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The Urban Systems Lab (USL) Dataviz Platform is an interactive web application to visualize Social, Ecological, and Technological Systems (SETS). This platform is being used to encourage participatory processes, produce new knowledge, and facilitate collaborative analysis within nine Urban Resilience to Weather-related Extremes (UREx) Sustainability Research Network cities. It allows seamless shifts across contexts, scales, and perspectives for analysis within the SETS framework. How is digital space conceptualized for urban analysis and interventions? What is the capacity for reciprocal relationships between digital and physical space? How do we visually understand urban systems and complex spatial relationships? This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the application stack and the different representational categories embedded in the Dataviz Platform. Offering a common visual language to various stakeholders, we explore new ground as we believe it has the potential to change how we think about, plan, and design our cities. (“Map devices such as a frame, scale, orientation, projection, indexing and naming reveal artificial geographies that remain unavailable to human eyes.” (Corner,.Cosgrove (ed), Mappings, Reaktion Books, London, 1999)
10.1 The USL Dataviz Platform
Facilitated by a UREx team of academic researchers, city planners, first responders, NGOs, and local community groups, the 3D visualizations featured on the USL Dataviz Platform (Sauter et al. 2019) are used to support cross-city analysis, collaboration, and conversation, with an individualized focus on local priorities in each city. For example, the Dataviz Platform has been used for stakeholder engagement in a number of UREx scenario workshops, providing the spatial context and SETS data to explore desirable and plausible pathways for reducing risks in improving resilience of vulnerable communities and critical infrastructure in cities such as Phoenix, Portland, Miami, and San Juan.
The platform is a public repository for a variety of visual outputs in one integrated project platform. It serves as an engagement tool and supports seamless shifts in context and perspective for analysis within a SETS framework (see Chap. 3); for instance, by switching from geospatial maps focused on heat (Fig. 10.1) to those focused on flood risk, and from city-wide analysis to block-level views. For the sake of inclusivity, common digital and mobile devices can be used to view the intricacies of geospatial layers presented on the platform in a simple and rich way. Additionally, the platform leverages common visual assets from location-based services and maps on mobile devices to relate to user expectations.
UREx city teams have used the platform to draft narratives in a content management system and share them publicly. For example, diverse stakeholders in Syracuse, New York have been able to use the platform to view important SETS data of the city together. This collaboration provides a basis for exploration of resilience futures, as well as a starting point for asking questions about the systemic interactions that drive current challenges in the city. The platform enables teams to manage the publication life cycle and add context and metadata to complex visual outputs such as future heat, flood, and land-use projections (e.g., UREx 2050 and 2080 scenarios). Doing so provides a better understanding of the underlying data and computational models that generated a particular output.
10.2 Representation of Space
In Social Justice and the City (1973), David Harvey argues the importance of reflecting on the nature of spaces to understand urban processes—what we call today “urban systems.” We use Harvey’s spatial classification from “Space as a Key Word” (2004) as a vocabulary to name the contextual and perspective shifts featured within the online USL Dataviz Platform:
Absolute, a fixed space, true to reality, one frame, independent
Relative, multiple geometries to choose from, “spatial frame depends upon what is being relativized and by whom” (Harvey 2004, p. 3)
Relational, processes occur and define their own spatial frame, object exists only in the relationship with another object
An interactive platform holds a dynamic range of these spaces (absolute, relative, and relational). Absolute space is represented by building footprints, land use, coastal flooding and everything that can be visualized and measured in space at scale (Fig. 10.2). Relative space is exponentially richer within an interactive tool, because the relativization changes according to user input, zoom levels, and data resolution. Because space is dynamic, data is relative to its container: pixels. While navigating the platform, data gets sorted, selected, abstracted, and slowly unpacked to add detail as the user moves closer in.
Data are meaningful on a screen insofar as it is visualized in its relation to other layers at different levels of abstraction. Sometimes the accuracy of elements in an (absolute) geospatial space is secondary; e.g., by using extruded building footprints as an approximation of a building’s shape. In other instances, visual elements represent data beyond its (relative) location; e.g., by showing the flow of people, a volume of water, or associated costs. In contrast, relational space is independent from absolute and relative dimensions, operating at the highest level of abstraction based on its own design rules; e.g., diagrams showing stakeholder networks, labor processes, or icons signifying sensations.
A good example for a dataset that shifts from a relative to absolute space paradigm is the green roofs layer in New York City (NYC); zooming out, we can see circles with some transparency showing the green roofs location in NYC (Fig. 10.3). These circles are not at scale but are able to show a distribution of green roofs across the city, relative to each other. As we zoom in, the circles disappear and transition into absolute space, uncovering both the geolocation and footprint of green roofs, as well as their elevation in three-dimensional space (Fig. 10.4).
Harvey further develops the classification where absolute, relative, and relational space intersects to create a matrix of combinations:
Material space, as in what you can experience with your senses
Representations of space, including diagrams, collages, infographics, writing, and geospatial maps. The visualization platform lies mostly in this category because it shows data within a specific location on earth, attributing information to the built environment (cities).
Spaces of representation, a symbolic space produced by cultural memories, symbols, emotions, images, and imaginaries such as artistic interpretations and narratives
Considering the different kinds of practices at work in the URExSRN, conceptualization of space varies considerably among the different stakeholders, and spans the full range of Harvey’s classification. “The problem of the proper conceptualization of space is resolved through human practice with respect to it.... The question what is space is therefore replaced by the question: How is it that different human practices create and make use of different conceptualizations of space?” (Harvey 1973, pp 13–14).
For example, a hydrologist might look at a particular storm event as a predictable nuisance that occurs at a certain frequency and can be represented accordingly. An emergency responder might view the same event through the emotional account of callers in distress. A resident (materially) experiences the event and its implications from a viewpoint centered at the actual site. And a City official manages those external forces and points of view to develop long-term resiliency plans, using spatial representations such as maps and diagrams to engage and communicate. The different stakeholders and practices therefore require a common (visual) language to bridge those gaps and points of view. This challenge is our objective, organizing a web of spatial relationships and representations into one integrated visualization platform.
10.3 Visualization Concepts
Web-based visualizations operate at the intersection of visual design, statistical analysis, and computer science (Drucker 2014). They create dynamic representations that can shift seamlessly between narrative modes and spatial representations. To balance the two for a range of use cases, the USL Dataviz Platform requires a high level of customization and is therefore unique in how it is constructed from source data to the finished design. Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) are historically used to produce maps for print media, and are tailored towards expert audiences versed in reading geospatial information. The following section discusses the different spatial capacities of the USL Dataviz Platform in relation to spatial categories that are inherent in working with GIS. They are arranged as opposite sides of a representational spectrum, along with a discussion of the design implications for the platform:
Static versus Dynamic: Static GIS maps often function as visual evidence to convey a particular point of view, placed intentionally into a larger narrative by an author. When visualizing data at different scales and levels of fidelity, two factors remain constant: the resolution of the underlying data and the size of the canvas it is displayed within. Hence, there are obvious limitations for constructing complex visualizations where time, space, and scale work interdependently together to produce a visual output within the constraints of the browser canvas. A framework that is flexible enough to shift spatial representations requires an interactive system that can process user inputs and render graphic outputs based on those interactions, dynamically. This approach has the advantageous capacity to do the following: Conduct self-serve analysis on various datasets, display dynamically updated (and real-time) data, facilitate collaboration and dissemination, provide varying levels of access, and collect structured feedback. Additionally, a dynamic system can harness principles of cinematography and motion graphics to tell stories in a linear or nonlinear fashion for different audiences and purposes, such as identifying risks, managing interventions, and planning adaptation strategies (Amini et al. 2015). Such participatory processes are fundamental for an inclusive approach, connecting researchers, practitioners, and residents around particular issues. To that end, a key feature of the platform is the ability to share a specific geospatial view through short URLs, available in the browser (bottom-right) corner, to show the exact same view and settings to a person who opens the link on another device.
Global versus Local: One of the primary affordances of interactive 3D maps is to provide viewers the freedom to seamlessly explore and compare the data at local, regional, national, and global scales. A resident engaged in a local issue, for instance, might therefore better understand how local social-ecological-technological systems, or SETS, compare to a regional picture. At the most local level (fully zoomed in), we use 3D extrusions of building footprints as a visual canvas to display the underlying data. The demographic data we use are accurate at a census block level, and while we extrude each building on the lot, the underlying data are not available at a lot level. Therefore, multiple buildings on the lot show the same census data. As a representation, building geometry (extruded from footprints using height information) provides a much better sense of the built environment, especially in urban settings, but also suggests higher accuracy—a trade-off and a design decision. Moving from a local to a regional zoom level, the accuracy of building geometry loses significance. Computationally, to display a city-wide view requires the ability to reduce complexity of the data to allow it to be rendered quickly in an online environment. This involves reducing the graphic complexity of buildings shown on the platform as the viewer moves around, thereby balancing the available computational resources and ensuring that the user experience is fluid. For example, showing all buildings on the more than one million building lots of NYC requires significant computation, and in order to find balance, thus requires reducing building detail to maintain a sufficient frame rate and a good user experience across a range of devices, including mobile phones. At a distance, administrative boundaries become more relevant and hold more weight for analysis, and the map geometry adapts accordingly into aggregate bins where necessary.
Raster versus Vector: Vector data format, which is essentially a database of point, line and polygon coordinates, is ideal for representing discrete data and geometries. It plays well with digital applications that demand a suite of interactions on top of the data layer, letting users “touch” and interact with the data itself. On the contrary, working with raster data is suitable for working with continuous data, where working with pixels instead of coordinates is a more computationally sensible approach. Such may be the case for working with digital elevation models (DEM), satellite imagery (Fig. 10.5) and similar remote sensing data. Depending on the workflow requirements, the data can be converted between raster to vector and vice versa (Fig. 10.6).
Narrative versus Representational: A key decision in the development of the USL Dataviz Platform was the objective to show qualitative data and narrative content developed during stakeholder workshops held in each network city (Fig. 10.7), and to convey connections between various vulnerabilities and exposures; for instance, food and energy security, coastal flooding, and urban and river flooding. Using an online editor, authors can draft narratives in the content management system, embed rich media such as images and movie clips, and link those with geospatial views and layers provided through the platform. Multiple views can be recorded and animated to tell a particular story, presented in a split-screen view that allows for analytic comparisons while navigating the narrative. This design choice balances the qualitative and quantitative representations that are displayed, while keeping the interactive features of the platform active. The design implication is the need for a highly customizable mapping engine,Footnote 1 along with the data structures that allow for customizable views, virtual camera settings, user permissions, and metadata. For data representations such as flood risk or land cover, one limitation of the popular Mapbox-GL engine is that it currently does not display elevation as 3D terrain, but as flat images with different color values corresponding to the height of the terrain.
10.4 Application Stack
The USL Dataviz Platform is implemented as a web application using open source libraries, and thus it can be replicated using standard web development tools and best practices.Footnote 2 The following workflow diagram broadly illustrates the end to end framework for creating spatial visualizations with the platform, presented as individual layers in the front-end web interface. These layers are interactively transformed client side by viewers through their individual web browsers (local storage) (Fig. 10.8).
The data visualization workflow operates as follows:
Data preparation: This stage involves collecting the geospatial data and applying necessary transformations, such as adjusting map projection, aggregation, filtering, geocoding, spatial joins, etc. to make the data interoperable with other server-side components for further processing. This is the most meticulous and time-consuming part of the process. The methodology varies highly for each dataset depending on the programmer’s domain expertise and desired output specifications for the visualization, as prioritized by local stakeholders.
Tile generation: Once the data are converted into the desired raster or vector format, the next step is to generate a tile map from it, generating a set of individual images that are loaded and displayed in the browser as a seamless map. Tippecanoe,Footnote 3 a command line utility, is a popular tool that we use to generate tiles from large datasets. It provides extensive options to customize both raster and vector data types.
Tile server: After encoding the map layers, tiles can be self-hosted on cloud infrastructure or commercial service providers.Footnote 4 Many libraries, like D3.jsFootnote 5or Deck.gl,Footnote 6 require data to be loaded within the client browser. However, streaming the complete datasets used to a client’s device is not feasible. When viewing large datasets in excess of a few megabytes, streaming the data as slippy mapsFootnote 7 is a standard and preferred approach. The data are split into a grid of tiles for each zoom level. Based on the web browser’s viewport, only the tiles within view are requested from the tile server and stitched together into a seamless canvas, which happens while zooming or panning a map. There are a number of tile server solutions available that can be deployed according to usage and demand.Footnote 8
Front-end application: The data are finally consumed and rendered by a front-end application operating on a user’s mobile or desktop device. It is responsible for accepting interactive user inputs and querying the data from the hosted tile server.
Our objectives are to support the exploration and understanding of complex geospatial relationships in a simple and organized way and to avoid visual outputs that cognitively overwhelm the viewer, both for a variety of use cases. By categorizing the representational concepts that inform our design decisions, the hidden operations within the visualization platform become more transparent. Intentionally, every design decision serves a specific narrative or representational purpose, which might not be apparent at first glance.
As explained by James Corner, maps are artificial geographies that reveal “the invisible” to the human eye. Whether in absolute, relative, or relational space, our interactive platform explores new ground in which maps function as dynamic data aggregates that shift scale and context, reveal transformative narratives, and enable participatory processes. This exploration has the potential to change how we think about, plan, and design our cities.
As a platform designed to provide spatial context and a digital common ground for various stakeholders in group settings, some viewers find the 3D environment more difficult to navigate than others, especially if they are not used to working with spatial data. Along with the spatial shifts from regional to local views, the “artificial geographies” produced by the platform can be cognitively taxing, especially when switching between different SETS data layers. Narrative text, hyperlinks, legends, and sources provide additional information through the platform’s narrative panel. This however also requires more in-depth study and sustained engagement in order to process and understand interconnected data.
The impact of the USL data visualization platform lies in its capacity to communicate the invisible through a common visual language, suitable for different human practices and stakeholders. As we continue to research and visualize urban social–ecological–technological systems in the future, we plan on pushing the boundaries between absolute and abstract spatial representations in contexts such as social relationships, traffic flows, green infrastructure, and questions of equity.
The USL Dataviz Team reviewed a set of mapping libraries to decide on the visualization software stack for the project, including MapBox-GL (which renders buildings as well as building-part extrusions), CesiumJS (using WebGL to render more detailed CityGML geometries), Mapbox SDK for Unity (useful for rendering extruded buildings over a terrain mesh, high-end graphics rendering, and post-processing), along with cloud-based mapping services such as Google Maps, Earth, and ArcGIS Online. Criteria for building a custom platform included the level of customizability, user experience across devices leveraging WebGL, cost to develop, scale, and host a tile server online, available support by a developer community, as well as the graphics roadmap for future development. The decision was to build the platform on Mapbox-GL.
Amini F, Henry Riche N, Lee H et al (2015) Understanding data videos: looking at narrative visualization through the cinematography lens. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Seoul, South Korea, pp 1459–1468
Corner J (1999) The agency of mapping: Speculation, critique and invention. In: Cosgrove D (ed) Mappings. Reaktion Books, London, pp 231–252
Drucker J (2014) Graphesis: visual forms of knowledge production (metaLABprojects). Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA
Harvey D (1973) Social justice and the city. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore
Harvey D (2004) Space as a keyword. Presented at the Marx and Philosophy Conference, London: Institute of Education
McPhearson T, Pickett STA, Grimm N et al (2016) Advancing urban ecology toward a science of cities. . Biosci 66(3):198–212. https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biw002
Sauter D, Randhawa J, McPhearson T (2019) USL Dataviz Platform. http://nyc.urbansystemslab.com/. Accessed 30 Jun 2020
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© 2021 This is a U.S. government work and not under copyright protection in the U.S.; foreign copyright protection may apply
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Sauter, D., Randhawa, J., Tomateo, C., McPhearson, T. (2021). Visualizing Urban Social–Ecological–Technological Systems. In: Hamstead, Z.A., Iwaniec, D.M., McPhearson, T., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Cook, E.M., Muñoz-Erickson, T.A. (eds) Resilient Urban Futures. The Urban Book Series. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-63131-4_10
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-030-63130-7
Online ISBN: 978-3-030-63131-4 | Urban Systems Lab (USL) Dataviz Platform ni programu ya mtandao ya maingiliano ya kuona Mifumo ya Jamii, Ikolojia, na Teknolojia (SETS). Mfumo huu unatumika kuhamasisha michakato ya ushiriki, kuzalisha maarifa mapya, na kuwezesha uchambuzi wa ushirikiano ndani ya miji tisa ya Uwezo wa Mji wa Utafiti wa Uendelezaji wa Hali ya Hewa (URX). Inaruhusu mabadiliko ya moja kwa moja katika muktadha, viwango, na mitazamo kwa uchambuzi ndani ya mfumo wa SETS. Jinsi gani nafasi ya digital ni conceptualized kwa ajili ya uchambuzi wa mijini na uingiliaji? Ni nini uwezo wa mahusiano ya pande zote kati ya nafasi ya digital na kimwili? Tunatambuaje mifumo ya mijini na mahusiano magumu ya anga kwa njia ya kuona? Sura hii hutoa muhtasari wa kina wa stack ya maombi na makundi tofauti ya uwakilishi iliyoingizwa katika Jukwaa la Dataviz. Kwa kutoa lugha ya kawaida ya kuona kwa wadau mbalimbali, tunachunguza ardhi mpya kwa sababu tunaamini ina uwezo wa kubadilisha jinsi tunavyofikiria, kupanga, na kubuni miji yetu. "Kutumia ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani, ramani.""" "Mfano wa ""mfano wa msingi"" ni pamoja na uthibitisho wa ushirikiano wa kimataifa, ushirikiano wa kimataifa, na ushirikiano wa kimataifa, na lengo la kibinafsi juu ya vipaumbele vya ndani katika kila mji." Kwa mfano, DataViz Platform imetumika kwa ushiriki wa wadau katika warsha kadhaa za hali ya URX, ikitoa muktadha wa kijiografia na data ya SETS kuchunguza njia zinazofaa na za kuaminika za kupunguza hatari katika kuboresha uthabiti wa jamii dhaifu na miundombinu muhimu katika miji kama vile Phoenix, Portland, Miami na San Juan. Jukwaa ni hazina ya umma kwa ajili ya aina mbalimbali ya matokeo ya kuona katika moja jumuishi mradi jukwaa. Ni kutumika kama chombo ushiriki na inasaidia mabadiliko seamless katika muktadha na mtazamo kwa ajili ya uchambuzi ndani ya mfumo SETS (tazama sura ya 4). 3); kwa mfano, kwa kubadili kutoka ramani geospatial ililenga joto (Fig. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""mfano wa mafuriko"" ni ""mfano wa mafuriko"" na ""mfano wa mafuriko"" ni ""mfano wa mafuriko"" na ""mfano wa mafuriko"" ni ""mfano wa mafuriko"" na ""mfano wa mafuriko"" ni ""mfano wa mafuriko.""" Kwa ajili ya ujumuishaji, vifaa vya kawaida vya dijiti na vya rununu vinaweza kutumika kuona utata wa tabaka za kijiografia zilizowasilishwa kwenye jukwaa kwa njia rahisi na tajiri. Kwa kuongezea, jukwaa linatumia mali ya kawaida ya kuona kutoka kwa huduma za msingi wa eneo na ramani kwenye vifaa vya rununu kuhusiana na matarajio ya mtumiaji. Timu za jiji la UREx zimetumia jukwaa hilo kuunda hadithi katika mfumo wa usimamizi wa maudhui na kuzishiriki hadharani. Kwa mfano, wadau mbalimbali katika Syracuse, New York wamekuwa na uwezo wa kutumia jukwaa la kuona muhimu SETS data ya mji pamoja. Ushirikiano huu hutoa msingi wa kuchunguza siku zijazo za upinzani, na pia hatua ya kuanzia kwa kuuliza maswali juu ya mwingiliano wa mfumo ambao huendesha changamoto za sasa katika jiji. Programu hii inasaidia timu kusimamia mzunguko wa maisha ya kuchapisha na kuongeza muktadha na metadata kwa matokeo ya kuona tata kama vile joto la baadaye, mafuriko, na utabiri wa matumizi ya ardhi (kwa mfano, hali ya hali ya hewa ya 2050 na 2080). Kufanya hivyo hutoa uelewa bora wa data ya msingi na mifano ya mahesabu ambayo ilizalisha pato fulani. "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika ""Representation of Space in Social Justice and the City"" (mwaka wa 2003), Harvey anatumia ""space classification"" kutoka kwa ""Space as a Keyword"" kama msamiati wa kutaja mabadiliko ya muktadha na mtazamo yaliyoonyeshwa ndani ya jukwaa la data la USL: Absolute, nafasi iliyowekwa, kweli kwa hali halisi, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja, moja." "Uwanja kamili unawakilishwa na ""kujenga nyayo za miguu,"" ""matumizi ya ardhi,"" ""mafuriko ya pwani"" na ""kila kitu ambacho kinaweza kuonekana na kupimwa katika nafasi kwa kiwango.""" 10.2. Nafasi ya jamaa ni exponentially tajiri ndani ya chombo maingiliano, kwa sababu relativization mabadiliko kulingana na pembejeo ya mtumiaji, viwango vya zoom, na azimio data. Kwa sababu nafasi ni nguvu, data ni jamaa na chombo chake: pixels. Wakati wa kusafiri kwenye jukwaa, data hupangwa, kuchaguliwa, kuchukuliwa, na kupunguzwa polepole ili kuongeza maelezo wakati mtumiaji anakaribia. Data ni muhimu kwenye skrini kwa kadiri inavyoonekana katika uhusiano wake na tabaka zingine katika viwango tofauti vya abstraction. Wakati mwingine usahihi wa vipengele katika (hakika) geospatial nafasi ni sekondari; kwa mfano, kwa kutumia extruded jengo nyayo kama approximation ya jengo's sura. Katika visa vingine, vipengele vya kuona huwakilisha data zaidi ya eneo lake (la jamaa); kwa mfano, kwa kuonyesha mtiririko wa watu, kiasi cha maji, au gharama zinazohusiana. Kwa kulinganisha, nafasi ya uhusiano ni huru kutoka kwa vipimo vya jumla na vya jamaa, ikifanya kazi katika kiwango cha juu cha abstraction kulingana na sheria zake za kubuni, kwa mfano, michoro inayoonyesha mitandao ya wadau, michakato ya kazi, au ikoni zinazowakilisha hisia. Mfano mzuri wa seti ya data ambayo inabadilika kutoka kwa paradigm ya nafasi ya jamaa hadi kamili ni safu ya paa za kijani huko New York City (NYC); kukua nje, tunaweza kuona duru na uwazi fulani unaoonyesha eneo la paa za kijani huko New York. 10.3) Mzunguko huu haupo kwa kiwango lakini una uwezo wa kuonyesha usambazaji wa paa za kijani kote jijini, kuhusiana na kila mmoja. Kama sisi zoom katika, duru kutoweka na mabadiliko katika nafasi kamili, kufunua wote geolocation na alama ya paa kijani, kama vile urefu wao katika nafasi tatu-dimensional. 10.4. "Harvey pia anaelezea jinsi nafasi ya ""mwisho,"" ""mahusiano,"" na ""mahali pa ukaribu"" vinavyounganishwa na ""mahali pa nyenzo,"" ""mahali pa vifaa,"" ""mahali pa vitu"" na ""mahali pa picha,"" ""mahali pa picha,"" ""mahali pa picha,"" ""mahali pa picha,"" ""mahali pa picha.""" Visual jukwaa liko zaidi katika jamii hii kwa sababu inaonyesha data ndani ya eneo maalum juu ya dunia, attributing habari kwa mazingira kujengwa (miji). Maonyesho ya nafasi, nafasi ya ishara inayotokana na kumbukumbu za kitamaduni, alama, hisia, picha, na mawazo kama vile tafsiri za kisanii na hadithi, ikizingatia aina tofauti za mazoea katika kazi ya URXSR, dhana ya nafasi inatofautiana sana kati ya wadau tofauti, na inashughulikia aina kamili ya uainishaji wa Harvey. <unk> Tatizo la dhana sahihi ya nafasi ni kutatuliwa kwa njia ya mazoezi ya binadamu kuhusiana na hilo.... "Kwa hivyo swali ""ni nini nafasi"" linabadilishwa na swali ""Ni vipi kwamba mazoea tofauti ya kibinadamu huunda na kutumia dhana tofauti za nafasi?"" (Harvey, 1973, p.13-14)." Kwa mfano, mtaalamu wa maji anaweza kuangalia tukio fulani la dhoruba kama usumbufu unaoweza kutabiriwa ambao hutokea kwa mzunguko fulani na unaweza kuwakilishwa ipasavyo. Msaidizi wa dharura aweza kuona tukio hilohilo kupitia simulizi la kihisia-moyo la wapiga-simu walio katika taabu. Mkaaji (kinyume) uzoefu tukio na athari zake kutoka mtazamo katikati ya tovuti halisi. Maafisa wa jiji husimamia nguvu hizo za nje na maoni ili kuendeleza mipango ya muda mrefu ya upinzani, kwa kutumia uwakilishi wa nafasi kama ramani na michoro ya kujihusisha na kuwasiliana. Washiriki tofauti na mazoea kwa hiyo zinahitaji lugha ya kawaida (ya kuona) ili kuziba mapungufu hayo na maoni. Hii ni changamoto yetu lengo, kuandaa mtandao wa mahusiano ya anga na uwakilishi katika moja jumuishi visualization jukwaa. "Kufanya kazi kwa njia ya ""kuona"" ni njia ya kuonekana kwa njia ya mtandao, ambayo ni njia ya kuonekana kwa njia ya picha, na kwa njia ya uchambuzi wa takwimu na sayansi ya kompyuta (Drucker, 2014)." Wao kuunda uwakilishi nguvu ambayo inaweza kubadilisha seamlessly kati ya modes hadithi na uwakilishi nafasi. Ili kusawazisha mbili kwa aina ya kesi za matumizi, USL DataViz Platform inahitaji kiwango cha juu cha ubadilishaji na kwa hivyo ni ya kipekee katika jinsi inavyojengwa kutoka kwa data ya chanzo hadi muundo wa kumaliza. Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) ni mapato ya zamani ya kuchapishwa kwa vyombo vya habari, na ni maalum kwa ajili ya wasikilizaji wa wataalamu wanaojua kusoma habari za kijiografia. Sehemu inayofuata inazungumzia uwezo tofauti wa nafasi ya USL DataViz Platform kuhusiana na makundi ya nafasi ambayo ni asili ya kufanya kazi na GIS. Picha za GIS zimepangwa kama pande tofauti za wigo wa uwakilishi, pamoja na majadiliano ya athari za kubuni kwa jukwaa: Static dhidi ya Dynamic: Ramani za GIS za Static mara nyingi hufanya kazi kama ushahidi wa kuona ili kuwasiliana na mtazamo maalum, uliowekwa kwa makusudi katika hadithi kubwa na mwandishi. Wakati wa kuonekana kwa data katika viwango tofauti na viwango vya uaminifu, mambo mawili hubaki mara kwa mara: azimio la data ya msingi na ukubwa wa canvas inayoonyeshwa ndani yake. Kwa hiyo, kuna mapungufu ya wazi kwa ajili ya kujenga visualizations tata ambapo muda, nafasi, na kiwango kazi interdependently pamoja kuzalisha pato Visual ndani ya vikwazo vya browser canvas. Mfumo ambao ni rahisi kutosha kuhamisha uwakilishi wa anga inahitaji mfumo wa maingiliano ambayo inaweza kusindika pembejeo ya mtumiaji na kutoa matokeo ya picha kulingana na maingiliano hayo, kwa nguvu. Njia hii ina uwezo wa kufanya yafuatayo: Kufanya self-service uchambuzi juu ya seti mbalimbali za data, kuonyesha dynamically updated (na wakati halisi) data, kuwezesha ushirikiano na usambazaji, kutoa ngazi mbalimbali za upatikanaji, na kukusanya maoni muundo. Kwa kuongezea, mfumo wa nguvu unaweza kutumia kanuni za sinema na picha za mwendo kuelezea hadithi kwa mtindo wa linear au nonlinear kwa watazamaji tofauti na madhumuni, kama vile kutambua hatari, kusimamia uingiliaji, na kupanga mikakati ya marekebisho. 2015) na Utaratibu kama huo wa ushiriki ni wa msingi kwa mbinu ya kujumuisha, kuunganisha watafiti, watendaji, na wakazi karibu na masuala maalum. Kwa kusudi hilo, kipengele muhimu cha jukwaa ni uwezo wa kushiriki mtazamo maalum wa kijiografia kupitia URL fupi, zinazopatikana katika kona ya chini ya kulia ya kivinjari, kuonyesha mtazamo sawa na mipangilio kwa mtu anayefungua kiungo kwenye kifaa kingine. Utafiti wa 3D wa kimataifa na wa ndani: Moja ya faida kuu za ramani za maingiliano za 3D ni kuwapa watazamaji uhuru wa kuchunguza na kulinganisha data kwa urahisi katika viwango vya ndani, kikanda, kitaifa, na kimataifa. Kwa mfano, mtu anayefanya kazi katika eneo fulani anaweza kuelewa vizuri jinsi mifumo ya kijamii, ikolojia na kiteknolojia inavyoweza kulinganishwa na eneo hilo. Katika kiwango cha ndani kabisa (kuongeza kabisa), tunatumia extrusions 3D ya alama za ujenzi kama canvas ya kuona kuonyesha data ya msingi. Takwimu za idadi ya watu tunazotumia ni sahihi katika kiwango cha block ya sensa, na wakati tunatoa kila jengo kwenye lot, data ya msingi haipatikani katika kiwango cha lot. Kwa hiyo, majengo mengi kwenye eneo hilo yanaonyesha data ileile ya sensa. Kama uwakilishi, ujenzi jiometri (extruded kutoka nyayo kutumia urefu habari) hutoa hisia bora sana ya mazingira kujengwa, hasa katika mazingira ya mijini, lakini pia inaonyesha usahihi wa juu <unk> biashara-off na uamuzi wa kubuni. Kuhama kutoka kiwango cha ndani hadi kiwango cha kikanda cha zoom, usahihi wa jiometri ya jengo hupoteza umuhimu. Kwa computationally, kuonyesha mtazamo wa mji wote inahitaji uwezo wa kupunguza utata wa data kuruhusu kuwa na haraka katika mazingira ya mtandaoni. Hii inahusisha kupunguza ugumu wa picha za majengo yaliyoonyeshwa kwenye jukwaa wakati mtazamaji anapoenda, na hivyo kusawazisha rasilimali za hesabu zinazopatikana na kuhakikisha kuwa uzoefu wa mtumiaji ni laini. Kwa mfano, kuonyesha majengo yote kwenye zaidi ya milioni moja ya majengo mengi ya NYC inahitaji hesabu kubwa, na ili kupata usawa, hivyo inahitaji kupunguza maelezo ya jengo ili kudumisha kiwango cha sura ya kutosha na uzoefu mzuri wa mtumiaji katika aina ya vifaa, ikiwa ni pamoja na simu za mkononi. Kwa mbali, mipaka ya kiutawala inakuwa muhimu zaidi na kushikilia uzito zaidi kwa ajili ya uchambuzi, na jiometri ya ramani inabadilika ipasavyo katika mabati ya jumla inapohitajika. Vector: Vector data format, ambayo ni msingi database ya pointi, mstari na poligoni kuratibu, ni bora kwa ajili ya kuwakilisha data tofauti na jiometri. Ni kucheza vizuri na maombi ya digital ambayo kudai suite ya maingiliano juu ya safu ya data, kuruhusu watumiaji <unk>touch<unk> na kuingiliana na data yenyewe. Kwa upande mwingine, kufanya kazi na raster data ni yanafaa kwa ajili ya kufanya kazi na data kuendelea, ambapo kufanya kazi na pixels badala ya kuratibu ni zaidi computationally busara mbinu. Hii ni kwa sababu ya kuunganisha na mifano ya digital ya urefu (DEM) na picha za satellite. (a) (b) (c) (d) (d) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e) ( Kulingana na mahitaji ya mtiririko wa kazi, data inaweza kubadilishwa kati ya raster kwa vector na kinyume chake (Fig. 10.6 (Kichwa cha habari) Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi wa Ufafanuzi. "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika sehemu ya 10, ""kuelezea uhusiano kati ya udhaifu mbalimbali na mfiduo, kwa mfano, usalama wa chakula na nishati, mafuriko ya pwani, na mafuriko ya mijini na mito.""" Kwa kutumia mhariri wa mtandaoni, waandishi wanaweza kuchora hadithi katika mfumo wa usimamizi wa maudhui, kuingiza vyombo vya habari tajiri kama vile picha na vipindi vya filamu, na kuunganisha wale na maoni ya kijiografia na tabaka zinazotolewa kupitia jukwaa. Maoni mengi yanaweza kurekodiwa na kuonyeshwa ili kuelezea hadithi fulani, iliyowasilishwa katika mtazamo wa skrini iliyogawanyika ambayo inaruhusu kulinganisha uchambuzi wakati wa kusafiri hadithi. Uchaguzi huu wa kubuni unalinganisha uwakilishi wa ubora na kiasi unaonyeshwa, wakati wa kuweka vipengele vya maingiliano vya jukwaa hai. "Kama matokeo ya kubuni, kuna haja ya injini ya ramani ya ""kufanya kazi"" yenye kubadilika sana, pamoja na miundo ya data ambayo inaruhusu maoni ya kubadilika, mipangilio ya kamera ya virtual, ruhusa za mtumiaji, na metadata." Kwa uwakilishi wa data kama hatari ya mafuriko au kifuniko cha ardhi, kikomo kimoja cha injini maarufu ya MapBox-GL ni kwamba kwa sasa haionyeshi urefu kama eneo la 3D, lakini kama picha za gorofa na maadili tofauti ya rangi yanayolingana na urefu wa eneo. "Utaratibu wa ""Utaratibu wa Utaratibu"" ni mfumo wa programu ya wavuti unaotumia vifaa vya wazi vya chanzo, na kwa hivyo unaweza kuiga kwa kutumia zana za kawaida za maendeleo ya wavuti na mazoea bora. ""Utaratibu wa programu"" ni mfumo wa programu ya wavuti unaotumia vifaa vya wazi vya chanzo." Tabaka hizi ni interactively kubadilishwa upande mteja na watazamaji kupitia browsers yao binafsi mtandao (kuhifadhi ndani) (Fig. 10.8 (Kichwa cha habari) Kazi ya data visualization kazi kama ifuatavyo: Data maandalizi: Hatua hii inajumuisha kukusanya data geospatial na kutumia mabadiliko muhimu, kama vile kurekebisha ramani makadirio, mkusanyiko, kuchuja, geocoding, spatial kuungana, na kadhalika. Data inaweza kuwa na uwezo wa kufanya kazi na vipengele vingine vya server-upande kwa ajili ya usindikaji zaidi. Hii ndiyo sehemu yenye uangalifu zaidi na inayotumia wakati mwingi zaidi katika mchakato huo. Mbinu inatofautiana sana kwa kila dataset kulingana na mtaalam wa uwanja wa programu na vipimo vya pato vinavyotakiwa kwa ajili ya kuona, kama ilivyowekwa na wadau wa ndani. Baada ya data kugeuzwa katika raster au vector format, hatua ya pili ni kuzalisha ramani tile kutoka kwake, kuzalisha seti ya picha za mtu binafsi ambayo ni kupakiwa na kuonyeshwa katika kivinjari kama ramani seamless. Tippecanoe ni kifaa cha mstari wa amri ambacho hutumiwa kutengeneza data kutoka kwa seti kubwa za data. Ni hutoa chaguzi pana kwa ajili ya kubadili wote raster na vector aina ya data. Baada ya kuunda tabaka za ramani, tile zinaweza kuhifadhiwa kwenye miundombinu ya wingu au watoa huduma za kibiashara.Kifurushi cha D3.js, D3.js, au Dk.gl inahitaji data kupakiwa ndani ya kivinjari cha mteja. Hata hivyo, utiririshaji wa seti kamili ya data kutumika kwa kifaa mteja si iwezekanavyo. Wakati wa kutazama seti kubwa za data zaidi ya megabytes chache, kusambaza data kama ramani za slippy ni mbinu ya kawaida na inayopendekezwa. Takwimu ni kugawanywa katika gridi ya tiles kwa kila ngazi ya zoom. Kulingana na kivuli cha kivinjari cha wavuti, tu vigae ndani ya mtazamo huombwa kutoka kwa seva ya vigae na kushona pamoja katika canvas isiyo na mshono, ambayo hutokea wakati wa kuongeza au kuhamisha ramani. Kuna idadi ya tile server ufumbuzi inapatikana ambayo inaweza kutumika kulingana na matumizi na mahitaji.Footnote 8 Front-end maombi: Data ni hatimaye kutumika na rendered na front-end maombi kuendesha juu ya mtumiaji ya simu au desktop kifaa. Ni wajibu wa kukubali maingilio ya mtumiaji maingiliano na kuuliza data kutoka server tile mwenyeji. Lengo ni kusaidia uchunguzi na uelewa wa mahusiano tata geospatial kwa njia rahisi na kupangwa na kuepuka matokeo ya kuona kwamba cognitively kuzidisha mtazamaji, wote kwa ajili ya aina ya kesi ya matumizi. Kwa kuainisha dhana za uwakilishi ambazo zinaarifu maamuzi yetu ya kubuni, shughuli zilizofichwa ndani ya jukwaa la kuona zinakuwa wazi zaidi. Kwa makusudi, kila uamuzi wa kubuni hutumikia kusudi maalum la hadithi au uwakilishi, ambalo linaweza kuwa halionekani kwa mtazamo wa kwanza. Kama ilivyoelezwa na James Corner, ramani ni jiografia bandia ambayo hufunua "kile kisichoonekana" kwa jicho la binadamu. Iwe katika nafasi ya jumla, ya jamaa, au ya uhusiano, jukwaa letu la maingiliano linachunguza ardhi mpya ambayo ramani hufanya kazi kama jumla ya data ya nguvu ambayo hubadilisha kiwango na muktadha, inafunua hadithi za mabadiliko, na kuwezesha michakato ya ushiriki. Uchunguzi huu una uwezo wa kubadilisha jinsi tunavyofikiria, kupanga, na kubuni miji yetu. Kama jukwaa iliyoundwa kutoa mazingira ya kijiografia na msingi wa dijiti kwa wadau mbalimbali katika mazingira ya kikundi, baadhi ya watazamaji hupata mazingira ya 3D ngumu zaidi kuendesha kuliko wengine, hasa kama hawajazoea kufanya kazi na data ya kijiografia. Pamoja na mabadiliko ya nafasi kutoka kwa maoni ya kikanda hadi ya ndani, "jografia bandia" zinazozalishwa na jukwaa zinaweza kuwa na ushuru wa utambuzi, haswa wakati wa kubadili kati ya tabaka tofauti za data za SETS. Nakala ya hadithi, viungo, hadithi, na vyanzo hutoa habari ya ziada kupitia jopo la hadithi la jukwaa. Hata hivyo, hii pia inahitaji utafiti wa kina zaidi na ushiriki endelevu ili kusindika na kuelewa data zilizounganishwa. Uwezo wa jukwaa la kuona data la USL unategemea uwezo wake wa kuwasiliana na usioonekana kupitia lugha ya kawaida ya kuona, inayofaa kwa mazoea tofauti ya kibinadamu na wadau. Kama sisi kuendelea utafiti na visualize mijini kijamii <unk> ikolojia <unk> mifumo ya kiteknolojia katika siku zijazo, sisi mpango wa kushinikiza mipaka kati ya kamili na abstract maonyesho ya anga katika muktadha kama vile mahusiano ya kijamii, mtiririko wa trafiki, miundombinu ya kijani, na maswali ya usawa. Timu ya USL DataViz ilichunguza seti ya maktaba za ramani ili kuamua juu ya stack ya programu ya kuona kwa mradi, ikiwa ni pamoja na MapBox-GL (ambayo hutoa majengo na extrusions ya sehemu ya jengo), CesiumJS (kutumia WebGL kutoa jiometri za CityGML za kina zaidi), MapBox SDK kwa Umoja (faida kwa kutoa majengo ya extruded juu ya mesh, graphics ya hali ya juu, na baada ya usindikaji), pamoja na huduma za ramani za wingu kama Google Maps, Earth, na ArcGIS Online. Vipimo vya kujenga jukwaa la desturi ni pamoja na kiwango cha customizability, uzoefu wa mtumiaji katika vifaa vya kutumia WebGL, gharama ya kuendeleza, kiwango, na mwenyeji wa seva ya tile mtandaoni, msaada unaopatikana na jamii ya watengenezaji, na pia ramani ya ramani ya maendeleo ya baadaye. Uamuzi ulikuwa kujenga jukwaa juu ya Mapbox-GL. Amini F., Henry R. N. et al., Lee H. et al., 2015 - Kuelewa video za data: kuangalia taswira ya hadithi kupitia lensi ya kinematografia. "Mkutano wa kila mwaka wa ACM wa 33 juu ya Mambo ya Binadamu katika Mifumo ya Kompyuta, Seoul, Korea Kusini, ukurasa 1459-1468, Corner J (1999) ""Agency of Mapping: Speculation, Criticism and Invention.""" Katika: Cosgrove D (ed) Mappings. Reaction Books, London, pp. 231, 252, Drucker J. (2014) Graphesis: aina za kuona za uzalishaji wa maarifa (metaLAB miradi). Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA Harvey D (1973) Haki ya kijamii na mji. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, D. Harvey (2004) Nafasi kama neno muhimu. "Mkutano wa Marx na Falsafa, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London, London.""" . Biosci 66 (3): 198 <unk> 212. "Mfano: ""Sautiers"" (Randhawa J. McPherson, T. 2019) na ""USL DataViz Platform"" (USL DataViz) ni mifumo ya data ya data ya data." "Ndio maana, ""Sistema de Slabs"" (Sistema de Slabs) ni mfumo wa ujenzi wa barabara." "Kutoka kwa ""Makampuni ya Uuzaji na Uuzaji"" ni kazi ya serikali ya Marekani na haiko chini ya ulinzi wa haki za uchapaji nchini Marekani; ulinzi wa haki za uchapaji wa kigeni unaweza kutumika kuhusu sura hii." Kuonyesha Miji Jamii <unk> Ekolojia <unk> Teknolojia Systems. Katika: Hamstead, Z.A., Iwaniec, D.M., McPhearson, T., Berbés-Blázquez, M., Cook, E.M., Muñoz-Erickson, T.A. (eds) Resilient Urban Futures. Mfululizo wa Vitabu vya Mjini. Springer, Cham. "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika makala ya kwanza ya ""Springer"" ya ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" ya ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Springer"" na ""Sprinter"" na ""Sprinter""" | <urn:uuid:0f9158da-03cd-4cbd-8b28-0776906c55ac> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-63131-4_10 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Shifting Sites: 10 Relocated London Landmarks
Not everything is as it seems in London. Pubs “Est. 15thC” were entirely rebuilt in the 1950s, an ornate Medieval-style building most likely dates from 1890 and quite often a huge part of a stone building has been entirely moved from one location to another!
Here are 10 relocated London landmarks. The pick of the most interesting buildings, monuments and decoration that have been on extraordinary travels across the city and beyond.
1. The London Bridge Alcoves
Probably the most famous of all London’s ‘moving’ structures is London Bridge.
There have been many different London Bridges, all crossing the Thames at roughly the same location since the Roman period.
The most spectacular was Old London Bridge. Finished 1209 and lasting until the 1830s.
With houses, shops and even a chapel built on top of the arches, you can see a wonderful model of the Medieval bridge in the church of St Magnus the Martyr (I wrote a blog all about it here.)
Between 1757 and 1761 the buildings on the bridge were demolished. It was widened and improved for pedestrians by the inclusion of stone alcoves with benches dotted along its length.
The watercolour below from 1832 by Thomas Shotter Boys records the last few months of Old London Bridge before demolition. You can clearly see one of the stone alcoves which I’ve circled in blue. John Rennie’s new London Bridge had opened in 1831 and its stone steps can be seen on the left.
Incredibly, four of the stone alcoves survive!
Two can be found in Victoria Park.
One is within the old Guy’s Hospital buildings a short walk from the new London Bridge.
And the fourth is within the Courtlands housing estate in North Sheen!
2. Temple Bar
Standing literally in the shadow of St Paul’s Cathedral, Temple Bar was also designed by Christopher Wren and was finished in 1671.
It previously stood on the western entrance into the City of London on Fleet Street right outside the Royal Courts of Justice.
The site is now occupied by the Temple Bar Memorial which has plenty of fascinating details you can read about here.
By 1878 the original Temple Bar was considered too much of a traffic bottle neck and over just 11 days was dismantled stone by stone and moved to Theobalds Park.
It returned to the City of London in 2004 and now stands at the entrance into Paternoster Square. You can read more about its incredible history here.
3. Crosby Hall
On Cheyne Walk, you might have to double take as you spot what appears to be a Tudor Riverside Palace.
Although much-altered as the private home of Dr Christopher Moran, the great hall at its centre is an authentic Medieval survivor that was transported from the City of London to Chelsea in 1910 then rebuilt under the direction of Walter Godfrey.
You can admire the hall (built in 1466!) and the rest of the house from the blog when I was invited on a special personal tour by Dr Moran himself.
4. St Antholin’s Steeple
One of the strangest juxtapositions you can stumble across in South London is this church steeple by Christopher Wren a short was from Forest Hill Station.
The Church of St Antholin used to stand on the site of today’s Bloomberg HQ on Queen Victoria Street. It was rebuilt after the Great Fire by Christopher Wren but was demolished in the 19th century.
A churchwarden, Robert Harrild, who felt attached to the beautiful stone steeple paid £5 to move it to his garden in Sydenham.
He lived in Round Hill House which itself was demolished in the 1960s and replaced with a housing estate. Luckily they kept the steeple!
Read more about the history of St Antholin and the steeple here.
5. The Tower of All Hallows, Lombard Street
If you haven’t already gathered by now, quite a few things have been moved from the crowded City of London and churches seem to always be in the demolition firing line.
All Hallows, Lombard Street was first recorded 1054 and rebuilt several times. It was destroyed in the Great Fire and rebuilt by Christopher Wren in 1694.
In 1937 the church was deemed unsafe and the tower and the majority of all the interior furnishings were moved to Twickenham.
Today the tower is a huge landmark along Chertsey Road, a short distance from Twickenham Stadium.
The interior details are staggering and it deserves a full blog which I’ll share soon!
6. Paul Pindar’s House
This is probably my favourite exhibit at the Victoria and Albert Museum in South Kensington.
It’s a ghostly former facade of a City merchant’s house built in 1599. Known as Paul Pindar’s house it stood on the site of Liverpool Street Station before it was replaced by said station.
Paul Pindar’s house later became a pub and there’s an incredible photo from the mid to late 19th century.
Thankfully the outer wooden skin was saved and you can see it on display for free in the V&A’s Medieval and Renaissance galleries.
7. The Seven Dials Pillar
Seven Dials is north of Covent Garden and was laid out in 1693. It gets its name because it’s a cluster of seven streets bursting from a central point.
At the centre from the very beginning was an impressive stone pillar. There’s a drawing in the British Museum that shows the original design by Edward Pierce.
In 1773 the pillar was removed by the paving commissioners (supposedly because they were scandalised by “undesirables” gathering at its base). It was bought by James Paine for his house in Addlestone, Surrey but by 1820 the majority of the pieces were reassembled and erected on Weybridge Green as a memorial Frederica, Duchess of York (1767-1820).
It’s still there today so the one in the centre of Seven Dials today is a replica built in the 1980s and an exact copy of the original. For more fun facts and hidden history around Covent Garden you can join my walking tour, Sinful Seven Dials.
8. Marble Arch
Sometimes a new arrival fits in so well with its surroundings you can believe it’s always been there. This is especially true when it lends its name to the whole area.
Marble Arch is a case in point because the stone triumphal arch built in 1827 by John Nash wasn’t always on the westernmost edge of Oxford Street.
It was originally outside Buckingham Palace, as seen in the below engraving from 1837.
In 1847 (to make space for a new facade being built in front of the Palace) the Marble Arch was transported to its new location where it can be admired today.
9. The Embankment Dragons
The penultimate moving landmark comes as a pair. These silver dragons are symbols of the City of London, signifying you are crossing into the City once you pass them on the Embankment.
They are two of many little silver dragons marking the City’s boundaries but these are unique for their size and provenance.
The used to stand on the Coal Exchange and you can see them in situ in this picture below, either side of the base of the circular turret.
10. St Olave’s Tooley Street Steeple
St Olave’s church used to stand on Tooley Street, dedicated to the 11th Century Norwegian King.
In 1734 a replacement church was designed by Henry Flitcroft then patched up again in 1843 after a fire. In 1928 it was demolished and a section of the turret was converted into a drinking fountain.
Today it can be found in Tanner Street Park, Bermondsey and you can read more about its history here.
I hope you enjoyed this list of my favourite of London’s relocated landmarks. There’s countless other examples but some honourable mentions include the Church of St Mary Aldermanbury (now in Missouri, USA), The remains of Crystal Palace, this historic room within Lloyds of London, the Wellington Clock Tower (now in Swanage) and of course, John Rennie’s London Bridge which is now in Arizona, USA.
Any more that I’ve missed?!
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In Devonshire Square, a fairly uninspiring square by Liverpool Street Station, you can uncover some remarkable layers of London history - stretching right back to the 16th century!...
The ink was barely dry on my blog post about 8 Bishopsgate when another free City of London viewing platform opened literally next door! Horizon 22 can boast the highest free view over London so what can you see? I’ve put together a little guide...... | Mabadiliko ya maeneo: 10 Relocated London Landmarks Si kila kitu ni kama inaonekana katika London. Pubs <unk>Est. 15thC walikuwa kabisa kujengwa upya katika miaka ya 1950, ornate medieval-style jengo uwezekano mkubwa tarehe kutoka 1890 na mara nyingi sana sehemu kubwa ya jengo jiwe imekuwa kabisa wakiongozwa kutoka eneo moja hadi nyingine! Hapa kuna alama 10 za London zilizohamishwa. Chagua kati ya majengo ya kuvutia zaidi, makaburi na mapambo ambayo yamekuwa katika safari za ajabu katika jiji na zaidi. 1. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli London Bridge Alcoves Pengine maarufu zaidi ya London 'kuhamia' miundo yote ni London Bridge. Kumekuwa na madaraja mengi tofauti ya London, yote yakivuka Mto Thames karibu katika eneo lilelile tangu enzi ya Waroma. Daraja la Old London Bridge ndilo lililokuwa lenye kuvutia zaidi. Ilianza mwaka wa 1209 na ikaendelea hadi mwaka wa 1830. Nyumba, maduka na hata kanisa lililojengwa juu ya matao, unaweza kuona mfano mzuri wa daraja la enzi za kati katika kanisa la Mtakatifu Magnus Martyr (Niliandika blogi yote juu yake hapa). Kati ya mwaka wa 1757 na 1761 majengo ya daraja hilo yalibomolewa. Ilikuwa imepanuliwa na kuboreshwa kwa ajili ya watembea kwa miguu kwa kuingizwa kwa alcoves mawe na benchi dotted pamoja na urefu wake. Mchoro wa rangi ya maji wa Thomas Shotter Boys wa mwaka 1832 unaonyesha miezi michache ya mwisho ya Daraja la London la Kale kabla ya kubomolewa. Unaweza kuona wazi moja ya alcoves jiwe ambayo mimi <unk>ve mzunguko katika bluu. Daraja la London la John Rennie lilijengwa mwaka 1831 na lina ngazi za mawe. Kwa kushangaza, vyumba vinne vya mawe vimeokoka! Mbili zaweza kupatikana katika Victoria Park. Moja ni ndani ya majengo ya zamani Guy's Hospital kutembea mfupi kutoka London Bridge mpya. Na ya nne ni ndani ya makazi ya Courtlands katika North Sheen! 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Temple Bar, ambayo ilijengwa na Christopher Wren, ilikamilika mwaka wa 1671. Hapo awali ilisimama kwenye mlango wa magharibi wa Jiji la London kwenye Barabara ya Fleet nje tu ya Mahakama za Kifalme za Haki. Maeneo ya Temple Bar Memorial ni ya kihistoria na ya kihistoria, na unaweza kusoma juu yake hapa. Mnamo mwaka wa 1878, Temple Bar ilionwa kuwa ni kizuizi cha trafiki na kwa siku 11 tu ilibomolewa jiwe kwa jiwe na kuhamishwa kwenye Theobald Park. Mnamo mwaka wa 2004 ilirudi London na sasa iko kwenye mlango wa Paternoster Square. Unaweza kusoma zaidi kuhusu historia yake yenye kustaajabisha hapa. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Crosby Hall On Cheyne Walk, unaweza kuwa na mara mbili kuchukua kama wewe kuona nini inaonekana kuwa Tudor Riverside Palace. Ingawa ilibadilishwa sana kama nyumba ya kibinafsi ya Dk Christopher Moran, ukumbi mkubwa katika kituo chake ni mlinzi wa kweli wa enzi za kati ambaye alipelekwa kutoka Jiji la London hadi Chelsea mnamo 1910 kisha akajengwa upya chini ya uongozi wa Walter Godfrey. Unaweza kufurahia ukumbi huo (uliojengwa mwaka wa 1466!) "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Mimi ni mjumbe wa kikundi cha watu wa kawaida wa Dr. Moran." 4. Uwe na uhakika St. Anthony's Steeple ni moja ya juxtapositions ajabu unaweza kukutana katika London Kusini ni kanisa hii steeple na Christopher Wren. Kanisa la St Antholin lilitumiwa kusimama kwenye tovuti ya leo ya Bloomberg HQ kwenye Queen Victoria Street. Jengo hilo lilijengwa upya baada ya moto mkubwa na Christopher Wren lakini lilibomolewa katika karne ya 19. Mlinzi wa kanisa, Robert Harrild, ambaye alihisi amevutiwa na mnara huo mzuri wa mawe, alilipa pauni tano kuuhamisha kwenye bustani yake huko Sydenham. Nyumba ya Round Hill ilibomolewa mwaka 1960 na kuanzishwa jengo la makazi. Kwa bahati nzuri walibaki na mnara huo! Soma zaidi kuhusu historia ya St Antholin na mnara hapa. 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. Mnara wa All Hallows, Lombard Street Ikiwa bado hujakusanyika sasa, vitu kadhaa vimehamishwa kutoka Jiji la London lenye watu wengi na makanisa yanaonekana kuwa daima katika mstari wa moto wa uharibifu. Mji wa Lombard Street ulianzishwa mwaka 1054 na umebadilishwa mara kadhaa. Jengo hilo liliharibiwa na moto mkubwa wa mwaka 1694 na Christopher Wren akajenga upya. Mnamo mwaka wa 1937, kanisa hilo lilionwa kuwa halina usalama na mnara na vifaa vyake vilihamishwa hadi Twickenham. Leo mnara huo ni alama kubwa kando ya Barabara ya Chertsey, umbali mfupi kutoka Uwanja wa Twickenham. Maelezo ya ndani ni ya kushangaza na inastahili blogi kamili ambayo nitashiriki hivi karibuni! 6. Uwe na uhakika Nyumba ya Paul Pindar Hii labda ni maonyesho yangu favorite katika Victoria na Albert Makumbusho katika South Kensington. Ni ghostly zamani facade ya City mfanyabiashara nyumba kujengwa katika 1599. Inajulikana kama nyumba ya Paul Pindar ilisimama kwenye tovuti ya Kituo cha Barabara ya Liverpool kabla ya kubadilishwa na kituo hicho. Nyumba ya Paul Pindar baadaye ikawa pub na kuna picha ya ajabu kutoka katikati hadi mwishoni mwa karne ya 19. Kwa bahati nzuri, ngozi ya nje ya mbao iliokolewa na unaweza kuiona kwa bure katika V&A's Medieval na Renaissance galleries. 7. Uwe na mtazamo gani? The Seven Dials Pillar ni nguzo ya kihistoria iliyowekwa katika mwaka 1693. Ina jina lake kwa sababu ni kundi la barabara saba bursting kutoka hatua ya kati. Tangu mwanzo kabisa kulikuwa na nguzo kubwa ya mawe katikati. Kuna mchoro katika Jumba la Makumbusho la Uingereza unaoonyesha muundo wa awali wa Edward Pierce. Katika 1773 nguzo hiyo iliondolewa na makomishna wa paving (inadaiwa kwa sababu walikuwa scandalized na <unk>undesirables<unk> kukusanyika katika msingi wake). "Kutoka kwa James Paine, mchongaji wa ""Weybridge Green"" wa Uingereza, ilijengwa mnamo 1820 na kuwakumbusha watu wote kuhusu Frederica, Duchess wa York (1767-1820)." "Hii ni kwa sababu ya kuwa ""Seven Dials"" ni mfano wa mfano wa zamani wa kihistoria." Kwa habari zaidi ya kufurahisha na historia iliyofichwa karibu na Covent Garden unaweza kujiunga na ziara yangu ya kutembea, Sinful Seven Dials. 8. Uwe na mtazamo gani? Marble Arch Wakati mwingine kuwasili mpya inafaa vizuri sana na mazingira yake unaweza kuamini imekuwa hapo daima. Hilo ni kweli hasa inapohusisha eneo lote. Marble Arch ni mfano mzuri kwa sababu mwamba wa ushindi uliojengwa mnamo 1827 na John Nash haukuwa daima kwenye ukingo wa magharibi wa Oxford Street. Jumba hilo la kifalme lilijengwa nje ya jumba la kifalme la Buckingham, kama inavyoonekana kwenye mchoro ulio chini ya picha hiyo. Katika 1847 (kufanya nafasi kwa ajili ya facade mpya kujengwa mbele ya jumba la kifalme) Marble Arch ilikuwa kusafirishwa kwa eneo lake jipya ambapo inaweza kupendwa leo. 9. (a) Kwa nini? The Embankment Dragons The penultimate kusonga alama ya maadili inakuja kama jozi. Dragons fedha ni ishara ya mji wa London, kuonyesha wewe ni kuvuka katika mji mara moja wewe kupita yao juu ya Embankment. Wao ni wawili wa wengi kidogo fedha joka alama ya Mji wa mipaka lakini hizi ni ya kipekee kwa ukubwa wao na asili. Meli hiyo ilikuwa ikisimama kwenye soko la makaa ya mawe na unaweza kuiona katika picha hii hapa chini, pande zote mbili za msingi wa mnara wa mviringo. Kumi. St. Olav's Chapel, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Olav's Church, St. Mnamo mwaka wa 1734, Henry Flitcroft alibuni kanisa jipya, lakini lilirekebishwa tena baada ya moto. Mnamo mwaka wa 1928, jengo hilo lilibomolewa na sehemu ya mnara huo ikabadilishwa kuwa chemchemi ya maji. Leo inaweza kupatikana katika Tanner Street Park, Bermondsey na unaweza kusoma zaidi kuhusu historia yake hapa. Natumaini umefurahia orodha hii ya mapambo yangu ya London yaliyohamishwa. Miongoni mwa vitu vingine vinavyoweza kutajwa ni Kanisa la St. Mary Aldermanbury (sasa iko Missouri, Marekani), mabaki ya Crystal Palace, chumba hiki cha kihistoria ndani ya Lloyds of London, Wellington Clock Tower (sasa iko Swanage) na bila shaka, Daraja la London la John Rennie ambalo sasa liko Arizona, Marekani. Je, kuna zaidi ambayo nimekosa?! Katika Devonshire Square, mraba wa kawaida karibu na Kituo cha Liverpool Street, unaweza kufunua tabaka kadhaa za kushangaza za historia ya London - inayoanzia karne ya 16 hadi sasa. "Blog yangu ilikuwa imekaa na wino wa ""Bishopsgate 8"" wakati jukwaa jingine la bure la kutazama jiji la London lilifunguliwa karibu na nyumba yangu." Horizon 22 ni moja ya maeneo ya juu zaidi ya London, na unaweza kuona mengi zaidi. Mimi <unk>ve kuweka pamoja mwongozo kidogo...... | <urn:uuid:ede72704-d7d7-473b-b436-3752530e8608> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://lookup.london/10-relocated-london-landmarks/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Working with Point Clouds in QGIS: A Step-by-Step Guide
Point clouds are sets of data points in a coordinate system, often representing the external surfaces of objects. In the context of geospatial analysis, point clouds are typically generated using LiDAR technology. QGIS, a popular open-source Geographic Information System (GIS) software, provides tools to visualize and analyze point cloud data. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to work with point clouds in QGIS, incorporating the latest advancements in QGIS 3.32.
1. Setting Up:
Ensure you have the latest version of QGIS installed. Some features might not be available in older versions.
2. Importing Point Cloud Data:
- Launch QGIS and create a new project.
- Navigate to
Add Point Cloud Layer.
- Browse to your point cloud data file (commonly with
.lazextensions) and click
3. Visualizing Point Clouds in 2D:
Once imported, the point cloud layer will appear in the Layers Panel. By default, QGIS will display the point cloud in a 2D view.
4. Switching to 3D View:
- Navigate to
New 3D Map View.
- A new window will pop up displaying the point cloud in 3D. You can navigate using your mouse: left-click to pan, right-click to tilt and rotate, and scroll to zoom.
5. Adjusting Display Settings:
In the 3D view, you can adjust various settings to enhance the visualization:
- Point Size: Adjust the size of individual points for better clarity.
- Color Rendering: Change the color scheme based on attributes like elevation or intensity.
- Point Budget: Determine the number of points displayed. A higher budget will show more detail but may affect performance.
6. Advanced Point Cloud Processing in QGIS 3.32:
With the release of QGIS 3.32, users can now access powerful point cloud algorithms directly within the QGIS Processing framework. Here are some of the new features:
- Convert Formats: Convert point cloud data between LAS and LAZ formats.
- Export to Raster: Export point cloud data to a regularly gridded raster data using inverse distance weighting.
- Export to Vector: Export point cloud data to other vector formats like CSV, Shapefile, and DXF.
- Assign Projection: Assign a projection to a point cloud layer.
- Clip: Clip a point cloud layer by a vector polygon layer.
- Merge: Join multiple point cloud layers into a single file.
- Reproject: Reproject the input file to a different coordinate reference system.
- Thin: Reduce the number of points either by sampling radius or by skipping nearby points.
- Tile: Generate a set of tiles based on the input point cloud layer and tile size.
- Boundary: Generate a (multi)polygon from your point cloud data.
- Density: Output a raster file based on the number of points within each raster cell.
- Filter: Create a new file based on a set filter expression.
7. Behind the Scenes:
All the heavy lifting of point cloud processing in QGIS is done by PDAL, an open-source library for processing point clouds. The new standalone command line tool,
pdal_wrench, built on top of PDAL, simplifies the process, and offers parallel execution for faster processing.
Working with point clouds in QGIS opens up a world of possibilities for geospatial analysis and visualization. With the advancements in QGIS 3.32, users can now access a broader range of tools and algorithms, making the process more efficient and comprehensive.
(FAQs) About working with point clouds in QGIS:
What is a point cloud?
- A point cloud is a collection of data points defined in a three-dimensional coordinate system.
Which file formats does QGIS support for point clouds?
- QGIS commonly supports
.copc formats for point clouds.
How is LiDAR data different from a regular point cloud?
- LiDAR data is a type of point cloud generated using light pulses from a laser. It often includes additional attributes like intensity and return number.
Why is my point cloud not displaying correctly in QGIS?
- This could be due to various reasons, including large file size, incorrect coordinate reference system, or software compatibility issues.
Can I edit point cloud data directly in QGIS?
- QGIS is primarily used for visualization and analysis. Direct editing of point cloud data might require specialized software.
How can I improve the performance of QGIS when working with large point cloud datasets?
- You can adjust the point budget, filter out unnecessary data, or use a more powerful computer.
What is the difference between a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and a Digital Surface Model (DSM)?
- A DEM represents the bare ground surface without any objects, while a DSM includes the tops of buildings, trees, and other objects.
How do I filter points based on their classification?
- You can use the filter option on the point cloud layer and apply SQL-like queries based on classification attributes.
Can I integrate point cloud data with other GIS layers in QGIS?
- Yes, you can overlay point cloud data with other GIS layers like vector data, raster images, and more.
Is there a way to automate point cloud processing tasks in QGIS?
- Yes, QGIS offers a processing toolbox that allows for batch processing and automation of certain tasks.
How do I change the color scheme of my point cloud visualization?
- You can adjust the color rendering settings based on various attributes of the point cloud data. | Kazi na Point Clouds katika QGIS: Mwongozo wa Hatua kwa Hatua Clouds za Point ni seti za pointi za data katika mfumo wa kuratibu, mara nyingi zinawakilisha nyuso za nje za vitu. Katika muktadha wa uchambuzi wa kijiografia, mawingu ya pointi kwa kawaida hutengenezwa kwa kutumia teknolojia ya LiDAR. QGIS ni programu ya wazi ya chanzo cha wazi ya mfumo wa habari ya kijiografia (GIS) ambayo inatoa zana za kugundua na kuchambua data ya wingu la pointi. Katika mwongozo huu, tutakuongoza kupitia hatua za kufanya kazi na mawingu ya pointi katika QGIS, ikiwa ni pamoja na maendeleo ya hivi karibuni katika QGIS 3.32. 1. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Kuanzisha: Hakikisha una toleo la hivi karibuni la QGIS imewekwa. Baadhi ya vipengele inaweza kuwa haipatikani katika matoleo ya zamani. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Uagizaji Point Cloud Data: - Kuanzisha QGIS na kuunda mradi mpya. - Navigate kwa Kuongeza Point Cloud Layer. - Browse kwa faili yako ya data ya wingu la uhakika (kwa kawaida na.lazextensions) na bonyeza 3. Kuonyesha Point Clouds katika 2D: Baada ya kuingizwa, safu ya wingu la uhakika itaonekana katika Paneli ya Safu. Kwa default, QGIS itaonyesha wingu la pointi katika mtazamo wa 2D. 4. Uwe na uhakika Kuongeza 3D View: Kuongeza 3D Map View Kwa hivyo, dirisha jipya litatokea na kuonyesha wingu la pointi katika 3D. Unaweza kusafiri kwa kutumia panya yako: bonyeza kushoto kwa pan, bonyeza kulia kwa tilt na kuzunguka, na scroll kwa zoom. 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. Kuongeza ukubwa wa picha: Katika 3D, unaweza kurekebisha vipimo mbalimbali ili kuboresha visualization: Ukubwa wa pointi: kurekebisha ukubwa wa pointi binafsi kwa uwazi bora. - Rendering rangi: Badilisha mpango wa rangi kulingana na sifa kama vile urefu au nguvu. - Pointi Bajeti: Kuamua idadi ya pointi kuonyeshwa. Bajeti ya juu itaonyesha maelezo zaidi lakini inaweza kuathiri utendaji. 6. Uwe na uhakika Utaratibu wa Cloud Point Advanced katika QGIS 3.32: Kwa kutolewa kwa QGIS 3.2, watumiaji sasa wanaweza kupata algorithms nguvu za wingu la uhakika moja kwa moja ndani ya mfumo wa usindikaji wa QGIS. Vipengele vya hivi karibuni vya LAS ni: Kubadilisha muundo: Kubadilisha data ya wingu la nukta kati ya muundo wa LAS na LAZ. - Export kwa Raster: Export uhakika wingu data kwa mara kwa mara gridded raster data kutumia inverse umbali uzito. - Export kwa Vector: Export uhakika wingu data kwa format nyingine vector kama CSV, Shapefile, na DXF. - Asign Projection: Asign projection kwa safu ya wingu la uhakika. - Clip: Clip safu ya wingu la uhakika na safu ya vector polygon. - Kuunganisha: Kujiunga tabaka nyingi pointi wingu katika faili moja. -Reproject: Reproject faili ya pembejeo kwa mfumo tofauti coordinate rejea. - nyembamba: Kupunguza idadi ya pointi ama kwa sampuli radius au kwa kuruka pointi karibu. - Tile: kuzalisha seti ya tiles kulingana na pembejeo hatua wingu safu na tile ukubwa. - Mpaka: Kuzalisha (multi) polygons kutoka data yako uhakika wingu. - wiani: Output faili raster kulingana na idadi ya pointi ndani ya kila kiini raster. - Filter: Kuunda faili mpya kulingana na kuweka filter usemi. 7. Uwe na mtazamo gani? Kwa upande mwingine, kwa sababu ya hali ya hali ya hewa, QGIS ina uwezo wa kuunda mawingu ya pointi kwa kutumia PDAL, maktaba ya chanzo wazi ya kuhariri mawingu ya pointi. PDAL ni chombo cha mstari wa amri cha kujitegemea, ambacho kimejengwa juu ya PDAL, na hutoa utekelezaji wa sambamba kwa usindikaji wa haraka. Kufanya kazi na mawingu ya pointi katika QGIS hufungua ulimwengu wa uwezekano wa uchambuzi wa kijiografia na kuona. Kwa maendeleo katika QGIS 3.2, watumiaji sasa wanaweza kupata aina pana ya zana na algorithms, na kufanya mchakato ufanisi zaidi na kina. Kwa nini kutumia Cloud Point katika QGIS? - wingu la uhakika ni mkusanyiko wa pointi data kufafanuliwa katika mfumo wa tatu-dimensional kuratibu. Ni muundo gani wa faili QGIS inasaidia kwa mawingu ya pointi? - QGIS kawaida inasaidia.copc muundo kwa mawingu ya uhakika. Ni nini tofauti kati ya data ya LiDAR na wingu la kawaida la pointi? - LiDAR data ni aina ya wingu la pointi zinazozalishwa kwa kutumia pulses mwanga kutoka laser. Ni mara nyingi ni pamoja na sifa za ziada kama vile nguvu na kurudi idadi. Kwa nini wingu langu la pointi halionyeshi vizuri katika QGIS? - Hii inaweza kuwa kutokana na sababu mbalimbali, ikiwa ni pamoja na ukubwa mkubwa wa faili, makosa kuratibu mfumo wa kumbukumbu, au masuala ya utangamano wa programu. Je, ninaweza kuhariri data ya wingu la uhakika moja kwa moja katika QGIS? QGIS ni moja ya mifumo ya msingi ya utambuzi wa picha na uchambuzi. Uhariri wa moja kwa moja wa data ya wingu la pointi inaweza kuhitaji programu maalum. Jinsi ya kuboresha utendaji wa QGIS wakati wa kufanya kazi na seti kubwa za data za wingu la uhakika? - Unaweza kurekebisha bajeti ya pointi, kuchuja data zisizohitajika, au kutumia kompyuta yenye nguvu zaidi. Ni nini tofauti kati ya Digital Elevation Model (DEM) na Digital Surface Model (DSM)? DEM inawakilisha uso wa ardhi tupu bila vitu yoyote, wakati DSM inajumuisha vilele vya majengo, miti, na vitu vingine. Ninawezaje kuchuja pointi kulingana na uainishaji wao? - Unaweza kutumia chaguo kichujio juu ya hatua wingu safu na kutumia SQL-kama maswali kulingana na sifa uainishaji. Je, ninaweza kuunganisha data ya wingu la pointi na tabaka nyingine za GIS katika QGIS? - Ndiyo, unaweza overlay uhakika wingu data na tabaka nyingine GIS kama data vector, raster picha, na zaidi. Je, kuna njia ya automatiska hatua wingu usindikaji kazi katika QGIS? QGIS inatoa sanduku la zana za usindikaji ambazo zinaruhusu usindikaji wa kundi na automatisering ya kazi fulani. Jinsi gani naweza kubadilisha rangi ya mpango wa mtazamo wangu pointi wingu? - Unaweza kurekebisha rangi rendering mipangilio kulingana na sifa mbalimbali ya data ya wingu uhakika. | <urn:uuid:71afd8db-b982-4c53-b79a-30ef21157bd7> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://mapscaping.com/point-clouds-in-qgis/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Of identified patients with behavioral or conduct problems, 22% were referred to an external mental health provider. At 6-month follow-up, more than a third (39%) had not attended an appointment with the referred provider, suggesting many behavioral problems identified in primary care
are left untreated. Subclinical or subthreshold disruptive, externalizing behavioral problems are also common among children who do not meet criteria for diagnosable disorders (Leflot et al., 2011 and Leijten et al., 2013). These children may present with problematic behaviors such as temper tantrums or disobedience. For both BEZ235 in vivo diagnosable and subthreshold concerns, caregivers often utilize pediatricians as a resource for mental health care. Although pediatricians and other medical providers typically feel responsible for managing such mental health
issues (Stein et al., 2008), they are not often trained to adequately address these difficulties (Axelrad, Pendley, Miller, & Tynan, 2008). In order to address the mental health needs seen in primary care, medical and psychological services have increasingly been blended into an integrated model of health care delivery. This model aims to assist people with their behavioral health concerns at the time of their medical visits, avoiding the lag between an identified mental health need and its treatment (Strosahl, 1998). Effective service NVP-AUY922 delivery in an integrated primary care model calls for medroxyprogesterone the joining of a variety of professionals working collaboratively as a team (Bachrach, 1996 and Blount, 2003). Patients across the lifespan—including families—are granted access to psychological services when they present to their primary care providers for medical concerns. The philosophy of integrated care differs from traditional mental health care in important ways. For instance, the goal of treatment is functional improvement of the patient rather than symptom amelioration. Furthermore,
behavioral health service providers are viewed as an integral member of the medical health team (Robinson & Reiter, 2007) and, therefore, patient rapport with their primary care provider (PCP) often assists in quick building of rapport with the mental health provider. In the integrated care model, behavioral health problems identified during a PCP visit trigger an in-the-moment referral to a BHC, also called a “warm hand-off.” BHCs will often conduct their interventions right in the medical examination room, so patients do not need to change locations or feel increased stigma for visiting with a BHC and discussing behavioral health concerns. The mechanics of service delivery in an integrated behavioral health care model also differ from traditional care. | Kwa wale waliopatikana na matatizo ya tabia, asilimia 22 walielekezwa kwa mtoa huduma wa afya ya akili. Katika uchunguzi wa miezi sita, zaidi ya theluthi (39%) hawakuhudhuria miadi na mtoa huduma aliyewasilishwa, ikidokeza matatizo mengi ya tabia yaliyotambuliwa katika huduma ya msingi hayatibiwa. Subclinical au subthreshold disruptive, externalizing tabia matatizo ni pia kawaida miongoni mwa watoto ambao si kukidhi vigezo kwa ajili ya magonjwa ya kugundua (Leflot et al., 2011 na Leyden et al., 2013). Watoto hao wanaweza kuwa na tabia zenye matatizo kama vile hasira kali au kutotii. Kwa wasiwasi wa BEZ235 in vivo na wasiwasi wa chini ya kizingiti, watunzaji mara nyingi hutumia madaktari wa watoto kama rasilimali ya huduma ya afya ya akili. Ingawa madaktari wa watoto na watoa huduma nyingine za matibabu kwa kawaida wanahisi kuwa na jukumu la kusimamia masuala kama hayo ya afya ya akili (Stein et al., 2008), mara nyingi hawafundishwi kushughulikia shida hizi kwa kutosha (Axelrad, Pendley, Miller, & Tynan, 2008). Ili kukabiliana na mahitaji ya afya ya akili inayoonekana katika huduma ya msingi, huduma za matibabu na kisaikolojia zimekuwa zikiongezeka katika mfano wa ushirikiano wa utoaji wa huduma za afya. Mfano huu unakusudia kusaidia watu na wasiwasi wao wa afya ya tabia wakati wa ziara zao za matibabu, kuepuka kuchelewa kati ya mahitaji ya afya ya akili yaliyotambuliwa na matibabu yake (Strosahl, 1998). Kwa mfano, katika NVPA, huduma ya msingi ya matibabu ya msingi ya matibabu ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi ya msingi (Bachrach, Bachrach, Bachrach, Bachrach, Bachrach, Bachrach). Wagonjwa katika muda wote wa maisha - ikiwa ni pamoja na familia - wanapewa upatikanaji wa huduma za kisaikolojia wanapowasilisha kwa watoa huduma zao za msingi kwa wasiwasi wa matibabu. Falsafa ya utunzaji wa pamoja inatofautiana na utunzaji wa jadi wa afya ya akili kwa njia muhimu. Kwa mfano, lengo la matibabu ni kuboresha utendaji wa mgonjwa badala ya kupunguza dalili. Kwa kuongezea, watoa huduma za afya ya tabia huonekana kama mwanachama muhimu wa timu ya afya ya matibabu (Robinson & Reiter, 2007), na kwa hivyo, uhusiano wa mgonjwa na mtoa huduma yao wa msingi (PCP) mara nyingi husaidia katika kujenga haraka uhusiano na mtoa huduma ya afya ya akili. Katika mfumo wa utunzaji wa pamoja, matatizo ya afya ya tabia yaliyotambuliwa wakati wa ziara ya PCP husababisha kuelekezwa kwa BHC, pia huitwa "mwisho wa joto" - BHCs mara nyingi huendesha uingiliaji wao moja kwa moja katika chumba cha uchunguzi wa matibabu, kwa hivyo wagonjwa hawahitaji kubadilisha maeneo au kuhisi stigma iliyoongezeka kwa kutembelea BHC na kujadili wasiwasi wa afya ya tabia. Utaratibu wa utoaji wa huduma katika mfano wa huduma ya afya ya tabia iliyounganishwa pia inatofautiana na huduma ya jadi. | <urn:uuid:52f46f41-110e-4d07-8748-23d38b71db19> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://mdm2-receptor.com/index.php/2017/06/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Drought is a hazard of nature. You may be interested to look at an up-to-date US drought map.
(Realtime US Drought Maps are embedded below)
The following are drought map embeds from a variety of sources presenting their latest data for the United States. As I update this post, there are many regions within the US under Extreme, and Exceptional drought. Texas, California, and more (just look at the map). It’s pretty obvious that there are going to be devastating crop losses and downstream negative effects, given what I see during this late-summer update.
Additionally, as I’m sure you know, many of the lakes, reservoirs, and rivers in western affected regions are alarmingly low. Millions upon millions depend on these sources for water. Is there a major disaster looming in this regard? I’m sure that lots of wells are going dry too…
Regarding crop failure observations due to drought, a reader on the blog reported,
Drove I-90 for a good chunk of the trip. All I’ll say about that is stock up on any animal feed that involves corn, especially. With the exception of a region of SW WI/NE IA, it did not look good. Tassels are starting or open, and if it doesn’t rain soon…… Same for what I saw from the interstate through the great plains. The green spots were there due to irrigation, and mostly for hay/small grazing areas.~ Farmgirl
Add your own drought observations in the comments below.
More about drought:
A drought does not announce its arrival. It’s a “creeping phenomenon,”. What may first appear to be just a dry spell can only be recognized in hindsight as the early days of a drought.
Generally speaking, a drought is defined as a deficiency of precipitation over an extended period of time(usually a season or more), resulting in a water shortage.
A number of factors may influence the onset of drought, or it’s continuation. Long term weather patterns. Storm-track variations. The Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO). El-Nino. La-Nina. The Sun – solar variability. Deep ocean circulation. And other cyclical events that occur naturally here on earth.
There are several categories of drought intensity.
- Abnormally Dry
- Moderate Drought
- Severe Drought
- Extreme Drought
- Exceptional Drought
The impact of drought are many, and include the geographical-environmental, agricultural, social, and economic.
Drought is obviously a high concern for farmers, those growing their own food, those dependent upon reservoirs being replenished to supply municipal systems, the animals and eco-systems, just to name a few…
I had my own personal impact last year when my region was technically in drought. I rely on a natural spring for my water source. Normally it wells up at about 7 – 10 gallons per minute. However it had slowed down to about 3 gallons per minute. It was still plenty for our homestead needs, but I did start to get a bit nervous about it…
The risk of drought is greater in some regions more than others. If you live in a drought-prone region, you probably already know it or have experienced it…
As of this post date, large regions of the southwest United States are in extreme drought or exceptional drought.
For your interest I have embedded several US drought maps. They will auto-update to the latest images regardless of this article’s post date.
Drought Maps of the US
Drought Map – droughtmonitor.unl.edu
USA Monthly Drought Map – Month Outlook
“Drought Tendency” (Monthly)
United States Drought Map – Seasonal Outlook
“Drought Tendency” (Seasonal)
United States Drought History
The use of tree ring methodology has revealed that the characterization of drought has been a normal part of climate throughout our history.
[ Read: United States Aquifer Locations ] | Ukame ni hatari ya asili. Unaweza pia kufurahia kuona ramani ya ukame wa Marekani. "Kupitia ramani ya ""Real Time US Drought Maps"" (Real Time US Drought Maps) na ""Real Time US Drought Maps"" (Real Time US Drought Maps) na ""Real Time US Drought Maps"" (Real Time US Drought Maps) na ""Real Time US Drought Maps"" (Real Time US Drought Maps) na ""Real Time US Drought Maps"" (Real Time US Drought Maps) na ""Real Time US Drought Maps"" (Real Time US Drought Maps)." Kama mimi update chapisho hili, kuna mikoa mingi ndani ya Marekani chini ya mkali, na ukame wa kipekee. Texas, California, na zaidi (angalia tu ramani). Ni wazi kabisa kwamba kutakuwa na hasara kubwa za mazao na athari mbaya za chini, kutokana na kile ninachoona wakati wa sasisho hili la mwisho wa majira ya joto. Kwa kuongezea, kama ninavyojua, maziwa mengi, mabwawa, na mito katika mikoa ya magharibi iliyoathiriwa ni ya chini sana. Mamilioni ya watu hutegemea vyanzo hivyo vya maji. Je, kuna msiba mkubwa unaokaribia kuhusiana na jambo hilo? Mimi nina uhakika kwamba mengi ya visima ni kwenda kavu pia... Kuhusu uchunguzi wa kushindwa mazao kutokana na ukame, msomaji juu ya blog aliripoti, Drove I-90 kwa sehemu nzuri ya safari. Yote nitakayosema kuhusu hilo ni hifadhi juu ya chakula chochote cha wanyama ambacho kinahusisha mahindi, hasa. Kwa sababu ya hali ya hewa ya kusini-magharibi, WI-NA-IA haikuonekana kuwa nzuri. Tassels ni kuanza au wazi, na kama si mvua hivi karibuni...... Same kwa kile niliona kutoka interstate kupitia nyanda kubwa. Sehemu za kijani zilikuwapo kwa sababu ya umwagiliaji, na hasa kwa ajili ya nyasi / maeneo madogo ya malisho. ~ Farmgirl Ongeza uchunguzi wako mwenyewe wa ukame katika maoni hapa chini. Zaidi kuhusu ukame: Ukame hautangazi kuwasili kwake. Ni "kiwango cha chini", "kiwango cha chini". Kile ambacho mwanzoni chaweza kuonekana kuwa kipindi cha ukame tu kinaweza kutambuliwa tu kwa kutazama nyuma kuwa siku za mapema za ukame. Kwa ujumla, ukame hufafanuliwa kama upungufu wa mvua kwa kipindi kirefu cha wakati (kwa kawaida msimu au zaidi), na kusababisha upungufu wa maji. Mambo kadhaa yanaweza kuathiri mwanzo wa ukame, au ni kuendelea. Mifumo ya hali ya hewa ya muda mrefu. Tofauti za njia za dhoruba. Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) ni kipimo cha El-Nino. La-Nina. Jua <unk> mabadiliko ya jua. Mzunguko wa bahari ya kina kirefu. Na matukio mengine ya mzunguko yanayotokea kwa asili hapa duniani. Kuna makundi kadhaa ya ukame nguvu. -Kukosa mvua kwa kawaida - Ukame wa wastani - Ukame Mkubwa - Ukame Mkubwa - Ukame wa kipekee Athari za ukame ni nyingi, na ni pamoja na kijiografia- mazingira, kilimo, kijamii, na kiuchumi. "Mwaka uliopita, ""mwaka wa ukame"" ulikuwa na athari kubwa kwa wakulima, wale wanaopanda chakula chao wenyewe, wale wanaotegemea kuhifadhi maji ili kuandaa mifumo ya manispaa, wanyama na mifumo ya ikolojia, kwa kutaja chache tu... Nilikuwa na athari yangu binafsi mwaka jana wakati mkoa wangu ulikuwa katika ukame." Mimi hutegemea chemchemi ya asili kuwa chanzo changu cha maji. Kwa kawaida, maji hayo huongezeka kwa karibu galoni 7 hadi 10 kwa dakika. Hata hivyo, ilikuwa imepungua hadi galoni 3 kwa dakika. """Hata hivyo, bado tulikuwa na mahitaji ya kutosha kwa ajili ya mashamba yetu, lakini nilianza kuwa na wasiwasi kidogo kuhusu hilo, kwa sababu hatari ya ukame ni kubwa katika baadhi ya mikoa kuliko nyingine." Ikiwa unaishi katika eneo lenye ukame, labda tayari unajua au umepata uzoefu wa ukame, na maeneo makubwa ya kusini magharibi mwa Marekani yanakabiliwa na ukame mkubwa au ukame wa kipekee. Kwa maslahi yako nimeingiza ramani kadhaa za ukame wa Marekani. Wao itakuwa auto-update kwa picha ya hivi karibuni bila kujali hii makala ya post tarehe. "Kutumia ""Mfano wa Ukame"" (Drying Trend Map) na ""Mfano wa Ukame"" (Drying Trend Map) ni njia ya kuelezea hali ya hewa ya nchi nzima." [Soma: Maeneo ya Aquifer ya Marekani] | <urn:uuid:39f9a753-19a0-4cb4-a124-cc6e52d5b97c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://modernsurvivalblog.com/natural-disaster/u-s-drought-monitor-maps/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The grapheme air
A grapheme is a letter or group of letters that corresponds to a single phoneme (the smallest unit of sound).
Download our Graphemes chart below.
Print out the chart or display it on a screen. The graphemes have been grouped by sound. Focus on one grapheme at a time. Sound out each example word, highlighting how different graphemes can make the same sound.
Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes).
Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary sound or many of the most frequent sounds for each consonant.
Associate the long and short sounds with the common spellings (graphemes) for the five major vowels.
Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant digraphs. | Grapheme ni herufi au kikundi cha herufi zinazolingana na fonemu moja (kitengo kidogo zaidi cha sauti). Pakua chati yetu ya Graphemes hapa chini. Chapa chati hiyo au uionyeshe kwenye skrini. Graphemes zimepangwa kwa sauti. Zingatia grapheme moja kwa wakati mmoja. Sikia kila neno la mfano, ukionyesha jinsi graphemes tofauti zinavyoweza kutokeza sauti ileile. Kujua na kutumia kiwango cha darasa phonics na ujuzi wa uchambuzi wa neno katika decoding maneno. Andika herufi au herufi kwa ajili ya sauti nyingi za konsonanti na vokali fupi (fonemu). Kuonyesha ujuzi wa msingi wa moja-kwa-moja herufi-sauti correspondences kwa kuzalisha sauti ya msingi au wengi wa sauti ya mara kwa mara kwa kila konsonanti. Shirikisha sauti ndefu na fupi na herufi za kawaida (graphemes) za vokali tano kuu. Jifunze jinsi herufi na sauti zinavyolingana katika maandishi ya kawaida ya konsonanti. | <urn:uuid:a80e1752-b03b-4b30-8175-9a08d4fc0b0e> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://mrswordsmith.com/blogs/free-resources/grapheme-air | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Many parents in Singapore may have heard of the Montessori Method for preschool education, but increasingly, more parents are also enrolling their children in preschools based on the Reggio Emilia approach – another popular and established method of preschool education.
Known to create confident communicators who are not only independent thinkers but also lifelong learners, the Reggio Emilia approach has been around for nearly seven decades. It is uniquely characterized by three important concepts: respect for the child, an emphasis on building relationships, and the power of the learning environment. Visit a Reggio Emilia classroom today, and you will instantly be wowed by vibrant colours, interesting learning corners and throngs of wide-eyed children learning in awe alongside their teachers. So what makes the Reggio Emilia approach so effective and popular among early childhood educators?
1. Flexible style of child-directed learning
In a Reggio Emilia classroom, learning is led by the child with little to no dictation by the teacher of what to learn. Work is done in project form, with teachers only guiding research and offering help when required. There is a strong emphasis on the importance of oneself in the learning process. As such, lessons are entirely child focused, centred on the inquiries of students in the classroom. This stands in stark contrast to other approaches to early childhood education, such as the Montessori Method, which relies on a fixed, structured curriculum and a set of pre-determined and didactic tools to engage students and provide them with a healthy knowledge of topics that are important in the academic context. The flexibility of Reggio Emilia’s curriculum is one of the greatest distinguishing factors from its peers in the field of early childhood education, as children are allowed to have fun in the pursuit of knowledge as they are studying what they have an interest in.
2. Developing empathy and good social skills
The emphasis on building relationships is the second tenet of the Reggio Emilia approach. Extending beyond just the ones with their peers, these relationships apply to their parents, teachers, and community as well. In and beyond the classroom, children are taught to be aware of the needs of everybody around them. This translates into the idea of creating friendships with everyone in order to greater understand their needs. Through constant interaction with others on field trips or by other means, character is built and the child gains sharper communication skills.
3. Tailored learning by age groups
Students are also sorted by age of development, unlike the mixed-age classes as seen in Montessori schools, as Reggio-inspired schools believe that large age gaps between children and their vastly different levels of mental development will be harder to address than the relatively smaller differences in development within children of the same age group. While this offers less opportunity for students of different ages to interact while using the Reggio Emilia approach, this is made up for through visits to public places beyond the school to develop friendships in the community and communal learning sessions with peers, things that are not seen in the Montessori Method.
4. The role of the environment
Lastly, the Reggio Emilia approach also has a keen focus on the importance of the environment in the learning process. With thought placed into every detail of a child’s learning space, the Reggio Emilia-inspired classroom is distinguished from its barer, more visually quiet Montessori counterpart through the use of plenty of colours and welcoming materials. This is due to the different goals the classroom in the two forms of learning. While the Reggio Emilia approach believes that the environment should encourage children to want to learn, the Montessori Method feels that a colourful classroom takes a child’s focus away from his learning materials.
As a product of this belief in the power of the environment on a child’s development, sensory learning components and outdoor lessons are also more common in Reggio-inspired schools. This creates many options for lessons to be taught through experience rather than books, creating a more tangible memory of whatever a child learns in classes through the Reggio Emilia approach.
All in all, these core values at the very heart of the Reggio Emilia approach are responsible for the success of its namesake city in terms of educating young children. Applied in the Singaporean context, it is a powerful alternative method to other forms of early childhood education that keeps its competitive edge due to the flexibility of the curriculum and how student-led learning resembles play, creating a fun and wholesome experience for all.
Mulberry Learning Centre employs a Reggio Emilia-inspired approach in all schools with the goal of creating a healthy and inviting learning environment for all children. Our revolutionary pedagogy seamlessly blends healthy thinking via the Habits of Mind and the Reggio Emilia approach to create lessons tailored to fit your child’s intellectual needs. | "Mwanzo, wazazi wengi nchini Singapore wanaweza kuwa wamesikia juu ya ""Method Montessori"" kwa ajili ya elimu ya kabla ya shule, lakini zaidi na zaidi, wazazi zaidi pia ni kujiandikisha watoto wao katika shule za kabla ya shule kulingana na mbinu ya Reggio Emilia - mbinu nyingine maarufu na imara ya elimu ya kabla ya shule." Kwa kuwa inaundwa na watu wenye kujiamini ambao sio tu ni wasomi wa kujitegemea, lakini pia ni wajifunzaji wa maisha yote, mbinu ya Reggio Emilia imekuwa karibu kwa miongo saba. Ni kipekee sifa na dhana tatu muhimu: heshima kwa mtoto, msisitizo juu ya kujenga mahusiano, na nguvu ya mazingira ya kujifunza. Kutembelea darasa Reggio Emilia leo, na wewe mara moja kuwa wowed na rangi vibrant, kona ya kujifunza ya kuvutia na umati wa watoto wide-eyed kujifunza katika hofu pamoja na walimu wao. Kwa nini Reggio Emilia ni mbinu bora ya kuelimisha watoto? 1. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Katika darasa la Reggio Emilia, kujifunza huongozwa na mtoto na kidogo au hakuna udhibiti na mwalimu wa nini kujifunza. Kazi hufanywa katika fomu ya mradi, na walimu huongoza tu utafiti na kutoa msaada inapohitajika. Kuna msisitizo mkubwa juu ya umuhimu wa mtu mwenyewe katika mchakato wa kujifunza. Kwa hiyo, masomo ni kabisa mtoto ililenga, katikati ya maswali ya wanafunzi katika darasa. Hii inatofautiana kabisa na mbinu nyingine za elimu ya mapema ya watoto, kama vile mbinu ya Montessori, ambayo inategemea mtaala wa kawaida, uliopangwa na seti ya zana za didactic zilizopangwa mapema ili kuvutia wanafunzi na kuwapa maarifa mazuri ya mada muhimu katika muktadha wa kitaaluma. Uwezo wa Reggio Emilia wa kuunda programu ya masomo ni moja ya sababu kubwa za kutofautisha kutoka kwa wenzao katika uwanja wa elimu ya mapema ya utotoni, kwani watoto wanaruhusiwa kufurahiya katika kutafuta maarifa wakati wanajifunza kile wanachofurahiya. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Kukuza hisia-mwenzi na ustadi mzuri wa kijamii Mkazo juu ya kujenga mahusiano ni kanuni ya pili ya mbinu ya Reggio Emilia. Mbali na mahusiano yao na wenzao, mahusiano hayo yanahusu pia wazazi wao, walimu, na jamii. Ndani na nje ya darasa, watoto hufundishwa kuwa na ufahamu wa mahitaji ya kila mtu anayewazunguka. Hii inatafsiriwa katika wazo la kuunda urafiki na kila mtu ili kuelewa zaidi mahitaji yao. Kupitia mwingiliano wa daima na wengine katika safari za shambani au kwa njia nyingine, tabia hujengwa na mtoto hupata ustadi wa mawasiliano mkali zaidi. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Wanafunzi pia hupangwa kulingana na umri wa maendeleo, tofauti na madarasa ya umri mchanganyiko kama inavyoonekana katika shule za Montessori, kwani shule zilizoongozwa na Reggio zinaamini kuwa pengo kubwa la umri kati ya watoto na viwango vyao tofauti vya maendeleo ya akili itakuwa ngumu kushughulikia kuliko tofauti ndogo za maendeleo ndani ya watoto wa kikundi kimoja cha umri. Ingawa hii inatoa fursa ndogo kwa wanafunzi wa umri tofauti kuingiliana wakati wa kutumia mbinu ya Reggio Emilia, hii ni kufanywa kwa njia ya ziara ya maeneo ya umma nje ya shule ya kuendeleza urafiki katika jamii na vikao vya kujifunza pamoja na wenzao, mambo ambayo hayaonekani katika mbinu ya Montessori. 4. Uwe na uhakika Sehemu ya mazingira Mwishowe, mbinu ya Reggio Emilia pia ina lengo kubwa juu ya umuhimu wa mazingira katika mchakato wa kujifunza. Kwa kufikiria kila maelezo ya nafasi ya kujifunza ya mtoto, darasa la Reggio Emilia linajulikana kutoka kwa mwenzake wa Montessori, wa macho, wa kimya, kwa kutumia rangi nyingi na vifaa vya kukaribisha. Hii ni kwa sababu ya malengo tofauti darasani katika aina mbili za kujifunza. "Kama ilivyo kwa njia ya Montessori, ""mtazamo wa Reggio Emilia unaamini kwamba mazingira yanapaswa kuhamasisha watoto wanataka kujifunza, lakini njia ya Montessori inahisi kwamba darasa lenye rangi inachukua umakini wa mtoto mbali na vifaa vyake vya kujifunza.""" Kama bidhaa ya imani hii katika nguvu ya mazingira juu ya maendeleo ya mtoto, vipengele vya kujifunza hisia na masomo ya nje pia ni ya kawaida katika shule za Reggio-kuchochewa. Hii inaunda chaguzi nyingi kwa masomo kufundishwa kupitia uzoefu badala ya vitabu, kuunda kumbukumbu halisi zaidi ya chochote mtoto anajifunza katika madarasa kupitia mbinu ya Reggio Emilia. Kwa ujumla, maadili haya ya msingi katika moyo wa mbinu ya Reggio Emilia ni wajibu kwa ajili ya mafanikio ya mji wake namesake katika suala la kuelimisha watoto wadogo. "Kutumia katika muktadha wa Singapore, ni mbinu ya nguvu mbadala kwa aina nyingine za elimu ya mapema ya utotoni ambayo inahifadhi makali yake ya ushindani kutokana na kubadilika kwa mtaala na jinsi kujifunza kwa kuongozwa na mwanafunzi inafanana na kucheza, kuunda uzoefu wa kufurahisha na mzuri kwa wote. """ Kituo cha Kujifunza cha Mulberry hutumia mbinu iliyoongozwa na Reggio Emilia katika shule zote na lengo la kuunda mazingira ya kujifunza yenye afya na ya kuvutia kwa watoto wote. "Pedagogy yetu ya mapinduzi inaunganisha mawazo ya afya kupitia ""Mazoea ya Akili"" na mbinu ya Reggio Emilia ili kuunda masomo yaliyoboreshwa ili kukidhi mahitaji ya akili ya mtoto wako." | <urn:uuid:c5debf17-a1e4-4dd6-b8f3-aeb4be1b656b> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://mulberrylearning.com/reggio-emilia-approach-works/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
How can we use geometry to design an appealing and challenging mini golf course?
How can we help new friends get to know our community?
What is the chemistry behind the recipes we create?
What makes someone a community hero?
How can we make and share an alphabet book about the kids in our class?
How can we share exercise with elders in our community?
How can we create apps to address problems we see in our local community?
How can we use light and sound to communicate emotion through our art?
What products should we be vending?
How can we design a theatrical set that adds meaning and power to a production?
How can we use dance to tell stories about conflict, cooperation, and human-environment interactions?
How can we design realistic sci-fi alien creatures movie goers will love?
How can we compose a musical score that transforms a film viewer’s experience?
How can we redesign a product’s packaging to make it more environmentally friendly?
How can we plan a profitable walk-a-thon to benefit a cause we care about?
How can our school improve structures and schedules to best support student wellness?
How can we protect endangered species in our area?
Can one square meter predict the health of our ecosystem?
How can we create a financial plan for a family?
How can observing the natural world help us find solutions to human problems? | Twaweza kutumiaje jiometri kubuni uwanja wa gofu mdogo wenye kuvutia na wenye changamoto? Tunawezaje kuwasaidia marafiki wapya wajue jumuiya yetu? Ni nini kemikali nyuma ya mapishi tunayounda? Ni nini humfanya mtu awe shujaa wa jumuiya? Tunawezaje kutengeneza na kushiriki kitabu cha alfabeti kuhusu watoto katika darasa letu? Tunawezaje kushiriki mazoezi na wazee katika jumuiya yetu? Tunawezaje kuunda programu za kushughulikia matatizo tunayoona katika jamii yetu ya ndani? Tunawezaje kutumia mwanga na sauti kuwasiliana hisia kupitia sanaa yetu? Ni bidhaa zipi tunazopaswa kuuza? Twaweza kubunije jukwaa la maonyesho ambalo huongeza maana na nguvu kwa maonyesho? Tunawezaje kutumia dansi kueleza hadithi kuhusu migogoro, ushirikiano, na mwingiliano wa binadamu na mazingira? Twawezaje kubuni viumbe wa kigeni wa sayansi ya uwongo ambao watazamaji wa sinema watawapenda? Twaweza kutungaje muziki unaobadilisha uzoefu wa mtazamaji wa filamu? Tunawezaje kubuni upya ufungaji wa bidhaa ili kuifanya iwe ya kirafiki zaidi kwa mazingira? Tunawezaje kupanga mashindano yenye faida ya kutembea-katika-mwitu ili kufaidika na kusudi tunalopenda? Shule yetu inawezaje kuboresha miundo na ratiba ili kuunga mkono vizuri ustawi wa wanafunzi? Tunawezaje kulinda spishi zilizo hatarini mwa kutoweka katika eneo letu? Je, mita moja ya mraba inaweza kutabiri afya ya mazingira yetu? Unawezaje kupanga mpango wa kifedha kwa ajili ya familia? Kuangalia mazingira ya asili kunaweza kutusaidiaje kupata suluhisho la matatizo ya wanadamu? | <urn:uuid:16425122-fcd9-4510-91c0-acbec9361857> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://my.pblworks.org/projects?keywords=&page=1 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Saint Edward's University Herbarium (SEU)
The Saint Edward’s University Herbarium collection, which was established in the late 1950s, is a fruit of the work of Brother Daniel Lynch, CSC, and his dedicated students. Br. Daniel (1921–1997) was beloved throughout Central Texas, and many university benefactors contributed to funds that supported his scholarship and his service to marginalized communities. He used some of those funds to buy herbarium cabinets and supplies as he built the collection. He relied heavily on the herbarium as he worked with the illustrator, Nancy McGowan, to complete Native and Naturalized Woody Plants of Austin and the Hill Country. This reference was originally published in 1981 and is still widely used by botanists around the state. In addition to his high level of scholarship, Br. Daniel was a stellar teacher at St. Edward’s for more than 40 years. His students not only learned from the herbarium collection, but they also helped him to build it. Today, the collection is used primarily to support teaching in the natural sciences, but also serves as a repository for voucher specimens documenting the plant diversity of the associated Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve and Creative Research Center.
Contacts: Zoe Skelton, [email protected], +1 (512) 485-4625
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
Powered by Symbiota | Chuo Kikuu cha Saint Edward Herbarium (SEU) ni mkusanyiko wa Herbarium ya Chuo Kikuu cha Saint Edward, ambayo ilianzishwa mwishoni mwa miaka ya 1950, ni matunda ya kazi ya Ndugu Daniel Lynch, CSC, na wanafunzi wake wa kujitolea. Ndugu. Daniel (1921-1997) alikuwa mpendwa katika Texas ya Kati, na wafadhili wengi wa chuo kikuu walichangia fedha ambazo ziliunga mkono udhamini wake na huduma yake kwa jamii zilizotengwa. Alitumia baadhi ya fedha hizo kununua makabati ya kuhifadhi mimea na vifaa alipokuwa akijenga mkusanyiko huo. Alitegemea sana herbarium wakati alifanya kazi na mchoraji, Nancy McGowan, kukamilisha Mazao ya Woody ya asili na ya asili ya Austin na Nchi ya Mlima. Maandishi hayo yalichapishwa mwaka 1981 na bado yanatumiwa sana na wataalamu wa mimea nchini Marekani. Mbali na kiwango chake cha juu cha elimu, Br. Daniel alikuwa mwalimu bora katika St. Edward's kwa zaidi ya miaka 40. Wanafunzi wake hawakujifunza tu kutokana na mkusanyiko wa mimea, bali pia walimsaidia kuijenga. Leo, mkusanyiko huo hutumiwa hasa kusaidia kufundisha katika sayansi ya asili, lakini pia hutumika kama hazina ya sampuli za voucher zinazoandika utofauti wa mimea ya Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve na Kituo cha Utafiti wa Ubunifu. "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika taarifa ya ""Mwanzoni mwa mwaka"" ya Shirika la Kimataifa la Kimataifa la Kimataifa (IOM), ""Mwaka"" wa Kimataifa wa Kimataifa wa Kimataifa (IOM) ni mwaka wa kwanza wa kuhifadhi data ya kimataifa ya kimataifa (IOM) na ""Mwaka"" wa Kimataifa wa Kimataifa (IOM) na ""Mwaka"" wa Kimataifa wa Kimataifa (IOM)." | <urn:uuid:173d9cbb-e34e-47b9-90ff-fd49993d2c11> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://nansh.org/portal/collections/misc/collprofiles.php?collid=493 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
SBHC & UTHSCSA Partner to Offer Dental Hygiene Education to area Elementary School
MHM has had a longstanding relationship with the Dental School at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA). In 2003, a partnership with the UTHSCSA Dental School and MHM provided school-based prevention programs to provide dental screenings, fluoride treatments, and dental sealants for second-graders in the Edgewood Independent School District. In 2003, this partnership brought about a comprehensive dental care plan to children at the Ricardo Salinas Clinic.
More recently, MHM’s School Based Health Centers and the UTHSCSA Dental School collectively worked together to bring about dental hygiene education to elementary students in the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City Independent School District.
This initiative, which started ten years ago through a grant provided by MHM to the UTHSC Division of Dental Hygiene, was created to establish a Pediatric Clinical Educational Training Rotation program for dental hygiene students. Through this initiative, dental hygiene students obtain training and instruction while providing direct care and education to school-aged children.
Working in close collaboration with MHM’s School Based Health Centers (SBHC) serving the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD, and as part of their program curriculum, UTHSCSA dental hygiene students provide Dental Hygiene presentations to prekindergarten and 1st grade students in the district. At the conclusion of the semester, approximately 800 elementary students will have participated in these dental education offerings.
To facilitate, the SBHC and dental hygiene students from the UTHSCSA created “Tooth Fairy Island” as a means to capture the attention of students in this critical area. Included in the Tooth Fairy Island curriculum are lessons on Preventing Germ Transmission, Tooth-friendly Snacks, and Tooth brushing Demonstration. Using a magnetic tooth board, large toothbrush, worksheets, and a little music, elementary students are educated on the importance of proper dental care. Dental hygiene student, Leslie Griffith sings to the tune of, “row, row, row your boat…brush, brush, brush your teeth, morning and at night, everywhere and all around so they’ll be clean and white!”
Another student reflects, “I love that the children get excited with visitors and are excited to see me teach them how to brush on my dinosaur with large teeth.”
To learn more about MHM’s SBHC, visit: www.mhm.org/sbhc. | Shirika la UTHSCSA linatoa elimu ya usafi wa meno kwa shule za msingi za eneo hilo, na Shule ya Matibabu ya meno ya Chuo Kikuu cha Texas Health Science Center huko San Antonio (UTHSCSA) inatoa mafunzo ya usafi wa meno kwa wanafunzi wa shule ya msingi. Katika 2003, ushirikiano na UTHS, Shule ya Matibabu ya meno ya UTHS na MHM ulitoa programu za kuzuia shule ili kutoa uchunguzi wa meno, matibabu ya fluoride, na sealants za meno kwa wanafunzi wa darasa la pili katika Wilaya ya Shule ya Uhuru ya Edgewood. Mwaka 2003 mpango huo ulifikia kuanzishwa kwa kituo cha matibabu ya meno cha Ricardo Salinas Clinic. Shule ya Matibabu ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule. Mpango huu, ambao ulianza miaka kumi iliyopita kupitia ruzuku iliyotolewa na MHM kwa Idara ya Usafi wa Meno ya UTHS, uliundwa kuanzisha Programu ya Mzunguko wa Mafunzo ya Kliniki ya Watoto kwa wanafunzi wa usafi wa meno. Kupitia mpango huu, wanafunzi wa usafi wa meno hupata mafunzo na maagizo wakati wa kutoa huduma ya moja kwa moja na elimu kwa watoto wa umri wa shule. Kwa kushirikiana na Shule ya MHSH (Shule ya msingi ya afya ya shule) inayohudumia Schertz-Civolo-Universal City ISD, na kama sehemu ya mtaala wao wa programu, wanafunzi wa usafi wa meno wa UTHSCSA hutoa maonyesho ya usafi wa meno kwa wanafunzi wa shule ya mapema na darasa la kwanza katika wilaya. Katika kipindi cha miezi miwili, wanafunzi wa shule ya msingi watakuwa wamejiunga na programu ya elimu ya meno. "Kwa hivyo, kwa sababu ya kuvutia kwa wanafunzi wa UTHS na wanafunzi wa usafi wa meno, ""Tooth Fairy Island"" iliundwa kama njia ya kukamata umakini wa wanafunzi katika eneo hili muhimu." Mtaala wa Kisiwa cha Tooth Fairy unajumuisha masomo kuhusu Kuzuia Uhamisho wa Virusi, Vyakula Vya Kupendeza meno, na Maonyesho ya Kusafisha Meno. Kwa kutumia ubao wa meno wenye sumaku, mswaki mkubwa, karatasi za kazi, na muziki kidogo, wanafunzi wa shule ya msingi hufundishwa umuhimu wa kutunza meno kwa njia inayofaa. "Mwanafunzi wa afya ya meno, Leslie Griffith, anaimba kwa wimbo wa ""Row, Row, Row Your Boat"" - brush, brush, brush your teeth, morning and night, everywhere and all around so they'll be clean and white.""Mwanafunzi mwingine anaeleza, ""Ninapenda kwamba watoto wanafurahi na wageni na wanafurahi kuona mimi kuwafundisha jinsi ya kupiga mswaki kwenye dinosaur yangu mwenye meno makubwa." | <urn:uuid:f1063c15-fcb5-4ae7-9dc3-94522c9af1d5> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://news.mhm.org/sbhc--uthscsa-partner-to-offer-dental-hygiene-education-to-area-elementary-school/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
In Sierra Leone, a chance to learn from Ebola
UW-Madison’s Yoshihiro Kawaoka, Peter Halfmann and Alhaji Njai stand outside of a military hospital with Foday Sahr, a Sierra Leone military official and chair of microbiology at the University of Sierra Leone. Ebola patients are treated at many of the country’s military hospitals like the Joint Medical Unit.
Photos courtesy of the Kawaoka Lab
When Yoshihiro Kawaoka and members of his research team first arrived in Sierra Leone in December 2014, the consistent wail of ambulance sirens was a frightening reminder that the Ebola virus was there, too.
It was what brought Kawaoka to the West African nation in the first place.
Kawaoka, a professor of pathobiological sciences at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, started studying Ebola in 1995 after reading a book about the virus, “The Hot Zone.” He was fascinated by its origins and wanted to understand how it spreads, and how it sickens those it infects, so he could be part of the solution.
His studies had always involved common laboratory models, like mice and special cell cultures, and took place in high security laboratories like the National Institutes of Health Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Montana, where researchers gown up in airtight, spacelike suits and look at how these models respond to infection.
Now, he had a chance to study a disease in the very people who were living and dying with it.
“The sirens are going, on and off, and it was very scary — because that means Ebola patients are there — but at the same time we feel very fortunate to be able to do this work,” Kawaoka says. “We’ve never been able to do this with humans because we’ve never had human samples.”
Health workers tend to a patient at one of Sierra Leone’s military hospitals, where many of the country’s 8,000 Ebola patients have received treatment since an outbreak began in West Africa in December 2013.
Ebola virus first emerged in 1976, in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo, in a village near the Ebola River, from which it gets its name. Over the years, the virus would emerge, sicken people and disappear into the forests again. But in December 2013, the outbreak that was to become history’s largest and deadliest was only just beginning.
“The Ebola virus is identified almost every year now, but it has been contained because it has happened in countries where Ebola virus appears consistently,” says Kawaoka. “This outbreak is different. This outbreak occurred in an area where we never had Ebola outbreak, so the local people did not know how to contain it. Developed countries did not recognize that until last June, when numbers of cases increased dramatically.”
By fall, the outbreak had reached a fever pitch, spreading to health care workers in Spain and the U.S., killing an African traveler in a Dallas suburb. Many of those infected came down with symptoms that ranged from fever and headache to bloody diarrhea and vomiting. Today, more than 10,000 people have died of Ebola in the current outbreak, including almost 4,000 in Sierra Leone, on Africa’s west coast. Nearly 26,000 have become sick.
But amidst the fear and tragedy, Kawaoka (who also holds an appointment at the University of Tokyo) saw opportunity. Almost a decade ago, he began working on an Ebola vaccine, designed using a form of the virus his research group created that could only grow in special cells contained in a high security lab. Before the current outbreak, funding for the project had dwindled as people had stopped thinking about the virus.
Kawaoka meets with Ekundayo Thompson, vice chancellor of the University of Sierra Leone, while in the African nation to establish a partnership to study and fight Ebola while improving the research capacity and infrastructure of the university.
Now, reinvigorated by the crisis, the Japanese government granted Kawaoka the money he needed to continue, and in March 2015, he published a study in the journal Science describing a vaccine shown to be both safe and effective in mice, guinea pigs, and nonhuman primates. That vaccine could be produced for clinical trials in the next couple of years, Kawaoka said at a public hearing at the Wisconsin State Capitol on April 21.
Throughout his career, first at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Tennessee, and for the last 18 years at UW–Madison, Kawaoka has been interested in how influenza viruses and others, like Ebola, infect their hosts and make them sick. Ultimately, one of his goals is to create a universal flu vaccine that keeps people safe from that virus from year to year, and he also hopes to contribute to understanding how and why some influenza viruses become pandemic.
In 2012, he published a controversial study of the H5N1 virus, in which he showed just how few mutations it could take for the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus to become infectious in humans. That virus is now present in wild bird populations throughout the world, including the U.S., and virus strains harboring these potentially dangerous mutations have recently been found in Cambodia, he says.
In July 2014, Kawaoka’s team showed that a 1918-like pandemic influenza virus (Spanish flu) could be recreated once again in nature through the recombination of just eight viral genes already circulating in waterfowl.
But Ebola had eluded him. Until now.
A vial is labeled and prepared to hold blood from an Ebola patient in Sierra Leone. Researchers will compare blood from those who died of the virus to those who survived and those who never got sick to try to develop treatment.
After hearing of the current outbreak, Kawaoka asked if he could have some blood samples from Ebola patients. He heard nothing in response. Then in November 2014, he heard an interview on the UW–Madison campus with Alhaji Njai, a research fellow at the School of Veterinary Medicine and the Global Health Institute, and a native of Sierra Leone. Njai had begun a twice-weekly radio program to help educate his home countrymen on how to protect themselves from Ebola, and he was soon headed back for the holidays.
“We happened to be in the same department, but I had never met him. I contacted him and he immediately responded,” says Kawaoka. “We met to discuss whether we could do something in Sierra Leone and that was the beginning.”
It was just days before Christmas when Kawaoka and one of his most qualified researchers, Peter Halfmann, packed their bags and headed with Njai into the heart of Ebola territory, which was on mandatory lockdown.
“Usually there are people dancing in the streets,” he says, noting the somber tone that had settled on the colorful city of Freetown, Sierra Leone’s capital and its largest city.
Freetown is also home to the University of Sierra Leone, where Njai is affiliated, and the team toured the city, visiting military hospitals and holding facilities where patients were quarantined. They encountered police stops along the way.
Kawaoka speaks to legislators, legislative staff and media representatives in the North Hearing Room of the Wisconsin State Capitol about his lab’s work to develop a whole virus vaccine.
At the Madison hearing before reporters and policymakers, Kawaoka described how Sierra Leone is caring for its Ebola patients, isolating the sickest in bright rooms, providing the healing with fresh air. Health workers wear head-to-toe protective gear and masks. They incinerate materials from patient rooms and undergo a strict decontamination procedure after exiting patient areas, sprayed down with chlorine, standing in chlorine-filled buckets for five minutes, the process timed by other workers.
Sierra Leone has hired some of its Ebola survivors to work at these facilities. Many, tainted by the virus that has killed so many others, have been shunned by their families and communities, Kawaoka says.
Yet the death rate from the virus among people who receive proper care early in the course of infection — in Sierra Leone, this has involved treatment with malarial drugs, antibiotics and IV fluids — is now fewer than 2 in 10, he says. This is one of the things that surprised him most visiting the country.
“They save 80 percent of the patients and that is dramatic,” he says.
What they’re also saving in Sierra Leone is blood, the priceless material that Kawaoka hopes will unlock some of Ebola’s secrets.
“Now, we have samples to examine exactly what’s happening with humans infected with the Ebola virus and, by doing this, we should be able to find a way to control host responses and save patients.”
Kawaoka, who never entered patient areas himself, gave health workers in the military-run treatment facilities cameras encased in plastic and asked them to take photographs inside. The workers are also taking blood — a couple drops from each patient — packed in a tube inside a tube, wrapped in a bag.
These samples go to the researchers, who inactivate the virus and work in specialized biosafety tents in Sierra Leone, dressed head-to-toe in the same protective gear they use in the U.S. and Japan. They will spin down the blood in high-speed centrifuges, separating the plasma and the white blood cells, involved in immunity, from the oxygen-carrying red blood cells.
The researchers will look at the genetic and molecular signatures within these samples, comparing blood from patients who survived Ebola to blood from those who did not, and to those who never got sick at all.
“We have been working with influenza virus for many years, doing experiments in animals … to identify host proteins or genes that control the infections,” Kawaoka says. “We have tried to do the same thing with Ebola. Now, we have samples to examine exactly what’s happening with humans infected with the Ebola virus and, by doing this, we should be able to find a way to control host responses and save patients.”
Kawaoka and his team have now returned to Sierra Leone on multiple occasions and met with the country’s government officials and military and public health leaders, representatives from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and with representatives from the University of Sierra Leone.
Today, Kawaoka and Njai have embarked on a partnership, uniting their two institutions in the fight against Ebola. Kawaoka is trying to help the African nation develop the research infrastructure to continue to detect, study and prevent infectious diseases like Ebola. He is trying to raise the funds to bring this plan to bear.
In return, he will continue to study how Ebola impacts humans and how he might be able to help change future outcomes. While the current outbreak is subsiding, Kawaoka says this will not be the last.
