The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I am a 39 year old female, previous history of WPW but I had an ablation in 2003. I have been experiencing chest pain, PVCs and palpitations. Went to the the cardiologist and the EKG said consider left ail enlargement. My resting heart rate is 105 and I also have a heart murmur which gets louder when I stand. What does this all mean, should I be worried? the Dr ordered an echo which hasnt been approved yet by insurance and a holter monitor which I have not got yet either. Thanks [|AI|] DEAR USER, THANKS FOR CONSULTING WITH ChatDoctorI UNDERSTAND YOUR CONCERN. YOUR PAST HISTORY OF WPA POINTS TOWARD YOU MIGHT HAVE AN ADDITIONAL ARRHYTHMIA ASSOC TD AND AFTER ABLATIVE THERAPY HAS NOT RELIEVED COMPLETELYHENCE YOU HAVE PCs AND PALPITATION INTERMITTENTLYREGARDING YOUR ECG SHOWING LEFT ATRIAL ENLARGEMENT WITH MURMUR MIGHT INDICATE A VALVULAR PATHOLOGY BUT CAN ALSO BE FUNCTIONAL AS YOUR HEART RATE IS 105 THAT HAS CAUSED THE FUNCTIONAL MURMUR. BUT WITHOUT EXAMINING OR DOING A ECHO THE EXACT CAUSE CANNOT BE COMMENTED SUGGEST TO TALK TO YOUR CARDIOLOGIST SO THAT HE CAN HELP YOU. IF YOU MESSAGE ME THE ECG I MAY ALSO HELP MORE BetterHelp I ANSWERED YOUR QUERY. YOU CAN MESSAGE ME FOR ANY FURTHER CONCERNS
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello dr. my name is vinod and i m from punjab i have problem of hair fall last 8 or 9 years last 4 months i talk a treatment and dr.said u take these medicines(Biotee plus and androanagen tablet) but now i feel its effect on sex my sex power week pls tell me these medicines effected on sex i m unmarried person [|AI|] Hi, These medicines are not known to cause any problem in sex. Biotee-plus is a B complex vitamin commonly used as a nutritional supplementation for dietary shortage or imbalance which may cause hair loss or total alopecia. Its common side effects include stomach upset, heartburn or allergic reactions. An Chat Doctor. Its common side effects include nausea, vomiting, stomach upset or allergic reactions, although not everybody gets them. These medicines are not associated with any sexual problems. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doctor, my wife has a bad rash around her lips & mouth and has been to see 3 doctors and tried several different prescribed creams, but none of them seem to work. she has this problem for...Hi doctor, my wife has a bad rash around her lips & mouth and has been to see 3 doctors and tried several different prescribed creams, but none of them seem to work. she has this problem for... [|AI|] Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern regarding the skin lesions around mouth and lips but It's difficult to point specific diagnosis in absence of clinical examination. Therefore, I insist you to post good clinical pictures to me so that I can help you in a better way. You can reach me directly through the below-mentioned link. ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My best friend has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer which seems to have metastisied to his lungs and other organs. He is having chemotherapy and has been prescribed liquid morphine. Is there anything ese we can do to ease his pain? He has deteriorated very fast in the last two weeks from being totaly mobile to us having to hold him up when he walks. He seems to have accepted the inevitable but Iw ould dearly love to see him more comfortable.At what stage do we get him to a hospice? [|AI|] Hello, I feel sorry for the plight of your friend. Basically there are two main treatments for severe pain resulting from pancreatic cancer with metastasis. First is narcotic analgesics which you are already giving in form of liquid morphine.2nd is celiac plexus block by 50-100 alcohol solution or phenol and gives very good pain relief for 3-4 months time. As far as going to the hospital is concerned, only supportive treatment can be given. You should discuss both (pain management and admission in hospital) with his treating doctor. Best of luckThanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I am 33 years of age and had bloods taken liver count was high but not real high I also had a ultrasound done report came back with a ? When asking my local doctor what this meant the only answer I received was the word emporium and colorful ??? I am unsure of what this means they also found a palp on my gallbladder ? Will I have to have surgery to remove it? [|AI|] Hi, thanks for the query to H. C.M. Forum. Why you get in blood examination ? Why you get in a U/S? What are the complaints for which you are asking about surgery?Anyhow the meaning emporium and colorful as far as concerned about U/S is nothing. If there are stones in gall bladder than surgery is the only option. If enlargement of liver is there than you have to take treatment accordingly. Have a nice day. Good luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had mould in my room caused from a leaking pipe 3 years ago and i got a really bad chest infection and was close to being sent to hospital and ever sinceI constantly get sick with chest infections and bhronchitis and I am wondering why I keep getting sick and can it damage my lungs? Regards Danielle, 15 [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You had chronic mold exposure. This can cause COPD (chronic obstructive Pulmonary disease). So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). PFT is must for the diagnosis of COPD. It will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You will mostly improve with inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone). Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My grown daughter just spent an overnight in the hospital......had symptoms of gastroenteritis , diaherrea, and at night was awakened with horrible pain radiating up shoulder and to the back of the neck....thought she might be having a heart attack and went to the ER....found cysts on liver as result of CAT Scan...did not actually find anything. [|AI|] Hello Carolyn, Thanks for posting on Chat Doctor, If the symptoms of your daughters' gastroenteritis were abrupt and with no fever then there is the likely possibility that she suffered or is suffering from food poisoning (intoxication from eating a contaminated food). The liver cyst was surely discovered by chance from the CAT scan and is will rarely be accused as the cause of her gastroenteritis. Rarely, liver cysts may indicate a serious, underlying condition such as:- Polycystic liver disease, an inherited disorder- Echinococcus infection, a parasitic infection-Liver cancer too worried biopsy might be required. I suggest her stools get analyzed for possible bacterial or fungal cause of the gastroenteritis. If that be the case, treatment with antibiotics will be required and oral rely Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] MY SISTER WHO IS 45 YEARS OLD HAS BEEN DIAGONISED AS HAVING EMPYEMA AND IS NOW IN APOLLO HOSP IN BANGALORE UNDERGOING TREATMENT FOR THE LAST22DAYS. THE PLEURAL FLUID HAS ALMOST BEEN DRAINED BUT NOW THE DOCTOR SAYS THERE IS AIR BUBBLES IN THE LUNGS WHICH IS CAUSE FOR CONCERN .KINDLY LET ME KNOW THE SERIOUNESS OF THE PROBLEM [|AI|] Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor... Your sister is having lung infection in form of emphysema.... So for that antibiotic given.... And if needed ICD inserted which has been done in your sister case.... Now this air bubble can be from starting pneumothorax.... In this condition patient suffer from chest pain and breathlessness also.... It can be life-threatening ... So constant observation needed.... If dyspnea more and blood oxygen level falls then oxygen supplementation needed...... If needed chest tube Chat Doctor. . You are in good hospital ... So condition is serious and follow doctors advise.... Take care ...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello,i have a lump on my inner thigh area near my right scrotom mayb 3 days before it appeared I trimmed my pubic area with scissors could this b the cause my gf said I shouldnt have used scissors I just dont know but this bump does hurt only when I take a seat tho [|AI|] HI, Dear,Thanks for the query regarding your daughter. I studied your query and understood your health concerns. Remedy-You seem to Scrotal Boil/folliculitis due to public shave with scissors. Consult your ER Surgeon, who would check and do what is necessary treatment after investigations. So Don't worry and act fast as suggested. Welcome for any query to Chat Doctor and me in this regard. Have a Good Day. Chat Doctor. N.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] yes I am having trouble with my asthma now im having trouble eating a little food I fill up so fast , im also ache when I walk im tried of feeling like this my stomach is sore and when I cough I wet myself , do u have any ideas that might help me think u [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. As you describe it appears to be the gastric irritation due to the Chat Doctor. The other reason may be the cor pulmonale, the heart failure due to the asthma, where the liver enlarges, and causes the lack of appetite, dyspnea, on exertion. The first sign seen is the edema of the feet. I advise you to consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment. You may need to have X-ray chest, E.C.G. and other tests for confirmation. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had a infection in bladder 4times in the past year, never before. Painful. Was given nitrofurantoin,, ciprmofloxacin,sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim. I wondered what was causing them and why so painfuL and why they are not clearing up. Many antibiotics I have reaction to so it is double trouble [|AI|] Hello For chronic urinary bladder infection, you need clinical examination and investigations. Investigations include routine hologram, renal function test, Urine culture and sensitivity and Ultrasound of abdomen. Ultrasound of abdomen can exclude many possibilities. You may need further evaluation like cystoscopy(for direct visualization of urinary bladder)or CT scan depending upon findings. Proper treatment depend upon findings. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Dr.Andrew, I received a root canal today on my lower right side tooth. I am in extreme pain and very swollen. Is this normal? I am taking pain pills and ibuprofen and they only seem to reduce minimal pain for only two hours. I am also taking an antibiotic. I have never experienced this type of pain before with a root canal. Should I ice or heat the knot on my jaw or what would you recommend [|AI|] Hello and welcome. Thanks for sharing your concern. Pain post root canal treatment is normal. But extreme pain is not expected. It requires revisit to your dentist. There could be one or more unexplored canal, this could be one of the causes. Please continue with your antibiotics but at the same time visit your dentist for an x-ray or RVG. Also do warm saline rinses thrice daily. You can apply ice externally on the affected area, but please avoid heat. Heat can aggravate the symptoms. This should help. Thanks. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] What does it mean when you have decreased basal tracer distributionto the, bilateral parieto-occipital, bilateral patchy parietal , bilateral mesial temporal, bilateral orbitofrontal, patchycerebellar and periventricular with Cortical Metabolic index (CMi) 61.26%, within. alues (48.0-66.1)%, noted in 43 near normal patients, consistent with traumatic brain injury and mild cognitive impairment . Decreased perfusion-simulated tracer distribution, overall similar to the basal study with background corrected Cortical Perfusion index (CPi) 66.14%, within values (56.3-77.2)% noted in 43 near normal patients, and consistent with normal cerebral flow reserve index, FRi = 4.88%, vs values + (3.7-15.7)% for 43 near normal patients. [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. These findings refer to findings of a metabolic scan of brain, most likely SPENT scan. You have only given a part of study here. This looks like a comparison of metabolic activity of brain of head injury patients, with that of normal brain. The study has shown that metabolic activity is reduced in brains of head injured patients, when compared to that of normal brains. Best wishes, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have recently been tested for a S.T.D but have yet to get my results back. At this point most of the symptoms have gone away. The symptoms were 1. My penis head was raw and very painful from contact with my undershorts. 2. A small amount of white discharge. 3. A pain deep inside of my penis. Now the only symptom seems to be that my penis foreskin is swollen and sagging with a slight itching. Does this mean my body is healing itself or am i experiencing a transition to some other stage of my condition? What does sagging and or swollen penis foreskin indicated? [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. You have not mentioned sexual history in your query The redness, swelling of foreskin and glans with other symptoms that to had strongly suggested infection of glans penis and foreskin (Ba llano Prostatitis), The white discharge that you have is suggestive of Sexually Transmitted Infection and needs to be investigated. Please consult qualified Urologist or Dermatologist and get following basic test done to confirm the diagnosis .1) Swab test of urethral discharge 2) Blood test for STI .3) Urine routine and culture. Continue taking antibiotic like Erythromycin twice daily along with topical antibiotic ointment Newsprint for local application. Ensure to wash your genitals with warm water twice daily. Ensure to avoid sexual encounters till it heals up completely. Further treatment will depend upon result of these tests and final diagnosis. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband is having a very high risk surgery to remove clots.from lungs and around heart. They have to open his chest. He has been suffering.for 10 years..this past year his health declined so quickly he could.not even.walk to the bathroom without fits of surgery really as.risky as they say...he is only 46...and.seems like 70.. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. By your description I think your husband is having large, chronic pulmonary embolism in major pulmonary arteries. And if it is large enough to occlude blood flow than surgery is the only option. And yes, surgery is very risky. Because already lungs and heart are weakened due to clots. So it is considered as major surgery with very, very high risk intraoperatively as well as post operative. So need to discuss outcomes in depth with your treating surgeon.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello. I need help. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and OCD about seven months ago. I was first given citalopram but I got 100 times worse and tried to take my own life. I was then switched to dosulepin and seem to have improved. I now feel totally alienated from reality. I get these extreme, almost physical waves of confusion and alienation from people and my old life. I look at old photos and cant seem to identify with them. I feel really awful. [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Anxiety, depression and OCD are almost always hand in hand. Best method of treatment is lifestyle change. Many researches and researchers confirm that medicines alone cannot cure mental disorders. Lifestyle changes, change in thinking pattern, relaxation etc. are as essential as medicines. Psychotherapy can help you to change your lifestyle and thinking patterns. Yoga and meditation help you to streamline your metabolism and neurological balance. Please consult a psychologist for further information. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Cardiac arythmia symptoms. Hi I am recovering from an aortic valve replacement, mechanical (Nov 22 2000). I have recently developed arythmia and I am now unable to lie flat on my back without the arythmia becoming more severe. During the day the arythmia is presesnt but goes away when I exercise (walking) I take previscon and beta blockers. Should I return to my consultant for a check up. [|AI|] Hellothanks for posting here. Previscan is a blood thinner to prevent blood clots from forming on the mechanical valve. It has no role in arrhythmias. Beta blockers are effective in controlling arrhythmias. They also keep the heart rate in control. You must do well on beta blockers. If their arrhythmias interfere with your day-to-day activities, or you are having symptoms like dizziness or syncope, you must consider increasing the dose or changing to another arrhythmia controlling medication. Wishing you good health thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son is almost 3 yrs old and just passesd some greenish clay looking stools. There was also a red line looking thing. He has been drinking this v8 drink mixed with fruit punch gatorade, so I can t tell if it s that, or blood. I m freaking out and very worried. I don t know if I should take him to the ER? [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am on Crestor 10 mg ..daily and i just received my liver function test where by theSerum Billirubin 39 Umol/L...Serum alkaline phosephatase 116 U/l..i do went heart surgery operation in year 1994..four by pass were needed..i do also take metfomine 1 twice daily and also aspirin 75mg can i decrease the bilirubin .. [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. It may indicate certain liver damage caused mostly by fatty liver or viral hepatitis so rule out these 2 first. The most common liver disorders are fatty liver which can be found in healthy people, but usually is resulting from elevated blood lipids, overweight and elevated blood sugar. If ultrasounds didn't find anything and viral markers are negative then you have no reason to be concerned. You should treat it by changing dietary and lifestyle habits. Do exercise, avoid alcohol, smoking, fats, fast food and carbonated Chat Doctor. Eat more fruit and vegetables, boiled meat and follow some of hepatoprotective diets. Findings usually improves on such measures. If not, then some medicines can be prescribed, but I suggest going step by step. If you don't have any symptoms then this is just slight and reversible liver damage. Wish you good health. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello doctor i m kiran 10 years ago suffered frm PTB( pulmonary tuberculosis) underwent treatment of ATT, later stoped drugs said by OUR doctor( Pulmo)I would like to know about the reccurence of the disesase, every time i m suspecting the recurrence, last year it was find with chest x ray and other blood tests....please give ur valuable reply [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, pulmonary tuberculosis can recur in the future. In normal circumstances 3-4% patients do show recurrence of tuberculosis in lifetime. Rate of recurrence is high especially if patient is HIV positive, diabetic, on chemotherapy or on steroid treatment. Sometimes, poor nutrition and excessive stress and anxiety can also cause recurrence of tuberculosis. So if you avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm, take proper nutritional meals then rate of recurrence is very, very less. And don't start anti TB Chat Doctor. We should look for combination of symptoms, sputum report and chest x-ray findings. So better to consult pulmonologist before starting anti TB
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Had blood work done as part of my usual work up at the dr as I am a type 2 diabetic. During routine blood work my platelet count was low. Rechecked in 3 months and it was still low at 130. I have had no excess bleeding or bruising. What could be causing this and should I be overly worried? Thank you [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Normal platelet count is 1.4 to 4.5 lack per CCMM. Your count is 1.3 lack. It is slightly lower than normal. So no need to worry. Some viral infection can lead low count. Some people have this type of low count as normal variation. So if your other blood counts are normal and you don't have any symptoms then nothing to worry. Just be relaxed. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doctor my head is spinning like if I where to be drunk and I feel like vomiting but I cant well I dont want to. I made this pasta yesterday and thats the only thing I ate yesterday. I ate eggs and beans and bread right now. My body feels cold but its hot here in los angeles califonia. Im scared because this is the first time this has happen to me. I dont want to die... can you help me? [|AI|] Hello dear, The symptoms can be attributed to pathology in the Vestibular Apparatus in inner ear (it is associated with maintenance of body posture & balance) most probably Labyrinthine or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Symptomatic relief can be obtained with intake of Vestibular sedatives like Betahistine or Linearizing preparations (to be taken only under the guidance of a Physician). So, kindly consult your Physician/ ENT Specialist & get a complete clinical examination done. Investigations like estimation of blood pressure, blood sugar levels, serum electrolytes & vestibular function tests will be required to rule out any pathological cause for the symptoms. There is no need to worry, you will be fine. Till then, maintain adequate HY Chat Doctor. And also take precautions of getting up from bed slowly & avoid sudden head movements. Wishing you a Good Health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. Im a 17 year old female. My lymph node or gland on the right side of my neck has been swollen for some time. Ive been getting so sick recently and it goes away and just comes right back. I get SOO hot in the middle of the night and sometimes im freezing right after. Im EXHAUSTED all the time now and just want to sleep. I lost my appetite and whenever i breath it feels like i have pressure on my chest so i have to cough. Is this lymphoma? what should i do? [|AI|] Hi dear, Based on the symptoms you have mentioned in your question, from the way you describe it, it might sound like lymphoma but I highly doubt it. The main reason I doubt that is because you said the swelling on the lymph node comes and goes, however people with lymphoma the swelling stays or gets worse as time goes by. The swollen lymph node that you have is possibly just due to infection, an upper respiratory infection. It would be very helpful if you could include in your question the time-lapse of your condition so I could suggest you treatment options you can follow. I also suspect the reason for your difficulty breathing, feeling hot and sleep problems is due to anxiety, try to calm yourself down and don't worry much. At the moment I suggest you to wait for few more days and see if your symptoms is getting better, if not then visit a Doctor, to evaluate your condition and run the appropriate tests. So don't worry and relax, I'm sure you will be just fine . Wishing you all the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello so i was wondering i have the birth control implonon in my arm my doctor sed it was good for two years. I was wondering what could be the sighns of it whereing off? and if i were to keep it in and not get it taken out would it do anything? would it be bad to keep it in and get pregnent later on? one more thing so i got it in 2011 its 2014 and i never had a period on it but this last year i have been haveing periiods not light blood but dark and about a medium amount of blood is that a sighn its whereing out or is my body getting rid of old blood? pleas help me thanks [|AI|] Hallow Dear, The life of the implant you are having in your arm is two years as your doctor has already informed you. You had put it in 2011. So its life has ended in 2013. It is not good to keep it in the body after it is no more active. When we say it is not active, we mean that the hormones released from the implant are not in sufficient quantity to prevent the pregnancy; however, it is not completely devoid of the hormones. The very fact that you have started having irregular bleeding, the implant is releasing the hormone erratically in low doses. You should get the implant removed and replace it with another one if you still want to continue with the contraception. With such extinct implant, you cannot plan your pregnancy appropriately either. I hope you got the message.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi...i am 34 years old. i have 5 years old daughter,now i am thinking one more baby .but my period is ireguler ,45 or 50 day s after comes period ,so i can;t understand period cycle for pregnancy try.i want to know that what i will do for pregnacy?age 34, 5 4 height, 64 weight [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor Do you have any constipation or abdominal pain. You could be having irregular period because of possible hormonal disturbance. You should get examined by Gynecologist and hormones like thyroid, prolactin checked. Also, ultrasound may be needed to look for ovarian cysts. Chat Doctor. Do exercise every day. Avoid fatty, junk food. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables as overweight can be associated with certain types of hormone disturbance. Once the cause is treated and your periods become regular you may have better chance to conceive.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have low body temperature for the past 2 days at 93 F- 95 F. My head aches constantly and i have pain in my spine. I feel very weak too. The Typhidot test shows weak positive . Should i start on typhoid medication or should i get another definite test done? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No, you should not start typhoid medications. Your symptoms are not suggestive of typhoid. Typhoid is actually an intestinal infection which give symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting etc. Since all these symptoms are not present in your case, no need for typhoid medicines. And weak typhoid test can be false positive. It is not 100% confirmatory. So, in my opinion, you are not having typhoid. You should investigate for other causes like anemia, migraine, back problems etc. and start treatment accordingly. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 80 year old mother was experiencing a chronic cough that has gotten worse and is worse when she lies down at night. She also has shortness of breath, chest pain and back pain. All symptoms are getting progressively worse. Instead of her primary starting a workup other than general lab work, he has chosen to send her directly to a cardiothoracic surgeon without doing even a chest X-ray. She is relatively healthy, has hypertension and type 2 diabetes and is overweight. Any reason why her doc would choose this path. She is a non-smoker but grew up in a bar and around passive smoke. We are really concerned that he is looking for lung cancer?be [|AI|] Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query in details .* The chronic cough and shortness of breath at 80 must be first evaluated for emphysema or obstructive lung disease with x-ray chest and other supportive data rather than jumping to cardiothoracic surgeon.* It does not indicate lung cancer at all. Hope this will help to clear your doubt . Wishing you fine recovery. Always welcome for any further assistance anytime. Regards .
