFullClassName); try { AndHowConfiguration config = AndHowTestConfig.instance() .setLoaders(kvpl, kvpl) .addOverrideGroups(configPtGroups); AndHow.setConfig(config); AndHow.instance(); fail(); //The line above should throw an error } catch (AppFatalException ce) { assertEquals(1, ce.getProblems().filter(ConstructionProblem.class).size()); assertTrue(ce.getProblems().filter(ConstructionProblem.class).get(0) instanceof ConstructionProblem.DuplicateLoader); ConstructionProblem.DuplicateLoader dl = (ConstructionProblem.DuplicateLoader)ce.getProblems().filter(ConstructionProblem.class).get(0); assertEquals(kvpl, dl.getLoader()); assertTrue(ce.getSampleDirectory().length() > 0); File sampleDir = new File(ce.getSampleDirectory()); assertTrue(sampleDir.exists()); assertTrue(sampleDir.listFiles().length > 0); } }
@Test public void testBlowingUpWithDuplicateLoaders() { KeyValuePairLoader kvpl = new KeyValuePairLoader(); kvpl.setKeyValuePairs(cmdLineArgsWFullClassName); try { AndHowConfiguration config = AndHowTestConfig.instance() .setLoaders(kvpl, kvpl) .addOverrideGroups(configPtGroups); AndHow.setConfig(config); AndHow.instance(); fail(); } catch (AppFatalException ce) { assertEquals(1, ce.getProblems().filter(ConstructionProblem.class).size()); assertTrue(ce.getProblems().filter(ConstructionProblem.class).get(0) instanceof ConstructionProblem.DuplicateLoader); ConstructionProblem.DuplicateLoader dl = (ConstructionProblem.DuplicateLoader)ce.getProblems().filter(ConstructionProblem.class).get(0); assertEquals(kvpl, dl.getLoader()); assertTrue(ce.getSampleDirectory().length() > 0); File sampleDir = new File(ce.getSampleDirectory()); assertTrue(sampleDir.exists()); assertTrue(sampleDir.listFiles().length > 0); } }
@test public void testblowingupwithduplicateloaders() { keyvaluepairloader kvpl = new keyvaluepairloader(); kvpl.setkeyvaluepairs(cmdlineargswfullclassname); try { andhowconfiguration config = andhowtestconfig.instance() .setloaders(kvpl, kvpl) .addoverridegroups(configptgroups); andhow.setconfig(config); andhow.instance(); fail(); } catch (appfatalexception ce) { assertequals(1, ce.getproblems().filter(constructionproblem.class).size()); asserttrue(ce.getproblems().filter(constructionproblem.class).get(0) instanceof constructionproblem.duplicateloader); constructionproblem.duplicateloader dl = (constructionproblem.duplicateloader)ce.getproblems().filter(constructionproblem.class).get(0); assertequals(kvpl, dl.getloader()); asserttrue(ce.getsampledirectory().length() > 0); file sampledir = new file(ce.getsampledirectory()); asserttrue(sampledir.exists()); asserttrue(sampledir.listfiles().length > 0); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void bootstrapMessagingSystem(){ try{ messagingSystem = new MessagingSystem(ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_URI, ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_PORT); messagingSystem.createConnection(); messagingSystem.createSession(); //TODO: handle topics, not just queues messagingSystem.createDestination(ACTIVEMQ_DESTINATION_NAME); messagingSystem.createProducer(); System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system done."); messagingSystem.validateConnection(); } catch (JMSException e){ System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system failed.\n" + e); messagingSystem.invalidateConnection(); } }
public void bootstrapMessagingSystem(){ try{ messagingSystem = new MessagingSystem(ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_URI, ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_PORT); messagingSystem.createConnection(); messagingSystem.createSession(); messagingSystem.createDestination(ACTIVEMQ_DESTINATION_NAME); messagingSystem.createProducer(); System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system done."); messagingSystem.validateConnection(); } catch (JMSException e){ System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system failed.\n" + e); messagingSystem.invalidateConnection(); } }
public void bootstrapmessagingsystem(){ try{ messagingsystem = new messagingsystem(activemq_broker_uri, activemq_broker_port); messagingsystem.createconnection(); messagingsystem.createsession(); messagingsystem.createdestination(activemq_destination_name); messagingsystem.createproducer(); system.out.println("solrtoactivemqcomponent: bootstrapping messaging system done."); messagingsystem.validateconnection(); } catch (jmsexception e){ system.out.println("solrtoactivemqcomponent: bootstrapping messaging system failed.\n" + e); messagingsystem.invalidateconnection(); } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public boolean shouldAcquire(String name) { // the org.robolectric.res package lives in the base classloader, but not its tests; yuck. int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); String pkgName = name.substring(0, lastDot == -1 ? 0 : lastDot); if (pkgName.equals("org.robolectric.res")) { return name.contains("Test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; // Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true; return !( name.matches(".*\\.R(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? ); }
public boolean shouldAcquire(String name) { int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); String pkgName = name.substring(0, lastDot == -1 ? 0 : lastDot); if (pkgName.equals("org.robolectric.res")) { return name.contains("Test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true; return !( name.matches(".*\\.R(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") || name.startsWith("scala.") || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") ); }
public boolean shouldacquire(string name) { int lastdot = name.lastindexof('.'); string pkgname = name.substring(0, lastdot == -1 ? 0 : lastdot); if (pkgname.equals("org.robolectric.res")) { return name.contains("test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.r(\\$.*)?")) return true; if (name.equals("android.r$styleable")) return true; return !( name.matches(".*\\.r(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || classes_to_always_delegate.contains(name) || name.startswith("java.") || name.startswith("javax.") || name.startswith("sun.") || name.startswith("com.sun.") || name.startswith("org.w3c.") || name.startswith("org.xml.") || name.startswith("org.junit") || name.startswith("org.hamcrest") || name.startswith("org.specs2") || name.startswith("scala.") || name.startswith("org.sqlite.") ); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void writeBytes(int stream, byte[] b, int offset, int len) { // TODO: optimize final int end = offset + len; for(int i=offset;i<end;i++) writeByte(stream, b[i]); }
public void writeBytes(int stream, byte[] b, int offset, int len) { final int end = offset + len; for(int i=offset;i<end;i++) writeByte(stream, b[i]); }
public void writebytes(int stream, byte[] b, int offset, int len) { final int end = offset + len; for(int i=offset;i<end;i++) writebyte(stream, b[i]); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public static VirtualFile createDir(Project project, final VirtualFile parent, final String name) { final Ref<VirtualFile> result = new Ref<VirtualFile>(); new WriteCommandAction.Simple(project) { @Override protected void run() throws Throwable { try { VirtualFile dir = parent.findChild(name); if (dir == null) { dir = parent.createChildDirectory(this, name); } result.set(dir); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }.execute(); return result.get(); }
public static VirtualFile createDir(Project project, final VirtualFile parent, final String name) { final Ref<VirtualFile> result = new Ref<VirtualFile>(); new WriteCommandAction.Simple(project) { @Override protected void run() throws Throwable { try { VirtualFile dir = parent.findChild(name); if (dir == null) { dir = parent.createChildDirectory(this, name); } result.set(dir); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }.execute(); return result.get(); }
public static virtualfile createdir(project project, final virtualfile parent, final string name) { final ref<virtualfile> result = new ref<virtualfile>(); new writecommandaction.simple(project) { @override protected void run() throws throwable { try { virtualfile dir = parent.findchild(name); if (dir == null) { dir = parent.createchilddirectory(this, name); } result.set(dir); } catch (ioexception e) { throw new runtimeexception(e); } } }.execute(); return result.get(); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@CEntryPoint(name = "execute") public static int execute(IsolateThread thread, int statement) { try { boolean hasResult = statements.get(statement).execute(); if (hasResult) { throw new SQLException("unexpected results on statement execute"); } return statements.get(statement).getUpdateCount(); } catch (Throwable e) { setError(e); return -1; } finally { try { statements.get(statement).close(); } catch(Throwable t) { // Ignored. TODO: Do I have to handle this? } } }
@CEntryPoint(name = "execute") public static int execute(IsolateThread thread, int statement) { try { boolean hasResult = statements.get(statement).execute(); if (hasResult) { throw new SQLException("unexpected results on statement execute"); } return statements.get(statement).getUpdateCount(); } catch (Throwable e) { setError(e); return -1; } finally { try { statements.get(statement).close(); } catch(Throwable t) { } } }
@centrypoint(name = "execute") public static int execute(isolatethread thread, int statement) { try { boolean hasresult = statements.get(statement).execute(); if (hasresult) { throw new sqlexception("unexpected results on statement execute"); } return statements.get(statement).getupdatecount(); } catch (throwable e) { seterror(e); return -1; } finally { try { statements.get(statement).close(); } catch(throwable t) { } } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Test @RunAsClient public void simpleSession() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final String uuid = uuid(); try (ClosableResponse res = post(target("000", uuid, XHR), json(null))) { // New line is a frame delimiter specific for xhr-polling" assertEquals(Status.OK, res.getStatusInfo()); assertEquals("o\n", res.readEntity(String.class)); } // After a session was established the server needs to accept requests for sending messages. // Xhr-polling accepts messages as a list of JSON-encoded strings. try (ClosableResponse res = post(target("000", uuid, XHR_SEND), json("[\"a\"]"))) { assertEquals(Status.NO_CONTENT, res.getStatusInfo()); verifyEmptyEntity(res); } // We're using an echo service - we'll receive our message back. The message is encoded as an array 'a'. try (ClosableResponse res = post(target("000", uuid, XHR), json(null))) { assertEquals(Status.OK, res.getStatusInfo()); assertEquals("a[\"a\"]\n", res.readEntity(String.class)); } // Sending messages to not existing sessions is invalid. try (ClosableResponse res = post(target("000", "bad_session", XHR_SEND), json("[\"a\"]"))) { verify404(XHR_SEND, res); } // The session must time out after 5 seconds of not having a receiving connection. The server must send a // heartbeat frame every 25 seconds. The heartbeat frame contains a single h character. This delay may be // configurable. // TODO // The server must not allow two receiving connections to wait on a single session. In such case the server must // send a close frame to the new connection. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { try (ClosableResponse res = post(target("000", uuid, XHR_SEND), json("[\"xxxxxx\"]"))) { assertEquals(Status.NO_CONTENT, res.getStatusInfo()); } } // Due to the time it takes for an async request to be scheduled it might actually be the one that returns the // 'another connection still open' error. Therefore we need to check both. final Future<Response> asyncFuture = target("000", uuid, XHR).request().async().post(json(null)); try (ClosableResponse res = post(target("000", uuid, XHR), json(null))) { assertEquals(Status.OK, res.getStatusInfo()); final String resPayload = res.readEntity(String.class); try (ClosableResponse asyncRes = closable(asyncFuture.get())) { assertEquals(Status.OK, asyncRes.getStatusInfo()); final String asyncResPayload = asyncRes.readEntity(String.class); if (ENABLE_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_TEST) { final String expectedError = "c[2010,\"Another connection still open\"]\n"; if (!expectedError.equals(resPayload) && !expectedError.equals(asyncResPayload)) { fail("Neither response had '" + expectedError + "'! [blocking=" + resPayload + ",async=" + asyncResPayload + "]"); } final String expected = "a[\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\"]\n"; if (!expected.equals(resPayload) && !expected.equals(asyncResPayload)) { fail("Neither response had '" + expected + "'! [blocking=" + resPayload + ",async=" + asyncResPayload + "]"); } } } } finally { asyncFuture.cancel(true); } }
@Test @RunAsClient public void simpleSession() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final String uuid = uuid(); try (ClosableResponse res = post(target("000", uuid, XHR), json(null))) { assertEquals(Status.OK, res.getStatusInfo()); assertEquals("o\n", res.readEntity(String.class)); } try (ClosableResponse res = post(target("000", uuid, XHR_SEND), json("[\"a\"]"))) { assertEquals(Status.NO_CONTENT, res.getStatusInfo()); verifyEmptyEntity(res); } try (ClosableResponse res = post(target("000", uuid, XHR), json(null))) { assertEquals(Status.OK, res.getStatusInfo()); assertEquals("a[\"a\"]\n", res.readEntity(String.class)); } try (ClosableResponse res = post(target("000", "bad_session", XHR_SEND), json("[\"a\"]"))) { verify404(XHR_SEND, res); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { try (ClosableResponse res = post(target("000", uuid, XHR_SEND), json("[\"xxxxxx\"]"))) { assertEquals(Status.NO_CONTENT, res.getStatusInfo()); } } final Future<Response> asyncFuture = target("000", uuid, XHR).request().async().post(json(null)); try (ClosableResponse res = post(target("000", uuid, XHR), json(null))) { assertEquals(Status.OK, res.getStatusInfo()); final String resPayload = res.readEntity(String.class); try (ClosableResponse asyncRes = closable(asyncFuture.get())) { assertEquals(Status.OK, asyncRes.getStatusInfo()); final String asyncResPayload = asyncRes.readEntity(String.class); if (ENABLE_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_TEST) { final String expectedError = "c[2010,\"Another connection still open\"]\n"; if (!expectedError.equals(resPayload) && !expectedError.equals(asyncResPayload)) { fail("Neither response had '" + expectedError + "'! [blocking=" + resPayload + ",async=" + asyncResPayload + "]"); } final String expected = "a[\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\"]\n"; if (!expected.equals(resPayload) && !expected.equals(asyncResPayload)) { fail("Neither response had '" + expected + "'! [blocking=" + resPayload + ",async=" + asyncResPayload + "]"); } } } } finally { asyncFuture.cancel(true); } }
@test @runasclient public void simplesession() throws interruptedexception, executionexception { final string uuid = uuid(); try (closableresponse res = post(target("000", uuid, xhr), json(null))) { assertequals(status.ok, res.getstatusinfo()); assertequals("o\n", res.readentity(string.class)); } try (closableresponse res = post(target("000", uuid, xhr_send), json("[\"a\"]"))) { assertequals(status.no_content, res.getstatusinfo()); verifyemptyentity(res); } try (closableresponse res = post(target("000", uuid, xhr), json(null))) { assertequals(status.ok, res.getstatusinfo()); assertequals("a[\"a\"]\n", res.readentity(string.class)); } try (closableresponse res = post(target("000", "bad_session", xhr_send), json("[\"a\"]"))) { verify404(xhr_send, res); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { try (closableresponse res = post(target("000", uuid, xhr_send), json("[\"xxxxxx\"]"))) { assertequals(status.no_content, res.getstatusinfo()); } } final future<response> asyncfuture = target("000", uuid, xhr).request().async().post(json(null)); try (closableresponse res = post(target("000", uuid, xhr), json(null))) { assertequals(status.ok, res.getstatusinfo()); final string respayload = res.readentity(string.class); try (closableresponse asyncres = closable(asyncfuture.get())) { assertequals(status.ok, asyncres.getstatusinfo()); final string asyncrespayload = asyncres.readentity(string.class); if (enable_concurrent_requests_test) { final string expectederror = "c[2010,\"another connection still open\"]\n"; if (!expectederror.equals(respayload) && !expectederror.equals(asyncrespayload)) { fail("neither response had '" + expectederror + "'! [blocking=" + respayload + ",async=" + asyncrespayload + "]"); } final string expected = "a[\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\",\"xxxxxx\"]\n"; if (!expected.equals(respayload) && !expected.equals(asyncrespayload)) { fail("neither response had '" + expected + "'! [blocking=" + respayload + ",async=" + asyncrespayload + "]"); } } } } finally { asyncfuture.cancel(true); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 1 ]
@Override public boolean isConcurrentAccessSupported() { // Maybe we could support concurrent some time in the future return false; }
@Override public boolean isConcurrentAccessSupported() { return false; }
@override public boolean isconcurrentaccesssupported() { return false; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public void writeContent(HttpCarbonMessage httpOutboundRequest) { if (handlerExecutor != null) { handlerExecutor.executeAtTargetRequestReceiving(httpOutboundRequest); } BackPressureHandler backpressureHandler = Util.getBackPressureHandler(targetHandler.getContext()); Util.setBackPressureListener(httpOutboundRequest, backpressureHandler, httpOutboundRequest.getSourceContext()); resetTargetChannelState(); httpOutboundRequest.getHttpContentAsync().setMessageListener((httpContent -> { //TODO:Until the listener is set, content writing happens in I/O thread. If writability changed //while in I/O thread and DefaultBackPressureListener is engaged, there's a chance of I/O thread //getting blocked. Cannot recreate, only a possibility. Util.checkUnWritabilityAndNotify(targetHandler.getContext(), backpressureHandler); -> { try { senderReqRespStateManager.writeOutboundRequestEntity(httpOutboundRequest, httpContent); } catch (Exception exception) { String errorMsg = "Failed to send the request : " + exception.getMessage().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); LOG.error(errorMsg, exception); this.targetHandler.getHttpResponseFuture().notifyHttpListener(exception); } }); })); }
public void writeContent(HttpCarbonMessage httpOutboundRequest) { if (handlerExecutor != null) { handlerExecutor.executeAtTargetRequestReceiving(httpOutboundRequest); } BackPressureHandler backpressureHandler = Util.getBackPressureHandler(targetHandler.getContext()); Util.setBackPressureListener(httpOutboundRequest, backpressureHandler, httpOutboundRequest.getSourceContext()); resetTargetChannelState(); httpOutboundRequest.getHttpContentAsync().setMessageListener((httpContent -> { Util.checkUnWritabilityAndNotify(targetHandler.getContext(), backpressureHandler); -> { try { senderReqRespStateManager.writeOutboundRequestEntity(httpOutboundRequest, httpContent); } catch (Exception exception) { String errorMsg = "Failed to send the request : " + exception.getMessage().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); LOG.error(errorMsg, exception); this.targetHandler.getHttpResponseFuture().notifyHttpListener(exception); } }); })); }
public void writecontent(httpcarbonmessage httpoutboundrequest) { if (handlerexecutor != null) { handlerexecutor.executeattargetrequestreceiving(httpoutboundrequest); } backpressurehandler backpressurehandler = util.getbackpressurehandler(targethandler.getcontext()); util.setbackpressurelistener(httpoutboundrequest, backpressurehandler, httpoutboundrequest.getsourcecontext()); resettargetchannelstate(); httpoutboundrequest.gethttpcontentasync().setmessagelistener((httpcontent -> { util.checkunwritabilityandnotify(targethandler.getcontext(), backpressurehandler); -> { try { senderreqrespstatemanager.writeoutboundrequestentity(httpoutboundrequest, httpcontent); } catch (exception exception) { string errormsg = "failed to send the request : " + exception.getmessage().tolowercase(locale.english); log.error(errormsg, exception); this.targethandler.gethttpresponsefuture().notifyhttplistener(exception); } }); })); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@GetMapping("/{viewId}/{rowId}/field/{fieldName}/zoomInto") public JSONZoomInto getRowFieldZoomInto( @PathVariable("windowId") final String windowIdStr, @PathVariable(PARAM_ViewId) final String viewIdStr, @PathVariable("rowId") final String rowId, @PathVariable("fieldName") final String fieldName) { // userSession.assertLoggedIn(); // NOTE: not needed because we are forwarding to windowRestController ViewId.ofViewIdString(viewIdStr, WindowId.fromJson(windowIdStr)); // just validate the windowId and viewId // TODO: atm we are forwarding all calls to windowRestController hoping the document existing and has the same ID as view's row ID. return windowRestController.getDocumentFieldZoomInto(windowIdStr, rowId, fieldName); }
@GetMapping("/{viewId}/{rowId}/field/{fieldName}/zoomInto") public JSONZoomInto getRowFieldZoomInto( @PathVariable("windowId") final String windowIdStr, @PathVariable(PARAM_ViewId) final String viewIdStr, @PathVariable("rowId") final String rowId, @PathVariable("fieldName") final String fieldName) { ViewId.ofViewIdString(viewIdStr, WindowId.fromJson(windowIdStr)); return windowRestController.getDocumentFieldZoomInto(windowIdStr, rowId, fieldName); }
@getmapping("/{viewid}/{rowid}/field/{fieldname}/zoominto") public jsonzoominto getrowfieldzoominto( @pathvariable("windowid") final string windowidstr, @pathvariable(param_viewid) final string viewidstr, @pathvariable("rowid") final string rowid, @pathvariable("fieldname") final string fieldname) { viewid.ofviewidstring(viewidstr, windowid.fromjson(windowidstr)); return windowrestcontroller.getdocumentfieldzoominto(windowidstr, rowid, fieldname); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void bad() throws Throwable { String password = (new CWE319_Cleartext_Tx_Sensitive_Info__URLConnection_passwordAuth_61b()).badSource(); if (password != null) { /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Use password directly in PasswordAuthentication() */ PasswordAuthentication credentials = new PasswordAuthentication("user", password.toCharArray()); IO.writeLine(credentials.toString()); } }
public void bad() throws Throwable { String password = (new CWE319_Cleartext_Tx_Sensitive_Info__URLConnection_passwordAuth_61b()).badSource(); if (password != null) { PasswordAuthentication credentials = new PasswordAuthentication("user", password.toCharArray()); IO.writeLine(credentials.toString()); } }
public void bad() throws throwable { string password = (new cwe319_cleartext_tx_sensitive_info__urlconnection_passwordauth_61b()).badsource(); if (password != null) { passwordauthentication credentials = new passwordauthentication("user", password.tochararray()); io.writeline(credentials.tostring()); } }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
private void goodG2B() throws Throwable { String password = (new CWE319_Cleartext_Tx_Sensitive_Info__URLConnection_passwordAuth_61b()).goodG2BSource(); if (password != null) { /* POTENTIAL FLAW: Use password directly in PasswordAuthentication() */ PasswordAuthentication credentials = new PasswordAuthentication("user", password.toCharArray()); IO.writeLine(credentials.toString()); } }
private void goodG2B() throws Throwable { String password = (new CWE319_Cleartext_Tx_Sensitive_Info__URLConnection_passwordAuth_61b()).goodG2BSource(); if (password != null) { PasswordAuthentication credentials = new PasswordAuthentication("user", password.toCharArray()); IO.writeLine(credentials.toString()); } }
private void goodg2b() throws throwable { string password = (new cwe319_cleartext_tx_sensitive_info__urlconnection_passwordauth_61b()).goodg2bsource(); if (password != null) { passwordauthentication credentials = new passwordauthentication("user", password.tochararray()); io.writeline(credentials.tostring()); } }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void send(Iterator<TableRef> tableRefIterator) throws SQLException { int i = 0; long[] serverTimeStamps = null; boolean sendAll = false; if (tableRefIterator == null) { serverTimeStamps = validateAll(); tableRefIterator = mutations.keySet().iterator(); sendAll = true; } Map<ImmutableBytesPtr, RowMutationState> valuesMap; Map<TableInfo,List<Mutation>> physicalTableMutationMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); // add tracing for this operation try (TraceScope trace = Tracing.startNewSpan(connection, "Committing mutations to tables")) { Span span = trace.getSpan(); ImmutableBytesWritable indexMetaDataPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable(); while (tableRefIterator.hasNext()) { // at this point we are going through mutations for each table final TableRef tableRef =; valuesMap = mutations.get(tableRef); if (valuesMap == null || valuesMap.isEmpty()) { continue; } // Validate as we go if transactional since we can undo if a problem occurs (which is unlikely) long serverTimestamp = serverTimeStamps == null ? validateAndGetServerTimestamp(tableRef, valuesMap) : serverTimeStamps[i++]; Long scn = connection.getSCN(); long mutationTimestamp = scn == null ? HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP : scn; final PTable table = tableRef.getTable(); Iterator<Pair<PName,List<Mutation>>> mutationsIterator = addRowMutations(tableRef, valuesMap, mutationTimestamp, serverTimestamp, false, sendAll); // build map from physical table to mutation list boolean isDataTable = true; while (mutationsIterator.hasNext()) { Pair<PName,List<Mutation>> pair =; PName hTableName = pair.getFirst(); List<Mutation> mutationList = pair.getSecond(); TableInfo tableInfo = new TableInfo(isDataTable, hTableName, tableRef); List<Mutation> oldMutationList = physicalTableMutationMap.put(tableInfo, mutationList); if (oldMutationList!=null) mutationList.addAll(0, oldMutationList); isDataTable = false; } // For transactions, track the statement indexes as we send data // over because our CommitException should include all statements // involved in the transaction since none of them would have been // committed in the event of a failure. if (table.isTransactional()) { addUncommittedStatementIndexes(valuesMap.values()); if (txMutations.isEmpty()) { txMutations = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(mutations.size()); } // Keep all mutations we've encountered until a commit or rollback. // This is not ideal, but there's not good way to get the values back // in the event that we need to replay the commit. // Copy TableRef so we have the original PTable and know when the // indexes have changed. joinMutationState(new TableRef(tableRef), valuesMap, txMutations); } } long serverTimestamp = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP; Iterator<Entry<TableInfo, List<Mutation>>> mutationsIterator = physicalTableMutationMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (mutationsIterator.hasNext()) { Entry<TableInfo, List<Mutation>> pair =; TableInfo tableInfo = pair.getKey(); byte[] htableName = tableInfo.getHTableName().getBytes(); List<Mutation> mutationList = pair.getValue(); //create a span per target table //TODO maybe we can be smarter about the table name to string here? Span child = Tracing.child(span,"Writing mutation batch for table: "+Bytes.toString(htableName)); int retryCount = 0; boolean shouldRetry = false; long numMutations = 0; long mutationSizeBytes = 0; long mutationCommitTime = 0; long numFailedMutations = 0;; long startTime = 0; do { TableRef origTableRef = tableInfo.getOrigTableRef(); PTable table = origTableRef.getTable(); table.getIndexMaintainers(indexMetaDataPtr, connection); final ServerCache cache = tableInfo.isDataTable() ? setMetaDataOnMutations(origTableRef, mutationList, indexMetaDataPtr) : null; // If we haven't retried yet, retry for this case only, as it's possible that // a split will occur after we send the index metadata cache to all known // region servers. shouldRetry = cache!=null; SQLException sqlE = null; HTableInterface hTable = connection.getQueryServices().getTable(htableName); try { if (table.isTransactional()) { // Track tables to which we've sent uncommitted data uncommittedPhysicalNames.add(table.getPhysicalName().getString()); // If we have indexes, wrap the HTable in a delegate HTable that // will attach the necessary index meta data in the event of a // rollback if (!table.getIndexes().isEmpty()) { hTable = new MetaDataAwareHTable(hTable, origTableRef); } hTable = TransactionUtil.getPhoenixTransactionTable(phoenixTransactionContext, hTable, table); } numMutations = mutationList.size(); GLOBAL_MUTATION_BATCH_SIZE.update(numMutations); mutationSizeBytes = calculateMutationSize(mutationList); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); child.addTimelineAnnotation("Attempt " + retryCount); List<List<Mutation>> mutationBatchList = getMutationBatchList(batchSize, batchSizeBytes, mutationList); for (List<Mutation> mutationBatch : mutationBatchList) { hTable.batch(mutationBatch); batchCount++; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Sent batch of " + numMutations + " for " + Bytes.toString(htableName)); child.stop(); child.stop(); shouldRetry = false; mutationCommitTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; GLOBAL_MUTATION_COMMIT_TIME.update(mutationCommitTime); numFailedMutations = 0; if (tableInfo.isDataTable()) { numRows -= numMutations; } // Remove batches as we process them mutations.remove(origTableRef); } catch (Exception e) { mutationCommitTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; serverTimestamp = ServerUtil.parseServerTimestamp(e); SQLException inferredE = ServerUtil.parseServerExceptionOrNull(e); if (inferredE != null) { if (shouldRetry && retryCount == 0 && inferredE.getErrorCode() == SQLExceptionCode.INDEX_METADATA_NOT_FOUND.getErrorCode()) { // Swallow this exception once, as it's possible that we split after sending the index metadata // and one of the region servers doesn't have it. This will cause it to have it the next go around. // If it fails again, we don't retry. String msg = "Swallowing exception and retrying after clearing meta cache on connection. " + inferredE; logger.warn(LogUtil.addCustomAnnotations(msg, connection)); connection.getQueryServices().clearTableRegionCache(htableName); // add a new child span as this one failed child.addTimelineAnnotation(msg); child.stop(); child = Tracing.child(span,"Failed batch, attempting retry"); continue; } e = inferredE; } // Throw to client an exception that indicates the statements that // were not committed successfully. int[] uncommittedStatementIndexes = getUncommittedStatementIndexes(); sqlE = new CommitException(e, uncommittedStatementIndexes, serverTimestamp); numFailedMutations = uncommittedStatementIndexes.length; GLOBAL_MUTATION_BATCH_FAILED_COUNT.update(numFailedMutations); } finally { MutationMetric mutationsMetric = new MutationMetric(numMutations, mutationSizeBytes, mutationCommitTime, numFailedMutations); mutationMetricQueue.addMetricsForTable(Bytes.toString(htableName), mutationsMetric); try { if (cache!=null) cache.close(); } finally { try { hTable.close(); } catch (IOException e) { if (sqlE != null) { sqlE.setNextException(ServerUtil.parseServerException(e)); } else { sqlE = ServerUtil.parseServerException(e); } } if (sqlE != null) { throw sqlE; } } } } while (shouldRetry && retryCount++ < 1); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void send(Iterator<TableRef> tableRefIterator) throws SQLException { int i = 0; long[] serverTimeStamps = null; boolean sendAll = false; if (tableRefIterator == null) { serverTimeStamps = validateAll(); tableRefIterator = mutations.keySet().iterator(); sendAll = true; } Map<ImmutableBytesPtr, RowMutationState> valuesMap; Map<TableInfo,List<Mutation>> physicalTableMutationMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); try (TraceScope trace = Tracing.startNewSpan(connection, "Committing mutations to tables")) { Span span = trace.getSpan(); ImmutableBytesWritable indexMetaDataPtr = new ImmutableBytesWritable(); while (tableRefIterator.hasNext()) { final TableRef tableRef =; valuesMap = mutations.get(tableRef); if (valuesMap == null || valuesMap.isEmpty()) { continue; } long serverTimestamp = serverTimeStamps == null ? validateAndGetServerTimestamp(tableRef, valuesMap) : serverTimeStamps[i++]; Long scn = connection.getSCN(); long mutationTimestamp = scn == null ? HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP : scn; final PTable table = tableRef.getTable(); Iterator<Pair<PName,List<Mutation>>> mutationsIterator = addRowMutations(tableRef, valuesMap, mutationTimestamp, serverTimestamp, false, sendAll); boolean isDataTable = true; while (mutationsIterator.hasNext()) { Pair<PName,List<Mutation>> pair =; PName hTableName = pair.getFirst(); List<Mutation> mutationList = pair.getSecond(); TableInfo tableInfo = new TableInfo(isDataTable, hTableName, tableRef); List<Mutation> oldMutationList = physicalTableMutationMap.put(tableInfo, mutationList); if (oldMutationList!=null) mutationList.addAll(0, oldMutationList); isDataTable = false; } if (table.isTransactional()) { addUncommittedStatementIndexes(valuesMap.values()); if (txMutations.isEmpty()) { txMutations = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(mutations.size()); } joinMutationState(new TableRef(tableRef), valuesMap, txMutations); } } long serverTimestamp = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP; Iterator<Entry<TableInfo, List<Mutation>>> mutationsIterator = physicalTableMutationMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (mutationsIterator.hasNext()) { Entry<TableInfo, List<Mutation>> pair =; TableInfo tableInfo = pair.getKey(); byte[] htableName = tableInfo.getHTableName().getBytes(); List<Mutation> mutationList = pair.getValue(); Span child = Tracing.child(span,"Writing mutation batch for table: "+Bytes.toString(htableName)); int retryCount = 0; boolean shouldRetry = false; long numMutations = 0; long mutationSizeBytes = 0; long mutationCommitTime = 0; long numFailedMutations = 0;; long startTime = 0; do { TableRef origTableRef = tableInfo.getOrigTableRef(); PTable table = origTableRef.getTable(); table.getIndexMaintainers(indexMetaDataPtr, connection); final ServerCache cache = tableInfo.isDataTable() ? setMetaDataOnMutations(origTableRef, mutationList, indexMetaDataPtr) : null; shouldRetry = cache!=null; SQLException sqlE = null; HTableInterface hTable = connection.getQueryServices().getTable(htableName); try { if (table.isTransactional()) { uncommittedPhysicalNames.add(table.getPhysicalName().getString()); if (!table.getIndexes().isEmpty()) { hTable = new MetaDataAwareHTable(hTable, origTableRef); } hTable = TransactionUtil.getPhoenixTransactionTable(phoenixTransactionContext, hTable, table); } numMutations = mutationList.size(); GLOBAL_MUTATION_BATCH_SIZE.update(numMutations); mutationSizeBytes = calculateMutationSize(mutationList); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); child.addTimelineAnnotation("Attempt " + retryCount); List<List<Mutation>> mutationBatchList = getMutationBatchList(batchSize, batchSizeBytes, mutationList); for (List<Mutation> mutationBatch : mutationBatchList) { hTable.batch(mutationBatch); batchCount++; } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Sent batch of " + numMutations + " for " + Bytes.toString(htableName)); child.stop(); child.stop(); shouldRetry = false; mutationCommitTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; GLOBAL_MUTATION_COMMIT_TIME.update(mutationCommitTime); numFailedMutations = 0; if (tableInfo.isDataTable()) { numRows -= numMutations; } mutations.remove(origTableRef); } catch (Exception e) { mutationCommitTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; serverTimestamp = ServerUtil.parseServerTimestamp(e); SQLException inferredE = ServerUtil.parseServerExceptionOrNull(e); if (inferredE != null) { if (shouldRetry && retryCount == 0 && inferredE.getErrorCode() == SQLExceptionCode.INDEX_METADATA_NOT_FOUND.getErrorCode()) { String msg = "Swallowing exception and retrying after clearing meta cache on connection. " + inferredE; logger.warn(LogUtil.addCustomAnnotations(msg, connection)); connection.getQueryServices().clearTableRegionCache(htableName); child.addTimelineAnnotation(msg); child.stop(); child = Tracing.child(span,"Failed batch, attempting retry"); continue; } e = inferredE; } int[] uncommittedStatementIndexes = getUncommittedStatementIndexes(); sqlE = new CommitException(e, uncommittedStatementIndexes, serverTimestamp); numFailedMutations = uncommittedStatementIndexes.length; GLOBAL_MUTATION_BATCH_FAILED_COUNT.update(numFailedMutations); } finally { MutationMetric mutationsMetric = new MutationMetric(numMutations, mutationSizeBytes, mutationCommitTime, numFailedMutations); mutationMetricQueue.addMetricsForTable(Bytes.toString(htableName), mutationsMetric); try { if (cache!=null) cache.close(); } finally { try { hTable.close(); } catch (IOException e) { if (sqlE != null) { sqlE.setNextException(ServerUtil.parseServerException(e)); } else { sqlE = ServerUtil.parseServerException(e); } } if (sqlE != null) { throw sqlE; } } } } while (shouldRetry && retryCount++ < 1); } } }
