The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been on microgynon since 16 im know 21, and the thought of children is in the back of my mind. Will having been on the pill so long have affected my fertility. Im scared i might not be able to have children. Is there any test you can take to test your fertility?Thank you Lucy [|AI|] Hi there, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Oral contraceptive pills have effects which are definitely reversible, and they will not affect your fertility in the long run. So, do not worry, you have not done anything wrong by taking oral contraceptive pills. To check fertility or the capacity of the ovaries to form eggs you could do blood test for hormonal evaluation. The hormone to be checked would be FSH. You should take folic acid while trying to conceive and if you do not conceive after a year of trying then get completely evaluated (both you and your partner) for subfertility. Hope this helps. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have been suffering from acne since my 7th grade... i had been using many anti acne products. i almost used so many products , have taken oral medicines too but there is no use . can you please tell me can i use propysalic nf6 for acne [|AI|] Hi...dear marisasritha., Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor., Propysalic nf6... It is Dexamethasone(Steroid)., and Salicylic acid 6% is keratolytic and anti-inflammatory.... Starting it will give very good-looking skin., after with Chat Doctor. .it produces pa pules with redness of skin.(Stand acne)So it is very dangerous in the face area.ok., good anti acne products available.,1) use 1% Clindamycin daily 2 times.,2) Tab. Isotretinoin 20 mg daily for 2 months., ok...good luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] There is a small lump a size of a small marble on my babys under the chin in the lower part just before the throat i think.. i just notice yesterday that its kinda red then its has a dot of some kinda white on the top.. and she sometimes poke it.. shes turnin 2yrs old this november.. When she was a month old baby back then she got a problem like that in the same area tshe was been confined a couple of weeks to get examine they said that its like neck mass so they run a few more test like biopsy etc. and the result was it has a abscess come from sort of boil. They drain the abscess then after that we finally got home.. but the lump was there it never gone.. the years went by but its ok.. now its kinda red and itchy i think.. [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your baby may have enlarged submandibular lymph node. It can be due to reactive hyperplasia, tuberculosis or acute abscess formation. It may be siledenitis of submandibular salivary gland. He should take a course of antibiotics. If it doesn't respond to treatment then biopsy diagnosis is advisable. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a bony bump on the back of my skull , it is approximately 15 or so degrees north east of my Occipetal protuberence (sp?) if my OP was Mexico city this strange lump would by located around New York. It doesn t hurt, no head aches, no noticeable symptoms, in pretty tiptop health (eg, BP , Cholesterol , healthy weight, non-smoker.) Never really thought much about it but an officer pulled me over and was sure I was on something due to certain cues. Maybe just to get me to divulge information a guilty man may have, I don t know. I had a professor once that came to class obviously drunk or loaded, and it ended up being a brain tumor of sorts. [|AI|] Hi thanks for your question have bony swelling on the back of your skull, near your occipital protuberance. It is symptomless. Most probably, this bony bump is bony exocytosis from occipital bone and there is nothing to worry. Confirmation of diagnosis of exocytosis can be done by X-Ray Skull. If X-ray doesn't confirm the diagnosis, CT scan skull will confirm the diagnosis Hope this answer your question
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was lifting something and it didn t budge and my spine popped mutliple places. now the middle of my back on right side is sore. I have full movement from head to toe and right to left is sore but not in the spine. did I pull a muscle and the popping sound is that normal. [|AI|] Dear Sir/Madam have gone through your query and read your symptoms. In my opinion, the main fear is such activity is of muscular pull and prolapse disc, muscular pain is localized and on movement, while disc pain is radiating to the leg or may be localized to the back only, the first thing you need to do is 1 take analgesics like ibuprofen 400 mg three times a day for 3 days.2 take rest and see if your symptoms improve, if they do, we are on the right track, and if they do not than we need to get investigated for the problem. I hope that answers your query. If you want any more clarification, contact me back. Thanks Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have a small problem where I feel as though a liquid is moving through my penis. I try and squeeze it out but there is nothing. Every once in a while there is a really small amount of clear liquid thats sticky like pre ejaculate if I open the tip. One year ago I was tested for studs by urine, blood, and visually by a urologist (all negative)and after taking cipro for ten days it seemed to be fine. However the same feeling is back. Im 31 an was told I had prostatitis at 26 could this be my problem? Im currently on day 7 of 20 day course of levafloxicin and it has yet to do anything. [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I think you are being obsessive and worrying too much. The liquid you are talking about is of course semen, and it is natural that body expels some of its stored semen through the penis before and after urine or through seepage. That is normal and there is nothing to worry. Your feeling of water movement through the penis shaft is supposed to be an obsession related feeling. Prostrate could not be involved. You may talk to a physician if you are overly worried. But after getting his positive opinion, you should pledge never to worry again about this. If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Ive had shoulder pain with range of motion problems for the last month.....the left shoulder is slowly feeling better but now my right shoulder has the same pain and cant raise arm very high without pain as of last night. At same time my right calve has Pain thats moved into my knee cap today and very painful to walk on it. Our weather is cold and rainy today and Ive had similar issues prior but usually go away in a day or so but never involving my upper arms.....taking ibuprofen and sems to help. Any ideas, arthritis, tendinitis, blood clot? Age is 50 yr old female and I am obese but normally function normally.....just curious what your thoughts are...thanks [|AI|] Hi I am Chat Doctor. . In my opinion you have a kind of nerve injury that may be due to a frozen shoulder or cervical herniation, in addition to your environmental conditions arthritis to joints are more affected in cold weather. I suggest hot showers followed by hot massages with topical muscle relaxants, B12 supplements, avoid heavy lifting and vigorous movements and some physiotherapy maybe helpful if not ask your physician for proper evaluation of any underlying cause. Please click THANK YOU and consider a 5-star rating with some positive feedback if the information was helpful. Hope the above information helps you, Any further clarifications feel free to ask.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] doctor i am woried about my fiance,,,,... he had malaria 2 yrs back and after that he was suppused to take iron tablets but he didnt take them but he was regular wid multivitamin and vitamin a and e medicines for few months...... but after a few months he started getting feverish sudden times....... around 2 to 3 tymes a since past 1 month he is complaining a bit feverish feeling with weakness every night .... 15 dayz ago he had a sudden eye problem in which his 1 eye got red n was itching n then was burning a bit.....the next day it finished in one eye and transferred to the its quite ok.... but the feverish and the weakness complaint is still there,,,,......... the night b4 yesterday...he got tonsils... i am getting worrid the general blood tests are normal.....what is happening? [|AI|] Thank you for your question, I appreciate your concern. I would like you to answer a few questions, after which I can come to a more conclusion.1. How many days does the fever last each time?2. Associated symptoms like cough or shivering or abdominal pain, body pain3. Any loss of weight in the past few months 4. Anyone in his house or workers had TB ? 5. any contact with animals far, I would say from his symptoms that frequent fevers with weakness could Indicate infectious mononucleosis or tuberculosis, brucellosis is also a possibility. If his malaria was not treated properly 2 years back, few malarial parasites could be released now and then causing fever. Please do get back to me with more information and I will clarify further doubts. Hope you find this. Useful.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 63 year old male, I developed pain on the right side of my back 3 days ago now it has spread to my right arm and a bit in my neck all on the right side. Does not hurt to breath, its kind of like a toothache pain a little throbing but constant it keeps waking me from sleep at night [|AI|] Hello, I am Chat Doctor. I have read your query. I think considering your age and the pattern of pain which you have mentioned, you are having Degenerative Spondylosis of spine. You must obtain radiographs of your spine and consult an orthopedic surgeon. As for the pain, you can take a painkiller and muscle relaxant for 4-5 days, along with a topical gel for local application. The proper treatment for your spine can be only started after a proper workup. If you have any further query, feel free to ask.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband is very sick, coughing and so fatigued. He has had his symptoms for over 10 days. He is on his last pill from a ZPack that he was prescribed (5 day course). His coughing is more productive, but he is still coughing A LOT. He is also so fatigued he can barely walk, the fatigue seems to be getting worse. He is still coughing a lot, it has become more productive, but it is non stop at night. Shouldn t he be feeling better by now?I m trying to talk him into going back to urgent care, but he is being stubborn. What else would he be given to treat his illness if he does go back? Thank you. [|AI|] Hello, Yes, he should have improved by this. Since, he is not improving, rather deteriorating, better to take him to hospital and get done chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia (lung infection). His all symptoms are suggestive of pneumonia. He will need higher antibiotic like levofloxacin or amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid. Mucolytic and expectorant Chat Doctor. So, it is better to take him to hospital and start appropriate treatment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my daughter is 12 years old and she has been complaining about a bump under her arm. I think that it s a lymph node or whatever it s called and I tried to pop it but she said that it hurt her really bad and now she has a few other bumps in the same are as this normal? If so what can I do to help? [|AI|] Hi...this is not normal. This could be a lymph node getting secondarily infected, and she might require antibiotic therapy after evaluation. Sometimes it can become an abscess with pus formation too. I suggest you get in touch with her pediatrician regarding this. Secondly she needs to be evaluated for the cause of this lymphadenopathy. It could be an infection elsewhere in the chest which is causing this too. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi im am a girl and 11 i have a big white lump om my gum it is not puss or anything it is hard as a tooth!!!!! there is a lil white clear bump on my up right molar plez help me is it mouth canser?is it serios?do i need surgery? im paniced abd scared plez awnser this [|AI|] With your query, as you mentioned it is a hard lump or swelling could be a bone overgrowth or exocytoses can't be abscess because abscess will be soft in consistency and if you have erupted tooth it could be a cyst? Nothing serious I don't know what bothers you to consider it as cancer unless you have hidden some history. Hope you don't have any adverse habits like smoking, betel nut chewing or tobacco chewing. Anyway I suggest you to visit a nearby dental oral surgeon for diagnosis and good treatment. Hope thus helps you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi i am Abhishek, 22 years old and i am having little black spots on all over my face. I consult with Dermatologist regarding this and he recommend for Mela Glow (skin brightening and lightning cream) and i am using it past 1 month and i can see the good effect on face. But i want to know what will be the side effect of this if i use it for long period..... [|AI|] Hello, Thanx for writing at Chat Doctor, Melaglow is a steroid should not be used more than 2-3 it can make your skin more sensitive towards sunlight and can cause acne, rash,and infection.... You have to use proper sunscreen cream regular for 3 times...then only you can protect your skin from harmful UV rays of sunlight...Don't stop mellow suddenly but stop it gradually and consult with Dermatologist.... Hope this will help... Take care...