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http twitpic com y cf filled with curry the true indian in me is coming out
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university drain a lot of energy in student damn the level of depression there could make a lot lose weight
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hey r anxiety i didn t know where to put this but figured it s mainly a side effect of my anxiety so i went with here i ll just get into it i m a 9 yo male that s been diagnosed with anxiety and other disorder mdd odd adhd polysubstance addiction this may sound weird but i wanted to know if you guy recluse by choice a someone who want to have friend and a strong social aspect in life but just doesn t have the social skill to i m curious if you have a similar experience knowing that it s not a choice is probably the hardest part for me like i see everyone out having fun spending the day with their friend and it destroys me inside knowing that i don t won t ever have that i live on the sideline which make me want to stay inside even more to avoid seeing that and feeling so i sit in my room the whole day getting high the only other place i go to is my job which i can t even look up at eye level out of fear of accidently making eye contact with someone i just feel like everyone s automatically put off by me which then make me act in a way that actually doe put them off i just want someone to talk to that s not either my mom or my dad i thought about it and realized that once my parent die i will have nobody which at that point what s my life worth
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yeah two people fucked and now i m here i know i know but that s not what i m getting at really why the fuck am i here i have no redeeming quality can t maintain friendship childhood emotional neglect very bad social anxiety depression anxiety ha absolutely fucked my short term cognitive memory i could go on and on but i m not going to because i m simply too fucking tired to do so
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this doesn t help my depression
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i think my depression hit me for the third time
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it a grey day in london come back sun all is forgiven
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coming from an asian household i ve been told to become a doctor since the age of the constant pressure for good grade led me to repeat my senior year of highschool drop out of university graduate from a local college and then re enroll to another program then drop out since my parent hated the program i graduated from i want to thank them for the support they showed especially when they called me useless dumb an embarassment and how they would disown me now i m year old with a fairly decent working from home job that i may get fired from since i ve ignored my workload due to cycling back into a depressive state i now purely cope by playing video game and jerking off i live everyday day dreaming and at the same time regretting my wasted youth all the while my parent look at me with disdain and remind me whenever they can about how i ruined my life that s the end of my ted talk fuck my life man
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ugh hate haviinq dis sleepiinq problemsz
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flat out today didnt get everythin done amp endured massive headache fever and nausea still have to finish my essay amp work tomory all day
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is annoyed with the amount of glass on dublin road and the number of puncture i am getting
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a hleyf i m spending time with my grandma early tomorrow and i can t leave skittle by herself
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plug on train once again doesnt work
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today wa a normal day i have started keep a to do list to tackle my depression it not always necessary for me to everything on that list provided i have some definite reason in my mind to not doing everything like okay i didn t cook today because the gas connection wasn t there also this list ha helped me with my medication a sometimes heavy dos make me feel forget to do small stuff but something s left from the list undone and i don t have any particular reason for that except spending extra time resting or etc i feel horrible and then a fear started to grow back of my head that if i don t keep with that list i will again fall in depression today after work i took some time off for myself then my boyfriend came over and we spent some quality time but it also made me let for cooking my dinner and a i planned to go for cycling after dinner now i am constantly feeling horrible for not striking off one job from my list and the absurd thing is i haven t even had my dinner yet so i am already freaking out about something which probably i will have time to do this whole situation is not only giving me anxiety without any concrete reason but also making me feel guilty for enjoying something that i love
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a couple week ago i contracted covid and got it pretty bad for a few day there it caused a big flare up of anxiety for me a i am a heavy cannabis and nicotine smoker and i couldn t give them up while dealing with covid and inevitably the smoking made it worse and played into my anxiety for background i have been managing anxiety fairly well for the past or year with habitual cannabis smoking but sometime in the week i had covid a switch wa flicked and smoking instantly made me more anxious i went to the doctor and have been prescribed seroquel in the morning and evening same with diazepam plus zoloft in the morning i m wondering if this sound like the proper response to deal with this flare up or do you think my doctor is going down the wrong path he doe know my history with anxiety and explained the mechanic of dealing with the anxiety first and then dealing with smoking and told me that i should keep on smoking even though it put me in a vicious cycle so a to not have to deal with withdrawal at the same time a the anxiety he booked me an appointment for two week time to review how thing are working but made no mention of referring me to anything external or anything to do with cbt