@suppresswarnings("deprecation") private void send(iterator<tableref> tablerefiterator) throws sqlexception { int i = 0; long[] servertimestamps = null; boolean sendall = false; if (tablerefiterator == null) { servertimestamps = validateall(); tablerefiterator = mutations.keyset().iterator(); sendall = true; } map<immutablebytesptr, rowmutationstate> valuesmap; map<tableinfo,list<mutation>> physicaltablemutationmap = maps.newlinkedhashmap(); try (tracescope trace = tracing.startnewspan(connection, "committing mutations to tables")) { span span = trace.getspan(); immutablebyteswritable indexmetadataptr = new immutablebyteswritable(); while (tablerefiterator.hasnext()) { final tableref tableref =; valuesmap = mutations.get(tableref); if (valuesmap == null || valuesmap.isempty()) { continue; } long servertimestamp = servertimestamps == null ? validateandgetservertimestamp(tableref, valuesmap) : servertimestamps[i++]; long scn = connection.getscn(); long mutationtimestamp = scn == null ? hconstants.latest_timestamp : scn; final ptable table = tableref.gettable(); iterator<pair<pname,list<mutation>>> mutationsiterator = addrowmutations(tableref, valuesmap, mutationtimestamp, servertimestamp, false, sendall); boolean isdatatable = true; while (mutationsiterator.hasnext()) { pair<pname,list<mutation>> pair =; pname htablename = pair.getfirst(); list<mutation> mutationlist = pair.getsecond(); tableinfo tableinfo = new tableinfo(isdatatable, htablename, tableref); list<mutation> oldmutationlist = physicaltablemutationmap.put(tableinfo, mutationlist); if (oldmutationlist!=null) mutationlist.addall(0, oldmutationlist); isdatatable = false; } if (table.istransactional()) { adduncommittedstatementindexes(valuesmap.values()); if (txmutations.isempty()) { txmutations = maps.newhashmapwithexpectedsize(mutations.size()); } joinmutationstate(new tableref(tableref), valuesmap, txmutations); } } long servertimestamp = hconstants.latest_timestamp; iterator<entry<tableinfo, list<mutation>>> mutationsiterator = physicaltablemutationmap.entryset().iterator(); while (mutationsiterator.hasnext()) { entry<tableinfo, list<mutation>> pair =; tableinfo tableinfo = pair.getkey(); byte[] htablename = tableinfo.gethtablename().getbytes(); list<mutation> mutationlist = pair.getvalue(); span child = tracing.child(span,"writing mutation batch for table: "+bytes.tostring(htablename)); int retrycount = 0; boolean shouldretry = false; long nummutations = 0; long mutationsizebytes = 0; long mutationcommittime = 0; long numfailedmutations = 0;; long starttime = 0; do { tableref origtableref = tableinfo.getorigtableref(); ptable table = origtableref.gettable(); table.getindexmaintainers(indexmetadataptr, connection); final servercache cache = tableinfo.isdatatable() ? setmetadataonmutations(origtableref, mutationlist, indexmetadataptr) : null; shouldretry = cache!=null; sqlexception sqle = null; htableinterface htable = connection.getqueryservices().gettable(htablename); try { if (table.istransactional()) { uncommittedphysicalnames.add(table.getphysicalname().getstring()); if (!table.getindexes().isempty()) { htable = new metadataawarehtable(htable, origtableref); } htable = transactionutil.getphoenixtransactiontable(phoenixtransactioncontext, htable, table); } nummutations = mutationlist.size(); global_mutation_batch_size.update(nummutations); mutationsizebytes = calculatemutationsize(mutationlist); starttime = system.currenttimemillis(); child.addtimelineannotation("attempt " + retrycount); list<list<mutation>> mutationbatchlist = getmutationbatchlist(batchsize, batchsizebytes, mutationlist); for (list<mutation> mutationbatch : mutationbatchlist) { htable.batch(mutationbatch); batchcount++; } if (logger.isdebugenabled()) logger.debug("sent batch of " + nummutations + " for " + bytes.tostring(htablename)); child.stop(); child.stop(); shouldretry = false; mutationcommittime = system.currenttimemillis() - starttime; global_mutation_commit_time.update(mutationcommittime); numfailedmutations = 0; if (tableinfo.isdatatable()) { numrows -= nummutations; } mutations.remove(origtableref); } catch (exception e) { mutationcommittime = system.currenttimemillis() - starttime; servertimestamp = serverutil.parseservertimestamp(e); sqlexception inferrede = serverutil.parseserverexceptionornull(e); if (inferrede != null) { if (shouldretry && retrycount == 0 && inferrede.geterrorcode() == sqlexceptioncode.index_metadata_not_found.geterrorcode()) { string msg = "swallowing exception and retrying after clearing meta cache on connection. " + inferrede; logger.warn(logutil.addcustomannotations(msg, connection)); connection.getqueryservices().cleartableregioncache(htablename); child.addtimelineannotation(msg); child.stop(); child = tracing.child(span,"failed batch, attempting retry"); continue; } e = inferrede; } int[] uncommittedstatementindexes = getuncommittedstatementindexes(); sqle = new commitexception(e, uncommittedstatementindexes, servertimestamp); numfailedmutations = uncommittedstatementindexes.length; global_mutation_batch_failed_count.update(numfailedmutations); } finally { mutationmetric mutationsmetric = new mutationmetric(nummutations, mutationsizebytes, mutationcommittime, numfailedmutations); mutationmetricqueue.addmetricsfortable(bytes.tostring(htablename), mutationsmetric); try { if (cache!=null) cache.close(); } finally { try { htable.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { if (sqle != null) { sqle.setnextexception(serverutil.parseserverexception(e)); } else { sqle = serverutil.parseserverexception(e); } } if (sqle != null) { throw sqle; } } } } while (shouldretry && retrycount++ < 1); } } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Transactional() @Override public EmailResponse resendConfirmationthroughEmail( String applicationId, String securityToken, String emailId, String appName) {"UserManagementProfileServiceImpl - resendConfirmationthroughEmail() - Starts"); AppEntity appPropertiesDetails = null; String content = ""; String subject = ""; AppOrgInfoBean appOrgInfoBean = null; appOrgInfoBean = commonDao.getUserAppDetailsByAllApi("", applicationId); appPropertiesDetails = userProfileManagementDao.getAppPropertiesDetailsByAppId(appOrgInfoBean.getAppInfoId()); Map<String, String> templateArgs = new HashMap<>(); if ((appPropertiesDetails == null) || (appPropertiesDetails.getRegEmailSub() == null) || (appPropertiesDetails.getRegEmailBody() == null) || appPropertiesDetails.getRegEmailBody().equalsIgnoreCase("") || appPropertiesDetails.getRegEmailSub().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { subject = appConfig.getConfirmationMailSubject(); content = appConfig.getConfirmationMail(); } else { content = appPropertiesDetails.getRegEmailBody(); subject = appPropertiesDetails.getRegEmailSub(); } templateArgs.put("appName", appName); // TODO(#496): replace with actual study's org name. templateArgs.put("orgName", appConfig.getOrgName()); templateArgs.put("contactEmail", appConfig.getContactEmail()); templateArgs.put("securitytoken", securityToken); EmailRequest emailRequest = new EmailRequest( appConfig.getFromEmail(), new String[] {emailId}, null, null, subject, content, templateArgs);"UserManagementProfileServiceImpl - resendConfirmationthroughEmail() - Ends"); return emailService.sendMimeMail(emailRequest); }
@Transactional() @Override public EmailResponse resendConfirmationthroughEmail( String applicationId, String securityToken, String emailId, String appName) {"UserManagementProfileServiceImpl - resendConfirmationthroughEmail() - Starts"); AppEntity appPropertiesDetails = null; String content = ""; String subject = ""; AppOrgInfoBean appOrgInfoBean = null; appOrgInfoBean = commonDao.getUserAppDetailsByAllApi("", applicationId); appPropertiesDetails = userProfileManagementDao.getAppPropertiesDetailsByAppId(appOrgInfoBean.getAppInfoId()); Map<String, String> templateArgs = new HashMap<>(); if ((appPropertiesDetails == null) || (appPropertiesDetails.getRegEmailSub() == null) || (appPropertiesDetails.getRegEmailBody() == null) || appPropertiesDetails.getRegEmailBody().equalsIgnoreCase("") || appPropertiesDetails.getRegEmailSub().equalsIgnoreCase("")) { subject = appConfig.getConfirmationMailSubject(); content = appConfig.getConfirmationMail(); } else { content = appPropertiesDetails.getRegEmailBody(); subject = appPropertiesDetails.getRegEmailSub(); } templateArgs.put("appName", appName); templateArgs.put("orgName", appConfig.getOrgName()); templateArgs.put("contactEmail", appConfig.getContactEmail()); templateArgs.put("securitytoken", securityToken); EmailRequest emailRequest = new EmailRequest( appConfig.getFromEmail(), new String[] {emailId}, null, null, subject, content, templateArgs);"UserManagementProfileServiceImpl - resendConfirmationthroughEmail() - Ends"); return emailService.sendMimeMail(emailRequest); }
@transactional() @override public emailresponse resendconfirmationthroughemail( string applicationid, string securitytoken, string emailid, string appname) {"usermanagementprofileserviceimpl - resendconfirmationthroughemail() - starts"); appentity apppropertiesdetails = null; string content = ""; string subject = ""; apporginfobean apporginfobean = null; apporginfobean = commondao.getuserappdetailsbyallapi("", applicationid); apppropertiesdetails = userprofilemanagementdao.getapppropertiesdetailsbyappid(apporginfobean.getappinfoid()); map<string, string> templateargs = new hashmap<>(); if ((apppropertiesdetails == null) || (apppropertiesdetails.getregemailsub() == null) || (apppropertiesdetails.getregemailbody() == null) || apppropertiesdetails.getregemailbody().equalsignorecase("") || apppropertiesdetails.getregemailsub().equalsignorecase("")) { subject = appconfig.getconfirmationmailsubject(); content = appconfig.getconfirmationmail(); } else { content = apppropertiesdetails.getregemailbody(); subject = apppropertiesdetails.getregemailsub(); } templateargs.put("appname", appname); templateargs.put("orgname", appconfig.getorgname()); templateargs.put("contactemail", appconfig.getcontactemail()); templateargs.put("securitytoken", securitytoken); emailrequest emailrequest = new emailrequest( appconfig.getfromemail(), new string[] {emailid}, null, null, subject, content, templateargs);"usermanagementprofileserviceimpl - resendconfirmationthroughemail() - ends"); return emailservice.sendmimemail(emailrequest); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private String replaceParam(String message, Object... parameters) { int startSize = 0; int parametersIndex = 0; int index; String tmpMessage = message; while ((index = message.indexOf("{}", startSize)) != -1) { if (parametersIndex >= parameters.length) { break; } /** * @Fix the Illegal group reference issue */ tmpMessage = tmpMessage.replaceFirst("\\{\\}", Matcher.quoteReplacement(String.valueOf(parameters[parametersIndex++]))); startSize = index + 2; } return tmpMessage; }
private String replaceParam(String message, Object... parameters) { int startSize = 0; int parametersIndex = 0; int index; String tmpMessage = message; while ((index = message.indexOf("{}", startSize)) != -1) { if (parametersIndex >= parameters.length) { break; } tmpMessage = tmpMessage.replaceFirst("\\{\\}", Matcher.quoteReplacement(String.valueOf(parameters[parametersIndex++]))); startSize = index + 2; } return tmpMessage; }
private string replaceparam(string message, object... parameters) { int startsize = 0; int parametersindex = 0; int index; string tmpmessage = message; while ((index = message.indexof("{}", startsize)) != -1) { if (parametersindex >= parameters.length) { break; } tmpmessage = tmpmessage.replacefirst("\\{\\}", matcher.quotereplacement(string.valueof(parameters[parametersindex++]))); startsize = index + 2; } return tmpmessage; }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@GET @PermitAll @Path("/server/info") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response getServerInformation() throws ApiException { Map<String, Object> returnMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<Object> configurations = new ArrayList<Object>(); AppConstants appConstants = AppConstants.getInstance(); for (Configuration configuration : getIbisManager().getConfigurations()) { Map<String, Object> cfg = new HashMap<String, Object>(); cfg.put("name", configuration.getName()); cfg.put("version", configuration.getVersion()); cfg.put("stubbed", configuration.isStubbed()); cfg.put("type", configuration.getClassLoaderType()); if(configuration.getConfigurationException() != null) { cfg.put("exception", configuration.getConfigurationException().getMessage()); } ClassLoader classLoader = configuration.getClassLoader(); if(classLoader instanceof DatabaseClassLoader) { cfg.put("filename", ((DatabaseClassLoader) classLoader).getFileName()); cfg.put("created", ((DatabaseClassLoader) classLoader).getCreationDate()); cfg.put("user", ((DatabaseClassLoader) classLoader).getUser()); } String parentConfig = AppConstants.getInstance().getString("configurations." + configuration.getName() + ".parentConfig", null); if(parentConfig != null) cfg.put("parent", parentConfig); configurations.add(cfg); } //TODO Replace this with java.util.Collections! Collections.sort(configurations, new Comparator<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public int compare(Map<String, String> lhs, Map<String, String> rhs) { String name1 = lhs.get("name"); String name2 = rhs.get("name"); return name1.startsWith("IAF_") ? -1 : name2.startsWith("IAF_") ? 1 : name1.compareTo(name2); } }); returnMap.put("configurations", configurations); Map<String, Object> framework = new HashMap<String, Object>(2); framework.put("name", "FF!"); framework.put("version", appConstants.getProperty("application.version")); returnMap.put("framework", framework); Map<String, Object> instance = new HashMap<String, Object>(2); instance.put("version", appConstants.getProperty("instance.version")); instance.put("name", getIbisContext().getApplicationName()); returnMap.put("instance", instance); String dtapStage = appConstants.getProperty("dtap.stage"); returnMap.put("dtap.stage", dtapStage); String dtapSide = appConstants.getProperty("dtap.side"); returnMap.put("dtap.side", dtapSide); returnMap.put("applicationServer", servletConfig.getServletContext().getServerInfo()); returnMap.put("javaVersion", System.getProperty("") + " (" + System.getProperty("java.runtime.version") + ")"); Map<String, Object> fileSystem = new HashMap<String, Object>(2); fileSystem.put("totalSpace", Misc.getFileSystemTotalSpace()); fileSystem.put("freeSpace", Misc.getFileSystemFreeSpace()); returnMap.put("fileSystem", fileSystem); returnMap.put("processMetrics", ProcessMetrics.toMap()); Date date = new Date(); returnMap.put("serverTime", date.getTime()); returnMap.put("machineName" , Misc.getHostname()); ApplicationMetrics metrics = getIbisContext().getBean("metrics", ApplicationMetrics.class); returnMap.put("uptime", (metrics != null) ? metrics.getUptimeDate() : ""); return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(returnMap).build(); }
@GET @PermitAll @Path("/server/info") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response getServerInformation() throws ApiException { Map<String, Object> returnMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<Object> configurations = new ArrayList<Object>(); AppConstants appConstants = AppConstants.getInstance(); for (Configuration configuration : getIbisManager().getConfigurations()) { Map<String, Object> cfg = new HashMap<String, Object>(); cfg.put("name", configuration.getName()); cfg.put("version", configuration.getVersion()); cfg.put("stubbed", configuration.isStubbed()); cfg.put("type", configuration.getClassLoaderType()); if(configuration.getConfigurationException() != null) { cfg.put("exception", configuration.getConfigurationException().getMessage()); } ClassLoader classLoader = configuration.getClassLoader(); if(classLoader instanceof DatabaseClassLoader) { cfg.put("filename", ((DatabaseClassLoader) classLoader).getFileName()); cfg.put("created", ((DatabaseClassLoader) classLoader).getCreationDate()); cfg.put("user", ((DatabaseClassLoader) classLoader).getUser()); } String parentConfig = AppConstants.getInstance().getString("configurations." + configuration.getName() + ".parentConfig", null); if(parentConfig != null) cfg.put("parent", parentConfig); configurations.add(cfg); } Collections.sort(configurations, new Comparator<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public int compare(Map<String, String> lhs, Map<String, String> rhs) { String name1 = lhs.get("name"); String name2 = rhs.get("name"); return name1.startsWith("IAF_") ? -1 : name2.startsWith("IAF_") ? 1 : name1.compareTo(name2); } }); returnMap.put("configurations", configurations); Map<String, Object> framework = new HashMap<String, Object>(2); framework.put("name", "FF!"); framework.put("version", appConstants.getProperty("application.version")); returnMap.put("framework", framework); Map<String, Object> instance = new HashMap<String, Object>(2); instance.put("version", appConstants.getProperty("instance.version")); instance.put("name", getIbisContext().getApplicationName()); returnMap.put("instance", instance); String dtapStage = appConstants.getProperty("dtap.stage"); returnMap.put("dtap.stage", dtapStage); String dtapSide = appConstants.getProperty("dtap.side"); returnMap.put("dtap.side", dtapSide); returnMap.put("applicationServer", servletConfig.getServletContext().getServerInfo()); returnMap.put("javaVersion", System.getProperty("") + " (" + System.getProperty("java.runtime.version") + ")"); Map<String, Object> fileSystem = new HashMap<String, Object>(2); fileSystem.put("totalSpace", Misc.getFileSystemTotalSpace()); fileSystem.put("freeSpace", Misc.getFileSystemFreeSpace()); returnMap.put("fileSystem", fileSystem); returnMap.put("processMetrics", ProcessMetrics.toMap()); Date date = new Date(); returnMap.put("serverTime", date.getTime()); returnMap.put("machineName" , Misc.getHostname()); ApplicationMetrics metrics = getIbisContext().getBean("metrics", ApplicationMetrics.class); returnMap.put("uptime", (metrics != null) ? metrics.getUptimeDate() : ""); return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).entity(returnMap).build(); }
@get @permitall @path("/server/info") @produces(mediatype.application_json) public response getserverinformation() throws apiexception { map<string, object> returnmap = new hashmap<string, object>(); list<object> configurations = new arraylist<object>(); appconstants appconstants = appconstants.getinstance(); for (configuration configuration : getibismanager().getconfigurations()) { map<string, object> cfg = new hashmap<string, object>(); cfg.put("name", configuration.getname()); cfg.put("version", configuration.getversion()); cfg.put("stubbed", configuration.isstubbed()); cfg.put("type", configuration.getclassloadertype()); if(configuration.getconfigurationexception() != null) { cfg.put("exception", configuration.getconfigurationexception().getmessage()); } classloader classloader = configuration.getclassloader(); if(classloader instanceof databaseclassloader) { cfg.put("filename", ((databaseclassloader) classloader).getfilename()); cfg.put("created", ((databaseclassloader) classloader).getcreationdate()); cfg.put("user", ((databaseclassloader) classloader).getuser()); } string parentconfig = appconstants.getinstance().getstring("configurations." + configuration.getname() + ".parentconfig", null); if(parentconfig != null) cfg.put("parent", parentconfig); configurations.add(cfg); } collections.sort(configurations, new comparator<map<string, string>>() { @override public int compare(map<string, string> lhs, map<string, string> rhs) { string name1 = lhs.get("name"); string name2 = rhs.get("name"); return name1.startswith("iaf_") ? -1 : name2.startswith("iaf_") ? 1 : name1.compareto(name2); } }); returnmap.put("configurations", configurations); map<string, object> framework = new hashmap<string, object>(2); framework.put("name", "ff!"); framework.put("version", appconstants.getproperty("application.version")); returnmap.put("framework", framework); map<string, object> instance = new hashmap<string, object>(2); instance.put("version", appconstants.getproperty("instance.version")); instance.put("name", getibiscontext().getapplicationname()); returnmap.put("instance", instance); string dtapstage = appconstants.getproperty("dtap.stage"); returnmap.put("dtap.stage", dtapstage); string dtapside = appconstants.getproperty("dtap.side"); returnmap.put("dtap.side", dtapside); returnmap.put("applicationserver", servletconfig.getservletcontext().getserverinfo()); returnmap.put("javaversion", system.getproperty("") + " (" + system.getproperty("java.runtime.version") + ")"); map<string, object> filesystem = new hashmap<string, object>(2); filesystem.put("totalspace", misc.getfilesystemtotalspace()); filesystem.put("freespace", misc.getfilesystemfreespace()); returnmap.put("filesystem", filesystem); returnmap.put("processmetrics", processmetrics.tomap()); date date = new date(); returnmap.put("servertime", date.gettime()); returnmap.put("machinename" , misc.gethostname()); applicationmetrics metrics = getibiscontext().getbean("metrics", applicationmetrics.class); returnmap.put("uptime", (metrics != null) ? metrics.getuptimedate() : ""); return response.status(response.status.ok).entity(returnmap).build(); }
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public static int getSqlStatementType(String sql) { sql = sql.trim(); if (sql.length() < 3) { return STATEMENT_OTHER; } String prefixSql = sql.substring(0, 3).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT); if (prefixSql.equals("SEL")) { return STATEMENT_SELECT; } else if (prefixSql.equals("INS") || prefixSql.equals("UPD") || prefixSql.equals("REP") || prefixSql.equals("DEL")) { return STATEMENT_UPDATE; } else if (prefixSql.equals("ATT")) { return STATEMENT_ATTACH; } else if (prefixSql.equals("COM")) { return STATEMENT_COMMIT; } else if (prefixSql.equals("END")) { return STATEMENT_COMMIT; } else if (prefixSql.equals("ROL")) { return STATEMENT_ABORT; } else if (prefixSql.equals("BEG")) { return STATEMENT_BEGIN; } else if (prefixSql.equals("PRA")) { return STATEMENT_PRAGMA; } else if (prefixSql.equals("CRE") || prefixSql.equals("DRO") || prefixSql.equals("ALT")) { return STATEMENT_DDL; } else if (prefixSql.equals("ANA") || prefixSql.equals("DET")) { return STATEMENT_UNPREPARED; } return STATEMENT_OTHER; }
public static int getSqlStatementType(String sql) { sql = sql.trim(); if (sql.length() < 3) { return STATEMENT_OTHER; } String prefixSql = sql.substring(0, 3).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT); if (prefixSql.equals("SEL")) { return STATEMENT_SELECT; } else if (prefixSql.equals("INS") || prefixSql.equals("UPD") || prefixSql.equals("REP") || prefixSql.equals("DEL")) { return STATEMENT_UPDATE; } else if (prefixSql.equals("ATT")) { return STATEMENT_ATTACH; } else if (prefixSql.equals("COM")) { return STATEMENT_COMMIT; } else if (prefixSql.equals("END")) { return STATEMENT_COMMIT; } else if (prefixSql.equals("ROL")) { return STATEMENT_ABORT; } else if (prefixSql.equals("BEG")) { return STATEMENT_BEGIN; } else if (prefixSql.equals("PRA")) { return STATEMENT_PRAGMA; } else if (prefixSql.equals("CRE") || prefixSql.equals("DRO") || prefixSql.equals("ALT")) { return STATEMENT_DDL; } else if (prefixSql.equals("ANA") || prefixSql.equals("DET")) { return STATEMENT_UNPREPARED; } return STATEMENT_OTHER; }
public static int getsqlstatementtype(string sql) { sql = sql.trim(); if (sql.length() < 3) { return statement_other; } string prefixsql = sql.substring(0, 3).touppercase(locale.root); if (prefixsql.equals("sel")) { return statement_select; } else if (prefixsql.equals("ins") || prefixsql.equals("upd") || prefixsql.equals("rep") || prefixsql.equals("del")) { return statement_update; } else if (prefixsql.equals("att")) { return statement_attach; } else if (prefixsql.equals("com")) { return statement_commit; } else if (prefixsql.equals("end")) { return statement_commit; } else if (prefixsql.equals("rol")) { return statement_abort; } else if (prefixsql.equals("beg")) { return statement_begin; } else if (prefixsql.equals("pra")) { return statement_pragma; } else if (prefixsql.equals("cre") || prefixsql.equals("dro") || prefixsql.equals("alt")) { return statement_ddl; } else if (prefixsql.equals("ana") || prefixsql.equals("det")) { return statement_unprepared; } return statement_other; }
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@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; ComplexBean that = (ComplexBean) o; // Probably incorrect - comparing Object[] arrays with Arrays.equals if (!Arrays.equals(strs, that.strs)) return false; // Probably incorrect - comparing Object[] arrays with Arrays.equals if (!Arrays.equals(jobs, return false; if (list != null ? !list.equals(that.list) : that.list != null) return false; if (map != null ? !map.equals( : != null) return false; return clazz != null ? clazz.equals(that.clazz) : that.clazz == null; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; ComplexBean that = (ComplexBean) o; if (!Arrays.equals(strs, that.strs)) return false; if (!Arrays.equals(jobs, return false; if (list != null ? !list.equals(that.list) : that.list != null) return false; if (map != null ? !map.equals( : != null) return false; return clazz != null ? clazz.equals(that.clazz) : that.clazz == null; }
@override public boolean equals(object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getclass() != o.getclass()) return false; complexbean that = (complexbean) o; if (!arrays.equals(strs, that.strs)) return false; if (!arrays.equals(jobs, return false; if (list != null ? !list.equals(that.list) : that.list != null) return false; if (map != null ? !map.equals( : != null) return false; return clazz != null ? clazz.equals(that.clazz) : that.clazz == null; }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@Override public void selectionDone(SelectionEvent evt) { if (!useUnixTextSelection) return; Object o = evt.getSelection(); if (!(o instanceof CharacterIterator)) return; CharacterIterator iter = (CharacterIterator) o; // first see if we can access the clipboard if (!PermissionChecker.getInstance().checkPermission(new AWTPermission("accessClipboard"))) { // Can't access clipboard. return; } int sz = iter.getEndIndex() - iter.getBeginIndex(); if (sz == 0) return; char[] cbuff = new char[sz]; cbuff[0] = iter.first(); for (int i = 1; i < cbuff.length; ++i) { cbuff[i] =; } final String strSel = new String(cbuff); // HACK: getSystemClipboard sometimes deadlocks on // linux when called from the AWT Thread. The Thread // creation prevents that. new Thread() { @Override public void run() { Clipboard cb; cb = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); StringSelection sel; sel = new StringSelection(strSel); cb.setContents(sel, sel); } }.start(); }
@Override public void selectionDone(SelectionEvent evt) { if (!useUnixTextSelection) return; Object o = evt.getSelection(); if (!(o instanceof CharacterIterator)) return; CharacterIterator iter = (CharacterIterator) o; if (!PermissionChecker.getInstance().checkPermission(new AWTPermission("accessClipboard"))) { return; } int sz = iter.getEndIndex() - iter.getBeginIndex(); if (sz == 0) return; char[] cbuff = new char[sz]; cbuff[0] = iter.first(); for (int i = 1; i < cbuff.length; ++i) { cbuff[i] =; } final String strSel = new String(cbuff); new Thread() { @Override public void run() { Clipboard cb; cb = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); StringSelection sel; sel = new StringSelection(strSel); cb.setContents(sel, sel); } }.start(); }
@override public void selectiondone(selectionevent evt) { if (!useunixtextselection) return; object o = evt.getselection(); if (!(o instanceof characteriterator)) return; characteriterator iter = (characteriterator) o; if (!permissionchecker.getinstance().checkpermission(new awtpermission("accessclipboard"))) { return; } int sz = iter.getendindex() - iter.getbeginindex(); if (sz == 0) return; char[] cbuff = new char[sz]; cbuff[0] = iter.first(); for (int i = 1; i < cbuff.length; ++i) { cbuff[i] =; } final string strsel = new string(cbuff); new thread() { @override public void run() { clipboard cb; cb = toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit().getsystemclipboard(); stringselection sel; sel = new stringselection(strsel); cb.setcontents(sel, sel); } }.start(); }
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protected boolean dispatchLocal(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, HttpServletResponse httpResponse) throws ServletException, IOException { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOGGER.fine("Local dispatch /" + translateRequestPath(httpRequest)); } if (!serveStatic) { return false; } // String contextRelativePath = httpRequest.getServletPath(); String translatedNoQuery = "/" + translateRequestPath(httpRequest); // String absPath = getServletContext().getRealPath(contextRelativePath); String absPath = getServletContext().getRealPath(translatedNoQuery); if (this.isEnableMemento()) { MementoUtils.addDoNotNegotiateHeader(httpResponse); } //IK: added null check for absPath, it may be null (ex. on jetty) if (absPath != null) { File test = new File(absPath); if((test != null) && !test.exists()) { return false; } } String translatedQ = "/" + translateRequestPathQuery(httpRequest); WaybackRequest wbRequest = new WaybackRequest(); // wbRequest.setContextPrefix(getUrlRoot()); wbRequest.setAccessPoint(this); wbRequest.extractHttpRequestInfo(httpRequest); UIResults uiResults = new UIResults(wbRequest,uriConverter); try { uiResults.forward(httpRequest, httpResponse, translatedQ); return true; } catch(IOException e) { // TODO: figure out if we got IO because of a missing dispatcher } return false; }
protected boolean dispatchLocal(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, HttpServletResponse httpResponse) throws ServletException, IOException { if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOGGER.fine("Local dispatch /" + translateRequestPath(httpRequest)); } if (!serveStatic) { return false; } String translatedNoQuery = "/" + translateRequestPath(httpRequest); String absPath = getServletContext().getRealPath(translatedNoQuery); if (this.isEnableMemento()) { MementoUtils.addDoNotNegotiateHeader(httpResponse); } if (absPath != null) { File test = new File(absPath); if((test != null) && !test.exists()) { return false; } } String translatedQ = "/" + translateRequestPathQuery(httpRequest); WaybackRequest wbRequest = new WaybackRequest(); wbRequest.setAccessPoint(this); wbRequest.extractHttpRequestInfo(httpRequest); UIResults uiResults = new UIResults(wbRequest,uriConverter); try { uiResults.forward(httpRequest, httpResponse, translatedQ); return true; } catch(IOException e) { } return false; }
protected boolean dispatchlocal(httpservletrequest httprequest, httpservletresponse httpresponse) throws servletexception, ioexception { if (logger.isloggable(level.fine)) { logger.fine("local dispatch /" + translaterequestpath(httprequest)); } if (!servestatic) { return false; } string translatednoquery = "/" + translaterequestpath(httprequest); string abspath = getservletcontext().getrealpath(translatednoquery); if (this.isenablememento()) { mementoutils.adddonotnegotiateheader(httpresponse); } if (abspath != null) { file test = new file(abspath); if((test != null) && !test.exists()) { return false; } } string translatedq = "/" + translaterequestpathquery(httprequest); waybackrequest wbrequest = new waybackrequest(); wbrequest.setaccesspoint(this); wbrequest.extracthttprequestinfo(httprequest); uiresults uiresults = new uiresults(wbrequest,uriconverter); try { uiresults.forward(httprequest, httpresponse, translatedq); return true; } catch(ioexception e) { } return false; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public boolean handleRequest(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, HttpServletResponse httpResponse) throws ServletException, IOException { WaybackRequest wbRequest = null; boolean handled = false; try { PerfStats.clearAll(); if (this.isEnablePerfStatsHeader() && (perfStatsHeader != null)) { PerfStats.timeStart(PerfStat.Total); httpResponse = new PerfWritingHttpServletResponse(httpRequest, httpResponse, PerfStat.Total, perfStatsHeader, perfStatsHeaderFormat); } String inputPath = translateRequestPathQuery(httpRequest); Thread.currentThread().setName("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " " + getBeanName() + " handling: " + inputPath); LOGGER.fine("Handling translated: " + inputPath); wbRequest = getParser().parse(httpRequest, this); if (wbRequest != null) { handled = true; // TODO: refactor this code into RequestParser implementations wbRequest.setAccessPoint(this); // wbRequest.setContextPrefix(getAbsoluteLocalPrefix(httpRequest)); // wbRequest.setContextPrefix(getUrlRoot()); wbRequest.extractHttpRequestInfo(httpRequest); // end of refactor if (getAuthentication() != null) { if (!getAuthentication().isTrue(wbRequest)) { throw new AuthenticationControlException( "Unauthorized", isRequestAuth()); } } // set exclusionFilter on wbRequest only if not set externally if (wbRequest.getExclusionFilter() == null) { wbRequest.setExclusionFilter(createExclusionFilter()); } // TODO: refactor this into RequestParser implementations, so a // user could alter requests to change the behavior within a // single AccessPoint. For now, this is a simple way to expose // the feature to configuration.g wbRequest.setExactScheme(isExactSchemeMatch()); if (wbRequest.isReplayRequest()) { if (bounceToReplayPrefix) { // we don't accept replay requests on this AccessPoint // bounce the user to the right place: String suffix = translateRequestPathQuery(httpRequest); String replayUrl = replayPrefix + suffix; httpResponse.sendRedirect(replayUrl); return true; } handleReplay(wbRequest, httpRequest, httpResponse); } else { if (bounceToQueryPrefix) { // we don't accept replay requests on this AccessPoint // bounce the user to the right place: String suffix = translateRequestPathQuery(httpRequest); String replayUrl = queryPrefix + suffix; httpResponse.sendRedirect(replayUrl); return true; } wbRequest.setExactHost(isExactHostMatch()); handleQuery(wbRequest, httpRequest, httpResponse); } } else { handled = dispatchLocal(httpRequest, httpResponse); } } catch (BetterRequestException e) { e.generateResponse(httpResponse, wbRequest); httpResponse.getWriter(); // cause perf headers to be committed handled = true; } catch (WaybackException e) { if (httpResponse.isCommitted()) { return true; } if (wbRequest == null) { wbRequest = new WaybackRequest(); wbRequest.setAccessPoint(this); } logError(httpResponse, errorMsgHeader, e, wbRequest); LiveWebState liveWebState = LiveWebState.NOT_FOUND; if ((getLiveWebRedirector() != null) && !wbRequest.hasMementoAcceptDatetime() && !wbRequest.isMementoTimemapRequest()) { liveWebState = getLiveWebRedirector().handleRedirect(e, wbRequest, httpRequest, httpResponse); } // If not liveweb redirected, then render current exception if (liveWebState != LiveWebState.REDIRECTED) { e.setLiveWebAvailable(liveWebState == LiveWebState.FOUND); getException().renderException(httpRequest, httpResponse, wbRequest, e, getUriConverter()); } handled = true; } catch (Exception other) { logError(httpResponse, errorMsgHeader, other, wbRequest); } finally { //Slightly hacky, but ensures that all block loaders are closed ZipNumBlockLoader.closeAllReaders(); } return handled; }
public boolean handleRequest(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, HttpServletResponse httpResponse) throws ServletException, IOException { WaybackRequest wbRequest = null; boolean handled = false; try { PerfStats.clearAll(); if (this.isEnablePerfStatsHeader() && (perfStatsHeader != null)) { PerfStats.timeStart(PerfStat.Total); httpResponse = new PerfWritingHttpServletResponse(httpRequest, httpResponse, PerfStat.Total, perfStatsHeader, perfStatsHeaderFormat); } String inputPath = translateRequestPathQuery(httpRequest); Thread.currentThread().setName("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId() + " " + getBeanName() + " handling: " + inputPath); LOGGER.fine("Handling translated: " + inputPath); wbRequest = getParser().parse(httpRequest, this); if (wbRequest != null) { handled = true; wbRequest.setAccessPoint(this); wbRequest.extractHttpRequestInfo(httpRequest); if (getAuthentication() != null) { if (!getAuthentication().isTrue(wbRequest)) { throw new AuthenticationControlException( "Unauthorized", isRequestAuth()); } } if (wbRequest.getExclusionFilter() == null) { wbRequest.setExclusionFilter(createExclusionFilter()); } wbRequest.setExactScheme(isExactSchemeMatch()); if (wbRequest.isReplayRequest()) { if (bounceToReplayPrefix) { String suffix = translateRequestPathQuery(httpRequest); String replayUrl = replayPrefix + suffix; httpResponse.sendRedirect(replayUrl); return true; } handleReplay(wbRequest, httpRequest, httpResponse); } else { if (bounceToQueryPrefix) { String suffix = translateRequestPathQuery(httpRequest); String replayUrl = queryPrefix + suffix; httpResponse.sendRedirect(replayUrl); return true; } wbRequest.setExactHost(isExactHostMatch()); handleQuery(wbRequest, httpRequest, httpResponse); } } else { handled = dispatchLocal(httpRequest, httpResponse); } } catch (BetterRequestException e) { e.generateResponse(httpResponse, wbRequest); httpResponse.getWriter(); handled = true; } catch (WaybackException e) { if (httpResponse.isCommitted()) { return true; } if (wbRequest == null) { wbRequest = new WaybackRequest(); wbRequest.setAccessPoint(this); } logError(httpResponse, errorMsgHeader, e, wbRequest); LiveWebState liveWebState = LiveWebState.NOT_FOUND; if ((getLiveWebRedirector() != null) && !wbRequest.hasMementoAcceptDatetime() && !wbRequest.isMementoTimemapRequest()) { liveWebState = getLiveWebRedirector().handleRedirect(e, wbRequest, httpRequest, httpResponse); } if (liveWebState != LiveWebState.REDIRECTED) { e.setLiveWebAvailable(liveWebState == LiveWebState.FOUND); getException().renderException(httpRequest, httpResponse, wbRequest, e, getUriConverter()); } handled = true; } catch (Exception other) { logError(httpResponse, errorMsgHeader, other, wbRequest); } finally { ZipNumBlockLoader.closeAllReaders(); } return handled; }
public boolean handlerequest(httpservletrequest httprequest, httpservletresponse httpresponse) throws servletexception, ioexception { waybackrequest wbrequest = null; boolean handled = false; try { perfstats.clearall(); if (this.isenableperfstatsheader() && (perfstatsheader != null)) { perfstats.timestart(; httpresponse = new perfwritinghttpservletresponse(httprequest, httpresponse,, perfstatsheader, perfstatsheaderformat); } string inputpath = translaterequestpathquery(httprequest); thread.currentthread().setname("thread " + thread.currentthread().getid() + " " + getbeanname() + " handling: " + inputpath); logger.fine("handling translated: " + inputpath); wbrequest = getparser().parse(httprequest, this); if (wbrequest != null) { handled = true; wbrequest.setaccesspoint(this); wbrequest.extracthttprequestinfo(httprequest); if (getauthentication() != null) { if (!getauthentication().istrue(wbrequest)) { throw new authenticationcontrolexception( "unauthorized", isrequestauth()); } } if (wbrequest.getexclusionfilter() == null) { wbrequest.setexclusionfilter(createexclusionfilter()); } wbrequest.setexactscheme(isexactschemematch()); if (wbrequest.isreplayrequest()) { if (bouncetoreplayprefix) { string suffix = translaterequestpathquery(httprequest); string replayurl = replayprefix + suffix; httpresponse.sendredirect(replayurl); return true; } handlereplay(wbrequest, httprequest, httpresponse); } else { if (bouncetoqueryprefix) { string suffix = translaterequestpathquery(httprequest); string replayurl = queryprefix + suffix; httpresponse.sendredirect(replayurl); return true; } wbrequest.setexacthost(isexacthostmatch()); handlequery(wbrequest, httprequest, httpresponse); } } else { handled = dispatchlocal(httprequest, httpresponse); } } catch (betterrequestexception e) { e.generateresponse(httpresponse, wbrequest); httpresponse.getwriter(); handled = true; } catch (waybackexception e) { if (httpresponse.iscommitted()) { return true; } if (wbrequest == null) { wbrequest = new waybackrequest(); wbrequest.setaccesspoint(this); } logerror(httpresponse, errormsgheader, e, wbrequest); livewebstate livewebstate = livewebstate.not_found; if ((getlivewebredirector() != null) && !wbrequest.hasmementoacceptdatetime() && !wbrequest.ismementotimemaprequest()) { livewebstate = getlivewebredirector().handleredirect(e, wbrequest, httprequest, httpresponse); } if (livewebstate != livewebstate.redirected) { e.setlivewebavailable(livewebstate == livewebstate.found); getexception().renderexception(httprequest, httpresponse, wbrequest, e, geturiconverter()); } handled = true; } catch (exception other) { logerror(httpresponse, errormsgheader, other, wbrequest); } finally { zipnumblockloader.closeallreaders(); } return handled; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void actionDelete(AjaxRequestTarget aTarget) throws IOException, UIMAException, ClassNotFoundException { BratAnnotatorModel bratAnnotatorModel = getModelObject(); JCas jCas = getCas(bratAnnotatorModel); AnnotationFS fs = selectByAddr(jCas, selectedAnnotationId); TypeAdapter adapter = getAdapter(selectedAnnotationLayer); String attachFeatureName = adapter.getAttachFeatureName(); String attachTypeName = adapter.getAnnotationTypeName(); Set<TypeAdapter> typeAdapters = new HashSet<TypeAdapter>(); for (AnnotationLayer layer : annotationService.listAnnotationLayer(bratAnnotatorModel .getProject())) { typeAdapters.add(getAdapter(layer)); } // delete associated relation annotation for (TypeAdapter ad : typeAdapters) { if (adapter.getAnnotationTypeName().equals(ad.getAnnotationTypeName())) { continue; } String tn = ad.getAttachTypeName(); if (tn == null) { continue; } if (tn.equals(attachTypeName)) { Sentence thisSentence = BratAjaxCasUtil.getCurrentSentence(jCas, beginOffset, endOffset); ad.deleteBySpan(jCas, fs, thisSentence.getBegin(), thisSentence.getEnd()); break; } String fn = ad.getAttachFeatureName(); if (fn == null) { continue; } if (fn.equals(attachFeatureName)) { Sentence thisSentence = BratAjaxCasUtil.getCurrentSentence(jCas, beginOffset, endOffset); ad.deleteBySpan(jCas, fs, thisSentence.getBegin(), thisSentence.getEnd()); break; } } // BEGIN HACK - Issue 933 if (adapter instanceof ChainAdapter) { ((ChainAdapter) adapter).setArc(false); } // END HACK - Issue 933 adapter.delete(jCas, selectedAnnotationId); repository.updateJCas(bratAnnotatorModel.getMode(), bratAnnotatorModel.getDocument(), bratAnnotatorModel.getUser(), jCas); // update timestamp now int sentenceNumber = BratAjaxCasUtil.getSentenceNumber(jCas, beginOffset); bratAnnotatorModel.getDocument().setSentenceAccessed(sentenceNumber); repository.updateTimeStamp(bratAnnotatorModel.getDocument(), bratAnnotatorModel.getUser(), bratAnnotatorModel.getMode()); if (bratAnnotatorModel.isScrollPage()) { updateSentenceAddressAndOffsets(jCas, beginOffset); } bratAnnotatorModel.setRememberedSpanLayer(selectedAnnotationLayer); bratAnnotatorModel.setAnnotate(false); // store latest annotations for (IModel<String> model : featureValueModels) { AnnotationFeature feature = featuresModel.get(featureValueModels.indexOf(model)) .getObject().feature; selectedAnnotationLayer = feature.getLayer(); selectedFeatureValues.put(feature, model.getObject()); } info(generateMessage(selectedAnnotationLayer, null, true)); // A hack to rememeber the Visural DropDown display // value bratAnnotatorModel.setRememberedSpanLayer(selectedAnnotationLayer); bratAnnotatorModel.setRememberedSpanFeatures(selectedFeatureValues); selectedSpanText = ""; selectedAnnotationId = -1; aTarget.add(annotationFeatureForm); // setLayerAndFeatureModels(jCas); bratRender(aTarget, jCas); onChange(aTarget, getModelObject()); }