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] what are the chances of myself getting abdominal cancer if my mother and grandmother died of cancer in the abdomen. They were both 65. I am 5 ft. 123lbs.I exercise3-4 times a week. Dietary wise,I eat much healthier than either of them. I fortunately quit smoking after about 13 years on and off. I smoked anywhere from 3 cigarettes to 10 on averqage. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Abdominal cancer is a non-specific entity or diagnosis. It is important to know the exact cancer or group of cancer that have occurred in your family members. Since you have changes over to adapting a healthy lifestyle including food habits and exercises as described, your general health condition appears to be good. Also, you have quit smoking and that is a positive development in reducing the chance of throat and lung cancer. Cancers can happen due to particular activation of cancer genes, some cancers might start after infection of viruses like HPV virus causing carcinoma cervix and hepatitis B causing liver cancer. There are patients who also get cancer due to exposure to harmful substances in the environment. In your case, it will help to know the exact type of cancer your mother and grandmother had and then get tested for the gene marker of that cancer. Please do not worry.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, im poor there is no way im getting to a doctor it doesnt exist for me exept to a walk in free clinic type of thing, wich i have no ride and its far so its a verry hard thing to do for question is i found a small .. pinsize bump? lump? on my right testical, i freeked out..... so I prayed to god .. many times to heal me. (since, its probably my best bet). i called around did research, i found some answers that it may be cancer becouse i felt no pain. 2 weeks later.. (now), its vanished. i cant find it, locate it and belive me ive been i need to still worry that im a die ? [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor. 1. Probably an infective cyst or a lump, it can be hair follicular infection.2. If there was lump and disappeared after some time probably cystic structure.3. Other but its generalized enlargement - HY Chat Doctor. 4. If still you feel anything - somehow you have to get an ultrasound scrotum done that will help in assessing the lesions, its nature and where they are from - sub cutaneous or testicular, and where all it is spread.5.Don't worry you have not mentioned anything corresponding to cancer. Good luck. Hope I have answered your query.Anything to ask do not hesitate. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, doctor. I am a 23 year old Black male. I am 5 6 tall and weigh 135 pounds. A problem I ve had for a while is a sickly/ unpleasant facial appearance. My facial skin appears dry and rough. It doesn t look smooth and supple like that of other people my age. A few years ago, I was told by a doctor that I was borderline iron-deficient anemic. So, could that be a cause? To improve my appearance, I ve starting eating carrots because they re rich in Vitamin A, which I read is good for skin. I ve also starting taking iron supplements and Centrum Chewables. Will any of these actions I ve started to take help with my skin? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. It is true that iron deficiency anemia can make you look unhealthy, but it should not typically be leading to the complaints that you have. This is particularly so as you have only borderline iron deficiency. Further, to get the skin you want, I would suggest thee following:a. Have a healthy and balanced diet. Typically, your diet should have 50-55% carboy Chat Doctor. You should also be
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi my father has a long history of copd . Over the last 6 months he has become increasingly breathless , fatigued and there is a notable weightloss. He had an xray which showed a shadow on his lung . The GP has arrannged an urgent CT scan and told my father that the outcome could be nasty ,,,, or a deep seeded infection. He has no symptoms of a fever etc but is complianing of pain in his chest particuarlry when swallowing food, Could the shadow be cancer? [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Unfortunately yes, it can be. It is usually diagnosed by detecting such shadows on X-ray. But also pneumonia or localized emphysema, bronchiectasie and other smoking related disease can be. CT, bronchoscopy and biopsy can give exact diagnosis. You must be ready for everything but hope for the best. Also, if it is cancer it is necessary to see is it operable and which way of treatment is the best for him. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My sister is experiencing some symptoms that may be meningitis. She has a rash along the back of her head, painful headaches, overall weakness and low appetite. she has a referral for a lumbar puncture, but is not sure to go. Could these symptoms also be shingles? [|AI|] Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your concern and will give a resolution over it. If I am your doctor I advise you that Shingles or Herpes simplex infection spreads over dermatomes or nerve distribution. It has burning pain and vesicles at the distribution of infected nerves. So as per your query it is unlikely to be shingles. I will be happy to answer any of your concern, kindly contact me for further informationChatDoctorInfectious Disease Specialist.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am suffering from diabeties from last 12 years, my father was also having diabeties, I am 47yr old My weight is 59 kg.From last 18 months my Sgpt level increase by 90 to 122 and now it is 102.I have done all Hepitisis virus test all are normal. How and What I have to do to reduce the SGPT level. [|AI|] Hi thanks for asking question. Let me know you.... Do you have high cholesterol?? Is USG suggesting fatty liver?? Alcohol history??? Mostly your enzyme elevation might be from fatty liver like condition. If you are overweight lose weight. Take low fat diet. Fruits more. Regular exercise. Refined food avoided. Alcohol not taken if habit of it... Junk food, cheese, butter taken very much less.... If still no benefit then search for other cause of enzymes elevation done like myositis, heart problem, celiac disease. These are followed first .... If still enzyme elevation liver biopsy needed for searching unusual causes. Take care. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have a kind of small hole next to my back left tooth that feels like a sore it s like the skin split or the gum split . I put my finger on it as I look at it in the mirror and it kind of feels like I m touching the base of my lower wisdom tooth that never grew in fully . will this thing heal by itself? will skin or gum grow in soon to fill up this small oval shaped hole? YYYY@YYYY [|AI|] Hello & welcomes you said that wisdom tooth never grew fully means that this tooth of yours is impacted & problem you are suffering here is peritonitis. This is gingival flap inflammation usually covers partially impacted teeth. Permanent cure for such type of problems is extraction of wisdom tooth, so I will advise you to visit your dentist as soon as possible. Rest maintain proper oral hygiene, start up with one antibiotic course including amoxicillin, metro, & painkiller ibuprofen along with Betadine rinses. Thanks & take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am trying to get pregnant, my periods are almost regular, scanning and fh lh and thyroid tests are all normal, even then am not able to make it, started off with sysfol 5mg tablets, one per day as advised by one of the doctor. In how many cycles i can expect? how this tab help in conceiving? I had an abortion 2.5 years ago since we were not ready for parenting at that early stage of married life. Kindly help [|AI|] Hi there, I have understood your concern. First do not panic. Please try to understand that Folic acid tablet as such is nit to help you to get pregnant. I usually suggest to my patients who are planning to get pregnant, to start with Folic acid, vitamin B 12 and Omega-3 supplements at least 3 months before planning to get pregnant. This helps to prevent many problems during pregnancy and delivery. You can follow the same. Secondly, if you are willing to get pregnant, then please get following 3 things checked. 1) Husbands semen analysis, after the abstinence of 3 to 4 days. This helps to know about quality and quantity of sperms. 2) Post menstrual HSG - hysterosalpingography, within the first ten days of the cycle. This helps to know about the patency of the fallopian tubes. 3) Follicle Study from day 10 to 20 of the cycle to know about the exact day of egg formation. Unprotected sex act or GUI on the day of egg formation will help you to get pre. I hope this answer helps you. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had severe swine flu last year plus bronchititus and sever asthma ER 4X and 7 days in intensive care. Was + foro swine flu. Had massive prednisone for 3 months because of breathing and cngestion problems. I got the flu shot. Bu tnow I think I am starting the flu. Very very achy, 102 temp, so tired i can haedly get up. I just took Tamilflu, and am allergic to anything with aspirin, motrin or nsaids. What can I do so I dont go into what I had last year. It truly nearly killed me with the comlications. Will i get it worse if I had it last year? What can I do? I am a bit afraid. [|AI|] Hello, The treatment of the same depends upon the severity of the symptoms with clinical assessment of the same via signs and co-relation with the supportive data of the laboratory and x-ray or others. Primary suggestions at present-Take a balanced nutritious diet to combat the infection phase.- Continue Tami flu at present.- Get once evaluated clinically with your doctor.- Inhalation of vapors of boiled water with added tincture Benson or Karol capsules helps a lot.- Avoid exposure to dusty environments.- Prefer semi-reclining position when resting.- Avoid smoking, alcohol in any form. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] One of my toes (next to the pinky toe) has recently turned a Burt orange color. The redness is only on the tip, where I do not walk. I thought it was just dirt so I hoped in the shower and didn t think about it again. Two days later (today) I looked and there are black/brown dots underneath the skin and the burnt orange color is more noticeable. I am not diabetic. [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. Vascular claudication can lead to black /brown dot which is common in smokers. Another possibility could be lumbar canal stenosis leading to burning sensation and pain in your leg. I will advise you to do MRI spine and color Doppler leg and foot. For these symptoms analgesic and neurotrophic medication can be started. I will advise checking your it B12 and it D3 level. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my boyfriend is suffering from depression, I am worried about him but he s sleeping at the moment. I talked with him about finding an on line specialist to talk to him about what bothers him and see if he can figured out what s going on and why he has depression. Is it possible for you to email him? He told me three days ago he would do this and he s avoided it since. [|AI|] HiT hanks for using Chat Doctor In his case, he needs help of a psychiatrist. He needs proper mental evaluation, that would help to figure out the reason of depression. He also needs antidepressant that would help to control his negative thoughts. There are number of online specialist, but you can not get medication without prescription. So, better to consult a psychiatrist nearby your location. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good morning sir, I m suffering from skin allergy, running nose, eching, red eyes from last four years.I have taken treatment from many local doctors.I have to take one tab citirazine every day. Now the condition is going worse.Please advice me for permanent treatment......... [|AI|] Hello, thanks for your query, sequence of sneezes, running nose, itching in ears, itching in roof of mouth, blackness under eyes are the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. It is best prevented by not to expose to cold, dust, not to consume ice creams, fridge water, curd. Best street meet is Adams(fluticasone) nasal spray twice daily, tab. Monte- LC (montelukast+cetirizine once daily at bedtime. All the best. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Knee is sore when touched, pain is in the middle below the knee cap. I experience a severe sharp pain when i bend my knee while standing up. I first experienced it this morning when i got out of bed. It does not hurt when i walk straight legged or when sitting down. [|AI|] Hi I am Chat Doctor. Anyway for now you may start icing it for the first 48 hrs, topical gel, Advil tab twice per day after meals, acetaminophen tab three times per day is helpful, elevating the leg and the avoidance of vigorous actions and trypsins or diclofenac is effective with the swelling and will free the joint mobility. Hope the above information helps you, Thanks for writing into Chat Doctor. Any further clarifications feel free to ask.