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Sentence t Two bombs planted near an Islamic school in Pakistan filed eight people and injured 42 others yesterday in the la ‘outbreak of vilence gripping the southern port of Karachi Sentence 2 Eight people planted two bombs near an Islamic in Pakistan. | 11
Service following, Katrina, together with more than 83% of natural gas Production, the extent of dama done by Hurricane Katrina, to output in | | 11
Séntenge: “ts! ys° Sonera, | the, | 11
Sentence 1: "Bless Me, Ultima” has survived a challenge in New York without being banned, or indeed, burned. It came in 75th on the American Library Association's list of the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990-2000. By comparison, the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh positions are occupied by Robert Cormier's The Chocolate War, Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, and J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, respectively. Sentence 2: J.K. Rowling is the author of “Harry Potter". | 00
"Sentencé: 41: “Unlike ’thé.. thieg” subtypes: Zaire, Sudan --and “Ivaty “Coast. which: : can. cause shemorsfiagic ‘symptoms, Re does. not... There has ‘been’. a6 “evidence ee can “catise Significant: illnéss" in hurnans: ‘When “Reston. was previously: found. in mmiofikeys, Tew animal handlers were: infétted:-biit\-only’ “éne “had very: mild symptoinis;" the DOH'S official ‘website’ announced: “In’:Jahuaty”:1997, ‘the’ Phitippines Department: of Envitonhiéitt-<nd Natural Resdurces: ordéred ,thié immediate \ slaughter “of. sorie 600. ‘imorikeys’ in “Ferlite, a breeding farmin, Laguna, t0, prevent. an outbreak of Resign ebslavirus. | 11
Sentence 1:'Thé Bulls, agreed to trade center. Eddy Curry, to the NewYork Knicks.on Monday. Sentence 2: Eddy Curry was Acquiréd by the Bulls, | 11
Sentence f: The team Includes Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who won the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize for his opposition to apartheid in South Africa, and Wangari Maathai, who won the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize for her work on the environment and peace. Others in the Dalai Lama's ‘dream team’ are Jody Williams, who won the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize for her work on banning landmines; Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan, who received the 1976 Nobel Peace Prize for their work to end violence in Northern Ireland, and Maria Shriver, who is the wife of California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. | 00
Sentence 1: A radiation leak at a nuclear power plant in Yeonggwang, South Jeolla province, led officials yesterday to shut down the facility. Sentence 2: The nuclear power plant of Sosnovyi Bor suffers an emergency shut down. | 11
‘Sentence:1: Workers at the ‘Lufthansa ‘Technik Automotive ‘plant in Co. Dublin are due to-vote, ‘today .on changes ~to “wart. practices “being: sought: by. the company's’ management. “The. “aircraft. engine ‘maintétiace: firm. has “warned, that sejéction of the propoialg mould: ¢hreaten a 330m = dnvestrnent in. the faioode ant tnd put’ jobs. at-risk: UTA says it-is not seekitig. any Iay-off%- or “pay, cuts and the” planned: investment would guarantee the future of the plant for tho next'15- years. ‘The work-practice "changes: axe’ -being - “sought Tollowing the’ collapse. of Labour Relations “Commission talles on. thé matter,‘ Sénitence’ %: Lufthansa” “Téchnik“ Autoniotive “fires 30 workers: . we | 11
Sentence 1: India, an enchanting country situated im the southern central peninsula of the Asian, continent, covers over 3.28 million square kilometers. | 00