private void actionDelete(AjaxRequestTarget aTarget) throws IOException, UIMAException, ClassNotFoundException { BratAnnotatorModel bratAnnotatorModel = getModelObject(); JCas jCas = getCas(bratAnnotatorModel); AnnotationFS fs = selectByAddr(jCas, selectedAnnotationId); TypeAdapter adapter = getAdapter(selectedAnnotationLayer); String attachFeatureName = adapter.getAttachFeatureName(); String attachTypeName = adapter.getAnnotationTypeName(); Set<TypeAdapter> typeAdapters = new HashSet<TypeAdapter>(); for (AnnotationLayer layer : annotationService.listAnnotationLayer(bratAnnotatorModel .getProject())) { typeAdapters.add(getAdapter(layer)); } for (TypeAdapter ad : typeAdapters) { if (adapter.getAnnotationTypeName().equals(ad.getAnnotationTypeName())) { continue; } String tn = ad.getAttachTypeName(); if (tn == null) { continue; } if (tn.equals(attachTypeName)) { Sentence thisSentence = BratAjaxCasUtil.getCurrentSentence(jCas, beginOffset, endOffset); ad.deleteBySpan(jCas, fs, thisSentence.getBegin(), thisSentence.getEnd()); break; } String fn = ad.getAttachFeatureName(); if (fn == null) { continue; } if (fn.equals(attachFeatureName)) { Sentence thisSentence = BratAjaxCasUtil.getCurrentSentence(jCas, beginOffset, endOffset); ad.deleteBySpan(jCas, fs, thisSentence.getBegin(), thisSentence.getEnd()); break; } } if (adapter instanceof ChainAdapter) { ((ChainAdapter) adapter).setArc(false); } adapter.delete(jCas, selectedAnnotationId); repository.updateJCas(bratAnnotatorModel.getMode(), bratAnnotatorModel.getDocument(), bratAnnotatorModel.getUser(), jCas); int sentenceNumber = BratAjaxCasUtil.getSentenceNumber(jCas, beginOffset); bratAnnotatorModel.getDocument().setSentenceAccessed(sentenceNumber); repository.updateTimeStamp(bratAnnotatorModel.getDocument(), bratAnnotatorModel.getUser(), bratAnnotatorModel.getMode()); if (bratAnnotatorModel.isScrollPage()) { updateSentenceAddressAndOffsets(jCas, beginOffset); } bratAnnotatorModel.setRememberedSpanLayer(selectedAnnotationLayer); bratAnnotatorModel.setAnnotate(false); for (IModel<String> model : featureValueModels) { AnnotationFeature feature = featuresModel.get(featureValueModels.indexOf(model)) .getObject().feature; selectedAnnotationLayer = feature.getLayer(); selectedFeatureValues.put(feature, model.getObject()); } info(generateMessage(selectedAnnotationLayer, null, true)); bratAnnotatorModel.setRememberedSpanLayer(selectedAnnotationLayer); bratAnnotatorModel.setRememberedSpanFeatures(selectedFeatureValues); selectedSpanText = ""; selectedAnnotationId = -1; aTarget.add(annotationFeatureForm); bratRender(aTarget, jCas); onChange(aTarget, getModelObject()); }
private void actiondelete(ajaxrequesttarget atarget) throws ioexception, uimaexception, classnotfoundexception { bratannotatormodel bratannotatormodel = getmodelobject(); jcas jcas = getcas(bratannotatormodel); annotationfs fs = selectbyaddr(jcas, selectedannotationid); typeadapter adapter = getadapter(selectedannotationlayer); string attachfeaturename = adapter.getattachfeaturename(); string attachtypename = adapter.getannotationtypename(); set<typeadapter> typeadapters = new hashset<typeadapter>(); for (annotationlayer layer : annotationservice.listannotationlayer(bratannotatormodel .getproject())) { typeadapters.add(getadapter(layer)); } for (typeadapter ad : typeadapters) { if (adapter.getannotationtypename().equals(ad.getannotationtypename())) { continue; } string tn = ad.getattachtypename(); if (tn == null) { continue; } if (tn.equals(attachtypename)) { sentence thissentence = bratajaxcasutil.getcurrentsentence(jcas, beginoffset, endoffset); ad.deletebyspan(jcas, fs, thissentence.getbegin(), thissentence.getend()); break; } string fn = ad.getattachfeaturename(); if (fn == null) { continue; } if (fn.equals(attachfeaturename)) { sentence thissentence = bratajaxcasutil.getcurrentsentence(jcas, beginoffset, endoffset); ad.deletebyspan(jcas, fs, thissentence.getbegin(), thissentence.getend()); break; } } if (adapter instanceof chainadapter) { ((chainadapter) adapter).setarc(false); } adapter.delete(jcas, selectedannotationid); repository.updatejcas(bratannotatormodel.getmode(), bratannotatormodel.getdocument(), bratannotatormodel.getuser(), jcas); int sentencenumber = bratajaxcasutil.getsentencenumber(jcas, beginoffset); bratannotatormodel.getdocument().setsentenceaccessed(sentencenumber); repository.updatetimestamp(bratannotatormodel.getdocument(), bratannotatormodel.getuser(), bratannotatormodel.getmode()); if (bratannotatormodel.isscrollpage()) { updatesentenceaddressandoffsets(jcas, beginoffset); } bratannotatormodel.setrememberedspanlayer(selectedannotationlayer); bratannotatormodel.setannotate(false); for (imodel<string> model : featurevaluemodels) { annotationfeature feature = featuresmodel.get(featurevaluemodels.indexof(model)) .getobject().feature; selectedannotationlayer = feature.getlayer(); selectedfeaturevalues.put(feature, model.getobject()); } info(generatemessage(selectedannotationlayer, null, true)); bratannotatormodel.setrememberedspanlayer(selectedannotationlayer); bratannotatormodel.setrememberedspanfeatures(selectedfeaturevalues); selectedspantext = ""; selectedannotationid = -1; atarget.add(annotationfeatureform); bratrender(atarget, jcas); onchange(atarget, getmodelobject()); }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
private List<Pair<Object, Double>> getMostInfluentialFeatures(Label clazz, FeatureVector featureVector) { assert this.model instanceof NaiveBayesModel; NaiveBayesModel myModel = (NaiveBayesModel) this.model; List<Pair<Object, Double>> mostInfluentialFeatures = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object feature : featureVector) { double classConditional = myModel.computeClassConditionalProbability(feature, clazz); if (useLogits) classConditional = -Math.log(classConditional); mostInfluentialFeatures.add(Pair.of(feature, classConditional)); } // sort the list // TODO understand logits!! // remove 1 counts! if (useLogits) mostInfluentialFeatures.sort(Comparator.comparing(Pair::getRight)); else mostInfluentialFeatures.sort((o1, o2) -> o2.getRight().compareTo(o1.getRight())); return mostInfluentialFeatures.subList(0, mostInfluentialFeatures.size() <= numberOfInfluentialFeatures ? mostInfluentialFeatures.size() - 1 : numberOfInfluentialFeatures); }
private List<Pair<Object, Double>> getMostInfluentialFeatures(Label clazz, FeatureVector featureVector) { assert this.model instanceof NaiveBayesModel; NaiveBayesModel myModel = (NaiveBayesModel) this.model; List<Pair<Object, Double>> mostInfluentialFeatures = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object feature : featureVector) { double classConditional = myModel.computeClassConditionalProbability(feature, clazz); if (useLogits) classConditional = -Math.log(classConditional); mostInfluentialFeatures.add(Pair.of(feature, classConditional)); } if (useLogits) mostInfluentialFeatures.sort(Comparator.comparing(Pair::getRight)); else mostInfluentialFeatures.sort((o1, o2) -> o2.getRight().compareTo(o1.getRight())); return mostInfluentialFeatures.subList(0, mostInfluentialFeatures.size() <= numberOfInfluentialFeatures ? mostInfluentialFeatures.size() - 1 : numberOfInfluentialFeatures); }
private list<pair<object, double>> getmostinfluentialfeatures(label clazz, featurevector featurevector) { assert this.model instanceof naivebayesmodel; naivebayesmodel mymodel = (naivebayesmodel) this.model; list<pair<object, double>> mostinfluentialfeatures = new arraylist<>(); for (object feature : featurevector) { double classconditional = mymodel.computeclassconditionalprobability(feature, clazz); if (uselogits) classconditional = -math.log(classconditional); mostinfluentialfeatures.add(pair.of(feature, classconditional)); } if (uselogits) mostinfluentialfeatures.sort(comparator.comparing(pair::getright)); else mostinfluentialfeatures.sort((o1, o2) -> o2.getright().compareto(o1.getright())); return mostinfluentialfeatures.sublist(0, mostinfluentialfeatures.size() <= numberofinfluentialfeatures ? mostinfluentialfeatures.size() - 1 : numberofinfluentialfeatures); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public boolean allowsNewVlanCreation() throws CloudException, InternalException { // TODO: change me when implemented return false; }
@Override public boolean allowsNewVlanCreation() throws CloudException, InternalException { return false; }
@override public boolean allowsnewvlancreation() throws cloudexception, internalexception { return false; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@DataProvider(name = "TrimCigarData") public Object[][] makeTrimCigarData() { List<Object[]> tests = new ArrayList<>(); for ( final CigarOperator op : Arrays.asList(CigarOperator.D, CigarOperator.EQ, CigarOperator.X, CigarOperator.M) ) { for ( int myLength = 1; myLength < 6; myLength++ ) { for ( int start = 0; start < myLength - 1; start++ ) { for ( int end = start; end < myLength; end++ ) { final int length = end - start + 1; final List<CigarOperator> padOps = Arrays.asList(CigarOperator.D, CigarOperator.M); for ( final CigarOperator padOp: padOps) { for ( int leftPad = 0; leftPad < 2; leftPad++ ) { for ( int rightPad = 0; rightPad < 2; rightPad++ ) { tests.add(new Object[]{ (leftPad > 0 ? leftPad + padOp.toString() : "") + myLength + op.toString() + (rightPad > 0 ? rightPad + padOp.toString() : ""), start + leftPad, end + leftPad, length + op.toString()}); } } } } } } } for ( final int leftPad : Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 5) ) { for ( final int rightPad : Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 5) ) { final int length = leftPad + rightPad; if ( length > 0 ) { for ( final int insSize : Arrays.asList(1, 10) ) { for ( int start = 0; start <= leftPad; start++ ) { for ( int stop = leftPad; stop < length; stop++ ) { final int leftPadRemaining = leftPad - start; final int rightPadRemaining = stop - leftPad + 1; final String insC = insSize + "I"; tests.add(new Object[]{ leftPad + "M" + insC + rightPad + "M", start, stop, (leftPadRemaining > 0 ? leftPadRemaining + "M" : "") + insC + (rightPadRemaining > 0 ? rightPadRemaining + "M" : "") }); } } } } } } tests.add(new Object[]{"3M2D4M", 0, 8, "3M2D4M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"3M2D4M", 2, 8, "1M2D4M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"3M2D4M", 2, 6, "1M2D2M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"3M2D4M", 3, 6, "2D2M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"3M2D4M", 4, 6, "1D2M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"3M2D4M", 5, 6, "2M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"3M2D4M", 6, 6, "1M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 0, 5, "2M3I4M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 1, 5, "1M3I4M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 1, 4, "1M3I3M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 2, 4, "3I3M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 2, 3, "3I2M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 2, 2, "3I1M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 3, 4, "2M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 3, 3, "1M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 4, 4, "1M"}); // this doesn't work -- but I'm not sure it should // tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 2, 1, "3I"}); return tests.toArray(new Object[][]{}); }
@DataProvider(name = "TrimCigarData") public Object[][] makeTrimCigarData() { List<Object[]> tests = new ArrayList<>(); for ( final CigarOperator op : Arrays.asList(CigarOperator.D, CigarOperator.EQ, CigarOperator.X, CigarOperator.M) ) { for ( int myLength = 1; myLength < 6; myLength++ ) { for ( int start = 0; start < myLength - 1; start++ ) { for ( int end = start; end < myLength; end++ ) { final int length = end - start + 1; final List<CigarOperator> padOps = Arrays.asList(CigarOperator.D, CigarOperator.M); for ( final CigarOperator padOp: padOps) { for ( int leftPad = 0; leftPad < 2; leftPad++ ) { for ( int rightPad = 0; rightPad < 2; rightPad++ ) { tests.add(new Object[]{ (leftPad > 0 ? leftPad + padOp.toString() : "") + myLength + op.toString() + (rightPad > 0 ? rightPad + padOp.toString() : ""), start + leftPad, end + leftPad, length + op.toString()}); } } } } } } } for ( final int leftPad : Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 5) ) { for ( final int rightPad : Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 5) ) { final int length = leftPad + rightPad; if ( length > 0 ) { for ( final int insSize : Arrays.asList(1, 10) ) { for ( int start = 0; start <= leftPad; start++ ) { for ( int stop = leftPad; stop < length; stop++ ) { final int leftPadRemaining = leftPad - start; final int rightPadRemaining = stop - leftPad + 1; final String insC = insSize + "I"; tests.add(new Object[]{ leftPad + "M" + insC + rightPad + "M", start, stop, (leftPadRemaining > 0 ? leftPadRemaining + "M" : "") + insC + (rightPadRemaining > 0 ? rightPadRemaining + "M" : "") }); } } } } } } tests.add(new Object[]{"3M2D4M", 0, 8, "3M2D4M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"3M2D4M", 2, 8, "1M2D4M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"3M2D4M", 2, 6, "1M2D2M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"3M2D4M", 3, 6, "2D2M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"3M2D4M", 4, 6, "1D2M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"3M2D4M", 5, 6, "2M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"3M2D4M", 6, 6, "1M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 0, 5, "2M3I4M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 1, 5, "1M3I4M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 1, 4, "1M3I3M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 2, 4, "3I3M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 2, 3, "3I2M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 2, 2, "3I1M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 3, 4, "2M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 3, 3, "1M"}); tests.add(new Object[]{"2M3I4M", 4, 4, "1M"}); return tests.toArray(new Object[][]{}); }
@dataprovider(name = "trimcigardata") public object[][] maketrimcigardata() { list<object[]> tests = new arraylist<>(); for ( final cigaroperator op : arrays.aslist(cigaroperator.d, cigaroperator.eq, cigaroperator.x, cigaroperator.m) ) { for ( int mylength = 1; mylength < 6; mylength++ ) { for ( int start = 0; start < mylength - 1; start++ ) { for ( int end = start; end < mylength; end++ ) { final int length = end - start + 1; final list<cigaroperator> padops = arrays.aslist(cigaroperator.d, cigaroperator.m); for ( final cigaroperator padop: padops) { for ( int leftpad = 0; leftpad < 2; leftpad++ ) { for ( int rightpad = 0; rightpad < 2; rightpad++ ) { tests.add(new object[]{ (leftpad > 0 ? leftpad + padop.tostring() : "") + mylength + op.tostring() + (rightpad > 0 ? rightpad + padop.tostring() : ""), start + leftpad, end + leftpad, length + op.tostring()}); } } } } } } } for ( final int leftpad : arrays.aslist(0, 1, 2, 5) ) { for ( final int rightpad : arrays.aslist(0, 1, 2, 5) ) { final int length = leftpad + rightpad; if ( length > 0 ) { for ( final int inssize : arrays.aslist(1, 10) ) { for ( int start = 0; start <= leftpad; start++ ) { for ( int stop = leftpad; stop < length; stop++ ) { final int leftpadremaining = leftpad - start; final int rightpadremaining = stop - leftpad + 1; final string insc = inssize + "i"; tests.add(new object[]{ leftpad + "m" + insc + rightpad + "m", start, stop, (leftpadremaining > 0 ? leftpadremaining + "m" : "") + insc + (rightpadremaining > 0 ? rightpadremaining + "m" : "") }); } } } } } } tests.add(new object[]{"3m2d4m", 0, 8, "3m2d4m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"3m2d4m", 2, 8, "1m2d4m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"3m2d4m", 2, 6, "1m2d2m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"3m2d4m", 3, 6, "2d2m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"3m2d4m", 4, 6, "1d2m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"3m2d4m", 5, 6, "2m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"3m2d4m", 6, 6, "1m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"2m3i4m", 0, 5, "2m3i4m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"2m3i4m", 1, 5, "1m3i4m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"2m3i4m", 1, 4, "1m3i3m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"2m3i4m", 2, 4, "3i3m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"2m3i4m", 2, 3, "3i2m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"2m3i4m", 2, 2, "3i1m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"2m3i4m", 3, 4, "2m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"2m3i4m", 3, 3, "1m"}); tests.add(new object[]{"2m3i4m", 4, 4, "1m"}); return tests.toarray(new object[][]{}); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@Override public void onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) { //TODO set last message time final ChatDescription description = descriptionList.get(position); User mainUser = ((GlobalVars)(inboxFragment.getActivity()).getApplication()).getUser(); final User otherUser; if (Objects.equals(mainUser.getUid(), description.getUserid1())) otherUser = userMap.get(description.getUserid2()); else otherUser = userMap.get(description.getUserid1()); final InboxViewHolder viewHolder = (InboxViewHolder) holder; Glide.with(context).load(otherUser.getProfileUrl()).asBitmap().centerCrop().dontAnimate(). into(new BitmapImageViewTarget(viewHolder.ivProfile) { @Override protected void setResource(Bitmap resource) { RoundedBitmapDrawable circularBitmapDrawable = RoundedBitmapDrawableFactory.create(context.getResources(), resource); circularBitmapDrawable.setCircular(true); viewHolder.ivProfile.setImageDrawable(circularBitmapDrawable); viewHolder.ivProfile.setBorderColor(otherUser.getColorHexDark(context)); } }); String lastMessage; if (description.lastMessage != null) lastMessage = description.lastMessage.getText(); else lastMessage = ""; viewHolder.tvLastMessage.setText(lastMessage); viewHolder.tvLastMessage.setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt.END); viewHolder.tvLastMessage.setMaxLines(2); viewHolder.tvOtherUserName.setText(otherUser.getFirstName()); Long seconds = description.getLastMessage().getSentTime().getTime(); viewHolder.tvTime.setText(TimeFormatter.getTimeDifference(seconds)); viewHolder.itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { Intent i = new Intent(view.getContext(), MessageActivity.class); i.putExtra("otherUser", Parcels.wrap(otherUser)); i.putExtra("description", Parcels.wrap(description)); inboxFragment.startActivityForResult(i, InboxFragment.CHANGEDESCRIPTION); } }); if (position == 0) holder.itemView.setPadding(0, 200, 0, 0); //not the right way to do this }
@Override public void onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) { final ChatDescription description = descriptionList.get(position); User mainUser = ((GlobalVars)(inboxFragment.getActivity()).getApplication()).getUser(); final User otherUser; if (Objects.equals(mainUser.getUid(), description.getUserid1())) otherUser = userMap.get(description.getUserid2()); else otherUser = userMap.get(description.getUserid1()); final InboxViewHolder viewHolder = (InboxViewHolder) holder; Glide.with(context).load(otherUser.getProfileUrl()).asBitmap().centerCrop().dontAnimate(). into(new BitmapImageViewTarget(viewHolder.ivProfile) { @Override protected void setResource(Bitmap resource) { RoundedBitmapDrawable circularBitmapDrawable = RoundedBitmapDrawableFactory.create(context.getResources(), resource); circularBitmapDrawable.setCircular(true); viewHolder.ivProfile.setImageDrawable(circularBitmapDrawable); viewHolder.ivProfile.setBorderColor(otherUser.getColorHexDark(context)); } }); String lastMessage; if (description.lastMessage != null) lastMessage = description.lastMessage.getText(); else lastMessage = ""; viewHolder.tvLastMessage.setText(lastMessage); viewHolder.tvLastMessage.setEllipsize(TextUtils.TruncateAt.END); viewHolder.tvLastMessage.setMaxLines(2); viewHolder.tvOtherUserName.setText(otherUser.getFirstName()); Long seconds = description.getLastMessage().getSentTime().getTime(); viewHolder.tvTime.setText(TimeFormatter.getTimeDifference(seconds)); viewHolder.itemView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { Intent i = new Intent(view.getContext(), MessageActivity.class); i.putExtra("otherUser", Parcels.wrap(otherUser)); i.putExtra("description", Parcels.wrap(description)); inboxFragment.startActivityForResult(i, InboxFragment.CHANGEDESCRIPTION); } }); if (position == 0) holder.itemView.setPadding(0, 200, 0, 0); }
@override public void onbindviewholder(recyclerview.viewholder holder, int position) { final chatdescription description = descriptionlist.get(position); user mainuser = ((globalvars)(inboxfragment.getactivity()).getapplication()).getuser(); final user otheruser; if (objects.equals(mainuser.getuid(), description.getuserid1())) otheruser = usermap.get(description.getuserid2()); else otheruser = usermap.get(description.getuserid1()); final inboxviewholder viewholder = (inboxviewholder) holder; glide.with(context).load(otheruser.getprofileurl()).asbitmap().centercrop().dontanimate(). into(new bitmapimageviewtarget(viewholder.ivprofile) { @override protected void setresource(bitmap resource) { roundedbitmapdrawable circularbitmapdrawable = roundedbitmapdrawablefactory.create(context.getresources(), resource); circularbitmapdrawable.setcircular(true); viewholder.ivprofile.setimagedrawable(circularbitmapdrawable); viewholder.ivprofile.setbordercolor(otheruser.getcolorhexdark(context)); } }); string lastmessage; if (description.lastmessage != null) lastmessage = description.lastmessage.gettext(); else lastmessage = ""; viewholder.tvlastmessage.settext(lastmessage); viewholder.tvlastmessage.setellipsize(textutils.truncateat.end); viewholder.tvlastmessage.setmaxlines(2); viewholder.tvotherusername.settext(otheruser.getfirstname()); long seconds = description.getlastmessage().getsenttime().gettime(); viewholder.tvtime.settext(timeformatter.gettimedifference(seconds)); viewholder.itemview.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() { @override public void onclick(view view) { intent i = new intent(view.getcontext(), messageactivity.class); i.putextra("otheruser", parcels.wrap(otheruser)); i.putextra("description", parcels.wrap(description)); inboxfragment.startactivityforresult(i, inboxfragment.changedescription); } }); if (position == 0) holder.itemview.setpadding(0, 200, 0, 0); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void computeTimes (TransportNetwork network, ProfileRequest req, TIntIntMap accessTimes, TIntIntMap egressTimes) { if (!accessTimes.containsKey(this.boardStops[0])) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Access times do not contain first stop of path!"); if (!egressTimes.containsKey(this.alightStops[this.length - 1])) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Egress times do not contain last stop of path!"); int accessTime = accessTimes.get(this.boardStops[0]); int egressTime = egressTimes.get(this.alightStops[this.length - 1]); if (network.transitLayer.hasFrequencies) { // TODO fix throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Frequency-based trips are not yet supported in customer-facing profile routing"); } // we now know what patterns are being used, interleave to find times // NB no need to reverse-optimize these itineraries; we'll just filter them below. TripPattern[] patterns = IntStream.of(this.patterns).mapToObj(p -> network.transitLayer.tripPatterns.get(p)).toArray(s -> new TripPattern[s]); // find all possible times to board and alight each pattern // for each trip pattern, for each trip on that pattern, array of [depart origin, arrive destination] int[][][] times = new int[patterns.length][][]; for (int patIdx = 0; patIdx < patterns.length; patIdx++) { final int pidx = patIdx; int fromStopInPattern = 0; while (patterns[patIdx].stops[fromStopInPattern] != this.boardStops[pidx]) fromStopInPattern++; int toStopInPattern = fromStopInPattern; while (patterns[patIdx].stops[toStopInPattern] != this.alightStops[pidx]) { // if we visit the board stop multiple times, board at the one closest to the alight stop // TODO better handle duplicated stops/loop routes if (patterns[patIdx].stops[toStopInPattern] == this.boardStops[pidx]) fromStopInPattern = toStopInPattern; toStopInPattern++; } final int finalFromStopInPattern = fromStopInPattern; final int finalToStopInPattern = toStopInPattern; times[patIdx] = patterns[patIdx] .map(ts -> new int[] { ts.departures[finalFromStopInPattern], ts.arrivals[finalToStopInPattern] }) .toArray(s -> new int[s][]); } // sort by departure time of each trip, within each pattern Stream.of(times).forEach(t -> Arrays.sort(t, (t1, t2) -> t1[0] - t2[0])); // loop over departures within the time window // firstTrip is the trip on the first pattern int firstTrip = 0; while (times[0][firstTrip][0] < req.fromTime + accessTime + FastRaptorWorker.BOARD_SLACK_SECONDS) firstTrip++; // now interleave times double walkSpeedMillimetersPerSecond = req.walkSpeed * 1000; TIMES: while (firstTrip < times[0].length) { Itinerary itin = new Itinerary(this.patterns.length); int time = times[0][firstTrip][0]; // linear scan over timetable to do interleaving for (int patIdx = 0; patIdx < this.patterns.length; patIdx++) { int trip = 0; while (times[patIdx][trip][0] < time) { trip++; if (trip >= times[patIdx].length) break TIMES; // we've found the end of the times at which this path is possible } itin.boardTimes[patIdx] = times[patIdx][trip][0]; itin.alightTimes[patIdx] = times[patIdx][trip][1]; if (patIdx < this.length - 1) { // find the transfer time TIntList transfers = network.transitLayer.transfersForStop.get(this.alightStops[patIdx]); int transferTime; if (this.alightStops[patIdx] != this.boardStops[patIdx + 1]) { transferTime = -1; for (int i = 0; i < transfers.size(); i += 2) { if (transfers.get(i) == this.boardStops[patIdx + 1]) { int transferDistanceMillimeters = transfers.get(i + 1); transferTime = (int)(transferDistanceMillimeters / walkSpeedMillimetersPerSecond); break; } } if (transferTime == -1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Did not find transfer in transit network, indicates an internal error"); } } else transferTime = 0; // no transfer time, we are at the same stop (board slack applied below) // TODO should board slack be applied at the origin stop? Is this done in RaptorWorker? // See also below in computeStatistics time = times[patIdx][trip][1] + transferTime + FastRaptorWorker.BOARD_SLACK_SECONDS; itin.arriveAtBoardStopTimes[patIdx + 1] = time; } } this.itineraries.add(itin); firstTrip++; } sortAndFilterItineraries(); computeStatistics(req, accessTime, egressTime); }
private void computeTimes (TransportNetwork network, ProfileRequest req, TIntIntMap accessTimes, TIntIntMap egressTimes) { if (!accessTimes.containsKey(this.boardStops[0])) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Access times do not contain first stop of path!"); if (!egressTimes.containsKey(this.alightStops[this.length - 1])) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Egress times do not contain last stop of path!"); int accessTime = accessTimes.get(this.boardStops[0]); int egressTime = egressTimes.get(this.alightStops[this.length - 1]); if (network.transitLayer.hasFrequencies) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Frequency-based trips are not yet supported in customer-facing profile routing"); } TripPattern[] patterns = IntStream.of(this.patterns).mapToObj(p -> network.transitLayer.tripPatterns.get(p)).toArray(s -> new TripPattern[s]); int[][][] times = new int[patterns.length][][]; for (int patIdx = 0; patIdx < patterns.length; patIdx++) { final int pidx = patIdx; int fromStopInPattern = 0; while (patterns[patIdx].stops[fromStopInPattern] != this.boardStops[pidx]) fromStopInPattern++; int toStopInPattern = fromStopInPattern; while (patterns[patIdx].stops[toStopInPattern] != this.alightStops[pidx]) { if (patterns[patIdx].stops[toStopInPattern] == this.boardStops[pidx]) fromStopInPattern = toStopInPattern; toStopInPattern++; } final int finalFromStopInPattern = fromStopInPattern; final int finalToStopInPattern = toStopInPattern; times[patIdx] = patterns[patIdx] .map(ts -> new int[] { ts.departures[finalFromStopInPattern], ts.arrivals[finalToStopInPattern] }) .toArray(s -> new int[s][]); } Stream.of(times).forEach(t -> Arrays.sort(t, (t1, t2) -> t1[0] - t2[0])); int firstTrip = 0; while (times[0][firstTrip][0] < req.fromTime + accessTime + FastRaptorWorker.BOARD_SLACK_SECONDS) firstTrip++; double walkSpeedMillimetersPerSecond = req.walkSpeed * 1000; TIMES: while (firstTrip < times[0].length) { Itinerary itin = new Itinerary(this.patterns.length); int time = times[0][firstTrip][0]; for (int patIdx = 0; patIdx < this.patterns.length; patIdx++) { int trip = 0; while (times[patIdx][trip][0] < time) { trip++; if (trip >= times[patIdx].length) break TIMES; } itin.boardTimes[patIdx] = times[patIdx][trip][0]; itin.alightTimes[patIdx] = times[patIdx][trip][1]; if (patIdx < this.length - 1) { TIntList transfers = network.transitLayer.transfersForStop.get(this.alightStops[patIdx]); int transferTime; if (this.alightStops[patIdx] != this.boardStops[patIdx + 1]) { transferTime = -1; for (int i = 0; i < transfers.size(); i += 2) { if (transfers.get(i) == this.boardStops[patIdx + 1]) { int transferDistanceMillimeters = transfers.get(i + 1); transferTime = (int)(transferDistanceMillimeters / walkSpeedMillimetersPerSecond); break; } } if (transferTime == -1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Did not find transfer in transit network, indicates an internal error"); } } else transferTime = 0; time = times[patIdx][trip][1] + transferTime + FastRaptorWorker.BOARD_SLACK_SECONDS; itin.arriveAtBoardStopTimes[patIdx + 1] = time; } } this.itineraries.add(itin); firstTrip++; } sortAndFilterItineraries(); computeStatistics(req, accessTime, egressTime); }
private void computetimes (transportnetwork network, profilerequest req, tintintmap accesstimes, tintintmap egresstimes) { if (!accesstimes.containskey(this.boardstops[0])) throw new illegalargumentexception("access times do not contain first stop of path!"); if (!egresstimes.containskey(this.alightstops[this.length - 1])) throw new illegalargumentexception("egress times do not contain last stop of path!"); int accesstime = accesstimes.get(this.boardstops[0]); int egresstime = egresstimes.get(this.alightstops[this.length - 1]); if (network.transitlayer.hasfrequencies) { throw new unsupportedoperationexception("frequency-based trips are not yet supported in customer-facing profile routing"); } trippattern[] patterns = intstream.of(this.patterns).maptoobj(p -> network.transitlayer.trippatterns.get(p)).toarray(s -> new trippattern[s]); int[][][] times = new int[patterns.length][][]; for (int patidx = 0; patidx < patterns.length; patidx++) { final int pidx = patidx; int fromstopinpattern = 0; while (patterns[patidx].stops[fromstopinpattern] != this.boardstops[pidx]) fromstopinpattern++; int tostopinpattern = fromstopinpattern; while (patterns[patidx].stops[tostopinpattern] != this.alightstops[pidx]) { if (patterns[patidx].stops[tostopinpattern] == this.boardstops[pidx]) fromstopinpattern = tostopinpattern; tostopinpattern++; } final int finalfromstopinpattern = fromstopinpattern; final int finaltostopinpattern = tostopinpattern; times[patidx] = patterns[patidx] .map(ts -> new int[] { ts.departures[finalfromstopinpattern], ts.arrivals[finaltostopinpattern] }) .toarray(s -> new int[s][]); } stream.of(times).foreach(t -> arrays.sort(t, (t1, t2) -> t1[0] - t2[0])); int firsttrip = 0; while (times[0][firsttrip][0] < req.fromtime + accesstime + fastraptorworker.board_slack_seconds) firsttrip++; double walkspeedmillimeterspersecond = req.walkspeed * 1000; times: while (firsttrip < times[0].length) { itinerary itin = new itinerary(this.patterns.length); int time = times[0][firsttrip][0]; for (int patidx = 0; patidx < this.patterns.length; patidx++) { int trip = 0; while (times[patidx][trip][0] < time) { trip++; if (trip >= times[patidx].length) break times; } itin.boardtimes[patidx] = times[patidx][trip][0]; itin.alighttimes[patidx] = times[patidx][trip][1]; if (patidx < this.length - 1) { tintlist transfers = network.transitlayer.transfersforstop.get(this.alightstops[patidx]); int transfertime; if (this.alightstops[patidx] != this.boardstops[patidx + 1]) { transfertime = -1; for (int i = 0; i < transfers.size(); i += 2) { if (transfers.get(i) == this.boardstops[patidx + 1]) { int transferdistancemillimeters = transfers.get(i + 1); transfertime = (int)(transferdistancemillimeters / walkspeedmillimeterspersecond); break; } } if (transfertime == -1) { throw new illegalstateexception("did not find transfer in transit network, indicates an internal error"); } } else transfertime = 0; time = times[patidx][trip][1] + transfertime + fastraptorworker.board_slack_seconds; itin.arriveatboardstoptimes[patidx + 1] = time; } } this.itineraries.add(itin); firsttrip++; } sortandfilteritineraries(); computestatistics(req, accesstime, egresstime); }
[ 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
protected FocusListener createFocusListener() { return new BasicComboBoxUI.FocusHandler() { public void focusLost(final FocusEvent e) { hasFocus = false; if (!e.isTemporary()) { setPopupVisible(comboBox, false); } comboBox.repaint(); // Notify assistive technologies that the combo box lost focus final AccessibleContext ac = ((Accessible)comboBox).getAccessibleContext(); if (ac != null) { ac.firePropertyChange(AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_STATE_PROPERTY, AccessibleState.FOCUSED, null); } } }; }
protected FocusListener createFocusListener() { return new BasicComboBoxUI.FocusHandler() { public void focusLost(final FocusEvent e) { hasFocus = false; if (!e.isTemporary()) { setPopupVisible(comboBox, false); } comboBox.repaint(); final AccessibleContext ac = ((Accessible)comboBox).getAccessibleContext(); if (ac != null) { ac.firePropertyChange(AccessibleContext.ACCESSIBLE_STATE_PROPERTY, AccessibleState.FOCUSED, null); } } }; }
protected focuslistener createfocuslistener() { return new basiccomboboxui.focushandler() { public void focuslost(final focusevent e) { hasfocus = false; if (!e.istemporary()) { setpopupvisible(combobox, false); } combobox.repaint(); final accessiblecontext ac = ((accessible)combobox).getaccessiblecontext(); if (ac != null) { ac.firepropertychange(accessiblecontext.accessible_state_property, accessiblestate.focused, null); } } }; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public WebSocket<JsonNode> socket() { final Http.Session session = session(); final User currentUser = Application.getLocalUser(session()); return new WebSocket<JsonNode>() { @Override public void onReady(In<JsonNode> in, Out<JsonNode> out) { try { User u = Application.getLocalUser(session); //Logger.debug("User " + + " connected"); // Add the new user to the data structures boolean alreadyOnline = onlineUsers.containsValue(u); onlineUsers.put(out, u); /*try (Jedis j = jedisPool.getResource()) { j.sadd("online_users", Long.toString(; }*/ // Notify logged users about the new player if (!alreadyOnline) { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode notification = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); notification.put("action", "newuser"); notification.put("newuser", mapper.writeValueAsString(currentUser)); broadcastMessage(notification, new HashSet<User>() {{ add(u); }}); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { //Logger.debug("Unknown user connected"); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } in.onMessage((data) -> { Logger.debug( + " - " + data.toString()); String action = data.findPath("action").textValue(); switch (action) { // TODO: add error handling case "newgame": onNewGameResponse(data, currentUser); break; case "ready": onUserReady(data, currentUser); break; case "setrowboat": onSetShip(data, currentUser, new Rowboat()); break; case "setdestructor": onSetShip(data, currentUser, new Destructor()); break; case "setflattop": onSetShip(data, currentUser, new Flattop()); break; case "shoot": onShoot(data, currentUser); break; case "userleaves": onUserLeaves(data, currentUser); break; case "getOnlineUsers": onGetOnlineUsers(data, currentUser); break; default: } }); in.onClose(() -> { User u = onlineUsers.get(out); if (u != null) { //Logger.debug("User " + + " disconnected"); // Remove user from the data structures onlineUsers.remove(out); // Wait for 100 ms to see if the user connects through another websocket //Thread.sleep(100); boolean stillOnline = onlineUsers.containsValue(u); /*try (Jedis j = jedisPool.getResource()) { j.srem("online_users", Long.toString(; }*/ // Notify logged users about the leaving player if (!stillOnline) { try { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode notification = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); notification.put("action", "userleaves"); notification.put("leavinguser", mapper.writeValueAsString(currentUser)); broadcastMessage(notification, new HashSet<User>() {{ add(u); }}); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } else { //Logger.debug("Unknown user disconnected"); } }); } }; }
public WebSocket<JsonNode> socket() { final Http.Session session = session(); final User currentUser = Application.getLocalUser(session()); return new WebSocket<JsonNode>() { @Override public void onReady(In<JsonNode> in, Out<JsonNode> out) { try { User u = Application.getLocalUser(session); boolean alreadyOnline = onlineUsers.containsValue(u); onlineUsers.put(out, u); if (!alreadyOnline) { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode notification = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); notification.put("action", "newuser"); notification.put("newuser", mapper.writeValueAsString(currentUser)); broadcastMessage(notification, new HashSet<User>() {{ add(u); }}); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } in.onMessage((data) -> { Logger.debug( + " - " + data.toString()); String action = data.findPath("action").textValue(); switch (action) { case "newgame": onNewGameResponse(data, currentUser); break; case "ready": onUserReady(data, currentUser); break; case "setrowboat": onSetShip(data, currentUser, new Rowboat()); break; case "setdestructor": onSetShip(data, currentUser, new Destructor()); break; case "setflattop": onSetShip(data, currentUser, new Flattop()); break; case "shoot": onShoot(data, currentUser); break; case "userleaves": onUserLeaves(data, currentUser); break; case "getOnlineUsers": onGetOnlineUsers(data, currentUser); break; default: } }); in.onClose(() -> { User u = onlineUsers.get(out); if (u != null) { onlineUsers.remove(out); boolean stillOnline = onlineUsers.containsValue(u); if (!stillOnline) { try { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode notification = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); notification.put("action", "userleaves"); notification.put("leavinguser", mapper.writeValueAsString(currentUser)); broadcastMessage(notification, new HashSet<User>() {{ add(u); }}); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } else { } }); } }; }