“We have a choice: either not to do any work and see what happens — what happens in nature, whether we see outbreaks — or we study it and be prepared,” Kawaoka says. “It’s fortunate for us to have this opportunity and we very much appreciate it. It is important for people like us who are working on infectious disease to keep working during these outbreaks and continue to do this type of work.” | Katika Sierra Leone, Yoshihiro Kawakami, Peter Halffman na Alhaji Njai, wanaofundisha katika Chuo Kikuu cha Madison, wamesimama nje ya hospitali ya kijeshi na Foday Sahr, afisa wa kijeshi wa Sierra Leone na mwenyekiti wa microbiology katika Chuo Kikuu cha Sierra Leone. Wagonjwa wa Ebola wanatibiwa katika hospitali nyingi za kijeshi nchini humo kama vile Kitengo cha Matibabu cha Pamoja. "Wakati Yoshihiro Kawasaki na timu yake ya utafiti walipofika Sierra Leone mnamo Desemba 2014, sauti ya ""Siren"" ya ambulansi ilikuwa ni ukumbusho wa kutisha kwamba virusi vya Ebola vilikuwapo pia." Ni nini kilicholeta Kawaoka katika taifa la Afrika Magharibi kwanza. Kawakata, profesa wa sayansi ya pathobiolojia katika Chuo Kikuu cha Wisconsin, Madison, alianza kusoma Ebola mnamo 1995 baada ya kusoma kitabu kuhusu virusi hivyo, The Hot Zone, na alitaka kuelewa jinsi inavyoenea na jinsi inavyowaumiza wale wanaowasumbua. Majaribio hayo yalihusisha maabara ya kawaida kama panya na mimea maalum ya seli, na yalifanyika katika maabara ya usalama wa juu kama vile National Institutes of Health Rocky Mountain Laboratories huko Montana, ambapo watafiti walivaa suti za hewa na kuangalia jinsi mifano hii inavyoitikia maambukizo. Sasa alikuwa na nafasi ya kuchunguza ugonjwa huo katika watu waliokuwa wakiishi na kufa nao. "Siren zinazunguka, zinawaka na kuzima, na ilikuwa ya kuogopesha sana kwa sababu hiyo inamaanisha wagonjwa wa Ebola wako huko, lakini wakati huo huo tunahisi bahati nzuri sana kuweza kufanya kazi hii,"" Kawaoka anasema." "Hatujawahi kuweza kufanya hivyo kwa wanadamu kwa sababu hatujawahi kuwa na sampuli za binadamu. "" Wafanyakazi wa afya wanamtunza mgonjwa katika moja ya hospitali za kijeshi za Sierra Leone, ambapo wengi wa wagonjwa wa Ebola 8,000 nchini wamepokea matibabu tangu kuzuka kwa ugonjwa huo kuanza Afrika Magharibi mnamo Desemba 2013." Virusi vya Ebola vilianza kuenea nchini Sudan na Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo mwaka 1976 katika kijiji kimoja karibu na Mto Ebola, ambapo viliitwa Ebola. Baada ya miaka kadhaa, virusi hivyo vilianza kuenea, na watu wakawa wagonjwa na kutoweka tena msituni. Lakini mnamo Desemba 2013, mlipuko ambao ulikuwa mkubwa zaidi na wenye kuua zaidi katika historia ulikuwa unaanza tu. "Virus ya Ebola hutambuliwa karibu kila mwaka sasa, lakini imehifadhiwa kwa sababu imetokea katika nchi ambazo virusi vya Ebola huonekana mara kwa mara", Kawaoka anasema. <unk>Mlipuko huu ni tofauti. Mlipuko huo ulitokea katika eneo ambalo halikuwa na ugonjwa wa Ebola, kwa hivyo watu wa eneo hilo hawakujua jinsi ya kuuzuia. "Nchi zilizoendelea hazikufahamu hilo hadi Juni mwaka jana, wakati idadi ya visa ilipoongezeka kwa kasi. ""Kufikia majira ya kupukutika kwa virusi vya corona, ugonjwa huo ulikuwa umefikia kilele, ukienea kwa wafanyakazi wa afya nchini Hispania na Marekani, na kumuua msafiri mmoja wa Afrika katika kitongoji cha Dallas." Wengi wa wale walioambukizwa walipata dalili ambazo zilitofautiana kutoka homa na maumivu ya kichwa hadi kuhara kwa damu na kutapika. Watu zaidi ya 10,000 wamefariki kutokana na ugonjwa wa Ebola, ikiwa ni pamoja na karibu 4,000 nchini Sierra Leone, pwani ya magharibi mwa Afrika. Karibu watu 26,000 wameugua. Lakini katikati ya hofu na msiba, Kawaoka (ambaye pia ana uteuzi katika Chuo Kikuu cha Tokyo) aliona fursa. "Kama ilivyoelezwa, ""Mwanamume huyo alianza kufanya kazi kwenye chanjo ya Ebola, iliyoundwa kwa kutumia aina ya virusi vilivyotengenezwa na kikundi chake cha utafiti ambavyo vinaweza kukua tu katika chembe maalum zilizomo katika maabara ya usalama wa juu.""" Kabla ya mlipuko wa sasa, fedha kwa ajili ya mradi huo zilikuwa zimepungua kwa kuwa watu walikuwa wameacha kufikiria kuhusu virusi. Kawasaki alikutana na Ekundayo Thompson, makamu wa kansela wa Chuo Kikuu cha Sierra Leone, wakati akiwa nchini Afrika kuanzisha ushirikiano wa kusoma na kupambana na Ebola wakati wa kuboresha uwezo wa utafiti na miundombinu ya chuo kikuu. Serikali ya Japan ilimpa Kawakami pesa alizohitaji ili kuendelea na utafiti wake, na mnamo Machi 2015, Kawakami alichapisha utafiti katika jarida la Sayansi, unaoelezea chanjo iliyoonyesha kuwa salama na yenye ufanisi kwa panya, nguruwe wa Guinea na primates. "Kama ni kweli, chanjo hiyo inaweza kutengenezwa kwa majaribio ya kliniki katika miaka michache ijayo, ""Kawakata alisema katika usikilizaji wa umma katika Wisconsin State Capitol Aprili 21." Katika kazi yake, kwanza katika Hospitali ya Utafiti ya Watoto ya St. Jude huko Tennessee, na kwa miaka 18 iliyopita katika Chuo Kikuu cha Madison, Kawasaki amekuwa akipendezwa na jinsi virusi vya mafua na vingine, kama Ebola, vinavyoambukiza majeshi yao na kuwafanya wagonjwa. "Mmoja wa malengo yake ni kuunda chanjo ya virusi vya mafua ambayo itawaweka watu salama kutoka kwa virusi hivyo kila mwaka, na pia anatarajia kuchangia kuelewa jinsi na kwa nini virusi vya mafua vinavyokuwa na janga.""" Katika mwaka wa 2012, alichapisha utafiti wa madai kuhusu virusi vya H5N1 ambapo alionyesha ni mabadiliko machache tu yanayoweza kutokea ili virusi vya mafua ya ndege kuwa na athari kwa binadamu. Virusi hivyo vimeenea katika ndege wa mwituni duniani kote, na hivi karibuni vimepatikana nchini Cambodia. Katika Julai 2014, Kawakami na wenzake walionyesha kwamba virusi vya mafua ya 1918 (mlipuko wa Kihispania) vinaweza kuundwa tena katika asili kwa kuchanganya jeni nane tu za virusi ambavyo tayari vinazunguka katika ndege wa maji. Lakini ugonjwa wa Ebola haukuwa umemkumba. Hadi sasa. Chupa imeandikwa na kutayarishwa ili kubeba damu ya mgonjwa wa Ebola huko Sierra Leone. Watafiti watalinganisha damu ya wale waliokufa kutokana na virusi hivyo na wale waliokoka na wale ambao hawakuugua kamwe, ili kujaribu kuunda matibabu. Baada ya kusikia juu ya mlipuko wa sasa, Kawaoka aliuliza kama angeweza kuwa na sampuli za damu kutoka kwa wagonjwa wa Ebola. Hakusikia jibu lolote. Katika mkutano wa Novemba 2014 katika chuo kikuu cha UW-Madison, Alhaji Njai, mwanachama wa utafiti katika Shule ya Tiba ya Wanyama na Taasisi ya Afya ya Ulimwenguni, na mzaliwa wa Sierra Leone, alielezea jinsi alivyojiandaa. Njai alikuwa ameanza programu ya redio mara mbili kwa wiki kusaidia kuelimisha wananchi wake juu ya jinsi ya kujilinda dhidi ya Ebola, na hivi karibuni alikuwa akirudi kwa ajili ya likizo. <unk>Tulikuwa katika idara ileile, lakini sikuwa nimekutana naye kamwe. Nilimpigia simu na alijibu mara moja, "anasema Kawaoka. "Tuliungana ili kujadili kama tunaweza kufanya kitu huko Sierra Leone na hiyo ilikuwa mwanzo. ""Ilikuwa siku chache tu kabla ya Krismasi wakati Kawakami na mmoja wa watafiti wake wenye sifa zaidi, Peter Halfman, walipunga mifuko yao na kuelekea Njai katikati ya eneo la Ebola, ambalo lilikuwa kwenye kufungwa kwa lazima." "Kwa kawaida kuna watu wanaocheza dansi barabarani", anasema, akitaja sauti yenye kuhuzunisha ambayo ilikuwa imekaa katika jiji lenye rangi nyingi la Freetown, mji mkuu wa Sierra Leone na jiji lake kubwa zaidi. Freetown pia ni makao ya Chuo Kikuu cha Sierra Leone, ambapo Njai ni mshirika, na timu ilizuru mji, ikitembelea hospitali za kijeshi na vituo vya kushikilia ambapo wagonjwa walikuwa quarantined. Walikutana na vituo vya polisi njiani. Kawakata anaongea na wabunge, wafanyakazi wa bunge na wawakilishi wa vyombo vya habari katika chumba cha kusikia kaskazini cha Wisconsin State Capitol kuhusu kazi yake ya maabara ya kutengeneza chanjo kamili ya virusi. Katika mkutano wa waandishi wa habari na watunga sera, Kawakata alielezea jinsi Sierra Leone inavyowatunza wagonjwa wake wa Ebola, kuwaweka wagonjwa katika vyumba vyenye mwangaza, na kuwapa wagonjwa hewa safi. Wafanyakazi wa afya huvaa mavazi ya kinga ya kichwa hadi vidole na vinyago. "Wanawasha vifaa kutoka kwenye vyumba vya wagonjwa na kupitia utaratibu mkali wa kuondoa uchafuzi baada ya kuondoka katika maeneo ya wagonjwa, wakirusha klorini, wakisimama katika ndoo zilizojaa klorini kwa dakika tano, mchakato huo ukifuatwa na wafanyakazi wengine.""" Sierra Leone imewaajiri baadhi ya waokokaji wake wa Ebola kufanya kazi katika vituo hivi. "Wengi, walioharibiwa na virusi ambavyo vimewaua wengine wengi, wamepuuzwa na familia zao na jamii zao, ""Kawakata anasema." "Hata hivyo, kiwango cha vifo kutokana na virusi vya corona miongoni mwa watu wanaopokea huduma sahihi mapema katika mchakato wa maambukizi, nchini Sierra Leone, ambayo imehusisha matibabu ya dawa za malaria, antibiotics na kioevu, sasa ni chini ya 2 katika 10, ""alisema." Hii ni moja ya mambo ambayo yalimshangaza zaidi kutembelea nchi hiyo. "Wanaokoa asilimia 80 ya wagonjwa na hiyo ni ya kushangaza", anasema. Kile wanachokificha pia nchini Sierra Leone ni damu, nyenzo isiyo na thamani ambayo Kawaoka anatumaini itafunua baadhi ya siri za Ebola. "Sasa tuna sampuli za kuchunguza hasa nini kinachotokea kwa wanadamu walioambukizwa na virusi vya Ebola na, kwa kufanya hivyo, tunapaswa kuwa na uwezo wa kupata njia ya kudhibiti majibu ya mwenyeji na kuokoa wagonjwa. ""Kawaoka, ambaye kamwe aliingia maeneo ya wagonjwa mwenyewe, aliwapa wafanyakazi wa afya katika vituo vya matibabu vya kijeshi kamera zilizofungwa kwa plastiki na kuwaomba kupiga picha ndani." Wafanyakazi pia wanachukua damu - matone machache kutoka kwa kila mgonjwa - iliyofungwa katika bomba ndani ya bomba, iliyofungwa katika mfuko. Kwa mfano, watafiti wa Sierra Leone wanafanya kazi katika mahema ya usalama wa kibiolojia, wakiwa wamevaa mavazi ya kinga kama yale wanayotumia nchini Marekani na Japan. Vifaa hivyo vinaweza kuunganisha damu katika mashine za kutenganisha damu kwa kasi, na kutenganisha plasma na chembe nyeupe za damu, ambazo zinahusika katika mfumo wa kinga, na chembe nyekundu za damu zinazobeba oksijeni. Watafiti hao watatazama alama za maumbile na molekuli katika sampuli hizo, wakilinganisha damu ya wagonjwa waliopona Ebola na damu ya wale ambao hawakuokoka, na wale ambao hawakuugua kabisa. "Tumekuwa tukifanya kazi na virusi vya mafua kwa miaka mingi, tukifanya majaribio kwenye wanyama... kutambua protini au jeni za mwenyeji ambazo zinadhibiti maambukizo", Kawaoka anasema. <unk>Tumejaribu kufanya kitu kimoja na Ebola. "Kama tulivyoona, sasa tuna sampuli za kuchunguza hasa nini kinachotokea kwa wanadamu walioambukizwa na virusi vya Ebola na, kwa kufanya hivyo, tunapaswa kuwa na uwezo wa kupata njia ya kudhibiti majibu ya mwenyeji na kuokoa wagonjwa. ""Kawaoka na timu yake sasa wamerudi Sierra Leone mara nyingi na kukutana na maafisa wa serikali ya nchi na viongozi wa kijeshi na afya ya umma, wawakilishi kutoka Shirika la Afya Ulimwenguni (WHO) na Vituo vya Kudhibiti na Kuzuia Magonjwa (CDC)." Kawasaki na Njai wameanzisha ushirikiano wa kimataifa dhidi ya Ebola Kawakura amekuwa akisaidia nchi hiyo kuendeleza miundombinu ya utafiti ili kuendelea kugundua, kujifunza na kuzuia magonjwa ya kuambukiza kama Ebola. Anajaribu kukusanya fedha za kutekeleza mpango huo. Kwa upande wake, ataendelea kujifunza jinsi Ebola inavyoathiri wanadamu na jinsi anaweza kusaidia kubadilisha matokeo ya baadaye. Ingawa mlipuko wa sasa unapungua, Kawaoka anasema huu hautakuwa wa mwisho. "Tuna chaguo: ama kutofanya kazi yoyote na kuona nini kinatokea - nini kinatokea katika asili, ikiwa tutaona milipuko - au tunaichunguza na kuwa tayari, "Kawaoka anasema". Ni bahati nzuri kwetu kuwa na fursa hii na tunathamini sana. Ni muhimu kwa watu kama sisi ambao tunafanya kazi juu ya magonjwa ya kuambukiza kuendelea kufanya kazi wakati wa milipuko hii na kuendelea kufanya aina hii ya kazi. | <urn:uuid:67bdb665-66ec-4351-be0e-4b8f9ccd9279> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://news.wisc.edu/in-sierra-leone-a-chance-to-learn-from-ebola/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
How many sun bears are left?
Sun Bear numbers are still declining and although their exact population numbers are unknown, there could be less than 1,000 individuals left in the wild today.
Where do sun bears live?
The Sun Bear was formerly widespread in the lowland forests of South East Asia. However, it has mostly disappeared in recent decades from most of its former ranges. Nevertheless, Sun Bear is still found widespread in a few protected areas in Cambodia ‘s Mondolkiri province and Virachey National Park.
Can a human fight a sun bear?
Most people are incapable of reaching speeds even remotely close to this number; thus, it is impossible for a human to outrun a bear.
Which type of bear is the most aggressive?
Grizzly and polar bears are the most dangerous, but Eurasian brown bears and American black bears have also been known to attack humans. Some species depredate livestock on occasion, and some bears, such as Asiatic and American black bears, may destroy fruit or other crops, especially corn.
How much does a sun bear cost?
Sun Bear Pricing Overview Sun Bear pricing starts at $199.00 per user, per month. They do not have a free version.
Why are sun bears so weird?
Scientists think the majority of social interaction the bears see is during mating season and while females raise their cubs, who stick together with mom for two years or more. Many thought the marking—which is unique to each bear, like a fingerprint—looked like the rising sun, earning the ursine icon it’s common name.
How do sun bears behave?
Little is known about the behavior or social structure of sun bears. Except females with their offspring, sun bears usually appear to be solitary. They may congregate to feed from large fruiting trees, but this behavior appears to be rare.
Are moon bears aggressive?
4/ Bears are highly aggressive and therefore difficult to work with. We use small pieces of fruit as rewards for bears when we need to move them between dens and in or out of the enclosures.
Do sun bears live in jungle?
The sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) is a species of bear that is native to the tropical forest regions of Southeast Asia. It is the smallest species of bear in the world, and is the only bear that is tree-dwelling and adapted to living in the jungle.
Are sun bears going extinct?
The Malayan Sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) is listed as Vulnerable to Extinction by the IUCN, and is threatened by habitat loss and hunting for traditional medicine.
What are some interesting facts about sun bears?
Interesting Sun Bear Facts: Sun bear can reach 4 to 5 feet in length and 60 to 150 pounds in weight. Males are slightly larger than females. Body of sun bear is covered with short, but coarse fur that can be brown, black or grey in color.
Why are they called sun bears?
Sun bears are the smallest species of bear in the taxonomic family Ursidae . They are named ‘sun’ bears because of the shape around their chest. This unique mark is horseshoe-shaped, and is yellow or orange colored, and this means ‘rising sun’. They are created to climb the trees well with the long claws, small bodies, and strong legs.
Are sun bears hunted by humans?
The Sun Bear has loose, wrinkly skin around their head and neck. If a Sun Bear is bitten around the neck it can turn around in its skin and bite at the attacker. They are also hunted by Humans. The Sun Bear is an omnivore.
Are sun bears also called Honey Bears?
Sun bear, also called bruang, honey bear , or Malayan sun bear, smallest member of the family Ursidae, found in Southeast Asian forests. The bear ( Helarctos, or Ursus, malayanus) is often tamed as a pet when young but becomes bad-tempered and dangerous as an adult. | Ni dubu wangapi wa jua waliobaki? Idadi ya dubu wa jua bado inashuka, na ingawa idadi yao halisi haijulikani, kunaweza kuwa na watu chini ya 1,000 waliobaki katika mazingira ya asili leo. Dubu wa jua huishi wapi? Nyati wa Jua zamani aliishi sana katika misitu ya nchi tambarare ya Kusini-Mashariki mwa Asia. Hata hivyo, katika miongo ya hivi karibuni, amepotea katika maeneo mengi aliyoishi. Hata hivyo, dubu wa jua bado anapatikana katika maeneo machache yaliyohifadhiwa katika mkoa wa Mondolkiri nchini Kambodia na Hifadhi ya Taifa ya Virachey. Je, mwanadamu aweza kupigana na dubu wa jua? Watu wengi hawawezi kufikia kasi hata kwa umbali wa karibu na idadi hii; kwa hivyo, haiwezekani kwa mwanadamu kukimbia dubu. Ni aina gani ya dubu mwenye jeuri zaidi? Dubu wa rangi ya kijivu na wa barafu ndio hatari zaidi, lakini dubu wa rangi ya kahawia wa Eurasia na dubu mweusi wa Amerika pia wanajulikana kwa kushambulia wanadamu. Nyakati nyingine, aina fulani za dubu huangamiza mifugo, na dubu fulani, kama vile dubu mweusi wa Asia na Amerika, wanaweza kuharibu matunda au mazao mengine, hasa mahindi. Dubu wa jua hugharimu kiasi gani? Sun Bear Price: Sun Bear bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei ya bei. Wao hawana toleo la bure. Kwa nini dubu wa jua ni wa ajabu sana? Wanasayansi wanaamini kwamba maingiliano mengi ya kijamii hufanyika wakati wa msimu wa kuoa na wakati wanawake wanapowalea watoto wao, ambao huendelea kuwa pamoja na mama kwa miaka miwili au zaidi. Wengi walidhani kwamba alama hiyo - ambayo ni ya kipekee kwa kila dubu, kama alama ya kidole - ilionekana kama jua linalopanda, ikipata jina la kawaida la alama ya dubu. Dubu wa jua hujiendeshaje? Ni mambo machache yanayojulikana kuhusu tabia au muundo wa kijamii wa dubu wa jua. Isipokuwa wanawake pamoja na watoto wao, kwa kawaida dubu wa jua huonekana kuwa peke yao. Huenda wakakusanyika ili kula kwenye miti mikubwa yenye matunda, lakini mwenendo huo huonekana kuwa wa nadra. Je, dubu wa mwezi ni wakali? 4 Nyati ni wenye jeuri sana na kwa hiyo ni vigumu kufanya kazi nao. Tumia vipande vidogo vya matunda kama zawadi kwa dubu tunapohitaji kuwahamisha kati ya mapango na ndani au nje ya vyumba. Je, dubu wa jua huishi msituni? Dubu wa jua (Helarctos malayanus) ni aina ya dubu anayetoka maeneo ya misitu ya kitropiki ya Asia ya Kusini Mashariki. Ni aina ndogo zaidi ya dubu duniani na ni dubu pekee anayeishi kwenye miti na amebadilika kuishi katika misitu. Je, dubu wa jua watazimia? Dubu wa Malaya (Helarctus malayanus) ni aina ya dubu anayehatarishwa na IUCN kwa sababu ya kupoteza makazi yake na kuwindwa kwa ajili ya dawa za jadi. Ni mambo gani yenye kupendeza kuhusu dubu wa jua? Mnyama wa jua anaweza kufikia urefu wa mita 4 hadi 5 na uzito wa pauni 60 hadi 150. Wanaume ni wakubwa kidogo kuliko wanawake. Mwili wa dubu wa jua umefunikwa na manyoya mafupi, lakini makali ambayo yanaweza kuwa na rangi ya kahawia, nyeusi au kijivu. Kwa nini wao huitwa dubu wa jua? Dubu wa jua ni spishi ndogo zaidi ya dubu katika familia ya taxonomic Ursidae. Wao huitwa dubu wa "juu" kwa sababu ya umbo lao kuzunguka kifua chao. Alama hii ya kipekee ina umbo la farasi, na ni ya rangi ya manjano au machungwa, na hii inamaanisha "juzi inayopanda". Wameumbwa ili kupanda miti vizuri kwa sababu ya makucha yao marefu, miili midogo, na miguu yenye nguvu. Je, dubu wa jua huwindwa na wanadamu? Dubu wa Jua ana ngozi iliyopunguzwa, yenye makunyanzi kuzunguka kichwa na shingo. Ikiwa dubu wa jua amenyongwa kuzunguka shingo anaweza kugeuka katika ngozi yake na kumenyonga mshambuliaji. Wao pia huwindwa na Wanadamu. Dubu wa Jua ni mnyama anayekula kila kitu. Je, dubu wa jua huitwa pia dubu wa asali? Ndugu wa jua, pia huitwa bruang, ndugu wa asali, au ndugu wa jua wa Malaya, mwanachama mdogo wa familia ya Ursidae, anayepatikana katika misitu ya Kusini Mashariki mwa Asia. Dubu (Helarctos, au Ursus, malayanus) mara nyingi hufugwa akiwa mnyama wa kufugwa akiwa mchanga lakini huwa mwenye hasira mbaya na hatari akiwa mtu mzima. | <urn:uuid:e757ccd0-39bb-4954-979c-11c57a49bd6c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://newsbasis.com/how-many-sun-bears-are-left/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Welding masks are essential to protect the wearer from the side-effects of welding. Flash-burn, sparks and excessive heat are all common risks in the welding process, and welding helmets and masks provide much needed protection for the welders face and eyes.RS offers a wide range of adjustable helmets and masks, with solutions to support your workplace requirements.
How Do Welding Masks Work?
A welding mask is a protective head shield that covers your face and eyes. It provides a fixed-darkness or auto-darkening viewing portal so you can concentrate on your work without your eyes being damaged by flash burn or errant sparks. They are typically constructed of fibreglass or Polyamide, which offers sufficient protection while remaining relatively lightweight.
What are the disadvantages of auto-darkening welding masks compared with fixed-darkness masks?
There are two main types of welding mask- those that have a fixed-darkness viewing portal, and those that have an auto-darkening viewing portal. Fixed darkness usually has a flip-up face shield, so you can see normally when you are not welding, and then nod your head to put the mask in place once you are ready to weld.
Auto-darkening helmets use a polarizing filter that automatically prevents harmful flash burn to the welder. This has the advantage that the wearer does not have to adjust their helmet for working, saving them time and effort. As they do not need to be adjusted, they reduce the risk of exposure to harmful light.
The major disadvantage of a darkening welding helmet is that they are often more expensive that their fixed-darkness counterparts. It is important to choose the welding mask that is best suited to the job at hand.
Welding Mask Applications
Metal arc welding Gas tungsten arc welding Gas metal arc welding Plasma arc cutting Grinding Brazing | Masks ya kulehemu ni muhimu ili kumlinda mtumiaji kutokana na athari za upande wa kulehemu. Kuungua kwa flash, moto wa moto na moto wa kupita kiasi ni hatari zote za kawaida katika mchakato wa kulehemu, na kofia za chuma na masks hutoa ulinzi unaohitajika sana kwa uso na macho ya welder. Masks ya kulehemu hufanyaje kazi? Masks ya kulehemu ni kifuniko cha kuhifadhi kichwa ambacho hufunika uso na macho yako. Inaweka giza la kudumu au portal ya kutazama yenye giza la moja kwa moja ili uweze kuzingatia kazi yako bila macho yako kuharibiwa na moto wa flash au miali ya kutembea. Wao ni kawaida kujengwa ya fiberglass au Polyamide, ambayo inatoa ulinzi wa kutosha wakati kubaki kiasi nyepesi. Ni nini hasara ya auto-kutoweka welding masks ikilinganishwa na masks fasta-kutoweka? Kuna aina mbili kuu ya welding mask- wale ambao kuwa fasta- giza kuangalia portal, na wale ambao kuwa na auto-kutoweka kuangalia portal. Kwa kawaida, giza la kudumu lina kifuniko cha uso kinachoweza kugeuka, ili uweze kuona kawaida wakati haufanyi kulehemu, kisha utikise kichwa chako kuweka kinyago mahali hapo mara tu unapokuwa tayari kulehemu. Kofia za chuma zenye giza la kiotomatiki hutumia kichujio cha polarizing ambacho huzuia kiotomatiki kuchoma kwa mwangaza wenye madhara kwa mshonaji. Hii ina faida kwamba mtumiaji hana kurekebisha kofia yao ya chuma kwa ajili ya kazi, kuokoa yao muda na juhudi. Kwa kuwa hazihitaji kurekebishwa, hupunguza hatari ya kuathiriwa na nuru yenye kudhuru. Hasara kubwa ya kofia ya chuma ya kuchoma yenye giza ni kwamba mara nyingi ni ghali zaidi kuliko wenzao wenye giza la kudumu. Ni muhimu kuchagua kinyago cha kulehemu kinachofaa zaidi kwa kazi inayopatikana. Welding Mask Matumizi Metal arc welding Gesi tungsten arc welding Gesi chuma arc welding Plasma arc kukata Grinding Brazing | <urn:uuid:e8f3467a-151e-4058-bad7-69f750de16a5> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://nl.rs-online.com/web/c/personal-protective-equipment-workwear/eye-face-protection/welding-masks/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Model Stem Cell Curriculum
This record is part of
a dataset collected by the EU Commission in June-September 2018
. Some of these links will therefore die out with time.
Please see the
overview of courses maintained by ETPLAS
or contact Norecopa for more information.
Owner/Developer: Californian Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)
United States of America
These detailed lessons comprise the “CIRM model curriculum on stem cell science” as discussed in Senate Bill 471 (Romero and Steinberg)-the California Stem Cell and Biotechnology Education and Workforce Development Act of 2009-signed by the Governor. CIRM is responsible for appropriating funds for stem cell research in California & operates using funds from California Bond Sales, not Federal funds
United States of America
|Model Stem Cell Curriculum Overview The first outreach to students developed by CIRM was an introductory PowerPoint stem cell lesson. This lesson has been presented to teachers and students in California to stimulate interest and disseminate stem cell science information in this area of study for which there is little textbook material available. The introductory lesson is included as part of this curriculum along with detailed lessons (modules) in five units. The introductory lesson is intended for use by teachers who wish to teach a short lesson in one class period. The curriculum was developed by CIRM staff or CIRM-sponsored outreach programs, in collaboration with high school teachers in the Bay Area and San Diego. These materials are suitable for use in 9th through 12th grade biology, advanced biology, AP biology, chemistry, advanced chemistry, AP chemistry, community college classes, biotechnology, physiology, anatomy, and government courses. Unit one is most appropriate for beginning biology classes. Units two through five are appropriate for more advanced classes but can be adapted for beginning students. The curriculum is comprehensive, and is intended for use by teachers and students as a study of stem cell biology and its uses in medicine and treatment therapies. Model Curriculum A team of California high school teachers, CIRM staff, and experienced student members of the UC Berkeley Stem Cell Education Outreach Program crafted five units in four to seven-day modules on stem cell science that are available online, free of charge, to high school teachers. Together with the introductory stem cell lesson, the units provide you with a central source for unbiased, accurate scientific information you can use to engage students in stem cell science while conveying underlying biological concepts and considering underlying ethical dilemmas. The team made every effort to verify the scientific accuracy of each unit. Although the units also introduce ethical issues regarding stem cell research, they strive to take a balanced position on these issues, describing both the benefits of embryonic stem cell research and the importance of discussing societal questions regarding technologies such as in vitro fertilization, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, and human embryonic stem cell research. See topics covered in the units below.
Interactive online resources, Other
Optional / Voluntary
10 days per unit
for biology high school teachers
Teachers and educators
Ethics, In vitro methods
Partial coverage (e.g. a module)
|Details on the topic or technology covered:
Unit 1: Embryonic stem cells, in-vitro fertilization and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
Unit 2: Adult stem cells, homeostasis and regenerative medicine
Unit 3: The microenvironment, its role in cell fate decisions and cancer
Unit 4: The immune system and the hematopoietic stem cell lineage tree
Unit 5: Developing induced pluripotent stem cells
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We value your feedback so we can improve the information on the page. Please add your email address if you would like a reply. Thank you in advance for your help.!Please contact us by email if you have any questions. | Mfano wa Seli ya Mzizi: Rekodi hii ni sehemu ya seti ya data iliyokusanywa na Tume ya EU mnamo Juni-Septiemba 2018. Kwa hiyo, baadhi ya viungo hivyo vitapotea baada ya muda. Tafadhali angalia muhtasari wa kozi zinazosimamiwa na ETPLAS au wasiliana na Norecopa kwa habari zaidi. "Msomaji wa ""Californian Institute for Regenerative Medicine"" (CIRM) anajifunza juu ya ""Mfano wa CIRM juu ya Sayansi ya Seli ya Mzizi"" kama ilivyojadiliwa katika Muswada wa Seneti 471 (Romero na Steinberg) - Sheria ya Seli ya Mzizi ya California na Sheria ya Maendeleo ya Biolojia ya Biolojia ya 2009." CIRM ni wajibu wa kugawa fedha kwa ajili ya utafiti wa seli ya shina katika California na inafanya kazi kwa kutumia fedha kutoka California Bond Mauzo, si Fedha Marekani. Somo hili limewasilishwa kwa walimu na wanafunzi katika California ili kuchochea maslahi na kueneza habari za sayansi ya seli za shina katika eneo hili la utafiti ambalo kuna vifaa vichache vya kitabu cha masomo vinavyopatikana. Somo la utangulizi ni pamoja na kama sehemu ya mtaala huu pamoja na masomo ya kina (modules) katika vitengo vitano. Somo la utangulizi limekusudiwa kutumiwa na walimu ambao wanataka kufundisha somo fupi katika kipindi kimoja cha darasa. Programu ya masomo iliundwa na wafanyakazi wa CIRM au programu za ufikiaji zinazodhaminiwa na CIRM, kwa kushirikiana na walimu wa shule ya sekondari katika eneo la Bay na San Diego. Vifaa hivi vinafaa kwa matumizi katika darasa la tisa hadi la kumi na mbili biolojia, biolojia ya juu, biolojia ya AP, kemia, kemia ya juu, kemia ya AP, madarasa ya chuo kikuu cha jamii, bioteknolojia, fizikia, anatomia, na kozi za serikali. Kitengo cha kwanza ni sahihi zaidi kwa ajili ya kuanza madarasa ya biolojia. Vipengele vya pili hadi vitano ni sahihi kwa madarasa ya juu zaidi lakini vinaweza kubadilishwa kwa wanafunzi wa mwanzo. Mtaala huu ni wa kina na una lengo la kuwafundisha walimu na wanafunzi kuhusu biolojia ya seli za shina na matumizi yake katika tiba na matibabu. Timu ya walimu wa shule ya sekondari ya California, wafanyakazi wa CIRM, na wanafunzi wenye uzoefu wa UC Berkeley Stem Cell Education Outreach Program waliunda vitengo vitano katika moduli za siku nne hadi saba juu ya sayansi ya seli za msingi ambazo zinapatikana mtandaoni, bila malipo, kwa walimu wa shule ya sekondari. Pamoja na somo la utangulizi la seli za shina, vitengo vinakupa chanzo kikuu cha habari ya kisayansi isiyo na upendeleo na sahihi ambayo unaweza kutumia kuhusisha wanafunzi katika sayansi ya seli za shina wakati wa kuwasiliana na dhana za msingi za kibiolojia na kuzingatia shida za msingi za maadili. Timu hiyo ilijitahidi sana kuthibitisha usahihi wa kisayansi wa kila kitengo. Ingawa vitengo pia kuanzisha masuala ya maadili kuhusu utafiti wa seli ya msingi, wao kujitahidi kuchukua msimamo wa usawa juu ya masuala haya, kuelezea wote faida ya utafiti wa seli ya msingi ya kiinitete na umuhimu wa kujadili masuala ya kijamii kuhusu teknolojia kama vile in vitro uzazi, preimplantation, na utafiti wa seli ya msingi ya kiinitete. Angalia mada zilizofunikwa katika vitengo hapa chini. Mafunzo ya mtandaoni, Mafunzo ya mtandaoni, Mafunzo ya mtandaoni, Mafunzo ya mtandaoni, Mafunzo ya mtandaoni, Mafunzo ya mtandaoni, Mafunzo ya mtandaoni, Mafunzo ya mtandaoni, Mafunzo ya mtandaoni, Mafunzo ya mtandaoni, Mafunzo ya mtandaoni, Mafunzo ya mtandaoni, Mafunzo ya mtandaoni. "Mfano: ""Mfano wa chembe za msingi za kiinitete, in vitro fertilization na utambuzi wa pre-implantation"" (Ufunuo 1: Chembe za msingi za kiinitete, in vitro fertilization na utambuzi wa pre-implantation) ""Mfano wa chembe za msingi za kiinitete, homeostasis na dawa ya kurudisha"" (Ufunuo 3: Mfano wa chembe za msingi za kiinitete, in vitro fertilization na utambuzi wa chembe za msingi za pre-implantation) " La, sikufanya hivyo! Asanteni kwa maoni yenu! Tafadhali kumbuka kwamba hatuwezi kujibu wewe isipokuwa utatuma barua pepe. Unatafuta nini? Tunathamini maoni yako ili tuweze kuboresha habari kwenye ukurasa. Tafadhali ongeza anwani yako ya barua pepe kama ungependa jibu. Asanteni mapema kwa msaada wenu. !Tafadhali wasiliana nasi kwa barua pepe kama una maswali yoyote. | <urn:uuid:8f4e7caa-15c1-4867-9e43-4acc711281fa> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://norecopa.no/3rset-resources/model-stem-cell-curriculum/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
This week we will be discussing how technology is changing the skills needed in today’s organizations. Think about organization(s) for which YOU have worked, and respond using the criteria below. Your overall score is based in part by how well you follow the instructions:
1)Read “When technology changes faster than you can train” and “IT doesn’t Matter”
2)Think how information technology (IT) is being used in the organizations you have worked for within the last three years.
You do not need to give the name of the organization but do identify its sector (i.e., retail, food services, etc).
3)How has technology changed your organization in recent years?
4)How have your role and skills changed with the impact of technology?
5)Finally add a sentence or two telling us what technology skills or otherwise you will need for the next three years.
https://nursingpapercops.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/LLOGO-300x75.png00adminhttps://nursingpapercops.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/LLOGO-300x75.pngadmin2021-01-05 09:59:092021-01-05 09:59:09Information Systems homework help | Wiki hii tutakuwa kujadili jinsi teknolojia ni kubadilisha ujuzi inahitajika katika mashirika ya leo. Fikiria kuhusu shirika (s) ambalo UMEfanya kazi, na kujibu kwa kutumia vigezo hapa chini. "Hii ni kwa sababu ya ""Utafiti wa Utafiti"" unaonyesha kwamba ""Utafiti wa Utafiti"" ni ""Utafiti wa Utafiti"" na ""Utafiti wa Utafiti"" ni ""Utafiti wa Utafiti"" na ""Utafiti wa Utafiti"" ni ""Utafiti wa Utafiti"" na ""Utafiti wa Utafiti"" ni ""Utafiti wa Utafiti"" na ""Utafiti wa Utafiti""." Si lazima utoe jina la shirika lakini taja sekta yake (yaani, rejareja, huduma za chakula, nk). 3) Jinsi gani teknolojia imebadilisha shirika lako katika miaka ya hivi karibuni? 4.Ni nini cha kufanya na uwezo wako wa kufanya kazi umebadilika kwa sababu ya teknolojia? Mwishowe, ongeza sentensi moja au mbili za kuelezea ujuzi wa teknolojia au vinginevyo utakaohitaji kwa miaka mitatu ijayo. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Kupitia"" ni neno la Kiingereza ambalo linamaanisha ""kuchukua"" au ""kuchukua"" na linamaanisha ""kuchukua"" au ""kuchukua"" na ""kuchukua"" ni neno la Kiingereza ambalo linamaanisha ""kuchukua"" au ""kuchukua"" na linamaanisha ""kuchukua"" au ""kuchukua.""" | <urn:uuid:bb20aadb-4086-4fba-aadf-ce54e5cf63b4> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://nursingpapercops.com/information-systems-homework-help-403/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The Environmental Impact of Periods and How to Make Sustainable Choices
Periods, your monthly visitor, the crimson tide… Whatever you call it, menstruation is a natural experience shared by billions across the globe. But with so many people binning pads and tossing tampons, have you ever paused to ponder the environmental impact of periods?
With the typical menstruator using 11,000 to 15,000 pads and tampons in their lifetime, disposable period products are responsible for a staggering amount of waste. And, as most traditional products contain plastic, it’s the kind of waste that sticks around in landfills and the ocean for hundreds (and hundreds) of years.
However, there is some good news! The tide is turning in the period care industry, with savvy consumers demanding more sustainable choices and eco-conscious companies like us rising to the challenge.
To learn how to make more planet-friendly choices for your period – without sacrificing comfort or convenience – read on.
Disposable menstrual products: a growing environmental concern.
Disposable menstrual products such as pads and tampons are the go-to for most women due to convenience. However, with an estimated 200,000 tonnes of waste generated from menstrual products each year, their environmental impact can't be ignored.
Typically containing plastics and synthetics, these single-use products can take 500-800 years to decompose. And when carelessly disposed of (why are you still flushing?!), they contribute to the mounting problem of plastic pollution in our oceans and landfills.
When plastic-based period products end up in our oceans, they pose a dire threat to marine life. The plastics in these products also break down into microplastics, further contaminating the water and entering our food chain.
What are the eco-friendly alternatives?
Thankfully, there are a growing number of reusable eco-friendly products that can keep you feeling fresh and comfortable during your period. (And, let’s face it, probably a little smug.)
Menstrual cups are reusable medical grade silicone or TPE cups that are inserted to collect your menstrual flow – and then emptied and reused. Lasting 3 to 5 years, they’re a comfortable and cost-effective way to minimise your carbon footprint.
Reusable cloth pads
If you pack a canvas tote for the grocery store but use conventional pads, chew on this – each pack you go through contains the equivalent of 5 plastic bags. Cloth pads, on the other hand, are made from absorbent and breathable fabrics such as organic cotton or bamboo. They can be washed and reused, making them a sustainable alternative to disposable pads.
Period undies are designed with built-in, blood-absorbing layers. They’re reusable, comfortable and a good option for those seeking convenience and sustainability. Just pop them in the wash and reuse them like your regular knickers.
Eco-friendly disposable products are also available.
If you prefer disposable options, that’s totally fine. Plastic-free organic period care products are increasingly popular and provide a healthier and more natural choice – for you and the planet.
Organic pads and tampons
Most tampons are made from synthetics like rayon and viscose and contain bleaches and dyes. Organic tampons, pads and liners are menstrual products made from organic and natural materials, such as organic cotton, bamboo or plant-based fibres. Unlike conventional products, they’re free from toxic chemicals, pesticides and synthetic fragrances.
Produced via sustainable farming practices that minimise the use of water and energy, organic options are better for the environment. What’s more, they’re gentler on your intimate parts as they don't contain harsh chemicals that can cause irritation or allergies.
However, beware of greenwashing, as many ‘organic cotton’ period products still contain plastic – but not ours! Biodegradable and 100% plastic-free, Oi disposable period pads and tampons break down naturally in around 5 years under the right conditions. Made with non-toxic certified organic cotton, they’re gentle on your body and the environment.
Bin it, don’t flush it! How to properly dispose of period products.
If you are using disposable products, wrap them in toilet paper or a biodegradable bag before disposing of them in the garbage bin. Avoid flushing them down the toilet at all costs, as they can clog sewage systems and contribute to pollution.
Be an agent for positive change. Period.
While it's tempting to go with the flow and stick with what you know, switching to eco-friendly disposable products or reusable alternatives is an easy way to minimise our ecological footprint. So, let's come together and turn the tide on period waste! | Mzunguko wa Mwezi: Mzunguko wa Mwezi, Mgeni wako wa Kila Mwezi, Mtiririko wa Crimson: Kwa vyovyote vile unavyouita, Mzunguko wa Mwezi ni uzoefu wa asili unaoshirikiwa na mabilioni duniani kote. Lakini kwa kuwa watu wengi sana hutumia vipodozi na tamponi, je, umewahi kufikiria athari za hedhi kwa mazingira? Kwa kawaida, mwanamke hutumia vipodozi vya kudhibiti na tamponi 11,000 hadi 15,000 katika maisha yake, na bidhaa za kudhibiti ni muhimu kwa kuondoa uchafu. Na, kama bidhaa nyingi za jadi zina plastiki, ni aina ya taka ambayo inashikilia karibu katika majumba ya taka na bahari kwa mamia (na mamia) ya miaka. Hata hivyo, kuna habari njema! Mzunguko unageuka katika tasnia ya utunzaji wa kipindi, na watumiaji wenye busara wanadai chaguzi endelevu zaidi na kampuni za mazingira kama sisi zinainuka kwa changamoto. Ili kujifunza jinsi ya kufanya uchaguzi zaidi wa kirafiki wa sayari kwa kipindi chako <unk> bila kutoa sadaka ya starehe au urahisi <unk> soma zaidi. Bidhaa za kawaida za kuondoa hedhi: wasiwasi unaoongezeka wa mazingira. Bidhaa za kawaida za kuondoa hedhi kama vile pads na tampons ni go-to kwa wanawake wengi kwa sababu ya urahisi. Hata hivyo, kwa takriban tani 200,000 za taka zinazozalishwa kutoka kwa bidhaa za hedhi kila mwaka, athari zao za mazingira haziwezi kupuuzwa. Kwa kawaida, bidhaa hizi za matumizi moja zinaweza kuchukua miaka 500 hadi 800 kuharibika. Na unapotupwa bila kujali (kwa nini bado unafyonza?! Kwa hivyo, kwa sababu ya hali hii, kuna uwezekano mkubwa wa kuongezeka kwa uchafuzi wa plastiki katika bahari na mahali pa kuondoa taka. Wakati bidhaa za plastiki zinapoishia baharini, zinaathiri sana uhai wa baharini. Plastiki katika bidhaa hizi pia huvunjika kuwa microplastics, kuchafua zaidi maji na kuingia kwenye mlolongo wetu wa chakula. Ni mbadala gani zinazofaa mazingira? Kwa bahati nzuri, kuna bidhaa nyingi za mazingira ambazo zinaweza kukufanya uhisi vizuri wakati wa hedhi. (Na, hebu kukabiliana na hilo, pengine kidogo smug.) Kikombe cha hedhi ni kikombe cha silicone au TPE cha matibabu kinachoweza kutumiwa tena ambacho huingizwa kukusanya mtiririko wako wa hedhi na kisha hutolewa na kutumiwa tena. Kwa miaka mitatu hadi mitano, ni njia ya kufurahisha na ya gharama nafuu ya kupunguza alama yako ya kaboni. Kwa mfano, ikiwa unashughulikia kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa cha kitambaa. Kwa upande mwingine, vifuniko vya kitambaa hutengenezwa kwa vitambaa vinavyoweza kunyonya na kuvumilia hewa kama vile pamba au mianzi ya kikaboni. Zinaweza kuoshwa na kutumiwa tena, na hivyo kuwa mbadala endelevu wa vitambaa vya kutumiwa mara moja. Mavazi ya ndani ya kiume ya kiume yamebuniwa kwa tabaka zilizojengwa ndani, zinazoweza kunyonya damu. Wao ni reusable, starehe na chaguo nzuri kwa wale kutafuta urahisi na uendelevu. Tu pop yao katika kuosha na kutumia tena yao kama suruali yako ya kawaida. Bidhaa za kutumiwa mara moja ambazo haziharibu mazingira zinapatikana pia. Kama wewe kupendelea chaguzi disposable, kwamba ni kabisa faini. Bidhaa za matibabu ya kienyeji zisizo na plastiki zinazidi kupendwa na hutoa chaguo la afya na la asili zaidi kwako na sayari. Vipodozi vya asili na tamponi - Vipodozi vingi vya asili na tamponi hutengenezwa kutoka kwa nyenzo za synthetic kama vile rayon na viscose na zina bleaches na rangi. Vifuniko vya kawaida vya hedhi, kama vile tamponi, ni bidhaa za kawaida za hedhi zilizotengenezwa kwa nyenzo za asili kama vile pamba, nyuzi za mimea, na nyuzi za mimea. Tofauti na bidhaa za kawaida, hazina kemikali zenye sumu, dawa za kuua wadudu na manukato ya synthetic. Kwa sababu ya mbinu za kilimo endelevu ambazo zinapunguza matumizi ya maji na nishati, chaguzi za kikaboni ni bora kwa mazingira. Zaidi ya hayo, wao ni laini juu ya sehemu yako intimate kama wao hawana kemikali kali ambayo inaweza kusababisha irritation au mzio. Hata hivyo, tahadhari ya greenwashing, kama wengi "organic pamba" kipindi bidhaa bado vyenye plastiki <unk> lakini si yetu! Ni biodegradable na 100% plastiki-free, Oi disposable kipindi pads na tampons kuvunjika asili katika miaka 5 chini ya hali sahihi. Zimetengenezwa kwa pamba ya kikaboni isiyo na sumu, ni laini kwa mwili wako na mazingira. Tupa, usitupe maji! Jinsi ya kuondoa vizuri bidhaa za kipindi. Ikiwa unatumia bidhaa za kutupwa, weka ndani ya karatasi ya choo au mfuko wa biodegradable kabla ya kuzitupa kwenye chombo cha taka. Acha kuondoa maji ya choo kwa gharama yoyote, kwa kuwa yanaweza kuziba mifumo ya maji machafu na kuchangia uchafuzi. Kuwa kichocheo cha mabadiliko mazuri. Kipindi. Ingawa ni kuvutia kwenda na mtiririko na kushikamana na unachojua, kubadili bidhaa za kutumiwa mara moja au mbadala zinazoweza kutumiwa tena ni njia rahisi ya kupunguza alama yetu ya ikolojia. Kwa hiyo, hebu tujiunge pamoja na kubadilisha hali ya kupoteza vipindi vya ujauzito! | <urn:uuid:fe5dc28a-75f2-44d1-84be-24ea693ac657> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://nz.oi4me.com/blogs/resources/the-environmental-impact-of-periods | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Healthy living is the process by which an individual maintains a balance between physical health and mental health. Healthy living is also an individual’s attempt to ensure that his or her emotional and social wellness is balanced in a manner that is appropriate to the lifestyle of an individual.
The term ‘healthy’ is used here to define a person’s health in relation to his or her physical health and mental health. Health is therefore a state of all three; physical, mental and emotional well-being where illness and infirmity are neither present nor absent. Healthy living entails making the most of these three facets of health to maintain a harmonious and successful life. In other words, healthy living means being mentally as well as physically fit.
Most people confuse being physically healthy with mental health. As such, healthy living is not about living life without pain. It is about taking the necessary steps to achieve good health while managing your emotional well-being at the same time. Mental health involves managing stress, managing feelings of depression, managing pain, coping with feelings of guilt, fear, shame and sadness, dealing with stress and managing emotions. All of these aspects of healthy living are interrelated and must be properly integrated into one’s life if the person wants to maintain a happy and balanced life.
To make healthy living possible, one must be physically active. This involves participating in regular exercise, which is both safe and effective to maintain overall health and well-being. In addition, the quality and frequency of exercise must be monitored so that the results are encouraging rather than discouraging. This is an important factor to consider for the health and fitness enthusiast.
Healthy living requires the maintenance of a proper diet, which include a balance of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, protein and the like. The diet should also be accompanied with a regular sleep schedule, which enables the individual to remain mentally and physically rested. Eating healthily also helps to ensure that there is adequate intake of nutrients to support the body’s various functions and to fight diseases and illness. A healthy diet and proper sleep pattern help an individual maintain good digestion, which is one of the primary sources of energy. An unhealthy digestive system may result in malnutrition and other diseases. Therefore, the diet should be rich in minerals and vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. A regular exercise program helps the body to function efficiently and allows an individual to achieve good health.
Healthy living is not the result of one person achieving it on their own, as it requires constant attention, determination, commitment. to make the most of what is required of a good life. | Maisha yenye afya ni mchakato ambao mtu huhifadhi usawa kati ya afya ya kimwili na afya ya akili. Maisha ya afya pia ni jaribio la mtu binafsi kuhakikisha kwamba afya yake ya kihisia na kijamii ni usawa kwa njia inayofaa kwa mtindo wa maisha wa mtu binafsi. Neno "sawa" hutumiwa hapa kufafanua afya ya mtu kuhusiana na afya yake ya kimwili na afya ya akili. Afya ni hali ya yote matatu: afya ya kimwili, kiakili na kihisia ambapo ugonjwa na udhaifu haupo wala haupo. Kuishi kwa afya kunahusisha kutumia vizuri mambo haya matatu ya afya ili kudumisha maisha yenye upatano na mafanikio. Kwa maneno mengine, kuishi kwa afya kunamaanisha kuwa na afya nzuri ya akili na pia ya kimwili. Watu wengi huchanganya kuwa na afya nzuri ya kimwili na afya nzuri ya akili. Kwa hiyo, kuishi kwa afya si kuishi bila maumivu. Ni juu ya kuchukua hatua muhimu ili kufikia afya nzuri wakati wa kusimamia ustawi wako wa kihisia wakati huo huo. Afya ya akili inahusisha kusimamia mkazo, kusimamia hisia za kushuka moyo, kusimamia maumivu, kukabiliana na hisia za hatia, hofu, aibu na huzuni, kushughulika na mkazo na kusimamia hisia. Sehemu hizi zote za maisha ya afya zinahusiana na lazima ziunganishwe vizuri katika maisha ya mtu ikiwa mtu anataka kudumisha maisha yenye furaha na usawa. Ili kuishi maisha yenye afya iwezekane, ni lazima mtu awe mwenye utendaji wa kimwili. Hii inahusisha kushiriki katika mazoezi ya kawaida, ambayo ni salama na yenye ufanisi kudumisha afya na ustawi wa jumla. Kwa kuongezea, ubora na mzunguko wa mazoezi lazima ufuatwe ili matokeo yawe yenye kutia moyo badala ya kuwa yenye kukatisha tamaa. Hii ni sababu muhimu ya kuzingatia kwa ajili ya afya na fitness enthusiast. Kuishi kwa afya inahitaji kudumisha lishe sahihi, ambayo ni pamoja na usawa wa matunda na mboga, nafaka nzima, protini na kadhalika. Pia, chakula hicho kinapaswa kuongozwa na ratiba ya usingizi wa kawaida, ambayo humwezesha mtu huyo apumzike kiakili na kimwili. Kula vizuri pia husaidia kuhakikisha kwamba kuna ulaji wa kutosha wa virutubisho kusaidia kazi mbalimbali za mwili na kupambana na magonjwa na magonjwa. Chakula kizuri na usingizi mzuri husaidia kudumisha digestive mfumo wa mwili, ambayo ni moja ya vyanzo vya msingi vya nishati. Mfumo wa kumeng'enya chakula usio na afya unaweza kusababisha utapiamlo na magonjwa mengine. Kwa hiyo, chakula hicho kinapaswa kuwa na madini na vitamini, nyuzi, na viuavijasumu. Programu ya mazoezi ya kawaida husaidia mwili kufanya kazi kwa ufanisi na humwezesha mtu kuwa na afya nzuri. Maisha yenye afya si matokeo ya mtu mmoja kufanikisha peke yake, kwani inahitaji uangalifu wa mara kwa mara, azimio, kujitolea. Kufaulu kufanya zaidi ya kile kinachohitajika katika maisha mazuri. | <urn:uuid:6414a087-e218-4d6a-ba44-19d84cfcc9a2> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://ohiocentralintake.org/2020/09/24/healthy-living-is-about-living-your-life-to-its-maximum-potential/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
About Accreditation at UNE Online
Dr. Jayne Pelletier, former Director of Accreditation and Policy
Dr. Jayne Pelletier is the former Director of Accreditation and Policy for the College of Graduate and Professional Studies (CGPS) at the University of New England. This position oversees accreditation and policy development to support the operational and academic processes of online programs.
The Director of Accreditation and Policy makes sure that CPGS is compliant with accreditation standards so that we can provide an outstanding education to students.
This post is part of a series where we delve deeper into the details of the accreditation process. We first asked what goes on inside the accreditation process.
Here’s more from Dr. Pelletier on the importance of accreditation:
Why does a college need to be accredited?
The short answer? Quality control. Accreditation is a process in which institutions of learning are evaluated against a certain set of standards with the goal of effectiveness, improvement, and public assurance. It establishes a level of acceptable quality while respecting the unique missions of the institutions involved.
Why is it important that a school is accredited?
Many students don’t understand the importance of accreditation. If a student’s high school is not accredited, opportunities for a post-secondary education may be severely limited. The same may be said for an undergraduate degree. Students who attend a college or university that is not accredited may find that opportunities to pursue graduate education may be compromised.
When a student applies for one of UNE’s master’s programs from a regionally accredited college, admissions representatives know that in order to graduate, the student had to meet a set of rigorous standards. With this knowledge of quality assurance, the admissions committee can review additional materials in the application packet and move forward from there with an assessment of the student and his or her potential fit at UNE.
Read more: NECHE (NEASC) Accredited – what it means & why it’s important
The drawbacks of non-accredited schools
The danger of taking classes from an institution that is not regionally accredited is that classes a student takes are unlikely to transfer. It’s possible that a student might go on to matriculate at a nationally accredited school, but it is important to recognize that doing so severely limits one’s options.
For instance, if an individual’s goal is to continue on to earn a terminal degree at some point, that person’s graduate degree must be from an accredited university. Choosing to attend a non-accredited school means that potentially much time and money have been spent without reaching an important goal.
What is the best accreditation for a college?
The best accreditation really depends on the industry. Regional accreditation at the university level is important, but so is program-specific accreditation.
Accredited vs. non accredited schools
Unaccredited schools and universities usually are not held to the same educational standards and policies as accredited schools are held. Employers are more likely to be interested in hiring individuals with a degree from an institution that is accredited and recognized, making one more attractive in the job market.
Can for-profit institutions be accredited?
Institutions that are regionally accredited are not always nonprofit; institutions can be public, private, nonprofit, and for-profit. Accreditation provides a process for meaningful improvement while honoring the unique culture and context of the institution
If you are interested in pursuing an online graduate degree or if you’re simply interested in discussing your options, please reach out to an Enrollment Counselor at (855) 325-0896 or via email at [email protected].
Or, fill out an online application today at online.une.edu/gateway-portal-page – we look forward to hearing from you!
Tags: accreditation | NEASC | NEASC Accreditation | Jayne Pelletier, Mkurugenzi wa zamani wa Uhitimu na Sera, Chuo Kikuu cha New England Nafasi hii inasimamia kibali na maendeleo ya sera ili kusaidia michakato ya uendeshaji na kitaaluma ya programu za mtandaoni. Mkurugenzi wa Uhitimu na Sera huhakikisha kwamba CPGS inapatana na viwango vya uhitimu ili tuweze kutoa elimu bora kwa wanafunzi. Chapisho hili ni sehemu ya mfululizo ambapo sisi delve kina zaidi katika maelezo ya mchakato wa kibali. Kwanza tulijiuliza ni nini kinachotokea ndani ya mchakato wa kibali. Hapa ni zaidi kutoka kwa Daktari Pelletier juu ya umuhimu wa kibali: Kwa nini chuo kikuu kinahitaji kibali? Jibu fupi? Udhibiti wa ubora. Uhakikisho ni mchakato ambao taasisi za kujifunza ni tathmini dhidi ya seti fulani ya viwango na lengo la ufanisi, uboreshaji, na uhakika wa umma. Inaanzisha kiwango cha ubora wa kukubalika wakati kuheshimu misheni ya kipekee ya taasisi zinazohusika. Kwa nini ni muhimu kwamba shule iwe na kibali? Wanafunzi wengi hawaelewi umuhimu wa kibali. Kama shule ya sekondari ya mwanafunzi si kuthibitishwa, fursa kwa ajili ya elimu ya baada ya sekondari inaweza kuwa vikali mdogo. Jambo hilohilo laweza kusemwa kuhusu shahada ya kwanza ya chuo kikuu. Wanafunzi ambao kuhudhuria chuo au chuo kikuu kwamba si kuthibitishwa inaweza kupata kwamba fursa ya kufuatilia elimu ya kuhitimu inaweza kuathiriwa. Wakati mwanafunzi anaomba kwa moja ya programu ya UNE ya uzamili kutoka chuo kikuu cha kikanda, wawakilishi wa uandikishaji wanajua kwamba ili kuhitimu, mwanafunzi alikuwa na kukidhi seti ya viwango vikali. Kwa maarifa haya ya kuhakikisha ubora, kamati ya uandikishaji inaweza kukagua vifaa vya ziada katika kifurushi cha maombi na kuendelea kutoka hapo na tathmini ya mwanafunzi na uwezo wake wa kufaa katika UNE. NECHE (NEASC) Accredited - nini inamaanisha na kwa nini ni muhimu - hasara za shule zisizo na kibali - Hatari ya kuchukua madarasa kutoka taasisi ambayo haijathibitishwa kikanda ni kwamba madarasa ambayo mwanafunzi huchukua haiwezekani kuhamisha. Inawezekana kwamba mwanafunzi anaweza kwenda kuandikisha katika shule iliyoidhinishwa kitaifa, lakini ni muhimu kutambua kwamba kufanya hivyo hupunguza sana chaguzi za mtu. Kwa mfano, kama lengo la mtu binafsi ni kuendelea kupata shahada ya mwisho wakati fulani, shahada ya kuhitimu ya mtu huyo lazima iwe kutoka chuo kikuu kilichothibitishwa. Kujiunga na shule isiyoidhinishwa kunamaanisha kuwa wakati na pesa nyingi zimetumika bila kufikia lengo muhimu. Ni nini kibali bora kwa ajili ya chuo kikuu? Uhakikisho bora kweli inategemea sekta. Uhakikisho wa kikanda katika ngazi ya chuo kikuu ni muhimu, lakini hivyo ni programu maalum ya uhakikisho. Shule zisizo na kibali (unacredited schools) ni shule ambazo hazina kibali (unaccredited schools) na hazifanyi kazi kwa viwango sawa vya elimu na sera kama vile shule zilizo na kibali (accredited schools). Kwa hivyo, waajiri wana uwezekano mkubwa wa kuajiri watu wenye digrii kutoka taasisi inayokubaliwa na kutambuliwa, na kufanya mtu kuwa wa kuvutia zaidi katika soko la kazi. Je, taasisi za faida zinaweza kuidhinishwa? Taasisi ambazo ni kikanda accredited si daima nonprofit; taasisi inaweza kuwa ya umma, binafsi, nonprofit, na kwa ajili ya faida. Uhakikisho hutoa mchakato wa uboreshaji wa maana wakati wa kuheshimu utamaduni wa kipekee na muktadha wa taasisi Ikiwa una nia ya kufuata shahada ya kuhitimu mtandaoni au ikiwa una nia ya kujadili chaguzi zako, tafadhali wasiliana na Mshauri wa Kujiandikisha kwa (855) 325-0896 au kupitia barua pepe kwa [email protected]. Au, kujaza maombi online leo katika online.une.edu/gateway-portal-page <unk> tunatarajia kusikia kutoka kwenu! Tagged: Uhakikisho wa NEC | <urn:uuid:e8b8c7b0-75ad-4047-975c-cb493f84d919> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://online.une.edu/blog/why-accredited-school/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Guide to Protecting Personal Information Online
Written by: University of Tulsa • Jan 4, 2024
Guide to Protecting Personal Information Online ¶
Between 2018 and 2022, the FBI received 3.26 million complaints of internet crime. The incidents spared no age group, with a 2021 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report indicating that both young and older adults reported fraud related to online activities that ranged from shopping to job seeking.
Individuals between the ages of 18 and 59 were 34% more likely to report incidents of online fraud than older adults, the FTC report shows, but older adults incurred the greatest financial loss. In fact, the FBI notes that online fraud victims over 60 lost an average of $35,101 per person in 2022.
Whether they are younger people who often are more active online or older adults who are perceived to be less tech-savvy, all individuals who use the internet can become the target of cybercriminals who want to steal their personal data. With the Pew Research Center reporting in 2021 that 93% of American adults use the internet, everyone needs to learn how to protect personal information online.
What Personal Information Should Be Protected Online? ¶
Personal information encompasses all the details that others can use to identify someone. Certain individuals who gain access to this data, often referred to as personally identifiable information (PII), may do so for beneficial purposes. It can be helpful, for example, when companies use information like someone’s gender or location to help tailor products or services to meet that person’s needs. But others use the information to commit crimes.
Individuals may voluntarily share their personal information — when they complete online forms, for example — or they may unknowingly provide the information, such as when they take an action that allows someone to break into their computer system.
Examples of Personal Information ¶
Personal information includes a broad range of details, from where someone lives to what medical concerns they have. The information can be publicly accessible, as with names and addresses, or private, as in the case of social security numbers or passwords.
With private information such as passwords and credit card numbers, others can identify a person or access their networks or accounts. In the case of more general information, such as a person’s city or gender, a cybercriminal can use the information to piece together or sell data that can be used to steal their identity or gain access to their accounts.
Examples of personal information include:
- Telephone number
- Birth date
- Work history
- Race or ethnicity
- DNA data
- Health history
- Social security number
- Credit and debit card numbers
- Personal identification numbers (PINs)
Why Should People Protect Personal Information Online? ¶
With the variety of tools and products that now use the internet, from smartphones and laptop computers to medical monitoring devices and security cameras, people share volumes of personal information online — knowingly or unknowingly. This means there is a significant risk that sensitive data will fall into the hands of cybercriminals.
Cybersecurity company IT Governance reported that there had been more than 4.5 billion records compromised globally due to online data breaches from January through September of 2023. The consequences of these breaches can be catastrophic for those whose personal information is stolen.
10 Uses for Stolen Personal Information ¶
The FBI’s 2022 report on internet crime shows that Americans had reported losses of $27.6 billion due to this type of incident over the previous five years. While finances are a significant concern when protecting personal information online, people’s personal information can also be used for other fraudulent actions — including stealing their identity. Following are 10 ways stolen personal information can be used:
- Assuming the victim’s identity to apply for a credit card
- Posing as that person to apply for loans
- Gaining access to the victim’s bank and retirement accounts
- Requesting money from the victim’s online contacts
- Applying for a job or renting an apartment in the other person’s name
- Locking the individual out of their own accounts
- Seeking tax returns by filing tax forms in the victim’s name
- Applying for identification such as a driver’s license or passport as the victim
- Sharing the victim’s information as their own when arrested
- Selling information such as credit card numbers and health care data on the dark web, a part of the internet commonly used for illegal activity like blackmail and extortion
How Criminals Steal Personal Information Online ¶
Whether they are tricking people into providing data or finding ways to access the information without the user’s knowledge, criminals use a variety of methods to collect individuals’ personal details online. Common tools and techniques for gaining unauthorized access to personal information on the internet include:
In a practice called phishing, scammers steal people’s personal information through emails or other online messages that contain what may appear to be legitimate requests for personal account information — but are not. Or the messages might contain links that resemble those connecting to reputable sites. When users click on the links, however, malicious software, known as malware, is installed on their computers that can provide access to the victim’s personal data, such as their credit card numbers or bank account login information.
Social Media ¶
People’s social media profiles often provide a host of personal information — from the individual’s name and location to their job and work schedule. Photos posted to social media can contain clues about this type of data as well. Cybercriminals can collect this information to help them determine passwords to people’s online accounts, or they can gather personal data to sell to others.
Public Wi-Fi ¶
The Wi-Fi that people use to connect to the internet at public locations like coffee shops, libraries, and airports often lacks robust security. Using this type of service can leave people vulnerable to those who exploit this weak protection to gain access to others’ networks and the personal information on them.
Online Shopping ¶
When people provide personal information, including credit or debit card details, during online purchases, they are taking a risk that the data could fall into the wrong hands. People might steal an individual’s information using phishing or malware, or they might gain access through public Wi-Fi networks. Cybercriminals also may steal the personal information of hundreds or thousands of people through data breaches at banks or retailers.
Resources: Dangers of Online Data Theft ¶
Following are resources that provide more information about online data theft and its risks:
- Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC): The 2022 “Trends in Identity Report” from nonprofit organization Identity Theft Resource Center provides data about the number and types of various crimes, including online attacks, that involve identity theft.
- FTC: This federal agency’s “Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book 2022” is a compilation of data about fraud during that year, including theft of personal information online, and the losses incurred as a result of those incidents.
- Statista: This data and business intelligence service offers a variety of statistics about personal information compromises between 2006 and 2023 and the damage they have caused.
- Tech.co: This tech research organization provides a list of large-scale data breaches that occurred in 2022 and 2023, with information about the tactics the cybercriminals employed and the outcomes of the data thefts.
How to Protect Personal Information Online ¶
According to a 2022 report from the World Economic Forum, 95% of cybersecurity issues are the result of human error. So what precautions can people take to safeguard themselves against the mistakes that can lead to the theft of their personal information — and the harm that unauthorized access can cause?
Following are nine internet safety tips to help in protecting personal information online.
1. Use Security Controls ¶
The first step in protecting personal information online concerns what often is the last line of defense: security controls. For everything from work-from-home safety to online shopping protection, the following are among the security measures that individuals can employ to fend off would-be cybercriminals:
- Antivirus software — Helps protect against malware that can allow unauthorized users to gain access to personal information
- Encryption — Scrambles data transmissions for any user who does not have a designated code to access the information
- Two-factor authentication — Requires two or more layers of user verification, including a one-time code
- Virtual private network (VPN) — Safeguards the privacy of data by creating an encrypted link between a device and server
2. Create Strong Passwords ¶
Passwords for devices and accounts should be difficult to guess, avoiding characters that relate to personal information such as birth dates and addresses. These passwords should contain lowercase and uppercase letters as well as numbers and symbols.
3. Recognize Signs of Phishing ¶
People can protect themselves from data theft by casting a wary eye on emails, texts, and other digital messages that could be phishing scams. Any of the following characteristics could be indicators of phishing messages:
- Requests sensitive information: Asks for personal data, including information someone could use to access networks or accounts
- Contains inconsistent addresses or links: Provides hyperlinks or email addresses that differ slightly from those of legitimate organizations
- Includes attachments: Encourages the user to download unrequested attachments, which could contain malware
- Uses poor grammar: Includes obvious writing mistakes that professional organizations would edit before sending
- Conveys a sense of urgency: Features messages that indicate the recipient must take immediate action to avoid some type of threat or take advantage of a reward
4. Perform Regular Updates ¶
Internet users should keep their operating systems and software up to date. Updates often include security patches and enhancements that protect against the latest threats to data safety.
5. Keep Social Media Private ¶
Those who share information and photos on social media should activate the setting that restricts who has access to their posts. This action blocks those who are searching for personal information posted on social media accounts.
6. Remove Old Accounts ¶
Corporate data breaches can compromise people’s personal information, even if they no longer use those accounts. Anyone with unused accounts with retailers, financial institutions, or other organizations that could have personal information should delete them.
7. Protect Internet Browsing ¶
Many internet search engines offer options that allow users to browse privately, without others tracking which sites they visit. In some cases, users can erase their browsing history and searches while they’re online.
8. Explore Data Broker Sites ¶
Data broker sites, such as Intelius and Whitepages, are repositories of individuals’ personal information. They present data culled from online sources such as:
- Public records
- Website and app use
- Social media accounts
To request that these sites remove information, individuals can visit those sites and find the form to opt out. They also may use paid services to request data removal.
9. Protect Other Internet-Connected Devices ¶
Because the items that connect people to the internet go beyond computers and smartphones, people need to be mindful of the broad range of devices that must be protected against information theft. Routers allow access to data on a host of other devices and tools, so establishing a unique password and keeping security up to date for those devices should be a priority.
Resources: How to Protect Personal Information Online ¶
The following articles and guides provide additional details and tips for protecting personal information online:
- “14 Things You Should Never Do When Using Public Wi-Fi” — This Reader’s Digest article lists actions that people using public Wi-Fi should take — and avoid — to protect their personal data.
- “How to Protect Personal Information Online: A Simplified Guide” — This article, from security software company Norton, outlines best practices for online protection.
- “Online Safety Basics” — This National Cybersecurity Alliance article outlines actions that people can take to protect themselves and their loved ones from data theft.
- Protecting Your Privacy Online — This FTC resource offers links to tips for safeguarding personal information, including health data, as well as devices connected to the internet.
What Should a Person Do if Their Personal Information Is Stolen? ¶
What if, despite an individual’s best efforts to protect their personal information online, they suspect that someone has accessed their private data to steal their identity or money?
Individuals who believe their personal information has been stolen have several options as far as what steps to take next and where to report the suspected crime. Following are some resources that describe where to turn and what to do:
- Motley Fool — This article gives step-by-step instructions for what people should do if they believe someone has stolen their identity.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — This federal bureau provides answers to questions about online scams, including what people should do if they believe their personal information has been compromised.
- FBI — People who believe they are victims of online fraud can report the issue to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).
- FTC — This FTC resource lists signs that indicate online messages are scams and links to a site for reporting fraud. The agency also offers a site for reporting fraud involving identity theft.
Take Precautions for Protecting Personal Information Online ¶
With the proliferation of devices that connect to the internet — and their widespread use — everyone needs to learn how to protect personal information online. By keeping in mind what information to safeguard and how to ensure its protection, people can be confident about their privacy as they take advantage of the many services and conveniences available online. | "Kulingana na ripoti ya ""Mwongozo wa kulinda habari za kibinafsi mtandaoni"" iliyochapishwa na Chuo Kikuu cha Tulsa, Marekani, mnamo Januari 4, 2020, FBI ilipokea malalamiko milioni 3.26 ya uhalifu wa mtandao." "Hii ni kwa sababu ripoti ya Tume ya Biashara ya Shirikisho ya Marekani (FTC) ya mwaka 2021 ilionyesha kuwa watu wazima vijana na wazee waliripoti udanganyifu unaohusiana na shughuli za mtandaoni ambazo zilitofautiana kutoka ununuzi hadi kutafuta kazi. """ Watu wenye umri wa kati ya miaka 18 na 59 walikuwa na uwezekano mkubwa wa kuripoti matukio ya udanganyifu mtandaoni kuliko watu wazima, lakini watu wazima walipata hasara kubwa zaidi ya kifedha. FBI inasema kuwa waathirika wa ulaghai wa mtandaoni zaidi ya miaka 60 walipoteza wastani wa $ 35,101 kwa mtu mmoja mnamo 2022. "Watu vijana ambao mara nyingi ni ""watendaji"" mtandaoni au watu wazima ambao wanaonekana kuwa ""wasio na ujuzi wa teknolojia,"" watu wote wanaotumia mtandao wanaweza kuwa shabaha ya wahalifu wa mtandao ambao wanataka kuiba data zao za kibinafsi." Kulingana na Pew Research Center, asilimia 93 ya watu wazima wa Marekani hutumia mtandao, na kila mtu anahitaji kujifunza jinsi ya kulinda habari zake binafsi mtandaoni. Ni Habari Gani za Kibinafsi Zinazopaswa Kulindwa Mtandaoni? Habari za kibinafsi ni maelezo yote ambayo wengine wanaweza kutumia kutambua mtu. Watu fulani ambao hupata upatikanaji wa data hii, mara nyingi inajulikana kama habari ya kibinafsi (PII), wanaweza kufanya hivyo kwa madhumuni ya faida. Hii inaweza kuwa muhimu, kwa mfano, wakati makampuni hutumia habari kama jinsia au eneo la mtu kusaidia kubadili bidhaa au huduma ili kukidhi mahitaji ya mtu huyo. Lakini wengine hutumia habari hiyo kufanya uhalifu. Watu binafsi wanaweza kujitolea kushiriki habari zao za kibinafsi wakati wao kujaza fomu online, kwa mfano, au wanaweza bila kujua kutoa taarifa, kama vile wakati wao kuchukua hatua ambayo inaruhusu mtu kuvunja katika mfumo wao wa kompyuta. Maelezo ya kibinafsi ni habari ya kibinafsi ambayo inajumuisha maelezo mbalimbali, kutoka kwa mahali ambapo mtu anaishi hadi wasiwasi wa matibabu. Habari inaweza kuwa ya umma, kama vile majina na anwani, au binafsi, kama ilivyo katika kesi ya nambari za usalama wa kijamii au nywila. Kwa kutumia habari za kibinafsi kama vile nywila na nambari za kadi za mkopo, watu wengine wanaweza kumtambua mtu au kupata mitandao au akaunti zake. Katika kesi ya habari ya jumla, kama vile mji wa mtu au jinsia, mhalifu wa mtandao anaweza kutumia habari hiyo kuunganisha au kuuza data ambayo inaweza kutumika kuiba utambulisho wao au kupata ufikiaji wa akaunti zao. Mifano ya habari za kibinafsi ni pamoja na: Nambari ya simu, tarehe ya kuzaliwa, historia ya kazi, jamii au ukabila, data ya DNA, historia ya afya, nambari ya usalama wa kijamii, nambari za kadi za mkopo na debit, nambari za kitambulisho cha kibinafsi (PINs), na data ya DNA. """Kwa aina mbalimbali za vifaa na bidhaa ambazo sasa zinatumia mtandao, kuanzia simu mahiri na kompyuta ndogo hadi vifaa vya uchunguzi wa matibabu na kamera za usalama, watu wanashiriki kiasi kikubwa cha habari za kibinafsi mtandaoni, wakijua au bila kujua." Hii inamaanisha kuna hatari kubwa kwamba data nyeti itaanguka mikononi mwa wahalifu wa mtandao. Kampuni ya usalama wa mtandao IT Governance iliripoti kuwa zaidi ya rekodi bilioni 4.5 zimeharibiwa ulimwenguni kote kutokana na uvunjaji wa data mtandaoni kuanzia Januari hadi Septemba 2023. Matokeo ya uvunjaji huu yanaweza kuwa mbaya kwa wale ambao habari zao za kibinafsi zimeibiwa. Ripoti ya FBI ya mwaka wa 2022 juu ya uhalifu wa mtandao inaonyesha kuwa Wamarekani waliripoti hasara ya $ 27.6 bilioni kwa sababu ya aina hii ya tukio katika miaka mitano iliyopita. Wakati fedha ni wasiwasi mkubwa wakati wa kulinda habari za kibinafsi mtandaoni, habari za kibinafsi za watu zinaweza pia kutumika kwa vitendo vingine vya udanganyifu - pamoja na kuiba utambulisho wao. "Kuna njia kumi ambazo habari za kibinafsi zilizoibiwa zinaweza kutumiwa: ""Kujitambulisha"" kama mhasiriwa ili kuomba kadi ya mkopo, ""Kujitambulisha"" kama mtu huyo ili kuomba mkopo, ""Kupata upatikanaji wa akaunti za benki na za kustaafu za mhasiriwa,"" ""Kuomba pesa kutoka kwa mawasiliano ya mtandaoni ya mhasiriwa,"" ""Kuomba taarifa za kodi kwa kuwasilisha fomu za kodi kwa jina la mhasiriwa,"" ""Kujitambulisha kama leseni ya kuendesha gari au pasipoti kama mtu binafsi,"" ""Kuchanganya habari za mhasiriwa kama zao wenyewe wakati wa kukamatwa.""" Vifaa na mbinu za kawaida za kupata upatikanaji usioidhinishwa wa habari za kibinafsi kwenye mtandao ni pamoja na: Katika mazoezi yanayoitwa phishing, wadanganyifu huiba habari za kibinafsi za watu kupitia barua pepe au ujumbe mwingine wa mtandaoni ambao una kile kinachoonekana kuwa ombi halali la habari za akaunti ya kibinafsi lakini sio. Pia, ujumbe huo unaweza kuwa na viungo vinavyofanana na viungo vinavyounganisha kwenye tovuti zenye sifa nzuri. Hata hivyo, watumiaji wanapobonyeza viungo, programu mbaya, inayojulikana kama programu hasidi, huwekwa kwenye kompyuta zao ambazo zinaweza kutoa upatikanaji wa data za kibinafsi za mhasiriwa, kama vile nambari za kadi zao za mkopo au habari za kuingia kwa akaunti ya benki. Media ya Jamii # Profili za media za kijamii za watu mara nyingi hutoa habari nyingi za kibinafsi - kutoka kwa jina na eneo la mtu binafsi hadi kazi yao na ratiba ya kazi. Picha zilizochapishwa kwenye mitandao ya kijamii zinaweza kuwa na vidokezo kuhusu aina hii ya data pia. Wahalifu wa mtandao wanaweza kukusanya habari hii ili kuwasaidia kuamua nywila za akaunti za watu mtandaoni, au wanaweza kukusanya data ya kibinafsi ili kuuza kwa wengine. Wi-Fi ya umma - Wi-Fi ambayo watu hutumia kuunganisha kwenye mtandao katika maeneo ya umma kama vile maduka ya kahawa, maktaba, na viwanja vya ndege mara nyingi haina usalama thabiti. Kutumia huduma hii inaweza kuwafanya watu wawe hatarini kwa wale wanaotumia ulinzi huu dhaifu kupata ufikiaji wa mitandao ya wengine na habari za kibinafsi juu yao. """Wakati watu hutoa habari za kibinafsi, ikiwa ni pamoja na maelezo ya kadi ya mkopo au debit, wakati wa ununuzi wa mtandaoni, wanachukua hatari kwamba data inaweza kuanguka katika mikono isiyofaa." Watu wanaweza kuiba habari ya mtu binafsi kwa kutumia phishing au programu hasidi, au wanaweza kupata upatikanaji kupitia mitandao ya umma ya Wi-Fi. Wahalifu wa mtandao wanaweza pia kuiba habari za kibinafsi za mamia au maelfu ya watu kupitia uvunjaji wa data katika benki au wauzaji. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Kituo cha Rasilimali cha Wizi wa Utambulisho (ITRC) "" ni ripoti ya mwaka wa 2021 ya ""Mwelekeo wa Uamuzi wa Uamuzi"" kutoka kwa shirika lisilo la faida la IDRC, na hutoa data kuhusu idadi na aina za uhalifu mbalimbali, ikiwa ni pamoja na mashambulizi ya mtandaoni, ambayo yanahusisha wizi wa utambulisho." "Kifungu cha ""Consumer Sentinel Network Data Book 2022"" cha shirika hili la shirikisho ni mkusanyiko wa data kuhusu udanganyifu wakati wa mwaka huo, ikiwa ni pamoja na wizi wa habari za kibinafsi mtandaoni, na hasara zilizopatikana kama matokeo ya matukio hayo." Statista ni huduma ya data na ujasusi wa biashara ambayo inatoa takwimu mbalimbali kuhusu uharibifu wa habari za kibinafsi kati ya 2006 na 2023 na uharibifu ambao umesababisha. Tech.co: Shirika hili la utafiti wa teknolojia hutoa orodha ya uvunjaji mkubwa wa data uliofanyika mnamo 2022 na 2023, na habari kuhusu mbinu ambazo wahalifu wa mtandao walitumia na matokeo ya wizi wa data. "Kulingana na ripoti ya mwaka wa 2022 kutoka kwa Mkutano wa Kiuchumi wa Dunia, ""95% ya masuala ya usalama wa mtandao ni matokeo ya makosa ya binadamu.""" Kwa hivyo ni tahadhari gani watu wanaweza kuchukua kujilinda dhidi ya makosa ambayo yanaweza kusababisha wizi wa habari zao za kibinafsi - na madhara ambayo ufikiaji usioidhinishwa unaweza kusababisha? Hapa chini ni vidokezo tisa vya usalama wa mtandao kusaidia katika kulinda habari za kibinafsi mtandaoni. 1. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Hatua ya kwanza katika kulinda habari za kibinafsi mtandaoni inahusu kile ambacho mara nyingi ni mstari wa mwisho wa ulinzi: udhibiti wa usalama. "Kutoka kwa usalama wa kazi-kutoka-nyumbani hadi ulinzi wa ununuzi wa mtandaoni, zifuatazo ni kati ya hatua za usalama ambazo watu binafsi wanaweza kutumia ili kuondoa wahalifu wa mtandao: "" Programu ya antivirus "" Husaidia kulinda dhidi ya programu hasidi ambayo inaweza kuruhusu watumiaji wasioidhinishwa kupata habari ya kibinafsi "" "" Encryption "" "" Hifadhi ya data kwa mtumiaji yeyote ambaye hana nambari maalum ya kupata habari "" "" Uthibitisho wa sababu mbili "" "" Inahitaji tabaka mbili au zaidi za uthibitisho wa mtumiaji, ikiwa ni pamoja na nambari ya mara moja." Kuunda Nambari za siri za nguvu: Nambari za siri za vifaa na akaunti zinapaswa kuwa ngumu kutabiri, kuepuka herufi zinazohusiana na habari za kibinafsi kama vile tarehe za kuzaliwa na anwani. Maneno hayo ya siri yanapaswa kuwa na herufi ndogo na kubwa pamoja na namba na alama. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli "Kutambua Ishara za Phishing: ""Watu wanaweza kujilinda dhidi ya wizi wa data kwa kuangalia kwa uangalifu barua pepe, maandishi, na ujumbe mwingine wa dijiti ambao unaweza kuwa udanganyifu wa phishing." "Kila moja ya sifa zifuatazo inaweza kuwa viashiria vya ujumbe wa udanganyifu: - Inataka habari nyeti: Inataka data ya kibinafsi, ikiwa ni pamoja na habari mtu anaweza kutumia kupata mitandao au akaunti - Ina anwani au viungo visivyo sawa - Inatoa viungo au anwani za barua pepe ambazo hutofautiana kidogo na zile za mashirika halali - Inajumuisha viambatisho - Inamtia moyo mtumiaji kupakua viambatisho visivyoombwa, ambavyo vinaweza kuwa na malware - Matumizi ya sarufi duni - Inajumuisha makosa ya maandishi ambayo mashirika ya kitaalamu yangeweza kuhariri kabla ya kutuma.""" Kufanya Updates mara kwa mara ¶ Watumiaji wa Internet wanapaswa kuweka mifumo yao ya uendeshaji na programu up to date. Updates mara nyingi ni pamoja na patches usalama na kuboresha kwamba kulinda dhidi ya vitisho karibuni kwa usalama wa data. 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. Weka habari za kibinafsi kwenye mitandao ya kijamii: Wale wanaoshiriki habari na picha kwenye mitandao ya kijamii wanapaswa kuamsha mpangilio ambao hupunguza nani ana ufikiaji wa machapisho yao. Hatua hii inazuia wale wanaotafuta habari za kibinafsi zilizowekwa kwenye akaunti za mitandao ya kijamii. 6. Uwe na uhakika Ondoa Akaunti za Kale # Uvunjaji wa data ya ushirika unaweza kuhatarisha habari za kibinafsi za watu, hata ikiwa hawatumii tena akaunti hizo. Mtu yeyote aliye na akaunti zisizotumika na wauzaji, taasisi za kifedha, au mashirika mengine ambayo yanaweza kuwa na habari za kibinafsi anapaswa kuzifuta. 7. Uwe na mtazamo gani? "Kupitia ""Kulinda Utafiti wa Mtandao"" injini nyingi za utafutaji za mtandao hutoa chaguzi ambazo huruhusu watumiaji kuvinjari kwa faragha, bila wengine kufuatilia ni tovuti zipi wanazotembelea." Katika baadhi ya kesi, watumiaji wanaweza kufuta historia yao ya kuvinjari na utafutaji wakati wao ni online. 8. Uwe na mtazamo gani? Kuchunguza Data Broker Sites ¶ Data broker sites, kama vile Intelius na Whitepages, ni repositories ya watu binafsi habari. "Kama data kutoka kwa vyanzo vya mtandaoni kama vile: ""rekodi za umma"" ""matumizi ya tovuti na programu"" ""akaunti za media ya kijamii"" ""Kwa kuomba tovuti hizi kuondoa habari, watu wanaweza kutembelea tovuti hizo na kupata fomu ya kujiondoa." Wanaweza pia kutumia huduma za kulipwa kuomba kuondolewa kwa data. 9. (a) Kwa nini? "Kwa sababu vitu vinavyounganisha watu kwenye mtandao vinaenda zaidi ya kompyuta na simu mahiri, watu wanahitaji kuwa na ufahamu wa aina mbalimbali za vifaa ambavyo vinapaswa kulindwa dhidi ya wizi wa habari. """ Routers kuruhusu upatikanaji wa data juu ya makundi ya vifaa vingine na zana, hivyo kuanzisha nenosiri ya kipekee na kuweka usalama hadi sasa kwa ajili ya vifaa hivyo lazima kuwa kipaumbele. "Kama unavyojua, ""Mafunzo ya WHSR"" ni orodha ya vitu ambavyo watu wanaotumia Wi-Fi ya umma wanapaswa kuchukua na kuepuka ili kulinda data zao za kibinafsi." "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika makala ya ""Ulinzi wa Habari za Kibinafsi mtandaoni: Mwongozo ulio rahisi"" ya Norton, kampuni ya programu ya usalama, inaelezea mazoea bora ya ulinzi mtandaoni." "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika makala ya ""Usalama wa Mtandao"" ya National Cybersecurity Alliance, ""Mtazamo wa usalama wa mtandao"" ni hatua muhimu ambazo watu wanaweza kuchukua ili kujilinda na wapendwa wao kutokana na wizi wa data." - Kulinda Faragha Yako Mtandaoni <unk> Rasilimali hii ya FTC inatoa viungo kwa vidokezo vya kulinda habari za kibinafsi, pamoja na data ya afya, na vile vile vifaa vilivyounganishwa kwenye mtandao. Mtu Anapaswa Kufanya Nini Ikiwa Habari Zake za Kibinafsi Zinaibiwa? Nini kama, licha ya juhudi za mtu binafsi kulinda habari zao binafsi mtandaoni, wao tuhuma kwamba mtu ameingia data zao binafsi kuiba utambulisho wao au fedha? Watu wanaohisi habari zao za kibinafsi zimeibiwa wana chaguzi kadhaa kuhusu hatua za kuchukua na wapi kuripoti uhalifu unaodhaniwa. Hapa chini ni baadhi ya rasilimali ambazo zinaelezea wapi kugeuka na nini cha kufanya: - Motley Fool <unk> Makala hii inatoa hatua kwa hatua maelekezo kwa nini watu wanapaswa kufanya kama wao kuamini mtu ameiba utambulisho wao. Ofisi ya Ulinzi wa Fedha ya Watumiaji (CFPB) ni ofisi ya serikali ya Marekani inayohusika na masuala ya udanganyifu wa mtandaoni, ikiwa ni pamoja na jinsi ya kufanya ikiwa habari yako ya kibinafsi imeharibiwa. FBI: Watu wanaohisi kuwa wamekuwa waathirika wa udanganyifu wa mtandaoni wanaweza kuripoti suala hilo kwa Kituo cha Malalamiko ya Uhalifu wa Mtandao cha FBI (IC3) - FTC <unk> Rasilimali hii ya FTC inaorodhesha ishara ambazo zinaonyesha ujumbe wa mtandaoni ni udanganyifu na viungo kwa tovuti ya kuripoti udanganyifu. Shirika hilo pia hutoa tovuti ya kuripoti udanganyifu unaohusisha wizi wa utambulisho. Kuchukua tahadhari kwa ajili ya kulinda habari binafsi online. Pamoja na kuenea kwa vifaa kwamba kuunganisha kwa mtandao na matumizi yao kuenea, kila mtu anahitaji kujifunza jinsi ya kulinda habari binafsi online. Kwa kuzingatia ni habari gani ya kulinda na jinsi ya kuhakikisha ulinzi wake, watu wanaweza kuwa na uhakika juu ya faragha yao wakati wanatumia huduma nyingi na urahisi unaopatikana mtandaoni. | <urn:uuid:9c043009-c3bc-47bc-849f-82d87d93437a> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://online.utulsa.edu/blog/how-to-protect-personal-information-online/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
by Cindy Cooper
June 6, 2011
Dr. Theo Colborn is often compared to Rachel Carson, whose famous book, Silent Spring will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year. Colborn, a dedicated environmental researcher, heartily tosses off the association, even as her own scientific insights gain public attention and acknowledgement.
Carson, of course, kicked off the environmental movement with her 1962 book about harms caused by the chemical DDT. But Carson died from breast cancer two years later, only 47 years old at the time.
Colborn, on the other hand, was 58 years old when she earned a Ph.D. in zoology in 1985 after previous careers as a pharmacist and sheeprancher. A mother of four and grandmother, she went to work for the World Wildlife Fund, where she began to research alterations to the reproductive systems of the offspring of wildlife from small amounts of contaminants — chemicals that included DDT, but also others of the 80,000 synthetic chemicals, including atrazine, dieldrin, heptachlor, dioxin, polychlorinated biphenyls, bisphenol A and phthalates. Some of these chemicals are used widely in plastics and household products. Colborn reasoned that if synthetic chemicals made their way to the womb, they could disrupt proper human development of offspring. She called them “endocrine disrupters” because they interfered with the normal processes of embryonic and infant hormonal growth, causing damage to new generations.
In 1996, she published a book, Our Stolen Future: How We Are Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence and Survival, co-authored with science writer Dianne Dumanoski and environmental scientist John Peterson Myers. “The possible consequences of widespread hormone disruption are immense and irreversible,” they wrote.
As a pharmacist, Colborn was already aware of the potential for harm from endocrine disruption, an understanding that came from the medication DES, which was given to pregnant women in the 1960s to prevent miscarriages. The synthetic chemical compounds in DES had hormone-disrupting properties that affected the developing fetus. Children born to women who took the drug suffered reproductive harms — daughters were unable to bear children, and sons suffered genital damage, as well. In an interview in 2003, Colborn reflected on the DES connections. “There are a lot of chemicals out there like DES that can get into the womb and change how the cells have to split or move about and interfere with the basic constructions of the body. These are more subtle effects than what are commonly thought of as birth defects,” she said.
In the last 15 years, the truth of Colborn’s analysis has been verified by — literally — tens of thousands of studies, and endocrine disruption has moved to the mainstream. A website, Our Stolen Future, tracks studies, legislation and commentary on endocrine disrupters.
But — back to Rachel Carson. Colborn has won the Rachel Carson Award from the
Center for Science in the Public Interest, and the Chatham College Rachel Carson Award and the Environmental Chemistry Rachel Carson Award. She has other awards, too, including being named an environmental hero by Time Magazine in 2007.
But people can’t stop mentioning Carson. An interviewer on “Frontline” in 1998 asked, “What about the parallels between you and Rachel Carson? She writes a book. She is vilified. You write a book. You are vilified.” Colborn replied: “I don’t compare myself with her at all. She was a beautiful writer …. She certainly was a pioneer. No, I think she stands alone.”
And so does Colborn. Now in her 80s, she serves as executive director of the Colorado-based Endocrine Disruption Exchange, or TEDX, which she founded. Most recently, she has taken to the airwaves to speak out about the health effects from chemicals used in hydraulic fracking for natural gas in Colorado and elsewhere, appearing on Democracy Now! in 2010 and in a DVD and YouTube video version in 2011.
Her message is essentially the same. As Colborn told her “Frontline” interviewer in 1998: “All I have ever done is said it like it is. The important thing is to tell the truth from the evidence that you have.”
Cindy Cooper is a writer in New York City.
Also see “A Tale of Two Nursing Mothers” by Chanda Chevannes in this edition of On The Issues Magazine. | "Mwanamke mmoja wa Marekani, Theo Colborn, ambaye amekuwa akimkumbuka kwa miaka mingi, amemshirikisha Rachel Carson katika kitabu chake cha ""Silent Spring"" ambacho kinasherehekea miaka 50 tangu kuchapishwa." Colborn, mtafiti wa mazingira mwenye kujitolea, kwa moyo wote anakataa ushirika huo, hata wakati ufahamu wake mwenyewe wa kisayansi unapopata uangalifu na utambuzi wa umma. Carson alianzisha harakati za kuhifadhi mazingira kwa kitabu chake cha 1962 kuhusu madhara yanayotokana na kemikali ya DDT. Carson alikufa mwaka mmoja baadaye kutokana na kansa ya kifua akiwa na umri wa miaka 47. Colborne alikuwa na umri wa miaka 58 alipopata shahada ya PhD katika zoolojia mwaka 1985 baada ya kufanya kazi ya kutengeneza dawa na kuwa mchungaji. "Mwanamke huyo, ambaye ni mama wa watoto wanne na nyanya, alijiunga na shirika la World Wildlife Fund, ambapo alianza kuchunguza mabadiliko katika mfumo wa uzazi wa watoto wa wanyama wa porini kutokana na kiasi kidogo cha kemikali za uchafuzi, ambazo zilijumuisha DDT, lakini pia kemikali nyingine 80,000 za synthetic, ikiwa ni pamoja na atrazine, dieldrin, heptychlor, dioxin, polychlorinated biphenyls, bisphenol A na phthalates.""" Baadhi ya kemikali hizo hutumiwa sana katika plastiki na bidhaa za nyumbani. "Colborn alisababu kwamba ikiwa kemikali za synthetic zingepita kwenye tumbo la uzazi, zingeweza kuharibu ukuzi sahihi wa binadamu wa watoto.""" Aliwaita "wasababishi wa endocrine" kwa sababu waliingilia michakato ya kawaida ya ukuaji wa homoni za kiinitete na mtoto, na kusababisha uharibifu kwa vizazi vipya. "Mwaka 1996 aliandika kitabu ""The Stolen Future: How We Are Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence and Survival"" pamoja na mwanasayansi John Peterson na mwandishi wa vitabu vya sayansi Diane Dumanowski." "Madhara yanayowezekana ya kuvurugika kwa homoni kwa wingi ni makubwa na hayawezi kubadilishwa", waliandika. "Kama mtaalamu wa dawa, Colborn tayari alikuwa na ufahamu wa uwezekano wa madhara kutoka kwa usumbufu wa endocrine, uelewa ambao ulikuja kutoka kwa dawa ya ""DES,"" ambayo ilitolewa kwa wanawake wajawazito katika miaka ya 1960 kuzuia mimba." Vifaa vya kemikali vilivyotumiwa katika dawa hiyo vilikuwa na uwezo wa kuharibu homoni na hivyo kuathiri mimba. Watoto waliozaliwa na wanawake waliotumia dawa hiyo walipatwa na madhara ya uzazi - binti hawakuweza kuzaa watoto, na wana walipatwa na madhara ya viungo vya uzazi, pia. Katika mahojiano ya mwaka 2003, Colborn alionyesha uhusiano wa DES. "Kuna kemikali nyingi huko nje kama vile ""DES"" ambazo zinaweza kuingia ndani ya tumbo la uzazi na kubadilisha jinsi seli zinapaswa kugawanyika au kusonga na kuingilia miundo ya msingi ya mwili." Hizi ni athari za hali ya chini kuliko zile ambazo kwa kawaida hufikiriwa kuwa kasoro za kuzaliwa, <unk> alisema. Katika miaka ya 15 iliyopita, ukweli wa uchambuzi wa Colborn umethibitishwa na <unk> kihalisi <unk> makumi ya maelfu ya masomo, na usumbufu wa endocrine umehamia kwa kawaida. Tovuti, Our Stolen Future, inafuatilia masomo, sheria na maoni juu ya vichochezi vya endocrine. Lakini <unk> kurudi kwa Rachel Carson. "Kama tuzo ya ""Rachel Carson"" kutoka kwa Kituo cha Sayansi katika Maslahi ya Umma, Chatham College inatoa tuzo ya ""Rachel Carson"" kwa ajili ya utafiti wa sayansi ya mazingira." Pia ameshinda tuzo nyingi za kimataifa, na mwaka 2007 alipewa jina la 'Mwanamke Mtakatifu' na jarida la Time. Lakini watu hawawezi kuacha kumtaja Carson. "Mwanahabari mmoja wa Frontline aliuliza: ""Je, kuna ulinganifu kati yako na Rachel Carson?""" Anaandika kitabu. Yeye amedharauliwa. Wewe andika kitabu. Wewe ni vilified. <unk> Colborn akajibu: <unk>Mimi si kulinganisha mwenyewe na yake wakati wote. Alikuwa mwandishi mzuri sana. Bila shaka alikuwa painia. Hapana, nadhani yeye anasimama peke yake. <unk> Na hivyo hufanya Colborn. Sasa akiwa na umri wa miaka 80, anafanya kazi kama mkurugenzi mtendaji wa Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX), ambayo alianzisha. Hivi karibuni, amechukua mawimbi ya hewa kuongea juu ya athari za afya kutoka kwa kemikali zinazotumiwa katika fracking ya hidroliki kwa gesi asilia huko Colorado na mahali pengine, akionekana kwenye Demokrasia Sasa! Mwaka 2010 ilitolewa kwenye DVD na YouTube. Ujumbe wake ni uleule. "Kama Colborne alivyosema kwa mwandishi wa ""Frontline"" mnamo 1998, ""Nimewahi kufanya tu kusema ni jinsi ilivyo.""" "Kitu muhimu ni kusema ukweli kutoka kwa ushahidi unao."" - Cindy Cooper, mwandishi wa New York City." Pia angalia <unk>A Tale of Two Nursing Mothers<unk> na Chanda Chevannes katika toleo hili la On The Issues Magazine. | <urn:uuid:3639fca4-a77b-4b5a-9a29-f732acfad886> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://ontheissuesmagazine.com/2011spring/theo-colborn-making-her-own-scientific-path/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
20 Dec 2022
UC San Diego wearable device could be used for both clinical practice and research.
A 2022 survey by SPIE noted that the impact of imaging hemoglobin molecules in particular could be substantial, with the technology likely to contribute to "the decentralization of healthcare [and] the deployment of wearable technologies for self-monitoring."
Engineers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) have now made a new contribution to this topic, by developing a wearable electronic patch able to monitor biomolecules including hemoglobin in deep tissues. The results were published in Nature Communications.
"The amount and location of hemoglobin in the body provide critical information about blood perfusion or accumulation in specific locations," said Sheng Xu of UCSD. "Our device shows great potential in close monitoring of high-risk groups, enabling timely interventions at urgent moments."
The patch is based on photoacoustic (PA) sensing, a technique exposing hemoglobin molecules to fast laser pulses and imaging the transient ultrasound pulses that are created. PA as a hemoglobin-mapping technology and an alternative to MRI or X-ray CT has been the subject of clinical research for more than a decade.
UCSD combined PA technology with the concept of a flexible wearable patch, analogous to other currently available devices which employ electrochemical or optical sensing modalities. In particular, the team's goal was to allow sensing of molecules in deep tissues, which have a stronger correlation with metabolic processes than those near the surface typically detected by existing patches.
Reaching the visceral organs: a grand challenge
The device integrates an array of 24 high-power 850-nanometer VCSEL sources distributed in four equally spaced columns and connected in series, with 240 piezoelectric transducer detectors located between the VCSEL columns.
"An array of VCSEL diodes and piezoelectric transducers interconnected by serpentine metal electrodes are encapsulated in an elastomeric matrix," said the project in its published paper. "The high-power VCSEL diodes can generate laser pulses that penetrate more than 2 centimeters into biological tissues and activate hemoglobin molecules to generate acoustic waves."
In trials the patch was applied to tissue phantoms and ex vivo porcine tissue in which blood flow was externally pumped, before being tested in vivo on volunteer subjects, where the depth penetration was measured at 1.1 centimeters. Three-dimensional mapping of hemoglobin with a submillimeter spatial resolution was achieved in these deep tissues, according to the UCSD team.
Future work will include the use of higher power VCSELs, since detection depth is limited by the optical intensity of the illumination. The project noted that PA imaging of the human heart remains "a grand challenge in the field," due to the distance between the organ and the outer skin of the body, but higher power sources could boost the detection depth to the regions of visceral organs.
"Continuous monitoring is critical for timely interventions to prevent life-threatening conditions from worsening quickly," said UCSD's Xiangjun Chen. "Wearable devices based on electrochemistry for biomolecules detection, not limited to hemoglobin, are good candidates for long-term wearable monitoring applications." | UC San Diego: Kifaa cha kuvaa kinaweza kutumika kwa mazoezi ya kliniki na utafiti Uchunguzi wa SPIE wa mwaka 2022 ulibainisha kuwa athari za picha za molekuli za hemoglobini zinaweza kuwa kubwa, na teknolojia hiyo inaweza kuchangia "kutengwa kwa huduma za afya [na] utumiaji wa teknolojia za kuvaa kwa ajili ya kujisimamia." Wataalamu wa Chuo Kikuu cha California, San Diego (UCSD) sasa wamefanya mchango mpya kwa mada hii, kwa kuendeleza patch ya elektroniki inayoweza kuvaliwa inayoweza kufuatilia biomolecules ikiwa ni pamoja na hemoglobin katika tishu za kina. Matokeo hayo yalichapishwa katika jarida la Nature Communications. "Kupima kiasi na eneo la hemoglobini katika mwili hutoa habari muhimu kuhusu mtiririko wa damu au mkusanyiko katika maeneo maalum, ""alisema Sheng Xu wa UCSD." "Kifaa chetu kinaonyesha uwezo mkubwa katika ufuatiliaji wa karibu wa vikundi vya hatari kubwa, kuwezesha uingiliaji wa wakati unaofaa katika nyakati za dharura". "Patch hii inategemea ""photoacoustic"" sensing, mbinu ya kufunua molekuli za hemoglobini kwa pulsi za laser na kuunda picha za pulsi za ultrasound zinazopita." Utafiti wa kimatibabu wa PEA kama teknolojia ya ramani ya hemoglobini na mbadala wa MRI au CT ya X-ray umekuwa kichwa cha utafiti wa kliniki kwa zaidi ya miaka kumi. UCSD ilijumuisha teknolojia ya PA na dhana ya patch inayoweza kuvaliwa, sawa na vifaa vingine vinavyopatikana kwa sasa ambavyo hutumia njia za kuhisi za umeme au za macho. Lengo la timu hiyo ni kugundua molekuli katika tishu za ndani, ambazo zina uhusiano mkubwa na michakato ya kimetaboliki kuliko zile zilizo karibu na uso, ambazo kwa kawaida zinagunduliwa na patches zilizopo. Vifaa vya VCSEL vimeunganishwa na safu ya vyanzo vya 24 vya nguvu za juu vya 850-nanometer, vilivyopangwa katika safu nne zilizogawanywa sawa na kuunganishwa kwa mfululizo, na vifaa vya 240 vya transducer ya piezoelectric, ziko kati ya safu za VCSEL. "Mfululizo wa diodes VCSEL na transducers piezoelectric interconnected na serpentine chuma electrodes ni encapsulated katika matrix elastomeric, "alisema mradi katika karatasi yake iliyochapishwa." "Diodes za nguvu za juu za VCSEL zinaweza kuzalisha pulsi za laser ambazo huingia zaidi ya sentimeta 2 ndani ya tishu za kibiolojia na kuamsha molekuli za hemoglobini kuzalisha mawimbi ya sauti. """ Katika majaribio, patch ilitumiwa kwenye tishu ya phantom na ex vivo tishu ya nguruwe ambayo mtiririko wa damu ulipigwa nje, kabla ya kupimwa in vivo kwenye masomo ya kujitolea, ambapo upenyezaji wa kina ulipimwa kwa sentimita 1.1. Utafiti wa 3D wa hemoglobini na azimio la submillimeter la nafasi ulifikiwa katika tishu hizi za kina, kulingana na timu ya UCSD. Kazi ya baadaye itajumuisha matumizi ya nguvu ya juu ya VCSEL, kwani kina cha kugundua kinapunguzwa na nguvu ya macho ya taa. Utafiti huo ulibainisha kuwa picha za PA za moyo wa binadamu bado ni changamoto kubwa katika uwanja huo, kwa sababu ya umbali kati ya kiungo na ngozi ya nje ya mwili, lakini vyanzo vya nguvu zaidi vinaweza kuongeza kina cha kugundua kwa maeneo ya viungo vya ndani. "Ufuatiliaji wa kuendelea ni muhimu kwa uingiliaji wa wakati unaofaa ili kuzuia hali zenye kutisha maisha zisiwe mbaya haraka, "alisema Xiangjun Chen wa UCSD." "Vifaa vinavyoweza kuvaliwa vinavyotegemea electrochemistry kwa ajili ya kugundua biomolecules, sio tu kwa hemoglobin, ni wagombea wazuri kwa matumizi ya muda mrefu ya ufuatiliaji wa kuvaa". | <urn:uuid:04988b1b-8055-4690-9ffb-a87bb2e8a34c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://optics.org/news/13/12/28 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The Orchidee project was established across several laboratories and it is dedicated to development of the global Land Surface Model (LSM) ORCHIDEE and its use for a wide range of applications from land surface processes to climate studies. The different steps of the ORCHIDEE model/project genesis are summarized in the figure below.
The genesis of ORCHIDEE
During the 1980s, the development at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD) of a global General Circulation Model (GCM) stimulated the development of a specific land surface model to calculate the energy and water balance of terrestrial ecosystems (Laval et al., 1981). In the early 1990s, the model was substantially refined with a description of the earth surface categorized into several biomes called PFTs (Plant Functional Types) which led to a version, named SECHIBA (Ducoudré et al., 1993). In the late 1990s and in the early 2000s, the Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM) ORCHIDEE (Krinner et al., 2005) was created, based on the coupling of SECHIBA with i) a carbon module, STOMATE describing the flow of carbon within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum and ii) a dynamic vegetation module, inherited from the LPJ model, describing the evolution of natural vegetation with climate. Such effort was conducted between the LMD and LSCE laboratories.
Figure: History of the ORCHIDEE model development and of the project team development.
A team to follow and coordinate the model developements
After the mid 2000s, there has been an exponential increase in the number of users and developers in several laboratories: within IPSL (LSCE, LMD, LOCEAN), outside IPSL (SISYPHE in Paris and LGGE in Grenoble) and internationally (PKU university in China, UCLM Toledo in Spain, University of Antwerp (UA) and UGhent university in Belgium). The increase of users and associated projects was accompanied by a large number of new developments. In this context, the need to merge the new model “branches” into a common version became crucial especially to address integrated scientific questions, but it also became highly challenging. The main ORCHIDEE developers/users have thus decided to reinforce the previous organisation (carried by the IPSL) and to operate as a more structured project across laboratories. This process that started at LSCE was rapidly enlarged to the IPSL and few other national and international laboratories (listed above) with the objectives to formalize communication, developments, planning and decision making around the model. The reorganisation into a new project structure has been adapted to the size and ambitions of the group. This web site summarize the foundation of this recent organization. | Mradi wa Orchidee ulianzishwa katika maabara kadhaa na umejitolea kwa maendeleo ya Global Land Surface Model (LSM) na matumizi yake kwa matumizi mbalimbali kutoka kwa mchakato wa uso wa ardhi hadi masomo ya hali ya hewa. Hatua tofauti za ORCHIDEE mfano / mradi genesis ni muhtasari katika takwimu hapa chini. Katika miaka ya 1980, maendeleo ya Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD) ya Global General Circulation Model (GCM) ilichochea maendeleo ya mfano maalum wa uso wa ardhi ili kuhesabu usawa wa nishati na maji ya mazingira ya ardhi. Katika miaka ya 1990, mfano huo uliboreshwa sana na maelezo ya uso wa dunia iliyogawanywa katika biomes kadhaa zinazoitwa PTF (Plant Functional Types), ambayo ilisababisha toleo la SCHIBA (Ducoudreau et al. 1993). "Mfano wa ""Dynamic Global Vegetation Model"" (DGMV) ni mfano wa mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira ya mazingira." Majaribio hayo yalifanywa kati ya maabara ya LMD na LSCE. Picha: Historia ya maendeleo ya mfano ORCHIDEE na maendeleo ya timu ya mradi. Baada ya katikati ya miaka ya 2000, kulikuwa na ongezeko la idadi ya watumiaji na watengenezaji katika maabara kadhaa: ndani ya IPSL (LSCE, LMD, LOCEAN), nje ya IPSL (SIPHIS huko Paris na LIGO huko Grenoble) na kimataifa (PKU Chuo Kikuu nchini China, UCL Toledo nchini Uhispania, Chuo Kikuu cha Antwerp na Chuo Kikuu cha Ghent nchini Ubelgiji). Ongezeko la watumiaji na miradi inayohusiana ilifuatana na idadi kubwa ya maendeleo mapya. Katika muktadha huu, haja ya kuunganisha mfano mpya <unk> matawi <unk> katika toleo la kawaida ikawa muhimu hasa kushughulikia maswali ya kisayansi jumuishi, lakini pia ikawa changamoto kubwa. Kwa hivyo, watengenezaji wakuu wa ORCHIDE wameamua kuimarisha shirika la zamani (lililoendeshwa na IPSL) na kufanya kazi kama mradi ulioundwa zaidi kati ya maabara. Utaratibu huu ulianza katika LSCE na ulipanuliwa haraka kwa IPSL na maabara nyingine chache za kitaifa na kimataifa (zilizoorodheshwa hapo juu) na malengo ya kuidhinisha mawasiliano, maendeleo, mipango na maamuzi karibu na mfano. Utaratibu mpya katika muundo mpya wa mradi umebadilishwa kulingana na ukubwa na matarajio ya kikundi. Tovuti hii ina muhtasari wa msingi wa shirika hili la hivi karibuni. | <urn:uuid:6c7d498c-29c3-4f90-aefb-09196f0cdd61> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://orchidee.ipsl.fr/about-the-orchidee-project-team/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Preparing for a baby is an exciting time, but it’s important to remember that pregnancy can be physically demanding on your body. According to recent studies, pregnancy can be as tough as running a marathon. So, it’s crucial to know how to prepare your body for a baby to ensure a healthy and successful pregnancy.
Anybody who has ever been pregnant will attest that these nine months are physically taxing. But, science continues to prove precisely how much. A June 2019 study from Duke University, published in Science Advances, examined the impact of arduous races (such as the Ironman and Tour de France) on professional athletes and determined that pregnancy is comparable to competing in these races.
It makes sense, says Academy Sports + Outdoors partner Bess Carter, NASM-CPT. “Pregnancy is the peak of physical intensity that the human body can endure,” says Carter, who did not participate in the study.
In addition, these nine months are distinguished by significant and strenuous bodily changes. Debora Sedaghat, D.O., an OB-GYN at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California, notes that all biological systems undergo “dramatic shifts and alterations to fit the changes of pregnancy” during pregnancy. Dr. Sedaghat, who also did not participate in the study, adds, “Your heart needs to work hard, and your entire system has to work hard to accommodate, and this is all just from being pregnant.”
Before, during, and after pregnancy, anyone who is attempting to conceive can benefit from preparing their body for the physical demands of pregnancy.
How to Exercise Before Conceiving
In addition to preparing your body to carry a growing baby for nine months, more physical activity may also improve your fertility. Dr. Sedaghat explains, “It has been demonstrated repeatedly that physical activity not only enhances preconception and ovulation, but also facilitates pregnancy.” Here are some tips for optimizing your preconception workout regimen.
Concentrate on strength training.
“Strength training the entire body for not only pregnancy but also motherhood is really beneficial, so functional motions that replicate actions you may perform as a mother, such as a crib reach, baby raise, and car seat carrier, will best prepare you,” adds Carter. In addition, maintaining strong muscles may help your body manage the weight gain and facilitate postpartum recovery.
Include aerobic exercise as well.
Abby Phon, CHHC, AADP, IAHC, a certified holistic health and wellness coach, advises women to increase their heart rate for at least 30 minutes at least three times per week, regardless of whether or not they are trying to conceive. However, this is especially important in the months leading up to pregnancy. During pregnancy, your heart will have to pump up to 40 percent more blood through your body, so it’s a good idea to make sure it’s in tip-top shape beforehand.
Change the intensity.
Biola University’s Kelsey Miller, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, suggests interval training twice a week, in which you work hard and then rest for the same amount of time or slightly longer (think spin class). Then, once every week, perform a less hard but longer workout. “Aim for at least 30 minutes of continuous activity that maintains an increased heart rate,” she advises.
Strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
Jenny Arrington, a yoga teacher and health adviser in Chicago, suggests doing more to prepare your pelvic floor – the collection of muscles that support the bladder, uterus, and stool. Arrington states that “proper preparation can assist in preventing urine or fecal incontinence after the birth of the infant.” “I frequently prompt students to consider holding gas, pee, and all the muscles in between. Using a weighted egg is the best approach for women to truly grasp how to engage and strengthen all the pelvic floor muscles. The egg is deposited into the vagina, and the pelvic floor muscles must contract in order to keep it there. This is the most effective method for gauging the depth and reach of these muscles.”
Consider employing the services of a personal trainer.
Carter suggests seeking a professional personal trainer certified in prenatal and postnatal exercise, especially if you are a gym rookie. Hence, you will “ensure that you are doing moves with the correct form and alignment.”
How to Workout When Pregnant
Brianna Battles, CSCS, founder of Prenatal & Postpartum Athletics, suggests that as you continue to exercise during your pregnancy, you should continually adjust to the ever-changing physical demands of those nine months. You should be aware of how your body is changing and how your exercise affects your growing abdominal wall and pelvic floor.
Continue doing what you were doing before pregnancy.
Dr. Sedaghat encourages her pregnant patients to resume their pre-pregnancy workout regimens. “If a patient has a sedentary lifestyle, I encourage them to start walking, even if it’s just 30 minutes each day,” she says. Being physically active throughout pregnancy can facilitate labor and delivery.
Develop hip strength, suppleness, and pliability in preparation for childbirth.
Do the yoga stance Malasana to improve your ability to squat (which is a great position for pushing the baby out) and to increase your hip flexibility and mobility, as recommended by Arrington. To begin, stand with your feet slightly wider than your hips and your toes turned out 45 degrees. Bend the knees and descend the hips into a deep squat while maintaining flat feet on the floor. “If initially, it is not able to fully bend the knees, one can place a block or bolster under the hips for additional support,” she advises. The idea is to continue pressing down into the feet to engage the glutes and hip muscles, so strengthening and extending the muscles.
Do not undervalue respiration procedures.
As the infant grows, the lungs get progressively squeezed. Thus it is crucial that they learn how to breathe fully. “Not only will it assist keep her mental system calm throughout delivery, but it will also help keep her blood adequately oxygenated, so increasing her strength and endurance,” she explains. One two-step procedure she suggests is: “Shut the eyes and exhale while knitting the ribs together and drawing the navel as far as possible towards the spine. After you believe you’ve finished exhaling, squeeze the core muscles around the spine a bit further, and you’ll discover that there was more air in there. Then, you only need to relax your core muscles, and a large inhale will occur effortlessly. It may feel like your deepest, richest breath in months.”
If you feel comfortable with this exercise, use the following breathing technique to relax your nervous system: “The right thumb is used to close off the right nostril. Count your deepest breath via your left nostril, then slightly tighten your throat to slow the exhale to double that count. Hence, if you inhale for four counts, you should exhale for eight counts. This is a technique that should be thoroughly mastered during pregnancy so that it is readily accessible during delivery.”
