stringlengths 86
Tom left. لقد غادر توم. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005178 (CK) & #2005379 (Asma) |
Tom lied. لقد كذِبَ توم. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005179 (CK) & #2005375 (Asma) |
Tom lost. لقد خَسِرَ توم. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005180 (CK) & #2005376 (Asma) |
Tom quit. توم استقال. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005183 (CK) & #2005368 (Asma) |
Try some. هاك، جرب. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1916312 (CK) & #6731998 (Safa_Alfulaij) |
Who am I? من أنا؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #259378 (Zifre) & #1245444 (saeb) |
Who died? من مات؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005187 (CK) & #2005348 (Asma) |
Who died? من توفي؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005187 (CK) & #2005351 (Asma) |
After you. من بعدك CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #505870 (wma) & #6679441 (marhabaan) |
Birds fly. العصافير تطير. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #278213 (CK) & #586910 (saeb) |
Birds fly. تحلق الطيور. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #278213 (CK) & #586911 (saeb) |
Bless you. يُباركك. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111946 (CK) & #2113118 (Asma) |
Calm down. اِهدأ. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #435575 (CK) & #374719 (saeb) |
Can we go? هل نستطيع أن نذهب؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005176 (CK) & #2005384 (Asma) |
Come here. تعال هنا. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #39944 (Swift) & #372138 (saeb) |
Come here. تعال إلى هنا. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #39944 (Swift) & #374013 (saeb) |
Come here. اقتربي. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #39944 (Swift) & #6996009 (OsoHombre) |
Come home. تعال إلى منزلي. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #413767 (Scott) & #336157 (socom) |
Did I win? هل أنا فُزت؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005189 (CK) & #2005340 (Asma) |
Do it now. افعل ذلك الآن. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #435763 (CK) & #617304 (saeb) |
Don't lie. إياك و الكذب. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111913 (CK) & #4185255 (Alaakhalid) |
Excuse me. عفواً. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433504 (CK) & #586916 (saeb) |
Fantastic! رائع! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433511 (CK) & #1245437 (saeb) |
Forget it! انسَ الأمر. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1178694 (CK) & #628721 (Samer) |
Forget it! انسَ ذلك CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1178694 (CK) & #6670053 (marhabaan) |
Forget it. انسَ الأمر. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20398 (Eldad) & #628721 (Samer) |
Forget it. انسَ ذلك CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20398 (Eldad) & #6670053 (marhabaan) |
Forget me. انسني. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1512159 (CM) & #7981841 (OsoHombre) |
Go inside. أُدخُلْ. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2428954 (CK) & #3073329 (altusi) |
Go to bed. اذهب إلى النوم CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2649250 (CK) & #5548214 (WaelAlwasel) |
Good luck. بالتوفيق. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #239431 (sacredceltic) & #629220 (Samer) |
Goodnight. ليلة سعيدة. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7822164 (sharris123) & #1002593 (damascene) |
Goodnight. مساء الخير CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7822164 (sharris123) & #7482087 (AbdMMansour) |
Hands off. لا تلمسني. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #268620 (CM) & #375572 (saeb) |
He is ill. إنه مريض. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #371409 (saeb) & #371408 (saeb) |
He is ill. هو مريض CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #371409 (saeb) & #6670052 (marhabaan) |
How's Tom? كيف توم؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005177 (CK) & #2005380 (Asma) |
How's Tom? كيف حال توم؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005177 (CK) & #2005382 (Asma) |
I am cold. أشعر بالبرد. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436325 (lukaszpp) & #375533 (saeb) |
I am okay. أنا بخير. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #376402 (saeb) & #376401 (saeb) |
I am sure. أنا متأكد. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #436433 (lukaszpp) & #623965 (Samer) |
I hope so. آمل ذلك. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #51142 (CK) & #376236 (saeb) |
I laughed. ضحكت. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #258713 (CK) & #395596 (saeb) |
I like it. هذا يعجبني. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1520245 (ABChessel) & #1871666 (Asma) |
I love it. أنا أحبه. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3812708 (robbieheslop) & #4942272 (damascene) |
I see Tom. أنا أرى توم CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2235735 (CK) & #6679442 (marhabaan) |
I'm a boy. أنا ولد. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #7426412 (CK) & #375724 (saeb) |
I'm a kid. أنا ولد. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #8397751 (CK) & #375724 (saeb) |
I'm a man. أنا رجلٌ. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #580774 (FeuDRenais) & #2690076 (damascene) |
I'm alone. أنا لوحدي. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111761 (CK) & #3677812 (Alaakhalid) |