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mizzzidc lol imagine depression nge nike niyaperforma thixo
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already been on ssri s and they didn t do anything i don t desire companionship or want relationship just want to kill the desire entirely
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literally and the depression that come before
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caviarpurple israelite same here the depression is really eating me up switching off would literally solve everything for me but i m too chicken to do it atm http t co vvadmsoxsi
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ever since i wa little i wondered what purpose i served in this world i wanted to die because i really did not understand my use today i grew up i thought i had found this answer or that i would find it one day but i do study that don t interest me my family and my friend are far away i just realized that my spouse wa using me from the start and the world is bad i m useless and i don t think i ll ever be used for anything the urge to die is coming to the surface faster than i thought
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officialrandl whattttttt they ve not brought anything new out for about year and they re crap when will the full line up be up
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bout to start poor linny couldn t keep her eye open she tired and ha to work tomorrow morning night ilovefatsusan
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off too work gunna miss the lush weather x
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just getting home it snowing
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morning everyone still feeling poorly hope u all have a good day x
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poohpot lmao im sorry poohpot i ate it all
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so i have struggled with anxiety and depression due to complex ptsd since i wa young i f went to counseling for year in my teen and also medically managed my disorder with medication i am still taking a hefty dose of an ssri and have been maintaining my anxiety and depression fairly well while going through college transitioning to adulthood i recently in the past day have started having uncontrollable anxiety that ha led into the worst panic attack i ve had in over 0 year i wa so worked up that i brought myself to the er for help because i wa so scared and eventually exhausted myself out in the waiting room i m am still having serious anxiety and have managed to be functional but with how high my anxiety level are i could be back in the state i wa yesterday and i don t want to do that my current plan is to set myself up with a new therapist to get help and to discus my medication with my doctor unfortunately that can t happen overnight so i m the meantime i am asking for your advice on coping mechanism way to calm yourself down or out of a panic attack i normally use rational thought to try and bring myself down walking outside will help a bit deep breathes listening to music meditation etc these haven t been working recently and i m looking to learn amp find newer tactic in the short term while finding professional help i know that what is triggering this is a large life transition coming up and it s not something that s going away any time soon so i can t just avoid it to reduce my anxiety thank you
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deucetwt dont think so it either new mechanic or you battle depression
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rode river circuit asthma hit hard o too wet to mow amazed or amused that w pac cr limit raised celebrated with cole shop etc
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hi r anxiety i m a 0yr old male with what i would say is a decent amount of stress but nothing out of the norm yeah work is stressful rent is increasing and a proposal to my gf are all looming but i ve always been able to accept those thing will come with some mild stress since i m human i ve been experiencing what i can only describe a mild severe panic attack recently that are completely wiping me off the face of the earth this past saturday i found myself in a bathroom stall at noon after being out with friend for lunch drink experiencing symptom last night after work i came home wa slapped with tunnel vision trembling tight chest and once i laid down in bed had what i would describe a the worst experience of my life for 0 minute borderline exorcism i m completely new to this experience and am obviously concerned what my trigger are or where this is coming from i plan on having a wellness check with my local physician but are there buzzword or thing i should include so i can do exactly explain what i am experiencing i constantly drink water i take only about 00mg caffeine a day i exercise time a week i have what i would describe a a pretty well balanced diet why is this happening all of a sudden appreciate any feedback this is more of a vent
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yuddylicious he hatez me
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davidkudrev it s just a pity that facebook chat ha exceeded even msn s amazingly level of unreliability
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at school right now just watched this is england and i m sorry to say that i didn t like it that much maby because i watched it here
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recently i started dealing with a lot of stress which ha turned into me feeling panicked off and on throughout the day during my time of feeling panic i get this trouble with my breathing which feel incredibly terrible it is scary when it happens because it feel like i m breathless and like my breathing pattern mess up i wa wondering ha this happened to anyone else if so is it okay if i could ask a few question about it i d love to have some insight or more information on this situation
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really hungry and sad that i had to throw my breakfast in the bin
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today is day of my fast amp i feel i may break b i go bed i must hold out til the end of the wk must stayed focused wish me luck
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i wan na go home