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 26years old(turning 27 in june) I am 5feet 11 inches tall and 240 pounds. In the past 6 months my heart has been beating really fast and i get headaches sometimes. I have been lifting weights as well what can you advice you to do as far as gym workouts are concerned.? [|AI|] Hi, Gym workouts can lean to elevated heart rate only during exercise. If your heart rate is fast during the hole day, then another reason should be considered. I would advise you to regulate your sleep, try to sit in front of computer and TV as little as it is possible, be much in fresh air, avoid stress, try to lose some weight (no strict diet). If you still experience elevated heart rate in 2 months, I would advise you to see your doctor to undergo some tests, such as ECG, blood electrolytes etc. Wishing you good health In case of further questions don't hesitate to ask
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have started stalopam 10 mg for the last 4 days with half tablet. wud be taking one tablet from tomorrow. am still feeling anxiety, depression and fear and sleepiness. Is this due to the medicine?I was taking Placida for the last 3 months which I am continuing now. Would the laziness and anxiety get OK with the above medicines [|AI|] Hello welcome to Chat Doctor Slalom 10 mg contains Escitalopram which is an SSRI antidepressant. It is effective in anxiety too. Don't worry as SSRIs take 10-14 days to have a full effect. Initially it may cause some sedation, but it will be over in next few days. Continue above medication as advised by your doctor. You will be definitely alright with adequate treatment for adequate duration. Hope it helps Good LuckRegards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter is 30 years old and has a low heart rate. She just had a holter done 24HR and her heart rate went down to 38. She is not athletic. I dont know if this was recorded in the night but her daytime heart rate has been recorded at 44 to 48. What advice can you give me. I am worried about heart failure. Should I be?? She had an echo done and came back normal. Could it be an over active vagal nerve.Thank you very concerned Dad [|AI|] Hello Sarthe medical details which you have mentioned of your daughter I have gone through them and first I would like to assure you that low rate in a young adult does not signify HEART FAILURE, so please take that stress out of your mind. Yes heart rate often goes below 40 beats per min during deep sleep so that's alright. The only thing we need to check in your daughters' case is that whether this low heart rate is sinus or not (it means every P wave on EKG IN HOLDER is followed by a QRS or not). If it is sinus then you need not worry. For this its advisable that you should consult a cardiologist personally and discuss with the doctor. There is no need to treat Sinus bradycardia until unless the person is symptomatic. I wish her good health
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Basically one of my relative is sufferr from body ache a dermatologist problem. She will taken all types of treatment from experts alopathy, Ayurvedic & homeopathic. for six months back she will tested a biopasy from expert of Mumbai, in that scabies is found. But till this time no satisfied results occur. some days she will geting relief then after stop the medicine same problem start that is aching hole body,small small pimples occur then after some day same pimples broken & carried out black spot on whole body. So, what is the purpose & what is diagnosis of this type of allergic problem. Tell me some best lady dermatologist in India basically at Aurangabad(Maharashtra),Pune,Nashik. [|AI|] Hi the itching which is contagious can be can be caused by scopes scuba, it presents as papulopustules all over the body from neck to toe with itching more at can be cured by application of permethrin ointment or lotion all over the body overnight and wash it is off in the should be applied twice with one week apart .use Atari 25 mg at night and oral and topical antibiotic to cure secondary infection. Wash all the clothes in hot water when permethrin is applied, and it should be used by all family members. Lady dermatologist in Aurangabad Gulanikar Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] pressure or fullness in the sternum; periodic difficulty (slight) breathing; a little light headed; bowels are loose and have been occurring 5-6 times a day for the last 3 days. No history of heart trouble. Unexplained Plural effusion (small) occurred 20 months ago. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. All your symptoms (Heaviness in chest, breathing difficulty, pleural effusion) are suggestive of heart diseases. So get done ECG, 2d echo and stress test (trade mill test). If all these are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm.Don't worry, you will be alright but first rule out heart diseases. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I saw my lmp on 10th of feb. nd am suppose 2 see it again on d 13th of dis mnth cuz my cycle is 31days. But, I hv nt seen it til now nd am hving headache,stomach cramps, pelvic pain atimes nd I hv don pt it s negative. Pls advice me on wot I shld do next. [|AI|] Hi, I had gone through your query and understand your concerns. As pregnancy test is negative the reasons could be the following.Sometimes rarely period may miss for a month or very mildly which we may miss to notice as actual bleeding is replaced by just spotting which leads to all the symptoms you have mentioned. Wait until next date and if it is missed again, Consult your Gynecologist and discuss the situation. Hope this guides you. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doctor i m 23 yr old yesterday i m standing with my frnd all of sudden 1 dog came near me nd put his foot on my foot and ran away but there is no bleeding on my foot near small finer of my foot there is scratch i dont know whether is this dog scratch or any other scratch on my foot how to know which scratch is this dog or any other scratch pls help i should take rabbies injection or not [|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor Rabies can be transmitted by contact with different animals though dog and bat transmission are more common. As it relates to dogs, transmission is via a bite or deep scratch. Since there is no bleeding and no evidence that there was any deep scratch then it is unlikely that you are at risk for rabies. Normally the injection if needed has to be taken from the first day of contact. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My wisdom tooth broke and there is a hole that I keep clean but today the tooth started bleeding from the center of the hole. While there isnt any sharp pain there isnt anything stuck in the tooth and it bleed more so I stopped and washed with mouth wash. If I keep care of it will it be okay until I see a dentist in a few days. [|AI|] Thanks for putting your query at Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query. The bleeding from the decayed tooth van be because of the chronic hyperplastic pulpits or gingival polyp. Nothing to be panic, till you consult your dental surgeon do saline gargling. Nothing will happen into days. But you have to get the tooth removed. There is no meaning in retaining a decayed wisdom tooth. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my 3 yr old has not pooped in 5 days. when she does go she tries to hold it in. its always just a very small hard ball. i put her on miralax 3 wks ago it worked. she started getting constipated again but this time was worse cause she wont go at all. i ended up taking her to the ER and they said she has a ball of stool the size of a baseball in her belly which caused her to have urinary retention. she had a catheter done and had over 500cc s of pee come out. she has been on miralax now for 4 days and has had 3 enemas and still hasnt had a bowel movement. what should i do? she just cries when she has to go but cant cause its still to big and hard!!! please help! [|AI|] Hello, Your baby is suffering from chronic constipation. In hard stool or impacted in the lower bowel, it needs to give a repeated enema. Also, a higher dose of laxative for impaction of stool required. After treatment of current condition, baby needs to revise diet plan, also some investigations as for celiac disease, thyroid profile, ultrasound abdomen. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello I am waiting for biopsies to come back but my Doctor says looks like gastritis. So waiting to see if there is infection or not when biopsies are back. I also have fatty liver. Is the diet the same for both and can I get my liver back to normal with proper diet and exercise? I lost 100lbs 11yrs ago but recently gained 40 lbs 2 yrs ago when I quit smoking which has really been hard me. I am diabetic and was just told my TSH level is low . [|AI|] Hellenes, fatty liver can be managed by diet control and exercise in the majority of the cases. Fatty liver is a reversible condition. Fatty liver may be due to many reasons like hepatitis, alcohol intake, obesity,altered lipid profile, medicines etc. You should try to control your weight and avoid fried, saturated fat. You may need routine investigations like routine hologram, lipid profile etc. Treatment of gastritis depend upon biopsy report. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have recently conceived. My betaChatDoctor level is 1103.8. Is this fine? The doctor has put me on Duphaston (3 times a day), Progynova (3 times a day), Bromocriptine (1/2 + 1/2 tablet twice a day) and folic acid (1 time a day). Are these medicines fine and what are they for? I read over the Internet Progynova is not given to pregnant women? [|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern. Chat Doctor level above 25 flu / ml confirms pregnancy. But after that it rises fast (50% -60% rise in every 2 days). So a single reading can not determine weather It's fine or not. The medicines given to you can be given in pregnancy in certain conditions ... when their benefit is greater than its side effects. - Phaeton is an essential hormone needed for maintenance of pregnancy. It is very safe in pregnancy. -Progynova, has low hormonal content. Which is not observed to cause side effects on fetus. So it can be given (while careful monitoring pregnancy). In case of hypogonadism. Or in cases of embryo transfer. - Bromocryptin is given specially in cases of hypo gonadism (low hormonal levels) . Due to pituitary problems. It can be given safely with due care in such condition. - Folic acid is a vitamin which prevents fetal malformations (spinal abnormalities) I hope you are convinced about safety of the Chat Doctor. . Specially these being prescribed by your doctor(who is well versed with your health & problems). Still in case of doubt, second opinion of an expert Embryologist can be taken. * Continue them as per advise strictly & have a regular follow-ups / investigations as recommended by your doctor. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My granddaughter is scheduled for reconstructive surgery on August 4th. Just checking for and address. According to granddaughter, we could be roommates since we have similar medical problems although she was born with hers and mine has developed over the years. Personally have too many problems to list, although when referred to UAB (Dr. Hahn), she was concerned about 02 reserve for 24ish years and mentioned that there was always the possibility of a lung transplant. Multiple medical problems but a transplant, nor being inhibated, possibly for life, were not [|AI|] Hi, Yes, a lung transplant is possible. There are certain absolute contraindications like HIV infection, Bag reactive status, active tuberculosis, end-stage kidney and heart failure, fulminant hepatitis etc. for a lung transplant. For rest all, transplant is possible. The main problem in lung transplant is waiting period. The registry is maintained, but Donors are very less so transplant patients need to wait for minimum 6-12 months. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Dr, I have been taking amlodipine besylate/atrivastatin calcium tablets5/40mg with atenolol tablets50 mg for the past one year.BP seems to be a bit high during a routine test. i have B12 deficiency too with bloating problems. I feel giddy sometimes and feel a bit relaxed after a good nights sleep. Pl.advise. [|AI|] Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that chronic anemia and vitamin B12 deficiency may influence in uncontrolled high blood pressure. For this reason, I would recommend taking Vitamin B12, besides your current therapy. I would also recommend reducing the dose of atorvastatin based on your blood lipid profile. It can cause chronic fatigue as a common adverse effect. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been diagnosed trigeminal neuralgia my partner heard something on the radio this morning regarding this. my pain is helped by trileptal and lyrical which help but not all the time plus they make me very tired and my hands tremble all the time. my doctor is very good and will be inserting a stimulator implant in September. I am hoping I am doing the right thing - can you give me a little advice? [|AI|] Hi and thanks for the query, I am afraid trembling hands have actually got nothing to do with trigeminal neuralgia. Trembling could be essential, with not associated disease or pathological. Pathological tremor could be tremor at rest (resting tremor) usually seen in Parkinson s disease. In this case, it shall be associated to other phenomena like stiffness and reduced steps while walking. Intention tremor, which is characterized by trembling as you move towards the intended object is mainly usually due to a disease in the part of the brain called the cerebellum. I would advise you obtain a complete clinical review from a neurologist. Thanks and kind regards, Bain LE, MD.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am 32 (F), I diagnosed with OTOSCLEROSIS 4-5 days back. Noises like machine running and type of water running, whistling keep on running in my left ear and there is mild hear loss in right ear and moderate hear loss in left ear.kindly suggest treatment. [|AI|] Hi I am Chat Doctor. . You may start with bed rest, VBA (vestibular blocking agents like diazepam or promethasine), antiemetic medications, Ella repositioning maneuver, a specific movement which loosens the calcium crystals and clears them from the ear canal . That will be effective for most of the cases. If pain persists I recommend a visit to your specialist for proper management. Please click and consider a 5-star rating with some positive feedback if the information was helpful. Wish you good health, Any further clarifications feel free to ask
