public static void attachEndpointToSession(Channel channel, Endpoint endpoint) { // TODO // Netty allow to set/get attachment on Channel in the near feature, e.g. // channel.getAttribute(new AttributeKey<Endpoint>(TRANSPORT_SENDER)) endpoints.set(channel, endpoint); }
public static void attachEndpointToSession(Channel channel, Endpoint endpoint) { endpoints.set(channel, endpoint); }
public static void attachendpointtosession(channel channel, endpoint endpoint) { endpoints.set(channel, endpoint); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void searchTweets(final String keyword) { safelyUnsubscribe(subDelayedSearch, subLoadMoreTweets, subSearchTweets); lastKeyword = keyword; if (!networkApi.isConnectedToInternet(this)) { showSnackBar(msgNoInternetConnection); return; } if (!twitterApi.canSearchTweets(keyword)) { return; } subSearchTweets = twitterApi.searchTweets(keyword) .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(new Subscriber<List<Status>>() { @Override public void onStart() { } @Override public void onCompleted() { // we don't have to implement this method } @Override public void onError(final Throwable e) { final String message = getErrorMessage((TwitterException) e); showSnackBar(message); showErrorMessageContainer(message, R.drawable.no_tweets); } @Override public void onNext(final List<Status> tweets) { handleSearchResults(tweets, keyword); } }); }
private void searchTweets(final String keyword) { safelyUnsubscribe(subDelayedSearch, subLoadMoreTweets, subSearchTweets); lastKeyword = keyword; if (!networkApi.isConnectedToInternet(this)) { showSnackBar(msgNoInternetConnection); return; } if (!twitterApi.canSearchTweets(keyword)) { return; } subSearchTweets = twitterApi.searchTweets(keyword) .subscribeOn( .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .subscribe(new Subscriber<List<Status>>() { @Override public void onStart() { } @Override public void onCompleted() { } @Override public void onError(final Throwable e) { final String message = getErrorMessage((TwitterException) e); showSnackBar(message); showErrorMessageContainer(message, R.drawable.no_tweets); } @Override public void onNext(final List<Status> tweets) { handleSearchResults(tweets, keyword); } }); }
private void searchtweets(final string keyword) { safelyunsubscribe(subdelayedsearch, subloadmoretweets, subsearchtweets); lastkeyword = keyword; if (!networkapi.isconnectedtointernet(this)) { showsnackbar(msgnointernetconnection); return; } if (!twitterapi.cansearchtweets(keyword)) { return; } subsearchtweets = twitterapi.searchtweets(keyword) .subscribeon( .observeon(androidschedulers.mainthread()) .subscribe(new subscriber<list<status>>() { @override public void onstart() { } @override public void oncompleted() { } @override public void onerror(final throwable e) { final string message = geterrormessage((twitterexception) e); showsnackbar(message); showerrormessagecontainer(message, r.drawable.no_tweets); } @override public void onnext(final list<status> tweets) { handlesearchresults(tweets, keyword); } }); }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
@SuppressWarnings("restriction") private void updateDJTSign(ChildVaccinaterecord childVaccinaterecord, Map<String, Object> maplist, Map<String, Object> code) {"获取排号签字数据开始" + childVaccinaterecord.getNid().substring(0, 2) + "||" + childVaccinaterecord.getVaccineid()); Object signObjVaccid = CacheUtils.get(CacheUtils.SIGN_CACHE, childVaccinaterecord.getChildid() + "_" + childVaccinaterecord.getNid().substring(0, 2));"signObjVaccid-->" + (signObjVaccid == null)); CacheUtils.remove(CacheUtils.SIGN_CACHE, childVaccinaterecord.getChildid() + "_" + childVaccinaterecord.getNid().substring(0, 2)); Object signObj = CacheUtils.get(CacheUtils.SIGN_CACHE, childVaccinaterecord.getChildid() + "_" + childVaccinaterecord.getVaccineid());"signObj-->" + (signObj == null)); CacheUtils.remove(CacheUtils.SIGN_CACHE, childVaccinaterecord.getChildid() + "_" + childVaccinaterecord.getVaccineid()); if (signObj == null) { signObj = signObjVaccid; }"signObjFinal-->" + (signObj == null)); if (signObj != null) { String signStr = (String) signObj; // 初始化记录数据 childVaccinaterecord = childVaccinaterecordService.get(childVaccinaterecord); if (childVaccinaterecord != null) { // 判断签字是否存在 // 打印签字信息 code.put("sign", signStr); // base64 转换签字 BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder(); try { byte[] sign = decoder.decodeBuffer(signStr); if (null != sign && sign.length > 0) { childVaccinaterecord.setSignatureData(sign); childVaccinaterecord.setStype(ChildVaccinaterecord.SIGNATURE_SOURCE_DJT); // 查询该记录签字是否存在 int count = childVaccinaterecordService.querySignature(childVaccinaterecord); if (count == 0) { // 新增签字 childVaccinaterecordService.insertSignatures(childVaccinaterecord); } // 修改签字状态 childVaccinaterecord.setSignature(ChildVaccinaterecord.SIGNATURE_YES); childVaccinaterecordService.updateSignatures(childVaccinaterecord); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("微信签字base64转bytes失败", e.getMessage()); } // 签字状态 } maplist.put("success", true); logger.error("打印排号获取签字成功" + childVaccinaterecord.getNid().substring(0, 2) + "||" + childVaccinaterecord.getVaccineid()); } else { logger.error("打印排号获取签字失败" + childVaccinaterecord.getNid().substring(0, 2) + "||" + childVaccinaterecord.getVaccineid()); } }
@SuppressWarnings("restriction") private void updateDJTSign(ChildVaccinaterecord childVaccinaterecord, Map<String, Object> maplist, Map<String, Object> code) {"获取排号签字数据开始" + childVaccinaterecord.getNid().substring(0, 2) + "||" + childVaccinaterecord.getVaccineid()); Object signObjVaccid = CacheUtils.get(CacheUtils.SIGN_CACHE, childVaccinaterecord.getChildid() + "_" + childVaccinaterecord.getNid().substring(0, 2));"signObjVaccid-->" + (signObjVaccid == null)); CacheUtils.remove(CacheUtils.SIGN_CACHE, childVaccinaterecord.getChildid() + "_" + childVaccinaterecord.getNid().substring(0, 2)); Object signObj = CacheUtils.get(CacheUtils.SIGN_CACHE, childVaccinaterecord.getChildid() + "_" + childVaccinaterecord.getVaccineid());"signObj-->" + (signObj == null)); CacheUtils.remove(CacheUtils.SIGN_CACHE, childVaccinaterecord.getChildid() + "_" + childVaccinaterecord.getVaccineid()); if (signObj == null) { signObj = signObjVaccid; }"signObjFinal-->" + (signObj == null)); if (signObj != null) { String signStr = (String) signObj; naterecord = childVaccinaterecordService.get(childVaccinaterecord); if (childVaccinaterecord != null) { t("sign", signStr); E64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder(); try { byte[] sign = decoder.decodeBuffer(signStr); if (null != sign && sign.length > 0) { childVaccinaterecord.setSignatureData(sign); childVaccinaterecord.setStype(ChildVaccinaterecord.SIGNATURE_SOURCE_DJT); ldVaccinaterecordService.querySignature(childVaccinaterecord); if (count == 0) { childVaccinaterecordService.insertSignatures(childVaccinaterecord); } Vaccinaterecord.setSignature(ChildVaccinaterecord.SIGNATURE_YES); childVaccinaterecordService.updateSignatures(childVaccinaterecord); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("微信签字base64转bytes失败", e.getMessage()); } maplist.put("success", true); logger.error("打印排号获取签字成功" + childVaccinaterecord.getNid().substring(0, 2) + "||" + childVaccinaterecord.getVaccineid()); } else { logger.error("打印排号获取签字失败" + childVaccinaterecord.getNid().substring(0, 2) + "||" + childVaccinaterecord.getVaccineid()); } }
@suppresswarnings("restriction") private void updatedjtsign(childvaccinaterecord childvaccinaterecord, map<string, object> maplist, map<string, object> code) {"获取排号签字数据开始" + childvaccinaterecord.getnid().substring(0, 2) + "||" + childvaccinaterecord.getvaccineid()); object signobjvaccid = cacheutils.get(cacheutils.sign_cache, childvaccinaterecord.getchildid() + "_" + childvaccinaterecord.getnid().substring(0, 2));"signobjvaccid-->" + (signobjvaccid == null)); cacheutils.remove(cacheutils.sign_cache, childvaccinaterecord.getchildid() + "_" + childvaccinaterecord.getnid().substring(0, 2)); object signobj = cacheutils.get(cacheutils.sign_cache, childvaccinaterecord.getchildid() + "_" + childvaccinaterecord.getvaccineid());"signobj-->" + (signobj == null)); cacheutils.remove(cacheutils.sign_cache, childvaccinaterecord.getchildid() + "_" + childvaccinaterecord.getvaccineid()); if (signobj == null) { signobj = signobjvaccid; }"signobjfinal-->" + (signobj == null)); if (signobj != null) { string signstr = (string) signobj; naterecord = childvaccinaterecordservice.get(childvaccinaterecord); if (childvaccinaterecord != null) { t("sign", signstr); e64decoder decoder = new base64decoder(); try { byte[] sign = decoder.decodebuffer(signstr); if (null != sign && sign.length > 0) { childvaccinaterecord.setsignaturedata(sign); childvaccinaterecord.setstype(childvaccinaterecord.signature_source_djt); ldvaccinaterecordservice.querysignature(childvaccinaterecord); if (count == 0) { childvaccinaterecordservice.insertsignatures(childvaccinaterecord); } vaccinaterecord.setsignature(childvaccinaterecord.signature_yes); childvaccinaterecordservice.updatesignatures(childvaccinaterecord); } } catch (exception e) { logger.error("微信签字base64转bytes失败", e.getmessage()); } maplist.put("success", true); logger.error("打印排号获取签字成功" + childvaccinaterecord.getnid().substring(0, 2) + "||" + childvaccinaterecord.getvaccineid()); } else { logger.error("打印排号获取签字失败" + childvaccinaterecord.getnid().substring(0, 2) + "||" + childvaccinaterecord.getvaccineid()); } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public synchronized void draw_World(){ //for each cells ant1nbCells=0; ant2nbCells=0; ant3nbCells=0; ant4nbCells=0; for (int x=0;x<WIDTH;x++){ for (int y=0;y<HEIGHT;y++){ //test is colorized if (world.getLocation().get((WIDTH*y)+x).isColorized()){ //System.out.print("(x,y)=("+x+","+y+")&"); //yes draw a point with this color wimgWorld.getPixelWriter().setColor(x, y, world.getLocation().get((WIDTH*y)+x).getColorS()); if (world.getLocation().get((WIDTH*y)+x).getName().compareTo(ANT1)==0){ant1nbCells++;} if (world.getLocation().get((WIDTH*y)+x).getName().compareTo(ANT2)==0){ant2nbCells++;} if (world.getLocation().get((WIDTH*y)+x).getName().compareTo(ANT3)==0){ant3nbCells++;} if (world.getLocation().get((WIDTH*y)+x).getName().compareTo(ANT4)==0){ant4nbCells++;} } else { //no draw a black point wimgWorld.getPixelWriter().setColor(x, y, javafx.scene.paint.Color.BLACK); } } } imgWorld.setImage(wimgWorld); //show me the result on scsreen //refresh counters lbTotalCellsNb.setText(nbTotalCells+" cells"); lbAnt1CellsNb.setText(ant1nbCells+" cells ("+formatter.format(((double)ant1nbCells/nbTotalCells)*100)+"%)"); lbAnt2CellsNb.setText(ant2nbCells+" cells ("+formatter.format(((double)ant2nbCells/nbTotalCells)*100)+"%)"); lbAnt3CellsNb.setText(ant3nbCells+" cells ("+formatter.format(((double)ant3nbCells/nbTotalCells)*100)+"%)"); lbAnt4CellsNb.setText(ant4nbCells+" cells ("+formatter.format(((double)ant4nbCells/nbTotalCells)*100)+"%)"); }
public synchronized void draw_World(){ ant1nbCells=0; ant2nbCells=0; ant3nbCells=0; ant4nbCells=0; for (int x=0;x<WIDTH;x++){ for (int y=0;y<HEIGHT;y++){ if (world.getLocation().get((WIDTH*y)+x).isColorized()){ wimgWorld.getPixelWriter().setColor(x, y, world.getLocation().get((WIDTH*y)+x).getColorS()); if (world.getLocation().get((WIDTH*y)+x).getName().compareTo(ANT1)==0){ant1nbCells++;} if (world.getLocation().get((WIDTH*y)+x).getName().compareTo(ANT2)==0){ant2nbCells++;} if (world.getLocation().get((WIDTH*y)+x).getName().compareTo(ANT3)==0){ant3nbCells++;} if (world.getLocation().get((WIDTH*y)+x).getName().compareTo(ANT4)==0){ant4nbCells++;} } else { wimgWorld.getPixelWriter().setColor(x, y, javafx.scene.paint.Color.BLACK); } } } imgWorld.setImage(wimgWorld); lbTotalCellsNb.setText(nbTotalCells+" cells"); lbAnt1CellsNb.setText(ant1nbCells+" cells ("+formatter.format(((double)ant1nbCells/nbTotalCells)*100)+"%)"); lbAnt2CellsNb.setText(ant2nbCells+" cells ("+formatter.format(((double)ant2nbCells/nbTotalCells)*100)+"%)"); lbAnt3CellsNb.setText(ant3nbCells+" cells ("+formatter.format(((double)ant3nbCells/nbTotalCells)*100)+"%)"); lbAnt4CellsNb.setText(ant4nbCells+" cells ("+formatter.format(((double)ant4nbCells/nbTotalCells)*100)+"%)"); }
public synchronized void draw_world(){ ant1nbcells=0; ant2nbcells=0; ant3nbcells=0; ant4nbcells=0; for (int x=0;x<width;x++){ for (int y=0;y<height;y++){ if (world.getlocation().get((width*y)+x).iscolorized()){ wimgworld.getpixelwriter().setcolor(x, y, world.getlocation().get((width*y)+x).getcolors()); if (world.getlocation().get((width*y)+x).getname().compareto(ant1)==0){ant1nbcells++;} if (world.getlocation().get((width*y)+x).getname().compareto(ant2)==0){ant2nbcells++;} if (world.getlocation().get((width*y)+x).getname().compareto(ant3)==0){ant3nbcells++;} if (world.getlocation().get((width*y)+x).getname().compareto(ant4)==0){ant4nbcells++;} } else { wimgworld.getpixelwriter().setcolor(x, y,; } } } imgworld.setimage(wimgworld); lbtotalcellsnb.settext(nbtotalcells+" cells"); lbant1cellsnb.settext(ant1nbcells+" cells ("+formatter.format(((double)ant1nbcells/nbtotalcells)*100)+"%)"); lbant2cellsnb.settext(ant2nbcells+" cells ("+formatter.format(((double)ant2nbcells/nbtotalcells)*100)+"%)"); lbant3cellsnb.settext(ant3nbcells+" cells ("+formatter.format(((double)ant3nbcells/nbtotalcells)*100)+"%)"); lbant4cellsnb.settext(ant4nbcells+" cells ("+formatter.format(((double)ant4nbcells/nbtotalcells)*100)+"%)"); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void clearNzSessions() throws IOException, InterruptedException { String pathToNzSession = System.getProperty( NZ_SESSION_PATH_KEY, DEFAULT_NZ_SESSION_PATH); // Run nzsession and capture a list of open transactions. ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.add(pathToNzSession); args.add("-host"); args.add(NETEZZA_HOST); args.add("-u"); args.add(ADMIN_USER); args.add("-pw"); args.add(ADMIN_PASS); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(args.toArray(new String[0])); InputStream is = p.getInputStream(); LineBufferingAsyncSink sink = new LineBufferingAsyncSink(); sink.processStream(is); // Wait for the process to end. int result = p.waitFor(); if (0 != result) { throw new IOException("Session list command terminated with " + result); } // Collect all the stdout, and parse the output. // If the third whitespace-delimited token is the sqooptest user, // the the first token is the nzsession id. We should kill that id. sink.join(); List<String> processList = sink.getLines(); for (String processLine : processList) { if (null == processLine || processLine.length() == 0) { continue; // Ignore empty lines. } String [] tokens = processLine.split(" +"); if (tokens.length < 3) { continue; // Not enough tokens on this line. } if (tokens[2].equalsIgnoreCase(NETEZZA_USER)) { // Found a match. killSession(tokens[0]); } } }
public void clearNzSessions() throws IOException, InterruptedException { String pathToNzSession = System.getProperty( NZ_SESSION_PATH_KEY, DEFAULT_NZ_SESSION_PATH); ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.add(pathToNzSession); args.add("-host"); args.add(NETEZZA_HOST); args.add("-u"); args.add(ADMIN_USER); args.add("-pw"); args.add(ADMIN_PASS); Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(args.toArray(new String[0])); InputStream is = p.getInputStream(); LineBufferingAsyncSink sink = new LineBufferingAsyncSink(); sink.processStream(is); int result = p.waitFor(); if (0 != result) { throw new IOException("Session list command terminated with " + result); } sink.join(); List<String> processList = sink.getLines(); for (String processLine : processList) { if (null == processLine || processLine.length() == 0) { continue; } String [] tokens = processLine.split(" +"); if (tokens.length < 3) { continue; } if (tokens[2].equalsIgnoreCase(NETEZZA_USER)) { killSession(tokens[0]); } } }
public void clearnzsessions() throws ioexception, interruptedexception { string pathtonzsession = system.getproperty( nz_session_path_key, default_nz_session_path); arraylist<string> args = new arraylist<string>(); args.add(pathtonzsession); args.add("-host"); args.add(netezza_host); args.add("-u"); args.add(admin_user); args.add("-pw"); args.add(admin_pass); process p = runtime.getruntime().exec(args.toarray(new string[0])); inputstream is = p.getinputstream(); linebufferingasyncsink sink = new linebufferingasyncsink(); sink.processstream(is); int result = p.waitfor(); if (0 != result) { throw new ioexception("session list command terminated with " + result); } sink.join(); list<string> processlist = sink.getlines(); for (string processline : processlist) { if (null == processline || processline.length() == 0) { continue; } string [] tokens = processline.split(" +"); if (tokens.length < 3) { continue; } if (tokens[2].equalsignorecase(netezza_user)) { killsession(tokens[0]); } } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@CalledByNative protected void releaseOutputBuffer(int index, boolean render) { try { mMediaCodec.releaseOutputBuffer(index, render); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TODO(qinmin): May need to report the error to the caller. Log.e(TAG, "Failed to release output buffer", e); } }
@CalledByNative protected void releaseOutputBuffer(int index, boolean render) { try { mMediaCodec.releaseOutputBuffer(index, render); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to release output buffer", e); } }
@calledbynative protected void releaseoutputbuffer(int index, boolean render) { try { mmediacodec.releaseoutputbuffer(index, render); } catch (illegalstateexception e) { log.e(tag, "failed to release output buffer", e); } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void onError(MediaCodec codec, MediaCodec.CodecException e) { // TODO(dalecurtis): We may want to drop transient errors here. Log.e(TAG, "MediaCodec.onError: %s", e.getDiagnosticInfo()); mMediaCodecBridge.onError(e); }
@Override public void onError(MediaCodec codec, MediaCodec.CodecException e) { Log.e(TAG, "MediaCodec.onError: %s", e.getDiagnosticInfo()); mMediaCodecBridge.onError(e); }
@override public void onerror(mediacodec codec, mediacodec.codecexception e) { log.e(tag, "mediacodec.onerror: %s", e.getdiagnosticinfo()); mmediacodecbridge.onerror(e); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@VisibleForTesting static RateLimiter create(SleepingStopwatch stopwatch, double permitsPerSecond) { RateLimiter rateLimiter = new SmoothBursty(stopwatch, 1.0 /* maxBurstSeconds */); rateLimiter.setRate(permitsPerSecond); return rateLimiter; }
@VisibleForTesting static RateLimiter create(SleepingStopwatch stopwatch, double permitsPerSecond) { RateLimiter rateLimiter = new SmoothBursty(stopwatch, 1.0); rateLimiter.setRate(permitsPerSecond); return rateLimiter; }
@visiblefortesting static ratelimiter create(sleepingstopwatch stopwatch, double permitspersecond) { ratelimiter ratelimiter = new smoothbursty(stopwatch, 1.0); ratelimiter.setrate(permitspersecond); return ratelimiter; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public static void simulateAutoIncrement(Connection connection, String tableName, String columnName) throws SQLException { String sequenceName = tableName + "_seq"; String triggerName = tableName + "_id"; connection.prepareStatement( "CREATE sequence " + sequenceName + " start with 1 increment by 1 nocycle" ).executeUpdate(); // The oracle driver is getting confused by this statement, claiming we have to declare some in out parameter, // when we execute this as a prepared statement. Might be a config issue on our side. connection .createStatement() .execute( "create or replace trigger " + triggerName + " before insert on " + tableName + " for each row " + " begin " + " :new." + columnName + " := " + sequenceName + ".nextval; " + " end;" ); }
public static void simulateAutoIncrement(Connection connection, String tableName, String columnName) throws SQLException { String sequenceName = tableName + "_seq"; String triggerName = tableName + "_id"; connection.prepareStatement( "CREATE sequence " + sequenceName + " start with 1 increment by 1 nocycle" ).executeUpdate(); connection .createStatement() .execute( "create or replace trigger " + triggerName + " before insert on " + tableName + " for each row " + " begin " + " :new." + columnName + " := " + sequenceName + ".nextval; " + " end;" ); }
public static void simulateautoincrement(connection connection, string tablename, string columnname) throws sqlexception { string sequencename = tablename + "_seq"; string triggername = tablename + "_id"; connection.preparestatement( "create sequence " + sequencename + " start with 1 increment by 1 nocycle" ).executeupdate(); connection .createstatement() .execute( "create or replace trigger " + triggername + " before insert on " + tablename + " for each row " + " begin " + " :new." + columnname + " := " + sequencename + ".nextval; " + " end;" ); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
public void handle(ExtendedBlock block, IOException e) { FsVolumeSpi volume = scanner.volume; if (e == null) { LOG.trace("Successfully scanned {} on {}", block, volume); return; } // If the block does not exist anymore, then it's not an error. if (!volume.getDataset().contains(block)) { LOG.debug("Volume {}: block {} is no longer in the dataset.", volume, block); return; } // If the block exists, the exception may due to a race with write: // The BlockSender got an old block path in rbw. BlockReceiver removed // the rbw block from rbw to finalized but BlockSender tried to open the // file before BlockReceiver updated the VolumeMap. The state of the // block can be changed again now, so ignore this error here. If there // is a block really deleted by mistake, DirectoryScan should catch it. if (e instanceof FileNotFoundException ) {"Volume {}: verification failed for {} because of " + "FileNotFoundException. This may be due to a race with write.", volume, block); return; } LOG.warn("Reporting bad {} on {}", block, volume); try { scanner.datanode.reportBadBlocks(block, volume); } catch (IOException ie) { // This is bad, but not bad enough to shut down the scanner. LOG.warn("Cannot report bad block " + block, ie); } }
public void handle(ExtendedBlock block, IOException e) { FsVolumeSpi volume = scanner.volume; if (e == null) { LOG.trace("Successfully scanned {} on {}", block, volume); return; } if (!volume.getDataset().contains(block)) { LOG.debug("Volume {}: block {} is no longer in the dataset.", volume, block); return; } if (e instanceof FileNotFoundException ) {"Volume {}: verification failed for {} because of " + "FileNotFoundException. This may be due to a race with write.", volume, block); return; } LOG.warn("Reporting bad {} on {}", block, volume); try { scanner.datanode.reportBadBlocks(block, volume); } catch (IOException ie) { LOG.warn("Cannot report bad block " + block, ie); } }
public void handle(extendedblock block, ioexception e) { fsvolumespi volume = scanner.volume; if (e == null) { log.trace("successfully scanned {} on {}", block, volume); return; } if (!volume.getdataset().contains(block)) { log.debug("volume {}: block {} is no longer in the dataset.", volume, block); return; } if (e instanceof filenotfoundexception ) {"volume {}: verification failed for {} because of " + "filenotfoundexception. this may be due to a race with write.", volume, block); return; } log.warn("reporting bad {} on {}", block, volume); try { scanner.datanode.reportbadblocks(block, volume); } catch (ioexception ie) { log.warn("cannot report bad block " + block, ie); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Set keySet(Predicate predicate) { checkTransactionState(); checkNotNull(predicate, "Predicate should not be null!"); checkNotInstanceOf(PagingPredicate.class, predicate, "Paging is not supported for Transactional queries!"); MapQueryEngine queryEngine = mapServiceContext.getMapQueryEngine(name); SerializationService serializationService = getNodeEngine().getSerializationService(); QueryResult result = queryEngine.invokeQueryAllPartitions(name, predicate, IterationType.KEY); Set<Object> queryResult = new QueryResultCollection(serializationService, IterationType.KEY, false, true, result); // TODO: Can't we just use the original set? Set<Object> keySet = new HashSet<Object>(queryResult); Extractors extractors = mapServiceContext.getExtractors(name); for (Map.Entry<Data, TxnValueWrapper> entry : txMap.entrySet()) { Data keyData = entry.getKey(); if (!Type.REMOVED.equals(entry.getValue().type)) { Object value = (entry.getValue().value instanceof Data) ? toObjectIfNeeded(entry.getValue().value) : entry.getValue().value; QueryableEntry queryEntry = new CachedQueryEntry((InternalSerializationService) serializationService, keyData, value, extractors); // apply predicate on txMap if (predicate.apply(queryEntry)) { Object keyObject = serializationService.toObject(keyData); keySet.add(keyObject); } } else { // meanwhile remove keys which are not in txMap Object keyObject = serializationService.toObject(keyData); keySet.remove(keyObject); } } return keySet; }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Set keySet(Predicate predicate) { checkTransactionState(); checkNotNull(predicate, "Predicate should not be null!"); checkNotInstanceOf(PagingPredicate.class, predicate, "Paging is not supported for Transactional queries!"); MapQueryEngine queryEngine = mapServiceContext.getMapQueryEngine(name); SerializationService serializationService = getNodeEngine().getSerializationService(); QueryResult result = queryEngine.invokeQueryAllPartitions(name, predicate, IterationType.KEY); Set<Object> queryResult = new QueryResultCollection(serializationService, IterationType.KEY, false, true, result); Set<Object> keySet = new HashSet<Object>(queryResult); Extractors extractors = mapServiceContext.getExtractors(name); for (Map.Entry<Data, TxnValueWrapper> entry : txMap.entrySet()) { Data keyData = entry.getKey(); if (!Type.REMOVED.equals(entry.getValue().type)) { Object value = (entry.getValue().value instanceof Data) ? toObjectIfNeeded(entry.getValue().value) : entry.getValue().value; QueryableEntry queryEntry = new CachedQueryEntry((InternalSerializationService) serializationService, keyData, value, extractors); if (predicate.apply(queryEntry)) { Object keyObject = serializationService.toObject(keyData); keySet.add(keyObject); } } else { Object keyObject = serializationService.toObject(keyData); keySet.remove(keyObject); } } return keySet; }
@override @suppresswarnings("unchecked") public set keyset(predicate predicate) { checktransactionstate(); checknotnull(predicate, "predicate should not be null!"); checknotinstanceof(pagingpredicate.class, predicate, "paging is not supported for transactional queries!"); mapqueryengine queryengine = mapservicecontext.getmapqueryengine(name); serializationservice serializationservice = getnodeengine().getserializationservice(); queryresult result = queryengine.invokequeryallpartitions(name, predicate, iterationtype.key); set<object> queryresult = new queryresultcollection(serializationservice, iterationtype.key, false, true, result); set<object> keyset = new hashset<object>(queryresult); extractors extractors = mapservicecontext.getextractors(name); for (map.entry<data, txnvaluewrapper> entry : txmap.entryset()) { data keydata = entry.getkey(); if (!type.removed.equals(entry.getvalue().type)) { object value = (entry.getvalue().value instanceof data) ? toobjectifneeded(entry.getvalue().value) : entry.getvalue().value; queryableentry queryentry = new cachedqueryentry((internalserializationservice) serializationservice, keydata, value, extractors); if (predicate.apply(queryentry)) { object keyobject = serializationservice.toobject(keydata); keyset.add(keyobject); } } else { object keyobject = serializationservice.toobject(keydata); keyset.remove(keyobject); } } return keyset; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Collection values(Predicate predicate) { checkTransactionState(); checkNotNull(predicate, "Predicate can not be null!"); checkNotInstanceOf(PagingPredicate.class, predicate, "Paging is not supported for Transactional queries"); MapQueryEngine queryEngine = mapServiceContext.getMapQueryEngine(name); SerializationService serializationService = getNodeEngine().getSerializationService(); QueryResult result = queryEngine.invokeQueryAllPartitions(name, predicate, IterationType.ENTRY); QueryResultCollection<Map.Entry> queryResult = new QueryResultCollection<Map.Entry>(serializationService, IterationType.ENTRY, false, true, result); // TODO: Can't we just use the original set? List<Object> valueSet = new ArrayList<Object>(); Set<Object> keyWontBeIncluded = new HashSet<Object>(); Extractors extractors = mapServiceContext.getExtractors(name); // iterate over the txMap and see if the values are updated or removed for (Map.Entry<Data, TxnValueWrapper> entry : txMap.entrySet()) { boolean isRemoved = Type.REMOVED.equals(entry.getValue().type); boolean isUpdated = Type.UPDATED.equals(entry.getValue().type); Object keyObject = serializationService.toObject(entry.getKey()); if (isRemoved) { keyWontBeIncluded.add(keyObject); } else { if (isUpdated) { keyWontBeIncluded.add(keyObject); } Object entryValue = entry.getValue().value; QueryableEntry queryEntry = new CachedQueryEntry((InternalSerializationService) serializationService, entry.getKey(), entryValue, extractors); if (predicate.apply(queryEntry)) { valueSet.add(queryEntry.getValue()); } } } removeFromResultSet(queryResult, valueSet, keyWontBeIncluded); return valueSet; }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Collection values(Predicate predicate) { checkTransactionState(); checkNotNull(predicate, "Predicate can not be null!"); checkNotInstanceOf(PagingPredicate.class, predicate, "Paging is not supported for Transactional queries"); MapQueryEngine queryEngine = mapServiceContext.getMapQueryEngine(name); SerializationService serializationService = getNodeEngine().getSerializationService(); QueryResult result = queryEngine.invokeQueryAllPartitions(name, predicate, IterationType.ENTRY); QueryResultCollection<Map.Entry> queryResult = new QueryResultCollection<Map.Entry>(serializationService, IterationType.ENTRY, false, true, result); List<Object> valueSet = new ArrayList<Object>(); Set<Object> keyWontBeIncluded = new HashSet<Object>(); Extractors extractors = mapServiceContext.getExtractors(name); for (Map.Entry<Data, TxnValueWrapper> entry : txMap.entrySet()) { boolean isRemoved = Type.REMOVED.equals(entry.getValue().type); boolean isUpdated = Type.UPDATED.equals(entry.getValue().type); Object keyObject = serializationService.toObject(entry.getKey()); if (isRemoved) { keyWontBeIncluded.add(keyObject); } else { if (isUpdated) { keyWontBeIncluded.add(keyObject); } Object entryValue = entry.getValue().value; QueryableEntry queryEntry = new CachedQueryEntry((InternalSerializationService) serializationService, entry.getKey(), entryValue, extractors); if (predicate.apply(queryEntry)) { valueSet.add(queryEntry.getValue()); } } } removeFromResultSet(queryResult, valueSet, keyWontBeIncluded); return valueSet; }
@override @suppresswarnings("unchecked") public collection values(predicate predicate) { checktransactionstate(); checknotnull(predicate, "predicate can not be null!"); checknotinstanceof(pagingpredicate.class, predicate, "paging is not supported for transactional queries"); mapqueryengine queryengine = mapservicecontext.getmapqueryengine(name); serializationservice serializationservice = getnodeengine().getserializationservice(); queryresult result = queryengine.invokequeryallpartitions(name, predicate, iterationtype.entry); queryresultcollection<map.entry> queryresult = new queryresultcollection<map.entry>(serializationservice, iterationtype.entry, false, true, result); list<object> valueset = new arraylist<object>(); set<object> keywontbeincluded = new hashset<object>(); extractors extractors = mapservicecontext.getextractors(name); for (map.entry<data, txnvaluewrapper> entry : txmap.entryset()) { boolean isremoved = type.removed.equals(entry.getvalue().type); boolean isupdated = type.updated.equals(entry.getvalue().type); object keyobject = serializationservice.toobject(entry.getkey()); if (isremoved) { keywontbeincluded.add(keyobject); } else { if (isupdated) { keywontbeincluded.add(keyobject); } object entryvalue = entry.getvalue().value; queryableentry queryentry = new cachedqueryentry((internalserializationservice) serializationservice, entry.getkey(), entryvalue, extractors); if (predicate.apply(queryentry)) { valueset.add(queryentry.getvalue()); } } } removefromresultset(queryresult, valueset, keywontbeincluded); return valueset; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private static void resetStatSpecs(String testId, List testContainers, String statSpecFileOverride) { if (testContainers.size() == 1) { // special case TestContainer testContainer = (TestContainer)testContainers.get(0); // determine which statspec file to use String statSpecFile = statSpecFileOverride; if (statSpecFileOverride == null) { statSpecFile = getLastStatSpecFile(testContainer); } // @todo lises support option to use union of all statspecs // reset the statspec file for each test in the container List tests = testContainer.getTests(); for (Iterator i = tests.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Test test = (Test); test.resetStatSpecs(statSpecFile); } } else { // determine which statspec file to use for this test id String statSpecFile = statSpecFileOverride; if (statSpecFileOverride == null) { statSpecFile = getLastStatSpecFile(testId, testContainers); } // @todo lises support option to use union of all statspecs // reset the statspec file for each test with the given test id for (Iterator i = testContainers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { TestContainer testContainer = (TestContainer); List tests = testContainer.getTestsWithId(testId); for (Iterator j = tests.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { Test test = (Test); test.resetStatSpecs(statSpecFile); } } } }
private static void resetStatSpecs(String testId, List testContainers, String statSpecFileOverride) { if (testContainers.size() == 1) { TestContainer testContainer = (TestContainer)testContainers.get(0); String statSpecFile = statSpecFileOverride; if (statSpecFileOverride == null) { statSpecFile = getLastStatSpecFile(testContainer); } List tests = testContainer.getTests(); for (Iterator i = tests.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Test test = (Test); test.resetStatSpecs(statSpecFile); } } else { String statSpecFile = statSpecFileOverride; if (statSpecFileOverride == null) { statSpecFile = getLastStatSpecFile(testId, testContainers); } for (Iterator i = testContainers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { TestContainer testContainer = (TestContainer); List tests = testContainer.getTestsWithId(testId); for (Iterator j = tests.iterator(); j.hasNext();) { Test test = (Test); test.resetStatSpecs(statSpecFile); } } } }
private static void resetstatspecs(string testid, list testcontainers, string statspecfileoverride) { if (testcontainers.size() == 1) { testcontainer testcontainer = (testcontainer)testcontainers.get(0); string statspecfile = statspecfileoverride; if (statspecfileoverride == null) { statspecfile = getlaststatspecfile(testcontainer); } list tests = testcontainer.gettests(); for (iterator i = tests.iterator(); i.hasnext();) { test test = (test); test.resetstatspecs(statspecfile); } } else { string statspecfile = statspecfileoverride; if (statspecfileoverride == null) { statspecfile = getlaststatspecfile(testid, testcontainers); } for (iterator i = testcontainers.iterator(); i.hasnext();) { testcontainer testcontainer = (testcontainer); list tests = testcontainer.gettestswithid(testid); for (iterator j = tests.iterator(); j.hasnext();) { test test = (test); test.resetstatspecs(statspecfile); } } } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private static List buildValueComparators(String testId, List testContainers) { List comparators = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < testContainers.size(); i++) { TestContainer testContainer = (TestContainer)testContainers.get(i); List tests = testContainer.getTestsWithId(testId); if (tests.size() == 0) { // test is missing from this container comparators.add(null); } else if (tests.size() == 1) { Test test = (Test)tests.get(0); ValueComparator comparator = new ValueComparator(i, test); comparators.add(comparator); } else { // multiple runs of this test are present // @todo lises move this check into ValueComparator, for future // averaging, make ValueComparator accept a list of tests String s = "Not implemented yet: multiple tests in " + testContainer.getTestContainerDir() + " with id=" + testId; throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s); } } // make each instance read its archives for (Iterator i = comparators.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ValueComparator comparator = (ValueComparator); if (comparator != null) { comparator.readArchives(); } } return comparators; }
private static List buildValueComparators(String testId, List testContainers) { List comparators = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < testContainers.size(); i++) { TestContainer testContainer = (TestContainer)testContainers.get(i); List tests = testContainer.getTestsWithId(testId); if (tests.size() == 0) { comparators.add(null); } else if (tests.size() == 1) { Test test = (Test)tests.get(0); ValueComparator comparator = new ValueComparator(i, test); comparators.add(comparator); } else { String s = "Not implemented yet: multiple tests in " + testContainer.getTestContainerDir() + " with id=" + testId; throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s); } } for (Iterator i = comparators.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { ValueComparator comparator = (ValueComparator); if (comparator != null) { comparator.readArchives(); } } return comparators; }
private static list buildvaluecomparators(string testid, list testcontainers) { list comparators = new arraylist(); for (int i = 0; i < testcontainers.size(); i++) { testcontainer testcontainer = (testcontainer)testcontainers.get(i); list tests = testcontainer.gettestswithid(testid); if (tests.size() == 0) { comparators.add(null); } else if (tests.size() == 1) { test test = (test)tests.get(0); valuecomparator comparator = new valuecomparator(i, test); comparators.add(comparator); } else { string s = "not implemented yet: multiple tests in " + testcontainer.gettestcontainerdir() + " with id=" + testid; throw new unsupportedoperationexception(s); } } for (iterator i = comparators.iterator(); i.hasnext();) { valuecomparator comparator = (valuecomparator); if (comparator != null) { comparator.readarchives(); } } return comparators; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private static void addWatermarkText(PDDocument doc, PDPage page, PDFont font, String text) throws IOException { try (PDPageContentStream cs = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page, PDPageContentStream.AppendMode.APPEND, true, true)) { float fontHeight = 100; // arbitrary for short text float width = page.getMediaBox().getWidth(); float height = page.getMediaBox().getHeight(); float stringWidth = font.getStringWidth(text) / 1000 * fontHeight; float diagonalLength = (float) Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height); float angle = (float) Math.atan2(height, width); float x = (diagonalLength - stringWidth) / 2; // "horizontal" position in rotated world float y = -fontHeight / 4; // 4 is a trial-and-error thing, this lowers the text a bit cs.transform(Matrix.getRotateInstance(angle, 0, 0)); cs.setFont(font, fontHeight); // cs.setRenderingMode(RenderingMode.STROKE) // for "hollow" effect PDExtendedGraphicsState gs = new PDExtendedGraphicsState(); gs.setNonStrokingAlphaConstant(0.2f); gs.setStrokingAlphaConstant(0.2f); gs.setBlendMode(BlendMode.MULTIPLY); gs.setLineWidth(3f); cs.setGraphicsStateParameters(gs); // some API weirdness here. When int, range is 0..255. // when float, this would be 0..1f cs.setNonStrokingColor(255, 0, 0); cs.setStrokingColor(255, 0, 0); cs.beginText(); cs.newLineAtOffset(x, y); cs.showText(text); cs.endText(); } }
private static void addWatermarkText(PDDocument doc, PDPage page, PDFont font, String text) throws IOException { try (PDPageContentStream cs = new PDPageContentStream(doc, page, PDPageContentStream.AppendMode.APPEND, true, true)) { float fontHeight = 100; float width = page.getMediaBox().getWidth(); float height = page.getMediaBox().getHeight(); float stringWidth = font.getStringWidth(text) / 1000 * fontHeight; float diagonalLength = (float) Math.sqrt(width * width + height * height); float angle = (float) Math.atan2(height, width); float x = (diagonalLength - stringWidth) / 2; float y = -fontHeight / 4; cs.transform(Matrix.getRotateInstance(angle, 0, 0)); cs.setFont(font, fontHeight); PDExtendedGraphicsState gs = new PDExtendedGraphicsState(); gs.setNonStrokingAlphaConstant(0.2f); gs.setStrokingAlphaConstant(0.2f); gs.setBlendMode(BlendMode.MULTIPLY); gs.setLineWidth(3f); cs.setGraphicsStateParameters(gs); cs.setNonStrokingColor(255, 0, 0); cs.setStrokingColor(255, 0, 0); cs.beginText(); cs.newLineAtOffset(x, y); cs.showText(text); cs.endText(); } }
private static void addwatermarktext(pddocument doc, pdpage page, pdfont font, string text) throws ioexception { try (pdpagecontentstream cs = new pdpagecontentstream(doc, page, pdpagecontentstream.appendmode.append, true, true)) { float fontheight = 100; float width = page.getmediabox().getwidth(); float height = page.getmediabox().getheight(); float stringwidth = font.getstringwidth(text) / 1000 * fontheight; float diagonallength = (float) math.sqrt(width * width + height * height); float angle = (float) math.atan2(height, width); float x = (diagonallength - stringwidth) / 2; float y = -fontheight / 4; cs.transform(matrix.getrotateinstance(angle, 0, 0)); cs.setfont(font, fontheight); pdextendedgraphicsstate gs = new pdextendedgraphicsstate(); gs.setnonstrokingalphaconstant(0.2f); gs.setstrokingalphaconstant(0.2f); gs.setblendmode(blendmode.multiply); gs.setlinewidth(3f); cs.setgraphicsstateparameters(gs); cs.setnonstrokingcolor(255, 0, 0); cs.setstrokingcolor(255, 0, 0); cs.begintext(); cs.newlineatoffset(x, y); cs.showtext(text); cs.endtext(); } }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
private void deflateData(boolean force) throws IOException { //we don't need to flush here, as this should have been called already by the time we get to //this point boolean nextCreated = false; try { PooledByteBuffer pooled = this.currentBuffer; final ByteBuffer outputBuffer = pooled.getBuffer(); final boolean shutdown = anyAreSet(state, SHUTDOWN); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; //TODO: we should pool this and make it configurable or something while (force || !deflater.needsInput() || (shutdown && !deflater.finished())) { int count = deflater.deflate(buffer, 0, buffer.length, force ? Deflater.SYNC_FLUSH: Deflater.NO_FLUSH); Connectors.updateResponseBytesSent(exchange, count); if (count != 0) { int remaining = outputBuffer.remaining(); if (remaining > count) { outputBuffer.put(buffer, 0, count); } else { if (remaining == count) { outputBuffer.put(buffer, 0, count); } else { outputBuffer.put(buffer, 0, remaining); additionalBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer, remaining, count - remaining); } outputBuffer.flip(); this.state |= FLUSHING_BUFFER; if (next == null) { nextCreated = true; = createNextChannel(); } if (!performFlushIfRequired()) { return; } } } else { force = false; } } } finally { if (nextCreated) { if (anyAreSet(state, WRITES_RESUMED)) { next.resumeWrites(); } } } }
private void deflateData(boolean force) throws IOException { boolean nextCreated = false; try { PooledByteBuffer pooled = this.currentBuffer; final ByteBuffer outputBuffer = pooled.getBuffer(); final boolean shutdown = anyAreSet(state, SHUTDOWN); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while (force || !deflater.needsInput() || (shutdown && !deflater.finished())) { int count = deflater.deflate(buffer, 0, buffer.length, force ? Deflater.SYNC_FLUSH: Deflater.NO_FLUSH); Connectors.updateResponseBytesSent(exchange, count); if (count != 0) { int remaining = outputBuffer.remaining(); if (remaining > count) { outputBuffer.put(buffer, 0, count); } else { if (remaining == count) { outputBuffer.put(buffer, 0, count); } else { outputBuffer.put(buffer, 0, remaining); additionalBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer, remaining, count - remaining); } outputBuffer.flip(); this.state |= FLUSHING_BUFFER; if (next == null) { nextCreated = true; = createNextChannel(); } if (!performFlushIfRequired()) { return; } } } else { force = false; } } } finally { if (nextCreated) { if (anyAreSet(state, WRITES_RESUMED)) { next.resumeWrites(); } } } }
