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2 Sentence 1: How Can I travel around the world ) at home? Sentence 2: How do | travel around the world? | 00
Sentencé 1: What are the bést. Wild Warr i acumentaries? Sentence © +2: Whiae are.” the “best dociumentaries.about World War 2°. | 11
Segtanee t Woy are vice people abways left alone? Segtagen 2: How do | accept that | wil always be alone? | 00
‘Sentence 1: Con we use diosim in 36 phone? Sentence &@ How! cob use Jio sim in 36 device? | 11
Sentence 1: Why is Messi better than Cristiano Ronaldo? Sentence. 2: How. is Ronaldo better’ then Mossi? | 00
Sentence As afemale, why do youdislike feminism? Sentence 2:Why do some people distke feminism? * | 00
Sentence 1: What is the significance of second order derivative? Sentence 2: What is the physical meaning of second derivative? | 00
‘Senteriée, 1: What ~is the <diferend®.- between a turbocharged intercooler andén aftercoaler? . "Sentence 2::vinot is ine’siginifcant differcice betvicen-oi Supercharger anid a turbochditger?: | 00
Sentence 1: Is it real that new currency note in India will have GPS chips? Sentence 2: How much is the truth that the new high denomination currency of India are being embedded with GPS nano chips? | 11
Sentence 1: "According to credit card providers, what goods fall under the category of "everyday purchases?" Sentence 2: What skill sets are a must for an aspiring data scientist apart from educational qualification? | 00
Sentence I: Why was Disney's Doug disliked compared to the Nick version? Sentence 2: Why are television channels owned by large corporations like Disney and Nickeloleon (Viacom) generally out of touch with the young adult crowd? | 00
Sentence 1: Is New Balance socially responsible? Sentence 2: How is Whole Food socially responsible? | 00
Sentence [What are sotve of the known gus planets? Sentence 2: Wh ich planets are the gus planets? | 11
tence 1: What is the idea behind inclusive Srowtne\ What are its benefits? Sentence 2: What is inclusive growth? | 11
Sentence: What ste hades thing) abou rasing chen in Romania? Sentence: hats the hardest hing about rsing chien japan? | 00
Sentence ¢: ~ sentence? See moe ‘iui ie Ree NOH wt nae ‘iets | 00
Sentence 1: What is there to search for on YouTube? Sentence 2: What are you searching for on YouTube that you can't find? | 00
‘Sentence 1: How can Islam be reformed? ‘Sentence 2: Does Iskim need to be reformed? | 11
Sentence t How: much ‘charitable giving i tax deductible? “Sentams 2 Hon Sentence 2: How much in= charitable donations is tax deductible in tf Us> : é. | 11
Sentence 1+ How do you stay with your wife? Sentence 2 How mich do you sharé. with your life partner (wife/husband) about your .‘business (or professional life)? | 00
Sentence,’ 1: How do -sodium’ hydroxide ‘and’ carbon dioxide differ? ‘Sentence 2! How ide “todd bydrenie and “carbon ‘dioxide react? | 00
Sentence 1: \s time travel possible after the discovery of gravitational waves? patie 2: Is it possible to travel time with real life? | 11
Sentence 1: How/vhere to start as a front- ‘end veb developer? Sentence 2: How do I get started quickly with front-end development? | 00
Sentence 1: Has Mukesh Ambani given a car to his wife? Sentence 2: How much income tax does Mukesh Ambani pay? | 00
‘Sentence.1; What are some good ‘restaurants ‘in Nagpur? ‘Sentence 2: Which is the best restaurent in nagpur? | 11
eee E Wate Te alee Ne Shaparagar and stediatek? Sentence 209, you f that om Supra chips. -are.ndt dp ta. bgped? : Which: ‘iss “betfer heating: tssues, ‘Snapdiagon or Mediateh? | 00
‘Sentence 1: What is the chemical formula of sodium carbonate? Sentence 2: What is the chemical formula for hydrogen carbonate” | 00
‘Sentence 1: What ae natural ways fo decrease elevated festostreme and androgen levels in feride pend patents? ‘Sentence 2:Is thee a natural way fo prevent androgenic alopecia? | 00
entence 1: Could India and Pakistan go to ar? entence 2: Why did-India go to war ‘with akistan.in 1971? | 00
| Sentence }: Which kind of tea should we drink if ve want to mix it with milk? Sentence 2 Who started mixing milk and tea? | 00
Sentence 1: What is the best site to download HD mov Sentence 2: Which is the best movie download site? | 00
Sentence 1: Is Skyrim a good game to play if you're completely new to the Elder Scrolls series? Sentence 2: How does The Elder Scrolls series compare to the Lord of the Rings? | 00
Sentence 1: Sleep: How do you figure out your ideal amount of sleep per night? Sentence 2: What is the ideal amount of time to sleep? . | 11
S RWhat is the best place to We i ) Chicago? Samare 2 What is the bese place to seay in \Chicago? | 11
Sane 2° ciate ne. > Yael <8 ba 98g hl ie ei sgl : : | 11
- Sentence 1 as the SME Opin cage a almost 99% Kill chance with a headshot at imetwoe 2: Gan | sire 50 AE Desert eagle fit In range? 4 "Sentence The head at close r | 11
Sentence 1: What is difference between source and resource? jentence 2: What is the difference between diom and slang? | 00