‘Sentence “7: CNET" reporters. James Kim -has:-béeh Apund.’ sdedd’ in’ the, southiyesterri Oregons ‘wilderness. oftér. ‘getting last “with. his: family rr November"25 Kim, 25, ws. F6und-<t’1200 riooi. Wednesday, hott, :6:'mile ‘awal), From -the ‘Rogue’ River. His uite- Katt Kim, 20-Yedrs<old, ond: her be “young. childfen: ‘were’ found :. alive arr December”-4 after theg: waved. anc umbrella. toa private. helicopter::Kali ond her'tio. children were siclifted.out “oF: the .erea : ahd “transferred, ‘by ‘dimbUlancé td Three’ Rivers Coninfurity: Héspital:in Gronts Pass: Kati’ suffered Erostbite “on two toes) ‘put lit is expected’ that: ‘she: ill, bein’ good -condttions, = 7 ‘ Rae ee teen : Sentence 2: Jarnes Kirn: worked For CNET. | 00
Sentence 1: Blue Mountain Lumber said today it ma; have to relocate a $30 million project offshore in the} wake of an Environment Court decision that blocks it from a planned development site on the| Coromandel. Sentence 2: Blue Mountain Lumber will locate a development site on the Coromandel. | 11
Sentenced hostages in Iraq. were freed. Sentence. Zhe four Jordanian ‘hostages,. ‘kidnapped about a week ago, were freed. *~ | 11
Sentence 1 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was born in:London on April, 21 1926, first child of the uke and Duchess of York, subsequently King) lGeorge VI and Queen Elizabeth, Five weeks later| she was christened in the chapel of Buckingham Palace and was given the names Elizabeth] lAlexandra Mary Windsor. The Queen ascended the| throne on February 6, 1952 upon the death of her Hathen King Geonge Vi. Her Coronation followed on June 2 1953. sentence 2 Elizabeth the Seconds father was George Vi | 00
the accident has not been and the fate of the pilot! is unknown. The jet was on a test mission| when it crashed. Sentence 2: Mojave Desert is located i California. - - | 00
‘Sentence 1: A recent study found no evidence of ‘seasonal affective disorder in Iceland where the sun does not appear fora long time inthe winter. Sentence 2 Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a worldwide disorder. | 11
Sentence 1: Wal-Mart has received lot of negative publicity} recently, including allegations that it used illegal workers and} inade employees ‘work without pay during lunch breaks, as well as complaints that it generally underpays employees. Sentence 2: Wal-Mart faces allegations for underpaying. ‘eimployees. | 00
Sentence 1: SCORES of fast food outlets have launched a legal challenge over payment and, employment conditions for its workers, it emerged yesterday. The case is being taken by the newly formed Quick Service Food Alliance (QSFA), which also warned that, current legislation would lead to job losses and businesses closures due to labour costs. The QSFA represents 170 businesses in the fast food.sector including Subway, Supermacs and McDonald's. It said it was to take a High Court challenge to the rights of the Catering Joint Labour Committee ULC) to set minimum wages and employment conditions for workers in the catering industry Sentence 2: The Quick Service Food Alliance also includes McDonald's. | 00
Sentence’ 1: The longest’ mission. to Salyut 7 was also .a_recotd-breaker; lasting 237 days {nearly eight, months). in space. Sentence 2; 237 days is the record for the longest stay in space by a human. | 11
Sentence 1: The nirie men,.aged. between 19 and: 32, are being: held ‘at Paddington Green “:high | security police-“station’ ‘in central‘London, Sentence. 2:-between ig’ and:32 merare being field. “at. Paddirigton Green high security police station in central London. | 11
‘Sentence tbe Ferry 1942, the Japanese Imperial Arey Landed wn army +f 20 theasand taen in OB Whe capital of East Theor) and eccupied the Yen Portage se can Sentence 2 Last Tiswr was 4 color of DB before it was eccapled by ademas in 875, | 11