public websocket<jsonnode> socket() { final http.session session = session(); final user currentuser = application.getlocaluser(session()); return new websocket<jsonnode>() { @override public void onready(in<jsonnode> in, out<jsonnode> out) { try { user u = application.getlocaluser(session); boolean alreadyonline = onlineusers.containsvalue(u); onlineusers.put(out, u); if (!alreadyonline) { objectmapper mapper = new objectmapper(); objectnode notification = jsonnodefactory.instance.objectnode(); notification.put("action", "newuser"); notification.put("newuser", mapper.writevalueasstring(currentuser)); broadcastmessage(notification, new hashset<user>() {{ add(u); }}); } } catch (runtimeexception e) { } catch (jsonprocessingexception e) { logger.error(e.getmessage(), e); } in.onmessage((data) -> { logger.debug( + " - " + data.tostring()); string action = data.findpath("action").textvalue(); switch (action) { case "newgame": onnewgameresponse(data, currentuser); break; case "ready": onuserready(data, currentuser); break; case "setrowboat": onsetship(data, currentuser, new rowboat()); break; case "setdestructor": onsetship(data, currentuser, new destructor()); break; case "setflattop": onsetship(data, currentuser, new flattop()); break; case "shoot": onshoot(data, currentuser); break; case "userleaves": onuserleaves(data, currentuser); break; case "getonlineusers": ongetonlineusers(data, currentuser); break; default: } }); in.onclose(() -> { user u = onlineusers.get(out); if (u != null) { onlineusers.remove(out); boolean stillonline = onlineusers.containsvalue(u); if (!stillonline) { try { objectmapper mapper = new objectmapper(); objectnode notification = jsonnodefactory.instance.objectnode(); notification.put("action", "userleaves"); notification.put("leavinguser", mapper.writevalueasstring(currentuser)); broadcastmessage(notification, new hashset<user>() {{ add(u); }}); } catch (jsonprocessingexception e) { logger.error(e.getmessage(), e); } } } else { } }); } }; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void postNotification(Context context, AnswerSet answerSet, String message) { int surveyId = answerSet.getDbSurveyId(); NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager)context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); Intent intent = new Intent(context, SurveyActivity.class); intent.putExtra("programId", answerSet.getDbProgramId()); intent.putExtra("answerSetUUID", answerSet.getUuid()); intent.setAction("com.sema.notification." + surveyId); PendingIntent pIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); Survey survey = answerSet.getSurvey(); Program program = survey != null ? survey.getProgram() : null; if (survey != null && program != null) { String programName = program.getDisplayName(); Notification n = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context) .setContentTitle(programName) .setContentText(message) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_launcher) .setContentIntent(pIntent) .setAutoCancel(true) .setSound(Uri.parse("android.resource://" + context.getPackageName() + "/" + R.raw.notification_extended)) .build(); notificationManager.notify(answerSet.getStartAlarmRequestCode(), n); // TODO: alternatively could use the same app wide if want only one entry in notifications } }
private void postNotification(Context context, AnswerSet answerSet, String message) { int surveyId = answerSet.getDbSurveyId(); NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager)context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); Intent intent = new Intent(context, SurveyActivity.class); intent.putExtra("programId", answerSet.getDbProgramId()); intent.putExtra("answerSetUUID", answerSet.getUuid()); intent.setAction("com.sema.notification." + surveyId); PendingIntent pIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); Survey survey = answerSet.getSurvey(); Program program = survey != null ? survey.getProgram() : null; if (survey != null && program != null) { String programName = program.getDisplayName(); Notification n = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context) .setContentTitle(programName) .setContentText(message) .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_launcher) .setContentIntent(pIntent) .setAutoCancel(true) .setSound(Uri.parse("android.resource://" + context.getPackageName() + "/" + R.raw.notification_extended)) .build(); notificationManager.notify(answerSet.getStartAlarmRequestCode(), n); } }
private void postnotification(context context, answerset answerset, string message) { int surveyid = answerset.getdbsurveyid(); notificationmanager notificationmanager = (notificationmanager)context.getsystemservice(context.notification_service); intent intent = new intent(context, surveyactivity.class); intent.putextra("programid", answerset.getdbprogramid()); intent.putextra("answersetuuid", answerset.getuuid()); intent.setaction("com.sema.notification." + surveyid); pendingintent pintent = pendingintent.getactivity(context, 0, intent, pendingintent.flag_update_current); survey survey = answerset.getsurvey(); program program = survey != null ? survey.getprogram() : null; if (survey != null && program != null) { string programname = program.getdisplayname(); notification n = new notificationcompat.builder(context) .setcontenttitle(programname) .setcontenttext(message) .setsmallicon(r.drawable.ic_launcher) .setcontentintent(pintent) .setautocancel(true) .setsound(uri.parse("android.resource://" + context.getpackagename() + "/" + r.raw.notification_extended)) .build(); notificationmanager.notify(answerset.getstartalarmrequestcode(), n); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private static Attributes<Cell> attributesFrom(Node node, URI uri, ComplexCellModel cellModel, Predicate<String> attributeFilter) { if (!node.hasAttributes()) { // ** base case ** return new OrderedMap<Cell>(0); } if (cellModel.isSimple()) { log.error("CellModel '{}' does not allow attributes but the elem does", cellModel.getName()); throw new RuntimeException("Element and model attribute mismatch", new IllegalArgumentException()); } // ** recursive case ** OrderedMap<Cell> attributes = new OrderedMap<Cell>(node.getAttributes().getLength()); NamedNodeMap elemAttributes = node.getAttributes(); // TODO: notice this is not ordered like the input ^^' for (int i=0; i<elemAttributes.getLength(); i++) { Node attribute = elemAttributes.item(i); String attributeName = attribute.getNodeName(); URI childURI = cellURI(uri, cellModel, ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX+attributeName); // if we are looking for public attributes, they need to match with the attributes model, otherwise we just // point to the node cell model (IDEA: maybe in the future point to the internal model) CellModel attributeCellModel = findAttributeWithName(cellModel, attributeName); if (attributeFilter.test(attributeName)) { Cell attributeCell = DaggerCellComponent.builder() .withURI(childURI) .fromNode(attribute) .withCellModel(attributeCellModel) .build() .createCell(); attributes.addChild(attributeName, attributeCell); //System.err.println("\t\ta["+i+"]:"+attributeName+":"+attributeCell.getValue()); } else { } } return attributes; }
private static Attributes<Cell> attributesFrom(Node node, URI uri, ComplexCellModel cellModel, Predicate<String> attributeFilter) { if (!node.hasAttributes()) { return new OrderedMap<Cell>(0); } if (cellModel.isSimple()) { log.error("CellModel '{}' does not allow attributes but the elem does", cellModel.getName()); throw new RuntimeException("Element and model attribute mismatch", new IllegalArgumentException()); } OrderedMap<Cell> attributes = new OrderedMap<Cell>(node.getAttributes().getLength()); NamedNodeMap elemAttributes = node.getAttributes(); for (int i=0; i<elemAttributes.getLength(); i++) { Node attribute = elemAttributes.item(i); String attributeName = attribute.getNodeName(); URI childURI = cellURI(uri, cellModel, ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX+attributeName); CellModel attributeCellModel = findAttributeWithName(cellModel, attributeName); if (attributeFilter.test(attributeName)) { Cell attributeCell = DaggerCellComponent.builder() .withURI(childURI) .fromNode(attribute) .withCellModel(attributeCellModel) .build() .createCell(); attributes.addChild(attributeName, attributeCell); } else { } } return attributes; }
private static attributes<cell> attributesfrom(node node, uri uri, complexcellmodel cellmodel, predicate<string> attributefilter) { if (!node.hasattributes()) { return new orderedmap<cell>(0); } if (cellmodel.issimple()) { log.error("cellmodel '{}' does not allow attributes but the elem does", cellmodel.getname()); throw new runtimeexception("element and model attribute mismatch", new illegalargumentexception()); } orderedmap<cell> attributes = new orderedmap<cell>(node.getattributes().getlength()); namednodemap elemattributes = node.getattributes(); for (int i=0; i<elemattributes.getlength(); i++) { node attribute = elemattributes.item(i); string attributename = attribute.getnodename(); uri childuri = celluri(uri, cellmodel, attribute_prefix+attributename); cellmodel attributecellmodel = findattributewithname(cellmodel, attributename); if (attributefilter.test(attributename)) { cell attributecell = daggercellcomponent.builder() .withuri(childuri) .fromnode(attribute) .withcellmodel(attributecellmodel) .build() .createcell(); attributes.addchild(attributename, attributecell); } else { } } return attributes; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private List<AbstractCriterionWidget> createCriteriaWidgets(final ICentreDomainTreeManagerAndEnhancer centre, final Class<? extends AbstractEntity<?>> root) { final Class<?> managedType = centre.getEnhancer().getManagedType(root); final List<AbstractCriterionWidget> criteriaWidgets = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String critProp : centre.getFirstTick().checkedProperties(root)) { if (!AbstractDomainTree.isPlaceholder(critProp)) { final boolean isEntityItself = "".equals(critProp); // empty property means "entity itself" final Class<?> propertyType = isEntityItself ? managedType : PropertyTypeDeterminator.determinePropertyType(managedType, critProp); final AbstractCriterionWidget criterionWidget; if (AbstractDomainTree.isCritOnlySingle(managedType, critProp)) { if (EntityUtils.isEntityType(propertyType)) { final List<Pair<String, Boolean>> additionalProps = dslDefaultConfig.getAdditionalPropsForAutocompleter(critProp); criterionWidget = new EntitySingleCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp, additionalProps, getCentreContextConfigFor(critProp)); } else if (EntityUtils.isString(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new StringSingleCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (EntityUtils.isBoolean(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new BooleanSingleCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType) || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new IntegerSingleCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (BigDecimal.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new DecimalSingleCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (Money.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new MoneySingleCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (EntityUtils.isDate(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new DateSingleCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("The crit-only single editor type [%s] is currently unsupported.", propertyType)); } } else { if (EntityUtils.isEntityType(propertyType)) { final List<Pair<String, Boolean>> additionalProps = dslDefaultConfig.getAdditionalPropsForAutocompleter(critProp); criterionWidget = new EntityCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp, additionalProps, getCentreContextConfigFor(critProp)); } else if (EntityUtils.isString(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new StringCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (EntityUtils.isBoolean(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new BooleanCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType) || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new IntegerCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (BigDecimal.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { // TODO do not forget about Money later (after Money widget will be available) criterionWidget = new DecimalCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (Money.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new MoneyCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (EntityUtils.isDate(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new DateCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("The multi / range editor type [%s] is currently unsupported.", propertyType)); } } criteriaWidgets.add(criterionWidget); } } return criteriaWidgets; }
private List<AbstractCriterionWidget> createCriteriaWidgets(final ICentreDomainTreeManagerAndEnhancer centre, final Class<? extends AbstractEntity<?>> root) { final Class<?> managedType = centre.getEnhancer().getManagedType(root); final List<AbstractCriterionWidget> criteriaWidgets = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String critProp : centre.getFirstTick().checkedProperties(root)) { if (!AbstractDomainTree.isPlaceholder(critProp)) { final boolean isEntityItself = "".equals(critProp); final Class<?> propertyType = isEntityItself ? managedType : PropertyTypeDeterminator.determinePropertyType(managedType, critProp); final AbstractCriterionWidget criterionWidget; if (AbstractDomainTree.isCritOnlySingle(managedType, critProp)) { if (EntityUtils.isEntityType(propertyType)) { final List<Pair<String, Boolean>> additionalProps = dslDefaultConfig.getAdditionalPropsForAutocompleter(critProp); criterionWidget = new EntitySingleCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp, additionalProps, getCentreContextConfigFor(critProp)); } else if (EntityUtils.isString(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new StringSingleCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (EntityUtils.isBoolean(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new BooleanSingleCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType) || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new IntegerSingleCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (BigDecimal.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new DecimalSingleCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (Money.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new MoneySingleCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (EntityUtils.isDate(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new DateSingleCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("The crit-only single editor type [%s] is currently unsupported.", propertyType)); } } else { if (EntityUtils.isEntityType(propertyType)) { final List<Pair<String, Boolean>> additionalProps = dslDefaultConfig.getAdditionalPropsForAutocompleter(critProp); criterionWidget = new EntityCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp, additionalProps, getCentreContextConfigFor(critProp)); } else if (EntityUtils.isString(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new StringCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (EntityUtils.isBoolean(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new BooleanCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType) || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new IntegerCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (BigDecimal.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new DecimalCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (Money.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new MoneyCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else if (EntityUtils.isDate(propertyType)) { criterionWidget = new DateCriterionWidget(root, managedType, critProp); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("The multi / range editor type [%s] is currently unsupported.", propertyType)); } } criteriaWidgets.add(criterionWidget); } } return criteriaWidgets; }
private list<abstractcriterionwidget> createcriteriawidgets(final icentredomaintreemanagerandenhancer centre, final class<? extends abstractentity<?>> root) { final class<?> managedtype = centre.getenhancer().getmanagedtype(root); final list<abstractcriterionwidget> criteriawidgets = new arraylist<>(); for (final string critprop : centre.getfirsttick().checkedproperties(root)) { if (!abstractdomaintree.isplaceholder(critprop)) { final boolean isentityitself = "".equals(critprop); final class<?> propertytype = isentityitself ? managedtype : propertytypedeterminator.determinepropertytype(managedtype, critprop); final abstractcriterionwidget criterionwidget; if (abstractdomaintree.iscritonlysingle(managedtype, critprop)) { if (entityutils.isentitytype(propertytype)) { final list<pair<string, boolean>> additionalprops = dsldefaultconfig.getadditionalpropsforautocompleter(critprop); criterionwidget = new entitysinglecriterionwidget(root, managedtype, critprop, additionalprops, getcentrecontextconfigfor(critprop)); } else if (entityutils.isstring(propertytype)) { criterionwidget = new stringsinglecriterionwidget(root, managedtype, critprop); } else if (entityutils.isboolean(propertytype)) { criterionwidget = new booleansinglecriterionwidget(root, managedtype, critprop); } else if (integer.class.isassignablefrom(propertytype) || long.class.isassignablefrom(propertytype)) { criterionwidget = new integersinglecriterionwidget(root, managedtype, critprop); } else if (bigdecimal.class.isassignablefrom(propertytype)) { criterionwidget = new decimalsinglecriterionwidget(root, managedtype, critprop); } else if (money.class.isassignablefrom(propertytype)) { criterionwidget = new moneysinglecriterionwidget(root, managedtype, critprop); } else if (entityutils.isdate(propertytype)) { criterionwidget = new datesinglecriterionwidget(root, managedtype, critprop); } else { throw new unsupportedoperationexception(string.format("the crit-only single editor type [%s] is currently unsupported.", propertytype)); } } else { if (entityutils.isentitytype(propertytype)) { final list<pair<string, boolean>> additionalprops = dsldefaultconfig.getadditionalpropsforautocompleter(critprop); criterionwidget = new entitycriterionwidget(root, managedtype, critprop, additionalprops, getcentrecontextconfigfor(critprop)); } else if (entityutils.isstring(propertytype)) { criterionwidget = new stringcriterionwidget(root, managedtype, critprop); } else if (entityutils.isboolean(propertytype)) { criterionwidget = new booleancriterionwidget(root, managedtype, critprop); } else if (integer.class.isassignablefrom(propertytype) || long.class.isassignablefrom(propertytype)) { criterionwidget = new integercriterionwidget(root, managedtype, critprop); } else if (bigdecimal.class.isassignablefrom(propertytype)) { criterionwidget = new decimalcriterionwidget(root, managedtype, critprop); } else if (money.class.isassignablefrom(propertytype)) { criterionwidget = new moneycriterionwidget(root, managedtype, critprop); } else if (entityutils.isdate(propertytype)) { criterionwidget = new datecriterionwidget(root, managedtype, critprop); } else { throw new unsupportedoperationexception(string.format("the multi / range editor type [%s] is currently unsupported.", propertytype)); } } criteriawidgets.add(criterionwidget); } } return criteriawidgets; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void initializeFop2x(XProcRuntime runtime, XStep step, Properties options) { Object fopFactoryBuilder = null; Constructor factBuilderConstructor = null; try { factBuilderConstructor = klass.getConstructor(URI.class); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { // nop; } resolver = runtime.getResolver(); URI baseURI = step.getStep().getNode().getBaseURI(); String s = getStringProp("BaseURL"); if (s != null) { baseURI = baseURI.resolve(s); } try { if (resolver == null) { fopFactoryBuilder = factBuilderConstructor.newInstance(baseURI); } else { // FIXME: make an resolver!? fopFactoryBuilder = factBuilderConstructor.newInstance(baseURI); } Class fclass = fopFactoryBuilder.getClass(); // FIXME: make this configurable Boolean b = false; /* Why doesn't this call work with reflection? method = fclass.getMethod("setStrictFOValidation", Boolean.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, b); */ b = getBooleanProp("BreakIndentInheritanceOnReferenceAreaBoundary"); if (b != null) { method = fclass.getMethod("setBreakIndentInheritanceOnReferenceAreaBoundary", Boolean.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, b); } Float f = getFloatProp("SourceResolution"); if (f != null) { method = fclass.getMethod("setSourceResolution", Float.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, f); } /* FIXME: s = getStringProp("FontBaseURL"); if (s != null) { fopFactory.getFontManager().setFontBaseURL(s); } */ b = getBooleanProp("Base14KerningEnabled"); if (b != null) { Method getFontManager = fclass.getMethod("getFontManager"); Object fontManager = getFontManager.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder); method = fontManager.getClass().getMethod("setBase14KerningEnabled", Boolean.class); method.invoke(fontManager, b); } /* FIXME: s = getStringProp("HyphenBaseURL"); if (s != null) { fopFactory.setHyphenBaseURL(s); } */ s = getStringProp("PageHeight"); if (s != null) { method = fclass.getMethod("setPageHeight", String.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, s); } s = getStringProp("PageWidth"); if (s != null) { method = fclass.getMethod("setPageWidth", String.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, s); } f = getFloatProp("TargetResolution"); if (f != null) { method = fclass.getMethod("setTargetResolution", Float.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, f); } b = getBooleanProp("StrictUserConfigValidation"); if (b != null) { method = fclass.getMethod("setStrictUserConfigValidation", Boolean.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, b); } b = getBooleanProp("StrictValidation"); if (b != null) { method = fclass.getMethod("setStrictUserConfigValidation", Boolean.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, b); } b = getBooleanProp("UseCache"); if (b != null && !b) { Method getFontManager = fclass.getMethod("getFontManager"); Object fontManager = getFontManager.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder); method = fontManager.getClass().getMethod("disableFontCache"); method.invoke(fontManager); } /* FIXME: s = getStringProp("UserConfig"); if (s != null) { fopFactory.setUserConfig(s); } */ method = fclass.getMethod("build"); fopFactory = method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XProcException(e); } }
private void initializeFop2x(XProcRuntime runtime, XStep step, Properties options) { Object fopFactoryBuilder = null; Constructor factBuilderConstructor = null; try { factBuilderConstructor = klass.getConstructor(URI.class); } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) { } resolver = runtime.getResolver(); URI baseURI = step.getStep().getNode().getBaseURI(); String s = getStringProp("BaseURL"); if (s != null) { baseURI = baseURI.resolve(s); } try { if (resolver == null) { fopFactoryBuilder = factBuilderConstructor.newInstance(baseURI); } else { fopFactoryBuilder = factBuilderConstructor.newInstance(baseURI); } Class fclass = fopFactoryBuilder.getClass(); Boolean b = false; b = getBooleanProp("BreakIndentInheritanceOnReferenceAreaBoundary"); if (b != null) { method = fclass.getMethod("setBreakIndentInheritanceOnReferenceAreaBoundary", Boolean.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, b); } Float f = getFloatProp("SourceResolution"); if (f != null) { method = fclass.getMethod("setSourceResolution", Float.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, f); } b = getBooleanProp("Base14KerningEnabled"); if (b != null) { Method getFontManager = fclass.getMethod("getFontManager"); Object fontManager = getFontManager.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder); method = fontManager.getClass().getMethod("setBase14KerningEnabled", Boolean.class); method.invoke(fontManager, b); } s = getStringProp("PageHeight"); if (s != null) { method = fclass.getMethod("setPageHeight", String.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, s); } s = getStringProp("PageWidth"); if (s != null) { method = fclass.getMethod("setPageWidth", String.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, s); } f = getFloatProp("TargetResolution"); if (f != null) { method = fclass.getMethod("setTargetResolution", Float.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, f); } b = getBooleanProp("StrictUserConfigValidation"); if (b != null) { method = fclass.getMethod("setStrictUserConfigValidation", Boolean.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, b); } b = getBooleanProp("StrictValidation"); if (b != null) { method = fclass.getMethod("setStrictUserConfigValidation", Boolean.class); method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder, b); } b = getBooleanProp("UseCache"); if (b != null && !b) { Method getFontManager = fclass.getMethod("getFontManager"); Object fontManager = getFontManager.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder); method = fontManager.getClass().getMethod("disableFontCache"); method.invoke(fontManager); } method = fclass.getMethod("build"); fopFactory = method.invoke(fopFactoryBuilder); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XProcException(e); } }
private void initializefop2x(xprocruntime runtime, xstep step, properties options) { object fopfactorybuilder = null; constructor factbuilderconstructor = null; try { factbuilderconstructor = klass.getconstructor(uri.class); } catch (nosuchmethodexception nsme) { } resolver = runtime.getresolver(); uri baseuri = step.getstep().getnode().getbaseuri(); string s = getstringprop("baseurl"); if (s != null) { baseuri = baseuri.resolve(s); } try { if (resolver == null) { fopfactorybuilder = factbuilderconstructor.newinstance(baseuri); } else { fopfactorybuilder = factbuilderconstructor.newinstance(baseuri); } class fclass = fopfactorybuilder.getclass(); boolean b = false; b = getbooleanprop("breakindentinheritanceonreferenceareaboundary"); if (b != null) { method = fclass.getmethod("setbreakindentinheritanceonreferenceareaboundary", boolean.class); method.invoke(fopfactorybuilder, b); } float f = getfloatprop("sourceresolution"); if (f != null) { method = fclass.getmethod("setsourceresolution", float.class); method.invoke(fopfactorybuilder, f); } b = getbooleanprop("base14kerningenabled"); if (b != null) { method getfontmanager = fclass.getmethod("getfontmanager"); object fontmanager = getfontmanager.invoke(fopfactorybuilder); method = fontmanager.getclass().getmethod("setbase14kerningenabled", boolean.class); method.invoke(fontmanager, b); } s = getstringprop("pageheight"); if (s != null) { method = fclass.getmethod("setpageheight", string.class); method.invoke(fopfactorybuilder, s); } s = getstringprop("pagewidth"); if (s != null) { method = fclass.getmethod("setpagewidth", string.class); method.invoke(fopfactorybuilder, s); } f = getfloatprop("targetresolution"); if (f != null) { method = fclass.getmethod("settargetresolution", float.class); method.invoke(fopfactorybuilder, f); } b = getbooleanprop("strictuserconfigvalidation"); if (b != null) { method = fclass.getmethod("setstrictuserconfigvalidation", boolean.class); method.invoke(fopfactorybuilder, b); } b = getbooleanprop("strictvalidation"); if (b != null) { method = fclass.getmethod("setstrictuserconfigvalidation", boolean.class); method.invoke(fopfactorybuilder, b); } b = getbooleanprop("usecache"); if (b != null && !b) { method getfontmanager = fclass.getmethod("getfontmanager"); object fontmanager = getfontmanager.invoke(fopfactorybuilder); method = fontmanager.getclass().getmethod("disablefontcache"); method.invoke(fontmanager); } method = fclass.getmethod("build"); fopfactory = method.invoke(fopfactorybuilder); } catch (exception e) { throw new xprocexception(e); } }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
public void format(XdmNode doc, OutputStream out, String contentType) { String outputFormat = null; if (contentType == null || "application/pdf".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType)) { outputFormat = "application/pdf"; // "PDF"; } else if ("application/PostScript".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType)) { outputFormat = "application/postscript"; //"PostScript"; } else if ("application/afp".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType)) { outputFormat = "application/x-afp"; //"AFP"; } else if ("application/rtf".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType)) { outputFormat = "application/rtf"; } else if ("text/plain".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType)) { outputFormat = "text/plain"; } else { throw new XProcException(step.getNode(), "Unsupported content-type on p:xsl-formatter: " + contentType); } if (! ("1.x".equals(fopVersion) || "2.x".equals(fopVersion))) { throw new XProcException("Unexpected FOP version: " + fopVersion); } try { InputSource fodoc = S9apiUtils.xdmToInputSource(runtime, doc); SAXSource source = new SAXSource(fodoc); Object userAgent = null; Object fop = null; if ("1.x".equals(fopVersion)) { method = fopFactory.getClass().getMethod("newFop", String.class, OutputStream.class); fop = method.invoke(fopFactory, outputFormat, out); method = fop.getClass().getMethod("getUserAgent"); userAgent = method.invoke(fop); } else { method = fopFactory.getClass().getMethod("newFOUserAgent"); userAgent = method.invoke(fopFactory); } Class uaClass = userAgent.getClass(); Boolean b = getBooleanProp("Accessibility"); if (b != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setAccessibility", Boolean.class); method.invoke(userAgent, b); } String s = getStringProp("Author"); if (s != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setAuthor", String.class); method.invoke(userAgent, s); } if ("1.x".equals(fopVersion)) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setBaseURL", String.class); method.invoke(userAgent, step.getNode().getBaseURI().toString()); s = getStringProp("BaseURL"); if (s != null) { method.invoke(userAgent, s); } } else { // FIXME: how do I do this in 2.x? } b = getBooleanProp("ConserveMemoryPolicy"); if (b != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setConserveMemoryPolicy", Boolean.class); method.invoke(userAgent, b); } s = getStringProp("CreationDate"); if (s != null) { DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); Date d = df.parse(s); method = uaClass.getMethod("setCreationDate", Date.class); method.invoke(userAgent, d); } s = getStringProp("Creator"); if (s != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setCreator", String.class); method.invoke(userAgent, s); } s = getStringProp("Keywords"); if (s != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setKeywords", String.class); method.invoke(userAgent, s); } b = getBooleanProp("LocatorEnabled"); if (b != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setLocatorEnabled", Boolean.class); method.invoke(userAgent, b); } s = getStringProp("Producer"); if (s != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setProducer", String.class); method.invoke(userAgent, s); } s = getStringProp("Subject"); if (s != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setSubject", String.class); method.invoke(userAgent, s); } Float f = getFloatProp("TargetResolution"); if (f != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setTargetResolution", Float.class); method.invoke(userAgent, f); } s = getStringProp("Title"); if (s != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setTitle", String.class); method.invoke(userAgent, s); } if ("2.x".equals(fopVersion)) { method = uaClass.getMethod("newFop", String.class, OutputStream.class); fop = method.invoke(userAgent, outputFormat, out); } method = fop.getClass().getMethod("getDefaultHandler"); Object defHandler = method.invoke(fop); TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); transformer.transform(source, new SAXResult((ContentHandler) defHandler)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XProcException(step.getNode(), "Failed to process FO document with FOP", e); } }
public void format(XdmNode doc, OutputStream out, String contentType) { String outputFormat = null; if (contentType == null || "application/pdf".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType)) { outputFormat = "application/pdf"; } else if ("application/PostScript".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType)) { outputFormat = "application/postscript"; } else if ("application/afp".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType)) { outputFormat = "application/x-afp"; } else if ("application/rtf".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType)) { outputFormat = "application/rtf"; } else if ("text/plain".equalsIgnoreCase(contentType)) { outputFormat = "text/plain"; } else { throw new XProcException(step.getNode(), "Unsupported content-type on p:xsl-formatter: " + contentType); } if (! ("1.x".equals(fopVersion) || "2.x".equals(fopVersion))) { throw new XProcException("Unexpected FOP version: " + fopVersion); } try { InputSource fodoc = S9apiUtils.xdmToInputSource(runtime, doc); SAXSource source = new SAXSource(fodoc); Object userAgent = null; Object fop = null; if ("1.x".equals(fopVersion)) { method = fopFactory.getClass().getMethod("newFop", String.class, OutputStream.class); fop = method.invoke(fopFactory, outputFormat, out); method = fop.getClass().getMethod("getUserAgent"); userAgent = method.invoke(fop); } else { method = fopFactory.getClass().getMethod("newFOUserAgent"); userAgent = method.invoke(fopFactory); } Class uaClass = userAgent.getClass(); Boolean b = getBooleanProp("Accessibility"); if (b != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setAccessibility", Boolean.class); method.invoke(userAgent, b); } String s = getStringProp("Author"); if (s != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setAuthor", String.class); method.invoke(userAgent, s); } if ("1.x".equals(fopVersion)) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setBaseURL", String.class); method.invoke(userAgent, step.getNode().getBaseURI().toString()); s = getStringProp("BaseURL"); if (s != null) { method.invoke(userAgent, s); } } else { } b = getBooleanProp("ConserveMemoryPolicy"); if (b != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setConserveMemoryPolicy", Boolean.class); method.invoke(userAgent, b); } s = getStringProp("CreationDate"); if (s != null) { DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(); Date d = df.parse(s); method = uaClass.getMethod("setCreationDate", Date.class); method.invoke(userAgent, d); } s = getStringProp("Creator"); if (s != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setCreator", String.class); method.invoke(userAgent, s); } s = getStringProp("Keywords"); if (s != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setKeywords", String.class); method.invoke(userAgent, s); } b = getBooleanProp("LocatorEnabled"); if (b != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setLocatorEnabled", Boolean.class); method.invoke(userAgent, b); } s = getStringProp("Producer"); if (s != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setProducer", String.class); method.invoke(userAgent, s); } s = getStringProp("Subject"); if (s != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setSubject", String.class); method.invoke(userAgent, s); } Float f = getFloatProp("TargetResolution"); if (f != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setTargetResolution", Float.class); method.invoke(userAgent, f); } s = getStringProp("Title"); if (s != null) { method = uaClass.getMethod("setTitle", String.class); method.invoke(userAgent, s); } if ("2.x".equals(fopVersion)) { method = uaClass.getMethod("newFop", String.class, OutputStream.class); fop = method.invoke(userAgent, outputFormat, out); } method = fop.getClass().getMethod("getDefaultHandler"); Object defHandler = method.invoke(fop); TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer(); transformer.transform(source, new SAXResult((ContentHandler) defHandler)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new XProcException(step.getNode(), "Failed to process FO document with FOP", e); } }
public void format(xdmnode doc, outputstream out, string contenttype) { string outputformat = null; if (contenttype == null || "application/pdf".equalsignorecase(contenttype)) { outputformat = "application/pdf"; } else if ("application/postscript".equalsignorecase(contenttype)) { outputformat = "application/postscript"; } else if ("application/afp".equalsignorecase(contenttype)) { outputformat = "application/x-afp"; } else if ("application/rtf".equalsignorecase(contenttype)) { outputformat = "application/rtf"; } else if ("text/plain".equalsignorecase(contenttype)) { outputformat = "text/plain"; } else { throw new xprocexception(step.getnode(), "unsupported content-type on p:xsl-formatter: " + contenttype); } if (! ("1.x".equals(fopversion) || "2.x".equals(fopversion))) { throw new xprocexception("unexpected fop version: " + fopversion); } try { inputsource fodoc = s9apiutils.xdmtoinputsource(runtime, doc); saxsource source = new saxsource(fodoc); object useragent = null; object fop = null; if ("1.x".equals(fopversion)) { method = fopfactory.getclass().getmethod("newfop", string.class, outputstream.class); fop = method.invoke(fopfactory, outputformat, out); method = fop.getclass().getmethod("getuseragent"); useragent = method.invoke(fop); } else { method = fopfactory.getclass().getmethod("newfouseragent"); useragent = method.invoke(fopfactory); } class uaclass = useragent.getclass(); boolean b = getbooleanprop("accessibility"); if (b != null) { method = uaclass.getmethod("setaccessibility", boolean.class); method.invoke(useragent, b); } string s = getstringprop("author"); if (s != null) { method = uaclass.getmethod("setauthor", string.class); method.invoke(useragent, s); } if ("1.x".equals(fopversion)) { method = uaclass.getmethod("setbaseurl", string.class); method.invoke(useragent, step.getnode().getbaseuri().tostring()); s = getstringprop("baseurl"); if (s != null) { method.invoke(useragent, s); } } else { } b = getbooleanprop("conservememorypolicy"); if (b != null) { method = uaclass.getmethod("setconservememorypolicy", boolean.class); method.invoke(useragent, b); } s = getstringprop("creationdate"); if (s != null) { dateformat df = dateformat.getdateinstance(); date d = df.parse(s); method = uaclass.getmethod("setcreationdate", date.class); method.invoke(useragent, d); } s = getstringprop("creator"); if (s != null) { method = uaclass.getmethod("setcreator", string.class); method.invoke(useragent, s); } s = getstringprop("keywords"); if (s != null) { method = uaclass.getmethod("setkeywords", string.class); method.invoke(useragent, s); } b = getbooleanprop("locatorenabled"); if (b != null) { method = uaclass.getmethod("setlocatorenabled", boolean.class); method.invoke(useragent, b); } s = getstringprop("producer"); if (s != null) { method = uaclass.getmethod("setproducer", string.class); method.invoke(useragent, s); } s = getstringprop("subject"); if (s != null) { method = uaclass.getmethod("setsubject", string.class); method.invoke(useragent, s); } float f = getfloatprop("targetresolution"); if (f != null) { method = uaclass.getmethod("settargetresolution", float.class); method.invoke(useragent, f); } s = getstringprop("title"); if (s != null) { method = uaclass.getmethod("settitle", string.class); method.invoke(useragent, s); } if ("2.x".equals(fopversion)) { method = uaclass.getmethod("newfop", string.class, outputstream.class); fop = method.invoke(useragent, outputformat, out); } method = fop.getclass().getmethod("getdefaulthandler"); object defhandler = method.invoke(fop); transformerfactory transformerfactory = transformerfactory.newinstance(); transformer transformer = transformerfactory.newtransformer(); transformer.transform(source, new saxresult((contenthandler) defhandler)); } catch (exception e) { throw new xprocexception(step.getnode(), "failed to process fo document with fop", e); } }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@Override @SuppressLint("SetJavaScriptEnabled") protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { Dank.dependencyInjector().inject(this); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_login); ButterKnife.bind(this); findAndSetupToolbar(); toolbar.setBackground(null); toolbar.setTitle(R.string.login); contentViewGroup.setClipToOutline(true); // Setup WebView. CookieManager.getInstance().removeAllCookies(null); webView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() { @Override public void onProgressChanged(WebView view, int newProgress) { if (!loggedIn) { boolean shouldShowProgress = newProgress < 75; setProgressVisible(shouldShowProgress); } } }); webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() { @Override public void onPageStarted(WebView view, String url, Bitmap favicon) { if (url.contains("code=")) { // We've detected the redirect URL. webView.stopLoading(); loggedIn = true; handleOnPermissionGranted(url); } else if (url.contains("error=")) { Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, R.string.login_error_oauth_permission_rejected, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); webView.stopLoading(); setResult(RESULT_CANCELED); finish(); } } }); // Bug workaround: WebView crashes when dropdown is shown on // a Nougat emulator. Haven't tested on other devices. webView.clearFormData(); webView.getSettings().setSaveFormData(false); webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); webView.getSettings().setDomStorageEnabled(true); userLoginHelper = reddit.get().login().loginHelper(); webView.loadUrl(userLoginHelper.authorizationUrl()); }