I'm bored. مللت. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #431539 (Clavain) & #4940080 (damascene) |
I'm broke. لقد كُسِرت CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #18547 (CK) & #6679443 (marhabaan) |
I'm happy. أنا سعيد CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1872056 (Eldad) & #6679444 (marhabaan) |
I'm lucky. انا محظوظ. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111713 (CK) & #6900728 (adals) |
I'm needy. أنا مسكين. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2203101 (CK) & #2602735 (Samer) |
I'm ready. أنا مستعد. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1891110 (CK) & #1891301 (Asma) |
I'm ready. أنا مستعدة. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1891110 (CK) & #1891302 (Asma) |
I'm sorry. أنا آسف. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #38387 (CK) & #416709 (saeb) |
I'm sorry. أنا متأسف. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #38387 (CK) & #586917 (saeb) |
I'm sorry. أتأسف. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #38387 (CK) & #586918 (saeb) |
I'm sorry. أنا آسف CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #38387 (CK) & #6679445 (marhabaan) |
I'm tired. أنا متعب. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1705 (brauliobezerra) & #458430 (saeb) |
Is it new? هل هذا جديد؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1910886 (Zaghawa) & #1910996 (Asma) |
It's cold. الجو بارد. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1813 (CK) & #371032 (saeb) |
It's late. إنها ساعة متأخرة. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #31195 (CK) & #371044 (saeb) |
Let me go. دَعني أذهب. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1935448 (Spamster) & #1935691 (Asma) |
Listen up. اسمع CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #3171862 (CK) & #6679446 (marhabaan) |
Look back! انظر خلفك! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #240166 (CK) & #373013 (saeb) |
Of course! طبعاً! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433730 (CK) & #617291 (saeb) |
Of course. بالطبع. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433492 (CK) & #617118 (saeb) |
Of course. طبعاً. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433492 (CK) & #617119 (saeb) |
Of course. بالتأكيد. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433492 (CK) & #617120 (saeb) |
Of course. طبعاً! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433492 (CK) & #617291 (saeb) |
Pardon me? المعذرة؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #31477 (CK) & #4928265 (khaldoon) |
Seriously? أأنت جاد؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1327057 (bmaynard87) & #6009443 (damascene) |
She walks. هي تمشي CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #316925 (CK) & #6670024 (marhabaan) |
Stay away. ابتعد عني CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111516 (CK) & #7482161 (AbdMMansour) |
Stay thin. حافظي على جسم نحيف. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #275014 (CM) & #3855244 (nadou) |
Stay thin. إبقي نحيفة. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #275014 (CM) & #3855248 (nadou) |
Stay thin. حافظ على نحافتك. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #275014 (CM) & #3855250 (nadou) |
Stop that! أوقف ذلك CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #651592 (orbpic) & #6679447 (marhabaan) |
Stop that. أوقف ذلك CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1860592 (CK) & #6679447 (marhabaan) |
Stop them. أوقفهم. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2111491 (CK) & #3667228 (Alaakhalid) |
Take care! انتبه! CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #324861 (CK) & #372113 (saeb) |
Take care. مع السلامة. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20362 (sacredceltic) & #372112 (saeb) |
Take care. اعتن بنفسك. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20362 (sacredceltic) & #4228470 (Alaakhalid) |
Take care. اعتني بنفسك CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #20362 (sacredceltic) & #7482091 (AbdMMansour) |
Thank you. شكراً لك CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #1876041 (Asma) & #6679448 (marhabaan) |
Then what? ثم ماذا؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #53035 (CM) & #372186 (saeb) |
Then what? ماذا بعد ذلك؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #53035 (CM) & #372187 (saeb) |
Tom moved. لقد تحرك توم. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005181 (CK) & #2005371 (Asma) |
Tom waved. لَوَحَ توم. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #2005185 (CK) & #2005364 (Asma) |
Watch out! انتبه CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #375828 (megamanenm) & #6679440 (marhabaan) |
We're hot. نشعر بالحرارة CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #464466 (lukaszpp) & #6679449 (marhabaan) |
What's up? ما الجديد؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #25164 (CK) & #372078 (saeb) |
Who cares? من يهمّه؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #40434 (CK) & #371649 (saeb) |
Who is it? مَن؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #428379 (witbrock) & #823760 (Samer) |
Who knows? من يدري؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #276369 (CK) & #371650 (saeb) |
Who knows? من يعلم؟ CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #276369 (CK) & #371651 (saeb) |
Wonderful! مذهل. CC-BY 2.0 (France) Attribution: tatoeba.org #433510 (CK) & #3667182 (Alaakhalid) |
Subsets and Splits