i sentence 1: The National Basketball Association (NBA) | vas released the rosters for the 2007 NBA All-Star Game. The starting rosters can be found on the newly | tunched 2007 All-Star Game website. The 56th Alt star Game is scheduled to take place on Sunday, February 18 at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. 2007 Eastern Conference All-Stars Starters Gilbert Arenas (Washington) Chris Bosh (Toronto) LeBron James (Cleveland) Shaquille O'Neal (Miami) Dwayne Wade (Miami) 2007 Western Conference All-Stars Starters Kobe Bryant (LA. Lakers) Tim Duncan (San ‘Antonio) Kevin Garnett (Minnesota) Tracy McGrady (Houston) Yao Ming (Houston) The All Star Website WS also launched at ‘about noon EST on January 26. The website features pictures of the players on the rosters and other information. | 11
Sentence rinwest Wenezivlc have been ‘cning the ily wreck ofa ple pl seit Taal {tiling ll 160 people on board. Santen 2k chide ni ert eig howe Pakdaintt ion gerd oud tunity | 11
Sentence 1: Baghdad had announced that it will stop cooperating with| UNSCOM completely but indicated that it will not ask for their’ departure. Sentence 2: Baghdad will end it's cooperation with UNSCOM, and wants them to leave. | 11
Sentence. 2°93, | 11
Sentence. x Chicago: bised Boeing his’alreddy scrubbed. thieé delivery slois if'sd66°iliat had Been boaked by Ait Canada. Sentence 2 Bocinis's Headquiaiters is in Cariada | 11
entered Peru ae 0 tour on Apel 4 Sentence 2 Rosales lost a president! race to Chavez in 2006 | 11
Sentence 1: Babe - Ruth's - career: total. would ‘have’ been} ‘higher had that rule not been ih. effect: in. the early’ part. of. his career. The all-time. career'record. for home runs-in’ Major League: Baseball.is 755, held by Hank Aaron, since 1974. Sentence °2: Babe Ruth hit.'755 home runs. in’ his lifetime: | 11
Sentence t The chain of cyents which Ied to the collapse of Barings, Britain’s oldest merchant bank, is a demonstration of how. not to’ manage a derivatives operation Sentence 2 Barings was Britain’s oldest merchant bank. * | 00
Re ey Lal et a Ag | 00
Sentence 1: Approximately a dozen individuals have reported becoming sick after eating raw oysters consumed ina restaurant in Chattandoga, Tennessee. The Chattanooga-Hamilton County Health Department and Tennessee Department of Health confirmed that the patients were infected with norovirus. Norovirus is a foodborne pathogen that can cause acute gastroenteritis in humans. Thé symptoms of norovirus® illness begin suddenly, most often in 24 to 48 hours after ingestion of the virus, but they can appear as early as 12 hours after exposure: The gastaintestinal symptoms inlude nause, vomiting, diarrhea, and some stomach cramping. Sentence 2: Oysters have been linked to gastrointestinal diseases caused by a virus. | 00
Sentence“ 1:- Guanshengyuan, ° a Chinese. ..company > that ° -,makes children's candy, has stopped: selling its:: popular’, brand.“ White» Rabbit, ‘which is ‘sold: nationally. in: China, : after tests confirmed the: presence of melamine. : Bright’ foods owns’: the’ candy... Company. © ‘Earlier *: their’ powderéd’ milk -was.found: to ‘contain.’ melamine. ‘which «sickened: ‘over. 53,000 people and” was :responsible for’the deaths. of at least’ four infant children: Guatishengywan:: > has stopped exporting .their’.goods to | 11
‘Sentence -1: Around :130 sights were cancelled. during a striké held on 19 January. and other's were canceled in the days that followed When, the fight assistants: anniounced & futher 24-hour for 23 January. the ttalian Guarantee ‘Audhority (Comméssione di Garanzia) wich regulates stihes in essential public Services: (under the ‘terms..of laws no, 1194/1990 jand no. 83/2000) (170004 266F) accused the unions of breaching the legal provision that 10 days must “elapse between orte strike and the next: Sentence 2 lishan fight assistants go'on stike | 00