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i dont remember the first year of my life due to my father and his friend molesting me till mum finally managed to get away from him my earliest memory is drowning at the age of and having no one to care about me afterwards i wa just sent on my way at 0 i wa accused of beating my little brother when nobody wa looking mum refused to believe me even when he finally said it wa a kid at school that wa the first time i nearly killed myself life ha not gotten better my sister married another abuser my step dad lost the house and car and my mum is a neurotic mess who couldn t give a shit about me besides a her emergency atm i dont see why i should bother with life when this is all i have known it literally never get better i finally know how i will do it i have given myself week to see if i still want to do it and nothing ha changed my family probably wont know for a while nor care so this may be my only chance to say good bye life is just shit for some people i lost before i got a chance to start and i am fine with that now i suppose
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ha a huge headache
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dancing with myself i m not emo want to write a song
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my doctor just prescribed me trazodone buspirone and escitalopram for my anxiety i am not sure what to do here since i read they all interact with each other but my doctor say it s just fine and he know best i am already taking buspirone and it help a lot he also knew escitalopram give me insomnia and still prescribed it not sure if i should just stop bitching or find another doctor
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swapping song through email with carrie damn the tasman damn it to hell i wan na jam
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im hungryyyy need more sushi
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the light that shine through oh what pretty color too evil is for story and thank god for the movie the depression wa awful a nickle too i changed my mind evil is hunger poverty endthe war the lie they tell for
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mizzzidc im sorry to say that you are one useless child any parent would wish to have such a desrespectiful child u spoke with your mother and u desrespected her enough privately why the need of posting on social medium we have people who suffer with depression stop hiding behind it
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first off i have very little experience in dealing with anyone with depression i freely admit that over the past couple of month i have been chatting with and hanging out with this amazing woman i met on a dating app she ha severe anxiety ppd postnatal depression suicidal thought etc we d hit thing off pretty well just from chatting over the app from what i thought there were a couple of time where she d wanted to end her life so she tell me but she managed to get past that the first time i met her in person wa amazing i had never ever felt so at ease taking with a woman before it went really well at that point i knew this chick wa worth the time we just clicked that well instantly since then we ve done a couple of day trip place and that went very well also one of those time wa with her young child le then yo she doesn t have a lot of time for herself and find it hard to get a decent night sleep partly to do with the young one waking in the middle of the night lately she s had a couple of very low moment her home life isn t the best still living at home because finically she can not afford to leave she get abuse from her mother constantly and also seems to live in fear especially when her child is being loud it could wake her mother a of last week she admitted that she really liked me i have been clear all along that i really like her just so she s not thinking that she s in limbo i live over an hour away from her but i do travel up to her home town for work at least twice a week sometimes le sometimes more there s some weird thing where she doesn t want her mum knowing about me so consequently i cant see her that much unless mum is not home which really suck i find it hard to deal with when it feel like she s giving me the cold shoulder i know it s the depression that s doing it not her true feeling one of her red flag about dating me is that i don t know understand her mental health however the way i see it is if you don t tell me then i can t understand but apparently that wa not the way to approach that one i d love for nothing more then to give her a big hug that in the hope that it might make her feel a little better about thing but unfortunately i don t get the opportunity she know that i will come up any time i don t mind driving at all so i don t let that be a barrier plus i can afford to do so i m scared to loose her because i really want her and i to work at time i want to just say stuff it and walk away but i know that s not what i want amp x 00b if anyone ha experienced the same thing or something similar your advice is much appreciated
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doe not know how he got home last night
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is listening to an awesome song but i dnt no the name but i wan na upload it on limewire
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is frightened co it spider time i hope the flat repels them a i unfortunately haven t got a man to save me
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i don t like this 9 malarky i should be out seeing my friend who i haven t seen in month stupid work
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put aside the weightless platitude that everyone say when someone mention suicide i want to know why me considering suicide a a genuine solution is so wrong why wouldn t i want a solution garunteed to work would you rather me live a long miserable life or have me logically decide that i ve had enough and have no more use here help me understand the logic what is so wrong about it this a question that ha continually plagued me so i would appreciate answer
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what can i do besides tell someone that someone is bullying me it keep my depression even worse thx for the help