@Override @SuppressLint("SetJavaScriptEnabled") protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { Dank.dependencyInjector().inject(this); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_login); ButterKnife.bind(this); findAndSetupToolbar(); toolbar.setBackground(null); toolbar.setTitle(R.string.login); contentViewGroup.setClipToOutline(true); CookieManager.getInstance().removeAllCookies(null); webView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() { @Override public void onProgressChanged(WebView view, int newProgress) { if (!loggedIn) { boolean shouldShowProgress = newProgress < 75; setProgressVisible(shouldShowProgress); } } }); webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() { @Override public void onPageStarted(WebView view, String url, Bitmap favicon) { if (url.contains("code=")) { webView.stopLoading(); loggedIn = true; handleOnPermissionGranted(url); } else if (url.contains("error=")) { Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, R.string.login_error_oauth_permission_rejected, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); webView.stopLoading(); setResult(RESULT_CANCELED); finish(); } } }); webView.clearFormData(); webView.getSettings().setSaveFormData(false); webView.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); webView.getSettings().setDomStorageEnabled(true); userLoginHelper = reddit.get().login().loginHelper(); webView.loadUrl(userLoginHelper.authorizationUrl()); }
@override @suppresslint("setjavascriptenabled") protected void oncreate(@nullable bundle savedinstancestate) { dank.dependencyinjector().inject(this); super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_login); butterknife.bind(this); findandsetuptoolbar(); toolbar.setbackground(null); toolbar.settitle(r.string.login); contentviewgroup.setcliptooutline(true); cookiemanager.getinstance().removeallcookies(null); webview.setwebchromeclient(new webchromeclient() { @override public void onprogresschanged(webview view, int newprogress) { if (!loggedin) { boolean shouldshowprogress = newprogress < 75; setprogressvisible(shouldshowprogress); } } }); webview.setwebviewclient(new webviewclient() { @override public void onpagestarted(webview view, string url, bitmap favicon) { if (url.contains("code=")) { webview.stoploading(); loggedin = true; handleonpermissiongranted(url); } else if (url.contains("error=")) { toast.maketext(loginactivity.this, r.string.login_error_oauth_permission_rejected, toast.length_long).show(); webview.stoploading(); setresult(result_canceled); finish(); } } }); webview.clearformdata(); webview.getsettings().setsaveformdata(false); webview.getsettings().setjavascriptenabled(true); webview.getsettings().setdomstorageenabled(true); userloginhelper = reddit.get().login().loginhelper(); webview.loadurl(userloginhelper.authorizationurl()); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
private static void setChipVersion() { //TODO: Get chip version directly if possible. String model = IrisHal.getModel(); if (Model.isV2(model)) { hardware.set("ZM5304AU-CME3R"); } else if (Model.isV3(model)) { hardware.set("ZM5101"); } else { hardware.set("unknown"); } }
private static void setChipVersion() { String model = IrisHal.getModel(); if (Model.isV2(model)) { hardware.set("ZM5304AU-CME3R"); } else if (Model.isV3(model)) { hardware.set("ZM5101"); } else { hardware.set("unknown"); } }
private static void setchipversion() { string model = irishal.getmodel(); if (model.isv2(model)) { hardware.set("zm5304au-cme3r"); } else if (model.isv3(model)) { hardware.set("zm5101"); } else { hardware.set("unknown"); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if ((keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU) && (null == getSupportActionBar())) { // This is to fix a bug in the v7 support lib. If there is no options menu and you hit MENU, it will crash with a // NPE @ // This can safely be removed if we add in menu options on this screen return true; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); }
@Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if ((keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU) && (null == getSupportActionBar())) { return true; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); }
@override public boolean onkeydown(int keycode, keyevent event) { if ((keycode == keyevent.keycode_menu) && (null == getsupportactionbar())) { return true; } return super.onkeydown(keycode, event); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public FFprobe setShowProgramVersion(final boolean showProgramVersion) { this.showProgramVersion = showProgramVersion; return this; }
public FFprobe setShowProgramVersion(final boolean showProgramVersion) { this.showProgramVersion = showProgramVersion; return this; }
public ffprobe setshowprogramversion(final boolean showprogramversion) { this.showprogramversion = showprogramversion; return this; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public FFprobe setShowPixelFormats(final boolean showPixelFormats) { this.showPixelFormats = showPixelFormats; return this; }
public FFprobe setShowPixelFormats(final boolean showPixelFormats) { this.showPixelFormats = showPixelFormats; return this; }
public ffprobe setshowpixelformats(final boolean showpixelformats) { this.showpixelformats = showpixelformats; return this; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void label_iconRealizarPedidoMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_label_iconRealizarPedidoMouseClicked // TODO add your handling code here: //instanciar a tela cad pessoa apenas uma vez tela_realizarPedido= new Realizar_Pedido(this.conta); tela_realizarPedido.setVisible(true); tela_realizarPedido.setLocationRelativeTo(null); }
private void label_iconRealizarPedidoMouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt) { tela_realizarPedido= new Realizar_Pedido(this.conta); tela_realizarPedido.setVisible(true); tela_realizarPedido.setLocationRelativeTo(null); }
private void label_iconrealizarpedidomouseclicked(java.awt.event.mouseevent evt) { tela_realizarpedido= new realizar_pedido(this.conta); tela_realizarpedido.setvisible(true); tela_realizarpedido.setlocationrelativeto(null); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public Expression getObject() { return fObject; }
public Expression getObject() { return fObject; }
public expression getobject() { return fobject; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public MAttribute getAttribute() { return fAttribute; }
public MAttribute getAttribute() { return fAttribute; }
public mattribute getattribute() { return fattribute; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public MRValue getRValue() { return fRValue; }
public MRValue getRValue() { return fRValue; }
public mrvalue getrvalue() { return frvalue; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public String getTagitLayoutPath() { String res = "content/none.xhtml"; //if explorer is in createMode switch( explorerAction.getMode() ) { case CREATE_LOCATION: res = "content_new/location_new.xhtml"; if( newLocationAction.getMode() == -1 ) { newLocationAction.begin(); } break; case CREATE_ROUTE: res = "content_new/route_new.xhtml"; if( newRouteAction.getMode() != 2 ) { newRouteAction.setMode(2); } break; default: //there must be a ranking because everything that is displayable on tagit //is a PointOfInetrest but maybe also another type (like a route) //until then we break, when contentItem has topType (like route) //init with none for( KiWiResource type : currentContentItem.getTypes() ) { String seRQLID = type.getSeRQLID(); if(seRQLID.contains(Constants.NS_FCP_CORE+"Location")) { res = "content/location.xhtml"; locationAction.begin(); break; } else if(seRQLID.contains(Constants.NS_KIWI_CORE+"BlogPost")) { //TODO should be a specific Blog interface res = "content/blog.xhtml"; newsItemAction.begin(); break; } else if(seRQLID.contains(Constants.NS_FCP_CORE+"NewsItem")) { res = "content/newsItem.xhtml"; newsItemAction.begin(); break; } else if(seRQLID.contains(Constants.NS_TAGIT + "Route")) { //TODO CHANGE!!! res = "content/route.xhtml"; //res = "content/photoroute.xhtml"; routeAction.begin(); break; } else if(seRQLID.contains(Constants.NS_KIWI_CORE + "User")) { //if( currentUser.getContentItem().getId() == currentContentItem.getId() ) { // res = "content/user.xhtml"; // personAction.begin(); // break; //} else { res = "content/person.xhtml"; personAction.begin(); break; //} } else if(seRQLID.contains(Constants.NS_DEMO+"LocatedMeeting")) { res = "content/location.xhtml"; locationAction.begin(); break; } } //TODO some common type for all pois }"set layout to #0",res); return res; }
public String getTagitLayoutPath() { String res = "content/none.xhtml"; switch( explorerAction.getMode() ) { case CREATE_LOCATION: res = "content_new/location_new.xhtml"; if( newLocationAction.getMode() == -1 ) { newLocationAction.begin(); } break; case CREATE_ROUTE: res = "content_new/route_new.xhtml"; if( newRouteAction.getMode() != 2 ) { newRouteAction.setMode(2); } break; default: for( KiWiResource type : currentContentItem.getTypes() ) { String seRQLID = type.getSeRQLID(); if(seRQLID.contains(Constants.NS_FCP_CORE+"Location")) { res = "content/location.xhtml"; locationAction.begin(); break; } else if(seRQLID.contains(Constants.NS_KIWI_CORE+"BlogPost")) { res = "content/blog.xhtml"; newsItemAction.begin(); break; } else if(seRQLID.contains(Constants.NS_FCP_CORE+"NewsItem")) { res = "content/newsItem.xhtml"; newsItemAction.begin(); break; } else if(seRQLID.contains(Constants.NS_TAGIT + "Route")) { res = "content/route.xhtml"; routeAction.begin(); break; } else if(seRQLID.contains(Constants.NS_KIWI_CORE + "User")) { res = "content/person.xhtml"; personAction.begin(); break; } else if(seRQLID.contains(Constants.NS_DEMO+"LocatedMeeting")) { res = "content/location.xhtml"; locationAction.begin(); break; } } }"set layout to #0",res); return res; }
public string gettagitlayoutpath() { string res = "content/none.xhtml"; switch( exploreraction.getmode() ) { case create_location: res = "content_new/location_new.xhtml"; if( newlocationaction.getmode() == -1 ) { newlocationaction.begin(); } break; case create_route: res = "content_new/route_new.xhtml"; if( newrouteaction.getmode() != 2 ) { newrouteaction.setmode(2); } break; default: for( kiwiresource type : currentcontentitem.gettypes() ) { string serqlid = type.getserqlid(); if(serqlid.contains(constants.ns_fcp_core+"location")) { res = "content/location.xhtml"; locationaction.begin(); break; } else if(serqlid.contains(constants.ns_kiwi_core+"blogpost")) { res = "content/blog.xhtml"; newsitemaction.begin(); break; } else if(serqlid.contains(constants.ns_fcp_core+"newsitem")) { res = "content/newsitem.xhtml"; newsitemaction.begin(); break; } else if(serqlid.contains(constants.ns_tagit + "route")) { res = "content/route.xhtml"; routeaction.begin(); break; } else if(serqlid.contains(constants.ns_kiwi_core + "user")) { res = "content/person.xhtml"; personaction.begin(); break; } else if(serqlid.contains(constants.ns_demo+"locatedmeeting")) { res = "content/location.xhtml"; locationaction.begin(); break; } } }"set layout to #0",res); return res; }
[ 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
void load(FPod fpod) { this.fpod = fpod; this.typesByName = new HashMap(); // create a hollow Type for each FType (this requires two steps, // because we don't necessary have all the Types created for // superclasses until this loop completes) int numTypes = fpod.types == null ? 0 : fpod.types.length; types = new ClassType[numTypes]; for (int i=0; i<numTypes; ++i) { // create type instance ClassType type = new ClassType(this, fpod.types[i]); // add to my data structures types[i] = type; if (typesByName.put(, type) != null) throw Err.make("Invalid pod: " + name + " type already defined: " +; } // get TypeType to use for mixin List (we need to handle case // when loading sys itself - and lookup within my own pod) Type typeType = Sys.TypeType; if (typeType == null) typeType = (Type)typesByName.get("Type"); // now that everthing is mapped, we can fill in the super // class fields (unless something is wacked, this will only // use Types in my pod or in pods already loaded) for (int i=0; i<numTypes; ++i) { FType ftype = fpod.types[i]; ClassType type = types[i]; type.base = type(ftype.base); Object[] mixins = new Object[ftype.mixins.length]; for (int j=0; j<mixins.length; ++j) mixins[j] = type(ftype.mixins[j]); type.mixins = new List(typeType, mixins).ro(); } }
void load(FPod fpod) { this.fpod = fpod; this.typesByName = new HashMap(); int numTypes = fpod.types == null ? 0 : fpod.types.length; types = new ClassType[numTypes]; for (int i=0; i<numTypes; ++i) { ClassType type = new ClassType(this, fpod.types[i]); types[i] = type; if (typesByName.put(, type) != null) throw Err.make("Invalid pod: " + name + " type already defined: " +; } Type typeType = Sys.TypeType; if (typeType == null) typeType = (Type)typesByName.get("Type"); for (int i=0; i<numTypes; ++i) { FType ftype = fpod.types[i]; ClassType type = types[i]; type.base = type(ftype.base); Object[] mixins = new Object[ftype.mixins.length]; for (int j=0; j<mixins.length; ++j) mixins[j] = type(ftype.mixins[j]); type.mixins = new List(typeType, mixins).ro(); } }
void load(fpod fpod) { this.fpod = fpod; this.typesbyname = new hashmap(); int numtypes = fpod.types == null ? 0 : fpod.types.length; types = new classtype[numtypes]; for (int i=0; i<numtypes; ++i) { classtype type = new classtype(this, fpod.types[i]); types[i] = type; if (typesbyname.put(, type) != null) throw err.make("invalid pod: " + name + " type already defined: " +; } type typetype = sys.typetype; if (typetype == null) typetype = (type)typesbyname.get("type"); for (int i=0; i<numtypes; ++i) { ftype ftype = fpod.types[i]; classtype type = types[i]; type.base = type(ftype.base); object[] mixins = new object[ftype.mixins.length]; for (int j=0; j<mixins.length; ++j) mixins[j] = type(ftype.mixins[j]); type.mixins = new list(typetype, mixins).ro(); } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override public action to_value(action expression, origin the_origin) { if (constraints != null) { // We need to specially handled narrowed variables here // because the reference type is not narrowed. // Say the variable declaration is "string or null foo", and it's narrowed to string. // The is_reference_type(the_type) would return a union type, which is not what we want. action narrowed_action = can_narrow(expression, constraints); if (narrowed_action != null) { return narrowed_action; } } type the_type = expression.result().type_bound(); if (common_types.is_reference_type(the_type)) { // TODO: check that flavor is readonly or mutable. type value_type = common_types.get_reference_parameter(the_type); // TODO: replace this with a promotion lookup. return promote(expression, value_type, the_origin); } else { return expression; } }
@Override public action to_value(action expression, origin the_origin) { if (constraints != null) { action narrowed_action = can_narrow(expression, constraints); if (narrowed_action != null) { return narrowed_action; } } type the_type = expression.result().type_bound(); if (common_types.is_reference_type(the_type)) { type value_type = common_types.get_reference_parameter(the_type); return promote(expression, value_type, the_origin); } else { return expression; } }
@override public action to_value(action expression, origin the_origin) { if (constraints != null) { action narrowed_action = can_narrow(expression, constraints); if (narrowed_action != null) { return narrowed_action; } } type the_type = expression.result().type_bound(); if (common_types.is_reference_type(the_type)) { type value_type = common_types.get_reference_parameter(the_type); return promote(expression, value_type, the_origin); } else { return expression; } }
[ 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override protected void reloadSettings( List<String> updatedSettings ) { // TODO: Implement disconnect and reconnect to PostgreSQL instance. }
@Override protected void reloadSettings( List<String> updatedSettings ) { }
@override protected void reloadsettings( list<string> updatedsettings ) { }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void attemptLogin() { // Reset errors. mEmailView.setError(null); mPasswordView.setError(null); // Store values at the time of the login attempt. final String email = mEmailView.getText().toString(); final String password = mPasswordView.getText().toString(); boolean cancel = false; View focusView = null; // Check for a valid password. if (TextUtils.isEmpty(password)) { mPasswordView.setError(getString(R.string.error_field_required)); focusView = mPasswordView; cancel = true; } // Check for a valid email address. if (TextUtils.isEmpty(email)) { mEmailView.setError(getString(R.string.error_field_required)); focusView = mEmailView; cancel = true; } if (cancel) { // There was an error; don't attempt login and focus the first // form field with an error. focusView.requestFocus(); } else { //We show the loader and hide the form showHideView(mProgressView, mLoginFormView, true); //We set the response listener with corresponding overridden methods AppResponseListener<JSONObject> responseListener = new AppResponseListener<JSONObject>(getApplicationContext()){ @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject response) { Context context = getApplicationContext(); String firstName = null; String lastName = null; try { firstName = response.getString(UserRequestManager.FIRST_NAME); lastName = response.getString(UserRequestManager.LAST_NAME); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //TODO: Use method UserManager.logInUser loading user from database PrefsManager.saveUserCredentials(context, email, password); PrefsManager.setStringPref(context, PrefsManager.PREF_USER_FIRST_NAME, firstName); PrefsManager.setStringPref(context, PrefsManager.PREF_USER_LAST_NAME, lastName); startActivityClosingAllOthers(DrawerActivity.class); onPostResponse(); } @Override public void onUnauthorizedError(VolleyError error) { showToast(R.string.error_wrong_credentials); } @Override public void onPostResponse(){ showHideView(mLoginFormView, mProgressView, true); } }; //We add the request JsonObjectRequest request = UserRequestManager.userLogInRequest(email, password, responseListener); VolleyManager.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).addToRequestQueue(request); } }
private void attemptLogin() { mEmailView.setError(null); mPasswordView.setError(null); final String email = mEmailView.getText().toString(); final String password = mPasswordView.getText().toString(); boolean cancel = false; View focusView = null; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(password)) { mPasswordView.setError(getString(R.string.error_field_required)); focusView = mPasswordView; cancel = true; } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(email)) { mEmailView.setError(getString(R.string.error_field_required)); focusView = mEmailView; cancel = true; } if (cancel) { focusView.requestFocus(); } else { showHideView(mProgressView, mLoginFormView, true); AppResponseListener<JSONObject> responseListener = new AppResponseListener<JSONObject>(getApplicationContext()){ @Override public void onResponse(JSONObject response) { Context context = getApplicationContext(); String firstName = null; String lastName = null; try { firstName = response.getString(UserRequestManager.FIRST_NAME); lastName = response.getString(UserRequestManager.LAST_NAME); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } PrefsManager.saveUserCredentials(context, email, password); PrefsManager.setStringPref(context, PrefsManager.PREF_USER_FIRST_NAME, firstName); PrefsManager.setStringPref(context, PrefsManager.PREF_USER_LAST_NAME, lastName); startActivityClosingAllOthers(DrawerActivity.class); onPostResponse(); } @Override public void onUnauthorizedError(VolleyError error) { showToast(R.string.error_wrong_credentials); } @Override public void onPostResponse(){ showHideView(mLoginFormView, mProgressView, true); } }; JsonObjectRequest request = UserRequestManager.userLogInRequest(email, password, responseListener); VolleyManager.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).addToRequestQueue(request); } }
private void attemptlogin() { memailview.seterror(null); mpasswordview.seterror(null); final string email = memailview.gettext().tostring(); final string password = mpasswordview.gettext().tostring(); boolean cancel = false; view focusview = null; if (textutils.isempty(password)) { mpasswordview.seterror(getstring(r.string.error_field_required)); focusview = mpasswordview; cancel = true; } if (textutils.isempty(email)) { memailview.seterror(getstring(r.string.error_field_required)); focusview = memailview; cancel = true; } if (cancel) { focusview.requestfocus(); } else { showhideview(mprogressview, mloginformview, true); appresponselistener<jsonobject> responselistener = new appresponselistener<jsonobject>(getapplicationcontext()){ @override public void onresponse(jsonobject response) { context context = getapplicationcontext(); string firstname = null; string lastname = null; try { firstname = response.getstring(userrequestmanager.first_name); lastname = response.getstring(userrequestmanager.last_name); } catch (jsonexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } prefsmanager.saveusercredentials(context, email, password); prefsmanager.setstringpref(context, prefsmanager.pref_user_first_name, firstname); prefsmanager.setstringpref(context, prefsmanager.pref_user_last_name, lastname); startactivityclosingallothers(draweractivity.class); onpostresponse(); } @override public void onunauthorizederror(volleyerror error) { showtoast(r.string.error_wrong_credentials); } @override public void onpostresponse(){ showhideview(mloginformview, mprogressview, true); } }; jsonobjectrequest request = userrequestmanager.userloginrequest(email, password, responselistener); volleymanager.getinstance(getapplicationcontext()).addtorequestqueue(request); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public static boolean isEmailValid(String email) { //TODO: Replace this with your own logic return email.contains("@"); }
public static boolean isEmailValid(String email) { return email.contains("@"); }
public static boolean isemailvalid(string email) { return email.contains("@"); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void _setShutter(String name) { Shutter oldValue = getShutter(); Shutter shutter = Shutter.getShutter(name, oldValue); // XXX: Fix for older XML files saved with wrong shutter value if (shutter == Shutter.OPEN && _lamps.size() == 1) { Lamp lamp = _lamps.iterator().next(); if (lamp != Lamp.IR_GREY_BODY_HIGH && lamp != Lamp.IR_GREY_BODY_LOW) { shutter = Shutter.CLOSED; } } setShutter(shutter); }
private void _setShutter(String name) { Shutter oldValue = getShutter(); Shutter shutter = Shutter.getShutter(name, oldValue); if (shutter == Shutter.OPEN && _lamps.size() == 1) { Lamp lamp = _lamps.iterator().next(); if (lamp != Lamp.IR_GREY_BODY_HIGH && lamp != Lamp.IR_GREY_BODY_LOW) { shutter = Shutter.CLOSED; } } setShutter(shutter); }
private void _setshutter(string name) { shutter oldvalue = getshutter(); shutter shutter = shutter.getshutter(name, oldvalue); if (shutter == && _lamps.size() == 1) { lamp lamp = _lamps.iterator().next(); if (lamp != lamp.ir_grey_body_high && lamp != lamp.ir_grey_body_low) { shutter = shutter.closed; } } setshutter(shutter); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@Override public synchronized void compress(SpdyFrame frame, int start) throws IOException { init(frame.version); if (compressBuffer == null) { compressBuffer = new byte[]; } //System.out.println(HexDumpListener.getHexDump(, 0, frame.endData, true, true)); Deflater zip = zipOut; // last byte for flush ? zip.setInput(, start, frame.endData - start - 1); int coff = start; zip.setLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); while (true) { int rd = zip.deflate(compressBuffer, coff, compressBuffer.length - coff); if (rd == 0) { // needsInput needs to be called - we're done with this frame ? zip.setInput(, frame.endData - 1, 1); zip.setLevel(Deflater.BEST_SPEED); while (true) { rd = zip.deflate(compressBuffer, coff, compressBuffer.length - coff); coff += rd; if (rd == 0) { break; } byte[] b = new byte[compressBuffer.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(compressBuffer, 0, b, 0, coff); compressBuffer = b; } zip.setLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); break; } coff += rd; } byte[] tmp =; = compressBuffer; compressBuffer = tmp; frame.endData = coff; }
@Override public synchronized void compress(SpdyFrame frame, int start) throws IOException { init(frame.version); if (compressBuffer == null) { compressBuffer = new byte[]; } Deflater zip = zipOut; zip.setInput(, start, frame.endData - start - 1); int coff = start; zip.setLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); while (true) { int rd = zip.deflate(compressBuffer, coff, compressBuffer.length - coff); if (rd == 0) { zip.setInput(, frame.endData - 1, 1); zip.setLevel(Deflater.BEST_SPEED); while (true) { rd = zip.deflate(compressBuffer, coff, compressBuffer.length - coff); coff += rd; if (rd == 0) { break; } byte[] b = new byte[compressBuffer.length * 2]; System.arraycopy(compressBuffer, 0, b, 0, coff); compressBuffer = b; } zip.setLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); break; } coff += rd; } byte[] tmp =; = compressBuffer; compressBuffer = tmp; frame.endData = coff; }
@override public synchronized void compress(spdyframe frame, int start) throws ioexception { init(frame.version); if (compressbuffer == null) { compressbuffer = new byte[]; } deflater zip = zipout; zip.setinput(, start, frame.enddata - start - 1); int coff = start; zip.setlevel(deflater.default_compression); while (true) { int rd = zip.deflate(compressbuffer, coff, compressbuffer.length - coff); if (rd == 0) { zip.setinput(, frame.enddata - 1, 1); zip.setlevel(deflater.best_speed); while (true) { rd = zip.deflate(compressbuffer, coff, compressbuffer.length - coff); coff += rd; if (rd == 0) { break; } byte[] b = new byte[compressbuffer.length * 2]; system.arraycopy(compressbuffer, 0, b, 0, coff); compressbuffer = b; } zip.setlevel(deflater.default_compression); break; } coff += rd; } byte[] tmp =; = compressbuffer; compressbuffer = tmp; frame.enddata = coff; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Test public void test() throws Exception { // Workaround for failing tests. When these tests are executed in // separate test methods, only the first one passes successfully. testLogDebug(); testLogError(); testLogWarn(); testLogInfo(); testLogTrace(); testLogDebugWithThrowable(); testLogErrorWithThrowable(); testLogWarnWithThrowable(); testLogInfoWithThrowable(); testLogTraceWithThrowable(); }
@Test public void test() throws Exception { testLogDebug(); testLogError(); testLogWarn(); testLogInfo(); testLogTrace(); testLogDebugWithThrowable(); testLogErrorWithThrowable(); testLogWarnWithThrowable(); testLogInfoWithThrowable(); testLogTraceWithThrowable(); }
@test public void test() throws exception { testlogdebug(); testlogerror(); testlogwarn(); testloginfo(); testlogtrace(); testlogdebugwiththrowable(); testlogerrorwiththrowable(); testlogwarnwiththrowable(); testloginfowiththrowable(); testlogtracewiththrowable(); }
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
public static void addFuncprodutividade() { funcionarios[1] = new FuncProdutividade(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Numero do BI do funcionario produtividade"), JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Data de ingresso do funcionario produtividade"), Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Salario do funcionario produtividade")), Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Unidade produzida do funcionario produtividade")), Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Valor da unidade produzida funcionario produtividade"))); }
public static void addFuncprodutividade() { funcionarios[1] = new FuncProdutividade(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Numero do BI do funcionario produtividade"), JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Data de ingresso do funcionario produtividade"), Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Salario do funcionario produtividade")), Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Unidade produzida do funcionario produtividade")), Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Valor da unidade produzida funcionario produtividade"))); }
public static void addfuncprodutividade() { funcionarios[1] = new funcprodutividade(joptionpane.showinputdialog("numero do bi do funcionario produtividade"), joptionpane.showinputdialog("data de ingresso do funcionario produtividade"), double.parsedouble(joptionpane.showinputdialog("salario do funcionario produtividade")), integer.parseint(joptionpane.showinputdialog("unidade produzida do funcionario produtividade")), double.parsedouble(joptionpane.showinputdialog("valor da unidade produzida funcionario produtividade"))); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public static void printSalarioProdutividade() { for (int i = 0; i < funcionarios.length; i++) { if (funcionarios[i] instanceof FuncProdutividade) { System.out.println(funcionarios[i].calcularRemuneracao()); } } }
public static void printSalarioProdutividade() { for (int i = 0; i < funcionarios.length; i++) { if (funcionarios[i] instanceof FuncProdutividade) { System.out.println(funcionarios[i].calcularRemuneracao()); } } }
public static void printsalarioprodutividade() { for (int i = 0; i < funcionarios.length; i++) { if (funcionarios[i] instanceof funcprodutividade) { system.out.println(funcionarios[i].calcularremuneracao()); } } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void distribute(Distribution[] distributionList, int iterationNum) { Distribution[] busy = null; //*TODO CONSIDER USE LIST WITH INITIAL CAP SIZE for (int inc = 0; inc < distributionList.length; inc++) { if (distributionList[inc] == null) continue; if (!distributionList[inc].getiStepDecorator().offerQueueSubjectUpdate(distributionList[inc].getData(), distributionList[inc].getSubject())) { if (busy == null) { busy = new Distribution[distributionList.length]; } busy[inc] = distributionList[inc]; logger.debug("Distribution not succeeded. Moving to Deceleration Mode for Subject: " + busy[inc].getSubject() + ". Iteration number - " + iterationNum + "/" + MAXIMUM_OFFERS_RETRIES); } } if (!isEmpty(busy)) { //* ***** Deceleration Mode ***** if (iterationNum >= MAXIMUM_OFFERS_RETRIES) { logger.debug("Deceleration Mode failed after " + iterationNum + "/" + MAXIMUM_OFFERS_RETRIES + " retries. Moving back to normal distribution"); for (Distribution dist : distributionList) { if (dist == null) continue; dist.getiStepDecorator().queueSubjectUpdate(dist.getData(), dist.getSubject()); } } try { logger.debug("Retarding the distribution for " + WAIT_PERIOD_MILLI * iterationNum + " milliseconds"); Thread.sleep(WAIT_PERIOD_MILLI * iterationNum); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new SteppingSystemException("Distribution timeout failed"); } distribute(busy, ++iterationNum); } }
private void distribute(Distribution[] distributionList, int iterationNum) { Distribution[] busy = null; for (int inc = 0; inc < distributionList.length; inc++) { if (distributionList[inc] == null) continue; if (!distributionList[inc].getiStepDecorator().offerQueueSubjectUpdate(distributionList[inc].getData(), distributionList[inc].getSubject())) { if (busy == null) { busy = new Distribution[distributionList.length]; } busy[inc] = distributionList[inc]; logger.debug("Distribution not succeeded. Moving to Deceleration Mode for Subject: " + busy[inc].getSubject() + ". Iteration number - " + iterationNum + "/" + MAXIMUM_OFFERS_RETRIES); } } if (!isEmpty(busy)) { if (iterationNum >= MAXIMUM_OFFERS_RETRIES) { logger.debug("Deceleration Mode failed after " + iterationNum + "/" + MAXIMUM_OFFERS_RETRIES + " retries. Moving back to normal distribution"); for (Distribution dist : distributionList) { if (dist == null) continue; dist.getiStepDecorator().queueSubjectUpdate(dist.getData(), dist.getSubject()); } } try { logger.debug("Retarding the distribution for " + WAIT_PERIOD_MILLI * iterationNum + " milliseconds"); Thread.sleep(WAIT_PERIOD_MILLI * iterationNum); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new SteppingSystemException("Distribution timeout failed"); } distribute(busy, ++iterationNum); } }
private void distribute(distribution[] distributionlist, int iterationnum) { distribution[] busy = null; for (int inc = 0; inc < distributionlist.length; inc++) { if (distributionlist[inc] == null) continue; if (!distributionlist[inc].getistepdecorator().offerqueuesubjectupdate(distributionlist[inc].getdata(), distributionlist[inc].getsubject())) { if (busy == null) { busy = new distribution[distributionlist.length]; } busy[inc] = distributionlist[inc]; logger.debug("distribution not succeeded. moving to deceleration mode for subject: " + busy[inc].getsubject() + ". iteration number - " + iterationnum + "/" + maximum_offers_retries); } } if (!isempty(busy)) { if (iterationnum >= maximum_offers_retries) { logger.debug("deceleration mode failed after " + iterationnum + "/" + maximum_offers_retries + " retries. moving back to normal distribution"); for (distribution dist : distributionlist) { if (dist == null) continue; dist.getistepdecorator().queuesubjectupdate(dist.getdata(), dist.getsubject()); } } try { logger.debug("retarding the distribution for " + wait_period_milli * iterationnum + " milliseconds"); thread.sleep(wait_period_milli * iterationnum); } catch (interruptedexception e) { throw new steppingsystemexception("distribution timeout failed"); } distribute(busy, ++iterationnum); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof CheckChainMap)) return false; if (!super.equals(o)) return false; CheckChainMap<?, ?> that = (CheckChainMap<?, ?>) o; // Probably incorrect - comparing Object[] arrays with Arrays.equals return Arrays.equals(table, that.table); }
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof CheckChainMap)) return false; if (!super.equals(o)) return false; CheckChainMap<?, ?> that = (CheckChainMap<?, ?>) o; return Arrays.equals(table, that.table); }
@override public boolean equals(object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof checkchainmap)) return false; if (!super.equals(o)) return false; checkchainmap<?, ?> that = (checkchainmap<?, ?>) o; return arrays.equals(table, that.table); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private boolean isEmailValid(String email) { //TODO: Replace this with your own logic return email.contains("@"); }
private boolean isEmailValid(String email) { return email.contains("@"); }
private boolean isemailvalid(string email) { return email.contains("@"); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public int find(V target, InclusionMode mode) { return find(target, mode, MatchRequirement.EXACT_ONLY); }
public int find(V target, InclusionMode mode) { return find(target, mode, MatchRequirement.EXACT_ONLY); }
public int find(v target, inclusionmode mode) { return find(target, mode, matchrequirement.exact_only); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void close(boolean removeSocket, boolean stopKeepAliveTask) { isRunning = false; // we need to close everything because the socket may be closed by the other end // like in LB scenarios sending OPTIONS and killing the socket after it gets the response if (mySock != null) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Closing socket " + key); try { mySock.close(); mySock = null; } catch (IOException ex) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Error closing socket " + ex); } } if(myParser != null) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Closing my parser " + myParser); myParser.close(); } // no need to close myClientInputStream since myParser.close() above will do it if(myClientOutputStream != null) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Closing client output stream " + myClientOutputStream); try { myClientOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Error closing client output stream" + ex); } } if(removeSocket) { // remove the "tcp:" part of the key to cleanup the ioHandler hashmap String ioHandlerKey = key.substring(4); if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Closing TCP socket " + ioHandlerKey); // Issue 358 : remove socket and semaphore on close to avoid leaking sipStack.ioHandler.removeSocket(ioHandlerKey); if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("Closing message Channel (key = " + key +")" + this); } } else { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { String ioHandlerKey = key.substring(4); logger.logDebug("not removing socket key from the cached map since it has already been updated by the iohandler.sendBytes " + ioHandlerKey); } } if(stopKeepAliveTask) { cancelPingKeepAliveTimeoutTaskIfStarted(); } }