Sentence. 1: The petrol. price “reductions: seeri ‘across mast of Atistralia have been short-lived for. those’ living in the. regional New South. Waies city. of Bathurst. An-inyestigation by Wikinews has discovered retailei’s in Bathurst were late to lower petrol pricing and have-beén amongst the*first to incredse them,: “Fellowing’ a. threat ‘by. the Australian.. “\Campetition. -. and.” Consumer’ Commission” (A®EC). to’ publically” shame * fuel retailers and:-@fl comparies,“fnast fuel ‘outlets grass Aystaiia: redueéd prices by.5 to t0-cents per. litre." The ACCC argued that the wholesale “cost of petrol was areund' 10 cents per litre higher than the» Singapore. “market, which. Australia benchmarks itself :agdinst. On January. 24, the price‘ of Unleaded fuel’in.Bathurst dropped anly 2 cents “from 119.9 cehts, to *117.9-Bents. Today, Coles’ Expréss.on Durham Street has increased the. price. of thelr unleaded! filel'to the previous level of 119.9 cent. | 00
“Seftence + Genial Dynamics, the’ maker ot ieing Combat Sysiems,’ warsting and .Gullsir eam, business Jeli. reported. net darnings'-of, $374: ig 1H: FPizd uatier, OF S184 pee shates 2 Seitehice 2 :Coperal Bynamies loses: $374 | 11
Seinterice L Last week, saw the fall:of the Dutch right wing-coalition government, inadé up of the | Christian-democrats:(CDA) led by-Prime Minister: Jan Peter, .Balkenénde, thé: right wing. liberal party (VVD) and the so-called left-liberal De6.. Sentence 2:.Three patios foriti a Bitch co; government. : | 00
Sentence 1 Sentence 2: _—$ | 00
Sentence 1: Management at Huawei also feels that issues. over. security are, hampering. its progress. ~ largely stemming. from. allegations, in. 2001, that it was accused. of working for Pakistan and the then Taleban government in Afghanistan. Sentence 2: Management at Huawei was accused of working for Pakistan.and. the then Taleban government in Afghanistan. | 00
Anastasia, in the village of Nagutshoye, had a ighbor who gave birth in 1914 to Yuri Andropow: KGB chief persecutor of Anastasia’s mephew, Alexander ritsyn. ‘% Alexander Solzhenitsyn's wif's name is Pansgat stat | 11
Sentence 1: As with the Babylonian New Year, the Chinese New Year, which occurred on the Ist of February in 2003, the day before Groundhog Day, is correlated to the beginning of spring. Sentence 2: The Chinese’New Year's Day falls on the 1st of February in 2003. | 00
Sentence 1: Last month, Menu Foods recalled all of its 60 million products of dry and wet dog and cat food after pets began to fall ill and in some cases died of kidney failure. "Natural Balance, Pacoima, A, is issuing a voluntary nationwide recall for all of its Venison dog products and the dry Venison cat food only, regardless of date codes. The recalled products include Venison and Brown Rice canned and bagged dog foods, Venison and Brown Rice dog treats, and Venison and Green Pea dry cat food. Recent laboratory results show that the products contain melamine. We believe the source of the melamine is a rice protein concentrate. Natural Balance has confirmed this morning that some production batches of these products may contain melamine,” said a press released issued by Natural Balance. ‘Sentence 2: Natural Balance produces pet food. | 00
"Sentence 1: Scott's execution led to outrage in Ontario, and ten larg nsible. % ii ition, i fored Louis Riel, now bra led ad murderer, to flee the settlement. : Sentence 2: Scott's execution caused ‘the Wolseley Expedition. | 00
Sentence I: Munir Mezyed, a poet and critic, aroused the sentiments and emotions of the audience when he recited his smooth flowing poetry both in Arabic and English, which demonstrated his unique and overwhelming style. Sentence 2: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing lived from 1729 to 1781. | 11
Sentence i:-Nokia,: Texas: Tnstraments. and ‘other’ leading :niakers. of “niobile phones: have . formally. complaiied to, Brussels that. Qualcomm, ‘thé -US. -mobil@chipmaker, has untairly:wsed-its patents on 3G technologies. Sentence 2 Nokia. produces caobile chips. : | 11
‘Sentence 1: Iranian nuclear officials say 54,000) centrifuges would produce enough enriched! uranium to fuel a 1.000-megawatt reactor, such] as the one being built by Russia that is near completion at the southem city of Bushebr. ‘Sentence 2: 54.000 centijfuges would produce| enough enriched uranium to fuel a 1.000- megawatt reactor. % | 00