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, had a colonoscopy yesterday am. they found a sessile polyp 9mm in size, in the cecum..they also found the same type , in the cecum, only 2mm in size. Could you please tell me just what they are, and where they are located?? can they cause pain after the procedure?? when should we go to ER for x-ray if it continues?? [|AI|] Hi! Welcome to Chat Doctor! Polyps are commonly found in the colon, stomach, nose, sinuses, urinary bladder and uterus. They may also occur elsewhere in the body where mucous membranes exist like the cervix, vocal folds, and small intestine. Caecal polyp is a projection of tissue from the inner lining of the cecum into the lumen. Polyps are benign (non-cancerous) growths, but cancer can start in some types of polyps. Polyps that tend to grow as slightly flattened, broad-based polyps are referred to as sessile, they generally, are asymptomatic. It is not uncommon for a sessile polyp to go unnoticed lifetime. As long as the growth remains small and benign, it will not be noticeable. Sometimes, however, the growth can grow large enough to cause bleeding, even if the polyp itself is benign, and one can get big enough to create a blockage. They are typically identified on a colonoscopy, by a gastroenterologist, and excised for a definitive diagnosis and treatment. Complete removal of a polyp is considered curative some may require screening. Consult your gastroenterologist when your polyp needs to be removed and biopsied. Hope this will help you!take care!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My nine year old daughter has painful, swollen gums (a nodule) right behind her two top front teeth - over the past few months this nodule comes and goes, usually lasting about a week. I want to know what causes it and what can be done to prevent it from returning. [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The nodule or a lump behind the front teeth could be a periapical abscess or a periodontal abscess secondary to tooth or gum infection. Consult an oral physician and get a radiograph done to rule out gum or tooth infection. If there is a tooth infection we can treat the tooth with RCT. If there is gum infection, then you have to get your teeth cleaned along with a course of antibiotics. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I woke up this morning, got up, and had the worst case of vertigo I ve ever had. Couldn t get my balance at all, fell back on the bed, sat up, and within a minute, it was gone. Had a couple of slight feelings of vertigo during the day, took betahistine hydrocholoride and am not quite normal yet. Should I be worried that s it s a symptom of something else? [|AI|] Acute onset severe vertigo may be due to many reasons and common are benign paroxysmal positional vertigo(BPPV), acute vestibular neuritis and less commonly posterior circulation stroke. BPPV is positional, lasting for few seconds associated with nausea or vomiting. Vestibular neuritis is severe vertigo And associated with some viral infection. Most serious condition is posterior circulation stroke but is usually associated with additional brain stem signs and symptoms. Your case seems to be BPPV most likely if no additional symptoms are present. You need to consult neurologist if symptoms increases or persists. Hope you recover well.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been experiecing heartburn since this afternoon with belching. my chest feels full/ tight and I have felt the need to yawn a lot. Should I be concerned? I have a doctor appointment tomorrow, but didn t want to ignore the symptoms if I should go in tonight. I took s pepcid AC a while ago and am on the prescription Pantoprazole [|AI|] HelloYour symptoms may indicate acid reflux. You have taken right medicine like tablet pantoprazole 40 mg. But it is important to exclude other causes as well. You may need clinical examination and investigations like routine hologram, random blood sugar, liver function test, renal function test, lipid profile, upper GI endoscopy, ultrasound of abdomen. There is no emergency to go tonight. Pantoprazole will relieve your symptoms. You may need other medicines after upper GI endoscopy. ECG can be done after clinical evaluation. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my 4 month old baby is always screaming in pain when he has a bowel movement, he goes every day, sometimes a few times a day, they are soft stools, often very soft and runny, he also spends the whole day in pain trying to go. I have just started weaning him, this has made no difference, its as though he is constantly constipated without actually being constipated? [|AI|] Yes, your child is constipated, and the loose motions you see sometimes is due to the Fermentation of the stool by his bowel bacteria .child Chat Doctor. Breastfed babies rarely can have this problem, so I recommend you to try shifting the milk towards breast milk and cut down the cows milk .the use of lactulose 2.5 ml twice daily is very helpful to loosen his stool, you can decrease the dose when you feel he is passing a lot of stools. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 29 year woman and i have a pea size lump on my upper right arm inside the skin which is not subsiding from past 6 months and the size remains the same. I dont have any pain and i can slightly push the lump and feel the movement. This is the third time i am getting this kind of lump in the same location as it would not stay more than 3 months or so. Kindly let me know what it is and kindly prescribe a permanent remedy for this. [|AI|] is best if you consult with a doctor, preferably a general surgeon, for medical and physical examination. Based from your description, it could be a cyst (a sebaceous or a gelatinous type). It could also be a lipoma (fatty deposit) or a fibrous (fibrous tissue formation). These lesions can occur anywhere in the body and have the tendency to recur. Management (medical and surgical excision) will be directed accordingly. Hope this helps. Good day!!~ Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had an IUI on Wednesday and got a stomach bug (low grade fever, aches and pains, extreme nausea and lots of sleep) the next day. I didn t take anything except ginger tea. I also only vomited once. How badly could this affect implantation? Have you seen women who get pregnant after being ill after an IUI? I m 37; great fertility numbers; high motility to the sperm. [|AI|] Hi, As far as reports are concerned, stomach bug is not at all going to affect implantation. All you need is plenty of rest and avoid deny Chat Doctor. As there is no specific treatment for the infection, only symptomatic and supportive therapy is given as your situation permits. Of course, people can get ill after GUI, but usually are safe as far as their pregnancy is concerned. Please consult your doctor for further management. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] MY BLOOD PRESSURE IS ALMOST PERFECT WHEN I TAKE WHAT I KNOW WORKS FOR MY BODY AND I AM ABLE TO KEEP THE PAIN UNDER CONTROL AS WELL AS MOVE ABOUT AS I NEED AND WANT TO.TODAY AT IT WAS 142/106 P 93 THEN 135/105 P95. THE LOWEST IT WAS SINCE 5-22-13 WAS 123/84 P94 THAT WAS AT 7:03PM ON 5.30.13 AFTER TAKING WHAT I HAD OF THE MEDS. MY PHYSICIAN IS BEGINNING TO GET OLDER AND IS NOT CORRECT WITH THE AMOUNT OF TRAMADOL. I HAVE SIGNS OF FIBROMYALGIA AND NEUROPATHY, BUT, THIS IS ALL DUE TO INJURIES THROUGH THE YEARS. I DO NOT AND WILL NOT TAKE ANY ANT-DEPRESSANTS. I AM INJURED AND GET ANGRY THAT I WOULD BE INJURED IN ANY WAY AND NEED TO THINK CLEAR. [|AI|] Degree understand your problems are clearly anxious. That is ll. Pulse rate of above 90 explains that. BP above 140/90 is said to essential hypertension. Systolic varies with age and other circumstantial factors and diastolic measures health of heart. If lower reading goes beyond 95 you have reason for worrying. Do trust your physician, otherwise you cannot be cured or managed. LAK of trust in your physician caused your anxiety problem. You feel that he is not right. You are actually not right because you are not a doctor. Or better you find a physician who is most suitable to you and leave the rest to him. Your anxiety will vanish. You also need help of psychologist /psychotherapist. Please come to me through "ask specialist opinion" in this website. Wish you speedy recovery.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi my name is Brenda nice talking with you, My question is, my son-in-law was injured 2 years ago when a tree fell on him he suffered a broken neck as well as other trama injuries. I want to know what is happening to him, he sweats so bad his clothing, bedding has to be changed all thru the night and day, he starts shaking all over, his arms and hands get very cold and turns to a dark purple color. he is now starting to have bad headaches, nasuea and throwing up, we have tried all the excerise that we can do but his health is getting worse, don t know what to do [|AI|] Hi, I am Chat Doctor. I have read your question with care and understand your concerns. Let me try to help you Question : What causes body tremors, profuse sweating and cold extremities? Answer : From what you have described, I would suspect Post Traumatic Autonomic Dysfunction. I would request you to consult a Neurosurgeon at the earliest Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am not sure what I am even asking. I do not feel healthy. I haven t for quite some time. I went to a doc and held some things back from him because I don t want to feel stupid or look like some kind of crazy hypochondriac. Is there any way to know what is relevant and what is not? I have a laundry list of symptoms, some of whicChatDoctore and go. Is this anxiety normal? [|AI|] HelloWelcome here. I understand your concerns. I think you should not have hidden your feelings from your doctor. No doctor will be and should be offended on hearing the complaints of the patient. What you find stupid may be important for your doctor to understand your problem. Every one has some anxiety. But when the anxiety starts affecting your normal life, then it becomes a disorder. So, kindly discuss all your complaints with your doctor, or you can list them here so that we can help you. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had a fluttering in my kidney region on the left side for the past day. It is not painful. I drink a lot of water throughout the day, work out five days a week, eat an extremely well-balanced meal, do not smoke or drink. I have noticed the urge to urinate frequently which I thought was due to the large amounts of water I drink. Please shed some light on what this fluttering can mean? The more it continues, it has made me more worried and concerned. Thanks. [|AI|] Hi, I can understand your concerns. Kidney conditions are not always very painful. Since an ultrasonogram is a very non-invasive, cheap but good diagnostic modality, I advise you to get an ultrasonogram of abdomen and check your urine microscopy. Any mild infection or mild obstruction in kidneys can cause your symptoms. Both these can be ruled out using the above said tests. I hope I have answered your query. Please feel free to get back to me if you need any further clarification or assistance. Wish you good health, Warm regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello there. I am a 22 year old male from England and I am currently visiting the USA until the end of September, I am a regular runner but have not been over the last 2 months due to injury. Now I arrived in the USA on the 20th of August and on the back of around a month and half of trauma at my family home in England. My brother of 28 recently had a seizure induced by alcohol withdrawel and exacerbated by the fact he is bulemic. This was a traumatic event, however it was proceeded by further trauma in his battle with alcohol, psychologically abusive attitude, in particular to my mother and other events which caused long term stress to the whole family. Since the 23rd of August I have experienced chest pains coming and going, though not severe pain, it has been a more uncomfortable feeling than severe pain. I have deduced that it is exacerbated by pain which eliminated my initial thought that it was strain in the muscle of the chest after an incident with my brother. My family has a history of high blood pressure on my fathers side and I tend to keep track of my BP with my own monitor. I have had two med students measure my bp in the last two days and I have found conflicted readings with my own readings. They both yielded results of between 150 and 158 on the Systolic and between 80 and 100 diastolic. I have found that the results are between 125 and 130 over around 70-80, with a strong pulse of around 70. One of the main reasons I have not visited a GP is a lack of understanding of the procedures seeing a gp/ doctor in the US. Please advise me on the best course of action. [|AI|] His have understood your query well. Normal B. P is systolic 100 to 130 and diastolic 80 to 90 (according to latest American heart association guidelines)any measurements above it is hypertension. So according to your measurement your blood pressure is within normal limit. But it's high when checked by med student. I suggest that you keep a daily track of your B. P by measuring B. P twice a day (morning and evening) for two weeks. If the values are high visit General physician otherwise u don't need to worry. I hope I have ad Chat Doctor. If satisfied kindly close this query with good rating. Thank you wish you good health