How to Exercise After Childbirth
Every woman’s body and postpartum recovery is unique; however, Dr. Sedaghat recommends the following “Some activity, but not vigorous exercise until six weeks for vaginal births and eight weeks for cesarean births.
” But, it is not sufficient to hear “you’re cleared,”” Battles says. She encourages pursuing further “input on your body’s recovery following pregnancy and birth, regardless of how the baby was delivered. You require further knowledge and context regarding your readiness from the inside out.” Here is how Battles and other experts suggest collecting this information.
Work with a certified postnatal trainer.
“They can help you return to exercise at the correct pace, ensuring that they assist you with core and pelvic floor exercises first to reestablish those areas, as they were most damaged during pregnancy and are likely to be weaker,” adds Carter. And if you have diastasis recti, a condition in which the big abdominal muscles split during pregnancy, a skilled trainer who specializes in postnatal exercise can help you rehabilitate those areas.
Consult a pelvic floor physical therapist for treatment.
Ann Udofia, PT, DPT, advises all new mothers to consult a pelvic floor P.T. Pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum recovery are life-altering experiences that do not necessarily necessitate substantial therapy. Knowing how to take care of oneself safely and effectively, as well as the tools accessible to you, is essential. | Kujitayarisha kwa ajili ya mtoto ni wakati wenye kusisimua, lakini ni muhimu kukumbuka kwamba ujauzito unaweza kuwa na mahitaji makubwa ya kimwili kwa mwili wako. Kulingana na uchunguzi wa hivi karibuni, kuwa mjamzito kunaweza kuwa vigumu kama kukimbia mbio za masafa marefu. Kwa hiyo, ni muhimu kujua jinsi ya kutayarisha mwili wako kwa ajili ya mtoto ili kuhakikisha ujauzito wenye afya na mafanikio. Mtu yeyote ambaye amewahi kuwa mjamzito atathibitisha kwamba miezi hii tisa ni ngumu kimwili. Lakini, sayansi inaendelea kuthibitisha hasa ni kiasi gani. Utafiti uliofanywa na Chuo Kikuu cha Duke mnamo Juni 2019 ulichunguza athari za mbio ngumu (kama vile Ironman na Tour de France) kwa wanariadha wa kitaaluma na kuamua kuwa ujauzito ni sawa na kushindana katika mbio hizi. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Mwanzilishi wa Chuo cha Michezo + nje Bess Carter, NASM-CPT." "Ujauzito ni kilele cha nguvu za kimwili ambazo mwili wa binadamu unaweza kuvumilia", anasema Carter, ambaye hakushiriki katika utafiti huo. Kwa kuongezea, miezi hiyo tisa hutofautishwa na mabadiliko makubwa na yenye nguvu ya mwili. Deborah Sedaghat, D.O., OB-GYN katika Hospitali ya Mkoa wa Fountain Valley na Kituo cha Matibabu katika Fountain Valley, California, anasema kwamba mifumo yote ya kibiolojia hupitia "mabadiliko makubwa na mabadiliko ili kukidhi mabadiliko ya ujauzito" wakati wa ujauzito. "Daktari Sedaghat, ambaye pia hakushiriki katika utafiti huo, anaongeza, ""Moyo wako unahitaji kufanya kazi kwa bidii, na mfumo wako wote lazima ufanye kazi kwa bidii ili kukidhi mahitaji yako, na hii yote ni kutokana na kuwa mjamzito."" - Dr. Sedaghat, Mtaalamu wa Matibabu wa Matibabu wa Matibabu, Mtaalamu wa Matibabu ya Matibabu, Mtaalamu wa Matibabu, Mtaalamu wa Matibabu, Mtaalamu wa Matibabu, Mtaalamu wa Matibabu." Kuongeza mazoezi kabla ya mimba: Mbali na kuandaa mwili wako kubeba mtoto anayekua kwa miezi tisa, shughuli zaidi za mwili zinaweza pia kuboresha uzazi wako. "Sedaghat anaelezea, ""Imeonyeshwa mara kwa mara kwamba shughuli za mwili sio tu huongeza mimba na ovulation, lakini pia husaidia ujauzito.""Hapa kuna vidokezo kadhaa vya kuboresha utaratibu wako wa mazoezi kabla ya mimba." Zingatia mazoezi ya nguvu. "Mazoezi ya nguvu ya mwili wote kwa ajili ya mimba na pia uzazi ni yenye manufaa sana, hivyo harakati za kazi ambazo huiga vitendo unavyoweza kufanya kama mama, kama vile kufikia kitanda, kuinua mtoto, na kubeba kiti cha gari, zitakuandaa vizuri zaidi,"" anaongeza Carter." Kwa kuongezea, kudumisha misuli yenye nguvu kunaweza kusaidia mwili wako kudhibiti kuongezeka kwa uzito na kuwezesha kupona baada ya kujifungua. Pia, fanya mazoezi ya aerobic. Abby Phon, CHH, AADP, IAH, mtaalamu wa afya na ustawi, anapendekeza wanawake kuongeza msukumo wa moyo kwa angalau dakika 30 angalau mara tatu kwa wiki, bila kujali kama wanajaribu kupata mimba au la. Hata hivyo, jambo hilo ni muhimu hasa katika miezi inayoongoza kwenye ujauzito. Wakati wa ujauzito, moyo wako utahitaji kusukuma damu zaidi ya asilimia 40 katika mwili wako, kwa hiyo ni wazo zuri kuhakikisha kuwa uko katika hali nzuri kabla ya kujifungua. Badilisha nguvu. Biola University's Kelsey Miller, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, inapendekeza mafunzo ya muda mfupi mara mbili kwa wiki, ambapo unafanya kazi kwa bidii na kisha kupumzika kwa muda sawa au kidogo zaidi (fikiria darasa la spin). Kisha, mara moja kwa juma, fanya mazoezi yasiyo magumu lakini ya muda mrefu. "Lengo ni kufanya shughuli za kuendelea kwa angalau dakika 30 ambazo huhifadhi mwendo wa moyo ulioongezeka", anapendekeza. Kuimarisha misuli ya sakafu ya kitanda. Jenny Arington, mwalimu wa yoga na mshauri wa afya huko Chicago, anapendekeza kufanya mengi ili kutayarisha sehemu ya chini ya utumbo - misuli inayotegemeza kibofu cha mkojo, tumbo la uzazi, na matumbo. Arrington anasema kwamba <unk>kujitayarisha vizuri kunaweza kusaidia kuzuia kukosa umajimaji au umajimaji baada ya kuzaliwa kwa mtoto.<unk> <unk>Mimi mara nyingi huwaambia wanafunzi kufikiria kushikilia gesi, kuoga, na misuli yote kati ya hayo. Kwa kutumia yai lenye uzito, wanawake wanaweza kuelewa jinsi ya kuimarisha misuli ya sakafu ya pelvic. Kiini cha yai huingia ndani ya tumbo la uzazi, na misuli ya kitanda cha utumbo lazima ikate ili kiwepo. Hii ni njia yenye matokeo zaidi ya kupima kina na kufikia misuli hii. <unk> Fikiria kutumia huduma za mkufunzi wa kibinafsi. Carter anapendekeza kutafuta mtaalamu wa mazoezi ya kibinafsi aliyehitimu katika mazoezi ya kabla na baada ya kuzaliwa, hasa ikiwa wewe ni mwanzoni mwa mazoezi ya mwili. "Kama vile, ""Kufanya mazoezi wakati wa ujauzito"" ni mbinu ya mazoezi ya mwili ambayo Brianna Battles, mwanzilishi wa ""Prenatal & Postpartum Athletics"" anapendekeza kwamba wakati wa ujauzito, unapaswa kuendelea kurekebisha mahitaji ya mwili yanayobadilika kila wakati." Unapaswa kujua jinsi mwili wako unavyobadilika na jinsi mazoezi yako yanavyoathiri ukuta wako wa tumbo na sakafu ya pelvic. Endelea kufanya kile ulichokuwa ukifanya kabla ya kupata mimba. Dakt. Sedaghat huwatia moyo wagonjwa wake wajawazito waendelee na mazoezi yao ya kabla ya ujauzito. "Ikiwa mgonjwa ana mtindo wa maisha usio na shughuli nyingi, ninawatia moyo kuanza kutembea, hata kama ni dakika 30 tu kila siku", anasema. Kuwa na shughuli nyingi za kimwili wakati wote wa ujauzito kunaweza kuwezesha kuzaa na kuzaa. Kukuza nguvu za viuno, kubadilika-badilika, na kubadilika-badilika katika kujitayarisha kwa ajili ya kuzaa. Msimamo wa yoga wa Malassana ni muhimu kwa kuongeza uwezo wako wa kukaribia (ambayo ni nafasi nzuri ya kusukuma mtoto nje) na kuongeza kubadilika kwa kiuno na mwendo wako, kama ilivyoelezwa na Arrington. Kwa mfano, inapaswa kuwa na miguu iliyo pana kidogo kuliko viuno na vidole vya miguu vimeelekezwa kwa digrii 45. Bend magoti na kushuka viuno katika squat kina wakati kudumisha miguu gorofa juu ya sakafu. "Ikiwa mwanzoni, haiwezekani kuinamisha magoti kabisa, mtu anaweza kuweka block au bolster chini ya viuno kwa msaada wa ziada", anapendekeza. Kwa hivyo, ni muhimu kuendelea na mazoezi ya miguu ili kuimarisha misuli ya glutes na hip, na hivyo kuimarisha misuli. Usiidharau utaratibu wa kupumua. Mtoto anapokua, mapafu yake hufinyangwa hatua kwa hatua. Kwa hiyo ni muhimu sana kwamba wajifunze kupumua kikamili. "Si tu itasaidia kuweka mfumo wake wa akili utulivu wakati wa kujifungua, lakini pia itasaidia kuweka damu yake oksijeni ya kutosha, hivyo kuongeza nguvu yake na uvumilivu", anaelezea. Utaratibu mmoja wa hatua mbili anaopendekeza ni: <unk>Funga macho na kupumua huku ukifunga mbavu pamoja na kuchora tumbo kadiri iwezekanavyo kuelekea uti wa mgongo. Baada ya kuamini umemaliza kuvuta pumzi, funga misuli ya msingi kuzunguka uti wa mgongo zaidi, na utagundua kuwa kulikuwa na hewa zaidi hapo. Kisha, unahitaji tu kupumzika misuli yako ya msingi, na pumzi kubwa itafanyika bila jitihada. "Hii inaweza kuhisi kama pumzi yako ya kina zaidi na tajiri zaidi katika miezi. ""Kama unahisi vizuri na zoezi hili, tumia mbinu ifuatayo ya kupumua ili kupumzika mfumo wako wa neva: ""Kikono cha kulia hutumiwa kufunga pua ya kulia." Hesabu pumzi yako ya kina kupitia pua yako ya kushoto, kisha nyonga koo yako kidogo ili kupunguza pumzi ya nje ili kuongeza mara mbili hesabu hiyo. Kwa hiyo, ikiwa unaingiza hewa kwa hesabu nne, unapaswa kutoa hewa kwa hesabu nane. "Kila mwanamke ana mwili wa kipekee na kupona baada ya kujifungua; hata hivyo, Dk Sedaghat anapendekeza yafuatayo: ""Kazi fulani, lakini si mazoezi makali hadi wiki sita kwa kuzaliwa kwa njia ya tumbo na wiki nane kwa kuzaliwa kwa njia ya cesarean.""" <unk> Lakini, haitoshi kusikia <unk>umehamishwa,<unk> Battles anasema. Yeye hutia moyo kufuata zaidi <unk> pembejeo juu ya mwili wako <unk> kupona baada ya ujauzito na kuzaliwa, bila kujali jinsi mtoto alizaliwa. Unahitaji maarifa zaidi na muktadha kuhusu utayari wako kutoka ndani hadi nje. <unk> Hapa ni jinsi Battles na wataalamu wengine wanapendekeza kukusanya habari hii. Fanya kazi pamoja na mkufunzi aliyehitimu wa baada ya kujifungua. "Wanaweza kukusaidia kurudi kufanya mazoezi kwa kasi sahihi, kuhakikisha kwamba wanakusaidia na mazoezi ya msingi na sakafu ya pelvic kwanza ili kuanzisha tena maeneo hayo, kwani yaliharibiwa zaidi wakati wa ujauzito na yaelekea kuwa dhaifu zaidi, ""aongeza Carter." Ikiwa una ugonjwa wa diastasis recti, ambayo ni hali ambayo misuli mikubwa ya tumbo huvunjika wakati wa ujauzito, mkufunzi mwenye ujuzi ambaye ni mtaalamu wa mazoezi ya baada ya kuzaliwa anaweza kukusaidia kurekebisha maeneo hayo. Msaada wa Mtaalamu wa Fisiolojia ya Pelvic Floor Ann Udofia, daktari wa watoto, anapendekeza mama wote wapya washauriwe na daktari wa watoto wa kitanda. Ujauzito, kuzaa, na kupona baada ya kuzaa ni uzoefu unaobadilisha maisha ambao hauhitaji matibabu makubwa. Kujua jinsi ya kujilinda kwa usalama na kwa ufanisi, pamoja na zana zinazopatikana kwako, ni muhimu. | <urn:uuid:57afc216-141a-4b9a-8b74-18021df41195> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://parentsnkids.org/2023/04/05/how-to-prepare-your-body-for-a-baby-through-parental-training/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
If you’re interested in pursuing a career in finance, you may be wanting to know what diploma you must generate. A rising area that combines finance and technologies is fintech. But what is a fintech degree, and what can you assume to understand? We fulfilled with Dr. Theo Owusu and Dr. Donald DeSormoux, two gurus in the discipline, to examine the fundamental principles of fintech and why a degree in fintech is well worth your though. So if you are ready to study more about this enjoyable field, preserve looking at!
What Is Fintech?
Fintech, short for monetary engineering, is a promptly increasing field that refers to the use of technologies to streamline and improve traditional economical providers. Fintech organizations normally use impressive technological know-how to present far more practical, protected, and economical solutions to customers and organizations than standard economic establishments. In recent several years, fintech has been one of the swiftest-expanding industries in the globe, with new startups popping up throughout the world.
Many experts believe that the world-wide fintech marketplace will grow exponentially in the coming a long time and that fintech will revolutionize the financial sector as we know it. Presently, fintech is disrupting classic monetary establishments and giving new opportunities for people and firms alike. If you’re fascinated in the foreseeable future of finance, fintech is surely a thing you really should hold an eye on. And as much more and additional folks undertake electronic gadgets and mobile applications for their daily banking requires, it is probably fintech will only continue to expand in level of popularity.
Illustrations of Fintech
Some of the most popular illustrations of fintech consist of:
- Mobile banking
- Peer-to-peer payments
- Expense administration apps
- Electronic currencies
- Cryptocurrency exchanges
- Budgeting and personal finance applications
Fintech startups are continuously producing new and progressive approaches to enhance money expert services. As the marketplace carries on to increase, we can assume to see even additional amazing illustrations of fintech in the decades to occur.
How Fintech May well Previously Have an impact on You
You may well not know it, but fintech is by now impacting your existence. From mobile banking apps to cryptocurrency, fintech is transforming how we regulate our income. Here are some approaches that fintech may well now be impacting you:
- If you have at any time produced an on-line buy, you have applied fintech. On the web payments are processed making use of electronic signifies, these as credit cards or PayPal. This is a handy way to pay out for goods and providers without having having to have hard cash.
- Cellular banking applications are 1 of the most popular purposes of fintech. These apps allow for you to examine your equilibrium, transfer resources, and pay charges from your smartphone. If you use a cellular banking application, you’re using fintech.
- If you have at any time made use of a rideshare application like Uber or Lyft, you have employed fintech. Rideshare applications use GPS technologies to join motorists with travellers. The fare is then calculated and paid out for electronically devoid of needing dollars.
- Fintech is also currently being employed to create new types of forex, such as Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a digital currency that allows end users to make peer-to-peer transactions without needing a central financial institution or middleman.
And whilst some areas of fintech are continue to in the early levels of development, this engineering will most likely continue on to influence our life significantly. As fintech continues to evolve, we will probably see even additional variations in how we deal with our finances.
Fintech companies are swiftly altering the money landscape. From cellular apps that assist you finances your investing to on the internet platforms that make it easy to make investments, fintech corporations give new and hassle-free means to regulate your finances. By offering intelligent options to prevalent troubles, fintech corporations are creating it less difficult than at any time for individuals to control their cash. Some fintech companies you could by now do small business with contain:
- PayPal is a common on the net payment program that will allow users to make payments and send out revenue securely around the internet.
- Sq. is a cellular payment method that lets organizations to course of action credit rating card payments making use of their smartphones or tablets.
- Mint is a common budgeting and particular finance application that can help users track their paying out and conserve income.
- Robinhood is a fee-no cost inventory trading application that enables users to get and sell shares with no paying costs.
- Wealthfront is an automatic expense management company that helps consumers help you save money on financial commitment service fees.
- Acorns is a cellular app that helps users conserve and devote their spare alter.
- Betterment is an on the net financial investment system that features customers a very simple and effortless way to make investments their funds.
In quite a few circumstances, fintech providers can supply these products and services at a portion of the value of traditional economic establishments. As a final result, fintech companies are escalating in reputation and will continue to considerably effect the financial market in the coming a long time.
Sorts of Fintech Levels
If you are searching to get into the remarkable subject of fintech, you are going to will need the right schooling. No make any difference what form of fintech diploma you decide on, make positive a trustworthy firm accredits it. This will ensure that employers in the sector realize your diploma and that you are acquiring the good quality education you need to have to succeed in this competitive field. Here are some of the diverse sorts of fintech levels that can help you land a task in this rising field:
Learners fascinated in pursuing a profession in the fintech business may perhaps question no matter if they will need to get an undergraduate degree in fintech. The remedy is that it relies upon. Though getting an undergrad degree in fintech can definitely give you a leg up in the task market, quite a few schools have still to acquire this kind of a system, and there are quite a few methods to crack into the field with out a single. Lots of fintech companies want choosing personnel with a finance, computer system science, or engineering history. The crucial thing is to make certain you have the foundational expertise and know-how in the finance and engineering sectors that employers are seeking for.
A fintech master’s diploma can give students with the understanding and abilities they need to have to realize success in this promptly shifting sector. It will typically cover subject areas these as economical regulation, financial commitment banking, possibility administration, and details analytics. In addition, college students will have the option to achieve fingers-on practical experience, no matter whether via internships or in-course lab assignments.
According to Dr. Owusu, this palms-on experience is critical to creating the practical information college students will need to thrive in a fintech profession. For case in point, in the details analytics class at Keiser University’s Master of Science in Financial Technology program, learners have the option to conduct data analyses employing the types of instruments they will use in their upcoming occupations. There is a extensive gulf in between looking at about how knowledge assessment and visualization work in theory and really carrying out it. A good quality master’s system in fintech need to thus include things like these immediate, energetic discovering experiences.
If you are fascinated in pursuing a occupation in fintech, but don’t want the time motivation of a degree plan, then you may want to contemplate receiving a certificate in fintech. There are a several different means to get a certification in fintech, but a single of the most common is on line courses. These courses can be taken at your possess tempo and ordinarily include subjects like money technological know-how, digital banking, and blockchain. With a certification in fintech, you’ll be equipped to exhibit your information of this fast developing industry and demonstrate businesses that you’re ready to do the job in this remarkable subject.
Just one disadvantage to certification in fintech is that they swiftly turn out to be outdated. As Dr. Owusu pointed out, certificates can expire every single 5 years, meaning you would then have to reapply for certification. A degree, on the other hand, by no means expires. So whilst the upfront commitment of a certificate application might be beautiful, keep in mind to look at the prolonged-term implications of this instructional route.
Online Vs. In Particular person
There are a several key criteria to hold in mind when selecting regardless of whether to get paid a fintech degree on-line or in person. A single of the most important variables to contemplate is your learning model. An in-particular person application might be a greater healthy if you want a much more palms-on method. On the other hand, if you are the sort of learner who prefers to do the job at your individual speed, an online method could be a far better selection.
Yet another vital thing to consider is your schedule. An on the net software could possibly be much more easy if you have a complete-time occupation or other commitments that make it tricky to show up at classes in particular person. On the other hand, if you can devote the time to attending courses on campus, an in-human being method can give a much more immersive working experience.
At last, it is important to look at your price range when generating your choice. In standard, on the internet programs are a lot more economical than in-particular person packages. On the other hand, there may well be some supplemental fees linked with an on the web method, these kinds of as personal computer products and software. Eventually, irrespective of whether to go after an on the internet or in-particular person fintech program depends on your person requirements and preferences.
Programs You Could possibly Consider in Fintech
A good quality fintech program will provide classes masking the gamut of recent and emerging technologies for economical services, so graduates are perfectly-positioned for leadership roles in modern-day finance and electronic forex environments. Conventional programs you can assume to take in a fintech plan incorporate:
- Knowledge Analytics
- Artificial Intelligence & Equipment Studying
- Digital Payments and Market Lending
- Cryptocurrency and Blockchain
- Facts Visualization
- Fintech Law & Coverage
- Technological know-how Innovation
- Money Security
Opportunity Jobs for Your Fintech Degree
The fintech industry is escalating swiftly, ensuing in a developing need for workers with competencies in this region. Competitiveness for jobs can be intense, so planning oneself with a complete knowing of know-how and how it can be used to finance is essential. Fintech is an at any time-evolving discipline, so you need to be at ease with change and adaptable to new systems and developments. And quite a few fintech firms are startups, so you really should be prepared for a quick-paced work atmosphere. With these points in thoughts, if you consider a career in fintech would be a superior match for you, below are some typical positions in fintech you could utilize for:
- Economic technologies analyst
- Blockchain developer
- Quantitative analyst
- AI developer
- Possibility and compliance technological innovation officer
- Main engineering officer
- And extra!
Is a Fintech Degree Value It?
As businesses turn out to be extra reliant on technological innovation, the will need for staff members with both equally money and technical competencies will only expand. A fintech degree offers the best mix of coaching in the two spots, generating you a really sought-soon after staff. As the finance and technology industries carry on to merge, a fintech diploma can be beneficial and valuable.
There are several positive aspects to pursuing a fintech diploma. Probably the most clear is the earning possible. Fintech employment are among the the highest-shelling out in equally the finance and tech industries, and as the demand from customers for fintech personnel grows, so also will salaries.
In addition to the earning possible, a fintech degree also gives exceptional work safety. As prolonged as finance and tech continue to converge, there will be a need for workers with fintech competencies. Even if you reduce your career, finding a different 1 in the identical area will be easier than a lot of other fields.
Eventually, a fintech diploma can be immensely gratifying. If you are intrigued in the two finance and technological innovation, pursuing a fintech degree permits you to combine your two passions into just one occupation. What could be better than having paid to do what you like?
Keiser College provides an excellent graduate-degree money technological know-how diploma if you are completely ready to start your career in fintech. Graduates of our 100 percent on the internet, palms-on graduate plan are geared up to deliver improved money solutions to clients and organizations by leveraging new systems, aiding economic companies with handling different fiscal features of their small business, and giving strategic direction relating to new technologies for corporations in an array of industries. Speak to us these days to master additional about our master’s in fintech! | Kama wewe ni nia ya kufuatilia kazi katika fedha, unaweza kuwa na hamu ya kujua nini diploma lazima kuzalisha. Eneo linaloongezeka ambalo linachanganya fedha na teknolojia ni fintech. Nini ni Fintech Degree na jinsi ya kuipata? "Tuliwasiliana na Dr. Theo Owuor na Dr. Donald DeSouza, ""Guru"" wawili katika taaluma hii, kuchunguza kanuni za msingi za Fintech na kwa nini shahada katika Fintech ni thamani ya mawazo yako." Kwa hiyo ikiwa uko tayari kujifunza zaidi juu ya shamba hili lenye kufurahisha, endelea kutazama! Teknolojia ya Fedha Ni Nini? Fintech, kifupi cha uhandisi wa fedha, ni uwanja unaokua haraka ambao unahusu matumizi ya teknolojia ili kuboresha na kuboresha watoaji wa jadi wa kifedha. Fintech kawaida hutumia ujuzi wa teknolojia ya kuvutia ili kutoa suluhisho za vitendo, salama na za kiuchumi kwa wateja na mashirika kuliko taasisi za kawaida za kiuchumi. Katika miaka ya hivi karibuni, Fintech imekuwa moja ya viwanda vinavyopanuka haraka zaidi ulimwenguni, na waanzilishi wapya wanaibuka ulimwenguni kote. Wataalamu wengi wanaamini kuwa soko la fintech duniani kote litakua kwa kasi katika muda mrefu ujao na kwamba fintech itabadilisha sekta ya fedha kama tunavyoijua. Fintech inaathiri taasisi za kifedha na kutoa fursa mpya kwa watu na makampuni. Kama wewe ni fascinated katika siku zijazo za fedha, fintech ni hakika kitu wewe kweli lazima kushikilia jicho juu. Na kama watu zaidi na zaidi kuchukua vifaa vya elektroniki na programu za rununu kwa ajili ya benki yao ya kila siku inahitaji, ni uwezekano fintech tu kuendelea kupanua katika kiwango cha umaarufu. Fintech ni moja ya mifano maarufu ya teknolojia ya kifedha, ikiwa ni pamoja na: benki ya simu - malipo ya rika kwa rika - programu za usimamizi wa gharama - sarafu za elektroniki - kubadilishana kwa sarafu - matumizi ya bajeti na fedha za kibinafsi - Viwanda vya Fintech vinaendelea kutengeneza mbinu mpya na za maendeleo ili kuboresha huduma za wataalamu wa fedha. Kama soko linaendelea kuongezeka, tunaweza kudhani kuona hata mifano mingine ya kushangaza ya fintech katika miongo ijayo. Fintech inaweza kuwa na athari kubwa kwa maisha yako, lakini sasa ni wakati wa kuamua. Kutoka kwa programu za benki ya rununu hadi cryptocurrency, fintech inabadilisha jinsi tunavyodhibiti mapato yetu. Fintech inaweza kuwa na athari kubwa kwa biashara yako ikiwa umewahi kununua mtandaoni. Katika malipo ya mtandao ni kusindika kutumia njia za elektroniki, hizi kama kadi za mkopo au PayPal. Hii ni njia rahisi ya kulipa bidhaa na huduma bila kuwa na fedha. - Maombi ya benki ya simu ni moja ya madhumuni maarufu zaidi ya fintech. Programu hizi zinakuruhusu kuchunguza usawa wako, kuhamisha rasilimali, na kulipa malipo kutoka kwa simu yako ya mkononi. Kama wewe kutumia maombi ya benki ya simu, wewe ni kutumia fintech. Ikiwa umewahi kutumia programu ya usafiri kama vile Uber au Lyft, umefanya kazi na fintech. Maombi ya kushiriki safari hutumia teknolojia za GPS kuunganisha madereva na wasafiri. Kisha ada hiyo mahesabu na kulipwa kwa njia ya kielektroniki bila kutumia dola. Fintech pia ni sasa kutumika kuunda aina mpya ya forex, kama vile Bitcoin. Bitcoin ni sarafu ya dijiti ambayo inaruhusu watumiaji wa mwisho kufanya shughuli za peer-to-peer bila kuhitaji taasisi kuu ya kifedha au mpatanishi. Ingawa baadhi ya teknolojia za fintech bado ziko katika hatua za mwanzo za maendeleo, uhandisi huu utaendelea kuathiri maisha yetu kwa kiasi kikubwa. Fintech inaendelea kuendeleza, na inawezekana tutaona mabadiliko zaidi katika jinsi tunavyoshughulikia fedha zetu. Kampuni za Fintech zinabadilisha haraka mazingira ya fedha. Kutoka kwa programu za rununu ambazo zinakusaidia kufadhili uwekezaji wako hadi kwa majukwaa ya mtandaoni ambayo hufanya iwe rahisi kufanya uwekezaji, mashirika ya fintech hutoa njia mpya na zisizo na shida za kudhibiti fedha zako. Kwa kutoa chaguzi za akili kwa matatizo ya kawaida, makampuni ya fintech yanafanya iwe rahisi zaidi kuliko wakati wowote kwa watu binafsi kudhibiti fedha zao. Fintech ni moja ya kampuni za biashara za kisasa ambazo zinajumuisha PayPal, programu ya malipo ya mtandao ambayo inaruhusu watumiaji kufanya malipo na kutuma mapato kwa usalama kwenye mtandao. - Sq. Ni njia ya malipo ya simu ambayo inaruhusu mashirika kufanya malipo ya kadi ya mkopo kwa kutumia simu zao mahiri au vidonge. Mint ni programu ya kawaida ya bajeti na fedha ambazo zinaweza kusaidia watumiaji kufuatilia malipo yao na kuhifadhi mapato. Robinhood ni programu ya biashara ya hisa ya bure ambayo inaruhusu watumiaji kupata na kuuza hisa bila malipo ya gharama. Wealthfront ni kampuni ya usimamizi wa gharama ya moja kwa moja ambayo husaidia watumiaji kuokoa pesa kwenye malipo ya huduma ya ahadi ya kifedha. Acorns ni programu ya simu ya mkononi ambayo husaidia watumiaji kuhifadhi na kujitolea alter yao ya ziada. Betterment ni mfumo wa uwekezaji wa kifedha wa mtandaoni ambao una wateja njia rahisi na ya urahisi ya kuwekeza fedha zao. Katika hali chache, watoa huduma za fintech wanaweza kutoa bidhaa na huduma hizi kwa sehemu ya thamani ya taasisi za kiuchumi za jadi. Kwa hivyo, kampuni za fintech zinapata umaarufu mkubwa na zitaendelea kuathiri soko la fedha kwa muda mrefu. Fintech ni aina ya elimu ya kitaaluma ambayo inahitajika ili kuendeleza elimu ya kitaaluma, na ikiwa unajua jinsi ya kuifanya, unaweza kuitumia kwa urahisi. Hakuna tofauti yoyote ambayo aina ya diploma fintech wewe kuamua juu, kufanya uhakika kampuni ya kuaminika accredits yake. Hii itahakikisha kwamba waajiri katika sekta hiyo wanatambua diploma yako na kwamba unapata elimu bora unayohitaji ili kufanikiwa katika uwanja huu wa ushindani. Hapa ni baadhi ya aina mbalimbali za ngazi za fintech ambazo zinaweza kukusaidia kupata kazi katika uwanja huu unaoongezeka: Wanafunzi wanaopendezwa na kufuatia kazi katika biashara ya fintech wanaweza kuhoji ikiwa watahitaji kupata shahada ya kwanza katika fintech. Dawa ni kwamba inategemea. Ingawa kupata shahada ya kwanza katika Fintech inaweza kukupa mguu juu katika soko la kazi, shule nyingi bado zinahitaji kupata mfumo kama huu, na kuna njia kadhaa za kuingia katika uwanja huo bila hata moja. Kampuni nyingi za fintech zinataka kuchagua wafanyakazi wenye historia ya fedha, sayansi ya mfumo wa kompyuta, au uhandisi. Jambo muhimu ni kuhakikisha una ujuzi wa msingi na ujuzi katika sekta ya fedha na uhandisi ambayo waajiri wanatafuta. Fintech Master's Diploma inaweza kuwapa wanafunzi uelewa na uwezo wanaohitaji ili kufanikiwa katika sekta hii inayobadilika haraka. Ni kawaida kufunika maeneo ya mada hizi kama udhibiti wa kiuchumi, benki ya ahadi ya kifedha, utawala wa uwezekano, na uchambuzi wa maelezo. Kwa kuongezea, wanafunzi wa chuo kikuu watakuwa na chaguo la kupata uzoefu wa vitendo, bila kujali kama ni kupitia mafunzo au kazi za maabara katika kozi. Kwa mujibu wa Dk Owusu, uzoefu huu wa mikono ni muhimu kwa kuunda wanafunzi wa chuo kikuu wa habari ya vitendo watahitaji kustawi katika taaluma ya fintech. Katika darasa la uchambuzi wa maelezo katika Chuo Kikuu cha Keiser, wanafunzi wana chaguo la kufanya uchambuzi wa data kwa kutumia aina za vyombo watakavyotumia katika kazi zao zijazo. Kuna pengo kubwa kati ya kuangalia jinsi tathmini ya maarifa na taswira kazi katika nadharia na kweli kutekeleza. Mfumo wa ubora wa juu katika fintech unahitaji hivyo kujumuisha mambo kama haya ya papo hapo, uzoefu wa kugundua nguvu. Kama wewe ni kuvutia katika kufuatilia kazi katika fintech, lakini hawataki motisha ya muda wa mpango shahada, basi unaweza kutaka kufikiria kupokea cheti katika fintech. Kuna njia kadhaa tofauti za kupata vyeti katika fintech, lakini moja ya kawaida ni kozi za mtandaoni. Kozi hizi zinaweza kuchukuliwa kwa kasi yako mwenyewe na kawaida ni pamoja na masomo kama fedha teknolojia ya teknolojia, benki digital, na blockchain. Pamoja na vyeti katika Fintech, utakuwa na vifaa vya kuonyesha maarifa yako ya sekta hii ya kuendeleza haraka na kuonyesha biashara kwamba wewe ni tayari kufanya kazi katika somo hili la ajabu. Tu moja hasara kwa vyeti katika fintech ni kwamba wao haraka kugeuka kuwa outdated. Kama Dr. Owuor alisema, vyeti vyao vinaweza kumalizika kila baada ya miaka mitano, na hivyo inabidi ufanye maombi ya upya. Kwa upande mwingine, shahada ya digrii haikomi kamwe. Wakati ahadi ya awali ya maombi ya vyeti inaweza kuwa nzuri, kumbuka kuangalia athari za muda mrefu za njia hii ya mafunzo. Online Vs. Kuna vigezo kadhaa muhimu kuzingatia wakati wa kuchagua kama kupata kulipwa shahada ya fintech mtandaoni au binafsi. Moja ya vigezo muhimu zaidi kuzingatia ni mfano wako wa kujifunza. Maombi ya mtu binafsi inaweza kuwa bora zaidi kama unataka njia zaidi ya mikono. Kwa upande mwingine, kama wewe ni aina ya mwanafunzi ambaye anapendelea kufanya kazi kwa kasi yako binafsi, njia online inaweza kuwa chaguo bora zaidi. Jambo jingine muhimu la kuzingatia ni ratiba yako. Programu ya mtandaoni inaweza kuwa rahisi zaidi ikiwa una kazi ya wakati wote au ahadi nyingine ambazo hufanya iwe vigumu kuonekana katika madarasa. Kwa upande mwingine, kama unaweza kujitolea wakati wa kuhudhuria kozi katika chuo, njia in-binadamu inaweza kutoa uzoefu zaidi immersive kazi. Mwishowe, ni muhimu kuangalia safu yako ya bei wakati wa kutengeneza chaguo lako. Katika kiwango, kwenye programu za mtandao ni mengi ya kiuchumi zaidi kuliko katika vifurushi mtu binafsi. Kwa upande mwingine, kunaweza kuwa na baadhi ya ada ya ziada kuhusishwa na njia ya mtandaoni, aina hizi kama bidhaa za kompyuta binafsi na programu. Hatimaye, kama kwenda baada ya programu ya fintech mtandaoni au katika mtu binafsi inategemea mahitaji yako binafsi na upendeleo. Programu za Fintech: Programu ya Fintech ya ubora wa hali ya juu itatoa madarasa ya kufunika aina ya teknolojia za hivi karibuni na zinazoibuka kwa huduma za kiuchumi, kwa hivyo wahitimu wako katika nafasi kamili ya majukumu ya uongozi katika mazingira ya kisasa ya fedha na forex. Programu za kawaida unaweza kudhani kuchukua katika mpango wa fintech ni pamoja na: - Uchambuzi wa maarifa - Ujasusi wa bandia na utafiti wa vifaa - Malipo ya dijiti na Ufadhili wa soko - Cryptocurrency na Blockchain - Ugunduzi wa ukweli - Sheria ya Fintech na Ufuniko - Uvumbuzi wa Teknolojia - Usalama wa Fedha - Fursa za kazi kwa Fintech yako. Ushindani kwa ajili ya kazi inaweza kuwa kali, hivyo kupanga mwenyewe na ujuzi kamili wa ujuzi na jinsi inaweza kutumika kwa fedha ni muhimu. Fintech ni taaluma inayobadilika wakati wowote, kwa hivyo unahitaji kuwa na urahisi na mabadiliko na kubadilika kwa mifumo mpya na maendeleo. Fintech ni kampuni ya kwanza ya teknolojia ya kifedha, kwa hivyo unapaswa kuwa tayari kwa hali ya kazi ya haraka. Kwa kuzingatia mambo haya, ikiwa unafikiria kazi katika fintech itakuwa mechi bora kwako, hapa chini ni baadhi ya nafasi za kawaida katika fintech unaweza kutumia kwa: - Mtafiti wa Teknolojia ya Kiuchumi - Msanidi Blockchain - Mtafiti wa Kiwango - Msanidi AI - Uwezekano na Utii wa Mfumo wa Teknolojia - Mfanyakazi Mkuu wa Uhandisi - Na zaidi! Je, Shahada ya Fintech Ina Thamani? Kwa kuwa biashara zinategemea zaidi uvumbuzi wa kiteknolojia, mahitaji ya wafanyikazi wenye uwezo sawa wa kifedha na kiufundi yataongezeka tu. Fintech degree inatoa mchanganyiko bora wa mafunzo katika maeneo mawili, na kukupa wafanyakazi wanaotafutwa sana. Kama sekta ya fedha na teknolojia kuendelea kuunganisha, diploma fintech inaweza kuwa na manufaa na thamani. Kuna mambo kadhaa mazuri ya kufuatilia diploma ya fintech. Labda wazi zaidi ni mapato yanayowezekana. Fintech ni moja ya sekta za biashara zinazotumia zaidi fedha za kimataifa, na mahitaji ya wafanyikazi wa teknolojia ya fedha yanaongezeka. Mbali na mapato yanayowezekana, shahada ya fintech pia hutoa usalama wa kipekee wa kazi. Kwa sababu ya kuenea kwa teknolojia na fedha, kuna uwezekano mkubwa wa kuwa na mahitaji ya wafanyikazi wenye ujuzi wa teknolojia. Hata kama wewe kupunguza kazi yako, kupata tofauti 1 katika eneo moja itakuwa rahisi kuliko mashamba mengine mengi. Hatimaye, diploma ya fintech inaweza kuwa yenye kuridhisha sana. Kama wewe ni intrigued katika fedha mbili na ubunifu wa kiteknolojia, kufuatia shahada ya Fintech inaruhusu wewe kuchanganya shauku yako mbili katika kazi moja tu. Ni nini kinachoweza kuwa bora kuliko kulipwa kufanya kile unachokipenda? Chuo cha Keiser hutoa shahada ya juu ya taaluma ya teknolojia ya fedha ikiwa uko tayari kabisa kuanza kazi yako katika fintech. Wahitimu wa programu yetu ya 100% mtandaoni, mikono juu ya programu ya kuhitimu wamejiandaa kutoa suluhisho bora za fedha kwa wateja na mashirika kwa kutumia mifumo mpya, kusaidia kampuni za kifedha na kushughulikia sifa tofauti za kifedha za biashara zao ndogo, na kutoa mwelekeo wa kimkakati kuhusiana na teknolojia mpya kwa makampuni katika safu ya viwanda. Zungumza na sisi siku hizi ili ustadi zaidi kuhusu bwana wetu katika fintech! | <urn:uuid:68f09a8e-825f-4c4b-b765-65b77db21d3d> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://paypertouch.com/what-is-a-fintech-degree-how-finance-tech-meet.html | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
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Medications that May Help for Lyme Disease:
Disulfiram is an FDA-approved drug that has been in use for over 50 years. Its approved use is to help alcoholic patients stay sober. Disulfiram is now being used and researched for the treatment of Lyme disease.
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Low Dose Naltrexone:
Low Dose Naltrexone ( LDN ), another of our offerings may also be beneficial for patients with Lyme Disease. | Ugonjwa wa Lyme ni ugonjwa wa kuambukiza unaosababishwa na bakteria, Borrelia burgdorferi. Bakteria hiyo husambazwa kupitia kuumwa na chungu mwenye miguu meusi aliyeambukizwa. Disulfiram ni dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya FDA ambayo imekuwa ikitumika kwa zaidi ya miaka 50. Matumizi yake yaliyokubaliwa ni kusaidia wagonjwa wenye ulevi kukaa safi. Disulfiram sasa inatumiwa na kuchunguzwa kwa ajili ya kutibu ugonjwa wa Lyme. Utafiti wa hivi karibuni umeonyesha kwamba disulfiram ina uwezo mkubwa wa kuzuia bakteria na matumizi ya disulfiram kwa ugonjwa wa Lyme sasa yanachunguzwa na kuchunguzwa. Kiwango cha disulfiram kinachotumiwa kutibu Lyme kwa ujumla ni cha chini kuliko kile kinachotumiwa kutibu utegemezi wa kileo. Hapa ndipo tunaweza kusaidia. Peninsula Compounding Pharmacy inaweza kuunda dozi za chini za Disulfiram ili kukidhi kesi ya Lyme ya mgonjwa wako. Naltrexone ya Kiwango cha Chini (LDN) - Ni dawa ya kawaida ya dawa ya kulevya ambayo inaweza kusaidia wagonjwa wa ugonjwa wa Lyme. | <urn:uuid:5cdffb92-b3c6-449e-a54c-8ac989ff86a5> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://peninsulacompoundingpharmacy.com/lyme-disease-for-clinicians/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
koop medicijnen online ‘s nachts verzenden are complex businesses. Even a minor pharmacy in a small town has a substantial amount of responsibility and moving parts. In fact, big pharmacies and mom-and-pop pharmacies a like wouldn’t be possible today without the advent of pharmacy management systems.
What is a Pharmacy Management System?
The pharmacy management systems are a type of computer system, often called a pharmacy computer system. These systems are not a single piece of software but rather a unified collection of components that can be added to and removed from the system on a plug-and-play basis. An essential component of any such framework is the point-of-sale (POS) system, which is similar to the POS found in a grocery or hardware store.
Legal and Ethical Responsibilities:
A pharmacy, however, has important responsibilities that a hardware store or grocery generally does not. A pharmacy, for instance, is charged with ensuring that customers get their prescriptions precisely how they are prescribed by their doctor. Mistakes can result in loss of life. For this reasons, pharmacies seek to limit the opportunity for human error. One of the primary ways they do so is by integrating a prescription dispensing system into pharmacy management systems. A prescription dispensing system is robotic and computerized, and it ensures that the prescription is filled precisely how the doctor ordered it.
Billing of Claims:
The vast majority of money that enters a pharmacy’s coffers comes from insurance companies or Medicare and Medicaid rather than directly from the customer. In this way, a pharmacy is a lot like a health organization, and pharmacy computer systems must integrate that aspect as well. After a prescription is filled, modern systems automatically process and track the insurance claim.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations:
A pharmacy must also comply with all local, state and federal regulations. The pharmacy cannot rely on the medical professionals for compliance because there can be extenuating circumstances in play, such as two separate doctors unknowingly providing a prescription to the same client. A modern pharmacy system will automatically check any request before it is processed, and if that request is in violation of a law or regulation, it will deny it.
Health Care Network:
The modern pharmacy management systems must also be connected to the health care network that provides services to its area and even throughout the country. Imagine a scenario where a pharmacy needs further instruction when filling a prescription for an out-of-state customer. Modern systems ease that burden by automatically providing the pharmacy with all the contact information and alternative contacts that it needs. | Kupendekeza dawa online's nachts verzenden ni biashara tata. Hata maduka madogo ya dawa katika mji mdogo yana kiasi kikubwa cha daraka na sehemu zinazohama. Kwa kweli, maduka makubwa ya dawa na maduka ya dawa ya mama na baba kama vile haingekuwa inawezekana leo bila kuwasili kwa mifumo ya usimamizi wa maduka ya dawa. Mfumo wa Usimamizi wa Maduka ya Dawa ni nini? Mifumo ya usimamizi wa maduka ya dawa ni aina ya mfumo wa kompyuta, mara nyingi huitwa mfumo wa kompyuta ya maduka ya dawa. Mifumo hii si kipande kimoja cha programu, bali ni mkusanyiko wa vipengele vinavyoweza kuongezwa na kuondolewa kutoka kwa mfumo kwa msingi wa plug-and-play. Sehemu muhimu ya mfumo wowote wa biashara ni mfumo wa point-of-sale (POS), ambayo ni sawa na POS inayopatikana katika duka la vyakula au duka la vifaa. Usimamizi wa dawa: Kwa kawaida, duka la dawa lina majukumu ambayo duka la vifaa vya matibabu halina. Kwa mfano, maduka ya dawa yanahitajika kuhakikisha kwamba wateja wanapata dawa zao kwa usahihi kama vile zinavyopendekezwa na daktari wao. Makosa yaweza kusababisha kupoteza uhai. Kwa sababu hizo, maduka ya dawa hutafuta kupunguza uwezekano wa kosa la kibinadamu. Moja ya njia kuu wanazofanya hivyo ni kwa kuunganisha mfumo wa kutoa dawa katika mifumo ya usimamizi wa maduka ya dawa. Mfumo wa kuagiza dawa ni roboti na kompyuta, na inahakikisha kwamba dawa hiyo imejazwa kwa usahihi jinsi daktari alivyopendekeza. "Mfano: ""Mali nyingi zinazopatikana katika maduka ya dawa zinatoka kwa kampuni za bima au Medicare badala ya moja kwa moja kutoka kwa mteja.""" Kwa njia hii, duka la dawa ni kama shirika la afya, na mifumo ya kompyuta ya duka la dawa lazima iunganishe kipengele hicho pia. Baada ya dawa kuandikwa, mifumo ya kisasa huchanganua na kufuatilia madai ya bima moja kwa moja. Ufuatiliaji wa Sheria na Kanuni: Duka la dawa lazima pia litii kanuni zote za mitaa, za serikali na za shirikisho. "Hakuna dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa ya dawa.""" Mfumo wa kisasa wa maduka ya dawa utaangalia ombi lolote moja kwa moja kabla ya kusindika, na ikiwa ombi hilo linakiuka sheria au kanuni, litakataa. Mfumo wa Usimamizi wa Dawa ya kisasa lazima pia uunganishwe na mtandao wa huduma za afya ambao hutoa huduma kwa eneo lake na hata nchini kote. Hebu wazia hali ambapo duka la dawa linahitaji maagizo zaidi wakati wa kujaza dawa kwa mteja wa nje ya jimbo. Mifumo ya kisasa hupunguza mzigo huo kwa kutoa moja kwa moja kwa duka la dawa habari zote za mawasiliano na mawasiliano mbadala ambayo inahitaji. | <urn:uuid:6fc7b79a-cb3f-4541-bf2b-63ab2bae712e> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://penumbra-band.com/the-purpose-of-pharmacy-management-systems/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
DO YOU KNOW what the parts of the human tooth are? We’d like to give you a quick tooth anatomy lesson, because the more patients know about their teeth, the better they will understand the importance of good dental health habits like brushing, flossing, and avoiding sugary treats. We’ll start in the crown and work our way down to the roots.
The Three Layers of the Dental Crown
Everything visible of a tooth above the gums is the crown, and it consists of three layers. Let’s take a closer look at each one.
The outermost layer of the tooth is the enamel layer. Tooth enamel is mostly composed of inorganic hydroxyapatite crystals, which make it the hardest substance in the entire body. We need it to be that way so that we can chew a lifetime’s worth of food!
However, because it’s inorganic, enamel can’t repair or replace itself if it is eroded or damaged too much. It’s also extremely vulnerable to acid. That’s why brushing, flossing, cutting back on acidic and sugary foods and drinks, and regular professional cleanings are so important!
The next layer of the crown is the dentin, which is very similar to bone. It’s more yellowish than enamel and there’s more of it in adult teeth than baby teeth (if you’ve noticed that brand new adult teeth seem more yellow than baby teeth, that’s why). Microscopic tubules run through the dentin so that the nerves in the center of the tooth can detect temperature changes. When the enamel erodes, these become exposed and cause tooth sensitivity.
The Pulp Chamber
The core of the tooth is the pulp chamber, where the blood vessels and nerves are. The pulp is what makes a tooth alive and how we feel the temperature of our food. It’s also how we feel pain when something’s wrong with the tooth. Don’t ignore tooth pain; it’s the body’s natural warning sign that it’s time to see the dentist!
The Roots of the Teeth
Underneath the gumline are the roots of our teeth, which are longer than the crowns and anchored in the jawbone. They are cushioned and held in place by the periodontal membrane between them and the bone. Roots don’t have enamel to protect them; the gum tissue does that (as long as it’s healthy) and they are coated in a calcified layer called cementum. At the tip of each root is a tiny hole through which blood vessels and nerves can reach the pulp chamber.
Keep Those Teeth Healthy From the Roots to the Crowns!
Every part of the tooth, from the enamel to the pulp, from the crown to the supporting periodontal structures, needs to stay healthy. Keep brushing and flossing to protect the enamel and gums, and don’t forget your regular dental appointments! | JE, UNAJUA sehemu za jino la binadamu ni zipi? Tunapenda kukupa somo la haraka la anatomia ya meno, kwa sababu kadiri wagonjwa wanavyojua zaidi juu ya meno yao, ndivyo watakavyoelewa umuhimu wa mazoea mazuri ya afya ya meno kama kusafisha, kutumia kitambaa, na kuepuka vyakula vyenye sukari. Tutaanza katika taji na kufanya kazi njia yetu chini ya mizizi. Sehemu ya tatu ya taji la meno ni taji la meno, ambayo ni sehemu ya juu ya meno ambayo inaonekana. Hebu tuchunguze kila moja kwa makini zaidi. Safu ya nje zaidi ya jino ni safu ya enamel. Enamel ya meno ni ya inorganic hydroxyapatite, ambayo ni ngumu zaidi katika mwili. Tunahitaji kuwa hivyo ili tuweze kutafuna chakula kinachohitajiwa kwa maisha yetu yote! Hata hivyo, kwa sababu ni isiyo ya kikaboni, enamel haiwezi kurekebisha au kubadilisha yenyewe ikiwa imeharibika au kuharibiwa sana. Pia ni hatari sana kwa asidi. Hiyo ndiyo sababu ni muhimu sana kusafisha meno, kutumia kitambaa cha meno, kupunguza vyakula na vinywaji vyenye asidi na sukari, na kusafishwa kwa ukawaida na wataalamu! Safu inayofuata ya taji ni dentin, ambayo inafanana sana na mfupa. Ni manjano zaidi kuliko enamel na kuna zaidi yake katika meno ya watu wazima kuliko meno ya watoto (kama umegundua kwamba meno mapya ya watu wazima yanaonekana manjano zaidi kuliko meno ya watoto, hiyo ndiyo sababu). Vipande vidogo vya meno vinafanya kazi katika meno, na hivyo neva zilizo katikati ya meno huweza kutambua mabadiliko ya joto. Wakati enamel inapoharibika, hizo hufunuliwa na kusababisha udhaifu wa meno. Chumba cha Pulp - Chumba cha Pulp ni sehemu ya msingi ya meno ambayo ina mishipa ya damu na neva. Pulp ni sehemu ya meno ambayo hufanya mwili uwe na nguvu na ambayo hufanya mwili uwe na nguvu za kupima joto la chakula. Pia ndivyo tunavyohisi maumivu wakati kuna tatizo na jino. Usipuuze maumivu ya meno; ni ishara ya kiasili ya mwili ya onyo kwamba ni wakati wa kumwona daktari wa meno! Chini ya gumline ni mizizi ya meno yetu, ambayo ni ndefu kuliko taji na imewekwa katika mfupa wa taya. Vipuli hivyo huhifadhiwa na kushikiliwa mahali pake na utando wa meno ulio kati ya vipuli hivyo na mfupa. Mizizi haina enamel kuwalinda; tishu ya gum hufanya hivyo (kwa muda mrefu kama ni afya) na wao ni coated katika safu calcified aitwaye cementum. Kwenye ncha ya kila mizizi kuna shimo dogo ambalo mishipa ya damu na neva zinaweza kupitia. Weka Meno Yako Yakiwa Na Afya Kutoka Mizizi Hadi Vipande vya Meno! Kila sehemu ya jino, kuanzia enamel hadi pulp, kutoka taji hadi miundo ya periodontal inayounga mkono, inahitaji kubaki na afya. Endelea kupiga mswaki na kutumia kitambaa cha meno ili kulinda enamel na taya, na usisahau kwenda kwa ukawaida kwa daktari wa meno! | <urn:uuid:239458e3-feec-40c2-9e4e-fc80941e7cd4> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://perryvilleroaddentist.com/the-anatomy-of-human-teeth/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Published: 1 November 2023
The incidence rate for mouth cancer in Wales is increasing year on year since 2002, a new report has outlined.
The Analysis of Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer Rates in Wales report found that in 2002 the reported number of new cases was 171, but this has steadily increased. The number of new cases has exceeded 300 per annum for the last decade and, in 2018, reached its highest incidence of 365.
The number of new cases each year for men is nearly double that of women, with most cases seen from the age of 40 years of age. Incidence of mouth cancer peaks between 60 and 69 years of age.
Mortality data from 2002 to 2021 shows a steady increase in the number of deaths from mouth cancer. In 2002, the number of deaths was 57, but by 2021 this had almost doubled to 103.
Evidence suggests that smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, exposure to sunlight (lip) and not eating enough fruit and vegetables all increase the risk of oral cancer. There is also evidence of a link between human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and oral cancers.
Early detection and treatment of mouth cancers increase survival rates. It is important for public and health professionals to be aware of early signs and symptoms which include:
Ulcers and swelling in the mouth that do not heal within three weeks.
Pain in the mouth.
Red or white patches in the mouth or throat.
A lump in the neck.
Unexplained weight loss.
Professor Paul Brocklehurst, Consultant in Dental Public Health at Public Health Wales, said: “The rising prevalence of oral and pharyngeal cancer has been a concerning trend observed by those working in public health for a number of years. While we are still seeing a steady increase in the number of deaths from mouth cancer, we have also observed a small improvement in survival rate at five years, although reoccurrence of the disease is not uncommon.
“As with all cancers, early diagnosis means early treatment to target cancers before they spread. If anyone notices one of the warning signs, they should either see their dental professional or their GP. It is also essential to attend routine dental check ups as dental professionals are trained to spot the early signs of mouth cancer.” | "Kama ilivyotangazwa mnamo Novemba 1, 2021, ""kiwango cha maambukizi ya saratani ya mdomo nchini Wales ni kuongezeka kila mwaka tangu 2002, ripoti mpya imeelezea." Kwa mujibu wa ripoti ya Analytical of Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer Rates in Wales, idadi ya wagonjwa wa saratani ya mdomo na pua nchini Wales imepungua kwa asilimia 171, na idadi ya wagonjwa wa saratani ya mdomo na pua imepungua kwa asilimia 171. Idadi ya visa vipya vya ugonjwa huo imezidi 300 kwa mwaka kwa miaka kumi iliyopita na mwaka 2018 ilifikia kiwango cha juu cha 365. Idadi ya watu wanaopata ugonjwa huo kila mwaka ni mara mbili ya idadi ya wanawake, na zaidi ya watu wote wanaopata ugonjwa huo ni watu wenye umri wa miaka 40. Kiwango cha juu cha saratani ya mdomo ni kati ya miaka 60 na 69. Takwimu za vifo kutoka 2002 hadi 2021 zinaonyesha ongezeko la idadi ya vifo kutokana na kansa ya mdomo. Mwaka 2002 idadi ya watu waliokufa ilikuwa 57, lakini kufikia mwaka 2021 ilikuwa imepanda mara mbili hadi 103. Utafiti unaonyesha kwamba kuvuta sigara, kunywa pombe, kuathiriwa na jua (kinywa) na kutokula matunda na mboga za kutosha huongeza hatari ya kansa ya mdomo. Pia kuna uthibitisho wa uhusiano kati ya maambukizo ya virusi vya HPV na kansa ya mdomo. Kugundua na kutibu mapema kansa ya mdomo huongeza viwango vya kuishi. Ni muhimu kwa umma na wataalamu wa afya kuwa na ufahamu wa dalili za mapema na dalili ambazo ni pamoja na: Ulcer na uvimbe katika mdomo ambao hauponywi ndani ya wiki tatu. Maumivu kinywani. Vipande vya rangi nyekundu au nyeupe katika mdomo au koo. Kundu kwenye shingo. Kupoteza uzito bila sababu. Profesa Paul Brocklehurst, Mshauri wa Afya ya Umma ya Meno katika Afya ya Umma Wales, alisema: "Kuongezeka kwa ugonjwa wa saratani ya mdomo na pharyngeal imekuwa mwelekeo wa wasiwasi ulioonekana na wale wanaofanya kazi katika afya ya umma kwa miaka kadhaa. "Wakati huo huo, ""tunaona ongezeko la idadi ya vifo kutokana na saratani ya mdomo, lakini pia tumeona uboreshaji mdogo katika kiwango cha kuishi baada ya miaka mitano, ingawa kurudia kwa ugonjwa huo sio jambo lisilo la kawaida.""" <unk>Kama ilivyo na kansa zote, utambuzi wa mapema unamaanisha matibabu ya mapema ya kulenga kansa kabla ya kuenea. Ikiwa mtu yeyote ataona dalili za kuonya, wanapaswa kumwona mtaalamu wao wa meno au daktari wao wa jumla. Pia ni muhimu kuhudhuria uchunguzi wa kawaida wa meno kwa kuwa wataalamu wa meno wamefundishwa kutambua dalili za mapema za kansa ya mdomo. <unk> | <urn:uuid:cda93c52-bbc9-4366-8a93-54ea060417ae> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://phw.nhs.wales/news/report-outlines-continuing-increases-in-oral-cancer-rates-in-wales/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Programming the smart home: 'If this, then that'
Homes already have intelligent devices beyond the TV remote—garage door openers, coffee makers, laundry machines, lights, HVAC—but each has its own arcane steps for programming. User research now shows that "trigger-action programming" could give users a reliable and simple way to control everything, as easy as "If this, then that."
The idea of a smart home sounds promising enough. Who doesn't want a house full of automated gadgets—from light switches to appliances to heating systems—that know exactly when to turn on, turn off, heat up or power down?
But in order for all those devices to do what they're supposed to do, they'll need to be programed—a task the average homeowner might not have the interest or the tech-savvy to perform. And nobody wants to call tech support just to turn on a light.
A group of computer science researchers from Brown and Carnegie Mellon universities may have found a workable programming solution. Through a series of surveys and experiments, the researchers show that a style of programming they term "trigger-action programming" provides a powerful and intuitive means of talking to smart home gadgets.
The research was presented today at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2014) in Toronto. The work was co-authored by Blase Ur, a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon, Brown undergraduates Melwyn Pak Yong Ho and Elyse McManus, and Michael Littman, professor of computer science at Brown.
The trigger-action paradigm is already gaining steam on the web. It's used perhaps most prominently on the website IFTTT.com (If This, Then That), which helps people automate tasks across various Internet services. Users create "recipes" using simple if-then statements—for example: "If somebody tags me in a Facebook photo, then upload it to Instagram." The website interfaces with both service providers, and the action happens automatically each time it's triggered.
IFTTT.com started out as a tool to link websites, but it has recently added the capability to command a few internet-connected devices, like Belkin's WeMo power outlet and the Philips Hue lightbulb. That got Littman and his team thinking perhaps the trigger-action model employed by IFTTT might be a good fit for home automation.
"As a programming model, it's simple and there are real people using it to control their devices," Littman said. "But the question we asked in this paper was: Does it work for the [home automation] tasks people want to do, or is it perhaps too simple?"
To find out, the researchers started by asking workers on Mechanical Turk, Amazon's crowdsourcing marketplace, what they might want a hypothetical smart home to do. Then the team evaluated answers from 318 respondents to see if those activities would require some kind of programming, and if so, whether the program could be expressed as triggers and actions.
The survey responses varied from the mundane ("start the coffee pot from the bedroom") to the outlandish ("I would want my home to be able to shoot lasers at intruders."). A majority of activities people wanted—"Notify me when my pet gets out of the back yard" or "Start brewing coffee 15 minutes before my alarm"—would require some kind of programming to get the devices on the same page as the user. Most of the programming tasks fit nicely into the trigger-action format, the survey found. Seventy-eight percent of responses could be expressed as a single trigger and a single action. Another 22 percent involved some combination of multiple triggers or multiple actions.
The next step for the researchers was to see how well people could actually design recipes to accomplish tasks. To do that, they used two interfaces designed by McManus, one of the undergraduate researchers, and enlisted Mechanical Turkers to make recipes with the interfaces.
"We based both [interfaces] on 'If This Then That,'" McManus said. "But then we made one of them slightly more complex, so you could add multiple triggers and multiple actions."
The study showed that participants were able to use both interfaces—the simpler one and the one with multiple triggers and actions—fairly well. Participants who didn't have any programming experience performed just as well on the tasks as those who did.
Taken together, the researchers say, the results suggest that trigger-action programming is flexible enough to do what people want a smart home to do, and simple enough that non-programmers can use it. Melwyn Pak, one of the Brown undergraduates on the project, finds that encouraging.
"People are more than ready to have some form of finer control of their devices," he said of the results. "You just need to give them a tool that allows them to operate those devices in an intuitive way."
Littman, who has been studying end-user programming of electronic devices for several years, agrees.
"We live in a world now that's populated by machines that are supposed to make our lives easier, but we can't talk to them," he said. "Everybody out there should be able to tell their machines what to do. This paper is our attempt to start thinking about how to bridge that gap."
Provided by Brown University | Programu ya nyumba ya akili: 'Ikiwa hii, basi hiyo' Nyumba tayari zina vifaa vya akili zaidi ya TV remote - kufungua mlango wa karakana, watengenezaji wa kahawa, mashine za kufulia nguo, taa, HVAC - lakini kila moja ina hatua zake za siri kwa programu. "Utafiti wa watumiaji sasa unaonyesha kwamba ""programu ya hatua ya trigger"" inaweza kuwapa watumiaji njia ya kuaminika na rahisi ya kudhibiti kila kitu, rahisi kama ""Ikiwa hii, basi hiyo.""" Wazo la nyumba yenye akili laonekana kuwa lenye kuahidi. Nani hataki nyumba kamili ya vifaa vya kiotomatiki - kutoka swichi za taa kwa vifaa kwa mifumo ya joto - ambayo wanajua hasa wakati wa kuwasha, kuzima, joto juu au nguvu chini? Lakini ili vifaa vyote kufanya kile wanachotakiwa kufanya, watahitaji kuwa programu - kazi ya wastani mmiliki wa nyumba inaweza kuwa na maslahi au tech-savvy kufanya. Hakuna mtu anayetaka kuwasiliana na msaada wa kiufundi ili tu kuwasha taa. Watafiti wa Sayansi ya Kompyuta kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha Brown na Carnegie Mellon wamegundua njia ya kuunda programu. "Kwa njia ya mfululizo wa tafiti na majaribio, watafiti wanaonyesha kwamba mtindo wa programu wanaouita ""trigger-action programming"" hutoa njia yenye nguvu na ya kawaida ya kuzungumza na vifaa vya nyumbani vya smart." Utafiti huo ulifanywa katika mkutano wa Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) uliofanyika Toronto, Canada. Utafiti huo ulifanywa na Blase Ur, mwanafunzi wa shahada ya kwanza katika Chuo Kikuu cha Carnegie Mellon, na wanafunzi wa Brown Melvin Pak-Yong Ho na Elise McManus, na Michael Littman, profesa wa sayansi ya kompyuta katika Chuo Kikuu cha Brown. Mfano wa hatua ya kuchochea tayari unapata mvuke kwenye mtandao. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, hii ni moja ya njia za ""kufanya kazi"" za IFTTT, ambayo ni njia ya kuwezesha kazi za moja kwa moja katika huduma mbalimbali za mtandao." Watumiaji huunda "mapishi" kwa kutumia taarifa rahisi za ikiwa-basi - kwa mfano: "Ikiwa mtu ananiweka alama kwenye picha ya Facebook, kisha upakue kwenye Instagram". Tovuti interfaces na watoa huduma wote, na hatua hutokea moja kwa moja kila wakati ni triggered. Ift.com ilianza kama chombo cha kuunganisha tovuti, lakini hivi karibuni imeongeza uwezo wa kuamuru vifaa vichache vilivyounganishwa kwenye mtandao, kama vile duka la umeme la Belkin's WeMo na balbu ya Philips Hue. Littman na timu yake walifikiria kuwa mfano wa trigger-action unaotumiwa na IFTTT unaweza kuwa mzuri kwa automatisering ya nyumbani. "Kama mfano wa programu, ni rahisi na kuna watu halisi kutumia yake kudhibiti vifaa vyao", Littman alisema. "Lakini swali tulilouliza katika karatasi hii lilikuwa: Je, inafanya kazi kwa [automation ya nyumbani] kazi ambazo watu wanataka kufanya, au labda ni rahisi sana?" Kwa mfano, watafiti waliuliza wafanyikazi wa Mechanical Turk, soko la Amazon la usambazaji wa umati, nini wanaweza kutaka nyumba ya akili ya kufikiria ifanye. Kisha timu hiyo ilichunguza majibu ya washiriki 318 ili kuona kama shughuli hizo zingehitaji aina fulani ya programu, na ikiwa ndivyo, ikiwa programu inaweza kuelezwa kama vichocheo na vitendo. "Jibu la utafiti huo lilitofautiana kutoka kwa kawaida (""anza chungu cha kahawa kutoka chumba cha kulala") hadi ya ajabu ("Ningependa nyumba yangu iwe na uwezo wa kupiga laser kwa wavamizi."")." "Mengi ya shughuli watu walitaka - ""Nijulishe wakati pet yangu anapata nje ya nyuma ya bustani"" au ""Kuanza brewing kahawa dakika 15 kabla ya alarm yangu"" - ingekuwa zinahitaji aina fulani ya programu ya kupata vifaa juu ya ukurasa huo kama mtumiaji." Uchunguzi huo uligundua kwamba kazi nyingi za programu zinafaa vizuri katika muundo wa kitendo cha kuchochea. Asilimia sabini na nane ya majibu yangeweza kuelezwa kama kichocheo kimoja na hatua moja. Kwa asilimia 22 ya watu waliohusika, kulikuwa na mchanganyiko wa mambo mengi yaliyokuwa yakisababisha ugonjwa huo. Hatua ya pili kwa watafiti ilikuwa kuona jinsi watu wanavyoweza kubuni mapishi ya kutimiza kazi. Kwa kufanya hivyo, walitumia viunganishi viwili vilivyobuniwa na McManus, mmoja wa watafiti wa shahada ya kwanza, na kuajiri Mechanical Turkers kutengeneza mapishi na viunganishi. "Tuliweka [interfaces] zote mbili juu ya 'Ikiwa Hii Kisha Hiyo,'" McManus alisema. "Lakini kisha tukafanya moja yao kuwa ngumu zaidi, ili uweze kuongeza vichocheo vingi na vitendo vingi". Utafiti huo ulionyesha kwamba washiriki walikuwa na uwezo wa kutumia wote interface - moja rahisi na moja na triggers nyingi na vitendo - haki vizuri. Washiriki ambao hawakuwa na uzoefu wowote wa programu walifanya vizuri sana katika kazi hizo kama wale ambao walikuwa wamefanya hivyo. Kwa pamoja, matokeo yanaonyesha kwamba programu ya kuamsha-hatua ni rahisi kutosha kufanya kile watu wanataka nyumba ya akili ifanye, na rahisi kutosha kwamba wasio programu wanaweza kuitumia. Melwyn Pak, mmoja wa wanafunzi wa Brown wanaofanya kazi hiyo, anaona jambo hilo kuwa lenye kutia moyo. "Watu wako tayari zaidi kuwa na aina fulani ya udhibiti bora wa vifaa vyao", akasema kuhusu matokeo hayo. "Lazima tu uwape kifaa kinachowaruhusu kutumia vifaa hivyo kwa njia ya moja kwa moja". Littman, ambaye amekuwa akijifunza programu za watumiaji wa mwisho wa vifaa vya elektroniki kwa miaka kadhaa, anakubaliana na hilo. """Tunaishi katika ulimwengu ambao umejaa mashine ambazo zinapaswa kufanya maisha yetu kuwa rahisi, lakini hatuwezi kuzungumza nao." "Kila mtu huko nje anapaswa kuwa na uwezo wa kuwaambia mashine zao nini cha kufanya. Karatasi hii ni jaribio letu la kuanza kufikiria jinsi ya kuziba pengo hilo". Inatolewa na Chuo Kikuu cha Brown | <urn:uuid:86509248-ddc2-491a-9178-d50e7d56110d> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://phys.org/news/2014-04-smart-home.html | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Puberty and Teenage Mental Health
We are seeing many cases of children having high levels of stress or depression in their teenage years. Fear and the lack of control are the leading causes of teenage mental health—learn more with Positive Reset Mental Health Clinic now.
What Is Puberty?
Puberty is a common transition from childhood to adulthood, causing various physical and hormonal changes. There are also social and behavioral changes along with physical and hormonal changes. Thus, it makes the life of teens a bit more complex.
Signs Of Puberty
Whenever children go through puberty and teenage mental health, the physical changes are apparent, but they are some emotional changes that you should know. It may cause severe emotional changes in teens. These signs are as follows;
Developing persistence and noticeable changes in teenage like aggressiveness.
Bad eating or overeating habits may cause weight gain, obesity, or many eating disorders.
Because of uncontrolled behavior, they may adopt self-harming behavior. However, it may cause severe injuries.
Lack of energy and motivation resulted in less interest in school, friends, and hobbies.
There are more chances of adopting challenging or risky behavior.
Almost all the body organs and functions change whenever children go to puberty. Nearly all the hormones are secreted in a large volume at this age, or you can say at the teenage.
How does Puberty Affect Teenage Mental Health?
Mood changes are an obvious thing for teenagers. But how can you decide which signs are for mental illness in teens? Mental illness is so apparent in teenage children that you can’t imagine. But most of these are treatable, and there is nothing to worry about.
Moreover, there are seven symptoms of puberty and mental health that you should know about teens. Physicians have ways to determine teenage mental health. The symptoms on which the physicians focus are as follows;
Production of a new guilt
Changes in focus and completing any task
If a teenager is experiencing any five of these symptoms, they may suffer from a high level of depression and be diagnosed quickly. But the symptoms must persist for weeks at least to take it seriously.
Types Of Mental Illnesses in Teens
Generally, there are various teenage mental illnesses in children after puberty. However, the following are the main illnesses that we should know about.
The first is depression, in which children feel anxiety, sadness, or emptiness.
The second is generalized anxiety, in which the children may feel grieved or sad because of everyday issues.
The third is social phobias, in which children feel insecure while involved in social gatherings.
Why Are Teens More Depressed After Puberty?
Puberty is a difficult time for teenagers, as with physical growth; there is also the growth of psychological maturity. In simple words, children at this stage push themselves away from their families and make connections with friends and others to live independently.
According to physicians, these changes may lead to high levels of depression. Based on various studies, it is estimated that children at the age of ten may have 2% depression. However, children between the age of about 10-14 may have a 5% to 8% depression ratio. Moreover, the symptoms of teenagers being in depression are as follows.
Loss of interest in school
Adopt risky behavior
Fear of being an orphan
Difficulty in sleeping
A massive amount of guilt
Changes in weight
Difficulty in concentration
However, various factors for puberty and teenage mental health may put your children in depression at puberty, suggesting that you may want to look into child and adolescent therapy for your kid. These or as follows.
There are different hormones for girls and boys that may lead to depression. In girls, a hormone named estrogen is released at puberty. It increases to a high level and causes an increase in depression. Similarly, a hormone called testosterone is released in boys, which causes an increase in depression.
According to a study, physical development in the middle of puberty may cause depression in teenagers. Moreover, it is the main factor that causes depression in teenagers.
Timing of Puberty
The timing of puberty also plays a role in teenagers’ depression. Early or late onset of puberty may cause an increase in depression in children. These children may have more depressed behavior than those who gain puberty at a normal time.
Social relationships and academic work become more complex for children at puberty compared to earlier. Thus, these stressful life events may cause increased depression in teenagers.
Teenage Mental Health Treatment After Puberty
According to our study, children having less depression after puberty have chances to cure it conveniently. However, in case of a moderate or swear condition, depression is treated with the help of antidepressants and psychotherapies. However, two types of psychotherapies are used for this type of depression. These are as follows;
Some children may have depression because of their cognitive behaviors. For this, physicians apply cognitive behavior therapy to treat children. In this therapy, physicians identify the cognitive behavior patterns linked with depression.
Other children may have depression because of relationship problems. So, this therapy foxes on the issues of relationships children have in their teenage years after puberty. Children’s depression may be caused by having poor connections and the termination of any vital relationship.
For puberty and teenage mental health, taking precautions for your children at this age is necessary. A caring and supportive environment can let teenagers not be in depression. We hope you have all the information that will help you to take precautions for your children. Contact us to learn more!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is puberty, and why is it crucial for teenagers?
Puberty is a significant transition marking physical, hormonal, and behavioral changes in teens. Understanding these changes is vital for parents to support their children’s journey to adulthood.
What signs of puberty should parents in New Jersey be aware of?
Puberty signs include heightened aggression, eating habit changes, self-harming tendencies, energy loss, and engagement in risky behavior. Recognizing these signs is crucial for New Jersey parents to provide necessary support.
How does puberty impact teenage mental health?
Puberty triggers emotional shifts, and mental health concerns may arise. Teens experiencing guilt, focus changes, sleep disturbances, and suicidal thoughts may require professional attention for mental well-being.
What types of mental illnesses can affect teens after puberty?
Common mental illnesses include depression, generalized anxiety, and social phobias. Parents should be vigilant for signs and consider child and adolescent therapy for effective intervention.
Why are teens more prone to depression after experiencing puberty?
Puberty introduces complex psychological and social changes. Teens may exhibit signs like loss of interest, self-harm thoughts, risky behavior, and difficulty sleeping, requiring parents’ attention and potential therapy.
What role do hormones play in teenage depression after puberty?
Hormones like estrogen and testosterone surge during puberty, impacting mood. Understanding these hormonal shifts is crucial for parents seeking to address and manage teenage depression effectively.
How does physical development during puberty contribute to teenage depression?
Physical changes during puberty may contribute to depression in teens. Acknowledging the interplay between physical and mental health is essential for parents navigating their child’s well-being.
Does the timing of puberty affect teenage depression?
Yes, the timing of puberty can influence depression rates in teens. Early or late puberty onset may lead to increased depression, emphasizing the importance of parental awareness and support.
What life events contribute to teenage depression after puberty?
Increased social complexities and academic pressures post-puberty may contribute to depression in teens. Recognizing these stressors enables parents to provide essential support.
How is teenage mental health treated after puberty?
A combination of antidepressants and psychotherapies, such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy, proves effective. Tailored treatments address diverse causes, ensuring comprehensive care for teens.
What is Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and how does it benefit teens?
Cognitive Behavior Therapy focuses on identifying and addressing negative thought patterns in teens. This therapeutic approach aims to rewire cognitive behaviors, aiding in managing and alleviating depression.
Can interpersonal therapy help teens struggling with depression after puberty?
Yes, interpersonal therapy addresses relationship-related depression in teens. Focusing on interpersonal challenges, this therapy aids in resolving issues contributing to mental health concerns.
Why is creating a supportive environment crucial for teens navigating puberty?
A caring and supportive atmosphere is vital for teens during puberty. It fosters resilience, reducing the risk of depression, and provides a foundation for a healthy transition to adulthood.
How can parents take precautions for their teens' mental health during puberty?
Parents can take precautions by fostering open communication, recognizing signs of mental health issues, and seeking professional help when needed. A proactive approach ensures a supportive environment.
What information is crucial for parents to understand about puberty and mental health?
Parents must grasp the emotional, physical, and hormonal changes during puberty. This understanding enables them to navigate their teens’ mental health effectively and seek timely intervention.
How can parents learn more about supporting their teens through puberty and mental health challenges?
For additional insights and guidance on supporting teens through puberty, parents can contact us at Positive Reset Mental Health Clinic. | Ujana na Afya ya Akili ya Vijana: Kuna idadi kubwa ya watoto wanaosumbuliwa na matatizo ya akili wakati wa ujana. Hofu na ukosefu wa udhibiti ni sababu kuu za afya ya akili ya matineja <unk>juza zaidi na Positive Reset Mental Health Clinic sasa. Kipindi cha Kubalehe Ni Nini? Kipindi cha kubalehe ni kipindi cha kawaida cha kubadilika kutoka utotoni hadi utu uzima, kinachosababisha mabadiliko mbalimbali ya kimwili na ya homoni. Pia kuna mabadiliko ya kijamii na ya tabia pamoja na mabadiliko ya kimwili na ya homoni. Hivyo, hufanya maisha ya matineja yawe magumu zaidi. Wakati wa ujana, wakati wa ujana, na wakati wa ujana, mabadiliko ya kimwili ni dhahiri, lakini ni mabadiliko ya kihisia ambayo unapaswa kujua. Inaweza kusababisha mabadiliko makubwa ya kihisia-moyo katika matineja. Ishara hizi ni kama ifuatavyo; Kuendeleza uvumilivu na mabadiliko ya kuonekana katika matineja kama fujo. Mazoea mabaya ya kula au kula kupita kiasi yaweza kusababisha kuongezeka kwa uzito, kunenepa kupita kiasi, au matatizo mengi ya kula. Kwa sababu ya tabia isiyoweza kudhibitiwa, huenda wakaanza kujiumiza. Hata hivyo, inaweza kusababisha majeraha mabaya. Ukosefu wa nishati na kichocheo ulisababisha kupungua kwa kupendezwa na shule, marafiki, na vitumbuizo. Kuna uwezekano mkubwa zaidi wa kufuata mwenendo wenye changamoto au wenye hatari. Karibu viungo na kazi zote za mwili hubadilika kila wakati watoto wanapofikia umri wa kubalehe. Karibu homoni zote hutolewa kwa kiasi kikubwa katika umri huu, au unaweza kusema katika ujana. Ujana Huathirije Afya ya Akili ya Vijana? Mabadiliko ya hisia ni jambo la kawaida kwa matineja. Lakini unawezaje kuamua ni ishara gani za ugonjwa wa akili katika matineja? Ugonjwa wa akili ni dhahiri sana katika watoto matineja kwamba huwezi kufikiria. Lakini nyingi za matatizo hayo zinaweza kutibiwa, na hakuna haja ya kuwa na wasiwasi. Kuna dalili saba za kubalehe ambazo unapaswa kujua Madaktari wana njia za kujua afya ya akili ya matineja. Dalili za ugonjwa wa kushuka moyo ni kama ifuatavyo: Utoaji wa hatia mpya, mabadiliko ya umakini na kukamilisha kazi yoyote, ikiwa kijana ana dalili yoyote tano, anaweza kuwa na kiwango cha juu cha kushuka moyo na kugundua haraka. Lakini dalili hizo lazima zidumu kwa majuma kadhaa angalau ili zichukuliwe kwa uzito. Aina za Magonjwa ya Akili ya Vijana Kwa ujumla, kuna magonjwa mbalimbali ya akili ya vijana katika watoto baada ya kubalehe. Hata hivyo, zifuatazo ni magonjwa makuu ambayo tunapaswa kujua kuhusu. Ya kwanza ni mshuko wa moyo, ambapo watoto huhisi wasiwasi, huzuni, au upungufu. Jambo la pili ni wasiwasi wa kawaida, ambapo watoto wanaweza kuhisi huzuni au huzuni kwa sababu ya masuala ya kila siku. Tatu ni woga wa kijamii, ambapo watoto huhisi hawana usalama wanaposhiriki katika mikusanyiko ya kijamii. Kwa Nini Vijana Hushuka Moyo Zaidi Baada ya Kubalehe? Ujana ni wakati mgumu kwa matineja, kama ilivyo na ukuaji wa kimwili; pia kuna ukuaji wa ukomavu wa kisaikolojia. Kwa maneno mengine, watoto katika hatua hii hujitenga na familia zao na kufanya uhusiano na marafiki na wengine kuishi kwa kujitegemea. Kulingana na madaktari, mabadiliko hayo yanaweza kusababisha mshuko wa moyo. Kulingana na utafiti wa hivi karibuni, watoto wenye umri wa miaka 10 na zaidi wanaweza kuwa na ugonjwa wa kushuka moyo. Hata hivyo, watoto wenye umri wa miaka 10 hadi 14 wanaweza kuwa na kiwango cha kushuka moyo cha asilimia 5 hadi 8. Isitoshe, dalili za matineja walio na mshuko wa moyo ni kama ifuatavyo. Kupoteza maslahi ya shule, tabia hatari, hofu ya kuwa yatima, ugumu wa kulala, kiasi kikubwa cha hatia, mabadiliko ya uzito, ugumu wa kukaza fikira, na sababu mbalimbali za kubalehe na afya ya akili ya vijana zinaweza kuwafanya watoto wako kuwa na unyogovu wakati wa kubalehe. Hizi au kama ifuatavyo. Kuna homoni tofauti kwa wasichana na wavulana ambazo zaweza kusababisha mshuko wa moyo. Katika wasichana, homoni iitwayo estrojeni hutolewa wakati wa kubalehe. Inaongezeka hadi kiwango cha juu na husababisha ongezeko la mshuko wa moyo. Vivyo hivyo, homoni iitwayo testosterone hutolewa kwa wavulana, na hilo husababisha kuongezeka kwa mshuko wa moyo. Kulingana na utafiti mmoja, ukuzi wa kimwili katikati ya kubalehe waweza kusababisha mshuko wa moyo kwa matineja. Isitoshe, ni jambo kuu linalosababisha mshuko wa moyo kwa matineja. Wakati wa Kubalehe Wakati wa Kubalehe pia huchangia kushuka moyo kwa matineja. Kuanza mapema au kuchelewa kwa kubalehe kwaweza kusababisha kuongezeka kwa mshuko wa moyo kwa watoto. Huenda watoto hao wakawa na tabia ya kushuka moyo zaidi kuliko wale wanaopata kubalehe wakati wa kawaida. Mahusiano ya kijamii na kazi ya kitaaluma huwa ngumu zaidi kwa watoto katika kubalehe ikilinganishwa na hapo awali. Kwa hiyo, matukio hayo yenye mkazo ya maisha yaweza kusababisha mshuko wa moyo ulioongezeka kwa matineja. Matibabu ya Afya ya Akili ya Vijana Baada ya Kubalehe Kulingana na utafiti wetu, watoto walio na unyogovu mdogo baada ya kubalehe wana nafasi ya kuuponya kwa urahisi. Hata hivyo, katika hali ya kiasi au ya kulaani, mshuko wa moyo hutibiwa kwa msaada wa dawa za kukandamiza mshuko wa moyo na matibabu ya kisaikolojia. Hata hivyo, aina mbili za matibabu ya kisaikolojia hutumiwa kwa aina hii ya mshuko wa moyo. Hizi ni kama ifuatavyo; Baadhi ya watoto wanaweza kuwa na unyogovu kwa sababu ya tabia zao za utambuzi. Kwa sababu hiyo, madaktari hutumia tiba ya tabia ya utambuzi kutibu watoto. Katika tiba hiyo, madaktari hutambua tabia za utambuzi zinazohusiana na mshuko wa moyo. Watoto wengine huenda wakawa na mshuko wa moyo kwa sababu ya matatizo ya uhusiano. Kwa hiyo, tiba hii inazingatia masuala ya mahusiano ambayo watoto wana katika miaka yao ya ujana baada ya kubalehe. Huenda kushuka moyo kwa watoto kukasababishwa na uhusiano mbaya na kuvunjika kwa uhusiano wowote muhimu. Kwa ajili ya afya ya akili ya vijana, ni muhimu kuchukua tahadhari kwa watoto wako katika umri huu. Mazingira yenye kujali na yenye kutegemeza yaweza kuwazuia matineja wasiwe na mshuko wa moyo. Tunatarajia kuwa una habari zote ambazo zitakusaidia kuchukua tahadhari kwa watoto wako. Wasiliana nasi ili kujifunza zaidi! Maswali Yanayoulizwa Mara nyingi Kipindi cha Kubalehe Ni Nini, na Kwa Nini Ni Muhimu Kwa Vijana? Kipindi cha kubalehe ni badiliko kubwa linalowakilisha mabadiliko ya kimwili, ya homoni, na ya tabia katika matineja. Kuelewa mabadiliko haya ni muhimu kwa wazazi kuunga mkono safari ya watoto wao kuelekea utu uzima. Ni ishara gani za kubalehe ambazo wazazi katika New Jersey wapaswa kuwa na ufahamu? Ishara za kubalehe zinatia ndani jeuri iliyoongezeka, mabadiliko ya tabia ya kula, mwelekeo wa kujidhuru, kupoteza nishati, na kujiingiza katika tabia zenye hatari. Kutambua ishara hizi ni muhimu kwa wazazi wa New Jersey kutoa msaada unaohitajika. Ujana huathirije afya ya akili ya matineja? Kipindi cha kubalehe husababisha mabadiliko ya kihisia-moyo, na huenda kukawa na matatizo ya afya ya akili. Vijana wanaohisi hatia, wanabadilika-badilika, wanashindwa kulala vizuri, na wanafikiria kujiua huenda wakahitaji uangalifu wa mtaalamu ili wawe na afya ya akili. Ni magonjwa gani ya akili yanayoweza kuwaathiri matineja baada ya kubalehe? Magonjwa ya akili ya kawaida yanatia ndani kushuka moyo, wasiwasi wa jumla, na woga wa kijamii. Wazazi wapaswa kuwa macho kwa ishara na kufikiria matibabu ya watoto na matineja kwa ajili ya uingiliaji ufanisi. Kwa nini vijana huwa na mwelekeo wa kushuka moyo baada ya kufikia umri wa kubalehe? Kipindi cha kubalehe huleta mabadiliko magumu ya kisaikolojia na ya kijamii. Vijana wanaweza kuonyesha dalili kama vile kupoteza upendezi, mawazo ya kujidhuru, tabia ya hatari, na ugumu wa kulala, na hivyo kuhitaji uangalifu wa wazazi na matibabu ya uwezekano. Ni nini kinachohusika katika kushuka moyo kwa matineja baada ya kubalehe? Hormoni kama vile estrogen na testosterone huongezeka wakati wa kubalehe, na kuathiri hisia. Kuelewa mabadiliko hayo ya homoni ni muhimu kwa wazazi wanaotafuta kushughulikia na kusimamia mshuko wa moyo wa matineja kwa ufanisi. Jinsi gani ukuzi wa kimwili wakati wa kubalehe huchangia mshuko wa moyo wa matineja? Mabadiliko ya kimwili wakati wa kubalehe yaweza kuchangia mshuko wa moyo katika matineja. Kutambua mwingiliano kati ya afya ya kimwili na ya akili ni muhimu kwa wazazi kusafiri ustawi wa mtoto wao. Je, wakati wa kubalehe huathiri mshuko wa moyo wa matineja? Ndiyo, wakati wa kubalehe waweza kuathiri viwango vya kushuka moyo kwa matineja. Kuanza mapema au kuchelewa kwa kubalehe kunaweza kusababisha kushuka moyo, jambo linalokazia umuhimu wa wazazi kuwafahamu na kuwategemeza. Ni mambo gani yanayoweza kumfanya kijana awe na mshuko wa moyo baada ya kubalehe? Ugumu wa kijamii ulioongezeka na mkazo wa masomo baada ya kubalehe waweza kuchangia mshuko wa moyo katika matineja. Kutambua mambo hayo ya kusumbua huwawezesha wazazi kutoa utegemezo muhimu. Afya ya akili ya matineja hutibiwaje baada ya kubalehe? Mchanganyiko wa dawa za kukandamiza na matibabu ya kisaikolojia, kama vile Tiba ya Utendaji ya Utambuzi, huonekana kuwa yenye matokeo. Matibabu yaliyoboreshwa hushughulikia visababishi mbalimbali, na kuhakikisha utunzaji kamili kwa matineja. Tiba ya Ujuzi na Tabia ni nini, na inawanufaishaje matineja? Tiba ya Utendaji ya Utambuzi inazingatia kutambua na kushughulikia mifumo mbaya ya mawazo katika matineja. Njia hii ya matibabu inakusudia kurekebisha tabia za utambuzi, kusaidia katika kusimamia na kupunguza unyogovu. Je, tiba ya mahusiano ya kibinafsi yaweza kuwasaidia matineja wanaopambana na mshuko wa moyo baada ya kubalehe? Kwa kweli, matibabu ya mahusiano ya kibinafsi hutatua matatizo ya kushuka moyo yanayohusiana na mahusiano ya kimapenzi katika matineja. Kwa kukazia fikira matatizo ya watu, tiba hii husaidia kutatua matatizo yanayosababisha matatizo ya afya ya akili. Kwa nini ni muhimu kuunda mazingira yenye kutegemeza kwa ajili ya matineja wanaopitia kipindi cha kubalehe? Hali ya kujali na kuunga mkono ni muhimu kwa matineja wakati wa kubalehe. Inaimarisha uwezo wa kukabiliana na matatizo, hupunguza hatari ya kushuka moyo, na hutoa msingi wa mabadiliko yenye afya ya kuwa mtu mzima. Wazazi wanaweza kuchukua hatua za kujihadhari kwa afya ya akili ya matineja wao wakati wa kubalehe? Wazazi wanaweza kuchukua tahadhari kwa kukuza mawasiliano ya wazi, kutambua ishara za matatizo ya afya ya akili, na kutafuta msaada wa kitaaluma inapohitajika. Njia ya kuchochea huandaa mazingira yenye kutegemeza. Ni nini kinachohitajika kwa wazazi kuhusu kubalehe na afya ya akili? Wazazi wanapaswa kuelewa mabadiliko ya kihisia-moyo, ya kimwili, na ya homoni wakati wa kubalehe. Uelewa huu huwawezesha kusafiri afya ya akili ya matineja yao kwa ufanisi na kutafuta uingiliaji wa wakati unaofaa. Wazazi wanawezaje kuwasaidia vijana wao kukabiliana na matatizo ya kiakili? Kwa maelezo zaidi na mwongozo juu ya kusaidia vijana kupitia kubalehe, wazazi wanaweza kuwasiliana nasi katika Positive Reset Mental Health Clinic. | <urn:uuid:c3830031-e088-458b-962e-7b47f6113617> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://positivereseteatontown.com/puberty-and-teenage-mental-health/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
NASA Forges Martian Data-Exchange Arrangement With UAE Space Agency
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration announced that it has forged a Mars data-sharing pact with its counterpart in the United Arab Emirates. The scientific collaboration involves the exchange of information gleaned from probes currently orbiting the Red Planet, NASA said Tuesday.
The American space agency said that as part of the arrangement, it will be sharing with Emirati partners information sent back by its Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution probe. In return, the UAE will be supplying NASA with data from the Hope Probe mission.
The arrangement is expected to add value to both NASA’s MAVEN and the Emirates Mars Mission, as well as the scientific communities involved in analyzing the data the missions collect.
Shannon Curry, MAVEN’s principal investigator from the University of California, Berkeley, explained that although both missions are investigating Mars, MAVEN and Hope Probe are each exploring different aspects of the Martian atmosphere and upper-atmosphere system. It is expected that when combined, the two spacecraft can provide a better understanding of “the influence of the lower atmosphere on the escape to space of gas from the upper atmosphere.”
NASA said that MAVEN went into orbit around Mars in 2014. Its mission is to investigate the upper atmosphere and ionosphere of Mars, offering an insight into how the planet’s climate has changed over time.
Meanwhile, the EMM’s Hope Probe, which went into Mars orbit in 2021, is studying the relationship between the upper layer and lower regions of the Martian atmosphere, giving insight into the planet’s atmosphere at different times of the day and seasons.
Tags: Emirates Mars Mission Hope Probe MAVEN NASA science data Shannon Curry space spacecraft | NASA imefunga makubaliano ya kubadilishana data ya Mars na Shirika la Anga la UAE (U.A.E.) na shirika la kimataifa la anga na anga (NASA) limetangaza kuwa limefanya makubaliano ya kushiriki data ya Mars na shirika la kimataifa la anga la UAE. Ushirikiano huo wa kisayansi unahusisha kubadilishana habari zilizopatikana kutoka kwa chombo cha uchunguzi kinachozunguka sayari nyekundu, NASA ilisema. Shirika la anga la Marekani limesema kuwa kama sehemu ya mpango huo, litashiriki na washirika wa Emirates habari zilizotumwa na chombo cha Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution. Kwa kubadilishana, UAE itatoa NASA na data kutoka kwa ujumbe wa Hope Probe. Mkataba huo unatarajiwa kuongeza thamani kwa NASA's MAVEN na Emirates Mars Mission, pamoja na jamii za kisayansi zinazohusika katika kuchambua data ambazo misheni hizo hukusanya. Shannon Curry, mtafiti mkuu wa MAVEN kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha California, Berkeley, alielezea kwamba ingawa misheni zote mbili zinachunguza Mars, MAVEN na Hope Probe kila moja inachunguza mambo tofauti ya anga ya Mars na mfumo wa anga ya juu. NASA imesema kuwa MAVEN ilitembelea sayari ya Mars mwaka 2014. Kazi yake ni kuchunguza angahewa la juu na ionosphere ya Mars, kutoa ufahamu wa jinsi hali ya hewa ya sayari imebadilika kwa muda. "Kwa upande mwingine, ""Hope"" probe ya EMM, ambayo ilikwenda kwenye mzunguko wa Mars mwaka 2021, inajifunza uhusiano kati ya tabaka la juu na maeneo ya chini ya angahewa la Mars, ikitoa ufahamu wa angahewa la sayari wakati tofauti wa siku na misimu." "Mashine ya ""Mars Hope"" ya NASA, iliyoundwa na NASA, imewekwa kwenye anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga ya anga." | <urn:uuid:179ba522-2897-458a-acf1-d1eae386c79c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://potomacofficersclub.com/news/nasa-forges-martian-data-exchange-arrangement-with-uae-space-agency/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Artificial Intelligence: The Future and Your Place in It
The world outside prison walls is evolving at an unprecedented pace. One of the most significant drivers of this change is Artificial Intelligence (AI). While many in prison might have a vague idea about AI from movies or books, the real-world applications and implications are vast and ever-growing.
What is AI?
At its core, AI is a branch of computer science that aims to create machines that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. These tasks include problem-solving, recognizing patterns, understanding language, and making decisions.
Innovations in AI
While the concept of AI has been around for decades, recent advancements have brought it to the forefront of technology and business. Some innovations that might surprise you include:
– Healthcare: AI algorithms can now analyze medical images, predict patient trajectories, and even assist in surgeries.
– Autonomous Vehicles: Cars that can drive themselves are no longer science fiction. Companies like Tesla and Waymo are leading the charge in this space. I’ve been driving Tesla’s since 2018. The auto drive feature is especially helpful when navigating traffic. Soon, I anticipate all cars will help AI powered features like self-driving.
– Personal Assistant*: Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are AI-powered virtual assistants that help users with tasks like setting reminders, playing music, or answering questions.
The Growing Demand for AI Jobs
As AI continues to permeate every sector, the demand for AI-related jobs is skyrocketing. One emerging role is that of an AI prompter, someone who can effectively communicate with and guide AI systems. This role requires a deep understanding of both the AI’s capabilities and the specific needs of the task at hand.
Our course, “Preparing for Success after Prison” Can Help!
Our course, “Preparing for Success after Prison,” is designed to equip you with the foundational skills and mindset needed to thrive in a world dominated by AI. Here’s how:
– Critical Thinking: AI is about problem-solving, and our course hones your ability to think critically and approach challenges methodically.
– Adaptability: The world of AI is ever-changing. Our course teaches you to be adaptable, a crucial trait for anyone looking to work in the AI space.
– Communication: As mentioned, roles like AI prompters are on the rise. Our course enhances your communication skills, preparing you to bridge the gap between humans and machines.
Your challenge: Think about how AI might impact your future career aspirations. How can you leverage the skills you’re learning now to thrive in an AI-driven world? Share your thoughts and plans with us by building a profile that memorializes your commitment to preparing for success upon release. Send an invite to [email protected] to get started.
In conclusion, AI is not just a buzzword; it’s the future. And with the right preparation, you can be a part of that future, turning challenges into opportunities.
Founder of Prison Professors | Akili bandia: Wakati Ujao na Mahali Pako Ndani Yao Ulimwengu nje ya kuta za gereza unabadilika kwa kasi isiyo na kifani. Moja ya madereva muhimu zaidi ya mabadiliko haya ni Akili bandia (AI). Ingawa wengi katika gereza wanaweza kuwa na wazo la kushangaza kuhusu AI kutoka kwa filamu au vitabu, matumizi ya ulimwengu halisi na athari ni kubwa na inayokua kila wakati. AI ni nini? AI ni tawi la sayansi ya kompyuta ambayo inakusudia kuunda mashine ambazo zinaweza kufanya kazi ambazo kwa kawaida zinahitaji akili ya binadamu. Kazi hizo zinatia ndani kutatua matatizo, kutambua mifumo, kuelewa lugha, na kufanya maamuzi. Uvumbuzi wa AI: Ingawa wazo la AI limekuwa karibu kwa miongo kadhaa, maendeleo ya hivi karibuni yamelileta mbele ya teknolojia na biashara. Baadhi ya uvumbuzi ambao unaweza kukushangaza ni pamoja na: <unk> Huduma za afya: algorithms AI sasa inaweza kuchambua picha za matibabu, kutabiri trajectories mgonjwa, na hata kusaidia katika upasuaji. Magari yenye kujiongoza yenyewe: Magari yanayoweza kuendesha gari yenyewe si hadithi za kubuniwa za kisayansi tena. Kampuni kama vile Tesla na Waymo zinaongoza katika nafasi hii. Nimekuwa nikiendesha gari la Tesla tangu 2018. Kipengele cha kuendesha gari kiotomatiki ni muhimu hasa wakati wa kusafiri katika trafiki. "Kama vile, ""karibu magari yote yatasaidia vifaa vya AI kama vile kuendesha gari yenyewe.""" Siri, Alexa, na Msaidizi wa Google ni wasaidizi wa AI ambao husaidia watumiaji na kazi kama kuweka ukumbusho, kucheza muziki, au kujibu maswali. Kwa sababu ya kuongezeka kwa mahitaji ya kazi za AI, mahitaji ya kazi zinazohusiana na AI yanaongezeka. Kazi ya AI ya kuongoza ni moja ambayo inaweza kuwasiliana na kuongoza mfumo wa AI. Jukumu hili inahitaji uelewa wa kina wa uwezo wote AI na mahitaji maalum ya kazi katika mkono. Kozi yetu, <unk>Jitayarishe kwa Mafanikio Baada ya Gereza<unk> Inaweza Kusaidia! Kozi yetu, "Kujitayarisha kwa Mafanikio Baada ya Gereza", imeundwa kukupa ujuzi wa msingi na mawazo yanayohitajika kufanikiwa katika ulimwengu unaotawaliwa na AI. Hii ni jinsi ya: Mawazo muhimu: AI ni kuhusu kutatua matatizo, na kozi yetu hones uwezo wako wa kufikiri kwa ukali na kukabiliana na changamoto methodically. <unk> Uwezo wa kubadilika: Ulimwengu wa AI unabadilika daima. Mazoezi haya yanafundisha jinsi ya kuwa na uwezo wa kubadilika, sifa muhimu kwa mtu yeyote anayetaka kufanya kazi katika uwanja wa AI. <unk> Mawasiliano: Kama ilivyoelezwa, majukumu kama vile AI prompters ni juu ya kuongezeka. Kozi yetu huongeza ujuzi wako wa mawasiliano, kukutayarisha kuunganisha pengo kati ya wanadamu na mashine. Kwa mfano, fikiria jinsi AI inaweza kuathiri matarajio yako ya kazi. Unawezaje kutumia ujuzi unaojifunza sasa ili kustawi katika ulimwengu unaoendeshwa na AI? Shiriki mawazo yako na mipango na sisi kwa kujenga profile ambayo inakuonyesha kujitolea kwako kwa ajili ya kuandaa kwa ajili ya mafanikio baada ya kutolewa. Tuma mwaliko kwa [email protected] ili uanze. Kwa kumalizia, AI si neno la kawaida tu; ni siku zijazo. Na kwa maandalizi sahihi, unaweza kuwa sehemu ya siku zijazo, kugeuza changamoto kuwa fursa. Mwanzilishi wa Maprofesa wa Gereza | <urn:uuid:46157b75-a681-40e0-b5ce-a7d1db659312> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://prisonprofessors.com/journal-entries/friday-october-27-2023-artificial-intelligence/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
A new conservation plan launched for eastern and central Africa definitely doesn’t skimp on chimps. And why should it? Humans do share about 98 percent of the same genes as chimpanzees.
So over a 10-year effort to save our shorter, hairier ape cousins, WCS and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature will work to protect 16 crucial areas wherein eastern chimpanzees number between 200,000 and 250,000.
That’s about 96 percent of all known chimpanzee populations.
Last August, more than 30 experts from 7 countries met in Uganda to develop an action plan to save these primates. Classified by IUCN as Endangered, eastern chimpanzees face threats from hunting, disease, kidnapping for the pet trade as well as habitat destruction via mining, farming and deforestation.
Illegal hunting and trafficking are two of the greatest threats to eastern chimpanzees. Through the action plans, conservationists hope to reduce the levels of these activities by half within most of the species range.
“In the next decade, we hope to minimize the threats to these populations and the ecological and cultural diversity they support,” said Andrew Plumptre, director of WCS’s Albertine Rift Program and the plan’s lead author.Through the ambitious plan, researchers will survey the chimp’s populations across their wild range, which includes the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, and Zambia. For more than 22,000 GPS-located points, wildlife experts will gather data on the chimpanzees—where they nest, where they eat, where they make noise. Unfortunately, the chimps frequent some places that are off-limits to the researchers due to violent conflict. To fill in these data gaps for these areas, the plan authors formulated predictive models to estimate the density of local chimpanzee populations.
Chimp conservationists also aim to deepen their understanding of the health risks to chimpanzee populations, including human-transmitted diseases, to encourage local community support for conservation, and to secure sustainable financing for chimpanzee conservation units.
“The plan will require considerable support from the global community—approximately $315,000 per chimpanzee conservation unit, or $5 million each year—but will ensure the continued survival of eastern chimpanzees in their natural habitats,” said Dr. James Deutsch of WCS-Africa.
The development of the Action Plan was funded by WCS through the generous support of the Arcus Foundation, a leading global philanthropic foundation advancing pressing conservation and social justice issues, and the Daniel K. Thorne Foundation.
Join more than one million wildlife lovers working to save the Earth's most treasured and threatened species.
Thanks for signing up | Mpango mpya wa uhifadhi uliozinduliwa kwa ajili ya Afrika mashariki na kati kwa hakika haupunguzi nyani. Na kwa nini ifanye hivyo? Kwa kweli, wanadamu wana asilimia 98 ya chembe za urithi zinazofanana na za chimpanzee. Kwa miaka 10 iliyopita, WCS na Umoja wa Kimataifa wa Uhifadhi wa Asili (IUCN) wamekuwa wakifanya kazi ya kulinda maeneo 16 muhimu ambapo chimpanzi wa mashariki wana idadi ya kati ya 200,000 na 250,000. Hiyo ni asilimia 96 ya idadi yote inayojulikana ya chimpansii. Wataalamu zaidi ya 30 kutoka nchi saba walikutana nchini Uganda mwezi Agosti ili kuandaa mpango wa kuokoa wanyama hao. Chimpanzee wa mashariki, ambao wamewekwa katika orodha ya wanyama walio hatarini, wanakabiliwa na vitisho vya kuwinda, magonjwa, utekaji nyara kwa ajili ya biashara ya wanyama wa kufugwa, na uharibifu wa makazi kupitia uchimbaji madini, kilimo na ukataji miti. Uwindaji haramu na biashara haramu ni hatari kubwa zaidi kwa chimpanzi wa mashariki. Kupitia mipango ya hatua, watetezi wa mazingira wanatarajia kupunguza viwango vya shughuli hizi kwa nusu ndani ya eneo kubwa la spishi. "Katika muongo ujao, tunatarajia kupunguza vitisho kwa idadi hii na utofauti wa ikolojia na kitamaduni wanaounga mkono, ""alisema Andrew Plumptre, mkurugenzi wa WCS Albertine Rift Program na mwandishi mkuu wa mpango huo. ""Kupitia mpango huo wa kutamani, watafiti watachunguza idadi ya chimp katika eneo lao la mwituni, ambalo linajumuisha Jamhuri ya Afrika ya Kati, Jamhuri ya Kidemokrasia ya Kongo, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania na Zambia." Katika maeneo zaidi ya 22,000 yaliyo na GPS, wataalamu wa wanyama wa porini watachunguza data kuhusu chimpanzees - mahali wanapofanya viota, mahali wanapokula, mahali wanapopiga kelele. Kwa kusikitisha, nyani hao hutembelea maeneo fulani ambayo watafiti hawawezi kufika kwa sababu ya mapigano makali. Ili kujaza mapungufu haya ya data kwa maeneo haya, waandishi wa mpango waliunda mifano ya utabiri ili kukadiria wiani wa idadi ya chimpanzee wa ndani. Wanasayansi wa uhifadhi wa chimpanzee pia wanakusudia kuimarisha uelewa wao wa hatari za afya kwa idadi ya chimpanzee, ikiwa ni pamoja na magonjwa yanayopitishwa na binadamu, kuhamasisha msaada wa jamii ya ndani kwa uhifadhi, na kupata fedha endelevu kwa vitengo vya uhifadhi wa chimpanzee. "Pili, mpango huo utahitaji msaada mkubwa kutoka kwa jamii ya kimataifa - karibu $ 315,000 kwa kila kitengo cha uhifadhi wa chimpanzee, au $ 5 milioni kila mwaka - lakini utahakikisha kuendelea kuishi kwa chimpanzees za mashariki katika mazingira yao ya asili, ""alisema Dk James Deutsch wa WCS-Africa." Mpango huo wa vitendo ulifadhiliwa na WCS kupitia msaada wa ukarimu wa Arcus Foundation, taasisi inayoongoza ya kimataifa ya misaada inayoendeleza masuala ya uhifadhi na haki ya kijamii, na Daniel K. Thorne Foundation. Kujiunga na zaidi ya milioni moja ya wapenzi wa wanyama wa porini kufanya kazi ili kuokoa spishi duniani zaidi thamani na hatarini. Asanteni kwa kujiunga | <urn:uuid:64e56b56-272f-459e-972d-d1e1990d6642> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://programs.wcs.org/press/News-Releases/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/4594/categoryId/146/A-Chance-for-a-Chimp.aspx | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Assignment 1: LASA 2: Ethnographic Comparison
Anthropologists are interested in framing broad hypotheses about human behavior. In order to do this, it is imperative to use examples from multiple cultures to ensure that their conclusions are not grounded in a single case.
In this assignment, you will be taking on the role of an ethnologist, using multiple ethnographic accounts to study human behavior and culture.
Do the following:
- Identify two to three societies to compare, such as an African society (for example, Ethiopian, Liberian, etc.), Indian, Chinese, Korean, or one of the many Native American groups (for example, the Cherokee, the Inuit, etc.).
- Choose one aspect of human culture discussed in the course:
- Domestic life and kinship
- Subsistence and economy
- Culture change
Using the module readings, Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, write a research paper to include the following:
- Describe the background information of each of the societies you have chosen. You need not analyze this background information, only provide details regarding these societies.
- Analyze the aspect of human culture you selected for each of the societies.
- Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the societies in relation to the topic you chose—for example, standard of living, education, or employment opportunities.
- Summarize and address human behavior in relation to your topic and based on your examples.
- Address the realities of life for the cultures you have examined.
- Examine some of the social problems and public policy issues that become apparent.
Your paper should have a title page as well as an introduction section. This introduction section should include the societies you selected as well as the human culture aspect you will be discussing and why it is relevant to anthropology. As an anthropologist, use relevant anthropological terms in your analysis.
Support your statements with examples and scholarly references.
Write a 4–6-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc.
By Week 5, Day 5, deliver your assignment to the M5: Assignment 1 Drop box.
Assignment 1 Grading Criteria
Write an introduction of the topic you chose and describe why it is relevant to anthropology.
Write background information on the 2–3 societies.
Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the societies in relation to the topic you chose.
Summarize and discuss human behavior in relation to your topic and based on your examples. | Lasa 2: Ethnographic Comparison: Wananthropolojia wana nia ya kuunda nadharia pana kuhusu tabia ya binadamu. Ili kufanya hivyo, ni muhimu kutumia mifano kutoka tamaduni nyingi ili kuhakikisha kwamba hitimisho lao si msingi katika kesi moja. Katika kazi hii, utachukua jukumu la mtaalamu wa jamii, ukitumia akaunti nyingi za etnographic kusoma tabia ya binadamu na utamaduni. Fanya yafuatayo: - Tambua jamii mbili hadi tatu kulinganisha, kama vile jamii ya Kiafrika (kwa mfano, Ethiopia, Liberia, nk. Wahindi, Wachina, Wakorea, au mojawapo ya vikundi vingi vya Wenyeji wa Asili wa Amerika (kwa mfano, Cherokee, Inuit, nk.). - Chagua kipengele kimoja cha utamaduni wa binadamu uliojadiliwa katika kozi: - Maisha ya nyumbani na ukoo - Utegemezi na uchumi - Mabadiliko ya utamaduni Kutumia masomo ya moduli, rasilimali za maktaba ya mtandaoni ya Chuo Kikuu cha Argosy, na mtandao, andika karatasi ya utafiti ili kujumuisha yafuatayo: - Eleza habari ya msingi ya kila jamii uliyochagua. Huna haja ya kuchambua habari hii ya msingi, tu kutoa maelezo kuhusu jamii hizi. - Chunguza sehemu ya utamaduni wa kibinadamu uliyochagua kwa kila jamii. - Linganisha na kulinganisha kufanana na tofauti kati ya jamii kuhusiana na mada uliyochagua - kwa mfano, kiwango cha maisha, elimu, au fursa za ajira. - Kufupisha na kushughulikia tabia ya binadamu kuhusiana na mada yako na kulingana na mifano yako. - Zungumzia mambo halisi ya maisha ya tamaduni ambazo umechunguza. - Kuchunguza baadhi ya matatizo ya kijamii na masuala ya sera za umma ambayo kuwa dhahiri. Karatasi yako inapaswa kuwa na ukurasa wa kichwa na pia sehemu ya utangulizi. Sehemu hii ya utangulizi inapaswa kujumuisha jamii ulizochagua na pia kipengele cha utamaduni wa binadamu utakachokuwa ukijadili na kwa nini ni muhimu kwa anthropolojia. Kama mtaalamu wa anthropolojia, tumia maneno yanayohusiana na anthropolojia katika uchambuzi wako. Tumia mifano na marejeo ya wasomi ili kuunga mkono maoni yako. Kuandika karatasi ya kurasa 46 katika muundo wa Neno. Tumia viwango vya APA kwa kutaja vyanzo. Tumia mkataba wa jina la faili ifuatayo: LastNameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc. Katika siku ya tano ya wiki, utoaji wa kazi yako kwa M5: Msaada wa 1 Drop Box. Mfano wa kwanza: Kuandika maelezo ya msingi ya mada ya anthropolojia na kuelezea kwa nini ni muhimu kwa anthropolojia. Kuandika habari ya msingi juu ya jamii za 2 <unk> 3. Linganisha na kulinganisha kufanana na tofauti kati ya jamii kuhusiana na mada uliyochagua. Fupisha na kuzungumzia tabia ya binadamu kuhusiana na mada yako na kulingana na mifano yako. | <urn:uuid:f83fbe2c-4dd1-47df-9ad4-b1a6cb390cd0> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://prudentprofessors.com/hum215-m5a1-lasa-2-ethnographic-comparison/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
South of Kefalonia, at a distance of half a nautical mile from the shores of Livathos, the rocky isle of Zeus rises. Sharp on all sides and imposing, it has been characterized by Professor Spyros Marinato as “Marine Meteora”. The name Zeus received it, because in antiquity there was an altar of god Zeus on the rocky island. It is said that sacrifices were made at the same time with the altar of Zeus, which was at the top of Mount Ainos, hence the name Anisios. The coordination was done with the view of smoke. The rocky island of Zeus during the British domination was a place of exile for clergy for intellectual and political reasons. Many priests, on account of the measures imposed by the English, were opposed and accused of pursuing popular uprisings against the English authorities. Indeed, in a specific civil matter, which had to do with the respected chronological system of civil status acts and was the object of the church, many priests resisted.
Very powerful were the Lixuri priests who, in order to be punished, were resisted in Zeus and the Vardians. On the island of Zeus, unknown when, and by whom, was founded the small monastery of Our Lady of Blacherna. There is no record of the monastery’s buildings, just by a photo I found on the Internet, which I publish, the buildings are shown and they are explained. But is that the case? The monastery’s income was minimal and was maintained by the charity of the Christians. Monks are found, three in 1805 and three in 1889. In the early 19th century, he lived there for quite some time, an exiled priest from Zakynthos. His name was Nikolaos Kantounis. Priest Nicholas Kantounis possessed the art of hagiography, and painted the little church. The presence of the Zakynthian priest in Zeus makes us believe that the exiles were not limited only to Kefalonia, but most probably to the other Ionian Islands. Another priest, N. Dracontiadis, went to Zeus and there he sat for several months where he maintained and cared for the monastery. His own is the construction of the hundred-foot stone staircase, and the small dock. In 1867, after a terrible earthquake, the monastery suffered great damage. Then the Lixuriotis Priest N. Dracontiadis, appealed to Metropolitan Spyridon Kontomovihalos and asked for his help for his repair. Following the priest’s urging, the Metropolitan sent the housekeeper, priest Makarios Fragato, to collect help to repair the damage.
Sources: Spyros Matiatos History of Kefalonia & Ithaca | Kusini mwa Kefalonia, umbali wa nusu maili ya baharini kutoka pwani ya Livathos, kisiwa chenye miamba cha Zeu kinatokea. Kwa kuwa ni mkali pande zote na wenye kuvutia, Profesa Spyros Marinato ameiita "Meteor ya Baharini". Jina Zeu lilipokea, kwa sababu katika nyakati za kale kulikuwa na madhabahu ya mungu Zeu kwenye kisiwa hicho cha miamba. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""dhabihu"" hizo zilitolewa wakati uleule kwenye madhabahu ya Zeu iliyokuwa juu ya Mlima Aenoni, na hivyo jina la Anisios lilitokana na madhabahu hiyo." Uratibu huo ulifanywa kwa mtazamo wa moshi. Kisiwa cha Zeus kilichokuwa na miamba wakati wa utawala wa Uingereza kilikuwa mahali pa uhamisho kwa makasisi kwa sababu za kiakili na kisiasa. Kwa sababu ya hatua zilizowekwa na Waingereza, makasisi wengi walipingwa na kushtakiwa kwa kuendeleza mapinduzi ya watu dhidi ya mamlaka ya Waingereza. Kwa kweli, katika jambo fulani la kiraia, ambalo lilihusiana na mfumo wa wakati ulioheshimiwa wa sheria za hali ya kiraia na ambalo lilikuwa jambo la kanisa, makasisi wengi walipinga. "Wakuu wa Lixuri walikuwa na nguvu sana, na ili kuadhibiwa, walishindana na Zeu na Wardi.""" Katika kisiwa cha Zeus, haijulikani ni lini, na na nani, ilianzishwa makao madogo ya watawa ya Mama Yetu wa Blacherna. Hakuna rekodi ya majengo ya makao ya watawa, tu kwa picha niliyopata kwenye mtandao, ambayo ninachapisha, majengo yanaonyeshwa na yanaelezwa. Lakini je, ndivyo ilivyo? Mapato ya makao ya watawa yalikuwa madogo sana na yalihifadhiwa na misaada ya Wakristo. Miongoni mwao ni watawa watatu waliopatikana mwaka 1805 na wengine watatu mwaka 1889. Katika karne ya 19 na 20, alisafiri kwa muda mrefu kutoka Zakynthos. Jina lake lilikuwa Nikolaos Kantounis. Kasisi Nicholas Kantounis alikuwa na sanaa ya hagiography, na kupakwa rangi kanisa ndogo. Uwepo wa mtawa wa Zakynthos katika Zeus unatufanya tuamini kwamba uhamisho haukuhusishwa tu na Kefalonia, lakini labda kwa Visiwa vingine vya Ionia. Mtakatifu N. Dracontiades, ambaye alikuwa mtawa wa zamani wa Zeus, alitumikia katika makao ya watawa. Yeye mwenyewe ndiye aliyejenga ngazi ya mawe yenye urefu wa meta mia moja, na bandari ndogo. Mnamo mwaka wa 1867, tetemeko kubwa la ardhi lilipiga makao ya watawa. Kisha Kasisi wa Lixuriotis N. Dracontiadis, alimkabili Metropolitan Spyridon Kontomovihalos na kumwomba amsaidie kurekebisha nyumba yake. Kwa kufuata mwito wa kasisi, Metropolitan alimtuma msimamizi wa nyumba, kasisi Makarios Fragato, kukusanya msaada wa kurekebisha uharibifu huo. Vyanzo: Spyros Matiatos Historia ya Kefalonia na Ithaca | <urn:uuid:9eb6a8aa-93c6-423e-a1e8-a32c2f146451> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://rayyachting.com/the-history-of-zeus-or-dias-island/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
To what extent do native and non-native writers make use of collocations?