ence: 1:. ‘Same passengers. were. : ascorted off. the ship + in wheelchatl?s « by. crew wearing: blue gloves. Sentence: 2: hee lohairs ware used C0, ‘lead passengers. off the: ships * | 00
Sentence 1: To write "The Persians," which opens Thursday at the Aurora Theatre in Berkeley, ‘Ellen McLauighlin spent six days. Given the direction of US. foreign policy, McLaughlin says, the lessons of "The Persians” are particularly crucial today, 2,500 years after it was written. Senterice 2: "The . Persians” was written ° by Aeschylus. | 11
tence 1: DENVER — Angie Zapata as a tall woman with striking black hair and eyes who would attract the ttention of men, even those who new she was biologically male. But prosecutors say when Allen Andrade} found out, he beat her to death fire extinguisher. Her Hiscovered her battered body under a blanket in her Greeley apartment last july. Andrade, 32, of Thorton, is| scheduled to go on trial Tuesday on charges including first-degree murder | 00
Sentence 1: Most of thé'lifé of Petko Kiryakov was ‘not unveiled by: historians’ but by. the prominent Bulgarian ‘writer:Nikolai Haitov, who -wrote a novel and ‘a script which: was turned into a TV series, which became a favourite of. most Bulgarians. . ‘Sentence 2: Nikolai Haitov.is:a historian, | 11
Sentence 1: A British Dynamite Company (Ardeer, Scotland, UK) is founded. In 1877 the company name was changed to Nobel's Explosives Company. Sentence 2: Alfred Nobel is the inventor of dynamite. | 11
Sentence 1; Heerneyemoicut? portholes,, for.ihis,.guns|. then welded..a tight -enclestire around them, so. police bullets could not penetrate Sentence 2: Out .f sansijalsh bulldozer, \-Heemeyer . built|\ a conerete, box, | that,|no.;-police bullet could penetrate) | 11
Setee Leet Eeyriodts wowed enon fst sor i obras the mona of Que. Nefet WEedey wen eed wie of he ware Par Aces the Doing hue i oe oa ioe eof ec nd bt ei tend ho rod ftom 13999690" eee eed after ts races ate to OnERROP the Festhoeof te ls to oui th? von God Atos ~ eno the let. deova Feces of soni: Nef es. es stePonké of the bok Totehenes shoe tony ws distor is 62 Seteee yer wes eee | 00
Sentence 1: Kieslowski later said that he abandoned documentary filmmaking due to two experiences: the censorship of Workers "71, which caused him to doubt whether truth could be told literally under an authoritarian regime, and an incident during the filming of Station (1981) in which some of his footage was nearly used as evidence in a criminal case. He Geaded that ction rot on allowed more artistic freedom, but could portray everyday life more truthfully Sentence 2: Kieslowski is a director. | 00
Sentence 1: Between March and June, scientific observers say, up to 300,000} seals are killed. In Canada, seal-hunting means jobs, but opponents say it is} vicious and endangers the species, also} threatened by global warming. Sentence 2: Hunting endangers seal species. | 00
Seritence.1 Aubbie iscrié of thé most renitrkable foclitiés in the entire history of Science, Sentenge 2:ijutble iso Space tefescope. | 11
Sentence 1: If no settlement is reached, a divided Cyprus will join the European Union on May 1, 2004. Sentence 2: Cyprus was divided into two parts on May 1, 2004, | 11
Sentence t The Pet passport clone can be used to enter the UK but it will not suffice to enter many countries. For instance Guatemala, lke olnost every country, demands that oll imported pets have, a rabies vaccination, but wil not accept the Pet passports proof of said vaccination. Sentence 2: Guatemala accepts the Pet passport as proof of vaccination. | 11
Sentence. 1; Nor’ is it.clear_whether:any US support :to ‘Germany. in-favdiir of Bonn as the. WT0-headquarters:. would necessarily tilt a:decision ‘int that. direction. ue “Sentence. 2:. The WwTo heddquartegssis: in Bonn, woe Pe * | 11