public void close(boolean removeSocket, boolean stopKeepAliveTask) { isRunning = false; if (mySock != null) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Closing socket " + key); try { mySock.close(); mySock = null; } catch (IOException ex) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Error closing socket " + ex); } } if(myParser != null) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Closing my parser " + myParser); myParser.close(); } if(myClientOutputStream != null) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Closing client output stream " + myClientOutputStream); try { myClientOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Error closing client output stream" + ex); } } if(removeSocket) { String ioHandlerKey = key.substring(4); if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) logger.logDebug("Closing TCP socket " + ioHandlerKey); sipStack.ioHandler.removeSocket(ioHandlerKey); if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { logger.logDebug("Closing message Channel (key = " + key +")" + this); } } else { if (logger.isLoggingEnabled(LogWriter.TRACE_DEBUG)) { String ioHandlerKey = key.substring(4); logger.logDebug("not removing socket key from the cached map since it has already been updated by the iohandler.sendBytes " + ioHandlerKey); } } if(stopKeepAliveTask) { cancelPingKeepAliveTimeoutTaskIfStarted(); } }
public void close(boolean removesocket, boolean stopkeepalivetask) { isrunning = false; if (mysock != null) { if (logger.isloggingenabled(logwriter.trace_debug)) logger.logdebug("closing socket " + key); try { mysock.close(); mysock = null; } catch (ioexception ex) { if (logger.isloggingenabled(logwriter.trace_debug)) logger.logdebug("error closing socket " + ex); } } if(myparser != null) { if (logger.isloggingenabled(logwriter.trace_debug)) logger.logdebug("closing my parser " + myparser); myparser.close(); } if(myclientoutputstream != null) { if (logger.isloggingenabled(logwriter.trace_debug)) logger.logdebug("closing client output stream " + myclientoutputstream); try { myclientoutputstream.close(); } catch (ioexception ex) { if (logger.isloggingenabled(logwriter.trace_debug)) logger.logdebug("error closing client output stream" + ex); } } if(removesocket) { string iohandlerkey = key.substring(4); if (logger.isloggingenabled(logwriter.trace_debug)) logger.logdebug("closing tcp socket " + iohandlerkey); sipstack.iohandler.removesocket(iohandlerkey); if (logger.isloggingenabled(logwriter.trace_debug)) { logger.logdebug("closing message channel (key = " + key +")" + this); } } else { if (logger.isloggingenabled(logwriter.trace_debug)) { string iohandlerkey = key.substring(4); logger.logdebug("not removing socket key from the cached map since it has already been updated by the iohandler.sendbytes " + iohandlerkey); } } if(stopkeepalivetask) { cancelpingkeepalivetimeouttaskifstarted(); } }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
private String getTypeString(int type, int length) { if (type == DataType.INT.getType()) { return "int"; } if (type == DataType.FLOAT.getType()) { return "float"; } if (type == DataType.DOUBLE.getType()) { return "double"; } if (type == DataType.DATE.getType()) { return "date"; } if (type == DataType.CHAR.getType()) { return "char(" + length + ")"; } if (type == DataType.VARCHAR.getType()) { return "varchar(" + length + ")"; } // todo add more types return null; }
private String getTypeString(int type, int length) { if (type == DataType.INT.getType()) { return "int"; } if (type == DataType.FLOAT.getType()) { return "float"; } if (type == DataType.DOUBLE.getType()) { return "double"; } if (type == DataType.DATE.getType()) { return "date"; } if (type == DataType.CHAR.getType()) { return "char(" + length + ")"; } if (type == DataType.VARCHAR.getType()) { return "varchar(" + length + ")"; } return null; }
private string gettypestring(int type, int length) { if (type == { return "int"; } if (type == datatype.float.gettype()) { return "float"; } if (type == datatype.double.gettype()) { return "double"; } if (type == { return "date"; } if (type == datatype.char.gettype()) { return "char(" + length + ")"; } if (type == datatype.varchar.gettype()) { return "varchar(" + length + ")"; } return null; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public static int getPreOpsOutputSize(Component component, Schema schema, TableAliasName tan) { if (component instanceof ThetaJoinComponent) throw new RuntimeException( "SQL generator with Theta does not work for now!"); // TODO similar to Equijoin, but not subtracting joinColumnsLength final Component[] parents = component.getParents(); if (parents == null) // this is a DataSourceComponent return getPreOpsOutputSize((DataSourceComponent) component, schema, tan); else if (parents.length == 1) return getPreOpsOutputSize(parents[0], schema, tan); else if (parents.length == 2) { final Component firstParent = parents[0]; final Component secondParent = parents[1]; final int joinColumnsLength = firstParent.getHashIndexes().size(); return getPreOpsOutputSize(firstParent, schema, tan) + getPreOpsOutputSize(secondParent, schema, tan) - joinColumnsLength; } throw new RuntimeException("More than two parents for a component " + component); }
public static int getPreOpsOutputSize(Component component, Schema schema, TableAliasName tan) { if (component instanceof ThetaJoinComponent) throw new RuntimeException( "SQL generator with Theta does not work for now!"); final Component[] parents = component.getParents(); if (parents == null) return getPreOpsOutputSize((DataSourceComponent) component, schema, tan); else if (parents.length == 1) return getPreOpsOutputSize(parents[0], schema, tan); else if (parents.length == 2) { final Component firstParent = parents[0]; final Component secondParent = parents[1]; final int joinColumnsLength = firstParent.getHashIndexes().size(); return getPreOpsOutputSize(firstParent, schema, tan) + getPreOpsOutputSize(secondParent, schema, tan) - joinColumnsLength; } throw new RuntimeException("More than two parents for a component " + component); }
public static int getpreopsoutputsize(component component, schema schema, tablealiasname tan) { if (component instanceof thetajoincomponent) throw new runtimeexception( "sql generator with theta does not work for now!"); final component[] parents = component.getparents(); if (parents == null) return getpreopsoutputsize((datasourcecomponent) component, schema, tan); else if (parents.length == 1) return getpreopsoutputsize(parents[0], schema, tan); else if (parents.length == 2) { final component firstparent = parents[0]; final component secondparent = parents[1]; final int joincolumnslength = firstparent.gethashindexes().size(); return getpreopsoutputsize(firstparent, schema, tan) + getpreopsoutputsize(secondparent, schema, tan) - joincolumnslength; } throw new runtimeexception("more than two parents for a component " + component); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Test @Parameters({ "clusterName", "ambariUser", "ambariPassword", "emailNeeded", "enableSecurity", "kerberosMasterKey", "kerberosAdmin", "kerberosPassword", "runRecipesOnHosts" }) public void testClusterCreation(@Optional("it-cluster") String clusterName, @Optional("admin") String ambariUser, @Optional("admin123!@#") String ambariPassword, @Optional("false") boolean emailNeeded, @Optional("false") boolean enableSecurity, @Optional String kerberosMasterKey, @Optional String kerberosAdmin, @Optional String kerberosPassword, @Optional("") String runRecipesOnHosts) throws Exception { // GIVEN IntegrationTestContext itContext = getItContext(); String stackIdStr = itContext.getContextParam(CloudbreakITContextConstants.STACK_ID); Integer stackId = Integer.valueOf(stackIdStr); Integer blueprintId = Integer.valueOf(itContext.getContextParam(CloudbreakITContextConstants.BLUEPRINT_ID)); List<HostGroup> hostgroups = itContext.getContextParam(CloudbreakITContextConstants.HOSTGROUP_ID, List.class); List<Map<String, Object>> map = convertHostGroups(hostgroups, runRecipesOnHosts); itContext.putContextParam(CloudbreakITContextConstants.AMBARI_USER_ID, ambariUser); itContext.putContextParam(CloudbreakITContextConstants.AMBARI_PASSWORD_ID, ambariPassword); // WHEN // TODO email needed CloudbreakClient client = getClient(); client.postCluster(clusterName, ambariUser, ambariPassword, blueprintId, "Cluster for integration test", Integer.valueOf(stackId), map, enableSecurity, kerberosMasterKey, kerberosAdmin, kerberosPassword); // THEN CloudbreakUtil.waitAndCheckStackStatus(itContext, stackIdStr, "AVAILABLE"); CloudbreakUtil.checkClusterAvailability(client, stackIdStr, ambariUser, ambariPassword); }
@Test @Parameters({ "clusterName", "ambariUser", "ambariPassword", "emailNeeded", "enableSecurity", "kerberosMasterKey", "kerberosAdmin", "kerberosPassword", "runRecipesOnHosts" }) public void testClusterCreation(@Optional("it-cluster") String clusterName, @Optional("admin") String ambariUser, @Optional("admin123!@#") String ambariPassword, @Optional("false") boolean emailNeeded, @Optional("false") boolean enableSecurity, @Optional String kerberosMasterKey, @Optional String kerberosAdmin, @Optional String kerberosPassword, @Optional("") String runRecipesOnHosts) throws Exception { IntegrationTestContext itContext = getItContext(); String stackIdStr = itContext.getContextParam(CloudbreakITContextConstants.STACK_ID); Integer stackId = Integer.valueOf(stackIdStr); Integer blueprintId = Integer.valueOf(itContext.getContextParam(CloudbreakITContextConstants.BLUEPRINT_ID)); List<HostGroup> hostgroups = itContext.getContextParam(CloudbreakITContextConstants.HOSTGROUP_ID, List.class); List<Map<String, Object>> map = convertHostGroups(hostgroups, runRecipesOnHosts); itContext.putContextParam(CloudbreakITContextConstants.AMBARI_USER_ID, ambariUser); itContext.putContextParam(CloudbreakITContextConstants.AMBARI_PASSWORD_ID, ambariPassword); CloudbreakClient client = getClient(); client.postCluster(clusterName, ambariUser, ambariPassword, blueprintId, "Cluster for integration test", Integer.valueOf(stackId), map, enableSecurity, kerberosMasterKey, kerberosAdmin, kerberosPassword); CloudbreakUtil.waitAndCheckStackStatus(itContext, stackIdStr, "AVAILABLE"); CloudbreakUtil.checkClusterAvailability(client, stackIdStr, ambariUser, ambariPassword); }
@test @parameters({ "clustername", "ambariuser", "ambaripassword", "emailneeded", "enablesecurity", "kerberosmasterkey", "kerberosadmin", "kerberospassword", "runrecipesonhosts" }) public void testclustercreation(@optional("it-cluster") string clustername, @optional("admin") string ambariuser, @optional("admin123!@#") string ambaripassword, @optional("false") boolean emailneeded, @optional("false") boolean enablesecurity, @optional string kerberosmasterkey, @optional string kerberosadmin, @optional string kerberospassword, @optional("") string runrecipesonhosts) throws exception { integrationtestcontext itcontext = getitcontext(); string stackidstr = itcontext.getcontextparam(cloudbreakitcontextconstants.stack_id); integer stackid = integer.valueof(stackidstr); integer blueprintid = integer.valueof(itcontext.getcontextparam(cloudbreakitcontextconstants.blueprint_id)); list<hostgroup> hostgroups = itcontext.getcontextparam(cloudbreakitcontextconstants.hostgroup_id, list.class); list<map<string, object>> map = converthostgroups(hostgroups, runrecipesonhosts); itcontext.putcontextparam(cloudbreakitcontextconstants.ambari_user_id, ambariuser); itcontext.putcontextparam(cloudbreakitcontextconstants.ambari_password_id, ambaripassword); cloudbreakclient client = getclient(); client.postcluster(clustername, ambariuser, ambaripassword, blueprintid, "cluster for integration test", integer.valueof(stackid), map, enablesecurity, kerberosmasterkey, kerberosadmin, kerberospassword); cloudbreakutil.waitandcheckstackstatus(itcontext, stackidstr, "available"); cloudbreakutil.checkclusteravailability(client, stackidstr, ambariuser, ambaripassword); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void reloadItemsList() { documentPartsDataSource.ensureConnectionIsOpen(); List<DocumentCollectionItem> documentCollectionItems = new ArrayList<>(); Log.d("DocCollectionActivity", "Checking filetypes to add"); for (FileType fileType : SectionsProvider.getFileTypesForSectionModel(sectionModel)) { Log.d("DocCollectionActivity", "Checking filetype: " + fileType); // TODO: use some sort of map instead boolean isPresent = false; for (DocumentPart documentPart : documentPartsDataSource.getDocumentPartsForSection(sectionModel)) { if (documentPart.getType().equals(fileType)) { DocumentCollectionItem docData = new DocumentCollectionItem(getString(fileType.getNameResourceId()), getString(R.string.document_collection_list_item_present_title), fileType, true); documentCollectionItems.add(docData); isPresent = true; break; } } if (!isPresent) { Log.d("DocCollectionActivity", "File type not found in documentparts, add as TO-DO"); DocumentCollectionItem docData = new DocumentCollectionItem(getString(fileType.getNameResourceId()), getString(R.string.document_collection_list_item_not_present_title), fileType, false); documentCollectionItems.add(docData); } } listView = (ListView) findViewById(; DocumentCollectionViewAdapter listViewAdapter = new DocumentCollectionViewAdapter(this, R.layout.fragment_document, documentCollectionItems); listView.setAdapter(listViewAdapter); }
private void reloadItemsList() { documentPartsDataSource.ensureConnectionIsOpen(); List<DocumentCollectionItem> documentCollectionItems = new ArrayList<>(); Log.d("DocCollectionActivity", "Checking filetypes to add"); for (FileType fileType : SectionsProvider.getFileTypesForSectionModel(sectionModel)) { Log.d("DocCollectionActivity", "Checking filetype: " + fileType); boolean isPresent = false; for (DocumentPart documentPart : documentPartsDataSource.getDocumentPartsForSection(sectionModel)) { if (documentPart.getType().equals(fileType)) { DocumentCollectionItem docData = new DocumentCollectionItem(getString(fileType.getNameResourceId()), getString(R.string.document_collection_list_item_present_title), fileType, true); documentCollectionItems.add(docData); isPresent = true; break; } } if (!isPresent) { Log.d("DocCollectionActivity", "File type not found in documentparts, add as TO-DO"); DocumentCollectionItem docData = new DocumentCollectionItem(getString(fileType.getNameResourceId()), getString(R.string.document_collection_list_item_not_present_title), fileType, false); documentCollectionItems.add(docData); } } listView = (ListView) findViewById(; DocumentCollectionViewAdapter listViewAdapter = new DocumentCollectionViewAdapter(this, R.layout.fragment_document, documentCollectionItems); listView.setAdapter(listViewAdapter); }
private void reloaditemslist() { documentpartsdatasource.ensureconnectionisopen(); list<documentcollectionitem> documentcollectionitems = new arraylist<>(); log.d("doccollectionactivity", "checking filetypes to add"); for (filetype filetype : sectionsprovider.getfiletypesforsectionmodel(sectionmodel)) { log.d("doccollectionactivity", "checking filetype: " + filetype); boolean ispresent = false; for (documentpart documentpart : documentpartsdatasource.getdocumentpartsforsection(sectionmodel)) { if (documentpart.gettype().equals(filetype)) { documentcollectionitem docdata = new documentcollectionitem(getstring(filetype.getnameresourceid()), getstring(r.string.document_collection_list_item_present_title), filetype, true); documentcollectionitems.add(docdata); ispresent = true; break; } } if (!ispresent) { log.d("doccollectionactivity", "file type not found in documentparts, add as to-do"); documentcollectionitem docdata = new documentcollectionitem(getstring(filetype.getnameresourceid()), getstring(r.string.document_collection_list_item_not_present_title), filetype, false); documentcollectionitems.add(docdata); } } listview = (listview) findviewbyid(; documentcollectionviewadapter listviewadapter = new documentcollectionviewadapter(this, r.layout.fragment_document, documentcollectionitems); listview.setadapter(listviewadapter); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public static String replaceLeadingSpacesWithNbsps (String str) { // todo: support for tabs? Matcher m = _LeadingSpacesPattern.matcher(str); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); while (m.find()) { int spaceCount =; m.appendReplacement(buf, AWUtil.repeatedString("&nbsp;", spaceCount)); } m.appendTail(buf); return buf.toString(); }
public static String replaceLeadingSpacesWithNbsps (String str) { Matcher m = _LeadingSpacesPattern.matcher(str); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); while (m.find()) { int spaceCount =; m.appendReplacement(buf, AWUtil.repeatedString("&nbsp;", spaceCount)); } m.appendTail(buf); return buf.toString(); }
public static string replaceleadingspaceswithnbsps (string str) { matcher m = _leadingspacespattern.matcher(str); stringbuffer buf = new stringbuffer(); while (m.find()) { int spacecount =; m.appendreplacement(buf, awutil.repeatedstring("&nbsp;", spacecount)); } m.appendtail(buf); return buf.tostring(); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
IbisSocket connect(TcpSendPort sp, ibis.ipl.impl.ReceivePortIdentifier rip, int timeout, boolean fillTimeout) throws IOException { IbisIdentifier id = (IbisIdentifier) rip.ibisIdentifier(); String name =; IbisSocketAddress idAddr; synchronized (addresses) { idAddr = addresses.get(id); if (idAddr == null) { idAddr = new IbisSocketAddress(id.getImplementationData()); addresses.put(id, idAddr); } } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("--> Creating socket for connection to " + name + " at " + idAddr); } PortType sendPortType = sp.getPortType(); do { DataOutputStream out = null; IbisSocket s = null; int result = -1; sp.printManagementProperties(System.out); try { s = factory.createClientSocket(idAddr, timeout, fillTimeout, sp.managementProperties()); s.setTcpNoDelay(true); out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedArrayOutputStream( s.getOutputStream())); out.writeUTF(name); sp.getIdent().writeTo(out); sendPortType.writeTo(out); out.flush(); result = s.getInputStream().read(); switch (result) { case ReceivePort.ACCEPTED: return s; case ReceivePort.ALREADY_CONNECTED: throw new AlreadyConnectedException("Already connected", rip); case ReceivePort.TYPE_MISMATCH: // Read receiveport type from input, to produce a // better error message. DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream()); PortType rtp = new PortType(in); CapabilitySet s1 = rtp.unmatchedCapabilities(sendPortType); CapabilitySet s2 = sendPortType.unmatchedCapabilities(rtp); String message = ""; if (s1.size() != 0) { message = message + "\nUnmatched receiveport capabilities: " + s1.toString() + "."; } if (s2.size() != 0) { message = message + "\nUnmatched sendport capabilities: " + s2.toString() + "."; } throw new PortMismatchException( "Cannot connect ports of different port types." + message, rip); case ReceivePort.DENIED: throw new ConnectionRefusedException( "Receiver denied connection", rip); case ReceivePort.NO_MANY_TO_X: throw new ConnectionRefusedException( "Receiver already has a connection and neither ManyToOne not ManyToMany " + "is set", rip); case ReceivePort.NOT_PRESENT: case ReceivePort.DISABLED: // and try again if we did not reach the timeout... if (timeout > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() > startTime + timeout) { throw new ConnectionTimedOutException( "Could not connect", rip); } break; case -1: throw new IOException("Encountered EOF in TcpIbis.connect"); default: throw new IOException("Illegal opcode in TcpIbis.connect"); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { throw new ConnectionTimedOutException("Could not connect", rip); } finally { if (result != ReceivePort.ACCEPTED) { try { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } catch (Throwable e) { // ignored } try { s.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { // ignored } } } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } } while (true); }
IbisSocket connect(TcpSendPort sp, ibis.ipl.impl.ReceivePortIdentifier rip, int timeout, boolean fillTimeout) throws IOException { IbisIdentifier id = (IbisIdentifier) rip.ibisIdentifier(); String name =; IbisSocketAddress idAddr; synchronized (addresses) { idAddr = addresses.get(id); if (idAddr == null) { idAddr = new IbisSocketAddress(id.getImplementationData()); addresses.put(id, idAddr); } } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("--> Creating socket for connection to " + name + " at " + idAddr); } PortType sendPortType = sp.getPortType(); do { DataOutputStream out = null; IbisSocket s = null; int result = -1; sp.printManagementProperties(System.out); try { s = factory.createClientSocket(idAddr, timeout, fillTimeout, sp.managementProperties()); s.setTcpNoDelay(true); out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedArrayOutputStream( s.getOutputStream())); out.writeUTF(name); sp.getIdent().writeTo(out); sendPortType.writeTo(out); out.flush(); result = s.getInputStream().read(); switch (result) { case ReceivePort.ACCEPTED: return s; case ReceivePort.ALREADY_CONNECTED: throw new AlreadyConnectedException("Already connected", rip); case ReceivePort.TYPE_MISMATCH: DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(s.getInputStream()); PortType rtp = new PortType(in); CapabilitySet s1 = rtp.unmatchedCapabilities(sendPortType); CapabilitySet s2 = sendPortType.unmatchedCapabilities(rtp); String message = ""; if (s1.size() != 0) { message = message + "\nUnmatched receiveport capabilities: " + s1.toString() + "."; } if (s2.size() != 0) { message = message + "\nUnmatched sendport capabilities: " + s2.toString() + "."; } throw new PortMismatchException( "Cannot connect ports of different port types." + message, rip); case ReceivePort.DENIED: throw new ConnectionRefusedException( "Receiver denied connection", rip); case ReceivePort.NO_MANY_TO_X: throw new ConnectionRefusedException( "Receiver already has a connection and neither ManyToOne not ManyToMany " + "is set", rip); case ReceivePort.NOT_PRESENT: case ReceivePort.DISABLED: if (timeout > 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() > startTime + timeout) { throw new ConnectionTimedOutException( "Could not connect", rip); } break; case -1: throw new IOException("Encountered EOF in TcpIbis.connect"); default: throw new IOException("Illegal opcode in TcpIbis.connect"); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { throw new ConnectionTimedOutException("Could not connect", rip); } finally { if (result != ReceivePort.ACCEPTED) { try { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } catch (Throwable e) { } try { s.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { } } } try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } while (true); }
ibissocket connect(tcpsendport sp, ibis.ipl.impl.receiveportidentifier rip, int timeout, boolean filltimeout) throws ioexception { ibisidentifier id = (ibisidentifier) rip.ibisidentifier(); string name =; ibissocketaddress idaddr; synchronized (addresses) { idaddr = addresses.get(id); if (idaddr == null) { idaddr = new ibissocketaddress(id.getimplementationdata()); addresses.put(id, idaddr); } } long starttime = system.currenttimemillis(); if (logger.isdebugenabled()) { logger.debug("--> creating socket for connection to " + name + " at " + idaddr); } porttype sendporttype = sp.getporttype(); do { dataoutputstream out = null; ibissocket s = null; int result = -1; sp.printmanagementproperties(system.out); try { s = factory.createclientsocket(idaddr, timeout, filltimeout, sp.managementproperties()); s.settcpnodelay(true); out = new dataoutputstream(new bufferedarrayoutputstream( s.getoutputstream())); out.writeutf(name); sp.getident().writeto(out); sendporttype.writeto(out); out.flush(); result = s.getinputstream().read(); switch (result) { case receiveport.accepted: return s; case receiveport.already_connected: throw new alreadyconnectedexception("already connected", rip); case receiveport.type_mismatch: datainputstream in = new datainputstream(s.getinputstream()); porttype rtp = new porttype(in); capabilityset s1 = rtp.unmatchedcapabilities(sendporttype); capabilityset s2 = sendporttype.unmatchedcapabilities(rtp); string message = ""; if (s1.size() != 0) { message = message + "\nunmatched receiveport capabilities: " + s1.tostring() + "."; } if (s2.size() != 0) { message = message + "\nunmatched sendport capabilities: " + s2.tostring() + "."; } throw new portmismatchexception( "cannot connect ports of different port types." + message, rip); case receiveport.denied: throw new connectionrefusedexception( "receiver denied connection", rip); case receiveport.no_many_to_x: throw new connectionrefusedexception( "receiver already has a connection and neither manytoone not manytomany " + "is set", rip); case receiveport.not_present: case receiveport.disabled: if (timeout > 0 && system.currenttimemillis() > starttime + timeout) { throw new connectiontimedoutexception( "could not connect", rip); } break; case -1: throw new ioexception("encountered eof in tcpibis.connect"); default: throw new ioexception("illegal opcode in tcpibis.connect"); } } catch (sockettimeoutexception e) { throw new connectiontimedoutexception("could not connect", rip); } finally { if (result != receiveport.accepted) { try { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } catch (throwable e) { } try { s.close(); } catch (throwable e) { } } } try { thread.sleep(100); } catch (interruptedexception e) { } } while (true); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@AllowedMethod @Transactional(TransactionType.WRITE) public String update() { log.debug("---------------- update()"); saveOrUpdate(); // TODO: i18n: Externalize. // TODO: Enhance: Print link to updated shop. addActionMessage("Shop <strong>" + escape(shop.getName()) + "</strong> updated successfully."); return RESULT_REDIRECT_VIEW; }
@AllowedMethod @Transactional(TransactionType.WRITE) public String update() { log.debug("---------------- update()"); saveOrUpdate(); addActionMessage("Shop <strong>" + escape(shop.getName()) + "</strong> updated successfully."); return RESULT_REDIRECT_VIEW; }
@allowedmethod @transactional(transactiontype.write) public string update() { log.debug("---------------- update()"); saveorupdate(); addactionmessage("shop <strong>" + escape(shop.getname()) + "</strong> updated successfully."); return result_redirect_view; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public static void learnAndSaveAllModels(){ // Seleccionamos el directorio en el que se van a recoger todos los String input_path = "data/automatic_learn/"; File[] inputFiles = new File(input_path).listFiles(x -> x.getName().endsWith(".arff")); String output_path = "results/automatic_learn/LCM/"; for (File inputFile : inputFiles) { try { if (inputFile.isFile()) { //Create the DiscreteDataSet DiscreteDataSet data = new DiscreteDataSet(DataFileLoader.loadData(input_path + inputFile.getName(), DiscreteVariable.class)); System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("############## "+ data.getName() + " ############## \n"); // Learn the LTM LTM ltm = learnBestLCMVaryingCardinality(data); // Save it in BIF format newBifWriter writer = new newBifWriter(new FileOutputStream(output_path + "LCM_" + FilenameUtils.removeExtension(inputFile.getName()) + ".bif"), false); writer.write(ltm); } }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Error with " + inputFile.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public static void learnAndSaveAllModels(){ String input_path = "data/automatic_learn/"; File[] inputFiles = new File(input_path).listFiles(x -> x.getName().endsWith(".arff")); String output_path = "results/automatic_learn/LCM/"; for (File inputFile : inputFiles) { try { if (inputFile.isFile()) { DiscreteDataSet data = new DiscreteDataSet(DataFileLoader.loadData(input_path + inputFile.getName(), DiscreteVariable.class)); System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); System.out.println("############## "+ data.getName() + " ############## \n"); LTM ltm = learnBestLCMVaryingCardinality(data); newBifWriter writer = new newBifWriter(new FileOutputStream(output_path + "LCM_" + FilenameUtils.removeExtension(inputFile.getName()) + ".bif"), false); writer.write(ltm); } }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Error with " + inputFile.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); } } }
public static void learnandsaveallmodels(){ string input_path = "data/automatic_learn/"; file[] inputfiles = new file(input_path).listfiles(x -> x.getname().endswith(".arff")); string output_path = "results/automatic_learn/lcm/"; for (file inputfile : inputfiles) { try { if (inputfile.isfile()) { discretedataset data = new discretedataset(datafileloader.loaddata(input_path + inputfile.getname(), discretevariable.class)); system.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); system.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); system.out.println("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); system.out.println("############## "+ data.getname() + " ############## \n"); ltm ltm = learnbestlcmvaryingcardinality(data); newbifwriter writer = new newbifwriter(new fileoutputstream(output_path + "lcm_" + filenameutils.removeextension(inputfile.getname()) + ".bif"), false); writer.write(ltm); } }catch(exception e){ system.out.println("error with " + inputfile.getname()); e.printstacktrace(); } } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void sendLevelFinish() { TaskQueue.getTaskQueue() .push( new Task() { public void execute() { try { // for thread safety final Level level = World.getWorld().getLevel(); PacketBuilder bldr = new PacketBuilder( PersistingPacketManager.getPacketManager().getOutgoingPacket(4)); bldr.putShort("width", level.getWidth()); bldr.putShort("height", level.getHeight()); bldr.putShort("depth", level.getDepth()); session.send(bldr.toPacket()); Position spawn = level.getSpawnPosition(); Rotation r = level.getSpawnRotation(); sendSpawn( (byte) -1, session.getPlayer().nameId, session.getPlayer().getColoredName(), session.getPlayer().getTeamName(), session.getPlayer().getName(), session.getPlayer().getListName(), session.getPlayer().getSkinUrl(), spawn.getX(), spawn.getY(), spawn.getZ(), (byte) r.getRotation(), (byte) r.getLook(), false, true); // now load the player's game (TODO in the future do this in parallel with loading // the // level) SavedGameManager.getSavedGameManager() .queuePersistenceRequest(new LoadPersistenceRequest(session.getPlayer())); session.setReady(); World.getWorld().completeRegistration(session); } catch (Exception ex) { Server.log(ex); } } }); }
public void sendLevelFinish() { TaskQueue.getTaskQueue() .push( new Task() { public void execute() { try { final Level level = World.getWorld().getLevel(); PacketBuilder bldr = new PacketBuilder( PersistingPacketManager.getPacketManager().getOutgoingPacket(4)); bldr.putShort("width", level.getWidth()); bldr.putShort("height", level.getHeight()); bldr.putShort("depth", level.getDepth()); session.send(bldr.toPacket()); Position spawn = level.getSpawnPosition(); Rotation r = level.getSpawnRotation(); sendSpawn( (byte) -1, session.getPlayer().nameId, session.getPlayer().getColoredName(), session.getPlayer().getTeamName(), session.getPlayer().getName(), session.getPlayer().getListName(), session.getPlayer().getSkinUrl(), spawn.getX(), spawn.getY(), spawn.getZ(), (byte) r.getRotation(), (byte) r.getLook(), false, true); SavedGameManager.getSavedGameManager() .queuePersistenceRequest(new LoadPersistenceRequest(session.getPlayer())); session.setReady(); World.getWorld().completeRegistration(session); } catch (Exception ex) { Server.log(ex); } } }); }
public void sendlevelfinish() { taskqueue.gettaskqueue() .push( new task() { public void execute() { try { final level level = world.getworld().getlevel(); packetbuilder bldr = new packetbuilder( persistingpacketmanager.getpacketmanager().getoutgoingpacket(4)); bldr.putshort("width", level.getwidth()); bldr.putshort("height", level.getheight()); bldr.putshort("depth", level.getdepth()); session.send(bldr.topacket()); position spawn = level.getspawnposition(); rotation r = level.getspawnrotation(); sendspawn( (byte) -1, session.getplayer().nameid, session.getplayer().getcoloredname(), session.getplayer().getteamname(), session.getplayer().getname(), session.getplayer().getlistname(), session.getplayer().getskinurl(), spawn.getx(), spawn.gety(), spawn.getz(), (byte) r.getrotation(), (byte) r.getlook(), false, true); savedgamemanager.getsavedgamemanager() .queuepersistencerequest(new loadpersistencerequest(session.getplayer())); session.setready(); world.getworld().completeregistration(session); } catch (exception ex) { server.log(ex); } } }); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void onFrameLoad(JavaScriptObject cajaFrameObject) { //--- This is to catch the theoretical case where we call start and stop then start really fast, //--- but the load call from the first start didn't finish before the first stop, and comes in between //--- the first stop and the second start...NOTE this is just done based on my thoughts on possible fringe //--- cases, not because I actually noticed this behavior. //this.stop(); //m_cajaFrameObjects.push(cajaFrameObject); }
private void onFrameLoad(JavaScriptObject cajaFrameObject) { }
private void onframeload(javascriptobject cajaframeobject) { }
[ 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
public void assignNurseToRegister(Patient patient, Nurse nurse) { VaccinationRegister registerToAssingNurse = searchForVaccinationRegister(patient); registerToAssingNurse.assignNurse(nurse); }
public void assignNurseToRegister(Patient patient, Nurse nurse) { VaccinationRegister registerToAssingNurse = searchForVaccinationRegister(patient); registerToAssingNurse.assignNurse(nurse); }
public void assignnursetoregister(patient patient, nurse nurse) { vaccinationregister registertoassingnurse = searchforvaccinationregister(patient); registertoassingnurse.assignnurse(nurse); }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public List<PairIntArray> findEdges() { // DFS search for sequential neighbors. Stack<PairInt> stack = new Stack<PairInt>(); int thresh0 = 1; for (int i = 0; i < img.getWidth(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < img.getHeight(); j++) { //for now, choosing to look only at the blue int bPix = img.getValue(i, j); if (bPix >= thresh0) { stack.add(new PairInt(i, j)); } } } numberOfPixelsAboveThreshold = stack.size(); log.log(Level.FINE, "Number of pixels that exceed threshhold={0}", Long.toString(numberOfPixelsAboveThreshold)); List<PairIntArray> output = new ArrayList<PairIntArray>(); int[] uNodeEdgeIdx = new int[img.getWidth() * img.getHeight()]; Arrays.fill(uNodeEdgeIdx, -1); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { PairInt uNode = stack.pop(); int uX = uNode.getX(); int uY = uNode.getY(); int uIdx = (uY * img.getWidth()) + uX; boolean foundNeighbor = false; // for each neighbor v of u for (int vX = (uX - 1); vX < (uX + 2); vX++) { if (foundNeighbor) { break; } if (vX < 0 || vX > (img.getWidth() - 1)) { continue; } for (int vY = (uY - 1); vY < (uY + 2); vY++) { if (vY < 0 || vY > (img.getHeight() - 1)) { continue; } int vIdx = (vY * img.getWidth()) + vX; if (uNodeEdgeIdx[vIdx] != -1 || (uIdx == vIdx)) { continue; } if (img.getValue(vX, vY) < thresh0) { continue; } // if u is not in an edge already, create a new one if (uNodeEdgeIdx[uIdx] == -1) { PairIntArray edge = new PairIntArray(); edge.add(uX, uY); uNodeEdgeIdx[uIdx] = output.size(); output.add(edge); } // keep the curve points ordered // add v to the edge u if u is the last node in it's edge PairIntArray appendToNode = output.get(uNodeEdgeIdx[uIdx]); int aIdx = appendToNode.getN() - 1; if ((appendToNode.getX(aIdx) != uX) || (appendToNode.getY(aIdx) != uY)) { continue; } appendToNode.add(vX, vY); uNodeEdgeIdx[vIdx] = uNodeEdgeIdx[uIdx]; //TODO: do we only want 1 neighbor from the 9 as a continuation? // yes for now, but this requires edges be only 1 pixel wide // inserting back at the top of the stack assures that the // search continues next from an associated point stack.add(new PairInt(vX, vY)); foundNeighbor = true; break; } } } log.fine(output.size() + " edges after DFS"); int nIterMax = 100; int n, sz, lastSize; // count the number of points in edges long sum = countPixelsInEdges(output); log.log(Level.FINE, "==> {0} pixels are in edges out of {1} pixels > threshhold", new Object[]{Long.toString(sum), Long.toString(numberOfPixelsAboveThreshold)}); log.log(Level.FINE, "there are {0} edges", Integer.toString(output.size())); output = mergeAdjacentEndPoints(output); log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} edges after merge adjacent", Integer.toString(output.size())); /* //not necessary now that lines from CannyEdgeFilter are 1 pix width. MiscellaneousCurveHelper ch = new MiscellaneousCurveHelper(); n = 0; sz = output.size(); lastSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE; while ((sz < lastSize) && (n < nIterMax)) { lastSize = sz; output = ch.pruneAndIncludeAdjacentCurves(output, img.getWidth()); sz = output.size(); log.log(Level.FINE, "{0}) {1} edges after prune overlapping", new Object[]{Integer.toString(n), Integer.toString(sz)}); n++; } */ // This helps to merge edges (that is extracted curves) at adjacent // points that resemble an intersection of the lines, but it's not // necessarily useful if only interested in corners and not inflection // points because the curvature is determined correctly // whether the curves are merged or not. output = connectClosestPointsIfCanTrim(output); log.fine(output.size() + " edges after connect closest"); output = fillInGaps(output); log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} edges after fill in gaps", new Object[]{Integer.toString(output.size())}); //TODO: this may need to change removeEdgesShorterThan(output, edgeSizeLowerLimit); sz = output.size(); log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} edges after removing those shorter", new Object[]{Integer.toString(sz)}); long sum2 = countPixelsInEdges(output); log.log(Level.FINE, "==> {0}) pixels are in edges out of {1} pixels > threshhold", new Object[]{Long.toString(sum2), Long.toString(numberOfPixelsAboveThreshold)}); //pruneSpurs(output); adjustEdgesTowardsBrightPixels(output); return output; }
public List<PairIntArray> findEdges() { Stack<PairInt> stack = new Stack<PairInt>(); int thresh0 = 1; for (int i = 0; i < img.getWidth(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < img.getHeight(); j++) { int bPix = img.getValue(i, j); if (bPix >= thresh0) { stack.add(new PairInt(i, j)); } } } numberOfPixelsAboveThreshold = stack.size(); log.log(Level.FINE, "Number of pixels that exceed threshhold={0}", Long.toString(numberOfPixelsAboveThreshold)); List<PairIntArray> output = new ArrayList<PairIntArray>(); int[] uNodeEdgeIdx = new int[img.getWidth() * img.getHeight()]; Arrays.fill(uNodeEdgeIdx, -1); while (!stack.isEmpty()) { PairInt uNode = stack.pop(); int uX = uNode.getX(); int uY = uNode.getY(); int uIdx = (uY * img.getWidth()) + uX; boolean foundNeighbor = false; for (int vX = (uX - 1); vX < (uX + 2); vX++) { if (foundNeighbor) { break; } if (vX < 0 || vX > (img.getWidth() - 1)) { continue; } for (int vY = (uY - 1); vY < (uY + 2); vY++) { if (vY < 0 || vY > (img.getHeight() - 1)) { continue; } int vIdx = (vY * img.getWidth()) + vX; if (uNodeEdgeIdx[vIdx] != -1 || (uIdx == vIdx)) { continue; } if (img.getValue(vX, vY) < thresh0) { continue; } if (uNodeEdgeIdx[uIdx] == -1) { PairIntArray edge = new PairIntArray(); edge.add(uX, uY); uNodeEdgeIdx[uIdx] = output.size(); output.add(edge); } PairIntArray appendToNode = output.get(uNodeEdgeIdx[uIdx]); int aIdx = appendToNode.getN() - 1; if ((appendToNode.getX(aIdx) != uX) || (appendToNode.getY(aIdx) != uY)) { continue; } appendToNode.add(vX, vY); uNodeEdgeIdx[vIdx] = uNodeEdgeIdx[uIdx]; stack.add(new PairInt(vX, vY)); foundNeighbor = true; break; } } } log.fine(output.size() + " edges after DFS"); int nIterMax = 100; int n, sz, lastSize; long sum = countPixelsInEdges(output); log.log(Level.FINE, "==> {0} pixels are in edges out of {1} pixels > threshhold", new Object[]{Long.toString(sum), Long.toString(numberOfPixelsAboveThreshold)}); log.log(Level.FINE, "there are {0} edges", Integer.toString(output.size())); output = mergeAdjacentEndPoints(output); log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} edges after merge adjacent", Integer.toString(output.size())); output = connectClosestPointsIfCanTrim(output); log.fine(output.size() + " edges after connect closest"); output = fillInGaps(output); log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} edges after fill in gaps", new Object[]{Integer.toString(output.size())}); removeEdgesShorterThan(output, edgeSizeLowerLimit); sz = output.size(); log.log(Level.FINE, "{0} edges after removing those shorter", new Object[]{Integer.toString(sz)}); long sum2 = countPixelsInEdges(output); log.log(Level.FINE, "==> {0}) pixels are in edges out of {1} pixels > threshhold", new Object[]{Long.toString(sum2), Long.toString(numberOfPixelsAboveThreshold)}); adjustEdgesTowardsBrightPixels(output); return output; }