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had ED suddenly in November 2013 (writing this in June 2014). Since then morning erections have also gradually gone down to almost none or very weak. The size of the penis has also shrunk. I ve recently read about Peyronie s disease. Though there s no curve, and no hourglass shape when erect. When flaccid, very rarely the hourglass shape is slightly visible. I had an excruciating lower back pain which led to sciatica like pain in the buttocks and down, and it troubled me for quite some time -- at the moment it s relieved because i have been taking some homeopatChatDoctoredicine since last 3 months. We have no history of diabetes, heart trouble in the family on both maternal and paternal sides. I m 35 right now, 5 8 , and weigh about 73kg. I was once married and had a daughter but now divorced since 6 years. Will really appreciate any help. Thanks [|AI|] When I have any patient with symptoms what you have given I will check whether the patient have complained of radiating pain from back to legs along with numbness or tingling sensation or not. If yes then it shows me there is a problem at lumbar spine level. This could be lumbar disc issue with loss of normal lumbar curve. However, the conformation will be done only by MRI scan. When there is no radiating pain to legs and no symptoms like numbness or tingling then the problem could be only as back muscle weakness or very mild issue at spinal level. Here the conservative treatment will be with few of pain relieving medication along with muscle relaxants as suggested by your orthopedic doctor and also take physiotherapy treatment along with do spinal exercise to strengthen the spinal muscles. For major damage showing report in MRI spine, orthopedic surgeon will suggest for surgical option. You can discuss details with him. I am sure you will be fine if you follow step-by-step process as given above. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hai sir my age 27 ,single .I have problem white discharge in my pennies since last night , am not diabetic ,recently I have sex (first time in sex in my life )with stranger For 4 days back ,and i have pain in my left side below stomac ,please give u r sugession. [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. The white discharge from the penis after having unprotected sex with stranger is mostly a sexually transmitted disease please consult qualified Urologist for clinical examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis.1) Urine routine and culture2) Swab test and culture of discharge from penis In the meanwhile take Erythromycin twice daily and switch on to appropriate antibiotic as per culture report. In view of unprotected sex with stranger it is always safe to get blood test for HIV done to be rest assured about acquiring the same. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] chest,stomach,lower back painHi my name is Brooke, 31 YRS old, i have to children. i have had no real big health problems other than last year i found out i had hep c. I got it in a few years ago when i had a prescription pill problem. i am 2 years clean. I have not recieved treatment for it yet, cant afford it, waiting for my job to give me insurance. But i have Two problems. i have had severe headaches since i was 16, and the past 5 yrs i have them everyday. i wake up with the headache, and if i dont take excedrin (which is bad for me bc bc of the asprin, but the only thing that works) if i dont take some right when i wake up, it turns into a a migraine.i am very used to them so thats not what im here for right now. I have been having heartburn so bad that it keeps me up at night, the only thing that has worked is alka seltzer, but the past month it has got worse. feels like someone is stabbing me in my heart and my stomach hurts all the time and severe pain in my lower back. its not every once in awhile now its all the time, also it hurts to the point i throw up, or just nausaus.My husband dont get it. i just need some advice. is this related to hep c? please help me im miserable. thanks [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is more in your case. And this can be associated with Hepatitis C infection. You are also not taking treatment for Hepatitis C. So possibility of worsening of underlying Hepatitis is more. So better to consult doctor and get done liver function test. Avoid stress and tension. Avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid junk food. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. Start proton pump inhibitors and prokinetic Chat Doctor. Go for walk after meals. Keep 2-3 pillows under head in the bed to prevent reflux. Quit smoking and alcohol if you have these habits.Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Thank you. I am wondering why when I have lower back pain in that large bone under the spine. Why do I get goose bumps in that are? I have Crohn s disease rheumatoid arthritis osteoarthritis fibromyalgia cyclic depression anxiety high blood pressure low thyroid I ve had several surgeries for Crohn s sigmoid colon resection temp ileostomy colectomy and exploratory surgery to see if they could fix the sinus tract that formed after the colectomy. I always have pain in the spot where the drain was placed to get rid of infectious waste. I m in the hospital now with pneumonia but went to the ER because of the pain in my bladder in my lower back under my ribs in my back on the right side. CT scan showed a small kidney stone but it s said not to worry it. They say it s one that isn t going to move or cause me pain. Urinalysis came back normal but I keep spiking fevers of 102.6 and 102.4. When given Tylenol it gets lower So the are doing stool and urine tests and more blood work. I m in two IV antibiotics. I ve had my surgeries at the Cleveland clinic in 2006 2007 and early 2008. I saw the colorectal surgeon. He said that he will not operate on me unless I have feces coming out of my vagina. His words: I don t mean to sound like prick but so what you have to be on antibiotics so what if you gave pain it beats the alternative which would a surgery with a recovery length of at least two years and being on TPN for at least a year and he said that doesn t even include the unknown complications So I m stuck in between a rock and a hard place. I have the utmost respect for this dr but left feeling so defeated. I m being referred to pelvic pain physical therapy and also to a neurologist for the neuropathy in my feet and hands. I m only 54 years old. I ve have had back to back UTI last year with 2 hospitalizations with UTI kidney infection that went into sepsis both times and I got so dehydrated that my kidneys shut down for about 12 hours. I have so many questions I ve seen so many urologists at home and in Cleveland and they all have copies of info from each dr. I m just frustrated and want to have some semblance of a life but cannot because my health does not allow it. If you have any ideas or suggestions I would be eternally grateful I m sorry that this is so long but maybe a long shot and find answers in the oddest places. Thank you and God bless [|AI|] For treatment of severe lower back pain you can take some painkiller like biozobid-plus or ultracet-mr only when the pain is worse enough or disturbing your daily work along with some calcium supplements like shackled or toscal-gem once daily. Take some multivitamin like spray or evil once daily. Do physiotherapy exercise after an expert opinion of physiotherapist. I will also advise you to sleep on plain surface.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My BP dropped to 95/67 and heart rate went up to 112bpm. I felt light headed & dizzy and heavy in the chest bit hard to breath. Very uncomfortable feeling. Goes back to normal in about 20-60 mins. Heart rate sometimes much higher & has gone as high as 170-180bpm. Felt faint. That was scary. What is causing this? All blood work & Drs tests turn out fine, including ECG& heart ultrasound. Holter monitor showed heart does skip beats sometimes but never caught an episode. Im otherwise healthy female 35 yrs old. Not overweight. Dont drink excessive, use any kind of drugs or smoke. Please help! [|AI|] Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I read your question carefully and understand your concern. Your symptoms seem to be related to orthostatic hypotension or a postural tachycardia syn Chat Doctor. Your performed tests can exclude any cardiac related disorders. Are your symptoms triggered by standing up from laying down or sitting position? A decrease in your blood pressure more than 20 mm Hg, when standing up, compared to sitting position would indicate orthostatic hypotension. But a head up tilt test is necessary to rule in / out the above-mentioned disorders. Further, blood lab tests (thyroid hormone levels, cortisol plasma levels, PCR, sedimentation rate, immunological tests, etc) are needed to establish the cause. Hope to have been helpful! Best regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had an allergic reaction to a sulfar based antibiotic that caused kidney failure. I am getting better but my nose and mouth feel numb as if I had a shot from the dentist. This happened on Sept. 22, hospitalized for 3 days. The hospital did all types of test from CT scan, MRI, EKG, etc. nothing indicated a problem such as stroke. I am getting stronger every day. However this numbness that feels like nose and upper left lip, especially nose feels strange, nasal secretion. No one seems to know what is causing the problem. I am having a gastroscopy procedure done on Wednesday. All of this started because I was diagnosed with bronchitis 3 times this year. I have problems swallowing and coughing. Should I be concerned? [|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern. It seems you have been investigated extensively for the numbness. * I think your problem is something apart from your allergy, bronchitis. I would suggest Plain x-ray cervical spine AP & Lateral view. It may reveal cervical spondylitis causing pressure on facial nerve supplying nose & upper lip. Once diagnosis is made specific treatment will be advised by a neurologist. * Investigations for allergy & treatment is another thing you need. Visit Allergy specialist/ ENT specialist for specific advise. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I have been having left side flank pain and side cramping. I was tested last week with a lot of white blood cells in my urine. My doctor thinks I may have a kidney infection and Ive been on antibodics for 5 days now and Im still not feeling better. I also have been passing sludge like stool that is black. Is that related to a kidney infection? [|AI|] Hello Thanks for query. Sever left flank pain with black sludge like stools can be mostly due to infection of colon (Colitis) and needs to be investigated. Get following basic tests done to establish diagnosis 1) urine routine and culture 2) Stool examination 3) Ultrasound scanning of abdomen to rule out presence of urinary stoneware combination of antibiotic like Ofloxacin and Tinidazole twice daily for 5 days 2)Ensure to Chat Doctor. This should work for you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have episodes (sporadically) of waking up around 4 or 5 in the morning with a knife-like pain in upper stomach and throat. May be acid reflux. Im taking Nexion and have also had one of those episodes while on the medication. Could I have esophogeal cancer? My calcium blood level - for the first time - read at 11.3 (mild abnormality) and Im repeating the test this week while fasting. I am very worried though my doctor said lets take one step at a time. [|AI|] HelloWelcome to Chat Doctor It is very difficult to tell you what is causing you pain from your symptoms. It is more likely due to HERD or gastritis rather than cancer. Tobacco and alcohol use are considered the major risk factors in the development of esophageal cancer. Other causes are obesity, H pylori infection, HERD etc. You need to undergo upper GI endoscopy for your medical condition be it HERD or gastritis. Fortunately endoscopy is also investigation for esophageal cancer, and it can tell you whether you have cancer or not. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Dr my partner has got big red sore lumps on his face and head and has been given Flucloxacillin 500mg he has taken 7 tablets so far is it safe to drink alcohol with them ? as it does not say on leaflet .How long should it take to see an improvement? . [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query. Noted the history about your friend who has got big sore lumps on his face and taking Flucloxacillin 500 and now wants to know whether Chat Doctor. . As per the history you have given about your friend, alcohol surely will increase the already existing lumps on the face and can worsen the problem. Also, alcohol can interact with many other things including Flucloxacillin, hence should not be given. If you had provided the photos I would have been in a position to give him further advise.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my head feels sort of warm as does my neck and upper neck its felt like this all day it almost feel like i got to much sun or something like that but i havent been outside much at all? i believe im pre hypertension and i do have a crooked heart ( im not quite sure what that means) guess my hearts not straight lke a normal heart i dont know if that effects my health or not. [|AI|] Hi and thank you for asking! I read very carefully your query. What you are experiencing may be associated with heart and hypertension disorders, or may be an inappropriate reaction to stress. In order to diagnose in time prehypertension and to reassure you that every thing is ok I would recommend doing the following exams:- Blood work- ECG- chest x-ray- Cardiac echo (to confirm/exclude a crooked heart)- 24 hour BP monitoring Hope this will help! Wish you all the best!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My mother suffered a brainstem minor haematoma in April this year. She has made quite good recovery. Her consultant has recently reviewed her MRI and indicated white matter ischaemic changes. He has prescribed statins. Firstly, is this a good first course of actions. Secondly, should we be worried about her cognition and risk of further strokes? I need to help my father and mother understand the issues of which they need to be aware and future management [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Your mother has two types of problems in the brain-the first is a hematoma (bleeding), which is often due to high blood pressure. So, her BP needs to be kept under good control to prevent any recurrence of bleeding in the brain. Second problem is the ischemia-lack of blood flow to the brain. This is often due to high sugar, cholesterol, in addition to high BP. So, if these risk factors are present, then, they need to be controlled. Also, in addition to statins, an antiplatelet such as aspirin needs to be started to prevent further strokes and decline in cognition. I hope it helps. Please get back if you require any additional information. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. Ly/
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Doctor, my 74 year old lady friend had a ct scan of the brain due to left sided weakness and falls post mastectomy. Her report reads that there is marked background atrophy with a single calcified granuloma seen in the left parietal region. What does this mean? Please Advice? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. With age organs of the body start regression in size and function. And this is also true with brain. Marked background atrophy means brain tissue is less functioning and reduced in size. This is age related process and this is normal. No need to worry about this. She is also having calcified granuloma. This is suggestive of old lesion. Calcification denotes healed, old lesion. So no need to worry about calcified granuloma also. Her symptoms are mostly due to age related brain changes. Hope I have solved your query. Wishing her good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have high liver enzymes which showed up over the last yesr since my annual bld test, double normaln Also my thyroid tsh was high, so my doctor increase my levothyroxin to 75mcq Is the elevated liver enzymes caused by my hypothyroidism I am a moderate drinker 2 low cal beers a day and I slso am an oil painter [|AI|] Thanks for posting your question on Chat Doctor! Liver enzymes are usually elevated in liver disease like hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty liver and gall bladder disease. Other causes include Hypothyroidism, heart failure, obesity and muscular dystrophies. In your case the elevated liver enzymes could be due to alcohol alone or along with hypothyroidism. In presence of hypothyroidism the metabolism of alcohol gets slower and hence its toxicity increases more than compared to patients without hypothyroidism. Kindly refrain from taking alcohol. I hope your doubts have been clarified.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Can I give my daughter who will be 8 in 7 days weighs about 100lbs adult nyquil she has a really sore throat and having problems sleeping and nothing else I have tried is working. . And I heard cough syrup helps and thought it could also help her sleep. [|AI|] Rather than cough syrups, antiallergic syrups are more helpful. Cough syrups are of two types, cough depressants and expectorants. NyQuil contains Dextromethorphan which depresses cough and I would not prefer giving it. You may give some expectorant instead. Steam helps in diluting the cough and acts as a good expectorant. Give steam inhalation as well as gurgling with lukewarm water. Antiallergics most often have some sedative action and may make your child sleep more.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have been suffering right upper abdominal pain for the last 6 years.CT SCAN, ENDOSCOPY, ULTRASONOGRAHY,VARIOUS BLOOD TEST, AND HEPATO BILLIARY TEST FOUND NOTHING.NOW I AM FINDING A LITTLE HARD LIKE A PIPE THING JUST BELOW RIGT RIB CAGE. PLEASE SUGGEST. [|AI|] HI. This may be a very small hernia in the center which is missed by all. Another possibility is costo-chon Chat Doctor. Hard-like-pipe thing is suggestive of this. Needs the investigations on this ground and a good clinical examination one can find these, if the Doctor is aware of such rare things. Can you post further information as to :::Respiratory problems? Bowel problems ? Nausea and vomiting ?
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have been diagnosed with asthmatic bronchitis, never have had asthma , dont smoke, still having asthma attacks after having bronchitis for a week. Have been having back pains on the right side, below my shoulder blade, had xrays but it seemed normal. I still get those pains when I grasp for air. What is causing the pain. [|AI|] Bronchitis is allergy and as time increases it converts to asthma the excess breathing difficulties put muscle under tension thus pain as the muscles of respiration are attached to ribs and back muscle and shoulder muscles are in contact nearby use anti-allergic tab bronchodilator spy analgesic SOS local application of painkiller gel and antacid but get tests after consulting allergy specialist and treat completely by sublingual immunotherapy for allergens found
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi sir ,my son is 2yrs old.Doctor from my native place adv to give him calcium suppliment 5 mi twice per day for 3 months because he has slight bow legs.x ray did there was no signs of rickets,alkaline phosphatase was little high.but igave him only 1 month because we are in Qatar somebody told me that here the water content is high in calcium it causes stones.his wt is now 11 kg birth wt 2.9.please i need ur advice now for all these. [|AI|] Brief answer:Calcium supplement should be given for at least 2 months. Detailed answer:Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor. Since, your child has bow legs and high alkaline phosphate levels there are chances of calcium deficiency. X-ray was not suggestive of rickets, does not totally rule out calcium deficiency. In my opinion, calcium supplement should be given for at least 2 months and then a repeat x-ray wrist should be done and compared with earlier x-ray. There are no chances of stones if calcium supplement are given for 3 to 4 months. I hope this has helped you. Wishing your child good health. Take care. Regards: Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am latha, 37yr old lady and been suffering acne for the past 15yrs.I dont have pcod nor dandruff . I have taken homeopathy and alopathy medicines for more than 5yrs but condition still persists. Periods are regular. Since 3yrs acne started on my back too. Last year i developed a fibroid and taking medicine for that. My skin becomes very red and acne doesnt stop. I am vegetarian and doesnt take oily foods and dairy products as i read that dairy products enhance estrogen levels which might result in aggravation of acne. I am too tired and feel depressed due to my skin problems. thank you. [|AI|] Hi Latham. Thanks for your query. You present with an adult onset acne, which is one of the most challenging types of acne to treat. It is mainly due to hormonal causes and as you have pointed out, PCOD is one of them. In your case I would suggest a complete hormonal investigation to be done. This should include thyroid, estrogen,testosterone, lipid profile as well as estimation of cortisol levels in blood. Only after a complete study can the cause be found. Fibroids may /may not be related. However, although believed, food has failed to provide any consistent relation with the onset and course of acne.Hence, no need to avoid any kind of food unnecessarily. I am not sure if already prescribed, but you should do well with anti an Chat Doctor. . This has to be determined based on the results of the investigations and can only be done by a dermatologist. In RESISTANT CASES, oral retinoids also do well, provided the precautions are adhered to. Hope this helps. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doc, My daughter is 8 months old and passing green, sticky motion from last 5 days. Consultant doctor has advised to give enterogermina for 3-4 days. Could you please advice if we can start with this medicine. Also, could you please advice what kind of food we should give to her at this stage. Thanks, Amrita [|AI|] Hi.... It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. There is no need to use probiotics like enterogermina. Home-made food options will be - 1. Deal and rice well cooked and made into a oatmeal along with ghee2. Boiled apple or banana and mashed into a paste.3. Any made cereal oatmeal preparation with additional ghee added. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a mammogram done last August. 2 days after the mammogram I was at my doctor s with severe upper back pain that would radiate under my right breast. We did physical therapy - didn t work. Pain killers didn t work. He then sent me to the pain clinic. I had a steroid injection in my spine done. Pain was gone for six months. Now it s back. Had another injection a month ago. It doesn t seem to be working this time. The pain usually occurs in the middle of the night . It wakes me up. I can usually sit for a hour on the sofa and it will calm down. Sometimes that doesn t work. Standing helps. It is interfering with my sleep. Have I damaged a nerve, if so, what can I do? Will it eventually heal? [|AI|] Howell come to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern, in my opinion first thing is to know the underlying cause of pain if it is not being investigated then better to get dome the CT imaging and increasing the tolerance power for pain, better avoid taking steroid preparation, try to maintain good posture, try relaxation therapy, "Tab Chlorzoxazone can be tried" three times in day, hope this information helps, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I m a 28 yr old male 6,4 220 pounds i walked out of my door way and slipped feet forward on my back ontop of the wooden stairs. 2 major injury one lower left back just above hip line. serverly bruised immediate swelling . other just behind my armpit on the back rib both painful at the time of the fall my tempature increased alot and started sweating litteral buckets. for about 2 hour.imeddate pain in stomach front near belt line continued work finished went to bed both injurys turned blue by morning feeling mussel weakness and continued pain in abdominal area away from Point of impact. can walk not extermly painful to bend of lift as i was able to work with some pain but the abominal pain is concerning me. now im sure youll say just go to your local er but I m in a romote location in the actric. and flying out would be extremly costly and possibly ruin my employment here. h [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history explaining your presence in Arctic and costly affair to fly. Also noted history of your fall on a stair and pain at the right low back and behind the armpit. Your history of pain in abdomen worries me too. The possible diagnosis is a retro-peritoneal hematoma. In this condition they are on the back-wall of the stomach has bleeding from the loose tissues it supports the organs like kidneys and major blood vessels, pancreas and part of the colon. The bleeding in this area stops due to lemonade, a natural body mechanism against sudden re-bleed and death. You can do the following tests and take help of your friends with you in the arctic. I am sure your have a machine to check temperature and blood pressure in your Emergency kit. Get the blood pressure and pulse. If they are within limits nothing to worry. Watch for the color of the stool and urine, if normal nothing to worry. Put a mild pressure n the abdomen, see whether there is pain and also see if the pain is elicited on releasing the pressure, this is called rebound tenderness. If all the signs and symptoms are normal, keep yourself under observation. Report to the flight back if :The Blood Pressure falls. If the pulse rate starts rising the urine or stool or red. If there is distention of abdomen, nausea, vomiting have to fly back, life is most precious than the job. If you are alive, you get many more jobs.