Usage-based models claim that first language learning is based on the frequency-based analysis of memorised phrases. It is not clear though, whether adult second language learning works in the same way. It has been claimed that non-native language lacks idiomatic formulas, suggesting that learners neglect phrases, focusing instead on orthographic words. While a number of studies challenge the claim that non-native language lacks formulaicity, these studies have two important shortcomings: they fail to take account of appropriate frequency information and they pool the writing of different learners in ways that may mask individual differences. Using methodologies which avoid these problems, this study found that non-native writers rely heavily on high-frequency collocations, but that they underuse less frequent, strongly associated collocations (items which are probably highly salient for native speakers). These findings are consistent with usage-based models of acquisition while accounting for the impression that non-native writing lacks idiomatic phraseology. | Waandishi wenyeji na wasio wenyeji hutumiaje maneno ya pamoja? Mifano ya msingi wa matumizi inadai kwamba kujifunza lugha ya kwanza inategemea uchambuzi wa msingi wa mzunguko wa misemo iliyohifadhiwa. Hata hivyo, haijulikani wazi kama kujifunza lugha ya pili kwa watu wazima hufanya kazi kwa njia ileile. Inasemekana kwamba lugha zisizo za asili hazina formula za lugha, ikidokeza kwamba wanafunzi hupuuza misemo, wakikazia maneno ya maandishi. Ingawa utafiti kadhaa unapinga madai kwamba lugha zisizo za asili hazina formula, masomo haya yana mapungufu mawili muhimu: wanashindwa kuzingatia habari sahihi ya mzunguko na wanaunganisha maandishi ya wanafunzi tofauti kwa njia ambazo zinaweza kuficha tofauti za mtu binafsi. Kwa kutumia mbinu ambazo huepuka matatizo haya, utafiti huu uligundua kwamba waandishi wasio wa asili hutegemea sana collocations ya masafa ya juu, lakini kwamba hutumia chini ya mara kwa mara, collocations zinazohusiana sana (vitu ambavyo labda ni muhimu sana kwa wasemaji wa asili). Matokeo haya ni sawa na matumizi ya msingi mifano ya upatikanaji wakati akiba kwa hisia kwamba maandishi yasiyo ya asili haina idiomatic phraseology. | <urn:uuid:174e1738-6ef6-4401-8cdf-8b405960784f> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://repository.bilkent.edu.tr/items/835a37e6-b15d-493b-8ccd-67448063c12a | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Since being adopted by The English Football Association as the preferred format of football to be played by children aged 10 and under, mini soccer has evolved and expanded into a popular activity for children. Yet little is known about the experiences of those participating in the game. In addition, adult-organized activities such as mini soccer are increasingly seen by parents and adults as suitable pursuits for their children to participate in. Yet the perspective of the child participating in mini soccer, as with many other activities, is largely ignored in academic literature. This is especially true in the social sciences, where research has historically been done ‘on’ children, rather than ‘with’ children. In this study, we seek to address this imbalance by including children as active participants in the research process. In doing so, we devised a methodology based on audiovisual methods to create participatory conditions between children and researchers interested in investigating their experiences of mini soccer in England. Children were asked to identify aspects of their experience which they felt were noteworthy to create video recordings of critical incidents that directly involved them participating in mini soccer. These were used as a discussion tool in focus groups to explore how and why children felt the incidents were critical, and how their experience of them shaped their participation. The methodology employed helped capture children’s differentiated views of the same incidents, and highlighted the diversity of their experiences. It is recommended that similar audiovisual methodologies are employed to inform future policy and strategy development in grassroots football that includes children as participants. | Tangu kuanzishwa kwa soka la Uingereza kama mchezo unaopendwa na watoto wa umri wa miaka 10 na chini, soka ndogo imebadilika na kupanuka kuwa shughuli maarufu kwa watoto. Hata hivyo, mambo machache yanajulikana kuhusu mambo yaliyowapata wale walioshiriki katika mchezo huo. Kwa kuongezea, shughuli zilizopangwa na watu wazima kama vile mpira mdogo wa miguu zinaonekana zaidi na zaidi na wazazi na watu wazima kama shughuli zinazofaa kwa watoto wao kushiriki. Hata hivyo, mtazamo wa mtoto kushiriki katika mpira wa miguu mdogo, kama na shughuli nyingine nyingi, ni kwa kiasi kikubwa kupuuzwa katika fasihi ya kitaaluma. Hii ni kweli hasa katika sayansi ya kijamii, ambapo utafiti imekuwa kihistoria kufanyika "juu" watoto, badala ya "na" watoto. Katika utafiti huu, tunatafuta kushughulikia ukosefu huu wa usawa kwa kujumuisha watoto kama washiriki hai katika mchakato wa utafiti. Kwa kufanya hivyo, tulibuni mbinu inayotegemea mbinu za sauti na kuona ili kuunda hali za ushirikiano kati ya watoto na watafiti wanaopendezwa na kuchunguza uzoefu wao wa mpira mdogo nchini Uingereza. Watoto waliulizwa kutambua mambo ya uzoefu wao ambayo walihisi yalikuwa ya kuvutia kuunda rekodi za video za matukio muhimu ambayo yaliwahusisha moja kwa moja kushiriki katika mpira wa miguu mdogo. Majaribio hayo yalitumiwa kama chombo cha majadiliano katika vikundi vya kuzingatia kugundua jinsi na kwa nini watoto waliona matukio hayo kuwa muhimu, na jinsi uzoefu wao wa matukio hayo ulivyounda ushiriki wao. Mbinu iliyotumiwa ilisaidia kukamata maoni tofauti ya watoto juu ya matukio yaleyale, na ikasisitiza utofauti wa uzoefu wao. Inashauriwa kwamba mbinu sawa za sauti na picha zinatumiwa kuelimisha sera ya baadaye na maendeleo ya mkakati katika mpira wa miguu wa msingi ambao unajumuisha watoto kama washiriki. | <urn:uuid:24c327c6-b499-41cb-a7a5-76646ce5ab2a> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://research.edgehill.ac.uk/en/publications/childrens-voices-in-mini-soccer-an-exploration-of-critical-incide-2 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Introduction: The Dynamic Landscape of Global Trade Developments
Global trade developments play a pivotal role in shaping the interconnected world of commerce. This article delves into the multifaceted aspects of global trade, examining the factors that influence trade dynamics, the impact on economies, and the evolving landscape of international commerce.
Trade Agreements and Alliances: Shaping the Global Economic Tapestry
Trade agreements and alliances form the backbone of global trade developments. Nations engage in negotiations to establish mutually beneficial frameworks that facilitate the flow of goods and services across borders. These agreements foster economic cooperation, open new markets, and contribute to the overall growth of participating economies.
Tariffs and Trade Barriers: Navigating Challenges in Global Commerce
Tariffs and trade barriers represent obstacles that can impede the flow of goods between nations. These barriers, often implemented for economic or political reasons, influence the cost of imported and exported goods. Global trade developments frequently involve discussions and negotiations aimed at reducing or eliminating such barriers to create more open and efficient markets.
Supply Chain Resilience: Lessons Learned from Global Disruptions
Recent global events have underscored the importance of supply chain resilience in the face of unexpected disruptions. The COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, highlighted | Maendeleo ya Biashara ya Ulimwenguni (Dynamic Landscape of Global Trade Developments) ni hatua muhimu katika kuunda ulimwengu wa biashara. Makala hii inazungumzia mambo mengi ya biashara ya kimataifa, kuchunguza mambo ambayo kuathiri biashara nguvu, athari kwa uchumi, na mazingira ya maendeleo ya biashara ya kimataifa. Mikataba ya Biashara na Ushirikiano: Kuunda Tapestry ya Kiuchumi ya Ulimwenguni Mikataba ya Biashara na Ushirikiano huunda uti wa mgongo wa maendeleo ya biashara ya kimataifa. Mataifa hujiunga na mazungumzo ili kuanzisha mifumo yenye manufaa kwa pande zote ambayo huwezesha mtiririko wa bidhaa na huduma katika mipaka. Mikataba hii huendeleza ushirikiano wa kiuchumi, kufungua masoko mapya, na kuchangia ukuaji wa jumla wa uchumi wa washiriki. Vizuizi vya biashara: Kuendesha changamoto katika biashara ya kimataifa Vizuizi vya biashara na ushuru ni vikwazo vinavyoweza kuzuia mtiririko wa bidhaa kati ya mataifa. Vizuizi hivi, mara nyingi kutekelezwa kwa sababu za kiuchumi au kisiasa, kuathiri gharama ya bidhaa za uagizaji na kuuza nje. Maendeleo ya biashara ya kimataifa mara nyingi huhusisha majadiliano na mazungumzo yenye lengo la kupunguza au kuondoa vizuizi hivyo ili kuunda masoko wazi zaidi na yenye ufanisi. Uwezo wa Mnyororo wa Uuzaji: Masomo yaliyojifunza kutoka kwa Vikwazo vya Ulimwenguni Matukio ya hivi karibuni ya ulimwengu yameangazia umuhimu wa uvumilivu wa mlolongo wa usambazaji katika kukabiliana na usumbufu usiotazamiwa. Janga la COVID-19 limetangaza wazi kuwa | <urn:uuid:c3c98090-6fe4-4bf8-be5f-513c1e2fe4f7> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://rockawayuppercrust.com/tag/international-commerce/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
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RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a standardized XML-based format for sharing and distributing frequently updated web content such as news headlines. RSS feeds may be subscribed to using programs called feed readers or news aggregators.
The RSS feed is updated when new work appears in Chemistry and Physics. | Kwa ajili ya matumizi ya Chemistry na Fizikia RSS Feed, tu kuburuta kiungo hiki katika feed reader yako au news aggregator. RSS ni nini? RSS (Really Simple Syndication) ni XML-msingi standardized format kwa ajili ya kushiriki na kusambaza mara kwa mara updated maudhui ya mtandao kama vile vichwa vya habari. RSS feeds inaweza kuwa wanachama kwa kutumia programu aitwaye feed wasomaji au habari aggregators. Mtiririko wa RSS unasasishwa wakati kazi mpya inaonekana katika Kemia na Fizikia. | <urn:uuid:4d50f51b-2f48-4654-8f68-1207f5fa2f56> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://scholar.umw.edu/chemistry_physics/announcements.html | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
More and more doctors are being educated to look at the SI joint as a potential source of low back pain. But it hasn't always been that way. The history of medical education shows us why.
History of Sacroiliac (SI) Joint Dysfunction
Sacroiliac (SI) joint disorders and the associated symptoms have been well known for over a century. In fact, in the early 1900s, symptoms that seemed to arise from the back were frequently attributed to the sacroiliac (SI) joint, and open surgical procedures were used to treat the joint.
In 1934, a paper was published on the spinal disc as a source of pain in the back.25 As a result, disc treatment became the most common operation for orthopedic surgeons, and the sacroiliac (SI) joint was all but forgotten.
SI Joint Pain Misdiagnosed as Lumbar Pain
Although nowdays, orthopedic and neurologic spine surgeons recognize that the disc is not the only source of low back pain, most of the treatment focus in the spine is still centered on the disc. Orthopedic and neurosurgical residents are rarely taught to consider SI joint disruption and degenerative sacroiliitis as the cause of a patient’s low back problems.
In addition, few, if any, lumbar MRIs extend below S1 to examine the SI joint.
According to scientific data, it's common for pain from the SI joint to feel like discogenic or low back pain. To avoid unnecessary lumbar spine surgery, SI joint disorders should be considered in low back pain diagnosis.26
How Can My Doctor Tell Whether I Have SI Joint Dysfunction?
To determine whether your SI joint is to blame for the lower back, upper buttock, or leg pain you've been experiencing, a trained doctor will consider your health history, symptoms, results from SI joint pain diagnostic exams, and potentially other medical tests. | Madaktari wengi zaidi na zaidi wanafundishwa kutazama kiungo cha SI kama chanzo cha uwezekano wa maumivu ya mgongo wa chini. Lakini si sikuzote kwamba imekuwa hivyo. Historia ya elimu ya kitiba inatuonyesha ni kwa nini. Ugonjwa wa Sacroiliac (SI) pamoja na dalili zinazohusiana na ugonjwa huo zimekuwa maarufu kwa zaidi ya karne moja. Katika miaka ya 1900, dalili za ugonjwa wa mgongo zilipatikana katika sehemu ya nyuma ya mgongo na kuonekana kuwa ni sehemu ya mgongo wa mkojo wa sacroiliac (SIA), na matibabu ya upasuaji wa wazi yalifanywa. Katika mwaka wa 1934, utafiti wa utafiti ulionyesha kwamba diski ya mgongo ni chanzo cha maumivu ya mgongo, na kwa sababu hiyo, matibabu ya diski ikawa njia ya kawaida ya upasuaji kwa madaktari wa upasuaji wa mifupa, na sehemu ya sacroiliac (SI) ikawa imesahaulika kabisa. Ugonjwa wa kiungo (S.I. - Joint Pain) - Ugonjwa wa kiungo (Lumbar Pain) - Ingawa siku hizi madaktari wa upasuaji wa uti wa mgongo na wa neva wanatambua kwamba diski sio chanzo pekee cha maumivu ya mgongo, sehemu kubwa ya matibabu katika uti wa mgongo bado inazingatia diski. Wataalamu wa upasuaji wa mifupa na wa mfumo wa neva hawafundishwi kwa urahisi kuamua kwamba ugonjwa wa viungo vya SI na ugonjwa wa degenerative sacroiliitis ndio husababisha matatizo ya mgongo wa mgonjwa. Kwa kuongezea, MRI chache, ikiwa zipo, za lumbar huenea chini ya S1 kuchunguza mshiko wa SI. Kwa mujibu wa utafiti wa kisayansi, maumivu ya kiungo cha mgongo ni ya kawaida na inaweza kuonekana kama maumivu ya mgongo. Ili kuepuka upasuaji usio wa lazima wa uti wa mgongo wa lumbar, matatizo ya pamoja ya SI yanapaswa kuzingatiwa katika utambuzi wa maumivu ya chini ya mgongo. Ili kuamua kama mgongo wako wa chini, mgongo wa juu, au mguu unaosumbua, daktari wa mtihani atachunguza historia yako ya afya, dalili, matokeo ya uchunguzi wa mgongo wa chini, na uwezekano wa vipimo vingine vya matibabu. | <urn:uuid:e270fa09-d0ac-49e3-a109-0da980c65c08> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://si-bone.com/si-joint-faqs/why-dont-doctors-check-for-si-joint-dysfunction | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Step into a world of botanical marvels at the United States Botanic Garden in Washington D.C.! With over 200 years of history, this living plant museum offers a captivating and educational experience for visitors of all ages. From vibrant floral displays to serene garden landscapes, immerse yourself in the beauty of nature in the heart of The District. Explore the wonders of the plant kingdom and create unforgettable memories at the United States Botanic Garden!
Situated in Washington, DC, the United States Botanic Garden is one of the oldest botanic gardens in North America. (The Philadelphia Botanical Garden, founded in 1728, is the oldest.) Established in 1820, the garden features approximately 44,000 plants from around the world.
As part of its mission to educate and inspire, the Botanic Garden also offers educational programs for adults, families, and children. These programs range from hands-on workshops to tours of the gardens, as well as lectures and special events.
Visitors can explore three different areas: The Conservatory, Bartholdi Park, and the National Garden.
The Conservatory is the showpiece of the US Botanic Garden and houses a diverse plant collection from rainforests, deserts, aquatic habitats, and more. Inside you’ll find an impressive array of orchids, ferns, bromeliads, palms, and cacti. In addition to the array of living plants, visitors can also view a stunning collection of botanical artwork and artifacts from around the world.
Bartholdi Park is home to several outdoor gardens featuring sustainable landscaping practices designed to conserve water, reduce erosion, and protect native species. These include an edible garden, a butterfly garden, and an understory garden filled with native wildflowers.
The National Garden is a collection of gated outdoor gardens that reflect the diversity of American landscapes. From formal to naturalistic, these gardens are a testament to the magnificent ways in which plants can provide wildlife habitats and enhance outdoor spaces. Not only that, but they’ll also tell a story, grow delicious food, and improve our lives.
Features of the National Garden include the Regional Garden, designed to display plants native to specific to the Mid-Atlantic, the Rose Garden, the Pollinator Garden, the First Ladies Water Garden, the Lawn Terrace, and the Amphitheater.
United States Botanic Garden Facts
- There are several specimens that date from the 1842 U.S. Exploring Expedition.
- A non-profit organization, The Friends of the U.S. Botanic Garden, was founded in 1991 to fund and build the National Garden using non-federal funds.
- The Amphitheater was created with salvaged marble steps from the East Front of the U.S. Capitol.
- Some of the food that is grown in the garden is picked and used in cooking demonstrations and classes.
- The Pollinator Garden at the United States Botanic Garden is specially designed to provide food and a safe habitat for pollinators such as butterflies, hummingbirds, bees, and other insects. In addition to providing nectar-rich flowers for them to feed on, the garden also provides nesting sites, sheltering plants, and protection from pesticides.
- The garden has its own YouTube channel which features educational videos about its various plants and gardens, cooking demonstrations, and virtual tours. Other social media channels for the garden include Instagram and Facebook.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, the United States Botanic Garden is free and open to the public.
While both institutions are devoted to the education and preservation of plants, the National Arboretum conducts multi-disciplinary research, conservation of genetic resources, and interpretative gardens and exhibits.
The Botanic Garden, on the other hand, is primarily focused on exhibiting plants from around the world, with an emphasis on education.
The U.S. Botanic Garden is open year-round (except for Christmas Day), so visitors can enjoy its beauty any time of the year. It is a great place to explore nature, learn about plants, and appreciate the beauty of the world around us.
- The Conservatory is open from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
- The outdoor gardens are open from 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
- Bartholdi Fountain and Gardens is open from dawn until dusk.
The Botanic Garden is located at 100 Maryland Ave SW. It is located near the United States Capitol and is one-half mile from the Library of Congress: James Madison Memorial Building.
Bartholdi Fountain and Gardens are located at 245 First Street SW – just across the street from the Botanic Garden.
The US Botanic Garden is a great place to explore nature, learn about plants and their importance in our lives, and breathe in the beauty of Washington DC’s diverse horticultural heritage. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a lifetime fan, the United States Botanic Garden.
Have you been to the United States Botanic Garden? What did you enjoy most? | Kuingia katika ulimwengu wa maajabu ya mimea katika United States Botanic Garden katika Washington D.C.! Kwa zaidi ya miaka 200 ya historia, jumba hili la makumbusho la mimea hai hutoa uzoefu wa kuvutia na wa kielimu kwa wageni wa umri wote. Kutoka maonyesho ya maua yenye nguvu hadi mandhari ya bustani yenye utulivu, jinyunyize katika uzuri wa asili katika moyo wa Wilaya. Chunguza maajabu ya ufalme wa mimea na ufanye kumbukumbu zisizoweza kusahaulika katika Bustani ya Mimea ya Marekani! Jumba la Botaniki la Marekani (Botanic Garden of the United States) ni mojawapo ya bustani za kale zaidi za mimea nchini Marekani. Hifadhi ya Botaniki ya Philadelphia, iliyoanzishwa mwaka wa 1728, ni mojawapo ya bustani za kale zaidi. Bustani hiyo ilianzishwa mwaka 1820 na ina mimea 44,000 kutoka sehemu mbalimbali za dunia. Kama sehemu ya utume wake wa kuelimisha na kuchochea, Bustani ya Mimea pia hutoa programu za elimu kwa watu wazima, familia, na watoto. Programu hizo huanzia warsha za kufanya kazi hadi ziara za bustani, na pia hotuba na matukio ya pekee. Wageni wanaweza kuchunguza maeneo matatu tofauti: Jumba la Muziki, Hifadhi ya Bartholdi, na Bustani ya Kitaifa. Hifadhi ya Botaniki ya Marekani ni sehemu ya bustani ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea ya mimea. Ndani utapata aina mbalimbali za okidi, ferns, bromeliads, mitende, na cacti. Mbali na mfululizo wa mimea iliyo hai, wageni wanaweza pia kuona mkusanyiko wa ajabu wa kazi za sanaa za mimea na vitu vya kale kutoka ulimwenguni pote. Bartholdi Park ni nyumbani kwa bustani kadhaa za nje zenye mazoea endelevu ya uundaji wa mazingira yaliyokusudiwa kuhifadhi maji, kupunguza mmomonyoko, na kulinda spishi za asili. Hizi zinatia ndani bustani inayoweza kuliwa, bustani ya vipepeo, na bustani ya chini ya ardhi iliyojaa maua ya mwituni ya asili. Bustani ya Taifa ni mkusanyiko wa bustani za nje zilizo na milango ambayo huonyesha utofauti wa mandhari ya Amerika. Kutoka kwa rasmi hadi asili, bustani hizi ni ushahidi wa njia za ajabu ambazo mimea inaweza kutoa makazi ya wanyamapori na kuboresha nafasi za nje. Si hivyo tu, bali pia wataeleza hadithi, kukuza chakula kitamu, na kuboresha maisha yetu. Hifadhi ya Taifa ni pamoja na Bustani ya Mkoa, iliyoundwa kuonyesha mimea ya asili ya Mid-Atlantic, Bustani ya Rose, Bustani ya Pollinator, Bustani ya Maji ya Wanawake wa Kwanza, Terrace ya Lawn, na Amphitheater. Mimea ya Botaniki ya Marekani - Mimea ya Botaniki ya Marekani ya 1842 Kusoma Safari ya Uvumbuzi. The Friends of the U.S. Botanic Garden ni shirika lisilo la faida lililoanzishwa mwaka 1991 na lengo la kuendeleza bustani hiyo. Amphitheater ya Marekani ilijengwa kwa kutumia hatua za marumaru zilizopatikana katika jengo la Capitol. - Baadhi ya chakula kinachopandwa katika bustani huchukuliwa na kutumiwa katika maonyesho na madarasa ya kupika. Bustani ya Pollinator katika Bustani ya Botaniki ya Marekani ni sehemu ya bustani ya pollinator ambayo ni mahali pa kuishi kwa ndege, vipepeo, nyuki na wadudu wengine. Mbali na kuwapa maua yenye nectar, bustani hiyo huwapa pia mahali pa kufanyia viota, mahali pa kuhifadhi mimea, na mahali pa kujikinga na dawa za kuua wadudu. Bustani ina kituo chake cha YouTube ambacho kina video za elimu kuhusu mimea na bustani zake mbalimbali, maonyesho ya kupika, na ziara za kawaida. Vituo vingine vya vyombo vya habari vya kijamii kwa bustani ni pamoja na Instagram na Facebook. Maswali ya Mara kwa Mara Ndiyo, Bustani ya Mimea ya Marekani ni ya bure na wazi kwa umma. Ingawa taasisi zote mbili zimejitolea kwa elimu na uhifadhi wa mimea, Arboretum ya Kitaifa hufanya utafiti wa taaluma nyingi, uhifadhi wa rasilimali za maumbile, na bustani za tafsiri na maonyesho. Kwa upande mwingine, Bustani ya Mimea inakazia hasa maonyesho ya mimea kutoka ulimwenguni pote, na inakazia hasa elimu. Bustani ya Botaniki ya Marekani ni wazi mwaka mzima (isipokuwa siku ya Krismasi), hivyo wageni wanaweza kufurahia uzuri wake wakati wowote wa mwaka. Ni mahali pazuri pa kuchunguza asili, kujifunza juu ya mimea, na kuthamini uzuri wa ulimwengu unaotuzunguka. Mbuga ya muziki ya Bartholdi ni wazi kutoka saa 10 asubuhi hadi saa 5 jioni, na bustani ya nje ni wazi kutoka saa 7 asubuhi hadi saa 5 jioni, na chemchemi ya Bartholdi na bustani ni wazi kutoka asubuhi hadi jioni. Botanical Garden iko katika 100 Maryland Ave SW. Jumba hilo la kumbukumbu liko karibu na Jumba la Congress la Marekani na ni umbali wa kilomita moja na nusu kutoka Jengo la Kumbukumbu la James Madison. Bartholdi Fountain na Bustani iko katika 245 First Street SW <unk> tu katika barabara kutoka Botanic Garden. Hifadhi ya Botaniki ya Marekani ni mahali pazuri pa kuchunguza asili, kujifunza juu ya mimea na umuhimu wao katika maisha yetu, na kupumua katika uzuri wa Washington DC's urithi wa kilimo cha bustani. Iwe wewe ni mgeni wa mara ya kwanza au shabiki wa maisha, United States Botanic Garden. Je, umewahi kwenda katika Bustani ya Mimea ya Marekani? Ni nini ulichokifurahia zaidi? | <urn:uuid:a73b9f2e-70ad-44ed-85b0-7a103605e829> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://silversunseeker.com/us-botanic-garden/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
ACEs and Trauma-Informed Teaching in the English Classroom
|Miller, Henry C.
|Herr, Shannon L.
|Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) plague our population. When people experience trauma through ACEs, they tend to cope through their trauma negatively. Many of these negative coping mechanisms tend to include risky behaviors which can lead to detrimental health issues in later adulthood. English teachers have the ability to educate students on ACEs by using Critical Literacy Pedagogy and Trauma-Informed Teaching. Students can analyze characters in novels and use ACEs as a lens to understand what the characters are experiencing. Teachers can help students make connections between informational articles and the text to help understand ACEs and healthy ways to cope through trauma.
|Perks Of Being A Wallflower
|ACEs and Trauma-Informed Teaching in the English Classroom
|Education and Human Development
|Master of Science in Education (MSEd)
|Education and Human Development Master's Theses
|The College at Brockport | "ACE na Mafunzo ya Trauma-Informed katika Darasa la Kiingereza: Miller, Henry C. Herr, Shannon L. ""Uzoefu Mbaya wa Utoto"" (ACE) ni tatizo kubwa kwa watu wetu." Watu wanaopata majeraha ya kihisia kwa njia ya ACE, huwa na uwezo wa kukabiliana na majeraha yao kwa njia mbaya. Mengi ya taratibu hizi hasi za kukabiliana na hali ya hewa huelekea kujumuisha tabia zenye hatari ambazo zinaweza kusababisha matatizo ya afya katika umri wa baadaye. Walimu wa Kiingereza wana uwezo wa kuelimisha wanafunzi juu ya ACE kwa kutumia Critical Literacy Pedagogy na Trauma-Informed Teaching. Wanafunzi wanaweza kuchambua wahusika katika riwaya na kutumia ACE kama lensi kuelewa nini wahusika ni uzoefu. Walimu wanaweza kuwasaidia wanafunzi kufanya uhusiano kati ya makala ya habari na maandishi ili kusaidia kuelewa ACEs na njia za afya za kukabiliana na majeraha. "Mafunzo ya ""Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo ya Mafunzo." | <urn:uuid:de7cb85a-d411-42e4-ba29-bf11e049cec9> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://soar.suny.edu/handle/20.500.12648/5264?show=full | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) is produced by the Committee for the Publication of the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, which consists of an international team of 20 Latinists, with the support of more than 30 academies and learned societies from three continents. The TLL is the first comprehensive scholarly dictionary of ancient Latin from the earliest times down to AD 600. The TLL permits users to follow the development of meaning and usage of Latin words. This online database of the TLL provides access to the contents of all lexicon articles published up to 2008 (that is the letters A–M, O, P–pomifer, porta–pulso), the articles in the Onomasticon volumes (letters C and D), the Index librorum, and the Praemonenda de rationibus et usu operis, a multilingual introduction to the printed version of the Thesaurus. The content of TTL online is identical to that of the printed version of the Thesaurus. Each year the contents of the newly printed fascicles are added to the database. | Thesaurus Linguistica Latinae (TLLA) ni toleo la kwanza la Thesaurus Linguistica Latinae, iliyoundwa na Chuo Kikuu cha Sayansi cha Bavaria, na inaundwa na timu ya kimataifa ya wataalamu wa lugha ya Kilatini 20 na msaada wa zaidi ya vyuo vikuu 30 na jamii za wasomi kutoka mabara matatu. TLC ni kamusi ya kwanza ya kisayansi ya Kilatini cha kale kutoka nyakati za mapema hadi AD 600. TLL inaruhusu watumiaji kufuata maendeleo ya maana na matumizi ya maneno ya Kilatini. TLS inatoa upatikanaji wa maudhui ya makala zote za msamiati zilizochapishwa hadi 2008 (yaani herufi A, O, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, P, Yaliyomo ya TTL mtandaoni ni sawa na ile ya toleo la kuchapishwa la Thesaurus. Kila mwaka yaliyomo katika vijitabu vipya vinavyochapishwa huongezwa kwenye hifadhidata. | <urn:uuid:aec46308-12ae-42a4-8135-174bb53e4d1b> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://soclib.tau.ac.il/database/2937?backto=databases/000%3Fcolor%3Dcs_blue_sky%26letter%3DT%26subject%3D%26tkey%3D1701730797%26url%3Dhttps%253A//soclib.tau.ac.il&database=000 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Bullying is usually reserved for the schoolyard in movies, where the taller than average, burly boy steals a poor unsuspecting kid’s lunch money. But bullying extends deeper than the stereotypes, and way beyond the schoolyard. Bullying in the workplace has become a rampant problem with significant consequences.
A study by the Workplace Bullying Institute found that 35 percent of the U.S. workforce, estimated at 53.5 million Americans- report being bullied at work. An additional 15 percent report witnessing bullying in the workplace. Not only was bullying common, there is often a need for medical intervention. A study by a Finnish research group BMJ Open found that men and women who were bullied were 50-200 percent more likely to have a prescription for anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and tranquilizers.
Workplace bullying can have a significant impact on mental health, including psychosocial distress, and a higher risk of both mental and physical health problems. It causes stress, absenteeism, lowered self-esteem and anxiety. It is costly for business too. High turnover, low productivity, lost innovations and difficulty in attracting quality employees can all hurt your business as a result of workplace bullying.
Workplace bullying can take on many forms including shouting or swearing, singling out employees for unjustified criticism, humiliating employees, and excessive practical jokes aimed at a particular person.
“Our study showed that workplace bullying is associated with subsequent psychotropic medication based on objective register data reflecting medically confirmed mental health problems. In addition to current workplace bullying, also earlier bullying and observing bullying were associated with psychotropic medication. Workplace bullying needs to be tackled proactively in an effective way to prevent its adverse consequences for mental health.”
For more information, please see the Workplace Bullying Institute.
At Sinclair Risk & Financial Management, we understand that human resource issues are an important component of an employer’s risk profile. We’ll help you evaluate HR issues and exposures and help you implement programs to ensure your company’s growth in today’s challenging and highly regulatory environment. Contact us today for more information on our Connecticut Human Resource Consulting services. | Uonevu kwa kawaida hufanywa katika uwanja wa shule katika sinema, ambapo mvulana mrefu kuliko wastani, mwenye nguvu huiba pesa za chakula cha mchana za mtoto maskini asiye na shaka. Lakini unyanyasaji wa kingono unaenea kina kirefu kuliko mitazamo ya kawaida, na mbali zaidi ya uwanja wa shule. Kudhulumu kazini kumekuwa tatizo lenye kuenea sana lenye matokeo makubwa. Kulingana na utafiti uliofanywa na Taasisi ya Uonevu wa Mahali pa Kazi, asilimia 35 ya wafanyakazi wa Marekani, ambao wanakadiriwa kuwa milioni 53.5, wanaripoti kwamba wanateswa kazini. Kwa kuongezea, asilimia 15 ya wafanyakazi waliripoti kuwa wamekuwa na matatizo ya kazi. Si kwamba tu unyanyasaji wa kingono ulikuwa jambo la kawaida, bali mara nyingi kuna uhitaji wa matibabu. Utafiti uliofanywa na kikundi cha utafiti cha Finland cha BMJ Open uligundua kuwa wanaume na wanawake waliodhulumiwa walikuwa na uwezekano wa asilimia 50 hadi 200 zaidi ya kupata dawa za kukandamiza, dawa za kulala, na dawa za kutuliza. Uonevu mahali pa kazi unaweza kuwa na athari kubwa kwa afya ya akili, ikiwa ni pamoja na shida ya kisaikolojia, na hatari kubwa ya matatizo ya afya ya akili na kimwili. Inasababisha mkazo, kukosa kazi, kupungua kwa kujithamini na wasiwasi. Ni ghali kwa biashara pia. Mzunguko wa juu, uzalishaji wa chini, ubunifu uliopotea na ugumu wa kuvutia wafanyikazi wa ubora wote unaweza kuharibu biashara yako kama matokeo ya unyanyasaji wa mahali pa kazi. Uonevu wa mahali pa kazi unaweza kuchukua aina nyingi ikiwa ni pamoja na kupiga kelele au kulaani, kuwachagua wafanyikazi kwa ukosoaji usiofaa, kuwafedhehesha wafanyikazi, na utani wa kupita kiasi unaolenga mtu fulani. <unk>Utafiti wetu ulionyesha kwamba unyanyasaji kazini unahusishwa na dawa za kisaikolojia zinazofuata kulingana na data ya usajili wa lengo inayoonyesha matatizo ya afya ya akili yaliyothibitishwa na daktari. Mbali na unyanyasaji wa sasa mahali pa kazi, pia unyanyasaji wa awali na kuchunguza unyanyasaji ulihusishwa na dawa za kisaikolojia. Mateso ya mahali pa kazi yanahitaji kushughulikiwa kwa njia ya ufanisi ili kuzuia matokeo yake mabaya kwa afya ya akili. Kwa habari zaidi, tafadhali angalia Taasisi ya Mateso ya Mahali pa Kazi. Katika Sinclair Hatari na Usimamizi wa Fedha, tunaelewa kwamba masuala ya rasilimali za binadamu ni sehemu muhimu ya mfanyakazi's profile hatari. Tutakusaidia kutathmini masuala ya HR na mfiduo na kukusaidia kutekeleza mipango ya kuhakikisha kampuni yako ukuaji katika mazingira ya leo changamoto na sana udhibiti. Wasiliana nasi leo kwa habari zaidi juu ya huduma zetu za Ushauri wa Rasilimali za Binadamu za Connecticut. | <urn:uuid:0d03fb4a-469d-4a4f-b479-0f8775b269c6> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://srfm.com/human-resources/workplace-bullying/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
A stroke is a type of cerebrovascular disease that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted. This can be due to a blockage or bleeding in the brain. A stroke is a medical emergency and can lead to death or disability if not treated promptly.
There are two types of stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is blocked, usually by a clot. Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain bursts and bleeds into the brain.
A stroke can cause a wide range of symptoms, depending on the area of the brain affected. These can include weakness, paralysis, difficulty speaking, difficulty understanding, loss of balance, and vision problems.
A stroke is a medical emergency and requires immediate treatment. Early treatment can help minimize the damage to the brain and improve the person's chances of recovery.
You can help prevent a stroke by managing conditions that increase your risks, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol.
Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, not smoking, and limiting alcohol intake can also help reduce your risk of stroke. | Kifafa ni aina ya ugonjwa wa mishipa ya damu ya ubongo unaotokea wakati usambazaji wa damu kwa ubongo unapokatizwa. Hilo laweza kusababishwa na kizuizi au kutokwa na damu katika ubongo. Kiharusi ni hali ya dharura ya kitiba na kinaweza kusababisha kifo au ulemavu ikiwa hakitibiwa upesi. Kuna aina mbili za kiharusi: kiharusi cha ischemic na kiharusi cha hemorrhagic. Kifafa cha ischemic hutokea wakati usambazaji wa damu kwa ubongo unapozuiwa, kwa kawaida kwa kuganda. Kifafa cha damu hutokea wakati mishipa ya damu katika ubongo inapovunjika na kutokwa na damu ndani ya ubongo. Kifafa chaweza kusababisha dalili mbalimbali, ikitegemea eneo la ubongo lililoathiriwa. Hizo zaweza kutia ndani udhaifu, kupooza, ugumu wa kusema, ugumu wa kuelewa, kupoteza usawaziko, na matatizo ya kuona. Kiharusi ni hali ya dharura ya kitiba na huhitaji kutibiwa mara moja. Matibabu ya mapema yaweza kusaidia kupunguza uharibifu wa ubongo na kuboresha nafasi za mtu huyo za kupona. Unaweza kusaidia kuzuia kiharusi kwa kudhibiti hali zinazozidisha hatari yako, kama vile shinikizo la damu la juu, kisukari, na kolesteroli ya juu. Kula vyakula vyenye afya, kufanya mazoezi kwa ukawaida, kutovuta sigara, na kupunguza kileo pia vinaweza kusaidia kupunguza hatari ya kiharusi. | <urn:uuid:8d2bbdac-4b54-4476-88ad-e8daf87298f8> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://stayingalive.com/topics/stroke/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Category : Career and Skills Development | Sub Category : Posted on 2021-07-29 13:09:42
According to statista 306.4 billions were sent and received every single day in 2020 and this number is going up every single day. In this world of emails, how do you make sure you are emailing like a pro. In this article we talk about tips on how to write and send better and effective emails.
Do not abuse the word “URGENT”
This is urgent, I need it back asap, it is super important because it is in all caps. To be honest, when someone sees “urgent” in an email subject their heart starts to race, they think about urgent things. If you overuse the word urgent, you run the risk of people taking you less seriously when it’s actually urgent down the line.
If your email is longer than three paragraphs, STOP
Long emails are really tempting to just archive or ignore or delete. Super long emails also create something you would call “psychological guilt.” If you spent two hours writing a small novel in your email people would feel bad replying with only two sentences. So they don’t reply at all, they literally ignore it in their inbox until it’s no longer relevant. You should have rather called them because maybe that email should have been a call in the first place. If it’s longer than two paragraphs, consider calling, it’s easier for both of you.
People often think that emails can be less formal than traditional letters. But the messages you send are a reflection of your own professionalism, values, and attention to detail, so a certain level of formality is needed.
Unless you're on good terms with someone, avoid informal language, slang, jargon, and inappropriate abbreviations. Emoticons can be useful for clarifying your intent, but it's best to use them only with people you know well. Close your message with "Regards," "Yours sincerely," or "All the best," depending on the situation. Recipients may decide to print emails and share them with others, so always be polite.
Use a hierarchy of facts
This is a super advanced tip for exception email skills. Always put the most important idea up-top. At best, people skim their emails, at the worst they don’t finish reading them. Don’t bury your lead, if you have a big question or a big idea, put it right at the up-top. You have a better chance of someone reading it. Remember, get your bigger idea out as soon as possible.
Add the address last
Have you ever sent an email too soon? Or yes. Here is a big rookie mistake. You open an email and start from the top to the subject, message. Wrong, always add the address last. You never know when that pesky send button gets a life of its own. Remember, subject first, address.
End on a call to action
At the end of an email, you have two choices. Reply or ignore, as a sender you always want your recipient to reply. The best way to increase your response rate is to always end your email on a call to action. If you really want to get fancy, you can even bold it. what ‘s the one thing you need them to do? Reply, answer a question, file a paper, call a client? Tell them and be clear. End on the action to make it easy for them to do what you need.
Finally, before you hit "send," take a moment to review your email for spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. Your email messages are as much a part of your professional image as the clothes you wear, so it looks bad to send out a message that contains typos.
As you proofread, pay careful attention to the length of your email. People are more likely to read short, concise emails than long, rambling ones, so make sure that your emails are as short as possible, without excluding necessary information. | "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika makala ya ""Uendelezaji wa Kazi na Ujuzi"" ya mwaka huu, ""Kwa mujibu wa takwimu za takwimu, bilioni 306.4 zilitumwa na kupokea kila siku katika 2020 na idadi hii inaongezeka kila siku." Katika ulimwengu huu wa barua pepe, unafanyaje kuhakikisha kwamba unatumisha barua pepe kama mtaalamu? Katika makala hii tutazungumzia jinsi ya kuandika na kutuma barua pepe bora na bora. Usitumie vibaya neno <unk>URGENT<unk> Hii ni ya haraka, ninahitaji nyuma haraka iwezekanavyo, ni muhimu sana kwa sababu ni katika nyongeza zote. Kwa uaminifu, wakati mtu anaona "haraka" katika mada ya barua pepe moyo wao huanza mbio, wanafikiria juu ya mambo ya haraka. Kama wewe overuse neno haraka, wewe kukimbia hatari ya watu kuchukua wewe chini ya umakini wakati ni kweli haraka chini ya mstari. Ikiwa barua pepe yako ni ndefu kuliko aya tatu, barua pepe ndefu za STOP zinashawishi sana kuhifadhi au kupuuza au kufuta. "Emails ndefu sana pia huunda kitu unachoweza kuita ""heshima ya kisaikolojia"" - ikiwa utatumia masaa mawili kuandika riwaya ndogo, watu watahisi vibaya kujibu kwa sentensi mbili tu." Kwa hiyo hawajibu hata kidogo, wao kwa kweli hupuuza katika sanduku lao la barua hadi isiwe muhimu tena. Kwa hivyo, unapaswa kuwauliza kwa sababu barua pepe hiyo inapaswa kuwa simu. Kama ni ndefu kuliko mafungu mawili, fikiria kupiga simu, ni rahisi kwa nyote wawili. Mara nyingi watu hufikiri kwamba barua pepe zinaweza kuwa zisizo rasmi kama barua za kawaida. Lakini ujumbe unaotuma ni mwangaza wa utaalamu wako, maadili, na uangalifu kwa maelezo, kwa hiyo kiwango fulani cha utaratibu kinahitajika. Isipokuwa una uhusiano mzuri na mtu fulani, epuka lugha isiyo rasmi, lugha ya kigeni, usemi wa kawaida, na vifupisho visivyofaa. Emoticons zinaweza kuwa na manufaa kwa kufafanua nia yako, lakini ni bora kuzitumia tu na watu unaowajua vizuri. Mwisho ujumbe wako kwa kusema "Habari njema", "Habari njema", au "Habari njema", ikitegemea hali. Wapokeaji wanaweza kuamua kuchapisha barua pepe na kuzishiriki na wengine, kwa hiyo daima uwe na adabu. Kuanzisha hierarchy ya ukweli ni moja ya mbinu bora zaidi za kuunda barua pepe ya kipekee. Sikuzote weka wazo muhimu zaidi juu. Katika hali nzuri, watu hupitia barua pepe zao, katika hali mbaya zaidi hawajamaliza kuziandika. Je, si kuzikwa kuongoza yako, kama una swali kubwa au wazo kubwa, kuweka haki katika juu-juu. Una nafasi kubwa zaidi ya mtu fulani kuisoma. Kumbuka, kupata wazo lako kubwa nje haraka iwezekanavyo. Ongeza anwani ya mwisho Je, umewahi kutuma barua pepe mapema mno? Au ndiyo. Hapa ni kosa kubwa rookie. Unapofungua barua pepe, huanza na kichwa cha habari. Kosa, daima kuongeza anwani ya mwisho. Huwezi kujua wakati kwamba annoying kutuma kifungo anapata maisha yake mwenyewe. Kumbuka, kichwa kwanza, anwani. Mwisho wa wito wa hatua: Mwisho wa barua pepe, una chaguzi mbili. Jibu au kupuuza, kama mtumaji wewe daima wanataka mpokeaji wako kujibu. Njia bora ya kuongeza kiwango cha majibu ni kumaliza barua pepe yako na wito wa hatua. Kama kweli unataka kupata fancy, unaweza hata ujasiri ni. Ni jambo gani moja unalohitaji wafanye? Jibu, jibu swali, faili karatasi, piga simu mteja? Waambie na uwe wazi. Mwisho wa hatua ili kuwafanya iwe rahisi kufanya kile unachohitaji. Mwishowe, kabla ya kubonyeza "tuma", chukua muda kuchunguza barua pepe yako kwa ajili ya herufi, sarufi, na makosa ya alama za alama. Ujumbe wako wa barua pepe ni sehemu ya picha yako ya kitaaluma kama vile nguo unazovaa, kwa hivyo inaonekana vibaya kutuma ujumbe ambao una makosa ya kuandika. Unaposoma, makini sana urefu wa barua pepe yako. Watu wana uwezekano mkubwa wa kusoma barua pepe fupi kuliko zile ndefu, kwa hivyo hakikisha barua pepe zako ni fupi iwezekanavyo bila kuondoa habari muhimu. | <urn:uuid:f730d752-4d50-41c3-bb34-5c3aaa6cb140> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://talentmatch.rw/blog/news-details.php?nid=10 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
all towns are one, all men our kin.
|Trans State Nation
Self Determination: principle & the law
Declaration on the Granting of Independence
Adopted by the UN General Assembly
The General Assembly,
Mindful of the determination proclaimed by the peoples of the world in the Charter of the United Nations to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
Conscious of the need for the creation of conditions of stability and well-being and peaceful and friendly relations based on respect for the principles of equal rights and self-determination of all peoples, and of universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion,
Recognizing the passionate yearning for freedom in all dependent peoples and the decisive role of such peoples in the attainment of their independence,
Aware of the increasing conflicts resulting from the denial of or impediments in the way of the freedom of such peoples, which constitute a serious threat to world peace,
Considering the important role of the United Nations in assisting the movement for independence in Trust and Non- Self- Governing Territories,
Recognizing that the peoples of the world ardently desire the end of colonialism in all its manifestations,
Convinced that the continued existence of colonialism prevents the development of international economic co-operation, impedes the social, cultural and economic development of dependent peoples and militates against the United Nations ideal of universal peace,
Affirming that peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law,
Believing that the process of liberation is irresistible and irreversible and that, in order to avoid serious crises, an end must be put to colonialism and all practices of segregation and discrimination associated therewith,
Welcoming the emergence in recent years of a large number of dependent territories into freedom and independence, and recognizing the increasingly powerful trends towards freedom in such territories which have not yet attained independence,
Convinced that all peoples have an inalienable right to complete freedom, the exercise of their sovereignty and the integrity of their national territory,
Solemnly proclaims the necessity of bringing to a speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations;
And to this end Declares that:
1. The subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights, is contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and is an impediment to the promotion of world peace and co-operation.
2. All peoples have the right to self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.
3. Inadequacy of political, economic, social or educational preparedness should never serve as a pretext for delaying independence.
4. All armed action or repressive measures of all kinds directed against dependent peoples shall cease in order to enable them to exercise peacefully and freely their right to complete independence, and the integrity of their national territory shall be respected.
5. Immediate steps shall be taken, in Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories or all other territories which have not yet attained independence, to transfer all powers to the peoples of those territories, without any conditions or reservations, in accordance with their freely expressed will and desire, without any distinction as to race, creed or colour, in order to enable them to enjoy complete independence and freedom.
6. Any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the national unity and the territorial integrity of a country is incompatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
7. All States shall observe faithfully and strictly the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the present Declaration on the basis of equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of all States, and respect for the sovereign rights of all peoples and their territorial integrity. | Miji yote ni moja, watu wote ni jamaa zetu. "Mkutano Mkuu wa Umoja wa Mataifa, unaoadhimisha ""Uhakika wa Haki za Binadamu, Haki za Watu na Haki za Watu, na Haki za Watu na Haki za Watu, unaoheshimu azimio la watu wa ulimwengu wote wa kudumisha imani katika haki za msingi za binadamu, katika heshima na thamani ya mtu, katika haki sawa za wanaume na wanawake na mataifa makubwa na madogo, na kukuza maendeleo ya kijamii na viwango bora vya maisha katika uhuru mkubwa, unafahamu umuhimu wa kuunda hali ya utulivu na ustawi na mahusiano ya amani na urafiki kulingana na kanuni za haki sawa na uhuru wa watu wote, bila kujali rangi, jinsia, lugha au dini." """Kuweka watu chini ya utawala, udhibiti na unyonyaji wa kigeni ni kukataa haki za msingi za binadamu, ni kinyume na Mkataba wa Umoja wa Mataifa na ni kizuizi kwa kukuza amani na ushirikiano wa ulimwengu." 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Watu wote wana haki ya kujitawala; kwa sababu ya haki hiyo, wanaamua kwa uhuru hali yao ya kisiasa na kwa uhuru kufuata maendeleo yao ya kiuchumi, kijamii na kitamaduni. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli """Ukosefu wa maandalizi ya kisiasa, kiuchumi, kijamii au elimu haipaswi kamwe kutumika kama kisingizio cha kuchelewesha uhuru." 4. Uwe na uhakika "Hatua zote za kijeshi au hatua za kukandamiza za kila aina zinazolenga watu walio chini ya utawala wa serikali lazima ziachiliwe ili kuwawezesha kutekeleza kwa amani na kwa uhuru haki yao ya uhuru kamili, na uadilifu wa eneo lao la kitaifa lazima uheshimiwe. """ 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. """Mara moja hatua zitapigwa katika maeneo ya matumaini na maeneo yasiyo ya kujitawala yenyewe au maeneo mengine yote ambayo bado hayajajipatia uhuru, ili kuhamisha mamlaka yote kwa watu wa maeneo hayo, bila masharti yoyote au uhifadhi, kulingana na mapenzi na matakwa yao yaliyoonyeshwa kwa uhuru, bila tofauti yoyote ya jamii, imani au rangi, ili kuwawezesha kufurahia uhuru kamili na uhuru.""" 6. Uwe na uhakika """Jitihada yoyote ya kuvuruga kabisa au kwa sehemu umoja wa kitaifa na uadilifu wa eneo la nchi ni kinyume na malengo na kanuni za Mkataba wa Umoja wa Mataifa." 7. Uwe na mtazamo gani? "Serikali zote zitazishika kwa uaminifu na kwa ukaribu masharti ya Mkataba wa Umoja wa Mataifa, Azimio la Ulimwengu la Haki za Binadamu na Azimio hili kwa msingi wa usawa, kutoingilia mambo ya ndani ya mataifa yote, na kuheshimu haki za uhuru wa watu wote na uadilifu wao wa kikanda.""" | <urn:uuid:18406401-1e30-4393-8e5b-a28681acccac> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://tamilnation.org/selfdetermination/instruments/60_1514_ga_resolution | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
A lot of people nowadays consider horticulture as a recently available addition to a brief history ebooks, though
Growing plants has been around since medieval times. Gardening is actually recognized by period a lot of several years and societies along the world, and contains progressed into different styles of strategies. It truly is typically done for environmental applications, for any good looks of the back garden, or even for commercial purposes. The intention of landscaping is within the eyes of your garden enthusiast it can be accustomed to include persona and sweetness to the house or lawn. There are several points that persons use landscaping for, irrespective of what its motive.
The most popular kind of horticulture is household garden, that is making use of exact rising ways to develop plants within the developing or some other structure. There are 2 primary varieties of inside growing plants: hydroponics and horticultural. Hydroponics is the effective use of liquid landscaping to increase plants and flowers indoors, working with water pumps to give water. This can be easier for people with a lot less room. Alternatively, for many who need an even more normal expertise. A lot of fresh vegetables is often cultivated within a hydroponic natural environmentbasil and lettuce, and peppers are usual plants which might be expanded in a very hydroponic environment. Lots of people who mature vegetation in hydroponics locate they have more control in excess of the development of the crops and relish the vivid hues and scents of the landscapes.
Horticultural garden is the usage of land for growing plants and flowers. Including rose home gardens, fresh fruit trees,fresh vegetables and plants, and various other situation crops. Although the plant life tend to be not edible, some kinds of garden make delicious roses and vegetables an integral part of the garden. People who mature fruits and vegetables inside a horticultural surroundings can find their develop preferences far better than all those harvested in hydroponics devices.
Another kind of horticulture is fruits plant garden, which utilizes trees and shrubs to make smaller berry foliage. These gardens usually are smaller than a lot of back garden styles. Fruit bushes can occasionally be very sophisticated, with several amounts and different capabilities. A number of people choose fresh fruit tree home gardens to vegetable backyards mainly because they find the visual beauty of the fresh fruit shrubs to generally be really extraordinary.
Plant garden is certainly a popular structure exercise in the United States. The key benefits of veggie gardening contain the ease of having the flowers and the creation of vegetables. This design model is considered very low-maintenance, letting people who are not encountered horticulture to simply grow to be completed home gardeners. Placing plants and flowers could make the mattresses a lot more attractive, and planting fruit and vegetables will give the needed vitamins and nutrients to help you the plants and flowers improve.
Back yard gardening is often a exercise that lots of men and women process in city and suburban surroundings. Yard backyards provide a feeling of satisfaction to the garden enthusiast, as well as supplying a range of flowers and blossoms for any lawn. Numerous backyard gardeners notice that the apply presents a feeling of fulfillment and personal gratification, even though rising plants and flowers in city places may be much harder. The opportunity to start to see the some fruits of one’s labor following the same day is actually a enjoyable emotion.
Specialist gardens also are liked by numerous new and encountered backyard gardeners. Who however would like the appear and feel of a professionally developed yard, though a competent backyard can be a fantastic choice for a person who has tiny experience in running a yard. The gardener are going to be provided with information on what vegetation to decide on, how to look after the vegetation, and the way maintain your garden’s look. The gardener can also acquire support in preparing the growing plants expertise as well as the layout of their lawn.
There are lots of sorts of gardening that may be loved by anyone. Garden can range coming from a uncomplicated activity dedicated to crops and roses to a intensive, time-eating venture committed to increasing produce and herbs. No matter what style of horticulture any person selects, they can experience the effects their endeavours generate. Horticulture lets a garden enthusiast in becoming very creative and allows them to spend some time exterior whilst carrying out the landscaping chores. A person might also build their particular romantic relationship with character and relish the fruits of their effort each day for many years.
Terrific recommendations associated with the ideas in this article, you could like: | Watu wengi leo wanaona kilimo cha bustani kama nyongeza ya hivi karibuni ya vitabu vya historia fupi, ingawa Mimea inayokua imekuwa karibu tangu nyakati za enzi za kati. Ujenzi wa bustani umekuwa ukitambuliwa na jamii nyingi ulimwenguni kote, na ina maendeleo katika mitindo tofauti ya mbinu. Kwa kawaida, ni kwa ajili ya matumizi ya mazingira, kwa ajili ya kuangalia nzuri ya bustani ya nyuma, au hata kwa madhumuni ya kibiashara. Kwa hivyo, kwa sababu ya mandhari ya bustani, ni muhimu kwa mtengenezaji wa bustani kuwa na uwezo wa kuingiza hisia na uchangamfu katika nyumba au lawn. Kuna mambo kadhaa ambayo watu hutumia urembo wa mazingira kwa, bila kujali ni nini nia yake. Aina maarufu ya bustani ni bustani ya nyumbani, ambayo ni kutumia njia halisi ya kukua kukuza mimea ndani ya bustani au jengo jingine. Kuna aina mbili za mimea ya ndani: hydroponics na horticultural. Hydroponics ni matumizi ya ufanisi ya mazingira ya kioevu ili kuongeza mimea na maua ndani ya nyumba, kufanya kazi na pampu za maji kutoa maji. Hii inaweza kuwa rahisi kwa watu wenye nafasi kidogo sana. Vinginevyo, kwa wengi ambao wanahitaji utaalam wa kawaida zaidi. Mimea ya kawaida ya hydroponic ni basil, saladi, na pilipili, ambayo inaweza kukua katika mazingira ya hydroponic. Watu wengi ambao kukua mimea katika hydroponics kupata wao kuwa na udhibiti zaidi juu ya maendeleo ya mazao na kufurahia rangi ya kuishi na harufu ya mandhari. Bustani ya bustani ni matumizi ya ardhi kwa ajili ya kukuza mimea na maua. Ikiwa ni pamoja na bustani za nyumbani za rose, miti ya matunda safi, mboga na mimea safi, na mazao mengine mbalimbali ya hali. Ingawa mimea hiyo haifai kuliwa, aina fulani za bustani hufanya maua ya waridi na mboga ziwe sehemu muhimu ya bustani. Watu ambao kukomaa matunda na mboga ndani ya mazingira ya bustani wanaweza kupata upendeleo wao kukua bora zaidi kuliko wale wote kuvunwa katika vifaa hydroponics. Mimea ya matunda ni aina nyingine ya bustani ya matunda, ambayo hutumia miti na vichaka kutengeneza majani madogo ya berry. Kwa kawaida bustani hizi ni ndogo kuliko bustani nyingine nyingi za nyuma. Nyakati nyingine vichaka vya matunda vinaweza kuwa vya hali ya juu sana, vyenye idadi kadhaa na uwezo tofauti. Watu wengi huchagua bustani za matunda safi kwa bustani za mboga kwa sababu wanaona uzuri wa kuona wa vichaka vya matunda safi kuwa wa ajabu sana. Bustani ya mimea ni hakika mazoezi maarufu ya muundo nchini Marekani. Faida kuu za bustani ya mboga ni urahisi wa kuwa na maua na uundaji wa mboga. Mfano huu wa kubuni ni kuchukuliwa chini sana matengenezo, kuruhusu watu ambao si alikutana bustani kwa urahisi kukua kuwa kukamilika nyumbani wakulima. Kuweka mimea na maua kwenye kitanda kunaweza kufanya kitanda kiwe chenye kuvutia zaidi, na kupanda matunda na mboga kutakupa vitamini na virutubisho vinavyohitajika kusaidia kuboresha mimea na maua. Mara nyingi bustani ya nyuma ni zoezi ambalo wanaume na wanawake wengi hufanya katika mazingira ya jiji na vitongoji. Bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani ya bustani. Wakulima wengi wa bustani za nyuma wanagundua kwamba kutumia hutoa hisia ya kutimiza na kuridhika binafsi, ingawa kukua mimea na maua katika maeneo ya jiji inaweza kuwa ngumu zaidi. Uwezekano wa kuanza kuona baadhi ya matunda ya kazi ya mtu kufuatia siku hiyo hiyo ni kweli hisia ya kufurahisha. Bustani za wataalamu pia hupendwa na wakulima wengi wapya na waliokutana na bustani za nyuma. Hata hivyo, mtu ambaye anataka kuonekana na kuhisi ya uwanja wa kitaaluma maendeleo, ingawa bustani ya nyuma uwezo inaweza kuwa chaguo nzuri kwa mtu ambaye ana uzoefu mdogo katika kuendesha uwanja. Mkulima atapewa habari juu ya mimea ya kuamua, jinsi ya kutunza mimea, na jinsi ya kudumisha sura ya bustani yako. Mkulima pia anaweza kupata msaada katika kuandaa mimea inayoongezeka na ujuzi na mpangilio wa lawn yao. Kuna aina nyingi za kazi za bustani ambazo mtu yeyote anaweza kupenda. Bustani inaweza kuanzia shughuli ya kawaida ya mazao na maua ya waridi hadi shughuli ya muda mrefu na ya kukusanya mazao na mimea. Haijalishi mtu yeyote huchagua mtindo gani wa kilimo cha bustani, anaweza kuona matokeo ya jitihada zake. Ufugaji wa bustani huwezesha watengenezaji wa bustani kuwa wabunifu sana na kuwawezesha kutumia muda nje wakati wa kufanya kazi za uundaji wa mazingira. Mtu anaweza pia kujenga uhusiano wao wa kimapenzi na tabia na kufurahia matunda ya juhudi zao kila siku kwa miaka mingi. Maelezo mazuri kuhusu mada hii ya makala hii, unaweza pia kufurahia: | <urn:uuid:f6e18bff-7836-4b3f-932c-3f89f753eeaa> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://teachermarktrevis.com/15158-garden-fundamentals-29/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
As its cemeteries grow increasingly overcrowded, the holy city of Jerusalem is reviving the ancient tradition of interring people in subterranean tombs. The results of the first phase of a massive construction project, allowing 23,000 more people to be buried, will be revealed to the public in October 2019.
The road leading to Jerusalem from the Israeli Coastal Plain is steep and winding, marked by picturesque mountains, lush verdant forests and small villages dotting the landscape. Nearing the western outskirts of the city are large limestone walls jutting dramatically out of the ground, and row after row of graves appear along the slopes adjacent to the main highway, a jarring memento of an ever-growing problem the city is facing.
More than 150,000 people are interred at Har HaMenuchot, Jerusalem’s main cemetery, which is also one of the first sights to greet visitors as they enter the city. Owing to its history and religious significance, Jerusalem is one of the most coveted pieces of burial real estate on the planet. Some 4,400 people are buried here each year. Cremation, which is forbidden within the Jewish faith, is uncommon in Israel.
The Har HaMenuchot cemetery is quickly running out of space, a pressing issue for which the Rolzur tunnelling company believes it has found a solution. The company is presently engaged in a huge underground construction project that will see 23,000 styrofoam crypts built directly underneath the graveyard. The results of the first phase of this ambitious initiative are to be revealed to the public on 30 October 2019, when a third of the crypts will be unveiled in an official ceremony after nearly three years of ongoing work.
A history of subterranean burial
The Israelites first constructed subterranean crypts in Jerusalem as early as the 9th century BC. Several examples, dating back millennia and featuring elaborate rock-cut facades and inscriptions, remain visible in the Kidron Valley near the Old City. However, the practice of burying the departed in family caves or underground sites fell out of fashion at some point during the Middle Ages and was replaced by the communal cemeteries we see today.
Under Israeli law, every citizen is entitled to a free burial plot in the city of their residence, paid for by the National Insurance Institute. Tombstones, transportation and ceremonies come at an additional cost and often carry price tags reaching thousands of shekels. Nowadays, because of a lack of space, many of the deceased are buried in above-ground multistorey buildings. Others opt to pay astronomical sums of money for the privilege of being laid to rest in a more pastoral setting.
“It’s not only Jerusalem’s residents who are buried in the city, but also Jews from all over the world whose dream it is to be interred here,” says Adi Alphandary, head of business development at Rolzur, who explained that Glazer researched how ancient underground burial caves were constructed in order to see how they could be modernised.
“We’ve adapted third-century cemetery planning to today and constructed everything using Rolzur’s advanced technologies,” Alphandary says. “It’s very difficult work; we’ve already extended the project by something like 10 years.”
Alphandary explains that the Jerusalem catacombs project will have taken roughly a decade to complete, mainly because it’s particularly labour-intensive to dig into a mountain. The concrete-lined tunnels, punctuated with burial niches punched into the bedrock with a bore, reach a depth of about 50 metres (164 feet) below the existing Har HaMenuchot cemetery and extend hundreds of metres deep within the hillside. Dozens of workers were hired to carry out the work.
“[We’re] taking out quantities of rock and in their stead building spaces for tombs,” Alphandary says. “For the tombs we’ve developed a specialised machine that drills in a specific format and shape.”
The final catacombs will be spacious, well lit and ventilated, and have an elevator that will descend 16 floors from the mountain top to the lowest tunnel level. The tunnels themselves will total 1.3 kilometres (nearly a mile) in length, and those wishing to visit relatives will be able to do so on foot or by riding in electric carts. A small museum examining the history of Jewish burial practices will also be built on-site.
Preserving the land for future generations
Despite the grand scale of the project and its wider social purpose, it was not funded by the state or any government bodies; rather, Jerusalem’s most prominent chevra kadisha, or burial society, decided to launch the initiative in a bid to avoid taking over more land.
Hananya Shachor is the general manager of the Jerusalem Burial Society, which is behind the drive.
“Everyone understands that to cover up a plot of land with graves is not very nice,” Shachor says. “When someone entering Jerusalem sees a large cemetery in front of them, it doesn’t make the city feel very welcoming. But if the cemetery is hidden underground and we can instead use the land above ground for our children, this is obviously an improvement.”
Shachor claims that one other benefit of the catacombs is that they will require less maintenance and upkeep in the long run because it is a self-enclosed system.
“During the Second Temple Period, this was how the Jews buried their dead in the land of Israel, though it fell out of fashion because it was a very expensive method,” Shachor says. “Back then, there were no tractors and people had to dig burial caves with a hammer and chisel. Nowadays it’s cheaper to build [this way] because of machines.”
If the catacombs prove successful, Shachor hopes to continue expanding the caves and adding more and more burial niches. Ultimately, other cities, especially those with mountains nearby, could follow suit and construct their very own underground ‘cities of the dead’, thereby conserving precious green spaces and the world above ground for future generations.
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Since you are here, we would like to share our vision for the future of travel - and the direction Culture Trip is moving in.
Culture Trip launched in 2011 with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful — and this is still in our DNA today. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes certain places and communities so special.
Increasingly we believe the world needs more meaningful, real-life connections between curious travellers keen to explore the world in a more responsible way. That is why we have intensively curated a collection of premium small-group trips as an invitation to meet and connect with new, like-minded people for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in three categories: Culture Trips, Rail Trips and Private Trips. Our Trips are suitable for both solo travelers, couples and friends who want to explore the world together.
Culture Trips are deeply immersive 5 to 16 days itineraries, that combine authentic local experiences, exciting activities and 4-5* accommodation to look forward to at the end of each day. Our Rail Trips are our most planet-friendly itineraries that invite you to take the scenic route, relax whilst getting under the skin of a destination. Our Private Trips are fully tailored itineraries, curated by our Travel Experts specifically for you, your friends or your family.
We know that many of you worry about the environmental impact of travel and are looking for ways of expanding horizons in ways that do minimal harm - and may even bring benefits. We are committed to go as far as possible in curating our trips with care for the planet. That is why all of our trips are flightless in destination, fully carbon offset - and we have ambitious plans to be net zero in the very near future. | Makaburi ya watu wengi yanazidi kuongezeka, na jiji takatifu la Yerusalemu linaanza tena kuanzisha mapambo ya kale ya kuzikia watu katika makaburi ya chini ya ardhi. Matokeo ya awamu ya kwanza ya mradi huo mkubwa wa ujenzi, ambao unaruhusu watu 23,000 zaidi kuzikwa, yatatolewa kwa umma Oktoba 2019. Barabara inayoelekea Yerusalemu kutoka Bonde la Pwani la Israeli ni yenye mwinuko na yenye kupinda-pinda, yenye milima yenye kuvutia, misitu yenye majani mengi na vijiji vidogo vilivyoenea kotekote. Karibu na pwani ya magharibi ya mji huo kuna kuta kubwa za mawe ya chokaa zinazotoka chini, na safu baada ya safu ya makaburi yanaonekana kwenye mteremko wa barabara kuu, kumbukumbu ya shida inayokua kwa kasi ambayo jiji linakabili. Zaidi ya watu 150,000 wamezikwa katika Har HaMenuchot, makaburi makuu ya Yerusalemu, ambayo pia ni moja ya maeneo ya kwanza kukaribisha wageni wanapoingia mjini. Kwa sababu ya historia yake na umuhimu wake wa kidini, Yerusalemu ni mojawapo ya maeneo ya makaburi yanayopendwa sana duniani. Kila mwaka watu 4,400 huzikwa hapa. Kuteketezwa kwa maiti, ambayo imekatazwa katika imani ya Kiyahudi, si jambo la kawaida katika Israeli. Makaburi ya Har HaMenuchot yanaanza kukosa nafasi, jambo ambalo kampuni ya kuchimba handaki ya Rolzor inaamini imepata suluhisho. Kampuni hiyo sasa inashiriki katika mradi mkubwa wa ujenzi wa chini ya ardhi ambao utaona makaburi 23,000 ya Styrofoam yalijengwa moja kwa moja chini ya makaburi. Matokeo ya awamu ya kwanza ya mpango huu wa mradi huo yatatangazwa kwa umma Oktoba 30, 2019, wakati theluthi moja ya crypt itafunuliwa katika sherehe rasmi baada ya karibu miaka mitatu ya kazi inayoendelea. Katika karne ya 9 KK, Waisraeli walianza kujenga makaburi ya chini ya ardhi huko Yerusalemu. Mifano kadhaa, iliyochorwa miaka elfu kadhaa iliyopita na yenye nyuso na maandishi yaliyochongwa kwa ustadi katika mwamba, bado inaonekana katika Bonde la Kidroni karibu na Jiji la Kale. Hata hivyo, zoea la kuzikia wafu katika mapango ya familia au maeneo ya chini ya ardhi lilitoweka wakati fulani katika Enzi za Kati na kubadilishwa na makaburi ya kikomunisti tunayoyaona leo. Kulingana na sheria ya Israeli, kila raia ana haki ya kupata mahali pa kuzikia bila malipo katika mji wa makazi yake, kulipwa na Taasisi ya Bima ya Kitaifa. Mawe ya kaburi, usafiri na sherehe huja kwa gharama ya ziada na mara nyingi huwa na bei ya maelfu ya shekeli. Siku hizi, kwa sababu ya ukosefu wa nafasi, wafu wengi huzikwa katika majengo ya ghorofa nyingi yaliyo juu ya ardhi. Wengine huamua kulipa kiasi kikubwa cha pesa kwa ajili ya pendeleo la kuzikwa katika mazingira ya kitamaduni. "Si wakazi wa Yerusalemu tu waliozikwa katika mji huo, lakini pia Wayahudi kutoka duniani kote ambao ndoto yao ni kuzikwa hapa, ""alisema Adi Alphandary, mkuu wa maendeleo ya biashara katika Rolzor, ambaye alielezea kwamba Glazer alichunguza jinsi mapango ya zamani ya mazishi ya chini ya ardhi yalivyojengwa ili kuona jinsi wangeweza kusasishwa." "Tumebadilisha mipango ya makaburi ya karne ya tatu kwa leo na kujenga kila kitu kwa kutumia teknolojia za hali ya juu za Rolzur", Alphandary anasema. "Alfandari anaeleza kuwa mradi wa Jerusalem Catacombs utachukua karibu miaka kumi kukamilika, hasa kwa sababu ni kazi kubwa sana kuchimba ndani ya mlima.""" Vituo vya mawe vilivyofunikwa kwa saruji, vilivyofunikwa na niches za mazishi zilizofungwa kwenye mwamba, hufikia kina cha mita 50 chini ya makaburi ya Har HaMenuchot na huenea kwa mamia ya mita ndani ya mlima. Wafanyakazi kadhaa waliajiriwa kufanya kazi hiyo. "Tunatoa kiasi kikubwa cha miamba na badala yake kujenga maeneo ya makaburi", Alphandary anasema. "Kwa makaburi tumeunda mashine maalum ambayo huchimba katika muundo na umbo maalum. ""Kaburi la mwisho litakuwa na nafasi, taa nzuri na hewa, na kuwa na lifti ambayo itashuka ghorofa 16 kutoka juu ya mlima hadi kiwango cha chini cha handaki. """ Mfereji huo utakuwa na urefu wa kilomita 1.3 na wale wanaotaka kuwatembelea watu wao wa ukoo wanaweza kufanya hivyo kwa kutembea au kwa kutumia magari ya umeme. Jumba dogo la makumbusho linalochunguza historia ya mazoea ya mazishi ya Wayahudi pia litatengenezwa mahali hapo. "Kupitia mradi huo, ambao umekuwa ukitumiwa kwa miaka mingi, serikali ya Yerusalemu imependekeza ""chivra kadisha"" (jamii ya kuzikia) ili kuepuka kuchukua ardhi zaidi." Hananiah Shakur, Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Shirika la Mazishi la Yerusalemu, ni mmoja wa waandaaji wa maandishi hayo. "Kila mtu anaelewa kwamba kufunika eneo la ardhi na makaburi si jambo zuri sana", anasema Shachor. <unk>Wakati mtu anayeingia Yerusalemu anaona makaburi makubwa mbele yake, haifanyi jiji hilo lijihisi kuwa lenye kukaribisha sana. Lakini ikiwa makaburi yamefichwa chini ya ardhi na tunaweza badala yake kutumia ardhi juu ya ardhi kwa watoto wetu, hii ni wazi ni uboreshaji. <unk> Shachar anadai kwamba faida nyingine ya catacombs ni kwamba watahitaji matengenezo kidogo na matengenezo kwa muda mrefu kwa sababu ni mfumo wa kujizuia. "Katika kipindi cha Hekalu la Pili, hii ilikuwa jinsi Wayahudi walivyozizika wafu wao katika nchi ya Israeli, ingawa iliondoka mtindo kwa sababu ilikuwa njia ya gharama kubwa sana", Shachor anasema. <unk>Wakati huo, hakukuwa na matrekta na watu walihitaji kuchimba mapango ya mazishi kwa nyundo na chembe. Siku hizi ni nafuu kujenga [kwa njia hii] kwa sababu ya mashine. Ikiwa catacombs kuthibitika mafanikio, Shachor matumaini ya kuendelea kupanua mapango na kuongeza zaidi na zaidi niches mazishi. Mwishowe, miji mingine, hasa ile yenye milima karibu, ingeweza kufuata mfano huo na kujenga "miji ya wafu" yao wenyewe ya chini ya ardhi, na hivyo kuhifadhi maeneo ya kijani kibichi na ulimwengu juu ya ardhi kwa vizazi vijavyo. KUKUWA KUTAFUTA DUNIA? Kuunganisha na watu wenye mawazo sawa kwenye safari zetu za premium zilizopangwa na wajumbe wa ndani wa ndani na kwa huduma kwa ulimwengu Kwa kuwa uko hapa, tungependa kushiriki maono yetu kwa siku zijazo za kusafiri - na mwelekeo wa Utamaduni wa Safari. "Kulima Safari ilizinduliwa mwaka 2011 na ujumbe rahisi lakini shauku: kuhamasisha watu kwenda zaidi ya mipaka yao na uzoefu nini hufanya mahali, watu wake na utamaduni wake maalum na maana ""na hii bado ni katika DNA yetu leo." Tunajivunia kwamba kwa zaidi ya miaka kumi, mamilioni kama wewe wameamini mapendekezo yetu ya kushinda tuzo na watu ambao wanaelewa kina nini hufanya maeneo fulani na jamii maalum. "Tunaamini zaidi na zaidi kwamba ulimwengu unahitaji uhusiano wa maana zaidi, wa maisha halisi kati ya wasafiri wenye udadisi wanaotaka kugundua ulimwengu kwa njia ya uwajibikaji zaidi. """ Kwa hivyo, tumeandaa mkusanyiko wa safari za premium za kikundi kidogo kama mwaliko wa kukutana na kuungana na watu wapya, wenye mawazo sawa kwa uzoefu wa mara moja katika maisha katika makundi matatu: Safari za Utamaduni, Safari za Reli na Safari za Kibinafsi. Safari zetu zinafaa kwa wasafiri wa pekee, wanandoa na marafiki ambao wanataka kuchunguza ulimwengu pamoja. Safari za Utamaduni ni safari za siku 5 hadi 16 za kuzamisha, ambazo huchanganya uzoefu halisi wa ndani, shughuli za kuvutia na malazi ya 4-5 * ya kutarajia mwisho wa kila siku. Safari zetu za Reli ni njia zetu za kusafiri za kirafiki zaidi za sayari ambazo zinakualika kuchukua njia ya mandhari, kupumzika wakati wa kupata chini ya ngozi ya marudio. Safari zetu za kibinafsi ni safari zilizoboreshwa kikamilifu, zilizopangwa na Wataalam wetu wa Usafiri haswa kwa ajili yako, marafiki wako au familia yako. Tunajua kwamba wengi wenu wana wasiwasi juu ya athari za mazingira za kusafiri na wanatafuta njia za kupanua upeo wa macho kwa njia ambazo hufanya madhara madogo - na zinaweza hata kuleta faida. Tunajitolea kwenda mbali iwezekanavyo katika kuratibu safari zetu kwa utunzaji wa sayari. "Hiyo ndiyo sababu safari zetu zote hazina ndege katika marudio, na hazina kaboni kabisa, na tuna mipango ya kutamani kuwa na kiwango cha sifuri katika siku zijazo.""" | <urn:uuid:0186466c-c196-4931-8527-e6faa0c9ed68> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://theculturetrip.com/asia/israel/articles/jerusalem-catacombs-an-ancient-underground-burial-practice-comes-to-life | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
How Does it work?
The brain is without question the most complex organ in the body. It is a very intelligent organ that can work beautifully for us; however, it can cause us quite a few challenges along the way. We are in an exciting era of understanding the brain better. We have access to technology that allows the study of the brain, therefore, making it more accessible – however, we are at the tip of the iceberg in terms of understanding its full potential.
What we do understand, is that when a person experiences a traumatic event, a shock to the system that is too overwhelming to process normally. It gets stored in one part of the brain, with all the sights, sounds, thoughts, feelings and body sensations that accompanied the event at the time it occurred. Even if you do not cognitively remember it at the time or afterwards.
When events are extraordinarily upsetting, the brain is sometimes not able to process the experience as it normally does. Therefore the thoughts, feelings and sensations of the traumatic event can become frozen in the nervous system as if in a “time warp”. This leaves us feeling not only that we can’t escape the experience but that we also keep reliving it.
On a day to day basis, we may even find we can function very well, but then all of a sudden a colour, a smell, a word, a noise or a look can set off a series of physical and emotional reactions that can bring us to a standstill. These are triggers, during the process of EMDR, we get rid of them, so they become a non-issue going forward.
Adaptive Information Processing?
EMDR works in activating the brain’s natural processing abilities with great efficiency, thereby helping to move any disturbing and stuck material through the nervous system. It allows the person to heal more completely. The ability of our brain/body/mind to accomplish this type of resolution is called an “Adaptive Information Processing” system or AIP.
The AIP presumes that the brain, like the rest of our body, has the natural capacity to heal itself after being traumatised.
To use the example of cutting a finger, we do not have to tell the body how to heal that finger – it just automatically activates its healing mechanisms.
What experiences can EMDR be used for?
The most commonly known trauma disorder is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This disorder sometimes develops after a person experiences an event (or multiple events) so disturbing to them that they are unable to process what happened in a way that allows them to heal from it. EMDR works by “desensitising and reprocessing” memories stored as a result of traumatic experiences.
The kinds of traumatic experiences that can sometimes lead to PTSD are events such as (please note this is not an extensive list)
- Childhood or adult abuse
- Extreme illness or the sudden death of a loved one
- Car accidents
- Dog bites
- Experiences of war
- Kidnap, hostage situations
- The unexpected death of a loved one
- Suicide (witnessing or remaining relative/friend)
- Natural disasters
- Phantom limb pain
- Traumatic grief
Examples of symptoms of trauma or abuse?
Not everyone experiences the full spectrum of the symptoms listed below, but if you are experiencing several (or all) of these, you may be experiencing a “trauma-based” disorder:
- Depression and anxiety
- Sleep disturbance
- Intrusive thoughts
- Heightened levels of “vigilance.”
- Physical arousal
- Substance abuse
- Emotional outbursts
- Panic Attacks
- Suicidal Ideation
- Erratic behaviours
Further to these types of traumas are the less obvious ones that still bring about very distressing feelings, including:
- Divorce of parents
- Constant criticism
Experiences like these usually accumulate over time from childhood. For a child or young person, these issues can be traumatic. If not addressed, these issues become layered experiences over time until one day later on this group of experiences come to the fore by way of physical or emotional health issues. | Inafanya kazije? Bila shaka, ubongo ndio kiungo tata zaidi mwilini. Ni kiungo chenye akili sana ambacho kinaweza kutufanyia kazi vizuri; hata hivyo, kinaweza kutuletea magumu kadhaa njiani. Tuko katika enzi yenye kusisimua ya kuelewa ubongo vizuri zaidi. Tuna upatikanaji wa teknolojia ambayo inaruhusu utafiti wa ubongo, kwa hivyo, kuifanya iwe rahisi zaidi <unk> hata hivyo, tuko kwenye ncha ya barafu katika suala la kuelewa uwezo wake kamili. Kwa mfano, mtu anapopata tukio lenye kuumiza, mfumo wake wa mwili hufadhaika sana hivi kwamba hauwezi kukabiliana nalo. Hifadhi katika sehemu moja ya ubongo, pamoja na picha zote, sauti, mawazo, hisia na hisia za mwili ambazo zilikuwa pamoja na tukio wakati lilipotokea. Hata kama huwezi kukumbuka wakati huo au baadaye. Wakati matukio yanapokuwa yenye kusumbua sana, wakati mwingine ubongo hauwezi kukabiliana na mambo hayo kama kawaida. Kwa hiyo mawazo, hisia na hisia za tukio lenye kuumiza zaweza kufungwa katika mfumo wa neva kana kwamba ziko katika "mzunguko wa wakati". Hii inatufanya tuwe na hisia sio tu kwamba hatuwezi kukimbia uzoefu huo lakini pia tunaendelea kuurudia. Katika maisha ya kila siku, tunaweza hata kupata kwamba tunaweza kufanya kazi vizuri sana, lakini kisha ghafla rangi, harufu, neno, kelele au kuangalia inaweza kuanzisha mfululizo wa athari za kimwili na kihisia ambazo zinaweza kutuleta kwenye hali ya kusimamishwa. Kwa hivyo, kwa sababu ya hali ya hali ya juu, wakati wa EMDR, tunapaswa kuondoa athari za kiakili na kuondoa athari za kiakili. Utaratibu wa Kujipatanisha na Habari? EMDR hufanya kazi katika kuamsha uwezo wa asili wa usindikaji wa ubongo kwa ufanisi mkubwa, na hivyo kusaidia kuhamisha nyenzo yoyote inayosumbua na kushikamana kupitia mfumo wa neva. Inamruhusu mtu apone kikamili zaidi. Uwezo wa ubongo wetu wa kufanya kazi hii huitwa mfumo wa usindikaji wa habari wa adaptive (AIP). AIP inadhani kwamba ubongo, kama mwili wetu wote, una uwezo wa asili wa kujirekebisha baada ya kuumia. Kwa kutumia mfano wa kukata kidole, hatuhitaji kumwambia mwili jinsi ya kuponya kidole hicho - huamsha tu utaratibu wake wa uponyaji. Ni nini kinachohusika katika EMDR? Ugonjwa unaojulikana zaidi ni ugonjwa wa mkazo baada ya majeraha (PTSD). Ugonjwa huu wakati mwingine huanza baada ya mtu kupata tukio (au matukio mengi) ya kusumbua sana kwamba hawawezi kusindika kile kilichotokea kwa njia ambayo inaruhusu kupona kutoka kwake. EMDR inafanya kazi kwa "kuondoa hisia na kusindika tena" kumbukumbu zilizohifadhiwa kama matokeo ya uzoefu wa kiwewe. PTSD ni aina ya tukio ambalo linaweza kusababisha PTSD, kama vile ( tafadhali kumbuka hii si orodha ya kina) - Utoto au unyanyasaji wa watu wazima - Ugonjwa mkubwa au kifo cha ghafla cha mpendwa - Ajali za gari - Kuumwa na mbwa - Uzoefu wa vita - Utekaji nyara, hali za mateka - Kifo kisichotazamiwa cha mpendwa - Kujiua (kuona au kubaki jamaa au rafiki) - Misiba ya asili - Maumivu ya viungo vya Phantom - Maumivu ya Mshuko. Si kila mtu uzoefu wigo kamili wa dalili zilizotajwa hapa chini, lakini kama wewe ni uzoefu kadhaa (au wote) ya haya, unaweza kuwa na uzoefu wa "trauma-msingi" ugonjwa: - unyogovu na wasiwasi - usingizi matatizo - intrusive mawazo - viwango vya juu ya "vigilance" - kimwili arousal - madawa ya kulevya - hisia outbursts - panic mashambulizi - mawazo ya kujiua - tabia erratic Zaidi ya aina hizi ya traumas ni wale chini ya dhahiri kwamba bado kuleta hisia ya kusumbua sana, ikiwa ni pamoja na: Kwa mtoto au kijana, masuala hayo yaweza kuwa yenye kuhuzunisha. Ikiwa haijashughulikiwa, masuala haya huwa uzoefu wa tabaka kwa muda mpaka siku moja baadaye kikundi hiki cha uzoefu kinakuja mbele kwa njia ya masuala ya afya ya kimwili au kihemko. | <urn:uuid:e94367a4-05f9-4a85-8eba-de684f3af4a9> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://thehealingtraumatherapist.co.uk/services/psychotherapy/emdr/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Print The Letter D Craft for Preschool! (with free printable templates) Build fine motor skills with a Letter D Cut & Paste Activity. Match shapes and learn letter A words like: acorn, astronaut, anteater, and apple. Next, make your own D is for Dragon Craft. Have fun with crayons, streamers, and a printable dragon template. Don’t forget to check out a Letter D Handprint Craft and Letter D Dot Dot Page.
The Letter D Craft for Preschool
This Letter D Craft for Preschool is chocked full of learning and fun! Print your activity onto cardstock paper. The background of the letter D template has diamonds, dolphins, dragons, doors, and ducks. Take a moment to name each picture you see in the background before you begin the activity. Use markers and crayons to color in the images on page 2. Color in the dinosaur, drum, donuts, and dog.
Inside the letter D contains four shapes: circle, square, triangle, and rectangle. Have your little ones cut out the shapes on page two and match each picture to its same shape. Using scissors is a great way to build fine motor skills. Matching shapes is a great way to learn shape names and shape recognition. What else do you see in the room that begins with the letter D?
D is for Dragon Craft!
This D is for Dragon Craft is tons of fun! Print your dragon template onto cardstock paper and cut out with scissors. Use markers or crayons to fill in your dragon! Once filled in, flip the dragon over and glue streamers to the bottom. Use any colors you like! Next, roll the dragon into a tube shape and use tape to secure. Don’t forget to fold the dragons eyes upward.
Be sure to show off your dragon craft somewhere that needs a bit of colorful cheer! Blow through the tube by the dragon’s eyes and put the fire-breathing dragon into action!
Letter D Activities for Pre-K
Use a Dot Dot marker to dot your letter D. Engage with a touch of social emotional learning by talking about the word, “determined”. What does it feel like to be determined? What things do you think you would feel determined about? Another way to use this sheet is to have your little ones place one fruit loop onto each gray dot. Laminate your printable to keep it long lasting!
The Alphabet Handprint Book can be a great end of the year gift for your little ones and their parents. Take a look at “D is for Dinosaur”. Use green paint for the handprints, green construction paper for the neck and head, and a purple sharpie for the details. Be sure to use Washable Kwik Stix to add some colorful flourishes for fun.
Letter D Books for Preschool
Check out some great letter D books for preschool! Reading with your little ones is a great way to build a social connection, build vocabulary skills, and discover potential interests! Read “Dragons Love Tacos”, “It’s Raining Cats and Dogs”, and “The Wonky Donkey”.
Click below to print your Free Letter D Craft Templates!
We hope you enjoyed The Letter D Craft for Preschool! Head to the Preschool Printable Library for tons of fun and learning! | Chapa Ufundi wa Herufi D kwa ajili ya Watoto wa Shule ya Chini! (na templates bure printable) Kujenga ujuzi mzuri wa motor na Letter D Cut & Paste Shughuli. Kulinganisha maumbo na kujifunza herufi A maneno kama vile: acorn, mwanaanga, anteater, na apple. "Kisha, fanya ""D"" yako mwenyewe kwa ajili ya Dragon Craft." Furahia na crayons, streamers, na template dragon printable. Usisahau kuangalia nje Letter D Handprint Craft na Letter D Dot Dot Page. Kazi ya mikono ya herufi D kwa ajili ya shule ya chekechea Kazi ya mikono ya herufi D kwa ajili ya shule ya chekechea imejaa kujifunza na kujifurahisha! Chapa shughuli yako kwenye karatasi ya karatasi. Mandhari ya template ya herufi D ina almasi, pomboo, joka, milango, na bata. Chukua muda wa kutaja jina la kila picha unayoona nyuma kabla ya kuanza utendaji huo. Tumia alama na rangi za rangi kwenye picha zilizo kwenye ukurasa wa 2. Rangi katika dinosaur, ngoma, donuts, na mbwa. Ndani ya herufi D kuna maumbo manne: mduara, mraba, pembetatu, na mstatili. Waulize watoto wako wachukue picha zilizo kwenye ukurasa wa 2 na kuiga kila picha. Kutumia mkasi ni njia nzuri ya kujenga ustadi wa utendaji mzuri wa mwili. Kuunganisha maumbo ni njia nzuri ya kujifunza majina ya maumbo na utambuzi wa maumbo. Unaona nini kingine katika chumba kinachoanza na herufi D? D ni kwa ajili ya Dragon Craft! Hii ni kwa ajili ya Dragon Craft ni tani ya furaha! Chapa template yako ya joka kwenye karatasi ya kadi na ukate kwa msumari. Tumia alama au kalamu za rangi kujaza joka lako! Mara baada ya kujazwa, kurudisha joka juu na gundi streamers chini. Tumia rangi zozote unazopenda! Kisha, mzungushe joka hilo katika umbo la bomba na utumie mkanda wa kunyoosha. Usisahau fold dragon macho juu. Hakikisha kuonyesha sanaa yako ya joka mahali fulani ambayo inahitaji kidogo ya furaha ya rangi! Piga kupitia bomba kupitia macho ya joka na kuweka joka la kupumua moto katika hatua! "Kama ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K"" kwa ""K."""" Unahisije unapokuwa na azimio? Ni mambo gani unayofikiri ungependa kufanya? Njia nyingine ya kutumia karatasi hii ni kuwafanya watoto wako wawekee mzunguko mmoja wa matunda kwenye kila nukta ya kijivu. Weka vipande vya karatasi kwenye karatasi yako ya kuchapisha ili iweze kudumu kwa muda mrefu! Kitabu cha Alphabet Handprint Book kinaweza kuwa zawadi nzuri ya mwisho wa mwaka kwa watoto wako na wazazi wao. Angalia <unk>D ni kwa ajili ya Dinosaur<unk>. Tumia rangi ya kijani kwa ajili ya alama za mikono, karatasi ya ujenzi ya kijani kwa ajili ya shingo na kichwa, na sharpie ya zambarau kwa ajili ya maelezo. Hakikisha kutumia Washable Kwik Stix kuongeza baadhi ya maua ya rangi kwa ajili ya furaha. Kitabu cha Herufi D kwa ajili ya shule ya chekechea Angalia baadhi ya vitabu vya barua kubwa D kwa ajili ya shule ya chekechea! Kusoma pamoja na watoto wako ni njia nzuri ya kujenga uhusiano wa kijamii, kujenga ujuzi wa msamiati, na kugundua mapendezi ya uwezekano! Soma "Dragons Love Tacos", "It's Raining Cats and Dogs", na "The Wonky Donkey". Bonyeza hapa chini kuchapisha barua yako ya bure D Craft Templates! Tunatumaini kwamba ulifurahia kitabu The Letter D Craft for Preschool! Nenda kwenye Maktaba ya Kuchapisha ya Shule ya Chini kwa ajili ya mengi ya furaha na kujifunza! | <urn:uuid:7ea22889-8fcd-46b7-abb8-06c78d6300b9> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://thehollydogblog.com/the-letter-d-craft/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Discussions around American education often overflow with statistics. But an avalanche of numbers threatens to bury the education system’s most important component—students—and distract from the long-term, human outcomes that matter most to their lives.
This theme permeated a July 14 panel hosted by The Citizen in which education leaders dissected innovative academic models, as well as the significant institutional barriers to educational reform. “Innovation in Education” was the first event in Citizen Speaks powered by Comcast NBCUniversal and Fitler Club, a yearlong speaker series focused on addressing the most pressing issues and most exciting opportunities facing our city and our country.
Panelists included Carlos Moreno, executive director of Big Picture Learning, a student-centered learning model in 150 schools, including two in Philadelphia; Heidi Ramirez, former chief academic officer of Milwaukee and Memphis public schools and former Philly School Reform commissioner; and Sylvester Mobley, founder of Coded by Kids, a nonprofit that educates young people from underrepresented groups in technology and entrepreneurship. They illuminated the nuances behind career-readiness strategies, scientific research on learning and its relationship to policy, and students’ disengagement from school following the Covid-19 pandemic.
Below are six key moments from the event. If you missed it, you can watch the full event here. And be sure to join us at all of our exciting upcoming events—we’d love to see you at Fitler Club, or online.
1. Encourage students to aim higher
As reformers try to improve educational opportunities for Black and brown students, employment is often the default objective. For Mobley, “employment is a pretty low bar to set.” Instead, he encourages students at Coded by Kids to expand their professional ambitions, and shoot for CEO and CTO positions.
2. Lead with students’ strengths and interests
“Too often, schools begin by trying to diagnose what a student doesn’t know, what they can’t do,” Moreno said. Instead, Big Picture Learning rethinks instruction at a philosophical level by focusing its model on what interests and excites its students.
3. Not all innovation is created equal
“Innovation” has become a buzzword in the education space, according to Ramirez. She notices that many people assume new learning models are good simply because they are different—even when such proposals lack solid supporting evidence.
4. The fix for illiteracy is right in front of our face
When an audience member asked how she would use innovation to address illiteracy in Philadelphia, Ramirez responded that the research community has already revealed a lot about the science of learning. “We know a lot right now that we could do,” she said, and improving literacy requires not innovation, but time and effort to re-train teachers and revamp curricula around scientific research.
5. Make privilege ubiquitous
Mobley’s nonprofit, Coded by Kids, has launched a venture capital fund to invest in startups led by their alumni and others from disadvantaged backgrounds. Some of his former students, he said, now take that support for granted—in a good way. “I like the fact that they see it as a given,” Mobley said. “They now have a level of privilege that their white counterparts traditionally have.”
6. We have to spend money
According to Mobley, the education deficit for underprivileged communities is not due to a lack of innovation, but an intentional divestment in public schooling. Because wealthy white people often send their children to expensive private schools, they “obviously understand the relationship between cost and quality of education,” he said. “Why does cost become a problem when we talk about Black and brown kids?” | Mazungumzo kuhusu elimu ya Marekani mara nyingi hujazwa takwimu. Lakini idadi kubwa ya wanafunzi inahatarisha kuharibu sehemu muhimu zaidi ya mfumo wa elimu, wanafunzi, na kugeuza fikira kutoka kwa matokeo ya muda mrefu, ya kibinadamu ambayo ni muhimu zaidi kwa maisha yao. Mkutano huo ulifanyika Julai 14 na The Citizen, ambapo viongozi wa elimu walichunguza mifano ya kitaaluma ya ubunifu, pamoja na vizuizi vikubwa vya taasisi kwa mageuzi ya elimu. "Uvumbuzi katika Elimu"" ilikuwa tukio la kwanza katika Citizen Speaks inayoendeshwa na Comcast NBCUniversal na Fitler Club, mfululizo wa msemaji wa mwaka mzima uliolenga kushughulikia masuala ya haraka zaidi na fursa za kusisimua zaidi zinazokabili mji wetu na nchi yetu." "Miongoni mwao ni Carlos Moreno, mkurugenzi mtendaji wa Big Picture Learning, mfano wa kujifunza unaozingatia wanafunzi katika shule 150 - ikiwa ni pamoja na mbili huko Philadelphia; Heidi Ramirez, afisa mkuu wa zamani wa shule za umma za Milwaukee na Memphis na kamishna wa zamani wa Marekebisho ya Shule ya Philadelphia; na Sylvester Mobley, mwanzilishi wa ""Coded by Kids,"" shirika lisilo la faida ambalo linafundisha vijana kutoka vikundi vya chini katika teknolojia na ujasiriamali." "Walielezea mambo muhimu ya mikakati ya utayari wa kazi, utafiti wa kisayansi juu ya kujifunza na uhusiano wake na sera, na wanafunzi ""kuondoka shule"" kufuatia janga la COVID-19." Chini ni mambo sita muhimu kutoka tukio hilo. Kama umekosa, unaweza kutazama tukio kamili hapa. Na kuwa na uhakika wa kujiunga na sisi katika yote ya matukio yetu ya kusisimua inakuja <unk> tungependa kuona wewe katika Fitler Club, au online. 1. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli "Wanafunzi wanaohusika katika mabadiliko ya elimu wanajaribu kuboresha fursa za elimu kwa wanafunzi weusi na kahawia, lakini mara nyingi ""ajali"" ni lengo la default." Kwa Mobley, <unk>ajira ni bar pretty chini kuweka.<unk> Badala yake, yeye kuhamasisha wanafunzi katika Coded na Kids kupanua matarajio yao ya kitaaluma, na risasi kwa ajili ya nafasi ya Mkurugenzi Mtendaji na CTO. 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Kiongozi na nguvu za wanafunzi na maslahi <unk> Mara nyingi, shule huanza kwa kujaribu kugundua kile mwanafunzi hajui, kile hawawezi kufanya, <unk> Moreno alisema. Badala yake, Big Picture Learning hufikiria tena mafundisho katika kiwango cha kifalsafa kwa kuzingatia mfano wake juu ya kile kinachowahusu na kuwafurahisha wanafunzi wake. 3. Uwe na mtazamo wa kweli Si uvumbuzi wote ni kuundwa sawa <unk>Uvumbuzi<unk> imekuwa buzzword katika nafasi ya elimu, kulingana na Ramirez. Yeye anaona kwamba watu wengi kudhani mifano mpya ya kujifunza ni nzuri kwa sababu tu wao ni tofauti - hata wakati mapendekezo kama hayo kukosa ushahidi thabiti wa kuunga mkono. 4. Uwe na uhakika "Mwisho wa mkutano huo, wakati msikilizaji mmoja alipomuuliza jinsi atakavyotumia uvumbuzi kukabiliana na ukosefu wa kusoma na kuandika huko Philadelphia, Ramirez alijibu kwamba jamii ya watafiti tayari imefunua mengi juu ya sayansi ya kujifunza. """ "Tunajua mengi sasa hivi ambayo tunaweza kufanya,"" alisema, na kuboresha ujuzi wa kusoma na kuandika hauhitaji uvumbuzi, lakini wakati na juhudi za kufundisha walimu na kurekebisha mtaala kuzunguka utafiti wa kisayansi. 5. Uwe na mtazamo mzuri. "Mabalozi wa ""Mobility"" na ""Coded by Kids"" wameweka msingi wa fedha za uwekezaji kwa ajili ya kuanzisha makampuni yanayoongozwa na wanafunzi wao na wengine kutoka kwa mazingira ya chini." Baadhi ya wanafunzi wake wa zamani, alisema, sasa kuchukua msaada huo kwa uhakika - kwa njia nzuri. "Ninapenda ukweli kwamba wanaiona kama jambo la kawaida", Mobley alisema. <unk>Wao sasa wana kiwango cha upendeleo ambacho wenzao weupe kwa kawaida wana.<unk> 6. "Mambo ya kwanza ambayo Mobley anasema ni kwamba ""kutoweza kupata elimu kwa jamii zilizo chini ya hali ya juu si kwa sababu ya ukosefu wa uvumbuzi, bali ni kwa sababu ya kuondolewa kwa fedha kwa makusudi katika elimu ya umma.""" Kwa sababu watu wazungu matajiri mara nyingi hutuma watoto wao katika shule za kibinafsi za bei ghali, "kwa wazi wanaelewa uhusiano kati ya gharama na ubora wa elimu", alisema. <unk>Kwa nini gharama inakuwa tatizo tunapozungumza juu ya watoto weusi na kahawia?<unk> | <urn:uuid:3dcd49e9-999e-4f49-9ef2-b4df4f07dc65> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://thephiladelphiacitizen.org/move-education-forward/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Disclaimer: I am not an expert in any of this. There is lots of information online regarding such designs. Although this setup worked for me, do not trust any of my calculations. Please work all this out for yourself and consult many other sources, or it may spontaneously burst into flames.
The contraption is a board containing two lights and a receptacle that are controlled by a computer communicating with the Arduino microcontroller. The project grew out of a desire to learn more about microcontroller programming and some circuit design, something I had never really done before.
Below is a video of the contraption in action. In the video, I control the two light bulbs, as well as a blender, from my computer. (Note: the video does not have sound)
Principle & Hardware
The hardware was laid out on a plain wood board as shown in the photos below.
Note that all power is actually flowing through the breadboard. This is probably not a very good idea, but as we are dealing with only an amp or two at most, I thought it might be satisfactory. I’ve included both an on/off switch, and a 5A circuit breaker for safety.
The schematic below shows the main circuit used in controlling the power to the lights and the receptacle. This circuit is nearly identical to that found in the MOC3022M datasheet.
The main principle is as follows:
- The opto-isolating triac (MOC3022M) receives an input from an Arduino output pin.
- This allows bi-directional voltage on the triac side (pins 6 and 4). This voltage comes from the mains through 180Ω resistor R2 and to the gate pin on the triac T1.
- This voltage turns on the BTB08 triac (T1) through its gate pin. This allows conduction through the triac and through the load.
A few notes and equations:
- The BTB08 triac chosen is ‘snubberless’. It therefore may not be necessary to include a snubber circuit for inductive loads. I didn’t include one, and as seen in the video, it seems to work ok for the blender motor.
- The Arduino output (Vcc) is 5V. Therefore, the max current through the left side of the MOC3022M is 5V/390Ω = 12.8mA
- The peak voltage of the AC Mains is approximately 170V. Therefore, current through the right side of the MOC3022M is limited to 170V/180Ω = 0.94A. This is just under the maximum of 1A listed in the data sheet
- The triac T1 is always operating in quadrants I or III.
If no voltage is applied to the left side of the MOC3022M, the mains current flow through the T1 triac will stop when the mains voltage reaches the zero-point crossing. The solution is to leave the Arduino output on, which works only if you want the mains circuit completely on. However, for dimming, you must know when the zero cross occurs.
This circuit allows an Arduino input pin to register when the AC mains voltage is in the positive half-wave.
- The negative half-wave is removed by the diode. Therefore, the RMS voltage is 60V
- The four resistors have an equivalent resistance of 10kΩ. Therefore, the RMS current is 60V/10kΩ = 6mA. The reason for several resistors is to reduce the power at each resistor. The voltage across each resistor is 30V, therefore the power dissipation is (30V)(30V)/10kΩ = 90mW
Note that detection by the Arduino of the start of the positive half of the sine wave is delayed, and the detection of the end is too early. Below is an exaggerated diagram.
The counter in the diagram refers to the AVR timer counter that counts ticks between the rising and falling edges. The average of the rising and falling edge counters gives 60Hz. In order to dim, the triac must turn on at a specified point during the sine wave. That point is calculated in the code. Therefore, the timer for turning on the triac must be kept in sync with the timer for the zero-cross detection. This is done by modifying the phase-shifting-timer’s counter register when the microcontroller detects a rising edge. A more-accurate value for the phase-shifting counter can be approximated, assuming the symmetry present in the diagram (see the code). This could also be done for the falling edge as well, although would require more code in an interrupt routine, which is generally a bad thing.
Due to the zero-cross behavior, even if the Arduino output is left completely on, there is some delay in turning on the triac due the gate current and voltage required to trigger the triac. This delay can be calculated:
- Gate current for the triac is 50mA (from the data sheet)
- The gate voltage is 1.3V
- The opto-isolator detector on-state voltage is 3V max
- Therefore, the AC mains voltage must reach (180Ω)(0.05A)+3V+1.3V=13.3V
- Taking the inverse sine of 13.3V/170V results in a phase-shift of 4.5° or 0.0785 radians.
Read more: BennyP’s Light Contraption | Kumbuka: Mimi si mtaalamu wa mambo haya. Kuna habari nyingi mtandaoni kuhusu miundo hiyo. Ingawa utaratibu huu ulinifaidi, usitegemee hesabu zangu zozote. Tafadhali fanya kazi yote haya kwa ajili yako mwenyewe na kushauriana vyanzo vingine vingi, au inaweza ghafla kulipuka katika moto. Kifaa hicho ni bodi yenye taa mbili na chombo ambacho kinadhibitiwa na kompyuta inayosambaza na Arduino microcontroller. Mradi huo ulizaliwa kutokana na hamu ya kujifunza zaidi kuhusu programu ya microcontroller na baadhi ya kubuni mzunguko, kitu ambacho sikuwa nimefanya kabla. Chini ni video ya kifaa hicho kikifanya kazi. Katika video hiyo, ninadhibiti balbu mbili za taa, na pia blender, kutoka kwa kompyuta yangu. (Kumbuka: video haina sauti) Kanuni na vifaa vifaa vilitolewa kwenye ubao wa mbao wa kawaida kama inavyoonyeshwa katika picha hapa chini. Kumbuka kwamba nguvu zote ni kweli mtiririko kupitia breadboard. Hii ni pengine si wazo nzuri sana, lakini kama sisi ni kushughulika na tu amp au mbili zaidi, nilidhani inaweza kuwa kuridhisha. I've pamoja wote juu ya switch on-off, na 5A circuit breaker kwa ajili ya usalama. Schematic hapa chini inaonyesha mzunguko kuu kutumika katika kudhibiti nguvu kwa taa na receptacle. Mzunguko huu ni karibu sawa na ile iliyopatikana katika karatasi ya data ya MOC3022M. Mfumo wa msingi ni kama ifuatavyo: - Opto-kujitenga triac (MOC3022M) hupokea pembejeo kutoka Arduino pato pini. - Hii inaruhusu voltage bidirectional juu ya upande triac (pins 6 na 4). Mzunguko wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme wa umeme. - Voltage hii inageuka juu ya BTB08 triac (T1) kupitia pini yake ya mlango. Hii inaruhusu conduction kupitia triac na kupitia mzigo. Baadhi ya maelezo na equations: - BTB08 triac kuchaguliwa ni <unk>snubberless<unk>. Kwa hiyo inaweza kuwa si muhimu kujumuisha mzunguko snubber kwa ajili ya mzigo inductive. Mimi si ni pamoja na moja, na kama inavyoonekana katika video, inaonekana kazi ok kwa ajili ya blender motor. Arduino ya nje (VCC) ni 5V Kwa hiyo, max sasa kupitia upande wa kushoto wa MOC3022M ni 5V = 12.8mA, na voltage ya kilele ya AC ni karibu 170V. Kwa hiyo, sasa kupitia upande wa kulia wa MOC3022M ni mdogo kwa 170V 180O = 0.94A. Hii ni chini ya kiwango cha juu cha 1A kilichoorodheshwa katika karatasi ya data - Triac T1 daima inafanya kazi katika quadrants I au III. Ikiwa voltage haijawekwa upande wa kushoto wa MOC302M, mtiririko wa sasa wa mtandao kupitia T1 triac utasimama wakati voltage ya mtandao inafikia makutano ya hatua ya sifuri. Suluhisho ni kuondoka pato Arduino juu, ambayo kazi tu kama unataka mzunguko mains kabisa juu. Hata hivyo, kwa dimming, lazima kujua wakati zero msalaba hutokea. Mzunguko huu inaruhusu Arduino pembe ya kuingia kusajili wakati AC mains voltage ni katika chanya nusu-wimbi. - Negative nusu-wimbi ni kuondolewa na diode. RMS voltage ni 60V, na resistors nne ni sawa na 10kV. Kwa hiyo, RMS sasa ni 60V-10KW = 6mA. Sababu ya resistors kadhaa ni kupunguza nguvu katika kila resistor. Vipimo vya voltage katika kila resistor ni 30V, kwa hiyo dissipation ya nguvu ni 30V (30V) = 90mW.Kumbuka kwamba kugundua kwa Arduino ya mwanzo wa nusu ya chanya ya sine wave ni kucheleweshwa, na kugundua mwisho ni mapema sana. Chini ni mchoro uliozidi kiasi. Mfuatano wa AVR ni kipimo cha AVR cha wakati cha AVR, ambacho kinahesabu ticks kati ya makali ya kupanda na kushuka. Kwa mfano, kwa upande wa juu na chini counter, unaweza kupata 60Hz. Ili kupunguza mwangaza, triac lazima iwashe katika hatua maalum wakati wa wimbi la sine. Hatua hiyo inahesabiwa katika kanuni. Kwa hiyo, timer kwa ajili ya kugeuka juu ya triac lazima kuhifadhiwa katika sync na timer kwa ajili ya zero-msalaba kugundua. Hii ni kufanyika kwa kurekebisha awamu-kuhama-timer <unk>s counter usajili wakati microcontroller hugundua makali kuongezeka. Thamani zaidi sahihi kwa ajili ya awamu-kuhamisha counter inaweza kuwa takriban, kudhani symmetry sasa katika mchoro (tazama code). Hii inaweza pia kufanyika kwa ajili ya kuanguka makali pia, ingawa ingekuwa zinahitaji code zaidi katika utaratibu wa kukatiza, ambayo kwa ujumla ni kitu mbaya. Kwa sababu ya tabia ya zero-msalaba, hata kama pato Arduino ni kushoto kabisa juu, kuna baadhi ya kuchelewesha katika kugeuka juu ya triac kutokana na mlango sasa na voltage required trigger triac. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""mzunguko wa mlango wa triac ni 50mA (kutoka karatasi ya data) - voltage ya mlango ni 1.3V - voltage ya hali ya detector ya opto-isolator ni 3V max - kwa hivyo, voltage ya umeme ya AC lazima ifike 180V (0.05A) + 3V + 1.3V = 13.3V - Kuchukua sinus ya 13.3V = 170V inatoa mabadiliko ya awamu ya 4.5 ° au 0.0785 radians." Soma zaidi: BennyP's Light Contraption | <urn:uuid:5024aec2-8218-4e83-8706-2bda5d0a2e86> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://thetechprojects.com/bennyps-light-contraption-using-arduino/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The Union Health Minister has put forth a proposal for the establishment of a Global Medical Countermeasure Platform, aiming to enhance global cooperation and preparedness in the face of emerging infectious diseases and public health threats. This initiative reflects the need for international collaboration to strengthen healthcare systems and accelerate the development of medical countermeasures.
The proposed Global Medical Countermeasure Platform seeks to create a framework for global cooperation, allowing countries to share knowledge, resources, and expertise in the field of medical countermeasures. This platform would facilitate collaborative research and development efforts, fostering innovation in healthcare and bolstering pandemic preparedness worldwide.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of a coordinated and collective response to global health challenges. The proposed platform aims to bridge gaps in medical countermeasure development by facilitating the exchange of data, research findings, and best practices among participating nations.
By bringing together governments, researchers, and healthcare stakeholders, the platform would enable the pooling of resources and expertise, leading to faster and more effective responses to future pandemics and infectious diseases.
The Global Medical Countermeasure Platform also emphasizes the significance of research and development in addressing public health emergencies. The platform would support collaborative efforts to accelerate the discovery and development of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics, ensuring a robust pipeline of medical countermeasures.
International collaboration in the realm of medical countermeasures can enhance accessibility and affordability of essential healthcare interventions, particularly for low- and middle-income countries. The proposed platform aims to promote equitable access to medical countermeasures, ensuring that vulnerable populations have timely access to life-saving treatments.
Furthermore, the Global Medical Countermeasure Platform would serve as a valuable platform for sharing expertise in surveillance, early detection, and rapid response to emerging infectious diseases. By fostering international cooperation, the platform can facilitate the implementation of proactive measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and mitigate their impact on global health.
The Union Health Minister’s proposal for a Global Medical Countermeasure Platform represents a significant step towards strengthening global cooperation in addressing public health threats. This platform would enable collaboration in research, development, and deployment of medical countermeasures, enhancing pandemic preparedness and response. By promoting international collaboration and knowledge sharing, the platform has the potential to revolutionize healthcare innovation and ensure a more resilient global health landscape. | Waziri wa Afya wa India ameweka mbele pendekezo la kuanzisha jukwaa la kimataifa la matibabu, na lengo lake ni kuongeza ushirikiano wa kimataifa na kujitayarisha kukabiliana na magonjwa ya kuambukiza na vitisho vya afya ya umma. Mpango huu unaonyesha haja ya ushirikiano wa kimataifa kuimarisha mifumo ya huduma za afya na kuharakisha maendeleo ya hatua za matibabu. Mpango wa Global Medical Countermeasures Platform una lengo la kuunda mfumo wa ushirikiano wa kimataifa, kuwezesha nchi kushiriki maarifa, rasilimali na utaalam katika uwanja wa hatua za matibabu. Jukwaa hili litasaidia juhudi za ushirikiano za utafiti na maendeleo, kukuza uvumbuzi katika huduma za afya na kuimarisha kujitayarisha kwa janga ulimwenguni kote. Janga la COVID-19 limethibitisha umuhimu wa mwitikio wa pamoja na wa pamoja kwa changamoto za afya za ulimwengu. Jukwaa hilo linakusudiwa kuziba mapungufu katika maendeleo ya hatua za matibabu kwa kuwezesha kubadilishana data, matokeo ya utafiti, na mazoea bora kati ya mataifa yanayoshiriki. Kwa kuleta pamoja serikali, watafiti na wadau wa huduma za afya, jukwaa hilo litaruhusu kuunganisha rasilimali na utaalam, na kusababisha majibu ya haraka na yenye ufanisi zaidi kwa janga na magonjwa ya kuambukiza ya siku zijazo. Jukwaa la Kimataifa la Hatua za Kupinga Matibabu pia linasisitiza umuhimu wa utafiti na maendeleo katika kushughulikia dharura za afya ya umma. Jukwaa hilo litasaidia juhudi za ushirikiano kuharakisha ugunduzi na maendeleo ya chanjo, matibabu na utambuzi, kuhakikisha mfereji thabiti wa hatua za matibabu. Ushirikiano wa kimataifa katika uwanja wa hatua za matibabu za kupambana na ugonjwa wa kifafa unaweza kuongeza upatikanaji na bei ya uingiliaji wa huduma za afya muhimu, haswa kwa nchi za mapato ya chini na ya kati. Mpango huo una lengo la kuendeleza upatikanaji wa haki kwa hatua za matibabu, kuhakikisha kwamba watu walio hatarini wanapata matibabu ya kuokoa maisha kwa wakati. Pia, jukwaa la kimataifa la matibabu la kupambana na magonjwa ya kuambukiza litakuwa jukwaa muhimu la kushiriki ujuzi katika ufuatiliaji, kugundua mapema, na kukabiliana haraka na magonjwa ya kuambukiza yanayotokea. Kwa kukuza ushirikiano wa kimataifa, jukwaa linaweza kuwezesha utekelezaji wa hatua za kuepuka kuenea kwa magonjwa ya kuambukiza na kupunguza athari zao kwa afya ya ulimwengu. Pendekezo la Waziri wa Afya wa Umoja wa Mataifa la kuanzisha jukwaa la kimataifa la kupambana na magonjwa ya magonjwa ya magonjwa ni hatua muhimu kuelekea kuimarisha ushirikiano wa kimataifa katika kukabiliana na vitisho vya afya ya umma. Jukwaa hili litawezesha ushirikiano katika utafiti, maendeleo, na utoaji wa hatua za kukabiliana na matibabu, kuongeza utayari wa janga na majibu. Kwa kukuza ushirikiano wa kimataifa na kushiriki maarifa, jukwaa lina uwezo wa kubadili ubunifu wa huduma za afya na kuhakikisha mazingira ya afya ya kimataifa yenye nguvu zaidi. | <urn:uuid:32c20a70-a405-4b96-9237-c79ddc98a106> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://timesticker.com/union-health-minister-proposes-global-medical-countermeasure-platform/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
While there have been contentious debates around the evolution of music, one thing remains clear as day; that music dates back to those pre-historic times (a zillion years ago) and existed way before generations that have come and gone.
With that indisputable fact there, we have a foundation where we get to answer our question of the day – will we ever run out of music?
Now for something that came way before us and has continued to withstand the test of time, I’d be damned if I said it would, so you of course already know my answer; there is no day in hell music will ever run out at least not when humans are still alive and even I, have read some pretty damning theories about how nature makes its own sounds that can be equated to music. And if that’s the case, then everything will have to go dark and desolate all over again for music to ever run out (I know it’s one hell long paragraph to just explain the answer “No”!)
Let’s run it back mammoth years for you to understand the resoluteness of music as a phenomenon!
Those who have always assigned themselves the role of knowing how what and when things came into being with some fancy names as commentators and such have always argued; with some relating it to the origin of language and others arguing that music evolved way before language came into being. Others have maintained that it actually came into being after language.
Dating back to c.40, 000 BP of the upper Paleolithic, the evidence of bone flutes is what has been documented as the first evidence of the music of prehistoric cultures.
We can both have our contentions about the totality of the origin of music but we both have to agree that it originated a damn long time ago!
As you’re no doubt well aware, music has lost its physical form.
No longer are we limited to CDs and vinyl. Now, all you need is internet access and a basic music software package that comes free with your computer or mobile device.
If anyone knows this firsthand, it’s Spotify. And the company just let us know that it’s reached a very impressive milestone: an average of 60, 000 songs are uploaded to its servers every single day (read: approximately 1 song every second).
|Songs Uploaded on Spotify
So we’ve determined that there are a huge number of songs already written. But just how many is that? Historically, the number has fluctuated widely since the ancient Greeks and before, so it’s impossible to give an exact figure.
In terms of overall catalog size, Spotify alone has roughly 82 million tracks as of this year – a figure that includes Artists and Official Artist Pages, as well as unofficial music uploaded to the platform.
According to the findings of the popular Spotify streaming platform; there are more than 1,300 music genres in the world.
So you can imagine there are genres of music that exist that you haven’t heard of and will probably never hear of throughout your lifetime- I admit it’s mind-boggling!
Some of the most popular genres that you have at least heard of or interacted with depending on your taste in music include; Pop, Hip-hop and Rap, Country, Soul, R&B, Blues, Rock, Dance & Electronic music, Latin Music, Indie & Alternative Rock, Classical music, K-Pop, and Metal.
Now to the nagging question still lingering in the back of our minds; will we ever run out of music? No, music will never run out. The chance of this happening is extremely low, as there are many different combinations and ways to make music.
Simply put, for as long as there are humans, we will never run out of music.