private void deflatedata(boolean force) throws ioexception { boolean nextcreated = false; try { pooledbytebuffer pooled = this.currentbuffer; final bytebuffer outputbuffer = pooled.getbuffer(); final boolean shutdown = anyareset(state, shutdown); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; while (force || !deflater.needsinput() || (shutdown && !deflater.finished())) { int count = deflater.deflate(buffer, 0, buffer.length, force ? deflater.sync_flush: deflater.no_flush); connectors.updateresponsebytessent(exchange, count); if (count != 0) { int remaining = outputbuffer.remaining(); if (remaining > count) { outputbuffer.put(buffer, 0, count); } else { if (remaining == count) { outputbuffer.put(buffer, 0, count); } else { outputbuffer.put(buffer, 0, remaining); additionalbuffer = bytebuffer.wrap(buffer, remaining, count - remaining); } outputbuffer.flip(); this.state |= flushing_buffer; if (next == null) { nextcreated = true; = createnextchannel(); } if (!performflushifrequired()) { return; } } } else { force = false; } } } finally { if (nextcreated) { if (anyareset(state, writes_resumed)) { next.resumewrites(); } } } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void copyData(DataWrapper body, byte[] data, int offset) { for(int i = 0; i < body.getReadableSize(); i++) { //TODO: Think about using System.arrayCopy here(what is faster?) data[offset + i] = body.readByteAt(i); } }
public void copyData(DataWrapper body, byte[] data, int offset) { for(int i = 0; i < body.getReadableSize(); i++) { data[offset + i] = body.readByteAt(i); } }
public void copydata(datawrapper body, byte[] data, int offset) { for(int i = 0; i < body.getreadablesize(); i++) { data[offset + i] = body.readbyteat(i); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public boolean expire(Table table) { if (expirationPeriod <= 0) { return false; } long current = System.currentTimeMillis(); Long last = expirationStatus.putIfAbsent(table.location(), current); if (last != null && current - last >= expirationPeriod) { expirationStatus.put(table.location(), current); ExecutorService executorService = executorService(); executorService.submit(() -> { logger.debug("Expiring Iceberg table [{}] metadata", table.location()); table.expireSnapshots() .expireOlderThan(current) .commit(); // TODO: Replace with table metadata expiration through Iceberg API // when is resolved // table.expireTableMetadata().expireOlderThan(current).commit(); expireTableMetadata(table); }); return true; } return false; }
public boolean expire(Table table) { if (expirationPeriod <= 0) { return false; } long current = System.currentTimeMillis(); Long last = expirationStatus.putIfAbsent(table.location(), current); if (last != null && current - last >= expirationPeriod) { expirationStatus.put(table.location(), current); ExecutorService executorService = executorService(); executorService.submit(() -> { logger.debug("Expiring Iceberg table [{}] metadata", table.location()); table.expireSnapshots() .expireOlderThan(current) .commit(); expireTableMetadata(table); }); return true; } return false; }
public boolean expire(table table) { if (expirationperiod <= 0) { return false; } long current = system.currenttimemillis(); long last = expirationstatus.putifabsent(table.location(), current); if (last != null && current - last >= expirationperiod) { expirationstatus.put(table.location(), current); executorservice executorservice = executorservice(); executorservice.submit(() -> { logger.debug("expiring iceberg table [{}] metadata", table.location()); table.expiresnapshots() .expireolderthan(current) .commit(); expiretablemetadata(table); }); return true; } return false; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
protected boolean shouldNotifyObserversOnSetIndex() { return true; }
protected boolean shouldNotifyObserversOnSetIndex() { return true; }
protected boolean shouldnotifyobserversonsetindex() { return true; }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
private void configureEditableItem() { String editText = item.getText(); etEditItem = (EditText) findViewById(; etEditItem.setText(editText); etEditItem.setSelection(editText.length()); // TODO: allow user to not choose a date (and make the datepicker look a lot better) etDueDate = (EditText) findViewById(; String dueDate = item.getDueDate(); etDueDate.setText(dueDate); /*if (dueDate != null) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(TodoItem.DUE_DATE_FORMAT); Date date = new Date(); try { date = sdf.parse(dueDate); } catch (ParseException e) { Log.w(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Failed to parse due date, '" + dueDate + "' using format " + TodoItem.DUE_DATE_FORMAT); } Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(date); datePicker.updateDate(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); }*/ spPriority = (Spinner) findViewById(; ArrayAdapter<TodoItem.Priority> priorityAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<TodoItem.Priority>( this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, TodoItem.Priority.values()); spPriority.setAdapter(priorityAdapter); int priorityIndex = item.getPriority().ordinal(); spPriority.setSelection(priorityIndex); }
private void configureEditableItem() { String editText = item.getText(); etEditItem = (EditText) findViewById(; etEditItem.setText(editText); etEditItem.setSelection(editText.length()); etDueDate = (EditText) findViewById(; String dueDate = item.getDueDate(); etDueDate.setText(dueDate); spPriority = (Spinner) findViewById(; ArrayAdapter<TodoItem.Priority> priorityAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<TodoItem.Priority>( this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, TodoItem.Priority.values()); spPriority.setAdapter(priorityAdapter); int priorityIndex = item.getPriority().ordinal(); spPriority.setSelection(priorityIndex); }
private void configureeditableitem() { string edittext = item.gettext(); etedititem = (edittext) findviewbyid(; etedititem.settext(edittext); etedititem.setselection(edittext.length()); etduedate = (edittext) findviewbyid(; string duedate = item.getduedate(); etduedate.settext(duedate); sppriority = (spinner) findviewbyid(; arrayadapter<todoitem.priority> priorityadapter = new arrayadapter<todoitem.priority>( this, android.r.layout.simple_list_item_1, todoitem.priority.values()); sppriority.setadapter(priorityadapter); int priorityindex = item.getpriority().ordinal(); sppriority.setselection(priorityindex); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public int write(ChannelBuffer cb) { // TODO This will be implemented in the next version return 0; }
@Override public int write(ChannelBuffer cb) { return 0; }
@override public int write(channelbuffer cb) { return 0; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void allocateMultiple(MemoryBuffer[] dest, int size) throws AllocatorOutOfMemoryException { assert size > 0 : "size is " + size; if (size > maxAllocation) { throw new RuntimeException("Trying to allocate " + size + "; max is " + maxAllocation); } int freeListIx = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(size); if (size != (1 << freeListIx)) ++freeListIx; // not a power of two, add one more freeListIx = Math.max(freeListIx - minAllocLog2, 0); int allocLog2 = freeListIx + minAllocLog2; int allocationSize = 1 << allocLog2; // TODO: reserving the entire thing is not ideal before we alloc anything. Interleave? memoryManager.reserveMemory(dest.length << allocLog2, true); int ix = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dest.length; ++i) { if (dest[i] != null) continue; dest[i] = createUnallocated(); // TODO: pool of objects? } // First try to quickly lock some of the correct-sized free lists and allocate from them. int arenaCount = allocatedArenas.get(); if (arenaCount < 0) { arenaCount = -arenaCount - 1; // Next arena is being allocated. } long threadId = arenaCount > 1 ? Thread.currentThread().getId() : 0; { int startIndex = (int)(threadId % arenaCount), index = startIndex; do { int newIx = arenas[index].allocateFast(index, freeListIx, dest, ix, allocationSize); if (newIx == dest.length) return; if (newIx != -1) { // TODO: check if it can still happen; count should take care of this. ix = newIx; } ix = newIx; if ((++index) == arenaCount) { index = 0; } } while (index != startIndex); } // TODO: this is very hacky. // We called reserveMemory so we know that somewhere in there, there's memory waiting for us. // However, we have a class of rare race conditions related to the order of locking/checking of // different allocation areas. Simple case - say we have 2 arenas, 256Kb available in arena 2. // We look at arena 1; someone deallocs 256Kb from arena 1 and allocs the same from arena 2; // we look at arena 2 and find no memory. Or, for single arena, 2 threads reserve 256k each, // and a single 1Mb block is available. When the 1st thread locks the 1Mb freelist, the 2nd one // might have already examined the 256k and 512k lists, finding nothing. Blocks placed by (1) // into smaller lists after its split is done will not be found by (2); given that freelist // locks don't overlap, (2) may even run completely between the time (1) takes out the 1Mb // block and the time it returns the remaining 768Kb. // Two solutions to this are some form of cross-thread helping (threads putting "demand" // into some sort of queues that deallocate and split will examine), or having and "actor" // allocator thread (or threads per arena). // The 2nd one is probably much simpler and will allow us to get rid of a lot of sync code. // But for now we will just retry 5 times 0_o for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 5; ++attempt) { // Try to split bigger blocks. TODO: again, ideally we would tryLock at least once for (int i = 0; i < arenaCount; ++i) { int newIx = arenas[i].allocateWithSplit(i, freeListIx, dest, ix, allocationSize); if (newIx == -1) break; // Shouldn't happen. if (newIx == dest.length) return; ix = newIx; } if (attempt == 0) { // Try to allocate memory if we haven't allocated all the way to maxSize yet; very rare. for (int i = arenaCount; i < arenas.length; ++i) { ix = arenas[i].allocateWithExpand(i, freeListIx, dest, ix, allocationSize); if (ix == dest.length) return; } } LlapIoImpl.LOG.warn("Failed to allocate despite reserved memory; will retry " + attempt); } String msg = "Failed to allocate " + size + "; at " + ix + " out of " + dest.length; LlapIoImpl.LOG.error(msg + "\nALLOCATOR STATE:\n" + debugDump() + "\nPARENT STATE:\n" + memoryManager.debugDumpForOom()); throw new AllocatorOutOfMemoryException(msg); }
@Override public void allocateMultiple(MemoryBuffer[] dest, int size) throws AllocatorOutOfMemoryException { assert size > 0 : "size is " + size; if (size > maxAllocation) { throw new RuntimeException("Trying to allocate " + size + "; max is " + maxAllocation); } int freeListIx = 31 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(size); if (size != (1 << freeListIx)) ++freeListIx; freeListIx = Math.max(freeListIx - minAllocLog2, 0); int allocLog2 = freeListIx + minAllocLog2; int allocationSize = 1 << allocLog2; memoryManager.reserveMemory(dest.length << allocLog2, true); int ix = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dest.length; ++i) { if (dest[i] != null) continue; dest[i] = createUnallocated(); } int arenaCount = allocatedArenas.get(); if (arenaCount < 0) { arenaCount = -arenaCount - 1; } long threadId = arenaCount > 1 ? Thread.currentThread().getId() : 0; { int startIndex = (int)(threadId % arenaCount), index = startIndex; do { int newIx = arenas[index].allocateFast(index, freeListIx, dest, ix, allocationSize); if (newIx == dest.length) return; if (newIx != -1) { ix = newIx; } ix = newIx; if ((++index) == arenaCount) { index = 0; } } while (index != startIndex); } for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 5; ++attempt) { for (int i = 0; i < arenaCount; ++i) { int newIx = arenas[i].allocateWithSplit(i, freeListIx, dest, ix, allocationSize); if (newIx == -1) break; if (newIx == dest.length) return; ix = newIx; } if (attempt == 0) { for (int i = arenaCount; i < arenas.length; ++i) { ix = arenas[i].allocateWithExpand(i, freeListIx, dest, ix, allocationSize); if (ix == dest.length) return; } } LlapIoImpl.LOG.warn("Failed to allocate despite reserved memory; will retry " + attempt); } String msg = "Failed to allocate " + size + "; at " + ix + " out of " + dest.length; LlapIoImpl.LOG.error(msg + "\nALLOCATOR STATE:\n" + debugDump() + "\nPARENT STATE:\n" + memoryManager.debugDumpForOom()); throw new AllocatorOutOfMemoryException(msg); }
@override public void allocatemultiple(memorybuffer[] dest, int size) throws allocatoroutofmemoryexception { assert size > 0 : "size is " + size; if (size > maxallocation) { throw new runtimeexception("trying to allocate " + size + "; max is " + maxallocation); } int freelistix = 31 - integer.numberofleadingzeros(size); if (size != (1 << freelistix)) ++freelistix; freelistix = math.max(freelistix - minalloclog2, 0); int alloclog2 = freelistix + minalloclog2; int allocationsize = 1 << alloclog2; memorymanager.reservememory(dest.length << alloclog2, true); int ix = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dest.length; ++i) { if (dest[i] != null) continue; dest[i] = createunallocated(); } int arenacount = allocatedarenas.get(); if (arenacount < 0) { arenacount = -arenacount - 1; } long threadid = arenacount > 1 ? thread.currentthread().getid() : 0; { int startindex = (int)(threadid % arenacount), index = startindex; do { int newix = arenas[index].allocatefast(index, freelistix, dest, ix, allocationsize); if (newix == dest.length) return; if (newix != -1) { ix = newix; } ix = newix; if ((++index) == arenacount) { index = 0; } } while (index != startindex); } for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 5; ++attempt) { for (int i = 0; i < arenacount; ++i) { int newix = arenas[i].allocatewithsplit(i, freelistix, dest, ix, allocationsize); if (newix == -1) break; if (newix == dest.length) return; ix = newix; } if (attempt == 0) { for (int i = arenacount; i < arenas.length; ++i) { ix = arenas[i].allocatewithexpand(i, freelistix, dest, ix, allocationsize); if (ix == dest.length) return; } } llapioimpl.log.warn("failed to allocate despite reserved memory; will retry " + attempt); } string msg = "failed to allocate " + size + "; at " + ix + " out of " + dest.length; llapioimpl.log.error(msg + "\nallocator state:\n" + debugdump() + "\nparent state:\n" + memorymanager.debugdumpforoom()); throw new allocatoroutofmemoryexception(msg); }
[ 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
private int allocateWithSplit(int arenaIx, int freeListIx, MemoryBuffer[] dest, int ix, int allocationSize) { if (data == null) return -1; // not allocated yet FreeList freeList = freeLists[freeListIx]; int remaining = -1; freeList.lock.lock(); try { // Try to allocate from target-sized free list, maybe we'll get lucky. ix = allocateFromFreeListUnderLock( arenaIx, freeList, freeListIx, dest, ix, allocationSize); remaining = dest.length - ix; if (remaining == 0) return ix; } finally { freeList.lock.unlock(); } byte headerData = makeHeader(freeListIx, true); // Header for newly allocated used blocks. int headerStep = 1 << freeListIx; // Number of headers (smallest blocks) per target block. int splitListIx = freeListIx + 1; // Next free list from which we will be splitting. // Each iteration of this loop tries to split blocks from one level of the free list into // target size blocks; if we cannot satisfy the allocation from the free list containing the // blocks of a particular size, we'll try to split yet larger blocks, until we run out. while (remaining > 0 && splitListIx < freeLists.length) { int splitWaysLog2 = (splitListIx - freeListIx); assert splitWaysLog2 > 0; int splitWays = 1 << splitWaysLog2; // How many ways each block splits into target size. int lastSplitBlocksRemaining = -1; // How many target-sized blocks remain from last split. int lastSplitNextHeader = -1; // The header index for the beginning of the remainder. FreeList splitList = freeLists[splitListIx]; splitList.lock.lock(); try { int headerIx = splitList.listHead; // Index of the next free block to split. while (headerIx >= 0 && remaining > 0) { int origOffset = offsetFromHeaderIndex(headerIx), offset = origOffset; // We will split the block at headerIx [splitWays] ways, and take [toTake] blocks, // which will leave [lastSplitBlocksRemaining] free blocks of target size. int toTake = Math.min(splitWays, remaining); remaining -= toTake; lastSplitBlocksRemaining = splitWays - toTake; // Whatever remains. // Take toTake blocks by splitting the block at offset. for (; toTake > 0; ++ix, --toTake, headerIx += headerStep, offset += allocationSize) { headers[headerIx] = headerData; // TODO: this could be done out of the lock, we only need to take the blocks out. ((LlapDataBuffer)dest[ix]).initialize(arenaIx, data, offset, allocationSize); } lastSplitNextHeader = headerIx; // If anything remains, this is where it starts. headerIx = getNextFreeListItem(origOffset); } replaceListHeadUnderLock(splitList, headerIx); // In the end, update free list head. } finally { splitList.lock.unlock(); } if (remaining == 0) { // We have just obtained all we needed by splitting some block; now we need // to put the space remaining from that block into lower free lists. // We'll put at most one block into each list, since 2 blocks can always be combined // to make a larger-level block. Each bit in the remaining target-sized blocks count // is one block in a list offset from target-sized list by bit index. int newListIndex = freeListIx; while (lastSplitBlocksRemaining > 0) { if ((lastSplitBlocksRemaining & 1) == 1) { FreeList newFreeList = freeLists[newListIndex]; newFreeList.lock.lock(); headers[lastSplitNextHeader] = makeHeader(newListIndex, false); try { addBlockToFreeListUnderLock(newFreeList, lastSplitNextHeader); } finally { newFreeList.lock.unlock(); } lastSplitNextHeader += (1 << newListIndex); } lastSplitBlocksRemaining >>>= 1; ++newListIndex; continue; } } ++splitListIx; } return ix; }
private int allocateWithSplit(int arenaIx, int freeListIx, MemoryBuffer[] dest, int ix, int allocationSize) { if (data == null) return -1; FreeList freeList = freeLists[freeListIx]; int remaining = -1; freeList.lock.lock(); try { ix = allocateFromFreeListUnderLock( arenaIx, freeList, freeListIx, dest, ix, allocationSize); remaining = dest.length - ix; if (remaining == 0) return ix; } finally { freeList.lock.unlock(); } byte headerData = makeHeader(freeListIx, true); int headerStep = 1 << freeListIx; int splitListIx = freeListIx + 1; while (remaining > 0 && splitListIx < freeLists.length) { int splitWaysLog2 = (splitListIx - freeListIx); assert splitWaysLog2 > 0; int splitWays = 1 << splitWaysLog2; int lastSplitBlocksRemaining = -1; int lastSplitNextHeader = -1; FreeList splitList = freeLists[splitListIx]; splitList.lock.lock(); try { int headerIx = splitList.listHead; while (headerIx >= 0 && remaining > 0) { int origOffset = offsetFromHeaderIndex(headerIx), offset = origOffset; int toTake = Math.min(splitWays, remaining); remaining -= toTake; lastSplitBlocksRemaining = splitWays - toTake; for (; toTake > 0; ++ix, --toTake, headerIx += headerStep, offset += allocationSize) { headers[headerIx] = headerData; ((LlapDataBuffer)dest[ix]).initialize(arenaIx, data, offset, allocationSize); } lastSplitNextHeader = headerIx; headerIx = getNextFreeListItem(origOffset); } replaceListHeadUnderLock(splitList, headerIx); } finally { splitList.lock.unlock(); } if (remaining == 0) { int newListIndex = freeListIx; while (lastSplitBlocksRemaining > 0) { if ((lastSplitBlocksRemaining & 1) == 1) { FreeList newFreeList = freeLists[newListIndex]; newFreeList.lock.lock(); headers[lastSplitNextHeader] = makeHeader(newListIndex, false); try { addBlockToFreeListUnderLock(newFreeList, lastSplitNextHeader); } finally { newFreeList.lock.unlock(); } lastSplitNextHeader += (1 << newListIndex); } lastSplitBlocksRemaining >>>= 1; ++newListIndex; continue; } } ++splitListIx; } return ix; }
private int allocatewithsplit(int arenaix, int freelistix, memorybuffer[] dest, int ix, int allocationsize) { if (data == null) return -1; freelist freelist = freelists[freelistix]; int remaining = -1; freelist.lock.lock(); try { ix = allocatefromfreelistunderlock( arenaix, freelist, freelistix, dest, ix, allocationsize); remaining = dest.length - ix; if (remaining == 0) return ix; } finally { freelist.lock.unlock(); } byte headerdata = makeheader(freelistix, true); int headerstep = 1 << freelistix; int splitlistix = freelistix + 1; while (remaining > 0 && splitlistix < freelists.length) { int splitwayslog2 = (splitlistix - freelistix); assert splitwayslog2 > 0; int splitways = 1 << splitwayslog2; int lastsplitblocksremaining = -1; int lastsplitnextheader = -1; freelist splitlist = freelists[splitlistix]; splitlist.lock.lock(); try { int headerix = splitlist.listhead; while (headerix >= 0 && remaining > 0) { int origoffset = offsetfromheaderindex(headerix), offset = origoffset; int totake = math.min(splitways, remaining); remaining -= totake; lastsplitblocksremaining = splitways - totake; for (; totake > 0; ++ix, --totake, headerix += headerstep, offset += allocationsize) { headers[headerix] = headerdata; ((llapdatabuffer)dest[ix]).initialize(arenaix, data, offset, allocationsize); } lastsplitnextheader = headerix; headerix = getnextfreelistitem(origoffset); } replacelistheadunderlock(splitlist, headerix); } finally { splitlist.lock.unlock(); } if (remaining == 0) { int newlistindex = freelistix; while (lastsplitblocksremaining > 0) { if ((lastsplitblocksremaining & 1) == 1) { freelist newfreelist = freelists[newlistindex]; newfreelist.lock.lock(); headers[lastsplitnextheader] = makeheader(newlistindex, false); try { addblocktofreelistunderlock(newfreelist, lastsplitnextheader); } finally { newfreelist.lock.unlock(); } lastsplitnextheader += (1 << newlistindex); } lastsplitblocksremaining >>>= 1; ++newlistindex; continue; } } ++splitlistix; } return ix; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private boolean checkAccessPermission() throws IOException { final JobConf jobConf = new JobConf(hiveConf); Preconditions.checkArgument(updateKey.getCachedEntitiesCount() > 0, "hive partition update key should contain at least one path"); for (FileSystemCachedEntity cachedEntity : updateKey.getCachedEntitiesList()) { final Path cachedEntityPath; if (cachedEntity.getPath() == null || cachedEntity.getPath().isEmpty()) { cachedEntityPath = new Path(updateKey.getPartitionRootDir()); } else { cachedEntityPath = new Path(updateKey.getPartitionRootDir(), cachedEntity.getPath()); } // Create filesystem for the given user and given path // TODO: DX-16001 - make async configurable for Hive. final HadoopFileSystemWrapper userFS = HiveImpersonationUtil.createFileSystem(user, jobConf, cachedEntityPath); try { if (cachedEntity.getIsDir()) { //DX-7850 : remove once solution for maprfs is found if (userFS.isMapRfs()) { userFS.access(cachedEntityPath, FsAction.READ); } else { userFS.access(cachedEntityPath, FsAction.READ_EXECUTE); } } else { userFS.access(cachedEntityPath, FsAction.READ); } } catch (AccessControlException ace) { return false; } } return true; }
private boolean checkAccessPermission() throws IOException { final JobConf jobConf = new JobConf(hiveConf); Preconditions.checkArgument(updateKey.getCachedEntitiesCount() > 0, "hive partition update key should contain at least one path"); for (FileSystemCachedEntity cachedEntity : updateKey.getCachedEntitiesList()) { final Path cachedEntityPath; if (cachedEntity.getPath() == null || cachedEntity.getPath().isEmpty()) { cachedEntityPath = new Path(updateKey.getPartitionRootDir()); } else { cachedEntityPath = new Path(updateKey.getPartitionRootDir(), cachedEntity.getPath()); } final HadoopFileSystemWrapper userFS = HiveImpersonationUtil.createFileSystem(user, jobConf, cachedEntityPath); try { if (cachedEntity.getIsDir()) { if (userFS.isMapRfs()) { userFS.access(cachedEntityPath, FsAction.READ); } else { userFS.access(cachedEntityPath, FsAction.READ_EXECUTE); } } else { userFS.access(cachedEntityPath, FsAction.READ); } } catch (AccessControlException ace) { return false; } } return true; }
private boolean checkaccesspermission() throws ioexception { final jobconf jobconf = new jobconf(hiveconf); preconditions.checkargument(updatekey.getcachedentitiescount() > 0, "hive partition update key should contain at least one path"); for (filesystemcachedentity cachedentity : updatekey.getcachedentitieslist()) { final path cachedentitypath; if (cachedentity.getpath() == null || cachedentity.getpath().isempty()) { cachedentitypath = new path(updatekey.getpartitionrootdir()); } else { cachedentitypath = new path(updatekey.getpartitionrootdir(), cachedentity.getpath()); } final hadoopfilesystemwrapper userfs = hiveimpersonationutil.createfilesystem(user, jobconf, cachedentitypath); try { if (cachedentity.getisdir()) { if (userfs.ismaprfs()) { userfs.access(cachedentitypath,; } else { userfs.access(cachedentitypath, fsaction.read_execute); } } else { userfs.access(cachedentitypath,; } } catch (accesscontrolexception ace) { return false; } } return true; }
[ 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void ntlmProxyChallenge(String authenticateHeader,// Request request,// HttpHeaders requestHeaders,// Realm proxyRealm,// NettyResponseFuture<?> future) { if (authenticateHeader.equals("NTLM")) { // server replied bare NTLM => we didn't preemptively sent Type1Msg String challengeHeader = NtlmEngine.INSTANCE.generateType1Msg(); // FIXME we might want to filter current NTLM and add (leave other // Authorization headers untouched) requestHeaders.set(HttpHeaders.Names.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "NTLM " + challengeHeader); future.getInProxyAuth().set(false); } else { String serverChallenge = authenticateHeader.substring("NTLM ".length()).trim(); String challengeHeader = NtlmEngine.INSTANCE.generateType3Msg(proxyRealm.getPrincipal(), proxyRealm.getPassword(), proxyRealm.getNtlmDomain(), proxyRealm.getNtlmHost(), serverChallenge); // FIXME we might want to filter current NTLM and add (leave other // Authorization headers untouched) requestHeaders.set(HttpHeaders.Names.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "NTLM " + challengeHeader); } }
private void ntlmProxyChallenge(String authenticateHeader, Request request HttpHeaders requestHeaders Realm proxyRealm NettyResponseFuture<?> future) { if (authenticateHeader.equals("NTLM")) { String challengeHeader = NtlmEngine.INSTANCE.generateType1Msg(); requestHeaders.set(HttpHeaders.Names.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "NTLM " + challengeHeader); future.getInProxyAuth().set(false); } else { String serverChallenge = authenticateHeader.substring("NTLM ".length()).trim(); String challengeHeader = NtlmEngine.INSTANCE.generateType3Msg(proxyRealm.getPrincipal(), proxyRealm.getPassword(), proxyRealm.getNtlmDomain(), proxyRealm.getNtlmHost(), serverChallenge); requestHeaders.set(HttpHeaders.Names.PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "NTLM " + challengeHeader); } }
private void ntlmproxychallenge(string authenticateheader, request request httpheaders requestheaders realm proxyrealm nettyresponsefuture<?> future) { if (authenticateheader.equals("ntlm")) { string challengeheader = ntlmengine.instance.generatetype1msg(); requestheaders.set(httpheaders.names.proxy_authorization, "ntlm " + challengeheader); future.getinproxyauth().set(false); } else { string serverchallenge = authenticateheader.substring("ntlm ".length()).trim(); string challengeheader = ntlmengine.instance.generatetype3msg(proxyrealm.getprincipal(), proxyrealm.getpassword(), proxyrealm.getntlmdomain(), proxyrealm.getntlmhost(), serverchallenge); requestheaders.set(httpheaders.names.proxy_authorization, "ntlm " + challengeheader); } }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
private void trackWatchForAttempt(WatchedPathInfo watchedPathInfo, WatchKey watchKey) { assert watchedPathInfo.pathIdentifier != null; // TODO May be possible to do finer-grained locks. synchronized (watchesPerAttempt) { List<WatchKey> list = watchesPerAttempt.get(watchedPathInfo.pathIdentifier); if (list == null) { list = new LinkedList<>(); watchesPerAttempt.put(watchedPathInfo.pathIdentifier, list); } list.add(watchKey); } }
private void trackWatchForAttempt(WatchedPathInfo watchedPathInfo, WatchKey watchKey) { assert watchedPathInfo.pathIdentifier != null; synchronized (watchesPerAttempt) { List<WatchKey> list = watchesPerAttempt.get(watchedPathInfo.pathIdentifier); if (list == null) { list = new LinkedList<>(); watchesPerAttempt.put(watchedPathInfo.pathIdentifier, list); } list.add(watchKey); } }
private void trackwatchforattempt(watchedpathinfo watchedpathinfo, watchkey watchkey) { assert watchedpathinfo.pathidentifier != null; synchronized (watchesperattempt) { list<watchkey> list = watchesperattempt.get(watchedpathinfo.pathidentifier); if (list == null) { list = new linkedlist<>(); watchesperattempt.put(watchedpathinfo.pathidentifier, list); } list.add(watchkey); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void cancelWatchesForAttempt(AttemptPathIdentifier pathIdentifier) { // TODO May be possible to do finer-grained locks. synchronized(watchesPerAttempt) { List<WatchKey> list = watchesPerAttempt.remove(pathIdentifier); if (list != null) { for (WatchKey watchKey : list) { watchKey.cancel(); } } } }
private void cancelWatchesForAttempt(AttemptPathIdentifier pathIdentifier) { synchronized(watchesPerAttempt) { List<WatchKey> list = watchesPerAttempt.remove(pathIdentifier); if (list != null) { for (WatchKey watchKey : list) { watchKey.cancel(); } } } }
private void cancelwatchesforattempt(attemptpathidentifier pathidentifier) { synchronized(watchesperattempt) { list<watchkey> list = watchesperattempt.remove(pathidentifier); if (list != null) { for (watchkey watchkey : list) { watchkey.cancel(); } } } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public static String[] textToWords(String text) { // TODO: strip word-final or -initial apostrophes as in James' or 'cause. // Currently assuming hyphenated expressions split into two Asr words. return text.replace('-', ' ').replaceAll("['.!?,:;\"\\(\\)]", " ").toUpperCase(Locale.US).trim().split("\\s+"); }
public static String[] textToWords(String text) { return text.replace('-', ' ').replaceAll("['.!?,:;\"\\(\\)]", " ").toUpperCase(Locale.US).trim().split("\\s+"); }
public static string[] texttowords(string text) { return text.replace('-', ' ').replaceall("['.!?,:;\"\\(\\)]", " ").touppercase("\\s+"); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void engineSetPadding(String padding) throws NoSuchPaddingException { String paddingName = Strings.toUpperCase(padding); // TDOD: make this meaningful... if (paddingName.equals("NOPADDING")) { } else if (paddingName.equals("PKCS5PADDING") || paddingName.equals("PKCS7PADDING")) { } else { throw new NoSuchPaddingException("padding not available with IESCipher"); } }
public void engineSetPadding(String padding) throws NoSuchPaddingException { String paddingName = Strings.toUpperCase(padding); if (paddingName.equals("NOPADDING")) { } else if (paddingName.equals("PKCS5PADDING") || paddingName.equals("PKCS7PADDING")) { } else { throw new NoSuchPaddingException("padding not available with IESCipher"); } }
public void enginesetpadding(string padding) throws nosuchpaddingexception { string paddingname = strings.touppercase(padding); if (paddingname.equals("nopadding")) { } else if (paddingname.equals("pkcs5padding") || paddingname.equals("pkcs7padding")) { } else { throw new nosuchpaddingexception("padding not available with iescipher"); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void addStylesQueueRequest(int start, int length, String s) { // System.err.println(start + " ---> " + length); int startNew = backupToPossibleStyleStart(start); length = length + start - startNew; start = startNew; // System.err.println(start + " ---> " + length); if (syntaxBusy) { // System.err.println("syntaxBusy, request queued"); styleQueue.add(new StyleQueueItem(start, length, s)); } else { // Todo: if syntax is not busy but a request got stuck // System.err.println("request not queued"); if (styleQueue.size() != 0) System.err.println("A request got stuck"); syntaxBusy = true; addStylesNew(start, length, s); } }
private void addStylesQueueRequest(int start, int length, String s) { int startNew = backupToPossibleStyleStart(start); length = length + start - startNew; start = startNew; if (syntaxBusy) { styleQueue.add(new StyleQueueItem(start, length, s)); } else { if (styleQueue.size() != 0) System.err.println("A request got stuck"); syntaxBusy = true; addStylesNew(start, length, s); } }
private void addstylesqueuerequest(int start, int length, string s) { int startnew = backuptopossiblestylestart(start); length = length + start - startnew; start = startnew; if (syntaxbusy) { stylequeue.add(new stylequeueitem(start, length, s)); } else { if (stylequeue.size() != 0) system.err.println("a request got stuck"); syntaxbusy = true; addstylesnew(start, length, s); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public long getMicrosecondLength() { long tickLength = getTickLength(); if (divisionType == PPQ) { // FIXME // How can this possible be computed? PPQ is pulses per quarter-note, // which is dependent on the tempo of the Sequencer. throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't compute PPQ based lengths yet"); } else { // This is a fixed tick per frame computation return (long) ((tickLength * 1000000) / (divisionType * resolution)); } }
public long getMicrosecondLength() { long tickLength = getTickLength(); if (divisionType == PPQ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't compute PPQ based lengths yet"); } else { return (long) ((tickLength * 1000000) / (divisionType * resolution)); } }
public long getmicrosecondlength() { long ticklength = getticklength(); if (divisiontype == ppq) { throw new unsupportedoperationexception("can't compute ppq based lengths yet"); } else { return (long) ((ticklength * 1000000) / (divisiontype * resolution)); } }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) public static File getBestAvailableCacheRoot(Context context) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { // In KitKat we can query multiple devices. // TODO: optimize for stability instead of picking first one File[] roots = context.getExternalCacheDirs(); if (roots != null) { for (File root : roots) { if (root == null) { continue; } if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getStorageState(root))) { return root; } } } } else if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getExternalStorageState())) { // Pre-KitKat, only one external storage device was addressable return context.getExternalCacheDir(); } // Worst case, resort to internal storage return context.getCacheDir(); }
@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) public static File getBestAvailableCacheRoot(Context context) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { File[] roots = context.getExternalCacheDirs(); if (roots != null) { for (File root : roots) { if (root == null) { continue; } if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getStorageState(root))) { return root; } } } } else if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getExternalStorageState())) { return context.getExternalCacheDir(); } return context.getCacheDir(); }
@targetapi(build.version_codes.kitkat) public static file getbestavailablecacheroot(context context) { if (build.version.sdk_int >= build.version_codes.kitkat) { file[] roots = context.getexternalcachedirs(); if (roots != null) { for (file root : roots) { if (root == null) { continue; } if (environment.media_mounted.equals(environment.getstoragestate(root))) { return root; } } } } else if (environment.media_mounted.equals(environment.getexternalstoragestate())) { return context.getexternalcachedir(); } return context.getcachedir(); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) public static File getBestAvailableFilesRoot(Context context) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { // In KitKat we can query multiple devices. // TODO: optimize for stability instead of picking first one File[] roots = context.getExternalFilesDirs(null); if (roots != null) { for (File root : roots) { if (root == null) { continue; } if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getStorageState(root))) { return root; } } } } else if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getExternalStorageState())) { // Pre-KitKat, only one external storage device was addressable return context.getExternalFilesDir(null); } // Worst case, resort to internal storage return context.getFilesDir(); }
@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) public static File getBestAvailableFilesRoot(Context context) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { File[] roots = context.getExternalFilesDirs(null); if (roots != null) { for (File root : roots) { if (root == null) { continue; } if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getStorageState(root))) { return root; } } } } else if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getExternalStorageState())) { return context.getExternalFilesDir(null); } return context.getFilesDir(); }
@targetapi(build.version_codes.kitkat) public static file getbestavailablefilesroot(context context) { if (build.version.sdk_int >= build.version_codes.kitkat) { file[] roots = context.getexternalfilesdirs(null); if (roots != null) { for (file root : roots) { if (root == null) { continue; } if (environment.media_mounted.equals(environment.getstoragestate(root))) { return root; } } } } else if (environment.media_mounted.equals(environment.getexternalstoragestate())) { return context.getexternalfilesdir(null); } return context.getfilesdir(); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Test public void testMultiColumnPruning() throws IOException { shell.setHiveSessionValue("hive.cbo.enable", true); Schema schema1 = new Schema(optional(1, "fk", Types.StringType.get())); List<Record> records1 = TestHelper.RecordsBuilder.newInstance(schema1).add("fk1").build(); testTables.createTable(shell, "table1", schema1, fileFormat, records1); Schema schema2 = new Schema(optional(1, "fk", Types.StringType.get()), optional(2, "val", Types.StringType.get())); List<Record> records2 = TestHelper.RecordsBuilder.newInstance(schema2).add("fk1", "val").build(); testTables.createTable(shell, "table2", schema2, fileFormat, records2); // MR is needed for the reproduction shell.setHiveSessionValue("hive.execution.engine", "mr"); String query = "SELECT t2.val FROM table1 t1 JOIN table2 t2 ON ="; List<Object[]> result = shell.executeStatement(query); Assert.assertEquals(1, result.size()); Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Object[]{"val"}, result.get(0)); }
@Test public void testMultiColumnPruning() throws IOException { shell.setHiveSessionValue("hive.cbo.enable", true); Schema schema1 = new Schema(optional(1, "fk", Types.StringType.get())); List<Record> records1 = TestHelper.RecordsBuilder.newInstance(schema1).add("fk1").build(); testTables.createTable(shell, "table1", schema1, fileFormat, records1); Schema schema2 = new Schema(optional(1, "fk", Types.StringType.get()), optional(2, "val", Types.StringType.get())); List<Record> records2 = TestHelper.RecordsBuilder.newInstance(schema2).add("fk1", "val").build(); testTables.createTable(shell, "table2", schema2, fileFormat, records2); shell.setHiveSessionValue("hive.execution.engine", "mr"); String query = "SELECT t2.val FROM table1 t1 JOIN table2 t2 ON ="; List<Object[]> result = shell.executeStatement(query); Assert.assertEquals(1, result.size()); Assert.assertArrayEquals(new Object[]{"val"}, result.get(0)); }
@test public void testmulticolumnpruning() throws ioexception { shell.sethivesessionvalue("hive.cbo.enable", true); schema schema1 = new schema(optional(1, "fk", types.stringtype.get())); list<record> records1 = testhelper.recordsbuilder.newinstance(schema1).add("fk1").build(); testtables.createtable(shell, "table1", schema1, fileformat, records1); schema schema2 = new schema(optional(1, "fk", types.stringtype.get()), optional(2, "val", types.stringtype.get())); list<record> records2 = testhelper.recordsbuilder.newinstance(schema2).add("fk1", "val").build(); testtables.createtable(shell, "table2", schema2, fileformat, records2); shell.sethivesessionvalue("hive.execution.engine", "mr"); string query = "select t2.val from table1 t1 join table2 t2 on ="; list<object[]> result = shell.executestatement(query); assert.assertequals(1, result.size()); assert.assertarrayequals(new object[]{"val"}, result.get(0)); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@Override protected void render(GLRootView root, GL11 gl) { Rect p = mPaddings; int height = getHeight() - - p.bottom; StringTexture title = mText; //TODO: cut the text if it is too long title.draw(root, p.left, + (height - title.getHeight()) / 2); }
@Override protected void render(GLRootView root, GL11 gl) { Rect p = mPaddings; int height = getHeight() - - p.bottom; StringTexture title = mText; title.draw(root, p.left, + (height - title.getHeight()) / 2); }
@override protected void render(glrootview root, gl11 gl) { rect p = mpaddings; int height = getheight() - - p.bottom; stringtexture title = mtext; title.draw(root, p.left, + (height - title.getheight()) / 2); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
boolean getUpdatedDocument(AddUpdateCommand cmd, long versionOnUpdate) throws IOException { if (!AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger.isAtomicUpdate(cmd)) return false; Set<String> inPlaceUpdatedFields = AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger.computeInPlaceUpdatableFields(cmd); if (inPlaceUpdatedFields.size() > 0) { // non-empty means this is suitable for in-place updates if (docMerger.doInPlaceUpdateMerge(cmd, inPlaceUpdatedFields)) { return true; } else { // in-place update failed, so fall through and re-try the same with a full atomic update } } // full (non-inplace) atomic update SolrInputDocument sdoc = cmd.getSolrInputDocument(); BytesRef idBytes = cmd.getIndexedId(); String idString = cmd.getPrintableId(); SolrInputDocument oldRootDocWithChildren = RealTimeGetComponent.getInputDocument(cmd.getReq().getCore(), idBytes, RealTimeGetComponent.Resolution.ROOT_WITH_CHILDREN); if (oldRootDocWithChildren == null) { if (versionOnUpdate > 0) { // could just let the optimistic locking throw the error throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.CONFLICT, "Document not found for update. id=" + idString); } else if (req.getParams().get(ShardParams._ROUTE_) != null) { // the specified document could not be found in this shard // and was explicitly routed using _route_ throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Could not find document id=" + idString + ", perhaps the wrong \"_route_\" param was supplied"); } } else { oldRootDocWithChildren.remove(CommonParams.VERSION_FIELD); } SolrInputDocument mergedDoc; if(idField == null || oldRootDocWithChildren == null) { // create a new doc by default if an old one wasn't found mergedDoc = docMerger.merge(sdoc, new SolrInputDocument()); } else { // Safety check: don't allow an update to an existing doc that has children, unless we actually support this. if (req.getSchema().isUsableForChildDocs() // however, next line we see it doesn't support child docs && req.getSchema().supportsPartialUpdatesOfChildDocs() == false && req.getSearcher().count(new TermQuery(new Term(IndexSchema.ROOT_FIELD_NAME, idBytes))) > 1) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "This schema does not support partial updates to nested docs. See ref guide."); } String oldRootDocRootFieldVal = (String) oldRootDocWithChildren.getFieldValue(IndexSchema.ROOT_FIELD_NAME); if(req.getSchema().savesChildDocRelations() && oldRootDocRootFieldVal != null && !idString.equals(oldRootDocRootFieldVal)) { // this is an update where the updated doc is not the root document SolrInputDocument sdocWithChildren = RealTimeGetComponent.getInputDocument(cmd.getReq().getCore(), idBytes, RealTimeGetComponent.Resolution.DOC_WITH_CHILDREN); mergedDoc = docMerger.mergeChildDoc(sdoc, oldRootDocWithChildren, sdocWithChildren); } else { mergedDoc = docMerger.merge(sdoc, oldRootDocWithChildren); } } cmd.solrDoc = mergedDoc; return true; }