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My boyfriend got hit by a baseball about 5 weeks ago and had to get stitches above his lip & inside his mouth. The doctor took out the stitches above his lip but said the stitches inside his mouth would "dissolve" or fall out. However, not all of them have fallen out. Is it normal to take this long or should he call the doctor? [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The absorbable sutures dissolve or absorbed by the enzymatic process, this might take around 1 to 2 weeks. Sometimes it might take months to get dissolved. If the sutures are not absorbed even after a month then consult a surgeon and get it checked. Nothing to worry it will not harm you. Maintain hygiene in that area. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 50 years. I have a Calculus measuring 4.1 mm in the upper calyx. a simple cortical cyst measuring 3.0 cms. is noted in mud pole of left kidney. the uterus us bulky and measures 9.4 x 5.4 x 5.4 cms. the uterine myometrium show homogeneous echotexture. No evidence of focal lesion is noted. The endometrial echo is in the midline and measures 6 mm in thickness. The ovaries on the either side show normal echotexture. Impression left renal calculus. Simple left renal cortical cyst. Bulky uterus. [|AI|] Hello. Uterus and ovaries are normal. Endometrial thickness is slightly higher. You must go Gynecologist to control. Simple cortical cyst is not important but must be controlled by renal ultrasounds. Calculus 4.1 mm, especially if you have frequent renal colic pain must be removed. There are conservative treatment, extracorporeal shock wave lithography(ESL), breaking the calculus into small fragments that are eliminated during urination. Go to urologist to value and decide that treatment. I wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My mom is a stumping case. She is only 42 Doctors have been working on her for a long time and only find little answers. She has an elevated white blood count and they cant find what is causing it. They have found high blood pressure, high cholestorol, sacroidosis, arthritis, had to give her a hysterectamy and tie her bladder up because it all collasped. She has a low body temp around 95.6 is taking a ton of medicine for what she already has with blood pressure and chronic pain which they cant explain either. She recently has been falling asleep sitting and standing in the midst of conversation. She slurs and forgets stuff. She has been tested for so many things. Recently during a bone marrow biopsy they couldnt pull bone marrow it took them three tries the first two attempts were dry. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. She possibly is having early dementia at present.2. High WBC count could be due to acidosis and arthritis ongoing inflammation. CRP and ESR levels correlation is essential3. Falling asleep during conversation could be due to extreme tiredness, reduced night sleep, malnutrition and associated deny Chat Doctor. Correction necessary. 4. Need reports and complete clinical history for further opinion. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Sir, My mom have severe pain at angle. As instructed by an orthopedic surgeon we took x ray & then scan of ankle. it shows hyper intence latyc lesion at ankle bone & Doctor told us needed surgery & then need to biopsy. Kindly suggest us any other option than surgery and kindly let us know what is the actual problem or disease. Kindly give your valuable advise [|AI|] Hi, i appreciate your concern about your mother. Pain and lytic lesion in bone may be the cause of pathological fracture. Among so many types of lytic lesions, most worrisome may be the multiple myeloma which needs to be confirmed by biopsy, followed by other relevant investigations. If talus bone is affected, being a wt bearing bone, chances of bone collapse is higher. Hence it is advisable to follow treatment advice of your treating orthoexpert. This will help to establish diagnosis.thanks.[will be happy to answer any further quarry.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I fell recently about a week later I have numbness in my sacrum and pain if I sit for long. I had a problem about 2 years ago with numbness and extreme pain in my tailbone which had all but cleared up before this last fall.. recent x-rays dont show any break. What can I do to ease the discomfort? [|AI|] Hi, You haven't told your age, which would have helped in reaching diagnosis. Trauma may or may not be coincidental. It may be inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis(more common, if you fall between age category 40 +), it may be sacroiliac joint dysfunction which may or may not be due to trauma. Have you noticed your legs, are they equal in size? Inequality in them may compress nerves. So I would request you to go for FULL BLOOD PICTURECCPANAHLA B27RENAL FUNCTION TEST AND MRI. The reports will help in ruling out the causes.IN THE MEANTIME, DON'T FORGET TO TAKE PALLIATIVE TREATMENT SUCH AS VITAMIN B12,COLD HEAT THERAPY, PHYSIO SUPPORT AND OF COURSE, AVOID SITTING FOR LONG HOURS!HOPE THAT HELPS, STAY POSITIVE :)
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 2 days ago I was on a plane and my wife was handing my 17 month old over to me. I was 2 seats away across the alley and I was leaning with my left side pushing against the seat arm rest. I was stretching over and suddenly I felt a pop and heard a pop like sound and I had a sharp pain in my side. It almost felt like my lowest rib on my ribcage broke and folded back undernieth the my ripcage. Now it hurts with certain movements and especially trying to lie down. Years ago I had collided in a football game and bruised my ribs and then also hurt them again in another accident. Feels very similiar. Can you advise? [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to the magical world of health care, I went through your query, and take rest, hot fomentation, analgesics and give it some time to heal, please be careful of respiratory distress. Take deep breaths to help inflate the chest and heal fast. I hope my advice would have been useful, in decision-making regarding your treatment, still if you have any clarifications or doubts feel free to contact back. I hope a 5-star rating if you feel guided in your treatment, Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Had a c-section a yr ago. Healed great. Two days ago I felt a pop and looked down to see lots of blood. Now I have a hole the size of the erase end of a pencil on the incision. Pus is still coming out. The ER says its a seroma and to do nothing. But my stomach is puffing out and getting sharp pains. Could it be something more serious? [|AI|] Hi, thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. Well, I'm really sorry to inform you that you got some kind of wound infection or wound dehiscence, and you must not neglect this! The possibilities in such cases, as I've seen in many cases, are suture granuloma, wound infection/sinus formation, atypical mycobacterial infection, fungus and even scar endometriosis! For temporary relief you may apply ice/cold compress and Chat Doctor. You might need USG and exploration of the wound and a course of antibiotics. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] About 2 weeks ago I had an allergic reation to something I may have eaten, it is yet to be determined and my face swelled up and turned bright red. My eyes were so swollen that I could hardly see. I went to emergency and the doctor there just told me to take an antihistimine and if it doesn t go away then come back. Well I did as he suggested and the swelling didn t go down, so I went again to emergency and this time a different doctor asked all that I had been eating and doing etc. I am allergice to sulfa drugs and was taking hydrochlorthazide (sp?) which he told me contains sulfa and he suggested i stop it for a couple of weeks and in the meantime prescribed prednazone for 5 days. After 3 weeks my face finally went back to normal and I am going to look further into what I am allergic to. However in the mean time I have just contracted a cold and I ve had it for 3 days now and every morning my eyes, especially my upper eyelids are extremely swollen and this is not normal for me......I have been applying ice packs but is there something else you can this normal for some people to have extremely swollen upper eyelids...or should I be looking further into this? [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for your question. From your history there are two things that stand out as possible causes of your eyelid swelling. You mentioned that you noticed the swelling and your cold around the same time. A common cause of eyelid swelling is conjunctivitis that could be caused by some viruses that also cause a cold. Look out for associated "pink/red" appearance of your eye with discharge. This should resolve in a few days by maintaining proper hygiene of the eye. You mentioned that you had stopped taking HY Chat Doctor. If it was for blood pressure control, then were you put on an alternate
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was playing basketball on Friday and I did a move where I jump on one leg then jump on the other and I jumped on my left leg first and when I tried to jump to my right leg I heard a loud pop and my knee buckled. I haven t been able to bend it very much and the next morning it was very swollen around my knee. And when I try to walk it feels like I can t control it. It feels very wobbly if you know what I mean. So I was wondering if you would know what it was. [|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have swelling in the knee area due to injury. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like torn ligament, particularly the anterior cruciate ligament, cartilage tear, broken bones or bursitis. I would suggest you to consult orthopedic surgeon for proper examination without any delay to prevent further complications , because the injury is severe. Doctor will examine physically and order CT scan or x-ray. Doctor may give plaster an immobilize the joint or may go for surgery in case severe damage. Doctor may prescribe muscle relaxant anti-inflammatory and vitamin supplement for quick recovery. For now try not to move the joint and take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My teeth seem to be shrinking my gums, mouth are yellow with purple and red lines my tonsils are just a little swollen and one appears to have a small hole i currently have white specs sticking to them and on the right side of my tounge its red with purple and yellow and the back of my tounge has circles evereywhereIm a 19 year old female and i smoke im concerned that its cancer [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for the query. Redness and yellow appearance of tongue and throat with white specs over tonsils can be due to Infection and inflammation. White rings on back of tongue can be due to swollen tongue papillae. Gums shrinkage is due to gum recession and is more severe in smokers. This is due to delayed appearance of symptoms in smokers. So first consult an Oral Physician and get evaluated. An Oral and throat swab culture can be done for diagnosis. If there is Infection a course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory painkillers like Ibuprofen and warm saline gargles can help. Stop smoking completely. Get a thorough Scaling of teeth done and do gum paint massage. If needed antibiotics like Metronidazole can help. Chew vitamin C pellet daily. Hope this helps. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have a hard lump on left side of neck next to my throat that will not go away. dr. said my throat was swollen and put me on anti-biotics. didnt really help, she said my throat looked better but was still red and the lump is still here. it has been around 7 weeks now. what could it be [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have enlarged cervical lymph node. It can be due to reactive hyperplasia, tuberculosis, lymphoma or metastatic carcinoma. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of that hard lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I m really worried . I m 36 weeks pregnant and have had massive cramping and runny poos with heaps of blood for about two weeks now! The blood varies from dark red to light pink and gets a mucus in it aswell. The cramps r really painfull and I m sometimes worried its labour pains but usually when I get a cramp a lot of runny poo comes out. I ve gone to the doctor and he says I m fine but I cant help but worry [|AI|] Hello, You are carrying 36wks pregnancy and presents with watery stool mixed with blood. It may be due to BACILLARY DYSENTERY/ Internal Piles or vaginal bleeding/ show mixed with stool as mistaken. Need to examine properly clinically/ assess pregnancy by consulting doctor. In this time, abdominal cramp is quite common and may be as false labor pain. You may take uterine relaxant like tab TITIAN/NEVADIAN 10 mg to get relief from abdominal pain temporarily. For Dysentery, need some safe antibiotics, take ORS, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Red itchy hive-like bumps appear randomly on body. Looks like an inflamed mosquito bite. Used to get one here n there but now have 5 then 4 more today. 