J Maurice’s capacity for sophisticated and deep storytelling is what sets him aside as a…
Based out of San Diego, CA, singer-songwriter and performer Devorah's spirituality is her primary tool…
Bela Snow is an artist who cannot be boxed in. And why should she? She…
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For me, this latest release, “No Agua” is really what happens when incredibly gifted musicians… | Ingawa kumekuwa na mjadala juu ya mageuzi ya muziki, jambo moja bado ni wazi kama siku; kwamba muziki ni tarehe nyuma ya nyakati hizo kabla ya historia (zillion miaka iliyopita) na ilikuwepo njia kabla ya vizazi kwamba wamekuja na kwenda. Kwa ukweli huo usioweza kupingwa, tuna msingi ambapo tunapata jibu la swali letu la siku <unk> je, tutakosa muziki? Kwa kitu ambacho kilikuja kabla yetu na kinaendelea kuvumilia mtihani wa wakati, ningekuwa mtukana ikiwa ningesema ingekuwa, kwa hivyo unajua tayari jibu langu: hakuna siku katika kuzimu muziki utaisha, angalau sio wakati wanadamu bado wako hai, na hata mimi nimesoma nadharia nzuri za kuangamiza juu ya jinsi asili inafanya sauti zake ambazo zinaweza kulinganishwa na muziki. Na kama hiyo ni kesi, basi kila kitu itakuwa na kwenda giza na ukiwa wote juu tena kwa muziki milele kukimbia nje (Najua ni moja kuzimu kifungu ndefu tu kueleza jibu <unk>Hapana<unk>!) Hebu kuendesha nyuma mammoth miaka kwa ajili ya wewe kuelewa azimio la muziki kama jambo! Wale ambao daima wamejipa jukumu la kujua jinsi nini na wakati vitu vilivyotokea na majina ya kifahari kama wasemaji na vile vile daima wamekuwa wakibishana; na wengine wakihusiana na asili ya lugha na wengine wakisema kwamba muziki ulibadilika kabla ya lugha kutokea. Wengine wamesema kwamba kwa kweli lilitokea baada ya lugha. Tangu miaka ya 40,000 KK, utamaduni wa muziki wa kale wa kale ulijulikana kama muziki wa mifupa. Sote wawili tunaweza kuwa na hoja zetu kuhusu jumla ya asili ya muziki lakini sote wawili tunapaswa kukubaliana kwamba ilianzia muda mrefu uliopita! Kama unavyojua, muziki umepoteza umbo lake la kimwili. Sasa hatuwezi kutegemea tu CD na vinyer. Sasa unahitaji tu kupata mtandao na programu ya msingi ya muziki ambayo inakuja bure na kompyuta yako au kifaa cha mkononi. Kama mtu yeyote anajua hii kwanza, ni Spotify. Kampuni hiyo imefikia hatua ya kushangaza: kwa wastani, nyimbo 60,000 zinapakiwa kwenye seva zake kila siku (soma: karibu wimbo mmoja kila sekunde). <unk>Songs Uploaded on Spotify Kwa hiyo tumeamua kwamba kuna idadi kubwa ya nyimbo tayari imeandikwa. Lakini ni wangapi hasa? Kihistoria, idadi hiyo imebadilika-badilika sana tangu Wagiriki wa kale na kabla ya hapo, kwa hiyo haiwezekani kutoa takwimu sahihi. Kwa mujibu wa orodha ya jumla, Spotify ina nyimbo milioni 82 hivi mwaka huu, takwimu ambayo inajumuisha wasanii na kurasa rasmi za wasanii, pamoja na muziki usio rasmi uliopakiwa kwenye jukwaa. Kulingana na utafiti wa Spotify, kuna zaidi ya aina 1,300 za muziki ulimwenguni. Kwa hiyo unaweza kufikiria kuna aina za muziki ambazo zipo ambazo hujawahi kusikia na labda hautawahi kusikia katika maisha yako yote - ninakubali ni ya kushangaza! Baadhi ya muziki maarufu zaidi ambayo angalau umesikia au kuingiliana na kulingana na ladha yako ya muziki ni pamoja na; Pop, Hip-Hop na Rap, Nchi, Soul, R&B, Blues, Rock, Dance na muziki wa elektroniki, muziki wa Kilatini, Indie na Rock mbadala, muziki wa kawaida, K-pop na Metal. Sasa kwa swali linalotutatanisha ambalo bado linatuzunguka akilini; je, siku moja tutakosa muziki? La, muziki hautakoma kamwe. Uwezekano wa jambo hilo kutokea ni mdogo sana, kwa kuwa kuna njia na mchanganyiko mwingi wa muziki. Kwa ufupi, maadamu kuna wanadamu, hatutakuwa na muziki. Uwezo wa Maurice J wa kusimulia hadithi za hali ya juu na za kina ni kile kinachomweka kando kama... Kulingana na San Diego, CA, mwimbaji-mwandishi na mwigizaji Devorah's kiroho ni chombo chake kikuu... Bela Snow ni msanii ambaye hawezi kufungwa. Na kwa nini afanye hivyo? Yeye... Aly Jade anaonyesha muziki zaidi ya miaka yake kama mwimbaji-mwandishi wa nyimbo, ikoni ya mitindo, mwigizaji, na mcheza dansi,... Kwa mimi, toleo hili la hivi karibuni, <unk>No Agua<unk> ni kweli nini kinatokea wakati incredibly wenye vipaji wanamuziki... | <urn:uuid:b3e7bdfb-fbaa-4908-91b2-f4ed2b8d69a5> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://tunepical.com/will-we-ever-run-out-of-music/?amp=1 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Along with its never-ending soup, salad, and breadsticks, Olive Garden is also quite beloved for its many tasty appetizers. Many of the homestyle restaurant's appetizers are fried, which leads customers to wonder just what type of oil is used during the cooking process. Olive Garden is considerate enough to share this information on its website, which states that the chain uses highly refined canola and soy oils when frying up menu items.
This information is crucial for a few reasons. The choice of oil can impact a person on a restricted diet due to health concerns, as certain cooking oils might negatively affect certain health conditions. Additionally, there are also concerns about allergens, particularly when it comes to the Big 9, which are allergens the FDA requires to be presented on food labels to help sensitive individuals avoid them. The Big 9 includes peanuts, milk, wheat, fish, sesame, shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, and soy.
While health and wellness might be the last thing on your mind when partaking in an Olive Garden feast, it's worth considering. Both canola and soy oil have their upsides and downsides and understanding them can help you make smart dining decisions.
What You Should Know About Canola Oil
Canola oil is one of many cooking oils used to fry food. It comes from the seeds of a canola plant, which are cooked, pressed, and processed with chemicals to derive oil. Because the oil is relatively low in saturated fat, it's a great alternative to vegetable oil in terms of health. Canola oil also contains high portions of vitamins E and K.
Despite its reputation for being one of the healthiest cooking oils, there are some concerns about canola oil's potential impact on health. One major issue is the proliferation of canola oil in many foods, which increases a person's intake of omega-6 fatty acids at the expense of omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fewer foods. Consuming more omega-6 fatty acids and fewer omega-3 fatty acids is linked to a heightened disease risk, particularly for conditions like heart disease and Alzheimer's. Accordingly, people are encouraged to offset their consumption of canola oil with foods rich in omega-3s, such as eggs and salmon.
Is Soy Protein Bad For You?
While Olive Garden does use highly refined soy oil when preparing delicious fried appetizers for guests, the restaurant makes a point of stating that the oil does not contain soy protein. Soy protein is a major draw for people adhering to plant-based diets, as it provides an essential nutrient that's typically acquired from meat. However, the protein in soy can also cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals due to antibodies developed by the immune system. When an allergic person consumes soy protein, these antibodies cause an array of effects which can sometimes be severe.
Fortunately, the refining process is able to remove most of the protein from soybean oil, thereby rendering it safe for consumption, even for people with existing allergies. Soybean oil does contain some protein, but the amount is so low that it doesn't typically cause an allergic reaction. Accordingly, Olive Garden's choice to use highly refined soy oil in addition to highly refined canola oil ensures that more customers can enjoy their menu items without concerns about potential allergic reactions.
Read the original article on Daily Meal. | Pamoja na mchuzi, saladi, na mikate yake isiyo na mwisho, Mbuga ya Mizeituni pia inapendwa sana kwa sababu ya vyakula vyake vingi vyenye ladha nzuri. Vyakula vingi vya mgahawa huo hutiwa majani, na hilo huwafanya wateja wajiulize ni aina gani ya mafuta yanayotumiwa wakati wa kupika. Olive Garden pia inashiriki habari hii kwenye wavuti yake, ambayo inasema kwamba mnyororo hutumia mafuta ya canola na soya yaliyosafishwa sana wakati wa kuchoma vitu vya orodha. Habari hii ni muhimu kwa sababu kadhaa. Uchaguzi wa mafuta unaweza kuathiri mtu kwenye lishe iliyopunguzwa kwa sababu ya wasiwasi wa afya, kwani mafuta fulani ya kupikia yanaweza kuathiri vibaya hali fulani za afya. "Kuna wasiwasi juu ya ""Big 9"" - virutubisho vya chakula vinavyotakiwa kuonyeshwa kwenye lebo za vyakula ili kusaidia watu wenye hisi kuepuka." "Mchanganyiko wa ""Big 9"" unajumuisha karanga, maziwa, ngano, samaki, sesame, samaki wa baharini, mayai, karanga, na soya." Ingawa afya na afya inaweza kuwa jambo la mwisho katika akili yako wakati wa kushiriki katika karamu ya bustani ya mzeituni, ni thamani ya kuzingatia. Mafuta ya canola na ya soya yana faida na hasara zake, na kuelewa faida na hasara zake kunaweza kukusaidia kufanya maamuzi ya busara kuhusu chakula. Mafuta ya Canola Mafuta ya Canola ni mojawapo ya mafuta mengi ya kupikia yanayotumiwa kupika vyakula. Inatokana na mbegu za mmea wa canola, ambazo hupikwa, kushinikizwa, na kusindika kwa kemikali ili kutokeza mafuta. Kwa sababu mafuta ni ya chini katika mafuta yaliyojaa, ni mbadala mzuri kwa mafuta ya mboga kwa suala la afya. Mafuta ya canola pia yana vitamini E na K, na ingawa ni moja ya mafuta bora ya kupikia, kuna wasiwasi juu ya athari zake kwa afya. Kwa sababu ya kuongezeka kwa mafuta ya canola katika vyakula vingi, matumizi ya asidi za mafuta za omega-6 yanaongezeka kwa gharama ya asidi za mafuta za omega-3 ambazo hupatikana katika vyakula vichache. Kula asidi nyingi za mafuta ya omega-6 na asidi chache za mafuta ya omega-3 huongeza hatari ya ugonjwa, hasa kwa hali kama ugonjwa wa moyo na Alzheimer. Kwa hiyo, watu wanahimizwa kupunguza matumizi yao ya mafuta ya canola kwa vyakula vyenye omega-3 kama vile mayai na samaki. Je, Protini ya Soya Ni Mbaya Kwako? Wakati Olive Garden hutumia mafuta ya soya yaliyosafishwa sana wakati wa kuandaa vyakula vyenye ladha nzuri kwa wageni, mgahawa hufanya uhakika wa kusema kwamba mafuta hayajumuishi protini ya soya. Protini ya soya ni moja ya vyakula vinavyopendwa na watu wanaokula vyakula vya mimea, kwa sababu hutoa virutubisho muhimu ambavyo kwa kawaida hupatikana kutoka kwa nyama. Hata hivyo, protini ya soya inaweza pia kusababisha mmenyuko wa mzio kwa watu wenye hisi kwa sababu ya kingamwili zilizotengenezwa na mfumo wa kinga. Mtu anayepatwa na mzio anapokula protini ya soya, kingamwili hizo husababisha athari mbalimbali ambazo nyakati nyingine zinaweza kuwa kali. Kwa bahati nzuri, mchakato wa kusafisha huondoa protini nyingi kutoka kwa mafuta ya soya, na hivyo kuifanya iwe salama kwa matumizi, hata kwa watu walio na mzio. Mafuta ya soya yana protini nyingi, lakini kiasi cha protini ni kidogo sana hivi kwamba huwezi kuambukizwa. Kwa hivyo, chaguo la Olive Garden la kutumia mafuta ya soya yaliyosafishwa sana pamoja na mafuta ya canola yaliyosafishwa sana inahakikisha kuwa wateja wengi wanaweza kufurahia vitu vya menyu yao bila kuwa na wasiwasi juu ya athari za mzio. Soma makala ya awali kwenye Daily Meal. | <urn:uuid:5daefb28-1c52-4ed8-994f-d196dcc707ea> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://uk.style.yahoo.com/type-cooking-oil-does-olive-161528307.html | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The Jurassic Coast celebrates the Earth in 2012
The Jurassic Coast Earth Festival 2012 was a celebration of England’s only natural World Heritage Site – the Dorset and EastDevonCoast, commonly known as the JurassicCoast. The 95 miles of coastline from Exmouth to StudlandBay tells the story of 185 million years of the earth’s history through its geological exposures and landforms, and is inscribed on the list under criterion xiii).
The Festival came about in response to the challenge from the London 2012 Olympics Games for a nation-wide programme of cultural events, especially in Dorset where the Sailing events took place. A small NGO in Lyme Regis – the Lyme Regis Development Trust – worked with the Dorset and East Devon Coast WHS Management Team, and many others, to prepare a coast-wide programme of educational and artistic events under the single Earth Festival banner. Its aim was to work with local communities to inspire residents and visitors of all ages to enjoy, lean about and value the JurassicCoast and other World Heritage Sites.
Between May 4 and September 9, 2012, more than 30 events took place the length of the coast. These included:
- The 8th annual Lyme Regis Fossil Festival, which brought 15,000 people to the Town to explore the coast and meet some of the world’s leading scientists.
- Jurassic Airlines, a simulated flight travelling back 185 million years, combining theatre with pioneering technology to deliver environmental messages to 9,000 people
- Horace, The Travelling Pliosaur Cinema, which made 126 performances in 10 different locations.
- étude, by Japanese Yukio Suzuki Company, a Butoh influenced contemporary outdoor dance performance overlooking the WHS.
Petya Totcharova, UNESCO World Heritage Centre Chief, Europe and North America Unit, was a guest at the Earth Festival launch and said: “We congratulate the organizers of the Jurassic Coast Earth Festival 2012 for having achieved intense and transformative participatory experiences for audiences of over 24,000 people. The arts and natural heritage programmes demonstrated an exemplary model of cross disciplinary arts-science collaboration and exchange of skills, perspective and expertise many of which will be enduring.”
The festival received some funding from UK lottery sources, but had a very high impact because of the efforts of those involved. It enabled more people from more communities to engage with the globally important heritage on their doorstep, and have a lot of fun in the process.
Candida Blaker, Lyme Regis Development Trust
Dr Sam Rose, JurassicCoast World Heritage Site Manager | The Jurassic Coast Earth Festival 2012 ni sherehe ya Uingereza tu asili World Heritage Site - Dorset na East Devon Coast, inayojulikana kama Jurassic Coast. Pwani ya kilomita 95 kutoka Exmouth hadi Studland Bay inaelezea hadithi ya miaka 185 ya historia ya dunia kupitia maonyesho yake ya kijiolojia na maumbo ya ardhi, na imeandikwa kwenye orodha chini ya vigezo vya xiii. Tamasha hilo lilitokana na changamoto kutoka kwa Michezo ya Olimpiki ya London 2012 kwa mpango wa kitaifa wa matukio ya kitamaduni, haswa huko Dorset ambapo matukio ya kuendesha meli yalifanyika. Mfuko wa Lyme Regis Development Trust (LDRT) ulifanya kazi na Dorset na Mashariki Devon Coast WHS Management Team, na wengine wengi, kuandaa mpango wa pwani nzima wa matukio ya elimu na kisanii chini ya bendera moja ya Tamasha la Dunia. Lengo lake lilikuwa kufanya kazi na jamii za mitaa kuhamasisha wakazi na wageni wa umri wote kufurahia, kuegemea na kuthamini Jurassic Coast na maeneo mengine ya Urithi wa Dunia. Kati ya Mei 4 na Septemba 9, 2012, zaidi ya matukio 30 yalifanyika kwenye pwani. Tamasha la kila mwaka la 8 la Lyme Regis Fossil Festival, ambalo lilileta watu 15,000 mjini ili kuchunguza pwani na kukutana na baadhi ya wanasayansi mashuhuri duniani. "Jurassic Airlines, ndege ya simulated kusafiri nyuma miaka milioni 185 iliyopita, kuchanganya ukumbi wa michezo na teknolojia ya upainia kutoa ujumbe wa mazingira kwa watu 9,000, ""Horace: The Travelling Pliosaur Cinema"" ambayo alifanya maonyesho 126 katika maeneo 10 tofauti." "Mchoro wa ""Yukio Suzuki"" wa Kijapani, ""Buto"" unaonyesha wimbo wa dansi ya kisasa ya nje ya Jumba la Maonyesho la Kijapani." "Petya Tycharova, mkuu wa kitengo cha Ulaya na Amerika ya Kaskazini cha UNESCO World Heritage Centre, alisema: ""Tunashukuru waandaaji wa Jurassic Coast Earth Festival 2012 kwa kufikia uzoefu mkubwa wa ushiriki kwa watazamaji zaidi ya 24,000." "Mwaka huu wa sanaa na urithi wa asili ulionyesha mfano mzuri wa ushirikiano wa sanaa na sayansi ya msalaba na kubadilishana ujuzi, mtazamo na utaalam ambao wengi wao watadumu. ""Tamasha hilo lilipata fedha kutoka kwa vyanzo vya bahati nasibu vya Uingereza, lakini lilikuwa na athari kubwa sana kwa sababu ya juhudi za wale waliohusika." "Iliwawezesha watu zaidi kutoka jamii zaidi kushiriki na urithi muhimu ulimwenguni kwenye mlango wao, na kuwa na furaha nyingi katika mchakato huo. """ "Kama ilivyoelezwa na Dr. Sam Rose, Mkurugenzi wa Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site, ""Lyme Regis Development Trust"" ni moja ya maeneo ya asili ya Ulaya." | <urn:uuid:e46acdaa-54b1-4987-88ba-5d4a2dfefe6a> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://whc.unesco.org/en/news/997/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
So-called “smart dust” networking has not yet hit the mainstream, but it is coming soon, and it could have big implications for the Wi-Fi community.
The term refers to tiny sensors, perhaps as small as one cubic millimeter. They would be scattered over an industrial space, for example, and would form an ad hoc wireless network to report back on conditions such as temperature or pressure in a production facility. They might be rigged up across a person’s chest to monitor heart rate and blood pressure. The various possibilities are only just being discussed.
The nodes would be easy to deploy. They would report back to a central hub via IEEE’s 802.15.4 wireless personal area network (WPAN) protocol– also known as ZigBee. ZigBee will be a standard for extremely low power wireless used for monitoring and control.
While the setup may sound familiar — small independent nodes reporting to a central hub — experts say smart dust will not give Wi-Fi a run for its money. Rather, the two networking paradigms likely will complement each other, once the researchers have finished their work and brought smart dust to the mass market.
In the first place, early iterations of smart dust won’t allow for heavy lifting. The microscopic chips will be used mainly as to gather and relay minute quantities of information, as compared to Wi-Fi’s more robust data capacity. The cheaper and more pervasive dust network might therefore pass on its findings to a Wi-Fi network, which could gather together data from multiple points as pass it on as a whole.
“You have the sensor network at one end, and that network talks to your devices. Then the sensors connects it to a gateway which then will connect it to Wi-Fi. They all will coexist,” predicts Sokwoo Rhee, chief technical officer at Millennial Net, a maker of wireless sensor networks.
For a concrete example, consider an industrial scenario:
“Let’s say you are doing electric motor monitoring,” says Peter Stein, vice president of marketing and business development at Sensicast Systems, which develops products in support of dust-type networks. “You can collect the low-bandwidth data from a dozen wireless sensors on a plant floor, and then all you need is a gateway that converts [that data] from 802.15.4 to the 802.11 standard. That way you can take the data from your battery-powered sensors with a limited life and pass it on to the Wi-Fi device, which is already powered.”
This issue of power is one that plagues smart dust developers. It’s one of the prime concerns that has so far keep these miniature networking devices out of the mainstream market.
With hundreds of devices at play in any given situation, it will be impractical to try and change every few weeks. How, then, to juice up the network? There are several ideas on the table. One is to make the devices slightly bigger, maybe the size of the thumbnail, and then to power them with a watch-battery sized power source. At low output levels such a setup could last as long as 10 years without a battery change.
At the University of Glasgow , Professor Iain Thayne is striving for a mix of optical and radio connectivity in order to minimize battery consumption. At Philips Research, researchers in the Small Autonomous Network Devices (SANDs) project are working on systems that will power themselves through ambient energy: Feeding batteries with light outdoors, or through vibration energy in an industrial setting. (Philips dedication to ZigBee, after an early push of support, might be wavering according to recent reports.)
Assuming the power problem will be solved eventually, radio interference would seem to be another issue in the realm of dust-to-Wi-Fi connectivity. While network administrators may point to this as an obvious stumbling block, dust researchers say the problem has already been solved. Both systems will operate at 2.4 GHz, Stein explained, but they will utilize different areas within the band.
Thus, in theory, dust networks and Wi-Fi connectivity will be able to live together in happy coexistence, each one adding value to the other by extending the range and capabilities of the overall system.
“The Wi-Fi standard is going for higher and higher data bits per dollar, whereas the wireless sensor networks are really focused on low bandwidth, low power consumption and low cost,” Stein says.
“If you look at the flexibility that 802.11 has given people, this is really just going that step further, in that the whole computational activity becomes distributed as well,” says Prof. Thayne. | "Simu ya ""smart dust"" bado haijaanza kutumika, lakini inakuja hivi karibuni na inaweza kuwa na athari kubwa kwa jamii ya Wi-Fi." Neno hilo hurejezea sensorer ndogo-ndogo, labda ndogo kama milimita moja ya mraba. Vifaa hivyo vitatumiwa katika maeneo ya viwanda na kuunda mtandao wa wireless wa ad hoc ili kutoa ripoti kuhusu hali kama vile joto au shinikizo katika kituo cha uzalishaji. Zinaweza kuwekwa kwenye kifua cha mtu ili kudhibiti mwendo wa moyo na shinikizo la damu. Uwezekano mbalimbali ni tu tu kujadiliwa. Nodes itakuwa rahisi kupeleka. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, mfumo wa IEEE 802.15.4 wireless personal area network (WPAN) unajulikana kama ""Zigbee.""" ZigBee itakuwa kiwango cha wireless ya nguvu ya chini sana inayotumiwa kwa ufuatiliaji na udhibiti. Wakati kuanzisha inaweza sauti ya kawaida <unk> nodes ndogo huru kuripoti kwa kitovu hub <unk> wataalamu wanasema vumbi smart si kutoa Wi-Fi kukimbia kwa ajili ya fedha yake. Badala yake, mifumo miwili ya mitandao ya uwezekano itasaidia kila mmoja, mara moja watafiti wamemaliza kazi yao na kuleta vumbi smart kwa soko kubwa. Kwanza kabisa, iterations mapema ya vumbi smart si kuruhusu kwa kuinua nzito. Chips microscopic itatumika hasa kama kukusanya na relay kiasi cha dakika ya habari, ikilinganishwa na Wi-Fi ya uwezo mkubwa zaidi wa data. Kwa hiyo, mtandao wa vumbi wa bei nafuu na unaoenea zaidi unaweza kupitisha matokeo yake kwa mtandao wa Wi-Fi, ambao unaweza kukusanya data kutoka kwa pointi nyingi na kuipitisha kwa ujumla. <unk>Una mtandao wa sensorer katika mwisho mmoja, na mtandao huo huzungumza na vifaa vyako. Kisha sensorer huunganisha na lango ambalo kisha litaunganisha na Wi-Fi. Zote zitakuwapo pamoja, <unk> anatabiri Sokwoo Rhee, afisa mkuu wa kiufundi katika Millennial Net, mtengenezaji wa mitandao ya sensorer isiyo na waya. "Kwa mfano, fikiria hali ya viwanda: ""Hebu tuseme wewe ni kufanya umeme motor ufuatiliaji,"" anasema Peter Stein, makamu wa rais wa masoko na maendeleo ya biashara katika Sensecast Systems, ambayo inaendeleza bidhaa katika msaada wa vumbi-aina mitandao." "Unaweza kukusanya data ya upana wa bendi ya chini kutoka kwa sensorer kadhaa za wireless kwenye sakafu ya kiwanda, na kisha unahitaji tu lango ambalo hubadilisha data kutoka kwa 802.154 hadi kiwango cha 802.11.""" Kwa njia hii, unaweza kuchukua data kutoka kwa sensorer yako ya betri na maisha ya muda mfupi na kuipitisha kwenye kifaa cha Wi-Fi, ambacho tayari kina nguvu. Ni moja ya wasiwasi kuu ambayo hadi sasa kuweka hizi vifaa vya mitandao ndogo nje ya soko kuu. Kwa kuwa kuna mamia ya vifaa vinavyotumiwa katika hali yoyote ile, haiwezekani kujaribu kubadili kila baada ya majuma machache. Basi, tunawezaje kuimarisha mtandao huo? Kuna mawazo kadhaa juu ya meza. "Kwanza, ni muhimu kufanya vifaa hivyo kuwa kubwa kidogo, labda ukubwa wa kidole kidogo, na kisha kuviwezesha kwa chanzo cha nguvu cha ukubwa wa betri ya saa.""" Kwa kiwango cha chini cha pato, mfumo kama huo unaweza kudumu kwa miaka 10 bila kubadilisha betri. Katika Chuo Kikuu cha Glasgow, Profesa Iain Thayne anajitahidi kwa mchanganyiko wa mawasiliano ya macho na redio ili kupunguza matumizi ya betri. Utafiti wa Philips unaonyesha kuwa teknolojia ya Small Autonomous Network Devices (SANDS) inaweza kuendesha umeme kwa kutumia umeme wa nje, umeme wa nje, na umeme wa nje. (Ujitoaji wa Philips kwa ZigBee, baada ya msukumo wa mapema wa msaada, inaweza kuwa ikitikisika kulingana na ripoti za hivi karibuni.) Kwa kudhani tatizo la nguvu litatatuliwa hatimaye, kuingiliwa kwa redio kutaonekana kuwa suala jingine katika ulimwengu wa utumiaji wa Wi-Fi. Ingawa wasimamizi wa mitandao wanaweza kuonyesha jambo hilo kuwa kikwazo waziwazi, watafiti wa vumbi wanasema tatizo hilo tayari limetatuliwa. "Sisitimu zote mbili zitafanya kazi kwa 2.4 GHz, ""Stein alielezea, lakini zitatumia maeneo tofauti ndani ya bendi." Kwa hivyo, kwa nadharia, mitandao ya vumbi na muunganisho wa Wi-Fi utaweza kuishi pamoja katika kuishi pamoja kwa furaha, kila mmoja akiongeza thamani kwa mwingine kwa kupanua safu na uwezo wa mfumo wa jumla. "Viwango vya Wi-Fi vinakwenda kwa bits za data za juu na za juu kwa dola, wakati mitandao ya sensorer isiyo na waya inazingatia sana upana wa bendi ya chini, matumizi ya chini ya nguvu na gharama ya chini", Stein anasema. "Kama unaangalia kubadilika kwamba 802.11 imetoa watu, hii ni kweli tu kwenda hatua hiyo zaidi, katika kwamba shughuli nzima computational inakuwa kusambazwa pia, ""anasema Profesa Thayne." | <urn:uuid:b11361c4-efd0-4b95-ba3d-ea771ac006da> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://wi-fiplanet.com/dusting-off-zigbee/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Feb. 27, 2018
Source: USDA news release
The two crops are the most widely produced in the United States, accounting for more than half of all acres planted.
There are many reasons for the growth in soybean area relative to corn.
Corn production has benefited from sustained growth in yield per acre, allowing farmers to dedicate less land to corn while maintaining the same output.
While soybean yields also improved, the relative gains are not as large.
As corn yields grow, overall area planted to corn is projected to trend lower.
Additionally, soybean demand is heavily tied to domestic and international demand for meat.
Soybean meal is a primary component of animal feeds across species.
Rising incomes in many emerging economies have translated to increased meat consumption and international demand for soybeans.
This rising demand is expected to place upward pressure on soybean prices and increase producer return, incentivizing further plantings.
This chart is drawn from data in the USDA report, USDA Agricultural Projections to 2027, released in February 2018. | """Soybean inatarajiwa kuzidi mahindi kwa mara ya kwanza,"" ilisema ripoti ya USDA, ikisema mazao hayo mawili ni ya uzalishaji mkubwa zaidi nchini Marekani, yakifanyiza zaidi ya nusu ya ekari zote zilizopandwa." Kuna sababu nyingi za ukuaji wa eneo la maharagwe ya soya ikilinganishwa na mahindi. Uzalishaji wa mahindi umenufaika kutokana na ongezeko la mazao kwa ekari, na hivyo kuwawezesha wakulima kutumia ardhi kidogo kwa ajili ya mahindi huku wakidumisha uzalishaji huo. Ingawa mavuno ya maharagwe ya soya pia yaliboreshwa, faida za kiasi hazikuwa kubwa. Kadiri mavuno ya mahindi yanavyoongezeka, eneo lote lililopandwa kwa mahindi linatazamiwa kuwa na mwelekeo wa kushuka. Kwa kuongezea, mahitaji ya maharagwe ya soya yanahusiana sana na mahitaji ya ndani na ya kimataifa ya nyama. Chakula cha maharagwe ya soya ni sehemu kuu ya chakula cha wanyama katika spishi mbalimbali. Ongezeko la mapato katika nchi nyingi zinazoendelea limesababisha ongezeko la matumizi ya nyama na mahitaji ya kimataifa ya maharagwe ya soya. Ongezeko hili la mahitaji linatarajiwa kuweka shinikizo la juu juu ya bei ya maharagwe ya soya na kuongeza mapato ya mtayarishaji, kuhamasisha kupanda zaidi. "Hii ni kwa mujibu wa ripoti ya Wizara ya Kilimo ya Marekani (USDA) inayoitwa ""USDA Agricultural Projections to 2027,"" iliyotolewa Februari 2018." | <urn:uuid:41c09e26-398f-4c70-98ff-b7fb6356a590> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.agrimarketing.com/s/115634 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
A hard-hitting film by the Health & Safety Executive highlights the real-world impact of workplace accidents, and the importance of edge protection and guard rails, as well as precautions against other threats like asbestos and electricity.
The video, entitled Turning Concern Into Action, marks the culmination of the HSE’s Safer Sites campaign, which has been running in recent weeks to urgently encourage those with responsibility for workplace safety to ensure adequate protection is in place.
In the film, victims and family members speak about a variety of accidents, including one man burned after drilling into a cable, one who developed cancer due to asbestos exposure, and a man killed in a collapsing trench.
But several of the stories feature falls from height – still one of the biggest workplace killers – and the video opens on a shot of a wheelchair-bound man staring out to sea.
Ian Whittingham fell through a fragile roof – something that can be prevented with guard rails around any weak parts, and walkovers to provide a safe route across – and says he knew he would never walk again from the moment he hit the floor.
The video ends on a powerful message: “They deserve more. It shouldn’t be happening.”
With suitable edge protection, walkovers and other such safety precautions, all workplaces can be made ‘safer sites’, and nobody needs to become another statistic in the years to come. | Filamu ya Health & Safety Executive (HSE) inaonyesha athari za ajali za kazini na umuhimu wa ulinzi wa makali na rails za ulinzi, pamoja na tahadhari dhidi ya vitisho vingine kama vile asbestos na umeme. "Video hiyo, yenye kichwa ""Turn Concern into Action,"" inaashiria kilele cha kampeni ya HSE ya ""Safer Sites"" ambayo imekuwa ikiendeshwa katika wiki za hivi karibuni ili kuwachochea haraka wale wenye jukumu la usalama wa mahali pa kazi kuhakikisha ulinzi wa kutosha." Katika filamu hiyo, wahasiriwa na wanafamilia wao wanazungumza kuhusu ajali mbalimbali, ikiwa ni pamoja na mtu mmoja aliyechomwa moto baada ya kuchimba kwenye kebo, mtu mmoja aliyeugua kansa kutokana na kuambukizwa asbestos, na mtu mmoja aliyeuawa katika shimo lililokuwa likiporomoka. Lakini hadithi kadhaa zinaonyesha kuanguka kutoka juu - bado ni moja ya wauaji wakubwa wa mahali pa kazi - na video hufungua kwenye picha ya mtu aliye na kiti cha magurudumu akitazama bahari. Ian Whittingham alianguka kupitia paa dhaifu - kitu ambacho kinaweza kuzuiwa na reli za ulinzi kuzunguka sehemu yoyote dhaifu, na watembeaji kutoa njia salama kuvuka - na anasema alijua kwamba hataweza kutembea tena kutoka wakati alipogonga sakafu. Video hiyo inamalizika kwa ujumbe wenye nguvu: <unk>Wanafaa zaidi. Haipaswi kuwa kutokea. Kwa ulinzi sahihi wa ukingo, walkovers na tahadhari nyingine za usalama, maeneo yote ya kazi yanaweza kufanywa "mahali salama zaidi", na hakuna mtu anayehitaji kuwa takwimu nyingine katika miaka ijayo. | <urn:uuid:01d983a8-c562-424f-a2bf-cbd72cb7e022> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.akmfabrications.co.uk/edge-protection/edge-protection-can-stop-becoming-another-statistic/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
"Doctor, my 5-year-old daughter cries with leg pains daily – what do I do?"
A common complain that we get to hear from parents. It often prevents the child from falling asleep. Parents are concerned that the child is in distress due to pain and are unsure what the cause may be. They do not want to medicate frequently, but as the child is fine by morning, they are uncertain if any tests are required. In most cases, this is due to what is commonly referred to as Growing pains.
'Growing pains' – a term used for the recurrent pain in lower limbs seen in pre-school and school-aged children, are a misnomer as it has does not coincide with the peak growth period. The pain generally is in both legs in evenings and nights and gets better with a massage. The pain may be in calf muscles or the back of knees or thighs.
It may occur daily or may recur every few days or weeks. It may be more on some days when the playtime or exercise was excessive. Typically, the child is always well in the morning when she wakes up and remains active throughout the day. A more appropriate term would be 'Benign nocturnal pains of childhood,' benign indicating no serious underlying cause for the pain.
Nearly 10%-20% of school-aged children can have growing pains. The frequency of the pain decreases with increasing age but may continue until the child is 10-12 years old. A visit to the local top children's hospital in Whitefield may help rule out any other cause and allay anxiety if frequent or severe.
Growing pains is a clinical diagnosis made based on history and thorough physical examination. Sometimes children may have excessively lax ligaments (loose-jointed), called Joint hypermobility, and such children are known to have more incidence of Growing pains. A simple joint examination is sufficient to ascertain if the child has Joint hypermobility or not.
No tests are needed. Many parents want to know if this could be due to Vitamin D deficiency and whether it needs to be checked. While Vitamin D deficiency may be associated (it is common in our country despite there being much sunshine), this is not the cause for growing pains, and parents should not expect that giving Calcium or Vitamin D supplements will relieve pain. Treatment is only massage, reassurance and if the pain is severe, Paracetamol will suffice.
However, it is essential to check with your doctor if any of these symptoms are present (what we call Red Flag signs) - fever, weight loss, night sweats, ‘night cries’ (the pain wakes up the child from deep sleep), any joint or limb swelling, pain in only one particular joint always or is limping when she wakes up in the morning. It is NOT a case of simple growing pains in any of these cases, and such a child will need a thorough physical examination and further investigations to rule out more serious causes like cancer, arthritis, bone problems, etc.
Dear parents, I hope the above information was helpful! | "Daktari, binti yangu mwenye umri wa miaka mitano hulia kwa maumivu ya miguu kila siku <unk> nifanye nini?" Ni malalamiko ya kawaida ambayo tunasikia kutoka kwa wazazi. Mara nyingi huzuia mtoto kulala usingizi. Wazazi wana wasiwasi kwamba mtoto wao ana maumivu makali na hawajui ni nini kinachosababisha maumivu hayo. Hawataki kumpa dawa mara nyingi, lakini kwa kuwa mtoto yuko vizuri asubuhi, hawajui kama kuna haja ya kufanya uchunguzi wowote. Katika visa vingi, hilo husababishwa na kile kinachoitwa kwa kawaida maumivu ya kukua. 'Maumivu ya kukua' <unk> neno linalotumiwa kwa maumivu ya mara kwa mara katika viungo vya chini yanayoonekana katika watoto wa kabla ya shule na umri wa shule, ni jina lisilofaa kwani hailingani na kipindi cha juu cha ukuaji. Kwa kawaida maumivu huwa katika miguu yote miwili jioni na usiku na hupungua kwa kutikiswa. Maumivu yanaweza kuwa katika misuli ya viuno au nyuma ya magoti au viuno. Huenda ikawa hutokea kila siku au huenda ikawa hutokea tena kila baada ya siku chache au majuma machache. Huenda ikawa zaidi siku fulani wakati wakati wa kucheza au kufanya mazoezi ulikuwa mwingi kupita kiasi. Kwa kawaida, mtoto huwa na afya nzuri asubuhi anapoinuka na kubaki akifanya kazi siku nzima. Neno linalofaa zaidi lingekuwa 'Maumivu ya usiku yasiyo na madhara ya utotoni,' yasiyo na madhara yakionyesha kwamba hakuna kisababishi kikuu cha maumivu hayo. Karibu asilimia 10 hadi 20 ya watoto wa umri wa kwenda shule wana matatizo ya kukua. Ugonjwa huo hupungua kadiri mtoto anavyozidi kukua lakini unaweza kuendelea hadi mtoto awe na umri wa miaka 10 hadi 12. Kutembelea hospitali ya watoto ya Whitefield inaweza kusaidia kuondoa sababu nyingine yoyote na kupunguza wasiwasi ikiwa ni mara kwa mara au kali. Maumivu ya kukua ni utambuzi wa kliniki uliofanywa kwa kutegemea historia na uchunguzi wa kimwili wa kina. Watoto wanaweza kuwa na viungo vya mwili vilivyo na viungo vingi vya pamoja (loose joints) na hivyo kuwa na maumivu ya kukua. Uchunguzi rahisi wa viungo vya mwili unatosha kujua kama mtoto ana ugonjwa wa viungo vya mwili usivyoweza kusonga. Hakuna upimaji unaohitajika. Wazazi wengi wanataka kujua ikiwa hii inaweza kuwa kwa sababu ya upungufu wa Vitamini D na ikiwa inahitaji kuchunguzwa. Ingawa upungufu wa vitamini D unaweza kuhusishwa (ni kawaida katika nchi yetu licha ya kuwa na jua nyingi), hii si sababu ya maumivu ya kukua, na wazazi hawapaswi kutarajia kwamba kutoa Calcium au vitamini D virutubisho itapunguza maumivu. Matibabu ni kutikisa tu, kutuliza na ikiwa maumivu ni makali, Paracetamol itatosha. Hata hivyo, ni muhimu kuangalia na daktari wako kama yoyote ya dalili hizi zipo (kile tunachoita ishara za Red Flag) - homa, kupoteza uzito, jasho la usiku, 'kilio cha usiku' (maumivu huamsha mtoto kutoka usingizi wa kina), maumivu yoyote ya pamoja au viungo, maumivu katika pamoja moja tu au ni limping wakati yeye anaamka asubuhi. Kwa sababu ya hali hii, mtoto anaweza kuwa na matatizo ya kukua, na atahitaji uchunguzi wa kina na uchunguzi zaidi ili kuondoa sababu mbaya zaidi kama vile kansa, ugonjwa wa viungo, matatizo ya mifupa, na kadhalika. Wazazi wapendwa, natumaini habari iliyo hapo juu ilikusaidia! | <urn:uuid:5f9a8ecc-2ec0-4ccc-9ba7-e6e89d615a7e> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.asterhospitals.in/blogs-events-news/aster-women-children-bangalore/growing-pains-children-common-complain-of-every-parent | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Are you a habitual multitasker? Do you pride yourself on your ability to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously, all while maintaining peak efficiency? If so, it's time to take a closer look at the concept of multitasking and question whether it truly lives up to its reputation.
Understanding the Concept of Multitasking
Have you ever wondered where the idea of multitasking originated? Surprisingly, it didn't emerge in our modern, fast-paced society. In fact, the origins of multitasking can be traced back to ancient times when humans had to perform various tasks to survive.
Imagine yourself transported back to a bustling ancient marketplace. The air is filled with the scents of exotic spices and the sounds of merchants haggling over prices. In this vibrant setting, people are not only buying and selling goods but also engaging in multiple activities simultaneously. A farmer might be tending to his crops while also keeping an eye on his livestock. A weaver might be spinning thread while chatting with her customers. These ancient individuals were unknowingly practicing the art of multitasking long before it became a buzzword in our modern world.
However, the modern perception of multitasking as an essential skill has become deeply ingrained in our culture. We're constantly bombarded with messages that praise multitasking as the key to maximizing productivity and success. But is this perception based on reality?
To answer this question, let's delve into the science behind multitasking. Our brains are remarkable organs that can process an incredible amount of information. However, they have their limits. When we attempt to multitask, we are actually switching our attention rapidly between different tasks rather than performing them simultaneously. This constant switching can lead to decreased efficiency and increased mental fatigue.
Think about a time when you were trying to juggle multiple tasks at once. Perhaps you were typing an email while on a conference call, or cooking dinner while helping your child with homework. Did you notice that your focus was divided, and it took longer to complete each task? This is because our brains struggle to fully concentrate on more than one thing at a time.
Research has shown that multitasking can also have negative effects on our cognitive abilities. A study conducted at Stanford University found that heavy multitaskers had difficulty filtering out irrelevant information and were more easily distracted. This suggests that our brains may become less efficient at processing information when we constantly switch between tasks.
Despite these findings, the allure of multitasking remains strong. We live in a society that values productivity and efficiency above all else, and multitasking seems like the perfect solution. However, it's important to recognize that there are limitations to our ability to multitask effectively.
So, the next time you find yourself tempted to multitask, take a moment to consider whether it's truly the best approach. Instead of dividing your attention, try focusing on one task at a time and giving it your full concentration. You may be surprised at how much more efficiently you can complete your work and how much less mental fatigue you experience.
The Science Behind Multitasking
Recent research in cognitive psychology has shed light on the true nature of multitasking. Contrary to popular belief, the human brain is not designed to focus on multiple tasks simultaneously. Instead, it engages in rapid task-switching, which can lead to decreased efficiency and performance.
This cognitive process involves shifting attention from one task to another, but it comes at a cost. Studies have shown that each time we switch tasks, we experience a cognitive "cost" in terms of time and mental energy. Thus, the more tasks we try to juggle, the more fragmented our attention becomes.
One fascinating aspect of multitasking is the concept of "attention residue." When we switch from one task to another, traces of our previous task remain in our mind. These traces, known as attention residue, can linger and interfere with our ability to fully focus on the new task at hand. This phenomenon explains why it often takes time to regain our full concentration after switching tasks.
Moreover, multitasking can have a detrimental effect on our memory. When we engage in rapid task-switching, our brain struggles to encode and consolidate information effectively. As a result, we may find it difficult to retain and recall important details from each task. This can be particularly problematic in situations that require complex problem-solving or critical thinking.
Furthermore, the constant shifting of attention between tasks can increase the likelihood of errors and mistakes. Our brain needs time to adjust and refocus on each new task, which can lead to oversight and reduced accuracy. This is especially true when we are dealing with tasks that require precision or attention to detail.
Interestingly, research has shown that certain individuals may be more adept at multitasking than others. Factors such as cognitive flexibility, working memory capacity, and task complexity can influence an individual's ability to switch between tasks efficiently. However, even those who are considered "good" multitaskers still experience the cognitive costs associated with task-switching.
In conclusion, the science behind multitasking reveals that our brain is not designed to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. Instead, it engages in rapid task-switching, which can lead to decreased efficiency, memory problems, increased errors, and reduced accuracy. Understanding the limitations of multitasking can help us make more informed decisions about how we allocate our attention and prioritize our tasks.
The Illusion of Multitasking Efficiency
One of the biggest myths surrounding multitasking is the belief that it enhances productivity. However, recent data shows that trying to do multiple tasks at once actually impairs our ability to perform each task well.
When we divide our attention among different tasks, the quality of our work suffers. We may finish tasks more quickly, but the end result is often riddled with errors and lacking in depth. This may be because our brain struggles to allocate sufficient attention and cognitive resources to each task simultaneously.
The Multitasking Paradox: Doing More but Accomplishing Less
On the surface, multitasking may seem like a way to get more done in less time. However, it often leads to a paradoxical outcome: doing more tasks, but accomplishing less.
The role of attention in task completion is crucial. When we focus our attention on a single task, we enter a state of flow—where our concentration and productivity reach their peak. On the other hand, when we constantly switch tasks, our attention becomes fragmented, making it difficult to fully engage with any one task.
The dangers of task-switching extend beyond reduced productivity. Research has found that frequent task-switching can increase stress levels, decrease job satisfaction, and even impair long-term memory and cognitive functions.
Strategies to Overcome the Multitasking Trap
Breaking free from the multitasking trap is challenging, but it's not impossible. The power of single-tasking lies in its ability to promote focus and deep engagement with one task at a time.
Time management techniques can also play a crucial role in overcoming the multitasking myth. By prioritizing tasks, setting clear boundaries, and focusing on one task before moving on to the next, we can regain control over our attention and improve productivity.
Despite the allure of multitasking, it's clear that the concept is more myth than reality. Our brains simply aren't wired to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, and our attempts to do so can result in diminished performance and increased stress. So, the next time you find yourself reaching for the multitasking crown, remember: true productivity lies in the power of focused attention and single-tasking.
Looking to enhance your focus and improve your productivity? Consider using the Aura Health App, a powerful tool designed to help you maximize your mental performance. With its guided meditations and mindfulness exercises, Aura can support you in your quest to break free from the multitasking myth and achieve a state of optimal focus.
Aura is Your All In One App for Meditation, Mindfulness Wellbeing
Find peace every day with one app for your whole well-being. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to mental well-being. Aura is the first all-in-one wellness app that learns how to best help you. Discover an endless library of expert-created tracks for your well-being, all taught by the world’s best coaches, therapists, and storytellers. With Aura's personalized recommendations, you can find peace every morning, day and night. | Je, wewe ni mtu anayefanya mambo mengi kwa ukawaida? Je, unajivunia uwezo wako wa kufanya kazi nyingi kwa wakati mmoja, huku ukiendelea kuwa na matokeo mazuri? Ikiwa ndivyo, ni wakati wa kuangalia kwa karibu dhana ya multitasking na kuuliza ikiwa kweli inaishi hadi sifa yake. Kuelewa Wazo la Kufanya Kazi Mengi Mara Mengi Je, umewahi kujiuliza ni wapi wazo la kufanya kazi nyingi lilitoka? Kwa kushangaza, haikuibuka katika jamii yetu ya kisasa yenye mwendo wa haraka. Kwa kweli, asili ya kufanya kazi nyingi wakati ule huo inaweza kufuatiliwa hadi nyakati za kale wakati wanadamu walipaswa kufanya kazi mbalimbali ili waendelee kuishi. Hebu wazia ukiwa umeenda kwenye soko la kale lenye shughuli nyingi. Hewa imejaa harufu ya vikolezo vya kigeni na sauti za wafanyabiashara wanaopigana kwa bei. Katika mazingira haya yenye msisimko, watu si kununua tu na kuuza bidhaa bali pia kushiriki katika shughuli nyingi wakati huo huo. Mkulima huenda alikuwa akilima mazao yake na wakati huohuo akilinda mifugo yake. Huenda mfumaji alikuwa akifunga kamba huku akizungumza na wateja wake. Watu wa kale walikuwa wakifanya kazi nyingi kabla ya kuwa neno la kawaida katika ulimwengu wetu wa kisasa. Hata hivyo, maoni ya kisasa ya kufanya mambo mengi kwa wakati mmoja kuwa ustadi muhimu yameenea sana katika utamaduni wetu. "Tunapigwa risasi mara kwa mara na ujumbe unaopongeza ""multi-tasking"" kama ufunguo wa kuongeza uzalishaji na mafanikio." Lakini je, maoni hayo yanategemea mambo ya kweli? Ili kujibu swali hili, hebu tuchunguze sayansi ya kufanya kazi nyingi kwa wakati mmoja. Ubongo wetu ni kiungo cha ajabu kinachoweza kuchanganua habari nyingi sana. Hata hivyo, zina mipaka. Wakati tunajaribu kufanya kazi nyingi, kwa kweli tunabadilisha umakini wetu haraka kati ya kazi tofauti badala ya kuzifanya kwa wakati mmoja. Kubadilishana-badilishana huko kwa ukawaida kwaweza kusababisha kupungua kwa ufanisi na kuongezeka kwa uchovu wa kiakili. Fikiria wakati ulipokuwa ukijaribu kufanya kazi nyingi kwa wakati mmoja. Labda unaandika barua pepe wakati wa mkutano wa simu, au unapika chakula cha jioni wakati unasaidia mtoto wako na kazi ya nyumbani. Je, umegundua kwamba unashindwa kukaza fikira na kuchukua muda mrefu zaidi kukamilisha kila kazi? Hii ni kwa sababu ubongo wetu hupata shida ya kukaza fikira juu ya mambo mengi kwa wakati mmoja. Utafiti umeonyesha kwamba kufanya mambo mengi wakati uleule kunaweza pia kuathiri uwezo wetu wa kutambua mambo. Utafiti uliofanywa katika Chuo Kikuu cha Stanford uligundua kuwa watu wanaofanya kazi nyingi kwa wakati mmoja wana shida ya kuchuja habari zisizofaa na wanashindwa kuelekeza fikira zao. Hii inaonyesha kwamba ubongo wetu unaweza kuwa chini ya ufanisi katika usindikaji wa habari wakati sisi daima kubadili kati ya kazi. Licha ya matokeo hayo, bado kuna uvutano mkubwa wa kufanya mambo mengi wakati uleule. Tunaishi katika jamii ambayo inathamini uzalishaji na ufanisi juu ya kila kitu kingine, na multitasking inaonekana kama suluhisho kamilifu. Hata hivyo, ni muhimu kutambua kwamba kuna mipaka kwa uwezo wetu wa kufanya kazi nyingi kwa ufanisi. Wakati mwingine unapojikuta ukishawishiwa kufanya kazi nyingi, chukua muda kufikiria ikiwa ni njia bora zaidi. Badala ya kugawanya fikira zako, jaribu kukazia fikira jambo moja kwa wakati mmoja na kukazia fikira jambo hilo kabisa. Unaweza kushangazwa na jinsi unavyoweza kumaliza kazi yako kwa ufanisi zaidi na jinsi unavyohisi uchovu mdogo wa akili. Utafiti wa hivi karibuni katika saikolojia ya utambuzi umefunua asili ya kweli ya kufanya mambo mengi wakati uleule. Kinyume na maoni ya wengi, ubongo wa mwanadamu haujengwa ili kukaza fikira juu ya kazi nyingi kwa wakati mmoja. Badala yake, inashiriki katika kubadilisha kazi haraka, ambayo inaweza kusababisha kupungua kwa ufanisi na utendaji. Utaratibu huu wa utambuzi huhusisha kuhamisha uangalifu kutoka kwa kazi moja hadi nyingine, lakini unakuja kwa gharama. Utafiti umeonyesha kwamba kila wakati tunapobadilisha kazi, tunapata "gharama" ya utambuzi katika suala la wakati na nishati ya akili. Kwa hiyo, kadiri tunavyojaribu kufanya mambo mengi, ndivyo tunavyozidi kukosa uangalifu. Sehemu moja yenye kupendeza ya kufanya mambo mengi wakati uleule ni wazo la "mashine ya uangalifu". Tunapobadilisha kazi kutoka moja hadi nyingine, alama za kazi yetu ya awali zinabaki akilini mwetu. "Vitu hivi vinavyoitwa ""vitu vilivyobaki vya uangalifu"" vinaweza kudumu na kuingilia uwezo wetu wa kukazia fikira kikamilifu kazi mpya." Jambo hilo hueleza kwa nini mara nyingi inachukua muda kupata tena mwelekeo kamili baada ya kubadili kazi. Isitoshe, kufanya mambo mengi wakati uleule kunaweza kuharibu kumbukumbu zetu. Tunapobadilisha kazi haraka, ubongo wetu hujitahidi kuingiza na kuunganisha habari kwa ufanisi. Kwa hiyo, huenda ikawa vigumu kukumbuka mambo muhimu katika kila kazi. Hii inaweza kuwa tatizo hasa katika hali ambazo zinahitaji matatizo tata ya kutatua au kufikiri muhimu. Isitoshe, kubadilisha-badilisha fikira kati ya kazi fulani na nyingine kunaweza kuongeza uwezekano wa makosa. Ubongo wetu unahitaji muda wa kurekebisha na kuzingatia kila kazi mpya, ambayo inaweza kusababisha udhibiti na kupunguza usahihi. Hii ni kweli hasa tunaposhughulika na kazi zinazohitaji usahihi au uangalifu kwa maelezo madogo-madogo. Kwa kweli, utafiti unaonyesha kwamba watu fulani wanaweza kufanya kazi nyingi wakati uleule kuliko wengine. Mambo kama vile kubadilika kwa utambuzi, uwezo wa kumbukumbu ya kufanya kazi, na utata wa kazi yanaweza kuathiri uwezo wa mtu wa kubadilisha kati ya kazi kwa ufanisi. Hata hivyo, hata wale ambao huonwa kuwa "wenye kufanya mambo mengi kwa wakati mmoja" bado wanakabiliwa na gharama za utambuzi zinazohusiana na kubadili kazi. Kwa hiyo, utafiti unaonyesha kwamba ubongo wetu haujatengenezwa ili kufanya kazi nyingi kwa wakati mmoja. Badala yake, hubadilisha kazi haraka, jambo linaloweza kusababisha kupungua kwa ufanisi, matatizo ya kumbukumbu, kuongezeka kwa makosa, na kupungua kwa usahihi. Kuelewa mapungufu ya kufanya kazi nyingi kwa wakati mmoja kunaweza kutusaidia kufanya maamuzi yenye kueleweka zaidi kuhusu jinsi tunavyopanga uangalifu wetu na kuweka vipaumbele vya kazi zetu. Uwezo wa Multitasking: Moja ya hadithi kubwa zinazozunguka multitasking ni imani kwamba inaongeza uzalishaji. Hata hivyo, utafiti wa hivi karibuni unaonyesha kwamba kujaribu kufanya mambo mengi kwa wakati mmoja kwa kweli huzuia uwezo wetu wa kufanya kila kazi vizuri. Tunapotagawanya uangalifu wetu kati ya kazi tofauti-tofauti, ubora wa kazi yetu huharibika. Tunaweza kumaliza kazi haraka zaidi, lakini mara nyingi matokeo ya mwisho huwa na makosa mengi na hayana kina. Hii inaweza kuwa kwa sababu ubongo wetu hupambana na kugawa umakini wa kutosha na rasilimali za utambuzi kwa kila kazi kwa wakati mmoja. "Mtazamo wa ""Multitasking"" ni kwamba kufanya kazi nyingi wakati mwingine ni rahisi, lakini kufanya kazi nyingi wakati mwingine ni rahisi, na kufanya kazi nyingi wakati mwingine ni rahisi." Hata hivyo, mara nyingi hilo husababisha matokeo yenye kutatanisha: kufanya kazi nyingi zaidi, lakini kutimiza kazi chache. Jukumu la uangalifu katika kukamilisha kazi ni muhimu. Tunapokazia fikira kazi moja, tunaingia katika hali ya mtiririko ambapo umakini wetu na uzalishaji hufikia kilele chao. Kwa upande mwingine, tunapobadilisha kazi mara kwa mara, uangalifu wetu unagawanyika, na kufanya iwe vigumu kushiriki kikamilifu na kazi yoyote. Hatari za kubadili kazi hazitegemei tu kupunguza uzalishaji. Utafiti umeonyesha kwamba kubadilisha kazi mara kwa mara kunaweza kuongeza mkazo, kupunguza kuridhika na kazi, na hata kudhoofisha kumbukumbu ya muda mrefu na utendaji wa utambuzi. Mkakati wa kushinda mtego wa multitasking Kupata uhuru kutoka kwa mtego wa multitasking ni changamoto, lakini haiwezekani. Nguvu ya kazi moja iko katika uwezo wake wa kukuza umakini na ushiriki wa kina na kazi moja kwa wakati. Mbinu za usimamizi wa wakati pia zaweza kuwa na fungu muhimu katika kushinda hadithi ya kufanya mambo mengi kwa wakati mmoja. Kwa kuweka vipaumbele, kuweka mipaka, na kuzingatia kazi moja kabla ya kuendelea na nyingine, tunaweza kupata udhibiti wa umakini wetu na kuboresha uzalishaji. Licha ya kuvutia kwa kufanya mambo mengi wakati uleule, ni wazi kwamba wazo hilo ni hadithi tu badala ya kuwa jambo halisi. Ubongo wetu haujatengenezwa kushughulikia kazi nyingi kwa wakati mmoja, na majaribio yetu ya kufanya hivyo yanaweza kusababisha kupungua kwa utendaji na kuongezeka kwa mkazo. Wakati mwingine unapojikuta ukitafuta taji la multitasking, kumbuka: Uzalishaji wa kweli uko katika nguvu ya umakini wa umakini na kazi moja. Unatafuta kuboresha umakini wako na kuboresha uzalishaji wako? Aura Health ni programu ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya ya afya. Kwa njia ya kuongoza, kutafakari, na mazoezi ya akili, Aura inaweza kukusaidia katika jitihada zako za kujikomboa kutoka kwa hadithi ya multitasking na kufikia hali bora ya umakini. Aura ni programu yako ya All-In-One ya kutafakari, Mindfulness, na Wellbeing, na kila siku utapata amani na programu moja kwa ajili ya ustawi wako wote. Hakuna suluhisho la kawaida kwa afya ya akili. Aura ni programu ya kwanza ya afya ya kila kitu katika moja ambayo hujifunza jinsi ya kukusaidia bora. Gundua maktaba isiyo na mwisho ya nyimbo zilizoundwa na wataalamu kwa ustawi wako, zote zikiwafundishwa na makocha bora ulimwenguni, watunzaji, na waandishi wa hadithi. Kwa mapendekezo ya kibinafsi ya Aura, unaweza kupata amani kila asubuhi, mchana na usiku. | <urn:uuid:3cabf7df-7f7a-4d94-8ed3-e3e9a7fed056> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.aurahealth.io:443/blog/the-multitasking-myth | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Advances in the study of the role of extraoral bitter taste receptors
AbstractTaste is one of the basic senses of living organisms and can recognize
sour, bitter, salty, sweet and umami tastes. Bitter taste receptor is a
class of G protein-coupled receptors capable of sensing bitterness.
Initially, bitter taste receptor was thought to be only found in the
taste buds of the tongue, palate and throat. Recent research has shown
that in addition to the oral cavity, the bitter taste receptor is also
present in the intestinal tract, respiratory tract, urinary tract,
vascular smooth muscle, nervous system, thyroid gland and other tissues
and organs to regulate body homeostasis and resist disorders . In this
review, we focus on the effects of the bitter taste receptor outside the
oral cavity to lay the groundwork for future research. | Katika utafiti wa athari za kiakili za ladha ya uchungu, utafiti wa kiakili wa ladha ya uchungu unaonyesha kwamba ladha ya uchungu ni moja ya hisia za msingi za viumbe hai na inaweza kutambua ladha ya chumvi, uchungu, chumvi, tamu na umami. Kipokezi cha ladha ya uchungu ni darasa la vipokezi vilivyounganishwa na protini ya G vinavyoweza kuhisi uchungu. Mwanzoni, ilidhaniwa kwamba kichocheo cha ladha kali kinapatikana tu katika matumbo ya ladha ya ulimi, mdomo, na koo. Utafiti wa hivi karibuni umeonyesha kwamba, pamoja na utando wa mdomo, kichocheo cha ladha ya uchungu pia kinapatikana katika mfumo wa matumbo, njia za kupumua, njia za mkojo, misuli laini ya mishipa, mfumo wa neva, tezi ya tezi na tishu na viungo vingine ili kudhibiti homeostasis ya mwili na kukabiliana na matatizo. Katika utafiti huu, tunazingatia athari za kipokezi cha ladha kali nje ya shimo la mdomo ili kuweka msingi wa utafiti wa baadaye. | <urn:uuid:dd32559c-e815-4e7d-b433-a82f057eb138> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.authorea.com/doi/full/10.22541/au.168431413.33194743 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
As detailed elsewhere on this website, the International Commission for Missing Persons (ICMP) has divulged few details about the DNA procures it used to complete a claimed 18,000 body identifications. We know that they claim to have invented a simple and cheap procure for recovering DNA from human bones with the aid of a simple and inexpensive kit, but that’s about it.
Very few bodies were recovered by the ICMP before the early 2000s, some six years after the alleged massacre of up to 8,000 people when Srebrenica fell to the Bosnian Serbs in July 1995. This was because early mass grave excavations found far fewer bodies than expected. It was only when the ICTY devised a new theory of the events that had taken place based on the assumption that the Bosnian Serbs had undertaken a massive cover-up exercise to exhume, move and rebury some 500 tons of human remains that new mass graves were identified and large-scale body finds were claimed.
Even if there was any truth in this incredible theory, the human remains recovered would have been extensively comingled, with associated contamination, and would have spent upwards of 5 years in the ground decomposing. In addition, there are many photographs of ICMP excavations showing complete neglect for basic scene-of-crime procedures such as the wearing of masks and gloves.
All these considerations would be even more important if, as seems very likely, the ICMP used low copy number DNA to make some or all of their identifications. Contamination is a huge problem in all areas of DNA work, but a much greater issue when low copy number DNA is involved. | Tume ya Kimataifa ya Watu Waliopotea (ICMP) imetoa taarifa chache kuhusu DNA iliyotumiwa kukamilisha utambulisho wa maiti 18,000. Tunajua kwamba wanadai kuwa wamevumbua njia rahisi na ya bei nafuu ya kupata DNA kutoka kwa mifupa ya binadamu kwa msaada wa kit rahisi na cha bei nafuu, lakini hiyo ni kuhusu hilo. Mwili wa watu wengi uliokamatwa na wapiganaji wa kivita wa Bosnia ulipatikana katika mji wa Srebrenica, karibu miaka sita baada ya mauaji ya watu 8,000 wakati wa mapinduzi ya Serb ya Bosnia mnamo Julai 1995. Hilo lilitokana na kwamba machimbo ya mapema ya makaburi ya watu wengi yalipata miili michache zaidi ya ilivyotarajiwa. "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika taarifa ya mahakama hiyo, ""Kama ilivyoelezwa katika taarifa ya mahakama hiyo, ni wakati tu ambapo mahakama hiyo ilitengeneza nadharia mpya ya matukio yaliyotokea, kulingana na dhana kwamba Waserbia wa Bosnia walikuwa wamefanya mazoezi makubwa ya kuficha ili kuchimba, kuhamisha na kuzikia tena takriban tani 500 za mabaki ya binadamu, kwamba makaburi mapya ya watu wengi yalipatikana na kutajwa.""" Hata kama kuna ukweli wowote katika nadharia hii ya ajabu, mabaki ya binadamu yaliyopatikana yangekuwa yamechanganywa sana, na uchafuzi unaohusiana, na ingekuwa imetumia zaidi ya miaka mitano katika ardhi kuharibika. "Kwa kuongezea, kuna picha nyingi za uchimbaji wa ICMP zinazoonyesha ""upuuzi kamili"" kwa taratibu za msingi za eneo la uhalifu kama vile kuvaa vinyago na kinga." "Hii ni kwa sababu, kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ICMP ilitumia ""nambari ya chini ya nakala ya DNA"" kufanya baadhi au wote wa utambulisho wao." Uchafuzi ni tatizo kubwa katika maeneo yote ya kazi ya DNA, lakini suala kubwa zaidi wakati wa nakala ya chini ya DNA inahusika. | <urn:uuid:2c7a4c28-d626-423b-8322-e06df0f03191> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.balkan-conflicts-research.com/archive/low-copy-number-dna/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The Unjust Treatment of Japanese Americans
A series of unfortunate events would soon unfold on the Japanese American race. Terror and fear hung over individuals when they were not allowed to do the same things they have done in the past. It was time to start a new life, in a whole new place, with different people they have not yet met before. It was the beginning of a new age for the Japanese Americans, and it was also one they would have to seek through in order to make it to the end. Events started to turn on December of 1941 where the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. This struck terror on the United States and panic spread throughout the country. The deepened fear of the Americans caused the relocation of Japanese Americans to relocate to one of several internment camps. Taking away the Japanese Americans away from their home, especially when their documents were legalized stating they were citizens of the United States of America, was a violation of their rights here in the U.S. In a war where the U.S. bravely fought to preserve liberty, the Japanese American Internment stands out immeasurably, as a violation of the civil and human rights of tens of thousands of families.
Disaster first struck on February 19, 1942, where Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Executive Order 9066 which thereby gathered all the Japanese Americans and relocated them to one of the 10 internment camps (Gruenewald, p 48). A man by the title of General DeWitt, advised Franklin D. Roosevelt to gather
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While the attack on Pearl Harbor was a devastating time in United States history and the attack being conducted by the Japanese government, it didn’t not justify Japanese Americans being put into internment camps. The fear of a Japanese attack on mainland United States soil prompted the United States government to create these internment camps. Such fear lead to innocent Japanese Americans to live in a way that could be considered inhuman. Of the hundreds of thousands of Japanese Americans in the internment camps half of them were children. The conditions of the camps where no way of life and Japanese Americans were forced to live in an undignified life that
Japanese internment camps from 1942 to 1946 were an exemplification of discrimination, many Japanese Americans were no longer accepted in their communities after the Bombing of Pearl Harbor. They were perceived as traitors and faced humiliation due to anti-Japanese sentiment causing them to be forced to endure several hardships such as leaving behind their properties to go an imprisoned state, facing inadequate housing conditions, and encountering destitute institutions. The Bombing of Pearl Harbor occurred on December 7, 1941 (Why I Love a Country that Once Betrayed Me). This led president Roosevelt to sign the executive order 9066, which authorized the army to remove any individual that seemed as a potential threat to the nation (“Executive Order 9066”) This order allowed the military to exclude “‘any or all persons from designated areas, including the California coast.”’ (Fremon 31). Many Japanese opposed to leave the Pacific Coast on their own free will (Fremon 24) . Japanese Americans would not be accepted in other areas if they moved either.Idaho’s governor stated, Japanese would be welcomed “only if they were in concentration camps under guard”(Fremon 35). The camps were located in Arizona, Arkansas, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, and California where thousands of Japanese Americans eventually relocated. (“Japanese Americans at Manzanar”) The internment lasted for 3 years and the last camp did not close until 1946. (Lessons Learned: Japanese Internment During WW2)
Executive Order 9066 issued by President Roosevelt on February 19. 1942 was a result of this new racial hatred. This law forced 120,000 Japanese Americans to sell their property, leave their homes, and enter detention camps located around the United States. Many rights granted to citizens by the Constitution were blatantly overlooked during this entire procedure.
When Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 on February 19, 1942,1 thousands of Japanese-American families were relocated to internment camps in an attempt to suppress supposed espionage and sabotage attempts on the part of the Japanese government. Not only was this relocation based on false premises and shaky evidence, but it also violated the rights of Japanese-Americans through processes of institutional racism that were imposed following the events of Pearl Harbor. Targeting mostly Issei and Nisei citizens, first and second generation Japanese-Americans respectively,2 the policy of internment disrupted the lives of families, resulting in a loss of personal property, emotional distress,
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, many people were dubious towards many Japanese-Americans and believed they were working with Japan. With this, on February 19, 1942, President Roosevelt signed the Executive Order 9066, moving several Japanese-Americans into concentration camps, calling it a “military necessity” (Ewers 1). When this happened, many Japanese-Americans lost everything they had owned such as houses, farms, and their rights as American citizens.
Many Japanese Americans were actively being sent to the internment camps against their will by the government. This forced exile likely instilled feelings of fear, confusion and betrayal amongst the Japanese-American people.
Following the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan, racial tensions increased in the United States, especially on the West Coast (Divine 898). The anti-Japanese sentiment led to President Franklin Roosevelt’s Executive Order 9066, which gave military officials the power to limit the civil rights of Japanese Americans (Danzer 802). The order also authorized the forced relocation of all Japanese Americans to concentration camps (Divine 898). These camps were located in desolate deserts and flatlands in the interior of the United States (Sato 67). Two thirds of the 120,000 Japanese Americans who were forced to relocate were “Nisei”, or native born American citizens (Divine 898).
Living in a camp with people only of your race, having to live in a by force and not being able to connect with the outside world. This was life for the Japanese Americans living on the west coast. The internment camps were set up for the Japanese because of the attack on pearl harbor. The government was worried about Japanese people being spies or terrorist undercover. The Government decided to move all Japanese Americans away from the west coast, so there would be no actual threat. The Japanese Americans were all put in internment camps and provided with all the necessities for living such as food and water. The internment of Japanese Americans was an action that was unjustified many of the Japanese Americans were not an actual
On December 7, 1941, the Empire of Japan attacked the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, bringing the United States into World War II (Prange et al., 1981: p.174). On February 19, 1942, United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 authorizing the Secretary of War and Military Commanders to prescribe areas of land as excludable military zones (Roosevelt, 1942). Effectively, this order sanctioned the identification, deportation, and internment of innocent Japanese Americans in War Relocation Camps across the western half of the United States. During the spring and summer of 1942, it is estimated that almost 120,000 Japanese Americans were relocated from their homes along the West Coast and in Hawaii and
Two months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Executive Order 9066. This forced all Japanese-Americans, regardless of loyalty or citizenship to evacuate to the West Coast. The relocation of Japanese-Americans into internment camps during World War II was one of the most flagrant violations of civil liberties in American history.
Humanity has seen great horrors throughout the course of history, one them being the Holocaust during World War II. As we look down upon the Germans of that time, the U.S. had their very own holocaust. President Roosevelt issued the Executive Order #9066 on February 19, 1942, which allowed the relocation of tens and thousands of Japanese Americans to internment camps, stripping them of their rights; the reason being that these U.S. citizens were of Japanese descent. There are other possible reasons Japanese were sent to these camps, such as being secure after the attack on Pearl Harbor; however, social and racial attitudes was most significant because Japan attacked, and there was a war going on, so what chances are there that more Japanese won’t follow, whereas the other two were formed from that discrimination and racism.
The relocation of Japanese Americans was an event that occurred within the United States during World War II. On February 19th, 1942, Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, which forced all Japanese Americans living in the West Coast to be evacuated from the area and relocated to internment camps all across the United States, where they would be imprisoned. Approximately 120,000 people were sent to the camps and the event lasted through the years 1942 and 1945. The main cause of the relocation and internment of these people was because of fear made among Japanese people after Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941. Citizens of the United States had been worrying about the possibility of Japanese residents of the country aiding Japan, and/or secretly trying to destroy American companies.
When Pearl Harbor was hit they removed 5,000 Japanese-Americans from the U.S. army on December, 19412. They army took away Japanese-American rights as citizens, by not allowing them to be apart of the United States Army. The selective services renamed them “enemy aliens” and stopped the draft of Japanese-American citizens. Military officials denied Japanese-Americans citizenships. December 7th, 19412, FBI arrested selected Japanese-American nationals on the West coast, they never returned home. They never got to say goodbye to their family until after six years, when the war was over.
The Japanese-American placement in internment camps was wrong and unconstitutional. The Japanese-American people had been living in the United States without question until the uprise of racial prejudice brought on by the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Many Japanese-Americans had been born in America and lived an American life, integrated into American schools, speaking with American accents, and enjoying American culture. But, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, the Japanese were suddenly seen as threats that needed to be controlled. Without any consent, these Japanese-Americans were placed in internment camps with poor conditions and treated as if they were ticking time bombs themselves.
After the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor, life in the U.S. had changed. It was the first time in a long time that America was attacked on its homeland. This national security threat was a big shock to the people. The Japanese had to suffer the consequences of their attack. Just as the Germans developed concentration camps for the Jewish during World War II, the Americans set up "relocation" programs better known as internment camps to keep all the Japanese. The reason the Japanese were moved into these camps was because they were suspected of being spies. They were forced to live there for up to four years and were not able to continue with their own lives as they were before while they were living in these camps. | Matumizi ya Uhalifu wa Kijapani Marekani Mfululizo wa matukio ya bahati mbaya hivi karibuni ungetokea kwa jamii ya Kijapani Marekani. Hofu na hofu ziliwaangukia watu waliopigwa marufuku kufanya mambo yale yale waliyokuwa wakifanya zamani. Wakati ulikuwa umefika wa kuanza maisha mapya, katika eneo jipya kabisa, pamoja na watu tofauti ambao hawakuwa wamekutana nao hapo awali. Huo ulikuwa mwanzo wa enzi mpya kwa Wamarekani wa Japani, na pia ni enzi ambayo wangelazimika kuifuatilia ili kuifikia mwisho. Mauaji hayo yalianza Desemba 1941 wakati Wajapani walipoishambulia Pearl Harbor. Jambo hilo lilitokeza hofu nchini Marekani na hofu kubwa ikaenea kotekote nchini. Hofu kubwa ya Wamarekani ilisababisha kuhamishwa kwa Wamarekani wa Japani kuhamishwa kwenye moja ya kambi kadhaa za uhamisho. "Kuwaondoa Wamarekani wa Japani kutoka nyumbani kwao, hasa wakati nyaraka zao zilipokuwa zimehakikishwa kuwa raia wa Marekani, ilikuwa ni ukiukaji wa haki zao hapa Marekani.""" Katika vita ambapo Marekani ilipigana kwa ujasiri ili kuhifadhi uhuru, ukimya wa Wajapani wa Marekani unasimama kwa kiasi kikubwa, kama ukiukaji wa haki za kiraia na za kibinadamu za maelfu ya familia. "Katika Februari 19, 1942, Franklin D. Roosevelt alitia saini Amri ya Utekelezaji ya 9066, ambayo iliwakusanya Wamarekani wote wa Kijapani na kuwahamisha kwenye moja ya kambi kumi za mateso.""" "Mwanamume mmoja aliyeitwa ""Jenerali DeWitt"" alimsihi Franklin D. Roosevelt kukusanya ""Wamarekani wa Kijapani"" katika kambi za mateso, na ""Wamarekani wa Kijapani"" katika kambi za mateso." Hofu ya shambulio la Kijapani kwenye ardhi ya Marekani ilisababisha serikali ya Marekani kuunda kambi hizi za mateso. Hofu hiyo huongoza Wamarekani Wajapani wasio na hatia kuishi kwa njia ambayo yaweza kuonwa kuwa isiyo ya kibinadamu. Kati ya mamia ya maelfu ya Wamarekani Wajapani katika kambi za mateso nusu yao walikuwa watoto. "Kama vile walivyofanya Waamerika wa Japani katika kambi za mateso za 1942-1946, ""wawakilishi wa Japan"" waliwazuia Waamerika wa Japani kutoka kujihusisha na shughuli za kibiashara baada ya shambulio la Pearl Harbor." Walionwa kama waasi na kukabiliwa na aibu kwa sababu ya hisia za kupinga Kijapani, na kusababisha wao kulazimika kuvumilia magumu kadhaa kama vile kuacha nyuma mali zao kwenda hali ya kifungo, kukabiliwa na hali mbaya ya makazi, na kukutana na taasisi za maskini. "Mashambulizi ya Pearl Harbor yalifanyika Desemba 7, 1941 na ""Mimi upendo nchi ambayo mara moja alisaliti mimi.""" "Mwanzoni mwa mwaka wa 1960, Rais Roosevelt alitoa amri ya kiutawala ya ""kuondoa mtu yeyote ambaye anaonekana kuwa tishio kwa taifa"" (Executive Order 9066) na kuondoa watu wote kutoka maeneo ya California." Wajapani wengi walipinga kuondoka Pwani ya Pasifiki kwa hiari yao wenyewe (Fremon 24). "Wamarekani wa Kijapani hawangeweza kukubaliwa katika maeneo mengine ikiwa wangehamia, ""Mtawala wa Idaho alisema, ""Wajapani wangekaribishwa tu ikiwa wangekuwa katika kambi za mateso chini ya ulinzi"" (Fremon 35)." Kambi hizo zilikuwa katika Arizona, Arkansas, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, na California ambako maelfu ya Wamarekani wa Japani hatimaye walihamishwa. "Kama ""Mashabiki wa Kijapani wa Manzanara"" (JAPANESE AMERICANS AT MANZANAR) ""Kikosi cha Uhamisho cha Kijapani"" (JAPANESE AMERICANS AT MANZANAR) kilikuwa na makazi ya miaka mitatu, na kambi ya mwisho ilifungwa mwaka 1946." "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika makala ya kwanza ya kitabu cha ""Lessons Learned: Japanese Internment During WWII,"" amri ya kiutawala ya mwaka wa 1990 iliyotolewa na Rais Roosevelt ilitolewa Februari 19, 1966." Mwaka 1942 ilikuwa ni mwaka wa kuibuka kwa chuki ya rangi. Sheria hiyo ililazimisha Wajapani 120,000 wa Marekani kuuza mali zao, kuondoka nyumbani kwao, na kuingia katika kambi za mateso zilizokuwa kote Marekani. Haki nyingi zilizopewa raia na Katiba zilipuuzwa waziwazi wakati wa utaratibu huu wote. Franklin D. Roosevelt alitoa amri ya kiutawala ya mwaka wa 1942 iliyoweka sheria ya kupeleka maelfu ya watu wa asili ya Japani kwenye kambi za magereza ili kuzuia ujasusi na uharibifu wa serikali ya Japani. Uhamisho huo haukuwa tu kwa msingi wa ushahidi wa uwongo na ushahidi wa kutatanisha, lakini pia ulikiuka haki za Wamarekani wa asili ya Kijapani kupitia michakato ya ubaguzi wa rangi wa taasisi ambayo iliwekwa baada ya matukio ya Pearl Harbor. "Kama ilivyokuwa na raia wa Issei na Nisei, wa kizazi cha kwanza na cha pili cha Wajapani-Wamarekani, sera ya kuwekwa kizuizini ilivuruga maisha ya familia, ikisababisha hasara ya mali ya kibinafsi, shida ya kihisia, baada ya mabomu ya Pearl Harbor Desemba 7, 1941, watu wengi walikuwa na shaka juu ya Wajapani-Wamarekani wengi na waliamini walikuwa wakifanya kazi na Japani. """ "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, Rais Roosevelt alitia saini Amri ya Utekelezaji ya Februari 19, 1942, na kuhamisha Wajapani kadhaa wa Amerika kwenye kambi za mateso, akisema ""hitaji la kijeshi.""" Wakati wa vita hivyo, Wajapani wengi walipoteza mali zao, nyumba, mashamba na haki zao kama raia wa Marekani. Wamarekani wengi Wajapani walikuwa wakitumwa kwa bidii kwenye kambi za mateso dhidi ya mapenzi yao na serikali. Yaelekea uhamisho huo wa kulazimishwa ulisababisha hofu, kuchanganyikiwa, na uhaini miongoni mwa Wamarekani wenye asili ya Kijapani. Baada ya shambulio la Pearl Harbor mnamo Desemba 7, 1941, mvutano wa rangi uliongezeka nchini Marekani, hasa katika pwani ya Magharibi. "Mtazamo wa kupinga Japani ulisababisha Rais Franklin D. Roosevelt kutoa amri ya kiutawala ya ""9066"" ambayo iliwapa maafisa wa kijeshi nguvu ya kupunguza haki za kiraia za Wamarekani wa Kijapani." Amri hiyo pia iliruhusu kuhamishwa kwa nguvu kwa Wamarekani wote wa Japani kwenda kambi za mateso (Divine 898). Kambi hizo zilikuwa katika jangwa na nyanda za ndani za Marekani (Sato 67). Asilimia mbili ya Wajapani-Wamarekani 120,000 waliolazimika kuhamia nchi nyingine walikuwa <unk>Nisei<unk>, au raia wa asili wa Marekani (Divine 898). Kuishi katika kambi na watu wa jamii yako tu, kuwa na kuishi katika kambi kwa nguvu na kutokuwa na uwezo wa kuungana na ulimwengu wa nje. Huo ndio uliokuwa maisha ya Wajapani-Wamarekani walioishi kwenye pwani ya magharibi. Kambi za mateso zilianzishwa kwa ajili ya Wajapani kwa sababu ya shambulio la Pearl Harbor. Serikali ilikuwa na wasiwasi kuhusu Wajapani kuwa wapelelezi au magaidi wa siri. Serikali iliamua kuhamisha Wamarekani wote wa Japani mbali na pwani ya magharibi, ili isiwe na tisho halisi. Wamarekani wa Japani waliwekwa katika kambi za mateso na kupewa mahitaji yote ya maisha kama vile chakula na maji. "Mashambulizi ya Marekani ya mwaka 1941 yalimfanya Japani kuhamia Pearl Harbor, Marekani, na kuingiza Marekani katika Vita Kuu ya Pili ya Dunia (Prange et al., 1981: p.174).""" "Mwanzoni mwa mwaka wa 1942, Rais Franklin D. Roosevelt alitoa amri ya kiutawala ya ""Executive Order 9066"" ambayo iliwapa mamlaka waziri wa vita na maafisa wa jeshi kuamua maeneo ya ardhi kama maeneo ya kijeshi ya kutengwa." Amri hiyo iliruhusu kuwakamata, kuhamisha, na kuwashika wafungwa Wajapani wasio na hatia katika kambi za War Relocation katika sehemu ya magharibi ya Marekani. Katika mwaka wa 1942, karibu watu 120,000 walihamishwa kutoka maeneo yao ya nyumbani katika pwani ya magharibi na Hawaii, na Rais Franklin D. Roosevelt alisaini amri ya 906 ya Marekani. Jambo hilo liliwalazimisha Wamarekani wote wa asili ya Kijapani, bila kujali uaminifu-mshikamanifu wao au uraia wao, wahamie Pwani ya Magharibi. Uhamisho wa Wajapani-Wamarekani katika kambi za mateso wakati wa Vita Kuu ya Pili ya Dunia ulikuwa moja ya ukiukaji mkubwa zaidi wa uhuru wa kiraia katika historia ya Marekani. Watu wengi wameona mauaji makubwa katika historia, mojawapo ya hayo ni yale ya Wayahudi wakati wa Vita vya Pili vya Ulimwengu. Kwa mujibu wa ripoti ya Ujerumani, Marekani ilikuwa na mauaji ya kimbari ya wenyewe. Rais Roosevelt alitoa amri ya kiutawala ya # 9066 Februari 19, 1942, ambayo iliruhusu kuhamishwa kwa maelfu ya Wajapani-Wamarekani kwenye kambi za mateso, na kuwaondoa haki zao, kwa sababu raia hawa wa Marekani walikuwa wa asili ya Kijapani. Kuna sababu nyingine zinazowezekana za Wajapani kupelekwa kwenye kambi hizi, kama vile kuwa salama baada ya shambulio la Pearl Harbor; hata hivyo, mitazamo ya kijamii na ya kikabila ilikuwa muhimu zaidi kwa sababu Japani ilishambulia, na kulikuwa na vita, kwa hivyo kuna uwezekano gani kwamba Wajapani zaidi hawatakuwa na kufuata, wakati wale wengine wawili waliundwa kutoka kwa ubaguzi na ubaguzi wa rangi. Uhamisho wa Wajapani-Wamarekani ulikuwa tukio lililotokea ndani ya Marekani wakati wa Vita vya Pili vya Ulimwengu. "Katika Februari 19, 1942, Franklin D. Roosevelt alitoa amri ya kiutawala ya 9066, ambayo iliamuru ""Wamarekani wote wa Japani wanaoishi katika Pwani ya Magharibi kuhamishwa kutoka eneo hilo na kuhamishwa kwenye kambi za mateso kote Marekani, ambapo wangefungwa.""" Watu 120,000 walipelekwa kwenye kambi za mateso, na tukio hilo liliendelea hadi mwaka wa 1942 na 1945. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""mfano wa kuhamishwa kwa watu hao ni hofu iliyoundwa miongoni mwa watu wa Japani baada ya Japani kubomeza Pearl Harbor mnamo 1941.""" Wamarekani walikuwa na wasiwasi juu ya uwezekano wa wakazi wa Japani wa nchi kusaidia Japan, na au kwa siri kujaribu kuharibu makampuni ya Marekani. Pearl Harbor ilipogongwa, Marekani iliondoa Wajapani 5,000 kutoka jeshi la Marekani mnamo Desemba 1941. Jeshi la Marekani liliondoa haki za raia wa Marekani wa Japani kwa kutowaruhusu kuwa sehemu ya Jeshi la Marekani. Huduma za kuchagua ziliwaita "wageni maadui" na kukomesha uandikishaji wa raia wa Japani-Wamarekani. Maofisa wa kijeshi waliwakataa Wamarekani wa asili ya Kijapani uraia. Desemba 7, 1941 - FBI kukamatwa Japan-Wamarekani raia katika pwani ya Magharibi, na kamwe akarudi nyumbani. Hawakupata nafasi ya kuaga familia zao mpaka baada ya miaka sita, wakati vita vilipokwisha. Kuwekwa kwa Wajapani-Wamarekani katika kambi za mateso kulikuwa kosa na kinyume cha katiba. Wamarekani wa asili ya Kijapani walikuwa wakiishi Marekani bila shaka mpaka kuibuka kwa ubaguzi wa rangi uliosababishwa na mabomu ya Pearl Harbor. Wamarekani wengi wa asili ya Kijapani walikuwa wamezaliwa Marekani na kuishi maisha ya Marekani, wakijiunga na shule za Marekani, wakizungumza kwa lafudhi ya Marekani, na kufurahia utamaduni wa Marekani. Baada ya shambulio la Pearl Harbor mnamo Desemba 7, 1941, Marekani iliona kuwa Japani ni hatari ya kutoweka. "Wanafunzi hao wa Marekani waliwekwa katika kambi za mateso bila idhini ya mtu yeyote, na kutendewa kama ""bomu la wakati"" lenye kusonga." Baada ya Japani kupiga bomu Pearl Harbor, maisha ya watu wa Marekani yalibadilika. Ilikuwa mara ya kwanza kwa muda mrefu kwamba Marekani ilishambuliwa katika nchi yake. Tisho hili la usalama wa kitaifa lilikuwa mshtuko mkubwa kwa watu. Wajapani walilazimika kuteseka kwa sababu ya shambulio lao. "Kama vile Wajerumani walipokuwa wakitengeneza kambi za mateso kwa ajili ya Wayahudi wakati wa Vita Kuu ya Pili ya Ulimwengu, Wamarekani walianzisha programu za ""kuhamisha"" watu, ambazo zinajulikana zaidi kama kambi za mateso, ili kuwaweka Wajapani wote." Sababu ya Wajapani kuhamishwa katika kambi hizo ilikuwa kwa sababu walishukiwa kuwa wapelelezi. Walilazimishwa kuishi huko kwa miaka minne na hawakuweza kuendelea na maisha yao kama walivyokuwa kabla ya kuishi katika kambi hizi. | <urn:uuid:dcd76cf7-eea4-47a2-a110-d93471e4ba88> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.bartleby.com/essay/The-Unjust-Treatment-Of-Japanese-Americans-PKGVXCE2LMWQ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Unit 5: Landmarks and Large Numbers (Number and Operations - Number Sense and Place Value, Whole Numbers - Computation - Addition and Subtraction
A. Know & understand place value in our numerical system to hundred thousand.
B. Recognize and identify the place value of digits in large numbers.
C. Demonstrates, understands, and applies knowledge of patterns (multiples of 10) as related to place value.
D. Knows a variety of strategies to compute sums and differences to five digits.
E. Understanding the action of subtractions problems.
F. Students will gain flexibility in choosing strategies when solving addition and subtraction problems. (D)
G. Students will demonstate persistence while investigating multiple strategies. (D) | Unit 5: Landmarks na Nambari Kubwa (Nambari na Operesheni - Nambari Sense na Mahali Thamani, Nambari nzima - Hesabu - Kuongeza na Kuondoa A. Kujua na kuelewa mahali thamani katika mfumo wetu wa tarakimu kwa mia elfu. B. Kutambua na kutambua thamani ya mahali ya tarakimu katika idadi kubwa. C. Inaonyesha, inaelewa, na inatumika maarifa ya mifumo (multiples ya 10) kama kuhusiana na mahali thamani. D. Anajua mikakati mbalimbali ya kuhesabu jumla na tofauti kwa tarakimu tano. E. Kuelewa hatua ya matatizo ya subtractions. F. Wanafunzi watapata kubadilika katika kuchagua mikakati wakati wa kutatua matatizo ya kuongeza na kuondoa. (D) G. Wanafunzi wataonyesha uvumilivu wakati wa kuchunguza mikakati mbalimbali. (D) | <urn:uuid:a1511ce6-5736-492f-a718-69a54be71273> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.bcsd.org/Page/12119 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
For years scientific researchers have been investigating the relationship between our stomachs and our auto immune system. Today they say there is evidence bacteria in our abdomens can trigger auto immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
Thousands of people are stricken in the prime of their lives with arthritis; it is not just the elderly that suffer from it. Stiffness, fatigue and widespread muscle aches are the main characteristics of the disease. Sometimes the joint stiffness associated with arthritis can be crippling.
Researchers at the famed Mayo Clinic, along with the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign believe that stomach bacteria could lead to diseases like arthritis in people who are genetically predisposed to the condition. The team of scientists explained that the human body contains at least 10 trillion cells but that bacteria in the intestines outnumber those human cells 10 to one. The researchers discovered that both hormones and aging further aggravate the stomach and immune system and can add to inflammation in people who are susceptible to conditions such as arthritis.
Some medical experts now say the key to avoiding joint stiffness and conditions like rheumatoid arthritis could be to find ways to balance the level of bacteria in the stomach.
Earlier Findings – Arthritis
This link between arthritis and stomach bacteria makes sense to many people in the scientific community. Back in the spring of 2010 researchers at Harvard Medical School conducted an examination of bacteria in mice. They discovered that while bacteria didn’t cause arthritis, it did make the mice more susceptible to it. They concluded that bacterium creates an environment that allows the genetic susceptibility to be carried out. The researchers who worked on this particular study also found a connection between stomach bacteria and irritable bowel syndrome; however, they indicated that the most prevalent feature was inflammation and joint stiffness, as well as other symptoms of arthritis.
Septic Arthritis and What it Means
There are several different types of arthritis. One type of arthritis has always been associated with bacteria. It is called Septic Arthritis. This disease occurs when bacteria spreads through the bloodstream and into a joint. Most cases are caused by common bacteria staphylococcus or streptococcus. You are at risk of getting septic arthritis if you have one or more of the following:
• Artificial join implants
• Bacterial infections somewhere else in your body
• Injection drug use
• Chronic illness such as diabetes or sickle cell disease
• Medications that suppress the immune system
Joint stiffness, joint swelling and pain are common with septic arthritis. The stiffness and other symptoms tend to come on rather quickly so it can be startling to people. It usually attacks just one area or one joint in the body, whereas other forms of arthritis can attack and then spread to various parts of the body. Septic only travels from one joint to the other if it goes untreated for a long period of time.
Unlike other forms of arthritis, Septic Arthritis is curable if the patient gets quick and proper care. Treatment can not only take care of the annoying stiffness, it can prevent the disease from spreading to other parts of the body.
There has been some evidence that people who work with animals, plants and marine life are more susceptible to the disease-producing germs. This is due to the fact that the animals and materials they work with carry the germs. Having said this, a wide population can be exposed to the bacteria. For this reason rheumatologists are always promoting good hygiene and germ control.
If you already suffer from arthritis you know how the stiffness and swelling of joints can be debilitating. For some people the stiffness alone makes it difficult to carry out normal activities; even getting dressed can be hard for those who have severe rheumatoid arthritis. Taking precautions like avoiding bad germs in one step towards protecting the human body, another step will be for scientists to find ways to balance that bad bacterium when it does enter our bodies. | Kwa miaka mingi, watafiti wamekuwa wakichunguza uhusiano kati ya tumbo na mfumo wetu wa kinga. Utafiti wa hivi karibuni unaonyesha kuwa bakteria katika tumbo la mtu inaweza kusababisha magonjwa ya autoimmune kama vile ugonjwa wa arthritis. Maelfu ya watu huugua ugonjwa wa viungo vya mwili katika umri wao wa kustawi; si wazee tu wanaugua ugonjwa huo. Ukali, uchovu na maumivu ya misuli yaliyoenea sana ni sifa kuu za ugonjwa huo. Nyakati nyingine ugumu wa viungo unaosababishwa na ugonjwa wa viungo waweza kuwa wenye kulemaza. Watafiti wa kliniki maarufu ya Mayo pamoja na Chuo Kikuu cha Illinois Urbana-Champaign wanaamini kuwa bakteria ya tumbo inaweza kusababisha magonjwa kama ugonjwa wa arthritis kwa watu ambao wana mwelekeo wa maumbile wa ugonjwa huo. Wataalamu hao wanasema kwamba mwili wa binadamu una chembe milioni 10 lakini bakteria katika matumbo ni nyingi kuliko chembe hizo. Watafiti wamegundua kwamba homoni na uzee huongeza maumivu ya tumbo na mfumo wa kinga na inaweza kuongeza uvimbe kwa watu ambao wana uwezekano wa kupata hali kama vile ugonjwa wa arthritis. Wataalamu wa afya wanasema kuwa njia ya kuzuia magonjwa kama rheumatoid arthritis ni kupata njia za kusawazisha kiwango cha bakteria katika tumbo. Uunganisho huu kati ya ugonjwa wa viungo na bakteria za tumbo unaeleweka kwa watu wengi katika jamii ya kisayansi. Katika mwaka wa 2010, watafiti wa Chuo Kikuu cha Tiba cha Harvard walifanya uchunguzi wa bakteria kwenye panya. Waligundua kwamba ingawa bakteria hazisababishi ugonjwa wa viungo, ziliwafanya panya wawe na mwelekeo zaidi wa kuugua. Walifikia mkataa kwamba bakteria huunda mazingira ambayo huruhusu mwelekeo wa maumbile kutekelezwa. Watafiti waliofanya utafiti huu pia walipata uhusiano kati ya bakteria za tumbo na ugonjwa wa utumbo wenye kukasirika, lakini walionyesha kuwa sifa ya kawaida ilikuwa uvimbe na ugumu wa viungo, pamoja na dalili nyingine za ugonjwa wa arthritis. Ugonjwa wa Majeraha ya Majeraha ya Majeraha ya Majeraha ya Majeraha ya Majeraha ya Majeraha ya Majeraha ya Majeraha ya Majeraha ya Majeraha ya Majeraha ya Majeraha ya Majeraha ya Majeraha ya Majeraha. Aina moja ya ugonjwa wa viungo sikuzote imehusianishwa na bakteria. Inaitwa septic arthritis. Ugonjwa huu hutokea wakati bakteria zinapenea kupitia mtiririko wa damu na kuingia kwenye kiungo. Matukio mengi husababishwa na bakteria za kawaida za staphylococcus au streptococcus. • Ugonjwa wa ugonjwa wa septic ulinganifu: • Ugonjwa wa septic ulinganifu: • Ugonjwa wa septic ulinganifu: • Ugonjwa wa septic ulinganifu: • Ugonjwa wa septic ulinganifu: • Ugonjwa wa septic ulinganifu: • Ugonjwa wa septic ulinganifu: • Ugonjwa wa septic ulinganifu: • Ugonjwa wa septic ulinganifu: • Ugonjwa wa septic ulinganifu: • Ugonjwa wa septic ulinganifu: Ugonjwa huo na dalili zake nyingine huanza haraka sana, na huenda ikawa ya kushangaza kwa watu. Kwa kawaida, ugonjwa huo huathiri sehemu moja tu ya mwili, lakini aina nyingine za ugonjwa huo zinaweza kuenea katika sehemu mbalimbali za mwili. Ugonjwa wa septic hutoka kwenye sehemu moja hadi nyingine ikiwa haujatibiwa kwa muda mrefu. Tofauti na aina nyingine za ugonjwa wa viungo, ugonjwa wa viungo unaopatikana kwa njia ya damu unaweza kutibiwa ikiwa mgonjwa atapokea utunzaji wa haraka na unaofaa. Matibabu hayawezi tu kutatua tatizo la kuganda, lakini pia yanaweza kuzuia ugonjwa huo usipitishwe kwenye sehemu nyingine za mwili. Kuna ushahidi kwamba watu wanaofanya kazi na wanyama, mimea na viumbe wa baharini wanaathiriwa zaidi na vimelea vinavyosababisha magonjwa. Hii ni kwa sababu wanyama na vifaa wanavyofanya kazi navyo hubeba vimelea. Kwa kusema hivyo, idadi kubwa ya watu inaweza kuambukizwa bakteria hiyo. Kwa sababu hiyo madaktari wa magonjwa ya uti wa mgongo sikuzote huendeleza usafi mzuri na kudhibiti vimelea. Ikiwa tayari una ugonjwa wa viungo, unajua jinsi ugumu na uvimbe wa viungo unavyoweza kukudharau. Kwa watu wengine, ugumu wa mwili hufanya iwe vigumu kufanya shughuli za kawaida; hata kuvaa kunaweza kuwa vigumu kwa wale walio na ugonjwa mbaya wa viungo vya miguu. "Kutumia tahadhari kama vile kuepuka vijidudu vibaya katika hatua moja kuelekea kulinda mwili wa binadamu, hatua nyingine itakuwa kwa wanasayansi kupata njia za kusawazisha bakteria mbaya wakati inapoingia miili yetu. """ | <urn:uuid:02c533b6-d48d-46c0-84eb-65468087007b> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.belmarrahealth.com/the-exciting-new-arthritis-discovery/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The recipe for Ocean Soup, Pincus relays through lighthearted but edifying couplets, is easy: add single-use plastics and trash from overflowing landfills to the sea, and then let it be "simmered by the sun" for "decades of days," whereupon the five gyres "turn the plastic to specks" and the consequences become limitless. The author emphasizes how humans, the "chefs" of this "murky, confetti-like brew," caused this proliferation of plastic pollution over generations of bad habits, primarily extensive use of plastics: "heaps of containers and straws," taking "throwaway bags without pause." Semple's colorful digital illustrations follow four children with different skin tones as they learn about Ocean Soup, effectively supplementing Pincus's smoothly rhythmic narration in this charming call to action. Back matter further addresses the topic and includes an author's note sharing the book's beginnings. Ages 7-8. (Mar.)Copyright 2021 Publishers Weekly, LLC Used with permission.
K-Gr 2—This picture book discusses environmentalism and conservation. The rhyming text is snappy and the bright cartoon illustrations are appropriately playful for the target audience. The simple and accessible text will encourage young activists, who will understand the damage done to our oceans. Pincus identifies the culprit as plastic: throwaway bags, synthetic clothing, cleaning products, and party balloons are named as the harmful ingredients of this "ocean soup." Kitchen terms such as "blender" and "purée" are used to create an effective image of trash being endlessly stirred in once-clean waters. Pincus evokes sympathy for the innocent animals that ingest the toxic brew and emphasizes the fact that many of our own food choices can be impacted. Clear back matter explains the poor decisions that led to "ocean soup." Specific plastic materials are depicted. Ten steps describe how kids can do their part; they will hopefully inspire all readers to work for cleaner oceans. VERDICT This appealing book provides essential information without being preachy or heavy-handed. A definite purchase for all libraries.—Gloria Koster, formerly at West Sch., New Canaan, CTCopyright 2021 School Library Journal, LLC Used with permission. | "Pincus anaelezea mapishi ya ""Mvua ya Bahari"" kwa njia ya vifungu vya kupendeza lakini vyenye kujenga: kuongeza plastiki ya matumizi moja na taka kutoka kwa machafuko ya maji baharini, kisha kuiruhusu ""kuchemka na jua"" kwa ""miaka kadhaa ya siku,"" ambapo mizunguko mitano ""hutageuza plastiki kuwa chembe"" na matokeo huwa bila kikomo." "Mwandishi huyo anasisitiza jinsi wanadamu, ""mchungaji"" wa ""mchuzi huu wa confetti,"" walivyosababisha ongezeko hili la uchafuzi wa plastiki kwa vizazi vya mazoea mabaya, hasa matumizi makubwa ya plastiki: ""makundi ya vyombo na matete,"" kuchukua ""mifuko ya kutupa bila kusubiri.""" Picha za rangi za Semple hufuata watoto wanne wenye rangi tofauti za ngozi wanapojifunza juu ya Mchuzi wa Bahari, ikiongeza kwa ufanisi hadithi ya Pincus kwa urahisi katika wito huu wa kuvutia wa hatua. Back suala zaidi inashughulikia mada na ni pamoja na maelezo ya mwandishi kushiriki mwanzo wa kitabu. Umri wa miaka 7 hadi 8. (Machi. Copyright 2021 Publishers Weekly, LLC - Kutumiwa kwa ruhusa. K-Gr 2 <unk> Kitabu hiki cha picha kinajadili mazingira na uhifadhi. Maandishi ya mashairi ni ya haraka na michoro ya katuni yenye kung'aa ni ya kuchekesha kwa hadhira inayolenga. Nakala rahisi na inayoweza kufikiwa itawatia moyo wanaharakati wachanga, ambao wataelewa uharibifu uliofanywa kwa bahari zetu. Pincus anatambua kwamba plastiki ndiyo inayosababisha tatizo hilo: mifuko ya kutupwa, mavazi ya synthetic, bidhaa za kusafisha, na puto za karamu zinaitwa viungo vyenye kudhuru vya "mchuzi wa bahari" huu. Maneno ya jikoni kama vile "blender" na "purée" hutumiwa kuunda picha yenye matokeo ya taka ikisuguliwa bila kikomo katika maji yaliyokuwa safi wakati mmoja. Pincus anaelezea huruma kwa wanyama wasio na hatia ambao wanala kinywaji cha sumu na inasisitiza ukweli kwamba chaguzi zetu nyingi za chakula zinaweza kuathiriwa. Dutu iliyo wazi nyuma hueleza maamuzi mabaya yaliyoongoza kwenye "mchuzi wa bahari". Vifaa maalum vya plastiki vinaonyeshwa. Hatua kumi zinaelezea jinsi watoto wanaweza kufanya sehemu yao; wanatarajia kuwachochea wasomaji wote kufanya kazi kwa bahari safi. Hukumu Kitabu hiki chenye kuvutia hutoa habari muhimu bila kuwa cha kuhubiri au chenye nguvu. "Kutumia ""Mafunzo ya Shule"" kwa ajili ya wanafunzi wa shule ya sekondari, na ""Mafunzo ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule ya Shule." | <urn:uuid:47077809-f11f-4fee-9da3-95dba64d452e> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.bookelicious.com/book/67043/ocean-soup-a-recipe-for-you-me-and-a-cleaner-sea/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Fill out our sign up form above and let us know you're interested!
Watch our training video all about what to compost, how to compost, and how to use our system.
Take our short test to become compost certified and receive membership certificate.
It's time to start composting!
Open the subpod lid and remove the worm blanket. Put your food scraps into the compost (see below for a list of acceptable food items).
Add dry materials such as shredded paper, uncoated cardboard, or dry leaves. There should be an equal amount of carbon and food scraps!
On the left hand side of our compost there is an aerator, simply put the aerator into the compost and turn clockwise to mix it up.
Remember to bring a jug of water with you to moisten the worm blanket before returning it to the compost. | Kupata 10% ya Punguzo la Subpoena yako: Jinsi ya Kuanza: Jaza fomu yetu ya kujiandikisha hapo juu na tujulishe kuwa una nia! Tazama video yetu ya mafunzo juu ya jinsi ya kuunda mbolea, jinsi ya kuunda mbolea, na jinsi ya kutumia mfumo wetu. Kuchukua mtihani wetu mfupi kuwa compostable kuthibitishwa na kupokea cheti cha uanachama. Ni wakati wa kuanza kutengeneza mbolea! Jinsi ya Kutumia Mbolea Kuongeza scraps chakula Fungua subpod kifuniko na kuondoa blanketi minyoo. Weka mabaki ya chakula chako ndani ya mbolea (tazama hapa chini kwa orodha ya vyakula vinavyoweza kukubaliwa). 2. Uwezekano wa kupata Ongeza makaa ya mawe kavu kama vile karatasi iliyokatwa vipande-vipande, makaratasi yasiyofunikwa, au majani makavu. Lazima kuwe na kiasi sawa cha kaboni na mabaki ya chakula! Kwa upande wa kushoto wa mchanganyiko wa mchanganyiko, kuna aerator, ambayo inahitajika kuunganisha mchanganyiko wa mchanganyiko na mchanganyiko wa mchanganyiko. Kumbuka kuleta mtungi wa maji ili unyewe blanketi ya minyoo kabla ya kuirudisha kwenye mbolea. | <urn:uuid:fd4a3f3f-c2f2-49eb-b857-ff953d43bdcc> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.bowfishkids.com/pages/kids-community-compost | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Many different terms are used to describe the brain. Some of these terms speak for themselves, and are not difficult to interpret. Other terms need a little more explanation, and so here is an overview of the most important terms, and what they mean.
To begin with, the brain is divided into several planes.
In addition, several terms are used to name the relative positions of different parts of the brain:
Anterior - in front of another part
Posterior - behind another part
Superior - above another part
Inferior - below another part
Lateral - further away from the center
Medial - more towards the center
Median - lying on the centre line
Proximal - near
Distal - far away from
Ipsilateral - on the same side of the brain
Contralateral - on the opposite side of the brain
There are still two important terms that remain when it comes to describing the brain. These concepts have ambiguous meanings, and therefore deserve some additional explanation. These are: ‘dorsal’ and ‘ventral’. These terms come from Latin, and mean "at the back" and "at the belly" respectively. In animals that walk on four legs, this is equivalent to 'the top of the body/head' and 'the bottom of the body/head', since the brain runs in a straight line looking from the spinal cord. In humans, however, the brain is tilted 90 degrees, and so here dorsal and ventral in the brain means something different than in the rest of the body.
In the body: at the front
In the brain: at the bottom
In the body: at the back
In the brain: at the top
In addition to the general concepts mentioned above, anatomically the brain can also be divided into 52 different pieces. This division was made by a German neurologist named Korbinian Brodmann, and was based on differences in structure between the 52 areas. His division is still used to name the different parts of the brain. The different pieces are then designated by the characters BA (brodmann area) followed by a number.
Finally, the terms 'gyrus' (plural 'gyri') and 'sulcus' (plural 'sulci') are often used when naming anatomy. The 'coils' on the brain are the gyri, while the grooves between these coils are called sulci.
Author: Myrthe Princen (translated by Thomas von Rein)
Image: Marcel Loeffen
Do you want to know more content-wise about the anatomy of the brain? Check the Brain Basics articles here | Maneno mengi tofauti-tofauti hutumiwa kuelezea ubongo. Baadhi ya maneno hayo yanazungumza yenyewe, na si vigumu kuyafafanua. Maneno mengine yanahitaji ufafanuzi zaidi, na kwa hivyo hapa ni muhtasari wa maneno muhimu zaidi, na maana yao. Kwanza, ubongo umegawanywa katika sehemu kadhaa. "Kuna maneno kadhaa yanayotumiwa kuelezea nafasi za sehemu tofauti za ubongo: ""Anterior"" - mbele ya sehemu nyingine, ""Poster"" - nyuma ya sehemu nyingine, ""Superior"" - juu ya sehemu nyingine, ""Inferior"" - chini ya sehemu nyingine, ""Lateral"" - mbali zaidi na kituo, ""Medial"" - zaidi kuelekea kituo, ""Median"" - iko kwenye mstari wa katikati, ""Proximal"" - karibu, ""Distal"" - mbali na ""Ipsilateral"" - upande mmoja wa ubongo, ""Contralateral"" - upande mwingine wa ubongo." Dhana hizi zina maana zisizoeleweka, na kwa hiyo zinastahili ufafanuzi wa ziada. Hizi ni: <unk>dorsal<unk> na <unk>ventral<unk>. Maneno hayo yanatokana na Kilatini, na yanamaanisha "nyuma" na "katika tumbo" kwa mtiririko huo. Katika wanyama wanaotembea kwa miguu minne, hii ni sawa na 'juu ya mwili au kichwa' na 'chini ya mwili au kichwa', kwani ubongo unaendesha katika mstari wa moja kwa moja ukiangalia kutoka kwenye uti wa mgongo. Kwa binadamu, ubongo umepindika kwa digrii 90, na kwa hivyo hapa nyuma na chini ya ubongo inamaanisha kitu tofauti na sehemu nyingine za mwili. Katika mwili: mbele, ubongo: chini, mwili: nyuma, ubongo: juu, pamoja na dhana za jumla zilizotajwa hapo juu, ubongo unaweza pia kugawanywa katika vipande 52 tofauti. Utaratibu huu ulibuniwa na mtaalamu wa neva wa Ujerumani, Korbinian Brodmann, na ulitegemea tofauti za muundo kati ya maeneo hayo 52. Sehemu zake bado hutumiwa kutaja majina ya sehemu tofauti-tofauti za ubongo. Vipande tofauti ni kisha maalum na wahusika BA (broedmann eneo) ikifuatiwa na idadi. Hatimaye, maneno 'gyrus' (wingi 'gyri') na'sulcus' (wingi'sulci') hutumiwa mara nyingi wakati wa kutaja anatomy. 'Coils' kwenye ubongo ni gyri, wakati grooves kati ya coils hizi ni kuitwa sulci. "Mwanzoni mwa kitabu hiki, Thomas von Rhein alitoa maelezo ya ""Misteri ya Ubongo"" na ""Mistari ya Ubongo"" na ""Mistari ya Ubongo"" na ""Mistari ya Ubongo"" na ""Mistari ya Ubongo"" na ""Mistari ya Ubongo"" na ""Mistari ya Ubongo"" na ""Mistari ya Ubongo.""" Angalia makala za Brain Basics hapa | <urn:uuid:d16f245c-3b88-49e8-aa0e-93080afe192d> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.brainmatters.nl/en/database/anatomy/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Light flicker is a phenomena of quick repeated changes in the brightness of the light. Flicker is probably most known from computer monitors, especially old ones, which were blinking and flickering, causing many people annoyance and even headaches. Flickering lights can also cause many different negative health effects. Flicker is often caused by AC (alternating current) electrical system where the electricity is turning on and off 100 or 120 times a second (50 Hz or 60 Hz system). This constant on and off in the electric system causes also the lights to turn on and off as the electricity turns on and off. Basically all electricity that is produced by electrical companies is provided in alternating current.
Figure 1. Alternating current (AC) waveform.
As seen in the picture above, in one cycle of alternating current, the light turns on and off two times. This means that in 50 Hz electrical system (used for example in North America) the light turns on and off 100 times a second and in 60 Hz system (used for example in Europe) the light turns on and off 120 times. However, different lighting technologies produce flicker in different frequencies so many lights flicker much more faster than just 100 / 120 times a second.
All lights, that are connected to AC electric grid, flicker more or less. However, there are many aspects in flicker that vary between different types of lights and affect the severity and the detectibility of the flicker.
The different aspects affecting the flicker and the severity of it are:
The frequency of the flicker (Hz)
The modulation of the flicker (%)
The ambient light (natural light) levels in the space
The frequency is the number of times the light turns on and off in a second. It is measured in Herz (Hz). The lowest frequency flicker (50 - 120 Hz) is produced by incandescent, halogen, most LED and old fluorescent lights with magnetic ballasts. Some LEDs and new fluorescent lights with electronic ballasts flicker in much more higher frequency; fluorescent lights can flicker in up to 40,000 Hz frequency whereas LEDs flicker around 100 - 400 Hz.
The modulation is the change in the intensity of the light as the light turns on and off.
In different bulbs the change of the intensity that follows the voltage drops vary. This is due to the differencies in the way the bulbs themselves work.
Incandescent lights work by heating a filament that lights up as the filament's temperature rises. The filament in the bulb, however, reacts fairly slowly. This means that, as it takes a little bit of time for the filament to reach full light output, it also takes time for the filament to cool down completely. As the electricity turns on and off 50 or 60 times in a second, the filament doesn't have enough time to cool down so the drop in the light output is very small, only about 5 - 13 %.
Halogen lights work very much the same way as incandescent lights and thus produce flicker of only about 10%.
In LEDs there's a lot of different technologies and drivers that are used so the flicker modulation varies a lot between different LEDs. Basically, the flicker modulation-% of LEDs can vary anywhere from 0 to 100. Old and cheap LEDs can have flicker close to 100% but many modern LEDs have drivers that causes flicker of only 0 - 20 %.
Old fluorescent lights that used magnetic ballasts have very strong flicker, as they flicker in 50 - 60 Hz and have also high flicker modulation. Modern fluorescent lights use high frequency electronic ballasts (20,000 Hz or higher) which have been shown to cause 50 % less negative health effects.
Figure 2. Flickering of different lamp bulbs. The values are not absolute and can differ between different light bulbs.
Figure 3. Flickering frequencies and modulations.
Ambient light refers to the amount of natural light in the room. The more there is natural non-flickering light in the space, the less effect the flicker of the lighting has. It has also been noted that people on higher floors tend to have fewer headaches than people in lower floors, probably due to higher levels of natural light in the space.
Other causes of flicker
Modern dimmer switches that use phase-cut controls cause flicker. This is due to the phase-cut system where the electricity is turned on and off repeatedly which causes the light to be on less time and is perceived by the human eye as a dimmer light. In reality, the light is just made to flicker (in a lower frequency). Dimmable and smart LEDs also flicker if the driver uses pulse-width modulation (PWM) to reduce the average light output.
The health Effects of Flicker
The negative health effects that can occur due to flicker vary from small annoyances to epilectic seizures. These different health effects can occur even if the eyes are closed.
The flicker can be annoying and cause irritation when the frequency is so low that it can be detectable by eye. Flicker cannot usually be seen when it's above the critical flicker fusion frequency (CFF), which sets around the frequencies between 60 and 90 Hz, depending on the individual.
The flicker can cause eyestrain and discomfort. It can increase the incidence of headaches by 50% with nausea and visual disturbances and also trigger migranes in some individuals.
The biggest health issues come with flicker at frequencies between 3 and 70 Hz. Flicker at these frequencies have been shown to cause epilectic seizures in small percentage of people, the biggest risk produced by frequencies in the range of 15 Hz to 20 Hz. The severity also depends on the area of retina exposed, and the frequency and modulation of the flicker. Luckily, most lights, except old fluorescent lights with magnetic ballasts, flicker in frequencies higher than that.
Flicker can also cause blurryness and light trails in the vision. This can be noticed often in car (LED) taillights at dark. When you look directly to the taillights, the lights appear normal, but when you are moving your eyes rapidly (saccade) and glancing at other objects, a blurry trail of lights can appear. This phenomena is called a phantom array.
Fluorescent lighting with a flicker of 100Hz has been observed to affect the plasma corticosterone levels in birds and to affect the choice of their mating partners.
Flicker has also been shown to disrupt the natural eye movements across text and to impair visual performance in visual tasks.
Low frequency flicker can cause a stroboscopic effect that is associated with apparent slowing or stoppage of rotating machinery. This can lead to dangerous situations when operating heavy machinery.
Flicker has also been showed to increase repetitive behavior in autistic individuals.
Below you can see an illustrative chart on which flicker frequencies and modulations are known to cause health effects:
Figure 4. The health effects of different flicker frequencies and modulations.
How to know if your lighting flickers?
An easy way to test your lighting for flicker is to use your phone camera. Put the camera on, point it at a lamp and look at the phone screen; flicker will cause dark fringes to appear around the lamp. The frequency of the fringes is related to the flicker frequency and the frame rate of the camera. The contrast of the fringes can also give a clue on the flicker modulation: the bigger the contrast between the fringes, the higher the flicker modulation. If fringes appear, the modulation is likely higher than 20%.
Another way to spot flicker with your phone is to record a video pointing at a light and then using a video editor to slow the video down. The possible flicker can be seen as rapid blinking in the slowed down video. However, some cameras come with automatic flicker reducing technology, which will automatically correct the flicker, so before using your camera for this, check your camera instructions or your manufacturer if the camera uses such a technology.
The most accurate result you get when you hire a building biologist or other lighting professional to measure the flicker. There's also a lot of different flicker meters on the market, prices ranging from 50€ to thousands of euros. As the cheaper meters may not be the most accurate compared to expensive professional models, they can still give you more accurate results than your camera.
Some lower frequency flicker can also be detected with bare eyes. Focus your glance slightly to the side of the light. If the light flickers in low frequency you might see the light blinking rapidly. This can also be seen in TV:s, monitors and other screens.
How to avoid flicker and mitigate its negative effects?
All lighting should be designed so that as much natural light as possible is used. Even though glazing blocks certain frequencies of light, natural light is usually still superior to any artificial light sources. Natural light will also mitigate the negative health effects of possible flicker produced by the lighting.
Use lights that have higher flicker frequency and/or lower flicker modulation. These kind of lights include incandescent, halogen and some LED lights. As incandescent and halogen lights have naturally fairly high flicker frequency and low flicker modulation, LED lights can differ from catastrophic headache-causing lights to almost perfect zero-flicker lights, so always check the flicker levels from the package/website of the light or ask directly from the manufacturer before buying.