Sentence 1: Is using a VPN in the UAE illegal? Sentence 2: How do l get a Chinese IP address using VPN? @ amt | 00
Sentence 1: Why should you live in Vanersborg? Sentence 2: why do we live? | 00
Sentence I: Where do you put your penis in a vagina? Sentence 2: Can a penis smell similar to a vagina? | 00
Sentence 1: How do I pay taxes as a freelancer? Sentence 2: Do freelancers have to pay tax? | 00
Sentence 1: What sort of younger women go fag, older. mer? Sersence 2: Do yourger women realy the eldér mere | 00
Sentence 1: What bug is this that keeps biting me? Sentence 2:1 keep waking up with bug bites but no bugs, what is biting me? | 00
Sentence 1: What are the pros & cons of the B.Tech computer science departments in IIT Ropar, Mandi and Indore? Sentence 2: Which will offer me a better campus life and salary package: an M.Tech from IIT Bombay in CS or an MBA from IIM A/B/C? | 00
Sentence 1: What ti the Frolutionary resin for onal sex? Sentence 2° What is the evolutionary prirpose of oval Sex? | 11
Sentence 1: What should be the radius of a planet so that we can notice the curvature of its surface while standing on it? Sentence 2: How small would a planet need to be to plainly see curvature with the naked eye while standing on its surface? | 11
Sentence 1: How come homeless peoplegyave pets often? Where did they get them? Sentence 2: Why should we help homeless people? | 00
[Sentence E What do atheists think about eligions? |Sentence 2: What do atheists think about the eligious? | 11
Sentence 1: What are some things that the US government doesn't want you to know Sentence 2: What are some major things Nordic countries do that the US doesn't? | 00
"Sentence teva Wnds of Guestiong. shaula expect'on the Iank EAT/IPAT? ‘Sentenée'2: What kinds of question’ should Heapeet oi he ina lat? "5 . | 11
‘Sentence 4: What's, a:go0d hainemade Sex toy foémen? .Séhtence 2: How cain gui fést longer during 8%? | 00
Sentence .1; How. can, I),get .over.a girl that I really-liked? Sentence, 2: How) do, |, gd: over, a_girl that I like? | 11
Sentence 1: I'm 184.42 cm 16 years old mom is 5 ft S inches dad is 5 ft 8 inches how tall will i get? Sentence 2: Which medical clg can I get I had got 352 marks in neet? | 00
Sentence 1:.I'm just over 13-years old .and 6 ft tall (184cm). Is this normai? Sentence 2:.1s 6ft 1 tall for a 13 year old girl? | 00
Sentence:'1: How:ido:b-solve: ‘equations: of the>form [mathlanx + bx + c= Of/math]? Sentence 2: How can I solve the e *quation (math]aix+bx-ol/ math] - Super-logarithm? | 00
Sentence 1: How can I increase traffic on my blog? Sentence 2: How can I increase the traffic on my website? Jeenkart.com | 11
Sentence I:Is there anything beyond the universe? Sentence 2: What's outside the universe? | 11
Sentenced: Uhat are) somerof ithe worst«\ things» happening \\ in\othe world: right,:now everyone should. iknow about? Sentence \2: (Uhat is “thes worst thing aboot worldsin. 2016?. | 00
Sentence 1: What does it mean when a guy asks you whether you're at home or not 2 Sentence 2: What does it mean when a guy says he wants to take you home? * “4 | 00
Sentence & What abusive slangs do girls use in their amicable conversation with each other in india? Sentence 2: What are some things that happen only in India? | 00
| Sentence 1: What are the Top S headphones in 2015? Sentence 2 What are the top 5 headphones? | 00
Sentence 1: Where can I get 3 PPF account? Sentence 2: What are the PPF benefits? | 11
Sentence .1: What are tlie’best-technlogy and gadget blogs? Senténce 2° What are, the-best Technology gadgets blogs | 11
|sentence 1: In which states is it legal to have a pet ‘accoon? Why is itillegalin others? sentence 2: How can you describe Goregaon in jumbai? | 00
Sentence trav do Fremoe paint Stains frm clothe? Seritence 2: How da youisemoveblnod stains frofn clathing? | 00
Sentence 1: What are the. most famous:plains in the world? ° Sentente 2: What are some of the most farous plains of the world? | 11
Sentence 1: How to use Whatsapp on pe without Bluestacks? Sentence 2: How can | install WhatsApp on PC without using Bluestack?. | 11
Sentence t How do I log in my Facebook account if you forgot your password? ‘Sentence 2 I forgot my email Id and password on Facebook. How can I log into Facebook? | 11
Sentence 1: How exactly’ does banning Rs 500 and ‘Rs 1000 notés curb the problem’ of black-money? ‘Seritenice. d: How B taack money, cirbed' with the! ‘ban of 1000 tapes rictes. and introduciny sew 500] ‘and: 2000 rupee notes? “ = | 11
‘Sentence 1: How dot stop feeling ae rs . see fh ir tts % | 00
Sentence + What does it feel. like to be. dying? Sentence 2 What is it feel like to die? | 11
; Senionce I How ave East Asiing ean | Spain? : Sentence 2: do fe East Aven cuit ach meee | 00
Sentence 1: What are quantum numbers and what do they mean? Sentence 2 What are quantum numbers? | 11
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