boolean getUpdatedDocument(AddUpdateCommand cmd, long versionOnUpdate) throws IOException { if (!AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger.isAtomicUpdate(cmd)) return false; Set<String> inPlaceUpdatedFields = AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger.computeInPlaceUpdatableFields(cmd); if (inPlaceUpdatedFields.size() > 0) { if (docMerger.doInPlaceUpdateMerge(cmd, inPlaceUpdatedFields)) { return true; } else { } } SolrInputDocument sdoc = cmd.getSolrInputDocument(); BytesRef idBytes = cmd.getIndexedId(); String idString = cmd.getPrintableId(); SolrInputDocument oldRootDocWithChildren = RealTimeGetComponent.getInputDocument(cmd.getReq().getCore(), idBytes, RealTimeGetComponent.Resolution.ROOT_WITH_CHILDREN); if (oldRootDocWithChildren == null) { if (versionOnUpdate > 0) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.CONFLICT, "Document not found for update. id=" + idString); } else if (req.getParams().get(ShardParams._ROUTE_) != null) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Could not find document id=" + idString + ", perhaps the wrong \"_route_\" param was supplied"); } } else { oldRootDocWithChildren.remove(CommonParams.VERSION_FIELD); } SolrInputDocument mergedDoc; if(idField == null || oldRootDocWithChildren == null) { mergedDoc = docMerger.merge(sdoc, new SolrInputDocument()); } else { if (req.getSchema().isUsableForChildDocs() && req.getSchema().supportsPartialUpdatesOfChildDocs() == false && req.getSearcher().count(new TermQuery(new Term(IndexSchema.ROOT_FIELD_NAME, idBytes))) > 1) { throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "This schema does not support partial updates to nested docs. See ref guide."); } String oldRootDocRootFieldVal = (String) oldRootDocWithChildren.getFieldValue(IndexSchema.ROOT_FIELD_NAME); if(req.getSchema().savesChildDocRelations() && oldRootDocRootFieldVal != null && !idString.equals(oldRootDocRootFieldVal)) { SolrInputDocument sdocWithChildren = RealTimeGetComponent.getInputDocument(cmd.getReq().getCore(), idBytes, RealTimeGetComponent.Resolution.DOC_WITH_CHILDREN); mergedDoc = docMerger.mergeChildDoc(sdoc, oldRootDocWithChildren, sdocWithChildren); } else { mergedDoc = docMerger.merge(sdoc, oldRootDocWithChildren); } } cmd.solrDoc = mergedDoc; return true; }
boolean getupdateddocument(addupdatecommand cmd, long versiononupdate) throws ioexception { if (!atomicupdatedocumentmerger.isatomicupdate(cmd)) return false; set<string> inplaceupdatedfields = atomicupdatedocumentmerger.computeinplaceupdatablefields(cmd); if (inplaceupdatedfields.size() > 0) { if (docmerger.doinplaceupdatemerge(cmd, inplaceupdatedfields)) { return true; } else { } } solrinputdocument sdoc = cmd.getsolrinputdocument(); bytesref idbytes = cmd.getindexedid(); string idstring = cmd.getprintableid(); solrinputdocument oldrootdocwithchildren = realtimegetcomponent.getinputdocument(cmd.getreq().getcore(), idbytes, realtimegetcomponent.resolution.root_with_children); if (oldrootdocwithchildren == null) { if (versiononupdate > 0) { throw new solrexception(errorcode.conflict, "document not found for update. id=" + idstring); } else if (req.getparams().get(shardparams._route_) != null) { throw new solrexception(errorcode.bad_request, "could not find document id=" + idstring + ", perhaps the wrong \"_route_\" param was supplied"); } } else { oldrootdocwithchildren.remove(commonparams.version_field); } solrinputdocument mergeddoc; if(idfield == null || oldrootdocwithchildren == null) { mergeddoc = docmerger.merge(sdoc, new solrinputdocument()); } else { if (req.getschema().isusableforchilddocs() && req.getschema().supportspartialupdatesofchilddocs() == false && req.getsearcher().count(new termquery(new term(indexschema.root_field_name, idbytes))) > 1) { throw new solrexception(errorcode.bad_request, "this schema does not support partial updates to nested docs. see ref guide."); } string oldrootdocrootfieldval = (string) oldrootdocwithchildren.getfieldvalue(indexschema.root_field_name); if(req.getschema().saveschilddocrelations() && oldrootdocrootfieldval != null && !idstring.equals(oldrootdocrootfieldval)) { solrinputdocument sdocwithchildren = realtimegetcomponent.getinputdocument(cmd.getreq().getcore(), idbytes, realtimegetcomponent.resolution.doc_with_children); mergeddoc = docmerger.mergechilddoc(sdoc, oldrootdocwithchildren, sdocwithchildren); } else { mergeddoc = docmerger.merge(sdoc, oldrootdocwithchildren); } } cmd.solrdoc = mergeddoc; return true; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void close() {"CLOSE ZookeeperRiver"); // TODO Your code.. }
@Override public void close() {"CLOSE ZookeeperRiver"); }
@override public void close() {"close zookeeperriver"); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void run() {"START ZookeeperRiverLogic: " + client.toString()); // TODO Your code.. }
@Override public void run() {"START ZookeeperRiverLogic: " + client.toString()); }
@override public void run() {"start zookeeperriverlogic: " + client.tostring()); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public void testToInternal() throws Exception { assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59.999", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.999666Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59.999", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.999Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59.99", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.99Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59.9", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.9Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59", "1995-12-31T23:59:59Z"); // here the input isn't in the canonical form, but we should be forgiving assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59.99", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.990Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59.9", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.900Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59.9", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.90Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.000Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.00Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.0Z"); // kind of kludgy, but we have other tests for the actual date math assertFormatParsed(DateFormatUtil.formatDate(p.parseMath("/DAY")), "NOW/DAY"); // as of Solr 1.3 assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T00:00:00", "1995-12-31T23:59:59Z/DAY"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T00:00:00", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.123Z/DAY"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T00:00:00", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.123999Z/DAY"); }
public void testToInternal() throws Exception { assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59.999", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.999666Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59.999", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.999Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59.99", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.99Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59.9", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.9Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59", "1995-12-31T23:59:59Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59.99", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.990Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59.9", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.900Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59.9", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.90Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.000Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.00Z"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T23:59:59", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.0Z"); assertFormatParsed(DateFormatUtil.formatDate(p.parseMath("/DAY")), "NOW/DAY"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T00:00:00", "1995-12-31T23:59:59Z/DAY"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T00:00:00", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.123Z/DAY"); assertFormatParsed("1995-12-31T00:00:00", "1995-12-31T23:59:59.123999Z/DAY"); }
public void testtointernal() throws exception { assertformatparsed("1995-12-31t23:59:59.999", "1995-12-31t23:59:59.999666z"); assertformatparsed("1995-12-31t23:59:59.999", "1995-12-31t23:59:59.999z"); assertformatparsed("1995-12-31t23:59:59.99", "1995-12-31t23:59:59.99z"); assertformatparsed("1995-12-31t23:59:59.9", "1995-12-31t23:59:59.9z"); assertformatparsed("1995-12-31t23:59:59", "1995-12-31t23:59:59z"); assertformatparsed("1995-12-31t23:59:59.99", "1995-12-31t23:59:59.990z"); assertformatparsed("1995-12-31t23:59:59.9", "1995-12-31t23:59:59.900z"); assertformatparsed("1995-12-31t23:59:59.9", "1995-12-31t23:59:59.90z"); assertformatparsed("1995-12-31t23:59:59", "1995-12-31t23:59:59.000z"); assertformatparsed("1995-12-31t23:59:59", "1995-12-31t23:59:59.00z"); assertformatparsed("1995-12-31t23:59:59", "1995-12-31t23:59:59.0z"); assertformatparsed(dateformatutil.formatdate(p.parsemath("/day")), "now/day"); assertformatparsed("1995-12-31t00:00:00", "1995-12-31t23:59:59z/day"); assertformatparsed("1995-12-31t00:00:00", "1995-12-31t23:59:59.123z/day"); assertformatparsed("1995-12-31t00:00:00", "1995-12-31t23:59:59.123999z/day"); }
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
private static void checkTypeCompatibility( @NotNull ExpressionTypingContext context, @Nullable JetType type, @NotNull JetType subjectType, @NotNull JetElement reportErrorOn ) { // TODO : Take smart casts into account? if (type == null) { return; } if (isIntersectionEmpty(type, subjectType)) {, type, subjectType)); return; } // check if the pattern is essentially a 'null' expression if (KotlinBuiltIns.isNullableNothing(type) && !TypeUtils.isNullableType(subjectType)) {; } }
private static void checkTypeCompatibility( @NotNull ExpressionTypingContext context, @Nullable JetType type, @NotNull JetType subjectType, @NotNull JetElement reportErrorOn ) { if (type == null) { return; } if (isIntersectionEmpty(type, subjectType)) {, type, subjectType)); return; } if (KotlinBuiltIns.isNullableNothing(type) && !TypeUtils.isNullableType(subjectType)) {; } }
private static void checktypecompatibility( @notnull expressiontypingcontext context, @nullable jettype type, @notnull jettype subjecttype, @notnull jetelement reporterroron ) { if (type == null) { return; } if (isintersectionempty(type, subjecttype)) {, type, subjecttype)); return; } if (kotlinbuiltins.isnullablenothing(type) && !typeutils.isnullabletype(subjecttype)) {; } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void readPreference(String file, AndroidView root, Integer preferenceId) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); String rootTagName = rootElement.getTagName(); if (!(rootTagName.equals("PreferenceScreen") || rootTagName.equals("preference-headers") || rootTagName.equals("") || rootTagName.equals(""))) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { System.out.println(file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } Node keyNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(KEY_ATTR); if (keyNode != null) { String key = keyNode.getTextContent(); view.addAttr(KEY_ATTR, key); HashMap<Integer, String> maps = preferencesMap.get("preference-screen"); if (maps == null) { maps = Maps.newHashMap(); } maps.put(preferenceId, FilenameUtils.removeExtension(new File(file).getName())); preferencesMap.put("preference-screen", maps); Set<String> preferenceKeys = preferenceKeyMaps.get(preferenceId); if (preferenceKeys == null) { preferenceKeys = new HashSet<>(); preferenceKeyMaps.put(preferenceId, preferenceKeys); } preferenceKeys.add(key); } Node fragmentNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(FRAGMENT_ATTR); if (fragmentNode != null) { view.addAttr(FRAGMENT_ATTR, fragmentNode.getTextContent()); HashMap<Integer, String> maps = preferencesMap.get("preference-header"); if (maps == null) { maps = Maps.newHashMap(); } maps.put(preferenceId, FilenameUtils.removeExtension(new File(file).getName())); preferencesMap.put("preference-header", maps); } int guiId = -1; // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); String title = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); String summary = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "summary"); String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, title, summary, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, title, "", guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // Fixed: this is wrong for the case group item -> menu -> item //continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<>(newNode, newView)); } } }
private void readPreference(String file, AndroidView root, Integer preferenceId) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); String rootTagName = rootElement.getTagName(); if (!(rootTagName.equals("PreferenceScreen") || rootTagName.equals("preference-headers") || rootTagName.equals("") || rootTagName.equals(""))) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { System.out.println(file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } Node keyNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(KEY_ATTR); if (keyNode != null) { String key = keyNode.getTextContent(); view.addAttr(KEY_ATTR, key); HashMap<Integer, String> maps = preferencesMap.get("preference-screen"); if (maps == null) { maps = Maps.newHashMap(); } maps.put(preferenceId, FilenameUtils.removeExtension(new File(file).getName())); preferencesMap.put("preference-screen", maps); Set<String> preferenceKeys = preferenceKeyMaps.get(preferenceId); if (preferenceKeys == null) { preferenceKeys = new HashSet<>(); preferenceKeyMaps.put(preferenceId, preferenceKeys); } preferenceKeys.add(key); } Node fragmentNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(FRAGMENT_ATTR); if (fragmentNode != null) { view.addAttr(FRAGMENT_ATTR, fragmentNode.getTextContent()); HashMap<Integer, String> maps = preferencesMap.get("preference-header"); if (maps == null) { maps = Maps.newHashMap(); } maps.put(preferenceId, FilenameUtils.removeExtension(new File(file).getName())); preferencesMap.put("preference-header", maps); } int guiId = -1; String guiName = node.getNodeName(); String title = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); String summary = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "summary"); String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, title, summary, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<>(newNode, newView)); } } }
private void readpreference(string file, androidview root, integer preferenceid) { document doc; try { documentbuilderfactory dbfactory = documentbuilderfactory.newinstance(); documentbuilder dbuilder = dbfactory.newdocumentbuilder(); doc = dbuilder.parse(file); } catch (exception ex) { throw new runtimeexception(ex); } element rootelement = doc.getdocumentelement(); string roottagname = rootelement.gettagname(); if (!(roottagname.equals("preferencescreen") || roottagname.equals("preference-headers") || roottagname.equals("") || roottagname.equals(""))) { return; } linkedlist<pair<node, androidview>> work = lists.newlinkedlist(); work.add(new pair<>(rootelement, root)); while (!work.isempty()) { pair<node, androidview> p = work.removefirst(); node node = p.geto1(); androidview view = p.geto2(); view.setorigin(file); namednodemap attrmap = node.getattributes(); if (attrmap == null) { system.out.println(file + "!!!" + node.getclass() + "!!!" + node.tostring() + "!!!" + node.gettextcontent()); } node keynode = attrmap.getnameditem(key_attr); if (keynode != null) { string key = keynode.gettextcontent(); view.addattr(key_attr, key); hashmap<integer, string> maps = preferencesmap.get("preference-screen"); if (maps == null) { maps = maps.newhashmap(); } maps.put(preferenceid, filenameutils.removeextension(new file(file).getname())); preferencesmap.put("preference-screen", maps); set<string> preferencekeys = preferencekeymaps.get(preferenceid); if (preferencekeys == null) { preferencekeys = new hashset<>(); preferencekeymaps.put(preferenceid, preferencekeys); } preferencekeys.add(key); } node fragmentnode = attrmap.getnameditem(fragment_attr); if (fragmentnode != null) { view.addattr(fragment_attr, fragmentnode.gettextcontent()); hashmap<integer, string> maps = preferencesmap.get("preference-header"); if (maps == null) { maps = maps.newhashmap(); } maps.put(preferenceid, filenameutils.removeextension(new file(file).getname())); preferencesmap.put("preference-header", maps); } int guiid = -1; string guiname = node.getnodename(); string title = readandroidtextortitle(attrmap, "title"); string summary = readandroidtextortitle(attrmap, "summary"); string tooltip = readandroidtextortitle(attrmap, "tooltiptext"); string contentdescription = readandroidtextortitle(attrmap, "contentdescription"); string images = readandroidimageresource(attrmap);, title, summary, tooltip, contentdescription, images, guiname); nodelist children = node.getchildnodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getlength(); i++) { node newnode = children.item(i); string nodename = newnode.getnodename(); if ("#comment".equals(nodename)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodename)) { continue; } androidview newview = new androidview(); if (!newnode.hasattributes()) { logger.verb("warning", "xml node " + newnode + " has no attributes"); } else { namednodemap attrs = newnode.getattributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getlength(); idx += 1) { node attr = attrs.item(idx); string name = attr.getnodename(); string value = attr.getnodevalue(); newview.addattr(name, value); } } newview.setparent(view); work.add(new pair<>(newnode, newview)); } } }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
private void resolveIncludes(String resRoot, HashMap<Integer, String> nameMap, HashMap<Integer, AndroidView> viewMap, boolean isSys) { HashMap<String, AndroidView> name2View = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : nameMap.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getValue(); AndroidView view = viewMap.get(entry.getKey()); name2View.put(name, view); } // boolean isSys = (viewMap == sysId2View); LinkedList<AndroidView> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.addAll(viewMap.values()); while (!work.isEmpty()) { AndroidView view = work.remove(); for (int i = 0; i < view.getNumberOfChildren(); i++) { IAndroidView child = view.getChildInternal(i); if (child instanceof AndroidView) { work.add((AndroidView) child); continue; } IncludeAndroidView iav = (IncludeAndroidView) child; String layoutId = iav.layoutId; AndroidView tgt = name2View.get(layoutId); if (tgt != null) { tgt = (AndroidView) tgt.deepCopy(); tgt.setParent(view, i); } else if (getLayoutFilePath(resRoot, layoutId, isSys) != null) { // not exist, let's get it on-demand String file = getLayoutFilePath(resRoot, layoutId, isSys); tgt = new AndroidView(); tgt.setParent(view, i); tgt.setOrigin(file); readLayout(file, tgt, isSys); int newId = nonRId--; viewMap.put(newId, tgt); nameMap.put(newId, layoutId); } else if (sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").containsKey(layoutId) && sysId2View.containsKey (sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").get(layoutId) )) { // <include> is used with an in built android layout id tgt = (AndroidView) sysId2View.get(sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").get(layoutId)).deepCopy(); tgt.setParent(view, i); } else { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Unknown layout " + layoutId + " included by " + view.getOrigin()); continue; } Integer includeeId = iav.includeeId; if (includeeId != null) { tgt.setId(includeeId.intValue()); } work.add(tgt); } } }
private void resolveIncludes(String resRoot, HashMap<Integer, String> nameMap, HashMap<Integer, AndroidView> viewMap, boolean isSys) { HashMap<String, AndroidView> name2View = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : nameMap.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getValue(); AndroidView view = viewMap.get(entry.getKey()); name2View.put(name, view); } LinkedList<AndroidView> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.addAll(viewMap.values()); while (!work.isEmpty()) { AndroidView view = work.remove(); for (int i = 0; i < view.getNumberOfChildren(); i++) { IAndroidView child = view.getChildInternal(i); if (child instanceof AndroidView) { work.add((AndroidView) child); continue; } IncludeAndroidView iav = (IncludeAndroidView) child; String layoutId = iav.layoutId; AndroidView tgt = name2View.get(layoutId); if (tgt != null) { tgt = (AndroidView) tgt.deepCopy(); tgt.setParent(view, i); } else if (getLayoutFilePath(resRoot, layoutId, isSys) != null) { String file = getLayoutFilePath(resRoot, layoutId, isSys); tgt = new AndroidView(); tgt.setParent(view, i); tgt.setOrigin(file); readLayout(file, tgt, isSys); int newId = nonRId--; viewMap.put(newId, tgt); nameMap.put(newId, layoutId); } else if (sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").containsKey(layoutId) && sysId2View.containsKey (sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").get(layoutId) )) { tgt = (AndroidView) sysId2View.get(sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").get(layoutId)).deepCopy(); tgt.setParent(view, i); } else { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Unknown layout " + layoutId + " included by " + view.getOrigin()); continue; } Integer includeeId = iav.includeeId; if (includeeId != null) { tgt.setId(includeeId.intValue()); } work.add(tgt); } } }
private void resolveincludes(string resroot, hashmap<integer, string> namemap, hashmap<integer, androidview> viewmap, boolean issys) { hashmap<string, androidview> name2view = maps.newhashmap(); for (map.entry<integer, string> entry : namemap.entryset()) { string name = entry.getvalue(); androidview view = viewmap.get(entry.getkey()); name2view.put(name, view); } linkedlist<androidview> work = lists.newlinkedlist(); work.addall(viewmap.values()); while (!work.isempty()) { androidview view = work.remove(); for (int i = 0; i < view.getnumberofchildren(); i++) { iandroidview child = view.getchildinternal(i); if (child instanceof androidview) { work.add((androidview) child); continue; } includeandroidview iav = (includeandroidview) child; string layoutid = iav.layoutid; androidview tgt = name2view.get(layoutid); if (tgt != null) { tgt = (androidview) tgt.deepcopy(); tgt.setparent(view, i); } else if (getlayoutfilepath(resroot, layoutid, issys) != null) { string file = getlayoutfilepath(resroot, layoutid, issys); tgt = new androidview(); tgt.setparent(view, i); tgt.setorigin(file); readlayout(file, tgt, issys); int newid = nonrid--; viewmap.put(newid, tgt); namemap.put(newid, layoutid); } else if (sysrgeneralidmap.get("layout").containskey(layoutid) && sysid2view.containskey (sysrgeneralidmap.get("layout").get(layoutid) )) { tgt = (androidview) sysid2view.get(sysrgeneralidmap.get("layout").get(layoutid)).deepcopy(); tgt.setparent(view, i); } else { logger.warn(this.getclass().getsimplename(), "unknown layout " + layoutid + " included by " + view.getorigin()); continue; } integer includeeid = iav.includeeid; if (includeeid != null) { tgt.setid(includeeid.intvalue()); } work.add(tgt); } } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void readLayout(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(headerName, isSys); Integer headerId = pair.getO2(); if (headerId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_HEADER_LAYOUT, String.valueOf(headerId)); menuHeaderId2View.put(headerId, view); } } } } if ("fragment".equals(guiName)) { Node fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("android:name"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { String fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); if (fragmentClass.isEmpty()) { fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("class"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); } } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName()); continue; } if (newNode.getNodeName().equals("include")) { attrMap = newNode.getAttributes(); if (attrMap.getNamedItem("layout") == null) { Logger.warn("XML", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrMap.getLength(); j++) { Logger.trace("XML", attrMap.item(j).getNodeName()); } Logger.trace("XML", "filename" + file); continue; } String layoutTxt = attrMap.getNamedItem("layout").getTextContent(); String layoutId = null; if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@android:layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@android:layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.matches("@\\*android:layout\\/(\\w)+")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@*android:layout/".length()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("[WARNING] Unhandled layout id " + layoutTxt + "," + file); } Integer includeeId = null; id = null; idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
private void readLayout(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(headerName, isSys); Integer headerId = pair.getO2(); if (headerId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_HEADER_LAYOUT, String.valueOf(headerId)); menuHeaderId2View.put(headerId, view); } } } } if ("fragment".equals(guiName)) { Node fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("android:name"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { String fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); if (fragmentClass.isEmpty()) { fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("class"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); } } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName()); continue; } if (newNode.getNodeName().equals("include")) { attrMap = newNode.getAttributes(); if (attrMap.getNamedItem("layout") == null) { Logger.warn("XML", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrMap.getLength(); j++) { Logger.trace("XML", attrMap.item(j).getNodeName()); } Logger.trace("XML", "filename" + file); continue; } String layoutTxt = attrMap.getNamedItem("layout").getTextContent(); String layoutId = null; if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@android:layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@android:layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.matches("@\\*android:layout\\/(\\w)+")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@*android:layout/".length()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("[WARNING] Unhandled layout id " + layoutTxt + "," + file); } Integer includeeId = null; id = null; idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
private void readlayout(string file, androidview root, boolean issys) { document doc; try { documentbuilderfactory dbfactory = documentbuilderfactory.newinstance(); dbfactory.setnamespaceaware(true); documentbuilder dbuilder = dbfactory.newdocumentbuilder(); doc = dbuilder.parse(file); } catch (exception ex) { throw new runtimeexception(ex); } element rootelement = doc.getdocumentelement(); if (rootelement.gettagname().equals("preferencescreen")) { return; } linkedlist<pair<node, androidview>> work = lists.newlinkedlist(); work.add(new pair<node, androidview>(rootelement, root)); while (!work.isempty()) { pair<node, androidview> p = work.removefirst(); node node = p.geto1(); androidview view = p.geto2(); view.setorigin(file); namednodemap attrmap = node.getattributes(); if (attrmap == null) { logger.verb(this.getclass().getsimplename(), file + "!!!" + node.getclass() + "!!!" + node.tostring() + "!!!" + node.gettextcontent()); } node idnode = attrmap.getnameditemns(android_ns, "id"); int guiid = -1; string id = null; if (idnode != null) { string txt = idnode.gettextcontent(); pair<string, integer> pair = parseandroidid(txt, issys); id = pair.geto1(); integer guiidobj = pair.geto2(); if (guiidobj == null) { if (!issys) { logger.warn(this.getclass().getsimplename(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiid = guiidobj.intvalue(); if (lookupnameingeneralmap("id", guiid, issys) == null) { extraid2viewmap.put(guiidobj, view); } } } string guiname = node.getnodename(); if ("view".equals(guiname)) { if (attrmap.getnameditem("class") == null) continue; guiname = attrmap.getnameditem("class").gettextcontent(); } else if (guiname.equals("menuitemview")) { guiname = "android.view.menuitem"; } if (debug) { logger.verb(this.getclass().getsimplename(), guiname + " (" + guiid + ", " + id + ")"); } string callback = readandroidcallback(attrmap, "onclick"); if (callback != null) { view.setinlineclickhandler(callback); } string text = readandroidtextortitle(attrmap, "text"); string hint = readandroidtextortitle(attrmap, "hint"); string autofillhints = readandroidtextortitle(attrmap, "autofillhints"); if (hint != null && autofillhints != null) hint += propertymanager.separator + autofillhints; else if (autofillhints != null) hint = autofillhints; if(attrmap.getnameditem("app:menu") != null){ string menuname = attrmap.getnameditem("app:menu").gettextcontent(); if (menuname != null) { pair<string, integer> pair = parseandroidid(menuname, issys); integer menuid = pair.geto2(); if (menuid != null) { view.addattr(androidview.type.app_menu, string.valueof(menuid)); menuid2view.put(menuid, view); } } if (attrmap.getnameditem("app:headerlayout") != null) { string headername = attrmap.getnameditem("app:headerlayout").gettextcontent(); if (headername != null) { pair<string, integer> pair = parseandroidid(headername, issys); integer headerid = pair.geto2(); if (headerid != null) { view.addattr(androidview.type.app_header_layout, string.valueof(headerid)); menuheaderid2view.put(headerid, view); } } } } if ("fragment".equals(guiname)) { node fragmentnodeattr = attrmap.getnameditem("android:name"); if (fragmentnodeattr != null) { string fragmentclass = fragmentnodeattr.gettextcontent(); if (fragmentclass.isempty()) { fragmentnodeattr = attrmap.getnameditem("class"); if (fragmentnodeattr != null) { fragmentclass = fragmentnodeattr.gettextcontent(); } } view.addattr(androidview.type.android_name, fragmentclass); } } string tooltip = readandroidtextortitle(attrmap, "tooltiptext"); string contentdescription = readandroidtextortitle(attrmap, "contentdescription"); if (hint != null && autofillhints != null) hint += propertymanager.separator + autofillhints; else if (autofillhints != null) hint = autofillhints; string images = readandroidimageresource(attrmap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentdescription, images, guiname); nodelist children = node.getchildnodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getlength(); i++) { node newnode = children.item(i); string nodename = newnode.getnodename(); if ("#comment".equals(nodename)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodename)) { continue; } if (nodename.equals("requestfocus")) { continue; } if (!newnode.hasattributes() && !"tablerow".equals(nodename) && !"view".equals(nodename)) { logger.warn(this.getclass().getsimplename(), "no attribute node " + newnode.getnodename()); continue; } if (newnode.getnodename().equals("include")) { attrmap = newnode.getattributes(); if (attrmap.getnameditem("layout") == null) { logger.warn("xml", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrmap.getlength(); j++) { logger.trace("xml", attrmap.item(j).getnodename()); } logger.trace("xml", "filename" + file); continue; } string layouttxt = attrmap.getnameditem("layout").gettextcontent(); string layoutid = null; if (layouttxt.startswith("@layout/")) { layoutid = layouttxt.substring("@layout/".length()); } else if (layouttxt.startswith("@android:layout/")) { layoutid = layouttxt.substring("@android:layout/".length()); } else if (layouttxt.matches("@\\*android:layout\\/(\\w)+")) { layoutid = layouttxt.substring("@*android:layout/".length()); } else { throw new runtimeexception("[warning] unhandled layout id " + layouttxt + "," + file); } integer includeeid = null; id = null; idnode = attrmap.getnameditemns(android_ns, "id"); if (idnode != null) { string txt = idnode.gettextcontent(); pair<string, integer> pair = parseandroidid(txt, issys); id = pair.geto1(); integer guiidobj = pair.geto2(); if (guiidobj == null) { if (!issys) { logger.warn(this.getclass().getsimplename(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeid = guiidobj; } } includeandroidview iav = new includeandroidview(layoutid, includeeid); iav.setparent(view); } else { androidview newview = new androidview(); newview.setparent(view); work.add(new pair<node, androidview>(newnode, newview)); } } } }
[ 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
private void readMenu(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> worklist = Lists.newLinkedList(); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(doc.getDocumentElement(), root)); root = null; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
private void readMenu(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> worklist = Lists.newLinkedList(); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(doc.getDocumentElement(), root)); root = null; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
private void readmenu(string file, androidview root, boolean issys) { document doc; try { documentbuilderfactory dbfactory = documentbuilderfactory.newinstance(); dbfactory.setnamespaceaware(true); documentbuilder dbuilder = dbfactory.newdocumentbuilder(); doc = dbuilder.parse(file); } catch (exception ex) { throw new runtimeexception(ex); } linkedlist<pair<node, androidview>> worklist = lists.newlinkedlist(); worklist.add(new pair<node, androidview>(doc.getdocumentelement(), root)); root = null; while (!worklist.isempty()) { pair<node, androidview> pair = worklist.remove(); node node = pair.geto1(); androidview view = pair.geto2(); namednodemap attrmap = node.getattributes(); node idnode = attrmap.getnameditemns(android_ns, "id"); int guiid = -1; string id = null; if (idnode != null) { string txt = idnode.gettextcontent(); pair<string, integer> p = parseandroidid(txt, issys); id = p.geto1(); integer guiidobj = p.geto2(); if (guiidobj == null) { if (!issys) { logger.warn(this.getclass().getsimplename(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiid = nonrid--; feedidintogeneralmap("id", id, guiid, issys); } else { guiid = guiidobj.intvalue(); } } string guiname = node.getnodename(); if (guiname.equals("menu")) { guiname = ""; } else if (guiname.equals("item")) { guiname = "android.view.menuitem"; nodelist childnodes = node.getchildnodes(); if(childnodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childnodes.getlength(); i++) { node newnode = childnodes.item(i); string nodename = newnode.getnodename(); if("menu".equals(nodename)) { guiname = "android.view.viewgroup"; } } } } else if (guiname.equals("group")) { logger.trace(this.getclass().getsimplename(), "[todo] <group> used in " + file); guiname = "android.view.viewgroup"; } else { logger.trace("xml", "unhandled menu tag " + guiname); } if (debug) { logger.verb(this.getclass().getsimplename(), guiname + " (" + guiid + ", " + id + ")"); } string text = readandroidtextortitle(attrmap, "title"); string hint = readandroidtextortitle(attrmap, "hint"); string autofillhints = readandroidtextortitle(attrmap, "autofillhints"); if (hint != null && autofillhints != null) hint += propertymanager.separator + autofillhints; else if (autofillhints != null) hint = autofillhints; string tooltip = readandroidtextortitle(attrmap, "tooltiptext"); string contentdescription = readandroidtextortitle(attrmap, "contentdescription"); if (hint != null && autofillhints != null) hint += propertymanager.separator + autofillhints; else if (autofillhints != null) hint = autofillhints; string images = readandroidimageresource(attrmap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentdescription, images, guiname); nodelist children = node.getchildnodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getlength(); i++) { node newnode = children.item(i); string nodename = newnode.getnodename(); if ("#comment".equals(nodename)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodename)) { continue; } androidview newview = new androidview(); if (!newnode.hasattributes()) { logger.verb("warning", "xml node " + newnode + " has no attributes"); } else { namednodemap attrs = newnode.getattributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getlength(); idx += 1) { node attr = attrs.item(idx); string name = attr.getnodename(); string value = attr.getnodevalue(); newview.addattr(name, value); } } newview.setparent(view); worklist.add(new pair<node, androidview>(newnode, newview)); } } }
[ 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
public static Color getColorByName(String colorName) { switch (colorName.toLowerCase()) { case COLOR_BLUE: return; case COLOR_CYAN: return Color.cyan; case COLOR_DARKGRAY: case COLOR_DARKGREY: return Color.darkGray; case COLOR_GRAY: case COLOR_GREY: return Color.gray; case COLOR_LIGHTGRAY: case COLOR_LIGHTGREY: return Color.lightGray; case COLOR_GREEN: return; case COLOR_MAGENTA: return Color.magenta; case COLOR_ORANGE: return; case COLOR_PINK: return; case COLOR_RED: return; case COLOR_WHITE: return Color.white; case COLOR_YELLOW: return Color.yellow; case COLOR_BLACK: default: return; } }
public static Color getColorByName(String colorName) { switch (colorName.toLowerCase()) { case COLOR_BLUE: return; case COLOR_CYAN: return Color.cyan; case COLOR_DARKGRAY: case COLOR_DARKGREY: return Color.darkGray; case COLOR_GRAY: case COLOR_GREY: return Color.gray; case COLOR_LIGHTGRAY: case COLOR_LIGHTGREY: return Color.lightGray; case COLOR_GREEN: return; case COLOR_MAGENTA: return Color.magenta; case COLOR_ORANGE: return; case COLOR_PINK: return; case COLOR_RED: return; case COLOR_WHITE: return Color.white; case COLOR_YELLOW: return Color.yellow; case COLOR_BLACK: default: return; } }
public static color getcolorbyname(string colorname) { switch (colorname.tolowercase()) { case color_blue: return; case color_cyan: return color.cyan; case color_darkgray: case color_darkgrey: return color.darkgray; case color_gray: case color_grey: return color.gray; case color_lightgray: case color_lightgrey: return color.lightgray; case color_green: return; case color_magenta: return color.magenta; case color_orange: return; case color_pink: return; case color_red: return; case color_white: return color.white; case color_yellow: return color.yellow; case color_black: default: return; } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { mView = convertView; if (mView == null) { LayoutInflater viewInflator; viewInflator = LayoutInflater.from(mContext); mView = viewInflator.inflate(R.layout.adapter_category_tile, null); } //TODO add a view holder mCaptionTextView = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; mCategoryImageView = (ImageView) mView.findViewById(; mCategorySum = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; if(mCategoryList.get(position) != null) { String valueStr = Utils.sumAsCurrency(mCategoryList.get(position).mSecondField); int resIndex = mCategoryList.get(position).mFirstField; int resource = Images.getImageByPosition(resIndex, Images.getUnsorted()); mCaptionTextView.setText(Images.getCaptionByImage(resource, Images.getSorted())); mCategoryImageView.setImageResource(resource); mCategorySum.setText(valueStr); } return mView; }
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { mView = convertView; if (mView == null) { LayoutInflater viewInflator; viewInflator = LayoutInflater.from(mContext); mView = viewInflator.inflate(R.layout.adapter_category_tile, null); } mCaptionTextView = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; mCategoryImageView = (ImageView) mView.findViewById(; mCategorySum = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; if(mCategoryList.get(position) != null) { String valueStr = Utils.sumAsCurrency(mCategoryList.get(position).mSecondField); int resIndex = mCategoryList.get(position).mFirstField; int resource = Images.getImageByPosition(resIndex, Images.getUnsorted()); mCaptionTextView.setText(Images.getCaptionByImage(resource, Images.getSorted())); mCategoryImageView.setImageResource(resource); mCategorySum.setText(valueStr); } return mView; }
public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) { mview = convertview; if (mview == null) { layoutinflater viewinflator; viewinflator = layoutinflater.from(mcontext); mview = viewinflator.inflate(r.layout.adapter_category_tile, null); } mcaptiontextview = (textview) mview.findviewbyid(; mcategoryimageview = (imageview) mview.findviewbyid(; mcategorysum = (textview) mview.findviewbyid(; if(mcategorylist.get(position) != null) { string valuestr = utils.sumascurrency(mcategorylist.get(position).msecondfield); int resindex = mcategorylist.get(position).mfirstfield; int resource = images.getimagebyposition(resindex, images.getunsorted()); mcaptiontextview.settext(images.getcaptionbyimage(resource, images.getsorted())); mcategoryimageview.setimageresource(resource); mcategorysum.settext(valuestr); } return mview; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); metrics.putInDKV(); } else { water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
protected static response scoreone(frame frame, model score_model) { water.modelmetrics metrics = water.modelmetrics.getfromdkv(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { water.util.log.debug("cache miss: computing modelmetrics. . ."); long before = system.currenttimemillis(); frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); long after = system.currenttimemillis(); confusionmatrix cm = new confusionmatrix(); auc auc = null; hitratio hr = null; if (score_model.isclassifier()) { auc = new auc(); score_model.calcerror(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responsename()), predictions, predictions, "prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcerror(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responsename()), predictions, predictions, "prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } metrics = new water.modelmetrics(score_model.getuniqueid(), score_model.getmodelcategory(), frame.getuniqueid(), after - before, after, auc, cm); metrics.putindkv(); } else { water.util.log.debug("using modelmetrics from the cache. . ."); } jsonobject metricsjson = metrics.tojson(); jsonarray metricsarray = new jsonarray(); metricsarray.add(metricsjson); jsonobject result = new jsonobject(); result.add("metrics", metricsarray); return response.done(result); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public Range<Token> getRange(ByteBuffer key) { // TODO: naive linear search of the token map Token<?> t = partitioner.getToken(key); for (Range<Token> range : rangeMap.keySet()) if (range.contains(t)) return range; throw new RuntimeException("Invalid token information returned by describe_ring: " + rangeMap); }
public Range<Token> getRange(ByteBuffer key) { Token<?> t = partitioner.getToken(key); for (Range<Token> range : rangeMap.keySet()) if (range.contains(t)) return range; throw new RuntimeException("Invalid token information returned by describe_ring: " + rangeMap); }
public range<token> getrange(bytebuffer key) { token<?> t = partitioner.gettoken(key); for (range<token> range : rangemap.keyset()) if (range.contains(t)) return range; throw new runtimeexception("invalid token information returned by describe_ring: " + rangemap); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void populateSignatureNames() { if (acroForm == null) { return; } List<Object[]> sorter = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, PdfFormField> entry : acroForm.getFormFields().entrySet()) { PdfFormField field = entry.getValue(); PdfDictionary merged = field.getPdfObject(); if (!PdfName.Sig.equals(merged.get(PdfName.FT))) continue; PdfDictionary v = merged.getAsDictionary(PdfName.V); if (v == null) continue; PdfString contents = v.getAsString(PdfName.Contents); if (contents == null) { continue; } else { contents.markAsUnencryptedObject(); } PdfArray ro = v.getAsArray(PdfName.ByteRange); if (ro == null) continue; int rangeSize = ro.size(); if (rangeSize < 2) continue; int length = ro.getAsNumber(rangeSize - 1).intValue() + ro.getAsNumber(rangeSize - 2).intValue(); sorter.add(new Object[]{entry.getKey(), new int[]{length, 0}}); } Collections.sort(sorter, new SorterComparator()); if (sorter.size() > 0) { try { if (((int[]) sorter.get(sorter.size() - 1)[1])[0] == document.getReader().getFileLength()) totalRevisions = sorter.size(); else totalRevisions = sorter.size() + 1; } catch (IOException e) { // TODO: add exception handling (at least some logger) } for (int k = 0; k < sorter.size(); ++k) { Object[] objs = sorter.get(k); String name = (String) objs[0]; int[] p = (int[]) objs[1]; p[1] = k + 1; sigNames.put(name, p); orderedSignatureNames.add(name); } } }
private void populateSignatureNames() { if (acroForm == null) { return; } List<Object[]> sorter = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, PdfFormField> entry : acroForm.getFormFields().entrySet()) { PdfFormField field = entry.getValue(); PdfDictionary merged = field.getPdfObject(); if (!PdfName.Sig.equals(merged.get(PdfName.FT))) continue; PdfDictionary v = merged.getAsDictionary(PdfName.V); if (v == null) continue; PdfString contents = v.getAsString(PdfName.Contents); if (contents == null) { continue; } else { contents.markAsUnencryptedObject(); } PdfArray ro = v.getAsArray(PdfName.ByteRange); if (ro == null) continue; int rangeSize = ro.size(); if (rangeSize < 2) continue; int length = ro.getAsNumber(rangeSize - 1).intValue() + ro.getAsNumber(rangeSize - 2).intValue(); sorter.add(new Object[]{entry.getKey(), new int[]{length, 0}}); } Collections.sort(sorter, new SorterComparator()); if (sorter.size() > 0) { try { if (((int[]) sorter.get(sorter.size() - 1)[1])[0] == document.getReader().getFileLength()) totalRevisions = sorter.size(); else totalRevisions = sorter.size() + 1; } catch (IOException e) { } for (int k = 0; k < sorter.size(); ++k) { Object[] objs = sorter.get(k); String name = (String) objs[0]; int[] p = (int[]) objs[1]; p[1] = k + 1; sigNames.put(name, p); orderedSignatureNames.add(name); } } }