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i think i m gon na call it quits i just don t feel good i don t feel like anyone care about me i don t feel like i bring value to anyone s life let alone my own been listening to a song recently and the lyric just feel so resonant i relate so hard do you ever get a little bit tired of life like you re not really happy but you don t wan na die like you re hanging by a thread but you got ta survive you got ta survive i don t want to die but that thread the little bit of myself that kept me wanting to survive is just frayed it s razor thin and i just want to reach out and snap it already just get it over with i m tired i m hurting i m so fucking lonely and i just want it to fucking stop
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be offline
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i killed the eggnog thread on pj with my lame joke
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swati swati omg i missed you soo much have you heard the new jls song ahaa youre probs all jetlagged right now
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this is pointless this is all pointless living loving everything there only one thing one person i want more than death and i can t have him nobody want me around so whats the point of wasting my time suffering for no reason when all i do is waste air and people time a i force them to hang out with me nobody actually seek to hang out with me it s always me being lonely and wanting to hang out and them not having any excuse to say no they are indifferent if i leave or not indifferent if i die or not maybe i d get a pity aww like if a friend family member died you don t know them you just say aww out of sympathy sometimes i want sympathy i want someone to pretend for just a moment that they want me and they want to hug me and truly mean it people think i m always just saying depressing thing to fish for sympathy and hell what if i am maybe i need it maybe i need someone to actually care even for just a second about how shitty my life is my mind constantly go in circle awful stupid terrible circle of hatred i hate myself i hate the people around me i hate life i cut the people around me out of my life for their sake and mine and all it doe it make me hate myself and them even more im so desperate i can hardly stop myself from crawling back to them even though it only hurt me more i don t know how to solve this suicide is so painful and i m a pussy so there aren t many option i don t think i can stand to make it more year to be to buy a gun there ha to be something i can do in the mean time anyone with idea lmk lt
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i m pregnant with my four child third baby daddy he left me about two week ago after assuring me he would be there for me and this child regardless a he knew i didn t want to raise another child alone i can t go thru with a abortion my two other kid are about to be and year of age there are no day care place i would be able to take my baby after it s born i don t have a mother or any sister family to help i will literally have no choice but not to work and eventually evicted from the house i rent i have worked so hard to make a nice life for me and my two kid now after being kicked off my family s property i lived in for 9 year i am native american so it s trust land i wa always told i would be able to live on i have kept the house i rent now for year ab raised my two child i have now for their entire life myself i did everything i could to give them a better life then i ever had and tried to be a mom i never had and parent all around i never had i had a shit childhood like most of u do i wa a product of a sale my mother wa a whore and my donor wa a customer my two brother and i were never wanted or meant to be when my mom disappeared during a custody battle my grandmother made my dad take me in she wanted to take care of me because she thought it wa right my donor could care le rather i lived or died i wasn t wanted and he will tell you that his self my grandma passed away due to alzheimer s when i wa about so my donor had to play dad during this time he used me a his personal punching bag and he allowed my brother who had molested me since the age of four to do the same i ran away at the age of and made a series of bad decision everyone say i m so strong for what i have been thru and over come but i feel if i wasn t so weak and stupid i would not of even gone thru those thing i have been held down and raped by cousin a stranger at gun point the guy i ran away to at lied to abused to the point if i have hearing loss and loose front teeth due to the beating from men shot with a and hit twice by the bullet it s like i wasn t ever supposed to be and life kept trying to make up for it mistake by trying to unalive me multiple time but here the hell i am i love my kid so much and don t want to leave them however i will have no way to support them once this new baby come and i just don t know what to do the people i rent from say they will help me a much a they can but they are elderly and i don t know if they can do this for another year till my baby can go to day care i know i should of got birth control and i use to have it but my lupus make it so i get clot with most birth control and others are dangerous i know i should of used a condom but love is my drug and so i m stupid when it come to men i know this is all my fault and killing myself will leave my kid with a man who doesn t really love them like a father doe just like what happened to me i know this and it kill me but i just don t know what else to do any more i m such a fucking joke as failure and i didn t want my life to be like this i have just been trying to pick up the piece and make the best my while life now i m here and i don t know what to do but end my life i have worked most of my life since the age of so i know my kid father with get money from the state if i pas away so maybe they will help him be a better father and maybe his wife will feel sorry for them and love them too i am too coward to take a gun and do it myself because i m afraid i ll fuck it up i just want someone to do it for me or tell me how to commit suicide by cop or the least painful way to do this i have no one nothing no friend or family just mt kiddos the people i rent from and the day care lady i wa saving to buy a place with this last guy now i ll have to use that to pay for our life once the baby is here till it all run out then i ll have to sell thing till it s just here minimum so we can live in my truck my kid deserve better my son is such a sweet boy and my daughter is so strong and beautiful they deserve so much better then i ll be able to give them soon i use to pay k for birthday party now i ll be lucky to even get them a hostess cup cake when their birthday some around please don t tell me i have so much to live for i know my kid need me and i know this just passed the pain to them but i have no option i m week pregnant a of right now and i can t bare to have a abortion and yes i thought of adoption but everyone i looked up seems so fucking weird and too put together like they are severely epstein people please just tell me how to make this all stop that s all i ask