8 on back one on leg. Have got them on various parts of my body. rough texture not smooth. One doctor said bug bites another said MrSA and the last said shingles . I am 32 and otherwise generally healthy. [|AI|] Hello thanks for using Chat Doctor . I would be pleased to answer your question you have for rough textured swelling of the bite area, it looks like a popular urticaria which can be caused by beg bites if they are so discretely distributed. You will need to apply a mixture of steroid and antibiotic on the site of the bite and can take over the counter Allegra 180 mg in the morning. If it does not improve over the next few days, it would be wise to show the dermatologist who will prescribe you certain medication to keep the bed bugs off and also certain creams to review the diagnosis. Thanks and take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have a cyst on vulva. it abscessed. took antibiotics. some blood ans pus came out after sitz bath. gland in groin area became very hot. gland felt like boiling water in it. after antibiotics groin much better. leg pain much better. waiting report from obgyn . im 63 years old. have not been sexually active for 25 yrs. could i have cancer of vulva [|AI|] Hi there. Firstly my dear, your history is incomplete for a definitive opinion to be given. How long ago did this cyst appear i.e. when did it start? Is it long-standing? How many days since it began to form an abscess? Who visualized it & started you on the antibiotics? What antibiotics were they? What report are you waiting for from your gynecologist? Are you a Diabetic by any chance or any other medical conditions in the recent past? What medications if any are you on? Have you been having regular PAP smears being done? Can you upload photographs of the area on this site? All this will help us give you a clear & more informed diagnosis & management scheme. Off the cuff, I don't think you have anything to worry about, so appears like an infection of one of the many glands in that area most likely a Catholics cyst. I suggest wait for the Gone opinion & perhaps all that is needed is a simple excision. I don't foresee any cancer of the region given your history & description hitherto. Am happy you are feeling much better & hope this suggestion has calmed you further. Godspeed & take care.all the best for a long fruitful life!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a discomfort left side below ribs. Sometimes it is really uncomfortable. Comes and goes and has done so for a couple of years. I feel bloated and pass a lot of wind. Notice it more when sitting at work (computer operator) and when I m feeling stressed. I have put on weight and always tired. My doctor pressed around my stomach and didn t feel anything. Im 58, female [|AI|] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. A thorough musculoskeletal assessment is advised. As you mentioned your symptoms and also visited the doctor which was nothing serious, I feel it must be just gastritis. As you have put on weight, you are always tired and your age is 58, I feel your metabolism is slow and needs an attention. Performing regular exercises, yoga, meditation, aerobics, etc. will help improve your metabolism. Also, on a longer run, your pain and aches which may trouble you due to aging will be delayed or avoided. For improving the bodies metabolism, one needs to perform exercises. In my clinical practice I meet regularly patients with similar complaints, and I put them on physical therapy, after 4-6 weeks of time, the feel better and energetic. Also, exercise will help lose weight and look brighter. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello.... i was just curious... something is wrong with my left lung. when i breathe deeply it doesnt hurt nor when i breathe normally... but when i move my upper body in a certain way then it hurts.. and when i laugh heavily it hurts... any idea whats wrong? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more likely. But better to rule out lung diseases first. So get done chest x-ray. If chest x-ray is normal then no need to worry about lung diseases. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid sudden jerky movements. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Take simple painkiller like paracetamol or ibuprofen.Don't worry, you will be alright with all these in 1 week. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I am using Minerva 35 and Ive being having sex every day for the past 5 days, but on the 3rd day I forgot to take my Minerva pill. I took it the following day at the same time as I took the pill for that there any chance I could be pregnant [|AI|] Hello misunderstand your concernMinvera 35 is contraceptive pill, and it is very effective in preventing the pregnancy (failure rate 0. 5-1 %). As you missed one tablet and took it no next day along with next day pill, the is no chance of pregnancy as it does not decrease the efficacy of contraceptive pill. So there is no chance of pregnancy. Take the remaining tablet on same time every day.(make habit to take on SME time by putting reminder in mobile)Hope this may help you Best regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] SIR, MY CHILD AGED 6 IS A HEALTHY BOY WEIGHING 25 KGS HE IS DOWN WITH FEVER WHICChatDoctorES BACK SIX HOURLY SINCE LAST 4 DAYS. HE IS EATING WHEN THE FEVER IS DOWN I HAVE NOT GIVEN HIM ANYTHING EXCEPT PARACETAMOL. HIS BLOOD TEST DONE ON THIS THURSDAY SHOWS A NEUTROPHILS COUNT OF 64 BUT IS OTHERWISE NORMAL. NO MALARIA [|AI|] Brief answer :It indicates infection. Detailed answer :Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor. Your child has fever for 4 days and neutrophil count is 64, this indicates infection in child. Since, malaria is negative, you need to do some more investigations like NS1 Antigen test for dengue, typhoon IGM for typhoid. In my opinion, your child will probably need antibiotics based on above reports. I hope this will help you. Take care. Regards - Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Doctor, On January 15, 2014 I had spinal stenosis surgery to open up space in the L3, L4 and L5 vertebrae. The surgeon found torn tissue wrapped around my spine and it was leaking fluid. I had been having headaches. I have been having muscle spasms in both legs and pain. There has been numbness in my feet and burning sensation. This has been going on for three months. The surgeon had a Nerve Conduction Study done and the results are Peripheral Neuropathy and Sural Nerve damage. He told me no physical therapy which I don t understand why not. I m going to ask him. What do you recommend? Thank you! I m hoping to make an appointment with a neurosurgeon or Neurologist. [|AI|] Hello. I have been through your question and understand your concern. It is a bit unusual to report these problems after a spinal stenosis surgery. Anyway, at this point you have peripheral neuropathy which is mainly seen in diabetes, and probably you had it before surgery. Another cause is intoxication generally by Chat Doctor. In this case Gabapentin and amitriptyline would help a lot on nerve repair and relief from numbness. While rural nerve damage can cause burning sensation but other than that it is not very concerning because it is a sensory nerve and does not cause weakness or major problems. As for the burning sensation gabapentin and amitriptyline are recommended. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HI. I AM 42. HAD AN CERVICAL DISCECTOMY AND FUSION ON C4 C5 ABOUT 2 YEARS AGO. 6 MONTHS AGO MY SISTER HUGGED ME AND SQUEEZED MY NECK WHICH HURT. SINCE THEN I HAVE A NERVE TWITCHING IN MY ARM AND PAIN IN MY THUMB JOINT PLUS PAIN IN MY KNEE. I HAVENT BEEN TO THE DOCTOR YET. I M NOT TAKING ANYTHING BUT HAND PAIN IS GETTING WORSE EVERY DAY AND STARTING TO RESTRICT ME AT WORK. [|AI|] Dear Sir/Madam have gone through your query and read your symptoms. In my opinion, you specifically describe your symptoms and your thumb pain means your sixth cervical nerve root is getting compressed, please get a MRI done and confirm, if the compression is more you may need a repeat surgery, but that can be judged by a clinical examination. I hope that answers your query. If you want any more clarification, contact me back.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] dear sir, I have taken antibiotics during first 3 months of pregnancy due to severe lungs problem...will it affect baby complexion? [|AI|] Hi;welcome to Chat Doctor Modern day antibiotics are designed in a way that they have minimal side effects unlike previously used antibiotics like Tetracycline which used to cause yellowness of teeth. The recent antibiotics will just help treat infection and do not affect the complexion of baby. Secondly the most important point is complexion is governed by genes that run with in a family, so he will have complexion like his father or mother so don't worry. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, My left hand is getting numb only during night time and few months back my wrist was hurting.I am lefty. Also little overweight.But do regular exercise pretty much 5 days a week.Also, sometimes I feel my heart palpatation is high. Please let me know what can I do. [|AI|] Good day! The most common answer to the symptoms you are experiencing is Carpal Tunnel. It is compression of a main nerve in your hand that comes from repeated movement and compression of the wrist. The symptoms can often occur at night due to accumulated tension throughout the day. As for the palpation, how high is your heart-rate? Common causes can be coffee, deny Chat Doctor. If you experience any other symptoms certainly see a physician for a Cardiac Check-up. As for the wrist, try taking breaks from repetitive tasks involving your hands. There are wrist splints that can be bought over the counter, they are very useful. Stretching exercises may also help: make a fist and then spread your fingers out. I hope this advice can be helpful, and leads you in the correct direction. You have my warm regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello i had a kidney stone 2 years ago ... i feel like its coming again soon it hurts me by the lower right side of my back kind of the meddle of my right side it also hurts every time i take a deep breath and i keep burping.note: i drink hard alcohol 2 to 3 days a week!any idea of what i might have? [|AI|] Hello, I had gone through the case and found that if you have history of stone then you must go for ultrasound of whole abdomen. Renal stone pain never aggravate with breathing and burping never occur due to stone. It might be due to week digestion causes burping. So After the ultrasound take proper treatment. Avoid alcohol because it creates stone and liver cirrhosis. Take antacid for burp. Hope my answer will be effective for you. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I m a 27 female I ve smoke ice method 3 days ago I don t smoke often and I was having trouble taking deep breaths and then today I started getting chest pain in the middle of my chest like a real bad heart burn that goes and comes bck should I go see a dr [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Smoking ice can cause HERD (Castro Esophageal Reflux Disease). It is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter because of smoking. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms. Try to follow these steps for better symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid hot and spicy food. 2. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. 3. Avoid stress and anxiety. 4. Start proton pump inhibitor. 5. Go for walk after meals. 6. Keep 2 - 3 pillows under head in the bed. 7. Avoid such habit of smoking ice.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i fell and hit my arm between elbow and shoulder. It now is hard to lift my arm. My hands and mobility below elbow is fine. Is it possible that I bruised a muscle. I have no black and blue and no cut. Does not look swollen but difficult to raise arm. [|AI|] Hi, This treatment is being suggested on bases of the information provided. However, I would like to examine & investigate the patient in detail. Control hypertension, diabetes or any other metabolic disorder, if there is any. Any way it may be tried:- Looking Plus (Mankind) [Diclofenac + Paracetamol] 1 tablet OD & SOS for 5 days.- Calcified plus (Mankind) 1 tablet OD for 10 days. (You may need help of your local doctor to get these medicines.)- Fomentation with warm water. Let the part not be exposed to cold air.- Sleep on a hard bed with soft bedding.- Use no pillow under the head.- Avoid painful acts & activities.- Do mild exercises for neck and shoulders and hips and knees and ankles. (Take help of a physiotherapist.)- Do not ignore, let it not become beginning of a major problem.- Do ask for a detailed treatment plan.- Make sure, there is no allergy to any of these medicines.- For emergency treatment visit the nearest hospital. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi for months I have had pain on both butt cheeks/ bones and right in the middle of lower back. Times I cant even get out of bed. Plus I do not sleep well. I always have to flip from side to side. I feel nauseous in morning and throughout day. Im also tired. I also get tingling in my legs and feet. The back of my calves get heat in them. My hips and butt cheeks ache daily. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting your query. The description suggests that you have lumbar disc disease with radiculopathy. The initial management for this problem is conservative by following means : - Bed rest - analgesics and occasional muscle relaxants - Methylcobalamine preparations which helps to alleviate your "pins & needles" sensations - lumbar back support while sitting for longer periods - intermittent pelvic traction If you don't get any relief within 3 weeks, you need an orthosurgeons consultation to decide upon the need for surgical intervention. Hope this will help you. Let me know if you have any more concern. Warm regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been taking Fexofenadine , 60mil, for my multiple allergies since 1998, and have had asthma since the age of 3. I am a VA patient since the first of this year and the pharmacist took me off of the above medicine because they don t have it here in Tucson, AZ. Instead, she sent me a prescription for citrizene, 10mil. I have been a pro truck driver for 43 years and I don t need something that will put me to sleep behind the wheel. I still take two Fexofenadine per day and that not only has practically eliminated my allergies but I very, very rarely get colds or flu . This Citrozene, from what I have read (because I haven t taken any), will do absolutly NOTHING for me. Please tell me the difference so I can confront this so-called Pharmacist. I am an Army Veteran and we have enough problems without someone mis-diagnosing us. Thank You; Bill [|AI|] These type of symptoms are only seen in food substance allergies like milking my 32 years experience if on my experience you stop all milk and diary products completely you will be out of allergies and won't need any medicine get blood serum test for milk wheat rice egg nuts rice potato to find out additional interference from other food stuff go for elimination diet and slit therapy for cure of allergies