private void populatesignaturenames() { if (acroform == null) { return; } list<object[]> sorter = new arraylist<>(); for (map.entry<string, pdfformfield> entry : acroform.getformfields().entryset()) { pdfformfield field = entry.getvalue(); pdfdictionary merged = field.getpdfobject(); if (!pdfname.sig.equals(merged.get(pdfname.ft))) continue; pdfdictionary v = merged.getasdictionary(pdfname.v); if (v == null) continue; pdfstring contents = v.getasstring(pdfname.contents); if (contents == null) { continue; } else { contents.markasunencryptedobject(); } pdfarray ro = v.getasarray(pdfname.byterange); if (ro == null) continue; int rangesize = ro.size(); if (rangesize < 2) continue; int length = ro.getasnumber(rangesize - 1).intvalue() + ro.getasnumber(rangesize - 2).intvalue(); sorter.add(new object[]{entry.getkey(), new int[]{length, 0}}); } collections.sort(sorter, new sortercomparator()); if (sorter.size() > 0) { try { if (((int[]) sorter.get(sorter.size() - 1)[1])[0] == document.getreader().getfilelength()) totalrevisions = sorter.size(); else totalrevisions = sorter.size() + 1; } catch (ioexception e) { } for (int k = 0; k < sorter.size(); ++k) { object[] objs = sorter.get(k); string name = (string) objs[0]; int[] p = (int[]) objs[1]; p[1] = k + 1; signames.put(name, p); orderedsignaturenames.add(name); } } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public void setEnumsSet(Map<String, Set<Object>> enums) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(enums); areEnumsUpdated = true; Map<String, List<Object>> enumsList = Maps.newHashMap(); //Check that all the given keys are valid Preconditions.checkArgument( configurationSchema.getKeyDescriptor().getFields().getFields().containsAll(enums.keySet()), "The given map doesn't contain valid keys. Valid keys are %s and the provided keys are %s", configurationSchema.getKeyDescriptor().getFields().getFields(), enums.keySet()); //Todo check the type of the objects, for now just set them on the enum. for (Map.Entry<String, Set<Object>> entry : enums.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); Set<Object> vals = entry.getValue(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(name); Preconditions.checkNotNull(vals); for (Object value : entry.getValue()) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(value); } List<Object> valsList = Lists.newArrayList(vals); enumsList.put(name, valsList); } currentEnumVals = Maps.newHashMap(enumsList); }
public void setEnumsSet(Map<String, Set<Object>> enums) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(enums); areEnumsUpdated = true; Map<String, List<Object>> enumsList = Maps.newHashMap(); Preconditions.checkArgument( configurationSchema.getKeyDescriptor().getFields().getFields().containsAll(enums.keySet()), "The given map doesn't contain valid keys. Valid keys are %s and the provided keys are %s", configurationSchema.getKeyDescriptor().getFields().getFields(), enums.keySet()); for (Map.Entry<String, Set<Object>> entry : enums.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); Set<Object> vals = entry.getValue(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(name); Preconditions.checkNotNull(vals); for (Object value : entry.getValue()) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(value); } List<Object> valsList = Lists.newArrayList(vals); enumsList.put(name, valsList); } currentEnumVals = Maps.newHashMap(enumsList); }
public void setenumsset(map<string, set<object>> enums) { preconditions.checknotnull(enums); areenumsupdated = true; map<string, list<object>> enumslist = maps.newhashmap(); preconditions.checkargument( configurationschema.getkeydescriptor().getfields().getfields().containsall(enums.keyset()), "the given map doesn't contain valid keys. valid keys are %s and the provided keys are %s", configurationschema.getkeydescriptor().getfields().getfields(), enums.keyset()); for (map.entry<string, set<object>> entry : enums.entryset()) { string name = entry.getkey(); set<object> vals = entry.getvalue(); preconditions.checknotnull(name); preconditions.checknotnull(vals); for (object value : entry.getvalue()) { preconditions.checknotnull(value); } list<object> valslist = lists.newarraylist(vals); enumslist.put(name, valslist); } currentenumvals = maps.newhashmap(enumslist); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public void setEnumsSetComparable(Map<String, Set<Comparable>> enums) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(enums); areEnumsUpdated = true; Map<String, List<Object>> enumsList = Maps.newHashMap(); //Check that all the given keys are valid Preconditions.checkArgument( configurationSchema.getKeyDescriptor().getFields().getFields().containsAll(enums.keySet()), "The given map doesn't contain valid keys. Valid keys are %s and the provided keys are %s", configurationSchema.getKeyDescriptor().getFields().getFields(), enums.keySet()); //Todo check the type of the objects, for now just set them on the enum. for (Map.Entry<String, Set<Comparable>> entry : enums.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); Set<Comparable> vals = entry.getValue(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(name); Preconditions.checkNotNull(vals); for (Object value : entry.getValue()) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(value); } List<Comparable> valsListComparable = Lists.newArrayList(vals); Collections.sort(valsListComparable); List<Object> valsList = (List)valsListComparable; enumsList.put(name, valsList); } currentEnumVals = Maps.newHashMap(enumsList); }
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public void setEnumsSetComparable(Map<String, Set<Comparable>> enums) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(enums); areEnumsUpdated = true; Map<String, List<Object>> enumsList = Maps.newHashMap(); Preconditions.checkArgument( configurationSchema.getKeyDescriptor().getFields().getFields().containsAll(enums.keySet()), "The given map doesn't contain valid keys. Valid keys are %s and the provided keys are %s", configurationSchema.getKeyDescriptor().getFields().getFields(), enums.keySet()); for (Map.Entry<String, Set<Comparable>> entry : enums.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); Set<Comparable> vals = entry.getValue(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(name); Preconditions.checkNotNull(vals); for (Object value : entry.getValue()) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(value); } List<Comparable> valsListComparable = Lists.newArrayList(vals); Collections.sort(valsListComparable); List<Object> valsList = (List)valsListComparable; enumsList.put(name, valsList); } currentEnumVals = Maps.newHashMap(enumsList); }
@suppresswarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public void setenumssetcomparable(map<string, set<comparable>> enums) { preconditions.checknotnull(enums); areenumsupdated = true; map<string, list<object>> enumslist = maps.newhashmap(); preconditions.checkargument( configurationschema.getkeydescriptor().getfields().getfields().containsall(enums.keyset()), "the given map doesn't contain valid keys. valid keys are %s and the provided keys are %s", configurationschema.getkeydescriptor().getfields().getfields(), enums.keyset()); for (map.entry<string, set<comparable>> entry : enums.entryset()) { string name = entry.getkey(); set<comparable> vals = entry.getvalue(); preconditions.checknotnull(name); preconditions.checknotnull(vals); for (object value : entry.getvalue()) { preconditions.checknotnull(value); } list<comparable> valslistcomparable = lists.newarraylist(vals); collections.sort(valslistcomparable); list<object> valslist = (list)valslistcomparable; enumslist.put(name, valslist); } currentenumvals = maps.newhashmap(enumslist); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public void setEnumsList(Map<String, List<Object>> enums) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(enums); areEnumsUpdated = true; //Check that all the given keys are valid Preconditions.checkArgument( configurationSchema.getKeyDescriptor().getFields().getFields().containsAll(enums.keySet()), "The given map doesn't contain valid keys. Valid keys are %s and the provided keys are %s", configurationSchema.getKeyDescriptor().getFields().getFields(), enums.keySet()); //Todo check the type of the objects, for now just set them on the enum. for (Map.Entry<String, List<Object>> entry : enums.entrySet()) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(entry.getKey()); Preconditions.checkNotNull(entry.getValue()); } Map<String, List<Object>> tempEnums = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Object>> entry : enums.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); List<?> enumValues = entry.getValue(); List<Object> tempEnumValues = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Object enumValue : enumValues) { tempEnumValues.add(enumValue); } tempEnums.put(key, tempEnumValues); } currentEnumVals = tempEnums; }
public void setEnumsList(Map<String, List<Object>> enums) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(enums); areEnumsUpdated = true; Preconditions.checkArgument( configurationSchema.getKeyDescriptor().getFields().getFields().containsAll(enums.keySet()), "The given map doesn't contain valid keys. Valid keys are %s and the provided keys are %s", configurationSchema.getKeyDescriptor().getFields().getFields(), enums.keySet()); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Object>> entry : enums.entrySet()) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(entry.getKey()); Preconditions.checkNotNull(entry.getValue()); } Map<String, List<Object>> tempEnums = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Object>> entry : enums.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); List<?> enumValues = entry.getValue(); List<Object> tempEnumValues = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Object enumValue : enumValues) { tempEnumValues.add(enumValue); } tempEnums.put(key, tempEnumValues); } currentEnumVals = tempEnums; }
public void setenumslist(map<string, list<object>> enums) { preconditions.checknotnull(enums); areenumsupdated = true; preconditions.checkargument( configurationschema.getkeydescriptor().getfields().getfields().containsall(enums.keyset()), "the given map doesn't contain valid keys. valid keys are %s and the provided keys are %s", configurationschema.getkeydescriptor().getfields().getfields(), enums.keyset()); for (map.entry<string, list<object>> entry : enums.entryset()) { preconditions.checknotnull(entry.getkey()); preconditions.checknotnull(entry.getvalue()); } map<string, list<object>> tempenums = maps.newhashmap(); for (map.entry<string, list<object>> entry : enums.entryset()) { string key = entry.getkey(); list<?> enumvalues = entry.getvalue(); list<object> tempenumvalues = lists.newarraylist(); for (object enumvalue : enumvalues) { tempenumvalues.add(enumvalue); } tempenums.put(key, tempenumvalues); } currentenumvals = tempenums; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public ByteBuffer allocateBufferIfNeeded() { ByteBuffer buffer = getCurrentBuffer(); if (buffer != null && buffer.hasRemaining()) { return buffer; } if (currentBufferIndex < bufferList.size() - 1) { buffer = getBuffer(currentBufferIndex + 1); } else { buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferSize); bufferList.add(buffer); } Preconditions.checkArgument(bufferList.size() <= capacity); currentBufferIndex++; // TODO: Turn the below precondition check on when Standalone pipeline // is removed in the write path in tests // Preconditions.checkArgument(buffer.position() == 0); return buffer; }
public ByteBuffer allocateBufferIfNeeded() { ByteBuffer buffer = getCurrentBuffer(); if (buffer != null && buffer.hasRemaining()) { return buffer; } if (currentBufferIndex < bufferList.size() - 1) { buffer = getBuffer(currentBufferIndex + 1); } else { buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferSize); bufferList.add(buffer); } Preconditions.checkArgument(bufferList.size() <= capacity); currentBufferIndex++; return buffer; }
public bytebuffer allocatebufferifneeded() { bytebuffer buffer = getcurrentbuffer(); if (buffer != null && buffer.hasremaining()) { return buffer; } if (currentbufferindex < bufferlist.size() - 1) { buffer = getbuffer(currentbufferindex + 1); } else { buffer = bytebuffer.allocate(buffersize); bufferlist.add(buffer); } preconditions.checkargument(bufferlist.size() <= capacity); currentbufferindex++; return buffer; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_map); initViews(); Statistics.INSTANCE.trackConnectionState(); if (MwmApplication.get().nativeIsBenchmarking()) Utils.keepScreenOn(true, getWindow()); // TODO consider implementing other model of listeners connection, without activities being bound Framework.nativeSetRoutingListener(this); Framework.nativeSetRouteProgressListener(this); Framework.nativeSetBalloonListener(this); mSearchController = new FloatingSearchToolbarController(this); mLocationPredictor = new LocationPredictor(new Handler(), this); processIntent(getIntent()); SharingHelper.prepare(); }
@Override public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_map); initViews(); Statistics.INSTANCE.trackConnectionState(); if (MwmApplication.get().nativeIsBenchmarking()) Utils.keepScreenOn(true, getWindow()); Framework.nativeSetRoutingListener(this); Framework.nativeSetRouteProgressListener(this); Framework.nativeSetBalloonListener(this); mSearchController = new FloatingSearchToolbarController(this); mLocationPredictor = new LocationPredictor(new Handler(), this); processIntent(getIntent()); SharingHelper.prepare(); }
@override public void oncreate(@nullable bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_map); initviews(); statistics.instance.trackconnectionstate(); if (mwmapplication.get().nativeisbenchmarking()) utils.keepscreenon(true, getwindow()); framework.nativesetroutinglistener(this); framework.nativesetrouteprogresslistener(this); framework.nativesetballoonlistener(this); msearchcontroller = new floatingsearchtoolbarcontroller(this); mlocationpredictor = new locationpredictor(new handler(), this); processintent(getintent()); sharinghelper.prepare(); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private boolean isEmailValid(String email) { //TODO: Replace this with your own logic return email.contains("@"); }
private boolean isEmailValid(String email) { return email.contains("@"); }
private boolean isemailvalid(string email) { return email.contains("@"); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private boolean isPasswordValid(String password) { //TODO: Replace this with your own logic return password.length() > 4; }
private boolean isPasswordValid(String password) { return password.length() > 4; }
private boolean ispasswordvalid(string password) { return password.length() > 4; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); // ATTENTION: This was auto-generated to implement the App Indexing API. // See for more information. client.connect(); Action viewAction = Action.newAction( Action.TYPE_VIEW, // TODO: choose an action type. "Sliding Page", // TODO: Define a title for the content shown. // TODO: If you have web page content that matches this app activity's content, // make sure this auto-generated web page URL is correct. // Otherwise, set the URL to null. Uri.parse("http://host/path"), // TODO: Make sure this auto-generated app deep link URI is correct. Uri.parse("android-app://") ); AppIndex.AppIndexApi.start(client, viewAction); }
@Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); client.connect(); Action viewAction = Action.newAction( Action.TYPE_VIEW, "Sliding Page", Uri.parse("http://host/path"), Uri.parse("android-app://") ); AppIndex.AppIndexApi.start(client, viewAction); }
@override public void onstart() { super.onstart(); client.connect(); action viewaction = action.newaction( action.type_view, "sliding page", uri.parse("http://host/path"), uri.parse("android-app://") ); appindex.appindexapi.start(client, viewaction); }
[ 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Override public void onStop() { super.onStop(); // ATTENTION: This was auto-generated to implement the App Indexing API. // See for more information. Action viewAction = Action.newAction( Action.TYPE_VIEW, // TODO: choose an action type. "Sliding Page", // TODO: Define a title for the content shown. // TODO: If you have web page content that matches this app activity's content, // make sure this auto-generated web page URL is correct. // Otherwise, set the URL to null. Uri.parse("http://host/path"), // TODO: Make sure this auto-generated app deep link URI is correct. Uri.parse("android-app://") ); AppIndex.AppIndexApi.end(client, viewAction); client.disconnect(); }
@Override public void onStop() { super.onStop(); Action viewAction = Action.newAction( Action.TYPE_VIEW, "Sliding Page", Uri.parse("http://host/path"), Uri.parse("android-app://") ); AppIndex.AppIndexApi.end(client, viewAction); client.disconnect(); }
@override public void onstop() { super.onstop(); action viewaction = action.newaction( action.type_view, "sliding page", uri.parse("http://host/path"), uri.parse("android-app://") ); appindex.appindexapi.end(client, viewaction); client.disconnect(); }
[ 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Test public void canImportTheCorrectNumberOfRecords() throws Throwable { process(shakParser, shakDao, "data/sks/SHAKCOMPLETE.TXT"); // FIXME: These record counts are only correct iff if duplicate keys are disregarted. // This is unfortunate. Keys are currently only considered based their SKSKode. // They should be a combination of type + kode + startdato based on the register doc. assertEquals(1017, jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM class_shak WHERE Organisationstype = 'Sygehus'")); assertEquals(18411, jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM class_shak WHERE Organisationstype = 'Afdeling'")); process(sksParser, sksDao, "data/sks/SKScomplete.txt"); assertEquals(573, jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM class_sks WHERE Type = 'und'")); assertEquals(8990, jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM class_sks WHERE Type = 'pro'")); assertEquals(43857, jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM class_sks WHERE Type = 'dia'")); assertEquals(19980, jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM class_sks WHERE Type = 'opr'")); assertEquals(10461, jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM class_sks WHERE Type = 'atc'")); }
@Test public void canImportTheCorrectNumberOfRecords() throws Throwable { process(shakParser, shakDao, "data/sks/SHAKCOMPLETE.TXT"); assertEquals(1017, jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM class_shak WHERE Organisationstype = 'Sygehus'")); assertEquals(18411, jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM class_shak WHERE Organisationstype = 'Afdeling'")); process(sksParser, sksDao, "data/sks/SKScomplete.txt"); assertEquals(573, jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM class_sks WHERE Type = 'und'")); assertEquals(8990, jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM class_sks WHERE Type = 'pro'")); assertEquals(43857, jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM class_sks WHERE Type = 'dia'")); assertEquals(19980, jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM class_sks WHERE Type = 'opr'")); assertEquals(10461, jdbc.queryForInt("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM class_sks WHERE Type = 'atc'")); }
@test public void canimportthecorrectnumberofrecords() throws throwable { process(shakparser, shakdao, "data/sks/shakcomplete.txt"); assertequals(1017, jdbc.queryforint("select count(*) from class_shak where organisationstype = 'sygehus'")); assertequals(18411, jdbc.queryforint("select count(*) from class_shak where organisationstype = 'afdeling'")); process(sksparser, sksdao, "data/sks/skscomplete.txt"); assertequals(573, jdbc.queryforint("select count(*) from class_sks where type = 'und'")); assertequals(8990, jdbc.queryforint("select count(*) from class_sks where type = 'pro'")); assertequals(43857, jdbc.queryforint("select count(*) from class_sks where type = 'dia'")); assertequals(19980, jdbc.queryforint("select count(*) from class_sks where type = 'opr'")); assertequals(10461, jdbc.queryforint("select count(*) from class_sks where type = 'atc'")); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
public SolrQueryResponse search(DataverseRequest dataverseRequest, Dataverse dataverse, String query, List<String> filterQueries, String sortField, String sortOrder, int paginationStart, boolean onlyDatatRelatedToMe, int numResultsPerPage, boolean retrieveEntities) throws SearchException { if (paginationStart < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("paginationStart must be 0 or greater"); } if (numResultsPerPage < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("numResultsPerPage must be 1 or greater"); } SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery(); query = SearchUtil.sanitizeQuery(query); solrQuery.setQuery(query); // SortClause foo = new SortClause("name", SolrQuery.ORDER.desc); // if (query.equals("*") || query.equals("*:*")) { // solrQuery.setSort(new SortClause(SearchFields.NAME_SORT, SolrQuery.ORDER.asc)); solrQuery.setSort(new SortClause(sortField, sortOrder)); // } else { // solrQuery.setSort(sortClause); // } // solrQuery.setSort(sortClause); solrQuery.setHighlight(true).setHighlightSnippets(1); Integer fragSize = systemConfig.getSearchHighlightFragmentSize(); if (fragSize != null) { solrQuery.setHighlightFragsize(fragSize); } solrQuery.setHighlightSimplePre("<span class=\"search-term-match\">"); solrQuery.setHighlightSimplePost("</span>"); Map<String, String> solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap = new HashMap<>(); // TODO: Do not hard code "Name" etc as English here. solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.NAME, "Name"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.AFFILIATION, "Affiliation"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE_FRIENDLY, "File Type"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.DESCRIPTION, "Description"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.VARIABLE_NAME, "Variable Name"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.VARIABLE_LABEL, "Variable Label"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE_SEARCHABLE, "File Type"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.DATASET_PUBLICATION_DATE, "Publication Date"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.DATASET_PERSISTENT_ID, BundleUtil.getStringFromBundle("")); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.FILE_PERSISTENT_ID, BundleUtil.getStringFromBundle("")); /** * @todo Dataverse subject and affiliation should be highlighted but * this is commented out right now because the "friendly" names are not * being shown on the dataverse cards. See also * */ // solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.DATAVERSE_SUBJECT, "Subject"); // solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.DATAVERSE_AFFILIATION, "Affiliation"); /** * @todo: show highlight on file card? * */ solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXTENSION, "Filename Without Extension"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.FILE_TAG_SEARCHABLE, "File Tag"); List<DatasetFieldType> datasetFields = datasetFieldService.findAllOrderedById(); for (DatasetFieldType datasetFieldType : datasetFields) { String solrField = datasetFieldType.getSolrField().getNameSearchable(); String displayName = datasetFieldType.getDisplayName(); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(solrField, displayName); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.entrySet()) { String solrField = entry.getKey(); // String displayName = entry.getValue(); solrQuery.addHighlightField(solrField); } solrQuery.setParam("fl", "*,score"); solrQuery.setParam("qt", "/select"); solrQuery.setParam("facet", "true"); /** * @todo: do we need facet.query? */ solrQuery.setParam("facet.query", "*"); for (String filterQuery : filterQueries) { solrQuery.addFilterQuery(filterQuery); } // ----------------------------------- // PERMISSION FILTER QUERY // ----------------------------------- String permissionFilterQuery = this.getPermissionFilterQuery(dataverseRequest, solrQuery, dataverse, onlyDatatRelatedToMe); if (permissionFilterQuery != null) { solrQuery.addFilterQuery(permissionFilterQuery); } // ----------------------------------- // Facets to Retrieve // ----------------------------------- // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.HOST_DATAVERSE); // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.AUTHOR_STRING); solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.DATAVERSE_CATEGORY); solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.METADATA_SOURCE); // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.AFFILIATION); solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.PUBLICATION_DATE); // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.CATEGORY); // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE_MIME); // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.DISTRIBUTOR); // solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.KEYWORD); /** * @todo when a new method on datasetFieldService is available * (retrieveFacetsByDataverse?) only show the facets that the dataverse * in question wants to show (and in the right order): * * * also, findAll only returns advancedSearchField = true... we should * probably introduce the "isFacetable" boolean rather than caring about * if advancedSearchField is true or false * */ if (dataverse != null) { for (DataverseFacet dataverseFacet : dataverse.getDataverseFacets()) { DatasetFieldType datasetField = dataverseFacet.getDatasetFieldType(); solrQuery.addFacetField(datasetField.getSolrField().getNameFacetable()); } } solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE); /** * @todo: hide the extra line this shows in the GUI... at least it's * last... */ solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.TYPE); solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.FILE_TAG); if (!systemConfig.isPublicInstall()) { solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.ACCESS); } /** * @todo: do sanity checking... throw error if negative */ solrQuery.setStart(paginationStart); /** * @todo: decide if year CITATION_YEAR is good enough or if we should * support CITATION_DATE */ // Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"), Locale.UK); // calendar.set(2010, 1, 1); // Date start = calendar.getTime(); // calendar.set(2013, 1, 1); // Date end = calendar.getTime(); // solrQuery.addDateRangeFacet(SearchFields.CITATION_DATE, start, end, "+1MONTH"); /** * @todo make this configurable */ int thisYear = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); /** * @todo: odd or even makes a difference. Couldn't find value of 2014 * when this was set to 2000 */ final int citationYearRangeStart = 1901; final int citationYearRangeEnd = thisYear; final int citationYearRangeSpan = 2; /** * @todo: these are dates and should be "range facets" not "field * facets" * * right now they are lumped in with the datasetFieldService.findAll() * above */ // solrQuery.addNumericRangeFacet(SearchFields.PRODUCTION_DATE_YEAR_ONLY, citationYearRangeStart, citationYearRangeEnd, citationYearRangeSpan); // solrQuery.addNumericRangeFacet(SearchFields.DISTRIBUTION_DATE_YEAR_ONLY, citationYearRangeStart, citationYearRangeEnd, citationYearRangeSpan); solrQuery.setRows(numResultsPerPage); logger.fine("Solr query:" + solrQuery); // ----------------------------------- // Make the solr query // ----------------------------------- QueryResponse queryResponse = null; try { queryResponse = solrServer.query(solrQuery); } catch (RemoteSolrException ex) { String messageFromSolr = ex.getLocalizedMessage(); String error = "Search Syntax Error: "; String stringToHide = " "; if (messageFromSolr.startsWith(stringToHide)) { // hide "org.apache.solr..." error += messageFromSolr.substring(stringToHide.length()); } else { error += messageFromSolr; }; SolrQueryResponse exceptionSolrQueryResponse = new SolrQueryResponse(solrQuery); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setError(error); // we can't show anything because of the search syntax error long zeroNumResultsFound = 0; long zeroGetResultsStart = 0; List<SolrSearchResult> emptySolrSearchResults = new ArrayList<>(); List<FacetCategory> exceptionFacetCategoryList = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, List<String>> emptySpellingSuggestion = new HashMap<>(); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setNumResultsFound(zeroNumResultsFound); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setResultsStart(zeroGetResultsStart); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setSolrSearchResults(emptySolrSearchResults); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setFacetCategoryList(exceptionFacetCategoryList); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setTypeFacetCategories(exceptionFacetCategoryList); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setSpellingSuggestionsByToken(emptySpellingSuggestion); return exceptionSolrQueryResponse; } catch (SolrServerException | IOException ex) { throw new SearchException("Internal Dataverse Search Engine Error", ex); } SolrDocumentList docs = queryResponse.getResults(); List<SolrSearchResult> solrSearchResults = new ArrayList<>(); /** * @todo refactor SearchFields to a hashmap (or something? put in * database? internationalize?) to avoid the crazy reflection and string * manipulation below */ Object searchFieldsObject = new SearchFields(); Field[] staticSearchFields = searchFieldsObject.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); String titleSolrField = null; try { DatasetFieldType titleDatasetField = datasetFieldService.findByName(DatasetFieldConstant.title); titleSolrField = titleDatasetField.getSolrField().getNameSearchable(); } catch (EJBTransactionRolledbackException ex) {"Couldn't find " + DatasetFieldConstant.title); if (ex.getCause() instanceof TransactionRolledbackLocalException) { if (ex.getCause().getCause() instanceof NoResultException) {"Caught NoResultException"); } } } Map<String, String> datasetfieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> staticSolrFieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField = new HashMap<>(); String baseUrl = systemConfig.getDataverseSiteUrl(); for (SolrDocument solrDocument : docs) { String id = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.ID); Long entityid = (Long) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.ENTITY_ID); String type = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.TYPE); float score = (Float) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.RELEVANCE); logger.fine("score for " + id + ": " + score); String identifier = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.IDENTIFIER); String citation = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_CITATION); String citationPlainHtml = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_CITATION_HTML); String persistentUrl = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PERSISTENT_URL); String name = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.NAME); String nameSort = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.NAME_SORT); // ArrayList titles = (ArrayList) solrDocument.getFieldValues(SearchFields.TITLE); String title = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(titleSolrField); Long datasetVersionId = (Long) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_VERSION_ID); String deaccessionReason = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_DEACCESSION_REASON); //"titleSolrField: " + titleSolrField); //"title: " + title); String filetype = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE_FRIENDLY); String fileContentType = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_CONTENT_TYPE); Date release_or_create_date = (Date) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.RELEASE_OR_CREATE_DATE); String dateToDisplayOnCard = (String) solrDocument.getFirstValue(SearchFields.RELEASE_OR_CREATE_DATE_SEARCHABLE_TEXT); String dvTree = (String) solrDocument.getFirstValue(SearchFields.SUBTREE); List<String> matchedFields = new ArrayList<>(); List<Highlight> highlights = new ArrayList<>(); Map<SolrField, Highlight> highlightsMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<SolrField, List<String>> highlightsMap2 = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Highlight> highlightsMap3 = new HashMap<>(); if (queryResponse.getHighlighting().get(id) != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.entrySet()) { String field = entry.getKey(); String displayName = entry.getValue(); List<String> highlightSnippets = queryResponse.getHighlighting().get(id).get(field); if (highlightSnippets != null) { matchedFields.add(field); /** * @todo only SolrField.SolrType.STRING? that's not * right... knit the SolrField object more into the * highlighting stuff */ SolrField solrField = new SolrField(field, SolrField.SolrType.STRING, true, true); Highlight highlight = new Highlight(solrField, highlightSnippets, displayName); highlights.add(highlight); highlightsMap.put(solrField, highlight); highlightsMap2.put(solrField, highlightSnippets); highlightsMap3.put(field, highlight); } } } SolrSearchResult solrSearchResult = new SolrSearchResult(query, name); /** * @todo put all this in the constructor? */ List<String> states = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PUBLICATION_STATUS); if (states != null) { // set list of all statuses // this method also sets booleans for individual statuses solrSearchResult.setPublicationStatuses(states); } // + ": " + description); solrSearchResult.setId(id); solrSearchResult.setEntityId(entityid); if (retrieveEntities) { solrSearchResult.setEntity(dvObjectService.findDvObject(entityid)); } solrSearchResult.setIdentifier(identifier); solrSearchResult.setPersistentUrl(persistentUrl); solrSearchResult.setType(type); solrSearchResult.setScore(score); solrSearchResult.setNameSort(nameSort); solrSearchResult.setReleaseOrCreateDate(release_or_create_date); solrSearchResult.setDateToDisplayOnCard(dateToDisplayOnCard); solrSearchResult.setMatchedFields(matchedFields); solrSearchResult.setHighlightsAsList(highlights); solrSearchResult.setHighlightsMap(highlightsMap); solrSearchResult.setHighlightsAsMap(highlightsMap3); Map<String, String> parent = new HashMap<>(); String description = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DESCRIPTION); solrSearchResult.setDescriptionNoSnippet(description); solrSearchResult.setDeaccessionReason(deaccessionReason); solrSearchResult.setDvTree(dvTree); String originSource = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.METADATA_SOURCE); if (IndexServiceBean.HARVESTED.equals(originSource)) { solrSearchResult.setHarvested(true); } /** * @todo start using SearchConstants class here */ if (type.equals("dataverses")) { solrSearchResult.setName(name); solrSearchResult.setHtmlUrl(baseUrl + SystemConfig.DATAVERSE_PATH + identifier); // Do not set the ImageUrl, let the search include fragment fill in // the thumbnail, similarly to how the dataset and datafile cards // are handled. //solrSearchResult.setImageUrl(baseUrl + "/api/access/dvCardImage/" + entityid); /** * @todo Expose this API URL after "dvs" is changed to * "dataverses". Also, is an API token required for published * dataverses? Michael: url changed. */ // solrSearchResult.setApiUrl(baseUrl + "/api/dataverses/" + entityid); } else if (type.equals("datasets")) { solrSearchResult.setHtmlUrl(baseUrl + "/dataset.xhtml?globalId=" + identifier); solrSearchResult.setApiUrl(baseUrl + "/api/datasets/" + entityid); //Image url now set via thumbnail api //solrSearchResult.setImageUrl(baseUrl + "/api/access/dsCardImage/" + datasetVersionId); // No, we don't want to set the base64 thumbnails here. // We want to do it inside SearchIncludeFragment, AND ONLY once the rest of the // page has already loaded. //DatasetVersion datasetVersion = datasetVersionService.find(datasetVersionId); //if (datasetVersion != null){ // solrSearchResult.setDatasetThumbnail(datasetVersion.getDataset().getDatasetThumbnail(datasetVersion)); //} /** * @todo Could use getFieldValues (plural) here. */ List<String> datasetDescriptions = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_DESCRIPTION); if (datasetDescriptions != null) { String firstDatasetDescription = datasetDescriptions.get(0); if (firstDatasetDescription != null) { solrSearchResult.setDescriptionNoSnippet(firstDatasetDescription); } } solrSearchResult.setDatasetVersionId(datasetVersionId); solrSearchResult.setCitation(citation); solrSearchResult.setCitationHtml(citationPlainHtml); if (title != null) { // solrSearchResult.setTitle((String) titles.get(0)); solrSearchResult.setTitle(title); } else { logger.fine("No title indexed. Setting to empty string to prevent NPE. Dataset id " + entityid + " and version id " + datasetVersionId); solrSearchResult.setTitle(""); } List<String> authors = (List) solrDocument.getFieldValues(DatasetFieldConstant.authorName); if (authors != null) { solrSearchResult.setDatasetAuthors(authors); } } else if (type.equals("files")) { String parentGlobalId = null; Object parentGlobalIdObject = solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PARENT_IDENTIFIER); if (parentGlobalIdObject != null) { parentGlobalId = (String) parentGlobalIdObject; parent.put(SolrSearchResult.PARENT_IDENTIFIER, parentGlobalId); } solrSearchResult.setHtmlUrl(baseUrl + "/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=" + parentGlobalId); solrSearchResult.setDownloadUrl(baseUrl + "/api/access/datafile/" + entityid); /** * @todo We are not yet setting the API URL for files because * not all files have metadata. Only subsettable files (those * with a datatable) seem to have metadata. Furthermore, the * response is in XML whereas the rest of the Search API returns * JSON. */ // solrSearchResult.setApiUrl(baseUrl + "/api/meta/datafile/" + entityid); //solrSearchResult.setImageUrl(baseUrl + "/api/access/fileCardImage/" + entityid); solrSearchResult.setName(name); solrSearchResult.setFiletype(filetype); solrSearchResult.setFileContentType(fileContentType); Object fileSizeInBytesObject = solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_SIZE_IN_BYTES); if (fileSizeInBytesObject != null) { try { long fileSizeInBytesLong = (long) fileSizeInBytesObject; solrSearchResult.setFileSizeInBytes(fileSizeInBytesLong); } catch (ClassCastException ex) {"Could not cast file " + entityid + " to long for " + SearchFields.FILE_SIZE_IN_BYTES + ": " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } solrSearchResult.setFileMd5((String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_MD5)); try { solrSearchResult.setFileChecksumType(DataFile.ChecksumType.fromString((String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_CHECKSUM_TYPE))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {"Exception setting setFileChecksumType: " + ex); } solrSearchResult.setFileChecksumValue((String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_CHECKSUM_VALUE)); solrSearchResult.setUnf((String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.UNF)); solrSearchResult.setDatasetVersionId(datasetVersionId); List<String> fileCategories = (List) solrDocument.getFieldValues(SearchFields.FILE_TAG); if (fileCategories != null) { solrSearchResult.setFileCategories(fileCategories); } List<String> tabularDataTags = (List) solrDocument.getFieldValues(SearchFields.TABDATA_TAG); if (tabularDataTags != null) { Collections.sort(tabularDataTags); solrSearchResult.setTabularDataTags(tabularDataTags); } } /** * @todo store PARENT_ID as a long instead and cast as such */ parent.put("id", (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PARENT_ID)); parent.put("name", (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PARENT_NAME)); parent.put("citation", (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PARENT_CITATION)); solrSearchResult.setParent(parent); solrSearchResults.add(solrSearchResult); } Map<String, List<String>> spellingSuggestionsByToken = new HashMap<>(); SpellCheckResponse spellCheckResponse = queryResponse.getSpellCheckResponse(); if (spellCheckResponse != null) { List<SpellCheckResponse.Suggestion> suggestions = spellCheckResponse.getSuggestions(); for (SpellCheckResponse.Suggestion suggestion : suggestions) { spellingSuggestionsByToken.put(suggestion.getToken(), suggestion.getAlternatives()); } } List<FacetCategory> facetCategoryList = new ArrayList<>(); List<FacetCategory> typeFacetCategories = new ArrayList<>(); boolean hidePublicationStatusFacet = true; boolean draftsAvailable = false; boolean unpublishedAvailable = false; boolean deaccessionedAvailable = false; boolean hideMetadataSourceFacet = true; for (FacetField facetField : queryResponse.getFacetFields()) { FacetCategory facetCategory = new FacetCategory(); List<FacetLabel> facetLabelList = new ArrayList<>(); int numMetadataSources = 0; for (FacetField.Count facetFieldCount : facetField.getValues()) { /** * @todo we do want to show the count for each facet */ //"field: " + facetField.getName() + " " + facetFieldCount.getName() + " (" + facetFieldCount.getCount() + ")"); if (facetFieldCount.getCount() > 0) { FacetLabel facetLabel = new FacetLabel(facetFieldCount.getName(), facetFieldCount.getCount()); // quote field facets facetLabel.setFilterQuery(facetField.getName() + ":\"" + facetFieldCount.getName() + "\""); facetLabelList.add(facetLabel); if (facetField.getName().equals(SearchFields.PUBLICATION_STATUS)) { if (facetLabel.getName().equals(IndexServiceBean.getUNPUBLISHED_STRING())) { unpublishedAvailable = true; } else if (facetLabel.getName().equals(IndexServiceBean.getDRAFT_STRING())) { draftsAvailable = true; } else if (facetLabel.getName().equals(IndexServiceBean.getDEACCESSIONED_STRING())) { deaccessionedAvailable = true; } } if (facetField.getName().equals(SearchFields.METADATA_SOURCE)) { numMetadataSources++; } } } if (numMetadataSources > 1) { hideMetadataSourceFacet = false; } facetCategory.setName(facetField.getName()); // hopefully people will never see the raw facetField.getName() because it may well have an _s at the end facetCategory.setFriendlyName(facetField.getName()); // try to find a friendlier name to display as a facet /** * @todo hmm, we thought we wanted the datasetFields array to go * away once we have more granularity than findAll() available per * the todo above but we need a way to lookup by Solr field, so * we'll build a hashmap */ for (DatasetFieldType datasetField : datasetFields) { String solrFieldNameForDataset = datasetField.getSolrField().getNameFacetable(); String friendlyName = datasetField.getDisplayName(); if (solrFieldNameForDataset != null && facetField.getName().endsWith(datasetField.getTmpNullFieldTypeIdentifier())) { // give it the non-friendly name so we remember to update the reference data script for datasets facetCategory.setName(facetField.getName()); } else if (solrFieldNameForDataset != null && facetField.getName().equals(solrFieldNameForDataset)) { if (friendlyName != null && !friendlyName.isEmpty()) { facetCategory.setFriendlyName(friendlyName); // stop examining available dataset fields. we found a match break; } } datasetfieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField.put(datasetField.getSolrField().getNameFacetable(), friendlyName); } /** * @todo get rid of this crazy reflection, per todo above... or * should we... let's put into a hash the friendly names of facet * categories, indexed by Solr field */ for (Field fieldObject : staticSearchFields) { String name = fieldObject.getName(); String staticSearchField = null; try { staticSearchField = (String) fieldObject.get(searchFieldsObject); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SearchServiceBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } if (staticSearchField != null && facetField.getName().equals(staticSearchField)) { String[] parts = name.split("_"); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String part : parts) { stringBuilder.append(getCapitalizedName(part.toLowerCase()) + " "); } String friendlyNameWithTrailingSpace = stringBuilder.toString(); String friendlyName = friendlyNameWithTrailingSpace.replaceAll(" $", ""); facetCategory.setFriendlyName(friendlyName); //"adding <<<" + staticSearchField + ":" + friendlyName + ">>>"); staticSolrFieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField.put(staticSearchField, friendlyName); // stop examining the declared/static fields in the SearchFields object. we found a match break; } } facetCategory.setFacetLabel(facetLabelList); if (!facetLabelList.isEmpty()) { if (facetCategory.getName().equals(SearchFields.TYPE)) { // the "type" facet is special, these are not typeFacetCategories.add(facetCategory); } else if (facetCategory.getName().equals(SearchFields.PUBLICATION_STATUS)) { if (unpublishedAvailable || draftsAvailable || deaccessionedAvailable) { hidePublicationStatusFacet = false; } if (!hidePublicationStatusFacet) { facetCategoryList.add(facetCategory); } } else if (facetCategory.getName().equals(SearchFields.METADATA_SOURCE)) { if (!hideMetadataSourceFacet) { facetCategoryList.add(facetCategory); } } else { facetCategoryList.add(facetCategory); } } } // for now the only range facet is citation year for (RangeFacet<String, String> rangeFacet : queryResponse.getFacetRanges()) { FacetCategory facetCategory = new FacetCategory(); List<FacetLabel> facetLabelList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object rfObj : rangeFacet.getCounts()) { RangeFacet.Count rangeFacetCount = (RangeFacet.Count) rfObj; String valueString = rangeFacetCount.getValue(); Integer start = Integer.parseInt(valueString); Integer end = start + Integer.parseInt(rangeFacet.getGap().toString()); // to avoid overlapping dates end = end - 1; if (rangeFacetCount.getCount() > 0) { FacetLabel facetLabel = new FacetLabel(start + "-" + end, new Long(rangeFacetCount.getCount())); // special [12 TO 34] syntax for range facets facetLabel.setFilterQuery(rangeFacet.getName() + ":" + "[" + start + " TO " + end + "]"); facetLabelList.add(facetLabel); } } facetCategory.setName(rangeFacet.getName()); facetCategory.setFacetLabel(facetLabelList); // reverse to show the newest citation year range at the top List<FacetLabel> facetLabelListReversed = new ArrayList<>(); ListIterator<FacetLabel> li = facetLabelList.listIterator(facetLabelList.size()); while (li.hasPrevious()) { facetLabelListReversed.add(li.previous()); } facetCategory.setFacetLabel(facetLabelListReversed); if (!facetLabelList.isEmpty()) { facetCategoryList.add(facetCategory); } } SolrQueryResponse solrQueryResponse = new SolrQueryResponse(solrQuery); solrQueryResponse.setSolrSearchResults(solrSearchResults); solrQueryResponse.setSpellingSuggestionsByToken(spellingSuggestionsByToken); solrQueryResponse.setFacetCategoryList(facetCategoryList); solrQueryResponse.setTypeFacetCategories(typeFacetCategories); solrQueryResponse.setNumResultsFound(queryResponse.getResults().getNumFound()); solrQueryResponse.setResultsStart(queryResponse.getResults().getStart()); solrQueryResponse.setDatasetfieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField(datasetfieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField); solrQueryResponse.setStaticSolrFieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField(staticSolrFieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField); String[] filterQueriesArray = solrQuery.getFilterQueries(); if (filterQueriesArray != null) { // null check added because these tests were failing: mvn test -Dtest=SearchIT List<String> actualFilterQueries = Arrays.asList(filterQueriesArray); logger.fine("actual filter queries: " + actualFilterQueries); solrQueryResponse.setFilterQueriesActual(actualFilterQueries); } else { // how often is this null?"solrQuery.getFilterQueries() was null"); } solrQueryResponse.setDvObjectCounts(queryResponse.getFacetField("dvObjectType")); solrQueryResponse.setPublicationStatusCounts(queryResponse.getFacetField("publicationStatus")); return solrQueryResponse; }