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, sir my age is only 29 and my BMI is 28 my weight is 80kg from last three months my blood pressure dose not constant it is fluctuat between 130/90 to 150/100 please tell me am I suffering from hypertension or it is just whit coat hypertension. [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for posting your query on Chat Doctor ...* Brief Answer: Multiple home blood pressure measurement is needed to exclude white coat hypertension.*Explanation: My opinion is that high blood pressure on many occasions is an indication for control. That happens on many levels. First, be sure that high blood pressure is not secondary to any other diseases as Cushing or renal failure. Then, Diet with low salt and less fat content is crucial. Exercise and other healthy activities are also a mean to control blood pressure. If all that does not help, medications are a must. That is usually decided by your doctor according to your condition and comorbidities. Some Chat Doctor. Regular blood pressure monitoring is as important as starting treatment so that we could assess efficacy of the medication we started. I suggest my patients the following : know how to measure your blood pressure accurately, avoid coffee or stress before readings. The information provided by you is not sufficient to provide a good opinion. If someone comes to me with this condition I would ask them about other comorbidities like diabetes, hyperlipidemia. Also height and gender is important. *Conclusion: I suggest you home blood pressure measurement. If all or most of the readings are high you need start controlling it. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help, If not, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been having shooting nerve pain in my face, left side of my neck, my left arm both buttocks, and both legs. It used to be a very occasional shock but the last few days it s been increasing in intensity and is almost constant. I m absolutely miserable. What s wrong with me? [|AI|] Hi, You may be suffering from cervical spondylosis with radiculopathy or cervical disc prolapse or cervical muscle spasm, etc. Until examination is done it is difficult to say what it is. Use physical therapy and neck exercises. Avoid spicy food and alcohol. Use cervical soft collar, and NSAIDs. If symptoms not improved please get it done MRI spine and get treated accordingly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Doctor I have problems with memory during reading.I can not concentrate very.In the past I have been very fast in keeping in mind while reading a lessons.Now I m at university in the third year.I need more to read to keep in mind and other things of the day and life I remind very well(events in the past I remember very well) mum tells me to drink a coffee.I don t like a coffee.Sometimes I drink a black tee to remind and I like to eat more chocolate ... [|AI|] The problem you are facing may be because of various reasons. There may be lack of interest in the subject which can affect your motivation level, you may be lacking attention and concentration because of preoccupation with some issues or increased stress, you may not be using appropriate effective study methods, or you may be anxious about how you are going to perform in the examinations, sometimes you may be stressed because of high expectation from people around you including your parents, teachers or friends. So better meet a clinical psychologist at the earliest to understand what is actually hampering your studies and get effective solutions Regor. ManojClinical [email protected]
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, Im a 56 year old female, Im a smoker and for the past couple of months Ive been suffering most days of the week with intense pain in my lower left side of my mouth. During the pain and as soon as I am about to lay down for bed...I cant and am usually forced to sleep upright on the sofa since its too excruciating to lay down. Ive gone to my dentist in hopes that they could pin point the problem. Had a root canal last week and scheduled to go back if the pain is still there. It is. I dont want to continue paying for teeth work if the problem is elsewhere. I have suffered from Vertigo (and received antibiotics for my ears)...could I have some sort of sinus infection? [|AI|] Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Read your query. The pain when lying down is because of the infection or abscess in relation to the tooth mentioned.(pain on postural variation). I would advise you to get the root canal treatment done completely for the infection to subside and get the relief from the pain. For the pain you can continue with painkiller, though there will be some pain even after initial treatment in some. Thanks and regards. Any query is always welcome.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My Brother In law age 40 years married blessed with a girl child doing nothing remains at home his attitude towards his Parents and Spouse is quite questionable and does not allow anyone to express there feeling towards him neither they are able to give any suggestion .Typical Attitude problem , Speaks filthy and absurd language,Use to throw away things when he gets angry ,Eats a lot, Shouts on everybody, Use to do things to get attracted towards him,he doesnt know what is write and what is wrong.Kindly suggest where to go as he will not be able to visit the doctors place as he always tell that I am fit and fine does regular GIM excercise also.AMit 0000 [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Definitely your brother is troubled by mental disorder associated with his previous experience and attitude. Proper Diagnosis needed for proper treatment and cure. Seems like schizophrenia but clarity needed. Consult a psychiatrist. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have head pressure that is unrelenting, mostly in the back and on the top of my head. On my right side, in one localized spot, it feels as if something is pressing on my brain (?). In addition, my right eye has begun to twitch. Often, my brain feels "wet" and sometimes "cold"...please advise. [|AI|] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor ! Your symptoms could be related to tension type headache, which is a benign type of headache, related to anxiety. For this reason, I would recommend trying Yoga and performing a lot of physical activity, which can help improve the situation. If the headaches persist, consulting with a neurologist and starting an antidepressant would be the right step to follow. A bran MRI is also necessary in case of persistent headaches. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have also ban but for four weeks I ve had no fluid in it do to having back surgery. I have had committing a lot with my lap ban and now I don t even have any fluid in it could my vomitting have caused a hietal hernia. This is getting bad I can t even keep my pills down- [|AI|] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. As mentioned by you in your history, I will advise a thorough assessment of your symptoms. Having knowledge about the hernia is required. Any time an internal body part pushes into an area where it doesn't belong, it's called a hernia. The hiatus is an opening in the diaphragm -- the muscular wall separating the chest cavity from the abdomen. Normally, the esophagus (food pipe) goes through the hiatus and attaches to the stomach. In a hiatal hernia (also called hiatus hernia) the stomach bulges up into the chest through that opening. There are two main types of hiatal hernias:1. Sliding and2. Paraesophageal (next to the esophagus). Now the type of hernia needs a diagnosis first. Also based on it the causes the treatment can be commenced. I wish you a good health. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 3 year old has been having nose bleeds for the past few days. He does not know how to blow his nose and today I went to wipe his nose clean and noticed a bead. He then sniffed up and now I can t see it. Will it eventually come out on its own and could it be causing the bleeding, whining? [|AI|] Hi, If I were your treating Doctor for this case of severe pain under the left rib cage, I would come up with three possibilities, these include: 1. Close his 1 nostril and ask him to blow.2. Consult ENT doctor for removing a bead by instrument, because it can move deeply.3. For nose bleeding you can use ice, Escorting, Etamsylate(Alstat, Diagnose). Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing your baby good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi! i have atrial fib whicChatDoctores on about every 2 months...very scary and uncomfortable with weakness...could i take magnesium taurate to helpprevent this.....i have heard it is very good...i alsotake my heart med..sotolol..and am on coumadin 9mg i take every evening...i am on no other medcould you please advise me on a young 70,very active and dont look my age...i dont have any other health issues..all my blood work came back very problem is the atrial fib,,can you help me to alleviate atrial fib...actually , i do get leg cramps from time to time, very painful...lasts about 2 to 5 minutes.could y ou help me...i already take about 950 mgof magnesium citrate,,,and would like to try magnesium taurate, to see if it helps.many thanksM. Meredith [|AI|] DEAR USER, THANKS FOR CONSULTING WITH ChatDoctorYOU ARE ALREADY BEING TREATED FOR ATRIAL FIBRILLATION WITH STALL AND COUMADIN. AS ABOUT TREATMENT, IT IS DIFFERENT FOR ACUTE ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (AF) AND THAN FOR CHRONIC AF.MAGNESIUM TAUBATÉ IS NEVER USED IN YOU ALREADY TAKING MAGNESIUM CITRATE SYRUP WITHOUT PRESCRIPTION BY DOCTOR IS WRONG AS IT USED FOR CONSTIPATION AND NOT AFI ADVISE YOU TO TAKE ANY MEDICATIONS ONLY AFTER PROPER CONSULTATION TO YOUR CARDIOLOGISTHOPE I ANSWERED YOUR QUERY. YOU CAN MESSAGE ME FOR ANY FURTHER CONCERNS
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] For the last several days I have had severe lower back pain, right side, and yesterday afternoon and still have itchy swollen hands and feet. Most of my body is itchy as well. In the past typically I get the back pain in my lower left side but this is a first for the itchy swelling. What should I do? [|AI|] Hi, thank you for posting. I have gone through your query and I understand your concerns. I think that all of your symptoms are caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disorder that primarily affects joints. To confirm the diagnosis you need a back X-ray, rheumatoid factor test, complete blood count and a urine test. You should take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory disease, in order to treat that kind of arthritis. Ask me for anything unclear. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am suffering fungal infection in private parts like arm hole,under part of breast and side of legs etc....i dont know what will do.i consulted a doctor and she gave me one ointment.I used it last one week.but still i have the same problem.Please advise me what will going to do? [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to ChatDoctorI understand your concern. Your symptoms are suggestive that you are suffering from Tina corporal infection. It is a superficial fungal infection of the arms and legs. However, it may occur on any part of the body. It is caused by a tiny fungus known as dermatophyte. They usually thrive in the wet and moist areas. So.I would advise you to use topical antifungal medications likeclotrimazole, ketoconazole or fluconazole for twice a day for at least 3 weeks. Along with this take oral antifungal medications like itraconazole for 7 days. Also keep these ares Chat Doctor. Hope you are happy with the answer. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i was walking on the road n some guy poked me with something on my bicep. I m not sure what it was but any chance I can get infected. I was wearing full sleeve shirt and the contact was just for a second. I see no blood coming out ... i am little scared.. can u please suggest [|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. No, there is no chance of any infections. Usually infections occurs only when you have bleeding with the Pocking. You will be further protected as you have wear full sleeve T-shirt. If the T-shirt is short-sleeved you will be in doubt of having infections. But please take good care of the Pocking area. You can do good care by frequent Chat Doctor. I will be happy to answer your further concern on