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please do not read if you re in a bad mental state currently is it painful to overdose and d e on medication can someone who ha experienced an 0verdose from a combination from the following list please explain the sequence of event adderall doxepin duexis ibuprofen famotidine pristiq abilify buspar alcohol and c0caine do any combination of these allow someone to d e in their sleep without feeling pain i know many prescription medication including some of the one previously listed are designed to make death from taking too many difficult i also know surviving an attempt can be very painful and lead to lasting negative health effect what do you do if someone is unresponsive locked in their room you d call 9 and they would be the one to break down the door and enter keeping you from seeing anything right lastly can a family cover up someone s su c de attempt and keep it a secret out of the medium can they just tell people it wa a drug 0verdose or is there no way to avoid everyone knowing what happened i m sorry for these asking these question
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can anxiety cause pain where ur heart is i ve had ekg n been to the dr n they said i wa fine but my mind think it something else yk
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hello friend i had a very rough night my period is in a day and during my pm i always have more anxiety and emotion than usual right now though i am going through a relapse of my gad and pa last night wa one of the most challenging night of my anxiety day i literally felt like the entire night wa a big long not ending panic attack session i had moment where i had the full blown panic attack but in between the anxiety wa constant in and out of sleep i wa a mess i wa convinced that this time i lost my mind i need to call an ambulance and put in a mental health hospital it wa too much absolutely out of hand and now i am exhausted anxious dp dr is here and hoping it will all get better once i get my period i am on therapy 0mg sertraline and trying to meditate but last night wa hard something i haven t experienced before and i am feeling so defeated and scared that this is it that s how i ll lost my mind
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are you vaccinated against chicken pox should i vaccinate my yr old i am so confused about this damn thing
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i ve come to the conclusion that after year of therapy med and coping technique and never fully recovering i must have an overactive or damaged nervous system ha anyone else experienced this and if so do you have any tip on how to get started on healing it
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i don t wan na leave co am is coming too soon
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valium i needz it
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kupavet depression mental illness ain t child s play
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is hungover and just want to stay in bed all day
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yea it is so quiet around here cuz everyone ha to work im bored to death with nobody to talk to
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axon those got cancelled now everybody else is rattling my brain amp makin me cuss something terrible
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lunafiko can t wait to try em but prolly have to wait until next weekend at the earliest
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imma just give a head up incase my brain want to fuck me over more in the next few hour im in a really rough spot mentally rn so tweet will be really weird sad funny or just irl b idk expect fuck shit here and there mixed with depression it s hittin hard
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i think the wifi on my iphone is broken it will quot connect quot but when i actually have to use it that s another story
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i feel lonely today
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listening to q i got a really bad headache and a drivin lesson in ten min lucky me i just wana sleeep
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i ve been getting a lot of internal tremor specifically during my attempt to sleep when i m fully relaxed and my mind is not anxious i start to feel the tremor come on especially in my head and in the back of my head it s almost a if my body doesn t want me to sleep context i developed a fear for sleeping in the dark they re like tiny spasm and they actually prevent me from sleeping and have caused me to be insomniac ha anyone experienced this before last night wa particularly challenging a i wa falling asleep i felt in my head a huge spasm like sensation accompanied with a loud sound my chest wa being sucked in i don t have the precise word to describe the experience but i felt fearful for my life and my health please let me know if these experience are familiar to you
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ewww cooky and cola dont mix well together my tummy hurt now
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so i live in a small country in asia in this country it s like if you love someone you get a bad reputation your mom or dad is shamed at school if their kid is caught dating someone who doe that and our phone are also being checked by the school to see if we disturb a girl or are in a relationship with them the parent here are like you can date after being married xd so yeah i am very annoyed and sad about the fact that i can t love someone cuz of these