public SolrQueryResponse search(DataverseRequest dataverseRequest, Dataverse dataverse, String query, List<String> filterQueries, String sortField, String sortOrder, int paginationStart, boolean onlyDatatRelatedToMe, int numResultsPerPage, boolean retrieveEntities) throws SearchException { if (paginationStart < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("paginationStart must be 0 or greater"); } if (numResultsPerPage < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("numResultsPerPage must be 1 or greater"); } SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery(); query = SearchUtil.sanitizeQuery(query); solrQuery.setQuery(query); solrQuery.setSort(new SortClause(sortField, sortOrder)); solrQuery.setHighlight(true).setHighlightSnippets(1); Integer fragSize = systemConfig.getSearchHighlightFragmentSize(); if (fragSize != null) { solrQuery.setHighlightFragsize(fragSize); } solrQuery.setHighlightSimplePre("<span class=\"search-term-match\">"); solrQuery.setHighlightSimplePost("</span>"); Map<String, String> solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap = new HashMap<>(); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.NAME, "Name"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.AFFILIATION, "Affiliation"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE_FRIENDLY, "File Type"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.DESCRIPTION, "Description"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.VARIABLE_NAME, "Variable Name"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.VARIABLE_LABEL, "Variable Label"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE_SEARCHABLE, "File Type"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.DATASET_PUBLICATION_DATE, "Publication Date"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.DATASET_PERSISTENT_ID, BundleUtil.getStringFromBundle("")); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.FILE_PERSISTENT_ID, BundleUtil.getStringFromBundle("")); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXTENSION, "Filename Without Extension"); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(SearchFields.FILE_TAG_SEARCHABLE, "File Tag"); List<DatasetFieldType> datasetFields = datasetFieldService.findAllOrderedById(); for (DatasetFieldType datasetFieldType : datasetFields) { String solrField = datasetFieldType.getSolrField().getNameSearchable(); String displayName = datasetFieldType.getDisplayName(); solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.put(solrField, displayName); } for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.entrySet()) { String solrField = entry.getKey(); solrQuery.addHighlightField(solrField); } solrQuery.setParam("fl", "*,score"); solrQuery.setParam("qt", "/select"); solrQuery.setParam("facet", "true"); solrQuery.setParam("facet.query", "*"); for (String filterQuery : filterQueries) { solrQuery.addFilterQuery(filterQuery); } String permissionFilterQuery = this.getPermissionFilterQuery(dataverseRequest, solrQuery, dataverse, onlyDatatRelatedToMe); if (permissionFilterQuery != null) { solrQuery.addFilterQuery(permissionFilterQuery); } solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.DATAVERSE_CATEGORY); solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.METADATA_SOURCE); solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.PUBLICATION_DATE); if (dataverse != null) { for (DataverseFacet dataverseFacet : dataverse.getDataverseFacets()) { DatasetFieldType datasetField = dataverseFacet.getDatasetFieldType(); solrQuery.addFacetField(datasetField.getSolrField().getNameFacetable()); } } solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE); solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.TYPE); solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.FILE_TAG); if (!systemConfig.isPublicInstall()) { solrQuery.addFacetField(SearchFields.ACCESS); } solrQuery.setStart(paginationStart); int thisYear = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR); final int citationYearRangeStart = 1901; final int citationYearRangeEnd = thisYear; final int citationYearRangeSpan = 2; solrQuery.setRows(numResultsPerPage); logger.fine("Solr query:" + solrQuery); QueryResponse queryResponse = null; try { queryResponse = solrServer.query(solrQuery); } catch (RemoteSolrException ex) { String messageFromSolr = ex.getLocalizedMessage(); String error = "Search Syntax Error: "; String stringToHide = " "; if (messageFromSolr.startsWith(stringToHide)) { error += messageFromSolr.substring(stringToHide.length()); } else { error += messageFromSolr; }; SolrQueryResponse exceptionSolrQueryResponse = new SolrQueryResponse(solrQuery); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setError(error); long zeroNumResultsFound = 0; long zeroGetResultsStart = 0; List<SolrSearchResult> emptySolrSearchResults = new ArrayList<>(); List<FacetCategory> exceptionFacetCategoryList = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, List<String>> emptySpellingSuggestion = new HashMap<>(); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setNumResultsFound(zeroNumResultsFound); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setResultsStart(zeroGetResultsStart); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setSolrSearchResults(emptySolrSearchResults); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setFacetCategoryList(exceptionFacetCategoryList); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setTypeFacetCategories(exceptionFacetCategoryList); exceptionSolrQueryResponse.setSpellingSuggestionsByToken(emptySpellingSuggestion); return exceptionSolrQueryResponse; } catch (SolrServerException | IOException ex) { throw new SearchException("Internal Dataverse Search Engine Error", ex); } SolrDocumentList docs = queryResponse.getResults(); List<SolrSearchResult> solrSearchResults = new ArrayList<>(); Object searchFieldsObject = new SearchFields(); Field[] staticSearchFields = searchFieldsObject.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); String titleSolrField = null; try { DatasetFieldType titleDatasetField = datasetFieldService.findByName(DatasetFieldConstant.title); titleSolrField = titleDatasetField.getSolrField().getNameSearchable(); } catch (EJBTransactionRolledbackException ex) {"Couldn't find " + DatasetFieldConstant.title); if (ex.getCause() instanceof TransactionRolledbackLocalException) { if (ex.getCause().getCause() instanceof NoResultException) {"Caught NoResultException"); } } } Map<String, String> datasetfieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> staticSolrFieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField = new HashMap<>(); String baseUrl = systemConfig.getDataverseSiteUrl(); for (SolrDocument solrDocument : docs) { String id = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.ID); Long entityid = (Long) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.ENTITY_ID); String type = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.TYPE); float score = (Float) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.RELEVANCE); logger.fine("score for " + id + ": " + score); String identifier = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.IDENTIFIER); String citation = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_CITATION); String citationPlainHtml = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_CITATION_HTML); String persistentUrl = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PERSISTENT_URL); String name = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.NAME); String nameSort = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.NAME_SORT); String title = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(titleSolrField); Long datasetVersionId = (Long) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_VERSION_ID); String deaccessionReason = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_DEACCESSION_REASON); String filetype = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_TYPE_FRIENDLY); String fileContentType = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_CONTENT_TYPE); Date release_or_create_date = (Date) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.RELEASE_OR_CREATE_DATE); String dateToDisplayOnCard = (String) solrDocument.getFirstValue(SearchFields.RELEASE_OR_CREATE_DATE_SEARCHABLE_TEXT); String dvTree = (String) solrDocument.getFirstValue(SearchFields.SUBTREE); List<String> matchedFields = new ArrayList<>(); List<Highlight> highlights = new ArrayList<>(); Map<SolrField, Highlight> highlightsMap = new HashMap<>(); Map<SolrField, List<String>> highlightsMap2 = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Highlight> highlightsMap3 = new HashMap<>(); if (queryResponse.getHighlighting().get(id) != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : solrFieldsToHightlightOnMap.entrySet()) { String field = entry.getKey(); String displayName = entry.getValue(); List<String> highlightSnippets = queryResponse.getHighlighting().get(id).get(field); if (highlightSnippets != null) { matchedFields.add(field); SolrField solrField = new SolrField(field, SolrField.SolrType.STRING, true, true); Highlight highlight = new Highlight(solrField, highlightSnippets, displayName); highlights.add(highlight); highlightsMap.put(solrField, highlight); highlightsMap2.put(solrField, highlightSnippets); highlightsMap3.put(field, highlight); } } } SolrSearchResult solrSearchResult = new SolrSearchResult(query, name); List<String> states = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PUBLICATION_STATUS); if (states != null) { solrSearchResult.setPublicationStatuses(states); } solrSearchResult.setId(id); solrSearchResult.setEntityId(entityid); if (retrieveEntities) { solrSearchResult.setEntity(dvObjectService.findDvObject(entityid)); } solrSearchResult.setIdentifier(identifier); solrSearchResult.setPersistentUrl(persistentUrl); solrSearchResult.setType(type); solrSearchResult.setScore(score); solrSearchResult.setNameSort(nameSort); solrSearchResult.setReleaseOrCreateDate(release_or_create_date); solrSearchResult.setDateToDisplayOnCard(dateToDisplayOnCard); solrSearchResult.setMatchedFields(matchedFields); solrSearchResult.setHighlightsAsList(highlights); solrSearchResult.setHighlightsMap(highlightsMap); solrSearchResult.setHighlightsAsMap(highlightsMap3); Map<String, String> parent = new HashMap<>(); String description = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DESCRIPTION); solrSearchResult.setDescriptionNoSnippet(description); solrSearchResult.setDeaccessionReason(deaccessionReason); solrSearchResult.setDvTree(dvTree); String originSource = (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.METADATA_SOURCE); if (IndexServiceBean.HARVESTED.equals(originSource)) { solrSearchResult.setHarvested(true); } if (type.equals("dataverses")) { solrSearchResult.setName(name); solrSearchResult.setHtmlUrl(baseUrl + SystemConfig.DATAVERSE_PATH + identifier); } else if (type.equals("datasets")) { solrSearchResult.setHtmlUrl(baseUrl + "/dataset.xhtml?globalId=" + identifier); solrSearchResult.setApiUrl(baseUrl + "/api/datasets/" + entityid); List<String> datasetDescriptions = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.DATASET_DESCRIPTION); if (datasetDescriptions != null) { String firstDatasetDescription = datasetDescriptions.get(0); if (firstDatasetDescription != null) { solrSearchResult.setDescriptionNoSnippet(firstDatasetDescription); } } solrSearchResult.setDatasetVersionId(datasetVersionId); solrSearchResult.setCitation(citation); solrSearchResult.setCitationHtml(citationPlainHtml); if (title != null) { solrSearchResult.setTitle(title); } else { logger.fine("No title indexed. Setting to empty string to prevent NPE. Dataset id " + entityid + " and version id " + datasetVersionId); solrSearchResult.setTitle(""); } List<String> authors = (List) solrDocument.getFieldValues(DatasetFieldConstant.authorName); if (authors != null) { solrSearchResult.setDatasetAuthors(authors); } } else if (type.equals("files")) { String parentGlobalId = null; Object parentGlobalIdObject = solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PARENT_IDENTIFIER); if (parentGlobalIdObject != null) { parentGlobalId = (String) parentGlobalIdObject; parent.put(SolrSearchResult.PARENT_IDENTIFIER, parentGlobalId); } solrSearchResult.setHtmlUrl(baseUrl + "/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=" + parentGlobalId); solrSearchResult.setDownloadUrl(baseUrl + "/api/access/datafile/" + entityid); solrSearchResult.setName(name); solrSearchResult.setFiletype(filetype); solrSearchResult.setFileContentType(fileContentType); Object fileSizeInBytesObject = solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_SIZE_IN_BYTES); if (fileSizeInBytesObject != null) { try { long fileSizeInBytesLong = (long) fileSizeInBytesObject; solrSearchResult.setFileSizeInBytes(fileSizeInBytesLong); } catch (ClassCastException ex) {"Could not cast file " + entityid + " to long for " + SearchFields.FILE_SIZE_IN_BYTES + ": " + ex.getLocalizedMessage()); } } solrSearchResult.setFileMd5((String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_MD5)); try { solrSearchResult.setFileChecksumType(DataFile.ChecksumType.fromString((String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_CHECKSUM_TYPE))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {"Exception setting setFileChecksumType: " + ex); } solrSearchResult.setFileChecksumValue((String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.FILE_CHECKSUM_VALUE)); solrSearchResult.setUnf((String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.UNF)); solrSearchResult.setDatasetVersionId(datasetVersionId); List<String> fileCategories = (List) solrDocument.getFieldValues(SearchFields.FILE_TAG); if (fileCategories != null) { solrSearchResult.setFileCategories(fileCategories); } List<String> tabularDataTags = (List) solrDocument.getFieldValues(SearchFields.TABDATA_TAG); if (tabularDataTags != null) { Collections.sort(tabularDataTags); solrSearchResult.setTabularDataTags(tabularDataTags); } } parent.put("id", (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PARENT_ID)); parent.put("name", (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PARENT_NAME)); parent.put("citation", (String) solrDocument.getFieldValue(SearchFields.PARENT_CITATION)); solrSearchResult.setParent(parent); solrSearchResults.add(solrSearchResult); } Map<String, List<String>> spellingSuggestionsByToken = new HashMap<>(); SpellCheckResponse spellCheckResponse = queryResponse.getSpellCheckResponse(); if (spellCheckResponse != null) { List<SpellCheckResponse.Suggestion> suggestions = spellCheckResponse.getSuggestions(); for (SpellCheckResponse.Suggestion suggestion : suggestions) { spellingSuggestionsByToken.put(suggestion.getToken(), suggestion.getAlternatives()); } } List<FacetCategory> facetCategoryList = new ArrayList<>(); List<FacetCategory> typeFacetCategories = new ArrayList<>(); boolean hidePublicationStatusFacet = true; boolean draftsAvailable = false; boolean unpublishedAvailable = false; boolean deaccessionedAvailable = false; boolean hideMetadataSourceFacet = true; for (FacetField facetField : queryResponse.getFacetFields()) { FacetCategory facetCategory = new FacetCategory(); List<FacetLabel> facetLabelList = new ArrayList<>(); int numMetadataSources = 0; for (FacetField.Count facetFieldCount : facetField.getValues()) { if (facetFieldCount.getCount() > 0) { FacetLabel facetLabel = new FacetLabel(facetFieldCount.getName(), facetFieldCount.getCount()); facetLabel.setFilterQuery(facetField.getName() + ":\"" + facetFieldCount.getName() + "\""); facetLabelList.add(facetLabel); if (facetField.getName().equals(SearchFields.PUBLICATION_STATUS)) { if (facetLabel.getName().equals(IndexServiceBean.getUNPUBLISHED_STRING())) { unpublishedAvailable = true; } else if (facetLabel.getName().equals(IndexServiceBean.getDRAFT_STRING())) { draftsAvailable = true; } else if (facetLabel.getName().equals(IndexServiceBean.getDEACCESSIONED_STRING())) { deaccessionedAvailable = true; } } if (facetField.getName().equals(SearchFields.METADATA_SOURCE)) { numMetadataSources++; } } } if (numMetadataSources > 1) { hideMetadataSourceFacet = false; } facetCategory.setName(facetField.getName()); facetCategory.setFriendlyName(facetField.getName()); for (DatasetFieldType datasetField : datasetFields) { String solrFieldNameForDataset = datasetField.getSolrField().getNameFacetable(); String friendlyName = datasetField.getDisplayName(); if (solrFieldNameForDataset != null && facetField.getName().endsWith(datasetField.getTmpNullFieldTypeIdentifier())) { facetCategory.setName(facetField.getName()); } else if (solrFieldNameForDataset != null && facetField.getName().equals(solrFieldNameForDataset)) { if (friendlyName != null && !friendlyName.isEmpty()) { facetCategory.setFriendlyName(friendlyName); break; } } datasetfieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField.put(datasetField.getSolrField().getNameFacetable(), friendlyName); } for (Field fieldObject : staticSearchFields) { String name = fieldObject.getName(); String staticSearchField = null; try { staticSearchField = (String) fieldObject.get(searchFieldsObject); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException ex) { Logger.getLogger(SearchServiceBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } if (staticSearchField != null && facetField.getName().equals(staticSearchField)) { String[] parts = name.split("_"); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String part : parts) { stringBuilder.append(getCapitalizedName(part.toLowerCase()) + " "); } String friendlyNameWithTrailingSpace = stringBuilder.toString(); String friendlyName = friendlyNameWithTrailingSpace.replaceAll(" $", ""); facetCategory.setFriendlyName(friendlyName); staticSolrFieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField.put(staticSearchField, friendlyName); break; } } facetCategory.setFacetLabel(facetLabelList); if (!facetLabelList.isEmpty()) { if (facetCategory.getName().equals(SearchFields.TYPE)) { typeFacetCategories.add(facetCategory); } else if (facetCategory.getName().equals(SearchFields.PUBLICATION_STATUS)) { if (unpublishedAvailable || draftsAvailable || deaccessionedAvailable) { hidePublicationStatusFacet = false; } if (!hidePublicationStatusFacet) { facetCategoryList.add(facetCategory); } } else if (facetCategory.getName().equals(SearchFields.METADATA_SOURCE)) { if (!hideMetadataSourceFacet) { facetCategoryList.add(facetCategory); } } else { facetCategoryList.add(facetCategory); } } } for (RangeFacet<String, String> rangeFacet : queryResponse.getFacetRanges()) { FacetCategory facetCategory = new FacetCategory(); List<FacetLabel> facetLabelList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object rfObj : rangeFacet.getCounts()) { RangeFacet.Count rangeFacetCount = (RangeFacet.Count) rfObj; String valueString = rangeFacetCount.getValue(); Integer start = Integer.parseInt(valueString); Integer end = start + Integer.parseInt(rangeFacet.getGap().toString()); end = end - 1; if (rangeFacetCount.getCount() > 0) { FacetLabel facetLabel = new FacetLabel(start + "-" + end, new Long(rangeFacetCount.getCount())); facetLabel.setFilterQuery(rangeFacet.getName() + ":" + "[" + start + " TO " + end + "]"); facetLabelList.add(facetLabel); } } facetCategory.setName(rangeFacet.getName()); facetCategory.setFacetLabel(facetLabelList); List<FacetLabel> facetLabelListReversed = new ArrayList<>(); ListIterator<FacetLabel> li = facetLabelList.listIterator(facetLabelList.size()); while (li.hasPrevious()) { facetLabelListReversed.add(li.previous()); } facetCategory.setFacetLabel(facetLabelListReversed); if (!facetLabelList.isEmpty()) { facetCategoryList.add(facetCategory); } } SolrQueryResponse solrQueryResponse = new SolrQueryResponse(solrQuery); solrQueryResponse.setSolrSearchResults(solrSearchResults); solrQueryResponse.setSpellingSuggestionsByToken(spellingSuggestionsByToken); solrQueryResponse.setFacetCategoryList(facetCategoryList); solrQueryResponse.setTypeFacetCategories(typeFacetCategories); solrQueryResponse.setNumResultsFound(queryResponse.getResults().getNumFound()); solrQueryResponse.setResultsStart(queryResponse.getResults().getStart()); solrQueryResponse.setDatasetfieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField(datasetfieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField); solrQueryResponse.setStaticSolrFieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField(staticSolrFieldFriendlyNamesBySolrField); String[] filterQueriesArray = solrQuery.getFilterQueries(); if (filterQueriesArray != null) { List<String> actualFilterQueries = Arrays.asList(filterQueriesArray); logger.fine("actual filter queries: " + actualFilterQueries); solrQueryResponse.setFilterQueriesActual(actualFilterQueries); } else {"solrQuery.getFilterQueries() was null"); } solrQueryResponse.setDvObjectCounts(queryResponse.getFacetField("dvObjectType")); solrQueryResponse.setPublicationStatusCounts(queryResponse.getFacetField("publicationStatus")); return solrQueryResponse; }
public solrqueryresponse search(dataverserequest dataverserequest, dataverse dataverse, string query, list<string> filterqueries, string sortfield, string sortorder, int paginationstart, boolean onlydatatrelatedtome, int numresultsperpage, boolean retrieveentities) throws searchexception { if (paginationstart < 0) { throw new illegalargumentexception("paginationstart must be 0 or greater"); } if (numresultsperpage < 1) { throw new illegalargumentexception("numresultsperpage must be 1 or greater"); } solrquery solrquery = new solrquery(); query = searchutil.sanitizequery(query); solrquery.setquery(query); solrquery.setsort(new sortclause(sortfield, sortorder)); solrquery.sethighlight(true).sethighlightsnippets(1); integer fragsize = systemconfig.getsearchhighlightfragmentsize(); if (fragsize != null) { solrquery.sethighlightfragsize(fragsize); } solrquery.sethighlightsimplepre("<span class=\"search-term-match\">"); solrquery.sethighlightsimplepost("</span>"); map<string, string> solrfieldstohightlightonmap = new hashmap<>(); solrfieldstohightlightonmap.put(, "name"); solrfieldstohightlightonmap.put(searchfields.affiliation, "affiliation"); solrfieldstohightlightonmap.put(searchfields.file_type_friendly, "file type"); solrfieldstohightlightonmap.put(searchfields.description, "description"); solrfieldstohightlightonmap.put(searchfields.variable_name, "variable name"); solrfieldstohightlightonmap.put(searchfields.variable_label, "variable label"); solrfieldstohightlightonmap.put(searchfields.file_type_searchable, "file type"); solrfieldstohightlightonmap.put(searchfields.dataset_publication_date, "publication date"); solrfieldstohightlightonmap.put(searchfields.dataset_persistent_id, bundleutil.getstringfrombundle("")); solrfieldstohightlightonmap.put(searchfields.file_persistent_id, bundleutil.getstringfrombundle("")); solrfieldstohightlightonmap.put(searchfields.filename_without_extension, "filename without extension"); solrfieldstohightlightonmap.put(searchfields.file_tag_searchable, "file tag"); list<datasetfieldtype> datasetfields = datasetfieldservice.findallorderedbyid(); for (datasetfieldtype datasetfieldtype : datasetfields) { string solrfield = datasetfieldtype.getsolrfield().getnamesearchable(); string displayname = datasetfieldtype.getdisplayname(); solrfieldstohightlightonmap.put(solrfield, displayname); } for (map.entry<string, string> entry : solrfieldstohightlightonmap.entryset()) { string solrfield = entry.getkey(); solrquery.addhighlightfield(solrfield); } solrquery.setparam("fl", "*,score"); solrquery.setparam("qt", "/select"); solrquery.setparam("facet", "true"); solrquery.setparam("facet.query", "*"); for (string filterquery : filterqueries) { solrquery.addfilterquery(filterquery); } string permissionfilterquery = this.getpermissionfilterquery(dataverserequest, solrquery, dataverse, onlydatatrelatedtome); if (permissionfilterquery != null) { solrquery.addfilterquery(permissionfilterquery); } solrquery.addfacetfield(searchfields.dataverse_category); solrquery.addfacetfield(searchfields.metadata_source); solrquery.addfacetfield(searchfields.publication_date); if (dataverse != null) { for (dataversefacet dataversefacet : dataverse.getdataversefacets()) { datasetfieldtype datasetfield = dataversefacet.getdatasetfieldtype(); solrquery.addfacetfield(datasetfield.getsolrfield().getnamefacetable()); } } solrquery.addfacetfield(searchfields.file_type); solrquery.addfacetfield(searchfields.type); solrquery.addfacetfield(searchfields.file_tag); if (!systemconfig.ispublicinstall()) { solrquery.addfacetfield(searchfields.access); } solrquery.setstart(paginationstart); int thisyear = calendar.getinstance().get(calendar.year); final int citationyearrangestart = 1901; final int citationyearrangeend = thisyear; final int citationyearrangespan = 2; solrquery.setrows(numresultsperpage); logger.fine("solr query:" + solrquery); queryresponse queryresponse = null; try { queryresponse = solrserver.query(solrquery); } catch (remotesolrexception ex) { string messagefromsolr = ex.getlocalizedmessage(); string error = "search syntax error: "; string stringtohide = " "; if (messagefromsolr.startswith(stringtohide)) { error += messagefromsolr.substring(stringtohide.length()); } else { error += messagefromsolr; }; solrqueryresponse exceptionsolrqueryresponse = new solrqueryresponse(solrquery); exceptionsolrqueryresponse.seterror(error); long zeronumresultsfound = 0; long zerogetresultsstart = 0; list<solrsearchresult> emptysolrsearchresults = new arraylist<>(); list<facetcategory> exceptionfacetcategorylist = new arraylist<>(); map<string, list<string>> emptyspellingsuggestion = new hashmap<>(); exceptionsolrqueryresponse.setnumresultsfound(zeronumresultsfound); exceptionsolrqueryresponse.setresultsstart(zerogetresultsstart); exceptionsolrqueryresponse.setsolrsearchresults(emptysolrsearchresults); exceptionsolrqueryresponse.setfacetcategorylist(exceptionfacetcategorylist); exceptionsolrqueryresponse.settypefacetcategories(exceptionfacetcategorylist); exceptionsolrqueryresponse.setspellingsuggestionsbytoken(emptyspellingsuggestion); return exceptionsolrqueryresponse; } catch (solrserverexception | ioexception ex) { throw new searchexception("internal dataverse search engine error", ex); } solrdocumentlist docs = queryresponse.getresults(); list<solrsearchresult> solrsearchresults = new arraylist<>(); object searchfieldsobject = new searchfields(); field[] staticsearchfields = searchfieldsobject.getclass().getdeclaredfields(); string titlesolrfield = null; try { datasetfieldtype titledatasetfield = datasetfieldservice.findbyname(datasetfieldconstant.title); titlesolrfield = titledatasetfield.getsolrfield().getnamesearchable(); } catch (ejbtransactionrolledbackexception ex) {"couldn't find " + datasetfieldconstant.title); if (ex.getcause() instanceof transactionrolledbacklocalexception) { if (ex.getcause().getcause() instanceof noresultexception) {"caught noresultexception"); } } } map<string, string> datasetfieldfriendlynamesbysolrfield = new hashmap<>(); map<string, string> staticsolrfieldfriendlynamesbysolrfield = new hashmap<>(); string baseurl = systemconfig.getdataversesiteurl(); for (solrdocument solrdocument : docs) { string id = (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(; long entityid = (long) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.entity_id); string type = (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.type); float score = (float) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.relevance); logger.fine("score for " + id + ": " + score); string identifier = (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.identifier); string citation = (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.dataset_citation); string citationplainhtml = (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.dataset_citation_html); string persistenturl = (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.persistent_url); string name = (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(; string namesort = (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.name_sort); string title = (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(titlesolrfield); long datasetversionid = (long) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.dataset_version_id); string deaccessionreason = (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.dataset_deaccession_reason); string filetype = (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.file_type_friendly); string filecontenttype = (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.file_content_type); date release_or_create_date = (date) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.release_or_create_date); string datetodisplayoncard = (string) solrdocument.getfirstvalue(searchfields.release_or_create_date_searchable_text); string dvtree = (string) solrdocument.getfirstvalue(searchfields.subtree); list<string> matchedfields = new arraylist<>(); list<highlight> highlights = new arraylist<>(); map<solrfield, highlight> highlightsmap = new hashmap<>(); map<solrfield, list<string>> highlightsmap2 = new hashmap<>(); map<string, highlight> highlightsmap3 = new hashmap<>(); if (queryresponse.gethighlighting().get(id) != null) { for (map.entry<string, string> entry : solrfieldstohightlightonmap.entryset()) { string field = entry.getkey(); string displayname = entry.getvalue(); list<string> highlightsnippets = queryresponse.gethighlighting().get(id).get(field); if (highlightsnippets != null) { matchedfields.add(field); solrfield solrfield = new solrfield(field, solrfield.solrtype.string, true, true); highlight highlight = new highlight(solrfield, highlightsnippets, displayname); highlights.add(highlight); highlightsmap.put(solrfield, highlight); highlightsmap2.put(solrfield, highlightsnippets); highlightsmap3.put(field, highlight); } } } solrsearchresult solrsearchresult = new solrsearchresult(query, name); list<string> states = (list<string>) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.publication_status); if (states != null) { solrsearchresult.setpublicationstatuses(states); } solrsearchresult.setid(id); solrsearchresult.setentityid(entityid); if (retrieveentities) { solrsearchresult.setentity(dvobjectservice.finddvobject(entityid)); } solrsearchresult.setidentifier(identifier); solrsearchresult.setpersistenturl(persistenturl); solrsearchresult.settype(type); solrsearchresult.setscore(score); solrsearchresult.setnamesort(namesort); solrsearchresult.setreleaseorcreatedate(release_or_create_date); solrsearchresult.setdatetodisplayoncard(datetodisplayoncard); solrsearchresult.setmatchedfields(matchedfields); solrsearchresult.sethighlightsaslist(highlights); solrsearchresult.sethighlightsmap(highlightsmap); solrsearchresult.sethighlightsasmap(highlightsmap3); map<string, string> parent = new hashmap<>(); string description = (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.description); solrsearchresult.setdescriptionnosnippet(description); solrsearchresult.setdeaccessionreason(deaccessionreason); solrsearchresult.setdvtree(dvtree); string originsource = (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.metadata_source); if (indexservicebean.harvested.equals(originsource)) { solrsearchresult.setharvested(true); } if (type.equals("dataverses")) { solrsearchresult.setname(name); solrsearchresult.sethtmlurl(baseurl + systemconfig.dataverse_path + identifier); } else if (type.equals("datasets")) { solrsearchresult.sethtmlurl(baseurl + "/dataset.xhtml?globalid=" + identifier); solrsearchresult.setapiurl(baseurl + "/api/datasets/" + entityid); list<string> datasetdescriptions = (list<string>) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.dataset_description); if (datasetdescriptions != null) { string firstdatasetdescription = datasetdescriptions.get(0); if (firstdatasetdescription != null) { solrsearchresult.setdescriptionnosnippet(firstdatasetdescription); } } solrsearchresult.setdatasetversionid(datasetversionid); solrsearchresult.setcitation(citation); solrsearchresult.setcitationhtml(citationplainhtml); if (title != null) { solrsearchresult.settitle(title); } else { logger.fine("no title indexed. setting to empty string to prevent npe. dataset id " + entityid + " and version id " + datasetversionid); solrsearchresult.settitle(""); } list<string> authors = (list) solrdocument.getfieldvalues(datasetfieldconstant.authorname); if (authors != null) { solrsearchresult.setdatasetauthors(authors); } } else if (type.equals("files")) { string parentglobalid = null; object parentglobalidobject = solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.parent_identifier); if (parentglobalidobject != null) { parentglobalid = (string) parentglobalidobject; parent.put(solrsearchresult.parent_identifier, parentglobalid); } solrsearchresult.sethtmlurl(baseurl + "/dataset.xhtml?persistentid=" + parentglobalid); solrsearchresult.setdownloadurl(baseurl + "/api/access/datafile/" + entityid); solrsearchresult.setname(name); solrsearchresult.setfiletype(filetype); solrsearchresult.setfilecontenttype(filecontenttype); object filesizeinbytesobject = solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.file_size_in_bytes); if (filesizeinbytesobject != null) { try { long filesizeinbyteslong = (long) filesizeinbytesobject; solrsearchresult.setfilesizeinbytes(filesizeinbyteslong); } catch (classcastexception ex) {"could not cast file " + entityid + " to long for " + searchfields.file_size_in_bytes + ": " + ex.getlocalizedmessage()); } } solrsearchresult.setfilemd5((string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.file_md5)); try { solrsearchresult.setfilechecksumtype(datafile.checksumtype.fromstring((string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.file_checksum_type))); } catch (illegalargumentexception ex) {"exception setting setfilechecksumtype: " + ex); } solrsearchresult.setfilechecksumvalue((string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.file_checksum_value)); solrsearchresult.setunf((string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.unf)); solrsearchresult.setdatasetversionid(datasetversionid); list<string> filecategories = (list) solrdocument.getfieldvalues(searchfields.file_tag); if (filecategories != null) { solrsearchresult.setfilecategories(filecategories); } list<string> tabulardatatags = (list) solrdocument.getfieldvalues(searchfields.tabdata_tag); if (tabulardatatags != null) { collections.sort(tabulardatatags); solrsearchresult.settabulardatatags(tabulardatatags); } } parent.put("id", (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.parent_id)); parent.put("name", (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.parent_name)); parent.put("citation", (string) solrdocument.getfieldvalue(searchfields.parent_citation)); solrsearchresult.setparent(parent); solrsearchresults.add(solrsearchresult); } map<string, list<string>> spellingsuggestionsbytoken = new hashmap<>(); spellcheckresponse spellcheckresponse = queryresponse.getspellcheckresponse(); if (spellcheckresponse != null) { list<spellcheckresponse.suggestion> suggestions = spellcheckresponse.getsuggestions(); for (spellcheckresponse.suggestion suggestion : suggestions) { spellingsuggestionsbytoken.put(suggestion.gettoken(), suggestion.getalternatives()); } } list<facetcategory> facetcategorylist = new arraylist<>(); list<facetcategory> typefacetcategories = new arraylist<>(); boolean hidepublicationstatusfacet = true; boolean draftsavailable = false; boolean unpublishedavailable = false; boolean deaccessionedavailable = false; boolean hidemetadatasourcefacet = true; for (facetfield facetfield : queryresponse.getfacetfields()) { facetcategory facetcategory = new facetcategory(); list<facetlabel> facetlabellist = new arraylist<>(); int nummetadatasources = 0; for (facetfield.count facetfieldcount : facetfield.getvalues()) { if (facetfieldcount.getcount() > 0) { facetlabel facetlabel = new facetlabel(facetfieldcount.getname(), facetfieldcount.getcount()); facetlabel.setfilterquery(facetfield.getname() + ":\"" + facetfieldcount.getname() + "\""); facetlabellist.add(facetlabel); if (facetfield.getname().equals(searchfields.publication_status)) { if (facetlabel.getname().equals(indexservicebean.getunpublished_string())) { unpublishedavailable = true; } else if (facetlabel.getname().equals(indexservicebean.getdraft_string())) { draftsavailable = true; } else if (facetlabel.getname().equals(indexservicebean.getdeaccessioned_string())) { deaccessionedavailable = true; } } if (facetfield.getname().equals(searchfields.metadata_source)) { nummetadatasources++; } } } if (nummetadatasources > 1) { hidemetadatasourcefacet = false; } facetcategory.setname(facetfield.getname()); facetcategory.setfriendlyname(facetfield.getname()); for (datasetfieldtype datasetfield : datasetfields) { string solrfieldnamefordataset = datasetfield.getsolrfield().getnamefacetable(); string friendlyname = datasetfield.getdisplayname(); if (solrfieldnamefordataset != null && facetfield.getname().endswith(datasetfield.gettmpnullfieldtypeidentifier())) { facetcategory.setname(facetfield.getname()); } else if (solrfieldnamefordataset != null && facetfield.getname().equals(solrfieldnamefordataset)) { if (friendlyname != null && !friendlyname.isempty()) { facetcategory.setfriendlyname(friendlyname); break; } } datasetfieldfriendlynamesbysolrfield.put(datasetfield.getsolrfield().getnamefacetable(), friendlyname); } for (field fieldobject : staticsearchfields) { string name = fieldobject.getname(); string staticsearchfield = null; try { staticsearchfield = (string) fieldobject.get(searchfieldsobject); } catch (illegalargumentexception | illegalaccessexception ex) { logger.getlogger(searchservicebean.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex); } if (staticsearchfield != null && facetfield.getname().equals(staticsearchfield)) { string[] parts = name.split("_"); stringbuilder stringbuilder = new stringbuilder(); for (string part : parts) { stringbuilder.append(getcapitalizedname(part.tolowercase()) + " "); } string friendlynamewithtrailingspace = stringbuilder.tostring(); string friendlyname = friendlynamewithtrailingspace.replaceall(" $", ""); facetcategory.setfriendlyname(friendlyname); staticsolrfieldfriendlynamesbysolrfield.put(staticsearchfield, friendlyname); break; } } facetcategory.setfacetlabel(facetlabellist); if (!facetlabellist.isempty()) { if (facetcategory.getname().equals(searchfields.type)) { typefacetcategories.add(facetcategory); } else if (facetcategory.getname().equals(searchfields.publication_status)) { if (unpublishedavailable || draftsavailable || deaccessionedavailable) { hidepublicationstatusfacet = false; } if (!hidepublicationstatusfacet) { facetcategorylist.add(facetcategory); } } else if (facetcategory.getname().equals(searchfields.metadata_source)) { if (!hidemetadatasourcefacet) { facetcategorylist.add(facetcategory); } } else { facetcategorylist.add(facetcategory); } } } for (rangefacet<string, string> rangefacet : queryresponse.getfacetranges()) { facetcategory facetcategory = new facetcategory(); list<facetlabel> facetlabellist = new arraylist<>(); for (object rfobj : rangefacet.getcounts()) { rangefacet.count rangefacetcount = (rangefacet.count) rfobj; string valuestring = rangefacetcount.getvalue(); integer start = integer.parseint(valuestring); integer end = start + integer.parseint(rangefacet.getgap().tostring()); end = end - 1; if (rangefacetcount.getcount() > 0) { facetlabel facetlabel = new facetlabel(start + "-" + end, new long(rangefacetcount.getcount())); facetlabel.setfilterquery(rangefacet.getname() + ":" + "[" + start + " to " + end + "]"); facetlabellist.add(facetlabel); } } facetcategory.setname(rangefacet.getname()); facetcategory.setfacetlabel(facetlabellist); list<facetlabel> facetlabellistreversed = new arraylist<>(); listiterator<facetlabel> li = facetlabellist.listiterator(facetlabellist.size()); while (li.hasprevious()) { facetlabellistreversed.add(li.previous()); } facetcategory.setfacetlabel(facetlabellistreversed); if (!facetlabellist.isempty()) { facetcategorylist.add(facetcategory); } } solrqueryresponse solrqueryresponse = new solrqueryresponse(solrquery); solrqueryresponse.setsolrsearchresults(solrsearchresults); solrqueryresponse.setspellingsuggestionsbytoken(spellingsuggestionsbytoken); solrqueryresponse.setfacetcategorylist(facetcategorylist); solrqueryresponse.settypefacetcategories(typefacetcategories); solrqueryresponse.setnumresultsfound(queryresponse.getresults().getnumfound()); solrqueryresponse.setresultsstart(queryresponse.getresults().getstart()); solrqueryresponse.setdatasetfieldfriendlynamesbysolrfield(datasetfieldfriendlynamesbysolrfield); solrqueryresponse.setstaticsolrfieldfriendlynamesbysolrfield(staticsolrfieldfriendlynamesbysolrfield); string[] filterqueriesarray = solrquery.getfilterqueries(); if (filterqueriesarray != null) { list<string> actualfilterqueries = arrays.aslist(filterqueriesarray); logger.fine("actual filter queries: " + actualfilterqueries); solrqueryresponse.setfilterqueriesactual(actualfilterqueries); } else {"solrquery.getfilterqueries() was null"); } solrqueryresponse.setdvobjectcounts(queryresponse.getfacetfield("dvobjecttype")); solrqueryresponse.setpublicationstatuscounts(queryresponse.getfacetfield("publicationstatus")); return solrqueryresponse; }
[ 1, 1, 1, 0 ]
public AccumulatedAnimationValue getAccumulatedAnimationValue(AdditiveAnimation animation) { // TODO: is there any way to make this `get()` faster? AccumulatedAnimationValue accumulatedAnimationValue = accumulatedAnimationValues.get(animation); if(accumulatedAnimationValue != null) { return accumulatedAnimationValue; } accumulatedAnimationValue = new AccumulatedAnimationValue(animation); accumulatedAnimationValues.put(animation, accumulatedAnimationValue); return accumulatedAnimationValue; }