Take breaks from artificial light sources and screens and relax your eyes outdoors in natural light. This will calm down your nervous system in many ways and mitigate the negative health effects of flicker.
Use direct current (DC) lighting. DC electricity doesn't fluctuate as alternating current (AC) does, meaning that it provides a steady flow of electricity that doesn't turn on and off multiple times a second. This provides a steady, non-flickering light. DC lighting systems usually operate in low-voltage (12-24V) and are powered by solar panels, windmills or other renewable energy sources.
So what kind of lights do you use? Do you notice negative effects when spending time under flickering light? Is there something that the post failed to answer to? Leave a comment below or contact us here!
Need help with designing your lighting? We can help! | Mwangaza wa mwangaza ni jambo linalotokana na mabadiliko ya haraka ya mwangaza wa mwanga. Flickering ni kawaida katika kompyuta, hasa zile za zamani, ambazo zilikuwa zikipeperusha na kusababisha watu wengi kuchanganyikiwa na hata maumivu ya kichwa. Taa zinazong'aa-ng'aa pia zaweza kusababisha madhara mengi mabaya kwa afya. Flicker ni kawaida kusababishwa na AC (mzunguko wa kubadilishana) mfumo wa umeme ambapo umeme ni kugeuka juu na mbali mara 100 au 120 kwa sekunde (mfumo wa 50 Hz au 60 Hz). Mzunguko huu wa mara kwa mara katika mfumo wa umeme husababisha pia taa kuwasha na kuzima wakati umeme unawasha na kuzima. Kimsingi umeme wote unaozalishwa na makampuni ya umeme hutolewa kwa umeme wa kubadilishana. Picha ya 1. Mzunguko wa sasa (AC) waveform. Kama inavyoonekana katika picha iliyo juu, katika mzunguko mmoja wa umeme wa kubadilishana, taa huwaka na kuzimwa mara mbili. Hii inamaanisha kwamba katika mfumo wa umeme wa 50 Hz (kutumiwa kwa mfano katika Amerika ya Kaskazini) taa inazunguka na kuzima mara 100 kwa sekunde na katika mfumo wa 60 Hz (kutumiwa kwa mfano katika Ulaya) taa inazunguka na kuzima mara 120. Hata hivyo, teknolojia tofauti za taa hutokeza mwangaza wa mara kwa mara kwa masafa tofauti, hivyo taa nyingi huwaka kwa kasi zaidi kuliko mara 100 kwa sekunde. Taa zote, ambazo zimeunganishwa na mtandao wa umeme wa AC, huangaza zaidi au chini. Hata hivyo, kuna mambo mengi katika flicker kwamba kutofautiana kati ya aina tofauti ya taa na kuathiri ukali na detectability ya flicker. Vipengele tofauti vinavyoathiri flicker na ukali wake ni: Mzunguko wa flicker (Hz), Modulation ya flicker (%) na viwango vya mwanga wa mazingira (mwanga wa asili) katika nafasi. Ni kipimo katika Herz (Hz). Mwangaza wa chini zaidi wa frequency (50-120 Hz) hutengenezwa na incandescent, halogen, LED na taa za zamani za fluorescent na ballasts za sumaku. LEDs na taa za fluorescent zenye umeme na umeme wa umeme huwaka kwa masafa ya juu zaidi, na taa za fluorescent zinaweza kuwaka kwa masafa ya juu ya 40,000 Hz, wakati LEDs huwaka karibu na 100-400 Hz. Modulation ni mabadiliko katika nguvu ya mwanga kama mwanga inageuka juu na nje. Katika balbu tofauti mabadiliko ya nguvu ambayo ifuatavyo voltage matone kutofautiana. Hii ni kwa sababu ya tofauti katika njia balbu wenyewe kazi. Taa za incandescent hufanya kazi kwa kupasha joto nyuzi ambayo huwaka wakati joto la nyuzi inapopanda. Hata hivyo, nyuzi zilizo ndani ya balbu hiyo huitikia polepole sana. Hii inamaanisha kwamba, kama inachukua muda kidogo kwa filament kufikia pato kamili la mwanga, pia inachukua muda kwa filament baridi kabisa. Kama umeme inageuka juu na mbali mara 50 au 60 katika sekunde, filament haina muda wa kutosha baridi chini, hivyo kushuka katika pato mwanga ni ndogo sana, tu kuhusu 5-13%. Halogen taa ni moja ya taa ya incandescent na kwa hivyo hutoa mwangaza wa 10% tu. Kwa sababu ya teknolojia tofauti za LED, moduli ya flicker inatofautiana sana. Kwa mfano, kiwango cha modulation ya flicker ya LED inaweza kuwa 0 hadi 100. LEDs za zamani na za bei nafuu zinaweza kuwa na flicker karibu na 100% lakini LEDs nyingi za kisasa zina madereva ambayo husababisha flicker ya 0 - 20% tu. Taa za zamani za fluorescent ambazo zilitumia ballasts za sumaku zina mwangaza mkali sana, kwani zina mwangaza wa 50 - 60 Hz na pia zina moduli ya mwangaza wa juu. Taa za fluorescent za kisasa hutumia ballasts za elektroniki za masafa ya juu (20,000 Hz au zaidi) ambazo zimeonyeshwa kusababisha athari mbaya za afya kwa asilimia 50. Picha ya 2. Mwangaza wa balbu tofauti za taa. Thamani si kamili na inaweza kutofautiana kati ya balbu tofauti za taa. Picha ya 3. Frequency flickering na modulations. Nuru ya mazingira inahusu kiasi cha nuru ya asili katika chumba. Kadiri mwanga wa asili unavyoongezeka katika nafasi hiyo, ndivyo mwangaza unavyozidi kupungua. Watu walio kwenye ghorofa za juu huwa na maumivu ya kichwa kidogo kuliko wale walio kwenye ghorofa za chini, labda kwa sababu ya viwango vya juu vya mwanga wa asili katika nafasi. Sababu nyingine za flicker Switches za kisasa za dimmer ambazo hutumia udhibiti wa kukata awamu husababisha flicker. Hii ni kwa sababu ya mfumo wa kupasuka awamu ambapo umeme huwasilishwa na kuzimwa mara kwa mara, na kusababisha mwanga kuwa chini ya muda na ni kuonekana na jicho la binadamu kama mwanga wa giza. Kwa kweli, nuru hiyo huangaza tu (kwa mzunguko wa chini). LEDs dimmable na smart pia flicker kama dereva anatumia pulse-upana modulation (PWM) kupunguza wastani mwanga pato. Madhara ya afya ya Flicker: Madhara mabaya ya afya ambayo yanaweza kutokea kutokana na Flicker hutofautiana kutoka kwa usumbufu mdogo hadi mshtuko wa kifafa. Athari hizi tofauti za afya zaweza kutokea hata ikiwa macho yamefungwa. Mngurumo huo waweza kusumbua na kusababisha uchungu wakati mzunguko wake unapokuwa wa chini sana hivi kwamba unaweza kugunduliwa kwa jicho. Flicker ni kawaida ya juu ya kiwango cha muhimu cha fusion (CFF), ambayo inaweka karibu na masafa kati ya 60 na 90 Hz. Mwangaza huo waweza kusababisha uchovu wa macho na usumbufu. Inaweza kuongeza kiwango cha maumivu ya kichwa kwa 50% na maumivu ya kichwa na matatizo ya kuona na pia kusababisha migraines kwa baadhi ya watu. Kwa sababu ya hali ya afya, mlipuko wa sauti huanza wakati wa mzunguko wa 3 hadi 70 Hz. Flickering katika masafa haya imeonyeshwa kusababisha epileptic mashambulizi katika asilimia ndogo ya watu, hatari kubwa zinazozalishwa na masafa katika mbalimbali ya 15 Hz hadi 20 Hz. Ukali pia hutegemea eneo la retina linalofunuliwa, na mzunguko na mpangilio wa kuangaza. Kwa bahati nzuri, taa nyingi, isipokuwa taa za zamani za fluorescent zenye vifaa vya sumaku, huangaza kwa mzunguko wa juu kuliko huo. Mwangaza wa macho pia waweza kusababisha kutoeleweka na alama za nuru katika maono. Hii inaweza kuonekana mara nyingi katika taa za nyuma za gari (LED) wakati wa giza. Wakati unapoangalia moja kwa moja taa za nyuma, taa zinaonekana kawaida, lakini wakati unapoendesha macho yako haraka (saccade) na kutazama vitu vingine, mfuatano wa taa zisizo wazi unaweza kuonekana. Jambo hilo huitwa mfululizo wa viumbe wasioonekana. Mwanga wa fluorescent na flicker ya 100Hz umeonekana kuathiri viwango vya plasma ya corticosterone katika ndege na kuathiri uchaguzi wa washirika wao wa kuoa. Flicker pia imeonyeshwa kuvuruga harakati za asili za jicho kwenye maandishi na kudhoofisha utendaji wa kuona katika kazi za kuona. Flicker ya masafa ya chini inaweza kusababisha athari ya stroboscopic ambayo inahusishwa na kupunguza kasi au kusimamishwa kwa mashine zinazozunguka. Hilo laweza kusababisha hali hatari wakati wa kuendesha mashine nzito. Flicker pia imeonyeshwa kuongeza tabia ya kurudia-rudia katika watu wenye ugonjwa wa akili. Chati ya chini inaonyesha jinsi vipimo vya mlipuko vinavyoweza kuathiri afya. Athari za afya za masafa tofauti ya kuangaza na modulations. Jinsi ya kujua kama taa yako flickers? Njia rahisi ya kupima mwangaza wako kwa ajili ya flicker ni kutumia kamera ya simu yako. Weka kamera juu, lengo ni juu ya taa na kuangalia kwenye skrini ya simu; flicker itasababisha fringes giza kuonekana karibu taa. Mzunguko wa fringes ni kuhusiana na mzunguko flicker na frame kasi ya kamera. Tofauti ya fringes pia inaweza kutoa clue juu ya flicker modulation: kubwa tofauti kati ya fringes, juu ya flicker modulation. Ikiwa kuna mipaka, moduli ya kawaida ya juu ya 20%. Njia nyingine ya kuona flicker na simu yako ni kurekodi video kuonyesha mwanga na kisha kutumia mhariri video kupunguza kasi ya video. Flicker uwezekano inaweza kuonekana kama blinking haraka katika video kupunguza kasi. Kamera zingine zina teknolojia ya kupunguza flicker, ambayo itakusaidia kurekebisha flicker, kwa hivyo kabla ya kutumia kamera yako kwa hii, angalia maagizo ya kamera yako au mtengenezaji wako ikiwa kamera inatumia teknolojia kama hiyo. Kwa mfano, unaweza kupata matokeo sahihi zaidi kwa kuajiri mtaalamu wa biolojia wa ujenzi au mtaalamu mwingine wa taa kupima mwangaza. Kuna aina nyingi za vipima-moto kwenye soko, na bei zao zinaanzia € 50 hadi € 1000. Kwa kuwa mita za bei nafuu zinaweza kuwa sio sahihi zaidi ikilinganishwa na mifano ya kitaalamu ya bei ghali, bado zinaweza kukupa matokeo sahihi zaidi kuliko kamera yako. Baadhi ya miale ya masafa ya chini yaweza pia kugunduliwa kwa macho ya kawaida. Zingatia macho yako kidogo upande wa nuru. Kama mwanga flickers katika mzunguko wa chini unaweza kuona mwanga blinking haraka. Hii pia inaweza kuonekana katika TV:s, monitors na skrini nyingine. Jinsi ya kuepuka flicker na kupunguza athari zake hasi? Taa zote zinapaswa kubuniwa ili kutumia nuru nyingi iwezekanavyo. Ingawa kioo huzuia mwangaza wa masafa fulani, kwa kawaida mwanga wa asili bado ni bora kuliko mwangaza wa bandia. Nuru ya asili pia itapunguza athari mbaya kwa afya ya mwangaza unaoweza kutokezwa na taa. Tumia taa ambazo zina mzunguko wa juu wa kuangaza na / au modulation ya chini ya kuangaza. Aina hizi za taa ni pamoja na incandescent, halogen na baadhi ya taa LED. Kwa kuwa taa za halogen na incandescent zina frequency ya juu ya kuangaza na modulation ya chini ya kuangaza, taa za LED zinaweza kutofautiana kutoka kwa taa za kutisha za kichwa hadi taa za zero-flicker, kwa hivyo daima angalia viwango vya kuangaza kutoka kwa kifurushi au wavuti ya taa au uliza moja kwa moja kutoka kwa mtengenezaji kabla ya kununua. Punguza kutumia taa za bandia na kutumia vifaa vya kuangazia macho, na ufurahie kuona mwangaza wa asili. Hii itatuliza mfumo wako wa neva kwa njia nyingi na kupunguza athari mbaya za afya za kutikisa. Tumia taa ya mkondo wa moja kwa moja (DC). Umeme wa DC haubadiliki kama umeme wa mzunguko (AC), ambayo inamaanisha kwamba hutoa mtiririko wa umeme wa kudumu ambao hauzunguki mara nyingi kwa sekunde. Hilo hutoa nuru thabiti, isiyo na kung'aa-ng'aa. Mifumo ya taa ya DC kawaida inafanya kazi katika voltage ya chini (12-24V) na inaendeshwa na paneli za jua, mashine za upepo au vyanzo vingine vya nishati mbadala. Kwa hiyo ni aina gani ya taa unazotumia? Je, unaona athari mbaya za kutumia wakati chini ya nuru inayong'aa? Je, kuna jambo fulani ambalo chapisho hilo lilishindwa kujibu? Acha maoni hapa chini au wasiliana nasi hapa! Unahitaji msaada wa kubuni taa zako? Twaweza Kusaidia! | <urn:uuid:63a7e153-66b2-4b3e-b28b-37a423a2a37c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.buildinghealthsolutions.co/post/light-flicker-what-is-it-and-why-is-it-a-problem | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
How Do Radiology and Sonography Differ?
Many people confuse radiology and sonography. While there are some things that make radiology and sonography the same—like using imaging to make a diagnosis—there are also many ways that the two fields are different. Here are a few of the key differences.
Radiology and Sonography Use Different Technology
Radiology technologists use different types of technology than diagnostic medical sonographers (also called ultrasound technologists). Radiology techs may work with technology that involves radiation, like X-rays, computed tomography (CT scans) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs). Diagnostic medical sonographers use high-frequency sound waves to create their images. Their sonograms don’t use radiation at all. That’s why they are safe to use on expectant mothers.
Radiology and Sonography Are Used for Diagnosing Different Things
Radiology and sonography are used in different ways.
Radiology techs perform diagnostic imaging procedures such as x-rays, MRIs and CT scans. With their flexible skills, they can work in different settings, including hospitals and specialty clinics. Radiology techs can also specialize in other techniques, like mammography or cardiovascular-interventional radiology. They might take images of a broken bone or a malformation, helping the medical team make a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.
Most people think of images of unborn babies when they think of sonograms, but the truth is that sonographers use technology for more than just checking fetal development. Sonographers can also take sound-wave images of the heart and vascular system, abdominal region, breasts, musculoskeletal system and other body parts. There are many ways that sound waves can help make a diagnosis, like when an echocardiogram’s images reveal an unhealthy heart.
Different Career Paths and Salaries
Radiology techs and sonography techs also pursue different studies and earn different salaries. A radiology tech makes an average of $50,872, according to Glassdoor.com. Ultrasound techs make an average of $67,332, according to the same website.
Studies are also different. The Cambridge College of Healthcare and Technology and the Cambridge Institute of Allied Health offer an industry-current Radiologic Technologist program that can be completed in as little as two to four years.
Learn More About Radiology and Sonography
Get started with our radiology tech course by contacting an advisor today. Our advisors can give you more information. They can arrange a tour and help you get started in the enrollment process.
More on what radiology technologists | Tofauti Kati ya Radiolojia na Sonografia Watu wengi huchanganya uchunguzi wa mionzi na uchunguzi wa sauti. Wakati kuna baadhi ya mambo ambayo kufanya radiology na sonography sawa - kama kutumia imaging kufanya utambuzi - kuna pia njia nyingi kwamba mashamba mawili ni tofauti. Hapa kuna tofauti chache muhimu. Radiolojia na Sonografia Kutumia Teknolojia Tofauti Teknolojia ya radiolojia hutumia aina tofauti za teknolojia kuliko wataalamu wa utambuzi wa matibabu ya sonografia (pia huitwa wataalamu wa ultrasound). Wataalamu wa radiolojia wanaweza kufanya kazi na teknolojia inayohusisha mionzi, kama vile X-ray, computed tomography (CT scans) au magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Wataalamu wa uchunguzi wa sauti hutumia mawimbi ya sauti yenye mzunguko wa juu ili kutengeneza picha zao. Sonograms zao hazitumii mionzi hata kidogo. Hiyo ndiyo sababu ni salama kutumia kwa akina mama wanaotarajia kuzaliwa. Radiolojia na Sonografia Hutumika Kwa Kuchunguza Mambo Tofauti Radiolojia na sonografia hutumiwa kwa njia tofauti. Wataalamu wa radiolojia hufanya uchunguzi wa picha kama vile X-ray, MRI na CT. Kwa sababu ya ustadi wao wa kubadilika-badilika, wanaweza kufanya kazi katika maeneo mbalimbali, kutia ndani hospitali na kliniki za wataalamu. Wataalamu wa radiolojia wanaweza pia kuwa wataalamu wa mbinu nyingine, kama vile upigaji-mimba wa mama au upimaji-mwisho wa moyo. Wataalamu wanaweza kuchukua picha za mfupa uliovunjika au kasoro, na hivyo kusaidia timu ya madaktari kufanya uchunguzi na kupanga mpango wa matibabu. "Watu wengi hufikiria picha za watoto ambao hawajazaliwa wakati wanapofikiria sonogram, lakini ukweli ni kwamba wataalamu wa sonogram hutumia teknolojia kwa zaidi ya kuangalia maendeleo ya kijusi.""" Wataalamu wa ultrasound wanaweza pia kuchukua picha za mawimbi ya sauti ya moyo na mfumo wa mishipa ya damu, eneo la tumbo, matiti, mfumo wa misuli na mifupa na sehemu nyingine za mwili. Kuna njia nyingi ambazo mawimbi ya sauti yanaweza kusaidia kufanya utambuzi, kama wakati picha za echocardiogram zinafunua moyo usio na afya. Njia tofauti za Kazi na Mshahara Teknolojia ya Radiolojia na teknolojia ya sonografia pia hufuata masomo tofauti na kupata mishahara tofauti. Mtaalamu wa radiolojia wa Marekani anapata wastani wa dola za Marekani 50,872 kwa mwaka, kulingana na tovuti ya Glassdoor.com. Wataalamu wa ultrasound wanafanya wastani wa $ 67,332 kwa mwaka, kulingana na tovuti hiyo. Mafunzo pia ni tofauti. Chuo cha Cambridge cha Huduma za Afya na Teknolojia na Taasisi ya Cambridge ya Afya ya Allied hutoa programu ya teknolojia ya radiolojia ya sasa ya sekta ambayo inaweza kukamilika katika miaka miwili hadi minne. Kujifunza zaidi kuhusu Radiology na Sonography Kuanza na yetu radiology tech kozi kwa kuwasiliana na mshauri leo. Washauri wetu wanaweza kukupa habari zaidi. Wanaweza kupanga ziara na kukusaidia kuanza mchakato wa kujiandikisha. Zaidi juu ya nini wataalamu wa teknolojia ya radiolojia | <urn:uuid:3e62fa02-5e1b-4e83-b3eb-c5c4dbbbfbaa> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.cambridgehealth.edu/radiologic-tech/radiology-technologist/how-do-radiology-and-sonography-differ/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Anatomy of a Samurai sword (Katana)
The Katana, also called the Samurai sword, is a Japanese sword used by the Samurai in feudal Japan. A Katana consists of 4 main parts, which all have very specific elements.
The blade, officially called Ken, is generally between 60 and 80 cm long and has a slight curve to it.
A Katana has one sharp edge, which faces downwards. The other edge is blunt.
Along the length of the blade is a ridge line called the Shinogi. The part above the Shinogi, the Shinogi-ji, is flat, thus blunt. The part below the Shinogi is angled. This angled part ends in the edge of the blade which is called the Ha or the Yaibi. Along the edge you can see a wavy pattern. This caused by the folding and hardening process used for these swords. This pattern is called the Hamon.
Between the main part of the blade and the tip is a line extending over the width of the blade, the Yokote. The point of the blade is called the Kissaki and this point is often sharp enough to pierce through armour.
At the base of the blade, right before the guard, is the Habaki or blade collar. The Habaki provides sturdiness and stability to the sword.
The blade has a narrow extension, which is called the tang or Nakago. The tang is used to fit the blade to the handle. A Katana made by a traditional Japanese swordsmith would have the maker's name and other important information engraved onto this part.
You can find a circular handguard on a Katana where the blade and handle meet. This handguard is called the Tsuba and is mostly used to protect the hands. It stops the wielder’s hand from sliding upward and onto the blade. In some cases, the Tsuba can also be used to influence the balance of the sword.
The Tsuba started out as a purely practical element of the Katana, but over time they became more and more decorated. Highly detailed Tsuba are considered pieces of art in and of themselves.
On both sides of the Tsuba are the Seppa. The Seppa are metal spacers used to tighten or loosen the sword handle and to keep the Tsuba in place.
The handle of a Katana is called the Tsuka. The Tsuka is made of wood and goes around the tang of the blade. There are two pins that go through the Tsuka and the tang to keep it secure. These pins are the Meguki.
Traditionally, the Tsuka is wrapped in ray skin, or Samekawa in Japanese. For modern and affordable Katana leather or faux leather is often used. The Samekawa provides friction for the wrap that goes around the handle. This wrap is called the Tsuka-ito and can be made of a variety of fibers, ranging from cotton to silk.
For decoration, there are small engravings on top of the Samekawa, but underneath the Tsuka-ito. These decorations are called Menuki.
At the end of the handle is a pommel, the Kashira, which protects the sword and can also be decorated.
A Katana always has a scabbard, which is called Saya in Japanese. The Saya is vital to protect the sword from sustaining damage when not being used. It also prevents unintentional injuries to people who come in contact with the Katana.
A Saya is traditionally made of wood and it’s either decorated with carvings or with fabric. Modern and affordable Katana can also have a Saya made of plastic.
Attached to the Saya is the Sageo, which is a rope used to tie the Katana to the belt of the person carrying it.
A Shirasaya katana is a specific type of katana in terms of the sword mount. Shirasaya katana have a plain wooden handle and sheath. This type of mount was used to make storage of the blade easier and to protect the blade while in storage. When carrying a katana was prohibited in the late 19th century, the Shirasaya mount was used as a way to disguise a katana and make it look like a staff or wooden training sword.
Because this mount was designed as a way to store the blades, it is less sturdy than that of a regular katana, which makes it dangerous to use a Shirasya katana in fights or for training purposes.
Click here for our collection samurai swords | Katana (katana) ni upanga wa samurai wa Japani. Katana ina sehemu nne kuu, ambazo zote zina vipengele maalum sana. Kamba ya Keni ni ya urefu wa kati ya sentimita 60 na 80 na ina mviringo mdogo. Katana ina ukingo mmoja mkali, ambao unakabiliwa chini. Upande mwingine ni mgumu. Upande wote wa upanga huo kuna mstari unaoitwa Shinogi. Sehemu iliyo juu ya Shinogi, Shinogi-ji, ni tambarare, kwa hiyo ni nyembamba. Sehemu iliyo chini ya Shinogi ina pembe. Sehemu hii yenye pembe inaishia kwenye ukingo wa upanga ambao huitwa Ha au Yaibi. Kwenye ukingo wa mstari huo unaweza kuona mfuatano wa mawimbi. Hilo lilitokana na utaratibu wa kupindika na kuimarisha uliotumiwa kwa ajili ya panga hizo. Mfano huo unaitwa Hamoni. Kati ya sehemu kuu ya upanga na ncha kuna mstari unaopita juu ya upana wa upanga, Yokote. Ncha ya upanga huitwa Kissaki na ncha hii mara nyingi huwa mkali vya kutosha kuvunja silaha. Chini ya upanga, mbele ya mlinzi, kuna Habaki au kola ya upanga. Habaki hutoa nguvu na uthabiti kwa upanga. Upanga huo una upana mwembamba, unaoitwa tang au Nakago. Tang hutumiwa kuunganisha upanga kwenye kiganja. Katana iliyotengenezwa na fundi wa upanga wa kitamaduni wa Japani ingekuwa na jina la mtengenezaji na habari nyingine muhimu zilizochongwa kwenye sehemu hii. Unaweza kupata mlinzi wa mkono wa mviringo kwenye Katana ambapo upanga na kiganja hukutana. Mlinzi huyo wa mkono huitwa Tsuba na hutumiwa hasa kulinda mikono. Inazuia mkono wa mpiganaji usivuke juu na kwenye upanga. Katika visa fulani, Tsuba yaweza pia kutumiwa kuathiri usawaziko wa upanga. Tsuba ilianza kama kipengele cha vitendo tu cha Katana, lakini baada ya muda ikawa yenye mapambo zaidi na zaidi. Tsuba zenye maelezo mengi huonwa kuwa kazi za sanaa zenyewe. Upande wa pili wa mto Tsuba kuna Seppa. Seppa ni vifaa vya chuma vinavyotumiwa kufagia au kufungua kiganja cha upanga na kuufunga Tsuba mahali pake. Mkono wa Katana huitwa Tsuka. Tsuka hutengenezwa kwa mbao na huzunguka ncha ya upanga. Kuna pini mbili ambazo hupita kupitia Tsuka na tang ili kuiweka salama. Hizi ni pini za Meguki. Kwa kawaida, Tsuka hufunikwa kwa ngozi ya mwerezi, au Samekawa katika Kijapani. Kwa ajili ya kisasa na nafuu Katana ngozi au ngozi bandia ni mara nyingi kutumika. Samekawa hutoa msuguano kwa ajili ya wrap kwamba huenda kuzunguka kushughulikia. Kifuniko hicho huitwa Tsuka-ito na kinaweza kutengenezwa kwa nyuzi mbalimbali, kuanzia pamba hadi hariri. Kwa ajili ya mapambo, kuna michoro midogo juu ya Samekawa, lakini chini ya Tsuka-ito. Mapambo hayo huitwa Menuki. Mwisho wa kiganja hicho una pembe, Kashira, ambayo hulinda upanga na pia inaweza kupambwa. Katana sikuzote huwa na kifuniko, ambacho huitwa Saya katika Kijapani. Saya ni muhimu kulinda upanga kutokana na uharibifu wa kudumu wakati hautumiki. Pia huzuia watu wasiojeruhiwa bila kukusudia ambao wanakutana na Katana. Saya ni jadi kufanywa ya mbao na ni ama mapambo na carvings au na kitambaa. Katana ya kisasa na ya bei nafuu pia inaweza kuwa na Saya iliyotengenezwa kwa plastiki. "Katana inaitwa ""Sageo"" na ni kamba inayotumiwa kumfunga katana kwenye mshipi wa mtu anayemchukua." A Shirasaya katana ni aina maalum ya katana katika suala la upanga mlima. Shirasaya katana ina kiganja cha mbao na kifuniko. Aina hii ya mlima ilitumiwa kufanya kuhifadhi ya kisu rahisi na kulinda kisu wakati katika kuhifadhi. Wakati wa karne ya 19, wakati wa kutolewa kwa katana, shati la Shirasaya lilitumiwa kama njia ya kuficha katana na kuifanya ionekane kama fimbo au upanga wa mafunzo ya mbao. Kwa sababu kifaa hiki kilitengenezwa kama njia ya kuhifadhi mbao, ni dhaifu kuliko katana ya kawaida, ambayo inafanya kuwa hatari kutumia katana ya Shirasya katika mapigano au kwa madhumuni ya mafunzo. Bonyeza hapa kwa ajili ya mkusanyiko wetu samurai upanga | <urn:uuid:4a5346f9-73b3-46a1-9fc4-386f77c1c3b3> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.celticwebmerchant.co.uk/knowledge-base/swords-weapons/anatomy-of-a-samurai-sword-katana/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
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Read and analyze a Medal of Honor citation
Organize parts of the citation into the correct order
Identify the act of heroism for which the Medal of Honor was received
Define key vocabulary in a Recipient’s citation
Evaluate the narrative for audience, purpose, and style | Kujiandikisha sasa ili ufikie maudhui yetu yote Bonyeza hapa chini ili kuunda akaunti yako ya bure ambapo unaweza kupata masomo yote na video, kutazama rasilimali za ziada, na kuhifadhi masomo yako ya kupenda. Ingia sasa. Kusoma na kuchambua Medal of Honor citation Kuandaa sehemu za citation katika utaratibu sahihi Kutambua tendo la ushujaa kwa ajili ya ambayo Medal of Honor ilipokelewa Kufafanua msamiati muhimu katika citation ya mpokeaji Tathmini hadithi kwa watazamaji, kusudi, na mtindo | <urn:uuid:25be4312-5b0c-4018-a21e-a62435107e36> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.cmohs.org/lessons/secondary/citation-investigation-analyzing-narrative | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Intermittent fasting reduces the risk of diabetes in people who are at high risk of the disease. The timing of meals and the advice of fasting have a very positive effect on health.
Intermittent Fasting Reduced Risk of Diabetes: Intermittent fasting is very much in trend nowadays and people have started using it a lot to reduce obesity. Although surprising results of reducing obesity from intermittent fasting have been observed, it has not yet been seen whether intermittent fasting has other benefits as well. But a new study has claimed that intermittent fasting almost completely eliminates the risk of type 2 diabetes. In intermittent fasting, eating anything is prohibited for a certain time.
In this study conducted in Australia, analyzing two types of diet, it was found that intermittent fasting reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by 60 percent in those who have a high risk of the disease. Professor Leonie Helbrown of the University of Adelaide said that the risk of type 2 diabetes can be reduced to a great extent by a time-restricted diet or intermittent diet.
Eating during this time will be beneficial
According to the Global Diabetes Community, Prof. Leonie Helbrown said that in the study, people who fasted three days a week and during this time they ate only twice, once at 8 in the morning and the second time at 12 in the day, then the ability to digest glucose in such people decreased by 6 After a month, it increased many folds whereas it was not seen in those who took low calorie diet. He said that the sensitivity of insulin increased in those who did intermittent fasting. At the same time, the amount of fat in the blood of such people also decreased. On the other hand, no change in the behavior of insulin was observed in people consuming low calories.
largest study ever
200 people participated in this study for 18 months. In these, both types of people who kept intermittent fasting and took low calories were included. However, similar results were seen in terms of reducing weight in both types of people. Lead researcher Jiao Tiong said that this is the largest study ever conducted in the world. In this, it was seen how glucose is used after eating food and what kind of process takes place in the body. These things are known as indicators of diabetes. It was found in the study that the time of eating food and the advice of fasting have a very positive effect on health. He said that it is going to have a huge impact in the treatment of pre-diabetes. Researchers said that although more research is needed in this subject, but a lot of benefit can be taken by restricting the time of eating.
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Tags: Diabetes, Health, Health tips, Lifestyle
FIRST PUBLISHED : April 23, 2023, 21:13 IST | Kufunga mara kwa mara hupunguza hatari ya kupatwa na ugonjwa wa kisukari kwa watu walio katika hatari kubwa ya kupatwa na ugonjwa huo. Wakati wa kula na ushauri wa kufunga una athari nzuri sana kwa afya. Kujifunga kwa muda mfupi kunapunguza hatari ya ugonjwa wa kisukari: Kujifunga kwa muda mfupi ni jambo la kawaida sana leo na watu wameanza kuitumia sana kupunguza unene. Ingawa matokeo ya kushangaza ya kupunguza unene wa mwili kutokana na kufunga kwa vipindi vimeonekana, bado haijulikani ikiwa kufunga kwa vipindi vimeonyesha faida nyingine pia. Utafiti mpya unaonyesha kwamba kufunga mara kwa mara kunahakikisha kwamba hakuna mtu anayepata ugonjwa wa kisukari wa aina ya 2. Katika kufunga kwa vipindi, kula chochote ni marufuku kwa muda fulani. Uchunguzi uliofanywa nchini Australia, unaochunguza aina mbili za lishe, uligundua kuwa kufunga kwa vipindi hupunguza hatari ya ugonjwa wa kisukari wa aina ya 2 kwa asilimia 60 kwa wale walio na hatari kubwa ya ugonjwa huo. Profesa Leonid Helbrun wa Chuo Kikuu cha Adelaide alisema hatari ya ugonjwa wa kisukari wa aina ya 2 inaweza kupunguzwa kwa kiasi kikubwa kwa chakula cha muda au chakula cha mara kwa mara. "Kulingana na Global Diabetes Community, Profesa Leonie Helbrown alisema: ""Watu waliofunga siku tatu kwa wiki na wakati huu walikula mara mbili tu, mara moja asubuhi saa 8 na mara ya pili saa 12 mchana, kisha uwezo wa kumeng'enya glukosi kwa watu kama hao ulipungua kwa 6 baada ya mwezi mmoja, iliongezeka mara nyingi wakati haikuonekana kwa wale waliochukua chakula cha kalori ya chini.""" Alisema kwamba unyeti wa insulini uliongezeka kwa wale waliofanya kufunga kwa vipindi. Wakati huohuo, kiasi cha mafuta katika damu ya watu hao pia kilipungua. Kwa upande mwingine, hakuna mabadiliko katika tabia ya insulini yalionekana katika watu wanaotumia kalori chache. Utafiti huo ulifanyika kwa muda wa miezi 18 na watu 200 walihusika. Katika hizi, aina zote mbili za watu ambao waliendelea kufunga kwa vipindi na kuchukua kalori chache zilijumuishwa. Hata hivyo, matokeo kama hayo yalionekana katika kupunguza uzito katika aina zote mbili za watu. Mtaalamu mkuu wa utafiti huo Jiao Tianjing alisema kuwa utafiti huo ni mkubwa zaidi kuwahi kufanywa duniani. Katika utafiti huo, ilionekana jinsi glukosi inavyotumiwa baada ya kula chakula na ni mchakato gani unaofanyika mwilini. Hizi ni dalili za ugonjwa wa kisukari. Utafiti huo ulionyesha kuwa wakati wa kula chakula na ushauri wa kufunga una athari nzuri sana kwa afya. Alisema kuwa itakuwa na athari kubwa katika matibabu ya ugonjwa wa kisukari. Watafiti wanasema kwamba ingawa utafiti zaidi unahitajiwa katika mada hii, lakini faida nyingi zinaweza kuchukuliwa kwa kuzuia wakati wa kula. Ugonjwa wa mgongo, damu katika mkojo inaweza kuwa dalili za saratani ya figo, aina nne za watu wako katika hatari ya kuambukizwa, jihifadhi kama hii, na pia, upungufu wa vitamini B12 hufanya mwili kuwa na utupu kwa kuja kwa siri, ishara hizi tano za kutisha zinaonekana, janga la ndani kwa Wahindi. | <urn:uuid:ea5ed506-9d16-44f1-81ce-eaa8f1501bcb> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.connexionblog.com/2023/04/intermittent-fasting-will-end-blood-sugar-scientists-claim-also-told-the-right-time-to-eat/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Crow Lane, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD3 4 QT
Live to learn, learn to live
The NSPCC launched the PANTS campaign three years ago to provide support to parents to enable them to talk to their children about staying safe without even having to use the term sexual abuse. They based the campaign on a Council of Europe initiative called The Underwear Rule and developed this to form the PANTS acrostic with each letter representing a safety message:
|Privates are private
|Always remember your body belongs to you
|No means no
|Talk about secrets that upset you
|Speak up, someone can help.
Since the start of the campaign, they’ve helped over 400,000 parents talk to their children about sexual abuse and developed a range of materials that can be used with young children.
The PANTS song and animation, aimed at children aged 4-8 years old and it features dinosaurs explaining how to stay safe from abuse, led by a new friendly character, Pantosaurus. | "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika makala ya kwanza ya jarida la ""School of the Future,"" NSPCC imeanzisha kampeni ya ""PANTS"" miaka mitatu iliyopita ili kutoa msaada kwa wazazi ili kuwawezesha kuzungumza na watoto wao kuhusu kukaa salama bila hata kutumia neno unyanyasaji wa kijinsia." "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika kampeni ya ""The Underwear Rule"" ya Baraza la Ulaya, kila herufi ya ""Pants"" inawakilisha ujumbe wa usalama: ""Kila kitu ni binafsi, kumbuka mwili wako ni wako, usiseme chochote, sema siri ambazo zinakukasirisha." Tangu kuanza kwa kampeni, wamewasaidia zaidi ya wazazi 400,000 kuzungumza na watoto wao juu ya unyanyasaji wa kijinsia na kuendeleza safu ya vifaa ambavyo vinaweza kutumiwa na watoto wadogo. PANTS ni wimbo na uhuishaji wa watoto wenye umri wa miaka 4-8 na inaonyesha dinosaurs kuelezea jinsi ya kukaa salama kutoka kwa unyanyasaji, ikiongozwa na tabia mpya ya kirafiki, Pantosaurus. | <urn:uuid:ade0f167-67df-4fe5-83b9-31db7f9034f3> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.crowlane.org.uk/home/miss-thompson | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Our friends at Palmers have put together a number of user friendly guides and resources to help with creating and maintaining a bee-friendly garden.
How to Organic Gardening
Palmers and De Winkel recognise the importance of providing safe organic gardening solutions for you and your family, whilst being kinder to the environment in which we inhabit.
Bee-friendly Pest Solutions
Don’t spray pest solutions during the day while the bees are busy working away. Pest solutions are best sprayed in the evening or early morning to reduce the harm to Bees.
How to grow from seed
Growing your own flowers and vegetables from seeds can be fun, rewarding and economical too.
Urban Trees for Bees
One mouthful in three and nearly ¾ of the diversity of our daily food is directly attributed to Bee pollination. Billions of dollars in NZ export earnings depend on bee pollination. And so do many plants in your garden.
How to Grow Rosemary
Bees love Rosemary because of the lovely blue flowers they produce. Planting plenty of Rosemary together in your garden will give the bees lots of foraging opportunities.
How to Grow Lavendar
Lavender is one of the most widely cultivated plants. Bees love lavender flowers and when visiting they will also pollinate other plants in your garden. The best thing you can do to help save the kiwi bees is to plant more lavender!
How to grow Wildflowers
The simplest thing you can do to help save the bees is to plant some bee-friendly plants in your garden, starting with wildflower. Every ‘bee friendly garden’ should have at least a few wildflower plants. Bees are great pollinators, and therefore play a key role in producing a lot of the food we eat. | Kwa hivyo, kwa sababu ya kuvutia kwa wageni, Palmers imeweka pamoja miongozo na rasilimali za mtumiaji ili kusaidia kuunda na kudumisha bustani ya rafiki ya nyuki. "Kama vile ""Mimea ya Mimea"" na ""Mimea ya Mimea"" ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea ya Mimea." Suluhisho la wadudu la kirafiki la nyuki Usiruhusu dawa za wadudu kusambazwa wakati wa mchana wakati nyuki wakiwa na shughuli nyingi za kufanya kazi. Suluhisho la wadudu hupigwa dawa jioni au asubuhi na mapema ili kupunguza madhara kwa nyuki. Jinsi ya kukuza kutoka kwa mbegu Kukuza maua na mboga zako mwenyewe kutoka kwa mbegu inaweza kuwa ya kufurahisha, yenye thawabu na ya kiuchumi pia. Mimea ya mijini kwa nyuki: Moja ya vinywaji vitatu na karibu 3⁄4 ya utofauti wa chakula chetu cha kila siku ni moja kwa moja kutokana na pollination nyuki. Mabilioni ya dola katika mapato ya kuuza nje ya NZ hutegemea chavua ya nyuki. Na ndivyo ilivyo na mimea mingi katika bustani yako. Jinsi ya Kukuza Rosemary Nyuki hupenda rosemary kwa sababu ya maua yake maridadi ya bluu. Kupanda maua mengi ya Rosemary pamoja katika bustani yako kutawapa nyuki fursa nyingi za kutafuta chakula. Jinsi ya Kukuza Lavender Lavender ni mojawapo ya mimea inayokuzwa sana. Nyuki hupenda maua ya lavenda na wanapotembelea, wao pia huchanganya mimea mingine katika bustani yako. Jambo bora zaidi unaloweza kufanya ili kusaidia kuokoa nyuki wa kiwi ni kupanda lavender zaidi! Jinsi ya kukuza maua ya mwituni: Jambo rahisi zaidi unaweza kufanya kusaidia kuokoa nyuki ni kupanda mimea ya nyuki katika bustani yako, kuanzia na maua ya mwituni. Kila "bustani ya nyuki" inapaswa kuwa na angalau mimea michache ya maua ya mwituni. Nyuki ni pollinators kubwa, na kwa hiyo kucheza jukumu muhimu katika kuzalisha mengi ya chakula sisi kula. | <urn:uuid:c87a59dd-8a26-4dd5-a04f-b1ef6c21dfee> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.dewinkel.co.nz/the-bee-story/bee-friendly-gardening | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
In a rapidly globalising world, the ability to communicate in multiple languages is becoming increasingly important. It not only enriches our personal lives but also opens up a plethora of opportunities in the global job market. In this context, language education in schools plays a pivotal role. However, recent statistics reveal a concerning trend in England: two in three state secondary schools are teaching just one foreign language. In this blog, we will explore the implications of this trend and the importance of fostering multilingualism in education.
The Current Landscape
A recent report from the British Council sheds light on the state of foreign language education in England’s state secondary schools. The data is concerning: out of 2,465 state secondary schools in England, a staggering 1,633 (approximately 66%) are offering only one foreign language to their pupils. This means that a significant portion of young learners in the country are missing out on the benefits of bilingualism or multilingualism.
- Reduced Cultural Awareness: Learning a foreign language isn’t just about grammar and vocabulary; it’s a window into another culture. When schools limit their language offerings, pupils are deprived of the opportunity to explore different cultures, which is crucial in today’s interconnected world.
- Global Competitiveness: In an increasingly globalised job market, multilingualism is a valuable asset. Businesses and organisations are actively seeking candidates who can communicate in multiple languages, as it opens up doors to international markets and enhances collaboration.
- Cognitive Benefits: Numerous studies have shown that learning multiple languages can have cognitive benefits, including improved problem-solving skills, enhanced memory, and better multitasking abilities. Limiting language options in schools may hinder the development of these cognitive skills.
- Educational Inequality: The lack of language diversity in state secondary schools can exacerbate educational inequality. Pupils in private schools often have access to a wider range of languages, leaving their state school counterparts at a disadvantage.
- Narrowed Career Prospects: With only one language under their belt, pupils may find their career prospects limited to certain industries or positions. Multilingual individuals often have a broader range of career opportunities.
Why This Matters
Promoting language diversity in education is not just about acquiring practical communication skills; it’s about fostering a more open-minded and globally aware generation. Encouraging pupils to learn multiple languages from a young age can have far-reaching benefits for their personal and professional lives.
Solutions and the Way Forward
- Curriculum Reform: Schools and educational authorities should consider revising curricula to include a wider range of foreign languages. This can be done by offering more language choices to pupils.
- Teacher Training: Invest in teacher training to ensure that there are qualified educators for less commonly taught languages. Encouraging language specialisation among teachers can diversify language offerings in schools.
- Promote Language Learning as a Skill: Highlight the importance of language learning as a valuable skill for the future. This can be done through public awareness campaigns and partnerships with businesses that value multilingualism.
- Access to Online Resources: Utilise online resources and language learning platforms to supplement language education in schools. This can expand language offerings without straining school budgets.
Two in three state secondary schools in England teaching just one foreign language is a concerning trend that has far-reaching implications for pupils and the country as a whole. It is crucial that we recognise the importance of language diversity in education and take steps to ensure that young learners have access to a broader range of languages. This not only enhances their personal development but also prepares them for a more globally connected future. By investing in language education, we invest in the future of our pupils and the prosperity of our nation. | Katika ulimwengu unaoendelea kuenea haraka, uwezo wa kuwasiliana katika lugha nyingi unakuwa muhimu zaidi. Si kwamba tu huongeza thamani ya maisha yetu ya kibinafsi, bali pia hufungua fursa nyingi katika soko la kazi ulimwenguni. Katika muktadha huu, elimu ya lugha shuleni ina jukumu muhimu. Hata hivyo, takwimu za hivi karibuni zinaonyesha mwelekeo wenye kusumbua nchini Uingereza: shule mbili kati ya tatu za sekondari za serikali zinafundisha lugha moja tu ya kigeni. Katika blogi hii, tutachunguza athari za mwelekeo huu na umuhimu wa kukuza lugha nyingi katika elimu. Ripoti ya hivi karibuni kutoka Baraza la Uingereza inatoa mwangaza juu ya hali ya elimu ya lugha za kigeni katika shule za sekondari za serikali za Uingereza. Kwa mfano, katika shule za sekondari za serikali 2,465 nchini Uingereza, 1,633 (karibu 66%) hutoa lugha moja tu ya kigeni kwa wanafunzi wao. Hii inamaanisha kwamba sehemu kubwa ya wanafunzi wachanga nchini wanakosa faida za lugha mbili au lugha nyingi. - Kupunguza ufahamu wa kitamaduni: Kujifunza lugha ya kigeni si tu kuhusu sarufi na msamiati; ni dirisha katika utamaduni mwingine. Wakati shule kupunguza matoleo yao ya lugha, wanafunzi ni kuondolewa nafasi ya kuchunguza tamaduni tofauti, ambayo ni muhimu katika dunia ya leo interconnected. - Ushindani wa kimataifa: Katika soko la kazi linalozidi kuwa la kimataifa, lugha nyingi ni mali yenye thamani. Biashara na mashirika ni kikamilifu kutafuta wagombea ambao wanaweza kuwasiliana katika lugha nyingi, kama ni kufungua milango kwa masoko ya kimataifa na inaboresha ushirikiano. Utafiti unaonyesha kwamba kujifunza lugha nyingi kunaweza kuwa na faida za utambuzi, ikiwa ni pamoja na ustadi wa kuboresha utatuzi wa tatizo, kumbukumbu iliyoimarishwa, na uwezo bora wa kufanya kazi nyingi. Kupunguza chaguzi za lugha shuleni kunaweza kuzuia maendeleo ya ujuzi huu wa utambuzi. - Ukosefu wa usawa wa elimu: Ukosefu wa utofauti wa lugha katika shule za sekondari za serikali unaweza kuzidisha ukosefu wa usawa wa elimu. Wanafunzi katika shule za kibinafsi mara nyingi wanapata lugha mbalimbali, wakiacha wenzao katika shule za serikali katika hali mbaya. - Narrowed Career Prospects: Pamoja na lugha moja tu chini ya mkanda wao, wanafunzi wanaweza kupata matarajio yao ya kazi mdogo kwa viwanda fulani au nafasi. Mara nyingi watu wanaozungumza lugha nyingi wana fursa nyingi za kufanya kazi. Kwa nini hii ni muhimu Kukuza utofauti wa lugha katika elimu si tu kuhusu kupata ujuzi wa mawasiliano ya vitendo; ni kuhusu kukuza kizazi cha akili wazi zaidi na ufahamu wa kimataifa. Kuwatia moyo wanafunzi kujifunza lugha nyingi tangu umri mdogo kunaweza kuwa na faida kubwa kwa maisha yao ya kibinafsi na ya kitaaluma. "Kutoka kwa utafiti wa ""Solutions and the Way Forward: Curriculum Reform,"" shule na mamlaka za elimu zinapaswa kuzingatia kurekebisha mipango ya masomo ili kujumuisha lugha za kigeni mbalimbali." Hii inaweza kufanywa kwa kutoa chaguzi zaidi za lugha kwa wanafunzi. - Mafunzo ya walimu: Kuwekeza katika mafunzo ya walimu ili kuhakikisha kwamba kuna walimu wenye sifa kwa ajili ya lugha chini ya kawaida kufundishwa. Kukuza utaalam wa lugha miongoni mwa walimu kunaweza kugawanya matoleo ya lugha katika shule. - Kukuza Kujifunza Lugha kama Ujuzi: Kutoa mwangaza juu ya umuhimu wa kujifunza lugha kama ujuzi muhimu kwa siku zijazo. Hii inaweza kufanywa kupitia kampeni za uhamasishaji wa umma na ushirikiano na biashara ambazo zinathamini lugha nyingi. - Upatikanaji wa rasilimali za mtandaoni: Tumia rasilimali za mtandaoni na majukwaa ya kujifunza lugha ili kuongeza elimu ya lugha shuleni. Hii inaweza kupanua matoleo ya lugha bila kushinikiza bajeti za shule. """Kutumia lugha moja tu katika shule za sekondari za serikali tatu nchini Uingereza ni mwelekeo wa wasiwasi ambao una athari kubwa kwa wanafunzi na nchi nzima." Ni muhimu kutambua umuhimu wa lugha mbalimbali katika elimu na kuchukua hatua kuhakikisha kwamba wanafunzi vijana kuwa na upatikanaji wa lugha mbalimbali. Hii sio tu huongeza maendeleo yao ya kibinafsi lakini pia huwatayarisha kwa siku zijazo zilizounganishwa zaidi ulimwenguni. Kwa kuwekeza katika elimu ya lugha, tunawekeza katika siku zijazo za wanafunzi wetu na ustawi wa taifa letu. | <urn:uuid:b2d8312b-91f4-45f4-9733-5985c3034dde> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.discoveryeducationalsoftware.co.uk/blog/modlangs/two-in-three-state-secondary-schools-in-england-teach-just-one-foreign-language/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
74th Jordan Independence Day 2020
On May, 25 jordanians celebrated the 74th Jordan Independence day anniversary of the independence of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Hoping for a better future.
It was the King Abdullah I, the founder of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. He spearheaded the struggle to make the Kingdom an independent sovereign country against formidable obstacles. King Abdullah I declared the Kingdom independent on May 25, 1946. Amidst popular jubilation and widespread celebrations.
His Majesty Abdullah II continued the journey upon his Accession to the Throne in 1999. Since then, Jordan made several leaps forward on several fronts; politically, economically and socially.
Therefore Jordan won its full independence from the British mandate and was declared a Kingdom on May 25, 1946.
Also the Jordanian government launched a national campaign entitled "Our Flag is Up" on this occasion.
It call on all Jordanians to celebrate this occasion and display the Jordanian flags on their homes and all places. Noting that celebrations of this anniversary and gatherings won't be held this year due to the corona pandemic.
His Majesty King Abdullah congradulations
His Majesty King Abdullah delivered an address to the nation from Raghadan Palace. On the occasion of Jordan’s 74th Independence Day, marked on Monday, May 25.
“Jordanians have always been fully dedicate to this homeland. Where we live, in security and stability,” King Abdullah said.
Paying tribute to Jordanians’ resilience, His Majesty added: “You are our independence, as were our ancestors who built the state. And the Nashama of the armed forces and security agencies. The protectors of the homeland and its independence.”
The King said Jordan’s journey has chart a story of success. As it continues to win the admiration of others, according to a Royal Court statement.
Also as this year’s Independence Day coincides with Eid Al Fitr. Amidst exceptional circumstances caused by coronavirus disease (COVID-19). His Majesty noted that this Eid may have lacke the lively visits of relatives and loved ones.
But the King called for making the story of this Eid and this Independence Day “one we tell our children and grandchildren. The story of a nation where their mothers and fathers stood firm to protect their life and their future.”
“Our battle with coronavirus disease is but one of those tough tests that have shown the efficiency of the state. Its enduring institutions, and the strength of its army and security forces,” His Majesty said.
Also the King added that “God blessed us with a clarity of vision and wisdom in decision-making. When we took pre-emptive measures to counter this pandemic,” calling for making this crisis “one of the milestones we pass successfully. Having turned its threats into points of strength and resilience.”
“Yes, we have been physically distant, but our hearts and goals have grown closer, so that we can succeed,” His Majesty said.
Learn more at www.dive-inaqaba.com | Siku ya uhuru ya Jordan ya 74th, tarehe 24 Mei, ni siku ya uhuru wa Jordan ya kwanza kwa taifa la Hashemite. Kutumaini wakati ujao bora. Mfalme Abdullah I wa Jordan, mwanzilishi wa ufalme wa Hashemite. Aliongoza mapambano ya kufanya Ufalme uwe nchi huru yenye uhuru dhidi ya vizuizi vikubwa. Mfalme Abdullah I alitangaza uhuru wa Uingereza mnamo Mei 25, 1946. Katikati ya shangwe ya watu na sherehe za kuenea. Mfalme Abdullah II alianza safari yake ya kifalme mnamo mwaka wa 1999. Tangu wakati huo, Jordan ilifanya maendeleo kadhaa katika nyanja kadhaa; kisiasa, kiuchumi na kijamii. Jordan ilipata uhuru kutoka kwa utawala wa Uingereza na ikaitwa Ufalme wa Jordan mnamo Mei 25, 1946. Serikali ya Jordan imeanzisha kampeni ya kitaifa ya 'Bendera Yetu Imeinuliwa' "Wajordani wote wanaalikwa kusherehekea tukio hili na kuonyesha bendera ya Jordan kwenye nyumba zao na maeneo yote. """ "Amesema kuwa sherehe za maadhimisho ya miaka miwili ya kuzaliwa kwake hazitafanyika mwaka huu kwa sababu ya janga la Corona.""" Mfalme Abdullah wa Uingereza ametoa hotuba yake ya kwanza nchini humo akiwa katika jumba la kifalme la Raghadan. Jordan imefunga siku ya uhuru yake ya 74 Jumatatu, Mei 25. <unk>Wajordani daima wamekuwa wakijitolea kikamilifu kwa nchi hii. Ambapo tunaishi, katika usalama na utulivu, <unk> Mfalme Abdullah alisema. Akitoa heshima kwa uvumilivu wa Wajordani, Mfalme aliongeza: "Wewe ni uhuru wetu, kama walivyokuwa mababu zetu waliojenga serikali. Nashima, na jeshi la Marekani, na mashirika ya usalama. Walinzi wa nchi na uhuru wake. <unk> Mfalme alisema safari ya Jordan imeandika hadithi ya mafanikio. "Hata hivyo, bado ni muhimu kwa watu wengi wa kifalme, ""alisema taarifa ya mahakama ya kifalme." Pia kama Siku ya Uhuru ya mwaka huu inalingana na Eid Al Fitr. Katika hali ya kipekee inayosababishwa na ugonjwa wa coronavirus (COVID-19). Mfalme alibainisha kuwa huenda Eid hii haikuwa na ziara za watu wa ukoo na wapendwa. Lakini Mfalme aliita kwa kufanya hadithi ya hii Eid na hii Siku ya Uhuru <unk> moja sisi kuwaambia watoto wetu na wajukuu. "Hadithi ya taifa ambalo mama na baba zao walisimama imara kulinda maisha yao na siku zao za usoni, ""aliongeza, akisema, ""Pambano letu na ugonjwa wa coronavirus ni moja tu ya majaribio magumu ambayo yameonyesha ufanisi wa serikali." Taasisi zake endelevu, na nguvu ya jeshi lake na vikosi vya usalama, <unk> His Majesty alisema. Pia Mfalme aliongeza kwamba <unk>Mungu alitubariki kwa uwazi wa maono na hekima katika kufanya maamuzi. Tulipochukua hatua za kuzuia kupambana na janga hili, tukitaka kufanya mgogoro huu kuwa moja ya hatua ambazo tumepita kwa mafanikio. """Tumekuwa mbali kimwili, lakini mioyo yetu na malengo yetu yamekuwa karibu zaidi, ili tuweze kufanikiwa,"" alisema." Jifunze zaidi kwenye www.dive-inaqaba.com | <urn:uuid:b8ae8497-6b21-49e8-9b51-cdf0ddea154f> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.dive-inaqaba.com/74th-jordan-independence-day/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Researchers at the Duke Human Vaccine Institute have created a vaccine with the potential to protect against multiple types of coronavirus.
The new pan-coronavirus vaccine, which has had promising results in protecting mice and monkeys from a variety of coronavirus infections, could be useful as a booster shot and a way to vaccinate against new variants of SARS-CoV-2. It could also help prevent more coronavirus outbreaks in the future.
“Now is the time to plan for the next coronavirus pandemic or outbreak. We’ve had two major outbreaks before COVID-19: one in 2003, the [Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome] outbreak, and one in 2011, the [Middle East Respiratory Syndrome] outbreak,” said Barton Haynes, director of the DHVI and Frederic M. Hanes distinguished professor of medicine, in a May 17 COVID-19 media briefing. “Both [were] coronaviruses. And certainly we expect others.”
Unlike the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which rely on mRNA technology, the pan-coronavirus vaccine is protein-based. The vaccine takes a small piece of the virus and presents copies of it to the immune system, which can in turn build a response against that part of the virus.
In developing this vaccine, researchers at the DHVI drew from their previous research efforts to develop an HIV-AIDS vaccine.
“Fortunately, the pan-coronavirus vaccine has proved much easier to develop than the more difficult HIV vaccine,” Haynes told The Chronicle. “However, we used the technology developed for the HIV vaccine and were able in early 2020 to apply it to the new coronavirus epidemic.”
Since the vaccine interacts with a site on the virus that varies across different coronaviruses, it can only protect against a subset of coronaviruses. The vaccine targets a group of beta-coronaviruses called Group 2B coronaviruses, which also caused the 2003 SARS epidemic and the 2011 MERS epidemic.
“One highlight of the study is that it prevents virus replication in the nose,” DHVI Director of Research Kevin Saunders said during the briefing. This vaccine would help prevent the spread of the virus if someone were to sneeze or blow their nose. Previous coronavirus vaccines have only prevented virus replication in the lungs.
Research on the pan-coronavirus vaccine is being funded by the state of North Carolina with funds from the federal CARES Act, according to a Duke Health press release. The researchers are also planning to apply for funds from the National Institutes of Health to manufacture the vaccine.
Haynes discussed how the SARS and MERS epidemics died out before they got to the pandemic stage, which also halted interest in moving forward on developing their respective. He noted that “now is the time to prepare for the next one.”
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and White House senior advisor on the pandemic, called the new research “exciting” and “an important proof of concept” during a May 13 White House briefing presentation.
Not only could this vaccine prevent the next coronavirus outbreak, but it could also serve as a booster shot. During the next several years, the U.S. population may need booster shots to maintain COVID-19 immunity. The researchers’ next steps are therefore to manufacture this vaccine and test it in humans in a Phase 1 safety trial as quickly as possible.
“Our job is to prepare for pandemics and we’re already preparing for what might be the next pandemic,” Haynes said in the briefing. “Whether it’s another type of coronavirus, influenza or yet another type of outbreak, that’s what the Vaccine Institute is here for, and it’s a very exciting time.”
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Signup for our weekly newsletter. Cancel at any time. | Watafiti wa Taasisi ya Chanjo ya Binadamu ya Duke wameunda chanjo inayoweza kulinda dhidi ya aina nyingi za virusi vya corona. Chanjo mpya ya pan-coronavirus, ambayo imepata matokeo ya kuahidi katika kulinda panya na nyani kutoka kwa maambukizi mbalimbali ya coronavirus, inaweza kuwa na manufaa kama risasi ya booster na njia ya chanjo dhidi ya aina mpya za SARS-CoV-2. Pia inaweza kusaidia kuzuia milipuko zaidi ya coronavirus katika siku zijazo. Sasa ni wakati wa kupanga kwa janga au mlipuko wa pili wa coronavirus. "Tumekuwa na milipuko miwili mikubwa kabla ya COVID-19: moja mnamo 2003, milipuko ya ""Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome"" na moja mnamo 2011, milipuko ya ""Middle East Respiratory Syndrome,"" alisema Barton Haynes, mkurugenzi wa DHVI na Frederic M. Haynes, profesa mashuhuri wa dawa, katika mkutano wa vyombo vya habari wa COVID-19 Mei 17." <unk>Vyote viwili [zilikuwa] virusi vya korona. "Kulingana na chanjo za Pfizer na Moderna, ambazo zinategemea teknolojia ya mRNA, chanjo ya pan-coronavirus inategemea protini. """ Chanjo inachukua sehemu ndogo ya virusi na kutoa nakala zake kwa mfumo wa kinga, ambayo inaweza kujibu dhidi ya sehemu hiyo ya virusi. Katika kuendeleza chanjo hii, watafiti katika DHVI walijenga kutoka kwa juhudi zao za utafiti wa awali za kuendeleza chanjo ya HIV-AIDS. "Kwa bahati nzuri, chanjo ya pan-coronavirus imethibitika kuwa rahisi sana kuendeleza kuliko chanjo ngumu zaidi ya HIV", Haynes aliiambia The Chronicle. "Hata hivyo, tulitumia teknolojia iliyotengenezwa kwa chanjo ya virusi vya Ukimwi na kuweza mwanzoni mwa 2020 kuitumia kwa janga jipya la coronavirus, ""alisema, ""Kwa kuwa chanjo inashirikiana na tovuti kwenye virusi ambayo inatofautiana katika virusi tofauti vya coronavirus, inaweza tu kulinda dhidi ya sehemu ndogo ya virusi vya corona.""" Chanjo hiyo inashambulia kundi la virusi vya corona vya beta vinavyoitwa Group 2B, ambavyo pia vilisababisha janga la SARS la 2003 na janga la MERS la 2011. "Kitu kimoja muhimu katika utafiti huo ni kwamba huzuia kuenea kwa virusi katika pua,"" Mkurugenzi wa Utafiti wa DHVI Kevin Saunders alisema wakati wa mkutano huo. Chanjo hiyo itasaidia kuzuia kuenea kwa virusi hivyo ikiwa mtu atapiga chafya au kuvuja pua. Chanjo za zamani za virusi vya corona zimezuia tu kuenea kwa virusi katika mapafu. Utafiti wa chanjo ya pan-coronavirus unafadhiliwa na jimbo la North Carolina na fedha kutoka kwa Sheria ya CARES ya shirikisho, kulingana na taarifa ya waandishi wa habari ya Duke Health. Watafiti hao pia wana mpango wa kuomba fedha kutoka kwa Taasisi za Kitaifa za Afya ili kutengeneza chanjo hiyo. Haynes pia alisema kuwa janga la SARS na MERS limekufa kabla ya kufikia hatua ya janga, na hilo limezuia maslahi ya maendeleo ya janga hilo. "Anthony Fauci, mkurugenzi wa Taasisi ya Kitaifa ya Madhara na Ugonjwa wa Kuambukiza na mshauri mwandamizi wa Ikulu ya White House juu ya janga hilo, aliita utafiti huo mpya ""kuvutia"" na ""uthibitisho muhimu wa dhana"" wakati wa maonyesho ya taarifa ya Ikulu ya White House ya Mei 13." "Tiba hii inaweza kuzuia tu janga la pili la coronavirus, lakini pia inaweza kutumika kama risasi ya kuongeza.""" Katika miaka ijayo, idadi ya watu nchini Marekani inaweza kuhitaji risasi za booster ili kudumisha kinga dhidi ya COVID-19. Hatua ya pili ya watafiti ni kutengeneza chanjo hii na kuijaribu kwa wanadamu katika jaribio la usalama la awamu ya kwanza haraka iwezekanavyo. "Kazi yetu ni kujitayarisha kwa janga na tayari tunajitayarisha kwa kile kinachoweza kuwa janga linalofuata", Haynes alisema katika mkutano huo. "Kama ni aina nyingine ya coronavirus, mafua au aina nyingine ya janga, hiyo ni nini Taasisi ya Chanjo ni hapa kwa, na ni wakati wa kusisimua sana. ""Pata Chronicle moja kwa moja kwenye sanduku lako la barua Saini kwa jarida letu la kila wiki." Futa wakati wowote. | <urn:uuid:a58d06ee-4898-4e36-9904-5d147db92755> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.dukechronicle.com/article/2021/06/duke-university-covid-coronavirus-vaccine-variants-pandemic-require-institute | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Posted by: Eileen Kooreman | June 25, 2019
Are you equipping and training youth to be resilient in the face of trauma? Resilience is not a trait youth have or do not have, but behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be learned and developed. Building resilience in youth starts with resilient adults. A youth leader’s level of resilience directly impacts the development of this important capacity in young people.
How resilient are you? Recognizing the important link between the health of children and the adults who lead them, the Center for Resilient Children published a self-assessment to help adults evaluate their social and emotional strengths. The Devereux Adult Resilience Survey, written by Mary Mackrain, can also help adults build on strengths, such as creativity or setting limits, and develop strategies for improvement so you can better cope with adversity, the stresses of daily life, and positively impact youth. Find the assessment at: http://bit.ly/DVULIAssessResilience | "Eileen Kooreman, Mkurugenzi wa Usalama wa Kijana wa Marekani, aliandika: ""Je, unawazoeza vijana kuwa na uwezo wa kukabiliana na majeraha?" Uwezo wa kukabiliana na matatizo si sifa ambayo vijana wana au hawana, bali ni tabia, mawazo, na matendo ambayo yanaweza kujifunza na kukuzwa. Kujenga uvumilivu katika vijana huanza na watu wazima wenye uvumilivu. Kiwango cha ujasiri wa kiongozi wa vijana huathiri moja kwa moja maendeleo ya uwezo huu muhimu katika vijana. Wewe una uwezo wa kuvumilia kadiri gani? Kwa kutambua uhusiano muhimu kati ya afya ya watoto na watu wazima wanaowaongoza, Kituo cha Watoto wenye Uwezo wa Kukabiliana na Hali ya Hali ya Hewa kilichapisha tathmini ya kibinafsi kusaidia watu wazima kutathmini nguvu zao za kijamii na kihisia. "Kuchunguza kwa Devereux Adult Resilience Survey, iliyoandikwa na Mary MacRae, pia inaweza kusaidia watu wazima kujenga nguvu zao, kama vile ubunifu au kuweka mipaka, na kuendeleza mikakati ya kuboresha ili uweze kukabiliana vizuri na shida, shinikizo la maisha ya kila siku, na athari nzuri kwa vijana. """ "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika ukurasa wa ""Mtazamo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwezo wa Uwe.""" | <urn:uuid:9822f302-7220-4816-b45e-6d51c818337b> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.dvuli.org/resource-reviews/assessing-resilience/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
What is Anaemia?
Anaemia is a condition where the blood has a low number of red blood cells, which causes a low blood count. This occurs when the red blood cells do not contain enough haemoglobin, a protein rich in iron that gives the blood its red colour.
The lower number of red blood cells means that less oxygen is coming to the body’s tissues and lack of oxygen causes anaemia.
Symptoms Of Anaemia
- Easy fatigue and loss of energy.
- Unusually rapid heart beat, particularly with exercise.
- Shortness of breath and headache, particularly with exercise.
- Difficulty concentrating.
- Pale skin.
- Leg cramps.
Causes Of Anaemia
Different types of anaemia and their causes include:
- Iron deficiency anaemia. This is the most common type of anaemia worldwide. Iron deficiency anaemia is caused by a shortage of iron in your body. Your bone marrow needs iron to make haemoglobin. Without adequate iron, your body can’t produce enough haemoglobin for red blood cells.Without iron supplementation, this type of anaemia occurs in many pregnant women. It is also caused by blood loss, such as from heavy menstrual bleeding, an ulcer, cancer and regular use of some over-the-counter pain relievers, especially aspirin.
- Vitamin deficiency anaemia. In addition to iron, your body needs folate and vitamin B-12 to produce enough healthy red blood cells. A diet lacking in these and other key nutrients can cause decreased red blood cell production. Additionally, some people may consume enough B-12, but their bodies aren’t able to process the vitamin. This can lead to vitamin deficiency anaemia, also known as pernicious anaemia.
- Anaemia of chronic disease. Certain diseases — such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease, Crohn’s disease and other chronic inflammatory diseases — can interfere with the production of red blood cells.
- Aplastic anaemia. This rare, life-threatening anaemia occurs when your body doesn’t produce enough red blood cells. Causes of aplastic anaemia include infections, certain medicines, autoimmune diseases and exposure to toxic chemicals.
- Anaemias associated with bone marrow disease. A variety of diseases, such as leukaemia and myelofibrosis, can cause anaemia by affecting blood production in your bone marrow. The effects of these types of cancer and cancer-like disorders vary from mild to life-threatening.
- Sickle cell anaemia. This inherited and serious condition is an inherited hemolytic anaemia. It’s caused by a defective form of haemoglobin that forces red blood cells to assume an abnormal crescent (sickle) shape. These irregular blood cells die prematurely, resulting in a chronic shortage of red blood cells.
The Best Natural Remedy to Fight Against Anaemia — Beet Root
This kind of anaemia is usually termed as iron-deficiency anaemia and can be corrected naturally. Beetroot is the best superfood that can help increase iron intake and improve haemoglobin naturally. Beetroot is rich in iron content and helps to improve blood count and blood flow.
According to the British Heart Foundation, vegetables rich in nitrates could help reduce blood pressure drastically. In another study at the Queen Mary’s University in the year 2010, the same theory was proven. Beetroot is a great source of nitrates, which when consumed, is converted to nitrites and a gas called nitric oxides. Both these components help to widen the articles and lower blood pressure. Researchers also found that having just 500 grams of beetroot every day reduces a person’s blood pressure in about six hours.
Besides, beetroot also contains betalains, a super phytonutrient facilitating anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative action. It has very effective cleansing qualities due to which it aids in detoxification.
Dynamic Nutrition Premium Organic Red Beet Crystals are made from freshly harvested organic red beets. Naturally sweet and delicious. This pure concentrate is carefully manufactured from pure pressed juices of organic red beets retaining all its nutrient and goodness. This product is versatile and can be served in many ways. It blends well with fruit juices, milk products, breakfast cereals and can even be taken straight from the spoon. | Anemia ni nini? Anemia ni hali ambayo damu ina idadi ya chini ya chembe nyekundu za damu, ambayo husababisha hesabu ya chini ya damu. Hii hutokea wakati seli nyekundu za damu hazina hemoglobini ya kutosha, protini yenye chuma ambayo inatoa rangi nyekundu ya damu. Idadi ya chini ya chembe nyekundu za damu inamaanisha kwamba oksijeni kidogo inakuja kwenye tishu za mwili na ukosefu wa oksijeni husababisha upungufu wa damu. Dalili za Anemia - Uchovu wa urahisi na kupoteza nishati. - Kupiga kwa moyo kwa kasi isivyo kawaida, hasa wakati wa mazoezi. - Upungufu wa pumzi na maumivu ya kichwa, hasa wakati wa mazoezi. - Ugumu wa kukaza fikira. - Ngozi nyeupe. - Mshtuko wa mguu. Sababu za Anemia Aina tofauti za anemia na sababu zake ni pamoja na: - Anemia ya upungufu wa chuma. Hii ndiyo aina ya upungufu wa damu inayopatikana kwa wingi zaidi ulimwenguni pote. Anemia ya upungufu wa chuma (IBD) ni ugonjwa unaosababishwa na upungufu wa chuma katika mwili. Ugonjwa wa mifupa unahitaji chuma ili kutengeneza hemoglobini. Bila chuma cha kutosha, mwili wako hauwezi kutengeneza hemoglobini ya kutosha kwa chembe nyekundu za damu. Bila kuongeza chuma, aina hii ya upungufu wa damu hutokea kwa wanawake wengi wajawazito. Pia husababishwa na kupoteza damu, kama vile kutoka kwa kutokwa na damu nyingi, kidonda, kansa na matumizi ya kawaida ya dawa za kupunguza maumivu, hasa aspirin. - Anemia ya upungufu wa vitamini. Kwa kuongezea, mwili wako unahitaji folati na vitamini B12 ili kuzalisha chembe za damu nyekundu. Chakula kisichokuwa na virutubisho hivyo na vingine muhimu chaweza kusababisha kupungua kwa utengenezaji wa chembe nyekundu za damu. Kwa kuongezea, watu wengine wanaweza kula B12 ya kutosha, lakini miili yao haiwezi kusindika vitamini. Hilo laweza kusababisha upungufu wa damu kwa sababu ya upungufu wa vitamini, unaojulikana pia kama upungufu wa damu wenye madhara. - Anemia ya ugonjwa wa kudumu. Magonjwa fulani - kama vile kansa, UKIMWI, ugonjwa wa viungo vya uti wa mgongo, ugonjwa wa figo, ugonjwa wa Crohn na magonjwa mengine ya uvimbe - yanaweza kuingilia uzalishaji wa chembe nyekundu za damu. - Ugonjwa wa upungufu wa damu. Anemia hii isiyo ya kawaida, inayohatarisha uhai hutokea wakati mwili wako hauzalishi chembe nyekundu za damu za kutosha. Sababu za upungufu wa damu wa aplastic ni pamoja na maambukizo, dawa fulani, magonjwa ya autoimmune na kuambukizwa kemikali zenye sumu. - Anemia inayohusiana na ugonjwa wa uti wa mgongo wa mifupa. Magonjwa kama vile leukemia na myelofibrosis yanaweza kusababisha upungufu wa damu kwa kuathiri uzalishaji wa damu katika uti wa mgongo. Athari za aina hizi za kansa na magonjwa yanayofanana na kansa hutofautiana kutoka kwa hatari ya kupungua hadi hatari ya uhai. - Anemia ya chembe za mviringo. Hali hii mbaya ya urithi ni upungufu wa damu wa urithi. Ni husababishwa na aina mbaya ya hemoglobini ambayo hulazimisha chembe nyekundu za damu kuchukua umbo lisilo la kawaida la mwezi (sickle). Chembe hizo zisizo za kawaida za damu hufa mapema, na kusababisha upungufu wa chembe nyekundu za damu. Dawa bora ya asili ya kupambana na upungufu wa damu <unk> Mizizi ya Beet Aina hii ya upungufu wa damu kwa kawaida huitwa upungufu wa damu wa upungufu wa chuma na inaweza kurekebishwa kwa asili. Beetroot ni chakula bora zaidi ambacho kinaweza kusaidia kuongeza ulaji wa chuma na kuboresha hemoglobini kwa asili. Beetroot ina madini mengi ya chuma na husaidia kuboresha hesabu ya damu na mtiririko wa damu. Kulingana na Shirika la Moyo la Uingereza, mboga zenye nitrati nyingi zinaweza kusaidia kupunguza shinikizo la damu sana. Katika utafiti uliofanywa na Chuo Kikuu cha Queen Mary, Marekani, utafiti huo ulithibitishwa kuwa na matokeo mazuri. Beetroot ni chanzo kikubwa cha nitrati, ambayo wakati hutumiwa, hubadilishwa kuwa nitrites na gesi inayoitwa nitric oxides. Vipengele hivyo viwili husaidia kupanua viungo na kupunguza shinikizo la damu. Watafiti wamegundua kuwa kula gramu 500 tu za beet kila siku hupunguza shinikizo la damu kwa masaa sita. Kwa kuongezea, beet pia ina betalains, phytonutrient super kuwezesha kupambana na uvimbe na hatua ya kupambana na oxidative. Ina sifa za kusafisha zenye ufanisi sana kwa sababu ambayo husaidia katika kuondoa sumu. Dynamic Nutrition Premium Organic Red Beet Crystals hutengenezwa kutoka kwa beets nyekundu za kikaboni zilizokusanywa hivi karibuni. Kwa kawaida ni tamu na tamu. Mchanganyiko huu safi hutengenezwa kwa uangalifu kutoka kwa maji safi ya nyanya nyekundu za kikaboni, na kuhifadhi virutubisho vyake vyote na ubora. Bidhaa hii ni ya aina mbalimbali na inaweza kutumiwa kwa njia nyingi. Inaweza kuchanganywa vizuri na maji ya matunda, bidhaa za maziwa, nafaka za kiamsha-kinywa na hata inaweza kuchukuliwa moja kwa moja kutoka kwa kijiko. | <urn:uuid:e16dbfe5-799c-4f34-8e9f-3e2419e4624a> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.dyna-nutrition.com/anaemia-symptoms-causes-natural-remedy/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The basic physics diagram here shows the mechanism when a piston is submerged into water and the water level increases. The buoyant force here can be illustrated using a basic mathematical formula. In general terms, this buoyancy force can be calculated with the equation Fb = Vs. × D × g, where Fb is the buoyancy force acting on the object, Vs. is the submerged volume of the object, D is the density of the fluid the object is submerged in, and g is the force of gravity. You can use EdrawMax Online to create a physics diagram for your science project. With EdrawMax Online, you can later export the physics diagram into multiple formats. | Mchoro wa msingi wa fizikia hapa unaonyesha utaratibu wakati piston inapozamishwa ndani ya maji na kiwango cha maji kinaongezeka. Nguvu ya kuelea hapa yaweza kuonyeshwa kwa kutumia fomula ya msingi ya hisabati. Kwa ujumla, nguvu ya kuelea inaweza kuhesabiwa kwa equation Fb = VxDxG, ambapo Fb ni nguvu ya kuelea inayofanya kazi kwenye kitu, Vx ni kiasi cha chini ya maji cha kitu, D ni wiani wa kioevu ambacho kitu hicho kiko ndani, na g ni nguvu ya mvuto. Unaweza kutumia EdrawMax Online kuunda mchoro wa fizikia kwa ajili ya mradi wako wa sayansi. Pamoja na EdrawMax Online, unaweza baadaye kuuza nje chati ya fizikia katika muundo mbalimbali. | <urn:uuid:6eb2341e-bd0f-4043-8bd1-278da4ebe304> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.edrawmax.com/templates/1011813/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Why TIMS ?
How can students experiment with and experience the multitude of telecommunications principles and modulation/coding schemes without the need for an entire test bench of instruments and time-consuming preparation?
This major challenge is answered by the TIMS approach to building experiments at a block diagram level. To see TIMS Teaching capabilities and to select experiments of desired topics in your curriculum, please visit our Experiments list Page.
What is TIMS ?
TIMS (Telecommunication Instructional Modelling System), is a flexible and versatile communications trainer that incorporates all of the instruments needed to quickly and easily carry out every communications laboratory experiment required in a range of courses, from technical college to university level.
What is included?
The TIMS-301 BASIC SYSTEM comprises the core hardware components and documentation for a TIMS laboratory training system.
The first of the two hardware components is the TIMS-301 SYSTEM UNIT with its FIXED modules (lower rack) and 12-slot upper rack for plug-in modules
The second hardware component is the PLUG-IN MODULES which comprises of a large range of single function building blocks. The professor choses the modules needed to suit each specific experiment setup and these are then reused in other experiment setups.
What is special about TIMS-301?
- ADVANCED MODULE set adds over 50 additional functions for implementing the vast range of experiment capabilities of TIMS.
- DSP-based modules are available to compare the performance of traditional electronic circuits with Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques within the TIMS environment, as well as for implementing more complex schemes.
- In-house modules can be designed to fit into the TIMS system due to the open architecture of TIMS.
- The TIMS-301C includes a built-in virtual instrument for connecting to a PC to give oscilloscope functions and spectrum analysis (FFT).
- Unique to TIMS, for networking a TIMS laboratory, is ‘TIMS Trunks’. The instructor can send up to 3 telecommunications signals from the master TIMS System, to each student’s TIMS system.
- TIMS Trunks is ideal for:
- – Laboratory demonstrations
- – For making complex demodulation/decoding experiments more manageable, &
- – Excellent for practical examinations
- TIMS is fully self-contained. The only additional equipment required is an oscilloscope.
- Quick and easy to use. The front panel of each module is functionally laid out, with inputs on the left and outputs on the right hand side of the panel. All inputs and outputs are colour coded signifying the signal type: yellow for analogue signals and red for digital signals. High quality 4mm sockets are used throughout.
What are the Modules?
The BASIC MODULE SET which includes 13 BASIC plug-in modules. Three sets of manuals are included: the TIMS-301 USER MANUAL, the TIMS LABSHEET EXPERIMENTS set and the five volumes TIMS STUDENT TEXT. Details about advanced modules Details about advanced modulesDetails about advanced modulesDetails about advanced modulesDetails about advanced modulesDetails about advanced modulesDetails about advanced modulesDetails about advanced modulesDetails about advanced modules
System Unit with Fixed Modules
(The most commonly used modules)
- Master Oscillators – synchronized quadrature carrier, sampling and message signals
- Buffer Amplifiers – two independent amplifiers are included
- Frequency and Event Counter
- Variable DC Voltage Output
- Oscilloscope Display Selectors
- TIMS Trunks Outputs
- Headphone Amplifier & filter
- TIMS Trunks Outputs (optional)
- Power Supply
(The fundamental building blocks)
- Adder (two included)
- Audio Oscillator
- Dual Analog Switch
- Multiplier (three included)
- Phase Shifter
- Pseudorandom Sequence Generator
- Quadrature Phase Splitter
- Tuneable Low Pass Filter
- Twin Pulse Generator
- Voltage Controlled Oscillator
- 60 kHz Low Pass Filter | Kwa nini TIMES? Jinsi gani wanafunzi wanaweza majaribio na uzoefu wa kanuni nyingi za mawasiliano ya simu na modulation-coding mipango bila haja ya mtihani benchi nzima ya vyombo na maandalizi ya muda mrefu? Hii changamoto kubwa ni kujibu na TIMS mbinu ya kujenga majaribio katika ngazi block mchoro. Ili kuona TIMS Ufundishaji uwezo na kuchagua majaribio ya mada taka katika mtaala wako, tafadhali tembelea yetu Majaribio orodha Ukurasa. TIMS ni nini? TIMS (Telecommunication Instructional Modeling System) ni mfumo wa mafunzo ya mawasiliano unaojumuisha vifaa vyote vinavyohitajika kwa haraka na kwa urahisi kutekeleza kila majaribio ya maabara ya mawasiliano yanayohitajika katika kozi mbalimbali, kutoka chuo kikuu cha kiufundi hadi chuo kikuu. Ni nini kinachohusishwa? TIMS-301 BASIC System ni mfumo wa msingi wa vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa. "Mfano wa kwanza ni ""TIMES-301"" - mfumo wa kitengo cha vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa vya vifaa." Profesa anachagua modules zinahitajika ili kukidhi kila maalum majaribio kuanzisha na hizi ni kisha kutumika tena katika majaribio mengine kuanzisha. Ni nini kipekee kuhusu TIMS-301? MODULE ya juu ya programu ya TIMS inaongeza zaidi ya kazi 50 za ziada kwa ajili ya utekelezaji wa uwezo mkubwa wa majaribio ya TIMS. DSP-msingi modules ni inapatikana kwa kulinganisha utendaji wa jadi elektroniki circuits na Digital Signal Processing (DSP) mbinu ndani ya mazingira TIMS, kama vile kwa ajili ya utekelezaji wa mipango ngumu zaidi. Moduli za ndani zinaweza kubuniwa ili ziwe sawa na mfumo wa TIMS kwa sababu ya usanifu wa wazi wa TIMS. TIMS-301C ni pamoja na kujengwa katika chombo virtual kwa ajili ya kuunganisha kwa PC kutoa oscilloscope kazi na uchambuzi spectrum (FFT). - Unique kwa TIMS, kwa ajili ya mitandao ya maabara TIMS, ni <unk>TIMS Trunks<unk>. Mwalimu anaweza kutuma hadi ishara tatu za mawasiliano ya simu kutoka kwa mfumo mkuu wa TIMS, kwa kila mfumo wa TIMS wa mwanafunzi. TIMS Trunks ni bora kwa ajili ya: maonyesho ya maabara - kwa kufanya majaribio ya demodulation tata zaidi ya kudhibitiwa, na - bora kwa ajili ya uchunguzi wa vitendo - TIMS ni kikamilifu kujitegemea. Vifaa vya ziada tu vinavyohitajika ni oscilloscope. - Haraka na rahisi kutumia. Jopo mbele ya kila moduli ni kazi iliyowekwa nje, na pembejeo upande wa kushoto na pato upande wa kulia wa jopo. Wote pembejeo na pato ni rangi coded kuonyesha aina ya ishara: manjano kwa ishara analog na nyekundu kwa ishara digital. Kwa kweli, sockets za 4mm za ubora wa juu zinatumiwa katika vifaa vyote. Moduli ni nini? Mfumo wa msingi wa moduli ya msingi (BMS) unajumuisha moduli 13 za msingi za msingi. Mifumo mitatu ya mafunzo ni pamoja na: TIMS-301 Mwongozo wa Mtumiaji, TIMS Lab Sheet Majaribio seti na matoleo matano TIMS STUDENT NENO. Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa mfumo wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa kuunganisha: Mfano wa kuunganisha | <urn:uuid:c1066797-896a-4d8c-8c04-dc169639835c> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.emona-tims.com/emona-product/advanced-lab-teaching/?doing_wp_cron=1685147186.1533029079437255859375 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Taking action to preserve them
"The consequences of what we don't do are the most serious".
Madagascar is facing increasing forest fragmentation, requiring urgent exploration of the fragments. The Vohimana reserve offers a unique opportunity to collect data to strengthen conservation and involve the local population.
In situ and ex situ projects with complementary objectives in line with modern, global approaches to conservation. Despite the extinction risks facing its natural populations, no similar study has yet been carried out on Parson's chameleon (Calumma parsonii).
This research project is part of a Master's degree in Biology at the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) and aims to study the relationship between chameleon species and plant characteristics in the Vohimana reserve in Madagascar. | "Kutumia hatua za kuwahifadhi ni ""matokeo ya kile ambacho hatufanyi ni mbaya zaidi.""" Madagascar inakabiliwa na kuongezeka kwa mgawanyiko wa misitu, ikihitaji uchunguzi wa haraka wa vipande hivyo. Hifadhi ya Vohimana inatoa fursa ya kipekee ya kukusanya data ili kuimarisha uhifadhi na kuhusisha idadi ya watu wa eneo hilo. In situ na ex situ miradi na malengo ya ziada katika mstari na kisasa, mbinu za kimataifa kwa ajili ya uhifadhi. Licha ya hatari ya kutoweka kwa idadi yake ya asili, hakuna utafiti kama huo ambao bado umefanywa juu ya kameleoni wa Parson (Calumma parsonii). Mradi huu wa utafiti ni sehemu ya shahada ya uzamili katika Biolojia katika Chuo Kikuu cha Neuchâtel (Switzerland) na inakusudia kujifunza uhusiano kati ya aina ya chameleon na sifa za mimea katika hifadhi ya Vohimana huko Madagascar. | <urn:uuid:888176f5-d93c-4fb5-aa16-df7b13fbf263> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.eng.cameleoncenterconservation.org/projects | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The coexistence of both undernutrition and overweight/obesity, a phenomenon called double burden of malnutrition, is a global public health challenge existing at all levels from the individual to the population, especially in low-to middle-income countries.
Research on malnutrition in Indonesia found that about 20 percent of households exhibit double burden of malnutrition. In his doctoral dissertation, Umeå University researcher Masoud Vaezghasemi emphasizes the importance of social and contextual determinants in fighting against both forms of malnutrition.
“In many ways, Indonesia is a prime example to study these phenomena,” said Masoud Vaezghasemi. “As the fourth most populous country in the world, Indonesia is undergoing very fast transitions – economically, demographically, health-wise and also nutrition-wise. The Indonesian diet transformed very fast from its traditional diets high in cereal and fibre towards Western pattern diets high in sugars, fat, and animal-source foods. This caused a swift increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity while undernutrition remains a great public health concern.”
The researchers started off with exploring the distributions of body mass index (BMI) across different socioeconomic groups in Indonesia using the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) dataset, which stands out as one of the biggest longitudinal health surveys outside the OECD. According to the results:
- Difference in BMI among people from different socioeconomic groups became smaller while people within the same socioeconomic group became more differentiated over time.
- Households were identified as a context having a great effect on the variation of BMI.
- About 20 percent of all Indonesian households exhibited a double burden of malnutrition.
- Households with a higher socioeconomic status had higher odds of double burden of malnutrition with the exception of women-headed households and communities with high social capital.
“At the contextual level, recognition of increased variation among households is important for creating strategies that respond to different needs of individuals within the same household,” said Masoud Vaezghasemi.
In a subsequent sub-study, Masoud Vaezghasemi picked up on the findings in regards to gender relations and households’ nutritional status. He conducted a qualitative study over two months in 2013 which included focus group discussions among rural and urban community members. The study was done in Indonesia’s capital Jakarta, which is the place where the researchers had identified the highest percentage of dual burden of malnutrition, and in Central Java, where said share was the lowest.
The overall results captured the significance of gendered power relations, generational relations, and the emerging obesogenic environment. According to Masoud Vaezghasemi, the findings have three main implications:
- Future intervention strategies in Indonesia must recognize that there are often different needs within the same household. When both underweight and overweight individuals live in the same household, interventions must be tailored to that or otherwise will create harm.
- Since women-headed households across different socioeconomic groups and communities with high social capital had lower rates of malnutrition, women’s empowerment and community social capital should be promoted to reduce inequalities in the double burden of malnutrition.
- Community health and nutrition programmes need to address gender empowerment and engage men in the fight against the emerging obesogenic environment and increased malnutrition, especially among children.
The first three sub-studies in Masoud Vaezghasemi doctoral thesis were based on the IFLS dataset. The IFLS is conducted by the RAND Corporation in collaboration with other international and Indonesian partners such as Gadjah Mada University. Two of those sub-studies were conducted in collaboration with Professor SV Subramanian from the Harvard T.H. Chen School of Public Health in Boston, where Masoud spent one semester as a researcher. | "Ukosefu wa lishe na uzito kupita kiasi, jambo linaloitwa ""mzigo maradufu wa utapiamlo,"" ni changamoto ya afya ya umma ulimwenguni kote, kuanzia kwa mtu binafsi hadi kwa idadi ya watu, hasa katika nchi zenye mapato ya chini hadi ya kati." Utafiti wa malnutrition nchini Indonesia umegundua kuwa asilimia 20 ya familia zinaonyesha mzigo mara mbili wa malnutrition. Katika dissertation yake ya udaktari, utafiti Umeå Chuo Kikuu Masoud Vaezghasemi inasisitiza umuhimu wa kijamii na contextual determinants katika kupambana na aina zote mbili za utapiamlo. "Kwa njia nyingi, Indonesia ni mfano bora wa kusoma matukio haya", alisema Masoud Vaezghasemi. "Kama nchi ya nne yenye idadi kubwa ya watu ulimwenguni, Indonesia inapitia mabadiliko ya haraka sana kiuchumi, idadi ya watu, afya na pia lishe.""" Chakula cha Indonesia kilibadilika haraka sana kutoka kwa vyakula vyake vya jadi vyenye nafaka nyingi na nyuzi kuelekea vyakula vya mtindo wa Magharibi vyenye sukari nyingi, mafuta, na vyakula vya asili ya wanyama. "Hii ilisababisha ongezeko la haraka la kuenea kwa uzito wa ziada na unene wa kupita kiasi wakati utapiamlo unabaki kuwa wasiwasi mkubwa wa afya ya umma. ""Watafiti walianza na kuchunguza usambazaji wa index ya wingi wa mwili (BMI) katika vikundi tofauti vya kijamii na kiuchumi nchini Indonesia kwa kutumia seti ya data ya Uchunguzi wa Maisha ya Familia ya Indonesia (IFLS), ambayo inasimama kama moja ya uchunguzi mkubwa wa afya ya urefu nje ya OECD." Kwa mujibu wa matokeo: - Tofauti katika BMI kati ya watu kutoka makundi tofauti ya kijamii na kiuchumi ikawa ndogo wakati watu ndani ya kundi moja la kijamii na kiuchumi ikawa tofauti zaidi kwa muda. - Nyumba zilitambuliwa kama mazingira yenye athari kubwa juu ya tofauti ya BMI. Karibu asilimia 20 ya familia zote za Indonesia zilikuwa na tatizo la utapiamlo. - Nyumba zenye hali ya juu ya kijamii na kiuchumi zilikuwa na uwezekano mkubwa wa mzigo maradufu wa utapiamlo isipokuwa nyumba zilizoongozwa na wanawake na jamii zilizo na mtaji wa juu wa kijamii. "Katika ngazi ya muktadha, utambuzi wa kuongezeka kwa tofauti kati ya kaya ni muhimu kwa kuunda mikakati ambayo inakabiliana na mahitaji tofauti ya watu ndani ya nyumba moja", alisema Masoud Vaezghasemi. Katika utafiti uliofuata, Masoud Vaezghasemi alichukua matokeo kuhusiana na mahusiano ya jinsia na hali ya lishe ya kaya. Katika utafiti wa mwaka wa 2013, utafiti wa kina ulifanywa na washiriki wa kikundi cha kuzingatia katika vijiji vya vijijini na mijini. Utafiti huo ulifanyika katika mji mkuu wa Indonesia, Jakarta, ambapo watafiti walipata asilimia kubwa ya mzigo wa chini ya lishe, na katika Java ya Kati, ambapo sehemu hiyo ilikuwa ya chini zaidi. Matokeo ya jumla yalionyesha umuhimu wa mahusiano ya nguvu ya kijinsia, mahusiano ya vizazi, na mazingira yanayotokea ya obesogenic. Kulingana na Masoud Vaezghasemi, matokeo yana athari kuu tatu: - Mikakati ya baadaye ya uingiliaji nchini Indonesia lazima itambue kwamba mara nyingi kuna mahitaji tofauti ndani ya kaya moja. Wakati wote chini ya uzito na overweight watu kuishi katika nyumba moja, hatua lazima kuwa tailored kwa kwamba au vinginevyo itazalisha madhara. - Kwa kuwa familia zinazoongozwa na wanawake katika vikundi tofauti vya kijamii na kiuchumi na jamii zenye mtaji wa kijamii wa juu zina viwango vya chini vya utapiamlo, nguvu za wanawake na mtaji wa kijamii wa jamii zinapaswa kuendelezwa ili kupunguza ukosefu wa usawa katika mzigo wa mara mbili wa utapiamlo. - Programu za afya na lishe za jamii zinahitaji kushughulikia kuwezesha jinsia na kuhusisha wanaume katika kupambana na mazingira yanayotokea ya uzalishaji wa mafuta na kuongezeka kwa utapiamlo, haswa kati ya watoto. Mafunzo matatu ya kwanza ya Masoud Vaezghasemi ya udaktari yalitegemea seti ya data ya IFLS. IFLS ni utafiti uliofanywa na RAND Corporation kwa kushirikiana na washirika wengine wa kimataifa na wa Indonesia kama vile Chuo Kikuu cha Gadjah Mada. Utafiti huo ulifanywa na Profesa S.V. Subramanian wa Chuo Kikuu cha Harvard. Chen Shule ya Afya ya Umma katika Boston, ambapo Masoud alitumia muhula mmoja kama mtafiti. | <urn:uuid:81f85fc8-db27-4dfe-8d40-9c64a754f8ea> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.eurasiareview.com/16022017-indonesia-one-fifth-of-households-exhibit-double-burden-of-malnutrition/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
On How Ferns Can Mesmerize Us
During this period, the English society fell under the enchanting influence of ferns, which starred in botanical romances and crimes.
Perhaps it is the way their branches move with the wind, the elegant shadows their leaves cast upon walls, or the way in which their supple rhizomes unwrap ever so slowly; but there is something in ferns that can ignite the most exquisite infatuation. And this is precisely what they did at a given point in history.
During the 19th century, England fell pray to the strangest of ailments: the fern fever, an intense obsession for all sorts of pteridophytes. Crystal houses were built all over the nation; brilliant temples to house the botanical jewels that occupied a great part of the Victorian minds. (Before, the tulip fever occupied that place.)
The fern fever may perhaps be understood based on a simple experiment: if one observes ferns for a long time, or if one visits a pteridophyta greenhouse, when one closes one’s eyes one will continue to see the shapes of their branches, perhaps not unlike someone who persistently plays chess and upon closing his eyes sees the board. Hence the “fernmania” invaded not just Victorian gardens but also made its way into art books, literature, houses; it inspired hundreds of botanical crimes and even some love stories. ––Victorians organized nocturnal reunions to go hunting for rare ferns, and these would often derive in matrimony or “pteridoromances” among the explorers. The obsession was named “pteridomania,” from Latin pterido for fern.
But the origin of the trend is the true jewel. In her book Fern Fever, Sarah Wittingham traces the beginning of fernmania to three friends who fell deeply in love with these plants around 1829. Nathaniel Ward, a doctor and aficionado horticulturist, became frustrated for his inability to grow the ferns he loved, so he created the “Wardian case”: an early type of greenhouse, ideal for the cultivation of exotic ferns.
Later, his assistant George Loddiges opened a fern hospital in Hackney, in east London. There, since ferns did not have the flashiness and popular appeal of their rivals the flowers, he spread the brilliant rumor (although it may contain a great deal of truth) that the taste and love for ferns was an unequivocal sign of intelligence.
In 1840, inspired by Ward’s and Loddiges’ efforts, Edward Newman published a book that praised the attributes and the distinguished pleasures evoked by ferns. A History of British Ferns was the only thing the period needed to fall at the feet of these beautiful plants. The book was reedited countless times and showed off in the fine houses of the English elite —perfect for the Victorians’ characteristic enthusiasm for amateur scientists.
Soon after this, ferns became a cultural phenomenon. To own a collection —whether grown at home or organized in the popular “fern albums” — was a coveted symbol of social status. The fern fever even detonated a botanical crime-wave. During the 1800s and 1890s, an eruption of crimes took place in which rare specimens were stolen from private lands to collect or sell them for sums equivalent to £1,000 per plant. Soon, pteridophytas became central to social gatherings and served as cupids between men and women who shared the same fever.
But, in the 20th century, the aesthetic romance between men and ferns decreased. “It’s impossible to guess the reason”, states historian Sarah Wittingham. “There was simply a rejection of the Victorian era.” For ferns, however, there is still hope. Researchers have discovered that they give soil its fertility back and, even if not everyone notices, pteridophytes can be found all over cities, casting sinister and elegant shadows on the walls that frame them.
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"Hii inaweza kueleweka kwa kutumia jaribio rahisi: kama mtu anaangalia ferns kwa muda mrefu, au kama mtu anatembelea pteridophyta chafu, wakati mtu kufunga macho yake ataendelea kuona maumbo ya matawi yao, labda si tofauti na mtu ambaye anaendelea kucheza chess na juu ya kufunga macho yake anaona ""bodi.""" Kwa hiyo "fernmania" ilivamia si bustani za Victoria tu bali pia iliingia katika vitabu vya sanaa, fasihi, nyumba; ilichochea mamia ya uhalifu wa mimea na hata hadithi za upendo. <unk>Waviktoria walipanga makusanyiko ya usiku ili kwenda kuwinda vipepeo wa nadra, na mara nyingi haya yangeongoza kwenye ndoa au <unk>pteridoromances<unk> kati ya wachunguzi. Ugonjwa huo uliitwa "pteridomania", kutokana na neno la Kilatini pterido linalomaanisha fern. Lakini chanzo cha mwelekeo huo ndicho kito cha kweli. Katika kitabu chake Fern Fever, Sarah Wittingham anaelezea mwanzo wa fernmania kwa marafiki watatu ambao walianguka kwa upendo na mimea hii karibu 1829. Nathaniel Ward, daktari na mtaalamu wa kilimo cha bustani, alivunjika moyo kwa kutokuwa na uwezo wa kukuza ferns aliyoipenda, kwa hivyo aliunda "kesi ya Warden": aina ya mapema ya chafu, bora kwa kilimo cha ferns za kigeni. Baadaye, msaidizi wake George Loddiges alifungua hospitali ya fern huko Hackney, mashariki mwa London. Huko, kwa kuwa ferns hazikuwa na flashiness na rufaa ya kawaida ya washindani wao maua, yeye kuenea uvumi mzuri (ingawa inaweza kuwa na kiasi kikubwa cha ukweli) kwamba ladha na upendo kwa ferns ilikuwa ishara ya wazi ya akili. Katika 1840, Edward Newman, akichochewa na juhudi za Ward na Loddig, alichapisha kitabu ambacho kilisifu sifa na raha za kipekee zilizotokezwa na ferns. Historia ya Ferns ya Uingereza ilikuwa kitu pekee kipindi hicho kilihitaji kuanguka kwenye miguu ya mimea hii nzuri. Kitabu hicho kilirekebishwa mara nyingi na kuonyeshwa katika nyumba nzuri za wasomi wa Kiingereza - kamilifu kwa ajili ya Victorians - shauku ya tabia kwa wanasayansi amateur. Muda mfupi baadaye, aina hiyo ya mwaloni ikawa jambo la kawaida katika utamaduni. Kuwa na mkusanyiko - iwe ulikua nyumbani au uliopangwa katika "albamu za fern" zilizopendwa sana - kulikuwa ishara ya cheo cha kijamii. Homa ya fern hata ilisababisha wimbi la uhalifu wa mimea. Katika miaka ya 1800 na 1890, mauaji ya aina mbalimbali ya mimea ya aina hiyo yalianza, na watu waliiba mimea hiyo kutoka kwenye mashamba ya watu binafsi ili kuikusanya au kuuuza kwa kiasi cha dola za Uingereza. Pteridophytes walikuwa na nguvu kubwa katika kuwasiliana na watu wa kawaida na pia walikuwa na uwezo wa kuwasiliana na watu wa kawaida. Lakini katika karne ya 20, mapenzi ya kimapenzi kati ya wanaume na vipepeo yalipungua. "Ni vigumu kukisia sababu ya jambo hilo", asema mwanahistoria Sarah Wittingham. "Hata hivyo, bado kuna tumaini kwa ajili ya vipepeo. Watafiti wamegundua kwamba wao kutoa udongo uzazi wake nyuma na, hata kama si kila mtu anaona, pteridophytes inaweza kupatikana katika miji yote, kutupa kivuli mbaya na kifahari juu ya kuta kwamba frame yao. Wakati desturi za kale zilipokuwa dini, kuibuka kwa dini kulibadili historia ya wanadamu. Kwa hiyo ni muhimu kuuliza ni lini na jinsi gani watu wa kale ibada akawa mifumo ya utaratibu wa mawazo, kila mmoja na yao Saba ramani ya kale ya Amerika Ramani si eneo. <unk> Alfred Korzybski Ramani si ramani tu. Wao ni makadirio ya kibinadamu, metaphors ambayo tunapata wote kijiografia na mawazo. The Ghost Islands: Msanii crocheted mifupa kamili na viungo vya ndani - Shannell Papp ni fundi wa nguo na crochet Alitumia miezi minne mirefu kutengeneza mifupa ya sufu yenye ukubwa halisi. Kisha akaijaza kwa viungo vya mwili wa binadamu, akifanya kama mgonjwa; wimbo wa heshima kwa ramani, mfululizo wa sauti, mdundo, wimbo na ukimya; muziki ni sanaa ya msingi zaidi, muhimu zaidi, na yenye nguvu zaidi ya lugha zote. "Hakuna kitu kama ""mwenyeji"" katika ulimwengu wa 17th-th century optics, lakini kwa kweli ni ""mwenyeji"" wa ulimwengu wa 17th-th century optics." Hiyo ndiyo sababu wanadamu wamevutiwa na kuvutiwa na vifaa vya macho na uwezekano wake kwa karne nyingi. Kama moyo, Je, unaweza kupata micro-taifa yako mwenyewe? Mifano hii ya ajabu inaonyesha jinsi inaweza kuwa rahisi Kuanzisha nchi ni, kwa njia fulani, kazi rahisi. Inatosha kufunua kuwepo kwake na nia ya kuunda chombo kipya cha kisiasa. Angalau hiyo ni nini imekuwa alionyesha na Msalaba wa ajabu: mapango ya galaksi ya New Zealand Mara nyingi, matukio ya ajabu zaidi ni <unk>wenye wivu wa wenyewe<unk> <unk>na wao kutokea ambapo jicho la binadamu hawezi kufurahia yao. Hata hivyo, zinaweza kugunduliwa, na tunapozipata tunapata uzoefu wa Je, una tabia ya kusoma isiyo ya kawaida? "Mwanzoni mwa kitabu chake, McLuhan aliandika: ""Mara nyingi tunasahau au tunapuuza kufikiria hali zisizo na kikomo ambazo zimefupishwa katika vitendo ambavyo tunaona kuwa ni vya kawaida.""" "Kutumia uma na kutumia fork, au kutembea barabarani na kuwa ""The sky is calling us, a love letter to the cosmos"" (video) ""We once dreamed of open sails and open seas"" ""We once dreamed of new frontiers and new lands"" ""We are still a brave people""" "Hatuwezi kusahau kwamba nyota sana tunaona siku hizi ni nyota sawa na dada wewe daima alitaka (lakini alifanya katika chandelier kioo) Lucas Maassen daima alitaka kuwa na dada.""" Baada ya miaka 36 ya kutafakari, aliweza kupata kioo cha kawaida, lakini kwa njia isiyo ya kawaida, kilichokuwa na umbo la chandelier. Maassen, mtengenezaji wa bidhaa kutoka Uholanzi, aliuliza: | <urn:uuid:50c664e2-d7ef-4711-9c38-9e16d8695202> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.faena.com/aleph/on-how-ferns-can-mesmerize-us | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
What is athlete’s foot?
Athlete’s foot– also called tinea pedis– is a fungal infection that affects the skin on the feet. It can also infect the toenails and the hands. The fungal infection can affect anyone not just athletes. However, more active people may find that they are more susceptible to getting the fungal infection.
What triggers athlete’s foot?
Athlete’s foot takes place when the tinea fungus grows on the feet. You can capture the fungus through direct contact with an infected person, or by touching surface areas contaminated with the fungi. The fungus grows in warm, damp environments. Therefore it’s commonly found in showers, on locker space floorings, and around pools. In addition, if you wear boots and work in wet environments this can also be a problem.
Who is at risk for athlete’s foot?
Anybody can get athlete’s foot, however certain habits increase your danger. Those habits that increase your danger of getting athlete’s foot consist of:
- walking barefoot particularly in locker rooms, showers, and swimming pools
- sharing socks, shoes, or towels with a contaminated individual
- wearing tight, closed-toe shoes
- keeping your feet wet for extended periods of time
- having sweaty feet
- having a minor skin or nail injury on your foot
What are the symptoms of athlete’s foot?
There are many symptoms of athlete’s foot. For instance, some might include:
- itching, stinging and burning between your toes or on soles of your feet
- blisters on your feet that itch
- breaking and peeling skin on your feet, the majority being typically between your toes and on the soles of your feet
- dry skin on your soles or sides of your feet
- raw skin on your feet
- discolored, thick, and crumbly toenails
- toenails that pull away from the nail bed
How is athlete’s foot identified?
Dr. Cruz may diagnose athlete’s foot by your symptoms. However, he may also perform a skin test if he isn’t sure a fungal infection is causing your symptoms.
There are many newer skin tests that can provide an accurate diagnosis to allow for the best treatment possible. Sometimes skin scraping or biopsy may be necessary as well. Dr. Cruz may remove a small area of contaminated skin and send it to a lab. The lab will provide a detailed report to help treat the fungal infection effectively.
How is athlete’s foot dealt with?
Athlete’s foot can often be treated with non-prescription (OTC) topical antifungal medications. However, if OTC medications don’t treat your infection, Dr. Cruz may recommend topical or oral prescription-strength antifungal medications. He may also suggest home treatments to help clear up the infection.
Some OTC medications can help with athlete’s foot but in many cases, you will need to see Dr. Cruz. There are many OTC topical antifungal medications, including:
- miconazole (Desenex).
- terbinafine (Lamisil AT).
- clotrimazole (Lotrimin AF).
- butenafine (Lotrimin Ultra).
- tolnaftate (Tinactin).
Some of the prescription medications Dr. Cruz might recommend for athlete’s foot consist of:
- topical, prescription-strength antifungal creams or ointments.
- oral antifungal medications such as itraconazole (Sporanox), fluconazole (Diflucan), or prescription-strength terbinafine (Lamisil).
- topical steroid medications to decrease unpleasant swelling.
- oral antibiotics if bacterial infections develop due to raw skin and blisters.
Your Brandon Podiatrist can help you with Athlete’s Foot
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Paul Link is Louisiana Department Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks’s North American Waterfowl Management Plan Coordinator. Number of mid-continental white-fronted geese overwintering in southwestern Louisiana has declined drastically in recent years, and Link’s real-time telemetry studies has enabled a greater understanding of Louisiana specklebellies’ life habits and migrational patterns. What is the scope of this research and what does it entail? What factors could be contributing to decline of overwintering white-fronted geese in southwestern Louisiana? How are concerned hunter-conservationists becoming involved? Link shares a wealth of interesting information with Ramsey Russell about a fascinating topic.
Paul Link Explains Why Wintering White-fronted Geese May Be Declining in Louisiana and Mostly Privately-funded Specklebelly Research To Better Understand This Culturally Important Waterfowl Species
We’re putting together the life cycle, the ecology, of mid-continent white-fronts in order to tie all these little pieces together with wintering habitat selection and cross-seasonal effects. We have these theories that perhaps wintering habitat use, and the winter body condition, has an influence on a bird’s subsequent spring and summer production. We can get all that information and put together an energetics model of the birds. Determine proportionate time spent in each of those habitats. We can then compare and contrast regions within the state and among states to see if white-fronted geese in southwest Louisiana is burning more energy than white-fronts in eastern Arkansas. If those geese up there are acting and behaving differently, if they’re getting less disturbance and there’s more forage, there could be longer-term population level effects for where a white-fronted goose chooses to winter.
Ramsey Russell: Hey guys, thank y’all for joining me for another great Duck Season Somewhere podcast episode. Ramsey Russell, GetDucks. I’m in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on a hot June day. I’m sitting in an office, thank goodness. I’m meeting with today’s guest, Paul Link. Y’all listen up. This is a fascinating story that came to me from an Instagram account follower from down here in Louisiana. I was aware of this, but this is going to be a little bit deeper of a conversation. Consider this: at one time in the not too far back past, southwest Louisiana overwintered 80% of the mid-continent population—which is to say, the Mississippi and Central Flyways’ worth—of specklebelly geese. Eighty percent! Today’s numbers? 18%. What happened? Well, Paul Link will be able to shed a little bit of light, and I think y’all are really going to enjoy this conversation. Paul, how are you today?
Paul Link: Been better, but we’re making it.
Did COVID Affect North American Waterfowl Management?
Ramsey Russell: Has COVID put a stick in your spokes, too?
Paul Link: It has. Not nearly as bad as a lot of my other colleagues. We were right in the middle blue-winged teal trapping season for another research project that we’ve been working on. We’ve spent eight years on that project, primarily looking at avian influenza and how that disease has moved up and down the North American and South American continent. We were able to do our fieldwork. It certainly changed how we do things. We had a lot of social distancing issues to deal with. Group sizes of ten or fewer. We were able to do it. We typically have a lot of college students come down to Louisiana for spring break and help throughout the weekends, trapping, but we were able to keep working and do it. Can’t say the same for a lot of the other states in our flyway, right now. There’s still folks that aren’t allowed back to work. There’s a lot of pre-season duck banding that’s not happening this year.
Obviously, the BPOP, Breeding Population Survey, was cancelled. Lots of wood duck and Canada goose banding operations have been cancelled. It’s interesting times. Our meetings aren’t happening at all, but you wouldn’t think of fieldwork, something like going out and doing a Canada goose drive for banding— You wouldn’t think that would be something that would fall apart due to some of these COVID guidelines, but, unfortunately, there are. There’s a lot of ramifications that I don’t think any of us, a year ago, could have ever foreseen.
Ramsey Russell: Nobody could have seen this, as recently as February or even March, I don’t think. You and I were supposed to get together back in the fall. I was going to participate in some of your specklebelly banding, and our calendars didn’t line up. Then I was going to get to come down here to Louisiana and do some blue-wings. I love blue-winged teal, and I know you’re very active in that. Because of COVID, you couldn’t even get into Louisiana; let alone the group sizes and all those limitations. But here we are. It’s June, and here we are in Louisiana.
Who is Louisiana Waterfowl Biologist Paul Link?
Ramsey Russell: Firstly, Paul, who are you? You’re not from Louisiana.
Paul Link: Nope. I’m from North Dakota. I came to Louisiana about fifteen years ago for grad school at LSU and ended up falling in love with the place. Being a waterfowl person from day one at birth and growing up in the heart of the prairie pothole region in North Dakota— Obviously, my intent at the time was to come down here and see the other side of the flyway, where the birds spent the winter. Obviously, I fell in love with a lot of the aspects of Louisiana. Sportsman’s Paradise. I’ll never forget the first time I did my graduate work on mallards in southwest Louisiana. At the time, the technology was VHF transmitters, which are just a radio transmitter. You have to actually go find the birds. One of those life-changing moments that I had was coming out of the Lake Charles airport in a little Cessna, climbing up to altitude to go look for lost geese, and seeing that marsh in front of me. As you climb up a thousand, two thousand feet, you see this expansive marsh, 35 miles of marsh in between Lake Charles and the Gulf of Mexico. Looking back to the East, as far as the eye can see, there were these big, beautiful, lush wetlands in November that were just full of ducks. Meanwhile, in my home state, all my buddies are ice fishing already and getting the snowmobiles out. This is, obviously, the toughest time of the year for me, these next few months. Dealing with Louisiana hurricane season and the heat and humidity, but, for most of the year, this is a pretty good place to be if you like ducks.
Ramsey Russell: And you grew up duck hunting.
Paul Link: Oh, yeah.
Ramsey Russell: So you’re what I call a hook-and-bullet biologist. That’s what led you down this path.
Paul Link: Yeah, absolutely.
Ramsey Russell: The only thing I do not like at all about Louisiana is I-10. That’s it. Everything else is, like you say, Sportsman’s Paradise. The food’s good. The people are fun. I even like LSU fans. I ain’t gonna lie to you, man. They’re the funnest people I’ve ever been around.
Louisiana Specklebellies (White-fronted Geese)
Ramsey Russell: Anyway, you mentioned Lake Charles, Louisiana and I’ve always marveled that so many name-brand, or recognizable brand, specklebelly calls come from that region. Having hunted down there a few times; it’s a religion. They duck hunt in Louisiana, but specklebellies are their religion. I’d say it exceeds Catholicism for Louisiana. It’s specklebellies. I was down hunting somewhere around Lacassine one time with Bill Daniels, actually, when I heard this story that, in the past, 80% of the mid-continent population of specklebellies used to overwinter in that region, and now just a fraction of those do. They say the numbers are the same, but the relative percent is way different. What’s going on?
Paul Link: Well, you first need to understand the preface that we have one index on white-fronted populations in Louisiana. It’s our midwinter count. It’s just one snapshot. First week in January. It’s the only time we count them. One thing I’ve learned with this project—being out, boots on the ground, literally every day that I can get away from work from about the tenth of October until the last one leaves in March—is that we still get a ton of white-fronts here. I know our numbers—and, perhaps, the trajectory—wouldn’t be the same if we did an early-November count. Then, having seen the migration data, seeing what these geese do— A lot of them get up on the Saskatchewan prairies in September and October, and they come. They overfly all the mid-latitude states, and they come here.
Oftentimes—the first couple years of our work, especially—we had a tremendous opening day effect where there was lots of gun pressure, and the birds moved. We have zone boundaries where geese don’t have to travel very far to get out of the Louisiana Coastal Zone and into an area that’s not being hunted. Then all kinds of other factors came into play with increasing habitat, coming on the landscape later throughout the winter, and the birds actually trickling further back North as winter progresses. It was a really complicated thing to try to wrap my head around at the beginning of the study, that I could go out mid-October in southwest Louisiana and see eighty thousand white-fronts in one field, on one roost, knowing that we’ll fly the entire state the first week of January and not count a hundred thousand throughout the entire state.
That was one of the more critical things for me to wrap my head around, that Louisiana is still critically important for white-fronts at a time of the year when there’s not much other real estate. There aren’t any other options for a lot of these white-fronted geese when they pick up and leave. From the Dakotas on down, they’re coming here. Seeing what’s going on in the southwest landscape— There’s second-crop rice coming off the fields, there’s combines rolling everywhere, and it’s like the buffet table. You can watch the combines. Once you find early water, it’s typically an old teal pump-off that people teal hunt. They’ll leave the water on it, and it just evaporates. If there’s some water remaining, that’s going to be the central hub for a roost.
Then, the white-fronts are just chasing combines when they get here. The landscape is pretty arid. There’s not a lot of options. There’s a lot of standing green rice, and those birds are just bouncing back and forth from rice field to rice field, cleaning up what little waste rice comes out of the back of a combine. You have to understand that, while our numbers on paper look pretty bad, Louisiana is still critically important. White-fronts are still coming here; we’re just not out there counting them when the majority are here. At least as I see it, through the windshield of the truck, we’re not out there on the landscape when it’s most critical for those geese, when they’re first showing up down here.
Mid-Continental Population of Specklebellies (White-fronted Geese)
Mid-Continental Specklebellies (White-fronts) Staging in Canada
Ramsey Russell: I know you travel and do a lot of activities around. Have you ever been to the South Saskatchewan River where all those birds stage in the fall?
Paul Link: Yeah. That’s been one of the more interesting things of this project, is the Peace River Valley. Pretty historic place. It’s one of the first agricultural regions that a lot of those North Slope, Northwest Territory birds stop in. It’s the first barley fields that those birds see after coming across the boreal. So, yeah, I’ve had boots on the ground. I’ve been up there hunting a few times, myself. It’s been pretty eye-opening, seeing the scale at which these birds move across the continent. We’re 5,400 miles away from where a lot of those geese are right now. As we’re sitting here talking today, there’s birds that I caught here that are over 5,000 miles away from here.