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we ve been seeing a worrying increase in pro suicide content showing up here and and also going unreported this undermines our purpose here so we wanted to highlight and clarify our guideline about both direct and indirect incitement of suicide we ve created a wiki that cover these issue we hope this will be helpful to anyone who s wondering whether something s okay here and which response to report it explains in detail why any validation of suicidal intent even an innocent message like if you re 00 committed i ll just wish you peace is likely to increase people s pain and why it s important to report even subtle pro suicide comment the full text of the wiki s current version is below and it is maintained at r suicidewatch wiki incitement http www reddit com r suicidewatch wiki incitement we deeply appreciate everyone who give responsive empathetic non judgemental support to our ops and we particularly thank everyone who s already been reporting incitement in all form please report any post or comment that encourages suicide or that break any of the other guideline in the sidebar to the moderator either by clicking the report button or by sending u a modmail http www reddit com message compose to fr fsuicidewatch with a link we deal with all guideline violation that are reported to u a soon a we can but we can t read everything so community report are essential if you get a pm that break the guideline please report it both to the reddit sitewide admins http www reddit com report and to u in modmail thanks to all the great citizen of the community who help flag problem content and behaviour for u r suicidewatch wiki incitement http www reddit com r suicidewatch wiki incitement summary it s important to respect and understand people s experience and emotion it s never necessary helpful or kind to support suicidal intent there are some common misconception discussed below about suicidal people and how to help them that can cause well meaning people to inadvertently incite suicide there are also people online who incite suicide on purpose often while pretending to be sympathetic and helpful validate feeling and experience not self destructive intention we re here to offer support not judgement that mean accepting with the best understanding we can offer whatever emotion people express suicidal people are suffering and we re here to try to ease that by providing support and caring the most reliable way we know to de escalate someone at risk is to give them the experience of feeling understood that mean not judging whether they should be feeling the way they are or telling them what to do or not do but there s an important line to draw here there s a crucial difference between empathizing with feeling and responding non judgmentally to suicidal thought and in any way endorsing encouraging or validating suicidal intention or hopeless belief it s both possible and important to convey understanding and compassion for someone s suicidal thought without putting your finger on the scale of their decision anything that condones suicide even passively encourages suicide it isn t supportive and doe not help it also violates reddit s sitewide rule a well a our guideline explicitly inciting suicide online is a criminal offense in most jurisdiction do not treat any op s post a meaning that will definitely die by suicide and can t change their mind or be helped anyone who s able to read the comment here still ha a chance to choose whether or not to try to keep living even if they ve also been experiencing intense thought of suicide made a suicide plan or started carrying it out in the most useful empirical model we have http www apa org science about psa 009 0 sci brief the desire to die by suicide primarily come from two interpersonal factor alienation and a sense of being a burden or having nothing to offer these factor usually lead to a profound feeling of being unwelcome in the world so any acceptance or reinforcement of suicidal intent even something innocent like i hope you find peace is actually a form of covert shunning that validates a person s sense that they re unwelcome in the world it will usually add to their pain even if kindly meant and gently worded how to avoid validating suicidal intent keep the following in mind when offering support to anyone at risk for suicide people who say they don t want help usually can feel better if they get support that doesn t invalidate their emotion unfortunately many popular good response are actually counterproductive http www speakingofsuicide com 0 0 0 what not to say in particular many friend and family tend to rely exclusively on trying to convince the suicidal person that it s not so bad and this is usually experienced a i don t understand what you re going through and i m not going to try people who ve had help that made them feel worse don t want any more of the same it doesn t mean that someone who actually know how to be supportive can t give them any comfort most people who are suicidal want to end their pain not their life it s almost never true that death is the only way to end these people s suffering of course there are exceptional situation and we certainly acknowledge that for some people the right help can be difficult to find but preventing someone s suicide doesn t mean prolonging their suffering if we do it by giving them real comfort and understanding an unfixable problem doesn t mean that a good life will never be possible we don t have to fix or change anything to help someone feel better it s important to keep in mind that the correlation between our outer circumstance and our inner experience is weaker and le direct than commonly assumed for every kind of difficult life situation you will find some people who lapse into suicidal despair and others who cope amazingly well and a whole spectrum in between a key difference is how much inner resilience the person ha at the time this can depend on many personal and situational factor but when there s not enough interpersonal support can both compensate for it absence and help rebuild it we go into more depth on the it get better issue in this psa post http www reddit com r suicidewatch comment igd whats wrong with it get better what if it doesnt which is always linked from our sidebar community info on mobile guideline there are always more choice than brutally forcing someone to stay alive or passively letting them end their life to avoid accidentally breaking the