public AccumulatedAnimationValue getAccumulatedAnimationValue(AdditiveAnimation animation) { AccumulatedAnimationValue accumulatedAnimationValue = accumulatedAnimationValues.get(animation); if(accumulatedAnimationValue != null) { return accumulatedAnimationValue; } accumulatedAnimationValue = new AccumulatedAnimationValue(animation); accumulatedAnimationValues.put(animation, accumulatedAnimationValue); return accumulatedAnimationValue; }
public accumulatedanimationvalue getaccumulatedanimationvalue(additiveanimation animation) { accumulatedanimationvalue accumulatedanimationvalue = accumulatedanimationvalues.get(animation); if(accumulatedanimationvalue != null) { return accumulatedanimationvalue; } accumulatedanimationvalue = new accumulatedanimationvalue(animation); accumulatedanimationvalues.put(animation, accumulatedanimationvalue); return accumulatedanimationvalue; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public DialerCall getCallWithState(int state, int positionToFind) { DialerCall retval = null; int position = 0; for (DialerCall call : callById.values()) { if (call.getState() == state) { if (position >= positionToFind) { retval = call; break; } else { position++; } } } return retval; }
public DialerCall getCallWithState(int state, int positionToFind) { DialerCall retval = null; int position = 0; for (DialerCall call : callById.values()) { if (call.getState() == state) { if (position >= positionToFind) { retval = call; break; } else { position++; } } } return retval; }
public dialercall getcallwithstate(int state, int positiontofind) { dialercall retval = null; int position = 0; for (dialercall call : callbyid.values()) { if (call.getstate() == state) { if (position >= positiontofind) { retval = call; break; } else { position++; } } } return retval; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void process(String str) { QuotedStringTokenizer tok = new QuotedStringTokenizer(str); String cmd = tok.nextToken().trim(); String retstr = ""; if (cmd.equals("no-op")) { // Does nothing } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ start [<macro>]') else if (cmd.equals(START)) { mgr.setExecuting(true); mgr.setPaused(false); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ pause [<macro>]') else if (cmd.equals(PAUSE)) { mgr.setExecuting(false); mgr.setPaused(true); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ stop [<macro>]') else if (cmd.equals(STOP)) { mgr.setExecuting(false); mgr.setPaused(false); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ NormalMode [<macro>]') else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase(NORMAL_MODE)) { mgr.setMode(NORMAL_MODE); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ SubmitMode [<macro>]') else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase(SUBMIT_MODE)) { mgr.setMode(SUBMIT_MODE); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ read filename.xml [<macro>]') else if (cmd.equals(READ)) { String fn = tok.nextToken().trim(); if (mgr.isExecuting()) { postWarning("cannot load a new study while queue is executing"); return; } else { String path = FileUtil.openPath(fn); if (path == null) { postError("cannot load study file " + fn); return; } mgr.newTree(path); // set sqdirs[jviewport]=path sendSQpath(path); } } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ write filename.xml [<macro>]') else if (cmd.equals(WRITE)) { String fn = tok.nextToken().trim(); String path = FileUtil.savePath(fn); if (path == null) { postError("could not write study file " + fn); return; }; // set sqdirs[jviewport]=path sendSQpath(path); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ nwrite filename.xml [<macro>]') else if (cmd.equals(NWRITE)) { String id; String path; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) path = FileUtil.savePath(tok.nextToken().trim()); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } VElement dst = mgr.getElement(id); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) postError("invalid node id " + id); return; } mgr.writeElement(dst, path); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ setids') else if (cmd.equals(SETIDS)) { mgr.setIds(); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ nesting = {true,false}") else if (cmd.equals(NESTING)) { String token; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) token = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments " + "SQ " + cmd); return; } if (!token.equals("=")) { postError("syntax error " + "SQ " + str); return; } if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) token = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments " + "SQ " + cmd); return; } if (token.equals("no") || token.equals("false")) mgr.setAllowNesting(false); else if (token.equals("yes") || token.equals("true")) mgr.setAllowNesting(true); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ validate {move,copy,all,none}") else if (cmd.equals(VALIDATE)) { String token; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) token = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments " + "SQ " + cmd); return; } mgr.setValidateMove(false); mgr.setValidateCopy(false); if (token.equals("all")) { mgr.setValidateMove(true); mgr.setValidateCopy(true); return; } else if (token.equals("move")) { mgr.setValidateMove(true); return; } else if (token.equals("copy")) { mgr.setValidateCopy(true); return; } else if (token.equals("none")) { mgr.setValidateMove(false); mgr.setValidateCopy(false); return; } else { postError("syntax error " + "SQ " + str); return; } } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ delete <id>") else if (cmd.equals(DELETE)) { String id; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id = tok.nextToken(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments " + "SQ " + cmd); return; } if (getCondition(id) == ProtocolBuilder.ALL) { mgr.clearTree(); // set sqdirs[jviewport]='' sendSQpath(""); } else { VElement obj = mgr.getElement(id); if (obj == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) { postError("node " + id + " not found " + "SQ " + cmd); } return; } mgr.deleteElement(obj); } } else if (cmd.equals(ADD_QUEUE)) { String queueDir = tok.nextToken(); mgr.addQueue(queueDir); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ add <file> [<cond>] [<dst>] [<macro>]') // vnmrjcmd('SQ add new <type> [<cond>] [<dst>] [<macro>]') else if (cmd.equals(ADD)) { String id = tok.nextToken().trim(); String fn = null; String type = "protocol"; if (id.equals("new")) { type = tok.nextToken(); Messages.postDebug("SQ", "--- SQ ADD: type=" + type); if (type.equals("action")) fn = new_action_file; else fn = new_protocol_file; } else fn = id; String path = FileUtil.openPath(fn); if (path == null) { postError("cannot read protocol file " + fn); return; } id = null; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { id = tok.nextToken(); int cond = getCondition(id); if (cond != 0) { mgr.setInsertMode(cond); id = tok.nextToken().trim(); } } VElement dst; if (id == null) dst = mgr.lastElement(); else dst = mgr.getElement(id); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) postError("invalid node id " + id); mgr.setInsertMode(0); return; } mgr.insertProtocol(dst, path); mgr.setInsertMode(0); new_elem = mgr.getSelected(); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ move <src> [<cond>] <dst> [true,false] [<macro>]') else if (cmd.equals(MOVE)) { String id; boolean ignorelock = false; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { // postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } VElement src = mgr.getElement(id); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { // postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } int cond = getCondition(id); if (cond != 0) { mgr.setInsertMode(cond); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id = tok.nextToken().trim(); } VElement dst = mgr.getElement(id); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) postError("invalid node id " + id); mgr.setInsertMode(0); return; } if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = tok.nextToken().trim(); if (s.equals("false")) ignorelock = true; else if (s.equals("true")) ignorelock = false; else retstr = s; } mgr.moveElement(src, dst, ignorelock); mgr.setInsertMode(0); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ {lmove,pmove} <src> [<cond>] <dst> [<macro>]') else if (cmd.equals(PMOVE) || cmd.equals(LMOVE)) { String id; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } VElement src = mgr.getElement(id); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } int cond = getCondition(id); if (cond != 0) { mgr.setInsertMode(cond); id = tok.nextToken().trim(); } VElement dst = mgr.getElement(id); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) postError("invalid node id " + id); mgr.setInsertMode(0); return; } boolean bpmove = false; if (cmd.equals(PMOVE)) bpmove = true; boolean ballownesting = mgr.allowNesting(); if (bpmove && !ballownesting) mgr.setAllowNesting(true); ArrayList alist = (ArrayList) mgr.getHiddenNodes().clone(); if (!bpmove) mgr.showElementAll("true"); mgr.moveElement(src, dst, true); mgr.setHiddenNodes(alist); if (bpmove) mgr.setAllowNesting(ballownesting); else mgr.hideElements(); mgr.setInsertMode(0); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ show <attr> <id> [<macro>]') else if (cmd.equals(SHOW)) { String value; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) value = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } ArrayList aListElem = new ArrayList(); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String id = tok.nextToken().trim(); VElement src = mgr.getElement(id); if (src == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) postError("invalid node id " + id); } else { aListElem.add(src); } } mgr.showElement(aListElem, value); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ copy <id> <cond> <dst> [<macro>]') else if (cmd.equals(COPY)) { String id_src; String id_dst; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id_src = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id_dst = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } int cond = getCondition(id_dst); if (cond != 0) { mgr.setInsertMode(cond); id_dst = tok.nextToken().trim(); } VElement dst = mgr.getElement(id_dst); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id_dst.equals("tmpstudy")) postError("invalid node id " + id_dst); return; } VElement src = mgr.getElement(id_src); if (src == null) { src = mgr.readElement(id_src, dst); if (src == null) { if ( ! id_src.equals("tmpstudy")) postError("invalid node id " + id_src); return; } } else mgr.copyElement(src, dst); } // syntax: vnmrjcmd('SQ {get,set} <type> [<cond> <id>] <attr> <val> [<macro>]') else if (cmd.equals(SET) || cmd.equals(GET)) { String arg; // first token if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) arg = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } // second token if (!tok.hasMoreTokens()) { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } int type = 0; int scope = 0; int cond = getCondition(arg); String apar = null; String vpar = null; String id = null; VElement obj = null; switch (cond) { case ProtocolBuilder.FIRST: case ProtocolBuilder.ALL: arg = tok.nextToken(); type = getType(arg); scope = getScope(arg); apar = tok.nextToken(); vpar = tok.nextToken(); break; default: type = getType(arg); if (type == 0 || type == ProtocolBuilder.NEW) { if (type == ProtocolBuilder.NEW) { if (new_elem == null) { postError("must call SQ add before using new"); return; } obj = new_elem; } else { // e.g. set p2.a2 Lock on obj = mgr.getElement(arg); if (obj == null) { // NB: This can happen when chempack adds protocols // Ugly but harmless error Messages.postDebug("SQ", "unknown identifier SQ " + str); return; } } cond = ProtocolBuilder.ONE; type = ProtocolBuilder.ANY; scope = SINGLE; } else { // e.g. set actions > p2.a2 Lock on scope = getScope(arg); arg = tok.nextToken().trim(); cond = getCondition(arg); if (scope == SINGLE) { // e.g. set actions after p2.a2 Lock on if (cond == ProtocolBuilder.GT) cond = ProtocolBuilder.AFTER; else if (cond == ProtocolBuilder.LT) cond = ProtocolBuilder.BEFORE; } if (cond == 0) { id = arg; cond = ProtocolBuilder.ONE; } else id = tok.nextToken(); obj = mgr.getElement(id); } apar = tok.nextToken(); vpar = tok.nextToken(); if (vpar.startsWith("\"")) { try { vpar = vpar.substring(1) + tok.nextToken("\""); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { vpar = vpar.substring(1, vpar.length() - 1); } } break; } // switch if (apar == null || vpar == null) { postError("syntax error " + "SQ " + str); return; } ArrayList list; // looking for nodes in id will return a null list if id does not exist if ((obj == null) && (cond == ProtocolBuilder.EQ) ) list = new ArrayList(); else list = mgr.getElements(obj, cond, type); if (cmd.equals(SET)) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { obj = (VElement) list.get(i); mgr.setAttribute(obj, apar, vpar); } //mgr.invalidateTree(); } else { // get if (scope == SINGLE) { if (list.size() > 1) { postError("syntax error " + "SQ " + str); return; } String alist = apar + "=`"; String vlist = vpar + "=`"; if (list.size() == 1) { obj = (VElement) list.get(0); list = mgr.getAttributes(obj); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i += 2) { String name = (String) list.get(i); String value = (String) list.get(i + 1); alist += name; vlist += value; if (i < list.size() - 2) { alist += "`,`"; vlist += "`,`"; } } } alist += "`"; vlist += "`"; retstr = alist + " " + vlist; } else { retstr = vpar + "=`"; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { obj = (VElement) list.get(i); String value = obj.getAttribute(apar); retstr += value; if (i < list.size() - 1) retstr += "`,`"; } retstr += "`"; } } } else if (cmd.equals(WATCH)) { // E.g.: vnmrjcmd('SQ watch auto ', cursqexp, autodir, svfdir) ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { args.add(tok.nextToken()); } if (!SQUpdater.processCommand(this, args.toArray(new String[0]))) { Messages.postDebug("Bad format for 'watch' cmd: " + str); } // if (tok.countTokens() != 3) { // Messages.postDebug("Bad format for 'watch' cmd: " + str); // } else { // String studydir = tok.nextToken(); // String autodir = tok.nextToken(); // String datadir = tok.nextToken(); // SQUpdater.startUpdates(this, studydir, autodir, datadir); // } } else { postError("command not recognized " + "SQ " + cmd); return; } while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) retstr += " " + tok.nextToken().trim(); if (retstr.length() > 0) { setDebug(retstr); Util.sendToVnmr(retstr); } }
private void process(String str) { QuotedStringTokenizer tok = new QuotedStringTokenizer(str); String cmd = tok.nextToken().trim(); String retstr = ""; if (cmd.equals("no-op")) { } else if (cmd.equals(START)) { mgr.setExecuting(true); mgr.setPaused(false); } else if (cmd.equals(PAUSE)) { mgr.setExecuting(false); mgr.setPaused(true); } else if (cmd.equals(STOP)) { mgr.setExecuting(false); mgr.setPaused(false); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase(NORMAL_MODE)) { mgr.setMode(NORMAL_MODE); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase(SUBMIT_MODE)) { mgr.setMode(SUBMIT_MODE); } else if (cmd.equals(READ)) { String fn = tok.nextToken().trim(); if (mgr.isExecuting()) { postWarning("cannot load a new study while queue is executing"); return; } else { String path = FileUtil.openPath(fn); if (path == null) { postError("cannot load study file " + fn); return; } mgr.newTree(path); sendSQpath(path); } } else if (cmd.equals(WRITE)) { String fn = tok.nextToken().trim(); String path = FileUtil.savePath(fn); if (path == null) { postError("could not write study file " + fn); return; }; sendSQpath(path); } else if (cmd.equals(NWRITE)) { String id; String path; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) path = FileUtil.savePath(tok.nextToken().trim()); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } VElement dst = mgr.getElement(id); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) postError("invalid node id " + id); return; } mgr.writeElement(dst, path); } else if (cmd.equals(SETIDS)) { mgr.setIds(); } else if (cmd.equals(NESTING)) { String token; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) token = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments " + "SQ " + cmd); return; } if (!token.equals("=")) { postError("syntax error " + "SQ " + str); return; } if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) token = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments " + "SQ " + cmd); return; } if (token.equals("no") || token.equals("false")) mgr.setAllowNesting(false); else if (token.equals("yes") || token.equals("true")) mgr.setAllowNesting(true); } else if (cmd.equals(VALIDATE)) { String token; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) token = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments " + "SQ " + cmd); return; } mgr.setValidateMove(false); mgr.setValidateCopy(false); if (token.equals("all")) { mgr.setValidateMove(true); mgr.setValidateCopy(true); return; } else if (token.equals("move")) { mgr.setValidateMove(true); return; } else if (token.equals("copy")) { mgr.setValidateCopy(true); return; } else if (token.equals("none")) { mgr.setValidateMove(false); mgr.setValidateCopy(false); return; } else { postError("syntax error " + "SQ " + str); return; } } else if (cmd.equals(DELETE)) { String id; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id = tok.nextToken(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments " + "SQ " + cmd); return; } if (getCondition(id) == ProtocolBuilder.ALL) { mgr.clearTree(); sendSQpath(""); } else { VElement obj = mgr.getElement(id); if (obj == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) { postError("node " + id + " not found " + "SQ " + cmd); } return; } mgr.deleteElement(obj); } } else if (cmd.equals(ADD_QUEUE)) { String queueDir = tok.nextToken(); mgr.addQueue(queueDir); } else if (cmd.equals(ADD)) { String id = tok.nextToken().trim(); String fn = null; String type = "protocol"; if (id.equals("new")) { type = tok.nextToken(); Messages.postDebug("SQ", "--- SQ ADD: type=" + type); if (type.equals("action")) fn = new_action_file; else fn = new_protocol_file; } else fn = id; String path = FileUtil.openPath(fn); if (path == null) { postError("cannot read protocol file " + fn); return; } id = null; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { id = tok.nextToken(); int cond = getCondition(id); if (cond != 0) { mgr.setInsertMode(cond); id = tok.nextToken().trim(); } } VElement dst; if (id == null) dst = mgr.lastElement(); else dst = mgr.getElement(id); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) postError("invalid node id " + id); mgr.setInsertMode(0); return; } mgr.insertProtocol(dst, path); mgr.setInsertMode(0); new_elem = mgr.getSelected(); } else if (cmd.equals(MOVE)) { String id; boolean ignorelock = false; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { return; } VElement src = mgr.getElement(id); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { return; } int cond = getCondition(id); if (cond != 0) { mgr.setInsertMode(cond); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id = tok.nextToken().trim(); } VElement dst = mgr.getElement(id); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) postError("invalid node id " + id); mgr.setInsertMode(0); return; } if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String s = tok.nextToken().trim(); if (s.equals("false")) ignorelock = true; else if (s.equals("true")) ignorelock = false; else retstr = s; } mgr.moveElement(src, dst, ignorelock); mgr.setInsertMode(0); } else if (cmd.equals(PMOVE) || cmd.equals(LMOVE)) { String id; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } VElement src = mgr.getElement(id); if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } int cond = getCondition(id); if (cond != 0) { mgr.setInsertMode(cond); id = tok.nextToken().trim(); } VElement dst = mgr.getElement(id); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) postError("invalid node id " + id); mgr.setInsertMode(0); return; } boolean bpmove = false; if (cmd.equals(PMOVE)) bpmove = true; boolean ballownesting = mgr.allowNesting(); if (bpmove && !ballownesting) mgr.setAllowNesting(true); ArrayList alist = (ArrayList) mgr.getHiddenNodes().clone(); if (!bpmove) mgr.showElementAll("true"); mgr.moveElement(src, dst, true); mgr.setHiddenNodes(alist); if (bpmove) mgr.setAllowNesting(ballownesting); else mgr.hideElements(); mgr.setInsertMode(0); } else if (cmd.equals(SHOW)) { String value; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) value = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } ArrayList aListElem = new ArrayList(); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String id = tok.nextToken().trim(); VElement src = mgr.getElement(id); if (src == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) postError("invalid node id " + id); } else { aListElem.add(src); } } mgr.showElement(aListElem, value); } else if (cmd.equals(COPY)) { String id_src; String id_dst; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id_src = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) id_dst = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } int cond = getCondition(id_dst); if (cond != 0) { mgr.setInsertMode(cond); id_dst = tok.nextToken().trim(); } VElement dst = mgr.getElement(id_dst); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id_dst.equals("tmpstudy")) postError("invalid node id " + id_dst); return; } VElement src = mgr.getElement(id_src); if (src == null) { src = mgr.readElement(id_src, dst); if (src == null) { if ( ! id_src.equals("tmpstudy")) postError("invalid node id " + id_src); return; } } else mgr.copyElement(src, dst); } else if (cmd.equals(SET) || cmd.equals(GET)) { String arg; if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) arg = tok.nextToken().trim(); else { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } if (!tok.hasMoreTokens()) { postError("insufficient command arguments SQ " + cmd); return; } int type = 0; int scope = 0; int cond = getCondition(arg); String apar = null; String vpar = null; String id = null; VElement obj = null; switch (cond) { case ProtocolBuilder.FIRST: case ProtocolBuilder.ALL: arg = tok.nextToken(); type = getType(arg); scope = getScope(arg); apar = tok.nextToken(); vpar = tok.nextToken(); break; default: type = getType(arg); if (type == 0 || type == ProtocolBuilder.NEW) { if (type == ProtocolBuilder.NEW) { if (new_elem == null) { postError("must call SQ add before using new"); return; } obj = new_elem; } else { obj = mgr.getElement(arg); if (obj == null) { Messages.postDebug("SQ", "unknown identifier SQ " + str); return; } } cond = ProtocolBuilder.ONE; type = ProtocolBuilder.ANY; scope = SINGLE; } else { scope = getScope(arg); arg = tok.nextToken().trim(); cond = getCondition(arg); if (scope == SINGLE) { if (cond == ProtocolBuilder.GT) cond = ProtocolBuilder.AFTER; else if (cond == ProtocolBuilder.LT) cond = ProtocolBuilder.BEFORE; } if (cond == 0) { id = arg; cond = ProtocolBuilder.ONE; } else id = tok.nextToken(); obj = mgr.getElement(id); } apar = tok.nextToken(); vpar = tok.nextToken(); if (vpar.startsWith("\"")) { try { vpar = vpar.substring(1) + tok.nextToken("\""); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { vpar = vpar.substring(1, vpar.length() - 1); } } break; } if (apar == null || vpar == null) { postError("syntax error " + "SQ " + str); return; } ArrayList list; if ((obj == null) && (cond == ProtocolBuilder.EQ) ) list = new ArrayList(); else list = mgr.getElements(obj, cond, type); if (cmd.equals(SET)) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { obj = (VElement) list.get(i); mgr.setAttribute(obj, apar, vpar); } } else { if (scope == SINGLE) { if (list.size() > 1) { postError("syntax error " + "SQ " + str); return; } String alist = apar + "=`"; String vlist = vpar + "=`"; if (list.size() == 1) { obj = (VElement) list.get(0); list = mgr.getAttributes(obj); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i += 2) { String name = (String) list.get(i); String value = (String) list.get(i + 1); alist += name; vlist += value; if (i < list.size() - 2) { alist += "`,`"; vlist += "`,`"; } } } alist += "`"; vlist += "`"; retstr = alist + " " + vlist; } else { retstr = vpar + "=`"; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { obj = (VElement) list.get(i); String value = obj.getAttribute(apar); retstr += value; if (i < list.size() - 1) retstr += "`,`"; } retstr += "`"; } } } else if (cmd.equals(WATCH)) { ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { args.add(tok.nextToken()); } if (!SQUpdater.processCommand(this, args.toArray(new String[0]))) { Messages.postDebug("Bad format for 'watch' cmd: " + str); } } else { postError("command not recognized " + "SQ " + cmd); return; } while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) retstr += " " + tok.nextToken().trim(); if (retstr.length() > 0) { setDebug(retstr); Util.sendToVnmr(retstr); } }
private void process(string str) { quotedstringtokenizer tok = new quotedstringtokenizer(str); string cmd = tok.nexttoken().trim(); string retstr = ""; if (cmd.equals("no-op")) { } else if (cmd.equals(start)) { mgr.setexecuting(true); mgr.setpaused(false); } else if (cmd.equals(pause)) { mgr.setexecuting(false); mgr.setpaused(true); } else if (cmd.equals(stop)) { mgr.setexecuting(false); mgr.setpaused(false); } else if (cmd.equalsignorecase(normal_mode)) { mgr.setmode(normal_mode); } else if (cmd.equalsignorecase(submit_mode)) { mgr.setmode(submit_mode); } else if (cmd.equals(read)) { string fn = tok.nexttoken().trim(); if (mgr.isexecuting()) { postwarning("cannot load a new study while queue is executing"); return; } else { string path = fileutil.openpath(fn); if (path == null) { posterror("cannot load study file " + fn); return; } mgr.newtree(path); sendsqpath(path); } } else if (cmd.equals(write)) { string fn = tok.nexttoken().trim(); string path = fileutil.savepath(fn); if (path == null) { posterror("could not write study file " + fn); return; }; sendsqpath(path); } else if (cmd.equals(nwrite)) { string id; string path; if (tok.hasmoretokens()) id = tok.nexttoken().trim(); else { posterror("insufficient command arguments sq " + cmd); return; } if (tok.hasmoretokens()) path = fileutil.savepath(tok.nexttoken().trim()); else { posterror("insufficient command arguments sq " + cmd); return; } velement dst = mgr.getelement(id); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) posterror("invalid node id " + id); return; } mgr.writeelement(dst, path); } else if (cmd.equals(setids)) { mgr.setids(); } else if (cmd.equals(nesting)) { string token; if (tok.hasmoretokens()) token = tok.nexttoken().trim(); else { posterror("insufficient command arguments " + "sq " + cmd); return; } if (!token.equals("=")) { posterror("syntax error " + "sq " + str); return; } if (tok.hasmoretokens()) token = tok.nexttoken().trim(); else { posterror("insufficient command arguments " + "sq " + cmd); return; } if (token.equals("no") || token.equals("false")) mgr.setallownesting(false); else if (token.equals("yes") || token.equals("true")) mgr.setallownesting(true); } else if (cmd.equals(validate)) { string token; if (tok.hasmoretokens()) token = tok.nexttoken().trim(); else { posterror("insufficient command arguments " + "sq " + cmd); return; } mgr.setvalidatemove(false); mgr.setvalidatecopy(false); if (token.equals("all")) { mgr.setvalidatemove(true); mgr.setvalidatecopy(true); return; } else if (token.equals("move")) { mgr.setvalidatemove(true); return; } else if (token.equals("copy")) { mgr.setvalidatecopy(true); return; } else if (token.equals("none")) { mgr.setvalidatemove(false); mgr.setvalidatecopy(false); return; } else { posterror("syntax error " + "sq " + str); return; } } else if (cmd.equals(delete)) { string id; if (tok.hasmoretokens()) id = tok.nexttoken(); else { posterror("insufficient command arguments " + "sq " + cmd); return; } if (getcondition(id) == protocolbuilder.all) { mgr.cleartree(); sendsqpath(""); } else { velement obj = mgr.getelement(id); if (obj == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) { posterror("node " + id + " not found " + "sq " + cmd); } return; } mgr.deleteelement(obj); } } else if (cmd.equals(add_queue)) { string queuedir = tok.nexttoken(); mgr.addqueue(queuedir); } else if (cmd.equals(add)) { string id = tok.nexttoken().trim(); string fn = null; string type = "protocol"; if (id.equals("new")) { type = tok.nexttoken(); messages.postdebug("sq", "--- sq add: type=" + type); if (type.equals("action")) fn = new_action_file; else fn = new_protocol_file; } else fn = id; string path = fileutil.openpath(fn); if (path == null) { posterror("cannot read protocol file " + fn); return; } id = null; if (tok.hasmoretokens()) { id = tok.nexttoken(); int cond = getcondition(id); if (cond != 0) { mgr.setinsertmode(cond); id = tok.nexttoken().trim(); } } velement dst; if (id == null) dst = mgr.lastelement(); else dst = mgr.getelement(id); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) posterror("invalid node id " + id); mgr.setinsertmode(0); return; } mgr.insertprotocol(dst, path); mgr.setinsertmode(0); new_elem = mgr.getselected(); } else if (cmd.equals(move)) { string id; boolean ignorelock = false; if (tok.hasmoretokens()) id = tok.nexttoken().trim(); else { return; } velement src = mgr.getelement(id); if (tok.hasmoretokens()) id = tok.nexttoken().trim(); else { return; } int cond = getcondition(id); if (cond != 0) { mgr.setinsertmode(cond); if (tok.hasmoretokens()) id = tok.nexttoken().trim(); } velement dst = mgr.getelement(id); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) posterror("invalid node id " + id); mgr.setinsertmode(0); return; } if (tok.hasmoretokens()) { string s = tok.nexttoken().trim(); if (s.equals("false")) ignorelock = true; else if (s.equals("true")) ignorelock = false; else retstr = s; } mgr.moveelement(src, dst, ignorelock); mgr.setinsertmode(0); } else if (cmd.equals(pmove) || cmd.equals(lmove)) { string id; if (tok.hasmoretokens()) id = tok.nexttoken().trim(); else { posterror("insufficient command arguments sq " + cmd); return; } velement src = mgr.getelement(id); if (tok.hasmoretokens()) id = tok.nexttoken().trim(); else { posterror("insufficient command arguments sq " + cmd); return; } int cond = getcondition(id); if (cond != 0) { mgr.setinsertmode(cond); id = tok.nexttoken().trim(); } velement dst = mgr.getelement(id); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) posterror("invalid node id " + id); mgr.setinsertmode(0); return; } boolean bpmove = false; if (cmd.equals(pmove)) bpmove = true; boolean ballownesting = mgr.allownesting(); if (bpmove && !ballownesting) mgr.setallownesting(true); arraylist alist = (arraylist) mgr.gethiddennodes().clone(); if (!bpmove) mgr.showelementall("true"); mgr.moveelement(src, dst, true); mgr.sethiddennodes(alist); if (bpmove) mgr.setallownesting(ballownesting); else mgr.hideelements(); mgr.setinsertmode(0); } else if (cmd.equals(show)) { string value; if (tok.hasmoretokens()) value = tok.nexttoken().trim(); else { posterror("insufficient command arguments sq " + cmd); return; } arraylist alistelem = new arraylist(); while (tok.hasmoretokens()) { string id = tok.nexttoken().trim(); velement src = mgr.getelement(id); if (src == null) { if ( ! id.equals("tmpstudy")) posterror("invalid node id " + id); } else { alistelem.add(src); } } mgr.showelement(alistelem, value); } else if (cmd.equals(copy)) { string id_src; string id_dst; if (tok.hasmoretokens()) id_src = tok.nexttoken().trim(); else { posterror("insufficient command arguments sq " + cmd); return; } if (tok.hasmoretokens()) id_dst = tok.nexttoken().trim(); else { posterror("insufficient command arguments sq " + cmd); return; } int cond = getcondition(id_dst); if (cond != 0) { mgr.setinsertmode(cond); id_dst = tok.nexttoken().trim(); } velement dst = mgr.getelement(id_dst); if (dst == null) { if ( ! id_dst.equals("tmpstudy")) posterror("invalid node id " + id_dst); return; } velement src = mgr.getelement(id_src); if (src == null) { src = mgr.readelement(id_src, dst); if (src == null) { if ( ! id_src.equals("tmpstudy")) posterror("invalid node id " + id_src); return; } } else mgr.copyelement(src, dst); } else if (cmd.equals(set) || cmd.equals(get)) { string arg; if (tok.hasmoretokens()) arg = tok.nexttoken().trim(); else { posterror("insufficient command arguments sq " + cmd); return; } if (!tok.hasmoretokens()) { posterror("insufficient command arguments sq " + cmd); return; } int type = 0; int scope = 0; int cond = getcondition(arg); string apar = null; string vpar = null; string id = null; velement obj = null; switch (cond) { case protocolbuilder.first: case protocolbuilder.all: arg = tok.nexttoken(); type = gettype(arg); scope = getscope(arg); apar = tok.nexttoken(); vpar = tok.nexttoken(); break; default: type = gettype(arg); if (type == 0 || type == { if (type == { if (new_elem == null) { posterror("must call sq add before using new"); return; } obj = new_elem; } else { obj = mgr.getelement(arg); if (obj == null) { messages.postdebug("sq", "unknown identifier sq " + str); return; } } cond =; type = protocolbuilder.any; scope = single; } else { scope = getscope(arg); arg = tok.nexttoken().trim(); cond = getcondition(arg); if (scope == single) { if (cond == cond = protocolbuilder.after; else if (cond == cond = protocolbuilder.before; } if (cond == 0) { id = arg; cond =; } else id = tok.nexttoken(); obj = mgr.getelement(id); } apar = tok.nexttoken(); vpar = tok.nexttoken(); if (vpar.startswith("\"")) { try { vpar = vpar.substring(1) + tok.nexttoken("\""); } catch (nosuchelementexception e) { vpar = vpar.substring(1, vpar.length() - 1); } } break; } if (apar == null || vpar == null) { posterror("syntax error " + "sq " + str); return; } arraylist list; if ((obj == null) && (cond == protocolbuilder.eq) ) list = new arraylist(); else list = mgr.getelements(obj, cond, type); if (cmd.equals(set)) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { obj = (velement) list.get(i); mgr.setattribute(obj, apar, vpar); } } else { if (scope == single) { if (list.size() > 1) { posterror("syntax error " + "sq " + str); return; } string alist = apar + "=`"; string vlist = vpar + "=`"; if (list.size() == 1) { obj = (velement) list.get(0); list = mgr.getattributes(obj); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i += 2) { string name = (string) list.get(i); string value = (string) list.get(i + 1); alist += name; vlist += value; if (i < list.size() - 2) { alist += "`,`"; vlist += "`,`"; } } } alist += "`"; vlist += "`"; retstr = alist + " " + vlist; } else { retstr = vpar + "=`"; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { obj = (velement) list.get(i); string value = obj.getattribute(apar); retstr += value; if (i < list.size() - 1) retstr += "`,`"; } retstr += "`"; } } } else if (cmd.equals(watch)) { arraylist<string> args = new arraylist<string>(); while (tok.hasmoretokens()) { args.add(tok.nexttoken()); } if (!squpdater.processcommand(this, args.toarray(new string[0]))) { messages.postdebug("bad format for 'watch' cmd: " + str); } } else { posterror("command not recognized " + "sq " + cmd); return; } while (tok.hasmoretokens()) retstr += " " + tok.nexttoken().trim(); if (retstr.length() > 0) { setdebug(retstr); util.sendtovnmr(retstr); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { Layout layout = ((TextView) v).getLayout(); if (layout == null) { return false; } int x = (int) event.getX(); int y = (int) event.getY(); int line = layout.getLineForVertical(y); int offset = layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, x); TextView tv = (TextView) v; SpannableString value = SpannableString.valueOf(tv.getText()); switch (event.getActionMasked()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: MyURLSpan[] urlSpans = value.getSpans(0, value.length(), MyURLSpan.class); int findStart = 0; int findEnd = 0; for (MyURLSpan urlSpan : urlSpans) { int start = value.getSpanStart(urlSpan); int end = value.getSpanEnd(urlSpan); if (start <= offset && offset <= end) { find = true; findStart = start; findEnd = end; break; } } float lineWidth = layout.getLineWidth(line); find &= (lineWidth >= x); if (find) { LongClickableLinkMovementMethod.getInstance().onTouchEvent(tv, value, event); BackgroundColorSpan backgroundColorSpan = new BackgroundColorSpan(0xFFE9E9E9); value.setSpan(backgroundColorSpan, findStart, findEnd, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE); //Android has a bug, sometime TextView wont change its value when you modify SpannableString, // so you must setText again, test on Android 4.3 Nexus4 tv.setText(value); } return find; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: if (find) { LongClickableLinkMovementMethod.getInstance().onTouchEvent(tv, value, event); } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: if (find) { LongClickableLinkMovementMethod.getInstance().onTouchEvent(tv, value, event); LongClickableLinkMovementMethod.getInstance().removeLongClickCallback(); BackgroundColorSpan[] backgroundColorSpans = value .getSpans(0, value.length(), BackgroundColorSpan.class); for (BackgroundColorSpan backgroundColorSpan : backgroundColorSpans) { value.removeSpan(backgroundColorSpan); } tv.setText(value); find = false; } break; } return false; }
@Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { Layout layout = ((TextView) v).getLayout(); if (layout == null) { return false; } int x = (int) event.getX(); int y = (int) event.getY(); int line = layout.getLineForVertical(y); int offset = layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, x); TextView tv = (TextView) v; SpannableString value = SpannableString.valueOf(tv.getText()); switch (event.getActionMasked()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: MyURLSpan[] urlSpans = value.getSpans(0, value.length(), MyURLSpan.class); int findStart = 0; int findEnd = 0; for (MyURLSpan urlSpan : urlSpans) { int start = value.getSpanStart(urlSpan); int end = value.getSpanEnd(urlSpan); if (start <= offset && offset <= end) { find = true; findStart = start; findEnd = end; break; } } float lineWidth = layout.getLineWidth(line); find &= (lineWidth >= x); if (find) { LongClickableLinkMovementMethod.getInstance().onTouchEvent(tv, value, event); BackgroundColorSpan backgroundColorSpan = new BackgroundColorSpan(0xFFE9E9E9); value.setSpan(backgroundColorSpan, findStart, findEnd, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_INCLUSIVE); tv.setText(value); } return find; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: if (find) { LongClickableLinkMovementMethod.getInstance().onTouchEvent(tv, value, event); } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: if (find) { LongClickableLinkMovementMethod.getInstance().onTouchEvent(tv, value, event); LongClickableLinkMovementMethod.getInstance().removeLongClickCallback(); BackgroundColorSpan[] backgroundColorSpans = value .getSpans(0, value.length(), BackgroundColorSpan.class); for (BackgroundColorSpan backgroundColorSpan : backgroundColorSpans) { value.removeSpan(backgroundColorSpan); } tv.setText(value); find = false; } break; } return false; }
@override public boolean ontouch(view v, motionevent event) { layout layout = ((textview) v).getlayout(); if (layout == null) { return false; } int x = (int) event.getx(); int y = (int) event.gety(); int line = layout.getlineforvertical(y); int offset = layout.getoffsetforhorizontal(line, x); textview tv = (textview) v; spannablestring value = spannablestring.valueof(tv.gettext()); switch (event.getactionmasked()) { case motionevent.action_down: myurlspan[] urlspans = value.getspans(0, value.length(), myurlspan.class); int findstart = 0; int findend = 0; for (myurlspan urlspan : urlspans) { int start = value.getspanstart(urlspan); int end = value.getspanend(urlspan); if (start <= offset && offset <= end) { find = true; findstart = start; findend = end; break; } } float linewidth = layout.getlinewidth(line); find &= (linewidth >= x); if (find) { longclickablelinkmovementmethod.getinstance().ontouchevent(tv, value, event); backgroundcolorspan backgroundcolorspan = new backgroundcolorspan(0xffe9e9e9); value.setspan(backgroundcolorspan, findstart, findend, spanned.span_inclusive_inclusive); tv.settext(value); } return find; case motionevent.action_move: if (find) { longclickablelinkmovementmethod.getinstance().ontouchevent(tv, value, event); } break; case motionevent.action_cancel: case motionevent.action_up: if (find) { longclickablelinkmovementmethod.getinstance().ontouchevent(tv, value, event); longclickablelinkmovementmethod.getinstance().removelongclickcallback(); backgroundcolorspan[] backgroundcolorspans = value .getspans(0, value.length(), backgroundcolorspan.class); for (backgroundcolorspan backgroundcolorspan : backgroundcolorspans) { value.removespan(backgroundcolorspan); } tv.settext(value); find = false; } break; } return false; }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@Override public Subscriber getSubscriber(Set<? extends ConfigKey<?>> configKeys) { Set<ConfigKey<ConfigInstance>> subscriptionKeys = new HashSet<>(); for(ConfigKey<?> key: configKeys) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // ConfigKey is defined as <CONFIGCLASS extends ConfigInstance> ConfigKey<ConfigInstance> invariant = (ConfigKey<ConfigInstance>) key; subscriptionKeys.add(invariant); } CloudSubscriber subscriber = new CloudSubscriber(subscriptionKeys, configSource); testGeneration.ifPresent(subscriber.subscriber::reload); // TODO: test specific code, remove activeSubscribers.put(subscriber, 0); return subscriber; }
@Override public Subscriber getSubscriber(Set<? extends ConfigKey<?>> configKeys) { Set<ConfigKey<ConfigInstance>> subscriptionKeys = new HashSet<>(); for(ConfigKey<?> key: configKeys) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ConfigKey<ConfigInstance> invariant = (ConfigKey<ConfigInstance>) key; subscriptionKeys.add(invariant); } CloudSubscriber subscriber = new CloudSubscriber(subscriptionKeys, configSource); testGeneration.ifPresent(subscriber.subscriber::reload); activeSubscribers.put(subscriber, 0); return subscriber; }
@override public subscriber getsubscriber(set<? extends configkey<?>> configkeys) { set<configkey<configinstance>> subscriptionkeys = new hashset<>(); for(configkey<?> key: configkeys) { @suppresswarnings("unchecked") configkey<configinstance> invariant = (configkey<configinstance>) key; subscriptionkeys.add(invariant); } cloudsubscriber subscriber = new cloudsubscriber(subscriptionkeys, configsource); testgeneration.ifpresent(subscriber.subscriber::reload); activesubscribers.put(subscriber, 0); return subscriber; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
@Override public void reloadActiveSubscribers(long generation) { testGeneration = Optional.of(generation); List<CloudSubscriber> subscribers = new ArrayList<>(activeSubscribers.keySet()); subscribers.forEach(s -> s.subscriber.reload(generation)); }
@Override public void reloadActiveSubscribers(long generation) { testGeneration = Optional.of(generation); List<CloudSubscriber> subscribers = new ArrayList<>(activeSubscribers.keySet()); subscribers.forEach(s -> s.subscriber.reload(generation)); }
@override public void reloadactivesubscribers(long generation) { testgeneration = optional.of(generation); list<cloudsubscriber> subscribers = new arraylist<>(activesubscribers.keyset()); subscribers.foreach(s -> s.subscriber.reload(generation)); }
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
@Override protected void doGetWithSubjectAndActor(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { // TODO filtering??? request.getParameter("filter"); // filter=1,2,3 /groups/*/* Map<String,Object> structure = generateStructure(getBroker(), Broker.class); sendJsonResponse(structure, request, response); }
@Override protected void doGetWithSubjectAndActor(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { Map<String,Object> structure = generateStructure(getBroker(), Broker.class); sendJsonResponse(structure, request, response); }
@override protected void dogetwithsubjectandactor(httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response) throws ioexception, servletexception { map<string,object> structure = generatestructure(getbroker(), broker.class); sendjsonresponse(structure, request, response); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
@Test public void testTest1() throws IOException { final InputEntityReader reader = createReader( new TimestampSpec("timestamp", "auto", null), new DimensionsSpec(DimensionsSpec.getDefaultSchemas(ImmutableList.of("col1", "col2"))), new OrcInputFormat(null, null, new Configuration()), "example/test_1.orc" ); try (CloseableIterator<InputRow> iterator = { Assert.assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()); final InputRow row =; Assert.assertEquals(DateTimes.of("2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), row.getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals("bar", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("col1"))); Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("dat1", "dat2", "dat3"), row.getDimension("col2")); Assert.assertEquals(1.1, row.getMetric("val1").doubleValue(), 0.001); Assert.assertFalse(iterator.hasNext()); } }