Ramsey Russell: Isn’t that amazing? Just looking at a map of the migration, it’s like you’ve got three subspecies of greater white-fronted goose up in the Arctic. They form like an hourglass because they all convene right there around the Alberta-Saskatchewan political boundary. Then they start to spread back out; primarily the mid-continent population, the Central and Mississippi Flyways, but also a little over in the Pacific. It’s interesting to me, as someone that can remember shooting five snow geese back in the day— Now, it’s just a bunch of them. They got a little out of hand. The limit in Louisiana is two; Arkansas, three; but there’s already some of the Pacific populations where the limits are ten in California, ten in Idaho. What I’m seeing, Paul—and maybe you can shed some light on this—is that there’s more white-fronts, now, in Arkansas, and I’m even hearing reports of them being hunted up in Illinois. Places that, historically, they didn’t overwinter.
Mid-Continental Specklebelly (White-fronted Goose) Population
Ramsey Russell: So is the wintering Louisiana specklebelly population getting bigger or smaller?
Paul Link: Yeah. We’re up around a million white-fronted geese, right now, in the mid-continent population. It annually fluctuates. We’re on two pretty bad production years in a row, here. It’s looking like this summer is going to be a little better for them, but the population still hovers around 800,000 to 1.1 million. The population is doing incredibly well overall. That’s the reason for the expansion of the opportunities, offering more days and more geese. They’re doing well, range-wide, across North America.
Paul Link’s Louisiana Specklebelly (White-fronted Goose) Research
That’s one of the things I really like about catching and doing research, is the catching part. It’s catch-and-release hunting.
Paul Link: Basically, we’re going to put together the life cycle, the ecology, of mid-continent white-fronts in order to tie all these little pieces together with wintering habitat selection and cross-seasonal effects… That’s one of the lowest-hanging fruits from this project. Identifying the spatial and temporal scale of preferred habitats, the availability of it on the landscape, and then the selection of those Louisiana fields and replicating it across the landscape and providing more of that.
Ramsey Russell: Can you speak a little bit about your research? Because that’s what I really like to hear a lot about. You work for the state of Louisiana as a biologist, but, several years ago, you also started working more in a privately-funded capacity?
Paul Link: Yeah. That’s a kind of a difficult, touchy subject to explain. I’m an administrator, essentially, here at Wildlife and Fisheries. I kind of oversee a habitat-based wetland program, but, obviously, nobody gets into—or shouldn’t get into—this profession to sit in the office all day. It’s what got me into this. Duck banding was the thing that literally changed my life. Talking back with my folks when I was a kid, I was going to be a hunting guide. I figured that’d be the best way to watch as many sunrises as possible, growing up, was to be a guide. But, unfortunately, I don’t have the people skills. I learned pretty early on that I couldn’t handle a lot of the issues that those types have to deal with every day.
One of those life-changing moments— My dad found out about a duck-banding operation at a refuge in North Central, North Dakota, and he called the manager. He said, “Yeah, come on.” It was one of those moments—sitting there, watching the world come alive, watching ducks come running up a bank to a rocket net site platform, and all the chaos that ensued; looking across a net full of ducks—that, holy crap, you can get paid to do this? Unfortunately, I haven’t found that position, a paying position, but I’m at a unique position here. Administratively, I can get my job done, and then, in my free time—oftentimes with the department vehicles and support through federal aid grants and everything—I’m able to do a lot of fieldwork.
We talked about black-bellied whistling duck banding; I’ve banded tens of thousands of black-bellied whistling ducks over the last few years, in my personal time, with an all-volunteer crew of people. As this little—you can jokingly call it my hobby science projects—as they’ve expanded, I’ve taken a lot of capacities and networks with landowners and folks that are interested in answering questions that maybe aren’t necessarily a priority of the flyway or the state. I’ve been able to figure out how to walk that fine line between Paul Link, North American Waterfowl Management Plan Coordinator, and Paul Link, hobby scientist, where we can separate those two job functions. On my personal time and, oftentimes—depending on the project—I have to take my own pickup and make sure I’m not using any department resources.
I’m afforded a lot of opportunities, with the freedom that I have with the administration here. A lot of the projects I’m working on, while they’re not maybe the highest priority of the department, there’s a mutual interest in what’s going on. Especially for species like black-bellied ducks that appear to be doing well, but that we don’t have any real good data for population trends or management for. That’s kind of where the white-fronted goose project started. A lot of these same guys that I’d be trapping wood ducks or mottled ducks on their properties would be asking me, “What’s going on with the specklebellies?” Quite frankly, I didn’t know. We’re going through this rapid technology change. The technology for these tracking devices— Literally, every year it’s improved almost another order of magnitude. Five years ago, a couple of really passionate specklebelly hunters in southwest Louisiana asked what it would take to put some of these tracking devices on geese and find out where they’re going, what they’re doing, how long they’re staying there. All their migration information, breeding success. You can get all that information. They basically told me to throw some numbers at them and let them know how much money they needed to raise to get a project up and running. The next summer, we were off and running. We put eleven transmitters out on birds. We figured out how to catch them. That was a big hurdle.
Historically, all the white-fronts are captured in July and August, in the Arctic, when they’re flightless. They are a bird that demands your respect. They are incredibly smart, especially by the time they get down here. The fields that they use are typically mudflats or barren fields, and they have incredible vision, incredible senses. I’ve trapped sandhill cranes along the Nebraska Platte River, for a couple of springs, with Dave Brandt and Northern Prairie. At the time, I thought sandhill cranes were the epitome of capturing wild birds. That was the toughest species I’d ever caught. We’d bury our nets and rake the det cord down with a screwdriver across the prairie grass, hiding everything. Put cow patties over the top of the launchers and rockets, and used stuffer decoys. Basically, just hide off in brush lines and rocket netted over the top of stuffer decoys. It was incredibly fun. Still the most fun two months of my life I’ve ever had was trapping sandhill cranes.
The white-fronts kind of took that to a whole ‘nother level. They’d never been flighted. White-fronts hadn’t been captured in appreciable numbers in fifty years. Trying to figure out how to catch them down here, knowing that we could go to the Arctic and we could deploy some transmitters, but only 18% of them, theoretically, would show up down here. When you’re looking at a $3,000 transmitter, we knew we had to get them out here. We had to catch these geese that were coming here. That’s one of the things I really like about catching and doing research, is the catching part. It’s catch-and-release hunting. It’s pretty hard to kill some of these geese, to get them within shotgun range, but it’s a whole ‘nother level to get them alive. To get your hands on them and be able to let them go when you’re done. I played around; built a lot of stuff; went through a lot of different net designs trying to figure out how we could throw as big a net as possible, as far as we could, as fast as we could. Tore a lot of stuff up, blew a lot of boxes up. It was a pretty substantial learning curve, but we ended up catching a bunch of birds that first year. Now, we’re getting ready to go into year six.
Ramsey Russell: Year six. I was just fixing to ask how long you’ve been doing that.
Paul Link: Yeah. In fact, we’re bringing on a PhD student and a post-doc this year. We’re expanding our network of collaborators. With Dr. Mitch Weegman at Missouri, we’re going to bring on two pretty powerful folks to help analyze all this stuff. Basically, we’re going to put together the life cycle, the ecology, of mid-continent white-fronts in order to tie all these little pieces together with wintering habitat selection and cross-seasonal effects. We have these theories right now, this many years into the project, that perhaps wintering habitat use, and the winter body condition, has an influence on a white-front’s subsequent spring and summer production. If these birds, down here in the southwest—there’s a lot of disturbance going on down there.
These transmitters have a triaxial accelerometer built on board. So if this is the transmitter, we can tell what it’s doing on that X, Y, and Z axis. We know if the goose is flying, if it’s sleeping, if it’s walking, if it’s tipping and dipping, if it’s preening. We can get all that information, and so you can put together an energetics model of the geese. So you not only know that they’re at this coordinate in this field—and you can go in and identify it as being second-crop rice with ten-inch stubble and a four-inch flood—but then you can also tell what the bird is doing. Their proportionate time spent in each of those habitats. We can then compare and contrast regions within the state and among states to see if a white-front in southwest Louisiana is burning more energy than a white-front in eastern Arkansas. That’s one of the things that we launched into last year, with that expansion of the project into Arkansas with a bunch of other private supporters. If those birds up there are acting and behaving differently, if they’re getting less disturbance and there’s more forage, there could be longer-term population level effects for where a bird chooses to winter. That’s obviously a really complicated thing. Then it gets even further complicated when you’re looking at that same individual for years. That’s another thing that this technology has really enabled us to do, is look at an individual bird across multiple years to see what changes.
What influences where they’re wintering? What influences their fall migration dates? We’ve had birds that we’ve marked down here that have spent the whole winter, have gone offline in the Arctic, and the next winter they go to Arkansas for a couple weeks and then end up in Indiana and Illinois for the entire winter. Why would a bird that was down here in October of the year before never come even close to Louisiana again? Having that same bird making multiple migrations can help to tie in pieces and maybe find some of those explanatory variables for why that geese chose to trickle North and hang out with the Canadas and the snows up North.
At this point, five years into the research, we’ve basically got a few answers about the specific habitat types, the arrival dates, the spring departures. We’ve got a great data set of breeding ecology work. Now we’re trying to look at the fidelity and winter philopatry. It takes more individuals and more years. That’s why we’re pretty excited about this recent expansion to go on for another three years of deployments. These units are scheduled to last between two and three years. On our white-fronted geese that are coming up on two and half years of age, the transmitters are still doing really well. These things have a battery, and batteries have a shelf life to them based on the number of recharge cycles, but they’re still going strong. That’s really encouraging. The geese have high survival. Not a lot of people are targeting our collared geese.
On Not Shooting White-fronted Geese with Collar Transmitters
Ramsey Russell: I know some guys that would unfortunately target them if they saw them coming into the decoys.
Paul Link: Yeah. I’ve got a number of folks, that we’ve talked about earlier, that are managing specifically for them. A lot of them have supported the project monetarily and with access to their property for trapping. One of the guys in southwest Louisiana is an incredible caller. He’s passed on five collared white-fronts that he’s had over the decoys in shotgun range. He’s called off his sports from pulling the trigger on those birds. Then another guy gave me a report, one day, that he had five specks come in, and they shot everything except the collared bird. That was kind of a neat experience, with that bird and her family group. They were all banded, interestingly enough. The four geese that were flying with her were all banded. We saw the effects of what happened when she lost all of her family. She did some really bizarre movements for a couple days, but, amazingly enough, settled right back into the same pattern. She came right back to the same farm.
I’ve got two white-fronted geese, that are on their third year of migration, that nest in the same nest bowl in the North Slope of Alaska and come to the same farm just south of Gueydan, Louisiana.
Paul Link: Since then, we’ve seen a number of other instances where a white-front has made just super erratic movements like that, and we always wonder if it’s a similar type of thing. Some of these birds literally roost on the same spot, on the same farm, year after year after year. I’ve got two geese, that are on their third year of migration, that nest in the same nest bowl in the North Slope of Alaska and come to the same farm just south of Gueydan, Louisiana.
Ramsey Russell: Not just the same parish; the same farm.
Paul Link: The same farm. The same field. We’ve ground-truthed our habitats for three years, and a lot of that was going out and knocking on doors and asking farmers— If we couldn’t see a field that birds were in, we did face-to-face interviews. We got farm records, and we talked to these guys. We wanted to know: If they’re in this field, what did you do to that field? That’s the management implications behind all of this. Me, the simple-minded, muddy boot biologist— If they’re selecting this field, and there’s only 1% of that in the landscape, and a lot of these other guys that are trying to manage for white-fronts don’t know that that’s what’s preferred, then they can’t offer it to them. That’s one of the lowest-hanging fruits from this project. Identifying the spatial and temporal scale of preferred habitats, the availability of it on the landscape, and then the selection of those fields and replicating it across the landscape and providing more of that. I have no doubt that it’s a habitat issue that’s driving most of our decline here. There’s been a lot of changes in rice agriculture here, just in the time that I’ve been here.
What Habitat Changes Drive Number of Specklebelly (White-fronted Geese) and Other Waterfowl Wintering in Louisiana?
I have no doubt that it’s a habitat issue that’s driving most of our decline here. There’s been a lot of changes in rice agriculture here, just in the time that I’ve been here…When [you’re flying aerial surveys] you’re coming across the marsh and you hit the agricultural transition and you’re in rice, you can almost catch your breath. You’re looking up ahead, and you can see the rice coming, and things are going to slow down. You’re going to have time to breathe. Then, when you get up on a crawfish pond—especially crawfish fields that have traps, that have the boat runs that are clearly identified—it’s a ghost town. There aren’t ducks. There aren’t geese. There aren’t water birds.
Ramsey Russell: Been a lot of changes in habitat in all. Not just in Louisiana, but up and down the Mississippi Flyway and in the world at large. The first thing I think of when I think of this part of Louisiana is of the Gulf Coast issues going on that we hear a lot about. The coastal erosion, the sinking land, however they describe the lower Mississippi Delta. I think of how the habitat changed initially from marsh, or semi-permanent marsh, to rice. Then there’s been other changes. Crawfish, for example. That used to be a few folks who went out and drug ditches and caught crawfish, back in the day. It is a multi-billion dollar industry now, and waterfowl eat those little crawfish when they’re babies. What specifically are you seeing? What are you thinking so far, five years into this?
Paul Link: Well, that’s the million dollar question. With the changes in agriculture, with the rice varieties, but also with the way rice is farmed. When I came down here fifteen years ago, everybody was water seeding. Put a flood up, water work a field, fly the rice in, pull the water off, pulse the water back on. Traditional heirloom-variety rice crops. Then we came into the genetically-modified stuff, the Clearfield varieties. Dry-ground farming, drilling your crop in, not bringing the water on and off, as historically. There’s just been a ton of changes in the way rice is farmed. Aquaculture acreage, as you mentioned, has skyrocketed here. In a lot of cases, it’s for the better. There’s a ton of rice farmers out there that wouldn’t be in business right now if it wasn’t for the rice/crawfish aquaculture. They really can’t do one without the other in a lot of instances. It’s the cash crop that keeps them on the land, that keeps them profitable. But, obviously, crawfish is not a preferred white-fronted goose habitat. They’re typically flooded up pretty deep. Very deep.
Ramsey Russell: You were saying earlier that they like the shallower water to where just their feet get wet.
Paul Link: Yeah. They will roost in a crawfish field, but, typically, the crawfishermen want the substrate. They want that stubble. They’re putting cannons and lasers and flags, all kinds of deterrents, out there to keep waterfowl out of there. As well as, obviously, shooting them if they have to.
Ramsey Russell: Aside from specks, do you think those practices would affect duck utilization of those habitats? I know there’s some groups down in that part of the world that are all up in arms about corn up in Missouri, but there could be other things going on right there in their backyard.
Paul Link: Absolutely. It’s the same thing. When we’re flying aerial surveys, Larry Reynolds, who’s been doing this longer than I have, always talks when he’s coming off those transitions— We’ve got North-South transect lines, and when you’re coming across the marsh and you hit the agricultural transition and you’re in rice, you can almost catch your breath. You’re looking up ahead, and you can see the rice coming, and things are going to slow down. You’re going to have time to breathe. Then, when you get up on a crawfish pond—especially crawfish fields that have traps, that have the boat runs that are clearly identified—it’s a ghost town. There aren’t ducks. There aren’t geese. There aren’t water birds. There’s nothing in most of these fields. Again, crawfish is better than nothing. It’s better than sugar cane for waterfowl. It’s one of those double-edged swords.
Ramsey Russell: Isn’t there a lot of sugar cane in that part of Louisiana?
Paul Link: It’s grown exponentially.
Ramsey Russell: Has it capped out, do you think, or is it still expanding?
Paul Link: I think it’s probably still expanding.
Ramsey Russell: Wow. I do like crawfish, but you’ve made me start feeling guilty about eating it as much as I do.
Paul Link: I still eat it, too. Like I say, I’m good friends with a lot of those rice farmers, and it’s keeping them in business. If it wasn’t for the ability to crawfish on some of their acreage, or half of their acreage, they couldn’t keep the farm.
Ramsey Russell: Have they always ratoon cropped, or second-cropped, rice in this part of the world?
Paul Link: Yep.
Ramsey Russell: That’s always happened, and now they’re finding out that they can bring in this aquaculture component as a third crop, really. That’s how they’re able to remain profitable and stay in business.
Specklebelly (White-fronted Goose) Behaviors Observed
Specklebelly (White-fronted Goose) Migrational Scale
Ramsey Russell: I follow you on Instagram, and I’m going to be sure that you share that with other folks listening, because they’ll find your information interesting. What are some of the crazy things you’ve seen doing these banding and, especially, these geo-locator studies?
Paul Link: Well, just the scale at which these geese can move across the country is probably the most eye-opening thing to me. We’ve got white-fronted geese that, when they come off the Arctic in the summer—especially those Alaska birds in the fall and, more impressively, in the spring—when they’re sitting there at the Peace River in Alberta, the gamble that they’re preparing— I don’t think a lot of people can grasp the gamble that that bird is making. They’re standing there literally on the ice line. They’ve been fighting that ice getting North, which, physiologically, they often struggle with that. They show up down here, and it’s still 95°. That’s a white-front that you would think doesn’t like the cold. Yet in the spring, they are literally chomping at the bit to get back to the Arctic. They want their nest bowl. They want to be there first. They want to make sure they get the best spot. Sitting there looking at these movements, watching those birds stage up, and then, a year or two later, understanding the physiological consequences to their decision on when we go, when we leave here— They leave not knowing what the ten day forecast is 1,100 miles away, where they’re going. When they leave that Peace River, it’s rocks, trees, and ice. Those birds show up. They’ve got two weeks of standing on the ice when they get there. Every year. Best case scenario, they have to stand there for two weeks. There’s not going to be any green-up. There’s no food. There’s nothing.
When they take off, they’re carrying what they can on them in the form of their fat that they’ve piled back up from eating waste grains on the prairies again. They’re hinging on that. They’re weighing the cost of staying there and fattening up for a few extra days, versus another white-front getting to the choicest habitat ahead of them. They’re weighing all that stuff and seeing the consequences. We’ve had a couple bad years in a row for production. Birds get up there—and it’s not bad if it’s cold, if the ice-out is delayed—but if they get to initiating a nest and then they have a blizzard and can’t stay on their eggs, they’ll lose them. They have to keep them, once they start incubating.
Seeing those trade-offs, those huge decisions that those geese are making, and the ferocity of the climate that those things are facing. These things have on-board weather collection devices on them where they can get percent cloud cover and temperature and barometric pressure and wind speed and everything. You see what these birds are doing. When they leave Alberta, they don’t get above freezing for thirty days, a lot of years. Knowing that there’s no moisture. There’s no green vegetation. They’re on their own from the time they leave. They’re capital breeders, so their females are going to have to lay a heavy clutch of eggs. She’s going to lose a ton of weight.
The gamble that they make— To me, that’s the most fascinating thing. Then, conversely, when they’re coming back through the prairies— The Saskatchewan and Alberta prairies in September and October is a marvelous place. There’s food everywhere. The lakes that they roost on are about as permanent as they come. There’s always going to be a big lake, the Quills or another famous staging area. It’s stable. It’s dependable. The crops have changed quite a bit over the last twenty years, but—
Ramsey Russell: A lot of canola.
Paul Link: Yeah. The peas and barleys. Peas are doing all right in a lot of places, but the barley is not. That’s obviously one of their preferred items, but they leave all that. Most of them leave that in a time of plenty, and they come down here. I’ve often wondered why that is. They’re leaving the land of milk and honey.
Specklebelly (White-fronted Goose) Migrational Timing
Ramsey Russell: Do you see, and does your data after five years support—? Because I’ve always thought of specks as a photoperiod migrator. It’s like an internal part of their calendars says, “Time to go.”
Paul Link: Yeah, that’s changed a lot. As a kid growing up in central North Dakota where I did, right on the Missouri River, I remember our waterfall openers. If you didn’t kill a white-front in North Dakota on opening weekend, you’d never see or hear another one. I remember being out scouting and hearing birds in the middle of the night; walking outside or sleeping with the windows open at night, and hearing specks going overhead in September. Never see a speck. From November first on, never did you see a speck up there. Now, for the last five years, I’ve killed specks up there when I go back to hunt. They’re with the western prairie Canadas well after ice-up, in the snow. Things are definitely changing. There are specks up there that stay late. They wait until the last throw of winter when the snow gets too deep to forage through. Then, seeing these geese that are wintering in Illinois and Indiana the last few years—that’s a trend that we’ve had every year. There’s been one to four geese that we marked down here that, as soon as they get here, it seems like they turn around and start trickling their way back North. Some of them, even before our hunting seasons even open. It’s hard to explain.
Does Improved Agricultural Harvest Efficiency Affect Specklebelly (White-fronted Goose) Feeding Patterns?
Ramsey Russell: Well, could that be a function of increased population? Maybe there’s more birds, so there’s a longer window of opportunity that they’re nesting, so you’ve got different stages of age classes or something when it’s time to migrate South? Could it be that?
Paul Link: Yeah. I’m guessing it’s probably food. These combines, they’re getting better and better every year. I’ve gone out behind a combine in a field. Geese— If they start feeding in a field in the morning, they won’t hit it again. That’s it. They’ll have it eaten out by the end of the day. If they get in there at three in the afternoon, there’s about a 50/50 chance that they’ll come back and hit it again the next morning. They’ll eat a field out in a day. These are dry fields. Farmers have pulled the water off. It’s ratoon crop, and you can see individual seeds laying on the ground. Those white-fronts—I’m sure you’ve watched them—get shoulder-to-shoulder, and they’re basically running. Birds at the back of the group, they’ll get up and fly twenty yards ahead.
Ramsey Russell: Like a bunch of little Hoover vacuums combing the field.
Paul Link: Exactly. At that time of the year, rice farming, and farming in general, has gotten clean. These rice fields are clean, clean, clean. There’s nothing in them. 25 years ago, 50 years ago—from talking with a lot of these guys—farming was dirty. There were all kinds of moist-soil plants in amongst all these fields, and there was more food. The combine technology— A lot came out the back of the combine if you didn’t have your screen set right, but now everything is so clean. There’s so little waste rice coming out, and they’re so efficient. There’s so few weeds. There’s so few seeds. There’s not a lot else on the landscape for those white-fronted geese until we start getting some green-up again in those fields.
Ramsey Russell: Then what would be some of the primary plants? Henbit? What would be some of the plants they’re hitting, because I was wondering. It’s not just grain. It’s whatever comes next, the little green-up.
Paul Link: Yeah. They make a pretty stark change, and that’s one of the things our ground-truthing data really showed. They’ll switch to grazing midway through the winter, and it depends on the temps and the moisture and everything. Especially the bean fields and the idle ag fields. The cattlemen don’t really like it, but when guys are starting to fertilize the rye pastures in December and January— Those white-fronted geese will do that. We can see it on the sensor data that I was telling you about earlier, where you can tell what the birds are doing. Early in the fall, they start out doing two-a-days, where they’re going out feeding in the combine tracks in the morning; going back to the water, to the roost, through the heat of the day; and then flying back out in the evening.
They do that for a long time. It’s 95°, so they’re going back for a drink if there isn’t water in the combine tracks of the rice fields. Then at some point, usually midwinter December or so, they switch to grazing. They’re herbivores. They’re just out clipping shoots and various things. At that point, they’re grazing ten hours of the day. If there’s twelve hours of daylight, with their activity on that sensor data, you can see that they’re working. They’re eating bushels of food. Not getting a lot of energy out of it, but that’s what’s available, so that’s what they’re eating.
Does Hunting Pressure on Specklebellies (White-fronted Geese) Changes in Louisiana?
By Sunday afternoon of opening weekend, all of those [marked] white-fronted geese had either left Louisiana or had left the Coastal Zone. Every single one of them, that we marked in the Coastal Zone had left that zone within eighteen hours [of hard opening mornings where duck and goose opened on the same date]. Most importantly, they didn’t come back all winter long.
Ramsey Russell: A changing landscape, which will always continue to change. Does hunting, or hunting pressure, have a role in any of these changes? Can you see it in some of the geo-data? Can you see the role of hunting pressure on bird movement?
Paul Link: Yeah. The first two years of this project, we had what I’ve termed “hard opening weekends,” where our coastal duck and goose season opened on the same date. It’s World War III. I’ll never forget my first winter down here. I was staying in a bunkhouse at Cameron Prairie National Wildlife Refuge. We’d been tracking all night, getting our mallards located, and then we’d get back out in the morning and start ground tracking. I’d get a missing bird list together, and I’d go to the airport and get an assessment, and we’d fly. We’d do that every day and night that the weather allowed.
Well, that opening day— I’ll never forget what that sounded like. We were going to sleep in, that morning, and it was like nothing I’d ever heard. I’d grown up in North Dakota, and had travelled in the upper Midwest and into Canada, hunting, but I’d never heard anything like that before. There wasn’t three seconds where there wasn’t gunfire, a volley of gunfire, for hours. That was a big deal for those geese. The duck and goose hunters are pretty distinct. A duck hunter will shoot a speck 100% of the time, provided the opportunity, but the 15% of our waterfowl hunters that identify as a goose hunter are very different from the duck hunters. Most of them are hunting dry fields. They’re hunting with airbrushed, custom, full-body decoys in blinds that you can’t spot from fifty yards. They tell you, “Step here. Step here. Step here.” They’re picking their spent hulls up like they’re cognizant of everything. These are the most efficient killers.
Ramsey Russell: The times I’ve hunted white-fronted geese down around Cameron, it was so densely brushed that you could wear white shrimping boats and an orange jumpsuit. I actually, well into the morning, had to use my phone light to find my box of shells. It was serious.
Paul Link: Yeah. The first two years, that’s the way our zone and boundary worked. We had hard opening mornings where duck and goose opened on the same date, and it was huge. That first year of our project, we put out eleven units as a pilot. We had seven that we marked preseason. By Sunday afternoon of opening weekend, all seven of those white-fronted geese had either left Louisiana or had left the Coastal Zone. Every single one of them, seven of seven, that we marked in the Coastal Zone had left that zone within eighteen hours.
Ramsey Russell: How big is the zone? What does that mean?
Paul Link: Basically, the southern third of the state was in the Coastal Zone.
Most importantly, they didn’t come back all winter long. We had a joke with my texts that first year, that once they crossed I-10, it was over. There was no turning back. Those white-fronted geese never came back.
Ramsey Russell: Where did they go? North?
Paul Link: We had one white-fronted goose that stopped up in the north and northeast MAV, around the south of Monroe. The others white-fronted geese moved up into the eastern Delta.
Ramsey Russell: Wow. Yeah, that’s a pretty good way.
Paul Link: Yeah. Most importantly, they didn’t come back all winter long. We had a joke with my texts that first year, that once they crossed I-10, it was over. There was no turning back. Those white-fronted geese never came back. The second year, we had 24 units. I think we put 11 of them out, and the same thing happened. We lost 8 of 11 birds. They exited the Coastal Zone by Sunday at sunset of opening weekend. Then, unrelated to that, we had the expansion of opportunity for geese that gave us additional days. To give our hunters opportunity for those additional days, we offered two weeks prior to the duck opener, to the Coastal Zone. White-fronted geese season actually opened up well before duck season.
As I mentioned, about 15% of our waterfowl hunters are goose hunters. Most of those guys went out the third year of our project and hunted. Well, thankfully, the 85% of other waterfowl hunters, the duck hunters, weren’t out there yet. The guns started going off in those intensively-managed areas where guys were hunting geese, but the rest of the landscape wasn’t being hunted, so those geese could go figure things out. They could go over and hang out in front of a guy’s duck blind for a few hours while those guys finished hunting. They stayed here. They were kind of like, “Okay, we’ve got this figured out.” Two weeks later, the duck opener comes. By then, they’d figured out where everything was. The guys were going out days before, brushing their duck blinds, throwing their decoys out, and the White-fronts were kind of like, “Okay. Taking notes. We’ve got this. We’ve got this figured out.”
Opening day of duck season came, and they had it all figured out. Hardly lost any more white-fronted geese in the next few years. That was kind of an accident, that we learned. A hunting disturbance— When it happens like that, when everything opens together and everybody’s out there, there aren’t very many safe places for a bird to go locally. They get up in the air. The guns are just going off everywhere, and they’re just like, “We got to go. We got to go somewhere else.” Whereas, when it opened earlier, there weren’t nearly as many guns going off at the same time. They could kind of keep their bearings and find places to ride it out. They had twelve days to figure out the safe places.
Can Providing Sanctuary Improve Specklebelly (White-fronted Goose) Hunting?
Paul Link: Most of these big clubs that are successful, as you know, manage sanctuary on their properties. They have places where they do a much better job at regulating disturbance than the inviolate refuges that agencies and the Fish and Wildlife Service and folks like us may have. They’ll provide a place in the middle of their farm where they just leave the waterfowl alone. That’s theirs. That’s their roost. That’s their sanctuary. People like keeping a big hub of white-fronted geese in the middle of their farms. Obviously, a few of them are going to make mistakes and give you opportunities to see and harvest waterfowl. That was one of the biggest and most informative things that we saw. There’s a potential that we can kind of slowly turn these birds on to the hunting pressure. We’re trying to create a mini refuge program, so to speak. Or we can provide these birds early, dependable water, every year, on a landscape that’s pretty dry, and then keep it disturbance free. So when the guns start going off during hunting season, they kind of know, historically, that, “Hey, we can go to this field, and nobody will mess with us.” Then, obviously, they can go forage from there locally. If they get shot at, they’ll come back. They’ve got to have a safe place to rest. That’s the primary thing with everything I’ve radio marked and tracked down here. They have to have some place that they can go do their thing unmolested.
Ramsey Russell: I’ve heard for years people that are, for lack of a better word, anti-refuge. It doesn’t make sense. Man, waterfowl have got to have somewhere they can go be a duck without getting shot at it. It’s critical. Anywhere in the world you go, they’ve got to have somewhere they can just be a duck and do ducky things and not get shot. I can’t remember if it was you or somebody else telling me a story about banding a speck, one time, that swapped flyways. It was just absolutely gone within weeks. Was that you telling me the story, or somebody else?
Paul Link: No, the California guys, the Dixon guys, that have been marking specks, they have that on occasion. A bird that they mark out in the Central Valley of California will go North and come over to this flyway. Some of them have even —Ross’s geese, in particular—come here one winter, and then stayed back the next. For whatever reason, they just hop flyways.
Ramsey Russell: I see. When those white-fronted geese leave Louisiana, do they skip like a rock up to the Arctic? Or do they just fly?
Paul Link: They hop their way North, primarily. If a bird is still here on the 20th of February, they’ll typically jump to the eastern Dakotas on their way. A lot of them, probably 3/4’s of them—by the first of February, they’re chasing the ice line. They’re on their way. They’re going as far North as they can, and then they’re staging up south of the tree line in Prairie Canada. That’s kind of their hub. This year, it was southeast North Dakota. The way the ice and snow line was, southeast North Dakota had our white-fronted geese for over thirty days, just stacked up there waiting for the snow to melt. But most years, it’s Prairie Canada. Most falls, it’s the same. It’s thirty days from the time they show up. If they get there in late August, it’s usually late September when they come back. So it seems like in thirty days—good, bad, or ugly—they can acquire what they need to make that movement North or South.
Ramsey Russell: That’s crazy. That is absolutely amazing. I’ll tell you, the whole migratory process is just amazing, how those white-fronts will move and do that kind of stuff.
Hunter-related Mortality of Collared Research Specklebellies (White-fronted Geese)
Ramsey Russell: How many of your collared white-fronted geese do get shot? You and your private landowner partners are spending a lot of time and money on your research birds. How many get shot?
Paul Link: It’s about 20%. It’s not unreasonable. Our annual estimates from harvest are around 85% or so survival, 10-12% for hunting mortality. So it’s higher, but, obviously, these things are wearing a collar. They’re uncoated. Ours are gray. Some people put brown on, but we try to make them as cryptic as we can so they’re hard to see. Every year, I’ll have one or two that get shot off-roads. They’re either not picked up or discarded. We had one shot in Arkansas this spring, three days after the goose season closed. The guy admitted what he did. He’s a lifelong hunter. He saw it, didn’t know what it was, and made a series of bad decisions. We got the collar back from him. Most people are pretty good about it. They understand what we’re trying to do.
Ramsey Russell: The geo-marker is in the collar, not the leg?
Paul Link: Correct. The collars we’re using, they’re uncoated. They have three solar panels on them. It’s all incorporated into the collar. It’s a pretty smooth device. We also band them.
Private landowners that I’ve spoken to over the past few months are farming, but they’re laying aside some pretty significant private contributions into habitat, into some of these rest areas Paul is talking about. Now, they’re coming in and digging elbow-deep in their own pockets and funding these expensive tracking collars they’re putting on these white-fronted geese, too.
Ramsey Russell: One thing I wanted to bear out to people listening, that really impressed me about what he calls his hobby experiments, is that it’s privately funded. It’s a lot of private landowners in southwest Louisiana and parts of Arkansas, probably elsewhere. Clubs and landowners that just are digging elbow-deep into their own pockets and funding this research. I know the state and federal government is also doing some activities along with him, but I just wanted to bear out— We always hear about the importance of hunting in conservation, hunters as conservationists. But, man, this is, to me, an extreme level. A lot of these private landowners that I’ve spoken to over the past few months are farming, but they’re laying aside some pretty significant private contributions into habitat, into some of these rest areas Paul is talking about. Now, they’re coming in and digging elbow-deep in their own pockets and funding these expensive trackers they’re putting on these white-fronts, too. Paul, where do you go from here? After five years, what questions do you want to answer? What directions have you started taking now, after five years of getting your bearings on all this?
The next big thing for us now, to look at both the differences in the regions that these white-fronted geese are wintering and the habitat selection. Looking at what consequences that has on other, subsequent, vital rates. Does where a white-front chooses to winter have an effect on its breeding success five months later? That’s the kind of information that this technology is finally allowing us to look at.
Paul Link: Well, like we spoke about prior to starting the podcast, the cross-seasonal effects. That’s kind of the next big thing for us now, to look at both the differences in the regions that these white-fronted geese are wintering and the habitat selection. Looking at what consequences that has on other, subsequent, vital rates. Does where a white-front chooses to winter have an effect on its breeding success five months later? That’s the kind of information that this technology is finally allowing us to look at. To look at the same individual white-fronted goose, theoretically, up to three breeding seasons. To see, say, if she winters in southwest Louisiana in year one, does this on her spring migration, goes up and nests in the Arctic with— We can tell, based on their movements, whether they’re successful in nesting. We don’t know recruitment unless we would go get a visual on that bird after she shows back up on the prairies, but there’s too many variables there with loss of young after fledging. Then in year two, if she chooses to winter in a different region, if she has a different spring migration strategy and a different subsequent breeding effort; basically, trying to tie in those different cross-seasonal effects with fall staging areas, wintering areas, spring migration, and subsequent reproduction.
We know for almost all waterfowl species that the most critical time period, the most critical season, is that breeding season window. That’s kind of where we’re headed now; answering these complicated questions that require longevity. You need a unit to last multiple breeding seasons to answer those types of questions. Some white-fronted geese mate, and that’s another thing that we don’t really talk about. Some of these white-fronted geese might be three years old, some of them might be seventeen years old. We know this because I’ve recaptured geese before that have been wearing bands. We’ve replaced a number of bands. Nobody really knows what age they are.
We assume that every able-bodied bird in good enough body condition, when they leave Prairie Canada in the spring, is going to go nest. Mitch Weegman’s learning, with the Greenland population of white-fronted geese, that only about a third of those white-fronts even attempt to nest. Even when they’re in the same body condition, year after year, only a third of them even attempt to nest. Now, we think our mid-continent white-fronted geese are different. We think that they’re going to try every year, but the Arctic is a pretty hostile place most years. It really depends on spring weather and ice-out and everything, but we think most of our white-fronted geese go at it. Every year, they attempt to nest. Obviously, they have highly variable success rates and production, but that’s kind of where we’re heading. It’s the really complicated stuff that’s left.
We’ve got good drivers on the biometrics of what a spring and fall migration look like. We know how many kilocalories of energy it takes to make those movements. We know that when they migrate they’re between 850 and 7,000 feet above sea level, and they’re traveling between 55 and 70 miles per hour. We’ve got all that. Now, it’s trying to tie in all these complicated things through a longer period of time. That’s where we’re heading with the project right now.
Ramsey Russell: Paul, I really appreciate your explanations and discussion of your research here on these white-fronted geese, or specklebellies down here in southwest Louisiana and abroad. Is there anything I didn’t ask that you can think to say?
Paul Link: Well, we’ve been from one end of the flyway to the other. I think we’ve pretty well covered white-fronted geese.
Ramsey Russell: We’ve covered it. How can people connect with you on social media?
Paul Link: Well, our Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries foundation has a website. That’s lawff.org/waterfowl. They’ve got some pages that highlight the three projects that we’re currently working on. They’ve got some informational sheets so that you can see what our methods are, what our white-fronted goose research objectives are, the main questions, the need for why we’re doing what we’re doing. Then, also, a donate feature where they can make a donation if they choose to support the projects. Again, that’s been the grassroots of all these projects. A lot of guys are reaching in, pulling out a $20 bill—some of them thousands of —but it’s a grassroots effort. Hunters and sportsmen that are interested in these Louisiana white-fronted geese, that love these specks as much as—or sometimes, in some cases, even more than—me, they’re driving this stuff. They’re helping us collect the data to improve our understanding, to provide better places for these white-fronted geese, and help us try to better understand what’s going on.
Ramsey Russell: That’s a great way to be involved. What is your Instagram account, where you, a lot of times, post some of your data and photos?
Paul Link: It’s @plink_the_bander. That’s my Instagram. I’ve been a little too busy here, the last few weeks, to be updating folks, but this is the most important time of the year. As we sit down here where it’s 95º, those things that those white-fronted geese and those mallards and those blue-wingeds and gadwalls and everything else that we hold near and dear to us— This is the month, now. This is the thirty-day window where everything important to how our falls are going to go is happening. I’ll be trying to get a little more active on there. There’s a lot of cool nesting movements and stuff going on right now. It’s a good opportunity for a lot of folks to think about what’s going on in the off-season with these birds, to kind of keep them dialed-in on what’s important for ducks and geese.
Ramsey Russell: Fantastic. @plink_the_bander. Y’all check it out. He posts some really cool stuff when he’s doing this banding, and I really like some of the map data you post of how that bird’s moving, how far that bird’s moved. It’s just amazing stuff to me. Y’all check out the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Foundation website he told you about if you’d like to become actively involved, yourself, in some of this research. Guys, thank y’all for listening to Duck Season Somewhere podcast. See you next time. | Paul Link ni Louisiana Idara ya Wanyama wa Pori, Uvuvi na Hifadhi ya Amerika ya Kaskazini Waterfowl Management Plan Mratibu. Idadi ya nyigu wa katikati ya bara wanaokaa kusini magharibi mwa Louisiana imepungua sana katika miaka ya hivi karibuni, na masomo ya wakati halisi ya telemetry ya Link yamewezesha uelewa mkubwa wa tabia za maisha na mifumo ya uhamiaji ya Louisiana specklebellies. Utafiti huo unahusisha nini na unahusisha nini? Ni mambo gani yanayoweza kusababisha kupungua kwa idadi ya bata-mwitu wanaoishi wakati wa majira ya baridi kali kusini-magharibi mwa Louisiana? Wanyama-mwitu wanaohusika na uhifadhi wa mazingira wanahusikaje? Link anashiriki utajiri wa habari za kuvutia na Ramsey Russell kuhusu mada ya kuvutia. Paul Link anaelezea kwa nini hibernating White-fronted Geese inaweza kuwa kupungua katika Louisiana na zaidi ya kibinafsi-financed Specklebelly Utafiti wa kuelewa vizuri hii utamaduni muhimu Waterfowl Spishi Sisi ni kuweka pamoja mzunguko wa maisha, ikolojia, ya katikati ya bara nyeupe-fronted ili kufunga vipande vyote hivi kidogo pamoja na hibernating habitat uteuzi na athari msalaba wa msimu. Kwa hivyo, kuna nadharia kwamba matumizi ya makazi ya majira ya baridi kali, na hali ya mwili wa majira ya baridi kali, ina ushawishi juu ya uzalishaji wa majira ya kuchipua na majira ya joto ya ndege. Tunaweza kupata habari hizo zote na kuunda mfano wa nishati ya ndege. Chagua wakati unaopaswa kutumiwa katika kila moja ya maeneo hayo. "Kisha tunaweza kulinganisha na kulinganisha mikoa ndani ya jimbo na kati ya majimbo ili kuona kama geese nyeupe-juu ya magharibi ya Louisiana ni kuchoma nishati zaidi kuliko nyeupe-juu ya mashariki ya Arkansas. """ Ikiwa wale bata-mbweha huko juu wanafanya na kujiendesha tofauti, ikiwa wanapata usumbufu mdogo na kuna chakula zaidi, kunaweza kuwa na athari za muda mrefu kwa kiwango cha idadi ya watu kwa mahali ambapo bata-mbweha mweupe huchagua majira ya baridi. "Mimi na rafiki yangu, ""Ramsey Russell,"" tunashukuru kwa kushirikiana na sisi katika kipindi kingine cha podcast cha ""Duck Season Somewhere.""" Ramsey Russell, GetDucks. Mimi niko Baton Rouge, Louisiana, siku ya joto ya Juni. Mimi nina kukaa katika ofisi, shukrani kwa Mungu. Mimi ni kukutana na mgeni wa leo, Paul Link. Ninyi nyote sikilizeni. Hii ni hadithi ya kuvutia ambayo ilikuja kwangu kutoka kwa mfuasi wa akaunti ya Instagram kutoka hapa chini huko Louisiana. Nilikuwa najua hii, lakini hii itakuwa kidogo zaidi ya kina ya mazungumzo. Kwa mfano, katika kipindi cha miaka ya hivi karibuni, kusini magharibi mwa Louisiana ilikuwa na asilimia 80 ya idadi ya watu wa kati ya bara, yaani, Mississippi na Central Flyways, wenye thamani ya speckle-belly geese. Asilimia themanini! Nambari za leo? 18% ya asilimia. Ni nini kilichotukia? Paul Link ataweza kutoa mwanga kidogo, na nadhani nyote mtafurahia mazungumzo haya. Paul, unaendeleaje leo? Paul Link: Imekuwa bora, lakini sisi ni kufanya hivyo. Je, COVID-19 imeathiri uhifadhi wa ndege wa majini wa Amerika Kaskazini? "Ramsey Russell: ""Je, COVID imeweka fimbo katika spokes zako, pia?""" Paul Link: Ni kweli. Si mbaya kama wenzangu wengine wengi. Tulikuwa katikati ya msimu wa kuvua teal yenye mabawa ya bluu kwa ajili ya mradi mwingine wa utafiti ambao tumekuwa tukifanya kazi. Tumechukua miaka minane katika mradi huo, hasa kuangalia mafua ya ndege na jinsi ugonjwa huo umehamia juu na chini ya bara la Amerika Kaskazini na Amerika Kusini. Tulikuwa na uwezo wa kufanya kazi yetu ya shambani. Kwa hakika ilibadili jinsi tunavyofanya mambo. Tulikuwa na masuala mengi ya kutenganisha kijamii ya kushughulikia. Ukubwa wa kikundi cha kumi au chini. Tuliweza kufanya hivyo. Kwa kawaida, wanafunzi wengi wa chuo kikuu huja Louisiana kwa likizo ya spring na kusaidia katika mwisho wa wiki, trapping, lakini tuliweza kuendelea kufanya kazi na kufanya hivyo. Haiwezi kusema sawa kwa ajili ya mengi ya majimbo mengine katika njia yetu ya ndege, sasa hivi. Bado kuna watu ambao hawaruhusiwi kurudi kazini. Kuna mengi ya kabla ya msimu duck banding kwamba si kutokea mwaka huu. Kwa mfano, BPOP (Breeding Population Survey) ni utafiti wa idadi ya watu wa jamii ya watu. Kazi nyingi za kuunganisha bata wa mbao na bata wa Kanada zimefutwa. Ni nyakati zenye kupendeza. "Mikutano yetu haifanyi kazi kabisa, lakini huwezi kufikiria kazi ya shambani, kitu kama kwenda nje na kufanya gari la Canada goose kwa banding. ""Huwezi kufikiria kwamba itakuwa kitu ambacho kitatoweka kwa sababu ya baadhi ya miongozo hii ya COVID, lakini, kwa bahati mbaya, kuna." Kuna mengi ya matokeo ambayo sidhani yeyote kati yetu, mwaka mmoja uliopita, angeweza kutabiri. Ramsey Russell: Hakuna mtu angeweza kuona hii, kama hivi karibuni kama Februari au hata Machi, sidhani. Wewe na mimi walikuwa wanatarajiwa kupata pamoja nyuma katika vuli. Nilikuwa na kwenda kushiriki katika baadhi ya specklebelly banding yako, na kalenda yetu hakuwa mstari juu. "Kisha, mimi naenda Louisiana na kufanya ""Blue Wings.""" Ninapenda bluu-winged teal, na najua wewe ni hai sana katika kwamba. Kwa sababu ya COVID, huwezi hata kuingia Louisiana; wasije wakaacha ukubwa wa kikundi na mapungufu yote hayo. Lakini tuko hapa. Ni Juni, na tuko hapa Louisiana. Ni nani Paul Link, mtaalamu wa viumbe wa majini wa Louisiana? "Ramsey Russell: ""Ninajua kwamba mimi ni mtu wa kwanza katika familia ya Paul." Wewe si kutoka Louisiana. Paul Link: La hasha. Mimi ni kutoka North Dakota. Nilifika Louisiana miaka kumi na tano iliyopita kwa ajili ya shule ya kuhitimu katika LSU na kuishia kuanguka katika upendo na mahali. Kuwa mtu wa ndege wa maji kutoka siku ya kwanza ya kuzaliwa na kukua katika moyo wa eneo la mashimo ya prairie huko North Dakota... Ni wazi, nia yangu wakati huo ilikuwa kuja hapa na kuona upande mwingine wa njia ya kuruka, ambapo ndege walitumia majira ya baridi. Kwa kweli, nilipenda sana sehemu nyingi za Louisiana. Paradiso ya Wanariadha. Sitasahau kamwe mara ya kwanza nilipofanya kazi yangu ya kuhitimu juu ya mallards kusini magharibi mwa Louisiana. Wakati huo, teknolojia ilikuwa VHF transmitters, ambayo ni tu redio transmitter. Lazima uende kwa kweli uwapate ndege hao. "Mmoja wa matukio hayo ya kutisha sana ni wakati nilipokuwa nikiondoka uwanja wa ndege wa Lake Charles nikiwa kwenye ndege ndogo ya Cessna, nikipanda juu ya ardhi ili kutafuta bata-mbuzi waliopotea, na nikaona mabwawa mbele yangu.""" Katika eneo la milima ya juu, unaweza kuona eneo la mabwawa la 35 maili kati ya Ziwa Charles na Ghuba ya Mexico. Katika sehemu ya mashariki ya nchi, kama vile macho yanaweza kuona, kulikuwa na maeneo makubwa, mazuri, ya mvua ya majani ya Novemba ambayo yalikuwa yamejaa bata. Wakati huo huo, katika jimbo langu la nyumbani, marafiki wangu wote tayari ni uvuvi barafu na kupata snowmobiles nje. Hii ni, kwa wazi, wakati mgumu zaidi wa mwaka kwangu, miezi michache ijayo. Kwa sababu ya msimu wa vimbunga wa Louisiana, joto na unyevu, ni mahali pazuri pa kukaa. Ramsey Russell: Na ulikua ukiwinda bata. Paul Link: Oh yeah. Ramsey Russell: Kwa hiyo wewe ni kile ninachoita mtaalamu wa biolojia wa ndoano na risasi. Hiyo ndiyo iliyokuongoza kwenye njia hii. Paul Link: Ndiyo, bila shaka. "Ramsey Russell: ""Ninachokipenda zaidi ni Louisiana." Hiyo ni hivyo. Vitu vingine vyote ni, kama unavyosema, Paradiso ya Wanariadha. Chakula ni nzuri. Watu ni wenye kufurahisha. Mimi pia kama mashabiki LSU. Mimi si gonna uongo na wewe, mtu. Wao ni watu funniest nimekuwa milele karibu. Louisiana Specklebellies (White-fronted Geese) Ramsey Russell: Kwa vyovyote vile, ulitaja Ziwa Charles, Louisiana na siku zote nimeshangazwa kwamba majina mengi ya bidhaa, au bidhaa zinazotambuliwa, simu za specklebelly zinatoka katika mkoa huo. Baada ya kuwinda huko chini mara chache; ni dini. Wao kuwinda bata katika Louisiana, lakini specklebellies ni dini yao. Ningesema ni zaidi ya Ukatoliki kwa Louisiana. Ni specklebellies. Nilikuwa nikivua karibu na Lacassine wakati mmoja na Bill Daniels, wakati niliposikia hadithi hii kwamba, zamani, 80% ya idadi ya specklebellies ya kati ya bara ilitumia kuhamia eneo hilo, na sasa ni sehemu ndogo tu ya wale wanaofanya. Wanasema nambari ni sawa, lakini asilimia ya jamaa ni njia tofauti. Ni nini kinachoendelea? "Mwanzoni, tulikuwa na ""mfano wa watu wenye nywele nyeupe"" katika Louisiana." Ni kuhesabu yetu katikati ya majira ya baridi. Ni picha moja tu. Juma la kwanza la Januari. Ni wakati pekee sisi kuhesabu yao. Jambo moja nimekuwa kujifunza na mradi huu - kuwa nje, viatu juu ya ardhi, kihalisi kila siku kwamba naweza kupata mbali na kazi kutoka kuhusu kumi ya Oktoba mpaka mwisho moja kuondoka katika Machi - ni kwamba bado kupata tani ya nyeupe-mzizi hapa. Najua idadi yetu - na, labda, trajectory - haingekuwa sawa kama sisi alifanya mapema Novemba kuhesabu. Kwa mfano, katika maeneo ya kusafiri, kuna aina ya gesi ya Saskatchewan ambayo huja katika majira ya joto ya Oktoba na Septemba. Wao kuruka juu ya majimbo yote ya latitudo ya kati, na wao kuja hapa. Mara nyingi - miaka michache ya kwanza ya kazi yetu, hasa - tulikuwa na athari kubwa ya siku ya ufunguzi ambapo kulikuwa na shinikizo kubwa la bunduki, na ndege walihamia. Tuna mipaka ya eneo ambapo bata-bukini hawahitaji kusafiri mbali sana ili kutoka eneo la pwani la Louisiana na kuingia katika eneo ambalo halina uwindaji. Kisha aina zote za mambo mengine yaliingia katika mchezo na kuongezeka kwa makazi, kuja kwenye mazingira baadaye wakati wa majira ya baridi, na ndege kwa kweli trickling zaidi nyuma Kaskazini kama majira ya baridi inaendelea. """Ilikuwa ni jambo gumu sana kujaribu kuzunguka kichwa changu mwanzoni mwa utafiti, kwamba ningeweza kwenda katikati ya Oktoba kusini magharibi mwa Louisiana na kuona pande 80,000 za nyeupe katika uwanja mmoja, kwenye kichaka kimoja, nikijua kwamba tutasafiri jimbo lote wiki ya kwanza ya Januari na sio kuhesabu mia moja katika jimbo lote." Hiyo ilikuwa moja ya mambo muhimu zaidi kwa ajili yangu kuzunguka kichwa changu, kwamba Louisiana bado ni muhimu sana kwa mbele nyeupe wakati wa mwaka wakati hakuna mali isiyohamishika nyingine nyingi. Hakuna chaguzi nyingine kwa ajili ya mengi ya haya white-fronted geese wakati wao kuchukua juu na kuondoka. Kutoka Dakota chini, wao ni kuja hapa. Kuona nini kinaendelea katika mazingira ya kusini magharibi <unk> Kuna mchele wa mazao ya pili unakuja kutoka mashamba, kuna combines rolling kila mahali, na ni kama meza ya buffet. Unaweza kutazama mchanganyiko. Mara baada ya kupata maji ya mapema, ni kawaida ya zamani teal pampu-off kwamba watu teal kuwinda. Wao 'll kuondoka maji juu yake, na ni tu evaporates. Ikiwa kuna maji machache yaliyobaki, hiyo itakuwa kitovu cha katikati cha mahali pa kulala. Kisha, mbele nyeupe ni tu kufuatilia kuchanganya wakati wao kupata hapa. Eneo hilo ni kavu sana. Hakuna chaguzi nyingi. Kuna mchele mwingi wa kijani unaosimama, na ndege hao wanaruka tu nyuma na mbele kutoka shamba la mchele hadi shamba la mchele, wakisafisha mchele mdogo wa taka unaotoka nyuma ya mchanganyiko. """Lazima uelewe kwamba, wakati idadi yetu kwenye karatasi inaonekana mbaya sana, Louisiana bado ni muhimu sana." White-mzunguko bado kuja hapa; sisi tu si nje huko kuhesabu yao wakati wengi ni hapa. Angalau kama ninavyoona, kupitia kioo cha mbele cha lori, hatuko nje kwenye mandhari wakati ni muhimu zaidi kwa wale bata-bukini, wakati wanaonekana hapa chini kwa mara ya kwanza. Miongoni mwao ni Specklebirds, White-fronted Geese, na Mid-Continental Specklebirds, ambao wanaishi katika maeneo ya mashariki ya Canada, na wanajulikana kwa sababu ya shughuli zao za kusafiri. Je, umewahi kwenda South Saskatchewan River ambapo ndege wote hatua katika vuli? Paul Link: Ndio. Hiyo imekuwa moja ya mambo ya kuvutia zaidi ya mradi huu, ni Bonde la Mto wa Amani. Mahali pazuri pa kihistoria. Ni moja ya mikoa ya kwanza ya kilimo ambayo mengi ya ndege hao North Slope, Northwest Territory kuacha katika. Ni mashamba ya kwanza ya shayiri ambayo ndege hao huona baada ya kuvuka eneo la kaskazini. Kwa hiyo, ndiyo, nimekuwa na viatu ardhini. Mimi mwenyewe nimekuwa huko juu kuwinda mara chache. Imekuwa wazi sana, kuona kiwango ambacho ndege hawa husafiri katika bara hilo. Kwa mfano, kuna watu 8,500 ambao wanaishi karibu na eneo ambalo huenda wakawa na vifaranga wengi. """Kama tunavyozungumza leo, kuna ndege ambao nimewakamata hapa ambao wako umbali wa maili zaidi ya 5,000 kutoka hapa." Ramsey Russell: Je, si jambo la ajabu? Kuangalia tu ramani ya uhamiaji, ni kama una aina tatu za goose kubwa nyeupe-fronted juu katika Arctic. Mzunguko wa saa za mchanga ni mstari wa mstari wa mstari wa Alberta-Saskatchewan. "Kisha wanaanza kuenea tena; hasa idadi ya watu wa kati ya bara, njia za kuruka za Kati na Mississippi, lakini pia kidogo zaidi katika Pasifiki. """ Ni ya kuvutia kwangu, kama mtu ambaye anaweza kukumbuka risasi tano theluji geese nyuma katika siku. Sasa, ni tu kundi la yao. Walikuwa kidogo nje ya udhibiti. Kiwango katika Louisiana ni mbili; Arkansas, tatu; lakini tayari kuna baadhi ya idadi ya Pasifiki ambapo mipaka ni kumi katika California, kumi katika Idaho. Kile ninachoona, Paul - na labda unaweza kutoa mwanga juu ya hili - ni kwamba kuna mbele nyeupe zaidi, sasa, huko Arkansas, na hata nasikia ripoti za kuwinda huko Illinois. Maeneo ambayo, kihistoria, hawakuishi wakati wa majira ya baridi kali. Kwa mfano, katika eneo la Louisiana, idadi ya specklebellies ya majira ya baridi kali inazidi kuongezeka. Paul Link: Ndio. Sisi ni juu ya karibu milioni moja nyeupe-fronted geese, sasa hivi, katika idadi ya kati ya bara. Inabadilika-badilika kila mwaka. Sisi ni juu ya miaka miwili pretty mbaya ya uzalishaji mfululizo, hapa. Inasemekana kuwa mwaka huu wa joto itakuwa bora zaidi kwa ajili yao, lakini idadi ya watu bado inazunguka 800,000 hadi 1.1 milioni. Kwa ujumla, idadi ya watu inaendelea vizuri sana. Hiyo ni sababu ya upanuzi wa fursa, kutoa siku zaidi na geese zaidi. Wao ni kufanya vizuri, mbalimbali-upana, katika Amerika ya Kaskazini. Paul Link's Louisiana Specklebelly (White-fronted Goose) Utafiti Hiyo ni moja ya mambo mimi kweli kama kuhusu kukamata na kufanya utafiti, ni sehemu ya kukamata. Ni uwindaji wa kukamata na kuachilia. "Mwanzoni, tulikuwa na mpango wa ""kuunganisha mzunguko wa maisha, ikolojia, ya pande nyeupe za bara la kati ili kuunganisha vipande hivi vidogo pamoja na uteuzi wa makazi ya majira ya baridi na athari za msimu wa msalaba"" - moja ya matunda ya chini zaidi kutoka kwa mradi huu." Kuamua kiwango cha nafasi na muda wa makazi ya kupendwa, upatikanaji wake katika mazingira, na kisha uteuzi wa mashamba hayo ya Louisiana na kuiga katika mazingira na kutoa zaidi ya hayo. Ramsey Russell: Unaweza kusema kidogo kuhusu utafiti wako? Kwa sababu hiyo ni nini mimi kweli kama kusikia mengi kuhusu. Alifanya kazi katika jimbo la Louisiana kama mwanabiolojia, lakini miaka kadhaa iliyopita, alianza kufanya kazi katika nafasi ya kibinafsi. Paul Link: Ndio. Hiyo ni aina ya vigumu, mada nyeti kueleza. Mimi ni msimamizi, kimsingi, hapa katika Wanyama wa Pori na Uvuvi. Mimi aina ya kusimamia mazingira-msingi wetland mpango, lakini, dhahiri, hakuna mtu anapata katika <unk> au haipaswi <unk> kupata katika <unk> taaluma hii kukaa katika ofisi siku nzima. Ni nini got mimi katika hii. Kuunganisha duck na bands ni moja ya mambo ambayo yamebadilisha maisha yangu. Nilipokuwa na umri wa miaka kumi na mbili, wazazi wangu waliniambia kwamba ningekuwa kiongozi wa wawindaji. Nilidhani kwamba njia bora ya kutazama machweo mengi iwezekanavyo, kukua, ilikuwa kuwa mwongozo. Lakini, kwa bahati mbaya, sina ujuzi wa watu. Nilijifunza mapema sana kwamba sikuweza kushughulikia masuala mengi ambayo watu hao wanakabili kila siku. Moja ya nyakati hizo za kubadilisha maisha... Baba yangu aligundua kuhusu operesheni ya kuunganisha bata katika makazi ya North Central, North Dakota, na akamwita meneja. Alisema, <unk>Ndio, hebu.<unk> Ilikuwa moja ya nyakati hizo <unk>kukaa huko, kuangalia dunia kuja hai, kuangalia bata kuja mbio juu ya benki kwa jukwaa roketi mtandao tovuti, na machafuko yote ambayo yalitokea; kuangalia katika mtandao kamili ya bata <unk>kwamba, mtakatifu shit, unaweza kupata kulipwa kufanya hili? Kwa bahati mbaya, sijaipata nafasi hiyo, nafasi ya kulipa, lakini niko katika nafasi ya kipekee hapa. Kimsingi, ninaweza kufanya kazi yangu, na kisha, katika muda wangu wa bure - mara nyingi na magari ya idara na msaada kupitia ruzuku ya misaada ya shirikisho na kila kitu - nina uwezo wa kufanya kazi nyingi za shambani. Kwa mfano, katika kipindi cha miaka ya hivi karibuni, nimekuwa nikifanya banding kwa maelfu ya bata weusi wenye tumbo nyeusi, na kwa muda wangu binafsi, na wafanyakazi wa kujitolea. "Kama hii kidogo - unaweza kwa utani kuiita ""mipango yangu ya sayansi ya burudani"" - kama wamepanuka, nimechukua uwezo mwingi na mitandao na wamiliki wa ardhi na watu ambao wana nia ya kujibu maswali ambayo labda sio kipaumbele cha njia ya kuruka au serikali." "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Mwanamke huyo ni mchanganyiko wa Paul Link, Mratibu wa Mpango wa Usimamizi wa Ndege wa Maji wa Amerika Kaskazini, na Paul Link, mwanasayansi wa hobby, ambapo tunaweza kutenganisha kazi hizo mbili.""" Katika muda wangu binafsi na, mara nyingi - kulingana na mradi - Mimi kuwa na kuchukua pickup yangu mwenyewe na kuhakikisha mimi si kutumia rasilimali yoyote idara. Mimi ni afforded mengi ya fursa, na uhuru kwamba nina na utawala hapa. Mengi ya miradi mimi nina kazi juu ya, wakati wao si labda kipaumbele cha juu cha idara, kuna maslahi ya pande zote katika nini kinaendelea. Hasa kwa spishi kama bata wenye tumbo jeusi ambao wanaonekana kufanya vizuri, lakini kwamba hatuna data yoyote nzuri halisi kwa ajili ya mwenendo wa idadi ya watu au usimamizi kwa. Hiyo ni aina ya ambapo mradi wa goose nyeupe-fronted ilianza. Wengi wa hawa watu wale ambao ningekuwa kuwashika bata wa mbao au bata wa madoa kwenye mali zao wangeniuliza, "Ni nini kinachotokea na specklebellies?" Kwa uwazi, sikujua. Tunapitia mabadiliko haya ya haraka ya teknolojia. Teknolojia ya vifaa hivi vya kufuatilia <unk> Hasa, kila mwaka <unk> ni kuboreshwa karibu utaratibu mwingine wa ukubwa. Miaka mitano iliyopita, wavuvi wa speckleberry wa kusini magharibi mwa Louisiana waliuliza ni nini kinachohitajika kuweka baadhi ya vifaa hivi vya kufuatilia kwenye bata na kujua wanakwenda wapi, wanafanya nini, wanakaa wapi. Habari zote za uhamiaji wao, mafanikio ya uzazi. Unaweza kupata habari hizo zote. "Waliniambia niwaambie idadi ya fedha ambazo zinahitajika ili mradi huo uanze.""" Majira ya kiangazi yaliyofuata, tulikuwa tukikimbia. Tumia vipeperushi 11 kwenye ndege. Tuligundua jinsi ya kuwapata. Hilo lilikuwa tatizo kubwa. Kihistoria, pande zote nyeupe zinakamatwa mnamo Julai na Agosti, katika Aktiki, wakati hazina uwezo wa kuruka. Ni ndege anayehitaji kuheshimiwa. Wao ni wajanja sana, hasa wakati wao kupata hapa chini. Kwa kawaida, mashamba yao ni ya matope au ya ukiwa, na wana uwezo wa kuona na kuhisi. I've trapped sandhill cranes along the Nebraska Platte River, for a couple of springs, with Dave Brandt and Northern Prairie. Wakati huo, nilifikiri kwamba korongo wa mchanga ndio mfano bora wa kuvua ndege wa porini. Hiyo ilikuwa aina ngumu zaidi mimi milele hawakupata. Tulizika nyavu zetu na kukata kamba ya det chini na screwdriver juu ya nyasi ya prairie, kuficha kila kitu. Weka patties ng'ombe juu ya juu ya launchers na makombora, na kutumika stuffer decoys. Kwa kweli, tu kujificha katika mistari brush na roketi wavu juu ya juu ya stuffer decoys. Ilikuwa yenye kufurahisha sana. Bado miezi miwili yenye kufurahisha zaidi maishani mwangu ambayo nimewahi kuwa nayo ilikuwa kutekwa kwa crane za mchanga. White-mzizi aina ya alichukua kwamba kwa nzima 'nother ngazi. Hawakuwa wamewahi kuruka. White-mzunguko hakuwa ameshikwa katika idadi kubwa katika miaka hamsini. """Tunajaribu kugundua jinsi ya kuwapiga hapa chini, tukijua kwamba tunaweza kwenda Arctic na tunaweza kupeleka baadhi ya watumaji, lakini tu 18% yao, kwa nadharia, itaonekana hapa chini." Kwa kuwa tunatumia vifaa vya kupeleka habari vya $ 3,000, tunahitaji kuandaa vifaa vya kupeleka habari. Tulilazimika kukamata bata-bukini hao waliokuwa wakija hapa. Hiyo ni moja ya mambo mimi kweli kama kuhusu kukamata na kufanya utafiti, ni sehemu ya kukamata. Ni uwindaji wa kukamata na kuachilia. Ni vigumu sana kuua baadhi ya bata hawa, kuwapata ndani ya umbali wa bunduki, lakini ni ngazi nyingine kabisa kuwapata wakiwa hai. Kupata mikono yako juu yao na kuwa na uwezo wa kuwaacha kwenda wakati wewe ni kufanyika. Nilijaribu kuunda mitandao mbalimbali na kuunda mitandao mbalimbali ili niweze kutupa mtandao mkubwa iwezekanavyo, kwa haraka iwezekanavyo. Alivunja vitu vingi, akalipua masanduku mengi. Ilikuwa ni curve ya kujifunza pretty kubwa, lakini sisi kumalizika kukamata kundi la ndege kwamba mwaka wa kwanza. Sasa, sisi ni kupata tayari kwenda katika mwaka sita. Ramsey Russell: Mwaka wa sita. Nilikuwa tu kurekebisha kuuliza ni muda gani umekuwa kufanya hivyo. Paul Link: Ndio. Kwa kweli, sisi ni kuleta juu ya mwanafunzi PhD na post-doc mwaka huu. Sisi ni kupanua mtandao wetu wa washirika. Kwa Dr. Mitch Weigman wa Missouri, tutaleta watu wawili wenye nguvu sana kusaidia kuchambua vitu hivi vyote. Kimsingi, sisi ni kwenda kuweka pamoja mzunguko wa maisha, ikolojia, ya katikati ya bara nyeupe-mashariki ili kufunga vipande vyote hivi vidogo pamoja na kuchagua makazi ya majira ya baridi na athari msalaba-mwaka. "Tuna nadharia hizi sasa hivi, miaka mingi katika mradi huu, kwamba labda matumizi ya makazi ya majira ya baridi, na hali ya mwili wa majira ya baridi, ina ushawishi juu ya uzalishaji wa majira ya kuchipua na majira ya joto ya mbele nyeupe. """ Kama ndege hawa, hapa chini katika kusini magharibi <unk> kuna mengi ya usumbufu kwenda juu ya huko chini. Vipeperushi hivi vina kipima-haraka cha mviringo uliojengwa ndani ya chombo. Hivyo kama hii ni transmitter, tunaweza kusema nini ni <unk> kufanya juu ya kwamba X, Y, na Z mhimili. Tunajua kama goose ni kuruka, kama ni kulala, kama ni kutembea, kama ni tipping na dipping, kama ni preening. Kwa hivyo, kwa kutumia data hii, tunaweza kuunda mfano wa nishati ya nyigu. Kwa hiyo si tu unajua kwamba wao ni katika kuratibu hii katika uwanja huu na unaweza kwenda ndani na kutambua ni kama mchele wa mazao ya pili na kumi-inchi stubble na mafuriko nne-inchi lakini kisha unaweza pia kusema nini ndege ni kufanya. Wakati wao uwiano alitumia katika kila moja ya makazi hayo. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""mashindano ya mikoa ndani ya jimbo na kati ya majimbo ya Marekani yanaonyesha kwamba mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko wa mlipuko.""" Hiyo ni moja ya mambo ambayo sisi ilizinduliwa katika mwaka jana, na kwamba upanuzi wa mradi katika Arkansas na kundi la wengine wafadhili binafsi. Ikiwa ndege hao huko juu wanafanya na kujiendesha tofauti, ikiwa wanapata usumbufu mdogo na kuna chakula zaidi, kunaweza kuwa na athari za muda mrefu kwa kiwango cha idadi ya watu kwa mahali ambapo ndege huchagua majira ya baridi kali. Hiyo ni dhahiri kitu ngumu sana. Kisha inakuwa ngumu zaidi wakati wewe ni kuangalia mtu huyo huyo kwa miaka. Hiyo ni kitu kingine ambacho teknolojia hii imetuwezesha kufanya, ni kuangalia ndege mmoja kwa miaka mingi kuona ni mabadiliko gani. Ni nini huathiri mahali wanapoishi wakati wa majira ya baridi kali? Ni nini huathiri tarehe zao za kuhama-hama wakati wa vuli? Ndege wengi ambao wamekuwa wakifanya kazi katika eneo la Arctic kwa majira ya baridi kali, na baadaye kwenda Arkansas kwa wiki chache, na kisha kuishia Indiana na Illinois kwa majira ya baridi kali. Kwa nini ndege aliyekuwa hapa Oktoba mwaka uliopita asije tena karibu na Louisiana? Kuona ndege mmoja akifanya uhamiaji mara nyingi kunaweza kusaidia kuunganisha vipande na labda kupata baadhi ya vigezo vya ufafanuzi kwa nini bata hao walichagua kwenda Kaskazini na kukaa na Canada na theluji kaskazini. Katika hatua hii, miaka mitano katika utafiti, sisi kimsingi got majibu machache kuhusu aina maalum ya makazi, tarehe ya kuwasili, kuondoka spring. Tuna seti kubwa ya data ya kazi ya ufugaji ikolojia. Sasa sisi ni kujaribu kuangalia uaminifu na philopatry majira ya baridi. Inachukua watu wengi zaidi na miaka mingi zaidi. Hiyo ndiyo sababu sisi ni pretty msisimko kuhusu upanuzi huu wa hivi karibuni kwenda juu kwa miaka mingine mitatu ya kupelekwa. Vipande hivi vimepangwa kudumu kati ya miaka miwili na mitatu. Kwa wale wa kiume wa White-fronted Geese, ambao wana umri wa miaka miwili na nusu, vifaa vya kupeleka habari bado viko sawa. Vitu hivi vina betri, na betri zina maisha ya rafu kwao kulingana na idadi ya mizunguko ya kuchaji, lakini bado zinaendelea kuwa na nguvu. Hilo ni jambo lenye kutia moyo sana. Nyigu huishi kwa muda mrefu. Hakuna watu wengi wanaolenga bata-milia wetu wenye kola. "Kuhusu ""Kupiga risasi ya White-fronted Geese na Collar Transmitters"" Ramsey Russell: ""Ninajua baadhi ya guys kwamba bila shaka lengo yao kama wao waliona yao kuja katika decoys." Paul Link: Ndio. Mimi nimepata idadi ya watu, kwamba sisi wameongea juu ya awali, kwamba ni usimamizi hasa kwa ajili yao. Wengi wao wameunga mkono mradi huo kwa fedha na kwa kupata mali yao kwa ajili ya kuwinda. Mmoja wa watu katika kusini magharibi Louisiana ni mwito ajabu. Yeye ni kupita juu ya tano collared nyeupe-mashariki kwamba alikuwa juu ya decoys katika shotgun mbalimbali. Yeye ni kuitwa mbali michezo yake kutoka kuvuta trigger juu ya ndege hao. "Mmoja wa waandishi wa habari aliniambia kwamba ""walipata vifaru watano na waliwaua wote isipokuwa yule ndege mwenye kola.""" Hiyo ilikuwa aina ya uzoefu safi, na ndege huyo na kundi lake la familia. Yote yalikuwa na mistari, jambo lenye kupendeza. Mbweha wanne waliokuwa wakiruka pamoja naye walikuwa wote wamefungwa. Tuliona matokeo ya kile kilichotokea alipopoteza familia yake yote. Alifanya baadhi ya harakati kweli ajabu kwa siku chache, lakini, ajabu kutosha, makazi haki nyuma katika muundo huo huo. Alirudi moja kwa moja kwenye shamba lilelile. Kuna mbuzi wawili wa mbele nyeupe, ambao wako katika mwaka wao wa tatu wa uhamiaji, ambao hufanya viota katika bakuli moja la kiota katika Mteremko wa Kaskazini wa Alaska na kuja kwenye shamba moja kusini mwa Gueydan, Louisiana. "Basi, kwa sababu ya ""mfano"" huu, tunaweza kuona kwamba ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa ""mfano"" wa""" Ndege hao huishi mahali palepale, katika shamba moja, mwaka baada ya mwaka. Kuna mbawakawa wawili ambao wanaishi katika eneo moja la Alaska na wanaishi katika shamba moja la kusini mwa Goydian, Louisiana. Ramsey Russell: Si parokia ileile tu; ni shamba lile lile. Paul Link: Shamba lilelile. Eneo hilohilo. """Tumekuwa tukifanya uchunguzi wa mazingira kwa miaka mitatu, na mengi ya hayo yalikuwa ya kwenda nje na kubisha milango na kuwauliza wakulima, ikiwa hatukuweza kuona shamba ambalo ndege walikuwa ndani, tulifanya mahojiano ya uso kwa uso." Tulipata rekodi za shamba, na tulizungumza na watu hawa. Tulitaka kujua: Ikiwa wako katika uwanja huu, ulifanya nini kwenye uwanja huo? Hiyo ni usimamizi athari nyuma ya yote haya. Mimi, na-minded, muddy boot biolojia... Kama wao ni kuchagua uwanja huu, na kuna tu 1% ya kwamba katika mazingira, na mengi ya hawa wavulana wengine ambao ni kujaribu kusimamia kwa ajili ya nyeupe-mashariki hawajui kwamba hiyo ni nini ni preferred, basi hawawezi kutoa yao. Hiyo ni moja ya matunda ya chini-kutegemea kutoka mradi huu. Kuamua kiwango cha nafasi na muda wa makazi ya kupendwa, upatikanaji wake katika mazingira, na kisha uteuzi wa mashamba hayo na kuiga katika mazingira na kutoa zaidi ya hayo. Sina shaka kwamba ni suala la makazi ambalo linaendesha sehemu kubwa ya kupungua kwetu hapa. Kumekuwa na mabadiliko mengi katika kilimo cha mchele hapa, tu katika muda ambao nimekuwa hapa. Ni mabadiliko gani ya makao yanayofanya idadi ya Specklebelly (White-fronted Geese) na ndege wengine wa majini waishi kwa majira ya baridi kali huko Louisiana? Sina shaka kwamba ni suala la makazi ambalo linaendesha sehemu kubwa ya kupungua kwetu hapa. Kumekuwa na mabadiliko mengi katika kilimo cha mchele hapa, tu katika muda ambao nimekuwa hapa... Wakati [unafanya uchunguzi wa angani] unakuja kwenye mabwawa na unapiga mabadiliko ya kilimo na uko katika mchele, unaweza karibu kupata pumzi yako. Wewe ni kuangalia juu mbele, na unaweza kuona mchele kuja, na mambo ni kwenda kupunguza kasi. Utakuwa na muda wa kupumua. Kisha, unapopanda juu ya dimbwi la crawfish - hasa mashamba ya crawfish ambayo yana mitego, ambayo yana njia za mashua ambazo zimetambuliwa wazi - ni mji wa roho. Hakuna bata. Hakuna bata-bukini. Hakuna ndege wa majini. Ramsey Russell: Kumekuwa na mabadiliko mengi katika makazi kwa ujumla. Si tu katika Louisiana, lakini juu na chini ya Mississippi Flyway na katika dunia kwa ujumla. "Kama ni kweli, ""mwisho wa siku"" katika Louisiana ni wakati wa kuvutia wa pwani ya Ghuba ya Amerika, ambayo ni sehemu ya eneo la pwani ya Marekani." Uharibifu wa pwani, ardhi inayozama, hata hivyo wanaelezea Delta ya chini ya Mississippi. Kwa mfano, kuna uwezekano wa kuwa na eneo la kuishi la marsh, au marsh ya nusu ya kudumu, na kuwa na mchele. Kisha kumekuwa na mabadiliko mengine. Kwa mfano, kamba-mti. Hiyo kutumika kuwa watu wachache ambao alikwenda nje na dawa mitaro na kukamatwa crawfish, nyuma katika siku. Sasa ni biashara ya mamilioni ya dola, na ndege wa majini hula kamba-mti hao wadogo wanapokuwa watoto. Ni nini hasa unachokiona? Unafikiria nini hadi sasa, miaka mitano katika hii? Paul Link: Naam, hilo ndilo swali la dola milioni moja. Mabadiliko ya kilimo, aina ya mchele na jinsi ya kulima mchele. Nilipokuja hapa miaka kumi na tano iliyopita, kila mtu alikuwa akipanda maji. "Kutumia maji ya mafuriko, kazi ya maji shamba, kuruka mchele ndani, kuvuta maji mbali, pulse maji nyuma juu. """ Mazao ya jadi ya mchele ya aina ya urithi. "Kisha, kwa sababu ya mabadiliko ya maumbile, ""Clearfield"" ilibadilishwa." Kwa mfano, kilimo cha ardhi kavu, ambapo mimea hupigwa na kuchimbwa, na maji hayajaingia au kutoka, kama ilivyokuwa katika historia. Kumekuwa na mabadiliko mengi katika njia ya kulima mchele. Kwa mfano, eneo la ufugaji wa samaki, ambalo limekuwa likiongezeka sana, limekuwa likiongezeka sana. Katika visa vingi, ni kwa ajili ya bora. Kuna tani ya wakulima wa mchele huko nje ambao hawangekuwa katika biashara sasa hivi ikiwa haingekuwa kwa ajili ya mchele / crab aquaculture. Wao kweli hawawezi kufanya moja bila nyingine katika matukio mengi. Ni mazao ya fedha ambayo huwaweka kwenye ardhi, ambayo huwafanya wawe na faida. Lakini, ni wazi kwamba, kamba-mti si makao ya kipenzi cha mbele nyeupe. Wao ni kawaida mafuriko juu ya kina pretty. Ni ya kina sana. Ramsey Russell: Nilikuwa nikisema hapo awali kwamba wanapenda maji yasiyo na kina kirefu ambapo miguu yao tu hupata mvua. Paul Link: Ndio. Wao huishi katika shamba la kamba-mti, lakini, kwa kawaida, wavuvi wa kamba-mti hutaka kiini. Wanataka nyasi hiyo. Wao ni kuweka bunduki na lasers na bendera, kila aina ya kizuizi, huko nje ili kuweka ndege wa maji nje ya huko. Na, bila shaka, kuwapiga risasi ikiwa ni lazima. Ramsey Russell: Mbali na spots, unafikiri mazoea hayo yangeathiri matumizi ya bata ya makazi hayo? Najua kuna baadhi ya makundi chini katika sehemu hiyo ya dunia kwamba ni wote juu ya silaha juu ya mahindi juu katika Missouri, lakini kunaweza kuwa na mambo mengine ya kwenda juu ya haki huko katika bustani yao ya nyuma. Paul Link: Bila shaka. Ni jambo lilelile. """Wakati tunapofanya uchunguzi wa angani, Larry Reynolds, ambaye amekuwa akifanya hili kwa muda mrefu kuliko mimi, daima anazungumza wakati anapotoka kwenye mabadiliko hayo, tuna mistari ya kaskazini-kusini, na unapoingia kwenye mabwawa na unapiga mabadiliko ya kilimo na uko kwenye mchele, unaweza karibu kuvuta pumzi yako." Wewe ni kuangalia juu mbele, na unaweza kuona mchele kuja, na mambo ni kwenda kupunguza kasi. Utakuwa na muda wa kupumua. Kisha, unapopanda juu ya dimbwi la crawfish - hasa mashamba ya crawfish ambayo yana mitego, ambayo yana njia za mashua ambazo zimetambuliwa wazi - ni mji wa roho. Hakuna bata. Hakuna bata-bukini. Hakuna ndege wa majini. Hakuna kitu katika maeneo mengi ya maeneo haya. Kwa mara nyingine tena, kamba-mti ni bora kuliko kutokuwa na chochote. Ni bora kuliko miwa kwa ndege wa majini. Ni mojawapo ya upanga huo wenye makali mawili. Ramsey Russell: Je, hakuna mengi ya miwa katika sehemu hiyo ya Louisiana? Paul Link: Imekua kwa kasi sana. Ramsey Russell: Je, unafikiri umefikia mwisho, au bado unaendelea kupanuka? Paul Link: Nadhani ni pengine bado kupanua. Ramsey Russell: Wow. Ninapenda crawfish, lakini umenifanya nianze kuhisi hatia kwa kula kama mimi kufanya. "Mwanamke mmoja: ""Ninaendelea kula chakula hicho." Kama nilivyosema, mimi ni rafiki mzuri na wakulima wengi wa mchele, na inawaweka katika biashara. Kama si kwa ajili ya uwezo wa crawfish juu ya baadhi ya eneo lao, au nusu ya eneo lao, hawakuweza kuweka shamba. Ramsey Russell: Je, sikuzote wao hukusanya mchele wa aina ya ratoon, au mchele wa aina ya pili, katika sehemu hii ya ulimwengu? Paul Link: Ndio. Ramsey Russell: Hiyo imekuwa ikitokea daima, na sasa wanagundua kwamba wanaweza kuleta sehemu hii ya ufugaji wa maji kama mazao ya tatu, kweli. Hiyo ni jinsi wanavyoweza kubaki na faida na kukaa katika biashara. "Mwanamke huyo, ambaye ni Speckle-Belly, aliandika hivi: ""Ninakutazama kwenye Instagram, na nitahakikisha kwamba unashiriki habari hiyo na watu wengine wanaosikiliza, kwa sababu watapata habari yako kuwa ya kuvutia." Ni nini baadhi ya mambo ya wazimu umewahi kuona kufanya hizi banding na, hasa, hizi geo-locator masomo? "Mwanamke mmoja alisema: ""Kama ni kwa sababu ya kiwango cha ndege wanachoweza kuendesha katika nchi nzima, ni jambo la kushangaza sana." Tuna White-fronted Geese kwamba, wakati wao kuja mbali Arctic katika majira ya joto - hasa wale Alaska ndege katika vuli na, zaidi ya kuvutia, katika spring - wakati wao ni kukaa huko katika Peace River katika Alberta, kamari kwamba wao ni kuandaa - Sidhani kama watu wengi wanaweza kuelewa kamari kwamba ndege ni kufanya. Wanasimama hapo kihalisi kwenye mstari wa barafu. Wamekuwa wakipigana na barafu hiyo kwenda Kaskazini, ambayo, kisaikolojia, mara nyingi wanapambana na hilo. Kwa mfano, unaweza kuona kwamba chini ya ardhi, hali ya hewa bado ni 95 ° C. Hiyo ni nyeupe-mbele kwamba unaweza kufikiri hapendi baridi. Hata hivyo, wakati wa majira ya kuchipua, wao hukata tamaa sana kurudi Aktiki. Wanataka bakuli lao la kiota. Wanataka kuwa hapo kwanza. Wanataka kuwa na uhakika kwamba wanapata nafasi bora zaidi. "Kuketi huko kuangalia harakati hizi, kuangalia ndege hao hatua juu, na kisha, mwaka mmoja au mbili baadaye, kuelewa matokeo ya kisaikolojia ya uamuzi wao juu ya wakati sisi kwenda, wakati sisi kuondoka hapa, wao kuondoka bila kujua nini siku kumi utabiri ni maili 1,100 mbali, ambapo wao ni kwenda. """ Wanapoondoka kwenye Mto huo wa Amani, kuna miamba, miti, na barafu. Ndege hao huonekana. Wana wiki mbili za kusimama juu ya barafu wanapofika huko. Kila mwaka. Katika hali nzuri zaidi, wanahitaji kusimama huko kwa majuma mawili. Hakuna kwenda kuwa na yoyote ya kijani-up. Hakuna chakula. Hakuna kitu. Wanapopaa, wanabeba kile wanachoweza kubeba kwa namna ya mafuta yao ambayo wamekusanya tena kwa kula nafaka za taka kwenye nyanda za nyasi. Wao ni hinging juu ya kwamba. Wao ni uzito gharama ya kukaa huko na kuzaa kwa siku chache za ziada, dhidi ya mwingine nyeupe-mbele kupata kwa makazi choosest mbele yao. Wao ni kupima mambo yote na kuona matokeo. Tumekuwa na miaka michache mbaya mfululizo kwa ajili ya uzalishaji. Ndege kupata juu huko - na si mbaya kama ni baridi, kama barafu-nje ni kucheleweshwa - lakini kama wao kupata kuanzisha kiota na kisha wana dhoruba ya theluji na hawawezi kukaa juu ya mayai yao, wao kupoteza yao. Wanapaswa kuwahifadhi, mara tu wanapozindua. Kuona mabadiliko hayo, maamuzi hayo makubwa ambayo bata hao wanafanya, na ukali wa hali ya hewa ambayo vitu hivyo vinakabiliwa nayo. Vifaa hivyo vina vifaa vya kukusanya hali ya hewa, ambapo vinaweza kupata asilimia ya ufuniko wa mawingu, joto, shinikizo la hewa, na kasi ya upepo. Unaona nini ndege hawa ni kufanya. Wanapoondoka Alberta, hawawezi kupata juu ya baridi kwa siku thelathini, miaka mingi. Kujua kwamba hakuna unyevu. Hakuna mimea ya kijani kibichi. Wao ni juu yao wenyewe kutoka wakati wao kuondoka. Wao ni wazalishaji wa mtaji, kwa hiyo wanawake wao watalazimika kuweka mayai mengi. Yeye ni kwenda kupoteza tani ya uzito. Mchezo wa kubashiri ambao wao kufanya <unk> Kwa mimi, kwamba <unk> ni kitu cha kuvutia zaidi. Kisha, kinyume chake, wanaporudi kupitia nyanda za nyasi, nyanda za Saskatchewan na Alberta katika Septemba na Oktoba ni mahali pazuri sana. Kuna chakula kila mahali. Maziwa wanayoishi ni ya kudumu sana. Daima kutakuwa na ziwa kubwa, Quills au eneo jingine maarufu staging. Ni imara. Inaweza kuaminika. Mazao yamebadilika kidogo katika miaka ishirini iliyopita, lakini <unk> Ramsey Russell: Mazao mengi ya canola. Paul Link: Ndio. Nyasi na shayiri. Nyasi zinaendelea vizuri katika sehemu nyingi, lakini shayiri sivyo. Hiyo ni dhahiri moja ya vitu vyao preferred, lakini wao kuacha yote kwamba. Wengi wao huondoka huko katika wakati wa wingi, na huja hapa. Mara nyingi nimekuwa nikijiuliza ni kwa nini hilo hutukia. Wanaacha nchi inayotiririka maziwa na asali. Specklebelly (White-fronted Goose) Uhamiaji Timing Ramsey Russell: Je, unaweza kuona, na data yako baada ya miaka mitano msaada <unk>? Kwa sababu siku zote nimewaona chembechembe kuwa wahamiaji wa photoperiod. Ni kama sehemu ya ndani ya kalenda yao inasema, "Wakati wa kwenda". Paul Link: Ndiyo, hiyo imebadilika sana. Kama mtoto aliyekua katika Dakota ya Kaskazini, ambapo nilifanya, moja kwa moja kwenye Mto Missouri, nakumbuka wafunguaji wetu wa maporomoko ya maji. Kama wewe si kuua nyeupe-mbele katika North Dakota juu ya kufungua mwishoni mwa wiki, wewe kamwe kuona au kusikia nyingine. "Ninakumbuka nikiwa nje nikitazama na kusikia ndege katikati ya usiku; kutembea nje au kulala na madirisha wazi usiku, na kusikia ""spots"" kwenda juu ya kichwa mnamo Septemba." Kamwe kuona speck. Kuanzia Novemba kwanza na kuendelea, hujawahi kuona doa hapo juu. Sasa, kwa miaka mitano iliyopita, nimekuwa kuuawa spots huko wakati mimi kwenda nyuma ya kuwinda. Wao ni na prairie magharibi Canada vizuri baada ya barafu-up, katika theluji. Kwa hakika mambo yanabadilika. Kuna spots huko juu ambayo kukaa marehemu. Wao husubiri hadi theluji ya mwisho ya majira ya baridi kali wakati theluji inapokuwa nzito sana ili kupata chakula. Kisha, kuona hawa geese kwamba ni wintering katika Illinois na Indiana miaka michache iliyopita <unk> kwamba <unk> ni mwenendo kwamba <unk>ve alikuwa na kila mwaka. Kumekuwa na bata mmoja hadi wanne ambao tumewaashiria hapa chini kwamba, mara tu wanapofika hapa, inaonekana kama wanageuka na kuanza kutiririka kurudi Kaskazini. Baadhi yao, hata kabla ya misimu yetu ya uwindaji hata kufunguliwa. Ni vigumu kueleza. Je, Ufanisi wa Mavuno ya Kilimo Unaoboreshwa Huathiri Mfano wa Kulisha wa Specklebelly (White-fronted Goose)? Ramsey Russell: Je, hiyo inaweza kuwa kazi ya ongezeko la idadi ya watu? Labda kuna ndege zaidi, kwa hivyo kuna dirisha la muda mrefu la fursa kwamba wao ni nesting, kwa hivyo una hatua tofauti za madarasa ya umri au kitu wakati ni wakati wa kuhamia Kusini? Je, huenda ikawa hivyo? Paul Link: Ndio. Mimi guessing ni pengine ni chakula. Hizi kuchanganya, wao ni kupata bora na bora kila mwaka. Nimekuwa nje nyuma ya kuchanganya katika uwanja. Geese <unk> Kama wao kuanza kulisha katika uwanja asubuhi, wao si <unk> hit ni tena. Hiyo ni hivyo. Watakuwa wameila hadi mwisho wa siku. Ikiwa wanaingia huko saa tatu mchana, kuna uwezekano wa 50 50 kwamba watarudi na kuipiga tena asubuhi inayofuata. Wao <unk>d kula shamba nje katika siku moja. Hizi ni mashamba makavu. Wakulima wamevuta maji. Ni mazao ya ratoon, na unaweza kuona mbegu za mtu binafsi zikiwa chini. Wale nyeupe-mashariki - Mimi nina uhakika umewahi kuwaona - kupata bega kwa bega, na wao ni kimsingi mbio. Ndege nyuma ya kundi, wao itabidi kupata juu na kuruka yadi ishirini mbele. "Ramsey Russell: ""Hii ni kama kundi la Hoover vacuums ndogo-ndogo wakichunguza uwanja." Paul Link: Ndiyo. Wakati huo wa mwaka, kilimo cha mchele, na kilimo kwa ujumla, kimekuwa safi. Mashamba haya ya mchele ni safi, safi, safi. Hakuna kitu ndani yao. Miaka 25 iliyopita, miaka 50 iliyopita - kutoka kwa kuzungumza na watu wengi hawa - kilimo kilikuwa cha uchafu. Kulikuwa na aina zote za mimea ya udongo wenye unyevunyevu katikati ya mashamba haya yote, na kulikuwa na chakula zaidi. Teknolojia ya kuchanganya <unk> Mengi yalitoka nyuma ya kuchanganya ikiwa haukuwa na skrini yako imewekwa vizuri, lakini sasa kila kitu ni safi sana. Kuna mchele kidogo sana wa taka unaotoka, na wao ni wa ufanisi sana. Kuna magugu machache sana. Kuna mbegu chache sana. Hakuna mengi zaidi juu ya mazingira kwa ajili ya wale white-fronted geese mpaka sisi kuanza kupata baadhi ya kijani-up tena katika mashamba hayo. Ramsey Russell: Basi ni nini baadhi ya mimea ya msingi? Henbit? Nini itakuwa baadhi ya mimea wao ni kugonga, kwa sababu nilikuwa najiuliza. Si nafaka tu. Ni chochote kinachokuja baadaye, kijani kidogo-up. Paul Link: Ndio. Wao kufanya mabadiliko pretty stark, na kwamba ni moja ya mambo yetu ardhi-truthing data kweli alionyesha. Wao 'll kubadili kwa malisho katikati ya majira ya baridi, na inategemea temp na unyevu na kila kitu. Hasa mashamba ya maharagwe na mashamba ya kilimo yasiyo na kazi. Wanyama hawapendi sana, lakini wakati wavulana wanaanza kuzalisha malisho ya rye mnamo Desemba na Januari... Hizi mbawakawa zenye uso mweupe zitafanya hivyo. Kwa mfano, unaweza kuona data ya sensor ya ndege, ambayo inaweza kuonekana kama kitu cha kawaida, na unaweza kuona jinsi ndege wanavyofanya kazi. Katika majira ya kupukutika kwa majani, wao kuanza kufanya mbili-a-siku, ambapo wao ni kwenda nje kulisha katika nyimbo kuchanganya asubuhi; kwenda nyuma ya maji, kwa roost, kupitia joto la siku; na kisha kuruka nyuma nje jioni. Wao hufanya hivyo kwa muda mrefu. Ni 95 ° C, hivyo wao ni kwenda nyuma kwa ajili ya kinywaji kama hakuna maji katika nyimbo kuchanganya ya mashamba ya mchele. Kisha wakati fulani, kwa kawaida katikati ya majira ya baridi kali mnamo Desemba au hivyo, wao hubadilika na kuwa malisho. Wao ni wanyama wanaokula mimea. Wao ni tu nje clipping shina na mambo mbalimbali. Wakati huo, wao hukula malisho kwa muda wa saa kumi kwa siku. Kama kuna saa kumi na mbili za mchana, na shughuli zao juu ya data hiyo sensor, unaweza kuona kwamba wao ni kazi. Wao hula chakula kingi sana. Si kupata nishati nyingi nje ya hayo, lakini hiyo ni nini inapatikana, hivyo hiyo ni nini wao ni kula. Je, Mabadiliko ya Shinikizo la Uwindaji juu ya Specklebellies (White-fronted Geese) katika Louisiana? Kufikia Jumapili alasiri ya mwisho-juma wa ufunguzi, wale [waliochaguliwa] geese wenye uso mweupe walikuwa wametoka Louisiana au walikuwa wameondoka katika Eneo la Pwani. Kila moja ya yao, kwamba sisi alama katika Eneo la Pwani alikuwa kushoto eneo hilo ndani ya saa kumi na nane [ya asubuhi ngumu ya ufunguzi ambapo bata na goose kufunguliwa katika tarehe moja]. Jambo la maana zaidi ni kwamba hawakuja tena wakati wote wa majira ya baridi kali. Ramsey Russell: Mazingira yanayobadilika, ambayo daima yataendelea kubadilika. Je, uwindaji au shinikizo la uwindaji lina jukumu katika mabadiliko haya yoyote? Je, unaweza kuiona katika baadhi ya data za kijiografia? Je, unaweza kuona fungu la shinikizo la uwindaji katika harakati za ndege? Paul Link: Ndio. Miaka miwili ya kwanza ya mradi huu, tulikuwa na kile nilichoita "miisho-juma ngumu ya ufunguzi", ambapo msimu wetu wa bata na bata wa pwani ulifunguliwa tarehe hiyo hiyo. Ni Vita ya Ulimwengu ya Tatu. Sitasahau kamwe majira yangu ya baridi kali ya kwanza hapa. Nilikuwa katika nyumba ya kulala katika Hifadhi ya Kitaifa ya Wanyama wa Pori ya Cameron Prairie. Tulikuwa tukifuatilia usiku kucha, tukipata mallards zetu, na kisha tungerudi asubuhi na kuanza kufuatilia ardhi. Ningepata orodha ya ndege waliopotea pamoja, na ningeenda uwanja wa ndege na kupata tathmini, na tungeweza kuruka. Tulifanya hivyo kila siku na usiku wakati hali ya hewa iliporuhusu. Naam, siku hiyo ya ufunguzi... Sitasahau jinsi ilivyokuwa. Tulikuwa tunaenda kulala, asubuhi hiyo, na ilikuwa kama kitu ambacho sikuwa nimewahi kusikia. Nilikuwa nimekua katika North Dakota, na alikuwa alisafiri katika juu ya Midwest na katika Canada, kuwinda, lakini mimi kamwe kusikia kitu kama hicho kabla. Hakukuwa na sekunde tatu ambapo hakukuwa na risasi, mlipuko wa risasi, kwa masaa. Hiyo ilikuwa jambo kubwa kwa ajili ya wale bata-bukini. Wawindaji wa bata na bata-mwitu ni tofauti sana. "Mwindaji wa bata atapiga risasi 100% ya wakati, ikiwa na fursa, lakini 15% ya wawindaji wetu wa ndege wa maji ambao hujitambulisha kama wawindaji wa bata ni tofauti sana na wawindaji wa bata. """ Wengi wao ni wawindaji wa mashamba makavu. Wao ni kuwinda na airbrushed, desturi, mwili mzima decoys katika blinds kwamba huwezi kuona kutoka mita hamsini. Wanakuambia, "Njoo hapa. Hatua hapa. Hatua hapa. <unk> Wao ni picking up hulls yao kutumika juu kama wao ni ufahamu wa kila kitu. Hizi ndizo mauaji yenye matokeo zaidi. Ramsey Russell: Wakati mimi <unk>ve kuwinda white-fronted geese chini karibu Cameron, ilikuwa brushed hivyo densely kwamba unaweza kuvaa nyeupe shrimping mashua na jumpsuit machungwa. Kwa kweli, hadi asubuhi, ilibidi nitumie taa ya simu yangu kupata sanduku langu la risasi. Ilikuwa jambo zito. Paul Link: Ndio. Miaka miwili ya kwanza, hiyo ndiyo njia ambayo eneo letu na mpaka wetu ulifanya kazi. "Kama ilivyo kwa ""Dude and Goose"" ambayo ilifunguliwa tarehe moja, ilikuwa ngumu sana." Mwaka huo wa kwanza wa mradi wetu, tulitoa vitengo kumi na moja kama majaribio. Tulikuwa na saba ambayo tulikuwa tumeashiria kabla ya msimu. Kufikia Jumapili mchana, majira ya mwisho ya wiki, wote saba wa wale geese nyeupe-fronted walikuwa ama kushoto Louisiana au walikuwa kushoto Coastal Zone. Kila moja ya ndege saba zilizowekwa alama katika eneo la pwani zilikuwa zimeondoka ndani ya saa 18. Ramsey Russell: Eneo hilo ni kubwa kadiri gani? Hilo lamaanisha nini? Paul Link: Kimsingi, theluthi ya kusini ya jimbo ilikuwa katika Eneo la Pwani. Jambo la maana zaidi ni kwamba hawakuja tena wakati wote wa majira ya baridi kali. "Nilikuwa na utani na ujumbe wangu wa kwanza mwaka huo, kwamba mara tu walipovuka I-10, ilikuwa imekwisha.""" Hakukuwa na njia ya kurudi nyuma. Mbweha hao wenye nyuso nyeupe hawakurudi kamwe. Ramsey Russell: Walienda wapi? Kaskazini? "Mwanamke mmoja wa familia ya ""White-fronted Goose"" aliwahi kuanguka kwenye barabara ya MAV ya kaskazini mashariki ya Monroe." Nyigu wengine wenye nyuso nyeupe walihamia upande wa mashariki wa Delta. Ramsey Russell: Wow. Ndiyo, hiyo ni njia nzuri sana. Paul Link: Ndio. Jambo la maana zaidi ni kwamba hawakuja tena wakati wote wa majira ya baridi kali. "Nilikuwa na utani na ujumbe wangu wa kwanza mwaka huo, kwamba mara tu walipovuka I-10, ilikuwa imekwisha.""" Hakukuwa na njia ya kurudi nyuma. Mbweha hao wenye nyuso nyeupe hawakurudi kamwe. Mwaka wa pili, tulikuwa na vituo 24. Nadhani kama tulikuwa tumeweka 11 kwenye orodha, basi hii ni moja ya sababu. Tulipoteza ndege 8 kati ya 11. Waliondoka katika Eneo la Pwani Jumapili wakati wa machweo ya jua ya mwishoni mwa wiki ya ufunguzi. Lakini, kwa upande mwingine, kwa sababu ya upanuzi wa nafasi za kukimbia, tuna nafasi ya kuongeza siku za ziada. Kwa kuwa tunawawezesha wavuvi wetu kupata nafasi ya kutumia siku hizo za ziada, tulitoa nafasi ya kwenda katika eneo la pwani majuma mawili kabla ya kufunguliwa kwa bata. Kwa kweli, msimu wa kuku wenye uso mweupe ulianza muda mrefu kabla ya msimu wa bata. Kama nilivyosema, karibu asilimia 15 ya wawindaji wa ndege wa majini ni wawindaji wa bata. Wengi wa watu hao waliondoka mwaka wa tatu wa mradi wetu na kuwinda. Kwa bahati nzuri, 85% ya wawindaji wengine wa ndege wa maji, wawindaji wa bata, hawakuwa huko bado. Bunduki zilianza kupiga katika maeneo hayo yaliyosimamiwa kwa ukali ambapo watu walikuwa wakiwinda bata-bukini, lakini sehemu nyingine za eneo hilo hazikuwa zikiwinda, kwa hiyo bata-bukini hao wangeweza kwenda kugundua mambo. Wanaweza kwenda na kutembea mbele ya mtu wa bata kipofu kwa masaa machache wakati wale guys kumaliza uwindaji. Walibaki hapa. Walikuwa kama, "Okay, tumeifahamu hii". Majuma mawili baadaye, mfunguzi wa bata anakuja. Kufikia wakati huo, walikuwa wamejua mahali ambapo kila kitu kilikuwa. Wavulana walikuwa kwenda nje siku kabla, brushing duck blinds yao, kutupa decoys yao nje, na White-mzizi walikuwa aina ya kama, <unk>Okay. Kuandika mambo. Sisi got hii. Sisi got hii figured out. <unk> Siku ya ufunguzi wa duck msimu alikuja, na walikuwa na yote figured out. Hawakupoteza nyigu wengine wa mbele nyeupe katika miaka michache iliyofuata. Hiyo ilikuwa aina ya ajali, kwamba tulijifunza. Mvurugo wa uwindaji <unk> Wakati inatokea kama hiyo, wakati kila kitu hufunguliwa pamoja na kila mtu yuko nje, hakuna maeneo mengi salama kwa ndege kwenda ndani ya nchi. Wao hupaa hewani. Bunduki ni tu kwenda nje kila mahali, na wao ni tu kama, "Tunahitaji kwenda. Tulihitaji kwenda mahali pengine. <unk> Wakati, wakati ilifunguliwa mapema, hakukuwa na karibu bunduki nyingi zinazopigwa wakati huo huo. Wanaweza aina ya kuweka bearings yao na kupata maeneo ya kuendesha ni nje. Walikuwa na siku kumi na mbili za kutafuta mahali salama. Je, Kutoa Mahali Patakatifu Kunaweza Kuboresha Uwindaji wa Specklebelly (White-fronted Goose)? "Mwanzoni, ""makundi makubwa ya mpira wa miguu"" yalijulikana kwa kufanikiwa na kufanikiwa, lakini kwa sasa, ""makundi makubwa ya mpira wa miguu"" yanaendelea na mafanikio yao." """Wana maeneo ambayo wanafanya kazi bora zaidi katika kudhibiti usumbufu kuliko makazi yasiyo na hatia ambayo mashirika na Huduma ya Samaki na Wanyamapori na watu kama sisi wanaweza kuwa nayo." Wao kutoa mahali katikati ya shamba lao ambapo wao tu kuondoka waterfowl peke yake. Hiyo ni yao. Hiyo ni makao yao. Hiyo ni mahali pao patakatifu. Watu hupenda kuwa na makundi makubwa ya bata-mwitu katikati ya mashamba yao. Kwa kweli, kuna uwezekano wa kuwa na baadhi ya makosa na kukupa fursa ya kuona na kuvuna ndege wa maji. Hiyo ilikuwa moja ya mambo makubwa na yenye kuelimisha zaidi tuliyoona. Kuna uwezekano kwamba tunaweza aina ya polepole kugeuka ndege hawa juu ya shinikizo uwindaji. Sisi ni kujaribu kuunda mini hifadhi ya mpango, hivyo kusema. Au tunaweza kuwapa ndege hawa maji ya mapema, ya kuaminika, kila mwaka, kwenye mandhari ambayo ni kavu sana, na kisha kuifanya iwe huru kutoka kwa usumbufu. "Kama risasi zinaanza kupiga wakati wa msimu wa uwindaji, wanajua, kihistoria, kwamba, ""Haya, tunaweza kwenda kwenye uwanja huu, na hakuna mtu atakayecheza nasi"" - kisha, kwa wazi, wanaweza kwenda kutafuta chakula kutoka hapo." Ikiwa watapigwa risasi, watarudi. Wanahitaji mahali salama pa kupumzika. Hiyo ni jambo la msingi na kila kitu I've redio alama na kufuatiliwa hapa chini. Wanahitaji mahali pa kufanya kazi zao bila kusumbuliwa. Ramsey Russell: Nimekuwa nikisikia kwa miaka watu ambao ni, kwa ukosefu wa neno bora, kupambana na makazi. Haifai kusema. Kwa kweli, ndege wa majini wanapaswa kuwa na mahali pa kwenda kuwa bata bila kupigwa risasi. Ni muhimu. Popote katika dunia unapoenda, wanahitaji kuwa na mahali ambapo wanaweza kuwa bata na kufanya mambo ya bata na wasipigwe risasi. Siwezi kukumbuka kama ilikuwa wewe au mtu mwingine kuniambia hadithi kuhusu banding speck, mara moja, kwamba kubadilishana flyways. Ilikuwa imepotea kabisa kwa muda wa majuma machache. Je, wewe ndiye uliyeniambia hadithi hiyo, au ni mtu mwingine? "Mwanamume mmoja wa California, Dixon, alisema: ""Mimi na ndugu zangu wa California, Dixon na ndugu zangu wa California, tunafanya kazi kwa bidii na kwa bidii." Ndege wa California, ambaye anaishi katika Central Valley, California, anaelekea kaskazini na kuwasili katika eneo hili la ndege. Baadhi yao hata <unk>Ross<unk>s geese, hasa <unk> kuja hapa majira ya baridi moja, na kisha alibaki nyuma ya ijayo. Kwa sababu yoyote ile, wao hupita njia za kuruka. Ramsey Russell: Ninatambua. Wakati wale mbawakawa wenye nyuso nyeupe wanapoondoka Louisiana, je, wao huruka kama mwamba hadi Aktiki? Au wao huruka tu? "Kama ""mfano"" wao, wao hupanda njia yao kaskazini, hasa." Ikiwa ndege bado yuko hapa tarehe 20 Februari, kwa kawaida wataruka kwenda Dakota ya Mashariki njiani. Wengi wao, labda tatu ya nne yao <unk> na kwanza ya Februari, wao <unk> ni kufuatilia mstari wa barafu. Wao ni juu ya njia yao. Wao ni kwenda mbali kaskazini kama wanaweza, na kisha wao ni hatua juu ya kusini ya mstari wa miti katika Prairie Canada. Hiyo ni aina ya kitovu chao. Mwaka huu, ilikuwa kusini-mashariki mwa North Dakota. Kwa sababu ya hali ya barafu na theluji, kusini-mashariki mwa North Dakota kulikuwa na mbawakawa wetu wenye nyuso nyeupe kwa zaidi ya siku thelathini, wakisimama huko wakingojea theluji iyeyuke. Lakini miaka mingi, ni Prairie Canada. Mengi huanguka, ni sawa. Ni siku thelathini kutoka wakati wao kuonekana. Ikiwa wanafika huko mwishoni mwa Agosti, kwa kawaida wanarudi mwishoni mwa Septemba. Kwa hiyo inaonekana kama katika siku thelathini - nzuri, mbaya, au mbaya - wanaweza kupata kile wanachohitaji kufanya harakati hiyo Kaskazini au Kusini. Ramsey Russell: Hiyo ni wazimu. Hilo ni jambo lenye kustaajabisha kabisa. Mimi nitakuambia, mchakato mzima wa uhamiaji ni tu ajabu, jinsi wale nyeupe-mashariki itakuwa hoja na kufanya aina hiyo ya mambo. "Kama vile ""Mbwa wa Mnyama"" na ""Mbwa wa Mnyama"" na ""Mbwa wa Mnyama"" na ""Mbwa wa Mnyama"" na ""Mbwa wa Mnyama"" na ""Mbwa wa Mnyama"" na ""Mbwa wa Mnyama"" na ""Mbwa wa Mnyama"" na ""Mbwa wa Mnyama"" na ""Mbwa wa Mnyama"" na ""Mbwa wa Mnyama"" na ""Mbwa wa Mnyama.""" Kwa mfano, wewe na mwenzako wa kibinafsi wa ardhi mnatumia muda mwingi na pesa nyingi kwenye ndege wako wa utafiti. Ni wangapi wanaopigwa risasi? "Paul Link: ""Hii ni kweli, lakini ni kweli." Si jambo lisilo la busara. Kwa mujibu wa takwimu za kila mwaka, idadi ya watu wanaopatikana katika maeneo hayo ni asilimia 85 na asilimia 10 ya watu wanaokufa katika maeneo hayo. Kwa hiyo ni ya juu, lakini, ni wazi, vitu hivi ni kuvaa kola. Wao ni uncoated. Yetu ni ya rangi ya kijivu. Baadhi ya watu kuweka kahawia juu, lakini sisi kujaribu kufanya yao kama cryptic kama tunaweza hivyo wao ni vigumu kuona. Kila mwaka, nitakuwa na moja au mbili kwamba kupata risasi off-njia. Wao ama si kuchukuliwa au kutupwa. Tulikuwa na risasi moja katika Arkansas spring hii, siku tatu baada ya goose msimu kufungwa. Mtu huyo alikiri alichokifanya. Yeye ni mwindaji wa maisha yote. Aliona, hakujua ilikuwa nini, na akafanya mfululizo wa maamuzi mabaya. Tulipata kola nyuma kutoka kwake. Watu wengi ni wazuri sana kuhusu hilo. Wao kuelewa nini sisi ni kujaribu kufanya. Ramsey Russell: Geo-marker ni katika kola, si mguu? Paul Link: Siyo kweli. Vifuniko tunavyotumia, havina mipako. Ina paneli tatu za jua. Yote ni kuingizwa katika kola. Ni kifaa pretty laini. Pia tunawafunga. Wamiliki wa ardhi binafsi ambao nimezungumza nao katika miezi michache iliyopita ni wakulima, lakini wanaweka kando baadhi ya michango muhimu ya kibinafsi katika makazi, katika baadhi ya maeneo haya ya kupumzika ambayo Paul anazungumza juu. Sasa, wao ni kuja katika na kuchimba elbow-ndani katika mifuko yao wenyewe na fedha hizi ghali kufuatilia collars wao ni kuweka juu ya hawa white-fronted geese, pia. Ramsey Russell: Jambo moja nilitaka kubeba nje kwa watu kusikiliza, kwamba kweli alivutia mimi kuhusu nini yeye anaita majaribio yake hobby, ni kwamba ni binafsi kufadhiliwa. Ni wamiliki wengi wa ardhi binafsi katika kusini magharibi mwa Louisiana na sehemu za Arkansas, pengine mahali pengine. Wananchi na wakulima wa mashamba ya ardhi wanafanya kazi kwa bidii na kwa bidii na kuandaa fedha kwa ajili ya utafiti huu. """Ninajua serikali ya jimbo na serikali ya shirikisho pia inafanya shughuli kadhaa pamoja naye, lakini nilitaka tu kuelezea kwamba sisi daima tunasikia juu ya umuhimu wa uwindaji katika uhifadhi, wawindaji kama watunzaji." Lakini, mtu, hii ni, kwa ajili yangu, ngazi ya kupita kiasi. Wamiliki wengi wa ardhi ambao wamekuwa wakifanya kazi katika mashamba ya kilimo, wamejiunga na mashamba ya kuhifadhi na kuhifadhi mazingira ya asili ya watu ambao Paul anawaelezea. Sasa, wao ni kuja katika na kuchimba elbow-kuzama katika mifuko yao wenyewe na fedha hizi tracker ghali wao ni kuweka juu ya hizi nyeupe-mzizi, pia. Paul, utaenda wapi kutoka hapa? Baada ya miaka mitano, ni maswali gani unayotaka kujibu? Ni hatua gani unazochukua baada ya miaka mitano ya kutafakari juu ya hili? Kwa hiyo, ni muhimu sana kuchunguza tofauti kati ya maeneo ambayo mbuzi wa mbele nyeupe wanaishi wakati wa majira ya baridi kali na maeneo ya kuishi. Kuangalia nini matokeo ambayo ina juu ya nyingine, baadaye, viwango muhimu. Je, mahali ambapo ndege huyo huchagua kukaa wakati wa majira ya baridi kali huathiri mafanikio yake ya kuzaliana miezi mitano baadaye? Hiyo ni aina ya habari ambayo teknolojia hii ni hatimaye inaruhusu sisi kuangalia. "Mwanzoni, tulijadili juu ya ""mfano"" wa podcast, na baadaye tulijadili juu ya ""mfano"" wa podcast, na baadaye tulijadili juu ya ""mfano"" wa podcast." Hiyo ni aina ya jambo kubwa ijayo kwa ajili yetu sasa, kuangalia wote tofauti katika mikoa kwamba hawa white-fronted geese ni wintering na uteuzi wa makazi. Kuangalia nini matokeo ambayo ina juu ya nyingine, baadaye, viwango muhimu. Je, mahali ambapo ndege huyo huchagua kukaa wakati wa majira ya baridi kali huathiri mafanikio yake ya kuzaliana miezi mitano baadaye? Hiyo ni aina ya habari ambayo teknolojia hii ni hatimaye inaruhusu sisi kuangalia. Kwa mfano, kwa kipekee, goose nyeupe-fronted inaweza kuwa na miaka mitatu ya kuzaliana. Kwa mfano, kama yeye ni majira ya baridi kusini magharibi Louisiana katika mwaka wa kwanza, anafanya hivyo juu ya uhamiaji wake spring, huenda juu na viota katika Arctic na... Tunaweza kusema, kulingana na harakati zao, kama wao ni mafanikio katika vichaka. """Hatujui kuajiri isipokuwa kama tungekuja kupata picha ya ndege huyo baada ya yeye kuonekana tena kwenye nyanda, lakini kuna vigezo vingi sana huko na hasara ya vijana baada ya kuanguka." Katika mwaka wa pili, kama yeye huchagua majira ya baridi katika eneo tofauti, kama yeye ana mbinu tofauti ya uhamiaji wa majira ya kuchipua na juhudi tofauti za kuzaliana baadaye, kwa kweli, kujaribu kuunganisha athari hizo tofauti za msimu na maeneo ya kuanguka, maeneo ya majira ya baridi, uhamiaji wa majira ya kuchipua, na uzazi wa baadaye. Kwa aina zote za ndege wa majini, kipindi muhimu zaidi ni wakati wa kuzaliana. Hiyo ni aina ya ambapo sisi ni wakiongozwa sasa; kujibu maswali haya ngumu ambayo zinahitaji maisha marefu. Unahitaji kitengo cha kudumu kwa misimu mingi ya kuzaliana ili kujibu maswali kama hayo. Baadhi ya bata-mwitu wa mbele nyeupe wanashirikiana, na hilo ni jambo jingine ambalo hatuzungumzi juu yake. Baadhi ya mbawakawa hao wenye nyuso nyeupe wanaweza kuwa na umri wa miaka mitatu, wengine wanaweza kuwa na umri wa miaka kumi na saba. Tunajua hili kwa sababu nimekamata tena bata-bukini ambao wamekuwa wakivaa bendi. Tumebadilisha bendi kadhaa. Hakuna anayejua kwa kweli wana umri gani. Kwa mfano, ndege wa kawaida wa Canada, ambao wana uwezo wa mwili wa kutosha, wanaondoka kwenye nyanda za majani wakati wa majira ya kuchipua na kwenda kwenye kiota. Mitch Weegman anajifunza, kutokana na idadi ya Greenland ya bata-mbuzi wenye nyuso nyeupe, kwamba ni thuluthi moja tu ya wale bata-mbuzi wenye nyuso nyeupe wanaojaribu hata kufanya kiota. Hata wanapokuwa katika hali ileile ya mwili, mwaka baada ya mwaka, ni theluthi moja tu kati yao wanaojaribu kufanya kiota. Sasa, tunafikiri kwamba bata-mwitu wetu wa katikati ya bara ni tofauti. Tunafikiri kwamba watajaribu kila mwaka, lakini Aktiki ni mahali pa uhasama sana miaka mingi. Ni kweli kwamba wakati wa majira ya baridi kali, wakati wa baridi kali, na wakati wa baridi kali, kila kitu kinaweza kuwa na athari, lakini kwa kweli, kwa sababu ya hali ya hewa ya majira ya baridi kali, hakuna kitu kinachoweza kuathiri hali ya hewa. Kila mwaka, wao hujaribu kufanya kiota. Ni wazi, wana viwango vya mafanikio na uzalishaji tofauti sana, lakini hiyo ni aina ya ambapo sisi ni kuelekea. Ni mambo magumu sana ambayo yamebaki. Tuna madereva mzuri juu ya biometrics ya nini spring na kuanguka uhamiaji kuangalia kama. Tunajua ni kilocalories ngapi za nishati zinazohitajika kufanya harakati hizo. Wakati wao kuhamia, wao ni kati ya 850 na 7,000 futi juu ya usawa wa bahari, na wao ni kusafiri kati ya 55 na 70 maili kwa saa. Tuna yote hayo. Sasa, ni kujaribu kufunga katika mambo haya yote ngumu kwa kipindi kirefu cha muda. Hiyo ni ambapo sisi ni kuelekea na mradi sasa hivi. "Mwanamke huyo alisema: ""Nashukuru sana kwa maelezo na majadiliano yenu kuhusu utafiti wenu kuhusu mbuzi aina ya specklebellies huko kusini magharibi mwa Louisiana na nje ya nchi." Je, kuna kitu ambacho sikukuuliza ambacho unaweza kufikiria kusema? Paul Link: Naam, tumekuwa kutoka mwisho mmoja wa njia ya kuruka hadi mwingine. Nadhani sisi got pretty vizuri kufunikwa nyeupe-fronted geese. Ramsey Russell: Tumejadili jambo hilo. Watu wanawezaje kuungana na wewe kwenye mitandao ya kijamii? Kwa mfano, shirika la Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Foundation (LWFFF) lina tovuti ya hivi karibuni. Hiyo ni lawff.org/waterfowl. Wana kurasa kadhaa ambazo zinaangazia miradi mitatu ambayo tunafanya kazi sasa. Kuna maelezo ya kina ambayo unaweza kuona ni nini mbinu zetu, ni nini malengo yetu ya utafiti wa goose nyeupe, maswali ya msingi, haja ya kwa nini tunafanya kile tunachofanya. Pia, kuna kipengele cha kutoa mchango ambapo wanaweza kutoa mchango ikiwa watachagua kuunga mkono miradi hiyo. Tena, hiyo imekuwa mizizi ya miradi hii yote. Watu wengi wanaingia, wakitoa noti ya $ 20 - baadhi yao maelfu - lakini ni juhudi ya msingi. wawindaji na wanariadha ambao ni nia ya hizi Louisiana nyeupe-fronted geese, kwamba upendo spots hizi kama sana kama au wakati mwingine, katika baadhi ya kesi, hata zaidi ya mimi, wao ni kuendesha mambo haya. "Wanawasaidia kukusanya data ili kuboresha uelewa wetu, kutoa maeneo bora kwa ajili ya hawa white-fronted geese, na kutusaidia kujaribu kuelewa vizuri nini kinaendelea. """ Ramsey Russell: Hiyo ni njia nzuri ya kushiriki. Ni akaunti gani ya Instagram ambayo unaweza kuweka picha zako na picha zako? Paul Link: Ni @plink_the_bander. Hiyo ni Instagram yangu. Nimekuwa na shughuli nyingi sana hapa, wiki chache zilizopita, kuwa update watu, lakini hii ni wakati muhimu zaidi ya mwaka. Kama sisi kukaa hapa chini ambapo ni 95o, mambo hayo kwamba wale white-fronted geese na wale mallards na wale bluu-winged na gadwalls na kila kitu kingine kwamba sisi kushikilia karibu na dear kwetu. Hii ni dirisha la siku 30 ambapo kila kitu muhimu kwa jinsi maporomoko yetu yatakavyokwenda kinafanyika. Mimi itabidi kuwa kujaribu kupata kidogo zaidi ya kazi juu ya huko. Kuna mengi ya baridi nesting harakati na mambo yanayotokea sasa hivi. Ni fursa nzuri kwa watu wengi kufikiria nini kinaendelea katika msimu wa nje na ndege hawa, kwa aina ya kuwaweka dialed-katika juu ya nini ni muhimu kwa bata na bata. Ramsey Russell: Ni ajabu. @plink_the_bander Yoall kuangalia ni nje. Yeye posts baadhi ya mambo kweli baridi wakati yeye ni kufanya hii banding, na mimi kweli kama baadhi ya data ramani wewe post ya jinsi ndege kwamba ni kusonga, jinsi mbali ndege kwamba ni kusonga. Ni mambo ya ajabu sana kwangu. Kwa mfano, unaweza kuangalia tovuti ya Shirika la Uvuvi na Wanyamapori la Louisiana, na unaweza kujihusisha na utafiti wa aina hii. Guys, asante yall kwa kusikiliza Duck Msimu Mahali fulani podcast. Tutaonana mara ijayo. | <urn:uuid:7659ffb2-845c-4a4f-9bf3-205862c3a78e> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.getducks.com/duckseasonsomewhere/are-wintering-specklebellies-declining-in-louisisna/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, scientists have been working at a record-breaking pace to develop a vaccine. This usually takes years, even decades. Universities, companies, non-profits and nations have collaborated like never before. Only one year later, vaccines are here. What should you do when a mysterious microbe comes knocking? Stay calm, learn the facts, get vaccinated and enjoy a GIANTmicrobes Covid-19 vaccine!