anti incitement rule don t say or try to imply that acting on suicidal thought is a good idea or that someone can t turn back or is already dead do whatever you can to help them feel cared for and welcome at least in this little corner of the world our talking tip http redd it igh offer more detailed guidance look out for deliberate incitement it may come in disguise often comment that subtly encourage suicidal intent actually come from suicide fetishist and voyeur unfortunately this is a real and disturbing phenomenon http en wikipedia org wiki william francis melchert dinkel people like this are out there and the anonymous nature of reddit make u particularly attractive to them they will typically try to scratch their psychological itch by saying thing that push people closer to the edge they often do this by exploiting the myth that we debunked in the bullet point above specifically you might see people doing the following encouraging the false belief that the only way suicidal people can end their pain is by dying there are always more and better choice than brutally forcing someone to stay alive or helping actively or passively them to end their life creating an artificial and toxic sense of solidarity by linking their encouragement of suicide to empathy they will represent themselves a the only one who really understand the suicidal person while either directly or indirectly encouraging their self loathing emotion and self destructive impulse since most people in suicidal crisis are in desperate need to empathy and understanding this is a particularly dangerous form of manipulation many suicide inciter are adept at putting a benevolent spin on their activity while actually luring people away from source of real help a couple of key point to keep in mind skilled suicide intervention peer or professional is based on empathic responsiveness to the person s feeling that reduces their suffering in the moment contrary to pop culture myth it doe not involve persuasion don t do it cheerleading you ve got this or meaningless false promise trust me it get better or invalidation let me show you how thing aren t a bad a you think anyone who lead others to expect these kind of toxic response or any other response that prolongs their pain from expert help may be covertly pro suicide of course people sometimes do have bad experience when seeking mental health treatment and it s fine to vent about those but processing our own disappointment and frustration is entirely different from trying to destroy someone else s hope of getting help choice made by competent responder are always informed by the understanding that breaching someone s trust is traumatic and must be avoided if possible any kind of involuntary intervention is an extremely unlikely outcome when someone consults a clinician or call a hotline confidentiality is addressed in more detail in our hotlines faq post http redd it c ntr the goal is always to provide all help with the client s full knowledge and informed consent we know that no individual or system is perfect mistake that lead to bad experience do sometimes happen to vulnerable people and we have enormous sympathy for them but anyone who suggests that this is the norm might be trying to scare people away from the help they need please let u know discreetly http www reddit com message compose to fr fsuicidewatch if you see anyone exhibiting these or similar behaviour we don t recommend trying to engage with them directly
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may 9th and september th are the worst day of the year for me and may in coming up so fast i feel the depression kicking in
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gaspitsnicole sigh me too mostly i miss hsnging out with my friend damn growing up p oh yeah i miss being able to spell too lol
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back work had a bad start of day almost falling down the stair not enjoying work yet
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doe anyone have such horrible anxiety that they have full lost their appetite i have terrible anxiety i have a new job to attend small kid to take care of a mortgage to pay and my anxiety is out of this world everyday i am down to having the desire to drink tea water only and i don t know how much longer i can function trying to keep up with basic baseline life is so miserable a an anxious person
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gmg 00 lol omg don t tempt me i just started p90 hour ago i need to at least be good for a day shoulda asked me yesterday
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all the photo i try to upload are too big
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lucygooesy haha nice barbie backgroud he still hasnt replied lol
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keeping my finger crossed for my buddy he is not feeling well
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you know that feeling when the day and night drag on the tear stream down your cheek your vision start to tunnel the feeling of being lost with no where to go the movie staring yourself is playing and all you can do is sit back and watch a the world start to slip away from you slowly the first time i tried taking my life wa year old i wa physically and mentally abused from the moment i wa born and still mentally abused to this day this time it me abusing myself i got so used to being alone and not wanted so what s the point in trying anymore 0 0 wa a bad year for everyone but that is the time where i started losing a grip on my life for the last time my world started spirlling out of control what did i do i woke up at 0am walked into the kitchen grabbed a knife and drug of deep across my throat i walked into the bedroom where my wife wa sleeping she woke up to the sound of gargling only you find me trying to hold my throat shut she immediately called 9 and just looked at me in aw with a single tear falling down my cheek all she could do is watch a her husband is slowly dying right in front of her when i woke up day later in the hospital she wa no where to be found this is when my world came crashing down over me hearing those word whisper out of her mouth i want a divorce that wa the day i died inside i lost my soul mate my best friend my wife and the mother of my child i lost everything that day family friend my daughter my house my truck and my heart every day i fall