@Test public void testTest1() throws IOException { final InputEntityReader reader = createReader( new TimestampSpec("timestamp", "auto", null), new DimensionsSpec(DimensionsSpec.getDefaultSchemas(ImmutableList.of("col1", "col2"))), new OrcInputFormat(null, null, new Configuration()), "example/test_1.orc" ); try (CloseableIterator<InputRow> iterator = { Assert.assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()); final InputRow row =; Assert.assertEquals(DateTimes.of("2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), row.getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals("bar", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("col1"))); Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("dat1", "dat2", "dat3"), row.getDimension("col2")); Assert.assertEquals(1.1, row.getMetric("val1").doubleValue(), 0.001); Assert.assertFalse(iterator.hasNext()); } }
@test public void testtest1() throws ioexception { final inputentityreader reader = createreader( new timestampspec("timestamp", "auto", null), new dimensionsspec(dimensionsspec.getdefaultschemas(immutablelist.of("col1", "col2"))), new orcinputformat(null, null, new configuration()), "example/test_1.orc" ); try (closeableiterator<inputrow> iterator = { assert.asserttrue(iterator.hasnext()); final inputrow row =; assert.assertequals(datetimes.of("2016-01-01t00:00:00.000z"), row.gettimestamp()); assert.assertequals("bar", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("col1"))); assert.assertequals(immutablelist.of("dat1", "dat2", "dat3"), row.getdimension("col2")); assert.assertequals(1.1, row.getmetric("val1").doublevalue(), 0.001); assert.assertfalse(iterator.hasnext()); } }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Test public void testTest2() throws IOException { final InputFormat inputFormat = new OrcInputFormat( new JSONPathSpec( true, Collections.singletonList(new JSONPathFieldSpec(JSONPathFieldType.PATH, "col7-subcol7", "$.col7.subcol7")) ), null, new Configuration() ); final InputEntityReader reader = createReader( new TimestampSpec("timestamp", "auto", null), new DimensionsSpec(null), inputFormat, "example/test_2.orc" ); try (CloseableIterator<InputRow> iterator = { Assert.assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()); final InputRow row =; Assert.assertEquals(DateTimes.of("2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), row.getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals("bar", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("col1"))); Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("dat1", "dat2", "dat3"), row.getDimension("col2")); Assert.assertEquals("1.1", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("col3"))); Assert.assertEquals("2", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("col4"))); Assert.assertEquals("3.5", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("col5"))); Assert.assertTrue(row.getDimension("col6").isEmpty()); Assert.assertFalse(iterator.hasNext()); } }
@Test public void testTest2() throws IOException { final InputFormat inputFormat = new OrcInputFormat( new JSONPathSpec( true, Collections.singletonList(new JSONPathFieldSpec(JSONPathFieldType.PATH, "col7-subcol7", "$.col7.subcol7")) ), null, new Configuration() ); final InputEntityReader reader = createReader( new TimestampSpec("timestamp", "auto", null), new DimensionsSpec(null), inputFormat, "example/test_2.orc" ); try (CloseableIterator<InputRow> iterator = { Assert.assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()); final InputRow row =; Assert.assertEquals(DateTimes.of("2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), row.getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals("bar", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("col1"))); Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("dat1", "dat2", "dat3"), row.getDimension("col2")); Assert.assertEquals("1.1", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("col3"))); Assert.assertEquals("2", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("col4"))); Assert.assertEquals("3.5", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("col5"))); Assert.assertTrue(row.getDimension("col6").isEmpty()); Assert.assertFalse(iterator.hasNext()); } }
@test public void testtest2() throws ioexception { final inputformat inputformat = new orcinputformat( new jsonpathspec( true, collections.singletonlist(new jsonpathfieldspec(jsonpathfieldtype.path, "col7-subcol7", "$.col7.subcol7")) ), null, new configuration() ); final inputentityreader reader = createreader( new timestampspec("timestamp", "auto", null), new dimensionsspec(null), inputformat, "example/test_2.orc" ); try (closeableiterator<inputrow> iterator = { assert.asserttrue(iterator.hasnext()); final inputrow row =; assert.assertequals(datetimes.of("2016-01-01t00:00:00.000z"), row.gettimestamp()); assert.assertequals("bar", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("col1"))); assert.assertequals(immutablelist.of("dat1", "dat2", "dat3"), row.getdimension("col2")); assert.assertequals("1.1", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("col3"))); assert.assertequals("2", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("col4"))); assert.assertequals("3.5", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("col5"))); assert.asserttrue(row.getdimension("col6").isempty()); assert.assertfalse(iterator.hasnext()); } }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Test public void testOrcFile11Format() throws IOException { final OrcInputFormat inputFormat = new OrcInputFormat( new JSONPathSpec( true, ImmutableList.of( new JSONPathFieldSpec(JSONPathFieldType.PATH, "struct_list_struct_int", "$.middle.list[1].int1"), new JSONPathFieldSpec(JSONPathFieldType.PATH, "struct_list_struct_intlist", "$.middle.list[*].int1"), new JSONPathFieldSpec(JSONPathFieldType.PATH, "list_struct_string", "$.list[0].string1"), new JSONPathFieldSpec(JSONPathFieldType.PATH, "map_struct_int", "$.map.chani.int1") ) ), null, new Configuration() ); final InputEntityReader reader = createReader( new TimestampSpec("ts", "millis", null), new DimensionsSpec(null), inputFormat, "example/orc-file-11-format.orc" ); try (CloseableIterator<InputRow> iterator = { int actualRowCount = 0; // Check the first row Assert.assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()); InputRow row =; actualRowCount++; Assert.assertEquals("false", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("boolean1"))); Assert.assertEquals("1", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("byte1"))); Assert.assertEquals("1024", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("short1"))); Assert.assertEquals("65536", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("int1"))); Assert.assertEquals("9223372036854775807", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("long1"))); Assert.assertEquals("1.0", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("float1"))); Assert.assertEquals("-15.0", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("double1"))); Assert.assertEquals("AAECAwQAAA==", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("bytes1"))); Assert.assertEquals("hi", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("string1"))); Assert.assertEquals("1.23456786547456E7", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("decimal1"))); Assert.assertEquals("2", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("struct_list_struct_int"))); Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("1", "2"), row.getDimension("struct_list_struct_intlist")); Assert.assertEquals("good", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("list_struct_string"))); Assert.assertEquals(DateTimes.of("2000-03-12T15:00:00.0Z"), row.getTimestamp()); while (iterator.hasNext()) { actualRowCount++; row =; } // Check the last row Assert.assertEquals("true", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("boolean1"))); Assert.assertEquals("100", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("byte1"))); Assert.assertEquals("2048", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("short1"))); Assert.assertEquals("65536", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("int1"))); Assert.assertEquals("9223372036854775807", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("long1"))); Assert.assertEquals("2.0", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("float1"))); Assert.assertEquals("-5.0", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("double1"))); Assert.assertEquals("", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("bytes1"))); Assert.assertEquals("bye", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("string1"))); Assert.assertEquals("1.23456786547457E7", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("decimal1"))); Assert.assertEquals("2", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("struct_list_struct_int"))); Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("1", "2"), row.getDimension("struct_list_struct_intlist")); Assert.assertEquals("cat", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("list_struct_string"))); Assert.assertEquals("5", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("map_struct_int"))); Assert.assertEquals(DateTimes.of("2000-03-12T15:00:01.000Z"), row.getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals(7500, actualRowCount); } }
@Test public void testOrcFile11Format() throws IOException { final OrcInputFormat inputFormat = new OrcInputFormat( new JSONPathSpec( true, ImmutableList.of( new JSONPathFieldSpec(JSONPathFieldType.PATH, "struct_list_struct_int", "$.middle.list[1].int1"), new JSONPathFieldSpec(JSONPathFieldType.PATH, "struct_list_struct_intlist", "$.middle.list[*].int1"), new JSONPathFieldSpec(JSONPathFieldType.PATH, "list_struct_string", "$.list[0].string1"), new JSONPathFieldSpec(JSONPathFieldType.PATH, "map_struct_int", "$.map.chani.int1") ) ), null, new Configuration() ); final InputEntityReader reader = createReader( new TimestampSpec("ts", "millis", null), new DimensionsSpec(null), inputFormat, "example/orc-file-11-format.orc" ); try (CloseableIterator<InputRow> iterator = { int actualRowCount = 0; Assert.assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()); InputRow row =; actualRowCount++; Assert.assertEquals("false", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("boolean1"))); Assert.assertEquals("1", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("byte1"))); Assert.assertEquals("1024", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("short1"))); Assert.assertEquals("65536", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("int1"))); Assert.assertEquals("9223372036854775807", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("long1"))); Assert.assertEquals("1.0", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("float1"))); Assert.assertEquals("-15.0", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("double1"))); Assert.assertEquals("AAECAwQAAA==", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("bytes1"))); Assert.assertEquals("hi", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("string1"))); Assert.assertEquals("1.23456786547456E7", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("decimal1"))); Assert.assertEquals("2", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("struct_list_struct_int"))); Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("1", "2"), row.getDimension("struct_list_struct_intlist")); Assert.assertEquals("good", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("list_struct_string"))); Assert.assertEquals(DateTimes.of("2000-03-12T15:00:00.0Z"), row.getTimestamp()); while (iterator.hasNext()) { actualRowCount++; row =; } Assert.assertEquals("true", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("boolean1"))); Assert.assertEquals("100", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("byte1"))); Assert.assertEquals("2048", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("short1"))); Assert.assertEquals("65536", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("int1"))); Assert.assertEquals("9223372036854775807", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("long1"))); Assert.assertEquals("2.0", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("float1"))); Assert.assertEquals("-5.0", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("double1"))); Assert.assertEquals("", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("bytes1"))); Assert.assertEquals("bye", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("string1"))); Assert.assertEquals("1.23456786547457E7", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("decimal1"))); Assert.assertEquals("2", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("struct_list_struct_int"))); Assert.assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("1", "2"), row.getDimension("struct_list_struct_intlist")); Assert.assertEquals("cat", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("list_struct_string"))); Assert.assertEquals("5", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("map_struct_int"))); Assert.assertEquals(DateTimes.of("2000-03-12T15:00:01.000Z"), row.getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals(7500, actualRowCount); } }
@test public void testorcfile11format() throws ioexception { final orcinputformat inputformat = new orcinputformat( new jsonpathspec( true, immutablelist.of( new jsonpathfieldspec(jsonpathfieldtype.path, "struct_list_struct_int", "$.middle.list[1].int1"), new jsonpathfieldspec(jsonpathfieldtype.path, "struct_list_struct_intlist", "$.middle.list[*].int1"), new jsonpathfieldspec(jsonpathfieldtype.path, "list_struct_string", "$.list[0].string1"), new jsonpathfieldspec(jsonpathfieldtype.path, "map_struct_int", "$.map.chani.int1") ) ), null, new configuration() ); final inputentityreader reader = createreader( new timestampspec("ts", "millis", null), new dimensionsspec(null), inputformat, "example/orc-file-11-format.orc" ); try (closeableiterator<inputrow> iterator = { int actualrowcount = 0; assert.asserttrue(iterator.hasnext()); inputrow row =; actualrowcount++; assert.assertequals("false", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("boolean1"))); assert.assertequals("1", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("byte1"))); assert.assertequals("1024", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("short1"))); assert.assertequals("65536", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("int1"))); assert.assertequals("9223372036854775807", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("long1"))); assert.assertequals("1.0", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("float1"))); assert.assertequals("-15.0", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("double1"))); assert.assertequals("aaecawqaaa==", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("bytes1"))); assert.assertequals("hi", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("string1"))); assert.assertequals("1.23456786547456e7", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("decimal1"))); assert.assertequals("2", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("struct_list_struct_int"))); assert.assertequals(immutablelist.of("1", "2"), row.getdimension("struct_list_struct_intlist")); assert.assertequals("good", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("list_struct_string"))); assert.assertequals(datetimes.of("2000-03-12t15:00:00.0z"), row.gettimestamp()); while (iterator.hasnext()) { actualrowcount++; row =; } assert.assertequals("true", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("boolean1"))); assert.assertequals("100", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("byte1"))); assert.assertequals("2048", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("short1"))); assert.assertequals("65536", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("int1"))); assert.assertequals("9223372036854775807", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("long1"))); assert.assertequals("2.0", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("float1"))); assert.assertequals("-5.0", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("double1"))); assert.assertequals("", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("bytes1"))); assert.assertequals("bye", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("string1"))); assert.assertequals("1.23456786547457e7", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("decimal1"))); assert.assertequals("2", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("struct_list_struct_int"))); assert.assertequals(immutablelist.of("1", "2"), row.getdimension("struct_list_struct_intlist")); assert.assertequals("cat", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("list_struct_string"))); assert.assertequals("5", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("map_struct_int"))); assert.assertequals(datetimes.of("2000-03-12t15:00:01.000z"), row.gettimestamp()); assert.assertequals(7500, actualrowcount); } }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Test public void testOrcSplitElim() throws IOException { final InputEntityReader reader = createReader( new TimestampSpec("ts", "millis", null), new DimensionsSpec(null), new OrcInputFormat(new JSONPathSpec(true, null), null, new Configuration()), "example/orc_split_elim.orc" ); try (CloseableIterator<InputRow> iterator = { int actualRowCount = 0; Assert.assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()); final InputRow row =; actualRowCount++; Assert.assertEquals(DateTimes.of("1969-12-31T16:00:00.0Z"), row.getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals("2", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("userid"))); Assert.assertEquals("foo", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("string1"))); Assert.assertEquals("0.8", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("subtype"))); Assert.assertEquals("1.2", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("decimal1"))); while (iterator.hasNext()) { actualRowCount++;; } Assert.assertEquals(25000, actualRowCount); } }
@Test public void testOrcSplitElim() throws IOException { final InputEntityReader reader = createReader( new TimestampSpec("ts", "millis", null), new DimensionsSpec(null), new OrcInputFormat(new JSONPathSpec(true, null), null, new Configuration()), "example/orc_split_elim.orc" ); try (CloseableIterator<InputRow> iterator = { int actualRowCount = 0; Assert.assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()); final InputRow row =; actualRowCount++; Assert.assertEquals(DateTimes.of("1969-12-31T16:00:00.0Z"), row.getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals("2", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("userid"))); Assert.assertEquals("foo", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("string1"))); Assert.assertEquals("0.8", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("subtype"))); Assert.assertEquals("1.2", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("decimal1"))); while (iterator.hasNext()) { actualRowCount++;; } Assert.assertEquals(25000, actualRowCount); } }
@test public void testorcsplitelim() throws ioexception { final inputentityreader reader = createreader( new timestampspec("ts", "millis", null), new dimensionsspec(null), new orcinputformat(new jsonpathspec(true, null), null, new configuration()), "example/orc_split_elim.orc" ); try (closeableiterator<inputrow> iterator = { int actualrowcount = 0; assert.asserttrue(iterator.hasnext()); final inputrow row =; actualrowcount++; assert.assertequals(datetimes.of("1969-12-31t16:00:00.0z"), row.gettimestamp()); assert.assertequals("2", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("userid"))); assert.assertequals("foo", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("string1"))); assert.assertequals("0.8", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("subtype"))); assert.assertequals("1.2", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("decimal1"))); while (iterator.hasnext()) { actualrowcount++;; } assert.assertequals(25000, actualrowcount); } }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Test public void testDate1900() throws IOException { final InputEntityReader reader = createReader( new TimestampSpec("time", "millis", null), new DimensionsSpec(null, Collections.singletonList("time"), null), new OrcInputFormat(new JSONPathSpec(true, null), null, new Configuration()), "example/TestOrcFile.testDate1900.orc" ); try (CloseableIterator<InputRow> iterator = { int actualRowCount = 0; Assert.assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()); final InputRow row =; actualRowCount++; Assert.assertEquals(1, row.getDimensions().size()); Assert.assertEquals(DateTimes.of("1900-05-05T12:34:56.1Z"), row.getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals("1900-12-25T00:00:00.000Z", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("date"))); while (iterator.hasNext()) { actualRowCount++;; } Assert.assertEquals(70000, actualRowCount); } }
@Test public void testDate1900() throws IOException { final InputEntityReader reader = createReader( new TimestampSpec("time", "millis", null), new DimensionsSpec(null, Collections.singletonList("time"), null), new OrcInputFormat(new JSONPathSpec(true, null), null, new Configuration()), "example/TestOrcFile.testDate1900.orc" ); try (CloseableIterator<InputRow> iterator = { int actualRowCount = 0; Assert.assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()); final InputRow row =; actualRowCount++; Assert.assertEquals(1, row.getDimensions().size()); Assert.assertEquals(DateTimes.of("1900-05-05T12:34:56.1Z"), row.getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals("1900-12-25T00:00:00.000Z", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("date"))); while (iterator.hasNext()) { actualRowCount++;; } Assert.assertEquals(70000, actualRowCount); } }
@test public void testdate1900() throws ioexception { final inputentityreader reader = createreader( new timestampspec("time", "millis", null), new dimensionsspec(null, collections.singletonlist("time"), null), new orcinputformat(new jsonpathspec(true, null), null, new configuration()), "example/testorcfile.testdate1900.orc" ); try (closeableiterator<inputrow> iterator = { int actualrowcount = 0; assert.asserttrue(iterator.hasnext()); final inputrow row =; actualrowcount++; assert.assertequals(1, row.getdimensions().size()); assert.assertequals(datetimes.of("1900-05-05t12:34:56.1z"), row.gettimestamp()); assert.assertequals("1900-12-25t00:00:00.000z", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("date"))); while (iterator.hasnext()) { actualrowcount++;; } assert.assertequals(70000, actualrowcount); } }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Test public void testDate2038() throws IOException { final InputEntityReader reader = createReader( new TimestampSpec("time", "millis", null), new DimensionsSpec(null, Collections.singletonList("time"), null), new OrcInputFormat(new JSONPathSpec(true, null), null, new Configuration()), "example/TestOrcFile.testDate2038.orc" ); try (CloseableIterator<InputRow> iterator = { int actualRowCount = 0; Assert.assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()); final InputRow row =; actualRowCount++; Assert.assertEquals(1, row.getDimensions().size()); Assert.assertEquals(DateTimes.of("2038-05-05T12:34:56.1Z"), row.getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals("2038-12-25T00:00:00.000Z", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("date"))); while (iterator.hasNext()) { actualRowCount++;; } Assert.assertEquals(212000, actualRowCount); } }
@Test public void testDate2038() throws IOException { final InputEntityReader reader = createReader( new TimestampSpec("time", "millis", null), new DimensionsSpec(null, Collections.singletonList("time"), null), new OrcInputFormat(new JSONPathSpec(true, null), null, new Configuration()), "example/TestOrcFile.testDate2038.orc" ); try (CloseableIterator<InputRow> iterator = { int actualRowCount = 0; Assert.assertTrue(iterator.hasNext()); final InputRow row =; actualRowCount++; Assert.assertEquals(1, row.getDimensions().size()); Assert.assertEquals(DateTimes.of("2038-05-05T12:34:56.1Z"), row.getTimestamp()); Assert.assertEquals("2038-12-25T00:00:00.000Z", Iterables.getOnlyElement(row.getDimension("date"))); while (iterator.hasNext()) { actualRowCount++;; } Assert.assertEquals(212000, actualRowCount); } }
@test public void testdate2038() throws ioexception { final inputentityreader reader = createreader( new timestampspec("time", "millis", null), new dimensionsspec(null, collections.singletonlist("time"), null), new orcinputformat(new jsonpathspec(true, null), null, new configuration()), "example/testorcfile.testdate2038.orc" ); try (closeableiterator<inputrow> iterator = { int actualrowcount = 0; assert.asserttrue(iterator.hasnext()); final inputrow row =; actualrowcount++; assert.assertequals(1, row.getdimensions().size()); assert.assertequals(datetimes.of("2038-05-05t12:34:56.1z"), row.gettimestamp()); assert.assertequals("2038-12-25t00:00:00.000z", iterables.getonlyelement(row.getdimension("date"))); while (iterator.hasnext()) { actualrowcount++;; } assert.assertequals(212000, actualrowcount); } }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
public HttpResponse doAct(@QueryParameter String no) throws IOException { if(no!=null) { // dismiss disable(true); // of course the irony is that this redirect won't work return HttpResponses.redirectViaContextPath("/manage"); } else { return new HttpRedirect(""); } }
public HttpResponse doAct(@QueryParameter String no) throws IOException { if(no!=null) { disable(true); return HttpResponses.redirectViaContextPath("/manage"); } else { return new HttpRedirect(""); } }
public httpresponse doact(@queryparameter string no) throws ioexception { if(no!=null) { disable(true); return httpresponses.redirectviacontextpath("/manage"); } else { return new httpredirect(""); } }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
private void bnt0ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_bnt0ActionPerformed // TODO add your handling code here: // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,evt.paramString()); if (isBtigual() ){ setBtigual(false); textResult.setText(""); this.vtmp=0; textResult.setText(textResult.getText() + evt.getActionCommand()); textResult.requestFocusInWindow(); //posicionar cursor }else{ textResult.setText(textResult.getText() + evt.getActionCommand()); textResult.requestFocusInWindow(); //posicionar cursor } }
private void bnt0ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) { if (isBtigual() ){ setBtigual(false); textResult.setText(""); this.vtmp=0; textResult.setText(textResult.getText() + evt.getActionCommand()); textResult.requestFocusInWindow(); }else{ textResult.setText(textResult.getText() + evt.getActionCommand()); textResult.requestFocusInWindow(); } }
private void bnt0actionperformed(java.awt.event.actionevent evt) { if (isbtigual() ){ setbtigual(false); textresult.settext(""); this.vtmp=0; textresult.settext(textresult.gettext() + evt.getactioncommand()); textresult.requestfocusinwindow(); }else{ textresult.settext(textresult.gettext() + evt.getactioncommand()); textresult.requestfocusinwindow(); } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void showClearIcon(boolean show) { // TODO: should probably use setVisibility method, but seems to not working. if (clearDrawable != null) { clearDrawable.setAlpha(show ? 255 : 0); } }
private void showClearIcon(boolean show) { if (clearDrawable != null) { clearDrawable.setAlpha(show ? 255 : 0); } }
private void showclearicon(boolean show) { if (cleardrawable != null) { cleardrawable.setalpha(show ? 255 : 0); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private Map<String, Object> validateJwt(String token, JWTPolicyBean config) throws ExpiredJwtException, PrematureJwtException, MalformedJwtException, SignatureException, InvalidClaimException { // check if we have to use jwk(s) if (urlValidator.isValid(config.getSigningKeyString())){ if (provider == null){ provider = getNewJwksProvider(config.getSigningKeyString()); } Jwk jwk; try { jwk = provider.get(config.getKid()); if (config.getSigningKey() == null || !(config.getSigningKey().equals(jwk.getPublicKey()))) { config.setSigningKey(jwk.getPublicKey()); } } catch (JwkException e) { throw new SignatureException("JWK was not found with kid: " + config.getKid(), e); } } JwtParser parser = Jwts.parser() .setSigningKey(config.getSigningKey()) .setAllowedClockSkewSeconds(config.getAllowedClockSkew()); // Set all claims config.getRequiredClaims().stream() // TODO add type variable to allow dates, etc .forEach(requiredClaim -> parser.require(requiredClaim.getClaimName(), requiredClaim.getClaimValue())); return parser.parse(token, new ConfigCheckingJwtHandler(config)); }
private Map<String, Object> validateJwt(String token, JWTPolicyBean config) throws ExpiredJwtException, PrematureJwtException, MalformedJwtException, SignatureException, InvalidClaimException { if (urlValidator.isValid(config.getSigningKeyString())){ if (provider == null){ provider = getNewJwksProvider(config.getSigningKeyString()); } Jwk jwk; try { jwk = provider.get(config.getKid()); if (config.getSigningKey() == null || !(config.getSigningKey().equals(jwk.getPublicKey()))) { config.setSigningKey(jwk.getPublicKey()); } } catch (JwkException e) { throw new SignatureException("JWK was not found with kid: " + config.getKid(), e); } } JwtParser parser = Jwts.parser() .setSigningKey(config.getSigningKey()) .setAllowedClockSkewSeconds(config.getAllowedClockSkew()); config.getRequiredClaims().stream() .forEach(requiredClaim -> parser.require(requiredClaim.getClaimName(), requiredClaim.getClaimValue())); return parser.parse(token, new ConfigCheckingJwtHandler(config)); }
private map<string, object> validatejwt(string token, jwtpolicybean config) throws expiredjwtexception, prematurejwtexception, malformedjwtexception, signatureexception, invalidclaimexception { if (urlvalidator.isvalid(config.getsigningkeystring())){ if (provider == null){ provider = getnewjwksprovider(config.getsigningkeystring()); } jwk jwk; try { jwk = provider.get(config.getkid()); if (config.getsigningkey() == null || !(config.getsigningkey().equals(jwk.getpublickey()))) { config.setsigningkey(jwk.getpublickey()); } } catch (jwkexception e) { throw new signatureexception("jwk was not found with kid: " + config.getkid(), e); } } jwtparser parser = jwts.parser() .setsigningkey(config.getsigningkey()) .setallowedclockskewseconds(config.getallowedclockskew()); config.getrequiredclaims().stream() .foreach(requiredclaim -> parser.require(requiredclaim.getclaimname(), requiredclaim.getclaimvalue())); return parser.parse(token, new configcheckingjwthandler(config)); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public PrismObject<ShadowType> getResourceObject(ProvisioningContext ctx, Collection<? extends ResourceAttribute<?>> identifiers, boolean fetchAssociations, OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException, SchemaException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, GenericConnectorException, ExpressionEvaluationException { LOGGER.trace("Getting resource object {}", identifiers); AttributesToReturn attributesToReturn = ProvisioningUtil.createAttributesToReturn(ctx); PrismObject<ShadowType> resourceShadow = fetchResourceObject(ctx, identifiers, attributesToReturn, fetchAssociations, parentResult); // todo consider whether it is always necessary to fetch the entitlements LOGGER.trace("Got resource object\n{}", resourceShadow.debugDumpLazily()); return resourceShadow; }
public PrismObject<ShadowType> getResourceObject(ProvisioningContext ctx, Collection<? extends ResourceAttribute<?>> identifiers, boolean fetchAssociations, OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException, SchemaException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, GenericConnectorException, ExpressionEvaluationException { LOGGER.trace("Getting resource object {}", identifiers); AttributesToReturn attributesToReturn = ProvisioningUtil.createAttributesToReturn(ctx); PrismObject<ShadowType> resourceShadow = fetchResourceObject(ctx, identifiers, attributesToReturn, fetchAssociations, parentResult); LOGGER.trace("Got resource object\n{}", resourceShadow.debugDumpLazily()); return resourceShadow; }
public prismobject<shadowtype> getresourceobject(provisioningcontext ctx, collection<? extends resourceattribute<?>> identifiers, boolean fetchassociations, operationresult parentresult) throws objectnotfoundexception, communicationexception, schemaexception, configurationexception, securityviolationexception, genericconnectorexception, expressionevaluationexception { logger.trace("getting resource object {}", identifiers); attributestoreturn attributestoreturn = provisioningutil.createattributestoreturn(ctx); prismobject<shadowtype> resourceshadow = fetchresourceobject(ctx, identifiers, attributestoreturn, fetchassociations, parentresult); logger.trace("got resource object\n{}", resourceshadow.debugdumplazily()); return resourceshadow; }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public PrismObject<ShadowType> locateResourceObject(ProvisioningContext ctx, Collection<? extends ResourceAttribute<?>> identifiers, OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException, SchemaException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, GenericConnectorException, ExpressionEvaluationException { LOGGER.trace("Locating resource object {}", identifiers); ConnectorInstance connector = ctx.getConnector(ReadCapabilityType.class, parentResult); AttributesToReturn attributesToReturn = ProvisioningUtil.createAttributesToReturn(ctx); if (hasAllIdentifiers(identifiers, ctx.getObjectClassDefinition())) { return fetchResourceObject(ctx, identifiers, attributesToReturn, true, parentResult); // todo consider whether it is always necessary to fetch the entitlements } else { // Search Collection<? extends RefinedAttributeDefinition> secondaryIdentifierDefs = ctx.getObjectClassDefinition().getSecondaryIdentifiers(); // Assume single secondary identifier for simplicity if (secondaryIdentifierDefs.size() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Composite secondary identifier is not supported yet"); } else if (secondaryIdentifierDefs.isEmpty()) { throw new SchemaException("No secondary identifier defined, cannot search"); } RefinedAttributeDefinition<String> secondaryIdentifierDef = secondaryIdentifierDefs.iterator().next(); ResourceAttribute<?> secondaryIdentifier = null; for (ResourceAttribute<?> identifier: identifiers) { if (identifier.getElementName().equals(secondaryIdentifierDef.getName())) { secondaryIdentifier = identifier; } } if (secondaryIdentifier == null) { throw new SchemaException("No secondary identifier present, cannot search. Identifiers: "+identifiers); } final ResourceAttribute<?> finalSecondaryIdentifier = secondaryIdentifier; List<PrismPropertyValue<String>> secondaryIdentifierValues = (List) secondaryIdentifier.getValues(); PrismPropertyValue<String> secondaryIdentifierValue; if (secondaryIdentifierValues.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Secondary identifier has more than one value: " + secondaryIdentifier.getValues()); } else if (secondaryIdentifierValues.size() == 1) { secondaryIdentifierValue = secondaryIdentifierValues.get(0).clone(); } else { secondaryIdentifierValue = null; } ObjectQuery query = prismContext.queryFor(ShadowType.class) .itemWithDef(secondaryIdentifierDef, ShadowType.F_ATTRIBUTES, secondaryIdentifierDef.getName()).eq(secondaryIdentifierValue) .build(); final Holder<PrismObject<ShadowType>> shadowHolder = new Holder<>(); ShadowResultHandler handler = new ShadowResultHandler() { @Override public boolean handle(PrismObject<ShadowType> shadow) { if (!shadowHolder.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("More than one value found for secondary identifier "+finalSecondaryIdentifier); } shadowHolder.setValue(shadow); return true; } }; try {, query, handler, attributesToReturn, null, null, ctx, parentResult); if (shadowHolder.isEmpty()) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException("No object found for secondary identifier "+secondaryIdentifier); } PrismObject<ShadowType> shadow = shadowHolder.getValue(); PrismObject<ShadowType> finalShadow = postProcessResourceObjectRead(ctx, shadow, true, parentResult); LOGGER.trace("Located resource object {}", finalShadow); return finalShadow; } catch (GenericFrameworkException e) { throw new GenericConnectorException(e.getMessage(), e); } } }
public PrismObject<ShadowType> locateResourceObject(ProvisioningContext ctx, Collection<? extends ResourceAttribute<?>> identifiers, OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectNotFoundException, CommunicationException, SchemaException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, GenericConnectorException, ExpressionEvaluationException { LOGGER.trace("Locating resource object {}", identifiers); ConnectorInstance connector = ctx.getConnector(ReadCapabilityType.class, parentResult); AttributesToReturn attributesToReturn = ProvisioningUtil.createAttributesToReturn(ctx); if (hasAllIdentifiers(identifiers, ctx.getObjectClassDefinition())) { return fetchResourceObject(ctx, identifiers, attributesToReturn, true, parentResult); } else { Collection<? extends RefinedAttributeDefinition> secondaryIdentifierDefs = ctx.getObjectClassDefinition().getSecondaryIdentifiers(); if (secondaryIdentifierDefs.size() > 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Composite secondary identifier is not supported yet"); } else if (secondaryIdentifierDefs.isEmpty()) { throw new SchemaException("No secondary identifier defined, cannot search"); } RefinedAttributeDefinition<String> secondaryIdentifierDef = secondaryIdentifierDefs.iterator().next(); ResourceAttribute<?> secondaryIdentifier = null; for (ResourceAttribute<?> identifier: identifiers) { if (identifier.getElementName().equals(secondaryIdentifierDef.getName())) { secondaryIdentifier = identifier; } } if (secondaryIdentifier == null) { throw new SchemaException("No secondary identifier present, cannot search. Identifiers: "+identifiers); } final ResourceAttribute<?> finalSecondaryIdentifier = secondaryIdentifier; List<PrismPropertyValue<String>> secondaryIdentifierValues = (List) secondaryIdentifier.getValues(); PrismPropertyValue<String> secondaryIdentifierValue; if (secondaryIdentifierValues.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Secondary identifier has more than one value: " + secondaryIdentifier.getValues()); } else if (secondaryIdentifierValues.size() == 1) { secondaryIdentifierValue = secondaryIdentifierValues.get(0).clone(); } else { secondaryIdentifierValue = null; } ObjectQuery query = prismContext.queryFor(ShadowType.class) .itemWithDef(secondaryIdentifierDef, ShadowType.F_ATTRIBUTES, secondaryIdentifierDef.getName()).eq(secondaryIdentifierValue) .build(); final Holder<PrismObject<ShadowType>> shadowHolder = new Holder<>(); ShadowResultHandler handler = new ShadowResultHandler() { @Override public boolean handle(PrismObject<ShadowType> shadow) { if (!shadowHolder.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("More than one value found for secondary identifier "+finalSecondaryIdentifier); } shadowHolder.setValue(shadow); return true; } }; try {, query, handler, attributesToReturn, null, null, ctx, parentResult); if (shadowHolder.isEmpty()) { throw new ObjectNotFoundException("No object found for secondary identifier "+secondaryIdentifier); } PrismObject<ShadowType> shadow = shadowHolder.getValue(); PrismObject<ShadowType> finalShadow = postProcessResourceObjectRead(ctx, shadow, true, parentResult); LOGGER.trace("Located resource object {}", finalShadow); return finalShadow; } catch (GenericFrameworkException e) { throw new GenericConnectorException(e.getMessage(), e); } } }
public prismobject<shadowtype> locateresourceobject(provisioningcontext ctx, collection<? extends resourceattribute<?>> identifiers, operationresult parentresult) throws objectnotfoundexception, communicationexception, schemaexception, configurationexception, securityviolationexception, genericconnectorexception, expressionevaluationexception { logger.trace("locating resource object {}", identifiers); connectorinstance connector = ctx.getconnector(readcapabilitytype.class, parentresult); attributestoreturn attributestoreturn = provisioningutil.createattributestoreturn(ctx); if (hasallidentifiers(identifiers, ctx.getobjectclassdefinition())) { return fetchresourceobject(ctx, identifiers, attributestoreturn, true, parentresult); } else { collection<? extends refinedattributedefinition> secondaryidentifierdefs = ctx.getobjectclassdefinition().getsecondaryidentifiers(); if (secondaryidentifierdefs.size() > 1) { throw new unsupportedoperationexception("composite secondary identifier is not supported yet"); } else if (secondaryidentifierdefs.isempty()) { throw new schemaexception("no secondary identifier defined, cannot search"); } refinedattributedefinition<string> secondaryidentifierdef = secondaryidentifierdefs.iterator().next(); resourceattribute<?> secondaryidentifier = null; for (resourceattribute<?> identifier: identifiers) { if (identifier.getelementname().equals(secondaryidentifierdef.getname())) { secondaryidentifier = identifier; } } if (secondaryidentifier == null) { throw new schemaexception("no secondary identifier present, cannot search. identifiers: "+identifiers); } final resourceattribute<?> finalsecondaryidentifier = secondaryidentifier; list<prismpropertyvalue<string>> secondaryidentifiervalues = (list) secondaryidentifier.getvalues(); prismpropertyvalue<string> secondaryidentifiervalue; if (secondaryidentifiervalues.size() > 1) { throw new illegalstateexception("secondary identifier has more than one value: " + secondaryidentifier.getvalues()); } else if (secondaryidentifiervalues.size() == 1) { secondaryidentifiervalue = secondaryidentifiervalues.get(0).clone(); } else { secondaryidentifiervalue = null; } objectquery query = prismcontext.queryfor(shadowtype.class) .itemwithdef(secondaryidentifierdef, shadowtype.f_attributes, secondaryidentifierdef.getname()).eq(secondaryidentifiervalue) .build(); final holder<prismobject<shadowtype>> shadowholder = new holder<>(); shadowresulthandler handler = new shadowresulthandler() { @override public boolean handle(prismobject<shadowtype> shadow) { if (!shadowholder.isempty()) { throw new illegalstateexception("more than one value found for secondary identifier "+finalsecondaryidentifier); } shadowholder.setvalue(shadow); return true; } }; try {, query, handler, attributestoreturn, null, null, ctx, parentresult); if (shadowholder.isempty()) { throw new objectnotfoundexception("no object found for secondary identifier "+secondaryidentifier); } prismobject<shadowtype> shadow = shadowholder.getvalue(); prismobject<shadowtype> finalshadow = postprocessresourceobjectread(ctx, shadow, true, parentresult); logger.trace("located resource object {}", finalshadow); return finalshadow; } catch (genericframeworkexception e) { throw new genericconnectorexception(e.getmessage(), e); } } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
private void updateQuantum(ProvisioningContext ctx, ConnectorInstance connectorUsedForOperation, AsynchronousOperationResult aResult, OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, ExpressionEvaluationException { ConnectorInstance readConnector = ctx.getConnector(ReadCapabilityType.class, parentResult); if (readConnector != connectorUsedForOperation) { // Writing by different connector that we are going to use for reading: danger of quantum effects aResult.setQuantumOperation(true); } }
private void updateQuantum(ProvisioningContext ctx, ConnectorInstance connectorUsedForOperation, AsynchronousOperationResult aResult, OperationResult parentResult) throws ObjectNotFoundException, SchemaException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, ExpressionEvaluationException { ConnectorInstance readConnector = ctx.getConnector(ReadCapabilityType.class, parentResult); if (readConnector != connectorUsedForOperation) { aResult.setQuantumOperation(true); } }