Sentence: 1: Albeit ‘Sabin.. devetoped:.an ‘ordl,. ‘attenuated: (live) - vaccine, which, with Salk's discovery, brought’ pollo ur under: a Sentence 2: Polio. is wader control: in:the wo . | 00
Sentence 1: The dual citizenship debate has been a major distraction for the Weah campaign and many of his opponents have been secretly advocating against his presence in the race. Sentence 2: Weah does business with his opponents. | 11
Sentence 1: His group's recently developed computer program, which provides group intelligence for a swarm of mini-robats to rapidly pin-point a source of contagion, can also be used by a group of humans carrying minicomputers, global positioning receivers, and simple radio equipment tofind a skier buried in whiteness. Sentence 2: Robots are used to find avalanche victims. | 11
Sentence 1: Basra's governor said he would not cooperate with British troops until there was. an apology for a raid to free two UK soldiers. - Sentence 2: The governor of Basra will not work with British troops until there is an apology for a raid to free two UK soldiers. | 00
Sentence 1: wWINNENDEN,’ Germany, ~A’ teenage gunman killed15 ‘pedple, most ,of-. them female, on: Wednesday’-in a -rampaiga*:that began at ‘8 school, ,néar Stuttgart in sollthern’ Germariy’ .a?*ended ‘in’ a’ nearby town, where -he’ then’-killed: himself after ‘the police’ wounded him, The -attack- “left Germany,’ which’ ‘tightened’ tough - gun ‘controls, after. a “similar ‘attack ‘at a school Séven’ years ago, ‘struggling ‘to undérstarid. “the carnage that had again befallen. it, a country, with relatively little ‘violent crime. .In.'2002, a gunman killed 16 people before ‘killing himself at’ a“ school ‘rj - Erfurt,”. in’ eastern Germany. Sentenée 2: A teenager shot ‘15 people in Germany: | 00
Sentence 1: Women.are poorly trviiiied for politics Sentenée. 2: Women. are podtly represented..in parlament ° | 11
Sentence £ A month after Gov. David A Palerson dropped his proposal for a soda tax, New York Cily's health commissioner has writen on article advocating “hefly’ taxes on sodos and sports drinks eontaining sugar. Such a tox, the article’ said, could be the biggest! boon to public health since lobacco lores. The commissioner, Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, and Kelly D. Brownell of Yale University, his com author, argue in the New England Journal of Medicine thal a tox of a penny per ounce could reduce consumption by more than 10 percent and raise $12 billion o year in New York State alone. | 11
Sentence I: Deng Haibua, Ministry of Health spokesperson, expects the disease to reach its height between May and July. Yang Weizhong Deputy Director for the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said researchers are increasing research efforts to find a vaccine for EVIL Families are being instructed to embark on week-long disinfections with free medical supplies from local health authorities. | 11
Hl ri aig 8 and kant IC romaine of ot Cieopatr: ebtrinate ber a2 dynasty to ieteosah by ‘eat hae true ‘Scholars oe ne general by Alea Grest, or Sentenoe 2: The name of Queen Cianpatra slater wat Hee 1 fit | 00
Sénlence' 1! Fora ‘western’ European” ebantiy the bri Fate. Finiand high ‘S@htshés-2! Finiand Is the European country with) the ghest birth | 11
Sentence 1,The new moon, which is only about 25 miles in diameter, was actually photographed 13 years ago by the Voyager 2. Sentence 2 The. moon Titan, has,a diameter of 5100 kilometers. | 11
Sentence 1: Rabies vin infects the central nervous system, causing encephalopat! ultimately. death. Early symptoms of rabies in humans are nonspecific, consisting of fever, general malaise. ‘Sentence 2: Rabies is fatal in humans. | 00
2 Sentence t BBC Radio. 1 ‘bosses “have: today Teversed their decision to censor the ward ‘faggot from: the:'20 ‘year olg “Falrytale ‘of New. York" so network: °°": Sentence. 2:°"Faiytale’ of New York" ‘does. riot: - Contain the word “faggot”: | 11