public list<pairintarray> findedges() { stack<pairint> stack = new stack<pairint>(); int thresh0 = 1; for (int i = 0; i < img.getwidth(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < img.getheight(); j++) { int bpix = img.getvalue(i, j); if (bpix >= thresh0) { stack.add(new pairint(i, j)); } } } numberofpixelsabovethreshold = stack.size(); log.log(level.fine, "number of pixels that exceed threshhold={0}", long.tostring(numberofpixelsabovethreshold)); list<pairintarray> output = new arraylist<pairintarray>(); int[] unodeedgeidx = new int[img.getwidth() * img.getheight()]; arrays.fill(unodeedgeidx, -1); while (!stack.isempty()) { pairint unode = stack.pop(); int ux = unode.getx(); int uy = unode.gety(); int uidx = (uy * img.getwidth()) + ux; boolean foundneighbor = false; for (int vx = (ux - 1); vx < (ux + 2); vx++) { if (foundneighbor) { break; } if (vx < 0 || vx > (img.getwidth() - 1)) { continue; } for (int vy = (uy - 1); vy < (uy + 2); vy++) { if (vy < 0 || vy > (img.getheight() - 1)) { continue; } int vidx = (vy * img.getwidth()) + vx; if (unodeedgeidx[vidx] != -1 || (uidx == vidx)) { continue; } if (img.getvalue(vx, vy) < thresh0) { continue; } if (unodeedgeidx[uidx] == -1) { pairintarray edge = new pairintarray(); edge.add(ux, uy); unodeedgeidx[uidx] = output.size(); output.add(edge); } pairintarray appendtonode = output.get(unodeedgeidx[uidx]); int aidx = appendtonode.getn() - 1; if ((appendtonode.getx(aidx) != ux) || (appendtonode.gety(aidx) != uy)) { continue; } appendtonode.add(vx, vy); unodeedgeidx[vidx] = unodeedgeidx[uidx]; stack.add(new pairint(vx, vy)); foundneighbor = true; break; } } } log.fine(output.size() + " edges after dfs"); int nitermax = 100; int n, sz, lastsize; long sum = countpixelsinedges(output); log.log(level.fine, "==> {0} pixels are in edges out of {1} pixels > threshhold", new object[]{long.tostring(sum), long.tostring(numberofpixelsabovethreshold)}); log.log(level.fine, "there are {0} edges", integer.tostring(output.size())); output = mergeadjacentendpoints(output); log.log(level.fine, "{0} edges after merge adjacent", integer.tostring(output.size())); output = connectclosestpointsifcantrim(output); log.fine(output.size() + " edges after connect closest"); output = fillingaps(output); log.log(level.fine, "{0} edges after fill in gaps", new object[]{integer.tostring(output.size())}); removeedgesshorterthan(output, edgesizelowerlimit); sz = output.size(); log.log(level.fine, "{0} edges after removing those shorter", new object[]{integer.tostring(sz)}); long sum2 = countpixelsinedges(output); log.log(level.fine, "==> {0}) pixels are in edges out of {1} pixels > threshhold", new object[]{long.tostring(sum2), long.tostring(numberofpixelsabovethreshold)}); adjustedgestowardsbrightpixels(output); return output; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void fillPath(DirectionRobot robot, int endX, int endY) { int width = robot.getX() - endX; int height = robot.getY() - endY; //todo refactor logic //select direction AbstractRobot.Direction abstractDirection = robot.getDirection(); System.out.println("first!"); if (width < 0) { //start on the left side switch (abstractDirection) { case UP: { this.addComand(new RotateRightComand(robot)); } break; case LEFT: { this.addComand(new RotateRightComand(robot)); this.addComand(new RotateRightComand(robot)); } break; case DOWN: { this.addComand(new RotateLeftComand(robot)); } break; } abstractDirection = AbstractRobot.Direction.RIGHT; } if (width > 0) { //start on the right side switch (abstractDirection) { case UP: { this.addComand(new RotateLeftComand(robot)); } break; case DOWN: { this.addComand(new RotateRightComand(robot)); } break; case RIGHT: { this.addComand(new RotateLeftComand(robot)); this.addComand(new RotateLeftComand(robot)); } break; } abstractDirection = AbstractRobot.Direction.LEFT; } //move X System.out.println(width); for (int i = 0; i < abs(width); i++) { this.addComand(new MoveForwardComand(robot)); } //select direction again if (height < 0) { //if start above end switch (abstractDirection) { case LEFT: { this.addComand(new RotateLeftComand(robot)); } break; case RIGHT: { this.addComand(new RotateRightComand(robot)); } break; } // abstractDirection = AbstractRobot.Direction.DOWN; } if (height > 0) { //if start below end switch (abstractDirection) { case LEFT: { this.addComand(new RotateRightComand(robot)); } break; case RIGHT: { this.addComand(new RotateLeftComand(robot)); //done } break; } // abstractDirection = AbstractRobot.Direction.UP; } //move Y System.out.println(height); for (int i = 0; i < abs(height); i++) { this.addComand(new MoveForwardComand(robot)); } }
public void fillPath(DirectionRobot robot, int endX, int endY) { int width = robot.getX() - endX; int height = robot.getY() - endY; AbstractRobot.Direction abstractDirection = robot.getDirection(); System.out.println("first!"); if (width < 0) { switch (abstractDirection) { case UP: { this.addComand(new RotateRightComand(robot)); } break; case LEFT: { this.addComand(new RotateRightComand(robot)); this.addComand(new RotateRightComand(robot)); } break; case DOWN: { this.addComand(new RotateLeftComand(robot)); } break; } abstractDirection = AbstractRobot.Direction.RIGHT; } if (width > 0) { switch (abstractDirection) { case UP: { this.addComand(new RotateLeftComand(robot)); } break; case DOWN: { this.addComand(new RotateRightComand(robot)); } break; case RIGHT: { this.addComand(new RotateLeftComand(robot)); this.addComand(new RotateLeftComand(robot)); } break; } abstractDirection = AbstractRobot.Direction.LEFT; } System.out.println(width); for (int i = 0; i < abs(width); i++) { this.addComand(new MoveForwardComand(robot)); } if (height < 0) { switch (abstractDirection) { case LEFT: { this.addComand(new RotateLeftComand(robot)); } break; case RIGHT: { this.addComand(new RotateRightComand(robot)); } break; } } if (height > 0) { switch (abstractDirection) { case LEFT: { this.addComand(new RotateRightComand(robot)); } break; case RIGHT: { this.addComand(new RotateLeftComand(robot)); } break; } } System.out.println(height); for (int i = 0; i < abs(height); i++) { this.addComand(new MoveForwardComand(robot)); } }
public void fillpath(directionrobot robot, int endx, int endy) { int width = robot.getx() - endx; int height = robot.gety() - endy; abstractrobot.direction abstractdirection = robot.getdirection(); system.out.println("first!"); if (width < 0) { switch (abstractdirection) { case up: { this.addcomand(new rotaterightcomand(robot)); } break; case left: { this.addcomand(new rotaterightcomand(robot)); this.addcomand(new rotaterightcomand(robot)); } break; case down: { this.addcomand(new rotateleftcomand(robot)); } break; } abstractdirection = abstractrobot.direction.right; } if (width > 0) { switch (abstractdirection) { case up: { this.addcomand(new rotateleftcomand(robot)); } break; case down: { this.addcomand(new rotaterightcomand(robot)); } break; case right: { this.addcomand(new rotateleftcomand(robot)); this.addcomand(new rotateleftcomand(robot)); } break; } abstractdirection = abstractrobot.direction.left; } system.out.println(width); for (int i = 0; i < abs(width); i++) { this.addcomand(new moveforwardcomand(robot)); } if (height < 0) { switch (abstractdirection) { case left: { this.addcomand(new rotateleftcomand(robot)); } break; case right: { this.addcomand(new rotaterightcomand(robot)); } break; } } if (height > 0) { switch (abstractdirection) { case left: { this.addcomand(new rotaterightcomand(robot)); } break; case right: { this.addcomand(new rotateleftcomand(robot)); } break; } } system.out.println(height); for (int i = 0; i < abs(height); i++) { this.addcomand(new moveforwardcomand(robot)); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) { /* Sync the (now obsolete) policy fields with the * JScrollPane. */ JScrollPane scrollPane = (JScrollPane)parent; vsbPolicy = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBarPolicy(); hsbPolicy = scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(); Insets insets = parent.getInsets(); int prefWidth = insets.left + insets.right; int prefHeight = + insets.bottom; /* Note that viewport.getViewSize() is equivalent to * viewport.getView().getPreferredSize() modulo a null * view or a view whose size was explicitly set. */ Dimension extentSize = null; Dimension viewSize = null; Component view = null; if (viewport != null) { extentSize = viewport.getPreferredSize(); //Bug fix: always use the preferred size for the client. //viewSize = viewport.getViewSize(); viewSize = viewport.getView().getPreferredSize(); view = viewport.getView(); } /* If there's a viewport add its preferredSize. */ if (extentSize != null) { prefWidth += extentSize.width; prefHeight += extentSize.height; } /* If there's a JScrollPane.viewportBorder, add its insets. */ Border viewportBorder = scrollPane.getViewportBorder(); if (viewportBorder != null) { Insets vpbInsets = viewportBorder.getBorderInsets(parent); prefWidth += vpbInsets.left + vpbInsets.right; prefHeight += + vpbInsets.bottom; } /* If a header exists and it's visible, factor its * preferred size in. */ if ((rowHead != null) && rowHead.isVisible()) { prefWidth += rowHead.getPreferredSize().width; } if ((colHead != null) && colHead.isVisible()) { prefHeight += colHead.getPreferredSize().height; } /* If a scrollbar is going to appear, factor its preferred size in. * If the scrollbars policy is AS_NEEDED, this can be a little * tricky: * * - If the view is a Scrollable then scrollableTracksViewportWidth * and scrollableTracksViewportHeight can be used to effectively * disable scrolling (if they're true) in their respective dimensions. * * - Assuming that a scrollbar hasn't been disabled by the * previous constraint, we need to decide if the scrollbar is going * to appear to correctly compute the JScrollPanes preferred size. * To do this we compare the preferredSize of the viewport (the * extentSize) to the preferredSize of the view. Although we're * not responsible for laying out the view we'll assume that the * JViewport will always give it its preferredSize. */ if ((vsb != null) && (vsbPolicy != VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER)) { if (vsbPolicy == VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS) { prefWidth += vsb.getPreferredSize().width; } else if ((viewSize != null) && (extentSize != null)) { boolean canScroll = true; if (view instanceof Scrollable) { canScroll = !((Scrollable)view).getScrollableTracksViewportHeight(); } if (canScroll && (viewSize.height > extentSize.height)) { prefWidth += vsb.getPreferredSize().width; } } } if ((hsb != null) && (hsbPolicy != HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER)) { if (hsbPolicy == HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS) { prefHeight += hsb.getPreferredSize().height; } else if ((viewSize != null) && (extentSize != null)) { boolean canScroll = true; if (view instanceof Scrollable) { canScroll = !((Scrollable)view).getScrollableTracksViewportWidth(); } if (canScroll && (viewSize.width > extentSize.width)) { prefHeight += hsb.getPreferredSize().height; } } } Dimension dim = new Dimension(prefWidth, prefHeight); return dim; }
public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) { JScrollPane scrollPane = (JScrollPane)parent; vsbPolicy = scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBarPolicy(); hsbPolicy = scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(); Insets insets = parent.getInsets(); int prefWidth = insets.left + insets.right; int prefHeight = + insets.bottom; Dimension extentSize = null; Dimension viewSize = null; Component view = null; if (viewport != null) { extentSize = viewport.getPreferredSize(); viewSize = viewport.getView().getPreferredSize(); view = viewport.getView(); } if (extentSize != null) { prefWidth += extentSize.width; prefHeight += extentSize.height; } Border viewportBorder = scrollPane.getViewportBorder(); if (viewportBorder != null) { Insets vpbInsets = viewportBorder.getBorderInsets(parent); prefWidth += vpbInsets.left + vpbInsets.right; prefHeight += + vpbInsets.bottom; } if ((rowHead != null) && rowHead.isVisible()) { prefWidth += rowHead.getPreferredSize().width; } if ((colHead != null) && colHead.isVisible()) { prefHeight += colHead.getPreferredSize().height; } if ((vsb != null) && (vsbPolicy != VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER)) { if (vsbPolicy == VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS) { prefWidth += vsb.getPreferredSize().width; } else if ((viewSize != null) && (extentSize != null)) { boolean canScroll = true; if (view instanceof Scrollable) { canScroll = !((Scrollable)view).getScrollableTracksViewportHeight(); } if (canScroll && (viewSize.height > extentSize.height)) { prefWidth += vsb.getPreferredSize().width; } } } if ((hsb != null) && (hsbPolicy != HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER)) { if (hsbPolicy == HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS) { prefHeight += hsb.getPreferredSize().height; } else if ((viewSize != null) && (extentSize != null)) { boolean canScroll = true; if (view instanceof Scrollable) { canScroll = !((Scrollable)view).getScrollableTracksViewportWidth(); } if (canScroll && (viewSize.width > extentSize.width)) { prefHeight += hsb.getPreferredSize().height; } } } Dimension dim = new Dimension(prefWidth, prefHeight); return dim; }
public dimension preferredlayoutsize(container parent) { jscrollpane scrollpane = (jscrollpane)parent; vsbpolicy = scrollpane.getverticalscrollbarpolicy(); hsbpolicy = scrollpane.gethorizontalscrollbarpolicy(); insets insets = parent.getinsets(); int prefwidth = insets.left + insets.right; int prefheight = + insets.bottom; dimension extentsize = null; dimension viewsize = null; component view = null; if (viewport != null) { extentsize = viewport.getpreferredsize(); viewsize = viewport.getview().getpreferredsize(); view = viewport.getview(); } if (extentsize != null) { prefwidth += extentsize.width; prefheight += extentsize.height; } border viewportborder = scrollpane.getviewportborder(); if (viewportborder != null) { insets vpbinsets = viewportborder.getborderinsets(parent); prefwidth += vpbinsets.left + vpbinsets.right; prefheight += + vpbinsets.bottom; } if ((rowhead != null) && rowhead.isvisible()) { prefwidth += rowhead.getpreferredsize().width; } if ((colhead != null) && colhead.isvisible()) { prefheight += colhead.getpreferredsize().height; } if ((vsb != null) && (vsbpolicy != vertical_scrollbar_never)) { if (vsbpolicy == vertical_scrollbar_always) { prefwidth += vsb.getpreferredsize().width; } else if ((viewsize != null) && (extentsize != null)) { boolean canscroll = true; if (view instanceof scrollable) { canscroll = !((scrollable)view).getscrollabletracksviewportheight(); } if (canscroll && (viewsize.height > extentsize.height)) { prefwidth += vsb.getpreferredsize().width; } } } if ((hsb != null) && (hsbpolicy != horizontal_scrollbar_never)) { if (hsbpolicy == horizontal_scrollbar_always) { prefheight += hsb.getpreferredsize().height; } else if ((viewsize != null) && (extentsize != null)) { boolean canscroll = true; if (view instanceof scrollable) { canscroll = !((scrollable)view).getscrollabletracksviewportwidth(); } if (canscroll && (viewsize.width > extentsize.width)) { prefheight += hsb.getpreferredsize().height; } } } dimension dim = new dimension(prefwidth, prefheight); return dim; }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@Override protected Void doInBackground(String... args) { if (isCancelled()) { return null; } // TODO subscribe to network events instead of using this if (!networkAvailable) { Toast.makeText( context, getString(R.string.toast_nonetwork), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } else { // TODO remove this but with caution updateUIBean = new UpdateUIBean(); // TODO to test different configs change the files poiting by CONFIG_FILE // avoid changing the code directly Config.readConfigFile(ReplayConstants.CONFIG_FILE, context); SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); try { // metadata here is user's network type device used geolocation if permitted etc // Google storage forbids to store user related data // So we send that data to a private server server = sharedPrefs.getString("pref_server", ""); metadataServer = ""; // We first resolve the IP of the server and then communicate with the server // Using IP only, because we have multiple server under same domain and we want // the client not to switch server during a test run // TODO come up with a better way to handle Inet related queries, since this // introduced inefficiency final InetAddress[] address = {null, null}; new Thread() { public void run() { while (!(address[0] instanceof Inet4Address || address[0] instanceof Inet6Address)) { try { server = InetAddress.getByName(server).getHostAddress(); address[0] = InetAddress.getByName(server); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { Log.w("GetReplayServerIP", "get IP of replay server failed!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } }.start(); new Thread() { public void run() { while (!(address[1] instanceof Inet4Address || address[1] instanceof Inet6Address)) { try { metadataServer = InetAddress.getByName(metadataServer).getHostAddress(); address[1] = InetAddress.getByName(metadataServer); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { Log.w("GetReplayServerIP", "get IP of replay server failed!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } }.start(); int maxWaitTime = 5000; int currentWaitTime = 500; while (!(address[0] instanceof Inet4Address || address[0] instanceof Inet6Address) && !(address[1] instanceof Inet4Address || address[1] instanceof Inet6Address)) { try { if (currentWaitTime <= maxWaitTime) { Thread.sleep(currentWaitTime); currentWaitTime += 500; } else { Toast.makeText(context, R.string.server_unavailable, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return null; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (address[0] instanceof Inet6Address) server = "[" + server + "]"; if (address[1] instanceof Inet6Address) metadataServer = "[" + metadataServer + "]"; try { CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); Certificate ca; try (InputStream caInput = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.main)) { ca = cf.generateCertificate(caInput); System.out.println("main=" + ((X509Certificate) ca).getIssuerDN()); } // Create a KeyStore containing our trusted CAs String keyStoreType = KeyStore.getDefaultType(); KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreType); keyStore.load(null, null); keyStore.setCertificateEntry("main", ca); // Create a TrustManager that trusts the CAs in our KeyStore String tmfAlgorithm = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm(); TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(tmfAlgorithm); tmf.init(keyStore); // Create an SSLContext that uses our TrustManager SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); context.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null); sslSocketFactory = context.getSocketFactory(); hostnameVerifier = (hostname, session) -> true; } catch (CertificateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (KeyManagementException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); Certificate ca; try (InputStream caInput = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.metadata)) { ca = cf.generateCertificate(caInput); System.out.println("metadata=" + ((X509Certificate) ca).getIssuerDN()); } // Create a KeyStore containing our trusted CAs String keyStoreType = KeyStore.getDefaultType(); KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreType); keyStore.load(null, null); keyStore.setCertificateEntry("metadata", ca); // Create a TrustManager that trusts the CAs in our KeyStore String tmfAlgorithm = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm(); TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(tmfAlgorithm); tmf.init(keyStore); // Create an SSLContext that uses our TrustManager SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); context.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null); metadataSocketFactory = context.getSocketFactory(); } catch (CertificateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (KeyManagementException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Log.d("GetReplayServerIP", "Server IP: " + server); } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.w("GetReplayServerIP", "Invalid IP address!"); } // Extract data that was sent by previous activity. In our case, list of // apps, server and timing enableTiming = "true"; doTest = false; int port = Integer.valueOf(Config.get("result_port")); analyzerServerUrl = ("https://" + server + ":" + port + "/Results"); date = new Date(); results = new JSONArray(); Log.d("Result Channel", "path: " + server + " port: " + port); confirmationReplays = sharedPrefs.getBoolean("confirmationReplays", true); // generate or retrieve an id for this phone boolean hasID = sharedPrefs.getBoolean("hasID", false); if (!hasID) { randomID = new RandomString(10).nextString(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean("hasID", true); editor.putString("ID", randomID); editor.apply(); } else { randomID = sharedPrefs.getString("ID", null); } a_threshold = Integer.parseInt(Objects.requireNonNull(sharedPrefs.getString("pref_threshold_area", "10"))); ks2pvalue_threshold = Integer.parseInt(Objects.requireNonNull(sharedPrefs.getString("pref_threshold_ks2p", "5"))); confirmationReplays = sharedPrefs.getBoolean("pref_multiple_tests", true); // to get historyCount settings = getSharedPreferences(STATUS, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); // generate or retrieve an historyCount for this phone boolean hasHistoryCount = settings.getBoolean("hasHistoryCount", false); if (!hasHistoryCount) { historyCount = 0; SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putBoolean("hasHistoryCount", true); editor.putInt("historyCount", historyCount); editor.apply(); } else { historyCount = settings.getInt("historyCount", -1); } // check if retrieve historyCount succeeded if (historyCount == -1) throw new RuntimeException(); Config.set("timing", enableTiming); // make sure server is initialized! while (server == null) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Config.set("server", server); Config.set("jitter", "true"); Config.set("publicIP", ""); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { Config.set("publicIP", getPublicIP("80")); } }).start(); // Find a way to switch to no wait while (Config.get("publicIP").equals("")) { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Log.d("Replay", "public IP: " + Config.get("publicIP")); } for (ApplicationBean app : selectedApps) { rerun = false; // Set the app to run test for = app; // Run the test on runTest(); } // Keep checking if the user exited from ReplayActivity or not // TODO find a better way stop the tests immediately without continues checking if (isCancelled()) { return null; } if (results.length() > 0) { Log.d("Result Channel", "Storing results"); saveResults(); } if (isCancelled()) { return null; } showFinishDialog(); Log.d("Result Channel", "Exiting normally"); return null; }
@Override protected Void doInBackground(String... args) { if (isCancelled()) { return null; } if (!networkAvailable) { Toast.makeText( context, getString(R.string.toast_nonetwork), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } else { updateUIBean = new UpdateUIBean(); Config.readConfigFile(ReplayConstants.CONFIG_FILE, context); SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); try { server = sharedPrefs.getString("pref_server", ""); metadataServer = ""; final InetAddress[] address = {null, null}; new Thread() { public void run() { while (!(address[0] instanceof Inet4Address || address[0] instanceof Inet6Address)) { try { server = InetAddress.getByName(server).getHostAddress(); address[0] = InetAddress.getByName(server); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { Log.w("GetReplayServerIP", "get IP of replay server failed!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } }.start(); new Thread() { public void run() { while (!(address[1] instanceof Inet4Address || address[1] instanceof Inet6Address)) { try { metadataServer = InetAddress.getByName(metadataServer).getHostAddress(); address[1] = InetAddress.getByName(metadataServer); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { Log.w("GetReplayServerIP", "get IP of replay server failed!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } }.start(); int maxWaitTime = 5000; int currentWaitTime = 500; while (!(address[0] instanceof Inet4Address || address[0] instanceof Inet6Address) && !(address[1] instanceof Inet4Address || address[1] instanceof Inet6Address)) { try { if (currentWaitTime <= maxWaitTime) { Thread.sleep(currentWaitTime); currentWaitTime += 500; } else { Toast.makeText(context, R.string.server_unavailable, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return null; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (address[0] instanceof Inet6Address) server = "[" + server + "]"; if (address[1] instanceof Inet6Address) metadataServer = "[" + metadataServer + "]"; try { CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); Certificate ca; try (InputStream caInput = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.main)) { ca = cf.generateCertificate(caInput); System.out.println("main=" + ((X509Certificate) ca).getIssuerDN()); } String keyStoreType = KeyStore.getDefaultType(); KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreType); keyStore.load(null, null); keyStore.setCertificateEntry("main", ca); String tmfAlgorithm = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm(); TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(tmfAlgorithm); tmf.init(keyStore); SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); context.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null); sslSocketFactory = context.getSocketFactory(); hostnameVerifier = (hostname, session) -> true; } catch (CertificateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (KeyManagementException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); Certificate ca; try (InputStream caInput = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.metadata)) { ca = cf.generateCertificate(caInput); System.out.println("metadata=" + ((X509Certificate) ca).getIssuerDN()); } String keyStoreType = KeyStore.getDefaultType(); KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreType); keyStore.load(null, null); keyStore.setCertificateEntry("metadata", ca); String tmfAlgorithm = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm(); TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(tmfAlgorithm); tmf.init(keyStore); SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); context.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null); metadataSocketFactory = context.getSocketFactory(); } catch (CertificateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (KeyManagementException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Log.d("GetReplayServerIP", "Server IP: " + server); } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.w("GetReplayServerIP", "Invalid IP address!"); } enableTiming = "true"; doTest = false; int port = Integer.valueOf(Config.get("result_port")); analyzerServerUrl = ("https://" + server + ":" + port + "/Results"); date = new Date(); results = new JSONArray(); Log.d("Result Channel", "path: " + server + " port: " + port); confirmationReplays = sharedPrefs.getBoolean("confirmationReplays", true); boolean hasID = sharedPrefs.getBoolean("hasID", false); if (!hasID) { randomID = new RandomString(10).nextString(); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPrefs.edit(); editor.putBoolean("hasID", true); editor.putString("ID", randomID); editor.apply(); } else { randomID = sharedPrefs.getString("ID", null); } a_threshold = Integer.parseInt(Objects.requireNonNull(sharedPrefs.getString("pref_threshold_area", "10"))); ks2pvalue_threshold = Integer.parseInt(Objects.requireNonNull(sharedPrefs.getString("pref_threshold_ks2p", "5"))); confirmationReplays = sharedPrefs.getBoolean("pref_multiple_tests", true); settings = getSharedPreferences(STATUS, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); boolean hasHistoryCount = settings.getBoolean("hasHistoryCount", false); if (!hasHistoryCount) { historyCount = 0; SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putBoolean("hasHistoryCount", true); editor.putInt("historyCount", historyCount); editor.apply(); } else { historyCount = settings.getInt("historyCount", -1); } if (historyCount == -1) throw new RuntimeException(); Config.set("timing", enableTiming); while (server == null) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Config.set("server", server); Config.set("jitter", "true"); Config.set("publicIP", ""); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { Config.set("publicIP", getPublicIP("80")); } }).start(); while (Config.get("publicIP").equals("")) { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Log.d("Replay", "public IP: " + Config.get("publicIP")); } for (ApplicationBean app : selectedApps) { rerun = false; = app; runTest(); } if (isCancelled()) { return null; } if (results.length() > 0) { Log.d("Result Channel", "Storing results"); saveResults(); } if (isCancelled()) { return null; } showFinishDialog(); Log.d("Result Channel", "Exiting normally"); return null; }
@override protected void doinbackground(string... args) { if (iscancelled()) { return null; } if (!networkavailable) { toast.maketext( context, getstring(r.string.toast_nonetwork), toast.length_long).show(); } else { updateuibean = new updateuibean(); config.readconfigfile(replayconstants.config_file, context); sharedpreferences sharedprefs = preferencemanager.getdefaultsharedpreferences(context); try { server = sharedprefs.getstring("pref_server", ""); metadataserver = ""; final inetaddress[] address = {null, null}; new thread() { public void run() { while (!(address[0] instanceof inet4address || address[0] instanceof inet6address)) { try { server = inetaddress.getbyname(server).gethostaddress(); address[0] = inetaddress.getbyname(server); } catch (unknownhostexception e) { log.w("getreplayserverip", "get ip of replay server failed!"); e.printstacktrace(); } } } }.start(); new thread() { public void run() { while (!(address[1] instanceof inet4address || address[1] instanceof inet6address)) { try { metadataserver = inetaddress.getbyname(metadataserver).gethostaddress(); address[1] = inetaddress.getbyname(metadataserver); } catch (unknownhostexception e) { log.w("getreplayserverip", "get ip of replay server failed!"); e.printstacktrace(); } } } }.start(); int maxwaittime = 5000; int currentwaittime = 500; while (!(address[0] instanceof inet4address || address[0] instanceof inet6address) && !(address[1] instanceof inet4address || address[1] instanceof inet6address)) { try { if (currentwaittime <= maxwaittime) { thread.sleep(currentwaittime); currentwaittime += 500; } else { toast.maketext(context, r.string.server_unavailable, toast.length_long).show(); return null; } } catch (interruptedexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } if (address[0] instanceof inet6address) server = "[" + server + "]"; if (address[1] instanceof inet6address) metadataserver = "[" + metadataserver + "]"; try { certificatefactory cf = certificatefactory.getinstance("x.509"); certificate ca; try (inputstream cainput = getresources().openrawresource(r.raw.main)) { ca = cf.generatecertificate(cainput); system.out.println("main=" + ((x509certificate) ca).getissuerdn()); } string keystoretype = keystore.getdefaulttype(); keystore keystore = keystore.getinstance(keystoretype); keystore.load(null, null); keystore.setcertificateentry("main", ca); string tmfalgorithm = trustmanagerfactory.getdefaultalgorithm(); trustmanagerfactory tmf = trustmanagerfactory.getinstance(tmfalgorithm); tmf.init(keystore); sslcontext context = sslcontext.getinstance("tls"); context.init(null, tmf.gettrustmanagers(), null); sslsocketfactory = context.getsocketfactory(); hostnameverifier = (hostname, session) -> true; } catch (certificateexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (nosuchalgorithmexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (keystoreexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (keymanagementexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } try { certificatefactory cf = certificatefactory.getinstance("x.509"); certificate ca; try (inputstream cainput = getresources().openrawresource(r.raw.metadata)) { ca = cf.generatecertificate(cainput); system.out.println("metadata=" + ((x509certificate) ca).getissuerdn()); } string keystoretype = keystore.getdefaulttype(); keystore keystore = keystore.getinstance(keystoretype); keystore.load(null, null); keystore.setcertificateentry("metadata", ca); string tmfalgorithm = trustmanagerfactory.getdefaultalgorithm(); trustmanagerfactory tmf = trustmanagerfactory.getinstance(tmfalgorithm); tmf.init(keystore); sslcontext context = sslcontext.getinstance("tls"); context.init(null, tmf.gettrustmanagers(), null); metadatasocketfactory = context.getsocketfactory(); } catch (certificateexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (nosuchalgorithmexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (keystoreexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (keymanagementexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } log.d("getreplayserverip", "server ip: " + server); } catch (nullpointerexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); log.w("getreplayserverip", "invalid ip address!"); } enabletiming = "true"; dotest = false; int port = integer.valueof(config.get("result_port")); analyzerserverurl = ("https://" + server + ":" + port + "/results"); date = new date(); results = new jsonarray(); log.d("result channel", "path: " + server + " port: " + port); confirmationreplays = sharedprefs.getboolean("confirmationreplays", true); boolean hasid = sharedprefs.getboolean("hasid", false); if (!hasid) { randomid = new randomstring(10).nextstring(); sharedpreferences.editor editor = sharedprefs.edit(); editor.putboolean("hasid", true); editor.putstring("id", randomid); editor.apply(); } else { randomid = sharedprefs.getstring("id", null); } a_threshold = integer.parseint(objects.requirenonnull(sharedprefs.getstring("pref_threshold_area", "10"))); ks2pvalue_threshold = integer.parseint(objects.requirenonnull(sharedprefs.getstring("pref_threshold_ks2p", "5"))); confirmationreplays = sharedprefs.getboolean("pref_multiple_tests", true); settings = getsharedpreferences(status, context.mode_private); boolean hashistorycount = settings.getboolean("hashistorycount", false); if (!hashistorycount) { historycount = 0; sharedpreferences.editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putboolean("hashistorycount", true); editor.putint("historycount", historycount); editor.apply(); } else { historycount = settings.getint("historycount", -1); } if (historycount == -1) throw new runtimeexception(); config.set("timing", enabletiming); while (server == null) { try { thread.sleep(1000); } catch (interruptedexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } config.set("server", server); config.set("jitter", "true"); config.set("publicip", ""); new thread(new runnable() { public void run() { config.set("publicip", getpublicip("80")); } }).start(); while (config.get("publicip").equals("")) { try { thread.sleep(500); } catch (interruptedexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } log.d("replay", "public ip: " + config.get("publicip")); } for (applicationbean app : selectedapps) { rerun = false; = app; runtest(); } if (iscancelled()) { return null; } if (results.length() > 0) { log.d("result channel", "storing results"); saveresults(); } if (iscancelled()) { return null; } showfinishdialog(); log.d("result channel", "exiting normally"); return null; }
[ 1, 1, 0, 1 ]
@Override public void resetToPreferredSizes() { Insets i = getInsets(); if (getOrientation() == VERTICAL_SPLIT) { int h = getHeight() - - i.bottom - getDividerSize(); int topH = getTopComponent().getPreferredSize().height; int bottomH = getBottomComponent().getPreferredSize().height; int extraSpace = h - topH - bottomH; // we have more space than necessary; resize to give each at least // preferred size if (extraSpace >= 0) { setDividerLocation( + topH + ((int) (extraSpace * getResizeWeight() + .5))); } // TODO implement shrinking excess space to ensure that one has // preferred and nothing more } else { int w = getWidth() - i.left - i.right - getDividerSize(); int leftH = getLeftComponent().getPreferredSize().width; int rightH = getRightComponent().getPreferredSize().width; int extraSpace = w - leftH - rightH; // we have more space than necessary; resize to give each at least // preferred size if (extraSpace >= 0) { setDividerLocation(i.left + leftH + ((int) (extraSpace * getResizeWeight() + .5))); } // TODO implement shrinking excess space to ensure that one has // preferred and nothing more } }
@Override public void resetToPreferredSizes() { Insets i = getInsets(); if (getOrientation() == VERTICAL_SPLIT) { int h = getHeight() - - i.bottom - getDividerSize(); int topH = getTopComponent().getPreferredSize().height; int bottomH = getBottomComponent().getPreferredSize().height; int extraSpace = h - topH - bottomH; if (extraSpace >= 0) { setDividerLocation( + topH + ((int) (extraSpace * getResizeWeight() + .5))); } } else { int w = getWidth() - i.left - i.right - getDividerSize(); int leftH = getLeftComponent().getPreferredSize().width; int rightH = getRightComponent().getPreferredSize().width; int extraSpace = w - leftH - rightH; if (extraSpace >= 0) { setDividerLocation(i.left + leftH + ((int) (extraSpace * getResizeWeight() + .5))); } } }
@override public void resettopreferredsizes() { insets i = getinsets(); if (getorientation() == vertical_split) { int h = getheight() - - i.bottom - getdividersize(); int toph = gettopcomponent().getpreferredsize().height; int bottomh = getbottomcomponent().getpreferredsize().height; int extraspace = h - toph - bottomh; if (extraspace >= 0) { setdividerlocation( + toph + ((int) (extraspace * getresizeweight() + .5))); } } else { int w = getwidth() - i.left - i.right - getdividersize(); int lefth = getleftcomponent().getpreferredsize().width; int righth = getrightcomponent().getpreferredsize().width; int extraspace = w - lefth - righth; if (extraspace >= 0) { setdividerlocation(i.left + lefth + ((int) (extraspace * getresizeweight() + .5))); } } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager, int[] appWidgetIds) { // Update each of the widgets with the remote adapter for (int i = 0; i < appWidgetIds.length; ++i) { RemoteViews layout = buildLayout(context, appWidgetIds[i]); appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(appWidgetIds[i], layout); } super.onUpdate(context, appWidgetManager, appWidgetIds); // wtf another google bug? this.onEnabled(context); }