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My knee is killing me, it is stiff and it takes me a few steps to put weight on it, i am in continual pain and it is hard to bend. I injured it five or six yrs ago, though i dont remember how. It has progressively gotten worse over the past month. I walk periodically for up to six miles at a time. It feels disconnected when i am w alking. Ibuprofen helps but right now it really just hurts 24 hrs a day. I cannot afford an MRI, it seems to hurt all around my knee and right above and below it.Any ideas? [|AI|] Dear patient pain in the knee for 6 years and with worsening and difficulty in walking is pointing towards significant knee pathology like 1. Meniscus tear 2. Chon Chat Doctor. Arhritic changes. For accurate treatment diagnosis is required. And for diagnosis MRI of knee is must. Mri is highly sensitive and specific for knee pathology. Please get it done from radiology center nearby you. Taking analgesics randomly for pain is not advisable as it has its side effects. Hope this is useful.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have had a lump on my neck for around 10 weeks now and have seen my doctor, he took bloods and these were fine and just had an neck xray. I have no signs of infection and no pain in the lump but he has mentioned my neck may be slightly deformed and it could be a connection to my spine joint that causes this. Should I be worried.? [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. No you need not be worried. As its pain less lump.2. As your doctor has examined and ordered for an x-ray, wait for the film and report - to find out where it is arising from.3. Where exactly on your neck you have not mentioned, so I would recommend an ultrasound scan to find out the content (cystic/solid/mixed) and extension to the adjacent structures (vessels/bone/glands)4. So wait for the report if nothing comes up get ultrasound scan done - and can be confirmed after that. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] swelling/vibration in back of heal/ankle The back of my right ankle/heel has been sore for a couple of days. I did nothing to cause it. It is swelling and there is a vibrating kinda of feeling there. can you tell me what it could be and what i should do for it. [|AI|] Thanks for your question :it was better if you had told us about your job and which shoes you wear, and do you have any other symptoms like fever chills, I think this is retro calcaneal bursitis which is inflammation of bursa at the back your ankle due to tight shoes and multiple friction its job related, or you have other symptoms we should rule out infection and inflammatory arthritis. Bursitis need rest, prevent friction by shoes and Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. I hope it helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a veneer done on tooth #10 and my gum around the margin has been red and inflammed ever since. It has been almost 5 months and it does not seem to be getting any better. My dentist said there may be some cement still left under the gum. I have recently moved to a different state so I can not return to my original dentist. He also said for me to try wearing a nite guard. [|AI|] Hello, thank you for consulting with Chat Doctor. As you have mentioned that you have undergone veneering, and now you are experiencing inflammation of gums, then it can be possible that some cement must have left below the gums you should visit your nearby dentist to get it removed. If the inflammation still remains then it can be allergy to the cement for which you have to get the veneering redone.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my dad has been admitted in ICU for 36 days now, we have managed to sit down with the Dr.s to ask them what wrong with her lungs.At first we took him to the nearest clinic because he has be diagnosed with ulcers and he also with diabetes type ii.He vomited all night and the following day he was very weak, when we got to the clinic his sugar level was very high and his temperature as well, he was taken to the emergency ASAP. When he got there they found out that he has been diagnosed with Pneumonia as well and his lungs has infection as they told us, some fluids in his lungs something like that.Last night that managed to remove him from these tube in his mouth,he started talking to us and he was a bit fine, he was able to breath and talk,even though he got really tired of talking short sentences. This morning when we went back to the hospital he was back again those machines helping to breath, when we asked th nurse he said he failed when it was about to be morning about 3pm and they put him back on the machines again. What could be the main problem doctors can t not see. Last time we spoke to the Doctors thy said they where still treat pulmonary hypertension,and he has been on these machines for too long now,is there something they are missing that we can suggest.On friday they found out that he had low blood and his blood pressure was low as well, this morning i went to check on him he was awake again and really sweating a lot. [|AI|] He could be having septicemia following a bout of pneumonia. This is very often seen in people who have diabetes as there immunity is low and any infection in any part of the body can become generalized leading to infection in the blood. Here patient may require life support system if condition is weak. I suggest let the doctors do their job as it's not possible to say what could be wrong with him without seeing him personally and knowing various parameters.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 21 month son s cheek/ jaw is swollen. It just swelled up. He is not in pain and will let us touch it. I believe he is teething because he has a runny nose and has a pacifier in his mouth at all times. (He does not use nor has he ever used a pacifier before). We are going to call his doctor and take him in tomorrow but what should be do in the mean time? [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The swelling in the cheek and jaw can be because of the wisdom tooth infection(Peritonitis or periodontal abscess leading to cellulitis). Nothing to be panic, Consult an oral physician and get a radiograph done to rule the amount of space present for the tooth to erupt if space is there for the tooth to erupt then the gum covering over the wisdom tooth can be removed. If the space is not available then you have to get the wisdom tooth removed. Meanwhile you can take a course of antibiotics like amoxicillin and metronidazole (if you are not allergic). Do saline gargling. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was rear-ended almost a week ago and was diagnosed with whiplash. I have felt sore in my neck and mid-lower back, although it s getting better. The last couple days, I have felt pins and needles in my left foot as well as my other extremities from time to time. Is this an emergency, or can I afford to wait a week to see a physical therapist that I trust to work on me? [|AI|] Hello, As in whiplash injury, these symptoms are common due to the inflammation at the cervical region in the spinal cord. Also, you mentioned the mid-lower back injury along with the whiplash, we need to have an MRI of the whole spine. Which can help us understand the pathology of the soft tissue injuries involved and at what level the spinal cord is getting troubled? Using a cervical collar and taking a complete bed rest is advised. Using this the symptoms of tingling and numbness will come down once the spine is stabilized and the compression over the spinal cord is reduced. Also, this will help reduce the inflammation by alleviating the pressure from the cord. Post this you may be advised to undergo exercise for stabilizing the neck muscles and back muscles. Low intensity exercises will be good. Looking for any chiropractor is not advised in the whiplash injury. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello i have a question, im 18 years old, almost 19, i am wondering if i might have the symptoms of delayed puberty or anything related to that category. about 90 percent of the time my scrotum and testicles are tight against the body and seem to be the same size of when i was younger. rarely are they relaxed. my penis size is also a question i would like to ask. fully erect i say its about 5 and a half, yet when relaxed it can be an inch at sometimes maybe little more. when my scrotum is elevated which is most of the time this is when the shrinkage is most noticable. i am a confident man yet this does worry me to a point where i need to ask a question. im 58 142 pounds, on vyvanse 50 mg and introducing myself to cylase something like that its a depressement med. i dont have much facial hair, i do have some on my chin, i do have pubic hair, but all in all can u help me out with some suggestions or diagnosis? [|AI|] Hello, Regarding hair growth, some people may have "constitutionally" less hair growth, which may be determined by hereditary factors. However, to be sure, you need examination by the doctor to detect the stage of puberty (called "Tanner" stage). The same staging applies for testicular size and penis also. However, in most cases, they are found to be normal. Therefore, please do not suffer silently. Consult doctor to find out the cause and get the solution. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] RUQ pain two months. HIDA scan reproduced all sxs of RUQ pain radiating into shoulder and neck but fraction was 63%. Upper and colonoscopy normal only showing some gastritis. Awaiting biopsy. Also have nausea and some bloat or reflux. Most sxs are during the night but have gotten sxs during the day too. 47 yr female normal weight eat no fried foods dairy low fat low sugar diet. Also pain and nausea with exercise. What could this be [|AI|] Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. If I were your doctor, I would also advise you for an ultrasound of the abdomen in addition to the tests already done to rule out gall stone disease. Further a serum amylase and lipase would be worthwhile to rule out chances of any pancreatitis. Till then, I would advise you with some anti-spasmodic along with a proton pump inhibitor Chat Doctor. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a MUA for a frozen shoulder last Thursday. I m at home doing the passive motion chair exercises 6-8 hrs a day. Don t go back for FOLLOW-up visit till Sept 4th. Started onto ing these sharp, tingling pains in ny neck maybe 2 days ago. They won t stop. Could this MUA have caused a pinched nerve somewhere? [|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern and would explain that your symptoms could be related to a pinched nerve or a fiscal herniation in the cervical spine causing articular pain. It could be related to MA, but there are also a lot of other causes to consider. I recommend consulting with your neurologist for a careful neurological exam, a nerve conduction study and a cervical spine CT scan. Meanwhile, I would recommend holding a cervical collar, which will help relieve the pain. Hope to have been helpful. Let me know if I can assist you further. Kind regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my blood pressure is quite high 145/98. my appointment with doctor is on monday. I do not really want to take blood pressure tablets. i just bought kalms this afternoon and started taking them. also drinking everyday half glass of beetroot with apple and carrot. am i in danger of having a heart attack or stroke? [|AI|] Hello Welcome to Chat Doctor. High BP over a long time definitely leads to damage to other organs called as target organs. The target organs include the heart, eye, kidney, brain. Uncontrolled high BP can cause rupture of the blood vessels supplying the brain and cause a stroke. It can also cause strain on the heart muscle since the heart pumps more vigorously leading to heart muscle enlargement and later symptoms of heart failure. It can cause damage to the retina of the eye, loss of vision and retinal detachment. It can cause damage to the kidney filtration membrane leading to protein loss, electrolyte imbalance and subsequent kidney failure. These are some of the important complications that can be caused by uncontrolled high BP over a long time. Except for a stroke, which can happen when BP is too high and some blood vessel in brain ruptures, other organ damages take a long-standing high BP to happen. Your BP is high but not very high and the risk of complications at this point is unlikely. However, if it continues to be high over a period of time, it will lead to complications. You can try diet modifications, restricting salt in diet, exercise etc. to control your blood pressure. It will take around 3 months for these measures to take full effects. If despite these measures BP remains persistently higher, then you should be started on tablets. You should not rely on beetroot or apple or any other food only to control your blood pressure. Wishing you good health. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi sir !I am lakshmi,I struggles with stress,depression. I depressed by small incidents, I felt lonely,then I am crying,I hurt myself,feel guilty. I am not talkative person and not move freely with others.scolded myself like when I am not selected for exam.finally decide I want to die,but I am not do this such a stupid decision. Please help me sir,always hurt myself.I am not able to pay fee sir.we are middle class.I am Student. [|AI|] Hello Lakshmi. I have read through your question and understand your concern. You are suffering from severe depression and need treatment. You should go for counselling to a good psychologist. Talk to an elder person in your family about your problem before it gets severe. There are good antidepressants to treat your condition, but they are prescription Chat Doctor. I hope that answers your question. If you have any further questions please feel free to write. Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Doctor Please advise me is my progressive motility with 30% and immotile 50 % is it possible for conception of my wife Count is 72 million. do have 8-10 pus cells. Antibiotics prescribed. Is the motilty reduced due tot his pus cells only or some other reason also may be Do i need to go for further more tests. MOORTHY [|AI|] HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you total sperm count (72 Millions)is reasonably in accepted range. Your semen analysis reveals Percentage of progressive motility sperm is 30% which is within normal limits of WHO standards. Normally 15% of active progressive motile sperms are accepted by most of the infertility centers in the world to have effective fertilization of a female egg and to result in conception. The presence of pus cells indicates infection either in seminal vesicles or Prostate and you need to take antibiotics for 4 weeks to get it cured completely. I do not think that there should be any problem in conceiving your wife after the infection is cured completely Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a soon to be 32 year old female, and for the past week I have noticed when I wake up in the morning I have a lump at the back of my head that hurts to the touch, it comes and goes. I dont feel a pulsation or anything of that nature. My concern is that its in the same exact location everytime. Within a few hours it goes away. History wise, my father passed due to a metastic cancer that originated in some part of the body thus traveling to his brain. Long story short Im not sure what is going on. The only changed recently is I am losing weight. I work out more and watching my calorie intake and taking natural pills from the vitamin shoppe for glucose and sugar tolerance etc. Any advise? I appreciate your assistance! [|AI|] Hi, Dear,Thanks for the query from you to my Chat Doctor Clinic. I have gone through your query and appreciate your concerns of it. After in-depth study on it, In My opinion-the recurring-lump on your head, is recurring boil-whicChatDoctores and goes off and on. I would advise you to get FBS/PPS to rule out diabetes and for that you should consult ER doctor and take treatment for this recurring head lump. Hope this would resolve your worrisome query for now. Wellcome-to my Chat Doctor Clinic for any more query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, 23 year old female.about 56 and 178 lbs Having cheast pain, that goes though to my back. Hard to breathe, kinda feels like i could voimt. It been going on for about 5 hours off and on. Had something like this when i was Pregnant with my daughter. About 23 weeks ago, After i had her everything was fine. Now its back. [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor... You are complaining chest pain and dyspnea both .... So cardiac causes like angina (ischemic cardiac disease) or any other disease has to be ruled out ... Investigate with ....1. Blood pressure measurement 2.ECG 3.ECHO 4.stress test 5. If above investigation needs angiography than done ... According to cause treatment guided . Here no resp symptoms present so resp causes seems less likely ... But if cardiac cause not there chest x-ray and spirometry done. If still cause not clear HE level checked and stress avoided for that ... Consult pulmonologist with keeping these in mind. . Take care ....
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi sir, i am 30 years, male. i am masturbating since i was 12 years old, now over the years it become my habit, i do it every night now. sometimes 2 times in night. result is i am underweight, seek person, i got tired easly. my penis erection is not as hard as it used to be, also i ejaculate early. even if when i am not doing masturbation but looking/reading/thinking any erotic thing, something like waters come out from my penis continuously. please help me [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. Let me assure you, masturbation in moderation is good for health and is a stress buster. Moderation means, in your age, thrice a week or so. Never twice daily. This habit also shows, you are not engaged in any other physical activities and job related activities, and you have enough leisure time. Exercise rigorously and be active and take interest in your job. Automatically the masturbation addiction comes down. I don't see masturbation directly affecting your health. But anxiety based on masturbation can affect your mental health. You could need psychological counseling. If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Doctor, Good day. I have gone through sperms the result it is found voulue is heigh but less mortality.may i know the reson for this and how can i get this iaaue it a serous issue? I dont have a habit of smoking and drinking...pls advie [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have normal count and volume. Your motility is low. Normally there should be more than 50% actively motile sperm. Low motility is called as asthenozoospermia. It could be some infection. You should take a course of antibiotics. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My age is 33, and height is 5 feet and 8 inches and weight 58 kgs. I did Liver Function Test in which direct bilirubin was .58mg/dl indirect bilirubin was 1.52. SGOT ( AST) was 29U/L, SGOT ( ALT) was 25 U/L, Alkaline Phosphatase was 205 U/L and GGT was 17U/L.I have slightly increased liver size and down ward displacement of liver.Am I suffering from Hepatitis or Jaundice? [|AI|] Hi I have gone through your query.... In hepatitis liver enzymes are high.... Your liver enzymes are within normal limit that is below 42.... So hepatitis is less likely.... Here indirect bilirubin elevated.... So more likely possibility is hemolytic or hepatic jaundice .... For that peripheral smear examination and relic count plus LDH estimation done.... Urine hematuria also tested. If needed for hemoglobinopathy electrophoresis might be needed.Meanwhile, take low fat diet and more fruitsSugar cane juice helpful... Take care....
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my mom recently had 2 more stents ---she now has 6 in the right coronary artery and 1 in the left for a total of 7. Tonight she is complaining of pain in her collarbone. Yesterday she felt like she had gerd. Are these possible signs of a heart problem. Could there be a problem with a stent? Thanks, Betsy [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No, these symptoms are not suggestive of heart problem or connected with problem in Stents. Pain in collar bone is more likely due to musculoskeletal pain. HERD is mostly due to stress or Chat Doctor. So ask her to avoid stress and tension. Give her light food, avoid hot and spicy food. Give her proton pump inhibitors and prokinetic
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been diagnosed with a non functioning pituitary tumor. Last night my head started hurting on the left side but it wasnt a constant pain. It will throb every minute or so...sometimes every thirty seconds. It is very painful and nothing I take is helping it go away. Could it be my tumor? [|AI|] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor ! Headaches are common symptoms of pituitary gland tumors. But your headache characteristics are not typical of this disorder. The throbbing headaches, could be related to migraine or high blood pressure. Did you measure your blood pressure values? Anyway, if the problem persists, I would recommend performing a new brain MRI to evaluate if there is progression of the tumor and a visual field evaluation (because tumors in this region can cause visual field defects). A close monitoring of your blood pressure values is still necessary, to exclude blood pressure fluctuations, which are common causes of throbbing headaches. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I m feeling pain in my Rt femur to hip joint for about five month. But it increased now. It is difficult to sit& get up. After doctor advice. X ray shows small radioopaccities noted in pelvic cavity s/o phleboliths . Is this normal disease which can be cured through medicine?. [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to the magical world of health care, I went through your query, and what you are talking of would be arthritis, and the phlebitis are osteophytes, medicines and physiotherapy can give you relief, but the final cure is normally done by joint replacement, the decision, will be a consensual one between you and your consultant hope my advice would have been useful, in decision-making regarding your treatment, still if you have any clarifications or doubts feel free to contact back. I hope a 5-star rating if you feel guided in your treatment, Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Dr. I stopped the taking the pill 2 weeks now right after my period (within that 2 weeks my husband and I had intercourse with no protection. 3 Days later I had spotted, been having cramps 4 days and vaginal discharge. This could be possibly I am pregnant? [|AI|] Hello, and I hope I can help you today. If you have not taken your birth control pills for two weeks and are having unprotected intercourse, it is possible that you could have become pregnant. Any woman of reproductive age who is not using contraception and having sex theoretically can get pregnant. Some women do have some spotting a few days after conception if the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, which is known as implantation bleeding. However, the majority of women do not bleed at all when they conceive, and pregnancy symptoms really do not start until the pregnancy is large enough to produce hormones, which really takes a few weeks after conception. Furthermore, is not unusual to have irregular bleeding and spotting after discontinuing birth control pills as well. So at this point, the only thing that you can do is wait until your menstrual period is due, and if your period is late, to perform a urine pregnancy test. Modern urine pregnancy test become positive within 10 days to two weeks after conception, so in a few weeks you will be able to reliably test to see if you conceived. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that this information was helpful. Best of luck in getting pregnant,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a lump above my eyebrows, in the corner, when I smile. I am sorry if this isn t a typical medicar question, but I haven t seen it on someone else and I am sure it s not a disease, far from it. Just wanted to make sure it was all normal. I feel ashamed to even explain why I am asking this, but I need to make sure. Is a bulge, a lump (not sure those two are the same, english is not my first language, i just heard those terms) normal to appear when you smile? Does everyone have that (because I didn t really notice it on anyone else)? [|AI|] Hi, Dear , thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Your query doesn't specify if it's the inner or outer corner of the eyebrows? / whether one or two eyebrows? That it is a bit in-complete and confused query. Still, the possibilities could be-skin crease coming together could form a lumpy skin at the eyebrow corners / or it could be-sebaceous cyst even. For the exact cause hence I would advise you to consult-a ER-Surgeon. Hope This would solve your query. Wellcome again for any more query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi - my serium ALT has been increased to 59 - also my stomach size has been increased - I dont feel any pain but gas create lots of discomfort please let me know if it is cureable? My doctor has physically examined me and told that size of my liver is increased and asked me to get few other blood and stool tests - is it something serious? I am a heavy smoker and social drinker, a month ago I took 1/3 of viagra twice in 5 days. I am 41 years old and actually don,t need viagra but for 2nd intercourse in a row I had used it. DO YOU THINK THIS HAS CREATED THIS PROBLEM? Thanks for your advise in advance. YYYY@YYYY [|AI|] Hi. Your raised Serum ALT cannot be caused by 1 or two doses of Viagra. You need to quit Chat Doctor. Your liver is definitely inflamed as suggestive by raised ALT but if you avoid alcohol and take the medications prescribed you should be fine. As far as the gas is concerned you can take proton pump inhibitors for 2-3 months which would help you. I would be happy to review the reports for you can send them over. Hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi my name is Elize what facial product can i use for my mature skin , i am 55 years old. tryed every thing from loreal to avon and clinoque and more, i would like to know what can i also drink to keep my body healty,from ageing ,like vitamins . i do have a mature pimpel problem,on my chin , cheeks, can you please help with this one. [|AI|] Hi.thanks for your query. The pattern of acne in your face would be a pointer towards the hormonal cause for acne. Few tests are important in acne of hormonal origin. The common hormonal tests done for this case are Serum Testosterone, DHEAS, S.prolactin’S.insulin, LH,FSH and cortisol. There should be an abdominal USG done to rule out pelvic pathologies. As for regular care of skin, you should use a sensitive mild cleanser. Try to use a Retinoid topically at night. Orally you should have supplements containing It C and It E to reduce the free radical induced damage to body and prevent aging changes. You also should apply non-comedogenic moisturizers containing It A and E in the morning. It is very important to avoid sun exposure and apply a broad spectrum sunscreen when you go out. Green tea is a good source of anti oxidants as well. So you can start having it. Hope this helps. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I put new batteries in my wii yesterday and it didnt work so I took them out again and did the old tounge test without looking properly. It tasted foul and I quickly wiped my tongue but this morning I have some ulcers in my mouth. OK so I deserve it for massive stupidity but my question is how serious is it, and will I get away with just mouth ulcers? [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. Nothing to be panic, it is an allergic reaction or contact dermatitis in response to the batteries. Consult an oral physician and get it evaluated. Meanwhile, you can take topical anesthetic and analgesics like Anabel gel, apply 3-4 times daily for 5 days. The lesion should heal in 3-5days. If the lesion does not heal then consult the physician immediately and take topical steroids like triamcinolone acetone 0.1% 4-5times daily after food. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi sir iam strugle my unhelty of fungal infection since six years but has been taking of nuforse tablets weekly once but it is not pastly working can say related medican for fast eleminated for fungus inside of body organas like brain stomach joints keens kidnys sevaral parts of my body mouth also can say best treatment for inside of funguls infection [|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Such a severe fungal infection occurs only in the state of immunocompromised condition. This type of severe infection also requires a long time to cure. I advise you can test yourself for HIV, diabetes. Which is the common cause of the severe fungal infections. Nu force tablet is a good treatment choice for all the fungal infection. You can continue it under your doctors' guidance. Please adopt good living practice that is hygiene, good food and daily exercise. This will equally help in the treatment. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 90 year old mother fell, hitting her head, and suffered a brain bleed on both sides of her brain. She has hypertension . We don t know if bleed occurred before the fall, or after the trauma to the head... Her bp was 280/160 immediately after the fall. She has been hospitalized for 12 days now. Ct scans have been done... She is very confused, speaking but making no sense... And her vision has been effected severely. She has not slept in 4 days... Continues to speak, move her arms, etc... What can we do and what can we expect? [|AI|] Hello, I am Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I am happy to help you here. If your mother was an old hypertensive, then there was a chance of bleed and this can be bilateral. And yes as you said it can be a cause of fall or may be (not very likely) fall can be the cause of bleed. The kind of complaint you are talking usually appears after a lesion on services area of brain that is in the temporal region. Specifically there is no specific treatment if the tissue of brain is damaged. She is conscious means there are chances of improvement. Such cases of brain hammertoe have poor outcomes but still many patients are found to return in far better state then what was expected. Begin hopeful may not be bad in this condition, but it may take 30 to 60 days for final outcome state. The bleed in brain subsides slowly and as it starts subsiding the lesion might get better. Nothing specifically to be done just pray to god and be hopeful, it's better to keep her in the hospital and take the best possible care from your side. Things may change to a far better state. Thank regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello sir i am 33 year old men and when i excited my penis stand and some water comes but when i start sex with girl when touch my penis with virgin my sperm discharge without enter in virgin i am very disappoint for that and very depress plz advise me. [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. The clear liquid comes out of your penis while it is erected is called pre-ejaculatory fluid or pronominal fluid. This helps as a lubrication while doing masturbation or sexual intercourse. Several physiological mechanisms have been hypothesized to contribute to causing premature ejaculation including serotonin receptors, a genetic predisposition, elevated penile sensitivity, and nerve conduction atypicality. You should consult a physician to ascertain the causes. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a fifty three year old female w. an acute onset of pain in the r. lower quad of my abdomen. The pain began after I was dancing for about two hrs so I thought it was joint pain however, it has persisted making it difficult to walk or even sit up. I am afebrile and there is no tachycardia or hypotn. I am reluctant to go to the hospital because I work there and do not want to go if this is nothing. My stools are soft and formed and I have no pain or burning w. urination. I am stumped! Help please. [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Pain in the lower abdomen may or may not be related to dancing. Physical exertion can cause muscular pain, but pain associated with viscera or internal organs is unlikely. Lower abdomen is a broad area. It encloses reproductive organs like ovaries, fallopian tubes and other abdominal organs like intestine, appendix, rectum, etc. An ultrasound of the abdomen needs to be done to look for any mass lesion causing the pain. But before that a through clinical examination needs to be done. You will need to consult your doctor for that. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I extracted a wisdom tooth last Saturday, and though I was in pain while having the procedure done, there wasn t any discomfort until yesterday. My throat and tongue feels prickly and it s become almost impossible for me to swallow anything now. Is this connected to my extraction, which still does not hurt, or is this something new altogether? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking the query, The above symptoms which you have mentioned are due to wisdom tooth removal, these are common symptoms which will subside after sometimes. You follow the post extraction instructions given by the Dentist properly. Take complete course of antibiotics and analgesics prescribed to you. At home take lukewarm saline and antiseptic mouthwash rinses. Avoid anxiety, stress take complete rest. Hope you find this as helpful, Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a tooth abscess. I am prescribed antibotics and have had 3 tablets so far.. I am in severe pain. Went to the emergancy room last.noght and they gave me an injection and an endone. This morning I have taken 4 ibuprofen and endone and am almost throwing up from the pain. My face is severely swollen and my top lip is numb. My temp is stable tbo [|AI|] Hello need to extract the tooth as soon as possible. If you are not able to extract soon then take1. Cap. Amoxicillin 500 mg with Clavulinic acid 2-3 times 2. Tab. Diclofenac 100 mg with paracetamol 500 mg combination tablet thrice daily would be helpful else take Tramadol 100 mg thrice.3. Take antacid like omeprazole once before food Olin morning to prevent gas build up while taking those medicines. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have allergic bronchitis, I got medication all the times I had before nd immediate relief frm horrible sleepless painful night with bronchitisToday I went to my Clg generAl hospital, she gave asthalin neb wen I asked for i. V injection nd nebulizer. She gave asthalin neb clavem nd lecopem tabIt didnt work at all nd I have breathless night with wheezing, difficulty in breathing, pain during breathingI again went she gave deriphylline injIt dint work though I hate doctors with no knowledge on medication wen patients are sufferingI want right medication now to get well [|AI|] Hellos you mentioned that you are having allergic bronchitis. The main predisposing factors causing such symptoms are, mite, dust, pollen, hay, fumes, smoking (active or passive) , fine dusting powder, sudden increase or decrease in temperature. So, if possible avoid these factors. When such patient visit my clinic I prescribe them to take montelukast+ albuterol(if breathlessness present) tablet once or twice in day according to severity of symptoms. If no breathlessness not present then you may need Chat Doctor. Hot coffee and steam inhalation also provide relief. Since this is a prescription medicine, so consult a doctor and get his opinion.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi good day doc. this is to inquire about my present situation I am still single a 43 yrs old virgin no any sexually involvement i want know to from you because i had plan to get married i want to know if theres a possibility my uterus have problem in getting pregnancy? [|AI|] Hi, I think there will be a problem in getting pregnant because at this age the number of eggs as well as the quality of eggs decreases. Uterus generally is not a problem. You can get yourself evaluated for that. Do a day 2 or 3 FSH, LH and AMH level and an ultrasound for your uterus and ovaries. This will tell you the present situation. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 4 days ago i took a decently hard blow in the testies from a football, and since then ive had a slight pain on the right side of my right testicle, where the ball made impact. Its tender to the touch but only in that small area on the right side of my right testicle. Im going to the dr. Tomarow but just want to make sure its not too severe. No aparent swelling or discoloration. [|AI|] Hi. I understand your concern. Testicular injury can cause pain. Need to go for color Doppler to rule out significant trauma or torsion. Torsion need immediate medical assistance. If pain persist then it can be resolved by analgesic medicine. Medicines like diclofenac and paracetamol can help you to reduce pain. Elevation of testis is also advisable to keep vascular supply intact. Go for direct examination and color Doppler. I hope I have answered your question. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dr I am 31 years old woman I lost my child a year ago because my placinta got detached at the last moment and the baby died of soffocation now l have beem trying to conseive but to no avail l dont know whats the problem is my husband have no time to visit DR for the same can u please help me out can there be any infection or somthing else gone wrong inside l am really very worried please do the needful [|AI|] Hi, I think you can go for evaluation first. Do a thyroid profile and prolactin levels and an ultrasound for your uterus and ovaries. Also, a semen analysis of your husband should be done. You can also do a HSG to see the tubes' patency. If everything is fine, you can try naturally for 6 months. Be in contact with your husband every 2 to 3 days after your periods stop. It will increase chances of your pregnancy. If it doesn't work then you can go for some medicines for growth of your follicles. Discuss with your doctor regarding this. Hope I have answered your question. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hey so I took the Ella one pill 4 days after I had sex I was on the pill and still am but I threw up the day before I had sex an your meant to leave it 2 days before having sex without a condom but I only left it one day. So I took the Ella one and Im 10 days late for my period, is there a chance Im pregnant? The doctors say I have to wait 3 weeks since I had sex to take a pregnancy test but I want to know if I could be pregnant even though I took Ella one and Ive been told to continue to take the pill [|AI|] Hello, thanks for using Chat Doctor You were on contraceptive pills before you had the unprotected intercourse and four days after the unprotected intercourse you took the Elaine pill. EllaOne pill is a progesterone-like Chat Doctor. Though the effectiveness is more during the first days, the fact that you were on contraceptive pills already makes it less likely that you could be pregnant. The delay in period is likely due to the effect of the Elaine pill which causes an alteration in menstrual cycle such as delay, heavy menses etc. but only for a couple of cycles. However, you still have to wait and do a pregnancy test later to be sure. Best regards and hope this helps you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello sir,myself ml.a.of age 25yrs. As such no one suggested me prescribed me this capsule bt i have started taken it myself EVION400. and i take it at night tym.....before i go to bed.I just want to know is there any specific time to take this medicine??and for hw much days its intake should be continued??Thanks [|AI|] Thanks for asking, Its actually better to take it with food (right before you eat or shortly thereafter) because when you eat, your digestive system produces substances which help your body absorb fat from your meals. Since vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, taking it with meals will increase the efficiency with which your body absorbs it. It is safe to take Evian 400 just after dinner. Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin and, as such, its important not to ingest high levels of it on a regular basis. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Sir or Mam,My wife is 32 yrs old n we are married from last 7 years n we dont have a child and day before yesterday we had visited a Dr n she asked for a ultrasound and the report came that she has a complex cyst ,most likely maligntant in her left overy measuring ard 3.5 cm and a ployp n her blood test were also done CEA and CA-125 which both are normal,i like to now how to get it remove with surgery or will it resolve with medicines and can it be cancer also.pll tell i am worried [|AI|] HelloOvarian Cyst Complex is a more severe forms of ovarian cysts that are found on the cysts of females. Usually the content of a cyst is fluid; however in the case of ovarian cyst complex the cyst also has some solid content in it which makes it really dangerous. Surgery to remove the cyst or ovary may be needed to make sure there are no cancer cells. Surgery is more likely to be needed for: Complex ovarian cysts that don't go analysts that are causing symptoms and do not go awayAlthough ca-125 is normal, but the cyst can still be malignant. Get the surgery done as early as possible. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 36yr male, and married 6 yr back. I am suffering from infertility and not abale to give semen for test. 2 yrs back i have go through TRUS scan and found cyst at urticle and got tranuthreal opreation and removed cyst. Now also i am not able to give sample. i visited several doctors and no one started treatment for fertility without semen test. Last month i again scan scortm and impression is Bilateral Epiditics.My fertilty will be improved or not pls tellme [|AI|] Hellothank you for writing to Chat Doctor 1. As you are unable to give a sperm sample, you should meet a urologist and see if they can give you some medication after you are examined, that might help with erection and ejaculation.2. You also will require some blood test - hormone profile to see if its normal3. Sometimes you can have a retrograde ejaculation and this can be identified, and you can diagnose the same with a specialist4. As the recent scan shows epididymitis - you will require antibiotics and treatment for the same hope to have answered your query wish you all the best Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My mother was told that she has uterine cancer on sept. 13. We are trying to get a second opinion but the new doctor need that Pathology report but the old doctor is not responding when the new doctor call his office resquesting information. What can we do? Should I have my mom do the painful biopsy again. She is middle aged with extremely high blood pressure. [|AI|] You should know first that getting a written report of any test that has been done on you is nothing less than your right. I can't think of a reason why any doctor would refuse to give you a report unless maybe he has lost it. The only option available to you in order to avoid a repeat biopsy is to get the slides and blocks from the lab where the first biopsy was sent and get them to your new doctor. That way he can get those slides reviewed at his own lab and come to the diagnosis. If for any reason this is also not possible then you should go ahead for the repeat biopsy without delay. High blood pressure can be taken care of for such a short procedure and should not pose such a risk that you refrain from it. Your mother is more at risk from the cancer
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello sir, my self Ravika Rajput,sir my father is having a problem in his left side chest part.His treatment is going on in jabalpur .His citiscan report says that in his left side lungs their are some white spots ,doctor Bharani from jabalpur hospiital says that it is a kind of infection but he dosent able to tell about this infections clearly first he asked us for many test, the test reports says that he is not having tb nor cancer nor pnumonia .We dont no what to do now please give us some advise regarding his treatment. [|AI|] Hi Ravine, Thanks for writing in.First, I would like to emphasize that a diagnosis can only be made after correlating clinical findings with X-ray /CT scan findings. Secondly, a diagnosis like TB/Cancer/Pneumonia can only be ruled out after the clinical symptoms have been correlated with the investigations. To be able to help you better, I would need to know the symptoms that your father has. Other causes of white spots in the lungs on CT scan can be interstitial lung disease, benign tumors, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, hematological disorders, acidosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The treatment can only be decided once we know the cause. Hope this helps. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my daughter is 6 weeks old her umbilical cord fell off in the first week and a half. yesterday i found that it was bleeding, i took her to my gp and he prescribed fucidin cream. today we had our 6 week checkup and he said it was umbilical granuloma and he told me to use salt. i did that tonight and my daughter was in pain and she got really upset can i fucidin cream and will it help her belly button to heal? [|AI|] Hi, Granuloma is excess tissue formed during stump healing. Funding is an antibacterial cream and will help to clear any infection there, but won't help granuloma to disappear. Treatment of granuloma requires the excess tissue to be burned / destroyed by some or other means (and hence any treatment modality will cause some pain / discomfort). We commonly use salt application or chemical cauterization with silver nitrate. Salt, by its osmotic effect, clears the granuloma and can be done at home. Although somewhat irritating, most babies will be comfortable after initial few applications. Your doctor has given the right advise-need not worry. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Ive suffered with chronic severe back pain, In the lower back just above the buttocks. On several occasions Ive woke up with severe back pain as well as my skin being very sensitive to touch. Even my clothing caused pain all over my body. I am currently being treated with Lortab 10 mg and Zanaflex 8mg. Ive also taken Lyrica, Doxipen and a few others for fibromyaliga. Also I am having severe chills and upset stomach. [|AI|] Dear patient What is your age? And for how long you are having back pain? If It's for long duration and not relieved with medications it should be investigated. First with X-ray of lumbosacral spine anteroposterior and lateral views to rule out bony abnormalities such as spondylosis and spondylolisthesis. Next is MRI of lumbosacral spine with screening of whole spine to rule out canal stenosis and disc prolapse. So visit radiology center nearby you and get it done. Till then continue your pain medication. If report shows abnormal findings consult spine surgeon nearby you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Ive been having sharp pain on my left breast near my armpit. I 1st experienced it this afternoon and it was difficult for me to breath normally. I took shallow breaths until I was able to get in some good breaths. The pain started again about 30 minutes ago. Now it hurts when I try to take a deep breath. [|AI|] Hello dear, welcome to Chat Doctor.come have gone through your concern in depth.* There are various reasons for this pain as - Costco Chat Doctor. * For precise management this requires proper diagnosis to find out the cause with the aid of x-ray with or without CT scan.* Primary relief with analgesic as ibuprofen (400) mg 3 times a day after meals. Hope this will help you for sure. Regards dear take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My sgpt fluctuate. When it was 156 I use to take UDILIV 300 3 times a day. After 2 months report shows 74. Reduce drugs from 3 time to 2 times a day. After 2 months again it comes 154. What to do.Pls advice. I stopped chelostorel drugs for last 4 months from 1st may due to higher sgpt level but still it fluctuate. [|AI|] Hello, Why have you been taking ADÍLIO? You need to get to the exact cause of your high Sept levels. This may be the higher cholesterol, higher fat contents in your liver or anything which gives a mild chronic injury to liver like hepatitis B or C. One the cause is clear then it to be treated accordingly will automatically bring your Sept to normal. Cholesterol Chat Doctor. (You need to check upper limit of your lab). Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my name is Luke and I have a question regarding my girlfriend. She s a 21 year old. Over the past year, her hands have started to become numb. And more-so recently, they have become more numb than usual . Well, over the past couple of days, the left side of her neck and face have also started to become numb as well. She went into school today (she s an 8th grade math teacher) and an associate said she looks awful and her temples are green because the veins in her temples are sticking out. any idea what it could be? She had surgery in both of her shoulders in high school due to torn rotators cuffs and had screws put in. I don t know if this will have anything to do with it, I was thinking it may have something to do with the circulation in her hands until the recent neck problems arisen. She s been to a neurosurgern and they couldn t find anything wrong. They re thinking it has to do with MS, but the MRI s couldn t really say what it was. Any ideas? [|AI|] HiT hank you for your question. Numbness of the hands and recent engorgement of the neck and face and numbness may be indicative of something compressive around thoracic outlet. This is the area where the nerves to arms are coming out. Blood from neck and face Chat Doctor. I would advise seeing a vascular surgeon to rule this out. CT scan of the chest may be helpful if compression is suspected. Wish you the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my family doctor pushed my lower left rib in when i was 11. Im am currently 19 years of age and now I have a sharp pain right below it to the point that it hurts to breath and I cant take full breaths. It also feels like my heart beats fast sometimes. Please help! [|AI|] Hi thanks for asking question. If you have history of trauma then muscular strain or tear can lead to chest pain at lower part. If you had done heavy weight lifting or any unusual activity then pain can also occur by strain of muscle. The blunt trauma can lead spleen injury and pain can be there.USG done for it... If ribs tender to touch and painful Costco Chat Doctor. Rest needed and analgesic can give. If still no cause clear x-ray done for rib fracture identification. If fever present then chest x-ray done for rule out respiratory pathology. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 5 year old daughter was diagnosed with strep back in early December. We have taken her back 3 times to recheck and every time she still has strep. Doctor keeps putting her on new antibiotics. When we took her back a few days ago, she still has the strep but now has blood in her urine (without the presence of proteins). She s having accidents and it does not seem that this new antibiotic is working at all. It s been 4 days since the new antibiotic. I am concerned that too much antibiotics is going to cause other problems as well. Should we demand to see a specialist? [|AI|] Hi.... by what you say I feel that your daughter is having recurrent streptococcal infection. But I would like to know how this streptococcal infection was diagnosed - was it with a rapid antigen Diagnostic testing or by throat swab culture. Throat swab culture is the gold standard technique to diagnose streptococcal infection. Moreover, not all the streptococci are pathogenic, some of them may be commensalism also, which means that they are normal flora in throat I suggest that you consult specialist. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, i am 27 years of age, trying to conceive for two years but not successful. my height is 5 2 , weight is 56 kls. i am diagnosed with PCOS six months ago and was prescribed to take metformin and ovamit(just started for two months now) but still not able to conceive. the ultrasound showed that i have a normal sized anteverted uterus with intact endometrium . polycystic ovaries with dominant follicle on the right. my HSG result is: theres opacification of the endometrial cavity and both fallopian tubes with contrast spillage on the right. no other findings [|AI|] Ki Lori, Thanks for posting your query. To control PCs main thing is weight reduction by doing regular exercise & avoiding heavy & spicy food. If still not controlled then medications are started. You are taking good medications as prescribed by most of the gynecologist. But your HSG results are not so good showing only one tube patent means your fertility rate is 50% reduced. Wait for some time if still do not conceive then go for IVF. Take care.