private void updatequantum(provisioningcontext ctx, connectorinstance connectorusedforoperation, asynchronousoperationresult aresult, operationresult parentresult) throws objectnotfoundexception, schemaexception, communicationexception, configurationexception, expressionevaluationexception { connectorinstance readconnector = ctx.getconnector(readcapabilitytype.class, parentresult); if (readconnector != connectorusedforoperation) { aresult.setquantumoperation(true); } }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public List<Change> fetchChanges(ProvisioningContext ctx, PrismProperty<?> lastToken, OperationResult parentResult) throws SchemaException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, GenericFrameworkException, ObjectNotFoundException, ExpressionEvaluationException { Validate.notNull(parentResult, "Operation result must not be null."); LOGGER.trace("START fetch changes, objectClass: {}", ctx.getObjectClassDefinition()); AttributesToReturn attrsToReturn = null; if (!ctx.isWildcard()) { attrsToReturn = ProvisioningUtil.createAttributesToReturn(ctx); } ConnectorInstance connector = ctx.getConnector(LiveSyncCapabilityType.class, parentResult); // get changes from the connector List<Change> changes = connector.fetchChanges(ctx.getObjectClassDefinition(), lastToken, attrsToReturn, ctx, parentResult); Iterator<Change> iterator = changes.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Change change =; LOGGER.trace("Original change:\n{}", change.debugDump()); if (change.isTokenOnly()) { continue; } ProvisioningContext shadowCtx = ctx; AttributesToReturn shadowAttrsToReturn = attrsToReturn; PrismObject<ShadowType> currentShadow = change.getCurrentShadow(); ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition changeObjectClassDefinition = change.getObjectClassDefinition(); if (changeObjectClassDefinition == null) { if (!ctx.isWildcard() || change.getObjectDelta() == null || !change.getObjectDelta().isDelete()) { throw new SchemaException("No object class definition in change "+change); } } if (ctx.isWildcard() && changeObjectClassDefinition != null) { shadowCtx = ctx.spawn(changeObjectClassDefinition.getTypeName()); if (shadowCtx.isWildcard()) { String message = "Unkown object class "+changeObjectClassDefinition.getTypeName()+" found in synchronization delta"; parentResult.recordFatalError(message); throw new SchemaException(message); } change.setObjectClassDefinition(shadowCtx.getObjectClassDefinition()); shadowAttrsToReturn = ProvisioningUtil.createAttributesToReturn(shadowCtx); } if (change.getObjectDelta() == null || !change.getObjectDelta().isDelete()) { if (currentShadow == null) { // There is no current shadow in a change. Add it by fetching it explicitly. try { LOGGER.trace("Re-fetching object {} because it is not in the change", change.getIdentifiers()); currentShadow = fetchResourceObject(shadowCtx, change.getIdentifiers(), shadowAttrsToReturn, true, parentResult); // todo consider whether it is always necessary to fetch the entitlements change.setCurrentShadow(currentShadow); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) { parentResult.recordHandledError( "Object detected in change log no longer exist on the resource. Skipping processing this object.", ex); LOGGER.warn("Object detected in change log no longer exist on the resource. Skipping processing this object " + ex.getMessage()); // TODO: Maybe change to DELETE instead of this? iterator.remove(); continue; } } else { if (ctx.isWildcard()) { if (!MiscUtil.equals(shadowAttrsToReturn, attrsToReturn)) { // re-fetch the shadow if necessary (if attributesToGet does not match) ResourceObjectIdentification identification = ResourceObjectIdentification.create(shadowCtx.getObjectClassDefinition(), change.getIdentifiers()); identification.validatePrimaryIdenfiers(); LOGGER.trace("Re-fetching object {} because of attrsToReturn", identification); currentShadow = connector.fetchObject(identification, shadowAttrsToReturn, ctx, parentResult); } } PrismObject<ShadowType> processedCurrentShadow = postProcessResourceObjectRead(shadowCtx, currentShadow, true, parentResult); change.setCurrentShadow(processedCurrentShadow); } } LOGGER.trace("Processed change\n:{}", change.debugDump()); } computeResultStatus(parentResult); LOGGER.trace("END fetch changes ({} changes)", changes == null ? "null" : changes.size()); return changes; }
public List<Change> fetchChanges(ProvisioningContext ctx, PrismProperty<?> lastToken, OperationResult parentResult) throws SchemaException, CommunicationException, ConfigurationException, SecurityViolationException, GenericFrameworkException, ObjectNotFoundException, ExpressionEvaluationException { Validate.notNull(parentResult, "Operation result must not be null."); LOGGER.trace("START fetch changes, objectClass: {}", ctx.getObjectClassDefinition()); AttributesToReturn attrsToReturn = null; if (!ctx.isWildcard()) { attrsToReturn = ProvisioningUtil.createAttributesToReturn(ctx); } ConnectorInstance connector = ctx.getConnector(LiveSyncCapabilityType.class, parentResult); List<Change> changes = connector.fetchChanges(ctx.getObjectClassDefinition(), lastToken, attrsToReturn, ctx, parentResult); Iterator<Change> iterator = changes.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Change change =; LOGGER.trace("Original change:\n{}", change.debugDump()); if (change.isTokenOnly()) { continue; } ProvisioningContext shadowCtx = ctx; AttributesToReturn shadowAttrsToReturn = attrsToReturn; PrismObject<ShadowType> currentShadow = change.getCurrentShadow(); ObjectClassComplexTypeDefinition changeObjectClassDefinition = change.getObjectClassDefinition(); if (changeObjectClassDefinition == null) { if (!ctx.isWildcard() || change.getObjectDelta() == null || !change.getObjectDelta().isDelete()) { throw new SchemaException("No object class definition in change "+change); } } if (ctx.isWildcard() && changeObjectClassDefinition != null) { shadowCtx = ctx.spawn(changeObjectClassDefinition.getTypeName()); if (shadowCtx.isWildcard()) { String message = "Unkown object class "+changeObjectClassDefinition.getTypeName()+" found in synchronization delta"; parentResult.recordFatalError(message); throw new SchemaException(message); } change.setObjectClassDefinition(shadowCtx.getObjectClassDefinition()); shadowAttrsToReturn = ProvisioningUtil.createAttributesToReturn(shadowCtx); } if (change.getObjectDelta() == null || !change.getObjectDelta().isDelete()) { if (currentShadow == null) { try { LOGGER.trace("Re-fetching object {} because it is not in the change", change.getIdentifiers()); currentShadow = fetchResourceObject(shadowCtx, change.getIdentifiers(), shadowAttrsToReturn, true, parentResult); change.setCurrentShadow(currentShadow); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException ex) { parentResult.recordHandledError( "Object detected in change log no longer exist on the resource. Skipping processing this object.", ex); LOGGER.warn("Object detected in change log no longer exist on the resource. Skipping processing this object " + ex.getMessage()); iterator.remove(); continue; } } else { if (ctx.isWildcard()) { if (!MiscUtil.equals(shadowAttrsToReturn, attrsToReturn)) { ResourceObjectIdentification identification = ResourceObjectIdentification.create(shadowCtx.getObjectClassDefinition(), change.getIdentifiers()); identification.validatePrimaryIdenfiers(); LOGGER.trace("Re-fetching object {} because of attrsToReturn", identification); currentShadow = connector.fetchObject(identification, shadowAttrsToReturn, ctx, parentResult); } } PrismObject<ShadowType> processedCurrentShadow = postProcessResourceObjectRead(shadowCtx, currentShadow, true, parentResult); change.setCurrentShadow(processedCurrentShadow); } } LOGGER.trace("Processed change\n:{}", change.debugDump()); } computeResultStatus(parentResult); LOGGER.trace("END fetch changes ({} changes)", changes == null ? "null" : changes.size()); return changes; }
public list<change> fetchchanges(provisioningcontext ctx, prismproperty<?> lasttoken, operationresult parentresult) throws schemaexception, communicationexception, configurationexception, securityviolationexception, genericframeworkexception, objectnotfoundexception, expressionevaluationexception { validate.notnull(parentresult, "operation result must not be null."); logger.trace("start fetch changes, objectclass: {}", ctx.getobjectclassdefinition()); attributestoreturn attrstoreturn = null; if (!ctx.iswildcard()) { attrstoreturn = provisioningutil.createattributestoreturn(ctx); } connectorinstance connector = ctx.getconnector(livesynccapabilitytype.class, parentresult); list<change> changes = connector.fetchchanges(ctx.getobjectclassdefinition(), lasttoken, attrstoreturn, ctx, parentresult); iterator<change> iterator = changes.iterator(); while (iterator.hasnext()) { change change =; logger.trace("original change:\n{}", change.debugdump()); if (change.istokenonly()) { continue; } provisioningcontext shadowctx = ctx; attributestoreturn shadowattrstoreturn = attrstoreturn; prismobject<shadowtype> currentshadow = change.getcurrentshadow(); objectclasscomplextypedefinition changeobjectclassdefinition = change.getobjectclassdefinition(); if (changeobjectclassdefinition == null) { if (!ctx.iswildcard() || change.getobjectdelta() == null || !change.getobjectdelta().isdelete()) { throw new schemaexception("no object class definition in change "+change); } } if (ctx.iswildcard() && changeobjectclassdefinition != null) { shadowctx = ctx.spawn(changeobjectclassdefinition.gettypename()); if (shadowctx.iswildcard()) { string message = "unkown object class "+changeobjectclassdefinition.gettypename()+" found in synchronization delta"; parentresult.recordfatalerror(message); throw new schemaexception(message); } change.setobjectclassdefinition(shadowctx.getobjectclassdefinition()); shadowattrstoreturn = provisioningutil.createattributestoreturn(shadowctx); } if (change.getobjectdelta() == null || !change.getobjectdelta().isdelete()) { if (currentshadow == null) { try { logger.trace("re-fetching object {} because it is not in the change", change.getidentifiers()); currentshadow = fetchresourceobject(shadowctx, change.getidentifiers(), shadowattrstoreturn, true, parentresult); change.setcurrentshadow(currentshadow); } catch (objectnotfoundexception ex) { parentresult.recordhandlederror( "object detected in change log no longer exist on the resource. skipping processing this object.", ex); logger.warn("object detected in change log no longer exist on the resource. skipping processing this object " + ex.getmessage()); iterator.remove(); continue; } } else { if (ctx.iswildcard()) { if (!miscutil.equals(shadowattrstoreturn, attrstoreturn)) { resourceobjectidentification identification = resourceobjectidentification.create(shadowctx.getobjectclassdefinition(), change.getidentifiers()); identification.validateprimaryidenfiers(); logger.trace("re-fetching object {} because of attrstoreturn", identification); currentshadow = connector.fetchobject(identification, shadowattrstoreturn, ctx, parentresult); } } prismobject<shadowtype> processedcurrentshadow = postprocessresourceobjectread(shadowctx, currentshadow, true, parentresult); change.setcurrentshadow(processedcurrentshadow); } } logger.trace("processed change\n:{}", change.debugdump()); } computeresultstatus(parentresult); logger.trace("end fetch changes ({} changes)", changes == null ? "null" : changes.size()); return changes; }
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@Override public void run() { if (TokenList.this.cancel.get()) { return ; } topLevel = TokenHierarchy.get(doc).tokenSequence(); topLevelIsJava = topLevel.language() == JavaTokenId.language(); if (topLevelIsJava) { ts = topLevel; ts.moveStart(); ts.moveNext(); //XXX: what about empty document } }
@Override public void run() { if (TokenList.this.cancel.get()) { return ; } topLevel = TokenHierarchy.get(doc).tokenSequence(); topLevelIsJava = topLevel.language() == JavaTokenId.language(); if (topLevelIsJava) { ts = topLevel; ts.moveStart(); ts.moveNext(); } }
@override public void run() { if (tokenlist.this.cancel.get()) { return ; } toplevel = tokenhierarchy.get(doc).tokensequence(); toplevelisjava = toplevel.language() == javatokenid.language(); if (toplevelisjava) { ts = toplevel; ts.movestart(); ts.movenext(); } }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@RequestMapping(value = "/products", method=RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public ReadableProductList getFiltered( @RequestParam(value = "lang", required=false) String lang, @RequestParam(value = "category", required=false) Long category, @RequestParam(value = "manufacturer", required=false) Long manufacturer, @RequestParam(value = "status", required=false) String status, @RequestParam(value = "owner", required=false) Long owner, @RequestParam(value = "start", required=false) Integer start, @RequestParam(value = "count", required=false) Integer count, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ProductCriteria criteria = new ProductCriteria(); if(!StringUtils.isBlank(lang)) { criteria.setLanguage(lang); } if(!StringUtils.isBlank(status)) { criteria.setStatus(status); } if(category != null) { List<Long> categoryIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); categoryIds.add(category); criteria.setCategoryIds(categoryIds); } if(manufacturer != null) { criteria.setManufacturerId(manufacturer); } if(owner != null) { criteria.setOwnerId(owner); } if(start != null) { criteria.setStartIndex(start); } if(count != null) { criteria.setMaxCount(count); } //TODO //RENTAL add filter by owner //REPOSITORY to use the new filters try { MerchantStore merchantStore = storeFacade.getByCode(; Language language = languageUtils.getRESTLanguage(request, merchantStore); ReadableProductList productList = productFacade.getProductListsByCriterias(merchantStore, language, criteria); return productList; } catch(Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error while filtering products product",e); try { response.sendError(503, "Error while filtering products " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception ignore) { } return null; } }
@RequestMapping(value = "/products", method=RequestMethod.GET) @ResponseBody public ReadableProductList getFiltered( @RequestParam(value = "lang", required=false) String lang, @RequestParam(value = "category", required=false) Long category, @RequestParam(value = "manufacturer", required=false) Long manufacturer, @RequestParam(value = "status", required=false) String status, @RequestParam(value = "owner", required=false) Long owner, @RequestParam(value = "start", required=false) Integer start, @RequestParam(value = "count", required=false) Integer count, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { ProductCriteria criteria = new ProductCriteria(); if(!StringUtils.isBlank(lang)) { criteria.setLanguage(lang); } if(!StringUtils.isBlank(status)) { criteria.setStatus(status); } if(category != null) { List<Long> categoryIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); categoryIds.add(category); criteria.setCategoryIds(categoryIds); } if(manufacturer != null) { criteria.setManufacturerId(manufacturer); } if(owner != null) { criteria.setOwnerId(owner); } if(start != null) { criteria.setStartIndex(start); } if(count != null) { criteria.setMaxCount(count); } try { MerchantStore merchantStore = storeFacade.getByCode(; Language language = languageUtils.getRESTLanguage(request, merchantStore); ReadableProductList productList = productFacade.getProductListsByCriterias(merchantStore, language, criteria); return productList; } catch(Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error while filtering products product",e); try { response.sendError(503, "Error while filtering products " + e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception ignore) { } return null; } }
@requestmapping(value = "/products", method=requestmethod.get) @responsebody public readableproductlist getfiltered( @requestparam(value = "lang", required=false) string lang, @requestparam(value = "category", required=false) long category, @requestparam(value = "manufacturer", required=false) long manufacturer, @requestparam(value = "status", required=false) string status, @requestparam(value = "owner", required=false) long owner, @requestparam(value = "start", required=false) integer start, @requestparam(value = "count", required=false) integer count, httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response) throws exception { productcriteria criteria = new productcriteria(); if(!stringutils.isblank(lang)) { criteria.setlanguage(lang); } if(!stringutils.isblank(status)) { criteria.setstatus(status); } if(category != null) { list<long> categoryids = new arraylist<long>(); categoryids.add(category); criteria.setcategoryids(categoryids); } if(manufacturer != null) { criteria.setmanufacturerid(manufacturer); } if(owner != null) { criteria.setownerid(owner); } if(start != null) { criteria.setstartindex(start); } if(count != null) { criteria.setmaxcount(count); } try { merchantstore merchantstore = storefacade.getbycode(; language language = languageutils.getrestlanguage(request, merchantstore); readableproductlist productlist = productfacade.getproductlistsbycriterias(merchantstore, language, criteria); return productlist; } catch(exception e) { logger.error("error while filtering products product",e); try { response.senderror(503, "error while filtering products " + e.getmessage()); } catch (exception ignore) { } return null; } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public synchronized void updateState(ServiceStateProcessor<T> processor) { // String transactionId = null; // try { // javax.transaction.TransactionManager transactionManager = com.arjuna.ats.jta.TransactionManager.transactionManager(); // TransactionImple transaction = (TransactionImple) transactionManager.getTransaction(); // if (transaction == null) // return; // // int status = transaction.getStatus(); // transactionId = transaction.get_uid().stringForm(); // //transactionId = TransactionManager.getTransactionId(); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // return; // } BasicAction currentAction = ThreadActionData.currentAction(); if (currentAction == null) return; String transactionId = ThreadActionData.currentAction().get_uid().toString(); if (transactionId == null) //TODO follow specified TX policy return; // we cannot proceed while a (another) prepare is in progress while (isLocked()) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } } T derivedState = getDerivedState(transactionId); if (derivedState != null) { if (!processor.validateState(derivedState)) { //TODO get error message from processor throw new WebServiceException("Invalid request"); } // update the number of booked and free seats in the derived state processor.updateState(derivedState); } else { if (!processor.validateState(currentState)) { //TODO get error message from processor throw new WebServiceException("Invalid request"); } // create a state derived from the current state which holds the new value(s) T childState = currentState.getDerivedState(); // updates current state using values from the specified derived state processor.updateState(childState); // install the specified derived state as the current transaction state putDerivedState(transactionId, childState); //currentState = childState; } }
public synchronized void updateState(ServiceStateProcessor<T> processor) { BasicAction currentAction = ThreadActionData.currentAction(); if (currentAction == null) return; String transactionId = ThreadActionData.currentAction().get_uid().toString(); if (transactionId == null) return; while (isLocked()) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } T derivedState = getDerivedState(transactionId); if (derivedState != null) { if (!processor.validateState(derivedState)) { throw new WebServiceException("Invalid request"); } processor.updateState(derivedState); } else { if (!processor.validateState(currentState)) { throw new WebServiceException("Invalid request"); } T childState = currentState.getDerivedState(); processor.updateState(childState); putDerivedState(transactionId, childState); } }
public synchronized void updatestate(servicestateprocessor<t> processor) { basicaction currentaction = threadactiondata.currentaction(); if (currentaction == null) return; string transactionid = threadactiondata.currentaction().get_uid().tostring(); if (transactionid == null) return; while (islocked()) { try { wait(); } catch (interruptedexception e) { } } t derivedstate = getderivedstate(transactionid); if (derivedstate != null) { if (!processor.validatestate(derivedstate)) { throw new webserviceexception("invalid request"); } processor.updatestate(derivedstate); } else { if (!processor.validatestate(currentstate)) { throw new webserviceexception("invalid request"); } t childstate = currentstate.getderivedstate(); processor.updatestate(childstate); putderivedstate(transactionid, childstate); } }
[ 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
public synchronized void execute(ServiceStateProcessor<T> processor, String transactionId) { // we cannot proceed while a (another) prepare is in progress while (isLocked()) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } } T derivedState = getDerivedState(transactionId); if (derivedState != null) { if (!processor.validateState(derivedState)) { //TODO get error message from processor throw new WebServiceException("Invalid request"); } // update the number of booked and free seats in the derived state processor.updateState(derivedState); } else { if (!processor.validateState(currentState)) { //TODO get error message from processor throw new WebServiceException("Invalid request"); } // create a state derived from the current state which holds the new value(s) T childState = currentState.getDerivedState(); // updates the current state using values from the specified derived state processor.updateState(childState); // install the specified derived state as the current transaction state putDerivedState(transactionId, childState); } }
public synchronized void execute(ServiceStateProcessor<T> processor, String transactionId) { while (isLocked()) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } T derivedState = getDerivedState(transactionId); if (derivedState != null) { if (!processor.validateState(derivedState)) { throw new WebServiceException("Invalid request"); } processor.updateState(derivedState); } else { if (!processor.validateState(currentState)) { throw new WebServiceException("Invalid request"); } T childState = currentState.getDerivedState(); processor.updateState(childState); putDerivedState(transactionId, childState); } }
public synchronized void execute(servicestateprocessor<t> processor, string transactionid) { while (islocked()) { try { wait(); } catch (interruptedexception e) { } } t derivedstate = getderivedstate(transactionid); if (derivedstate != null) { if (!processor.validatestate(derivedstate)) { throw new webserviceexception("invalid request"); } processor.updatestate(derivedstate); } else { if (!processor.validatestate(currentstate)) { throw new webserviceexception("invalid request"); } t childstate = currentstate.getderivedstate(); processor.updatestate(childstate); putderivedstate(transactionid, childstate); } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
private void startIce4j(BundleContext bundleContext, ConfigurationService cfg) { // TODO Packet logging for ice4j is not supported at this time. StunStack.setPacketLogger(null); // Make all ice4j properties system properties. if (cfg != null) { List<String> ice4jPropertyNames = cfg.getPropertyNamesByPrefix("org.ice4j.", false); if (ice4jPropertyNames != null && !ice4jPropertyNames.isEmpty()) { for (String propertyName : ice4jPropertyNames) { String propertyValue = cfg.getString(propertyName); // we expect the getString to return either null or a // non-empty String object. if (propertyValue != null) System.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue); } } // These properties are moved to ice4j. This is to make sure that we // still support the old names. String oldPrefix = "org.jitsi.videobridge"; String newPrefix = ""; for (String propertyName : new String[] { HarvesterConfiguration.NAT_HARVESTER_LOCAL_ADDRESS, HarvesterConfiguration.NAT_HARVESTER_PUBLIC_ADDRESS, HarvesterConfiguration.DISABLE_AWS_HARVESTER, HarvesterConfiguration.FORCE_AWS_HARVESTER, HarvesterConfiguration.STUN_MAPPING_HARVESTER_ADDRESSES }) { String propertyValue = cfg.getString(propertyName); if (propertyValue != null) { String newPropertyName = newPrefix + propertyName.substring(oldPrefix.length()); System.setProperty(newPropertyName, propertyValue); } } String enableLipSync = cfg.getString(Endpoint.ENABLE_LIPSYNC_HACK_PNAME); if (enableLipSync != null) { System.setProperty(VideoChannel.ENABLE_LIPSYNC_HACK_PNAME, enableLipSync); } String disableNackTerminaton = cfg.getString(VideoChannel.DISABLE_NACK_TERMINATION_PNAME); if (disableNackTerminaton != null) { System.setProperty(RtxTransformer.DISABLE_NACK_TERMINATION_PNAME, disableNackTerminaton); } } // Initialize the the host candidate interface filters in the ice4j // stack. try { HostCandidateHarvester.initializeInterfaceFilters(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("There were errors during host candidate interface filters" + " initialization.", e); } // Start the initialization of the mapping candidate harvesters. // Asynchronous, because the AWS and STUN harvester may take a long // time to initialize. new Thread(MappingCandidateHarvesters::initialize).start(); }
private void startIce4j(BundleContext bundleContext, ConfigurationService cfg) { StunStack.setPacketLogger(null); if (cfg != null) { List<String> ice4jPropertyNames = cfg.getPropertyNamesByPrefix("org.ice4j.", false); if (ice4jPropertyNames != null && !ice4jPropertyNames.isEmpty()) { for (String propertyName : ice4jPropertyNames) { String propertyValue = cfg.getString(propertyName); if (propertyValue != null) System.setProperty(propertyName, propertyValue); } } String oldPrefix = "org.jitsi.videobridge"; String newPrefix = ""; for (String propertyName : new String[] { HarvesterConfiguration.NAT_HARVESTER_LOCAL_ADDRESS, HarvesterConfiguration.NAT_HARVESTER_PUBLIC_ADDRESS, HarvesterConfiguration.DISABLE_AWS_HARVESTER, HarvesterConfiguration.FORCE_AWS_HARVESTER, HarvesterConfiguration.STUN_MAPPING_HARVESTER_ADDRESSES }) { String propertyValue = cfg.getString(propertyName); if (propertyValue != null) { String newPropertyName = newPrefix + propertyName.substring(oldPrefix.length()); System.setProperty(newPropertyName, propertyValue); } } String enableLipSync = cfg.getString(Endpoint.ENABLE_LIPSYNC_HACK_PNAME); if (enableLipSync != null) { System.setProperty(VideoChannel.ENABLE_LIPSYNC_HACK_PNAME, enableLipSync); } String disableNackTerminaton = cfg.getString(VideoChannel.DISABLE_NACK_TERMINATION_PNAME); if (disableNackTerminaton != null) { System.setProperty(RtxTransformer.DISABLE_NACK_TERMINATION_PNAME, disableNackTerminaton); } } try { HostCandidateHarvester.initializeInterfaceFilters(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("There were errors during host candidate interface filters" + " initialization.", e); } new Thread(MappingCandidateHarvesters::initialize).start(); }
private void startice4j(bundlecontext bundlecontext, configurationservice cfg) { stunstack.setpacketlogger(null); if (cfg != null) { list<string> ice4jpropertynames = cfg.getpropertynamesbyprefix("org.ice4j.", false); if (ice4jpropertynames != null && !ice4jpropertynames.isempty()) { for (string propertyname : ice4jpropertynames) { string propertyvalue = cfg.getstring(propertyname); if (propertyvalue != null) system.setproperty(propertyname, propertyvalue); } } string oldprefix = "org.jitsi.videobridge"; string newprefix = ""; for (string propertyname : new string[] { harvesterconfiguration.nat_harvester_local_address, harvesterconfiguration.nat_harvester_public_address, harvesterconfiguration.disable_aws_harvester, harvesterconfiguration.force_aws_harvester, harvesterconfiguration.stun_mapping_harvester_addresses }) { string propertyvalue = cfg.getstring(propertyname); if (propertyvalue != null) { string newpropertyname = newprefix + propertyname.substring(oldprefix.length()); system.setproperty(newpropertyname, propertyvalue); } } string enablelipsync = cfg.getstring(endpoint.enable_lipsync_hack_pname); if (enablelipsync != null) { system.setproperty(videochannel.enable_lipsync_hack_pname, enablelipsync); } string disablenackterminaton = cfg.getstring(videochannel.disable_nack_termination_pname); if (disablenackterminaton != null) { system.setproperty(rtxtransformer.disable_nack_termination_pname, disablenackterminaton); } } try { hostcandidateharvester.initializeinterfacefilters(); } catch (exception e) { logger.warn("there were errors during host candidate interface filters" + " initialization.", e); } new thread(mappingcandidateharvesters::initialize).start(); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) private void registerDisplayListener() { final DisplayManager displayManager = (DisplayManager) getSystemService(Context.DISPLAY_SERVICE); final Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); displayManager.registerDisplayListener(mDisplayListener, handler); }
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) private void registerDisplayListener() { final DisplayManager displayManager = (DisplayManager) getSystemService(Context.DISPLAY_SERVICE); final Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); displayManager.registerDisplayListener(mDisplayListener, handler); }
@requiresapi(api = build.version_codes.jelly_bean_mr1) private void registerdisplaylistener() { final displaymanager displaymanager = (displaymanager) getsystemservice(context.display_service); final handler handler = new handler(looper.getmainlooper()); displaymanager.registerdisplaylistener(mdisplaylistener, handler); }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
private Point getAbsoluteLocation() throws UiGuardException { if(UiGuardSettings.isIECore()){ return getIECoreAbsoluteLocation(); }else if(UiGuardSettings.isChromeCore()){ return getChromeCoreAbsoluteLocation(); }else if(UiGuardSettings.isFirefoxCore()){ return getFireFoxCoreAbsoluteLocation(); }else{ //TODO more browser should be supported throw new UiGuardException("[Error][This function only support IE,CHROME,FIREFOX by this time]"); } }
private Point getAbsoluteLocation() throws UiGuardException { if(UiGuardSettings.isIECore()){ return getIECoreAbsoluteLocation(); }else if(UiGuardSettings.isChromeCore()){ return getChromeCoreAbsoluteLocation(); }else if(UiGuardSettings.isFirefoxCore()){ return getFireFoxCoreAbsoluteLocation(); }else{ throw new UiGuardException("[Error][This function only support IE,CHROME,FIREFOX by this time]"); } }
private point getabsolutelocation() throws uiguardexception { if(uiguardsettings.isiecore()){ return getiecoreabsolutelocation(); }else if(uiguardsettings.ischromecore()){ return getchromecoreabsolutelocation(); }else if(uiguardsettings.isfirefoxcore()){ return getfirefoxcoreabsolutelocation(); }else{ throw new uiguardexception("[error][this function only support ie,chrome,firefox by this time]"); } }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public static void addJsonToGrid ( OutputStream outputStream, AccessibilityResult accessibilityResult, List<TaskError> scenarioApplicationWarnings, List<TaskError> scenarioApplicationInfo, PathResult pathResult ) throws IOException { var jsonBlock = new GridJsonBlock(); jsonBlock.scenarioApplicationInfo = scenarioApplicationInfo; jsonBlock.scenarioApplicationWarnings = scenarioApplicationWarnings; if (accessibilityResult != null) { // Due to the application of distance decay functions, we may want to make the shift to non-integer // accessibility values (especially for cases where there are relatively few opportunities across the whole // study area). But we'd need to control the number of decimal places serialized into the JSON. jsonBlock.accessibility = accessibilityResult.getIntValues(); } jsonBlock.pathSummaries = pathResult == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : pathResult.getPathIterationsForDestination(); LOG.debug("Travel time surface written, appending {}.", jsonBlock); // We could do this when setting up the Spark handler, supplying writeValue as the response transformer // But then you also have to handle the case where you are returning raw bytes. JsonUtilities.objectMapper.writeValue(outputStream, jsonBlock); LOG.debug("Done writing"); }
public static void addJsonToGrid ( OutputStream outputStream, AccessibilityResult accessibilityResult, List<TaskError> scenarioApplicationWarnings, List<TaskError> scenarioApplicationInfo, PathResult pathResult ) throws IOException { var jsonBlock = new GridJsonBlock(); jsonBlock.scenarioApplicationInfo = scenarioApplicationInfo; jsonBlock.scenarioApplicationWarnings = scenarioApplicationWarnings; if (accessibilityResult != null) { jsonBlock.accessibility = accessibilityResult.getIntValues(); } jsonBlock.pathSummaries = pathResult == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : pathResult.getPathIterationsForDestination(); LOG.debug("Travel time surface written, appending {}.", jsonBlock); JsonUtilities.objectMapper.writeValue(outputStream, jsonBlock); LOG.debug("Done writing"); }
public static void addjsontogrid ( outputstream outputstream, accessibilityresult accessibilityresult, list<taskerror> scenarioapplicationwarnings, list<taskerror> scenarioapplicationinfo, pathresult pathresult ) throws ioexception { var jsonblock = new gridjsonblock(); jsonblock.scenarioapplicationinfo = scenarioapplicationinfo; jsonblock.scenarioapplicationwarnings = scenarioapplicationwarnings; if (accessibilityresult != null) { jsonblock.accessibility = accessibilityresult.getintvalues(); } jsonblock.pathsummaries = pathresult == null ? collections.empty_list : pathresult.getpathiterationsfordestination(); log.debug("travel time surface written, appending {}.", jsonblock); jsonutilities.objectmapper.writevalue(outputstream, jsonblock); log.debug("done writing"); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
public void testArrayEnumerationWithDataModification() throws CouchbaseLiteException { MutableArray array = new MutableArray(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) array.addValue(i); Iterator<Object> itr = array.iterator(); int count = 0; try { while (itr.hasNext()) {; if (count++ == 0) array.addValue(2); } fail("Expected ConcurrentModificationException"); } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) { } assertEquals(3, array.count()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2).toString(), array.toList().toString()); MutableDocument doc = createMutableDocument("doc1"); doc.setValue("array", array); doc = save(doc).toMutable(); array = doc.getArray("array"); itr = array.iterator(); count = 0; try { while (itr.hasNext()) {; if (count++ == 0) array.addValue(3); } fail("Expected ConcurrentModificationException"); } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) { } assertEquals(4, array.count()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3).toString(), array.toList().toString()); }
public void testArrayEnumerationWithDataModification() throws CouchbaseLiteException { MutableArray array = new MutableArray(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) array.addValue(i); Iterator<Object> itr = array.iterator(); int count = 0; try { while (itr.hasNext()) {; if (count++ == 0) array.addValue(2); } fail("Expected ConcurrentModificationException"); } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) { } assertEquals(3, array.count()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2).toString(), array.toList().toString()); MutableDocument doc = createMutableDocument("doc1"); doc.setValue("array", array); doc = save(doc).toMutable(); array = doc.getArray("array"); itr = array.iterator(); count = 0; try { while (itr.hasNext()) {; if (count++ == 0) array.addValue(3); } fail("Expected ConcurrentModificationException"); } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) { } assertEquals(4, array.count()); assertEquals(Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3).toString(), array.toList().toString()); }
public void testarrayenumerationwithdatamodification() throws couchbaseliteexception { mutablearray array = new mutablearray(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) array.addvalue(i); iterator<object> itr = array.iterator(); int count = 0; try { while (itr.hasnext()) {; if (count++ == 0) array.addvalue(2); } fail("expected concurrentmodificationexception"); } catch (concurrentmodificationexception e) { } assertequals(3, array.count()); assertequals(arrays.aslist(0, 1, 2).tostring(), array.tolist().tostring()); mutabledocument doc = createmutabledocument("doc1"); doc.setvalue("array", array); doc = save(doc).tomutable(); array = doc.getarray("array"); itr = array.iterator(); count = 0; try { while (itr.hasnext()) {; if (count++ == 0) array.addvalue(3); } fail("expected concurrentmodificationexception"); } catch (concurrentmodificationexception e) { } assertequals(4, array.count()); assertequals(arrays.aslist(0, 1, 2, 3).tostring(), array.tolist().tostring()); }
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
@GET @Path("updates") public Uni<Collection<World>> updates(@QueryParam("queries") String queries) { return worldRepository.inSession(session -> { // FIXME: not supported // session.setJdbcBatchSize(worlds.size()); session.setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL); var worlds = randomWorldForRead(session, parseQueryCount(queries)); return worlds.flatMap(worldsCollection -> { worldsCollection.forEach( w -> { //Read the one field, as required by the following rule: // # vi. At least the randomNumber field must be read from the database result set. final int previousRead = w.getRandomNumber(); //Update it, but make sure to exclude the current number as Hibernate optimisations would have us "fail" //the verification: w.setRandomNumber(randomWorldNumber(previousRead)); } ); return worldRepository.update(session, worldsCollection); }); }); }
@GET @Path("updates") public Uni<Collection<World>> updates(@QueryParam("queries") String queries) { return worldRepository.inSession(session -> { session.setFlushMode(FlushMode.MANUAL); var worlds = randomWorldForRead(session, parseQueryCount(queries)); return worlds.flatMap(worldsCollection -> { worldsCollection.forEach( w -> { final int previousRead = w.getRandomNumber(); w.setRandomNumber(randomWorldNumber(previousRead)); } ); return worldRepository.update(session, worldsCollection); }); }); }
@get @path("updates") public uni<collection<world>> updates(@queryparam("queries") string queries) { return worldrepository.insession(session -> { session.setflushmode(flushmode.manual); var worlds = randomworldforread(session, parsequerycount(queries)); return worlds.flatmap(worldscollection -> { worldscollection.foreach( w -> { final int previousread = w.getrandomnumber(); w.setrandomnumber(randomworldnumber(previousread)); } ); return worldrepository.update(session, worldscollection); }); }); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
public static LocalDefUse fromBundleFragment(Map<String, Object> bundleFragment) { // TODO deserialize the lambda block... return new LocalDefUse(null); }
public static LocalDefUse fromBundleFragment(Map<String, Object> bundleFragment) { return new LocalDefUse(null); }
public static localdefuse frombundlefragment(map<string, object> bundlefragment) { return new localdefuse(null); }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
int getRankInBlock(int rankPosition) { if (rank == null) { return -1; } assert rankPosition == denseRankPosition(rankPosition); int rankIndex = rankPosition >> RANK_BLOCK_BITS; return rankIndex >= rank.size() ? -1 : (int) rank.get(rankIndex); }
int getRankInBlock(int rankPosition) { if (rank == null) { return -1; } assert rankPosition == denseRankPosition(rankPosition); int rankIndex = rankPosition >> RANK_BLOCK_BITS; return rankIndex >= rank.size() ? -1 : (int) rank.get(rankIndex); }
int getrankinblock(int rankposition) { if (rank == null) { return -1; } assert rankposition == denserankposition(rankposition); int rankindex = rankposition >> rank_block_bits; return rankindex >= rank.size() ? -1 : (int) rank.get(rankindex); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
@Override public Boolean visit(CFieldReference pE) { return !alreadyAssigned.contains(pE); }
@Override public Boolean visit(CFieldReference pE) { return !alreadyAssigned.contains(pE); }
@override public boolean visit(cfieldreference pe) { return !alreadyassigned.contains(pe); }
[ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
protected List<T> getList(String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder, Integer limit) { List<T> rows = new ArrayList<>(); //noinspection TryWithIdenticalCatches try { Cursor c = mCr.query(mUri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); if (c != null) { if (c.moveToFirst()) { int i = 0; Constructor<T> constructor = mTableRowClass.getConstructor(this.getClass(), Cursor.class); do { rows.add(constructor.newInstance(this, c)); i++; } while ((limit == null || limit > i) && c.moveToNext()); } c.close(); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // We don't want to pass the exceptions up or rethrow a more generic exception, since // then, we would have to handle this on every object instantiation, but these // exceptions should never throw in production, since these are static code issues // (wrongly defined classes) which should be handled once, straight away and then // never change again. System.exit(-1); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } return rows; }
protected List<T> getList(String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder, Integer limit) { List<T> rows = new ArrayList<>(); try { Cursor c = mCr.query(mUri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); if (c != null) { if (c.moveToFirst()) { int i = 0; Constructor<T> constructor = mTableRowClass.getConstructor(this.getClass(), Cursor.class); do { rows.add(constructor.newInstance(this, c)); i++; } while ((limit == null || limit > i) && c.moveToNext()); } c.close(); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } return rows; }
protected list<t> getlist(string[] projection, string selection, string[] selectionargs, string sortorder, integer limit) { list<t> rows = new arraylist<>(); try { cursor c = mcr.query(muri, projection, selection, selectionargs, sortorder); if (c != null) { if (c.movetofirst()) { int i = 0; constructor<t> constructor = mtablerowclass.getconstructor(this.getclass(), cursor.class); do { rows.add(constructor.newinstance(this, c)); i++; } while ((limit == null || limit > i) && c.movetonext()); } c.close(); } } catch (nosuchmethodexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); system.exit(-1); } catch (instantiationexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); system.exit(-1); } catch (illegalaccessexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); system.exit(-1); } catch (invocationtargetexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); system.exit(-1); } return rows; }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
protected List<T> getList(String selection) { return getList(selection, null); }
protected List<T> getList(String selection) { return getList(selection, null); }
protected list<t> getlist(string selection) { return getlist(selection, null); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@SuppressWarnings("unused") protected List<T> getList() { return getList(null); }
@SuppressWarnings("unused") protected List<T> getList() { return getList(null); }
@suppresswarnings("unused") protected list<t> getlist() { return getlist(null); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@SuppressWarnings("unused") protected T get(String[] selectionArgs) { return get(mUniqueRowSelection, selectionArgs); }
@SuppressWarnings("unused") protected T get(String[] selectionArgs) { return get(mUniqueRowSelection, selectionArgs); }
@suppresswarnings("unused") protected t get(string[] selectionargs) { return get(muniquerowselection, selectionargs); }
[ 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
@Override public boolean onPaymentAppCreated(PaymentApp paymentApp) { // Ignores the service worker payment apps in WebLayer until - // TODO( WebLayer supports Service worker payment apps. return paymentApp.getPaymentAppType() != PaymentAppType.SERVICE_WORKER_APP; }
@Override public boolean onPaymentAppCreated(PaymentApp paymentApp) { return paymentApp.getPaymentAppType() != PaymentAppType.SERVICE_WORKER_APP; }
@override public boolean onpaymentappcreated(paymentapp paymentapp) { return paymentapp.getpaymentapptype() != paymentapptype.service_worker_app; }
[ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
public String toXml(int indentLevel){ String indent = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= indentLevel; i++) indent = indent + "\t"; String xml = indent + "<MonitorCategory id='" + + "' name='" + + "' priority='" + this.priority + "' status='" + this.status + "' delete_time='" + this.deleteTime + "' note='" + this.note + "' />"; return xml; }
public String toXml(int indentLevel){ String indent = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= indentLevel; i++) indent = indent + "\t"; String xml = indent + "<MonitorCategory id='" + + "' name='" + + "' priority='" + this.priority + "' status='" + this.status + "' delete_time='" + this.deleteTime + "' note='" + this.note + "' />"; return xml; }
public string toxml(int indentlevel){ string indent = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= indentlevel; i++) indent = indent + "\t"; string xml = indent + "<monitorcategory id='" + + "' name='" + + "' priority='" + this.priority + "' status='" + this.status + "' delete_time='" + this.deletetime + "' note='" + this.note + "' />"; return xml; }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]