@Override public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager, int[] appWidgetIds) { for (int i = 0; i < appWidgetIds.length; ++i) { RemoteViews layout = buildLayout(context, appWidgetIds[i]); appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(appWidgetIds[i], layout); } super.onUpdate(context, appWidgetManager, appWidgetIds); this.onEnabled(context); }
@override public void onupdate(context context, appwidgetmanager appwidgetmanager, int[] appwidgetids) { for (int i = 0; i < appwidgetids.length; ++i) { remoteviews layout = buildlayout(context, appwidgetids[i]); appwidgetmanager.updateappwidget(appwidgetids[i], layout); } super.onupdate(context, appwidgetmanager, appwidgetids); this.onenabled(context); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
private void onApnChanged() { DctConstants.State overallState = getOverallState(); boolean isDisconnected = (overallState == DctConstants.State.IDLE || overallState == DctConstants.State.FAILED); if (mPhone instanceof GSMPhone) { // The "current" may no longer be valid. MMS depends on this to send properly. TBD ((GSMPhone)mPhone).updateCurrentCarrierInProvider(); } // TODO: It'd be nice to only do this if the changed entrie(s) // match the current operator. if (DBG) log("onApnChanged: createAllApnList and cleanUpAllConnections"); createAllApnList(); setInitialAttachApn(); cleanUpAllConnections(!isDisconnected, Phone.REASON_APN_CHANGED); if (isDisconnected) { setupDataOnConnectableApns(Phone.REASON_APN_CHANGED); } }
private void onApnChanged() { DctConstants.State overallState = getOverallState(); boolean isDisconnected = (overallState == DctConstants.State.IDLE || overallState == DctConstants.State.FAILED); if (mPhone instanceof GSMPhone) { ((GSMPhone)mPhone).updateCurrentCarrierInProvider(); } if (DBG) log("onApnChanged: createAllApnList and cleanUpAllConnections"); createAllApnList(); setInitialAttachApn(); cleanUpAllConnections(!isDisconnected, Phone.REASON_APN_CHANGED); if (isDisconnected) { setupDataOnConnectableApns(Phone.REASON_APN_CHANGED); } }
private void onapnchanged() { dctconstants.state overallstate = getoverallstate(); boolean isdisconnected = (overallstate == dctconstants.state.idle || overallstate == dctconstants.state.failed); if (mphone instanceof gsmphone) { ((gsmphone)mphone).updatecurrentcarrierinprovider(); } if (dbg) log("onapnchanged: createallapnlist and cleanupallconnections"); createallapnlist(); setinitialattachapn(); cleanupallconnections(!isdisconnected, phone.reason_apn_changed); if (isdisconnected) { setupdataonconnectableapns(phone.reason_apn_changed); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public static Class<?> getRawType(Type type) { if (type instanceof Class<?>) { // type is a normal class. return (Class<?>)type; } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType)type; // I'm not exactly sure why getRawType() returns Type instead of Class. // Neal isn't either but suspects some pathological case related // to nested classes exists. Type rawType = parameterizedType.getRawType(); Asserts.isTrue(rawType instanceof Class); return (Class<?>)rawType; } else if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) { Type componentType = ((GenericArrayType)type).getGenericComponentType(); return Array.newInstance(getRawType(componentType), 0).getClass(); } else if (type instanceof TypeVariable) { // we could use the variable's bounds, but that won't work if there are multiple. // having a raw type that's more general than necessary is okay return Object.class; } else if (type instanceof WildcardType) { return getRawType(((WildcardType)type).getUpperBounds()[0]); } else { String className = type == null ? "null" : type.getClass().getName(); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected a Class, ParameterizedType, or " + "GenericArrayType, but <" + type + "> is of type " + className); } }
public static Class<?> getRawType(Type type) { if (type instanceof Class<?>) { return (Class<?>)type; } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType)type; Type rawType = parameterizedType.getRawType(); Asserts.isTrue(rawType instanceof Class); return (Class<?>)rawType; } else if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) { Type componentType = ((GenericArrayType)type).getGenericComponentType(); return Array.newInstance(getRawType(componentType), 0).getClass(); } else if (type instanceof TypeVariable) { return Object.class; } else if (type instanceof WildcardType) { return getRawType(((WildcardType)type).getUpperBounds()[0]); } else { String className = type == null ? "null" : type.getClass().getName(); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected a Class, ParameterizedType, or " + "GenericArrayType, but <" + type + "> is of type " + className); } }
public static class<?> getrawtype(type type) { if (type instanceof class<?>) { return (class<?>)type; } else if (type instanceof parameterizedtype) { parameterizedtype parameterizedtype = (parameterizedtype)type; type rawtype = parameterizedtype.getrawtype(); asserts.istrue(rawtype instanceof class); return (class<?>)rawtype; } else if (type instanceof genericarraytype) { type componenttype = ((genericarraytype)type).getgenericcomponenttype(); return array.newinstance(getrawtype(componenttype), 0).getclass(); } else if (type instanceof typevariable) { return object.class; } else if (type instanceof wildcardtype) { return getrawtype(((wildcardtype)type).getupperbounds()[0]); } else { string classname = type == null ? "null" : type.getclass().getname(); throw new illegalargumentexception("expected a class, parameterizedtype, or " + "genericarraytype, but <" + type + "> is of type " + classname); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void processResponseBody(List<AudioGson> audioGsons) { Log.i(getClass().getName(), "processResponseBody"); ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); executorService.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Log.i(getClass().getName(), "run"); RoomDb roomDb = RoomDb.getDatabase(getContext()); AudioDao audioDao = roomDb.audioDao(); // Empty the database table before downloading up-to-date content audioDao.deleteAll(); // TODO: also delete corresponding audio files (only those that are no longer used) for (AudioGson audioGson : audioGsons) { Log.i(getClass().getName(), "audioGson.getId(): " + audioGson.getId()); Audio audio = GsonToRoomConverter.getAudio(audioGson); // Check if the corresponding audio file has already been downloaded File audioFile = FileHelper.getAudioFile(audioGson, getContext()); Log.i(getClass().getName(), "audioFile: " + audioFile); Log.i(getClass().getName(), "audioFile.exists(): " + audioFile.exists()); if (!audioFile.exists()) { // Download file bytes BaseApplication baseApplication = (BaseApplication) getActivity().getApplication(); String downloadUrl = baseApplication.getBaseUrl() + audioGson.getBytesUrl(); Log.i(getClass().getName(), "downloadUrl: " + downloadUrl); byte[] bytes = MultimediaDownloader.downloadFileBytes(downloadUrl); Log.i(getClass().getName(), "bytes.length: " + bytes.length); // Store the downloaded file in the external storage directory try { FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(audioFile); fileOutputStream.write(bytes); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(getClass().getName(), null, e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(getClass().getName(), null, e); } Log.i(getClass().getName(), "audioFile.exists(): " + audioFile.exists()); } // Store the Audio in the database audioDao.insert(audio); Log.i(getClass().getName(), "Stored Audio in database with ID " + audio.getId()); } // Update the UI List<Audio> audios = audioDao.loadAll(); Log.i(getClass().getName(), "audios.size(): " + audios.size()); getActivity().runOnUiThread(() -> { textView.setText("audios.size(): " + audios.size()); Snackbar.make(textView, "audios.size(): " + audios.size(), Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show(); progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); }); } }); }
private void processResponseBody(List<AudioGson> audioGsons) { Log.i(getClass().getName(), "processResponseBody"); ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); executorService.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Log.i(getClass().getName(), "run"); RoomDb roomDb = RoomDb.getDatabase(getContext()); AudioDao audioDao = roomDb.audioDao(); audioDao.deleteAll(); for (AudioGson audioGson : audioGsons) { Log.i(getClass().getName(), "audioGson.getId(): " + audioGson.getId()); Audio audio = GsonToRoomConverter.getAudio(audioGson); File audioFile = FileHelper.getAudioFile(audioGson, getContext()); Log.i(getClass().getName(), "audioFile: " + audioFile); Log.i(getClass().getName(), "audioFile.exists(): " + audioFile.exists()); if (!audioFile.exists()) { BaseApplication baseApplication = (BaseApplication) getActivity().getApplication(); String downloadUrl = baseApplication.getBaseUrl() + audioGson.getBytesUrl(); Log.i(getClass().getName(), "downloadUrl: " + downloadUrl); byte[] bytes = MultimediaDownloader.downloadFileBytes(downloadUrl); Log.i(getClass().getName(), "bytes.length: " + bytes.length); try { FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(audioFile); fileOutputStream.write(bytes); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(getClass().getName(), null, e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(getClass().getName(), null, e); } Log.i(getClass().getName(), "audioFile.exists(): " + audioFile.exists()); } audioDao.insert(audio); Log.i(getClass().getName(), "Stored Audio in database with ID " + audio.getId()); } List<Audio> audios = audioDao.loadAll(); Log.i(getClass().getName(), "audios.size(): " + audios.size()); getActivity().runOnUiThread(() -> { textView.setText("audios.size(): " + audios.size()); Snackbar.make(textView, "audios.size(): " + audios.size(), Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show(); progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); }); } }); }
private void processresponsebody(list<audiogson> audiogsons) { log.i(getclass().getname(), "processresponsebody"); executorservice executorservice = executors.newsinglethreadexecutor(); executorservice.execute(new runnable() { @override public void run() { log.i(getclass().getname(), "run"); roomdb roomdb = roomdb.getdatabase(getcontext()); audiodao audiodao = roomdb.audiodao(); audiodao.deleteall(); for (audiogson audiogson : audiogsons) { log.i(getclass().getname(), "audiogson.getid(): " + audiogson.getid()); audio audio = gsontoroomconverter.getaudio(audiogson); file audiofile = filehelper.getaudiofile(audiogson, getcontext()); log.i(getclass().getname(), "audiofile: " + audiofile); log.i(getclass().getname(), "audiofile.exists(): " + audiofile.exists()); if (!audiofile.exists()) { baseapplication baseapplication = (baseapplication) getactivity().getapplication(); string downloadurl = baseapplication.getbaseurl() + audiogson.getbytesurl(); log.i(getclass().getname(), "downloadurl: " + downloadurl); byte[] bytes = multimediadownloader.downloadfilebytes(downloadurl); log.i(getclass().getname(), "bytes.length: " + bytes.length); try { fileoutputstream fileoutputstream = new fileoutputstream(audiofile); fileoutputstream.write(bytes); } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { log.e(getclass().getname(), null, e); } catch (ioexception e) { log.e(getclass().getname(), null, e); } log.i(getclass().getname(), "audiofile.exists(): " + audiofile.exists()); } audiodao.insert(audio); log.i(getclass().getname(), "stored audio in database with id " + audio.getid()); } list<audio> audios = audiodao.loadall(); log.i(getclass().getname(), "audios.size(): " + audios.size()); getactivity().runonuithread(() -> { textview.settext("audios.size(): " + audios.size()); snackbar.make(textview, "audios.size(): " + audios.size(), snackbar.length_long).show(); progressbar.setvisibility(view.gone); }); } }); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override protected EntityManager getEntityManager() { return entityManager; }
@Override protected EntityManager getEntityManager() { return entityManager; }
@override protected entitymanager getentitymanager() { return entitymanager; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public List<Book> getBookByTitle(String title) { // FIXME: auto-generated method stub return null; }
@Override public List<Book> getBookByTitle(String title) { return null; }
@override public list<book> getbookbytitle(string title) { return null; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public List<Book> getBookByAuthor(String author) { // FIXME: auto-generated method stub return null; }
@Override public List<Book> getBookByAuthor(String author) { return null; }
@override public list<book> getbookbyauthor(string author) { return null; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override public List<Book> getBookList() { // FIXME: auto-generated method stub return null; }
@Override public List<Book> getBookList() { return null; }
@override public list<book> getbooklist() { return null; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public static void doGoTo( String strQualifedType ) { EditorUtilities.showWaitCursor( true ); try { IType type = TypeSystem.getByFullNameIfValid( strQualifedType ); if( type == null ) { return; } IFile[] sourceFiles = type.getSourceFiles(); if( sourceFiles != null && sourceFiles.length > 0 ) { //## todo: maybe support multiple files here? IFile sourceFile = sourceFiles[0]; LabFrame.instance().openFile( PathUtil.create( sourceFile.toURI() ) ); } } catch( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } finally { EditorUtilities.showWaitCursor( false ); } }
public static void doGoTo( String strQualifedType ) { EditorUtilities.showWaitCursor( true ); try { IType type = TypeSystem.getByFullNameIfValid( strQualifedType ); if( type == null ) { return; } IFile[] sourceFiles = type.getSourceFiles(); if( sourceFiles != null && sourceFiles.length > 0 ) { IFile sourceFile = sourceFiles[0]; LabFrame.instance().openFile( PathUtil.create( sourceFile.toURI() ) ); } } catch( Exception e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } finally { EditorUtilities.showWaitCursor( false ); } }
public static void dogoto( string strqualifedtype ) { editorutilities.showwaitcursor( true ); try { itype type = typesystem.getbyfullnameifvalid( strqualifedtype ); if( type == null ) { return; } ifile[] sourcefiles = type.getsourcefiles(); if( sourcefiles != null && sourcefiles.length > 0 ) { ifile sourcefile = sourcefiles[0]; labframe.instance().openfile( pathutil.create( sourcefile.touri() ) ); } } catch( exception e ) { throw new runtimeexception( e ); } finally { editorutilities.showwaitcursor( false ); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Table<Locator, String, String> getMetadataValues(Set<Locator> locators) { ColumnFamily CF = CassandraModel.CF_METRIC_METADATA; boolean isBatch = locators.size() > 1; Table<Locator, String, String> metaTable = HashBasedTable.create(); Timer.Context ctx = isBatch ? Instrumentation.getBatchReadTimerContext(CF) : Instrumentation.getReadTimerContext(CF); try { // We don't paginate this call. So we should make sure the number of reads is tolerable. // TODO: Think about paginating this call. OperationResult<Rows<Locator, String>> query = keyspace .prepareQuery(CF) .getKeySlice(locators) .execute(); for (Row<Locator, String> row : query.getResult()) { ColumnList<String> columns = row.getColumns(); for (Column<String> column : columns) { String metaValue = column.getValue(StringMetadataSerializer.get()); String metaKey = column.getName(); metaTable.put(row.getKey(), metaKey, metaValue); } } } catch (ConnectionException e) { if (e instanceof NotFoundException) { // TODO: Not really sure what happens when one of the keys is not found. Instrumentation.markNotFound(CF); } else { if (isBatch) { Instrumentation.markBatchReadError(e); } else { Instrumentation.markReadError(e); } } log.warn((isBatch ? "Batch " : "") + " read query failed for column family " + CF.getName(), e); } finally { ctx.stop(); } return metaTable; }
public Table<Locator, String, String> getMetadataValues(Set<Locator> locators) { ColumnFamily CF = CassandraModel.CF_METRIC_METADATA; boolean isBatch = locators.size() > 1; Table<Locator, String, String> metaTable = HashBasedTable.create(); Timer.Context ctx = isBatch ? Instrumentation.getBatchReadTimerContext(CF) : Instrumentation.getReadTimerContext(CF); try { OperationResult<Rows<Locator, String>> query = keyspace .prepareQuery(CF) .getKeySlice(locators) .execute(); for (Row<Locator, String> row : query.getResult()) { ColumnList<String> columns = row.getColumns(); for (Column<String> column : columns) { String metaValue = column.getValue(StringMetadataSerializer.get()); String metaKey = column.getName(); metaTable.put(row.getKey(), metaKey, metaValue); } } } catch (ConnectionException e) { if (e instanceof NotFoundException) { Instrumentation.markNotFound(CF); } else { if (isBatch) { Instrumentation.markBatchReadError(e); } else { Instrumentation.markReadError(e); } } log.warn((isBatch ? "Batch " : "") + " read query failed for column family " + CF.getName(), e); } finally { ctx.stop(); } return metaTable; }
public table<locator, string, string> getmetadatavalues(set<locator> locators) { columnfamily cf = cassandramodel.cf_metric_metadata; boolean isbatch = locators.size() > 1; table<locator, string, string> metatable = hashbasedtable.create(); timer.context ctx = isbatch ? instrumentation.getbatchreadtimercontext(cf) : instrumentation.getreadtimercontext(cf); try { operationresult<rows<locator, string>> query = keyspace .preparequery(cf) .getkeyslice(locators) .execute(); for (row<locator, string> row : query.getresult()) { columnlist<string> columns = row.getcolumns(); for (column<string> column : columns) { string metavalue = column.getvalue(stringmetadataserializer.get()); string metakey = column.getname(); metatable.put(row.getkey(), metakey, metavalue); } } } catch (connectionexception e) { if (e instanceof notfoundexception) { instrumentation.marknotfound(cf); } else { if (isbatch) { instrumentation.markbatchreaderror(e); } else { instrumentation.markreaderror(e); } } log.warn((isbatch ? "batch " : "") + " read query failed for column family " + cf.getname(), e); } finally { ctx.stop(); } return metatable; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private Map<Locator, ColumnList<Long>> getColumnsFromDB(List<Locator> locators, ColumnFamily<Locator, Long> CF, Range range) { if (range.getStart() > range.getStop()) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Invalid rollup range: ", range.toString())); } boolean isBatch = locators.size() != 1; final Map<Locator, ColumnList<Long>> columns = new HashMap<Locator, ColumnList<Long>>(); final RangeBuilder rangeBuilder = new RangeBuilder().setStart(range.getStart()).setEnd(range.getStop()); Timer.Context ctx = isBatch ? Instrumentation.getBatchReadTimerContext(CF) : Instrumentation.getReadTimerContext(CF); try { // We don't paginate this call. So we should make sure the number of reads is tolerable. // TODO: Think about paginating this call. OperationResult<Rows<Locator, Long>> query = keyspace .prepareQuery(CF) .getKeySlice(locators) .withColumnRange( .execute(); for (Row<Locator, Long> row : query.getResult()) { columns.put(row.getKey(), row.getColumns()); } } catch (ConnectionException e) { if (e instanceof NotFoundException) { // TODO: Not really sure what happens when one of the keys is not found. Instrumentation.markNotFound(CF); } else { if (isBatch) { Instrumentation.markBatchReadError(e); } else { Instrumentation.markReadError(e); } } log.warn((isBatch ? "Batch " : "") + " read query failed for column family " + CF.getName(), e); } finally { ctx.stop(); } return columns; }
private Map<Locator, ColumnList<Long>> getColumnsFromDB(List<Locator> locators, ColumnFamily<Locator, Long> CF, Range range) { if (range.getStart() > range.getStop()) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Invalid rollup range: ", range.toString())); } boolean isBatch = locators.size() != 1; final Map<Locator, ColumnList<Long>> columns = new HashMap<Locator, ColumnList<Long>>(); final RangeBuilder rangeBuilder = new RangeBuilder().setStart(range.getStart()).setEnd(range.getStop()); Timer.Context ctx = isBatch ? Instrumentation.getBatchReadTimerContext(CF) : Instrumentation.getReadTimerContext(CF); try { OperationResult<Rows<Locator, Long>> query = keyspace .prepareQuery(CF) .getKeySlice(locators) .withColumnRange( .execute(); for (Row<Locator, Long> row : query.getResult()) { columns.put(row.getKey(), row.getColumns()); } } catch (ConnectionException e) { if (e instanceof NotFoundException) { Instrumentation.markNotFound(CF); } else { if (isBatch) { Instrumentation.markBatchReadError(e); } else { Instrumentation.markReadError(e); } } log.warn((isBatch ? "Batch " : "") + " read query failed for column family " + CF.getName(), e); } finally { ctx.stop(); } return columns; }
private map<locator, columnlist<long>> getcolumnsfromdb(list<locator> locators, columnfamily<locator, long> cf, range range) { if (range.getstart() > range.getstop()) { throw new runtimeexception(string.format("invalid rollup range: ", range.tostring())); } boolean isbatch = locators.size() != 1; final map<locator, columnlist<long>> columns = new hashmap<locator, columnlist<long>>(); final rangebuilder rangebuilder = new rangebuilder().setstart(range.getstart()).setend(range.getstop()); timer.context ctx = isbatch ? instrumentation.getbatchreadtimercontext(cf) : instrumentation.getreadtimercontext(cf); try { operationresult<rows<locator, long>> query = keyspace .preparequery(cf) .getkeyslice(locators) .withcolumnrange( .execute(); for (row<locator, long> row : query.getresult()) { columns.put(row.getkey(), row.getcolumns()); } } catch (connectionexception e) { if (e instanceof notfoundexception) { instrumentation.marknotfound(cf); } else { if (isbatch) { instrumentation.markbatchreaderror(e); } else { instrumentation.markreaderror(e); } } log.warn((isbatch ? "batch " : "") + " read query failed for column family " + cf.getname(), e); } finally { ctx.stop(); } return columns; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
void SetupDataDialog_componentAdded(java.awt.event.ContainerEvent event) { // to do: code goes here. }
void SetupDataDialog_componentAdded(java.awt.event.ContainerEvent event) { }
void setupdatadialog_componentadded(java.awt.event.containerevent event) { }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private Set<String> getSpammyItems() { Set<String> spammyItems = null; try { spammyItems = new HashSet<String>(Files.readAllLines(SPAMMY_ITEM_FILE.toPath())); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: Do something intelligent. } return spammyItems; }
private Set<String> getSpammyItems() { Set<String> spammyItems = null; try { spammyItems = new HashSet<String>(Files.readAllLines(SPAMMY_ITEM_FILE.toPath())); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return spammyItems; }
private set<string> getspammyitems() { set<string> spammyitems = null; try { spammyitems = new hashset<string>(files.readalllines(spammy_item_file.topath())); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } return spammyitems; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void initialize() { PayloadTrieBuilder<Item> itemsByNameBuilder = PayloadTrie.builder(); itemsByNameBuilder .ignoreCase() .ignoreOverlaps(); spammyItems = getSpammyItems(); BufferedReader bufferedReader; try { bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(ITEM_FILE)); String line = null; while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { String[] parts = line.split("\t"); String name = parts[0]; String url = parts[1]; Item item = new Item(name, url); itemsByNameBuilder.addKeyword(normalize(name), item); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: Do something intelligent. } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: Do something intelligent. } itemsByName =; }
public void initialize() { PayloadTrieBuilder<Item> itemsByNameBuilder = PayloadTrie.builder(); itemsByNameBuilder .ignoreCase() .ignoreOverlaps(); spammyItems = getSpammyItems(); BufferedReader bufferedReader; try { bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(ITEM_FILE)); String line = null; while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { String[] parts = line.split("\t"); String name = parts[0]; String url = parts[1]; Item item = new Item(name, url); itemsByNameBuilder.addKeyword(normalize(name), item); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } itemsByName =; }
public void initialize() { payloadtriebuilder<item> itemsbynamebuilder = payloadtrie.builder(); itemsbynamebuilder .ignorecase() .ignoreoverlaps(); spammyitems = getspammyitems(); bufferedreader bufferedreader; try { bufferedreader = new bufferedreader(new filereader(item_file)); string line = null; while ((line = bufferedreader.readline()) != null) { string[] parts = line.split("\t"); string name = parts[0]; string url = parts[1]; item item = new item(name, url); itemsbynamebuilder.addkeyword(normalize(name), item); } } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } itemsbyname =; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void bordersChanged() { JComponent component = (JComponent)toAWTComponent(); component.setBorder(JBUI.Borders.empty()); Collection<BorderInfo> borders = dataObject().getBorders(); Map<BorderPosition, Integer> emptyBorders = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (BorderInfo border : borders) { if (border.getBorderStyle() == BorderStyle.EMPTY) { emptyBorders.put(border.getBorderPosition(), border.getWidth()); } } if (!emptyBorders.isEmpty()) { component.setBorder(JBUI.Borders.empty(getBorderSize(emptyBorders, BorderPosition.TOP), getBorderSize(emptyBorders, BorderPosition.LEFT), getBorderSize(emptyBorders, BorderPosition.BOTTOM), getBorderSize(emptyBorders, BorderPosition.RIGHT))); return; } // FIXME [VISTALL] support other borders? }
private void bordersChanged() { JComponent component = (JComponent)toAWTComponent(); component.setBorder(JBUI.Borders.empty()); Collection<BorderInfo> borders = dataObject().getBorders(); Map<BorderPosition, Integer> emptyBorders = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (BorderInfo border : borders) { if (border.getBorderStyle() == BorderStyle.EMPTY) { emptyBorders.put(border.getBorderPosition(), border.getWidth()); } } if (!emptyBorders.isEmpty()) { component.setBorder(JBUI.Borders.empty(getBorderSize(emptyBorders, BorderPosition.TOP), getBorderSize(emptyBorders, BorderPosition.LEFT), getBorderSize(emptyBorders, BorderPosition.BOTTOM), getBorderSize(emptyBorders, BorderPosition.RIGHT))); return; } }
private void borderschanged() { jcomponent component = (jcomponent)toawtcomponent(); component.setborder(jbui.borders.empty()); collection<borderinfo> borders = dataobject().getborders(); map<borderposition, integer> emptyborders = new linkedhashmap<>(); for (borderinfo border : borders) { if (border.getborderstyle() == borderstyle.empty) { emptyborders.put(border.getborderposition(), border.getwidth()); } } if (!emptyborders.isempty()) { component.setborder(jbui.borders.empty(getbordersize(emptyborders,, getbordersize(emptyborders, borderposition.left), getbordersize(emptyborders, borderposition.bottom), getbordersize(emptyborders, borderposition.right))); return; } }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
private void saveXML(Reference ref, FileOutputStream fos) throws JAXBException { JAXBContext ctx = JAXBContext.newInstance(com.digi_dmx.gen.Context.class); Marshaller m = ctx.createMarshaller(); m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_ENCODING, DEFAULT_ENCODING); com.digi_dmx.gen.Context save = new com.digi_dmx.gen.Context(); save.setFactory(ref.getFactoryClassName()); save.setClazz(ref.getClassName()); Enumeration<RefAddr> all = ref.getAll(); while (all.hasMoreElements()) { RefAddr refAddr = all.nextElement(); Attr attr = new Attr(); attr.setName(refAddr.getType()); Object content = refAddr.getContent(); if (content != null) { attr.setValue(content.toString()); } save.addAttr(attr); // this hurts my soul } m.marshal(save, fos); }
private void saveXML(Reference ref, FileOutputStream fos) throws JAXBException { JAXBContext ctx = JAXBContext.newInstance(com.digi_dmx.gen.Context.class); Marshaller m = ctx.createMarshaller(); m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true); m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_ENCODING, DEFAULT_ENCODING); com.digi_dmx.gen.Context save = new com.digi_dmx.gen.Context(); save.setFactory(ref.getFactoryClassName()); save.setClazz(ref.getClassName()); Enumeration<RefAddr> all = ref.getAll(); while (all.hasMoreElements()) { RefAddr refAddr = all.nextElement(); Attr attr = new Attr(); attr.setName(refAddr.getType()); Object content = refAddr.getContent(); if (content != null) { attr.setValue(content.toString()); } save.addAttr(attr); } m.marshal(save, fos); }
private void savexml(reference ref, fileoutputstream fos) throws jaxbexception { jaxbcontext ctx = jaxbcontext.newinstance(com.digi_dmx.gen.context.class); marshaller m = ctx.createmarshaller(); m.setproperty(marshaller.jaxb_formatted_output, true); m.setproperty(marshaller.jaxb_encoding, default_encoding); com.digi_dmx.gen.context save = new com.digi_dmx.gen.context(); save.setfactory(ref.getfactoryclassname()); save.setclazz(ref.getclassname()); enumeration<refaddr> all = ref.getall(); while (all.hasmoreelements()) { refaddr refaddr = all.nextelement(); attr attr = new attr(); attr.setname(refaddr.gettype()); object content = refaddr.getcontent(); if (content != null) { attr.setvalue(content.tostring()); } save.addattr(attr); } m.marshal(save, fos); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void reduceList(Site site, Map<String, String> zapRelations, Map<String, Vulnerability> groupVulnerabilities) throws MalformedURLException { /** * De las vulnerabilidades encontradas las mapeamos a objetos * y las agrupamos por tipo de vulnerabilidad y url */ for (Alert alert: site.getAlerts()) { String nameVuln = zapRelations.get(alert.getPluginid()); if(StringUtils.isBlank(nameVuln)){ Vulnerability vulnerability = new Vulnerability(); vulnerability.setName(Constantes.COMMON_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND + alert.getName()); vulnerability.setShortName(alert.getName()); vulnerability.setLongName(alert.getName()); //TODO: Convertir la serveridad vulnerability.setSeverity(alert.getRiskdesc().replaceAll("\\(.*\\)", "").trim()); vulnerability.setCwe(Integer.parseInt(alert.getCweid())); for(Endpoint endPointZap : alert.getInstances()){ if(!vulnerability.getEndpoint().stream().anyMatch(obj -> obj.getUrl().equals(getUrlWithoutParameters(endPointZap.getUrl())) && obj.getMethod().equals(endPointZap.getMethod()))){ vulnerability.getEndpoint().add(new Endpoint(endPointZap.getMethod(), getUrlWithoutParameters(endPointZap.getUrl()))); } } groupVulnerabilities.put(vulnerability.getName(), vulnerability); } else if(groupVulnerabilities.containsKey(nameVuln)){ Vulnerability vulnerability = groupVulnerabilities.get(nameVuln); for(Endpoint endPointZap : alert.getInstances()){ if(!vulnerability.getEndpoint().stream().anyMatch(obj -> obj.getUrl().equals(getUrlWithoutParameters(endPointZap.getUrl())) && obj.getMethod().equals(endPointZap.getMethod()))){ vulnerability.getEndpoint().add(new Endpoint(endPointZap.getMethod(), getUrlWithoutParameters(endPointZap.getUrl()))); } } } else { Vulnerability vulnerability = new Vulnerability(); vulnerability.setShortName(alert.getName()); vulnerability.setLongName(alert.getName()); //TODO: Convertir la serveridad vulnerability.setSeverity(alert.getRiskdesc().replaceAll("\\(.*\\)", "")); vulnerability.setCwe(Integer.parseInt(alert.getCweid())); for(Endpoint endPointZap : alert.getInstances()){ if(!vulnerability.getEndpoint().stream().anyMatch(obj -> obj.getUrl().equals(getUrlWithoutParameters(endPointZap.getUrl())) && obj.getMethod().equals(endPointZap.getMethod()))){ vulnerability.getEndpoint().add(new Endpoint(endPointZap.getMethod(), getUrlWithoutParameters(endPointZap.getUrl()))); } } groupVulnerabilities.put(vulnerability.getName(), vulnerability); } } }
private void reduceList(Site site, Map<String, String> zapRelations, Map<String, Vulnerability> groupVulnerabilities) throws MalformedURLException { for (Alert alert: site.getAlerts()) { String nameVuln = zapRelations.get(alert.getPluginid()); if(StringUtils.isBlank(nameVuln)){ Vulnerability vulnerability = new Vulnerability(); vulnerability.setName(Constantes.COMMON_MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND + alert.getName()); vulnerability.setShortName(alert.getName()); vulnerability.setLongName(alert.getName()); vulnerability.setSeverity(alert.getRiskdesc().replaceAll("\\(.*\\)", "").trim()); vulnerability.setCwe(Integer.parseInt(alert.getCweid())); for(Endpoint endPointZap : alert.getInstances()){ if(!vulnerability.getEndpoint().stream().anyMatch(obj -> obj.getUrl().equals(getUrlWithoutParameters(endPointZap.getUrl())) && obj.getMethod().equals(endPointZap.getMethod()))){ vulnerability.getEndpoint().add(new Endpoint(endPointZap.getMethod(), getUrlWithoutParameters(endPointZap.getUrl()))); } } groupVulnerabilities.put(vulnerability.getName(), vulnerability); } else if(groupVulnerabilities.containsKey(nameVuln)){ Vulnerability vulnerability = groupVulnerabilities.get(nameVuln); for(Endpoint endPointZap : alert.getInstances()){ if(!vulnerability.getEndpoint().stream().anyMatch(obj -> obj.getUrl().equals(getUrlWithoutParameters(endPointZap.getUrl())) && obj.getMethod().equals(endPointZap.getMethod()))){ vulnerability.getEndpoint().add(new Endpoint(endPointZap.getMethod(), getUrlWithoutParameters(endPointZap.getUrl()))); } } } else { Vulnerability vulnerability = new Vulnerability(); vulnerability.setShortName(alert.getName()); vulnerability.setLongName(alert.getName()); vulnerability.setSeverity(alert.getRiskdesc().replaceAll("\\(.*\\)", "")); vulnerability.setCwe(Integer.parseInt(alert.getCweid())); for(Endpoint endPointZap : alert.getInstances()){ if(!vulnerability.getEndpoint().stream().anyMatch(obj -> obj.getUrl().equals(getUrlWithoutParameters(endPointZap.getUrl())) && obj.getMethod().equals(endPointZap.getMethod()))){ vulnerability.getEndpoint().add(new Endpoint(endPointZap.getMethod(), getUrlWithoutParameters(endPointZap.getUrl()))); } } groupVulnerabilities.put(vulnerability.getName(), vulnerability); } } }
private void reducelist(site site, map<string, string> zaprelations, map<string, vulnerability> groupvulnerabilities) throws malformedurlexception { for (alert alert: site.getalerts()) { string namevuln = zaprelations.get(alert.getpluginid()); if(stringutils.isblank(namevuln)){ vulnerability vulnerability = new vulnerability(); vulnerability.setname(constantes.common_message_not_found + alert.getname()); vulnerability.setshortname(alert.getname()); vulnerability.setlongname(alert.getname()); vulnerability.setseverity(alert.getriskdesc().replaceall("\\(.*\\)", "").trim()); vulnerability.setcwe(integer.parseint(alert.getcweid())); for(endpoint endpointzap : alert.getinstances()){ if(!vulnerability.getendpoint().stream().anymatch(obj -> obj.geturl().equals(geturlwithoutparameters(endpointzap.geturl())) && obj.getmethod().equals(endpointzap.getmethod()))){ vulnerability.getendpoint().add(new endpoint(endpointzap.getmethod(), geturlwithoutparameters(endpointzap.geturl()))); } } groupvulnerabilities.put(vulnerability.getname(), vulnerability); } else if(groupvulnerabilities.containskey(namevuln)){ vulnerability vulnerability = groupvulnerabilities.get(namevuln); for(endpoint endpointzap : alert.getinstances()){ if(!vulnerability.getendpoint().stream().anymatch(obj -> obj.geturl().equals(geturlwithoutparameters(endpointzap.geturl())) && obj.getmethod().equals(endpointzap.getmethod()))){ vulnerability.getendpoint().add(new endpoint(endpointzap.getmethod(), geturlwithoutparameters(endpointzap.geturl()))); } } } else { vulnerability vulnerability = new vulnerability(); vulnerability.setshortname(alert.getname()); vulnerability.setlongname(alert.getname()); vulnerability.setseverity(alert.getriskdesc().replaceall("\\(.*\\)", "")); vulnerability.setcwe(integer.parseint(alert.getcweid())); for(endpoint endpointzap : alert.getinstances()){ if(!vulnerability.getendpoint().stream().anymatch(obj -> obj.geturl().equals(geturlwithoutparameters(endpointzap.geturl())) && obj.getmethod().equals(endpointzap.getmethod()))){ vulnerability.getendpoint().add(new endpoint(endpointzap.getmethod(), geturlwithoutparameters(endpointzap.geturl()))); } } groupvulnerabilities.put(vulnerability.getname(), vulnerability); } } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public void deleteAll(User user, Conversation conversation) { // TODO: optimize messageRepository.getAllBySenderAndConversation(user, conversation) .stream() .parallel() .forEach(this::delete); }
public void deleteAll(User user, Conversation conversation) { messageRepository.getAllBySenderAndConversation(user, conversation) .stream() .parallel() .forEach(this::delete); }
public void deleteall(user user, conversation conversation) { messagerepository.getallbysenderandconversation(user, conversation) .stream() .parallel() .foreach(this::delete); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Test public void testLANG1292() { // Prior to fix, this was throwing StringIndexOutOfBoundsException Wrap.wrap("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 70); }
@Test public void testLANG1292() { Wrap.wrap("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 70); }
@test public void testlang1292() { wrap.wrap("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", 70); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@Test public void testLANG1397() { // Prior to fix, this was throwing StringIndexOutOfBoundsException Wrap.wrap("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", Integer.MAX_VALUE); }
@Test public void testLANG1397() { Wrap.wrap("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", Integer.MAX_VALUE); }
@test public void testlang1397() { wrap.wrap("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa " + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", integer.max_value); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
public void dumpDecrements(Block block, RCTracker increments) { // TODO: can we guarantee that the refcount var is available in the // current scope? for (RefCountType rcType: RefcountPass.RC_TYPES) { for (Entry<AliasKey, Long> e: increments.rcIter(rcType, RCDir.DECR)) { assert (e.getValue() <= 0); Var var = increments.getRefCountVar(e.getKey()); if (RefCounting.trackRefCount(var, rcType)) { Arg amount = Arg.newInt(e.getValue() * -1); block.addCleanup(var, RefCountOp.decrRef(rcType, var, amount)); } } } // Clear out all decrements increments.resetAll(RCDir.DECR); }
public void dumpDecrements(Block block, RCTracker increments) { for (RefCountType rcType: RefcountPass.RC_TYPES) { for (Entry<AliasKey, Long> e: increments.rcIter(rcType, RCDir.DECR)) { assert (e.getValue() <= 0); Var var = increments.getRefCountVar(e.getKey()); if (RefCounting.trackRefCount(var, rcType)) { Arg amount = Arg.newInt(e.getValue() * -1); block.addCleanup(var, RefCountOp.decrRef(rcType, var, amount)); } } } increments.resetAll(RCDir.DECR); }
public void dumpdecrements(block block, rctracker increments) { for (refcounttype rctype: refcountpass.rc_types) { for (entry<aliaskey, long> e: increments.rciter(rctype, rcdir.decr)) { assert (e.getvalue() <= 0); var var = increments.getrefcountvar(e.getkey()); if (refcounting.trackrefcount(var, rctype)) { arg amount = arg.newint(e.getvalue() * -1); block.addcleanup(var, refcountop.decrref(rctype, var, amount)); } } } increments.resetall(rcdir.decr); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]