Sentence 1: The Dalai Lama has offered to send 50 trained teachers from the exile community to help the educational development of Tibet. Sentence 2: The Dalai Lama has been living in exile since 1950. | 11
entence 2: "it's @ vote of confidence cee the momentum 18 gosne to continue” s Soyle said » The moment ‘also appears to ve moving south . The Mexican election 45 the latest indication that the free~ weyet reforms that bave swept Latin ymerica Guring | the past decade are Shing political acceptance In Brazil prices rose sharrly » reacting to the Nexico vote and to new foils favorable te free-market presidential candidate Fernando Henrique Cardose * Sentence 2: Fernando Henrique Cardoso 35 a presidential candidate, | 00
Sentence 1: termini purchased and developed several buildings and sEese ectictig' the Fiat oir on rift Seeeet te Shick Segree th Theby eat Senses oles watch ee HESS ab Fee screen Eg SPLEEN ES faffste. sore oft Gat of euuat ine toostnettloae Beat f “Mohit roe the Peter ciuue one aestane?, ‘he hotel consented on the development proposal. vassett sol Tae Tat ea ae SE Se Se Oe BS er ae ne of ENlcort Lofts. | 00
Sentence 1: British actor, Hugh Laurie, had been f win best drama actor for “House, but last out to Sentence 2: James Spader won best actor for “Boston Legal.” | 00
Sentence. 1: Accompanied by. Sioux, prayers and ‘thie; keenirig:of Scottish bagpipes,'a plain, cotter shirt Was returfied fo South Dakota:this past. summer. Sentence 2: Sioux ‘ghost shirt ‘was.returried’ by-a‘Scottishy museum. | 11
Sentence 1. Sentence 2 | 11
Sefitence I: Doctors who -treated -Ayrton Sénna:.alter -h¢: crashed: during ‘the’ San} Marino’: .Graid. Prix “have: denied! callegationis that: ‘the Brazilian driver died at. the-Imola track.” Sentence. -2: Ayrton’ Senna -had: the aecident, that. caused - his “death: at the Sari Marino, Grand’ Prix. | 00
‘Sentence .1: The increase in womens’ representation in the first elections to the Scottish Parliament has become a symbol for change, backed by the Parliament's principled commitment to creating a more equal society. Sentence 2: Women are poorly represented in parliament. | 11
Sentence 1: The GOP report showed growth in business outlays advanced at a solid 8.9% pace. Sentence 2: The GDP was a disappointing report. * | 11
Sentence t All LS Embassy personnel in non-emergency Positions and farnily members of US Embassy personnel ‘who were evacuated as a result of the initial conflict have been authorized to return to Eritrea. Sentence S. Military evacuated US. citizens. | 11
Sentence 1: During Ramadan, Muslims will gather at the mosque for nightly prayer sessions and evening meals. Sentence 2: The mosque is a place of worship for Muslims. | 00
to his native Germany. According to British tabloids, the man, after losing his job in Paris, travelled to the UK through the Channel Tunnel, Sentence 2: The "Piano Man" worked for a British tabloid. | 11
7 sentence 1:0n Tuesday, BVA published a telephone, pol onducted, for. French, magazine Le Figaro and news "hannel LCI to. gauge support For right-wing presidential candidates. 73%, of Union, Pour.UP Mouvement Populaire (Union for a Popular, ‘Movement or UMP) party supporters, identified. Interior, Minister Nicolas, Sarkozy, as. thelr preferred candidate for May's, presidential election,, ThE UMP is one, of the two major parties, in France, and represents conservative polticss twas formed in 2002 25 a union of, several right-wing parties, and, currently controls the legistature (the National Assembly) and the executive, Current president Jacques Chirac is aligned with the UMP. Sentence 2: Nicolas, Sarkozy ‘6 supported by the, Unior pour un Mouvement Populaire. L i | 00