asleep cry begging to take me back in time but in reality i know i can t so what is there left to do you ask die life for me ha ended i have nothing more left in me anymore i have been suffering from depression for a very long time i m exhausted i m tired i m alone i m lost all i want is to end this story of my life called misery i want to leave this world so i don t have to disappoint anyone ever again i am broken i can t do it anymore everyone say life is precious well to me life is a waste of time i have nothing more to give i have nothing more to learn i have nothing i am depressed i am hurt i am sitting in the theater watching a my screen start to fade to black this is it i tell myself i am no longer going to sit here and put a fake smile on my face for everyone else i am done helping out others with there problem why doesn t anyone ask me how i am doing probably because i would lie i am going to die i am ready i hope and pray the my daughter and my ex wife can forgive me i will always love them until the end of time with that being said i am signing off i have nothing left in the tank goodbye cruel cruel world until we meet again daddy will always be looking over you guiding you in a direction i never wa pushed towards i may not have any friend but i will be leaving a mark on legacy my job here is done good bye signing off
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cnn in term of immune system depression
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didn t even want to get up for work this morning i just wasn t feeling it but had to anyway
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i ve been struggling with an eating disorder for five year now it ha stolen those year from me crippled me from doing thing i love due to my low body weight made me unable to think rationally and study diligently my family are exhausted mum especially sleeping beside me because she s terrified i ll die alone in my sleep it make my heart rot thinking about the hour they ve spent worrying about me or the time and money flushed down the toilet finding me treatment i always disappoint them the mental health team i ve been going to have been more harm than good mum tried to send me to them a early a she could after spotting my illness they did nothing to prevent it from spiraling out of control which it shortly did i had a useless councillor who would stare at me in silence for an hour every week once she broke it to ask if i drank chocolate milk pretty self explanatory considering i had anorexia my parent and i left each session in tear after politely asking if we could swap councillor the team began bullying my mum they thought we were attacking the councillor i wa seeing this meant they refused to offer me a bed at a residential care and threatened to stop paying for my weekly doctor visit unless i disengaged in seeing a private therapist whom i wa making progress with today i found out my mum s plea to put me into residential care ha been accepted i m scared shitless what worry me most is how much they ll fatten me up i ve read somewhere patient are only released once they ve restored of healthy weight however i m also aware i ll be alone with sick and possibly more malnourished kid than myself five hour away from home i lost it when i heard the news screaming and cry my eye out at my mum who should never deserve to be treated like that she ha done everything she can to keep me alive both her and my younger sister are so sick of me my sister hardly ever speaks to me when she doe it s usually to yell at me for being an idiot and retarded once she even told me she wa embarrassed to go out in public with that me and wished i died of cancer honestly i wish so too especially when i remember how close we used to be i went to my mum after dinner to ask for some support she told me i wa so selfish for continuing to engage in a disordered lifestyle and then taunted me when i said i couldn t drink an additional supplement formula i ve pushed those i love away from me i m so alone and lost i m praying to god i get sick and die because then they wouldn t think i wa doing it for attention or being selfish i m so sorry for the rant but i just don t know what to do
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in biology class my lip hurt
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onlytosee twitter s been doing that to me tooo
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surely just hanging there being asphyxiated by the rope will kill you eventually if the above mentioned thing don t happen
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today i took the very scary choice of going to the hospital i don t know if i needed to but i wasn t sure how safe i wa and wanted to be careful a few hour a benzo and a long therapy session later i wa out and feeling pretty great about myself i did the right thing i relied on professional help i made sure i wasn t burdening my family and then my wife told me she didn t want me to come home and this just fucking broke me can you imagine getting out of the hospital after a surgery or accident and having your spouse tell you they don t want to see you would anyone say after you got out your appendix you weren t there for me today so i don t want to see you i understand and respect that being with someone with a mental illness is really hard i have done so many thing that would totally justify leaving me but what s breaking me is that the thing that i am getting turned away for wasn t my horrible behavior but the time i did the right thing the time i got help
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spending more time outdoors can decrease your chance of depression quote fb http t co hijckgl0hm ig http t co sv h ne b http t co fw c9hg 9m
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lol not literally but when i m out with a group of people for example i always feel so weird like i don t belong or that i m so abstract from everyone but in reality i m accepted by everybody amp it rlly suck feeling this way anyone else go through this
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depression remedy little step big impact http t co kebtd od depression humanpsychology remedy
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paulteeter we passed by the border
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when the seasonal depression finally fuck off and life is enjoyable again gt gt gt