Size: 5 x 3 x 3"
|Giantmicrobes are based on actual microbes, cells, organisms and other critters, only 1,000,000 times actual size!
Gigantic (GG) 16-24"
XL (XL) 10-15"
Original (PD) 5-8"
Keychain (KC) 2-4" with clip
|Plush from all new materials. Stuffed with polyester fiber fill. Surface washable: sponge with water & soap, air dry.
|Each plush microbe includes a printed card with fun, educational and fascinating facts about the actual microbe or cell.
|Every product meets or exceeds U.S. and European standards for safety. For ages 3 and up.
All about COVID-19 Vaccine
FACTS: Vaccines are one of the greatest medical advances of all time. Vaccination programs have saved millions of lives. Your body’s immune system acts like a security system to protect you against invading viruses, bacteria and other microbes. When harmful microbes make it past your skin, mucous and other surface barriers, they trigger the immune response. This involves white blood cells and antibodies that target specific microbes. Antibodies tag the microbe so your immune system can recognize it. If this microbe attacks in the future, your body can destroy it.
Natural immunization occurs when you become immune to a microbe due to infection. Active immunization employs a vaccine to stimulate the immune response. Vaccines cause your body to create and store away antibodies for microbes that have never infected you. Vaccines are truly amazing - they protect against a disease without causing the disease. So even if you have never encountered the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, SARS-CoV2, the vaccine will protect you from it.
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, scientists have been working at a record- breaking pace to develop a vaccine. This usually takes years, even decades. When Covid-19 arrived, universities, companies, non-profit organizations and nations collaborated like never before on various technologies. There are many types of vaccines. Some contain dead or weakened microbes, inactivated toxins or a piece of microbe. The first Covid-19 vaccines use a synthetic version of a genetic molecule called messenger RNA. This causes human cells to produce a harmless coronavirus spike protein, which then stimulates the body to make antibodies. This and other Covid-19 vaccine technologies train your immune system to destroy the actual coronavirus if it attacks your body later.
Thanks to vaccines, humans have been able to obliterate deadly diseases such as smallpox and polio, as well as reduce the prevalence of measles, HPV, the flu and dozens of other illnesses. Covid-19 vaccines slow the spread of the disease and drive down the rate of infections. Vaccines save lives, protecting each person who takes them and society as a whole. | Katika kipindi chote cha janga la COVID-19, wanasayansi wamekuwa wakifanya kazi kwa kasi ya kuvunja rekodi ili kutengeneza chanjo. Kwa kawaida hilo huchukua miaka, hata miongo kadhaa. Vyuo vikuu, makampuni, mashirika yasiyo ya faida na mataifa yameshirikiana kama kamwe kabla. Mwaka mmoja tu baadaye, chanjo zilikuja. Unapaswa kufanya nini wakati kiini-damu kisichoeleweka kinapokuja kukigonga? Kujiunga na jamii ya watu wenye afya, kuandaa na kuandaa chanjo ya COVID-19 ya Giant Microbes "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""microbes kubwa"" ni ""microbes halisi, seli, viumbe na viumbe vingine, ukubwa wa mara milioni moja tu ya ukubwa halisi.""" Gigantic (GG) 16-24" XL (XL) 10-15" Original (PD) 5-8" Keychain (KC) 2-4" na clip |Plush kutoka vifaa vyote vipya. Imejazwa na nyuzi za polyester. Uso washable: sifongo na maji na sabuni, hewa kavu. Kila kiini cha plush kina kadi iliyochapishwa na ukweli wa kufurahisha, wa kielimu na wa kuvutia kuhusu kiini au seli halisi. Kila bidhaa inakidhi au inazidi viwango vya usalama vya Marekani na Ulaya. Kwa umri wa miaka 3 na zaidi. COVID-19 Vaccine Facts: Vaccines ni moja ya maendeleo makubwa ya matibabu ya wakati wote. Programu za chanjo zimeokoa mamilioni ya uhai. Mfumo wa kinga wa mwili wako hufanya kazi kama mfumo wa usalama ili kukulinda dhidi ya maambukizi ya virusi, bakteria na vimelea vingine. Wakati vimelea vyenye madhara vinavyoingia kwenye ngozi, utando, na mipaka mingine ya uso, vinachochea majibu ya kinga. Hilo huhusisha chembe nyeupe za damu na kingamwili zinazolenga vijidudu hususa. Vipimo vya kinga huweka alama kwenye vimelea hivyo mfumo wako wa kinga unaweza kukitambua. Ikiwa bakteria hii itashambulia wakati ujao, mwili wako unaweza kuiharibu. Ugonjwa wa asili hutokea unapopata kinga dhidi ya vimelea kwa sababu ya maambukizo. Utoaji chanjo wenye nguvu hutumia chanjo kuchochea majibu ya kinga. Chanjo hufanya mwili wako utengeneze na kuhifadhi kingamwili kwa vimelea ambavyo havijawahi kukugusa. Chanjo ni zenye kustaajabisha kwelikweli - zinalinda dhidi ya ugonjwa bila kusababisha ugonjwa huo. Hata kama hujawahi kukutana na virusi vya corona vinavyosababisha COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 au virusi vingine vya kuambukiza, chanjo itakukinga. Katika kipindi chote cha janga la COVID-19, wanasayansi wamekuwa wakifanya kazi kwa kasi ya rekodi ili kutengeneza chanjo. Kwa kawaida hilo huchukua miaka, hata miongo kadhaa. COVID-19 ilipoanza, vyuo vikuu, makampuni, mashirika yasiyo ya faida na mataifa yalifanya kazi pamoja kama haijawahi kutokea hapo awali kwenye teknolojia mbalimbali. Kuna aina nyingi za chanjo. Baadhi yao yana vijidudu vilivyofiwa au vilivyodhoofika, sumu zilizotumiwa au sehemu ya vijidudu. Chanjo ya kwanza ya COVID-19 hutumia toleo la synthetic la molekuli ya maumbile inayoitwa RNA ya mjumbe. Hii inasababisha chembe za binadamu kutengeneza protini isiyo na madhara ya coronavirus, ambayo kisha huchochea mwili kutengeneza antibodi. Teknolojia hii na nyingine za chanjo za COVID-19 zinafundisha mfumo wako wa kinga kuharibu virusi vya corona halisi ikiwa vitashambulia mwili wako baadaye. """Kwa sababu ya chanjo, wanadamu wameweza kuondoa magonjwa hatari kama vile ugonjwa wa chembechembe na polio, na pia kupunguza kuenea kwa ugonjwa wa surua, HPV, mafua na magonjwa mengine mengi." Chanjo za COVID-19 hupunguza kasi ya kuenea kwa ugonjwa na kupunguza kiwango cha maambukizi. Chanjo huokoa maisha, ikilinda kila mtu anayezitumia na jamii nzima. | <urn:uuid:ec0a84c1-3d1e-4039-9a95-325cae681e4e> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.giantmicrobes.com/us/products/covid-vaccine.html | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Ethics and Climate Change
Climate Action: An Ethical Responsibility
Nations of the World Face a Moral Choice, Prepare and Survive, or Not?
The Climate Conferences Add Up, One after Another
"A Timeline of International Climate Conferences"
- Accompanied by 'Trends in Atmospheric CO2 vs Global Temperature Change'
"A Considerable Threat" that has become a #ClimateCrisis
GreenPolicy360: Let us go back to the beginning when climate science was first 'coming onto the screen' and those of us who were there and part of the new environmental movement in the 1960s and 70s were bringing the science into the light...
First, here are two links your GreenPolicy360 Siterunner asks you to review --
Rep. George E. Brown - https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/George_E._Brown_Jr
Second, let's go back to the science and pick up ten years after George Brown entered Congress and began historic climate/atmospheric science work:
In 1977, the head of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration delivered a report for the National Academy of Sciences that concluded that CO2 released during the burning of fossil fuel could have consequences for climate that pose a considerable threat to future society.
Rep. George Brown took the findings of the 1977 Energy and Climate Report from the Academy of Sciences and made the science actionable. In a historic moment, he proposed and drafted the legislation of the first U.S. National Climate Program and shepherded its passage in 1978.
This first federal program established to study and assess scientifically the issues and risks of human-caused climate change became a foundation for comprehensive initiatives, with an array of new Earth Science missions led by NASA and NOAA, the EPA and USGS.
In 1979 a follow-on National Science Academy report, commonly referenced as the "Charney Report", is released. The study was "in response to a request from the Director of the recently established Office of Science and Technology Policy" and it stated that "the President of the National Academy of Sciences (has) convened a study group under the auspices of the Climate Research Board of the National Research Council to assess the scientific basis for projection of possible future climatic changes resulting from man-made releases of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere." This study and report of national scientists is now seen as prescient and accurate in its global warming predictions.
Note the featuring of J. Hansen, Goddard Institute for Space Studies, NASA and S. Manabe, R.T. Wetherald, and K.Bryan, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA. The Chairman of the Study Group on Carbon Dioxide and Climate is Jule G. Charney (who years later would write of the report's accuracy in its predictions)
"[T]he responsibility of the carbon-dioxide problem is ours - we should accept it and act in a way that recognizes our role as trustees for future generations." (Charney et al., 1979) This report also estimated that the amount of warming that would be experienced from a doubling of the pre-industrial levels of CO2 would be 3 degrees C, very close to the amount that the "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change" would predict almost 30 years later."
In Geneva, Switzerland, a 'World Climate Conference' convened in 1979 under the aegis of the World Meteorological Organization, a weather and science agency of the United Nations.
The World Climate Conference, a conference of experts on climate and mankind, held in Geneva, from 12 to 23 February 1979, was sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization in collaboration with other international bodies.
The specialists from many disciplines assembled for the Conference expressed their views concerning climatic variability and change and the implications for the world community. On the basis of their deliberations, they adopted the following: "An Appeal to Nations"
More on Climate and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
"Climate change is a civilization challenging ethical and moral problem and this understanding has enormous practical significance for policy." -- Donald Brown
The Ethics and Climate site contains over 185 articles (as of 2017) including 13 videos on ethical issues raised by climate change. The site seeks to help policy makers and interested citizens understand the ethical dimensions of climate change issues in contention in policy debates.
Ethics and Climate seeks to increase and deepen public reflection on the ethical implications of human-induced climate change among policymakers, the public, non-government organizations, and journalists.
The site analyzes issues that arise in public discussions of climate change policy making and identifies the ethical, equity, and justice issues entailed by these issues.
The site is written and edited by Donald A. Brown, Scholar in Residence and Professor, Widener University School of Law. Professor Brown has worked in government at the state, federal, and international level on climate change and taught the ethics, law, science, and politics of climate change for over 25 years. The site also regularly includes articles from scholars in environmental ethics, science, and law on climate ethical issues facing climate policy makers.
For over thirty-five years, the US Academy of Sciences has warned the US about the enormous threats of climate change with each successive report making stronger claims that human caused climate change is a serious threat to civilization. If the United States can be accused of failing to live up to its ethical responsibilities to the rest of the world on climate change, one cannot blame the US Academy of Sciences for failing to ring alarm bells. US citizens cannot claim that their most prestigious scientific institutions have failed to take a position on the seriousness of climate change.
The failure of the United States to respond to climate change can be attributed in largest part to a well-financed, well-organized climate change disinformation campaign. As Climate Ethics has previously cited, see "A New Kind of Crime Against Humanity?: The Fossil Fuel Industry's Disinformation Campaign On Climate Change". (Donald Brown, 2010a)
Climate Ethics has also repeatedly argued that the failure of the United States to respond to its ethical duties for climate change may also be attributed to the almost complete failure in the United States of the media and even climate change policy advocates to acknowledge that climate change raises not only national interests but also duties, responsibilities, and obligations to others.
"Tyranny of the contemporary"
Tyranny as a collective action problem in which earlier generations exploit the future by taking modest benefits for themselves now while passing on potentially catastrophic costs later.
The critical question as we seek to meet such a tyranny and address climate change will be which moral framework is in play when we make decisions. In many settings, we do not even notice when this question arises, because we assume that the relevant values are so widely shared and similarly interpreted that the answer should be obvious to everyone. Nevertheless, the values question is not trivial, since our answer will shape our whole approach.
If we think something should be done about climate change, it is only because we use our moral frameworks to evaluate climate change events, our role in bringing them about, and the alternatives to our action. This evaluation gives us both an account of the problem and constraints on what would count as relevant solutions. | Utamaduni na Mabadiliko ya Hali ya Hewa: Hatua ya Hali ya Hewa: Wajibu wa Kimaadili Mataifa ya Ulimwengu yanakabiliwa na chaguo la maadili, Jitayarishe na Kuokoka, au La? "Kama ilivyoelezwa katika makala ya kwanza ya Greenpeace, ""Mtazamo wa Utamaduni wa Kimataifa"" ni ""Mtazamo wa Kimataifa wa Kimataifa wa Kimataifa wa Kimataifa wa Kimataifa wa Kimataifa wa Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa ya Kimataifa.""" "Mjumbe wa Bunge George Brown alitoa ripoti ya mwaka 1977 ya ""Nishati na Hali ya Hewa"" kutoka kwa Chuo cha Sayansi na kuifanya kuwa ""saikolojia inayoweza kutekelezwa.""" Katika kipindi cha kwanza cha historia, alitoa pendekezo la kuanzisha mpango wa kwanza wa hali ya hewa wa kitaifa na kuongoza kupitishwa kwake mnamo 1978. Programu hii ya kwanza ya shirikisho ilianzishwa ili kujifunza na kutathmini kisayansi masuala na hatari za mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa yanayosababishwa na binadamu, ikawa msingi wa mipango ya kina, na safu ya misheni mpya ya Sayansi ya Dunia iliyoongozwa na NASA na NOAA, EPA na USGS. "Mwaka 1979 ripoti ya Chuo Kikuu cha Sayansi cha Marekani (National Science Academy) ilitolewa, na baadaye ikaitwa ""Charney Report.""" "Utafiti huo ulifanywa ""kwa kujibu ombi la Mkurugenzi wa Ofisi ya Sera ya Sayansi na Teknolojia iliyoanzishwa hivi karibuni"" na ilisema kwamba ""Rais wa Chuo Kikuu cha Sayansi cha Kitaifa (am) amefanya mkutano wa kikundi cha utafiti chini ya udhamini wa Bodi ya Utafiti wa Hali ya Hewa ya Baraza la Utafiti wa Kitaifa ili kutathmini msingi wa kisayansi wa utabiri wa mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa ya baadaye yanayotokana na kutolewa kwa kaboni dioksidi katika anga.""" Utafiti huu na ripoti ya wanasayansi wa kitaifa sasa inaonekana kuwa ya kimbele na sahihi katika utabiri wake wa ongezeko la joto duniani. J. Hansen, Mkurugenzi wa Taasisi ya Goddard ya Mafunzo ya Anga, NASA, na S. Manabe, R. T. Wetherald, na K. Bryan, Mhandisi wa Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, NOAA. "Mkurugenzi wa Kikundi cha Utafiti juu ya Kaboni Dioksidi na Hali ya Hewa ni J. G. Charney, ambaye miaka kadhaa baadaye aliandika juu ya usahihi wa ripoti hiyo katika utabiri wake: ""Wajibu wa tatizo la kaboni dioksidi ni wetu - tunapaswa kukubali na kutenda kwa njia inayotambua jukumu letu kama wadhamini wa vizazi vijavyo.""" "Charney et al. (1979), pia inakadiria kwamba kiasi cha joto ambayo ingekuwa uzoefu kutoka maradufu ya viwango vya kabla ya viwanda ya CO2 itakuwa 3 ° C, karibu sana na kiasi kwamba ""Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change"" ingekuwa utabiri karibu miaka 30 baadaye." Mkutano wa Dunia wa Hali ya Hewa uliofanyika Geneva, Uswisi, mwaka 1979 ulifanyika chini ya usimamizi wa Shirika la Dunia la Hali ya Hewa (WMO), shirika la hali ya hewa na sayansi la Umoja wa Mataifa. Mkutano wa Dunia wa Hali ya Hewa, uliofanyika Geneva, Ufaransa, tarehe 12-23 Februari 1979, uliandaliwa na Shirika la Kimataifa la Hali ya Hewa (WMO) na mashirika mengine ya kimataifa. Wataalamu kutoka taaluma nyingi walikusanyika kwa ajili ya Mkutano huo na kuelezea maoni yao kuhusu mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa na mabadiliko na athari kwa jamii ya dunia. "Kutokana na mazungumzo yao, walipiga kura ya ""Appeal to Nations"" kuhusu hali ya hewa na Shirika la Kimataifa la Hali ya Hewa (WMO) na kusema: ""Mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa ni tatizo la kimaadili na maadili linalohatarisha ustaarabu na uelewa huu una umuhimu mkubwa wa vitendo kwa sera." "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, tovuti ya ""Ethics and Climate"" ina makala zaidi ya 185 (kwa 2017), ikiwa ni pamoja na video 13 juu ya masuala ya maadili yaliyoibuliwa na mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa." Tovuti hiyo inatafuta kusaidia watunga sera na wananchi wanaopendezwa kuelewa vipimo vya maadili vya masuala ya mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa katika mjadala katika mjadala wa sera. Ethics and Climate inatafuta kuongeza na kuimarisha tafakari ya umma juu ya athari za maadili za mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa yanayotokana na binadamu kati ya watunga sera, umma, mashirika yasiyo ya serikali, na waandishi wa habari. Tovuti hiyo inachambua masuala yanayotokea katika majadiliano ya umma ya utengenezaji wa sera za mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa na kutambua masuala ya maadili, usawa, na haki yanayohusishwa na masuala haya. Tovuti hiyo imeandikwa na kuhaririwa na Donald A. Brown, Scholar katika Makazi na Profesa, Widener Chuo Kikuu cha Shule ya Sheria. Brown amefanya kazi katika serikali ya serikali, serikali ya shirikisho, na kimataifa juu ya mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa na kufundisha maadili, sheria, sayansi na siasa za mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa kwa zaidi ya miaka 25. Tovuti pia mara kwa mara inajumuisha makala kutoka kwa wasomi katika maadili ya mazingira, sayansi, na sheria juu ya masuala ya maadili ya hali ya hewa yanayokabiliwa na watunga sera za hali ya hewa. Kwa zaidi ya miaka thelathini na tano, Chuo cha Sayansi cha Marekani kimekuwa kikionya Marekani kuhusu vitisho vikubwa vya mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa, na kila ripoti inayofuata inatoa madai ya nguvu zaidi kwamba mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa yanayosababishwa na binadamu ni tishio kubwa kwa ustaarabu. """Ikiwa Marekani inaweza kushtakiwa kwa kushindwa kuishi hadi wajibu wake wa maadili kwa ulimwengu wote juu ya mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa, mtu hawezi kumlaumu Chuo cha Sayansi cha Marekani kwa kushindwa kupiga kengele za kengele." Wananchi wa Marekani hawawezi kudai kwamba taasisi zao za kisayansi zenye sifa kubwa zaidi zimeshindwa kuchukua msimamo juu ya uzito wa mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa. Kushindwa kwa Marekani kukabiliana na mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa kunaweza kuhusishwa kwa sehemu kubwa na kampeni ya habari bandia ya mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa iliyofadhiliwa vizuri na kupangwa vizuri. Kama Maadili ya Hali ya Hewa imetaja hapo awali, angalia "A New Kind of Crime Against Humanity? : Kampeni ya Ufisadi ya Viwanda vya Mafuta ya Fossil juu ya Mabadiliko ya Hali ya Hewa". "Mwanahabari wa Climate Ethics Donald Brown alisema: ""Kushindwa kwa Marekani kukabiliana na majukumu yake ya kimaadili kwa mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa inaweza pia kuhusishwa na kushindwa kabisa kwa vyombo vya habari nchini Marekani na hata wanaharakati wa sera ya mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa kutambua kwamba mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa hayazidi maslahi ya kitaifa tu, lakini pia majukumu, majukumu na wajibu kwa wengine.""" "Tyranny of the contemporary: ""Tyranny as a collective action problem in which earlier generations exploit the future by taking modest benefits for themselves now while passing on potentially catastrophic costs later"" (Tyranny of the contemporary: ""Tyranny as a collective action problem in which earlier generations exploit the future by taking modest benefits for themselves now while passing on potentially catastrophic costs later"")." Swali muhimu tunapojaribu kukabiliana na udhalimu kama huo na kushughulikia mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa itakuwa ni mfumo gani wa maadili unacheza wakati tunapofanya maamuzi. Katika mazingira mengi, hata hatuoni wakati swali hili linapoibuka, kwa sababu tunadhani kuwa maadili yanayohusiana yanashirikiwa sana na kutafsiriwa kwa njia sawa kwamba jibu linapaswa kuwa wazi kwa kila mtu. Hata hivyo, swali la maadili si dogo, kwa kuwa jibu letu litakuwa na uvutano juu ya njia yetu yote. Kama tunafikiri kitu lazima kufanyika kuhusu mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa, ni kwa sababu tu sisi kutumia mifumo yetu ya kimaadili kutathmini matukio ya mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa, jukumu letu katika kuleta yao juu, na mbadala kwa hatua zetu. Tathmini hii inatupa wote akaunti ya tatizo na vikwazo juu ya nini ingekuwa kuhesabiwa kama ufumbuzi muhimu. | <urn:uuid:8c5dad22-3835-4c33-a265-859965eea455> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.greenpolicy360.net/w/Ethics_and_Climate_Change | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
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Dorothy Livesay, it is generally agreed, was one of the foremost Canadian poets of her generation. She was born in Winnipeg on 12 October 1909, during the first snowstorm of the season — a fact that she herself considered symbolic of her identity:
Reared on snow she was
Manacled on ice
and it was strangely fitting that she died also, on 29 December 1996, during one of the rare snowstorms in Victoria, B.C.
Her parents, J.F.B. Livesay and Florence Hamilton Randal, were both writers, having met while working for the Winnipeg Telegram. They fostered Dorothy’s literary interests from an early age, although it was not until much later that she discovered that her mother had written published poems. It was her mother who came upon a poem Dorothy had written at the age of 13 and took it upon herself to submit it to a newspaper for publication. Dorothy’s anger at having what she considered private material thus invaded was tempered by the check for two dollars that she received in payment.
By this time the family had moved to Toronto, where she went to a private school and subsequently to the University of Toronto, where she studied modern languages. At the age of 19 her first volume of poetry, a slim collection entitled Green Pitcher, was published. She decided to spend her third year as a student at the University of Aix-Marseilles, where she continued to write. Returning to Toronto for her fourth year, she found herself in a circle that was responding in a radical way to the effects of the deepening Great Depression. But it was during her year of graduate work at the Sorbonne in Paris (1931-32) that the economic effects of the Depression and the rise of Fascism affected Dorothy so strongly that she became a theoretical Marxist and then an active Communist.
Dorothy carried this political commitment back with her to Toronto, where she enrolled in the School of Social Work as a means of carrying her activism into practice. For the fieldwork that comprised the second year of her course, she was accepted by the Family Service Bureau in Montreal, where she was directly exposed to the poverty and misery of the unemployed in a city experiencing the worst effects of the Depression. Her concern for the plight of women, in particular, spurred the development of the strongly feminist emphasis that became a feature of her writing. But her literary output during this period was strongly ideological, which perceptibly affected its quality.
Dorothy’s first job after graduation was with a recreational agency in Englewood, New Jersey, where she was exposed to the full impact of what life was like in the black ghettoes. Her health gave way, and she returned to Toronto, where, after a period of recuperation, she found a congenial position in 1936 as a director of and contributor to a newly founded left-wing journal, New Frontier, which rapidly became more and more completely a mouthpiece for the Communist Party. Later that year she moved to Vancouver as the paper’s western editor, a position which she combined with social work and political activity.
She had not been in Vancouver long when she met Duncan MacNair, who had travelled widely after leaving his native Scotland, and in August 1937 the two were married. Their relationship was to a considerable extent complementary, though also tempestuous at times. After two children were born, Peter in 1940 and Marcia in 1942, Dorothy adjusted her priorities to her family responsibilities. Her literary output continued, though at a reduced level, and she became part of a small circle which successfully launched a new Canadian poetry magazine called Contemporary Verse. But by now she was becoming disenchanted with the Communist Party, though she had not lost her deep concern for the victims of the current economic order. Looking back on these developments from a later perspective, she wrote: “I learned a great deal about communist tactics of penetration and camouflage; but I was too committed to be shocked. It was only years later that the false actions and fractional tactics were revealed to me in their true light. This did not cause me to hate the Communists, or to Red-bait; rather, I was disgusted with myself for having been so duped. But I believe I let myself be duped because no one else except the Communists seemed to be concerned about the plight of our people, nor to be aware of the threat of Hitler and war. These things they saw clearly and they did extend brotherhood to the down-and-out. Certainly the communist predictions of capitalist depression followed by fascism and war were deadly accurate!”
It was during the mid-forties that Duncan and Dorothy discovered the Unitarian Church. For a long while Duncan had been a Theosophist, and at that time there were a number of people who were both Theosophists and Unitarians. Dorothy’s religious upbringing had been conventional. As she herself described it in a sermon delivered in the Unitarian Church of Vancouver in 1956:
I was brought up in an orthodox religious atmosphere. My mother’s Church of England views dominated my early years. I paid little attention to the fact that my father was a heretic and sceptic—himself an escapee from the Plymouth Brethren. However, after steadfast attendance at church and Sunday school, at 15 years old I startled my teacher by questioning certain articles of Anglican dogma… Later, at university I found a very free spirit of enquiry into the historical origins of Judaism and Christianity. Perhaps this made it all the easier for me to repudiate orthodox religion, and eventually to accept as a substitute the deterministic, Marxist view of the origin of man. The paradox continued however, for at the same time that I was embracing economic determinism and naturalism, I was also taking delight in a study of the seventeenth-century poets—all of whom were writing not in praise of man, but for the greater glory of God!
Her wrestling with such paradoxes did not end with her membership in the Unitarian Church. Looking back at a later date, she said, “I missed there the sense of the mysteriousness of life,” and in that same sermon she criticized the common tendency among Unitarians of that period to adopt a completely rationalistic and humanistic stance, saying, “Instead of ignoring the possibility of an outside power as the source of creativity in man, we should rather be making a study of these matters. The deterministic concept, I feel, does not go far enough. It ignores vast areas of human experience which cannot be ignored: I mean the areas of intuition, creativity and mysticism.” She went on to illustrate what she meant by extensive quotation from the poets: Vaughan, Donne, Blake, Whittier, Dickinson and Hopkins. The answer for them, as for her, was to be found in poetic insight. She noted in her journal, “I feel that the beauty of the natural world and the artist’s or poet’s revelation of it does lead to inner harmony—peace—truth. The Gothic cathedrals do lift us out of time.”
Dorothy and Duncan continued to live in Vancouver until 1958. She did some school and university teaching during this time, but her literary output remained fairly slight. Then, as her children grew older, she felt free to apply for a Canada Council fellowship to study the teaching of English at London University’s School of Education. This turned out to mark a new point of departure in her life. The following February she received the news that Duncan had died of a massive stroke, and returned briefly to Vancouver. But she was soon back in London, then for brief period in Paris, working for UNESCO. Later the same year she succeeded in obtaining a position on the staff of a teachers’ training college in what was then Northern Rhodesia but became the independent nation of Zambia while she was there. Her political and social concern involved the mistreatment of children and also the need for improved health and dietary standards. “I can do very little about all this, although I can put some of it into poems.”
In 1975 she once again was instrumental in founding a poetry magazine, CV/II, the title harking back to the Contemporary Verse of the 1940s. It became an important addition to the Canadian literary scene.
The honours which came Dorothy Livesay’s way in later life culminated in her being named an officer of the Order of Canada in 1987.
Her later years were spent mostly in rural retreats. At first she divided her time between a cottage on British Columbia’s Galiano Island and one on Lake Winnipeg; then she moved into a seniors’ complex on Galiano Island. Finally, when this degree of isolation became increasingly difficult to handle, she moved to Victoria, where in her last years she was a regular participant in the life of the Unitarian congregation.
The remarkable succession of changes through which her life moved illustrated her own dictum that, “Every decade we become a different person.” Yet there was an essential continuity and consistent line of development. All the way through she exemplifies a sometimes disconcerting degree of honesty and openness, an insistence upon personal integrity, and an encouragement to the rising generation to find their own authentic path in life. Cosmopolitan though her experience was, there could be no mistaking the genuinely Canadian character of her writing both in poetry and prose, which marked her sense of the importance of roots in a particular place.
— By Phillip Hewett, Minister Emeritus, Unitarian Church of Vancouver, BC, Canada
Livesay, Dorothy. The Self-Completing Tree (Selected Poems). Victoria, BC: Press Porcepic, 1986.
Livesay, Dorothy. Right Hand. Left Hand. Erin, ON: Press Porcepic, 1977.
Stevens, Peter. Dorothy Livesay: Patterns in a Poetic Life. Toronto: ECW Press, 1992. | Maktaba ya Harvard Square ipo tu kwa msingi wa michango. Ikiwa umenufaika na vifaa vyetu, na ikiwa kufanya vifaa vya urithi wa akili vya Unitarian Universalist kupatikana kwa wingi na bure ni thamani kwako, tafadhali toa chochote unachoweza - kila kidogo husaidia: Donate Dorothy Livesay, inakubaliwa kwa ujumla, alikuwa mmoja wa washairi wakuu wa Canada wa kizazi chake. Alizaliwa Winnipeg mnamo Oktoba 12, 1909, wakati wa dhoruba ya theluji ya kwanza ya msimu - ukweli ambao yeye mwenyewe aliona kuwa ishara ya utambulisho wake: Alilelewa kwenye theluji, alishikiliwa kwenye barafu, na ilikuwa ya kushangaza kwamba alikufa pia mnamo Desemba 29, 1996 wakati wa moja ya dhoruba za theluji za nadra huko Victoria, BC. Wazazi wake, J. F. B. Livesay na Florence Hamilton Randal, wote walikuwa waandishi, baada ya kukutana wakati wa kufanya kazi kwa Winnipeg Telegram. Walimsaidia Dorothy kupendezwa na fasihi tangu utotoni, ingawa haikuwa mpaka baadaye kwamba aligundua kwamba mama yake alikuwa ameandika mashairi yaliyochapishwa. Mama yake ndiye aliyepata shairi ambalo Dorothy aliandika akiwa na umri wa miaka 13 na akajipa jukumu la kulipeleka kwenye gazeti la habari ili lichapishwe. hasira ya Dorothy kwa kuwa na kile alichokiona kuwa nyenzo binafsi hivyo kuvamiwa ilikuwa tempered na kuangalia kwa dola mbili kwamba alipokea katika malipo. Wakati huo familia yake ilikuwa imehamia Toronto, ambapo alienda shule ya kibinafsi na baadaye katika Chuo Kikuu cha Toronto, ambapo alisoma lugha za kisasa. Alipokuwa na umri wa miaka 19, kitabu chake cha kwanza cha mashairi, Green Pitcher, kilichapishwa. Aliamua kutumia mwaka wake wa tatu kama mwanafunzi katika Chuo Kikuu cha Aix-Marseille, ambapo aliendelea kuandika. Aliporudi Toronto kwa mwaka wake wa nne, alijikuta katika mzunguko ambao ulikuwa ukijibu kwa njia ya kimkakati kwa athari za Mshuko Mkubwa wa Kiuchumi. Katika mwaka wa 1931 na 1932 alipokuwa akisoma katika chuo kikuu cha Sorbonne huko Paris, Dorothy alishirikiana na kikundi cha wanaharakati wa kisiasa na wa kisiasa. Dorothy alibeba ahadi hii ya kisiasa nyuma na yeye Toronto, ambapo yeye alijiandikisha katika Shule ya Kazi ya Jamii kama njia ya kubeba harakati yake katika mazoezi. Katika mwaka wa pili wa masomo yake, alikubaliwa na Ofisi ya Huduma za Familia huko Montreal, ambapo aliona moja kwa moja umaskini na huzuni ya watu wasio na kazi katika jiji lililokuwa likikabiliwa na athari mbaya zaidi za Mshuko wa Kiuchumi. Hasa wasiwasi wake juu ya hali mbaya ya wanawake ulisababisha maendeleo ya msisitizo mkali wa kike ambao ukawa sifa ya uandishi wake. Lakini uzalishaji wake wa fasihi wakati huu ulikuwa na itikadi kali, ambayo iliathiri ubora wake. Kazi ya kwanza ya Dorothy baada ya kuhitimu ilikuwa katika shirika la burudani huko Englewood, New Jersey, ambapo alifunuliwa kwa athari kamili ya maisha ya watu weusi katika gheto. Baada ya kupona kwa muda, alirudi Toronto, ambako alipata nafasi nzuri mwaka 1936 kama mkurugenzi na mchangiaji wa jarida la kushoto lililokuwa limesajiliwa, New Frontier, ambalo haraka likawa mdomo wa Chama cha Kikomunisti. Baadaye mwaka huo alihamia Vancouver kama mhariri wa magharibi wa karatasi hiyo, nafasi ambayo aliunganisha na kazi ya kijamii na shughuli za kisiasa. Baada ya kukaa Vancouver kwa muda mfupi, alikutana na Duncan MacNair, ambaye alikuwa amesafiri sana baada ya kuondoka Scotland, na mnamo Agosti 1937 walifunga ndoa. Uhusiano wao ulikuwa wa ziada kwa kiasi kikubwa, ingawa pia ulikuwa wenye msukosuko nyakati nyingine. Baada ya kuzaliwa watoto wawili, Peter mwaka wa 1940 na Marcia mwaka wa 1942, Dorothy alibadili mambo aliyotazamia na kuelekeza fikira zake kwenye familia. Uchapishaji wake wa fasihi uliendelea, ingawa kwa kiwango cha chini, na akawa sehemu ya mzunguko mdogo ambao ulifanikiwa kuzindua jarida jipya la ushairi la Canada lililoitwa Contemporary Verse. Lakini sasa alikuwa akivunjika moyo na Chama cha Kikomunisti, ingawa hakuwa amepoteza wasiwasi wake wa kina kwa ajili ya waathirika wa utaratibu wa sasa wa kiuchumi. "Akiangalia nyuma katika maendeleo haya kutoka kwa mtazamo wa baadaye, aliandika: ""Nilijifunza mengi juu ya mbinu za kikomunisti za kupenya na kujificha, lakini nilikuwa nimejitolea sana kushtushwa." Ni miaka michache tu baadaye kwamba vitendo vya uongo na mbinu za vikundi vilifunuliwa kwangu katika nuru yao ya kweli. Hii haikunifanya niwachukie Wakomunisti, au kuwa Red-bait; badala yake, nilijichukiza mwenyewe kwa kuwa nimedanganywa hivyo. Lakini nadhani nilijiruhusu nidhulumiwe kwa sababu hakuna mtu mwingine isipokuwa Wakomunisti aliyeonekana kuwa na wasiwasi juu ya hali mbaya ya watu wetu, wala kuwa na ufahamu wa tishio la Hitler na vita. Waliona mambo hayo waziwazi, nao wakawa na ushirika wa ndugu kwa wale walio chini. Kwa hakika utabiri wa Kikomunisti wa kushuka kwa uchumi na kufuatiwa na ufashisti na vita ulikuwa sahihi sana! Ilikuwa katikati ya miaka ya arobaini kwamba Duncan na Dorothy waligundua Kanisa la Unitari. Kwa muda mrefu Duncan alikuwa Theosophist, na wakati huo kulikuwa na idadi ya watu ambao walikuwa wote Theosophists na Unitarians. Dorothy alilelewa kwa kufuata dini ya kawaida. "Mwanamke huyo aliandika hivi katika hotuba yake ya kwanza katika kanisa la Unitarian huko Vancouver: ""Nililelewa katika mazingira ya kidini ya kawaida." Maoni ya mama yangu kuhusu Kanisa la Uingereza yalitawala miaka yangu ya mapema. Sikuwa nikikazia fikira ukweli kwamba baba yangu alikuwa mwasi na mwenye kutilia shaka - yeye mwenyewe alikuwa mkimbizi kutoka kwa Ndugu wa Plymouth. Hata hivyo, baada ya kuhudhuria kanisa na shule ya Jumapili kwa uthabiti, nilipokuwa na umri wa miaka kumi na tano, nilimshangaza mwalimu wangu kwa kuhoji baadhi ya mambo ya mafundisho ya Anglikana... Baadaye, katika chuo kikuu, nilipata roho huru sana ya kutafiti asili ya kihistoria ya Dini ya Kiyahudi na Ukristo. Labda hii ilifanya iwe rahisi kwangu kuikataa dini ya orthodox, na hatimaye kukubali kama mbadala mtazamo deterministic, Marxist ya asili ya mtu. Hata hivyo, jambo hilo lilibaki kuwa kinyume cha kawaida, kwa sababu wakati uleule nilipokuwa nikikubali msimamo wa kiuchumi na wa asili, pia nilikuwa nikifurahia kujifunza kuhusu washairi wa karne ya kumi na saba - ambao wote walikuwa wakiandika si kwa ajili ya kumsifu mwanadamu, bali kwa ajili ya utukufu mkubwa zaidi wa Mungu! Mapambano yake na mambo hayo yenye kutatanisha hayakukoma alipokuwa mshiriki wa Kanisa la Unitari. "Akiangalia nyuma katika tarehe ya baadaye, alisema, ""Nilipoteza hisia ya usiri wa maisha,"" na katika mahubiri hayo yaleyale alikosoa mwelekeo wa kawaida kati ya Unitarians wa kipindi hicho kuchukua msimamo wa kimantiki kabisa na kibinadamu, akisema, ""Badala ya kupuuza uwezekano wa nguvu ya nje kama chanzo cha ubunifu katika mtu, tunapaswa badala ya kufanya utafiti wa mambo haya." Nadhani dhana ya kuamua haipiti mipaka. "Hiyo ni kwa sababu ya kuachana na mambo mengi ya kiakili, ya kiakili, ya ubunifu na ya kichawi, na kwa sababu ya kuachana na mambo ya kiakili, na kwa sababu ya kuachana na mambo ya kiakili, na kwa sababu ya kuachana na mambo ya kiakili, na kwa sababu ya kuachana na mambo ya kiakili.""" Jibu kwa ajili yao, kama ilivyo kwa ajili yake, lilipaswa kupatikana katika ufahamu wa kishairi. Alibainisha katika jarida lake, "Nahisi kwamba uzuri wa ulimwengu wa asili na ufunuo wa msanii au mshairi wa hilo husababisha upatano wa ndani, amani, ukweli. "Kathedra za Gothic zilikuwa na ""mwisho wa miaka"" na Dorothy na Duncan waliendelea kuishi huko Vancouver hadi 1958." Alifanya baadhi ya shule na chuo kikuu kufundisha wakati huu, lakini uzalishaji wake wa fasihi alibaki kiasi kidogo. Baada ya kuhitimu, alijiunga na Canada Council na kuhitimu katika Chuo Kikuu cha London. Jambo hilo lilimfanya aanze maisha mapya. Februari iliyofuata alipokea habari kwamba Duncan alikuwa amekufa kutokana na kiharusi kikubwa, na akarudi kwa muda mfupi Vancouver. Baada ya muda mfupi alirudi London na baadae akaishi Paris kwa muda mfupi, akifanya kazi kwa ajili ya UNESCO. Baadaye mwaka huohuo alifanikiwa kupata nafasi katika wafanyakazi wa chuo cha mafunzo ya walimu katika kile kilichokuwa Rhodesia ya Kaskazini wakati huo lakini ikawa taifa huru la Zambia wakati alikuwa huko. Hangaiko lake la kisiasa na la kijamii lilihusisha kutendewa vibaya kwa watoto na pia uhitaji wa kuboresha viwango vya afya na lishe. "Ninaweza kufanya kidogo sana juu ya haya yote, ingawa ninaweza kuweka baadhi yake katika mashairi. "" Katika 1975 alikuwa tena muhimu katika kuanzisha jarida la mashairi, CV II, jina harking nyuma ya Contemporary Verse ya miaka ya 1940." Ilikuwa nyongeza muhimu kwa eneo la fasihi la Kanada. Baada ya kupewa tuzo za heshima, Dorothy Livesay alipewa cheo cha Ofisa wa Amri ya Canada mwaka 1987. Miaka yake ya baadaye ilitumika hasa katika maeneo ya mashambani. Mwanzoni aligawanya wakati wake kati ya nyumba ndogo kwenye Kisiwa cha Galiano cha British Columbia na moja kwenye Ziwa Winnipeg; kisha alihamia katika jengo la wazee kwenye Kisiwa cha Galiano. Mwishowe, wakati kiwango hiki cha kujitenga kilipokuwa kikizidi kuwa kigumu kushughulikia, alihamia Victoria, ambapo katika miaka yake ya mwisho alikuwa mshiriki wa kawaida katika maisha ya kutaniko la Unitarian. Mfuatano wa mabadiliko ambayo maisha yake yalipitia ulionyesha kauli yake mwenyewe kwamba, "Kila muongo tunakuwa mtu tofauti". Hata hivyo kulikuwa na mwendelezo muhimu na mstari thabiti wa maendeleo. Katika kipindi chote hicho, yeye huonyesha kiwango cha uaminifu na uwazi, kusisitiza juu ya uadilifu wa kibinafsi, na kutia moyo kizazi kinachoinuka kupata njia yao ya kweli maishani. Ingawa uzoefu wake ulikuwa wa ulimwengu, hakukuwa na kosa la tabia ya kweli ya Canada ya uandishi wake katika mashairi na prose, ambayo ilionyesha hisia yake ya umuhimu wa mizizi katika mahali fulani. "Mwanzoni mwa mwaka wa 1950, Philip Hewitt, mhudumu wa kanisa la Unitarian Church of Vancouver, BC, alitoa ujumbe wa Biblia kwa Mashahidi wa Yehova.""" Mti Unaojikamilisha Wenyewe (Mashairi Yaliyochaguliwa). Victoria, BC: Press Porceptic, 1986. Maisha, Dorothy. Mkono wa kulia. Mkono wa kushoto. "Mfano: ""Porsche"" (Porsche) ni jina la kiingereza la mwaka 1977." Stevens, Peter. Dorothy Livesay: Mifumo katika Maisha ya Ushairi. Toronto, ECW Press, 1992. | <urn:uuid:a65e52b5-4852-4a46-8953-308e67c46f40> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.harvardsquarelibrary.org/biographies/dorothy-livesay/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
New research suggests that walking about five miles a week may help slow the progression of cognitive illness among seniors already suffering from mild forms of cognitive impairment or Alzheimer's disease.
In fact, even healthy people who do not as yet show any signs of cognitive decline may help stave off brain illness by engaging in a similar level of physical activity, the study team noted.
An estimated 2.4 million to 5.4 million people in the United States are believed to have Alzheimer's disease, which causes a devastating, irreversible decline in memory and reasoning, according to the National Institute on Aging.
The researchers presented the findings at a meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).
"Because a cure for Alzheimer's is not yet a reality, we hope to find ways of alleviating disease progression or symptoms in people who are already cognitively impaired," lead author Cyrus Raji, MD, PhD, of the department of radiology at the University of Pittsburgh, said in a RSNA news release.
Details of the Study
"We found that walking five miles per week protects the brain structure over 10 years in people with Alzheimer's and MCI, especially in areas of the brain's key memory and learning centers," Dr. Raji said. "We also found that these people had a slower decline in memory loss over five years."
To assess the impact that physical exercise might have on Alzheimer's progression (as well as that of less severe brain illnesses), the researchers analyzed data from an ongoing 20year study that gauged weekly walking patterns among 426 adults.
Among the participants, 127 were diagnosed as cognitively impaired-83 with mild cognitive impairment (MCT), and 44 with Alzheimer's. About half of all cases of MCI eventually progress to Alzheimer's. The rest were deemed cognitively healthy, with an overall average age of between 78 and 81.
A decade into the study, all the patients had 3-D MRI scans to assess brain volume. In addition, the team administered a test called the mini-mental state exam (MMSE) to pinpoint cognitive decline over a five-year period.
After accounting for age, gender, body-fat composition, head size and education, Dr. Raji and his colleagues determined that the more an individual engaged in physical activity, the larger his or her brain volume. Greater brain volume, they noted, is a sign of a lower degree of brain cell death as well as general brain health.
In addition, walking about five miles a week appeared to protect against further cognitive decline (while maintaining brain volume) among those participants already suffering from some form of cognitive impairment.
This indication was bolstered by the mini-mental state exam results, which revealed that cognitively impaired patients who met the walking threshold experienced only a one-point drop in cognition scores over a five-year period. By contrast, those who didn't walk experienced an average decline of five points.
Physical activity had a similar impact on the protection of cognitive abilities in healthy adults, although their exercise threshold was deemed to be about six miles per week of walking.
"Alzheimer's is a devastating illness and, unfortunately, walking is not a cure," Dr. Raji said. "But walking can improve your brain's resistance to the disease and reduce memory loss over time."
Robert Friedland, MD, chairman of the neurology department at the University of Louisville's School of Medicine in Kentucky, expressed little surprise at the findings, but cautioned against inferring a direct cause-and-effect link between walking and protection against cognitive decline.
"In an observational study like this, undoubtedly people who are developing cognitive disease or are likely to be in the early stages are also likely to become less active," he noted. "So, it's not possible to be sure that they're observing a direct effect of walking on the disease, because diminished walking in the group that is progressing more rapidly could have been a direct result of the disease itself.
"But that's not to say that I don't think walking is a good idea," Dr. Friedland added. "Many people, including my group, have shown that physical as well as mental activity may be protective against developing disease during midlife-that is, between [ages] 20 and 60. And I'm sure that this is also true in later life.
"And there are many reasons why. Physical activity improves blood flow to the brain, and it changes neurotransmitters and improves cardiac function," he said. "It lessens the risk of obesity, improves insulin resistance and lowers the risk of diabetes, and lowers your blood pressure. And all of these things are risk factors for Alzheimer's disease.
"So, I would say that everyone at all ages should be encouraged to get as much physical exercise as they can tolerate," Dr. Friedland concluded. "Of course, we don't want people to exercise excessively if they have heart disease, for example. But with a physician's advice and supervision, walking is an excellent form of activity."
Since the research was presented at a medical meeting, the data and conclusions should be seen as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal. | Utafiti mpya unaonyesha kwamba kutembea umbali wa maili tano kwa wiki kunaweza kusaidia kupunguza maendeleo ya ugonjwa wa utambuzi miongoni mwa wazee ambao tayari wanateseka kutokana na aina ndogo za ulemavu wa utambuzi au ugonjwa wa Alzheimer. Hata watu wenye afya ambao hawaonyeshi dalili za kupungua kwa uwezo wa kutambua mambo wanaweza kuzuia magonjwa ya ubongo kwa kufanya mazoezi ya mwili. Takriban watu milioni 2.4 hadi 5.4 nchini Marekani wana ugonjwa wa Alzheimer, ambao husababisha kupungua kwa kumbukumbu na kufikiri, kulingana na Taasisi ya Kitaifa ya Kuzeeka. Watafiti hao walitoa matokeo hayo kwenye mkutano wa Shirika la Radiolojia la Amerika Kaskazini (RSNA). "Kwa sababu tiba ya ugonjwa wa Alzheimer bado haijaonekana, tunatumaini kupata njia za kupunguza maendeleo ya ugonjwa au dalili katika watu ambao tayari wana matatizo ya utambuzi, ""mwandishi mkuu Cyrus Rajie, MD, PhD, wa idara ya radiolojia katika Chuo Kikuu cha Pittsburgh, alisema katika taarifa ya RSNA." "Tunaona kwamba kutembea maili tano kwa wiki hulinda muundo wa ubongo kwa zaidi ya miaka 10 kwa watu wenye ugonjwa wa Alzheimer na MCI, hasa katika maeneo ya kumbukumbu muhimu ya ubongo na vituo vya kujifunza, ""alisema Dk Raji." "Tulikuta pia kwamba watu hao walikuwa na kupungua kwa polepole kwa kupoteza kumbukumbu kwa muda wa miaka mitano". Ili kuchunguza athari za mazoezi ya mwili kwenye maendeleo ya ugonjwa wa Alzheimer, watafiti walichanganua data kutoka kwa utafiti wa miaka 20 unaoendelea ambao ulipima mifumo ya kutembea ya kila wiki kati ya watu wazima 426. Kati ya washiriki, 127 walipatikana na matatizo ya utambuzi, 83 walikuwa na matatizo ya utambuzi ya kiasi kidogo (MCD), na 44 walikuwa na ugonjwa wa Alzheimer. Karibu nusu ya visa vyote vya MCI hatimaye huendelea kuwa ugonjwa wa Alzheimer. Wengine waliathiriwa kuwa na afya nzuri ya akili na umri wa wastani wa miaka 78-81. Baada ya miaka kumi ya utafiti huo, wagonjwa wote walifanyiwa uchunguzi wa MRI ya 3D ili kutathmini kiasi cha ubongo. Kwa kuongezea, timu hiyo ilifanya mtihani unaoitwa Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) ili kugundua kupungua kwa utambuzi kwa kipindi cha miaka mitano. Baada ya kuzingatia umri, jinsia, uzito wa mwili, ukubwa wa kichwa na elimu, Dk Raji na wenzake waliamua kwamba mtu anapofanya mazoezi zaidi, kiasi cha ubongo wake kinakuwa kikubwa zaidi. Uwezo mkubwa wa ubongo ni ishara ya kiwango cha chini cha kifo cha seli za ubongo na afya ya jumla ya ubongo. Kwa kuongezea, kutembea maili tano kwa wiki ilionekana kulinda dhidi ya kupungua kwa utambuzi (wakati wa kudumisha kiasi cha ubongo) kati ya washiriki ambao tayari wanateseka kutokana na aina fulani ya kasoro ya utambuzi. Matokeo ya uchunguzi wa hali ya akili ya mini yalionyesha kuwa wagonjwa wenye ulemavu wa utambuzi ambao walifikia kizingiti cha kutembea walipata kupungua kwa pointi moja tu katika alama za utambuzi kwa kipindi cha miaka mitano. Kwa kulinganisha, wale ambao hawakufanya mazoezi ya kutembea walipata kupungua kwa wastani wa alama tano. Utendaji wa kimwili ulikuwa na athari sawa kwa ulinzi wa uwezo wa utambuzi katika watu wazima wenye afya, ingawa kizingiti cha mazoezi yao kilionwa kuwa karibu maili sita kwa wiki ya kutembea. "Ugonjwa wa Alzheimer ni ugonjwa wenye kuangamiza na, kwa kusikitisha, kutembea si tiba", Dakt. Raji akasema. "Lakini kutembea kunaweza kuboresha uwezo wa ubongo wako wa kukabiliana na ugonjwa huo na kupunguza upungufu wa kumbukumbu baada ya muda". Robert Friedland, MD, mwenyekiti wa idara ya neva katika Chuo Kikuu cha Louisville, Kentucky, alisema kuwa haishangazi sana matokeo hayo, lakini alionya dhidi ya kugundua uhusiano wa moja kwa moja kati ya kutembea na ulinzi dhidi ya kupungua kwa utambuzi. "Katika utafiti wa uchunguzi kama huu, bila shaka watu ambao wana ugonjwa wa utambuzi au wana uwezekano wa kuwa katika hatua za mapema pia wana uwezekano wa kuwa na shughuli kidogo, ""alibainisha." "Kwa hiyo, haiwezekani kuwa na uhakika kwamba wanaona athari ya moja kwa moja ya kutembea juu ya ugonjwa, kwa sababu kupungua kwa kutembea katika kundi ambalo linaendelea kwa kasi zaidi inaweza kuwa matokeo ya moja kwa moja ya ugonjwa wenyewe. """ "Lakini hilo halimaanishi kwamba sidhani kwamba kutembea ni wazo zuri", akaongeza Dakt. Friedland. "Watu wengi, kutia ndani kikundi changu, wameonyesha kwamba utendaji wa kimwili na pia wa kiakili waweza kulinda dhidi ya kupatwa na ugonjwa wakati wa umri wa kati - yaani, kati ya [miaka] 20 na 60.""" Na nina hakika kwamba hilo ni kweli pia katika maisha ya baadaye. "Na kuna sababu nyingi za kufanya hivyo. "Kazi ya mwili hupunguza mtiririko wa damu kwenye ubongo, na inabadilisha neurotransmitters na kuboresha utendaji wa moyo,"" alisema." "Huondoa hatari ya kuwa mnene kupita kiasi, hupunguza upinzani wa insulini, hupunguza hatari ya kupatwa na ugonjwa wa kisukari, na hupunguza shinikizo la damu. Vitu hivi vyote ni sababu za hatari ya ugonjwa wa Alzheimer. "Kwa hiyo, ningesema kwamba kila mtu wa umri wowote anapaswa kutiwa moyo afanye mazoezi mengi ya kimwili kadiri awezavyo kuvumilia", Dakt. Friedland akafikia mkataa. "Bila shaka, hatutaki watu wafanye mazoezi kupita kiasi ikiwa wana ugonjwa wa moyo, kwa mfano. Lakini kwa ushauri na uangalizi wa daktari, kutembea ni aina bora ya utendaji." Kwa kuwa utafiti huo ulionyeshwa kwenye mkutano wa kitiba, data na hitimisho zinapaswa kuonekana kama za awali hadi kuchapishwa katika jarida la ukaguzi wa wenzao. | <urn:uuid:2ddc7eb4-36b6-4205-8c5c-4a417e14c921> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.healthconfidential.com/could-you-walk-away-from-alzheimers/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The Disadvantages Of Not Getting Enough Sleep
Many people choose to sacrifice their sleep in order to get more done each day. While using a few hours of your nap time to work or study more may seem like the best way of “going the extra mile”, sleep deprivation can have a wide range of negative effects. Unfortunately, the disadvantages of not getting enough sleep are beyond daytime drowsiness and can’t be fixed with a daily dose of caffeine. Lack of sleep can jeopardize your safety and that of others around you or lead to serious health consequences. The following is a list of some surprising negative effects of inadequate sleep.
1 – Faster Aging
Sleep deprivation can affect the way you look and accelerate the aging process. After just a few days of sleepless nights, many people start to develop wrinkles, lackluster skin and dark circles under the eyes. Much of this is caused by higher levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the body which are elevated when you don’t get enough rest. When in excess, cortisol breaks down collagen – a protein that keeps the skin smooth, elastic and looking young.
2 – Health Problems
A few nights of missed sleep can be fixed easily with more rest during subsequent days and is unlikely to have long lasting effects on your health. However, when you don’t sleep well for weeks, months, or even years, this will start to take a serious toll on your health and put you at a much higher risk of developing a range of health problems including depression, diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.
3–Increased Risk of Causing Accidents
Lack of sleep causes drowsiness which can increase the risk of accidents when driving, operating machines and performing various other tasks. Drowsiness slows down your reaction times and this makes it much more difficult to respond when you need to. This is why fatigue is one of the leading causes of automobile accidents on the roads today.
4 – Poor Mental Performance
If you’re sleep deprived, many of your cognitive responses will not function at peak levels. Your mental health, attention span, reasoning, sense of judgment and problem solving skills will be impaired when the body is not well rested. Lack of sleep also affects the way your brain processes and stores information and you’ll tend to forget things more often. All of these factors make performing effectively and productively during the day very difficult.
5 – Weight Gain
It may be hard to believe that not sleeping enough can cause you to pack on some extra pounds. However, recent studies have found that shortened sleep time decreases the levels of leptin (a hormone that suppresses your appetite) in your body while also elevating levels of ghrelin (a hormone that induces hunger). A lack of sleep also reduces your human growth hormone (a hormone that stimulates muscle growth and fat burning) levels which limits the rate at which your body burns fat. The overall result is that if you don’t sleep enough, you’ll be more likely to overeat and your body will burn off these excess calories at a slower rate.
As you can see, skimping on sleep is a bad idea. While it may seem like it’s not a big deal, it can have serious consequences on your health and performance. So make sure you’re getting at least 6 hours of high quality sleep every single night to avoid the adverse effects discussed in this article.
Recommended Sleep Deprivation Products | Kutoweza kulala vya kutosha: Watu wengi huamua kudharau usingizi wao ili waweze kufanya mengi zaidi kila siku. Ingawa kutumia saa chache za usingizi wako kufanya kazi au kujifunza zaidi huenda ikaonekana kuwa njia bora ya "kufanya kazi zaidi", kukosa usingizi kunaweza kuwa na athari nyingi mbaya. Kwa kusikitisha, hasara za kutolala usingizi wa kutosha ni zaidi ya usingizi wa mchana na haziwezi kurekebishwa na kipimo cha kila siku cha kafeini. Ukosefu wa usingizi unaweza kuhatarisha usalama wako na wa wengine walio karibu nawe au kusababisha madhara makubwa ya afya. Hapa chini kuna orodha ya baadhi ya athari mbaya za kutolala vizuri. 1 Kuzeeka kwa Haraka Kukosa usingizi kunaweza kuathiri jinsi unavyoonekana na kuharakisha mchakato wa kuzeeka. Baada ya siku chache tu za usiku bila kulala, watu wengi huanza kuwa na makunyanzi, ngozi isiyo na rangi na duru nyeusi chini ya macho. Sehemu kubwa ya hii husababishwa na viwango vya juu vya cortisol (hormoni ya mkazo) mwilini ambayo huongezeka wakati unapokosa kupumzika vya kutosha. Wakati wa ziada, cortisol huvunja collagen - protini ambayo huhifadhi ngozi laini, elastic na kuangalia vijana. Matatizo ya afya: Usiku wachache wa usingizi uliokosa unaweza kurekebishwa kwa urahisi kwa kupumzika zaidi katika siku zifuatazo na haiwezekani kuwa na athari za kudumu kwa afya yako. Hata hivyo, wakati wewe si kulala vizuri kwa wiki, miezi, au hata miaka, hii itaanza kuchukua toleo kubwa juu ya afya yako na kuweka wewe katika hatari kubwa zaidi ya kuendeleza mbalimbali ya matatizo ya afya ikiwa ni pamoja na unyogovu, kisukari, ugonjwa wa moyo na shinikizo la damu. 3 - Ongezeko la hatari ya kusababisha ajali: Ukosefu wa usingizi husababisha usingizi ambao unaweza kuongeza hatari ya ajali wakati wa kuendesha gari, kuendesha mashine na kufanya kazi nyingine mbalimbali. Usingizi hupunguza muda wa kujibu na hii hufanya iwe vigumu zaidi kujibu wakati unahitaji. Kwa hiyo, uchovu ni mojawapo ya sababu kuu za aksidenti za magari katika barabara za leo. 4 <unk> Utendaji duni wa akili Ikiwa umepungukiwa na usingizi, majibu yako mengi ya utambuzi hayatatumika kwa viwango vya juu. Afya yako ya akili, uwezo wa kukaza fikira, uwezo wa kufikiri, uwezo wa kuamua na uwezo wa kutatua matatizo huathiriwa wakati mwili haujapata pumziko la kutosha. Ukosefu wa usingizi pia huathiri jinsi ubongo wako unavyochanganua na kuhifadhi habari na utaelekea kusahau mambo mara nyingi zaidi. Sababu hizi zote hufanya iwe vigumu sana kufanya kazi kwa matokeo na kwa matokeo wakati wa mchana. 5 Kupata Uzito Huenda ikawa vigumu kuamini kwamba kukosa usingizi wa kutosha kunaweza kukusababisha kuongeza uzito. Utafiti wa hivi karibuni unaonyesha kwamba usingizi mfupi hupunguza kiwango cha leptin (homoni inayopunguza hamu ya kula) na pia huongeza kiwango cha ghrelin (homoni inayosababisha njaa). Ukosefu wa usingizi pia hupunguza viwango vya homoni ya ukuaji wa binadamu (homoni ambayo huchochea ukuaji wa misuli na kuchoma mafuta) ambayo hupunguza kiwango ambacho mwili wako unachoma mafuta. Matokeo yake ni kwamba ikiwa huwezi kulala vya kutosha, utakuwa na uwezekano mkubwa wa kula kupita kiasi na mwili wako utachoma kalori hizo za ziada kwa kasi ya chini. Kama unavyoona, ni vibaya kukosa usingizi. Ingawa inaweza kuonekana kama si jambo kubwa, inaweza kuwa na matokeo mabaya juu ya afya yako na utendaji. Hivyo, hakikisha unapata angalau masaa sita ya usingizi wa hali ya juu kila usiku ili kuepuka athari mbaya zilizozungumziwa katika makala hii. Bidhaa Zinazopendekezwa za Kutoweza Kulala | <urn:uuid:c20c7c44-867c-4136-99e3-f3f6cb2a59fd> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.healthierlife101.com/the-disadvantages-of-not-getting-enough-sleep/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Your dog can smell when you're stressed out
It’s no secret that many health professionals have experienced extreme stress over the last couple of years, but now it seems your dog can tell.
New research from Queen’s University Belfast, published in PLOS ONE, suggests the physiological processes associated with an acute psychological stress response produce changes in human breath and sweat that dogs can detect with an accuracy of 93.75%.
Odours emitted by the body constitute chemical signals that have evolved for communication, primarily within species. Given dogs’ remarkable sense of smell, their close domestication history with humans, and their use to support human psychological conditions such as anxiety, panic attacks and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), researchers wondered whether dogs could be sensing chemical signals to respond to their owners’ psychological states.
In the new study, the researchers collected samples of breath and sweat from non-smokers who had not recently consumed anything by mouth. Samples were collected both before and after a fast-paced arithmetic task, along with self-reported stress levels and objective physiological measures: heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP). Samples from 36 participants who reported an increase in stress because of the task, and experienced an increase in HR and BP during the task, were shown to trained dogs within three hours of being collected. Four dogs of different breeds and breed-mixes had been trained, using a clicker as well as kibble, to match odours in a discrimination task. At testing, dogs were asked to find the participant’s stress sample (taken at the end of the task) while the same person’s relaxed sample (taken only minutes before, prior to the task starting) was also in the sample line-up.
Overall, dogs could detect and perform their alert behaviour on the sample taken during stress in 675 out of 720 trials, or 93.75% of the time — much greater than expected by chance. The first time they were exposed to a participant’s stressed and relaxed samples, the dogs correctly alerted to the stress sample 94.44% of the time. Individual dogs ranged in performance from 90% to 96.88% accuracy.
The authors of the study conclude that dogs can detect an odour associated with the change in Volatile Organic Compounds produced by humans in response to stress, a finding that tells us more about the human–dog relationship and could have applications to the training of anxiety and PTSD service dogs that are currently trained to respond predominantly to visual cues.
The authors added: “This study demonstrates that dogs can discriminate between the breath and sweat taken from humans before and after a stress-inducing task. This finding tells us that an acute, negative, psychological stress response alters the odour profile of our breath/sweat, and that dogs are able to detect this change in odour.”
The ANMF has filed a landmark application with the Fair Work Commission to increase award wages...
A new national project, involving pharmacists, patients and doctors, aims to reduce medication...
With more than 150 leading health sector speakers, over 100 sessions and two deep-dive master... | Mbwa wako anaweza kunusa wakati unafadhaika - Si siri kwamba wataalamu wengi wa afya wamepitia mkazo mkubwa katika miaka michache iliyopita, lakini sasa inaonekana mbwa wako anaweza kujua. Utafiti mpya kutoka Chuo Kikuu cha Malkia cha Belfast, uliochapishwa katika PLOS ONE, unaonyesha mchakato wa kisaikolojia unaohusiana na majibu ya mkazo wa kisaikolojia wa haraka hutokeza mabadiliko katika pumzi ya binadamu na jasho ambalo mbwa wanaweza kugundua kwa usahihi wa 93.75%. Harufu zinazotolewa na mwili ni ishara za kemikali ambazo zimebadilika kwa ajili ya mawasiliano, hasa ndani ya spishi. Kwa kuzingatia hisia ya ajabu ya kunusa ya mbwa, historia yao ya karibu ya kufugwa na wanadamu, na matumizi yao ya kusaidia hali za kisaikolojia za binadamu kama vile wasiwasi, mashambulizi ya hofu na shida ya shida ya baada ya majeraha (PTSD), watafiti walijiuliza ikiwa mbwa wanaweza kuhisi ishara za kemikali ili kujibu hali za kisaikolojia za wamiliki wao. Katika utafiti huo, watafiti walichukua sampuli za pumzi na jasho kutoka kwa watu ambao hawakuvuta sigara na ambao hawakuchukua dawa yoyote kwa njia ya kinywa. Sampuli zilipigwa kabla na baada ya kazi ya haraka ya hesabu, pamoja na viwango vya mkazo vilivyoripotiwa na vipimo vya kisaikolojia: kiwango cha moyo (HR) na shinikizo la damu (BP). Kwa mfano, sampuli kutoka kwa washiriki 36 ambao waliripoti kuongezeka kwa mkazo kwa sababu ya kazi hiyo, na walipata ongezeko la HR na BP wakati wa kazi hiyo, zilionyeshwa kwa mbwa waliozoezwa ndani ya masaa matatu ya kukusanywa. Mbwa wanne wa jamii tofauti na mchanganyiko wa jamii walikuwa wamefundishwa, kwa kutumia clicker pamoja na kibble, kulinganisha harufu katika kazi ya kutofautisha. Katika jaribio hilo, mbwa waliulizwa kupata sampuli ya mshiriki wa mtihani (iliyochukuliwa mwishoni mwa kazi) wakati sampuli ya mtu huyo wa kupumzika (iliyochukuliwa dakika chache tu kabla ya kuanza kazi) pia ilikuwa katika sampuli. Kwa ujumla, mbwa waliweza kugundua na kutekeleza tabia yao ya tahadhari kwenye sampuli iliyochukuliwa wakati wa mkazo katika 675 kati ya majaribio 720, au 93,75% ya wakati - zaidi ya kutarajiwa kwa bahati. Wakati wa kwanza walipoonyeshwa sampuli za mshiriki wa mtihani na kupumzika, mbwa walijulisha kwa usahihi sampuli ya mtihani kwa 94.44% ya wakati. Mbwa mmoja mmoja walifanya kazi kwa usahihi wa asilimia 90 hadi asilimia 96. Watafiti wanasema kwamba mbwa wanaweza kugundua harufu inayohusiana na mabadiliko ya kemikali za kikaboni zinazotokana na binadamu katika kujibu mkazo, jambo ambalo linatuambia zaidi juu ya uhusiano wa binadamu na mbwa na linaweza kuwa na matumizi kwa mafunzo ya wasiwasi na mbwa wa huduma ya PTSD ambao kwa sasa wamefundishwa kujibu kwa ishara za kuona. "Wanahabari wa utafiti huo walisema: ""Utafiti huu unaonyesha kwamba mbwa wanaweza kutofautisha kati ya pumzi na jasho lililochukuliwa kutoka kwa wanadamu kabla na baada ya kazi inayosababisha mkazo." "Utafiti huu unatuambia kwamba majibu ya dhiki ya kisaikolojia ya kukata tamaa, ya hasi, ya kiakili hubadilisha harufu ya pumzi yetu, na kwamba mbwa wanaweza kugundua mabadiliko haya ya harufu. "" - ANMF, Tume ya Kazi ya Haki, ilitoa ombi la hatua kwa Tume ya Kazi ya Haki, ""kuongeza mishahara ya tuzo"" - mradi mpya wa kitaifa, unaohusisha madaktari, waganga na madaktari, unakusudia kupunguza dawa." | <urn:uuid:bcf1a194-3fb4-4f7e-b15d-6f6707105b47> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.hospitalhealth.com.au/content/facility-admin/news/your-dog-can-smell-when-you-re-stressed-out-60020089 | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Labrador Retrievers, or Labs for short, originated from Newfoundland, Canada, in the early 19th century. They were bred to assist fishermen with their work by retrieving fish and hauling in nets.
Over the years, Labs have become one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States, UK, and Canada. Their friendly nature, intelligence, and trainability make them great family pets, working dogs, and service animals.
Labrador Retrievers come in three main coat colors: black, yellow, and chocolate. The color is determined by their genes, and each color has a unique charm.
But what about Labs with blue eyes? Can Labrador Retrievers have blue eyes? Indeed, they can! Let’s delve deeper into the world of blue-eyed Labs.
Fun Fact #1: Did you know that Labrador Retrievers have been the most popular dog breed in the United States for 30 consecutive years, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC)?
The Rarity of Blue-Eyed Labrador Retrievers
Why Are Blue Eyes Uncommon in Labradors?
Blue eyes are relatively rare in Labrador Retrievers. Most Labs have brown or hazel eyes. Some people wonder, Do white Labs have blue eyes?
While it is more common for lighter-colored Labs to have lighter-colored eyes, blue eyes are still not the norm for any Labrador coat color.
The Genetics Behind Blue Eyes in Labrador Retrievers
So, what color eyes does a purebred Labrador have? Typically, purebred Labradors have brown or hazel eyes. However, genetics can sometimes lead to variations in eye color.
Blue eyes in Labradors can occur due to the presence of the merle gene, which can cause variations in both coat and eye color.
It is important to note that the merle gene is not common in purebred Labradors and is often considered a disqualification in breed standards.
Now that we know more about the rarity and genetics of blue-eyed Labs, let’s discuss the potential health concerns that may arise in these unique dogs.
Fun Fact #2: Some Labrador puppies may be born with blue eyes, but as they grow older, their eyes usually change to the more common brown or hazel color.
Health Concerns Associated with Blue-Eyed Labradors
Ocular Health Issues
Although blue eyes in Labradors are often considered beautiful, they may be associated with certain ocular health issues.
Some blue-eyed Labs may have a higher risk of developing eye conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, or progressive retinal atrophy (PRA).
Regular check-ups with a veterinarian, especially one specializing in ophthalmology, can help monitor your dog’s eye health.
Potential Genetic Disorders
Labradors with blue eyes, particularly those carrying the merle gene, may also be at a higher risk for other genetic disorders. The merle gene can cause health issues such as deafness or skeletal abnormalities.
Working with a reputable breeder who conducts genetic testing on their breeding dogs is essential to minimize the risk of passing on such disorders.
Caring for Your Blue-Eyed Labrador Retriever
Regular Health Check-ups
Scheduling regular health check-ups with your veterinarian is crucial for all Labradors, including those with blue eyes. This ensures early detection and treatment of potential health issues.
Having your blue-eyed Lab examined by a veterinary ophthalmologist to monitor their eye health is also a good idea.
Proper Nutrition and Exercise
Labradors are energetic dogs that require a balanced diet and regular exercise. To keep your blue-eyed Lab in optimal shape, feed them high-quality dog food appropriate for their age, size, and activity level.
Make sure to provide daily exercises, such as walks, fetch, or swimming, to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Be sure to check out our article on how fast can Labrador Retrievers run for more fun exercise ideas.
Eye Care Tips for Blue-Eyed Labradors
Keeping your blue-eyed Lab’s eyes clean and free of debris is essential. Gently clean the area around their eyes with a damp cloth or pet-safe eye wipes to prevent irritation or infection.
Monitor your dog’s eyes for any signs of redness, swelling, or discharge, and consult your veterinarian if you notice any changes.
Training and Socialization for Blue-Eyed Labradors
Positive Reinforcement Training Techniques
Training your blue-eyed Lab using positive reinforcement techniques is key to building a strong bond and ensuring a well-behaved, confident dog.
Reward your Labrador with praise, treats, or play when they follow your commands. This approach makes learning enjoyable for your dog and helps them develop good manners. For more tips on training, check out our article on how to calm a Labrador Retriever.
Importance of Early Socialization
Socializing your blue-eyed Lab from a young age is crucial for their emotional well-being and ability to handle new situations. Expose your Labrador to various environments, people, and other animals to help them become well-rounded and confident dogs.
Adopting a Blue-Eyed Labrador Retriever
Finding a Reputable Breeder or Rescue
When looking for a blue-eyed Labrador, finding a reputable breeder or rescue organization is crucial. A responsible breeder will conduct genetic testing on their breeding dogs to minimize the risk of passing on health issues.
They will also prioritize the well-being of their puppies and provide proper socialization. If you’re interested in rescuing a dog, there are many Lab-specific rescue organizations that may have blue-eyed Labs in need of a loving home.
Preparing Your Home for Your New Furry Friend
Before bringing your blue-eyed Lab home, make sure your living space is safe and comfortable for them. Provide a designated area for your dog to sleep, eat, and play.
Remember to puppy-proof your home by securing electrical cords and removing potential hazards.
Conclusion: Embracing the Uniqueness of Your Blue-Eyed Labrador Retriever
Blue-eyed Labrador Retrievers are unique and beautiful dogs with the same lovable qualities as their brown-eyed counterparts.
By understanding their rarity, potential health concerns, and proper care, you can ensure your blue-eyed Lab leads a happy and healthy life.
Embrace their uniqueness and enjoy the wonderful journey of being a Labrador Retriever parent!
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Kwa nini Labrador Retrievers Wana Macho ya Bluu Si Wa kawaida? Macho ya bluu ni nadra sana kwa Labrador Retrievers. Maabara nyingi zina macho ya rangi ya kahawia au ya rangi ya hazel. Watu fulani hujiuliza, Je, Lab nyeupe zina macho ya bluu? Ingawa ni kawaida kwa Lab rangi nyepesi kuwa na macho rangi nyepesi, macho ya bluu bado si kawaida kwa rangi yoyote ya Labrador. Labrador Retrievers wana macho ya rangi ya bluu - Labrador Retrievers wana macho ya rangi ya bluu. Kwa kawaida, Labradors wa jamii safi huwa na macho ya rangi ya kahawia au ya rangi ya hazel. Hata hivyo, nyakati nyingine chembe za urithi zaweza kusababisha tofauti katika rangi ya macho. Macho ya bluu ya Labrador inaweza kutokea kwa sababu ya uwepo wa jeni la merle, ambayo inaweza kusababisha tofauti katika rangi ya manyoya na macho. Ni muhimu kutambua kwamba jeni la merle si la kawaida katika Labradors safi na mara nyingi huchukuliwa kuwa kutokuwa na sifa katika viwango vya uzazi. Sasa kwa kuwa tunajua zaidi kuhusu upungufu na maumbile ya Lab wenye macho ya bluu, hebu tuzungumzie matatizo ya afya yanayoweza kutokea kwa mbwa hawa wa kipekee. Labrador Puppies wanaweza kuzaliwa na macho ya bluu, lakini wanapoendelea kukua, macho yao hubadilika kuwa rangi ya kahawia au hazel. Labrador Blue Eyes ni aina ya wanyama wenye macho ya bluu ambao wana afya nzuri ya macho, lakini pia wana matatizo ya macho. Kwa wale wenye macho ya bluu, kuna uwezekano mkubwa wa kupata ugonjwa wa macho kama vile cataracts, glaucoma, au progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). Uchunguzi wa kawaida na daktari wa mifugo, hasa daktari wa macho, waweza kusaidia kufuatilia afya ya macho ya mbwa wako. Labrador wenye macho ya bluu, hasa wale wenye jeni la Merle, wanaweza pia kuwa na hatari kubwa ya kupatwa na magonjwa mengine ya urithi. Jeni la merle laweza kusababisha matatizo ya afya kama vile kiziwi au kasoro za mifupa. Kufanya kazi na mfugaji mwenye sifa nzuri ambaye hufanya upimaji wa maumbile kwenye mbwa wao wa kuzaliana ni muhimu ili kupunguza hatari ya kupitisha magonjwa kama hayo. Labrador Retriever ya Blue-Eyed: Mfano wa Labrador Retriever wa Blue-Eyed ni mnyama mwenye macho ya bluu. Hii inahakikisha ugunduzi wa mapema na matibabu ya matatizo ya afya ya uwezekano. Ni jambo la hekima kumchunguza daktari wa macho ili aone afya ya macho yake. Labrador ni mbwa wenye nguvu ambao wanahitaji lishe yenye usawaziko na mazoezi ya kawaida. Ili kuweka Lab yako ya macho ya bluu katika hali nzuri, wape chakula cha mbwa cha ubora wa juu kinachofaa umri wao, ukubwa, na kiwango cha shughuli. Hakikisha kuwapa mazoezi ya kila siku, kama vile kutembea, kukusanya, au kuogelea, ili kudumisha afya yao ya kimwili na kiakili. "Kumbuka kuwa ""Labrador Retriever"" ni mbwa wa kawaida wa kawaida, na kwa hivyo, kwa sababu ya uwezo wake wa kukimbia, unaweza kupata mazoezi ya haraka zaidi." Vidokezo vya Utunzaji wa Macho kwa Labradors Wenye Macho ya Bluu Kudumisha macho yako ya Labradors yenye macho ya bluu kuwa safi na bila uchafu ni muhimu. Osha kwa uangalifu eneo la karibu na macho yako kwa kitambaa cha unyevu au vitambaa vya macho ili kuzuia kuchochea au maambukizo. Angalia macho ya mbwa wako kwa ishara zozote za mwekundu, uvimbe, au kutokwa, na wasiliana na daktari wako wa mifugo ukiona mabadiliko yoyote. Mafunzo ya Labrador ya macho ya bluu na Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni wa Utamaduni Mpa Labrador wako thawabu kwa kumsifu, kumpa zawadi, au kucheza naye anapotii amri zako. Njia hii hufanya kujifunza kufurahishe mbwa wako na kumsaidia asitawishe adabu nzuri. Kwa maelezo zaidi kuhusu jinsi ya kumsaidia mtoto wako, angalia makala yetu ya jinsi ya kumsaidia mtoto wako. Kuanzisha uhusiano wa kijamii na mtoto wako tangu utotoni ni muhimu kwa ustawi wao wa kihisia na uwezo wa kushughulikia hali mpya. Mfunze mbwa wako Labrador mazingira mbalimbali, watu, na wanyama wengine ili amsaidie kuwa mbwa mwenye uwezo na mwenye kujiamini. Labrador Retriever Blue-Eyed ni mbwa wa kawaida wa Labrador ambaye anaonekana kuwa na uwezo wa kuokoa maisha yake, na kwa hivyo, ni muhimu sana kumtafuta mfugaji anayefaa. Mfugaji mwenye daraka atafanya majaribio ya maumbile kwa mbwa wake wa uzazi ili kupunguza hatari ya kupitisha matatizo ya afya. Pia watatoa kipaumbele kwa ustawi wa watoto wao na kuwapa fursa nzuri ya kuwasiliana nao. Kama wewe ni nia ya kuokoa mbwa, kuna wengi Lab-specific kuokoa mashirika ambayo inaweza kuwa na maziwa ya bluu-eyed katika haja ya nyumbani upendo. Kuandaa nyumba yako kwa rafiki yako mpya furry Kabla ya kuleta yako blue-eyed Lab nyumbani, hakikisha nafasi yako ya kuishi ni salama na starehe kwa ajili yao. Mpe mbwa wako mahali pa kulala, kula, na kucheza. Kumbuka kuweka nyumba yako salama kwa kutumia nyaya za umeme na kuondoa hatari zinazoweza kutokea. Labrador Retriever ya macho ya bluu ni mbwa wa kipekee na mzuri na sifa sawa za kupendeza kama wenzao wenye macho ya kahawia. Kwa kuelewa nadra yao, wasiwasi wa afya, na huduma sahihi, unaweza kuhakikisha Lab yako ya macho ya bluu ina maisha ya furaha na afya. Kubali upekee wao na ufurahie safari nzuri ya kuwa mzazi wa Labrador Retriever! Hakikisha kuangalia machapisho yetu yanayohusiana; - Jinsi nadra ni dudley retriever? Tofauti kati ya Dudley na Yellow Retriever - Kwa nini Labrador Retrievers ni hyperactive? - Sababu unazopaswa kuzingatia kabla ya kupata Labrador | <urn:uuid:255c63fd-512e-4b22-a629-356f2a1d4fcb> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.howtoanimal.com/labrador-retriever-with-blue-eyes/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
What is Leverage?
Leverage can be defined as the practice of financing assets with borrowed money. It also refers the amount of debt used to finance an asset. The asset is typically used as collateral for the purchase.Start Your Application and Unlock the Power of Choice$5.6M offered by a Bank$1.2M offered by a Bank$2M offered by an Agency$1.4M offered by a Credit UnionClick Here to Get Quotes!
Leverage and the HUD 223(f) Loan Program
Leverage can be defined as the practice of financing assets with borrowed money. It also refers the amount of debt used to finance an asset. The asset is typically used as collateral for the purchase. A ‘highly leveraged’ company, investment, or property has more debt than equity. Lenders frequently place limits on the amount of leverage a borrower can utilize. For example, HUD 223(f) loans are limited in leverage to 85% LTV for market rate properties, 87% LTV for affordable properties, and 90% LTV for properties using rental assistance.
What is leverage in commercial real estate?
Leverage in commercial real estate is the amount of debt used to finance a property relative to its value. It is typically expressed as a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio or loan-to-cost (LTC) ratio. The LTV ratio is the amount of the loan divided by the appraised value of the property. The LTC ratio is the amount of the loan divided by the total cost of the project. Cross collateralization is also a form of leverage, where two or more assets are used as collateral for a single loan.
How does leverage affect small business financing?
Leverage is an important factor to consider when looking into small business financing. Generally, bank loans allow up to 65% or 75% leverage, while SBA loans can go up to 90%. This means that with SBA loans, you can borrow more money with less of your own capital. This can be beneficial for businesses that don't have a lot of capital to put down. However, it is important to note that higher leverage also means higher risk for the lender, so you may need to meet stricter qualifications to be approved for an SBA loan.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of leveraging in commercial real estate?
The advantages of leveraging in commercial real estate include the potential for higher returns, longer lease terms, and more stability and predictability for landlords. The main disadvantage is the potential for tenant default and the longer lease terms, which can lead to higher vacancy costs.
Longer lease terms provide more stability and predictability for landlords, as they can easily project occupancy and rental rates. However, there is additional risk if tenants move out, as it may take longer to completely fill a vacant building than a residential property.
The potential for tenant default is also a disadvantage of commercial real estate, as it can lead to higher vacancy costs. Additionally, shorter leases allow landlords to adjust rental rates to suit the market, which can be beneficial when renovating a property or adding extra amenities.
What are the risks associated with leveraging in small business financing?
The main risk associated with leveraging in small business financing is the potential for default. If the business is unable to make payments on the loan, the lender may be forced to take legal action to recover the money. Additionally, if the business is unable to pay back the loan, the lender may be forced to take ownership of the business or its assets. This could lead to the business being liquidated or sold off to pay back the loan.
Another risk associated with leveraging in small business financing is the potential for higher interest rates. Bank loans generally allow up to 65% or 75% leverage, while SBA loans can go up to 90%. This higher leverage can lead to higher interest rates, which can make it more difficult for the business to pay back the loan.
Finally, short term business loans may also carry higher risks. These loans generally need to be repaid quickly -- in two years or less -- and may limit the amount of funding available. Additionally, short term business loans often demand higher APRs than other loans, which can make it more difficult for the business to pay back the loan.
What are the best strategies for leveraging in commercial real estate and small business financing?
The best strategies for leveraging in commercial real estate and small business financing depend on your specific needs and financial situation. It is important to research all of the available options. Some may be a great fit, while others may not pencil out.
When considering commercial real estate financing, it is important to have a clear investment strategy in place. You should determine if renovations need to be made and if you could expand if you ever need to. Additionally, you should find out how old the building is, ask about anything that could impact the property’s value (like environmental or structural issues), and visit various properties in the area. It is also important to set up a clear budget early on to negotiate more effectively, think about how much space you need, decide how important location is to you, and ensure your budget can meet your needs.
When taking out a small business loan, it is important to understand the terms of the loan and the repayment schedule. You should also consider the interest rate, the loan amount, and the loan term. Additionally, you should make sure that you understand the entire contract, sign a Letter of Intent (LOI) outlining the terms of the transaction, and hire a lawyer before signing any paperwork. | Leverage ni nini? Leverage inaweza kufafanuliwa kama mazoezi ya fedha mali na fedha mikopo. Pia inahusu kiasi cha deni kutumika kufadhili mali. "Kama vile ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Uteuzi wa Uwekezaji"" ni mkopo wa $ 1.5M kutoka kwa kampuni ya mkopo, $ 2M kutoka kwa shirika la mkopo, na $ 1.4M kutoka kwa shirika la mkopo." HUD 223 (f) - Mpango wa Mkopo wa HUD 223 (f) - HUD 223 (f) - Mpango wa Mkopo wa HUD 223 (f) - Mpango wa Mkopo wa HUD 223 (f) - Mpango wa Mkopo wa HUD 223 (f) - Mpango wa Mkopo wa HUD 223 (f) Pia inahusu kiasi cha deni kutumika kufadhili mali. Mali ni kawaida kutumika kama dhamana kwa ajili ya ununuzi. "Highly leveraged" kampuni, uwekezaji, au mali ina madeni zaidi kuliko usawa. Mara nyingi wakopeshaji huweka mipaka juu ya kiasi cha mkopo ambacho mkopeshaji anaweza kutumia. Kwa mfano, mikopo ya HUD 223 (f) imepunguzwa kwa uingizaji wa 85% LTV kwa mali ya kiwango cha soko, 87% LTV kwa mali ya bei nafuu, na 90% LTV kwa mali zinazotumia msaada wa kukodisha. Ili kujifunza zaidi kuhusu mikopo ya FHA 223F, jaza fomu hapa chini na mtaalamu wa mikopo ya HUD atawasiliana na wewe. Utegemezo katika mali isiyohamishika ya kibiashara ni nini? Leverage katika mali isiyohamishika ya kibiashara ni kiasi cha deni kutumika kufadhili mali kuhusiana na thamani yake. Kwa kawaida huonyeshwa kama uwiano wa mkopo kwa thamani (LTV) au uwiano wa mkopo kwa gharama (LTC). LTV ni kiasi cha mkopo uliogawanywa na thamani ya thamani ya mali. LTC ni kiasi cha mkopo uliogawanywa na gharama ya jumla ya mradi. Cross collateralization pia ni aina ya leverage, ambapo mali mbili au zaidi hutumiwa kama dhamana kwa mkopo mmoja. Jinsi gani leverage huathiri fedha za biashara ndogo ndogo? Leverage ni jambo muhimu kuzingatia wakati kuangalia katika biashara ndogo ndogo ya fedha. Kwa ujumla, mikopo ya benki inaruhusu hadi 65% au 75% leverage, wakati mikopo ya SBA inaweza kwenda hadi 90%. Kwa mfano, kwa mkopo wa SBA, unaweza kukopa pesa nyingi na kutumia pesa kidogo. Hii inaweza kuwa na faida kwa wafanyabiashara ambao hawana mtaji mwingi wa kuweka chini. Hata hivyo, ni muhimu kutambua kwamba leverage ya juu pia inamaanisha hatari ya juu kwa mkopeshaji, kwa hivyo huenda ukahitaji kukidhi sifa kali zaidi ili kuidhinishwa kwa mkopo wa SBA. Ni nini faida na hasara za leveraging katika mali isiyohamishika ya kibiashara? Faida za leveraging katika mali isiyohamishika ya kibiashara ni pamoja na uwezekano wa mapato ya juu, muda mrefu wa kukodisha, na utulivu zaidi na utabiri kwa wamiliki wa nyumba. Hasara kuu ni uwezekano wa mpangaji default na muda mrefu wa kukodisha, ambayo inaweza kusababisha gharama za juu ya nafasi tupu. Mkataba wa kukodisha wa muda mrefu hutoa utulivu zaidi na utabiri kwa wamiliki wa nyumba, kwani wanaweza kwa urahisi kutabiri idadi ya watu na viwango vya kukodisha. Hata hivyo, kuna hatari ya ziada ikiwa wapangaji huondoka, kwa kuwa inaweza kuchukua muda mrefu kujaza kabisa jengo tupu kuliko mali ya makazi. Uwezekano wa kukosa kukodisha pia ni hasara ya mali isiyohamishika ya kibiashara, kwani inaweza kusababisha gharama za juu za nafasi tupu. Kwa kuongezea, kukodisha kwa muda mfupi huwaruhusu wamiliki wa nyumba kurekebisha viwango vya kukodisha ili vifanane na soko, ambayo inaweza kuwa na faida wakati wa kurekebisha mali au kuongeza vifaa vya ziada. Ni hatari gani zinazohusiana na leveraging katika fedha za biashara ndogo ndogo? Hatari kuu kuhusishwa na leveraging katika biashara ndogo ndogo ya fedha ni uwezekano wa default. Ikiwa biashara haiwezi kulipa mkopo, mkopeshaji anaweza kulazimika kuchukua hatua za kisheria ili kurudisha pesa. Kwa kuongezea, ikiwa biashara haiwezi kulipa mkopo, mkopeshaji anaweza kulazimishwa kuchukua umiliki wa biashara au mali zake. Hii inaweza kusababisha biashara kuwa liquidated au kuuzwa mbali kulipa nyuma mkopo. Hatari nyingine inayohusiana na leveraging katika biashara ndogo ndogo ya fedha ni uwezekano wa viwango vya juu vya riba. Kwa kawaida, mikopo ya benki inaruhusu hadi 65% au 75% leverage, wakati mikopo ya SBA inaweza kwenda hadi 90%. Uwezo huu wa juu unaweza kusababisha viwango vya riba vya juu, ambayo inaweza kufanya iwe vigumu kwa biashara kulipa mkopo. Hatimaye, mikopo ya biashara ya muda mfupi inaweza pia kubeba hatari kubwa. Kwa kawaida mikopo hiyo inahitaji kulipwa haraka - katika miaka miwili au chini - na inaweza kupunguza kiasi cha fedha zinazopatikana. Kwa kuongezea, mikopo ya biashara ya muda mfupi mara nyingi inahitaji APRs ya juu kuliko mikopo mingine, ambayo inaweza kufanya iwe ngumu zaidi kwa biashara kulipa mkopo. Ni mikakati gani bora ya kuimarisha mali isiyohamishika ya kibiashara na ufadhili wa biashara ndogo ndogo? Mbinu bora za kuendesha biashara ya mali isiyohamishika na biashara ndogo ndogo inategemea mahitaji yako maalum na hali ya kifedha. Ni muhimu kuchunguza chaguzi zote zinazopatikana. Huenda baadhi yao yakafaa sana, ilhali wengine huenda wasifaulu. Wakati wa kuzingatia fedha za mali isiyohamishika za kibiashara, ni muhimu kuwa na mkakati wazi wa uwekezaji mahali. Utafanya kazi ya kurekebisha nyumba na kuamua ikiwa unahitaji kupanua. Kwa kuongezea, unapaswa kujua umri wa jengo, uliza juu ya chochote ambacho kinaweza kuathiri thamani ya mali (kama masuala ya mazingira au ya muundo), na tembelea mali mbalimbali katika eneo hilo. Ni muhimu pia kuanzisha bajeti wazi mapema ili kujadili kwa ufanisi zaidi, fikiria juu ya nafasi unayohitaji, kuamua jinsi eneo muhimu ni kwako, na kuhakikisha bajeti yako inaweza kukidhi mahitaji yako. Wakati wa kuchukua mkopo wa biashara ndogo ndogo, ni muhimu kuelewa masharti ya mkopo na ratiba ya malipo. Pia unapaswa kufikiria kiwango cha riba, kiasi cha mkopo, na muda wa mkopo. Kwa kuongezea, unapaswa kuhakikisha kuwa unaelewa mkataba wote, saini barua ya nia (LOI) inayoelezea masharti ya shughuli, na kuajiri wakili kabla ya kusaini hati yoyote. | <urn:uuid:fc9feb2b-9218-469e-897a-c306cc28d7bf> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.hud223f.loans/glossary/leverage/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
Recently, I had a conversation with a teacher who felt that technology in the K-2 level was not beneficial to students. Their concern was that the students were “too young” to use technology or that it would not be relevant for students. So, when I was invited to attend the K-2 Can Too conference by the amazing Susan Stewart, I jumped on the chance to hear about all of the ways that technology is being used in the K-2 classrooms.
Many people don’t know this, but my career in education began in elementary classrooms. Over time, I realized that my passion was working with secondary students but I do have fond memories of working with elementary students and teachers. It was enjoyable to attend this conference because it brought back memories of working with our littlest learners. It reminded me of all of the skills that our students have learned from K-6 that support them in our secondary world. In a way, I wish that all of our secondary teachers could spend a day in an elementary classroom and see where their students have come from.
Anyways, onto the good stuff! Here are my takeaways:
Let Students (and Teachers) Play!
My biggest takeaway was the idea of play. Let students play. Let teachers play. Using technology can be taught but it will be retained by the users when they are allowed to play and explore. Often times, teachers have difficulty relinquishing control of their classroom to their students – especially when it comes to technology use. There is always an excuse, “They are too young”, “They will break the device”, etc. These are just excuses. As educators, we have to allow our students the opportunity to learn. Allow them to play with an app, device, and/or tech tool before you begin a lesson or project. The students may find a way to use these resources in a way you did not imagine. Then, as you begin introducing the lesson or project, students will now be viewing it through the lens of the tech tools that they will be using. The possibilities are endless but it starts with one idea: Play.
Managing Student Devices
One of the sessions I attended was by Ann Kozma titled “Workflow and Management 101”. As I attended this session with my “middle school hat” on, I was reminded of how early elementary teachers have to manage the devices that are in the classroom. In middle school world, my students are responsible for their own device. They do not leave it in the classroom – it’s their responsibility. In elementary school, the teachers are responsible for managing and distributing the devices. In the session, it was really interesting to see all of the ways that these devices were managed for teachers that did not have Chromebook or iPad carts. Basically, Ann repurposed items such as dish racks to store the devices, numbered them, and added a powerstrip to the dishrack. She also reached out to the staff and parents to donate earbuds that they had received with their Apple products. Think about it – we all probably have a couple of brand new earbuds in our house from purchasing Apple products.
After hearing this, I found myself thinking…”If K-2 students can use and manage their devices, why do our secondary teachers get so nervous about it?” I’ll come back to this idea later.
Flipgrid, Google Earth, Ozobots, Oh My!
I am always astounded at how many new EdTech apps, resources, and features are continuing to be released. There is so much technology to use that it can get overwhelming. However, I always tell teachers to take a few ideas back to their classroom and really focus on just one or two. Here are some EdTech resources I am excited to use:
- Flipgrid – A flipped classroom approach to using video for igniting student discussion and engagement. Flipgrid fever – everyone has it! I’ve used it with other teachers but cannot wait to try it in my classroom. If you haven’t checked out this amazing tool yet, you need to…ASAP.
- Google Earth – Enables you to explore the globe with a swipe of your finger. Remember the old Google Earth that had to be downloaded? Well, that is gone and it has been replaced with a completely web-based version. It’s fantastic and beautiful and there are so many ways this can be used in the classroom. (FYI – This session was done by some of my favorite people Rosalinda Jaimes and Michelle Osinski. Yep, Ro. I did blog on vacation.)
- Ozobots – Small, smart toy robots that empower gamers and learners to code, play, create and connect the physical and digital worlds. Playing with these little robots was one of my favorite parts of this event. For students, this would be an amazing way to introduce coding and the logic behind it. Students are able to create a track based upon certain colors, place the Ozobot on it, and have it run through the track. Based upon the color patterns, the Ozobot may go forward, backward, faster, slower, u-turn, etc. It is so much fun!
- Google Cheat Sheets – These cheat sheets were created by Ben Cogswell and they are phenomenal. This is a resource that I will definitely be sharing with our staff members when we return!
If K-2 Can Do It…Then Everyone Else Needs to Step Up Their Game
So…I told you I would come back to this idea. If our littlest learners can purposefully use technology in the classroom…then why isn’t everyone? If a first grader can use Flipgrid, then a 7th grader can use it, too. In fact, not only can the 7th grader use this technology but they can take it to the another level. Over the last year, I have heard a lot of things about why my students are able to use technology in the classroom, mostly the comment “Well, your students are Honors students”. However, as I attended these sessions, I saw that even K-2 students can use these resources in their classroom – which is powerful. If K-2 can, why can’t everyone?
There is so much fear when it comes to using technology in the classroom. But, guess what? Technology is here and it isn’t going anywhere. The world in which our students will be employed will rely heavily on technology and we must help them understand how to use these tools for a purpose. Plus, let’s be honest. Your students enjoy using technology. It engages and inspires them. So, find ways to make it educational and purposeful so that they will be prepared for the future. | "Mara ya mwisho nilipokuwa na mazungumzo na mwalimu mmoja, niliona kwamba teknolojia katika kiwango cha K-2 haikuwa na manufaa kwa wanafunzi.""" Walizoea kuwa wanafunzi ni vijana sana kutumia teknolojia au kwamba haifai kwa wanafunzi. "Kama nilivyofanya katika mkutano wa K2 Can Too, Susan Stewart aliandika: ""Nilikuwa na furaha sana kusikia juu ya njia zote ambazo teknolojia inatumiwa katika madarasa ya K2." Watu wengi hawajui hili, lakini kazi yangu katika elimu ilianza katika madarasa ya msingi. Baada ya muda, nilitambua kwamba shauku yangu ilikuwa kufanya kazi na wanafunzi wa sekondari lakini nina kumbukumbu nzuri za kufanya kazi na wanafunzi wa msingi na walimu. Ilikuwa ni furaha kuhudhuria mkutano huu kwa sababu ilileta kumbukumbu ya kufanya kazi na wanafunzi wetu wadogo. "Nilikuwa na wasiwasi sana kuhusu ujuzi ambao wanafunzi wetu walipata katika shule ya msingi na ambao unasaidia katika maisha yao ya shule ya sekondari.""" """Ningependa walimu wote wa shule ya sekondari waweze kutumia siku moja katika darasa la msingi na kuona wanafunzi wao wametoka wapi." Kwa vyovyote vile, kwenye vitu vizuri! Hapa kuna mambo ninayojifunza: Wacha Wanafunzi (na Walimu) Wacheze! Jambo kubwa nililojifunza lilikuwa wazo la kucheza. Wacha wanafunzi wacheze. Wacha walimu wacheze. Kutumia teknolojia inaweza kufundishwa lakini itahifadhiwa na watumiaji wakati wanaruhusiwa kucheza na kuchunguza. Mara nyingi, walimu wana shida kuacha udhibiti wa darasa lao kwa wanafunzi wao - haswa linapokuja matumizi ya teknolojia. Daima kuna udhuru, "Wao ni wadogo sana", "Watavunja kifaa", nk. Hizi ni visingizio tu. Kama walimu, ni lazima tuwape wanafunzi wetu fursa ya kujifunza. Wape nafasi ya kucheza na programu, kifaa, na au chombo cha teknolojia kabla ya kuanza somo au mradi. Wanafunzi wanaweza kupata njia ya kutumia rasilimali hizi kwa njia ambayo huwezi kufikiria. Wakati wa kuanzisha masomo au mradi, wanafunzi watakuwa wakitazama kupitia lensi ya vifaa vya teknolojia watakavyotumia. Uwezekano ni usio na mwisho lakini huanza na wazo moja: Kucheza. "Msomo wa ""Usimamizi wa Vifaa vya Wanafunzi"" ulianzishwa na Ann Kozma na unaitwa ""Workflow na Usimamizi 101.""" Nilipohudhuria kikao hiki nikiwa na "kofia yangu ya shule ya kati" juu, nilikumbushwa jinsi walimu wa mapema wa msingi wanavyopaswa kusimamia vifaa ambavyo viko darasani. Katika shule ya sekondari, wanafunzi wangu ni wajibu kwa ajili ya kifaa yao wenyewe. Hawaiachi darasani <unk> ni jukumu lao. Katika shule ya msingi, walimu wanawajibika kwa usimamizi na usambazaji wa vifaa hivyo. Kwa mfano, ni muhimu sana kuona jinsi vifaa vya kompyuta vinavyoweza kutumika kwa walimu ambao hawana Chromebooks. Kimsingi, Ann alibadilisha matumizi ya vitu kama vile rafu za vyombo ili kuhifadhi vifaa hivyo, akaviweka nambari, na akaongeza mstari wa umeme kwenye rafu ya vyombo. Pia aliwasiliana na wafanyakazi na wazazi kutoa vichwa vya sauti ambavyo walipokea na bidhaa zao za Apple. Fikiria juu yake <unk> sisi wote pengine kuwa na wanandoa wa bidhaa mpya earbuds katika nyumba yetu kutoka ununuzi wa bidhaa Apple. Baada ya kusikia hili, nilijikuta nikifikiria... <unk>Ikiwa wanafunzi wa K-2 wanaweza kutumia na kusimamia vifaa vyao, kwa nini walimu wetu wa sekondari wanakuwa na wasiwasi sana kuhusu hilo? <unk> Nitarudi kwenye wazo hili baadaye. Flipgrid, Google Earth, Ozobots, Oh My! (Flipgrid, Google Earth, Ozobots, Oh My! (Flipgrid, Google Earth) ni programu ya kompyuta ya kisasa inayojulikana sana ulimwenguni. Mimi daima kushangazwa na jinsi wengi mpya EdTech programu, rasilimali, na vipengele ni kuendelea kutolewa. Kuna teknolojia nyingi sana za kutumia ambazo zinaweza kuwa ngumu sana. Hata hivyo, mimi huwaambia walimu kuchukua mawazo machache nyuma katika darasa lao na kweli kuzingatia tu moja au mbili. Hapa ni baadhi ya rasilimali EdTech Mimi nina msisimko wa kutumia: - Flipgrid <unk> Flipped darasa mbinu ya kutumia video kwa kuwasha mjadala mwanafunzi na ushiriki. Flipgrid homa <unk> kila mtu ana hiyo! Nimekuwa kutumia na walimu wengine lakini siwezi kusubiri kujaribu katika darasa langu. Kama hujaangalia nje chombo hiki ajabu bado, unahitaji... ASAP. - Google Earth <unk> Inakuwezesha kuchunguza dunia kwa swipe ya kidole chako. Kumbuka Google Earth ya zamani ambayo ililazimika kupakuliwa? Naam, hiyo imepotea na imebadilishwa na toleo la mtandao kabisa. Ni ya ajabu na nzuri na kuna njia nyingi sana hii inaweza kutumika katika darasa. "Kama ilivyoelezwa hapo juu, ""Mimi ni mpenzi wa Rosalind Jimenez na Michelle Ossinski.""" Ndio, Ro. Nilikuwa na blogi ya likizo. - Ozobots <unk> Roboti ndogo, smart toy kwamba kuwezesha gamers na wanafunzi code, kucheza, kujenga na kuunganisha ulimwengu wa kimwili na digital. Kucheza na roboti hizi ndogo ilikuwa moja ya sehemu zangu za kupenda za tukio hili. Kwa wanafunzi, hii itakuwa njia ya ajabu ya kuanzisha coding na mantiki nyuma yake. Wanafunzi ni uwezo wa kuunda track kulingana na rangi fulani, kuweka Ozobot juu yake, na kuwa na kukimbia kwa njia ya track. Kulingana na mifumo ya rangi, Ozobot inaweza kwenda mbele, nyuma, kwa kasi, polepole, u-turn, nk. Ni jambo lenye kufurahisha sana! - Google Cheat Sheets <unk> Hizi cheat sheets ziliundwa na Ben Cogswell na wao ni phenomenal. Hii ni rasilimali ambayo mimi hakika kuwa kushiriki na wafanyakazi wetu wakati sisi kurudi! Kama K2 inaweza kufanya hivyo, basi kila mtu mwingine anahitaji kuongeza mchezo wao, kwa hivyo nilikuambia nitarudi kwenye wazo hili. Kama wanafunzi wetu wadogo wanaweza kutumia teknolojia kwa makusudi darasani... basi kwa nini si kila mtu? Ikiwa mwanafunzi wa darasa la kwanza anaweza kutumia Flipgrid, basi mwanafunzi wa darasa la saba anaweza pia kuitumia. Kwa kweli, sio tu kwamba wanafunzi wa darasa la saba wanaweza kutumia teknolojia hii, lakini wanaweza kuichukua hadi ngazi nyingine. Katika mwaka uliopita, nimesikia mambo mengi kuhusu kwa nini wanafunzi wangu ni uwezo wa kutumia teknolojia katika darasa, hasa maoni <unk>Naam, wanafunzi wako ni wanafunzi Honours<unk>. Hata hivyo, kama mimi kuhudhuria vikao hivi, Niliona kwamba hata K-2 wanafunzi wanaweza kutumia rasilimali hizi katika darasa lao <unk> ambayo ni nguvu. Kama K2 anaweza, kwa nini si kila mtu? Kuna hofu nyingi sana linapokuja suala la kutumia teknolojia darasani. Lakini, nadhani nini? Teknolojia iko hapa na haitaenda mahali popote. """Ulimwengu ambao wanafunzi wetu watafanya kazi katika utategemea sana teknolojia na lazima tuwasaidie kuelewa jinsi ya kutumia zana hizi kwa kusudi." Kwa kuongezea, hebu tuwe wakweli. Wanafunzi wako hufurahia kutumia teknolojia. Inawavutia na kuwachochea. Kwa hiyo, tafuta njia za kufanya iwe yenye kuelimisha na yenye kusudi ili wawe tayari kwa ajili ya wakati ujao. | <urn:uuid:9e693710-95c7-4d51-a7ac-2f9675a9eda5> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.i-heart-edu.com/its-true-k2-can-too/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
The John P. Cable Mill in Cades Cove was a technological advancement of its day, the likes of which Cades Cove and the Great Smoky Mountains had never before seen. In those early days, power was a commodity that had yet to be discovered up until the Mill’s formation.
The water wheel was a form of power that was used by early grist mills like the Cable Mill. The Smoky Mountains Natural History Association operates the Cable Mill today from April-October.
Back then, the more forward thinking residents of Cades Cove built water driven mills to grind grain. It was a business decision for them. They thought that other families who called Cades Cove home would rather pay them to grind their grain rather than try to do it themselves in their homes. Tub mills, which were the alternative, could only process a bushel of corn a day. It was a worthwhile gamble as folks like John P. Cable made a good living with his mill.
The waterwheel driven mills could grind wheat into flour, in addition to processing cornmeal, and was looked upon favorably by Cades Cove’s residents. Instead of a diet of pure cornbread, families could now make biscuits.
So what did it cost the average family to grind and sack of grain? Maybe a portion of the flour or meal, possibly money, whatever they could offer was up for grabs in those days. And it wasn’t only John Cable reaing the rewards of a fully operational mill. His son and Frederick Shields also operated mills in Cades Cove. The Cable and Shields also used their waterwheel to power saw mills.
Saw mills were important in the history of Cades Cove because they revolutionized how houses were built. Homes were constructed out of logs before saw mills. Saw mills provided for lumber and frame construction. Also, most owners of the log homes in Cades Cove bought lumber for siding to cover the fact that they were living in old fashioned cabins. | John P. Cable Mill katika Cades Cove ilikuwa maendeleo ya kiteknolojia ya siku yake, kama ambayo Cades Cove na Great Smoky Mountains hawakuwa wameona kabla. Katika siku hizo za mapema, nguvu ilikuwa bidhaa ambayo ilikuwa bado haijagunduliwa hadi kuundwa kwa Mill. Mzunguko wa maji ulikuwa aina ya nguvu ambayo ilitumiwa na viwanda vya mapema vya kusaga nafaka kama vile Cable Mill. Shirika la Historia ya Asili la Smoky Mountains linaendesha Kiwanda cha Cable Mill leo kuanzia Aprili hadi Oktoba. Wakati huo, wakazi wa Cades Cove waliokuwa na mawazo ya mbele walijenga viwanda vya kusaga nafaka vilivyoendeshwa kwa maji. Ilikuwa uamuzi wa kibiashara kwao. Walidhani kwamba familia nyingine zilizokuwa Cades Cove zingewapa pesa ili wapige nafaka badala ya kujaribu kufanya hivyo wenyewe nyumbani kwao. Viwanda vya kusaga mahindi, ambavyo vilikuwa mbadala, vingeweza kusindika shayiri moja tu ya mahindi kwa siku. Ilikuwa ni mchezo wa kubahatisha wenye thamani kwa kuwa watu kama vile John P. Cable walipata riziki nzuri kutokana na kiwanda chake. Viwanda hivyo vilivyoendeshwa kwa magurudumu ya maji vingeweza kusaga ngano na kuifanya kuwa unga, pamoja na kusindika unga wa mahindi, na vilitendewa vizuri na wakazi wa Cades Cove. Badala ya kula mkate wa mahindi tu, sasa familia zingeweza kutengeneza biskuti. Kwa hiyo, familia ya kawaida ilihitaji pesa ngapi kusaga na kufunga nafaka? Labda sehemu ya unga au chakula, labda pesa, chochote walichoweza kutoa kilikuwa kwa ajili ya kunyakua katika siku hizo. Na haikuwa tu John Cable reaing tuzo ya kinu kikamilifu uendeshaji. Mwanawe na Frederick Shields pia waliendesha viwanda huko Cades Cove. Kampuni ya Cable and Shields pia ilitumia gurudumu lao la maji kuendesha mashine za kusaga. Viwanda vya kusaga vilikuwa muhimu katika historia ya Cades Cove kwa sababu vilibadili jinsi nyumba zilivyojengwa. Nyumba zilijengwa kwa mbao kabla ya kutengenezwa kwa viwanda vya kusaga. Mashine za kusaga zilitumiwa kutengeneza mbao na muundo wa ujenzi. Pia, wamiliki wengi wa nyumba za mbao huko Cades Cove walinunua mbao za kutengeneza mipaka ili kufunika ukweli kwamba walikuwa wakiishi katika vibanda vya zamani. | <urn:uuid:e32ac05d-f62e-41c5-884a-57b23c04ef99> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.insidetownsend.com/townsend-information/john-p-cable-mill-in-cades-cove/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |
At 7:15 a.m. on September 13, 2022, the flight carrying Pope Francis, his entourage and accredited journalists took off from Fiumicino Airport for Nur-Sultan, the capital of Kazakhstan. Thus began the 38th apostolic journey of Francis.
Located in Central Asia, the country borders Russia to the north and west, China to the east, and Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to the south. It has an area of 2,724,900 sq km and a population of about 19 million. Located along the ancient Silk Road that connected China to the Middle East and the Mediterranean, the territory was historically inhabited by nomadic peoples, and today its population includes about 30 nationalities and ethnicities.
Part of the Soviet Republic of Turkestan from 1917 to 1925 and an autonomous republic since 1926, Kazakhstan in 1936 became a republic of the USSR, from which it gained independence in 1991, after the dissolution of the latter, becoming part of the newly formed Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). In 1994, Nur-Sultan, when it was still called Tselinograd, was chosen as the future capital of Kazakhstan by President Nursultan Nazarbayev, for geographical, economic and environmental reasons, in place of Almaty. It officially assumed the role of capital in 1997, and in March 2019 it changed its name again to Nur-Sultan, to pay homage to former President Nazarbayev, who is also responsible for its renovation and expansion. | Mnamo Septemba 13, 2021, wakati wa saa 7:15 asubuhi, ndege iliyokuwa na Papa Francis, msafara wake na waandishi wa habari waliohitimu iliondoka uwanja wa ndege wa Fiumicino kuelekea Nur-Sultan, mji mkuu wa Kazakhstan. Hivyo ndivyo safari ya 38 ya Ujumbe wa Mtume ilivyopangwa na Papa Francisko. Nchi hiyo iko katika Asia ya Kati, na inapakana na Urusi kaskazini na magharibi, China mashariki, na Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan na Turkmenistan kusini. Ina eneo la kilomita 2,724,900 za mraba na idadi ya watu karibu milioni 19. Mji huo uliokuwa kwenye Barabara ya kale ya Hariri, ambayo iliunganisha China na Mashariki ya Kati na Bahari ya Mediterania, ulikuwa na watu wa asili ya watu wa asili ya China, na leo una watu wa mataifa na makabila 30. Tangu kuanzishwa kwa Jamhuri ya Turkestan ya Sovieti mnamo mwaka wa 1936 na Jamhuri ya Uhuru ya Kazakhstan mnamo mwaka wa 1926, Kazakhstan imekuwa jamhuri ya USSR, ambayo ilipata uhuru mnamo mwaka wa 1991, baada ya kufutwa kwa mwisho, na kuwa sehemu ya Jumuiya ya Madola ya Uhuru (CIS). 1994 - Nursultan, wakati bado aitwaye Tselinograd, alichaguliwa kama mji mkuu wa baadaye wa Kazakhstan na Rais Nursultan Nazarbayev, kwa sababu za kijiografia, kiuchumi na mazingira, badala ya Almaty. Mji huo ulibadilishwa jina na kuwa Nur-Sultan mnamo Machi 2019 ili kumheshimu Rais wa zamani Nazarbayev, ambaye pia ni wajibu wa ukarabati na upanuzi wake. | <urn:uuid:9cca47d7-a055-47fe-a09e-74b2d4a72e4e> | CC-MAIN-2024-10 | https://www.laciviltacattolica.com/campaign/30_september_2022_freearticle_paid_newsletter/ | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-10/segments/1707947474649.44/warc/CC-MAIN-20240225234904-20240226024904-00712.warc.gz |