Sentence. 1: Published Daver.(06 “April” 2009 Carvle Uiiderwood’ was, named Entertainer OF The Year. at, thie’ Academy of. Country Nusic Awards in the US. The, Former American Idol winner was the first fomale act’ to. ain: the “honour since the’ Dixie Chicks. tn 2000. “Iiye-had- a lot of good: moients tn the past’ four- years, This one Lakes: the vake,” the vearful.26"year-old said. “Thank’ ySi¢ God, thank’ you fans, thank you, to ACN For toninating -me iy the first. place: 1 never thought I'd be nominated and never thought I'd-win, -I'a-shaking.- I-don't Know what to say.” . Sentence 2: Carrie Underwood won “the second prize.at the Academy of Country Music. Awards. | 11
E t Savion the Salt Lake scandal bet later cleared, said be appreachoed bey Takatch a 2 Savi fa the schol of Salt Lake be that tater pated ba hat abd ad Takatch, | 11
Ce Tis ene wae nia 65 yp Fae: US$ 275 billion tax bill Yi originally sold for US$94 bilion to’a litle known company Baikalfinansgroup which was later bought by the Ruscian state-owned oil company Rosneft. Sentence 2: Rosneft belonged to the Russian te. | 00
jenténde. Atlanta-based ‘Delté “Ait Lines. annovhiced paris to .cut "7000. t0 9000 ,jobs' by the end of 2007; pproximately ' 17%" ‘of “its. “employees..CEO.” Gerald instal’ will-take-8 25% -pay'cut. Executives have. thir pay. cut by 15%, Other -esnployaes: will have: their pas. ‘educed ‘by -7"'to “10%. Employees that. hake. ess than 25,000 & year will not. be affected by: these (pay. cuts. elta has already cancelled leases. on 40-aircratt. and: hey plan to reduos. its fléet by-at least BO more. ‘They’ pian to reduce domestic. capacity by 15. to 20 ‘peicent ind increase international Capacity by 25 percent. Jeiitenics 2: European. Airlines ‘afe:eatting jobs. | 11
in Bertin in @ bicl to improve NATO- Russia retations. Sanvence The NATO has 16 members. | 00
Sentence 1: Green Day, who arrived at the venue in the vintage green convertible from their gritty "Boulevard of Broken Dreams” video, won best rock video and video of the’ year for the clip and two of their leading eight Nominations. Sentence 2: Rock was resplendent at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday night, as the veteran punk group, Green Day, took home seven moonmen. | 11
Sentence & By clicking here, you can return to] the login page. Sentence 2 Click here to go back to the login| page. | 00
cgomple ly, bine rvegs 0! Haghoan. anniouileeds. ebe-¥c feation’ ‘wii. SINSGOM and i ‘wll sad 2 Bainsto" lean: 2 | 11
Sentence 1: During the weekend of Sunday 28 December the 75 year old children's clothes __ retailer, Childrenswear called in Adams had previously been placed in administration with PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2006, but was rescued by Northern Irish businessman John Shannon in February 2007. A large rebrandi Mose I TOUS ator AT vor were closed. Adams has outlets worldwide in places such as Saudi Arabia, and also makes clothing under the Mini Mode brand for | 11
Sentence 1: In Sentence 2 | 11
Sentence 1: ‘ Announced early Wednesday: morning at. Nokia's GoEvent, ‘in. a plan :to- expand .the| company's “revenue, _ Finland-based| company Nokia Inc, -is developing’ al mobile phone similar to its rival iPhone, which ‘will be davailable in the near| future: for Nokia’ customers..The phone} is. expected to be available by 2008. Most lof the features are the same .as_the| iPhone's.: They include’ music, games,} land many other features; even ones that ithe :iPhone may. not have.. Ovi .(in Finnish imedning "Door") will: be the| door for more than 2 million. songs and] games. available for download on the| | 00
‘Sentence 1: Historian’ estimate that 800,000" Checheris.. were: stuffed. into: railtars ‘and departed::to, Kazakhstan and.“ Stberia,.:and. 240,000 of thent died en: route. ‘Sentence | Chechens, = Stalin deportes. 800,000. | 11
Sentence I: Iwo midsummer cruises aboard Clipper Adventure Cruis Mo-passenger World iscoverer (July 8 and Aug. 9) will take you (o the wind-swept clifs of the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea, where cartoon-faced horned and tufted puffins stare. Sentence 2: the Pribilof Islands are located in the Bering Sea. | 00
Subsets and Splits