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doc.. my health problem is i have a vaginal infection my doctor give me albothyl suppository and she said not to have sexual intercourse in two weeks but suddenly i have sex and after my menstruation , the infection of my vagina come back... my question is what should i do with this situation? [|AI|] Hello dearWelcome to Chat Doctor family. I have gone through your concern in depth.@ Flaring up of vaginal infection is highly common after intercourse.@ Recommendations for better recovery $ Sit in a tub filled with lukewarm water and added10 ml of antiseptic liquids 3 times a day. $ Continue suppositories use as directed by your doctor. $ Strictly no vaginal sex till further 3 weeks. $ Wear loose, clean, cotton undergarments. $ Systemic molecules in form of antibiotics, antifungals require in person check up. Hope this will help you for sure. Always feel free to ask further questions. Thanks for evaluation of my answer. Regards dear.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I have been having a uncontrollable cough now for 2-3 weeks and nothing has helped me only cough drops temporarily and my parents will not take me to a docter cause they said I will be fine they always say that but im scared and I was wondering what it is and is there anything you can recommend me for this ? [|AI|] Welcome to ChatDoctorI have read and understand your query hope this will be useful you having any associated flu or heart burn? Do you smoke ? A runny or stuffy nose, A feeling of liquid running down the back of your throatFrequent throat clearing and sore throat, sour taste in your mouth or any coughing up blood? Prolonged cough can be managed with few home remedies and an ivy leaf extract cough syrup. Take a lot of fluids, particularly warm. A teaspoon (5 grams) of honey in warm water is a good home remedy. Take an anti allergic along with a cough syrup. Quit smoking if you are a smoker. A cough caused by acid reflux can often be treated with lifestyle changes alone. This includes eating smaller, more frequent meals; waiting three to four hours after a meal before lying down; and elevating the head of the bed at night. I hope this would help you. You can reach me anytime with any other queryRegards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i take lostartan/hydroclorazide 100/12.5, but the pharmacy gave me 100/25. I wasn t feeling well and realized they gave me the wrong prescription strength. I have a stent in my renal artery. I have been having back pain (kidney since I took the wrong meds. Could this have caused a problem with my kidney [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Losartan is a AT1 receptor blocker in the kidneys. In pathologic states, AT1 blockade improves the impaired autoregulation induced by chronic abnormal activation of Renal Artery Stenosis. AT1 receptor blockade has experimentally been shown to decrease renal fibrosis. Losartan may also be able to decrease inflammation by decreasing leukocyte proliferation and blocking up regulation of adhesion molecules. Overall benefits are more when taking losartan. It has not caused any problem to you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had a sinus infection since last Saturday. I am on septra d I also used after for 6 days but my docs nurse told me to stop due to a rebound effect. Right now I am totally congested in both nostril. Am I having rebound effect and if so what should I do? [|AI|] Hello dear, The symptoms as mentioned in your post can be attributed to acute exacerbation of Sinusitis. Investigations like complete blood count & X-ray of paranasal sinus will be helpful in clinching the diagnosis. Management includes:1. Steam inhalation.2. Analgesics like paracetamol3. Nasal decongestant Chat Doctor. 3. Antibiotics depending upon culture & sensitivity reports to remove the causative organism.4. Antihistamine preparations can also be used to provide symptomatic relief. Your symptoms will be relieved with this. Wish you good health & a speedy recovery. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doctor, mom aged 54 had high esr of 99 and uti . she had low grade fever for almost 3-4 months. now her esr has reduced to 62. wat can b treatments ? [|AI|] Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query. In my opinion treatment of the UTI is the treatment of the high ESR. As you started taking the treatment improvement in the ESR is noted. ESR is non-specific marker of inflammation. It raises in any inflammation in your case it is UTI. If your ESR won't fell down again. I advise you to so culture and sensitivity of your urine. Once sensitive antibiotic is in hand you can take the cheapest and best Chat Doctor. I will be happy to answer your further concern, you can ask me on
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a very healthy, athletic 26 year old female. I had a fever starting 2 days ago that has gone down after taking aspirin over the last 24 hours, but instead of feeling better, I feel worse. Shortly after I woke up today I started feeling pressure in my stomach, as if I was hungry, but eating didnt help. The pressure has gotten worse and risen up to my chest. I feel as though I have to belch, but forcing myself to makes me feel better for about 1 second, and then the pressure comes back even stronger. Additionally, I am salivating so much that I need to keep a pail next to my bed to let the drool fall into. Swallowing also makes the pressure in my chest feel worse. Laying down aggravates it too. Any ideas what is going on? I vaguely remember having similar experiences a couple times as a teenager, but dont think they were this uncomfortable. [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. Read the history carefully. IT looks the aspirin has caused all this problem added on by the fever you had. This may be severe gastritis, causing all the symptoms you have. Excessive salivation is present as a reflex mechanism, body trying to dilute the effect of gastritis. I would advise you the following: (You need a prescription)Antacid gel with anesthetic 5 SF every three hours. PPI and / or RanitidineDomperidonecold milk / water orally only if tolerated. Consult a Doctor /Gastroenterologist- you may need to undergo upper GI Endoscopy, and to have investigations and treatment for fever too. Do not self treat. Consult a Doctor for proper diagnosis of fever, present problem and proper treatment.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am facing from quite wierd problems, i am blank all the time , i tend to forget things just like 30 - 40- secs after it , while studying , i just keep copying thin gs from blackboard , and camnt even ermeber what was the nlast line i wrote , even if i study constantly for 6 hrs or do a heavy workout , i neither feelk fresh or tired , its the same black and dizzy mind , i have lost my identity , i dont know how to respond to phone calls, i mean what to speak , when i go to shops , i am always confused what to buy , i am feeling sleepy whole day and cant think of anything , this has effected my personal as well as social life very negitively , is this fatique or nanxiety disorder or what ? [|AI|] Hi dear, what ever you described is suggestive of depression or negative schizophrenia, but actual diagnosis is not possible without detail history and mental status examination. Hows your mood and your interest regarding your work?sleep and appetite habit?is there any fear or auspiciousness in your behavior ? Consult psychiatrist for detail history and treatment. There are many medications which is helpful and so not to worry about it. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Sir, I am feeling insane type, unconscientious mentaly for 1 year. can t memorize things for long time. my hairs are getting white in the age of 24. my mental power is loosing, mentally getting weaker and weaker day by day. I am not going to see doctor just because i am frightened that my be i have some mejor disease. can you explain me some why this could be? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in to us. There are many conditions which can make you feel mentally weak and have symptoms like inability to memorize. It is suggested that you get investigated for any medical condition which might be causing your problems. You can get thyroid function test done to know if your thyroid functions are normal. If your thyroid function is abnormal then it can cause these symptoms and treatment is usually with medicine to control the thyroid hormone level. Please get a blood count done to know if you are having anemia and also get your iron and vitamin B12 levels. Anemia can cause weakness and tiredness and this is the case with many people. Correction of hemoglobin level and iron supplement helps. Vitamin B12 supplements might be required. Hair whitening is in the genes and sometimes it can happen due to malnutrition and vitamin E deficiency. Please have a balanced diet and make your lifestyle healthy. Anxiety and stress can cause the symptoms like difficulty in memory and weakness. Please control your stress level and do physical exercises to keep your mind free from anxiety. Please do not worry
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 4 year old daughter developed red spots on her knee, chest & underarm 2 weeks ago, gp advised Fucidin Cream, over a week later it was not working and started to spread, now I am using Daktacourt but it is still spreading to the other side of her body and small spots are starting to appear around her eyes, what could this be, should I be concerned? [|AI|] Hi, new line welcome to this forum. Can understand your concerns. Rush Hour body for about 2 weeks could be due to bacterial infection, fungal infection, Eczema, Rash due to low platelet count. Since you have already given juridic acid cream, if it's a bacterial infection it should have corrected. The chances of fungal infection and Eczema cannot be ruled out without examining the patient. The Rash due to low platelet count can occur in some devices like idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, so it is very necessary to do platelet count in child and look for any low platelets. In my opinion, you should immediately do a platelet count and an examination by Dermatologist is a must. I hope this will help you. Take care. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Dr I am 26 yrs old.married in june 2009. I was having irregular periods before marriage. After marriage it remains continue. In Nov2010 I went to gyn dr & she told me that my left ovary is fully covered by dermoid cyst and right ovary has PCOD. So I went for surgery of dermoid cyst & removed my left ovary also in DEC2010. At the same time she drilled my right ovary also. I didnt get my periods till JAn & she gave me some injection to start my periods, Then feb2011 she gave me Diane 35 for 3 months to regulate my periods. I got period 11mar, 11apr 14may and went to dr on same day14may 2011 noe. I want to conceive so she has given me OVIGYN-D for a month 3 times a day & ovofar 5 tab i started from 15may11. She told me to come on 23maywith husband for ultrasound which will continue be done for 4-5 days to check ovulation of egg. & To make contact on ovulation with husband. Kindly tell me can I concieve with this ???? What other precautions should i take in my diet?? Kindly help me from ur side pls [|AI|] Hi... looking at the case history ... origin d contains DHEA . It increases quality and quantity of eggs and beneficial in women with less ovarian reserve(as you he history of Desmond in one ovary and PCs as well)ovular would also be helpful in the egg would improve your conception chances and avoid stress by all means. Regarding diet you avoid rice, potatoes, cakes muffins, white bread etc you can take unprocessed food, fiber rich, whole grain, sprouts, grapes, apples, brown rice, beans, broccoli etc